aida transnational access application form
aida transnational access application form
TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM Pa§e ! / 13 AIDA TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM Before completing this form please contact the relevant facility manager for a preliminary discussion about your proposal. Contact details can be found at Please use capital letters. For each item refer to Guidelines for Applications (Encl. 1). 1) Experiment Project title STUDY OF THE BEAMCAL PROTOTYPE. STAGE II. TA Project acronym AIDA_DESY_2011_04 (perhaps already given to you by TA-coordinator) Facility ( x ) DESY test beam ( ) CERN test beam ( ) JSI irradiation ( ) UCL irradiation Project duration from 04.11.2011 to 22.11.2011 ( ) CERN irradiation ( ) KIT irradiation Project abstract (please write a short summary of the project in the box below) BeamCal is one of two the main detectors developed by FCAL Collaboration to work in very forward region in future experiments at linear collider ILC or CLIC. It helps in beam-tuning (measurements of beam parameters), in the fast luminosity estimation and improves hermeticity of the main detector. In the last year the first prototype of BeamCal was tested at electron beam at DESY. Since that time the several improvements and changes were done with the BeamCal prototype. In November 2011 the next measurements will be performed at DESY 22 electron beam with the modified module of BeamCal. Its contains GaAs sensors, kapton foil, front-end ASICs (32 channels), multichannel ADC SoC ASICSs (32 channel), data concentrator implemented in FPOAQ 1C, power pulsing circuity and digitally controlled and monitored biasing and powering circuits. Several these components are similar to those which were used in July 2011 test beam of the LumiCal prototype, another detector of FCAL collaboration. The main goal of the upcoming test beam is to check with electron beam available at DESY behaviour of the complete multichannel BeamCal module. The collected data allow to determine the performance of the whole readout chain and will concentrate on isensor pad uniformity, gain, offset and noise, readout electronics channel uniformity, crosstalk between channels, charge sharing in area between sensor pads and response to electromagnetic shower development generated by tungsten plates included in front of tested module. The measurements will used the MVP telescope to determine electron impact points on the sensor. 2) Group Leader Family Name ZAWIEJSKI First Name LESZEK Gender (x) Male ( ) Female Birth Year (yyyy) 1951 Researcher Status-" ( ) UND ( ) PGR ( ) PDOC ( ) TEC (x)EXP Scientific Background") PHYSICS Home Institution Type <» ( ) UNI ( x ) RES ( ) SME ( ) PRV ( ) OTH Home Institution Name INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS PAN Home Institution Address ul. Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Krakow, Poland TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM (including Country Code <4>) Phone (office) Fax E-mail New user to facility Pa8e 2 7 13 PL 004812-662-8461 004812-662-8012 [email protected] ( ) Yes Remote user (only remote access to facility, no visits) ( ) Yes ( x ) No ( x) No 3) Group Researchers Family Name KULIS First Name SZYMON Gender (x) Male ( ) Female Birth Year (yyyy) 1984 Nationality POLISH Researcher Status ( ) UND (x) PGR ( ) PDOC ( ) TEC ( ) EXP Scientific Background Engineering&Technology, Information&Comunication, Physics Home Institution Type ( x) UNI ( ) RES ( ) SME ( ) PRV ( ) OTH Home Institution Name AGH University of Science and Technology Home Institution Address Mickiewicza Av. 30-059 Krakow, Poland (including Country Code) PL Phone (office) Fax E-mail New user to facility +4812-617-5023 +4812-634-0010 [email protected] ( ) Yes Remote user (only remote access to facility, no visits) Family Name First Name Gender Birth Year (yyyy) AGUILAR JONATHAN (x) Male 1986 ( ) Yes ( x ) No ( X ) No ( ) Female Nationality United States of America Researcher Status ( ) UND (x) PGR ( ) PDOC ( ) TEC ( ) EXP Scientific Background BA Physics, Harvard University; MSc candidate at AGH-UST Home Institution Type (x) UNI ( ) RES ( ) SME ( ) PRV ( ) OTH Home Institution Name AGH University of Science and Technology Home Institution Address ul. Reymonta 19, 30-065 Krakow, Poland ©AIDA (including Countiy Code) Phone (office) Fax E-mail New user to facility Page 3/13 TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM PL +4812-617-2981 N/A [email protected] Remote user (only remote access to facility, no visits) )Yes )Yes (x)No (x)No Family Name Daniluk First Name Witold Gender ( x ) Male ( ) Female 1955 Birth Year (yyyy) Nationality Polish Researcher Status (x)EXP ( ) UNO ( ) PGR ( ) PDOC ( ) TEC Scientific Background Engineering&Technology Home Institution Type ( ) UNI ( ) RES ( ) SME ( ) PRV ( ) OTH Home Institution Name Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN Home Institution Address ul.Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Krakow, Poland (including Country Code) PL Phone (office) Fax E-mail New user to facility +4812-662-8029 +4812-662-8012 [email protected] Remote user (only remote access to facility, no visits) ( x ) Yes )Yes ( )No x)No Family Name LEVY ITAMAR First Name Gender ( x) Male ( ) Female 1982 Birth Year (yyyy) Israel Nationality Researcher Status ( )UND ( X ) P G R ( )PDOC ( ) TEC Scientific Background Physics, Information&Comunication Home Institution Type ( X ) UNI ( ) RES ( ) SME ( ) PRV Home Institution Name Tel Aviv University Home Institution Address Tel Aviv 69978 ISRAEL. (including Country Code) Phone (office) ISRAEL +972 (0) 36409262 ( )EXP ( ) OTH ©AIDA Fax E-mail New user to facility Page 4 /13 TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM itamar(S) Remote user (only remote access to facility, no visits) )Yes )Yes (x)No (x)No Family Name Novgorodova First Name Olga Gender ( x ) Female ( )Male 1984 Birth Year (yyyy) Nationality Russian Researcher Status ( )UND ( X ) P G R ()PDOC )TEC Scientific Background Physics Home Institution Type ( )UNI (x)RES ()SME )PRV Home Institution Name DESY Home Institution Address _Plantanenallee 6, 15738, Zeuthen, Germany (including Country Code) DE Phone (office) +493376277653 Fax E-mail [email protected] New user to facility ( )Yes (x)No ( )Yes (x)No Remote USer (only remote access to facility, no visits) )EXP ( ) OTH Family Name Teodorescu First Name Eliza Gender (X) Female ( )Male 1983 Birth Year (yyyy) Romanian Nationality Researcher Status ( ) EXP ( )UND (X) PGR ( ) PDOC ( ) TEC Scientific Background Physics Home Institution Type ( ) UNI (X) RES ( ) SME ( ) PRV ( ) OTH Home Institution Name: Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering - IFIN HH Home Institution Address Str. Reactorului no.30, P.O.BOX MG-6, Bucharest Magurele, ROMANIA (including Country Code) RO t^AIDA Phone (office) Fax E-mail New user to facility Page 5 / 13 TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM +(4021)404.62.36 +(4021)457.44.40 [email protected] Remote user (only remote access to facility, no visits) (X) Yes ( )Yes ( )No (X)No Family Name GHENESCU First Name Veta Gender ( ) Male ( x ) Female 1974 Birth Year (yyyy) Nationality Romanian Researcher Status ( ) UNO ( ) PGR ( x) PDOC ( ) TEC ( ) EXP Scientific Background Physics, Material Sciences Home Institution Type ( ) UNI ( x ) RES ( ) SME ( ) PRV ( ) OTH Home Institution Name Institute for Space Sciences Home Institution Address Atomistilor Street, No. 409, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, (including Country Code) RO 077125 Phone (office) +40214574471 Fax +40214575182 E-mail [email protected] New user to facility ( x ) Yes ( )No Remote user (only remote access to facility, no visits) Family Name First Name Gender ( )Yes (x)No Afanaciev Konstantin (X) Male ( ) Female 1975 Birth Year (yyyy) Nationality Belarus Researcher Status ( )UND (X)PGR ( )PDOC ( )TEC (X) EXP Scientific Background Physics Home Institution Type (X) UNI (X) RES ( ) SME ( )PRV ( ) OTH Home Institution Name _The National Scientific and Educational Centre of Particle and High Energy Physics of the Belarusian State University Home Institution Address_M. Bogdanovich Str., 153, Minsk 220040,Belarus (including Country Code) BY ©AIDA Phone (office) Fax E-mail New user to facility Page 6 / 1 3 TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM +375 17 292-60-34 +375 17 292-60-75 [email protected] Remote User (only remote access to facility, no visits) )Yes )Yes (X)No (X)No Family Name HENSCHEL First Name HANS Gender (X) Male ( ) Female Birth Year (yyyy) 1954 Nationality German ) TEC (X) EXP ()PDOC Researcher Status ( )UND ( ) P G R Scientific Background (X) RES ( ) SME Home Institution Type ( ) UNI ( )PRV ( ) OTH Home Institution Name DESY Home Institution Address Platanenallee 6, D-15 73 8 Zeuthen DE (including Country Code) Phone (office) +49-33762-77377 Fax +49-8994-7377 [email protected] E-mail New user to facility )Yes (X)No Remote user (only remote access to facility, no visits) )Yes (X)No Family Name Ambalathankandy First Name Prasoon Gender Male 1984 Birth Year (yyyy) Nationality Indian Researcher Status PGR Electrical Engineering Scientific Background Home Institution Type UNI Home Institution Name WFilS, AGH University of Science and Technology Home Institution Address Al. A. Mickiewicza 30 Krakow 30-059 (including Country Code) Poland Phone (office) +48-12-617-2981 AIDA Fax E-mail New user to facility Remote user Page 7 /13 TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM +48-12-634-0010 [email protected] Yes No Family Name Kollowa First Name Sandro Gender (x) Male ( ) Female Birth Year (yyyy) 1980 Nationality German Researcher Status (x)UND ( )PGR )PDOC )TEC ( )EXP Scientific Background Physics Home Institution Type (x)UNI ( )RES )SME )PRV ( ) OTH Home Institution Name BTU Cottbus Home Institution Address Postfach 101344, 03013 Cottbus (including Country Code) DE +4933762/7655 Phone (office) Fax E-mail [email protected] New user to facility )Yes (x)No Remote user (only remote access to facility, no visits) )Yes (x)No .' UND=Undergraduate, PGR=Post graduate (student with a first University degree or equivalent), PDOC=Post-doc researcher, TEC=Technician, EXP=Experienced researcher (professional researcher). (2) Up to 3 fields from this list, most relevant first then second and third relevant (if applicable): Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences & Biotech, Earth Sciences & Environment, Engineering & Technology, Mathematics, Information & Communication Technology, Material Sciences, Energy, Social Sciences, Humanities. (3) UNI=University, RES=Public Research Organisation, SME=Small or Medium Enterprise, PRV=Other and/or profit or not profit Private Organisation, OTH= Other Organisation. (4) AT=Austria, BE=Belgium, BG=Bulgaria, CY=Cyprus, CZ=Czech Republic, DK=Denmark, EE=Estonia, FI=Finland, FR=France, DE=Gennany, GR=Greece, HU=Hungary, IS=Iceland, IO=International Organisation, IE=Ireland, IL=Israel, IT=Italy, LV=Latvia, LI=Liechtenstein, LT=Lithuania, LU=Luxembourg, MT=Malta, NL=Netherlands, NO=Norway, OT=Others, PL=Poland, PT=Portugal, RO=Romania, SK=Slovakia, SI=Slovenia, ES=Spain, SE=Sweden, CH=Switzerland, TR=Turkey, GB=United Kingdom. 4) Please list 2-3 relevant publications of the group leader 1. H. Stoeck et al., The International Large Detector, Letter of Intent, February 2010, DESY 2009-87; FERMILAB-PUB-09-982-E; KEK Report 2009-6. 2. H. Abramowicz et al., Forward instrumentation for ILC detectors, JINST 5 (2010) PI2002. 3. S. Kulis et al., Test beam studies of the LumiCal prototype, EUDET-Memo-2010-09. 5) Project description and research planned during use of facility (max 1 page). The mission of FCAL Collaboration is supply for future linear colliders: ILC or CLIC prototype of detectors which will work in very forward region (5- 80 mrad in polar angle). Two of them are particular 8 ADA TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM Page 8 / 13 important: LumiCal and BeamCal. Each detector consists two identical sandwich like electromagnetic calorimeters (sensors/tungsten layers). LumiCal will be used for precisely luminosity measurements whereas BeamCal will allow for measurements of the beam parameters of the colliding of e*e' bunches. Under finished in 2010 EUDET program, the first prototypes of both detectors were successfully tested in August 2010 at DESY 22 electron beam. The results of DUT measurements confirmed the good work of all tested elements including sensors layer, kapton fanout, ASIC front-end readout electronics and the corresponding DAQ system. For precisely knowledge of impact point of electron on sensors the MVD telescope was used. Advanced work on prototypes for both detector are continued and several other tests beam at DESY or/and CERN are necessary. The obtained test beam results will be used directly to improve infrastructure for FCAL calorimeters by building the AIDA calorimeter module where up to 30 calorimeter layers (with new the mechanical structure, ASIC's front-end electronics, DAQ and alignment system for position measurements) together with EUDET telescope will be used. In July 2011 test beam at DESY 22 only new LumiCal prototype have been studied. In November 2011 (4 - 22) the next test beam is planned with only new BeamCal module. A part of components of new BeamCal prototype are similar to those used for LumiCal module in July test. BeamCal GaAs sensors will be tested here. The main goal of the project is to verify proper operation of complete multichannel detector module comprising of all components. In measurements the MVD telescope and the support structure for tungsten plates will be used. The group of 12 people, members of FCAL collaboration, represented several countries: Germany, Poland, Romania, Israel, Bialorus, USA and India will contibute to the project realization. In addition also a help from expert outside FCAL collaboration is expected. Test beam schedule for November 2011 1. Sensor uniformity Settings: whole instrumented area has to be scanned Purpose: To characterize each connected pad in the beam with good statistics -100.000 - 200.000 samples per pad to measure S/N ratio and CCE toknown similarity between pads. Find gain / noise/ snr for all channels Check if sensors characteristics over full pads areas are uniform: required high statistics ~ 200.000 triggers. All 32 pads will be measred to check how characteristics are stable over the sensor plane. Time estimation: Area to be scanned ~ 32 pads, each pads is from 4x4 mm or 7x7 mm, beam spot was found to be around 7x8 mm, there have to be one position for each pad, monitored by XY -table 50. Beam size ~ 7x7mm Beam positions needed - 32 positions 200k events per position - it take ~ 1 hour 32 x 1 hour = 32 hours ~ 2 - 3 days 2. Different DAQ and ADC Purpose: See difference in operation with different Adcs to be able to compare the difference. 8 channels will be connected and measurements have to proceed with telescope DAQ together. Time estimation: Expected 8 channels x 200k /50 in hour — 1 0 hours 3. CCE vs HV Purpose: See CCE vs voltage on the test beam for few pads. Scan over one region of several pads. Time estimation: 5 pads x hour — 5 hours. 4. Edge investigations for new sensors TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM page 9/13 Purpose: Telescope measurements are highly required for measuring how CCE and signal amplitude depends on position and if one can see edge effects more requires high statistics. Edges are all the same - 4 pads edges. All located at rings and will fit well to polar descriptions. Time estinatin: Keep 2 million events for one edge. 2.000.000 triggers ~ 4 days. 5. Cross-talk Purpose: Another measurements has to be done is to verify crosstalk, for this telescope is highly required so that we known which pad was hitted by beam particles. Few pads over near to ASIC and far from ASIC. Time estimation: ~lday 6. Multi particle irradiation (studies of electromagnetic shower develoment) Purpose: Move to see BeamCal prototype with multi particles hits or in other words make studies with tungsten plates In this case telescope will help to know where one can expect shower initiated by electron from beam but not to using it precisely. Time estimation: Change telescope position and make alignment plus pedestals measurements ~ 2 days 7. Gain scan Purpose: Random 8 channels (4 from new readout and 4 channels with old ADC) Front-end gain investigations high / high (for this runs higher statistics x3) low / high (statistics xl) high / low (statistics xl) low / low (statistics xl) Tinieestmation: 8 channels x 25 minute ~ 2 hours Time for: Set up all computers and network, all equipment ~ 1 day of work. 1. Telescope alignment in the beam 2-3 hours (in case telescope will be not aligned) 2. Check allthresholds in telescope tobe set properly -not to have too many hot strips for beter analysis (2-3 hours). 3. Telescope runs to get statistics for telescope alignment without DUT (1-2 hours). 4. Put DUT in the position and measure all pedstals (run only DAQ without telescope and without beam - 1 2 hours). 5. DUT sensors alignment in the beam and checking all other prepared positions to operate DUT in the beam with help of XY-table ; 3 - 6 hours. All preparation ~ 1 day Summary All data taking runs should take approximately 17 days. Assuming that test beam is scheduled for FCAL for 20 days , 3 days are eft for risk and fixing. 1. Preparation 1-2 days 2. Sensor uniformity 2 -3 days 3. Different Daq and Adc max 1 day 4. CCE 5 hours 5. Edges 4 days TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM Page 10 / 13 6. Crosstalk 2 days 7. Multi particle 2 days 8. Gain 2 hours 9 Recallibrations + pedestals + alignment runs ~ 3 days. During the test beam an additional equipment is needed for operation: motorized X-Y table (Cracow), MVD telescope ( DESY HH in experimental hall), translation stage (Vertical) to perform alignment MVD telescope position with respect to beam line (provided by DESY HH in exp. hall), high voltage power suply (300 V /IjoA - provided by DESY Zeuthen), low voltage regulated power supplies ( DESY Zeuthen), VME / NIM modules which are used to provide trigger (provided by DESY HH in experimental hall), some long lemo cables, digital sampling osciloscope for initial setup (4 cannels, bandwidth at least 300 MHz, sampling 2 GSPS (DESY Zeuthen or Krakow),square pulse generator+attenuator (desired amplitude ~ 8 mV, frequency < 1 MHz) (DESY Zeuthen), DAQ computer (Cracow, Zeuthen) For irradiation facilities • Number and size of samples • Requested fluences for each sample • Materials in irradiated surface • Max. Temperature during irradiation • Special treatment of samples needed • • Irradiated beforehand? Measurements during irradiation required (§AIDA Page 11713 TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM 6) Type of activity (tick the item chosen): ( x) Telescope tests ( x) Translation stages ( x) Trigger electronics ( ) Irradiation of samples ( ) Generic material R&D ( )TargetryR&D ( ) Other, please specifiy 7) Safety hazards ( ) Use of flammable gases ( ) Use of lasers ( ) Work at height ( ) Magnetic field ( ) Radioactive sources ( ) Other 8) Access requested under TA Programme Researcher Total no. of days Leszek Zawiejski 16 Szymon K.ulis 10 Hans Henschel 8 Jonathan Aguilar 19 Eliza Teorodescu 8 Veta Ghenescu 14 Konstantin Afanaciev 12 Sandro Kollowa 19 Witold Daniluk 11 Itamar Levy 11 Olga Novgorodova 19 1 l l l Prasoon Ambalathankandy 8 l No. of visits 1 l 1 l 1 l l 9) Comments (mention here if you will travel by rental/private car, or directly before/after another trip) TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM Pa§e 12 7 13 1. Witold Daniluk, ask for reimbursement 2. Veta Ghenescu ask for reimbursement 3. Eliza Teorodescu ask for reimbursement 4. Szymon Kulis, ask for reimbursement 5. Itamar Levy, ask for reimbursement 6. Konstantin Afanaciev ask for reimbursement Date 16.10.2011 Group Deader Signature GAIDA TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS APPLICATION FORM Pa8e 1 3 / 13 Encl. 1 Guidelines for Application 1) Experiment Indicate the title of the experiment. Use no more than 255 characters. Indicate an acronym for your experiment (max 20 characters). This may have been assigned to you by the facility coordinator, if not avoid any special characters. You are not allowed to use acronyms that infringe existing trademarks, registered patents and other similar rights. 2) Group Leader Use footnotes in the application form as guidance. 3) Group Researchers Home Institution should be specified for each researcher only if different from Group Leader's Home Institution. 4) Include a list of 2-3 relevant publications of the group leader. 5) Description of the project (max. 1 pages) Describe the scientific and technical aspects of the project. Underline the goal of your project and the specific relevance of your proposal. Add references if necessary. 6) Type of activity Tick one or more options depending on the major goals of the experiment. 7) Safety hazards Indicate the potential safety hazards related to the experiment. 8) Access requested under TA Programme Indicate the researcher's name, the number of days that he/she will spend at the facility and the number of visits to the facility. For remote users, please specify "remote user" in the table. 9) Comments Specify any complex travel, such as travelling by rental or private car and travelling in combination with another trip. Add any additional comments you think might be helpful to the User Selection Panel (USP) for the evaluation of your proposal. Any additional queries or requests of information should be sent to AIDA-info(g)