Fall 2012 - Ripon Christian Schools
Fall 2012 - Ripon Christian Schools
RIPON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS COMMUNIQUÉ Summer 2012 Another Beginning...Another Reason to Thank God By Kerry Manus, Superintendent success school. of the We will again be seeking donations for the completion of the building project during this year’s Fall Fund Drive scheduled to begin in early Greg Wheatley from Cor5 Construction Management poses with November. As in Middle School Students on the construction site. years past, the first It appears to be a usual start to the $150,000 raised during the drive school year here at Ripon Christian, will go to the general fund of the but this start is anything but ususchool. Donations in excess of al. Construction on an $800,000 Middle School/Media Center build- $150,000 will go to completing ing began August 27, with an antici- the fundraising for the new buildpated completion date of May 27, ing. This year’s Drive promotional 2013. The one story building, which material will take on a new look. You is directly behind the current middle should all receive a color tri-fold school, will include three new class- mailer that will provide information rooms, a media center/library, rest- about the drive and an attached envelope which can be used to send rooms, storage, and a vestibule. in donations. The flier will also Fundraising began over the past have information about giving onfew years during our annual Fall line while at the same time updating Fund Drives during which we raised your personal information. We ask over $615,000. Giving for build- that you prayerfully consider giving ing projects has been tremendous so that we can raise the remainsince the start of Ripon Christian in ing $185,000 needed to complete 1928. We have passionate alumni the building project. Praise be to and constituents, who always sup- God for the continued generosity to port the school, frequently volun- Ripon Christian. (2 Corinthians 9: teer, and continue to pray for the 6-15) We have so much to be thankful for as we begin the 2012 - 2013 school year. God has blessed us in so many ways. Summer was very busy with new teacher and new family interviews. We are so thankful for the gifted new faculty we have added to our staff this year. Not only that, we are blessed with eighteen Korean foreign exchange students that have added flavor and excitment to our student body. Teachers are excited about implementing technology into the classroom curriculum. Already, some classes have seen the addition of Smartboards made possible through the donations of constituents and Christian School Circle. We are reminded over and over that our God is faithful! Please keep Ripon Christian in your prayers as we collectively seek to serve Him and transform His Kingdom here on earth! Both staff and students shout out a big “THANK YOU!” for your continued support and love for Ripon Christian Schools. “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:11 Ripon Christian Foundation Planting Seeds for the Future By Jami Vander Weide The Ripon Christian Foundation is a member of the Barnabas Foundation which offers free assistance to you with estate planning. Their goal is to provide excellent service and technical expertise in the preparation and maintenance of an appropriate estate plan within an atmosphere of confidentiality and objectivity. They will never ask you for a donation; never sell you any financial products; never charge you for their services and never share your financial or personal information. If you are The Foundation provides opportunities to interested in scheduling a meeting with bless our school through various ways of giving: Bob Zeilenga of Barnabas, he will be in Ripon during the week of November 12. You can call Jami Vander Weide @ 599Memorials: A gift to the RC FoundaFoundation 2155 x292 or send an e-mail to the Fountion is a meaningful way to honor a loved dation to schedule an hour appointment. one who has passed away. These gifts re o n ia fR ip o n C h r i s t provide family and friends with a unique opIf you have an interest in making an immediate or fuportunity to remember the life of their loved one. ture gift to the Foundation, you may contact a memHonorariums: A birthday, anniversary, or other cel- ber of the Foundation board listed below or send an ebratory occasion is the perfect time to recognize a e-mail to [email protected]. relative, friend or employee. Current members include: Ron Van Essen, Jake Wills and Bequeaths: A chance to give something Sonke, Joe Mendes, Rick Van Unen, Scott Kamper, by Will or Trust, typically personal property, cash or John Vander Schaaf, Dan Van Groningen, Kerry Manus (Superintendent) or Jerry Pasma (Liason to the other assets. RC Board) Gifts: An immediate or a planned gift can be made to the Foundation. ho Fu tu Sc T he ol s The Ripon Christian Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that exists primarily for the purpose of supporting the operating financial needs of our school. Through the growth of our endowment, we are ensuring we will be able to respond to the needs of Ripon Christian today and in the future. An endowment is forever: It’s a safety net for Ripon Christian’s future. Ripon Christian Preschool News By Elly Rampoldi, Preschool Director Our new school year has begun and we have had a great start so far! We began the year with sixty-eight students. Our morning classes are completely full right now; but we do have a couple openings in our afternoon class. We anticipate that these classes will fill up quickly! We are very pleased to say that we have many siblings of former preschoolers enrolled this year and we are thrilled to continue serving these families as they grow. We have been blessed by all our families in the past and look forward to working with many of them again and also all those who are new to our program. 2 • Communiqué • Fall 2012 We have many exciting themes and activities planned for our fifth year of operation including field trips and special projects. This year we will add some new units to study and plan on taking a field trip to the new Great Valley Museum at Modesto Junior College in addition to our regular annual field trips. Our goal remains one of helping the children develop the skills needed for a successful transition to elementary school. We instruct the children in areas of cognitive, emotional, social, spiritual and physical development through a well rounded curriculum in a loving, nurturing environment. All in all the staff here is committed to another wonderful year working with the students at Ripon Christian Preschool and are excited about the prospects of growth for our program as Ripon Christian School continues to grow. Ripon Christian Welcomes New Faculty Members Ashley Schuller joins us from Turlock Christian, with eight years experience in teaching. She will be teaching second grade along with Julie Vander Molen and Lynn Veltkamp. Ashley is an alumnus from Ripon Christian and then went on to Dordt College, double majoring in Elementary Education and Special Education. Ashley enjoys learning new Teacher Ashley Schuller with things with her students, but her student Emma De Bruyn. most of all she loves to hear her students talk about Jesus! When Ashley isn’t teaching, you just might see her at an Oakland A’s game. Ashley is excited to be part of the Ripon Christian Elementary faculty and is looking forward to getting to know the teachers, parents, and students. She is truly excited to see what God has in store for her at Ripon Christian Schools! We are blessed to have her as part of the elementary team! Welcome, Ashley! Krista den Dulk joins the High School Science Department to teach Biology and Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology. She is a 2007 graduate of Ripon Christian. She went to school at Hawai’i Pacific University and studied Marine Biology. She is currently going to school for her Master’s degree. She previously worked in Hawai’i doing marine science tours and assisting a veterinarian and biologist on the marine mammal stranding team. Neil Karsten also joined our High School Science Department. Neil is teaching Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Science. This graduate of Calvin College comes to us after teaching at Sunnyside Christian Schools for the last two years. In addition to moving to California, Neil was also married this summer. Justin Unruh has joined the English Department at Ripon Christian and will be teaching English 9. He has been teaching the previous two years in Norwalk, California. Justin is a RC Alumnus who continued his education at UC Irvine for undergrad and Biola University for his credential. In addition to his high school responsibilities, Justin will also spend half of the day in the elementary school where he will be teaching fifth grade science and social studies. Ted Olsen will be taking over the Industrial Arts Program here at Ripon Christian. Ted comes to us with well over 10 year experience teaching in the area of industrial arts. He teaches wood and metal courses and is also exploring additional courses that may be offered to further bolster our Industrial Art Program at Ripon Christian. A New Addition to the Administrative Team Kevin Schenk joined the adminstrative team this year as Assisitant Principal of PreK through 8th grade. Mr. Schenk is also teaching PreAlgebra at the high school and sixth grade science. Mr. Schenk recently completed his Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Dordt College. He has been teaching at Ripon Christian since 2005. Ripon Christian is excited about these additions to our staff. Please continue to pray for our entire staff so that God may be glorified at Ripon Christian. Communiqué • Fall 2012 • 3 Teaching with Technology By Pam Huisken, Kindergarten Teacher This summer I had the privilege of attending the I Teach K! National Conference. This conference featured seminars addressing the latest educational issues in kindergarten, curriculum standards, and effective teaching skills. I was thrilled to gain new insights into the upcoming trends in education and how to use them in kindergarten. Overall it was a wonderful learning experience that I hope to attend again in the upcoming years. In addition to the kindergarten program, Ashley Schuller, a second grade teacher, and Justiss Van Nieuwenhuyzen, a fourth grade teacher, will be getting this technology in their classrooms as well. Both teachers are eager to model this new technology for their students. Ashley states, “I am so excited to be getting a Promethean Board in my classroom. I’ve had one in my classroom for the last three years at my previous school and it brought a whole new dimension to my teaching. It increases the student’s engagement in the One of the recurring themes I heard throughout this lesson and I feel like it will improve their overall learnconference was the growing use of technology in kin- ing. It makes learning come alive and it is a great way dergarten. This includes the use of to meet the needs of visual learners. iPods, iPads, and Smart Boards I can’t imagine teaching without one, When technology is within the classroom. It was internow that I’ve been so used to having esting to see and hear how teachers used correctly, it can one. It’s a great tool to have when nationwide are finding ways to bring those “teachable moments” come be a useful tool in digital technology into the classup and you want to look something room as a way to engage students up to show your students. It makes education. in their learning and allow them to learning and teaching fun!” become active participants. Some ideas presented were digital storytelling, Google Earth, Appealing to the fourth grade students, Justiss will be PowerPoint presentations created by students, blog- introducing a Smart Board into her classroom in the ging for students, classroom websites, apps to practice next few weeks. Justiss shares, “I am excited to have academic skills and so much more. When technology the opportunity to have a Smart Board in my classis used correctly, it can be a useful tool in education. room! During my time student teaching, I had a Smart Board in the classroom and I loved it! Being able to The teachers are excited to gain two Smart Boards in have numerous activities ready to go makes it a great the kindergarten program this year. Our students are timesaving tool. I plan to use the Smart Board to make eagerly anticipating the arrival of the “big computers” my lessons more interactive and engaging for my stuon the wall. Through the use of this technology we dents. “ will be able to create lessons to practice sight words, reading and comprehension skills, and math skills. We It is exciting to see our classrooms here at Ripon Chriswill be able to engage our students in a completely tian becoming equipped with these great learning tools. new format. We look forward to using Google Earth to We as teachers look forward to using them as a means “travel” to countries as we study “Christmas Around the to enhance the learning of your children as we aim for World” in December. Our goal is to begin to integrate academic excellence in each of our classrooms and the use of technology into our kindergarten program as grade levels. a way to enhance our teaching and the learning experiences of our students. 4 • Communiqué • Fall 2012 Greetings from Priceless Treasures Thrift Shop: By Bob Van Hofwegen, Thrift Shop Manager Bob and volunteer Joann working at Priceless Treasures in Modesto. As a new school year begins, we at Priceless Treasures Thrift Shop want to wish all you a most blessed school year. We are thankful that we are able to join with you in the Christian education effort being made by Ripon Christian Schools. We believe, along with you, that this kind of education is so important for our children in order to prepare them in our fallen world for the Kingdom calling that all of God’s redeemed children have. That sounds like a mouthful, but it is so simply true. The best way for our children to be prepared to fulfill the calling God gives to all of us is to receive the most full-orbed Christian education possible. And, for our children, in the culture in which we live today, we believe strongly that this includes the education that they receive at home, at church and at school. As was said, we are thankful that we can join with you in seeking to achieve this. For those of you who are new to the RCS community, we are your thrift store! We are a part of Ripon Christian Schools and, under the Lordship of Jesus, we exist for Ripon Christian Schools. Blessed by the Lord, we are able to send a significant amount of dollars to RCS each year. These dollars are used, along with other fund-raising efforts, to keep the cost of tuition down as much as possible. We also benefit Sierra Salem Christian Homes, a God-glorifying residence ministry for developmentally disabled adults. The Lord even uses us for His ministry purposes in Modesto, serving the homeless and others who need to experience His love, in a variety of ways. So...if you have not been aware of us, we are thrilled to make ourselves to known to you. Having said that, we need to also say, we could use your help. We depend almost exclusively on volunteers: those who volunteer their donations as well as those who volunteer their time. Over the years we have been blessed by so many in this regard. However, the need is ongoing: donations and volunteers. So, if you have any good and decent material items to donate, we’d love to have them! They would help us so much! Make sure you tell others about us as well! If you have time to donate, we’d love that too! I wish I could introduce you to all the faithful volunteers who have taken the time over the years to come down to the store to donate their time! Some have entered the mansions prepared for them, others are no longer physically able to help for a variety of other reasons, the rest we still have! We praise the Lord for all of them! I’d like to personally invite you at this time to prayerfully consider donating some time yourself here at the store. As was said before, the need is ongoing, and so is the blessing. We have a lot of fun here; we enjoy each other immensely, because we all know we are serving a common Lord for a common cause. If you know anyone who is volunteering his/her time here, please talk to them! Otherwise, come on down to the store at 321 McHenry Ave., Modesto, CA. You can also call us at 209-579-5513 and ask for Bob. May God grant you His richest blessings at Ripon Christian Schools. Middle School Robotics in Action Writing an algorithm for an imaginary robot that can navigate through trees. Communiqué • Fall 2012 • 5 A Personal Note From School Board By Brian Vos, Board President With the beginning of the school year comes both excitement and a little apprehension. Students, teachers, staff and parents all share these emotions. It is rewarding to see all the students return to RC, ready to take advantage of all the opportunities that are available to them courtesy of the support and contributions made by generations of RC supporters. It is with this support and heritage that RC is able to offer a special learning environment for our students. Over the summer, the RC Board and Administration team began the process of updating our Strategic Plan, including the Vision and Mission for the school. The prior Plan was developed several years ago, and indicative of a good plan and a good team, much of that Plan has been successfully executed. The review process considers our current situation and performance, the expectations and requirements of our constituents, and a forward look, to identify the opportunities that may exist over the next decade. The review is focusing on several “planks” that will form the revised Strategic Plan. Each of these strategic planks, listed below, is being further developed by subcommittees composed of current and former board members and administrators. • Development of Faith in an integrated Christian learning environment • Education Quality • Staff Quality and Care • • • Facilities Requirements Financial Strength Marketing Over the years, RC has been able to constantly adapt and grow to meet the needs of our students and parents. While it has not always been easy, the RC community pulls together when faced with new opportunities or needs. If you’ve been around school lately, you may have noticed a new building project behind the Middle School. This project, part of the prior Strategic Plan, has been a long time coming, but thanks to generous support, construction is now under way on a much needed new Middle School classroom and library/media building. For those of you, like me, with sentimental attachment to the old Middle School basketball courts, don’t worry, there are parts of the RC heritage and tradition that are too valuable to lose, and the courts will re-appear behind the Middle School gymnasium. Valuable and much needed projects like this are only possible with the tremendous support we have from the RC community. Thanks to all who have partnered with RC to make this project a reality. Through the updating of our Strategic Plan, we hope to develop a roadmap, laying out the opportunities that will lead to the continued improvement and development of all facets of Ripon Christian Schools. Ripon Christian Class of 1962 Celebrates their 50th Reunion On Saturday, July 7th, the Ripon Christian graduating class of 1962 gathered at the home of John and Sharon Van Zwaluwenburg for their 50th reunion. About 20 of the original class of 34 and their spouses enjoyed a wonderful afternoon visiting, topping it off with a delicious prime rib and chicken dinner and Johnny’s softserve ice cream. After dinner, time was spent as each classmate shared what had transpired in their life in the past 50 years. A special tribute was made to the six classmates as well as one spouse who have passed away. Classmates came from as far as Michigan and Washington. They spent the evening sharing memories of their times at RC and reflecting on God’s blessings they have enjoyed. Realizing how short life can be, plans are being made to meet again in two years when, hopefully they should all be 70 years old! 6 • Communiqué • Fall 2012 By Dot Veltkamp, Class of 1962 From left to right and front to back: Fred Douma, Hank Vander Veen, Leonard Maliepaard, John Poelstra, Gary Nienhuis, Jan De Boer, Susan (Peterson) Luth, Leo Van Vliet, Hefti Brunold, Ray Mensonides, Marcy Hoogendoorn, Roger Van Dyken, Evie (Attema) Sloan, John Van Zwaluwenburg, Dot (Roorda) Veltkamp, Marlin Schilt, Don Eskes, Calvin Luth. Also attending, but not in the photo, was Joan (Boersma) Buckner). Principal’s Post As we begin yet another school year, I am amazed by God’s continued faithfulness to Ripon Christian. As a high school, we are excited to have 249 students in our halls this year. Over 85 of those students are new students or incoming freshman. We also welcome an additional seven international Eric Segaar students from our partnership High School Principal with Global Vision Christian Schools. In addition to the increase in our student population, we are excited by the addition of four new teachers to the high school staff. As we entered the summer with a number of staffing positions to fill, the Lord provided faithful individuals to meet our needs and allow our school to continue to grow. We have been truly blessed. With much to be thankful for and so many blessings, it can be easy to become complacent. I am reminded of the parable of the talents in Matthew. As I am sure you all remember, the master placed varying amounts of money (talents) in the care of his servants. The servant that received five talents put the money to use and earned five more for his master. The servant that received two talents also put the money to work and doubled his master’s money. However, the servant that received one talent buried the talent in the ground and returned it to his master without any gain. At this, the master called the servant evil and lazy. He praised the first two servants for their faithfulness and promised to each of them additional responsibility. Our Master places in our care many talents, and it should be our intent to grow these talents. We are not going to take the blessings that the Lord has provided to us and bury them in the ground. Rather, we will strive to grow God’s Kingdom through the students that He has placed under our care. Students will grow in their understanding of the Lord through both the teaching and non-teaching experiences that they encounter this year at Ripon Christian. The Lord is faithful, yesterday, today, and always. Prayer Warriors Program By Lisa Van Groningen We have started our 5th year of the Prayer Warriors Commitment: Our volunteers are committed to Program at Ripon Christian Schools. Don’t know praying at school at the same time each week. about this program yet? Well, if you’ve ever seen Concentration: We do our best to focus on the task the movie Facing the Giants, you’ll have an idea of at hand . what we do. In this movie there was a godly man that Confidentiality: Sensitive prayer requests are abwalked through the hallways of a school and prayed. solutely spoken only between the “prayer walker” While “prayer walking,” we pray for the school, stu- and God. dents, families, and teachers repQuiet: Our goal is to be seen by “Pour out your heart like resented at Ripon Christian. We teachers, staff and students but not have a committed group of prayer water before the face of the heard. This is to give staff and stuLord…Lift up your hands dents a visible reminder they are warriors walking through desigtoward Him for the lives of being upheld in prayer, but also nated areas of RCS once a week throughout the school year. so we don’t disrupt any part of the your children.” school day. Lamentations 2:19 We are looking for more people to pray with us. Moms, dads, grandparents or anyone We will be starting up again at the end of September. with a heart for RC are welcome to join us. It’s very If you would like to join us or would like more inforsimple to do! Each Monday morning that school is in mation about this Prayer Warriors program, please session, each “prayer walker” picks up their prayer contact Lisa Van Groningen at 209-456-4628 or sheet at the office, goes to their designated area and [email protected]. prays! It only takes about 30 minutes each week. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effecThere are a few criteria each prayer walker MUST tive. James 5:16b follow: Communiqué • Fall 2012 • 7 Global Vision Christian Schools Sends 18 Students to RCHS for the opportunity of opening our hearts and home to a Korean student named Kevin (WooGee) Lee.” “Hosting Patrick adds a whole new dimension to our lives. It gives us the opportunity to continue nurturing a young person and in return we see the world through his eyes. It expands our view of God’s creation. Mostly it has just been fun!” Eighteen families have opened their homes to host students from Global Vision Christian Schools. These students come from South Korea and have a deep desire to learn the American culture. They also strive to improve their English as they are immersed into our culture. The students have shared some of their favorite things about Ripon Christian. Most of them enjoy classes from Math with Mr. Tameling to Art with Mrs. Van Groningen. One student expressed his love for our campus. The green grass and open fields are not as common in South Korea. Another student stated that chapel was her favorite part of RC. Several of them voiced how friendly the students at RCHS are. Although they come from a different part of the world, they share many things in common with American teenagers. Like most students at RC, they love In-N-Out burgers and pizza! We praise God for the eighteen families that have opened their homes. The host families include: Mike and Karel Brown, Brian and Susie Herr, Brandon and Loretta Hicks, Randy and Julie Hilarides, Matt and Yvonna Ray, Keif and Amber Machado, David and Debbie Mensonides, Greg and Vikki Groshong, Rev. Lloyd and Heidi Wicker, Scott and Tami Kamper, Bryan and Stephanie Saenz, Bob and Cynthia Faure, Ed and April Silveira, Josh and Dawn Clark, Jerry and Betty Pasma, Jim and Vivian Schuller, Ted and Brenda Kramer, and Scott and Kathy Cragin. Several of them expressed their favorite things about having a foreign exchange student: “As a family we enjoy experiencing new things with Kevin. Things that we tend to take for granted living in California, are new and exciting to him. As much as Kevin is learning from us, we feel our family is equally learning from him. We enjoy learning about each others’ cultures, sharing with one another and realizing the similarities and the many differences in our lives. It has been a wonderful experience for our family and taught our children valuable life lessons. They are learning to think of others in all that they do. They help to show Kevin how to do things, say things, and explain what things mean. Our family will be forever changed by this experience! We will forever remember and be grateful 8 • Communiqué • Fall 2012 “We love talking with Jacob and learning about his life in Korea, gaining insight into his culture, his expectations, and his worldview. It is also fun to watch him learn about our American culture and to introduce him to new foods and experiences. Our children learn from him too and the teasing and lively banter between them is quite entertaining.” “The brotherly camaraderie between our son and our Korean student.” “We enjoy having Amy here for so many reasons. God had laid it on our hearts to take this on since He has given us the resources with the home we live in and our children can enjoy learning from someone of another culture. We also enjoy sharing our culture with Amy and we all learn what it’s like to invite a stranger into our home and love her like Christ does.” “We have been thoroughly enjoying having Sally in our home. It is fun and exciting learning about a different culture and trying new foods all from our own home, no traveling required. We love to travel and think it would be cool to go to South Korea someday. One cool realization for the kids has been the discovery of how similar other teens are to them, even from the other side of the world.” “We love being exposed to their culture and the opportunity to share our culture with them. Our family has bonded with David through good natured jokes and teasing, numerous nicknames, football and soccer games, and control over the music playlist. One minute grooving to classic Chicago and the next, singing and dancing to a Korean rocker who I am not even certain David understands. We are very blessed to have David as part of our family.” “Our favorite part about having Chloe in our home is getting to know her and making her feel welcome and comfortable in her new home away from home. We are having fun and feel so blessed to be a big part of Chloe’s American experience.” High School Gym Gets New Look By Renae Goslinga, High School Teacher If you have been in the Gym recently, then you have seen what has transpired over this past summer. If you have not, then come by and take a look. Over the years, since the gym was built, different graduating classes have left monetary gifts denoted with special projects in mind. A committee was formed that included Sylvia Colyn, Lynette Vos, and Renae Goslinga. The committee helped facilitate the work and completion of the project. The recently graduating Class of 2012 provided funds to paint the school’s name, Ripon Christian, on the wall along with a carefully chosen verse. The verse from Colosians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” What a great reminder of our ultimate desire to honor God! The Class of 2011 gave towards the painting of the School Song, since it was not found in the High School Gym. They wanted to honor with their gift the Class of 1977 who donated the original painting of the school song in the now Middle School Gym. The painting of the Knight was donated by the Class of 2010. The Knight graphic was designed by Ripon Christian supporter and graphic designer, Janet Schollenberg. It came out looking fantastic! The history of athletics at RC is overwhelming! The championship banners fill the wall with not only color, but celebration. RC has six State Championships, seven NorCal Championships, and thirty-seven Section Titles. They also celebrate seventy-three League Championships in eleven different sports, dating all the way back to 1967! Many different groups and graduating class gifts were brought together for the completion of the wall that proudly displays these accomplishments. The Classes of 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 had left money for various projects that did not come to fruition, but through contact with each of the class’ Senior Presidents, these funds were designated for this project. The Ripon Quarterback Club also donated money for this project. A special thanks to Kent Vos, Bill Mulder and Ed Mulder who figured out the details of this project, and also to Ted Kramer, Tom Kramer and Johnny Sikkema for putting up the banners as well as the wall matts. The wall mats were donated by the RC Boosters Club. To complete this project, all of the walls were repainted before the artwork and banners could be hung. In addition, new flags were purchased which represent our country and our faith. Also an audio/visual projection system including screens was permanently mounted. What a blessing it is to see so many come together for the completion of this project! Communiqué • Fall 2012 • 9 2012 Fall Sports Update Football The 2012 football team enters this year on the heels of their recent playoff season. Our small, but talented group of dedicated players looks to build on and continue their success. The team is led by Manteca Bulletin Player of the Year running back Andrew Brown and senior quarterback Danny Vos. Boys Soccer The future continues to look bright for the boys soccer team. The Knights are led by veteran seniors, Christian Manes, who leads the defensive side of the field, and Jon Vander Molen, who leads the offensive attack. Sophomore Danny Vander Molen hopes to continue to score goals and build on an outstanding first year. By Joe Daretta, Athletic Director Girls Golf Our girls continue to develop and compete at a higher level each year. This year the team is again led by senior allleague player Jenny Wickham. The girls play in the competitive Valley Foothill League which is composed of schools from the Trans-Valley, Mother Lode, and Southern Leagues. Volleyball The 2012 volleyball team defends its back to back Southern League titles and its five consecutive SacJoaquin Division Five Section championships. The team is led by junior sensation Andie Shelton. She was the Manteca Bulletin and Modesto Bee Player of the Year in 2011. Ripon Christian School Circle Update It’s the beginning of another school year at Ripon Christian and the excitement level is high--the kids are settling into their new classes and School Circle is gearing up for another great year of fundraising, volunteering, and fellowship! A few changes were made last year with separating Family Fun Night into “RC Knight Out: Dinner and Auction” in the fall and “Family Fun Festival” in the spring. At the auction alone we raised over $50,000 for RC! The money that was raised is being used to help retrofit our buses and purchase classroom technology such as Smartboards and iPads. This year RC Knight Out: Dinner and Auction will be held on October 27 at the Ripon Community Center from 5pm until 9pm. There will be a silent auction throughout the evening with a wide variety of items up for bid. There will be appetizers, a dinner buffet and dessert. Afterwards, the room will be transformed into an auction house where live auction participants can 10 • Communiqué • Fall 2012 By Stacey Johnston, School Circle President bid on items such as weekend getaways, baking lessons, handcrafted items, wine baskets, sports tickets, and even catered dinners. If you have an item that you would like to donate to the auction, please email Pam Van Zwaluwenburg at [email protected]. Tickets for RC Knight Out are on sale now! The cost per ticket is $30 or $240 for a table of eight. Tickets will be sold at the RC School Circle meetings and the elementary and high school offices. Please contact Kerry Harris at 612-0240 for details! In addition, we are so blessed to have so much support from parents and from the community. We’re praying that this year is another huge success! The Ripon Christian School Circle meets on the first Friday of each month at Almond Valley Church at 8:40 a.m. and is open to everyone who would like to get involved! For questions or volunteer opportunities, please contact us at [email protected]. MARKETPLACE AGRICULTURAL SERVICES MARC VELTKAMP Tree Holes & Backhoe Service 421 S. Acacia Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 Phone: (209) 993-5392 Evenings: (209) 599-5424 MODESTO FEED INC. Russ Hannink 5437 McHenry Ave. Modesto, CA, 95356 (209) 526-9589 Livestock, Pet & Poultry Feeds, Horse Care Products, Vet Supplies, Hay Shaving, Straw, Fencing Progressive Ag, Inc. LectroBlast® Electrostatic Sprayers Manufacturing * Sales * Service Elroy DeWinkle (209) 567-3232 Fax: (209) 567-3233 PO Box 4490 Modesto, CA 95352 1336 McWilliams Way, Modesto, CA 95351 www.proaginc.com [email protected] ROOS RANCHES INC. - HIGHLAND FARMS Almond Hulling & Shelling Farm Management & Custom Farm Services 23313 Highland Ave. Ripon, CA 953666 Office (209) 599-8670 Fax (209) 599-8671 Jeff Stuit (209) 595-0160 Eric Winters (209) 595-1699 Dave Van Elderen (209) 595-2752 Wilkey Industrusties Rich Maliepaard Sales and Marketing 830 S. Tegner Road * Turlock, CA 95380 Cell (209) 649-1021 * Fax (209) 656-0359 [email protected] www.wilkeyindustries.com FINANCIAL SERVICES Croce & Company Certified Public Accounts Paul Vander Veen, CPA Eric Vander Veen, CPA (209) 943-2222 501 W. Weber, Ste 500 Stockton, CA www.croceco.com MICHAEL KASSO PHOTOGRAPHY 1180 W. Main Street - Ripon, CA 95366 HOME SERVICES Photo Cards, Photography and More! Rachel Mouw www.mouwdesign.com [email protected] or 918-2679 ACACIA STORAGE REAL ESTATE D.D.S. M.S.D. Specialist in Orthodontics (209) 599-4870 Mini Storage - RV / Boat Nancy Terpstra Steve Terpstra (209) 599-6508 Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 749 S. Acacia Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 GENSKE, MULDER, & COMPANY LLP. Certified Public Accounts Peter E. Hoekstra, CPA Managing Partner Paul V. Anema, CPA Partner (209) 523-3573 Fax: (209) 574-0224 Cell (209) 602-4920 4803 Sisk Rd, Suite 201 Salida 95368 e-mail: [email protected] LANDRETH ROOFING CO., INC. Licensed-Bonded-Insured-Lic #410792 Free Estimates Stephen Landreth FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS (209) 599-2371 Fax (209) 599-1172 521 Key Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 www.landrethroofing.com Serving the Central Valley since 1981 MAIN STREET FLORAL SCHEMPER’S ACE HARDWARE 433 West Main Street, Ripon, CA 95366 (209) 599-6322 Audrey Hoffman Kendra Hoffman Phone: (209) 599-2141 Fax: (209) 599-6540 www.SchempersAce.com Get in. Get out. Get on with your life. Feed Ingredient Merchandiser SIGNS COATES & WRIGHT P.O. Box 720, Ripon, CA 95366 (209) 599-7776 ~ Fax: (209) 599-7595 Mobile: (209) 479-3828 ~ Cell: (209) 969-1212 K & M SIGNS Manuel P. King V-V ENTERPRISES David Van Vliet VOORTMAN SPRAY SERVICE Darrell, Eunice & Paul Voortman Orchard & non-crop applications 26754 East Jones Rd., Escalon, CA 95320 (209) 604-0996 - Cell; (209) 599-3265 - Fax Commercial Signs - Job Site - Real Estate Signs Vehicle Lettering - Trucks - Boats - Water Craft Banners - Window Lettering - Magnetics - Trailers 595 N. Wilma Ave., Ripon, CA 95366 FRESH PRODUCE VAN GRONINGEN & SONS, INC. WATERFORD IRRIGATION SUPPLY 15100 South Jack Tone Rd. Manteca, CA 95336 (209) 982-5248; (209) 983-9014 Fax Diversified Growers/Shippers Almonds-Walnuts-Alfalfa-Watermelon Sweet Corn-Pumpkins-Silage RON AND JOHN NYDAM - 874-1386 HEALTH-DOCTORS AUTO-SALES ALMOND BLOSSOM OPTOMETRY FAMILY VISION CARE B&Z AUTO PARTS CAR QUEST Doctors of Optometry Ray Enas 424 West Main St. - Ripon, CA 95366 (209) 599-2185 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES MULDER CONSTRUCTION Lic #401736 General Contractors Custom Homes & Remodeling Quality Work - Fair Prices Bill Mulder 599-2681 Ed Mulder EDWARDS, LIEN, & TOSO INC. Jeffrey A. Lien 8408 N. Lander Ave. Hilmar, CA 95324 Phone: (209) 634-9484 Mobile: (209) 495-3114 [email protected] www.eltappraisers.com Agricultural Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants Comfy Cabin... 8 minutes from Pinecrest and Dodge Ridge. $150-$175/night, 2 night minimum, 800/wk. Sleeps 8; 3 bdrm; 2 bath; propane/electric heat; 2 VCRs/DVD; laundry; large deck; new beds. Immaculate. No pets, no smoking. Contact Barbara SwierSugia 883-4937 Your Ad Here: Full Year Ad $160.00 Contact Lori McGovern for more information 599-2155 ext. 237 Home/Office (209) 838-7064 Fax (209) 838-3064 GO KNIGHTS 150 N. Wilma Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 MOUW DESIGN Duane I. Kirk, O.D. Tyler E. Kirk, O.D. 423 W. Main St. Ripon, CA 95366 (209) 599-3115 Fax (209) 599-3793 Cell (209) 840-1581 Cell (209) 681-2013 ALLEN D. HOEK, O.D Doctor of Optometry Professional Family Vision Care • Laser Vision Correction Contact Lenses • Large Selection of Frames (209) 599-2216 1048 W. Main Street, Ripon, CA 95366 Floor Coverings Inc. Carpet-Vinyl-Laminate-Hardwood Bert and Nancy Vander Veen 115 Mark Randy Place, Modesto, CA 95350 Ph (209) 527-2100; Fax (209) 527-0341 State Contractors License No 376288 MOBILE SCREENS Const. License # 767257 Founded by Frank Miller in 1990 Bruce Miller - Owner Mobile # (209) 523-3528 Windows & Door Screens - New or Repaired New Security Doors - Shade Screens - MID Credits Window and Door Screen Parts 1530 Glenwood Dr. Modesto, CA 95350 INSURANCE DARRYL BARTELS, AGENT State Farm Insurance Companies Lic. #0378110 210 South Stockton Ave. Ripon, CA 95366 (209) 599-2174 WEVER INSURANCE AGENCY Don Wever, CPCU, ARM Res (209) 599-3638 Bus (209) 599-2161 Fax (209) 599-7349 100 E. Main St. Ripon, CA 95366 Lic. #0549066 INVESTMENTS FINANCIAL NETWORK Ronald L. Van Essen CFP Financial Advisor - CA Insurance # 0498676 (209) 239-4155 Fax (209) 239-9560 Personal Office 129 E. Center St. Suite 18, Manteca, CA 95336 [email protected] Branch Office 2937 VenemanAve. Suite B100; Modesto, CA95356-0640 (209) 572-1303 Communiqué • Fall 2012 • 11 NON PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #415 STOCKTON, CA 435 N. Maple Avenue Ripon, CA 95366 www.rcschools.com (209)599-2155 Member of CSI, ACSI, CAPSO, and SCTA WASC accredited Society for Christian Instruction Business Office Hours: 8:00 – 4:00 Monday – Friday TRIP Office Hours: 9:00-12:00 Tuesday (High School Office) Store Front Hours: 8:15 – 12:30 Friday in PAC foyer (First Friday of month at Almond Valley CRC) Doreen Unruh, TRIP Coordinator (209) 599-6351 ADMINISTRATION: Kerry Manus, Superintendent Eric Segaar, High School Administrator Mary Ann Sybesma, PK-8 Administrator Kevin Schenk, PK-8 Assistant Principal Joe Darretta, Athletic Director Tiger Shelton, Operations Director Sally Hidalgo, Business Manager Bob De Ruiter, Technology Director Elementary students excitedly searched through library books during this year’s book sale. Thank you to the volunteers that helped make this day fun for all the students!
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