civil practice committee
civil practice committee
CONTENT 1Agenda 2 – 11 Minutes of the 21st Annual General Meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Bar held on 22 February 2013 12 – 18 Chairman’s Report 19 – 82 Reports of Sub-Committees 19 – 20 Civil Practice 21 – 23 Corporate and Conveyancing Practice 24 – 26 Criminal Practice 27 – 28 Information Technology and Publications 29 – 31 Practitioners’ Affairs 32 – 37 Professional Development 38 – 43 Pupils Welfare 44 – 47 Social, Arts and Culture 48 – 51 Sports and Recreation 52 – 58 Young Lawyers 59 – 82 Legal Aid 83 – 89 Laporan Pengerusi 90 – 135 Laporan-laporan Jawatankuasa Kecil 90 – 91 Amalan Sivil 92 – 94 Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing 95 – 96 Amalan Jenayah 97 – 98 Teknologi Maklumat dan Penerbitan 99 – 100 Hal Ehwal Pengamal 101 – 104 Pembangunan Profesional 105 – 109 Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar 110 – 111 Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan 112 – 113 Sukan dan Rekreasi 114 – 118 Peguam Muda 119 – 143 Bantuan Guaman 144 – 155 Audited Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2013 KUALA LUMPUR BAR COMMITTEE 22ND ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE KUALA LUMPUR BAR TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY, 20 FEBRUARY 2014 AT 2:00 PM IN THE AUDITORIUM, WISMA MCA, JALAN AMPANG, KUALA LUMPUR AGENDA 1 To confirm and adopt the minutes of the 21st Annual General Meeting held on 22 February 2013. 2 Matters arising therefrom. 3 To consider, and if thought fit, to adopt the Annual Report 2013/14. 4 To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the Audited Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2013. 5 To confirm the subscription for the year 2014 to remain at RM125-00 per member. 6 To elect the Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2014/15. 7 To elect ten (10) members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2014/15. 8 To elect one (1) member to represent the Kuala Lumpur Bar on the Bar Council for 2014/15. 9General. JEREMIAH R GURUSAMY Honorary Secretary Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2013/14 Agenda • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 1 21ST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING KUALA LUMPUR BAR MINUTES OF THE 21ST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE KUALA LUMPUR BAR HELD ON 22 FEBRUARY 2013 AT 3:00 PM AT THE AUDITORIUM, LEVEL 3, WISMA MCA, NO. 163 JALAN AMPANG, KUALA LUMPUR I. Brendan Navin Siva, as Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee (“KLBC”), chaired this meeting and called the meeting to order at 3:25 pm when the quorum had been reached. He then invited all members to rise and observe a minute of silence in memory of the following members who had passed away during the term under review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. Henry Lee Yee Lian Mohd Alakhir Bin Brahim Mohd Zahid Bin Ab Hamid Lim Choon Wee Augustine Christopher Nathan The Chairman informed the House that the Reference Proceedings for the abovementioned departed members will be held the following Friday, 1 March 2013 at 9:00 am before Y.A. Dato’ Mary Lim, which was a change from what was reported on page 15 of the Annual Report. ITEM 1 OF AGENDA: TO CONFIRM AND ADOPT THE MINUTES OF THE 20TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 23 FEBRUARY 2012 The minutes were confirmed and adopted as proposed by Syahredzan Johan and seconded by Saha Deva Arunasalam. ITEM 2 OF AGENDA: MATTERS ARISING Nil. ITEM 3 OF AGENDA: TO CONSIDER, AND IF THOUGHT FIT, TO ADOPT THE ANNUAL REPORT 2012/13 3.1 The Chairman took the House through the entire Annual Report 2012/13 (pages 10 to 74). He then pointed out that the report of the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) (“KL LAC”) was also tabled at the Annual Review and Elections of the KL LAC held on Saturday, 16 February 2013. The report of the KL LAC thus had already been vetted once. 3.2 The Annual Report 2012/13 was approved and adopted as proposed by Anand Ponnudurai and seconded by Avinder Singh Gill. ITEM 4 OF AGENDA: TO CONSIDER, AND IF THOUGHT FIT, TO PASS THE AUDITED ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST DECEMBER 2012 4.1 The Chairman referred the House to the Audited Accounts (pages 136 to 147) and said that rather than going through the Accounts, he would just like to say in summary that the surplus for the year 2012 was RM324,619 compared to RM142,925 the year before, which was about 127% higher. 4.2 The Audited Accounts were approved and passed as proposed by Nahzatul Ain and seconded by Sri Sarguna Raj. ITEM 5 OF AGENDA: TO CONFIRM THE SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE YEAR 2013 TO REMAIN AT RM125-00 PER MEMBER Proposed by SS Muker and seconded by Anand Ponnudurai, the subscription for the year 2013 was confirmed to remain at RM125-00 per member. 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • MINUTES ITEM 6 OF AGENDA: TO ELECT THE CHAIRMAN OF THE KUALA LUMPUR BAR COMMITTEE FOR 2013/14 6.1 Dipendra Harshad Rai was proposed by Christopher Leong Sau Foo and seconded by Anand Ponnudurai. 6.2 There being no other nominations, Dipendra Harshad Rai was declared elected as Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for the year 2013/14. ITEM 7 OF AGENDA: TO ELECT TEN (10) MEMBERS OF THE KUALA LUMPUR BAR COMMITTEE FOR 2013/14 7.1 The following names were proposed and seconded:1. Harleen Kaur a/p Tarjeet Singh Proposer : Ravindran Nekoo Seconder : Surendran Sreetharan 2. Chong Wai Kuan Proposer Seconder : : Baljit Singh Sidhu Rita Sabrina Wong Choo Dee Wei Proposer Seconder : : Daniel Joseph Albert Vince Chong Khin Young Goh Siu Lin Proposer Seconder : Steven Thiruneelakandan :Navit Kaur Randhawa 3. 4. 5. Jeremiah Ravindran Gurusamy Proposer : Anand Ponnudurai Seconder : Jerald Allen Gomez 6. Arunachalam Kasi Proposer : Seconder : Valliammai Kasi Lam Sam Kit 7. Kong Teng Mun @ Jason Kong Proposer : Saha Deva Arunasalam Seconder : Roger Chan Weng Keng 8. Mohd Amir Sharil Bahari bin Md Noor Proposer : Sharifah Izyan Farha binti Syed Ahmad Bakery Seconder : Siti Nur Zahidah binti Muhamad 9. Khaizan Sharizad binti Ab. Razak Proposer : Ida Daniella binti Zulkifli Seconder : Joanne Leong 10. Amrit Pal Singh a/l Jaginder Singh Proposer : Harjinder Singh Seconder : Avinder Singh Gill 11. Lim Chi Chau Proposer Seconder 12. : : Richard Wee Thiam Seng Fadiah Nadwa binti Fikri Foong Cheng Leong Proposer : Seconder : Richard Wee Thiam Seng Syahredzan Johan MINUTES • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 3 13. Vince Chong Khin Young Proposer : Syahredzan Johan Seconder : Daniel Joseph Albert 7.2 The Chairman invited all the candidates to each say a few words. 7.3 Harleen Kaur wished everyone present a Happy Chinese New Year and hoped that everyone knew who she was and to think about Legal Aid when they see her face. She said that she would like to talk about YBGK which was truly important. She explained that basically YBGK is a government sponsored scheme for legal assistance to be given to anyone, at the point of arrest and all the way up to the appeal, if the person passes the means test. She believed that many of the members present at this AGM in fact had participated in the scheme and she would like to thank them for that. She stressed the importance of having lawyers going to the police stations and remand centres as the presence of lawyers alone would ensure that the police do not become enthusiastic in their treatment of the arrested persons. She urged those who had yet to actively participate in the YBGK scheme to do so, pointing out that it would be extremely rewarding and enriching. She said that all lawyers, whether they are IP lawyers, corporate lawyers or conveyancing lawyers, should participate in the scheme and not worry that they are not able to handle YBGK cases. Detailed training would be provided but should anyone lack the confidence to handle a trial, it would not be an issue as assistance is needed elsewhere too such as at police stations and remand centres; just be there to advise arrested persons of their rights. She remarked that if members present at this meeting were to say yes to YBGK en bloc, she sincerely believed that there would be no further additional deaths in custody. That was the difference everyone would make, simply by showing up. 7.4 Chong Wai Kuan introduced herself and said that this was her first time standing for election to the KLBC. She briefly informed the House that she was called to the Bar in the year 2000 and currently practising on her own under the firm name of Wai Kuan & Koh specialising in conveyancing and corporate matters. She had actively participated in the KL Bar Corporate & Conveyancing Practice Committee for the past seven years and was the Deputy Chair of the said Committee for the year under review. She hoped that members could give her a chance to serve the KL Bar. 7.5 Choo Dee Wei introduced himself and said that he, obviously, was running for election and had run in the past and served on the KLBC in 2010 and 2011. He had taken a break the year before and making a comeback simply because he felt and hoped that he could strive to achieve something better for the Bar and serve the members of the Bar. He asked members to thus vote for him. 7.6 Goh Siu Lin introduced herself and said that she had been in practice since the mid-90s but honestly this was the first year that she had served on the KLBC and it was an accidental event. However, she was glad that it happened and she had found it extremely enriching to serve her fellow members of the Bar. She said that she would like to explore furthering the interests of women lawyers at the Bar, amongst others, as she realised that at certain periods, women who had entered their career and were moving on to their next stage of their life i.e. marriage and family, had found it difficult to remain in the profession. That was one of her pet projects and she hoped that members would support her. Thus, she was offering her services for another term. 7.7 Jeremiah Gurusamy introduced himself and said that he was also known as Jerry for short. He said that he had served on the KLBC for the last four to five years and would like to continue especially given that, historically, most of the KLBC members were litigators. Thus, it would be good to have a representative from the corporate and conveyancing side. He hoped that members would vote for him. 7.8 Arunachalam Kasi introduced himself and said that he was standing for election with a clear purpose; he had two agendas to move or at least to play a role in moving the agendas if he was elected. His first agenda was to bring down the cost of e-filing which currently was at RM1,500 for two years. One of the reasons for the high fee apparently was that the system provided was a highly secured one. He pointed out that when submitting an adjudication online to the LHDN, which he believed was equally secured, there was no need to pay a fee. Thus if LHDN could administer the system, he saw no reason why the e-filing vendors could not do the same. He further pointed out that basically it was a monopoly for the e-filing vendors and when they are operating a monopoly they have a duty to ensure that they do not abuse their dominance. And how do they ensure that they do not abuse their dominance; they have to charge a reasonable fee and make sure that they are efficient but he believed that there were issues over those two matters. Thus all the e-filing issues would be his prime concern. His second agenda would be to enable Land Office searches to go online. He said that in fact 111 Land Offices throughout the country were already fully computerised. Therefore it would only be a very small step for the Land Offices to move forward to allow online searches but they were not doing it. That would mean thousands of lawyers were spending their money travelling or sending their despatch boys to the Land Offices to conduct searches. In fact lawyers were also faced with others issues; his despatch 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • MINUTES boy died in a road accident on his way to the Land Office. That would not have happened if the Land Office had taken the step to go online. Thus, he was standing for election with the objective of playing a role in moving his two agendas. 7.9 Jason introduced himself and said that he was practising in the firm of Yap & Lee as a partner. He indicated that when he was called to the Bar in 2010 he was given the opportunity to serve as the project head for the dock brief committee under the KL LAC. In his second year of practice he was co-opted into the KLBC and appointed to chair the Pupils Welfare Committee. With the continued support from members of the KL Bar, he was again appointed as Chair of the Pupils Welfare Committee for a second term the year before. He said that it was an uphill task being a practitioner and a partner in a firm and serving on the KLBC. Every meeting that he had attended at the KLBC was extremely challenging; challenging in terms of time management and the level of accountability towards members of the KL Bar and in particular the pupils. However, as a young practitioner, he was delighted to accept the challenges. If he was to be given an opportunity to serve on the KLBC again, he would wholeheartedly serve the members and continue to contribute to the KL Bar. 7.10 Amir Bahari introduced himself and cited his Malaysian Bar membership number, M/753. He then greeted the House in Cantonese, Tamil, Hindi and Arabic and sought the Chairman’s indulgence to allow him to speak in his mother tongue. (The Chairman told Amir that he could speak in any language that he preferred). Amir then proceeded to address the House in his mother tongue, “Manifesto saya mudah sahaja. Peguam didahulukan, kebajikan diutamakan. Saya akan memperjuangkan hak anda untuk tiga perkara. Yang pertama, wasiat percuma untuk setiap peguam. Come to KLBC and we will do your Wills for free or you can come to Bahari & Bahari, also FOC kerana tidak ada apa yang lebih hina kalau peguam mati tidak ada wasiat. Yang kedua, wang ehsan untuk setiap peguam yang mati ketika menjadi ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur sebanyak RM5,000 kerana bila anda mati ada wasiat tetapi tidak ada duit, macam mana kita boleh buat LA atau probate. Yang ketiga, untuk semua peguam yang hadir pada hari ini, saya mencadangkan dan memperjuangkan tiga CPD point kerana untuk hadir pada hari ini…” (and he continued in English) it would take three hours and for a usual training course, three hours would earn a member three CPD points and thus those who attended this meeting should get three CPD points and not just one CPD point. He went on to state that when one talks about the Bar, he sees it in different perspectives. Number one, a bar of soap which is a cleaning agent; number two, a drinking bar - a place where people socialise; number three, to be behind bar where one is under detention; and number four, the weight bar aka the dumbbell for a person’s six pack. He believed in raising the bar and said that his record speaks for itself; 15 speaking engagements equal to 45 professional hours of sharing his knowledge with the lawyers. He added that as members cast their votes, he would like to remind them that the Lord in His infinite wisdom had put all the important things in the middle. Where is the brain? Between the two ears. Where is the tongue? Between two sets of teeth. Where is the heart? It is between the lungs. Where is the reproductive organ? It is between the legs. The Lord, he repeated, had put important things in between; what is between good and evil, truth and injustice, the Lord had put the lawyer in between. He told the House that their votes were not for the incoming office bearers but for the future of the lawyers and the nobility of the profession. He ended by mentioning his name and Malaysian Bar membership number again and said that it was a passion to serve. 7.11 Khaizan Sharizad introduced herself and said that she was also known as Sherrie. She had been serving the KL Bar for the past three terms and was currently the Chair of the KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee. She would like to continue serving the KL Bar and its members in the following term and hoped that members would support and vote for her. 7.12 Amrit Pal Singh said that with due respect to Amir Bahari, he was not going to make promises when one was dead but what he would promise was to serve all members of the KL Bar while they were living. He then introduced himself and indicated that he was called to the Bar in 1998 and a criminal law practitioner. He believed that he was the only full-fledged criminal law practitioner in the names that had been nominated to stand for the election to the KLBC. He added that he had been serving the Bar Council Criminal Law Committee (BCCLC) since 2008 and had been the Deputy Co-Chairperson of the BCCLC since the year before. There had been a number of changes to the Criminal Law and Criminal Practice which he had been keeping members abreast of and trust and believed that he could continue in doing so. Thus, he hoped that members would vote for him. 7.13 Lim Chi Chau introduced himself and indicated that Amrit was not the only criminal law practitioner. He (Lim Chi Chau) might be a little junior but was still a criminal law practitioner and practising in the firm of Karpal Singh & Co. He believed that the other 12 nominees were passionate and would like to contribute to the KL Bar but what was important was that one needed to have the time to commit oneself and he was fortunate to have a good boss who would allow him to fully concentrate on both his work and service to the KL Bar. He requested members to thus give him their votes. 7.14 Foong Cheng Leong introduced himself and said that he was co-chairing the Information Technology & Communications Committee (ITCC) with Lim Chi Chau in the outgoing term. As the Co-Chairperson, he had helped to revive the KL Bar Blog. He invited members to contribute articles for publication on the Blog which he pointed out would earn them one CPD point MINUTES • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 5 for each article that was published. He added that he would try and get two CPD points. He further said that the ITCC was also involved in the Internet Blackout Day. The ITCC organised a few of the large internet websites to blackout to protest against the new Section 114A in the Evidence Act that came into force the year before. They further went to see the AttorneyGeneral and the Minister of Law but received a very cold reception. He hoped to be able to serve the KL Bar again as the ITCC Chairperson so that he could improve the electronic communications at practice between the KLBC, members of the KL Bar and the Courts and any other third parties. 7.15 The Chairman interjected at this stage and said that he did not mean to insult members’ intelligence but members must know that none of the promises made by the candidates were binding on the KLBC. 7.16 Vince Chong introduced himself and said that he had been taken completely by surprise by Syahredzan Johan. He had no idea that he was standing for election until 15 minutes ago. As of this moment, he had participated in some of the Bar Council events in particular he had been the KL Bar Young Lawyers’ representative on the National Young Lawyers Committee (“NYLC”) and Deputy Chairperson of the Central Region for the NYLC for the past two terms. One of the projects that he had been involved in the past term had been the National Working Conditions Survey which had been circulated to members through the Malaysian Bar Website and other modes of communication and social media. With regard to his passion for the law and passion for serving the Bar, he knew that his portfolio was predominantly with the young lawyers but at the end of the day, it was not what the Bar could do for members but what he could do for the Bar or what members could do for the Bar and in that case, him. He asked members to allow him to serve the Bar. 7.17 As all the candidates had spoken, the Chairman called for the voting by secret ballot to start and informed members that they can vote up to 10 names only and that they need not vote 10 names if they did not think that there were 10 people worthy of their vote. He requested members to fold their ballot paper just once and not many times so that time would not be wasted on unfolding the ballot papers for the ballot counting. The Chairman called for Item 8 and 9 of the Agenda to be dealt with while waiting for the results of the counting of the ballot papers. ITEM 8 OF AGENDA: TO ELECT ONE (1) MEMBER TO REPRESENT THE KUALA LUMPUR BAR ON THE BAR COUNCIL FOR 2013/14 8.1 Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal was proposed by Anand Ponnudurai and seconded by M Puravalen. 8.2 There being no other nominations, Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal was declared elected as the KL Bar Representative to the Bar Council for the year 2013/14. ITEM 9 OF AGENDA: GENERAL 9.1 The Chairman said that as promised he would be giving members a short briefing on the Subordinate Courts (Amendment) Act 2010. However, before doing so he would like to know whether there were any issues in particular that the House would like to raise under General. 9.2 As no one appeared to have any issues to raise, the Chairman proceeded to brief the House on the Subordinate Courts (Amendment) Act 2010. He also answered questions from the floor. 9.3 As the votes were still being counted, the Chairman asked the House whether there were anything else that they would like to raise. The Chairman then shared the frustration that he had for the last two years as the KLBC Chairman pertaining to the e-filing system. He pointed out that there were a lot of problems with the e-filing system and the frustration was that there was never one singular problem that he could identify that he would be able to take up with the Chief Justice where once it was resolved everything would work perfectly. Everyone had a different problem specific to his/her office; it was never a common problem. He believed that some of the members present at this meeting would happily put up their hands if asked whether the e-filing system was working, but the system might not work for them the next day. Thus, currently the burden on the KLBC was to deal with members’ problems on a daily basis. He was also trying to get a better helpdesk as at the moment; no one appeared to be answering the phone at the helpdesk. 9.4 It was pointed out that there were two common problems that needed to be addressed. The first problem was pertaining to the Service Bureau where one had to go to multiple counters and go through multiple processes that would take more than an hour just to file one document. It was felt that the Service Bureau should be a one-stop centre. The second problem was that the Court Registrars were saying that they could not do anything on an urgent basis, even for injunctions, because their system had jammed up or it would take time to upload the documents. In the bad days of manual filing, one could have a draft 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • MINUTES order processed and the fair order filed and extracted in an hour. With the e-filing system, the same process would take one and a half days. The Registrars were enthusiastic and willing to help but were stuck because the system could not handle the workload and there was no back-up plan. 9.5 The Chairman told the House of his frustrations when dealing with the Courts and the service providers. He had raised the first problem about multiple counters and multiple processes many times and their first answer always was why were the law firms filing at the service bureau when they should be filing from their offices. At every e-filing meeting, he would push and the door would open a little but to date, he had not been able to resolve that issue and the incoming Committee would have to keep looking into it. As regards the second problem, it should not happen to injunctions. The Bar Council had an understanding with the Judiciary that in the case of an urgent injunction, the Registrar in charge must see the lawyer personally whether the matter can be e-filed or not and take the matter to the Judge. 9.6 The Chairman added that e-filing had haunted him for two years and reiterated that it was extremely frustrating. He saw problems faced by individual people on a daily basis but he could not solve the problems globally. He could only attend to the problems one at a time and that was truly frustrating. He pointed out that another problem faced by online filers was that the CIMB account does not work; it would be loading for about half an hour and then it would hang. He said that he had to agree with Arunachalam Kasi that the LHDN had a better system. In fact the ROC and Stamping Office too, had a better system. Unfortunately, the contract to run the e-filing system had been given to a particular service provider and all the Bar could do was to keep telling them that the system was not good enough. He had to let members know that at a recent meeting with the service provider chaired by YAA Tan Sri Md Raus, the service provider actually turned around and blamed it on the clerks when they were told of the problems. They had said that perhaps the clerks did not want to e-file from the office because they wanted to earn the claims. That was the sort of meeting that he had found to be most frustrating. 9.7 The Chairman further added that there were problems faced by everyone across the board but at the same time he has a list of firms that do bulk filing, about 300 to 400 cases, on a daily basis. Those firms would be invited for regular meetings with the service provider as they do encounter problems everyday but most of them had indicated that on more days than not, they were able to file about 300 cases a day. He said that he might sound like he was defending the system but he certainly had no intention of doing so, not on his last day as the KLBC Chairman. But the system had to be worked on; the Bar just had to keep complaining and complaining until the system really does work perfectly. (Someone from the floor uttered that it was not that one could not file but the amount of time that was being taken to file something was unreasonable. The system was supposed to make a lawyer’s life simpler and easier but instead it had gone backwards.) The Chairman further said that come the 1st of March, all the codes would change and he was uncertain if there would be any issue although he had been assured by the service provider that everything would work out fine. 9.8 Siti Kassim wondered why was the system being accepted. She was certain that if all the lawyers were to abandon the system and not use it, there was nothing that the Court could do about it; the Bar could actually go on a strike. The Chairman said that the problems did not just arise but were already there when the system was first implemented in March 2011. A decision was taken then whether to object but half of the Bar had wanted it. He believed that if he was to ask the Bar whether or not to go on a strike, half of the Bar would be against it. He said that he had been sending out feelers and the feedback received was that most firms would not want to go on a strike. He reiterated that he was not trying to defend the system but there were many firms that could file like 300 claims a day. Some of the firms in fact have their clerks coming into the office at 6:00 o’clock in the evening when the traffic was not heavy to handle the e-filing. He had also been informed by those firms that extraction was two days for their 300 claims. However, there were others who had issues and the problems were all different. His personal experience was that it may take half an hour to file on one day and just five minutes on another day. He acknowledged that e-filing was still a problem and assured members that the incoming Committee would look into it. 9.9 Malcolm Fernandez said that he is also a member of the Johore Bar and in Johore, the members too were facing similar problems in respect of the e-filing system; documents could not be filed because the system had hanged, etc. Many of the lawyers have had situations where it was the last day to file a Suit because limitation had set in but they could not file because the system had hanged. What the Johore Bar Committee had done was that they had taken the issue up with the Judge and the Judge had acknowledged that it was not the fault of the lawyers but that of the Court if the system breaks down and instructed the Registrars that if the system breaks down they were to manually accept and register the Suit. The matter was thus resolved. He said that he was one of those firms that would normally file about 100 to 200 summonses a day and he knew how the system works because he was the one handling the e-filing. He knew that at the KL Courts, it would take ridiculously long just to file one Summons and one had to go from one counter to another which counters were manned unfortunately by “imbeciles”. He felt that perhaps the incoming Chairman should consider approaching the Johore Bar Committee and ask them for their formula and how they had gone on to address the problems. MINUTES • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 7 9.10 The Chairman informed Malcolm that what the Johore Bar Committee had done was what he had requested them to do which was what he had tried to do in KL as well. He had even tried to get the KL Courts to have more counters because of the extremely high volume of claims (about 6000 claims a week) being filed in KL compared to other States (e.g. in Johore it was about 300 claims a week) but they were just not listening. Then there was a Sessions Court Judge who dismissed an application because the claim was out of time. He recalled mentioning about it the year before; it was a medical negligence claim, filed on a particular day before the limitation set in but payment did not go through for one week and by the time the payment went through, the claim was out of time. The AG’s Chambers objected and the Sessions Court Judge allowed the objection and dismissed the application. He had to go and see the High Court Judge and tell him that was not on and the High Court Judge eventually allowed the appeal. 9.11 Malcolm reiterated his suggestion that perhaps the KLBC could take a cue from the Johore Bar Committee in addressing issues concerning the e-filing system. The Chairman indicated that there was no necessity to do so as the Johore Bar Committee actually got the cue from him. He said that when he was put in charge of the Bar Council Court Liaison Committee (“BCCLC”) a year ago, he was dealing with every aspect of e-filing. The e-filing system started in Kuala Lumpur and then it moved to Johore Bahru and it was the BCCLC that had gone to sort out all the issues for the Johore Bar. However, he would not deny that at the moment the situation in Kuala Lumpur was not as good as in Johore Bahru. 9.12 Syahredzan Johan said that despite whatever that had been said, he would like to move a vote of thanks especially to Brendan Navin Siva (the Chairman) who had been working really hard for the last two years trying to solve the e-filing problems. 9.13 The Chairman thanked Syahredzan and remarked that all that he could say was that the problems were there and on a daily basis the BCCLC together with the KLBC would try and solve them. He said that there were just too many problems; the CRT problem where the Court would just pass the DVDs to the lawyers and ask them to transcribe the recordings themselves; there were Judges rushing for nine months in the High Court and Sessions Court and six months in the Magistrate’s Court, etc. He indicated that all those problems were on the list for the incoming Committee to handle; some of the problems might be easier to resolve but there were some that would be difficult to deal with. The Bar however would have to keep raising those problems until solutions were found and he hoped that more members could come forward to assist the Committee. He stressed that there was certainly a need to have more members coming on board to assist the Committee as there were times where meetings were held simultaneously at different places like on Wednesday, there was an e-filing meeting in Putrajaya and another one at the KL Courts and both were held at the same time. Thus two different groups of people had to be sent to attend the two different meetings. 9.14 Back to the issue of e-filing, the Chairman agreed with a member from the floor that there was a need for the service provider to enhance the system with all the latest features and software and the service provider had been told to do so. Because the system was outdated, some firms that have all the latest features and software had found the e-filing system to be extremely slow. He added that it was also ridiculous that one could do a file search from Kuala Lumpur of (for example) a file in Johore Bahru but could not print the file search and had to go to the Johore Bahru Court to get it printed. That was also one of the issues that the service provider had been requested to look into. The service provider had been told that a person should be allowed to print his/her file search from the office and not made to travel to the Court concerned to get it printed. That would defeat the purpose of the e-Service that was being provided. 9.15 The Chairman then asked the House whether they had any other non e-filing related issues to raise such as the compulsory CPD Scheme or Rules of Court 2012. He said that in respect of the Rules of Court 2012, the Bar Council had sent out an e-mail to members seeking feedback. He requested members who had encountered any issues pertaining to the Rules of Court 2012, to give their feedback to the Bar Council as there would be one more round of amendments to be made to the Rules of Court 2012 in one month’s time. 9.16 Siti Kassim urged members to volunteer their names to the Bar Council Orang Asli Rights Committee as there was an urgent need for pro bono lawyers to take up the many pending Orang Asli cases. She said that no legal fees would be paid but lawyers could claim for disbursements. She asked members who do not have experience in handling Orang Asli cases not to worry as guidance would be provided. She pointed out that the cases were mainly land cases but there were other cases as well such as IC issues, etc and stressed that the Bar Council Orang Asli Rights Committee certainly needed more lawyers to help handle all those cases. 9.17 The Chairman indicated that the Bar Council is doing a lot of work for the Orang Asli and that the German Government is a heavy sponsor and great supporter of the Bar Council’s Orang Asli programmes for the last two years. He added that since the Sagong Tasi case there was a growing team of lawyers and the Bar Council would in some way be involved in every land matter involving Orang Asli either helping or advising the lawyers on record. Thus, if members are interested in handling Orang 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • MINUTES Asli cases, the team of lawyers will provide the training and guidance. 9.18 The Chairman then touched on professional development and the CPD Scheme and asked members whether there were any topics and/or areas of law that they would want the KLBC to organise seminars on. He reminded members that under the CPD Scheme, they could also earn CPD points by teaching. He hoped that the more senior members of the Bar or those who had been involved in a particular area of law could come forward to conduct seminars for the Bar. He added that members teaching in-house could also earn CPD points. 9.19 Amir Bahari said that out of curiosity, he would like to know whether the KLBC had in place any insurance policy for the KL Bar members. He believed that members of the Selangor Bar were covered by a basic insurance policy of up to an amount of RM50,000 per member. 9.20 The Chairman said that he was uncertain if Amir Bahari had it right. He did not think that the Selangor Bar Committee had an insurance policy for their Selangor Bar members but there is one under the Bar Council known as LawCare where all members of the Malaysian Bar contribute to it. He believed that members are covered under the LawCare Insurance Policy for the sum assured of RM30,000 or RM35,000 (he was uncertain of the exact sum but certainly not RM50,000) each for death/total or partial permanent disability or critical illnesses. He said that Amir Bahari might have been confused as Kanarasan Ghandinesen who is the Selangor Bar Chairman is also the Chair of the LawCare Committee for the last two years. 9.21 Amir Bahari wondered other than the Bar Council whether there was an insurance policy on the State level. The Chairman replied in the negative explaining that State Bar Committees do not deal with policy issues but more of day to day problems faced by members of their respective State Bar. Further, insurance would work better in a larger group rather than a smaller group. Amir Bahari then asked whether there was a possibility for the KL Bar with the largest number of members to have its own insurance policy on top of what the Bar Council was already providing. 9.22 The Chairman said that when he was first elected as the KLBC Chair, one of the things that his predecessor had told him was to try and avoid duplication of work. If the Bar Council was already doing a certain thing, State Bars should avoid doing the same thing and instead to render the Bar Council their support and assistance. He indicated to Amir Bahari that should he (Amir Bahari) feel that the insurance coverage provided by the Bar Council was not good enough, the Bar Council could be approached to improve it but for the KLBC to get another scheme, that to him would be duplication. He remarked that however in certain areas there could be duplication because of the large amount of work to be done but in respect of insurance coverage for members, he felt that it should be left to the national body to handle as with insurance, the larger the number of members contributing to it, the better the premium and benefits would be. He suggested that Amir Bahari could perhaps propose at the AGM of the Malaysian Bar to consider increasing the amount of the annual insurance premium to get a higher payout. Amir Bahari noted the same. 9.23 The issue of the CPD points was raised and discussed at length with the Chairman explaining that those who organise training courses on their own could apply to the Bar Council for their courses to be accredited. Once the courses had been accredited, the CPD points could be advertised on their publicity brochures and that he believed would attract more members of the Bar to attend the courses. He said that there was always a need to have more providers of education and he was quite sure that the Bar Council would not turn away anyone providing courses involving law and professional development. He added that should anyone want to start a company providing those courses, they could also apply for accreditation by the Bar Council. 9.24 Siti Kassim wondered if members could get CPD points for doing pro bono work. The Chairman believed that many lawyers were involved in pro bono work but felt that CPD points could not be cookies given to lawyers for the very noble work that they do. He cited legal aid work as an example where one should be doing it because he/she wanted to do it and not doing it to get CPD points. If CPD points were to be given, there would be people taking on pro bono files just for the points and that could not be what the Bar would want. He stressed that CPD points should strictly be for professional development and thus his answer to Siti Kassim would be a “no” but he told Siti Kassim that the Bar does value all the pro bono work that she is doing. He stressed again the need to be careful what the CPD points were given for. He related a case of someone from Penang who had asked for CPD points for playing soccer for the Bar in the Malaysia/Singapore Bench & Bar Games and that person had his arguments why CPD points ought to be given. 9.25 Siti Kassim said that whatever the arguments, it would certainly be a “no” for activities of that nature but she would see handling legal aid cases as professional development as well and ought to be given CPD points. Further, because of the shortage of lawyers taking on legal aid files, perhaps the CPD points would be an encouragement for more lawyers to come forward to render their assistance. She argued that even if the lawyers were doing it for the CPD points, it would help the Legal Aid Centres to overcome the problem of shortage of legal aid volunteer lawyers. MINUTES • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 9 9.26 Harleen Kaur, current Chair of the KL Legal Aid Centre, said that with due respect to Siti Kassim, she had a little problem with the concept because what was being put forward was, “come take a legal aid file and you would get CPD points”. She felt that the passion and the goal should be, “I want to do legal aid” and CPD points did not play any role in it. She believed that as it stood now, lawyers are awarded CPD points for handling legal aid files but she was not in favour of that. In fact she would speak up against it should the matter ever come up for reconsideration. She asserted that one does not do legal aid work for the CPD points but because it is the right thing to do. 9.27 The Chairman said that he had been corrected; apparently there are CPD points for handling legal aid files, one point per concluded file up to a maximum of seven points in a two-year cycle. He pointed out to Siti Kassim that the CPD points were for the handling of legal aid files only and not any other pro bono files but reckoned that if that same principle was to apply, CPD points should also be awarded to those who handle Orang Asli cases. He told Siti Kassim that she would have to address that with the Bar Council. 9.28 As proposed by Saha Deva Arunasalam, the Chairman invited the incoming Chair, Dipendra Harshad Rai, to say a few words. 9.29 Dipendra said that judging from all the comments that were made in the last half an hour or 45 minutes, it was clear that the incoming Committee would have a lot on its plate. He had observed that most of the issues were in relation to the Courts such as e-filing and the new amendments to the Subordinate Courts Act and he was aware that it was not going to be an easy task but he was guided by the fact that he had been in the KLBC since 2007. He had been a committee member at various levels since 2005 and also had been fortunate to have been under extremely good Chairmen, from R Ravindra Kumar to Brendan Navin Siva. He had learned a lot and understood the process and was well aware that it would be difficult to try and manage expectations but he was grateful for the fact that what had been done in the last two or three years, a lot of inroads had been made in respect of the Judiciary. He said that the Judiciary was entitled to basically ignore the Bar and implement what they wanted but the fact that the Bar was now able to meet them, explain its problems and try and achieve some form of solutions, was due to the years of dealing with them. He assured the House that whatever that he would be doing would be based on good judgement, common sense and logic. What he could also assure was that he would deal with all complaints by members. He would try his best to resolve all complaints; whether they were issues pertaining to e-filing or problems encountered at Land Offices or any Government Departments, etc. He remarked that he was probably fortunate to inherit a very good Committee; some of the members whom he had been working with for a while now and he was certain that they too would do their best to solve members’ problems. He said that he has a keen interest in professional development and therefore one of the things that he would want to try and achieve in the coming term would be to organise more courses, preferably more affordable courses. He also has an interest in sports and thus would perhaps try and have more sporting activities for members. However, he could not give members CPD points for sporting activities because sports do not fall within the realm of professional development. He echoed what the Chairman (Brendan) had said earlier; much of what the KLBC would do would be dependent on members coming forward. He commented that sometimes it is easy to sit at the back and criticise and question what is the Bar Council or the KLBC doing but “cut us some slack”, members must come forward and tell the Bar Council or the KLBC their problems, then only would the Bar Council or the KLBC know how to try and find a solution for the members. There are ways to resolve issues if only members would go and talk to the Bar Council or the KLBC. He asked members to have a little faith in the KLBC that it would try and find solutions to their problems. He reiterated that it is always easy to sit at the back and make a lot of comments but do give the KLBC a chance to try and resolve the problems. RESULTS OF THE ELECTION UNDER ITEM 7 OF THE AGENDA The Chairman announced the results as follows:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Harleen Kaur a/p Tarjeet Singh Goh Siu Lin Amrit Pal Singh a/l Jaginder Singh Mohd Amir Sharil Bahari bin Md Noor Lim Chi Chau Foong Cheng Leong Khaizan Sharizad Binti Ab. Razak Jeremiah Ravindran Gurusamy Vince Chong Khin Young Arunachalam Kasi Choo Dee Wei Kong Teng Mun @ Jason Kong Chong Wai Kuan 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • - - - - - - - - - - - - - 261 votes 238 votes 233 votes 216 votes 214 votes 208 votes 206 votes 202 votes 196 votes 183 votes 181 votes 129 votes 80 votes MINUTES The following members were declared to serve the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for the year 2013/14: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Harleen Kaur a/p Tarjeet Singh Goh Siu Lin Amrit Pal Singh a/l Jaginder Singh Mohd Amir Sharil Bahari bin Md Noor Lim Chi Chau Foong Cheng Leong Khaizan Sharizad Binti Ab. Razak Jeremiah Ravindran Gurusamy Vince Chong Khin Young Arunachalam Kasi Syahredzan Johan proposed a vote of thanks to the Chair and outgoing Committee for serving the KL Bar. The Chairman said that he would like to personally thank Melissa Sasidaran, Roger Chan, Jason Kong, Muhendaran Suppiah and Agnes Chan who would not be serving in the new Committee, for their service for the last few years. He further thanked all the members present for their time and attendance and there being no other matters, he declared the 21st Annual General Meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Bar closed at 5:15 pm. Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Honorary Secretary Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2012/13 MINUTES • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 11 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT HR Dipendra Chairman A.INTRODUCTION I am happy to inform members that the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee (“KLBC”) has had a busy and productive year. The KLBC was ably assisted by its Secretariat as well as a dedicated committee who worked tirelessly and sacrificed time for the benefit of the Kuala Lumpur Bar as a whole. As Chairman, I was tasked with overseeing the affairs and activities of the Kuala Lumpur Bar. I believe that my committee and I have discharged our duties honestly, diligently and to the best of our abilities. B. HONORARY SECRETARY AND CO-OPTED MEMBERS At its first meeting on 27 February 2013, the KLBC appointed Jeremiah R Gurusamy as its Honorary Secretary with Mohd Izral Khairy and Peter-Douglas Ling co-opted as members of the KLBC under Section 73(vii) of the Legal Profession Act 1976. C. COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES i) Monthly Activities Report and communicating information to members The KLBC continued to keep members apprised of its activities through its monthly activities report that is uploaded to the KL Bar Blog. Recognising the importance of communicating information to members, in particular the younger members, the KLBC maintained the use of twitter and facebook as additional channels to reach out to members besides the normal e-mail blasts. 12 ii) Admissions to the Bar The problem of long waiting period for Admissions to the Bar arose again especially in the third quarter of 2013. A meeting was held with the Managing Judge of the Appellate & Special Powers Division of the Kuala Lumpur High Court to resolve this. Following this meeting and with the assistance of the Judiciary, the waiting period for Admissions was shortened considerably. The Judiciary agreed to allow for more Judges within the Commercial and Civil Divisions to preside over the Admission Petitions. The KLBC is happy to announce that the waiting period is now about one month compared to four months at the height of the backlog. The KLBC appreciates the assistance of the Managing Judge and the Judges who agreed to hear the Admission Petitions. iii) Annual Get-together between the KLBC and Selangor Bar Committee The Annual Get-together between the KLBC and Selangor Bar Committee (“SBC”) was held on 12 April 2013 at Merchant Pub, Armada Hotel, Petaling Jaya and this term it was hosted by the SBC. This Annual Meet was for the office bearers of the KLBC and SBC for the new term to get to know each other and to discuss how to work closely to cater to the mutual needs of members of both the Kuala Lumpur Bar and Selangor Bar. This Meet had certainly further enhanced and strengthened the existing good relationship between the KLBC and SBC. iv) Malaysia-Singapore Bench & Bar Games and Quadrangular Games 2014 The Malaysia-Singapore Bench & Bar Games, last held in Kuala Lumpur in 1996, is returning to Kuala Lumpur after 18 years and the Kuala Lumpur Bar has been given the honour of hosting the Games on behalf of the Malaysian Bar. The 2014 edition will include the Quadrangular Games which would involve members of the Bar from Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak. The Games have been scheduled to be held from 1 to 3 May 2014 and as this is the first time that the Kuala Lumpur Bar is playing hosts, we hope that all members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar will come forward and render their assistance both financially and non-financially in making the Games a great success. ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • Chairman’s Report v) Bar Room at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex With more members using the IT facilities in the Bar Room, the KLBC has equipped the Bar Room with four units of computers. Members are also allowed to use the computers at no charge for the first 20 minutes. Other facilities available in the Bar Room are MLJs and selected textbooks, wifi, photocopying, printing, facsimile, telephone, robes, jackets, bibs, bands and water dispenser. Some of these facilities/services are available at a charge the rate of which can be found on the KL Bar Website at For members who may not know the location of the Bar Room, it is at the end of the corridor on the right wing of level five. vi) Committee Meetings As at 15 December 2013, the KLBC met 11 times and the attendance of each member was as follows: HR Dipendra Jeremiah R Gurusamy Harleen Kaur (Leena) Goh Siu Lin Amrit Pal Singh Amir Bahari Lim Chi Chau Foong Cheng Leong Khaizan Sharizad Ab Razak (Sherrie) Vince Chong Khin Young Arunachalam Kasi Mohd Izral Khairy Peter-Douglas Ling - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 11 9 11 6 11 10 9 10 8 9 7 10 Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal, Kuala Lumpur Bar’s representative on the Bar Council, was invited to attend the KLBC meetings as an observer and also to report to the Bar Council on relevant matters as and when pertinent and necessary. He attended a total of 10 meetings and worked closely with the KLBC. vii) Finance, Subscription and Non-subscription Income The financial position of the KLBC remains stable with a sum of RM1,629,253 in Fixed Deposit. Details of the financial position are set out in the Audited Accounts ending 31 December 2013. The subscription for the year 2013 was fixed at RM125 at the last AGM on 22 February 2013. At the closing of the KLBC’s financial year on 31 December 2013, 173 members were in arrears of the 2013 subscription. This term, the KLBC managed to raise a total of RM192,234 from sponsorships, website and newsletter advertisements, PDC seminars and talks held by other sub-committees. D.SUB-COMMITTEES 11 sub-committees were established to facilitate the organisation of the KLBC’s various activities and to cater to the needs of members. The 11 sub-committees and their chairpersons are: i) Civil Practice Committee HR Dipendra Arunachalam Kasi ii) Corporate and Conveyancing Practice Committee Amir Bahari iii) Criminal Practice Committee Amrit Pal Singh Chairman’s Report • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 13 iv) Information Technology and Publications Committee Foong Cheng Leong v) Legal Aid Harleen Kaur (Leena) vi) Practitioners’ Affairs Committee Goh Siu Lin vii) Professional Development Committee Jeremiah R Gurusamy Mohd Izral Khairy viii) Pupils Welfare Committee Vince Chong Khin Young ix) Social, Arts and Culture Committee Lim Chi Chau x) Sports and Recreation Committee Peter-Douglas Ling xi) Young Lawyers Committee Khaizan Sharizad Ab Razak (Sherrie) The respective sub-committee chairpersons led well and the accompanying sub-committees’ reports are a reflection of the many activities undertaken by the sub-committees. Fuller accounts of the activities are provided in the reports of the respective sub-committees but the following are worthy of mention: 14 • E-filing System - Fee for Digital Security Certificate The Civil Practice Committee had worked closely with the Bar Council Court Liaison Committee on the issue of the high fee for the Digital Security Certificate. Many meetings were held with the service providers and the Courts and an agreement had been reached to reduce the service fee. The KLBC together with the Bar Council Court Liaison Committee hopes to give members good news as soon as the details are finalised with the service providers. • Conveyancing Practice Survey A commendable effort by the Corporate and Conveyancing Practice Committee (“CCPC”), the results of the survey will assist the KLBC and CCPC in identifying and addressing the problems faced by conveyancing practitioners. • AMLATFA Survey Another commendable effort by the Corporate and Conveyancing Practice Committee, the survey was to raise members’ awareness of matters relating to the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 (AMLATFA). • Criminal Practice Mentoring Programme A continuing effort by the Criminal Practice Committee, the mentoring programme saw an increase in the number of mentors and mentees from 9 and 17 the previous year to 11 and 28 respectively this year. • IT Conference on Startups and Business Law - 26 November 2013 As technology continues to shape and influence the legal profession, the Information Technology and Publications Committee continues to play its part in providing Startups with the basic knowledge on essential legal issues. The Information Technology and Publications Committee organised a One-day Conference on Startups and Business Law covering practical legal issues with emphasis on emerging issues such as intellectual property, personal data protection and social media. The Conference was well received with many participants coming from the tech startup community. ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • Chairman’s Report • Articles on the KL Bar Blog Taking over publications, the Information Technology and Publications Committee did a good job in procuring a number of good articles for publication on the KL Bar Blog. • Sexual Harassment Awareness Special mention must be made of the Practitioners’ Affairs Committee for its continuous efforts in raising awareness about sexual harassment. Periodic e-blasts containing information/tips on sexual harassment continued to be issued and a seminar was also held to create the awareness. • Pictorial Chart of the Appropriate Court Attire Following the many complaints from senior members of the Bar and the Bench of lawyers being inappropriately dressed for Court, the Practitioners’ Affairs Committee came up with a pictorial chart to remind members to adhere to the Dress Code when attending Court. • PDC Programme Credit must be given to the Professional Development Committee (“PDC”) for providing a comprehensive and well balanced PDC Programme with at least one free seminar a month to allow members to accumulate the required CPD points within the cycle stipulated under the Bar Council’s CPD Scheme. The KLBC is constantly putting together novel seminars and workshops designed to optimise the learning experience for members. We have, as at 15 December 2013, organised 60 workshops and seminars. • Luncheon: Taste of the Bar II and III - 22 June 2013 and 16 November 2013 The Pupils Welfare Committee in collaboration with the Young Lawyers Committee successfully brought together pupils, young lawyers and senior members of the Bar at the two Luncheons titled, “Taste of the Bar II” and “Taste of the Bar III”. Started by the Young Lawyers Committee in 2011, the aim of the event was to provide a platform for the younger members of the Bar to meet, interact and learn about best practices from senior members of the Bar. Both events were well received and successful. • Hiking Trip to Broga Hill - 21 September 2013 The Pupils Welfare Committee must be commended for embarking on a new project this term, a Hiking Trip to Broga Hill, which again had successfully provided an opportunity for members of the legal fraternity to mingle, interact and build comradeship. • Streamlining the Forms for Petition for Admission - Borang 1 to 8 Another commendable project undertaken by the Pupils Welfare Committee was the streamlining of Borang 1 to 8. The Pupils Welfare Committee embarked on the project because of the constant mistakes made by pupils when filling out the admission forms. The sample forms would be made available on the KL Bar Website and KL Bar Blog for pupils to use as a guide when filing their respective Borangs. • Monthly Social Get-together This term saw the revival of the monthly social get-together, after a five-year hiatus. Organised by the Social, Arts and Culture Committee, it was fixed for the first Friday of every month and the turnout of lawyers had been encouraging to say the least. • KL Bar Night 2013 - 30 November 2013 Renamed, the “KL Bar Night”, this flagship event has been given a new makeover in recent years to cater with the ever youthful Kuala Lumpur Bar members. This year, the KL Bar Night was held again at one of the hottest establishment in town, Cristallo Luna @ Pacific Regency. It was yet another success with a turnout of more than 300 people. Playing to the night’s theme, “80’s Glam Rock”, the main performing Band rocked the crowd with many rock songs by lead singer, Mohd Shahrin. Kudos too to our very own members for their sterling performances and to our MC who was truly glammed up theme-wise and for the event. Special thanks goes to all the firms and members who supported the event and to all our sponsors for their generous contribution towards the event. • Futsal Competition - 8 June 2013 Organised by the Sports and Recreation Committee, this inaugural competition held at Allrounder Indoor Soccer Centre, Petaling Jaya attracted 18 teams; 16 for the men’s category and two for the women’s category which also saw participation by three other State Bars namely Kelantan Bar, Terengganu Bar and Melaka Bar. It was a huge success and there was intention for it to remain as an annual event in the Kuala Lumpur Bar’s sports calendar. Chairman’s Report • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 15 • Malaysian Bar Interstate Bar Games - 24 August and 7 September 2013 The Sports and Recreation Committee successfully organised the Malaysian Bar Interstate Bar Games which also for the first time was hosted by the Kuala Lumpur Bar. Eight State Bars namely Selangor Bar, Melaka Bar, Kedah Bar, Johor Bar, Penang Bar, Kelantan Bar, Terengganu Bar and Kuala Lumpur Bar competed in five sports; football, badminton, netball, volleyball and golf with the Kuala Lumpur Bar emerging as the Overall Champion winning at netball, volleyball and badminton. • Seminar on Environmental Issues and the Role of the Bar - 22 April 2013 Doing our bit for the environment, the Young Lawyers Committee continued to organise the “Collection of Recyclables, Paper, Bottles and Cans” week in conjunction with the annual Earth Day Celebration. To kick start the project, the Young Lawyers Committee in collaboration with the Professional Development Committee organised a seminar on “Environmental Issues and the Role of the Bar” which was presented by NoorHajran Mohd Noor and Roger Chan. Participants were encouraged to bring along recyclable items as a ticket for admission to the seminar. • Strategic Litigation Camp - 21 to 23 June 2013 Special thanks must once again be extended to the Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (“MCCHR”) for organising the Strategic Litigation Camp for young lawyers who were eager to be involved in public interest litigation cases. Like the Public Interest Litigation Workshops organised by the MCCHR in collaboration with the Young Lawyers Committee in the last term, this Strategic Litigation Camp too succeeded in preparing interested young lawyers to handle the demands of increasing public interest litigation cases. • Charity Night 2013 - 28 June 2013 Once again our Young Lawyers Committee must be lauded for yet another successful Charity Night with a collection of a whopping RM61,000 benefitting the Selangor and Federal Territory Association for the Mentally Handicapped, a non-profit voluntary organisation. • Candidate Watch Campaign for the Bar Council Election 2014/15 This year saw the return of the Candidate Watch Campaign for the second time; the first one was held in 2010. Run by the Young Lawyers Committee, it was brought back because of the seemingly lack of interest by lawyers in the Bar Council. With the Candidate Watch which would help members of the Bar in particular the younger lawyers understand the candidates better as well as increase their awareness of the Bar Council Election, it was hoped that more members would come forward to cast their votes in the Election. • Meeting under the Tree at Lake Gardens - 7 December 2013 A first of its kind, the Young Lawyers Committee held a meeting with briefings by three prominent lawyers on “Freedom of Expression”, “Environmental Rights” and “Equality” under a Tree at Lake Gardens in conjunction with International Human Rights Day. E.OBITUARIES The KLBC records with deep sorrow the passing of the following members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar during the year under review and one other member whose passing in 2012 was only brought to the KLBC’s attention in 2013: Fauziah binti Mustaffa on 27 April 2012 Sivamohan Nagendra on 15 April 2013 Foong Heng Khaye on 2 October 2013 Hariram Jayaram on 9 November 2013 The KLBC has approached the Managing Judge of the Appellate & Special Powers Division of the Kuala Lumpur High Court for a date to hold the Reference Proceedings in respect and memory of the abovenamed members. F.SECRETARIAT i) The Secretariat Staff The Secretariat has a staff strength of 11 supporting the work of the KLBC and its sub-committees and at the same time carrying out other regular functions such as keeping records of meeting proceedings, processing Petitions for Admission to the Bar, collecting annual subscriptions, maintaining the accounts, register of members, website and other social media of the Kuala Lumpur Bar, attending to day-to-day enquiries from members of the Bar, pupils-inchambers and members of the public, just to name a few. The staff has worked tirelessly throughout the year to ensure the smooth running of the Secretariat and that the projects and activities of the 10 sub-committees (excluding Legal 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • Chairman’s Report Aid which has its own staff) were successfully carried out. The KLBC is fortunate to have a group of loyal and dedicated staff, the majority of whom have served the KLBC for many years. Three members of the staff received their long service awards this year (2013) - Uvanarajan, our Executive Officer, had served the KLBC for 25 years; Masni Abu Bakar, Administrative Assistant, for 20 years; and Norhayati Rahmad (Yati), Assistant Director, for five years. As always, the Secretariat staff works very closely with the KLBC in striving to serve the Kuala Lumpur Bar better and provide members with a more effective and efficient Secretariat. We welcome feedback and suggestions on ways that we can assist members and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the Secretariat. ii) Upgrade of the IT System In meeting the expectations and demand of members and for the Secretariat staff to efficiently handle their jobs, the KLBC had to replace all the old and aged computers in the Secretariat. Some of the computers are obsolete either due to age or no longer has sufficient capacity to function as required. The aged computers slowed down work in the Secretariat and this posed a problem for the Secretariat when maintaining efficiency and quick turnaround. This is a necessary expenditure and with the assistance of the Information Technology and Publications Committee, 10 new computers and two new laptops were purchased this term as part of the KLBC capital expenditure. The KLBC will also be replacing its IT server which stores the membership system. The existing server is also old and under-performing. It has to be upgraded to prevent loss of data and long period of downtime. A study of the membership system is currently being conducted to ascertain the necessary specifications of the new server that will support the system and ensure a smooth migration of the data from the old server to the new server. The new server will also be synched to that of the Bar Council’s so that data can be efficiently managed in light of the CPD Scheme and membership related issues. iii) Revamp of the Website Plans are underway to revamp and upgrade the website to enhance the type and range of features available and to make it more user-friendly and easier to manage by the Secretariat staff. Currently the content management is outsourced with limited access for the Secretariat staff to change or add information and this has caused delay to the updating of information on the website. Plans are also afoot to allow for online payment of seminars and workshops. iv) Acquisition of Wisma Kraftangan where the Secretariat is housed Wisma Kraftangan where the Secretariat is currently housed is in the process of being acquired by Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur for the development of a project known as the “River of Life”. A professional valuer has been engaged to represent the KLBC in its claim for compensation from the Landlord. In the interim, the KLBC has been working with the Bar Council in looking for a suitable building. However, and unless the Bar Council is able to purchase a building in time for the KL Bar Secretariat to move in, it is likely that the KLBC has to alternatively look for a suitable premises to house the Secretariat and an auditorium to run our PDC programmes. G. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CONCLUSION 2014 is going to be a really busy year for the KLBC. Apart from hosting the Malaysian-Singapore Bench & Bar Games and Quadrangular Games in May 2014, it will also be the 10th anniversary of the Kuala Lumpur Bar’s Charity Night, a flagship event organised by the Young Lawyers Committee. The Charity Night has brought so much goodwill to the Kuala Lumpur Bar over the years largely due to the support of members. I urge all members to help out the KLBC as we undertake to give a good account of ourselves this year. All that remains for me to do is to record and acknowledge the co-operation and assistance I received from the following: (a) The Judiciary and other stakeholders who had always accommodated us when discussing the various issues that have arisen this term; (b) My committee members who have helped me tremendously this term when resolving issues, shaping policies and dealing with the various vicissitudes that came my way. Some stood out more than the others but overall my task as Chairman was made so much easier by the commitment and dedication shown by my committee; Chairman’s Report • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 17 (c) My appreciation and thanks also goes to the Honorary Secretary, Jeremiah Gurusamy and Mary Tan the Executive Director who have both worked tirelessly and efficiently in ensuring a smooth administration of the Secretariat; and (d) Various members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar whom I have sought advice from whenever there was an issue that required assistance. My appreciation and gratitude goes out to them for making the time to offer assistance when needed. If there were any shortcomings or mistakes made by my committee, the secretariat or me throughout this term, I offer my apologies. Any criticism of the KLBC must be borne by me alone. I am confident that the incoming committee will strive to serve members in the best possible way and that members will continue to encourage and support them as you have supported and encouraged us this term. HR Dipendra Chairman Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2013/14 SECRETARIAT STAFF 18 Mary Melissa Dass Norhayati Rajan Siti Affaeza Indira Rosilawati Masni Jayashree Yazid Silmah Vasanthe ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • Chairman’s Report CIVIL PRACTICE COMMITTEE HR Dipendra Arunachalam Kasi Co-Chairpersons This year the Civil Court Liaison Committee had been renamed as Civil Practice Committee (“CvPC”). In order to resolve issues faced by members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar, CvPC had requested and attended meetings with relevant Judicial Officers of the Kuala Lumpur Courts which were as follows: E-FILING MEETING WITH THE RELEVANT COURT OFFICERS AND THE EFS SERVICE PROVIDER (FORMIS) The meeting was held at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex on 20 February 2013 at 3:30 pm. It was also attended by representatives from Kuala Lumpur Law Firms which were currently using the EFS. Some of the issues being discussed at the meeting included the following: • • • The need of an effective helpdesk; Standard Procedures when the EFS system is offline; Proposal for new features (allow printing for online search, preview page, delete button). MEETING WITH THE DIRECTOR OF THE KUALA LUMPUR COURTS The meeting was held at Kuala Lumpur Court Complex on 18 March 2013 at 3:30 pm. Main issues discussed in the meeting were matters relating to file searches, Kuala Lumpur Court Complex being a non-smoking zone, parking and security problems. MEETING WITH THE SUPERVISING JUDGE OF THE KUALA LUMPUR SUBORDINATE COURTS The meeting was held at the Anggerik meeting room, Level 6, Kuala Lumpur Court Complex on 29 March 2013 at 3:00 pm. Issues being discussed during the meeting included the following: • • • • • • • • Committee Members Adrian Oswald a/l Rajendran Ajeet Kaur a/p Nika Singh Alexis Diana a/p Alexander Gerald Haridas Menon Himahlini Ramalingam John Aloysius Skelchy Kisho Kumar a/l Kathiveloo Kooi Wei Kit, Chris Lew Chee Seong Lau Mark Chi-Ming Malcolm Fernandez R Usha Devi a/p R V Rajan Srividhya Ganapathy Sudharsanan Thillainathan Case Management current procedures; Clarification on why pupils-in-chambers were not allowed to appear before Magistrates; Proposal to allow legal firms to make payment using Clients’ Account cheques; Request for at least one and a half day notification in advance when cases are to be postponed by the Courts; CvPC’s proposal of putting up suggestion boxes at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex to enable feedback from Bar members; Complaints regarding the staff (not equipped with information) at the Enquiry Counter in the Court Lobby; Kuala Lumpur Bar’s request for presiding officers to allow some flexibility to the lawyers when fixing dates of adjourned trials; CvPC raised security issues at the car park at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex and requested the Court to take actions in the matters. CIVIL PRACTICE COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 19 2ND E-FILING MEETING The EFS follow-up meeting was held at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex on 16 July 2013 at 2:30 pm and was well attended with representatives from the Kuala Lumpur Courts, EFS Team from Putrajaya, Formis, Bar Council as well as online filers (Kuala Lumpur Law Firms). Meeting mainly highlighted the upgraded and newly added features to the EFS. MEETING WITH THE MANAGING JUDGE OF THE APPELLATE & SPECIAL POWERS (RKKK) AND COMMERCIAL DIVISIONS OF THE KUALA LUMPUR HIGH COURT The meeting was held at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex on 16 October 2013 at 12:00 pm and was jointly attended together with the Pupils Welfare Committee. Meeting was held largely to address the issue of long dates for Admissions to the Bar. Pupils apparently had to wait for up to three months before they can be admitted to the Bar. Arising from the meeting, the Admissions to the Bar were rescheduled and more sessions were held with some of the Judges of the Commercial Courts assisting to preside over the Admissions. It was hoped that all the pupils who had completed their pupillage would have their Call ceremonies within the year. DISCUSSION WITH THE SUPERVISING JUDGE OF THE KUALA LUMPUR SUBORDINATE COURTS Both Chairpersons had a discussion with Puan Rohani binti Ismail, the Supervising Judge of the Kuala Lumpur Subordinate Courts on 13 November 2013. The discussion was mainly in respect of the filing of JIDs. CIVIL PRACTICE COMMITTEE SURVEY The CvPC is in the midst of preparing a CvPC Survey form for distribution to members and hopes that feedback from members will help the KLBC and CvPC facilitate and address the arising issues. CONCLUSION AND APPRECIATION We would like to record our thanks and appreciation to members of the CvPC for their time, support and cooperation rendered for the term 2013/14. HR Dipendra Arunachalam Kasi Co-Chairpersons Civil Practice Committee 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • CIVIL PRACTICE COMMITTEE CORPORATE AND CONVEYANCING PRACTICE COMMITTEE Amir Bahari Chairperson The Corporate and Conveyancing Practice Committee (“CCPC”) continues its main objective of resolving issues and problems faced by Kuala Lumpur corporate and conveyancing practitioners at the relevant government agencies such as the Land Offices and Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia. To date CCPC had met eight times since taking office and in addition, attended and requested meetings with related agencies. Those meetings and activities organised for 2013/14 were as follows: TALK ON UNDERSTANDING THE ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING AND ANTI-TERRORISM FINANCING ACT (ACT 613) The CCPC had successfully organised the above talk which was held on 16 January 2013 from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm at the KL Bar Auditorium. The talk was presented by two speakers; Encik Mohamad Johan bin Mohd Shahar on behalf of Puan Fairuzana binti Mohd Pilus of Bank Negara Malaysia and our very own member of the Bar, Dato’ Jahaberdeen bin Mohamad Yunoos. The Talk received an overwhelming response with 131 participants including nonmembers from various financial institutions. The comments received from the floor after the talk were very positive. Committee Members Agnes Chan Kim Hong Aisha Mubarak Cindy Cheong Sing Yee Chong Wai Kuan Choo Chiew Ann Dennis Teoh Grace Chang Grace Chin Mohd Irwan bin Mohd Mubarak Musyrifah binti Abdul Malek Nahzatul Ain binti Mohd Khalid Lee Peck Ha Rita Sabrina Wong Kee Ling Sarah Kambali Suraya binti Ismail Susan Joseph R Yogeswari OFFICIAL LAUNCHING CEREMONY OF THE PEJABAT TANAH DAN GALIAN SELANGOR’S APPLICATION SYSTEM Five members of the CCPC namely Chong Wai Kuan, Nahzatul Ain binti Mohd Khalid, Musyrifah binti Abdul Malek, Suraya binti Ismail and Rita Sabrina Wong Kee Ling represented the CCPC at the Launching Ceremony on 28 March 2013 which was officiated by the Selangor Chief Minister. The Pejabat Tanah dan Galian Selangor had officially launched seven application systems which include online checking of the status of transactions being done at the PTGS. TALK ON BASIC PROCEDURES OF CORPORATE LAW Lee Shih, Oh Teik Keng and Dennis Teoh presented the talk which was held at the KL Bar Auditorium on 4 April 2013 at 3:00 pm. This talk was attended by 87 participants. The talk covered “Incorporation of a Private Limited Company”, “Members Voluntary Winding Up” and “Creditors Winding Up”. MEETING WITH PEJABAT TANAH DAN GALIAN SELANGOR (“PTGS”) The meeting was held on 5 April 2013 at 9:00 am at the PTGS and chaired by Dato’ Hj Kamarulzaman bin Jamil, Director of PTGS. The meeting mainly discussed arising issues faced by both members of the Bar and Officers of the PTGS including the nine Land/District Offices of the State of Selangor. Some of the issues discussed during the meeting were matters relating to: • • • Registration of Private Caveat; New service at PTGS - online checking of status of presented documents; New Application Systems will be implemented throughout Selangor, starting with system ‘SELAMAT’ at Klang and Petaling Land/District Offices; CORPORATE AND CONVEYANCING PRACTICE COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 21 • PTGS agreed to accept confirmation of payment of quit rent by individual parcel from the management office up to 31 May of each year. SEMINAR ON DISTRIBUTION OF MUSLIM ESTATES The CCPC and PDC (Professional Development Committee) jointly presented the seminar by Amir Bahari on 14 June 2013 at 3:00 pm at the KL Bar Auditorium. This seminar was attended by 53 participants. The seminar covered the following areas, “An Overview of the Legal System”, “General Flow Chart”, “Contracting and Drawing Up the Terms of Engagement”, “Pulsing The Estate Planning Tools Applied”, “Syariah Phase: Handling the Syariah Court Requirements”, “Civil Court Phase: Handling the Civil Court’s Requirements” and “7.5 Contingencies in Handling the Unexpected Detrimental Situations”. SERIES ON NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUES AND SKILLS FOR LEGAL PRACTITIONERS The series were presented by our own Chairperson, Amir Bahari. All the series were hold at the KL Bar Auditorium from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. TITLE DATE NO. OF PARTICIPANTS Basic Negotiation Skills 5 July 2013 (Friday) 21 Intermediate Negotiation Skills 18 September 2013 (Wednesday) 19 Advanced Negotiation Skills 4 October 2013 (Friday) 25 Negotiation Skills for Leaders 22 November 2013 (Friday) 15 CONVEYANCING PRACTICE SURVEY 2013 The CCPC conducted a survey from 1 to 15 July 2013 to obtain feedback on problems faced by members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar in dealing with conveyancing matters. The results of the survey were to be used as reference and/or basis in further meetings with relevant parties and authorities. A total 33 forms were returned to the Secretariat and each member of the Bar who responded to the survey was given a complimentary KLBC Seminar Voucher as a token of appreciation. DIALOGUE BETWEEN BAR COUNCIL AND THE LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI MALAYSIA (“LHDNM”) The CCPC was invited by the Bar Council Conveyancing Practice Committee to attend the meeting which was held at LHDNM Cyberjaya on 29 August 2013 at 10:00 am. CCPC was represented by Suraya Ismail. The dialogue mainly discussed issues pertaining to Stamp Duty and Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT). MEETING WITH THE WILAYAH LAND OFFICE The meeting was held on 17 September 2013 at 10:00 am at the Wilayah Land Office. The Bar was represented by members from the CCPC, Bar Council Conveyancing Practice Committee and Selangor Bar Conveyancing & SRE Sub-committee. Many issues were discussed at the meeting such as difficulties faced by practitioners relating to strata titles, frequent delays in other transactions at the land registry, the new administrative directives in respect of stamp certificate, etc. The Wilayah Land Office had explained that the current delays were due to the recent transfer of seven registrars and the newly appointed registrars were currently undergoing training. We were also informed that strata titles transactions are still being done manually despite the abundant number of daily presentations. SEMINAR ON FILLING FORMS AND CALCULATING THE REAL PROPERTY GAIN TAX (RPGT) The CCPC and PDC jointly presented the seminar by two officers from the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri, Mumahad Sazali bin Sudin and Nazli Azim bin Yahya on 25 September 2013 at 3:00 pm at the KL Bar Auditorium. This seminar was attended by 115 participants. 2ND MEETING WITH PEJABAT TANAH DAN GALIAN SELANGOR (“PTGS”) This was the second Meeting for the year between the PTGS Officers and representatives of Bar Council, Selangor Bar and Kuala Lumpur Bar. It was held on 11 October 2013 and CCPC was represented by Rita Sabrina and Suraya Ismail. The meeting mainly discussed the arising administrative issues of the Selangor Land Offices which include the issue of blanket consent, court order, submissions and extractions of documents. The PTGS also announced that their website had been updated and lawyers may now check the status of their presentation at their portal at whilst registration of title, the status can be checked at 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • CORPORATE AND CONVEYANCING PRACTICE COMMITTEE Other than the above activities, the CCPC had kept members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar informed of the following issue: • Forged Payment Endorsement for Registration of Strata Titles at the PTGS PTGS had issued a letter dated 1 April 2013 regarding the above with a list of 355 documents from various law firms. The CCPC had called all the law firms in Kuala Lumpur that were listed and informed them of their affected documents. Subsequently the PTGS had agreed to suspend these documents and requested the law firms to make the necessary payment. An e-blast was sent to inform Kuala Lumpur Bar members regarding this matter. SURVEY ON AMLATFA The CCPC is currently conducting a survey on AMLATFA from 12 to 27 December 2013. The main objective of the survey is to obtain feedback from members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar to gauge their knowledge and awareness of matters relating to the AMLATFA. CONCLUSION AND APPRECIATION I would like to record my thanks and appreciation to members of the CCPC for their time, support and cooperation rendered for the term 2013/14. Amir Bahari Chairperson Corporate and Conveyancing Practice Committee CORPORATE AND CONVEYANCING PRACTICE COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 23 CRIMINAL PRACTICE COMMITTEE Amrit Pal Singh Chairperson The Criminal Practice Committee (“CPC”) maintained its two main objectives of the previous term: i. To overcome issues and problems faced by criminal law practitioners of the Kuala Lumpur Bar with related stakeholders, namely the Judiciary, Attorney General’s Chambers, the Police, and other relevant government agencies. ii. To encourage more young lawyers to participate in criminal practice by conducting talks, seminars and mentoring programme specifically on criminal law and practice. In order to resolve issues faced by criminal law practitioners of the Kuala Lumpur Bar, the CPC had requested and attended meetings with relevant agencies. The meetings and other activities organised by the CPC for the term 2013/14 were as follows: CPC MENTORING PROGRAMME MEETING As an introduction for the new term 2013/14, a discussion/meeting between mentors and mentees was held on 19 March 2013 at 6:30 pm at the KL Bar Secretariat. Seven mentors and nine mentees participated in the discussion/meeting. The discussion was mainly on expectations from both mentors and mentees towards each other. The mentors also shared their upcoming Court dates and welcomed mentees to come and assist them in their cases. Registration for mentees were open throughout the year and currently there are 11 mentors and 28 mentees in the programme. DISCUSSION WITH THE SELANGOR BAR CRIMINAL LAW COURT LIAISON COMMITTEE In creating a better working relationship and understanding amongst criminal law practitioners in the Klang Valley, CPC had reached out to the Selangor Bar Criminal Law Court Liaison Committee and a discussion was held at the KL Bar Secretariat on 26 April 2013 at 6:00 pm. Mutual agreement was reached on: • • • • • To identify common problems faced by criminal law practitioners in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur; To disseminate information concerning members on both sides; To avoid duplicity in raising issues with relevant stakeholders; To work collectively in resolving common issues faced by members on both sides; To create a better working relationship and understanding, not only to resolve issues but to share suggestions with and provide support to each other. MEETING WITH THE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION UNIT, POLIS DIRAJA MALAYSIA (“PDRM”) The meeting was held at the Kuala Lumpur Police Contingent Headquarters on 7 June 2013 at 3:30 pm. CPC was represented by Amrit Pal Singh, Rajinder Singh, Shamsul Sulaiman, Saha Deva Arunasalam and Yasutha Reny. 24 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • CRIMINAL PRACTICE COMMITTEE Committee Members Adam Yap Cheow Wee Farhan Read Foong Kitson James FC Fong Jagdish Kaur Khor Boon How Lee Teong Hooi Mak Kah Keong Natarajan a/l Chinnaswami Ridha Abdah bin Subri Rajinder Singh Saha Deva Arunasalam Shamsul Sulaiman Sharon Kaur Tharamjit Singh Yasutha Reny Yoges a/p M Verasuntharam It was agreed that the Remand Centres (Jinjang and Dang Wangi) will have record books in which independent lawyers may register themselves before entering the Remand Centre(s) to interview and represent their clients. As such lawyers were advised to bring along their business card and identification card for this purpose. Soon after this meeting, CPC had received a letter from the Dang Wangi District Police Chief (in charge of the Dang Wangi Remand Centre) stating that lawyers must fill a form before they can interview and meet their clients. Members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar were informed of this procedure by e-blast. SEMINAR ON INTERPRETATION OF FORENSIC CRIME SCENE REPORT The CPC and the Professional Development Committee jointly presented the seminar by Tuan Amidon Anan, former Head of PDRM’s Forensics Laboratory (CSI), on 8 June 2013 at 9:00 am at the KL Bar Auditorium. This seminar was attended by 41 participants. A PWC WORKSHOP ON CRIMINAL LITIGATION The workshop was organised by the Pupils Welfare Committee (“PWC”) and was presented by Amrit Pal Singh, Chairperson of CPC. It was held at the KL Bar Auditorium on 10 July 2013 and specifically for pupils-in-chambers to learn the fundamentals of criminal litigation. BRIEFING ON THE PERINTAH KEHADIRAN WAJIB (“PKW”) The CPC together with the Jabatan Penjara Malaysia had successfully organised a free briefing on the PKW on 27 August 2013. Held at the KL Bar Auditorium, the briefing was presented by Tuan Abdul Aziz bin Mohamad, Director of the Department of Parole. 48 participants attended the briefing. Parole officers from three districts of Kuala Lumpur (Wangsa Maju, Cheras and Ampang) also attended the briefing. YAYASAN BANTUAN GUAMAN KEBANGSAAN (“YBGK”) MEETING It was the third YBGK meeting attended by PDRM as well as other enforcement agencies and Officers from the Kuala Lumpur Courts. The meeting was held at the office of the Head of Prosecution at Chase Perdana, Damansara Heights on 26 September 2013. It was chaired by the new KUP, Dato’ Hj Nik Suhaimi bin Nik Sulaiman. CONCLUSION AND APPRECIATION I would like to record my deepest thanks and appreciation to the CPC members for their time, support and cooperation rendered throughout the term 2013/14. Amrit Pal Singh Chairperson Criminal Practice Committee CRIMINAL PRACTICE COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 25 26 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • CRIMINAL PRACTICE COMMITTEE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Foong Cheng Leong Chairperson The Information Technology and Communications Committee was renamed the Information Technology and Publications Committee (“ITPC”). The ITPC continued to push for reforms and changes within the Kuala Lumpur Bar’s IT framework. The KL Bar Blog (www.klbar.blogspot. com) was actively used to upload Monthly Activities Reports, Event Reports, IT Tips and Articles. The KL Bar website (, KL Bar Facebook group (KL Bar FB Group - www. and Twitter Account ( were also utilised to disseminate information to members and also to publicise events. A new page was also created on Facebook for all the Event photos ( KLBarPics). Using these Internet Tools, the ITPC continued to explore advertising incomes on our website in order to bring more income to the Kuala Lumpur Bar. In 2013, the ITPC managed to generate an income of RM24,050 from the Vacancies and Classifieds on the KL Bar website. IT TIPS The ITPC came up with some IT Tips which were uploaded on the KL Bar Blog. The Tips were: 1. 2. 3. Deputy Chair Anita Gerewal Committee Members Arunachalam Kasi Janet Toh Yoong San Justine Chew Bee Ling Krishna Roy Sreenivasan Lim Chi Chau Marlyn Perone Sharon Chien Sri Sarguna Raj Observers Gaythri Raman Joachim Leong Lynn Foo How to Create Strong Passwords Firing Up Your Legal Practice with the iPad Calendar Sharing Among Your Colleagues Through Smart Phones ARTICLES The following articles were uploaded on the KL Bar Blog: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Enter the Foreign Law Firms by Lee Shih Principle of Strict Compliance in Letter of Credit (LC): Towards a Proper Standard of Compliance by Dr Rosmawani Che Hashim Section 130 Personal Data Protection Act, 2010, Offences by Hung Kian Hoong Amendments to Practice Note 15 of the Malaysian Code on Take-Overs and Mergers 2010 by Sabrina Mohamed Hashim Start-ups, get your house in order by Foong Cheng Leong Personal Data Protection Act 2010 by Foong Cheng Leong and Halina Jael Abu Bakar Satellite Wars: A Commentary on the Astro v Lippo Arbitration Dispute by Lee Shih The Constituents of An Arbitration Agreement by Arunachalam Kasi Looks can be Deceiving! by Foong Cheng Leong Understanding Arbitration by JR Tey Attention e-commerce Businesses: Fraud, the Law and You by Foong Cheng Leong The Duty of the Torrens Conveyancing Solicitors by Ally Chong Wai Kuan PDPA: Businesses have Responsibilities and Burdens by Foong Cheng Leong Land Acquisition Act, 1960 (Act 486) - the Right of Appeal, if any, pursuant to s. 49 and the Role of the Assessors in Land Reference Proceedings by Su Tiang Joo INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 27 UPGRADING THE COMPUTERS AT THE KL BAR SECRETARIAT AND BAR ROOM The ITPC upgraded the computers at the KL Bar Secretariat and the Bar Room. We purchased 10 new PCs and two new laptops and spent approximately RM46,000. We are currently working on providing free WiFi at the Cafetaria of the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex. PUPILS WORKSHOP ON LEGAL RESEARCH The ITPC co-organised a Pupils’ Workshop on Legal Research specifically for pupils with the Pupils Welfare Committee on 11 September 2013 focusing primarily on “Alternative Online Legal Research”, “Using Apps for Your Practice” and “Building an e-Library.” 35 pupils attended the workshop which was conducted by Foong Cheng Leong, Chairperson of ITPC. IT CONFERENCE ON STARTUPS AND BUSINESS LAW The ITPC organised a one-day Conference on 26 November 2013 at the KL Bar Auditorium which was attended by 53 participants - 4 pupils/law students, 23 members of the Bar and 26 non-members mostly from the tech start-up community. The event was also promoted on Digital News Asia and BFM Radio Station. The topics covered were: • • • • • • Incorporating a company: Choosing the Right Legal Entity by Sharin Kaur Veriah and Goh May Woei (Shook Lin & Bok); Recognising your Intellectual Property and Protecting your Rights by Janet Toh Yoong San and Tamara Lee Ciai (Shearn Delamore & Co.); Introduction to Cyber Laws in Malaysia by Adlin binti Abdul Majid (Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill); Personal Data Protection Act 2010: How to Prepare Yourself by Professor Abu Bakar Munir (University of Malaya); Contract Law: What to address in E-Commerce Terms of Use by Tai Foong Lam (Gan Partnership); E-Commerce Taxation Laws by Siti Fatimah binti Mohd Shahrom (Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill). APPRECIATION These projects cannot be carried out without the strong and genuine interest of our ITPC members who continued to assist and work behind the scenes to get the projects running and going. The ITPC members have continued to be supportive and helpful. Foong Cheng Leong Chairperson Information Technology and Publications Committee 28 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE PRACTITIONERS’ AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Goh Siu Lin Chairperson The Practitioners’ Affairs Committee (“PAC”) was first established in 2012 with the following objectives: • • • • To address issues faced by lawyers as they progressed in the profession and evolved in their professional careers; To conduct programmes and projects to improve the working conditions of lawyers; To conduct programmes for members in the non-legal aspects of the practice, for example, soft skills and business development; and To provide mentoring and networking opportunities to enable more experienced members of the Bar to mentor young practitioners. Committee Members Kiran Kaur Lam Kin Fei Low Chooi Ping Ng Zheng Hui, Charlie Nor Fadzilah binti Fauzi Tan Poh Yee For the term 2013/14, the PAC undertook the following projects: THE ESTABLISHMENT OF LACTATION ROOMS AT THE KUALA LUMPUR COURT COMPLEX The PAC recognises the importance of supporting women lawyers who are nursing mothers and the need to ease their transition back to Court work. Women lawyers now have the option of using two lactation rooms located in the Bar Room (Level 5, Left Wing of the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex) which were made available with effect from 5 February 2013. The PAC hopes that other State Bars will follow suit and establish similar facilities in various Courts throughout West Malaysia. COURT ATTIRE - PICTORIAL CHART The KL Bar Civil Practice Committee had received complaints from senior members of the Bar and the Bench, of lawyers being inappropriately dressed for Court (examples given include, red shoes, slippers, lycra leggings). Following this, the PAC was tasked with the preparation of the pictorial chart and the issuance of an e-blast on 26 August 2013, reminding members to adhere to the Bar Council Rulings/ Court Circular on Dress Code so as to ensure professional decorum, decency and respect. This pictorial chart is now used as an illustrative teaching aid during the Pupils’ Introductory Sessions conducted by the Pupils Welfare Committee. A copy has also been uploaded to the KL Bar Website and may be viewed at download/1385455533_courtattire.pdf SEMINAR ON “BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN LAW FIRMS” The seminar was jointly organised with the KL Bar Professional Development Committee (“PDC”). Mathew Thomas Philip of Messrs Thomas Philip shared his insights on the issues commonly faced by practitioners in creating business opportunities within the confines of the legal industry. The event was held at the KL Bar Auditorium on 22 October 2013 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm and attracted 29 participants. At the conclusion of the said seminar, the Editor of “Praxis” had approached the speaker, Mathew Thomas Philip, who kindly agreed to write an PRACTITIONERS’ AFFAIRS COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 29 article on the topic to be shared with fellow practitioners of the Malaysian Bar. SEXUAL HARASSMENT AWARENESS SERIES Continuing with its efforts of educating and creating awareness amongst members of the Bar, the PAC has periodically issued a series of e-blasts containing information/tips on sexual harassment. These e-blasts are reproduced in the KL Bar Website ( my) and Blog ( To date, there have been eight tips issued in the series. A FREE SEMINAR ON “HOW TO REPORT SEXUAL HARASSMENT - BREAKING THE WALL OF SILENCE” This seminar was organised by the PAC in collaboration with the PDC. Janice Anne Leo Selvanathan, an Employment Law Partner of Messrs Shook Lin & Bok conducted this seminar which attracted approximately 50 participants. The attendees were well-represented by both genders and comprised young and senior practitioners. Janice shared practical tips and highlighted relevant statutory provisions and case law in this highly interactive seminar. The event was held at the KL Bar Auditorium on 12 November 2013 from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. PAC MENTORING CIRCLE The PAC had originally planned to organise two dinner events for this term. However, due to similar projects organised by the KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee and Pupils Welfare Committee (i.e. “The Luncheon: A Taste of the Bar II and III”), it was decided not to duplicate their efforts. A PROFESSIONAL GROOMING SEMINAR ON “YOUR WINNING IMAGE” BY SHEILA WONG The PAC had invited Ms Sheila Wong, a charismatic and well-known image consultant to conduct a workshop for members. Regretfully, due to lack of response, the event scheduled for 8 November 2013 was cancelled. CONCLUSION AND APPRECIATION I would like to express my appreciation to the Chairman, the KLBC Exco, the PAC members and the KL Bar Secretariat (in particular, Mary, Yati and Melissa) for their feedback and support which enabled the efficient implementation of our projects. It has indeed been an honour to have been given this opportunity to serve the members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar. Goh Siu Lin Chairperson Practitioners’ Affairs Committee 30 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • PRACTITIONERS’ AFFAIRS COMMITTEE PRACTITIONERS’ AFFAIRS COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 31 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Jeremiah R Gurusamy Mohd Izral Khairy Co-Chairpersons The Professional Development Committee (“PDC”)’s main objective is to continue to offer members and pupils, through its legal education programmes, the opportunity to fortify their basic legal skills and to keep themselves abreast of developments in various areas of practice. As always, the PDC embarked on various legal education programmes for both members of the Bar and pupils-in-chambers. The PDC also endeavoured to organise one free seminar every month for members of the Bar, pupils-in-chambers and law students, towards encouraging participation at no cost to members. This year, the PDC organised 60 events in total, covering a wide area of topics as listed in the following pages. UPCOMING SEMINARS • Ship Financing and Sale & Purchase of Ships • Conducting Civil Trials • RPGT: The Basics and the Advanced • Winding Up • Conducting Civil Trials • Topical Tax Issues in Related Party Transactions: Running the Gauntlet of Rules and Documentation Requirements • Essential Features of The Competition Act 2010: Changing the Face of Malaysian Business • Recent Tax Cases and Budget 2014: An Essential Guide for Lawyers • Malaysia vs EU: A Comparative Analysis of the PDPA and Privacy Laws The response to the events has continued to be encouraging and it is our hope that members will fully exploit these programmes for their professional development. We hope to see a continued support and increased participation from members and pupils alike. It is our hope that more practitioners will participate in the PDC Programmes for 2014. Jeremiah R Gurusamy Mohd Izral Khairy Co-Chairpersons Professional Development Committee 32 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Committee Members Amir Bahari Balwant Singh Sidhu Donny Kwa Soo Chuan G Nanda Goban KC Cheng Leong Yin Wei Marian Lee Melinda Marie D’Angelus New Sin Yew Ravindran Shanmuganathan Sharon Palani A Subramaniam Sunita Sankey Wong Tat Chung The PDC Programme for 2013 is as follows: NO. DATE TOPIC SPEAKER(S) 1. 09.01.2013 Domestic Violence Act: Perspectives from a Family Law Practitioner Honey Tan Lay Ean 2. 10.01.2013 Corporate Litigator`s WMDs: Winding-up, Minority Oppression and Derivative Action Lee Shih 3. 23.01.2013 Professional Speaking: 7 Essentials Every Lawyer Should Master (Free Seminar) Amir Bahari 4. 30.01.2013 An Introduction to Arbitration Choon Hon Leng 5. 19.02.2013 An Introduction to Employment Law Anand Ponnudurai 6. 26.02.2013 An Introduction to Intellectual Property Cindy Goh Joo Seong 7. 28.02.2013 Climate Change: Mother Of All Environmental Problems And The Biggest Human Rights Violation Of All Times (Free Seminar) Roger Chan Weng Keng 8. 06.03.2013 An Introduction to Islamic Banking in Malaysia: Syariah Concept in Islamic Banking Mohamed Ridza 9. 13.03.2013 An Introduction to Hibah Amir Bahari 10. 20.03.2013 The Fundamentals of Civil Litigation Mohd Izral Khairy Tharminder Singh 11. 26.03.2013 Understanding Service Level Agreements Jeremiah R Gurusamy 12. 05.04.2013 An Introduction to s.218 Companies Winding Up Petitions Alex Chang 13. 18.04.2013 Workshop on Basic Conveyancing Practice Jeremiah R Gurusamy 14. 19.04.2013 New Boundaries in Tax Law: Capital Allowance for Carpark, RPGT v Income Tax, Compulsory Land Acquisition S Saravana Kumar 15. 22.04.2013 Environmental Issues and the Role of the Bar (Free Seminar) In collaboration with the KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee NoorHajran Mohd Noor Roger Chan Weng Keng 16. 24.04.2013 Fundamentals of Bankruptcy Proceedings Trevor Jason Mark Padasian 17. 07.05.2013 An Introduction to Construction Law Choon Hon Leng PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 33 NO. DATE TOPIC SPEAKER(S) 18. 16.05.2013 An Introduction to the Law of Passing Off Arunachalam Kasi 19. 22.05.2013 Crimes at Sea (Free Seminar) In collaboration with the KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee and the Malaysian Maritime Law Association First Admiral Maritime Dato’ Zulkifili bin Abu Bakar Sitpah Selvaratnam 20. 28.05.2013 The Personal Data Protection Act Foong Cheng Leong 21. 04.06.2013 Basic Conveyancing Practice Jeremiah R Gurusamy 22. 06.06.2013 An Analysis of Double Tax Agreement Thenesh Kannaa 23. 08.06.2013 Interpretation of Forensic Crime Scene Report In collaboration with the Criminal Practice Committee Amidon Anan 24. 11.06.2013 Financial Planning (Free Workshop) Chooi Kum Ying 25. 14.06.2013 Distribution of Muslim Estates In collaboration with the Corporate and Conveyancing Practice Committee Amir Bahari 26. 20.06.2013 Judicial Review 101 Shanmuga Kanesalingam 27. 27.06.2013 Status of Bankrupts/Companies under Liquidation at the Industrial Court Janice Leo 28. 02.07.2013 The Torrens System and Equitable Principles SY Kok 29. 05.07.2013 Basic Negotiation Skills In collaboration with the Corporate and Conveyancing Practice Committee Amir Bahari 30. 08.07.2013 Some Recent Developments in English Courts: Good Faith, Bad Directors and Security for Costs Paul Emerson 31. 09.07.2013 Sale & Purchase Agreements: Practical Tips on Drafting Ivan Wong Ee-Vern 32. 11.07.2013 Wills, Trusts and Succession Planning Jeremiah R Gurusamy 33. 17.07.2013 Political Philosophy: Democracy in Malaysia (Free Seminar) Shaun Tan 34. 18.07.2013 Joint Ventures Jeremiah R Gurusamy 35. 24.07.2013 Corporate Litigators WMD’s: Winding-Up, Minority Oppression and Derivative Action Lee Shih 36. 26.07.2013 Judicial Review and Recent Development in Employment Law Muhendaran Suppiah 34 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NO. DATE TOPIC SPEAKER(S) 37. 30.07.2013 Appeals to the Court of Appeal Lau Mark Chi-Ming 38. 01.08.2013 An Introduction to Arbitration Choon Hon Leng 39. 21.08.2013 The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Gustavo Llerena 40. 23.08.2013 Transfer Pricing: Insight to Malaysia’s First Transfer Pricing Litigation Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom 41. 28.08.2013 Defamation: Latest Trends and Damages Awarded Rishwant Singh 42. 29.08.2013 Human Rights and Activism (Free Seminar) Edmund Bon Tai Soon 43. 03.09.2013 Drafting Contracts 101 Jeremiah R Gurusamy 44. 06.09.2013 Till the Cows Come Home: How to Milk the Most from a Licensing Deal Suaran Singh Sidhu 45. 12.09.2013 Termination of Employment Relationship Jeremiah R Gurusamy 46. 18.09.2013 Intermediate Negotiation Skills In collaboration with the Corporate and Conveyancing Practice Committee Amir Bahari 47. 20.09.2013 Marriage, Divorce ad Polygamy under Federal Territories Syariah Laws Amir Bahari 48. 25.09.2013 Filling Forms and Calculating the RPGT In collaboration with the Corporate and Conveyancing Practice Committee Mumahad Sazali bin Sudin Nazli Azim bin Yahya 49. 27.09.2013 Constitutional Law (Free Seminar) Firdaus Husni 50. 02.10.2013 Safer Malaysia - Living in Fear of Crime is not living (Free Workshop) Jointly organised with the Bar Council Safer Malaysia Committee Richard Wee Thiam Seng Sarah Kambali 51. 04.10.2013 Advanced Negotiation Skills In collaboration with the Corporate and Conveyancing Practice Committee Amir Bahari 52. 18.10.2013 Tax Avoidance: Insights to the Legislative Provisions and Case Laws Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom 53. 24.10.2013 Capital Allowance and Charges: A Holistic Perspective Thenesh Kannaa 54. 25.10.2013 Domicile of the Parties in Family Law and Related Issues Balwant Singh Sidhu PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 35 NO. DATE TOPIC SPEAKER(S) 55. 12.11.2013 How To Report Sexual Harassment - Breaking the Wall of Silence (Free Talk) In collaboration with the Practitioners’ Affairs Committee Janice Leo 56. 19.11.2013 Summary Judgment Lau Mark-Chi Ming 57. 22.11.2013 Negotiation Skills for Leaders In collaboration with the Corporate and Conveyancing Practice Committee Amir Bahari 58. 29.11.2013 Tweeting to Tears: Top 9 Legal Issues in Social Media Suaran Singh Sidhu 59. 12.12.2013 An Introduction to GST Anand Raj Irene Yong 60. 13.12.2013 An Introduction to Islamic Wills Amir Bahari 36 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 37 PUPILS WELFARE COMMITTEE Vince Chong Khin Young Chairperson INTRODUCTION The term began with the first meeting on 14 March 2013. In a bid to ensure a truly dynamic Pupils Welfare Committee (“PWC”), efforts were made to ensure that the sub-committee consisted of not only previous Chairpersons of the PWC, in the form of Richard Wee, Choo Dee Wei and Jason Kong, but that the committee consisted pre-dominantly by pupils-inchambers and young lawyers who were recently called to the Bar. The PWC’s recruitment drive was a year-long event and even at the date of writing, membership continues to grow. Many of our sub-committee members have since been called to the Bar and we are proud to have been part of their pupillage journey. This term, the PWC took effort to not only make better the staple events of PWC but to also introduce flagship events that the PWC would be associated with in the future. These events were meant to complement and promote the principle objectives of PWC. THE OBJECTIVES OF PWC These objectives are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Monitoring all issues, welfare and well-being of pupils throughout the pupillage period; Recommending remedies, solutions and courses of action in order to address any issues raised by pupils, masters and the Courts with regards to pupils’ welfare; Promoting continuous professional development of pupils through workshops, seminars, dialogues, etc; Provide a platform for pupils to effectively voice their concerns over any issue that may arise over the course of their pupillage; Provide a social and networking platform by organising social events to bridge the gap between pupils and practitioners and to create closer ties among pupils. With these objectives at the forefront, the following events were organised: Pupils Introductory Sessions (“PI Sessions”) In the first month of pupillage (subject to availability of space), a pupil must attend the PI Sessions. The PI Sessions are conducted every month. The PI Session is designed to introduce the Malaysian Bar, the Bar Council and the Kuala Lumpur State Bar Committee to the pupils. It is also designed to allow pupils to share any problems that they have encountered thus far or any experience which they wish to share during their period of pupillage. The PI Sessions are generally conducted by the PWC Chairperson. Throughout the term, Ravin Singh and Harleen Kaur had conducted the PI Sessions whenever the PWC Chairperson was unavailable. PWC wishes to record its appreciation to Ravin and Harleen. 38 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • PUPILS WELFARE COMMITTEE Deputy Chair Tan Shang Neng Advisors Richard Wee Choo Dee Wei Jason Kong Committee Members Ahmad Kamal Yeop Kamaruddin Azira Aziz Cindy Cheong Sing Yee Cindy Chow Li Teen Donovan Lee Shyun Hyn Farhan Read Fyiona Lai Phik-Wy Haireen Halimi Jeremy Anthony Vinesh Joanne Ong Joshua Chin Ze Yi Karyn Khoo Luk Ling Lai Yee Fan Mah Kar Yee Mervyn Lai Wei Shiung Ngou Wai Ting Nicole Nur Khairunnisa Phang Soon Mun Randy Chew Beng Han Saha Deva Arunasalam Shaira Amira Siti Munirah binti Maarof Tee Jer Lynn Terrence Teng Weng Loong Victoria Yap The PI Sessions for this term and the relevant statistics are as follows (at the time of writing): DATE PUPILS ATTENDED 15 March 2013 76 10 April 2013 77 13 May 2013 51 5 June 2013 73 3 July 2013 54 5 August 2013 39 4 September 2013 72 9 October 2013 69 13 November 2013 81 As a matter of record, at the beginning of the term, the PWC was tasked with reviewing the PI Sessions to determine whether the current format of the PI Sessions was satisfactory and whether the same achieves the aforementioned objectives. At the final analysis, the PWC reported that the format is indeed satisfactory and thus, no changes were made to the same. Pupils Workshops The Pupils Workshops are a series of workshops focused to deliver concise and succinct lectures on a particular area of practice in a bid to introduce that area of practice to a pupil and at the same time, to equip a pupil with the practical aspect of that area’s operation of the law while improving the pupils’ legal knowledge and skills. It is specially designed for pupils and only pupils may participate. Due to the Workshops’ popularity, the limit on the number of participants per Workshop has been increased to 50 pupils per session. The following Workshops were conducted this term: DATE OF WORKSHOP TOPIC SPEAKERS 8 May 2013 Civil Litigation Colin Andrew Pereira Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah 12 June 2013 Conveyancing Michael Leow Yon Meng 10 July 2013 Criminal Litigation Amrit Pal Singh 19 August 2013 Corporate Jeremiah R Gurusamy 11 September 2013 Legal Research Foong Cheng Leong 23 October 2013 Civil Litigation Colin Andrew Pereira Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah 20 November 2013 Conveyancing Michael Leow Yon Meng 20 December 2013 Criminal Litigation Farhan Read Muhammad Fadhli Mat Sutris This term, in a bid to further enhance and develop pupils’ skill and ability, the PWC had included Legal Research as a Workshop. This Workshop comes with a twist; a technological one wherein the Workshop will cover e-legal research using various legal search engines online, creating a paperless workspace/office, creating an e-library and maximising the tools, gadgets, software, applications and technologies available to a pupil in today’s time and age. Jointly organised with the KL Bar Information Technology and Publications Committee, the Workshop was an immense success and well received by pupils. The PWC wishes to record its appreciation to all speakers who took the time off to conduct the Workshops and to give that added layer of knowledge and skills to the pupils. PUPILS WELFARE COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 39 The Streamlining of Borang 1 - 8 of the Admission Process (“the Borangs”) At the beginning of the term, PWC was inundated with calls from pupils, masters and the Court on the following: (1) that pupils were constantly making mistakes on the Borangs particularly Borang 1 and 2; (2) that as a result of the same, the pupils are required to file a Notice of Application to amend the Borangs that they have filed. We pause to highlight that this is an Amendment Application pursuant to Order 20 of the Rules of Court 2012 and will require the attendance of counsel at the hearing of the application; (3) that this resulted in the wasting of time and costs; and (4) that the pupils had no idea, especially at that early stage of pupillage, what an Amendment Application was and thus made further mistakes to the same necessitating further affidavits to correct any such errors (or, on occasion, a refiling of the application in toto). In the final analysis, it was concluded that the reason that such mistakes were occurring in Borang 1 and 2 in the first place (and the other Borangs) was because there is no single guideline/sample of the same that has been standardised/approved by the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee (“KLBC”), the Bar Council and the RKKK Courts. This has created a vacuum as far as filing in the Borangs were concerned and thus, further created unnecessary confusion among all parties involved. An example of such confusion would be whether a pupil has to use his/her residential address, his/her current address or his/her IC address while filing Borang 1 and 2. As such, PWC began the arduous task of formally streamlining the Borangs (“the Samples”). The hope is that the Samples will provide a much needed guide that will reduce these mistakes and will, as a whole, reduce the need for a pupil to file any Amendment Applications thereby saving time and costs. The task began with PWC streamlining the Borangs between PWC and the KLBC in a meeting on 25 April 2013. This was followed with a meeting between PWC, KLBC and the Admission Department of the Bar Council on 4 June 2013. Finally, on 11 September 2013, the PWC, KLBC, Bar Council and the Registrars of the RKKK Courts had a meeting to officially streamline the Borangs (“the RKKK Meeting”). The Samples were then drafted by the PWC and, at the time of writing, is being uploaded to the KL Bar Website (under the heading ‘Pupillage’) and the KL Bar Blog site (home page, side bar). The idea is that the Samples shall be uploaded in JPEG / picture format in order to ensure easy download by pupils into their tablets, phones and computers, which, in turn will allow easy reference and access on-the-go when filling up their respective Borangs. The uploaded Samples will undergo beta-testing to ensure their visibility, formatting, accessibility and readability are satisfactory on various platforms and operating systems before a Circular on the same (with links to the Samples) are disseminated among members of the Bar and pupils. The PWC wishes to thank the KL Bar Information Technology and Publications Committee for their assistance in uploading the same onto the KL Bar Website and the KL Bar Blog. The Call Ceremony Delay At the RKKK Meeting, the Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar, Mr HR Dipendra and the Chairperson of PWC had highlighted to the RKKK that there is a 3 to 3.5 month delay from the date a pupil files his/her Borang 6, 7 and 8 to the date the pupil actually attends the Call Ceremony and be called to the Bar. This delay adversely affects pupils as, (1) a pupil has to put-on-hold all career plans until he/she is called to the Bar; (2) some pupils who intend to pursue a post-graduate course have to postpone their departure date; and (3) the delay causes a pupil to remain in a ‘state of limbo’ during this period of delay. In the circumstances, it was decided that the matter is one of concern and that the KLBC is to write a formal letter to the Managing Judge of the RKKK Court, Yang Arif Datuk Zaharah binti Ibrahim to highlight the matter to her Ladyship and to arrange a meeting to propose solutions to the same. The meeting was held on 16 October 2013 and the Courts informed us that Judges from different Divisions of the Kuala Lumpur High Court (Commercial, Civil etc) have volunteered to assist the RKKK Court in hearing the Call Ceremonies. This has eliminated the delay and it was indicated that this model shall be utilised again in the future as and when the need arises. Pupils affected by the brought-forward dates of their Call Ceremonies were informed by both the RKKK Registry and by the KL Bar Secretariat. It was appreciated that arrangements may have already been made by pupils for their families to attend their original Call Ceremony dates and thus, pupils were given the flexibility to accept the newly brought-forward date, accept a different but earlier date or to maintain their original Call Ceremony date. The Luncheon: A Taste of the Bar II and III To add an additional dimension to the PWC for the term and in a bid to bridge the gap between pupils, young lawyers and senior members of the Bar, the PWC collaborated with the KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee (“KLYLC”) to organise the Luncheon; a meet 40 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • PUPILS WELFARE COMMITTEE and dine social event where young lawyers and pupils would have the opportunity to meet with senior members of the Bar. The Luncheon takes its inspiration from the Dinings at the Inns of Court. While the same traditions and pomp and circumstance are generally adhered to, the PWC and KLYLC felt that a more comfortable and less formal setting would be a better choice to achieve the objectives of the Luncheon, which is to give that opportunity to the younger minds of the Bar to exchange views, share experiences, be inspired and to appreciate the multi-faceted nature of the Bar with the senior members. The first Luncheon was held in 2011 by the KLYLC and this term, the PWC and KLYLC revitalised it with the title “A Taste of the Bar II” on 22 June 2013. Held at The Smokehouse Restaurant at Jalan Telawi in Bangsar, the Luncheon: A Taste of the Bar II was attended by some 26 pupils and young lawyers, one observer from the KLBC, seven PWC members and eight senior members of the Bar being Tommy Thomas, Theresa Chong Siew Lin, Dato’ M David Morais, Christopher Leong Sau Foo, Lim Chee Wee, Gopal Sreenevasan, Ramesh Sathasivam and Sharmila Sekarajasekaran. As practised in the Inns of Court in London, at the end of the Luncheon, a representative of the junior members of the Bar rose to give a short speech of thanks ending it with a toast thanking the senior members of the Bar for taking time off to spend their Saturday afternoon at the Luncheon. This speech was given by Clinton Tan. Tommy Thomas, being the most senior member present at the Luncheon, rose to give his speech in reply. Reminding the junior members of their role in the Bar and in society, together with his hope that junior members of the Bar uphold justice without fear or favour, he ended his speech with a Royal Toast to the King. The Luncheon: A Taste of the Bar III was held on 16 November 2013 at Aria Restaurant, Damansara Heights. It was attended by 21 pupils and young lawyers, the KLYLC Chairperson, nine PWC members and eight senior members being Datuk Haji Sulaiman bin Abdullah, Sivabalah Nadarajah, Chew Phye Keat, Khairuzzaman bin Muhammad, Sivaneindiren Selvanandam, Alan Adrian Gomez, Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu and Shanmuga Kanesalingam. This time, Kalpana Sivabalah took the responsibility to represent the junior members by delivering a short speech and by leading the toast thanking the senior members for their time. In reply, Datuk Haji Sulaiman, being the most senior member of the Bar present, expressed that this event had successfully dispelled any fears that he had with regard to the future of the profession. He stated that he met many pupils and young lawyers at the Luncheon that have shown so much promise and that the profession is in good hands. He toasted the King in a manner befitting a toast at the Inns of Court and ended with a deep thank you “for making an old man happy”. Webreports of the two Luncheons may be found on the KL Bar Blog site. Hiking Trip to Broga Hill Another event that has added dimension to the PWC this term is the Hiking Trip to Broga Hill that the PWC had organised on 21 September 2013. Designed to bring back some semblance of work-life balance to the junior members of the Bar, the trip took the junior members of the Bar out of the concrete jungle of Kuala Lumpur to a ‘get-away’ in the great outdoors that Broga Hill has to offer. The trip to Broga Hill would be for naught if PWC did not catch the sunrise; famed for its beauty as the sun climbs over the horizon and over the adjoining hills. Thus, beginning at 4:00 am at our meeting point in Bangsar, the group consisting of some 21 participants, convoyed to Broga. It was a clear day without a cloud, fog, mist nor haze to obstruct our view of the sunrise as it rose over the adjoining hill. Broga Hill consisted of three hills; all of which were hiked by our group. A webreport of the event may be found at the KL Bar Blog site. THANK YOU NOTES AND EVENTS PRIOR TO END OF TERM I wish to record my appreciation to the members of the PWC whose names are etched at the top right hand corner of this report. A team is only as good as the people who comprise it and this term, I have been blessed with a team that have surmounted incredible obstacles to create a PWC that has, in my mind, delivered on all fronts. The team has shown admirable conviction, effort, selflessness, spirit, camaraderie and above all, a heart that has the welfare of pupils at the forefront. The Secretariat has been phenomenal in their support work and the PWC would not have been able to achieve anything without their assistance. Mary, Rajan, Melissa and Indira, thank you. A note of thanks to the KLBC team for their never-ending support, guidance and tutelage with all things event-management-wise and the Bar. Lastly, allow me to pen my hopes that the PWC of 2014/2015 will continue on with the Luncheon and will continue to streamline the Admission processes to make better the welfare of the pupils. In the interim, from the date of writing to the date of the Kuala Lumpur PUPILS WELFARE COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 41 Bar AGM, the PWC will be organising a further trip to the great outdoors and a further final push for working conditions for pupils and young lawyers. Vince Chong Khin Young Chairperson Pupils Welfare Committee 42 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • PUPILS WELFARE COMMITTEE PUPILS WELFARE COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 43 SOCIAL, ARTS AND CULTURE COMMITTEE Lim Chi Chau Chairperson BLOOD DONATION CAMPAIGN With the assistance of the National Blood Bank, a Blood Donation Drive was held on 13 May 2013 at Level 2 of the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex at Jalan Duta. Members of the Bar, Court staff and members of the public nobly came forward to participate in this Blood Donation Drive. A total of 64 donors registered. Unfortunately, only 47 were eligible to donate. The 17 were rejected because they were either underweight, having high blood pressure or low blood pressure or had lived in the United Kingdom from 1980 till 1996 or in Europe between 1980 until the present. A total of 47 units of blood were collected from the caring donors. UGADI, VAISAKHI, PUTHANDU AND VISHU NIGHT The KL Bar Social, Arts and Culture Committee (“SACC”) together with the Young Lawyers Committee (“YLC”) organised an Ugadi, Vaisakhi, Puthandu and Vishu Night on 18 April 2013 at Chutney Mary Restaurant in Bangsar. 43 members attended the event. It was an enjoyable evening. CHAMPIONS LEAGUE NIGHT The SACC, for the first time, organised a get-together to watch the UEFA Champions League Final: Borussia Dortmound vs Bayern Munich on Saturday 25 May 2013 from 11:30 pm onwards at Cocoon @ The Scott Garden. KL BAR MONTHLY SOCIAL GET-TOGETHER The SACC this term brought back the KL Bar Monthly Social Get-Together after a 5-year hiatus. The first Monthly Social Get-together was held at D’Balcony @ Publika on 3 July 2013 from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am. About 40 to 50 members attended this first social get-together including our KLBC Chairman. At the same time, the young lawyers celebrated the birthday of Yeoh Tung Seng, a member of the SACC and Deputy Co-Chair of the YLC. The second Monthly Social Get-together was held at D’Balcony @ Publika on 2 August 2013 from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am. About 30 to 40 members attended this second get-together. The third Monthly Social Get-together was held at BAR 1981, Solaris Publika on 6 September 2013. About 50 members turned up for this event which started at 7:30 pm. This time around, a friendly pool competition was held and it was won by Vivekananda Sukumaran. Everyone had a great time and only parted at 1:00 am. The fourth Monthly Social Get-together was held at BAR 1981, Solaris Publika on 4 October 2013 and attended by more than 70 members, the largest turnout thus far. Everyone had a wonderful time and enjoyed the great camaraderie. At the same time, the young lawyers celebrated the birthday of Vinu Kamalananthan, a member of the SACC and YLC. The fifth monthly Social Get-together was held at BAR 1981, Solaris Publika on 6 December 2013 and attended by 15 members, the lowest turnout thus far. Everyone had a great time but parted early at 11:00 pm. 44 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • SOCIAL, ARTS AND CULTURE COMMITTEE Deputy Chair Muhendaran Suppiah Committee Members Derek Chong Ching Hsiang Lam Jia Chuen Maggie Kee Huey Sin Ng Chiat Yang Sathyananthan Sinnappan Vinu Kamalananthan Yeoh Tung Seng KL BAR NIGHT 2013 Since last year the KLBC had changed the concept of its Annual Dinner from the usual sit down dinner to a buffet concept party. This year, renamed “KL Bar Night”, the party was again hosted at one of the hottest establishments in town, Cristallo, Luna in Pacific Regency Hotel Suites, KH Tower. Held on 30 November 2013, it was attended by more than 300 guests including former Bar Presidents and former Kuala Lumpur Bar Chairmen. The guests were treated to a delectable buffet spread as well as a variety of canapés, coupled with free flow of selected drinks, with the cool ambience of the venue’s signature pool and the KL Tower and Petronas Twin Towers for backdrop. They were also entertained by a live band that played up to the night’s theme, “80’s Glam Rock” and performances by our very own members of the Bar. Many of our members turned up dressed to the theme with Dee Wei, our MC for the night being the most outstanding one. It was certainly a great “rock” night. Lim Chi Chau Chairperson Social, Arts and Culture Committee SOCIAL, ARTS AND CULTURE COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 45 46 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • SOCIAL, ARTS AND CULTURE COMMITTEE SOCIAL, ARTS AND CULTURE COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 47 SPORTS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Peter-Douglas Ling Chairperson KUALA LUMPUR BAR FUTSAL COMPETITION 2013 The Kuala Lumpur Bar held its inaugural Futsal Competition on 8 June 2013 at Allrounder Indoor Soccer Centre in Petaling Jaya. Open to members of the Malaysian Bar and pupils-in-chambers only, 16 teams registered for the men’s category and two teams for the ladies’ section. The State Bars of Kelantan, Terengganu and Malacca entered and there was a good mix of young and senior players. The teams that displayed good teamwork went far. Kelantan Bar edged Enjoi in an exciting final to win the tournament. The two ladies’ teams were Ultra Sonics and Drama Queens. Their two matches ended 2-1 each and extra time could not separate the teams. Eventually, the more experienced Ultra Sonics won through a penalty shoot-out. Special thanks to Pepsico for their generous sponsorship of Gatorade for all the participating teams. INTERSTATE BAR GAMES 2013 The Kuala Lumpur Bar were hosts for the Interstate Bar Games. Football, Badminton, Netball and Volleyball were held on 24 August 2013 at Stadium Panasonic Matsushita, Shah Alam with Golf at Staffield Country Resort Berhad, Mantin, Negeri Sembilan on 7 September 2013. There was a carnival like atmosphere at the Stadium Panasonic Matsushita with four sports being played close to one another. Participants from around Peninsula Malaysia gamely went about their matches and played in good sporting spirit. It was also a good opportunity for many to meet up with old friends and make new ones. The Kuala Lumpur Bar emerged champions in Badminton, Netball and Volleyball, and runnersup in Football and Golf. This meant the Kuala Lumpur Bar were crowned winners of the Interstate Bar Games for 2013. The end of games Dinner and Prize-Giving was well attended. MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE BENCH & BAR GAMES AND QUADRANGULAR GAMES 2014 This is a joint event for next term, 1 to 3 May 2014 to be exact. Yet, much planning and organising has already been put in to ensure that the Kuala Lumpur Bar puts on a good show. We will be welcoming and hosting Judges and lawyers from Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah, not to mention the participants from around West Malaysia. There are 17 sports for the Bench & Bar Games, five of which Sarawak and Sabah will participate in to form the Quadrangular Games. The Sports and Recreation Committee looks forward to this premier sports event for our Malaysian Bar and to ensuring it is a successful event. 48 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • SPORTS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Committee Members A I Nathan Amrit Pal Singh Vincent Tey Wei Seng Alex Nandaseri De Silva Anand Ponnudurai Aric Wong Fong Chin Carol Pey Hui Fen Donovan Lee Shyun Hyn James FC Fong Janet Chai Joshua Tay H’ng Foong Khairul Idham Lesley Lim Ai Li Mohan Kang Ng Yueng May Rachel Yap Yen Siang Rashini a/p Balakrishnan Saiyidah binti Sidek Sivaruben a/l R Balasekaran Sri Sarguna Raj Stanislaus Vethanayagam Tan Swee Yin Wan Syarihah binti Razman Yeoh Cho Kheong GENERAL A Pool competition is to be held tentatively in February 2014. There are also plans to revive the Thayalan Cup 7-A-Side Football Competition in 2014. Peter-Douglas Ling Chairperson Sports and Recreation Committee SPORTS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 49 50 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • SPORTS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE SPORTS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 51 YOUNG LAWYERS COMMITTEE Khaizan Sharizad Abd Razak Chairperson The KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee (“KLYLC”) continued to strive to create a platform for young lawyers to contribute back to the Bar. The KLYLC sub-units were revamped this term and were headed by the following Unit Heads and their roles were: 1. YL Socials/Communications - Yeoh Tung Seng • To manage web contents under KL Bar website • To promote and disseminate KLYLC’s events • To manage KLYLC helpline email • To manage KLYLC Facebook 2. YL Professional Development - New Sin Yew • Ensure the continued development of young lawyers • Organise seminars and workshops in key areas 3. YL Public Interest Litigation - Daniel Albert • Build capacity of young lawyers, students and activists • Generate interest of young lawyers in the area of strategic litigation • Build a sustainable pool of young lawyers to carry on work in the area of strategic litigation • Sensitive and involve pupils and law students early • Section 42 of the Legal Profession Act 1976 The KLYLC also had a Representative who sat in the National Young Lawyers Committee Alvin Oh. The activities carried out for the year were: KLYLC-MCCHR PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION WORKSHOP In 2012 the KLYLC established a Public Interest Litigation Unit (“PILU”) in association with the Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (“MCCHR”). In line with this, a series of formal workshops have been organised for members of PILU on the basics of strategic public interest litigation, free of charge, to prepare interested young lawyers to handle the demands of such cases and to encourage the use of strategic litigation to promote human rights. This session was held on 5 January 2013 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm at the Raja Aziz Addruse Auditorium. The workshop was attended by 19 participants who were trained by New Sin Yew, Kirsty Lim and Edmund Bon. EXPLORE RACE KLYLC organised its inaugural Explore Race which was held on Saturday, 19 January 2013 commencing at 10:00 am. Each team had to pay RM200 as registration fee. We had 12 teams competing in the race and the winning team and runners-up won RM1000 and RM500 respectively. There were six check points namely Masjid India (Mosque), St. John’s Church, Court Hill Ganesh Temple, China Town, Central Market, Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad and 52 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • YOUNG LAWYERS COMMITTEE Deputy Chairs Daniel Albert New Sin Yew Yeoh Tung Seng NYLC Representative Alvin Oh Seong Yew Committee Members Ahmed Ezzedin Mohammed Aloysius Cornelius bin Susek Ariani Irda Bakri Ashwin Kumar Azira Aziz Beh Huey Ching Bryan Ho Jiann Yau Charlaine Chin Chia Wilson Chloe Lim Choo Dee Wei Choo Mun Wei Chua Chinn Yuan Cindy Cheong Sing Yee Clinton Tan Kian Seng Corvina Chong Yee Phui Crystal Sue Nilsson Dennis Thong Dinesh Nandrajog Dipendra Harshad Rai Donny Kwa Soo Chuan Donovan Lee Shyun Hyn Edlyn Tan Meng Yee Edmund Bon Tai Soon Elaine Chai Shwu Ping Foo Siew June Fyiona Lai Phik-Wy Ida Daniella binti Zulkifili Jacqueline Teh Lai Fong Jayden Chuah Jer Yang Jennifer Wong Jerry Cheong Wai Meng Joanne Leong Pooi Yaen Joe Teoh Zhuo Wei Johnson Lim Fung Tat Joshua Teoh Beni Chris all were within walking distance. WORKSHOP ON MARKETING FOR YOUNG LAWYERS Foong Cheng Leong from Messrs Foong Cheng Leong & Co. presented the workshop which was held at the KL Bar Auditorium at 3:00 pm on 27 February 2013. The workshop was attended by 53 participants. The workshop covered the following areas, “Legal marketing for young lawyers”, “Tips and measures to build a reputation, relationships and clientèle”, “Getting speaking engagements and published” and “Having a successful networking conference”. 1ST KLYLC MEETING The 1st KLYLC meeting for the 2013/2014 term was held on 12 March 2013 at the KL Bar Auditorium. The structure of the KLYLC was reorganised to consist of the following Co-Deputy Chairs heading the following sub-units: Daniel Albert (Public Interest Litigation), Yeoh Tung Seng (Socials/Communications) and New Sin Yew (Professional Development). Alvin Oh was appointed as the Representative to the National Young Lawyers Committee. RETREAT AT GOLD COAST, MORIB The KLYLC decided to invite new young faces for the Retreat. We had seven facilitators and 32 new young lawyers participating in the Retreat which was held on 13 to 14 April 2013. The seven facilitators were the KLYLC Chair, Khaizan Sharizad (Sherrie), KLYLC Co-Deputy Chair Yeoh Tung Seng, Yohendra Nadarajan, Bryan Ho Jiann Yau, Crystal Sue Nilsson, Kirsty Lim Jun-Zhi and Sheelaa Ragavan. UGADI, VAISAKHI, PUTHANDU AND VISHU NIGHT The KLYLC together with the KL Bar Social, Arts and Culture Committee organised an Ugadi, Vaisakhi, Puthandu and Vishu Night on 18 April 2013 at Chutney Mary Restaurant in Bangsar. 43 people attended the event. It was an enjoyable evening. EARTH DAY 2013 ACTIVITY WEEK - COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLES, PAPER, BOTTLES AND CANS In conjunction with Earth Day Celebration which falls on 22 April 2013, the KLYLC organised a ‘Collection of Recyclables, Paper, Bottles and Cans’ week from 22 to 26 April 2013. SEMINAR ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND THE ROLE OF THE BAR To kick start the Earth Day 2013 Activity Week, NoorHajran Mohd Noor from Messrs NoorHajran Mohd Noor and Roger Chan Weng Keng from Messrs Chan Weng Keng & Associates presented an environmental seminar which was held at the KL Bar Auditorium at 3:00 pm on 22 April 2013. This seminar was attended by 38 participants. As encouraged, the participants brought along recyclable items for admission to the seminar. SEMINAR ON CRIMES AT SEA The KLYLC in collaboration with the KL Bar Professional Development Committee and Malaysian Maritime Law Association jointly organised the seminar by First Admiral Maritime Dato’ Zulkifili bin Abu Bakar and Sitpah Selvaratnam. The Seminar was held on 22 May 2013 at the KL Bar Auditorium from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm and was attended by 61 participants. The first part of the presentation covered the Agency’s roles in tackling various maritime crimes which included piracy/sea robbery, drug trafficking, smuggling of contraband and foodstuff, trafficking of persons and human smuggling, illegal migration, transporting WMD, terrorism and environmental crimes - wildlife trafficking, marine pollution, illegal fishing and sand smuggling. Special emphasis was given on combating piracy and sea robbery. The second part of the presentation covered civil consequences of piracy and highlighted the effects of piracy on the time charter of a vessel subjected to piracy including the availability of defences of off-hire and the approach to constructive total loss in relation to cargo claims under marine insurance. KLYLC-MCCHR STRATEGIC LITIGATION CAMP The KLYLC and MCCHR organised a Strategic Litigation Camp from 21 to 23 June 2013 at the YOUNG LAWYERS COMMITTEE Committee Members Joshua WK Chong Julian Chan Tjun Leung Kenneth Wong Poh Lim Kirsty Lim Jun-Zhi Kong Teng Mun @ Jason Kong Lai Chee Hoe Lai Yee Fan Lau Kei Yi Lauren Low Lu Ran Lee Ming Loong Lim Chi Chau Lim May Ling Lim Yin Faye Low Yaw Ren Lynette Yee Eun Ping Melissa Lim Shi Hui Melissa Sasidaran Michael Anthony Mohd Iqbal Zainal Abidin Muthuveeramani Nadesan Neil Tan Wei Shin Ng Yi Wen Nicole Chee Chai Kuan Nimalan Devaraja Nor Masitah binti Ishak Nur Amalina Suhainy Nur Hasnifarina Admad Fauzi Nur Zalika binti Mohd Asri Redha Ong June Siang Ooi Seow Wen Richard Wee Sasha Lian Shar Hoong Shahid Adli bin Kamarudin Shaira Amira binti Jamal Abdul Nasir Sharon Lee May Yin Sheelaa Ragavan Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom Siti Munirah Maarof Sri Sarguna Raj Syahredzan Johan Syamimi Bukhari Sylvia Sze Yi Tan Jue Ann Tan Kang Min Tan Yong Xu Tee Jer Lynn Thirunavakarasu Vijayan @ Ganesan Tracy Hah Yan Shan Vaneshaa R Ramakrishnan Naidu Victoria Ding Vince Chong Khin Young Vinu a/l Kamalananthan Wong Li-Wei Wong Wei Guan Yee Yik Shien Yohendra Nadarajan Yoong Chee Min • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 53 Firefly Park Resort, Kuala Selangor. 29 members participated in the Camp. THE LUNCHEON: A TASTE OF THE BAR II Spearheaded by the KL Bar Pupils Welfare Committee (“PWC”), the KLYLC and PWC organised a meet and greet informal lunch event dubbed “The Luncheon: A Taste of the Bar II” at The Smokehouse Restaurant, Jalan Telawi 3, Bangsar on Saturday, 22 June 2013 from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The Luncheon provided an excellent platform and avenue for budding lawyers and pupils-in-chambers to dine with senior members of the Bar. The Luncheon saw a total number of 42 members of the Bar attending the event as participants being young lawyers and pupilsin-chambers, senior members and PWC members. Indeed, the younger members of the Bar were humbled by the gracious gestures from the senior members of the Bar who took time off to attend the Luncheon. CHARITY NIGHT 2013 The Charity Night 2013 was held on 28 June 2013 at The Stage @ Avenue K, and featured performances by young lawyers competing to raise the most funds for charity. There were nine performers lined up to entertain the crowd, The Tangerines, Baro Lux, Riry, The SYB, The Democratic Donuts, W.I.S (Worst Idea Surely), Esther, Viva La France and Danial & Haqq. RM61,000 was raised and this year it was in aid of The Selangor and Federal Territory Association for the Mentally Handicapped (SAMH). SAMH was established in 1964 as a nonprofit voluntary organisation. Its headquarters, Wisma Harapan is located in Kuala Lumpur. It was initiated by a group of concerned parents and voluntary workers under the sponsorship of the then Rotary Club of Klang and Port Swettenham. From a humble beginning of four children and one teacher, the Association now has 11 special schools and centres catering to more than 520 children with varying mental disabilities. MAJLIS BUKA PUASA About 33 members and pupils turned up for the Buka Puasa organised by the KLYLC on 26 July 2013 at Alamo Restaurant, Kg Bahru. 3RD INTRODUCTORY SESSION TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION FOR LAW UNDERGRADUATES The KLYLC organised a 3rd Introductory Session to the Legal Profession for Law Undergraduates to provide them with an insight into the legal profession. The session was held at the Raja Aziz Addruse Auditorium at the Bar Council from 9:15 am to 4:00 pm on 27 July 2013. The following topics were presented, “History, Role and Relevance of the Malaysian Bar” by Richard Wee, “S.42 LPA - The Answer to Life, Universe and Everything” by Edmond Bon Tai Soon, “Crossroads - Your Options after Graduation” by Farhan Read, Cyril, Joanne Leong and Eu Zhiyi and “Myths and Realities of Practice” by HR Dipendra. 55 participants from KDU University College, HELP University, UUM, IIUM and Taylor’s College attended the session. MALAYSIAKU - CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF MALAYSIA FESTIVAL The MCCHR (in collaboration with LB Training and supported by the Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee, Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee, KLYLC, National Young Lawyers Committee and BFM) commemorated the 50th anniversary of the formation of Malaysia with a forum entitled, “Fifty Years of Democracy: Has It Weakened or Strengthened Our Federal Constitution”. The event was part of the Malaysiaku - Celebrating 50 Years of Malaysia Festival. The forum featured Dr Azmi Sharom, Associate Professor of Law, University of Malaya; Tommy Thomas, Advocate and Solicitor, High Court of Malaya; and Wan Saiful Wan Jan, CEO of IDEAS; and was moderated by Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan. SEMINAR ON OPINION WRITING Mariette Peters from Messrs Zulrafique & Partners presented the seminar which was held at the KL Bar Auditorium at 3:00 pm on 24 September 2013. The seminar was attended by 85 participants. The seminar covered the following areas: “Are you writing a legal opinion or a legal thesis?”, “Who is the reader of the opinion?”, “Is your opinion littered with legal jargon/ legalese? Does that always make it more impressive?”, “Is quantity always quality? Does a 40page opinion have more substance than a 4-page advice?” and “How do you keep an opinion 54 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • YOUNG LAWYERS COMMITTEE Committee Members Zenathnara a/p Narayanasamy concise while ensuring that the deliverable meets the client’s requirements”. CANDIDATE WATCH OF THE BAR COUNCIL ELECTION 2014/2015 The Bar Council Election takes place every year during the month of November. The purpose of the Election is to elect members who will sit in Council and tasked under the Legal Profession Act to manage the affairs of the Malaysian Bar and to carry out various functions as specified under the Act. Candidates for the Election are nominated by at least three members. In a bid to increase awareness of the Bar Council Election and to make the process just that more interesting, the KLYLC brought back for the second time, a home-grown initiative that was launched in 2010 called the ‘Candidate Watch’. The ‘Candidate Watch’ campaign essentially hopes to provide members of the Bar with the opportunity to know and understand the candidates that have offered themselves in the Election, up-close and better. THE LUNCHEON: A TASTE OF THE BAR III Spearheaded by the PWC, the KLYLC and the PWC organised the second meet and greet informal lunch event for the term dubbed, “The Luncheon: A Taste of the Bar III” at Aria Restaurant, Bukit Damansara, on Saturday, 16 November 2013 from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The Luncheon provided an excellent platform and avenue for budding lawyers and pupils-in-chambers to dine with senior members of the Bar. The Luncheon saw a total number of 39 members of the Bar attending the event as participants being young lawyers and pupils-in-chambers, senior members and PWC members. LEGAL PRACTICE MANAGEMENT COURSE The Legal Practice Management Course was held on 25 November 2013 at the KL Bar Auditorium and was attended by 61 participants. The topics and speakers for the Course were: • Managing your Practice by Fahri Azzat • Conveyancing Module by Jeremiah R Gurusamy • Everyday Problems Faced in Litigation by Yudistra Darma Dorai and Sashiraj Uthrapathy • Corporate Module by Munirah Maarof and Muhammad Zukhairi • Client Management by Choo Dee Wei • Stress Management by Khaizan Sharizad • Personal Branding by Foong Cheng Leong HUMAN RIGHTS DAY ACTIVITY In conjunction with International Human Rights Day, the KLYLC organised a Meeting UNDER THE TREE at Lake Gardens on 7 December 2013. There was a briefing by Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan on Freedom of Expression, Roger Chan Weng Keng on Environmental Rights and Goh Siu Lin on Equality. SEMINAR ON PLEADINGS Ong Yu Jian from Messrs Raj, Ong & Yudistra presented the seminar which was held at the KL Bar Auditorium at 3:00 pm on 10 December 2013. The seminar was attended by 29 participants. UPCOMING EVENTS • Laser Tag Competition on 24 January 2014 • Seminar on Basics of Cross Examination in Civil and Commercial Trials on 23 January 2014 • Social Gathering on 7 February 2014 • Legal Practice Management Course 2014 on 10 February 2014 • Seminar on Minority Oppression on 25 February 2014 • 4th Introductory Session to the Legal Profession for Law Undergraduates on 1 March 2014 • Seminar on Writ of Seizure and Sale on 4 March 2014 • Seminar on the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act on 8 April 2014 • Criminal Litigation Series APPRECIATION These projects cannot be carried out without the strong and genuine interest of our members who continued to assist and work behind the scenes to get the projects running and going. The KLYLC Deputy Chairs and members have continued to be supportive and helpful. Khaizan Sharizad Abd Razak Chairperson Young Lawyers Committee YOUNG LAWYERS COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 55 56 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • YOUNG LAWYERS COMMITTEE YOUNG LAWYERS COMMITTEE • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 57 58 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • YOUNG LAWYERS COMMITTEE BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) JANUARY 2013 - NOVEMBER 2013 Harleen Kaur (Leena)) Chairperson 1. REPORT OF THE MANAGEMENT PANEL Report submitted by Harleen Kaur (Leena) (Chairperson) Every year that I volunteer my time at the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) (“KL LAC”), I become more convinced that the KL LAC is simply indispensable. The KL LAC is literally sometimes the last door upon which people have to knock on and the KL LAC is able to respond because it has: i. ii. iii. sensitive and capable staff that are able to offer assistance; pupils who understand that it is not a just world and want to make a difference; volunteer lawyers who lead by example that service to others is a way of life. The KL LAC this past year has again assisted thousands of people. The statistics are appended in this Report and speak of the dedication of all involved. I would like to give you just a brief glimpse of the impact that we have had on people’s lives • Client was a 62 year old differently-abled person whose home was under threat of auction within 48 hours. The KL LAC assisted with negotiations with the Banks and Bank Negara and managed to halt the auction. • Client was an Indonesian woman with 3 children who was being physically abused by her spouse. The KL LAC contacted the Welfare Department and WAO who agreed to provide shelter for the children. The KL LAC also contacted the NRD to ensure that her PR status was unaffected and assisted in obtaining an IPO. • Client was a woman who sought the help of KL LAC because her nephew was being neglected by his parents. The KL LAC assisted the client to obtain temporary custody of the child. THE PANEL Honorary Secretary Abd Shukor Tokachil Assistant Honorary Secretary Rajesweri Paramasevam Treasurer Elaine Gan Peay Er Panel Members Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Jasmine Goh Huay Mien Ravi Nekoo Genevieve Tan Gaik May Rejendran V. Palany Khairil Anuar Azmi Vernon Jude Samuel Yusof Ali Bin Haji Mohamed Zain Azah Yazmin Binti Yusof Ali Kiran Kaur Ram Naidu Lee Sit Ching, Joey To put it simply, if the KL LAC did not provide assistance through its service programs such as the Legal Aid Centre Walk-in-Clinic, Syariah Clinic, Dock Brief Program, Prisons Clinic, YBGK Program and Legal Awareness Program, there would be thousands of people falling through the cracks and gaps of our legal and administrative systems. Below, in no particular order, is just a glimpse into our year. As I mentioned earlier, an important partner in the delivery of our work are our pupils. Every year there has been a steady increase in the number of pupils doing their legal aid duty with KL LAC. This has allowed us to expand whereby we have created a new program for the Pupils called the Pupils Research Program which has been very wellreceived. The first batch of Pupils under this Program completed their research by preparing a 1st draft of a book on Enforcement Agencies in Malaysia. This research was then BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 59 passed on to the LAC Law Reform and Research Committee for further research and work. KL LAC was pleased to note that many of the pupils who were involved in the initial research subsequently joined the committee and continued with the work. The KL LAC is looking forward to the end product which would be the 2nd book authored by KL LAC pupils and volunteer lawyers. For the success of this program, I wish to thank Ravi Nekoo and Stephanie Bastian for their time and effort spent on guiding, mentoring and nudging the Pupils. The 2nd batch of Pupils under the Pupils Research Program also successfully organised a forum on “Mental Health Care & The Rights of the Mentally Ill in Malaysia”. The forum received an overwhelming response from lawyers, NGOs and members of the public. Any organisation will tell you that one of its main challenges is to continually motivate its members to contribute their skills and energy, especially on a voluntary basis. With that in mind, the KL LAC carried out a Skills Development Program. This Program was designed to develop and enhance skills as well as to increase motivation amongst the pupils, lawyers and staff of the KL LAC in order to improve the quality and quantity of services rendered to clients. From 31st May to 2nd June 2013, the Skills Development Program Committee conducted a Training called “Legal Awareness & Leadership for Lawyers”. This training was conducted to encourage pupils/young lawyers to continue their involvement in KL LAC. A total of 34 participants took part in this training. The sessions were interactive and informative and the participants debated on international, national and local issues. It is not only all work and no play at KL LAC. We organised a Kopi O’ Night 2013 - “1988 Judicial Crisis: 25 Years On.” The tone for the session was set by reliving the series of events and timelines which ultimately led to the 1988 judicial crisis which saw the removal of the then Lord President, Tun Salleh Abas and two other senior judges of the Supreme Court. Dato’ Haji Sulaiman Abdullah, fondly known as Tuan Haji to us all, shared his memories of the crisis. There was definitely something in the air that night when we were told, who did what, who said what to whom, who decided together with whom, et cetera. No movie could rival his narration of events all recollected from memory. I would like to thank Ravin Singh and the YBGK Working Committee for helming this. I would also like to acknowledge and thank all our NGO partners - AWAM, SIS, WAO, UNHCR, and TENAGANITA for their continued help and cooperation in the very valued work we do together. I would like to welcome WAKE (Women and Health Association of KL) as our latest NGO partner and congratulate the Community Legal Aid Clinic for commencing a program with WAKE. The services of the Yayasan Bantuan Guaman (YBGK) are being administered through the KL LAC and its staff. I take pride in the fact that the KL LAC staff have never complained about attending to YBGK work and have also not neglected KL LAC work. It speaks to their character and attitude. I am grateful for the exemplary standards set by the Executive Director, Stephanie Bastian. I am also grateful to the support given to us by Rajen Devaraj, the CEO of the Bar Council. All of the above highlights and more would not have been possible without my fellow Office Bearers and Project Heads. Thank you for your time and selfless dedication to the KL LAC through your respective committees. The grease that oils our wheels is our pool of Volunteer Lawyers. Without them - we simply would not move. There are many people who over the span of the year have shared their wisdom and guidance and more importantly given KL LAC their support. There are too many to name here but please know that you are appreciated. Harleen Kaur (Leena) Chairperson Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) 60 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) 2. BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KL) LAC PROGRAM AND YBGK PROGRAM STATISTICS FOR CLIENTS - JANUARY TO DECEMBER 2013 A. LAC Clients NO. CLINICS/ PROGRAM 2012 JAN-DEC 2013 JAN-OCT AVERAGE NOV & DEC 2013 JAN-DEC 1 LAC Clinic 3838 3003 600 3604 2 Prisons Program 1676 1352 270 1622 3 Dock Brief Program 4198 3269 654 3923 4 Syariah Clinic 100 122 24 146 5 AWAM 296 247 49 296 6 WAO 104 54 10 65 7 SIS 426 360 72 432 8 UNHCR 3437 3918 783 4702 9 CLAC (PTF) 51 22 4 26 10 Tenaganita 933 935 (935) 935 15059 13282 2012 APRIL –DEC 2013 JAN-OCT AVERAGE NOV & DEC 2013 JAN-DEC LAC Sub-total B. 15751 YBGK Clients NO. CLINICS/ PROGRAM 1 Arrest 148 238 48 286 2 Remand 7283 13940 2788 16728 YBGK Sub-total 7431 14178 C. 17014 LAC + YBGK Clients NO. CLINICS/PROGRAM 2012 APRIL –DEC 2013 JAN-OCT AVERAGE NOV & DEC 2013 JAN-DEC 1 LAC Total 15059 13282 15751 2 YBGK Total 7341 14178 17014 LAC + YBGK Total 22400 27460 32765 BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 61 2.1 BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KL) LAC PROGRAMS + YBGK PROGRAMS STATISTICS ON FILES - OPEN, ASSIGNED AND UNASSIGNED JANUARY TO DECEMBER 2013 As at December 2012 Opened/ Returned Assigned/ Settled Unassigned Assigned/ Settled Unassigned • LAC Clinic 29 34 1 • Prisons Clinic 55 54 1 5 6 - 11 12 - 2 LAC Employment Files 37 37 - 39 39 - 3 LAC Family Files 78 83 10 77 87 - 4 Consumer Files - - - 1 1 - 5 Syariah Files 4 06 - 5 5 - 6 Others • Public Interest Litigation Files - - - - - - • MISC Files 2 2 2 2 2 - 205 216 12 140 152 - Opened/ Returned Assigned / Settled Unassigned Opened/ Returned Assigned / Settled Unassigned 98 88 10 148 158 - 103 92 11 214 224 - 201 180 21 362 382 1 Category A LAC FILES 1 Criminal Files Sub-total LAC B 1 • YBGK LAC Clinic Files • YBGK Prisons Files Sub-total YBGK C 1 Opened/ Returned YBGK FILES Criminal – YBGK Files 62 As at December 2013 LAC & YBGK FILES GRAND TOTAL Opened/ Returned Sub Total LAC Files Assigned / Settled Unassigned Opened/ Returned Assigned / Settled Unassigned 205 216 12 140 152 - 2 Sub Total YBGK Files 201 180 21 362 382 1 3 Grand Total LAC & YBGK Files 406 396 33 502 534 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) 3. KL LAC REPORT ON LEGAL AWARENESS PROGRAM (ORIENTATION) Report prepared by Secretariat Project Head Vernon Jude Samuel Committee Members Harleen Kaur (Leena) Abd Shukor Tokachil Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Rajen Devaraj Mohd Radzlan Jalaludin Surendran Sreetharan Stephanie Bastian Sheena Manicam (Secretariat) 3.1 Introduction The Legal Awareness Program (“Program”) is one of the most important programs of the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL) (“KL LAC”). This program aims to give pupils some understanding of what is required and expected from them during their 14 days of Compulsory Legal Aid Duty and to introduce them to various clinics and programs run by the KL LAC. 3.2Objectives • to help pupils to discover and understand their roles and responsibilities as an advocate and solicitor in society; • to educate pupils about the sense of social responsibility, concerns about human rights, the rule of law and the right to access to justice; and • to expose pupils to legal aid as well as to instill in them a long term commitment towards legal aid, which extends beyond their Compulsory Legal Aid Duties. 3.3 Activities As of 30th November 2013, the Legal Awareness Program Committee (“Committee”) has conducted the following programs/sessions: a) Orientation Sessions Eight (8) orientation sessions were held and the Committee had trained approximately 640 pupils from Batch 75, 76, 77, & 78. The orientation sessions utilise a participatory methodology, incorporating group dynamics, open discussion, human rights input as well as an introduction to the various KL LAC programs/clinics. The sessions were facilitated by Vernon Jude Samuel, Harleen Kaur (Leena), Abd Shukor Tokachil, Mohd Radzlan Jalaludin, Surendran Sreetharan, Rajen Devaraj, Joachim Xavier, Kenneth Koh, Stephanie Bastian and Sheena Manicam. b) Exit Evaluation Sessions Nine (9) Exit Evaluation sessions were held for all pupils from Batch 73, 74, 75 and 76 who were involved in the various KL LAC Programs/Clinics. This session is designed to appreciate the pupils’ contributions towards the public and KL LAC. A total of 820 pupils have participated in the sessions and shared their experiences in the various programs/clinics which they served as part of their legal aid duty. The sessions were facilitated by Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal, Abd Shukor Tokachil, Mohd Radzlan Jalaludin, Komathi Arunachalam, Rajen Devaraj, Stephanie Bastian and Sheena Manicam. c) Other Programs i) As a follow-up session, the Committee has organised a Get-together Session for volunteers who have volunteered during the Exit Evaluation Sessions on 27th August 2013. The aim of this session was to bring back pupils/volunteers who have indicated their interest to assist the KL LAC and brief them on the tasks, which is involved in the various programs/activities for their BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 63 better understanding and to give them a better perspective of what is expected from them. ii) Training of Trainers The committee had also conducted a training of trainers’ session on 8th September 2013 to increase the current pool of trainers to assist the committee in carrying out its activities. 3.4Strengths • Committee members’ commitment and their ability to come up with ideas to implement and further improve the training sessions; • Motivation of pupils on the need to serve the needy and marginalised; • Education of pupils on human rights which instill a sense of justice in them. 3.5Weaknesses • Time-consuming and lack of human resource support; • Time constraints for follow-up actions/sessions. 3.6Recommendations • To be able to organise more awareness and human rights sessions for the lawyers and/or the public; • To be able to discover ways to retain and maintain the involvement of pupils and young lawyers. As usual, 2013 has been a hectic year for this Committee and the Committee hopes its members will continue to show their commitment and dedication during the years to come. 4. KL LAC REPORT ON DOCK BRIEF PROGRAM Report prepared by Khairil Anuar Azmi, Project Head and Secretariat Committee Members Khairil Anuar Azmi - Project Head Lim Chi Chau Introduction The Dock Brief Program was first introduced in 1989 at Jalan Raja Magistrate Court. Formerly this program started with two (2) courts and four (4) pupils on duty. At present, this program covers 14 courts and 75 pupils to assist both local and foreign clients including juveniles. The pupils are trained to develop advocacy and interviewing skills. The services provided for the criminal litigation process under this program involves mitigation, bail application, and other related advices. The Committee also invites senior lawyers to conduct trainings for the pupils. For this year, GK Ganesan, Amrit Pal Singh, Jerald Allen Gomez and Kitson Foong are the senior lawyers who conducted the trainings. Besides that, the Committee also conducted role-play and mock-trials during the trainings for the benefit of pupils to have a better understanding of the Dock Brief program. Throughout 2013, the committee had conducted: 64 1. Two (2) Committee meetings to discuss the various matters pertaining to the program and Action Plans for the year 2013; 2. Four (4) Dock Brief Training Programs for pupils from Batches 74, 75, 76 and 77. A total of 287 pupils attended the said trainings; and 3. Three (3) Mid Term Reviews for the pupils involved in the Dock Brief Program. ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) The Statistics As at 31st October 2013 the Dock Brief program had represented 3269 clients in the Kuala Lumpur Criminal Magistrate Courts at Jalan Duta. The table below indicates the allocation of the cases mitigated by pupils: 5. OPEN APPEAL FILE MONTH MITIGATIONS & REPRESENTATION BAIL APPLICATION ADVICE GIVEN/ POSTPONED REMAND YBGK January 248 5 2 7 262 February 222 9 120 351 March 327 19 85 462 April 292 18 92 402 May 252 14 46 84 396 June 290 13 17 36 356 July 281 14 90 385 August 223 13 14 250 September 180 7 58 245 October 144 1 15 160 Total 2459 113 601 3269 31 96 TOTAL KL LAC REPORT ON PRISONS PROGRAM (SUNGAI BULOH, KAJANG WOMEN, KAJANG JUVENILE, MIGRANT PRISON AND JUVENILE REMAND HOME) Report prepared by Rejendran V. Palany, Project Head and Secretariat Project Head Rejendran V. Palany Alternate Project Head S. Thavaraj Advisor Sivanesan Nadarajah Committee Members Shahir Bin Ab Razak Sharon Palani Arunan Sevaraj Mohan Sankaran Letchiemanan Sithamparam Introduction The Prison Clinic was first introduced in December 1997 at Sungai Buloh Prison and later slowly initiated into other related programs such as the Kajang Women Prison (“KWP”) in year the 2000, the Kajang Women Migrant Prison (“KWMP”) in September 2003 and the Sungai Buloh Migrant Prison (“SBMP”) in May 2004. Subsequently, the Juvenile Remand Home (“JRH”) Program was commenced in 2001, followed by the Kajang Juvenile Prison (“KJP”) in 2007. In March 2005, all the five Prisons Clinic i.e. SBP, SBMP, KWP, KWMP, KJP, JRH operated under one program. Throughout the year 2013, the Committee had conducted: 1. Two (2) Committee meetings to discuss the various matters pertaining to the program and Action Plans for the year 2013. BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 65 2. Four (4) Prison Training Programs for pupils from Batches 74, 75, 76 and 77. A total of 79 pupils attended the said trainings. 3. Three (3) Mid Term Reviews for the pupils involved in the Prisons Program. Other Activities: • The Committee will be having a get-together dinner on 3rd December 2013 to build better networking between the KL LAC, KL Bar, the various Prisons Authorities, Welfare Department and other related departments. BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KL) (KL LAC) PRISONS PROGRAM - STATISTICS FOR JANUARY TO NOVEMBER 2013 A) CLIENT STATISTICS: Summary - 2013 B) CLINIC/PROGRAMME 2013 1 Sungai Buloh Prison: • Malaysian clients *723 • Migrant clients *116 839 2 Kajang Women Prison 38 3 Kajang Women Migrant Prison* 1 4 Kajang Men Prison ( Appeal) 32 5 Kajang Men Migrant Prison ( Appeal)* 10 6 Kajang Juvenile Prison 365 7 Kajang Juvenile Migrant Prison* 1 8 Juvenile Remand Home (Sek. Tunas Bakti Sungai Besi) and (Asrama Sentosa Sentul) 66 FILES: OPENED, ASSIGNED & UNASSIGNED - (JAN - NOV 2013) CATEGORY 6. UNASSIGNED YEAR 2012 OPENED THIS YEAR ASSIGNED THIS YEAR UNASSIGNED CURRENT 1 LAC PRISON FILE 1 12 13 0 2 YBGK PRISON FILE 11 198 209 0 KL LAC REPORT ON LAC CLINIC Report prepared by Kiran Kaur Naidu, Project Head and Secretariat Committee Members 1. Kiran Kaur Naidu (Project Head) 2. Kasthuri Krishnan (Alternated Project Head) 3. Rashini a/p Balakrishnan (Secretary) 4. Jeevanathan Angappan (Secretariat) 5. John Ramesh Das 6. Adora Yusof 7. Vimal a/l Balakrishnan 8. Logananth a/l Gunasagaram 9. Wendy Subramaniam 10. Zenathnara a/p Narayanasamy 11. Alan Selvandaran 12. Thigambari Ramanathan Velu 13. Yong Yit Jee 14.Navein Palani 15. Shiyamala Devi Manokaran 66 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) LAC CLINIC The Legal Aid Centre Clinic (LAC Clinic) operates from KL LAC Centre office from Monday to Friday at 10am until 4.30pm. The LAC Clinic opens its doors to clients of different walks of life. The LAC Clinic was under the wings of Shiyamala Devi Manokaran from February to September 2013 which was then handed to the current Project Head as Shiyamala Devi Manokaran embarked to do her Masters in the United States of America The LAC Clinic opens its doors to a wide range of clients ranging from old and young, poor and destitute, persons with disabilities (PWDs), unreasonable and mentally challenged clients. Despite the odds stacked against the LAC team, the team has successfully overcome all odds and is still continuing to do so to achieve what it has set out to do, to provide legal aid to those in need. The LAC has received praises and gratitude from the public and various organisations for the effort and dedication shown by the LAC in handling and resolving the people’s problems. WHY WE ARE FORMED The aim of the LAC programme is to educate the pupils and volunteer lawyers on their role in assisting the public in need. The programme is also designed to create social awareness and at the same time towards the development of social obligation. It also raises an overall concern towards human rights, justice, rule of law as well as to promote critical awareness and understanding of the society in general. In addition, the pupils and volunteer lawyers are also encouraged to share their legal knowledge with the society by empowering and equipping them with the basic understanding of the fundamental rights every citizen is accorded with in this nation. THE SPIRIT OF LEGAL AID Despite the wide ranging areas which are dealt with by the LAC pupils and staffs, the jurisdiction of the LAC Clinic is only confined to the limited areas of law (i.e. Employment, Family and Criminal). However, there are many instances where the pupils and staff of the LAC Clinic were confronted with scenarios requiring urgent and immediate assistance. In such circumstances, the LAC Clinic has acted in line with the spirit of its establishment and provided assistance to members of the public. A few of the many instances are as listed below. SCENARIOS MEASURES TAKEN BY LAC • Client is a 62-year old PWD, whose family’s house was charged to the Bank. • Pupil wrote to the Bank requesting to hold off the auction. • The Bank had arranged for his house to be auctioned off for a mere RM18, 000-00. • As the request went unheeded, the LAC’s pupil contacted Bank Negara to seek options available for the Client. • Client sought help to stop the auction which was scheduled in 48 hours. • A walk-in client, a cleaner and her 9 year old son reported to the police of physical abuse by her husband but no action was taken even after 3 weeks. • She sought assistance to protect herself and her son from her abusive husband. • The Client, a mother of 3, was sexually harassed by the Manager of a Hotel she worked with. Her complaints to the HR Department went unheeded. The Client was traumatised by the Hotel’s inaction and sought medical help, whereby she was mentally disturbed. Subsequently, she lodged a police report against the Manager. • As a consequence, she was terminated from employment for making a false police report. She then came to LAC for help. • On the day of auction, the LAC managed to delay the auction for 2 months with Bank Negara’s interference. The Client subsequently gathered sufficient funds to pay the Bank and held off the auction. • LAC pupil accompanied the client to lodge another police report at the nearest police station and subsequently accompanied her to the Kuala Lumpur Welfare Department • The Welfare Department then assisted in obtaining an Interim Protection Order (IPO) on the next day. • The LAC Pupils assisted the Client by speaking to the police officers at Bukit Aman and persisted in making complaints against the IO and OCPD who previously refused to take action as per her police report. • Pupils accompanied the Client to the Labour Department who took the case on wrongful termination under S.20 Industrial Relation Act 1967. BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 67 SCENARIOS MEASURES TAKEN BY LAC • The client an Indonesian tea lady with 3children. She was raped and impregnated by her current husband before marriage. Her husband is a Malaysian taxi driver who only works occasionally and relies on her income. • After 4 years of marriage, her husband began to abuse her verbally and physically, that recently, she was beaten and had to be treated at the hospital for head and hand injury. Her many medical leave prompted the HR Department to refer her to the LAC. • Fearing of losing her PR status, the pupils contacted the National Registration Department to verify her PR status. The pupils further contacted WAO and arranged for temporary shelter for the client and her youngest child. Her other two children are in a boarding school in Johor. The Welfare Department was therefore engaged to arrange accommodation for the eldest son. • Currently, she is separated from her husband and an IPO was obtained against the husband. Pupils Trained by LAC Clinic in year 2013 NGO PROGRAM NO BATCH LAC CLINIC SYARIAH CLINIC YBGK PROGRAM AWAM SIS WAO 1 Batch 74 20 5 25 12 4 4 2 Batch 75 25 7 30 12 4 4 3 Batch 76 15 5 25 12 4 4 4 Batch 77 15 5 25 12 4 4 75 22 105 48 16 16 Statistics The interviews conducted and Legal Representation given by LAC’s Clinic throughout the year of 2013. AS AT 30th October 2013 Total Walk In Clients 3003 Legal representation 106 Follow up cases & KIV 250 No Jurisdiction, Merits, Area of Law 628 Referrals & others 592 Mean Test Rejected 385 Legal Intervention 75 Walk in client (Dock Brief) 327 Walk in client (YBGK) 640 Opened Files The statistics of files opened: NO 68 TYPE OF FILES NUMBER OF FILES OPEN 1 Family 69 2 Employment 32 3 Criminal 2 4 Consumer 1 5 MISC 2 Total 106 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) } Total Trained 282 LAC Clinic’s Sincere Gratitude and Appreciation Goes To The entire Committee was actively involved in the trainings with the help of LAC officers on a rotation basis whereby three Committee members supervised each training session. We are indebted to our Director, Office Bearers, Secretariat staff members and volunteer lawyers (who are not part of the Committee) namely who dedicated their time and energy to the Clinic. NO SPEAKERS TOPIC 1. Chandrasegaran Employment Law 2. Harleen Kaur Civil Law 3. Kasthuri Krishnan Family Law & Domestic Violence 4. Lalitha Nagamuthu Family Law & Domestic Violence 5. Ong Chin Siong Family Law 6. Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Criminal Law 7. Sivanesan Nadarajah Criminal Law & Civil Procedures 8. William Foo Hiap Chong Civil Procedures LAC’s Future Plans LAC Clinic has planned several outreach programs designed to bring awareness to the society at large and to educate the common man of his rights. The programs planned: • • • • 7. Collaboration with several government agencies such as AKPK, JKM, SOCSO, ARB, Land office etc; Awareness campaigns in media such as broadcasting and social media; Legal Awareness programs - Outreach; Volunteers Recruitment Campaign at Court’s premises. KL LAC REPORT ON LAC/SYARIAH CLINIC Report prepared by Project Head and Secretariat Co-Project Heads Yusof Ali Bin Haji Mohamed Zain Azah Yazmin Binti Yusof Ali Committee Members Arif Zain Bin Yusof Ali Hani Dayana Binti Ismail NasrinSalleh Jeevanathan (Secretariat) The Syariah Clinic operates from the Secretariat and is open to the public from Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m to 4.30 p.m. The Syariah Clinic at the centre is manned by the pupils in chambers who are supervised by experienced Syariah Lawyers. The pupils in chambers were given a half-day training focuses on Syariah Civil and Criminal Law and Procedures. They also attended a one-day training with Legal Aid Clinic providing basic training in interviewing techniques as well as discussions on criminal, employment and family law before they started their duties at the Clinic. The figures below and cases handled by the Clinic 2013 Syariah clients total no. of applicants 122 Files opened 5 Sought advice only 68 No Jurisdiction & Refer to JBG 49 BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 69 There has been an increase in the number of clients as compared to 2012. The entire Committee actively took part in the training program with the help of LAC officers on a rotation basis whereby the committee members supervised the training each time. This year the training was conducted in a workshop style. Most of the cases referred to the Centre are Applications for Divorce, Maintenance and Matrimonial Property Claims. In future we would like to propose several programs. Firstly, we would like to conduct a Roadshow Program. This program will provide awareness towards the public at large pertaining to the general principles and procedures of Syariah Laws. Secondly, we would like to propose an Outreach Program. This program is a discussion which touches on the pressing issues experienced by individuals who faced difficulties with the courts and/ or the Syariah Legal System itself. Lastly, we would like to propose in working closely with the Syariah Authorities such as JAWI and JAKIM to bridge the gap between the Civil and Syariah Family members. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Management Panel, Staff of Legal Aid Centre, Syariah Committee Members, the participating pupils and also volunteers participating pupil for their interest and commitment in making the Syariah Clinic smoothly run. 8. KL LAC REPORT ON COMMUNITY LEGAL AID CLINIC Report prepared by Gene Tan (Project Head) Committee Members Preetam Kaur (Adviser) Lalitha Nagamuth (Alternate Head) Pramodini Nair Clarence Chua Nur Aziatulnadia Roslan Matthew Lee CLAC’s marginalised communities and HIV/AIDS Statistics CLAC renders assistance to the most outcast communities in Malaysia. They are Female Sex Workers, Transgender, Homosexuals, People Living with HIV and Injecting Drug Users also their partners and ultimately heterosexuals at large. It’s called affected and infected persons hence by next year we had to assist all Malaysians and non-Malaysians in total. This is such as the UNAIDS statistics on HIV rise in Malaysia spell out such numbers. More women and children are affected with HIV every year, this is made apparent in the Malaysian Health records. The Ministry of Health profiling of female HIV cases in 2011 indicated that more than two thirds were between 20-39 years of age, 86% had acquired HIV through heterosexual transmission and 40% were housewives. (source: Ministry of Health (2011) Death in Custody-Drug Users We found this year itself death in custody of drug users increased out of 8 reported death in custody 3 are drug users who died of health related complications. (source: The Star 9/6/13) 14 November 2013 another – case of drug suspect died, we highly recommend those who are reading this report to google and read the below articles. The Star online-Drug suspect dies in police truck 2013: A View of Set-Backs and Changes in our Approaches towards Community Although a slight improvement is seen in the number of walk-in CLAC clients and publicity, CLAC is faced with a low number of statistic cases and existing work. Under this premise, CLAC approached the Chair & Secretariat Head to seek new ventures with other NGOs that could benefit greatly from the work CLAC does with marginalised communities. With Wanita & Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur (WAKE), CLAC piloted a small legal clinic at the mid-year of 2013 and thus bore 10 new walk-in clients. CLAC also incorporates information briefs about YBGK schemes to all trainings, sharing and workshops with the marginalised communities in hopes to provide more guidance when they are arrested and their rights are protected. 70 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) To empower the community staff members, CLAC invited them during its pupil training and for the two batches of pupils law trainings, the community staff members from PT and WAKE learned the process of our pupil training and subsequently got involved in answering queries by pupils and vice versa the pupils learn from the community the issues which they face during the trainings. It is noted that both CLAC pupils and partner-organisation staff members participated intensively in the law discussions and sharing. Our Appreciation to KL Chair and Secretariat Head After approaching our Chair and Secretariat Head of KL LAC regarding setbacks faced in the low number or walk-in clients and publicity, CLAC was permitted to conduct work ventures with target group NGOs. Strategies bearing fruits-CLAC currently assists WAKE in the new legal clinic at their office. In the pipeline is a potential work venture with PAMT (Pertubuhan Advokasi Masyarakat Terpinggir) and KLASS (Sg Buloh Hospital), NGOs focused on HIV related issues. CLAC takes this opportunity in this report to extend sincere thanks to Harleen Kaur (Leena) and Stephanie Bastian for their unwavering support and fruitful guidance. In 2014, CLAC aims to work more closer, under their esteemed guidance, to raise exposure and outreach with our affected and infected potential communities of Malaysian and none-Malaysian. It’s also needed to note here that our refuge community faces higher risk of HIV infection thru sexual transmission from their Malaysian partners. CLAC working with Partner NGOs 1. CLAC working with Malaysian Aids Council (MAC) (Interstate Legal Workshops) CLAC committee members conducted awareness sessions and rights on arrest, remand & bail to with YBGK scheme to the marginalised communities for Malaysian Aids Council. NO DATE ORGANISATION STATE TARGET SPEAKERS 1 8/9/13 WAKE SELANGOR TG*/FSW* Gen Tan 35 2 14/9/13 PAMT 1 SEREMBAN TG*/FSW* Clarence Chua 27 3 15/9/13 INSAN MURNI SENAWANG IDU* Preetam Kaur 45 4 28/9/13 PAMT 2 CHERAS TG*/FSW* Nadia 35 GRAND TOTAL *TG: *FSW: *IDU: 2. TOTAL 142 Transgender Female Sex Workers Injecting Drug Users CLAC working with PT Foundation PT has agreed to garner more efforts in publicity of the legal clinic and had planned to include CLAC’s legal clinic into their website and preparing a flyer. We hope this method will create more awareness about the legal clinic to their community members. CLAC also planning to conduct legal workshops, trainings for PT staffs and their community members, we also conducted a meeting and PT undertaken to rotate the pupils from one program to another ie: one week at PLHIV another at Sex Workers and vice versa. BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 71 PT STATS (JAN 2013 - NOVEMBER 2013) NO 3. MATTER PT LEGAL CLINIC 1 Syariah 1 2 Medical Screenings 1 3 Property 1 4 Family Law 1 5 Rape 1 6 Visa 1 7 Arrest 3 8 Discrimination 1 9 Medical Negligence 1 10 Blackmail 1 TOTAL 12 CLAC working with Wanita & Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur (WAKE) (Pilot Legal Clinic) CLAC’s pilot approach with WAKE and it’s definitely shown fruitful results as in 6 month we managed to assist 10 marginalised and none marginalised communities. This is very good results for CLAC. Also the manager of WAKE managed to get our pupils to also assist in additional work such as translation, drafting of flyer and importantly our pupils were allowed to visits WAKE’s shelter Homes (PLHIV Shelter Home). WAKE STATS (JAN 2013 - NOVEMBER 2013) MATTER WAKE’S OTHER WORK 1 Libel 1 *Drafting of Flyer 2 Police Harassments 2 *Translation 3 Syariah 3 *Visiting WAKE’s Shelter Homes 4 Insurance 1 *Research on TEKUN Loan, Welfare 5 Bankruptcy 1 *Drafting of Letters to JAIS 6 IC Problems 1 - 7 Medical Screenings - - 8 Property - - 9 Family Law - - 10 Rape - - 11 Visa - - 12 Arrest 1 - 13 Discrimination - - 14 Medical Negligence - - 15 Blackmail - - 10 - TOTAL 72 WALK IN CLIENTS ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) CLAC’s Talks/Trainings/Activities NO 9. DATE ORGANISATION TARGET GROUPS SPEAKERS 1 19/5/13 PT, TG PROGRAM IAMYOU, TRANSGENDERS CAMPAIGN Gen 2 12/6/13 MAC, GF OUTREACH WORKERS TRAINING, TG, FSW & IDU Gen 3 19/6/13 MAC, GF OUTREACH WORKERS TRAINING, TG, FSW & IDU Nadia 4 26/6/13 MAC, GF OUTREACH WORKERS TRAINING, TG, FSW & IDU Clarence 5 19/8/13 KL LAC, SECRETARIAT VISITS TO WAKE PILOT LEGAL CLINIC CENTRE Stephanie & Chitrah 6 1/10/13 CERIA, UM LEGAL WORKSHOP Lalitha 7 4/10/13 KL LAC, SECRETARIAT MEETING WITH PT CENTRE Gen, Stephanie & Chitrah 8 25/10/13 UNAIDS MEETING WITH UNAIDS Gen & Chitrah 9 29/11/13 PT, TG PROGRAM TRANSGENDERS REMEMBRANCE DAY, PUBLIKA Gen & Chitrah 10 4/12/13 HOSPITAL SG BULOH, KLASS LEGAL WORKSHOP FOR PLHIV Gen & Chitrah KL LAC REPORT ON LAC/AWAM/WAO/SIS CLINIC Report prepared by Secretariat Project Head Harleen Leena Vikraman Rajo (Secretariat) NGO Representative Betty Yeoh / Wei San - AWAM Nazlina Abd Ghani - WAO Kartina - SIS The LAC/AWAM/WAO/SIS Clinic (“the Clinic”) facilitates liaison and cooperation between the Kuala Lumpur Legal Aid Centre (“KL LAC”), All Women Action Society (“AWAM”), Women Aid Organisation (“WAO”) and Sisters In Islam (“SIS”). This cooperation allows the LAC to reach a wider spectrum of the community, whilst it also provides AWAM, WAO and SIS with access to legally trained resources such as Chambering Pupils, Volunteer Lawyers, etc. All 3 clinics deal with issues in regards to women. They assist clients by giving legal advice, assistance to family members, domestic violence and other matters relating to women. The Clinic, together with its NGO Partners and the assistance of volunteer lawyers, has successfully carried out trainings and reviews. Annually LAC will provide 4 batches of chambering pupils to these NGOs. These pupils will be stationed at the NGO’s premises to assist the clients there. BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 73 Pupils There were 4 batches of Pupils i.e. Batch 74, 75, 76, and 77. The allocation was as follows: BATCH 74 PROGRAMME BATCH 75 BATCH 76 BATCH 77 KL SEL KL SEL KL SEL KL SEL AWAM 12 0 12 0 6 5 6 6 WAO 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 SIS 2 4 0 6 0 6 3 3 TOTAL 16 4 14 6 8 11 11 9 From January - October 2013, AWAM had attended to 247 clients, WAO had 54 clients and SIS on the other hand had 360clients. There were 4 trainings and 4 Mid Term Reviews that were held throughout the year. Students were given training on various areas of the law. Each batch of students were required to attend two compulsory trainings. The training provided by LAC covered Family Law, Domestic Violence and Syariah Law. While the training provided by the NGOs covered issues and laws in regards to the protection and rights of women. Besides that, 4 Mid Term Reviews were also held where pupils were given place to discuss their problems they faced during their days of Legal Aid Duty with AWAM/WAO/SIS. All 3 Clinics also gave their feedback on the performance of the pupils and highlighted areas for the pupils to work on. At the end of the session the pupils seemed to understand their weakness and the steps which can be taken to overcome those weaknesses. Overall the pupils were satisfied with their Legal Aid duties as they gained invaluable experiences while being attached to AWAM/WAO/SIS. 10. KL LAC REPORT ON LAC/TENAGANITA MIGRANT WORKERS CLINIC Report prepared by Secretariat Project Head Harleen Leena Vikraman Rajo (Secretariat) Tenaganita Representative Aegile Fernandez Glorene Das Yasotha Tenaganita is an organisation that promotes a culture where equality and human rights for all are embraced, valued and protected. They believe in mobilising and empowering communities to understand, uphold and defend their rights. They also solve and address rights violations against women, migrants and refugees. The Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL) works jointly with them in order to promote this cause by providing pupils to provide legal assistance during their compulsory legal aid duties. Pupils There were 4 batches of Pupils i.e. Batch 74, 75, 76, and 77. The allocation was as follows: BATCH 74 PROGRAMME KL BATCH 75 SEL KL BATCH 76 SEL KL BATCH 77 SEL KL SEL TENAGANITA 16 10 15 10 16 10 14 10 TOTAL 16 10 15 10 16 10 14 10 Each batch of pupils had to go through a 2 day compulsory training that was conducted by Tenaganita. During the two days training, the students were trained on their interviewing skills, negotiating skills as well as documentation skills. Besides that, the pupils were also trained on relevant areas of law such as Anti Trafficking Law and Employment Law. They were exposed to the rights of Domestic Workers and the Legal Mechanisms and Policies in Malaysia. 74 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) Legal Aid Centre (KL) had a meeting with Tenaganita at the beginning of the year to discuss dates of upcoming trainings, statistics and job scope of the pupils. From January 2013 up to 6th December 2013, Tenaganita had attended to approximately 926 complainants including various problems such as unpaid wages, unlawful dismissal, wrongful confinement, safe repatriations, physical abuse, mental illness, forceful extension of contract, human trafficking, PR application and extortion, and 6P fraud cases. Out of 926 complaints, Tenaganita managed to run 224 cases in total. Pupils were given a wide scope of jobs to deal with during their Legal Aid with Tenaganita which included researching of facts, making calls to confirm details, documenting, lodging police reports and assisting in matters pertaining to immigration. Besides that pupils were also required to facilitate with discussions and provide legal advice and assistance between employer and employee. Overall, the pupils were very satisfied with having to be placed at Tenaganita. They expressed that having to do their Legal Aid duty at Tenaganita was a platform for them to give back to the society especially to help those in need. Tenaganita had taught them how empathy and compassion can be culminated into action. Last but not least, it is hoped that Tenaganita will continue to achieve its aims in reaching out to the people/public garnering support for its cause. 11. KL LAC REPORT ON LAC/UNHCR CLINIC Report prepared by Secretariat Project Head Harleen Leena Vikraman Rajo (Secretariat) UNHCR Representative Asha Dhillion ShobnaSivaraman Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL) works hand in hand with the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR) to protect and help refugees in Malaysia. UNHCR is solely responsible for the registration, documentation and status determination of asylum-seekers and refugees. There were 4 batches of chambering students that were involved in the programme for this year which are Batch 74, 75, 76 and 77 which consist of 21, 20, 10 and 10 pupils respectively. All 4 batches of chambering students have undergone a compulsory training which was conducted by UNHCR. Besides that, pupils with full locus were also trained by the Dock Brief Committee. The pupils were trained to develop both advocacy and interviewing skills. The dock brief training aimed to touch on areas such as mitigation and bail application as well as other related advices. Throughout the year UNHCR had attended to approximately 3800 clients. The highest clients were recorded in the month of June that is 476 clients. Basically the job scope of the chambering students at UNHCR covered areas such as: a) Interviewing refugees with problems ranging from arrest, assault, robbery, matrimonial to taking death reports b) Assisting in the following up with arrest reports c) Assisting in releases in detention camps d) Attending court for mitigation, bail application e) Liaising with various departments There were also 4 Mid Term Reviews that were held, 1 session for each batch. The review basically highlighted the problems that chambering students were facing during their 14 weeks of Legal Aid duty. UNHCR also provided students with feedback in regards to their work done and gave suggestion as well as ideas and areas to improve on. This session gave the UNHCR officer to put forward the problems they are having with the chambering students. Along with other Legal Aid programmes, the UNHCR programme endeavours to provide legal services to refugees and less fortune members of humanity while developing the advocacy skills as well as other soft skills of pupils. The programme provides a unique platform whereby pupils are given the opportunity to help refugees that are in dire need of help. BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 75 12. KL LAC REPORT ON URGENT ARREST Report prepared by Secretariat Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and the public often join forces and take part in peaceful gatherings and assemblies. These gatherings and assemblies are held with the intention of voicing their concerns and opinions on various issues that affect the Nation. Very often these peaceful gatherings and assemblies are met with unwarranted incidents of mass arrests and detention of members of the public. Most of those arrested and detained frequently do not have access to legal counsel and they are not aware of their rights and options, under the law. In light of these circumstances the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) has set up and provided an ‘Urgent Arrest’ service to all those arrested and detained during these assemblies and gatherings. The ‘Urgent Arrest’ service is legal advice and assistance provided pro bono by lawyers who are trained and equipped with knowledge and skills in the area of arrest and detention. The ‘Urgent Arrest’ team will communicate and negotiate with the authorities and provide legal advice, intervention and representation to those arrested and detained. They will also update and inform the families about the process of arrest and remand. For the year 2013 the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) has been on ‘Urgent Arrest’ standby for the following events: 1. 12 January 2013 Bangkit Rakyat 2. 4 May 2013 Bersih 2 Election 3. 19 July 2013 Bertindak Bantah TPPA 4. 21 & 22 September 2013 Seksualiti Merdeka 5. 26 September 2013 Lynas - Memo to Parliament 13. KL LAC REPORT ON LAW REFORM AND RESEARCH COMMITTEE Report prepared by Elaine Gan, Project Head and Secretariat Co-Project Heads Lee Sit Ching, Joey Jasmine Goh Huay Mien Committee Members Ravi Nekoo Elaine Gan Peay Er Jayashree Vengadachalam Boo Min Lee Joanne Chua Tsu Fae Tan Ru En Kong Feng Nian Haleez Binti Hasnan Amy Teo Jiun Ping Vincent Wong Chee Seng Mohd Iznan Bin Abdul Malik Stephanie Bastian Sheena Manicam (Secretariat) “Since the launch of LAC’s first publication entitled “Law and Practice on Arrest and Remand”, the committee has been working on a 2nd publication which will concentrate on the power of arrest/enforcement of other government agencies. LAC has also written to all government agencies and some have given feedback on the laws governing their enforcement powers, which were very helpful. The 2nd publication will be launched in stages, and the committee hopes to launch the 1st series during the next Bar AGM. The committee has also seen the inclusion of a number of new faces, and it hopes to grow steadily from here so that LAC can continue to publish more books which will be of benefit to the people.” 76 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) 14. KL LAC REPORT ON RESEARCH PROGRAM FOR PUPILS Report prepared by Secretariat For the first half year of 2013 there were a large number of pupils registered for Legal Aid duties and due to the increase, the Secretariat created a Research Program where pupils will have to conduct research on selected and relevant topics as part of their 14 days of their legal aid duties. This program is not a permanent program but depends on the number of pupils registered for legal aid duties and the needs of research topics for KL LAC. There were approximately 36 pupils involved in this program where they were divided into 3 (three) groups from batches of 74 and 75. i) The first group of pupils was assisting the KL LAC’s Law Reform and Research Committee in conducting research for their second book on “Other Enforcement Agencies in Malaysia”. The pupils have completed their research and their first draft has been given to the Law Reform and Research Committee to finalise their second book. ii) The second group of pupils did research on Mental Health Care and organised a very successful Forum on “Mental Health Care and the Rights of the Mentally Ill in Malaysia”. The objective of organising this forum was due to the increasing concern about the rights of the mentally ill persons and the services that is offered to one that is mentally unstable. The speakers were Dr. Rozaidah Jaafar from the Department of Psychiatry at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Datin Dr. Ang Kim Teng from the Malaysian Mental Health Association, and lawyers, Edmund Bon and New Sin Yew. The forum received an overwhelming response from the lawyers, NGOs and members of the public and approximately 90 participants attended the forum. iii) The third group of pupils was assigned to conduct research on Detention and Rehabilitation of Drug Users in Malaysia. Their tasks include: a) To research on the current status of the law, policies and procedures with regards to the arrest, detention and treatment of drug users in Malaysia. b) To make recommendations to improve the current system with regard to drug users in the following areas: i) Process of arrest and detention; ii) Treatment for drug users - health / rehabilitation; iii) Drug Users and the Courts; and iv) Comparison with international standards and case studies. c) To draft a memorandum for submission to the AGs on the current status of the arrest, detention and treatment of drug users in Malaysian and the suggested recommendations and proposals. The pupils assigned to the research program were happy to be a part of the program and until now continued to assist the LAC whenever possible. 15. KL LAC REPORT ON SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Report prepared by Secretariat Harleen Kaur (Leena) Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Ravi Nekoo Rajen Devaraj Stephanie Bastian Sheena Manicam Introduction The Skills Development Program was designed to develop and enhance skills as well as to increase motivation amongst all pupils, lawyers and staff (of the LAC) in order to improve the quality and quantity of service rendered to the clients. BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 77 Objectives • Organising training programs for current and future volunteers lawyers to meet and accommodate the needs of KL LAC; • Reviewing the training programs and making recommendations for improvements, as deem appropriate; • Training of trainers. Activities On 31st May to 2nd June 2013, the Skills Development Program Committee conducted an Advanced Training called “Legal Awareness and Leadership for Lawyers” at Selesa Resort, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang. This training was conducted to encourage pupils/young lawyers to continue their involvement in the Legal Aid Centre (LAC) on a continued basis. A total of 34 participants took part in this training. The main objectives of this program are (i) to motivate and encourage pupils/young lawyers to be more involved in the LAC; (ii) to introduce soft skills essential for leadership; and (iii) to enhance their knowledge in specific areas/issues. This program emphasised on the importance of the role played by pupils/young lawyers in society and their duties towards the society. The Committee also uses this opportunity to recruit young volunteers/leaders for legal aid work, and to obtain more detailed feedback and recommendations to improve LAC programs. The facilitators were Ravin, Rajen, Stephanie and Ravi Nekoo together with Sheena, Mani and Jeeva. Fahmi Reza was invited as a guest speaker who spoke about “HARTAL” incident 10 years before Malaysia’s Independence. The session was very interactive and the participants gained lot of knowledge through this session. Discussions between the relevant facilitators and participants were regularly conducted after each session to discuss and debate the topics which were presented. The entire session lasted approximately 2 ½ days. Based on the evaluation, participants generally felt that the overall session was satisfying and beneficial. In light of the positive response from the participants, it is concluded that the event was successful in attaining its objectives. In the future it is recommended that similar program should be organised annually. After the training, the Committee had a few follow-up sessions and meetings with the participants who attended the said training. It was encouraging to see that many of the participants are now actively participating and volunteering in most of the Centre’s activities. Proposed Future Activities The committee had planned the following training sessions for the coming year: • To conduct another Advance Training and • Training of Trainers Strengths • Enhances the legal skills, knowledge and confidence of participants, to equip and encouraged them to carry out legal aid work • Facilitates and complements existing BCLAC (KL) training programmes • Committed Committee members and their ability to come up with ideas to implement and further improve the training sessions Weakness • Lack of time, human resources / volunteers with the appropriate skills or those open to undergoing training • Follow-up actions Recommendation • In future, perhaps the committee should organise talks and/or programmes involving other interesting areas of the law • More Committee Members should be involved in the above talks and/or programmes 78 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) 16. KL LAC REPORT ON KOPI ‘O’ NIGHT SESSION Report prepared by Collin Arvind Andrew Committee Members Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Farida Binti Mohammad Harleen Kaur (Leena) Jacky Loi Yap Loong Ravi Nekoo Keong Ming Wai Rajen Devaraj Terrence Lee Abd Shukor Tokachil Samantha Chong Yin Xin Lim Chi Chau Shashidevan Thalmalingam Stephanie Bastian Yoges M Verasuntharam Collin Arvind AndrewNadaraja Gopalakrishnan Delia Lee Sze Zhen Paanimalar Paramasivan Darren Teo Chin Ze Ye (Joshua) Manimagalai G. R. Hanita Beh Huey Ching (Jenna) Kopi O’ Night 2013 - “1988 Judicial Crisis: 25 Years On” Organised by the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre, Kuala Lumpur and set in an informal “potluck” style atmosphere, the 6th Kopi O’ Night series began at 8.00 p.m. at the Legal Aid Centre, Wisma Kraftangan. The session held on Friday, 18 October 2013 was attended by the public and mostly lawyers. Though it rained heavily on that particular night, such circumstance did not hamper the spirit of the participants to attend this invigorating session. Invigorating it was, because of one of the many reasons below. The session saw two illuminating speakers who had graciously agreed to speak and share their experiences and thoughts on the topic for the day - “1988 Judicial Crisis: 25 Years On”. Moderated by legal aid volunteer lawyer, Shashi Devan, the first speaker who was no stranger especially to the young lawyers and to those who have served the Legal Aid Centre would know Ravi Nekoo as the person who would always make time in the name of public interest despite a busy schedule and despite handling high profile cases. Ravi Nekoo, set the tone for the session by reliving the series of events which ultimately led to the 1988 judicial crisis which saw the removal of the then Lord President, Tun Salleh Abas and two other senior judges of the Supreme Court. He took us through a presentation which events started from, amongst others, the then Lord President, Tun Salleh Abas delivering judgments against the Government in JP Berthelsen v Director General of Immigration [1987] 1 MLJ 134 and which saw its climax culminating in the removal of the Judges with the letter sent by Tun Salleh Abas to the YDPA expressing concern of the judiciary at the criticism made against it by the executive. The next speaker, Dato’ Haji Sulaiman Abdullah, fondly known as Tuan Haji and is the symbol of justice to many. Tuan Haji shared his views on the impact of the judicial crisis then and now. Tuan Haji added an element of wisdom, experience and soul that only a senior Member of the Bar could provide. In his eloquent and distinguished style, he reminded the participants that the Bar is the only professional body that has stood firm against all odds, then and now. He explained that at the darkest hour during the judicial crisis, many perpetrated the injustices and there were also many who attempted to disrupt the Bar’s stand, but the Bar never wavered and in fact has been steadfast in its support of the Judges who had suffered injustices in the 1988 judicial crisis. Thereafter, a question and answer session commenced, in which one of the participants, Ravin Singh, member of the Bar asked “What were the perception of the lawyers who were against the cause/or did not turn up at meetings to oppose the executive attack on the judiciary?” To this, Tuan Haji replied that to say that the lawyers who did not turn up were against the cause cannot be held true as there were many lawyers who, although were not at the forefront but were instrumental in assisting the Bar in its cause. Another participant, Jacky, member of the Bar, asked “25 years on, how is the perception towards the judiciary now?” to which Tuan Haji replied and said that the public must not lose confidence in the judiciary and that there is hope for the integrity and bravery of the judiciary and to the credit of the judiciary, there have been positive steps taken. BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 79 At the end of the session, many of the participants if not all felt a sense of pride for what the Malaysian Bar has been standing up for. The session struck a chord with one of the participants, member of the Bar, Chan Yen Hui, who remarked “I feel a new sense of pride towards the Bar and its consistent stand to uphold the rule of law”. Yen Hui felt that the session was indeed a worthwhile experience and she felt inspired by what the Bar has been fighting for to uphold the rule of law. She particularly commented that it is liberating to see Tuan Haji’s unswerving passion for justice, democracy and the rule of law. The event concluded with the participants indulging in a variety of meal while having made new friends. Thanks to the efforts of the Committee, the participation of distinguished speakers and the floor, the Kopi O Night series ended on a high note. 17. KL LAC REPORT ON ATTACHMENT PROGRAM Report prepared by Secretariat “Many have been nurtured or brought up to believe that they can and should strive to make a difference in the lives of others”. As a start, the KL LAC provides an avenue for students to realise their potential as capable individuals to make a difference in the lives of those who are in need. The attachment programme run by the Secretariat of the KL LAC is channeled towards students from private and public universities and from all faculties. Throughout the attachment period, students are given the opportunity to participate in the various programs (“Programs”) organised by the Centre. These include: (a) Legal Aid Centre (“LAC”) Clinic (where distressed clients are interviewed by pupils-in-chambers and given advice); (b) Dock Brief Program (where pupils-in-chambers will conduct mitigation and bail applications for those who has pleaded guilty); (c) Prisons Program (where pupils-in-chambers will conduct interviews with prisoners); and (d) Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) such as the All Women’s Action Society Malaysia (“AWAM”), Women’s Aid Organisation (“WAO”), Sisters in Islam (“SIS”), United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (ÜNHCR”), Tenaganita and Pink Triangle Foundation (where pupils-in-chambers will assist and/or conduct interviews with less fortunate and distressed clients). In addition to the above Programs, students are also expected to be involved in the day-to-day management of the Centre, to attend various trainings conducted by the Centre and to conduct researches on a wide array of legal matters. Attachment students have the option to engage in the Programme for a week, or for as long as up to two (2) months. Upon completion of the attachment program, each attachment student will be awarded with a certificate from the Centre. Listed below are the various colleges and universities that have participated in the attachment program for the year 2013: i. University Malaya (UM); ii. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM); iii. Taylor’s University College; iv. Zaid Ibrahim & Co Visit; and v.Skrine. 18. KL LAC REPORT ON YAYASAN BANTUAN GUAMAN KEBANGSAAN (YBGK) (JANUARY - OCTOBER 2013) Report prepared by Secretariat 1. Introduction Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan (YBGK) [National Legal Aid Foundation (NLAF)] was launched on the 25th February 2011 by the Prime Minister. YBGK officially commenced operations on 2nd April 2012. YBGK provides free legal assistance in criminal proceedings to all Malaysians at the police stations at remand hearings and when they are charged in court. The existing Bar Council State Legal Aid Centres serve also as the offices of the YBGK. In addition the offices of the KL LAC also serve as a Secretariat for the YBGK. 80 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) 2. YBGK STATISTICS YBGK Kuala Lumpur covers 5 IPDs and 1 IPK. The 5 IPDs are Dang Wangi, Brickfields, Cheras, Putrajaya and Sentul. YBGK Kuala Lumpur also covers the three remand courts in Jinjang, Dang Wangi and Putrajaya. In the past eleven months (January-November 2013), NLAF lawyers from KL LAC have attended to 253 persons at IPDs and 14877 persons at remand courts. They have also assisted 3289 persons who were charged, and needed assistance with mitigation and bail applications. In addition 352 criminal case files have been opened and assigned to YBGK lawyers during the same period. 3. YBGK LAWYERS In the year 2013 two YBGK trainings for Lawyers was held in Kuala Lumpur. The trainings were attended by 81 lawyers from Kuala Lumpur, bringing the total number of YBGK lawyers trained in Kuala Lumpur to 351. The trainings were also attended by lawyers from other states in Malaysia. The trainings consisted of Part I - Administration, Part II - Arrest, Remand, Bail & Mitigation and Part III - Criminal Trial Advocacy. 4. MONITORING OF LAWYERS In order to ensure the quality of work done by YBGK lawyers – plans are in place to monitor the work done by YBGK lawyers during remand proceedings, mitigation, bail applications and the trial process. 5. YBGK PUPILS PROGRAMS Due to the extensive scope and educational experience provided by the YBGK program, the KL LAC decided to commence a YBGK pupil’s Program. Under this program, the pupils are exposed to various aspects of criminal law and proceedings. The Pupils assist with interviewing clients, legal intervention work, monitoring at the remand courts and police stations and administrative duties. The pupils are also required to carry out research on various aspects of the criminal justice system and make proposals and recommendations for law reform. Thus far, four batches of pupils have chosen to serve under this program, with each batch consisting of about 20-30 pupils. The pupils are briefed about YBGK and trained in criminal law and proceedings. 6. TRAINING OF TRAINERS (TOT) The KL LAC also carried out a training of trainers for selected volunteer YBGK lawyers. The reason for this training was to increase the current pool of trainers to assist the committee to carry out its activities. Currently, there are 5 volunteer YGBK lawyers who have been trained and are actively involved in the training for lawyers. 7. YBGK WORKING COMMITTEE The YBGK Working Committee was introduced this year. The objective of setting up this committee was to create a pool of volunteer YBGK lawyers to assist and take part in the various YBGK activities and projects. YBGK Working Committee consists of young lawyers who are well versed and committed to YBGK work. The YBGK working Committee is involved in attending meetings, monitoring, research, education and in discussing the current issues faced by YBGK lawyers. 8. KUP MEETINGS The KL LAC, by virtue of being involved in the YBGK program attends meetings with the State Ketua Unit Pendakwaan (KUP). At these meetings, the head of the KUP chairs the meeting which is attended by police officers, enforcement agencies, the judiciary and other parties. The purpose of these meetings, are for all parties involved in the YBGK program to discuss and coordinate the YBGK activities. All parties are encouraged to find solutions and make proposals to address any difficulties faced by all the departments BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) • ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 81 9. SECRETARIAT FOR YBGK The KL LAC as an initiating party of the YBGK program also finds itself in a coordinating position in relation to several aspects of the YBGK program. The KL LAC acts as a secretariat for YBGK, in liaising with other States LACs mainly for administrative and training purposes. The KL LAC also networks with relevant authorities and departments to ensure the smooth running of the YBGK program. The KL LAC also liaises with the YBGK office in Bangi in terms of registration of YBGK lawyers, the checking of claims and payments to lawyers and the implementation of standard operating procedures. 10. Conclusion The YBGK program commenced on the 2nd of April 2012 has been in operation for about a year and half and it is an ongoing developing project. From a situation where 80% of people were not represented in magistrate courts – today, hundreds of people facing criminal proceedings daily in Kuala Lumpur and other States are assisted by the YBGK Program Overall, YBGK has brought significant difference to the Criminal Legal System. It provides a comprehensive and sustainable legal aid program for those encountering the criminal justice system. 82 ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 • BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) LAPORAN PENGERUSI A.PENGENALAN Dengan sukacitanya saya memberitahu para ahli bahawa Jawatankuasa Bar Kuala Lumpur (“KLBC”) telah mengharungi tahun yang sibuk dan produktif. KLBC telah dibantu oleh Sekretariat dan ahli-ahli jawatankuasa yang berdedikasi yang telah bekerja keras dan berkorban masa untuk manafaat Bar Kuala Lumpur secara keseluruhannya. Sebagai Pengerusi, saya telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mengawasi urusan-urusan dan aktiviti-aktivit Bar Kuala Lumpur. Saya percaya saya dan ahliahli jawatankuasa telah melaksanakan tugasan kita dengan jujur, bersungguh-sungguh dan sebaik mungkin. B. SETIAUSAHA KEHORMAT DAN AHLI-AHLI YANG DI LANTIK Pada mesyuarat yang pertama pada 27 Februari 2013, KLBC telah melantik Jeremiah R Gurusamy sebagai Setiausaha Kehormat. KLBC juga melantik Mohd Izral Khairy dan Peter-Douglas Ling sebagai ahli-ahli KLBC di bawah Seksyen 73(vii) Akta Profesion Undang-undang 1976. C. AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI JAWATANKUASA i) Laporan Aktiviti Bulanan dan makluman kepada ahli-ahli KLBC terus memastikan ahli-ahli dimaklumkan mengenai aktiviti-aktivitinya melalui laporan aktiviti bulanan yang dimuat naik terus ke Blog Bar Kuala Lumpur. Menyedari kepentingan menyampaikan maklumat kepada ahli-ahli, khususnya ahli-ahli muda, KLBC mengekalkan penggunaan twitter dan facebook sebagai saluran-saluran tambahan untuk mendekati ahli selain e-makluman yang biasa. ii) Penerimaan Masuk ke Bar Masalah tempoh menunggu yang lama untuk upacara Penerimaan Masuk ke Bar timbul semula terutamanya pada suku ketiga 2013. Satu mesyuarat telah diadakan dengan Hakim Pengurus Bahagian Rayuan dan Kuasa-kuasa Khas Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Berikutan dari mesyuarat ini dan dengan bantuan dari Badan Kehakiman, tempoh menunggu bagi Upacara Penerimaan Masuk telah disingkatkan. Badan Kehakiman bersetuju untuk membolehkan lebih ramai Hakim dari Bahagian-bahagian Dagang dan Sivil untuk mendengar Petisyen Kemasukan. KLBC dengan sukacitanya mengumumkan bahawa tempoh menunggu kini adalah kira-kira satu bulan berbanding empat bulan ketika di kemuncak masalah ini. KLBC menghargai bantuan dari Hakim Pengurus dan Hakim-hakim yang bersetuju untuk mendengar Petisyen Penerimaan Masuk. iii) Perjumpaan Tahunan antara KLBC dan Jawatankuasa Bar Selangor Perjumpaan Tahunan antara KLBC dan Jawatankuasa Bar Selangor (“SBC”) telah diadakan pada 12 April 2013 di Merchant Pub, Hotel Armada, Petaling Jaya dan pada tahun ini ianya dihoskan oleh SBC. Perjumpaan tahunan ini adalah untuk ahli-ahli KLBC dan SBC penggal yang baru untuk mengenali satu sama lain dan berbincangkan bagaimana untuk bekerjasama dalam menghadapi keperluan-keperluan ahli-ahli kedua-dua Bar Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor. Perjumpaan ini tentunya telah meningkatkan dan mengukuhkan hubungan baik yang sedia ada di antara KLBC dan SBC. iv) Sukan Kehakiman & Bar Malaysia-Singapura dan Sukan 4-Penjuru 2014 (Malaysia-Singapore Bench & Bar Games and Quadrangular Games 2014) Sukan Kehakiman & Bar Malaysia-Singapura, terakhir diadakan di Kuala Lumpur pada 1996, akan di kembali selepas 18 tahun dan Bar Kuala Lumpur telah diberi penghormatan menjadi tuan rumah bagi pihak Bar Malaysia. Edisi 2014 ini akan merangkumi Sukan 4-Penjuru yang melibatkan ahli-ahli Bar dari Semenanjung Malaysia, Singapura, Sabah dan Sarawak. Sukan ini telah dijadualkan untuk di adakan pada 1 hingga 3 Mei 2014 dan memandangkan ianya kali pertama Bar Kuala Lumpur menjadi hos, kami berharap semua ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur akan tampil ke hadapan dan memberikan bantuan mereka dari segi kewangan dan bukan kewangan dalam menjadikan Sukan ini satu kejayaan besar. LAPORAN PENGERUSI • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 83 v) Bilik Peguam di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur Dengan bertambahnya ahli-ahli yang menggunakan kemudahan IT di Bilik Peguam, KLBC telah melengkapkan Bilik Peguam dengan empat unit komputer. Ahli-ahli juga dibenarkan untuk menggunakan komputer secara percuma untuk 20 minit pertama. Kemudahan-kemudahan lain yang disediakan di Bilik Peguam adalah naskah-naskah MLJ dan buku-buku teks yang terpilih, wifi, fotokopi, percetakan, faksimili, telefon, jubah, jaket, kolar, tali leher dan dispenser air. Beberapa kemudahan/perkhidmatan ini dikenakan caj pada kadar tertentu dan senarainya boleh didapati di Laman Sesawang Bar Kuala Lumpur di Bagi ahli-ahli yang mungkin tidak tahu lokasi Bilik Peguam, ia terletak di penghujung koridor sayap kanan aras 5. vi) Mesyuarat-mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Sehingga 15 Disember 2013, KLBC telah bermesyuarat sebanyak 11 kali dan kehadiran setiap ahli adalah seperti berikut: HR Dipendra Jeremiah R Gurusamy Harleen Kaur (Leena) Goh Siu Lin Amrit Pal Singh Amir Bahari Lim Chi Chau Foong Cheng Leong Khaizan Sharizad Ab Razak (Sherrie) Vince Chong Khin Young Arunachalam Kasi Mohd Izral Khairy Peter-Douglas Ling - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 11 9 11 6 11 10 9 10 8 9 7 10 Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal, wakil Bar Kuala Lumpur ke Majlis Peguam, telah dijemput untuk menghadiri mesyuaratmesyuarat KLBC sebagai pemerhati dan juga untuk melapor kepada Majlis Peguam tentang perkara-perkara berkaitan dan apakala penting dan bila diperlukan. Beliau telah menghadiri sebanyak 10 mesyuarat dan telah berkerja rapat dengan KLBC. vii) Kewangan, Yuran dan Pendapatan Bukan Yuran Kedudukan kewangan KLBC kekal stabil dengan jumlah RM1,629,253 dalam Simpanan Tetap. Kedudukan kewangan terperinci dinyatakan di dalam Akaun Teraudit berakhir 31 Disember 2013. Yuran bagi tahun 2013 telah ditetapkan pada RM125 di Mesyuarat Agung lepas pada 22 Februari 2013. Pada penutupan tahun kewangan KLBC pada 31 Disember 2013, terdapat 173 orang ahli yang masih belum menjelaskan yuran mereka bagi tahun 2013. Penggal ini, KLBC telah menjana sebanyak RM192,234 dari tajaan-tajaan, pengiklanan di laman sesawang dan surat berita, seminar-seminar anjuran PDC dan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil yang lain. D. JAWATANKUASA-JAWATANKUASA KECIL 11 jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil telah tubuhkan untuk memudahkan penganjuran pelbagai aktiviti-aktiviti KLBC dan untuk memenuhi keperluan ahli-ahli. 11 jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil dan pengerusi-pengerusi mereka adalah: 84 i) Jawatankuasa Amalan Sivil HR Dipendra Arunachalam Kasi ii) Jawatankuasa Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing Amir Bahari L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • LAPORAN PENGERUSI iii) Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah Amrit Pal Singh iv) Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat dan Penerbitan Foong Cheng Leong v) Bantuan Guaman Harleen Kaur (Leena) vi) Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pengamal Goh Siu Lin vii) Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional Jeremiah R Gurusamy Mohd Izral Khairy viii) Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar Vince Chong Khin Young ix) Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Lim Chi Chau x) Jawatankuasa Sukan dan Rekreasi Peter-Douglas Ling xi) Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Khaizan Sharizad Ab Razak (Sherrie) Pengerusi-pengerusi jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil telah memimpin jawatankuasa kecil masing-masing dengan baik dan laporan-laporan yang dilampirkan mencerminkan aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dilaksanakan oleh setiap jawatankuasa kecil. Laporan terperinci aktiviti-aktiviti tersebut disediakan dalam laporan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil tetapi yang berikut wajar diberi perhatian: • Sistem pemfailan elektronik - Bayaran untuk Sijil Sekuriti Digital Jawatankuasa Amalan Sivil telah bekerja rapat dengan Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Majlis Peguam mengenai isu bayaran yang tinggi untuk Sijil Sekuriti Digital. Banyak mesyuarat-mesyuarat telah diadakan dengan pembekal perkhidmatan dan pihak Mahkamah dan satu perjanjian telah dicapai untuk mengurangkan yuran perkhidmatan tersebut. KLBC bersama-sama dengan Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Majlis Peguam berharap untuk memberikan ahli-ahli berita baik ini sebaik sahaja perincian berkaitannya dapat diselesaikan oleh pembekal perkhidmatan. • Kaji Selidik Amalan Konveyansing Satu usaha yang patut dipuji oleh Jawatankuasa Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing (“CCPC”), keputusan dari kaji selidik tersebut akan membantu KLBC dan CCPC dalam mengenalpasti dan menangani masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh pengamal-pengamal konveyansing. • Kaji Selidik tentang AMLATFA Satu lagi usaha yang harus dipuji oleh Jawatankuasa Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing, kaji selidik tersebut adalah untuk meningkatkan kesedaran terhadap perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan Anti-Money Laundering and AntiTerrorism Financing Act 2001 (AMLATFA). • Program Mentor Amalan Jenayah Usaha yang berterusan oleh Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah, program mentor menyaksikan peningkatan bilangan para mentor dan mentee iaitu dari 9 dan 17 di tahun lepas ke 11 dan 28 masing-masing pada tahun ini. • Persidangan IT tentang Pemula dan Perniagaan Undang-undang - 26 November 2013 Memandangkan teknologi terus menerus membentuk dan mempengaruhi profesion undang-undang, Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat dan Penerbitan terus memainkan peranannya dengan menyediakan Pengguna-penguna baru LAPORAN PENGERUSI • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 85 dengan pengetahuan-pengetahuan asas dalam isu-isu utama perundangan. Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat dan Penerbitan telah menganjurkan Persidagangan 1-hari tentang Pemula dan Perniagaan Undang-undang yang merangkumi isu-isu perundangan yang amat menekankan isu-isu yang berbangkit seperti harta intelektual, perlindungan data peribadi dan media sosial. Persidangan tersebut mendapat sambutan yang baik dari komuniti pemula teknologi. 86 • Artikel-artikel di Blog Bar Kuala Lumpur Mengambil alih penerbitan, Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat dan Penerbitan telah melaksanakan tugas yang baik dalam mendapatkan beberapa artikel-artikel yang baik untuk diterbitkan di Blog Bar Kuala Lumpur. • Kesedaran Gangguan Seksual Satu perhatian khas perlu diberikan kepada Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pengamal untuk usaha berterusannya dalam meningkatkan kesedaran tentang Gangguan Seksual. E-makluman berkala yang mengandungi maklumat/tip-tip tentang gangguan seksual terus dikeluarkan dan satu seminar juga telah diadakan untuk mewujudkan kesedaran berkenaannya. • Carta Bergambar Pakaian Peguam Di Mahkamah Berikutan banyak aduan daripada ahli-ahli kanan Bar dan Kehakiman tentang peguam yang berpakaian tidak sesuai untuk Mahkamah, Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pengamal telah menyediakan carta bergambar bagi mengingatkan ahliahli untuk mematuhi Kod Pakaian semasa menghadiri Mahkamah. • Program PDC Kredit perlu diberikan kepada Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional (“PDC”) kerana melaksanakan Program PDC yang komprehensif dan seimbang dengan sekurang-kurangnya satu seminar percuma setiap bulan untuk membolehkan ahli-ahli mengumpul markah-markah CPD dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan oleh Skim CPD Majlis Peguam. KLBC sentiasa berusaha untuk mengadakan seminar-seminar dan bengkel-bengkel novel yang direka untuk mengoptimumkan pengalaman pembelajaran bagi ahli-ahli. Kami telah, sehingga tarikh 15 Disember 2013, menganjurkan 60 bengkel-bengkel dan seminar-seminar. • Luncheon: Taste of the Bar II dan III - 22 Jun 2013 dan 16 November 2013 Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar dengan kerjasama Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda telah berjaya mengumpulkan para pelatih, peguam-peguam muda dan ahli-ahli kanan Bar di dua majlis yang di kenali sebagai “Taste of the Bar II” dan “Taste of the Bar III”. Ianya telah dimulakan oleh Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda pada 2011, acara ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan satu platfom untuk ahli-ahli muda Bar berjumpa, berinteraksi dan belajar tentang amalan yang terbaik dari ahli-ahli kanan Bar. Kedua acara telah mendapat sambutan baik dan berjalan dengan jayanya. • Lawatan Mendaki ke Bukit Broga - 21 September 2013 Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar perlu dipuji kerana melaksanakan projek baru pada penggal ini, iaitu Lawatan Mendaki ke Bukit Broga, yang mana telah berjaya memberikan peluang kepada ahli-ahli kalangan pengamal undang-undang untuk bergaul, berinteraksi dan membina setiakawan. • Penyelarasan Borang-borang untuk Petisyen Kemasukan - Borang 1 hingga 8 Satu lagi projek perlu dipuji oleh Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar adalah penyelarasan Borang 1 hingga 8. Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar memulakan projek ini kerana kesilapan-kesilapan yang berulang kali dibuat oleh pelatih-pelatih semasa mengisi borang-borang kemasukan. Contoh-contoh borang akan disediakan di laman sesawang Bar Kuala Lumpur dan Blog Bar Kuala Lumpur sebagai panduan para pelatih semasa memfailkan Borang-borang masing-masing. • Perjumpaan Sosial Bulanan Penggal ini menyaksikan penganjuran semula perjumpaan sosial bulanan, selepas terhenti selama lima tahun. Dianjurkan oleh Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan, ianya ditetapkan pada hari Jumaat pertama setiap bulan dan jumlah kehadiran peguam amat memberangsangkan. • Malam Bar Kuala Lumpur - 30 November 2013 Dinamakan semula sebagai “Malam Bar Kuala Lumpur”, acara utama ini telah diberi wajah baru pada tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini untuk memenuhi citarasa muda ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur. Pada tahun ini, Malam Bar Kuala Lumpur juga telah diadakan di satu lokasi terhangat di bandaraya, Cristallo Luna @ Pacific Regency. Ianya satu lagi kejayaan L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • LAPORAN PENGERUSI dengan hadirin melebihi dari 300 orang. Bermain dengan tema malam, “Glam Rock 80-an”, kumpulan kugiran utama menggegarkan hadirin dengan lagu-lagu rock oleh penyanyi utama, Mohd Shahrin. Pujian juga kepada ahli-ahli kita sendiri atas persembahan-persembahan menakjubkan mereka dan MC kita yang benar-benar berpakaian mengikut tema. Ribuan terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua firma-firma dan ahli-ahli yang telah menyokong majlis ini dan kepada semua penaja kami atas sumbangan mereka kepada acara tersebut. • Pertandingan Futsal - 8 Jun 2013 Dianjurkan oleh Jawatankuasa Sukan dan Rekreasi, pertandingan sulung ini yang diadakan di Allrounder Indoor Soccer Centre, Petaling Jaya telah menarik 18 pasukan; 16 untuk kategori lelaki dan dua bagi kategori wanita yang juga menyaksikan penyertaan oleh tiga Bar negeri-negeri lain iaitu Kelantan, Terengganu dan Melaka. Ia merupakan satu kejayaan yang besar dan terdapat niat untuk menjadinya acara tahunan dalam kalendar sukan Bar Kuala Lumpur. • Sukan Antara Bar-Bar Negeri Malaysia - 24 Ogos dan 7 September 2013 Jawatankuasa Sukan dan Rekreasi telah berjaya menganjurkan Sukan Antara Bar-Bar Negeri Malaysia yang juga buat pertama kalinya dihoskan oleh Bar Kuala Lumpur. Lapan Bar Negeri iaitu Bar Selangor, Bar Melaka, Bar Kedah, Bar Johor, Bar Pulau Pinang, Bar Kelantan, Bar Terengganu dan Bar Kuala Lumpur bertanding dalam lima acara sukan; bola sepak, badminton, bola jaring, bola tampar dan golf dengan Bar Kuala Lumpur muncul sebagai Johan Keseluruhan kerana menang dalam acara-acara bola jaring, bola tampar dan badminton. • Seminar tentang Isu-isu Alam sekitar dan Peranan Bar - 22 April 2013 Sebagai sokongan kepada alam sekitar, Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda telah menganjurkan minggu “Kutipan Bahan Kitar Semula, Kertas, Botol dan Tin” sempena sambutan tahunan Hari Bumi. Untuk memulakan projek ini, Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda dengan kerjasama Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional menganjurkan seminar mengenai “Isu-isu Alam Sekitar dan Peranan Bar” yang telah disampaikan oleh NoorHajran Mohd Noor dan Roger Chan. Para peserta digalakkan untuk membawa bersama-sama barang kitar semula sebagai tiket untuk masuk ke seminar itu. • Kem Litigasi Strategik - 21 hingga 23 Jun 2013 Terima kasih khas mesti sekali lagi diucapkan kepada Pusat Malaysia bagi Perlembagaan dan Hak Asasi Manusia (“MCCHR”) untuk menganjurkan Kem Litigasi Strategik untuk peguam-peguam muda yang berminat untuk terlibat dalam kes-kes litigasi kepentingan awam. Sama seperti Bengkel Litigasi Kepentingan Awam anjuran MCCHR dengan kerjasama Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda di penggal lepas, Kem Litigasi Strategik ini juga berjaya menyediakan peguam-peguam muda yang berminat untuk mengendalikan permintaan yang semakin meningkat terhadap kes-kes litigasi kepentingan awam. • Malam Amal 2013 - 28 June 2013 Sekali lagi Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda mesti dipuji kerana satu lagi Malam Amal yang berjaya dengan koleksi besar berjumlah RM61,000 untuk dana Persatuan Kurang Upaya Mental, Wilayah Persekutuan dan Selangor, sebuah pertubuhan sukarelawan. • Kempen Memerhati Calon-calon untuk Pilihanraya Majlis Peguam 2014/15 Tahun ini Kempen Memerhati Calon kembali untuk kali kedua, yang pertama telah diadakan pada tahun 2010. Dikendalikan oleh Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda, ia dibawa kembali kerana kebimbangan terhadap peguam-peguam yang seolah-olah tidak lagi berminat terhadap Majlis Peguam. Dengan Kempen ini yang akan membantu ahli-ahli Bar khususnya peguam-peguam muda memahami calon-calon dengan lebih baik serta meningkatkan kesedaran mereka tentang Pilihan Raya Majlis Peguam, adalah diharapkan lebih ramai ahli akan tampil untuk mengundi dalam Pilihan Raya tersebut. • Perjumpaan di bawah Pokok di Tasik Perdana - 7 Disember 2013 Ia merupakan acara yang pertama seumpamanya, Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda telah mengadakan satu perjumpaan dengan taklimat oleh tiga peguam terkemuka mengenai “Kebebasan Bersuara”, “Hak Alam Sekitar” dan “Kesaksamaan” di bawah sebatang pokok di Tasik Perdana bersempena dengan Hari Hak Asasi Manusia. LAPORAN PENGERUSI • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 87 F. OBITUARI KLBC dengan dukacitanya merakamkan peninggalan ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur pada tahun yang ditinjau dan seorang lagi ahli yang telah meninggal dunia pada tahun 2012 yang hanya dibawa ke perhatian KLBC pada 2013: Fauziah binti Mustaffa pada 27 April 2012 Sivamohan Nagendra pada15 April 2013 Foong Heng Khaye pada 2 Oktober 2013 Hariram Jayaram pada 9 November 2013 KLBC telah menghubungi Hakim Pengurus Bahagian Rayuan dan Kuasa-kuasa Khas Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur bagi mendapatkan tarikh untuk mengadakan Istiadat Reference bagi menghormati dan mengingati ahli-ahli di atas. G.SEKRETARIAT i) Kakitangan Sekretariat Sekretariat mempunyai 11 orang kakitangan yang menyokong tugasan KLBC dan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecilnya dan pada masa yang sama melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi biasa yang lain seperti menyimpan rekod-rekod bagi prosiding mesyuarat-mesyuarat, memproses Petisyen Kemasukan ke Bar, mengutip yuran tahunan, menguruskan akaun, pendaftaran ahli-ahli, laman sesawang dan media-media sosial Bar Kuala Lumpur, melayan sebarang pertanyaan daripada ahli-ahli Bar, pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan orang ramai, kesemua ini hanya sebahagian dari tugasan harian mereka. Kakitangan telah bekerja tanpa mengenal penat lelah sepanjang tahun untuk memastikan kelancaran Sekretariat dan projek-projek dan aktiviti-aktiviti 10 jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil (tidak termasuk Bantuan Guaman yang mempunyai kakitangan sendiri) dapat dilaksanakan dengan jayanya. KLBC bernasib baik kerana mempunyai sekumpulan kakitangan yang setia dan berdedikasi, majoritinya telah berkhidmat untuk KLBC selama bertahun-tahun. Tiga orang anggota kakitangan menerima anugerah khidmat setia mereka tahun ini (2013) - Uvanarajan, Pegawai Eksekutif kami, telah berkhidmat untuk KLBC selama 25 tahun; Masni Abu Bakar, Pembantu Tadbir, selama 20 tahun dan Norhayati Rahmad (Yati), Penolong Pengarah, selama lima tahun. Seperti biasa, kakitangan Sekretariat bekerja rapat dengan KLBC dalam usaha memberikan khidmat yang lebih baik kepada Bar Kuala Lumpur dan menyediakan untuk ahli-ahli dengan Sekretariat yang lebih berkesan dan cekap. Kami mengalu-alukan maklum balas dan cadangan yang boleh membantu ahli-ahli dan meningkatkan keberkesanan dan kecekapan Sekretariat. ii) Naik Taraf Sistem IT Dalam memenuhi jangkaan dan permintaan ahli-ahli dan bagi membolehkan kakitangan Sekretariat melaksanakan tugasan mereka dengan cekap, KLBC terpaksa menggantikan semua komputer yang lama dan berusia di Sekretariat. Sebahagian daripada komputer telah usang disebabkan sama ada oleh faktor usia atau tidak lagi mempunyai kapasiti yang cukup untuk berfungsi seperti yang dikehendaki. Komputer-komputer berusia telah melambatkan tugasantugasn di Sekretariat dan ini menimbulkan masalah bagi Sekretariat untuk mengekalkan kecekapan dan pemulihan segera. Ini adalah perbelanjaan keperluan dan dengan bantuan Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat dan Penerbitan, 10 komputer baru dan dua komputer riba baru telah dibeli sebagai sebahagian daripada perbelanjaan modal KLBC di penggal ini. KLBC juga akan menggantikan Server IT yang menyimpan sistem keahlian. Server yang sedia ada juga lama dan tidak lagi dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Ia perlu dinaik taraf untuk mengelakkan kehilangan data dan tempoh panjang masa henti (downtime). Satu kajian sistem keahlian sedang dijalankan bagi menentukan spesifikasi perlu untuk server baru yang akan menyokong sistem dan memastikan penghijrahan lancar data dari server lama ke server baru. Server baru juga akan diselaraskan dengan server Majlis Peguam supaya data boleh diuruskan dengan cekap berdasarkan Skim CPD dan isu-isu yang berkaitan keahlian. iii) 88 Penambahbaikan Laman Sesawang Perancangan sedang dibuat untuk merombak dan menaik taraf laman sesawang untuk meningkatkan jenis dan pelbagai ciri-ciri yang ada dan untuk menjadikannya lebih mesra pengguna dan lebih mudah untuk diseliakan oleh kakitangan Sekretariat. Pada masa ini pengurusan kandungan adalah dilaksanakan dari sumber luar dengan akses terhad untuk kakitangan Sekretariat untuk menukar atau menambah maklumat dan ini telah menyebabkan kelewatan untuk pengemaskinian maklumat di laman sesawang. Perancangan-perancangan juga dibuat untuk membolehkan pembayaran dalam talian bagi seminar dan bengkel. L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • LAPORAN PENGERUSI iv ) Pengambilan Balik Tanah Wisma Kraftangan di mana Sekretariat ditempatkan Wisma Kraftangan di mana Sekretariat kini ditempatkan adalah dalam proses pengambilan balik tanah oleh Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur untuk pembangunan projek yang dikenali sebagai “Sungai Nadi Kehidupan”. Penilai profesional telah dilantik untuk mewakili KLBC dalam tuntutannya bagi pampasan daripada Tuan Tanah. Sementara itu, KLBC sedang bekerja dengan Majlis Peguam dalam mencari bangunan yang sesuai. Walau bagaimanapun, melainkan jika Majlis Peguam mampu untuk membeli sebuah bangunan pada masa Sekretariat Bar Kuala Lumpur perlu berpindah, alternatifnya KLBC perlu mencari premis yang sesuai untuk menempatkan Sekretariat dan auditorium untuk menjalankan program-program PDC. G. PENGHARGAAN DAN KESIMPULAN 2014 akan menjadi tahun yang amat sibuk untuk KLBC. Selain daripada menjadi tuan rumah Sukan Kehakiman & Bar Malaysia-Singapura dan Sukan 4-Penjuru pada Mei 2014, ia juga merupakan ulang tahun ke-10 Malam Amal Bar Kuala Lumpur, satu acara perdana yang dianjurkan oleh Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda. Malam Amal telah menaikkan nama baik Bar Kuala Lumpur selama ini sebahagian besarnya disebabkan oleh sokongan daripada ahli-ahli. Saya menyeru semua ahli-ahli untuk membantu KLBC kerana kami memberi jaminan untuk memberikan usaha-usaha kami yang terbaik untuk tahun ini. Apa yang tinggal untuk saya lakukan selanjutnya adalah untuk merakam dan mengakui kerjasama dan sokongan yang telah saya terima daripada berikut: a) Badan Kehakiman dan pihak berkepentingan yang lain yang sentiasa bersedia untuk membantu apabila membincangkan pelbagai isu-isu yang berbangkit di penggal ini; b) Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa saya yang telah banyak membantu saya di penggal ini dalam menyelesaikan isu-isu, membentuk dasar-dasar dan berurusan dengan pelbagai jatuh bangun yang saya hadapi. Ada yang lebih menonjol daripada yang lain tetapi secara keseluruhan tugas saya sebagai Pengerusi telah menjadi lebih mudah dengan komitmen dan dedikasi yang ditunjukkan oleh ahli-ahli jawatankuasa saya; c) Penghargaan dan terima kasih saya juga kepada Setiausaha Kehormat, Jeremiah Gurusamy dan Mary Tan Pengarah Eksekutif, kedua-dua mereka bekerja tanpa mengenal penat lelah dan cekap dalam memastikan kelancaran pentadbiran Sekretariat; dan d) Ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur tertentu yang telah memberikan nasihat kepada saya ketika terdapat satu isu yang memerlukan bantuan. Penghargaan dan terima kasih saya kepada mereka kerana meluangkan masa menawarkan bantuan apabila diperlukan. Jika terdapat apa-apa kelemahan atau kesilapan yang dibuat oleh ahli-ahli jawatankuasa, sekretariat atau saya sendiri sepanjang penggal ini, saya memohon kemaafan. Sebarang kritikan terhadap KLBC harus ditanggung oleh saya sendiri. Saya yakin bahawa jawatankuasa yang baru akan berusaha untuk memberi khidmat kepada ahli-ahli dengan sebaik mungkin dan ahli-ahli akan terus memberi galakan dan sokongan mereka seperti yang mana anda telah menggalak dan menyokong kami di penggal ini. HR Dipendra Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Bar Kuala Lumpur 2013/14 LAPORAN PENGERUSI • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 89 JAWATANKUASA AMALAN SIVIL Pada tahun ini Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil telah dinamakan semula sebagai Jawatankuasa Amalan Sivil (“CvPC”). Dalam usaha menyelesaikan isu-isu yang di hadapi oleh ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur, CvPC telah memohon dan menghadiri mesyuarat-mesyuarat dengan Pegawai-Pegawai Kehakiman Mahkamah-mahkamah Kuala Lumpur seperti berikut: MESYUARAT E-PEMFAILAN DENGAN PEGAWAI-PEGAWAI MAHKAMAH YANG BERKAITAN DAN PEMBEKAL PERKHIDMATAN EFS (FORMIS) Mesyuarat ini telah diadakan di Kompeks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur pada 20 Februari 2013 jam 3:30 petang. Mesyuarat juga telah dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil dari Firma-firma Guaman Kuala Lumpur yang merupakan pengguna-pengguna EFS. Antara isu-isu yang dibincangkan dalam mesyuarat tersebut adalah: • • • Keperluan meja bantuan yang efektif; Prosedur-prosedur standard apabila EFS di luar talian; Cadangan penambahbaikan (membolehkan cetakan untuk carian dalam talian, halaman pratonton, butang untuk ‘padam’). MESYUARAT DENGAN PANGARAH MAHKAMAH KUALA LUMPUR Mesyuarat ini telah diadakan di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur pada 18 Mac 2013 jam 3:30 petang. Antara isu-isu utama yang dibincangkan adalah perkara-perkara berkenaan pencarian-pencarian fail, Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur sebagai zon larangan merokok, masalah parkir dan masalah-masalah keselamatan. MESYUARAT DENGAN HAKIM PENYELIA MAHKAMAH RENDAH KUALA LUMPUR Mesyuarat ini telah diadakan di Bilik Mesyuarat Anggerik, Aras 6, Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur pada 29 Mac 2013 jam 3:00 petang. Isu-isu yang dibincangkan semasa mesyuarat tersebut adalah seperti berikut: • • • • • • • • 90 Prosedur-prosedur Pengurusan Kes; Penjelasan mengenai mengapa pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar tidak dibenarkan hadir di hadapan Majistret; Cadangan untuk membenarkan firma-firma guaman untuk membuat bayaran menggunakan cek Akaun Pelanggan; Permintaan untuk pemberitahuan lebih awal apabila kes-kes adalah ditangguhkan oleh Mahkamah, sekurang-kurangnya sehari setengah; Cadangan CvPC untuk meletakkan peti cadangan di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur untuk membolehkan maklum balas daripada ahli-ahli Bar; Aduan mengenai kakitangan di Kaunter Pertanyaan (yang kurang berinformasi) di Lobi Mahkamah; Permintaan Bar Kuala Lumpur untuk pegawai kehakiman memberikan kelonggaran kepada peguam untuk penetapan tarikh baru apabila suatu perbicaraan itu ditangguhkan; CvPC membangkitkan isu-isu keselamatan di tempat letak kereta di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur dan meminta pihak Mahkamah untuk mengambil tindakan dalam perkara-perkara tersebut. L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA AMALAN SIVIL Pengerusi Bersama HR Dipendra Arunachalam Kasi Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Adrian Oswald a/l Rajendran Ajeet Kaur a/p Nika Singh Alexis Diana a/p Alexander Gerald Haridas Menon Himahlini Ramalingam John Aloysius Skelchy Kisho Kumar a/l Kathiveloo Kooi Wei Kit, Chris Lew Chee Seong Lau Mark Chi-Ming Malcolm Fernandez R Usha Devi a/p R V Rajan Srividhya Ganapathy Sudharsanan Thillainathan MESYUARAT E-PEMFAILAN YANG KE-2 Mesyuarat susulan telah diadakan di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur pada 16 Julai 2013 jam 2:30 petang dan telah dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil dari Mahkamah-mahkamah Kuala Lumpur, Pasukan EFS dari Putrajaya, Formis, Majlis Peguam dan juga dari pemfailpemfail dalam talian (dari Firma-firma Guaman Kuala Lumpur). Mesyuarat ini lebih menekankan ciri-ciri penambahbaikan dan ciri-ciri yang baru kepada EFS. MESYUARAT DENGAN HAKIM PENGURUS MAHKAMAH TINGGI KUALA LUMPUR BAHAGIAN RKKK DAN DAGANG Mesyuarat ini telah diadakan di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur pada 16 Oktober 2013 jam 12:00 tengahari dan telah disertai oleh Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar. Mesyuarat diadakan terutamanya untuk membincangkan masalah penetapan tarikh-tarikh Upacara Penerimaan Masuk Peguambela dan Peguamcara. Para Pelatih dikatakan terpaksa menunggu sehingga tiga bulan sebelum mereka diterima masuk ke Bar. Hasil dari mesyuarat tersebut, Upacara-upacara Penerimaan Masuk telah dijadualkan semula dan sesi-sesi juga ditambah dengan beberapa Hakim dari Mahkamah-mahkamah Dagang mendengar Upacara-upacara Penerimaan Masuk tersebut. Ianya diharapkan agar kesemua pelatih-pelatih yang telah menamatkan latihan dalam kamar mereka akan menghadiri Upacara Penerimaan Masuk mereka dalam tahun ini. PERBINCANGAN DENGAN HAKIM PENYELIA MAHKAMAH RENDAH KUALA LUMPUR Kedua pengerusi telah mengadakan satu perbincangan dengan Puan Rohani binti Ismail, Hakim Penyelia Mahkamah Rendah Kuala Lumpur pada 13 November 2013. Perkara utama yang dibincangkan adalah berkenaan pemfailan Penghakiman Ingkar. KAJI SELIDIK JAWATANKUASA AMALAN SIVIL CvPC sedang dalam proses menyediakan suatu borang kaji selidik untuk diedarkan kepada para ahli dan maklumbalas yang diterima diharap dapat membantu Jawatankuasa Bar Kuala Lumpur dan CvPC menangani isu-isu yang berbangkit. PENUTUP DAN PENGHARGAAN Kami ingin merekodkan ucapan ribuan terima kasih dan penghargaan kami kepada ahli-ahli CvPC atas masa, sokongan dan kerjasama mereka sepanjang penggal 2013/14. HR Dipendra Arunachalam Kasi Pengerusi Bersama Jawatankuasa Amalan Sivil JAWATANKUASA AMALAN SIVIL • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 91 JAWATANKUASA AMALAN KORPORAT DAN KONVEYANSING Jawatankuasa Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing (“CCPC”) meneruskan objektif utamanya iaitu menyelesaikan isu-isu dan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh para pengamal perundangan korporat dan konveyansing Kuala Lumpur dengan agensi-agensi kerajaan yang berkaitan seperti Pejabat-pejabat Tanah dan Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia. Setakat ini CCPC telah bermesyuarat sebanyak lapan kali semenjak memegang jawatan dan dalam masa yang sama telah menghadiri dan memohon mengadakan mesyuarat-mesyuarat dengan agensi-agensi yang berkaitan. Mesyuarat-mesyuarat tersebut dan aktiviti-activiti anjuran CCPC untuk 2013/14 adalah seperti berikut: CERAMAH MEMAHAMI AKTA PENCEGAHAN PENGUBAHAN WANG HARAM DAN PENCEGAHAN PEMBIAYAAN KEGANASAN (AKTA 613) CCPC telah berjaya menganjurkan ceramah di atas pada 16 Januari 2013 dari jam 3:00 hingga 5:30 petang di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur. Ceramah tersebut telah disampaikan oleh dua penceramah; Encik Mohamad Johan bin Mohd Shahar bagi pihak Puan Fairuzana binti Mohd Pilus dari Bank Negara Malaysia dan ahli Bar sendiri, Dato’ Mohamad Bin Jahaberdeen Yunoos. Ceramah tersebut menerima sambutan yang amat menggalakkan dengan 131 penyertaan termasuk beberapa peserta bukan-ahli dari institusi kewangan. Komen-komen yang diterima dari para peserta amat positif. MAJLIS PELANCARAN SISTEM APLIKASI PEJABAT TANAH DAN GALIAN SELANGOR Lima orang ahli CCPC iaitu Chong Wai Kuan, Nahzatul Ain binti Mohd Khalid, Musyrifah binti Abdul Malek, Suraya binti Ismail and Rita Sabrina Wong Kee Ling telah mewakili CCPC ke Majlis Pelancaran tersebut pada 28 Mac 2013 yang telah dirasmikan oleh Menteri Besar Selangor. Pejabat Tanah dan Galian Selangor (“PTGS”) telah melancarkan secara rasminya tujuh sistem-sistem aplikasi yang mana merangkumi kemudahan merujuk status transaksi di PTGS secara dalam talian. Pengerusi Amir Bahari Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Agnes Chan Kim Hong Aisha Mubarak Cindy Cheong Sing Yee Chong Wai Kuan Choo Chiew Ann Dennis Teoh Grace Chang Grace Chin Mohd Irwan bin Mohd Mubarak Musyrifah binti Abdul Malek Nahzatul Ain binti Mohd Khalid Lee Peck Ha Rita Sabrina Wong Kee Ling Sarah Kambali Suraya binti Ismail Susan Joseph R Yogeswari CERAMAH PROSEDUR ASAS UNDANG-UNDANG KORPORAT Lee Shih, Oh Teik Keng dan Dennis Teoh telah menyampaikan ceramah tersebut yang telah diadakan di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur pada 4 April 2013 jam 3:00 petang. Ceramah ini telah dihadiri oleh 87 peserta. Ceramah merangkumi “Penubuhan Syarikat Sendirian Berhad”, “Penggulungan Sukarela oleh Ahli-ahli” dan “Penggulungan Pemiutang-pemiutang”. MESYUARAT DENGAN PEJABAT TANAH DAN GALIAN SELANGOR (“PTGS”) Mesyuarat ini telah diadakan pada 5 April 2013 jam 9:00 pagi di PTGS dan dipengerusikan oleh Dato’ Haji Kamarulzaman bin Jamil, Pengarah PTGS. Mesyuarat membincangkan terutamanya isu-isu berbangkit yang dihadapi oleh kedua belah pihak sama ada dari ahli-ahli Bar mahupun pegawai-pegawai PTGS termasuk pegawai-pegawai tanah dari sembilan Pejabat Tanah/ Daerah Negeri Selangor. Antara isu-isu yang telah dibincangkan dalam mesyuarat adalah perkara-perkara yang berkaitan: • • • • 92 Pendaftaran Kaveat Persendirian; Kemudahan terbaru PTGS - rujukan status perserahan dokumen secara dalam talian; Sistem Aplikasi baru yang akan dilaksanakan di seluruh Negeri Selangor, bermula dengan Sistem ‘SELAMAT’ di Pejabat-pejabat Tanah/Daerah Kelang dan Petaling; PTGS bersetuju untuk menerima pengesahan bayaran cukai pintu oleh petak individu dari pejabat pengurusan sehingga tarikh 31 Mei setiap bulan. L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA AMALAN KORPORAT DAN KONVEYANSING SEMINAR PEMBAHAGIAN HARTA PUSAKA ISLAM CCPC dan Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional telah bersama menganjurkan seminar oleh Amir Bahari pada 14 Jun 2013 pada jam 3:00 petang di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur. Seminar ini telah dihadiri oleh 53 peserta. Seminar ini meliputi perkara-perkara berikut, “Satu Tinjauan Sistem Undang-Undang”, “Carta Aliran Am”, “Berkontrak dan Merangka Terma-terma Penglibatan”, “Penggunaan Alatan Perancangan Harta”, “Fasa Syariah: Pengendalian Peruntukan-peruntukan Mahkamah Syariah”, “Fasa Mahkamah Sivil: Menangani Peruntukan-peruntukan Mahkamah Sivil” dan “7.5 Kotingensi Dalam Mengendali Situasi Buruk Yang Tidak Dijangka”. SIRI TEKNIK-TEKNIK PERUNDINGAN DAN KEMAHIRAN UNTUK PENGAMAL UNDANG-UNDANG Siri ini telah dibentangkan oleh Pengerusi kita sendiri, Amir Bahari. Kesemua siri telah diadakan di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur dari jam 3:00 hingga 6:00 petang. TAJUK TARIKH JUMLAH PESERTA Kemahiran Perundingan Asas 5 Julai 2013 (Jumaat) 21 Kemahiran Perundingan Pertengahan 18 September 2013 (Rabu) 19 Kemahiran Perundingan Tinggi 4 Oktober 2013 (Jumaat) 25 Kemahiran Perundingan untuk Pemimpin 22 November 2013 (Jumaat) 15 KAJI SELIDIK AMALAN KONVEYANSING 2013 CCPC telah mengadakan satu kaji selidik dari 1 hingga 15 Julai 2013 untuk mendapatkan maklum balas terhadap sebarang masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur dalam amalan konveyansing. Keputusan kaji selidik akan digunakan sebagai rujukan dan/atau asas dalam mesyuarat dengan pihak-pihak yang berkaitan dan pihak berkuasa. Sebanyak 33 borang telah dikembalikan kepada Sekretariat dan setiap ahli Bar terlibat telah diberikan Baucer Seminar KLBC percuma sebagai tanda penghargaan. DIALOG ANTARA MAJLIS PEGUAM DAN LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI MALAYSIA (“LHDNM”) CCPC telah dijemput oleh Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing Majlis Peguam untuk menghadiri mesyuarat tersebut yang telah diadakan di LHDNM Cyberjaya pada 29 Ogos 2013 jam 10:00 pagi. CCPC telah diwakili oleh Suraya Ismail. Dialog tersebut dasarnya membincangkan isu-isu berkaitan dengan Duti Stem dan Cukai Keuntungan Harta Tanah (CKHT). MESYUARAT DENGAN PEJABAT TANAH DAN GALIAN WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN KUALA LUMPUR Mesyuarat ini telah diadakan pada 17 September 2013 jam 10:00 di Pejabat Tanah dan Galian Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. Bar telah diwakili oleh ahli-ahli CCPC, Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing Majlis Peguam, dan Jawatankuasa kecil Konveyansing & SRE Bar Selangor. Berbagai isu-isu telah dibincangkan di mesyuarat tersebut, antaranya kesukaran-kesukaran yang dihadapi oleh pengamal-pengamal berkenaan hakmilik strata, kelewatan-kelewatan yang sering berlaku terhadap transaksi-transaksi lain di bahagian pendaftaran tanah, arahan pentadbiran terbaru berkaitan dengan sijil setem dan sebagainya. Pejabat Tanah Wilayah telah menjelaskan bahawa kelewatan-kelewatan yang berlaku adalah kerana perpindahan tujuh orang pendaftar dan pendaftar-pendaftar yang baru dilantik masih dalam latihan. Kami juga dimaklumkan bahawa semua transaksi berkaitan hakmilik strata masih dilaksanakan secara manual, walaupun mereka menerima bilangan perserahan yang banyak setiap hari. SEMINAR PENGISIAN BORANG DAN PENGIRAAN CUKAI KEUNTUNGAN HARTA TANAH (CKHT) CCPC dan Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional telah bersama menganjurkan seminar oleh dua pegawai dari Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri, Mumahad Sazali bin Sudin dan Azli Azim bin Yahya pada 25 September 2013 jam 3:00 petang di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur. Seminar ini telah dihadiri oleh 115 peserta. MESYUARAT KE 2 DENGAN PEJABAT TANAH DAN GALIAN SELANGOR (“PTGS”) Ini merupakan mesyuarat yang ke-2 untuk tahun ini antara pegawai-pegawai PTGS dan wakil-wakil dari Majlis Peguam, Bar Selangor dan Bar Kuala Lumpur. Mesyuarat ini diadakan pada 11 Oktober 2013 dan CCPC telah diwakili oleh Rita Sabrina dan Suraya Ismail. Mesyuarat membincangkan terutamanya isu-isu pentadbiran di Pejabat-pejabat Tanah di Selangor antaranya isu kebenaran menyeluruh (blanket consent), perintah mahkamah, perserahan dan pengeluaran dokumen-dokumen. PTGS juga mengumumkan bahawa laman sesawang mereka telah ditambahbaikan dan para peguam boleh menyemak status perserahan mereka di portal manakala untuk pendaftaran hakmilik, status boleh disemak di JAWATANKUASA AMALAN KORPORAT DAN KONVEYANSING • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 93 Selain dari aktiviti-aktiviti yang dinyatakan di atas, CCPC juga telah memaklumkan ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur berkenaan: • Resit Bayaran Perserahan Hakmilik Strata Palsu PTGS telah mengeluarkan satu surat yang bertarikh 1 April 2013 berkenaan perkara di atas dengan menyenaraikan sebanyak 355 dokumen dari firma-firma guaman. CCPC telah memaklumkan melalui telefon ke semua firma-firma guaman di Kuala Lumpur berkenaan dokumen-dokumen mereka yang terlibat. Selanjutnya PTGS telah bersetuju untuk menggantung dokumen-dokumen yang berkaitan dan meminta firma-firma guaman untuk menjelaskan pembayaran. Satu e-makluman telah di keluarkan sebagai pemberitahuan kepada ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur. KAJI SELIDIK MENGENAI AMLATFA CCPC sedang mengadakan suatu kaji selidik dari 12 hingga 27 Disember 2013 mengenai AMLATFA. Objektif utama kaji selidik ini adalah untuk mendapatkan maklum balas dari ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur untuk mengukur pengetahuan dan kesedaran mereka terhadap perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan AMLATFA. PENUTUP DAN PENGHARGAAN Saya ingin merekodkan ucapan ribuan terima kasih dan penghargaan saya kepada ahli-ahli CCPC atas masa, sokongan dan kerjasama mereka untuk penggal 2013/14 Amir Bahari Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing 94 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA AMALAN KORPORAT DAN KONVEYANSING JAWATANKUASA AMALAN JENAYAH Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah (“CPC”) telah mengekalkan dua objektif utama sepertimana tahun lalu iaitu: i. Menyelesaikan isu-isu dan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh pengamal-pengamal perundangan jenayah Bar Kuala Lumpur dengan agensi-agensi yang berkaitan, seperti Badan Kehakiman, Jabatan Peguam Negara, Polis dan lain-lain agensi kerajaan yang berkenaan. ii. Menggalakkan lebih ramai peguam-peguam muda untuk menceburi amalan perundangan jenayah dengan menganjurkan seminar-seminar dan program mentor khas berkenaan perundangan dan amalan jenayah. Dalam usaha menyelesaikan isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh pengamal-pengamal perundangan jenayah Bar Kuala Lumpur, CPC telah memohon dan menghadiri mesyuarat-mesyuarat dengan berbagai agensi-agensi yang berkaitan. Mesyuarat-mesyuarat dan aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dianjurkan untuk penggal 2013/14 adalah seperti berikut: MESYUARAT PROGRAM MENTOR CPC Sebagai pengenalan untuk penggal 2013/14, satu perbincangan/mesyuarat di antara pihak mentor dan mentee telah diadakan pada 19 Mac 2013 jam 6:30 petang di Sektretariat Bar Kuala Lumpur. Tujuh mentor dan sembilan mentee telah hadir. Perkara utama yang dibincangkan merupakan harapan kedua mentor dan mentee terhadap satu sama lain. Para mentor juga telah berkongsi tarikh-tarikh Kes/Pendengaran mereka dan mengalu-alukan para mentee untuk hadir dan membantu dalam kes-kes mereka. Pengerusi Amrit Pal Singh Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Adam Yap Cheow Wee Farhan Read Foong Kitson James FC Fong Jagdish Kaur Khor Boon How Lee Teong Hooi Mak Kah Keong Natarajan a/l Chinnaswami Ridha Abdah bin Subri Rajinder Singh Saha Deva Arunasalam Shamsul Sulaiman Sharon Kaur Tharamjit Singh Yasutha Reny Yoges a/p M Verasuntharam Pendaftaran untuk mentee adalah terbuka sepanjang tahun dan buat masa ini terdapat 11 mentor dan 28 mentee berdaftar dalam program tersebut. PERBINCANGAN DENGAN JAWATANKUASA PERHUBUNGAN MAHKAMAH UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH BAR SELANGOR Bagi mewujudkan hubungan kerja dan persefahaman yang lebih baik di kalangan pengamal perundangan jenayah di Lembah Klang, CPC telah menjemput Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Undang-Undang Jenayah Selangor dan satu perbincangan telah diadakan di Sekretariat Bar Kuala Lumpur pada 26 April 2013 jam 6:00 petang. Persetujuan bersama telah dicapai berkenaan perkara-perkara berikut: • • • • • Mengenalpasti masalah-masalah lazim yang dihadapi oleh para pengamal perundangan jenayah di Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur; Menyebarkan maklumat berkenaan dengan ahli-ahli kedua-dua pihak; Mengelakkan pengulangan dalam membangkitkan isu-isu dengan pihak-pihak berkepentingan berkaitan; Bekerja secara kolektif dalam menyelesaikan isu-isu lazim yang dihadapi oleh ahli-ahli kedua-dua pihak; Mewujudkan hubungan kerja dan kefahaman yang lebih baik, bukan sahaja untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu tetapi juga berkongsi cadangan dan memberi sokongan antara satu sama lain. JAWATANKUASA AMALAN JENAYAH • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 95 MESYUARAT BERSAMA UNIT SIASATAN JENAYAH POLIS DIRAJA MALAYSIA (“PDRM”) Mesyuarat ini telah diadakan di Ibu Pejabat Kontingen Polis Kuala Lumpur pada 7 Jun 2013 jam 3:00 petang. CPC telah diwakili oleh Amrit Pal Singh, Rajinder Singh, Shamsul Sulaiman, Saha Deva Arunasalam dan Yasutha Reny. Persetujuan telah dicapai bahawa Pusat-pusat Reman (Jinjang dan Dang Wangi) akan menyediakan buku rekod di mana peguampeguam persendirian akan mendaftarkan diri mereka sebelum memasuki Pusat-pusat Reman tersebut untuk menemuramah dan mewakili klien-klien mereka. Sehubungan dengan itu, para peguam dinasihatkan agar membawa kad firma serta kad pengenalan mereka. Tidak berapa lama selepas mesyuarat tersebut, CPC telah menerima surat dari Ketua Polis Daerah Dang Wangi (yang bertanggungjawab tentang Pusat Reman Dang Wangi) menyatakan bahawa para peguam perlu mengisi suatu borang sebelum peguam boleh berjumpa dan menemuramah klien-klien mereka. Ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur telah dimaklumkan prosedur ini melalui e-makluman. SEMINAR TAFSIRAN LAPORAN FORENSIK TEMPAT KEJADIAN JENAYAH CPC dan Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional bersama dibentangkan seminar dengan Tuan Amidon Anan, bekas Ketua Makmal Forensik PDRM (CSI), pada 8 Jun 2013 jam 9:00 pagi di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur. Seminar ini telah dihadiri oleh 41 peserta. BENGKEL LITIGASI JENAYAH PWC Bengkel ini adalah anjuran Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar (“PWC”) dan disampaikan oleh Amrit Pal Singh, Pengerusi CPC. Ianya diadakan di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur pada 10 Julai 2013 dan khas untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar untuk belajar asas-asas litigasi jenayah. TAKLIMAT PERINTAH KEHADIRAN WAJIB (“PKW”) CPC bersama dengan Jabatan Penjara Malaysia telah menganjurkan dengan jayanya satu taklimat secara percuma berkenaan PKW pada 27 Ogos 2013. Dilangsungkan di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur, taklimat ini telah disampaikan oleh Tuan Abdul Aziz Mohamad, Pengarah Jabatan Parol. 48 peserta telah menghadiri taklimat tersebut. Pegawai-pegawai parol dari tiga daerah-daerah Kuala Lumpur (Wangsa Maju, Cheras dan Ampang) turut menghadiri taklimat tersebut. MESYUARAT YAYASAN BANTUAN GUAMAN KEBANGSAAN (“YBGK”) Ia merupakan mesyuarat YBGK yang ke-3 yang dihadiri oleh PDRM dan agensi-agensi penguatkuasaan yang lain dan pegawaipegawai Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. Mesyuarat ini telah diadakan di Pejabat Ketua Unit Pendakwaan di Chase Perdana, Bukit Damansara pada 26 September 2013. Ianya telah dipengerusikan oleh KUP yang baru, Dato’ Hj Nik Suhaimi bin Nik Sulaiman. PENUTUP DAN PENGHARGAAN Saya ingin merekodkan ucapan ribuan terima kasih dan penghargaan saya kepada ahli-ahli CPC atas masa, sokongan dan kerjasama mereka sepanjang penggal 2013/14. Amrit Pal Singh Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah 96 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA AMALAN JENAYAH JAWATANKUASA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT DAN PENERBITAN Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi telah dinamakan semula sebagai Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat dan Penerbitan (“ITPC”). ITPC meneruskan usaha dalam mereformasi dan membuat perubahan dalam rangka kerja teknologi maklumat Bar Kuala Lumpur. Blog Bar Kuala Lumpur ( telah digunakan secara aktif untuk memuat naikan laporan-laporan aktiviti bulanan, laporan-laporan acara-acara, tip-tip Teknologi Maklumat dan artikel-artikel. Pengerusi Foong Cheng Leong Laman sesawang Bar KL (, kumpulan Facebook Bar KL (KL Bar FB Group - dan Akaun Twitter ( klbar) juga telah digunakan untuk menyebarkan informasi kepada para ahli dan juga untuk mempublisitikan acara-acara. Satu laman baru juga telah diwujudkan di Facebook khas untuk gambar-gambar Acara-acara ( Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Arunachalam Kasi Janet Toh Yoong San Justine Chew Bee Ling Krishna Roy Sreenivasan Lim Chi Chau Marlyn Perone Sharon Chien Sri Sarguna Raj Dengan penggunaan kemudahan-kemudahan internet ini, ITPC terus menjana pendapatan melalui laman sesawang untuk meningkatkan pendapatan Bar Kuala Lumpur. Dalam tempoh 2013, ITPC telah berjaya menjana RM24,050 dari Jawatan Kosong dan Iklan Kecil di laman sesawang Bar Kuala Lumpur. Pemerhati-pemerhati Gaythri Raman Joachim Leong Lynn Foo TIP-TIP TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (IT) ITPC telah menghasilkan beberapa Tip-tip IT yang telah dimuat naik di Blog KL Bar. Tip-tip adalah: 1. 2. 3. Cara membuat Kata laluan Kukuh Mengamalkan Praktis Guaman Anda dengan Menggunakan iPad Perkongsian Kalendar Anda dengan Rakan Sejawat Melalui Telefon Pintar ARTIKEL-ARTIKEL Artikel-artikel berikut telah dimuatnaikkan ke Blog Bar Kuala Lumpur: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Enter the Foreign Law Firms oleh Lee Shih Principle of Strict Compliance in Letter of Credit (LC): Towards a Proper Standard of Compliance oleh Dr Rosmawani Che Hashim Section 130 Personal Data Protection Act, 2010, Offences oleh Hung Kian Hoong Amendments to Practice Note 15 of the Malaysian Code on Take-Overs and Mergers 2010 oleh Sabrina Mohamed Hashim Start-ups, get your house in order oleh Foong Cheng Leong Personal Data Protection Act 2010 oleh Foong Cheng Leong dan Halina Jael Abu Bakar Satellite Wars: A Commentary on the Astro v Lippo Arbitration Dispute oleh Lee Shih The Constituents of An Arbitration Agreement oleh Arunachalam Kasi Looks can be Deceiving! oleh Foong Cheng Leong Understanding Arbitration oleh JR Tey Attention e-commerce Businesses: Fraud, the Law and You oleh Foong Cheng Leong The Duty of the Torrens Conveyancing Solicitors oleh Ally Chong Wai Kuan PDPA: Businesses have Responsibilities and Burdens oleh Foong Cheng Leong Land Acquisition Act, 1960 (Act 486) - the Right of Appeal, if any, pursuant to s. 49 and the Role of the Assessors in Land Reference Proceedings oleh Su Tiang Joo JAWATANKUASA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT DAN PENERBITAN • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 97 MENAIKTARAF KOMPUTER-KOMPUTER DI SEKRETARIAT BAR KUALA LUMPUR DAN BILIK PEGUAM ITPC telah menaik taraf komputer-komputer di Sekretariat Bar Kuala Lumpur dan Bilik Peguam. Kami membeli 10 komputer baru dan dua komputer riba yang berjumlah RM46,000 Kami sedang berusaha untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan WiFi percuma di Kafetaria Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. BENGKEL PELATIH BERKENAAN PENYELIDIKAN UNDANG-UNDANG ITPC telah menjadi penganjur Bengkel Pelatih berkenaan Penyelidikan Undang-undang khusus untuk para pelatih bersama dengan Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar pada 11 September 2013 memberi tumpuan terutamanya kepada “Alternatif Penyelidikan Undang-Undang Dalam Talian”, “Menggunakan Apps untuk Amalan Anda” dan “Membina satu e-Perpustakaan.” 35 pelatih telah menghadiri bengkel ini yang telah dikendalikan oleh Foong Cheng Leong, Pengerusi ITPC. PERSIDANGAN IT TENTANG PEMULA DAN UNDANG-UNDANG PERNIAGAAN ITPC telah menganjurkan Persidangan satu hari pada 26 November 2013 di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur yang dihadiri oleh 53 peserta - 4 pelatih /pelajar undang-undang, 23 ahli-ahli Bar dan 26 bukan ahli kebanyakannya dari komuniti pemula teknologi. Persidangan ini turut dipromosikan di Digital News Asia dan Stesen Radio BFM. Topik-topik yang dibincangkan adalah: • • • • • • Memperbadankan syarikat: Memilih Entiti Undang-Undang Hak oleh Sharin Kaur Veriah dan Goh May Woei (Shook Lin & Bok); Menyedari Harta Intelek Anda dan Melindungi Hak Anda oleh Janet Toh Yoong San dan Tamara Lee Ciai (Shearn Delamore & Co); Pengenalan kepada Undang-undang Siber di Malaysia oleh Adlin binti Abdul Majid (Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill); Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010: Bagaimana Mempersediakan Diri oleh Profesor Abu Bakar Munir (Universiti Malaya); Undang-undang Kontrak: Apa yang perlu ditangani dalam Terma-terma Penggunaan E-Perdagangan oleh Tai Foong Lam (Gan Partnership); Undang-Undang Cukai E-Perdagangan oleh Siti Fatimah binti Mohd Shahrom (Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill). PENGHARGAAN Kesemua projek-projek tersebut tidak akan dapat dilaksanakan tanpa minat yang kukuh dan sejati ahli-ahli ITPC kami yang terus membantu dan bekerja di belakang tabir untuk memastikan projek-projek berjalan dengan lancar. Ahli-ahli ITPC terus menerus memberi sokongan dan bantuan sepenuhnya. Foong Cheng Leong Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat dan Penerbitan 98 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT DAN PENERBITAN JAWATANKUASA HAL EHWAL PENGAMAL Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pengamal (“PAC”) telah pertama kalinya ditubuhkan dalam tahun 2012 dengan objektif-objektif yang berikut : • • • • untuk menangani isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh peguam-peguam mengikut perkembangan mereka dalam profesion serta kemajuan karier profesional mereka; untuk mengendalikan program-program berkenaan dan projek-projek bagi meningkatkan persekitaran kerja peguam-peguam; untuk mengendalikan program-program bagi ahli-ahli dalam aspek amalan bukan guaman, sebagai contoh, skil-skil emosi (“soft skills”) dan pembangunan perniagaan; dan untuk memberikan peluang-peluang rangkaian jaringan bagi membolehkan ahli-ahli Bar yang lebih berpengalaman memberi tunjuk-ajar kepada pengamal-pengamal muda. Pengerusi Goh Siu Lin Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Kiran Kaur Lam Kin Fei Low Chooi Ping Ng Zheng Hui, Charlie Nor Fadzilah binti Fauzi Tan Poh Yee Bagi penggal 2013/14, PAC telah melaksanakan projek-projek yang berikut: PENYEDIAAN BILIK PENYUSUAN DI KOMPLEKS MAHKAMAH KUALA LUMPUR PAC mengiktiraf pentingnya menyokong peguam-peguam wanita yang menyusukan bayi mereka dan keperluan untuk memudahkan transisi mereka untuk kembali melaksanakan tugas-tugas guaman di Mahkamah. Peguam-peguam wanita kini mempunyai pilihan untuk menggunakan dua bilik penyusuan yang terletak di Bilik Peguam (Aras 5, Sayap Kiri, Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur) yang disediakan berkuatkuasa dari 5 Februari 2013. PAC berharap Jawatankuasa Bar Negeri-negeri lain akan mengikut langkah ini dan menyediakan kemudahan yang sama di Mahkamah-mahkamah di seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia. PAKAIAN PEGUAM DI MAHKAMAH - CARTA BERGAMBAR Jawatankuasa Amalan Sivil Bar Kuala Lumpur telah menerima aduan daripada ahli-ahli kanan Bar dan pegawai-pegawai Kehakiman, mengenai peguam-peguam tidak berpakaian dengan sempurna semasa menghadiri Mahkamah (contoh yang diberikan termasuklah, memakai kasut berwarna merah, selipar, seluar ketat likra). Berikutan ini, PAC telah ditugaskan untuk menyediakan carta bergambar dan mengeluarkan e-makluman pada 26 Ogos 2013, bagi mengingatkan ahli-ahli supaya mematuhi Peraturan Majlis Peguam/Surat Pekeliling Mahkamah mengenai Kod Pakaian untuk memastikan kesopanan, ketertiban dan kehormatan profesionalisma. Carta bergambar tersebut kini digunakan sebagai ilustrasi bantuan pengajaran semasa Sesi Pengenalan Pelatih yang dikendalikan oleh Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar Bar Kuala Lumpur. Sesalinan juga telah dimuat naik ke Laman Sesawang Bar Kuala Lumpur dan boleh dilihat di SEMINAR PEMBANGUNAN PERNIAGAAN DI FIRMA-FIRMA GUAMAN Seminar ini telah dikendalikan secara bersama dengan Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional Bar Kuala Lumpur (“PDC”). Mathew Thomas Philip dari Tetuan Thomas Philip telah berkongsi pengertian beliau terhadap isu-isu biasa yang dihadapi oleh pengamal-pengamal dalam mewujudkan peluang-peluang perniagaan dalam batas industri guaman. Seminar ini JAWATANKUASA HAL EHWAL PENGAMAL • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 99 telah diadakan di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur pada 22 Oktober 2013 dari 5:00 petang hingga 6:30 petang dan telah dihadiri oleh 29 orang peserta. Pada akhir seminar tersebut, penceramah Mathew Thomas Philip bersetuju kepada permintaan Pengarang “Praxis” untuk menulis artikel mengenai topik tersebut untuk pengetahuan semua pengamal undang-undang. SIRI KESEDARAN GANGGUAN SEKSUAL Meneruskan usaha-usahanya untuk mendidik dan mewujudkan kesedaran antara ahli-ahli Bar, PAC telah secara berkala mengeluarkan siri-siri e-makluman yang mengandungi maklumat/tip-tip mengenai gangguan seksual. E-makluman ini dipaparkan semula dalam Laman Sesawang Bar Kuala Lumpur ( dan Blog ( Setakat ini, terdapat lapan tip dalam siri tersebut. SEMINAR PERCUMA BERTAJUK “BAGAIMANA MELAPORKAN GANGGUAN SEKSUAL - MEMECAHKAN TEMBOK BERDIAM DIRI” Seminar ini telah dianjurkan oleh PAC dengan kerjasama PDC. Janice Anne Leo Selvanathan, seorang Rakan-kongsi Bahagian Undang-undang Pekerjaan di Tetuan Shook Lin & Bok telah mengendalikan seminar ini yang telah disertai lebih kurang 50 peserta. Peserta-peserta yang hadir mewakili kedua-dua gender dan terdiri daripada pengamal-pengamal kanan dan muda. Janice telah berkongsi tip-tip praktikal dan membawa kepada perhatian peruntukan-peruntukan statutori dan kes undang-undang yang relevan dalam seminar yang interaktif ini. Acara ini telah diadakan di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur pada 12 November 2013 dari jam 3:00 petang hingga 5:30 petang. KUMPULAN MENTOR PAC PAC pada asalnya merancang untuk menganjurkan dua majlis makan malam untuk penggal ini. Bagaimanapun, disebabkan oleh projek-projek sama yang dianjurkan oleh Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda dan Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar Bar Kuala Lumpur (iaitu “The Luncheon: A Taste of the Bar II and III”), ianya telah diputuskan untuk tidak menduakan projek tersebut. SATU SEMINAR PENAMPILAN DIRI PROFESIONAL BERTAJUK “IMEJ KEMENANGAN ANDA” OLEH SHEILA WONG PAC telah menjemput Cik Sheila Wong, seorang konsultan imej yang karismatik dan terkenal untuk mengendalikan satu bengkel untuk ahli-ahli. Malangnya, akibat sambutan yang tidak menggalakkan, acara tersebut yang dijadualkan berlangsung pada 8 November 2013 telah dibatalkan. KESIMPULAN DAN PENGHARGAAN Saya ingin menyatakan penghargaan saya kepada Pengerusi, Exco Jawatankuasa Bar Kuala Lumpur, ahli-ahli PAC dan Sekretariat Bar Kuala Lumpur (khususnya, Mary, Yati dan Melissa) atas kerjasama dan sokongan mereka yang telah membantu perlaksanaan projek-projek kami dengan lebih cekap. Adalah menjadi satu penghormatan kepada saya kerana diberi peluang untuk berkhidmat untuk ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur. Goh Siu Lin Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pengamal 100 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA HAL EHWAL PENGAMAL JAWATANKUASA PEMBANGUNAN PROFESIONAL Objektif utama Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional (“PDC”) adalah untuk terus menawarkan ahli-ahli dan pelatih-pelatih, melalui program-program pendidikan undangundang, peluang untuk mengukuhkan kemahiran asas undang-undang dan memastikan mereka sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan semasa amalan-amalan perundangan yang terkini. Seperti biasa, PDC telah melaksanakan berbagai program-program pendidikan undangundang untuk ahli-ahli Bar dan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar. PDC juga berusaha untuk menganjurkan satu seminar percuma setiap bulan untuk ahli-ahli Bar, pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan pelajar-pelajar undang-undang sebagai galakan untuk mereka menyertai seminar-seminar tersebut tanpa sebarang kos. Di tahun ini, PDC telah menganjurkan 60 aktiviti yang merangkumi berbagai tajuk-tajuk seperti yang di senaraikan di mukasurat-mukasurat berikutnya. SEMINAR-SEMINAR AKAN DATANG • Ship Financing and Sale & Purchase of Ships • Conducting Civil Trials • RPGT: The Basics and the Advanced • Winding Up • Conducting Civil Trials • Topical Tax Issues in Related Party Transactions: Running the Gauntlet of Rules and Documentation Requirements • Essential Features of The Competition Act 2010: Changing the Face of Malaysian Business • Recent Tax Cases an Budget 2014: An Essential Guide for Lawyers • Malaysia vs EU: A Comparative Analysis of the PDPA and Privacy Laws Pengerusi Bersama Jeremiah R Gurusamy Mohd Izral Khairy Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Amir Bahari Balwant Singh Sidhu Donny Kwa Soo Chuan G Nanda Goban KC Cheng Leong Yin Wei Marian Lee Melinda Marie D’Angelus New Sin Yew Ravindran Shanmuganathan Sharon Palani A Subramaniam Sunita Sankey Wong Tat Chung Sambutan kepada aktiviti-aktiviti amat menggalakan dan menjadi harapan kami agar ahli-ahli akan memanafaatkan program-program ini bagi meningkatkan tahap profesionalisme mereka. Kami berharap ahli-ahli dan pelatih-pelatih akan terus meningkatkan sokongan dan penyertaan mereka. PENUTUP DAN PENGHARGAAN Adalah menjadi harapan kami, lebih ramai pengamal undang-undang akan menyertai programprogram PDC untuk tahun 2014. Jeremiah R Gurusamy Mohd Izral Khairy Pengerusi Bersama Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional JAWATANKUASA PEMBANGUNAN PROFESIONAL • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 101 NO. TARIKH TOPIK PENCERAMAH 1. 09.01.2013 Domestic Violence Act: Perspectives from a Family Law Practitioner Honey Tan Lay Ean 2. 10.01.2013 Corporate Litigator`s WMDs: Winding-up, Minority Oppression and Derivative Action Lee Shih 3. 23.01.2013 Professional Speaking: 7 Essentials Every Lawyer Should Master (Seminar Percuma) Amir Bahari 4. 30.01.2013 An Introduction to Arbitration Choon Hon Leng 5. 19.02.2013 An Introduction to Employment Law Anand Ponnudurai 6. 26.02.2013 An Introduction to Intellectual Property Cindy Goh Joo Seong 7. 28.02.2013 Climate Change: Mother Of All Environmental Problems And The Biggest Human Rights Violation Of All Times (Seminar Percuma) Roger Chan Weng Keng 8. 06.03.2013 An Introduction to Islamic Banking in Malaysia: Syariah Concept in Islamic Banking Mohamed Ridza 9. 13.03.2013 An Introduction to Hibah Amir Bahari 10. 20.03.2013 The Fundamentals of Civil Litigation Mohd Izral Khairy Tharminder Singh 11. 26.03.2013 Understanding Service Level Agreements Jeremiah R Gurusamy 12. 05.04.2013 An Introduction to s.218 Companies Winding Up Petitions Alex Chang 13. 18.04.2013 Workshop on Basic Conveyancing Practice Jeremiah R Gurusamy 14. 19.04.2013 New Boundaries in Tax Law: Capital Allowance for Carpark, RPGT v Income Tax, Compulsory Land Acquisition S Saravana Kumar 15. 22.04.2013 Environmental Issues and the Role of the Bar (Seminar Percuma) Usaha sama dengan Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda NoorHajran Mohd Noor Roger Chan Weng Keng 16. 24.04.2013 Fundamentals of Bankruptcy Proceedings Trevor Jason Mark Padasian 17. 07.05.2013 An Introduction to Construction Law Choon Hon Leng 18. 16.05.2013 An Introduction to the Law of Passing Off Arunachalam Kasi 19. 22.05.2013 Crimes at Sea (Free Seminar)(Seminar Percuma) Usaha sama dengan Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda dan Persatuan Undang-undang Maritim Malaysia First Admiral Maritime Dato’ Zulkifili bin Abu Bakar Sitpah Selvaratnam 20. 28.05.2013 The Personal Data Protection Act Foong Cheng Leong 21. 04.06.2013 Basic Conveyancing Practice Jeremiah R Gurusamy 22. 06.06.2013 An Analysis of Double Tax Agreement Thenesh Kannaa 23. 08.06.2013 Interpretation of Forensic Crime Scene Report Usaha sama dengan Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah Amidon Anan 24. 11.06.2013 Financial Planning (Bengkel Percuma) Chooi Kum Ying 25. 14.06.2013 Distribution of Muslim Estates Usaha sama dengan Jawatankuasa Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing Amir Bahari 26. 20.06.2013 Judicial Review 101 Shanmuga Kanesalingam 27. 27.06.2013 Status of Bankrupts/Companies under Liquidation at the Industrial Court Janice Leo 28. 02.07.2013 The Torrens System and Equitable Principles SY Kok 102 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA PEMBANGUNAN PROFESIONAL NO. TARIKH TOPIK PENCERAMAH 29. 05.07.2013 Basic Negotiation Skills Usaha sama dengan Jawatankuasa Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing Amir Bahari 30. 08.07.2013 Some Recent Developments In English Courts: Good Faith, Bad Directors and Security for Costs Paul Emerson 31. 09.07.2013 Sale & Purchase Agreements: Practical Tips on Drafting Ivan Wong Ee-Vern 32. 11.07.2013 Wills, Trusts and Succession Planning Jeremiah R Gurusamy 33. 17.07.2013 Political Philosophy: Democracy in Malaysia (Seminar Percuma) Shaun Tan 34. 18.07.2013 Joint Ventures Jeremiah R Gurusamy 35. 24.07.2013 Corporate Litigators WMD’s: Winding-Up, Minority Oppression and Derivative Action Lee Shih 36. 26.07.2013 Judicial Review and Recent Development in Employment Law Muhendaran Suppiah 37. 30.07.2013 Appeals to the Court of Appeal Lau Mark Chi-Ming 38. 01.08.2013 An Introduction to Arbitration Choon Hon Leng 39. 21.08.2013 The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Gustavo Llerena 40. 23.08.2013 Transfer Pricing: Insight to Malaysia’s First Transfer Pricing Litigation Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom 41. 28.08.2013 Defamation: Latest Trends and Damages Awarded Rishwant Singh 42. 29.08.2013 Human Rights and Activism (Seminar Percuma) Edmund Bon Tai Soon 43. 03.09.2013 Drafting Contracts 101 Jeremiah R Gurusamy 44. 06.09.2013 Till the Cows Come Home: How to Milk the Most from a Licensing Deal Suaran Singh Sidhu 45. 12.09.2013 Termination of Employment Relationship Jeremiah R Gurusamy 46. 18.09.2013 Intermediate Negotiation Skills Usaha sama dengan Jawatankuasa Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing Amir Bahari 47. 20.09.2013 Marriage, Divorce ad Polygamy under Federal Territories Syariah Laws Amir Bahari 48. 25.09.2013 Filling Forms and Calculating the RPGT Usaha sama dengan Jawatankuasa Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing Mumahad Sazali bin Sudin Nazli Azim bin Yahya 49. 27.09.2013 Constitutional Law (Seminar Percuma) Firdaus Husni 50. 02.10.2013 Safer Malaysia - Living in Fear of Crime is not living (Bengkel Percuma) Dianjurkan bersama dengan Jawatankuasa Safer Malaysia Majlis Peguam Richard Wee Thiam Seng Sarah Kambali 51. 04.10.2013 Advanced Negotiation Skills Usaha sama dengan Jawatankuasa Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing Amir Bahari 52. 18.10.2013 Tax Avoidance: Insights to the Legislative Provisions and Case Laws Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom 53. 24.10.2013 Capital Allowance and Charges: A Holistic Perspective Thenesh Kannaa 54. 25.10.2013 Domicile of the Parties in Family Law and Related Issues Balwant Singh Sidhu JAWATANKUASA PEMBANGUNAN PROFESIONAL • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 103 NO. TARIKH TOPIK PENCERAMAH 55. 12.11.2013 How To Report Sexual Harassment - Breaking the Wall of Silence (Ceramah Percuma) Usaha sama dengan Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pengamal Janice Leo 56. 19.11.2013 Summary Judgment Lau Mark-Chi Ming 57. 22.11.2013 Negotiation Skills for Leaders Usaha sama dengan Jawatankuasa Amalan Korporat dan Konveyansing Amir Bahari 58. 29.11.2013 Tweeting to Tears: Top 9 Legal Issues in Social Media Suaran Singh Sidhu 59. 12.12.2013 An Introduction to GST Anand Raj Irene Yong 60. 13.12.2013 An Introduction to Islamic Wills Amir Bahari 104 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA PEMBANGUNAN PROFESIONAL JAWATANKUASA HAL EHWAL PELATIH DALAM KAMAR PENDAHULUAN Penggal ini telah bermula dengan mesyuarat pertama pada 14 Mac 2013. Dalam usaha untuk memastikan Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar (“PWC”) benar-benar dinamik, pelbagai usaha telah dibuat untuk memastikan bahawa jawatankuasa kecil ini mempunyai ahli yang bukan sahaja terdiri daripada mantan Pengerusi-pengerusi PWC terdahulu, iaitu Richard Wee, Choo Dee Wei dan Jason Kong, tetapi juga terdiri kebanyakannya oleh pelatihpelatih dalam kamar (“PDK”) dan peguam muda yang baru diterima masuk ke Bar. Kempen keahlian PWC terbuka sepanjang tahun dan pada tarikh laporan ini, keahlian PWC masih terus berkembang. Kebanyakan ahli-ahli jawatankuasa kami telah pun diterima masuk ke Bar dan kami bangga menjadi sebahagian daripada perjalanan latihan dalam kamar mereka. Pengerusi Vince Chong Khin Young Penggal ini, PWC telah berusaha untuk bukan sahaja mempertingkatkan acara-acara resmi PWC tetapi juga memperkenalkan acara-acara perdana yang mana PWC akan dikaitkan kelak. Acara-acara ini bertujuan untuk melengkapkan dan memajukan objektif prinsip PWC Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Ahmad Kamal Yeop Kamaruddin Azira Aziz Cindy Cheong Sing Yee Cindy Chow Li Teen Donovan Lee Shyun Hyn Farhan Read Fyiona Lai Phik-Wy Haireen Halimi Jeremy Anthony Vinesh Joanne Ong Joshua Chin Ze Yi Karyn Khoo Luk Ling Lai Yee Fan Mah Kar Yee Mervyn Lai Wei Shiung Ngou Wai Ting Nicole Nur Khairunnisa Phang Soon Mun Randy Chew Beng Han Saha Deva Arunasalam Shaira Amira Siti Munirah binti Maarof Tee Jer Lynn Terrence Teng Weng Loong Victoria Yap OBJEKTIF-OBJEKTIF PWC Objektif-objektif tersebut adalah: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Memantau semua isu-isu, hal ehwal dan kebajikan PDK sepanjang tempoh latihan dalam kamar; Mencadangkan remedi-remedi, penyelesaian-penyelesaian dan tindakan-tindakan untuk menangani apa-apa isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh PDK, Pengajar-pengajar dan Mahkamah berkaitan dengan hal ehwal PDK; Menggalakkan perkembangan profesional yang berterusan PDK melalui bengkel, seminar, dialog dan sebagainya; Menyediakan platfom yang efektif bagi PDK untuk menyuarakan kebimbangan mereka terhadap sebarang isu-isu yang mungkin timbul sepanjang latihan dalam kamar mereka; Menyediakan suatu platfom sosial dan ‘networking’ dengan menganjurkan acaraacara sosial untuk merapatkan jurang antara PDK dan pengamal-pengamal undangundang dan mengeratkan hubungan di kalangan PDK. Dengan objektif-objektif ini, acara-acara berikut telah dianjurkan: Sesi Pengenalan PDK (“Sesi Pengenalan”) Dalam bulan pertama latihan dalam kamar (tertakluk kepada kekosongan tempat), setiap PDK mesti menghadiri Sesi Pengenalan. Sesi Pengenalan dijalankan setiap bulan. Sesi Pengenalan direka untuk memperkenalkan Bar Malaysia, Majlis Peguam dan Jawatankuasa Bar Negeri Kuala Lumpur (“KLBC”) kepada PDK. Ia juga direka untuk membolehkan PDK berkongsi sebarang masalah yang mereka hadapi setakat itu atau berkongsi pengalaman dalam tempoh latihan mereka. Sesi Pengenalan ini biasanya dikendalikan oleh Pengerusi PWC. Sepanjang penggal ini, Ravin Singh dan Harleen Kaur telah mengendalikan Sesi Pengenalan ini apabila Pengerusi PWC tidak dapat hadir. PWC ingin merakamkan penghargaannya kepada Ravin dan Harleen. JAWATANKUASA HAL EHWAL PELATIH DALAM KAMAR Timbalan Pengerusi Tan Shang Neng Penasihat-penasihat Richard Wee Choo Dee Wei Jason Kong • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 105 Sesi Pengenalan untuk penggal ini dan statistik-statistik yang relevan adalah seperti berikut (pada masa laporan ini ditulis): TARIKH PDK YANG HADIR 15 Mac 2013 76 10 April 2013 77 13 Mei 2013 51 5 Jun 2013 73 3 Julai 2013 54 5 Ogos 2013 39 4 September 2013 72 9 Oktober 2013 69 13 November 2013 81 Sebagai rekod, pada awal penggal ini, PWC telah ditugaskan untuk mengkaji semula Sesi Pengenalan ini untuk menentukan sama ada format semasa Sesi Pengenalan ini memuaskan dan sama ada ianya mencapai objektif-objektif yang dinyatakan di atas. Dalam analisis akhir, PWC telah melaporkan bahawa format yang sedia ada ini adalah memuaskan dan oleh itu, tiada perubahan dibuat terhadapnya. Bengkel-bengkel untuk PDK Bengkel-bengkel PDK ini adalah siri-siri bengkel yang fokusnya adalah untuk menyampaikan kuliah yang padat dan ringkas dalam praktis-praktis guaman tertentu dalam usaha untuk memperkenalkan praktis tersebut kepada PDK dan pada masa yang sama, melengkapkan PDK dengan aspek-aspek praktikal dalam operasi undang-undang praktis tersebut sambil meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran undang-undang PDK. Ianya direka khas untuk PDK dan hanya PDK boleh menyertainya. Disebabkan populariti Bengkel-bengkel ini, had bilangan peserta untuk setiap Bengkel telah ditingkatkan kepada 50 pelatih untuk setiap sesi. Bengkel-bengkel yang berikut telah dikendalikan dalam penggal ini: TARIKH BENGKEL TOPIK PENCERAMAH 8 Mei 2013 Litigasi Sivil Colin Andrew Pereira Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah 12 Jun 2013 Konveyansing Michael Leow Yon Meng 10 Julai 2013 Litigasi Jenayah Amrit Pal Singh 19 Ogos 2013 Korporat Jeremiah R Gurusamy 11 September 2013 Penyelidikan Undang-undang Foong Cheng Leong 23 Oktober 2013 Litigasi Sivil Colin Andrew Pereira Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah 20 November 2013 Konveyansing Michael Leow Yon Meng 20 Disember 2013 Litigasi Jenayah Farhan Read Muhammad Fadhli Mat Sutris Untuk penggal ini, dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan lagi kemahiran dan keupayaan PDK, PWC telah menambahkan satu Bengkel baru iaitu Penyelidikan Undang-undang. Bengkel ini agak berlainan; iaitu dari segi teknologi di mana Bengkel ini meliputi penyelidikan e-undang-undang menggunakan pelbagai enjin carian undang-undang dalam talian, mewujudkan ruang kerja/pejabat tanpa kertas, mewujudkan e-perpustakaan dan memaksimumkan penggunaan alat-alat, gajet-gajet, perisianperisian, aplikasi-aplikasi dan teknologi-teknologi yang sedia ada dalam masa dan usia ini kepada PDK. Dianjurkan bersama dengan Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat dan Penerbitan Bar Kuala Lumpur, Bengkel ini adalah satu kejayaan besar dan diterima baik oleh PDK. 106 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA HAL EHWAL PELATIH DALAM KAMAR PWC ingin merekodkan penghargaannya kepada semua penceramah-penceramah Bengkel-bengkel PDK yang telah meluangkan masa mereka untuk mengendalikan Bengkel-bengkel tersebut dan untuk berkongsi pengetahuan dan kemahiran kepada PDK. Penyelarasan Borang 1 - 8 Proses Kemasukan (“Borang-Borang tersebut”) Pada permulaan penggal ini, PWC telah menerima pelbagai panggilan dari PDK, Pengajar-pengajar dan Mahkamah tentang perkaraperkara berikut: (1) bahawa PDK sentiasa melakukan kesilapan mengisikan Borang-Borang tersebut terutamanya Borang 1 dan 2; (2) bahawa akibat kesilapan tersebut, PDK perlu memfailkan Notis Permohonan untuk meminda Borang-Borang tersebut. Kami berhenti seketika untuk menerangkan bahawa permohonan ini adalah satu Permohonan Pindaan menurut Aturan 20 KaedahKaedah Mahkamah 2012 dan ianya akan memerlukan kehadiran peguam pada pendengaran permohonan tersebut; (3) bahawa ini menyebabkan pembaziran masa dan kos; dan (4) bahawa PDK tidak mengetahui, terutamanya pada peringkat awal latihan dalam kamar mereka, selok-belok satu Permohonan Pindaan dan selanjutnya membuat kesilapan lanjut justeru memerlukan pemfailan afidavit pembetulan untuk membetulkan apa-apa kesilapan tersebut (atau, kadang-kala, pemfailan semula permohonan tersebut dengan sepenuhnya). Dalam analisis terakhir, kesimpulan telah dibuat bahawa sebab kesilapan-kesilapan tersebut berlaku di Borang 1 dan 2 (dan BorangBorang tersebut yang lain) adalah kerana tiada sebarang garis panduan/contoh borang yang telah di isikan telah diseragamkan/ diluluskan oleh KLBC, Majlis Peguam dan Mahkamah-mahkamah RKKK. Ini telah mewujudkan vakum dalam pemfailan BorangBorang tersebut dan seterusnya telah mengelirukan semua pihak yang terlibat. Satu contoh kekeliruan tersebut adalah sama ada PDK perlu menggunakan alamat kediamannya, alamat semasanya atau alamat Kad Pengenalannya semasa memfailkan Borang 1 dan 2. Oleh itu, PWC mula bekerja keras untuk menyelaraskan Borang-Borang tersebut secara rasmi (“Sampel-Sampel tersebut”). Harapan PWC adalah Sampel-Sampel ini akan memberi panduan yang amat di perlukan yang akan seterusnya mengurangkan kesilapankesilapan ini dan akan, secara keseluruhannya, mengurangkan keperluan untuk memfailkan apa-apa permohonan-permohonan pindaan justeru menjimatkan masa dan kos. Tugasan ini bermula dengan PWC menyelaraskan Borang-Borang tersebut antara PWC dan KLBC dalam mesyuarat bertarikh 25 April 2013. Ini diikuti dengan mesyuarat antara PWC, KLBC dan Bahagian Kemasukan Majlis Peguam pada 4 Jun 2013. Akhirnya, pada 11 September 2013, PWC, KLBC, Majlis Peguam dan Pendaftar-Pendaftar Mahkamah RKKK bermesyuarat secara rasmi untuk menyelaraskan Borang-Borang tersebut (“Mesyuarat RKKK tersebut”). Sampel-Sampel tersebut kemudiannya disediakan oleh PWC dan, pada masa laporan ini ditulis, ianya sedang dimuat naik ke laman sesawang Bar Kuala Lumpur (di bawah tajuk ‘Pupillage’) dan Blog Bar Kuala Lumpur (laman utama, side-bar). Idea PWC adalah untuk Sampel-Sampel tersebut dimuat naik dalam format JPEG/gambar untuk memastikan muat turun yang mudah oleh PDK ke dalam tablet, telefon-telefon bimbit dan komputer-komputer mereka, yang, seterusnya, akan membolehkan rujukan dan akses on-the-go apabila mereka mengisikan Borang-Borang tersebut. Sampel-Sampel tersebut yang dimuat naik akan menjalani ujian-beta untuk memastikan visibiliti, format, akses dan pembacaan Sampel-Sampel tersebut adalah memuaskan dalam pelbagai platform dan sistem operasi sebelum satu Surat Pekeliling mengenainya disebarkan kepada ahli-ahli Bar dan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar. PWC ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat dan Penerbitan atas bantuan mereka dalam memuat naik yang sama ke laman sesawang dan Blog Bar Kuala Lumpur. Kelewatan Upacara Penerimaan Masuk Pada Mesyuarat RKKK tersebut, Pengerusi Bar Kuala Lumpur, Encik HR Dipendra dan Pengerusi PWC telah memaklumkan RKKK bahawa terdapat kelewatan selama 3 hingga 3.5 bulan dari tarikh seorang PDK memfailkan Borang 6, 7 dan 8 sehingga tarikh PDK tersebut menghadiri Upacara Penerimaan Masuk ke Bar. Kelewatan ini memberi kesan negatif kepada PDK kerana, (1) PDK terpaksa menangguh sebarang perancangan kerjayanya sementara menunggu tarikh Upacara Penerimaan Masuk; (2) PDK yang ingin menyambung pelajaran ke tahap pra-ijazah di luar negara perlu menangguh tarikh keberangkatannya; dan (3) PDK yang terjejas kebanyakannya berada dalam ‘state of limbo’ sepanjang kelewatan ini. Oleh yang demikian, ianya telah diputuskan bahawa perkara ini adalah satu perkara yang membimbangkan maka KLBC ditugaskan untuk menulis surat rasmi kepada Hakim Pengurus Mahkamah RKKK Kuala Lumpur, Yang Arif Datuk Zaharah binti Ibrahim untuk memaklumkan perkara tersebut kepada Yang Arif dan bagi mengaturkan satu mesyuarat untuk mencadangkan penyelesaian masalah itu. Mesyuarat itu telah diadakan pada 16 Oktober 2013 dan Mahkamah telah memaklumkan bahawa Hakim-hakim dari Bahagianbahagian Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur yang lain (Dagang, Sivil dan sebagainya) telah menawar diri untuk membantu Mahkamah RKKK untuk mendengar Upacara Penerimaan Masuk PDK. Ini telah menyelesaikan kelewatan tesebut dan indikasi telah diberikan bahawa model ini dapat digunakan lagi apabila diperlukan kelak. JAWATANKUASA HAL EHWAL PELATIH DALAM KAMAR • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 107 PDK yang terjejas oleh tarikh-tarikh Upacara Penerimaan Masuk mereka yang telah dibawa ke hadapan telah dimaklumkan oleh kedua-dua pihak Pejabat Pendaftaran RKKK dan oleh Sekretariat Bar Kuala Lumpur. Ianya telah mengambil kira bahawa PDK telah membuat perancangan untuk keluarga mereka menghadiri tarikh Upacara Penerimaan Masuk asal mereka, oleh itu, PDK telah diberi fleksibiliti untuk menerima tarikh baru yang dibawa ke hadapan, menerima tarikh yang berlainan tetapi lebih awal atau untuk mengekalkan tarikh asal Upacara Penerimaan Masuk mereka. The Luncheon: A Taste of the Bar II and III Menambah satu lagi dimensi kepada PWC untuk penggal ini dan dalam usaha untuk merapatkan jurang antara PDK, peguampeguam muda dan peguam-peguam kanan, PWC telah bekerjasama dengan Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Bar Kuala Lumpur (“KLYLC”) untuk menganjurkan the Luncheon; acara sosial bertemu dan beramah mesra di mana peguam-peguam muda dan PDK berpeluang untuk bertemu dengan peguam-peguam kanan. The Luncheon mengambil inspirasi daripada Dinings di Inns of Court di London. Walaupun tradisi, kemegahan dan keadaan yang sama diterimapakai secara umumnya, PWC dan KLYLC berpendapat bahawa suasana kurang rasmi dan selesa adalah pilihan yang lebih baik untuk mencapai objektif the Luncheon, iaitu untuk memberi peluang kepada ahli-ahli muda Bar untuk bertukar-tukar pandangan, berkongsi pengalaman, inspirasi dan menyedari sepenuhnya sifat pelbagai aspek Bar dengan peguam-peguam kanan. The Luncheon yang pertama telah diadakan pada tahun 2011 anjuran KLYLC dan untuk penggal ini, PWC dan KLYLC telah menggiatkan semula the Luncheon dengan tajuk “A Taste of Bar II” pada 22 Jun 2013. Ianya telah diadakan di Restoran The Smokehouse di Jalan Telawi di Bangsar. The Luncheon: A Taste of the Bar II telah dihadiri oleh kira-kira 26 PDK dan peguam-peguam muda, satu ahli Jawatankuasa Bar Kuala Lumpur sebagai pemerhati, tujuh orang ahli PWC dan lapan peguam kanan iaitu Tommy Thomas, Theresa Chong Siew Lin, Dato’ M David Morais, Christopher Leong Sau Foo, Lim Chee Wee, Gopal Sreenevasan, Ramesh Sathasivam dan Sharmila Sekarajasekaran. Seperti yang diamalkan di Inns of Court di London, pada akhir majlis, seorang wakil peguam-peguam muda telah memberi ucapan terima kasih yang ringkas mengakhirinya dengan satu toast sebagai tanda terima kasih kepada peguam-peguam kanan kerana meluangkan masa untuk menghadiri the Luncheon. Ucapan ini telah diberikan oleh Clinton Tan. Tommy Thomas, peguam paling kanan yang hadir pada hari tersebut, telah memberi ucapan jawapan kepada ucapan Clinton. Mengingatkan ahli-ahli muda yang hadir pada hari tersebut akan peranan mereka sebagai seorang ahli Bar dan dalam masyarakat, bersama-sama dengan harapan beliau bahawa peguam-peguam muda menegakkan keadilan tanpa rasa takut dan tanpa memihak sesiapa, beliau telah mengakhiri ucapannya dengan Royal Toast kepada Yang Di-Pertuan Agong. The Luncheon: A Taste of the Bar III telah diadakan pada 16 November 2013 di Restoran Aria, Bukit Damansara. Ianya telah dihadiri oleh 21 PDK dan peguam muda, Pengerusi KLYLC, sembilan ahli PWC dan lapan peguam kanan iaitu Datuk Haji Sulaiman bin Abdullah, Sivabalah Nadarajah, Chew Phye Keat, Khairuzzaman bin Muhammad, Sivaneindiren Selvanandam, Alan Adrian Gomez, Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu dan Shanmuga Kanesalingam. Kali ini, Kalpana Sivabalah telah menerima tanggungjawab untuk mewakili ahli-ahli muda yang hadir pada hari itu untuk menyampaikan ucapan ringkas dan untuk mengemukakan toast sebagai tanda terima kasih kepada peguam-peguam kanan yang telah meluangkan masa untuk menghadiri the Luncheon. Sebagai jawapan, Datuk Haji Sulaiman, peguam paling kanan yang hadir pada petang tersebut, menyatakan bahawa acara ini telah berjaya menyangkal apa-apa kebimbangan yang beliau ada akan masa depan profesion ini. Beliau menyatakan bahawa beliau telah bertemu dengan ramai PDK dan peguam muda pada hari itu yang telah menunjukkan potensi yang tinggi dan bahawa profesion ini berada dalam tangan-tangan yang baik. Beliau telah memberi satu Royal Toast dalam cara bersesuaian dengan cara toast dikendalikan di Inns of Court dan mengakhiri ucapannnya dengan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang hadir “for making an old man happy”. Laporan-laporan web kedua-dua Luncheon boleh dibaca di Blog Bar Kuala Lumpur. Lawatan Mendaki Bukit Broga Acara seterusnya yang telah menambah dimensi kepada PWC pada penggal ini adalah lawatan mendaki Bukit Broga yang telah dianjurkan oleh PWC pada 21 September 2013. Direka untuk membawa kembali keseimbangan kerja-kehidupan kepada peguampeguam muda, lawatan ini telah membawa peguam-peguam muda untuk melepaskan diri dari hutan konkrit Kuala Lumpur dan menikmati alam semulajadi di Bukit Broga. Lawatan ke Bukit Broga akan sia-sia jika PWC tidak sempat untuk melihat matahari terbit; yang terkenal kerana keindahannya apabila matahari terbit dari kaki langit dan mula menerangi bukit-bukit bersebelahan Bukit Broga. Oleh itu, bermula pada jam 4:00 pagi di tempat pertemuan kami di Bangsar, kumpulan yang terdiri daripada 21 orang pendaki, telah berkonvoi ke Broga. Hari tersebut cerah tanpa sebarang awan, kabus, kabut ataupun jerebu untuk menghalang pandangan kami apabila matahari terbit di bukit bersebelahan 108 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA HAL EHWAL PELATIH DALAM KAMAR Bukit Broga. Bukit Broga terdiri daripada tiga bukit; yang mana semuanya telah kami didaki. Laporan acara ini boleh dibaca di Blog Bar Kuala Lumpur. NOTA-NOTA PENGHARGAAN DAN ACARA-ACARA SEBELUM AKHIR PENGGAL Saya ingin merakamkan penghargaan saya kepada ahli-ahli PWC yang namanya terukir di sudut kanan atas laporan ini. Sesuatu pasukan hanya sebaik ahli-ahlinya dan pada penggal ini, saya sangat bernasib baik kerana mempunyai ahli-ahli PWC yang telah berjaya mengatasi halangan-halangan yang amat luar biasa untuk membina sebuah PWC yang, pada pendapat saya, telah mencapai semua objektifnya. Pasukan ini telah menunjukkan keyakinan, usaha, sifat tidak mementingkan diri, semangat, keakraban dan, lebihlebih lagi, hati untuk menjuangkan hal ehwal PDK yang benar-benar mengagumkan. Sekretariat Bar Kuala Lumpur turut telah menjalankan tugasnya dengan luar biasa dalam kerja-kerja sokongan mereka dan PWC tidak akan dapat mencapai mana-mana objektifnya tanpa bantuan mereka. Mary, Rajan, Melissa dan Indira, terima kasih. Saya turut mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ahli-ahli KLBC yang telah menyokong, membimbing dan mengajar kami akan semua perkara pengurusan acara dan pengurusan Bar. Akhirnya, saya berharap PWC 2014/2015 dapat meneruskan the Luncheon dan akan terus menyelaraskan proses Penerimaan Masuk ke Bar untuk menambahbaikkan lagi hal ehwal PDK. Sementara itu, dari tarikh laporan ini ditulis sehingga Mesyuarat Agung Bar Kuala Lumpur, PWC akan menganjurkan satu lagi lawatan menikmati alam semulajadi dan memberi penekanan tentang keadaan pekerjaan PDK dan peguam-peguam muda. Vince Chong Khin Young Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar JAWATANKUASA HAL EHWAL PELATIH DALAM KAMAR • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 109 JAWATANKUASA SOSIAL, KESENIAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN KEMPEN DERMA DARAH Dengan bantuan Pusat Darah Negara, suatu Kempen Derma Darah telah diadakan pada 13 Mei 2013 bertempat di Aras 2, Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Duta. Ahli-ahli Bar, kakitangan dan pegawai Mahkamah serta orang awam telah turut tampil untuk meriahkan Kempen Derma Darah tersebut. Seramai 64 penderma telah mendaftar. Namun demikian, hanya 47 sahaja yang layak untuk menderma. 17 daripada mereka terpaksa ditolak atas sebab samada kurang berat badan, mengalami tekanan darah tinggi atau tekanan darah rendah atau telah bermastautin di United Kingdom dari 1980 sehingga 1996 atau di Eropah di antara 1980 sehingga hari ini. Sejumlah 47 unit darah telah berjaya dikumpul dari penderma-penderma yang pemurah. MALAM UGADI, VAISAKHI, PUTHANDU AND VISHU Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan (“SACC”) telah, bersama dengan Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda (“YLC”), menganjurkan satu malam menyambut Ugadi, Vaisakhi, Puthandu dan Vishu pada 18 April 2013 di Restoran Chutney Mary, Bangsar. Seramai 43 ahli telah menghadiri acara tersebut. Ia merupakan malam yang menyeronokkan. Pengerusi Lim Chi Chau Timbalan Pengerusi Muhendaran Suppiah Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Derek Chong Ching Hsiang Lam Jia Chuen Maggie Kee Huey Sin Ng Chiat Yang Sathyananthan Sinnappan Vinu Kamalananthan Yeoh Tung Seng MALAM LIGA JUARA-JUARA SACC telah menganjurkan satu malam menonton perlawanan Akhir Liga Juara-Juara UEFA: Borussia Dortmound lwn Bayern Munich, pada 25 Mei 2013 bermula dari jam 11:30 malam di Cocoon @ The Scott Garden. MALAM SOSIAL BULANAN BAR KUALA LUMPUR SACC dalam penggal ini telah menganjur kembali Malam Sosial Bulanan Bar Kuala Lumpur selepas terhenti selama lima tahun. Malam Sosial pertama telah diadakan di D’Balcony @ Publika pada 3 Julai 2013 bermula dari jam 8:00 malam. Lebih kurang 40 hingga 50 ahli telah hadir pada malam tersebut termasuk Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Bar Kuala Lumpur. Pada masa yang sama, peguam-peguam muda turut menyambut hari jadi Yeoh Tung Seng, seorang ahli SACC dan Timbalan Pengerusi Bersama YLC. Malam Sosial kedua telah diadakan di tempat yang sama iaitu D’Balcony @ Publika pada 2 Ogos 2013 dari jam 8:00 malam hingga 1:00 pagi. Seramai 30 hingga 40 ahli telah hadir pada malam sosial yang kedua ini. BAR 1981, Solaris Publika telah dipilih bagi mengadakan Malam Sosial ketiga pada 6 September 2013. Lebih kurang 50 ahli telah hadir pada malam tersebut yang bermula pada jam 7:30 malam. Pada malam tersebut, suatu pertandingan pool telah diadakan dan dimenangi oleh Vivekananda Sukumaran. Semua bergembira dan hanya pulang pada jam 1:00 pagi. Bagi Malam Sosial yang keempat, ianya sekali lagi telah diadakan di BAR 1981, Solaris Publika pada 4 Oktober 2013 dan dihadiri oleh lebih daripada 70 ahli, kehadiran yang terbesar setakat ini. Pada malam tersebut, peguam-peguam muda juga telah menyambut hari jadi Vinu Kamalananthan, seorang ahli SACC dan YLC. Malam Sosial yang kelima, sekali lagi, telah diadakan di BAR 1981, Solaris Publika pada 6 Disember 2013 dan dihadiri oleh 15 ahli, kehadiran terendah setakat ini. Semua bergembira 110 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA SOSIAL, KESENIAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN tetapi pulang awal pada jam 11:00 malam. MALAM BAR KL 2013 Sejak tahun 2012, Jawatankuasa Bar Kuala Lumpur telah menukar konsep Makan Malam Tahunannya dari makan malam yang formal kepada suatu majlis berbentuk bufet parti. Majlis tersebut telah diberi nama baru iaitu “Malam Bar KL” dan bufet parti tahun ini juga diadakan di salah satu lokasi ternama di Kuala Lumpur iaitu Cristallo, Luna di Pacific Regency Hotel Suites, KH Tower. Diadakan pada 30 November 2013, ia telah dihadiri oleh seramai 300 tetamu-tetamu termasuk bekas-bekas Presiden Majlis Peguam dan bekas-bekas Pengerusi Bar Kuala Lumpur. Para tetamu telah disajikan dengan hidangan bufet yang lazat, pelbagai minuman terpilih, di dalam suasana santai di tepi kolam dengan Menara Kuala Lumpur dan Menara Berkembar Petronas (Petronas Twin Towers) sebagai latar belakang. Mereka turut dihiburkan dengan persembahan band secara langsung yang memainkan lagu-lagu Rock 80an sempena tema malam, “80’s Glam Rock” dan juga persembahan oleh ahli-ahli Bar kami sendiri. Kebanyakan ahli kami telah perpakaian mengikut tema tersebut dengan Dee Wei, sebagai juruacara majlis pada malam tersebut menjadi salah seorang yang paling menonjol. Malam tersebut sememangnya suatu malam “rock” yang hebat. Lim Chi Chau Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan JAWATANKUASA SOSIAL, KESENIAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 111 JAWATANKUASA SUKAN DAN REKREASI PERTANDINGAN FUTSAL BAR KUALA LUMPUR 2013 Bar Kuala Lumpur telah mengadakan pertandingan Futsal sulungnya pada 8 Jun 2013 di Allrounder Indoor Soccer Centre, Petaling Jaya. Terbuka hanya untuk penyertaan oleh ahli-ahli Bar Malaysia dan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar, 16 pasukan didaftarkan untuk kategori lelaki dan dua pasukan untuk kategori wanita. Pertandingan turut disertai oleh pasukan-pasukan dari Bar-Bar Negeri Kelantan, Terengganu dan Melaka dan terdapat gabungan pemain-pemain muda dan kanan. Pasukan-pasukan yang mempamerkan semangat kerja berpasukan yang baik telah mencapai kejayaan. Bar Kelantan telah menewaskan pasukan Enjoi dalam satu perlawan akhir yang menarik untuk memenangi pertandingan ini. Dua pasukan wanita yang menyertai perlawanan tersebut adalah pasukan “Ultra Sonics” dan “Drama Queen”. Dua perlawanan mereka berakhir 2-1 setiap kali dan masa tambahan tidak dapat menentukan pemenang. Akhirnya, kemenangan berpihak kepada pasukan yang lebih berpengalaman iaitu “Ultra Sonics “ melalui tendangan penalti. Ribuan terima kasih kepada Pepsico yang telah bermurah hati menaja “Gatorade” untuk semua pasukan yang mengambil bahagian. SUKAN ANTARA BAR-BAR NEGERI (“INTERSTATE BAR GAMES”) 2013 Bar Kuala Lumpur telah menjadi tuan rumah untuk perlawanan ini. Perlawanan Bolasepak, Badminton, Bola Jaring dan Bola Tampar telah diadakan pada 24 Ogos 2013 di Stadium Panasonic Matsushita, Shah Alam manakala pertandingan Golf pula diadakan di Staffield Country Resort Berhad, Mantin, Negeri Sembilan pada 7 September 2013. Terdapat suasana pesta di Stadium Panasonic Matsushita di mana empat acara sukan dipertandingkan pada jarak dekat di antara satu sama lain. Peserta-peserta dari seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia telah berjuang dalam semangat kesukanan. Ianya merupakan satu peluang yang baik di mana peserta-peserta dapat bertemu dengan rakan-rakan lama dan juga berpeluang untuk membentuk persahabatan-persahabatan baru. Bar Kuala Lumpur muncul sebagai juara bagi perlawanan Badminton, Bola Jaring dan Bola Tampar manakala meraih tempat kedua dalam perlawanan Bolasepak dan Golf. Dengan itu, Bar Kuala Lumpur menjadi juara Sukan Antara Bar-Bar Negeri untuk 2013. Majlis makan malam ahkir sukan dan penyampaian hadiah mendapat sambutan yang baik. SUKAN KEHAKIMAN & BAR DAN SUKAN 4-PENJURU 2014 (MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE BENCH & BAR GAMES DAN QUADRANGULAR GAMES 2014) Kejohanan bersama ini adalah untuk penggal depan, ditetapkan pada 1 hingga 3 Mei 2014. Namun, banyak perancangan-perancangan dan peraturan-peraturan telah mula untuk memastikan Bar Kuala Lumpur mempersembahkan acara-acara yang terbaik. Kami juga akan menjadi tuan rumah dan mengalukan-alukan kehadiran sejumlah besar Hakim-hakim dan peguam-peguam yang datang dari Singapura, Sarawak dan Sabah, tidak lupa juga pesertapeserta yang datang dari seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia. 17 acara sukan akan dipertandingkan untuk Sukan Kehakiman & Bar di mana lima acara dari itu akan dipertandingkan oleh Sarawak 112 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA SUKAN DAN REKREASI Pengerusi Peter-Douglas Ling Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa A I Nathan Amrit Pal Singh Vincent Tey Wei Seng Alex Nandaseri De Silva Anand Ponnudurai Aric Wong Fong Chin Carol Pey Hui Fen Donovan Lee Shyun Hyn James FC Fong Janet Chai Joshua Tay H’ng Foong Khairul Idham Lesley Lim Ai Li Mohan Kang Ng Yueng May Rachel Yap Yen Siang Rashini a/p Balakrishnan Saiyidah binti Sidek Sivaruben a/l R Balasekaran Sri Sarguna Raj Stanislaus Vethanayagam Tan Swee Yin Wan Syarihah binti Razman Yeoh Cho Kheong dan Sabah sebagai Sukan 4-Penjuru. Jawatankuasa Sukan dan Rekreasi tidak sabar menantikan acara sukan utama dan berprestij ini untuk Bar Malaysia dan untuk memastikan kejayaannya. AM Perlawanan Pool akan diadakan berkemungkinan pada bulan Januari 2014. Terdapat juga perancangan untuk menghidupkan kembali Perlawanan Bolasepak 7-Sebelah Piala Thayalan pada tahun 2014. Peter-Douglas Ling Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Sukan dan Rekreasi JAWATANKUASA SUKAN DAN REKREASI • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 113 JAWATANKUASA PEGUAM MUDA Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Bar Kuala Lumpur (“KLYLC”) meneruskan usaha membina suatu platfom untuk peguam-peguam muda menyumbang semula kepada Bar. Pengerusi Khaizan Sharizad Abd Razak Unit-unit kecil KLYLC telah dirombak semula untuk penggal ini dan telah di ketuai oleh Ketuaketua Unit dan tugasan-tugasan mereka adalah seperti berikut: Timbalan-timbalan Pengerusi Daniel Albert New Sin Yew Yeoh Tung Seng 1. Sosial/Komunikasi - Yeoh Tung Seng • Untuk menguruskan kandungan-kandungan di laman sesawang Bar Kuala Lumpur • Untuk mempromosi dan menyebarkan acara-acara anjuran KLYLC • Untuk menguruskan e-mel talian bantuan KLYLC • Untuk mengurus Facebook KLYLC 2. Pembangunan Profesional - New Sin Yew • Memastikan pembangunan yang berterusan peguam muda • Menganjurkan seminar-seminar dan bengkel-bengkel dalam bidang-bidang utama 3. Litigasi Kepentingan Awam - Daniel Albert • Membina kapasiti para peguam muda, pelajar dan aktivis • Menjana minat peguam muda dalam bidang litigasi strategik • Membina kolam mampan peguam-peguam muda untuk menjalankan kerjakerja dalam bidang litigasi strategik • Sensitif dan melibatkan para pelatih dan pelajar-pelajar undang-undang awal • Seksyen 42 Akta Profesion Undang-Undang 1976 KLYLC juga telah melantik seorang wakil ke Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Kebangsaan (NYLC) - Alvin Oh. Berikut adalah aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun ini: BENGKEL LITIGASI KEPENTINGAN AWAM KLYLC-MCCHR Pada 2012 KLYLC telah menubuhkan Unit Litigasi Kepentingan Awam (“PILU”) dengan kerjasama Pusat Malaysia bagi Perlembagaan dan Hak Asasi Manusia (“MCCHR”). Selaras dengan itu, beberapa siri bengkel formal telah dianjurkan secara percuma untuk ahli-ahli PILU berkenaan asas-asas litigasi kepentingan awam yang strategik untuk menyediakan peguampeguam muda yang berminat, cara-cara untuk mengendalikan kes-kes sedemikian dan untuk menggalakkan penggunaan litigasi strategik untuk mempromosikan hak asasi manusia. Sesi tersebut telah diadakan pada 5 Januari 2013 bermula dari jam 9:30 pagi sehingga 2:30 petang di Auditorium Raja Aziz Addruse, Majlis Peguam. Bengkel ini telah dihadiri oleh 19 orang peserta yang telah dilatih oleh New Sin Yew, Kirsty Lim dan Edmund Bon. EXPLORE RACE KLYLC telah menganjurkan untuk kali pertamanya Explore Race yang diadakan pada hari Sabtu, 19 Januari, 2013 bermula jam 10:00 pagi. Setiap pasukan perlu membayar RM200 sebagai yuran pendaftaran. Terdapat 12 pasukan bertanding dalam perlumbaan tersebut dan juara pasukan dan naib juara masing-masing memenangi RM1000 dan RM500. Terdapat enam pusat pemeriksaan iaitu Masjid India, Gereja St John, Perkarangan Kuil Ganesh, Pekan Cina, 114 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA PEGUAM MUDA Wakil NYLC Alvin Oh Seong Yew Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Ahmed Ezzedin Mohammed Aloysius Cornelius bin Susek Ariani Irda Bakri Ashwin Kumar Azira Aziz Beh Huey Ching Bryan Ho Jiann Yau Charlaine Chin Chia Wilson Chloe Lim Choo Dee Wei Choo Mun Wei Chua Chinn Yuan Cindy Cheong Sing Yee Clinton Tan Kian Seng Corvina Chong Yee Phui Crystal Sue Nilsson Dennis Thong Dinesh Nandrajog Dipendra Harshad Rai Donny Kwa Soo Chuan Donovan Lee Shyun Hyn Edlyn Tan Meng Yee Edmund Bon Tai Soon Elaine Chai Shwu Ping Foo Siew June Fyiona Lai Phik-Wy Ida Daniella binti Zulkifili Jacqueline Teh Lai Fong Jayden Chuah Jer Yang Jennifer Wong Jerry Cheong Wai Meng Joanne Leong Pooi Yaen Joe Teoh Zhuo Wei Johnson Lim Fung Tat Joshua Teoh Beni Chris Pasar Seni, Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad dan kesemuanya adalah dalam jarak berjalan kaki. BENGKEL PEMASARAN UNTUK PEGUAM MUDA Foong Cheng Leong dari Tetuan Foong Cheng Leong & Co telah menyampaikan bengkel yang telah diadakan di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur pada 27 Februari 2013 bermula jam 3:00 petang. Bengkel ini telah dihadiri oleh 53 peserta. Bengkel ini meliputi perkara-perkara berikut, “Pemasaran Undang-undang untuk peguam muda”, “Tip-tip dan langkah-langkah untuk membina reputasi, hubungan dan pelanggan”, “Penerimaan jemputan sebagai penceramah dan diberi publisiti” dan “Menwujudkan rangkaian persidangan yang berjaya”. MESYUARAT PERTAMA KLYLC Mesyuarat pertama KLYLC untuk penggal 2013/2014 telah diadakan pada 12 Mac 2013 di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur. Struktur KLYLC telah disusun semula dengan Timbalantimbalan Pengerusi mengetuai unit-unit berikut: Daniel Albert (Litigasi Kepentingan Awam), Yeoh Tung Seng (Sosial/Komunikasi) dan New Sin Yew (Pembangunan Profesional). Alvin Oh telah dilantik sebagai Wakil ke Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Kebangsaan. RETREAT DI GOLD COAST, MORIB KLYLC memutuskan untuk menjemput muka-muka baru bagi Retreat ini. Tujuh fasilitator dan 32 peguam muda yang baru telah menyertai Retreat yang diadakan pada 13 dan 14 April 2013. Tujuh fasilitator tersebut terdiri dari Pengerusi KLYLC , Khaizan Sharizad (Sherrie), Timbalan Pengerusi Yeoh Tung Seng, Yohendra Nadarajan, Bryan Ho Jiann Yau, Crystal Sue Nilsson, Kirsty Lim Jun-Zhi dan Sheelaa Ragavan. MALAM UGADI, VAISAKHI, PUTHANDU DAN VISHU Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Bar Kuala Lumpur bersama-sama dengan KLYLC telah menganjurkan Malam Ugadi, Vaisakhi, Puthandu dan Vishu pada 18 April 2013 di Restoran Chutney Mary di Bangsar. 43 orang menghadiri acara tersebut. Ia merupakan malam yang menyeronokkan. MINGGU AKTIVITI HARI BUMI 2013 - PENGUMPULAN BAHAN KITAR SEMULA, KERTAS, BOTOL DAN TIN Bersempena dengan Sambutan Hari Bumi yang jatuh pada 22 April 2013, KLYLC telah menganjurkan acara mingguan ‘Pengumpulan Bahan Kitar Semula, Kertas, Botol dan Tin’ dari 22 hingga 26 April 2013. SEMINAR ISU-ISU ALAM SEKITAR DAN PERANAN BAR Sebagai memulakan Minggu Aktiviti Hari Bumi 2013, NoorHajran Mohd Noor dari Tetuan NoorHajran Mohd Noor dan Roger Chan Weng Keng dari Tetuan Chan Weng Keng & Associates telah membentangkan seminar alam sekitar yang diadakan di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur bermula jam 3:00 petang pada 22 April 2013. Seminar ini telah dihadiri oleh 38 peserta. Seperti yang digalakkan, para peserta membawa bersama barangan kitar semula sebagai yuran kemasukan ke seminar tersebut. SEMINAR JENAYAH-JENAYAH DI LAUT KLYLC dengan kerjasama Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Profesional Bar Kuala Lumpur dan Persatuan Undang-undang Maritim Malaysia telah menganjurkan seminar yang dibentangkan oleh Laksamana Pertama Maritim Dato ‘ Zulkifili bin Abu Bakar dan Sitpah Selvaratnam. Seminar ini telah diadakan pada 22 Mei 2013 di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur dari jam 4:00 hingga 6:30 petang dan telah dihadiri oleh 61 peserta. Bahagian pertama seminar merangkumi peranan Agensi dalam menangani pelbagai jenayah maritim yang termasuk lanun/rompakan laut, pengedaran dadah, penyeludupan barangan dan makanan, pemerdagangan orang dan penyeludupan manusia, penghijrahan haram, mengangkut WMD, keganasan dan jenayah alam sekitar - penyeludupan hidupan liar, pencemaran laut, penangkapan ikan secara haram dan penyeludupan pasir. Penekanan khusus diberikan kepada memerangi kegiatan lanun dan rompakan laut. Bahagian kedua seminar merangkumi akibat-akibat sivil terhadap kegiatan lanun dan JAWATANKUASA PEGUAM MUDA Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Joshua WK Chong Julian Chan Tjun Leung Kenneth Wong Poh Lim Kirsty Lim Jun-Zhi Kong Teng Mun @ Jason Kong Lai Chee Hoe Lai Yee Fan Lau Kei Yi Lauren Low Lu Ran Lee Ming Loong Lim Chi Chau Lim May Ling Lim Yin Faye Low Yaw Ren Lynette Yee Eun Ping Melissa Lim Shi Hui Melissa Sasidaran Michael Anthony Mohd Iqbal Zainal Abidin Muthuveeramani Nadesan Neil Tan Wei Shin Ng Yi Wen Nicole Chee Chai Kuan Nimalan Devaraja Nor Masitah binti Ishak Nur Amalina Suhainy Nur Hasnifarina Admad Fauzi Nur Zalika binti Mohd Asri Redha Ong June Siang Ooi Seow Wen Richard Wee Sasha Lian Shar Hoong Shahid Adli bin Kamarudin Shaira Amira binti Jamal Abdul Nasir Sharon Lee May Yin Sheelaa Ragavan Siti Fatimah Mohd Shahrom Siti Munirah Maarof Sri Sarguna Raj Syahredzan Johan Syamimi Bukhari Sylvia Sze Yi Tan Jue Ann Tan Kang Min Tan Yong Xu Tee Jer Lynn Thirunavakarasu Vijayan @ Ganesan Tracy Hah Yan Shan Vaneshaa R Ramakrishnan Naidu Victoria Ding Vince Chong Khin Young Vinu a/l Kamalananthan Wong Li-Wei Wong Wei Guan Yee Yik Shien Yohendra Nadarajan Yoong Chee Min • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 115 penekanan kesan-kesan kegiatan lanun terhadap piagam masa sesebuah kapal yang tertakluk kepada kegiatan lanun termasuk adanya sistem pertahanannya dan pendekatan dalam pengiraan jumlah kerugian bagi tuntutan kargo di bawah insurans marin. KEM LITIGASI STRATEGIK KLYLC-MCCHR KLYLC dan MCCHR telah menganjurkan Kem Litigasi Strategik dari 21 hingga 23 Jun 2013 di Firefly Park Resort, Kuala Selangor. 29 orang peserta telah menyertai Kem tersebut. LUNCHEON: A TASTE OF BAR II Diterajui oleh Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar Bar Kuala Lumpur (“PWC”), KLYLC dan PWC menjadi penganjur bersama suatu acara bertemu dan bertegur sapa secara tidak rasmi yang di gelar “Luncheon: A Taste of Bar II” di Restoran The Smokehouse, Jalan Telawi 3, Bangsar pada hari Sabtu, 22 Jun 2013 dari jam 12:00 tengahari hingga 3:00 petang. Acara tersebut telah menyediakan platfom dan peluang yang sangat baik untuk peguampeguam muda dan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar makan dengan peguam-peguam kanan. Makan tengah hari itu menyaksikan seramai 42 ahli Bar menghadiri acara tersebut sebagai peserta terdiri dari peguam-peguam muda dan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar, peguam-peguam kanan dan ahli-ahli PWC. Malah, ahli-ahli muda Bar amat terharu atas kerjasama dari ahli-ahli kanan Bar yang telah meluangkan masa untuk menghadiri majlis tersebut. MALAM AMAL 2013 Malam Amal 2013 telah diadakan pada 28 Jun 2013 di The Stage @ Avenue K, dan memaparkan persembahan-persembahan peguam-peguam muda yang bersaing untuk mendapatkan dana tertinggi untuk kebajikan. Terdapat sembilan persembahan yang menghiburkan para hadirin iaitu The Tangerines, Baro Lux, Riry, The SYB, The Democratic Donuts, W.I.S (Worst Idea Surely), Esther, Viva La France dan Danial & Haqq. RM61,000 telah dikumpul dan dana tahun ini adalah untuk Persatuan Orang-orang yang Terencat Akal Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan (SAMH). SAMH telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1964 sebagai sebuah pertubuhan sukarela tanpa keuntungan. Ibu pejabatnya, Wisma Harapan terletak di Kuala Lumpur. Ianya bermula oleh sekumpulan ibu bapa dan sukarelawan di bawah tajaan dahulu di kenali sebagai Kelab Rotary Klang dan Port Swettenham. Bermula hanya dengan empat orang kanak-kanak dan seorang guru, Persatuan ini kini mempunyai 11 sekolah-sekolah dan pusat-pusat khas bagi memenuhi keperluan lebih daripada 520 kanak-kanak dengan pelbagai masalah mental. MAJLIS BERBUKA PUASA 33 orang ahli-ahli Bar dan pelatih-pelatih telah menghadiri Majlis Berbuka Puasa anjuran KLYLC pada 26 Julai 2013 di Restoren Alamo, Kg Bahru. SESI PENGENALAN KEPADA PROFESION UNDANG-UNDANG UNTUK MAHASISWA UNDANG-UNDANG YANG KE-3 KLYLC telah menganjurkan Sesi Pengenalan kepada Profesion Undang-Undang Untuk Mahasiswa Undang-Undang yang ke-3 untuk memberikan mereka wawasan terhadap profesion undang-undang. Sesi tersebut telah diadakan di Auditorium Raja Aziz Addruse di Majlis Peguam dari jam 9:15 pagi hingga 4:00 petang pada 27 Julai 2013. Berikut adalah topik-topik yang telah dibentangkan, “Sejarah, Peranan dan Perkaitan Bar Malaysia” oleh Richard Wee, “S.42 Akta Profesion Undang-undang - Jawapan kepada Kehidupan, Alam Semesta dan Semua Perkara” oleh Edmond Bon Tai Soon, “Persimpangan - Pilihan anda selepas Tamat Pengajian” oleh Farhan Read, Cyril, Joanne Leong dan Eu Zhiyi dan “Mitos dan Realiti Amalan” oleh HR Dipendra. 55 peserta dari Kolej Universiti KDU, Universiti HELP, UUM, UIAM dan Kolej Taylor’s telah menghadiri sesi tersebut. PESTA MALAYSIAKU - MERAIKAN 50 TAHUN MALAYSIA MCCHR (dengan kerjasama LB Training dan disokong oleh Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Perlembagaan Majlis Peguam, Jawatankuasa Bar Kuala Lumpur, KLYLC, Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Kebangsaan dan BFM) sebagai memperingati ulang tahun ke-50 penubuhan Malaysia telah menganjurkan forum bertajuk “Lima Puluh Tahun Demokrasi: Adakah Ia Melemahkan atau Memperkukuh Perlembagaan Persekutuan”. Acara ini adalah sebahagian daripada Pesta Malaysiaku - Meraikan 50 Tahun Malaysia. Forum ini menampilkan Dr Azmi 116 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA PEGUAM MUDA Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Zenathnara a/p Narayanasamy Sharom, Profesor Madya Undang-undang, Universiti Malaya; Tommy Thomas, Peguambela dan Peguamcara, Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya; dan Wan Saiful Wan Jan, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif IDEAS; dan dipengerusikan oleh Dato ‘Ambiga Sreenevasan. SEMINAR PENULISAN PENDAPAT Mariette Peters dari Tetuan Zulrafique & Partners membentangkan seminar yang telah diadakan di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur pada 24 September 2013 jam 3:00 petang. Seminar ini telah dihadiri oleh 85 peserta. Seminar ini merangkumi perkara-perkara berikut: “Adakah anda menulis pendapat undang-undang atau tesis undang-undang?”, “Siapakah yang akan membacanya?”, “Adakah pendapat anda dipenuhi dengan jargon undang-undang/legalese? Adakah sedemikian akan menjadikan ianya lebih menarik?”, “Adakah kuantiti sentiasa kualiti? Adakah 40 muka surat pendapat mempunyai lebih bahan berbanding dengan 4 muka surat nasihat?” dan “Bagaimana meringkaskan pendapat dalam masa yang sama memastikan perutusan tersebut memenuhi kehendak pelanggan”. PEMERHATIAN CALON PILIHAN RAYA MAJLIS PEGUAM 2014/2015 Pilihanraya Majlis Peguam berlaku setiap tahun pada bulan November. Tujuan pilihan raya adalah untuk memilih ahli-ahli yang akan duduk dalam Majlis dan ditugaskan di bawah Akta Profesion Undang-undang untuk menguruskan hal ehwal Bar Malaysia dan untuk menjalankan pelbagai fungsi seperti yang dinyatakan di bawah Akta tersebut. Calon-calon bagi Pilihan Raya perlu dicalonkan oleh sekurang-kurangnya tiga orang ahli. Dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai Pilihan Raya Majlis Peguam dan untuk menjadikan perlaksanaannya lebih menarik, KLYLC untuk kali keduanya, menghidupkan semula inisiatif tempatan ini yang pernah dilancarkan pada tahun 2010 yang dikenali sebagai ‘Pemerhatian Calon’. Kempen ‘Pemerhatian Calon’ pada dasarnya berharap untuk menyediakan ahli-ahli Bar dengan peluang untuk mengetahui dan memahami calon-calon yang telah menawarkan diri mereka dalam Pilihan Raya tersebut, secara lebih dekat dan rapat. LUNCHEON: A TASTE OF BAR III Diterajui oleh PWC, KLYLC dan PWC telah menganjurkan acara kedua bertemu dan bertegur sapa makan dengan makan tengah hari rasmi yang digelar “Luncheon: A Taste of Bar III” di Restoran Aria, Bukit Damansara, pada Sabtu 16 November 2013 dari jam 12:00 tengahari hingga jam 3:00 petang. Acara tersebut telah menyediakan platform dan ruang terbaik untuk peguam-peguam muda dan para pelatih-dalam-kamar untuk makan bersama dengan ahli-ahli kanan Bar. Luncheon tersebut telah dihadiri oleh sejumlah 39 ahli-ahli Bar sebagai peserta acara tersebut dan mereka terdiri dari peguam-peguam muda dan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar, ahli-ahli kanan Bar dan ahli-ahli PWC KURSUS PENGURUSAN AMALAN PERUNDANGAN Kursus Pengurusan Amalan Perundangan telah diadakan pada 25 November 2013 di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur dan telah dihadiri oleh 61 peserta. Topik-topik dan penceramah-penceramah untuk kursus ini adalah seperti berikut: • • • • • • • Pengurusan Amalan anda oleh Fahri Azzat Modul Konveyansing oleh Jeremiah R Gurusamy Masalah-masalah Harian yang dihadapi dalam Litigasi oleh Yudistra Darma Dorai dan Sashiraj Uthrapathy Modul Korporat oleh Munirah Maarof dan Muhammad Zukhairi Pengurusan Pelanggan oleh Choo Dee Wei Pengurusan Tekanan oleh Khaizan Sharizad Penjenamaan Peribadi oleh Foong Cheng Leong AKTIVITI HARI HAK ASASI MANUSIA Bersempena dengan Hari Hak Asasi Manusia Antarabangsa, KLYLC menganjurkan Mesyuarat DI BAWAH POKOK di Taman Tasik Perdana pada 7 Disember 2013. Terdapat satu taklimat oleh Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan tentang Kebebasan Bersuara, Roger Chan Weng Keng tentang Hak Asasi Alam Sekitar dan Goh Siu Lin tentang Kesaksamaan. SEMINAR PLIDING Ong Yu Jian dari Tetuan Raj, Ong & Yudistra telah membentangkan seminar yang diadakan di Auditorium Bar Kuala Lumpur pada jam 3:00 petang pada 10 Disember 2013. Seminar ini telah dihadiri oleh 29 peserta. ACARA-ACARA AKAN DATANG • • • • • • Pertandingan Laser Tag pada 24 Januari 2014 Seminar Asas Pemeriksaan Balas dalam Perbicaraan Sivil dan Komersil pada 23 Januari 2014 Acara Sosial pada 7 Feb 2014 Kursus Pengurusan Amalan Perundangan 2014 pada 10 Februari 2014 Seminar Penindasan Minoriti pada 25 Februari 2014 Sesi Pengenalan kepada Profesion Undang-Undang untuk Mahasiswa Undang-undang ke-4 pada 1 Mac 2014 JAWATANKUASA PEGUAM MUDA • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 117 • • • Seminar Writ Penyitaan dan Penjualan pada 4 Mac 2014 Seminar mengenai Akta Pembayaran Industri Pembinaan dan Adjudikasi pada 8 April 2014 Siri Litigasi Jenayah PENGHARGAAN Projek-projek ini tidak akan terlaksana tanpa minat yang kukuh dan tulen ahli-ahli kami yang terus membantu dan bekerja di belakang tabir untuk memastikan projek-projek ini berjalan dengan lancar. Timbalan-timbalan pengerusi KLYLC dan ahli telah terus menerus memberi sokongan dan bantuan. Khaizan Sharizad Abd Razak Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda 118 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • JAWATANKUASA PEGUAM MUDA PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) JANUARI 2013 – NOVEMBER 2013 Setiap tahun yang saya melapangkan masa untuk berkhidmat secara sukarela di Pusat Bantuan Guaman Kuala Lumpur (“ PBG KL”) menjadikan saya meyakini bahawa PBG KL adalah sesuatu yang semestinya tidak dapat diabaikan. Secara literal, sering kali PBG KL adalah tempat terakhir untuk mengadu dan PBG KL mampu membantu oleh kerana: i. ii. PANEL PENGURUSAN Pengerusi Harleen Kaur (Leena) kakitangan yang perihatin dan berkemampuan untuk menghulurkan bantuan; pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang memahami bahawa dunia ini tidak adil dan inginkan perubahan; peguam-peguam sukarela yang menjadi teladan bahawa berkhidmat untuk orang lain adalah satu cara hidup. Timbalan Setiausaha Kehormat Rajesweri Paramasevam Disini, digambarkan secara ringkas, perubahan yang ketara terhadap kehidupan orang ramai hasil dari usaha kami: Bendarhari Elaine Gan Peay Er iii. • Klien berusia 62 tahun dengan kelainan upaya yang akan dilelong rumahnya dalam masa 48 jam. PBG KL telah membantu dalam rundingan dengan pihak Bank dan Bank Negara dan berjaya menghentikan lelongan tersebut. • Klien wanita warga Indonesia dengan 3 orang anak telah didera oleh pasangannya. PBG KL telah menghubungi Jabatan Kebajikan dan WAO yang telah bersetuju menyediakan tempat perlindungan untuk kanakkanak. PBG KL juga telah menghubungi Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara untuk memastikan status Penduduk Tetap tidak tergugat dan membantu beliau untuk mendapatkan Perintah Perlindungan Sementara (IPO). • Klien wanita yang meminta bantuan PBG KL kerana anak saudaranya telah diabaikan oleh ibubapanya. PBG KL telah membantu Klien mendapatkan hak penjagaan sementara untuk anak tersebut. Setiausaha Kehormat Abd Shukor Tokachil Ahli-ahli Panel Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Jasmine Goh Huay Mien Ravi Nekoo Genevieve Tan Gaik May Rejendran V. Palany Khairil Anuar Azmi Vernon Jude Samuel Yusof Ali Bin Haji Mohamed Zain Azah Yazmin Binti Yusof Ali Kiran Kaur Ram Naidu Lee Sit Ching, Joey Secara ringkasnya, sekiranya PBG KL tidak memberikan bantuan melalui program khidmatnya seperti Klinik Langkah-masuk Pusat Bantuan Guaman, Klinik Syariah, Program ‘Dock Brief’, Klinik Penjara, Program YBGK dan Program Kesedaran Undang-Undang, akan terdapat lebih ramai orang yang tercicir dan terabai di celah-celah sistem perundangan dan pentadbiran kita. Di bawah ini dipamerkan secara ringkas dan rawak apa yang telah berlaku dalam setahun ini. Seperti yang telah saya katakan, rakan kongsi penting dalam menjalankan kerja ini ialah pelatihpelatih dalam kamar. Setiap tahun terdapat penambahan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang mana tugasan bantuan guaman mereka ialah di PBG KL. Ini membolehkan kami berkembang dengan mewujudkan satu program baru untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang dikenali sebagai Program Penyelidikan Undang-Undang Pelatih dalam Kamar yang telah mendapat sambutan baik. Kumpulan pelatih dalam kamar yang pertama telah menyiapkan penyelidikan mereka dengan menyediakan deraf pertama buku mengenai Agensi-agensi Penguatkuasaan di Malaysia. Penyelidikan ini telah diserahkan kepada Jawatankuasa Reformasi Undang-undang dan Penyelidikan PBG untuk kerja-kerja penyelidikan selanjutnya. PBG KL juga berbesar hati mengatakan bahawa ramai pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat di peringkat permulaan penyelidikan telah kemudiannya menganggotai jawatankuasa tersebut dan meneruskan kerja- PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 119 kerja tersebut. PBG KL menantikan hasil akhir kerja iaitu buku kedua yang ditulis oleh pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan peguam-peguam sukarela PBG KL. Dalam menjayakan program ini, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ravi Nekoo dan Stephanie Bastian yang telah melapangkan masa dan berusaha keras dalam memberi tunjuk ajar dan menggalakkan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar. Kumpulan kedua pelatih dalam kamar di bawah Program Penyelidikan Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar telah berjaya menganjurkan forum “Penjagaan Kesihatan Mental & Hak-hak Pesakit Mental di Malaysia”. Forum ini telah mendapat sambutan yang amat menggalakkan daripada para peguam, pihak NGOs dan orang awam. Mana-mana organisasi akan mengatakan bahawa satu cabaran utama yang di hadapi ialah untuk secara berterusan menggalakkan ahlinya menyumbangkan kemahiran dan tenaga mereka, terutamanya secara sukarela. Atas dasar ini, PBG KL telah mengadakan Program Pembangunan Kemahiran. Program ini telah direkacipta bagi membangunkan dan meningkatkan kemahiran dan motivasi di kalangan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar, para peguam dan kakitangan PBG KL, bagi memperbaiki kualiti dan kuantiti perkhidmatan yang diberi kepada klien. Dari 31hb Mei sehingga 2hb Jun 2013, Jawatankuasa Program Pembangunan Kemahiran telah menjalankan Latihan yang dikenali sebagai “Kesedaran Undang-undang dan Kepimpinan bagi Peguam”. Latihan ini dijalankan bagi menggalakkan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar/peguam muda untuk meneruskan penglibatan mereka di dalam PBG KL. Seramai 34 orang peserta telah menyertai latihan tersebut. Sesi yang dijalankan berbentuk interaktif dan informatif dan peserta-peserta telah membahaskan isu-isu antarabangsa, nasional dan tempatan. Di PBG KL bukan semuanya berkisar tentang kerja, tanpa aktiviti santai. Kami telah menganjurkan, Malam Kopi O 2013 - “1988 Judicial Crisis - 25 Years On”. Nada sesi di tetapkan dengan mengimbau kembali siri kejadian yang akhirnya membawa kepada krisis kehakiman 1988, yang berkesudahan dengan pelucutan Ketua Hakim Negara, Tun Salleh Abas dan dua Hakim Kanan Mahkamah Agung. Tuan Haji Sulaiman Abdullah yang lebih dikenali sebagai Tuan Haji, telah berkongsi ingatan mengenai krisis tersebut. Ada sesuatu pada malam tersebut apabila kami diberitahu, siapa yang melakukan apa, siapa yang menyatakan apa kepada siapa, siapa yang memutuskan bersama dengan siapa, dan sebagainya. Tiada ceritra filem yang boleh menandingi pengisahan beliau daripada ingatannya. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ravin Singh dan Ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja YBGK yang telah mengemudi acara ini. Saya juga ingin memberi penghargaan dan berterima kasih kepada rakan kongsi NGO – AWAM, SIS, WAO, UNCHR dan TENAGANITA di atas bantuan dan kerjasama yang berterusan bagi kerja-kerja bersama yang dihargai ini. Saya juga mengalu-alukan WAKE (Persatuan Wanita dan Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur) sebagai rakan kongsi NGO yang terbaru dan mengucapkan tahniah kepada Klinik Bantuan Guaman Komuniti yang telah memulakan program dengan WAKE. Perkhidmatan Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan (“YBGK”) adalah ditadbir melalui PBG KL dan kakitangannya. Saya berbangga kerana kakitangan PBG KL tidak pernah merungut mengendalikan kerja-kerja YBGK tanpa mengabaikan kerja-kerja PBG KL. Ini memperlihatkan sifat dan sikap mereka. Saya merasa bersyukur atas contoh keterampilan yang diperlihatkan oleh Pengarah Eksekutif, Stephanie Bastian. Saya juga berbesar hati dengan sokongan yang diberikan kepada kami oleh Rajen Devaraj, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Badan Peguam. Semua yang dipaparkan di atas tidak mungkin berlaku tanpa rakan-rakan penjawat dan Ketua-ketua Projek. Terima kasih untuk masa dan dedikasi anda kepada PBG KL melalui jawatankuasa-jawatankuada kalian. Peguam-peguam Sukarela yang menjadi pemangkin dan penggerak kami. Tanpa mereka – kami tidak mungkin bergerak. Dalam masa setahun ini, ramai yang telah berkongsi kebijaksanaan dan tunjuk ajar dan terlebih penting, sokongan mereka kepada PBG KL. Terlalu banyak nama yang perlu disebut di sini tetapi ketahuilah, kalian semua dihargai. Harleen Kaur (Leena) Pengerusi Pusat Bantuan Guaman (Kuala Lumpur) 120 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) 2. STATISTIK KLIEN PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KL) DAN KLIEN YBGK (JAN–DIS 2013) A. Klien PBG NO. KLINIK/ PROGRAM 2012 JAN-DIS 2013 JAN-OKT PURATA NOV & DIS 2013 JAN-DIS 1 Klinik PBG 3838 3003 600 3604 2 Program Penjara 1676 1352 270 1622 3 Program Dock Brief 4198 3269 654 3923 4 Klinik Syariah 100 122 24 146 5 AWAM 296 247 49 296 6 WAO 104 54 10 65 7 SIS 426 360 72 432 8 UNHCR 3437 3918 783 4702 9 Klinik Bantuan Guaman Komuniti (PTF) 51 22 4 26 10 Tenaganita 933 935 (935) 935 15059 13282 2012 APRIL –DIS 2013 JAN-OKT PURATA NOV & DIS 2013 JAN-DIS Jumlah B. 15751 Klien YBGK NO. KLINIK/ PROGRAM 1 Penangkapan 148 238 48 286 2 Reman 7283 13940 2788 16728 Jumlah 7431 14178 C. 17014 Klien PBG + YBGK NO. KLINIK/PROGRAM 2012 APRIL –DIS 2013 JAN-OKT PURATA NOV & DIS 2013 JAN-DIS 1 Jumlah PBG 15059 13282 15751 2 Jumlah YBGK 7341 14178 17014 Jumlah 22400 27460 32765 PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 121 2.1. STATISTIK FAIL: DIBUKA, DITUGASKAN & TIDAK DITUGASKAN PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KL) – (JANUARI – DISEMBER 2013) Setakat Disember 2012 Dibuka / Dipulangkan Ditugaskan / Selesai Tidak ditugaskan • Klinik PBG 29 34 1 • Program Penjara 55 54 1 2 Fail Pekerjaan 37 37 - 3 Fail PBG Keluarga 78 83 4 Fail Konsumer - 5 Fail Syariah 6 Lain-Lain Kategori A FAIL PBG 1 Fail Jenayah • Kemaslahatan Awam Fail Litigasi • Fail MISC Jumlah Keseluruhan Fail PBG KL B 1 Tidak ditugaskan Tidak ditugaskan Tidak ditugaskan 5 6 - 11 12 - 39 39 - 10 77 87 - - - 1 1 - 4 06 - 5 5 - - - - - - - 2 2 2 2 2 - 205 216 12 140 152 - FAIL YBGK Jenayah – Fail YBGK 122 Setakat Disember 2013 Dibuka / Dipulangkan Ditugaskan / Selesai Tidak ditugaskan Dibuka / Dipulangkan Ditugaskan / Selesai Tidak ditugaskan • YBGK Fail Klinik PBG • YBGK Fail Program Penjara 98 88 10 148 158 - 103 92 11 214 224 - Jumlah Keseluruhan YBGK 201 180 21 362 382 1 C JUMLAH KESELURUHAN FAIL PBG & YBGK DIBUKA / DIPULANGKAN DITUGASKAN / SELESAI TIDAK DITUGASKAN DIBUKA / DIPULANGKAN DITUGASKAN / SELESAI TIDAK DITUGASKAN 1 Jumlah Fail PBG 205 216 12 140 152 - 2 Jumlah Fail YBGK 201 180 21 362 382 1 3 Jumlah Keseluruhan Fail LAC & YBGK 406 396 33 502 534 1 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) 3. PBG KL LAPORAN PROGRAM KESEDARAN UNDANG-UNDANG (ORIENTASI) Laporan disediakan oleh Sekretariat Ketua Projek Vernon Jude Samuel Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Harleen Kaur (Leena) Abd Shukor Tokachil Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Rajen Devaraj Mohd Radzlan Jalaludin Surendran Sreetharan Stephanie Bastian Sheena Manicam (Sekretariat) 3.1 Pengenalan Program Kesedaran Undang-Undang (“Program”) adalah salah satu daripada program terpenting bagi Pusat Bantuan Majlis Peguam Kuala Lumpur (“PBG KL”). Matlamat program ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada pelatih dalam kamar mengenai apa yang diperlukan dan diharapkan daripada mereka sepanjang penglibatan mereka dalam Tugasan Wajib Bantuan Guaman selama 14 hari dan bagi memperkenalkan mereka kepada pelbagai klinik dan program yang dijalankan oleh PBG KL. 3.2 Objektif • Untuk membantu pelatih dalam kamar menemui dan memahami peranan dan tanggungjawb mereka sebagai Peguambela dan Peguamcara dalam masyarakat; • Untuk mendidik pelatih dalam kamar tentang tanggungjawab sosial, keperihatinan terhadap hak asasi manusia, kedaulatan undang-undang dan akses kepada keadilan; dan • Untuk mendedahkan pelatih dalam kamar kepada bantuan guaman dan untuk memupuk komitmen berpanjangan terhadap bantuan guaman yang melangkaui tempoh Tugasan Wajib Bantuan Guaman yang perlu mereka hadiri. 3.3 Aktiviti Sehingga 30 November 2013, Jawatankuasa Program Kesedaran Undang-Undang (“Jawatankuasa”) telah menjalankan beberapa program dan sesi seperti berikut: (a) Sesi Orientasi 8 sesi orientasi telah dijalankan dan Jawatankuasa telah melatih kira kira 640 orang pelatih dalam kamar dari Kumpulan 75, 76, 77 dan 78. Sesi orientasi ini menggunakan metodologi penglibatan, menggabungkan dinamika kumpulan, perbincangan terbuka, pengenalan hak asasi manusia di samping pengenalan kepada pelbagai Program dan Klinik yang dianjurkan oleh PBG KL. Sesi ini dikendalikan oleh Vernon Jude Samuel, Harleen Kaur (Leena), Abd Shukor Tokachil, Mohd Radzlan Jalaludin, Surendran Sreetharan, Rajen Devaraj, Joachim Xavier, Kenneth Koh, Stephanie Bastian dan Sheena Manicam. (b) Sesi Penilaian Keluar Sembilan (9) sesi penilaian keluar telah dijalankan untuk kesemua Pelatih Dalam Kamar daripada Kumpulan 73, 74, 75 dan 76 yang terlibat di dalam pelbagai Program/ Klinik PBG KL. Sesi ini direka untuk menghargai sumbangan Pelatih Dalam Kamar terhadap masyarakat dan PBG KL. Sebanyak 820 orang Pelatih Dalam Kamar telah menyertai sesi ini dan berkongsi pengalaman tentang pelbagai Program/ Klinik yang telah mereka hadiri sebagai sebahagaian daripada tugasan bantuan guaman mereka. Sesi ini dikendalikan oleh Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal, Abd Shukor Tokachil, Mohd Radzlan Jalaludin, Komathi Arunachalam, Rajen Devaraj, Stephanie Bastian dan Sheena Manicam. PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 123 (c) Program-Program Lain (i) Sebagai sesi susulan, pihak Jawatankuasa telah menganjurkan satu Sesi Perjumpaan untuk sukarelawan yang telah menawarkan diri ketika Sesi Penilaian Keluar pada 27 Ogos 2013. Matlamat sesi ini adalah untuk membawa balik Pelatih Dalam Kamar/sukarelawan yang telah menyatakan hasrat mereka untuk membantu PBG KL dan memberikan penerangan tentang tugas mereka, di dalam pelbagai Program/Klinik untuk menambahkan kefahaman mereka dan memberikan mereka perspektif yang lebih baik tentang sumbangan yang diharapkan daripada mereka. (ii) Latihan untuk Jurulatih Jawatankuasa telah menjalankan sesi latihan bagi Jurulatih pada 8 September 2013 untuk meningkatkan bilangan Jurulatih dalam simpanannya bagi membantu Jawatankuasa menjalankan pelbagai aktivitinya. 3.4 Kekuatan • Komitmen ahli Jawatankuasa dan kemampuan mereka melahirkan idea-idea untuk memperbaiki dan menambahbaik sesi latihan; • Mengalakkan Pelatih Dalam Kamar tentang keperluan berkhidmat kepada yang memerlukan dan yang terpinggir; • Pendidikan Pelatih Dalam Kamar mengenai Hak Asasi Manusia yang menanamkan rasa keadilan dalam diri mereka. 3.5 Kelemahan • Memakan masa dan kekurangan bantuan tenaga kerja; • Kesuntukan masa untuk sesi susulan. 3.6 Saranan • Keupayaan untuk menganjurkan lebih banyak sesi kesedaran dan Hak Asasi Manusia untuk Peguam dan/atau masyarakat; • Keupayaan untuk mencari jalan mengekalkan penglibatan Pelatih Dalam Kamar dan Peguam muda. Seperti biasa, 2013 adalah tahun yang sibuk bagi Jawatankuasa ini dan Jawatankuasa berharap ahli-ahlinya akan terus memberikan komitmen dan dedikasi mereka pada tahun-tahun mendatang. 4. PBG KL LAPORAN BAGI PROGRAM DOCK BRIEF Laporan ini disediakan oleh Khairil Anuar Azmi, Ketua Projek dan Sekretariat Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Khairil Anuar Azmi – Ketua Projek Lim Chi Chau Pengenalan Program “Dock Brief” mula diperkenalkan pada tahun 1989 bertempat di Mahkamah Majistret, Jalan Raja. Pada mulanya, program ini melibatkan dua (2) mahkamah berserta empat (4) petugas pelatih dalam kamar. Kini, ia melibatkan empat belas (14) mahkamah dan 75 pelatih dalam kamar untuk membantu klien tempatan dan juga asing termasuklah pesalah juvana. Pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat dilatih untuk meningkatkan kemahiran guaman dan temuduga. Antara khidmat undangundang jenayah yang disediakan di bawah program ini adalah mitigasi, permohonan jaminan dan nasihat lain yang berkaitan. Jawatankuasa juga telah menjemput peguam-peguam kanan bagi menjalankan latihan untuk pelatih dalam kamar. Untuk tahun ini, G K Ganesan, Amrit Pal Singh, Jerald Allen Gomez dan Kitson Foong adalah peguam-peguam kanan yang telah memberikan latihan. Selain itu, Jawatankuasa juga menjalankan aktiviti lakon-peranan (“role-play”) dan perbicaraan olok-olok semasa latihan untuk memberi pemahaman yang lebih baik kepada pelatih dalam kamar berkenaan Program “Dock Brief”. Sepanjang tahun 2013, Jawatankuasa telah mengadakan: 1. 124 Dua (2) mesyuarat Jawatankuasa untuk membincangkan pelbagai isu berkaitan dengan program ini dan Pelan-Pelan Tindakan untuk tahun 2013; L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) 2. Empat (4) Program Latihan Dock Brief untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dari Kumpulan 74, 75, 76 dan 77. Sebanyak 287 orang pelatih dalam kamar telah menghadiri latihan tersebut; dan 3. Tiga (3) Tinjauan Semula Pertengahan Penggal bagi pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat dalam Program ini. Statistik Setakat 31hb Oktober 2013 Program Dock Brief telah mewakili 3,269 klien di Mahkamah Majistret Jenayah Kuala Lumpur di Jalan Duta. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan jumlah kes yang telah dijalankan mitigasi oleh para pelatih dalam kamar: 5. BULAN MITIGASI & REPRESENTASI PERMOHONAN JAMINAN NASIHAT DIBERI / TANGGUH REMAN YBGK JANUARI 248 5 2 7 262 FEBRUARI 222 9 120 351 MAC 327 19 85 462 APRIL 292 18 92 402 MEI 252 14 46 84 396 JUN 290 13 17 36 356 JULAI 281 14 90 385 OGOS 223 13 14 250 SEPTEMBER 180 7 58 245 OKTOBER 144 1 15 160 Jumlah 2459 113 601 3269 31 96 JUMLAH BULAN PBG KL LAPORAN BAGI PROGRAM PENJARA (SUNGAI BULOH, PENJARA WANITA KAJANG, PENJARA JUVANA KAJANG, WARGA ASING DAN SEKOLAH/PUSAT REMAN JUVANA) Laporan ini disediakan oleh Rejendran V. Palany, Ketua Projek dan Sekreteriat Ketua Projek Rejendran V. Palany Ketua Projek Alternatif S. Thavaraj Penasihat Sivanesan Nadarajah Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Shahir Bin Ab Razak Sharon Palani Arunan Sevaraj Mohan Sankaran Letchiemanan Sithamparam Pengenalan Klinik Penjara ini mula diperkenalkan pada Disember 1997 di Penjara Sungai Buloh dan kemudiannya diterapkan ke dalam program-program lain yang berkaitan seperti Penjara Wanita Kajang (“KWP”) pada tahun 2000, Penjara Penghijrah Wanita (“KWMP”) pada September 2003 dan Penjara Penghijrah Sungai Buloh (“SBMP”) pada Mei 2004. Berikutan itu, Program Rumah Reman Juvana (“JRH”) kemudiannya telah dimulakan pada tahun 2001, diikuti dengan Penjara Juvana Kajang (“KJP”) pada tahun 2007. Pada Mac 2005, kelima-lima Klinik Penjara iaitu SBP, SBMP, KWP, KWMP, KJP, JRH telah beroperasi di bawah satu program yang sama. PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 125 Sepanjang tahun 2013, Jawatankuasa telah mengadakan: 1. Dua (2) mesyuarat Jawatankuasa untuk membincangkan pelbagai isu yang berkaitan dengan program ini dan PelanPelan Tindakan untuk tahun 2013. Empat (4) Program Latihan Penjara untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dari Kumpulan 74, 75, 76 dan 77. Sebanyak 79 orang pelatih dalam kamar telah menghadiri latihan-latihan tersebut. Tiga (3) Tinjauan Semula Pertengahan Penggal untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat di dalam Program Penjara. 2. 3. Aktiviti-aktiviti lain: • Jawatankuasa akan menganjurkan satu majlis makan malam bersama pada 3hb Disember 2013 untuk membina rangkaian yang lebih baik di antara PBG KL, Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur, pelbagai Pihak Berkuasa Penjara, Jabatan Kebajikan dan jabatan-jabatan berkaitan yang lain. PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN KUALA LUMPUR (PBG KL) STATISTIK UNTUK PROGRAM PENJARA BULAN JANUARI KE NOVEMBER 2013 A) STATISTIK KLIEN: RINGKASAN - 2013 BIL B) PROGRAM/KLINIK 2013 1 Penjara Sungai Buloh: • Klien Warganegara Malaysia *723 • Klien Warganegara Asing *116 839 2 Penjara Wanita Kajang 38 3 Penjara Penghijrah Wanita Kajang * 1 4 Penjara Lelaki Kajang (Rayuan) 32 5 Penjara Penghijrah Lelaki Kajang (Rayuan) * 10 6 Penjara Juvana Kajang 365 7 Penjara Penghijrah Juvana Kajang * 1 8 Pusat Reman Juvana (Sek Tunas Bakti Sungai Besi) Dan (Asrama Sentosa Sentul) 66 STATISTIK UNTUK FAIL-FAIL: DIBUKA, DITUGASKAN DAN TIDAK DITUGASKAN - 2013 BIL 126 KATEGORI TIDAK DITUGASKAN TAHUN 2012 DIBUKA TAHUN INI DITUGASKAN TAHUN INI TIDAK DITUGSAKAN, SEMASA 1 Fail Penjara PBG 1 12 13 0 2 Fail Penjara YBGK 11 198 209 0 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) 6. PBG KL LAPORAN KLINIK PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN Laporan disediakan oleh Kiran Kaur Naidu, Ketua Projek & Sekretariat Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa 1. Kiran Kaur Naidu (Ketua Projek) 2. Kasthuri Krishnan (Ketua Projek Sokongan) 3. Rashini a/p Balakrishnan (Setiausaha) 4. Jeevanathan Angappan (Sekretariat) 5. John Ramesh Das 6. Adora Yusof 7. Vimal a/l Balakrishnan 8. Logananth a/l Gunasagaram 9. Wendy Subramaniam 10. Zenathnara a/p Narayanasamy 11. Alan Selvandaran 12. Thigambari Ramanathan Velu 13. Yong Yit Jee 14. Navein Palani 15. Shiyamala Devi Manokaran Klinik Pusat Bantuan Guaman Klinik Pusat Bantuan Guaman (Klinik PBG) beroperasi di pejabat PBG KL dari Isnin hingga Jumaat bermula dari jam 10 pagi hingga 4.30 petang. Klinik PBG membuka pintunya kepada klien-klien daripada pelbagai lapisan masyarakat. Klinik PBG dahulunya di bawah kendalian Shiyamala Devi Manokaran dari Februari hingga September 2013 yang kemudiannya diserahkan kepada Pengarah Projek semasa oleh kerana Shiyamala Devi Manokaran melanjutkan pengajiannya ke peringkat Sarjana di Amerika Syarikat. Klinik PBG membuka pintunya kepada julat klien yang pelbagai daripada yang tua dan muda, miskin dan melarat, orang yang tidak berkeupayaan, sehinggalah kepada orang yang tidak munasabah dan tidak sihat akalnya. Biarpun pelbagai rintangan dihadapi, pasukan PBG telah berjaya mengatasi segala rintangan dan masih berterusan sedemikian bagi mencapai matlamatnya, memberikan bantuan guaman kepada yang memerlukan. PBG telah banyak menerima pujian dan penghargaan daripada masyarakat dan pelbagai pertubuhan di atas usaha dan kebaktian yang ditunjukkan oleh PBG di dalam menangani dan menyelesaikan masalah orang ramai. Sebab Dibentuk Tujuan program PBG ialah untuk mendidik pelatih-pelatih dan peguam-peguam sukarela mengenai peranan mereka di dalam membantu mereka yang memerlukan. Program ini juga dirumus bagi membentuk kesedaran sosial dan pada masa yang sama membangunkan tanggungjawab sosial. Ia juga meningkatkan keprihatinan menyeluruh terhadap hak asasi manusia, keadilan, kedaulatan undang-undang disamping meningkatkan kesedaran dan kefahaman masyarakat umumnya. Di samping itu, pelatih dan peguam sukarela digalakkan berkongsi pengetahuan undang-undang mereka dengan anggota masyarakat untuk memperkasa dan melengkapkan mereka dengan pengetahuan asas berkaitan hak-hak asasi yang diberikan kepada setiap anggota rakyat negara ini. Semangat Bantuan Guaman Meskipun bidang yang ditangani pelatih dan kakitangan PBG adalah luas, bidangkuasa Klinik PBG adalah terbatas kepada undang-undang yang terhad (iaitu undang-undang pekerjaan, keluarga dan jenayah). Namun, terdapat banyak contoh bilamana pelatih dan kakitangan PBG menghadapi keadaan yang memerlukan bantuan segera dan mendadak. Dalam keadaan sedemikian, Klinik PBG telah bertindak selaras dengan semangat penubuhannya dan telah memberikan bantuan kepada anggota masyarakat. Beberapa contoh adalah diberikan di bawah. PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 127 KEADAAN TINDAKAN DIAMBIL PBG • Klien berumur 62 tahun, yang mana rumah keluarga dicagarkan kepada Bank. • Pelatih menulis kepada Bank meminta lelongan ditunda. • Bank telah mengaturkan bahawa rumah akan dilelong untuk hanya RM 18,000.00. • lantaran permintaan tidak diendahkan, pelatih telah menghubungi Bank Negara meminta pandangan berkenaan pilihan yang ada. • Klien meminta bantuan lelongan yang telah dijadualkan dalam tempoh 48 jam dihentikan. • Klien langkah-masuk, seorang pekerja pembersihan dan anaknya yang berumur 9 tahun telah membuat laporan polis mengenai penderaan fizikal yang dilakukan oleh suami, namun tiada tindakan diambil walaupun selepas 3 minggu. • Pada hari lelongan, dengan campurtangan Bank Negara, PBG telah berjaya menunda lelongan untuk 2 bulan. Klien akhirnya berjaya memperolehi dana mencukupi untuk membayar Bank dan menghentikan lelongan tersebut. • Pelatih PBG menemani Klien untuk membuat laporan polis yang baru di balai polis berhampiran dan seterusnya menemani klien ke Jabatan Kebajikan Kuala Lumpur. • Jabatan Kebajikan kemudiannya membantu bagi mendapatkan Perintah Perlindungan Interim (IPO) pada keesokannya. • Klien meminta bantuan untuk melindungi dirinya dan anak daripada penderaan suami. • Klien, ibu kepada 3 orang anak, telah mengalami gangguan seksual oleh Pengurus di Hotel tempat beliau bekerja. Aduan kepada Jabatan Sumber Manusia (HR Depatment) tidak dipedulikan. Klien tertekan dengan ketiadaan tindakan Hotel dan telah mendapatkan bantuan perubatan, dan mengalami gangguan mental. Kemudian, beliau membuat laporan polis terhadap Pengurus tersebut. • Pelatih-pelatih PBG membantu Klien dengan bercakap dengan pegawai-pegawai polis di Bukit Aman dan terus-menerus membuat aduan terhadap Pegawai Penyiasat dan OCPD yang sebelum ini enggan mengambil tindakan ke atas laporan beliau sebelum ini. • Pelatih menemani Klien ke Jabatan Buruh yang telah mengambil tindakan atas pemberhentian salah di bawah S. 20 Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967. • Akibatnya, beliau telah dipecat daripada pekerjaan kerana membuat laporan polis palsu. Klien kemudiannya datang ke PBG untuk mendapatkan bantuan. • Klien seorang pembancuh teh warga Indonesia dengan 3 orang anak. Beliau dirogol dan dihamilkan oleh suaminya sebelum perkahwinan. Suami merupakan pemandu teksi warganegara Malaysia yang memandu hanya sekali sekala dan bergantung kepada pendapatan si isteri. • Kerana takutkan kehilangan status Penduduk Tetap beliau, pelatih telah menghubungi Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara bagi mengesahkan status tersebut. Pelatih kemudian menghubungi WAO dan telah mengaturkan perlindungan sementara untuk Klien dan anak bongsunya. 2 orang anak yang lain berada di sekolah berasrama di Johor. Oleh itu, Jabatan Kebajikan telah digunakan bagi mengatur penginapan untuk anak sulung beliau. • Selepas 4 tahun berkahwin, suami mula mendera secara lisan dan fizikal, di mana baru-baru ini, beliau telah dipukul dan terpaksa dirawat di hospital kerana kecederaan kepala dan tangan. Lantaran cuti sakit beliau yang banyak telah mendorong Jabatan Sumber Manusia (HR Department) untuk merujuk beliau kepada PBG. • Ketika ini, klien telah berpisah dengan suaminya dan IPO telah diperolehi terhadap suami tersebut. Pelatih-pelatih yang telah dilatih oleh Klinik PBG pada tahun 2013 PROGRAM NGO NO KUMPULAN KLINIK PBG KLINIK SYARIAH PROGRAM YBGK AWAM SIS WAO 1 Kumpulan 74 20 5 25 12 4 4 2 Kumpulan 75 25 7 30 12 4 4 3 Kumpulan 76 15 5 25 12 4 4 4 Kumpulan 77 15 5 25 12 4 4 75 22 105 48 16 16 128 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • } Jumlah yang telah dilatih 282 PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) Statistik Bilangan temuduga dan Perwakilan Guaman yang telah diberikan oleh Klinik PBG sepanjang tahun 2013. Setakat 30hb Oktober 2013 Jumlah Klien LangkahMasuk 3003 Perwakilan Guaman 106 Kes Susulan Kes & KIV 250 Tiada Bidangkuasa, Merit, Bidang Undang-Undang 628 Rujukan & lain-lain 592 Ujian Keupayaan ditolak 385 Campur tangan guaman 75 Klien Langkah-Masuk (Dock Brief) 327 Klien Langkah-Masuk (YBGK) 640 Fail yang telah dibuka Statistik fail yang telah dibuka: NO JENIS FAIL JUMLAH FAIL YANG DIBUKA 1 Keluarga 69 2 Pekerjaan 32 3 Jenayah 2 4 Pengguna 1 5 Rampaian 2 Jumlah 106 Terima Kasih dan Penghargaan Klinik PBG ditujukan kepada Keseluruhan Jawatankuasa yang terlibat secara aktif dalam latihan dengan bantuan pegawai PBG secara bergilir di mana tiga orang ahli Jawatankuasa menyelia setiap sesi latihan. Kami terhutang budi kepada Pengarah, penjawat, kakitangan sekretariat dan peguam sukarela (yang bukan ahli jawatankuasa) yang telah meluangkan masa dan tenaga mereka untuk Klinik. NO PENCERAMAH TOPIK 1. Chandrasegaran Undang-undang Pekerjaan 2. Harleen Kaur Undang-undang Sivil 3. Kasthuri Krishnan Undang-undang Keluarga dan Keganasan Rumahtangga 4. Lalitha Nagamuthu Undang-undang Keluarga dan Keganasan Rumahtangga 5. Ong Chin Siong Undang-undang Keluarga 6. Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Undang-undang Jenayah 7. Sivanesan Nadarajah Undang-undang Jenayah & Prosedur Sivil 8. William Foo Hiap Chong Prosedur Sivil Rancangan masa hadapan PBG Klinik PBG telah merancangkan beberapa program “outreach” yang dirumus bagi memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat umum dan mendidik orang awam mengenai hak-haknya. Program-program yang telah dirancang: • • • • Bekerjasama dengan beberapa agensi kerajaan seperti AKPK, JKM, SOCSO, ARB, Pejabat Tanah dan sebagainya; Kempen kesedaran melalui media seperti penyiaran dan media sosial; Program Kesedaran Undang-undang – (Outreach); Kempen Pengambilan Sukarelawan di perkarangan Mahkamah. PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 129 7. PBG KL LAPORAN KLINIK BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KL) / KLINIK SYARIAH Laporan disediakan oleh Sekretariat Yusof Ali Bin Haji Mohamed Zain (Ketua Projek Bersama) Azah Yazmin Binti Yusof Ali (Ketua Projek Bersama) Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Arif Zain Bin Yusof Ali Hani Dayana Binti Ismail Nasrin Salleh Jeevanathan (Sekretariat) Klinik Syariah dikendalikan oleh Sekretariat dan dibuka kepada umum dari Isnin sehingga Jumaat bermula pukul 10.00 pagi sehingga 4.30 petang. Klinik Syariah di Pusat Bantuan Guaman diuruskan oleh Pelatih Dalam Kamar dan dikawal selia oleh Peguam Syariah yang berpengalaman. Pelatih-pelatih Dalam Kamar diberi latihan selama setengah hari tertumpu kepada Sivil Syariah dan Undang-Undang Jenayah dan Prosedur. Mereka juga turut menghadiri latihan selama sehari di Klinik Bantuan Guaman dengan menyediakan latihan asas dalam teknik menemuramah dan juga penerangan berkaitan undang-undang jenayah, pekerjaan dan keluarga sebelum Pelatih-pelatih Dalam Kamar berkenaan memulakan tugas mereka di Klinik Bantuan Guaman. Jadual dibawah menunjukkan jumlah kes yang dikendalikan oleh Klinik Bantuan Guaman pada 2013 Jumlah pemohon pelanggan Syariah 122 Fail yang dibuka 5 Meminta nasihat sahaja 68 Di luar bidang kuasa dan merujuk kepada Jabatan Bantuan Guaman 49 Jumlah menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah Klien berbanding 2012 Seluruh Jawatankuasa mengambil bahagian secara aktif dalam program latihan dengan bantuan Pegawai dari Klinik Bantuan Guaman secara bergilir yang mana ahli Jawatankuasa akan memantau latihan pada setiap masa. Pada tahun ini latihan dijalankan berkonsepkan Bengkel. Kebanyakan kes yang dibawa kepada Pusat Bantuan Guaman adalah Permohonan Pembubaran Perkahwinan (cerai, fasakh dan lain lain) Kembali Taat, Pengesahan Lafaz Cerai, Nafkah dan Tuntutan Harta Sepencarian. Pada masa akan datang, kami ingin mencadangkan beberapa program. Pertamanya, Program “Roadshow”. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberi kesedaran tentang selok-belok undang-undang Syariah secara umum kepada masyarakat. Selain itu, kami juga ingin mencadangkan program “Outreach”. Program ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan isu-isu yang dialami oleh individu apabila mereka mengalami kesukaran dengan Mahkamah Syariah dan Undang-Undang Syariah itu sendiri. Akhir sekali, kami ingin bekerjasama dengan pihak-pihak Penguatkuasa Syariah seperti JAWI dan JAKIM bagi merapatkan jurang antara bidangkuasa Sivil dan Syariah. Kami ingin mengambil peluang ini untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Panel Pengurusan, Kakitangan Pusat Bantuan Guaman, Ahli Jawatankuasa Syariah, Pelatih Dalam Kamar serta sukarelawan di atas minat dan komitmen mereka dalam memastikan Klinik Syariah berjalan lancar. 130 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) 8. PBG KL LAPORAN KLINIK BANTUAN UNDANG-UNDANG KOMUNITI Laporan disediakan oleh Gene Tan, Ketua Projek Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Preetam Kaur (Penasihat) Lalitha Nagamuthu (Naib Ketua Projek) Pramodini Nair Clarence Chua Nur Aziatulnadia Roslan Matthew Lee Komuniti Terpinggir CLAC dan Statistik HIV/AIDS CLAC memberikan bantuan kepada komuniti-komuniti yang paling terpinggir di Malaysia. Mereka adalah Pekerja Seks Wanita, Transgender, Homoseksual, Orang Yang Hidup Dengan HIV dan Penagih Dadah Yang Menyuntik serta pasangan mereka dan akhirnya golongan heteroseksual umumnya. Ia dikenali sebagai orang yang dijangkiti dan menjangkiti, justeru mulai tahun hadapan kami perlu memberi bantuan kepada warganegara dan bukan warganegara secara keseluruhan. Ini adalah ekoran statistik UNAIDS berkenaan peningkatan HIV di Malaysia. Lebih ramai wanita dan kanak-kanak yang dijangkiti HIV pada tahun lalu dan ini digambarkan dengan jelas di dalam rekod Kesihatan Malaysia. Profil Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia berkaitan kes wanita yang dijangkiti HIV pada tahun 2011 menunjukkan lebih dua per tiga daripada mereka berada dalam lingkungan umur 20-39 tahun, 86% telah dijangkiti HIV melalui penyebaran heterosexual dan 40% daripada mereka adalah surirumah. (sumber: Kementerian Kesihatan (2011) Kematian Di Dalam Tahanan – Pengguna Dadah Kami mendapati pada tahun ini sahaja berlaku peningkatan kematian di dalam tahanan. Daripada 8 kematian yang dilaporkan, 3 adalah pengguna dadah yang mati akibat komplikasi berkaitan kesihatan. (sumber: The Star 9/6/13) Pada 14 November 2013- satu lagi kes kematian suspek dadah. Kami amat menggalakkan mereka yang membaca laporan ini untuk menyelidik dan membaca artikel di bawah. “The Star online-Drug suspect dies in police truck” 2013: Suatu Pandangan Berkenaan Rintangan Dan Perubahan Di Dalam Pendekatan Terhadap Komuniti Walaupun terdapat sedikit penambahan dalam bilangan klien langkah-masuk serta publisiti, CLAC berhadapan dengan keskes statistik rendah dan kerja sedia ada. Lantaran itu, CLAC telah menghampiri Pengerusi serta Ketua Sekrertariat bagi mencari usaha baru dengan NGO lain yang boleh mendapat faedah daripada kerja-kerja yang dijalankan oleh CLAC dengan komuniti terpinggir. Bersama Wanita & Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur (WAKE), CLAC telah memulakan suatu klinik kecil undangundang pada pertengahan tahun 2013 dan justeru itu telah memperolehi 10 klien langkah-masuk baru. CLAC juga memasukkan maklumat ringkas tentang skim YBGK ke dalam semua latihan, perkongsian dan bengkel dengan komuniti terpinggir dengan harapan dapat memberikan lebih panduan kepada mereka apabila ditahan serta memastikan agar hak-hak mereka terpelihara. Bagi memperkasakan staf komuniti, CLAC telah mengundang mereka semasa latihan pelatih dalam kamar bagi dua sesi latihan. Staf komuniti PT dan WAKE telah mempelajari proses latihan pelatih dalam kamar kami dan seterusnya mengambil bahagian di dalam menjawab soalan daripada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar. Di samping itu, pelatih dalam kamar juga mempelajari isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh komuniti semasa latihan tersebut. Melalui perhatian kami, kedua-dua pelatih CLAC dan staf rakan-pertubuhan telah terlibat secara aktif semasa sesi perbincangan undang-undang dan perkongsian. Penghargaan Kepada Pengerusi KL dan Ketua Sekretariat Setelah bertemu dengan Pengerusi dan Ketua Sekretariat KL LAC berkenaan masalah bilangan klien langkah-masuk yang rendah serta publisiti, CLAC telah dibenarkan untuk menjalankan usaha kerja dengan NGO sasaran. Strategi yang telah membuahkan hasil - CLAC ketika ini membantu WAKE di dalam klinik bantuan undang-undang yang baru di pejabat mereka. Yang sedang diusahakan ialah kemungkinan usaha kerja dengan PAMT (Pertubuhan Advokasi Masyarakat Terpinggir) serta KLASS (Hospital Sg Buloh), NGO-NGO yang memfokuskan isu-isu berkaitan HIV. Di dalam laporan ini CLAC mengambil kesempatan merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Harleena Kaur dan Stephanie Bastian bagi sokongan PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 131 mereka yang tidak berbelah bagi serta tunjuk ajar yang diberikan. Pada 2014, dengan panduan mereka yang dihargai, CLAC mensasarkan untuk bekerja lebih rapat bagi meningkatkan pendedahan dan kesedaran kepada komuniti-komuniti yang dijangkiti dan menjangkiti, sama ada warganegara mahupun bukan. Perlu juga dicatatkan komuniti penghijrah terdedah kepada risiko yang lebih tinggi jangkitan HIV melalui penyebaran seksual daripada rakan Malaysia mereka. Kerjasama CLAC – Rakan NGO 1. CLAC dan Malaysian Aids Council (MAC) (Bengkel Undang-undang di Peringkat Negeri) Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa CLAC telah menjalankan sesi kesedaran dan hak apabila ditahan, reman dan ikat jamin serta skim YBGK kepada komuniti terpinggir untuk Majlis Aids Malaysia. NO TARIKH ORGANISASI NEGERI SASARAN PENCERAMAH 1 8/9/13 WAKE SELANGOR TG*/FSW* Gen Tan 35 2 14/9/13 PAMT 1 SEREMBAN TG*/FSW* Clarence Chua 27 3 15/9/13 INSAN MURNI SENAWANG IDU* Preetam Kaur 45 4 28/9/13 PAMT 2 CHERAS TG*/FSW* Nadia 35 JUMLAH KESELURUHAN *TG: *FSW: *IDU: 2. JUMLAH 142 Transgender/Mak Nyah Female Sex Workers/Pekerja Seks Wanita Injecting Drug Users/Pengguna Dadah Menyuntik CLAC dan Yayasan PT PT telah bersetuju untuk meningkatkan publisiti klinik undang-undang dan merancang untuk memasukkan klinik undang-undang CLAC di dalam laman sesawang mereka dan juga menyediakan risalah. Diharapkan cara ini dapat menambahkan kesedaran mengenai klinik undang-undang di kalangan komuniti mereka. CLAC juga telah merancang untuk menjalankan bengkel undang-undang, latihan kepada staf PT serta ahli komuniti mereka. Kami juga telah mengadakan mesyuarat bersama dan PT telah mengakujanji untuk menggilirkan pelatih daripada satu program kepada program lain iaitu: seminggu di PLHIV dan semingu lagi di Perkerja Seks dan sebaliknya. STATISTIK PT (JAN 2013 – NOVEMBER 2013) NO 132 PT KLINIK PERUNDANGAN MASALAH 1 Syariah 1 2 Pemeriksaan Perubatan 1 3 Harta Benda 1 4 Keluarga 1 5 Rogol 1 6 Visa 1 7 Tangkapan 3 8 Diskriminasi 1 9 Kecuaian Perubatan 1 10 Peras Ugut 1 JUMLAH 12 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) 3. CLAC bekerjasama dengan Wanita & Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur (WAKE) (Pilot Legal Clinic) Pendekatan permulaan CLAC dengan WAKE dan ia jelas menunjukkan keputusan yang memberangsangkan kerana dalam tempoh 6 bulan kami membantu 10 komuniti terpinggir dan tidak terpinggir. Ini adalah hasil yang memberangsangkan bagi CLAC. Selain itu, pengurus WAKE berupaya mengembelingkan pelatih dalam kamar untuk juga membantu dalam kerja tambahan seperti terjemahan, merangka risalah dan yang terpenting pelatih-pelatih dibenarkan melawat rumah perlindungan WAKE (PLHIV Shelter Home). WAKE STATS (JAN 2013 – NOVEMBER 2013) PERKARA KES KERJA-KERJA LAIN WAKE 1 Fitnah 1 *Deraf Risalah 2 Gangguan Polis 2 *Terjemahaan 3 Syariah 3 *Lawatan ke Rumah PerlindunganWAKE 4 Insuran 1 *Penyelidikan mengenai BantuanTEKUN, Kebajikan 5 Kebankrapan 1 *Deraf Surat untuk JAIS 6 Masalah IC 1 - 7 Pemeriksaan Perubatan - - 8 Harta Benda - - 9 Keluarga - - 10 Rogol - - 11 Visa - - 12 Tangkapan 1 - 13 Diskriminasi - - 14 Kecuaian Perubatan - - 15 Peras Ugut - - 10 - JUMLAH PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 133 Ceramah/Latihan/Aktiviti CLAC 9. NO TARIKH ORGANISASI KUMPULAN SASAR PENCERAMAH 1 19/5/13 PT, TG PROGRAM “IAMYOU, TRANSGENDERS CAMPAIGN” Gen 2 12/6/13 MAC, GF “OUTREACH WORKERS TRAINING, TG, FSW & IDU” Gen 3 19/6/13 MAC, GF “OUTREACH WORKERS TRAINING, TG, FSW & IDU” Nadia 4 26/6/13 MAC, GF “OUTREACH WORKERS TRAINING, TG, FSW & IDU” Clarence 5 19/8/13 KLLAC, SECRETARIAT “VISITS TO WAKE PILOT LEGAL CLINIC CENTRE” Stephanie & Chitrah 6 1/10/13 CERIA, UM “LEGAL WORKSHOP” Lalitha 7 4/10/13 KLLAC, SECRETARIAT “MEETING WITH PT CENTRE” Gen, Stephanie & Chitrah 8 25/10/13 UNAIDS “MEETING WITH UNAIDS” Gen & Chitrah 9 29/11/13 PT, TG PROGRAM “TRANSGENDERS REMEMBRANCE DAY, PUBLIKA” Gen & Chitrah 10 4/12/13 HOSPITAL SG BULOH, KLASS “LEGAL WORKSHOP FOR PLHIV” Gen & Chitrah PBG KL LAPORAN MENGENAI KLINIK PBG/AWAM/WAO/SIS Laporan disediakan oleh Sekretariat Ketua Projek Harleen Leena Vikraman Rajo (Secretariat) Wakil NGO Betty Yeoh / Emily / Wei San - AWAM Nazlina Abd Ghani - WAO Kartina – SIS Klinik LAC/AWAM/WAO/SIS (“Klinik”) memudahkan perhubungan dan kerjasama di antara Pusat Bantuan Guaman KL (PBG KL), AWAM, WOA, dan SIS. Kerjasama ini menyampaikan PBG kepada jangkauan komuniti yang lebih luas di samping memberikan akses kepada sumber guaman yang terlatih seperti Pelatih Dalam Kamar, Peguam Sukarela dan seumpamanya kepada AWAM, WAO, dan SIS. Kesemua 3 klinik ini menangani isu-isu berkaitan wanita. Mereka membantu klien dengan memberikan nasihat guaman, bantuan kepada anggota keluarga mengenai keganasan rumah tangga dan hal-hal lain yang berkaitan dengan wanita. Klinik bersama dengan rakan NGO serta bantuan Peguam Sukarela telah berjaya menjalankan latihan dan tinjauan semula. Secara tahunan, PBG akan menyediakan 4 kumpulan pelatih dalam kamar kepada NGO- NGO ini. Pelatih Dalam Kamar ini akan ditempatkan di premis-premis NGO bagi membantu klien di sana. 134 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) Pelatih Dalam Kamar (PDK) Terdapat 4 kumpulan PDK iaitu kumpulan 74, 75, 76 dan 77. Peruntukan mereka adalah berikut: KUMPULAN 74 KUMPULAN 75 KUMPULAN 76 KUMPULAN 77 KL SEL KL SEL KL SEL KL SEL AWAM 12 0 12 0 6 5 6 6 WAO 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 SIS 2 4 0 6 0 6 3 3 JUMLAH 16 4 14 6 8 11 11 9 PROGRAM Daripada Januari-Oktober 2013, AWAM telah menguruskan 247 klien, WAO 54 klien dan SIS sebanyak 360 klien. Terdapat empat (4) sesi latihan dan empat (4) Tinjauan Semula Pertengahan Penggal telah dijalankan sepanjang tahun. PDK telah diberikan latihan dalam pelbagai bidang undang-undang. Setiap kumpulan PDK diwajibkan untuk menghadiri dua (2) sesi latihan. Latihan yang diberikan PBG merangkumi Undang-undang Keluarga, Keganasan Rumah Tangga dan Undang-undang Syariah. Sementara itu, latihan yang diberikan NGO-NGO tersebut menangani isu dan undang-undang berkaitan perlindungan dan hak-hak wanita. Selain itu, empat (4) Tinjauan Semula Pertengahan Penggal telah di adakan di mana PDK diberi ruang membincangkan masalah yang di dihadapi sepanjang empat belas (14) hari Tugasan Bantuan Guaman mereka dengan AWAM/WAO/SIS. Ketiga-tiga klinik juga memberikan maklumbalas tentang prestasi PDK dan menonjolkan bidang yang perlu diusahakan oleh para pelatih. Di akhir sesi PDK kelihatan lebih memahami kekurangan mereka dan langkah-langkah yang boleh diambil untuk mengatasi kelemahan-kelemahan tersebut. Secara keseluruhannya, PDK berpuas hati dengan tugasan Bantuan Guaman mereka memandangkan mereka telah memperoleh pengalaman yang amat berharga semasa ditempatkan di AWAM/WAO/ SIS. 10. PBG KL LAPORAN MENGENAI KLINIK PEKERJA ASING PBG/TENAGANITA Laporan disediakan oleh Sekretariat Ketua Projek Harleen Leena Vikraman Rajo (Secretariat) Wakil Tenaganita Aegile Fernandez Glorene Das Yasotha Tenaganita adalah sebuah organisasi yang menggalakkan budaya di mana kesamarataan dan hak asasi sesama manusia didukung. Tenaganita meyakini menggerakkan dan memperkasakan komuniti bagi memahami, menjunjung dan mempertahankan hak mereka. Mereka juga menyelesaikan dan menangani pencabulan hak terhadap wanita, pendatang asing dan pelarian. Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (KL) bekerjasama dengan Tenaganita dalam perjuangan ini dengan menyediakan pelatih dalam kamar untuk memberikan bantuan guaman sepanjang tempoh wajib para pelatih melaksanakan tugasan bantuan guaman mereka. Pelatih Dalam Kamar Terdapat empat (4) kumpulan pelatih dalam kamar iaitu Kumpulan 74, 75, 76, and 77. Pembahagian mereka adalah seperti berikut:- PROGRAM KUMPULAN 74 KUMPULAN 75 KUMPULAN 76 KUMPULAN 77 KL KL KL KL SEL SEL SEL SEL TENAGANITA 16 10 15 10 16 10 14 10 JUMLAH 16 10 15 10 16 10 14 10 PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 135 Setiap kumpulan pelatih perlu menjalani latihan wajib selama dua (2) hari yang dikendalikan oleh Tenaganita. Dalam tempoh dua (2) hari tersebut, para pelatih dalam kamar akan diberi latihan kemahiran menemubual, kemahiran perundingan dan kemahiran dokumentasi. Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar juga diberi latihan dalam cabang undang-undang yang relevan seperti Undang-Undang Anti-Pemerdagangan dan Undang-Undang Buruh selain diberi pendedahan mengenai hak Pekerja-Pekerja Domestik serta Mekanisma dan Polisi Undang-Undang di Malaysia. Pusat Bantuan Guaman (KL) juga telah mengadakan mesyuarat dengan Tenaganita pada awal tahun ini untuk membincangkan tarikh latihan akan datang, statistik, dan skop kerja para pelatih dalam kamar. Dari Januari 2013 hingga 6hb Disember 2013, Tenaganita telah mengendalikan lebih kurang 926 aduan pelbagai masalah seperti gaji tidak dibayar, pemberhentian kerja secara tidak sah, pengurungan yang tidak sah, pengembalian ke negara asal dengan selamat, penderaan fizikal, penyakit mental, lanjutan kontrak secara paksa, pemerdagangan manusia, permohonan Penduduk Tetap dan peras ugut, dan kes-kes penipuan 6P. Daripada 926 aduan, Tenaganita berjaya menangani 224 kes kesemuanya. Para pelatih dalam kamar diberi skop kerja yang luas sepanjang tempoh tugasan Bantuan Guaman mereka dengan Tenaganita termasuk menyelidik fakta, membuat panggilan, mengesahkan butiran, dokumentasi, membuat laporan polis dan membantu dalam hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan imigresen. Selain itu, pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar juga diperlukan untuk memudahcara perbincangan dan memberi nasihat guaman dan bantuan di antara majikan dan perkerja. Secara keseluruhannya, pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar sangat berpuas hati dengan penempatan mereka di Tenaganita. Mereka menyatakan bahawa melakukan tugasan di Tenaganita adalah satu “platform” bagi mereka berjasa kepada masyarakat terutamanya bagi membantu mereka yang memerlukan. Tenaganita telah mengajar mereka bagaimana kesefahaman dan belas kasihan boleh berakhir dengan tindakan. Adalah juga diharapkan bahawa Tenaganita akan terus berusaha mencapai matlamatnya di dalam menghampiri masyarakat dan meraih sokongan orang ramai dalam perjuangan mereka. 11. PBG KL LAPORAN MENGENAI KLINIK PBG/ UNHCR Laporan disediakan oleh Sekretariat Ketua Projek Harleen Leena Vikraman Rajo (Secretariat) Wakil UNHCR Asha Dhillion Shobna Sivaraman PBG (KL) berkerjasama dengan Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu bagi Pelarian (UNHCR) bagi melindungi dan membantu pelarian di Malaysia. UNHCR mempunyai tanggungjawab tunggal untuk pendaftaran, dokumentasi dan penentuan taraf pencari suaka dan pelarian. Terdapat sebanyak empat (4) kumpulan pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat di dalam program tahun ini iaitu Kumpulan 74,75,76 dan 77 yang terdiri daripada 21, 20, 10 dan 10 pelatih masing-masing. Kesemua empat (4) kumpulan pelatih dalam kamar telah menjalani latihan wajib yang dikendalikan oleh UNHCR. Selain itu, pelatih yang mempunyai locus penuh telah juga dilatih oleh Jawatankuasa “Dock Brief”. Pelatih-pelatih telah dilatih untuk mengembangkan kemahiran kepeguaman dan temuduga. Latihan “Dock Brief” bertujuan menyentuh urusan seperti mitigasi dan permohonan ikat jamin serta nasihat lain yang berkaitan. a) Sepanjang tahun, UNHCR telah mengendalikan anggaran 3800 klien. Bilangan klien tertinggi tercatat bagi Jun iaitu 476 klien. Pada asasnya ruang kerja pelatih dalam kamar di UNHCR merangkumi bidang-bidang seperti: Menemubual pelarian dengan masalah merangkumi daripada tangkapan, serangan, rompakan, perkahwinan kepada mengambil laporan kematian b) Membantu dalam meyusuli laporan tangkapan c) Membantu dalam pembebasan di kem-kem tahanan d) Menghadiri mahkamah untuk mitigasi, permohonan ikat jamin e) Berhubungan dengan pelbagai jabatan Juga telah dijalankan empat (4) Tinjauan Semula Pertengahan Penggal, satu sesi untuk setiap kumpulan. Tinjauan Semula pada dasarnya mengenengahkan masalah yang dihadapi Pelatih ketika tempoh empat belas (14) hari tugasan Bantuan Guaman mereka. UNHCR juga memberikan maklum balas kepada Pelatih berkenaan tugas yang telah dijalankan mereka di samping 136 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) cadangan dan buah fikiran dan juga bidang yang perlu diperbaiki. Sesi ini memberi ruang kepada UNHCR mengenengahkan masalah yang dihadapi berhadapan dengan Pelatih Dalam Kamar. Berserta dengan program Bantuan Guaman lain, program UNHCR berusaha memberikan khidmat guaman kepada pelarian dan anggota kemanusian yang kurang bernasib baik di samping mengembangkan kemahiran kepeguaman dan kemahiran ringan pelatih-pelatih. Pogram ini menyediakan satu pentas unik di mana Pelatih diberi peluang untuk membantu pelarian yang amat memerlukan bantuan. 12. PBG KL LAPORAN PROGRAM PENAHANAN SEGERA “URGENT ARREST” Laporan disediakan oleh Sekretariat Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) dan masyarakat umum sering kali bergabung tenaga mengambil bahagian dalam perkumpulan dan perhimpunan aman. Perhimpunan diadakan bertujuan menyuarakan kerisauan dan pandangan mereka dalam pelbagai isu yang memberi kesan kepada Negara. Sering kali, perkumpulan dan perhimpunan aman ini akan berhadapan dengan penangkapan dan penahanan beramai-ramai orang awam yang tidak wajar. Kerap kali kebanyakan daripada mereka yang ditangkap dan ditahan tidak mempunyai laluan kepada nasihat guaman dan mereka tidak sedar akan hak dan pilihan yang mereka ada, di bawah undang-undang. Lantaran keadaan sedemikian, Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) telah menubuhkan dan menyediakan perkhidmatan “Urgent Arrest” kepada semua yang ditangkap dan ditahan semasa perhimpunan aman diadakan. Perkhidmatan ‘Urgent Arrest’ ini adalah nasihat guaman dan bantuan yang diberikan percuma oleh peguam-peguam terlatih dan dilengkapkan dengan pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam bidang tangkapan dan penahanan. Pasukan ‘Penahanan Segera’ ini akan berhubung dan berunding dengan pihak berkuasa dan memberikan khidmat nasihat undang-undang, campur tangan dan perwakilan kepada mereka yang telah ditangkap dan ditahan. Pasukan akan juga memaklumkan dan mengemaskinikan keluarga mangsa mengenai proses tangkapan dan tahanan reman. Sepanjang tahun 2013, pihak Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) telah menyediakan pasukan ‘Penahanan Segera’ dalam keadaan bersedia untuk acara-acara berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 13. 12 Januari 2013 4 Mei 2013 19 Julai 2013 21 & 22 September 2013 26 September 2013 Bangkit Rakyat Bersih 2 Pilihanraya Bertindak Bantah TPPA Seksualiti Merdeka Lynas - Memo kepada Parliament PBG KL LAPORAN JAWATANKUASA PEMBAHARUAN UNDANG-UNDANG & PENYELIDIKAN Laporan disediakan oleh Elaine Gan, Ketua Projek dan Sekretariat Ketua Projek Bersama Lee Sit Ching, Joey Jasmine Goh Huay Mien Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Ravi Nekoo Elaine Gan Peay Er Jayashree Vengadachalam Boo Min Lee Joanne Chua Tsu Fae Tan Ru En Kong Feng Nian Haleez Binti Hasnan Amy Teo Jiun Ping Vincent Wong Chee Seng Mohd Iznan Bin Abdul Malik Stephanie Bastian Sheena Manicam (Secretariat) Semenjak pelancaran penerbitan pertama Pusat Bantuan Guaman (KL) (PBG KL) yang bertajuk “Undang-Undang dan Amalan Tangkapan dan Reman”, pihak jawatankuasa kini sedang mengusahakan penerbitan kedua yang tertumpu kepada kuasa tangkapan/penguatkuasaan agensi-agensi kerajaan yang lain. PBG KL telah mengutus surat kepada kesemua agensi kerajaan dan sebahagiannya telah pun memberikan maklum balas yang sangat membantu mengenai undang-undang yang PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 137 menggariskan kuasa penguatkuasaan mereka. Penerbitan kedua ini akan dilakukan perperingkat dan jawatankuasa berharap untuk melancarkan siri pertama semasa Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Majlis Peguam yang akan datang. Jawatankuasa juga sudah mula disertai oleh muka-muka baru, dan perkara ini diharap dapat berkembang dengan lebih baik bagi membantu PBG KL untuk terus menerbitkan lebih banyak buku yang dapat memberi faedah kepada orang ramai. 14. PBG KL LAPORAN PROGRAM PENYELIDIKAN UNTUK PELATIH DALAM KAMAR Laporan disediakan oleh Sekretariat Bagi separuh pertama tahun 2013 terdapat ramai pelatih dalam kamar yang telah mendaftar untuk tugas Bantuan Guaman dan disebabkan oleh pertambahan ini, Sekretariat telah mewujudkan satu Program Penyelidikan di mana pelatih dalam kamar perlu membuat penyelidikan ke atas topik yang terpilih dan berkaitan sebagai sebahagian daripada tempoh 14 hari tugasan bantuan guaman mereka. Program ini bukanlah satu program tetap tetapi bergantung kepada bilangan pelatih dalam kamar yang mendaftar untuk tugasan bantuan guaman dan juga keperluan untuk topik penyelidikan bagi PBG KL. Terdapat kira-kira 36 pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat dalam program ini yang telah dibahagikan kepada 3 kumpulan daripada kumpulan 74 dan 75. (i) Kumpulan pertama pelatih dalam kamar telah membantu Jawatankuasa Pembaharuan Udang-Undang dan Penyelidikan PBG KL menjalankan penyelidikan untuk penerbitan kedua berkaitan “Agensi-Agensi Penguatkuasaan Lain di Malaysia”. Pelatih dalam kamar telah menyiapkan penyelidikan mereka dan deraf pertama telahpun diserahkan kepada Jawatankuasa Pembaharuan Udang-Undang dan Penyelidikan bagi menyempurnakan buku kedua mereka. (ii) Kumpulan kedua pelatih dalam kamar telah menjalankan kajian mengenai Penjagaan Kesihatan Mental dan menganjurkan satu forum yang sangat berjaya berkenaan “Mental Health Care and The Rights of The Mentally Ill in Malaysia”. Objektif penganjuran forum ini adalah disebabkan oleh keprihatinan yang semakin meningkat tentang hakhak orang yang sakit mental dan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan kepada mereka yang mengalami mental tidak stabil. Penceramah terdiri daripada Dr. Rozaidah Jaafar daripada Jabatan Psikiatri, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Datin Dr. Ang Kim Teng daripada Persatuan Kesihatan Mental Malaysia, dan peguam En. Edmund Bon dan En. New Sin Yew. Forum ini telah menerima sambutan yang sangat baik daripada para peguam, NGO dan juga orang awam dan telah dihadiri oleh lebih kurang 90 orang peserta. (iii) Kumpulan ketiga pelatih dalam kamar telah ditugaskan untuk menjalankan penyelidikan tentang Penahanan dan Pemulihan Pengguna Dadah di Malaysia. Tugas-tugas mereka termasuk: (a) (b) (c) Menjalankan penyelidikan mengenai status terkini undang-undang, polisi dan prosedur berkenaan tangkapan, penahanan dan rawatan terhadap pengguna dadah di Malaysia. Memberikan cadangan bagi memperbaiki sistem semasa berkaitan pengguna dadah di dalam bahagianbahagian berikut: i) Proses tangkapan dan tahanan; ii) Rawatan untuk pengguna dadah - kesihatan/pemulihan; iii) Pengguna dadah dan mahkamah; dan iv) Perbandingan dengan piawaian antarabangsa dan kajian kes. Menderafkan memorandum untuk dikemukakan kepada Peguam Negara berkenaan status semasa tangkapan, tahanan, dan rawatan pengguna dadah di Malaysia dan juga usul dan cadangan yang disyorkan. Pelatih dalam kamar yang telah ditugaskan untuk program penyelidikan sangat gembira menjadi sebahagian daripada program tersebut dan sehingga kini masih membantu PBG apabila berkesempatan. 138 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) 15. PBG KL LAPORAN PROGRAM PEMBANGUNAN KEMAHIRAN Laporan disediakan oleh Sekretariat Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Harleen Kaur (Leena) Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Ravi Nekoo Rajen Devaraj Stephanie Bastian Sheena Manicam Pengenalan Program Pembangunan Kemahiran direka untuk membangunkan dan meningkatkan kemahiran serta meningkatkan motivasi Pelatih Dalam Kamar, peguam dan kakitangan (Pusat Bantuan Guaman) bagi meningkatkan kualiti dan kuantiti perkhidmatan yang diberikan kepada klien. Objektif • Menganjurkan program latihan untuk peguam sukarela semasa dan yang akan datang bagi memenuhi dan menampung keperluan PBG KL; • Mengkaji semula program latihan dan memberikan cadangan untuk penambahbaikan,mengikut kesesuaian; • Melatih tenaga pengajar. Aktiviti Daripada 31hb Mei hingga 2hb Jun 2013, Jawatankuasa Program Pembangunan Kemahiran telah mengadakan satu Latihan Lanjutan dikenali “Kesedaran Undang-Undang dan Kepimpinan untuk para Peguam” di Selesa Resort, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang. Latihan ini telah dijalankan bagi menggalakkan pelatih dalam kamar dan peguam muda untuk meneruskan penglibatan dalam PBG KL secara berterusan. Seramai 34 peserta telah mengambil bahagian dalam latihan ini. Objektif utama program ini adalah (i) untuk mendorong dan menggalakkan pelatih dalam kamar/peguam muda untuk meningkatkan penglibatan di dalam PBG KL (ii) memperkenalkan kemahiran ringan yang perlu untuk kepimpinan; dan (iii) untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka dalam bidang/isu-isu tertentu. Program ini menekankan kepentingan peranan yang dimainkan oleh pelatih dalam kamar/peguam muda dalam masyarakat dan kewajipan mereka terhadap masyarakat. Jawatankuasa juga menggunakan peluang ini untuk merekrut sukarelawan muda/pemimpin untuk kerja-kerja bantuan guaman, dan untuk mendapatkan maklum balas dan cadangan terperinci bagi memperbaiki program PBG. Para pemudahcara ialah Ravin, Rajen, Stephanie dan Ravi Nekoo bersama-sama dengan Sheena, Mani dan Jeeva. Fahmi Reza telah dijemput sebagai penceramah jemputan yang telah berucap tentang “HARTAL”, insiden 10 tahun sebelum Kemerdekaan Malaysia. Sesi tersebut amat interaktif dan para peserta memperolehi banyak pengetahuan melalui sesi tersebut. Perbincangan antara pemudahcara dan peserta yang relevan telah kerap diadakan selepas setiap sesi untuk membincangkan dan membahaskan topik-topik yang telah dibentangkan. Seluruh sesi berlangsung selama kira-kira 2 ½ hari. Berdasarkan penilaian, peserta secara amnya merasakan bahawa sesi keseluruhan adalah memuaskan dan berfaedah. Lantaran sambutan positif daripada para peserta, disimpulkan bahawa majlis tersebut berjaya mencapai objektifnya. Pada masa akan datang adalah disyorkan bahawa program yang sama diadakan secara tahunan. Selepas latihan, Jawatankuasa telah mengadakan beberapa sesi dan mesyuarat susulan dengan para peserta yang menghadiri latihan tersebut. Amat menggalakkan untuk melihat kebanyakan peserta kini aktif mengambil bahagian dan menjadi sukarelawan dalam kebanyakan daripada aktiviti PBG KL. Cadangan Aktiviti Masa Hadapan Jawatankuasa telah merancang sesi latihan berikut untuk tahun hadapan: • Menganjurkan satu lagi Latihan Lanjutan • Melatih tenaga pengajar PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 139 Kekuatan • Meningkatkan kemahiran perundangan, pengetahuan dan keyakinan para peserta, untuk melengkapkan dan menggalakkan mereka menjalankan kerja-kerja bantuan guaman • Memudahkan dan melengkapkan program latihan PBG KL yang sedia ada • Ahli Jawatankuasa yang komited dan berupaya mengeluarkan buah fikiran bagi melaksanakan dan memperbaiki lagi sesi-sesi latihan Kelemahan • Kekurangan masa, sumber manusia/sukarelawan dengan kemahiran yang sesuai atau yang bersedia menjalani latihan • Tindakan susulan Cadangan • Pada masa hadapan, mungkin jawatankuasa patut menganjurkan ceramah dan / atau program yang melibatkan bidang undang-undang menarik yang lain • Lebih ramai Ahli Jawatankuasa harus terlibat dalam ceramah dan / atau program di atas 16. PBG KL LAPORAN SESI “MALAM KOPI O” Laporan disediakan oleh Collin Arvind Andrew Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal Harleen Kaur (Leena) Ravi Nekoo Rajen Devaraj Abd Shukor Tokachil Lim Chi Chau Stephanie Bastian Collin Arvind Andrew Delia Lee Sze Zhen Darren Teo Manimagalai G. Beh Huey Ching (Jenna) Farida Binti Mohammad Jacky Loi Yap Loong Keong Ming Wai Terrence Lee Samantha Chong Yin Xin Shashidevan Thalmalingam Yoges M Verasuntharam Nadaraja Gopalakrishnan Paanimalar Paramasivan Chin Ze Ye (Joshua) R. Hanita Acara Malam Kopi O’ 2013 – “Krisis Kehakiman: Selepas 25 Tahun Berlalu” Acara “Malam Kopi O’ 2013” telah dianjurkan oleh Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan dalam suasana bersahaja, acara ke enam dalam siri “Malam Kopi O’” ini telah bermula pada jam 8.00 malam di Pusat Bantuan Guaman, Wisma Kraftangan. Sesi yang diadakan pada hari Jumaat, 18 Oktober 2013 telah dihadiri oleh orang awam dan kebanyakkan peguam. Walaupun hujan sangat lebat pada malam tersebut, ia tidak melemahkan semangat para hadirin untuk menghadiri sesi yang sangat menyegarkan tersebut. Memang menyegarkan, diakibatkan oleh salah satu daripada sebab-sebab di bawah. Sesi tersebut telah menyaksikan dua penutur budiman yang sudi untuk berucap dan berkongsi pengalaman dan pemikiran mereka untuk tajuk malam tersebut – “Krisis Kehakiman 1998: Selepas 25 Tahun Berlalu”. Dipengerusikan oleh seorang peguam sukarelawan bantuan guaman, Shashi Devan, penutur pertama yang tidak asing lagi bagi peguam-peguam muda dan mereka yang berkhidmat di Pusat Bantuan Guaman iaitu Ravi Nekoo yang dikenali sebagai seseorang yang akan sentiasa meluangkan masa atas nama kepentingan awam walaupun mempunyai jadual yang sibuk dan walaupun mengendalikan kes-kes yang berprofil tinggi. Ravi Nekoo telah menetapkan nada untuk sesi tersebut dengan mengenang kembali rentetan peristiwa yang akhirnya membawa kepada krisis kehakiman 1988 yang memperlihatkan penyingkiran Ketua Hakim Negara, Tun Salleh Abas dan dua orang Hakim Mahkamah Agung lain. Beliau membawa kami melalui persembahan dari mana bermulanya peristiwa, di antara lain, Ketua Hakim Negara pada ketika itu, Tun Salleh Abas telah memberi penghakiman yang bertentangan dengan Kerajaan di dalam kes JP Berthelsen v Director General of Immigration [1987] 1 MLJ 134 yang berkemuncak dengan penyingkiran hakim-hakim tersebut dengan surat yang dihantar oleh Tun Salleh Abas kepada YDPA yang menyuarakan kerunsingan badan kehakiman mengenai kritikan yang dibuat terhadapnya oleh pihak eksekutif. 140 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) Penutur kedua, ialah Dato’ Haji Sulaiman Abdullah, yang lebih dikenali sebagai Tuan Haji dan merupakan simbol keadilan kepada ramai orang. Beliau telah berkongsi pandangannya mengenai impak krisis kehakiman tersebut, dahulu dan sekarang. Tuan Haji telah menambahkan unsur kebijaksanaan, pengalaman dan roh yang hanya dapat diberikan oleh seorang peguam yang lama. Dengan caranya yang fasih dan tersendiri, beliau mengingatkan para hadirin bahawa Majlis Peguam adalah satu-satunya badan professional yang tetap teguh menghadapi pelbagai rintangan, dahulu dan sekarang. Beliau menerangkan, pada saat paling kelam ketika krisis kehakiman tersebut, ramai yang terus mengkhianati keadilan dan ramai juga yang cuba mengugat pendirian Majlis Peguam, namun Majlis Peguam tidak pernah goyah malahan tetap kukuh dan tegap dalam sokongannya kepada Hakim-Hakim yang dizalimi ketika krisis kehakiman 1998 tersebut. Selepasnya, telah bermula sesi soal jawab, Ravin Singh bertanya “Apakah persepsi para peguam yang menentang perjuangan tersebut/atau yang tidak menghadiri mesyuarat-mesyuarat yang menentang serangan eksekutif terhadap badan kehakiman?” Terhadap soalan ini Tuan Haji menjawab bahawa tidak boleh dikatakan benar bahawa para peguam yang tidak menghadiri mesyuarat menentang perjuangan oleh kerana terdapat ramai peguam yang walaupun tidak berada di barisan hadapan, tetap memainkan peranan penting membantu Majlis Peguam di dalam perjuangannya. Hadirin lain, seorang peguam bernama Jacky telah bertanya “Selepas 25 tahun, bagaimanakah tanggapan terhadap badan kehakiman kini?” Tuan Haji menjawab dengan menyatakan bahawa masyarakat awam tidak boleh hilang keyakinan terhadap badan kehakiman dan wujudnya harapan akan ketulusan dan keberanian badan kehakiman, dan pujian kepada badan kehakiman, telah diambil langkah-langkah yang positif. Pada penghujung acara, kebanyakkan jika bukan semua, peserta merasa bangga dengan apa yang diperjuangkan oleh Majlis Peguam Malaysia. Sesi telah menyentuh jiwa dengan seorang hadirin, peguam Chan Yen Hui menyatakan “Saya merasakan satu kebanggaan baru terhadap Majlis Peguam dan pendiriannya yang konsisten untuk menjunjung kedaulatan undangundang”. Beliau merasai sesi yang diadakan adalah suatu pengalaman bernilai dan memberi inspirasi dengan apa yang diperjuangkan Majlis Peguam untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan undang-undang. Beliau khususnya menyatakan adalah amat membebaskan untuk melihat semangat Tuan Haji yang tidak pernah goyah demi keadilan, demokrasi dan kedaulatan undang-undang. Acara diakhiri dengan hadirin menikmati juadah di samping mendapat kenalan baru. Terima kasih di atas usaha Jawatankuasa, penyertaan penutur-penutur yang dihormati dan para hadirin, siri “Malam Kopi O’” telah berakhir dengan jayanya. 17. PBG KL LAPORAN PROGRAM SANGKUTAN Laporan disediakan oleh Sekretariat “Ramai yang telah dipupuk atau dibesarkan dengan kepercayaan bahawa mereka boleh dan patut berusaha untuk membawa perubahan dalam kehidupan orang lain”. Sebagai permulaan, PBG KL menyediakan ruang kepada pelajar untuk mezahirkan potensi mereka sebagai individu berkebolehan yang mampu membawa perubahan kepada mereka yang memerlukan. Program Latihan yang dijalankan oleh Sekretariat PBG KL dijuruskan kepada para pelajar dari universiti persendirian dan awam dan dari semua fakulti. Sepanjang tempoh sangkutan, pelajar-pelajar diberi peluang untuk turut serta dalam pelbagai Program yang dijalankan oleh Pusat Bantuan Guaman. Ini termasuklah: a) b) c) d) Klinik Bantuan Guaman (di mana klien bermasalah akan ditemubual oleh Pelatih dalam Kamar dan diberikan nasihat); Program ‘Dock Brief’ (di mana Pelatih Dalam Kamar melakukan mitigasi dan permohonan ikat jamin bagi yang telah mengaku salah); Program Penjara ( di mana Pelatih dalam Kamar melakukan temubual dengan banduan); dan Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) seperti All Women Action Society Malaysia (AWAM), Organisasi Bantuan Wanita (WAO), ‘Sisters in Islam’ (SIS), Pusat Perlindungan Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu untuk Pelarian (UNCHR), Teenaganita dan “Pink Triangle Foundation” ( di mana Pelatih dalam kamar akan membantu dan melakukan temubual dengan klien yang bermasalah dan kurang bernasib baik). Tambahan itu, Pelajar juga diharapkan untuk turut melibat dalam pengurusan harian Pusat Bantuan Guaman, untuk menghadiri pelbagai latihan yang dijalankan oleh Pusat dan juga turut menjalankan penyelidikan berkenaan persoalan undang-undang yang luas. PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 141 Pelajar Sangkutan mempunyai pilihan untuk terlibat dalam program untuk tempoh seminggu ataupun untuk sehingga 2 bulan. Selepas tamatnya tempoh program sangkutan, setiap Pelajar akan diberikan sijil daripada PBG KL. Senarai dibawah adalah Institusi-Institusi yang telah melibatkan diri dalam Program Sangkutan pada tahun 2013: i. Universiti Malaya (UM); ii. Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (IIUM); iii. Kolej Universiti Taylor; iv. Zaid Ibrahim & Co Visit; dan v.Skrine. 18. PBG KL LAPORAN YAYASAN BANTUAN GUAMAN KEBANGSAAN (YBGK) (JANUARI – OCTOBER 2013) Laporan disediakan oleh Sekretariat 1.Pengenalan Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan (YBGK) [National Legal Aid Foundation (NLAF)] telah dilancarkan pada 25 Februari 2011 oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri. YBGK secara rasminya telah memulakan operasi pada 2 April 2012. YBGK berfungsi memberikan bantuan guaman percuma kepada semua warganegara Malaysia di balai polis bagi pendengaran reman dan bagi mereka yang didakwa di Mahkamah. Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam Negeri yang sedia ada juga digunakan sebagai pejabat YBGK. Sebagai tambahan, pejabat PBG KL juga digunakan sebagai Seketariat YBGK. 2. Statistik YBGK YBGK Kuala Lumpur meliputi 5 IPD dan 1 IPK. 5 IPD tersebut adalah Dang Wangi, Brickfields, Cheras, Putrajaya dan Sentul. Sebagai tambahan, YBGK turut bertugas di tiga mahkamah reman iaitu di Jinjang, Dang Wangi dan Putrajaya. Dalam tempoh 11 bulan yang lepas (Januari-November 2013), peguam YBGK dari PBG KL telah mengendalikan 253 orang di IPD dan 14877 orang di mahkamah reman. Kami turut membantu 3289 orang (Januari-Oktober 2013) yang telah didakwa, dan memerlukan bantuan dalam mitigasi dan permohonan ikat jamin. Sebanyak 352 fail jenayah telah dibuka dan telah ditugaskan kepada peguam YBGK sepanjang tempoh tersebut. 3. Peguam YBGK Pada tahun 2013 sebanyak dua (2) Kursus Latihan untuk peguam telah diadakan di Kuala Lumpur. Seramai 81 orang peguam dari Kuala Lumpur telah menghadiri Kursus Latihan tersebut dan ini menjadikan jumlah peguam YBGK di Kuala Lumpur meningkat kepada 351 orang. Kursus Latihan tersebut juga dihadiri oleh peguam-peguam dari negeri lain. Kursus Latihan tersebut terdiri daripada Bahagian I - Pentadbiran, Bahagian II - Penahanan, Reman, Ikat Jamin & Mitigasi, dan Bahagian III - Kepeguaman Perbicaraan Jenayah. 4. Pemantauan Peguam Bagi memastikan tahap kualiti kerja peguam YBGK – telah ada rancangan untuk memantau kerja yang dijalankan peguam YBGK semasa prosiding reman, mitigasi, permohonan ikat jamin dan semasa proses perbicaraan. 5. Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar YGBK Disebabkan oleh skop yang luas dan pengalaman pembelajaran yang terdapat di bawah program YBGK, PBG KL telah memutuskan untuk memulakan program Pelatih Dalam Kamar YBGK. Di bawah program ini, pelatih diberikan pendedahan kepada pelbagai aspek guaman jenayah dan prosiding. Pelatih membantu dengan menemubual klien, campur tangan undang-undang, pemantauan di mahkamah dan balai polis dan tugas-tugas pentadbiran. Pelatih juga diperlukan untuk melakukan penyelidikan mengenai berbagai aspek sistem keadilan jenayah dan seterusnya memberi pendapat dan cadangan untuk pembaharuan undang-undang. Setakat ini, empat kumpulan pelatih telah memilih untuk berkhidmat di bawah program ini, dengan setiap kumpulan terdiri daripada 20 hingga 30 pelatih. Pelatih dalam kamar telah diberikan taklimat mengenai YBGK dan dilatih dalam 142 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) jenayah undang-undang dan prosiding. 6. Kursus Latihan Pengajar PBG KL juga menganjurkan latihan untuk Pengajar bagi peguam YBGK yang terpilih. Sebab utama untuk latihan ini diadakan adalah bagi menambahkan bilangan pengajar yang boleh membantu Jawatankuasa mengendalikan aktiviti-aktivitinya. Ketika ini, terdapat 5 peguam sukarela YBGK yang terlibat secara aktif dalam latihan untuk peguam. 7. Jawatankuasa Kerja YBGK (“YBGK Working Committee”) Jawatankuasa Kerja YBGK telah diperkenalkan pada tahun ini. Objektif penubuhan jawatankuasa ini ialah untuk mewujudkan satu kumpulan peguam sukarela YBGK bagi membantu dan mengambil bahagian dalam pelbagai aktiviti dan projek YBGK. Jawatankuasa Kerja ini terdiri daripada peguam muda yang arif dan komited mengenai tugas YBGK. Jawatankuasa Kerja YBGK terlibat dalam menghadiri mesyuarat, pemantauan, penyelidikan, pendidikan dan membincangkan isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh peguam YBGK. 8. Mesyuarat KUP Lantaran terlibat dengan program YBGK, PBG KL telah menghadiri beberapa mesyuarat dengan Ketua Unit Pendakwaan Negeri (KUP). Dalam mesyuarat ini, ketua KUP mengendalikan mesyuarat yang dihadiri pegawai polis, agensi-agensi penguatkuasaan, badan kehakiman dan pihak-pihak lain. Tujuan mesyuarat adalah untuk semua pihak yang terlibat dengan program YBGK membincangkan dan menyelaraskan aktiviti YBGK. Semua pihak digalakkan mencari penyelesaian dan membuat cadangan bagi menangani apa jua masalah yang dihadapi semua jabatan. 9. Sekretariat YBGK PBG KL sebagai pencetus program YBGK, juga mendapati dirinya sebagai penyelaras kepada beberapa aspek program YBGK. PBG KL bertindak sebagai sekretariat YBGK, dalam berhubungan dengan PBG Negeri-Negeri, umumnya bagi tujuan pentadbiran dan latihan. PBG KL juga menjalinkan jaringan dengan pihak berkuasa dan jabatan yang relevan bagi memastikan kelancaran program YBGK. PBG KL juga berhubungan dengan pejabat YBGK di Bangi berkaitan pendaftaran peguam YBGK, menyemak tuntutan dan pembayaran kepada peguam serta melaksanakan prosedur operasi sama. 10.Kesimpulan Program YBGK bermula pada 2hb April 2013 telah beroperasi selama setahun setengah dan adalah projek pembangunan yang berterusan. Daripada keadaan di mana 80% orang tidak diwakili di mahkamah majistret – pada hari ini, ratusan orang yang berhadapan dengan prosiding jenayah setiap hari di Kuala Lumpur dan negeri-negeri lain kini dibantu oleh program YBGK. Secara keseluruhannya, YBGK telah membawa perubahan yang besar dan ketara kepada Sistem Perundangan Jenayah. Ia menyediakan suatu program bantuan guaman yang komprehensif dan mampan kepada mereka yang berhadapan dengan sistem keadilan jenayah. PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 143 AUDITED ACCOUNTS KUALA LUMPUR BAR COMMITTEE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013 144 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • AUDITED ACCOUNTS 1 AUDITED ACCOUNTS • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 145 2 146 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • AUDITED ACCOUNTS 3 AUDITED ACCOUNTS • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 147 4 148 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • AUDITED ACCOUNTS 5 AUDITED ACCOUNTS • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 149 6 150 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • AUDITED ACCOUNTS 7 AUDITED ACCOUNTS • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 151 8 152 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • AUDITED ACCOUNTS 9 AUDITED ACCOUNTS • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 153 10 154 L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 • AUDITED ACCOUNTS 11 3-2, Jalan 2/76C, Desa Pandan, 55100 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 03-92834104 Fax: 03-92834046 AUDITED ACCOUNTS • L A P O R A N TA H U N A N 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 155
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