CON TE NT - The Kuala Lumpur Bar
CON TE NT - The Kuala Lumpur Bar
28-34 Continuing Legal Education 35-36 Conveyancing Practice 37-39 Civil Court Liaison 40-42 Criminal Practice 43-45 Environmental Law 46-48 Information Technology 49 Publications 50-54 Pupils Welfare 55-56 Social, Arts & Culture 57-60 Sports 61-66 Young lawyers 67-92 Legal Aid 93-97 Laporan Pengerusi 98-99 Laporan Sekretariat 100-166 Laporan - Laporan Jawatankuasa Kecil 100-105 Pendidikan Undang-Undang Lanjutan 106-107 Amalan Konveyansing 108-110 Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil 111-114 Amalan Jenayah 115-117 Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar 118-120 Teknologi Maklumat 121-122 Penerbitan 123-125 Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar 126-127 Sosial, Kesenian & Kebudayaan 128-130 Sukan 131-136 Peguam Muda 137-166 Bantuan Guaman 167-178 Audited Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2007 CONTENT 1 Agenda 2-20 Minutes of the 15th Annual General Meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Bar held on 12th February 2007 21-25 Chairman’s Report 26-27 Secretariat Report 28-92 Reports of Sub-Committees |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 16TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Kuala Lumpur Bar to be held on Thursday 21st February 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom, The Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. AGENDA 1 To confirm and adopt the minutes of the 15th Annual General Meeting held on 12th February 2007. 2 Matters arising. 3 To consider, and if thought fit, to adopt the Annual Report 2007/08. 4 To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the Audited Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2007. 5 To fix subscription for the year 2008. 6 To elect the Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2008/09. 7 To elect ten (10) members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2008/09. 8 To elect one (1) member to represent the Kuala Lumpur Bar on the Bar Council for 2008/09. 9 General. ANAND PONNUDURAI HON SECRETARY A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 AGENDA |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 15TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING KUALA LUMPUR BAR MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE KUALA LUMPUR BAR HELD ON 12TH FEBRUARY 2007 AT 2.00 P.M. AT THE GRAND BALLROOM, GRAND SEASONS HOTEL, KUALA LUMPUR. Lim Chee Wee, as Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee, chaired this meeting and called the meeting to order at 2.25 p.m. He then requested all members to rise and observe one-minute silence in memory of the following members who passed away during the year under review: 1 2 3 4 Anandan Ganesan Phang Ah Hee David Chai Kai Wooi Lim Chor Pee ITEM 1 OF AGENDA: To confirm and adopt the minutes of the 14th Annual General Meeting held on 9th March 2006 The minutes were confirmed and adopted as proposed by Jagjit Singh and seconded by S.S. Muker. ITEM 2 OF AGENDA: Matters arising Nil. ITEM 3 OF AGENDA: To consider, and if thought fit, to adopt the Annual Report 2006/07 3.1 The Chairman pointed out that there was an error on page 26 under “Full Programme”. The moderator for the Criminal Advocacy Workshop was Balvinder Singh and not Balbir Singh. 3.2 The Chairman then took the Meeting through the Annual Report 2006/07 (pages18 to 85). 3.3 Page 38 – Environmental Law Committee 3.3.1 GK Ganesan referred to the statement under the second subtitle entitled “Energy Audit” that there would be an energy audit carried out in January 2007 and said that could not be done. He thus would like to respectfully ask that the said item on the “Energy Audit” be excised and that the report on the activities of the Environmental Law Committee (“ELC”) be read with that amendment. 3.3.2 Haji Sulaiman pointed out that Malaysia in particular Kuala Lumpur faces a lot of environmental problems. He requested the ELC Chair to enlighten the House as to what exactly the ELC had done, in the year of its existence, to help the country in respect of the environment. MINUTES A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| GK Ganesan explained that the ELC was a process-based and not result-based committee. There was a process that had been put in place for a number of years. Many people had worked in this committee before him. Stanley Sinnappen who was the Chair before he took over had embarked on 14 different issues, some of which were pending. What the ELC had done this term was to continue with those pending programmes and introduce one or two new ones. He then proceeded to brief the meeting on the various projects that were carried out by the ELC this term as reported in the Annual Report (pages 38 and 39). He said that the merit of the ELC did not in fact lie with him. He merely steered it. There were many people some of whom had left because of other commitments but all had given a great deal of their time and he would like to thank them all for it. 3.4 Page 21, right-hand column, item (III) - The Current State of the Bar 3.4.1 Kanesalingam referred to the Chairman’s report on the current state of the Bar in page 21 where he stated, “This term has been a tumultuous term in the Malaysian Bar with the last Extraordinary General Meeting on 16 November 2006 deliberating on a Motion of No Confidence against 6 Council members and the fiasco over the postal ballot elections. The present state of affairs is sad and shameful.” He said that the Chairman had used very strong words but members were at a lost as to what all that meant, “the fiasco over the ballot elections… the present state of affairs is sad and shameful”. Members already knew something that they read in the newspaper or what was talked of in the clubs, in the pubs and in the coffee shops but he would like the Chairman who is also a member of the Bar Council to enlighten members on what that was all about. 3.4.2 The Chairman said that the phrase, “sad and shameful” referred to the forged ballot papers. 3.4.3 Kanesalingam said that he did not know that the ballot papers were forged and asked the Chairman to enlighten the House on that. 3.4.4 The Chairman said that was what the scrutineers in their report alleged. 3.4.5 Kanesalingam said that he could not find the scrutineers’ report anywhere at this meeting. He pointed out that members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar only read what was reported in the Annual Report and sometimes in the newspaper but perhaps as the KL Bar’s representative to the Bar Council, the Chairman could enlighten members present on the meaning of the expression, “fiasco over the ballot elections”. 3.4.6 The Chairman said that as indicated earlier, he was referring to the 50 forged ballot papers. This was unprecedented in the Malaysian Bar history and the matter had gone to the press. It was used by the Minister in charge of legal affairs to criticise the Malaysian Bar. It had also affected the Bar’s credibility to the public at large. That was what he meant by, “this is a sad and shameful state of affairs for us”. 3.4.7 Kanesalingam thanked the Chairman and said that he wanted facts and not comments. He commented that perhaps the Chairman had assumed that it was all public knowledge, that it was in the public domain. The Chairman had not elaborated on the 50 forged ballot papers; what was wrong with them. He told the Chairman that he had to tell members the facts and not asked them to read the newspaper and find out what that was all about; the calling for nominations, ballots and postal ballots that came in, the appointment of scrutineers, who were the scrutineers and what did they do A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 MINUTES |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| and what did they find. Those, he stressed, were the facts that members would want to know. 3.4.8 The Chairman briefed that on Friday, he believed it was the first Friday of December, the 3 scrutineers counted the ballot papers and they were unable to declare the results and the reason being that they had discovered 50 forged ballot papers where the numbers on the ballot papers did not match or in fact were greater in the numbering than the ballot papers issued by the Malaysian Bar. Arising from that, the scrutineers then declared the elections to be null and void. He said that was the first time that such an incident had happened in the Malaysian Bar and to him such a state of affairs was shameful and embarrassing. The Bar had lost credibility in the eyes of the public on that issue. He certainly hoped that the issue would be resolved as soon as possible. He then told Kanesalingam that he would be coming to his motion a little later, after the Annual Report. 3.4.9 Kanesalingam said that he had not moved any motion yet. He felt that the Chairman had not given sufficient facts and asked whether the scrutineers had found 50 ballot papers that were forged. The Chairman replied in the affirmative. 3.4.10 Kanesalingam further requested the Chairman to brief the Meeting on what happened after that. He said he wanted it from the Chairman who was the KL Bar’s representative on the Bar Council and not rely on newspaper reporters to provide the information. 3.4.11 The Chairman said that on Saturday, the Bar Council met and deliberated on the issue without the candidates who stood for the postal ballot election and requested the scrutineers to re-count each and every ballot paper and to verify the authenticity of the ballot papers counted. 3.4.12 S.I. Rajah asked, on a point of order, if he could interrupt. He said that he was a very senior member of the Bar in this country. He felt that it was not fair on the Chairman’s part to relate those facts to the last speaker because he himself was a litigant. The matter was sub judice and if the Chairman went further it would tantamount to be contempt. He therefore would strictly advise the Chairman not to relate any material or any facts whatsoever as the matter was already pending in Court. 3.4.13 Kanesalingam said that he was not a litigant and that he is a member of the Kuala Lumpur Bar and the Malaysian Bar and wanted the Chairman to answer him. 3.4.14 The Chairman noted S.I. Rajah’s comment and said that he had thought about it and felt that what he had to say would not amount to contempt of Court because he was not going to prejudge the legal issues which were pending before Y.A. Datuk Gengadharan. He said that he was merely stating the facts which were in the Court papers. He then went on to say that on Saturday, the Bar Council deliberated without the candidates who stood for the ballot election and as indicated earlier, the Bar Council requested the scrutineers to verify each and every ballot paper to ascertain its authenticity. On Sunday, a police report was lodged. On Monday, the scrutineers went back to the Secretariat and decided that they would not do so unless there was a Court Order and he believed that sometime later that week, Foo Ton Hin filed an OS in Court seeking various reliefs, one of which was for the scrutineers to verify each and every ballot paper and declare the results, in the alternative for an international accounting firm to be appointed to do the job. MINUTES A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 3.4.15 Kanesalingam thanked the Chairman for the information and pointed out that it would now appear that 50 ballot papers were found to have been forged. He asked why were the scrutineers refusing to count the balance ballot papers and whether any reason had been given to the President of the Malaysian Bar or the Malaysian Bar Council. 3.4.16 The Chairman felt that it was best for the members of the Bar to hear it from the scrutineers if they wish to explain themselves. Otherwise the House had to be careful when touching on this issue because it may be contempt of Court if the House was to publicly question the motives or the reasons behind the scrutineers not wanting to count the ballot papers. 3.4.17 Kanesalingam remarked that according to the newspaper, Foo Ton Hin had raised the matter in the High Court and the persons against whom he had raised it had said that he had no locus standi and here he was raising questions and was told that he might be in contempt of Court. He thus wondered if the scrutineers were immune. 3.4.18 The Chairman said that he just had to be careful that the members do not question the motives of the scrutineers. 3.4.19 Kanesalingam commented that firstly, the Chairman had told the House that there was an invitation for nominations and postal ballots were sent by all members of the Malaysian Bar. The Chairman had also told the House that there were scrutineers but did not indicate how many scrutineers there were. He assumed there were 3 because the newspaper said so. Out of the 3, one of them was now refusing to count the ballot papers. He would like to point out that any refusal to count the votes will have a very serious effect on the Malaysian Bar because the Bar cannot function without a Bar Council and it cannot have 22 members in the Bar Council without the 12. 3.4.20 Chew Swee Yoke raised a point of order. She said that it was very clear that the speaker was embarking into territory which was definitely sub judice. She felt that the Chairman should exercise better control of the meeting and requested him to move on as the speaker had already been speaking for at least 15 minutes. 3.4.21 Kanesalingam felt that the speaker did not want anybody to talk and just wanted to do as she pleased and not bothered about the Malaysian Bar. He then continued to speak questioning the scrutineers’ refusal to count the votes. He said that the Legal Profession Act stipulates that the scrutineers shall count. Thus, if they do not count they are in breach of statutory duty and for breach of statutory duty, the Bar can claim damages. 3.4.22 Chew Swee Yoke again requested the Chairman to exercise some control. She said that the conversation appeared to be more like a conversation than anything else and should not be allowed to continue otherwise he (the Chairman) could be condoning contempt of Court. She then requested the Chairman to move on. 3.4.23 The Chairman said that he had considered the issue when he received Kanesalingam’s motion and would like to rule on it. He then ruled in favour of debate within certain parameters; no member can question or denigrate or insult the motives or the integrity of the scrutineers and no debate on the issues pending in Court and the authority for that is the Attorney General v The Times Newspapers [1974] AC 273 (HL). He pointed out that those were the parameters but the House could discuss the issues. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 MINUTES |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| He felt that there was nothing wrong for the House to say, “can we at least urge the scrutineers to count the votes” and did not think that was in contempt of Court. 3.4.24 Chew Swee Yoke felt that the Chairman was playing with words because Kanesalingam’s criticism of why the scrutineers were not doing what they were supposed to do was the very subject of the Court Action. 3.4.25 The Chairman agreed with Chew Swee Yoke and requested Kanesalingam to limit his comments. 3.4.26 Kanesalingam said that he would do so. He then urged the scrutineers to count the good votes and to co-operate with the President of the Malaysian Bar and the Bar Council. He added that he would like the mood of this House to be recorded in the Annual Report and the Annual Report be amended accordingly and the Report be referred to the Bar Council for their further action. He thus would like to propose in the form of a motion that this House urges the scrutineers and the other members of the Bar involved in the current Court Action to co-operate with the President of the Malaysian Bar and the Bar Council. He would like to further move that this House urges each and every one of the scrutineers to complete the task undertaken by them as a scrutineer for the elections to the Bar Council for 2007/08 and complete the counting of the votes. 3.4.27 The Chairman said that he was afraid that he could not allow Kanesalingam to put that motion to the House because the motion that he did propose on Wednesday was out of time. He thus ruled that the motion would not be put to the vote but the House could express its views on the sentiments expressed by Kanesalingam. 3.4.28 Kanesalingam pointed out that he was commenting on the Chairman’s Annual Report on page 21. That, he said, was on the agenda and he need not have to give notice of motion to propose the Annual Report to be passed. That was only for other things which were not in the agenda. The fiasco of the ballot papers was in the agenda and he could speak about it and this House could make its own suggestion otherwise the Annual Report should be rejected. 3.4.29 The Chairman told Kanesalingam that what he had just proposed tantamount to putting forward a motion to the House and that could not be done. He said that when the House considers and adopts the Annual Report, members could certainly comment on the statements made in the Annual Report and the mood of the House could be recorded as such but not to be put to the vote. 3.4.30 Kanesalingam said that he would leave it to the Chair to record the mood of the House in whatever way the Chair thought possible. 3.4.31 The Chairman opened the matter up to the floor for their views. He asked if members were in favour of the views expressed by Kanesalingam. 3.4.32 Dinesh Kanavaji asked the Chairman if it was true that the scrutineers’ report was published to all members of the Bar. The Chairman replied in the affirmative. 3.4.33 Dinesh Kanavaji further asked if it was true that the scrutineers did say in their report that they were unable to ascertain whether there was any other forged ballot. The Chairman replied in the affirmative. MINUTES A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 3.4.34 Dinesh Kanavaji felt that the last speaker was trying to put his motion through a back door and that should be rejected because the crux of the matter was still before the Court and should be left to the Court to decide. 3.4.35 Fahri Azzat said that he fully supported the sentiments that Kanesalingam had proposed in his motion. He felt that the scrutineers’ report although they were competent as far as fact finding was concerned, their recommendation has no basis to it. 3.4.36 Haji Sulaiman said that the way he had understood Kanesalingam was that he was proposing that the Annual Report be accepted with the amendment that he had proposed. He therefore saw no reason why Kanesalingam had to give any notice of that. The item was to adopt the Annual Report and there was nothing wrong with Kanesalingam saying that he would agree to accept the Annual Report provided the further bit be added. 3.4.37 Chew Swee Yoke said that she just wanted to comment on the current state of the Bar. She pointed out to the Chairman that he had mentioned the fiasco but why had he not also mentioned the fiasco of the LPA Amendments which had led to the first EGM. She asked why there was complete silence on that issue and should not it be also mentioned to make the Annual Report a balanced report. 3.4.38 The Chairman told Chew Swee Yoke that he would take note of that. He then referred to the point raised by Haji Sulaiman and said that in so far as the adoption of the Annual Report, members could comment on it or if there were mistakes or corrections to be made, that could be done. But what Kanesalingam was proposing tantamount to having an addendum to the Annual Report by way of a motion to be passed at this AGM. He asked if members have any views on the point raised by Haji Sulaiman. 3.4.39 Sivarasa said that he just wanted to check something which the Chairman had just said to make sure that he had understood it correctly. He believed that Kanesalingam had a motion in relation to the subject matter and would like to know if it would be discussed at the appropriate time in the meeting. 3.4.40 The Chairman said that he was considering dealing with it after the adoption of the Annual Report. However, he would like to make it clear that the Committee had discussed the motion and was of the view that because it was out of time, it could not be put to the floor to vote unless the House by unanimous consent desires to vote on it. 3.4.41 Sivarasa said that at this moment his concern was whether the motion would be discussed. He pointed out that there were two parts to it. One was a discussion of the motion and two was the question of whether the House would actually vote on it and that the House could also discuss it. He just wanted to be assured that there would be a discussion when the motion comes up. 3.4.42 The Chairman assured Sivarasa that he would let the House discuss the motion when he comes to it and said that he would like to move on to the next issue in the Annual Report where he had a few issues to highlight to members. He referred to the issue of the New Court Complex in the Chairman’s report (page 21) which was of great concern to all the litigation lawyers in Kuala Lumpur. He said that the Committee had a number of meetings with the relevant authorities and had also had a working visit to the new Court Complex. There were two major issues that was of grave concern to A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 MINUTES |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| the Committee, the first issue was the lack of public transportation and the second issue was the inadequate parking places. There were only 400 car parks available to the public and lawyers which was highly insufficient given that all the Courts in Kuala Lumpur were moving to the new Court Complex. The Committee had written to the Registrar of the High Court and the Acting Chief Registrar raising those concerns and is awaiting their response. In the meantime, the Committee had the Court’s permission to inform members that tentatively the Courts would be moving in the first week of May. It had yet to be confirmed in writing and once the Court confirms it in writing, he was certain that the incoming Committee would notify members accordingly. 3.4.43 The Chairman said that the next issue that he would like to report on was not in the Annual Report. It was in respect of two Judges where members had raised certain concerns in terms of judicial temperament and striking out of cases. One of them was quite receptive when the Committee spoke to him. In so far as the other Judge was concerned, if any member was going to be late in his Court (D2), he/she had to call ahead to stand down the matter otherwise it would be struck out. He requested members to take note of the same. 3.4.44 The Chairman said that another issue that he would like to highlight was the legal aid investigation. The panel of 3 who were appointed to investigate the various allegations against the KL LAC had found the allegations to be untrue. This was reported in the Chairman’s report and the LAC’s report. There were some issues raised by the Panel but those issues were being resolved at the NLAC level. 3.5 The Annual Report 2006/07 was considered and adopted as proposed by M. Puravalen and seconded by Kali Dass. I Motion proposed by A. Kanesalingam I.1 The Chairman said that the Motion was not distributed because it was received out of time. However, members could view it on the screen. I.2 Dinesh Kanavaji raised a point of order. He asked if the House was going to discuss the motion and vote on it. I.3 The Chairman replied in the negative and said that he would like to announce the Committee’s decision on it first. He said the motion was received by the Committee on 07.02.2007 at about 4.30 p.m. Under S.70 para 2c, it was out of time because it was not submitted within 7 clear days before the date of the AGM. The Committee therefore decided that it could not be put to the House to be voted upon unless this House by unanimous consent agreed to have it voted upon. I.4 Kanesalingam was of the opinion that he had to give notice to the Bar Committee and not the House. He felt that the Committee’s decision to get the unanimous consent of the House was not proper. If the Bar Committee were to give a unanimous consent, time could be waived because once the Committee received a notice from a member, the Committee was to circulate it to other members who would only receive it at the day of the meeting. Further, at the time he gave the notice to the Bar Committee, he had e-mailed it to all the other members who were on the website. Therefore, nobody was prejudiced. He believed members were aware of the issues. I.5 Tommy Thomas asked what was the basis of the decision of the KLBC that unanimous consent MINUTES A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| must be given by the floor to waive time. He said that he may be wrong but a quick review of the Act seemed to suggest that the Act was silent. He therefore needed to know the basis of the Committee’s decision. I.6 The Chairman said that he consulted Dato’ Loh Siew Cheang on the issue and that was his verbal advice to the Committee. I.7 Tommy Thomas asked what authority was Dato’ Loh Siew Cheang relying on when giving his opinion. I.8 Kanesalingam believed that Dato’ Loh Siew Cheang was relying on the Law of Meetings which he too was aware of. He explained that if there was insufficient notice, for example the Annual Report must be given to members 14 days before the AGM but members did not get it 14 days before the AGM and no one complained; members therefore were unanimously accepting it. That was the basis. He argued that in his case, the principle had been incorrectly applied. He said that the inadequacy of the notice in the Act must be properly understood. The Committee has the right to reject it but to ask the House to endorse it was not regular. I.9 Chew Swee Yoke felt that it was a waste of time arguing the issue of the short notice. She pointed out that the Act is clear and proceeded to read the section in the Amended Bill. However, she referred to the wrong section and the Chairman pointed out that the correct section was S.70(2c). He then read it out, “If any member desires to propose any motion to be considered at an annual general meeting convened under this section, he shall, not less than seven days before the date first appointed for holding the meeting, serve on the Secretary of the State Bar a notice of such motion in writing”. He stressed that it was not in dispute that Kanesalingam’s motion fell foul of para 2c. He then invited views from the floor on whether members would still want to vote on the motion notwithstanding the short notice. I.10 When asked by Chew Swee Yoke, the Chairman agreed that there was short notice. He said the Committee deliberated on the matter and was of the view that there was short notice and thus was not putting the motion to the House. I.11 Tommy Thomas said now that he knew that there was no source for the opinion, he would like to share as to what happened, starting with the Van Buerle case which went up to the Federal Court where leave was denied. He said that in the Van Buerle case, the question was, “Can the Malaysian Bar hold their AGM without the 1/5 quorum under the old law?” He disclosed his interest stating that he was one of the lawyers for the Malaysian Bar. He pointed out that one of their arguments was that if the Court held it against the Malaysian Bar then it would have crossed the 31st March date. Section 64 or 65 says that the Malaysian Bar must have its AGM before the 1st day of April. Their argument was anything that the Court does would be outside time. The argument essentially was that time was critical. None of the Courts placed any weight to it. As far as the Courts were concerned, time was not a factor. In the present case, Mr Foo Ton Hin whom he was representing, once again he was disclosing his interest but this time he was on the other side; he did not believe for a minute that as a litigant the House could not be discussing it. He said that so long as no attributions were made and no indication of what the Judge ought to do, the matter could be discussed. What the Court was going to do was something else and that was for the Court to worry about. He pointed out that members of the Bar were the litigants and for him, he was wearing many hats; he was Counsel for the plaintiff but also a member of the Bar and certainly he was entitled to talk about the issue with his fellow litigants. The point about that case was time was a factor because everyone knew that balloting ended on 30th November and the results must be announced on 1st December and the Bar was well out A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 MINUTES |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| of time. It was common ground on both sides of the fence that any order made by the Court was going to be well out of time. He had given those 2 examples to show members of the floor that time in the Legal Profession Act had been totally disregarded by the Courts and by the parties. In that context the 7 days notice could also be disregarded. Time did not mean anything in the Legal Profession Act. 10 I.12 S.I. Rajah pointed out to the Chairman that he (the Chairman) had just decided categorically and without any doubt that the motion submitted to the Committee was out of time. If that was so, why then the haggling and wasting of time on the issue. If the Committee had rightfully made the decision and exercised its powers, then leave it open to the general assembly here which could overrule the decision and that was all. Why go beating about the bush? He said that he was coming here after a lapse of 18 years of his practice and felt totally disgusted seeing all these kinds of nonsense going on. He felt his 39 years of practice were being wasted seeing such a state of affair. He requested the Chairman to put a stop at that very point he said out of time and proceed with the next agenda where there were more important matters to attend to. Otherwise he was going to leave. I.13 The Chairman said that although the Committee may have made its decision, it had to invite views from the floor because the Committee could be wrong and the mood of the floor may be such that the House might still want the motion to be put to the floor. He would not, as Chair, stifle discussions or freedom of speech. He told S.I. Rajah that he would not apologise that he had found it disgusting but that is the freedom of speech. I.14 Dinesh Kanavaji speaking against the motion being heard pointed out that the Act uses the word “shall”, “shall give 7 days notice” and Kanesalingam’s motion did not give 7 days notice. The word “shall” is a mandatory requirement and if this House proceeds to hear the motion, it would be ultra vires the Act. I.15 Chris Leong said that his view was different from the view of Kanesalingam and the Chairman’s view. He believed that a motion that has been put in out of time cannot be tabled formerly before this meeting with the unanimous decision of those present. Section 70(2c) says that a motion must be submitted to the Secretary 7 days prior to the date first fixed for the meeting. That apparently was not complied with. It does not go on to provide what happens thereafter namely what the Secretary does with it. But he believed through convention, what the Secretary does with it is that he or she sends out notice of that motion to all members who are entitled to receive notice of that motion. The purpose of a motion to be sent in to the Secretary is to put members on notice that an issue affecting the interest of the Bar will be put for discussion at the meeting. Notice thus must be given to all and not just those present at the meeting. Members being notified of the issue may decide to attend the meeting for the purpose of discussing and voting on the issue. I.16 Kanesalingam said that his notice was given to the Secretary and it was for the Secretary to accept or reject the motion. I.17 The Chairman reiterated that the Committee was not putting the motion to the House unless the House unanimously decides otherwise. I.18 Sivarasa said that he had stood up earlier and was told that the Meeting would discuss the motion though it would not vote on it and he would like to hear Kanesalingam first. I.19 Kanesalingam said that there was no contempt because the Malaysian Bar was a party to it. Litigants can talk about it. They can talk to the scrutineers and urge them to count the MINUTES A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| votes. The Bar is not asking for punitive action to be taken. It merely wants to urge the scrutineers to co-operate with the President of the Malaysian Bar and the Bar Council to complete the counting of the votes. I.20 Kanawagi felt that this subject should be raised at the AGM of the Malaysian Bar and not at this forum. He said that not all the scrutineers were here and other State Bars too were not here. He did not think that the scrutineers should answer to this House. They should only answer to the Malaysian Bar. I.21 Sivarasa felt that sub judice and contempt should not be cited to curtail the discussion of this subject. He would like to state very clearly that it is highly appropriate for this House to discuss this issue. If a Judge can be influenced by what someone says, that Judge should resign. He could not understand why members of the Bar were standing up here at this meeting and saying that this Meeting cannot talk about this and that issue. This was a total disrespect to the Judge hearing the case. We are insulting his intelligence saying that he is going to be influenced by what we say. That, he pointed out, is the doctrine of sub judice and it is not to be abused. If you are going to threaten your witness, if you are going to put a picket in front of a Judge’s house; that may well be sub judice; that may well infringe into the realm’s of contempt but certainly not temperate civil discussions in public and he was not just talking about this meeting, he was talking about discussion in public and in the newspaper as well. We can make statements about the scrutineers and what we think as long as it is done in temperate language. Why should that be contempt in any form? He was sorry he was going to say again that it was extremely unfortunate that we have learned members of the Bar coming to our own meeting and telling us that we cannot discuss these things. To wrap up, it was unfortunate that Kanesalingam had put in his motion perhaps a day late and perhaps we are bound by the fetters of the law in that sense but that should not stop us from saying exactly what we think about the motion and hopefully the scrutineers would take note of what we say and accord accordingly. I.22 The Chairman said that the Committee would take note of the various statements made on this issue and if there were no other speakers, he would like to draw the matter to a conclusion and move on with the meeting. ITEM 4 OF AGENDA: To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the Audited Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2006 4.1 The Chairman said that he had a few issues to highlight. Firstly, he was pleased to report that there was again a surplus this year of RM52,695. Secondly, members should take note that salaries would keep increasing as could be seen in page 157 under “Less: Expenditure”, salaries, bonus and allowances had gone up by about RM16,000. Rental is also on the rise. The Committee did for the last 2 years attempt to look for its own premises and the closest that the Committee came to was Solaris Dutamas but it was too expensive. Based on the current subscriptions received by the Committee, it would not be able to afford the same. The Committee had thus put on hold the idea of purchasing its own premises and hoping that the Bar Council with more funds would be able to buy a premises and the KLBC Secretariat could move with the Bar Council. 4.2 The Audited Accounts were approved and passed as proposed by Dinesh and seconded by Chandran. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 MINUTES 11 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| ITEM 5 OF AGENDA: To fix subscription for the year 2007 5.1 The Chairman said that there was no financial reason why the subscription should be increased. The Committee therefore is recommending that the subscription remains at RM100.00. 5.2 The Meeting unanimously agreed that the subscription for the year 2007 remains at RM100.00. ITEM 6 OF AGENDA: To elect the Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2007/08 12 6.1 The following names were proposed and seconded:- 1 Colin Andrew Pereira Proposer : Seconder : Datin Isharidah Ishak Edmund Bon 2 R. Ravindra Kumar Proposer : Seconder : Raja Aziz Addruse Nahendran Navaratnam 3 GK Ganesan Proposer Seconder Jagjit Singh Hendon Haji Mohamed 6.2 Kuhanandan raised a point of order. He said that in the previous election, a neutral Chairman was appointed to take conduct of the election and felt that the practice should be followed. 6.3 The Chairman said that there was no necessity to appoint a neutral Chairman as he was not standing for election. He pointed out that under the Legal Profession Act, the State Bar Chairman chairs the AGM unless he is unable to. He however was still able to chair this meeting. 6.4 Nominations were closed. The Chairman invited the 3 candidates to each say a few words. 6.5 Colin Andrew Pereira introduced himself and said that he had served the KLBC for 5 years under 4 different Chairmen, Zainudin Ismail, Ragunath Kesavan, Jerald Gomez and the current Chairman, Lim Chee Wee. During the 5 years, he had chaired the Social & Pupils Welfare Committee, the Conveyancing Practice Committee and the Continuing Legal Education Committee. He had also served on the Court Liaison Committee as well as a number of Committees on the Bar Council. He was offering himself as a candidate for the Chair of the Kuala Lumpur Bar as he believed that in the last 5 years, he had gained the necessary experience to lead the KL Bar. He said that firstly the CLE programme had been extremely successful in the last one year attracting over 4,000 participants and close to 50 speakers. If elected, he proposes to enhance the current CLE programme to include more seminars on specialised areas of law, practical workshops and to draw on the resources of other professional bodies. He further proposes to establish a practice management committee to assist members in matters relating to insurance coverage, risk management, business development and planning and to assist members who wish to set up their own legal practice. Secondly, he proposes to establish an ad hoc committee on the relocation of the Courts to deal with the anticipated problems that would arise when the Courts moved to the new premises in Jalan Duta. Although the Courts would only be moving in a few months time, he believed that such problems ought to be addressed and dealt with as soon as possible. Thirdly, despite the amendment to S.46A of the Legal Profession Act, he proposes to retain the : : MINUTES A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Young Lawyers Committee which has during the last 2 years been an extremely dynamic committee and played an important role in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the younger members of the KL Bar. Finally, the last one year had been an extremely difficult one for the Bar and he assured every member of the KL Bar that if elected, he would do everything within his ability to make 2007 the year to focus on closing ranks and moving forward and ensuring that the Bar remains a credible voice in the eyes of the public. He requested members for their support based on his track record the last 5 years and an opportunity to serve as their Chair for the coming year and to judge his performance at the next AGM. 6.6 R. Ravindra Kumar believed that the best speeches always come from the heart and that was exactly what he intended to do this afternoon. He has had the honour and privilege of serving the KLBC for the last 4 terms. In those 4 terms, he had served on the Court Liaison Committee and in the last 2 terms he was entrusted by the KLBC Chairman to be the Honorary Secretary as well as to spearhead the Court Liaison Committee. His service towards the Bar had always been given with the intention of providing practical solution for all legal practitioners. Perhaps what he considered the single most important achievement by the Committee during his term of service was the strengthening of its relationship with the Judiciary. The new challenges for the Committee were certainly the new Court Complex. One grave concern is the parking problem. The Committee had taken the issue up with the Judiciary with the view of obtaining for our members a moratorium on the striking out of cases during the move. This had been positively received by the Judiciary. He had also noticed, in the course of the year, that the young lawyers had come out in a big way in making the KLBC look good especially with the leadership of Richard Wee. Members could read of their activities in the report under the Young Lawyers Committee. If elected as Chairman, he proposes to give young lawyers a voice because he firmly believes that they are going to be the leaders in the future and they probably have a lot more energy to carry out the various activities. The administration of justice certainly was his priority and at the same time to also serve the community and clearly the young lawyers had shown the way in getting involved with various charitable organisations. His proposal was to ensure that there is a Young Lawyers Committee. He would further propose that there be a minimum of 3 young lawyers in each sub-committee. Young lawyers had often been an issue for discussion at meetings with the Judiciary. The Judiciary had always chided young lawyers for being ill prepared. He had often taken it upon himself to ensure that the young lawyers were treated fairly. There had been cases of young lawyers being treated badly by the Court staff and for the first time a circular was issued by the head of the Commercial Division advising the Court staff to be polite to lawyers. This had never happened before and it spoke volume for the Committee’s good relationship with the Judiciary. He had seen the good work that Colin had done in the CLE programme. He personally believed that the Committee should have a more focus CLE programme with greater emphasis on trainings and workshops for the young lawyers. He believed that the senior lawyers have been around for a very long time and seeing that the needs of the young lawyers were different, the Committee should focus on such training programmes. As far as the environment was concerned, he would leave it to GK to attend to that. He had served the Committee and he is ready to take on the role of the Chair of the KLBC. He had also with great difficulties spoken to his wife about it. Although she did not appear to have any serious objections, she was convinced that all the time that he had spent for the KL Bar he was actually at a social club function. He had no doubt that if chosen, he would as he had always done, put his heart and soul in serving the interest of members. His motives were beyond reproach and he hoped that members would agree that he is the man for the job. 6.7 GK said that whatever may be the results of this election, Colin and Ravindra Kumar are his friends and he would continue to serve the KL Bar. There has been an impressive list of A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 MINUTES 13 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| committees that his learned friends had served in. He has no great claim to fame. He had merely headed the Environmental Law Committee and been the sub-editor of the newsletter of the KLBC. He had sat for sometime in the Company Law Revision Committee of the Bar Council which was an excellent experience but he believed he came to the fore in the course of this year because of the LPA Amendments. He had stood his ground under tremendous pressure and many members had come forward and endorsed that stand in August last year. He believed he must continue to lead the KL Bar if he were to see a proper finish to those amendments that members had so labouriously given their support to. His fear was when he leaves it would just die a natural death and he intends to see the issue to its end. There were many issues that the Committee faces today. There were many issues that the Bar does not like to talk about. He would like, for example, to have more voice given to those who are Peguam Syarie. So far, they have not been featured prominently in all discussions. He would like to draw them into the KLBC. Further, there were issues relating to Article 11 and Article 121(A); issues relating to the judicial administration; issues relating to the 427 parking lots for the 45 Courts at the new Court Complex where 6,000 lawyers were going to park and other major headaches when the Court move to Jalan Duta. He was also concerned about the many custodial death which is becoming a serious problem. The Committee is not only concern with the problems that it faces but what it can do with its influence to deal with issues outside the Committee. He has the strength, the motivation and energy, and certainly the focus. He gives his commitment and is prepared to set aside one year for the KL Bar to do what is necessary to be done. Above all those issues, there is one issue that bothers him the most. The Bar has become a society that has become used to “strafing” and in-fighting. If there is anything that he would like to do, he would like to unite the Bar so that the Bar would become what it was before. He said that it is all in the hands of the members and hoped that members would vote for him. 6.8 Voting by secret ballot took place. The Chairman said that pupils were not entitled to vote. ITEM 7 OF AGENDA: To elect ten (10) members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2007/08 14 7.1 The following names were proposed and seconded:- 1 Anand Ponnudurai Proposer : Seconder : Christopher Leong Alex De Silva 2 Ivan Wong Ee-Vern Proposer : Seconder : Ranjit Singh Christopher Leong 3 Abdul Rashid Ismail Proposer : Seconder : R Ravindra Kumar Zulkifli Tanabalan 4 N. Sivananthan Proposer : Seconder : Abd Shukor bin Ahmad Nahendran Navaratnam 5 Richard Wee Thiam Seng Proposer : Fahri Azzat Seconder : Nik Elin Zurina MINUTES A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 6 Dipendra Harshad Rai Proposer : Amer Hamzah Seconder : Puteri Shehnaz 7 Annou Xavier Proposer Seconder 8 Brendan Navin Siva Proposer : Seconder : Nahendran Navaratnam Lambert Rasa-Ratnam 9 Baljit Singh Sidhu Proposer : Seconder : Jagjit Singh Gopal Sreenevasan 10 Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Proposer : Dhanaraj Vasudevan Seconder : John Skelchy 11 Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien Proposer : R Ravindra Kumar Seconder : Dato’ MS Murthi 12 Md Radzi Mustafa Proposer : Seconder : 7.2 Nominations were closed. 7.3 The Chairman invited the candidates to each say a few words. 7.4 Rashid said that he had been serving the KLBC for the last 3 years. During his 3 years with the KLBC, he had chaired the IT Committee and the Pupils Welfare Committee. His contributions for the year 2006 could be seen in the Annual Report. He was offering himself for election again this year mainly because he believed he could make a difference to the Pupils Welfare Committee for the next year. He hoped that he would have the support of the members. 7.5 Brendan said that he was offering himself for election because he would like to serve the KL Bar in a more active role. For those who do not know him, he did not intend to make any promises except that he is guided by logic and common sense. He believed that the Committee, now more than ever, needs people who are driven only by logic and common sense and nothing else and he asked members to vote for him on that basis. 7.6 Baljit said that he had been serving on the KL Bar Criminal Practice Committee for the last 2 years as the Deputy Chairman. He had been serving the KL LAC for the last 7 years and last year as the head of the Dock Brief Programme. He just wanted to offer members a choice and to have a better participation in the Committee. He definitely needed members’ support. 7.7 Anand said that when he stood up for the first time 3 years ago, he had said that he just wanted to get into the Committee to essentially head the Sports Committee which he had done so A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 : : Dinesh Kanavaji Lee Swee Seng Haji Sulaiman bin Abdullah Zainudin Ismail MINUTES 15 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| for the last 3 years. However, he found out that over the last 3 years he did not just have to do sports but had to get involved in a lot of other things; a lot of the politics amongst his fellow members and politics at the Bar Council. He believed that at the end of the day whatever decisions that he had made in the last 3 years apart from sports, he had done it without fear or favour and with a clear conscience. He believed that he had done the right thing and had been asked to stand for one more term which he is doing so and hoped that members would vote for him for that. 16 7.8 Sanjeev said that he had served the Committee for 4 terms on various sub-committees. He had taken a 2-year break and had moved on to emceeing at dinners of the Bar Council and Bar Committee. Dinners had gotten boring and thus he felt that he should move back to the Committee and try to enlighten the Committee a little. He assured members that he would work hard and that he is an honest, diligent and principled person and looked forward to their votes. 7.9 Dahlia said that she was standing up for the first time and members may wonder why she was doing it now. For the last 2 years she had been serving as the Deputy Chair of the Court Liaison Committee and she views this year as a very important year because of the shift of the Courts in KL to the new Court Complex in Jalan Duta. She believed that there would be many problems, pre-shifting and post-shifting. The Court Liaison Committee has a truly good rapport with the Judiciary and the Courts and she would like to continue with that and to make sure that the problems could be overcome. She anticipated a lot of problems and hoped that she could get on board and help to resolve the problems for members. 7.10 Annou said that one of the issues which is very close to his heart is the new Court Complex. He believed all members had heard about the new Court Complex having 77 courtrooms and the lack of car park but one issue that needed to be tackled is logistics. Many lawyers, young and senior, travel by LRT and are accustomed to the Masjid Jamek LRT and Dang Wangi LRT. He would like to meet the Minister and all relevant parties and ask 3 questions. The first question is whether there are going to be LRT and RapidKL bus services to the new Court Complex. The second question was whether there is a place for our Muslim lawyers to pray. The third question was, if Chow Kit could have a LRT station, why not the Duta Courts. If members vote for him he would work closely with the relevant committee to make sure that the logistics were looked into. 7.11 Richard thanked his proposer and seconder and said that he had been very honoured for the last 2 years to have led what he felt was an exciting committee called the Young Lawyers Committee (“YLC”). He believed that the YLC had done quite a lot but whether they had done enough was for members to decide. He would like to pick a few items that were very close to his heart and one of them was the drafting of the Red Book which was a reaction after the Nude Squat video. The second item was the Charity Nite. In the last 2 years, the YLC had collected close to RM30,000 for the unfortunate and handicapped children. Recently, the YLC had started the flood fund where members of the YLC went to Johor to help the unfortunate people affected by the flood. However, he was most pleased with one particular issue. He had been fortunate that during his term as YLC Chair, S. 46A(1)(A) of the LPA was abolished after almost 30 years. In fact it was the hard work of the Bar Council, KL Bar and his predecessors. He happened to be the person who was holding the baton when they crossed the line and got the section abolished. The benefit of the abolishment of the said section could be seen at this meeting; candidate no. 9, Dipendra Harshad Rai is a member who has been in practice for less than 7 years. If members have been reading the Malaysian Bar Website, every State Bar that has already had their elections now has young lawyers with less than 7 years standing serving on their Committee and he is extremely proud MINUTES A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| of that. In his personal capacity, he happened to be the Deputy Chair of the National Young Lawyers Committee where he worked under Edmund Bon. He was also on the Organising Committee for last year’s Yayasan Tun Suffian’s Foundation Dinner, an event which he enjoyed thoroughly. He is offering himself for election to the Committee for the next term. He believed that he could do a good job and hoped that members would vote for him. 7.12 Dipendra said that first and foremost he would like to thank his proposer and seconder for nominating him as a candidate in this election.This was his first attempt and hoped he would not to let anyone down. He then spoke a little about himself. He had been active in the Court Liaison Committee and the YLC for the past 2 years. If members had read the Annual Report of the past 2 years, members would find that both committees had done well with a lot of activities and addressing many issues faced by members, both young and senior. Despite the fact that he is merely a legal assistant in a large law firm, he would still manage to find the time and strike a balance in serving the Committee and his own work. That would not be a problem if at all if he was elected to serve in the Committee. There are many issues close to his heart and he intends to see through a lot of plans which he has and hoped that members would see it fit to give him a chance and judge him at the next AGM. 7.13 Ivan said that he had been co-opted to the KLBC for the last 2 years to Chair the Social Committee. Prior to that he had served on the Social Committee under Colin Pereira. In many ways he guessed he had been branded as the social man. He had also been organising the Annual Dinner for the Bar Council for the last 3 years. He supposed the Social Committee does not have much impact on the legal profession per say but he believed that in some way it does help instill friendship and camaraderie amongst the members which in this time the Bar needs it more than ever. He is offering himself for another year to serve on the Social Committee and looked forward to members’ support. 7.14 Sivananthan said that he chaired the Criminal Practice Committee and had been serving the Bar since 2005 as Deputy Chairman where Criminal Practice was under the Court Liaison Committee. Last year, it was felt that there was a need to have a separate committee for the Criminal Bar and he stood for election last year and had been chairing the Criminal Practice Committee since then. He is offering himself again this year hopefully to carry on doing the same thing. He added that these days the Criminal Practice Committee does not only deal with members of the Criminal Bar but also has to assist lawyers who got into trouble with the Police. If given the opportunity, he would like to continue serving in the same capacity. 7.15 Radzi said that this was the first time he was standing as a candidate. He may not be able to offer anything except for the fact that he had served DBKL as a legal officer for a few years and if the Bar wants to have their co-operation he may be the best person to assist and just to mention without boasting, the present Ketua Pengarah is his best friend. He thanked Haji Sulaiman who was his lecturer and mentor since his university days and Zainudin Ismail, the past KLBC Chairman and his close friend and as GK said earlier on, if he was to be elected to the Committee, he would be able to serve on whatever Committee that may suit him. 7.16 Jagjit asked if Radzi could help to increase the car-park spaces at the new Court Complex. The Chairman said that he would let the incoming Committee liaise with Radzi. 7.17 Voting by secret ballot took place. The Chairman informed members that they need not vote 10 names but can vote up to 10 names only. He then reminded the pupils present that they were not entitled to vote. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 MINUTES 17 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| ITEM 8 OF AGENDA: To elect one (1) member to represent the Kuala Lumpur Bar on the Bar Council for 2007/08 18 8.1 The following names were proposed and seconded:- 1 Steven Thiruneelakandan Proposer : Hendon Haji Mohamed Seconder : Jerald Gomez 2 Ragunath Kesavan Proposer : Seconder : 8.2 Nominations were closed. 8.3 The Chairman invited the 2 candidates to each say a few words. 8.4 Steven said that he was again honoured to offer to serve the members as the KL Bar representative to the Bar Council. He is standing on the same platform that he had stood on last year and that is service and dedication to the Bar. His maiden year at the Bar Council had been a very useful experience. It had added to the exposure that he had gained in the sub-committees of the Bar that he had served on; the Human Rights Committee, Law Reform Committee and the Professional Development Committee and his term in the KLBC as Chairman of the CLE Committee in the years 2004 to 2006. He was privileged to Chair the Bar Council Industrial Court Practice Committee this term and it was truly a pleasure to work with so many dedicated servants of the Bar. He was proud of the work that they had done as a Committee. If there was one regret that he had it was that he had not been able to further the CLE agenda at the Bar. Having had a hand in the CLE blue-print of the KLBC, which had mushroomed into a very successful professional development programme for pupils and lawyers alike, he was hoping to move the Bar nation-wide programme up a few notches. If re-elected and if given the opportunity, this would certainly be his focus and objective. He believed that the Bar must have a viable CLE programme that members can participate in with minimum disruption to their daily practice and at minimum costs. He would like to recognise his opponent, Ragunath who had contributed immensely to the work of the Bar in particular in the Professional Indemnity Scheme of the Bar. He deserved credit and respect for that. He ended by recalling the immortal words of Sir Walter Scott, “Without courage, there cannot be truth, and without truth there can be no other virtue”. He said that leadership at the Bar is about the pursuit of truth and independence, in our efforts to improve the lot of fellow members. That is why it is an honourable calling and he is proud to take up the cudgels of that calling. He thanked God for the opportunity to serve the members and hoped to have their support. 8.5 Ragunath Kesavan said that currently he is serving as the Secretary of the Bar Council. He had served on the KLBC for a number of years as a Committee member, Honorary Secretary and Chairman. He had also been the KL Bar representative to the Bar Council. He believed in the unity of the Bar which is of utmost importance and would certainly strive to unite the Bar should he be given the opportunity to serve as the KL Bar representative to the Bar Council. 8.6 Voting by secret ballot took place. MINUTES Haji Sulaiman bin Abdullah M. Puravalen A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| RESULTS OF THE ELECTION UNDER ITEM 6 OF THE AGENDA The Chairman announced the results as follows:1 Colin Andrew Pereira 2 R. Ravindra Kumar 3 GK Ganesan Spoilt votes : 152 votes : 258 votes : 161 votes : 4 R. Ravindra Kumar was declared elected as Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for the year 2007/08 ITEM 9 OF AGENDA: General 9.1. Simplification of Call to Bar ceremony 9.1.1 The Chairman said that the outgoing Committee would like to propose that Call to Bar ceremony be simplified. The outgoing Committee had found that some of the speeches at the ceremonies were too long and had bounced off the idea of a simplified ceremony with the Judge presiding over such occasions and she agreed to it. He would like to know the mood of the House if speeches were to be reduced to 5 minutes per mover. 9.1.2 Low Beng Choo said that in fact it has been the practice that each speech is limited to 3 minutes only but there should be nothing political. 9.1.3 Sivarasa sought clarification on the restriction about political matters being raised in Call speeches. 9.1.4 Low Beng Choo explained that in the past there had been some experience where some of the movers had in the midst of giving the speech made statements relating to some political parties. Thus, the request was to confine speeches to the occasion which was moving the Call and nothing else. 9.1.5 Sivarasa said that he would like to advise some caution about accepting general restrictions like no mention of political matters in Call speeches because those things are difficult to pin down. If a lawyer, for example was the founder of a particular political party and was called to the Bar, certainly he would like to have it said in his Call speech that he played a particular role. Some caution therefore must be exercised but limiting the time of each speech to 3 minutes is fine. 9.1.6 The Chairman said that the incoming Committe would take note of the sentiments expressed by Sivarasa. 9.1.7 Hendon Haji Mohamed said she just wanted to say that to be fair to the majority of the movers, generally they do keep to the 3-minute limit. Occasionally, there would be someone who would go on and on but that is a rare exception. 9.1.8 The Chairman said that he would take it that the mood of the House was in favour of the simplification of Call ceremony. 9.2 Chinese New Year Greetings The Chairman said that the Committee would like to take the opportunity to wish all Chinese members “Gong Xi Fa Cai” for the coming Chinese New Year. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 MINUTES 19 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| RESULTS OF THE ELECTION UNDER ITEM 8 OF THE AGENDA The Chairman announced the results as follows:1 Steven Thiruneelakandan 2 Ragunath Kesavan Spoilt votes : 243 votes : 167 votes : 3 Steven Thiruneelakandan was declared elected as the KL Bar representative to the Bar Council for the year 2007/08. RESULTS OF THE ELECTION UNDER ITEM 7 OF THE AGENDA The Chairman announced the results as follows:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Anand Ponnudurai Brendan Navin Siva Abdul Rashid Ismail Richard Wee Thiam Seng Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Ivan Wong Ee-Vern N. Sivananthan Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien Dipendra Harshad Rai Baljit Singh Sidhu Md Radzi Mustafa Annou Xavier : : : : : : : : : : : : 362 votes 346 votes 319 votes 287 votes 259 votes 244 votes 242 votes 235 votes 217 votes 214 votes 183 votes 108 votes The following members were declared to serve on the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for the year 2007/08 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Anand Ponnudurai Brendan Navin Siva Abdul Rashid Ismail Richard Wee Thiam Seng Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Ivan Wong Ee-Vern N. Sivananthan Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien Dipendra Harshad Rai Baljit Singh Sidhu Dinesh Kanavaji moved a vote of thanks to the outgoing Committee for all the efforts that they had put in for the KL Bar in the last one year. The Chairman thanked Dinesh and said that it was a pleasure serving the members of the KL Bar. There being no other matters, he declared the 15th Annual General Meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Bar closed at 5.30 p.m. Anand Ponnudurai Honorary Secretary Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 20 MINUTES A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| CHAIRMAN’S REPORT A. INTRODUCTION R. Ravindra Kumar Chairman Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2007/08 My tenure in leading the KL Bar in 2007/2008 has been an extremely enriching experience. Much of our activities this term were centered on improving the interest and well being of members, improving the existing programe for younger members in having more workshops through our CLE programe and to further engage the relevant stakeholders to improve the day to day practice of our members. The work and efforts that we had undertaken this term would not have been possible without the untiring commitment and support I got from each and every individual committee member and their team of members working in the various sub committees. Members will note from their accompany reports that this was truly the case given the increase and variations in our activities. B. COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES (i) Kuala Lumpur Court Complex The main focus of the KLBC when it took office on 12.02.2007 was the KL Courts’ move to the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex at Jalan Duta. Many meetings were held with the Acting Chief Registrar, the Senior Sessions Court Judge and other Court Officials including Officers from the Legal Affairs Department to ensure that there was a smooth transition in the move of the Courts to the new Court Complex. The Court Liaison Committee played a major role in this exercise and is still having regular dialogues with relevant authorities to try and iron out problems that had yet to be resolved and/or that arise from time to time. At our persistency, the KL Bar was allocated two Bar Rooms and a Legal Aid Room. A simple opening ceremony of the two Bar Rooms was held on 10.07.2007 officiated by our Malaysian Bar President, Ms Ambiga Sreenevasan. We also appreciate the contribution from the Bar Council towards defraying part of the renovation costs for the Bar Room. (ii) Courtesy Calls The KLBC paid courtesy calls on Tuan Ahmad Terrirudin on 13.03.2007 (who was then the Acting Chief Registrar), Tuan Azman Abdullah on 14.03.2007 (who was then the Senior Sessions Court Judge and now a Judicial Commissioner), the Minister of Law, YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri on 08.05.2007, A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 21 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Book was handed over to His Lordship’s wife at a Memorial on 15.06.2007 organised by close friends of the late Judge. the new Chief Registrar, Datuk Halijah Abbas on 08.08.2007, the new Senior Sessions Court Judge, Tuan Harminder Singh on 05.09.2007, the Attorney General on 12.09.2007 and the President of the Court of Appeal on 21.01.2008 We took the opportunity to raise issues of concern at these courtesy calls with the main focus on issues pertaining to the move of the KL Courts to the new Court Complex at Jalan Duta. Circulars / reports on the issues raised were sent/will be sent to members via the KLBC E-mail Newsletters and posted on the KL Bar Website The KLBC visited Y.A. Datuk George Seah, who suffered a stroke in 2005, at his home on 19.05.2007. Datuk was one of the Supreme Court (now known as the Federal Court) Judges who was dismissed in the 1988 Judicial Crisis. (iv) The KLBC was invited to provide feedback on the proposal by the Judiciary to introduce PreAction Procedures for Personal Injury Claims. The KLBC sent out two questionnaires and organised a Forum on 10.04.2007 to receive comments, views and feedback from members on the proposed Pre-Action Procedures. We had also sought appointments to call on the new Chief Justice and Chief Judge of Malaya but as at the date of this report, no date has yet been fixed. (iii) A number of meetings were held with the Chief Judge of Sabah & Sarawak and a working committee comprising 6 Personal Injury Lawyers and 4 senior Sessions Court Judges was formed and a draft guidelines for awards in personal injury had been drawn up to ensure consistency in the awards. The draft guidelines had been forwarded to the Chief Judge of Sabah & Sarawak for consideration. I would like to extend my appreciation to Americk Sidhu, John Fam, Santhana Dass, Siva Dharma, Raslan Hadri, SL Tan and to all the members of the PAP group for a job well done. Visits The KLBC visited Allahyarham Y.A.A. Tan Sri Dato’ Hj Abdul Malek and the Late Y.A. Datuk KP Gengadharan in hospital before their demise. The KLBC visited Datin Salmah bt Md Kassim, wife of Allahyarham Y.A. Dato’ Abdul Wahab Said, on 12.03.2007 and handed over to her and her family the Memorial Book containing thoughts about the Judge penned by members of the Bar, initiated by the KLBC after Dato’s sudden demise on 07.01.2007. A Memorial Book was also arranged for members of the Bar to pen their thoughts about the late Y.A. Datuk KP Gengadharan who depar ted on 21.04.2007. The Memorial 22 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Pre-Action Procedures for Personal Injury Claims (v) Forum on the Proposed No Fault Liability (“NFL”) Scheme The KLBC organised a Forum on 23.10.2007 A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| to receive comments, views and feedback from members on the No Fault Liability Scheme which the Attorney General’s Chambers was proposing to introduce. The minutes of the Forum was documented and forwarded to the Bar Council “NFL” Task Force for them to appropriately act on the matter. (vi) (viii) On 30.10.2007, a meeting was held between the Judiciary, various State Bar Committees and stakeholder, and the service provider where we were briefed on the charges. An e-mail was sent seeking members’ feedback on the proposed charges and other queries that members may have about the system. The views/feedback received had been compiled and forwarded to the Judiciary. Forum on the State of the Judiciary At the decision made by the Bar Council that all State Bars were to organise a Forum for their respective State to create awareness on the state of the Judiciary in Malaysia especially amongst the public and civil society, the KLBC had originally targetted to hold this Forum in February 2008. However, in light of the ongoing Royal Commission of Inquiry on the “Video Clip” and pending its outcome, we A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 Press Statement A Press Statement was issued on 21.09.2007 expressing the KLBC’s shock and dismay over the “video-clip” issue and supporting the call made by the Bar Council for the establishment of a royal commission of inquiry into the matter. Video Conferencing System for the Court At the invitation of the Judiciary, the KLBC attended a demo of the video conferencing system on 07.06.2007. The KLBC also attended a mock video conferencing between the KL Court and Penang Court and the KL Court and Kajang Prison on 07.08.2007 at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex. (vii) decided to defer this Forum to a later date. (ix) Other Events T h e K L B C wa s i nv i ted to a t te n d t h e of f i c i a l launching of the e-Industrial Court on 27.03.2007, the official launching of the IP Court at the KL Court Complex on 17.07.2007 and the official opening of the KL Court Complex on 27.08.2007. In the course of our term, we have also received invitations from many organisations to participate in various events, amongst which were: •Malaysian Human Rights Day 2007 Conference on “Human Rights and Elections” • Konvesyen Integriti Nasional • Asean Integrity Dialogue 2007 •The Announcement of Corruption Index 2007 • Focus Group on Closing Business (x) Committee Meetings As at 31.12.2007, the Committee met 11 times and the attendance of each member was as follows: R. Ravindra Kumar Anand Ponnudurai CHAIRMAN’S REPORT - - 11 10 23 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Brendan Navin Siva Abdul Rashid Ismail Richard Wee Thiam Seng Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Ivan Wong Ee-Vern N. Sivananthan Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien Dipendra Harshad Rai Baljit Singh Sidhu Ravindran Nekoo Raja Riza Shazmin - - - - - - - - - - - 11 9 11 10 9 8 10 11 8 2 9 Steven Thiru, the representative to the Bar Council was invited to attend the Committee meetings as observer and also to report to the Bar Council on relevant matters as and when pertinent and necessary. He attended a total of 9 meetings and worked closely with the committee. (xi) Finance, Subscriptions and Non-subscription Income The financial position of the Committee remains stable with a sum of RM651,023 in Fixed Deposit and RM284,713 in Trust Account with Amanah Raya Berhad. Details of the financial position are set out in the Audited Accounts ending 31.12.2007. The subscription for the year 2007 was fixed at RM100.00 at the last AGM on 12.02.2007. At the closing of the Committee’s financial year on 31.12.2007, 144 members were in arrears of the 2007 subscription. This term, we managed to raise a total of RM99,383 from sponsorships, website and newsletter advertisements and CLE Lectures. C. SUB-COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES 12 sub-committees were established to facilitate the organisation of the KLBC’s various activities and to cater to the needs of members. The sub-committees were ably led by the respective Committee members as follows: 24 i Continuing Legal Education: Abdul Rashid Ismail CHAIRMAN’S REPORT ii Conveyancing Practice: Baljit Singh Sidhu iii Civil Court Liaison: Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien iv Criminal Practice: N Sivananthan v Environmental Law: Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah vi Information Technology: Raja Riza Shazmin vii Legal Aid: Ravindran Nekoo viii Publications: Brendan Navin Siva ix Pupils Welfare: Richard Wee Thiam Seng x Social, Arts and Culture: Ivan Wong Ee-Vern xi Sports: Anand Ponnudurai xii Young Lawyers: Dipendra Harshad Rai The accompanying reports of the various sub-committees are a reflection of the work performed by the subcommittees. D. OBITUARIES We record with deep sorrow the passing of the following members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar during the year under review: Mohd Nasir bin A Khalid on 08.02.2007 Dato’ S P Veloo on 23.05.2007 Vong Poh Fah on 25.05.2007 Manjit Singh a/l Gurcharan Singh on 01.06.2007 Selvarani Paneerselvam on 24.06.2007 Mah Teck Chong on 17.08.2007 Vijayaram Krishnan on 17.09.2007 Nik Mariah binti Tan Sri Nik Ahmad Kamil on 15.10.2007 A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| The Reference Proceedings in respect and memory of the abovementioned departed members is scheduled to be held on 18.02.2008. The Proceedings will be presided over by Y.A. Puan Lau Bee Lan. E. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CONCLUSION The Committee records the cooperation and assistance received from the Judiciary at all levels and our other stakeholders where various discussions had been held. It is hoped that this 2 way dialogue will continue in the future and more will be achieved in the years to come. On behalf of the KLBC, I wish to record my appreciation to members of the KL Bar who have assisted us on various representations, in Court and for their involvement in our various activities. Special mention and acknowledgement must be made of the team of sub-committee members who assisted the 12 Chairman in carrying out their activities. Whilst the KL Bar continues to face challenges, we will remain steadfast in ensuring that our objective in serving our members is not compromised. On a final note, I truly hope that members will continue to extend their full support as was done this term to the incoming committee. R. RAVINDRA KUMAR Chairman KL Bar Committee 2007/2008 When I took on the role of Chairman, I knew that there was a lot of work to be done. This task was however made easier by the tireless dedication and commitment demonstrated by each of the 12 Committee members of the KLBC 2007/2008. It has been a privilege for me to work with them, with each of them having made several inroads in their respective portfolios to not only serve the members better but to introduce changes that are in keeping with the present needs and expectation of our members. My special thanks to Anand Ponnudurai, the Honorary Secretary and Mary Tan, the Executive Secretary for their assistance and advice rendered to make my tenure a fulfilling one. To the staff of the KL Bar Secretariat, my sincere appreciation to you for your continued commitment to the Secretariat. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 25 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| secretariat report 2007/08 THE STAFF Mary Tan Executive Secretary On 30.04.2007, Sulochana who had taken care of the Bar Room at Wisma Denmark (before the move of the Courts to the KL Court Complex in May 2007, the Civil High Courts were located at Wisma Denmark) for 14 years was medically boarded out on the advice of doctors. She joined us on 16.04.1993. The KLBC paid her compensation in accordance with the Employment (Termination and Lay Off Benefits) Regulations 1980. The Secretariat assisted her in getting compensation from SOCSO. We wish her well. The vacant position was filled by Norhafizah binti Ahmad Padali who joined on 02.07.2007. Norhafizah manages the Bar Room on the left wing of the KL Court Complex while Thirumahil Ramalingam or Vasu as commonly known, manages the Bar Room on the right wing. Besides managing the Bar Room and rendering assistance to members of the Bar who patronise the Bar Room, Norhafizah also helps to take the group photographs at Call ceremonies and collect the weekly cause lists from the Courts for uploading to the KL Bar website. Azura Zakaria Executive Officer Perhaps it may be apt at this juncture to make mention of the facilities/services currently available to members (some at a charge) in the Bar Rooms as follows: • • • • • Melissa Dass Executive Officer 26 A set of the MLJs (from 1990 to the current year) in each Bar Room; Telephone in both Bar Rooms; Facsimile facility in the Bar Room on the left wing; A computer and printer in the Bar Room on the left wing; Water dispenser in both Bar Rooms. Back to the staff, Indira, our Admission Clerk who handles Petitions for Admission to the Bar received her long service award on 16.01.2007. She has served the KLBC for 10 years. Two other members of the Secretariat staff are due for their long service award in 2008. Rajan, the Administrative Officer who had served under the Selangor & FT Bar Committee and then the KL Bar Committee when it was established on 01.07.1992, is in his 20th year of service and Masni, a general clerk is in her 15th year of service. We are fortunate to have a group of loyal and dedicated staff, majority of whom have served the Committee for many years. S E C R E T A R I AT R E P O R T A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| The Organisation Structure containing details of the portfolios of each staff member can be found on the KL Bar website We at the Secretariat will certainly continue to strive to serve the KL Bar better and provide members with a more efficient Secretariat. In this IT age, the Committee is constantly looking at using information technology to improve and upgrade the facilities and services provided to members particularly through the website and to effectively carry out these jobs, there is a need for a full time IT Officer to be engaged. The Committee has approved the same and the position would be advertised once the IT Committee has finalised the scope of duties. We envisage the IT Officer joining the Secretariat in the term of the new Committee. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FUNCTIONS 2007 has indeed been another busy year. With 11 sub-committees (the Legal Aid Management Panel has its own staff) and a host of projects and activities undertaken by each sub-committee and the main Committee, the secretariat staff with a strength of just 9 persons had worked tirelessly to ensure that all the projects and activities were successfully carried out. Full details of the projects and activities are contained in the Chairman’s report and reports of the Sub-committees. Besides the handling of the projects and activities, the Secretariat also provides secretarial and administrative support to the KLBC and its Sub-committees. There are many other regular functions too that the secretariat staff has to carry out such as processing of Petitions for Admission to the Bar, maintaining the accounts, register of members and BC Box system, collection of annual subscriptions, BC Box rental, attending to day-to-day enquiries from members of the Bar, pupils-in-chambers and members of the public, just to name a few. The Secretariat staff would like to express our gratitude to the KLBC Chairman, Mr Ravindra Kumar, Honorary Secretary, Mr Anand Ponnudurai and all the Committee members for their guidance and support in ensuring the smooth running of the Secretariat and all the projects and activities. We would also like to thank the members of all the Sub-committees for their cooperation and assistance rendered to us in the organising of the various events. Many thanks too to members of the KL Bar and various other stakeholders who have assisted and supported us in one way or another in the carrying out of our functions. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the KLBC for awarding me for my 30 years of service, 15 years with the Selangor & FT Bar Committee and 15 years with the KLBC, on 02.01.2007. INVITE FOR FEEDBACK AND COMMENTS The Secretariat invites feedback and comments from members of the KL Bar on how the Secretariat can improve its service to the profession which may be conveyed via e-mail to [email protected]. We are certain that together we will be able to contribute towards the betterment of the KL Bar and the legal profession. Mary Tan Executive Secretary Rajan Admin Officer Siti Affaeza Accounts & General Admin Officer Indira Admission Clerk Rosilawati Admin Clerk Masni General Clerk Yazid Despatch Clerk Norhafizah General Clerk Thirumahil General Worker A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 S E C R E T A R I AT R E P O R T 27 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Continuing legal education committee The KL Bar Continuing Legal Education Committee (“CLE Committee”) was set up to assist members of the Bar with their professional development by conducting programmes such as lectures, seminars and workshops in relevant areas of law and skills. The CLE Committee also aimed to provide members with other current knowledge and skills so that members were not only well equipped in various areas of law, but were also in touch with other knowledge that may be useful to their practice, hence adding value to their professional attributes. In order to meet such objectives, which would cater to the needs of various groups/categories of members, we divided our programmes into 5 different modules. Abdul Rashid Ismail Chairperson Committee members Joanne Long Mohd Izral Khairy Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Selma Enolil Mustapha Khalil Hanie Izawatie Ahmad Kamil Sunita Sankey Wong Tat Chung Brendan Navin Siva G. Nanda Goban Kavitha Thilagar Gan Khong Aik Mohd Reza Abu Hassan Noor Arianti Osman Renny Suzanna Zaidi Gopi Krishnan Seshadari Megat Abdul Munir Razanna Raslan Elena Hani Eleas Sumitha Shaanthinni Kishna Rabindra S. Nathan Karen Wilfred Edmund Milkiu MODULE 1: FUNDAMENTALS OF LEGAL PRACTICE • • • Target: young lawyers/pupils Purpose: to provide fundamental instructions to pupils and young lawyers Areas: Opinion Writing, Drafting of Court Documents, Advocacy, Procedure/Evidence, Conveyancing, Corporate Documentation etc MODULE 2: SPECIALIST SEMINARS • Target: mid to senior practitioners • Objective: to update practitioners on current developments of particular areas of the law • Areas: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Information Technology Law, Insurance Law, Administrative Law, Company Law, Securities Law, Criminal Law etc MODULE 3: PRACTICAL WORKSHOPS • Target: any lawyers interested in this area • Objective: to equip practitioners with the necessary skills to handle trials and various other practical aspects of legal practice • Areas: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Criminal Law, Corporate Law etc MODULE 4: PUPILS’ PROGRAMME • Pursuant to the resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting of 2006 • Target: pupils 28 C O N T I N U I N G L E G A L E D U C AT I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| • Objective: to provide pupils with the basic knowledge of legal practice • Areas: Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Conveyancing, File Management etc MODULE 5: SPONSORSHIPS FOR YOUNG LAWYERS TO INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES • Objective: to provide lawyers with international exposure • The lawyers selected wrote reports, which would have been available for publication in Relevan. Members can download materials from the seminars from the KL Bar website. Like previous years, the CLE Committee has been using its best endeavours to organise programmes that will contribute to the enhancement of practical skills and the professional development of the members. This year, apart from inviting senior practitioners and members of the judiciary to share their experience and knowledge, the CLE Committee also took the initiative to involve experts from relevant industries, such as consultants, bankers and accountants. The aim was to ensure that members get the opportunity to be in contact with and acquire direct guidance from people who are involved directly in these various industries. The CLE Committee also recognised the importance of providing maximum interaction during the learning process. Unlike previous years, the CLE Committee gave more emphasis to practical workshops on various areas of legal skills and the law. The following were the practical workshops held by the CLE Committee this year. • • • • • • • Modern Legal Writing (Basic Course) Modern Legal Writing (Advanced Course) Workshop cum Mock Arbitration How to Prosecute and Defend Personal Injury Cases Practical Advocacy Course (Jointly organised between the Bar Council PSDC and the KL Bar CLE Committee) Minority Oppression and Just and Equitable Applications Habeas Corpus Applications The CLE Committee also continued with its pupils’ programme, which it initiated last year. The areas covered in the seminars for pupils were: • • • • The Fundamentals of Conveyancing and Commercial Drafting The Fundamentals of Criminal/Human Rights Litigation The Fundamentals of Civil Litigation Bankruptcy Proceedings / Wills, Probate and the Administration of Estates The CLE Committee organised 34 events between April 2007 to January 2008, covering areas such as Land Law, Appellate Advocacy, Language Skills, Defamation, Criminal Law, Civil Litigation, Corporate Law, Conveyancing and Arbitration. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 C O N T I N U I N G L E G A L E D U C AT I O N 29 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| The full programme for 2007/08 is set out below: DATE TOPICS SPEAKER(S) MODERATOR(S) 20.04.2007 Effective Appellate Advocacy Y.A. Dato’ James Brendan Navin Siva Foong 26.04.2007 The Fundamentals of Criminal / Edmund Bon Human Rights Litigation Pupils’ Programme 27.04.2007 The Fundamentals of Civil Litigation Mohd Izral Khairy Pupils’ Programme Maidzuara Mohammed 04.05.2007 Risk Management Corrine Wong 19.05.2007 Modern Legal Writing Workshop (Advanced Course) 31.05.2007 Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS) – A New Approach To Property Investment 08 & Modern Legal Writing Workshop 09.06.2007 (Basic Course) 15.06.2007 Bankruptcy Proceedings / Wills, Probate and Administration of Estate Pupils’ Programme 22.06.2007 Land Acquisition – The importance, if any, of the enquiry by the Land Administrator 05.07.2007 The Fundamentals of Conveyancing and Commercial Drafting Pupils’ Programme 14.07.2007 Defamation in Cyberspace 18.07.2007 20.07.2007 30 Jackie Yeoh Junaidah Abdul Rahim Selma Enolil Binti Shee Fei Ling Mustapha Khalil Lim Ye Jhen Nurizan Jalil Jackie Yeoh GK Ganesan Low Beng Choo Hanie Izawatie Binti Ahmad Kamil Su Tiang Joo David Dev Peter Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Natalie Peh Dr. Venkat Iyer Mohd. Izral Khairy Useful Tips from the Bench Dato’ Shaik Daud Bin Jerald Gomez Haji Mohamed Ismail Introduction to Computer Forensics Ang Eng Seng Nanda Goban and Investigation C O N T I N U I N G L E G A L E D U C AT I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 21.07.2007 Workshop cum Mock Arbitration 09.08.2007 The Fundamentals of Criminal / Human Rights Litigation Pupils’ Programme 11.08.2007 Modern Legal Writing (Advanced Course) 17.08.2007 Regulation of the Securities Market – the New Capital Market and Services Act 2007 22.08.2007 Arbitration Act-2005 – From the perspective of an International Arbitration Practitioner 07.09.2007 The Fundamentals of Civil Litigation Pupils’ Programme 08.09.2007 How to Prosecute and Defend Personal Injury Cases Workshop Sitpah Selvaratnam Joanne Long Raja Eileen Soraya Mohanadass Kanagasabai Sanjay Mohanasundram Kevin Prakash Janice Ann Leo Alan Adrian Gomez Foo Joon Liang Amer Hamzah Arshad Jackie Yeoh Shanti Geoffrey of Nanda Goban Securities Commission Ng Jern Fei Joanne Long Mohd. Izral Khairy Cheah Soo Chuan Santhana Dass B. Balakumar Razlan Hadri Zulkifli Suresh Gerard Sreedharan 12.09.2007 Section 340 of the National Land Jerald Gomez Shamsul Bahrin Code – before and after Boonsom Boonyanit 14.09.2007 Submissions to the Securities Wong Tat Chung Commission. Beware Section 32B of the Securities Commission Act 1993 or its Successor 28 & Modern Legal Writing Workshop Jackie Yeoh 29.09.2007 (Basic Course) A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 C O N T I N U I N G L E G A L E D U C AT I O N 31 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 10 & Practical Civil Advocacy 11.10.2007 Course by the Barristers from Lamb Chambers (Jointly organised by the Bar Council’s PSDC and KL Bar CLE Committee) 20.10.2007 Modern Legal Writing Workshop (Advanced Course) 24.10.2007 Maritime Law - Practice Directions on Ship Arrest 02.11.2007 Labour Law - Breach of Confidentiality & Trade Secrets in Employment Contracts 16.11.2007 Bankruptcy Proceedings / Wills, Probate and Administration of Estate Pupils’ Programme 29.11.2007 The Fundamentals of Conveyancing and Commercial Drafting Pupils’ Programme 05.12.2007 From Burgers to Idols: The Future of Franchising 13.12.2007 The Fundamentals of Criminal / Human Rights Litigation Pupils’ Programme 05.01.2008 Minority Oppression and Just and Equitable Applications Workshop Paul Emerson Paul Stewert Shantanu Majumdar Lloyd Sefton-Smith Tim Frith Matthew Winn-Smith Helen Turnbull Jackie Yeoh Sitpah Selvaratnam Joanne Long Steven Thiru Gan Khong Aik GK Ganesan Low Beng Choo Nanda Goban Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Natalie Peh Suaran Singh Sidhu Sunita Sankey Edmund Bon Dato’ Loh Siew Cheang Lim Tuck Sun Gopal Sreenevasan P. Gananathan 19.01.2008 Family Law Trials and Applications Chew Swee Yoke Hanie Izawatie Binti Foo Yet Ngo Ahmad Kamil 25.01.2008 The Fundamentals of Civil Litigation Mohd. Izral Khairy Pupils’ Programme Tharminder Singh 32 C O N T I N U I N G L E G A L E D U C AT I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 18.02.2008 A Practical Overview –The Do’s Michael Chow and the Don’ts of Opinion Writing 20.02.2008 Bankruptcy Proceedings / Wills, Probate and Administration of Estate Pupils’ Programme 28.02.2008 Avoiding and Dealing With a Disciplinary Board Complaint GK Ganesan Low Beng Choo [TBC] [TBC] Habeas Corpus Applications Workshop 06.03.2008 Taxation: Tax Avoidance vs. Tax Evasion 13.03.2008 The Fundamentals of Conveyancing and Commercial Drafting Pupils’ Programme 27.03.2008 SOCSO – scope of boarding out Jerald Gomez Edmund Bon Vijey Mohana Krishnan Megat Abdul Munir Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Noor Arianti Othman A. Ramadass Kavitha Thilagar CLE SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMME As the Continuing Legal Education programme aimed to enhance the skills and relevant knowledge of members, we gave members the assistance and opportunity to take part in law conferences held locally and internationally. This year, under the CLE sponsorship programme we sponsored the attendance of several members at the following conferences and workshop. Practical Civil Advocacy Workshop 10-11 October 2007 1. 2. 3. Poh Choo Hoe Anita Sheila Vasanthi Clement A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 C O N T I N U I N G L E G A L E D U C AT I O N 33 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| IBA Conference 2007, Singapore 14-19 October 2007 1. 2. 3. Jacqueline Chang Li Ch’ing Saravana Kumar s/o Segaran Soh Hoon Hoon Fourteenth Malaysian Law Conference 29-31 October 2007 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Muhendaran a/l Suppiah Rajasegaran M. Karuppiah Jayamurugan s/o Vadivelu Cheng Poh Heng Hanie Izawatie Binti Ahmad Kamil Maria Binti Mohd Haris Yusfarizal Bin Yussoff Maisurah Binti Wahid Ding Jo-Ann G. Nanda Goban Abun Sui Anyit Ani Munirah Binti Mohamad Habizan Rahman Bin Habeeb Rahman Tan Siew Boon Sukhjit Kaur To date, the response for the CLE events has been overwhelming and it is the CLE Committee’s hope that members will continue to benefit from the programmes that have been organised. The challenge for the CLE Committee is to continue to improve existing programmes in order to cater to the ever-changing needs of the profession. I would like to express my gratitude to all the CLE Committee members, speakers, trainers and moderators who have taken part in the events held and to those who have agreed to be involved in the upcoming events. I also extend my appreciation to Azura Binti Zakaria for her dedication and hard work. Abdul Rashid Ismail Chairperson Continuing Legal Education Committee 34 C O N T I N U I N G L E G A L E D U C AT I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| CONVEYANCING PRACTICE committee The Conveyancing Practice Committee (“CPC”) started its term by conducting a survey to obtain feedback on problems faced by members of the KL Bar in dealing with conveyancing matters, the results of which were to be used as basis in meetings with the relevant authorities. MEETING WITH THE DIRECTOR OF WILAYAH LAND OFFICE Baljit Singh Sidhu Chairperson Committee members Amy Too Siew Mooi Alex Chong Ching Wai Chong Wai Kuan Rita Sabrina Wong Kee Ling Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Kathleen Cheong Chor Khuan The first meeting that the CPC focused on was with the Wilayah Land Office (“WLO”) in view of the many problems faced by members in their dealings with the WLO. A meeting was eventually held on 18.06.2007. It was a good and productive meeting as both parties managed to discuss the problems or issues arising among members when they are liaising with the WLO. Among the issues discussed at the meeting were: • • • • • • • Lost of titles; Requirement for statutory declarations; Extraction of title; Government loan; Private Caveat; Application for consent to transfer; and Quit rent assessment. The notes of the meeting had been circulated to members via the circular no: KLBC 56/07 dated 13.07.2007 TALK ON RECENT AMENDMENTS TO THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT (CONTROL & LICENSING) ACT, 1966 – PRACTICAL ISSUES RELATING TO S.22(D) In light of the uncertainties surrounding the amendments to the Housing Development (Control & Licensing) Act 1966, the CPC organised two talks on the Practical Issues Relating to S.22(D) on 07.06.2007 and 29.06.2007. The talks were delivered by Mr. Andrew Wong, Deputy Chair of the Bar Council Conveyancing Practice Committee. Both talks received overwhelming response from our members as the seats were taken-up within a week from the day we publicised the talks and the CPC, due to space constraints had to turn down a good number of participants. MEETING WITH COMPANIES COMMISSION OF MALAYSIA The CPC also managed to have a meeting with the officials of the Companies Commission of Malaysia (“CCM”) on 28.08.2007. The meeting was A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 C O N V E YA N C I N G P R AC T I C E 35 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| very effective as the CPC were able to addressed issues that needed clarification from the CCM. The following are the issues that were discussed at the meeting: • • • • • • Form 34; Extraction of forms; Filing / Lodgement of forms; Annual returns; Online searches; and Certification of documents by the Company Secretary The minutes of this meeting had been circulated to the members via circular no: KLBC 69/07 dated 13.09.2007. MEETING WITH DEPARTMENT OF INSOLVENCY MALAYSIA The meeting was arranged in view of the numerous concerns received from members on certain issues with regard to the Department of Insolvency Malaysia (“DIM”) especially the issue on private liquidator. The meeting took place on 02.10.2007 and it was an effective meeting as we managed to get the clarification from the officials of DIM on several issues concerning private liquidator, unfinished / abandoned housing projects and creditor’s meeting. The minutes of this meeting had been circulated to the members via circular no: KLBC 82/07 dated 05.10.2007. MEETING WITH THE INLAND REVENUE BOARD – STAMP DUTY DIVISION A meeting between the CPC and the Stamp Duty Division took place on 04.12.2007. This meeting was also joined by our counterpart from the Bar Council and Selangor Bar. At the meeting the CPC had raised several issues of fraud, Islamic Banking, adjudication of MOT and endorsement on subsidiary instrument. At the time of this Report the Minutes of the Meeting are pending approval by the Inland Revenue Board. It will be circulated to members in due course. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to express my appreciation to the members of the Conveyancing Practice Committee for their efforts and dedication in ensuring the success of the activities held for this term. Without their cooperation and active participation, the agendas for the Committee could not have been carried out. Baljit Singh Sidhu Chairperson Conveyancing Practice Committee 36 C O N V E YA N C I N G P R AC T I C E A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| CIVIL COURT LIAISON COMMITTEE COURT SHIFT In the months of April right up to June/July 2007, the entire Civil Court Liaison Committee (“CCLC”) concentrated and mobilised its attention and effort towards working with the Court to smoothen the process of shifting and resolving issues which may or had arisen following the move of all Kuala Lumpur Courts to the newly-built Kuala Lumpur Court Complex at Jalan Duta. Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien Chairperson Andrew Teh Deputy Chairperson Committee members Annou A. Xavier Reggie Wong Mew Sum Michelles Foo Li Mei Yap Lai Lian Arthur Wang Harjinder Singh Robert Low Md. Radzi Mustafa Habizan Rahman Selva Rani Thiyagarajan Patrick Lim The CCLC had many meetings with the relevant officials from the Judiciary, the JKR, the Police and so on, even before the Court shift, which was officially in operation on 17.05.2007, to ensure that there would be minimal negative impact from the same. Instances of joint cooperative effort include suggesting to stagger the shift of the various Divisions of the Court instead of one major move of all Courts on one day and then liaising with the Courts on the time-table of the shift and listings of hearings to ensure minimum disruption to Court attendances during this period; inspecting the Court Complex prior to the shift on numerous occasions; identifying structural and logistic shortcomings and defects in the Court Complex and re-designing a map of the Court Complex which is simpler and more user-friendly (and which was in fact subsequently modified and adopted by the Court and now appears on the right and left entrance walls of the Court Complex); arranging for extra Bar Rooms and appropriate location; holding open days at the Court Complex prior to its opening to acquaint and familiarise members of the Bar with the Court; negotiating with the Court for parking bays for lawyers within the Court compound (which is still ongoing); negotiating and identifying spaces and location of the BC Boxes; reconnoitering and identifying available and suitable areas to serve as extra car parks for lawyers attending Court and carrying out discussions with car park operators to negotiate on charges; proposing and making enquiries for shuttle bus service to the Court Complex/liaising with the Court on the same; discussions with the Court and the Police on overcoming congestion, jams and lack of car park spaces and so on. Despite putting in considerable effort, the shuttle van service launched together with the Court to provide transport to needy Court staff and members of the Bar was halted due to permit issues. However, currently there does not appear to be any serious problems with transportation to the Court Complex although parking is still a niggling unresolved issue which effort on our part is unceasing in our push for internal parking spots for lawyers. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 CIVIL COURT LIAISON 37 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| CONTINUING AGENDA The byproduct of the shift is the establishment of a good rapport and working relationship with the current group of Court officers and hopefully, this will not wane but further enhance over time for the improvement of the administration of justice. The immediate future goals include making the Court Complex more handicap-friendly, to increase security within the Court area (reports of car break-ins had surfaced), to pursue internal parking lots for members of the Bar and to move forward together with the Court towards electronic and IT media litigation. SURVEY FORMS - ISSUES/COMPLAINTS As of August 2007, the CCLC was back on track in its objective of serving the members in addressing and highlighting issues/problems faced by members in their daily practice, to the Court for resolution and towards this end, the CCLC had issued out survey forms for members’ feedback. MEETING WITH THE INSOLVENCY DEPARTMENT The CCLC this year had taken the stand that apart from the various Divisions of the Bench, another obvious affiliate in the system of justice is the Insolvency department and hence, regular meetings with this stakeholder must also be on the annual agenda. In this spirit, the CCLC organised and paid a courtesy call on the Deputy Director and the Directors of the respective departments at the Insolvency Office in Putrajaya on 02.10.2007. Various issues affecting the bankruptcy and winding-up practice were discussed thereat and minutes of the meeting have since been circulated to the members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar. Letters have been written to the said department to schedule a follow-up meeting on the matters discussed, which hopefully will take place before the coming AGM of the KL Bar. MEETING WITH SUBORDINATE COURT OFFICIALS In the same month of October 2007, on the 25th, the Committee also engaged the Judges, Magistrates and Registrars of the Subordinate Courts at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex at Jalan Duta in the annual forum where the CCLC channelled issues culled from complaints and suggestions from the members of the Bar in the course of the year, to the Judiciary and likewise, the members of the Judiciary related their views and suggestions to be carried back to the members. Tuan Harminder, the Head Judge of the Subordinate Courts together with his team were keen that complaints ought to be specific and names and events identified so that the issues would be attended to properly. The Court also recommended that regular periodical meetings be held between the Bench and the Bar to render the relationship meaningful and effective. The next meeting is targeted for February 2008. There has been obvious and marked improvements in the Court registries since the shift and Registrars have even invited members of the Bar to directly liaise with them on any administrative issues such as missing files or delay in extractions and so on. 38 CIVIL COURT LIAISON A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| MEETING WITH DIVISIONS OF THE HIGH COURT Civil Division - The meeting with the Head Judge of the Civil Division of the Kuala Lumpur High Court had originally been set up for 11.01.2008 but has to be deferred to new date to be fixed due to the re-location of its Head Judge to the Commercial Division. Family Division - The new Family Court Judicial Commissioner, Y.A. Dato’ Hinshawati Binti Shariff was very responsive to the CCLC’s request for a courtesy call to be paid on her, which was then set up on 20.11.2007. Several current issues relating to the family practice were discussed with the Judicial Commissioner. The report of the meeting has already been circulated to members. Commercial Division - The meeting with the Head Judge for the Commercial Division and the Registrars took place on 18.01.2008. The delay in arranging the meeting was because the said Judge had been away for a large part of November 2007 and December 2007 was not suitable due to his having just returned from overseas and it being the month of the Court vacation. An exchange of views and friendly dialogue ensued at the meeting with a promise that issues where there were no immediate resolutions due to their nature, will have to be followed-up at a later date. The minutes of the meeting are currently being finalised for circulation to members shortly. Appellate and Special Powers Division - The Appellate and Special Powers Division has finally settled down with the appointment of Y.A. Puan Lau Bee Lan as its Head Judge and she has graciously agreed to hold a Reference for departed members of the KL Bar during 2007, on 18.02 2008 and have the meeting with the CCLC on 29.01.2008. also to ensure achievement of the aim of the get-together which was to create a casual and relaxed atmosphere for members of the Bar to meet and bond with members of the Bench at least once a year. The response from the Bar was about the same as last year and could be better but what took the committee by surprise was the response from the Judges this year which attendance surpassed expectation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF APPRECIATION By the time this Report is published, it is hoped that all the planned activities have been successfully carried through. The Chair would like to take this opportunity to humbly thank all the members of the Court Liaison Committee for their immeasurable contribution in terms of time, effort and ideas (which is deeply appreciated) to make all the events come to fruition, in particular and in no particular order, a warm note of appreciation to Andrew Teh, Harjinder Singh, Arthur Wang, Robert Low, Yap Lai Lian, Annou Xavier, Reggie Wong, Michelles Foo, Harbizan Rahman, Patrick Lim, Selva Rani and Md. Radzi. I would also like to warmly thank my colleagues at the KL Bar for the cooperation and assistance rendered at all times and last but not least, I wish to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Mary and Azura of the KL Bar Secretariat without whom this subcommittee would not have been effective. Dahlia W.M. Lee Chairperson Civil Court Liaison Committee Pervading throughout the various sessions with all levels and Divisions of the Court system and the Insolvency Office was a sense of cooperation and willingness to look into and resolve issues faced by members of the Bar and a will to work together for the common good of all stakeholders in the administration of justice. ANNUAL KL BENCH-BAR GET-TOGETHER The annual KL Bench-Bar get-together this year was held on 25.01.2008 at the swimming pool area of the Bukit Kiara Equestrian and Country Club. This change of venue was to give some freshness to the event and A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 CIVIL COURT LIAISON 39 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Criminal Practice Committee The Criminal Practice Committee (“CPC”) was set up with the principal aim of ensuring the existence of a body focusing specifically on issues with regard to members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar and other bodies involved in the practice of criminal law. This year the CPC was involved in several activities as follows:OVERVIEW The CPC has met 6 times since taking office and has had regular meetings with the Senior Judge in charge of the Criminal Division with regard to matters pertaining to the administration of criminal justice in Kuala Lumpur. The CPC’s views were also sought before the night traffic court was set up and it participated in all meetings to discuss the same. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the CPC also went to Kota Kinabalu to study the night court system practised there to observe any shortcomings before the system was introduced here. N.Sivananthan Chairperson Abd. Shukor Bin Ahmad Deputy Chairperson Committee members Suresh Thanabalasingam Bernard Francis Venkateswari Alagendra Saha Deva Arunasalam Sivaruben R. Balasekaran Ken Yong Chie Man Mohd Zaharudeen Harun Lee Teong Hooi The CPC had also discussed with the Senior Judge of the Lower Courts Criminal Division about the introduction of the “plead guilty forms” which is being practised in East Malaysia. The CPC has also from time to time been taking stands on issues of public interest and its statements have been carried by the press. DOCK BRIEF PROGRAMME It had been brought to the attention of the CPC that Magistrates were no longer allowing pupils to appear in Open Court on the basis that Section 36(2)(b) of the Legal Professions Act 1976 does not permit pupils to do so. The CPC was of the opinion that once an application is made by a Master on behalf of his pupil, Section 36 (2)(a) will come into effect the moment the High Court Judge makes the relevant order and the provisions of this section are not in dispute. Section 36 (2) (b) states that at the expiration of the three months period, the pupil may appear “in chambers in the High Court and the Subordinate Courts” which clearly refers to both the Magistrates and the Sessions Court. The section then goes on to say that the pupil may also appear “before any Magistrate, to conduct any cause or matter” which clearly reflects the right to appear in any matter before a Magistrate. It is the CPC’s view that the position for chamber matters is already covered in the first limb of Section 36(2)(b) and the second limb must be read disjunctively since it would be illogical for the second limb to be 40 CRIMINAL PRACTICE A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| introduced when the first limb already refers to the Subordinate Courts. There is currently a revision against a pending decision of a Magistrate but unfortunately no date has been fixed as there is currently no Senior Judge appointed to the Criminal Division of the High Court. A meeting was also held in November between the Senior Sessions Court Criminal Judge and the Criminal Magistrates to discuss ongoing problems facing pupils while participating in the dock brief programme. The meeting was also attended by the Chairman of the CPC, the Head of the Legal Aid Centre, Administrator of the Legal Aid Centre, Head of the Dock Brief Programme and its Secretary. Many outstanding issues were resolved to ensure that the programme runs smoothly. RIGHTS OF PUPILS TO INTERVIEW PRISONERS IN THE PRISON A complaint was received by the CPC that the Prison Authorities particularly in Sungai Buloh Prison were refusing to allow pupils to interview prisoners whether on their own or when accompanying another lawyer. The CPC wrote to the Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Security and the Director General of Prisons, Malaysia and they immediately directed the prison concerned to revoke the said directive. We informed parties concerned that pupils perform a very useful service to prisoners with their weekly visits to give advice etc and we were assured by the prison authorities that such assistance was much appreciated and the directive was as a result of a misunderstanding on the part of a junior prison officer. MEETING WITH THE HEAD OF PROSECUTION KUALA LUMPUR The matters discussed were as follows:i. ii. iii. iv. Request for documents; Remand procedure under section 117 of the Criminal Procedure Code; Issues of multiple representation; Other matters. The 1st Issue - Request for documents. Puan Sarala lamented that Chambers is still receiving a lot of requests for documents especially for cases A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 at the Magistrate’s Court which is handled not by Chambers directly but by the Police. She requested the assistance of the CPC to inform members that requests for documents should, for cases in the Magistrate’s Court, be made directly to the Police and as agreed before, the documents will be given on the mention date, if it was not given earlier by the Police. The Officer in Charge of the Court (“OC Court”) also acknowledged that the Prosecuting Officers (“PO”) have been instructed to give the documents immediately at the mention date, if they have not been given before. Puan Sarala also noted that some of the requests lacked particulars and said that in order for the requests to be looked into, the following must be included in the requests:i. ii. iii. iv. v. case number; police report number; the particulars of the court; the last mention date, if any; next mention / hearing date, if any. The 2nd Issue – Remand Proceedings The OC Court informed all present that the remand proceedings are conducted at Magistrate’s Court No. 10 and they are conducted in Open Court. The meeting was also informed that as it is an Open Court proceeding, it is difficult to control the entry of members of the public including family members. It was also brought to the attention of the meeting that lawyers attending the remand proceeding will not be allowed to enter the Court until their respective client’s case is called for the remand proceeding. The CPC’s stand was that the procedure may be unsatisfactory as the lawyer should have access to the client as most of the time the lawyers may be retained by family members and the persons about to be remanded may not know of the appointment. The CPC suggested that the police officers, as far as possible determine whether the person to be remanded has, either by himself or his family members, engaged the services of a lawyer. In relation to this both Chambers and the CPC agreed that the current process of remand is unsatisfactory especially in terms of logistics and security aspects. It was suggested that both parties meet with the Senior Sessions Judge to try to iron out this issue. CRIMINAL PRACTICE 41 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| The OC Court brought up the issue of pupils-in-chambers appearing at the remand proceedings. The CPC clearly were of the view that the pupils, provided that the have been “short called’ are allowed in law to do so. The CPC also pointed out that in the past pupils have been allowed to appear at remand proceedings without any hindrance. Puan Sarala agreed that pupils may appear for the remand proceedings once they have been “short called”. Another sub-issue was the presence of lawyers holding a watching brief during the remand proceedings. Puan Sarala wondered whether such lawyers may appear at the proceeding. The CPC pointed out that whether a lawyer may appear or not is for the Court to decide. It has been agreed that if the Investigating Officer (“IO”) questions the presence of the lawyer who is holding a watching brief he may, at the outset of the proceeding, state the objection to the Court and then request the Court to decide on that issue first before proceeding with the remand proceeding. Puan Sarala also raised the issue of authorities being cited during the remand proceeding which the IO may not be able to respond to impromptu. The CPC is of the view that the citing of authorities should be allowed and it is up to the PO to request for time to consider the authorities cited or to seek further advice from Chambers. The 3rd Issue - Multiple Representation ASSISTANCE TO MEMBERS ENCOUNTERING DIFFICULTIES WITH THE AUTHORITIES At all times, members of the Criminal Practice Committee are ready to provide and indeed have provided assistance to any member of the KL Bar in need of such assistance. This includes dealing with the Court through discussions held with the Criminal Division, the Kuala Lumpur Subordinate Courts, the police and the Prosecution Division and the Registrar of the Criminal Division of the Kuala Lumpur Subordinate Courts. APPRECIATION I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the members of the Criminal Practice Committee for their support and cooperation in ensuring that all activities were successfully carried out. I also would like to thank all parties involved in activities carried out during this term for their cooperation and attention. I sincerely hope that the efforts of this committee would in some way facilitate in bringing about a positive change for practitioners of criminal law. N. Sivananthan Chairperson Criminal Practice Committee Chambers reiterated that it would not furnish documents which have been earlier furnished to the previous lawyer. The new lawyer should obtain the documents from the previous lawyer unless in exceptional cases such documents may be given. The 4th Issue - Other matters Puan Sarala informed those present that from 15.07.2007 the prosecution in the Session’s Court will revert to the police except for certain class of cases categorised as public interest cases deemed necessary by the Head of the Unit, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur and/or Headquarters, Jabatan Peguam Negara, Putrajaya. 42 CRIMINAL PRACTICE A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Environmental Law Committee The Environmental Law Committee (ELC) 2007/2008 took over office on 05.04.2007 when the committee under review held its first meeting. There was good response from the members of the KL Bar when we had 11 members who joined this subcommittee. Some of the ELC members who volunteered their time and effort for the year under review were also part of the ELC for 2006/2007. During the first meeting, the ELC members decided that they will continue to finalise some of the projects that were still pending from the ELC 2006/2007. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Chairperson Committee members Colin Andrew Pereira Asmet Nasruddin Wong Ee Lynn Karen Kimkana P. Rajasundram Rajinder Kaur Gill Syarifah Syazwani Syed Hussin Kathleen Cheong Chor Khuan The following were the projects undertaken by the ELC under review : FOREST LAW ENFORCEMENT GOVERNANCE AND TRADE At the beginning of its term the ELC was involved in the discussion panel held on 06.03.2007 in respect of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) Malaysia Europe Commission Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and provided advice and comments on the drafting and legislation of the VPA. As Chair of the ELC I attended the discussion panel held at the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities. MALAYSIAN FOREST DIALOGUE - CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING AND FINANCING SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT The ELC was also invited to partake in the Malaysian Forest Dialogue, held from 22.10.2007 to 23.10.2007 organised by HSBC Malaysia Bhd. The objectives of the dialogue among others are to enhance awareness and share information on aspects affecting the forestry business and to discuss the practical realities of implementing and financing sustainable forestry management. Karen Kimkana and I attended this dialogue. LEGISLATION AND INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS IN INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT NATIONAL CONFERENCE AND TRAINING The ELC, through the auspices of the Bar Council, together with NAHRIM, CapNET and AguaJaring had also jointly organised the Legislation and Institution Arrangements in Integrated Water Resources Management National Conference & 4 day Training which was held from 9-14th July 2007 at the Securities Commission. Asmet Nasruddin and Malik Imtiaz from the Bar presented A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 E N V I R O N M E N TA L L AW 43 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| papers for the seminar and training programme and 2 members of the Bar participated in the Conference and Training programme. This Conference and Programme is aimed to be part of a series in South East Asia to strengthen the implementation of IWRM processes in the region. The legal and institutional issues arising will become increasingly prominent in the context of governmental and private initiatives in the region on environment and water as a strategic and common issue. The Conference was intended as an introduction to the topic for a larger local audience and was attended by Malaysian participants from the legal fraternity, engineers, scientists, environmentalists from private / public sectors, NGOs and all interested parties. The Programme was also attended by a smaller select group of senior policy makers, opinion leaders and potential trainers within the SEA region The ELC hopes that in the next year the ELC will be able to organise its own training programme for members of the Bar. CARBON CREDITS/CLIMATE CHANGE In continuing with the ELC’s interest in the Kyoto Protocol and Carbon Credits that was established by the ELC of 2005/2006, an article on Carbon Credits Climate Change written by Karen Kimkana and will be published in Relevan issue 3/07. The ELC will also issue for publication in Relevan, a 2nd part of its article on climate change. KUALA GANDAH ELEPHANT SANCTUARY The ELC had organised a 1 day trip to the Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary on 03.11.2007. The trip was well attended and saw 48 participants from members of the KL Bar as well as friends and family members. Most participants who attended had the opportunity to feed the elephants and bathe the elephants. The ELC had also made a donation of RM665.00 to the elephant sanctuary from the entry fees for the trip. ENVIRONMENT QUALITY ACT 2007 The ELC had also participated in the discussion panel on the amendments to the Environmental Quality Act (EQA). The Act has since been passed and gazetted. The ELC has sought to meet the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment with regard to the amendments to the EQA in respect of the amendments incorporating prima facie evidence in respect of several offences under the amended Act, which is of concern to the ELC. 44 E N V I R O N M E N TA L L AW A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| SOLID WASTE AND PUBLIC CLEANSING MANAGEMENT BILL conference was attended by Wong Ee Lynn and Syarifah Syazwani, who was sponsored by the KLBC. The ELC is also currently studying the proposed Solid Waste And Public Cleansing Management Bill and hopes to meet the Minister of Housing and Local Government on various issues of concern in respect of the legislation. The ELC understands that the proposed Bill is scheduled for reading in Parliament sometime next year. MOVIE PREMIERE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WASTE TO WEALTH The ELC was invited to participate in this conference that was held at the PWTC from 26 to 28 November 2007. Rajinder Kaur Gill from the ELC attended the 3 day conference on behalf of the ELC. The conference was very technical but certain topics were of interest to the ELC e.g the implementation of solid waste management in Malaysia, reducing global warming and recycling. The ELC had also organised a movie premiere for the screening of the movie National Treasure Book of Secrets. The movie premiere was held on 22.12.2007 at the GSC Berjaya Times Square. The movie premiere was held to raise funds for the ELC’s children’s environmental camp, which the ELC hopes to organise in 2008. 48 tickets were sold for premier class seats which also included refreshments prior to the screening. CONCLUSION In conclusion, I would like to thank all the committee members for their support to the ELC and their efforts in organising the above events. I am especially grateful to all the ELC members who have sacrificed their time to attend meetings, the conferences and the events organised by the ELC. ENERGY AUDIT The ELC has also embarked on an energy audit exercise of the Bar Council Secretariat. The energy audit is headed by Wong Ee Lynn who is assisted by the staff of the Bar Council Secretariat. The energy audit team has already completed its compilation of its statistics and is currently working with the Chief Executive Officer in implementing various steps in reducing the energy used in the Secretariat. It is hoped that with the implementation of the audit committee’s recommendations, the Bar Council will be able to reduce its electricity bills and also reduce the energy consumption at the secretariat. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Chairperson Environmental Law Committee INAUGURAL MALAYSIAN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY CONFERENCE 2007 - STARTING ON THE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY JOURNEY As the ELC had been actively involved in the energy audit exercise this year, we are of the view that this conference would give our members the opportunity to gain knowledge and exposure on the current issues pertaining to sustainable energy. Hence, the ELC had taken the initiative to sponsor 2 of its members to participate in the Inaugural Malaysian Sustainable Energy Conference which was organised by the Centre for Environment, Technology & Development, Malaysia (CETDEM) from 05.11.2007 to 06.11.2007. This A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 E N V I R O N M E N TA L L AW 45 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Information Technology Committee Raja Riza Shazmin Chairperson Steven Wong Deputy Chairperson Committee members Abdul Rashid Ismail M. Reza Hassan Deepak Pillai Norliza Rasool Khan Mohd Izral Khairy Krishna Roy Sreenivasan Richard Wee Thiam Seng GK Ganesan Dato’ Muzzafirah Ahmad Fairuz 46 1. As a continuation of the main focus of the previous year’s committee, which strived to provide online registration and services (including but not limited to the pupillage registration process), this year the Information Technology Committee has endeavoured to enhance this service to members. This was done by:- 1.1 Conducting various meetings and discussions with the current provider; 1.2 The acquisition of a new semi dedicated server hosting service; 1.3 Augmentation of IT services for the Bar Rooms in the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex at Jalan Duta; and, 1.4 Acquiring the services of an IT Officer. 2. MEETINGS AND DISCUSSIONS HELD WITH SERVICE PROVIDERS 2.1 3. ACQUISITION OF NEW SEMI DEDICATED SERVER HOSTING SERVICE 3.1 Sometime in December, 2007, we acquired a new and more reliable semi dedicated server hosting service. 3.2 The necessity for a new semi dedicated server hosting service is apparent in order to cope with the intensity and influx of traffic due to the increase in the membership of the KL Bar. 3.2.1 This new semi dedicated server hosting service would ensure that despite the intensity in traffic, members would still be served suitably well. 3.2.2 This new semi dedicated server hosting service would ensure that the eNewsletters would be issued to members smoothly and efficiently. I N F O R M AT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y Meetings and discussions were held with the current and other service providers in order to acquire new suggestions and ideas on ways to improve the KLBC’s services to members. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 4. HARDWARE FOR BAR ROOM IN THE KUALA LUMPUR COURT COMPLEX AT JALAN DUTA 4.1 It is a known fact that technology evolves at a staggering pace. With this in mind, we are especially keen to augment the IT services at the Bar Rooms at the Courts in Jalan Duta. 4.2 We hope to be able to soon provide members with the latest hardware and software at the Bar Rooms together with internet facilities in order to ensure that members obtain fast and instant information which is crucial in today’s IT world. 5. IT OFFICER 5.1 Realising further the need to monitor the IT affairs at the secretariat on a constant basis, we are of the view that an IT Officer should be employed on a full time basis. 5.2 At the time of this report, the scope of the IT Officer’s duties are being finalised and we hope to advertise the position in the daily newspapers and online. 5.2.1 It is envisaged that the IT Officer will work hand in hand with the Secretariat, thereby enhancing the KLBC’s services to its members. 5.2.2 This will also ensure that all IT related matters at the secretariat are dealt with more efficiently. 6. THE KL BAR IT FAIR 6.1 7. THE KL BAR WEBSITE 7.1 The KL Bar website continues to record good daily hits. It recorded hits of approximately 30,000 per day on average. 7.2 The advertising on the KL Bar website this year has provided income of RM33,450 compared to a sum of RM25,400 in 2006/07 and RM19,250 in 2005/06 for the KL Bar. 8. NOTE OF APPRECIATION 8.1 An IT Fair will be held on 21.02.2008 at the Legend Hotel, in conjunction with the AGM of the KL Bar, to enable members to view the latest Legal IT products available in the market in today’s IT savvy world. As we are moving towards a paperless era, we hope that members are able to benefit from this IT Fair. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to my committee members who had expended time and effort in ensuring that the committee is able to serve its members well. I N F O R M AT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y 47 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 8.2 I would also like to express my sincerest appreciation to Mary, Melissa, Indra and Rajan at the KL Bar secretariat for their input and support given. 8.3 Lastly, I hope that members have been able to benefit from the services provided and introduced. We welcome any suggestions and comments to enable us to continue to serve the members efficiently and to the best of our abilities. Raja Riza Shazmin Chairperson Information Technology Committee 48 I N F O R M AT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Publications Committee RELEVAN, the Kuala Lumpur Bar Newsletter, took on a new front cover this term in an effort to introduce a more sleek and contemporary look. The Publications Committee at its first meeting decided that it would publish 4 issues for the year 2007/2008. The first issue was published in April 2007, followed by the second issue in July 2007. At the time of the writing of this report, the third and fourth issues were scheduled for publication in December 2007 and January 2008 respectively. Brendan Navin Siva Chairperson Committee members Cheng Poh Heng Nicole Wee Rishwant Singh Brent Yap Hon Yean Yudistra Darma Dorai Shanmuga Kanesalingam Sudharsanan Thillainathan Sukhjit Kaur Gill Audrey Quay Sook Lyn S. Saravana Kumar The objectives of the Publications Committee were to bring attention to issues that were affecting the legal profession and the administration of justice as well as matters of public interest. The Publications Committee made a conscious attempt to be issues driven and to actively source for contributions from members on issues that were considered important to members of the Bar. We have attempted to highlight trends in the legal profession, such as blawgs, and activities of the KL Bar, such as the Charity Nite. Articles on issues and development of the law and legal practice were also featured. There was also a conscious attempt to import contributions and writings from foreign sources including speeches by judges from other commonwealth nations and transcripts of papers delivered as part of the CLE program of other jurisdictions. Regrettably, the number of articles received from members of the KL Bar continued to follow the declining trend of the previous years. Relevan also faces serious questions which will have to be tackled and addressed in the coming term. Given the increase in the popularity of blogs, websites, forums and other social networking appliances available on the internet, the old school hard copy publications like Relevan will continue to face difficulties in appealing to the needs and wishes of the members of the Bar. The incoming members of the Publications Committee for the next term face the task of transforming or reinventing the publication to meet these challenges. Relevan would not have been possible without the time, effort and sacrifice of its committee members and contributing authors. The new design and layout and the new approach to content are largely attributable to their efforts and initiatives. Brendan Navin Siva Chairperson Publications Committee A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 P U B L I C AT I O N S 49 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Pupils Welfare Committee STRUCTURE The Pupils Welfare Committee (“PWC”) was re-structured at the beginning of the term. PWC for this term consists of 3 Units:- Richard Wee Thiam Seng Chairperson Committee members Lee Chooi Peng Susamma Thomas Hairul Azam Bin Hambali Ally Chong Wai Kuan Dipendra A/L Harshad Rai Sarah Kambali Sandesh Kabir Singh Edward Saw Keat Leong Azlan Bin Abdul Ro’ni a. The Main Unit consisting of members above; b. Advisory Panel, consisting of 3 senior members of the Bar:1. Puan Hendon bt Haji Mohamed 2. Mr Dennis Appaduray 3. Mr Lim Chee Wee c. Pupils Representative Unit, consisting of a few pupils The Main Unit carries out most of the committee’s project and plans. The advisory panel was formed to give PWC members an avenue to seek opinions and guidance from senior members of the Bar on issues regarding pupillage. As for the Pupils Representative Unit, the membership is ever-changing, as pupils already called to Bar will be left out and new pupils will be added on. The primary purpose of this Unit is to give opinions and ideas to the Main Unit. This Unit has turned out to be very useful whenever PWC plans a project as we gain direct views from pupils. PROJECTS These are some significant projects carried out by PWC:1. Pupils’ Pamphlet This Blue Coloured Pamphlet printed out an A4 paper, and folded into a pamphlet format has turned out to be a hit. Pupils now need not rely on advice from other pupils on the Pupillage procedures. Instead the Pamphlet acts as a one-paper guide, giving pupils a step-by-step guide on Pupillage. Copies of the Blue Pamphlet are available at KL Bar Secretariat, Bar Rooms and the Rayuan Dan Kuasa-kuasa Khas (RKKK) Registry of the Kuala Lumpur High Court. 50 P U P I L S W E L FA R E A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 2. Seminars/Workshops • PWC conducted seminars, called ‘The Whole Nine Yard’ at Universities and Law Schools around Kuala Lumpur. At these seminars, members of PWC will give advice to soon-to-be pupils on the procedures, the do’s and don’ts’ of Pupillage etc. The academic institutions have requested we return to carry out more of these seminars. • Over and above these seminars, PWC also joined force with the Young Lawyers Committee (YLC), when they visited the Universities and Law Schools for YLC’s workshop, “Managing Expectations”. At these workshops PWC members get to discuss and impart advice and experiences about practice to these incoming lawyers. The workshops were well received, and like PWC’s above mentioned seminars, these workshops look like another permanent feature in University and Law School calendars. • In December 2007, PWC also organised a Forum relating to the newly imposed Ethics Programme, run by Bar Council. There were much rumbles and complaints about the high rate of failure for the test on Ethics. Many pupils also complained of late reply by Test Markers, which sometimes resulted in the pupils’ “Long Call” being delayed. At the Forum, Lim Chee Wee and Steven Thiru spoke and explained to the pupils on the change in the Ethics programme and the expectation, expected of the pupils. Puan Hendon also spoke during the Forum. 3. Social functions/activities PWC co-hosted a Social event with the YLC called the “Young Professionals Evening”. This event also saw the attendance of many other professionals, namely the Engineers, Pharmacists, Chartered Secretaries etc etc. More than 150 people were present and Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, Dato Liow Tiong Lai, graced the event. The Young Professionals Evening was designed to give members and pupils networking and interaction opportunities with other professionals. Many pupils attended that party and PWC hopes to organise many more of such events. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 P U P I L S W E L FA R E 51 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 4. Legal Career Fair On 12.01.2008, PWC hosted the inaugural Legal Career Fair. Held at The Legend Hotel, KL, almost 400 people visited the Career Fair, where 23 Legal Firms and 2 Major Oil and Gas Companies were there to meet these visitors. The objective of the Fair was simple – give a platform for people looking for jobs, to meet people looking for employees. To a large extent, that objective was reached. The Legal Firms came prepared for the Career Fair, and the innovative and striking design of many of the booths at the Fair was testament to this. From the feedback received, the Career Fair looks likely to be a regular feature in the KL Bar Calendar. 5. Surveys relating to the allowance of pupils Issues of pupils’ allowance and working conditions were surveyed. Results of that Survey were discussed at KL Bar Committee meetings and KL Bar with PWC as the working arm, has reacted to the results of the survey to improve the Pupillage programme. Enclosed with this Report are the Results of some of the Surveys conducted. OTHER YEAR ROUND ACTIVITIES Other than the above said projects, PWC also carried out research to improve the current pupillage system. PWC studied the Legal Profession Act to try and interpret the relevant provision “Short Calls”, to hear the same before the Registrars instead of the current system of having the same before Judges. PWC explored this issue to try lessen the workload of Judges, and also to ensure “Short Call” Hearing Dates can be brought forward as the Deputy and Senior Assistant Registrars would be able to absorb more Calls. An opinion was drafted and sent to Bar Council for review. However the consensus is that the Legal Profession Act may need amendments to carry out this proposal. PWC members are also in constant communication with the High Court’s RKKK registry, to ensure that pupil’s “Short Calls” and “Long Calls” are running 52 P U P I L S W E L FA R E smoothly. We are pleased to repor t that the relationship between PWC and the Court’s RKKK registry is healthy and positive. CONCLUSION PWC hopes Legal Firms in Kuala Lumpur would consider improving allowances given to pupils. It is encouraging that many Legal Firms now have increased the allowances over the years, and PWC hopes this trend will continue. With the increase in living costs, this allowance no more act as a pocket money, but for many of these pupils, it is a crucial source of income. I also urge the Bar Council to form a Special Committee to safeguard the Pupils welfare Committee at National Level, which in my opinion is essential to ensure a uniform pupillage system all over the country. With that, I wish to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Advisory Panel who agreed to act as advisers to the PWC. In addition, I must commend that all members of the Main Unit of PWC were helpful and cooperative. Despite their busy practice, the Main Unit members spent many hours to help out with providing ideas and/or carrying out the many Projects we set out to do. I thank you. The input and comments of many pupils who were members of the Pupils Representative Unit are also much appreciated. PWC also expresses thanks to the KL Bar Committee members who were supportive of the projects and activities of PWC. Lastly, as Chair of PWC, I wish to take this opportunity to record my deepest thanks to Ms Mary and Ms Melissa Dass of KL Bar, whose efforts sometimes went beyond contractual obligations, and these efforts helped make many projects of PWC a success. Richard Wee Thiam Seng Chairperson Pupils Welfare Committee A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Results of some of the Surveys conducted by the PWC Pupillage Allowance Number of Pupils Percentage 4 45 61 64 26 200 2 22 31 32 13 100% Below RM500 Between RM500 - RM750 Between RM751 - RM1,000 Between RM1,000 - RM1,500 Above RM1,500 TOTAL April - January 2008 394 Pupils Question Choices Throughout your pupillage, Pupillage Allowance what aspects of pupillage do Communication with KL Bar Committee you think can be improved? Communication with your Master Total Percentage 275 70% 75 19% 128 32% CLE Programmes 84 21% Information on pupillage 166 42% Information on future job prospects 243 62% Are you aware of the existence Yes of KL Bar’s Pupils Welfare Committee? No 284 72% 99 25% What are your average working 40-45 Hours a week hours during your pupillage 45-50 Hours a week (excluding lunch hour)? 50-60 Hours a week 111 28% 174 44% 100 25% 231 59% 157 40% How much legal work have less than 50% since I started my pupillage 93 you done during your pupillage? more than 50% since I started my pupillage 290 24% How much clerical work have less than 50% since I started my pupillage you done during your pupillage more than 50% since I started my pupillage A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 P U P I L S W E L FA R E 74% 53 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| As you may be aware, a series of Seminars on Civil Litigation, Criminal/Human Rights Litigation, Conveyancing and Bankruptcy Proceedings/Wills, Probate and Administration of Estate. What other areas would you be interested in? Banking Litigation 197 50% Intellectual Property 178 45% Employment Law 158 40% Maritime Law 116 29% Taxation 113 29% Syariah Law 114 29% 43 11% 83 21% 15 4% Continuing Legal Education Committee 41 10% Environmental Law Committee 17 4% Information Technology Committee 17 4% Legal Aid Management Panel 118 30% Publications Committee 15 4% Pupils Welfare Committee 74 19% Sports Committee 71 18% Social, Arts & Culture Committee 94 24% Young Lawyers Committee 159 40% Would you be interested in Conyevancing Committee serving in the KL Bar Committee Criminal Practice Committee and if so, in which subCourt Liaison Committee committees? 54 P U P I L S W E L FA R E A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| SOCIAL, ARTS & CULTURE COMMITTEE ANNUAL DINNER & DANCE Ivan Wong Ee-Vern Chairperson Committee members Muhendaran Suppiah Oon Hooi Lin Melissa Ram Dinesh Kanavaji Musyrifah Abdul Malek Carmen Teh Poh Luan Rachael Tan Sung Ling The Annual Dinner and Dance this year was a grand affair to commemorate our 15th Anniversary. It was held at the Ballroom at the Westin Kuala Lumpur on 01.12.2007. The Committee concentrated this year to make the Dinner a little less formal. Entertainment was provided by the band Slick Material who had also ably backed our 2007 KL Bar Idol, Chryshantini Niles who dazzled the crowd with two songs. Comedy Court provided the laughs at the end of the night. Coupled with great lucky draw prizes and a very innovative dinner menu served up by the able staff at the Westin, the general feedback received from members was that it was one of the better annual dinners ever held. BLOOD DONATION A blood donation drive was held at the Bar Room at the new Kuala Lumpur Court Complex on 20.08.2007 with the assistance of Pusat Darah Negara. A total of 44 units of blood were collected from generous donors. LEXISNEXIS-KL BAR MOTOR TREASURE HUNT The LexisNexis-KL Bar Motor Treasure Hunt took place on 08.09.2007 for the second year running. Participation from the general public was well received but the turnout from lawyers was less encouraging this time with around 15 cars taking part. Thanks to the very generous sponsors, all the participants in the Closed Category (consisting of lawyers and staff of LexisNexis) went home with a prize. The Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the management and staff of LexisNexis for organising another fantastic Hunt. All nett proceeds of the Hunt were split between the co-organisers to be channeled towards charitable causes. The Kuala Lumpur Bar’s share was RM3,000.00 which is to be channeled to Yayasan Sunbeam Homes. MOUNT KINABALU CLIMB The Committee had also organised a Mount Kinabalu climb on 10.11.2007. Six (6) members of the Bar took part in the climb including the organiser Muhendaran, Anand Ponnudurai, Ivan Wong, Christopher Lee, Maria Mohd Haris and Carolyn Danker. Prior to the Climb, training sessions were held every Saturday for almost 3 months in Bukit Gasing and Batu Caves in preparation for the Climb. Though not all the members made it to the top of Low’s Peak, the trip was indeed made memorable for all by the amazing scenery around Mount Kinabalu. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 S O C I A L , A R T S & C U LT U R E 55 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| MISCELLANEOUS EVENTS • The Committee had arranged for a special discount for members for a play called “URMI” at Istana Budaya on 15.06.2007. 13 members attended the play. • A visit to the fireflies’ sanctuary in Kuala Selangor was organised on 14.07.2007 which was attended by 22 members. The Committee felt it was a worthwhile event due to reports that the fireflies colony was slowly depleting. • A Monthly Get-Together was also mooted at the beginning of the term by the committee which was to be held on the last Friday of every month. The first 2 Get-Togethers were very successful but interest waned considerably by the third event. • In the pipeline is a visit to Yayasan Sunbeam Homes which is slated for the end of January 2008. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the committee members who have all worked tirelessly in all our activities. Ivan Wong Ee-Vern Chairperson Social, Arts & Culture Committee 56 S O C I A L , A R T S & C U LT U R E A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Sports Committee 1. COMMITTEE MEMBERS The following convenors were appointed to assist in the organising of the following games :- Anand Ponnudurai Chairperson i. ii. iii iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Badminton Cricket Hockey Netball Soccer Squash Tennis Volleyball : : : : : : : : 2. ANNUAL SERIES 2.1 A.I. Nathan Alex De Silva K. Vijayaraj Marie-Julie Wan Ullok Robert Low Peh Khaik Kew Yeoh Cho Keong Dinesh Kanavaji 7th KL Bar/Selangor Bar Games (Lall Singh Muker Challenge Trophy) After successfully winning the trophy hosted by the Selangor Bar in 2006, the 7th series was hosted by the KL Bar at various venues on the 12th & 13th January 2007. The KL Bar started on a winning note when they beat the Selangor Bar and won the Kandiah Chelliah Trophy for Golf on the 12.01.2007 at the IOI Palm Garden Resort. The KL Bar then went on to compete with the Selangor Bar in hockey, snooker, netball, volleyball, football and badminton on the 13.01.2007, wherein the KL Bar triumphed in all except football. As such, the KL Bar retained the Lall Singh Muker Challenge Trophy with an overall score of 6 -1 as follows :GAME WON Golf Badminton Hockey Netball Soccer Snooker Volleyball A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 SPORTS BY KL Bar KL Bar KL Bar KL Bar Selangor Bar KL Bar KL Bar SCORE 358 – 328 3–2 6–0 17 – 2 2 -5 3 -1 3 -2 57 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| The prize presentation was done at the final night dinner which was held at the Royal Selangor Club on 13.01.2007 which was well attended by most participants. The KL Bar looks forward to retaining the trophy at the 8th series to be hosted by the Selangor Bar in early 2008. 2.2 17th Sports Carnival – KL Bar vs Royal Selangor Club (Tan Sri Dato’ Harun Hashim Challenge Trophy) The 17th Sports Carnival was scheduled to be held and co-hosted during the week beginning 20.11.2006 with various games being played culminating in the field games such as soccer, netball, cricket and hockey being played at their Kiara Sports Annexe on the 25.11.2006 and followed by dinner / prize presentation. However, due to inclement weather, the 17th series was adjourned and subsequently re-scheduled for 26.05.2007. As the KL Bar had only won this series once in the past (1990), I had urged the respective convenors to put special effort to try and win this series despite the difficulty of facing opponents who play the respective sports very regularly as opposed to our members. 7 games were played in the series this year, namely cricket, hockey, soccer, tennis, netball, snooker and badminton with the “boat race” left for the final night prize-presentation dinner to be held at the RSC Kiara. The results at the time of the dinner was 4 – 3 in favour of the KL Bar with the KL Bar having come out tops in tennis, netball, snooker and badminton whilst the RSC won cricket, hockey and soccer. We therefore intended to claim overall victory for the 17th series. However, the RSC Sports Chairman highlighted that since there are individual trophy for each individual sport including for “boat race”, the “boat race” ought to be included in the overall score tally. They also were of the view that if the RSC won the “boat race” and the series therefore tied, the RSC would retain the trophy on the basis of being defending champions. Although we have traditionally lost to the RSC in the “boat race” (for obvious reasons), I had no choice but to agree to their suggestion and the rationale for the same. We then proceeded to 58 SPORTS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| put together a scratch team of 4 men and 1 lady and surprisingly we did defeat the RSC to win the overall series. The individual scores were as follows :- GAME WON Cricket Hockey Soccer Tennis Netball Snooker / Pool Badminton Boat Race WON BY RSC RSC RSC KL Bar KL Bar KL Bar KL Bar KL Bar SCORE 3 Wicket 1–3 2 -3 4 -3 21 – 18 4 -3 5–0 This Series is also an important event on the RSC sports calendar and they have vowed to defeat us in the 18th Series to be co-hosted sometime in 2008. 3. INTER-STATE BAR TOURNAMENT The KL Bar has traditionally emerged overall champions in Inter State Bar tournaments organised by the Bar Council in the past. However, the Bar Council Sports Committee has decided to cease the Annual Inter State Bar Games and to replace it with a quadripartite games whereby State Bar teams will be categorised into 4 zones and various games to be played. The KL Bar has been asked to host the first quadripartite games and we anticipate to host the same in early 2008. 4. HOCKEY The KL Bar hockey team was invited to participate in an international 7 a-side hockey tournament organised in KL in July 2007. Despite fielding a team of mostly “aging and veteran” lawyers, the KL Bar did well and emerged champions of the Bowl Category. 5. GENERAL A volleyball court at the Bangsar Sports Complex is booked on the 2nd and last Sunday of each month from 5.00pm to 7.00pm. Similarly, a badminton court is booked at the SBA hall in Kampung Attap every Thursday from 6.00pm to 8.30pm. These bookings are to enable members and pupils to play the respective sports on a regular basis and to interact with other members and there is active participations from both members and pupils at these sessions. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 SPORTS 59 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 6. NOTE OF THANKS I wish to place on record my thanks to all convenors for sacrificing their time and effort in organising their respective games. The committee also wishes to thank all donors for the trophies and sponsorship in various forms in the past years which greatly contributed towards the success of the various sports activities. Last but not least, the committee thanks all “sporting members” who have participated and supported the various activities of the Sport Committee over the past year. Whilst participation has increased and is encouraging in general, it is hoped that more members in particular the younger lawyers, will participate in the coming years’ activities. Anand Ponnudurai Chairperson Sports Committee 60 SPORTS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Young lawyers Committee This term marked a very important milestone for the young lawyers of the Kuala Lumpur Bar. For the 1st time since its formation in 1995, this committee (“YLC”) became a fully-fledged committee within the Kuala Lumpur Bar and was no longer was considered as an invitee. The abolishing of the first limb of section 46A of the Legal Profession Act 1978 has now, resulted in, lawyers below 7 years of practice able to contest in the Bar Council and State Bar elections for the first time in almost 29 years. This is indeed a tremendous achievement and a vote of confidence in the ability of the young lawyers. Credit and deep appreciation must also be given to the previous term office bearers who fought hard to repeal the first limb of section 46A. Dipendra Harshad Rai Chairperson This term, the YLC was structured into 4 Sub-units designed to ensure that all the needs of young lawyers were taken care off. The Sub-units are as follows: Lee Shih Deputy Chairperson (a) Community Projects Unit – a Sub-unit designed to look into community and welfare driven projects; (b) External Liaison Unit – a Sub-unit designed to engage and promote close working relationship with other professional bodies and organisations, universities whether domestic or international; (c) Human Rights and Legal Struggles Unit – a Sub-unit designed to look into the human rights and civil liberties issues in Kuala Lumpur and to act as a “watchdog”; and KL Bar Rep to NYLC Seira Abu Bakar (d) Committee members Jenny Pong Yen Nee Musyrifah Abdul Malek Francesca Phillip Cynthia Chan Huey Ming Marie Soong Mei Yee Madelene Tan Sheryl Tan Benjamin Sathyanandam Zainurazira Zainal Sarah Kambali Sandesh Kabir Singh Tan Pei Lyn Practice Management Unit – a Sub-unit designed to look into practice issues affecting young lawyers and to ensure that young lawyers are able to equipped to face the demands of the legal profession. At this stage, and before I report on the various activities carried out by the YLC, I feel that it would only be appropriate to express my gratitude to the lawyers (and unit members) that have been extremely pivotal in ensuring that the activities of the YLC were so successfully executed. Their passion, dedication and enthusiasm know no boundaries and are a testament that the future of the Bar in general is extremely positive and bright indeed. Sub-unit Heads Lai Chee Hoe Vincent Tey Janet Chai Sunil Lopez Chris Soon Dinesh Nair R Ragunanthanan A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 The following individuals: Janet Chai, Vincent Tey, Lai Chee Hoe and Sunil Lopez performed their tasks and responsibilities as sub-unit chairs so remarkably well. I must also thank Benjamin Sathyanandam and Fareez Jinnah for producing great video promos of the YLC activities, YOUNG LAWYERS 61 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Patricia Woo Patrick Lim Tow Chai Elaine Yap Ng Su-San Athena Ang Farez Jinnah Foo Yueh Jiin Noreen Ariff R. Mogana Das Nur Hidayah Ruth Maran Tracy Hah Joshua Kevin Richard Wee T S Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal James Ding Tse Wen Alan Teoh Tiffany Heah Edmund Bon Tay Choon Howe Alicia Tan May Sien Jonathan Lim Joshinae Wong Chong Wai Kuan Chian Huey Choo Dee Wei Tan Siok Keng Yip Huen Weng See Xien Mohd Razlan Azlan Bin Abdul Ro’ni and Seira Abu Bakar for liaising as the YLC representative to the National Young Lawyers Committee. Last, but not the least, my trusted and ever reliable deputy, Lee Shih, who has been instrumental in ensuring that, despite the hectic calendar, the YLC continued to carry out its activities in an organised and dynamic fashion for the benefit of the younger members of the KL Bar. His independence and untiring efforts throughout the year have certainly made my job without doubt, easier. I also wish to thank the KLBC members and the Chairman who were, by and large, supportive of the activities carried out by the YLC and indeed Ms Melissa Dass, the Executive Officer in charge of the YLC for her tireless behind the scenes work. ACTIVITIES 1. “Open Day” at the new Kuala Lumpur Court Complex on 17.04.2007 The Practice Management Unit of the YLC organised an informal ‘Open Day’ for, mainly its young members, at the new Kuala Lumpur Court Complex in Jalan Duta. The ‘Open Day’ was attended by approximately 150 members and pupils-in-chambers. Also in attendance were the President and Treasurer of the Malaysian Bar and the objective of this ‘Open Day’ was to allow members and pupils in chambers to familiarise themselves with the layout of the new court complex and its surroundings areas. 2. Observation of R Subashini v. T Saravanan at the Federal Court in Putrajaya on 14.05.2007 The aforementioned case was one of major public interest and of constitutional importance. As such, the Human Rights Unit decided to organise a visit to the Palace of Justice to witness the application for leave to appeal on 14.05.2007 at the Federal Court, Putrajaya. A total of 6 young lawyers attended the hearing on that day. The aim of the observation was to create awareness among young lawyers on matters of constitutional importance. 3. Talk on “Global Legal Opportunities” on 16.05.2007 The Practice Management Unit organised a talk on “Global Legal Opportunities” by Penny Carey, an Associate Dean with the University of Hertfordshire. Approximately 68 lawyers attended the Talk which was aimed at creating awareness on global legal trends and the future of the legal profession. Indeed, the topic was highly relevant, as it addressed a hot topic affecting the legal practice i.e. the liberalisation of the Malaysian legal service in the face of globalisation. 62 YOUNG LAWYERS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 4. Social Event with members of other professional bodies – 25.05.2007 The External Liaison Unit organised an informal get-together with members of various other disciplines namely the pharmacists, engineers and company secretaries at Souled Out, Desa Sri Hartamas. This event, although informal was also held to discuss the formation of a Young Professionals Alliance. 5. KL Bar Idol 2007 and Charity Nite 2007 on 29.06.2007 The Community Projects Unit organised the most happening charity event in the Kuala Lumpur Bar calendar. This year was indeed historic as the YLC raised a record sum in excess of RM35,000.00 for charity. The event also saw a record attendance of 550 people packing into Maison. Yet another feather in the YLC cap is that for the first time, young lawyers from four states: Kuala Lumpur, Perak, Malacca and Johor jointly helped organised the West Coast Charity Nite at the abovementioned locations on the same day. It was truly a memorable event and the working together of young lawyers from the different states showcased the abilities of young lawyers. The KL event was also attended by members of the Singapore YLC. All the proceeds from the night would be donated to the two adopted charities, the Sri Shenbagavali Asram Home, a home for underprivileged children and old folks, as well as the Persatuan Dialisis Touch Petaling Jaya, a haemodialysis centre set up to cope with the increasing number of end-stage renal failure patients. The highlight of this year’s Charity Nite was the 2nd edition of the Kl Bar Idol. This year saw four female finalists: Chryshantini Niles (Shook Lin & Bok), Suhaizah (Raja Darryl & Loh), Nur Hidayah (Zaid Ibrahim & Co) and Ruth Garnet Maran (Skrine) took to the stage and sang their hearts out in front of an appreciative audience. The Idol finalists had been rehearsing hard for weeks with the All-Lawyer Band. The YLC owes so much to the very charitable minded lawyers of the KL Bar and the finalists (including the 2 “guest singers” Ng Yoke Mui and Fahri Azzat) who helped raise so much money for charity. Unfortunately, and these things do happen, there could only be one winner and Chryshantini Niles was crowned KL Bar Idol 2007 for having raised the most money for charity. 6. Visit to the Universities and Private Law Colleges The External Liaison Sub-unit together with the Pupils Welfare Committee visited the various universities and private law colleges this term: A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 (a) Kemayan –ATC on 08.09.2007; YOUNG LAWYERS 63 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| (b) Universiti Malaya- 15.09.2007; and (c) University ITM - 22.09.2007 The purpose of these visits was to manage the expectations of law students (mainly final year law students) as they are on the verge of coming out into pupillage and practice. The Visits were designed to give these law students an idea on what to expect after graduation, expectations of employers, how to apply for pupillage places and career options open to them. It was indeed an eye opener for the law students as well as the YLC members as it enabled both to understand the expectations of each other. It is the aim of this Sub-unit to visit more universities and private colleges in the coming term. 7. The ‘Aid Legal Aid’ Project The Aid Legal Aid project was a campaign to promote legal aid amongst lawyers in the month of September. The month of September was designated as the Aid Legal Aid (A.L.A.) month. The objective of the project was to create awareness about legal aid amongst lawyers and to publicise the dire need for volunteers to assist the legal aid centre. This project included the distribution of Aid Legal Aid badges and the posting of Aid Legal Aid posters in Court. The project lasted one month and lawyers were encouraged to wear the Aid Legal Aid badge for the duration of the month as a sign of support. Special dispensation to do so was requested and obtained from Court enabling lawyers to wear this badge. The Human Rights Unit hopes that the A.L.A campaign, while designed to run for only one month, will garner more interest with all lawyers alike. The Human Rights Unit will be working with the Legal Aid Centre KL to explore other ways of ensuring a better participation of lawyers in legal aid matters. 8. Walk For Justice on 26.09.2007 The Human Rights Unit was heavily involved at the planning and execution stages of this event which was spearheaded by the Bar Council Human Rights Committee. This event showcased a successful participation of all lawyers committed to a free and independent judiciary. 9. Majlis Berbuka Puasa at Uncle Don, Plaza Damas on 03.10.2007 About 30 lawyers and friends, including fellow members from the Selangor Bar, came together to celebrate the breaking of fast and at the same time to meet and catch up with colleagues and other members of the KL Bar. Saudara Amir Mursyidi got the proceedings under way with a reading of doa to mark the breaking of the fast and all those present were all treated to a scrumptious array of mouth watering briyani accompanied by generous portions of chicken, mutton, satay and ketupat. Not forgetting too was that the food was washed down with sweet air sirap bandung, teh tariks and fruit juices. The Majlis Berbuka Puasa organised by the YLC was more than marking the breaking of fast for the day. It provided an opportunity for all lawyers and their friends irrespective of belief and persuasion to come together, celebrate an auspicious event and at the same time meet old friends and update themselves in the process on the latest happenings at the Bar. The occasion itself was a perfect opportunity to showcase our strengths and diversity and that by giving and sharing, we can continue to make this country a better place for the future. 64 YOUNG LAWYERS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 10. Formation of Young Professionals Alliance (“YPA”) on 17.11.2007@ the Si Khiong Star Mercedes Benz Autohaus The YLC led the way in the formation of the YPA on 17.11.2007. The YPA was officially launched by Datuk Liow Tiong Lai, the Deputy Minister for Youth and Sports and featured the coming together of many professional bodies. In particular, YPA was formed with professionals from the engineering, pharmaceutical, company secretarial and the legal profession. There were also professionals from other bodies who came to support this event, namely psychologists, surveyors and chemists who have all expressed keen interest in joining the YPA. The YPA is a body consisting of young professionals from different professional institutions in Malaysia. The main aims of the Alliance are the strengthening of ties among professionals, the sharing of knowledge among its members, as well as the pooling of resources in order to serve the community at large. The YPA is also non political, non religious and is open to all professionals. It is expected that the YPA will play a larger role in the development of young professionals in this country. The YLC is committed to the YPA as it is an excellent platform to ensure that young lawyers continue to strive and excel themselves in a strong and vibrant environment and at the same time uphold the ideals of the Bar. This event was also jointly supported by the KL Bar Pupils Welfare Committee. 11. Investigation of complaints on the Sessions Court in Semenyih Immigration Centre The Human Right Unit, working with the Legal Aid Centre KL, carried out an assessment of the Sessions Court (Criminal Division) at the Semenyih Immigration Detention Camp in respect of violations of the rights of accused persons and procedural irregularity of proceedings. Members of the HRU volunteered to assist by attending and observing court proceedings at the aforementioned Sessions Court. The observers from the HRU noted that that the Court was overloaded with cases. There were too many cases scheduled for mention for one Court to accommodate. It was also noted that almost all of the accused persons were without legal representation and they were generally treated with disdain by the detention camp staff and the Court police officers. The detainees/accused were made to squat outside Court. After their cases were disposed with, they were taken outside the Court and their arms were marked with permanent ink markers by the camp staff/court police officers 12. Walk for Justice Part 2: The Walk is Over, Now its time to talk This was a forum organised by the Human Right Unit for among other things, to discuss the state of the Malaysian Judiciary. The forum began with the KL Bar YLC Chair, giving a brief overview of the Bar’s stand on the recording of the video clip of a phone conversation purportedly featuring a senior lawyer. The forum consisted of speeches by Dr. Azmi Sharom, Associate Professor at the University of Malaya and Haris Ibrahim, Richard Wee Thiam Seng reading an excerpt from “May Day for Justice” and Fahri Azzat, reciting two poems. The audience comprising of members of the public and civil society groups, recognised the perilous state of the Judiciary and re-affirmed that steps must be taken to ensure that the Judiciary remains free and fair to all and no external influence is present. Whilst the Royal Commission set up is most welcomed indeed, an Independent Commission for the Appointment and Promotion of Judges would be a strong indication of the government’s desire to ensure that the Judiciary remained independent and public confidence restored. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 YOUNG LAWYERS 65 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 13. Obser vation of the BERSIH rally on10.11.2007 Members of the Human Rights Unit assisted the Bar Council Human Rights Committee during the BERSIH rally on 10.11.2007 by acting as observers at the rally and rendering assistance at the IPK KL where a number of participants of the Rally who were arrested had been taken to. The YLC hopes to achieve much more next term. Various projects are already in the offing and in the planning stages. The YLC aims to be a complete committee looking into the needs of not only young lawyers but all lawyers in general. I must also record my deep appreciation to the National Young Lawyers Committee and its Chair for being ever so supportive and providing the necessary advice during the execution of our activities. I have no doubt that with a strong YLC, the future of the KL Bar looks bright and positive. I hope to see more lawyers come to the forefront with a goal of serving the Bar and providing support to the various committees whilst ensuring that the objectives of the KL Bar are met. Dipendra Harshad Rai Chairperson Young Lawyers Committee 66 YOUNG LAWYERS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) The Panel INTRODUCTION The year 2007 has been a hectic year for the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur). New events have taken place resulting in unceasing demand for our assistance. The Centre in short has been a bustling beehive of activities. We have attempted to deal with the various challenges in the best possible manner given our limited resources. Now is the time to evaluate our work in progress. Ravi Nekoo Chairperson Honorary Secretary Alexis Diana Assistant Honorary Secretary Latheefa Koya Treasurer Harleen Kaur Members K M Nachammai Nik Nurul Atiqah Nik Yusof Ellysyeliza Mat Desa N Sivanesan Ramesh Lachmanan M Moganambal Selva Rani Thiyagarajah Magesan R Ayavoo Nicholas Netto R. Ragunanthanan Sivarasa Rasiah Saravana Kumar Puspawati Rosman Abd Shukor Tokachil Sukhvinder Kaur Chahl Ravinder Singh Dhaliwal Preetam Kaur So Chien Hao A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 During the year the Centre has assisted 15,105 clients, by giving legal advise, representation and legal intervention through its various ongoing programs. That is 50% more compared to the previous year when we had attended to 10,062 clients. (Please refer to attached statistics on programs). The persons assisted include 1,804 walk-in clients under the LAC and Syariah clinics, 1,679 persons interviewed in prisons, 4,200 detainees assisted under the Dock Brief Program and thousands of migrant workers under the LAC/Tenaganita Program. The BCLAC (KL) also assisted hundreds of persons through its clinics in partnership with NGO’s such as AWAM, WAO, SIS, UNHCR and PTF. A total of 399 files were opened during the year of which 288 have been assigned. The Centre has also encouraged the use of legal intervention to resolve cases in a direct and effective manner. To date 32 cases have been recorded. The Centre continues to maintain its close relationship with its NGO partners such as All Women’s Action Society (AWAM), Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO), Sisters in Islam (SIS), Tenaganita, Pink Triangle Foundation (PTF), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and their input is helpful in giving the Management Panel a different perspective on certain issues. In the year 2007, the Centre also saw the birth of a new group of young lawyers called “Legal AIDERS”. The “Legal AIDERS” are a group of energetic, talented and enthusiastic lawyers eager to assist the BCLAC (KL) and its various activities and programs (refer to Legal Awareness committee report). Year 2007 also saw our “Urgent Arrest” Team extremely busy attending to several public interest litigation. Unlike 2006 when eviction matters took the forefront of public interest litigation, in 2007 the BCLAC(KL) has to lend assistance to those who were arrested for having participated in illegal assemblies. Lawyers who heard of these arrests LEGAL AID 67 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| were present in IPK(KL) and Pulapol from noon to dawn to do the remand hearing. Lawyers also turned up in the Selayang Courts and Kuala Lumpur Courts to assist the clients. The pupils too were in the thick of action talking to clients and getting as much particulars as they can to assist the lawyers in the bail application. It was amazing to see the lawyers attending to the clients. They just prodded on selflessly without giving names or reacting to plaudits. Their commitment was exemplary. To all of these volunteer lawyers and pupils who joined us in assisting the clients, we extend our heartfelt appreciation. The BCLAC (KL) in addition to its regular service programs also carries out and is involved in various other programs and activities, such as: Education – Besides legal advice and representation, many persons have been made aware of the law and their legal rights through educational and outreach programs conducted by BCLAC (KL). The BCLAC (KL) has conducted more than 10 programs in schools and organised talks in several communities including marginalised communities such as sex workers and transsexuals who have been informed and made aware of their legal rights. The BCLAC (KL) has also through TV3’s reality show “Nescafe Kick Start” and ASTRO’s “Sattam” advertised its services and educated the public on legal aid. Liaison Building – The BCLAC (KL) in 2007 also felt the importance in networking and liaison building with other groups and organisations. The main purpose of the networking was to give better quality service to clients. Among the groups the BCLAC (KL) met with and discussed better working relationship were the Welfare Department, Prisons Authorities, Police Districts Officers, Biro Bantuan Guaman, Malaysian Aids Council, International Red Cross, Myanmar and Nepalese Workers Support Groups, Shelter, PS The Children, Women Centre for Change, and SUARAM. Law Reform – The BCLAC (KL) has taken some steps to be involved in law reform initiatives. In April 2007 together with the Immigration Committee of the Bar Council the Centre undertook a five day observation and monitoring of the Semenyih detention courts. The Centre also attended and gave its input in a round-table conference called by SUHAKAM to discuss with all relevant government agencies, the issues of prison conditions and overcrowding. Talks and negotiations are ongoing with prisons and welfare authorities on the issue of proper rehabilitation programs for juveniles in prisons and remand homes. In addition, cases involving eviction of settlers have been challenged in the courts, in an attempt to push for reforms in this area. Currently the BCLAC (KL) in the process of drafting a new legal aid bill for the country. Attachment Students – The Centre’s attachment program has grown over the years. Students from public and private universities such as UM, IIUM, Taylor’s and HELP frequently visit and do attachment programs with BCLAC (KL). Students also come from Monash and other universities. BCLAC (KL) Website – The LAC Website has now been registered and is in the process of web-page construction. ( We would like to emphasise that what we have achieved to date would not have been possible had it not for the tremendous support of the many dedicated volunteer lawyers and pupils. We believe that with greater support from members of the Bar Council and KL Bar the Centre would be able to scale to greater heights and provide assistance, create and promote awareness, and provide legal aid to more deserving and marginalised members of the public. The following pages set out the various reports from the various sub-committees which show the range of activities that were undertaken and carried out this year. 68 LEGAL AID A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Finally, we take this opportunity to thank all the volunteer lawyers, our NGO partners, Project Heads, pupils and staff who have given us their support and assisted us in fulfilling our objectives. We hope to once again work together in the year 2008 and future years and fulfill our social obligations to the people. Thank you. Ravi Nekoo Chairperson B. STATISTICS 2007 BAR COUNCIL LEGAL AID CENTRE (KUALA LUMPUR) STATISTICS (JANUARY – DECEMBER 2007) CLIENT STATISTICS : SUMMARY 2007 Clinic/Programme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sungai Buloh Prison : * Malaysian clients * Migrant clients Kajang Women Prison Kajang Women Migrant Prison Kajang Men Prison Kajang Men Migrant Prison Juvenile Remand Home Dock Brief LAC/Syariah Clinic SIS AWAM PTF WOA Tenaganita UNHCR Public Interest Cases TOTAL A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 Clients 2005 1294 (876) (418) 181 153 Clients 2006 1285 (1010) (275) 200 84 121 5216 1898 523 571 87 102 998 11144 77 4714 1808 568 493 82 166 585 10062 LEGAL AID Clients JanDec 2007 1093 (764) (329) 139 88 217 26 116 4200 1804 673 387 10 173 2350 3360 469 15105 69 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| C. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. LAC CLINIC Report prepared by: Project Head, Nachammai Kumarappan Committee Members: Nachammai Kumarappan Alexis Diana Ahmad Ridza Jayaletchumi Rajaretnam Molly Gomez-Kerisnan Kalaiichelvii Ramesh Lachmanan Introduction The Legal Aid Centre Clinic (“LAC Clinic”) has been operating since 1983 at the secretariat to cater for members of public who walk-in to the LAC Clinic. The Clinic provides free legal advice for those qualifying under the means test, legal awareness, render legal representation and legal intervention. The LAC Clinic is supervised and managed by a group of volunteer lawyers under the LAC Clinic committee. The LAC Committee met 4 times and ironed out some administrative problems faced by the LAC Clinic. The LAC Clinic operates from Mondays to Fridays based at Legal Aid Centre, (KL) from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm. The Clientele (walk-in clients) comparison between 2006 and 2007 are as follows:NO 1 2 YEAR 2006 2007 NO OF CLIENTS 1586 (as at 8/12/06) 1580 (as at 6/12/07) The Clientele (legal representation rendered) comparison between 2006 and 2007 are as follows:NO 1 2 YEAR 2006 2007 NO OF CLIENTS 244 (as at 8/12/06) 326 (as at 6/12/07) The Legal Intervention This year saw a decrease in cases involving legal intervention where our pupils went to police station. NO 1. YEAR 2006 2. 2007 TOTAL NUMBERS NO OF PUPILS PARTICIPATED AREAS VISITED 51 cases 80 pupils Police, MPJ, Labour Dept, Asrama Sentul, JKM, Industrial Relations Dept, Magistrate/ Session/Traffic/Denmark Ct, Banks, Tanah Selangor, Amanah Raya 32 cases 60 pupils Police, JPN, HUKM, Labour Dept., Magistrate Courts The Committee/Volunteer Lawyers/Pupils There has been no increase in the lawyers volunteering to supervise the pupils and also take up cases especially criminal. As such we appeal to lawyers to come forth and volunteer themselves. 70 LEGAL AID A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our pupils, staff and handful of volunteer lawyers who help to manage this short fall. The Pupils Training The entire committee took part actively in the training program with help of LAC officers on a rotation basis where by two committee members supervised the training each time. We are indebted to our volunteer lawyers ( who not in the committee) such as Mr. D M Rao, Mr. Muhendaran, Dato’ Manpal Singh and Mr. Rabinder Singh who so graciously gave up their precious spare time for the Clinic and came in to train our pupils. Liaison Building The Clinic managed to network with various government agencies. 1. Meeting with Welfare Department (KL) – 18th May 2007 it was successful with referrals was made with the JKM departments 2. Meeting with Biro Bantuan Guaman – 8th May 2007 it was attended by officers from BBG and network been implemented especially outreach clinic- 3. Nescafe Kickstart by Derek Chong by TV3 The LAC Clinic also participated in this reality show where the contestant Derek Chong participated and place Mobile Legal Clinic as his ideal job. During this time LACKL was highlighted in the National Television so many times. Nachammai, Sa’adiah, Ravi Nekoo, Amer Hamzah, Edward Saw and Edmund Bon were involved in this program. 4. Meeting with the Police Authorities it was very successful with meeting IPD Sentul and IPD Cheras The Outreach Clinic The committee for year 2007 decided not to hold any outreach clinic for communities since we are overwhelmed with the School Program. The below are the report for the program: REPORT ON LAC CLINIC SCHOOL PROJECT Report prepared by: Kalaiichelvii & Chitrah The Legal Aid Centre Clinic School Program (“LAC Clinic School Program”) had been providing both legal and social awareness to school students via the seminar titled “Ceramah Perundangnan & Implikasi Sosial Terhadap Murid-Murid Sekolah Menengah” for the past 5 years. Year 2007, the committee received again a standard blanket letter from the Education Ministry with terms stipulated henceforth. Initially when we started the project we obtained lawyers to speak on laws such as Family law, Employment Law, Domestic Violence and Criminal Law. However the school teachers had requested the then organising committee to change and make the program participatory with interesting social issues. Hence, we made inroads with the Attorney General Chambers (AG), Police Diraja Malaysia, Lawyers, Sports Personalities, Ex-Student from Respective School, Real Life Sharing, HIV/AIDS awareness, Relationship, Gender & Sex and other issues which affect students. We also imparted A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LEGAL AID 71 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| games and Q & A with some token of appreciation to students who took part actively. The pioneer program was accepted well by school heads, counseling teachers and students. Subsequently, the demand increased with teachers talking about the program in their meeting among counselors. The committee members also pay personal visits to schools to impart and gain their trust among the counseling teachers and the school heads. For the past 2 years the program was a hot selling cake however we lack of trainers to facilitate the current demand. The new program was well accepted by students and schools as it covers both legal and social aspects. The 2007 year, we managed to embark into new schools such as SMK Maxwell, Jalan Sultan Ismail, SMK Convent, Sentul, SMK Methodist Sentul and SMK Seri Mutiara, Cheras. This year we managed to conduct 10 sessions (SMK Methodist Sentul-3 slots, SMK Maxwell-2 slots, SMK Seri Mutiara-2 slots, SMK La Salle-1, SMK Taman Connought-1, SMK Convent-1). The project equally received quality support from the Jabatan Peguam Negara (Putrajaya) who has been nominating few DPP to deliver talks to the respective schools, the Polis Diraja Malaysia namely IPD Sentul and IPD Cheras also pledge their support. The encouragement was also highly maintained by participation of senior ex-students from respective schools who are currently successful in their life. The sports personalities also supported our program and share their self disciplines and determination which made them popular. The committee also maintained a strong relationship with PT Foundation whereby they send their officers to share and educate on HIV/AIDS & STI awareness among the students. The List of Speakers Involved in the School Program year 2007 DATES 10/4/07, 30/4/07, 14/6/07, 6/8/07, 8/8/07, 11/8/07, 4/9/07, 10/10/07, 22/10/07, 23/10/07 AG’S CHAMBERS PUAN NOORIN BADARUDDIN, PUAN RAJA ROZELA RAJA TORAN, PUAN ASMAH MUSA, TUAN DEVANANDAN S SUBRAMANIAM, PUAN NURULHUDA NUR’AINI, PUAN EVAWANI FARISYTA (twice she did) POLICE DSP TAN YAN THIAN (IPD SENTUL), ASP GULAM RASSID KHAN (IPD SENTUL), ASP NASRI (IPD CHERAS), C/I CHANDERAN SEGARAN (IPD CHERAS), INSP DEEN JONATHAN (IPD SENTUL) LAWYERS KALAIICHELVII, ALEXIS DIANA, NACHAMMAI , JAG RAMACHANDRAN, WAN AZMIR BIN WAN MAJID, RAGUNANTHANAN, NGO HISHAM HUSSEIN, MARHALEM, SHAHRUDDIN, KISHEN, JAMALIAH, ROSLAN, ROSLAN (MAC), WONG LAI CHENG, MAZNAH IBRAHIM, ABIGAIL DEVRIES (AWAM, PTF, WAKE, PS THE CHILDREN) INDIVIDUALS AMARJIT KAUR, THOMAS SAMUELS, GANGA DEVI SPORTS VASANTHA MARIAL ANTHONY, G I YAAMINII, SHEKAR MARIMUTHU, PAVITHRAN PRATABAN, THOMAS SAMUELS, JAMALIAH JALALUDDIN 72 LEGAL AID 10 days 6 DPP 5 POLICE OFFICERS 6 LAWYERS 10 MEMBERS 3 MEMBERS 6 MEMBERS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 2. SYARIAH CLINIC Report prepared by Project Head Committee Members Nik Nurul Atiqah Binti Nik Yusof (Project Head) Sabrina Ali Binti Mohamad Ashfar Ellysyeliza Binti Mohd Desa Mohd Hafiizh Mohd @ Ghazali Aims of the Syariah Clinic is to provide free legal service to the public in need and to give them better understanding on the principle and procedures of Syariah Laws besides to assist them in getting proper assistance and fair trial from the respective Syariah Court. The Syariah Clinic operates from the Secretariat and opens to members of public from Monday to Friday at 10.00 am - 4.30 pm. The Syariah Clinic at the Centre is manned by pupils in chambers completing their legal aid service which is part of the Bar Council Ruling in Legal Aid Service. Each pupil is assigned once a week duty over a period of three (3) months. The pupils in chambers are given a half-day training focusing on the Syariah Civil and Criminal Law and Procedures. They have also undergone a one-day training with Legal Aid Clinic providing them with a basic training on interviewing techniques as well as taking part in discussion on criminal, employment and family related laws. The LAC Clinic runs alongside the Syariah Clinic. Besides interviewing syariah clients, the pupils are also assisting in interviewing civil clients. Their duties include interviewing walk-in clients, conducting means test and giving advice an appropriate advice when required upon due clarification with Volunteer Lawyer and/or practicing Syariah Lawyers. It is our utmost belief that there is a need for us to provide this service to anyone who falls within the means test as well as to protect his or her interest in the Syariah Court. Even though the number of public requesting for our services and advice is still small compared to other Legal Aid Clinics but the numbers are increasing and not limited to female clients as there are a number of male clients who approached the Syariah Clinics to get our advice and legal representation in some matters related to divorce procedures including fasakh application which was filed by their wife, rights after marriage such as custody, hadhanah and matrimonial application, intestacy matters and execution proceedings. In conjunction with the Law Awareness Week under the theme of “Hak Generasi Baru”, the Committe had organised a down to earth programme located at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur on 2nd September, 2007 by the name of “Riadah & Didik” with the main activity was to distribute legal leaflets and pamphlets (which also includes the introduction to Bar Council Legal Aid Centre) of which we have successfully approached our main target groups i.e.“Mat & Minah Rempit” . Our hope that in the forthcoming years, we will able to conduct more awareness programme in educating the publics on their rights entrusted under the Syariah Law and Principles and to introduce the available services offered by the clinics to the public in need. We would also extend our thanks to the Management Panel, Staff of Legal Aid Centre, Syariah Committee Members, the Volunteer Lawyers and Syariah Practitioners, participating pupils and also volunteers participating pupils for their interest, commitment and endless support in running the Syariah Clinic smoothly. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LEGAL AID 73 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 3. DOCK BRIEF PROGRAM Report prepared by Dock Brief Committee Committee Members Selva Rani Thiyagarajan (Project Head) Ragunanthanan. R (Secretary) Wan Hidayati Nadirah Wan Ahmad Nasir Vivian Victor Magesan (Alternate Project Head) Henry Ngok Heng Hui Nicholas Netto Shirdieswaran Thangarajah Introduction The Dock Brief Programme consist of batches of about 70 pupils on an alternate basis who are required to provide legal services such as mitigation of sentences, bail applications and remand matters for free. We are currently covering 7 Magistrates Criminal courts, a Child court and Magistrate Court 10. The Dock Brief Committee has carried out various activities such as :- - - - - - - Practical training for the incoming batch of Dock Brief pupils by holding it on Saturdays Revamp of the training manual A successful dialogue session with the Judiciary Dock Brief groups being adopted by committee members for supervision purposes Preparation of brochures for dissemination of information on Dock Brief services. Invitation to Senior Practitioner to brief pupils during training Ad-hoc supervision by committee members Recommendations: - - To recruit more volunteers To continue the rapport with the Judiciary. 4. SG BULOH, KAJANG WOMEN AND MIGRANT PRISON CLINIC, KAJANG JUVENILE PRISON AND JUVENILE REMAND HOME CLINIC Report prepared by Project Head Committee Members Sivanesan Nadarajah (Project Head) Moganambal Samynathan Bernard Francis Nurshafini Musthafa Ramesh Lachmanan (Alternate Project Head) Kamalam Letchemanan G Nanda Goban Daniel Abhisheegam Introduction The Clinic has been running the Sungai Buloh Prison Clinic (“SBP”) since December1997, the Sungai Buloh Migrant Prison (“SBMP”) since May 2004, the Kajang Women Prison (“KWP”) since mid 2000, the Kajang Women Migrant Prison (“KWMP”) since September 2003, the Juvenile Remand Home (“JRH”) Programme since 2001 and the Kajang Juvenile Prison (“KJP”) since 2007. In early March 2005 all the six Prison Clinics ie SBP, SBMP, KWP, KWMP, KJP, JRH were grouped under one programme.The Legal Aid Centre also collaborates with the Selangor Legal Aid Centre ( “ Selangor LAC”) by having the pupils from Selangor LAC to participate in the Sungai Buloh Prison Clinic since June 2005. 74 LEGAL AID A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Summary of the Programme The Programme is conducted every three months and comprises of approximately 27 chambering pupils from Kuala Lumpur and 6-10 pupils from Selangor LAC, grouped into teams headed by one or two supervising lawyers who visit the various prisons and the JRH every fortnight to interview the persons under remand. The pupils under the Programme , who are suitably trained and equipped, also conduct the following follow up action at the legal Aid Centre: (a) contact family members on matters related to bail and legal representation; (b) refer relevant cases to the Dock Brief Programme, the respective state Legal Aid Centres or for capital offences cases to the Court Assigned Counsel Scheme; and, (c) liaise with volunteer lawyers on the status of the files. (d) liaise with the respective Embassies concerning foreign nationals remanded in the Prisons; (e) refer cases involving inmates from other states to the respective state Bar Council Legal Aid Centres for the their action. The statistics in respect of the matters handled/processed is shown in Section B of the Annual Report - Statistics 2007. Activities The following main activities were carried out for the year under review:(a) a meeting was held between members of the Prison Committee and the Director of Kajang Prison and his officers on 23-05-2007 to discuss several issues pertaining to the smooth operation of the Programme with the collaboration of the Prison authorities. Of particular concern was the large number of juveniles remanded at Kajang Prison and efforts needed to address the matter; (b) in the continuing efforts to strengthen the ties with the various authorities, a get together dinner, organised by the BCLAC (KL) Prison Programme Committee, was held on 25-072007 at the Lake Club Kuala Lumpur between the BCLAC (KL) and officers from Sungai Buluh Prison, Kajang Prison, Kajang Women’s Prison, Asrama Sentosa, Sek Tunas Bakti Sg Besi Remand Home and the Welfare Department; (c) during the Law Awareness Week held between 1-9 September 2007, the Committee organised a session with 23 juveniles at the Asrama Sentosa Sentul. The primary activity of the Committee is to ensure that enough volunteer lawyers are made available to accept the various briefs. In this context priority was given to court assigned cases and to cases were the detainee has been in remand for more than six months. A major concern in this regard is to ensure that the pool of volunteer lawyers is expanded so that more cases may be assigned. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LEGAL AID 75 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 5. LAC/AWAM LEGAL INFORMATION SERVICE CLINIC Report prepared by AWAM Committee Committee Members Sharmini Thiruchelvam Foo Li Mei, Michelles Mary Manickam Raymond Tan AWAM Representatives Honey Tan Stefeny David Vasanthi Clement Hanita Naliane Betty Yeoh The Clinic The clinic is run in co-operation with a voluntary, non-profit and non-government women’s organisation, All Women’s Action Society (AWAM). AWAM established the TELENITA phone counseling service in 1990. Partly as a result of AWAM success in raising public awareness about violence against women issues, AWAM began to receive a growing number of calls in relation to women and children who had been abused/violated. Demand for this service continued to rise, and AWAM later expanded services assistance to include face-to-face counseling and legal information services as well. The clinic has been going on since September 1994 as many women whom have contacted TELENITA wanted legal advice but did not know how to get the information and were even not aware of their legal rights. It was from here that the idea to hold weekly legal clinic begun. The clinic provides legal advice and assistance on family matters both civil and Syarie, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual abuse and other matters relating to women. The clinic is open from every Mondays to Saturdays from 10.00 am to 4.30pm at the AWAM Centre in Petaling Jaya. In this clinic, pupils are required to fulfill their duty at AWAM as part of the legal aid program for the period of 3 months. Joint Training Programme This year, joint training program for the pupils was extended to two days. The first day training is on gender sensitisation by the Joint Action Group (JAG) of AWAM/WAO/SIS. The training program has been revamped to include feminist and gender equality concepts. The main objective of these new concepts is to sensitise young lawyers on gender equality and feminist perspectives of law. Role-plays have been implemented in order to improve pupil’s communication skills, as pupils are not allowed to provide counseling service to clients, as they are not trained counselors. On the day two the training is on civil family law and domestic violence procedure conducted by LAC/AWAM Committee volunteer lawyers and staff from AWAM/WAO. During the family law training and domestic violence talks, the pupils participate in the case presentation, which is supervised and facilitated by the speakers. These sessions will ensure that pupils would be able to apply the relevant law after hearing the theory and they are placed in a situation of applying the law. The amended program gives pupils a better and clearer understanding of issues and perspectives. Beside that, pupils also realise that there are loopholes in law as well as non-supportive practice by service providers. The past year also saw male pupils participating in the Clinic, an encouragement for the development for both sexes to work hand in hand in ending violence against women and also in partnership with the Legal Aid Centre Selangor. Activities This year apart from being on duty at the clinic, some of the pupils assisted in following court procedure of well known cases involving conversion 76 LEGAL AID A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Other Activities whereby the chambering students assisted us in 2007 No 1 2 3 Date 30th June 8th Sep 9th Sep Total Activities “Walk and Wheel” events “National Law Awareness Week” “Family Day for Free-scale” Number of students 3 1 1 5 Statistics Number of chambering students AWAM have from Jan-Dec 2007- 47 students No 1 2 3 4 Batch 48 49 50 51 TOTAL Date 26/2 – 26/5 21/5 – 17/8 13/8 – 10/11 5/11 – 2/2/08 Number of students 12 11 12 12 47 Cases from January to November 2007 TYPE OF CASES Divorce (Civil) Maintenance (Civil) Custody (Civil) Interim Protection Order (IPO) Financial Problem Kidnapping Missing People Rape Divorce (Syariah) Custody (Syariah) Domestic Violence Sexual Harassment Legal Conversion Immigration Others GRAND TOTAL TOTAL 172 19 21 4 9 4 3 4 9 7 30 23 6 5 2 69 387 As from January to November 2007, the clinic has received 387 cases with various cases as identified in the table above. CONCLUSION While the legal information services carried on at the LAC/AWAM clinic, the number of cases handled has dropped if compared year’s total of 517 cases. It was also noted, although almost all chambering pupils attended to the clinic’s clients as per their schedule, some were more diligent and hard-working, while some were just ‘marking time’ and even absent themselves with various excuses. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LEGAL AID 77 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| AWAM urges both the LACKL and LAC Selangor to send in their lawyers to monitor the cases handled by pupils in particular and attitude of pupils in general. We thank both the LAC for the continuous support and look forward to provide better legal information service in 2008 6. LAC/WAO LEGAL AID CLINIC -2007 Report Prepared by Jessie Ang, WAO Committee Members Meera Samanthar (President) Jessie Ang (Coordinator) Shoba Aiyar (Social Worker Manager) The objective of LAC/WAO clinic: 1. To assists WAO’s social workers in the refuge with telephone calls - giving out information on domestic violence, divorce procedure, sexual harassment and etc. 2. To assists WAO’s clients to lodge police report and accompany the clients to hospital. 3. To instill and to reach out to chambering students with the NGO’s work. WAO is a non profit organisation with a policy that states that no one deserves to be battered and in particular, WAO only chooses to work with women and their children. WAO has been giving refuge to women and their children who were abused physically, psychological, sexually, financially and socially for the past twenty-five years. Besides giving support to the women, WAO is also advocating and lobbying for women’s right with other women group. Before the chambering students come to WAO, they will have to start their training at LAC/AWAM/ WAO/SIS Training. The syllabus includes family law, syariah law, gender sensitisation, domestic violence, violence against women and Helping Process. WAO take one student each from LAC-KL and LAC-Selangor from each batch. The students come to the refuge on Monday and Friday for 12 sessions. The students who comes to the refuge not only attending the telephone calls but also accompany WAO’s clients to the court, helping clients to lodge a police report, giving legal advise on the phone and see face- to-face clients, documentation of cases, going to the immigration, hospital, embassy and National Registration Department. Besides attending to phone calls and accompany clients to various places, students also do some research and co-facilitate discussion group with WAO’s staff on various issues to the women in the refuge. The students who comes to the refuge not only work in the ambit of their training some of them are willing to take out their shoes and spend their time with the women and their children. They have lunch with the women, chatting and budding with the women. The students are very accommodating to the needs of the women. WAO had about 10 chambering students coming to the Refuge from December 2006 to November 2007. 78 LEGAL AID A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Types of calls the chambering students handle: Domestic Violence 45 Divorce procedure 52 Maintenance 10 Custody 14 Financial Problems 8 Foreign Wife 4 Single Mother 4 Sexual Harassment 5 Problem with the Police 2 Interim Protection Order 6 Bankruptcy 4 Marital Problems 6 Housing Problems 2 Conversion to Muslim 2 Will/EPF 1 Division of Property 1 Adoption 2 Miscellaneous 5 TOTAL 173 A caller may have several problems. A chambering student attends to an average of 5 calls per day at WAO. 7. LAC/SIS CLINIC (Sisters in Islam) Report Prepared by SIS SIS Representatives Radzlinawati Razali Nur Fadhlin Binti Mohd Yusof Introduction The LAC/SIS Clinic provides free legal advice, information and aid to the public on matters regarding Malaysian laws, especially syariah law. The pupils-in-chambers assigned to perform legal aid with the LAC/SIS Clinic are involved with providing legal advice to clients, conducting research on legal issues, and maintaining proper and detailed documentation of the clients’ queries. They are also required to contact relevant bodies in aid of their clients, for example, Legal Aid Centre, Legal Aid Bureau, the police, state religious departments, and the national registration department. In order to equip the pupils with relevant knowledge and skills to perform legal aid in LAC/SIS Clinic, SIS has devised a special training that pupils assigned to LAC/SIS Clinic are required to go through. This training introduces the pupils to SIS and the work this organisation does, highlights the differences between Malaysian syariah law vis-à-vis Malaysian civil law vis-à-vis Muslim laws as practiced in other Muslim countries, how to handle SIS clients effectively, and what duties they are to perform in LAC/SIS Clinic. As of 26.11.2007, there have been a total of 673 clients of LAC/SIS Clinic. This means that each pupil assigned to the LAC/SIS Clinic this year (a total of 12 pupils) has had to handle an average of 56 cases while performing their legal aid duty. The pupils also get real life experience of how the law is applied when women are concerned. This is A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LEGAL AID 79 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| done in two ways: by going to observe court proceedings under a programme called ‘CourtWatch’; and through activities jointly-conducted with other NGO Clinics. Under the CourtWatch programme, the pupils are required to observe court proceedings, paying close attention to two things: delay; and biasness. They then record their findings for analysis. Under joint-activities with other NGO Clinics, SIS pupils will get broader real life experience. Whereas before they are mostly confined to deal with syariah cases, the pupils will now get to see how other laws are applied in real life situations, namely in domestic violence, immigration, and labour cases. This is done by sending SIS pupils to follow pupils from other NGO clinics, namely AWAM, WAO and Tenaganita, to relevant bodies. Such bodies include immigration departments, embassies, labor offices and industrial relations departments, shelter homes, welfare departments, syariah judiciary, police stations, and ministry or MP service centers. SIS pupils are also encouraged to take part in activism and outreach events, for example, operating an exhibition booth during the Law Awareness Week (8.9.2007) organised by the Selangor Legal Aid Centre, and leafleting on International Right To Know Day (28.9.2007) organised by the Centre for Independent Journalism. Strengths 1. 2. 3. 4. Performing legal aid with LAS/SIS Clinic helps to sensitise the pupils as to issues, especially legal issues faced by women and children, namely Muslim women and children; The LAC/SIS Clinic is an effective venue to address the public’s concerns with regard to their legal rights; The data obtained from the LAC/SIS Clinic is useful for women’s rights activism and law reform activities; and The LAC/SIS Clinic highlights public interest issues, such as child maintenance, impact of polygamous marriages, and moral policing. Weaknesses Lack of support from syariah practitioners to act as panel lawyers. Suggestions 1. 2. 3. 80 Additional pupils assigned with the LAC/SIS Clinic to accommodate the increasing number of clients; To raise discourse with law faculties as to the curriculum the said faculties offer: many of the pupils who come for legal aid at the LAC/SIS Clinic have little to no real life exposure as to how law is applied in Malaysia. Some even come to the LAC/SIS Clinic with misconceptions of the law and its application; and Build rapport with Syarie practitioners to encourage them to volunteer as panels for the LAC/SIS Clinic. LEGAL AID A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 8. LAC/TENAGANITA MIGRANT WORKERS CLINIC Report Prepared by Tenaganita Tenaganita Representaives Aegile Fernandez Florida Malaysia continue to depend on foreign labour to meet its economic growth. According to the Immigration statistic there are more than 2.2 million foreign workers and the number is growing. 57.5 per cent are from the neighboring Indonesia while 11 per sent are from Nepal, 8.8 per sent from Bangladesh and 7 per- cent are from India. (source: NST Oct 10th 2007).It is further said that in 2010 the country would be employing about 10 million migrant workers to meets its labour market. The rights of migrant workers has been continually denied in the absence of clear and define laws and policies. Immigration continues to deny the workers the right to stay and work while waiting for the outcome of their cases. The most number of complaints filed at Tenaganita are related to employment, not in possession of documents , non renewal of work permits and abuses. Beginning this year, Tenaganita has received an alarming number of complaints from newly recruited Bangladeshi workers arriving for employment. About 300 000 work permits were approved by the Home Ministry for Bangladeshi workers. Most of these workers are employed through the newly introduced Out Sourcing companies. Tenaganita received many complaints from workers of not being placed in employment as promised or being transferred from one company to another within few weeks. Transferring these workers from one place to another without proper work nor salaries. This as a result has left with thousand of workers without food, water and shelter. When ever the workers demand for work and salary, the agents together with employers, threaten and beat them. At the same time, thousand of workers were left stranded at the airport on arrival, for days, as their employers failed to receive them. Failure of employers receiving their workers at a specified time given by Immigration, would result the workers being detained at the KLIA holding center and subsequently being deported back to their country of origin. This decision neither addresses the root causes issues nor holds the employers accountable. The victims are the workers, they suffer the consequences as they have paid their entire savings, borrowed money with high interests. They have paid up to 200,000 taka (RM12,000) to work in Malaysia. Out sourcing policies introduced by the Home Ministry in August 2006 for employment requiring less than 50 workers . As for companies recruiting more than 50 workers they have an option of either using an out-sourcing company or directly employing the workers. The out sourcing companies are responsible for every aspect concerning the worker. As such the principle company does not hold ant responsibility towards the workers. The principle company pays the wages directly to the out -sourcing company who will than deduct their commission from the workers salaries before paying the workers their dues. As such the out sourcing policies directly contravene the Employment Act which protect the workers. In October 2007 the government announced another new policy that the running of the detention centers would now be taken over by the Home Ministry from the prison department. The government is continues to make ad hoc policies without any consultative approach. Tenaganita is very concern of the a decision of having an organisation as RELA, to help manage the detention centers. It is of great concern that volunteers are given such an extensive power which would bring about corruption and abuse in the detention especially women and children being the most A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LEGAL AID 81 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| vulnerable group. With the Immigration Department, together with RELA conducting the arrest of migrants and the running the detention center alone, they would be no check and balance and monitoring system. Migrant workers clinic a joint program with the Legal Aid Center (Bar Council) through attachment of pupils has assisted migrant workers in their daily struggle. Young lawyers do 14 days of legal aid duties to assist migrant workers in various aspect. Some of the activities and assistance rendered are in documenting their cases, negotiating for an amicable settlement, filing of cases in the relevant Labour Department / courts, accompanying the worker(s) in lodging police report and application to Immigration Department to legalise the stay pending the out come of their cases as well as the safe repatriation of the workers. The pupils also assist in the follow-up of cases and research on certain laws and policies concerning migrant workers. The attachment program is an avenue for young lawyers to learn the impact of migration in the context of Globalisation. Further it also sensitises pupils towards human rights and inhumane treatment of migrant workers. The program emphasised empathy and not sympathy and debunks negative images of migrant workers. The weakness of the program is however the lack of experiences and lack of assertiveness of young lawyers which representing migrant workers. Young Lawyers are not able to do a critical analysis especially when there are conflicting laws and policies. For the year 2007, 51 young lawyers were assign for the Legal Aid / Tenaganita migrant workers clinic. In the current year, numbers of cases in case handling has increased, activities and community out reach has expended. However the dropped of the number of young pupils had its set back on the programs. COURTS/ DEPARTMENT Industrial Relation Department Industrial Court Labour Department/ Court Others – Labour Dept (Insurance assessment) Small Claims Court Magistrate Court Appellate court NO OF CASES FILED 3 (105 MW) 4 13 3 1 1 4 MIGRANT RIGHTS PROTECTION Report on Violation of Migrants Workers’ Rights as at 6th Dec 2007 Nature of Complaints EMPLOYMENT Unpaid wages Wrongful/constructive Dismissal Wrongful deduction of wages No rest days 82 LEGAL AID No. of Complaints No of Complainants 59 3 2 2 271 3 16 22 A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| VIOLATION OF CONTRACT No contract Low wages Overtime not paid Contracting workers (out - sourcing) Long hours of work No work at work place Levy deduction No place to stay LEGAL STATUS Withholding of passport Non renewal of work permit Overstayed Student visa Recruitment (cheated by agent) Fake Documents ARREST, DETENTION & DEPORTATION Arrest, Detention & Deportation Arrest, Detention & Deportation (refugees) HEALTH OSHA Medical Treatment Industrial Accident Violence and abuse Poor Living Condition Death / Suicide FAMILY & MARRIAGE Spouse Visa Custody of child Other family matters OTHERS Robbery Theft 3 4 3 21 2 14 30 4 258 4 4 1930 7 1425 30 207 56 9 3 1 9 3 678 26 3 1 43 3 27 4 91 16 5 5 19 12 4 3 64 5 19 1183 112 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 5 2 5 2 (From January 2007 to 6th December 2007, 246 files were opened consisting of 2350 migrant workers). The number of complaints received this year shows an increase. A migrant worker walks into the migrant clinic with multiple complaints. However only few cases have been filed at the relevant courts. Most workers decide not to file cases due to the long delay in the court process and their stay in the country is at the discretion of Immigration Department without alternative employment. This year complaints relating to out -sourcing employment has increased tremendously. Tenaganita find ourselves challenged greatly especially with limited resources of funds and personal. Tenaganita were only able to assist as much as we could. As such more than 1000 affected workers were given telephone counseling and legal advise only. Some of the cases were also referred to partner organisation through out the country for immediate relief assistance. Tenaganita together with the Migration Working Group have received great support from religious groups and individuals in providing food and shelter. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LEGAL AID 83 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| In July 2007 a joint consultation was organised between the Bar Council and Tenaganita on Out – sourcing following Tenaganita’s Fact finding on out sourcing. Representative from Home Ministry and several diplomatic official, SUHAKAM, NGOs, Transparency International, Members of the Bar and individuals were present. Some affected workers gave their testimonies. This is to be followed by a second consultation in 2008. The positive aspect following the consultation is that we are able to directly communicate with the representative from the Home Ministry and strengthen the advocacy between the Bangladesh Government and Tenaganita. A delegation consisting of top official of the interim government of Bangladesh personally made a visit to Malaysia to look into the concerns. Ms Lathefa Koya and Ms Renuka from the Legal Aid Centre had spent considerable amount of time and energy to meet personally the Bangladeshi workers and legally representing in their dispute. 9. BCLACKL/PTF LEGAL INFORMATION SERVICE CLINIC Report Prepared by Preetam Kaur & So Chien Hao Committee Members BCLACKL representatives Preetam Kaur So Chien Hao James Loh Lim Ka-Tsung, Joachim Lee Choo Suat, Tevina Pink Triangle Foundations representatives Hisham Hussein (PTF Chair) The LAC/PTF Clinic The Bar Council Legal Aid Centre Kuala Lumpur (BCLACKL) jointly with Pink Triangle Foundation (PTF) has been conducting the legal clinic for the five (5) recognised marginalised communities which are the drug users, sex workers, people living with HIV/AIDS, transsexuals and homosexual men. We are proud to announce that PTF has recently managed to obtain a large fund from a Ministry. With this fund they managed to secure 3 Centers in SONY building near Jalan Sultan Ismail for the Sex Workers, Transsexual and the Positive Living People Program whereas the MSM program obtained their grant and secured another centre at CIMB Bank nearby the 3 programs vicinity. This shows the government’s willingness in preventing HIV/AIDS & STI issues. As it is known, the LAC/PTF clinic has 2 pupils who are assigned to work in pairs to attend to the PT Clinic every Thursday. During the morning session, the pupils usually assist in the LAC Clinic by attending to clients and legal intervention for LAC Clinic while in afternoon from 2.00 pm till 4.30 pm they will be at the PTF premises on rotation basis performing their duties in 4 different Centers. Significant Cases Handled by our Pupils The pupils have managed to obtain information on police harassments, beatings, gangster abuse, and insights of a real destitute woman without any personal identification on her. The pupils always discuss on how these people have been made victims of circumstances with our committee and staff members. The pupils have also managed to help a ex-sex worker with a baby from being remanded further as she was holding a green identification card. The pupils managed to obtain the necessary assistance from the relevant authorities and our legal intervention was successful and the pupils have continued to volunteer their services to PTF. They now help in formulating database for the SW program. 84 LEGAL AID A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Whereas the new PTF pupils followed up on a case for three months regarding a pauper woman who lived on the streets, was mentally disturbed and 5 months pregnant. She was brought to us by her drug user boyfriend. The pupils assisted in liaising with the Jabatan Pendaftaran Wilayah Persekutuan (JPNWP). The officer in charge made numerous attempts to locate the woman’s identity and finger printing analysis was immediately provided to LAC but the said woman had no records. The pupils were saddened by the results and also took the initiative to visit the hospital to see the mother and baby who was born one week premature but is otherwise a healthy baby. The pupils also made attempts to assist 4 sisters who do not have birth certificate although all of them are above 40 years of age. These sad cases continue to arise in our community despite the fact that we have just celebrated 50 years of its Independence. Network with Malaysian Aids Council (MAC) This year the LAC also made our inaugural in-roads with the Malaysian Aids Council (MAC) and we are now assisting them on legal matters with the Integrated Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Project (IBBS) under the Ministry of Health. We are also planning to enhance our relationship by extending our services to the MAC affiliates by next year. Activities year 2007 1. We have conducted 4 pupils’ trainings programs where we have sensitised the pupils on the pertinent issues faced by the communities. Some of the pupils on their own initiative have volunteered and networked with PTF. 2. We held 1st committee meeting on 30 March 2007 (Friday) at 6.50 pm at LAC. 3. We conducted a Workshop Cum Legal Clinic for MSM program on 8 April 2007 (Sunday). 4. We also attended round table discussion on “Legal Review & Response” organised by Ministry of Health on 16 April 2007. 5. We conducted Workshop Cum Legal clinic at Ikhlas Drop In Centre for Drug Users on 27 April 2007 (Friday) at 3.00 pm and although the Police were invited they were unable to attend. 6. Assisted in the organising and conducted talks for the “Give A Hug” Program with SMK Bandar Baru Seri Petaling on 9 June 2007 (Saturday) from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. This was under the School’s “Youth Leadership Program/Award”. 7. We also held our 2nd committee meeting on 27 June 2007 (Wednesday) at 6.40 pm at LAC. 8. Talks on Legal Rights for Transsexual program 10 July 2007 (Tuesday) at 2.30 pm 9. Dialogue sessions with the IPD Dang Wangi by five communities representatives from PTF and the Heads from the Police Dang Wangi on 17 July 2007 (Tuesday) at 3.00 pm 10. We conducted Workshop Cum Legal clinic for MSM program on 22 July 2007 (Sunday) at PTF 11. Para Legal Training for PTF staff and Exco members organised by KLLAC on 8 December 2007 (Saturday) A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LEGAL AID 85 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Proposed Activities for Year 2008 1. Law Reform 2. Dialogue sessions with Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara on IC problems which the community continues to face. 3. Research on laws by pupils or para legals 4. Drafting of pamphlets 5. Providing free legal advise via PTF website to the marginalised communities 10. LAC/UNHCR CLINIC (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) Report Prepared by Secretariat Introduction The LAC/UNHCR Clinic was a pilot project between the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) and UNHCR started in October 2006. This program is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problem world wide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. Objectives • To provide free legal advice to refugees and asylum-seekers who comes to UNHCR seeking assistance on a variety of legal issues. Activities • Four pupils trainings were held and a total of 12 pupils participated in the said clinic. • The pupils supported UNHCR in conducting legal protection interviews for arrest cases and court cases, providing legal counseling for persons of concern facing protection risks, conducting deportation interviews, taking down arrest reports, detention updates and court reports, attending Court for watching briefs and to secure the release of UNHCR persons of concern from prosecution and continued detention. • Pupils were also involved in the various events conducted by UNHCR. • As of November 2007, the Clinic has assisted a total of 3360 clients. Shortcomings • Pupils had some difficulty in picking up on UNHCR procedures and took some time to familiarise themselves with the UNHCR protection mandate. • Human resources / Volunteers Recommendation • 86 To increase the number of pupils LEGAL AID A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 11. LEGAL AWARENESS PROGRAM (ORIENTATION) Report prepared by Secretariat Committee Members Sivarasa Rasiah (Project Head) Saravana Kumar (Alternate Project Head) Rajen Devraj (Bar Council) Abd Shukor Tokachil Nik Waheeda Nik Kamarulzaman Jessie Tan Kavitha Rajan Legal AIDERS Puspawati Rosman (Alternate Project Head) Latheefa Koya Harleen Kaur Kamaliyah Mohd Hafiz Joyce Oo Mei Ling Arumugam Azah Yazmin Introduction This program intends to give pupils a “real dimension” as to what is required from them in their 14-day compulsory Legal Aid duty and to introduce them to the various clinics and programs conducted by Legal Aid Centre. Objectives • To assist pupils to discover their role and responsibility as lawyers in society, and to develop a sense of social obligation and a concern for human rights, rule of law and justice • To introduce pupils to new ideas, and to instill and develop long term commitment towards legal aid and access to justice, beyond the compulsory Legal Aid duty. The sessions (about 4 ½ hours each), uses a participative methodology, with group dynamics and general discussions. The structure is new, and is being modified and developed according to pupils’ evaluations. Activities As of 10th December 2007, the committee has conducted and introduced the following programs/ sessions: • Eight (8) orientation sessions were held and have trained approximately 500 pupils. • The committee also has opened up the orientation session to pupils from other states. To date the committee had trained approximately 90 pupils from Selangor Legal Aid. • Four (4) Exit Evaluation sessions were held for all pupils involved in the various LAC programs to appreciate their contribution to the public and LAC. Approximately 440 pupils have participated in the sessions and shared their experience in the various programs which they have served as part of their legal aid duty. During these sessions, the committee has invited Mr Yeo Yang Poh, Mr Lim Chee Wee, Mr Ravindra Kumar and Mr Ravi Nekoo to appreciate the pupils’ contribution and further motivate them to be involved in BCLAC (KL)’s activities. Due to the very successful response to the Committee’s Pilot Advanced Training called “Legal Awareness and Leadership for Lawyers” program which was held at Selesa Health Farm Resort, Bukit Tinggi, Bentong Pahang from 3rd to 5th November 2006 to encourage pupils/young lawyers to continue their involvement in the Legal Aid Centre (LAC) on a long • A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LEGAL AID 87 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| term basis, a second session was held at Genting Permai Park & Resort on 20th to 22nd April 2007. This session was also very successful and managed to retain the participants in participating further in BCLAC (KL)’s activities. The main objectives of this program are (i) to motivate and encourage pupils/young lawyers to be more involved in the LAC; (ii) to introduce soft skills essential for leadership; and (iii) to enhance their knowledge in specific areas/issues. 88 • As a follow-up to the first and second Advanced trainings, a get-together session was held for the participants who attended these trainings. The session was held on 14th July 2007 at the Bar Council Meeting Room. The purpose of the said get-together session was to share and obtain feedback from participants on their activities and developments since the training session. It was also intended as a planning session where the participants can share ideas and discuss possible follow-ups to issues highlighted at the previous training sessions. The committee had also received requests from the participants to have a follow-up session on the advanced trainings as most participants who attended the said trainings were anxious to contribute further but had no idea on how to follow-up. The committee is also proud to announce that during the said get-together session, it saw the birth of a new group of young lawyers who are enthusiastic and eager to assist the BCLAC(KL) in its various activities who called themselves the “Legal AIDERS”. • The Committee having reviewed the said Advanced Trainings has decided to conduct the training session twice a year as a fixed program for pupils and young lawyers. As a result of that a Third advanced Training was held from 26th-28th October, 2007 at The Pines Resort, Fraser’s Hill. The Legal AIDERS was given an opportunity to help organise the activities for the training and to become facilitators/trainers for the event. At the end of the training, the participants were invited to join the Legal AIDERS. Based on the final evaluation conducted at the training it came to our attention that the participants was overwhelmed on the way the training was conducted and it was suggested that the training should be carried out in future to enable young lawyers to be prepared to enter the real world of legal practice. • The Legal AIDERS held their Second get-together session/AGM on the 20th October, 2007 at the Bar Council Auditorium. The get-together/AGM intended to discuss the development of the Legal AIDERS and its sub-committees and highlights on the previous activities that been carried out. The Committee also discussed in relation to the 3rd Advanced Training and on inviting the 3rd Advanced Training participants to join the Legal AIDERS. Other issue of concern which was discussed in further detail was in relation to the criteria that other young lawyers need to fulfill in order to join the Legal AIDERS. It was unanimously agreed that the main criteria to join the Legal AIDERS is to have participated in the advanced training. It was also agreed that in the event someone who did not attend the advanced training is interested to join Legal AIDERS, then it is important for anyone of the existing Legal AIDERS to make a recommendation to the committee at large. • A Get-Together session was also held for 3rd Advanced Training participants on 25th November 2007. This gathering was intended to get the participants of the 3rd Advanced training to re-look at some of the issues discussed at the advance training in greater depth including the proposal and discussion of new ideas as well as give them the opportunity to join the “Legal AIDERS” group. • The committee also organised a Training of Trainers session on 4th August 2007 at the Pearl International Hotel. The committee having observed a few training sessions conducted at the Centre, felt that presentation skills of trainers could be further enhanced in order to retain the interest of the participants and to impart the necessary skills and knowledge. It LEGAL AID A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| was identified that the current trainers whilst having a sound grasp of the law, lacked training skills. As such, the committee believed that this training of trainers session will basically help young lawyers to develop and further enhance their training skills. This training session was successful and well received by participants who had requested for a follow-up session. Strengths • Committed Committee members and their ability to come up with ideas to implement and further improve the training sessions. • Motivation of pupils on the need to serve the needy and marginalised. • Education of pupils on human rights and instills in them a sense of justice. Weakness • Time and human resources • Follow-up actions/sessions Recommendations • To be able to organise more awareness and human rights sessions for lawyers and/or the public • To be able to discover ways to retain and maintain the involvement of Legal AIDERS. 12. SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Report prepared by Secretariat Committee Members Sukhvinder Kaur Chahl Lalithaambigai Komathi Arunasalam Komati Kaliappan Introduction Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal L I Kannan Saravana Kumar Jessica This Program aims to develop and enhance skills and increase motivation amongst all pupils, NGO partners and volunteer lawyers in order to improve the quality of service delivered to the clients. Objectives: • Organising training programs for current and future volunteers lawyers and paralegals to meet and accommodate the needs of LACKL • Assisting with training programs for pupils • • Reviewing the training programs and making recommendations for improvements, as deem appropriate Training of trainers. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LEGAL AID 89 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Activities i) - 90 Introductory Talk and Discussion on Child Sexual Abuse (12th May 2007) This talk was organised in collaboration with P. S. The Children, a non-profit organisation dedicated to children’s welfare. The main objective of this talk is for the lawyers to understand the way in which children who have been sexually abused and the help they require in the legal arena. Certain pertinent areas were identified in which members of the legal fraternity are able a difference and where there currently is a gap that needs to be filled urgently: i) Assistance in holding a watching brief ii) Assisting the victim and their families in relation to the Court Procedures and other related areas; and iii) To help contribute to create an atmosphere that will encourage the Courts to protect and promote the child’s interest especially whilst the children is part of the Court procedure i.e. when giving evidence in Court and the likes. - We had three very prominent speakers, namely, Mr M Puravalen, Ms Madeleine Yong and Ms Vicky Alahokone, who gave the participants the different perspectives that needed in order to understand the talk better. - It is the committee’s humble view that the talk was a success with a total of 50 participants - which include the existing pool of LAC volunteers, new lawyers, NGO partners, pupils and members of the public attended this talk. ii) - Produced a child-friendly booklet on Child Act The committee together with P.S The Children has brain stormed and produced a child- friendly booklet on Child Act which is being printed. iii) - Training on How to Conduct the “OK Tak OK” Program (6th October 2007) The committee together with Women’s Centre for Change, Penang (WCC) has organised a training session on how to conduct the “Ok Tak Ok” program. This program is about personal safety and is designed to teach children (11-12 years old) about good and bad touches. The program stresses the use of feelings to help children differentiate between good (OK) or bad (Tak OK) touches. The children learned safety rules about touching via a song, a series of cartoons and stories, all shown in the VCD. At the end of the program the children were encouraged to tell a trusted adult should they find themselves in a difficult situation. - Again the committee’s humble view is that the talk was a success with positive remarks form the participants who attended the training. Approximately 50 participants – which include the existing pool of LAC volunteers, new lawyers, NGO partners, pre-school teachers, pupils and members of the public attended this talk. - Through evaluation, the participants confirmed that they have gained tremendous information and insights from the exposure given to them by the trainer, Dr Prema Devaraj from WCC through this training and if fact the participants had requested the Centre to organise more sessions of this kind as they feel that there is a lot more for them to learn. iv) - Criminal Law Training – 2nd & 3rd November 2007 at University Malaya This training was mooted due to the fact that there is a dearth of practitioners volunteering to take up cases in view of the tremendous increase of LAC clients requiring advice and representation on Criminal matters. LEGAL AID A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| - This training was held with particular emphasis on the preparation and enhancing the ad vocacy skills of defence lawyers in criminal trials. - The aim of the training was twofold, firstly to create a ready pool of able lawyers who would acquire advocacy skills in conducting criminal trials competently. Secondly, having acquired these skills, these lawyers would then be expected and requested, from time to time, to assist the poor and marginalised members of our society who seek legal representation from the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) and the other State Legal Aid Centres. - Approximately 60 participants – which include the existing pool of LAC volunteers, new lawyers, pupils and law students attended this training. - The training was conducted by Mr Jagjit Singh, Mr Manjeet Singh Dhillon, Mr Baljit Singh, Datuk K Kumaraendran, Mr Tan Hock Chuan, Mr Ravi Nekoo, Mr Edmund Bon and also Tuan Hakim Harminder Singh Dhaliwal. - For continuity in the training and to bolster the confidence of lawyers to handle criminal files, a “Buddy System” was introduced, for experienced criminal defence lawyers to guide new criminal law practitioners. As can be noticed from the above activities of the committee, this year the committee has shifted its focus to one of the most alarming issues which is Child Sexual Abuse from its normal trainings for the lawyers etc as it feels it is high time for the committee to also educate the lawyers and pupils on such issues. Proposed Activities future: The committee had planned the following training sessions for the coming year: • Human Rights Training for Lawyers tentatively scheduled sometime in December 2007 or January 2008. • Training for facilitators / organisers scheduled sometime in December 2007 or January 2008. • Family Law Training • Employment Law Training • Syariah Law Training • Staff Training on Team Building for all State LAC Staff Strengths • Enhances the legal skills, knowledge and confidence of participants, to equip and encour aged them to handle files and carry out legal aid work • Facilitates and complements existing BCLAC (KL) training programmes • Committed Committee members and their ability to come up with ideas to implement and further improve the training sessions A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LEGAL AID 91 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Weakness • Time, human resources / volunteers with the appropriate skills or those open to undergoing training • Follow-up actions Recommendation 92 • In future, perhaps the committee should organise talks and/or programmes involving other interesting areas of the law. • More Committee Members should be involved in the above talks and/or programmes. • Encourage the Court’s staff and the police to attend the session and to elicit feedback from them. LEGAL AID A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| LAporan Pengerusi A. PENGENALAN Gaya pimpinan saya dalam Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 2007/2008 merupakan satu pengalaman yang bernilai. Kebanyakan aktiviti-aktiviti kami pada penggal ini bertujuan dalam meningkatkan minat dan kebajikan ahli-ahli, meningkatkan programprogram yang sedia ada untuk ahli-ahli muda melalui workshop dan program-program Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan dan selanjutnya untuk melibatkan pemegang-pemegang amanah yang relevan untuk meningkatkan keperluan ahli-ahli kami dari hari ke sehari. Kerja-kerja dan kesan-kesan yang telah kami lakukan pada penggal ini tidak akan terlaksana tanpa kerjasama yang tidak putus-putus dan sokongan yang saya terima daripada setiap seorang daripada ahli-ahli jawatankuasa dan ahli-ahli yang bekerja dalam pelbagai jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil. Ahli-ahli akan mencatatkan dalam laporan-laporan bersama mereka bahawa ini adalah benar berdasarkan kepada peningkatan variasi kepada aktiviti yang telah dijalankan. B. AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI JAWATANKUASA (i) Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur Fokus utama Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur semasa pengambilalihan pada 12.02.2007 adalah pemindahan Mahkamah-mahkamah Kuala Lumpur ke Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur di Jalan Duta. Beberapa mesyuarat telah diadakan bersama Pemangku Ketua Pendaftar, Hakim Kanan Mahkamah Sesyen dan PegawaiPegawai Mahkamah yang lain termasuk Pegawai-Pegawai dari Jabatan Undang-Undang untuk memastikan bahawa terdapat peralihan yang lancar dalam pemindahan Mahkamahmahkamah ke Kompleks Mahkamah yang baru. Ahli Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah telah memainkan peranan yang penting dalam kegiatan ini dan masih lagi mengadakan dialog-dialog biasa dengan autoriti-autoriti yang relevan untuk mencuba dan mengetengahkan masalahmasalah yang masih belum dapat diselesaikan dan/atau yang timbul dari semasa ke semasa. Atas tuntutan kami, Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur diperuntukkan 2 buah Bilik Peguam dan satu Bilik Bantuan Guaman. Satu majlis pembukaan Bilik-bilik Peguam telah diadakan pada 10.07.2007 yang dilancarkan oleh Presiden Majlis Peguam Malaysia kami, Cik Ambiga Sreenevasan. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LAPORAN PENGERUSI 93 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Said, pada 12.03.2007 dan telah menyerahkan kepada beliau dan keluarga beliau Buku Peringatan yang mengandungi pandanganpandangan tentang Allahyarham yang ditulis oleh ahli-ahli Badan Peguam, yang dimulakan oleh Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur selepas pemergian Dato’ secara tiba-tiba pada 07.01.2007. Kami juga ingin merekodkan terima kasih kami kepada Majlis Peguam untuk sumbangan mereka terhadap sebahagian kos renovasi bilik peguam. (ii) Kunjungan Hormat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah membuat kunjungan hormat ke atas Tuan Ahmad Terrirudin pada 13.03.2007 (yang merupakan Pemangku Ketua Pendaftar pada masa itu), Tuan Azman Abdullah pada 14.03.2007 (yang merupakan bekas Hakim Kanan Mahkamah Sesyen dan sekarang merupakan Persuruhjaya Kehakiman), Menteri Undang-Undang, YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri pada 08.05.2007, Ketua Pendaftar yang baru, Datuk Halijah Abbas pada 08.08.2007, Hakim Kanan Mahkamah Sesyen yang terkini, Tuan Harminder Singh pada 05.09.2007, Peguam Negara pada 12.09.2007 dan Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan pada 21.01.2008. Kami mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengetengahkan isu-isu yang kami mengambil berat di kunjungan-kunjungan hormat ini dengan fokus utama berkaitan dengan permindahan Mahkamah-mahkamah Kuala Lumpur ke Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur di Jalan Duta. Edaran-edaran/Laporanlaporan berkaitan isu-isu yang diketengahkan telah/akan dihantar kepada ahli-ahli melalui Surat Berita E-mel Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan ditampal pada Laman Web Badan Peguam KL Kami juga telah membuat temujanji-temujanji untuk menghubungi Ketua Hakim Negara dan Ketua Hakim Besar Malaya yang baru tetapi sehingga tarikh laporan ini, tarikh yang sesuai masih belum dapat ditetapkan. (iii) Lawatan-Lawatan Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah menziarahi Allahyarham Y.A.A Tan Sri Dato’ Hj Abdul Malek dan mendiang Y.A. Datuk K.P. Gengadharan di hospital sebelum peninggalan mereka. Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah menziarahi Datin Salmah bt Md Kassim, isteri kepada Allahyarham Y.A. Dato’ Abdul Wahab 94 LAPORAN PENGERUSI Satu Buku Peringatan juga telah diaturkan untuk ahli-ahli Badan Peguam untuk menulis pandangan-pandangan mereka tentang mendiang Y.A. Datuk K.P. Gengadharan yang meninggal dunia pada 21.04.2007. Buku Peringatan tersebut telah diserahkan kepada isteri beliau di satu Memorial pada 15.06.2007 yang dianjurkan oleh sahabatsahabat rapat mendiang Hakim. Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah menziarahi Y.A. Datuk George Seah yang telah mengalami strok pada tahun 2005, di rumahnya pada 19.05.2007. Datuk merupakan salah seorang daripada Hakim Mahkamah Agung (sekarang dikenali sebagai Mahkamah Persekutuan) yang telah dihentikan kerja sewaktu Krisis Kehakiman 1988. (iv) Prosedur-prosedur Pra-tindakan untuk Tuntutan Kecederaan Diri Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah diundang untuk memberi maklum balas bagi usulan dari Badan Kehakiman untuk memperkenalkan Prosedur-prosedur Pra-tindakan untuk Tuntutan Kecederaan Diri. Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah menghantar keluar dua senarai soal selidik dan menganjurkan satu Forum pada 10.04.2007 untuk menerima komen, pendapat dan maklum balas daripada para ahli tentang Prosedur-prosedur Pra-tindakan yang diusulkan. Beberapa mesyuarat telah diadakan bersama Hakim Besar Sabah & Sarawak dan satu jawatankuasa bertindak yang terdiri daripada 6 Peguam Kecederaan Peribadi dan 4 Hakim Kanan Mahkamah Sesyen telah ditubuhkan dan satu rangka garis panduan untuk awardaward bagi kecederaan peribadi telah dibuat A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| untuk memastikan kekonsistenan di dalam pemberian award-award. Rangka garispanduan tersebut telah dikemukakan kepada Hakim Besar Sabah & Sarawak untuk pertimbangannya. Saya ingin menghulurkan penghargaan kepada Americk Sidhu, John Fam, Santhana Dass, Siva Dharma, Raslan Hadri, S.L. Tan dan semua ahli Kumpulan PAP atas usaha baik mereka. (v) Sistem Persidangan Video untuk Mahkamah (viii) A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 Pernyataan Media Satu Penyataan telah dikeluarkan kepada media pada 21.09.2007 yang menyatakan keadaan terperanjat dan kecewa Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur ke atas isu “klip video” dan sokongan seruan yang dibuat oleh Majlis Peguam untuk penubuhan satu badan siasatan diraja untuk hal tersebut. (ix) Atas undangan Badan Kehakiman, Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah menghadiri satu demonstrasi sistem persidangan video pada 07.06.2007. Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur juga telah menghadiri suatu persidangan video olokan antara Mahkamah KL dengan Mahkamah Pulau Pinang serta Mahkamah KL dengan Penjara Kajang pada 07.08.2007 di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. Pada 30.10.2007, satu mesyuarat telah diadakan antara Badan Kehakiman, pelbagai Jawatankuasa Peguam Negeri dan pemegang amanah dan pembekal servis di mana kami telah diberi keterangan yang ringkas mengenai bayaran yang dikenakan. Satu e-mel telah dihantar meminta maklum balas para ahli tentang bayaran yang diusulkan dan pertanyaan yang lain daripada para ahli berkenaan sistem tersebut. Pendapat dan maklum balas yang diterima telah dikumpulkan dan dikemukakan kepada Badan Kehakiman. Forum tentang Keadaan Kehakiman Menurut keputusan yang dibuat oleh Majlis Peguam bahawa semua Badan Peguam Negeri perlu mengadakan satu Forum untuk setiap Negeri mereka demi melahirkan kesedaran tentang keadaan Kehakiman di Malaysia, terutamanya dikalangan orang awam dan masyarakat sivil, Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur pada mulanya mensasarkan Forum ini diadakan dalam bulan Februari 2008. Namun begitu, memandangkan Suruhanjaya DiRaja sedang mengadakan siasatan “Klip Video” dan sementara menunggu hasil siasatan tersebut, kami mengambil keputusan untuk menangguhkan Forum ini ke satu tarikh yang kemudian. Forum berkenaan dengan Skema Liabiliti Tanpa Kesalahan (Proposed No Fault Liability’ “NFL”) yang diusulkan Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah mengadakan Forum pada 23.10.2007 untuk menerima komen, pendapat dan maklum balas daripada para ahli berkenaan Skema Liabiliti Tanpa Kesalahan yang diusulkan oleh Jabatan Peguam Negara untuk diperkenalkan. Minit-minit Forum tersebut telah dicatatkan dan dikemukakan kepada “NFL Task Force” Majlis Peguam supaya mereka dapat mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya bagi hal tersebut. (vi) (vii) Kegiatan yang lain-lain Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah diundang untuk menghadiri pelancaran rasmi Mahkamah e-Industri pada 27.03.2007, pelancaran rasmi Mahkamah “IP” di Kompleks Mahkamah KL pada 17.07.2007 dan pembukaan rasmi Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur pada 27.08.2007. Sewaktu perkhidmatan kami, kami juga telah menerima undangan dari banyak organisasi untuk mengambil bahagian dalam pelbagai kegiatan, antaranya ialah: • • • • • (ix) Persidangan Hari Hak-hak Kemanusiaan Malaysia 2007 mengenai “Human Rights and Elections” Konvensyen Intergriti Nasional Dialog Intergriti Asean 2007 Pengumuman Indeks Rasuah 2007 Fokus Kumpulan Penutupan Bisnes Mesyuarat-mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Sehingga 31.12.2007, Jawatankuasa telah LAPORAN PENGERUSI 95 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| mengadakan mesyuarat sebanyak 11 kali dan kehadiran setiap ahli adalah seperti berikut: R.Ravindra Kumar Anand Ponnudurai Brendan Navi Siva Abdul Rashid Ismail Richard Wee Thiam Seng Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Ivan Wong Ee-Vern N. Sivananthan Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien Dipendra Harshad Rai Baljit Singh Sidhu Ravindran Nekoo Raja Riza Shazmin (xi) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 10 11 9 11 10 9 8 10 11 8 2 9 ditubuhkan untuk membantu organisasi pelbagai aktiviti Jawatankuasa Kuala Lumpur dan untuk memenuhi keperluan para ahli. Jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil telah diketuai oleh para ahli Jawatankuasa seperti berikut: i Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan: Abdul Rashid Ismail ii Amalan Konveyansing: Baljit Singh Sidhu iii iv Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil: Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien Steven Thiru, wakil ke Majlis Peguam telah dijemput untuk menghadiri mesyuarat-mesyuarat Jawatankuasa sebagai pemerhati dan juga untuk melapor kepada Majlis Peguam mengenai perkara-perkara yang berkaitan apakala penting dan diperlukan. Beliau telah menghadiri 9 mesyuarat kesemuanya dan telah bekerja rapat dengan Jawatankuasa ini. v Undang-undang Alam Sekitar Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah vi Teknologi Maklumat: Raja Riza Shazmin vii Bantuan Guaman Ravindran Nekoo Kewangan, Yuran dan Pendapatan Bukan Yuran viii Penerbitan Brendan Navin Siva ix Hal Ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar Richard Wee Thiam Seng x Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Ivan Wong Ee-Vern xi Sukan Anand Ponnudurai xii Peguam Muda Dipendra Harshad Rai Kedudukan kewangan Jawatankuasa kekal stabil dengan jumlah wang sebanyak RM651,023 dalam Deposit Tetap dan RM284,713 dalam Akaun Amanah dengan Amanah Raya Berhad. Perincian bagi kedudukan kewangan adalah di dalam Akaun Teraudit berakhir pada 31.12.2007. Yuran bagi tahun 2007 dikekalkan pada RM 100.00 di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang lepas pada 12.02.2007. Pada akhir tahun kewangan bagi Jawatankuasa pada 31.12.2007, 144 ahli-ahli masih belum menjelaskan yuran bagi tahun 2007. Penggal ini, kami dapat memungut sejumlah RM99,383 daripada tajaan-tajaan, pengiklanan di laman web dan surat berita dan syarahansyarahan Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan. C. AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI JAWATANKUASA KECIL 12 jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil telah 96 LAPORAN PENGERUSI Amalan Jenayah: N Sivananthan Laporan-laporan sampingan daripada pelbagai jawatankuasa kecil mencerminkan kerja yang dilakukan oleh jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil tersebut. D. OBITUARI-OBITUARI Kami dengan dukacitanya merakamkan peninggalan para ahli tersebut dari Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur sewaktu tahun kajian semula: A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Mohd Nasir bin A Khalid pada 08.02.2007 Dato’ S P Veloo pada 23.05.2007 Vong Poh Fah pada 25.05.2007 Manjit Singh a/l Gurcharan Singh pada 01.06.2007 Selvarani Paneerselvam pada 24.06.2007 Mah Teck Chong pada 17.08.2007 Vijayaram Krishnan pada 17.09.2007 Nik Mariah binti Tan Sri Nik Ahmad Kamil pada 15.10.2007 Istiadat “Reference” bagi menghormati dan mengingati ahli-ahli yang tersebut di atas telah dijadualkan untuk dilangsungkan pada 18.02.2008. Prosiding ini akan dipersidangkan oleh Y.A. Puan Lau Bee Lan. E. PENGIKTIRAFAN DAN KESIMPULAN Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur merekodkan kerjasama dan bantuan yang diterima daripada Badan Kehakiman di semua peringkat dan pelbagai pemegang Amanah di mana pelbagai perbincangan telah diadakan. Adalah diharapkan bahawa dialog dua hala ini akan diteruskan di masa hadapan dan lebih banyak dapat dicapai di dalam tahun-tahun yang akan datang. yang diberikan yang menjadikan ia satu pengalaman yang memuaskan sepanjang pimpinan saya. Kepada para pekerja Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur, satu penghargaan ikhlas kepada kamu semua di atas komitmen berterusan kepada Sekretariat. Sementara Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur terus mengharungi cabaran, kami akan kekal teguh memastikan bahawa objektif kami dalam berkhidmat kepada ahli-ahli kami tidak terancam. Akhir kata saya sesungguhnya berharap bahawa semua ahli-ahli akan terus memberi sokongan sepenuhnya kepada Jawatankuasa yang akan datang, sepertimana yang dilakukan sepanjang tempoh ini. R. RAVINDRA KUMAR Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam KL 2007/2008. Bagi pihak Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur, saya ingin merakamkan penghargaan kepada para Peguam Kuala Lumpur yang telah membantu kami dalam pelbagai perwakilan, di mahkamah dan untuk penglibatan mereka dalam pelbagai aktiviti kami. Ucapan dan pengiktirafan istimewa mesti diberi kepada kesemua ahli jawatankuasa kecil yang telah membantu 12 pengerusi jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil dalam menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti mereka. Semasa saya menerima jawatan pengerusi, saya sedar bahawa terdapat banyak kerja yang harus dilakukan. Namun, tugas ini menjadi lebih mudah dengan dedikasi dan komitmen yang tidak terhingga oleh setiap 12 ahli Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur 2007/2008. Saya berbesar hati dapat bekerjasama dengan mereka, di mana setiap daripada mereka telah menyumbang terhadap perkembangan dalam setiap bidang mereka, bukan saja untuk memberi perkhidmatan yang lebih baik kepada ahliahli, tetapi untuk memperkenalkan perubahan yang memenuhi keperluan dan harapan para ahli. Ucapan terima kasih yang istimewa kepada Anand Ponnudurai, Setiausaha Kehormat dan Mary Tan, Setiausaha Eksekutif terhadap bantuan dan nasihat A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 LAPORAN PENGERUSI 97 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| LAporan Sekretariat 2007/08 KAKITANGAN Pada 30.04.2007, Sulochana yang telah mengurus Bilik Peguam di Wisma Denmark (sebelum Mahkamah-Mahkamah berpindah ke Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur dalam bulan May 2007, Mahkamah-Mahkamah Tinggi Sivil terletak di Wisma Denmark) selama 14 tahun terpaksa berhenti kerja di atas nasihat doktor, disebabkan masalah kesihatan. Beliau menyertai Sekretariat pada 16.04.1993. Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur (“JPKL”) telah membayar beliau pampasan menurut Peraturan-Peraturan Kerja (FaedahFaedah Penamatan dan Hentikerja Sementara) 1980. Sekretariat telah membantu beliau mendapatkan pampasan daripada PERKESO. Kami mendoakan kesejahteraan ke atas beliau. Kekosongan jawatan tersebut diisi oleh Norhafizah binti Ahmad Padali bermula dari 02.07.2007. Norhafizah menguruskan Bilik Peguam di Sayap Kiri Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur manakala Thirumahil Ramalingam yang biasanya dikenali sebagai Vasu menguruskan Bilik Peguam di Sayap Kanan. Di samping menguruskan Bilik Peguam dan memberi bantuan kepada ahli-ahli Badan Peguam yang menggunakan Bilik Peguam, Norhafizah juga menolong mengambil gambar di Upacara Penerimaan Masuk Peguambela dan Peguamcara (Call Ceremonies) dan mengutip senarai-senarai kausa mingguan dari MahkamahMahkamah untuk dimasukkan ke dalam laman web Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Agak bertepatan pada waktu ini untuk memaklumkan kemudahankemudahan yang tersedia di Bilik-Bilik Peguam pada masa ini untuk pegunaan peguam-peguam (ada yang dengan pembayaran) seperti berikut: • • • • • Satu set buku-buku MLJ (daripada 1990 sehingga tahun semasa) di setiap Bilik Peguam; Telefon di kedua-dua Bilik Peguam; Kemudahan faks di Bilik Peguam, Sayap Kiri; Sebuah komputer dan mesin cetak di Bilik Peguam, Sayap Kiri; Dispenser air di kedua-dua Bilik Peguam. Berbalik kepada kakitangan di Sekretariat, Indira, Kerani Kemasukan yang mengendali Petisyen untuk Penerimaan Masuk Peguambela dan Peguamcara menerima anugerah perkhidmatan jangka panjangnya pada 16.01.2007. Beliau telah berkhidmat untuk JPKL selama 10 tahun. Dua lagi kakitangan Sekretariat akan menerima anugerah perkhidmatan jangka panjang dalam tahun 2008. Rajan, Pegawai Pentadbiran yang berkhidmat di bawah Jawatankuasa Peguam Selangor & WP dan 98 L A P O R A N S E K R E T A R I AT A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| kemudian di bawah JPKL apabila ia ditubuhkan pada 01.07.1992, telah berkhidmat selama 20 tahun dan Masni, Kerani Am, selama 15 tahun. Kami amat bernasib baik kerana mempunyai sekumpulan kakitangan yang setia dan berdedikasi, di mana sebahagian besarnya telah berkhidmat dengan Jawatankuasa untuk jangka masa yang panjang. Struktur Organisasi serta maklumat terperinci mengenai portfolio bagi setiap kakitangan boleh didapati di laman web Badan Peguam KL Dalam zaman teknologi maklumat ini, Jawatankuasa sentiasa mengkaji penggunaan teknologi maklumat bagi memperbaiki dan meningkatkan taraf kemudahankemudahan dan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan yang diberikan kepada ahli-ahli terutamanya melalui laman web Badan Peguam KL, dan terdapat keperluan untuk menggagi Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat sepenuh masa. Jawatankuasa telah bersetuju dengan cadangan ini dan jawatan ini akan diiklankan sebaik sahaja skop kerja dimuktamadkan oleh Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat. Kami menjangka Pegawai tersebut akan menyertai Sekretariat dalam penggal Jawatankuasa yang baru. FUNGSI Tahun 2007 memang adalah merupakan satu lagi tahun yang sibuk. Dengan 11 jawatankuasa kecil (Pusat Bantuan Guaman mempunyai kakitangan sendiri) dan pelbagai aktiviti dan projek yang diusahakan oleh setiap jawatankuasa kecil dan Jawatankuasa utama, kakitangan Sekretariat yang mana tenaga kerjanya adalah seramai 9 orang sahaja telah bekerja tanpa mengenal penat untuk memastikan bahawa semua projek dan aktiviti dijalankan dengan jayanya. Perincian berkenaan projek dan aktiviti yang dijalankan terkandung di dalam laporan Pengerusi dan laporanlaporan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil. Selain daripada mengendalikan projek-projek dan aktivitiaktiviti, Sekretariat juga memperuntukan sokongan kesetiausahaan dan tadbir kepada JPKL dan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecilnya. Terdapat juga banyak lagi fungsi lazim yang kena dijalankan oleh kakitangan Sekretariat antaranya seperti memproses Petisyen Penerimaan Masuk Peguambela dan Peguamcara, penyelengaraan akaun, pendaftaran ahli dan sistem Peti Dokumen (B.C. Box), pungutan yuran tahunan, sewa Peti Dokumen, melayani pertanyaan daripada ahli-ahli Badan Peguam, pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan juga masyarakat awam. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 Kami di Sekretariat akan terus berusaha untuk memberikan khidmat yang lebih baik untuk Badan Peguam KL dan menyediakan Sekretariat yang lebih efisyen untuk para ahli. PENGHARGAAN Kakitangan Sekretariat ingin menyampaikan penghargaan kami kepada Pengerusi JPKL, Encik Ravindra Kumar, Setiausaha Kehormat, Encik Anand Ponnudurai dan semua ahli Jawatankuasa atas bimbingan dan sokongan mereka dalam memastikan kelancaran perjalanan Sekretariat serta semua projek-projek dan aktivitiaktiviti. Sekretariat juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ahli-ahli semua jawatankuasa kecil atas kerjasama dan bantuan yang diberikan kepada pihak kami dalam pengurusan berbagai-bagai acara. Ucapan terima kasih juga ditujukan kepada ahli-ahli Badan Peguam KL dan pelbagai pemegang amanah lain yang telah memberikan bantuan dan sokongan secara langsung atau tidak langsung di dalam perlaksanaan fungsi-fungsi kami. Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada JPKL di atas penganugerahan perkhidmatan saya selama 30 tahun (iaitu 15 tahun dengan Jawatankuasa Peguam Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan dan 15 tahun lagi dengan JPKL) pada 02.01.2007. JEMPUTAN UNTUK MAKLUMBALAS DAN KOMEN Sekretariat menjemput ahli-ahli Badan Peguam KL untuk memberi maklumbalas dan komen tentang bagaimana Sekretariat dapat memperbaiki perkhidmatannya kepada para ahli dan profesion. Maklumbalas dan komen boleh diajukan melalui e-mel kepada klbc@ Kami amat pasti bahawa bersamasama kita dapat menyumbang dalam memperbaiki Badan Peguam KL dan profesion perundangan. Mary Tan Setiausaha Eksekutif L A P O R A N S E K R E T A R I AT 99 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| JAWATANKUASA PENDIDIKAN UNDANG-UNDANG LANJUTAN Pengerusi Abdul Rashid Ismail Ahli-Ahli Jawatankuasa Joanne Long Mohd Izral Khairy Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Selma Enolil Mustapha Khalil Hanie Izawatie Ahmad Kamil Sunita Sankey Wong Tat Chung Brendan Navin Siva G. Nanda Goban Kavitha Thilagar Gan Khong Aik Mohd Reza Abu Hassan Noor Arianti Osman Renny Suzanna Zaidi Gopi Krishnan Seshadari Megat Abdul Munir Razanna Raslan Elena Hani Eleas Sumitha Shaanthinni Kishna Rabindra S. Nathan Karen Wilfred Edmund Milkiu Jawatankuasa Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan Bar KL (“Jawatankuasa CLE”) telah ditubuhkan bagi membantu perkembangan profesional ahli-ahli Badan Peguam melalui program-program seperti ceramah, seminar dan bengkel berkaitan dengan bidang-bidang perundangan dan kemahiran yang relevan. Jawatankuasa CLE juga bertujuan untuk membekalkan ilmu semasa dan kemahiran yang lain kepada ahli-ahli supaya mereka bukan sahaja dilengkapkan dengan ilmu dalam pelbagai bidang perundangan, malah juga dilengkapi dengan ilmu lain yang mungkin berguna untuk amalan guaman mereka dan seterusnya menambah nilai kepada ciri-ciri profesional mereka. Untuk mencapai objektif-objektif sedemikian yang dapat memenuhi keperluan pelbagai kumpulan / kategori ahli-ahli, kami telah membahagikan program-program kami kepada 5 modul yang berbeza. MODUL 1: ASAS AMALAN PERUNDANGAN • • • Sasaran : Objektif : Bidang Kemahiran : peguam muda / pelatih dalam kamar membekalkan pengetahuan asas kepada pelatih dalam kamar dan peguam muda Penulisan Pendapat (Opinion Writing), Merangka Dokumentasi Mahkamah (Drafting Court Documents), Kemahiran Kepeguaman (Advocacy Skills), Prosedur / Keterangan, Konveyansing, Dokumentasi Korporat dan lain-lain MODUL 2: SEMINAR KEPAKARAN KHAS • • • 100 ahli-ahli peringkat pertengahan dan senior membekalkan maklumat tentang perkembangan-perkembangan terkini dalam bidang perundangan yang tertentu Bidang Kemahiran : Resolusi Pertikaian Alternatif (Alternative Dispute Resolution), Undang-undang Teknologi Maklumat (Information Technology Law), Undang-undang Insurans, Undang-undang Pentadbiran, Undang-undang Syarikat, Undang-undang Sekuriti, Undang-undang Jenayah dan lain-lain Sasaran Objektif : : P E N D I D I K A N U N DA N G - U N DA N G L A N J U TA N A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| MODUL 3: BENGKEL PRAKTIKAL • • • Sasaran Objektif : : ahli-ahli yang berminat dalam bidang kemahiran tersebut melengkapkan para ahli dengan kemahiran penting bagi mengendalikan perbicaraan dan pelbagai aspek praktikal lain di dalam amalan guaman Bidang Kemahiran : Resolusi Pertikaian Alternatif (Alternative Dispute Resolution), Undangundang Jenayah, Undang-undang Korporat dan lain-lain MODUL 4: PROGRAM UNTUK PELATIH DALAM KAMAR • • • Berikutan dengan resolusi yang telah diluluskan di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan 2006 Objektif : menyediakan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dengan pengetahuan asas amalan guaman Bidang Kemahiran : Litigasi Sivil, Undang-undang Jenayah, Konveyansing, Pengurusan Fail dan lain-lain MODUL 5: TAJAAN BAGI PEGUAM MUDA KE PERSIDANGAN ANTARABANGSA • • Objektif : memberikan pendedahan di peringkat antarabangsa kepada ahli-ahli Peguam-peguam yang terpilih telah menulis mengenai pengalaman mereka dalam bentuk laporan, yang tersedia untuk diterbitkan di Relevan. Ahli-ahli boleh memuat-turunkan bahan-bahan daripada laman web Badan Peguam KL. Seperti tahun-tahun yang lepas, kami dengan sedaya-upaya menganjurkan program yang akan menyumbang kepada penambahbaikan kemahiran dan perkembangan profesional ahli-ahli. Untuk tahun ini, selain daripada menjemput peguam-peguam senior dan anggota badan kehakiman untuk berkongsi pengalaman dan pengetahuan mereka, kami juga telah mengambil inisiatif untuk melibatkan penyertaan pakar-pakar daripada industri yang relevan, seperti konsultan, ahli perbankan dan akauntan. Ini bertujuan untuk memastikan bahawa ahli-ahli berpeluang mendapatkan bimbingan secara terus daripada individu yang terlibat secara langsung dalam pelbagai industri. Jawatankuasa CLE juga menyedari akan kepentingan menyediakan ruang interaksi yang maksimum semasa proses pembelajaran. Berlainan dengan tahun-tahun lepas, penekanan diberikan kepada bengkel-bengkel praktikal yang merangkumi pelbagai bidang kemahiran perundangan dan juga undang-undang. Berikut merupakan bengkel-bengkel praktikal yang diadakan pada tahun ini. • • • • • • • Penulisan Perundangan Moden (Kursus Asas) Penulisan Perundangan Moden (Kursus Lanjutan) Bengkel Merangkap Timbangtara Latihan Bagaimana untuk Mendakwa dan Mempertahankan Kes-kes Kecederaan Peribadi Kursus Praktikal Kepeguaman (Anjuran bersama PSDC Majlis Peguam dan Jawatankuasa CLE Penindasan Minoriti dan Aplikasi-aplikasi Adil dan Saksama Permohonan Harbeas Korpus Jawatankuasa CLE juga telah meneruskan program bagi pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang dimulakan pada tahun lalu. Bidang kemahiran yang diliputi di dalam seminar-seminar bagi pelatih dalam kamar adalah seperti berikut: • • • Asas-asas Konveyansing dan Menderaf Dokumentasi Perdagangan Asas-asas Jenayah / Litigasi Hak Asasi Manusia Asas-asas Litigasi Sivil A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 P E N D I D I K A N U N DA N G - U N DA N G L A N J U TA N 101 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| • Prosiding Kebankrapan/Wasiat, Probet dan Pentadbiran Estet Jawatankuasa CLE telah mengadakan sebanyak 34 acara di antara April 2007 sehingga Januari 2008 yang merangkumi bidang-bidang kemahiran seperti Undang-undang Tanah, Kepeguaman Rayuan, Kemahiran Bahasa, Undang-undang Fitnah, Litigasi Sivil, Undang-undang Jenayah, Undang-undang Korporat, Konveyansing dan Timbangtara (Arbitration). Berikut merupakan senarai penuh program bagi tahun 2007/08: TARIKH TAJUK 20.04.2007 Kepeguaman Rayuan Berkesan 26.04.2007 Asas-asas Jenayah/Litigasi Hak Asasi Manusia Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar 27.04.2007 Asas-asas Litigasi Sivil Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar PENCERAMAH Y.A. Dato’ James Foong Edmund Bon 04.05.2007 Pengurusan Risiko Corrine Wong 19.05.2007 Bengkel Penulisan Perundangan Moden (Kursus Lanjutan) 31.05.2007 Amanah Pelaburan Hartanah (REITS) – Pendekatan Baru untuk Pelaburan Hartanah Jackie Yeoh 08 & 09.06.2007 15.06.2007 22.06.2007 05.07.2007 14.07.2007 102 PENYELARAS Brendan Navin Siva Mohd Izral Khairy Maidzuara Mohammed Junaidah Abdul Rahim Shee Fei Ling Lim Ye Jhen Nurizan Jalil Bengkel Penulisan Perundangan Jackie Yeoh Moden (Kursus Asas) Prosiding Kebankrapan/Wasiat, GK Ganesan Probet dan Pentadbiran Estet Low Beng Choo Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar Pengambilalihan Tanah Su Tiang Joo – Pentingnya, sekiranya ada, sebarang pertanyaan oleh Pentadbir Tanah Asas-asas Konveyansing dan Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Mendraft Dokumentasi Natalie Peh Perdagangan Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar Fitnah di Ruang Siber Dr. Venkat Iyer Selma Enolil Binti Mustapha Khalil Hanie Izawatie Binti Ahmad Kamil David Dev Peter Mohd. Izral Khairy 18.07.2007 Petunjuk Berguna daripada Hakim Dato’ Shaik Daud Bin Haji Mohamed Ismail Jerald Gomez 20.07.2007 Pengenalan kepada Siasatan dan Forensik Komputer Ang Eng Seng Nanda Goban P E N D I D I K A N U N DA N G - U N DA N G L A N J U TA N A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 21.07.2007 09.08.2007 11.08.2007 17.08.2007 22.08.2007 07.09.2007 Bengkel merangkap Timbangtara Sitpah Selvaratnam Latihan Raja Eileen Soraya Sanjay Mohanasundram Kevin Prakash Janice Ann Leo Alan Adrian Gomez Foo Joon Liang Asas-asas Jenayah / Litigasi Amer Hamzah Arshad Hak Asasi Manusia Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar Penulisan Perundangan Moden Jackie Yeoh (Kursus Lanjutan) Peraturan Pasaran Sekuriti Shanti Geoffrey dari – Pasaran Modal Baru dan Securities Commission Akta Perkhidmatan 2007 Akta Timbangtara 2005 – Dari Ng Jern Fei Perspektif Pengamal Timbangtara Antarabangsa Asas-asas Litigasi Sivil Mohd. Izral Khairy Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar Cheah Soo Chuan 08.09.2007 Bengkel Bagaimana untuk Mendakwa dan Mempertahankan Kes-kes Kecederaan Peribadi 12.09.2007 Seksyen 340 Kanun Tanah Negara– sebelum dan selepas Boonsom Boonyanit 14.09.2007 Penghujahan untuk Suruhanjaya Sekuriti. Berwaspada dengan Seksyen 32B Akta Suruhanjaya Sekuriti 1993 atau penggantinya 28 & Bengkel Penulisan Perundangan 29.09.2007 Moden (Kursus Asas) 10 & Kursus Praktikal Kepeguaman 11.10.2007 Am dengan Peguam-peguam dari Lamb Chambers (Dianjurkan bersama oleh PSDC Majlis Peguam dan Jawatankuasa CLE) Nanda Goban Joanne Long Santhana Dass B. Balakumar Razlan Hadri Zulkifli Suresh Gerard Sreedharan Jerald Gomez Shamsul Bahrin Wong Tat Chung Jackie Yeoh Paul Emerson Paul Stewert Shantanu Majumdar Lloyd Sefton-Smith Tim Frith Matthew Winn-Smith Helen Turnbull 20.10.2007 Bengkel Penulisan Perundangan Jackie Yeoh Moden (Kursus lanjutan) 24.10.2007 Undang-undang Laut - Arahan Sitpah Selvaratnam Amalan bagi Penahanan Kapal 02.11.2007 Undang-undang Pekerja Steven Thiru – Kemungkiran Klausa Sulit dan Rahsia-rahsia Perniagaan Dalam Kontrak Pekerjaan A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 Joanne Long Mohanadass Kanagasabai Joanne Long Gan Khong Aik P E N D I D I K A N U N DA N G - U N DA N G L A N J U TA N 103 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 16.11.2007 Prosiding Kebankrapan/Wasiat, Probet dan Pentadbiran Estet Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar 29.11.2007 Asas-asas Konveyansing dan Penyediaan Dokumentasi Perdagangan Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar 05.12.2007 Dari Burger ke Idola : Masa Depan Francais 13.12.2007 Asas-asas Jenayah / Litigasi Hak Asasi Manusia Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar 05.01.2008 Bengkel Penindasan Minoriti dan Aplikasi-aplikasi Adil dan Saksama 19.01.2008 Perbicaraan Undang-undang Keluarga dan aplikasinya 25.01.2008 Asas-asas Litigasi Awam Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar 18.02.2008 Satu Gambaran Keseluruhan yang Praktikal Yang Boleh dan Yang Tidak Boleh dalam Penulisan Pendapat 20.02.2008 Prosiding Kebankrapan/Wasiat, Probet dan Pentadbiran Estet Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar 28.02.2008 Menghindari dan Menghadapi Aduan Lembaga Disiplin [TBC] GK Ganesan Low Beng Choo Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Natalie Peh Suaran Singh Sidhu Sunita Sankey Edmund Bon Dato’ Loh Siew Cheang Gopal Sreenevasan P. Gananathan Chew Swee Yoke Foo Yet Ngo Mohd. Izral Khairy Tharminder Singh Michael Chow Lim Tuck Sun Hanie Izawatie Binti Ahmad Kamil GK Ganesan Low Beng Choo Jerald Gomez Bengkel Permohonan Harbeas [TBC] Corpus 06.03.2008 Percukaian : Pengelakan Cukai lawan Perancangan Cukai 13.03.2008 Asas Konveyansing dan Penyediaan Dokumen Komersial Program Pelatih Dalam Kamar 27.03.2008 SOCSO Nanda Goban Vijey Mohana Krishnan Edmund Bon Megat Abdul Munir Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Noor Arianti Othman A. Ramadass Kavitha Thilagar PROGRAM TAJAAN PENDIDIKAN UNDANG-UNDANG LANJUTAN Oleh kerana Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan bertujuan untuk mempertingkatkan lagi kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang relevan di kalangan ahli-ahli, kami memberi ahli-ahli bantuan dan peluang untuk mengambil bahagian dalam persidangan-persidangan yang diadakan di luar dan juga di dalam negara. Bagi tahun ini, kami telah menaja penyertaan beberapa orang ahli ke bengkel dan persidangan-persidangan berikut. 104 P E N D I D I K A N U N DA N G - U N DA N G L A N J U TA N A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Bengkel Praktikal Kepeguaman Sivil 10-11 Oktober 2007 1. 2. 3. Poh Choo Hoe Anita Sheila Vasanthi Clement Persidangan IBA 2007, Singapura 14-19 Oktober 2007 1. 2. 3. Jacqueline Chang Li Ch’ing Saravana Kumar s/o Segaran Soh Hoon Hoon Persidangan Perundangan Malaysia Ke-14 29-31 Oktober 2007 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Muhendaran a/l Suppiah Rajasegaran M. Karuppiah Jayamurugan s/o Vadivelu Cheng Poh Heng Hanie Izawatie Binti Ahmad Kamil Maria Binti Mohd Haris Yusfarizal Bin Yussoff Maisurah Binti Wahid Ding Jo-Ann G. Nanda Goban Abun Sui Anyit Ani Munirah Binti Mohamad Habizan Rahman Bin Habeeb Rahman Tan Siew Boon Sukhjit Kaur Sehingga kini, respon yang diterima bagi program Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan amat memberangsangkan dan adalah menjadi harapan Jawatankuasa CLE agar para ahli terus mendapat faedah daripada program yang diadakan. Cabaran bagi Jawatankuasa CLE adalah untuk terus memperbaiki program yang sedia ada supaya dapat memenuhi kehendak profesion yang sentiasa berubah. Saya ingin merakamkan penghargaan kepada kesemua ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa CLE, penceramahpenceramah, pelatih dan penyelaras yang telah menyumbang kepada program-program yang dianjurkan setakat ini dan terima kasih juga diucapkan kepada kesemua yang telah bersetuju untuk mengambil bahagian dalam program-program yang akan datang. Saya juga menghulurkan penghargaan saya kepada Azura binti Zakaria untuk dedikasi dan daya usahanya. Abdul Rashid Ismail Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 P E N D I D I K A N U N DA N G - U N DA N G L A N J U TA N 105 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| JAWATANKUASA AMALAN KONVEYANSING Pengerusi Baljit Singh Sidhu Ahli-Ahli Jawatankuasa Amy Too Siew Mooi Alex Chong Ching Wai Chong Wai Kuan Rita Sabrina Wong Kee Ling Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Kathleen Cheong Chor Khuan Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing memulakan tahun ini dengan mengadakan survey bagi mengumpul maklumbalas berkenaan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur ketika berurusan dengan perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan konveyansing. Maklumbalas yang diperolehi akan dijadikan sebagai asas perbincangan di dalam mesyuarat bersama pihak-pihak yang berkenaan. MESYUARAT DENGAN PENGARAH PEJABAT TANAH WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN Disebabkan oleh pelbagai masalah yang dibangkitkan oleh ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur berkenaan Pejabat Tanah Wilayah (“PTWP”), maka mesyuarat pertama bagi Jawatankuasa ini difokuskan kepada PTWP. Satu mesyuarat telah diadakan pada 18.06.2007. Ia merupakan suatu mesyuarat yang baik dan produktif dimana keduadua pihak dapat berbincang masalah atau isu berbangkit dikalangan para ahli ketika mereka berurusan dengan PTWP. Diantara perkaraperkara yang dibincangkan di dalam mesyuarat tersebut adalah • • • • • • • Kehilangan hakmilik; Keperluan untuk akuan statutori; Pengambilan hakmilik; Pinjaman kerajaan; Kaveat Persendirian; Permohonan kebenaran pindahmilik; dan Cukai Tanah Catatan mesyuarat ini telah pun diedarkan kepada ahli-ahli melalui pekeliling KLBC 56/07 bertarikh 13.07.2007. SYARAHAN BERKENAAN PINDAAN KEPADA AKTA PEMBANGUNAN PERUMAHAN (KAWALAN & PERLESENAN), 1966 – ISU-ISU PRAKTIKAL BERKAITAN S.22D Di atas kekeliruan dan ketidakpastian yang dihadapi oleh ahli-ahli berkenaan Akta Pembangunan Perumahan (Kawalan & Perlesenan), 1966, Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing telah menganjurkan dua buah syarahan berkenaan Isu-Isu Praktikal Berkaitan S.22D pada 07.06.2007 dan 29.06.2007. Kedua-dua syarahan tersebut telah disampaikan oleh Encik Andrew Wong, Naib Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing Majlis Peguam Malaysia. Kami menerima respons yang sangat menggalakkan bagi syarahan ini, dimana di dalam masa seminggu dari hari kami mempromosikan syarahan ini, kesemua tempat duduk telah dipenuhi. Disebabkan jumlah tempat duduk yang terhad, Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing terpaksa menolak 106 A M A L A N KO N V E YA N S I N G A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| permohonan sejumlah ahli-ahli yang ingin menghadiri syarahan tersebut. MESYUARAT DENGAN SURUHANJAYA SYARIKAT MALAYSIA (“SSM”) Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing juga berkesempatan mengadakan mesyuarat dengan para pegawai SSM pada 28.08.2007. Ia merupakan satu mesyuarat yang efektif, dimana kami dapat mengutarakan isu-isu yang memerlukan penjelasan daripada SSM. Berikut merupakan isu-isu yang dibincangkan di dalam mesyuarat tersebut: • • • • • • Borang 34; Pengeluaran borang; Pemfailan / Penyerahan borang; Pulangan Tahunan; Carian “online”; dan Pengesahan dokumen oleh Setiausaha Syarikat Semasa laporan ini disediakan, catatan mesyuarat ini telah diajukan kepada LHDN, untuk pengesahan sebelum diedarkan kepada para ahli. PENGHARGAAN Saya ingin menyampaikan penghargaan saya kepada kesemua ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing di atas daya usaha dan dedikasi mereka di dalam memastikan kejayaan aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan pada penggal ini. Tanpa kerjasama dan pengelibatan aktif daripada mereka, agenda Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing bagi tahun ini tidak mungkin dapat dilaksanakan. Baljit Singh Sidhu Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing Catatan mesyuarat ini telah pun diedarkan kepada ahliahli melalui pekeliling KLBC 69/07 bertarikh 13.09.2007. MESYUARAT DENGAN JABATAN INSOLVENSI MALAYSIA (“JIM”) Mesyuarat ini diadakan berikutan aduan yang dibangkitkan oleh ramai ahli berkenaan perkaraperkara yang berkait dengan JIM, terutamanya isu berkenaan likuidator persendirian. Mesyuarat ini diadakan pada 02.10.2007 dan ia merupakan satu pertemuan yang efektif, dimana kami memperolehi penjelasan daripada pegawai-pegawai JIM berkenaan beberapa isu seperti likuidator persendirian, projek perumahan yang terbengkalai dan mesyuarat kreditor. Catatan mesyuarat ini telah pun diedarkan kepada ahli-ahli melalui pekeliling KLBC 82/07 bertarikh 05.10.2007. MESYUARAT DENGAN LEMBAGA HASIL DALAM NEGERI (LHDN) - PEJABAT DUTI SETEM Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing dan pegawaipegawai Pejabat Duti Setem telah bermesyuarat pada 04.12.2007. Mesyuarat ini juga disertai oleh rakan-rakan sejawat kami dari Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing Majlis Peguam Malaysia dan juga Badan Peguam Selangor. Di dalam mesyuarat ini, kami telah membangkit isu-isu berkenaan pemalsuan, Perbankan Islam, adjudikasi MOT dan juga endorsan instrumen subsidari. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 A M A L A N KO N V E YA N S I N G 1 07 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| JAWATANKUASA perhubungan Mahkamah sivil Pengerusi Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien Naib Pengerusi Andrew Teh Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Annou A. Xavier Reggie Wong Mew Sum Michelles Foo Li Mei Yap Lai Lian Arthur Wang Harjinder Singh Robert Low Md. Radzi Mustafa Habizan Rahman Selva Rani Thiyagarajan Patrick Lim PERPINDAHAN MAHKAMAH Dari April hingga Jun/Julai 2007, Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil telah menumpukan perhatian dan menggerakkan usaha ke arah melancarkan proses perpindahan kesemua Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur ke Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur, yang baru dibina di Jalan Duta dan juga menyelesaikan masalah-masalah mungkin atau telah berbangkit berikutan perpindahan tersebut. Untuk memastikan bahawa kesan negatif daripada perpindahan tersebut adalah minimum, kami telah mengadakan pertemuan yang kerap dengan pegawai-pegawai berkaitan dari Badan Kehakiman, JKR, Polis dan pelbagai pihak lain sebelum Kompleks Mahkamah beroperasi dengan rasminya pada 17.05.2007. Antara contoh kerjasama yang dilakukan adalah mencadangkan supaya perpindahan pelbagai Bahagian Mahkamah dilakukan secara berperingkat dan bukannya sekaligus, dan seterusnya berurusan dengan pihak Mahkamah berkenaan jadual perpindahan dan juga senarai pembicaraan untuk memastikan gangguan keatas kehadiran di Mahkamah adalah minimal di sepanjang waktu tersebut; beberapa kali membuat pemeriksaan ke atas Kompleks Mahkamah sebelum perpindahan; mengenalpasti kepincangan struktur dan logistik Kompleks Mahkamah serta melakar semula peta Kompleks Mahkamah yang lebih ringkas dan mesra pengguna (peta yang dilakar semula itu, kemudiannya diubahsuai dan telah diguna pakai oleh pihak Mahkamah dan kini ianya telah ditempatkan di kanan dan kiri dinding pintu masuk Kompleks Mahkamah); menguruskan Bilik Peguam tambahan di lokasi yang bersesuaian; mengadakan hari terbuka bagi ahli-ahli Badan Peguam untuk mengenali dan membiasakan diri dengan Kompleks Mahkamah; berunding dengan pihak Mahkamah supaya para peguam diberikan tempat letak kereta di dalam kawasan Mahkamah (ianya masih lagi berterusan); berunding dan mengenalpasti ruang dan lokasi yang bersesuaian bagi Peti Dokumen (BC Box); meninjau dan mengenalpasti kawasan yang sesuai untuk dijadikan tempat letak kereta tambahan bagi peguam-peguam yang menghadiri Mahkamah dan juga mengadakan perbincangan berkenaan bayaran dengan pengusaha tempat letak kereta; mencadangkan dan dan mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan perkhidmatan bas “shuttle” ke Kompleks Mahkamah / berurusan dengan pihak Mahkamah berkenaan perkara tersebut; berbincang dengan pihak Mahkamah dan Polis untuk menangani masalah kesesakan lalulintas, kekurangan tempat letak kereta dan lain-lain lagi. Walaupun telah berusaha gigih dengan pihak Mahkamah untuk melancarkan perkhidmatan van “shuttle” dengan tujuan memberi kemudahan kepada kakitangan Mahkamah dan ahli-ahli Badan Peguam yang memerlukan, perkhidmatan tersebut telah dihentikan berikutan timbulnya isu permit. 108 PERHUBUNGAN MAHKAMAH SIVIL A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Walaubagaimanapun, buat masa ini tidak timbul masalah serius berkaitan kenderaan ke Kompleks Mahkamah. Meskipun masalah tempat letak kereta masih merupakan isu yang belum dapat diselesaikan, usaha dari pihak kami tidak akan berkurangan dalam mendapatkan tempat letak kereta khusus untuk para peguam di dalam kawasan Mahkamah. AGENDA BERTERUSAN Kesan daripada perpindahan Mahkamah, perhubungan yang baik telah terjalin dengan para pegawai Mahkamah dan kami berharap bahawa hubungan baik ini tidak pudar dan akan terus kukuh dalam usaha memperbaiki pentadbiran keadilan. Sasaran terdekat kami adalah menjadikan Kompleks Mahkamah sebagai tempat yang mesra pengguna cacat (handicap-friendly), meningkatkan langkahlangkah keselamatan di kawasan Mahkamah (terdapat laporan mengenai kejadian pecah masuk kereta), meneruskan usaha mendapatkan tempat letak kereta di dalam kawasan kompleks Mahkamah untuk ahli-ahli Badan Peguam dan bergerak seiring dengan pihak Mahkamah ke arah litigasi elektronik dan media IT. BORANG TINJAUAN (SURVEY) - ISU / ADUAN Pada bulan Ogos 2007, Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah kembali kepada objektifnya untuk memberi khidmat kepada para ahli di dalam meyampaikan dan mengetengahkan isu/permasalahan yang dihadapi di dalam amalan mereka, kepada pihak Mahkamah supaya penyelesaian dapat dicapai dan untuk itu, kami telah mengedarkan borang tinjauan untuk mendapatkan maklumbalas daripada para ahli. MESYUARAT DENGAN JABATAN INSOLVENSI Pada tahun ini, kami telah mengambil pendirian bahawa selain mengadakan perjumpaan dengan pihak Kehakiman pelbagai bahagian Mahkamah, perjumpaan yang kerap dengan Jabatan Insolvensi yang merupakan salah satu badan di dalam sistem Kehakiman, perlu dijadikan sebagai agenda tahunan. Oleh yang demikian, kami telah mengatur dan mengadakan kunjungan hormat ke atas Timbalan Pengarah dan juga Ketua-Ketua bagi pelbagai bahagian Jabatan Insolvensi Putrajaya pada 2.10.2007. Pelbagai isu berkaitan kebangkrapan dan amalan penggulungan telah di dibincangkan dan minit mesyuarat bagi perjumpaan tersebut telahpun diedarkan kepada ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Surat permohonan bagi mengadakan mesyuarat susulan telahpun diajukan dan kami berharap mesyuarat susulan tersebut dapat berlangsung sebelum Mesyuarat Agung Badan Peguam KL. MESYUARAT DENGAN PEGAWAI-PEGAWAI MAHKAMAH RENDAH Pada 25.10.2007, kami telah bertemu dengan para Hakim, Majistret dan Pendaftar Mahkamah Rendah di Kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta, di mana kami telah menyalurkan kepada pihak Kehakiman isu-isu yang di kumpulkan daripada aduan dan cadangan ahli-ahli Badan Peguam di sepanjang tahun ini. Pihak Kehakiman juga telah mengetengahkan pandangan dan cadangan mereka untuk disampaikan kepada ahli-ahli. Tuan Harmindar, Hakim Kanan Mahkamah Rendah, dan juga para pegawainya menekankan bahawa aduan adalah sepatutnya spesifik, dimana nama serta peristiwa mestilah dikenalpasti, supaya tindakan yang sewajarnya dapat diambil. Pihak Mahkamah juga mencadangkan agar diadakan mesyuarat tetap berkala diantara pihak peguam dan juga pihak Kehakiman, supaya suatu hubungan yang bermakna dan efektif dapat dibentuk. Kami mensasarkan bahawa mesyuarat yang seterusnya dilangsungkan pada bulan Februari 2008. Terdapat kemajuan yang nyata di bahagian pendaftaran Mahkamah sejak perpindahan Mahkamah di mana ahli-ahli Badan Peguam juga dijemput oleh Pendaftar-pendaftar untuk berurusan secara terus dengan mereka di dalam isu-isu berkaitan pentadbiran seperti kehilangan fail atau penangguhan pengekstrakan dan lain-lain. MESYUARAT DENGAN BAHAGIAN-BAHAGIAN MAHKAMAH TINGGI Bahagian Sivil - Mesyuarat dengan Hakim Utama Bahagian Sivil Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur pada mulanya ditetapkan untuk berlangsung pada 11.01.2008. Namun begitu, mesyuarat tersebut telah ditangguhkan ke tarikh yang belum ditetapkan, berikutan perpindahan Hakim Utamanya ke Bahagian Dagang. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 PERHUBUNGAN MAHKAMAH SIVIL 109 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Bahagian Keluarga - Y.A. Dato’ Hinshawati Binti Shariff, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman yang baru bagi Bahagian Keluarga sangat responsif kepada permohonan kami untuk mengadakan kunjungan hormat ke atas beliau, yang mana kemudiannya dilakukan pada 20.11.2007. Beberapa isu terkini berkenaan Bahagian Keluarga telah dibincangkan dengan Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman. Laporan berkenaan mesyuarat tersebut telah diedarkan kepada ahli-ahli. Bahagian Dagang - Mesyuarat dengan Hakim Utama dan Pendaftar-pendaftar Bahagian Dagang telah berlangsung pada 18.01.2008. Kelewatan di dalam mengaturkan mesyuarat ini disebabkan Hakim tersebut berada di luar negara pada sebahagian besar bulan November 2007 dan bulan Disember 2007 adalah tidak bersesuaian memandangkan beliau baru sahaja pulang dari luar negara dan ia juga merupakan waktu percutian Mahkamah. Pertukaran pandangan dan dialog ramah telah berlangsung di dalam mesyuarat tersebut, dengan perjanjian bahawa isu-isu yang bersifat tidak dapat ditangani dengan segera, akan disusuli pada tarikh yang kemudian. Minit mesyuarat tersebut buat masa ini sedang dimuktamadkan untuk diedarkan kepada ahli-ahli di dalam masa yang terdekat ini. Rayuan dan Kuasa-kuasa Khas - Y.A. Puan Lau Bee Lan telah dilantik sebagai Hakim Utama Bahagian Rayuan dan Kuasa-Kuasa Khas dan beliau telah sudi untuk menjalankan Istiadat “Reference” pada 18.02.2008, bagi ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur yang telah meninggal dunia dalam tahun 2007 dan mesyuarat dengan Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah akan diadakan pada 29.01.2008. Apa yang didapati melalui pelbagai sessi dengan kesemua peringkat dan bahagian sistem Mahkamah dan Pejabat Insolvensi, merupakan suatu perasaan kerjasama dan kesediaan untuk mengkaji dan menyelesaikan isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh ahli-ahli Badan Peguam dan juga keazaman untuk berkerjasama dalam mendatangkan manfaat kepada kesemua pemegang amanah di dalam pentadbiran undang-undang. “BENCH-BAR GET-TOGETHER” “The annual Bench & Bar Get-together” pada tahun ini diadakan pada 25.01.2008, bertempat di kawasan kolam renang “Bukit Kiara Equestrian and Country Club”. Perubahan lokasi acara ini adalah untuk memberikan “kesegaran” kepada acara ini dan untuk memastikan tercapainya matlamat bagi mencipta suasana kasual dan santai bagi ahli-ahli Badan Peguam untuk bertemu dan mengeratkan perhubungan dengan ahli-ahli Badan Kehakiman, sekurang-kurangnya setahun sekali. Sambutan daripada ahli-ahli Badan Peguam adalah sama seperti tahun yang lepas, dan mungkin boleh menjadi lebih baik lagi. Namun begitu, apa yang mengejutkan jawatankuasa ini adalah respon daripada Hakim-Hakim, di mana kehadiran mereka melebihi jangkaan. PENGHARGAAN Apabila laporan ini diterbitkan, adalah diharapkan agar kesemua aktiviti yang dirancang telah berlangsung dengan jayanya. Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada kesemua ahliahli Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah di atas sumbangan mereka yang tidak terhingga dari segi masa, usaha dan idea (yang saya amat hargai) di dalam memastikan perancangan yang dibuat mendatangkan hasil. Penghargaan istimewa buat (bukan di dalam susunan tertentu) Andrew Teh, Harjinder Singh, Arthur Wang, Robert Low, Yap Lai Lian, Annou Xavier, Reggie Wong, Michelles Foo, Habizan Rahman, Patrick Lim, Selva Rani dan Md. Radzi. Saya juga berterima kasih kepada rakan sejawat saya di Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur di atas kerjasama dan bantuan yang diberikan. Akhir sekali penghargaan juga ditujukan kepada Mary dan Azura dari Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur, kerana tanpa mereka, Jawatankuasa ini tidak mungkin dapat berfungsi dengan efektif. Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah Sivil 110 PERHUBUNGAN MAHKAMAH SIVIL A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| JAWATANKUASA AMALAN Jenayah Pengerusi N.Sivananthan Naib Pengerusi Abd. Shukor Bin Ahmad Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Suresh Thanabalasingam Bernard Francis Venkateswari Alagendra Saha Deva Arunasalam Sivaruben R. Balasekaran Ken Yong Chie Man Mohd Zaharudeen Harun Lee Teong Hooi Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah (“JAJ”) ditubuhkan dengan tujuan utama memastikan kewujudan sebuah badan secara khususnya bertumpu kepada isu-isu berkenaan ahli-ahli Badan Peguam di Kuala Lumpur dan badan-badan lain yang terlibat dalam mengamalkan undangundang jenayah. Pada tahun ini JAJ telah terlibat dalam beberapa aktiviti seperti berikut:GAMBARAN KESELURUHAN Semenjak ditubuhkan, JAJ telah mengadakan pertemuan sebanyak 6 kali dan telah sering mengadakan mesyuarat dengan Hakim Kanan Bahagian Jenayah berkenaan perkara-perkara berkaitan dengan pentadbiran keadilan jenayah di Kuala Lumpur. Pandangan JAJ juga telah diminta sebelum mahkamah trafik malam ditubuhkan dan ia juga mengambil bahagian dalam semua mesyuarat untuk membincangkan yang sama. Pengerusi dan Timbalan Pengerusi JAJ juga ke Kota Kinabalu untuk mengkaji sistem mahkamah malam yang diamalkan di sana untuk memerhatikan apa juga kelemahankelemahannya sebelum sistem itu diperkenalkan di sini. JAJ juga telah berbincang dengan Hakim Kanan Bahagian Jenayah Mahkamah Rendah tentang memperkenalkan “borang mengaku salah” di mana ianya telah diamalkan di Malaysia Timur. JAJ pada masa ke semasa juga mengambil pendirian ke atas isu-isu kepentingan awam dan kenyataannya telah mendapat liputan akhbar. PROGRAM DOCK BRIEF Ia telah sampai ke pengetahuan JAJ bahawa Majistret-Majistret tidak lagi membenarkan pelatih dalam kamar (“pelatih”) untuk hadir di dalam Mahkamah Terbuka atas sebab Seksyen 36(2)(b) Akta Profesion Undang Undang 1976 yang tidak membenarkan pelatih berbuat demikian. JAJ telah berpendapat bahawa apabila permohonan telah dibuat oleh Pengajar bagi pihak pelatihnya, Seksyen 36(2)(b) akan berkuatkuasa pada ketika Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi membuat perintah yang relevan dan peruntukan seksyen ini adalah tidak dipertikaikan. Seksyen 36(2)(b) menyatakan bahawa pada tamatnya tempoh 3 bulan, pelatih boleh menghadiri “dalam Kamar di Mahkamah Tinggi dan Mahkamah Rendah”, yang mana ianya secara jelas merujuk kepada kedua-dua Mahkamah iaitu Mahkamah Majistret dan Mahkamah Sesyen. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 A M A L A N J E N AYA H 111 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Seterusnya seksyen ini menyatakan bahawa pelatih boleh juga hadir ”dihadapan mana-mana Majistret, untuk menjalankan apa jua kausa atau perkara” yang mana secara jelasnya menggambarkan hak untuk hadir di dalam apa jua perkara dihadapan Majistret. Adalah pada pandangan JAJ bahawa kedudukan bagi perkara dalam kamar telah meliputi bahagian pertama Seksyen 36(2)(b) dan bahagian keduanya mesti dibaca secara berasingan memandangkan ia akan nampak kurang logik bagi bahagian kedua untuk diperkenalkan sedangkan bahagian pertama telahpun merujuk kepada Mahkamah Rendah. Pada masa kini terdapat suatu penyemakan terhadap keputusan seorang Majistret tetapi malangnya tiada tarikh di tetapkan kerana pada ketika ini tiada Hakim Kanan dilantik untuk Bahagian Jenayah Mahkamah Tinggi. Suatu mesyuarat juga telah diadakan dalam bulan November antara Hakim Penyelia Mahkamah Sesyen dan Majistret Bahagian Jenayah untuk membincangkan masalah berterusan yang sedang dihadapi oleh pelatih semasa Bahagian mengambil bahagian dalam Program Dock Brief. Mesyuarat itu juga dihadiri oleh Pengerusi JAJ, Ketua Pusat Bantuan Guaman, Pentadbir Pusat Bantuan Guaman, Ketua Program Dock Brief dan Setiausahanya. Banyak isu-isu tertunggak telah di atasi untuk memastikan bahawa program ini berjalan dengan lancar. HAK PELATIH UNTUK MENEMUDUGA BANDUAN DALAM PENJARA Suatu aduan telah diterima oleh JAJ bahawa pihak Berkuasa Penjara terutamanya di Penjara Sungai Buloh telah menolak permohonan pelatih untuk menemuduga banduan sama ada secara sendirian atau apabila menemani peguam lain. JAJ telah menulis kepada Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Penjara Malaysia dan mereka dengan segera memberi arahan kepada penjara berkenaan untuk membatalkan arahan tersebut. Kami telah memaklumkan pihak-pihak berkenaan bahawa pelatih-pelatih memberi satu khidmat yang sangat berguna kepada banduan melalui lawatan-lawatan mingguan mereka dengan memberi nasihat dan sebagainya. Kami diberi keyakinan oleh pihak berkuasa penjara bahawa bantuan seperti ini amat dihargai dan arahan itu adalah akibat daripada salah faham pihak pegawai rendah penjara. MESYUARAT BERSAMA KETUA PENDAKWARAYA KUALA LUMPUR Perkara yang dibincangkan adalah seperti berikut:i. ii. iii. iv. Permohonan dokumen-dokumen; Prosedur Reman dibawah seksyen 117 Kod Prosedur Jenayah; Isu-isu mengenai representasi berbilang; Perkara lain. Isu Pertama - Permohonan dokumen-dokumen Puan Sarala merasa kesal bahawa pihak beliau masih menerima banyak permohonan dokumendokumen terutamanya bagi kes-kes di Mahkamah Majistret yang mana ianya bukan ditangani oleh pihak beliau secara terus tetapi oleh pihak Polis. Beliau meminta bantuan JAJ untuk memaklumkan ahli-ahli bahawa permohonan dokumen-dokumen seharusnya, bagi kes-kes dalam Mahkamah Majistret, dibuat secara terus kepada pihak Polis dan sepertimana dipersetujui sebelumnya, dokumendokumen akan diserahkan pada hari sebutan, jika ia tidak diberikan lebih awal oleh pihak Polis. Ketua Pegawai di Mahkamah (“KP Mahkamah”) juga mengetahui bahawa Pegawai Pendakwa (“PP”) telah diarahkan untuk menyerahkan dokumen-dokumen dengan segera pada tarikh sebutan, jika mereka tidak diberikan sebelumnya. 112 A M A L A N J E N AYA H A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Puan Sarala juga perhatikan bahawa terdapat beberapa permohonan kekurangan butir-butir dan beliau menyatakan bahawa bagi mendapatkan permohonan itu disemak, maklumat berikut perlu dinyatakan dalam permohonan itu:i. ii. iii. iv. v. nombor kes; nombor laporan polis; butir-butir mahkamah; tarikh sebutan terakhir, jika ada; tarikh baru sebutan / pendengaran , jika ada. Isu Ke-2 - Prosedur Reman KP Mahkamah memaklumkan semua yang hadir bahawa prosedur reman dilaksanakan di Mahkamah Majistret No. 10 dan akan dijalankan di Mahkamah Terbuka. Mesyuarat juga dimaklumkan bahawa memandangkan ianya adalah prosiding di Mahkamah Terbuka, maka ianya adalah sukar untuk mengawal kemasukkan ahli-ahli awam termasuk ahli keluarga mereka. Ia juga dibawa ke perhatian Mesyuarat bahawa peguam-peguam yang menghadiri prosiding reman tidak akan dibenarkan memasuki Mahkamah sehingga kes anak guam masing-masing di panggil untuk prosiding reman itu. Pendirian JAJ adalah bahawa prosedur itu mungkin kurang memuaskan kerana peguam seharusnya mempunyai akses kepada anakguam mereka kerana selalunya peguam akan dilantik oleh ahli keluarga anakguam mereka dan seseorang yang akan direman berkemungkinan tidak mengetahui tentang pelantikan peguam itu. JAJ mencadangkan bahawa pegawai polis, setakat mana yang boleh menentukan sama ada seseorang yang akan direman telah, sama ada oleh dirinya sendiri atau ahli keluarganya, melantik seorang peguam. Berhubung dengan ini, kedua-dua Unit Pendakwaan dan JAJ bersetuju bahawa proses reman yang sedia ada adalah tidak memuaskan terutama berkenaan aspek logistic dan keselamatan. Maka dicadangkan bahawa kedua-dua pihak berjumpa dengan Hakim Kanan Mahkamah Sesyen bagi menyelesaikan isu ini. KP Mahkamah membangkitkan isu pelatih dalam kamar hadir di prosiding reman. JAJ secara jelasnya berpandangan bahawa pelatih, dengan syarat bahawa mereka telah “short called” dibenarkan dalam undang-undang untuk berbuat demikian. JAJ juga menegaskan bahawa pada masa yang lalu pelatih telah diberi kebenaran untuk hadir pada prosiding reman tanpa sebarang halangan. Puan Sarala bersetuju bahawa pelatih boleh hadir untuk prosiding reman apabila mereka telah di “short called”. Satu lagi sub-isu adalah kehadiran peguam-peguam menjalankan arahan memerhati (“watching brief”) semasa prosiding reman. Puan Sarala tertanya-tanya sama ada peguam boleh hadir pada prosiding itu. JAJ menegaskan bahawa sama ada seorang peguam boleh hadir atau tidak adalah diputuskan oleh pihak Mahkamah. Ia telah dipersetujui bahawa sekiranya Pegawai Penyiasat (“IO”) mempersoalkan kehadiran peguam yang sedang menjalan arahan memerhati beliau boleh, pada permulaan prosiding, menyatakan bantahan kepada pihak Mahkamah dan kemudiannya memohon kepada pihak Mahkamah untuk memutuskannya ke atas isu itu terlebih dahulu sebelum meneruskan prosiding reman. Puan Sarala juga membangkitkan isu autoriti yang disebutkan semasa prosiding reman yang mana IO tidak boleh membalas tanpa persediaan. JAJ berpendapat bahawa menyebut tentang autoriti seharusnya dibenarkan dan ia adalah terpulang kepada PP untuk memohon waktu untuk A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 A M A L A N J E N AYA H 113 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| menimbangkan autoriti yang dipetik atau meminta nasihat lanjut daripada pihak Unit Pendakwaan. Isu Ke-3 - Representasi Berbilang Unit Pendakwaan mengulangi bahawa mereka tidak akan menyediakan dokumen-dokumen yang mana telah diberikan terlebih dahulu kepada peguam terdahulu. Peguam baru seharusnya mendapatkan dokumen-dokumen itu daripada peguam terdahulu melainkan dalam kes-kes luarbiasa, dokumendokumen sepertinya boleh diberikan. Isu Ke-4 – Perkara lain Puan Sarala memaklumkan pada yang hadir bahawa pada 15.07.2007 pendakwaan di Mahkamah Sesyen akan diserahkan kepada pihak polis kecuali bagi kes kelas tertentu yang dikategorikan sebagai kes-kes kepentingan awam dianggap perlu oleh Ketua Unit Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan/atau Ibu Pejabat, Jabatan Peguam Negara, Putrajaya. BANTUAN KEPADA AHLI-AHLI YANG MENGHADAPI KESUKARAN DENGAN PIHAK BERKUASA Pada setiap masa, ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah bersedia untuk menyediakan dan sesungguhnya telah menyediakan bantuan kepada mana-mana ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur yang memerlukan sebarang bantuan. Ini termasuk pengendalian dengan pihak Mahkamah melalui perbincangan yang diadakan di Bahagian Jenayah, Mahkamah Rendah Kuala Lumpur, pihak polis dan Bahagian Pendakwaan dan Pendaftar Bahagian Jenayah Mahkamah Rendah Kuala Lumpur. PENGHARGAAN Saya ingin menyampaikan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada ahli Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah atas sokongan dan kerjasama mereka dalam memastikan bahawa semua aktivitiaktiviti dijalankan dengan jayanya. Saya juga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua pihak, di atas kerjasama dan tumpuan mereka yang terlibat di dalam aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan pada penggal ini. Saya dengan seikhlasnya berharap bahawa segala usaha jawatankuasa ini sedikit sebanyak dapat memudahkan perjalanan ke arah perubahan yang positif bagi pengamal undang-undang jenayah. N. Sivananthan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah 114 A M A L A N J E N AYA H A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| JAWATANKUASA Undang-Undang Alam sekitar Pengerusi Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Colin Andrew Pereira Asmet Nasruddin Wong Ee Lynn Karen Kimkana P. Rajasundram Rajinder Kaur Gill Syarifah Syazwani Syed Hussin Kathleen Cheong Chor Khuan Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar 2007/08 telah mengadakan mesyuarat pertamanya pada 05.04.2008. Sambutan yang diterima daripada ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur adalah meggalakkan apabila 11 orang ahli telah menyertai Jawatankuasa ini. Sebilangan ahli Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar bagi 2007/08, juga merupakan ahli bagi Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar 2006/07. Di dalam mesyuaratnya yang pertama, Jawatankuasa ini telah pun bersetuju untuk meneruskan projek dari tahun 2006/07 yang masih belum selesai. Berikut merupakan projek-projek yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar 2007/08. PENGUATKUASAAN DAN PENTADBIRAN PERHUTANAN DAN PERDAGANGAN UNDANG-UNDANG Pada awal penggal ini, Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar telah terlibat di dalam panel perbincangan mengenai “Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) Malaysia Europe Commission Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT)” yang diadakan pada 06.03.2007 dan telah memberikan nasihat dan komen dari segi perangkaan dan perundanganVPA. Sebagai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa, saya telah menyertai panel perbincangan yang yang diadakan di Kementerian Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi MALAYSIAN FOREST DIALOGUE - CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING AND FINANCING SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar juga telah dijemput untuk menyertai “Malaysian Forest Dialogue – Challenges In Implementing and Financing Sustainable Forest Management” anjuran HSBC Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. yang diadakan dari 22.10.2007 hingga 23.10.2007. Objektif bagi sessi dialog ini antaranya ialah untuk meningkatkan kesedaran dan berkongsi maklumat berkenaan aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi perdagangan berkaitan perhutanan; dan juga membincangkan realiti praktikal di dalam mengimplementasi dan membiayai pengurusan perhutanan mampan. Dialog ini telah dihadiri oleh saya dan Karen Kimkana. PERSIDANGAN KEBANGSAAN DAN LATIHAN “LEGISLATION AND INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS IN INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (IWRM)” Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar dibawah naungan Majlis Peguam telah berusahasama dangan NAHRIM, CapNET dan AguaJaring A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 U N DA N G - U N DA N G A L A M S E K I TA R 115 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| di dalam mengadakan “Legislation and Institutional Arrangements in Integrated Water Resources Management National Conference and Training”, yang diadakan pada 09-14 Julai 2007 di Suruhanjaya Sekuriti. Asmet Nasruddin dan Malik Imtiaz sebagai wakil Badan Peguam, telah membentangkan kertas kerja untuk sessi seminar dan program latihan; dan 2 orang ahli Badan Peguam telah menyertai persidangan dan program latihan tersebut. Persidangan dan program ini dimatlamatkan untuk menjadi sebahagian daripada siri di Asia Tenggara di dalam menguatkan implementasi proses IWRM di rantau ini. Isu-isu berbangkit berkenaan perundangan dan institusi akan menjadi lebih penting di dalam konteks inisiatif pihak kerajaan dan swasta di rantau ini ke atas alam sekitar dan air, sebagai isu strategik dan persamaan. Persidangan ini merupakan pengenalan kepada topik untuk audiens yang lebih luas dan dihadiri oleh ahli perundangan, jurutera, saintis, “environmentalist” dari sektor awam dan juga swasta, badan bukan kerajaan dan pelbagai pihak yang berminat. Program ini juga dihadiri oleh kumpulan terpilih, yang terdiri daripada “senior policy maker”, “opinion leaders” dan pelatih berpotensi daripada rantau Asia Tenggara. Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar berharap akan mengadakan program latihannya sendiri pada tahun hadapan untuk ahli-ahli Badan Peguam. KARBON KREDIT / PERUBAHAN CUACA Sebagai susulan ke atas minat Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar ke atas isu berkaitan Protokol Kyoto dan Karbon Kredit, ahli kami, Karen Kimkana telah menulis artikel bertajuk “What Does the Future Holds” yang akan diterbitkan di dalam Relevan keluaran 3/07. Bahagian kedua artikel berkenaan akan juga di terbitkan di dalam Relevan. LAWATAN KE PUSAT PERLINDUNGAN GAJAH KUALA GANDAH Lawatan 1 hari ke Pusat Perlindungan Gajah Kuala Gandah telah diadakan pada 03.11.2007. Lawatan ini telah disertai oleh 48 ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur, termasuk sahabat dan ahli keluarga masing-masing. Kebanyakan peserta berpeluang memberi makan dan memandikan gajah-gajah di pusat perlindungan tersebut. Daripada kutipan yuran penyertaan, Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar telah menyumbangkan RM665.00 kepada Pusat Perlindungan Gajah Kuala Gandah. AKTA KUALITI ALAM SEKITAR (AKAS) 2007 Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar juga terlibat di dalam panel perbincangan berkenaan pindaan ke atas AKAS, yang mana Akta tersebut telah pun diluluskan dan diwartakan. Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar telah memohon untuk bertemu dengan Timbalan Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar bagi membincangkan kebimbangan kami mengenai pindaan yang menggabungkan bukti prima facie bagi beberapa kesalahan, di bawah Akta yang dipinda. RANG UNDANG-UNDANG PENGURUSAN SISA PEPEJAL D\DAN PEMBERSIHAN AWAM 2007 Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar buat masa ini sedang mengkaji cadangan Rang UndangUndang Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam. Kami berharap dapat bertemu dengan Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan untuk mengetengahkan kepada beliau berkenaan isu-isu berbangkit berkaitan perundangan. Kami difahamkan bahawa cadangan Rang UndangUndang tersebut dijadualkan untuk dibaca di Parlimen di dalam tahun hadapan. 116 U N DA N G - U N DA N G A L A M S E K I TA R A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| PERSIDANGAN ANTARABANGSA “WASTE TO WEALTH” Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar telah dijemput menyertai persidangan “Waste to Wealth” yang diadakan di PWTC dari 26 hingga 28 November 2007. Rajinder Kaur Gill telah menyertai persidangan 3 hari tersebut sebagai wakil Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar. Persidangan tersebut telah membincangkan isu sisa buangan pepejal dari segi teknikal; dan beberapa isu seperti implementasi pengurusan sisa pepejal di Malaysia, pengurangan pemanasan global serta kitar semula telah menarik minat kami. AUDIT TENAGA Pada tahun ini, Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar telah memulakan amalan audit tenaga di bangunan Majlis Peguam. Audit tenaga tersebut telah diketuai oleh Wong Ee Lynn, dan dibantu oleh kakitangan Sekretariat Majlis Peguam. Kumpulan yang terlibat di dalam audit tenaga tersebut telah mengumpulkan statistik dan buat masa ini sedang berkerjasama dengan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif dalam mengimplementasikan pelbagai langkah untuk mengurangkan penggunaan tenaga di Sekretariat. Diharapkan dengan pengimplementasian cadangan jawatankuasa audit, Majlis Peguam dapat mengurangkan bill elektrik dan juga penggunaan tenaga di Sekretariat. INAUGURAL MALAYSIAN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY CONFERENCE 2007 - STARTING ON THE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY JOURNEY Memandangkan pada tahun ini Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar terlibat secara aktif di dalam audit tenaga, kami berpandangan bahawa melalui persidangan sebegini, ahli-ahli kami dapat menambahkan pengetahuan dan pendedahan mengenai isu-isu terkini berkaitan “sustainable energy”. Oleh yang demikian, Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar telah mengambil inisiatif menghantar 2 orang ahlinya menyertai “Inaugural Malaysian Sustainable Energy Conference” yang telah dianjurkan oleh “Centre for Environment, Technology & Development, Malaysia (CETDEM)” dari 05.11.2007 hingga 06.11.2007. Wong Ee Lynn dan Syarifah Syazwani telah ditaja oleh Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur bagi menyertai persidangan ini. TAYANGAN AMAL Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar telah menganjurkan tayangan amal filem “National Treasure: Book of Secrets”. Tayangan amal tersebut yang diadakan pada 22.12.2007 di GSC Berjaya Times Square adalah bertujuan bagi mengumpul dana untuk Kem Alam Sekitar Kanak-Kanak yang dijangka akan dianjurkan oleh Jawatankuasa ini pada tahun 2008. 48 tiket kelas “premier” telah dijual dan jamuan turut diadakan sebelum tayangan bermula. KESIMPULAN Akhir sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kesemua ahli Jawatankuasa UndangUndang Alam Sekitar di atas sokongan dan usaha yang telah diberikan di dalam menjayakan acara-acara yang tersebut diatas. Saya juga ingin menyampaikan penghargaan saya kepada para ahli yang sanggup berkorban masa untuk menghadiri mesyuarat, persidangan dan juga acaraacara anjuran Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar U N DA N G - U N DA N G A L A M S E K I TA R 1 17 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| JAWATANKUASA Teknologi Maklumat Pengerusi Raja Riza Shazmin 1. Sebagai kesinambungan fokus utama jawatankuasajawantankuasa sebelum ini, yang telah bertungkus lumus untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan pendaftaran secara online (termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada proses pendaftaran pelatihan dalam kamar), tahun ini Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat telah berusaha untuk meningkatkan lagi perkhidmatan ini kepada ahli-ahlinya. Ini telah dilakukan melalui : 1.1 Dengan mengadakan mesyuarat dan perbincangan dengan pembekal servis (service provider) yang sediaada. 1.2 Dengan memperolehi suatu khidmat semi dedicated server hosting yang baru. 1.3 Peningkatan khidmat teknologi maklumat di Bilik-bilik Peguam di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur di Jalan Duta; dan 2. 1.4 Memperolehi khidmat pegawai teknologi maklumat. MESYUARAT DAN PERBINCANGAN YANG DIADAKAN DENGAN PEMBEKAL KHIDMAT (‘SERVICE PROVIDER’) 2.1 3. PEROLEHAN “SEMI DEDICATED SERVER HOSTING SERVICE” YANG BARU 3.1 Dalam bulan Disember 2007, kami telah memperolehi suatu “semi dedicated server hosting service” yang lebih canggih. 3.2 Dengan adanya penambahan dari segi ahli, keperluan untuk “semi dedicated server hosting service” yang baru ini adalah nyata untuk mengendalikan dengan jayanya pengaliran keluar masuk emel dan lain-lain antara Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dengan ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Naib Pengerusi Steven Wong Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Abdul Rashid Ismail M. Reza Hassan Deepak Pillai Norliza Rasool Khan Mohd Izral Khairy Krishna Roy Sreenivasan Richard Wee Thiam Seng GK Ganesan Dato’ Muzzafirah Ahmad Fairuz 118 T E K N O L O G I M A K L U M AT Mesyuarat dan perbincangan dengan pembekal khidmat yang sedia ada dan juga dengan pembekal khidmat yang lainnya telah diadakan untuk mendapatkan ideaidea baru dalam meningkatkan lagi perkhidmatanperkhidmatan yang diberi oleh Jawatankuasa Peguam kepada ahli-ahlinya. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 3.2.1 Ini juga adalah untuk memastikan bahawa ahli- ahli dapat menikmati sepenuhnya perkhidmatan yang diberi. 3.2.2 Semi dedicated server hosting service yang baru ini juga adalah untuk memastikan bahawa pengeluaran eNewsletter secara online diadakan dengan jayanya. 4. PENINGKATAN PERKHIDMATAN SERVIS TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT DI BILIK-BILIK PEGUAM DI KOMPLEKS MAHKAMAH KUALA LUMPUR DI JALAN DUTA. 4.1 Adalah diketahui bahawa Teknologi Maklumat pada hari ini semakin meningkat dan berkembang kepada tahap yang amat mengagumkan. Dengan itu, kami berusaha untuk memastikan khidmat teknologi maklumat di Bilik-bilik Peguam di Mahkamah Jalan Duta berada ditahap yang memuaskan. 4.2 Kami berharap agar dapat memperlengkapkan bilik-bilik peguam dengan komputer dan program komputer termasuk juga kemudahan internet untuk memudahkan lagi ahli-ahli untuk mengakses informasi dengan kadar yang lebih pantas dan serta - merta, dimana ianya adalah amat penting di dalam dunia teknlogi maklumat hari ini. 5. CADANGAN UNTUK MENDAPATKAN PERKHIDMATAN PEGAWAI TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT SEPENUH MASA. 5.1 Menyedari keperluan untuk mengukuhkan lagi penyeliaan urusan teknologi maklumat di Sekretariat, kami berpendapat bahawa seorang pegawai teknologi maklumat harus di ambil bekerja sepenuh masa. 5.2 Ketika laporan ini dibuat, kami sedang menyusun atur skop kerja pegawai teknologi maklumat tersebut dan kami berharap agar jawatan ini diiklankan di dalam suratkhabar dan juga secara online. 5.2.1 Adalah dijangkakan bahawa pegawai teknologi maklumat tersebut akan bekerjasama dengan Sekretariat dan secara tidak langsung ini dapat meningkatkan lagi perkhidmatan Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur kepada ahli-ahlinya. 5.2.2 Ini juga dapat memastikan bahawa segala hal-hal berkenaan teknologi maklumat di Sekretariat dapat di tangani dengan lebih efisien. 6. PAMERAN TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT JAWATANKUASA PEGUAM KUALA LUMPUR 6.1 7. LAMAN WEB BADAN PEGUAM KUALA LUMPUR 7.1 Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur akan mengadakan satu Pameran Teknologi Maklumat pada 21.02.2008 di Hotel Legend, bersempena dengan Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur, untuk membolehkan ahli-ahli meneliti produk-produk teknologi maklumat terkini yang terdapat dalam pasaran di dunia teknologi maklumat hari ini. Kami berharap agar ahli-ahli akan mendapat manfaat daripada Pameran Teknologi Maklumat ini memandangkan dunia hari ini menuju ke era “paperless”. Laman web Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur masih terus merekodkan lawatan harian yang baik. Ia merekodkan lawatan lebih kurang 30,000 sehari secara purata. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 T E K N O L O G I M A K L U M AT 119 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 7.2 Pengiklanan di dalam laman web Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur tahun ini telah menghasilkan pendapatan sebanyak RM33,450 berbanding sejumlah RM25,400 pada tahun 2006/07 dan RM19,250 pada 2005/06 untuk Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur. 8. PENGHARGAAN 8.1 Saya ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat yang telah meluangkan masa dan tenaga untuk memastikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik diberi kepada ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. 8.2 Saya juga ingin merakamkan penghargaan kepada Mary, Melissa, Indra dan Rajan di Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur di atas sokongan yang diberikan. 8.3 Akhir kata, saya berharap ahli-ahli akan memperolehi manfaat daripada perkhidmatan yang diberi dan diperkenalkan. Kami sentiasa mengalu-alukan sebarang cadangan dan komen untuk membolehkan kami meningkatkan perkhidmatan yang lebih efisien dan terbaik menurut kemampuan kami. Raja Riza Shazmin Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat 120 T E K N O L O G I M A K L U M AT A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| JAWATANKUASA penerbitan Pengerusi Brendan Navin Siva RELEVAN penggal ini telah memperkenalkan muka hadapan yang baru dalam usaha untuk menampilkan imej yang baru. Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Cheng Poh Heng Nicole Wee Rishwant Singh Brent Yap Hon Yean Yudistra Darma Dorai Shanmuga Kanesalingam Sudharsanan Thillainathan Sukhjit Kaur Gill Audrey Quay Sook Lyn S. Saravana Kumar Jawatankuasa Penerbitan pada mesyuarat pertamanya memutuskan bahawa ia akan menerbitkan 4 isu terbitan bagi tahun 2007/2008. Terbitan pertama telah dikeluarkan pada April 2007, diikuti dengan terbitan ke-2 pada Julai 2007. Pada masa penulisan laporan ini, terbitan-terbitan ke-3 dan ke-4 telah dijadualkan untuk penerbitan pada Disember 2007 and Januari 2008 masing-masing. Objektif-objektif Jawatankuasa Penerbitan adalah untuk membawa perhatian kepada isu-isu yang menjejaskan profesion undangundang dan pentadbiran keadilan dan juga perkara-perkara yang berkenaan dengan kepentingan awam. Jawatankuasa Penerbitan telah membuat suatu percubaan untuk didorong oleh isu-isu semasa dan dengan secara aktif mendapatkan sumbangansumbangan daripada ahli-ahli dalam isu-isu yang dianggap penting kepada peguam. Kami telah cuba untuk menekankan arah-arah aliran dalam profesion guaman, misalnya blawgs, dan aktiviti-aktiviti Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur, seperti Charity Nite. Artikel-artikel berkenaan dengan isu-isu dan perkembangan undang-undang dan pengamalan undangundang juga disorotkan. Terdapat juga percubaan sengaja untuk mengimport sumbangan-sumbangan dan artikel-artikel dari sumbersumber luar negeri termasuk ucapan-ucapan para hakim dari negaranegara komanwel yang lain dan transkrip kertas-kertas yang diberikan sebagai sebahagian daripada program Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan negara yang lain. Walaubagaimanapun, adalah dikesali bahawa jumlah artikel yang diterima daripada ahli-ahli terus mengikuti arah aliran yang menurun seperti pada tahun-tahun lepas. Relevan juga menghadapi soalansoalan serius yang perlu diselesaikan dan diatasi pada penggal yang akan datang. Memandangkan peningkatan kepopularan blogs, lamanlaman web, forum-forum dan perlengkapan rangkaian sosial lain yang tersedia dalam internet, penerbitan salinan cetak jenis lama seperti Relevan akan terus menghadapi kesukaran dalam menarik perhatian ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Penerbitan penggal yang akan datang menghadapi tugas untuk mengubah atau merekasemula penerbitan ini untuk menempuhi persaingan-persaingan tersebut. Relevan tidak akan terhasil tanpa masa, usaha dan pengorbanan ahli- A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 P E N E R B I TA N 1 21 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| ahli jawatankuasanya dan penulis-penulis yang menyumbang. Rekaan dan susun atur yang baru dan pendekatan baru terhadap isi kandungan adalah sebahagian besar disebabkan oleh usaha mereka. Brendan Navin Siva Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penerbitan 122 P E N E R B I TA N A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| JAWATANKUASA Hal Ehwal Pelatih dalam kamar Pengerusi Richard Wee Thiam Seng Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Lee Chooi Peng Susamma Thomas Hairul Azam Bin Hambali Ally Chong Wai Kuan Dipendra A/L Harshad Rai Sarah Kambali Sandesh Kabir Singh Edward Saw Keat Leong Azlan Bin Abdul Ro’ni STRUKTUR Jawatankuasa Hal-ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar (“PWC”) telah di tukar struktur pada permulaan penggal. Untuk penggal ini, PWC terdiri daripada 3 unit, iaitu : a. Unit Utama yang mana ahli-ahlinya adalah seperti nama-nama diatas; b. Panel Penasihat yang termasuk 3 ahli-ahli Badan Peguam yang “senior”:1. Puan Hendon bt Haji Mohamed 2. En Dennis Appaduray 3. En Lim Chee Wee c. Unit Perwakilan Pelatih Dalam Kamar yang termasuk beberapa pelatih dalam kamar (“pelatih”). Unit Utama bertanggungjawab untuk kebanyakan projek dan pelan jawatankuasa ini. Panel Penasihat ditubuhkan dengan tujuan untuk memberi nasihat dan tunjuk ajar kepada ahli-ahli PWC tentang isu-isu berkaitan dengan pelatihan dalam kamar. Unit Perwakilan Pelatih Dalam Kamar pula mempunyai keahlian yang sentiasa bertukar; kerana pelatih yang telah diterima masuk kedalam Badan Peguam akan meninggalkan unit ini, dan pelatih yang baru pula, mengambil alih tempat ahli-ahli itu.Tujuan utama Unit ini adalah untuk memberi pendapat dan idea kepada Unit Utama. Kewujudan Unit ini amat membantu Unit Utama semasa merancang projek-projek PWC, memandangkan kami menerima pandangan pelatih secara terus. PROJEK-PROJEK Berikut adalah projek-projek utama PWC:1. Pupils’ Pamphlet Risalah berwarna biru yang dicetak pada kertas bersaiz A4 dan dilipat menjadi risalah kecil; telah diterima hangat oleh pelatih-pelatih. Pelatih kini tidak perlu mencari nasihat dari pelatih lain berkenaan kaedah-kaedah berkenaan pelatihan dalam kamar. Sebaliknya Risalah ini menjadi suatu panduan kepada Pelatih-pelatih. Salinan Risalah ini sediaada di Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur, Bilik Peguam di Mahkamah dan di Kaunter Bahagian Rayuan Dan Kuasa-kuasa Khas (RKKK) di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 H A L E H W A L P E L AT I H D A L A M K A M A R 123 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 2. Seminar dan Workshop • PWC menganjurkan beberapa seminar yang bertema ‘The Whole Nine Yard’ di Universiti-universiti dan Sekolah Undang-undang sekitar Kuala Lumpur. Di Seminarseminar ini ahli PWC memberi nasihat berkenaan kaedah-kaedah Pelatihan dalam Kamar. Institut pengajian tinggi tersebut telah mengalu-alukan PWC supaya kembali melakukan seminar ini. • Selain daripada itu, PWC telah berkerja sama dengan Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Kuala Lumpur (JPM) melawat Universiti-universiti dan Sekolah Undang-undang untuk workshop JPM yang bertema, “Managing Expectations”. Di workshop tersebut ahli-ahli PWC berpeluang untuk berbincang dan memberi nasihat kepada pelajarpelajar tersebut berkenaan pengalaman mereka sebagai peguam. Workshop ini juga diterima baik dan kemungkinan besar akan menjadi suatu projek yang tetap di Universiti-universiti dan Sekolah Undang-undang. • Bulan Disember 2007 lalu, PWC telah menganjurkan Forum untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar, berkenaan dengan program Etika baru di Majlis Peguam. Rasa kurang puas hati sentiasa disuarakan tentang tahap kegagalan yang kian gawat. Ramai pelatih mengadu tentang ahli-ahli pemeriksa yang lambat memulangkan kertas-kertas jawapan sehinggakan kadang-kadang menyebabkan kelambatan “Long Call” pelatih tersebut. Di Forum tersebut, Lim Chee Wee dan Steven Thiru telah memberi ucapan masingmasing dan menjelaskan kepada pelatih-pelatih berkenaan pertukaran dalam program Etika tersebut, dan tahap yang patut dicapai oleh pelatih-pelatih. Puan Hendon juga berucap semasa Forum tersebut 3. Aktiviti Sosial PWC bersama dengan JPM telah menganjurkan aktiviti malam sosial “Young Professionals Evening”. Ramai ahli profesional lain dari Badan-badan Profesional seperti Jurutera, Ahli Farmasi, dan Chartered Secretaries telah hadir, dimana Timbalan Menteri Belia dan Sukan Dato’ Liow Tiong Lai, hadir pada malam itu. Malam “Young Professionals Evening” tersebut dianjurkan untuk memberi peluang untuk ahli-ahli Badan Peguam dan pelatih-pelatih bertemu dengan ahli Profesional lain dan berinteraksi dengan mereka. Ramai pelatih hadir pada malam itu, dan PWC berharap untuk menganjur malam sebegitu lagi. 4. Legal Career Fair Pada 12.01.2008, PWC menganjurkan Legal Career Fair buat pertama kali. Ia diadakan di Hotel Legend, Kuala Lumpur, dimana hampir 400 pelawat melawat Career Fair tersebut. 23 Firma Peguam serta 2 Syarikat berkaitan dengan petroleum mengambil bahagian di Career Fair itu. Tujuan utama untuk Career Fair ini adalah untuk membantu proses pencarian kerja. Sejauh mana yang dapat dilihat pada hari tersebut, tujuan tersebut telah tercapai. Firma-firma peguam yang mengambil bahagian di Career Fair tersebut amat serius dalam percubaan mereka menarik perhatian pelawat-pelawat ke pondok-pondok mereka, dimana pondok-pondok telah dihiasi secara inovasi dan cantik. Daripada komen-komen yang diterima, Career Fair ini nampaknya akan menjadi satu lagi projek utama dalam kalendar Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. 1 24 H A L E H W A L P E L AT I H D A L A M K A M A R A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 5. Kaji Selidik Elaun Pelatih Dalam Kamar Isu-isu seperti elaun dan juga keadaan kerja pelatih-pelatih dikaji selidik. Keputusan penyelidikan ini telah dibincangkan semasa mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur, dan Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur melalui PWC telah mula mencari jalan untuk membaikan lagi program Pelatih dalam Kamar. Sila rujuk kepada penterjemahan Inggeris untuk keputusan beberapa penyelidikan yang dirujuk itu. AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI LAIN Selain daripada projek-projek tersebut, sepanjang penggal ini PWC telah melakukan kajian untuk memperbaiki sistem latihan dalam kamar. PWC telah cuba mentafsirkan Akta Profesion Undang-undang 1976 samada Bicara “Short Calls” boleh dibicarakan dihadapan Pendaftar dan bukan dihadapan Hakim. Pihak PWC membuat demikian kerana prihatin bahawa Hakim-hakim mempuyai banyak kes untuk dibicarakan dan juga berharap jikalau diandaikan bicara“Short Call” boleh dibicarakan dihadapan Pendaftar, tarikh bicara Short Call boleh ditetapkan lebih awal lagi. Suatu pendapat telah disediakan oleh PWC untuk pengkajian Majlis Peguam. Walaubagaimanapun, pendapat keseluruhan Majlis Peguam dan Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur, adalah Akta Profesion Undang-undang 1976 perlu dipinda sebelum saranan ini boleh digunapakai. Ahli-ahli PWC juga sentiasa berinteraksi dengan bahagian registry RKKK di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, untuk memastikan “Short Calls” dan “Long Calls” berjalan dengan lancar. Perhubungan antara PWC dan pegawai di bahagian RKKK adalah memuaskan dan memberangsangkan. KESIMPULAN Pihak PWC berharap Firma-firma Guaman di sekitar Kuala Lumpur akan menaikkan elaun yang kini diberi kepada pelatih-pelatih. Kami prihatin bahawa semakin banyak Firma-firma telah menaikkan jumlah elaun kepada pelatih-pelatih, dan berharap arah aliran ini akan berterusan. Memandangkan kos kehidupan kian meningkat, elaun pelatih ini bukan lagi suatu duit saku, tetapi semakin menjadi sumber pendapatan yang utama. Saya juga berharap Majlis Peguam akan menubuhkan suatu Jawatankuasa khas untuk mempelihara hal ehwal pelatih-pelatih, dimana pada hemat saya adalah perlu untuk memastikan sistem latihan Pelatih dalam Kamar adalah lebih seragam di seluruh Negara. Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ahli-ahli penasihat di Panel Penasihat. Selain itu, saya ingin memuji kesemua ahli Unit Utama yang suka membantu dan amat berkerjasama. Walaupun ahli-ahli PWC lazimnya amat sibuk dengan pengamalan undang-undang masing-masing, tetapi mereka banyak melabur masa memberi pendapat, dan/atau menjalankan projek-projek yang kami ingin lakukan. Saya ucapkan “Terima Kasih” kepada mereka semua. Input dan komen-komen pelatih-pelatih dalam Unit Perwakilan Pelatih amatlah dihargai PWC juga ingin mengucapkan ucapan terima kasih kepada Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur yang sentiasa menyokong projek-projek dan aktiviti PWC. Akhir sekali, sebagai Pengerusi PWC, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini juga untuk merekodkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Cik Mary dan Cik Melissa Dass dari Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur, untuk usaha mereka yang memastikan kejayaan projek-projek PWC. Richard Wee Thiam Seng Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Hal-ehwal Pelatih Dalam Kamar A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 H A L E H W A L P E L AT I H D A L A M K A M A R 125 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| JAWATANKUASA SOSIAL, kesenian dan kebudayaan Pengerusi Ivan Wong Ee-Vern Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Muhendaran Suppiah Oon Hooi Lin Melissa Ram Dinesh Kanavaji Musyrifah Abdul Malek Carmen Teh Poh Luan Rachael Tan Sung Ling MAJLIS MAKAN MALAM & TARI-MENARI TAHUNAN Majlis Makan Malam & Tari-Menari Tahunan pada tahun ini dilangsungkan dengan penuh meriah bagi memperingati Ulangtahun Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur yang Ke-15. Pada tahun ini majlis tahunan tersebut telah dilangsungkan di Hotel Westin Kuala Lumpur pada 01.12.2007. Tumpuan telah diberikan oleh jawatankuasa ini untuk memastikan agar majlis tersebut tidak terlalu formal. Para tetamu telah dihiburkan dengan persembahan oleh kugiran Slick Material dan KL Bar Idol, Chryshantini Niles, yang mempersonakan para tetamu dengan dua buah lagu yang disampaikannya. Comedy Court juga turut menghiburkan para hadirin dengan lawak jenaka mereka pada menghujung majlis tersebut. Turut menyerikan majlis tersebut adalah upacara cabutan bertuah serta sajian hidangan yang menarik oleh pelayan-pelayan Hotel Westin. Daripada maklumbalas yang diterima, ramai tetamu merasakan Majlis Tahunan kali ini adalah antara yang terbaik pernah diadakan. DERMA DARAH Kempen menderma darah telah diadakan di Bilik Peguam, Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur pada 20.08.2007 dengan bantuan Pusat Darah Negara. Sejumlah 44. unit darah telah berjaya dikumpul daripada penderma-penderma yang budiman. PENCARIAN HARTA KARUN LEXISNEXIS-KL BAR Pencarian Harta Karun LexisNexis-KL Bar telah dilangsungkan pada 08.09.2007 bagi tahun yang kedua. Penyertaan oleh pihak awam amat menggalakkan, namun sambutan di kalangan peguam-peguam sendiri kurang memuaskan memandangkan hanya sekitar 15 buah kereta yang mengambil bahagian. Dengan sumbangan yang diberikan oleh penganjur-penganjur yang bermurah hati, semua peserta di dalam Kategori Tertutup (yang terdiri daripada peguam-peguam serta kakitangan LexisNexis) berjaya membawa pulang hadiah masing-masing. Jawatankuasa ini ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pihak pentadbiran dan kakitangan LexisNexis yang sekali lagi telah menganjurkan acara yang hebat ini. Semua hasil bersih yang diperolehi daripada acara ini dibahagi sama rata di antara penganjur-penganjur untuk disalurkan kepada badan-badan kebajikan. Bahagian Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur sebanyak RM3,000.00 akan disalurkan ke Rumah Yayasan Sunbeam. 126 S O S I A L , K E S E N I A N DA N K E B U DAYA A N A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| PENDAKIAN GUNUNG KINABALU Jawatankuasa ini juga telah menganjurkan pendakian Gunung Kinabalu pada 10.11.2007. Enam (6) orang ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah mengambil bahagian termasuk pihak penganjur iaitu Muhendaran, Anand Ponnudurai, Ivan Wong, Christopher Lee, Maria Mohd Haris dan Carolyn Danker. Para peserta telah menjalani sesi latihan setiap hari Sabtu selama hampir 3 bulan di Bukit Gasing dan Batu Caves sebagai persiapan untuk pendakian itu. Walaupun tidak semua peserta berjaya menakluki puncak Low’s Peak, pemandangan indah di sekitar Gunung Kinabalu tetap menjadikan pendakian tersebut suatu pengalaman yang tidak dapat dilupakan bagi semua yang mengambil bahagian. ACARA-ACARA LAIN • Jawatankuasa ini telah mengaturkan diskaun istimewa bagi ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur untuk menghadiri sandiwara (play) bertajuk “URMI” di Istana Budaya pada 15.06.2007. Seramai 13 orang ahli telah menghadiri sandiwara tersebut. • Satu lawatan ke kawasan perlindungan kunang-kunang di Kuala Selangor juga telah diaturkan pada 14.07.2007 yang telah disertai oleh 22 orang ahli. Lawatan tersebut adalah amat bermakna berikutan laporan bahawa koloni kunang-kunang semakin lupus. • Perhimpunan Bulanan (Monthly Get-Together) turut disarankan pada permulaan penggal jawatankuasa ini untuk diadakan pada hari Jumaat yang terakhir pada setiap bulan. Sambutan yang diberikan pada dua bulan yang pertama adalah amat menggalakkan, namun menjadi berkurang pada bulan yang ketiga. • Satu lawatan ke Rumah Yayasan Sunbeam adalah dirancangkan untuk diadakan pada penghujung bulan Januari 2008. PENGHARGAAN Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakamkan penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua ahli jawatankuasa ini yang telah bertungkus lumus untuk menjayakan semua aktiviti. Ivan Wong Ee-Vern Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Sosial, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 S O S I A L , K E S E N I A N DA N K E B U DAYA A N 1 27 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| JAWATANKUASA Sukan 1. Pengerusi Anand Ponnudurai AHLI JAWATANKUASA Ahli-ahli berikut telah dilantik sebagai konvenor-konvenor bagi membantu dalam organisasi sukan tersebut :i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Badminton Kriket Hoki Bola Jaring Bola Sepak Squash Tenis Bola Tampar 2. SERIES TAHUNAN 2.1 : : : : : : : : A.I. Nathan Alex De Silva K. Vijayaraj Marie-Julie Wan Ullok Robert Low Peh Khaik Kew Yeoh Cho Keong Dinesh Kanavaji Sukan Badan Peguam KL/Selangor Yang Ke-7 (Piala Pusingan Lall Singh Muker) Selepas memenangi Piala yang dianjurkan oleh Badan Peguam Selangor pada 2006, Sukan Badan Peguam KL/Selangor Yang Ke-7 telah dianjurkan oleh Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur di pelbagai tempat pada 12hb & 13hb Januari 2007. Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah memenangi permainan pertama dengan mengalahkan Badan Peguam Selangor dan telah memenangi Piala Kandiah Chelliah untuk permainan golf pada 12.01.2007 di IOI Palm Garden Resort. Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah menandingi Badan Peguam Selangor dalam permainan hoki, snooker, bola jaring, bola tampar, bola sepak dan badminton pada 13.01.2007, dimana Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah menjuarai kesemua permainan kecuali bola sepak. Dengan sedemikian, Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah memegang semula Piala Pusingan Lall Singh Muker dengan keputusan markah keseluruhannya 6-1. PERMAINAN 128 SUKAN DI MENANGI MARKAH Golf Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur 358–328 Badminton Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur 3–2 Hoki Bola Jaring Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur 6–0 Bola Sepak Badan Peguam Selangor Snuker Bola Tampar Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur 17–2 2 -5 3 -1 3 -2 A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Penyampaian hadiah diadakan pada majlis makan malam yang diadakan di Kelab Diraja Selangor pada 13.01.2007 yang dihadiri oleh peserta-peserta. Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur berharap untuk menyandang semula piala pusingan pada kejohanan ke 8 yang akan dianjurkan oleh Badan Peguam Selangor pada awal tahun 2008. 2.2 Karnival Sukan Yang Ke -17 – Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur lwn Kelab DiRaja Selangor (Piala Pusingan Tan Sri Dato’ Harun Hashim) Karnival Sukan Yang Ke-17 telah dijadualkan di adakan bermula minggu 20.11.2006 dengan beberapa permainan dimainkan dengan bola sepak, bola jaring, kriket dan hoki pada penghujung yang akan diadakan di Kiara Sports Annexe pada 25.11.2006 yang diikuti dengan jamuan makan malam/penyampaian hadiah. Walau bagaimanapun, memandangkan keadaan cuaca tidak mengizinkan, kejohanan kali Ke-17 telah ditunda dan diadakan semula pada 26.05.2007. Memandangkan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur hanya pernah memenangi kejohanan ini sekali pada tahun 1990, saya telah menyeru para konvenor untuk berusaha memenangi kejohanan ini meskipun menghadapi lawan yang bermain permainanpermainan tersebut selalunya berbanding ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. 7 permainan dimainkan pada tahun ini ialah kriket, hoki, bolasepak, tenis, bola jaring, snuker dan badminton bersama “boat race” yang akan diadakan pada malam penyampaian hadiah di RSC Kiara. Keputusan sebelum majlis makan malam adalah 4-3 berpihak kepada Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur dengan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur memenangi tenis, bola jaring, snuker dan badminton sementara Kelab DiRaja Selangor (“RSC”) memenangi kriket, hoki dan bolasepak. Kami bernekad untuk memenangi Kemenangan Keseluruhan pada kejohanan ke-17. Walau bagaimanapun, Pengerusi Sukan RSC berpendapat memandangkan setiap permainan mempunyai piala tersendiri termasuk “boat race”, ia adalah wajar “boat race” dikira sekali dalam keputusan keseluruhan. Beliau berpendapat bahawa jika RSC memenangi “boat race” sekali gus menyamakan keputusan kejohanan. Berikutan itu RSC akan menyandang kembali Piala pusingan kejohanan sebagai Juara bersandang. Walaupun kita kerap kalah kepada RSC dalam “boat race’, saya terpaksa mengikut permintaan mereka. Kami seterusnya mengumpul 4 ahli lelaki dan seorang ahli perempuan dan seterusnya mengalahkan RSC untuk memenangi kejohanan keseluruhan. Keputusan permainan individu adalah seperti berikut: PERMAINAN DI MENANGI MARKAH Kriket RSC 3 Wicket Hoki Bola Sepak RSC 1–3 RSC 2 -3 Tenis Bola Jaring Snuker / Pool Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur 4 -3 21 – 18 4 -3 Badminton Boat Race Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur 5–0 A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 SUKAN 129 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Kejohanan ini adalah salah satu agenda penting dalam kalender tahunan RSC dan mereka telah mengatakan bahawa mereka akan cuba memenangi Kejohanan kali ke-18 yang akan diadakan bersama pada tahun 2008. 3. KEJOHANAN BADAN PEGUAM ANTARA NEGERI-NEGERI Secara tradisi Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur selalunya muncul sebagai Juara Keseluruhan dalam Pertandingan Kejohanan Badan Peguam antara Negeri-negeri yang diaturkan oleh Majlis Peguam Malaysia. Walau bagaimanapun, Majlis Peguam Malaysia telah membuat keputusan untuk tidak mengadakan Kejohanan Badan Peguam antara Negeri-negeri dan telah mengantikannya dengan Kejohanan 4-Penjuru dimana Badan-badan Peguam Negeri akan dibahagikan kepada 4 kumpulan dan pelbagai permainan akan diadakan. Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah diberi mandate untuk menganjurkan Kejohanan 4-penjuru yang pertama dan kami telah bersetuju untuk menganjurkannya pada awal tahun 2008. 4. HOKI Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah dijemput untuk menyertai Pertandingan Hoki 7-sebelah Antarabangsa yang diadakan di Kuala Lumpur pada bulan Julai 2007. Walaupun hanya menurunkan satu pasukan yang mengandungi peguam-peguam yang veteran, Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah bermain dengan cemerlang dan muncul juara dalam kategori Bowl. 5. AM Satu gelanggang bola tampar di Kompleks Sukan Bangsar telah ditempah pada setiap hari Ahad kedua dan terakhir setiap bulan jam 5.00 hingga 7.00 petang. Begitu juga, satu gelanggang badminton di Dewan SBA di Kampung Attap telah ditempah pada setiap hari Khamis dari jam 6.00 hingga 8.30 malam. Penempahan ini adalah untuk memberi peluang supaya ahli-ahli dan pelatih-pelatih tetap bermain sukan-sukan tersebut sambil berinteraksi. Terdapat penyertaan aktif oleh ahli-ahli dan pelatih-pelatih di dalam sesi-sesi ini. 6. UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH Saya dengan ini ingin berterima kasih kepada semua konvenor-konvenor untuk masa dan usaha mereka dalam mengendalikan permainan-permainan tersebut. Jawatankuasa juga berterima kasih kepada penderma-penderma atas sumbangan-sumbangan hadiah, pialapiala dan berbagai penajaan dalam tahun-tahun terdahulu untuk menjayakan pelbagai aktiviti sukan. Akhir sekali, jawatankuasa berterima kasih kepada semua ahli-ahli yang mengambil bahagian dan memberi sokogan dalam pelbagai aktiviti dalam Jawatankuasa Sukan dalam beberapa tahun ini. Walaupun penglibatan ahli-ahli telah bertambah dan secara umumnya amat menggalakkan, adalah diharapkan lebih ramai ahli terutama peguam– peguam muda akan mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti-aktiviti dalam tahun-tahun yang akan datang. Anand Ponnudurai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Sukan 130 SUKAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| JAWATANKUASA PEGUAM MUDA Pengerusi Dipendra Harshad Rai Naib Pengerusi Lee Shih Ketua Sub-unit Lai Chee Hoe Vincent Tey Janet Chai Sunil Lopez Chris Soon Dinesh Nair R Ragunanthanan Wakil Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur ke NYLC Seira Abu Bakar Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Jenny Pong Yen Nee Musyrifah Abdul Malek Francesca Phillip Cynthia Chan Huey Ming Marie Soong Mei Yee Madelene Tan Sheryl Tan Benjamin Sathyanandam Zainurazira Zainal Sarah Kambali Sandesh Kabir Singh Tan Pei Lyn Patricia Woo Patrick Lim Tow Chai Elaine Yap Ng Su-San Athena Ang Farez Jinnah Foo Yueh Jiin Noreen Ariff R. Mogana Das Nur Hidayah A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 Tempoh ini memberi kesan suatu peristiwa penting bagi para peguam muda Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Buar kali pertama sejak penubuhannya dalam tahun 1995, jawatankuasa ini (“YLC”) menjadi sebuah jawatankuasa yang matang sepenuhnya dalam kalangan Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan tidak lagi dianggap sebagai ahli undangan. Pemansuhan cabang pertama seksyen 46A, Akta Profesion Undang-Undang sekarang telah menyebabkan para peguam di bawah 7 tahun yang menjalani amalan boleh mencabar pilihan raya Majlis Peguam dan Jawatankuasa Peguam Negeri buat kali pertama dalam hampir 29 tahun. Ini sesungguhnya merupakan suatu pencapaian yang gemilang dan suatu undi konfiden dalam keupayaan para peguam muda. Kepujian dan penghargaan yang mendalam semestinya diberikan kepada para pemegang jawatan terdahulu yang berusaha keras untuk merayu semula cabang pertama seksyen 46A. Tempoh ini, YLC disusun kepada 4 unit kecil yang dicipta untuk memastikan agar segala keperluan para peguam muda dijaga. Unit kecil tersebut adalah seperti yang berikut: (a) Unit Projek Kemasyarakatan – sebuah unit kecil yang dirancang untuk mengkaji projek penggerak kemasyarakatan dan kebajikan; (b) Unit Hubungan Luar – sebuah unit kecil yang dirancang untuk mengadakan dan menggalakkan hubungan kerja yang rapat dengan badan-badan dan organisasi profesional, universiti-universiti sama ada dalam negeri atau antarabangsa; (c) Unit Hak Asasi dan Perjuangan undang-undang–sebuah unit kecil yang dirancang untuk mengkaji hak-hak asasi dan isu-isu kebebasan sivil di Kuala Lumpur dan untuk bertindak selaku “watchdog”; dan (d) Unit Pengurusan Amalan – sebuah unit kecil yang dirancang untuk mengkaji isu-isu amalan yang melibatkan para peguam muda dan untuk memastikan agar peguam ini boleh/dapat dilengkapi untuk menghadapi tuntutan profesion guaman. Di pentas ini dan sebelum saya melaporkan berkenaan beberapa aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh YLC, saya merasakan adalah lebih sesuai untuk saya nyatakan rasa terhutang budi kepada para peguam muda (dan anggota unit) yang telah bekerja teramat penting dalam memastikan agar aktiviti-aktiviti YLC telah disempurnakan dengan sangat jayanya. Keghairahan dan dedikasi mereka tidak mengenal sempadan dan PEGUAM MUDA 1 31 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Ruth Maran Tracy Hah Joshua Kevin Richard Wee T S Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal James Ding Tse Wen Alan Teoh Tiffany Heah Edmund Bon Tay Choon Howe Alicia Tan May Sien Jonathan Lim Joshinae Wong Chong Wai Kuan Chian Huey Choo Dee Wei Tan Siok Keng Yip Huen Weng See Xien Mohd Razlan Azlan Bin Abdul Ro’ni merupakan suatu bukti bahawa masa hadapan Badan Peguam pada amnya adalah sememangnya teramat positif. Individu-individu yang berikut: Janet Chai, Vincent Tey, Lai Chee Hoe dan Sunil Lopez melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab mereka sebagai pengerusi unit kecil bersungguh-sungguh. Saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Benjamin Sathyanandam dan Fareez Jinnah kerana menerbitkan video promosi yang hebat mengenai aktiviti YLC, dan Seira Abu Bakar kerana menjadi wakil hubungan YLC kepada Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Kebangsaan. Juga kepada timbalan saya yang dipercayai dan yang boleh diharapkan, Lee Shih, yang begitu penting sekali dalam memastikan bahawa, walaupun kalendar yang penuh sesak, YLC mampu menjalankan aktiviti-aktivitinya dalam tatacara yang tersusun dan dinamik untuk kepentingan ahli-ahli muda Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Usaha beliau yang independen dan sifat tidak mudah letih dalam tahun ini telahpun memastikan kerja saya lebih senang. Saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan Pengerusi yang pada dasarnya, banyak menolong aktiviti yang dilaksanakan oleh YLC dan sesungguhnya Cik Melissa Dass, Pegawai Eksekutif yang bertanggungjawab ke atas YLC terhadap kerja-kerja belakang tabir tanpa mengenal lelah. AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI 1. “Hari Terbuka” di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur yang baru pada 17.04.2007 Unit Pengurusan Amalan YLC yang menganjurkan ‘Hari Terbuka’ tak rasmi untuk, sebahagian besarnya ahli-ahli barunya di Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur baru di Jalan Duta. ‘Hari Terbuka’ dihadiri oleh lebih kurang 150 orang ahli dan pelatih dalam kamar. Turut hadir adalah Presiden dan Bendahari Majlis Peguam Malaysia dan matlamat ‘Hari Terbuka’ ini adalah untuk membenarkan ahli-ahli dan pelatih dalam kamar membiasakan diri mereka dengan susun atur Kompleks Mahkamah yang baru dan kawasan persekitarannya. 2. Pemerhatian R Subashini lwn. T Saravanan di Mahkamah Persekutuan, di Putrajaya pada 14.05.2007 Kes yang tersebut di atas adalah satu mengenai kepentingan awam yang utama dan berkenaan kepentingan perlembagaan. Maka, Unit Hak Asasi memutuskan untuk menganjurkan satu lawatan ke Palace of Justice untuk menyaksikan pemakaian kebenaran untuk merayu pada 14.05.2007 di Mahkamah Persekutuan, Putrajaya. Sejumlah 6 orang peguam muda menghadiri perbicaraan mendengar pada hari tersebut. Tujuan pemerhatian adalah untuk mewujudkan kesedaran di kalangan para peguam muda mengenai perkara-perkara berkenaan kepentingan perlembagaan. 132 PEGUAM MUDA A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 3. Ceramah mengenai “Global Legal Opportunities” pada 16.05.2007 Unit Pengurusan Amalan menganjurkan sebuah ceramah mengenai “Global Legal Opportunities” oleh Penny Carey, seorang Dekan dengan University of Hertfordshire. Lebih kurang 68 orang peguam yang menghadiri Ceramah itu yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan kesedaran ke atas trend undang-undang global dan masa depan profesion undang-undang. Sememangnya tajuk tersebut tersangat relevan, kerana ia membincangkan sebuah tajuk hangat yang menjelaskan amalan guaman iaitu pelonggaran khidmat guaman Malaysia dalam menghadapi globalisasi. 4. Acara Bersosial/Bergaul dengan ahli-ahli badan profesional yang lain - 25.05.2007 Unit Perhubungan Luar menganjurkan suatu perjumpaan tak rasmi dengan ahli-ahli beberapa bidang yang lain iaitu ahli farmasi, jurutera dan setiausaha syarikat di Souled Out, Desa Sri Hartamas. Acara ini, walaupun tidak rasmi diadakan juga untuk membincangkan penubuhan sebuah Perikatan Para Profesional Muda. 5. KL Bar Idol 2007 dan Charity Nite 2007 (Malam Kebajikan 2007) pada 29.06.2007 Unit Projek Kemasyarakatan menganjurkan acara kebajikan yang berlangsung paling meriah dalam kalender Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Tahun ini sesungguhnya mencatat sejarah kerana YLC berjaya mengumpul jumlah yang melebihi RM35,000.00 untuk kebajikan. Acara tersebut juga menunjukkan rekod kehadiran 550 orang dalam Maison. Satu lagi kebanggaan YLC adalah, buat kali pertama para peguam muda daripada empat negeri: Kuala Lumpur, Perak, Melaka dan Johor bersama-sama membantu menganjurkan West Coast Charity Nite di lokasi-lokasi yang tersebut di atas pada hari yang sama. Ia benarbenar suatu acara yang memberi kenangan dan bekerja bersama-sama dengan peguam muda ini daripada negeri-negeri yang berlainan menjadi wadah menunjukkan kebolehan/ kemampuan peguam muda ini. Acara di KL juga dihadiri oleh ahli-ahli Peguam Muda Singapura. Segala hasil daripada malam itu akan disumbangkan/didermakan kepada dua buah kebajikan yang diambil, Rumah Sri Shenbagavali Asram, sebuah rumah untuk kanakkanak dan orang tua yang kurang bernasib baik, serta Persatuan Dialisis Touch Petaling Jaya, sebuah pusat hemodialisis yang ditubuhkan untuk mengendalikan bilangan pesakit menghidap kegagalan ginjal peringkat akhir yang semakin meningkat. Sorotan pentung Malam Kebajikan tahun ini adalah edisi Ke-2, KL Bar Idol. Tahun ini memaparkan empat orang peserta akhir wanita: Chryshantini Niles (Shook Lin & Bok), Suhaizah (Raja Darryl & Loh), Nur Hidayah (Zaid Ibrahim & Co) dan Ruth Garnet Maran (Skrine) mengambil tempat di pentas dan membuat persembahan di hadapan para penonton yang menunjukkan penghargaan. Para peserta akhir Idol telah berlatih bersungguh-sungguh berminggu dengan All-Lawyer Band. YLC terhutang budi kepada peguam-peguam Kuala Lumpur yang sungguh bermurah hati dan juga kepada peserta-peserta akhir (termasuk 2 “penyanyi undangan” Ng Yoke Mui and Fahri Azzat) yang banyak menjanakan duit untuk kebajikan. Walaubagaimanapun dan sebab-sebab yang tidak dapat dielakkan, dan pekara sedemikian memang berlaku, hanya seorang sahaja yang dapat dijadikan pemenang dan Chryshantini Niles telah dimahkotakan sebagai KL Bar Idol 2007 kerana menjanakan jumlah wang yang paling banyak untuk kebajikan. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 PEGUAM MUDA 133 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 6. Lawatan ke Universiti-Universiti dan Kolej Undang-Undang Swasta Unit Kecil Perhubungan Luar bersama dengan Jawatankuasa Pelatih Dalam Kamar mengunjungi beberapa buah universiti dan kolej undang-undang swasta tempoh ini: (a) Kemayan –ATC pada 08.09.2007; (b) Universiti Malaya- 15.09.2007; dan (c) Universiti ITM - 22.09.2007 Tujuan lawatan ini adalah untuk mengendalikan jangkaan/harapan penuntut undang-undang (terutamanya penuntut undang-undang tahun akhir) kerana mereka sedang hampir keluar ke dunia pengajian dan kepada amalan. Kunjungan tersebut dirancang untuk memberi gagasan/ idea kepada para penuntut undang-undang berkenaan apa yang akan dijangkakan selepas memperoleh ijazah, harapan majikan, bagaimana untuk memohon untuk mendapatkan tempat pelatihan dan juga opsyen opsyen kareer yang terbuka kepada mereka. Lawatan ini juga merupakan satu pendedahan yang bermakna kepada penuntutpenuntut serta ahli ahli YLC kerana ia membolehkan kedua-dua pihak lebih memahami keperluan masing-masing. Adalah menjadi tugas utama sub-unit ini untuk melawat lebih banyak universiti dan kolej undang-undang sesi depan. 7. Projek “Aid Legal Aid” Projek “Aid Legal Aid” adalah sebuah kempen untuk menggalakkan bantuan guaman dalam kalangan peguam dalam bulan September. Bulan September dirancang sebagai bulan “Aid Legal Aid (A.L.A.)”. Objektif projek ini adalah untuk mewujudkan kesedaran tentang bantuan guaman di kalangan peguam dan untuk memberi publisiti yang benar-benar memerlukan sukarela untuk membantu pusat bantuan guaman. Projek ini termasuklah pengagihan lencana Aid Legal Aid dan menampal poster Aid Legal Aid di Mahkamah. Projek ini berakhir satu bulan dan peguam-peguam digalakkan untuk memakai lencana Aid Legal Aid untuk tempoh bulan itu sebagai tanda sokongan. Pembahagian khas untuk berbuat demikian adalah diminta dan diperoleh daripada Mahkamah yang membolehkan peguam-peguam untuk memakai lencana ini. Unit Hak Asasi berhadap agar kempen A.L.A, ketika dirancang untuk berlangsung hanya sebulan akan mengumpul lebih minat dengan para peguam seumpamanya. Unit Hak Asasi akan bekerja dengan Pusat Bantuan Guaman Kuala Lumpur untuk memeriksa dengan teliti cara-cara lain memastikan penglibatan peguam yang lebih baik dalam perkara bantuan guaman. 8. “Walk For Justice” pada 26.09.2007 Unit Hak Asasi banyak terlibat dalam peringkat perancangan dan pelaksanaan acara ini yang dianjurkan oleh Jawatankuasa Hak Asasi Majlis Peguam. Acara ini membuktikan penglibatan yang jaya semua peguam yang memberikan komitmen kepada suatu kehakiman bebas dan tersendiri. 9. Majlis Berbuka Puasa di Uncle Don, Plaza Damas pada 03.10.2007 Lebih kurang 30 orang peguam dan rakan-rakan, termasuk ahli rakan daripada Badan Peguam Selangor, datang bersama-sama meraikan acara berbuka puasa dan pada masa yang sama bertemu dan mengikut perkembangan rakan sekerja dan ahli-ahli Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur yang lain. Saudara Amir Mursyidi meneruskan dengan satu bacaan doa sebagai memulakan acara berbuka puasa dan semua yang hadir diberi layanan dengan 134 PEGUAM MUDA A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| hidangan lazat briyani bersama ayam kambing, sate dan ketupat. Tidak lupa juga penghilang dahaga dengan hidangan air sirap bandung, teh tarik dan jus buah-buahan. Majlis Berbuka Puasa dianjurkan oleh YLC bukan sekadar majlis berbuka puasa sematamata, tetapi, ia memberi peluang untuk semua peguam dan rakan-rakan mereka tidak kira kepercayaan dan fahaman mereka datang bersama-sama meraikan suatu acara baik dan pada masa yang sama bertemu rakan-rakan lama dan mengikuti perkembangan mereka dalam proses terkini yang berlaku di Badan Peguam. Acara itu sendiri adalah suatu peluang baik sebagai wadah kepada kekuatan kita dan peralihan dan dengan memberi dan berkongsi, kita boleh meneruskan menjadikan negara ini sebuah tempat yang baik untuk masa hadapan. 10. Penubuhan “Young Professionals Alliance (“YPA”)” pada 17.11.2007 @ Si Khiong Star Mercedes Benz Autohaus YLC mengetuai penubuhan YPA pada 17.11.2007. YPA dilancarkan secara rasminya oleh Dato’ Liow Tiong Lai, Timbalan Menteri Belia dan Sukan dan menonjolkan kesatuan banyak badan-badan profesional. Terutamanya, YPA ditubuhkan dengan terdiri para profesional daripada kejuruteraan, farmaseutikal, kesetiausahaan syarikat dan profesion guaman. Juga terdapat para profesional daripada badan-badan lain yang datang untuk memberi sokongan kepada acara ini iaitu ahli psikologi, juru ukur bahan dan ahli kimia yang telah menyatakan minat mendalam mereka bagi menyertai YPA. YPA adalah sebuah badan yang terdiri para profesional muda daripada institusi profesional yang berlainan di Malaysia. Tujuan utama Alliance adalah mengukuhkan ikatan di kalangan para profesional, berkongsi pengetahuan di kalangan ahli-ahlinya serta mengumpul sumber supaya dapat berkhidmat kepada masyarakat seluruhnya. YPA jua merupakan pertubuhan tidak berasaskan politik, agama dan terbuka kepada semua para profesional. Adalah dijangkakan bahawa YPA akan memainkan peranan besar dalam pembangunan para profesional muda di negara ini. YLC terikat dengan YPA kerana ia merupakan platform yang sempurna untuk memastikan peguam muda ini terus berusaha dan mencemerlangkan diri mereka dalam persekitaran yang kuat dan bersemangat dan bertenaga dan pada masa yang sama mengekalkan keunggulan Badan Peguam. Acara ini juga telah mendapat sokongan Jawatankuasa Pelatih Dalam Kamar. 11. Siasatan mengenai aduan berkenaan Mahkamah Sesyen di Pusat Imigresen Semenyih Unit Hak Asasi (“HRU”), bekerja dengan Pusat Bantuan Guaman Kuala Lumpur, melaksanakan suatu penilaian Mahkamah Sesyen (Bahagian Jenayah) di Kem Penahanan Imigresen Semenyih berhubung dengan keganasan hak asasi manusia mengenai orangorang yang dituduh dan prosedur di luar ketetapan prosiding. Ahli-ahli HRU suka rela untuk membantu dengan menghadiri dan memerhatikan prosiding mahkamah di Mahkamah Sesyen yang tersebut di atas. Pemerhati-pemerhati daripada HRU mencatatkan/ memerhatikan mahkamah dibebani dengan banyak kes. Terlalu banyak kes yang dijadualkan untuk sebutan untuk sebuah mahkamah menyelesaikannya. Adalah diperhatikan bahawa hampir kesemua orang yang dituduh adalah tanpa wakil guaman dan mereka pada amnya dilayani dengan pandangan hina oleh kakitangan kem penahanan dan para pegawai polis mahkamah. Pihak yang ditahan/dituduh diarahkan untuk mencangkung di luar mahkamah. Selepas kes mereka diselesaikan, mereka di bawah ke luar Mahkamah dan tangan mereka ditandakan dengan marker dakwat kekal oleh kakitangan kem/pegawai polis mahkamah. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 PEGUAM MUDA 135 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 12. “Walk for Justice Part 2: The Walk is Over, Now its time to talk” Ini merupakan satu forum yang dianjurkan oleh Unit Hak Asasi Manusia untuk antara lain membincang keadaan Badan Kehakiman di Malaysia. Forum ini bermula dengan Pengerusi YLC memberi ulasan ringkas mengenai pendirian Badan Peguam mengenai perakaman klip video seorang peguam senior. Antara penceramah forum ini ialah Dr. Azmi Sharom, Associate Professor di University Malaya, Haris Ibrahim, Richard Wee Thiam Seng yang membaca ringkasan daripada “May Day for Justice” dan Fahri Azzat, yang membaca 2 puisi. Para hadirin terdiri daripada orang awam dan kumpulan-kumpulan civil society dan setelah mengiktirafkan keadaan genting badan kehakiman, para hadirin kemudian menyatakan hasrat mereka supaya langkah-langkah diambil untuk memastikan Badan Kehakiman terus bebas dan adil kepada semua dan tiada pengaruh luar dikesan. Walaupun Suruhanjaya DiRaja dialu-alukan, satu Suruhanjaya Bebas untuk Perlantikan Hakim-Hakim amatlah diperlukan dan akan merupakan satu langkah positif dan kuat oleh kerajaan untuk memastikan Badan Kehakiman terus bebas dan keyakinan orang awam dikembalikan. 13. Pemerhatian rali BERSIH pada 10.11.2007 Ahli-ahli Unit Hak Asasi Manusia telah memberi sokongan kepada Jawatankuasa Hak Asasi Manusia Majlis Peguam dalam rali BERSIH dan telah menjadi pemerhati-pemerhati pada rali tersebut dan juga memberi khidmat di IPK KL dimana peserta-peserta rali tersebut ditahan. YLC berharap untuk mencapai lebih lagi sessi hadapan. Berberapa projek telahpun dimulakan dan sedang giat dirancang. YLC berharap untuk menjadi satu jawatankuasa yang penuh dalam menjaga kepentingan bukan sahaja peguam muda tetapi kesemua peguam amnya. Saya juga ingin merekodkan rasa terima kasih kepada Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Kebangsaan dan juga pengerusinya untuk semua sokongan-sokongan serat nasihat semasa perlaksanaan aktiviti-aktiviti kami. Saya sesungguhnya yakin bahawa dengan satu YLC yang kuat, masa hadapan Badan Peguam Kuala Lumpur begitu cerah dan positif. Saya berharap lebih ramai peguam tampil ke hadapan dengan objektif berkhidmat untuk Badan Peguam dan menyokong jawatankuasajawatankuasa yang sedia ada dan dalam itu memastikan objektif-objektif Badan Peguam terus dicapai. Dipendra Harshad Rai Pengerusi Jawtankuasa Peguam Muda 136 PEGUAM MUDA A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| PUSAT Bantuan Guaman MAJLIS PEguam (Kuala Lumpur) Ahli Panel Pengerusi Ravi Nekoo Setiausaha Kehormat Alexis Diana Pembantu Setiausaha Kehormat Latheefa Koya Bendahari Harleen Kaur Ahli-Ahli K M Nachammai Nik Nurul Atiqah Nik Yusof Ellysyeliza Mat Desa N Sivanesan Ramesh Lachmanan M Moganambal Selva Rani Thiyagarajah Magesan R Ayavoo Nicholas Netto R. Ragunanthanan Sivarasa Rasiah Saravana Kumar Puspawati Rosman Abd Shukor Tokachil Sukhvinder Kaur Chahl Ravinder Singh Dhaliwal Preetam Kaur So Chien Hao PENGENALAN Tahun 2007 adalah tahun yang amat sibuk bagi Pusat Bantuan Guaman (Kuala Lumpur).Telah berlaku peristiwa-peristiwa baru yang mengakibatkan permintaan yang tidak putus-putus untuk bantuan kami. Secara ringkasnya Pusat ini telah menjadi satu pusat yang sibuk dengan pelbagai aktiviti. Kami telah berusaha untuk menangani pelbagai cabaran dengan sebaik mungkin dengan sumber yang terhad. Kini adalah masa untuk menilai kerja-kerja kami yang masih dalam proses. Sepanjang tahun ini, Pusat ini telah membantu 15,951 anakguam dengan nasihat guaman, perwakilan dan pencelahan guaman melalui pelbagai programnya yang berterusan. Ini adalah peningkatan sebanyak 50% berbanding tahun lalu di mana kami telah membantu 10,062 anakguam. (Sila rujuk statistik untuk program yang dilampirkan). Mereka yang dibantu termasuk 1,804 anakguam yang datang ke Pusat ini di bawah Klinik-klinik LAC dan Syariah, 1,679 orang yang telah ditemuduga di penjara, 4,200 tahanan yang telah dibantu di bawah Program ‘Dock Brief’ dan ribuan buruh asing di bawah Program LAC/ Tenaganita. BCLAC (KL) juga telah membantu ratusan orang yang lain melalui Klinik-klinik usahasama dengan NGO seperti AWAM, WAO, SIS, UNCHR dan PTF. Sebanyak 399 fail telah dibuka sepanjang tahun ini yang mana 288 telah di tugaskan. Pusat ini juga telah menggalakkan penggunaan pencelahan guaman untuk menyelesaikan kes secara terus dan efektif. Hingga ke hari ini sebanyak 32 kes telah direkodkan. Pusat ini terus mengekalkan hubungan yang rapat dengan rakanrakan kongsi NGOnya seperti All Women’s Action Society (AWAM), Women’s Aid Organization (WAO), Sisters in Islam (SIS), Tenaganita, Pink Traingle Foundation (PTF), United Nations High Commisioner for Refugees (UNHCR) dan input mereka sangat membantu dalam memberi perspektif yang berlainan kepada Panel Pengurusan dalam beberapa isu. Dalam tahun 2007, Pusat ini telah menyaksikan lahirnya satu kumpulan baru peguam muda yang dikenali sebagai “Legal AIDERS”. “Legal AIDERS” ialah satu kumpulan peguam yang bertenaga, berbakat dan bersemangat yang ghairah membantu BCLAC (KL) dalam pelbagai aktiviti dan programnya (rujuk kepada laporan jawatankuasa Legal Awareness). Tahun 2007 juga menyaksikan Kumpulan “Urgent Arrest” kami teramat sibuk mengendalikan beberapa litigasi kepentingan awam. Tidak seperti A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 1 37 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 2006 di mana isu pengusiran menjadi perkara utama litigasi kepentingan awam, dalam 2007 BCLAC (KL) telah membantu pihak-pihak yang telah ditahan kerana terlibat dalam perhimpunan haram. Peguam-peguam yang telah mendengar tentang penangkapan ini, telah hadir di IPK (KL) dan Polapol dari tengahari hingga ke petang untuk pendengaran reman. Peguam-peguam juga telah hadir di Mahkamah Selayang dan Kuala Lumpur untuk membantu anakguam-anakguam. Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar juga telah bersama-sama membantu dalam mendapatkan sebanyak mungkin maklumat daripada anakguam untuk membantu peguam dalam permohonan ikat-jamin. Amat mengagumkan untuk melihat peguam-peguam ini membantu anakguam. Mereka bertindak tanpa kepentingan diri sendiri, tidak memberi nama atau memberi reaksi semasa dipuji. Komitmen mereka patut dijadikan contoh. Kami panjangkan rasa penghargaan tidak terhingga kepada semua peguam sukarela dan pelatih dalam kamar yang telah menyertai kami dalam membantu anak guam. Selain daripada program-program perkhidmatannya yang biasa, BCLAC (KL) juga menjalankan dan terlibat dalam pelbagai program dan aktiviti lain seperti: Pendidikan – Selain nasihat guaman dan perwakilan, ramai orang telah diberi kesedaran mengenai undang-undang dan hak mereka melalui program pendidikan dan ‘outreach’ yang telah dijalankan oleh BCLAC (KL). BCLAC (KL) telah menjalankan lebih daripada 10 program di sekolah-sekolah dan menganjurkan ceramah-ceramah kepada beberapa komuniti termasuk komuniti-komuniti yang terpinggir seperti pekerja seks dan transexual yang telah dimaklumkan dan diberi kesedaran mengenai hak undang-undang mereka. BCLAC (KL) juga melalui rancangan realiti TV3, “Nescafe Kick Start” dan ASTRO, “Sattam” telah mengiklankan perkhidmatannya dan mendidik orang awam mengenai bantuan guaman. Pembinaan Hubungan – Dalam tahun 2007, BCLAC (KL) juga merasakan pentingnya pembinaan rangkaian dan hubungan dengan kumpulan dan organisasi lain. Tujuan utama pembinaan rangkaian ialah untuk memberi perkhidmatan yang lebih baik kepada anakguam. Di antara kumpulan yang telah ditemui dan di adakan perbincangan untuk menambah-baik hubungan kerja adalah Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, Pihak Berkuasa Penjara, Pegawai Polis Daerah, Biro Bantuan Guaman, Majlis Aids Malaysia, Palang Merah Antarabangsa, Kumpulan Sokongan Pekerja Myanmar dan Nepalese, Shelter, PS the Children, Women Centre for Change, dan SUARAM. Pembaharuan Undang-undang – BCLAC (KL) telah mengambil beberapa langkah untuk penglibatan dalam inisiatif pembaharuan undang-undang. Pada April 2007 bersama-sama dengan Jawatan Kuasa Imigresen Majlis Peguam, Pusat ini telah menjadi pemerhati dan pemantau di Mahkamah Tahanan Semenyih selama lima hari. Pusat ini juga telah menghadiri dan memberi input di persidangan meja bulat yang dianjurkan oleh SUHAKAM untuk berbincang dengan semua agensi-agensi kerajaan yang relevan, mengenai isu-isu keadaan dan kesesakan penjara. Perbincangan dan rundingan juga sedang dijalankan dengan pihak berkuasa penjara dan kebajikan mengenai isu program pemulihan yang wajar untuk juvana di penjara dan rumah reman. Selain itu, kes-kes yang melibatkan pengusiran penduduk setinggan telah dicabar di mahkamah, dalam usaha untuk mendesak pembaharuan dalam bidang ini. Kini, BCLAC (KL) juga sedang dalam proses menderafkan bil bantuan guaman yang baru untuk negara. Pelajar Sangkutan – Program sangkutan Pusat ini telah berkembang dari setahun ke setahun. Pelajar dari intitusi pengajian tinggi awam dan swasta seperti UM, IIUM, Taylor’s dan HELP sering membuat lawatan dan menjalani program sangkutan bersama BCLAC (KL). Terdapat juga pelajar dari Monash dan universiti-universiti lain. Laman Web BCLAC (KL) – Laman Web LAC kini telah didaftarkan dan sedang dalam proses pembinaan ‘web-page’. ( 138 BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Kami ingin menekankan bahawa apa yang dicapai setakat ini adalah mustahil tanpa adanya sokongan padu dari ramai peguam sukarela yang berdedikasi dan pelatih dalam kamar. Kami percaya dengan pertambahan sokongan daripada Majlis Peguam dan ahli-ahli Badan Peguam KL, Pusat ini mampu mencapai tahap yang lebih tinggi lagi dan memberikan bantuan, mewujudkan dan meningkatkan kesedaran dan memberikan bantuan guaman kepada mereka yang lebih memerlukan dan kepada ahli masyarakat yang terpinggir. Mukasurat-mukasurat seterusnya membentangkan pelbagai laporan daripada pelbagai jawatankuasa kecil yang menunjukkan pelbagai aktiviti yang telah dijalankan dan dilaksanakan tahun ini. Akhir sekali kami mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua peguam sukarela, rakan kongsi NGO, Ketua Projek, pelatih dalam kamar dan kakitangan, yang telah memberikan kami sokongan dan bantuan dalam memenuhi objektif kami. Kami berharap dapat bekerjasama lagi dalam tahun 2008 dan tahun-tahun yang mendatang bagi memenuhi tangungjawab sosial kami kepada masyarakat. Terima Kasih. Ravi Nekoo Pengerusi B. STATISTIK 2007 PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN MAJLIS PEGUAM (KUALA LUMPUR) STATISTIK (JANUARI – DISEMBER 2007) STATISTIK ANAKGUAM : RINGKASAN 2007 Clinic/Programme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Penjara Sungai Buloh : * Anakguam warganegara Malaysia * Anakguam warganegara Asing Penjara Wanita Kajang Penjara Wanita Warga Asing Kajang Penjara Lelaki Kajang Penjara Lelaki Warga Asing Kajang Rumah Tahanan Juvana Dock Brief Kinik LAC/Syariah SIS AWAM PTF WOA Tenaganita UNHCR Kes-Kes Kepentingan Awam TOTAL A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 Anakguam 2005 1294 (876) (418) 181 153 121 5216 1898 523 571 87 102 998 11144 Anakguam Anakguam Jan2006 Dec 2007 1285 1093 (1010) (764) (275) (329) 200 139 84 88 217 26 77 116 4714 4200 1808 1804 568 673 493 387 82 10 166 173 585 2350 3360 469 10062 15105 BANTUAN GUAMAN 139 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| C. LAPORAN JAWATANKUASA 1. KLINIK PUSAT BANTUAN GUAMAN (LAC) Laporan disediakan oleh Ketua Projek, Nachammai Kumarappan Ahli Jawatankuasa: Nachammai Kumarappan Alexis Diana Ahmad Ridza Jayaletchumi Rajaretnam Pengenalan Molly Gomez-Kerisnan Kalaiichelvii Ramesh Lachmanan Klinik Bantuan Guaman (“LAC Clinic”) telah mula beroperasi sejak 1983 di sekretariat bagi memberikan perkhidmatan kepada orang awam yang datang ke Klinik Pusat Bantuan Guaman. Klinik ini juga menyediakan khidmat nasihat guaman percuma kepada mereka yang layak berdasarkan Ujian Kelayakan, kesedaran undang-undang, perwakilan undang-undang dan campurtangan undangundang. Klinik ini diselia dan diurus oleh sekumpulan peguam sukarela di bawah Jawatankuasa Klinik Pusat Bantuan Guaman. Jawatankuasa ini telah mengadakan perjumpaan sebanyak 4 kali dan menyelesaikan beberapa masalah pentadbiran yang dihadapi oleh Klinik ini. Klinik ini beroperasi dari Isnin hingga Jumaat bertempat di Pusat Bantuan Guaman (KL) dari 10 pagi hingga 4.30 petang. Perbandingan Jumlah klien berjalan-masuk LAC di antara tahun 2006 dan 2007 adalah seperti berikut:BIL 1 2 TAHUN 2006 2007 BILANGAN KLIEN 1586 (hinggat 8/12/06) 1580 (hingga 6/12/07) Perbandingan klien (yang telah diberikan perwakilan undang-undang) di antara tahun 2006 & 2007 adalah seperti berikut :-BIL 1 2 TAHUN 2006 2007 BILANGAN KLIEN 244 (hingga 8/12/06) 326 (hingga 6/12/07) Campurtangan Undang-Undang (Legal Intervention) Tahun ini menyaksikan penurunan kes-kes berkenaan campurtangan undang-undang di mana para pelatih dalam kamar telah pergi ke balai polis. Satu perbandingan mengenai campurtangan undang-undang yang diberikan di antara tahun 2006 dan 2007 adalah seperti berikut : BIL TAHUN TOTAL NUMBERS JUMLAH PELATIH DALAM KAWASAN / JABATAN YANG DILAWATI KAMAR YANG TERLIBAT 1. 2006 51 kes 80 pelatih Polis, MPJ, Jabatan Buruh, Asrama Sentul, JKM, Jabatan Perhubungan Industri, Majistret/Sesyen/Trafik/ Mahkamah Wisma Denmark, Bankbank, Tanah Selangor, Amanah Raya. 140 BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 2. 2007 32 kes 60 pelatih Polis, JPN, HUKM,Jabatan Buruh, Mahkamah Majistret Jawatankuasa / Peguam sukarela / Pelatih dalam kamar Tiada penambahan kepada bilangan peguam-peguam sukarela untuk menyelia pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan juga mengambil kes-kes terutamanya jenayah. Oleh yang demikian, kami merayu kepada peguam-peguam untuk tampil dan menawarkan diri sebagai sukarelawan. Kami ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar, kakitangan dan sebilangan pegual-peguam sukarela yang telah membantu menangani masalah kekurangan ini. Latihan Pelatih-Pelatih Dalam Kamar Kesemua ahli jawatankuasa telah mengambil bahagian secara aktif dalam program latihan dengan bantuan pegawai LAC secara secara bergilir di mana dua ahli jawatan kuasa memantau latihan pada setiap satu masa. Kami terhutang budi kepada peguam-peguam sukarela (yang bukan ahli jawatankuasa) seperti En. D M Rao, En. Muhendaran, Dato’ Manpal Singh dan En. Rabinder Singh yang telah dengan murah hati meluangkan masa mereka yang berharga untuk klinik ini dan hadir melatih para pelatih dalam kamar. Pembinaan Perhubungan Pusat Bantuan Guaman berjaya menjalinkan perhubungan dengan pelbagai agensi Kerajaan. 1. Bermesyuarat dengan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (KL) – 18hb Mei 2007 - Perjumpaan ini berjaya dengan rujukan-rujukan yang dibuat bersama Jabatan-jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat 2. Bermesyuarat dengan Biro Bantuan Guaman – 8hb Mei 2007 - Mesyuarat ini dihadiri oleh pegawai-pegawai daripada BBG dan perhubungan telah dijalinkan terutamanya berkenaan kllinik “Outreach” . 3. Nescafe Kickstart oleh Derek Chong di TV3 - Klinik LAC juga telah mengambil bahagian dalam rancangan realiti ini di mana Derek Chong mengambil bahagian dan meletakkan “Klinik Undang-Undang Bergerak” sebagai kerja idealnya. Sepanjang tempoh ini, LACKL telah berulangkali dipaparkan dalam televisyen kebangsaan. Nachammai, Sa’adiah, Ravi Nekoo, Amer Hamzah, Edward Saw dan Edmund Bon juga telah terlibat di dalam program ini. 4. Bermesyuarat dengan pihak Polis - Ia amat berjaya dengan mesyuarat diadakan dengan IPD Sentul dan IPD Cheras Klinik Luar “Outreach” Jawatankuasa bagi tahun 2007 memutuskan untuk tidak mengadakan apa-apa klinik ‘outreach’ untuk orang ramai memandangkan kami ditenggelami dengan Program Sekolah. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 1 41 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Di bawah ialah laporan untuk program tersebut : LAPORAN PROJEK SEKOLAH KLINIK LAC Disediakan oleh: Kalaiichelvii & Chitrah Program Sekolah Klinik Pusat Bantuan Guaman (Program Sekolah Klinik LAC) telah memberikan kesedaran undang-undang dan juga sosial kepada pelajar-pelajar sekolah melalui seminar bertajuk “Ceramah Perundangan & Implikasi Sosial Terhadap Murid-Murid Sekolah Menengah” semenjak 5 tahun yang lampau. Pada tahun 2007, jawatankuasa telah sekali lagi menerima satu surat menyeluruh daripada Kementerian Pelajaran dengan terma-terma dinyatakan di dalamnya. Pada permulaannya, apabila projek ini dimulakan kami mendapatkan peguam-peguam untuk menyampaikan syarahan berkaitan undang-undang Keluarga, undang-undang Pekerjaan, Keganasan Rumahtangga dan Undang-undang Jenayah. Namun, para guru telah meminta jawatankuasa penganjur pada ketika itu untuk melakukan perubahan dan menjadikan program itu berbentuk ikut-serta dengan isu-isu sosial yang menarik. Maka, kami memajukan program tersebut dengan bekerjasama dengan Kamar Peguam Negara, Polis Diraja Malaysia, peguam, personaliti sukan, bekas pelajar sekolah-sekolah terbabit mengenai Perkongsian Kehidupan Sebenar, kesedaran mengenai HIV/AIDS, Perhubungan, Jantina & Seks serta isu-isu lain yang melibatkan para pelajar. Kami juga mengadakan sesi permainan dan soal jawab dengan para pelajar disertai dengan pemberian cenderahati kepada para pelajar yang mengambil bahagian secara aktif. Program perintis ini telah disambut baik oleh pengetua-pengetua sekolah, guru-guru kaunseling dan para pelajar. Seterusnya, permintaan terhadap program tersebut meningkat dengan guru-guru membincangkan program ini di dalam perjumpaan antara guru-guru kaunseling. Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa juga telah membuat lawatan peribadi ke sekolah-sekolah untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan guruguru kaunseling dan pengetua-pengetua sekolah. Sejak dua tahun kebelakangan ini, program ini telah mendapat sambutan hangat namun kami kekurangan jurulatih untuk memenuhi permintaan semasa. Program baru ini telah disambut baik oleh para pelajar dan juga pihak sekolah kerana ia merangkumi kedua-dua aspek undang-undang dan sosial. Pada tahun 2007, kami telah berjaya menembusi sekolah-sekolah baru seperti SMK Maxwell, Jalan Sultan Ismail, SMK Convent, Sentul, SMK Methodist Sentul dan SMK Seri Mutiara, Cheras. Pada tahun ini, sebanyak 10 sesi telah berjaya diadakan (SMK Methodist Sentul- 3 sesi, SMK Maxwell - 2 sesi, SMK Seri Mutiara- 2 sesi, SMK La-Salle- 1 sesi, SMK Taman Connought- 1 sesi, SMK Convent - 1 sesi). Projek ini juga mendapat sokongan berkualiti daripada Jabatan Peguam Negara (Putrajaya) yang telah menamakan beberapa orang DPP untuk memberikan ceramah di sekolah-sekolah berkenaan, Polis Diraja Malaysia iaitu IPD Sentul dan IPD Cheras juga telah menjanjikan sokongan. Galakan ini juga dikekalkan dengan penglibatan bekas-bekas pelajar sekolah-sekolah berkenaan yang pada masa kini berjaya dalam kehidupan mereka. Personaliti-personaliti sukan juga telah menyokong program kami dan berkongsi displin diri dan keazaman mereka yang menjadikan mereka popular. Jawatankuasa juga mengekalkan hubungan yang erat dengan PT Foundation di mana mereka telah menghantar pegawai-pegawai mereka untuk berkongsi dan mendidik mengenai kesedaran HIV/AIDS dan STI kepada para pelajar. 142 BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Senarai Penceramah yang Terlibat dalam Program Sekolah Tahun 2007 TARIKH 10/4/07, 30/4/07, 14/6/07, 6/8/07, 8/8/07, 11/8/07, 4/9/07, 10/10/07, 22/10/07, 23/10/07 JABATAN PEGUAM PUAN NOORIN BADARUDDIN, PUAN RAJA ROZELA NEGARA RAJA TORAN, PUAN ASMAH MUSA, TUAN DEVANANDAN S SUBRAMANIAM, PUAN NURULHUDA NUR’AINI, PUAN EVAWANI FARISYTA (beliau telah melakukannya dua kali) POLIS DSP TAN YAN THIAN (IPD SENTUL), ASP GULAM RASSID KHAN (IPD SENTUL), ASP NASRI (IPD CHERAS), C/I CHANDERAN SEGARAN (IPD CHERAS), INSP DEEN JONATHAN (IPD SENTUL) PEGUAM KALAIICHELVII, ALEXIS DIANA, NACHAMMAI , JAG RAMACHANDRAN, WAN AZMIR BIN WAN MAJID, RAGUNANTHANAN, BADAN BUKAN HISHAM HUSSEIN, MARHALEM, SHAHRUDDIN, KERAJAAN KISHEN, JAMALIAH, ROSLAN, ROSLAN (MAC), WONG LAI CHENG, MAZNAH IBRAHIM, ABIGAIL DEVRIES (AWAM, PTF, WAKE, PS THE CHILDREN) INDIVIDU AMARJIT KAUR, THOMAS SAMUELS, GANGA DEVI SUKAN VASANTHA MARIAL ANTHONY, G I YAAMINII, SHEKAR MARIMUTHU, PAVITHRAN PRATABAN, THOMAS SAMUELS, JAMALIAH JALALUDDIN 2. 10 HARI 6 DPP 5 PEGAWAI POLIS 6 PEGUAM 10 AHLI 3 AHLI 6 AHLI KLINIK SYARIAH Laporan Disediakan oleh Ketua Projek Ahli Jawatankuasa Nik Nurul Atiqah Binti Nik Yusof (Ketua Projek) Sabrina Ali Binti Mohamad Ashfar Ellysyeliza Binti Mohd Desa Mohd Hafiizh Mohd @ Ghazali Matlamat Klinik Syariah ialah untuk memberikan perkhidmatan guaman percuma kepada yang memerlukan serta memberikan mereka kefahaman yang lebih mengenai prinsip dan prosedur undang-undang syariah selain membantu mereka mendapatkan bantuan yang sewajarnya dan memperolehi perbicaraan yang adil di Mahkamah Syariah yang berkenaan. Klinik ini beroperasi di Sekretariat dan dibuka kepada orang ramai dari hari Isnin hingga Jumaat dari pukul 10.00 pagi hingga pukul 4.30 petang. Klinik Syariah yang bertempat di sekretariat ini dikendalikan oleh Pelatih Dalam Kamar sebagai memenuhi khidmat bantuan guaman yang menjadi sebahagian daripada peraturan Majlis Peguam dalam Khidmat Bantuan Guaman. Setiap Pelatih ditugaskan sekali seminggu untuk tempoh tiga (3) bulan. Pelatih dalam kamar diberi latihan selama separuh hari yang memfokuskan kepada undangundang Syariah Sivil, Jenayah dan Prosedur. Mereka juga diberi latihan satu hari dengan Klinik Bantuan Guaman yang memberikan latihan asas berkenaan teknik temuduga selain mengambil bahagian dalam perbincangan mengenai undang-undang jenayah, pekerjaan dan yang berkaitan dengan kekeluargaan. Klinik Bantuan Guaman berjalan selari dengan Klinik Syariah. Selain daripada menemuduga anakguam A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 143 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| syariah, pelatih juga membantu menemuduga anakguam sivil. Tugas mereka termasuk menemuduga klien yang datang sendiri, menjalankan ujian kelayakan dan memberi nasihat yang betul apabila diperlukan setelah penjelasan diperolehi dari peguam sukarela dan/tau pengamal undang-undang syariah. Sesungguhnya kami percaya bahawa perkhidmatan ini perlu diberikan kepada sesiapa yang lulus ujian kelayakan disamping menjaga kepentingan mereka di dalam Mahkamah Syariah. Walaupun bilangan orang awam yang meminta khidmat dan nasihat kami masih kecil berbanding dengan klinik bantuan guaman lain tetapi jumlahnya semakin meningkat dan tidak terhad kepada golongan wanita sahaja malahan Klinik Syariah dikunjungi juga oleh kaum lelaki yang datang untuk mendapatkan nasihat dan perwakilan guaman di dalam beberapa perkara berkaitan dengan prosedur perceraian termasuk permohonan fasakh yang difailkan oleh isteri mereka, hak-hak selepas perkahwinan seperti penjagaan, hadhanah dan permohonan matrimony, hal-hal berkaitan pusaka dan prosiding perlaksanaan. Selaras dengan Minggu Kesedaran Undang-Undang yang bertemakan “Hak Generasi Baru”, Jawatankuasa telah menganjurkan satu program akar umbi bertempat di Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur pada 2hb September 2007 yang dinamakan ‘Riadah dan Didik’ yang mana aktiviti utamanya adalah mengedarkan risalah dan makalah undang-undang (yang termasuk pengenalan kepada Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam Kuala Lumpur) yang mana kami telah berjaya mendekati kumpulan sasaran utama kami iaitu “Mat & Minah Rempit”. Harapan kami untuk tahun-tahun mendatang ialah agar kami dapat mengendalikan lebih banyak program kesedaran dalam mendidik masyarakat mengenai hak mereka di bawah undang-undang dan prinsip-prinsip syariah dan untuk memperkenalkan khidmat yang ditawarkan klinik kepada mereka yang memerlukan. Kami juga ingin merakamkan penghargaan kepada pihak Panel Pengurusan, kakitangan Pusat Bantuan Guaman, ahli Jawatankuasa Syariah, peguam sukarela dan pengamal undang-undang syariah, Pelatih Dalam Kamar untuk minat, penglibatan dan sokongan yang tak putus dalam menjalankan Klinik Syariah dengan lancar. 3. PROGRAM DOCK BRIEF Laporan Disediakan oleh Jawatankuasa Dock Brief Ahli Jawatankuasa Selva Rani Thiyagarajan (Ketua Projek) Ragunanthanan. R (Setiausaha) Wan Hidayati Nadirah Wan Ahmad Nasir Vivian Victor Magesan (Penolong Ketua Projek) Henry Ngok Heng Hui Nicholas Netto Shirdieswaran Thangarajah Pengenalan Program Dock Brief ini mengandungi beberapa kumpulan merangkumi 70 orang pelatih dalam kamar secara bergilir yang dikehendaki untuk memberikan khidmat guaman seperti peringanan hukuman, permohonan ikat-jamin dan perkara-perkara berkaitan reman secara percuma. Setakat ini khidmat kami meliputi 7 Mahkamah Majistret Jenayah, satu Mahkamah Kanak-Kanak dan Mahkamah Majistret 10. 14 4 BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Jawatankuasa Dock Brief telah menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti seperti: - - - - - - - Latihan praktikal untuk kemasukan baru pelatih-pelatih ‘Dock Brief’ yang dijalankan pada hari Sabtu Memperbaiki panduan latihan Satu sessi dialog yang berjaya dengan Badan Kehakiman Kumpulan-kumpulan Dock Brief diangkat oleh ahli jawatankuasa untuk tujuan penyeliaan Penyediaan risalah bagi penyebarkan maklumat mengenai khidmat Program Dock Brief Menjemput peguam-peguam kanan untuk mendidik pelatih dalam kamar semasa latihan Penyeliaan secara ‘ad-hoc’ oleh ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Cadangan - - Mendapatkan lebih ramai peguam sukarela Memelihara hubungan baik dengan Badan Kehakiman 4. KLINIK PENJARA SG BULOH, PENJARA WANITA DAN WARGA ASING KAJANG, PENJARA JUVANA KAJANG DAN RUMAH TAHANAN JUVANA Laporan Disediakan oleh Ketua Projek Ahli Jawatankuasa Sivanesan Nadarajah (Ketua Projek) Moganambal Samynathan Bernard Francis Nurshafini Musthafa Ramesh Lachmanan (Penolong Ketua Projek) Kamalam Letchemanan G Nanda Goban Daniel Abhisheegam Pengenalan Klinik ini telah menjalankan Klinik Penjara Sg. Buloh (“SBP”) sejak bulan Disember 1997, Penjara Pendatang Asing Sg. Buloh (“SBMP”) sejak bulan Mei 2004, Penjara Wanita Kajang (“KWP”) sejak pertengahan tahun 2000, Penjara Pendatang Asing Wanita (“KWMP”) sejak bulan September 2003, Program Rumah Tahanan Juvana (“JRH”) sejak tahun 2001 dan juga Penjara Juvana Kajang (“KJP”) sejak tahun 2007. Pada awal bulan Mac tahun 2005, keenam-enam Klinik Penjara iaitu SBP, SBMP, KWP, KWMP, KJP dan JRH telah digabungkan di bawah satu program. Pusat Bantuan Guaman juga telah bekerjasama dengan Pusat Bantuan Guaman Selangor (“Selangor LAC”) dengan mengambil pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar daripada Pusat Bantuan Guaman Selangor bagi menyertai Klinik Penjara Sg. Buloh sejak bulan Jun 2005. Ringkasan Program Program ini dijalankan setiap 3 bulan dan melibatkan lebih kurang 27 orang pelatih dalam kamar dari Kuala Lumpur dan 6 hingga 10 orang pelatih dalam kamar dari Pusat Bantuan Guaman Selangor, dihimpunkan kepada beberapa pasukan yang diketuai oleh satu atau dua orang peguam pemantau yang melawat penjara-penjara tersebut dan juga JRH setiap sepuluh hari sekali untuk menemubual mereka yang ditahan reman. Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar di dalam Program ini, yang telah dilatih dan dilengkapkan sewajarnya, juga mengambil tindakan lanjutan di Pusat Bantuan Guaman seperti berikut :(a) menghubungi ahli keluarga mengenai perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan ikat-jamin dan perwakilan guaman; A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 145 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| (b) merujuk kes-kes yang relevan kepada Program “Dock Brief”, Pusat-pusat Bantuan Guaman negeri masing-masing atau untuk kesalahan berat, kepada skima “Court Assigned Counsel”; dan, (c) berhubung dengan peguam-peguam sukarela tentang status fail-fail; (d) berhubung dengan Kedutaan masing-masing berkaitan warga asing yang ditahan reman di dalam penjara-penjara; (e) merujuk kes yang berkaitan tahanan dari negeri-negeri lain kepada Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam di negeri masing-masing untuk tindakan mereka. Statistik mengenai perkara-perkara yang dikendalikan/diproses oleh Program ini dilampirkan di bahagian B (Statistik 2007). AktivitI-aktiviti Berikut merupakan aktiviti-aktiviti utama yang dilaksanakan sepanjang tahun semakan: (a) satu mesyuarat telah diadakan pada 23-05-2007 di antara ahli Jawatankuasa Penjara dan Pengarah Penjara Kajang berserta pegawai-pegawainya bagi membincangkan beberapa perkara berkaitan dengan kelancaran perjalanan Program dengan kerjasama pihak berkuasa Penjara. Yang menjadi perhatian khusus ialah mengenai jumlah besar juvana yang ditahan reman di Penjara Kajang dan usaha-usaha yang diperlukan bagi menanangi masalah tersebut; (b) dalam usaha yang berterusan untuk mengukuhkan hubungan dengan pelbagai pihak berkuasa berkenaan, satu majlis makan malam bersama telah diadakan dibawah kelolaan Jawatankuasa Program Penjara, pada 25-07-2007 di Lake Club Kuala Lumpur di antara BCLAC (KL) dan pegawai-pegawai dari Penjara Sg. Buloh, Penjara Kajang, Penjara Wanita Kajang, Asrama Sentosa, Sek Tunas Bakti Rumah Reman Sg. Besi dan juga Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat; (c) semasa Minggu Kesedaran Undang-undang yang telah berlangsung di antara 1 hingga 9 September 2007, Jawatankuasa telah menganjurkan satu sesi dengan 23 juvana di Asrama Sentosa Sentul. Aktiviti utama Jawatankuasa ialah untuk memastikan adanya peguam-peguam sukarela yang mencukupi untuk menerima pelbagai kes yang ada. Di dalam konteks ini, keutamaan telah diberikan kepada kes-kes yang telah ditugaskan oleh Mahkamah dan kes-kes di mana tahanan telah direman melebihi enam (6) bulan. Perkara yang perlu diambil berat dalam hal ini ialah untuk memastikan kumpulan peguam sukarela dapat dikembangkan agar lebih banyak kes dapat ditugaskan. 146 BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 5. KLINIK KHIDMAT MAKLUMAT GUAMAN LAC/AWAM 2007 Laporan disediakan oleh Jawatankuasa AWAM Ahli Jawatankuasa: Sharmini Thiruchelvam Stefeny David Foo Li Mei, Michelle Vasanti Clement Mary Manickam Hanita Naliane Raymond Tan Wakil AWAM Betty Yeoh Su Chang Klinik Klinik ini dikendalikan secara kerjasama dengan sebuah organisasi sukarela, tanpa-keuntungan dan bukan-kerajaan wanita, All Women’s Action Society (AWAM). AWAM telah menubuhkan perkhidmatan kaunseling telefon TELENITA pada tahun 1990. Sebahagiannya sebagai natijah kejayaan AWAM meningkatkan kesedaran umum mengenai isu-isu keganasan terhadap wanita, AWAM telah menerima panggilan yang meningkat mengenai wanita dan kanak-kanak yang telah didera/dicabul. Permintaan terhadap perkhidmatan ini terus meningkat dan AWAM kemudiannya telah meluaskan perkhidmatan bantuan untuk merangkumi kaunseling secara bersemuka dan juga perkhidmatan maklumat guaman. Klinik ini telah berjalan semenjak September 1994 berikutan ramai wanita yang menghubungi TELENITA meminta juga nasihat guaman tetapi tidak mengetahui bagaimana untuk memperolehi maklumat tersebut dan juga tidak menyedari hak-hak mereka di bawah undangundang. Dari sinilah bermulanya fikiran untuk mengadakan klinik guaman mingguan. Klinik ini memberikan nasihat guaman dan bantuan mengenai hak ehwal keluarga bagi kedua-dua sivil dan syarie, keganasan rumahtangga, gangguan seksual, penderaan seksual dan perkara-perkara lain berhubung dengan wanita. Klinik ini beroperasi dari Isnin hingga Sabtu daripada pukul 10 pagi sehingga 4.30 petang di Pusat AWAM di Petaling Jaya. Di klinik ini Pelatih Dalam Kamar diwajibkan untuk melaksanakan tugas mereka di AWAM sebagai sebahagian daripada program bantuan guaman selama 3 bulan. Program Latihan Bersama Pada tahun ini, program latihan bersama untuk pelatih dalam kamar telah dilanjutkan kepada 2 hari. Latihan untuk hari pertama adalah berkenaan dengan kepekaan jantina yang dikendalikan oleh Kumpulan Tindakan Bersama (JAG) daripada AWAM/WAO/SIS. Program latihan ini telah diperbaharui dengan memasukkan konsep feminis dan kesamarataan jantina. Objektif utama konsep baru ini adalah untuk melahirkan kepekaan peguam-peguam muda terhadap isu-isu kesamarataan jantina dan perspektif undang-undang feminis. Permainan-peranan(role play) telah dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kemahiran perhubungan pelatih dalam kamar, kerana pelatih tidak dibenarkan untuk memberikan kaunseling kepada anak-anak guam, lantaran mereka bukanlah kaunselor yang terlatih. Pada hari kedua program, latihan adalah berkenaan undang-undang keluarga sivil dan prosedur keganasan rumahtangga yang dikendalikan oleh peguam-peguam sukarela daripada LAC/AWAM dan kakitangan dari AWAM/WAO. Semasa latihan undang-undang keluarga dan syarahan keganasan rumahtangga, pelatih dalam kamar melibatkan diri dalam pembentangan kes, yang diselia dan diaturkan oleh penceramah berkenaan. Sesi ini adalah untuk memastikan bahawa pelatih dalam kamar mampu menggunapakai undang-undang yang relevan selepas mendengar teori dan mereka diletakan dalam keadaan untuk menggunapakai undang-undang. Program yang telah dipinda ini, memberikan pelatih dalam kamar satu kefahaman yang lebih baik A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 1 47 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| dan jelas berkenaan isu-isu dan perspektif-perspektif. Di samping itu, pelatih dalam kamar juga akan menyedari kekurangan (loop holes) dalam undang-undang dan juga amalan tiada-sokongan oleh penyedia perkhidmatan. Tahun yang berlalu juga melihat pelatih dalam kamar lelaki mengambil bahagian dalam Klinik ini, satu rangsangan dalam perkembangan kedua-dua jantina berganding bahu dalam usaha menamatkan keganasan terhadap wanita dan juga dalam perkongsian dengan Pusat Bantuan Guaman Selangor. Aktiviti Pada tahun ini, selain menjalankan tugas di klinik, beberapa pelatih dalam kamar telah membantu dalam mengikuti prosiding Mahkamah dalam kes tersohor berkaitan pertukaran agama. Aktiviti lain yang dibantu oleh pelatih dalam kamar pada tahun 2007 : Bil 1 2 3 Tarikh 30th Jun 8th Sep 9th Sep Jumlah Aktiviti “Walk and Wheel” events “National Law Awareness Week” “Family Day for Free-scale” Bilangan Pelatih 3 1 1 5 Statistik Bilangan Pelatih-Pelatih Dalam Kamar di AWAM dari Januari hingga Disember 2007 Bil 1 2 3 4 Batch 48 49 50 51 JUMLAH Tarikh 26/2 – 26/5 21/5 – 17/8 13/8 – 10/11 5/11 – 2/2/08 Bilangan Pelajar 12 11 12 12 47 Kes-Kes dari Januari hingga November 2007 JENIS-JENIS KES Penceraian (Sivil) Nafkah (Sivil) Hak Penjagaan (Sivil) Perintah Tahanan Sementara (IPO) Masalah Kewangan Penculikan Orang Hilang Rogol Penceraian (Syariah) Hak Penjagaan (Syariah) Keganasan Rumah tangga Gangguan Seksual Undang-Undang Pertukaran Agama Immigresen Lain-lain JUMLAH BESAR 148 JUMLAH 172 19 21 4 9 4 3 4 9 7 30 23 6 5 2 69 387 BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Dari Januari hingga November 2007, Klinik AWAM telah menerima sebanyak 387 kes-kes seperti yang tertera di jadual atas. KESIMPULAN Dengan perkhidmatan maklumat guaman dijalankan di klinik LAC/AWAM, bilangan kes yang dikendalikan berkurangan berbanding dengan jumlah 517 kes-kes pada tahun lepas. Juga diperhatikan, walaupun hampir kesemua pelatih dalam kamar melayan klien klinik ini seperti yang dijadualkan, ada sesetengahnya lebih tekun dan rajin dari yang lain, ada pula yang hanya ‘menanti masa’ malahan terus menghilangkan diri dengan pelbagai alasan. AWAM mengesa kedua-dua LACKL dan LAC Selangor untuk menghantar peguam mereka bagi memantau kes-kes yang dikendalikan pelatih dalam kamar khususnya dan sikap pelatih secara amnya. Kami berterima kasih kepada kedua-dua LAC untuk sokongan yang berterusan dan menanti untuk memberikan perkhidmatan maklumat guaman yang lebih baik pada tahun 2008. 6. KLINIK BANTUAN GUAMAN LAC/WAO Laporan disediakan oleh Jessie Ang, WAO Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa: Meera Samanthar (Presiden) Shoba Aiyar (Pengurus Pekerja Sosial) Jessie Ang (Koordinator / Penyelaras) Objektif Klinik LAC/WAO:1. Membantu pekerja-pekerja sosial WAO yang berada di tempat perlindungan dengan panggilan telefon – memberi maklumat mengenai keganasan rumahtangga, prosedur-prosedur perceraian, gangguan seksual dan sebagainya; 2. Membantu anakguam WAO membuat laporan polis dan menemani mereka ke hospital; 3. Menanam dan memikat pelatih dalam kamar mengenai kerja-kerja NGO ini. WAO ialah sebuah organisasi yang tidak membuat keuntungan dengan polisi bahawa tiada sesiapa yang patut didera dan secara khusus, WAO hanya memilih untuk menolong wanita dan anak-anak mereka. WAO telah memberi perlindungan kepada wanita-wanita dan kanak-kanak yang telah didera secara fizikal, psikologi, seksual, kewangan dan sosial sejak 25 tahun yang lepas, Di samping memberi sokongan kepada wanita-wanita tersebut, WAO juga memperjuangkan dan mengenengahkan hak-hak wanita bersama-sama dengan organisasi wanita yang lain. Sebelum pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar menyertai WAO, mereka mesti terlebih dahulu memulakan latihan mereka di LAC/AWAM/WAO/SIS. Sukatan pelajaran mereka termasuklah undang-undang keluarga, syariah, kepekaan jantina, keganasan rumahtangga, keganasan terhadap wanita dan “Proses Bantuan”. WAO akan mengambil seorang pelatih setiap satu dari LAC-KL dan LAC-Selangor daripada setiap kelompok. Pelatih-pelatih akan datang ke tempat perlindungan pada hari Isnin dan Jumaat untuk A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 149 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 12 sesi. Pelatih-pelatih yang datang ke tempat perlindungan tidak hanya melayan panggilan telefon tetapi juga menemani anakguam ke Mahkamah, membantu anakguam membuat laporan polis, memberi nasihat guaman melalui telefon dan bersemuka dengananakguam, mendokumentasikan kes-kes, pergi ke pejabat imigresen, hospital, kedutaan dan Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara. Selain daripada menjawab panggilan telefon dan menemani anak-anak guam ke pelbagai tempat, pelatih-pelatih juga membuat kajian dan menyelaras-bersama kumpulan perbincangan dengan kakitangan WAO mengenai berbagai isukepada wanita-wanita di tempat perlindungan. Pelatihpelatih yang datang ke tempat perlindungan tersebut tidak sahaja berkerja di dalam lingkungan latihan mereka, malah sesetengah di antara mereka sanggup meluangkan masa untuk bersama dengan wanita-wanita dan anak-anak mereka. Mereka makan bersama, berbual dan berkawan dengan wanita-wanita tersebut. Mereka juga bertolak-ansur terhadap keperluan wanita-wanita tersebut. WAO mempunyai lebih kurang 10 pelatih dalam kamar yang hadir ke tempat perlindungan dari Disember 2006 hingga November 2007. Jenis-jenis panggilan yang dikendalikan oleh pelatih-pelatih:1. Keganasan rumahtangga 45 2. Prosedur perceraian 52 3. Nafkah 10 4. Penjagaan 14 5. Masalah kewangan 8 6. Isteri warga asing 4 7. Ibu tunggal 4 8. Gangguan Seksual 5 9. Masalah dengan polis 2 10. Perintah Perlindungan Sementara 6 11. Kebankrapan 4 12. Masalah rumahtangga 6 13. Masalah perumahan 2 14. Pertukaran ke agama Islam 2 15. Wasiat/EPF 1 16. Pembahagian Harta 1 17. Pengambilan Anak angkat 2 18. Lain-lain 5 ___ 173 Seorang pemanggil mungkin menghadapi beberapa masalah. Purata, seorang pelatih melayan 5 panggilan sehari di WAO. 150 BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 7. KLINIK LAC/SIS (Sisters in Islam) Laporan Disediakan oleh SIS Wakil SIS Radzlinawati Razali Nur Fadhlin Binti Mohd Yusof Pendahuluan Klinik LAC/SIS meyediakan nasihat undang-undang secara percuma, maklumat dan bantuan kepada orang awam berkenaan undang-undang Malaysia, terutamanya undang-undang syariah. Pelatih dalam kamar yang ditugaskan untuk melaksanakan bantuan guaman dengan Klinik LAC/SIS terlibat dalam memberi nasihat undang-undang percuma kepada anakguam, membuat penyelidikan mengenai isu-isu undang-undang, dan membuat dokumentasi wajar dan terperinci mengenai persoalan yang diajukan oleh anak guam. Mereka juga dikehendaki menghubungi badan-badan berkaitan dalam membantu anakguam, sebagai contohnya, Pusat Bantuan Guaman, Biro Bantuan Guaman, balai polis, pejabat agama negeri, dan Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara. Bagi membekalkan pelatih dengan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang relevan untuk melaksanakan bantuan guaman di Klinik LAC/SIS, SIS telah merangka satu latihan khusus yang perlu dijalani pelatih. Latihan ini memperkenalkan para pelatih kepada SIS dan kerja-kerja yang dijalankannya, menonjolkan perbezaan antara undang-undang syariah Malaysia dengan undang-undang sivil Malaysia dan dengan undang-undang Islam yang dipraktikkan di negara Islam lain, bagaimana untuk mengendalikan anakguam SIS dengan berkesan, dan tanggungjawab yang perlu mereka laksanakan di Klinik LAC/SIS. Setakat 26.11.2007, terdapat sejumlah 673 anakguam bagi Klinik LAC/SIS. Ini bermakna, setiap pelatih yang ditugaskan ke Klinik LAC/SIS tahun ini (sejumlah 12 pelatih kesemuanya) telah terpaksa mengendalikan secara purata 56 kes semasa melaksanakan tanggungjawab bantuan guaman mereka. Para pelatih juga memperolehi pengalaman sebenar tentang bagaimana undang-undang digunakan apabila wanita terlibat. Ini dilakukan dengan dua cara: dengan memerhatikan prosiding mahkamah di bawah program yang dikenali sebagai ‘CourtWatch’; dan melalui aktiviti-aktiviti yang dikelolakan bersama dengan Klinik NGO lain. Di bawah program CourtWatch, para pelatih dikehendaki memerhatikan prosiding di mahkamah, dengan memberi tumpuan khusus kepada dua perkara, yakni, kelewatan dan kecondongan. Para pelatih kemudiannya merekodkan hasil pemerhatian mereka untuk analisa. Di bawah aktiviti-bersama dengan Klinik NGO lain, para pelatih SIS akan mendapat pengalaman sebenar yang lebih luas. Kalau dulu mereka lebih tertumpu kepada pengendalian kes-kes syariah, kini mereka dapat melihat bagaimana undang-undang lain digunapakai dalam situasi kehidupan sebenar, yakni dalam kes-kes keganasan rumahtangga, imigresen, dan buruh. Ini telah dilakukan dengan menghantar pelatih SIS untuk mengekori pelatih dari Klinik NGO lain, iaitu AWAM, WAO dan Tenaganita, ke badan-badan berkaitan. Badan-badan tersebut termasuklah jabatan imigresen, kedutaaan, pejabat buruh dan jabatan perhubungan perusahaan, rumah perlindungan, jabatan kebajikan masyarakat, badan kehakiman syariah, balai polis dan kementerian atau pusat perkhidmatan ahli parlimen. Para pelatih SIS juga digalakkan untuk mengambil bahagian dalam aktivisma dan program “outreach”, contohnya, mengendalikan gerai pameran semasa Minggu Kesedaran Undang-Undang (8.9.2007) A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 1 51 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| yang dianjurdkan oleh Pusat Bantuan Guaman Selangor, dan menyebarkan risalah pada Hari Hak Untuk Tahu Antarabangsa (28.9.2007) yang dikelolakan oleh Pusat Untuk Kewartawanan Bebas. Kekuatan 1. Melaksanakan bantuan guaman dengan Klinik LAC/SIS membantu dalam mempekakan pelatih dalam kamar kepada isu-isu, terutamanya isu undang-undang yang dihadapi wanita dan kanak-kanak, yakni wanita dan kanak-kanak Muslim; 2. Klinik LAC/SIS merupakan tempat berkesan menghadapi kekhuatiran awam mengenai hak-hak mereka di bawah undang-undang; 3. Data yang diperolehi daripada Klinik LAC/SIS berguna bagi aktivisma hak-hak wanita dan aktiviti pembaharuan undang-undang; dan 4. Klinik LAC/SIS menonjolkan isu-isu kepentingan awam, seperti nafkah anak, kesan perkahwinan poligami, dan pengawalan moral. Kelemahan Kekurangan sokongan daripada pengamal undang-undang syariah untuk bertindak sebagai peguam panel. Cadangan-Cadangan 152 1. Penambahan jumlah pelatih dalam kamar yang ditugaskan ke Klinik LAC/SIS untuk menangani jumlah anak guam yang semakin meningkat; 2. Memulakan diskusi dengan fakulti undang-undang berkenaan kurikulum yang disediakan: kebanyakan pelatih dalam kamar yang menyertai program bantuan guaman di Klinik LAC/ SIS tidak didedahkan dengan realiti pemakaian undang-undang di Malaysia. Ada juga di antara mereka yang datang ke Klinik LAC/SIS dengan tanggapan salah akan undang-undang serta penggunaannya; dan 3. Membina hubungan dengan para pengamal syariah untuk menggalakkan mereka menjadi panel peguam bagi Klinik ini. BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 8. LAC/TENAGANITA KLINIK PERKERJA MIGRAN Laporan Disediakan oleh Tenaganita Wakil Tenaganita Aegile Fernandez Florida Malaysia terus bergantung kepada tenaga-kerja asing untuk memenuhi pertumbuhan ekonominya. Berdasarkan statistik Imigresen, terdapat lebih daripada 2.2 juta pekerja asing dan jumlahnya semakin meningkat. 57.5 peratus adalah dari negara jiran Indonesia sementara 11 peratus adalah dari Nepal, 8.8 peratus dari Bangladesh dan 7 peratus dari India (sumber: NST 10 Okt. 2007). Selanjutnya dikatakan bahawa pada 2010 negara ini akan menggunakan lebih kurang 10 juta pekerja migran untuk memenuhi pasaran tenaga-kerjanya. Hak-hak pekerja migran telah dinafikan secara berterusan dengan ketiadaan undang-undang dan polisi yang jelas dan tetap. Pihak Imigresen berterusan menafikan pekerja hak untuk tinggal dan bekerja sementara menunggu keputusan kes-kes mereka. Aduan terbanyak yang difailkan di Tenaganita adalah berkaitan dengan pekerjaan, tidak memiliki dokumen, ketidak-pembaharuan permit kerja dan penganiayaan. Bermula tahun ini, Tenaganita telah menerima jumlah aduan yang mencemaskan daripada pekerja-pekerja Bangladesh yang baru direkrut yang tiba untuk pekerjaan. Lebih kurang 300,000 permit kerja telah diluluskan oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri untuk pekerja-pekerja Bangladesh. Kebanyakkan daripada pekerja ini telah diambil bekerja melalui syarikat-syarikat “Out Sourcing” yang baru diperkenalkan. Tenaganita menerima banyak aduan daripada pekerja-pekerja mengenai tidak ditempatkan dalam pekerjaan seperti yang dijanjikan atau dipindahkan dari satu syarikat ke syarikat lain dalam tempoh beberapa minggu. Memindahkan pekerja-pekerja ini dari satu tempat ke satu tempat lain tanpa pekerjaan yang sesuai ataupun gaji. Ini telah mengakibatkan ribuan pekerja ditinggalkan dengan ketiadaan makanan, air dan tempat perlindungan. Bila sahaja para pekerja menuntut pekerjaan dan gaji, agen-agen tersebut bersama dengan majikan, mengugut dan memukul mereka. Pada masa yang sama, ribuan pekerja terkandas di lapangan terbang semasa ketibaan untuk berhari-hari lamanya kerana majikan gagal menjemput mereka. Kegagalan majikan menjemput pekerja pada masa yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak Imigresen akan menyebabkan pekerja ditahan di Pusat Tahanan KLIA dan kemudiannya dihantar balik ke negara asal. Keputusan sebegini tidak menangani isu-isu punca dan tidak juga meletakkan majikan dalam keadaan tertanggungjawabkan. Yang menjadi mangsa ialah para pekerja, mereka yang menanggung akibatnya, kerana mereka telah membayar kesemua simpanan mereka, meminjam wang dengan kadar faedah yang tinggi. Mereka telah membayar sehingga 200,000 taka (RM 12,000) untuk bekerja di Malaysia. Polisi “Out Sourcing” telah diperkenalkan oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri pada Ogos 2006 untuk pekerjaan yang memerlukan kurang daripada 50 orang pekerja. Bagi syarikat yang mengambil lebih daripada 50 orang pekerja pula, mereka mempunyai pilihan sama ada untuk mengunakan syarikat “out sourcing” atau mengambil sendiri pekerja secara terus. Syarikat-syarikat “out sourcing” bertanggungjawab atas setiap aspek berkaitan pekerja. Justeru, syarikat prinsipal tidak mempunyai apaapa tanggungjawab terhadap para pekerja. Pembayaran gaji dibuat oleh syarikat prinsipal terus kepada syarikat “out sourcing” yang akan menolak komisen mereka daripada gaji pekerja sebelum pembayaran dibuat kepada pekerja. Dengan demikian, polisi “out sourcing” dengan jelas bercanggah dengan Akta Pekerjaan yang melindungi para pekerja. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 153 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Pada Oktober 2007, kerajaan telah mengumumkan satu lagi polisi baru iaitu bahawa pengurusan pusat tahanan akan diambilalih oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri daripada Jabatan Penjara. Kerajaan berterusan membuat polisi secara ‘ad hoc” tanpa pendekatan perbincangan. Tenaganita amat prihatin akan keputusan mendapatkan khidmat organisasi seperti RELA bagi membantu dalam pengurusan pusat-pusat tahanan. Amatlah membimbangkan bahawa sukarelawan diberi kuasa yang begitu menyeluruh yang akan menyebabkan berlakunya rasuah dan penyalahgunaan kuasa dalam tahanan dengan wanita dan kanak-kanak menjadi kumpulan yang paling terancam. Dengan Jabatan Immigresen berserta RELA sahaja melaksanakan penangkapan pendatang dan juga menguruskan pusat tahanan, maka tidak akan ada sistem sekat dan imbangan dan juga pemantauan. Klinik pekerja asing, satu program bersama dengan Pusat Bantuan Guaman (Majlis Peguam) melalui sangkutan para pelatih dalam kamar telah banyak membantu pekerja asing dalam perjuangan harian mereka. Peguam-peguam muda menjalani 14 hari tugasan bantuan guaman bagi membantu pekerja asing di dalam pelbagai aspek. Di antara aktiviti dan bantuan yang diberikan ialah mendokumentasikan kes-kes mereka, berunding untuk penyelesaian, memfailkan kes di Jabatan Buruh/Mahkamah yang berkenaan, menemani pekerja dalam membuat laporan polis dan dalam permohonan kepada Jabatan Immigresen untuk mengesahtarafkan kedudukan mereka di sini sementara menunggu kes mereka diputuskan dan juga penghantaran pulang dengan selamat ke negeri asal pekerja-pekerja tersebut. Pelatih dalam kamar juga membantu menyusuli kes-kes dan melakukan penyelidikan undang-undang tertentu dan polisi-polisi yang berkait dengan pekerja asing. Program sangkutan tersebut adalah satu jalan untuk peguam-peguam muda mempelajari kesan penghijrahan dalam konteks Globalisasi. Selanjutnya, ia juga menjadikan Pelatih Dalam Kamar lebih peka terhadap hak asasi dan layanan yang tidak berperikemanusian terhadap pekerja asing. Program tersebut menekankan kesefahaman, bukan simpati dan membuka kepalsuan imej negatif mengenai pekerja asing. Namun, kelemahan program tersebut ialah kurangannya pengalaman dan kurangnya sifat mendesak peguam-peguam muda yang mewakili pekerja-pekerja asing. Peguam-peguam muda juga tidak dapat menganalisa secara kritikal terutama apabila wujudnya undang-undang dan polisi-polisi yang bercanggah. Untuk tahun 2007, 51 orang peguam muda telah ditugaskan ke klinik Bantuan Guaman/Pekerja Asing Tenaganita. Untuk tahun semasa, jumlah kes-kes yang diuruskan telah meningkat, aktivitiaktiviti dan “outreach” kommuniti telah juga diperluaskan. Namun, pengurangan jumlah pelatih dalam kamar telah mengakibatkan tergendalanya program-program. MAHKAMAH /JABATAN Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan Mahkamah Perusahaan Jabatan Buruh/Mahkamah Lain-lain – Jabatan Buruh (Penilaian Insuran) Mahkamah Tuntutan Kecil Mahkamah Majistret Mahkamah Rayuan 154 BANTUAN GUAMAN JUMLAH KES YANG DIFAILKAN 3 (105 MW) 4 13 3 1 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| PERLINDUNGAN HAK MIGRAN Laporan Perlanggaran Hak Pekerja Migran setakat 6 Disember, 2007 PENGURUSAN KES Jenis Aduan PEKERJAAN Gaji tidak dibayar Pemberhentian kerja tidak sah/ konstruktif Pemotongan gaji yang salah Tiada hari rehat PELANGGARAN KONTRAK Tiada kontrak Gaji rendah Pekerjaan lebih masa tidak dibayar Pekerja dikontrakkan (out - sourcing) Waktu pekerjaan yang panjang Tiada kerja di tempat kerja Pemotongan levi Tiada tempat tinggal STATUS UNDANG-UNDANG Penahanan passport Permit kerja tidak diperbaharui Tinggal melebihi tempoh Visa Pelajar Pengerahan (ditipu oleh agen) Dokumen Palsu TANGKAPAN, PENAHANAN DAN DEPORTASI Tangkapan, Penahanan & Deportasi Tangkapan, Penahana & Deportasi (pelarian) KESIHATAN OSHA Rawatan Perubatan Kemalangan Industri Penderaan dan penganiayaan Keadaan hidup yang daif Kematian / bunuh diri KELUARGA DAN PERKAHWINAN Visa pasangan Penjagaan anak Perkara kekeluargaan yang lain LAIN-LAIN Rompakan Kecurian Bil. Aduan Bil. Pengadu 59 3 2 2 271 3 16 22 3 4 3 21 2 14 30 4 258 4 4 1930 7 1425 30 207 56 9 3 1 9 3 678 26 3 1 43 3 27 4 91 16 5 5 19 12 4 3 64 5 19 1183 112 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 5 2 5 2 (Dari Januari 2007 hingga 6 Disember 2007, sebanyak 246 fail yang dibuka melibatkan 2350 pekerja migran) Bilangan aduan yang diterima pada tahun ini telah meningkat. Seorang pekerja migran yang datang ke Klinik Migran mempunyai beberapa aduan. Namun, hanya beberapa kes sahaja yang A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 155 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| telah difailkan di Mahkamah. Kebanyakan pekerja memutuskan untuk tidak memfailkan kes akibat kelewatan berpanjangan dalam proses Mahkamah dan kedudukan mereka di dalam negara ini ialah di atas budibicara Imigresen tanpa pekerjaan alternatif. Tahun ini, aduan berkenaan pekerjaan “out sourcing” telah meningkat dengan banyaknya. Tenaganita mendapati kami menghadpi cabaran yang berat terutamanya dengan sumber kewangan dan kakitangan yang terhad. Tenaganita hanya mampu membantu seberapa banyak yangdapat. Oleh yang demikian, lebih daripada 1000 pekerja telah diberi kaunseling melalui telefon dan nasihat undang-undang sahaja. Sesetengah kes juga dirujuk kepada rakan kongsi organisasi seluruh negara untuk bantuan segera. Tenaganita berserta Migration Working Group telah menerima sokongan yang kuat daripada kumpulankumpulan keagamaan dan orang perseorangan dalam menyediakan makanan dan perlindungan. Pada Julai 2007, suatu perbincangan bersama telah dianjurkan oleh Majlis Peguam dan Tenaganita berkenaan “out sourcing” berikutan daripada Pencarian Fakta oleh Tenaganita berkenaan dengannya. Ia telah dihadiri oleh wakil daripada Kementerian Dalam Negeri, pegawai-pegawai diplomatik, SUHAKAM, NGO-NGO, Transparency International, ahli-ahli Badan Peguam dan beberapa individu lain. Beberapa orang pekerja yang terlibat telah memberikan keterangan mereka. Ini akan disusuli oleh perbincanan bersama yang kedua pada 2008. Kesan positif daripada perbincangan bersama tersebut adalah kami dapat berhubung secara terus dengan wakil daripada Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan memperkukuhkan pertalian di antara Kerajaan Bangladesh dan Tenaganita. Satu perwakilan terdiri daripada pegawai tinggi kerajaan sementara Bangladesh telah sendiri melawat Malaysia untuk meninjau perkara ini. Cik Latheefa Koya dan Cik Renuka Ahnanthkrishana daripada Pusat Bantuan Guaman telah banyak menghabiskan masa dan tenaga untuk bertemu dengan pekerja-pekerja Bangladesh secara peribadi dan mewakili mereka di dalam pertikaian mereka. 9. BCLACKL/PTF KLINIK PERKHIDMATAN MAKLUMAT PERUNDANGAN Laporan disediakan oleh Preetam Kaur & So Chien Hao Ahli Jawatankuasa Wakil PBG: Preetam Kaur So Chien Hao James Loh Lim Ka-Tsung, Joachim Lee Choo Suat, Tevina Wakil PTF: Hisham Hussein (Pengerusi, PTF) Klinik LAC/PTF Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (BCLACKL) bersama-sama dengan Yayasan Pink Triangle (PTF) telah mengendalikan Klinik Guaman untuk lima (5) kumpulan yang diakui sebagai terpinggir iaitu pengguna dadah, pekerja seks, mereka yang hidup dengan HIV/ AIDS, transeksual dan lelaki homoseks. Kami berbangga untuk mengumumkan bahawa baru-baru ini, PTF telah berjaya mendapatkan dana yang besar daripada suatu kementerian. Dengan dana ini, mereka telah mendapatkan 3 Pusat di bangunan SONY berdekatan Jalan Sultan Ismail untuk pekerja seks, transeksual, dan Program “Positive Living People” sementara program Homosexuals (MSM) telah mendapatkan geran mereka dan telah berjaya mendapatkan satu lagi pusat di bank CIMB berhampiran dengan lokasi ketiga-tiga 156 BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Pusat diatas. Ini membuktikan kesediaan pihak kerajaan dalam usaha mencegah gejala HIV/AIDS & STI. Seperti yang diketahui, Klinik LAC/PTF mempunyai 2 pelatih dalam kamar yang ditugaskan untuk bekerja secara berpasangan di Klinik PT setiap hari Khamis. Bagi sesi pagi, para pelatih biasaannya membantu Klinik LAC dengan bertemu anakguam dan campurtangan guaman untuk Klinik LAC sementara di sebelah petang dari pukul 2 hingga 4.30 petang, para pelatih akan bergilir-gilir menjalankan tugas mereka di 4 Pusat yang berlainan. Kes-kes penting yang dikendalikan oleh Pelatih Para pelatih telah berjaya mendapatkan maklumat mengenai gangguan polis, penderaan, penganiayaan samseng dan tanggapan seorang wanita melarat yang tidak mempunyai sebarang dokumen pengenalan diri. Para pelatih sentiasa berbincang mengenai bagaimana kumpulan ini dijadikan mangsa keadaan bersama staf dan ahli jawatankuasa. Para pelatih juga telah berjaya membantu seorang bekas pekerja seks yang mempunyai bayi daripada dilanjutkan tahanan reman oleh kerana beliau ialah pemegang kad pengenalan hijau. Para pelatih telah mendapatkan bantuan yang diperlukan dari pihak berkuasa berkenaan dan campurtangan guaman kami berjaya dan para pelatih telah meneruskan khidmat sukarela mereka kepada PTF. Kini mereka membantu merangka sistem pengkalan data bagi program pekerja seks. Para pelatih PTF yang baru pula menyusuli satu kes untuk 3 bulan berkaitan dengan seorang wanita papa yang tinggal di jalanan, mengalami gangguan mental dan juga mengandung 5 bulan. Dia telah dibawa kepada kami oleh teman lelakinya yang merupakan seorang pengguna dadah. Para pelatih membantu dengan berhubung abatan Pendaftaran Wilayah Persekutuan (JPNWP). Pegawai yang terlibat berusaha untuk mengenalpasti identiti perempuan tersebut dan analisis cap jari telah disediakan untuk LAC tetapi malangnya, tiada rekod wanita tersebut dijumpai. Para pelatih berasa sedih dengan kesudahan kes ini dan mengambil inisiatif untuk ke hospital bagi menziarahi wanita tersebut dan anaknya yang dilahirkan awal seminggu namun sihat. Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar juga turut membantu empat orang adik-beradik perempuan yang tidak memiliki sijil kelahiran meskipun kesemua mereka telah melebihi 40 tahun. Kes-kes yang menyedihkan ini masih berlaku dan berterusan di dalam masyarakat kita meskipun kita telah menyambut ulangtahun kemerdekaan yang ke 50 baru-baru ini. Kerjasama dengan Majlis AIDS Malaysia (MAC) Pada tahun ini LAC telah menembusi Majlis AIDS Malaysia (MAC) buat julung kalinya dan kini kami sedang membantu mereka berkenaan pekara bersangkutan undang-undang dalam projek “Integrated Bio-Behavioral Surveillance” (IBBS) di bawah Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Kami juga bercadang untuk mengeratkan lagi hubungan dengan memanjangkan perkhidmatan kami kepada badan-badan bersekutu MAC menjelang tahun depan. Aktiviti Tahun 2007 1. Kami telah mengadakan 4 program latihan untuk Pelatih Dalam Kamar yang mana kami telah menyuntik kepekaan mereka berkaitan isu-isu berkaitan yang dihadapi oleh komuniti. Sebilangan daripada Pelatih Dalam Kamar telah mengambil inisiatif untuk menjadi sukarelawan dan bekerjasama dengan PTF. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 157 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 2. Kami telah mengadakan mesyuarat jawatankuasa yang pertama pada 30 Mac 2007 (Jumaat) pada jam 6.50 petang bertempat di LAC 3. Kami juga telah mengadakan satu Bengkel berserta Klinik Guaman untuk program MSM pada 8 April 2007 (Ahad) 4. Kami juga turut menyertai perbincangan meja-bulat mengenai “Legal Review & Response” yang dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan pada 16 April 2007. 5. Kami juga telah mengadakan satu Bengkel berserta Klinik Guaman di “Ikhlas Drop In Centre for Drug Users” pada 27 April 2007 (Jumaat) jam 3.00 petang dan walaupun diundang, pihak Polis tidak dapat menghadiri Bengkel ini. 6. Membantu dalam penganjuran dan mengadakan ceramah-ceramah sempena program “Give A Hug” di SMK Bandar Baru Seri Petaling pada 9 Jun 2007 (Sabtu) dari 9.00 pagi hingga 1.00 petang Program ini adalah di bawah Program “Youth Leadership Program/ Award” sekolah tersebut 7. Kami telah mengadakan mesyuarat jawatankuasa yang ke 2 pada 27 Jun 2007 (Rabu) pada jam 6.40 petang bertempat di LAC 8. Ceramah tentang program “Legal Rights for Transsexuals” pada 10 Julai 2007 (Selasa) pada jam 2.30 petang 9. Sesi Dialog dengan IPD Dang Wangi oleh 5 wakil komuniti daripada PTF dan Ketua-ketua dari Polis Dang Wangi pada 17 Julai 2007 (Selasa) pada jam 3.00 petang 10. Kami telah mengadakan Bengkel berserta Klinik Guaman untuk Program MSM pada 22 Julai 2007 (Ahad) di PTF 11. Latihan Paralegal untuk kakitangan, sukarelawan/wati dan ahli Exco PTF yang dianjurkan oleh KLLAC pada 8 Disember 2007 (Sabtu) Aktiviti-aktiviti yang dicadangkan untuk tahun 2008 158 1. Pembaharuan Undang-undang (law reform) 2. Sesi dialog dengan Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara tentang masalah kad pengenalan yang masih dihadapi oleh komuniti. 3. Penyelidikan undang-undang oleh pelatih dalam kamar atau “para legals” 4. Penyediaan risalah-risalah 5. Memberikan nasihat guaman percuma melalui laman web PTF kepada komuniti-komuniti terpinggir. BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 10. KLINIK LAC/UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) Laporan yang disediakan oleh Sekretariat Pengenalan Klinik LAC / UNHCR adalah projek perintis di antara Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) dan UNHCR yang dimulakan pada Oktober 2006. Program ini telah dimandatkan untuk memimpin dan menyelaras tindakan antarabangsa bagi melindungi pelarian dan menyelesaikan masalah pelarian sedunia. Objektif utamanya ialah untuk melindungi hak dan kebajikan pelarian. Objektif • Untuk memberikan nasihat guaman percuma kepada pelarian dan pencari-perlindungan yang datang ke UNHCR untuk mendapatkan bantuan dalam pelbagai isu undang-undang. Aktiviti • Empat latihan untuk pelatih telah dijalankan dan seramai 12 pelatih kesemuanya telah menyertai klinik ini. • Para pelatih membantu UNHCR dengan menjalankan temu-ramah perlindungan guaman untuk kes-kes tangkap dan kes-kes mahkamah, memberikan khidmat nasihat guaman kepada mereka yang menghadapi masalah bahaya perlindungan, menjalankan temu-ramah penghantaran pulang, mengambil laporan tangkapan, laporan tahanan terkini dan laporan mahkamah, menghadiri mahkamah untuk “watching brief” dan untuk mendapatkan pembebasan warga UNHCR daripada pendakwaan dan penahanan berterusan. • Pelatih juga terlibat dalam pelbagai aktiviti yang dianjurkan oleh UNHCR. • Sehingga November 2007, klinik ini telah membantu hampir 3360 anakguam. Masalah • Para pelatih menghadapi kesukaran memahami prosedur UNHCR dan mengambil masa yang lama untuk membiasakan diri dengan mandat perlindungan UNHCR. • Sumber manusia/ sukarelawan. Cadangan • Menambahkan jumlah pelatih. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 159 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 11. PROGRAM KESEDARAN UNDANG-UNDANG (ORIENTASI) Laporan Disediakan oleh Sekretariat Ahli Jawatankuasa Sivarasa Rasiah (Ketua Projek) Saravana Kumar (Penolong Ketua Projek) Rajen Devraj (Majlis Peguam) Abd Shukor Tokachil Nik Waheeda Nik Kamarulzaman Jessie Tan Kavitha Rajan Legal AIDERS Puspawati Rosman (Penolong Ketua Projek) Latheefa Koya Harleen Kaur Kamaliyah Mohd Hafiz Joyce Oo Mei Ling Arumugam Azah Yazmin Pengenalan Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kepada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar “dimensi sebenar” khidmat yang perlu disumbangkan mereka kepada Pusat bantuan Guaman untuk tempoh 14 hari yang diwajibkan ke atas mereka dan untuk memperkenalkan mereka kepada pelbagai klinik dan program yang dijalankan oleh Pusat Bantuan Guaman. Objektif • Bagi membantu pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar menemui peranan dan tanggungjawab mereka sebagai peguam di dalam masyarakat dan untuk memupuk rasa tanggungjawab sosial dan keprihatinan terhadap hak-hak asasi, “rule of law” dan keadilan. • Untuk mengenalkan pelatih–pelatih dalam kamar kepada fikiran yang baru dan untuk menanam dan membina komitmen jangka panjang terhadap bantuan guaman dan laluan kepada keadilan, melangkaui tugas bantuan guaman yang diwajibkan Sesi-sesi ini (lebih kurang 4 ½ jam setiap sesi) mempraktikkan konsep “participative methodology” dengan dinamika kumpulan dan perbincangan umum. Struktur ini masih baru dan sedang di ubahsuai dan dibina mengikut penilaian pelatih. Aktiviti-aktiviti Sehingga 10hb Disember 2007, ahli jawatankuasa telah mengendalikan dan memperkenalkan program/sesi berikut: 160 • Lapan (8) sesi orientasi telah diadakan dan lebih kurang 500 pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar telah dilatih. • Ahli jawatankuasa juga telah membuka sesi orientasi ini kepada pelatih daripada negeri lain. Sehingga kini, ahli jawatankuasa telah melatih lebih kurang 90 orang pelatih daripada Pusat Bantuan Guaman Selangor. • Empat (4) sesi Penilaian Keluar (“Exit Evaluation”) telah diadakan untuk semua pelatih yang terlibat dalam pelbagai program Pusat Bantuan Guaman bagi menghargai sumbangan mereka kepada pihak awam dan Pusat Bantuan Guaman. Lebih kurang 440 pelatih telah mengambil bahagian dalam sesi ini dan telah berkongsi pengalaman dalam pelbagai program yang mereka jalani sebagai sebahagian daripada tugasan bantuan guaman mereka. Ketika sesi ini, ahli jawatankuasa telah menjemput Encik Yeo Yang Poh, Encik BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Lim Chee Wee, Encik Ravindra Kumar dan Encik Ravi Nekoo bagi menghargai sumbangan pelatih-pelatih dan untuk merangsang mereka untuk terus terlibat dalam aktiviti-aktiviti Pusat Bantuan Guaman (Kuala Lumpur). • Berikutan kepada kejayaan program latihan lanjutan (“Advanced Training”) yang dikenali sebagai “Legal Awareness & Leadership for Lawyers”, yang diadakan di Selesa Health Farm Resort, Bukit Tinggi, Bentong, Pahang dari 3 hingga 5 November 2006 yang bertujuan untuk menggalakkan para pelatih dalam kamar serta peguam-peguam muda untuk meneruskan penglibatan mereka di Pusat Bantuan Guaman untuk jangka panjang, sesi kedua telah diadakan di Genting Permai Park & Resort dari 20 hingga 22 April 2007. Sesi ini juga telah berjaya dilaksanakan dan mampu menyebabkan peserta melibatkan diri dalam program BCLAC (KL) yang seterusnya. Objektif utama program ini adalah (i) untuk merangsang dan menggalakkan para pelatih dalam kamar serta peguam muda untuk lebih melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti LAC; (ii) untuk memperkenalkan kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk kepimpinan; (iii) untuk meningkatakan pengetahuan dalam isu/bidang spesifik. • Sebagai susulan kepada program pertama dan kedua sesi “Advanced Training”, satu perhimpunan telah diadakan untuk peserta kedua-dua program ini. Sesi in telah diadakan pada 14 Julai 2007 di Bilik Mesyuarat Majlis Peguam. Matlamat sesi perhimpunan ini adalah untuk berkongsi dan mendapatkan maklumbalas daripada para peserta tentang aktiviti dan perkembangan mereka sejak dari sesi latihan yang lalu. Ia juga diniatkan sebagai sesi perancangan di mana para peserta dapat berkongsi fikiran dan membincangkan langkah susulan mengenai isu-isu yang dibangkitkan semasa sesi latihan yang terdahulu. Ahli Jawatankuasa juga telah mendapat permintaan daripada peserta untuk mengadakan sesi susulan bagi program “Advanced Training” memandangkan kebanyakan peserta yang menghadiri sesi latihan tersebut sangat berminat dan bersemangat untuk memberi sumbangan selanjutnya tetapi tidak mempunyai idea bagaimana untuk meneruskannya. Ahli Jawatankuasa juga berbangga untuk mengumumkan bahawa semasa sesi perhimpunan, telah lahir sekumpulan baru peguam muda yang bersemangat dan ghairah untuk membantu BCLAC (KL) di dalam pelbagai aktivitnyai yang menggelarkan diri mereka sebagai “Legal AIDERS”. • Setelah mengkaji semula program “Advanced Training” tersebut, ahli jawatankuasa telah menetapkan untuk mengadakan sesi latihan tersebut dua kali setahun sebagai program tetap untuk para pelatih dan peguam muda. Berikutan itu, sesi “Advanced Training” yang ketiga telah diadakan dari 26 hingga 28 October 2007 di The Pines Resort, Fraser Hill. Legal AIDERS telah diberi peluang untuk membantu menganjurkan aktiviti-aktiviti latihan dan menjadi pemudah cara/jurulatih sesi tersebut. Pada penghulung latihan, peserta telah dijemput untuk menyertai Legal AIDERS. Berdasarkan penilaian akhir di sesi latihan tersebut kami dapati bahawa para peserta terpengaruh dengan cara latihan itu dilaksanakan dan adalah dicadangkan bahawa latihan seperti ini haruslah diadakan lagi untuk memberi persediaan kepada peguam-peguam muda memasuki dunia perundangan yang sangat mencabar. • Legal AIDERS telah mengadakan sesi bersama yang ke-dua/AGM pada 20 October 2007 di Auditorium Bar Council. Sesi bersama/AGM ini adalah bertujuan untuk membincangkan tentang perkembangan Legal AIDERS dan ahli-ahli jawatankuasanya serta untuk mengutarakan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dijalankan terdahulu. Ahli jawatankuasa juga turut membincangkan tentang program “Advanced Training” yang ke-tiga dan bercadang untuk mengajak para peseta program tersebut menyertai Legal AIDERS. Lain-lain isu yang berbangkit ialah yang turut dibincangkan secara mendalam ialah mengenai ciri-ciri ataupun kriteria-kriteria yang perlu ada pada para peguam muda supaya A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 161 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| mereka dapat melayakkan diri untuk menyertai Legal AIDERS. Ianya telah dipersetujui secara bersama bahawa ciri atau criteria utma yang diprlukan untuk menyertai Legal AIDERS ialah dengan menyertai program “Advanced Training” yang diadakan. Ianya juga dipersetujui bahawa, sekiranya ada di antara para pelatih yang tidak menyertai program “Advanced Training”, tetapi berminat untuk menyertai Legal AIDERS, adalah disarankan supaya individu tersebut meminta mana-mana ahli Legal AIDERS untuk menyarankan nama individu tersebut kepada semua ahli jawatankuasa. • Sesi Bersama turut diadakan untuk para peserta “Advanced Training” yang ke-tiga pada 25 November 2007. Tujuan perjumpaan ini adalah supaya para peserta di dalam sesi ini dapat melihat semual isu-isu yang telah dibincangkan semasa sesi latihan lanjutan dengan lebih mendalam lagi termasuklah cadangan dan perbincangan mengenai idea-idea baru serta memberi peluang kepada mereka untuk menyertai kumpulan Legal AIDERS. • Ahli Jawatankuasa juga telah menganjurkan sesi “Training of Trainers” pada 4 Ogos 2007 di Pearl International Hotel. Setelah memerhatikan dan mengkaji beberapa sesi latihan yang telah diadakan di Pusat sebelum ini, jawatankuasa berpendapat bahawa, kemahiran presentasi para peserta boleh dipertingkatkan agar mereka dapat mengekalkan minat yang ada dan dapat menyampaikan kemahiran dan ilmu pengetahuan yang diperlukan. Kami juga dapat mengenalpasti bahawa, pelatih-pelatih yang ada sekarang, walaupun mereka mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik tentang undang-undang, namun mereka masih lagi mempunyai kelemahan dan kekurangan di dalam kemahiran latihan. Disebabkaan ini, ahli jawatankauasa percaya bahawa sesi Melatih Pelatih “Training of Trainers” ini, secara asasnya dapat membantu peguam-peguam muda untuk memperkembangkan dan seterusnya mempertingkatkan kemahiran latihan mereka. Sesi latihan ini telah berjaya dan terima baik oleh para peserta yang juga membuat permintaan agar sesi lanjutan dapat diadakan. Kekuatan • Ahli Jawatankuasa yang komited dan berkebolehan dalam menyumbangkan idea untuk melaksanakan dan seterusnya memperbaiki mutu sesi latihan. • Motivasi kepada para pelatih dalam kamar tentang kepentingan memberi khidmat dan membantu orang-orang yang memerlukan dan ditindas. • Pendidikan kepada para pelatih dalam kamar tentang hak-hak asasi dan menanam di dalam diri mereka nilai-nilai keadilan Kelemahan • Masa dan sumber manusia • Tindakan/sesi lanjutan Saranan 162 • Agar dapat menganjurkan lebih banyak sesi-sesi kesedaran dan hak-hak asasi manusia untuk para peguam dan/atau orang ramai • Agar dapat mencari jalan untuk mengekalkan penglibatan Legal AIDERS. BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 12. PROGRAM PEMBANGUNAN KEMAHIRAN (Skills Development Program) Laporan disediakan oleh Sekretariat Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Sukhvinder Kaur Chahl Lalithaambigai Komathi Arunasalam Komati Kaliappan Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal L I Kannan Saravana Kumar Jessica Pengenalan Program ini bertujuan untuk membina dan mengembangkan kemahiran dan meningkatkan motivasi di kalangan para pelatih dalam kamar, Badan-badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) serta peguam-peguam sukarela bagi meningkatkan kualiti perkhidmatan yang diberikan kepada para pelanggan. Matlamat/Tujuan • Menganjurkan program latihan khususnya kepada peguam-peguam sukarela dan bakal peguam-peguam sukarela dan ‘paralegal’ bagi memenuhi keperluan LACKL. • Membantu mengendalikan program-program latihan kepada para pelatih dalam kamar. • Mengkaji semula program-program latihan dan memberi cadangan untuk memperbaiki, di mana patut. • Melatih para pembimbing. Aktiviti-aktiviti i) - Sesi Pengenalan dan Perbincangan mengenai Penderaan Seksual Kanak-kanak (12 Mei 2007) Sesi ini telah dianjurkan dengan kerjasama P.S. The Children, satu badan tidak berasaskan keuntungan (non-profit organization) yang mengkhususkan kegiatannya kepada kebajikan kanak-kanak. Tujuan utama sesi perbincangan ini adalah untuk para peguam memahami caramana kanak-kanak didera secara seksual dan bantuan yang mereka perlukan dari sudut perundangan. Beberapa ruang berkaitan telah dikenalpasti di mana fraterniti guaman dapat melakukan perubahan dan yang mana pada ketika ini wujudnya kekosongan yang memerlukan pengisian segera : i) Bantuan dalam mengendalikan “watching brief” ii) Membantu mangsa dan ahli keluarganya mengenai prosedur Mahkamah serta perkara-perkara lain yang berkaitan; dan iii) Membantu menyumbang bagi mewujudkan satu suasana yang akan menggalakan Mahkamah untuk melindungi dan mengutarakan kepentingan kanak-kanak terutamanya ketika kanak-kanak tersebut ialah sebahagian daripada prosedur Mahkamah, contohnya ketika kanak-kanak tersebut memberi keterangan di Mahkamah dan sebagainya. - Tiga orang penceramah terkenal iaitu En. M Puravalen. Cik Madeleine Yong dan Cik Vicky Alahokone telah memberikan kepada para peserta perspektif-perspekif berbeza yang diperlukan untuk memahami tajuk perbincangan dengan lebih baik. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 163 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 16 4 - Jawatankuasa ini berpendapat bahawa sesi perbincangan ini berjaya dengan jumlah peserta seramai 50 orang – yang merangkumi peguam sukarelawan LAC sedia ada, para peguam baru, rakan-rakan NGO, para pelatih dalam kamar dan orang awam – yang telah menghadiri perbincangan ini ii) - Menerbitkan sebuah buku kecil mesra kanak-kanak mengenai Akta Kanak-kanak Jawatankuasa ini berserta P.S The Children telah melakukan perbincangan secara mendalam (brain storming) dan menerbitkan satu buku kecil mesra kanak-kanak mengenai Akta Kanak-kanak yang kini sedang dicetak. iii) - Latihan Cara Mengendalikan Program “OK Tak OK” (6 Oktober 2007) Jawatankuasa ini bersama Women’s Centre for Change, Pulau Pinang (WCC) telah menganjurkan satu sesi latihan dan bimbingan dalam mengendalikan program “OK Tak OK”. Program ini adalah mengenai keselamatan diri dan direka bagi mengajar kanakkanak (11-12 tahun) mengenai sentuhan baik dan sentuhan tak baik. Program ini memberi penekanan terhadap penggunaan perasaan untuk membantu kanak-kanak membezakan di antara sentuhan baik (OK) atau sentuhan tak baik (Tak OK). * Kanak-kanak ini mempelajari peraturan-peraturan mengenai sentuhan melalui lagu, siri kartun dan cerita, yang semuanya ditunjukkan dalam VCD. Pada akhir program, kanak-kanak digalakkan untuk memberitahu seorang dewasa yang ia percaya jika mereka berada dalam suatu situasi yang sukar. - Jawatankuasa ini berpendapat bahawa latihan ini berjaya dengan memperoleh maklumbalas positif para peserta yang menghadiri latihan ini. Kira-kira 50 orang peserta – yang merangkumi para sukarelawan LAC semasa, peguam-peguam baru, rakan-rakan NGO, guru-guru pra-sekolah, pelatih-pelatih dan orang awam menghadiri latihan ini. - Melalui penilaian, para peserta mengesahkan mereka telah memperolehi banyak maklumat melalui pendedahan yang diberikan oleh jurulatih, Dr. Prema Devaraj dari WCC semasa latihannya malahan para peserta telah meminta Pusat supaya menganjurkan lebih banyak lagi sesi sedemikian kerana mereka merasakan ada lebih banyak lagi yang boleh mereka pelajari. iv) - Latihan Undang-undang Jenayah – 2 & 3 November 2007, Universiti Malaya Latihan ini tercetus lantaran kekurangan peguam yang menawarkan diri untuk mengambil kes-kes, seiringan dengan peningkatan bilangan anakguam LAC yang memerlukan nasihat guaman dan perwakilan dalam perkara jenayah. - Latihan ini telah diadakan dengan penekanan khusus untuk persediaan dan memperbaik kemahiran kepeguaman para peguam dalam perbicaraan jenayah. - Latihan ini mempunyai dua matlamat. Pertama, untuk menyediakan sekumpulan peguam berkemampuan yang akan memperolehi kemahiran kepeguaman dalam mengendalikan perbicaraan jenayah dengan cekap. Kedua, setelah memperolehi kemahiran ini, peguampeguam ini dijangka dan akan diminta, dari semasa ke semasa, untuk membantu ahli-ahli masyarakat miskin dan terpinggir yang meminta perwakilan guaman daripada Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur) dan Pusat Bantuan Guaman negeri-negeri lain. - Kira-kira 60 peserta – yang merangkumi kumpulan sukarelawan-sukarelawan LAC semasa, peguam-peguam baru, pelatih-pelatih dan penuntut-penuntut undang-undang telah menghadiri latihan ini. BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| - Latihan ini telah dikendalikan oleh En. Jagjit Singh. En. Manjeet Singh Dhillon, En. Baljit Singh, Datuk K. Kumaraendran, En. Tan Hock Chuan, En. Ravi Nekoo, En. Edmund Bon dan juga Tuan Hakim Harminder Singh Dhaliwal. - Bagi kesinambungan latihan ini dan untuk meningkatkan lagi keyakinan para peguam dalam mengendalikan fail-fail jenayah, suatu sistem “Buddy” telah diperkenalkan, supaya peguambela-peguambela jenayah kanan dapat memberi tunjuk ajar kepada peguambelapeguambela jenayah baru. Sepertimana yang dapat diperhatikan dari aktiviti-aktiviti jawatankuasa di atas, pada tahun ini jawatankuasa telah mengalihkan perhatiannya kepada salah satu isu yang paling membimbangkan iaitu Penderaan Seksual Kanak-kanak daripada latihan-latihan biasanya untuk para peguam dan seumpamanya atas sebab jawatankuasa ini merasakan bahawa sudah tiba masanya untuk juga mendidik para peguam dan pelatih-pelatih mengenai isu-isu sebegini. Aktiviti-aktiviti yang dicadangkan untuk masa akan datang: Jawatankuasa ini telah merancang sesi-sesi latihan berikut untuk tahun yang akan datang: • Latihan Hak Asasi Manusia untuk para peguam. Secara tentatifnya dijadualkan sekitar bulan Disember 2007 atau Januari 2008. • Latihan untuk pemudah cara/penganjur yang dijadualkan sekitar Disember 2007 atau Januari 2007. • Latihan Undang-undang Keluarga. • Latihan Undang-undang Buruh. • Latihan Undang-undang Syariah • Latihan Kakitangan mengenai Pembangunan Pasukan untuk semua kakitangan LAC setiap negeri. Kekuatan/Kelebihan • Memperbaiki kemahiran guaman, pengetahuan dan keyakinan para peserta, bagi menyediakan serta menggalakkan mereka untuk mengendalikan fail-fail dan menjalankan kerja-kerja bantuan guaman. • Memudahkan dan melengkapkan program-program latihan BCLAC(KL) yang sedia ada. • Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa yang komited dan keupayaan mereka untuk memberikan buah fikiran bagi melaksanakan dan memperbaiki lagi sesi-sesi latihan. Kelemahan • Masa, sumber manusia / sukarelawan yang memiliki kemahiran bersesuaian atau mereka yang bersedia untuk dilatih. • Tindakan susulan. A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 BANTUAN GUAMAN 165 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| Cadangan 166 • Di masa hadapan LACKL seharusnya menganjurkan ceramah dan/atau program yang melilbatkan bidang undang-undang lain yang menarik • Lebih ramai ahli jawatankuasa sepatutnya melibatkan diri dalam program sedemekian • Menggalakkan kakitangan Mahkamah dan juga pihak polis untuk menghadiri sessi sedemikian dan mendapatkan maklumbalas mereka. BANTUAN GUAMAN A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 AUDITED ACCOUNTS KUALA LUMPUR BAR COMMITTEE |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 168 AUDITED ACCOUNTS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 AUDITED ACCOUNTS 169 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 17 0 AUDITED ACCOUNTS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 AUDITED ACCOUNTS 171 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 17 2 AUDITED ACCOUNTS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 AUDITED ACCOUNTS 17 3 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 174 AUDITED ACCOUNTS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 AUDITED ACCOUNTS 17 5 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 176 AUDITED ACCOUNTS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8 AUDITED ACCOUNTS 17 7 |KUALA LUMPUR BAR| 17 8 AUDITED ACCOUNTS A N N U A L R E P O R T 07 | 0 8