Annual Report to Investors - VCU School of Dentistry
Annual Report to Investors - VCU School of Dentistry
V I R G I N I A C O M M O N W E A LT H U N I V E R S I T Y 2006 SCHOOL OF DEN TIS TRY Annual Report to Investors A window to dentistry’s future Dear Friends, We are pleased to offer our partners and friends this annual report for the 2005–06 academic year. We hope the report’s contents give you a better appreciation of the many accomplishments and aspirations of your School of Dentistry. This is a very special dental school, undergoing extraordinary change— physical facilities, curriculum and culture—all geared to keeping the School moving toward greatness. Our outstanding faculty, staff, students and alumni can make this good School a great one. The funding of an operation as large as this School continues to challenge our resources. We receive funding from the state, tuition, student fees, clinical fees and research grants. Without the help of many alumni and friends who give generously in support of the School, however, the high quality associated with our School would diminish. As you learn more about our ambitious plans for the future, we hope you will decide to partner with us. If you supported us in the past, please know such support makes our top-tier status possible. If you were a supporter during the 2005–06 year, your name appears in the honor roll section of this report. If you haven’t partnered with us yet, please review this report closely. If you agree we are doing the right things—the right things for our students, the future of dentistry and the people of Virginia—please consider partnering with us in the further growth of the School, to achieve even more in the future. Best regards, Ronald J. Hunt, Dean 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 1 2 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • “Reinvigorate; Refresh; Revive.” Visitors and students who come to the School of Dentistry this year will find a changed facility. We are now in our fourth and final year of an extensive renovation project. New preclinical labs and changes in the building floor plan provide 21st century learners with equipment and space to prepare them to offer quality care to patients, while obtaining a top-tier education. Within this decade, a third building will emerge on Leigh Street, connecting the Lyons and Wood buildings and allowing further expansion of student enrollment, patient care and research. 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 3 Renovate Preclinical Laboratory Renovations Nearing Completion During the 2005-06 year, the planning, demolition and construction continued on many preclinical renovation projects. Visitors to the School expressed amazement at the changes in the facility’s physical structure. They commented they don’t even recognize the basement (now called “Level A”).When they were students, they didn’t have personal, over-sized lockers and they had nothing like the DentSim lab. With the opening of the DentSim Virtual Reality Laboratory, every first-year dental student prepares plastic dentoform teeth in the mouth of a mannequin while a computer tracks and evaluates the preparations. Research indicates this experience speeds the students’ transition from laboratory to clinic, providing time for expanded clinical opportunities. A 100-station mannequin lab will be constructed in the coming year. The lab represents the final phase of renovations of the preclinical laboratories and is funded by the Campaign for Clinical Simulation. During the spring and summer, workers gutted the entire south end of the third floor of the Lyons Building and, by mid-August, began filling the cleared space with new walls and equipment. When finished, the mannequin lab will allow students to do all their preclinical preparations on mannequins similar to those in the DentSim lab. Although DentSim is well-suited to single-tooth preparations, the new lab will be more conducive to multistage preparations such as a three-unit bridge. Also, each station in the mannequin lab will have individual computer monitors so students can view videos, slides and DVDs or check documents on the Internet. The preclinical renovations are financed by an appropriation of $2 million from the Virginia General Assembly and $4 million being raised privately. Just over $500,000 remains to be raised, with one year left in the campaign. 4 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • Funding Secured for New Dental Building In what Dean Ron Hunt characterizes as the “budget coup of the decade,” the School of Dentistry received funding totaling $9.15 million from the 2006 Virginia General Assembly for construction of an additional building for the School. Securing funds for large capital projects such as new buildings is a huge undertaking. What began as a fairly modest request for “planning money” gained unexpected momentum and grew into major funding for the proposed building. Obtaining funding of this magnitude always requires well-coordinated efforts. In this case, key groups and individuals in the University and dental communities worked collaboratively throughout the legislative session, leading to the School’s ultimate success. Students learned, first-hand, that their voices matter. The legislative process may not be part of the formal dental curriculum. The informal lessons our students learned may be as far-reaching as what they learn in classrooms or clinics. Virginia Dental Association (VDA) Executive Director Terry Dickinson, lobbyist Chuck Duvall, and many highly supportive VDA dentists who contacted their legislators at key times during a protracted budget process assisted Dr. Jim Revere, the School’s director of planned giving. Early on, students joined forces with Dr. Revere and VCU/MCV alumni in the VDA on Legislative Day in January for a high profile dental education advocacy push. The projected cost of this four-story building of 53,600 square feet totals $11.75 million. The Legislature approved $9.15 million in general funds, with the balance of $2.6 million coming from revenue bonds that will be repaid through new tuition revenues arising from increased enrollment. The additional building allows for expanded enrollment in the dental and dental hygiene programs and expanded research in head and neck cancer and dental biomaterials. Groundbreaking for the new building is projected for the summer of 2007, with completion 18 months later in the winter of 2008-09. 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 5 6 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • “Introduce something new; make changes in anything established.” The facility renovation produced an opportunity for unparalleled curriculum reform. Innovative DentSim technology reduces preclinical hours to a fraction of what they used to be, compressing the first-year curriculum. New clinic management software makes record-keeping more efficient and provides practical business experiences for fourth-year students. Students can now move outside the walls of the on-campus clinics for increased practical clinical experience on rotations throughout the Commonwealth. 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 7 Innovate A Winning Clinic Management System for Patients and Students The School of Dentistry completed installation of Windent, a comprehensive clinic management software system that streamlines the School’s extensive data and application needs. Windent provides seamless management of patient scheduling, billing, receivables and collections; analysis of income and expenses; and monitoring and assessment of student productivity. Dental Faculty Practice went live on Windent in November 2004, followed by predoctoral clinics in August 2005, graduate clinics and Oral Surgery in June 2006, and Pediatric Dentistry in July 2006. “Students benefit from having direct access to their clinical progress, pool of assigned patients, appointment schedules and reports for academic achievement and clinic revenue accomplishments,” said Mr. Mike Morgan, director of information technology. “The revenue reporting helps them develop business management skills needed in private practice. Students also benefit from using a state-ofthe-art practice management system that fully supports electronic dental imaging.” “The conversion of data from prior systems to Windent has been the biggest challenge. The School’s data and application needs are extensive and demanding. Windent technicians and dentistry personnel worked extremely hard to meet these needs.” Patients also reap the rewards of the new patient management system. According to Mr. Morgan, they benefit from better monitoring of student-patient clinical care and quality control. Additionally, when a patient’s dental care moves from one clinical area to another, the improved system provides a more comprehensive tracking system. Prior to Windent, each clinic in the School had a separate dataMike Morgan base. Now, all Windent patients are contained in a unified database, Director of Information Technology and no patient information is lost when a patient transfers to another clinic in the School. An added bonus to Windent’s capabilities is a unified database eliminating redundant information entry. Combining the functionality of five different clinic management systems from four different vendors into one system from one vendor significantly enhanced the School’s technical support for students, faculty, staff and patients alike. 8 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • Virtual Reality Innovative Technology Revolutionizes Preclinical Education During their first week of study this fall, the DDS Class of 2010 began practicing tooth preparations on simulation mannequins. Each D1 student will spend 5 hours on the newly installed DentSim virtual reality machines, first cutting simple shapes, such as a rectangle and then more, conventional tooth preparations. The innovative technology of DentSim provides a setting where students learn tooth preparations while working in clinic-like conditions with standard clinical equipment while using appropriate operator and patient positions. In the lab, special computers track and record their progress to provide real-time evaluations and immediate feedback. This experience with DentSim reduces the number of preclinical hours needed and compresses the School’s curriculum, allowing students to begin work on actual patients an entire year earlier than previously permitted. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania showed that their students who train on DentSim learn twice as fast as students who learn on the traditional head-on-a-stick apparatus used at VCU previously. The DentSim lab equipment contains the same instruments used in clinics—handpieces, water spray and suction—for a more realistic simulation of clinical dentistry. With a fully operational Virtual Reality Based Training Lab, VCU School of Dentistry is one of an elite group of five U.S. dental schools with widespread use of this state-of-the-art equipment. “I was so happy to learn that we would be drilling teeth in the second week of school.” David Jones (D2010) 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 9 10 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • “Work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.” Whether curriculum reform, course creation or ground-breaking research, the heart and soul of the academic experience involves collaboration with others. At the VCU School of Dentistry, students and faculty work together to make the educational experience fuller and richer. This year, faculty submitted research grants, created a multi-disciplinary continuing education course and continued extensive curriculum reform. 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 11 Collaborate Challenging Year for Research Funding The VCU School of Dentistry actively participates in VCU’s research mission as a Carnegie Level 1 Research Institution and strives to improve oral health. Research projects require funding, and securing grants to support the School’s ongoing projects remains a demanding pursuit. In 2006, funding efforts produced a mixture of opportunities, challenges and a look toward future collaboration. On the upside of the School’s latest efforts, The Philips Institute for Oral and Craniofacial Molecular Biology increased its grant monies by 29% to just over $1 million for the past year. The funding of the Institute remains stable, providing $800,000 and $1 million for the last 4–5 years. According to Dr. Harvey Schenkein, Assistant Dean for Research, the Institute is one of the School’s best recent research success stories. With one of its areas of focus being on studies that examine head-and-neck cancer, its origins date back to the School’s strategic plan for the 1990s. Currently, a possible collaboration with the Massey Cancer Center is underway, which may help generate additional funding for the Institute. Dr. John Philips (DDS ’69), who generously donated the capstone gift, remains a loyal benefactor of the Institute and the School. 12 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • 2005-06 Active Research Funding in the School of Dentistry Principal Investor The challenge of maintaining financial support for research, however, includes an occasional setback. In 2006, funding lapsed for the Clinical Research Center for Periodontal Diseases, which is directed by Dr. Schenkein. Until this year, the Center had long been the major source of research grants for the School, securing about $1.5 million per year. With its past successes in mind, Center researchers are submitting new grant proposals into the research pipeline. Meanwhile, the School’s new fourstory building, scheduled for completion in the winter of 2008-09, will provide expanded research opportunities, especially in the fields of dental biomaterials and head-and-neck cancer. Plans are underway to team up with VCU’s School of Engineering to examine dental biomaterials, which may help provide additional funding for future research. Fund Source Project Title Yrs Direct Cost Tegwyn Brickhouse NIH Training in primary care medicine & pediatric dentistry 3 $ 114,192 Tegwyn Brickhouse NIH Oral health disparities in publicly insured children 4 $ 123,561 Tegwyn Brickhouse VCU Oral health care in the medical setting 1 $ 15,000 David Burns NIH Clinical investigation of mandibular implant overdenture 3 $ 150,000 Todd Kitten NIH Streptococcal virulence factors in extra-oral disease 5 $ 150,000 Todd Kitten NIH Streptococcal genomics & pathogenesis 5 $ 88,437 Janina Lewis NIH Virulence factor of porphyromonas gingivalis 5 $ 124,324 Janina Lewis NIH Molecular basis of oral microbial adhesion 4 $ 190,000 Francis Macrina NIH Novel plasmids for porphyromonas post-genomic research 3 $ 150,000 Peter Moon NIT Nano-apatite coating of the porous surface of implants 1 $ 16,089 Bhavna Shroff VCU Role of osteoclasts during tooth eruption in the c-fos knock out murine model 1 $ 14,960 Eser Tufekci Pfizer The anti-plaque efficacy of Listerine used in combination with toothbrushing and flossing in orthodontic patients 1 $ Eser Tufekci VCU Development of a resin modified bioactive glass ionomer cement for orthodontic bonding 1 $ 15,000 Ping Xu Jeffress Comparative genomics of virulence related genes in streptoccocus 1 $ 10,000 Andrew Yeudall Philip Morris 3 $ 100,467 Gene expression metastatic head and neck cancer 9,048 Jeffress Foundation; NIH: National Institutes of Health; NIT: Nano Interface Technology; Philip Morris USA; Pfizer, Inc.; VCU; A.D. Williams Fund for MCV Campus 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 13 Collaborate Growth in Off-campus Preceptorships VCU is proud of its involvement in the community and in fulfilling its mission to help meet the needs of the public in its unique role as Virginia’s only dental school. Off-campus rotations by students respond to this mission while allowing unique educational experiences for the students. In 2005-06, the School of Dentistry continued to build an off-campus preceptorship program and increase accessibility to new practice settings. Currently, all fourth-year students in the dental hygiene and DDS programs participate in rotations at public clinics, providing dental care services for underserved Virginians. The primary clinic sites located in Lynchburg, Kilmarnock, Roanoke, Boynton and Norfolk represent the geographic and cultural diversity of the state. In the coming year, students “Extramural rotations have given will start rotations to Martinsville. me the opportunity to Rotations outside the confines of the dental school expose see a different side of dentistry students to underserved populations, provide important and gauge how far I have experiences in alternative dental delivery systems and progressed as a dental student. increase access to dental care for underserved Virginians. They have given me the chance to serve others and develop The School also offered, on an elective basis, off-campus rotamy clinical skills at the same tions for fourth-year dental students in private dental offices. time. Extramural rotations are These rotations provide students with a real-world experience a win-win for the students not possible in the dental school setting and with the opportuand their patients!” nity to experience the quality of life and quality of practice in rural areas and to observe, firsthand, the business side of denBenjamin Crowley (D2009) tal practice. Since 2003, the number of active sites (both public and private) has increased. “We insist that our students step outside the walls of the School and their operatory in the Lyons or Wood clinics and experience dentistry in the real world before they graduate.” Dean Ron Hunt 14 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • Expanding Opportunities for Students in Southside Virginia On opening day of the newest externship site in Martinsville, patients showed up early for appointments and were eager for treatment. At the end of the week, four senior dental students returned to Richmond with renewed enthusiasm for the profession and a deeper knowledge of how private practice works. The goal of the student externships—provide a true-to-life practice experience while delivering quality care to people in need. The Martinsville clinic mimics a real private practice setting as much as possible. Students worked a full day’s schedule; but, according to the clinic’s director, Dr. Mark Crabtree (DDS ‘85), nobody worked through lunch or stayed late. Spencer Archibald (D2007) said, “We saw a patient an hour for a wide variety of procedures (exams, cleanings, restorations, extractions, endo, etc.). It was a challenge to be pushed to get things done more quickly, but it was a good challenge.” Successful management of a dentist’s time is key to running an office in the real world. Because the clinic is outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment and is fully staffed with adjunct faculty, the students can concentrate on the patients and their needs. The student-to-faculty ratio is an impressive 1:2, which demonstrates the level of community support for the clinic and the students. Local dentists have volunteered to supervise and instruct the students, donating time and knowledge. One of the adjuncts commented that these students are extremely competent and well-prepared. He said they are more skilled than he remembers being at the same time in his dental education. In the first week, each student did a root canal, and according to Dr. Crabtree, a Virginia board examiner, he would have passed them all. “Plagued by the closure of textile mills, Martinsville continues to experience one of the highest unemployment rates in the state. Because of the loss of income, residents find it increasingly difficult to access dental care. Several years ago, the VDA and the School sponsored a MOM Project in the area, which brought attention to the situation. That project acted as a catalyst for what has become the Martinsville Clinic.” Dean Ron Hunt 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 15 Collaborate Curriculum Revisions Prepare Dental Students for General Dentistry Practice The School of Dentistry continued implementing changes in the four-year DDS curriculum, enhancing it by modeling the clinical and business aspects of general dentistry practice in the fourth year. Driven by the need for optimally prepared general dentists, the new curriculum encourages development of the skills and behaviors students will need after they graduate and begin practice as general dentists. The success of the curriculum change depends heavily on collaboration among the School’s departments. The Department of General Practice (GP) will lead the efforts, but by no means is it working alone. Collaboration between specialty departments and GP will be crucial. “We want the students to feel as if they can treat the whole patient,” said Dr. Fred Certosimo, the GP Department’s chair. “We hope this multi-disciplinary approach, with its sharing among departments, accomplishes that.” “The best way we can prepare the next generation of general dentists is to give them more time to do general dentistry as students.” Dean Ron Hunt A wholesale curriculum revision across all four years provides the foundation for many of the changes. During the past year, committees comprised of faculty and administrators combed through the curriculum—course by course, syllabus by syllabus—to determine what was essential and what was not. The use of new technology, such as DentSim, and the reduction of basic science hours helped compress the first-year curriculum, providing earlier entry into patient care so students spend more time, as Dean Hunt says, “doing the type of general dentistry they will do after graduation.” 16 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • CE Office Meets Challenge of New Conscious Sedation Requirements Throughout every year, the Office of Continuing Education (CE) organizes faculty and staff development workshops within the dental school and offers courses to the practicing dental community. This year, the CE Office successfully met its largest challenge ever in fulfilling the CE needs of Virginia dental community. In August 2005, the Virginia Board of Dentistry issued new regulations governing the administration of conscious sedation in dental offices, which included new educational requirements, effective June 2006. The educational requirements included 18 hours of didactic instruction plus 20 clinically-oriented experiences (which could be delivered through video format), resulting in a comprehensive 20-hour course. The CE office coordinated a multi-disciplinary team who developed a curriculum that fulfilled all the Board’s requirements. The team designed, scripted, and produced 20 videos; created the required post-test; and hosted three programs two and a half days in length. Martha Clements (BS ‘93, MEd ‘97), Director of Continuing Education for the School collaborated with other faculty to pull together this a multi-disciplinary approach to the subject. She said, “I couldn’t have done it without the help of content experts like Dr. Omar Abubaker, Dr. Ellen Byrne (BS ‘77, DDS ‘83, PhD ‘91), Dr. Rob Strauss, and Dr. Michael Webb, and their knowledge, teaching experience, and service to the community was invaluable.” By working collaboratively and rising to the challenge of meeting a unique educational need, the School’s CE Office allowed practitioners to continue the important service of safe conscious sedation for their patients. Dentists using conscious sedation also needed to complete certification in advanced resuscitation techniques. To meet this need, the CE office partnered with the VCU Center for Trauma and Critical Care Education and offered weekend classes geared for dentists. In this 16hour course, participants earned certification from the American Heart Association in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). As of July 2006, 55 dentists have successfully completed the conscious sedation course and 45 dentists earned the ACLS certification. Both courses will be taught again in the coming year. 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 17 18 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • “Express thoughts, feelings, or information easily or effectively.” With so many changes in facilities, culture and curricula, the need to express and disseminate information expands constantly. Dean Ron Hunt and the administrators at the School want to keep various audiences (faculty, students, staff, alumni, patients and friends) informed of all the changes as they happen. New initiatives provide open meetings and unrestricted dialogue to allow for two-way communication and quality interaction. 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 19 Communicate Open Communication Promotes a PatientCentered, Student-Friendly Environment “If you always do what is right for the patient, you will never be wrong.” With this concise statement, Dean Ron Hunt succinctly states the vision he has for the School of Dentistry as more patient-centered and student-friendly. Today’s students and patients walk into the School carrying certain expectations within their hearts and minds. Students bring dreams of becoming a dentist or a dental hygienist, while patients expect quality care delivered in a safe environment at a reasonable cost. With the aim of meeting these expectations, the School is undergoing significant changes in its facilities, curricula and cultures. Recognizing the importance of providing up-to-date information to the people who are living with the change and the disruption of normal operations, Dean Hunt and other administrators strive to keep everyone better informed. If students, faculty and staff receive information in a timely and accurate manner, they can embrace change and become its proponents. Who better to tell the story and create the environment than people who spend a majority of their waking hours in those surroundings? In an effort to nurture and support the changes that move the School to greatness, Dean Hunt meets on a regular basis with staff, students and faculty in a variety of forums. They gather at lunchtime in conference rooms and lecture halls and at dinner forums in the Crockett Lounge. They convene to give and receive information and talk about ongoing issues of interest or concern. Building on this notion, Ed Kardos, director of development, responded to the suggestion of several students and arranged meetings with interested seniors. During this series of exit interviews prior to graduation, he listened to their comments and concerns. Mr. Kardos believes these interviews demonstrate that “we care, we listen and we make changes to advance the student-friendly and patient-centered environment.” 20 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • On the Road with Dean Hunt From the picturesque highland town of Abingdon to the coastal city of Virginia Beach, Dean Hunt traveled the highways of the Commonwealth this year, hosting increasingly popular Dean’s Dinners. Since his first road trip last summer, the dean has hosted 11 dinners, seeing 250 alumni, spouses and guests while traveling over a 1,000 miles. “People are eager to find out what is going on at the School of Dentistry, and the dinners are a great way to connect one-on-one with alumni and friends,” said Dean Hunt. Since July 2005, the dean and other members of the advancement team (Jim Revere (DDS’65) and Ed Kardos) dined with people in homes, restaurants and clubs throughout Virginia. They discussed changes in the physical facilities of the building, the curriculum of the DDS program, and the culture of the school. In other words, the strategies that will lead us to becoming a great school. Director of Development Ed Kardos characterizes the dinners as mini-chapter meetings. He said, “They are a place where alumni can visit with each other and get acquainted or re-acquainted with the School. Recently, the notion of meeting with our constituents in this way has taken flight. After crisscrossing the Commonwealth, during the next year, the dean will leave the confines of the Old Dominion for a venue in the Sunshine State. This winter, for the first time, Dean Hunt plans a Dean’s Dinner with out-of-state alums hosted by Dr. Paul Giorgetti (DDS ‘69) of Tampa, Florida. Dinners and Hosts (September 2005-06) Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Griffin (Susan) Warrenton, VA Lynchburg, VA Dr. and Mrs. Frank Crist (Christine) Richmond, VA Dr. and Mrs. James Revere (Pat) Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Shiflet (Beezie) Virginia Beach, VA Richmond, VA Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery Levin (Bobbi) Fairfax, VA Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Klima (Carol) Dr. and Mrs. French Moore (Mary Ann) Abingdon, VA Fredericksburg, VA Dr. and Mrs. John Willhide (Frieda) Dr. and Mrs. Baxter Perkinson (Elaine) Richmond, VA Martinsville, VA Dr. and Mrs. James Shearer (Susan) Coming this year: Dr. Paul Giorgetti Dr. and Mrs. Roger Wood (Monette) Dr. and Mrs. Fred Coots (Debbie) Tampa, FL Richmond, VA Roanoke, VA 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 21 Communicate School of Dentistry Medallion Society Established This past year, the School established the School of Dentistry Medallion Society to honor individuals whose loyalty, work and support have been vital to our School’s continued success. Honoring individuals who contributed so much to promote the School’s mission communicates our deep and abiding appreciation and respect for their efforts. Formally recognizing the accomplishments and gifts of Society members provides a framework to help document our history and share it with generations to come. Inductees for the 2006 inaugural year included: Dr. Bill Covington Dr. Willie Crockett Dr. Betsy Hagan The Honorable Frank Hall Dr. Sonny Lefcoe Dr. Jeff Levin Dr. Harry Lyons Dr. Cyril Mirmelstein Dr. French Moore, Jr. Dr. John Philips Dr. Baxter Perkinson, Jr. Dr. Jim Revere, Jr. After delivering his State of the School address at a luncheon during Reunion and Alumni Weekend this past April, Dean Ron Hunt presented inaugural medallions to new Society members. Parents, spouses, children, grandchildren and colleagues gathered to hear about the School’s future, while celebrating the lives and work of these extraordinary people. Several of the new members gave their life’s work to the School. Some established scholarships, lectureships or professorships. Most made significant gifts to special campaigns and capital campaigns throughout the years. All distinguished themselves through advancement of the School’s mission by promoting education, research and patient care. Membership in the Society is the highest honor the School bestows on its friends and supporters. Each year, new members will be inducted to the Society and honored at Reunion and Alumni Weekend. Plans are underway to create a space in the School to serve as a visual reminder of the lives and work of these distinguished individuals. Three members—Dr. Willie Crockett, Dr. Sonny Lefcoe and Dr. Harry Lyons— were inducted posthumously. Dr. John Philips, who was out of the country and unable to attend, will be formally admitted into the Medallion Society in 2007. Several additional new members will be inducted each year. “The individual achievements of the inaugural members of the Medallion Society reflect a broad spectrum of accomplishments in the dental profession, and their efforts on behalf of the School vary widely. Some of them gave through their great personal work. Others gave great financial support. Most gave both.” – Dean Ron Hunt 22 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • Student Alumni Ambassadors Bridge the Years Students enjoy talking to alumni from earlier decades and hearing their “war stories.” Alumni enjoy meeting students and learning how dental education and their school have changed over time. Putting these two interests together created a winning combination—the School of Dentistry’s Student Alumni Ambassadors. Needing tour guides for Reunion 2005, the School’s Advancement Office recruited a handful of juniors and seniors who agreed to help. They gave up a glorious Saturday afternoon and spent three hours walking the halls of the Lyons and Wood buildings with over 100 alumni and friends. From their efforts, the Student Alumni Ambassadors group was conceived. Since then, the ranks have grown to over 40 ambassadors, with representation from all dental and dental hygiene classes. Dean Ron Hunt observed, “We began this group because we know our students can tell it like it is better than anyone else. Words, pictures and news releases only go so far. The one-on-one conversations with our ambassadors take communication to a deeper level—a personal and human level that really connects with our alumni.” The Student Alumni Ambassadors comprise a capable and willing cadre of on-call tour guides who are highly valuable for the information they share. “It helps me to have personal contact with the students and know which students to talk to when I get calls from outside media sources, need to write press releases or schedule a photo op,” said Martha Bushong, the School’s assistant director of external relations. “Ordinarily, it might be difficult for a non-teaching faculty member like me to get to know students, but with this group in place, it has been a breeze.” “I attended the Friends of Dental Education Dinner last year, and it was awesome to sit at a table with alumni and talk with them. I learned about what they are doing in their practices. I think the networking that happens is fantastic.” Blake Maxfield (D2007) 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 23 24 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • Dear Investors, It gives me great pleasure to report that you, our partners, are involved in the School of Dentistry more than ever. Your support shows you approve our directions, take pride in our accomplishments and wish to do more by partnering with us. Thank you for your investment and your vote of confidence. Consider academic year 2005–06, by many measures, the finest in the last decade in terms of private gift support to our School. New gifts and pledges reached $1,672,518, representing a 123% increase over the previous year. Cash receipts totaled $1,120,969—45% more than the previous year. In addition, giving to the Clinical Simulation Campaign surpassed last year’s total by 48%, reaching $646,650. Thank you. Another indicator of the advancement of the School is the unprecedented giving that boosted the School’s endowment to nearly $11.5 million. Endowments generate annual payouts for scholarships, lectureships, professorships and other special needs.Thank you. Leadership gifts are critical to the vitality and health of all schools. Several donors gave or pledged $100,000 or more this year. Dr. John Philips (DDS ‘69), the estate of Norburne Muir, the estate of Dwight Shull (DDS ‘44), Delta Dental of Virginia, and the Nunnally Foundation made exceptional gifts, assisting with faculty development, scholarship, capital improvements and research. Thank you. New investors infuse the School with new life. A total of 1,091 investors allowed us to achieve a record number of first-time givers, representing a 33% increase over last year and a 109% increase over 2004. The number of alumni donors grew from 472 that year to 820 this year, an increase of 74%. The School of Dentistry leads VCU schools in total alumni donor participation, total MCV Alumni Association memberships and total alumni participation.Thank you. Students form the bridge between the School and alumni. This year, we engaged them in new ways, fostering stronger connections. Senior exit interviews, a meaningful student ambassador program, student committees that assisted with events and a “thank-a-thon” program provided excellent interaction across generations. The Class of 2006 responded by initiating a new class gift tradition, which touted 100% donor participation.Thank you. As you learn more about the School, you show more interest in participation. The Advancement Office increased communication, publishing two magazines and an annual report and increasing visibility of the School’s activities in University media. We introduced the Dean’s Dinner series and hosted 10 dinners across Virginia. Several on-site events included Premiere Weekend and an expanded Reunion and Alumni Weekend, which allowed you to see changes in the School and meet our students. You responded by returning in record numbers. Over 500 people participated in Reunion and Alumni Weekend, and our first annual golf tournament contributed significantly to student activity funds and the Mission of Mercy (MOM) Project. Thank you. We consider you our partners in every area of the School. We believe it is our responsibility to connect with you and inform you regarding our progress. I hope you are as proud as we are of the accomplishments of this year, and we look forward to even more successes. Financial support obviously is one opportunity for participation, but we are committed to providing more ways for you to learn about the School and to involve you at a partner level that is important to you. Thank you. Edward G. Kardos Director of Development 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 25 Honor Roll of Investors July 1, 2005, to June 30, 2006 The totals reflect cash gifts and pledge payments. This list of investors represents cash gifts and pledge payments received between July 1, 2005, and June 30, 2006. In fiscal year 2006, gifts and pledges totaled more than $1.6 million, representing an increase of over 123% from the preceding year. The investments affected every aspect of our School’s missions of education, patient care and research. Investors of $100,000 or greater Estate of Dr. Norborne F. Muir Estate of Dr. Dwight H. Shull Investors of $50,000 to $999,999 Dr. John F. Philips Investors of $20,000 to $49,999 Brodie Charitable Lead Trust Mrs. Kathryn Holcomb Clary Dr. and Mrs. Guy C. Clayton Dr. and Mrs. Warren E. Sachs Investors of $10,000 to $19,999 Dr. and Mrs. James L. Riley Delta Dental Plan of Virginia Dr. and Mrs. William D. Covington Dr. and Mrs. Michael O. McMunn Investors of $5,000 to $9,999 Commonwealth Endodontics Dr. Kathryn A. Cook Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Crist Dr. A. Clayborn Hendricks Dr. Ronald J. Hunt Dr. S. Kimberly Jones Dr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Klima KLS Martin L.P. Dr. and Mrs. Cyril R. Mirmelstein Mitnick & Herbst, PC Peninsula Dental Society Dr. and Mrs. W. Baxter Perkinson Dr. Stephen S. Radcliffe Dr. Pamela F. Regimbal Tidewater Dental Association Virginia Dental Association Virginia Dental Service Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Wilson Dr. Roger E. Wood Investors of $2,500 to $4,999 Dr. Stephen B. Alouf American College of Dentists VA Section 26 Dr. A. Scott Anderson, III Dr. Carl O. Atkins, Jr. Dr. Girish Banaji Dr. Cramer L. Boswell Dr. Gerald J. Brown Dr. Ronnie L. Brown Mr. William P. Copenhaver & Ms. Paula Knoxx Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Crabtree Dr. Jeffrey E. Cyr Dr. Surya P. Dhakar Dr. and Mrs. John C. Doswell II Drs. Susan and Alfred Griffin Dr. Claire C. Kaugars Dr. Fred F. Kennett Dr. Lawrence A. Klar Dr. Richard A. Lynch Dr. Bobby E. McBride MCV Alumni Association of VCU MCV Orthodontic Alumni Foundation Dr. Preston D. Miller, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. O’Keefe Pierre Fauchard Academy Henry Schein Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Shiflet Southwest Virginia Dental Society Drs. Mary and Gerald Taylor Ultradent Products, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. William J. Viglione Dr. and Mrs. John W. Willhide Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Wong Investors of $1,000 to $2,499 Adams, Adams, and Epperly Dr. C. L. Cuttino,III & Dr. A. C. Adams Dr. Randy Adams Dr. William H. Allison Dr. Ralph L. Anderson Dr. Clyde H. Andrews Dr. Richard A. Arnaudin Dr. Anthony D. Bailey Dr. Connie M. Baker Dr. and Mrs. Lee H. Baker Dr. Kenneth J. Benson Dr. Cheryl B. Billingsley Dr. William T. Bivins Dr. Robert H. Blease Dr. Marshall S. Bonnie Dr. Donald R. Brown Dr. James C. Burns Dr. Gilbert L. Button Dr. Ellen Byrne Dr. Joseph V. Califano Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Cameron Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Cassidy Dr. J. Frederick Chairsell, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Collins Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery Dr. Frederick A. Coots, Jr. Dr. Theresa R. Y. Crawley Dr. Jason S. Crist Dr. William E. Crutchfield, II Dr. and Mrs. Joffre W. Daigle Dr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Dameron Dr. and Mrs. William L. Davenport Dr. Donald L. Davis Dr. Jeffrey P. Davis Drs. Nancy and Damon DeArment Dr. and Mrs. David M. DeViese Dr. Nadia Diab-Shamari Dominion Virginia Power Dr. David L. Ellis Dr. Robert N. Emory Dr. J. Robert Eshleman Dr. Cotesworth P. Fishburne, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Fisher Mr. John F. FitzHugh Drs. Beverly and Robert Friedberg Dr. Dunbar O. Godbold VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • Dr. Stephen M. Goldstein Dr. Marsha A. Gordon Dr. and Mrs. Ira Gould Dr. Daniel E. Grabeel Dr. Ralph N. Greenway Mr. David S. Groy Dr. Scott P. Guice Dr. Betsy A. Hagan Dr. Christopher Hamlin Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Harman Dr. Bradley M. Harris Harvest Technologies Corporation Dr. Mark J. Hauser Dr. Mark S. Hebertson Dr. Ross I. Heisman Worth Higgins & Associates Inc. Dr. Ralph Howell, Jr. Dr. Michael L. Huband Dr. David R. Hughes International College of DentistsVA Chapter Dr. Fereshteh Jarvandi Dr. Jerry L. Jenkins Dr. Charles K. Johnson Dr. Frank D. Jones Dr. and Mrs. James J. Kail Dr. and Mrs. James M. Keeton Dr. William P. Kennedy Dr. George A. Kirchner Dr. Charles D. Kirksey Dr. and Mrs. Jamie Krochmal Dr. Darryl L. Lefcoe Mrs. Margaret W. Lemmer Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. Levitin Dr. Carlyn S. Phucas and Mr. James Lewis Dr. Steven J. Lindauer Dr. Edward Y. Lovelace, III Dr. James E. Lupi Dr. and Mrs. Francis L. Macrina Dr. Christopher L. Maestrello Marathon Development Group Dr. Norman J. Marks Dr. and Mrs. Virgil H. Marshall MCV Foundation Dr. B. C. McConnell, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. W. Edward Mitchell Dr. Edward H. Moody, Jr. Dr. French H. Moore, III Dr. French H. Moore, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Morris Dr. Edmund E. Mullins, Jr. Dr. Charles H. Nelson, Jr. Dr. Raymond R. Niles, Jr. Nobel Biocare USA, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. O’Neill Dr. Michael E. Oppenheimer Dr. William R. Parks Dr. and Mrs. Paul Patterson Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Peluso Dr. Robert N. Penterson R. K. Tongue Co., Inc. Dr. and Mrs. David A. Reid Dr. Alexandra S. Renkenberger-Talton Dr. and Mrs. James H. Revere Dr. and Mrs. Scott B. Ross Dr. and Mrs. James H. Rucker Dr. Michael E. Sagman Dr. David C. Sarrett Dr. and Mrs. Ivan R. Schiff Dr. Harvey Silverman Dr. and Mrs. James Lester Slagle Dr. Edward P. Snyder Dr. George A. Solier, Jr. Southern Assoc. of Orthodontists Dr. and Mrs. John H. Speegle Dr. Al J. Stenger Dr. William L. Stiebel Dr. Matthew T. Storm Dr. Russell K. Street Dr. Sun Ok Suk Dr. David R. Suyes, Jr. Dr. John A. Svirsky Synthes Spine Co., LP Dr. Richard L. Taliaferro Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Tankersley Dr. Thomas H. Tatum Mr. and Mrs. William Gray Tatum Dr. David E. Templeton Dr. Michael N. Trahos Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. Trawick Dr. Denis P. Trupkin Dr. Gus C. Vlahos Wachovia Matching Gifts Program Dr. J. Gregory Wall Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Weisberg Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Wood Dr. and Mrs. James C. Woodson Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Yarborough II Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Yarbrough Dr. Paul N. Zimmet Zest Anchors, Inc. Investors of $500 to $999 3I Implant Innovations Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Abbott Dr. and Mrs. Gary V. Avakian Mrs. Fern C. Barban Ms. Mary S. Barban Mrs. Susan H. Barban Dr. Harold J. Barrett, Jr. Dr. J. M. Bass Dr. Linda W. Baughan Dr. C. L. Booker Dr. Douglas Bramwell Dr. Byron A. Brill Dr. Raymond F. Buglione Dr. and Mrs. Gorman L. D. Burnett Dr. James H. Butler Dr. Jerry G. Caravas Dr. Stephen P. Cicinato Dr. Barry K. Cutright Dr. Arthur B. David Dr. George E. Davis, III Dr. and Mrs. William A. Deyerle Dr. and Mrs. Michael V. Dishman Drs. Dodson, Taylor & Jett, Inc. Dr. James F. Dollar Dr. Robert G. Evans Dr. Beth Faber Dr. Frank H. Farrington Dr. Kitt S. Finley-Parker Dr. Robert C. Flikeid Dr. Eric A. Foretich Dr. David L. Forrest Dr. Charles S. Fralin Dr. Katherine Garrett-Thomas Dr. Barry Lee Green Dr. and Mrs. Lance F. Grenevicki Dr. and Mrs. William T. Griffin Dr. Susan A. Grimes Dr. Robert E. Grover Dr. W. Gerard Harrington Dr. John L. Harris, III Drs. Sandra and Steven Hearne Dr. William C. Henry Dr. Lanny C. Hinson Dr. Donald L. Holcomb Dr. William G. Horbaly Dr. William Michael Hudgins Dr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Lindsay M. Hunt Dr. Garrett E. Hurt Dr. Charles P. Jewett Dr. David G. Johnson Dr. H. Philip Johnson, III Dr. Neal B. Jones Dr. Jack T. Kayton, III Dr. and Mrs. Kanyon R. Keeney Dr. Fred A. Knaysi Dr. Lawrence M. Kotler Dr. Ray N. Lee Lefcoe Family Partnership Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. LeHew Dr. and Mrs. Guy G. Levy Dr. Joseph M. Lewis Dr. Michael J. Link Dr. Thomas G. Luckam Dr. William W. Martin Dr. Martin J. Menges, Jr. Dr. Julian C. Metts, Jr. Drs. Benita and Michael Miller Dr. J. Peyton Moore, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wayne Morris Dr. James K. Muehleck Dr. Edward L. Mustian III Neibauer Dental Care Inc. Dr. Bich Loc T. Nguyen Dr. Tracy S. Oliver Dr. Elbert P. Osborne, Jr. Dr. Clyde T. Padgett, Jr. Dr. John M. Parham, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Don B. Piche Dr. T. Carroll Player, Jr. Drs. Richard Mansell & A. Carole Pratt Presentation Resource, LLC The Procter & Gamble Company Dr. G. Spencer Pugh Dr. Gavin E. Reynolds The Richmond Dental Study Club Dr. and Mrs. Dennis B. Rinker Dr. Jacques E. Riviere Dr. James M. Roberson, Jr. Dr. Michael C. Rowland Dr. William G. Sandifer, Jr. Dr. Victor G. Saunders 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 27 Drs. Schroeder, Stenger & Associates, PC Mr. Robbie J. Schureman Dr. John D. Semones Dr. Robert E. Shannon, Jr. Dr. James W. Shearer Dr. Richard L. Sherman Ms. Heather M. Siegel Dr. Robert N. Sorenson Southside Electric Cooperative Dr. James L. Stanley Dr. Kenneth E. Stoner Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Suter Mr. Ben Moore Tatum Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Tepper Dr. Marvin E. Thews, Jr. Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting Dr. and Mrs. Jack F. Thompson Dr. Dennis R. Throckmorton Dr. Peter S. Trager Dr. and Mrs. John W. Unger Dr. James W. Vargo Dr. and Mrs. William M. Vaughan Dr. John Trung D. Vu Dr. Thomas A. Warwick Dr. Raymond P. White, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Wolff Dr. William Yeudall Dr. David V. Young Dr. Charles F. Zaglin Investors of $250 to $499 Dr. Joe M. Adair Dr. Forough Akrami Dr. and Mrs. Hayden P. Allen Dr. Elizabeth M. Alligood Mr. Robert L. Anderson Dr. Nabeel M. Assudmi Dr. Richard D. Barnes Dr. Sidney Becker Dr. Frederick T. Birsch Dr. George H. Blakey, III Dr. Deborah R. Blanchard Dr. Thomas P. Bowe, Jr. Dr. Herbert R. Boyd, III Dr. George W. Brady CAPT Timothy J. Brady Dr. Paul W. Brinser, III Dr. Fred A. Bubernak Dr. Leigh C. Budwell 28 Dr. Carol P. Burke Dr. Stephen J. Clark Dr. Kevin C. Cooper Dr. and Mrs. Robert Y. Cox Dr. William R. Cregar Dr. C. William Dabney Dr. Michael J. Davis Mr. Mike Delgado Ms. Heidi Denos Mr. Jim Doyle Dr. Richard M. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Ellmore Dr. Robert N. Emory Dr. Marshall C. England, Jr. Dr. Daniel M. Etheridge Dr. and Mrs. David K. Fitzgerald Dr. Catherine Oden Fulton Dr. Ervin W. Funderburk Dr. Jeffrey M. Gallisdorfer Dr. Edward D. Gardner, Jr. Dr. John L. Goodloe, III Dr. Lloyd A. Green Dr. Leslie B. Hardy, Jr. Dr. Stephen G. Harrington Dr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Dr. Paul P. Hicks, Jr. Dr. John E. Hilton, Jr. Dr. Jeffery E. Hodges Dr. Joseph G. Jenkins, Jr. Dr. Richard J. Joachim Dr. James D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kardos Dr. David T. Kiger Dr. E. Davey King Dr. Randal King Dr. Gerald McElroy Kluft Dr. Richard L. Kronzer Dr. Thomas F. Leftwich, Jr. Dr. Lanny R. Levenson Dr. Janina P. Lewis Dr. Ronald E. Lowry, MD, DDS Dr. Stephen J. Mayo Dr. Thomas G. McKenna Dr. Thomas J. McVay Dr. and Mrs. Marshall V. Miller Dr. Scottie R. Miller Dr. Demetrios P. Milonas Dr. Alfred P. Moore Dr. Lloyd F. Moss, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Walter K. Murphy Dr. Edward S. Nacht Nelson Family Dental Practice Niamtu, Alexander, Keeney, Harris, Metzger, Dymon & Asso. Nottoway Study Club Dr. and Mrs. George Orlove Dr. Albert L. Payne Dr. James M. Peery, Jr. Dr. Susan G. Penniston Dr. Donald M. Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Ramon G. Plowden Dr. Ralph M. Powers, Jr. Dr. Shivaprasanna K. Rai Dr. Tanya D. Redd Dr. Harold P. Remines Dr. E. John Riggs Dr. Edward F. Ross, Jr. Dr. John J. Salley Dr. Trang N. Salzberg Dr. Dennis G. Savage Dr. Walter E. Saxon, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Scanlan Mr. and Mrs. John S. Schechter Dr. Craig M. Scimeca Dr. John G. Sellers, Jr. Dr. Michael D. Shannon Dr. Robert A. Simmons Dr. Alan L. Sizemore Dr. Mary F. Stavropoulos Dr. James Y. Su Dr. Kit Tucker Sullivan Dr. David M. Swisher Mr. Al Tajara Dr. Emery F. Taylor, Jr. Dr. James S. Thompson Dr. Wolfram E. Trummer Dr. Eric C. Vasey Dr. Lee T. Weinstein Dr. Jeffrey B. Wetter Dr. S. Lee Wheeler Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Wheless Dr. John R. Wheless, III Dr. William C. Wilson Dr. D. Kent Yandle Drs. Sandra and A. Yarbrough Dr. Glenn Zeh Investors of $200 to $249 Dr. Matthew F. Abdoney Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Angus Dr. Lewis A. Arthur Dr. Frank J. Beale Dr. and Mrs. Duane J. Bickers Dr. Scott Blanchard Dr. Esmond E. Blanton, Jr. Dr. Richard B. Bradley, Jr. Dr. Townsend Brown, Jr. Dr. William G. Bunch, Jr. Dr. James A. Burden Drs. Donna and David Burns Dr. Jeffrey H. Camm Dr. Dana H. Chamberlain Ms. Martha C. Clements Dr. Bruce C. Cook Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cooper Drs. Catherine and James Crichton Dr. Samuel Daniels Dr. Robert L. Deal Dr. Arthur A. DeLeo Dr. Floyd R. Dickey Dr. Frederick A. Donaghy Dr. Ronald G. Downey Dr. Robert A. Dreelin Dr. and Mrs. William S. Driscoll Dr. Christopher Durr, Jr. Mr. Alex Elmore Dr. Peter A. Erickson Dr. Steven E. Evens Dr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Ferramosca Dr. Carolyn M. Flanary Dr. Frank J. Francica Dr. Mitchel L. Friedman Dr. Rawley H. Fuller, IV Dr. and Mrs. William A. Gardner Dr. Charles L. Gary, Jr. Dr. James L. Gates Dr. James D. Geren Dr. Paula Bass and Dr. Kenneth R. Giberson Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Gigliotti Dr. Mary Anne Giuseppe Dr. and Mrs. Clifford T. Goodwin Dr. Barry I. Griffin Dr. Edward N. Griggs, III Dr. Jane L. Grosser and Dr. David J. Montgomery Dr. Eric G. Grossmann Dr. Timothy A. Grubb Dr. Joseph A. Gwiazdowski Dr. B. Keith Haley, Jr. VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • Dr. Sheryle L. Hamlett Dr. and Mrs. William B. Hanna Dr. M. Darrell Harman Dr. James A. Harrell, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William S. Harrison Dr. Kenneth R. Heise Dr. Eric A. Hosek Dr. Kenneth R. Hunter Dr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Hurt Dr. James B. Jackson Dr. Allyn G. Janney, Jr. Dr. Karen McLeod Jeffrey Dr. Carl W. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Koertge Dr. Gregory Kontopanos Dr. John J. Kupcha Dr. Barry Kurzer & Dr. Lisa Syrop Dr. Lawrence J. Kyle Dr. Glenn C. Landau Dr. Luan T. Le Dr. Stanley M. Levin Dr. Nicholas C. Lombardozzi Dr. James F. Londrey Mr. Remedios D. Lotuaco Dr. Herbert C. Manry, III Dr. Donald L. Martin Dr. Frederick E. Martin, III Dr. and Mrs. Jack C. McComb Dr. Allen D. McCorkle Dr. and Mrs. Alex R. McDonald Dr. L. Edward McGaha Dr. and Mrs. Mark L. Meyer Dr. John F. Monacell Dr. Mark M. Neale, Jr. Dr. James F. Nelson Dr. Bradley S. Nester Dr. Julia Williams Neuls Dr. Paul A. Neumann Dr. Cleveland L. Null Dr. Ellen R. Oertel Dr. Rand R. Ollerton Dr. Robert J. Oswald Dr. Bruce W. Overton Dr. Robert G. Owen Dr. Kenneth W. Parks Dr. Robert N. Petrtyl Dr. Christine L. Piascik Mr. Cleveland H. Porter, Jr. Dr. James H. Priest Dr. Harry A. Raddin, Jr. Dr. Charles H. Rawls, Jr. Drs. Theresa and Stephen Recupero Dr. Jeffrey O. Riley Dr. William N. Riley Dr. Alan D. Robbins Dr. Erik C. Roper Dr. Fred H. Rosenblum Dr. Stephen F. Rosenblum Mrs. Judith L. Sampson-Chimon and Dr. Eric Chimon Dr. Barney E. Selph Dr. and Mrs. Navin S. Shetty Dr. Perry L. Showalter Dr. C. Frederick Smith Dr. John C. Smith, Jr. Dr. Theodore R. Smith, Jr. Dr. James R. Snodgrass Dr. David B. Solomon Dr. Mark S. Sorin Dr. Jane A. Soxman Dr S. N. Gagliano-Springmann & Mr. D. M. Springmann Dr. Richard T. Spurgas Dr. Stephen St. Louis Dr. Cory M. Stark Drs. David and Rebecca Swett Dr. J. Corbett Talton, II Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Thompson Dr. Justin D. Thornton Dr. Clinton J. Tull, III Dr. Hal Turkus Dr. Charles R. Utley Dr. B. Aaron Vaughn Dr. Donald M. Wallace Dr. Martin L. Walton III Dr. Scot K. Watase Dr. Benjamin T. Watson, III Dr. Kyle W. Wheeler Dr. Calvin R. White, Jr. Dr. Paul M. Wiley Dr. Daryl Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Wiltshire Dr. Mark A. Winkler Dr. Nicole M. Yingling Dr. Tara Lowe Zier Investors of $100 to $199 Dr. Jason R. Abel Dr. Andrew T. Aitcheson, Jr. Dr. Fawaz Al-Foraih Dr. Bradford C. Allen Dr. Nadine Altememi Dr. Yahya M. Al-Yahya Dr. Brian H. Anantatmula Dr. Tyson W. Anderson Dr. Jared G. Anderton Dr. Timothy J. Armanini Atlas Resources, Inc. Dr. Gary W. Ayers Dr. David T. Babington Dr. Nicole T. Barbour Dr. Nassir A. Barekzi Dr. Samuel G. Baroody, Jr. Dr. David A. Beck Dr. Marco A. Beltrami Dr. Robert S. Berman Dr. William C. Betzhold Dr. Brian S. Bienstock Dr. E. J. Bowen, Jr. Ms. Susan S. Bowling Mrs. Janell R. Bradley Dr. J. Dwight Bradshaw Dr. Cary Bryant Dr. Valerie N. Byrnside Dr. Duane D. Callahan Mr. Rodney Chenault Dr. Nadia A. Church Dr. David M. Clark Dr. Jack Cohn Dr. Patrick B. Colvard Mr. Ty Croghan Dr. Jason S. Crozier Dr. Melvin E. Cruser, III Dr. Karen Cole Dameron Mr. and Mrs. Joseph James Davey Dr. Anthony L. Davis Drs. Caryn and Charles Davis Dr. Wayne Davis Dr. David R. Deitrick Dr. Ernest Diaz CDR Robin B. Dodd Dr. Sayward E. Duggan Dr. Karen M. Dunegan Dr. John S. Ehreth Dr. Bernard I. Einhorn Drs. Jacoba and Drore Eisen Dr. R. Benjamin Ellis Dr. Margaret S. Enoch Dr. Peter S. Evans Dr. Kenneth R. Eye II Dr. Gisela K. Fashing Dr. Thomas J. Fitzgerald Ms. Jane H. Fitzpatrick Dr. John A. Flowers Dr. Alan G. Forbes Dr. Gerald I. Frank Dr. Mark S. Friedlander Dr. William N. Friedman Dr. Gabriel W. Fritz Dr. William G. Gardner Dr. Richard Gelman Dr. Gregory T. Gendron Dr. Nicos G. Georgiades Dr. Ashkan Ghaffari Dr. Robert E. Gilliam Dr. M. David Gladstone Dr. Richard K. Golden Dr. Thomas R. Golden Dr. Timothy J. Golian Dr. Rana D. Graham Dr. Michael J. Green Dr. Joseph M. Greene, Jr. Dr. Carlyle Gregory Dr. and Mrs. William A. Grupp Dr. Jerel D. Gutierrez Dr. Mark A. Hammock Dr. Mollie E. Hanna Dr. Kenneth E. Hardy Mr. Kevin E. Hardy Dr. Melanie A. Harkabus Dr. Alexander C. Hatch Dr. William R. Hatcher Dr. S. K. Heard, III Dr. Scott T. Henson Dr. R. M. Hilton Dr. Tami M. Hiromasa Dr. Brian C. Hoard Dr. Gregory C. Hohl Dr. Rodney F. Holcombe Dr. Joshua D. Hollingshead Dr. Jennifer F. Howard Dr. Marni V. Husson Dr. Mark C. Interian Dr. Lewis W. Irby, Jr. Dr. Edwin F. Irish Dr. James H. James III Dr. G. Alex Jenkins, Jr. Dr. Perry E. Jones Dr. Ryan S. Jones Dr. Wesley P. Kandare Dr. Robert O. Kendig Dr. Amanda A. Key Dr. Andrew Y. Kim 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 29 Dr. Christine M. Kim Dr. Jerry Kim Dr. Timothy M. King Mrs. Paula W. Knight Dr. David B. Konikoff Dr. Pye P. Kyu Mr. and Mrs. I. Marshall Levy Dr. Sariah E. Light Dr. Alfred D. Ligon, Jr. Ms. Carol L. Liles Dr. Cheryl A. Lobo Dr. J. Hart Long, Jr. Dr. Eric B. Lovell Dr. R. Allen MacIlwaine Dr. Laura R. Mallinak Dr. Gabriel W. Martin Dr. Mary M. Martinez Dr. Lawrence E. Masters Dr. Willard W. Maughan Dr. William B. May Dr. John P. McCasland Dr. James T. McClung, Jr. Dr. Peter J. McDonald Dr. Benjamin J. McEvoy Ms. Anne S. McKenzie Dr. Scott A. McQuiston Dr. Larry C. Miller Dr. Joseph H. Morgan Dr. Kendall W. Morris Dr. Mason L. Morris Dr. George L. Nance, Jr. Dr. Justin C. Neibauer Dr. Mark D. Newman Dr. Khoi P. Nguyen Dr. Eugene V. Nolfi, Jr. Dr. Esther S. Oh Dr. Bobbi B. Oldham Dr. Elizabeth C. Olin Dr. Christine E. Ottersberg Dr. McKay B. Packer Dr. Benegal S. Paige Dr. Jason R. Paige Ms. Betty L. Parks Dr. Scott Parr Dr. Hiren Patel Dr. Robert E. Patterson Dr. Charles A. Pendergrass, Jr. Dr. Seth T. Perkinson Dr. Barry E. Peterson Dr. Eugene A. Petrasy Dr. Stephanie M. Pirok 30 Dr. A. Wright Pond Dr. Courtney Rafferty Mr. Glenn G. Raines Dr. A. Wharton Ramsey Reader’s Digest Foundation Dr. Ryan M. Reeves Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Reynolds Dr. Emmett V. Richardson, III Richmond Interdisciplinary Dental Study Club Dr. Jim Roberson Dr. Francis J. Robertello Dr. David S. Roberts Dr. Christopher Robins Dr. William S. Robinson Dr. E. Eugene Rorrer Dr. Robert K. Rosenberg Dr. James L. Rutledge, III Dr. Daniel F. Savage III Dr. Nathan J. Saydyk Dr. Kristin Scoggins Dr. Harvey A. Schenkein Dr. Oscar W. Self, Jr. Dr. Saira M. Sheikh Dr. Reena R. Shial Mrs. JoAnne S. Skibinski Dr. Michael R. Slater Dr. Steven R. Sluyk Dr. Matthew G. Snyder Dr. H. Merritt Sparger, Jr. Dr. David L. Spencer Dr. Bernard H. Spivak Dr. Joseph K. St. Clair Dr. Timothy F. Stacey Dr. Roy E. Stanford Dr. Jimmy R. Stanley Dr. Steven S. Stensland Dr. Daniel G. Stockburger Dr. David W. Stone, Jr. Dr. Aaron A. Straw Dr. Adam H. Ta Dr. Mildred K. Tannen Dr. Russell S. Taylor Dr. Benjamin L. Tolley Dr. Kevin W. Toms Dr. Norman M. Trahos Dr. Quang N. Tran Dr. Yun K. Tse Dr. Blake K. Tucker Mrs. Elizabeth Miller Vellines Dr. William H. Walls, Jr. Dr. Jimmie P. Watkins Dr. Valerie N. Watson Dr. Nathan S. Wayment Dr. Scott V. Wellman Dr. David L. Wheeler Dr. Paul R. White, II Dr. Gregory L. Whitmer Dr. Lylarose A. Wilby Mrs. Karen K. Wiles Dr. Michael K. Williams Dr. Amy M. Williams-Trujillo Mr. Joseph Wilson Dr. Bryan D. Wood Dr. Ernest E. Wooden, III Dr. Henry P. Worrell Dr. Ronald L. Wray Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wright Dr. Sol Yecalsik Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zachary Dr. Richard R. Zechini Investors of $50 to $99 Dr. Douglas M. Arendt Dr. Edward Armstrong, Jr. Dr. Marielena Arryo-Pratt Dr. Gary J. Ashton Mr. and Mrs. William E. Auer Dr. Richard H. Baier Dr. Brian W. Baird Dr. Mark S. Ball Dr. Howard Baranker Dr. Robert S. Barlowe Mr. John C. Berkeyheiser, III Dr. E. D. Blair Dr. Donald T. Bond Dr. Eugene D. Brinkley, Jr. Dr. Carol N. Brooks Dr. Frank D. Bruni Dr. Corydon B. Butler, Jr. Dr. Jeffrey R. Campbell Ms. Angela K. Campitell Mr. and Mrs. Terry Castle Dr. Donald L. Chastain Dr. Wayne T. Coleman Dr. John R. Corder Dr. Walter Cox Mrs. Marilyn V. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Davis Dr. Lonnie B. Dickens, Jr. Dr. Merrill F. Dickson Dr. Paul D. Dove Dr. Hugh C. Dowdy, Jr. Dr. Neil H. Epstein Dr. Coty P. Fishburne, Jr. Mrs. Janet C. Gilliam Dr. Allen N. Gustin Dr. Wanda L. Hall Dr. Walter H. Hankins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Harrow Mrs. Susan H. Helwege Dr. Rodney F. Holcombe Dr. Eric J. Hovland Dr. Edward S. Im Dr. Allyn G. Janney, Jr. Dr. Bradley G. Johnson Dr. David G. Johnson Dr. Joseph B. Johnson Dr. James A. Jordan Dr. Edwin D. Joy, Jr. Mrs. Patricia D. Kennedy Ms. Katherine A. Klima Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Knarr Dr. Leo N. Lampros Dr. Robert A. Levine Dr. Thomas C. Llewellyn Dr. Eddie S. Longman Dr. C. Marshall Mahanes Dr. Michael A. Marcou Ms. Barbara W. McCann Dr. William A. Meares, II Dr. and Mrs. Brian P. Midgette Dr. Roy A. Miller, Jr. Ms. Melissa L. Moore Mr. William H. Moretz, Jr. Dr. Gary H. Morgan Dr. Elizabeth T. Nance Dr. John H. Neumann Mr. and Mrs. Neil November Dr. Edward M. O’Keefe Dr. Roger A. Palmer, Jr. Dr. Albert L. Payne Dr. Darryl S. Pearlman Dr. Jon E. Piche Dr. Jerem M. Pitt Dr. Krieg P. Pursifull Dr. David C. Ritchie Mrs. Sheryl G. Roemer Dr. James L. Ross Dr. William B. Russell VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • Dr. Robert Sabitini Dr. Paul J. Shires Dr. K. Martin Simon Dr. Harry D. Simpson, Jr. Dr. Emmette C. Skinner, Jr Dr. James P. Soderquist Dr. Bradley R. Spano Dr. Gerald L. Spoto Dr. James C. Steere Dr. Richard J. Sterne, III Dr. Douglas K. Tavenner, Jr. Dr. Paul L. Vitsky Dr. Michael S. Wasserman Dr. Robert L. Weber Dr. Donald E. Wheless Dr. Tonya Parris-Wilkins and Mr. Joseph D. Wilkins Dr. Gordon T. Witcher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patrick Wright Investors of $10 to $49 Mrs. Rhonda P. Austin Mr. Glover R. Bailie, Jr. Dr. Russell E. Bogacki Mrs. Patricia Brown Bonwell Dr. Thomas E. Burke, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. Chinnes Dr. Harold M. Cruse Dr. Dan W. Culbertson Dr. Ray A. Dail Ms. Sheryl A. Fineman Dr. Daren F. Gehring Dr. Walter S. Gibbons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Goldberg Ms. Julie Ashton Gray Mr. Steve Hatch Dr. E. Raymond Hudson, Jr. Dr. Edgar F. Jessee, Sr. Mrs. Betsy E. Kastenbaum Dr. Thomas E. Kent Dr. Kirk H. Kinney Dr. James I. Lambert Mrs. Susan H. Lamsens Mr. Douglas O. Lipps Mrs. Ellen S. Lipps Mr. Brad Love Dr. Richard M. Marcus Ms. Judith A. Martin Dr. R. Gordon McCracken Mrs. Christine P. McMahon Dr. Andrew L. Moore, Jr. Dr. Janice R. Morris Mrs. Stephanie D. Murphy Ms. Zelda T. Oppleman Ms. Genevieve K. Orange Dr. George G. Patterson Ms. Nancy G. Payne Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pleasants Mr. Frank M. Pride Dr. Charles P. Procini Dr. Richard M. Pyne Dr. J. Dan Reasor Ms. Louise M. Redlitz Ms. Ann M. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reinhard Dr. W. Michael Riddle Mr. and Mrs. Floyd U. Robbins Dr. R. Douglas Ross Dr. Joshua B. Rubinstein Dr. Ronald G. Shamaskin Dr. John M. Shepherd, Jr. Dr. Joseph F. Snyder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell A. Sperling Dr. Joseph A. Velardi, Jr. Dr. Tuan A. Vu Dr. Howard A. Woolwine Ms. Jean G. Wright We thank all our many investors to the School. This report reflects gifts from July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2006. We make every effort possible to present accurate information. Please accept our apologies if we made an error and notify us so we may correct our records. Thank you, Edward G. Kardos Director of Development MCV Society Members The MCV Foundation invites you to join our Medical College of Virginia Society, a distinguished group of individuals who share a vision of excellence for the MCV Campus of the Virginia Commonwealth University. Through their thoughtful consideration, society members are helping to advance superior patient care, education and research at the School of Dentistry. Dr. William H. Allison Dr. Sanford L. Lefcoe* Dr. David L. Ballard Dr. Jeffrey Levin Dr. Calvin L. Belkov Dr. Harry Lyons* Dr. Scott C. Berman Dr. W. Austin McClellan Dr. John I. Bowman, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Michael O. McMunn Mr. David M. Bastiaans Dr. Cyril R. Mirmelstein Brodie Family Trust Dr. French H. Moore, Jr. Dr. Joseph V. Califano Dr. French H. Moore, Sr.* Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Clary Dr. and Mrs. Perry D. Mowbray, Jr. Dr. Toni Marie Collado Dr. Norborne F. Muir* Dr. John L. Corey Dr. and Mrs. W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr. Dr. Walter H. Dickey Dr. John F. Philips Dr. and Mrs. John C. Doswell II Dr. Woodrow W. Poss* Dr. Paul Fitzgerald* Dr. J. Marvin Reynolds Dr. William N. Friedman Dr. John W. Rhoday Dr. R. Ashton Gay* Dr. Herbert L. Schwartz* Mrs. Edmond Theodore Glenn* Dr. Dwight H. Shull* Dr. Claude O. Godwin Dr. Sommers D. Stancell* Dr. Zachary T. Gray III* Mr. Harry Stein Dr. Robert F. Harman Dr. John D. Stephens Dr. W. Tyler Haynes* Dr. George N. Trakas* Dr. Charles R. Helsabeck Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Woolwine* *Deceased 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 31 Statistical Profile Full-time Faculty 1,899 Applicants Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Administrative Faculty Total # full-time 18 21 23 10 72 Part-time Faculty 198 Gender 2010 57 male 33 female 55 VA residents 35 non-residents Staff Patient Visits Total # classified employees 145 From 7/1/05 - 6/30/06 Enrolled Students Clinic Graduate Predoctoral Dental Hygiene DDS Program Master’s Degree Clinical Residents 354 31 46 DDS (by class and gender) D4 D3 D2 D1 25F + 62M = 87 24F + 58M = 82 27F + 68M = 95 33F + 57M = 90 Dental Hygiene Program By Gender Female Male 44 3 By Residency VA Residents Non-residents 42 4 Effect of Endowment and Annual Dollars on Students 1,663 non-resident applicants 236 VA applicants 90 admitted 19,744 20,641 2,166 Total Education and General $11,500,000 Funds for FY05 On average, the School spends 90% of the budget on salaries for faculty (fulltime, part-time) staff (including hourly and student workers). The remaining 10% is used for operations such as facilities, travel and equipment. The principal of our endowment, established in 1948 as part of the MCV Foundation, stands at $11,500,000. Prudent and wise investment of our many endowment funds yielded a “payout” of $539,507 for chairs, professorships, scholarships and supporting many other areas of the School. Combining the payout with donor dollars, the value per student was $3,474. Fiscal year 2006 showed record endowment support from donors, making the year the best in the past decade. Admissions Selectivity of Class of 2010 3.31 (3.36) Avg. GPA Science GPA 3.30 (3.25) Non-science GPA 3.43 (3.49) Avg. DAT Scores Academic Science Perceptual ability 32 19 19 18 VCU SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY • Published annually by the School of Dentistry Virginia Commonwealth University Ronald J. Hunt, DDS, Dean Reunion & Alumni Weekend Sponsors Continuing Education Sponsor Virginia Dental Services Corporation 1st Annual VCU School of Dentistry Alumni/Student Golf Invitational Sponsors Ms. Heidi Denos – A-dec W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr., DDS & Associates, Ltd. Henry Schein, Inc. Medical College of Virginia Foundation VCU Dental Faculty Practice R. K. Tongue, Inc. Mr. Al Tajara – A-dec Sullivan-Schein Dental Company Nottaway Study Club Konikoff Family Dentistry Marathon Development Group Drs. Niamtu, Alexander, Keeney, Harris, Metzger, Dymon & Associates Zest Anchors, Inc. Benco Worth Higgins Richmond Interdisciplinary Dental Study Club Nobel Biocare Covington International Travel 3I Implant Innovations Dr. John C. Doswell, II Drs. Schroeder, Stenger, Cole, and Associates, PC Dr. Frank H. Farrington Dr. John P. McCasland Dr. Albert L. Payne Dr. A. Wright Pond Coming Soon Alumni Directory Find out where your colleagues are today. An invaluable resource, the new Alumni Directory will provide personal, academic and business information about all School of Dentistry alumni from Broad Street to Botswana. Don’t miss your opportunity. Be part of this project. Be on the lookout, and when you receive your directory questionnaire, take a few minutes to update your information, so your friends and colleagues know what is happening with you. Martha Bushong, MS Editor-in-Chief Assistant Director of External Relations Contributors: Edward G. Kardos Director of Development James Revere, DDS Director of Planned Giving Jim Doyle Assistant Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Stewardship Cover photo: Allen Jones Visit the School of Dentistry on the web at Please send suggestions, evaluations and alumni news to: Martha Bushong P.O. Box 980566 Richmond, VA 23298-0566 or email: [email protected] SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY BOARD OF ADVISORS 2006 Dr. Anne Adams Mr. Robert Anderson Ms. Rhonda Austin Dr. Gerald Brown Dr. Ellen Byrne Ms. Kay Clary Dr. William Covington Dr. Frank Crist Dr. Terry Dickinson Dr. Betsy Hagan The Honorable Franklin Hall Dr. Charles Johnson Dr. Rodney Klima Senator Benjamin Lambert Dr. Jeffrey Levin Dr. Michael McMunn Dr. Baxter Perkinson Dr. John Philips Dr. Carole Pratt Dr. Pamela Regimbal Dr. James Riley Dr. Warren Sachs Dr. Harvey Shiflet Dr. William Viglione Dr. Roger Wood Plans for the Future Finish fourth and final phase of clinical simulation renovations, with construction of a 100-station mannequin/bench laboratory. Complete year one of a two-year phase-in of a major curriculum restructuring in the DDS program that will result in: • Implementation of clinical simulation in the first year of dental school, • Earlier entry to patient care in the second year, • More focus on clinical and business aspects of general dentistry in the fourth year. Complete construction of a clinical research unit. Increase external funding for research, restoring or replacing the lapsed funding for periodontal research. Develop final plans for construction of a new dental building that adds clinical, classroom and research space. VCU Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry 520 North 12th Street P.O. Box 980566 Richmond, Virginia 23298-0566 Address service requested Because we are good stewards of the environment, this publication is printed on recycled paper. Please recycle to a friend of dentistry. An equal opportunity, affirmative action university 041206-02 Non-profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit Number 869 Richmond, Virginia