A Claretian missionary ...desires to set everyone
A Claretian missionary ...desires to set everyone
Saint Anthony Claret, a man on fire with God’s love, is known for his passionate commitment to God’s Word and a missionary zeal that gives hope and life to the poor and marginalized. His communion with God, desire to imitate Jesus in all things, and deep love for Mary, the Mother of Life, empowered the founder of the Claretians as a compassionate and tireless servant of the word. In 1849, Saint Anthony Claret shared his unique spirit and vision with the Church by forming a small group of like-minded men into the Congregation of the Claretian Missionaries - Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Today Claretian Missionary brothers, priests, deacons, and seminarians - along with lay collaborators - serve God’s people with our Founder’s compassionate zeal in a world darkened by violence, greed, injustice, and despair. Next weekend, August 24-25, a Claretian priest, Father Andrew Esua, CMF, of Cameroon will share with us the story of the huge growth in membership experienced by the Claretian Missionaries in Africa where the impact of the Gospel has immense potential to shape the future of the human race. The Claretians’ founder, St. Anthony Mary Claret, was driven to preach a Gospel of renewal and reconciliation in 19th century Spain and Cuba. His charisma and zeal to share his encounter with God’s love continues to this day through the work of Claretians throughout the world. The logo of the Congregation of the Claretian Missionaries (Claretians) depicts the fire of God’s love which each Claretian is called to share with others. You can join their work and life today, and help promote what they are doing in 66 countries around the world with the Mission Collection next weekend, August 24-25. A Claretian missionary ...desires to set everyone on fire with God's love. Table of Contents Church Directory Pg 2 From Father Chris Pg 2 Faith Formation Weekly Readings Pg 3 Pg 3 Mass Intentions Youth Update Pg 3 Pg 4 2 The Messenger Queen of Angels Church A u gu s t 18 , 2 0 13 FROM FATHER CHRIS Queen of Angels Church 2569 W. Victoria Drive Alpine, CA 91901-3662 Office: (619) 445-2145 Fax: (619) 445-9682 Dear Sisters and Brothers, www.queenofangels.org Email: [email protected] Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 and 10:30 AM Weekdays: 8:00 AM Thursday: Communion Service only: 8:00 AM Clergy Rev. Chris Kintanar, Pastor [email protected] Parish Office Staff Dorie Arietta, Office Manager [email protected] Kathy Burns, Bookkeeper [email protected] Sandy Dioli, Office Assistant [email protected] Rita Loughrin-Sacco, Director of Catechetical Ministry (DCM) [email protected] Beverly Jo Michelli, Youth Minister/Assistant DCM [email protected] Bulletin Editor, Sheila Wing Music Ministry: Ami Abrigo Saturday, 5:30 PM 445-2145 Sean & Natalie McMeeken Sunday, 8:00 AM 445-2145 Meinard Belarmino Sunday, 10:30 AM 445-2145 Reconciliation In the Reconciliation Chapel Saturday 4:30-5:00 PM after weekday Mass or by appointment Liturgy of the Word for Children: Eileen Porter (5:30 Sat. & 10:30 AM Sun.) Calming Room: Ask Usher for assistance at any Mass Knights of Columbus: Contact Don Lundy 445-2145 A Scotsman visited London for his annual holiday and stayed at a large hotel. However, he didn't feel that the locals were friendly. "At 5 o'clock every morning," he told a friend, "they hammered on my bedroom door, on the walls, even on the floor and ceiling. Heck, sometimes they hammered so loud I could hardly hear myself playing the bagpipes." Well, I’m going on my annual vacation again, starting Monday until the middle of September. I will not be playing bagpipes but there may be the occasional karaoke session with family and friends. I hope you, too, will have a very enjoyable time with your loved ones for the rest of the summer. As always, I may be half the world away, but I’m still with you in spirit. And I’ll be able to see you through the Internet cameras, so no fooling around at Mass. Let us all stay true to our Lord Jesus. May He be our constant source of strength and protection. Peace and blessings, Fr. Chris PRAYER LIST FOR DEPLOYED MILITARY As a faith community let us keep all who serve our country during these troubled times in our prayers. We pray especially for those of our parish who are deployed or who will soon be deployed: Jim Archer II LT Gina Bartonicek Ansel Bookhammer WO Erik L. Carter Marcus Rainier De la Cruz IT2 John Gohranson Michael Hazelton LCPL Michael Ibarra Captain Kevin Kellum Alexander Marin Sgt. Edward J. Mitchell Jonathan Plucinik SFC Oscar Rodriguez Miguel Torres MA3 Carl Touchet HM3 Jacob Tweed CPL Chris Welch Almighty God, be their constant companion and strength in every adversity. May they experience Your presence, love and comfort. Amen. If you have a friend or relative who is serving in our military and is deployed or will be deployed please call Sheila at 619.445.2145 or email her at [email protected]. The Messenger Queen of Angels Church A u gu s t 18 , 2 0 13 TIME TO FIDGET WITH YOUR CHRISTIAN FIRE BY JANEL ESKER Though it’s still technically summer in most of the U.S., in late August I begin detecting the scent of autumn. I look forward to the brisk air, the crunching leaves, and locally produced apple cider. What I anticipate most is the beginning of fireplace season. My husband builds excellent fires using a self designed log arrangement, and his fire maintenance techniques are highly entertaining. He’s a fire-fidgeter, always poking, adjusting, or replacing a log here or there to maximize flames and oxygen intake. And long after a fire appears dead, he tries to resurrect it to its former glory with bellows and Big Bad Wolf breathing. Jesus speaks today about setting the earth on fire. I wonder what he’d say if he arrived in our homes, neighborhoods, or churches today. Would he see his followers on fire for his gospel? Or would he encounter mostly dying embers? I imagine he might ask us to do some serious fire-fidgeting with our Christianity. We often fall into a laid-back Christianity, the requirements of which are simply being nice, talking about family values, and going to church on Sunday. But Jesus’ teachings are extremely radical—turn the other cheek, love your enemies, give away your possessions, lay down your life. This isn’t an easy-peasy set of beliefs. These are hard, demanding, lifealtering, fire-igniting truths to live by. Perhaps it’s time to fidget with your Christian fire this week to see how fervently you live these truths. Ask Jesus to breathe the Holy Spirit on your fire to revive those dying embers so you can blaze again as a disciple of the Lord. [email protected] 3 This week, August 22, we celebrate the Queenship of Mary, patroness of our parish. As early as the 4th century Mary was addressed as “Queen” and “Lady.” By the 11th century she was honored by “Hail, Holy Queen” and “Queen of Heaven.” Mary’s queenship is a share in Jesus’ kingship, king of all creation. Unlike earthly kings who often lord their power over others, Jesus exercised his kingship on earth by serving his Father and his fellow humanity. God destines all people to share the image of his Son; Mary all the more so as the mother of Jesus. Mary’s title as Queen of Heaven reminds us how we too, formed in the image of Jesus as King, through baptism, are called to serve God and others. READINGS and MASS INTENTIONS August 17 - 25, 2013 Sunday: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/Heb 12:1-4/ Lk 12:49-53 Monday: Jgs 2:11-19/Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43-44/ Mt 19-16-22 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24/Ps 85:9, 11-14/Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15/Ps 2212-7/Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39/Ps 40:5, 7-10/Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14-16, 22/Ps 146:5-10/ Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Rv 21:9-14/Ps 145:10-13, 17-18/Jn 1:45-51 Next Sunday: Is 66:18-21/Ps 117:1-2/Heb 12:5-7, 11-13/ Lk 13:22-30 DATE Saturday, Aug 17 Sunday, Aug 18 Sunday, Aug 18 Monday, Aug 19 Tuesday, Wed, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Sunday, Aug 20 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 25 Aug 25 TIME INTENTION 5:30 PM Jean Fenech 8:00 AM † Margaret & Herbert Roa 10:30 AM Katherine & Jasmine Sprague 8:00 AM Carolyn & Dale Teschler & Family 8:00 AM Communion Service 8:00 AM Helen Mateloke & Family 8:00 AM Communion Service 8:00 AM † Mark Simons 5:30 PM † Neil Smith 8:00 AM For the People 10:30 AM † Bertha Gallagher REQUESTED BY Joan Smith Sharon Barker Beverly Sprague Beverly Sprague Beverly Sprague Marlene Simons Joan Smith Kathleen Fuchs 4 The Messenger Queen of Angels Church A u gu s t 18 , 2 0 13 YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULT UPDATE BY BEVERLY JO MICHELLI Theology on Tap Tuesday, August 20 at 6:30 PM -dinner, 7:30 PM speaker at Randy Jones All American Sports Grill- 7510 Hazard Center Join other young adults (18-39yrs old) single and married for food, fellowship and great speakers Tues, Aug 20: RELATIONSHIPS: "Becoming who God created you to be so you can find Mr/ Mrs Right" with Maura Byrne Contact Carrie with questions [email protected] or just show up! Stewardship of Treasure Totals for Week of August 11, 2013 Registered families 673 Envelopes used 172 Envelope collections $ 5,339.96 Plate collections $ TOTAL $ 5,842.95 502.99 Stewardship of Time & Talent End of Summer BONFIRE Saturday, August 31st, 6:30-10 PM at Crown Pt- Pacific Beach Come on out for a bonfire to meet new young adult friends while enjoying the warm summer weather and some yummy s'mores! Bring a friend and a snack to share too! We will be at a fire pit at Corona Oriente and Crown Point Drive at the bay facing Sea World. To find exact location Contact Amy at [email protected] or 619.729.7978 SAVE THE DATE! DIOCESAN YOUNG ADULT RETREAT! BEHOLD, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW! September 20-22, 2013 at Whispering Winds, Julian Join 120+ Young Adults (18-39yrs) from around the Diocese for our annual retreat! Meet new friends in your age range (small groups by age 18-22, 23-26, 27-32, 33+), hear inspiring and dynamic speaker's, awesome praise and worship Music, participate in Mass, adoration, confession, have time for personal reflection as well as a bonfire and free time outdoors- hike, zip line, pool, etc! Retreat begins Friday at 6:30 PM (eat before you come) and ends Sunday at noon! The cost is $130. More details at 858.490.8260 or www.yamsd.org. To register go to www.whisperingwinds.org by September 18. DON'T WAIT! IT WILL SELL OUT!! FOR THE SICK Serving the Poor On Saturday, August 31, the youth of the parish will be serving a meal to the working poor and the homeless at St. Vincent de Paul Shelter at 9:15 AM. All parishioners are invited to help. There is a sign-up sheet on the table at the entrance to the church. Come help make this time a special time for these people. Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen. Please pray for: Don Ahles Erika Allen Ernie Allen, Jr. Claude Bailey Michael Banks Ursula Briner Katie Clark Dan Contreras Zac Erickson Beverly Falor Nathan Farmer Denise Foster Ann Hickey Aida House Virginia Hulse Elwood Johnson Carmen Lewis Debbie Markley Beverly Jo Michelli Winnie O’Hara Marilyn Short Mary Kay Smith Chris Twardochleb Sue Twardochleb Dorothy Venancio and all those listed in our book of prayer. The Messenger Queen of Angels Church 5 A u gu s t 18 , 2 0 13 ANNOUNCEMENTS Follow Jesus Christ who is the source of freedom and light. Be open to the Lord so that He may lighten all your ways. Pope John Paul II Does the end of summer bring you new challenges, with work, with school or with family? As people around you settle into new routines are you feeling more restless? Maybe a bit burdened by what you or your family faces each day? At the same time are you willing to try something new? Do thoughts of wanting to belong to the Church or joining your family in going to Holy Communion or raising your children with values which stand the test of time, keep reoccurring? Maybe this Fall is the time to explore what it means to join the Catholic Church (or complete your sacraments if you were baptized Catholic and never made your First Eucharist or were confirmed.) When we are open to the Lord, our load is lightened. Come join others and learn what it means to become Catholic or to receive First Communion and/or Confirmation through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process. Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 28, at 7:00 PM in the parish hall. Your waiting may be over! Call Rita at 445.2145 for more details. If your older child need to be baptized or receive his or her First Eucharist, call Rita for more information. Eucharistic Adoration Friday, August 23, there will be Eucharistic adoration following the 8 AM Mass, with an hour of prayer devoted to prolife efforts. Join others for time with the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament during this holy hour. Blood Drive The next quarterly community Blood Drive will be held Saturday August 24, at the Alpine Women's Club from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Donors can register on-line at www.sandiegobloodbank.org (click on "appointments") or by calling Carol Lewis, event coordinator at 619.487.7801 or e-mail her at [email protected] to secure an appointment Built of Living Stones This weekend, August 17-18, is the monthly collection for BOLS. If you haven’t made a pledge, please use an envelope from the church entrance. Please Help Do you have a machine to convert VHS tapes to DVD’s ???? Queen of Angels is looking for someone who is willing to convert some VHS tapes from our Religious Ed class collection to DVD’s. Any help would be appreciated. We'll provide the discs. Thank you! Please contact Rita or Beverly in the office at 619.445.2145 or [email protected]. 2013 SCRC Convention The 42nd Annual Southern California Renewal Communities Catholic Renewal Convention will take place over Labor Day weekend, August 30 - September 1, at the Anaheim Convention Center. This year’s theme in this Year of Faith is: “Take Courage, Have Faith”. Over 40 speakers will be presented. Spiritually enriching for all ages. Teen Conference and FREE Friday concert with Jacob and Matthew Band! FREE John Michael Talbot concert, including former Jazz musician, Fr. San Fortuna, CFR, will be held on August 31. For complete information email [email protected] or contact 818.771.1361. Online information and registration at www.scrc.org. Catholic Answers Please join us for the Catholic Answers’ National Apologetics Conference at the Courtyard Marriott, Liberty Station, on Friday and Saturday, September 27-28. The conference, Catholic Answers to America’s Crisis, will feature Bishop James Conley of Lincoln, Nebraska as keynote speaker. Please visit CatholicAnswersConference.com to learn more about the event. Contact Marisa Shepard at 619.387.7200 or email [email protected] to register. Diocesan Office for Vocations is presenting a Vocation Awareness Retreat for Single Men and Women Ages 15-35 on Saturday, September 28, from 9 AM to 5 PM. The cost is $5 for lunch. Bring a bible and a notebook. The retreat will be held at the pastoral Center, 3888 Paducah Drive in San Diego. For more information please contact Sr. Aurora LopezOrnelas, [email protected] or 858.490.8346 or Rev. Pedro Rivera, at [email protected], 619.29137446. Religious ed registration begins this weekend, August 17-18. You should have received an e-mail with a letter and a registration form. We have openings in Pre-school through 5th grade on Sunday morning, and 6th grade through high school on Monday evenings. Religious Ed begins on Sunday, September 8. You can drop off forms in the office. Please call Rita or Beverly Jo in the office at 445.2145 with questions.