Summer - Action Volunteers for Animals


Summer - Action Volunteers for Animals
It’s Here!
Well it’s here all right! What’s here you ask? Kitten Season, of course! I said it was coming and it did.
It was a little late arriving thanks to our extremely cold and lengthy winter, but it is here now!
In our Spring issue I wrote about Kitten Season and how its arrival impacts animal shelters and rescue
groups, taxing their meagre resources to the limit. I mentioned a number of ways that you, as readers
could help; especially if you are at a place in your life where you are unable, or unwilling, to make a full
time commitment by adopting a pet. Fostering is one of those ways and probably the most rewarding
way that you can save lives and alleviate the abundance of homeless, helpless kittens languishing in animal shelters.
Kittens are perhaps the most vulnerable of the homeless animals, tiny and helpless they frequently fall
prey to predators, inclement weather, contagious diseases and cruel people. Seventy-five percent of freeroaming kittens die or experience trauma in their short little lives.
You would help if you could, right? Well what are you waiting for? If you are not ready to adopt a
cat or kitten, but you want to help, fostering could work for you.
What is Fostering?
Fostering provides an invaluable service to rescue
groups as they have no permanent facility to house all
the animals that they rescue, so they depend on the
public for foster homes.
It means that you will be bringing at least one animal
into your home and providing care for that animal for a
specific length of time. Usually kittens only need to be
in foster care for a short time – a few weeks at best, for
weight gain and socialization. Then they are off to be
adopted. Adult cats present a slightly different scenario
and can take a little longer to be adopted.
Once you indicate that you are willing to foster for AVA
and understand the task at hand, you will be provided
with an animal, specific instructions and supplies, and
a contact person to guide you through the process.
In This Issue
What is New in the AVA Fostering Program?
This is What Your Donation Dollars Can Do
AVA News | In Memory
AVA News West
AVA Helps
Happy Tails
Adoption Hopefuls
AVA Wishes to Thank...
Membership | Donation Form
Action Volunteers for Animals ~ P.O. Box 18233 RPO Steeple Hill, Pickering ON L1V 0B8
Helping animals since 1972 ~ Reg. Charitable No. 118777408RR0001
What is New in the AVA Fostering Program?
We are in the process of creating three new foster manuals to educate and assist our foster parents with
their very important job.
 Queens and Kittens (Fostering a pregnant cat, a queen and her kittens, or orphaned kittens)
This manual is completed, ready for use and can be found on the AVA website under Foster
 Adult Cat
 Special Needs Cats and Kittens (which includes Senior cats, FIV+ cats/kittens, CH cats/
kittens, Blind cats/kittens, as well as cats requiring palliative care)
These manuals are draft versions, as we welcome feedback from our foster parents. When they are
ready for use they will be available on our website.
We have a new Foster Agreement which all foster parents are required to complete and sign.
There is a new form, Feline Foster Return-Behavioural Profile sheet, to be filled out before the foster
animal goes into adoption. This allows the foster parent to provide the prospective adopter with valuable
information in order to make an informed decision.
There will be a Foster Home Care Survey coming in the near future as AVA is looking for ways to improve the process for all concerned.
Hey... is that you I hear giving reasons why you can’t foster?
The Most Popular Reasons Not to Foster:
1. I do not have space
2. I might get attached
3. My own cats won’t tolerate a foster cat
4. I can’t afford to take another cat
5. My own cats might get sick
6. Someone else will do it; there are plenty of foster homes
7. I already have a foster
1. It doesn’t take much space: a small spare bedroom or office; it’s a kitten not an elephant
2. Ok you might get attached, so what; you can comfort yourself by knowing that you made a
difference by saving a furry life
3. Put your foster in a separate room away from your own cats; spend extra time playing with
your pets too
4. AVA provides food, litter, basic supplies and pays for vet care
5. You need to separate your cats from the foster(s); just follow basic health/cleaning protocols
6. They won’t and they don’t and there are never enough foster homes
7. Well, ok, but wouldn’t your foster like a playmate?
So to all of you who are still thinking about whether to foster or not, what are you waiting for – Winter?
Seriously, the cats and kittens need your help now. Ava needs your help now.
To foster for AVA…
Please complete an application available on our website
and we will contact you.
You can also send us an email at ava2009@actionvolunteersfor
**** If you cannot donate, please foster ****
Some of Life’s Important Lessons I Have Learned from Fostering
Fostering helps me put my life in perspective
It’s the little things that count
I do not always have to come first
Giving back makes me feel good
I can make a difference
Life can be bittersweet, but I am a survivor
Sharing my time, energy and love costs me nothing
The more love you give, the more love you get back
Sometimes you have to take a chance and get out of your comfort zone
Life goes on, just differently
Cats add beauty, grace and tranquility to our lives. I have learned all this and more and now I know that
sometimes the virtues of patience, acceptance and unconditional love arrive by default in a warm furry
bundle that purrs.
**** If you cannot foster, please donate ****
This is what your donation dollars can do:
- $65
- $70
- $90
- $150
- $120
$100 - $150
$500 - $800
kitten initial vaccination
3 rounds of kitten deworming depending on the need
medication for upper respiratory infection
food and litter for a foster home for at least one month
to supply a cat with vaccines and spay or neuter
food for an outdoor cat colony for a month depending on the number of cats and
the type of food used
to provide a spay or neuter procedure
to provide dental care
Ode to My Foster Parent
You gathered me up with a tear in your eye,
and held me close as you kissed me good-bye.
At first I thought you had sent me away,
but along came a family and took me home to
There I sat, alone and
afraid. You got a call and
came to my aid. You bundled
me up with blankets and
love. And when I needed it
most, you gave me a hug.
Then that second lesson became perfectly
clear. No matter how far, you would always be
near. You gave me these thoughts to remember you by. We may never meet again, and now
I know why.
I learned that the world was not all scary and
cold. That sometimes there is someone to have
and to hold. You showed me what love is, you
helped me to mend. You loved me and healed me
and became my first friend.
You'll remember I lived with you for a time.
I may not be yours, but you'll always be mine.
I'll never forget what I learned that first day,
that sharing your love was the very best way.
And just when I thought you'd done all you
could do, you taught me not one new lesson,
but two. First you said, "Sweetheart, you are
ready to go. I've done all I can, and you've
learned all I know."
- Author Unknown
In Memory of...
Grace Jewell
Sadly we must inform you that AVA lost a dear friend and associate recently, Grace Jewell, who passed
away in May. Grace was a member of AVA for a number of years, as well as a passionate animal lover
and advocate. She unselfishly volunteered in many different capacities with AVA, giving her time, energy
and compassion.
Bernice R. “I met Grace about
seven years ago when she
would come by the adoption
centres, even when it wasn’t
her shift, to drop off paperwork
or things for the cats. I was
concerned that a cat named
Finbar, wouldn’t get adopted
even though he was a lovely
soul, he just wasn’t a handsome dude. Nevertheless Grace
adopted him, and she and I became, ‘Friends of Finbar’. Even
though she had a demanding
full time job, she still gave a lot
of her spare time to the animals
and to AVA. She was an elegant, compassionate, professional lady who will be sorely
missed by all her friends and
family. I know I’ll miss our coffees at Java Joes.”
Grace Jewell
Sylvia S. “Grace was a good
friend who would give you her
honest opinion and not just say
what you wanted to hear. We
had many chats over coffee during her time with AVA. She had
a wonderful sense of humour
and we shared many laughs.
When I have a sip at Timmy’s, I
say, ‘Hi Grace, this one’s for
Denise H. “I met grace in 2007 at the Richmond Hill PetSmart because she had adopted my foster kitty Henry, a big orange and white
lug of a boy, about 5 years old - very loving, but not the most handsome kitty. She renamed him Whiskey.
During the adoption process Grace noticed our volunteer sign and
soon after she started volunteering at the Richmond Hill and old
Markham PetSmart stores in our adoption centres.”
The following was the beginning of the many volunteer projects Grace undertook for AVA:
 volunteered at the Richmond Hill and Markham AVA adoption centres
 fostered kittens
 volunteered at storage sorts and the bazaars
 was on the AVA Board of Directors
 took on the roles of treasurer and webmaster
 created AVA’s Facebook page
In addition: She helped start the AVA website up and running a few years back; she was instrumental in producing the AVA newsletters. But we are certain one of her most favourite tasks was becoming an AVA foster parent.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Membership,
AVA wishes to thank Grace’s family for sharing her with us.
Our deepest sympathy and well wishes go out to Grace’s family and her friends.
Annual General Meeting
Due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the Board’s control, the scheduled meeting for June 20 had
to be postponed. It will be rescheduled and current 2015 members will be notified.
Mark your calendars NOW! Back by popular demand, by both shoppers and volunteers alike, AVA’s
Famous Fundraising Bazaar, Saturday, November 14, 2015 at the Etobicoke Olympium.
We need to start thinking and planning now to make this bazaar our most profitable yet. We need lots
of great merchandise to sell, for the auction and the raffle. We sold a lot of merchandise last year and
we need to restock. Please look through your home, talk with work colleagues, friends and family and
ask them to go through their “treasures” to see what they could donate. This is a perfect time of year
to de-clutter.
We need lots of volunteers; especially people who are willing to be in charge of a table at the bazaar,
help with pick-ups of donated items, or sort/price merchandise at our storage sorts. Contact Denielle
at [email protected] to volunteer.
Please ask your local stores, restaurants and entertainment centres to donate gift certificates! This is
good advertising for them, and we can supply you with an official solicitation letter on AVA letterhead to
give to the business.
 Remember all the proceeds go directly to our ever-expanding vet bills to help feral colonies,
low-income earners, seniors etc. and we cannot do this without your support.
Merchandise needed:
 Movie DVDs and computer games (no VHS tapes please)
 Small Electronic Equipment in working order (radios, recorders, IPods and MP3s, cameras,
 Any brand new item or merchandise
 Homemade jams, jellies, pickles, salsas or baked goods
 Recent paperbacks (last 4 years) or coffee table art books
 New clothing, gently used vintage clothing or accessories, new purses, scarves etc. for our
Boutique Table
 Gently used or new Christmas items or decorations
 New linens, cushions or pillows
 Gently used toys in working order, new or almost new stuffed animals and puzzles
 New or almost new pet items such as toys, beds, cat carriers, cat and dog food, animal
treats and “animal” knick-knacks
 Items for our Silent Auction (gift cards and certificates, vintage or antique items, art, brand
new items with a value of $25 or more)
 Small kitchen appliances in good working order, china dishes, sets of dishes or glasses,
knick-knacks or collectables
 Jewelry of all kinds
 Gift certificates or cards for businesses, services or attractions ($15 and up) for our very
popular “Twoonie“ table
Fundraiser at Duke’s Pet Foods
A BIG “THANK YOU” from AVA to Shannon Murphy of Duke’s Pet Foods for organizing a fundraising event on April 25th at the store. In addition to a raffle and promotional information in local
newspapers, Kathy, from Paws on the Run dog grooming, was in the store to offer nail trimming
with all proceeds going in support of AVA!
Samantha Griffin and Ruth Sutton, AVA volunteers, were also in-store to provide information on
the great work AVA does. Thank you to all the folks who came in with their dogs to support the
fundraiser - including Janet, an AVA foster Mom!
Thank you Shannon and Kathy!
It was a great day, and the money raised is gratefully acknowledged by AVA!
Paws on the Run - Duke’s Pet Foods - 20 Broadleaf Ave in Whitby - (905) 721-2894
The City of Pickering hosted a Petapalooza, Saturday, May 30 in the upper level
of the leash-free area at Grand Valley Park. This pet trade show featured industry professionals and animal rescue groups among others. Money raised will go
toward a permanent animal shelter in Pickering. AVA was represented by Sandy
K. and her son Riley, Denise H. and Samantha T.G. who were there to spread
the word about AVA and how we help animals in need.
New Adoption Centres
1. AVA has more adoption centres in which to show case our cats and kittens. Please come and visit
us at these following locations:
 Pet Valu - 5949 Baldwin St. S, Hwy 12, Brooklin
 Pet Valu - 1445 Harmony Rd., Suite #400, Oshawa
 Pet Valu - 1414 King St. E, Unit #18, Courtice
2. New adoption handouts are available when you adopt one of AVA’s cats or kittens from any of our
adoption centres, so make sure that you get yours. They contain valuable information and come in
three versions. These can also be found on the AVA website.
 Adopting a Rescue Cat
 Adopting a Kitten
 Introducing the New Cat to Your Current Cat
AVA Puts Four Paws Up in Appreciation of Volunteers ... We are long overdue acknowledging
one of our foster parents, Tanya C., who fostered our lovely little Charlotte, mentioned in the previous
Fall/Winter and Spring issues. Tanya fostered ten day old Charlotte and would have adopted her, but
realized that this special kitty needed to go to a multi-pet home as Charlotte thrived being around other
animals. The great news is that Charlotte, a CH cat, is now happy in her multi-pet, forever home. Kudos to Tanya and Amanda for caring enough to foster this little sweetheart.
Garage Sale and AVA Fundraiser
Janet and Tom Wade held their annual garage sale/fundraiser for AVA on July 11 and the sunshine
goddess blessed them with a perfect day. Lots of people
stopped by to contribute to the cause and were rewarded with treasures
of all shapes, sizes
and uses. AVA extends a great big
thank you to all of
them and to all the
volunteers who
helped make the
day a great success.
A special thank you goes out to Julia H. for contributing her bike to the cause and for helping set up on
the Friday evening along with her sister Lauren.
A number of people, desperate for help with abandoned and stray cats and kittens, stopped by seeking
AVA’s assistance. Apparently this part of the GTA has extremely limited services available for this kind
of issue. Naturally, Denise H. AVA’s President, offered her expertise and assistance.
Monika, from AVA West, gives four paws up to the Nobleton Vet clinic; especially,
Dr. Wikie, for going the extra distance to improve the quality of life for Crystal, a
beautiful white, dmh calico. Thanks to the care she received, Crystal was able to
be showcased in the AVA adoption centre at Pet Valu, 9200 Weston Rd. in Woodbridge.
AVA Adoption Centres
Monika S. writes that AVA is now the new adoption partner at the Pet Valu - 9200
Weston Rd. in Woodbridge and at Rovili's Pet World - 301 Queen St., Bolton . This
provides AVA with more opportunities to find forever homes for cats and kittens.
AVA cats and kittens for adoption are available at…
 PetSmart - 12730 Hwy 50, Bolton
 Pet Valu - 8290 Hwy 27, Woodbridge | just north of Hwy 7 and south of
Rutherford Rd.
 Pet Valu - 9600 Islington Ave., Woodbridge | just north of Rutherford Rd.
 Pet Valu - 9200 Weston Rd., Woodbridge
 Rovili's Pet World - 301 Queen St., Bolton | Owner: Lisa Oppedisano | Tel: 905-951-6315
I did some research and decided to adopt a black
| By Sonya M. cat in particular because I had read about how
As an animal lover and especially one of a cat lover most black cats are abandoned or because of superstitious beliefs they are neglected and less faI had decided it was more than past due to adopt
vored over other cats. I wanted this cat to be a resanother cat into our family. I've had my other cat
cue because I would be providing the best possible
for almost 7 years now and thought it was time
that he needed a friend to play with and keep him home for our new addition.
Being from Cambridge, Ontario I began my search
company. My little daughter also loves cats and
there, but to my disappointment I could not find
she too would enjoy the amazing things that cats
the right cat for us. I did not give up and continued
have to offer us.
on until I came upon a beautiful black cat with yel-
A Good News Story
low eyes and immediately my heart was sold.
Cleopatra was her name and she was all the way in
Woodbridge. After arriving at the Pet Value in
Woodbridge I finally
got to meet Cleopatra, peeping her
eyes through her
cage, looking rather
shy and timid. I got
to hold her for the
very first time and
it was love at first
sight, I knew she
was our forever cat.
Cleopatra was very scared at first but I knew this
was just a small hurdle that she would eventually
get over. Once Cleopatra was home she ran away
and hid as soon as I put her down; this was her
routine for the next few weeks. I didn't see too
much of Cleopatra but I knew her demeanor would
change and she would slowly come around. I had
to show her that she could trust me. Slowly and
surely Cleopatra came out of her hiding spot more
often every day.
Today Cleopatra will come right up to me for some
snuggles and she loves belly rubs too. She loves to
play with my other cat and she is super friendly
with my little daughter. Sometimes I wake up to
find Cleopatra sitting right there beside me. She is
a loving and gentle soul and we are so in love with
her. I am so glad that I adopted her into our family
and could not imagine not having her here with us.
Thank you Monika, AVA and Pet Value for our beloved Cleopatra!
AVA would like to thank Sonya for adopting a
black cat and then for hanging in and taking
the time to help Cleopatra adjust and blossom
into this very special Black Beauty in her forever home!
Mating Frenzy Some Feline Facts
An unspayed female cat...
 Is pregnant for 9 weeks
 Can produce 18 kittens during one season
 Can go into heat every three weeks
 Can get pregnant while still nursing her present litter of kittens
 Can begin having kittens as early as 5 months of age
 Usually has 4-6 kittens each time she gives birth
During kitten season the number of kittens far exceeds the number of homes available and lastly her
offspring can, in theory, produce 420,000 cats over their lifetimes.
| By Janice Mc C.
He was a feral cat in my neighbourhood for many years and I would feed him whenever he came by. I
used to refer to him as, “Take Out” since he only showed up for food. Someone had him neutered and
released back outside, but he continued to come here for food.
This past winter Grantham was attacked by a raccoon and was badly injured. I had recently rescued a
young cat and just couldn’t afford any more vet bills. But I just
couldn’t bear to see him suffering in such pain.
I was told about AVA by Denise Angus at Kingston Road Animal
Hospital (KRAH). So with Rocky from AVA’s help, I managed to trap
him and get him into Dr. Mittleman, at KRAH. Where with AVA
helping to cover the costs, and the superb care and attention he received at KRAH, I was able to take him home after his tail amputation.
Before his injuries, I would see him only occasionally; now he
spends most of his time sleeping on my deck or in the garden.
- A feral cat not fond of humans, was designated by Toronto Animal Services (TAS) to be euthanized. Thanks to AVA, KRAH/VETS and Imagine Paws, a not- for-profit sanctuary
run by Paige and Peter Cora, this cat now has a better life in Fort Erie.
Bernice R. sent a note with photos thanking us for helping her find a home for Tommy, a real sweetie that needed a special home. Once we put him on our website, a lovely
couple, with two other rescue kitties stepped up and adopted him.
Here are a few happy tail stories of cats that have found their ‘furever’ homes!
was adopted at the Eglinton/Laird PetSmart at the end of March. The photo was taken two
days after he was introduced to his new home and his kitty buddy. The two cats
bonded immediately.
was adopted from the Bolton PetSmart. She is a loving and affectionate 6-month-old, rescued from a Nobleton farm. She has settled well into her new home and the family
immediately fell in love with her.
a 5-year-old, smokey grey was adopted from the Pet Valu on Hwy 27, by a woman who drove
all the way in from Oshawa to get this handsome fellow.
Tucker, Dane, Riley, Ella, Hans Solo, Chubakka, Spock, Pip, Benny,
Snickers and Skittles.
 Elliot, Emilio, Emma, Oscar, Roxy, Khloe, Ruby, all 7 were at Pet Valu 8290 Hwy 27, Woodbridge.
 Doodles and Pillow, sisters went to the Sisters at the convent in Bolton.
AVA has an eclectic assortment of friendly felines looking for their forever homes. They come vaccinated,
de-wormed, defleaed, spayed or neutered, microchipped and with six weeks basic insurance. Check out
our website to view these furry sweethearts
and obtain an adoption application.
At the pet stores listed on pages 6 & 7 you will
looking for their forever homes and waiting to
find some of the cutest, sweetest kittens ever,
steal your heart and complete your life.
At the AVA West adoption centres you may still
be able to find these kittens available. We don’t
always get a chance to name them all before they get adopted. Don’t worry if the one you were interested
in has already been adopted, there’s another one or two there waiting – JUST FOR YOU!
 Pet Valu - 9200 Weston Rd., Vaughan - the store phone number is 905-893-0121
 Pet Valu - 8290 Hwy 27, Woodbridge - the store phone number is 905-605-6633
 PetSmart - 12730 Hwy 50, Bolton - the store phone number is 905-857-9327
Visit these lovely kittens at Rovili’s Pet World!
301 Queen St., Bolton
Tel: 905-951-6315
will be available soon along with her sibling
is this cute orange guy.
will be up for adoption soon along
with his brother Dr. McCoy on the right.
is a one-year-old dlh orange and white female who was rescued along with her 6 kittens
from Scarborough, where they were living under a chair with a blanket thrown over
them. Cupcake is now looking for her forever home. She is sweet and gentle and
was a great mom to her babies. She now needs someone to give her the life she deserves. She is in foster but available.
They all will be in an adoption centre near you in the GTA West!
Check the AVA website for details.
| By Denise H.
For the past few months, AVA has been busy removing, trapping, and transporting 30 cats from a dilapidated century home on Middle Road north of Scugog/Longworth to vet care and foster care. We found
out about these cats through a local lost and found cat page and have been busy ever since.
This project has been a lot of work as we have had to remove the cats in small batches depending on
available foster space and rehome space for other AVA fosters. It has been very challenging trying to get
access to the cats as the resident does not have a phone and is often unavailable. Luckily, most of the
cats appear pretty healthy although some are significantly underweight; for the most part, they seem
Many of the cats live inside the home which has only limited heat in a small portion of it, while a few
still live totally outside. Fortunately one of the outside kitties just trapped has proven to be a little purr
machine and is adoptable with just a bit of socialization. We were also fortunate to get Cleo, a 6 month
old kitten, out in time as she had calici virus and would not have survived without adequate nutrition
and vet care.
There were two people living in the home but one was recently moved to a nursing facility. The other occupant, who cares for the cats as best he can, has another month or so of occupancy until the hydro is
SHUT OFF! We still have about 5 cats to rehome.
May 11, 2015, turned out to be an auspicious day. To quote Denise H. AVA’s trapper extraordinaire,
“Just got the last of the 32 cats!!! Adios to Middle Road, Bowmanville!”
 A big thank you to Sue R. who fostered many of these kitties as well as Jean D.!
 A big thank you also to Dr. Raj of Forestbrook Pet Hospital, for putting up with kitties arriving
at his clinic at every conceivable hour!
Pickering News Advertiser | Kristen Calis wrote: “Today I’m grateful for the animal rescuers in
Durham. It’s one thing to love animals, but it’s another thing to actually get physically involved in rescuing the ones in need. If it weren’t for the people who dedicate and volunteer their time to care for neglected animals, who knows what would happen to them?”
Visit the AVA website at
read more of Kristen’s interview with Denise.
Note: On the homepage, you will find a link to Bowmanville Cats Rescued from Hoarding Situation.
A Big AVA thank you goes out to all our donors!
Kelsey Y. asked for contributions to AVA to help animals
instead of gifts for her birthday and made a very generous
donation! Thank you for caring, Kelsey.
In May AVA received United Way pledges from Jamie P.
and two other anonymous donors through their workplace.
Nancy Y. made a donation in honour of Kelsey Y. (see
Kathy, from Paws on the Run, donated to AVA the money
she raised from the Nail Trimming Event in April, held at
Duke’s Pet Foods, 20 Broadleaf Ave. E. Whitby.
A special thanks for their generous donations goes out to
Terri D. and Yelena B.
On behalf of Sushi Cat, Janet S. made a generous donation in honour of Denise H. and Forestbrook Animal Hospital for their assistance.
Barbara M. is helping AVA help kittens with her generous
kitten season donations.
Louise H. of Orillia, recently made a heartfelt donation toward AVA’s continuing mission to
help in the care of feral, homeless and abandoned cats and kittens.
Thanks to Josephine B., Joanna W., Elinor H. and Fae P. for remembering AVA with their donations.
AVA thanks Connie W. and Sabah H. for their continued monthly support.
Hats off to the Henderson clan: Valerie, Sarah, Joel and Ian for donating to Big Boy’s vet
Ted S. made an In Honour of Susan McGee donation.
Samantha and Mike G. along with Mary G., Gennifer D., Janet S. and Annette G. made donations in honour of Big Boy, Mr. Mess and Minnie Mouse.
Lisa and David H. donated toward Mia’s spay, Socks’ neuter and vaccines for kittens named:
Hugs, Tugs and Sparrow.
Jacqueline C. made a donation In Honour of Joy Stuart, a valued member of the cat rescue
community, in thanks for connecting her with AVA and helping with a cat that Jacqueline had
rescued off the busy streets of East York.
From the estate of Ursula France Matthews, Calgary, who was originally from Chelmford, Essex, England, AVA received a very generous donation.
Corporate Donors
Global Pet Store, 73 Wilson St. W. in Ancaster, donated money raised in February through
their ‘Show Us Your Heart Campaign’.
 Global Pet Store, 989 Fennell Ave, E. in Hamilton, donated money raised in February through
their ‘Show Us Your Heart Campaign’ as well as from a Mother’s Day raffle for a cat condo.
 Pet Valu stores in Hamilton, at 1900 King St. E. and 920 Upper Wentworth, donated money
raised during Pet Valu’s nationwide Paws Event in April.
“There are seven deadly sins. Cats have nine lives.
That’s all the math you need to know.”
- A.Rubino Jr.
Attention…to all pet owners!
AVA is on Facebook - with regular news about cats,
kittens, work we’re doing, upcoming events!
AVA receives all sorts of requests for help as we are one of the main
cat rescue groups in the GTA that goes out of its way to help all animals - owned, abandoned and feral.
Now we are looking for help from you. We appreciate all the donations
and we need these to continue. However, not everyone can afford to
make monetary donations and we understand that. There are other
ways that you can make a contribution to AVA. You can contribute
some of your time and energy to help us continue to respond to all
those requests for help.
Have a look at this list and see how you might help. Perhaps there is
something else that you could do that is not on the list below.
PetSmart staff at these locations: Bolton, Markham, Oshawa, Richmond Hill and Eglinton/Laird
Pet Valu staff at these locations: Islington Ave. in
Bolton, Appleby Mall in Burlington and Woodbridge
Global Foods in Ancaster and Hamilton
Endless Tails Pet Nutrition in Mississauga
Duke’s Pet Foods at 20 Broadleaf in Whitby
Please complete an application on our website & we will contact you.
Or send us an email at [email protected]
As the largest specialty pet retailer of services
and solutions for the lifetime needs of pets.
PetSmart has helped save the lives of more than
5.7 million pets since 1994. (“PetSmart Charities”) are independent, nonprofit organizations.
Rovili's Pet World at 301 Queen St. in Bolton
Owner: Lisa Oppedisano | Tel: 905-951-6315
Science Diet’s “Second Chance for Love” shelter
program partners with AVA and donates pet food for
all cats, kittens, dogs and puppies being cared for by
Pet Valu stores
partner with local
shelters and charities
to host in-store