2012 Frederick Flyer.cdr - the Maryland Camaro Club
2012 Frederick Flyer.cdr - the Maryland Camaro Club
Camaro 14th Annual Nationals June 22 & 23, 2012 8AM - 4PM Frederick Fairgrounds, Frederick MD Display your Camaro or Firebird with over 500 others - Hang out and meet new friends! 4Large Showing of all generations of Camaros! 4Firebirds of all years WELCOME! 4Thursday Night Kickoff Cruise to Downtown 4Free Trolley Rides to Shopping Areas 4Indoor and Outdoor Vendor Spaces 4Ladies Activities 4Food Vendors 4Kids Pony Rides, Petting Zoo & Moon Bounce 4Judging Available in more than 40 Classes 4Friday Evening Charity Auction & Dinner 4140+ Awards Available 4Concours & Display Cars will be in a 12,000 sq. ft. Air Conditioned Historic Building Presented & Produced by: Held in Conjunction with: Tom Henry Chevrolet T & T Performance Fiducial SLP Daytona Trophy Win Kelly GM Store Camaro Crazy Restorations Automotive Accents LTD American High Performance American Camaro Association www.mdcamaroclub.com Sponsored by: Quality Reproduction Parts 14th Annual Camaro Nationals Registration Form June 22-23, 2012 Frederick Fairgrounds, Frederick Maryland Please Print Name Phone Street City Zip / Postal Code State/Prov Email I am a judge in the following class: Heartbeat BowTie Concours I am a Maryland Camaro Club Volunteer Worker Year_________ Model _______________Color ______________________Coupe or Conv? _________ Engine size _______HP_______ Stock?____________ Please list membership in any local Camaro Clubs _______________________________________________________________ Choose the desired Class from the list below......Only One Class per Camaro, Please. For Judged Classes, fill in the Class # desired. Class #’s are explained in more detail at www.americancamaro.org/nationals.php All class fees include admission to the entire show from Thursday through Saturday. Admission includes 2 adults and children under 12 with the show vehicle. Forms not Postmarked by June 14th, will not have time to receive credentials by mail, and will need to pick up their packet at Show field Registration before entering gate. Please Circle Desired Class, and fill in Class # if appropriate. Camaro Registration is required for Camping / Trailer Registration. American Camaro Association Judging Guidelines will be used 4/15 Postmarked by: 5/31 6/15 Participant Vote Class # (31-45) $30 $30 $35 Heartbeat Class # (1-26) $45 $50 $55 Class # (57L-58L) Non-Judged Class # 30 Bow Tie Class # Bow Tie Legends Legends Firebirds Class # Class # 50 *First Year Applicants to (57-59) (51 - 54) $30 $85 $30 $90 $95 $100 $30 $30 $250 $275 $35 NA N/A N/A $35 Pre-ordered Tee Shirts / 5+ Color Art Fee at Gate $35 N/A N/A N/A N/A Medium Quantity ____ @ $16 = $0 _____________ X Large Quantity ____ @ $16 = $0 _____________ Large Quantity ____ @ $16 = XXL Quantity ____ @ $18 = XXXL N/A Quantity ____ @ $19 = Total for Tee Shirts $35 from above $0 _____________ $0 _____________ $0 _____________ $ $0 Check if participating in the “Kick -Off Cruise” on Thursday ( limited reserved parking available) Legends Must Also Submit Pre-Qualification Form, These Classes are extremely limited in size & new applicants are accepted based on date and qualifications. Friday Evening Charity Auction Dinner Tickets $0 XSmall Quantity ____ @ $15 = _____________ $0 Small Quantity ____ @ $16 = _____________ Not Available at Show Limited to first 200 Pre-Ordered Tickets - Dinner Sponsored by Classic Headquarters - Children need tickets Registration Fee from above Left $ Dinner Ticket $ $0 Quantity ____@ $15= Camping - 10’ x 30’ “Dry” Camping Space On Grounds $25.00 (Inc. Thur & Fri Night) Camping Dry Weekend ____@ $25= $ $0 Camping - 10’ x 30’ Space w/Electrical Hookup: $45 per Night Camping W/ elec. Weekend ____@ $45= $ $0 (1 Space, 1 Night) Camping - 10’ x 60’ RV Space - “Dry” - no services: $45 (Includes Thur & Fri Night) Camping RV Dry Weekend ____@ $45= $ $0 Camping - 10’ x 60’ RV Space w/Hookup (Elec/Water/Sewer): $65 / Night Camping RV Wet Weekend ____@ $65= $ $0 Trailer Parking - 10’ x 40’ On Grounds Space $15.00 each. Trailer Space $0 (Consider 2 Spaces for Very Large or Difficult Rigs) (No Charge for 1st space in Classes 51 thru 59) Vendors - Please see www.mdcamaroclub.com for vendor form Make Checks payable to: MCC Camaro Nationals TERMS 1116 Laurelee Ave, Reading PA 19605 Weekend ____@ $15= $ Check #____________ Total Enclosed $ $0 10% Cancellation fee before May 31, 2012 No Cancellations after May 31, 2012 With the submission of this form, I hereby agree to the terms and rules of the event. Entrants must be 18 years of age. If under 18, parent or guardian has read and agreed to these same terms. All participant’s cars must be insured. Neither The Maryland Camaro Club, their representative, or the Frederick Fairgrounds, shall be responsible or liable for any loss, claim, or damage to the participant’s car, person, occupants, or property. Participants shall follow all event rules. The Maryland Camaro Club reserves the right to expel any show participant from the grounds for improper conduct or behavior, tire burning, etc. Signature _________________________________________________________________Date________ Parent or Guardian___________________________________________________ Date _____________ Classes American Camaro Association Judging Guidelines Will be Used Non-Judged - Class 30 - If you are just not into detailing your Camaro, this class allows you TOURING 23 - Includes First and Second Generation Camaros that have been fitted with late class is also great for Camaros that are under construction. interiors, and late model air conditioning. Typical of cars built for the ‘Hot Rod Power Tour’. to participate in all the fun and comradery of the Nationals at a price that can’t be beat. This Participant Vote Classes (Fun Field) Participant vote classes are open to all Camaros. model drive trains, oversize brakes, large diameter wheels, lowered chassis, ultra plush Spare tire not required for full credit in trunk area. These classes are judged by popular vote of all Camaro attendees. Stock should look stock. CUSTOM 24 - This class includes Camaros with tubular, or custom chassis (other than pro- hood, or dash panels in Mild Modified. Modified / Custom classes are open to scoops, reversed hinge hoods, chopped roofs, etc. Also includes custom paint schemes (other than Mild Mod is for bolt-on items under hood, seat changes, tuner lenses, etc. No cutting of body, blowers, custom dashes, roll cages, tubs, airbrushing etc. 31 67-69 Stock 36 70-81 Mod/Custom 41 93-02 Mild Modified 32 67-69 Mild Modified 37 82-92 Stock 42 93-02 Mod/Custom 34 70-81 Stock 39 82-92 Mod/Custom 44 2010 Mild Modified 33 67-69 Modified / Custom 35 70-81 Mild Modified 50 67 - 02 Firebirds 38 82-92 Mild Mod 40 93-02 Stock Heartbeat Classes - 200 Point Judged Classes 1- 26 43 2010 Stock 45 2010 Mod/Custom Pre-Reg ONLY Choose the class that Best Describes the car. Judges will be evaluating the overall cleanliness and detailing of the car, along with the body fit & finish, and condition of the interior, engine compartment, trunk, etc. Points will be deducted for items that are street or competition); hydraulic suspensions, modified bodies; including suicide doors, pro-street), custom interiors, dashes, TV’s & other major electronics. Spare not required. PRO-STREET Class 25 - Includes All years Camaros with wheel tubs and narrowed rears. “Street Legal Dragsters” Spare tires are not required for judging in this class. COMPETITION Class 26 - Includes All years Camaros built for drag, oval, or road racing. Usually unlicensed. Spare tires are not required for judging in this class. Bow Tie Classes - 1000 Point Judged Stock Cars in this class will be judged against a judging sheet for a points based award, rather than against other cars. Although cleanliness will be addressed , the major emphasis will be on duplicating the way the car would have come from the factory. Basic numbers and trim tags modified beyond the level of the class description. See Website for more details. will be checked, to confirm that features, options, and colors are correct for the car being STOCK - Original or restored cars in these classes must be overall stock. Color and interior distributor, etc. Equipment may be original, NOS, good quality used, or quality reproduction must have been available for that year production. Radial tires up to one size above stock are judged. Judges will be checking for bias tires, spiral shocks, proper battery, alternator, parts. Class limited to 15 cars in 1st generation, 6 cars each in 2nd & 3rd gen. As is for all allowed. Points will be deducted for aftermarket radios, shifters, wrong air cleaners, non judged classes - Bow Tie MUST be pre-registered. 1st generation fills very quickly, so do not 01 67-69 Coupe on a par with our concours classes. Judging time is approximately 25 minutes per car, stock wheels, spoilers on 67’s, cowl hoods on 67’s & 68’s, headers, etc. 02 67-69 Conv 09 82-92 Coupe 14 93-02 Convertible 13 93-02 Coupe 18 10 - Present Convertible 10 87-92 Convertible 06 70-81 Coupe 17 10-Present Coupe VINTAGE STREET STOCK - is exclusively for Camaros slightly modified with vintage parts & styling...i.e. GM spoilers, traction bars, headers, tachometers, gauges, chrome reverse wheels, Cragars, cross ram intakes, etc. Paint, stripes, interior, engine must remain stock. Deductions for items modified beyond those listed above. MILD-MODIFIED - Includes Camaros with decorative and performance bolt-on items able Camaros are to look mostly stock in appearance. Examples are paint color not proper for year, minor stripe changes, bolt on sub-frame connectors, lens covers, tuner tail lights, aftermarket air cleaners, MAF covers, battery covers, radiator covers, braided hoses, colored spark plug wires, strut tower supports. Stock carburetion / injection required in this class. Points deducted for roll bars, custom paint or upholstery, TV’s, extensive chroming, chrome chassis parts , etc. 04 67-69 Mild Modified 07 70-81 Mild Modified 11 82-92 Mild Modified 15 93-02 Mild Modified compared to 3 hours in concours. For those cars considering the possibility of moving on to Legends class, and would like to have their car approved to move up, specify 57 L or 58L. Trailer parking included in class fee. 57 67-69 Bow Tie Stock 58 70 -81 Bow Tie Stock 57 L 67 - 69 with Legends check 58L 70 - 81 with Legends check 59 82 -92 Bow Tie Stock Legend Class 1967-1981 Stock (Three Year System) 03 67-69 Vintage Street Stock to be installed by an average Camaro owner. hesitate if interested. Please note that although this class goes into quite a bit of detail, it is not 19 10- Present Mild Modified As this concours class goes into detail beyond the scope of many participants, Camaros entering this class must be qualified by previous participation in class 57 L/ 58L (Bow Tie), or by inspection by one of the concurs judges prior to entry. This requirement is in place to save expense and time of those not familiar with this system, and to prevent assigning the limited number of Legend spaces to unqualified cars, thus preventing qualified cars from participating. This is an extremely thorough system - all parts will be evaluated as to part number, date, originality, finish, and condition. Trailer parking included in class fee. Be sure to check off trailer parking on registration form if it is required. 53 1967-1969 Restored Concours 51 1967-1969 Original Unrestored 54 1970 -1981 Restored Concours 52 1970 - 1972 Original Unrestored MODIFIED - Includes non-stock size motors (383, 502 etc.), non-stock carburetors, For additional information on Classes 1 thru 50 contact: tires, chroming, and roll bars up to 4 mounting points. Aftermarket seats, sound systems, [email protected] Spare tire required for full points. Points will be deducted for non bolt-on body modifications, For additional information on Classes 51 thru 59 contact: and roll bars with more than 4 mounting points. (These cars should be in Custom - Class 25) [email protected] injectors, blowers, turbochargers, superchargers, digital dash clusters, over and under sized & lambo doors OK. Basic subframe, transmission and rear to remain intact for this class. extensive airbrushing, televisions, custom door panels, custom dashes, & custom consoles, 05 67-69 Modified 08 70-81 Modified 12 82 - 92 Modified 16 93-02 Modified Joe Sporney Bud Scolastico 410-675-7597 610-921-3721 20 10- Preseent Modified Judging Note: Due to alignment issues, Spare Tire Covers on 4th & 5thGen cars will not be removed. If Cover is in position; spare will be assumed to be present and all points will be awarded. For additional information on the event, location, & registration: go to www.mdcamaroclub.com For additional information on classes and judging system: go to www.americancamaro.org Where is the Show? The Camaro Nationals are held at the Frederick Fairgrounds, 797 East Patrick Street, in Frederick, Maryland; situated in the heart of the Civil War Heritage Area, at the intersection of I-70 and US 15. The grounds are fenced, gated, and guarded , and a great location for a car show. Each space is 10ft x 30ft, grass covered, and is adjacent to a network of paved roads. What else is going on? The Show Grounds are non-stop all weekend! There is a Thursday Night “Kick -Off Cruise”, a Kids Corner - with Pony Rides, Petting Zoo, and a Moon Bounce, Ladies Oasis, Car Corral, indoor and outdoor Vendors, lots of food available, Bathing Suit Beauty Contest, Charity Auction, Silent Auction, Special Display cars, and the comradery of over 1000 Camaro owners (yes, spouses count). This just cannot be matched anywhere...now add a great display of Camaros and Firebirds, and you will be in F-Body Heaven!! Where can we stay? HOST HOTEL - Holiday Inn and Conference Center....5400 Holiday Drive....This hotel has a huge parking area, a great area for kids, and is the location of the Annual Friday Night Dinner & Charity Auction ........ 301 694 7500 ..... ask for Susie...Room Code MCO. Holiday Inn Express... 5579 Spectrum Drive ..301 695 2881.... Room Code MCX Both Hotels are within 4 miles of the Fairgrounds. What about Camping? The fairgrounds has camping available. Many attendees, including many of the “Nasty Z/28.com” club, have a real blast camping on site! Order the space that fits your needs on the entry form....and reserve with or without optional electric and sewer hook ups. What if I trailer my Camaro? Classes 51 thru 59 include trailer parking on grounds...just be sure to check off the box on the registration form. Trailer Parking for other classes can be ordered on the pre-registration form for $15 per space. Spaces are 10’ wide x 40 ‘ long to accommodate most pickup and car trailer combinations. Consider ordering 2 spaces for very large or difficult rigs. For more information, please go to: www.mdcamaroclub.com Camaro Nationals Maryland Camaro club 1116 Laurelee Avenue Reading PA, 19605 For Specific Questions: Bud Scolastico Joe Sporney April Alderson Email or Call 7-9 PM Eastern Time [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 610-921-3721 410-675-7597 410-552-1968
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