Yo u deserve it! - Red Wheel Fundraising
Yo u deserve it! - Red Wheel Fundraising
25 ( You deserve it! ) Breakfast Burritos PRECOOKED, JUST HEAT & EAT! New it e m Cranberry White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookie Beef Enchiladas Key Lime Pie America’s Tastiest www.redwheelfoods.com Entrees & Snacks Beef Enchiladas 4 PER PACKAGE IN A 2 1/2 LB TRAY Four large flour tortillas filled with seasoned Nebraska beef, then topped with rich enchilada sauce and cheddar cheese. Enchiladas are fully cooked. Just heat and serve with your favorite sides for an authentic Mexican meal. Feeds 4 to 6. LARGE 2.5 LB PLATTER 209 BEEF ENCHILADAS ENCHILADAS DE LA CARNE DE VACA Buenos Burritos 7 OZ EACH • 4 PER PACKAGE Mild, hand-rolled flour tortillas that are loaded with meat, American cheese and authentic Mexican spices. 203 BEEF & CHEESE CARNE DE RES Y QUESO 204 CHICKEN & CHEESE Southwest Chicken Egg Roll 8 PER PACKAGE • 3 OUNCES EACH Overflowing with a mixture of white chicken meat, black beans, fresh corn, spinach, mozzarella cheese and jalapeno pepper. Bake or Microwave. POLLO Y QUESO Egg Rolls 8 PER PACKAGE Crispy, crunchy, quick and easy to make. Filled with shredded pork and veggies. Bake or Microwave. 701 EGG ROLLS WITH SHREDDED PORK ROLLOS CON CARNE DESMENUZADA DE CERDO 702 SOUTHWEST CHICKEN EGG ROLL ROLLO ESTILO SUDOESTE Treat Yourself. ( You deserve it! ) Breakfast Burritos 5 4 LARGE BREAKFAST BURRITOS! OZ EACH • 4 PER PACKAGE 8-inch tortilla shells filled with eggs, sausage, diced green peppers, onions and a bit of country-style white gravy. Fully cooked, just heat and eat. Bake or Microwave. 205 BREAKFAST BURRITOS BURRITOS DEL SESAYUNO A IR French Bread Pizza 6 Pizza de pan francés HALF LOAVES PER PACKAGE 2 PEPPERONI 2 COMBINATION: Beef, Sausage, Pepperoni & Canadian Bacon COMBINACIÓN: CARNE DE RES, SALCHICHÓN, PEPPERONI, Y TOCINO CANADIENSE 2 DOUBLE CHEESE: Mozzarella & Cheddar DOBLE QUESO 125 FRENCH BREAD PIZZA French Bread BREAKFAST Pizza Pizza de pan francés para desayuno 6 HALF LOAVES PER PACKAGE • 7” LOAVES • MICROWAVABLE Country gravy, scrambled egg, sausage crumbles, mozzarella & cheddar cheese. 126 FRENCH BREAD BREAKFAST PIZZA SALSA DE CARNE, HUEVO REVUELTO, TROCITOS DE SALCHICHÓN Y QUESO Mini Tacos 1 POUND OF MINI TACOS Bite-size, soft-shell tacos filled with seasoned ground pork. Bake or microwave. 700 MINI TACOS WITH GROUND PORK MINI TACOS CON CARNE DE CERDO MOLIDA America’s Tastiest www.redwheelfoods.com Mint Chocolate Chip Vanilla Chocolate Marble Cheesecakes & Pies Chocolate 4 in1 Chocolate Quatro en Uno 32 OUNCE CAKE • 12 SLICES • 3 OF EACH FLAVOR Rich and creamy. Just thaw & serve. 726 CHOCOLATE 4 IN 1 CHOCOLATE QUATRO EN UNO Triple Chocolate Chocolate Chip Raspberry Fruit Pinwheel 30 Blueberry Molinete de Fruta OUNCE CAKE • 4 FLAVORS • 12 TO 16 SERVINGS Delicious fruit flavors. Just thaw & serve. 728 FRUIT PINWHEEL MOLINETE DE FRUTA Pineapple Strawberry PIÑA, FRAMBUESA, ARÁNDANO AZUL Y FRESA Tortoise 30 OUNCE CAKE • 12 TO 16 SERVINGS Chocolate, caramel & pecans. Thaw & serve. 721 TORTOISE CHOCOLATE, CARAMELO Y NUECES Simply thaw and serve our cheesecakes. Cheesecakes may look slightly different than pictured. All cheesecakes certified Kosher. No lard used. Treat Yourself. ( You deserve it! ) 524 KEY LIME KEY LIME 31 OZ Delicious Pies 10 Pasteles INCH PIES • FRUIT, CREAM AND PECAN Up to 50% larger than most store-bought pies. Our pecan and cream pies are ready to serve. Just thaw and enjoy. Pop the fruit pies into your oven for baking. 500 APPLE 501 PEACH MANZANA 46 OZ 503 STRAWBERRY-RHUBARB 46 OZ 502 PUMPKIN DURAZNO 46 OZ 504 CHERRY CEREZA CALABAZA 40 OZ 505 PECAN NUEZ 46 OZ 34.5 OZ FRESA-RUIBARBO 520 FRENCH SILK SEDA FRANCESA 36 OZ 521 CANDY BAR PIE WITH BUTTERFINGER® PASTEL DE BARRA DE CARAMELO CON BUTTERFINGER® 34.5 OZ “Your products are awesome. I wish I had a freezer full!” — JOANIE S. 523 PEANUT BUTTER CUP 34.5 OZ CREMA DE CACAHUATE CON CHISPAS DE CHOCOLATE America’s Tastiest www.redwheelfoods.com Bakery Goods Gourmet Bread & Muffin Batters Pasta de pan — Pasta para bollos Just pour and bake as large or small loaves, in Bundt pans or as muffins. MAKES 2 LARGE BREAD LOAVES OR MAKES UP TO 30 MUFFINS 620 HAWAIIAN Pineapple, bananas, coconut & walnuts PIÑA, COCO, BANANO Y NUECES 621 BANANA NUT BANANO Y NUECES New All Batter comes in 3lb.Tubs! it e m Cinnabon Gooey Bites ® 17 TM OUNCES OF CINNABON GOOEY BITES Enjoy delicious sweet dough bites made with our famous cinnamon and signature cream cheese frosting. A treat for the whole family — warm and ready to eat in minutes. 808 CINNABON® GOOEY BITES CINNABON® GOOEY BITES™ and the Cinnabon Logo are trademarks of Cinnabon, Inc. Treat Yourself. ( You deserve it! ) TM Caramel Sticky Rolls Cinnamon Roll Pastries Rollos de Canela Panecillos Recubiertos con Caramelo 12 12 LARGE ROLLS Large, sweet and gooey, caramel-topped cinnamon rolls. Just slice, let rise and bake. 320 CARAMEL STICKY ROLLS LARGE ROLLS A symphony of cinnamon! Just slice, let rise, bake. Frosting packet included. 321 CINNAMON ROLLS French Braid Pastries Pastelería de trenza francésa Pumpkin Rolls 22 22 TOTAL OUNCES • 24 PER PACKAGE Just thaw, let rise, bake and enjoy. Frosting packet included. 311 CHERRY CEREZA 313 CREAM CHEESE CREMA DE QUESO Rollos de Calabaza OUNCES EACH A rich moist pumpkin roll filled with luscious cream cheese. 737 PUMPKIN ROLLS WITH CREAM CHEESE FILLING “ We just made the sticky buns and they were great!!! — MR. & MRS. JOHN KUBB / FLORIDA America’s Tastiest www.redwheelfoods.com vorite Family Fa “ Best cookie dough I’ve ever baked. We want more!” — PENNY CAMPBELL / TEXAS Cookie Dough 3 LBS MAKES 48 1- OUNCE COOKIES The taste of homemade without the messy kitchen. Dough is preportioned. New Zero grams of trans fat per serving. it em 469 CRANBERRY WHITE CHOCOLATE OATMEAL 460 CHOCOLATE CHIP CHISPAS DE CHOCOLATE HARINA DE AVENA CON ARÁNDANO Y CHOCOLATE BLANCO 461 M&M® CANDY DULCES M&M® 462 OATMEAL RAISIN AVENA Y PASAS 464 TRIPLE CHOCOLATE 465 WHITE CHOCOLATE MACADAMIA NUT 468 PEANUT BUTTER CREMA DE CACAHUATE Peanut Butter, Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip & M&M® Candy CREMA DE CACAHUATE, AVENA, CHISPAS DE CHOCOLATE,Y DULCES M&M 467 MONSTER COOKIES GALLETAS MONTRUO CHOCOLATE BLANCO Y NUEZ DE MACADAMIA EVERYDAY TOPPINGS New it e m Make every meal “Shake-A-Licious” 8 A flavor loved by generations comes to life in this mildly sweetened topping with a touch of butter. New it e m Two all-time flavors come together to create one awesome taste sensation in this topping that’s sure to go fast. it e m INCH PIZZA PIES 100 COMBO COMBINACIÓN 111 CHEDDAR /SOUR CREAM New Pizza con costra ultra delgada 12 OZS OF SHAKE-A-LICIOUS 106 KETTLE CORN Ultra Thin Crust Pizza 112 WHITE CHEDDER Tastes smooth and mellow with a tinge of tang, like a vintage cheddar, making it a very versatile flavoring. Beef, Sausage, Pepperoni & Canadian Bacon CARNE DE RES, SALCHICHÓN, PEPPERONI Y TOCINO CANADIENSE 101 SUPREME SUPREMO Sausage, Pepperoni, Green Peppers & Onions SALCHICHÓN, PEPPERONI, PIMIENTOS VERDES Y CEBOLLAS 103 PEPPERONI 104 DOUBLE CHEESE Mozzarella & Cheddar DOBLE QUESO Great toppings make great gifts. RWF–25 0516 “ Great on everything. Kicks popcorn up a notch!” — MARY R. / NEBRASKA America’s Tastiest www.redwheelfoods.com
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Yo u deserve it! - Red Wheel Fundraising
French Bread BREAKFAST Pizza
Pizza de pan francés para desayuno