ON LION - St. Mark`s Episcopal Church
ON LION - St. Mark`s Episcopal Church
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Connecting Spirits Engaging Minds ON LION Welcoming All August 2016 from your St. Mark’s Vestry Your Vestry remains very busy with a good deal of work as we prepare for the Fall and beyond at St. Mark’s. Please take some time to visit and review the St. Mark’s website and check out the St. Mark’s Profile as we continue the process of preparation for the calling for a new Rector. A very special thank you goes out to the Search Committee, co-chaired by Judy Freeman-Walker and Baldwin Ogden for all the work that went into the Parish Survey and the preparation of the Parish Profile. You will find this information extremely valuable. The Audit Firm has been at St. Mark’s, and we expect an excellent report from the Auditor at our September meeting. The Endowment is also audited at the same time, and the Endowment Committee shares in the cost of the overall audit, which is extremely helpful. The 2017 Budget is in the process of being prepared. The Vestry is reviewing the 2005 Strategic Plan, and will be in the process of strategic planning throughout the next few months. Your input will be vital as we move forward. We all know that the Church is in need of an elevator(s), and a Facilities sub-group met recently, and will be making a report soon to the Vestry. While the Vestry normally does not meet in July, there is a great deal to be accomplished, so we will be meeting on July 27. A Human Resources Committee is reviewing all position descriptions and has finalized a new Employee Personnel Manual which was very much needed at St. Mark’s. Stewardship truly is year-round, and please remember how important your pledges and your opportunity to engage with and for St. Mark’s is vital. You are always welcome to attend a Vestry meeting and learn more about the way the Vestry works for St. Mark’s. There’s so much to be proud of at St. Mark’s – so please keep the Church in your prayers as we continue to move through our transition time. Also, please be sure to share your appreciation for Father Brent and his ability to guide and support us through this time of change. Jackie Taylor Senior Warden The Right Rev. Whayne M. Hougland 9th Bishop of Western Michigan Clergy The Rev. Brenton H. Carey, Interim Rector The Rev. Susan York, Associate for Pastoral Care The Rev. Dr. Hugh Dickinson, Priest Associate Ministry Support Team Dr. Gregory Crowell, Music Director Brandon Hollins, Organ Scholar Lauren Davidson, Children’s Choir Director Mary Heintzelman, Office Manager Jane Stidolph, Dir. of Christian Formation Jeff Brown, Dir. of Youth Ministries Pam Stevenson, Finance Manager David Hawley, Facilities Manager Julian Medrano, Facilities Assistant Officers and Vestry Members Dr. Jackie Taylor, Sr. Warden Vijay Dillet, Jr. Warden Sharon Buursma, Ex-officio, Treasurer Cathy Capogna, Secretary Through 2016: Chuck Bocskey, Catherine Frerichs, and David Kidd Through 2017: Vijay Dillet, Dan McDonald, Dr. Jackie Taylor, and Debbie Weinrick Through 2018: Cathy Capogna, Nicolas Fletcher, Bruce Johnson, and John Slagter St. Mark’s Ministries Fellowship Ministry - Judy Fetterhoff Communications Ministry - Leigh Eicke Formation Ministry Children - Jane Stidolph Youth - Jeff Brown Adult - Fr. Brent Carey Library - Charles Brown Healing Racism - Wendy Wenner Health Ministry - Mthr Sue York Radical Welcome Ministry - Catherine Frerichs Worship - Fr. Brent Carey Altar Guild - Margaret Stretton Ushers - Tom Burr Stewardship Ministry Finance & Facilities - Sharon Buursma Endowment Board - Wendy Stock Stewardship Committee - Roger York Outreach Ministry Outreach/Christian Justice - John Bosserman Breakfast Café - Jennifer Julius Connecting Spirits Engaging Minds Welcoming All On Lion is published eight times a year by St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 134 North Division Avenue Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3103 (616) 456-1684 www.stmarksgr.org https://www.facebook.com/stmarksgr from Fr. Brent “But when you are invited (to a wedding banquet), go and sit down at the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher’; then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at the table with you. For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Luke 14: 10-11 I’m not much of a fan of formal dinners. As I said in a sermon a couple months ago, I get confused by all the silverware. I try to remember that you work from the outside in. And I know that, if you follow the lead of your host, you can’t go too far wrong. The sorts of formal dinners I’ve attended over the years have usually been fund raising affairs. Either the exorbitant cost of the ticket to the event is your contribution or having your checkbook at the ready takes care of your donation. I worked for a number of years for a non-profit arts festival in West Palm Beach, Florida. Many of our donors lived across the Intracoastal Waterway in Palm Beach. In Palm Beach, the joke is that a tired woman drags herself to yet another fund raising dinner and asks a person at her table, “What disease are we celebrating tonight – leukemia or cystic fibrosis?” During the winter, there can be as many as 5 such events each week. The advice that Jesus offers in the 14th chapter of Luke’s Gospel is disarmingly simple. Unless there are place cards at the table, find the least desirable seat and sit down. Don’t complain about having to sit near the swinging kitchen door. Don’t make fun of the people occupying the head table. Don’t presume a level of self-importance that doesn’t match your host’s opinion of you. Drop all pretenses and be guided by your host. If he or she finds you sitting by the kitchen door and insists that you join them at the head table, calmly and graciously accept the invitation. Don’t blurt out that “the head table is where you should have been in the first place.” Be humble and follow the lead of your host. Jesus counsels humbleness and humility in one’s approach to social settings, specifically, and in life, generally. We live in a time where braggadocio is common currency. Politicians, athletes, and business people feel the need to pump themselves up and put others down simultaneously. Crudeness and crassness have become socially acceptable. Jesus lets us know in no uncertain terms that humility is an essential quality of those who choose to follow him. Rather than building ourselves up to the point of arrogance, let God take the lead and let us brag about how good God has been to us. That’ll work in any setting. Father Brent+ 616-456-1684 (Office) [email protected] from Mother Sue This is my August garden report. The radishes have been outstanding. The tomatoes are ripening right on schedule, and the peppers have been lagging behind. This is the first year that we have grown potatoes , so we are very curious to see what they look like. I love serving onions and squash grown in our own garden. Delicious! Even though this summer has seen violence and unrest here and around the world, we still need to have those places where we can rest and sit, and get our hands into the earth . We need to stay “grounded” --literally. The garden reminds me that when we plant and water and nurture, we see growth and strength and produce results that feed and nurture us. We also need to weed as we go along. It is good to know what is a weed and what is a vegetable. Sometimes we need to get the weeds out of the way, so that the plants can be stronger and have good yield. In the garden of your life, I ask, “What have you planted and what needs to be weeded out?” As we slide into the fall season, it is a good time to think about where we will focus our gifts and energy. I would like to suggest two new programs beginning at St. Marks: SCOOP and APPLE. SCOOP is Supportive Care of our Parishioners. This group will provide structure for receptions and meals for the parish after funerals or concerts and other occasions. Meals at home for those in need of support will also be coordinated through this ministry. Jennifer Julius and Holly Green provide the leadership. They may be contacting you to participate, and you can contact them to tell them of your interest. APPLE is Adults Pleasantly Pursuing Leisure Enthusiastically. We hope to provide a monthly program and luncheon for those in our parish who would like to gather for conversation and some education , but also for lunch and fellowship. We plan for monthly gatherings that would include an educational program. Barbara Williams is providing leadership and would love to hear from others who would like to help her facilitate this ministry. We also are exploring transportation options for those who have need in order to participate. There is much that is happening in our parish as we prepare for an active program year. There is a place for everyone to participate and serve. As we prepare to call our next rector, an exciting next step in the evolving future of our parish, bring your gifts, your talents, your desire to learn and to serve, which calls you to action. Blessings, Sue SAVE THE DATE The Annual St. Francis Day Blessing of the Animals Sunday, October 2nd @ 9:15 On the Patio (if the weather’s lousy, we’ll be inside) Plan on bringing your dog, cat, rabbit, snake, or tarantula for a blessing! We’ll sing a bit, hear scripture read, & bless the creatures who help make our houses into real homes! Oct. 2015 Children’s Formation Christmas Pageant At St. Mark’s our goal is to guide our children in knowing God’s love and relating our faith journey to everyday life. Our program is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community. Through exploration and discovery, we explore the meaning of God’s word in a supportive and enriching environment. Make note in your calendars now that this year our Christmas Pageant (Epiphany Play) will take place on Sunday, January 8 during the 10:30am service. (Dress rehearsal will be Saturday, January 7.) New Class Offering in September Starting September 18, we will offer a youth (8th grade and above) formation class at 9:15 in the 3rd floor upstairs Youth Room. Adults will be welcome to come and join us! This fall we’ll focus on how to relate our theology to modern literature. Formation Work Party Come help us prepare for fall! Join us Saturday, Sept. 3rd from 10-12n for a Children’s formation work party. We’ll be moving furniture and organizing formation supplies, readying our formation spaces for a new school year. Summer Formation Continues We’ll be concluding our summer formation programming September 4. This summer we have been utilizing a curriculum called Animal Crackers: A Global Education from Heifer International. This educational resource for children and congregations is designed to help us see ourselves as part of the global family and gain a deeper appreciation of the ways we live in harmony as God’s good creation. Each week we’ve explored a different animal or resource that Heifer International works. New Fall Youth Formation at 9:15 This class is specifically geared towards our youth in 8th grade and up. Beginning September 18 Children’s Formation will begin a 5-week study of the novel The Boy in Striped Pajamas by John Boyne. We’ll read/listen to chapters each week, leaving time to discuss our thoughts and feelings as we read. Once we finish reading, we’ll gather to watch the 2008 film based on the novel. Children’s Choir We’re excited to announce that Lauren Davidson returns to us this fall as our Children’s Choir Director. Children’s Choir is open to friends in 2nd grade-8th grade. Rehearsals begin September 18 at 9:30am in the upper level classrooms. Fall Series: Old Testament Stories September 18th we will officially begin our “school year” of faith formation. This fall we will focus on core stories from the Old Testament: September 18 - Creation September 25 - The Flood and the Ark Episcopal Youth Camp The Episcopal Youth Camp in the Diocese of Western Michigan strives to continue to be a pivotal part of the formation of the young people in our Diocese. We work together to form a Christian Community as we play and pray, sing and share, and we look outside ourselves with our yearly outreach project. We invite young people into a deeper relationship with each other and with God. Our adult counselors serve as mentors for the young people, as well model friendships with each other. Middle Camp (for those entering grades 6-8)/ Counselors in Training August 7-13 Junior Camp (for those entering grades 3-5)/Leaders in Training August 14-20 Grand Rapids Episcopal Youth (G.R.E.Y.) Grand Rapids Episcopal Youth is a joint youth program between St. Mark’s and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Churches for 6th-12th grade youth, which also welcomes youth from other Episcopal Churches in the Greater Grand Rapids area. Please contact Jeff Brown, Director of Youth Mnistries, to receive more information on our G.R.E.Y. activities: [email protected] In Community, Jane Leacock Stidolph Director of Christian Formation Grand Rapids Episcopal Youth (G.R.E.Y.) is joint ministry between St. Mark’s and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Churches. We hold formation, social, and service events throughout the year and often collaborate with and participate in our local diocesan and national youth events. The Big G.R.E.Y. Summer Mini-Camp! All G.R.E.Y. members (Grand Rapids Episcopal Youth) who will be attending 6th-12th grades this fall are cordially invited to our August trip to Cran-Hill Ranch in Rodney, Michigan, East of Big Rapids from August 19-21. We'll leave early-afternoon from St. Andrew's on Friday the 19th and return on Sunday the 21st in the early-afternoon. It will be a weekend of learning, worship, formation, service, and fun. There will be no cost for participation in this event this year. All interested campers should have their completed permission forms to Jeff Brown, Director of Youth Ministries, no later than August 3 to reserve their spot. Contact Jeff for more information at [email protected] or 616-304-7604. Oasis Our weekly youth group formation gathering for the school year is on Wednesday nights at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church on 3 Mile between Plainfield and Fuller. Dinner is from 5:45-6:30, with separate programming for middle and high school from 6:30-7:30. There is programming for all ages, including nursery care, so Oasis is great for the whole family. Our first Oasis will be October 5. Curriculum for the middle schoolers and high schoolers will be New Testament Ancestors and Animate respectively, both from Sparkhouse. Looking Ahead: 2016 The Big G.R.E.Y. Summer Mini-Camp-Friday, August 19 (early-afternoon)-Sunday, August 21 (earlyafternoon) at Cran-Hill Ranch (middle and high school) Art Prize Parking Lot Fundraiser-September 23-25 and September 30-October 2 at St. Mark’s First Oasis Wednesday-October 5-5:45-7:30 pm at St. Andrew’s Diocesan High School Event-October 15-16 (Tentative) Cedar Point Trip-Saturday-October 28-30 (Tentative) Diocesan Middle School Event-November 12-13 (Tentative) Movie Night , Rogue One: A Star Wars Story-Sunday, December 18 2017 HIgh School Lenten Retreat-March 4-5 at St. Andrew’s (Tentative) Episcopal Youth Event (EYE)-July 10-14 at University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (For those attending high school in the 2017-18 school year.) Jeff Brown Coming This Fall to St. Mark’s Parish Hall “The Great Stories of the Old Testament” Creation & God Creation & Us The Fall The Flood Abraham’s Covenant with God Joseph Moses & the Plagues The 10 Commandments Rise of the Kings of Israel David & Goliath Beginning on September 18th. EVERY SUNDAY at 9:30 in the Parish Hall. These are our foundational stories. Come & hear them anew! Summer Reading Recommendations about Racism and Social Justice: America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America by Jim Wallis, Brazos Press (Grand Rapids, MI), 2016. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander, The New Press (New York, NY), 2016. Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson, Spiegel and Grau (New York, NY), 2015. Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People by Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald, Delacorte Press (New York, NY), 2013. Uncommon Decency: Christian Civility in an Uncivil World by Richard J. Mouw, IVP Books (Downers Grove, IL), 1992. The Healing Racism Ministry encourages you to attend Fr. Brent’s discussion of Jim Wallis’ America’s Original Sin on Thursday, September 22nd in the evening. The book is available at Schuler Books on 28th Street SE, Barnes and Noble at the Woodland Mall, and on Amazon.com. Jim Wallis is the Founder and President of Sojourners based in Washington, D.C. He is amongst the nation’s leading public theologians, which means that he approaches public policy from a theological or spiritual perspective. Education for Ministry A note from Margaret Stretton invites people into small, mentored groups that help us understand our lives and shape our actions as we deepen our Christian faith. We believe a gracious God calls us into relationship to serve the world. Through study, prayer and theological reflection, EfM enables us to discover and exercise our gifts for ministry where we live and work. Saint Mark’s is currently enrolling EFM groups and welcomes any person interested. Why Join an EfM class? Here at Saint Mark's, we currently have two EFM groups, one evening and one daytime beginning in September. If you are interested in learning more about joining an EFM group, please contact Marissa Lee, Margaret Stretton or Judith Claytor. Marissa Lee EfM Coordinator, EDWM [email protected] -- Every baptized person is called to ministry -- What does that mean? --It’s a 4 year program -- you don’t have to learn everything at once. --EfM teaches us ways to express our faith in day-to-day events. There is a cost to help cover the materials (textbook, resource guide and 2 additional books) -- it works out to approximately $10 per class -- a bargain. We meetin once a week for 36 weeks. Registration forms are due August 31 - Don’t delay. Tuition payment is due at time of registration. Talk with Marissa Lee, Diocesan Coordinator, Fr Brent, or Mthr Sue if cost is an issue. There is some limited financial assistance available. It’s also possible to make arrangements to payments over time (August, September, October). Payments should be made by cash, check, or credit card. from the Diocese Saint Mark's Ministry Day, sponsored by the Outreach/Christian Justice Ministry, will be held September 25. Ministry Day will feature numerous areas of ministry and opportunities for fellowship. All of our ministry is devoted to sharing Christ with others and finding Christ in them. Please drop by the Parish Hall after the 10:30 mass on September 25. If you have any questions, please contact Marissa Lee at [email protected] or John Bosserman at [email protected] Bishop Hougland has designated Sunday, September 18th as The Great Parish Swap – a day when a group of volunteers from our congregation will travel to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Muskegon, to explore ways in which our congregations might continue to foster and grow diocesan relationships. Meanwhile, we will be receiving and providing hospitality to members of Grace Episcopal Church, Holland. Please talk to either Father Brent or Mother Sue for more information or see the sign-up sheets at the Welcome Desk if you would like to volunteer to visit St. Paul’s, Muskegon. All congregations in the Diocese of Western Michigan will be participating on September 18th. Income as of June 30, 2016 August Birthdays Samuel Krueger, Carol Faber, Fr. Brent Carey, Margarett Tanase, Jack Lensink, Lawrence Nidefski, Dorothy Newman, Shari Takus, Lydia Dykema, John Savara, Kevin Lutley, Jeff Dupilka, Chris Idema, Barbara Balser, Catherine Frerichs, Alex Calbraith, Marc VanderVelde, and Bruce Johnson. August Anniversaries Mike & Nancy Dodge, Dave & Cara Cassard, Joel Breedveld & Karen DeMattia, Paul Murphy & Leigh Eicke, Dr. Robert & Phyllis Rood, Tim & Leah Haithcox, Fred & Carey Idema, Chuck & Becky Bocskey, Matt & Allison Sevensma. Category Sunday Breakfast Prior Year Pledges Current Year Pledges Offerings Not Pledged Easter/Christmas Offerings Parking Lot Rents Bequests Misc. Income Endowment Allocation For Operations Actual 5,500.00 6,399.00 152,864.00 21,046.00 3,584.00 24,760.00 42,494.00 7,449.00 28,900.00 292,996.00 Budget 7,500.00 5,000.00 165,000.00 29,372.00 4,500.00 24,500.00 12,500.00 -6,084.00 17,951.02 260,239.02 Expenses as of June 30, 2016 Category Pastoral Facilities Administration Diocesan Giving Christian Education Music Outreach Actual Budget 69,067.00 67,385.00 53,778.00 55,616.00 64,772.00 70,966.00 28,260.00 28,259.00 11,050.00 20,657.00 27,230.00 29,568.00 6,094.00 8,467.00 260,251.00 280,918.00 Mission: We are an inclusive community of faith, reflecting Christ's love, ministering to all who hunger in body, mind, and spirit. Vision: Our strength as a faith community depends on our inner vitality, inclusive welcome, and outward action. Grounded in these values, we continue our strong tradition of liturgical worship and education for all ages. We affirm diversity, recognizing that genuine openness may require us to change. We advocate for justice, serving those in need. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 134 Division Ave N Grand Rapids MI 49503-3173 Ph (616) 456-1684 Fax (616) 456-7506 www.stmarksgr.org https://www.facebook.com/stmarksgr ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED September Highlights 9/3 The deadline for the September newsletter is 5pm Monday, August 15th. Formation Work Party - 10-12n 9/18 Homecoming Sunday: - Formation programming & children’s choir rehearsals begin; - the adult choir returns to sing at the 10:30 service; - EDWM Great Parish Swap; - Homecoming picnic, hosted by Fellowship Ministry, following the 10:30 service. 9/25 Ministry Fair following the 10:30 service
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