Council Committee Information Pages
Council Committee Information Pages
HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE – AGENDA ITEM 6: LIST OF PLANS. DATE: 12 September 2006 PLAN: 13 APPLICATION NO. 6.64.489.A.OUT VIEW PLANS AT: CASE NUMBER: 06/03710/OUT GRID REF: EAST 439550 NORTH 466220 DATE MADE VALID: 28.07.2006 TARGET DATE: 22.09.2006 WARD: Boroughbridge APPLICANT: Ripon And Leeds Diocesan Office AGENT: Verity Frearson PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of 1 detached dwelling (site area 0.028ha). LOCATION: Rollinson House New Row Boroughbridge York North Yorkshire YO51 9AX REPORT SITE AND PROPOSAL The application site is located within the built up area of Boroughbridge, in a residential area to the east of Wetherby Road on the southern approach to the town centre. It comprises a garden area (0.02 hectares) to the side of a semi-detached dwelling fronting New Row, between its junctions with Ladywell Road and Springfield Road. The site has a frontage to New Row of some 15 metres, and is bounded by the applicant's existing house to the south, the rear garden to 3 Ladywell Road to the east, and the garden area to the bungalow "Mi-Casa", Springfield Road, to the north. Outline planning permission is sought for a single detached dwelling on the site. All matters are reserved for further consideration. MAIN ISSUES The principle of development at this location having regard to local plan policies. The impact of the development on the character and amenities of the area, in particular whether the site can accommodate an additional dwelling without affecting residential amenity. Highway safety. RELEVANT SITE HISTORY None. CONSULTATIONS/NOTIFICATIONS Parish Council Boroughbridge NYCC Highway Authority Awaited APPLICATION PUBLICITY SITE NOTICE EXPIRY: PRESS NOTICE EXPIRY: 01.09.2006 01.09.2006 REPRESENTATIONS BOROUGHBRIDGE TOWN COUNCIL -The town Council has indicated that they neither object to, nor support the application, but comment that the site should be used for one dwelling only. OTHER REPRESENTATIONS -At the time of the preparation of this report four written objections had been received from neighbouring residents raising the following concerns: Loss of privacy caused by overlooking of adjacent gardens. Loss of outlook and views, and sunlight for neighbouring properties. An additional driveway and access onto New Row will create a highway safety hazard. VOLUNTARY NEIGHBOUR NOTIFICATION - the following addresses have been notified of the application: 1 Ladywell Road 3 Ladywell Road "Mi-Casa", Springfield road RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY PPS1 Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development PPG3 Planning Policy Guidance 3: Housing PPG13 Planning Policy Guidance 13: Transport LPHX Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HX: Managed Housing Site Release LPHD20 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD20: Design of New Development and Redevelopment LPHD01 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD1: Statutory list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest LPH06 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy H6: Housing developments in the main settlements and villages LPR04 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy R4: Open Space Requirements for New Residential Development ASSESSMENT OF MAIN ISSUES 1.THE PRINCIPLE OF DEVELOPMENT - The application site falls within the 'development limit' boundary of the built up area of Boroughbridge - in an area of predominantly 'suburban' residential land use character. The proposal represents the development of a single dwelling on small site (0.02 hectares in area) that forms an established garden and, therefore, constitutes previously developed land for planning purposes. As such the principle of residential development at this site is compatible with local plan policies HX and H6, and there would be no requirement for affordable housing under policy H5. There is however a requirement for open space provision under Policy R4. 2. AMENITY IMPACT -Local Plan Policy A1 requires that development maintains or improves local amenity by meeting certain given criteria; and under Policy H6 proposals should, amongst other things, be appropriate to the form, and character of the settlement and provide a satisfactory level of residential amenity. In subdividing the present garden the relationship with the existing dwelling and neighbouring properties would be problematic. The main issue is whether there is sufficient space to accommodate a dwelling and associated off-street parking within the present garden curtilage, and still maintain satisfactory levels of amenity for existing and proposed dwellings. Because of the absence of any details of the layout of the site and design of the dwelling it is necessary to make a judgement as to the potential siting and layout, as well design details such as window positions, orientation and screening/landscaping, in order to assess the potential impact . It is considered that it would be possible to protect the living conditions of the existing house and the neighbouring bungalow (Mia-Casa) by avoiding any overlooking windows in the south and north facing elevations, and (by continuing the present building line) there would be no material effect on those properties from loss of daylight/sunlight through overshadowing. However, it is judged that the site is constricted by size, and despite the site having a road frontage it is held that the lack of plot depth would make it difficult to accommodate a parking area, and preferably a turning area, within the site and still ensure that adequate distances can be left to maintain reasonable separation distances; particularly to prevent an unreasonable degree of overlooking of the garden to 3 Ladywell Road. As a consequence the application proposals would constitute 'overdevelopment' as the application proposal would be likely to have an unacceptable effect on neighbour amenity, contrary to policies A1 and H6. 2. HIGHWAY SAFETY - At the time of the preparation of this report the County Highway authority's observations and recommendations were not available, although in any event no details of the proposed means of access have been provided with the application. Nevertheless, as demonstrated by the representations from local residents, New Row is a well-used road in close proximity to a school and a children's playground (the latter being opposite the site). Furthermore, the site lies within 45 metres of the junction of Wetherby Road, Ladywell Road and New Row, and 30 metres to the junction with Springfield Road. Therefore it is considered that the provision of an additional driveway, without a turning area to prevent vehicles having to reverse into or from the site, would be likely to create conditions prejudicial to highway safety in New Row and cause interference with the free flow of traffic. As such the proposals would fail to meet the provisions of Local Plan Policy A1. 3 OTHER MATTERS -Confirmation of the applicant's agreement to the payment of a commuted sum for open space provision will be reported at the meeting (the sum had not been determined at the time of the preparation of this report). CONCLUSION The application site is constricted in size, and it is considered that the proposal is contrary to Local plan Policies A1 and H6 in that the development has failed to demonstrate that a satisfactory standard of residential amenity for existing and future occupants can be provided CASE OFFICER: Mr Roger France RECOMMENDATION That the application be REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:- 1 The proposal represents an unsatisfactory form of development as it would involve the overdevelopment of a constricted site, because there is insufficient area within the curtilage to provide adequate space for the parking and turning cars, and the amenity and privacy of the occupants of existing and the proposed dwellings. It is therefore considered that the proposal would fail to provide an appropriate standard of amenity, contrary to the provisions of Policies A1and H6 of the adopted Harrogate Local Plan.