BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide


BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
version 9.4.3
Product Version
This manual applies to version 9.4.3 of the BIG-IP® product family.
Publication Date
This guide was published on October 24, 2007.
Legal Notices
Copyright 2007, F5 Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
F5 Networks, Inc. (F5) believes the information it furnishes to be accurate and reliable. However, F5
assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, nor any infringement of patents or other rights of
third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any
patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right of F5 except as specifically described by applicable
iControl user licenses. F5 reserves the right to change specifications at any time without notice.
F5, F5 Networks, the F5 logo, BIG-IP, 3-DNS, iControl, Internet Control Architecture, IP Application
Switch, iRules, OneConnect, Packet Velocity, SYN Check, Control Your World, ZoneRunner, uRoam,
FirePass, TrafficShield, Swan, WANJet, WebAccelerator, and TMOS are registered trademarks or
trademarks, and Ask F5 is a service mark, of F5 Networks, Inc. in the U.S. and certain other countries. All
other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. F5 Networks'
trademarks may not be used in connection with any product or service except as permitted in writing by
This product protected by U.S. Patents 6,374,300; 6,473,802; 6,970,933. Other patents pending.
Export Regulation Notice
This product may include cryptographic software. Under the Export Administration Act, the United States
government may consider it a criminal offense to export this product from the United States.
RF Interference Warning
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference, in which
case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant
to Part 15 of FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This unit generates, uses, and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area
is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user, at his own expense, will be required to take
whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.
Any modifications to this device, unless expressly approved by the manufacturer, can void the user's
authority to operate this equipment under part 15 of the FCC rules.
Canadian Regulatory Compliance
This class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian I CES-003.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Standards Compliance
This product conforms to the IEC, European Union, ANSI/UL and Canadian CSA standards applicable to
Information Technology products at the time of manufacture.
This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.
This product includes software developed by the Computer Systems Engineering Group at the Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory.
This product includes software developed by the NetBSD Foundation, Inc. and its contributors.
This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou for the NetBSD Project.
This product includes software developed by Adam Glass.
This product includes software developed by Christian E. Hopps.
This product includes software developed by Dean Huxley.
This product includes software developed by John Kohl.
This product includes software developed by Paul Kranenburg.
This product includes software developed by Terrence R. Lambert.
This product includes software developed by Philip A. Nelson.
This product includes software developed by Herb Peyerl.
This product includes software developed by Jochen Pohl for the NetBSD Project.
This product includes software developed by Chris Provenzano.
This product includes software developed by Theo de Raadt.
This product includes software developed by David Muir Sharnoff.
This product includes software developed by SigmaSoft, Th. Lockert.
This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Jason R. Thorpe.
This product includes software developed by Jason R. Thorpe for And Communications,
This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Frank Van der Linden.
This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by John M. Vinopal.
This product includes software developed by Christos Zoulas.
This product includes software developed by Charles Hannum.
This product includes software developed by Charles Hannum, by the University of Vermont and State
Agricultural College and Garrett A. Wollman, by William F. Jolitz, and by the University of California,
Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and its contributors.
This product includes software developed by the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College and
Garrett A. Wollman.
In the following statement, "This software" refers to the Mitsumi CD-ROM driver: This software was
developed by Holger Veit and Brian Moore for use with "386BSD" and similar operating systems.
"Similar operating systems" includes mainly non-profit oriented systems for research and education,
including but not restricted to "NetBSD," "FreeBSD," "Mach" (by CMU).
In the following statement, "This software" refers to the parallel port driver: This software is a component
of "386BSD" developed by William F. Jolitz, TeleMuse.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Group for use in the Apache HTTP server project
This product includes software developed by Darren Reed. (© 1993-1998 by Darren Reed).
This product includes software licensed from Richard H. Porter under the GNU Library General Public
License (© 1998, Red Hat Software),
This product includes the standard version of Perl software licensed under the Perl Artistic License (©
1997, 1998 Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington). All rights reserved. You may find the most current
standard version of Perl at
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introducing the BIG-IP System
Introducing the BIG-IP system .....................................................................................................1-1
Overview of the BIG-IP system command line interface .............................................1-2
About this guide ..............................................................................................................................1-4
Additional information ..........................................................................................................1-5
Stylistic conventions ..............................................................................................................1-6
Finding help and technical support resources ..........................................................................1-8
Understanding the bigpipe Utility
Introducing the bigpipe utility ......................................................................................................2-1
Using the bigpipe shell ...................................................................................................................2-2
Controlling the bigpipe shell ...............................................................................................2-2
Using the bigpipe shell command history feature ..........................................................2-2
Using the bigpipe shell command edit feature ................................................................2-3
Using the bigpipe shell audit feature ..................................................................................2-3
Using the bigpipe shell command completion feature ..................................................2-4
Using the bigpipe shell command continuation feature ................................................2-4
Using grep functionality in the bigpipe shell ....................................................................2-5
Customizing the bigpipe shell ..............................................................................................2-5
Using the bigpipe shell escape feature ..............................................................................2-6
bigpipe command summary ..........................................................................................................2-6
Managing the BIG-IP System Network Components
Configuring the BIG-IP system network components ...........................................................3-1
Performing network management tasks ....................................................................................3-1
Managing the size of the log file ..........................................................................................3-1
Expanding the codes in the log file. ...................................................................................3-3
Configuring encrypted remote logging .............................................................................3-3
Implementing packet filtering ..............................................................................................3-8
Configuring routing ...............................................................................................................3-8
Implementing the trunk algorithm on FFP-supported platforms ................................3-8
Managing the BIG-IP System
Introducing BIG-IP system management ....................................................................................4-1
Understanding BIG-IP system management tools ...................................................................4-2
Using system management tools at the BIG-IP system prompt ..................................4-2
Using the bigpipe utility ........................................................................................................4-3
Understanding the BIG-IP system configuration state ...........................................................4-4
Understanding the stored configuration files ..................................................................4-6
Introducing the Single Configuration File ..................................................................................4-9
What is a single configuration file? .....................................................................................4-9
About the bigpipe utility and the single configuration file ......................................... 4-10
Creating a single configuration file .................................................................................. 4-12
Configuring a BIG-IP system using an SCF .................................................................... 4-13
Restoring a BIG-IP system configuration using an SCF .............................................. 4-14
Using the Copy and Paste SCF Feature ......................................................................... 4-15
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Table of Contents
Performing BIG-IP system management tasks ....................................................................... 4-17
Configuring the MGMT port ............................................................................................ 4-17
Creating and managing administrative partitions ......................................................... 4-17
Managing user accounts ..................................................................................................... 4-21
Configuring failover for redundant systems ................................................................. 4-23
Displaying protocol statistics ........................................................................................... 4-26
Using the bigstart utility .................................................................................................... 4-27
Working with the bigtop utility ....................................................................................... 4-29
Working with the bigdb database ................................................................................... 4-30
Managing the Log File System .......................................................................................... 4-32
Removing and returning items to service ..................................................................... 4-34
Viewing the currently-defined system objects ............................................................. 4-35
Viewing system licenses ..................................................................................................... 4-35
Backing up and restoring the BIG-IP system product image .................................... 4-36
Managing Local Application Traffic
Performing local traffic management tasks ...............................................................................5-1
Setting up load balancing ...............................................................................................................5-2
Managing traffic types ............................................................................................................5-2
Configuring manual resumption of pool members and nodes ....................................5-3
Configuring clone pools .......................................................................................................5-3
Configuring a last hop pool .................................................................................................5-3
Implementing SNATs ............................................................................................................5-4
Controlling HTTP traffic ...............................................................................................................5-5
Configuring HTTP compression .........................................................................................5-5
Redirecting HTTP requests .................................................................................................5-5
Rewriting HTTP redirections ..............................................................................................5-5
Inserting and erasing HTTP headers .................................................................................5-6
Enabling or disabling cookie encryption ...........................................................................5-6
Enabling or disabling SYN cookie support .......................................................................5-7
Configuring the HTTP Class profile ..................................................................................5-7
Unchunking and rechunking HTTP response data .........................................................5-8
Configuring HTTP compression on the BIG-IP system .........................................................5-8
Understanding compression providers .............................................................................5-8
Understanding compression strategy selection ..............................................................5-9
Introducing adaptive compression .................................................................................. 5-10
Viewing compression statistics ........................................................................................ 5-14
Implementing HTTP and TCP optimization profiles ............................................................ 5-15
Authenticating application traffic .............................................................................................. 5-16
Generating SSL certificates ............................................................................................... 5-16
Generating CA certificates ............................................................................................... 5-16
Creating client certificates ................................................................................................ 5-17
Creating a certificate for a web site ............................................................................... 5-18
Working with certificate revocation .............................................................................. 5-18
Associating keys and certificates with SSL profiles ..................................................... 5-19
Performing other certificate-related tasks .................................................................... 5-19
Configuring remote server authentication ................................................................... 5-20
Implementing persistence ........................................................................................................... 5-22
Implementing session persistence ................................................................................... 5-22
Implementing connection persistence ............................................................................ 5-22
Enhancing the performance of the BIG-IP system ................................................................ 5-24
Setting Link QoS and IP ToS levels on packets ........................................................... 5-24
Setting idle timeout values ................................................................................................ 5-24
Implementing rate shaping ................................................................................................ 5-25
Table of Contents
Managing health and performance monitors ......................................................................... 5-25
Creating custom monitors ............................................................................................... 5-25
Associating monitors with pools or nodes ................................................................... 5-25
Monitoring services ............................................................................................................ 5-26
Configuring a monitor for manual resume ................................................................... 5-27
Implementing iRules ..................................................................................................................... 5-28
bigpipe Command Reference
Introduction to command syntax ...............................................................................................A-1
Using the keyword, all .........................................................................................................A-1
Identifying command types .................................................................................................A-1
Basic definitions .....................................................................................................................A-2
Alphabetical list of commands .....................................................................................................A-2
arp ......................................................................................................................................................A-3
auth crldp .........................................................................................................................................A-6
auth ldap ...........................................................................................................................................A-9
auth radius .....................................................................................................................................A-14
auth ssl cc ldap ..............................................................................................................................A-17
auth ssl ocsp ..................................................................................................................................A-22
auth tacacs .....................................................................................................................................A-24
bigpipe shell ...................................................................................................................................A-27
class .................................................................................................................................................A-29
cli ......................................................................................................................................................A-33
config ...............................................................................................................................................A-36
configsync .......................................................................................................................................A-39
conn .................................................................................................................................................A-42
crldp server ...................................................................................................................................A-44
daemon ...........................................................................................................................................A-47
daemon bigdbd .............................................................................................................................A-50
daemon mcpd ...............................................................................................................................A-52
daemon tmm .................................................................................................................................A-54
db .....................................................................................................................................................A-57
dns ...................................................................................................................................................A-59
exit ...................................................................................................................................................A-62
export .............................................................................................................................................A-63
f5adduser ........................................................................................................................................A-65
failover ............................................................................................................................................A-67
fasthttp ............................................................................................................................................A-71
fastL4 ...............................................................................................................................................A-72
fipscardsync ...................................................................................................................................A-73
fipsutil ..............................................................................................................................................A-74
ftp .....................................................................................................................................................A-77
global ...............................................................................................................................................A-78
ha table ...........................................................................................................................................A-79
hardware ........................................................................................................................................A-81
help ..................................................................................................................................................A-82
http ..................................................................................................................................................A-83
httpd ................................................................................................................................................A-84
icmp .................................................................................................................................................A-88
import .............................................................................................................................................A-89
interface ..........................................................................................................................................A-91
ip ......................................................................................................................................................A-95
list ....................................................................................................................................................A-96
load ..................................................................................................................................................A-97
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Table of Contents
logrotate ...................................................................................................................................... A-100
ltm ................................................................................................................................................. A-103
mcp ............................................................................................................................................... A-107
memory ....................................................................................................................................... A-108
merge ........................................................................................................................................... A-109
mgmt ............................................................................................................................................ A-111
mgmt route ................................................................................................................................. A-113
mirror .......................................................................................................................................... A-116
monitor ....................................................................................................................................... A-118
nat ................................................................................................................................................. A-130
ndp ................................................................................................................................................ A-133
node ............................................................................................................................................. A-135
ntp ................................................................................................................................................. A-138
ocsp responder .......................................................................................................................... A-140
oneconnect ................................................................................................................................. A-145
packet filter ................................................................................................................................. A-146
partition ....................................................................................................................................... A-152
password policy ......................................................................................................................... A-154
persist .......................................................................................................................................... A-157
platform ....................................................................................................................................... A-161
pool .............................................................................................................................................. A-163
profile ........................................................................................................................................... A-169
profile auth ................................................................................................................................. A-171
profile clientssl ........................................................................................................................... A-176
profile dns ................................................................................................................................... A-184
profile fasthttp ........................................................................................................................... A-186
profile fastl4 ................................................................................................................................ A-191
profile ftp .................................................................................................................................... A-196
profile http .................................................................................................................................. A-198
profile httpclass ......................................................................................................................... A-208
profile oneconnect .................................................................................................................... A-211
profile persist ............................................................................................................................. A-214
profile rtsp .................................................................................................................................. A-220
profile sctp .................................................................................................................................. A-223
profile serverssl ......................................................................................................................... A-227
profile sip .................................................................................................................................... A-235
profile stats ................................................................................................................................. A-238
profile stream ............................................................................................................................. A-240
profile tcp .................................................................................................................................... A-242
profile udp ................................................................................................................................... A-249
pva ................................................................................................................................................ A-252
radius server .............................................................................................................................. A-253
rate class ..................................................................................................................................... A-256
remote users .............................................................................................................................. A-259
remoterole ................................................................................................................................. A-262
route ............................................................................................................................................ A-265
rtsp ............................................................................................................................................... A-267
rule ............................................................................................................................................... A-268
save ............................................................................................................................................... A-271
sctp ............................................................................................................................................... A-273
self ................................................................................................................................................. A-274
self allow ...................................................................................................................................... A-276
shell .............................................................................................................................................. A-278
snat ............................................................................................................................................... A-280
snat translation .......................................................................................................................... A-283
snatpool ....................................................................................................................................... A-286
Table of Contents
snmpd .......................................................................................................................................... A-288
sshd ............................................................................................................................................... A-301
ssl .................................................................................................................................................. A-305
statemirror ................................................................................................................................. A-306
stop ............................................................................................................................................... A-309
stp ................................................................................................................................................. A-310
stp instance ................................................................................................................................. A-314
stream .......................................................................................................................................... A-317
sys-icheck .................................................................................................................................... A-318
sys-reset ...................................................................................................................................... A-319
syslog ............................................................................................................................................ A-320
system .......................................................................................................................................... A-324
tcp ................................................................................................................................................. A-329
tmm .............................................................................................................................................. A-330
trunk ............................................................................................................................................. A-331
udp ................................................................................................................................................ A-335
unit ................................................................................................................................................ A-336
user ............................................................................................................................................... A-337
version ......................................................................................................................................... A-340
virtual ........................................................................................................................................... A-341
virtual address ............................................................................................................................ A-347
vlan ............................................................................................................................................... A-350
vlangroup ..................................................................................................................................... A-354
Configuring bigdb Database Variables
Introducing the bigdb database ................................................................................................... B-1
Summarizing bigdb database variables for redundant system administration .................. B-2
Using failover bigdb database variables ............................................................................ B-2
Using connection mirroring bigdb database variables .................................................. B-3
Using configuration synchronization bigdb database variables ................................... B-3
Summarizing bigdb database variables for user account administration ........................... B-4
Summarizing bigdb database variables for event logging ....................................................... B-4
Summarizing bigdb database variables for HTTP compression ........................................... B-5
Configuring RAM Cache by setting a bigdb database variable ............................................. B-7
Configuring the MAC address of a VLAN using bigdb database variables ....................... B-7
Configuring debugging for the system using bigdb database variables ............................... B-8
Configuring the PVA10 Syn Cookie feature with bigdb database variables ................... B-10
Configuring dynamic routing with bigdb database variables .............................................. B-11
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Table of Contents
Introducing the BIG-IP System
• Introducing the BIG-IP system
• About this guide
• Finding help and technical support resources
Introducing the BIG-IP System
Introducing the BIG-IP system
The BIG-IP® system is a port-based, multilayer switch that supports virtual
local area network (VLAN) technology. Because hosts within a VLAN can
communicate at the data-link layer (Layer 2), a BIG-IP system reduces the
need for routers and IP routing on the network. This in turn reduces
equipment costs and boosts overall network performance. At the same time,
the multilayer capabilities of the BIG-IP system enable the system to
process traffic at other OSI layers. The BIG-IP system can perform IP
routing at Layer 3, as well as manage TCP, UDP, and other application
traffic at Layers 4 through 7. The following modules provide comprehensive
traffic management and security for many traffic types. The modules are
fully integrated to provide efficient solutions to meet any network, traffic
management, and security needs.
BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager
The BIG-IP® system includes local traffic management features that help
make the most of network resources. Using the powerful Configuration
utility, you can customize the way that the BIG-IP system processes
specific types of protocol and application traffic. By using features such
as virtual servers, pools, and profiles, you ensure that traffic passing
through the BIG-IP system is processed quickly and efficiently, while
meeting all of your security needs. For more information, see the
Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic Management.
BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager
The BIG-IP® Global Traffic Manager provides intelligent traffic
management to your globally available network resources. Through the
Global Traffic Manager, you can select from an array of load balancing
modes, ensuring that your clients access the most responsive and robust
resources at any given time. In addition, the Global Traffic Manager
provides extensive monitoring capabilities so the health of any given
resource is always available. For more information, see the
Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Global Traffic Management.
BIG-IP Link Controller
The BIG-IP® Link Controller seamlessly monitors availability and
performance of multiple WAN connections to intelligently manage
bi-directional traffic flows to a site, providing fault tolerant, optimized
Internet access regardless of connection type or provider. The Link
Controller ensures that traffic is always sent over the best available link
to maximize user performance and minimize bandwidth cost to a data
center. For more information, see the Configuration Guide for BIG-IP®
Link Controller.
BIG-IP Application Security Manager
The BIG-IP® Application Security Manager provides web application
protection from application-layer attacks. The Application Security
Manager protects Web applications from both generalized and targeted
application layer attacks including buffer overflow, SQL injection,
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 1
cross-site scripting, and parameter tampering. For more information, see
the Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Application Security
Overview of the BIG-IP system command line interface
The BIG-IP system, a powerful combination of hardware and software
elements, is designed to meet your traffic management needs in the most
efficient, scalable, reliable, and secure way possible. Although the primary
tool for managing the BIG-IP system is the browser-based Configuration
utility, there are other tools available that are command-line-based. That is,
there are commands and utilities that you can either type at the BIG-IP
system prompt, or use within scripts such as iRules™.
While some of these utilities and commands are provided as part of the
BIG-IP system, others are industry-standard tools that you can use to further
enhance the power of the BIG-IP system.
Understanding command line utilities and tools
There are several command line utilities and tools that you can use to
manage the BIG-IP system:
The config utility
You use the config utility to define the IP address, network mask, and
gateway for the management (MGMT) port, when you initially set up
your BIG-IP system.
The bigpipe utility
The bigpipe utility is a set of commands that you can use to configure
elements of the BIG-IP system such as VLANs, load balancing pools,
and virtual servers. Using bigpipe commands, you can manage the
BIG-IP system and the BIG-IP network components, and control local
application traffic to suit your exact needs.
The bigtop utility
The bigtop utility is a command that provides statistical monitoring, and
displays connections and throughput. You can set a refresh interval and
specify a sort order for this statistical information.
The bigstart command
With the bigstart command, you can start, stop, restart, and check the
status of various daemons, such as snmpd.
The gencert utility
You can use the gencert utility to generate a key, a temporary certificate
and a certificate signing request file. You then submit the request file to a
certificate authority to obtain an SSL certificate.
Introducing the BIG-IP System
The industry-standard tools that you can also use to manage the BIG-IP
system are:
The Tools Command Language (Tcl) programming language
The Tools Command Language (Tcl) programming language is an
industry-standard programming language that you can use to create
BIG-IP system iRules™. iRules™ are scripts you can write to direct and
manipulate the way that the BIG-IP system manages application traffic.
The OpenSSL utility
A component of the industry-standard OpenSSL toolkit, the OpenSSL
utility is a set of commands that perform various cryptographic functions,
such as generating SSL certificates and keys.
For more information
This guide provides information about a subset of the commands that you
can use to manage the BIG-IP system. You can find additional information
about the command line interface in the following locations:
Online man pages
The BIG-IP product includes a complete set of online man pages for the
commands that make up the bigpipe utility.
You can access the online man pages for bigpipe commands in one of
two ways:
• From the BIG-IP system prompt, type man followed by the
command name. You must use underscores between the words in the
command name. For example:
man stp_instance
• From the bigpipe shell prompt, use the command name followed by
help. Do not use underscores between the words in the command
name. For example:
bp> auth crldp help
The Linux syslog-ng man page
This man page is included with the standard set of Linux operating
system man pages.
• The log2mail man page
The man page for the log2mail utility includes information about using
the log2mail utility with the syslog-ng utility.
User-supplied third-party Tcl reference books
Various third-party reference books on the Tcl programming language
are available. You can use these books when you write iRules™ for
managing local application traffic.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 1
About this guide
Before you use this guide, we recommend that you run the Setup utility on
the BIG-IP system to configure basic network and system elements such as
static and floating self IP addresses, interfaces, and VLANs, to name a few.
After running the Setup utility, you can further customize your system by
using the Configuration utility to create local traffic management objects
such as virtual servers, load balancing pools, and profiles.
Finally, you can return to this guide when you want to adjust the elements
you have configured, or to add additional ones as your needs change.
Before you continue adjusting or customizing your BIG-IP system
configuration, complete these tasks:
• Choose a configuration tool.
• Familiarize yourself with additional resources such as product guides and
online help.
• Review the stylistic conventions that appear in this chapter.
This guide is written for use by system administrators who prefer to
configure the BIG-IP system using the command line interface, instead of
the Configuration utility. This guide includes instructions for handling
specific tasks, but it does not include instructions for configuring every
aspect of the system.
Chapter 2, Understanding the bigpipe Utility, describes the bigpipe utility
and the bigpipe shell. It also includes a list of bigpipe commands.
Chapter 3, Managing the BIG-IP System Network Components, describes
how to configure the BIG-IP system network components and perform
network management tasks, such as working with trunks, routing, and
packet filtering, using the command line interface.
Chapter 4, Managing the BIG-IP System, describes the system management
tools that are available for configuring the BIG-IP system. It describes how
to use the command line interface to perform system management tasks,
such as configuring the management port, creating and managing
administrative partitions, and managing user accounts.
Chapter 5, Managing Local Application Traffic, describes how to use the
command line interface to perform local traffic management tasks, such as
managing traffic, configuring pools, pool members, and nodes, and
implementing persistence and rate shaping.
Appendix A, bigpipe Command Reference contains information about each
bigpipe command that you can use to configure the BIG-IP system,
including limited examples for usage of each command.
Appendix B, Configuring bigdb Database Variables contains information
about bigdb database variables that you can configure manually.
For complete instructions for configuring the BIG-IP system, see the online
help, the Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic Management,
and the Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Global Traffic Management.
Introducing the BIG-IP System
Additional information
In addition to this guide, you can use the following printed documents that
are included with the BIG-IP system to help you configure the system.
Configuration Worksheet
Use this worksheet to plan the basic configuration of your BIG-IP
BIG-IP Quick Start Instructions
Use the basic configuration steps in this pamphlet to get the BIG-IP
system up and running in the network.
The following guides are available in PDF format from the CD-ROM
provided with the BIG-IP system. These guides are also available from the
first web page you see when you log on to the administrative web server on
the BIG-IP system.
This BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide assumes that you have read
the following guides for important concepts and information.
Platform Guide: 1500, 3400, 6400, and 6800
Platform Guide: 8400, and 8800
These guides contains information about the BIG-IP hardware, including
important environmental warnings.
Installation, Licensing, and Upgrades for BIG-IP® Systems
This guide provides detailed information about installing upgrades to the
BIG-IP system. It also provides information about licensing the BIG-IP
system software, and connecting the system to a management
workstation or network.
Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic Management
This guide contains the information you need for configuring the BIG-IP
system to manage local network traffic. With this guide, you can perform
tasks such as creating virtual servers and load balancing pools,
configuring application and persistence profiles, implementing health
monitors, and setting up remote authentication.
BIG-IP® Network and System Management Guide
This guide contains the information you need to configure and maintain
the network and system-related components of the BIG-IP system. With
this guide, you can perform tasks such as configuring VLANs, assigning
self IP addresses, creating administrative user accounts, and managing a
redundant system.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 1
Stylistic conventions
To help you easily identify and understand important information, all of our
documentation uses the stylistic conventions described here.
Using the configuration examples
All examples in this document use only private class IP addresses. When
you set up the configurations we describe, you must use valid IP addresses
suitable to your own network in place of our sample addresses.
Identifying new terms
To help you identify sections where a term is defined, the term itself is
shown in bold italic text. For example, a floating IP address is an IP address
assigned to a VLAN and shared between two computer systems.
Identifying references to objects, names, and commands
We apply bold formatting to a variety of items to help you easily pick them
out of a block of text. These items include web addresses, IP addresses,
utility names, and portions of commands, such as variables and keywords.
For example, with the bp> self <ip_address> show command, you can
specify a specific self IP address to show by specifying an IP address for the
<ip_address> variable.
Identifying references to other documents
We use italic text to denote a reference to another document. In references
where we provide the name of a book as well as a specific chapter or section
in the book, we show the book name in bold, italic text, and the chapter or
section name in italic text to help quickly differentiate the two. For example,
you can find information about SNMP traps in Appendix A of the BIG-IP®
Network and System Management Guide.
Identifying command syntax
We show complete commands in bold Courier text. In this guide, we include
the corresponding screen prompt when the command is shown in a figure
that depicts an entire command line screen. We also include the
corresponding screen prompt when the command is used in the bigpipe
shell. For example, this command shows the configuration of the specified
pool name:
bp> self <ip_address> show
For more information about the bigpipe shell see Using the bigpipe shell, on
page 2-2.
Introducing the BIG-IP System
Note that we do not include the corresponding screen prompt when a
command is used at the BIG-IP system prompt. For example, this command
configures the network address for the system:
Table 1.1 explains additional special conventions used in command line
Item in text
Indicates that the command continues on the following line, and
that users should type the entire command without typing a line
< >
Identifies a user-defined parameter. For example, if the command
has <your name>, type in your name, but do not include the
Separates parts of a command.
Indicates that syntax inside the brackets is optional.
Indicates that you can type a series of items.
Indicates the options that you can use.
Table 1.1 Command line syntax conventions
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 1
Finding help and technical support resources
You can find additional technical documentation and product information in
the following locations:
Online help for local traffic management
The Configuration utility has online help for each screen. The online help
contains descriptions of each control and setting on the screen. Click the
Help tab in the left navigation pane to view the online help for a screen.
Welcome screen in the Configuration utility
The Welcome screen in the Configuration utility contains links to many
useful web sites and resources, including:
• The Ask F5sm Knowledge Base web site
• The F5 Solution Center
• The F5 DevCentral web site
• Plug-ins, SNMP MIBs, and SSH clients
• User documentation
F5 Networks Technical Support web site
The F5 Networks Technical Support web site,,
provides the latest documentation for the product, including:
• Release notes for the BIG-IP system, current and past
• Updates for guides (in PDF format)
• Technical notes
• Answers to frequently asked questions
• The Ask F5sm Knowledge Base
To access this site, you need to register at
Understanding the bigpipe Utility
• Introducing the bigpipe utility
• Using the bigpipe shell
• bigpipe command summary
Understanding the bigpipe Utility
Introducing the bigpipe utility
The BIG-IP system includes a tool known as the bigpipe utility. The
bigpipe utility consists of an extensive set of commands that you can use to
manage the BIG-IP system. Using these commands, you can configure
system features such as user accounts, backup and recovery files, redundant
systems, and more. You can also set up network elements such as routes,
self IP addresses, and VLANs, and you can configure the BIG-IP system to
manage local traffic passing through the system.
The commands that the bigpipe utility contains serve as an alternative to the
Configuration utility, which is the browser-based BIG-IP system and
network management tool. For information on using the Configuration
utility, see these documents:
• BIG-IP® Local Traffic Manager: Implementations
• BIG-IP® Network and System Management Guide
• Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Application Security Management
• Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic Management
You can type bigpipe utility commands in either of two ways:
• You can type the command sequence bigpipe <command> <options> at
the BIG-IP system prompt (such as BIG-IP>). For example, you can
display all BIG-IP system user accounts by typing this command
sequence at the BIG-IP system prompt:
bigpipe user show
• You can invoke the bigpipe shell and type a command sequence at the
bigpipe shell prompt (bp>). For example, you can display all BIG-IP
system user accounts by typing this command sequence at the bigpipe
shell prompt:
bp> user show
For information on invoking the bigpipe shell, see Using the bigpipe shell,
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 2
Using the bigpipe shell
The bigpipe utility includes an interactive shell that eases the task of typing
bigpipe commands. You can invoke this shell by typing the command
bigpipe shell at a BIG-IP system prompt.
Typing the command bigpipe shell displays the prompt: bp>. At this
prompt, you can type any bigpipe command sequence, using the syntax
described in Appendix A, bigpipe Command Reference.
The bigpipe shell includes several features, designed to optimize your use
of the bigpipe utility. The following sections describe these features.
Controlling the bigpipe shell
You use the command bigpipe shell at the BIG-IP system prompt to invoke
the bigpipe shell. If you include the prompt <string> option, the command
bigpipe shell customizes the shell prompt. For more information, see
Customizing the bigpipe shell, on page 2-5.
Furthermore, the shell itself has its own set of subcommands that you can
• exit
Use this command to exit the bigpipe shell.
• quit
Use this command to exit the bigpipe shell (same as the exit command).
• stop
Use this command to discontinue command continuation. For more
information, see Using the bigpipe shell command completion feature, on
page 2-4.
Using the bigpipe shell command history feature
The bigpipe shell saves each command that you enter at the bigpipe shell
prompt in a command history file. The command history persists when you
log off of the system. The next time you log on to the system, you can
access and edit the bigpipe commands that you entered in previous sessions.
The bigpipe command history persists even through a reboot of the BIG-IP
system. The only limit on the command history is the number of commands
that the bigpipe shell saves in the command history file.
You use the command shell history to set the maximum number of
commands that you want the bigpipe shell to save in the command history
file. The default is 50 commands. If you do not want to use the command
history feature, you set the maximum number of commands to 0 (zero). This
means that the bigpipe shell does not save any commands in history.
Understanding the bigpipe Utility
To access commands in the bigpipe history
1. At the bigpipe shell prompt, press the up arrow key.
The previously used commands display in the reverse order of use.
2. After you locate the command that you want to use again, press
Enter, or edit the command, and then press Enter.
The command runs.
Using the bigpipe shell command edit feature
All bigpipe configuration commands have an edit option, for example, pool
mypool edit. The <command> edit command opens, in a text editor, the
<command> list output of the specified object. You can then edit the value
of any parameter that displays in the text editor. When you exit the text
editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on your
edits. To save your edits to the stored configuration files, you run the save
all command.
The default text editor is vi. If you have the Administrator or Resource
Admin user role assigned to your user account, you can change the default
text editor using the EDITOR or VISUAL environment variables. Note that
you must include the full path name to the binary file.
Using the bigpipe shell audit feature
The BIG-IP system contains a read-only audit file, /var/log/audit. The
bigpipe shell writes the following information in this audit file:
• All commands that users enter in the bigpipe shell, including commands
that do not change the configuration of the BIG-IP system, such as show
• The user ID of the user who entered each command
• The date and time each command was entered
• All commands that are run by user-entered commands, based on the
specified audit level, such as commands run by the merge command
• Some of the commands run by the system
Note that the bigpipe shell does not audit the commands run by system
daemons, for example, the commands run by the mcpd daemon.
The audit file may be larger than you expect, because the bigpipe shell
audits some of the commands that the system runs.
The audit file merges consecutive white spaces into single spaces. This
means that each command is a single, possibly, very long line.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 2
You use the command cli audit to enable auditing for the bigpipe shell and
to specify the level of auditing that you want the bigpipe shell to perform.
There are four different levels of auditing available, including:
• disable
The bigpipe shell does not audit any commands. This is the default.
• enable
The bigpipe shell audits all commands that users enter, and the
commands run by the command merge, but not the commands run by the
commands load and import.
• verbose
The bigpipe shell audits all of the commands that users enter, and the
commands run by the merge command. Additionally, the bigpipe shell
audits the commands run by the commands load and import, except for
those commands that are found in these four system configuration files:
config_base.conf, base_monitors.conf, profile_base.conf, and
• all
The bigpipe shell audits all commands.
Using the bigpipe shell command completion feature
At any point while typing or editing a command, you can press the Tab key,
and the bigpipe shell completes the word you are currently typing. If the
command has only one option, the shell fills in the remainder of the word
with that option. If the command has more than one option, you can press
the Tab key a second time to list all available options. If the shell displays
nothing after you press Tab, no options exist to complete the word.
Unlike other shell features, command completion works not only from
inside the bigpipe shell, but also from the BIG-IP system prompt.
Using the bigpipe shell command continuation feature
If you type any command using an unbalanced opening brace, the bigpipe
shell stores the command entered up to that point. The shell stores any
subsequent commands in a similar way until you type a command that
closes all open braces, or you type the stop command.
For example, suppose you type the auth radius command, with an opening
brace, but no closing brace:
bp> auth radius rad-1 {
The shell does nothing and presents an empty prompt for continuing:
At this point, you can continue to type more options for the auth radius
debug enable
retries 4
Understanding the bigpipe Utility
The shell continues to gather the syntax for the command. When finished
typing, you can either type a command containing a closing brace ( } ), in
which case the shell runs the full command sequence that you typed, or you
can type:
This discards the stored command sequence, without running the command.
An opening brace that starts a continuation does not have to be the last
character on the line. Also, you can use more than one brace on a single
Using grep functionality in the bigpipe shell
The bigpipe shell supports grep functionality. grep is a command line
search utility. You can pipe the output of any bigpipe command through the
grep utility. Piping allows the output a bigpipe command to be used as
input to the grep utility. You use the same syntax that you use in the system
<command> | grep <grep options>
For more information about grep, see
Customizing the bigpipe shell
You can customize the bigpipe shell by changing the default prompt (bp>)
to a prompt of your choice.
To customize the bigpipe shell prompt
At the bp> prompt, type the shell command with the prompt option and the
text for the new prompt:
bp> shell prompt <string>
The prompt option sets the shell's prompt to the given string value.
For example, when you type
bp> shell prompt BIG-IP>
the system changes the shell prompt to:
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 2
Using the bigpipe shell escape feature
The bigpipe shell does not directly support Linux® commands. You can
type Linux commands by either exiting the bigpipe shell (returning to the
BIG-IP system prompt) or by using the bigpipe shell escape feature. The
shell escape is simply an exclamation point, followed by the Linux
command itself. For example:
bp> !ls
You can disable this feature by typing the following command at the BIG-IP
system prompt:
bigpipe shell -s
bigpipe command summary
The bigpipe utility contains an extensive set of commands that you can use
to configure the BIG-IP system. Table 2.1 provides a list of these
commands, along with a description of the action the command invokes. For
more information on each command, see Appendix A, bigpipe Command
After you change the system configuration using any bigpipe command, you
must run the command save all to save your changes to the stored
configuration files. If you do not, your changes are lost.
Creates static ARP addresses, and lists static and dynamic ARP addresses.
auth crldp
Configures a Certificate Revocation List Distribution Point (CRLDP) configuration object for
managing certificate revocation.
auth ldap
Configures an LDAP configuration object for implementing remote LDAP-based client
auth radius
Configures a Remote Access Dialup Service (RADIUS) configuration object for implementing
remote RADIUS-based client authentication.
auth ssl cc ldap
Configures an SSL client certificate LDAP configuration object for implementing remote
SSL-based LDAP client authorization.
auth ssl ocsp
Configures an SSL OCSP configuration object for managing remote certificate revocation
based on the Online Certificate Revocation Protocol (OCSP).
auth tacacs
Configures a TACACS+ configuration object for implementing remote TACACS+-based client
Table 2.1 The bigpipe utility commands
Understanding the bigpipe Utility
When typed at the BIG-IP system prompt, starts the bigpipe utility in its shell mode, and
configures the shell.
Configures classes on the BIG-IP system.
Configures the bigpipe shell.
Manages the BIG-IP system user configuration sets.
Specifies the parameters for the task of syncing the configurations of two BIG-IP units in a
redundant system.
Sets idle timeout for, displays, and deletes active connections on the BIG-IP system.
crldp server
Creates a Certificate Revocation List Distribution Point (CRDLP) server for implementing a
CRLDP authentication module.
Tunes the high availability functionality that is built into system daemons.
Sets internal settings for the bigdb daemon.
Sets internal settings for the mcpd daemon.
Sets internal settings for the tmm daemon.
Displays or modifies bigdb database entries.
Displays and resets global statistics for the DNS profile on the BIG-IP system.
Exits the bigpipe shell.
Exports (saves) the running configuration into a flat, text file, with an extension of .scf. This
file is known as the single configuration file or SCF.
Used at the BIG-IP system prompt to add local user accounts to the BIG-IP system.
Sets the BIG-IP system as active or standby.
Displays and resets global statistics for the Fast HTTP profile on the BIG-IP system.
Displays and resets statistics for the Fast L4 profile on the BIG-IP system.
Displays and resets global statistics for the FTP profile on the BIG-IP system.
Sets global variable definitions.
ha table
Displays the settings for high availability on a system.
Displays the baud rate of the system hardware.
Displays online help for bigpipe command syntax.
Table 2.1 The bigpipe utility commands
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 2
Manages HTTP statistics.
Configures the HTTP daemon for the BIG-IP system.
Manages ICMP statistics.
Resets the running configuration of the system to the values that are contained in the SCF
that you are importing.
If you want the configuration that is contained in the SCF to be written to the configuration
files (bigip.conf, bigip_base.conf, bigip_local.conf, and bigip_sys.conf), you must use
the save all command following the import.
Sets options on individual interfaces.
Manages IP statistics.
When the default Read partition is All, this command displays all objects the user has
permission to see. When you specify a Read partition, this command displays all objects the
user has permission to see, and all objects that are not in partitions.
Resets the running configuration of the BIG-IP system configuration with the values contained
in the bigip.conf, bigip_base.conf, bigip_local.conf, and bigip_sys.conf files.
Note that after you run the load command, you must run the save or save all command;
otherwise the system requires you to rerun the Setup utility.
Configures log rotation for the BIG-IP system.
Configures the general properties for the BIG-IP local traffic management system.
Displays the Master Control Program (MCP) state.
Manages memory statistics.
Loads the specified configuration file, which resets the running configuration.
Specifies network settings for the management interface (MGMT).
mgmt route
Specifies route settings for the management interface (MGMT).
Copies traffic from any port or set of ports to a single, separate port.
Defines a health check monitor.
Defines external network address translations for nodes.
Manages IPv6 neighbor discovery.
Defines node property settings.
Configures the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon for the BIG-IP system.
ocsp responder
Configures Online Certificate System Protocol (OCSP) responder objects.
Table 2.1 The bigpipe utility commands
Understanding the bigpipe Utility
Configures a OneConnect™ profile.
packet filter
Configures packet filter rules and trusted allow lists.
Configures partitions for implementing access control for the BIG-IP system administrative
password policy
Specifies the parameters of the valid passwords for the BIG-IP system.
Configures a session persistence mode on a specific pool or node, for client requests.
Displays platform information.
Defines load balancing pools.
Displays profile settings, resets statistics, or deletes a profile.
profile auth
Configures a type of authentication profile.
profile clientssl
Configures a Client SSL type of profile.
profile dns
Configures a domain name service (DNS) profile.
profile fasthttp
Configures a Fast HTTP type of profile.
profile fastl4
Configures a Fast Layer 4 type of profile.
profile ftp
Configures an FTP type of profile.
profile http
Configures an HTTP type of profile.
profile httpclass
Configures an HTTP Class type of profile.
profile oneconnect
Configures a OneConnect™ type of profile.
profile persist
Configures a session persistence profile.
profile rtsp
Configures a Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) profile.
profile sctp
Configures a Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) profile.
profile serverssl
Configures a Server SSL type of profile.
profile sip
Configures a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) profile.
profile stats
Configures a Statistics type of profile.
profile stream
Configures a Stream type of profile.
profile tcp
Configures a TCP type of profile.
Table 2.1 The bigpipe utility commands
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 2
profile udp
Configures a UDP type of profile.
Configures Packet Velocity® ASIC.
Exits the bigpipe shell.
radius server
Configures a RADIUS server for RADIUS authentication.
rate class
Configures a rate class.
remote users
Configures the default user role, partition access, and console access for all remotely
authenticated user accounts that have not been added as local user accounts on the BIG-IP
Creates a file (/config/bigip/auth/remoterole) that an LDAP or Active Directory server reads
to determine the specific access rights to grant to groups of remotely authenticated users.
Configures routes for the BIG-IP system traffic.
Displays or resets Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) statistics for the BIG-IP system.
Defines traffic-management iRulesTM.
save all
Saves the running configuration to the stored configuration files.
Displays or resets Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) statistics for the BIG-IP
Assigns a self IP address for a VLAN.
self allow
Configures the default allow list for all self IP addresses on the BIG-IP system.
Starts the bigpipe utility shell.
Defines and sets options for SNAT (Secure NAT).
snat translation
Configures an explicit SNAT translation address.
Configures a SNAT pool.
Configures the simple network management protocol (SNMP) daemon for the BIG-IP system.
Configures the Secure Shell (SSH) daemon for the BIG-IP system.
Displays or modifies SSL statistics.
Configures connection mirroring for a BIG-IP unit that is part of a redundant system in a high
availability system.
Discontinues command continuation.
Implements one of the spanning tree protocols.
Table 2.1 The bigpipe utility commands
2 - 10
Understanding the bigpipe Utility
stp instance
Configures an STP configuration instance.
Displays or resets global stream statistics for the BIG-IP system.
Configures connection mirroring for a BIG-IP system that is part of a redundant pair in a high
availability system.
Sets up the BIG-IP system.
Manages TCP statistics for the system.
Manages the tmm daemon.
Configures a trunk, with link aggregation.
Manages UDP statistics for the system.
Displays the unit number assigned to a particular BIG-IP system.
Configures administrative user accounts on the BIG-IP system.
Displays the bigpipe utility version number.
Defines virtual servers, virtual server mappings, and virtual server properties.
virtual address
Configures virtual addresses.
Defines VLANs, VLAN mappings, and VLAN properties.
Defines VLAN groups.
Table 2.1 The bigpipe utility commands
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
2 - 11
Chapter 2
2 - 12
Managing the BIG-IP System Network
• Configuring the BIG-IP system network components
• Performing network management tasks
Managing the BIG-IP System Network Components
Configuring the BIG-IP system network components
Before you configure a BIG-IP system to manage local application traffic,
you must use the Setup utility to configure the network components for the
BIG-IP system. The BIG-IP system network components are:
• Interfaces
• Routes
• Self IP addresses
• Packet Filters
• Trunks (802.3ad Link Aggregation)
• Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
• VLANs and VLAN groups
Once you have configured the BIG-IP system network components using
the Setup utility, you can customize the configuration of those components.
The bigpipe utility that is provided with the BIG-IP system includes a
number of commands designed to help you customize the configuration of
the BIG-IP system network components. For details on these commands, see
the corresponding online man pages or Appendix A, bigpipe Command
Performing network management tasks
The following sections of this chapter describe some of the network
management tasks that you can perform on the BIG-IP system using the
bigpipe utility.
Managing the size of the log file
When you initially start the BIG-IP system, the system allocates a finite
amount of disk space for storing the log file. The advantage to having a
finite size for the log file is that the file cannot increase to the point where it
adversely affects other facilities that are running on the system in the same
Linux® partition.
The default amount of disk space that the BIG-IP system allocates for the
log file is 7 gigabytes (Gb). In most cases, this is sufficient space for the log
file. However, you can either allocate additional disk space, or decrease the
amount of disk space allocated for the log file. The minimum amount of disk
space that you can specify for the log file is 1 Gb. The maximum amount of
disk space that you can specify is 10 Gb.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 3
You adjust the amount of disk space that the system allocates for the log file
by using a command line script named resize-logFS. When you use the
resize-logFS script, the system prompts you for information, and validates
two facts:
• The amount of disk space you specify falls within the valid range of 1 to
10 gigabytes.
• The BIG-IP system has enough disk space to allocate the requested
Before using the resize-logFS script, it is imperative that you stop the
BIG-IP system, or put the system into a safe condition such as standby
To change the allocated disk space for the log file
1. Stop the BIG-IP system or put the system into a safe condition such
as standby mode.
You can stop the BIG-IP system using the command bigstart stop.
2. Type the following command at the system command line prompt:
Note: This command prompts you for the file size in gigabytes.
3. At the prompt, type an integer. The minimum allowed value is 1,
and the maximum allowed value is 10.
A prompt appears that allows you to confirm the specified file size.
4. Type Y.
A message appears, notifying you of the need for the BIG-IP system
to perform a reboot, followed by a prompt, which allows you to
permit the reboot operation.
Note: Prior to rebooting, the BIG-IP system verifies that the integer
you typed in step 3 is within the allowed range, and checks to ensure
that enough disk space exists for the specified size.
5. Type Y.
A confirmation prompt appears.
6. Type Y.
The system displays messages indicating that the reboot operation is
about to occur.
7. Wait for the reboot operation to finish.
When the system becomes available again, the newly-specified disk
space for the log file is in effect.
If, at any time during the resize-logFS operation, you decide to exit the
script, no reboot occurs and the amount of allocated disk space remains as
Managing the BIG-IP System Network Components
Expanding the codes in the log file.
The BIG-IP log contains codes that provide information about the system.
You can run the bigcodes command at the system prompt to expand the
codes in the log files to provide more information. In Figure 3.1 the bold
text is the expansion of the log code 012c0012.
Jun 14 14:28:03 sccp bcm56xxd [ 226 ] : 012c0012 : (Product=BIGIP Subset=BCM565XXD) : 6: 4.1 rx [ OK 171009
Bad 0 ] tx [ OK 171014 Bad 0 ]
Figure 3.1 Sample of expanded codes in the log file
To expand the codes in the BIG-IP local traffic
management system log file
At the system prompt, type one of the following command sequences:
• cat /var/log/ltm | bigcodes | less
• cat /var/log/ltm.1.gz | bigcodes | less
The system displays the log file with the codes expanded.
Configuring encrypted remote logging
You can configure the syslog-ng utility on the BIG-IP system to send
BIG-IP system log information to a remote logging host, using an encrypted
network connection. To do this, you create a port-forwarding SSH tunnel to
the remote logging host, and configure the syslog-ng utility on the BIG-IP
system to send log messages through the SSH tunnel.
Before you begin
Before you attempt to configure encrypted remote logging, you must meet
the following conditions on the BIG-IP system and your remote logging
• On the BIG-IP system
You must have a console with root access to the BIG-IP system.
• On the remote logging host
You must have a console with root access to the remote logging host, the
IP address, or the host name of the remote logging host.
• For both systems
You must have both systems connected to the same subnetwork.
Attempt this configuration only if you understand the risks associated with
making changes to daemon startup scripts.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 3
Creating the remote encrypted logging configuration
When creating an encrypted remote logging configuration, you must
complete the following tasks:
• Review the SSH syntax required to create this configuration.
• Create a unique SSH identity key to identify and authorize the BIG-IP
• Edit the syslog-ng utility startup script to create and destroy the SSH
• Edit the remote logging host to accept syslog-ng messages through the
SSH tunnel.
• Copy the unique SSH identity key to the remote logging host and append
it to the authorized key file.
• Verify the logging configuration and restart the syslog-ng utility.
Reviewing the SSH syntax required to create this configuration
This configuration requires that the BIG-IP system is able to establish an
SSH connection to the remote logging host. On the BIG-IP system, use the
ssh command to create the tunnel. Figure 3.2 is an example of the syntax
required to create an SSH tunnel.
$ ssh -L <local tunnel port>:<remote log hostname>:<remote
tunnel port> \
<remote user>@<remote log hostname> \
-nNCxf \
-i <key identity file>
Figure 3.2 Syntax to establish an SSH tunnel from the BIG-IP system
Table 3.1 contains detailed descriptions of the ssh syntax elements shown in
Figure 3.2.
SSH syntax
<local tunnel port>
The port SSH listens on for connections in order to
forward them to <remote log hostname>:<remote
tunnel port>.
<remote log
The IP address or FQDN of the remote logging server.
<remote tunnel port>
The port to which you want the SSH daemon on the
remote logging server to forward connections.
Table 3.1 Detailed syntax elements for configuring SSH
Managing the BIG-IP System Network Components
SSH syntax
<remote user>
The user name that SSH attempts to authenticate, as
on <remote log hostname>.
<key identity file>
A file name from which the identity (private key) for
authentication is read.
Table 3.1 Detailed syntax elements for configuring SSH
Creating a unique SSH key to identify and authorize the BIG-IP system
After you have reviewed the ssh command syntax, use the ssh command to
create the encrypted tunnel on the BIG-IP system. You must create a unique
key on the BIG-IP system. The unique key is used to identify and authorize
the BIG-IP system to the remote logging host.
To create the file syslog_tunnel_ID and, use the
following command sequence:
$ ssh -b 2048 -f syslog_tunnel_ID -t rsa -N "" -P ""
To make syslog_tunnel_ID readable only by the root account, use the
following command sequence:
$ chmod 600 syslog_tunnel_ID
To make the public portion of the unique SSH ID named readable by all accounts, use the following
command sequence:
$ chmod 644
Copy syslog_tunnel_ID and into /var/ssh with the
following command:
$ cp syslog_tunnel_ID* /var/ssh
Editing the syslog-ng start script to open and close the encrypted tunnel
Next change the syslog-ng utility startup script, /etc/init.d/syslog-ng, so that
the encrypted tunnel is opened when the syslog-ng script starts up, and is
closed when the script is restarted or stopped.
Before you edit the syslog-ng utility startup script, save a backup copy to the
root directory. Use the following command to save the backup to the root
$ cp /etc/init.d/syslog-ng /root/syslog-ng.backup
After you save a backup of the syslog-ng utility startup script,
/etc/init.d/syslog-ng, edit it to automatically create SSH tunnels when the
syslog-ng utility is started, or close the SSH tunnels when the syslog-ng
utility is restarted or stopped.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 3
The example configuration in this document demonstrates how to create a
tunnel to a host using the following IP addresses and ports:
• IP address of
• Local tunnel port of 5140
• Remote tunnel port of 5140
• User name logger on host
Start by adding syntax below the line that reads start). Figure 3.3 is an
example of what the section of the syslog-ng start script looks like after you
add the new syntax. In this example, the syntax you need to add is shown
with bold text.
ssh -L 5140: \
[email protected] -nNCxf \
-i var/ssh/syslog_tunnel_ID
echo -n "Starting $INIT_NAME: "
daemon --check $INIT_PROG "$INIT_PROG $INIT_OPTS"
Figure 3.3 The syntax to add below the start) line
Next, add syntax below the line that reads stop). Figure 3.4 shows the
syntax you need to add in bold text.
for sshTunnel in \
`ps -ewo "%p!%a" | \
grep ssh | \
grep syslog_tunnel_ID | \
grep -v grep | \
cut -f 1 -d !`; do
if [ -n "$sshTunnel" -a $sshTunnel -gt 10 ]; then
echo " -- Shutting down SSH tunnel with process $sshTunnel"
kill -TERM $sshTunnel
echo -n "Stopping $INIT_NAME: "
Figure 3.4 The syntax to add below the stop) line
Using the syslog command to set up message logging on a remote logging
After you add the syntax to open and close SSH tunnels, you can modify the
configuration of the syslog-ng utility to log messages to the remote
machine. To do this, you need to create source and filter configuration
blocks based on the local environment. Using the example IP addresses and
ports used in the example in the previous section, use the syslog command
to set up the remote logging host.
bigpipe syslog remote server remote port 5140
Managing the BIG-IP System Network Components
Copying the unique SSH identity to the remote logging host and appending
it to the authorized keys file
After you have used the syslog command to set up the remote logging host
to log messages, you must copy the unique SSH identity to the remote
logging host. To do this, copy the to the remote
syslog server, and append this key to the authorized_keys file found in the
.ssh folder under the home directory of the user that you want to use to
capture remote log messages.
$ cat >> ~logger/.ssh/authorized_keys
The following instructions are given as examples. The actual process for
setting up the new SSH key to be automatically authorized, and configuring
the syslog-ng utility may be different.
Verify that the logging facility is configured and ready to receive syslog-ng
messages on the <remote tunnel port>. If the remote logging host uses the
syslog-ng utility, you need to add a source configuration block like the one
in Figure 3.5.
source remote {
tcp(ip( port(5140));
Figure 3.5 Remote logging host source identification block
In addition to the source identification block, you also need to add filter,
destination, and log configuration blocks to use the data from the source
remote as required by your application.
Verifying the logging configuration and restarting syslog-ng
Finally, verify that the SSH connection is functional and restart the
syslog-ng utility.
To verify the configuration from a command line and
restart the syslog-ng utility
1. Log on as root to the BIG-IP system.
2. Make an SSH connection to the remote logging host using the new
identity key you created.
# ssh [email protected] -i /var/shh/syslog_tunnel_ID
If everything is configured correctly, you should be able to get shell
access to the remote logging host without being challenged for a
password. (When you add the new identity key to the remote host's
authorized_keys file, the key is used to authenticate the BIG-IP
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 3
3. Exit from the SSH session to the BIG-IP system command line.
4. Restart the syslog-ng utility by typing the following command:
$ /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart
The BIG-IP system should now be sending log messages to your
remote host.
Implementing packet filtering
Packet filters provide a level of access control by filtering packets from a
client based on criteria that you specify. You can specify these criteria by
configuring the general properties of a packet filter, and by creating a packet
filter rule.
To implement packet filtering
Enable packet filtering using the command packet filter.
When using this command, you can specify a packet filter rule to provide
access control, rate shaping, or logging.
Configuring routing
When you add routes for the switch interfaces, including the management
port, you must configure them. You can also remove routes from the system.
To add and configure routes
Use the command route, specifying a list of route keys and a resource
(gateway IP address, pool name, VLAN name, or reject). For more
information, see the route online man page.
To remove routes
Use this command to remove routes:
bp> route (<route key list> | all | inet | inet6) delete
Implementing the trunk algorithm on FFP-supported platforms
On fast filtering process (FFP)-supported platforms, you can configure the
bigdb database variable, trunk.internal.ffp to affect the algorithm that the
BIG-IP system uses for internal trunk distribution. The following platforms
are FFP-supported: D62, D63, D63a, D68, D84, and D88.
The trunk.internal.ffp bigdb database variable has values of enable and
disable. The default value is enable. When enabled, internal trunk
distribution operates based on source and destination TCP ports.
Managing the BIG-IP System Network Components
If you disable trunk.internal.ffp, the internal trunk distribution operates
according to the bigdb database variable, trunk.internal.distribution. The
trunk.internal.distribution bigdb database variable has the following
Select Source/Destination IP address to have the system base the hash on
the combined MAC addresses of the source and the destination.
Select Source/Destination MAC address to have the system base the hash
on the combined MAC addresses of the source and the destination.
Select Destination MAC address to have the system base the hash on the
MAC address of the destination.
The default value is srcdestip.
To set the trunk.internal.distribution bigdb database variable using the
default value of the variable, use the following syntax:
bp> db trunk.internal.distribution srcdestip
After you change a bigdb database variable using the db command, you
must run the save all command. If you do not, the next time that you run the
load command, the value of the bigdb database variable may be reset to the
value in the stored configuration.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 3
3 - 10
Managing the BIG-IP System
• Introducing BIG-IP system management
• Understanding BIG-IP system management tools
• Understanding the BIG-IP system configuration state
• Introducing the Single Configuration File
• Performing BIG-IP system management tasks
Managing the BIG-IP System
Introducing BIG-IP system management
The BIG-IP system includes several command line tools that you can use to
perform routine system management tasks such as creating and managing
administrative user accounts, displaying traffic statistics, and managing
BIG-IP units in a redundant system configuration.
With these tools, you can manage many parts of the system:
• The management port
• BIG-IP system host name and IP address
• Global system properties
• High Availability
• User configuration archives
• System daemons (for example, SSH and HTTP)
• Logging
• qkview and tcpdump (diagnostic tools)
• Serial console
• Real-time statistics
For information on configuring the BIG-IP system to control local
application traffic, see the Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 4
Understanding BIG-IP system management tools
You can manage the BIG-IP system using a number of system management
tools and commands at the BIG-IP system prompt, using the bigpipe utility
from within the new bigpipe shell, and by editing certain files using a text
Using system management tools at the BIG-IP system prompt
Table 4.1 lists and describes the tools you can use to manage the BIG-IP
system from the BIG-IP system prompt. To use these tools, you must have
access to the BIG-IP system prompt.
By default, only the root account has access to the BIG-IP system prompt.
When you assign advanced shell access to the account of a user who is also
assigned the Administrator or Resource Admin user role, that user can
access the BIG-IP system prompt, and thus can use the tools listed below.
F5 recommends that you do not give advanced shell access to users who are
assigned the user role of Resource Admin unless they must use the
tcpdump, ssldump, or qkview utilities, or manage certificate and key files
from the console. Instead, F5 recommends that you give these users bigpipe
shell access. For more information, see user, on page A-337.
For information on user accounts, see Managing user accounts, on page
4-21, and the BIG-IP® Network and System Management Guide.
BIG-IP system
Restarts the SNMP agent bigsnmpd.
Displays real-time statistics.
Configures the IP address, network mask, and gateway
on the management (MGMT) port. Use this command
at the BIG-IP system prompt prior to licensing the
BIG-IP system, and do not confuse it with the command
bigpipe config or the BIG-IP Configuration utility.
Used at the console, configures and maintains a FIPS
security domain for a BIG-IP redundant system.
For more information, see the Platform Guide: 1500,
3400, 6400, 6800.
Table 4.1 BIG-IP system commands
Managing the BIG-IP System
BIG-IP system
Synchronizes the FIPS hardware security modules
(HSMs) of a redundant system. Note that synchronizing
the HSMs provides the ability to exchange keys
between the units of a redundant system.
For more information, see the Platform Guide: 1500,
3400, 6400, 6800.
Shuts down the BIG-IP software application.
Displays the name you have given to the BIG-IP
Prints the values of one or more entries in the bigdb
Reboots the BIG-IP system.
ssh and sctp
Access command line interfaces on other SSH-enabled
devices, and copy files to or from a BIG-IP system.
Identifies any unintended modifications to BIG-IP
system files. Note that a hot fix (patch) is an intended
modification that will not be identified by the sys-icheck
Runs the sys-icheck command, and if there are no
system integrity issues, returns the system to the
factory default state. Note that if you have applied hot
fixes (patches) to your system, for sys-reset to run, you
must specify an override option.
The override options are:
-w Use this option to report Warn issues, as well as
the default, Error issues.
-i Use this option to report Info and Warn issues, as
well as the default, Error issues.
Table 4.1 BIG-IP system commands
Using the bigpipe utility
You can also use the bigpipe utility to manage the BIG-IP system. You
access the bigpipe utility by typing the following command at the BIG-IP
system prompt:
bigpipe shell
The commands you can use within the bigpipe shell to manage the BIG-IP
system are listed in Appendix A, bigpipe Command Reference. You can also
access a list and description of these commands by typing the following
command at the bigpipe shell prompt:
bp> help
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 4
For help with a specific command, access the online man page for that
command from the bigpipe shell prompt by typing the command name
followed by help. For example, to get help on the pool command, type this
bp> pool help
Understanding the BIG-IP system configuration state
The BIG-IP system configuration exists in two different states. The two
configuration states are known as the stored configuration and the running
• The stored configuration comprises all of the bigpipe commands that
you have used to configure the system, and that you have saved to the
system configuration files using the save command
• The running configuration comprises the stored configuration, plus all
of the changes you have made to the system using bigpipe commands
since the last save command.
It is important to understand that the BIG-IP system operates based on the
running configuration. In other words, when you make changes to the
system, (for example, modifying a virtual server), the system operates based
on those changes. It is also important to understand that if you restart the
system, or run the load command before you save your changes to the stored
configuration, the changes are lost. This is because a system restart utilizes
the stored configuration.
The load and save commands are important to understand in relation to the
configuration states. The load command resets the running configuration
with the values that are contained in the stored configuration. The save
command writes the running configuration to the stored configuration files.
The load and save commands have options that are also important to
understand in relation to the configuration states. These options are briefly
described in Table 4.2. For more information on these commands see
Appendix A, bigpipe Command Reference; specifically, see load, on page
A-97, and save, on page A-271.
Only users with the Administrator or Resource Admin user role assigned to
their user account can run the save all command. Users assigned other roles
receive an error when they run the save all command. They must instead run
the save command.
Managing the BIG-IP System
The save all command saves all changes to the system since the last save or
save all command was run. If multiple users are making changes to the
system, and one of them runs the save all command, the system saves all of
the changes, including the changes made by the other users.
bigpipe command
Action performed
base load
Resets the running configuration based on the contents of the following files in the order
Replaces the entire running configuration based on the contents of the following files in the
order shown:
It is important to note that if you want to modify the running configuration, rather than replace
it, you use the merge command. For more information, see merge, on page A-109.
base save
Saves only the portions of the running configuration that reside in these files:
Saves only the portions of the running configuration that reside in these files:
save all
Saves the entire running configuration into these stored configuration files:
Table 4.2 About the bigpipe commands load and save, and the system configuration states
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 4
Understanding the stored configuration files
The BIG-IP system has numerous stored configuration files. F5
recommends that you use bigpipe commands to make changes to the
system. For more information, see Appendix A, bigpipe Command
You can manually edit four of the stored configuration files to make
changes to the system. For more information, see Table 4.3 following.
Additional configuration files are described in Table 4.4, on page 4-7.
Manually editing configuration files
You can manually edit the four configuration files described in Table 4.3.
After you edit these files, you must run the load command to update the
running configuration.
Stores all configuration objects for managing local application traffic, such as virtual
servers, load balancing pools, profiles, and SNATs.
You run the load command to load the configuration of these objects from the
bigip.conf file into the system’s running configuration. You run the save all command to
write the running configuration of these objects into the bigip.conf file.
When you perform a configuration synchronization of a redundant system, this file is
synchronized to the other unit.
Important: Some objects, such as SNATs, do not reside in partitions. Therefore, if you
edit this file, and add one of these objects to a section of the file that configures a
specific partition, when you run the save all command, the object is saved, but not in the
partition. Consequently, the object is not protected by partition access control.
Stores the BIG-IP system network components. When you perform a configuration
synchronization of a redundant system, this file is not synchronized to the other unit.
You run the base load command to load the configuration of these objects from the
bigip_base.conf file into the system’s running configuration. You run the save all
command to save the running configuration of these objects in the bigip_base.conf file.
Important: The objects in this file reside in partition Common. Consequently, the
objects are not protected by partition access control.
Table 4.3 Four principal stored configuration files for the BIG-IP system described
Managing the BIG-IP System
Stores the virtual servers used by the BIG-IP® Global Traffic Manager.
You run the base load command to load the configuration of these objects from the
bigip_local.conf file into the system’s running configuration. You run the save all
command to write the running configuration of these objects into the bigip_local.conf
Stores the Linux or UNIX configuration objects. When you perform a configuration
synchronization of a redundant system, this file is synchronized to the other unit.
You use the base load command to load the configuration of these objects from the
bigip_base.conf file into the system’s running configuration. You run the save all
command to write the running configuration of these objects into the bigip_base.conf
Important: The objects in this file reside in partition Common. Consequently, the
objects are not protected by partition access control.
Table 4.3 Four principal stored configuration files for the BIG-IP system described
Using bigpipe commands to make configuration changes
You use bigpipe commands to make configuration changes to the
configuration files described in Table 4.4. After you run the bigpipe
commands shown in the table, you must run the save all command to update
the stored configuration. For more information about the bigpipe
commands, see Appendix A, bigpipe Command Reference.
F5 recommends that you do not manually edit the files shown in Table 4.4
Associated bigpipe
Stores configuration information for
user authentication for the BIG-IP
Stores configuration information for
user authentication for the web
remote users
Maps the system users to their
assigned user role and partitions.
remote users
Stores HTTP daemon configuration
information for the web server.
Stores configuration information
about the SSL module for the web
httpd ssl
Table 4.4 Other BIG-IP system stored configuration files described
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 4
Associated bigpipe
Stores configuration information
about the Pluggable Authentication
Module (PAM) for the web server.
httpd pam
Stores the configuration information
for the NTP server.
Contains static route information.
This is the configuration file for the
secure shell server (SSH). It contains
all the access information for people
trying to get into the system by using
Store configuration settings for the
snmpd daemon.
Stores the hosts table for the BIG-IP
Stores the IP addresses of
workstations that are allowed to
make administrative shell
connections to the BIG-IP system.
Stores the IP addresses of
workstations that are not allowed to
make administrative shell
connections to the BIG-IP system.
Stores the configuration of the local
time of day.
Stores the parameters for user IDs
and passwords.
password policy
Stores the configuration settings for
the system logs.
Stores rate class definitions.
For information on making
changes to rate classes, see
the Configuration Guide for
BIG-IP® Local Traffic
Stores DNS configuration settings.
Stores SNMP configuration settings.
Stores the local time zone.
Table 4.4 Other BIG-IP system stored configuration files described
Managing the BIG-IP System
Associated bigpipe
Stores network configuration
settings, including the host name,
and IP address of the gateway.
Stores the system log configuration
Table 4.4 Other BIG-IP system stored configuration files described
Introducing the Single Configuration File
The single configuration file feature allows you to save the configuration of
a BIG-IP system in a single, flat, text file. You can then use the text file to
easily replicate the configuration across multiple BIG-IP systems. This not
only saves you time, it also allows you to create a consistent, secure,
comprehensive local traffic management environment on your network.
What is a single configuration file?
A single configuration file (SCF) is a flat, text file that contains a series of
bigpipe commands, and the attributes and values of those commands, that
reflect the configuration of the BIG-IP system. Specifically, the SCF
contains the local traffic management and operating system configuration of
the BIG-IP system. For a sample SCF, see Figure 4.1.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 4
The BIG-IP system configuration exists in two different states, the stored
configuration and the running configuration. Understanding the two
different configuration states is important to understanding how the SCF
works. For more information, see Understanding the BIG-IP system
configuration state, on page 4-4.
mgmt { netmask }
mgmt route default inet { gateway }
vlan external { tag 4093 interfaces 1.1 }
vlan internal { tag 4094 interfaces 1.3 }
stp instance 0 { vlans external internal interfaces 1.1 external path cost 20K internal path cost 20K 1.3 external path cost 20K internal \
path cost 20K}
self allow { default tcp ssh tcp domain tcp snmp tcp https tcp 4353 udp domain udp snmp udp efs udp 1026 udp 4353 proto ospf }
self { netmask vlan internal allow default }
self { netmask vlan external allow default }
shell write partition Common
system { gui setup disable hostname "" }
# No partition
partition Common { description "Repository for system objects and shared objects." }
user root { password crypt "$1$iLl7Yctv$ld2WUUrJR9EF3oF7OJM2H1" }
route default inet { pool gw_pool static }
shell write partition Common
user admin { password crypt "$1$HtabUQst$PIpliwRcjZY5I2SQkRhOT1" description "Admin User" id 0 group 500 home "/home/admin" \
shell "/bin/false" role administrator in all }
user f5emsvr { password crypt "!!" description "F5 EM Service Account" id 975 group 975 home "/root" shell "/bin/false" role guest in all }
dns { nameservers search "" }
ntp { servers }
configsync { password crypt "\\7DYX@Sf=8Be_KNNRgLRd;CD>I2RPrc=6R9bLQ/01Up8lC_" }
pool gw_pool { monitor all gateway_icmp members }
Figure 4.1 Sample Single Configuration File
About the bigpipe utility and the single configuration file
You use the bigpipe utility to create and work with single configuration
files. You create an SCF using the command export. When you run the
command export, the bigpipe utility gathers all of the commands, (and their
attributes and values), that compose the running configuration, and saves
this configuration in a file with the extension .scf. (For detailed information,
see Creating a single configuration file, on page 4-12.) You then use the
command import to apply the configuration contained in the SCF to another
BIG-IP system.
When you run the command import on a BIG-IP system, the bigpipe utility
first saves the system’s stored configuration in a backup file, and then resets
the system’s running configuration using the information contained in the
SCF that you are importing. It is important to understand that to write the
new running configuration to the system’s stored configuration you must
run the command save all after you run the command import.
Never copy the contents of an SCF file and paste it onto the command line in
order to configure a system. Always use the import command to configure a
system using an SCF file, for example, import myconfiguration.scf.
4 - 10
Managing the BIG-IP System
About the import command and backup files
As stated in the previous section, when you run the import command on a
BIG-IP system, the bigpipe utility first saves the system’s running
configuration in a backup file. This backup file is located in
/var/local/scf/backup.scf file. If a backup SCF already exists, the bigpipe
utility appends a number to the file name, for example,
/var/local/scf/backup-1.scf. The higher the number in the backup file name,
the older the file is.
By default, the system only saves two backup SCF files. You can configure
the system to save a different number of backup files using the cli import
save <integer> command. For more information on using this command,
see cli, on page A-33.
Understanding the export, import, load and save commands
You use the bigpipe commands export and import to create and work with
an SCF. You use the bigpipe commands save and load to affect the running
and stored configurations of the BIG-IP system. Table 4.5 compares the
usage of these four commands.
Use the export command to create an SCF that you can then use to configure another BIG-IP system
using the import command.
It is important to note that the export command does not affect the running or stored configurations of
the BIG-IP system upon which you run the command; the export command simply saves the running
configuration to an SCF.
For more information about the parameters that you can use with the export command, see export, on
page A-63.
Use the import command to replace the entire running configuration of a BIG-IP system with the values
in the SCF that you are importing. You must then use the save all command to write the running
configuration to the stored configuration.
For more information about the parameters that you can use with the import command, see import, on
page A-89.
save all
Use the save all command to write the running configuration to the configuration files that contain the
stored configuration. For example, if you add a new NTP server to your network, and then use the ntp
command to configure that server on the BIG-IP system, you must then run the save all command to
save this change to the stored configuration.
Important: When you want to save to the stored configuration changes that you make to the system,
F5 recommends that you use the save all command.
For more information about the save command and its parameters, see Table 4.5, on page 4-11, and
save, on page A-271.
Use the load command to replace the entire running configuration of a BIG-IP system with the values
contained in the stored configuration. For example, when you use the bigpipe utility to make changes
to the system, the running configuration contains those changes. If you decide that you do not want the
running configuration to contain those changes, run the load command.
For more information about the parameters that you can use with the load command, see load, on page
Table 4.5 Comparison of the bigpipe commands export, import, save, and load
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
4 - 11
Chapter 4
Creating a single configuration file
You use the export command to create an SCF. The export command saves
the running configuration of the system in a flat, text file with the specified
name and the extension .scf.
The export command is independent of, and distinct from, the save all
command. The export command does not save the running configuration
into the configuration files that contain the stored configuration. To save the
running configuration, you must use the save all command.
You can use either the command export or the command sequence export
oneline to create an SCF. When you use either command, the system creates
a file (using a name that you specify) in the /var/local/scf directory. The
system appends the specified file name with the .scf extension. However, if
you use the .scf extension in the file name, the system does not add an
additional extension.
When you use the export command, the SCF contains line feeds between
the command attributes and their values, which makes the file easy to read.
When you use the export oneline command sequence, the SCF contains
each command, including all of the command attributes and their values, in
a single line. There is a line feed only after each command sequence. This
file is more difficult to read.
To create an SCF
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. To save the running configuration to the stored configuration files,
run the save all command.
3. Decide how you want to save the export file, either:
• Run the export command and include a name for the SCF, for
bp> export myConfiguration053107
The system creates the file, myConfiguration053107.scf, in the
/var/local/scf directory.
• Run the export oneline command sequence and include a name
for the SCF, for example:
bp> export oneline myConfiguration053107
The system creates the file, myConfiguration053107.scf, in the
/var/local/scf directory.
4 - 12
Managing the BIG-IP System
Configuring a BIG-IP system using an SCF
The primary benefit of the SCF feature is that you can use an SCF from one
BIG-IP system to configure another BIG-IP system. This is especially
beneficial when you want to configure a new BIG-IP system.
When you export an SCF, the system creates a file with the name you
specify in the /var/local/scf directory. However, you can specify a different
location using a full path name. For example, to create an SCF named
MyConfiguration in the /config/scf directory, use the command sequence
export MyConfiguration /config/scf. The system appends the file with the
extension .scf. If you use the extension in the command sequence, for
example, export MyConfiguration.scf /config/scf, the system does not add
an additional extension to the file name.
Using an SCF to configure a new BIG-IP system
1. On the configured BIG-IP system, use the export command to
create an SCF:
bp> export myConfiguration
The bigpipe utility creates the file, myConfiguration.scf, in the
/var/local/scf directory. To create the SCF in another location,
specify a full path for the file. For example, the command export
/config/myConfiguration creates the SCF in the /config directory.
2. Copy the SCF to a location on your network that you can access
from the system that you want to configure.
3. Edit the SCF to reflect the management routing and user account
information of the BIG-IP system that you want to configure.
a) Open the SCF in an editor.
b) When necessary, change the values of the management IP
address, network mask, management default route, self IP
addresses, virtual server IP addresses, routes, default routes, and
host name fields to the values for the new system.
c) If necessary, change the passwords for the root and admin
accounts using the user <name> password none newpassword
<password> command.
Important: When configuring a unit that is part of a redundant
system using the SCF from the other unit in the system, do not
modify the root and admin accounts. These accounts must be
identical on both units of a redundant system.
d) Save the edited SCF.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
4 - 13
Chapter 4
4. On the BIG-IP system that you want to configure, use the import
command to import the SCF:
bp> import myConfiguration
The system saves a backup of the running configuration in the
/var/local/scf/ directory, and then resets the running configuration
with the configuration contained in the SCF you are importing.
5. To save the new running configuration to the stored configuration,
use the save all command.
The system saves the running configuration to the stored
In step 3, you edited the SCF file changing the IP address, network mask,
management route, host name, and the password information for the root
and admin accounts to the values you wanted to use for this system.
Therefore, you do not need to run the Setup utility for the system.
Restoring a BIG-IP system configuration using an SCF
The BIG-IP system ships with a default SCF. You can restore a BIG-IP
system to either the factory default configuration or a previous
configuration. When you restore the system to the factory default
configuration, the management IP address and management default route are
not reset to the default values. These settings remain the same.
You use the import default command to restore a system to the factory
default configuration. When you use this command, the system first saves
the running configuration in the backup.scf file. Then, the system resets the
local traffic management and the operating system configuration to the
factory default configuration by loading the SCF, /defaults/defaults.scf.
You can use the import <file_name.scf> command to change the
configuration of a system using the values in the specified SCF. When you
use this command, the system first saves the running configuration in the
backup.scf file, and then resets the running configuration to the values
contained in the specified SCF. You must then run the command save all to
save the running configuration in the stored configuration files.
The import default command does not reset manually modified bigdb
database variables to their factory defaults. Therefore, F5 recommends that
you do not manually modify any of the bigdb database variables. Instead,
use the bigpipe commands to change the system configuration. For more
information, see Appendix A, bigpipe Command Reference.
4 - 14
Managing the BIG-IP System
To restore a system to the factory default configuration
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Run the command import default.
The system saves the running configuration in the backup.scf file,
and then resets the local traffic management and the operating
system configuration to the factory default configuration by loading
the SCF, /defaults/defaults.scf.
The import default command does not reset the management IP address or
the management default route back to the default values. These settings
remain the same.
To restore a system to a previous configuration
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Run the command import <file name> using the name of the SCF
that contains the configuration to which you want to restore the
The system saves the running configuration in the backup.scf file,
and then resets the running configuration to the values contained in
the specified SCF.
3. To save the running configuration to the stored configuration files,
use the save all command.
The system saves the running configuration to the stored
configuration files.
Using the Copy and Paste SCF Feature
You can configure a BIG-IP system using the copy and paste functionality,
an SCF, and the import command. There are two procedures to do this
depending on the size of the SCF you are using.
• SCF smaller than 4K
When you configure a system using the copy and paste feature and an
SCF smaller than 4K, if there is an error in the syntax of the data that you
pasted, all the transactions before the transaction with the error run, but
the transaction with the error does not run.
• SCF larger than 4K
When you configure a system using the copy and paste feature and an
SCF larger than 4K, if there is a syntax error in the data you pasted, the
system does not accept any of the transactions, and does not modify the
running configuration.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Chapter 4
To configure a system using the copy and paste feature and
an SCF smaller than 4K
1. Copy the contents of the SCF.
2. On the system that you want to configure using the copied data,
access the bigpipe shell.
3. At the bigpipe shell prompt, paste the contents of the SCF that you
copied, and then press the Enter key.
The system replaces the running configuration of the system based
on the data you pasted.
Warning: If there is an error in the syntax of the data that you
pasted, all the transactions before the transaction with the error
run, but the transaction with the error does not run.
4. After the command runs, type save all.
The system saves the running configuration in the stored
configuration files.
To configure a system using the copy and paste feature and
an SCF larger than 4K
1. Copy the contents of the SCF.
2. On the system that you want to configure using the copied data,
access the bigpipe shell.
3. Type the command import - and then press the Enter key.
The system responds with a Reading... message.
4. When the system finishes responding, on the command line, paste
the contents of the SCF that you copied, and then type Ctrl-D.
The system runs the command, which modifies the running
Warning: If there is a syntax error in the data you pasted, the
system does not accept any of the transactions, and does not modify
the running configuration.
5. After the command runs, type save all.
The system saves the running configuration in the stored
configuration files.
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Managing the BIG-IP System
Performing BIG-IP system management tasks
The following sections describe some of the system management tasks that
you can perform on the BIG-IP system.
Configuring the MGMT port
Before you license the BIG-IP system, you must configure the management
port (MGMT). You do this by running the mgmt command.
When you initially run the mgmt command, you assign an IP address to the
management port. You can also specify a netmask for the IP address, using
the netmask keyword. For example:
bp> mgmt netmask
This command sequence assigns the IP address with a netmask
of to the management interface.
Creating and managing administrative partitions
An important part of managing the BIG-IP system is configuring the system
to control user access to various BIG-IP system objects. Examples of
BIG-IP system objects that users typically want to access are: virtual
servers, load balancing pools, health monitors, SNATs, and user accounts.
If you have the Administrator user role assigned to your user account for
the BIG-IP system, you can control the access of other users to objects by
using a feature known as administrative partitions. A partition is a logical
container that you create, containing a defined set of BIG-IP system objects.
When a specific set of objects resides in a partition, you can give certain
users the authority to view and manage the objects in that partition only,
rather than all objects on the BIG-IP system. This feature provides a finer
granularity of control.
By default, the BIG-IP system contains one partition named Common.
Objects that can be created in a partition and that exist by default after you
install the system and run the Setup utility, automatically reside in partition
Common. Examples are the internal and external VLANs, their self IP
addresses, and the admin user account. If you do not create additional
partitions, the following two situations occur:
All users have access to every object on the system. Their user role
determines whether they can create, modify, delete, or simply view the
Objects on the BIG-IP system are not subject to object referencing
restrictions. However, note that when you have more than one partition
you cannot reference objects that are in different user-created partitions.
For example, a virtual server in partition Common can reference any
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Chapter 4
load balancing pool that is also in partition Common. For detailed
information on object referencing with respect to partitions, see the
BIG-IP® Network and System Management Guide.
By default, the Administrator user role does not have Terminal Access. To
allow the Administrator user role to access the bigpipe shell, you must use
the Configuration utility to enable Terminal Access for the user account.
For more information, see the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
Creating a partition
You can create one or more administrative partitions on the BIG-IP system
using the command partition. Only users with the Administrator user role
can create a partition.
To create an administrative partition
Use the following command syntax to create an administrative partition:
bp> partition <partition_name> description <string>
For example, you can create a partition named my_app_partition, using
this command:
bp> partition my_app_partition description "This partition is a
repository for my_app objects."
The bigpipe shell syntax requires quotation marks around a string that
includes spaces.
Changing the current partition
When you create a user account on the BIG-IP system, you give the user
access to one or more partitions on the system. Giving the user access to a
partition means that the user can view objects in the partition, or, depending
on their user role, perform specific administrative tasks related to objects in
that partition. A user who has permission to simply view objects in a
partition has Read access to that partition. A user who has permission to
create, modify, or delete objects in a partition has Write access to that
For information on user accounts, see Managing user accounts, on page
4-21 in this guide, and the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
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Managing the BIG-IP System
What is the current partition?
Although a user account might grant a user permission to access multiple
partitions, a user can access only one partition at a time. This partition is
known as the user’s current partition. When a user logs in, the system
determines the default current partition (usually partition Common) based
on the user’s account. If the user’s account grants permission to access more
than one partition, the user can change the current partition, and can also
change the default current partition.
Different users on the BIG-IP system can have different current partitions at
any given time. For example, the current partition for user psmith might be
Common, while the current partition for user tjones might be partition_b.
Setting the current partition
When a user creates a system object, that object resides in the partition that
is the user’s current partition at the time the object is created. Therefore,
users who have access to more than one partition need a way to set the
partition that they want to manage or view at any given time. For example, if
your user account grants you Write access to all partitions on the system,
and you want to create a virtual server in partition_b, you must first set
partition_b to be your current partition.
The command you use to set the current partition depends on whether you
want to view or modify the objects in that partition. To set the current
partition when you want to create, modify, or delete an object in that
partition, use the write partition argument with the shell command. For
example, if you want to create a monitor in partition_a, use the following
command to set the current Write partition to partition_a, and then create
the monitor:
bp> shell write partition partition_a
To set a partition in which to simply view objects, use the command shell
read partition. For example, if you want to view the monitors that reside in
partition_a, use the following command to set the current Read partition to
bp> shell read partition partition_a
Users with Write access to only one partition do not need to use the
command shell write partition. The one partition to which the user has
access is always the user’s current partition. For example, if your user
account gives you the user role of Manager for partition_a only (as
opposed to all partitions), then you cannot set a partition to manage. Your
logon session establishes partition_a as the partition to which you have
Write access. As with all user accounts that have a user role other than No
Access, you can still view objects in partition Common, but with a
Manager user role, combined with access to a single partition, you cannot
use the shell write partition command to set a partition in which to manage
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Chapter 4
To set a partition for object management
To set a partition when you have Write access to more than one partition on
the BIG-IP system, use this command before you manage the object:
bp> shell write partition <partition_name>
To set a partition for object viewing
To set a partition when you have Read access to more than one partition on
the BIG-IP system, use this command:
bp> shell read partition <partition_name>
To set a default partition
To set a partition to be the default partition when you have Read and Write
access to more than one partition on the BIG-IP system, use this command:
bp> shell partition <partition_name>
Writing to the current partition
When using bigpipe commands, you can globally modify or delete objects
of a specified type only when all objects of that type reside in a single
partition. In other words, when you use the keyword, all, with an object
type, the action you are performing applies only to objects of the specified
type in the current Write partition.
For example, suppose your system has three partitions, Common,
partition_a, and partition_b. In this case, your user account grants you
Write access to all partitions on the system, and your default current
partition is Common.
To reset the statistics for all pools on the system
1. Log on to the system.
Because your default Write partition is Common, you are logged in
to Common.
2. To reset the statistics for all pools that reside in Common use this
bp> pools all stats reset
The statistics for all the pools in Common are reset.
3. Change the current partition to partition_a using this command:
bp> shell write partition partition_a
The current partition is set to partition_a.
4. To reset the statistics for all pools that reside in partition_a use this
bp> pools all stats reset
The statistics for all the pools in partition_a are reset.
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Managing the BIG-IP System
5. Change the current partition to partition_b using this command:
bp> shell write partition partition_b
The current partition is set to partition_b.
6. To reset the statistics for all pools that reside in partition_b use this
bp> pools all stats reset
The statistics for all the pools in partition_b are reset.
Managing user accounts
You can create user accounts on the BIG-IP system using the user
command, if you are assigned the Administrator user role. When you
create a user account, you assign the account a name, a user role, and a
partition that the user can access. It is the user role, combined with the user’s
partition access, that determines a user’s type and scope of access to BIG-IP
system objects.
It is important to note that a user account, which is a BIG-IP system object
itself, also resides in a partition. For example, suppose user admin sets his
current partition to partition_a, and then creates the user account psmith,
giving psmith access to partition_b as one of the psmith account
In this case, user psmith can access partition_b, but the psmith account
itself resides in partition_a, because partition_a is the current partition for
user admin. Thus, the partition in which the psmith user account resides
has no relationship to the partition access that user admin assigned to the
psmith account.
To create a local BIG-IP system user account
To create a user account on the BIG-IP system, use this command syntax:
bp> user <user_name> role <user_role> in (<partition_name> | \
You can create user accounts where the user names differ only by
case-sensitivity (for example, david and DAVID.) Note that there are
restrictions on reserved user names. You cannot create user accounts that
use the reserved names admin, root, support, or operator.
For information on creating and managing BIG-IP system user accounts,
including those that are stored on a remote authentication server, see the
BIG-IP® Network and System Management Guide.
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Chapter 4
You can also create user accounts using the f5adduser command at the
BIG-IP system prompt. For information about the f5adduser command, log
on to the Ask F5sm Knowledge Base web site and search for solution
Changing user accounts
Users who are assigned the Administrator user role, can modify or delete
user accounts on the BIG-IP system using the user command. It is important
to remember that a user’s type, and scope of access to the BIG-IP system
objects are determined by a combination of the user’s role, the user’s
partition access, and whether or not the user has terminal access. If a user is
logged in to the system at the time that you change her user role, she may
receive Access Denied error messages. For example, if the user was
previously assigned the Administrator user role with the ability to create
pools, but you assign the user a user role of Operator without that ability,
the system prevents the user from using the pool command to create a pool.
The Administrator user role provides access to the BIG-IP system prompt.
If a user who is assigned the Administrator user role is logged in when you
change his user role to another user role without access to the BIG-IP
system prompt, the user can still run commands at the BIG-IP system
prompt until he logs out of the system. The same is true when you delete a
user account. If a user who is assigned the Administrator user role is logged
in when you delete the user account, that user can still run commands at the
BIG-IP system prompt until she logs out of the system.
Remote user access
User accounts are either stored locally or on remote authentication servers.
The access permissions for a user account that are stored on a remote
authentication server are either based on the default authorization properties,
or are stored in a special, duplicate account on the BIG-IP system.
Remote-server user accounts based on the default authorization properties
appear together on the BIG-IP system as a single user account named Other
External Users.
If your user account is an Other External Users account, and you are
logged in to the BIG-IP system, when a user with the Administrator user
role changes the default user role, your connection to the system is closed
immediately. You can log on to the BIG-IP system again, and you will have
access to the system based on the new default user account.
For more information, see the chapter, Managing User Accounts, of the
BIG-IP® Network and System Management Guide. Specifically, see the
sections named Managing remote user accounts and Configuring
authorization for remote accounts.
4 - 22
Managing the BIG-IP System
Auditing user access to the system
The BIG-IP system generates a log message whenever a user or an
application attempts to log on to or log off of the system. The system logs
both successful and unsuccessful logon attempts. The system stores these
log messages in the /var/log/secure file.
When the system logs an authentication message in the /var/log/secure file,
the message can contain the following types of information:
• The connecting user's ID
• The IP address or host name of the user's interface
• The time of each logon attempt
• Successful logon attempts for command line interface sessions only
• Failed logon attempts for command line interface, Configuration utility,
and iControl sessions
• The time of the logoff for command line interface sessions only
Figure 4.2 shows examples of log messages for both successful and failed
logon attempts made by user jsmith.
May 10 16:25:25 jsmith-dev sshd[13272]: pam_audit: user: jsmith(jsmith) from: /dev/pts/10 at jsmith-dev attempts: 1 in:
[Thu May 10 16:25:23 2007 ] out: [Thu May 10 16:25:25 2007 ]
May 10 16:14:56 jsmith-dev sshd[716]: pam_audit: User jsmith from ssh at jsmith-dev failed to login after 1 attempts
(start: [Thu May 10 16:14:53 2007 ] end: [Thu May 10 16:14:56 2007 ]).
Figure 4.2 Sample log messages related to logon attempts
Configuring failover for redundant systems
When you set up a redundant system configuration, there are two command
line tasks in particular that are worth emphasizing. These tasks are:
• Setting failover for BIG-IP system daemons
• Editing scripts that perform automatic maintenance tasks after failover
For background information on configuring a redundant system, see the
BIG-IP® Network and System Management Guide.
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Chapter 4
Setting failover for BIG-IP system daemons
You can use the daemon command to define the action that you want the
BIG-IP system to take when certain system daemons fail. Table 4.6 lists
these daemons.
Controls health monitoring.
Manages the configuration data on a BIG-IP system.
Controls failover for redundant systems.
Performs most traffic management for the BIG-IP system.
When the heartbeat of a system daemon fails, based on how
the BIG-IP system is configured, either restarts the system
daemon or takes no action.
Table 4.6 BIG-IP system daemons with failover settings
Configuring user-defined scripts for failover tasks
You might want the system to perform some maintenance tasks on either the
active or the standby system, or both, immediately after failover has
occurred. To configure the BIG-IP system to automatically perform these
tasks, you can use a text editor to manually edit two scripts named active
and standby. You can find these files on the BIG-IP system in the
/config/failover directory.
The purpose of these scripts is to automatically run short, non-persistent
system maintenance tasks after failover. For example, you can edit the
active script to read the ARP table on the newly-active unit, to remove an
erroneous entry that might appear as a result of failover.
Two additional scripts, named f5active and f5standby, are located in the
directory /usr/lib/failover. Do not edit these scripts unless an F5 Networks
customer service representative instructs you to do so.
Associating BIG-IP system objects with unit IDs
Each BIG-IP unit in an active-active configuration has a unit ID, either 1 or
2. When you define a local traffic management object, such as a virtual
server, you must associate that object with a specific unit of the active-active
redundant system. When failover occurs, these associations of objects to
unit IDs allow the surviving unit to process connections correctly for itself
and the failed unit.
4 - 24
Managing the BIG-IP System
You must associate these local traffic management objects with a unit ID:
• Virtual servers
• Self IP addresses
For example, associating virtual server A with unit 1 causes unit 1 to process
connections for virtual server A. Associating virtual server B with unit 2
causes unit 2 to process connections for virtual server B. This allows the two
units to process traffic for different virtual servers simultaneously, and
results in an increase in overall performance. If one of the units fails over,
the remaining unit begins processing the connections for all virtual servers
of the redundant pair, until failback occurs.
This scenario of using the two units to process different connections
simultaneously is one reason for the requirement that both units store
identical configuration files (/config/bigip.conf).
If you do not associate an object with a specific unit ID in an active-active
redundant pair, the redundant system uses 1 as the default unit ID.
Associating a virtual server with a unit ID
You can view a list of virtual servers and their associated unit IDs, and you
can change the unit ID associated with a specific virtual server. You perform
these tasks using the command virtual address.
To view an existing virtual server-unit ID association
To view the unit ID associated with your existing virtual servers, use this
bigpipe command syntax:
bp> virtual address [<ip addr list> | all] unit [show]
To change the unit ID associated with a virtual server
To change the unit ID associated with an existing virtual server, type this
command sequence:
bp> virtual address <ip addr> unit <id>
Associating a self IP address with a unit ID
You can view a list of self IP addresses and their associated unit IDs, and
you can change the unit ID associated with a specific self IP address. To do
this, use the command self.
To view an existing self IP address-unit ID association
To view the unit ID associated with your existing self IP addresses, use this
bigpipe command syntax:
bp> self [<ip addr list> | all] unit [show]
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Chapter 4
To change the unit ID associated with a self IP address
To change the unit ID associated with an existing self IP address, type this
command sequence:
bp> self <ip addr> unit <id>
Associating a SNAT with a unit ID
You can view a list of SNATs and their associated unit IDs, and you can
change the unit ID associated with a specific SNAT. You can perform these
tasks using the bigpipe snat translation command.
You cannot associate a default SNAT with a unit ID. The default SNAT is not
compatible with an active-active system.
To view an existing SNAT-unit ID association
To view the unit ID associated with your existing SNAT translation
addresses, use this bigpipe command syntax:
bp> snat translation [<ip addr list> | all] unit [show]
To change the unit ID associated with a SNAT address
To change the unit ID associated with an existing SNAT translation address,
type this command sequence:
bp> snat translation <ip addr> unit <id>
Displaying protocol statistics
You can use the bigpipe utility to display statistics for various types of
network traffic. You can use the following commands at the bigpipe shell
prompt to display protocol-related statistics:
• fastl4
• fasthttp
• ftp
• http
• icmp
• ip
• oneconnect
• ssl
• stream
• tcp
• udp
You can also display global statistics using this command:
bp> global
4 - 26
Managing the BIG-IP System
Using the bigstart utility
You can use the bigstart utility not only to start or stop the BIG-IP system,
but also to restart the MCPD process or view the status of one or more
system processes (daemons). Note that before you restart the mcpd daemon,
you should run the load command to ensure that the restart utilizes the most
current configuration data. The bigstart status command provides
informational messages about each process, including whether the process is
running, not running, or waiting for another process to run.
To restart the mcpd daemon
1. At the bigpipe shell prompt, run the command load:
bp> load
2. Access the BIG-IP system prompt.
3. Run the command bigstart.
If you have root privileges, you can run the bigstart and bigtop utilities from
within the bigpipe shell by entering an exclamation point (!) before the
command. For example, to run the command bigstart, enter the command at
the bigpipe shell prompt, as follows: bp>!bigstart.
To view status of all daemons
1. Access the BIG-IP system prompt.
2. Run the command bigstart status.
Figure 4.3, on page 4-28, shows sample output of the command
bigstart status.
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Chapter 4
If you use the command bigstart status on a hardware platform that
supports clustered multi-processing, the command shows a separate status
for each instance of the tmm daemon that is running.
down, waiting for mcpd running
run (pid 3816) 14 seconds, 1 start
run (pid 3818) 14 seconds, 1 start
down, waiting for mcpd running
run (pid 3857) 14 seconds, 1 start
run (pid 3860) 14 seconds, 1 start
down, waiting for mcpd running
down, waiting for mcpd running
run (pid 3887) 14 seconds, 1 start
down, not licensed
down, waiting for mcpd running
run (pid 3895) 14 seconds, 1 start
down, not licensed
down, not configured
down, delaying 5 seconds
run (pid 3922) 14 seconds, 1 start
run (pid 3924) 14 seconds, 1 start
down, waiting for mcpd running
run (pid 3928) 14 seconds, 1 start
down, waiting for mcpd running
run (pid 3960) 14 seconds, 1 start
down, waiting for mcpd running
run (pid 3968) 14 seconds, 1 start
down, waiting for mcpd running
down, waiting for mcpd running
down, waiting for mcpd running
Figure 4.3 Sample output from the bigstart status command
4 - 28
Managing the BIG-IP System
Working with the bigtop utility
The bigtop™ utility is a real-time statistics display utility. The display shows
the date and time of the latest reboot, and lists activity in bits, bytes, or
packets. The bigtop utility accepts options you use to customize the display
of information. For example, you can set the interval at which the data is
refreshed, and you can specify a sort order. The bigtop utility displays the
statistics as shown in Figure 4.4.
| bits since
| bits in prior
| Nov 28 18:47:50
| 3 seconds
ACTIVE |---In----Out---Conn-|---In----Out---Conn-|
1.1G 29.6G 145
virtual ip:port
NODE ip:port
|---In----Out---Conn-|---In----Out---Conn-|-Nodes Up-1.0G 27.4G 139.6K
47.5M 2.1G
10.2M 11.5M
|---In----Out---Conn-|---In----Out---Conn-|--State---960.6M 27.4G 69.8K
105.3M 189.0K 69.8K
9.4M 11.1M
700.8K 414.7K
Figure 4.4 The bigtop screen display
Using bigtop command options
The syntax for the bigtop command that is used at the BIG-IP system
prompt, is as follows:
bigtop [options...]
Table 4.7 lists and describes the options you can use with the bigtop
Displays counts in bytes (the default is bits).
Sorts by connection count (the default is to sort by byte count).
-delay <value>
Sets the interval at which data is refreshed (the default is four
Sorts by count since last sample (the default is to sort by total
Displays bigtop help.
Table 4.7 bigtop command options
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Chapter 4
-nodes <value>
Sets the number of nodes to print (the default is to print all
Disables sorting.
Prints the information once and exits.
Displays the counts in packets (the default is bits).
Disables full-screen mode.
Sets the number of virtual servers to print (the default is to
print all virtual servers).
Table 4.7 bigtop command options
Using runtime commands in bigtop
Unless you specified the -once option, the bigtop utility continually updates
the display at the rate indicated by the -delay option. You can also use the
following runtime options at any time:
• The u option cycles through the display modes: bits, bytes, and packets.
• The q option quits the bigtop utility.
Exiting the bigtop utility
To exit the bigtop utility, simply type q.
Working with the bigdb database
The bigdb database holds certain configuration information for the BIG-IP
system. Most BIG-IP system utilities use the configuration stored in the
bigdb database. You can load configuration information into this bigdb
database. For more information, see Appendix B, Configuring bigdb
Database Variables.
Setting values for a bigdb database variable
Using the db command, you can view a bigdb database variable, set a new
value for a bigdb database variable, or reset a bigdb database variable to the
default value.
To view the value of a bigdb database variable
Within the bigpipe shell, use this command to view the value of a bigdb
database variable:
bp> db [<key>] [show]
4 - 30
Managing the BIG-IP System
If you do not specify a bigdb database variable name, the system displays all
bigdb database variables.
To set the value of a bigdb database variable
Within the bigpipe shell, use this command to set a bigdb database variable
to a specific value:
bp> db <key> <value>
Within the bigpipe shell, use this command to set a bigdb database variable
to the default value:
bp> db <key> reset
After you change a bigdb database variable using the db command, you
must run the save all command. If you do not, the next time that you run the
load command, the value of the bigdb database variable may be reset to the
value in the stored configuration.
To set the value of a bigdb database variable attribute
You can modify the values of the attributes that are associated with a bigdb
database variable using this command:
bp> db <key> <new value>
The attributes associated with a bigdb database variable are:
• Variable name (key)
The name for the bigdb database variable. An example is
• Value
The value associated with the bigdb database variable. The system stores
this value as a string.
• Default value
The value that the system uses when the bigdb database variable is
otherwise undefined.
• Type
The data type that the system uses to constrain and validate the value of
the bigdb database variable. Types are not case-sensitive and can be any
of the following: string, integer (for signed integer), unsigned_integer,
ipaddress, or enum.
• Realm
An attribute indicating where a bigdb database variable is relevant (not
case-sensitive). Allowed values are: Local or Common. The system
persists both Local and Common bigdb database variable, and transfers
Common bigdb database variables to a peer during config sync
• Minimum value
The minimum value for bigdb database variables of type integer and
unsigned_integer. This is the shortest length for strings.
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Chapter 4
• Maximum value
The maximum value for bigdb database variables of type integer and
unsigned_integer. This is the maximum length for strings.
• Enumerated value
A list of allowed values for the bigdb database variable. The first
character is a delimiter for items.
Printing bigdb database variables
You can print the values of any bigdb database variable and its attributes,
using the db <key> command. You can print the values of all bigdb
database variables using the db show all command.
Managing the Log File System
The BIG-IP system supports logging using the syslog-ng utility. The system
generates logs automatically, and saves them in user-specified files. These
logs contain all changes made to the BIG-IP system configuration, such as
those made with the virtual command, or other bigpipe commands, as well
as all critical events that occur in the system.
You can configure the syslog-ng utility to send mail or activate pager
notification based on the priority of a logged event.
The syslog-ng log files track system events based on information defined in
the /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf file. You can view the log files in a
standard text editor, or with the less file page utility.
Table 4.8 shows sample syslog-ng messages for events that are specific to
the BIG-IP system. For information about the format of syslog-ng messages,
see RFC 3164.
Sample message
bigd: node monitor status up
The node address was successfully pinged by the
BIG-IP system.
kernel: security: port denial ->
A client was denied access to a specific port. The client is
identified as coming from, and the
destination node is
Table 4.8 Sample syslog-ng messages
4 - 32
Managing the BIG-IP System
Changing the size of the log file
When you initially boot the BIG-IP system, the system allocates a finite
amount of disk space for storing the log file. The advantage to having a
finite size for the log file is that the file cannot increase to the point where it
adversely affects other facilities that are running on the system in the same
The default amount of disk space that the BIG-IP system allocates for the
log file is 7 gigabytes (Gb). In most cases, this default size of 7 Gb is
sufficient. However, you can allocate additional disk space, or decrease the
disk space, for the log file if necessary. The minimum amount of disk space
that you can specify for the log file is 1 Gb. The maximum amount of disk
space that you can specify is 10 Gb.
You adjust the amount of disk space that the system allocates for the log file
by using a command line script at the BIG-IP system prompt named
resize-logFS. When you use the resize-logFS script, the system prompts
you for information, and validates that:
• The amount of disk space you specify falls within the valid range of 1 to
10 gigabytes.
• The BIG-IP system has enough disk space to allocate the requested
Before using the resize-logFS script, it is imperative that you stop the
BIG-IP system, or put the system into a safe condition such as standby
To change the size of the log file
1. Access the BIG-IP system prompt.
2. Stop the BIG-IP system or put the system into a safe condition such
as standby mode using the bigstart stop command.
3. Type the following command:
This command prompts you for the desired file size in gigabytes.
4. At the prompt, type an integer.
The minimum allowed value is 1, and the maximum allowed value
is 10.
A prompt appears that allows you to confirm the specified file size.
5. Type Y.
A message appears, notifying you of the need for the BIG-IP system
to perform a reboot, followed by a prompt, which allows you to
permit the reboot operation.
Note: Prior to rebooting, the BIG-IP system verifies that the integer
you typed in step 3 is within the allowed range, and checks to ensure
that enough disk space exists for the specified size.
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Chapter 4
6. Type Y.
A confirmation prompt appears.
7. Type Y.
The system displays messages indicating that the reboot operation is
about to occur.
8. Wait for the reboot operation to finish.
When the system becomes available again, the newly-specified disk
space for the log file will be in effect.
If, at any time during the resize-logFS operation, you decide to exit the
script, no reboot occurs, and the amount of allocated disk space remains as
Do not delete the files: /shared/.LoopbackLogFS and
/shared/LogFS_README, because this action deletes all of your log files.
Removing and returning items to service
Once you have completed the initial configuration on the BIG-IP system,
you may want to temporarily remove specific items from service for
maintenance purposes. For example, if a specific network server needs to be
upgraded, you may want to disable the nodes associated with that server,
and then enable them once you finish installing the new hardware and bring
the server back online.
If you specifically disable the nodes associated with the server, the BIG-IP
system allows the node to go down only after all the current connections are
complete. During this time, the BIG-IP system does not attempt to send new
connections to the node. Although the BIG-IP system monitoring features
would eventually determine that the nodes associated with the server are
down, specifically removing the nodes from service can prevent
interruptions on long duration client connections.
You can remove the entire BIG-IP system from service, or you can remove
the following individual items from service:
• Virtual servers
• Virtual addresses
• Virtual ports
• Nodes
• Pool members
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Managing the BIG-IP System
Removing individual virtual servers and virtual addresses from service
The BIG-IP system also supports taking only selected virtual servers, and
virtual addresses out of service, rather than removing the BIG-IP system
itself from service. Each bigpipe command that defines virtual servers and
their components supports enable and disable keywords, which allow you
to remove or return the elements from service.
When you remove a virtual address from service, it affects all virtual servers
associated with the virtual address.
Enabling and disabling virtual servers and virtual addresses
The command virtual allows you to enable or disable individual virtual
servers, as well as virtual addresses.
To enable or disable a virtual server
To enable or disable a virtual server, use the appropriate command syntax:
bp> virtual <virtual addr>:<virtual port> enable | disable
To enable or disable a virtual address, use the appropriate command syntax:
bp> virtual address <virtual addr> enable | disable
Removing individual nodes from service
You can remove an individual node from service, or return an individual
node to service from within the bigpipe shell.
To remove an individual node from service, use the following command:
bp> node <node addr>:<node port> down
To return an individual node to service, use this command:
bp> node <node addr>:<node port> up
Viewing the currently-defined system objects
When used with the show parameter, bigpipe commands typically display
currently configured elements. For example, the command virtual show
displays all currently defined virtual servers, and the command node
displays all nodes currently included in virtual server mappings.
Viewing system licenses
You can view the licenses installed on your system using the find_keys
command at the BIG-IP system prompt.
To view the license keys and their locations, use this command:
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Chapter 4
To view license keys without showing the location of the files that contain
the keys, use this command:
find_keys -q
Backing up and restoring the BIG-IP system product image
Each slot on a BIG-IP system contains a file system known as the product
image. You use the snapshot utility to back up this product image. Creating
a backup of the product image on a slot allows you to restore that image at a
future date. You also use the snapshot utility to perform the restore.
You run the snapshot utility at the BIG-IP system prompt.
Backing up the BIG-IP product image
When you use the snapshot utility to back up the product image on a slot,
by default the utility creates a snapshot of the current slot and saves it in the
default directory and file, /shared/snapshot/image.snp. The size of the
snapshot file is approximately 130 MB.
Before you create a snapshot of the current slot, you must switch to single
user mode. This ensures that there are no other users attempting to make
changes to the system while you are restoring it. Before you create a
snapshot, it is also important to save the current running configuration of the
system. This ensures that the snapshot contains the configuration that is
currently running.
If you want to create a snapshot of a slot other than the current slot, you
must specify the slot that you want to back up. You can also specify a
directory, other than the default directory, to which the system saves the
snapshot file.
Backing up the product image on the current slot
To back up the product image on the current slot and save the snapshot in
the default directory and file (/shared/snapshot/image.snp), first save the
current running configuration, using this command:
save all
Then switch to single user mode using this command:
init 1
Finally, save the snapshot in the default directory, using this command:
snapshot backup
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Managing the BIG-IP System
Backing up the product image and specifying the directory in which to save the image
To back up the product image on the current slot and save the snapshot in a
specified directory and file, first save the current running configuration,
using this command:
save all
Then switch to single user mode using this command:
init 1
Finally, save the image in a specified directory, using this command:
snapshot -f <specified full path and file name> backup
Backing up the product image of a specified slot
To back up the product image of a specified slot and save the image in the
default directory and file (/shared/snapshot/image.snp), first save the
current running configuration, using this command:
save all
Then, save the product image of the specified slot, using this command:
snapshot -s HD1.2 backup
Restoring a BIG-IP product image
You can use the snapshot utility to restore a saved product image to a slot
on the same system on which the product image was saved. However, it is
important to note that you cannot restore a saved product image on the
currently running slot.
You cannot use a snapshot file that you created from a product image on a
compact flash drive to restore a product image to a hard drive, nor the
To determine if you can use a specific snapshot file to restore a product
image to a slot, you can view information about the file. To do this, you use
the snapshot list command.
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Chapter 4
To view the information about a snapshot file
1. Access the BIG-IP system prompt.
2. To view information about the default snapshot file, type snapshot
The system returns information about the file. Figure 4.5 is an
example of the system response to the snapshot list command.
[root@f5:Active] / # snapshot list
No file specified, defaulting to
image.snp contains BIG-IP version 9.4.2 build 170.0.
image.snp should be placed on the HD of a C36.
Installable locations are:
HD1.1 HD1.2
[root@f5:Active] / #
Figure 4.5 snapshot list command output
Restoring a system using a snapshot file
You use the snapshot utility to restore a BIG-IP product image to a slot
using a snapshot file. When you perform the restoration, you identify the
slot that you want to restore, and specify the location of the snapshot file
that you want to use to restore the product image on that slot.
To restore the product image from the default snapshot file to slot #1, use
this command:
snapshot -f /shared/snapshot/image.snp -s HD1.1 restore
To restore the product image from the snapshot file,
/shared/image/image010107.snp, to slot #2, use this command:
snapshot -f /shared/image/image010107.snp -s HD1.2 restore
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Managing Local Application Traffic
• Performing local traffic management tasks
• Setting up load balancing
• Controlling HTTP traffic
• Configuring HTTP compression on the BIG-IP
• Implementing HTTP and TCP optimization profiles
• Authenticating application traffic
• Implementing persistence
• Enhancing the performance of the BIG-IP system
• Managing health and performance monitors
• Implementing iRules
Managing Local Application Traffic
Performing local traffic management tasks
There are many tasks that you can perform to customize the way that the
BIG-IP system manages local network traffic. You can set up load balancing
and configure the way that the BIG-IP system manages a variety of types of
network traffic, including:
• Layer 4
• Client SSL
• Server SSL
You can use profiles to manage network traffic. For more information on
profiles, see the profile command online man page, as well as the man page
for each profile type.
You can also authenticate application traffic, implement session and
connection persistence, enhance the performance of the BIG-IP system, and
monitor the system.
The primary command line tool that you use to perform these tasks is the
bigpipe utility. When managing SSL traffic, however, you can use the
OpenSSL, genkey, genconf, and gencert utilities at the BIG-IP system
prompt to generate SSL certificates and keys.
For a list of the bigpipe commands related to local traffic management, see
the corresponding online man pages and Appendix A, bigpipe Command
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 5
Setting up load balancing
Once you configure the BIG-IP network components, you can use the
bigpipe utility to set up a basic, local traffic management system by
implementing a profile, a load balancing pool, and a virtual server.
To set up a basic load balancing configuration
1. Decide what types of traffic you want the BIG-IP system to manage,
as well as whether you want to implement session persistence,
connection persistence, and remote authentication.
2. For each decision in step 1, decide whether you want to use the
corresponding default profile that the BIG-IP system provides, or
whether you want to create a custom profile.
3. Access the bigpipe shell.
4. If you want to create custom profiles, use the profile command,
specifying the appropriate type of profile as an argument.
If you do not want to create custom profiles, skip this step.
5. Create one or more load balancing pools, using the pool command.
6. Create a virtual server, using the virtual command, and assign to it
any profiles and pools that you created. If you are using default
profiles, some of those profiles might already be assigned to the
virtual server by default.
Managing traffic types
To manage a particular type of network traffic, such as HTTP traffic, you
can modify the default, system-supplied profile of that type to create a
custom profile (recommended). Make sure that you save the custom profile
with a new name. F5 recommends that you do not save a modified,
system-supplied profile, without renaming it. After creating a new profile,
you must assign the profile to a virtual server.
To manage a specific type of network traffic
1. From the bigpipe shell, create a profile for a specific type of traffic,
such as SSL. For example, you can manage client-side SSL traffic
by using the command profile clientssl and specifying its
2. Assign the profile to a virtual server, using the virtual command.
Optionally, you can write an iRule that includes various commands, which
dynamically modify profile settings. For more information, see the
Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic Management.
Managing Local Application Traffic
Configuring manual resumption of pool members and nodes
When a monitor detects that a pool member or node is available, the BIG-IP
system, by default, marks that pool member or node as being in an up state.
You can change this behavior, however, so that the system does not
automatically mark the pool member or node as being up when a monitor
detects that the pool member or node has become available. Instead, the
system puts the pool member or node in a special waiting manual resume
state, and creates a log entry in the /var/log/ltm directory. A sample log
entry is:
Node monitor status up awaiting man resume
After the system makes the log entry, it waits for you to manually specify
the pool member or node as being up.
Configuring clone pools
Clone pools are designed for intrusion detection. You can implement clone
pools by configuring a virtual server. A clone pool receives all of the same
traffic as the normal pool. You therefore use clone pools to copy traffic to
intrusion detection systems.
To configure a clone pool
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Use the virtual command, to create or modify a virtual server,
specifying a value for the clone pool argument.
Configuring a last hop pool
By default, the Auto Last Hop feature is enabled on the BIG-IP system. If
you want to disable that feature and instead explicitly define a last hop
router, you can create a last hop pool and assign it to a virtual server.
To configure a last hop pool
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Use the pool command to create a last hop pool that contains the
router inside addresses.
3. Use the lasthop pool argument with the virtual command to assign
the last hop pool to a virtual server.
If you have not assigned an SSL profile to the virtual server, use the profile
argument with the virtual command to assign the profile to the virtual
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 5
Implementing SNATs
There are two basic ways to create a SNAT. You can either directly assign a
translation address to one or more original IP addresses, or you can create a
SNAT pool and then assign the SNAT pool to the original IP addresses. In
the latter case, the BIG-IP system automatically selects a translation address
from the assigned SNAT pool.
Note that you can assign these types of mappings from within an iRule.
To map a single translation address to an original address
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Designate an IP address as a translation address, using the snat
translation command.
3. Map the translation address to one or more original IP addresses,
using the snat command or the rule command.
To map a SNAT pool to an original address
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Create a pool of translation addresses (that is, SNAT pool), using
the snatpool command.
3. Map the SNAT pool to one or more original IP addresses, using
either the snat command or the rule command.
Managing Local Application Traffic
Controlling HTTP traffic
You can configure the BIG-IP system to control HTTP traffic by
configuring HTTP compression, redirecting HTTP requests, rewriting
HTTP redirections, inserting and erasing HTTP headers, enabling or
disabling cookie encryption and SYN cookie support, configuring the HTTP
class profile, and unchunking and rechunking HTTP response data.
Configuring HTTP compression
To configure the BIG-IP system to compress HTTP server responses, you
access the bigpipe shell, and use the profile and virtual commands. For
more information about configuring HTTP compression, see Configuring
HTTP compression on the BIG-IP system, on page 5-8.
To configure HTTP compression
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Configure the compression-related settings of an HTTP profile,
using the profile http command.
3. Assign the HTTP profile to a virtual server, using the virtual
Redirecting HTTP requests
You can redirect HTTP requests by configuring an HTTP profile and
specifying a fallback host within the profile.
To redirect HTTP requests
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Using the profile http command, create or modify an HTTP profile,
specifying a value for the fallback argument. You can specify either
a URI or the default fallback host, or you can specify that you want
no HTTP redirection.
3. Verify that the HTTP profile you created or modified is assigned to
a virtual server.
Rewriting HTTP redirections
You can rewrite HTTP redirections by configuring an HTTP profile and
specifying that you want the BIG-IP system to rewrite certain HTTP
redirections. For more information, see the Rewriting an HTTP redirection
section of the Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 5
To rewrite HTTP redirections
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Using the profile http command, create or modify an HTTP profile,
specifying a value for the redirect rewrite argument.
For example, to create a profile that only rewrites URIs matching
the originally requested URI (minus an optional training slash), use
the following syntax:
profile http myHTTPprofile { redirect rewrite matching }
3. Verify that the HTTP profile you created or modified is assigned to
a virtual server.
Inserting and erasing HTTP headers
You can insert headers into HTTP requests or remove headers from HTTP
requests by configuring an HTTP or Fast HTTP profile.
To insert or erase HTTP headers
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Using the profile http command, create or modify an HTTP profile,
specifying a value for either the header insert, header erase, or
insert xforwarded for options.
3. Verify that the HTTP or Fast HTTP profile you created or modified
is assigned to a virtual server.
You can also manipulate HTTP headers by configuring a Fast HTTP profile
from the bigpipe shell, using the profile fasthttp command.
Enabling or disabling cookie encryption
You can enable or disable cookie encryption from the bigpipe shell by
configuring two options of the profile http command.
To enable or disable cookie encryption
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Using the profile http command, create or modify an HTTP profile,
specifying a value for the encrypt cookie and cookie secret
3. Verify that the HTTP profile you created or modified is assigned to
a virtual server.
Managing Local Application Traffic
Enabling or disabling SYN cookie support
To manage Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, you can enable or disable SYN
cookie support by configuring the SYN cookie option on a Fast L4 profile
from the bigpipe shell.
If the BIG-IP system includes Packet Velocity® ASIC (PVA), use the
profile fastL4 command, specifying the hardware syncookie (enable |
disable | default) option. Also, based on your requirements, set the
following bigdb database variables using the db command:
• pva.SynCookies.Full.ConnectionThreshold (default: 500000)
• pva.SynCookies.Assist.ConnectionThreshold (default: 500000)
• pva.SynCookies.ClientWindow (default: 0)
Note that the hardware syncookie feature is currently available on the
D84 and D88 platforms only. Setting the hardware syncookie feature on
a platform other than the D84 and D88 platforms, has no effect. Also, if
you set the software syncookie feature on the D84 and D88 systems
without setting the hardware syncookie feature, the SYN cookie
protection is handled by the software only.
If the BIG-IP system does not include Packet Velocity® ASIC (PVA),
use the profile fastL4 command, specifying the software syncookie
(enable | disable | default) option.
Configuring the HTTP Class profile
The BIG-IP system includes a type of profile named an HTTP Class profile.
You can use an HTTP Class profile to classify HTTP traffic based on
criteria that you specify. When you classify traffic, you forward traffic to a
destination based on an examination of traffic headers or content. For more
information, see the Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic
If the BIG-IP system includes the Application Security Manager or
WebAccelerator modules, you can configure the system to send HTTP
traffic to that module before sending the traffic to its final destination. For
example, you can use an HTTP Class profile to instruct a virtual server to
send traffic through the BIG-IP® Application Security Manager before
forwarding the traffic to a load balancing pool. For more information, see
the Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Application Security Management,
and the Administrator Guide for the BIG-IP® WebAccelerator Module.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 5
Unchunking and rechunking HTTP response data
If you want to unchunk a chunked HTTP response for the purpose of
inspecting the content, you can enable unchunking by configuring an HTTP
To configure HTTP response chunking
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Using the profile http command, create or modify an HTTP profile
and specify the response argument.
3. Make sure that you have assigned the HTTP profile to a virtual
server, using the virtual command.
Configuring HTTP compression on the BIG-IP
Compressing HTTP server responses reduces the amount of data that is
transmitted to the requestor, thereby significantly reducing bandwidth
usage. In a typical client-server scenario, enabling HTTP compression
requires installation and configuration of compression software on the
destination server. With the BIG-IP system, you can off-load HTTP
compression tasks from the target servers and centralize these tasks on the
BIG-IP system.
Understanding compression providers
The BIG-IP system utilizes compression providers to compress HTTP
server responses. The compression providers are software programs and
hardware cards that are installed on the system. It is important to note that
you do not have to have a hardware card installed on the system for server
responses to be compressed. All BIG-IP systems contain software
compression providers. Table 5.1, on page 5-9 outlines the software and
hardware compression providers, and the BIG-IP systems on which they are
Managing Local Application Traffic
Type of BIG-IP system
Software compression provider
Hardware compression provider
BIG-IP system software compression
Always available.
Only 6400/6800/8400 BIG-IP systems
with a hardware card can utilize
hardware compression.
When a system contains a hardware card and
a hardware compression license, tmzd, a
software compression provider, is automatically
bundled with the hardware card. In order to use
tmzd, you must disable clustered
multi-processing on the system.
Always available.
Always available.
When the system contains a hardware
compression license and a hardware
card, the card is automatically
configured with a hardware
compression provider.
All BIG-IP 8800 systems contain a
hardware card and a hardware
compression license. The hardware
card is automatically configured with a
hardware compression provider.
Table 5.1 About the compression providers on a BIG-IP system
Viewing the hardware compression providers on a BIG-IP system
You can view the hardware compression providers that are present on your
To view the hardware compression providers
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Type platform show.
The system returns information about the platform including any
hardware compression providers that are installed.
Understanding compression strategy selection
When using the command line interface to configure compression for a
BIG-IP system, you can choose from four compression strategies (Speed,
Size, Ratio, and Adaptive). The BIG-IP system uses the compression
strategy that you select to determine which compression provider to use for
a given HTTP response. Once an HTTP response is assigned to a
compression provider, the response remains associated with that
compression provider until the response is completed.
The adaptive compression strategy gives you the most control over how the
BIG-IP system handles compression tasks. Understanding all four of the
compression strategies helps you to understand the benefits of using
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Chapter 5
adaptive compression when the system contains a hardware compression
provider. The four compression strategies are described in Table 5.2
This is the default compression strategy.
The system uses the hardware compression provider to the fullest extent possible. When the load
on the system increases, and the hardware is busy, the system uses the software compression
providers to compress HTTP server responses. The Speed strategy is best used for bulk
compression and for limiting CPU overhead.
The system performs as much compression in the software as possible using a ratio of TMM and
Offload. When the load on the system increases, and the software is busy, the system uses the
hardware compression provider to compress HTTP server responses. The Size strategy gives the
best ratio at the expense of CPU overhead.
The system uses a weighted Round Robin approach to decide which compression provider to use
to compress data. The Ratio strategy limits CPU overhead while giving good compression ratios.
For more information on configuring the Ratio strategy, see Summarizing bigdb database variables
for HTTP compression, on page B-5.
The system first utilizes the software compression providers to compress HTTP server responses.
It switches to the hardware compression providers based on both the gzip compression level that
you set in the HTTP profile and the hardware compression provider the system contains.
As load on the system increases, the system responds by reducing the desired gzip compression
level (specified in the HTTP profile). The system utilizes the hardware compression providers only
when the provider can deliver the specified or systematically reduced gzip compression level.
The Adaptive strategy gives you the most control over how the BIG-IP system handles
Table 5.2 Compression strategies described
Introducing adaptive compression
The adaptive compression strategy specifies that the BIG-IP system uses the
software and hardware compression providers in the most efficient way to
provide the best quality of compression based on the available system
resources. This means that the system compresses HTTP server responses
based on the load on the system, directing more compression resources
toward specific traffic. When adaptive compression is enabled, the system
adapts to the changing traffic flow and utilizes the available compression
providers by modifying how it compresses HTTP server responses.
You can use adaptive compression on any system and it will have a
beneficial effect. However, adaptive compression provides the most benefit
on the BIG-IP 6400, 6800, and 8400 systems that contain a hardware card.
This is because the default compression strategy on these systems does not
always provide a desirable level of control of HTTP server response
5 - 10
Managing Local Application Traffic
When you want to use adaptive compression, you perform the following
• Enable adaptive compression on the system.
• Set bigdb database variables to fine-tune how you want the system to
perform compression of the HTTP server responses. (The bigdb database
variable you set are different based on the system’s hardware
compression provider.)
• Create an HTTP profile and set the gzip compression level.
For more information on configuring adaptive compression, see Configuring
adaptive compression, on page 5-12.
When you enable adaptive compression, the BIG-IP system uses the bigdb
database variable settings in combination with the specified gzip
compression level to determine how to best utilize the software and
hardware compression providers on the system as the traffic flow through
the system changes.
It important to understand that hardware compression providers cannot
match the highest quality compression level that software compression
providers perform. On the other hand, software compression providers
require extensive system resources to deliver the highest quality
With the adaptive compression strategy, you can configure the system to
utilize only the software compression providers to compress server
responses at the quality level that you specify, when there are enough
system resources available. When the load on the system increases, the
adaptive compression strategy allows the system to incrementally decrease
the quality of the compression of server responses as the load on the system
increases. This frees the system resources to handle the load balancing of the
increased traffic rather than using those resources to compress the server
When traffic reaches a peak volume, and based on the gzip compression
level that you set in the HTTP profile, the system begins to handle
compression using the hardware compression providers. Conversely, as the
volume of traffic to the system decreases, more system resources become
available for compression, and the system can again utilize the software
compression providers to incrementally increase the quality of the
compression of the server responses.
Understanding how adaptive compression works
To understand how adaptive compression works, you must understand the
gzip compression level setting in the HTTP profile. For more information
about creating and configuring an HTTP profile using the Configuration
utility, see the Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic
When you enable adaptive compression, the system utilizes the gzip
compression level that you set in the HTTP profile in different ways
depending on which hardware compression provider the system contains.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Chapter 5
When you create an HTTP profile, you set a gzip compression level in the
range of 9 - 0. The higher the gzip compression level, the better the quality
of the compression, and the more resources the system uses to reach the
specified quality of compression.
Setting a gzip compression level of 9 specifies that you want the system to
use the optimal compression ratio when it compresses HTTP server
responses. For example, you might set the gzip compression level to 9, if
you are utilizing the BIG-IP system RAM cache feature to store response
data. The reason for this is that the stored data in the RAM cache is
continually re-used in responses, and you want the quality of the
compression of that data to be very high.
As the traffic flow on the BIG-IP system increases, compression quality is
incrementally decreased from the gzip compression level that you set in the
profile. When the gzip compression level decreases to the point where the
hardware compression provider is capable of providing the specified
compression level, the system uses the hardware compression providers,
rather than the software compression providers to compress the HTTP
server responses. This point is different on the BIG-IP 6400, 6800, and 8400
systems that contain a hardware card than it is on the BIG-IP 8800 systems.
Configuring adaptive compression
You use the db command to enable adaptive compression on the BIG-IP
system, by typing the following command at the bigpipe shell prompt:
db compression.strategy adaptive
After you change a bigdb database variable using the db command, you
must run the save all command. If you do not, the next time that you run the
load command, the value of the bigdb database variable may be reset to the
value in the stored configuration.
You also use the db command to configure other bigdb database variables in
order to fine-tune how the system compresses HTTP server responses. For
more information on configuring adaptive compression using bigdb
database variable, see Summarizing bigdb database variables for HTTP
compression, on page B-5.
You use the profile http command to configure the setting of the compress
gzip level parameter that is used by the adaptive compression strategy. For
more information on creating and configuring an HTTP profile, see profile
http, on page A-198.
5 - 12
Managing Local Application Traffic
Configuring adaptive compression on BIG-IP 6400, 6800, and 8400 systems
When you enable adaptive compression on a BIG-IP 6400, 6800, or 8400
system that contains a hardware card, the gzip compression level setting of
the HTTP profile specifies the following behavior:
• When you set the gzip compression level between 9 and 2, inclusive, the
software compression providers perform the server response
compression based on the specified level and the load on the system.
When the system reaches peak traffic load, and consequently runs low on
resources to perform compression, the hardware compression provider
begins to compress the server responses. When the load lessens and the
resources are again available, the software compression provider again
begins to compress the server responses.
• When you set the gzip compression level to 1, and you enable the
Compression.Adaptive.AHA.UseAtGzip1 bigdb database variable,
when the system reaches peak traffic load, the hardware compression
provider compresses the server responses, rather than the software
compression provider doing this work. This is because the hardware
compression provider on the BIG-IP 6400, 6800, and 8400 systems
supports a gzip compression level of 1.
• When you set the gzip compression level to 0, the system performs the
minimum compression possible using the hardware compression
Configuring adaptive compression on BIG-IP 8800 systems
When you enable adaptive compression on a BIG-IP 8800 system, the gzip
compression level setting specifies the following behavior:
• When you set the gzip compression level between 9 and 4, inclusive, the
software compression provider performs the server response
compression based on the specified level and the load on the system.
When the system reaches peak traffic load, and consequently runs low on
resources to perform compression, the hardware compression provider
begins to compress the server responses. When the load lessens and the
resources are again available, the software compression provider again
begins to compress the server responses.
• When you set the gzip compression level to 3 - 1, inclusive, you specify
that when the system reaches peak traffic load, that you want the
hardware compression provider to compress the data instead of the
software compression provider. Note that the hardware compression
provider on the BIG-IP 880 system supports only gzip compression
levels 2 and 3. When the gzip compression level drops to 1, the quality of
the hardware compression drops as well.
• When you set the gzip compression level to 0 you specify that when the
system reaches peak traffic load, that you want the system to perform the
minimal compression possible using the hardware compression provider.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Chapter 5
Viewing compression statistics
You can view statistics about the BIG-IP system using the tmstat utility.
Using this utility you can view information about the traffic throughput, and
the compression ratio totals per hardware compression provider.
To view compression statistics
1. Access the system shell.
2. Type tmstat compress.
The system returns compression statistics.
Figure 5.1 is an example of the results of the command tmstat compress on
a system that contains a hardware compression provider.
Figure 5.1 Sample results of the command tmstat compress
5 - 14
Managing Local Application Traffic
Implementing HTTP and TCP optimization profiles
In addition to the default http and tcp profiles, the BIG-IP system includes
other HTTP- and TCP-type profiles that you can use to optimize HTTP and
TCP traffic. These profiles are:
• http-wan-optimized-compression
• http-lan-optimized-caching
• http-wan-optimized-compression-caching
• tcp-lan-optimized
• tcp-wan-optimized
You can implement any of these profiles as is, by assigning the profile to a
virtual server, or you can customize the profile to suit your needs.
To customize an optimization profile
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Use either the profile http or profile tcp command, specifying one
of the profile names in the above list.
For example, to implement a customized profile for TCP LAN
traffic, use the following command, specifying only the options with
values that you want to modify. Note that the tcp argument
represents the type of profile, and the tcp-lan-optimized argument
is the name of the profile you are customizing:
bp> profile tcp tcp-lan-optimized <options>
3. Assign the customized profile to a virtual server, using the profile
argument with the virtual command.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
5 - 15
Chapter 5
Authenticating application traffic
You can configure the BIG-IP system to authenticate application traffic. To
do this you configure the system to generate certificates, create certificate
revocation lists (CRLs), revoke certificates, and associate keys and
certificates using the SSL profile. You can also perform other
certificate-related tasks and configure remote server authentication.
Generating SSL certificates
When you want the BIG-IP system to manage SSL traffic (that is,
authenticate, decrypt, and encrypt SSL traffic), you must generate SSL
certificates that the BIG-IP system can use as part of the authentication
To generate SSL certificates from the BIG-IP system prompt, you can use
the gencert and OpenSSL utilities. You can generate keys, certificate
signing request files, certificate authority (CA) certificates that are trusted
for client authentication, client certificates, certificates for web sites, and
certificate revocation lists (CRLs). You can also perform a number of other
certificate-related tasks.
Generating CA certificates
To obtain a valid certificate, you must have a private key. You can use the
gencert utility to generate a key, a temporary certificate, and a certificate
signing request file that you can submit to a certificate authority (CA).
When you change any of the gencert utility defaults, you must include a key
size. For example, to change the name of the organization for which you are
requesting a certificate, use the following syntax:
gencert -o NewCompanyName 1024
To generate a CA certificate
1. Access the BIG-IP system prompt.
2. Run the gencert utility.
The following files are created and saved in the SSL directory:
• ssl.csr is the certificate signing request file.
• ssl.key contains the key.
5 - 16
Managing Local Application Traffic
Creating client certificates
For client-side authentication between a client and a BIG-IP system, you can
create a certificate for that client.
To create a client certificate
1. Access the BIG-IP system prompt.
2. Generate a client key. For example:
openssl genrsa -rand .rand -out auser1.key 1024
3. Generate a client certificate request, using the previously-generated
key. For example:
openssl req -new -out auser1.req -key auser1.key
4. Generate a client certificate with or without the LDAP CRL
distribution point. Note that you must use OpenSSL 0.9.8.x or
newer to generate certificates with embedded distribution points that
are dirname-based addresses. (dirname is a utility that strips off the
trailing part of a file name, and the result is the path name of the
directory that contains the file.)
In the following example, the certificate is named auser1.crt.
• To generate the client certificate with the LDAP CRL distribution
point, use the openssl x509 command, as in the following
openssl x509 -req -in auser1.req -out auser1.crt \
-CAkey bigmirror-ca.key -CA bigmirror-ca.crt \
-days 300 -CAcreateserial -CAserial serial \
-extensions crl_ext -extfile bigmirror-ca.ext
• To generate the client certificate without the LDAP CRL
distribution point, use the openssl x509 command, as in the
following example:
openssl x509 -req -in auser1.req -out auser1.crt \
-CAkey bigmirror-ca.key -CA bigmirror-ca.crt \
-days 300 -CAcreateserial -CAserial serial
5. Create a PKCS12 file using the above key and certificate pairs.
For example:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in auser1.crt -inkey \
auser1.key -out auser1.p12 -name "auser1 pkcs12"
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
5 - 17
Chapter 5
Creating a certificate for a web site
For server-side authentication between a web site and a BIG-IP system, you
can create a certificate for that web site.
To create a certificate for a web site
1. Access the BIG-IP system prompt.
2. Create a key. For example:
openssl genrsa -rand .rand -out 1024
3. Generate a certificate request using the key that you generated in
step 1. For example:
openssl req -new -key -out \
4. Using the request that you generated in step 2, generate a certificate
named for the web site.
• If you want to generate the certificate with the LDAP CRL
distribution point, use the openssl x509 command, as in the
following example:
openssl x509 -req -in -out \ -CAkey bigmirror-ca.key -CA \
bigmirror-ca.crt -days 300 -CAcreateserial \
-CAserial serial -extensions crl_ext \
-extfile bigmirror-ca.ext
• If you want to generate the certificate without the LDAP CRL
distribution point, use the openssl x509 command, as in the
following example:
openssl x509 -req -in \
-out -CAkey bigmirror-ca.key -CA
bigmirror-ca.crt -days 300 -CAcreateserial \
-CAserial serial
Working with certificate revocation
You can use the OpenSSL utility to create a certificate revocation list
(CRL). The BIG-IP system checks a CRL to see if a client or server
certificate being presented for authentication has been revoked.
You can also use the utility to revoke a certificate.
To create a certificate revocation list
1. From the BIG-IP system prompt, create a configuration file for the
serial or index option.
For example:
echo -e \
> bigmirror-ca.config
5 - 18
Managing Local Application Traffic
2. From the BIG-IP system prompt, generate a CRL that expires in
thirty days. For example:
openssl ca -config bigmirror-ca.config -gencrl -crldays \
30 -keyfile bigmirror-ca.key -cert bigmirror-ca.crt \
-out bigmirror-ca.crl
To revoke a certificate
Revoke a client certificate, using the openssl command from the BIG-IP
system prompt. For example, to revoke the client certificate auser1.crt:
openssl ca -config bigmirror-ca.config -keyfile \
bigmirror-ca.key -cert bigmirror-ca.crt -revoke auser1.crt
When you are using the CRLDP authentication module, you must ensure
that the CRLs are stored in a remote LDAP database, and in ASN.1 DER
format (Abstract Syntax Notation.1 Distinguished Encoding Rules).
Associating keys and certificates with SSL profiles
You can associate a key and a certificate with an SSL profile by using the
profile command from the bigpipe shell and specifying the key and
certificate file names as arguments. For more information, see the online
man page for the profile command.
Performing other certificate-related tasks
There are a number of other SSL-certificate-related tasks that you can
perform, using the OpenSSL utility. You access this utility from the BIG-IP
system prompt.
To verify a certificate
Use this command to verify a certificate:
openssl verify -CAfile bigmirror-ca.crt
To view a CRL
Use this command to view a CRL:
openssl crl -in bigmirror-ca.crl -text -noout
To view certificate information
Use this command to view certificate information:
openssl x509 -in -text -noout
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Chapter 5
To convert a certificate to PEM format
Use this command to convert a certificate from PKCS12 (.P12 or.PFX)
format to PEM format:
openssl pkcs12 -in auser1.p12 -out auser1.pem
To add a password to an RSA key
Use this command to add a password to an RSA key:
openssl rsa -in auser1.key -out auser1-enc.key -des3 \
-passout pass:secret
To strip a password from an RSA key
Use this command to strip a password from an RSA key:
openssl rsa -in auser1-enc.key -out auser1.key \
-passin pass:secret
Configuring remote server authentication
You can configure the BIG-IP system to use a remote server for
authenticating application traffic. The types of remote servers that you can
use to authenticate network traffic are:
• CRLDP servers
• LDAP servers
• RADIUS servers
• TACACS+ servers
• SSL Client Certificate LDAP servers
• SSL OCSP responders
You must create an authentication configuration object and an
authentication profile for the type of remote server you want to use. For
example, to use an LDAP server, you must create an LDAP configuration
object and an LDAP authentication profile. You access the bigpipe shell
and use the auth ldap command to create an authentication configuration
object. You use the profile and virtual commands to create an
authentication profile.
If the remote server you want to use is a RADIUS server, an SSL OCSP
responder, or a CRLDP server, you must create an additional object known
as a server object. You access the bigpipe shell and use the ocsp responder
or radius server command to create the server object.
5 - 20
Managing Local Application Traffic
To configure the BIG-IP system for remote authentication
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Create an authentication configuration object of the appropriate
type, using one of the following commands:
• auth crldp
• auth ldap
• auth radius
• auth ssl cc ldap
• auth ssl ocsp
• auth tacacs
3. Create an authentication profile of the same type as the
configuration object, using the profile command and specifying the
configuration object name as one of the profile settings.
4. If the remote authentication server is an SSL OCSP responder, a
RADIUS server, or a CRLDP server, create the appropriate server
• For an SSL OCSP responder, create an SSL OCSP responder
object, using the ocsp responder command.
• For a RADIUS server, create a RADIUS server object, using the
radius server command.
• For a CRLDP server, create a CRLDP server object, using the
crldp server command.
5. Associate the authentication profile with a virtual server, using the
virtual command.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Chapter 5
Implementing persistence
You can configure the BIG-IP system to implement both session and
connection persistence.
Implementing session persistence
To implement session persistence for connections passing through a virtual
server, access the bigpipe shell and use the profile and virtual commands.
You can implement these types of session persistence:
• Cookie
• Destination Address Affinity
• Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (MSRDP)
• Hash
• Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
• Source Address Affinity
• Universal
To configure session persistence
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Create a persistence profile, using the profile command, that
corresponds to the type of persistence you want to implement.
3. Assign the persistence profile to a virtual server, using the persist
and fallback persist arguments with the virtual command.
Implementing connection persistence
To implement connection persistence, you can add Keep-Alive headers into
HTTP /1.0 headers where none exist. (By default, HTTP/1.1 connections
include Keep-Alive support.) You can also enable a feature known as
connection pooling, which keeps server-side connections open for re-use by
other client requests. You enable Keep-Alive support and connection
pooling by creating or modifying an HTTP or Fast HTTP profile, as well as
a OneConnect® profile.
5 - 22
Managing Local Application Traffic
To add Keep-Alive headers into HTTP requests
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. To ensure that HTTP connections stay open, use the profile http
command and specify the oneconnect transformations argument.
This ensures that the BIG-IP system inserts a
Connection:Keep-Alive header into any HTTP /1.0 request that
does not already contain one.
3. Make sure that you have assigned the HTTP or Fast HTTP profile to
a virtual server, using the virtual command.
To enable connection pooling
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Using the profile oneconnect command, configure a profile for
connection pooling.
3. Assign the profile to a virtual server, using the profile argument
with the virtual command.
You can also configure connection persistence settings by configuring a
Fast HTTP profile, using the profile fasthttp command at the bigpipe shell
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Chapter 5
Enhancing the performance of the BIG-IP system
You can enhance the performance of the BIG-IP system by setting Quality
of Service (QoS) and Type of Service (ToS) levels on packets, setting idle
timeout values, and implementing rate shaping.
Setting Link QoS and IP ToS levels on packets
You can use the bigpipe utility to set QoS and ToS levels on packets. You
can do this not only for all traffic targeted to a load balancing pool, but also
for specific types of traffic, such as Layer 4, TCP, and UDP traffic.
To set QoS and ToS levels
1. Decide whether you want to set QoS and ToS levels for traffic
targeted for an entire pool or for specific types of traffic, or both.
• If you want to set the QoS and ToS levels for an entire pool,
access the bigpipe shell and use the pool command with one or
more of the following arguments: link qos to client, link qos to
server, ip tos to client, and ip tos to server.
• If you want to set the QoS and ToS levels for certain types of
traffic, access the bigpipe shell and use the profile command to
create or modify a Fast L4, TCP, or UDP profile.
2. Verify that the pool or the profile that you created or modified is
assigned to a virtual server. To do this, use the following syntax:
bp> virtual <virtual server name> list
Setting idle timeout values
You can use the bigpipe utility to set timeout values for Layer 4, HTTP,
TCP, or UDP connections that remain idle. You do this by creating or
modifying a Fast L4, Fast HTTP, TCP, or UDP profile.
To set idle timeout values
1. Create or modify a Fast L4, Fast HTTP, TCP, or UDP profile, by
accessing the bigpipe shell and using the profile command.
2. Specify the idle timeout argument to set a timeout value.
3. Verify that the profile you created or modified is assigned to a
virtual server.
5 - 24
Managing Local Application Traffic
Implementing rate shaping
To implement rate shaping, you must create a rate class, and then assign the
rate class to a virtual server or a packet filter rule.
To implement rate shaping
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Create one or more rate classes, using the rate class command.
3. Assign the rate classes to a virtual server or a packet filter rule,
using either the virtual command or the packet filter command.
Managing health and performance monitors
You can monitor the health and performance of your BIG-IP system using
either pre-configured monitors or custom monitors that you create.
Creating custom monitors
You can create a custom monitor to monitor the health and performance of a
node or of the servers that make up your load balancing pool. To do this,
you access the bigpipe shell and use the monitor command. For more
information, see the online man page and Appendix A, bigpipe Command
Associating monitors with pools or nodes
To associate a monitor with a load balancing pool or a node, you create the
pool or node, and then associate a monitor with the pool or node.
To associate a monitor with a pool or node
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Do one of the following:
• Create a load balancing pool using the pool command.
• Create a node using the node command.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Chapter 5
3. Do one of the following:
• If you created a load balancing pool, configure the pool with the
pool monitor all command, specifying the name of the monitor
that you want to use to monitor the pool members. Note that you
can use this command to assign the same monitor to all pool
members; however, the monitor that you assign to a pool member
must reside either in the current Write partition, or in partition
Common. Alternatively, you can assign different monitors to
individual pool members, as long as the monitor you assign to the
pool member resides in the current Write partition, or in partition
• If you created a node, configure a node with the node monitor
command, specifying the name of the monitor that you want to
use to monitor the node.
4. If you created a load balancing pool, assign the pool to a virtual
server, using the virtual pool command.
Monitoring services
You can monitor RPC, SMB, and JDBC services from the BIG-IP system
Checking the health of RPC services
To check the health of remote procedure call (RCP) services, you can use
the industry standard rpcinfo command. Use -t to check tcp mode or -u to
check udp mode.
rpcinfo -n <port> -t|-u <ipaddr> <program> [<version>]
Retrieving a list of SMB services
To retrieve a list of services that use the server message block (SMB)
protocol, you can use the industry standard smbclient command from the
BIG-IP system prompt.
Monitoring JDBC connections with a database
You can specify the number of times to monitor a JDBC connection with a
database from the bigpipe shell using the monitor <monitor name> '{
count "0" }' command. You use the default count of 0, to keep connections
forever. You use a count greater than 0, to keep the connection for the
specified number of uses, and then close the connection.
In the following example, the Oracle monitor is closed after every use.
bp> monitor <monitor_key> '{ count "1" }'
In the following example, the Oracle monitor is closed after 100 uses.
bp> monitor <monitor_key> '{ count "100" }'
5 - 26
Managing Local Application Traffic
Configuring a monitor for manual resume
To configure the manual resume feature, you access the bigpipe shell and
use the monitor command with the manual resume option, changing the
value from no (the default value) to yes.
To configure the manual resume option
For an existing custom monitor, from the bigpipe shell, use the monitor
command with the manual resume option, as follows:
bp> monitor <custom_monitor_name> manual resume yes
Once a pool member or node that was previously down becomes available,
you can then manually set the pool member or node to an up state, using the
pool or node command.
Manually setting pool member or node status
After you configure the manual resume option on a monitor, and assign the
monitor to a pool member or a node, you can then set the pool member or
node status to up whenever that pool member or node becomes available.
To manually mark one or all pool members as up
From the bigpipe shell, using the following pool command syntax, you can
manually mark as up either one pool member, or all members of a pool.
Note that you can mark multiple pool members as up only when the pool
members reside in the current Write partition, or in partition Common.
bp> pool <pool_name> member <member_ip_address> up
bp> pool <pool_name> member all up
To manually mark one or all nodes as up
From the bigpipe shell, using the following node command syntax, you can
manually mark as up either one node, or all nodes. Note that you can mark
multiple nodes as up only when the nodes reside in the current Write
partition, or in partition Common.
bp> node <node_ip_address> up
bp> node all up
If a user with permission to manage objects in partition Common disables a
monitor that is designated as the default monitor for nodes (such as the icmp
monitor), this affects all nodes on the system. Ensure that the default
monitor for nodes always resides in partition Common.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Chapter 5
Implementing iRules
The iRules™ feature is powerful and flexible, and it significantly enhances
your ability to customize the BIG-IP system. An iRule can reference any
object, regardless of the partition in which the referenced object resides. For
example, an iRule that resides in partition_a can contain a pool statement
that specifies a pool residing in partition_b. For more information about
iRules™, see
To implement an iRule
Write a script using the industry-standard Tools Command Language (Tcl)
and the commands that the BIG-IP system provides as Tcl extensions.
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. Create an iRule using the rule command. You must include the
name of the Tcl script and the script itself as arguments for the
3. Assign the iRule to a virtual server, using the virtual command in
one of the following ways:
• To associate multiple iRules™ with a virtual server, use this
bp> virtual <virtual_server_name> rule <iRule1_name> \
<iRule2_name> ...
• To remove the assignment of an iRule from a virtual server, use
this syntax:
bp> virtual <virtual_server_name> rule none
• To remove the iRule assignments from multiple virtual servers,
use the following syntax. Note that you can remove the iRule
assignments only from virtual servers that reside in the current
Write partition or in partition Common.
bp> virtual all rule none
• To associate an existing iRule with multiple virtual servers, use
the following syntax. Note that you can associate an iRule only
with virtual servers that reside in the current Write partition or in
partition Common.
bp> virtual all rule <iRule_name>
Important: In this case, the iRule becomes the only iRule that is
associated with each virtual server in the current Write partition.
Because this command overwrites all previous iRule
assignments, F5 does not recommend use of this command.
5 - 28
bigpipe Command Reference
• Introduction to command syntax
• Alphabetical list of commands
bigpipe Command Reference
Introduction to command syntax
This appendix contains the command syntax for specific BIG-IP system
commands, and each bigpipe command. Use the BIG-IP system commands
at the BIG-IP system prompt. Use the bigpipe commands at the bigpipe
shell prompt: bp>. In this appendix, we do not include the corresponding
screen prompt.
For more information about the bigpipe shell see Using the bigpipe shell, on
page 2-2.
You can find additional information about command syntax in the online
man pages. The BIG-IP product includes a complete set of online man pages
for the commands that make up the bigpipe utility. You can access the
online man pages for bigpipe commands in one of two ways:
• From the BIG-IP system prompt, type man followed by the command
name. You must use underscores between the words in the command
name. For example:
man stp_instance
• From the bigpipe shell prompt, use the command name followed by
help. Do not use underscores between the words in the command name.
For example:
auth crldp help
Using the keyword, all
When using bigpipe commands, you can globally modify or delete objects
of a specified type only when all objects of that type reside in a single
partition. In other words, it is important to note that when you use the
keyword, all, with an object type, the action you are performing applies only
to objects of the specified type in the current Write partition. For more
information about partitions, see Understanding partitions and user
accounts in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management Guide.
Identifying command types
In the See also sections of this appendix, commands are followed by an
industry-standard identifying number. The types that are listed in this
appendix include:
• User commands, which are identified by (1), for example:
• System management commands, which are identified by (8), for
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Appendix A
Basic definitions
The following are basic definitions that apply to bigpipe commands.
<if name>
<ip addr>
::= mgmt | <number> . <number>
::= <IPv4 address> | <IPv6 address> | <node address screen name> | \
<host name> | any | any6 | *
<ip mask>
::= <IPv4 netmask> | <IPv6 netmask> | none
<mac addr>
::= <six hexadecimal numbers separated by colons>
::= <IPv4 address> : <service> | <IPv6 address> . <service>
::= <letter> <letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, underscores>
<network ip> ::= (<ip addr> [mask <ip mask> | (prefixlen | /) <number>] | \
default [inet | inet6])
::= <digit> ... | <digits> . <digits> (K | M | G)
::= <number> | <name> | any | *
::= <number> | <name> | any | *
::= <any set of characters, surrounded by double quotes if includes spaces,
braces, or reserved words>
Any of these commands may be followed by <name list>. This indicates a
list of the specified items, separated by spaces.
Alphabetical list of commands
The remainder of this appendix lists specific BIG-IP system commands and
all of the bigpipe commands.
bigpipe Command Reference
Manages static and dynamic Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries in
the routing table. Provides the ability to add static ARP entries to the route
table. Also provides the ability to display and delete static and dynamic
route mappings between IP addresses and MAC addresses, or a list of IP
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete entries in the
ARP cache.
arp <arp key list> {}
arp (<arp key list> | all) [{] <arp arg list> [}]
<arp key> :=
<ip addr>
(dynamic | static)
<arp arg> ::=
(<mac addr> | none)
arp edit
arp (<arp key list> | all) list [all]
arp (<arp key list> | all) [show [all]]
arp (<arp key list> | all) ip addr [show]
arp (<arp key list> | all) mac addr [show]
arp (<arp key list> | all) type [show]
arp (<arp key list> | all) delete
You can use the arp command to create static ARP entries for IPv4
addresses to link-layer addresses, such as ethernet MAC addresses. In
addition to creating static ARP entries, you can view and delete static and
dynamic ARP entries. You can also use the db command to configure how
the system handles ARP entries for dynamic timeout, maximum dynamic
entries, add reciprocal, and maximum retries. For more information, see db,
on page A-57, or the db command online man page.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Appendix A
Creates an ARP mapping of the IP address to the MAC address
arp 00:0b:09:88:00:9a
Displays all ARP entries for the system:
arp show
Displays all dynamic ARP entries for the system:
arp dynamic show
Displays all static ARP entries for the system:
arp list
Displays the ARP entry for the IP address
arp show
Deletes the ARP entry for the IP address
arp delete
Deletes all static ARP entries for the system:
arp static delete
Deletes all ARP entries for the system:
arp all delete
You can use these options with the arp command:
arp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command arp. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
Specifies that the IP address for which you want to create an ARP entry
is dynamic. A dynamic IP address is a temporary IP address.
ip addr
Specifies the IP address, for which you want to create an ARP entry, in
one of four formats:
bigpipe Command Reference
• IPv4 address in dotted-quad notation, for example,
• IPv6 address, for example, 1080::8:800:200C:417A
• host name, for example,
• node screen name, for example, node1
ip addr list
Specifies a list of IP addresses separated by a single space. For example,
this list contains three IP addresses:
mac addr
Specifies a 6-byte ethernet address in not case-sensitive hexadecimal
colon notation, for example, 00:0b:09:88:00:9a. You must specify a
MAC address when you create an ARP entry.
Specifies that the IP address for which you want to create an ARP entry
is static and does not change.
See also
db(1), ndp(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Appendix A
auth crldp
Configures a Certificate Revocation List Distribution Point (CRLDP)
configuration object for implementing CRLDP to manage certificate
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a CRLDP
configuration object.
If you are assigned a user user role that allows you to create objects, and
you are assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in
a specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your
Write partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For
more information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and
Managing User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System
Management Guide.
auth crldp <auth crldp key list> {}
auth crldp (<auth crldp key list> | all) [{] <auth crldp arg list> [}]
<auth crldp key> ::=
<auth crldp arg> ::=
conn timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite)
servers (<crldp server key list> | none) [add |delete]
update interval <number>
use issuer (enable | disable)
auth crldp edit
auth crldp [<auth crldp key list> | all] [show [all]]
auth crldp [<auth crldp key list> | all] list [all]
auth crldp [<auth crldp key list> | all] conn timeout [show]
auth crldp [<auth crldp key list> | all] name [show]
auth crldp [<auth crldp key list> | all] partition [show]
auth crldp [<auth crldp key list> | all] servers [show]
auth crldp [<auth crldp key list> | all] update interval [show]
auth crldp [<auth crldp key list> | all] use issuer [show]
auth crldp (<auth crldp key list> | all) delete
bigpipe Command Reference
CRLDP authentication is a mechanism for checking certificate revocation
status for client connections passing through the BIG-IP system. This
module is useful when your authentication data is stored on a remote
CRLDP server. You configure a CRLDP authentication module by defining
a CRLDP server (using the crldp server command), creating a CRLDP
configuration object (using the auth crldp command) and assigning
CRLDP servers to the object, creating a CRLDP profile (using the profile
auth command) and assigning the CRLDP configuration object to the
profile, and assigning the CRLDP profile to a virtual server.
Creates a configuration object named my_auth_crldp:
auth crldp my_auth_crldp {}
Deletes the configuration object named my_auth_crldp:
auth crldp my_auth_crldp delete
You can use these options with the auth crldp command:
auth crldp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command auth crldp. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• connection timeout
Specifies the number of seconds before the connection times out. The
default is 15 seconds.
• servers
Specifies the CRLDP server that you want to either assign to or remove
from the CRLDP configuration object.
• update interval
Specifies an update interval for CRL distribution points. The update
interval for distribution points ensures that CRL status is checked at
regular intervals, regardless of the CRL timeout value. This helps to
prevent CRL information from becoming outdated before the BIG-IP
system checks the status of a certificate. The default is zero, which
indicates an internal default value is active.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Appendix A
• use issuer
Indicates whether the CRL distribution point should be extracted from
the certificate of the client certificate issuer. The default is disable.
See also
profile auth(1), bigpipe(1)
bigpipe Command Reference
auth ldap
Configures an LDAP configuration object for implementing remote
LDAP-based client authentication.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete an LDAP
configuration object.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
auth ldap <auth ldap key list> {}
auth ldap (<auth ldap key list> | all) [{] <auth ldap arg list> [}]
<auth ldap key list> ::=
<auth ldap arg> ::=
bind dn (<string> | none)
bind pw (<string> | none)
bind timeout <number>
check host attr (enable | disable)
debug (enable | disable)
filter (<string> | none)
group dn (<string> | none)
group member attr (<string> | none)
idle timeout <number>
ignore authinfo unavail (enable | disable)
login attr (<string> | none)
scope (base | one | sub)
search base dn (<string> | none)
search timeout <number>
servers (<string list> | none) [add | delete]
service (<service> | none)
ssl (enable | disable)
ssl ca cert file (<string> | none)
ssl check peer (enable | disable)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Appendix A
ssl ciphers (<string> | none)
ssl client cert (<string> | none)
ssl client key (<string> | none)
user template (<string> | none)
version <number>
warnings (enable | disable)
auth ldap edit
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] [show [all]]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] list [all]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] bind dn [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] bind pw [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] bind timeout [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] check host attr [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] debug [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] filter [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] group dn [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] group member attr [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] idle timeout [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] ignore authinfo unavail [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] login attr [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] name [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] partition [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] scope [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] search base dn [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] search timeout [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] servers [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] service [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] ssl [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] ssl ca cert file [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] ssl check peer [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] ssl ciphers [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] ssl client cert [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] ssl client key [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] user template [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] version [show]
auth ldap [<auth ldap key list> | all] warnings [show]
auth ldap (<auth ldap key list> | all) delete
A - 10
bigpipe Command Reference
LDAP authentication is a mechanism for authenticating or authorizing client
connections passing through the system. LDAP authentication is useful
when your authentication or authorization data is stored on a remote LDAP
server or a Microsoft® Windows Active Directory server, and you want the
client credentials to be based on basic HTTP authentication (that is, user
name and password). You configure an LDAP authentication module by
creating an LDAP configuration object, creating an LDAP profile, and
assigning the profile and a default iRule to the virtual server.
Creates a configuration object named my_auth_ldap:
auth ldap my_auth_ldap
Deletes the configuration object named my_auth_ldap:
auth ldap my_auth_ldap delete
You can use these options with the auth ldap command:
• auth ldap edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command auth ldap. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• bind dn
Specifies the distinguished name of an account to which to bind, in order
to perform searches. This search account is a read-only account used to
do searches. The admin account can be used as the search account. If no
admin DN is specified, then no bind is attempted. This setting is only
required when a site does not allow anonymous searches. If the remote
server is a Microsoft Windows Active Directory server, the distinguished
name must be in the form of an email address. Possible values are a
user-specified string, and none.
• bind pw
Specifies the password for the search account created on the LDAP
server. This setting is required if you use a bind DN. Possible values are
a user-specified string, and none.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 11
Appendix A
• bind timeout
Specifies a bind timeout limit, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
• check host attr
Confirms the password for the bind distinguished name. This setting is
optional. The default is disable.
• debug
Enables or disables syslog-ng debugging information at LOG DEBUG
level. Not recommended for normal use. The default is disable.
• filter
Specifies a filter. This setting is used for authorizing client traffic.
Possible values are a user-specified string, and none.
• group dn
Specifies the group distinguished name. This setting is used for
authorizing client traffic. Possible values are a user-specified string, and
• group member attr
Specifies a group member attribute. This setting is used for authorizing
client traffic. Possible values are a user-specified string, and none.
• idle timeout
Specifies the idle timeout, in seconds, for connections. The default is
3600 seconds.
• ignore authinfo unavail
Ignores the authentication information if it is not available. The default is
• login attr
Specifies a logon attribute. Normally, the value for this setting is uid;
however, if the server is a Microsoft Windows Active Directory server,
the value must be the account name SAMACCOUNTNAME (not
case-sensitive). Possible values are a user-specified string, and none.
• scope
Specifies the scope. Possible values are: base, one, and sub. The default
is sub.
• search base dn
Specifies the search base distinguished name. You must specify a search
base distinguished name when you create an LDAP configuration object.
• search timeout
Specifies the search timeout, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
• servers
Specifies the LDAP servers that the system must use to obtain
authentication information. You must specify a server when you create
an LDAP configuration object.
• service
Specifies the port number for the LDAP service. Port 389 is typically
used for non-SSL and port 636 is used for an SSL-enabled LDAP
A - 12
bigpipe Command Reference
• ssl
Enables or disables SSL. The default is disable. Note that when you use
the command line interface to enable SSL for an LDAP service, the
system does not change the service port number from 389 to 636, as is
required. To change the port number from the command line, use the
service option of this command (see above), for example, auth ldap
<name> ssl enable service 636.
• ssl ca cert file
Specifies the name of an SSL CA certificate. Possible values are: none
and specify full path.
• ssl check peer
Checks an SSL peer. The default is disable.
• ssl ciphers
Specifies SSL ciphers. Possible values are a user-specified string, and
• ssl client cert
Specifies the name of an SSL client certificate. Possible values are a
user-specified string, and none.
• ssl client key
Specifies the name of an SSL client key. Possible values are a
user-specified string, and none.
• version
Specifies the version number of the LDAP application. The default value
is 3.
• warnings
Enables or disables warning messages. The default is enable.
See also
profile auth(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 13
Appendix A
auth radius
Configures a RADIUS configuration object for implementing remote
RADIUS-based client authentication.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a RADIUS
authentication configuration object.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
auth radius <auth radius key list> {}
auth radius (<auth radius key list> | all) [{] <auth radius arg list> [}]
<auth radius key> ::=
<auth radius arg> ::=
accounting bug (enable | disable)
client (<string> | none)
debug (enable | disable)
retries <number>
servers (<radius server key list> | none) [add | delete]
auth radius edit
auth radius [<auth radius key list> | all] [show [all]]
auth radius [<auth radius key list> | all] list [all]
auth radius [<auth radius key list> | all] accounting bug [show]
auth radius [<auth radius key list> | all] client [show]
auth radius [<auth radius key list> | all] debug [show]
auth radius [<auth radius key list> | all] name [show]
auth radius [<auth radius key list> | all] partition [show]
auth radius [<auth radius key list> | all] retries [show]
auth radius [<auth radius key list> | all] servers [show]
A - 14
bigpipe Command Reference
auth radius (<auth radius key list> | all) delete
By creating a RADIUS configuration object, a RADIUS profile, and one or
more RADIUS server objects, you can implement the RADIUS
authentication module as the mechanism for authenticating client
connections passing through the traffic management system. You use this
module when your authentication data is stored on a remote RADIUS
server. In this case, client credentials are based on basic HTTP
authentication (that is, user name and password). You can use this
configuration object in conjunction with a RADIUS profile and a RADIUS
server object.
To use these commands, you must first create a RADIUS server object using
the radius command.
Creates a RADIUS configuration object named my_auth_radius:
auth radius my_auth_radius {}
Displays all auth radius configuration objects:
auth radius all
Deletes the auth radius configuration object named my_auth_radius:
auth radius my_auth_radius delete
You can use these options with the command auth radius:
• accounting bug
Enables or disables validation of the accounting response vector. This
option should be necessary only on older servers. The default is disable.
• auth radius edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command auth radius. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 15
Appendix A
• client
Sends a NAS-Identifier RADIUS attribute with string bar. If you do not
specify a value for the Client ID setting, the system uses the pluggable
authentication module (PAM) service type. You can disable this feature
by specifying a blank client ID. Possible values are a user-specified
string and none.
• debug
Enables or disables syslog-ng debugging information at LOG DEBUG
level. Not recommended for normal use. The default is disable.
• retries
Specifies the number of authentication retries that the BIG-IP local
traffic management system allows before authentication fails. The
default value is 3.
• servers
Lists the IP addresses of the RADIUS servers that the BIG-IP local
traffic management system uses to obtain authentication data. Note that
for each server listed, you must create a corresponding RADIUS server
object. A RADIUS server object specifies the server name, port number,
RADIUS secret, and timeout value. Possible values are a user-specified
list of IP addresses and none.
See also
profile auth(1), radius(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 16
bigpipe Command Reference
auth ssl cc ldap
Configures an SSL client certificate configuration object for remote
SSL-based LDAP authorization.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete an SSL
certificate-based LDAP configuration object.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
auth ssl cc ldap <auth ssl cc ldap key list> {}
auth ssl cc ldap (<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all) [{] <auth ssl cc ldap arg list> [}]
<auth ssl cc ldap key> ::=
<auth ssl cc ldap arg> ::=
admin dn (<string> | none)
admin pw (<string> | none)
cache size <number>
cache timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite)
certmap base (<string> | none)
certmap key (<string> | none)
certmap use serial (enable | disable)
group base (<string> | none)
group key (<string> | none)
group member key (<string> | none)
role key (<string> | none)
search (user | certmap | cert)
secure (enable | disable)
servers (<string list> | none) [add | delete]
user base (<string> | none)
user class (<string> | none)
user key (<string> | none)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 17
Appendix A
valid groups (<string list> | none) [add | delete]
valid roles (<string list> | none) [add | delete]
auth ssl cc ldap edit
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] [show [all]]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] list [all]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] admin dn [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] admin pw [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] cache size [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] cache timeout [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] certmap base [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] certmap key [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] certmap use serial [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] group base [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] group key [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] group member key [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] name [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] partition [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] role key [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] search [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] secure [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] servers [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] user base [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] user class [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] user key [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] valid groups [show]
auth ssl cc ldap [<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all] valid roles [show]
auth ssl cc ldap (<auth ssl cc ldap key list> | all) delete
You can use the auth ssl cc ldap command to configure SSL client
certificate-based remote LDAP authorization for client traffic passing
through the traffic management system.
You can use these options with the auth ssl c ldap command:
A - 18
admin dn
Specifies the distinguished name of an account to which to bind, in order
to perform searches. This search account is a read-only account used to
bigpipe Command Reference
do searches. The admin account can also be used as the search account. If
no admin DN is specified, then no bind is attempted. This parameter is
required only when an LDAP database does not allow anonymous
searches. Possible values are a user-specified string, and none.
admin pw
Specifies the password for the admin account. See the admin dn option
above. Possible values are a user-specified string, and none.
auth ssl cc ldap edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command auth ssl cc ldap. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
cache size <number>
Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, allowed for the SSL session cache.
Setting this value to 0 disallows SSL session caching. The default value
is 20000 bytes (that is 20KB).
cache timeout <number> | immediate | indefinite
Specifies the number of usable lifetime seconds of negotiable SSL
session IDs. When this time expires, a client must negotiate a new
session. Allowed values are: <number>, immediate, and indefinite.
The default value is 300 seconds.
certmap base
Specifies the search base for the subtree used by the certmap search
method. A typical search base is: ou=people,dc=company,dc=com.
Possible values are a user-specified string, and none.
certmap key
Specifies the name of the certificate map found in the LDAP database.
Used by the certmap search method. Possible values are a user-specified
string, and none.
certmap use serial
Enables or disables the use of the client certificate's subject or serial
number (in conjunction with the certificate's issuer) when trying to match
an entry in the certificate map subtree. A setting of enable uses the serial
number. A setting of disable uses the subject. The default is disable.
group base
Specifies the search base for the subtree used by group searches. This
parameter is only used when specifying the valid groups option. The
typical search base is similar to: ou=groups,dc=company,dc=com.
Possible values are a user-specified string, and none.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 19
Appendix A
group key
Specifies the name of the attribute in the LDAP database that specifies
the group name in the group subtree. An example of a typical key is cn
(common name for the group). Possible values are a user-specified
string, and none.
group member key
Specifies the name of the attribute in the LDAP database that specifies
members (DNs) of a group. A typical key would be member. Possible
values are a user-specified string, and none.
role key
Specifies the name of the attribute in the LDAP database that specifies a
user's authorization roles. This key is used only with the valid roles
option. A typical role key might be authorizationRole. Possible values
are a user-specified string, and none.
Specifies the type of LDAP search that is performed based on the client's
certificate. Possible values are:
• user: Searches for a user based on the common name found in the
• cert: Searches for the exact certificate.
• certmap: Searches for a user by matching the certificate issuer and
the certificate serial number or certificate.
The default is user.
A - 20
Enables or disables an attempt to use secure LDAP (LDAP over SSL).
The alternative to using secure LDAP is to use insecure (clear text)
LDAP. Secure LDAP is a consideration when the connection between
the BIG-IP system and the LDAP server cannot be trusted. The default is
Specifies a list of LDAP servers you want to search. Possible values are a
user-specified list of servers, and none. You must specify a server when
you create an SSL client certificate configuration object.
user base
Specifies the search base for the subtree used by the user and cert search
methods. A typical search base is: ou=people,dc=company,dc=com.
Possible values are a user-specified string, and none. You must specify a
user base when you create an SSL client certificate configuration object.
user class
Specifies the object class in the LDAP database to which the user must
belong in order to be authenticated.
user key
Specifies the key that denotes a user ID in the LDAP database (for
example, the common key for the user setting is uid). Possible values are
a user-specified string, and none. You must always specify a user key
when you create an SSL client certificate configuration object.
bigpipe Command Reference
valid groups
Specifies a space-delimited list specifying the names of groups that the
client must belong to in order to be authorized (matches against the group
key in the group subtree). The client needs to be a member of only one of
the groups in the list. Possible values are a user-specified string, or none.
valid roles
Specifies a space-delimited list specifying the valid roles that clients
must have in order to be authorized. Possible values are a user-specified
string, and none.
See also
profile auth(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 21
Appendix A
auth ssl ocsp
Configures an OCSP configuration object for implementing remote
OCSP-based client authentication.
Use this command to create, display, modify, or delete an OCSP
configuration object.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
auth ssl ocsp <auth ssl ocsp key list> {}
auth ssl ocsp (<auth ssl ocsp key list> | all) [{] <auth ssl ocsp arg list> [}]
<auth ssl ocsp key> ::=
<auth ssl ocsp arg> ::=
responders (<ocsp responder key list> | none) [add | delete]
auth ssl ocsp edit
auth ssl ocsp [<auth ssl ocsp key list> | all] [show]
auth ssl ocsp [<auth ssl ocsp key list> | all] list [all]
auth ssl ocsp [<auth ssl ocsp key list> | all] name [show]
auth ssl ocsp [<auth ssl ocsp key list> | all] partition [show]
auth ssl ocsp [<auth ssl ocsp key list> | all] responders [show]
auth ssl ocsp (<auth ssl ocsp key list> | all) delete
A - 22
bigpipe Command Reference
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is an industry-standard protocol
that offers an alternative to a certificate revocation list (CRL) when using
public-key technology. A CRL is a list of revoked client certificates, which
a server system can check during the process of verifying a client certificate.
To use these commands, you must first create an OCSP responder object
using the ocsp responder command.
You can use the following options with the auth ssl ocsp command:
auth ssl ocsp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command auth ssl ocsp. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the auth ssl ocsp object resides.
• responders
Specifies a list of OCSP responders that you configured using the ocsp
responder command.
See also
profile auth(1), ocsp responder(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 23
Appendix A
auth tacacs
Configure a TACACS+ configuration object for implementing remote
TACACS+-based client authentication.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a TACACS+
configuration object.
Create/ Modify
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
auth tacacs <auth tacacs key list> {}
auth tacacs (<auth tacacs key list> | all) [{] <auth tacacs arg list> [}]
<auth tacacs key> ::=
<auth tacacs arg> ::=
acct all (enable | disable)
debug (enable | disable)
encrypt (enable | disable)
first hit (enable | disable)
protocol (<string> | none)
secret (<string> | none)
servers (<string list> | none) [add | delete]
service (<string> | none)
auth tacacs edit
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] [show [all]]
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] list [all]
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] acct all [show]
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] debug [show]
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] encrypt [show]
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] first hit [show]
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] name [show]
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] partition [show]
A - 24
bigpipe Command Reference
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] protocol [show]
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] secret [show]
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] servers [show]
auth tacacs [<auth tacacs key list> | all] service [show]
auth tacacs (<name list> | all) delete
Using a TACACS+ configuration object and profile, you can implement the
TACACS+ authentication module as the mechanism for authenticating
client connections passing through the BIG-IP local traffic management
system. You use this module when your authentication data is stored on a
remote TACACS+ server. In this case, client credentials are based on basic
HTTP authentication (that is, user name and password). You configure a
TACACS+ authentication module by creating a TACACS+ configuration
object, creating a TACACS+ profile, and assigning the profile to a virtual
Enables encryption for TACACS+ packets:
auth tacacs encrypt
Provides the ability to send accounting start and stop packets to all servers:
auth tacacs myauth2 myauth3 acct all enable
You can use these options with the auth tacacs command:
acct all
If multiple TACACS+ servers are defined and pluggable authentication
module (PAM) session accounting is enabled, sends accounting start and
stop packets to the first available server or to all servers. Possible values
• enable: Sends to first available server.
• disable: Sends to all servers.
The default is disable.
auth tacacs edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command auth tacacs. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
Enables syslog-ng debugging information at LOG DEBUG level. Not
recommended for normal use. The default is disable.
Enables or disables encryption of TACACS+ packets. Recommended for
normal use. The default is enable.
first hit
Confirms the secret key supplied for the Secret setting. This setting is
required. The default is disable.
Displays the partition within which the auth tacacs object resides.
Specifies the protocol associated with the value specified in the service
option, which is a subset of the associated service being used for client
authorization or system accounting.
Sets the secret key used to encrypt and decrypt packets sent or received
from the server. This setting is required. Possible values are a
user-specified string and none.
Specifies a host name or IP address for the TACACS+ server. This
setting is required. Possible values are a user-specified string, and none.
You must specify a server when you create a TACACS+ configuration
Specifies the name of the service that the user is requesting to be
authenticated to use. Identifying the service enables the TACACS+
server to behave differently for different types of authentication requests.
This setting is required.
See also
profile auth(1), profile http(1), bigpipe(1), shell(1)
A - 26
bigpipe Command Reference
bigpipe shell
When typed at the BIG-IP system prompt, starts the bigpipe utility in its
shell mode, and configures the shell.
bigpipe shell
bigpipe shell [{] <shell arg list> [}]
<shell arg> ::=
partition <partition key>
prompt <string>
read partition (<partition key> | all)
write partition <partition key>
bigpipe shell prompt [show]
bigpipe shell read partition [show]
bigpipe shell write partition [show]
When typed at the BIG-IP system prompt, the bigpipe shell command starts
the bigpipe utility in its shell mode and presents a prompt at which you can
type bigpipe commands. You can also use the bigpipe shell command from
the BIG-IP system prompt to configure the shell.
From the BIG-IP system prompt, starts the bigpipe utility in its shell mode
and presents a prompt at which you can type bigpipe commands:
bigpipe shell
Customizes the bigpipe shell prompt to display as F5:
bigpipe shell prompt F5
For users with access to all partitions, changes the partition to which you
have Write access to partition application1:
bigpipe shell write partition application1
For users with access to all partitions, changes the partition to which you
have Read and Write access to partition application2:
bigpipe shell partition application2
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
You can use these options with the bigpipe shell command:
• partition
Changes the partition to which you have Read and Write access to the
partition you specify. This option is only available to users with access to
all partitions.
• prompt
Specifies a string to use for the bigpipe shell prompt. The default prompt
is bp>.
• read partition
Changes the partition to which you have Read access to the partition you
specify. This option is only available to users with access to all partitions.
• write partition
Changes the partition to which you have Write access to the partition you
specify. This option is only available to users with access to all partitions.
See also
partition(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 28
bigpipe Command Reference
Creates, modifies, displays, or deletes classes.
Use this command to configure classes.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
class <class key list> {}
class (<class key list> | all) [{] <class arg list> [}]
<class key list> ::=
<class arg list> ::=
filename (<file name> | none)
mode (read | rw)
type (ip | string | value)
(<IP class item list> | none) [add | delete]
(<number list> | none) [add | delete]
(<string list> | none) [add | delete]
<IP class item> ::=
host <ip addr> | network <ip addr>
class edit
class [<class key list> | all] [show [all]]
class [<class key list> | all] list [all]
class [<class key list> | all] filename [show]
class [<class key list> | all] ip [show]
class [<class key list> | all] mode [show]
class [<class key list> | all] name [show]
class [<class key list> | all] partition [show]
class [<class key list> | all] string [show]
class [<class key list> | all] type [show]
class [<class key list> | all] value [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
class [<class key list> | all] delete
Classes are lists of data that you define and use with iRules™ operators. The
system includes a number of predefined lists that you can use. They are:
• AOL Network
• Image Extensions
• Private class IP addresses
The above lists are located in the file /config/profile_base.conf. The load
command loads these lists; however, unless the lists are modified, the load
command does not save the lists to the bigip.conf file.
Classes are either internal or external. Internal classes are stored in the
bigip.conf file. External classes are stored in external files that you define.
Note that external classes can be very large, which is one reason why these
classes are saved to external files. For example, a phone company may store
a list of thousands of phone numbers in an external class.
Internal classes can be one of three types of lists, an ip class item list, a
string list, or a number list. Strings must be surrounded by quotation
marks. Numbers can be either positive or negative.
External classes are lists that specify:
• A file name where the list is saved
• The type, indicated by a list of ip addresses, strings, or values
• A permission mode that defines access to the class as either read or rw
You can update the external class file by issuing the list or save commands.
When you use the bigpipe class command at the BIG-IP system prompt, you
must use escape characters around the strings in the syntax to stop the
operating system from interpreting the string literally.
Creates an internal class named MyNewClass that contains a single IP
class MyNewClass host
Creates an internal class named MyNewClass2 that contains a list of three
network addresses:,, and
class MyNewClass2 network mask host network
A - 30
bigpipe Command Reference
Creates an internal class named AnotherNewClass that contains a list of
four values:
class AnotherNewClass 111 222 333 444
Modifies the internal class named AnotherNewClass by adding the value
class AnotherNewClass 555 add
Creates an internal class named ThirdNewClass that contains a list of
class ThirdNewClass "aaaa" "bbbb" "cccccc" "dd"
Modifies the internal class named ThirdNewClass by deleting the member
aaaa from the list of strings:
class ThirdNewClass "aaaa" delete
Creates an external class named MyExternalClass that contains IP
addresses that are stored in the MyOtherNewClass.cls file. The external
class has Read and Write permissions assigned to it:
class MyExternalClass type ip filename MyOtherNewClass.cls mode
Displays the file name where the class list information is stored:
class MyExternalClass filename show
You can use these options with the class command:
class edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command class. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
Specifies the path and file name that contains the list of data defined by
the external class.
mode (read | rw)
Specifies a permission mode for the external class. Valid values are
read and rw (read/write).
Specifies a unique string identifying the class.
Displays the partition within which the internal or external class
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
type (ip | string | value)
Specifies the type of data you want to add to, modify, display, or delete
from an external class. This setting is required for external classes.
Specify the type by including a list of strings, values, or IP addresses.
Strings must be surrounded by quotation marks. Values (numbers) can be
either positive or negative. IP addresses can be in any of the following
four formats:
• network <ip addr> mask < ip mask>
• network <ip addr> prefixlen <number>
• network <ip addr> / <number>
• host <ip addr>
<IP class item list>, <string list>, <number list>
Specifies the data you want to add to, modify, display, or delete from an
internal class. This setting is required for internal classes. Strings must
be surrounded by quotation marks. Numbers can be either positive or
See also
rule(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 32
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures the bigpipe shell.
Use this command to configure the bigpipe shell.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
cli [{] <cli arg list> [}]
<cli arg> ::=
audit (enable | disable | verbose | all)
hostname lookup (enable | disable)
import save <number>
ip addr (name | number)
service (name | number)
cli edit
cli [show [all]]
cli list [all]
cli audit [show]
cli hostname lookup [show]
cli import save [show]
cli ip addr [show]
cli partition [show]
cli service [show]
This command provides the ability to configure the bigpipe shell to meet
your specific needs.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
Sets the audit level of the bigpipe shell to enable:
cli audit enable
Configures the bigpipe shell to store three backup single configuration files
(config/backup.scf, /config/backup-1.scf, and /config/backup-2.scf), and
to display IP addresses and services by number, for example,
cli import 3 ip addr number service number
You can use these options with the cli command:
Specifies the global audit level of the bigpipe shell. The audited
commands are stored in /var/log/audit. The audit levels are:
• disable
The bigpipe utility does not log any commands entered by users. This
is the default value.
• enable
The bigpipe utility audits all commands entered by users, including
the commands that the merge command runs. This does not include
the commands that the load and import commands run.
• verbose
The bigpipe utility audits all commands entered by users, including
the commands that the merge command runs. The bigpipe shell also
audits the commands that the load and import commands run, except
for those included in the system configuration files:
config_base.conf, base_monitors.conf, profile_base.conf, and
• all
The bigpipe utility audits all the commands that are run from all
cli edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command cli. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only cli { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
A - 34
bigpipe Command Reference
hostname lookup
When enabled, specifies that the bigpipe shell accepts host names in
place of IP addresses in the syntax of bigpipe commands. The default is
Specifies the number of backup single configuration files that the system
stores. Each time you run the import command, the bigpipe shell saves
the single configuration file. For example, if you set the import parameter
to 3, after you run the import command for the third time, you see three
files on your system:
• /config/backup.scf
• /config/backup-1.scf
• /config/backup-2.scf
The newest backup file is /config/backup.scf. By default, the system
saves only two backup single configuration files.
ip addr
Specifies the format with which the bigpipe shell displays an IP address.
Possible values are:
• name
The bigpipe shell displays an IP address using a host name, for
example, This is the default value.
• number
The bigpipe shell displays an IP address using a numeric address, for
Displays the partition within which the object resides.
Specifies the format in which the bigpipe shell displays a service.
Possible values are:
• name
The bigpipe shell displays a service using a host name, for example,
• number
The bigpipe shell displays a service using a numeric value, for
example,, where 80 indicates HTTP. This is the
default value.
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 35
Appendix A
Manages the BIG-IP system user configuration sets.
Use this command to manage or display configuration data.
config show <file.ucs>
config [support] save <file.ucs> [passphrase [<string>]]
config install [all] <file.ucs> [passphrase [<string>]]
config sync min
config sync pull
config sync [all]
config check [all]
config sync show
The config command manages user configuration sets. A user configuration
set (UCS) is the set of all configuration files that a user may edit to
configure a BIG-IP system. A *.ucs file is an archive that contains all the
configuration files in a UCS.
The config command allows you to save the BIG-IP system configuration to
a *.ucs file, install the configuration from a *.ucs file, or synchronize the
configuration with the other BIG-IP system in a redundant pair.
Saves <file.ucs>, overwriting all configuration files, including
config [support] save <file.ucs> [passphrase [<string>]]
Unpacks and installs myconfiguration.ucs, overwriting all configuration
files, including /config/bigip.conf:
config install myconfiguration.ucs>
Displays the status of the configuration synchronization system and the date
and time the last configuration change was made:
config sync show
A - 36
bigpipe Command Reference
Unpacks and installs <file.ucs>, overwriting all configuration files,
including /config/bigip.conf:
config install <file.ucs>
Copies a UCS file, without the license file, from one system to another:
config install all <file.ucs> [passphrase [<string>]] [excludes <file.ucs>]
Note that when copying the *.ucs file, using the above command, the
• Checks to see whether a license file exists and if so, checks whether the
file is valid. If no license file exists or the license file is not valid, the
bigpipe utility exits.
• Sets the system host name according to the host name in the UCS file.
• Saves the running configuration to the location
• Installs the configuration from the UCS file onto the system, excluding
the license file.
Saves the currently running configuration to /config/bigip.conf. Copies
/config/bigip.conf to the other BIG-IP system in a redundant pair, and loads
/config/bigip.conf on the other BIG-IP system:
config sync min
Creates a temporary UCS file and transfers it to the other BIG-IP system.
Installs the UCS file on the other BIG-IP system:
config sync all
Runs a syntax check on the configuration files in the configuration
synchronization system:
config check all
Use the following command to pull the configuration from the peer device
and install it on the local device. This command saves the UCS file on the
remote peer, then transfers the UCS file to the local system, and installs it on
the local system. This command provides the ability to synchronize the
configuration from the local device without having to log on to the peer
device to push the configuration back:
config sync pull
Use the following command to configure a BIG-IP system using the UCS
file of another BIG-IP system. To do this, copy the *.ucs file from a BIG-IP
system, save it to the BIG-IP system that you want to configure, and then
run the following command on the system that you want to configure.
config install [all] file_name.ucs passphrase mypassword
You can use these options with the config command:
• install
Installs the specified UCS file, overwriting the existing UCS file.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
• save
Saves the password protected configuration file that has a .ucs file
• sync
Saves the running configuration and copies it to the other unit in the
redundant system.
Note that the configsync command allows you to set the parameters for
the task of running the configuration synchronization. For more
information, see configsync, on page A-39.
• <file.ucs>
Specifies the name of a UCS file that you want to install or save.
See also
bigpipe(1), configsync(1)
A - 38
bigpipe Command Reference
Specifies the parameters for the task of synchronizing the configurations of
two BIG-IP units in a redundant system.
Use this command to set up the environment for a configuration
synchronization of two BIG-IP units in a redundant system.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
configsync [{] <configsync arg list> [}]
<configsync arg> ::=
auto detect (enable | disable)
custom peer addr (<ip addr> | none)
encrypt (enable | disable)
passphrase (crypt <string> | none | string | none)
password (crypt <string> | none | string | none)
peer update interval <number>
time diff <number>
user (<string> | none)
configsync edit
configsync [show [all]]
configsync list [all]
configsync auto detect [show]
configsync custom peer addr [show]
configsync encrypt [show]
configsync partition [show]
configsync passphrase [show]
configsync password [show]
configsync peer update interval [show]
configsync time diff [show]
configsync user [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 39
Appendix A
You can use the configsync command to set up a the parameters for the task
of synchronizing the configuration of two BIG-IP units in a redundant
Indicates that when a user with the user name admin attempts to perform a
configuration synchronization between two BIG-IP systems, she will have
to enter the password, 15GmA*4.
configsync encrypt enable password 15GmA*4 user admin
You can use these options with the configsync command:
• auto detect
Enables or disables the automatic detection of a difference in the
configurations of two systems in a redundant pair. The default value is
• configsync edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command configsync. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only configsync { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• custom peer addr
Specifies the IP address of the other BIG-IP system in a redundant pair.
This is the IP address of the system to which you want to synchronize the
configuration. The default value is the value of the statemirror peer
addr field.
• encrypt
Enables or disables the encryption of the configuration synchronization
action. When enabled, the system automatically requests a password
when a user attempts to synchronize the configurations of two BIG-IP
systems in a redundant pair. The default value is disable.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the configsync object resides.
• passphrase
When the encrypt parameter is enabled, specifies the passphrase that you
must enter during a configuration synchronization of two systems in a
redundant pair in order to decrypt any encrypted data. The system
A - 40
bigpipe Command Reference
prompts you to enter this passphrase twice. Once to create the UCS file
on one unit of a redundant system, and a second time to unpack and
install that UCS file on the peer unit.
• password
Specifies the password that is required to perform the configuration
synchronization of two BIG-IP systems. By default, this value is the
password for the admin user account.
• peer update interval
When auto detect is enabled, specifies how often the system monitors
the configuration of the two units in a redundant system. The default
value is 30 seconds.
• time diff
Specifies the maximum number of seconds of difference there can be in
the time settings of the units in a redundant system before a configuration
synchronization occurs. The default time difference is 600 seconds.
• user
Specifies the name of the user account that has the necessary permissions
to run the configsync command. You must specify an existing local user
account. The default is admin. It is important to note that if you change
this option, F5 recommends that you also change the password option.
See also
bigpipe(1), config(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
Sets idle timeout for, displays, and deletes active connections on the BIG-IP
Use this command to set the idle timeout for, display, or delete active
connections on the BIG-IP system.
conn (<conn key list> | all) [{] <conn arg list> [}]
<conn key> ::=
[client (<ip addr> | <member>)] [server (<ip addr> | <member>)] \
[(any | mirror | local)] [protocol <protocol>] [age <number>]
<conn arg> ::=
idle timeout <number>
conn (<conn key list> | all) [show [all]]
conn (<conn key list> | all) age [show]
conn (<conn key list> | all) client [show]
conn (<conn key list> | all) idle timeout [show]
conn (<conn key list> | all) protocol [show]
conn (<conn key list> | all) server [show]
conn (<conn key list> | all) delete
The conn command displays the current connections on the BIG-IP system,
sets the idle timeout for a connection, or deletes the connection.
You can specify the <protocol> value using either a number or a name
(http, or 80).
If you do not specify a port or service, the system deletes all connections
with the client-side source that match just the IP address. If you do not
specify an IP address, the system deletes all connections including mirrored
Shows basic connection information for all connections:
conn all show
A - 42
bigpipe Command Reference
Shows verbose connection information for all connections:
conn all show all
Shows idle timeout connection information for all connections:
conn all idle timeout show
You can use this option with the conn command:
• <protocol>
Specifies a port or service.
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 43
Appendix A
crldp server
Creates a Certificate Revocation List Distribution Point (CRDLP) server
object for implementing a CRLDP authentication module.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a CRLDP server
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
crldp server <crldp server key list> {}
crldp server (<crldp server key list> | all) [{] <crldp server arg list> [}]
<crldp server key> ::=
<crldp server arg> ::=
server (<string> | none)
service (<service> | none)
base dn (<string> | none)
reverse dn (enable | disable)
crldp server edit
crldp server [<crldp server key list> | all] [show [all]]
crldp server [<crldp server key list> | all] list [all]
crldp server [<crldp server key list> | all] name [show]
crldp server [<crldp server key list> | all] partition [show]
crldp server [<crldp server key list> | all] server [show]
crldp server [<crldp server key list> | all] service [show]
crldp server [<crldp server key list> | all] base dn [show]
crldp server [<crldp server key list> | all] reverse dn [show]
crldp server (<crldp server key list> | all) delete
A - 44
bigpipe Command Reference
CRLDP authentication is a mechanism for checking certificate revocation
status for client connections passing through the BIG-IP system. This
module is useful when your authentication data is stored on a remote
CRLDP server. You configure a CRLDP authentication module by defining
a CRLDP server (using the crldp server command), creating a CRLDP
configuration object (using the auth crldp command), creating a CRLDP
profile (using the profile auth command), and assigning the profile to the
virtual server.
Creates a CRLDP server named my_crldp_server:
crldp server my_auth_crldp {}
Deletes the CRLDP server named my_crldp_server:
crldp server my_crldp_server delete
You can use these options with the crldp server command:
• base dn
Specifies the LDAP base directory name for certificates that specify the
CRL distribution point in directory name (dirName) format. Used when
the value of the X509v3 attribute crlDistributionPoints is of type
dirName. In this case, the BIG-IP system attempts to match the value of
the crlDistributionPoints attribute to the base dn value. An example of
a base dn value is cn=lxxx,dc=f5,dc=com.
• crldp server edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command crldp server. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the crldp server object resides.
• reverse dn
Specifies in which order the system is to attempt to match the Base DN
value to the value of the X509v3 attribute crlDistributionPoints. When
enabled, the system matches the base DN from left to right, or from the
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 45
Appendix A
beginning of the DN string, to accommodate dirName strings in
certificates such as C=US,ST=WA,L=SEA,OU=F5,CN=xxx. The
default value is disable.
• server
Specifies an IP address for the CRLDP server. This setting is required.
• service
Specifies the port for CRLDP authentication traffic. The default service
is 389.
See also
auth crldp(1), profile auth(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 46
bigpipe Command Reference
Tunes the high availability functionality that is built into daemons.
Use this command to modify or display daemons.
daemon <daemon key list> {}
daemon (<daemon key list> | all) [{] <daemon arg list> [}]
<daemon key> ::=
<daemon arg> ::=
(enable | disable)
heartbeat monitor (enable | disable)
heartbeat monitor (reboot | restart | failover |
failover restart | go active | \
no action | restart all |failover restart tm)
heartbeat monitor redundant (reboot | restart | failover |
failover restart | \
go active | no action | restart all | failover restart tm)
heartbeat monitor stand alone (reboot | restart | failover | failover restart | \
go active | no action | restart all | failover restart tm)
proc not run action (reboot | restart | failover | failover restart | go active | \
no action | restart all | failover restart tm)
running (enable | disable)
running timeout <number>
daemon edit
daemon [<daemon key list> | all] [show [all]]
daemon [<daemon key list> | all] list [all]
daemon [<daemon key list> | all] heartbeat monitor [show]
daemon [<daemon key list> | all] heartbeat monitor redundant [show]
daemon [<daemon key list> | all] heartbeat monitor stand alone [show]
daemon [<daemon key list> | all] name [show]
daemon [<daemon key list> | all] proc not run action [show]
daemon [<daemon key list> | all] running [show]
daemon [<daemon key list> | all] running timeout [show]
This command provides the ability to fine-tune the daemons that provide
high availability functionality.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
Enables the system to fail over and reboot due to lack of a detected heartbeat
from the sod daemon:
daemon sod heartbeat monitor enable
You can use these options with the daemon command:
• daemon edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command daemon. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only daemon { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• heartbeat monitor
Enables or disables the heartbeat on the specified daemon, or performs an
action. Typically, if a daemon does not periodically connect with its
heartbeat location, it is restarted automatically. This command allows
you to disable automatic restart. The daemons that supply a heartbeat are:
tmm, mcpd, bigd, sod, and bcm56xxd. The default is enable.
Specify the action the daemon should take if no heartbeat is detected.
Possible values are reboot, restart, failover, failover restart, go active
no action, restart all, and failover restart tm. The default is restart.
• heartbeat monitor redundant
Specify the action the daemon should take if no heartbeat is detected on
the redundant heartbeat monitor. Possible values are reboot, restart,
failover, failover restart, go active no action, restart all, and failover
restart tm. The default is restart.
• heartbeat monitor stand alone
Specify the action the daemon should take if no heartbeat is detected on a
standalone heartbeat monitor. Possible values are reboot, restart,
failover, failover restart, go active no action, restart all, and failover
restart tm. The default is restart.
• proc not run action
Specify the action the daemon should take if a configured traffic or
system management action is not run. Possible values are reboot,
restart, failover, failover restart, go active no action, restart all, and
failover restart tm. The default is failover.
• running
Enables or disables actions configured for the traffic management and
system management daemons. You can use this feature to disable the
A - 48
bigpipe Command Reference
action a daemon takes during failover. For example, when you want to
stop a daemon and you do not want the unit to failover, you can issue the
running disable command for the daemon. The default is disable.
• running timeout
Specify the length of time you want disabled actions to remain disabled.
The default is 10 seconds.
See also
ha table(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
daemon bigdbd
Sets internal settings for the bigdbd daemon.
Use this command to set the system log levels for the bigdbd daemon.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
daemon bigdbd [{] <daemon bigdbd arg list> [}]
<daemon bigdbd arg> ::=
loglevel (critical | error | warning | notice |\
informational | debug)
daemon bigdbd edit
daemon bigdbd [show [all]]
daemon bigdbd list [all]
daemon bigdbd loglevel [show]
daemon bigdbd partition [show]
You use this command to set the system log levels for the bigdbd daemon.
The following command sets the log level of the bigdbd daemon messages
to critical. This means that the system logs only critical messages from the
daemon bigdbd loglevel critical
A - 50
bigpipe Command Reference
You can use the following options with the command daemon bigdbd:
• daemon bigdbd edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command daemon bigdbd. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only daemon bigdbd { } displays, you can
type parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor,
the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the
syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save this
change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of bigdbd daemon messages to include in the
system log. The default is warning.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the bigdbd daemon resides.
See also
bigpipe(1), daemon(1), daemon mcpd(1), daemon tmm(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
daemon mcpd
Sets internal settings for the mcpd daemon.
Use this command to set the system log levels for the mcpd daemon.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
daemon mcpd [{] <daemon mcpd arg list> [}]
<mcpd mcpd arg> ::=
audit (enable | disable | verbose | all)
loglevel (panic | emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notice |\
informational | debug)
daemon mcpd edit
daemon mcpd [show [all]]
daemon mcpd list [all]
daemon mcpd audit log [show]
daemon mcpd loglevel [show]
daemon mcpd partition [show])
You use this command to enable auditing and to set the system log levels for
the mcpd daemon.
The following command sets the log level of the mcpd daemon to critical.
This means that the system logs critical, alert, emergency and panic
messages from the daemon.
daemon mcpd loglevel critical
A - 52
bigpipe Command Reference
You can use the following options with the daemon mcpd command:
• audit
Enables or disables auditing for the mcpd daemon, and specifies verbose
or all as the auditing level. The default is disable.
• daemon mcpd edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command daemon mcpd. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only daemon mcpd { } displays, you can
type parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor,
the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the
syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save this
change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of mcp daemon messages to include in the
system log. The default is notice.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the mcpd daemon resides.
See also
bigpipe(1), daemon(1), daemon bigdbd(1), daemon tmm(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
daemon tmm
Sets internal settings for the tmm daemon.
Use this command to set the system log levels for the tmm daemon.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
daemon tmm [{] <daemon tmm arg list> [}]
<daemon tmm arg> ::=
arp loglevel (error | warning | notice | informational | debug)
http compression loglevel (error | warning | notice | informational | debug)
http loglevel (error | warning | notice | informational | debug)
ip loglevel (warning | notice | informational | debug)
layer4 loglevel (error | warning | notice | informational | debug)
net loglevel (critical | error | warning | notice | informational | debug)
os loglevel (emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notice |\
informational | debug)
pva loglevel (notice | informational | debug)
rules loglevel (error | warning | notice | informational | debug)
ssl loglevel (emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notice |\
informational | debug)
daemon tmm edit
daemon tmm [show [all]]
daemon tmm list [all]
daemon tmm arp loglevel [show]
daemon tmm http compression loglevel [show]
daemon tmm http loglevel [show]
daemon tmm ip loglevel [show]
daemon tmm layer4 loglevel [show]
daemon tmm net loglevel [show]
daemon tmm os loglevel [show]
A - 54
bigpipe Command Reference
daemon tmm partition [show]
daemon tmm pva loglevel [show]
daemon tmm rules loglevel [show]
daemon tmm ssl loglevel [show]
You use this command to set the system log levels for the tmm daemon.
The following command sets the ARP message log level for the tmm
daemon to error. This means that the system logs only ARP error messages
from the daemon.
daemon tmm arp loglevel error
You can use the following options with the daemon tmm command:
• arp loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of ARP messages from the tmm daemon to
include in the system log. The default is warning.
• daemon tmm edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command daemon tmm. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only daemon tmm { } displays, you can
type parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor,
the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the
syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save this
change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• http loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of HTTP messages from the tmm daemon to
include in the system log. The default is error.
• http compression loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of HTTP compression messages from the tmm
daemon to include in the system log. The default is error.
• ip loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of IP address messages from the tmm daemon
to include in the system log. The default is warning.
• layer4 loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of Layer 4 messages from the tmm daemon to
include in the system log. The default is notice.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
• net loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of network messages from the tmm daemon to
include in the system log. The default is warning.
• os loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of operating system messages from the tmm
daemon to include in the system log. The default is notice.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the tmm daemon resides.
• pva loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of PVA messages from the tmm daemon to
include in the system log. The default is informational.
• rules loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of iRule messages from the tmm daemon to
include in the system log. The default is warning.
• ssl loglevel
Specifies the lowest level of SSL messages from the tmm daemon to
include in the system log. The default is warning.
See also
bigpipe(1), daemon(1), daemon mcpd(1), daemon bigdbd(1)
A - 56
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays or modifies bigdb database entries.
Use this command to modify or display configuration database entries.
db <db key list> {}
db (<db key list> | all) [{] <db arg list> [}]
<db key> ::= <name>
<db arg> ::= <string>
db (<db key list> | all) reset
db edit
db (<db key list> | all) [show [all]]
db (<db key list> | all) list [all]
db (<db key list> | all) name [show]
The db command allows you to modify and retrieve the data that is stored in
the bigdb configuration database.
After you change a bigdb database variable using the db command, you
must run the save all command. If you do not, the next time that you run the
load command, the value of the bigdb database variable may be reset to the
value in the stored configuration.
Resets each database entry and setting to its default:
db all reset
Sets the database entry, SYN Check™ Activation Threshold, back to the
default value.
db Connection.SynCookies.Threshold 16384
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
Use these options with the db command:
• db edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command db. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• name
The name of the database entry that you want to modify or display.
• string
The value that you want to assign to the database entry that you are
modifying. When you are modifying a configuration database entry, this
value is required.
See also
A - 58
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures the Domain Name Service (DNS) for the BIG-IP system. Also,
displays and resets statistics for the DNS profile.
Use this command to configure DNS for the system.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
dns [{] <dns arg list> [}]
<dns arg> ::=
include (<string> | none)
nameservers (<ip addr list> | none) [add | delete]
search (<string list> | none) [add | delete]
dns edit
dns [show [all]]
dns list [all]
dns include [show]
dns nameservers [show]
dns partition [show]
dns search [show]
Use this command to manage configurations by server grouping, in this
case, DNS servers.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
The following commands display the global statistics for the DNS profile:
dns show
Adds DNS name servers with the IP addresses, and, to the BIG-IP system:
dns nameservers add
The following command syntax adds the host names,,, and, to the DNS search
configuration for the BIG-IP system. When DNS searches for the host,
siterequest, which is not a fully qualified domain name, it uses the IP
address of the first match, in this case,
dns search
Use these options with the dns command:
• dns edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command dns. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only dns { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
• nameservers
Adds a group of DNS name servers to or deletes a group of DNS name
servers from the BIG-IP system.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the dns object resides.
• search
Adds a list of domain names in a specific order. DNS uses that order
when searching for host names that are not fully qualified. You can also
use this option to delete domain names in the list.
A - 60
bigpipe Command Reference
See also
bigpipe(1), profile dns(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 61
Appendix A
Exits the bigpipe shell.
Use this command to exit the bigpipe shell.
Use this command at the bigpipe shell prompt to exit the shell and return to
the BIG-IP system prompt.
When you are finished running commands at the bigpipe shell prompt, type
exit to exit the shell and return to the system prompt.
See also
A - 62
bigpipe Command Reference
Creates a single configuration file (SCF) that you can use to configure
another BIG-IP system using the import command.
The export command is independent of and distinct from the save all
command. For more information on the save all command, see save, on
page A-271.
Use this command to create a single configuration file (SCF).
export [oneline] [<file name> | -]
You use the export command to save the running configuration in a flat,
text file with the extension .scf.
Creates the SCF, myconfiguration.scf, which contains the running
configuration of the system:
export myconfiguration
The system appends the specified file name with the extension .scf.
Creates the SCF, default.scf, which contains the running configuration of
the system:
export /shared/default
You cannot use the export command to create an SCF file named default,
unless you explicitly include a path name to the file, as shown in the
example above.
Use these options with the export command:
• oneline
Specifies that each command in the file is written on one line without
line feeds, and that there is one line feed after each command. This
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 63
Appendix A
parameter can create very long lines of text. Note that if you do not use
this parameter, each command is written with line feeds between the
attributes and values for readability.
• <file name>
Specifies the name of the SCF you are creating. The system appends this
name with the extension .scf.
See also
bigpipe(1), import(1)
A - 64
bigpipe Command Reference
Adds local user accounts to the BIG-IP system.
Use this command at the BIG-IP system prompt to add one or more local
f5adduser [-r <role name>|<role number>] [-n] [-s] -p <partition name> <username> ...
You can use this command at the BIG-IP system prompt to add one or more
local users.
Adds a user account with the user role of Manager and access to all
partitions for Jim Smith:
f5adduser -r manager jsmith
You can use these options with the f5adduser command at the BIG-IP
system prompt:
• -r
Specifies the user role you are assigning to the user. The default user role
is guest. The available user roles are:
• administrator
• resource admin
• user manager
• manager
• app editor
• operator
• guest
• policy editor
Indicates no password for the user account. If you indicate no password,
the user cannot log on until an Administrator creates a password for the
account. If you do not use this option, the system prompts you to enter a
password, and then to confirm that password.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
• -s
If you are creating a user account with the user role of administrator,
the user is given access to the system prompt. If you are creating a user
account with a user role other than administrator, the user is given
access to the bigpipe shell.
• -p
Specify a partition name. If you do not specify a partition, the user
account is valid in all partitions.
See also
A - 66
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures and controls failover for a redundant system.
Use this command to control the failover of a system, and to configure the
failover feature for the system.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
Use this syntax to configure the failover feature for a system:
failover [{] <failover arg list> [}]
<failover arg> ::=
active-active mode (enable | disable)
custom addr (<ip addr> | none)
custom peer addr (<ip addr> | none)
force active (enable | disable)
force standby (enable | disable)
network failover (enable | disable)
redundant (enable | disable)
standby link down time <float>
unit <number>
failover edit
Use this syntax to control failover of a system:
failover (standby | failback)
failover [show [all]]
failover list [all]
failover active-active mode [show]
failover custom addr [show]
failover custom peer addr [show]
failover force active [show]
failover force standby [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
failover network failover [show]
failover partition [show]
failover redundant [show]
failover standby link down time [show]
failover unit [show]
Failover is a process that occurs when one unit in a redundant system
becomes unavailable, thereby requiring the peer unit to assume the
processing of traffic originally targeted for the unavailable unit. To facilitate
coordination of the failover process, each unit has a unit ID (1 or 2).
You can use the command failover to switch the active unit to be the
standby unit in a redundant configuration. Be careful about using the
command failover to control the unit. It is provided only for special
situations. The unit automatically switches between active and standby
modes, without operator intervention.
Causes the active unit to go into the standby state, forcing the other unit in
the redundant system to become active:
failover standby
Restores an active-active configuration after a failure:
failover failback
Use these options to control failover of the system:
• failback
Initiates failback for an active-active system. Failback re-establishes
normal BIG-IP system processing when a previously-unavailable BIG-IP
system becomes available again.
• standby
Specifies that the active unit fails over to a standby state, causing the
standby unit to become active.
Use these options to configure failover for the system:
• active mode
Enables or disables active mode for a unit in a redundant system. The
default value is disable.
• custom addr
Specifies the self-IP address or management IP address on the unit that
the network failover mechanism uses to listen for peer responses. When
using network failover, this is a required setting.
A - 68
bigpipe Command Reference
• custom peer addr
Specifies the self-IP address or management IP address on the peer
system that the network failover mechanism uses to determine whether
the peer is responsive. When using network failover, this is a required
• failover edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command failover. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only failover { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• force active
When enabled, makes the unit prefer to be the active unit. The default
value is disable.
• force standby
When enabled, makes the unit prefer to be the standby unit. The default
value is disable.
• network failover
Specifies, when enabled, that this unit utilizes the network to determine
the status of the peer unit. You can use network failover in addition to, or
instead of, hard-wire failover. The default value is disable.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the failover object resides.
• redundant
Enables or disables redundancy for a unit in a redundant system. The
default is disable.
• standby link down time
Specifies the amount of time, within the valid range of 0 - 10 seconds,
that the interfaces are down before the unit fails over to standby. Use this
setting to prompt peer switches to reset and relearn their Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) tables after a failover. The default value is 0
(zero) seconds, which disables this option.
When using network failover, do not enable this feature unless you
configure the custom addr and custom peer addr settings to use the
management port.
• unit
Specifies a number for a unit in a BIG-IP redundant system. The default
value is 1.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 69
Appendix A
See also
bigpipe(1), statemirror(1)
A - 70
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays and resets global statistics for the Fast HTTP profile on the BIG-IP
Use this command to display and reset statistics for the Fast HTTP profile.
fasthttp stats reset
fasthttp [show [all]]
Use this command to display and reset global statistics for the Fast HTTP
The following commands display the global statistics for the Fast HTTP
fasthttp show
Resets all statistics for the Fast HTTP profile on the system:
fasthttp stats reset
See also
profile fasthttp (1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 71
Appendix A
Displays and resets statistics for the Fast Layer 4 profile on the BIG-IP
Use this command to display and reset statistics for the Fast Layer 4 profile.
fastl4 stats reset
fastl4 [show [all]]
Display detailed Fast Layer 4 profile statistics. These statistics include
connectivity statistics, errors generated, and SYN cookies used.
The following commands display statistics for the Fast Layer 4 profile:
fastl4 show
Resets all statistics for the Fast Layer 4 profile on the system:
fastl4 stats reset
See also
profile fastl4 (1)
A - 72
bigpipe Command Reference
Synchronizes the FIPS hardware security modules (HSMs) of a redundant
Use this command at the BIG-IP system prompt to synchronize the FIPS
HSMs of a redundant system.
fipscardsync peer
Synchronizes the FIPS hardware security modules (HSMs) of a redundant
system. Note that synchronizing the HSMs provides the ability to exchange
keys between the units of a redundant system.
Run this command at the console of the active unit to synchronize the FIPS
HSMs of a redundant system:
fipscardsync peer
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 73
Appendix A
Configures and maintains a FIPS security domain on a BIG-IP redundant
Use this command at the console to configure and maintain a FIPS security
domain for a BIG-IP redundant system.
fipsutil [flags] <action>
[flags] ::=
<action> ::=
You can use this command to initialize the FIPS hardware security module
(HSM), and to create a security officer (SO) password and a security domain
name on the active unit of a BIG-IP redundant system. After you do this on
the active unit, use the same security domain name and SO password to
initialize and configure the other unit of the redundant system.
A - 74
bigpipe Command Reference
Initializes the HSM, prompts you to create an SO password, and then
prompts you to create a security domain name:
fipsutil -f init
You can use the following options with the fipsutil command:
The flags include:
• -d
Indicates to use the default SO Password. You are not prompted to
create a password.
• -f
Re-initializes the Nitrox FIPS board (NFB) or installs older firmware.
• -v
Displays verbose information about the FIPS security domain.
The actions include:
• clean
Do not use this option unless F5 Networks support requests that you
use it for debugging.
• crash
Do not use this option unless F5 Networks support requests that you
use it for debugging.
• dump
Do not use this option unless F5 Networks support requests that you
use it for debugging.
• fwcheck
Checks for available NFB firmware updates.
• fwupdate
Updates NFB firmware, if necessary.
• genpbekey
This option is not used.
• init
Initializes and logs you in to the NFB, and sets the security domain
• labelcheck
Checks to see if the FIPS card is set to the default.
• login
Do not use this option unless F5 Networks support requests that you
use it for debugging.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 75
Appendix A
• logout
Do not use this option unless F5 Networks support requests that you
use it for debugging.
• monitor
Do not use this option unless F5 Networks support requests that you
use it for debugging.
• postfwupdate
Do not use this option unless F5 Networks support requests that you
use it for debugging.
• reset
Do not use this option unless F5 Networks support requests that you
use it for debugging.
• scupdate
Do not use this option unless F5 Networks support requests that you
use it for debugging.
• test
Do not use this option unless F5 Networks support requests that you
use it for debugging.
See also
A - 76
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays and resets global statistics for the FTP profile on the BIG-IP
Use this command to display and reset the statistics for the FTP profile.
ftp stats reset
ftp [show [all]]
You can use the ftp command to display and reset global statistics for the
FTP profile.
The following commands display the global statistics for the FTP profile:
ftp show
Resets all statistics for the FTP profile on the system.
ftp stats reset
See also
profile ftp (1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 77
Appendix A
Displays and resets global statistics for the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to display or reset global statistics for the system.
global [stats [show [all]]]
global stats reset
Display and reset global system statistics. These statistics include client
side, server side, PVA connections, TMM cycles, denials, CPU usage,
memory, packets, authorization, and OneConnect™ information.
Displays all global statistics.
global stats show
Resets all global statistics.
global stats reset
See also
A - 78
bigpipe Command Reference
ha table
Displays the settings for high availability on a system.
Use this command to display high availability settings.
<ha table key> ::=
ha table [<ha table key list> | all] [show [all]]
ha table [<ha table key list> | all] list [all]
Displays high availability settings for the system. These settings include
daemon settings and failover settings.
Displays all peer settings:
ha table peer
Displays all daemon and failover settings:
ha table show
The HA table consists of several columns including Feature, Key, Action,
En, Act, Proc, Time, and Data.
• Feature
Displays the high availability feature.
• Key
Displays the specific instance of the feature, for example which daemon's
heartbeat is represented.
• Action
Displays the action that should be taken when the Act (take action)
column is yes.
• En
Indicates whether the feature is enabled.
• Act
Indicates that you should take action. For example, if the VLAN fail-safe
functionality determined that the VLAN had failed, it would set this
setting to yes which would cause the daemon to reboot the BIG-IP
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 79
Appendix A
• Proc
Indicates the process that is exclusively responsible for creating and
writing to this row in the HA table.
• Time
The meaning of this column varies depending on the feature associated
with it. Typically, this value is a timeout value. For example, the sod
daemon heartbeat time is set to 20 (seconds). That means that if sod does
not increment its heartbeat in 20 seconds, the BIG-IP system reboots.
• Data
The meaning of this column also varies depending on the feature. For
daemon heartbeats, for example, this value shows the daemon
incrementing the value of its heartbeat.
See also
daemon(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 80
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays information about the system hardware.
Use this command to display the baud rate of the system hardware.
hardware {}
hardware [{] <hardware arg list>
<hardware arg> ::=
baud rate <number>
hardware [show [all]]
hardware list [all]
hardware baud rate [show]
You can use the hardware command to display the baud rate of the system
The following three commands display the baud rate of the system
hardware show
hardware baud rate
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 81
Appendix A
Displays online help for bigpipe command syntax.
Use this command to display the online man page for a bigpipe command.
<command> help
Use this command to access the online man page for the specified
Displays the online man page for the specified command:
vlan help
See also
A - 82
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays or resets HTTP statistics on the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to display or reset HTTP statistics.
http stats reset
http [show [all]]
Display and reset HTTP statistics. The statistics you can view are standard
HTTP statistics, including requests, responses, Set-Cookie header insertions,
and OneConnect idle connections.
You can also view compression statistics (in bytes), such as the following:
total, image, HTML, JS, XML, SGML, plain text, video, audio, and octet.
In the Compression Statistics, total bytes section of the http command
output, saved indicates the ratio between the amount of content before
compression and the amount of content after compression. null indicates
content that is wrapped in compression headers, but is not compressed. The
system wraps content in compression headers, but does not compress it
when one of two situations occurs. Either the system exceeds the amount of
compression (in megabytes) for which it is licensed, or the CPU saver is
active. For more information about the CPU saver setting, see profile http,
on page A-198.
Displays all HTTP statistics including compression statistics:
http show all
Resets all HTTP statistics to zero:
http stats reset
See also
profile http(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 83
Appendix A
Configures the HTTP daemon for the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to configure the httpd daemon for the system.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
httpd [{] <httpd arg list> [}]
<httpd arg> ::=
allow (<string list> | all | none) [add | delete]
authname <string>
authpamcachetimeout <number>
hostnamelookups (On | Off | Double)
include (<string> | none)
loglevel (debug | info | notice | warn | error | crit | alert | emerg)
sslcertchainfile (<string> | none)
sslcertfile <string>
sslcertkeyfile <string>
sslciphersuite <string>
ssl include (<string> | none)
httpd edit
httpd [show [all]]
httpd list [all]
httpd allow [show]
httpd authname [show]
httpd authpamcachetimeout [show]
httpd hostnamelookups [show]
httpd include [show]
httpd loglevel [show]
httpd partition [show]
httpd sslcertchainfile [show]
A - 84
bigpipe Command Reference
httpd sslcertfile [show]
httpd sslcertkeyfile [show]
httpd sslciphersuite [show]
httpd ssl include [show]
You configure the HTTP daemon for the system using the httpd command.
F5 recommends that users of the Configuration utility exit the utility before
changes are made to the system using the httpd command. This is because
making changes to the system using the httpd command causes a restart of
the httpd daemon. Likewise, restarting the httpd daemon creates the
necessity for a restart of the Configuration utility.
When you change the SSL key, you must also change the SSL certificate.
You change the certificate/key pair using following command:
httpd { sslcertfile <string> sslcertkeyfile <string> }
Sets the pluggable authentication module (PAM) cache timeout to half a day
(in seconds):
httpd authpamcachetimeout 43200
Creates the SSL certificate file, mycert.crt, for the system:
sslcertfile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/mycert.crt
Replaces the existing list of hosts that can connect to the httpd daemon with
the hosts in the range,
httpd allow
You can use the following options with the httpd command.
• allow
Adds or deletes IP addresses, partial IP addresses, and IP address ranges,
host names, partial host names, domain names, partial domain names,
and network and netmask pairs for the HTTP clients from which the
httpd daemon accepts request. The default value is all.
Warning: Using the value none resets the httpd daemon to allow all
HTTP clients access to the system. F5 recommends that you do not use
the value none with the httpd command.
• authname
Specifies the name for the authentication realm. The default is BIG-IP.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 85
Appendix A
• authpamcachetimeout
Specifies, in seconds, the cache timeout for PAM. The default value is
86400 seconds.
• hostnamelookups
The default value is Off.
• include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
• loglevel
Specifies the minimum httpd message level to include in the system log.
The default value is warn.
• httpd edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command httpd. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only httpd { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the httpd daemon resides.
• sslcertchainfile
Specifies the name of the file that contains the SSL certificate chain. The
default is none.
• sslcertfile
Specifies the name of the file that contains the SSL certificate. The
default value is /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt.
Note that the path to the file must start with /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/ or
/config/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/ unless the path is a relative path. If the path is
a relative path, then it must start with conf/ssl.crt/.
• sslcertkeyfile
Specifies the name of the file that contains the SSL certificate key. The
default value is /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/server.key.
Note that the path to the file must start with /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/ or
/config/httpd/conf/ssl.key/ unless the path is a relative path. If the path
is a relative path, then it must start with conf/ssl.key/.
When you change the key file, you must also change the certificate file.
In other words, the following command does not work to change the key:
httpd sslcertkeyfile <string>. Instead, you must use this command:
{ httpd sslcertfile <string> sslcerkeyfile <string> }.
A - 86
bigpipe Command Reference
• sslciphersuite
Specifies the ciphers that the system uses.
• ssl include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
See also
bigpipe(1), ntp(1), dns(1), sshd(1), snmpd(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 87
Appendix A
Displays and resets ICMP statistics.
Use this command to display or reset ICMP statistics.
icmp stats reset
icmp [show [all]]]
Display and reset ICMP statistics. The statistics you can view are standard
ICMP statics, including ICMPv4 packets and errors, and ICMPv6 packets
and errors.
Displays all ICMP statics including compression statistics:
icmp show all
Resets all ICMP statistics to zero:
icmp stats reset
See also
monitor(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 88
bigpipe Command Reference
Saves a backup of the running configuration in the /var/local/scf/ directory,
and then replaces the running configuration with the configuration contained
in the single configuration file (SCF) that you are importing.
Use this command to replace the running configuration of the system with
the values contained in the SCF that you are importing. If you want to write
the new running configuration to the stored configuration files, after you run
the import command, you must run the save all command.
If you want to modify the running configuration of the BIG-IP system,
rather than replace it, you must use the merge command. For more
information, see the online man page for the merge command.
import [<file> | default | -]
You import an SCF that was exported from another BIG-IP system after you
edit the file to work on the system to which you are importing it.
Loads the SCF, myconfiguration.scf, on the system:
import myconfiguration.scf
Resets the running configuration to the factory defaults; however, this
command does not rest the management IP address or the management
default route:
import default
You can use the following options with the import command.
• - <contents of SCF>
Use this option to replace the running configuration of the system using
the data in an SCF. First copy the contents of an SCF. Then type import
- and press the Enter key. The system responds with a Reading...
message. When the system finishes responding, on the command line,
paste the contents of the SCF that you copied, and then type Ctrl-D.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 89
Appendix A
After the command sequence runs, the system has replaced the running
configuration. If you want to save the running configuration to the stored
configuration files, run the save all command.
Warning: F5 recommends that you do not use this option to import an
SCF. Instead, F5 recommends that you use the file name, as shown in the
following option.
• <file>
Specifies the name of the SCF that you want to import.
• default
Resets the running configuration of the system to the factory defaults.
However, note that this option does not change the management port
networking information.
See also
bigpipe(1), export(1)
A - 90
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures the parameters of interfaces.
Use this command to modify or display interface settings.
interface <interface key list> {}
interface (<interface key list> | all) [{] <if arg list> [}]
<interface key> ::=
<if name>
<interface arg> ::=
prefer (sfp | fixed)
media fixed (auto | 10baseT half | 10baseT full | 100baseTX half | 100baseTX full |\
1000baseT half | 1000baseT full | 1000baseSX full | 1000baseLX full | \
10GbaseT full
| 10GbaseSR full | 10GbaseLR full | 10GbaseER full)
media sfp (auto | 10baseT half | 10baseT full | 100baseTX half | 100baseTX full | \
1000baseT half | 1000baseT full | 1000baseSX full | 1000baseLX full | \
10GbaseT full | 10GbaseSR full | 10GbaseLR full | 10GbaseER full)
(enable | disable)
pause (rx tx |rx | tx | tx rx | none)
link type (p2p | shared | auto)
edge port (true | false)
auto edge (enable | disable)
stp (enable | disable)
stp reset
media (auto | 10baseT half | 10baseT full | 100baseTX half | 100baseTX full | \
1000baseT half | 1000baseT full | 1000baseSX full | 1000baseLX full | \
10GbaseT full | 10GbaseSR full | 10GbaseLR full | 10GbaseER full)
interface (<interface key list> | all) stats reset
interface edit
interface [<<interface key list> | all] [show [all]]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] list [all]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] auto edge [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] edge port [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] enabled [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] errors [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] link type [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] name [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 91
Appendix A
interface [<<interface key list> | all] prefer [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] media [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] media fixed [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] media options [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] media options sfp [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] media sfp [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] pause [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] stats [show]
interface [<<interface key list> | all] stp [show]
This command displays and sets media options, duplex mode, and status for
an interface. In addition, this command provides the ability to set
per-interface spanning tree parameters such as link type, edge port status,
automatic edge port detection, and also whether the interface participates in
the spanning tree configuration.
Enables the interface named 1.1:
interface 1.1 enable
Disables the interface named 1.1:
interface 1.1 disable
Disables STP on the interfaces named 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3:
interface 1.1 1.2 1.3 stp disable
Enables auto edge detection for STP on the interfaces named 1.1, 1.2, and
interface 1.1 1.2 1.3 auto edge enable
Sets the edge port attribute for STP on the interfaces named 1.1, 1.2, and
interface 1.1 1.2 1.3 edge port true
You can use these options with the interface command:
• auto edge
When automatic edge port detection is enabled on an interface, the
system monitors the interface for incoming STP, RSTP, or MSTP
packets. If no such packets are received for a sufficient period of time
(about three seconds), the interface is automatically given edge port
status. When automatic edge port detection is disabled on an interface,
the system never gives the interface edge port status automatically. By
A - 92
bigpipe Command Reference
default, automatic edge port detection is enabled on all interfaces. Any
STP setting set on a per-interface basis applies to all spanning tree
instances. The default is enable.
• edge port
Possible values are true and false. The default is true.
• enable | disable
Enables or disables the named interface.
• errors
Displays the error statistics for an interface.
• interface edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command interface. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• <interface key list>
Specifies a list of interface names, separated by a space.
• <if name>
Specifies an interface name, for example 3.1, where 3 is the physical slot
number holding the network interface hardware and 1 is the physical port
number of that interface on that hardware. Another example is mgmt, the
name given to the management interface.
• link type
The spanning tree system includes important optimizations that can only
be used on point-to-point links. That is, on links which connect just two
bridges. If these optimizations are used on shared links, incorrect or
unstable behavior may result. By default, the implementation assumes
that full-duplex links are point-to-point and that half-duplex links are
shared. Possible values are p2p, shared, and auto. The default is auto.
• media
Specifies a media type for the specified interface. The options are: auto,
10baseT half, 10baseT full, 100baseTX half, 100baseTX full,
1000baseT half, 1000baseT full, 1000baseSX full, 1000baseLX full,
10GbaseT full, 10GbaseSR full, 10GbaseLR full, and 10GbaseER
full. Note that you use this option only with a non-combo port.
• media fixed
Specifies a media type for the specified interface. The options are: auto,
10baseT half, 10baseT full, 100baseTX half, 100baseTX full,
1000baseT half, 1000baseT full, 1000baseSX full, 1000baseLX full,
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 93
Appendix A
10GbaseT full, 10GbaseSR full, 10GbaseLR full, and 10GbaseER
full. Note that you use this option only with a combo port to specify the
media type for the fixed interface.
• media options
Displays all media types that are available for the specified interface.
• media options sfp
Displays all media types that are available for the specified SFP
• media sfp
Specifies a media type for the specified interface. The options are: auto,
10baseT half, 10baseT full, 100baseTX half, 100baseTX full,
1000baseT half, 1000baseT full, 1000baseSX full, 1000baseLX full,
10GbaseT full, 10GbaseSR full, 10GbaseLR full, and 10GbaseER
full. Note that you use this option only with a combo port to specify the
media type for the SFP interface.
• pause
Possible values are rx, rx tx, tx, tx rx, and none. The default is tx rx.
• prefer
Indicates which side of a combo port the interface uses. The options are
fixed and SFP. The default is fixed.
If you use the prefer option, use the media option to specify a media
type for the interface. Note that for an SFP-only interface, the prefer
option is ignored and you must use either the media or media sfp option
to set the media type for the interface.
• stp
Enables or disables STP. If you disable STP, no STP, RSTP, or MSTP
packets are transmitted or received on the interface or trunk, and
spanning tree has no control over forwarding or learning on the port or
the trunk. The default is enable.
• stp reset
Resets STP.
See also
mirror(1), stp(1), vlan(1), vlangroup(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 94
bigpipe Command Reference
Manages IP statistics on the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to display or delete IP statistics on the BIG-IP system.
ip [stats [show [all]]]
ip stats reset
Display and reset IP statistics. The statistics you can view are standard IP
statistics, including IPv4 and IPv6 packets, fragments, fragments
reassembled, and errors.
Displays all IP statistics for the system:
ip show all
Resets all IP statistics to zero:
ip stats reset
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 95
Appendix A
Displays all objects the user has permission to view. Depending on the
user’s Read partition, all objects that are not in partitions and all objects in
partition Common may also display.
Use this command to display objects based on your Read partition setting.
[base] list [all]
When the default Read partition is All, the list command displays all objects
the user has permission to view. When you specify a Read partition, this
command displays all objects the user has permission to view in the current
partition, all objects that are not in partitions, and all objects in partition
You can use these options with the list command:
• base
Lists the output of the single configuration file (SCF), including the
configuration of the BIG-IP system network components: MGMT port
address, MGMT route, internal and external VLANs, VLAN groups,
self-IP addresses, and self-allow values.
• all
Displays the complete system configuration.
See also
A - 96
bigpipe Command Reference
Replaces the running configuration with the configuration in the stored
configuration files.
Use this command to replace the running configuration with the
configuration in the stored configuration files.
[base] load [<file> | - ]
verify load
You can also use the load command to replace the running configuration
with the configuration stored in a specified file.
If you want to modify the running configuration of the BIG-IP system,
rather than replace it, you must use the merge command. For more
information, see the online man page for the merge command.
The following command replaces the running configuration with the
configuration in the stored configuration files. The configuration loads after
you type Ctrl-D.
load <Ctrl-D>
The following command replaces the bigip.conf file with the
myconfigurationfile.conf file:
load myconfigurationfile.conf
The base load command replaces the running configuration using the
contents of the following files in the order shown:
• /defaults/config_base.conf
• /config/bigip_base.conf
• /config/bigip_sys.conf
The load command replaces the entire running configuration using the
contents of the following files in the order shown:
• /defaults/config_base.conf
This file contains the commands, and their attributes and values, that
configure the basic system information for all of the components of the
BIG-IP system. When you run the base load or load commands, the
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 97
Appendix A
system resets portions of the running configuration to the values
contained in this file. When you run the base save or save all commands,
the system writes portions of the running configuration into this file.
• /config/bigip_base.conf
This file contains the commands, and their attributes and values, that
configure the BIG-IP network components. When you run the base load
or load commands, the system resets portions of the running
configuration to the values contained in this file. When you run the base
save or save all commands, the system writes portions of the running
configuration into this file.
• /config/bigip_sys.conf
This file contains the commands, and their attributes and values, that
configure the BIG-IP network components, as well as the configuration
commands that are synchronized on both units of a redundant pair when
you run the configuration synchronization commands. When you run the
base load or load commands, the system resets portions of the running
configuration to the values contained in this file. When you run the base
save or save all commands, the system writes portions of the running
configuration into this file.
• /usr/bin/monitors/builtins/base_monitors.conf
This file contains the default monitors that are delivered with the system.
These monitors are the parents of all the new monitors that you add to the
• /config/profile_base.conf
This file contains the default profiles that are delivered with the system.
These profiles are the parents of all the new profiles that you add to the
• /config/daemon.conf
This file contains the high-availability configuration data for all of the
daemons that are delivered with the system.
• /config/bigip.conf
This file contains the configuration commands, and their attributes and
values, that you add to the system when you configure it to meet your
network and system management and local traffic management needs. It
also contains the configuration commands, and their attributes and
values, that are synchronized on both units of a redundant system when
you run the configuration synchronization commands. When you run the
load command, the system resets portions of the running configuration to
the values contained in this file. When you run the save all command, the
system writes portions of the running configuration into this file.
• /config/bigip_local.conf
This file contains the configuration commands, and their attributes and
values, that you add to the system when you configure it to meet your
network and system management and local traffic management needs. It
also contains the configuration commands that are not synchronized on
both units of a redundant pair when you run the configuration
synchronization commands. These commands include the non-floating
virtual addresses and the virtual addresses of the servers used by the
BIG-IP® Global Traffic Manager. When you run the load command, the
A - 98
bigpipe Command Reference
system resets portions of the running configuration to the values
contained in this file. When you run the save all command, the system
writes portions of the running configuration into this file.
You can use these options with the load command:
• <file>
Specifies a file name that replaces the /config/bigip.conf file.
• Specifies that the BIG-IP system loads configuration commands from the
standard input device after loading the configuration of the BIG-IP
network components. Using this option replaces all of the values in the
/config/bigip.conf file.
• - <contents of SCF>
Use this option to replace only the values in the /config/bigip.conf file.
First copy the contents of an SCF. Then type load - and press the Enter
key. The system responds with a Reading... message. When the system
finishes responding, on the command line paste the contents of the SCF
that you copied, and then type Ctrl-D. After the command sequence
runs, the system has replaced the running configuration. To save the new
values in the bigip.conf file, run the save all command.
Warning: This is not the preferred way to load an SCF. F5 recommends
that you use the import command. For more information, see import, on
page A-89.
• base
Replaces the configuration of the BIG-IP system network components
with the values contained in the /config/bigip_base.conf and
/config/bigip_sys.conf files.
• log
Causes error messages to be written to /var/log/ltm, in addition to the
• verify
Validates the specified configuration file.
See also
bigpipe(1), save(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 99
Appendix A
Configures log rotation for the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to configure log rotation for the system.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. F5
recommends that you create a monitor in the same partition in which the
object that it monitors resides. For more information, see the Configuring
Administrative Partitions and Managing User Accounts chapters in the
BIG-IP® Network and System Management Guide.
logrotate [{] <logrotate arg list> [}]
<logrotate arg> ::=
common backlogs <number>
common include (<string> | none)
include (<string> | none)
mysql include (<string> | none)
syslog include (<string> | none)
tomcat include (<string> | none)
wa include (<string> | none)
logrotate edit
logrotate [show [all]]
logrotate list [all]
logrotate common backlogs [show]
logrotate common include [show]
logrotate include [show]
logrotate mysql include [show]
logrotate partition [show]
logrotate syslog include [show]
logrotate tomcat include [show]
logrotate wa include [show]
A - 100
bigpipe Command Reference
You can configure the system to rotate the log files after a specified length
of time. This helps you to clear the hard drive of unneeded log files.
Specifies that the system saves seven copies of the common log files:
logrotate common backlogs 7
You can use these options with the logrotate command:
• common backlogs
Specifies the number of logs that you want the system to save. Select a
number from the valid range of 1 - 100.
• common include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
• include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
• logrotate edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command logrotate. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only logrotate { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the logrotate object resides.
• syslog include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 101
Appendix A
• tomcat include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
• wa include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
See also
bigpipe(1), ntp(1), dns(1), httpd(1), snmpd(1)
A - 102
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures the general properties for the BIG-IP local traffic management
Use this command to configure the general properties of the system.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. F5
recommends that you create a monitor in the same partition in which the
object that it monitors resides. For more information, see the Configuring
Administrative Partitions and Managing User Accounts chapters in the
BIG-IP® Network and System Management Guide.
ltm [{] <ltm arg list> [}]
<ltm arg> ::=
adaptive reaper hiwater <number>
adaptive reaper lowater <number>
auto last hop (enable | disable)
fastest max idle time <number>
l2 cache timeout <number>
maint (enable | disable)
max reject rate <number>
path mtu discovery (enable | disable)
reject unmatched (enable | disable)
share single mac (first member | global)
snat packet forward (enable | disable)
syncookies threshold <number>
vlan keyed conn (enable | disable)
ltm edit
ltm [show [all]]
ltm list [all]
ltm adaptive reaper hiwater [show]
ltm adaptive reaper lowater [show]
ltm auto last hop [show]
ltm fastest max idle time [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 103
Appendix A
ltm l2 cache timeout [show]
ltm maint [show]
ltm max reject rate [show]
ltm partition [show]
ltm path mtu discovery [show]
ltm reject unmatched [show]
ltm share single mac [show]
ltm snat packet forward [show]
ltm syncookies threshold [show]
ltm vlan keyed conn [show]
You can use this command to set up the local traffic management system.
Specifies that the maximum rate per second at which the BIG-IP system
issues reject packets (TCP RST or ICMP port unreach) is 1000 seconds:
ltm max reject rate 1000
You can use these options with the ltm command:
• adaptive reaper hiwater
Specifies, in a percentage, the memory usage at which the system stops
establishing new connections. Once the system meets the reaper
high-water mark, the system does not establish new connections until the
memory usage drops below the reaper low-water mark. The default
setting is 95. To disable the adaptive reaper, set the high-water mark to
Note that the adaptive reaper settings help mitigate the effects of a
denial-of-service attack.
• adaptive reaper lowater
Specifies, in percent, the memory usage at which the system silently
purges stale connections, without sending reset packets (RST) to the
client. If the memory usage remains above the low-water mark after the
purge, then the system starts purging established connections closest to
their service timeout. The default setting is 85. To disable the adaptive
reaper, set the low-water mark to 100.
• auto last hop
Specifies that the system automatically maps the last hop for pools. The
default is enable.
A - 104
bigpipe Command Reference
• fastest max idle time
Specifies the number of seconds a node can be left idle by the fastest load
balancing mode. The system sends fewer connections to a node that is
responding slowly, and periodically recalculates the response time of the
slow node. The default is 0 (zero), which indicates disabled.
• l2 cache timeout
Specifies, in seconds, the amount of time that records remain in the Layer
2 forwarding table, when the MAC address of the record is no longer
detected on the network. The default is 300 seconds.
• ltm edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command ltm. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only ltm { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• maint
Specifies, when enabled, that the unit is in maintenance mode. In
maintenance mode, the system stops accepting new connections and
slowly finishes off existing connections.
• max reject rate
Specifies the maximum rate per second that the system issues reject
packets (TCP RST or ICMP port unreach). The default value is 250
• partition
Displays the partition within which the ltm object resides.
• path mtu discovery
Specifies, when enabled, that the system discovers the maximum
transmission unit (MTU) that it can send over a path, without
fragmenting TCP packets. The default is enable.
• reject unmatched
Specifies, when enabled, that the system returns a TCP RESET or
ICMP_UNREACH packet if no virtual servers on the system match the
destination address of the incoming packet. When this setting is disabled,
the system silently drops the unmatched packet. The default is enable.
• share single mac
Specifies the MAC address that the system assigns to a VLAN. The
default value is first member, which indicates that a VLAN uses the
MAC address of its first unused member. The global value indicates that
all of the VLANs on the system use the same MAC address.
• snat packet forward
Enables or disables SNAT packet forwarding. The default is disable.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 105
Appendix A
• syncookies threshold
Specifies the number of new or untrusted TCP connections that can be
established before the system activates the SYN Cookies authentication
method for subsequent TCP connections. The default value is 16384.
• vlan keyed conn
Enables or disables VLAN-keyed connections. You use VLAN-keyed
connections when traffic for the same connection must pass through the
system several times, on multiple pairs of VLANs (or in different VLAN
groups). The default setting is enable.
See also
A - 106
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays the Master Control Program (MCP) state.
Use this command to display the state of the MCP.
mcp [show [all]]
mcp stats reset
This command is not currently implemented.
Displays the state of the MCP, whether running or inactive.
Displays the state of the MCP:
mcp show all
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 107
Appendix A
Displays memory usage statistics.
Use this command to display memory statistics.
memory [show [all]]
memory stats [show]
Display detailed memory usage statistics. These statistics include total
memory available, total memory used, and how the memory is currently
allocated to objects, the size of the objects, and the maximum memory that
can be allocated to a specified object.
Displays all memory usage information:
memory show all
See also
A - 108
bigpipe Command Reference
Loads the specified configuration file. This modifies the running
Use this command to load the specified configuration file or data to modify
the running configuration.
merge (<file> | -)
The merge command loads the specified configuration file or data. This
modifies the running configuration. After you run the merge command, if
you want to save the modified running configuration in the stored
configuration files, run the save all command.
It is important to note that if you want to replace the running configuration
of the BIG-IP system, rather than modify it, you use the load command. For
more information, see the online man page for the load command.
You can use these options with the merge command:
• <file>
Specifies the file that you want to load to modify the running
Specifies to load configuration commands from the standard input device
after loading the configuration of the BIG-IP network components.
• - <contents of SCF>
Use this option to modify the running configuration of a system using the
data in an SCF. First copy the contents of an SCF. Then type merge - and
press the Enter key. The system responds with a Reading... message.
When the system finishes responding, on the command line paste the
contents of the SCF that you copied, and then type Ctrl-D. After the
command sequence runs, the system has modified the running
configuration. If you want to save the running configuration to the stored
configuration files, run the save all command.
Warning: F5 recommends that you do not use this option. Instead, F5
recommends that you use a file name as shown above in the first option
in this list of options.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 109
Appendix A
See also
bigpipe(1), save(1)
A - 110
bigpipe Command Reference
Specifies network settings for the management interface (MGMT).
Use this command to create or delete settings for the management interface.
mgmt <mgmt key list> {}
mgmt (<mgmt key list> | all) {} [{] <mgmt arg list> [}]
<mgmt key> ::=
(<ip addr> | none)
<mgmt arg> ::=
netmask (<ip mask> | none)
mgmt edit
mgmt [<mgmt key list> | all] [show [all]]
mgmt [<mgmt key list> | all] list [all]
mgmt [<mgmt key list> | all] addr [show]
mgmt [<mgmt key list> | all] netmask [show]
mgmt (<ip addr list> | all) delete
Specifies network settings for the management interface. The management
interface is available on all switch platforms and is designed for
management purposes. You can access the web-based Configuration utility
and command line configuration utility through the management port. You
cannot use the management interface in traffic management VLANs. You
can only configure one IP address on the management interface.
After you make any changes using the mgmt command, issue the following
command to save the changes to the bigip_base.conf file:
base save
Creates the IP address on the management interface:
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 111
Appendix A
Creates the IP address with a netmask of on the
management interface:
mgmt netmask
You can use these options with the mgmt command:
<ip addr list>
Specifies the IP address in one of four formats:
• IPv4 address in dotted-quad notation, for example,
• IPv6 address, for example, 1080::8:800:200C:417A
• host name, for example,
• node screen name, for example, node1
netmask <IP mask>
Specifies the netmask for the management interface IP address.
mgmt edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects that you
use the command mgmt to create. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only mgmt { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on your
additions. You must run the save all command to save this change to the
stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
route(1), bigpipe(1), mgmt route(1)
A - 112
bigpipe Command Reference
mgmt route
Specifies route settings for the management interface (MGMT).
Use this command to create, display, or delete route settings for the
management interface.
mgmt route <mgmt route key list> {}
mgmt route (<mgmt route key list> | all) [{] <mgmt route arg list> [}]
<mgmt route key> ::=
<network ip>
<mgmt route arg> ::=
(mgmt | reject)
gateway (<ip addr> | none)
mtu <number>
mgmt route edit
mgmt route [<mgmt route key list> | all] [show [all]]
mgmt route [<mgmt route key list> | all] list [all]
mgmt route [<mgmt route key list> | all] type [show]
mgmt route [<mgmt route key list> | all] gateway [show]
mgmt route [<mgmt route key list> | all] mtu [show]
mgmt route (<mgmt route key list> | all) delete
Specifies route settings for the management interface. You must configure a
route on the management interface if you want to access the management
network on the system by connecting from another network. The
management interface is available on all switch platforms. It is designed for
management purposes. All upgrades should be installed through the
management port. You can access the web-based Configuration utility and
command line configuration utility through the management interface. You
cannot include the management interface in traffic management VLANs.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 113
Appendix A
Sets the management interface default gateway IP address to
mgmt route default gateway
Either one of the following command sequences sets the management
interface to subnet, and the gateway to
mgmt route netmask gateway
mgmt route gateway
You can use these options with the mgmt route command:
Specifies that the system forwards packets to the destination through the
gateway with the specified IP address.
Specifies that the system forwards packets to the destination through the
management interface.
mgmt route edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command mgmt route. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
Specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the management
interface. The value of the MTU is the largest size that the BIG-IP
system allows for an IP datagram passing through the management
network ip
Specifies the network IP address, in one of four formats:
• IPv4 address in dotted-quad notation, for example,
• IPv6 address, for example, 1080::8:800:200C:417A
• Host name, for example,
• Node screen name, for example, node1
A - 114
Specifies that the system drops packets that are sent to this destination.
bigpipe Command Reference
See also
mgmt(1), bigpipe(1), route(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 115
Appendix A
Configures interface (port) mirroring.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete interface mirroring.
mirror <mirror key list> {}
mirror (<mirror key list> | all) [{] <mirror arg list> [}]
<mirror key> ::=
<if name>
<mirror arg> ::=
interfaces (<interface key list> | none) [add | delete]
mirror edit
mirror [<mirror key list> | all] [show [all]]
mirror [<mirror key list> | all] list [all]
mirror [<mirror key list> | all] name [show]
mirror [<mirror key list> | all] interfaces [show]
mirror (<mirror key
list> | all) delete
Use the mirror command to create, display, modify, or delete port
mirroring on given interfaces. You can mirror traffic from many ports to one
port. The mirror-to port is dedicated to mirroring and cannot be a VLAN or
a trunk member.
Creates a port mirror, 1.1, that includes interfaces 1.2, 1.3, 1.4. Traffic from
the interfaces 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 is mirrored to the interface 1.1:
mirror 1.1 interfaces 1.2 1.3 1.4
Adds interfaces 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 to the existing port mirror 1.1:
mirror 1.1 interface 1.2 1.3 1.4 add
A - 116
bigpipe Command Reference
You can use these options with the mirror command:
• add
Adds interfaces to an existing port mirror.
Be aware that if you do not use add, the list of interfaces you specify
replaces the existing interfaces on the port mirror.
• all
Provides the ability to apply a command to all existing port mirrors.
• delete
Deletes interfaces from an existing port mirror. The list of interfaces you
specify is deleted from the port mirror.
• <interface key>
Specifies an interface name, for example 3.1.
• <key list>
Provides the ability to apply a command to a list of existing port mirrors.
• mirror edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command mirror. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
interface(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 117
Appendix A
Creates, modifies, and deletes monitor instances or templates.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete monitor instances or
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. F5
recommends that you create a monitor in the same partition in which the
object that it monitors resides. For more information, see the Configuring
Administrative Partitions and Managing User Accounts chapters in the
BIG-IP® Network and System Management Guide.
monitor <monitor key list> {}
monitor (<monitor key list> | all) [{] <monitor arg list> [}]
<monitor key> ::=
<monitor arg> ::=
<name> <string>
defaults from <name>
(enable | disable)
accounting node <string>
accounting port <string>
agent <string>
agent type <string>
args <string>
base <string>
call id <string>
cert <string>
cipherlist <string>
cmd <string>
community <string>
compatibility <string>
count <string>
cpu coefficient <string>
cpu threshold <string>
database <string>
A - 118
bigpipe Command Reference
debug <string>
dest (<ip addr> | <node>)
disk coefficient <string>
disk threshold <string>
domain <string>
fault <string>
filename <string>
filter <string>
folder <string>
framed addr <string>
get <string>
gwm addr <string>
gwm interval <string>
gwm protocol <string>
gwm service <string>
instance <monitor instance list>
interval <number>
is read only
key <string>
mandatoryattrs <string>
manual resume
mem coefficient <string>
mem threshold <string>
method <string>
metrics <string>
mode <string>
namespace <string>
nasip <string>
newsgroup <string>
param name <string>
param type <string>
param value <string>
password <string>
post <string>
program <string>
protocol <string>
recv <string>
recvcolumn <string>
recvdrain <string>
recvrow <string>
return type <string>
return value <string>
run <string>
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 119
Appendix A
secret <string>
security <string>
send <string>
sendpackets <string>
server <string>
server id <string>
service <string>
session id <string>
snmp version <string>
timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite)
timeoutpackets <string>
urlpath <string>
username <string>
version <string>
<monitor instance> ::=
(<monitor instance key list> | all) \
[{] <monitor instance arg list> [}]
<monitor instance key> ::=
(<ip addr> | <member>)
<monitor instance arg> ::=
(enable | disable)
monitor edit
Do not disable default monitors.
If you disable a monitor instance, and then run the load command, the
monitor instance is automatically enabled.
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] [show [all]]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] list [all]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] <name> [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] accounting node [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] accounting port [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] agent [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] agent type [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] args [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] base [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] call id [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] cert [show]
A - 120
bigpipe Command Reference
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] cipherlist [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] cmd [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] compatibility [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] community [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] count [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] cpu coefficient [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] cpu threshold [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] database [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] debug [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] defaults from [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] dest [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] disk coefficient [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] disk threshold [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] domain [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] enabled [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] fault [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] filename [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] filter [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] flags [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] folder [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] framed addr [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] get [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] gwm addr [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] gwm interval [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] gwm protocol [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] gwm service [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] instance \
[<monitor instance key list> | all] [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] instance \
[<monitor instance key list> | all] addr [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] instance \
[<monitor instance key list> | all] enabled [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] interval [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] is read only [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] key [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] manual resume [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] mandatoryattrs [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] mem coefficient [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] mem threshold [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] method [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] metrics [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] mode [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] name [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] namespace [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] nasip [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] newsgroup [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] param name [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] param type [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] param value [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] partition [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] password [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] post [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] program [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] protocol [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] recv [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] recvcolumn [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] recvrow [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] recvdrain [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] return type [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] return value [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] reverse [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] run [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] secret [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] security [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] send [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] sendpackets [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] server [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] server id [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] service [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] session id [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] snmp version [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] timeout [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] timeoutpackets [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] transparent [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] urlpath [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] username [show]
monitor [<monitor key list> | all] version [show]
monitor (<monitor key list> | all) delete
Monitors verify connections on pool members and nodes. A monitor can be
either a health monitor or a performance monitor, designed to check the
status of a pool, pool member, or node on an ongoing basis, at a set interval.
If a pool member or node being checked does not respond within a specified
timeout period, or the status of a pool member, or node indicates that
performance is degraded, the system can redirect the traffic to another pool
A - 122
bigpipe Command Reference
member or node. Some monitors are included as part of the system, while
other monitors are user-created. Monitors that the system provides are
known as pre-configured monitors. User-created monitors are known as
custom monitors.
The task of implementing a monitor varies depending on whether you are
using a pre-configured monitor or creating a custom monitor. If you want to
implement a pre-configured monitor, you need only associate the monitor
with a pool, pool member, or node. If you want to implement a custom
monitor, you must first create the custom monitor, and then associate it with
a pool, pool member, or node.
To view the man page for the monitor command, you must enter man
monitor at the BIG-IP system prompt.
Pre-configured monitors
The following monitors are pre-configured monitors:
• gateway icmp
• http
• https
• https 443
• icmp
• real server
• snmp dca
• tcp
• tcp echo
• tcp half open
This procedure describes how to create a custom HTTP monitor.
1. Access the bigpipe shell.
2. View the variables for the default monitors, by typing the following
monitor list all |more
3. Find a default monitor on which you want to base the new monitor
and make a note of the settings that you want to change.
For example, if you want to define a new monitor that is based on
the default HTTP monitor, view the default HTTP monitor.
The default HTTP monitor appears as follows:
monitor http {
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
defaults from
interval 5
timeout 16
dest *:*
send GET /
From the configuration statement of the default HTTP monitor, the
following settings are available:
defaults from none
interval 5
timeout 16
dest *.*
send GET /
Important: The values for the password, recv, send, and username
settings are contained in quotation marks. If you want to change
these values, you must place the new values in quotation marks.
4. Define the new monitor, using the following command syntax:
monitor <name> '{ defaults from <monitor> <setting>
<value>... }'>
5. Replace name with the name you want to use for the new monitor.
6. Replace monitor with the name of the default monitor on which
you want to base the new monitor.
7. Replace setting and value with the name and value of each setting
you want to change.
For example, if you want to create a monitor named
myhttpmonitor that has an interval of 30, a timeout of 91, and a
send string of GET /test.html, you would type the following
monitor myhttpmonitor '{ defaults from http interval 30
timeout 91 send GET /test.html }'
If you decide to change the timeout for the monitor to 121, you
would type the following command:
monitor myhttpmonitor '{ interval 121 }'
8. Save the new monitor, by typing the following command:
For more information about configuring monitors, see the Configuration
Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic Management.
A - 124
bigpipe Command Reference
You can use these options with the monitor command:
defaults from
Specifies the monitor that you want to use as the parent monitor. Your
new monitor inherits all settings and values from the parent monitor
specified. The new monitor will have the default settings of the monitor
you specify, but you can change any of the settings. This option is
Specifies an agent for use with Real Server, SNMP Base, and WMI
monitors only.
agent type
Specifies the SNMP DCA agent type. This is the type of agent running
on the server that you are monitoring with an SNMP DCA monitor.
Specifies any required command line arguments used by external
Specifies a base name, used by LDAP.
Provides the ability to supply a certificate file to be presented to the
server by an HTTPS monitor. If you do not provide the full path to the
certificate file, the system adds the path /config/ssl/ssl.crt. The cert must
be surrounded by quotation marks, for example, cert "client.crt", or
cert "/config/ssl/ssl.crt/client.crt". The default is null, that is, no
certificate is supplied.
Changes the cipher list that the HTTPS monitor uses, from the default.
The default cipherlist used is: DEFAULT:+SHA:+3DES:+kEDH. The
default cipher list is located in the file base_monitors.conf.
Specifies a command associated with metrics and metric values. Applies
to Real Server and WMI monitors.
Specifies an SNMP community name. Applies to SNMP DCA monitors
only. The default value is Public.
Sets the SSL options to ALL for an HTTPS monitor. You can enable or
disable this option.
cpu coefficient
Specifies an SNMP DCA CPU Coefficient. This is a CPU value used for
calculating a ratio weight.
cpu threshold
Specifies an SNMP DCA CPU threshold. This is the highest disk
threshold value allowed, used in calculating a ratio weight.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
A - 126
Specifies a database name, used by SQL. This is the name of the data
source on the node being pinged, for example, sales or hr.
Specifies whether the monitor provides debug mode.
If the value is yes, the monitor redirects its stderr output to the file
/var/log/<service> <ip addr>.<port>.log, and additional debug
information is directed to stderr.
Specifies a destination IP address. You can also set this to a node name.
disk coefficient
Specifies an SNMP DCA Disk coefficient. This is a disk value used for
calculating a ratio weight.
disk threshold
Specifies an SNMP DCA Disk threshold. This is the highest disk
threshold value allowed, used in calculating a ratio weight.
Specifies a domain name, for SMTP monitors only.
For a SOAP monitor, fault is a Boolean operator specifying whether to
check for a SOAP fault. Valid values are (0, 1). When the fault parameter
is specified as a value of 1, the monitor expects the successful execution
it is monitoring to include a returned fault. This is useful to test for
situations when a fault is expected. This tests only for the existence of a
SOAP fault. Any other server error codes signal a failure of the monitor.
Specifies a filter name, used by LDAP.
Specifies a folder name, used by IMAP.
Gets a specified string.
Monitor’s interval time in seconds. The default is 0.
Specifies the RSA private key to be used for client authentication. The
key must be surrounded by quotation marks, for example, key
"client.key". Note that if you specify a key, you must also specify a
value for the cert option. For more information, see the cert option on the
previous page.
mem coefficient
Specifies an SNMP DCA Memory coefficient. This is a memory value
used for calculating a ratio weight.
mem threshold
Specifies an SNMP DCA Memory threshold. This is the highest disk
threshold value allowed, used in calculating a ratio weight.
bigpipe Command Reference
Specifies a method specification such as GET or POST. Applies to Real
Server, SOAP, and WMI monitors only.
Specifies metrics that you want to monitor, such as CPU percentage or
memory usage. Applies to Real Server and WMI monitors only.
Sets the mode of the monitor. For example, an acceptable setting for this
value is passive for an FTP monitor, or udp or tcp for a SIP monitor.
monitor edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command monitor. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
Specifies the monitor name.
Specifies the namespace associated with the given web service for a
SOAP monitor.
Specifies the network access server’s IP address for a RADIUS monitor.
Specifies a newsgroup name, for NNTP monitors only.
param name
If the method has a parameter, specifies the name of that parameter for
the SOAP monitor.
param type
Specifies the basic type associated with the given parameter name in a
SOAP monitor. Valid values are (long, int, string, bool).
param value
Specifies the value of the given parameter for the SOAP monitor.
Displays the partition within which the monitor resides.
Specifies the password for the specified user name.
Specifies a WMI and Real Server post setting.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
Specifies the protocol to use for a SOAP monitor. Valid values are http
or https.
This is an optional parameter, containing the value expected back for a
particular row and column of the table retrieved by the send parameter,
for example, Smith. The expected data must be of a database type that
converts directly to a Java String (for example, VARCHAR). If no value
is specified for this parameter, the returned data is not checked for any
specific value and, as long as no discernible errors occurred (for
example, data was received), the service is considered to be up.
This option is meaningful only if the recv option is specified. It contains
the column in the returned table in which the recv value is expected.
This option is meaningful only if the recv option is specified. It contains
the row in the returned table in which the recv value is expected.
return type
If a return type is to be tested, specifies the basic type of the return
parameter. Valid values are:
• bool (Boolean)
• char
• double
• float
• int (integer)
• long
• short
• string
return value
For the SOAP monitor. If a return name is specified, this is the value to
use for comparison to yield a successful service check.
Checks a monitor recv string reverse mode.
Runs a path name.
Specifies a secret or shared secret, used by RADIUS.
Valid values are:
• ssl: This value requests that LDAP over SSL be used.
• tls: This value requests that TLS be used.
A - 128
bigpipe Command Reference
• none: This value (or a null value or any value that does not equal one
of the above) invokes no special security. The monitor runs as the
previous LDAP pinger was run.
You can use this parameter with TCP, HTTP, and HTTPS ECVs, as well
as the SQL monitor. Since this may have special characters, it may
require that it be enclosed with single quotation marks. If this value is
null, then a valid connection suffices to determine that the service is up.
In this case, the recv, recvrow, and recvcolumn options are not needed,
and will be ignored even if not null.
Specifies the number of packets to send when using the UDP monitor.
snmp version
Specifies the SNMP version.
Monitor’s timeout in seconds. You can also set the timeout to immediate
or indefinite. The default is 0.
Specifies the timeout in seconds for receiving UDP packets.
Specifies a monitor for transparent devices. In this mode, the node with
which the monitor is associated is pinged through to the destination node.
For a SOAP monitor, supplies a URL path.
Specifies a user name for services with password security. For LDAP
monitors only, this is a distinguished name, that is, LDAP-format user
See also
node(1), pool(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
Configures network address translation (NAT).
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a NAT.
nat <nat key list> {}
nat (<nat key list> | all) [{] <nat arg list> [}]
<nat key> ::=
(<ip addr> | none)
<ip addr> to <ip addr>
(<ip addr> | none) map <ip addr>
<nat arg> ::=
orig addr (<ip addr> | none)
(enable | disable)
arp (enable | disable)
unit <number>
<ip addr>
map <ip addr>
vlans (<vlan key list> | none | all) (enable | disable)
nat [<nat key list> | all] stats reset
nat edit
nat [<nat key list> | all] [show [all]]
nat [<nat key list> | all] list [all]
nat [<nat key list> | all] orig addr [show]
nat [<nat key list> | all] trans addr [show]
nat [<nat key list> | all] enabled [show]
nat [<nat key list> | all] arp [show]
nat [<nat key list> | all] unit [show]
nat [<nat key list> | all] stats [show]
nat [<nat key list> | all] to [show]
nat [<nat key list> | all] map [show]
nat [<nat key list> | all] vlans [show]
nat (<nat key list> | all) delete
A - 130
bigpipe Command Reference
A network address translation (NAT) defines a bi-directional mapping
between an originating IP address, orig addr, and a translated IP address,
trans addr.
A primary reason for defining a NAT is to allow one of the servers in the
server array behind the traffic management system to initiate
communication with a computer in front of, or external to the system.
The node behind the system with the IP address has a presence
in front of the BIG-IP system as IP address
nat to
Permanently deletes the NAT from the system configuration:
nat delete
Additional Restrictions
The nat command has the following additional restrictions:
• A virtual server cannot use the IP address defined in the <trans addr>
• A NAT cannot use a BIG-IP system's IP address.
• A NAT cannot use an originating or translated IP address defined for and
used by a SNAT or another NAT.
• You must delete a NAT before you can redefine it.
You can use these options with the nat command:
• arp
Enables or disables Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).
• <ip addr> to <ip addr> or <ip addr> map <ip addr>
Specifies the IP address that is translated or mapped, and the IP address
to which it is translated or mapped. One of these settings is required
when creating a NAT.
nat edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command nat. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• orig addr
Specifies the IP address from which traffic is being initiated.
• trans addr
Specifies the IP address that <orig addr> is translated to by the traffic
management system.
• vlans
Specifies the name of an existing VLAN on which access to the NAT is
enabled or disabled. A NAT is accessible on all VLANs by default.
• unit
Specifies a unit ID, currently 1 or 2 for the redundant system. The default
unit ID is set to 1.
See also
snat(1), snat translation(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 132
bigpipe Command Reference
Manages IPv6 neighbor discovery.
Use this command to create, display, and delete IPv6 neighbor discovery.
ndp <ndp key list> {}
ndp (<ndp key list> | all) [{]}<ndp arg list> {]}
<ndp key> :=
<ip addr>
(static | dynamic)
<ndp arg> :=
(<mac addr> | none)
ndp edit
ndp (<ndp key list> | all) [show [all]]
ndp (<ndp key list> | all) list [all]
ndp (<ndp key list> | all) ip addr [show]
ndp (<ndp key list> | all) type [show]
ndp (<ndp key list> | all) mac addr [show]
ndp (<ndp key list> | all) delete
The ndp command provides the ability to display and modify the
IPv6-to-Ethernet address translation tables used by the IPv6 neighbor
discovery protocol.
Maps the IPv6 address fec0:f515::c001 to the MAC address
ndp fec0:f515::c001 00:0B:DB:3F:F6:57
Shows all static and dynamic IPv6 address-to-MAC address mapping:
ndp all show
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
You can use these options with the ndp command:
• all
Displays all static and dynamic IPv6 address-to-MAC address mapping.
• dynamic
Displays dynamic IPv6 address-to-MAC address mapping.
• <ip addr>
Specifies the IPv6 address to be mapped to the MAC address. For
example, fec0:f515::c001.
• <mac addr>
Specifies a 6-byte ethernet address in hexadecimal colon notation that is
not case-sensitive. For example, 00:0b:09:88:00:9a. This option is
ndp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command ndp. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• static
Displays static IPv6 address-to-MAC address mapping.
See also
arp(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 134
bigpipe Command Reference
Creates, modifies, or displays node addresses and services.
Use this command to create, modify, or display node addresses and services.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
node <node key list> {}
node (<node key list> | all) [{] <node arg list> [}]
<node key> ::=
(<ip addr> | none)
<node arg> ::=
dynamic ratio <number>
limit <number>
monitor (default | <monitor key> | <monitor key> and <monitor key> \
[ and <monitor key> ...] | min <number> of <monitor key list>)
ratio <number>
session (enable | disable)
(up | down)
screen (<name> | none)
node [<node key list> | all] stats reset
node edit
node [<node key list> | all] [show [all]]
node [<node key list> | all] list [all]
node [<node key list> | all] addr [show]
node [<node key list> | all] dynamic ratio [show]
node [<node key list> | all] limit [show]
node [<node key list> | all] monitor [show]
node [<node key list> | all] monitor state [show]
node [<node key list> | all] partition [show]
node [<node key list> | all] ratio [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
node [<node key list> | all] screen [show]
node [<node key list> | all] session [show]
node [<node key list> | all] stats [show]
node [<node key list> | all] delete
Displays information about nodes, and sets attributes of nodes and node IP
Displays information for all nodes in the system configuration:
node all show
Lists all nodes:
node all list
Removes all monitor associations from all nodes:
node all monitor none
Removes the default node monitor from all nodes. This command does not
remove monitors that have been explicitly assigned to nodes:
node * monitor none
Removes all monitor associations from the node
node monitor none
You can use these options with the node command:
• dynamic ratio
Sets the dynamic ratio number for the node. Used for dynamic ratio load
balancing. The ratio weights are based on continuous monitoring of the
servers and are therefore continually changing. Dynamic Ratio load
balancing may currently be implemented on RealNetworks RealServer
platforms, on Windows platforms equipped with Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI), or on a server equipped with either the UC
Davis SNMP agent or Windows 2000 Server SNMP agent.
• limit
Specifies the maximum number of connections allowed for the node or
node address.
• monitor
Specifies the name of the monitor that you want to associate with the
A - 136
bigpipe Command Reference
node edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command node. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• partition
Displays the partition in which the node resides.
• ratio
Specifies the fixed ratio value used for a node during ratio load
• screen <name> | none
Specifies the given name of the node, if any.
• session
Displays the current connections for the specified node.
• up | down
Marks the node up or down.
See also
pool(1), monitor(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
Configures the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon for the BIG-IP
Use this command to configure the NTP servers for the system.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
ntp [{] <ntp arg list> [}]
<ntp arg> ::=
include (<string> | none)
servers (<ip addr list> | none) [add | delete]
timezone (<string> | none)
ntp edit
ntp [show [all]]
ntp list [all]
ntp include [show]
ntp partition [show]
ntp servers [show]
ntp timezone [show]
Use this command to configure the NTP servers for the system.
Adds the NTP server with the IP address,, to the system:
ntp servers add
Replaces the existing list of NTP servers with a single host,
ntp servers
A - 138
bigpipe Command Reference
Sets the system time to Pacific Standard Time:
ntp timezone “America/Los Angeles”
You can use these options with the ntp command:
• include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
• ntp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command ntp. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only ntp { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the ntp object resides.
• servers
Adds NTP servers to or deletes NTP servers from the BIG-IP system.
• timezone
Specifies the time zone that you want to use for the system time.
See also
bigpipe(1), dns(1), httpd(1), snmpd(1), sshd(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 139
Appendix A
ocsp responder
Configures Online Certificate System Protocol (OCSP) responder objects.
Use the command to create, modify, display, or delete an OCSP responder
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
ocsp responder <ocsp responder key list> {}
ocsp responder (<ocsp responder key list> | all) [{] <ocsp arg list> [}]
<ocsp responder key> ::=
<ocsp responder arg> ::=
ca file (<file name> | none)
ca path (<file name> | none)
certid digest (sha1 | md5)
certs (enable | disable)
chain (enable | disable)
check certs (enable | disable)
explicit (enable | disable)
ignore aia (enable | disable)
intern (enable | disable)
sig verify (enable | disable)
sign key (<file name> | none)
sign key pass phrase (<string> | none)
sign other (<file name> | none)
sign digest (sha1 | md5)
signer (<file name> | none)
status age <number>
trust other (enable | disable)
url (<string> | none)
va file (<file name> | none)
validity period <number>
A - 140
bigpipe Command Reference
verify (enable | disable)
verify cert (enable | disable)
verify other (<string> | none)
ocsp responder edit
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] [show [all]]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] list [all]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] ca file [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] ca path [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] certid digest [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] certs [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] chain [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] check certs [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] explicit [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] ignore aia [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] name [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] intern [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] partition [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] sig verify [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] sign digest [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] sign key [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] sign key pass phrase [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] sign other [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] signer [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] status age [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] trust other [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] url [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] va file [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] validity period [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] verify [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] verify cert [show]
ocsp responder [<ocsp responder key list> | all] verify other [show]
ocsp responder (<ocsp responder key list> | all) delete
To implement the SSL OCSP authentication module, you must create the
following objects: one or more OCSP responder objects, an SSL OCSP
configuration object, and an SSL OCSP profile.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 141
Appendix A
You can use these options with the ocsp responder command:
• ca file
Specifies the name of the file containing trusted CA certificates used to
verify the signature on the OCSP response.
• ca path
Specifies the name of the path containing trusted CA certificates used to
verify the signature on the OCSP response.
• certid digest
Specifies a specific algorithm identifier, either sha1 or md5. sha1 is
newer and provides more security with a 160 bit hash length. md5 is
older and has only a 128 bit hash length. The default is sha1.
The cert ID is part of the OCSP protocol. The OCSP client (in this case,
the BIG-IP system) calculates the cert ID using a hash of the Issuer and
serial number for the certificate that it is trying to verify.
• certs
Enables or disables the addition of certificates to an OCSP request. The
default is enable.
• chain
Constructs a chain from certificates in the OCSP response. The default is
• check certs
Makes additional checks to see if the signer's certificate is authorized to
provide the necessary status information. Used for testing purposes only.
The default is enable.
• explicit
Specifies that the BIG-IP local traffic management system explicitly
trusts that the OCSP response signer's certificate is authorized for OCSP
response signing. If the signer's certificate does not contain the OCSP
signing extension, specification of this setting causes a response to be
untrusted. The default is enable.
• ignore aia
Causes the system to ignore the URL contained in the certificate's AIA
fields, and to always use the URL specified by the responder instead. The
default is disable.
• intern
Causes the system to ignore certificates contained in an OCSP response
when searching for the signer's certificate. To use this setting, the signer's
certificate must be specified with either the Verify Other or VA File
setting. The default is enable.
A - 142
ocsp responder edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command ocsp responder. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
bigpipe Command Reference
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the ocsp responder object resides.
• sig verify
Checks the signature on the OCSP response. Used for testing purposes
only. The default is enable.
• sign key
Used to sign an OCSP request.
• sign key pass phrase
Used to encrypt the sign key.
• sign other
Adds a list of additional certificates to an OCSP request.
• sign digest
Specifies the algorithm for signing the request, using the signing
certificate and key. This parameter has no meaning if request signing is
not in effect (that is, both the request signing certificate and request
signing key parameters are empty). This parameter is required only when
request signing is in effect. The default is sha1.
• signer
Specifies a certificate used to sign an OCSP request. If the certificate is
specified but the key is not specified, then the private key is read from
the same file as the certificate. If neither the certificate nor the key is
specified, then the request is not signed. If the certificate is not specified
and the key is specified, then the configuration is considered to be
• status age
The default is 0.
• trust other
Instructs the BIG-IP local traffic management system to trust the
certificates specified with the Verify Other setting. The default is
• url
Specifies the URL used to contact the OCSP service on the responder.
When using the ocsp responder command, you must specify a URL.
• va file
Specifies the name of the file containing explicitly-trusted responder
certificates. This parameter is needed in the event that the responder is
not covered by the certificates already loaded into the responder's CA
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 143
Appendix A
• validity period
Specifies the number of seconds used to specify an acceptable error
range. This setting is used when the OCSP responder clock and a client
clock are not synchronized, which could cause a certificate status check
to fail. This value must be a positive number. The default is 300 seconds.
• verify
Enables or disables verification of an OCSP response signature or the
nonce values. Used for debugging purposes only. The default is enable.
• verify cert
The default is enable.
• verify other
Specifies the name of the file used to search for an OCSP response
signing certificate when the certificate has been omitted from the
See also
auth ssl ocsp(1), profile auth(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 144
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays or resets OneConnect™ statistics for the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to display or reset OneConnect™ statistics for the BIG-IP
oneconnect [show [all]]
oneconnect stats reset
The OneConnect™ feature optimizes the use of network connections by
keeping server-side connections open and pooling them for re-use. You can
use the oneconnect command to display or reset OneConnect™ statistics for
the BIG-IP system.
See also
profile(1), profile oneconnect(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 145
Appendix A
packet filter
Configures packet filter rules and trusted allow lists.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete packet filtering.
Use this syntax to create or modify packet filter rules:
packet filter (<packet filter key list> | all) [{] <packet filter arg list> [}]
<packet filter key> ::=
<packet filter arg> ::=
order <number>
action (none | accept | discard | reject | continue)
vlan (<vlan key> | none)
log (enable | disable)
rate class (<rate class key> | none)
filter (<rule>)
packet filter [<packet filter key list> | all] stats reset
packet filter edit
Use this syntax to modify the packet filter’s allow trusted lists:
packet filter {}
packet filter [{] <packet filter arg list> [}]
<packet filter arg> ::=
allow trusted <allow trusted>
<allow trusted> ::=
[{] <allow trusted arg list> [}]
<allow trusted arg> ::=
addresses (<ip addr list> | none) [add | delete]
vlans (<vlan key list> | none) [add | delete]
macs (<mac addr list> | none) [add | delete]
packet filter <packet filter key list> {}
packet filter [show [all]]
packet filter list [all]
packet filter allow trusted [show]
A - 146
bigpipe Command Reference
Use this syntax to display allow trusted lists:
packet filter allow trusted vlans [show]
packet filter allow trusted macs [show]
packet filter allow trusted addresses [show]
Use this syntax to display packet filter rules:
packet filter [<packet filter key list> | all] [show [all]]
packet filter [<packet filter key list> | all] list [all]
packet filter [<packet filter key list> | all] action [show]
packet filter [<packet filter key list> | all] filter [show]
packet filter [<packet filter key list> | all] log [show]
packet filter [<packet filter key list> | all] order [show]
packet filter [<packet filter key list> | all] rate class [show]
packet filter [<packet filter key list> | all] vlan [show]
packet filter [<packet filter key list> | all] delete
Provides the ability to create a layer of security for the traffic management
system using packet filter rules or trusted allow lists.
The BIG-IP system packet filters are based on the Berkeley Software Design
Packet Filter (BPF) architecture. Packet filter rules are composed of four
mandatory attributes and three optional attributes. The mandatory attributes
are name, order, action, and filter. The optional attributes are vlan, log,
and rate class. The filter attribute you choose defines the BPF script to
match for the rule.
Trusted allow lists are lists of IP addresses, MAC addresses, and VLANs
that you want to allow to bypass the packet filter.
You must enable the packet filter flag using the Configuration utility, for any
packet filter configuration to work. By default, the packet filter flag is
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 147
Appendix A
Trusted allow list example
Create a trusted allow list that allows anything listed to bypass the packet
packet filter allow trusted {
vlan internal1 internal2
mac 00:02:3F:3E:2F:FE}
In this example, you have an administrative laptop that you want to have
unrestricted access to the traffic management system. This is a laptop, and
therefore it might have a different IP address from time to time. One way to
solve the problem is to add a trusted MAC address. A trusted MAC address
is a MAC address that passes MAC address-based authentication.
This trusted allow list example shows the laptop MAC address as
00:02:3F:3E:2F:FE. Now the laptop can access the traffic management
system regardless of what address it boots with or to which VLAN it is
connected, as long as it is on the same physical segment as the traffic
management system.
Also in this example, the traffic management system is configured with a
basic firewall for the internal network. This example shows a way to filter
incoming traffic, and allow outgoing traffic to be unrestricted. To do this,
you add trusted VLANs that represent all traffic that originated on the
internal network.
Another way to do this is to allow trusted IP addresses instead, for example,
Packet filter rules examples
You can create a set of rules that specify what incoming traffic to accept and
how to accept it. See the examples following.
Example 1: Block spoofed addresses
This example prevents private IP addresses from being accepted on a public
VLAN. This is a way of ensuring that no one can spoof private IP addresses
through the external VLAN of the system. In this example, the system logs
when this happens.
packet filter spoof_blocker {
order 5
action discard
vlan external
log enable
filter {( src net )}
A - 148
bigpipe Command Reference
Example 2: Allow restricted management access
You can allow restricted SSH and HTTPS access to the traffic management
system for management purposes, and keep a log of that access. However,
note that this is not the same management access you can get through the
management port/interface (MGMT); that interface is not affected by any
packet filter configuration and if that is the only way you want to allow
access to your system, this configuration is not necessary.
In the first rule, shown on the next page, SSH is allowed access from a
single fixed-address administrative workstation, and each access is logged.
In the subsequent rule, web-based Configuration utility access is allowed
from two fixed-address administrative workstations, however, access is not
packet filter management_ssh {
order 10
action accept
log enable
filter {( proto TCP ) and ( src host ) and ( dst port 22 )}
packet filter management_gui {
order 15
action accept
filter {( proto TCP ) and ( src host or src host ) and \
( dst port 443)}
Example 3: Allow access to all virtual servers
In this final example, you can verify that all of the virtual servers in your
configuration are reachable from the public network. This is critical if you
have decided to use a default-deny policy. A default-deny policy restricts
Internet access to everything that is not explicitly permitted. This example
also shows how to rate shape all traffic to the virtual server IP address with a
default rate class (that can be overridden by individual virtual servers or
iRules™ later).
This example has a single virtual server IP, and it does not matter what
interface the traffic is destined for. If you want to be more specific, you
could specify each service port, as well (for example, HTTP, FTP, Telnet,
and so on).
packet filter virtuals {
order 20
action accept
vlan external
rate class root
filter {( dst host )}
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 149
Appendix A
You can use these options with the packet filter command to create packet
filter rules:
Specifies the action that the packet filter rule should take. The values for
action are: accept, discard, reject, continue, and none. There is no
default; you must specify a value when you create a packet filter rule.
Specifies the BPF expression to match. The filter is mandatory, however
you can leave it empty. If empty, the packet filter rule matches all
Enables or disables packet filter logging. If you omit this value, no
logging is performed.
Specifies a sort order. The values for the sort order are all integers
between 0 and 999, inclusive. No two rules may have the same sort
There is a single, global list of rules. Each rule in the list has a relative
integer sort-order. The rule with the lowest sort-order value is always
evaluated first, the rule with the highest sort-order value is always
evaluated last, and all other rules are evaluated in-between in order based
on ascent of their sort-order value.
For example, if there are five rules, numbered 500, 100, 300, 200, 201;
the rule evaluation order is 100, 200, 201, 300, 500.
Each packet to be filtered is compared against the list of rules in
sequence, starting with the first. Evaluation of the rule list stops on the
first match that has an action of accept, discard, or reject. A match on a
rule with an action of none does not stop further evaluation of the rule
list; the statistics count is updated and a log is generated if the rule
indicates it, but otherwise rule processing continues with the next rule in
the list.
Rules should be sequenced for effect and efficiency by the user;
generally this means:
• More specific rules should be evaluated first, and thus have the lowest
• One expression with multiple criteria is likely to evaluate more
efficiently than multiple expressions each with a single criterion.
This is a required setting.
A - 150
packet filter edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command packet filter. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
bigpipe Command Reference
When the text editor opens, if only packet filter { } displays, you can
type parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor,
the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the
syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save this
change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
rate class
Specifies the name of a rate class. The value for the rate class association
is the name of any existing rate class. If omitted, no rate filter is applied.
Specifies the VLAN to which the packet filter rule should apply. The
value for this option is any VLAN name currently in existence. If you
omit this value, the rule applies to all VLANs.
You can use these options with the packet filter command to create trusted
allow lists:
Specifies a list of source IP addresses. Any traffic matching a source IP
in the list is automatically allowed. This simplifies configuration of the
packet filter to allow trusted internal traffic to be passed from VLAN to
VLAN without a filter rule, including out to the Internet. Processing of
traffic by this option occurs before rule list evaluation, making it
impossible to override this option and mask out (block) certain types of
traffic with a packet filter rule. This option is empty by default.
Specifies a list of MAC addresses. The system allows any traffic
matching a MAC address in the source address list. This simplifies
configuration of the packet filter to allow trusted internal traffic to be
passed from VLAN to VLAN without a filter rule, including out to the
Internet. Processing of traffic by this option occurs before rule list
evaluation, making it impossible to override this option and mask out
(block) certain types of traffic with a packet filter rule. This option is
empty by default.
Specifies a list of ingress VLANs. Any traffic matching received on a
VLAN in the ingress VLAN list is automatically allowed. This simplifies
configuration of the packet filter to allow trusted internal traffic to be
passed from VLAN to VLAN without a filter rule, including out to the
Internet. Processing of traffic by this option occurs before rule list
evaluation, making it impossible to override this option and mask out
(block) certain types of traffic with a packet filter rule. This option is
empty by default.
See also
rate class(1), virtual(1), vlan(1), vlangroup(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 151
Appendix A
Creates, modifies, and deletes administrative partitions that implement
access control for the BIG-IP system users.
Use this command to create, modify, and delete administrative partitions
that implement access control for the BIG-IP system users. To use this
command, you must have the Administrator user role assigned to your user
partition <partition key list> {}
partition (<partition key list> | all) [{] <partition agr list> [}]
<partition key> ::=
<partition arg> ::=
description (<string> | none)
partition edit
partition (<partition key list> | all] [show [all]]
partition (<partition key list> | all] list [all]
partition (<partition key list> | all] name [show]
partition (<partition key list> | all] description [show]
partition (<partition key list> | all) delete
An administrative partition is a logical container that you create, containing
a defined set of BIG-IP system objects, such as virtual servers, pools, and
profiles. When a specific set of objects resides in a partition, you can then
give certain users the authority to view and manage the objects in that
partition only, rather than to all objects on the BIG-IP system. This gives a
finer degree of administrative control.
A - 152
bigpipe Command Reference
You can use the following options with the partition command:
• description
Specifies a description of the partition, for example, This partition
contains local traffic management objects for managing HTTP
partition edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command partition. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
user(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 153
Appendix A
password policy
Specifies the parameters of the valid passwords for the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to create a password policy for the BIG-IP system in
order to enforce your company's security requirements.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
password policy [{] <password policy arg list> [}]
<password policy arg> ::=
max days <number>
min days <number>
min length <number>
remember <number>
required lowercase <number>
required numeric <number>
required special <number>
required uppercase <number>
strict (enable | disable)
warn age <number>
password policy edit
password policy [show [all]]
password policy list [all]
password policy max days [show]
password policy min days [show]
password policy min length [show]
password policy required lowercase [show]
password policy required numeric [show]
password policy required special [show]
password policy required uppercase [show]
password policy partition [show]
A - 154
bigpipe Command Reference
password policy remember [show]
password policy strict [show]
password policy warn age [show]
This command provides the ability to define the parameters of valid
passwords on the BIG-IP system.
Creates a password policy that specifies that passwords are valid for a
maximum of 90 days, and a minimum of 30 days. Also specifies that in
order to be valid, a password must contain at least 6 characters, but not more
than 10 characters, including 2 lowercase alpha characters, 2 uppercase
alpha characters, and 1 number. Also states that the system will
automatically warn users five days before their passwords expire:
password policy max days 90 min days 30 min length 6 max length 10 required lowercase 2 \
required uppercase 2 required special 1 required numeric 1 warn age 5
You can use the following options with the password policy command.
• max days
Specifies the maximum number of days a password is valid. The default
value is 99999.
• min days
Specifies the minimum number of days a password is valid. The default
value is 0 (zero).
• min length
Specifies the minimum number of characters in a valid password. The
default value is 6.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the password policy resides.
• password policy edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command password policy. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only password policy { } displays, you can
type parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor,
the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the
syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save this
change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 155
Appendix A
• remember
Specifies whether the user has configured the BIG-IP system to
remember a password on a specific computer. The default value is 0
• required lowercase
Specifies the number of lowercase alpha characters that must be present
in a password for the password to be valid. The default value is 0 (zero).
• required numeric
Specifies the number of numeric characters that must be present in a
password for the password to be valid. The default value is 0 (zero).
• required special
Specifies the number of special characters that must be present in a
password for the password to be valid. The default value is 0 (zero).
• required uppercase
Specifies the number of uppercase alpha characters that must be present
in a password for the password to be valid. The default value is 0 (zero).
• strict
Enables or disables the password policy on the BIG-IP system. The
default value is disable.
• warn age
Specifies the number of days before a password expires. Based on this
value, the BIG-IP system automatically warns users when their password
is about to expire. The default value is 7.
See also
bigpipe(1), user(1), remote_users(1), remoterole(1)
A - 156
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures persistence for the system, and manages the persistence table
entries on the system.
Use this command to configure persistence for the system and to manage the
persistence table entries on the system. For information on configuring
session persistence for a virtual server, see profile persist, on page A-214.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
Use this syntax to configure persistence on the system:
persist [{] <persist arg list> [}]
<persist arg> ::=
dest addr limit (timeout | maxcount)
dest addr max <number>
proxy group (<string> | none)
persist edit
Use this syntax to manage the persistence table entries:
persist <persist key list> {}
persist <persist key list> [{] <persist arg list> [}]
<persist key> ::=
[pool <pool key>] [virtual <virtual key>] \
[node (<ip addr> | <node>)] [mode (none | source addr |\
dest addr | cookie | msrdp | ssl | sip | universal |\
hash)] [key (<string> | none)] [client (<ip addr> |\
persist [<persist key list> | all] [show [all]]
persist list [all]
persist dest addr limit [show]
persist dest addr max [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 157
Appendix A
persist partition [show]
persist proxy group [show]
persist [<persist key list> | all] delete
You can use the persist command to configure persistence for the BIG-IP
system. You can also use the persist command to manage the records in the
persistence table of the system. If you specify a parameter for persist key,
you must specify a mode and no other parameter than mode.
Displays all persistence records with a mode of source addr:
persist mode source addr
Displays all persistence records persisting to node
persist node show
You can use the following options to configure persistence for the BIG-IP
dest addr limit
Specifies that the persistence session is limited by either the number of
seconds before the persistence entry times out, or by a maximum number
of requests to the destination address.
dest addr max
Specifies the maximum number of entries that can be in the persistence
table at any one time when using the destination address affinity mode
and when the option dest addr limit is set to maxcount. The default value
is 2048 entries.
Displays the partition within which the persist object resides.
persist edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command persist. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only persist { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
A - 158
bigpipe Command Reference
Note that the default text editor is vi.
proxy group
Specifies a group of servers that are configured to process all of the
requests from a single source address during a persistence session.
You can use the following options to manage the persistence table entries:
Specifies the type of persistence you are setting up for the system. The
following options are available:
• client
When you specify source addr for the mode option, use this option to
specify the IP address on which the session persists.
• cookie
Cookie persistence uses an HTTP cookie stored on a client's computer
to allow the client to connect to the same server previously visited at a
web site.
• dest addr
Also known as sticky persistence, destination address affinity
persistence supports TCP and UDP protocols, and directs session
requests to the same server based solely on the destination IP address
of a packet.
• hash
Hash persistence is based on an existing iRule.
• key
Specifies a string for the system to use to persist a client session.
• msrdp
MSRDP persistence provides an efficient way of load balancing
traffic and maintaining persistent sessions between Windows clients
and servers that are running the Microsoft Terminal Services service.
The recommended scenario for enabling the MSRDP persistence
feature is to create a load balancing pool that consists of members
running Windows .NET Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, or later,
where all members belong to a Windows cluster and participate in a
Windows session directory.
• sip
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) persistence is a type of persistence
available for server pools. You can configure SIP persistence for
proxy servers that receive SIP messages sent through UDP. The
BIG-IP system currently supports persistence for SIP messages sent
through UDP, TCP, or SCTP.
• source addr
Also known as simple persistence, source address affinity persistence
supports TCP and UDP protocols, and directs session requests to the
same server based solely on the source IP address of a packet. When
you specify source addr as the mode of persistence, you must specify
an IP address using the client option.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 159
Appendix A
• ssl
SSL persistence is a type of persistence that tracks non-terminated
SSL sessions, using the SSL session ID. Even when the client's IP
address changes, the system still recognizes the connection as being
persistent based on the session ID. Note that the term, non-terminated
SSL sessions, refers to sessions in which the system does not perform
the tasks of SSL certificate authentication and
• universal
Universal persistence allows you to write an expression that defines
what to persist on in a packet. The expression, written using the same
expression syntax that you use in iRules™, defines some sequence of
bytes to use as a session identifier.
Indicates the node with which the client session remains persistent.
Indicates the pool member with which the client session remains
Indicates the virtual server with which the client session remains
See also
profile persist(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 160
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays information about the BIG-IP system platform.
Use this command to display information about the system platform,
including name and number, the license level of the installed hardware SSL
compression cards, the amount of installed memory, the type and speed of
the CPU, the PVA type (if present), and a list of licensed and enabled
modules, such as the BIG-IP® Global Traffic Manager.
platform [show [all]]
platform list [all]
platform base mac [show]
platform bios rev [show]
Display platform statistics such as CPU fan speed and temperature, chassis
temperature, and power supply status.
This command:
platform show all
Displays the following information:
Chassis serial number and part number
Switch board serial number and part number
Host board serial number and part number
Annunciator board serial number and part number
base MAC
CPU temp and fan speed
This command:
platform base mac [show]
Displays the following information:
PLATFORM - base mac: 00:01:D7:2C:9F:40
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 161
Appendix A
See also
A - 162
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures load balancing pools on the traffic management system.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a load balancing
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
pool <pool key list> {}
pool <pool key list>[{] <pool arg list> [}]
<pool key>::=
<pool arg> ::=
lb method (round robin | member ratio | member least conn | member observed | \
member predictive | ratio | least conn | fastest | observed | predictive | \
dynamic ratio | fastest app resp | least sessions | member dynamic ratio | \
l3 addr | rr | node ratio)
action on svcdown (none | reset | drop | reselect)
min up members <number>
min up members (enable | disable)
min up members (reboot | restart all | failover)
min active members <number>
unit <number>
snat (enable | disable)
nat (enable | disable)
ip tos to client (<number> | pass)
ip tos to server (<number> | pass)
link qos to client (<number> | pass)
link qos to server (<number> | pass)
slow ramp time <number>
monitor all (none | <monitor key> | <monitor key> and <monitor key> \
[and <monitor key> ...] | min <number> of <monitor key list>)
members (<pool member list> | none) [add | delete]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 163
Appendix A
<pool member> ::=
<pool member key list> [{] <pool member arg list> [}]
<pool member key> ::=
<pool member arg> ::=
limit <number>
ratio <number>
weight <number>
priority <number>
dynamic ratio <number>
(up | down)
session (enable | disable)
monitor (default | <monitor key> | <monitor key> and <monitor key> \
[and <monitor key> ...] | min <number> of <monitor key list>)
pool (<pool key list> | all) stats reset
pool edit
pool [<pool key list> | all] [show [all]]
pool [<pool key list> | all] list [all]
pool (<pool key list> | all) name show
pool [<pool key list> | all] lb method [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] action on svcdown [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] min up members [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] min active members [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] unit [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] snat [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] nat [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] ip tos to client [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] ip tos to server [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] link qos to client [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] link qos to server [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] slow ramp time [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] monitor all [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] partition [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] members [show]
pool [<pool key list> | all] stats [show]
pool (<pool key list> | all) delete
A - 164
bigpipe Command Reference
The pool command creates, deletes, modifies, and displays the pool
definitions on the traffic management system. Pools group the member
servers together to use a common load balancing algorithm.
Creates a pool with two members, and, where both
members use the round robin load balancing method, and the default HTTP
monitor checks for member availability:
pool mypool {
monitor all http
Deletes the pool mypool: (Note that all references to a pool must be
removed before a pool may be deleted.)
pool mypool delete
Displays statistics for all pools:
pool show
Displays settings of pool mypool:
pool mypool show
You can use these options with the pool command:
<pool key list>
Specifies a list of pool names separated by a space. A pool name is a
string from 1 to 31 characters, for example, new_pools.
action on svcdown
Specifies the action to take if the service specified in the pool is marked
down. Possible values are none, reset, drop, or reselect. You can
specify no action with none, you can reset the system with reset, you can
drop connections using drop, or, you can reselect a node for the next
packet that comes in on a Layer 4 connection if the existing connection’s
service is marked down by specifying reselect. The default is none.
Specifies an IP address and service being assigned to a pool as a member.
For example,
ip tos to client and ip tos to server
Specifies the Type of Service (ToS) level to use when sending packets to
a client or server. The default is 65535.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 165
Appendix A
lb method
Specifies the load balancing mode that the system is to use for the
specified pool.
• dynamic ratio - Specifies a range of numbers that you want the
system to use in conjunction with the ratio load balancing method.
The default ratio number is 1.
• fastest - Indicates that the system passes a new connection based on
the fastest response of all currently active nodes in a pool. This
method may be particularly useful in environments where nodes are
distributed across different logical networks.
• fastest app resp - Indicates that the system passes a new connection
based on the fastest application response of all currently active nodes
in a pool.
• l3 addr - Indicates that the system passes connections sequentially to
each member configured using its IP address. The IP address is a
Layer 3 address.
• least conn - Indicates that the system passes a new connection to the
node that has the least number of current connections.
• least sessions - Indicates that the system passes a new connection to
the node that has the least number of current sessions. Least Sessions
methods work best in environments where the servers or other
equipment you are load balancing have similar capabilities. This is a
dynamic load balancing method, distributing connections based on
various aspects of real-time server performance analysis, such as the
current number of sessions
• member dynamic ratio - Indicates that the system passes a new
connection to the member based on continuous monitoring of the
servers, which are continually changing. This is a dynamic load
balancing method, distributing connections based on various aspects
of real-time server performance analysis, such as the current number
of connections per node or the fastest node response time.
• member least conn - Indicates that the system passes a new
connection to the member that has the least number of current
• member observed - Indicates that the system passes connections
sequentially to each member based on observed status of the member.
• member predictive - Indicates that the system passes connections
sequentially to each member based on a predictive algorithm.
• member ratio - Specifies a ratio number that you want the system to
use in conjunction with the ratio load balancing method. The default
ratio number is 1.
• node ratio - Specifies a ratio number that you want the system to use
in conjunction with the ratio load balancing method. The default ratio
number is 1.
• observed - Indicates that the system passes connections sequentially
to each node based on observed status of the member.
A - 166
bigpipe Command Reference
• predictive - Indicates that the system passes connections sequentially
to each node based on a predictive algorithm.
• rr - Indicates that the system passes connections sequentially to each
member. Round Robin is the default load balancing method.
link qos to client and link qos to server
Specifies the Quality of Service (QoS) level to use when sending packets
to a client or server. The default is 65535.
min active members
Specifies the minimum number of members that must remain available
for traffic to be confined to a priority group when using priority-based
activation. The default is 0.
min up members
Enables or disables this feature. The default is disable.
You can also specify the minimum number of members that must remain
up for traffic to be confined to a priority group when using priority-based
activation. If the number specified is exceeded, the action specified
happens. The default is 0.
You can also specify the action taken if the min up members number is
exceeded. The actions you can specify are reboot to reboot the unit,
restart all to restart the load balancing system, or failover to fail over to
another unit. The default is failover.
monitor all
Creates a monitor rule for the pool. You can specify a monitor rule that
marks the pool down if the specified number of monitors are not
Enables or disables NAT connections for the pool.
Displays the partition within which the pool resides.
pool edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command pool. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
Specifies a priority that you want to assign to a pool member, to ensure
that traffic is directed to that member before being directed to a member
of a lower priority.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 167
Appendix A
slow ramp time
Provides the ability to cause a pool member that has just been enabled, or
marked up, to receive proportionally less traffic than other members in
the pool. The proportion of traffic the member accepts is determined by
how long the member has been up in comparison to the slow ramp time
set for the pool. For example, if a pool using round robin has a slow ramp
time of 60 seconds, and the pool member has been up for only 30
seconds, it receives approximately half the amount of new traffic as other
pool members that have been up for more than 60 seconds. At 45
seconds, it receives approximately three quarters of the new traffic. Slow
ramp time is particularly useful for least connections load balancing
mode. The default is 0.
Enables or disables SNAT connections for the pool.
Specifies the unit number used by this pool in an active-active redundant
See also
monitor(1), node(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 168
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays profile settings, resets statistics, or deletes a profile.
Use this command to display profile settings, reset statistics, or delete a
<profile key> ::=
profile [<profile key list> | all] stats reset
profile edit
profile [<profile key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile [<profile key list> | all] list [all]
profile [<profile key list> | all] name [show]
profile (<profile key list> | all) delete
Use this command to display or delete existing profiles. You can also reset
statistics for an existing profile or display the configuration for a profile.
Displays all profiles on the system. Includes all system profiles.
profile all show
You can use these options with the profile command:
profile edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 169
Appendix A
See also
profile auth(1), profile clientssl(1), profile fastl4(1), profile fastthttp(1),
profile ftp(1), profile http(1), profile oneconnect(1), profile persist(1),
profile serverssl(1), profile statistics(1), profile stream(1), profile tcp(1),
profile udp(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 170
bigpipe Command Reference
profile auth
Configures a type of authentication profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a type of
authentication profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile auth <profile auth key list> {}
profile auth (<profile auth key list> | all) [{] <auth profile arg list> [}]
<auth auth key> ::=
<auth profile arg> ::=
config (<name> | default)
credential source (http basic auth | default)
defaults from (<profile auth key> | none)
mode (enable | disable | default)
type (ldap | radius | ssl cc ldap | ssl ocsp | tacacs | generic | ssl crldp | \
rule (<rule key> | none | default)
idle timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] stats reset
profile auth edit
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] list [all]
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] config [show]
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] credential source [show]
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] idle timeout [show] profile auth \
[<profile auth key list> | all] mode [show]
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] name [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 171
Appendix A
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] partition [show]
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] rule [show]
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] stats [show]
profile auth [<profile auth key list> | all] type [show]
profile auth (<profile auth key list> | all) delete
Create, modify, display, or delete an authentication profile. An
authentication profile is an object that specifies the type of authentication
module you want to implement, a parent profile, and the configuration
object. For example, you can use the profile auth command to create a
TACACS+ profile (see example following). You can either use the default
profile that the BIG-IP local traffic management system provides for each
type of authentication module, or create a custom profile. The types of
authentication profiles you can create with the profile auth command are:
Creates a profile named mytacacs_profile for TACACS+ authentication:
profile auth mytacacs_profile {
config mytacacs_profile config credential source http basic auth defaults from tacacs \
mode enable type tacacs rule myrule1 idle timeout 60
Example of auth module implementation
For example, to configure the LDAP authentication module, create the
following objects.
1. Create an LDAP configuration object using the auth ldap
2. Create an LDAP profile, in which you specify the authentication
module type as LDAP, specify a parent profile (either the default
ldap profile or another custom profile that you created), and
reference the LDAP configuration object. Use the command profile
auth (described in this page).
3. Configure the virtual server to reference the custom LDAP profile,
using the virtual command.
A - 172
bigpipe Command Reference
You can use these options with the profile auth command:
Specifies the name of the authentication profile that you are creating.
You can specify an LDAP, RADIUS, TACACS+, SSL client certificate,
SSL OCSP, or CRLDP configuration object. This setting is required.
credential source
Specifies the credential source as http basic auth or default. For LDAP,
RADIUS, and TACACS+, specify http basic auth for the credential
source. For SSL client certificate or SSL OCSP specify default.
defaults from
Specifies the name of the default authentication profile from which you
want your custom profile to inherit settings. This setting is required.
idle timeout
Sets the idle timeout for the auth profile. The options are a number,
immediate, indefinite, or default. The default is 300 seconds.
Specifies the profile mode. The options are enable, disable, or default.
The default is enable.
Displays the partition in which the authentication profile resides.
profile auth edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile auth. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
Specifies the name of the default rule or custom rule that corresponds to
the authentication method you want to use.
Specifies the type of authentication profile that you want use. The
following types are available:
• generic - Unlike the other authentication profile types, when you are
using the command line interface to create a generic authentication
profile, you must manually create or edit a pluggable authentication
module (PAM) configuration file. The name of this configuration file
for a given authentication profile is /etc/pam.d/tmm_{name} where
{name} is the value of the profile instance's name. The bigpipe utility
displays an informational message to this effect, specifying the actual
file to create or edit when you manipulate a generic authentication
profile. F5 recommends that you have expertise with PAM before you
use this advanced feature.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 173
Appendix A
• ldap - An LDAP authentication module is a mechanism for
authenticating or authorizing client connections passing through a
traffic management system. This module is useful when your
authentication or authorization data is stored on a remote LDAP
server or a Microsoft Windows Active Directory server, and you want
the client credentials to be based on basic HTTP authentication (that
is, user name and password). You configure an LDAP authentication
module by creating an LDAP configuration object, and creating an
LDAP profile.
• radius - By creating a RADIUS profile and one or more RADIUS
server objects, you can implement the RADIUS authentication
module as the mechanism for authenticating client connections
passing through the BIG-IP local traffic management system. You use
this module when your authentication data is stored on a remote
RADIUS server. In this case, client credentials are based on basic
HTTP authentication (that is, user name and password). To implement
the RADIUS authentication module, you must create the following
objects: one or more high-level RADIUS server objects, a RADIUS
configuration object, and a RADIUS profile. After you create these
objects, you must assign the RADIUS profile to a virtual server.
• ssl cc ldap - Using an SSL client certificate LDAP configuration
object and profile, you can implement the SSL client certificate
LDAP authentication module as the mechanism for authorizing client
connections passing through a traffic management system. In this
case, client credentials are based on SSL certificate credentials instead
of user name and password. LDAP client authorization is based not
only on SSL certificates, but also on user groups and roles that you
• ssl crldp - A Certificate Revocation List Distribution Point (CRLDP)
authentication module is a mechanism for handling certificate
revocations on a network, for client connections passing through the
BIG-IP system. To implement the CRLDP authentication module,
you must create the following objects: One or more high-level
CRLDP server objects, a CRLDP configuration object, and a CRLDP
profile. After you create these objects, you must assign the RADIUS
profile to a virtual server.
• ssl ocsp - Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is an
industry-standard protocol that offers an alternative to a certificate
revocation list (CRL) when using public-key technology. A CRL is a
list of revoked client certificates, which a server system can check
during the process of verifying a client certificate. The BIG-IP local
traffic management system supports both CRLs and the OCSP
protocol. To implement the SSL OCSP authentication module, you
must create the following objects: one or more high-level SSL OCSP
responder objects, an SSL OCSP configuration object, and an SSL
OCSP profile. After you create these objects, you must assign the SSL
OCSP profile to a virtual server.
• tacacs - Using a TACACS+ profile, you can implement the
TACACS+ authentication module as the mechanism for
authenticating client connections passing through a traffic
A - 174
bigpipe Command Reference
management system. You use this module when your authentication
data is stored on a remote TACACS+ server. In this case, client
credentials are based on basic HTTP authentication (that is, user name
and password). You configure a TACACS+ authentication module by
creating a TACACS+ configuration object, and then creating a
TACACS+ profile.
See also
auth crldp(1), auth ldap(1), auth radius(1), auth ssl cc ldap(1), auth ssl
ocsp(1), auth tacacs(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 175
Appendix A
profile clientssl
Configures a Client SSL profile.
Use this command to create, display, modify, or delete a Client SSL profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile clientssl <profile clientssl key list> {}
profile clientssl (<profile clientssl key list> | all) \
[{] <profile clientsll arg list> [}]
<profile clientssl key> ::=
<profile clientssl arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile clientssl key> | none)
mode (enable | disable | default)
key (<file name> | none | default)
cert (<file name> |
none | default)
chain (<file name> |
none | default)
ca file (<file name> |
crl file (<file name> |
none | default)
none | default)
client cert ca (<file name> |
ciphers (<string> |
none | default)
none | default)
options (microsoft sess id bug | MICROSOFT_SESS_ID_BUG | netscape challenge bug | \
NETSCAPE_CHALLENGE_BUG | netscape reuse cipher change bug |\
NETSCAPE_REUSE_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG | sslref2 reuse cert type bug | \
SSLREF2_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_BUG | microsoft big sslv3 buffer | \
MICROSOFT_BIG_SSLV3_BUFFER | msie sslv2 rsa padding | MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING | \
ssleay 080 client dh bug | SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG | tls d5 bug | TLS_D5_BUG | \
block padding bug | TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUG | dont insert empty fragments | \
DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS | all bugfixes | ALL_BUGFIXES | passive close | \
PASSIVE_CLOSE | no session resumption on renegotiation | \
ephemeral rsa | EPHEMERAL_RSA | cipher server preference | \
A - 176
bigpipe Command Reference
CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE | tls rollback bug | TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG | no sslv2 | \
NO_SSLv2 | no sslv3 | NO_SSLv3 | no tlsv1 | NO_TLSv1 | pks1 check 1 | \
PKCS1_CHECK_1 | pkcs1 check 2 | PKCS1_CHECK_2 | netscape ca dn bug | \
NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUG | netscape demo cipher change bug | \
modssl methods (enable | disable | default)
cache size (<number> | default)
cache timeout (<number> | indefinite | default)
renegotiate period (<number> | indefinite | default)
renegotiate size (<number>[MB|mb] | indefinite | default)
renegotiate max record delay (<number> | indefinite | default)
peer cert mode (request | require | ignore | auto | default)
authenticate (once | always | default)
authenticate depth (<number> | default)
unclean shutdown (enable | disable | default)
strict resume (enable | disable | default)
nonssl (enable | disable | default)
passphrase (<string> | none | default)
handshake timeout (<number> | indefinite | default)
alert timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] stats reset
profile clientssl edit
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] list [all]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] alert timeout [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] authenticate [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] authenticate depth [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] ca file [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] cache size [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] cache timeout [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] cert [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] chain [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] ciphers [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] client cert ca [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] crl file [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] handshake timeout [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] key [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] mode [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] modssl methods [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] name [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] nonssl [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 177
Appendix A
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] options [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] partition [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] passphrase [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] peer cert mode [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] renegotiate max record delay [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] renegotiate period [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] renegotiate size [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] stats [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] strict resume [show]
profile clientssl [<profile clientssl key list> | all] unclean shutdown [show]
profile clientssl (<profile clientssl key list> | all) delete
This command provides the ability to create a custom Client SSL profile.
Client-side profiles allow the traffic management system to handle
authentication and encryption tasks for any SSL connection coming into a
traffic management system from a client system. You implement this type of
profile by using the default profile, or creating a custom profile based on the
default clientssl profile and modifying its settings. All default profiles are
stored in the file /config/profile_base.conf.
Creates a Client SSL profile named myclientsslprofile using the system
profile clientssl myclientsslprofile { mode enable }
Several command arguments are available for use with this command.
• defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
• mode
Specifies the profile mode, which enables or disables SSL processing.
The options are enable, disable, or default. The default is enable.
• key
Specifies the name of a key file that you generated and installed on the
system. When selecting this option, type a key file name or use the
default key name default.key. The default key name is default.key.
• cert
Specifies the name of the certificate installed on the traffic management
system for the purpose of terminating or initiating an SSL connection.
You can specify the default certificate name, which is default.crt.
A - 178
bigpipe Command Reference
• chain
Specifies or builds a certificate chain file that a client can use to
authenticate the profile. To use the default chain name, specify default.
• ca file
Specifies the certificate authority (CA) file name. To use the default CA
file name, specify default. Configures certificate verification by
specifying a list of client or server CAs that the traffic management
system trusts.
• crl file
Specifies the certificate revocation list file name. To use the default
certificate revocation file name, specify default.
• client cert ca
Specifies the client cert certificate authority name. To use the client cert
certificate authority name, specify default.
• ciphers
Specifies a cipher name. To use the default ciphers, specify default.
Several options are available, including some industry-related workarounds:
This option handles a Microsoft session ID problem.
This option handles the Netscape® challenge problem.
This option handles a defect within Netscape-Enterprise/2.01
(, only appears when you are connecting
through SSLv2/v3 then reconnecting through SSLv3. In this case, the
cipher list changes.
First, a connection is established with the RC4-MD5 cipher list. If it is
then resumed, the connection switches to using the DES-CBC3-SHA
cipher list. However, according to RFC 2246, (section, cipher
suite) the cipher list should remain RC4-MD5.
As a workaround, you can attempt to connect with a cipher list of
DES-CBC-SHA:RC4-MD5 and so on. For some reason, each new
connection uses the RC4-MD5 cipher list, but any re-connection attempts
to use the DES-CBC-SHA cipher list. Thus Netscape, when
reconnecting, always uses the first cipher in the cipher list.
This option handles the SSL reuse certificate type problem.
This option enables a workaround for communicating with older
Microsoft applications that use non-standard SSL record sizes.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 179
Appendix A
A - 180
This option enables a workaround for communicating with older
Microsoft applications that use non-standard RSA key padding. This
option is ignored for server-side SSL.
This option enables a workaround for communicating with older
SSLeay-based applications that specify an incorrect Diffie-Hellman
public value length. This option is ignored for server-side SSL.
This option is a workaround for communicating with older
TLSv1-enabled applications that specify an incorrect encrypted RSA key
length. This option is ignored for server-side SSL.
This option enables a workaround for communicating with older
TLSv1-enabled applications that use incorrect block padding.
This option disables a countermeasure against a SSL 3.0/TLS 1.0
protocol vulnerability affecting CBC ciphers. These ciphers cannot be
handled by certain broken SSL implementations. This option has no
effect for connections using other ciphers.
This option enables all of the above defect workarounds. It is usually safe
to use the All bugfixes Enabled option to enable the defect workaround
options when you want compatibility with broken implementations. Note
that if you edit the configuration in the web-based configuration utility,
the ALL BUGFIXES syntax is expanded into each individual option.
This option disables version rollback attack detection. During the client
key exchange, the client must send the same information about
acceptable SSL/TLS protocol levels as it sends during the first hello.
Some clients violate this rule by adapting to the server's answer. For
example, the client sends an SSLv2 hello and accepts up to SSLv3.1
(TLSv1), but the server only understands up to SSLv3. In this case, the
client must still use the same SSLv3.1 (TLSv1) announcement. Some
clients step down to SSLv3 with respect to the server's answer and
violate the version rollback protection. This option is ignored for
server-side SSL.
This option creates a new key when using temporary/ephemeral DH
parameters. This option must be used to prevent small subgroup attacks,
when the DH parameters were not generated using strong primes, for
example, when using DSA-parameters. If strong primes were used, it is
not strictly necessary to generate a new DH key during each handshake,
but it is recommended. Enable the Single DH use option, whenever
temporary/ephemeral DH parameters are used.
bigpipe Command Reference
This option uses ephemeral (temporary) RSA keys when doing RSA
operations. According to the specifications, this is only done when an
RSA key can only be used for signature operations (namely under export
ciphers with restricted RSA key length). By setting this option, you
specify that ephemeral RSA keys are always used. This option breaks
compatibility with the SSL/TLS specifications, and may lead to
interoperability problems with clients. Therefore, F5 does not
recommend it. You should use ciphers with EDH (ephemeral
Diffie-Hellman) key exchange instead. This option is ignored for
server-side SSL.
When choosing a cipher, use this option to all the server's preferences
instead of the client’s references. When this option is not set, the SSL
server always follows the client's references. When this option is set, the
SSLv3/TLSv1 server chooses by using its own references. Due to the
different protocol, for SSLv2 the server sends its list of preferences to the
client and the client always chooses.
This debugging option deliberately manipulates the PKCS1 padding used
by SSL clients in an attempt to detect vulnerability to particular SSL
server vulnerabilities. F5 does not recommend this option for normal use.
The system ignores this option for client-side SSL.
This debugging option deliberately manipulates the PKCS1 padding used
by SSL clients in an attempt to detect vulnerability to particular SSL
server vulnerabilities. F5 does not recommend this option for normal use.
The system ignores this option for client-side SSL.
This option handles a defect regarding the system crashing or hanging. If
the system accepts a Netscape Navigator® browser connection, demands
a client cert, has a non-self-signed CA that does not have its CA in
Netscape Navigator, and the browser has a certificate, the system
becomes unavailable. This option works for Netscape Navigator versions
3.x and 4.xbeta.
This option deliberately manipulates the SSL server session resumption
behavior to mimic that of certain Netscape servers (see the Netscape
reuse cipher change bug workaround description). F5 does not
recommend this option for normal use. The system ignores this option
for server-side SSL.
[NO SSLv2]
Do not use the SSLv2 protocol.
[NO SSLv3]
Do not use the SSLv3 protocol.
[NO TLSv1]
Do not use the TLSv1 protocol.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 181
Appendix A
When performing renegotiation as an SSL server, this option always
starts a new session (that is, session resumption requests are only
accepted in the initial handshake). This option is ignored for server-side
Indicates how to handle industry-related workarounds.
• none - Choose this option if you want to disable all workarounds. F5
does not recommend this option.
• default - Specifies the value, all bugfixes enabled, which enables a
set of industry-related miscellaneous workarounds related to SSL
A - 182
modssl methods
Enables or disables ModSSL methods. This setting enables or disables
ModSSL method emulation. This setting should be enabled when
OpenSSL methods are inadequate. For example, you can enable this
when you want to use SSL compression over TLSv1.
cache size
Specifies the SSL session cache size. For client-side profiles only, you
can configure timeout and size values for the SSL session cache. Because
each profile maintains a separate SSL session cache, you can configure
the values on a per-profile basis.
cache timeout
Specifies the SSL session cache timeout value. This specifies the number
of usable lifetime seconds of negotiated SSL session IDs. The default
timeout value for the SSL session cache is 300 seconds. Acceptable
values are integers greater than or equal to 5. You can also set this value
to indefinite.
renegotiate period
Specifies the Renegotiate Period setting to renegotiate an SSL session
based on the number of seconds that you specify.
renegotiate size
Specifies the Renegotiate Size setting forces the traffic management
system to renegotiate an SSL session based on the size, in megabytes, of
application data that is transmitted over the secure channel.
renegotiate max record delay
The Renegotiate Max Record Delay setting forces the traffic
management system to renegotiate an SSL session based on the
maximum number of SSL records that can be received while waiting for
the client to initiate the renegotiation. If the maximum number of SSL
records is received, the traffic management system closes the connection.
This setting applies to client-side profiles only.
peer cert mode
Specifies the peer certificate mode. Options are request, require,
ignore, auto, or default.
bigpipe Command Reference
Specifies frequency of authentication. Options are once, always, or
authenticate depth
Specifies the authenticate depth. This is the client certificate chain
maximum traversal depth.
unclean shutdown
By default, the SSL profile performs unclean shutdowns of all SSL
connections, which means that underlying TCP connections are closed
without exchanging the required SSL shutdown alerts. If you want to
force the SSL profile to perform a clean shutdown of all SSL
connections, you can disable the default setting.
strict resume
Specifies enable to prevent an SSL session from being resumed after an
unclean shutdown. The default option is disable, which causes the SSL
profile to allow uncleanly shut down SSL sessions to be resumed.
Conversely, when the enable option is set, the SSL profile refuses to
resume SSL sessions after an unclean shutdown.
Specifies enable to allow non-SSL connections to pass through the
traffic management system as clear text.
Specifies the key passphrase if required.
handshake timeout
Specifies the handshake timeout in seconds. You can also specify
indefinite, or default.
alert timeout
Specifies the alert timeout in seconds. You can also specify immediate,
indefinite, or default.
Displays the partition within which the clientssl profile resides.
profile clientssl edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile clientssl. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
profile(1), profile serverssl(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 183
Appendix A
profile dns
Configures a domain name service (DNS) profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a DNS profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile dns <profile dns key list> {}
profile dns (<profile dns key list> | all) [{] <profile dns arg list> [}]
<profile dns key> ::=
<profile dns arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile dns key> | none)
gtm (enable | disable | default) Modify
profile dns (<profile dns key list> | all) stats reset
profile dns edit
profile dns (<profile dns key list> | all) [show [all]]
profile dns (<profile dns key list> | all) list [all]
profile dns (<profile dns key list> | all) defaults from [show]
profile dns (<profile dns key list> | all) gtm [show]
profile dns (<profile dns key list> | all) name [show]
profile dns (<profile dns key list> | all) partition [show]
profile dns (<profile dns key list> | all) stats [show]
profile dns (<profile dns key list> | all) delete
This command provides the ability to define the behavior of DNS traffic.
A - 184
bigpipe Command Reference
Creates a DNS profile named mydnsprofile that inherits its settings from
the system default DNS profile:
profile dns mydnsprofile {}
You can use these options with the profile dns command:
• defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
• name
Specifies the name of the profile.
• gtm
Indicates whether to allow the BIG-IP global traffic management system
to handle DNS resolution for DNS queries and responses that contain
wide IP names. The options are enable, disable, and default (that is,
accept the default from the parent profile). The default is enable.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
• profile dns edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile dns. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
dns(1), profile(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 185
Appendix A
profile fasthttp
Configures a Fast HTTP profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a Fast HTTP profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile fasthttp <profile fasthttp key list> {}
profile fasthttp (<profile fasthttp key list> | all) [{] <fasthttp profile arg list> [}]
<profile fasthttp key> ::=
<profile fasthttp arg> ::=
client close timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
conn pool idle timeout override (<number> | disable | indefinite | default)
conn pool max reuse (<number> | default)
conn pool max size (<number> | default)
conn pool min size (<number> | default)
conn pool replenish (enable | disable | default)
conn pool step (<number> | default)
defaults from (<profile fasthttp key list> | none)
force http10 response (enable | disable | default)
header insert (<string> | none | default)
http11 close workarounds (enable | disable | default)
idle timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
insert xforwarded for (enable | disable | default)
layer7 (enable | disable | default)
max header size (<number> | default)
max requests (<number> | default)
mss override (<number> | default)
reset on timeout (enable | disable | default)
server close timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
unclean shutdown (enable | disable | fast | default)
A - 186
bigpipe Command Reference
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] stats reset
profile fasthttp edit
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] list [all]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] client close timeout [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] conn pool idle timeout [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] conn pool max reuse [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] conn pool max size [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] conn pool min size [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] conn pool replenish [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] conn pool step [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] force http10 response [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] header insert [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] http11 close workarounds [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] idle timeout [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] insert xforwarded for [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] layer7 [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] max header size [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] max requests [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] mss override [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] name [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] partition [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] reset on timeout [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] server close timeout [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] stats [show]
profile fasthttp [<profile fasthttp key list> | all] unclean shutdown [show]
profile fasthttp (<name list> | all) delete
The Fast HTTP profile provides the ability to accelerate certain HTTP
connections such as banner ads.
Creates a Fast HTTP profile named myfasthttpprofile that inherits its
settings from the system default fasthttp profile:
profile fasthttp myfasthttpprofile {}
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 187
Appendix A
You can use the following options with the profile fasthttp command:
A - 188
defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
client close timeout
Specifies the number of seconds after which the system closes a client
connection, when the system either receives a client FIN packet or sends
a FIN packet. This setting overrides the idle timeout setting. The default
setting is 5.
conn pool idle timeout override
Specifies the number of seconds after which a server-side connection in a
OneConnect™ pool is eligible for deletion, when the connection has no
traffic. This setting overrides the idle timeout that you specify. The
default is 0 seconds, which disables the override setting.
conn pool max reuse
Specifies the maximum number of times that the system can re-use a
current connection. The default setting is 0.
conn pool max size
Specifies the maximum number of connections to a load balancing pool.
A setting of 0 specifies that a pool can accept an unlimited number of
connections. The default setting is 2048.
conn pool min size
Specifies the minimum number of connections to a load balancing pool.
A setting of 0 specifies that there is no minimum. The default setting is
conn pool replenish
The default is enable. When this setting is enabled, the system
replenishes the number of connections to a load balancing pool to the
number of connections that existed when the server closed the
connection to the pool. When disabled, the system replenishes the
connection that was closed by the server, only when there are fewer
connections to the pool than the number of connections set in the conn
pool min size connections option. See the conn pool min size option
conn pool step
Specifies the increment in which the system makes additional
connections available, when all available connections are in use. The
default setting is 4.
force http10 response
Specifies whether to rewrite the HTTP version in the status line of the
server to HTTP 1.0 to discourage the client from pipelining or chunking
data. The default is disable.
header insert
Specifies a string that the system inserts as a header in an HTTP request.
If the header exists already, the system does not replace it.
bigpipe Command Reference
http11 close workarounds
Enables or disables HTTP 1.1 close workarounds. The default is disable.
idle timeout
Specifies the number of seconds after which a connection is eligible for
deletion, when the connection has no traffic. The default is 300 seconds.
insert xforwarded for
Specifies whether the system inserts the XForwarded For header in an
HTTP request with the client IP address, to use with connection pooling.
• enable: Specifies that the system inserts the XForwarded For header
with the client IP address.
• disable: Specifies that the system does not insert the XForwarded
For header.
When enabled, the system parses HTTP data in the stream. Disable this
setting if you want to use the performance HTTP profile to shield against
denial-of-service attacks against non-HTTP protocols. The default setting
is enable.
max header size
Specifies the maximum amount of HTTP header data that the system
buffers before making a load balancing decision. The default setting is
max requests
Specifies the maximum number of requests that the system can receive
on a client-side connection, before the system closes the connection. A
setting of 0 specifies that requests are not limited. The default is 0.
mss override
Specifies a maximum segment size (MSS) override for server-side
connections. The default setting is 0, which corresponds to an MSS of
1460. You can specify any integer between 536 and 1460.
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
profile fasthttp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile fasthttp. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
reset on timeout
When enabled, the system sends a TCP RESET packet when a
connection times out, and deletes the connection. The default is enable.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 189
Appendix A
server close timeout
Specifies the number of seconds after which the system closes a client
connection, when the system either receives a client FIN packet or sends
a FIN packet. This setting overrides the idle timeout setting. The default
setting is 5.
unclean shutdown
Specifies how the system handles closing a connection. The default is
enable, which allows unclean shutdown of a client connection. Use
disable to prevent unclean shutdown of a client connection. Fast
specifies that the system sends a RESET packet to close the connection
only if the client attempts to send further data after the response has
completed. Default specifies to use the setting from the parent profile.
See also
profile(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 190
bigpipe Command Reference
profile fastl4
Configures a Fast Layer 4 profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a Fast Layer 4
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile fastL4 <profile fastL4 key list> {}
profile fastL4 (<profile fastL4 key list> | all) [{] <profile fastL4 arg list> [}]
<profile fastL4 key> ::=
<profile fastL4 arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile fastL4 key> | none)
idle timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
mss override (<number> | default)
pva acceleration (none | assist | full | default)
reassemble fragments (enable | disable | default)
reset on timeout (enable | disable | default)
tcp close timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
tcp timestamp (preserve | strip | rewrite | default)
tcp wscale (preserve | strip | default)
tcp generate isn (enable | disable | default)
tcp strip sack (enable | disable | default)
ip tos to client (<num> | pass | default)
ip tos to server (<num> | pass | default)
link qos to client (<num> | pass | default)
link qos to server (<num> | pass | default)
tcp handshake timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
rtt from client (enable | disable | default)
rtt from server (enable | disable | default)
loose initiation (enable | disable | default)
loose close (enable | disable | default)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 191
Appendix A
hardware syncookie (enable | disable | default)
software syncookie (enable | disable | default)
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] stats reset
profile fastL4 edit
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] list [all]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] hardware syncookie [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] idle timeout [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] ip tos to client [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] ip tos to server [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] link qos to client [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] link qos to server [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] loose close [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] loose initiation [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] max segment override [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] mss override [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] name [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] partition [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] pva acceleration [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] reassemble fragments [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] reset on timeout [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] rtt from client [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] rtt from server [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] software syncookie [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] stats [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] tcp generate isn [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] tcp strip sack [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] tcp timestamp [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] tcp wscale [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] tcp handshake timeout [show]
profile fastL4 [<profile fastL4 key list> | all] tcp close timeout [show]
profile fastL4 (<profile fastL4 key list> | all) delete
The fastl4 profile is the default profile used by the system when you create a
basic configuration for non-UDP traffic. Any changes you make to an active
fastL4 profile (one that is in use by a virtual server) take affect after the idle
A - 192
bigpipe Command Reference
timeout value has passed. That means new connections are affected by the
profile change immediately. However, old connections need to be aged out
by the idle timeout value or closed for the new values to take effect.
Creates a custom Fast Layer 4 profile named myfastl4profile that inherits
its settings from the system default fastl4 profile:
profile fastl4 myfastl4profile {}
You can use these options with the profile fastL4 command:
defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
idle timeout
Specifies an idle timeout in seconds. You can also specify immediate,
indefinite, or default. This setting specifies the number of seconds that a
connection is idle before the connection is eligible for deletion. When
you specify an idle timeout for the Fast L4 profile, the value needs to be
greater than the bigdb database variable Pva.Scrub time in msec for it to
work properly. The default is 300 seconds.
mss override
Specifies a maximum segment size (MSS) override for server-side
connections. The default setting is disable, which corresponds to an MSS
of 1460. Disable specifies that the system does not use an MSS override.
To choose a different value than the default, specify any integer between
536 and 1460 bytes. Note that this is also the MSS advertised to a client
when a client first connects.
Displays the partition within which the Fast L4 profile resides.
profile fastl4 edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile fastl4. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
pva acceleration
Specifies the Packet Velocity® ASIC acceleration mode. The options are
none, assist, full, or default.
reassemble fragments
Specifies whether to reassemble fragments. The options are enable,
disable, or default. This option is enabled by default.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 193
Appendix A
A - 194
reset on timeout
Specifies whether you want to reset connections on timeout. The options
are enable, disable, or default. This option is enabled by default.
tcp close timeout
Specifies an TCP close timeout in seconds. You can also specify
immediate, indefinite, or default. The default is 5 seconds.
tcp timestamp
Specifies how you want to handle the TCP timestamp. The options are
preserve, strip, rewrite, or default. Preserve is the default setting for
this option.
tcp wscale
Specifies how you want to handle the TCP window scale. The options
are preserve, strip, rewrite, or default. The default setting for this
option is preserve TCP window scale.
tcp generate isn
Specifies whether you want to generate TCP sequence numbers on all
SYNs that conform with RFC1948, and allow timestamp recycling. This
option is disabled by default.
tcp strip sack
Specifies whether you want to block the TCP SackOK option from
passing to server on an initiating SYN. This option is disabled by default.
ip tos to client
Specifies an IP ToS number for the client side. This setting specifies the
Type of Service level that the traffic management system assigns to UDP
packets when sending them to clients. The default is 65535, which
indicates, do not modify UDP packets.
ip tos to server
Specifies an IP ToS number for the server side. This setting specifies the
Type of Service level that the traffic management system assigns to UDP
packets when sending them to servers. The default is 65535, which
indicates, do not modify UDP packets.
link qos to client
Specifies a Link QoS (VLAN priority) number for the client side. This
setting specifies the Quality of Service level that the system assigns to
UDP packets when sending them to clients. The default is 65535, which
indicates, do not modify UDP packets.
link qos to server
Specifies a Link QoS (VLAN priority) number for the server side. This
setting specifies the Quality of Service level that the system assigns to
UDP packets when sending them to servers. The default is 65535, which
indicates, do not modify UDP packets.
tcp handshake timeout
Specifies a TCP handshake timeout in seconds. You can also specify
immediate, indefinite, or default. The default is 5 seconds.
bigpipe Command Reference
rtt from client
Enables or disables the TCP timestamp options to measure the round trip
time to the client. The default is disable.
rtt from server
Enables or disables the TCP timestamp options to measure the round trip
time to the server. The default is disable.
loose initiation
Specifies that the system initializes a connection when it receives any
TCP packet, rather than requiring a SYN packet for connection initiation.
The default is disable.
loose close
Specifies that the system closes a loosely-initiated connection when the
system receives the first FIN packet from either the client or the server.
The default is disable.
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
hardware syncookie
Enables or disables hardware SYN cookie support when PVA10 is
present on the system. Note that when you set the hardware syncookie
option to enable, you may also want to set the following bigdb database
variables using the db command, based on your requirements:
• pva.SynCookies.Full.ConnectionThreshold (default: 500000)
• pva.SynCookies.Assist.ConnectionThreshold (default: 500000)
• pva.SynCookies.ClientWindow (default: 0)
The default is disable.
software syncookie
Enables or disables software SYN cookie support when PVA10 is not
present on the system. The default is disable.
See also
profile(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 195
Appendix A
profile ftp
Configures an FTP profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete an FTP profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile ftp <profile ftp key list> {}
profile ftp (<profile ftp key list> | all) [{] <profile ftp arg list> [}]
<profile ftp key> ::=
<profile ftp arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile ftp key> | none)
translate extended (enable | disable | default)
data port (<service> | none | default)
security (enable | disable | default)
profile ftp [<profile ftp key list> | all] stats reset
profile ftp edit
profile ftp [<profile ftp key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile ftp [<profile ftp key list> | all] list [all]
profile ftp [<profile ftp key list> | all] data port [show]
profile ftp [<profile ftp key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile ftp [<profile ftp key list> | all] name [show]
profile ftp [<profile ftp key list> | all] partition [show]
profile ftp [<profile ftp key list> | all] security [show]
profile ftp [<profile ftp key list> | all] stats [show]
profile ftp [<profile ftp key list> | all] translate extended [show]
profile ftp (<profile ftp key list> | all) delete
A - 196
bigpipe Command Reference
Manages a profile for FTP traffic.
Creates a custom FTP profile named myftpprofile that inherits its settings
from the system default FTP profile:
profile ftp myftpprofile { }
You can use these options with the profile ftp command:
• data port
Specifies a service for the data channel port used for this FTP profile.
The default port is 20.
• defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
• profile ftp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile ftp. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• security
Enables secure FTP traffic for the BIG-IP® Application Security
Manager. You can set the security option only if the system is licensed
for the BIG-IP® Application Security Manager.
• translate extended
This setting is enabled by default, and thus, automatically translates
RFC2428 extended requests EPSV and EPRT to PASV and PORT when
communicating with IPv4 servers.
See also
profile(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 197
Appendix A
profile http
Creates, modifies, displays, or deletes an HTTP profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete an HTTP profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile http <profile http key list> {}
profile http (<profile http key list> | all) [{] <HTTP profile arg list> [}]
<profile http key> ::=
<profile http arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile http key> | none)
adaptive parsing (enable | disable | default)
basic auth realm (<string> | none | default)
compress (enable | disable | selective | default)
compress browser workarounds (enable | disable | default)
compress buffer size (<number> | default)
compress content type exclude ((<string list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
compress content type include ((<string list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
compress cpu saver (enable | disable | default)
compress cpu saver high (<number> | default)
compress cpu saver low (<number> | default)
compress gzip level (<number> | default)
compress gzip memory level (<number>(K|k) | default)
compress gzip window size (<number>(K|k) | default)
compress http 1.0 (enable | disable | default)
compress keep accept encoding (enable | disable | default)
compress min size (<number> | default)
compress prefer (deflate | gzip | default)
compress uri exclude ((<string list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
compress uri include ((<string list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
compress vary header (enable | disable | default)
A - 198
bigpipe Command Reference
cookie secret (<string> | none | default)
fallback (<string> | none | default)
fallback status ((<string list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
header insert (<string> | none)
header erase (<string> | none | default)
insert xforwarded for (enable | disable | default)
lws separator (cr | lf | sp | none | default)
lws width (<number> | default)
max header size (<number> | default)
max requests (<number> | default)
oneconnect transformations (enable | disable | default)
pipelining (enable | disable | default)
ramcache (enable | disable | default)
ramcache aging rate (<number> | default)
ramcache entry (<ramcache info key list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
ramcache ignore client cache control (none | max age | all | default)
ramcache insert age header (enable | disable | default)
ramcache max age (<number> | default)
ramcache max entries (<number> | default)
ramcache max object size (<number> | default)
ramcache min object size (<number> | default)
ramcache size (<number>[mb | MB] | default)
ramcache uri exclude (<string list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
ramcache uri include (<string list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
ramcache uri pinned (<string list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
redirect rewrite (none | all | matching | nodes | default)
response (unchunk | rechunk | preserve chunk | selective chunk | default)
response headers allowed ((<string list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
<ramcache info key> ::=
exact max response <number> uri (<string> | none) host (<string> | none)
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] stats reset
profile http edit
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] list [all]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] defaults from <show>
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] name <show>
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] adaptive parsing [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] basic auth realm [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress browser work arounds [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress keep accept encoding [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress buffer size [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 199
Appendix A
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress cpu saver [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress cpu saver high [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress cpu saver low [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress gzip level [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress gzip memory level [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress gzip window size [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress http 1.0 [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress keep accept encoding [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress min size [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress prefer [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress content type exclude [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress content type include [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress uri exclude [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress uri include[show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] compress vary header [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] cookie secret [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] encrypt cookies [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] fallback [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] fallback status [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] header erase [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] header insert [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] insert xforwarded for [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] lws separator [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] lws width [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] max header size [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] max requests [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] oneconnect transformations [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] partition [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] pipelining [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache aging rate [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache entry [<ramcache info key list> | \
all] [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache ignore client cache control [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache insert age header [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache max age [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache max entries [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache max object size [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache min object size [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache size [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache uri exclude [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache uri include [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] ramcache uri pinned [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] redirect rewrite [show]
A - 200
bigpipe Command Reference
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] response [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] response headers allowed [show]
profile http [<profile http key list> | all] stats [show]
profile http (<profile http key list> | all) ramcache entry (<ramcache info key> | all) \
profile http (<profile http key list> | all) delete
Use the default HTTP profile to create a custom HTTP profile. This default
profile includes default values for any of the properties and settings related
to managing HTTP traffic. When you create a custom HTTP profile, you
can use the default settings, or you can change their values to suit your
needs. This profile contains the configuration settings for compression and
RAM Cache.
The BIG-IP system installation includes these HTTP-type profiles:
• http
• http-lan-optimized-caching
• http-wan-optimized-compression
• http-wan-optimized-compression-caching
You can modify the settings of these profiles, or create new HTTP-type
profiles using any of these existing profiles as parent profiles.
Creates a custom HTTP profile named myhttpprofile that inherits its
settings from the system default http profile:
profile http myhttpprofile { }
Replaces the header in the profile named myhttpprofile with the default
profile http myhttpprofile header insert default
Displays RAM cache entries for the profile named my_rc_profile:
profile http my_rc_profile ramcache entry show
You can use these options with the profile http command:
adaptive parsing
Enables or disables adaptive parsing.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 201
Appendix A
basic auth realm
Specifies a quoted string for the basic authentication realm. You can also
specify none or default. The value of the Basic Auth Realm setting is a
string that you provide. The system sends this string to a client whenever
authorization fails.
Specifies the compression mode. The options are enable, disable,
selective, and default. Note that the data compression feature
compresses HTTP server responses, and not client requests.
compress browser workarounds
Enables or disables browser workarounds. The default is disable.
Enabling this attribute causes turns of compression on server responses
when any of the following conditions are detected:
• If the client browser is Netscape Navigator version 4.0x, compression
is turned off. Note that Netscape advertises that the browser can
handle compression, but it does not handle compression gracefully. In
this case, F5 disables compression entirely for that class of browser.
• If the client browser is Netscape Navigator version 4.x (4.10 and
beyond) and the server response Content-Type is neither text/html
or text/plain, compression is turned off. This class of Netscape
browsers can handle plain text and HTML just fine, but there are
known issues with other types of content.
• If the client browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer (any version), the
server response Content-Type is either text/css or
application/x-javascript, and the clients connection is over SSL,
compression is turned off. The Microsoft article ID for this problem is
• If the client browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer (any version), the
server response Content-Type is either text/css or
application/x-javascript, and the server set the header
Cache-Control to no-cache, compression is turned off. The
Microsoft article ID for this problem is 327286.
A - 202
compress buffer size
Specifies the maximum number of uncompressed bytes that the system
buffers before determining whether or not to compress the response.
Useful when the headers of a server response do not specify the length of
the response content. The default value is 4096.
compress content type exclude
Excludes a specified list of content types from compression of HTTP
Content-Type responses. Use a string list to specify a list of content
types you want to compress.
compress content type include
Specifies a list of content types for compression of HTTP Content-Type
responses. Use a string list to specify a list of content types you want to
bigpipe Command Reference
compress cpu saver
Specifies the CPU saver setting. When the CPU saver is enabled, the
system monitors the percent of CPU usage and adjusts compression rates
automatically when the CPU usage reaches the percentage defined in the
cpu saver low or the cpu saver high options. The default setting is
compress cpu saver high
Specifies the percent of CPU usage at which the system starts
automatically decreasing the amount of content being compressed, as
well as the amount of compression which the system is applying. The
default setting is 90 percent.
compress cpu saver low
Specifies the percent CPU usage at which the system resumes content
compression at the user-defined rates. The default is 75 percent.
compress gzip level
Specifies a value that determines the amount of memory that the system
uses when compressing a server response. The default is 8.
compress gzip memory level
Specifies a value that determines the amount of memory that the system
uses when compressing a server response. The default value is 8.
compress gzip window size
Specifies the number of bits in the window size that the system uses
when compressing a server response. The default is 16 bits.
compress http 1.0
Enables or disables compression of HTTP/1.0 server responses.
compress min size
Specifies the minimum length in bytes of a server response that is
acceptable for compressing that response. The length in bytes applies to
content length only, not headers. The default setting is 1024.
compress prefer
Specifies the type of compression that is preferred by the system. The
options are deflate, gzip, or default.
compress uri exclude
Disables compression on a specified list of HTTP Request-URI
responses. Use a regular expression to specify a list of URIs you do not
want to compress.
compress uri include
Enables compression on a specified list of HTTP Request-URI
responses. Use a regular expression to specify a list of URIs you want to
compress vary header
Enables or disables the insertion of a Vary header into cacheable server
responses. The default is enable.
cookie secret
Specifies a passphrase for the cookie encryption.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 203
Appendix A
A - 204
defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
encrypt cookies
Encrypts specified cookies that the BIG-IP system sends to a client
Specifies an HTTP fallback host. HTTP redirection allows you to
redirect HTTP traffic to another protocol identifier, host name, port
number, or URI path. For example, if all members of the targeted pool
are unavailable (that is, the members are disabled, marked as down, or
have exceeded their connection limit), the system can redirect the HTTP
request to the fallback host, with the HTTP reply Status Code 302
Found. For details about how to configure this string, refer to the
Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic Management.
fallback status
Specifies one or more three-digit status codes that can be returned by an
HTTP server.
header erase
Specifies the header string that you want to erase from an HTTP request.
You can also specify none or default.
header insert
Specifies the header string that you want to insert into an HTTP request.
You can also specify none or default. An optional setting in an HTTP
profile is HTTP header insertion. The HTTP header being inserted can
include a client IP address. Including a client IP address in an HTTP
header is useful when a connection goes through a secure network
address translation (SNAT) and you need to preserve the original client
IP address. The format of the header insertion that you specify must be a
quoted string. When you assign the configured HTTP profile to a virtual
server, the system then inserts the header specified by the profile into any
HTTP request that the system sends to a pool or pool member.
insert xforwarded for
When using connection pooling, which allows clients to make use of
other client requests' server-side connections, you can insert the
X-Forwarded-For header and specify a client IP address.
keep accept encoding
Enables or disables keep accept encoding. When enabled, causes the
target server, rather than the BIG-IP local traffic management system, to
perform the data compression.
lws separator
Specifies the linear white space separator that the system should use
between HTTP headers when a header exceeds the maximum width
specified by the lws width setting. The options are cr, lf, or sp.
lws width
Specifies the maximum number of columns allowed for a header that is
inserted into an HTTP request. See also the lws separator option above.
bigpipe Command Reference
max header size
Specifies the maximum header size.
oneconnect transformations
Enables the system to perform HTTP header transformations for the
purpose of keeping server-side connections open. This feature requires
configuration of a OneConnect™ profile.
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
Enables HTTP/1.1 pipelining. This allows clients to make requests even
when prior requests have not received a response. In order for this to
succeed, however, destination servers must include support for
profile http edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile http. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
Enables or disables the RAM Cache feature. The default setting is
disable. Note that you cannot insert a cookie on an HTTP RESPONSE
when the RAM Cache is enabled and the document is cacheable.
ramcache aging rate
Specifies how long the system considers the cached content to be valid.
The default is 3600 seconds.
ramcache entry
Specifies the following information about a ramcache entry:
• exact max response
Specifies the maximum number of responses allowed to utilize the
cached entry.
Specifies the URI from which the entry was cached.
• host
Specifies the host from which the entry was cached.
ramcache ignore client cache control
Specifies if you want to ignore cache disabling headers sent by clients.
You can set this to none, max age, or all.
ramcache insert age header
When enabled, inserts Age and Date headers in the response.
ramcache max age
Specifies how long the system considers the cached content to be valid.
The default is 3600 seconds.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 205
Appendix A
ramcache max entries
Specifies the maximum number of entries that can be in the RAM cache.
The default is 0, which means that the system does not limit the
maximum entries.
ramcache max object size
Specifies the largest object that the system considers eligible for caching.
The default setting is 50000 bytes.
ramcache min object size
Specifies the smallest object that the system considers eligible for
caching. The default setting is 500 bytes.
ramcache size
Specifies the maximum size for the RAM cache. When the cache reaches
the maximum size, the system starts removing the oldest entries. The
default setting is 100 megabytes.
ramcache uri exclude
Configures a list of URIs to exclude in the RAM Cache. A value of none
specifies that URI pinning is not activated. The default setting is none.
ramcache uri include
Configures a list of URIs to include in the RAM Cache. A value of none
specifies that URI pinning is not activated. The default setting is none.
ramcache uri pinned
Specifies whether the system retains or excludes certain URIs in the
RAM cache. The pinning process forces the system either to cache URIs
that typically are ineligible for caching, or to not cache URIs that
typically are eligible for caching.
redirect rewrite
Specifies which of the application HTTP redirects the system rewrites to
HTTPS. Use this feature when the application is generating HTTP
redirects that send the client to HTTP (a non-secure channel) when you
want the client to continue accessing the application using HTTPS (a
secure channel). This is a common occurrence when using client-side
SSL processing on a BIG-IP system.
• all
Specifies to rewrite to HTTPS all application redirects.
• matching
Specifies to rewrite to HTTPS only application redirects that match
the original URI exactly.
• nodes
If the URI contains a node IP address, instead of a host name,
specifies that the system rewrites the node IP address to the virtual
server IP address.
• none
Specifies that the system does not rewrite to HTTPS any application
HTTP redirects. This is the default value.
• default
Specifies to use the default value for this parameter, which is none.
A - 206
bigpipe Command Reference
Specifies how to handle chunked and unchunked requests and responses.
• unchunk
If the request or response is chunked, this option unchunks the request
or response, and processes the HTTP content, and passes the request
or response on as unchunked. The Keep-Alive value for the
Connection header is not supported, and therefore the system sets the
value of the header to Close.
If the request or response is unchunked, the BIG-IP local traffic
management system processes the HTTP content and passes the
request or response on untouched.
• rechunk
If the request or response is chunked, the system unchunks the request
or response, processes the HTTP content, re-adds the chunk trailer
headers, and then passes the request or response on as chunked. Any
chunk extensions are lost.
If the request or response is unchunked, the system adds transfer
encoding and chunking headers on egress.
• preserve chunk
Specifies that the system processes the HTTP content, and sends the
response to the client unchanged.
• selective chunk
If the request or response is chunked, the system unchunks the request
or response, processes the HTTP content, re-adds the chunk trailer
headers, and then passes the request or response on as chunked. Any
chunk extensions are lost.
If the request is unchunked, the system processes the HTTP content
and then passes the request or response on untouched.
• default
Indicates to use the value in the default http profile.
response headers allowed
Specifies headers that the BIG-IP system allows in an HTTP response.
See also
profile(1), virtual(1), profile fasthttp(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 207
Appendix A
profile httpclass
Configures an HTTP Class type of profile.
Use this command to create an HTTP class profile, redirect HTTP traffic to
HTTPS using the same virtual server, and redirect HTTP traffic without
changing the URL in the browser.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile httpclass <profile httpclass key list> {}
profile httpclass (<profile httpclass key list> | all) [{] \
<profile httpclass arg list> [}]
<profile httpclass key> ::=
<profile httpclass arg> ::=
asm (enable | disable | default)
cookies ((<regex/glob list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
defaults from (<profile httpclass key> | none)
headers ((<regex/glob list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
hosts ((<regex/glob list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
paths ((<regex/glob list> | none) [add | delete] | default)
pool (<poolkey> | none | default)
redirect (<string> | none | default)
url rewrite (<string> | none | default)
wa (enable | disable | default)
<regex/glob> ::
[glob | regex] <string>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] stats reset
profile httpclass edit
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] list [all]
A - 208
bigpipe Command Reference
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] asm <show>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] cookies <show>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] defaults from <show>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] headers <show>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] hosts <show>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] name <show>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] partition <show>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] paths <show>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] pool <show>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] redirect <show>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] stats [show]
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] url rewrite <show>
profile httpclass [<profile httpclass key list> | all] wa <show>
profile httpclass (<profile httpclass key list> | all) delete
Use this command to create an HTTP class profile, redirect HTTP traffic to
HTTPS using the same virtual server, and redirect HTTP traffic without
changing the URL in the browser.
Creates an HTTP class profile named myhttpclassprofile that inherits its
settings from the system default HTTP Class profile:
profile httpclass myhttpclassprofile { }
You can use the following options with the profile httpclass command:
• asm
Enables application security management. You can set the asm option
only if the system is licensed for the BIG-IP® Application Security
Manager. The options are enable, disable, and default.
• cookies
Specifies how the system routes all incoming HTTP traffic for the web
application, based on cookie headers.
• defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
• headers
Specifies how the system routes incoming HTTP traffic for the web
application, based on HTTP headers and values.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 209
Appendix A
• hosts
Specifies how the system routes incoming HTTP traffic, based on host
• partition
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
• paths
Specifies how the system routes all incoming HTTP traffic for the web
application, based on URI paths.
• pool
Specifies a local traffic pool to which the system sends the HTTP traffic.
The options are <pool key>, none, and default.
• profile httpclass edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile httpclass. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• redirect
Specifies a URL to which the system redirects the traffic. The options are
none, <string>, and default.
• url rewrite
Specifies the TCL expression that the system uses to rewrite the request
URI that is forwarded to the server without sending an HTTP redirect to
the client. The options are none, <string>, and default.
• wa
Specifies web acceleration. You can set the wa option only if the system
is licensed for the BIG-IP WebAccelerator Module. The options are
enable, disable, and default.
See also
profile(1), profile http(1)
A - 210
bigpipe Command Reference
profile oneconnect
Creates, modifies, displays, or deletes a OneConnect™ profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a OneConnect™
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile oneconnect <profile oneconnect key list> {}
profile oneconnect (<profile oneconnect key list> | all) \
[{] <profile oneconnect arg list> [}]
<profile oneconnect key> ::=
<profile oneconnect arg> ::=
defaults from (<<profile oneconnect key> | none)
idle timeout override (<number> | disable | indefinite | default)
max size (<number> | default)
max age (<number> | default)
max reuse (<number> | default)
source mask (<ip mask> | none | default)
profile oneconnect [<<profile oneconnect key list> | all] stats reset
profile oneconnect edit
profile oneconnect [<profile oneconnect key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile oneconnect [<profile oneconnect key list> | all] list [all]
profile oneconnect [<profile oneconnect key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile oneconnect [<profile oneconnect key list> | all] idle timeout override [show]
profile oneconnect [<profile oneconnect key list> | all] max size [show]
profile oneconnect [<profile oneconnect key list> | all] max age [show]
profile oneconnect [<profile oneconnect key list> | all] max reuse [show]
profile oneconnect [<profile oneconnect key list> | all] name [show]
profile oneconnect [<profile oneconnect key list> | all] partition [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 211
Appendix A
profile oneconnect [<profile oneconnect key list> | all] source mask [show]
profile oneconnect [<profile oneconnect key list> | all] stats [show]
profile oneconnect (<profile oneconnect key list> | all) delete
Create a OneConnect™ profile that optimizes connections by improving
client performance and increasing server capacity.
Creates a OneConnect™ profile named myOCprofile that inherits its
settings from the system default OneConnect profile:
profile oneconnect myOCprofile { }
You can use the following options with the profile oneconnect command:
• defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
• idle timeout override
Specifies the number of seconds that a connection is idle before the
connection flow is eligible for deletion. Possible values are disable,
indefinite, or a numeric value that you specify. The default is disable.
• max size
Specifies the maximum number of connections that the system holds in
the connection reuse pool. If the pool is already full, then the server-side
connection closes after the response is completed. The default setting is
• max age
Specifies the maximum age in number of seconds allowed for a
connection in the connection reuse pool. For any connection with an age
higher than this value, the system removes that connection from the reuse
pool. The default maximum age is 86400.
• max reuse
Specifies the maximum number of times that a server-side connection
can be reused. The default is 1000.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
• profile oneconnect edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile oneconnect. You can edit the value of any
A - 212
bigpipe Command Reference
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• source mask
Specifies a source IP mask. The system applies the value of this setting to
the source address to determine its eligibility for reuse. A mask of 0
causes the system to share reused connections across all clients. A host
mask, that is, all 1 values in binary, causes the system to share only those
reused connections originating from the same client IP address. The
default mask is
See also
profile(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 213
Appendix A
profile persist
Configures a persistence profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a persistence profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile persist <profile persist key list> {}
profile persist (<profile persist key list> | all) [{] <persistence profile arg list> [}]
<profile persist key>::=
<persistence profile arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile persist key> | none)
mode (none | source addr | dest addr | cookie | ssl | msrdp | universal | hash |\
sip | default)
rule (<rule key> | none | default)
sip info (<string> | none | default)
timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
mask (<ip mask> | none)
cookie mode (insert | rewrite | passive | hash | default | none)
cookie expiration ([<number>d] [<hh>:<mm>:<ss>] | default)
cookie hash offset (<number> | default)
cookie hash length (<number> | default)
cookie name (<string> | none | default)
mirror (enable | disable | default)
msrdp session directory (enable | disable | default)
map proxies (enable | disable | default)
across pools (enable | disable | default)
across services (enable | disable | default)
across virtuals (enable | disable | default)
profile persist edit
A - 214
bigpipe Command Reference
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] list [all]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] across pools [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] across services [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] across virtuals [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] cookie expiration [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] cookie hash length [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] cookie hash offset [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] cookie mode [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] cookie name [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] map proxies [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] mask [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] mirror [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] mode [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] msrdp session directory [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] name [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] partition [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] rule [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] sip info [show]
profile persist [<profile persist key list> | all] timeout [show]
profile persist (<profile persist key list> | all) delete
A persistence profile is a pre-configured object that automatically enables
persistence when you assign the profile to a virtual server. Using a
persistence profile avoids having to write an iRule to implement a type of
Each type of persistence that the traffic management system offers includes
a corresponding default persistence profile. These persistence profiles each
contain settings and setting values that define the behavior of the system for
that type of persistence. You can either use the default profile, or create a
custom profile based on the default.
Creates a custom persistence profile named mypersistprofile that inherits
its settings from the default Cookie persistence profile:
profile persist mypersistprofile { defaults from cookie }
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
Creates a SIP persistence profile named mysippersistenceprofile that
persists on Call-ID:
profile persist mysippersistenceprofile sip info Call-ID
You can use these options with the profile persist command:
across pools
Enables or disables persistence across pools. When enabled, specifies
that the BIG-IP system can use any pool that contains this persistence
entry. Persistence across all pools causes the traffic management system
to maintain persistence for all connections requested by the same client,
regardless of which pool hosts each individual connection initiated by the
client. The default is disable.
across services
Enables or disables persistence across services. When enabled, this
setting specifies that all persistent connections from a client IP address
that go to the same virtual IP address also go to the same node. The
default is disable.
across virtuals
Enables or disables persistence across virtual servers. When enabled,
specifies that all persistent connections from a client IP address that go to
the same virtual IP address also go to the same node. Persistence across
all virtual servers causes the traffic management system to maintain
persistence for all connections requested by the same client, regardless of
which virtual server hosts each individual connection initiated by the
client. The default is disable.
cookie expiration
Specifies the cookie expiration date in the format <number>
<hh>:<mm>:<ss>. The default is 0 seconds.
cookie hash length
Specifies the cookie hash length. The length is the number of bytes to use
when calculating the hash value. The default is 0 bytes.
cookie hash offset
Specifies the cookie hash offset. The offset is the number of bytes in the
cookie to skip before calculating the hash value. The default is 0 bytes.
cookie mode
Specifies the cookie mode for cookie persistence. The default is insert.
Options are: none, insert, rewrite, passive, hash, and default.
• insert
If you specify HTTP cookie insert method within the profile, the
information about the server to which the client connects is inserted in
the header of the HTTP response from the server as a cookie. The
cookie is named BIGipServer <pool name>, and it includes the
address and port of the server handling the connection. The expiration
A - 216
bigpipe Command Reference
date for the cookie is set, based on the timeout configured on the
traffic management system. HTTP cookie insert method is the
default value for the cookie mode setting.
• rewrite
Specifies cookie rewrite mode. HTTP cookie rewrite mode requires
you to set up the cookie created by the server. For HTTP cookie
rewrite mode to succeed, there needs to be a blank cookie coming
from the web server for the system to rewrite. For web servers that are
Apache server variants, you can add the cookie to every web page
header by adding the following entry to the httpd.conf file of the web
Header add Set-Cookie BIGipCookie=0000000000000000000000000...
(Note that the cookie must contain a total of 120 zeros.)
• passive
If you specify HTTP cookie passive mode, the system does not insert
or search for blank Set-Cookie headers in the response from the
server. This method does not try to set up the cookie. With this
method, the server provides the cookie, formatted with the correct
server information and timeout.
• hash
If you specify cookie hash mode, the hash mode consistently maps a
cookie value to a specific node. When the client returns to the site, the
system uses the cookie information to return the client to a given
node. With this mode, the web server must generate the cookie. The
system does not create the cookie automatically, as it does with insert
• default
Indicates that you want to use the settings from the parent profile.
cookie name
Specifies the cookie name. Type the name of an HTTP cookie being sent
by the Web site. This could be something like Apache or
SSLSESSIONID. The name depends on the type of web server your site
is running. This attribute is used by cookie hash mode.
defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
map proxies
Enables or disables the map proxies attribute. The default setting for the
map proxies for the persistence variable is enable. The AOL® proxy
addresses are hard-coded. This enables you to use client IP address
persistence with a simple persist mask, but forces all AOL clients to
persist to the same server. All AOL clients persist to the node that was
picked for the first AOL client connection received. The default is
Specifies an IP mask. This is the mask used by simple persistence for
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
Enables or disables mirroring of persistence date. The default is disable.
Specifies the persistence mode. The default is none. This setting is
required. The options are: none, source addr, dest addr, cookie, ssl,
msrdp, universal, hash, sip, or default.
• source addr
Also known as simple persistence, source address affinity persistence
supports TCP and UDP protocols, and directs session requests to the
same server based solely on the source IP address of a packet.
• dest addr
Also known as sticky persistence, destination address affinity
persistence supports TCP and UDP protocols, and directs session
requests to the same server based solely on the destination IP address
of a packet.
• cookie
Cookie persistence uses an HTTP cookie stored on a client computer
to allow the client to reconnect to the same server previously visited at
a web site.
• ssl
SSL persistence is a type of persistence that tracks non-terminated
SSL sessions, using the SSL session ID. Even when the client's IP
address changes, the BIG-IP local traffic management system still
recognizes the connection as being persistent based on the session ID.
Note that the term non-terminated SSL sessions refers to sessions in
which the traffic management system does not perform the tasks of
SSL certificate authentication and encryption/re-encryption.
• msrdp
Microsoft Remote Desktop persistence tracks sessions between
clients and servers running Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol
• universal
Universal persistence allows you to write an expression that defines
what to persist on in a packet. The expression, written using the same
expression syntax that you use in iRules™, defines some sequence of
bytes to use as a session identifier.
• hash
Hash persistence allows you to create a persistence hash based on an
existing iRule.
• sip
SIP persistence load balances all of the SIP communications in a SIP
session to the same SIP server based on SIP header field information.
• default
Specify default if you want to use the default system profile settings
for persistence mode.
A - 218
bigpipe Command Reference
msrdp session directory
Enables or disables the MSRDP session directory option for MSRDP
persistence. Enable this option to implement Windows Terminal Server
persistence for those Windows servers on which the Session Directory
service is not available. The default is enable.
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
profile persist edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile persist. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
Specifies a rule name if you are using a rule for universal persistence.
sip info
Specifies the SIP header field on which you want SIP sessions to persist.
The default is Call-ID. Your options include, but are not limited to the
following header fields:
• Call-ID: Specifies to persist on the ID of the call. The Call-ID is a
globally unique identifier of a call.
• SIP-ETag: Specifies to persist on the SIP-ETag.
• To: Specifies to persist on the destination of the SIP session.
• From: Specifies to persist on the origin of the SIP session.
• Subject: Specifies to persist on the subject of the SIP session.
Before you can use the sip info option of the profile persist command,
you must create a SIP profile (using the profile sip command). Then, you
must assign both profiles to the same virtual server.
Specifies the timeout. Possible values are default, immediate,
indefinite, or a numeric value that you specify. This is the simple
persistence timeout. The default is 180 seconds.
The timeout value that you specify allows the BIG-IP system to free up
resources associated with old persistence entries, without having to test
each inbound packet for one of the different types of final messages. A
default timeout value exists, which is 180 seconds. If you change the
timeout value, F5 recommends that the value be no lower than the
See also
profile(1), virtual(1), rule(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 219
Appendix A
profile rtsp
Configures a Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete an RTSP profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile rtsp <profile rtsp key list> {}
profile rtsp (<profile rtsp key list> | all) [{] <profile rtsp arg list> [}]
<profile rtsp key> ::=
<profile rtsp arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile rtsp key> | none)
idle timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
max header size (<number> | default)
max queued data (<number> | default)
multicast redirect (enable | disable | default)
proxy (none | external | internal | default)
proxy header (<string> | none | default)
real http persistence (enable | disable | default)
rtcp service (<service> | none | default)
rtp service (<service> | none | default)
session reconnect (enable | disable | default)
unicast redirect (enable | disable | default)
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] stats reset
profile rtsp edit
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] list [all]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] idle timeout [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] max header size [show]
A - 220
bigpipe Command Reference
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] max queued data [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] multicast redirect [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] partition [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] proxy [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] proxy header [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] real http persistence [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] rtcp service [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] rtp service [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] session reconnect [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] stats [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] unicast redirect [show]
profile rtsp [<profile rtsp key list> | all] delete
Manages a profile for RTSP traffic.
Creates a custom RTSP profile named myrtspprofile that inherits its
settings from the system default RTSP profile:
profile rtsp myrtspprofile { }
You can use these options with the profile rtsp command:
• defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all of the settings and values from the specified parent
• idle timeout
Specifies the number of seconds that a connection is idle before the
connection is eligible for deletion. You can also specify immediate,
indefinite or default. The default is 300 seconds.
• max header size
Specifies the maximum size of an RTSP request or response header that
the RTSP filter allows before dropping the connection. The default is
4096 bytes.
• max queued data
Specifies the maximum amount of data that the RTSP filter buffers
before dropping the connection. The default is 32768 bytes.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
• multicast redirect
Specifies whether to enable or disable multicast redirect. When enabled,
the client can select the destination to which to stream data. The default
value is disable.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
• profile rtsp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile rtsp. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• proxy
Specifies whether the RTSP filter is associated with an RTSP proxy
configuration. The default value is none.
• proxy header
When a proxy is set, specifies the name of the header in the RTSP proxy
configuration that is passed from the client-side virtual server to the
server-side virtual server. Note that the name of the header must begin
with X-.
• real http persistence
Specifies whether to enable or disable real HTTP persistence. When
enabled, the RTSP filter automatically persists Real Networks RTSP
over HTTP using the RTSP port. The default value is enable. If you
disable this parameter, you can override the default behavior with an
• rtcp service
The Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) allows monitoring of the
real-time data delivery. This parameter specifies the number of the port
to use for the RTCP service.
• rtp service
The Real Time Protocol (RTP) provides data transport functions suitable
for applications transmitting real-time data. This parameter specifies the
number of the port to use for the RTP service.
• session reconnect
Specifies whether to enable or disable session reconnect. When enabled,
the RTSP filter persists the control connection, which is being resumed,
to the correct server. The default value is disable.
• unicast redirect
Specifies whether to enable or disable unicast redirect. When enabled,
the client can select the destination to which to stream data. The default
value is disable.
See also
profile(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 222
bigpipe Command Reference
profile sctp
Configures a Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete an SCTP profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile sctp <profile sctp key list> {}
profile sctp (<profile sctp key list> | all) [{] <profile sctp arg list> [}]
<profile sctp key> ::=
<profile sctp arg> ::=
cookie expiration (<number> | default)
defaults from (<profile sctp key> | none)
heartbeat (<number> | default)
idle timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
in streams (<number> | default)
init max retries (<number> | default)
ip tos (<number> | pass | default)
link qos (<number> | pass | default)
out streams (<number> | default)
proxy buffer high (<number> | default)
proxy buffer low (<number> | default)
recv chunks (<number> | default)
recv ordered (enable | disable | default)
recv window (<number> | default)
reset on timeout (enable | disable | default)
secret (<string> | none | default)
send buffer (<number> | default)
send max retries (<number> | default)
send partial (enable | disable | default)
tcp shutdown (enable | disable | default)
trans chunks (<number> | default)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 223
Appendix A
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] stats reset
profile sctp edit
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] list [all]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] cookie expiration [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] heartbeat [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] idle timeout [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] in streams [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] init max retries [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] ip tos [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] link qos [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] out streams [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] partition [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] proxy buffer high [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] proxy buffer low [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] recv chunks [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] recv ordered [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] recv window [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] reset on timeout [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] secret [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] send buffer [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] send max retries [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] send partial [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] stats [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] tcp shutdown [show]
profile sctp [<profile sctp key list> | all] trans chunks [show]
profile sctp (<profile sctp key list> | all) delete
Manages a profile for SCTP traffic.
Creates a custom SCTP profile named mysctpprofile that inherits its
settings from the system default SCTP profile:
profile sctp mysctpprofile { }
A - 224
bigpipe Command Reference
You can use these options with the profile sctp command:
• cookie expiration
Specifies how many seconds the cookie is valid. The default is 60
• defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
• heartbeat
Specifies the number of seconds to wait before sending a heartbeat
chunk. The default is 30 seconds.
• idle timeout
Specifies the number of seconds without traffic before a connection is
eligible for deletion. The default is 300 seconds.
• in streams
Specifies the number of inbound streams. The default is 2.
• init max retries
Specifies the maximum number of retries to establish a connection. The
default is 4.
• ip tos
Specifies the type of IP service set in packets sent to peer. The default is
• link qos
Specifies the link quality of service set in sent packets. The default is 0.
• out streams
Specifies the number of outbound streams. The default is 2.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
• profile sctp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile sctp. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• proxy buffer high
Specifies the proxy buffer level after which the system closes the receive
window. The default is 16384.
• proxy buffer low
Specifies the proxy buffer level after which the system opens the receive
window. The default is 4096.
• recv chunks
Specifies the size (in chunks) of the rx_chunk buffer. The default is 256.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 225
Appendix A
• recv ordered
When enabled, the system delivers messages to the application layer in
order. The default is enable.
• recv window
Specifies the size (in bytes) of the receive window. Prorate this value to
the Receive Chunks value. The default is 65536.
• reset on timeout
When enabled, the system resets a connection when the connection times
out. The default is enable.
• secret
Specifies the internal secret string that the system uses for HTTP
Message Authenticated Code (HMAC) cookies.
• send buffer
Specifies the size in bytes of the buffer. The default is 65536.
• send max retries
Specifies the maximum number of times the system tries again to send
data. The default is 8.
• send partial
When enabled, the system accepts partial application data. The default is
• tcp shutdown
When enabled, the system emulates the closing of a TCP connection. The
default is enable.
• trans chunks
Specifies the size (in chunks) of the tx_chunk buffer. The default is 256.
See also
profile(1), bigpipe(1), profile rtsp(1), profile sip(1)
A - 226
bigpipe Command Reference
profile serverssl
Configures a Server SSL profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a Server SSL profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile serverssl <profile serverssl key list> {}
profile serverssl (<profile serverssl key list> | all) [{]
<profile serverssl arg list>
<profile serverssl key> ::=
<profile serverssl arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile serverssl key> | none)
mode (enable | disable | default)
key (<file name> | none | default)
cert (<file name> | none | default)
chain (<file name> | none | default)
ca file (<file name> | none | default)
crl file (<file name> | none | default)
ciphers (<string> | none | default)
passphrase (<string> | none | default)
[PASSIVE_CLOSE] | none | default)
modssl methods (enable | disable | default)
renegotiate period (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
renegotiate size (<number>[MB|mb] | indefinite | default)
peer cert mode (require | ignore | default)
authenticate (once | always | default)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
authenticate depth (<number> | default)
authenticate name (<string> | default)
unclean shutdown (enable | disable | default)
strict resume (enable | disable | default)
handshake timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
alert timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
cache size (<number> | default)
cache timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] stats reset
profile serverssl edit
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] list [all]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] name [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] mode [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] key [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] cert [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] chain [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] ca file [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] crl file [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] ciphers [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] options [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] modssl methods [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] renegotiate period [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] renegotiate size [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] peer cert mode [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] authenticate [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] authenticate depth [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] authenticate name [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] unclean shutdown [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] strict resume [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] passphrase [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] handshake timeout [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] alert timeout [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] cache size [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] cache timeout [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] stats [show]
profile serverssl [<profile serverssl key list> | all] partition [show]
profile serverssl (<profile serverssl key list> | all) delete
A - 228
bigpipe Command Reference
Server-side profiles allow the traffic management system to handle
encryption tasks for any SSL connection being sent from a local traffic
management system to a target server. A server-side SSL profile is able to
act as a client by presenting certificate credentials to a server when
authentication of the local traffic management system is required. You
implement this type of profile by using the default profile, or creating a
custom profile based on the Server SSL profile template and modifying its
Creates a custom Server SSL profile named myserversslprofile that inherits
its settings from the system default serverssl profile:
profile serverssl myserversslprofile { }
Several arguments are available for use with this command.
ca file
Specifies the certificate authority (CA) file name or indicates the system
uses the certificate authority file name from the parent profile.
Configures certificate verification by specifying a list of client or server
CAs that the traffic management system trusts.
Specifies the certificate file name or indicates the system uses the
certificate file name from the parent profile. Specifies the name of the
certificate installed on the traffic management system for the purpose of
terminating or initiating an SSL connection. The default is default.crt.
Specifies the chain name or indicates the system uses the chain name
from the parent profile. Specifies or builds a certificate chain file that a
client can use to authenticate the profile.
Specifies a cipher name or indicates the system uses the default ciphers
from the parent profile.
crl file
Specifies the certificate revocation list file name or indicates the system
uses the certificate revocation file name from the parent profile.
defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
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Appendix A
Specifies the key file name or indicates the system uses the key file name
from the parent profile. Specifies the name of the key installed on the
traffic management system for the purpose of terminating or initiating an
SSL connection. The default key file name is default.key.
Specifies the profile mode. The options are enable, disable, or default.
Enables or disables SSL processing. The default is enable.
These options are available, including some industry-related workarounds:
A - 230
alert timeout
Specifies the alert timeout in seconds. You can also specify immediate,
indefinite, or default. The default is 60 seconds.
Specifies frequency of authentication. Options are once, always, or
authenticate depth
Specifies the client certificate chain maximum traversal depth.
authenticate name
Specifies a Common Name (CN) that is embedded in a server certificate.
The system authenticates a server based on the specified CN.
cache size
Specifies the SSL session cache size. For client-side profiles only, you
can configure timeout and size values for the SSL session cache. Because
each profile maintains a separate SSL session cache, you can configure
the values on a per-profile basis.
cache timeout
Specifies the SSL session cache timeout value, which is the usable
lifetime seconds of negotiated SSL session IDs. The default is 300
seconds. Acceptable values are integers greater than or equal to 5. You
can also set this value to immediate or indefinite.
handshake timeout
Specifies the handshake timeout in seconds. You can also specify
immediate, indefinite, or default.
modssl methods
Enables or disables ModSSL method emulation. Use enable when
OpenSSL methods are inadequate. For example, you can enable ModSSL
method emulation when you want to use SSL compression over TLSv1.
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
Specifies the key passphrase, if required.
bigpipe Command Reference
peer cert mode
Specifies the peer certificate mode. Options are require, ignore, and
profile serverssl edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile serverssl. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
renegotiate period
Specifies the number of seconds from the initial connect time after which
the system renegotiates an SSL session. The default is indefinite
meaning that you do not want the system to renegotiate SSL sessions.
Each time the session renegotiation is successful, a new connection is
started. Therefore, the system attempts to renegotiate the session again,
in the specified amount of time following the successful session
renegotiation. For example, setting the Renegotiate Period to 3600
seconds triggers session renegotiation at least once an hour.
renegotiate size
Specifies a throughput size, in bytes, of SSL renegotiation. This setting
forces the traffic management system to renegotiate an SSL session
based on the size, in megabytes, of application data that is transmitted
over the secure channel. The default is indefinite specifying that you do
not want a throughput size.
strict resume
You can enable or disable the resumption of SSL sessions after an
unclean shutdown. The default is disable, which indicates that the SSL
profile refuses to resume SSL sessions after an unclean shutdown.
unclean shutdown
By default, the SSL profile performs unclean shutdowns of all SSL
connections, which means that underlying TCP connections are closed
without exchanging the required SSL shutdown alerts. If you want to
force the SSL profile to perform a clean shutdown of all SSL
connections, you can disable the default setting.
This option enables all of the above defect workarounds. It is usually safe
to use the All bugfixes Enabled option to enable the defect workaround
options when compatibility with broken implementations is desired. Note
that if you edit the configuration in the web-based configuration utility,
the ALL BUGFIXES syntax is expanded into each individual option.
When choosing a cipher, this option uses the server's preferences instead
of the client references. When this option is not set, the SSL server
always follows the client's references. When this option is set, the
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 231
Appendix A
SSLv3/TLSv1 server chooses by using its own references. Due to the
different protocol, for SSLv2 the server sends its list of preferences to the
client and the client always chooses.
A - 232
This option disables a countermeasure against a SSL 3.0/TLS 1.0
protocol vulnerability affecting CBC ciphers. These ciphers cannot be
handled by certain broken SSL implementations. This option has no
effect for connections using other ciphers.
This option uses ephemeral (temporary) RSA keys when doing RSA
operations. According to the specifications, this is only done when an
RSA key can only be used for signature operations (namely under export
ciphers with restricted RSA key length). By setting this option, you
specify that you want to use ephemeral RSA keys always. This option
breaks compatibility with the SSL/TLS specifications and may lead to
interoperability problems with clients. Therefore, F5 does not
recommend this option. You should use ciphers with EDH (ephemeral
Diffie-Hellman) key exchange instead. This option is ignored for
server-side SSL.
This option enables a workaround for communicating with older
Microsoft applications that use non-standard SSL record sizes.
This option handles a Microsoft session ID problem.
This option enables a workaround for communicating with older
Microsoft applications that use non-standard RSA key padding. This
option is ignored for server-side SSL.
This option handles a defect regarding the system crashing or hanging. If
the system accepts a Netscape Navigator browser connection, demands a
client cert, has a non-self-signed CA that does not have its CA in
Netscape, and the browser has a certificate, the system crashes or hangs.
This option handles the Netscape challenge problem.
This option deliberately manipulates the SSL server session resumption
behavior to mimic that of certain Netscape servers (see the Netscape
reuse cipher change bug workaround description). F5 does not
recommend this option for normal use. It is ignored for server-side SSL.
This option handles a defect within Netscape-Enterprise/2.01
(, only appearing when connecting through
SSLv2/v3 then reconnecting through SSLv3. In this case, the cipher list
bigpipe Command Reference
First, a connection is established with the RC4-MD5 cipher list. If it is
then resumed, the connection switches to using the DES-CBC3-SHA
cipher list. However, according to RFC 2246, (section, cipher
suite) the cipher list should remain RC4-MD5.
As a workaround, you can attempt to connect with a cipher list of
DES-CBC-SHA:RC4-MD5 and so on. For some reason, each new
connection uses the RC4-MD5 cipher list, but any re-connection attempts
to use the DES-CBC-SHA cipher list. Thus Netscape, when
reconnecting, always uses the first cipher in the cipher list.
When performing renegotiation as an SSL server, this option always
starts a new session (that is, session resumption requests are only
accepted in the initial handshake). The system ignores this option for
server-side SSL.
[NO SSLv2]
Do not use the SSLv2 protocol.
[NO SSLv3]
Do not use the SSLv3 protocol.
[NO TLSv1]
Do not use the TLSv1 protocol.
Specifies how to handle passive closes.
• none
Choose this option if you want to disable all workarounds. F5 does
not recommend this option.
• default
Specifies the value, all bugfixes enabled, which enables a set of
industry-related miscellaneous workarounds related to SSL
This debugging option deliberately manipulates the PKCS1 padding used
by SSL clients in an attempt to detect vulnerability to particular SSL
server vulnerabilities. F5 does not recommend this option for normal use.
The system ignores this option for client-side SSL.
This debugging option deliberately manipulates the PKCS1 padding used
by SSL clients in an attempt to detect vulnerability to particular SSL
server vulnerabilities. F5 does not recommend this option for normal use.
The system ignores this option for client-side SSL.
This option creates a new key when using temporary/ephemeral DH
parameters. This option must be used to prevent small subgroup attacks,
when the DH parameters were not generated using strong primes (for
example. when using DSA-parameters). If strong primes were used, it is
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 233
Appendix A
not strictly necessary to generate a new DH key during each handshake,
but it is recommended. You should enable the Single DH Use option
whenever temporary or ephemeral DH parameters are used.
This option enables a workaround for communicating with older
SSLeay-based applications that specify an incorrect Diffie-Hellman
public value length. This option is ignored for server-side SSL.
This option handles the SSL reuse certificate type problem.
This option enables a workaround for communicating with older
TLSv1-enabled applications that use incorrect block padding.
This option is a workaround for communicating with older
TLSv1-enabled applications that specify an incorrect encrypted RSA key
length. This option is ignored for server-side SSL.
This option disables version rollback attack detection. During the client
key exchange, the client must send the same information about
acceptable SSL/TLS protocol levels as it sends during the first hello.
Some clients violate this rule by adapting to the server's answer. For
example, the client sends an SSLv2 hello and accepts up to SSLv3.1
(TLSv1), but the server only processes up to SSLv3. In this case, the
client must still use the same SSLv3.1 (TLSv1) announcement. Some
clients step down to SSLv3 with respect to the server's answer and
violate the version rollback protection. The system ignores this option for
server-side SSL.
See also
profile(1), profile clientssl(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 234
bigpipe Command Reference
profile sip
Configures a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a SIP profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile sip <profile sip key list> {}
profile sip (<profile sip key list> | all) [{] <profile sip arg
list> [}]
<profile sip key> ::=
<profile sip arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile sip key> | none)
insert record route (enable | disable | default)
insert via (enable | disable | default)
max size (<number> | default)
secure via (enable | disable | default)
terminate bye (enable | disable | default)
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] stats reset
profile sip edit
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] list [all]
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] edit
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] insert record route
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] insert via [show]
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] max size [show]
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] name [show]
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] partition [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 235
Appendix A
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] secure via [show]
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] stats [show]
profile sip [<profile sip key list> | all] terminate bye [show]
This command provides the ability to create a SIP profile.
Creates a SIP profile named mysipprofile using the system defaults:
profile sip mysipprofile { }
Creates a SIP profile named mysipprofile that leaves a connection open
following the completion of a BYE transaction:
profile sip mysipprofile { terminate bye disable }
You can use the following options with the profile sip command:
defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all of the settings and values from the specified parent
profile. The default is sip.
insert record route
Enables or disables the insertion of a Record-Route header, which
indicates the next hop for the following SIP request messages. The
default is disable.
insert via
Enables or disables the insertion of a Via header, which indicates where
the message originated. The response message uses this routing
information. The default is disable.
max size
Specifies the maximum SIP message size that the BIG-IP system accepts.
The default is 64000 bytes.
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
profile sip edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile sip. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
A - 236
bigpipe Command Reference
secure via
Enables or disables the insertion of a Secure Via header, which indicates
where the message originated. When you are using SSL/TLS (over TCP)
to create a secure channel with the server node, use this setting to
configure the BIG-IP system to insert a Secure Via header into SIP
requests. The default is disable.
terminate bye
Enables or disables the termination of a connection when a BYE
transaction finishes. Use this parameter with UDP connections only, not
with TCP connections. The default is enable.
See also
bigpipe(1), profile(1), profile persist(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 237
Appendix A
profile stats
Creates, modifies, displays, or deletes a Statistics profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a Statistics profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile stats <profile stats key list> {}
profile stats (<profile stats key list> | all) [{] <profile stats arg list> [}]
<profile stats key> ::=
<profile stats arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile stats key> | none)
field<i> (<name> | none | default)
profile stats [<profile stats key list> | all] stats reset
profile stats edit
profile stats [<profile stats key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile stats [<profile stats key list> | all] list [all]
profile stats [<profile stats key list> | all] name [show]
profile stats [<profile stats key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile stats [<profile stats key list> | all] field<i> [show]
profile stats [<profile stats key list> | all] delete
Use the stats profile to create a custom Statistics profile.
A - 238
bigpipe Command Reference
Lists all available custom statistics fields:
profile stats all list
You can use these options with the profile stats command:
• defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile.
• field
Specifies the field identifier. This is a number from 1 to 32.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
profile stats edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile stats. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
profile(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 239
Appendix A
profile stream
Configures a Stream profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a Stream profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile stream <profile stream key list> {}
profile stream (<profile stream key list | all) [{] <profile stream arg list> [}]
<profile stream key> ::=
<profile stream arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile stream key> | none)
target (<string> | none | default)
source (<string> | none | default)
profile stream [<profile stream key list> | all] stats reset
profile stream edit
profile stream [<profile stream key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile stream [<profile stream key list> | all] list [all]
profile stream [<profile stream key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile stream [<profile stream key list> | all] name [show]
profile stream [<profile stream key list> | all] partition [show]
profile stream [<profile stream key list> | all] target [show]
profile stream [<profile stream key list> | all] stats [show]
profile stream [<profile stream key list> | all] source [show]
profile stream (<profile stream key list> | all) delete
A - 240
bigpipe Command Reference
You can use the Stream profile to search and replace strings within a data
stream, such as a TCP connection.
Creates a custom Stream profile named mystreamprofile that inherits its
settings from the system default stream profile:
profile stream mystreamprofile { }
You can use these options with the profile stream command:
• defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
profile stream edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile stream. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
Specifies the string you want to rewrite. You can also specify default if
you want to use the default system profile value.
• source
Specifies the string that is used to rewrite the target string. You can also
specify default if you want to use the default stream profile value.
See also
profile(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 241
Appendix A
profile tcp
Configures a TCP profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a TCP profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile tcp <profile tcp key list> {}
profile tcp (<profile tcp key list | all) [{] <profile tcp arg list> [}]
<profile tcp key> ::=
<profile tcp arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile tcp key> | none)
abc (enable | disable | default)
ack on push (enable | disable | default)
bandwidth delay (enable | disable | default)
close wait (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
cmetrics cache (enable | disable | default)
congestion control (reno | newreno | scalable | highspeed | none | default)
deferred accept (enable | disable | default)
delayed acks (enable | disable | default)
dsack (enable | disable | default)
ecn (enable | disable | default)
fin wait (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
idle timeout (<number> | indefinite | default)
ip tos (<number> | default)
keep alive interval (<number> | default)
limited transmit (enable | disable | default)
link qos (<number> | default)
max retrans (<number> | default)
max retrans syn (<number> | default)
md5 sign (enable | disable | default)
md5 sign passphrase (<string> | none | default)
A - 242
bigpipe Command Reference
nagle (enable | disable | default)
proxy buffer high (<number> | default)
proxy buffer low (<number> | default)
proxy mss (enable | disable | default)
proxy options (enable | disable | default)
recv window (<number> | default)
reset on timeout (enable | disable | default)
rfc1323 (enable | disable | default)
selective acks (enable | disable | default)
send buffer (<number> | default)
slow start (enable | disable | default)
time wait (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
time wait recycle (enable | disable | default)
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] stats reset
profile tcp edit
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] [show all]]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] name [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] abc [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] ack on push [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] bandwidth delay [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] close wait [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] cmetrics cache [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] congestion control [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] deferred accept [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] delayed acks [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] dsack [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] ecn [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] fin wait [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] idle timeout [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] ip tos [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] keep alive interval [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] limited transmit [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] link qos [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] max retrans [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] max retrans syn [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] md5 sign [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] md5 sign passphrase [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] nagle [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] partition [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] proxy buffer high [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] proxy buffer low [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 243
Appendix A
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] proxy mss [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] proxy options [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] recv window [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] reset on timeout [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] rfc1323 [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] selective acks [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] send buffer [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] slow start [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] stats [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] time wait [show]
profile tcp [<profile tcp key list> | all] time wait recycle [show]
profile tcp (<profile tcp key list> | all) delete
The TCP profile is a configuration tool for managing TCP network traffic.
Many of the TCP profile settings are standard SYSCTL types of settings,
while others are unique to the traffic management system. For most of the
TCP profile settings, the default values usually meet your needs. The
specific settings that you might want to change are: Reset on Timeout, Idle
Timeout, IP ToS, and Link QoS.
The BIG-IP system installation includes these TCP-type profiles: tcp,
tcp-lan-optimized, and tcp-wan-optimized. You can modify the settings of
these profiles, or create new TCP-type profiles using any of these existing
profiles as parent profiles.
Creates a custom TCP profile named mystcpprofile that inherits its settings
from the system default tcp profile:
profile tcp mytcpprofile { }
You can use these options with the profile tcp command:
A - 244
When enabled, increases the congestion window by basing the increase
amount on the number of previously unacknowledged bytes that each
ACK covers. The default is enable.
ack on push
When enabled, significantly improves performance to Windows and
MacOS peers who are writing out on a very small send buffer. The
default is disable.
bigpipe Command Reference
bandwidth delay
When enabled, the system attempts to calculate the optimal bandwidth to
use to contact the client, based on throughput and round-trip time,
without exceeding the available bandwidth. The default is enable.
close wait
Specifies the number of seconds that a connection remains in a
LAST-ACK state before quitting. A value of 0 represents a term of
forever (or until the matrix of the FIN state). The default is 5 seconds.
You can also specify immediate, indefinite, or default.
cmetrics cache
When enabled, specifies that the system uses a cache for storing
congestion metrics. The default is enable.
congestion control
Specifies the algorithm to use to share network resources among
competing users to reduce congestion. The default is New Reno.
The options are:
• High Speed: Specifies that the system uses a more aggressive,
loss-based algorithm.
• New Reno: Specifies that the system uses a modification to the Reno
algorithm that responds to partial acknowledgements when SACKs
are unavailable.
• None: Specifies that the system does not use a
network-congestion-control mechanism, even when congestion
• Reno: Specifies that the system uses an implementation of the TCP
Fast Recovery algorithm, which is based on the implementation in the
BSD Reno release.
• Scalable: Specifies that the system uses a TCP algorithm
modification that adds a scalable, delay-based and loss-based
component into the Reno algorithm.
defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile.
deferred accept
When enabled, the system defers allocation of the connection chain
context until the client response is received. This setting is useful for
dealing with 3-way handshake DOS attacks. The default is disable.
delayed acks
When enabled, the traffic management system allows coalescing of
multiple ACK responses. The default is enable.
When enabled, specifies the use of the Selective ACKs (SACK) option to
acknowledge duplicate segments. The default is disable.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 245
Appendix A
A - 246
When enabled, the system uses the TCP flags CWR and ECE to notify
its peer of congestion and congestion counter-measures. The default is
fin wait
Specifies the number of seconds that a connection is in the FIN-WAIT or
closing state before quitting. The default is 5 seconds. A value of 0
represents a term of forever (or until the matrix of the FIN state). You
can also specify immediate, indefinite, or default.
idle timeout
Specifies the number of seconds that a connection is idle before the
connection is eligible for deletion. You can also specify indefinite or
default. The default is 300 seconds.
ip tos
Specifies the Type of Service level that the traffic management system
assigns to TCP packets when sending them to clients.
keep alive interval
Specifies the keep alive probe interval, in seconds. The default is 1800
limited transmit
When enabled, the system uses limited transmit recovery revisions for
fast retransmits (as specified in RFC 3042) to reduce the recovery time
for connections on a lossy network. The default is enable.
link qos
Specifies the Quality of Service level that the system assigns to TCP
packets when sending them to clients.
max retrans
Specifies the maximum number of retransmissions of data segments that
the system allows.
max retrans syn
Specifies the maximum number of retransmissions of SYN segments that
the system allows.
md5 sign
Specifies, when enabled, that the system uses RFC2385 TCP-MD5
signatures to protect TCP traffic against intermediate tampering. The
default is disable.
md5 sign passphrase
Specifies, when enabled, a plaintext passphrase which may be between 1
and 80 characters in length, and is used in a shared-secret scheme to
implement the spoof-prevention parts of RFC2385.
Specifies, when enabled, that the system applies Nagle's algorithm to
reduce the number of short segments on the network. The default setting
is enable. Note that for interactive protocols such as Telnet, rlogin, or
SSH, F5 recommends disabling this setting on high-latency networks, to
improve application responsiveness.
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
profile tcp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile tcp. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
proxy buffer high
Specifies the highest level at which the receive window is closed. The
default is 16384.
proxy buffer low
Specifies the lowest level at which the receive window is closed. The
default is 4096.
proxy mss
When enabled, the system advertises the same mss to the server as was
negotiated with the client. The default is enable.
proxy options
When enabled, the system advertises an option, such as a time-stamp to
the server only if it was negotiated with the client. The default is enable.
recv window
Specifies the size of the receive window, in bytes. The default value is
4096 bytes.
reset on timeout
Specifies whether to reset connections on timeout.
When enabled, the system uses the timestamp and window-scaling
extensions for TCP (as specified in RFC 1323) to enhance high-speed
network performance. The default is enable.
selective acks
When enabled, the system negotiates RFC2018-compliant Selective
Acknowledgements with peers. The default is enable.
send buffer
Specifies the size of the buffer, in bytes. The default is 8192 bytes.
slow start
When enabled, the system uses larger initial window sizes (as specified
in RFC 3390) to help reduce round trip times. The default is enable.
time wait
Specifies the number of seconds that a connection is in the TIME-WAIT
state before closing. You can also specify immediate, indefinite, or
default. The default is 2 seconds.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 247
Appendix A
time wait recycle
Specifies whether the system recycles the connection when a SYN
packet is received in a TIME-WAIT state. The default is enable.
See also
profile(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 248
bigpipe Command Reference
profile udp
Configures a UDP profile.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a UDP profile.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
profile udp <profile udp key list> {}
profile udp (<profile udp key list> | all) [{] <profile udp arg list> [}]
<profile udp key> ::=
<UDP profile arg> ::=
defaults from (<profile udp key> | none)
idle timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite | default)
ip tos (<number> | default)
link qos (<number> | default)
datagram lb (enable | disable | default)
allow payload (enable | disable | default)
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] stats reset
profile udp edit
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] [show [all]]
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] list [all]
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] defaults from [show]
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] allow payload [show]
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] datagram lb [show]
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] idle timeout [show]
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] ip tos [show]
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] link qos [show]
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] name [show]
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] partition [show]
profile udp [<profile udp key list> | all] stats [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 249
Appendix A
profile udp (<profile udp key list> | all) delete
The UDP profile is a configuration tool for managing UDP network traffic.
Creates a custom UDP profile named myudpprofile that inherits its settings
from the system default udp profile:
profile udp myudpprofile { }
You can use these options with the profile udp command:
• allow payload
Provides the ability to allow the passage of datagrams that contain header
information, but no essential data. The default is disable.
• datagram lb
Provides the ability to load balance UDP datagram by datagram. The
default is disable.
• defaults from
Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new
profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile.
• idle timeout
Specifies the number of seconds that a connection is idle before the
connection is eligible for deletion. You can also specify immediate,
indefinite, or default. The default is 60 seconds.
• ip tos
Specifies the Type of Service level that the traffic management system
assigns to UDP packets when sending them to clients.
• link qos
Specifies the Quality of Service level that the system assigns to UDP
packets when sending them to clients.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the profile resides.
profile udp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command profile udp. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
A - 250
bigpipe Command Reference
See also
profile(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 251
Appendix A
Displays or resets Packet Velocity® ASIC statistics for the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to display or reset Packet Velocity® ASIC statistics.
<pva key> ::=
(<number>.<number> | none)
pva [<pva key list> | all] [show all]]
pva [<pva key list> | all] stats reset
Display or reset Packet Velocity® ASIC statistics for the BIG-IP system.
See also
A - 252
bigpipe Command Reference
radius server
Creates, modifies, displays, or deletes a RADIUS server object for RADIUS
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a RADIUS server.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
radius server <radius server key list> {}
radius server (<radius server key list> | all) [{]
<radius server arg list> [}]
<radius server key> ::=
<radius server arg> ::=
server (<string> | none)
service (<service> | none)
secret (<string> | none)
timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite)
radius server edit
radius server [<radius server key list> | all] [show [all]]
radius server [<radius server key list> | all] list [all]
radius server [<radius server key list> | all] name [show]
radius server [<radius server key list> | all] server [show]
radius server [<radius server key list> | all] service [show]
radius server [<radius server key listt> | all] secret [show]
radius server [<radius server key list> | all] timeout [show]
radius server [<radius server key list> | all] partition [show]
radius server (<radius server key list> | all) delete
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 253
Appendix A
Creates, modifies, or deletes the RADIUS server. Note that you must also
create an auth radius profile to use a RADIUS server.
Lists the configuration for all RADIUS server objects on the system:
radius server all list
Creates a RADIUS server object named myserver2 with the secret of
mysecret, an IP address of on port 80, and a timeout of 65
radius server myserver2 secret \mysecret\ server \\
service 80 timeout 65>
You can use these options with the radius server command:
• partition
Displays the partition in which the RADIUS server resides.
• radius server edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command radius server. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• secret
Sets the secret key used to encrypt and decrypt packets sent or received
from the server. This setting is required.
• server
The host name or IP address of the RADIUS server. This setting is
• service
Specifies the port for RADIUS authentication traffic. The default is port
• timeout
Specifies the timeout value in seconds. The default is 3 seconds. You can
also specify immediate or indefinite.
A - 254
bigpipe Command Reference
See also
auth_radius(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 255
Appendix A
rate class
Configures rate classes.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a rate class.
rate class <rate class key list> {}
rate class (<rate class key list> | all) [{] <rate class arg list> [}]
<rate class key> ::=
<rate class arg> ::=
rate <number>[bps | K[bps] | M[bps] | G[bps]]
ceiling <float>[bps | K[bps] | M[bps] | G[bps]]
burst <float>[K | M | G]
parent (<rate class key> | none)
type (sfq | pfifo)
direction (to client | to server | any)
rate class [<rate class key list> | all] stats reset
rate class edit
rate class [<rate class key list> | all] [show [all]]
rate class [<rate class key list> | all] list [all]
rate class [<rate class key list> | all] rate [show]
rate class [<rate class key list> | all] burst [show]
rate class [<rate class key list> | all] ceiling [show]
rate class [<rate class key list> | all] cname [show]
rate class [<rate class key list> | all] direction [show]
rate class [<rate class key list> | all] parent [show]
rate class [<rate class key list> | all] stats [show]
rate class [<rate class key list> | all] type [show]
rate class (<rate class key list> | all) delete
A rate class is a rate-shaping policy that you want to assign to a type of
traffic, such as Layer 3 traffic that specifies a certain source, destination, or
service. More specifically, a rate class defines the number of bits per second
A - 256
bigpipe Command Reference
that the system allows per connection and the number of packets in a queue.
You configure rate shaping by creating a rate class and then assigning the
rate class to a packet filter, a virtual server, or from within an iRule.
Creates the rate class myRTclass with a rate of 500 Mbps:
rate class myRTclass { rate 500M }
Deletes the rate class myRTclass:
rate class myRTclass delete
You can use these options with the rate class command:
• burst
Specifies the maximum number of bytes that traffic is allowed to burst
beyond the base rate. You can configure the rate in kilobits per second
(Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), or gigabits per second (Gbps).
• ceiling
Similar to the base rate, specifies how far beyond the base rate traffic is
allowed to flow when bursting. This number sets an absolute limit. No
traffic can exceed this rate. You can configure the rate in bits per second
(bps), kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), or
gigabits per second (Gbps).
• direction
Specifies the direction of traffic to which the rate class is applied.
Possible values are to client, to server, or any.
• parent
Specifies the rate class used to create a custom rate class. A custom rate
class borrows bandwidth from a parent class. Note that borrowing
bandwidth affects the base rate, ceiling rate, and queue discipline.
• rate class edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command rate class. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• rate
Specifies the maximum throughput rate allowed for traffic handled by
the rate class. Packets that exceed the specified number are dropped. This
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 257
Appendix A
setting is required. You can configure the rate in bits per second (bps),
kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), or gigabits per
second (Gbps).
• type
The two options for type are sfq or pfifo. Stochastic Fair Queueing
(SFQ) is a queueing method that queues traffic under a set of many lists,
choosing the specific list based on a hash of the connection information.
This results in traffic from the same connection always being queued in
the same list. SFQ then dequeues traffic from the set of the lists in a
round-robin fashion. The overall effect is that fairness of dequeueing is
achieved because one connection cannot control the queue at the
exclusion of another. If the rate class has a parent class, the default
queueing discipline is that of the parent class. If the rate class has no
parent class, then the default value is sfq.
The Priority FIFO (PFIFO) queueing method queues all traffic under a
set of five lists based on the Type of Service (ToS) field of the traffic.
Four of the lists correspond to the four possible ToS values (Minimum
delay, Maximum throughput, Maximum reliability, and Minimum
cost). The fifth list represents traffic with no ToS value. The Priority
FIFO method processes these five lists in a way that preserves the
meaning of the ToS field as much as possible. For example, a packet
with the ToS field set to Minimum cost might yield dequeuing to a
packet with the ToS field set to Minimum delay.
See also
packet filter(1), rule(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 258
bigpipe Command Reference
remote users
Configures the default user role, partition access, and console access for all
remotely authenticated user accounts that have not been added as local user
accounts on the BIG-IP system.
To assign a different access to a specific remote user, you must create a
local user account for that user. For more information, see user, on page
Use this command to configure the default parameters for all of the remote
user accounts on the BIG-IP system as a group.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
remote users [{] <remote users arg list> [}]
<remote users arg> ::=
default partition (<string> | none)
default role (administrator | resource admin | user manager | manager | app editor \
| operator | guest | policy editor | none)
remote console access (enable | disable)
remote users edit
remote users [show [all]]
remote users list [all]
remote users default partition [show]
remote users default role [show]
remote users partition [show]
remote users remote console access [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 259
Appendix A
Use this command to configure the default parameters for all of the remote
user accounts on the BIG-IP system as a group.
For all remote users, sets the default partition access to partition Common,
the default user role to none, and the default remote console access to
remoteusers default partition Common default role none remote console access disable
You can use the following options with the remote users command.
• default partition
Specifies the default partition for all remote user accounts. The default
partition is Common.
• default role
Specifies the default user role for all remote user accounts. The default
value is none. The available user roles are:
• administrator
• resource admin
• user manager
• app editor
• operator
• guest
• policy editor
• partition
Displays the partition within which the remote users object resides.
• remote console access
Enables or disables the default console access for all remote user
accounts. The default value is disable.
• remote users edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command remote users. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only remote users { } displays, you can
type parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor,
the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the
syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save this
change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
A - 260
bigpipe Command Reference
See also
bigpipe(1), user(1), remoterole(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 261
Appendix A
Creates a file (/config/bigip/auth/remoterole) that an LDAP or Active
Directory server reads to determine the specific access rights to grant to
groups of remotely authenticated users.
Use this command to grant access to a specific group of remotely
authenticated users.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
remoterole [{] <remoterole arg list> [}]
<remoterole arg> ::=
role info (<role info list> | none) [add | delete]
<role info> ::= (<role info key list> | all) [{] <role info arg list> [}]
<role info key> ::=
<role info arg> ::=
attribute (<string> | none)
console (enable | disable)
deny (enable | disable)
line order <number>
role (administor | resource admin | user manager | manager | app editor | \
operator | guest | policy editor | none)
user partition (<string> | none)
remoterole edit
remoterole [show [all]]
remoterole list [all]
remoterole role info [<role info key list> | all] [show]
remoterole role info [<role info key list> | all] attribute [show]
remoterole role info [<role info key list> | all] console [show]
remoterole role info [<role info key list> | all] deny [show]
A - 262
bigpipe Command Reference
remoterole role info [<role info key list> | all] line order [show]
remoterole role info [<role info key list> | all] partition [show]
remoterole role info [<role info key list> | all] role [show]
remoterole role info [<role info key list> | all] user partition [show]
Use this command to grant access to a specific group of remotely
authenticated users without having to create a local user account on the
BIG-IP system for each user in the group.
Creates the first line of the /config/bigip/auth/remoterole file, and grants
the Manager user role in partition_A to the group of remote users named
remoterole role info mygroupofusers { line order 1000 role manager user partition
partition_A attribute "application administrators" }
You can use the following options with the remoterole command.
• attribute
Specifies the name of the group of remotely authenticated users for
whom you are configuring specific access rights to the BIG-IP system.
This value is required.
• console
Enables or disables console access for the specified group of remotely
authenticated users. The default value is disable.
• deny
Enables or disables remote access for the specified group of remotely
authenticated users. The default value is disable.
• line order
Specifies the order of the lines in the file,
/config/bigip/auth/remoterole. The LDAP and Active Directory servers
read this file line by line. The order of the information is important;
therefore, F5 recommends that you set the first line at 1000. This allows
you, in the future, to insert lines before the first line. This value is
• partition
Displays the partition within which the remoterole object resides.
• role
Specifies the user role that you want to grant to the specified group of
remotely authenticated users. The default value is none. The available
user roles are:
• administrator
• resource admin
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 263
Appendix A
• user manager
• app editor
• operator
• guest
• policy editor
• remoterole edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command remoterole. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only remoterole { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
user partition
Specifies the partition to which you are assigning access to the specified
group of remotely authenticated users. The default value is Common.
See also
bigpipe(1), user(1), remote_users(1)
A - 264
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures routes for traffic management.
Use this command to create, display, or delete a traffic route.
route <route key list> {}
route (<route key list> | all) [{] <route arg list> [}]
<route key> ::=
(<ip addr> [mask <ip mask> | (prefixlen / ) <number>] | default [inet | inet6]
(connected | dynamic | static)
<route arg> ::=
gateway (<ip addr> | none)
mtu <number>
pool (<pool key> | none)
vlan (<vlan key> | none)
route edit
route [<route key list> | all] [show [all]]
route [<route key list> | all] list [all]
route [<route key list> | all] dest [all]
route [<route key list> | all] gateway [show]
route [<route key list> | all] mtu [show]
route [<route key list> | all] pool [show]
route [<route key list> | all] source [show]
route [<route key list> | all] type [show]
route [<route key list> | all] vlan [show]
route (<route key list> | all | inet | inet6) delete
Configure static routes for the system, including default routes. When
configuring a static route, you can specify a gateway (that is, the next- or
last-hop router) to be an IP address, a VLAN name, or the name of a pool of
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 265
Appendix A
Sets the route on the VLAN named internal:
route vlan internal
You can use the following options with the route command.
The options gateway, vlan, pool, and reject are mutually exclusive. You can
use only one of these options at a time, and at least one of these options is
required when using the route command.
• default
Sets the default routing type to IPv4 (inet) or IPv6 (inet6).
• gateway
Specifies a gateway address for the system.
• ip addr
Creates an IP address/netmask route. You can also specify the route
using CIDR notation, such as
• mtu
Sets a specific maximum transition unit (MTU).
• pool
Specifies a routing pool. A routing pool contains several routes.
• reject
Rejects packets coming from the specified route.
• route edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command route. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• vlan
Specifies the VLAN name for the route.
See also
mgmt(1), bigpipe(1), mgmt route(1), pool(1), vlan(1), vlangroup(1)
A - 266
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays or resets Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) statistics for the
BIG-IP system.
Use this command to display or reset RTSP statistics for the system.
rtsp [show [all]]
rtsp stats reset
Displays or resets RTSP statistics for the system.
Displays all RTSP statistics for the system:
rtsp show all
See also
bigpipe(1), profile rtsp (1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 267
Appendix A
Creates, modifies, deletes, and displays iRules™ for traffic management
system configuration.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete an iRule.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
rule <rule key list> {}
rule (<rule key list> | all) [{] <rule arg list> [}]
<rule key> ::=
<rule arg> ::=
rule edit
rule [<rule key list> | all] [show [all]]
rule [<rule key list> | all] list [all]
rule [<rule key list> | all] definition [show]
rule [<rule key list> | all] name [show]
rule [<rule key list> | all] partition [show]
rule (<rule key list> | all) delete
iRules™ can direct traffic not only to specific pools, but also to individual
pool members, including port numbers and URI paths, either to implement
persistence or to meet specific load balancing requirements. The syntax that
you use to write iRules™ is based on the Tools Command Language (Tcl)
programming standard. Thus, you can use many of the standard Tcl
A - 268
bigpipe Command Reference
commands, plus a robust set of extensions that the BIG-IP local traffic
management system provides to help you further increase load balancing
For information about standard Tcl syntax, see For a list of Tcl
commands that have been disabled within the traffic management system
and therefore cannot be used in the traffic management system, see the
Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic Management. This guide
is available at
In this example, the iRule my_Rule includes the event declaration
CLIENT_ACCEPTED, as well as the iRule command IP::remote_addr.
In this case, the IP address that the iRule command returns is that of the
client, because the default context of the event declaration
CLIENT_ACCEPTED is clientside:
rule my_Rule '{ when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if [[IP::remote_addr] ==] { pool myPool }}}'
This example shows the iRule my_Rule2, which includes the event
declaration SERVER_CONNECTED, as well as the iRule command
IP::remote_addr. In this case, the IP address that the iRule command
returns is that of the server, because the default context of the event
declaration SERVER_CONNECTED is serverside:
rule my_Rule2 '{ when SERVER_CONNECTED { if { [IP::remote_addr]
== } { pool my_pool2 }}}'
In this example, the iRule my_Rule3 includes the event declaration
CLIENT_ACCEPTED, as well as the iRule command IP::remote_addr.
In this case, the IP address is directed to the pool named
blackhole, while traffic originating from other addresses is directed to the
pool normalService. Instead of one IP address, you could also specify a
class that contains IP addresses that you want to send to the blackhole pool:
rule my_Rule3 '{ when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if [[IP::remote_addr] ==] { pool blackhole } else { pool normalService }}}'
You can use the following options with the rule command:
• partition
Displays the partition in which the rule resides.
• rule edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command rule. You can edit the value of any parameter
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 269
Appendix A
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
persist(1), pool(1), profile(1), rate class(1), snat(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 270
bigpipe Command Reference
Writes the running configuration into the stored configuration files.
Use this command to write the running configuration into the stored
configuration files.
save all
[base] save
Use this command to save the running configuration of the BIG-IP system.
You can use the following options with the save command.
When you want to save to the stored configuration files the changes that you
make to the system, F5 recommends that you use the save all command.
base save
Saves only the portions of the running configuration that reside in these
stored configuration files:
• /config/bigip_base.conf
• /config/bigip_sys.conf
Saves only the portions of the running configuration that reside in these
stored configuration files:
• /config/bigip.conf
• /config/bigip_local.conf
• /config/bigip_sys.conf
save all
Saves the entire running configuration into these stored configuration
• /config/bigip.conf
• /config/bigip_local.conf
• /config/bigip_base.conf
• /config/bigip_sys.conf
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 271
Appendix A
See also
bigpipe(1), load(1)
A - 272
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays or resets Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) statistics
for the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to display or reset SCTP statistics for the system.
sctp [show [all]]
sctp stats reset
Displays or resets SCTP statistics for the system.
Displays all SCTP statistics for the system:
sctp show all
See also
bigpipe(1), profile sctp (1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 273
Appendix A
Configures a self IP address for a VLAN.
Use this command to create, modify, display, and delete a self IP address.
self <self key list> {}
self (<self key list> | all) [{] <self arg list> [}]
<self key> ::=
(<ip addr> | none)
<self arg> ::=
vlan (<vlan key> | none)
netmask (<ip mask> | none)
unit <number>
floating (enable | disable)
allow (default | all | none | <protocol/service list>) [add | delete]
<protocol/service> ::=
(proto <protocol list> | (tcp | udp) <service list>)
self edit
self [<self key list> | all] list [all]
self [<self key list> | all] [show [all]]
self [<self key list> | all] addr [show]
self [<self key list> | all] allow [show]
self [<self key list> | all] floating [show]
self [<self key list> | all] netmask [show]
self [<self key list> | all] unit [show]
self [<self key list> | all] vlan [show]
self (<self key list> | all) delete
A self IP address is an IP address that is assigned to the system. Self IP
addresses are part of the configuration of the BIG-IP network components.
You must define at least one self IP address for each VLAN.
A - 274
bigpipe Command Reference
Adds the self IP address to the VLAN named internal:
self vlan internal
Enables a floating IP address on the external VLAN. The floating attribute
makes this virtual address available to whichever unit of a redundant system
is active at a given time. In other words, when the standby unit becomes the
active unit, it uses this virtual address. Only one of the units in a redundant
system can use the floating IP address at any given time.
self vlan external netmask floating enable
You can use the following options with the self command.
• addr
Specifies the self IP address for a VLAN.
• allow
Specifies the type of protocol/service that the VLAN handles.
• floating
Enables or disables a floating self IP address for the VLAN. A floating
self IP address is an additional self IP address for a VLAN that serves as
a shared address by both units of a BIG-IP redundant system.
• netmask
Specifies a netmask for the self IP address for the VLAN.
• self edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command self. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• unit
Specifies the unit number in a redundant system.
• vlan
Specifies the VLAN for which you are setting a self IP address. This
setting is required.
See also
vlan(1), vlangroup(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 275
Appendix A
self allow
Configures the default allow list for all self IP addresses on the BIG-IP
Use this command to delete, modify, or display the default allow list for all
self IP addresses on the BIG-IP system. The default allow list displays
which service and protocol ports allow connections from outside the system.
Connections made to a service or protocol port that is not on the list are
self allow {}
self allow [{] <self allow arg list> [}]
<self allow arg> ::=
default (<protocol/service list> | all | none) [add | delete]
<protocol/service> ::=
proto <protocol> | (tcp | udp) <service>
self allow edit
self allow list [all]
self allow [show [all]]
self allow default [show]
self allow delete
Use this command to modify, display, or delete the default allow list for all
self IP addresses on the BIG-IP system.
Sets the default allow list for all self IP addresses on the system to the
system default:
self allow default tcp 22 53 161 443 4353 udp 53 161 520 1026 4353 proto 89
Sets the default allow list for all self IP addresses on the system to TCP:
self allow default tcp 55
Displays the default allow list for all self IP addresses on the system:
self allow default
A - 276
bigpipe Command Reference
You can use the following options with the self allow command:
Specifies to set the default allow list to one of the following:
• all
Specifies all protocols and services allow connections from outside
the system. Use this option to open the system to complete access.
• none
Specifies that no protocols or services allow connections from outside
the system.
• protocol/service list
Specifies a list of protocols/services that allow connections from
outside the system.
Deletes the default self allow list.
self allow edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command self allow. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
vlan(1), vlangroup(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 277
Appendix A
Displays information about, and customizes the bigpipe shell.
Use this command to customize the bigpipe shell, and display information
about the shell.
shell {}
shell [{] <shell arg list> [}]
<shell arg> ::=
history <number>
prompt <string>
read partition <name>
write partition <name>
partition <name>
shell edit
shell [show [all]]
shell list [all]
shell history [show]
shell prompt [show]
shell read partition [show]
shell write partition [show]
shell partition [show]
When typed at the BIG-IP system prompt, the bigpipe shell command starts
the bigpipe utility in its shell mode and presents a prompt at which you can
type bigpipe commands. You can also use the bigpipe shell command from
the BIG-IP system prompt to configure the shell.
Once the bigpipe utility is started in its shell mode, you can use the shell
command to configure the shell.
Customizes the bigpipe shell prompt to display as F5>:
shell prompt F5>
Displays the bigpipe shell prompt, and the Read and Write partitions:
shell list
A - 278
bigpipe Command Reference
Specifies to save up to 100 commands in the bigpipe shell history:
shell history 100
Displays the maximum number of commands that the bigpipe shell saves in
the shell history file, $HOME/.bphistory-<user>.
shell history show
For users with access to all partitions, changes the partition to which you
have Write access to the partition named Application1:
shell write partition Application1
For users with access to all partitions, changes the partition to which you
have Read and Write access to the partition named Application2:
shell partition Application2
You can use these options with the shell command:
• history
Specifies the maximum number of commands that the bigpipe shell
saves in the shell history file, $HOME/.bphistory-<user>. The default
value is 50. A value of 0 (zero) specifies that the bigpipe shell does not
save any commands in history.
• prompt
Specifies a string to use for the bigpipe shell prompt. The default prompt
is bp>.
• read partition
Changes the partition to which you have Read access to the partition you
specify. This option is only available to users with access to all partitions.
• write partition
Changes the partition to which you have Write access to the partition you
specify. This option is only available to users with access to all partitions.
• partition
Changes the partition to which you have Read and Write access to the
partition you specify. This option is only available to users with access to
all partitions.
shell edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command shell. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
partition(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 279
Appendix A
Configures secure network address translation (SNAT).
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a SNAT.
snat <snat key list> {}
snat (<snat key list> | all) [{] <snat arg list> [}]
<snat key> ::=
<snat arg> ::=
mirror (enable | disable)
(none | automap)
origins (<ip addr list> | none) [add | delete]
translation <snat translation key>
snatpool (<snatpool key> | none)
vlans (<vlan key list> | none | all) (enable | disable)
<orig IP> ::= <IP addr> [mask <ip mask>]
snat [<snat key list> | all] stats reset
snat edit
snat [<snat key list> | all] [show [all]]
snat [<snat key list> | all] list [all]
snat [<snat key list> | all] mirror [show]
snat [<snat key list> | all] name [show]
snat [<snat key list> | all] origins [show]
snat [<snat key list> | all] snatpool [show]
snat [<snat key list> | all] stats [show]
snat [<snat key list> | all] translation [show]
snat [<snat key list> | all] type [show]
snat [<snat key list> | all] vlans [show]
snat (<snat key list> | all) delete
A - 280
bigpipe Command Reference
The snat command creates, deletes, sets properties on, and displays
information about SNATs. A SNAT defines the relationship between an
externally visible IP address, SNAT IP, or translated address, and a group of
internal IP addresses, or originating addresses, of individual servers at your
Creates the SNAT mysnat that translates the address of connections that
originate from the address to the translation address
snat mysnat { origin translation }
You can use these options with the snat command:
• automap
Turns on SNAT automapping. This setting can only be used when
snatpool and translation are not used.
• mirror
Enables or disables mirroring of SNAT connections.
• origin
Specifies an originating IP address. Note that originating addresses are
behind the unit. This setting is required.
• snatpool
Specifies the name of a SNAT pool. This setting can only be used when
automap and translation are not used.
• snat edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command snat. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• translation
Specifies a translated IP address. Note that translated addresses are
outside the traffic management system. This setting can only be used
when automap and snatpool are not used.
• type
Displays the type of SNAT. The types are automap, snatpool, and
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 281
Appendix A
• vlan
Specifies the name of the VLAN to which you want to assign the SNAT.
The default is vlans all enable.
See also
nat(1), snat translation(1), snatpool(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 282
bigpipe Command Reference
snat translation
Configures an explicit SNAT translation address.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete an explicit SNAT
translation address.
snat translation <snat translation key list> {}
snat translation (<snat translation key list> | all) [{] <snat translation arg list> [}]
<snat translation key> ::=
(<ip addr> | none)
<snat translation arg> ::=
(enable | disable)
unit <number>
arp (enable | disable)
limit <number>
tcp timeout (<number> | indefinite)
udp timeout (<number> | indefinite)
ip timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite)
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] stats reset
snat translation edit
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] [show [all]]
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] list [all]
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] addr [show]
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] arp [show]
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] enabled [show]
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] ip timeout [show]
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] limit [show]
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] stats[show]
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] tcp timeout [show]
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] udp timeout [show]
snat translation [<snat translation key list> | all] unit [show]
snat translation (<snat translation key list> | all) delete
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 283
Appendix A
Explicitly defines the properties of a SNAT translation address.
Disables Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) on all SNAT translation
snat translation all arp disable
You can use these options with the snat translation command:
• arp
Indicates whether or not the system responds to ARP requests or sends
gratuitous ARPs. The default is enable.
• ip timeout
Specifies the number of seconds that IP connections initiated using a
SNAT address are allowed to remain idle before being automatically
disconnected. Possible values are immediate, indefinite, or a number
that you specify.
• limit
Specifies the number of connections a translation address must reach
before it no longer initiates a connection. The default value of 0 indicates
that the setting is disabled.
• snat translation edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command snat translation. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• tcp timeout
Specifies the number of seconds that TCP connections initiated using a
SNAT address are allowed to remain idle before being automatically
disconnected. Possible values are immediate, indefinite, or a number
that you specify. The default setting is indefinite.
• udp timeout
Specifies the number of seconds that UDP connections initiated using a
SNAT address are allowed to remain idle before being automatically
disconnected. Possible values are immediate, indefinite, or a number
that you specify. The default setting is indefinite.
A - 284
bigpipe Command Reference
• unit
Specifies the unit number in a redundant system.
See also
nat(1), snat(1), snatpool(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 285
Appendix A
Configures a SNAT pool.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a SNAT pool.
snatpool <snatpool key list> {}
snatpool (<snatpool key list> | all) [{] <snatpool arg list> [}]
<snatpool key> ::=
<snatpool arg> ::=
members (<snatpool translation key list> | none) [add | delete]
<snat translation key> ::=
(<ip addr> | none)
snatpool [<snatpool key list> | all] stats reset
snatpool edit
snatpool [<snatpool key list> | all] [show [all]]
snatpool [<snatpool key list> | all] list [all]
snatpool [<snatpool key list> | all] members [show]
snatpool [<snatpool key list> | all] name [show]
snatpool [<snatpool key list> | all] stats [show]
snatpool (<snatpool key list> | all) delete
A SNAT pool is a pool of translation addresses that you can map to one or
more original IP addresses. Translation addresses in a SNAT pool are not
self-IP addresses. You can simply create a SNAT pool and then assign it as
a resource directly to a virtual server. This eliminates the need for you to
explicitly define original IP addresses to which to map translation addresses.
Creates the SNAT pool mysnatpool1 that contains the translation addresses
(members) and
snatpool mysnatpool1 { members }
A - 286
bigpipe Command Reference
Deletes the SNAT pool named mysnatpool1:
snatpool mysnatpool1 delete
You can use the following options with the snatpool command:
• members
Specifies to add a translation address to or delete a translation address
from a SNAT pool.
• snatpool edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command snatpool. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
nat(1), snat(1), snat translation(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 287
Appendix A
Configures the simple network management protocol (SNMP) daemon for
the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to configure the snmpd daemon for the system.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
snmpd [{] <snmpd arg list> [}]
<snmpd arg> ::=
agent address (<string list> | none) [add | delete]
agenttrap (enable | disable)
allow (<string list> | none) [add | delete]
authtrapenable (enable | disable)
bigip traps (enable | disable)
community (<community list> | none) [add | delete]
disk (<disk list> | none) [add | delete]
include (<string> | none)
l2forward vlan (<vlan key> | none | all) [add | delete]
load max1 <number>
load max15 <number>
load max5 <number>
proc (<proc list> | none) [add | delete]
syscontact (<string> | none)
syslocation (<string> | none)
sysservices <number>
trap2sink (<trap2sink list> | none) [add | delete]
trapcommunity (<string> | none)
trapsess (<trapsess list> | none) [add | delete]
trapsink (<trapsink list> | none) [add | delete]
trapsource (<ip addr> | none)
usmuser (<usmuser list> | none) [add | delete]
<community> ::= (<community key list> | all) [{] <community arg list> [}]
A - 288
bigpipe Command Reference
<community key> ::=
<community arg> ::=
access (ro | rw)
community name (<string> | none)
ipv6 (enable | disable)
oid (<string> | none)
source (<string> | none)
<disk> ::= (<disk key list> | all) [{] <disk arg list> [}]
<disk key> ::=
<disk arg> ::=
minspace <number>
minspace type (size | percent)
path (<string> | none)
<proc> ::= (<proc key list> | all) [{] <proc arg list> [}]
<proc key> ::=
<proc arg> ::=
max (<string> | none)
min <number>
process (<string> | none)
<trapsink> ::= (<trapsink key list> | all) [{] <trapsink arg list> [}]
<trapsink key> ::=
<trapsink arg> ::=
community (<string> | none)
host (<ip addr> | <host name> | none)
port <number>
<trap2sink> ::= (<trap2sink key list> | all) [{] <trap2sink arg list> [}]
<trap2sink key> ::=
<trap2sink arg> ::=
community (<string> | none)
host (<ip addr> | <host name> | none)
port <number>
<trapsess> ::= (<trapsess key list> | all) [{] <trapsess arg list> [}]
<trapsess key> ::=
<trapsess arg> ::=
auth password (crypt <string> | none | string | none)
auth protocol (MD5 | SHA | NONE)
community (<string> | none)
engine id (<string> | none)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 289
Appendix A
host (<ip addr> | <host name> | none)
port <number>
privacy password (crypt <string> | none | string | none)
privacy protocol (DES | NONE)
security level (noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv | authPriv)
security name (<string> | none)
version (1 | 2c | 3)
<usmuser> ::= (<usmuser key list> | all) [{] <usmuser arg list> [}]
<usmuser key> ::=
<usmuser arg> ::=
access (ro | rw)
auth password (crypt <string> | none | string | none)
auth protocol (MD5 | SHA | NONE)
oid (<string> | none)
privacy password (crypt <string> | none | string | none)
privacy protocol (DES | NONE)
security level (noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv | authPriv)
username (<string> | none)
snmpd edit
snmpd [show [all]]
snmpd list [all]
snmpd agent address [show]
snmpd agenttrap [show]
snmpd allow [show]
snmpd authtrapenable [show]
snmpd bigip traps [show]
snmpd community [<community key list> | all] [show]
snmpd community [<community key list> | all] access [show]
snmpd community [<community key list> | all] community name [show]
snmpd community [<community key list> | all] ipv6 [show]
snmpd community [<community key list> | all] oid [show]
snmpd community [<community key list> | all] partition [show]
snmpd community [<community key list> | all] source [show]
snmpd disk [<disk key list> | all] [show]
snmpd disk [<disk key list> | all] minspace [show]
snmpd disk [<disk key list> | all] minspace type [show]
snmpd disk [<disk key list> | all] partition [show]
snmpd disk [<disk key list> | all] path [show]
snmpd include [show]
snmpd l2forward vlan [show]
snmpd load max1 [show]
A - 290
bigpipe Command Reference
snmpd load max15 [show]
snmpd load max5 [show]
snmpd partition [show]
snmpd proc [<proc key list> | all] [show]
snmpd proc [<proc key list> | all] max [show]
snmpd proc [<proc key list> | all] min [show]
snmpd proc [<proc key list> | all] partition [show]
snmpd proc [<proc key list> | all] process [show]
snmpd syscontact [show]
snmpd syslocation [show]
snmpd sysservices [show]
snmpd trap2sink [<trap2sink key list> | all] [show]
snmpd trap2sink [<trap2sink key list> | all] community [show]
snmpd trap2sink [<trap2sink key list> | all] host [show]
snmpd trap2sink [<trap2sink key list> | all] partition [show]
snmpd trap2sink [<trap2sink key list> | all] port [show]
snmpd trapcommunity [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] auth password [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] auth protocol [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] community [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] engine id [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] host [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] partition [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] port [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] privacy password [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] privacy protocol [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] security level [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] security name [show]
snmpd trapsess [<trapsess key list> | all] version [show]
snmpd trapsink [<trapsink key list> | all] [show]
snmpd trapsink [<trapsink key list> | all] community [show]
snmpd trapsink [<trapsink key list> | all] host [show]
snmpd trapsink [<trapsink key list> | all] partition [show]
snmpd trapsink [<trapsink key list> | all] port [show]
snmpd trapsource [show]
snmpd usmuser [<usmuser key list> | all] [show]
snmpd usmuser [<usmuser key list> | all] access [show]
snmpd usmuser [<usmuser key list> | all] auth password [show]
snmpd usmuser [<usmuser key list> | all] auth type [show]
snmpd usmuser [<usmuser key list> | all] oid [show]
snmpd usmuser [<usmuser key list> | all] partition [show]
snmpd usmuser [<usmuser key list> | all] privacy password [show]
snmpd usmuser [<usmuser key list> | all] privacy protocol [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 291
Appendix A
snmpd usmuser [<usmuser key list> | all] username [show]
Use this command to configure the snmpd daemon for the system.
F5 recommends that users of the Configuration utility exit the utility before
changes are made to the system using the command snmpd. This is because
making changes to the system using the command snmpd causes a restart of
the snmpd daemon. Likewise, restarting the snmpd daemon creates the
necessity for a restart of the Configuration utility.
Specifies that the person who administers the snmpd daemon for the system
can be reached using the email address, [email protected]:
snmpd syscontact [email protected]
Specifies that the physical location of the system is the central office:
snmpd syslocation "central office"
Disables agent traps:
snmpd agenttrap disable
Adds a range of SNMP clients to the /etc/hosts.allow file:
snmpd allow
Adds the SNMP version 2c trapsess, ts1, to the system. The IP address of
ts1 is and the community that has access to ts1 is public:
snmpd trapsses ts1 { host community public }
Adds the SNMP version 2 trapsink, number1, to the system. The host of
number1 is, the port is 162, and the community that has access
to number1 is public.
snmpd trap2sink number1 { community public host port 162 }
Adds an SNMP version 3 trapsess, ts2, to the system:
snmpd trapsess ts2 { host community public auth protocol MD5 \
auth password myAuthPassword engine id 80001030204 security level authNoPriv \
security name mySecurityName version 3 }
Creates a community specification, named community1, for the BIG-IP
system. community1 includes a community, named mycommunity, that
provides read-only access to the host at This host cannot be
an IPv6 address. The oid for this community is 5:
snmpd community community1 { community name mycommunity access ro source\
oid 5 ipv6 disable }
A - 292
bigpipe Command Reference
Replaces the default community specification for the BIG-IP system. Using
this command, the default community includes a community, named public,
that provides read-only access to the default host. The oid for this
community is 1:
snmpd community default { community name public source default oid 1 access ro }
Deletes the default community for the BIG-IP system:
snmpd community default delete
Disables monitoring of the snmpd load average on the BIG-IP system:
snmpd load max1 0 load max5 0 load max15 0
You can use the following commands with the snmpd command:
agent address
Indicates that the SNMP agent listens on the specified address. F5
recommends that you do not change this setting without fully
understanding the impact of the change.
Specifies, when enabled, that snmpd sends traps, for example, start/stop
traps. The default setting is enable.
Adds or deletes IP addresses for the SNMP clients from which the
snmpd daemon accepts requests. An SNMP client is a system that runs
the SNMP manager software for the purpose of remotely managing the
BIG-IP system. The default value is 127.
Specifies, when enabled, the snmpd daemon generates authentication
failure traps. The default setting is disable.
bigip traps
Specifies, when enabled, that the BIG-IP system sends device warning
traps to the trap destinations. The default value is enable.
Adds or deletes a community. Note that you must include a community
key, and you must enclose the attributes in braces. The options are
additive, and include:
• access
Specifies the community access level to the MIB. The options are ro
(Read-Only community), and rw (Read-Write community). The
default value is ro.
• community name
Specifies the name of the community that you are adding or deleting.
This setting is required. The default value is public.
• ipv6
Enables or disables IPv6 addresses for the community that you are
adding or deleting. The default value is disable.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 293
Appendix A
• oid
Specifies to restrict access for the community to every object below
the specified object identifier (OID) for the record.
• source
Specifies the source addresses with the specified community name
that can access the management information base (MIB). The default
value is default, which means allow any source address to access the
Checks the disks mounted at the specified path for available disk space.
The options are:
• minspace type
Specifies a minimum disk space measurement type of either size (in
kBs) or percent. Please note that the minspace setting is based on the
this setting.
• minspace
Specifies the minimum disk space threshold in either kBs or
percentage based on the minspace type setting. If the available disk
space is less than this amount, the associated entry in the MIB table is set to (1) and a descriptive error
message is returned to queries of
• path
Specifies the path to the disk that the system checks for disk space.
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
l2forward vlan
Specifies the VLANs for which you want the snmpd daemon to expose
Layer 2 forwarding information. Layer 2 forwarding is the means by
which frames are exchanged directly between hosts, with no IP routing
• none
This is the default value; it means this parameter is not set.
Important: The default is not the same as setting the l2forward vlan
parameter to the string "none," which indicates that you do not want
the snmpd daemon to expose Layer 2 forwarding for any VLAN.
• <vlan key>
Specifies the names of the VLANs for which the snmpd daemon
exposes Layer 2 forwarding information. The snmpd daemon
overwrites the value of the sysL2ForwardAttrVlan object identifier
(OID) with the specified VLAN names. Once you set this parameter,
users cannot change the value of the sysL2FowardAttrVlan OID
using the SNMP set method.
A - 294
bigpipe Command Reference
• all
Specifies that the snmpd daemon exposes Layer 2 forwarding
information for all VLANs. Warning: When you set this parameter to
all, the system can create a very large table of statistics, and
potentially affect system performance.
load max1
Specifies the maximum 1-minute load average of the machine. If the load
exceeds this threshold, the associated entry in the MIB table is set to (1) and a descriptive error
message is returned to queries of
Note that when you specify a 0 (zero) for all three of the load max1,
load max5, and load max15 options, the system does not monitor the
load average.
load max15
Specifies the maximum 15-minute load average of the machine. If the
load exceeds this threshold, the associated entry in the MIB table is set to (1) and a descriptive error
message is returned to queries of
Note that when you specify a 0 (zero) for all three of the load max1,
load max5, and load max15 options, the system does not monitor the
load average.
load max5
Specifies the maximum 5-minute load average of the machine. If the load
exceeds this threshold, the associated entry in the MIB table is set to (1) and a descriptive error
message is returned to queries of
Note that when you specify a 0 (zero) for all three of the load max1,
load max5, and load max15 options, the system does not monitor the
load average.
Displays the partition within which the snmpd daemon resides.
Specifies to check the machine to determine if the specified process is
running. An error flag (1) and a description message are passed to the and MIB columns
(respectively) if the specified program is not found in the process table as
reported by /bin/ps -e.
F5 recommends that you do not modify or delete system processes;
however, you can add, modify, or delete user-defined processes.
• max
Specifies the maximum number of instances of the process that can
run. If min and max settings are not specified, the max setting is 1 by
default. The maximum is infinity.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 295
Appendix A
• min
Specifies the minimum number of instances of the process that can
run. If max setting is specified, but min setting is not specified, the
min setting is 1 by default.
• process
Specifies the name of the process for which you are checking. The
maximum length for a process name is 16 characters.
snmpd edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command snmpd. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only snmpd { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on the syntax
you entered. You must run the save all command to save this change to
the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
Specifies the name of the person who administers the snmpd daemon for
this system.
Describes this system's physical location.
Specifies the value of the system.sysServices.0 object.
Adds or deletes an SNMP version 2 trap destination. Note that you must
include a trap2sink key, and you must enclose the attributes in braces.
• community
Specifies the community name for the trap destination that you are
adding or deleting.
• host
Specifies the IP address or the FQDN for the trap2sink host that you
are adding or deleting. Note that you must configure the DNS Server
on the BIG-IP system. You can use the dns command to do this.
• port
Specifies the port for the trap destination that you are adding or
deleting. The default setting is 162.
A - 296
Specifies the common community name for the trap destination.
bigpipe Command Reference
Adds or deletes an SNMP trap destination. Note that you must include a
trapsess key, and you must enclose the attributes in braces.
• auth password
Specifies the authentication password only for an SNMP version 3
trap. Note that if you enter an authentication password, the auth
protocol option cannot equal NONE.
• auth protocol
Specifies the authentication method only for an SNMP version 3 trap.
The default value is NONE. You must use capital letters for the
following authentication methods:
• MD5
Specifies that the system uses the MD5 algorithm to authenticate
the user. This option is valid only for SNMP version 3.
Specifies that the system uses the secure hash algorithm (SHA) to
authenticate the user. This option is valid only for SNMP version
Specifies that user does not require authentication. Note that if
you use this option, you do not use the auth password option.
This option is not valid for SNMP version 3.
• engine id
Specifies the authoritative security engine ID for SNMP version 3.
• host
Specifies the IP address or the FQDN for the trapsess host that you
are adding or deleting. Note that you must configure the DNS Server
on the BIG-IP system. You can use the dns command to do this. This
setting is required.
• port
Specifies the port for the trapsess destination. The default setting is
• privacy password
Specifies the privacy pass phrase to use for encrypted SNMP version
3 messages. Note that if you enter a privacy password, the privacy
protocol option cannot equal NONE. Use this setting to set only
SNMP version 3 traps.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 297
Appendix A
• privacy protocol
Specifies the encryption protocol to use to deliver authentication
information for this trapsess. The default value is NONE. Use this
setting to set only SNMP version 3 traps. You must use the specified
case for the following options exactly:
Specifies that the system encrypts the user information using
DES (Data Encryption Standard). This option is valid only for
SNMP version 3.
Specifies that the system does not encrypt the user information.
Note that if you use this option, you do not use the privacy
password option.
• security level
Specifies the security level for the trapsess. The default value is
noAuthNoPriv. Use this setting to set only SNMP version 3 traps.
You must use the specified case for the following options exactly:
• noAuthNoPriv
Specifies that if the system cannot authenticate the user, the
system does not grant the user access to the system. This setting
is required if the SNMP version is other than version 3.
• authNoPriv
Specifies that the SNMP trap destination uses the auth protocol
setting, but not the privacy protocol setting. Note that if you use
this option, auth protocol cannot be NONE, and auth password
must be set. This option is valid only for SNMP version 3.
• authPriv
Specifies that the SNMP trap destination uses both the
authentication protocol setting and the privacy protocol
setting. Note that if you use this option, auth protocol cannot be
set to NONE, and privacy protocol cannot be set to NONE. This
option is valid only for SNMP version 3.
• security name
Specifies the security name the system uses to authenticate SNMP
version 3 messages.
• version
Specifies to which SNMP version the trap destination applies. The
default value is 2c.
A - 298
bigpipe Command Reference
Adds or deletes an SNMP version 1 trap destination.
• community
Specifies the community name for the trap destination.
• host
Specifies the IP address or the FQDN for the trapsink host that you
are adding or deleting. Note that you must configure the DNS Server
on the BIG-IP system. You can use the dns command to do this.
• port
Specifies the port for the trapsink destination.
Specifies the source of the SNMP trap. The default value is none.
Adds or deletes a user for which you are setting an SNMP access level
for SNMP version 3. Note that you must include a usmuser key, and you
must enclose the attributes in braces. The options are additive and
• access
Specifies the user access level to the MIB. The default value is ro
(Read Only).
• authpassword
Specifies the user’s authentication password. Note that if you enter an
authentication password, the auth type option cannot equal NONE.
• auth protocol
Specifies the authentication method for this user. This setting is
required. You must use capital letters for the following authentication
• MD5
Specifies that the system uses the MD5 algorithm to authenticate
the user.
Specifies that the system uses the secure hash algorithm (SHA) to
authenticate the user.
Specifies that user does not require authentication.
• oid
Specifies an object identifier (OID) for the record.
• privacy password
Specifies the password for the user. Note that if you enter a privacy
password, the privacy protocol option cannot equal NONE.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 299
Appendix A
• privacy protocol
Specifies the encryption protocol to use to deliver authentication
information for this user. Note that if you enter a privacy protocol, the
auth type option cannot equal NONE. This setting is required. You
must use capital letters for the following authentication methods:
Specifies that the system encrypts the user information using
DES. This option is valid only for SNMP version 3.
Specifies that the system does not encrypt the user information.
Note that if you use this option, you do not use the privacy
password option.
• security level
Specifies the security level for the user. The default value is
noAuthNoPriv. Use this setting to set only SNMP version 3 traps.
You must use the specified case for the following options exactly:
• noAuthNoPriv
Specifies that if the user cannot be authenticated, the system does
not grant access to the system. This setting is required if the
SNMP version is other than version 3.
• authNoPriv
Specifies that the SNMP trap destination uses the auth protocol
setting, but not the privacy protocol setting. Note that if you use
this option, auth protocol cannot be NONE, and auth password
must be set. This option is valid only for SNMP version 3.
• authPriv
Specifies that the SNMP trap destination uses the authentication
protocol setting and the privacy protocol setting. Note that if
you use this option, auth protocol cannot be set to NONE, and
privacy protocol cannot be set to NONE. This option is valid
only for SNMP version 3.
• username
Specifies the name of the user who is using SNMP version 3 to access
the MIB. This setting is required.
See also
bigpipe(1), httpd(1), ntp(1), dns(1), sshd(1)
A - 300
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures the Secure Shell (SSH) daemon for the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to configure the sshd daemon on the system.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
You must enter the values for the loglevel argument using the exact case
shown below. In other words, to assign a log level of ERROR, you use the
syntax: sshd loglevel ERROR.
sshd [{] <sshd arg list> [}]
<sshd arg> ::=
allow (<string list> | none) [add | delete]
banner (enable | disable)
banner text (<string> | none)
inactivity timeout <number>
include (<string> | none)
login (enable | disable)
sshd edit
sshd [show [all]]
sshd list [all]
sshd allow
sshd banner [show]
sshd banner text [show]
sshd inactivity timeout [show]
sshd include [show]
sshd login [show]
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 301
Appendix A
sshd loglevel [show]
sshd partition [show]
Use the sshd command to configure a secure channel between the BIG-IP
system and other devices.
F5 recommends that users of the Configuration utility exit the utility before
changes are made to the system using the sshd command. This is because
making changes to the system using the sshd command causes a restart of
the sshd daemon. Likewise, restarting the sshd daemon creates the necessity
for a restart of the Configuration utility.
Creates an initial range of IP addresses ( with a netmask of that are allowed to log on to the system:
sshd allow
Adds the IP address,, to the existing list of IP addresses that
are allowed to log on to the system:
sshd allow add
Enables SSH logon to the system:
sshd login enable
Sets an inactivity timeout of 60 minutes for SSH logons to the system:
sshd inactivity timeout 3600
Sets the sshd message log level to ERROR:
sshd loglevel ERROR
In the following examples, the banner text can be composed of multiple
lines, but you must type (double) quotation marks around the text, and type
apostrophes (single quotation marks) outside the (double) quotation marks.
Enables the display of an SSH banner upon logon, and sets the contents of
that banner to: NOTICE: Improper use of this computer is prohibited.
sshd banner enable banner text ‘"NOTICE: Improper use of this
computer may result in prosecution!"’
Creates a three-line banner that displays when a user attempts to log on to a
system using SSH.
sshd banner enable banner text
This system is private.
Illegal use is punishable by law.
A - 302
bigpipe Command Reference
You can use the following options with the sshd command:
• allow
Adds a server to or removes a server from the /etc/hosts.allow file. Use
this option to either add servers to the BIG-IP system that are allowed to
access the system, or delete these servers from the system.
Warning: Using the value none resets the sshd daemon to allow all
servers access to the system. F5 recommends that you do not use the
value none with the sshd command.
• banner
Enables or disables the display of the banner text field when a user logs
in to the system using SSH. The default value is disable.
• banner text
When banner is enabled, specifies the text to include in the banner that
displays when a user attempts to log on to the system.
• inactivity timeout
Specifies the number of seconds before inactivity causes an SSH session
to log off. The default value is 0 (zero) seconds, which indicates that
inactivity timeout is disabled.
• include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
• login
Enables or disables SSH logons to the system. The default is enable.
• loglevel
Specifies the minimum sshd message level to include in the system log.
You must enter the following values in capital letters:
Indicates that the minimum sshd message level that the system logs is
the specified debugging level.
Indicates that the minimum sshd message level that the system logs is
Indicates that the minimum sshd message level that the system logs is
Indicates that the minimum sshd message level that the system logs is
Indicates that the system does not log sshd messages.
Indicates that the system logs all sshd messages.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 303
Appendix A
• partition
Displays the partition within which the sshd daemon resides.
sshd edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects that you
use the command sshd to create. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only sshd { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on your
additions. You must run the save all command to save this change to the
stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
bigpipe(1), ntp(1), dns(1), httpd(1), snmpd(1)
A - 304
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays or resets Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) statistics for the BIG-IP
Use this command to display or reset SSL statistics for the system.
ssl [show [all]]
ssl stats reset
Displays or resets SSL statistics for the system.
Displays all SSL statistics for the system:
ssl show all
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 305
Appendix A
Configures connection mirroring for a BIG-IP unit that is part of a
redundant system.
Use this command to enable and configure connection mirroring for the
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
statemirror [{] <statemirror arg list> [}]
<statemirror arg> ::=
addr (<ip addr> | none)
peer addr (<ip addr> | none)
secondary addr (<ip addr> | none)
secondary peer addr (<ip addr> | none)
state (enable | disable)
statemirror edit
statemirror [show [all]]
statemirror list [all]
statemirror addr [show]
statemirror partition [show]
statemirror peer addr [show]
statemirror secondary addr [show]
statemirror secondary peer addr [show]
statemirror state [show]
A - 306
bigpipe Command Reference
You use this command to configure connection mirroring on a system that is
part of a redundant pair in a high availability system. Connection mirroring
is the process of duplicating connections from the active system to the
standby system. Enabling this setting ensures a higher level of connection
reliability, but it may also have an impact on system performance.
Enables and configures connection mirroring for a high availability system
in which one BIG-IP system has an IP address of and its peer
has an IP address of
statemirror state enable addr peer addr
Re-enables connection mirroring for a system for which connection
mirroring was disabled.
statemirror state enable
You can use the following options with the statemirror command:
• addr
Specifies the primary self-IP address on this unit to which the peer unit
mirrors its connections. This is a required setting.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the statemirror object resides.
• peer addr
Specifies the primary self-IP address on the peer unit to which this unit
mirrors its connections. This is a required setting.
• secondary addr
Specifies another self-IP address on this unit to which the peer unit
mirrors its connections when the primary address is unavailable.
• secondary peer addr
Specifies another self-IP address on the peer unit to which this unit
mirrors its connections when the primary peer address is unavailable.
• state
Enables or disables connection mirroring. The default is enable.
statemirror edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects that you
use the command statemirror to create. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 307
Appendix A
When the text editor opens, if only statemirror { } displays, you can
type parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor,
the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on your
additions. You must run the save all command to save this change to the
stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
bigpipe(1), failover(1)
A - 308
bigpipe Command Reference
Discontinues command continuation.
Use this command to discontinue command continuation.
If you type any command using an unbalanced opening brace, the bigpipe
shell stores the command entered up to that point. The shell stores any
subsequent commands in a similar way until you type a command that
closes all open braces, or you type the stop command.
Suppose you type the auth radius command, with an opening brace, but no
closing brace:
bp> auth radius rad-1 {
The shell does nothing. At this point, you can continue to type more options
for the auth radius command:
debug enable
retries 4
The shell continues to gather the syntax for the command. When finished
typing, you can either type a command containing a closing brace (}), in
which case the shell runs the full command sequence that you typed, or you
can type:
The shell presents an empty prompt:
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 309
Appendix A
Configures spanning tree protocols on the system.
Use this command to modify or display an RSTP, MSTP, or STP
stp {}
stp [{] <stp arg list> [}]
<stp arg> ::=
config name (<string> | none)
config revision <number>
forward delay <number>
hello <number>
max age <number>
max hops <number>
mode (stp | rstp | mstp | disable | passthru)
transmit hold <number>
stp edit
stp [show [all]]
stp list [all]
stp config name [show]
stp config revision [show]
stp forward delay [show]
stp hello [show]
stp max age [show]
stp max hops [show]
stp mode [show]
stp transmit hold [show]
Provides the ability to configure spanning tree protocols for the traffic
management system. Spanning tree protocols are Layer 2 protocols for
preventing bridging loops. The system supports multiple spanning tree
protocol (MSTP), rapid spanning tree protocol (RSTP), and spanning tree
protocol (STP).
A - 310
bigpipe Command Reference
Sets the STP mode to passthru. Passthru mode forwards spanning tree
bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) received on any interface to all other
stp mode passthru
Sets the STP mode to disable. No STP, RSTP, or MSTP packets are
transmitted or received on the interface or trunk, and the spanning tree
algorithm exerts no control over forwarding or learning on the port or the
stp mode disable
You can use these options with the stp command:
config name
Specifies the configuration name (1 - 32 characters in length) only when
the spanning tree mode is MSTP. The default configuration name is a
string representation of a globally-unique MAC address belonging to the
traffic management system.
The MSTP standard introduces the concept of spanning tree regions,
which are groups of adjacent bridges with identical configuration names,
configuration revision levels, and assignments of VLANs to spanning
tree instances.
config revision
Specifies the revision level of the MSTP configuration only when the
spanning tree mode is MSTP. The specified number must be in the range
0 to 65535. The default is 0.
forward delay
In the original Spanning Tree Protocol, the forward delay parameter
controlled the number of seconds for which an interface was blocked
from forwarding network traffic after a reconfiguration of the spanning
tree topology. This parameter has no effect when RSTP or MSTP are
used, as long as all bridges in the spanning tree use the RSTP or MSTP
protocol. If any legacy STP bridges are present, then neighboring bridges
must fall back to the old protocol, whose reconfiguration time is affected
by the forward delay value. The default forward delay value is 15, and
the valid range is 4 to 30.
Specifies the time interval in seconds between the periodic transmissions
that communicate spanning tree information to the adjacent bridges in
the network. The default is 2 seconds, and the valid range is 1 to 10. The
default hello time is optimal in virtually all cases. Changing the hello
time is not recommended.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 311
Appendix A
max age
Specifies the number of seconds for which spanning tree information
received from other bridges is considered valid. The default is 20
seconds, and the valid range is 6 to 40 seconds.
max hops
Specifies the maximum number of hops an MSTP packet may travel
before it is discarded. Use this option only when the spanning tree mode
is MSTP. The number of hops must be in the range of 1 to 255 hops. The
default number of hops is 20.
Specifies one of three spanning tree modes:
• stp
STP mode is supported for legacy systems. If STP is detected in the
network, the traffic management system changes to STP mode even
when the mode option is set to rstp or mstp.
• rstp
The default mode is RSTP, or rapid spanning tree protocol. RSTP
converges to a fully-connected state quickly.
• mstp
MSTP mode supports multiple spanning tree instances. The spanning
tree instances operate independently of one another. Each instance
asserts control over one or more VLANs, called the members of the
spanning tree instance. STP and RSTP do not support multiple
spanning tree instances. They support only a single instance (instance
0), which contains all VLANs.
• disabled
Disabled mode discards spanning tree bridge protocol data units
(BPDUs) received on any interface.
• passthru
Passthru mode forwards spanning tree bridge protocol data units
(BPDUs) received on any interface to all other interfaces. Essentially,
passthru mode makes the traffic management system transparent to
spanning tree BPDUs.
stp edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects that you
use the command stp to create. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only stp { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on your
additions. You must run the save all command to save this change to the
stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
A - 312
bigpipe Command Reference
transmit hold
Specifies the absolute limit on the number of spanning tree protocol
packets the traffic management system may transmit on a port in any
hello time interval. It is used to ensure that spanning tree packets do not
unduly load the network even in unstable situations. The default is 6
packets, and the valid range is 1 to 10 packets.
See also
interface(1), stp instance(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 313
Appendix A
stp instance
Configures an STP configuration instance.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete an STP configuration
stp instance <stp instance key list> {}
stp instance (<stp instance key list> | all) [{] <stp instance arg list> [}]
<stp instance key> ::=
<stp instance arg> ::=
vlans (<vlan key list> | none) [add | delete]
priority <number>
interfaces (<stp interface list> | none) [add | delete]
trunks (<stp interface list> | none) [add | delete]
<stp interface key> ::=
<stp interface arg> ::=
external path cost <number>
internal path cost <number>
priority <number>
stp instance (<stp instance key list> | all) stats reset
stp edit
stp instance [<stp instance key list> | all] [show [all]]
stp instance [<stp instance key list> | all] list [all]
stp instance [<stp instance key list> | all] interfaces [show]
stp instance [<stp instance key list> | all] priority [show]
stp instance [<stp instance key list> | all] stats [show]
stp instance [<stp instance key list> | all] trunk [show]
stp instance [<stp instance key list> | all] vlans [show]
stp instance (<stp instance key list> | all) delete
A - 314
bigpipe Command Reference
Creates, modifies, and displays an STP configuration instance.
Displays all STP instances on the system:
stp instance show
Lists the configuration information for all STP instances:
stp instance list
All members are removed from the instance, and then the instance itself is
deleted. Spanning tree instance 0 (the Common and Internal Spanning Tree)
cannot be deleted. This command may be used only in MSTP mode:
stp instance 2 delete
You can use these options with the stp instance command:
Specifies a list of VLAN names.
Specifies the priority number. Each bridge in a spanning tree instance has
a priority value. The relative values of the bridge priorities control the
topology of the spanning tree chosen by the protocol. The bridge with the
lowest priority value (numerically) becomes the root of the spanning tree.
Priority values vary from 0 to 61440 in increments of 4096.
interface path cost
Specifies the interface internal or external path cost number. Each
network interface has an associated path cost within each spanning tree
instance. The path cost represents the relative cost of sending network
traffic through that interface. In calculating the spanning tree, the
algorithm tries to minimize the total path cost between each point of the
tree and the root bridge. By manipulating the path costs of different
interfaces it is possible to steer traffic toward paths that are faster, more
reliable, and/or more economical. Path costs can take values in the range
1 to 200,000,000. The default path cost for an interface is based on the
interface's maximum speed, not its actual speed.
In MSTP mode there are two kinds of path cost: external and internal.
The external path cost applies only to spanning tree instance 0, the
Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST). It is used to calculate the
cost to reach an adjacent spanning tree region. Independently, internal
path costs can be set for each spanning tree instance (including instance
0) in MSTP mode. The internal path costs are used to calculate the costs
of reaching adjacent bridges within the same spanning tree region.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 315
Appendix A
interface priority
Specifies the interface priority number. Each network interface has an
associated priority within each spanning tree instance. The relative
values of the interface priorities influence which interfaces are chosen to
carry network traffic. All other things being equal, interfaces with
numerically lower priority values are favored to carry traffic. Interface
priorities take values in the range 0 to 240 in increments of 16. The
default interface priority is 128, the middle of the valid range.
stp instance edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects that you
use the command stp instance to create. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only stp instance { } displays, you can
type parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor,
the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on your
additions. You must run the save all command to save this change to the
stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
trunk path cost
Specifies the trunk internal or external path cost number.
In MSTP mode there are two kinds of path cost: external and internal.
The external path cost applies only to spanning tree instance 0, the
Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST). It is used to calculate the
cost to reach an adjacent spanning tree region. Independently, internal
path costs can be set for each spanning tree instance (including instance
0) in MSTP mode. The internal path costs are used to calculate the costs
of reaching adjacent bridges within the same spanning tree region.
trunk priority
Specifies the trunk priority number. Each network trunk has an
associated priority within each spanning tree instance. The relative
values of the trunk priorities influence which trunks are chosen to carry
network traffic. All other things being equal, trunks with numerically
lower priority values are favored to carry traffic. Trunk priorities take
values in the range 0 to 240 in increments of 16. The default trunk
priority is 128, the middle of the valid range.
See also
interface(1), stp(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 316
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays or resets global stream statistics for the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to display or reset global stream statistics for the system.
stream stats reset
stream [show [all]]
Displays or resets stream statistics for the system.
Displays the global stream statistics for the system:
stream show
Resets all global stream statistics on the system:
stream stats reset
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 317
Appendix A
Identifies unintended modifications to BIG-IP system files.
Use this command at the BIG-IP system prompt to identify any unintended
modifications to BIG-IP system files. Note that a hot fix (patch) is an
intended modification that will not be identified by the sys-icheck
sys-icheck [options]
You can use these options with the sys-icheck command.
• -h
Use this option to show help for the sys-reset command.
• -w
Use this option to report Warn issues, as well as the default, Error
• -i
Use this option to report Info and Warn issues, as well as the default,
Error issues.
The sys-icheck command identifies any unintended modifications to BIG-IP
system files and returns Error issues. Use the options to report Warn or
Info issues, as well.
Runs the sys-icheck utility, and returns Info, Error, and Warn issues:
sys-reset -i
See also
A - 318
bigpipe Command Reference
Returns the configuration of the system to the factory default (installation
time) state.
Use this command at the BIG-IP system prompt to return the configuration
of the system to the factory default (installation time) state.
sys-reset [options]
You can use these options with the sys-reset command.
• -h
Use this option to show help for the sys-reset command.
• -p
Use this option to ignore all applied hot fixes.
• -s
Use this option to prevent the /shared file system from being changed.
• -u
Use this option to ignore unrecoverable file errors.
The sys-reset command runs the sys-icheck utility, and if there are no
system integrity issues, returns the system to the factory default state. Note
that if you have applied hot fixes (patches) to your system, you must specify
an override option for sys-reset to run.
Runs the sys-reset command to restore the system to the factory default
state ignoring any hot fixes that have been applied to the system:
sys-reset -p
Runs the sys-reset command to restore the system to the factory default state
without changing the /shared file system.
sys-reset -s
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 319
Appendix A
Configures the system log, /var/run/config/syslog-ng.conf.
Use this command to configure the system log.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
syslog [{] <syslog arg list> [}]
<syslog arg> ::=
authpriv from (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
authpriv to (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
cron from (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
cron to (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
daemon from (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
daemon to (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
include (<string> | none)
kern from (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
kern to (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
local ip (<ip addr> | none)
mail from (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
mail to (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
messages from (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
messages to (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
remote port <number>
remote server (<ip addr> | none)
userlog from (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
userlog to (emerg | alert | crit | err | warning | notice | info | debug)
syslog edit
syslog [show [all]]
syslog list [all]
syslog authpriv from [show]
A - 320
bigpipe Command Reference
syslog authpriv to [show]
syslog cron from [show]
syslog cron to [show]
syslog daemon from [show]
syslog daemon to [show]
syslog include [show]
syslog kern from [show]
syslog kern to [show]
syslog local ip [show]
syslog mail from [show]
syslog mail to [show]
syslog messages from [show]
syslog messages to [show]
syslog partition [show]
syslog remote port [show]
syslog remote server [show]
syslog userlog from [show]
syslog userlog to [show]
Use this command to configure the system log.
Resets the message range of the security/authorization messages that are
included in the system log to messages with a level of warning, error,
critical, alert, and emergency:
syslog authpriv from warning
You can use the following options with the syslog command:
• authpriv from
Specifies the lowest level of security/authorization messages to include
in the log. The default value is notice.
• authpriv to
Specifies the highest level of messages about user authentication to
include in the log. The default value is emerg.
• cron from
Specifies the lowest level of messages about time-based scheduling to
include in the log. The default value is warning.
• cron to
Specifies the highest level of messages about time-based scheduling to
include in the log. The default value is emerg.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 321
Appendix A
• daemon from
Specifies the lowest level of messages about daemon performance to
include in the log. The default value is notice.
• daemon to
Specifies the highest level of messages about daemon performance to
include in the log. The default value is emerg.
• include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
• kern from
Specifies the lowest level of kern messages to include in the log. The
default value is notice.
• kern to
Specifies the highest level of kern messages to include in the log. The
default value is emerg.
• local ip
Specifies the IP address of the interface that the syslog-ng utility binds
with in order to log messages to a remote host. For example, if you want
the syslog-ng utility to log messages to a remote host that is connected to
a VLAN, you set this parameter to the self IP address of the VLAN.
• mail from
Specifies the lowest level of mail log messages to include in the log. The
default value is notice.
• mail to
Specifies the highest level of mail log messages to include in the log. The
default value is emerg.
• messages from
Specifies the lowest level of system messages to include in the log. The
default value is notice.
• messages to
Specifies the highest level of system messages to include in the log. The
default value is warning.
• remote port
Specifies the port number of a remote server to which the Syslog utility
sends messages. The default value is 514.
• remote server
Specifies the IP address of a remote server to which the Syslog utility
sends messages. The default value is none.
• syslog edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects that you
use the command syslog to create. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
A - 322
bigpipe Command Reference
When the text editor opens, if only syslog { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on your
additions. You must run the save all command to save this change to the
stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• userlog from
Specifies the lowest level of user account messages to include in the log.
The default value is notice.
• userlog to
Specifies the highest level of user account messages to include in the log.
The default value is emerg.
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 323
Appendix A
Sets up the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to set up the BIG-IP system.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
system [{] <system arg list> [}]
<system arg> ::=
archive encrypt (on | on request | off)
auth source type (local | ldap | radius | activedirectory | tacacs)
console inactivity timeout <number>
custom addr (<ip addr> | none)
failsafe action (failover | reboot | restart all | failover restart tm)
gui setup (enable | disable)
host addr mode (mgmt | statemirror | custom)
hostname (<string> | none)
hosts allow include (<string> | none)
lcd display (enable | disable)
net reboot (enable | disable)
quiet boot (enable | disable)
remote host (<remote host list> | none) [add | delete]
<remote host> ::= (<remote host key list> | all) [{] <remote host arg list> [}]
<remote host key> ::=
<remote host arg> ::=
addr (<ip addr> | none)
hostname (<string> | none)
system edit
system [show [all]]
system list [all]
A - 324
bigpipe Command Reference
system edit
system archive encrypt [show]
system auth source type [show]
system console inactivity timeout [show]
system custom addr [show]
system failsafe action [show]
system gui setup [show]
system host addr mode [show]
system hostname [show]
system hosts allow include [show]
system lcd display [show]
system net reboot [show]
system partition [show]
system quiet boot [show]
system remote host [<remote host key list> | all] [show]
system remote host [<remote host key list> | all] addr [show]
system remote host [<remote host key list> | all] hostname [show]
You use this command to set up the general properties of the BIG-IP system.
Sets up the BIG-IP system using the system defaults.
system {}
Resets all statistics for the system.
system stats reset
Sets up a remote host named bigip151 with an IP address of
and a host name of
system remote host bigip151 { addr hostname }
You can use these options with the system command:
archive encrypt
Specifies whether the system archive encryption feature is set to on,
off, or on request. The default value is on request. Note that you must
configure the system archive encrypt option in conjunction with the
configsync encrypt and configsync passphrase options.
The reason for this is when you perform a configuration synchronization
of two BIG-IP units in a redundant system, the process involves saving a
*.ucs file from one system onto the peer system, and then installing the
saved file on the peer system. You use the system archive encrypt
option to indicate whether the process of saving the *.ucs file creates an
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 325
Appendix A
encrypted or unencrypted file. For example, you can set the configsync
encrypt option to enable, and configure a passphrase using the
configsync passphrase option. If you use the default value, on request,
for the system archive encrypt option, then when a user saves the *.ucs
file, and provides the passphrase, the *.ucs file is encrypted. If the user
does not provide the passphrase, the *.ucs file is not encrypted.
auth source type
Specifies the default user authorization source. The default value is local.
When user accounts that access the BIG-IP system reside on a remote
server, the value of auth source type is the type of server that you are
using for authentication, for example, ldap.
console inactivity timeout
Specifies the number of seconds of inactivity before the console is
locked. The default value is 0. This means that no timeout is set.
custom addr
Indicates a user-specified IP address for the BIG-IP system. The default
value is none.
It is important to note that you must set the host addr mode option to
custom, if you want to specify an IP address using custom addr. For
more information, see the host addr mode option, following.
failsafe action
Specifies the action that the system takes when the switch board fails.
The default is failover restart tm.
• failover
Specifies that the active unit fails over to its peer.
• reboot
Specifies that after the active unit fails over to its peer, it reboots
while the peer processes the traffic.
• restart all
Specifies that the system restarts all system services.
• failover restart tm
Specifies that the active unit fails over to its peer and restarts the
traffic management service.
gui setup
Enables or disables the Setup utility in the browser-based Configuration
utility. The default value is enable.
When you configure a BIG-IP system using the command line interface,
disable this option. Disabling the gui setup option of the system
command allows your system administrators to use the browser-based
Configuration utility without having to run the Setup utility.
A - 326
host addr mode
Specifies the type of host address assigned to the system. The default
value is mgmt, which indicates that the host address is the management
port of the system.
bigpipe Command Reference
If you use the statemirror option, then the host address of the system is
shared by the other unit in a redundant system. In case of system failure,
the traffic to the other system is routed to this system.
If you use the custom option, you must specify a custom IP address for
the system using the custom addr option. For more information, see the
custom addr option, above.
Specifies a local name for the BIG-IP system. The default value is
hosts allow include
Warning: Do not use this parameter without assistance from the F5
Technical Support team. The system does not validate the commands
issued using the include parameter. If you use this parameter incorrectly,
you put the functionality of the system at risk.
lcd display
Enables or disables the system menu to display on the LCD panel on the
front of the BIG-IP system. The default is enable.
net reboot
Enables or disables the network reboot feature. The default is disable. If
you enable this feature and then reboot the system, the system boots from
an ISO image on the network, rather than from an internal media drive.
Use this option only when you want to install software on the system, for
example, for an upgrade or a re-installation. Note that this setting reverts
to disabled after you reboot the system a second time.
Displays the partition within which the system object resides.
quiet boot
Enables or disables the quiet boot feature. The default is enable. If you
enable this feature, the system suppresses informational text on the
console during the boot cycle.
remote host
Adds a remote host to or removes a remote host from the /etc/hosts file.
The default value is none. You must enter both an IP address and a fully
qualified domain name (FQDN) or alias for each host that you want to
add to the file.
• system edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects that you
use the command system to create. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if only system { } displays, you can type
parameters and values between the braces. When you exit the editor, the
BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based on your
additions. You must run the save all command to save this change to the
stored configuration files.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 327
Appendix A
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
A - 328
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays or resets TCP statistics for the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to display or reset TCP statistics for the BIG-IP system.
tcp stats reset
tcp [show [all]]
Display or reset TCP statistics for the system.
Resets TCP statistics for the system:
tcp stats reset
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 329
Appendix A
Displays or resets statistics about the tmm daemon.
Use this command to display or reset statistics about the tmm daemon.
tmm [<tmm key list> | all] stats reset
<tmm key> ::= (<number>.<number> | none)
tmm [<tmm key list> | all] [show [all]]
You use this command to view or reset statistics about the Traffic
Management Microkernel (tmm) daemon. The purpose of this daemon is
to direct all application traffic passing through the BIG-IP system.
You can use the following option with the tmm command:
• stats reset
Resets the statistics for the tmm daemon.
See also
A - 330
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures a trunk, with link aggregation.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a trunk.
trunk <trunk key list> {}
trunk (<trunk key list> | all) [{] <trunk arg list> [}]
<trunk key> ::=
<trunk arg> ::=
interfaces (<interface key list> | none) [add | delete]
lacp (enable | disable)
lacp mode (active | passive)
lacp timeout (short | long)
distribution (src dest mac | dest mac | src dest ip | src dest port | index)
policy (auto | max bw)
stp (enable | disable)
stp reset (enable | disable)
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] stats reset
trunk edit
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] [show [all]]
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] list [all]
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] distribution [show]
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] interfaces [show]
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] lacp [show]
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] lacp mode [show]
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] lacp timeout [show]
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] name [show]
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] policy [show]
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] stats [show]
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] stp [show]
trunk [<trunk key list> | all] stp reset [show]
trunk (<trunk key list> | all) delete
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 331
Appendix A
Link aggregation allows multiple physical links to be treated as one logical
link. It is also referred to as trunking. The main objective of link
aggregation is to provide increased bandwidth at a lower cost, without
having to upgrade hardware. The bandwidth of the aggregated trunk is the
sum of the capacity of individual member links. Thus it provides an option
for linearly incremental bandwidth as opposed to bandwidth options
available through physical layer technology. The traffic management system
supports link aggregation control protocol (LACP).
When a trunk is created, LACP is disabled by default. In this mode, no
control packets are exchanged and the member links carry traffic as long as
the physical layer is operational. In the event of physical link failure, an
LACP member is removed from the aggregation.
It should be noted that both endpoints of the trunk should have identical
LACP configuration in order to work properly. A mixed configuration
where one endpoint is LACP enabled and other LACP disabled is not valid.
Creates a trunk named mytrunk that includes the interfaces 1.1, 1.2, and
trunk mytrunk { interface 1.1 1.2 1.3 }
Enable LACP on the trunk named mytrunk:
trunk mytrunk lacp enable
Enable active LACP mode on the trunk mytrunk:
trunk mytrunk lacp mode active
You can use these options with the trunk command:
A - 332
Specifies the method of frame distribution. The options are src dest mac,
dest mac, or src dest ip. When frames are transmitted on a trunk, they
are distributed across the working member links. The distribution
function ensures that the frames belonging to a particular conversation
are neither mis-ordered nor duplicated at the receiving end. Distribution
is done by calculating a hash value based on source and destination
addresses carried in the frame, and associating the hash value with a link.
All frames with a particular hash value are transmitted on the same link,
thereby maintaining frame order.
Specifies a list of interface names separated by spaces.
Indicates whether to enable or disable Link Aggregation Control Protocol
bigpipe Command Reference
lacp mode
Sets the LACP mode to active or passive.
• In active mode, LACP packets are transmitted periodically, regardless
of peer systems control value.
• In passive mode, LACP packets are not transmitted periodically,
unless peer system's control value is active.
lacp timeout
Sets the LACP timeout to short or long. The default value is long.
• When you use the short timeout value, LACP packets are exchanged
every second.
• When you use the long timeout value, LACP packets are exchanged
every 30 seconds.
Sets the LACP policy to auto or max bw (maximum bandwidth). Link
aggregation is allowed only when all the interfaces are operating at the
same media speed and connected to the same partner aggregation system.
When there is a mismatch among configured members due to
configuration errors or topology changes (auto-negotiation), link
selection policy determines which links become working members and
form the aggregation.
• With auto link selection, the lowest numbered operational link is
chosen as the reference link. All the members that have the same
media speed and are connected to the same partner as that of the
reference link are declared as working members, and they are
aggregated. The other configured members do not carry traffic.
• With max bw link selection, a subset of links that gives maximum
aggregate bandwidth to the trunk is added to the aggregation.
Enables or disables spanning tree protocols (STP).
stp reset
Enables or disables STP reset.
trunk edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command trunk. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 333
Appendix A
See also
interface(1), vlan(1), vlangroup(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 334
bigpipe Command Reference
Displays or resets all UDP statistics for the system.
Use this command to display or reset all UDP statistics for the system.
udp stats reset
udp [show [all]]
Displays or resets all UDP statistics for the system.
Displays the UDP statistics for the system:
udp stats show
See also
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 335
Appendix A
Displays the unit ID for the unit, or peer unit, in a redundant system.
Use this command to display the unit ID of a unit in a redundant system.
unit [peer] [show]
Displays the unit ID for the unit, or peer unit, in a redundant system.
Displays the unit number of the peer unit in the redundant system:
unit peer show
Displays the unit number of the unit in the redundant system:
unit show
See also
ha table(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 336
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures user accounts for managing the BIG-IP system.
Use this command to create, display, modify, or delete user accounts on the
BIG-IP system.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
user <user key list> {}
user (<user key list> | all) [{] <user arg list> [}]
<user key> ::=
<user arg> ::=
password (<old password> <new password>)
description <string>
shell (<file name> | none)
role (administrator | resource admin | user manager | manager | \
app editor | operator | guest | policy editor | none) in (<partition key> | all)
user edit
You can create user accounts where the user names differ only by
case-sensitivity (for example, david and DAVID.) F5 Networks may
re-instate case-sensitivity in a future release. Note that there are
restrictions on reserved user names. For example, admin and root are
reserved names. You cannot create a user account using any variation of
these two names, such as Admin or ADMIN.
Only users with the Administrator or Resource Admin user role can save
user accounts. Therefore, if you have a user role other than one of these,
and you are creating or modifying user accounts, when you are done with
your work, you must contact an Administrator or Resource Admin to save
the user accounts to the bigip.conf file.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 337
Appendix A
user [<user key list> | all] [show [all]]
user [<user key list> | all] list [all]
user [<user key list> | all] role [show]
user [<user key list> | all] name [show]
user [<user key list> | all] password [show]
user [<user key list> | all] description [show]
user [<user key list> | all] home [show]
user [<user key list> | all] shell [show]
user [<user key list> | all] partition [show]
user (<user key list> | all) delete
The user command allows you to create, display, modify, or delete user
Creates a new user in the pm_users partition:
shell write partition pm_users user nwinters password none none role guest in all
Changes the password for the nwinters account from none to h411pass:
user nwinters password none h411pass
Displays all the user accounts and the user role and partition to which each
account is assigned:
user show
You can use these options with the user command:
• user edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command user. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
• user <name>
Specifies the name of the user account you are configuring.
• role <role name> in <partition key>
Specifies the user role you want to assign to the user account and the
partition that the user account can access. The available user roles are
A - 338
bigpipe Command Reference
administrator, resource admin, user manager, app editor, manager,
operator, guest, and policy editor. You can indicate that you do not
want to assign a user role to the user account by using the option none.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the user account resides.
• password <old password> <new password>
Changes the password for a user account, by specifying the old and the
new password.
• description <string>
Describes the user account.
• home <string>
Displays the home directory for the user account. The home directory is
based on the user name.
• shell (<file name> | none)
Specifies the shell to which the user has access. Valid file names are
bpsh (bigpipe shell), false (no shell), or bash (an unrestricted system
Important: You can assign access to the bash shell only to users with the
Administrator or Resource Admin user role. However, F5 recommends
that you do not give bash shell access to users with the Resource Admin
user role unless they use the tcpdump, ssldump, or qkview utilities, or
manage certificate and key files using the console. Instead, F5
recommends that you give these users bpsh shell access.
See also
bigpipe(1), remote users(1), remoterole(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 339
Appendix A
Displays software version information for the system.
Use this command to display the software version information for the
version [show [all]]
version list [all]
Displays detailed licensing and version information for the system,
including kernel version, BIG-IP software version, installed hot fixes, and a
list of licensed features.
Displays detailed licensing and version information for the system:
See also
A - 340
bigpipe Command Reference
Configures a virtual server.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a virtual server.
If you are assigned a user role that allows you to create objects, and you are
assigned access to all partitions, then before you create an object in a
specific partition, you must use the bigpipe shell command to set your Write
partition to the partition in which you want to create the object. For more
information, see the Configuring Administrative Partitions and Managing
User Accounts chapters in the BIG-IP® Network and System Management
virtual <virtual key list> {}
virtual (<virtual key list> | all) [{] <virtual arg list> [}]
<virtual key> ::=
<virtual arg> ::=
(enable | disable)
auth (<profile auth key list> | none) [add | delete]
clone pools (<clone pool name/type list> | none) [add | delete]
cmp (enable | disable)
cmp processor (<number>.<number> | none)
destination <node>
fallback persist (<profile persist key> | none)
(ip forward | l2 forward | reject)
ip protocol (<protocol> | any | * | none)
httpclass (<profile httpclass key list> | none) [add | delete]
lasthop pool (<pool key> | none)
limit <number>
mask (<ip mask> | none)
mirror (enable | disable)
persist (<profile persist key list> | none) [add | delete]
pool (<pool key> | none)
profiles (<virtual server profile list> | none) [add | delete]
rate class (<rate class key> | none)
rules (<rule key list> | none) [add | delete]
snat (automap | none)
snatpool (<snatpool key> | none)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 341
Appendix A
translate address (enable | disable)
translate service (enable | disable)
vlans (<vlan key list> | none | all) (enable | disable)
<virtual server profile> ::=
<virtual server profile key list> {[} virtual server profle arg list> {]}
<virtual server profile key> ::=
<profile http key>
<virtual server profile arg> ::=
(clientside | serverside)
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] stats reset
virtual edit
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] [show [all]]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] list [all]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] auth [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] clone pools [show
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] cmp [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] cmp processor [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] cmp mode [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] destination [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] enabled [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] fallback persist [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] httpclass [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] ip protocol [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] limit [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] lasthop pool [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] mask [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] mirror [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] name [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] partition [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] persist [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] pool [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] profiles [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] rate class [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] rules [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] snat [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] snatpool [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] stats [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] translate address [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] translate service [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] type [show]
virtual [<virtual key list> | all] vlans [show]
A - 342
bigpipe Command Reference
virtual (<virtual key list> | all) delete
The virtual command creates, deletes, modifies properties on, and displays
information about virtual servers. Virtual servers are externally visible IP
addresses that receive client requests, and instead of sending the requests
directly to the destination IP address specified in the packet header, sends
the requests to any of several content servers that make up a load balancing
pool. Virtual servers also apply various behavioral settings to multiple
traffic types, enable persistence for multiple traffic types, and direct traffic
according to user-written iRules™. For more information see, the
Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local Traffic Management.
Create a virtual server named myV20, which uses the source address
persistence method:
virtual myV20 { destination* persist source addr pool myPool }
Replaces the profile associated with the virtual server vs_fast14_http4.
Note that to replace the profile associated with a virtual server, you must
enclose the name of the new profile in braces:
virtual vs_fastl4_http4 {profile udp}
Delete the virtual servers named myV4, myV5, myV6, myV7, myV8,
myV9, and myV10:
virtual myV4 myV5 myV6 myV7 myV8 myV9 myV10 delete
You can use these options with the virtual command:
• auth
Specifies a list of authentication profile names separated by spaces that
the virtual server uses to manage authentication.
• clone pools
Specifies clone pools that the virtual server uses to replicate either
client-side traffic (that is, prior to address translation) or server-side
traffic (that is, after address translation) to a member of the specified
clone pool. This feature is used for intrusion detection.
• cmp
Enables or disables clustered multi-processor (CMP) acceleration. This
feature applies to certain platforms only. The default is enable.
• cmp mode
Displays the CMP mode for a virtual server.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 343
Appendix A
• cmp processor
Specifies the processor for CMP acceleration. This feature applies to
certain platforms only.
• destination
Specifies the IP address and service on which the virtual server listens for
• (enable | disable)
Specifies the state of the virtual server. The default is enable. Note that
when you disable a virtual server, the virtual server no longer accepts
new connection requests. However, it allows current connections to
finish processing before going to a down state.
• fallback persist
Specifies a fallback persistence profile for the virtual server to use when
the default persistence profile is not available.
• httpclass
Specifies a list of httpclass profiles, separated by spaces, with which the
virtual server works to increase the speed at which the virtual server
processes HTTP requests.
• (ip forward | l2 forward | reject)
Specifies whether to enable IP forwarding or Layer 2 (L2) forwarding, or
to reject forwarding for the virtual server. IP forwarding allows the
virtual server to simply forward packets directly to the destination IP
address specified in the client request.
• ip protocol
Specifies the IP protocol for which you want the virtual server to direct
traffic. Sample protocol names are TCP and UDP. Note that you do not
use this setting when creating an httpclass virtual server.
• lasthop pool
Specifies the name of the last hop pool that you want the virtual server to
use to direct reply traffic to the last hop router.
• limit
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections you want to
allow for the virtual server.
• mask
Specifies the netmask for a network virtual server only. This setting is
required for a network virtual server. The netmask clarifies whether the
host bit is an actual zero or a wildcard representation.
• mirror
Enables or disables state mirroring. You can use state mirroring to
maintain the same state information in the standby unit that is in the
active unit, allowing transactions such as FTP file transfers to continue as
though uninterrupted. The default is enable.
• name
Specifies a unique name for the virtual server. This setting is required.
• partition
Displays the name of the partition within which the virtual server resides.
A - 344
bigpipe Command Reference
• persist
Specifies a list of profiles separated by spaces that the virtual server uses
to manage connection persistence.
• pool
Specifies a default pool to which you want the virtual server to
automatically direct traffic.
• profiles
Specifies a list of profiles for the virtual server to use to direct and
manage traffic.
• rate class
Specifies the name of an existing rate class you that you the virtual server
to use to enforce a throughput policy for incoming network traffic.
• rules
Specifies a list of iRules™ separated by spaces that customizes the virtual
server to direct and manage traffic.
• snat
Indicates to enable SNAT automap for the virtual server.
• snatpool
Specifies the name of an existing SNAT pool that you want the virtual
server to use to implement selective and intelligent SNATs.
• translate address
Enables or disables address translation for the virtual server. Turn
address translation off for a virtual server if you want to use the virtual
server to load balance connections to any address. This option is useful
when the system is load balancing devices that have the same IP address.
• translate service
Enables or disables port translation. Turn port translation off for a virtual
server if you want to use the virtual server to load balance connections to
any service.
• vlan (enable | disable)
Specifies a list of names of external VLANs from which you want the
virtual server to accept traffic. Indicates whether or not the VLAN is
enabled or disabled. The default is vlans all enable.
• virtual edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command virtual. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 345
Appendix A
See also
pool(1), profile auth(1), profile persist(1), rule(1), vlan(1), vlangroup(1),
A - 346
bigpipe Command Reference
virtual address
Configures virtual addresses.
Use this command to enable, disable, display, or delete a virtual address.
virtual address <virtual address key list> {}
virtual address (<virtual address key list> | all) [{] <virtual address arg list> [}]
<virtual address key> ::=
(<ip addr> | none)
<virtual address arg> ::=
(enable | disable)
arp (enable | disable)
floating (enable | disable)
limit <number>
mask (<ip mask> | none)
route advertisement (enable | disable)
server (all | any | none)
unit <number>
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] stats reset
virtual address edit
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] [show [all]]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] list [all]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] address [show]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] arp [show]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] floating [show]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] enabled [show]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] limit [show]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] mask [show]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] partition [show]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] route advertisement [show]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] server [show]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] stats [show]
virtual address [<virtual address key list> | all] unit [show]
virtual address (<virtual address key list> | all) delete
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 347
Appendix A
Provides the ability to enable, disable, display and delete virtual addresses.
You can also list the virtual address configuration.
Disables the virtual address
virtual address disable
Deletes the virtual address
virtual address delete
Lists the configuration information for the virtual server
virtual address list
You can use these options with the virtual address command:
• arp
Enables or disables ARP for the specified virtual address. The default is
• (enable | disable)
Enables or disables the specified virtual address. The default is enable.
• floating
Enables or disables floating self IP addresses for the specified virtual
address. The default is enable. A floating self IP address is an additional
self IP address for a VLAN that serves as a shared address by both units
of a BIG-IP redundant system.
• limit
Sets a concurrent connection limit in seconds for one or more virtual
servers. The default is 0 seconds.
• mask
Sets the netmask or one or more network virtual servers only. This
setting is required for network virtual servers.
• partition
Displays the partition within which the virtual address resides.
• route advertisement
Enables or disables route advertisement for the specified virtual address.
The default is disable.
• server
Specifies the server that uses the specified virtual address. The options
are none, any, or all.
• unit
Specifies the unit number of a redundant pair that uses the specified
virtual address. The default is 0.
A - 348
bigpipe Command Reference
• virtual address edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command virtual address. You can edit the value of any
parameter displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system
modifies the running configuration based on your changes. To save your
changes to the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 349
Appendix A
Configures a virtual local area network (VLAN).
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a VLAN.
vlan <vlan key list> {}
vlan (<vlan key list> | all) [{] <vlan arg list> [}]
<vlan key> ::=
<vlan arg> ::=
tag <number>
interfaces (<interface list> | none) [add | delete]
interfaces [tagged] (<interface list> | none) [add | delete]
trunks (<trunk list> | none) [add | delete]
trunks [tagged] (<trunk list> | none) [add | delete]
failsafe (enable | disable)
failsafe (restart | failover | failover restart | go active | no action | reboot |
restart all | failover abort tm)
timeout (<number> | immediate | indefinite)
mac masq (<mac addr> | none)
fdb (<l2 forward list> | none) [add | delete]
learning (enable | disable forward | disable drop)
mtu <number>
source check (enable | disable)
<l2 forward> ::=
<l2 forward key list> [{] <l2 forward arg list> [}]
<l2 forward key> ::=
<mac addr>
(dynamic | static)
<l2 forward arg> ::=
(dynamic | static)
interface <interface>
trunk <trunk>
vlan edit
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] [show [all]]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] list [all]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] failsafe [show]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] fdb [show]
A - 350
bigpipe Command Reference
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] interfaces [show]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] interfaces tagged [show]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] learning [show]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] mac masq [show]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] mtu [show]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] name [show]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] source check [show]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] tag [show]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] timeout [show]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] trunks [show]
vlan [<vlan key list> | all] trunks tagged [show]
vlan (<vlan key list> | all) delete
This command creates, displays and modifies settings for VLANs. VLANs
are part of the configuration of the BIG-IP network components. VLANs
can be based on either ports or tags.
When creating a VLAN, a tag value for the VLAN is automatically chosen
unless you specify a tag value on the command line. VLANs can have both
tagged and untagged interfaces. You can add an interface to a single VLAN
as an untagged interface. You can also add an interface to multiple VLANs
as a tagged interface.
Create the VLAN myvlan that includes the interfaces 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4:
vlan myvlan interface 1.2 1.3 1.4
Delete the VLAN named myvlan:
vlan myvlan delete>
You can use these options with the vlan command:
Enables a fail-safe mechanism that causes the active unit to fail over to a
redundant unit when loss of traffic is detected on a VLAN, and traffic is
not restored during the failover timeout period for that VLAN. The
default action set with VLAN fail-safe is restart all. When the fail-safe
mechanism is triggered, all the daemons are restarted and the unit fails
over. The default is disable.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 351
Appendix A
Specifies the forwarding database. You can edit the Layer 2 forwarding
table to enter static MAC address assignments. The forwarding database
has an entry for each node in the VLAN and associates the MAC address
of that node with the traffic management system.
Specifies a list of interfaces that you want to assign to the VLAN.
interfaces tagged
Specifies a list of tagged interfaces. A tagged interface is an interface that
you assign to a VLAN in a way that causes the system to add a VLAN
tag into the header of any frame passing through that interface. Use
tagged interfaces when you want to assign a single interface to multiple
Specifies whether switch ports placed in the VLAN are configured for
switch learning, forwarding only, or dropped. Possible values are:
enable, disable forward, or disable drop. The default is enable.
mac masq
Configures a shared MAC masquerade address. You can share the media
access control (MAC) masquerade address between units in a redundant
system. This has the following advantages:
• Increased reliability and failover speed, especially in lossy networks
• Interoperability with switches that are slow to respond to the network
• Interoperability with switches that are configured to ignore network
A - 352
Sets a specific maximum transition unit (MTU) for the VLAN. The
default is 1500.
source check
Specifies that only connections that have a return route in the routing
table are accepted. The default is disable.
Specifies a number that the system adds into the header of any frame
passing through the VLAN.
Specifies the number of seconds that an active unit can run without
detecting network traffic on this VLAN before it initiates a failover. The
default is 90 seconds.
Specifies a list of trunks. A trunk is a combination of two or more
interfaces and cables configured as one link.
bigpipe Command Reference
trunks tagged
Specifies a list of tagged trunks. A tagged trunk is a trunk that you assign
to a VLAN in a way that causes the system to add a VLAN tag into the
header of any frame passing through the trunk. Use tagged trunks when
you want to assign a single trunk to multiple VLANs.
• vlan edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command vlan. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
interface(1), self(1), vlangroup(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 353
Appendix A
Configures a VLAN group.
Use this command to create, modify, display, or delete a VLAN group.
vlangroup <vlangroup key list> {}
vlangroup (<vlangroup key list> | all) [{] <vlangroup arg list> [}]
<vlangroup key> ::=
<vlangroup arg> ::=
bridge all (enable | disable)
bridge in standby (enable | disable)
mac masq (<mac addr> | none)
members (<vlan key list> | none) [add | delete]
proxy excludes (<ip list> | none) [add | delete]
tag <number>
transparency (opaque | translucent | transparent)
vlan group edit
vlangroup [<vlangroup key list> | all] [show [all]]
vlangroup [<vlangroup key list> | all] list [all]
vlangroup [<vlangroup key list> | all] bridge all [show]
vlangroup [<vlangroup key list> | all] bridge in standby [show]
vlangroup [<vlangroup key list> | all] mac masq [show]
vlangroup [<vlangroup key list> | all] members [show]
vlangroup (<vlangroup key list> | all) proxy excludez [show]
vlangroup [<vlangroup key list> | all] tag [show]
vlangroup [<vlangroup key list> | all] transparency [show]
vlangroup (<vlangroup key list> | all) delete
The vlangroup command defines a VLAN group, which is a grouping of
two or more VLANs belonging to the same IP network for the purpose of
allowing Layer 2 packet forwarding between those VLANs.
A - 354
bigpipe Command Reference
The VLANs between which the packets are to be passed must be on the
same IP network, and they must be grouped using the vlangroup command.
For example:
vlangroup network11 { vlans add internal external }
Sets the global VLAN group proxy exclusion list:
vlangroup all [{] proxy excludes <ip addr list> [add | delete ] [}]
Creates a VLAN group named myvlangroup that consists of VLANs
named vlan1 and vlan2:
vlangroup myvlangroup member vlan1 vlan2
Shows the statistics for all elements of the specified VLAN group:
vlangroup myvlangroup show
Deletes the specified VLAN group named myvlangroup:
vlangroup myvlangroup delete
You can use these options with the vlangroup command:
bridge all
When enabled, specifies that the VLAN group forwards all frames,
including non-IP traffic. The default is disable.
bridge in standby
When enabled, specifies that the VLAN group forwards packets, even
when the system is the standby unit in a redundant system. Note that this
setting is designed for deployments in which the VLAN group exists on
only one of the units. If that does not match your configuration, using
this setting may cause adverse effects. The default is enable.
mac masq
Specifies a MAC address to be used with a redundant system. This is a
6-byte ethernet address in not case-sensitive hexadecimal colon notation,
for example, 00:0b:09:88:00:9a.
The names of the VLANs you want to add to the VLAN group.
proxy excludes
Specifies the IP addresses that you want to include in the proxy ARP
exclusion list. If you use VLAN groups, you must configure a proxy
ARP forwarding exclusion list. F5 recommends that you configure this
feature if you use VLAN groups with a redundant system. The reason is
that both units need to communicate directly with their gateways and the
back-end nodes. Creating a proxy ARP exclusion list prevents traffic
from being proxied through the active unit due to proxy ARP. This traffic
needs to be sent directly to the destination, not proxied.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
A - 355
Appendix A
Specifies a number to be the tag for the VLAN. A VLAN tag is an
identification number the system inserts into the header of a frame that
indicates the VLAN to which the destination device belongs. Use VLAN
tags when a single interface forwards traffic for multiple VLANs.
Specifies the level of exposure of remote MAC addresses within VLAN
groups. Possible values are: opaque, translucent, or transparent. The
default is translucent.
• Use opaque when you have a Cisco router in the network sending
CDP packets to the system. Because opaque VLAN groups require a
source and destination MAC address and CDP packets do not contain
a source and destination MAC address, the CDP packets are not
forwarded through the VLAN group. This mode changes the MAC
address to the MAC address assigned to the VLAN group. A proxy
ARP with Layer 3 forwarding.
• Use transparent when you want to leave the MAC address
unchanged by the traffic management system. Layer 2 forwarding
with the original MAC address of the remote system preserved across
• Use translucent when you want to use the real MAC address of the
requested host with the locally unique bit toggled. Layer 2 forwarding
with locally-unique bit, toggled in ARP response across VLANs.
• vlangroup edit
Displays in a text editor the running configuration of all objects created
using the command vlangroup. You can edit the value of any parameter
displayed. When you exit the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the
running configuration based on your changes. To save your changes to
the stored configuration files, run the save all command.
When the text editor opens, if it is empty, you can type bigpipe
command syntax in the editor to create any type of object. When you exit
the editor, the BIG-IP system modifies the running configuration based
on the syntax you entered. You must run the save all command to save
this change to the stored configuration files.
Note that the default text editor is vi.
See also
interface(1), self(1), vlan(1), virtual(1), bigpipe(1)
A - 356
Configuring bigdb Database Variables
• Introducing the bigdb database
• Summarizing bigdb database variables for redundant
system administration
• Summarizing bigdb database variables for user
account administration
• Summarizing bigdb database variables for event
• Summarizing bigdb database variables for HTTP
• Configuring RAM Cache by setting a bigdb database
• Configuring the MAC address of a VLAN using
bigdb database variables
• Configuring debugging for the system using bigdb
database variables
• Configuring the PVA10 Syn Cookie feature with
bigdb database variables
• Configuring dynamic routing with bigdb database
Configuring bigdb Database Variables
Introducing the bigdb database
Every BIG-IP system includes a bigdb database. The bigdb database holds a
set of bigdb database variables, which define the behavior of various
aspects of the BIG-IP system. For example, the bigdb database variable
Failover.FailbackDelay indicates, for an active-active system, when the
failed unit becomes active again, and the number of seconds that you want
the system to wait before failback occurs.
You can change the value of a bigdb database variable in two ways:
The Configuration utility
When you use the Configuration utility to configure various BIG-IP
system features, you are actually resetting bigdb database variable
values. In this case, the bigdb database variables are invisible to users.
For more information, see the Configuration Guide for BIG-IP® Local
Traffic Management and the BIG-IP® Network and System
Management Guide.
The db command
You can reset bigdb database variable values directly using the db
command. This command is useful if you prefer not to use the
Configuration utility to configure a BIG-IP system feature, or if
configuration of a particular aspect of BIG-IP system behavior is not
available through the Configuration utility. For more information on
using the db command, see Appendix A, bigpipe Command Reference,
and specifically, db, on page A-57.
The syntax for displaying and setting bigdb database variables is:
db all list
db <key name> <value>
This appendix contains information about bigdb database variables that you
can configure manually. The bigdb database variables in the following
sections are not automatically set by the Configuration utility, and are not
editable using the db command.
F5 recommends that you do not manually reset bigdb database variables
without assistance from the F5 Technical Support team. This is because
some bigdb database variables are configured automatically, and others are
updated when scripts that update the system are run.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Appendix B
Summarizing bigdb database variables for redundant
system administration
There are several bigdb database variables that you can use to configure and
manage a redundant system. These variables pertain to the following
redundant-system features:
• Failover
• Connection mirroring
• Configuration synchronization
Using failover bigdb database variables
The bigdb database variables that you can manually configure for failover
are shown in Table B.1. These variables are listed in alphabetical order.
bigdb Database Variable Name
Default Value
Specifies the file into which the sod service logs the failover
debug information.
For an active-active system, when the failed unit becomes
active again, specifies the number of seconds that you want
the system to wait before failback occurs.
Controls whether a standby unit with a failover condition
becomes active when the peer unit fails. Possible values are
enable and disable.
If using active-active mode, specifies that the system should
wait until the surviving unit receives a command before
surrendering resources to a rebooted machine. Possible
values are enable and disable.
Defines the amount of memory usage that causes the BIG-IP
system to reboot.
Specifies that the failover daemon (/sbin/sod) should write
the state of its connection (hard-wired or network) to its peer.
The system writes this information to the failover daemon's
debug log file. Possible values are enable and disable.
Specifies that the failover daemon should use /dev/tty00 for
hard-wired failover. Possible values are enable and disable.
Specifies that the failover daemon should use /dev/tty01 for
hard-wired failover. Possible values are enable and disable.
Table B.1 bigdb database variables pertaining to failover
Configuring bigdb Database Variables
Using connection mirroring bigdb database variables
The bigdb database variable that you can manually configure for connection
mirroring is shown in Table B.2.
bigdb Database Variable Name
Default Value
Defines the port on which the BIG-IP system listens for
connections from the active unit.
Table B.2 bigdb database variable pertaining to connection mirroring
Using configuration synchronization bigdb database variables
The bigdb database variables that you can manually configure for
synchronizing configuration data are shown in Table B.3. These variables
are listed in alphabetical order.
bigdb Database Variable Name
Default Value
Specifies the most recent date and time that the configuration
of the current unit changed.
Specifies the date and time that the configuration of this unit
was synchronized with the peer unit.
Specifies the most recent date and time that the configuration
of the peer unit changed.
Defines whether the peer’s synchronization state is known.
Possible values are known and unknown.
Specifies the date and time that this unit successfully
informed its peer of a configuration change on this unit.
Specifies the configuration state of this box. Possible values
-1 - Uninitiated or disabled config state.
0 - Synchronized.
1 - Configuration on current unit was modified. Recommend
configuration synchronization to peer unit.
2 - Configuration on peer unit was modified. Recommend
configuration synchronization from peer unit.
3 - Configuration modified on both units. Manual intervention
Table B.3 bigdb database variables pertaining to configuration synchronization
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Appendix B
Summarizing bigdb database variables for user
account administration
You can manually configure a set of bigdb database variables to manage
administrative user accounts for a BIG-IP system. These variables and their
descriptions appear in Table B.4, and are listed in alphabetical order.
bigdb Database Variable Name
Default Value
Specifies fields that the Setup utility populates. Possible
values are none, internal, non-production, and production.
Specifies those user accounts that must reside locally on the
BIG-IP system and therefore cannot reside on a remote
authentication server.
Users.Name.[user name]
Specifies a numeric value for any user account that is not
root, admin, or support.
Table B.4 bigdb database variables pertaining to user accounts
Summarizing bigdb database variables for event
The bigdb database variables that you can manually configure to set the
minimum log level on local traffic and authentication events are shown in
Table B.5. These variables are listed in alphabetical order.
bigdb Database Variable Name
Default Value
Sets the minimum log level for MCP events related to
configuring the Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM).
Sets the minimum log level for events related to packets
discarded due to exceptional circumstances, such as bad
checksums or unhandled protocol versions.
Table B.5 bigdb database variables pertaining to setting log levels
Configuring bigdb Database Variables
Summarizing bigdb database variables for HTTP
You can manually configure a set of bigdb database variables to manage the
way that the BIG-IP system handles the compression of HTTP server
responses. These variables and their descriptions appear in Table B.6, and
are listed in alphabetical order.
bigdb Database Variable Name
Use only with the Compression.Strategy bigdb
database variable set to adaptive.
When disabled, the hardware compression provider
performs server response compression only when
the software compression providers are fully utilized.
When enabled, and the gzip Compression level
parameter in the HTTP profile is set to 1, the system
uses the hardware card to compress response data
at gzip level 1.
Use only with the Compression.Strategy bigdb
database variable set to adaptive.
F5 does not recommend that you enable this setting.
When enabled, the system reduces the gzip level to
0 (zero) when the peak load for the system is
reached. When the system reaches a 0 (zero) gzip
level, the software compression providers do not
perform compression. Instead, the hardware
compression provider performs compression of
server responses.
Use only with the Compression.Strategy bigdb
database variable set to adaptive.
This variable specifies that the system can reduce
all gzip Compression levels (9 - 0) to 0 (zero) as
the load increases on the system.
If you want to restrict the adaptive compression and
you do not want the system to decrease the quality
of the compression of the response data below a
specific point, change the value of this bigdb
database variable.
Use only with the Compression.Strategy bigdb
database variable set to ratio. This ratio defines how
each compressible response is load balanced
between compression devices.
Use only with the Compression.Strategy bigdb
database variable set to ratio. This ratio defines how
each compressible response is load balanced
between compression devices.
Table B.6 bigdb database variables pertaining to HTTP data compression
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Appendix B
bigdb Database Variable Name
Specifies that up to 100 requests can be pending for
a compression provider (software or hardware)
before the system utilizes a different compression
provider. It is important to note that the system uses
this number to determine how much to reduce the
compression level of a server response given the
overall load on the system.
Sets the way that the system directs traffic flow.
Possible values are speed, size, ratio, and
adaptive - The system first uses the software
compression providers to compress HTTP server
responses. The system switches to the hardware
compression providers based on both the gzip
Compression level parameter set in the HTTP
profile and the hardware compression provider the
system contains.
speed - The system uses the hardware to the fullest
extent possible. The speed value is best used for
bulk compression and for limiting CPU overhead.
size - The system performs as much compression in
the software as possible. Normally, the system uses
a ratio of TMM and Offload. When both are busy,
compression is performed in the hardware. The size
value gives the best ratio at the expense of CPU
ratio - The system uses the four bigdb database
variables Compression.AHA.Ratio,
Compression.Offload.Ratio, and
Compression.TMM.Ratio, with the goal of limiting
CPU overhead while giving good compression
Use only with the Compression.Strategy bigdb
database variable set to ratio. This ratio defines how
each compressible response is load balanced
between compression devices.
Table B.6 bigdb database variables pertaining to HTTP data compression
Configuring bigdb Database Variables
Configuring RAM Cache by setting a bigdb database
You can fine-tune the RAM Cache implementation by changing settings in
the bigdb database. F5 recommends that you change these settings only
while under the direction of an F5 support representative. The following
bigdb database variable setting is available for the RAM Cache feature.
bigdb Database Variable Name
Default Value
Defines the percentage of TMM memory that is available to
all RAM Cache instances. This means that the RAM Cache
size is represented by this statement:
ramcacheprofile1 + ramcacheprofile2 + ramcacheprofile3
must not equal more than Total Memory times the
Ramcache.MaxMemoryPercent divided by 100.
Note: Changes to this setting take effect only after restarting
the BIG-IP system services, including the TMM service.
Table B.7 bigdb database variable pertaining to the HTTP RAM Cache feature
Configuring the MAC address of a VLAN using bigdb
database variables
By default, the MAC address that the BIG-IP system assigns to a VLAN
self-IP address is the MAC address of the lowest-numbered interface
associated with that VLAN. You can change this behavior by configuring
the bigdb database variable Vlan.MacAssignment.
bigdb Database Variable Name
Default Value
The MAC address of
the lowest-numbered
interface associated
with the VLAN.
Specifies the MAC address that is associated with the
Table B.8 bigdb database variable pertaining to the MAC address that is associated with a VLAN
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Appendix B
Configuring debugging for the system using bigdb
database variables
You can configure debugging for the BIG-IP system by changing settings in
the bigdb database. F5 recommends that you change these settings only
while under the direction of an F5 support representative.
Enabling debugging fills your log file with numerous additional entries.
The following bigdb database variable settings are available for debugging.
bigdb Database Variable Name
Default Value
Enables or disables debugging for the bigd daemon.
Enables or disables debugging for the Failover feature.
When enabled, the gtmd and big3d daemons log all of the
probing messages they receive and send to /var/log/gtm.
It is important to note that enabling this bigdb database
variable creates a large number of debug messages;
therefore, F5 recommends that you disable this bigdb
database variable when debugging is complete.
Table B.9 bigdb database variables pertaining to debugging the system
Configuring bigdb Database Variables
bigdb Database Variable Name
Default Value
Enables or disables debugging for specific components of the
lacpd service. Set the values in Log.Lacpd.DebugMask
bigdb database variable to the following to turn on debugging
for the specified component:
Enables or disables debugging for specific components of the
stpd service. Set the values in the Log.Stpd.DebugStr bigdb
database variable to the value in the left column in order to
turn on debugging for the specified component in the right
switch hardware operations
inbound packets
link state changes
MCP messages and management operation
subscribe to all MCP classes
port name-to-number mappings
outbound packets
overdue packets
role transitions
state transitions
clock ticks
verbose packet contents
all of the above
Table B.9 bigdb database variables pertaining to debugging the system
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Appendix B
Configuring the PVA10 Syn Cookie feature with
bigdb database variables
You can configure the Packet Velocity® ASIC 10 (PVA10) Syn Cookie
feature by changing settings in the bigdb database. F5 recommends that you
change these settings only while under the direction of an F5 support
You use the following bigdb database variable settings to configure this
bigdb Database Variable Name
Default Value
Sets the threshold at which PVA10 Syn Cookie
protection is activated on the system.
Sets the unanswered Syn packet rate threshold. When
the system’s unanswered Syn packet rate is smaller
than this threshold, and also smaller than the value of
Pva.SynCookies.ConnectionThreshold, the system
automatically turns off PVA10 Syn Cookie protection.
Table B.10 bigdb database variables pertaining to configuring the PVA10 Syn Cookie feature
B - 10
Configuring bigdb Database Variables
Configuring dynamic routing with bigdb database
You can ensure that after failover the BIG-IP system continues to route
connections to the newly active unit by changing settings in the bigdb
database. F5 recommends that you change these settings only while under
the direction of an F5 support representative.
You can use the following bigdb database variable settings to configure
dynamic routing.
bigdb Database Variable Name
Default Value
No default value
For RIP routing, sets the value of the
offset list, including the access list and
the offset type. The zebos active
command inserts the value of this bigdb
database variable into the ZebOS.conf
No default value
For RIP routing, sets the value of the
offset list, including the access list and
the offset type. The zebos standby
command inserts the value of this bigdb
database variable into the ZebOS.conf
no ip ospf cost
For Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
routing, defines the statements that the
BIG-IP system adds, after a failover, to
the runtime configuration of the active
unit in a redundant system that is
configured in interface mode.
ip ospf cost 65535
For OSPF routing, defines the
statements that the BIG-IP system adds,
after a failover, to the runtime
configuration of the standby unit in a
redundant system that is configured in
interface mode.
no summary-address
For OSPF routing, defines the
statements that the BIG-IP system adds,
after a failover, to the runtime
configuration of the active unit in a
redundant pair that is configured in router
For OSPF routing, defines the
statements that the BIG-IP system adds,
after a failover, to the runtime
configuration of the standby unit in a
redundant pair that is configured in router
Table B.11 bigdb database variables pertaining to configuring routing
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
B - 11
Appendix B
B - 12
address resolution protocol
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is an industry-standard protocol that
determines a host’s Media Access Control (MAC) address based on its IP
administrative partition
An administrative partition is a logical container that you create, containing
a defined set of BIG-IP system objects, such as virtual servers, pools, and
profiles. See also pool, profile, and virtual server.
allow list
An allow list displays which service and protocol ports allow connections
from outside the system.
See address resolution protocol.
Authentication is the process of verifying a user’s identity when the user is
attempting to log on to a system.
authentication profile
An authentication profile is a configuration tool that you use to implement a
PAM authentication module. Types of authentication modules that you can
implement with an authentication profile are: LDAP, RADIUS, TACACS+,
SSL Client Certificate LDAP, and OCSP. See also profile.
Every BIG-IP system includes a bigdb database. The bigdb database holds a
set of bigdb database variables, which define the behavior of various aspects
of the BIG-IP system.
The BIG-IP system includes a tool known as the bigpipe utility. It consists
of an extensive set of commands that you can use to manage the BIG-IP
The bigtop utility is a statistical monitoring utility that ships on the BIG-IP
system. This utility provides real-time statistical information.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Glossary - 1
A certificate is an online credential signed by a trusted certificate authority
and used for SSL network traffic as a method of authentication. certificate
authority (CA). A certificate authority is an external, trusted organization
that issues a signed digital certificate to a requesting computer system for
use as a credential to obtain authentication for SSL network traffic. See also
certificate authority.
certificate authority
A certificate authority is an external, trusted organization that issues a
signed digital certificate to a requesting computer system for use as a
credential to obtain authentication for SSL network traffic. See also
certificate revocation list
A certificate revocation list (CRL) is a list that an authenticating system
checks to see if the SSL certificate that the requesting system presents for
authentication has been revoked. See also certificate.
certificate verification
Certificate verification is the part of an SSL handshake that verifies that a
client’s SSL credentials have been signed by a trusted certificate authority.
See also certificate.
A class is a list of data that you define and use with iRules™ operators.
Internal classes are stored in the bigip.conf file. External classes are stored
in external files that you define.
clone pool
A clone pool replicates all traffic coming into it and sends that traffic to a
duplicate pool. See also pool.
configuration object
A configuration object is a user-created object that the BIG-IP system uses
to implement a PAM authentication module. There is one type of
configuration object for each type of authentication module that you create.
Configuration utility
The Configuration utility is the browser-based application that you use to
configure the BIG-IP system.
connection persistence
Connection persistence is an optimization technique whereby a network
connection is intentionally kept open for the purpose of reducing
Glossary - 2
cookie persistence
Cookie persistence is a mode of persistence where the BIG-IP system stores
persistent connection information in a cookie.
See certificate revocation list.
current partition
When a user logs in, the system determines the default current partition
(usually the Common partition) based on the user’s account. If the user’s
account grants permission to access more than one partition, the user can
change the current partition, and can also change the default current
partition. See also administrative partition.
custom monitor
A custom monitor is a user-created monitor. See also monitor.
custom profile
A custom profile is a profile that you create. A custom profile can inherit its
default settings from a parent profile that you specify. See also profile.
default-deny policy
A default-deny policy restricts Internet access to everything that is not
explicitly permitted.
Failover is the process whereby a standby unit in a redundant system takes
over when a software failure or a hardware failure is detected on the active
unit. See also redundant system.
floating IP address
An IP address assigned to a VLAN and shared between two computer
systems is known as a floating IP address. See also VLAN (virtual local area
hash persistence
Hash persistence allows you to create a persistence hash based on an
existing iRule. See also iRule.
health monitor
A health monitor checks a node to see if it is up and functioning for a given
service. If the node fails the check, it is marked down. Different monitors
exist for checking different services. See also monitor.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Glossary - 3
HTTP redirect
An HTTP redirect sends an HTTP 302 Object Found message to clients.
You can configure a pool with an HTTP redirect to send clients to another
node or virtual server if the members of the pool are marked down. See also
virtual server and pool.
See internet control message protocol.
A physical port on a BIG-IP system is called an interface.
internet control message protocol
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is an Internet communications
protocol used to determine information about routes to destination
An iRule is a user-written script that controls the behavior of a connection
passing through the BIG-IP system. iRules™ are an F5 Networks feature
and are frequently used to direct certain connections to a non-default load
balancing pool. However, iRules can perform other tasks, such as
implementing secure network address translation and enabling session
last hop
A last hop is the final hop a connection takes to get to the BIG-IP system.
You can allow the BIG-IP system to determine the last hop automatically to
send packets back to the device from which they originated. You can also
specify the last hop manually by making it a member of a last hop pool. See
also pool.
Layer 1 through Layer 7
Layers 1 through 7 refer to the seven layers of the Open System
Interconnection (OSI) model. Thus, Layer 2 represents the data-link layer,
Layer 3 represents the IP layer, and Layer 4 represents the transport layer
(TCP and UDP). Layer 7 represents the application layer, handling traffic
such as HTTP and SSL.
See lightweight directory access protocol.
LDAP authentication module
An LDAP authentication module is a user-created module that you
implement on an BIG-IP system to authenticate client traffic using a remote
LDAP server. See also lightweight directory access protocol.
Glossary - 4
lightweight directory access protocol
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an Internet protocol that
email programs use to look up contact information from a server.
load balancing method
A load balancing method is a method of determining how to distribute
connections across a load balancing pool. See also pool.
local traffic management
Local traffic management is the process of managing network traffic that
comes into or goes out of a local area network (LAN), including an intranet.
Media Access Control (MAC) is a protocol that defines the way
workstations gain access to transmission media, and is most widely used in
reference to LANs. For IEEE LANs, the MAC layer is the lower sublayer of
the data link layer protocol.
MAC address
A MAC address is used to represent hardware devices on an Ethernet
network. See also MAC.
management interface
The management interface is a special port on the BIG-IP system, used for
managing administrative traffic. Named MGMT, the management interface
does not forward user application traffic, such as traffic slated for load
management route
A management route is a route that forwards traffic through the special
management (MGMT) interface. See also management interface.
master control program daemon service
The Master Control Program Daemon (MCPD) service manages the
configuration data on a BIG-IP system.
See master control program daemon service.
See management interface.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Glossary - 5
The BIG-IP system uses monitors to determine whether nodes are up or
down. There are several different types of monitors, and they use various
methods to determine the status of a server or service.
monitor association
A monitor association is an association that a user makes between a health
or performance monitor and a pool, pool member, or node. See also
NAT (network address translation)
A Network Address Translation (NAT) is an alias IP address that identifies
a specific node managed by the BIG-IP system to the external network.
network virtual server
A network virtual server is a virtual server whose IP address has no bits set
in the host portion of the IP address (that is, the host portion of its IP address
is 0). There are two kinds of network virtual servers: those that direct client
traffic based on a range of destination IP addresses, and those that direct
client traffic based on specific destination IP addresses that the BIG-IP
system does not recognize. See also virtual server.
A node address is the IP address associated with one or more nodes. This IP
address can be the real IP address of a network server, or it can be an alias IP
address on a network server.
non-terminated SSL session
A non-terminated SSL session is a session in which the system does not
perform the tasks of SSL certificate authentication, encryption and
re-encryption. See also secure sockets layer.
See online certificate status protocol.
OCSP responder
An OCSP responder is an external server used for communicating SSL
certificate revocation status to an authentication server such as the BIG-IP
system. See also online certificate status protocol.
The F5 Networks OneConnect™ feature optimizes the use of network
connections by keeping server-side connections open and pooling them for
Glossary - 6
online certificate status protocol
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is a protocol that authenticating
systems can use to check on the revocation status of digitally-signed SSL
certificates. The use of OCSP is an alternative to the use of a CRL. See also
certificate revocation list.
packet rate
The packet rate is the number of data packets per second processed by a
See administrative partition.
persistence profile
A persistence profile is a pre-configured object that automatically enables
persistence when you assign the profile to a virtual server. See also profile.
A pool is composed of a group of network devices (called members). The
BIG-IP system load balances requests to the nodes within a pool based on
the load balancing method and persistence method you choose when you
create the pool or edit its properties.
pool member
A pool member is a server that is a member of a load balancing pool. See
also pool.
pre-configured monitor
A pre-configured monitor is a monitor that the BIG-IP system provides. See
also monitor.
A profile is a configuration tool containing settings for defining the behavior
of network traffic. The BIG-IP system contains profiles for managing
FastL4, HTTP, TCP, FTP, SSL, and RTSP traffic, as well as for
implementing persistence and application authentication.
profile setting
A profile setting is a configuration attribute within a profile that has a value
associated with it. You can configure a profile setting to customize the way
that the BIG-IP system manages a type of traffic. See also profile.
QoS level
See quality of service level.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Glossary - 7
quality of service level
The Quality of Service (QoS) level is a means by which network equipment
can identify and treat traffic differently based on an identifier. Essentially,
the QoS level specified in a packet enforces a throughput policy for that
packet. See also type of service level.
rate class
A rate class determines the volume of traffic allowed through a rate filter.
rate shaping
Rate shaping is a type of extended IP filter. Rate shaping uses the same IP
filter method but applies a rate class, which determines the volume of
network traffic allowed.
redundant system
A redundant system is a pair of units that are configured for failover. In a
redundant system, there are two units, one running as the active unit and one
running as the standby unit. If the active unit fails, the standby unit takes
over and manages connection request.
secure sockets layer
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a network communications protocol that uses
public-key technology as a way to transmit data in a secure manner.
self IP address
A self IP address is an IP address that is assigned to the system. Self IP
addresses are part of the base configuration. You must define at least one
self IP address for each VLAN.
SIP persistence
SIP persistence is a type of persistence used for servers that receive Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) messages sent through UDP. SIP is a protocol that
enables real-time messaging, voice, data, and video.
SNAT (secure network address translation)
A SNAT is a feature you can configure on the BIG-IP system. A SNAT
defines a routable alias IP address that one or more nodes can use as a
source IP address when making connections to hosts on the external
SNAT pool
A SNAT pool is a pool of translation addresses that you can map to one or
more original IP addresses. Translation addresses in a SNAT pool are not
self-IP addresses. See also pool.
Glossary - 8
spanning tree protocol
Defined by IEEE, Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is a protocol that provides
loop resolution in configurations where one or more external switches are
connected in parallel with the BIG-IP system.
SSH is a protocol for secure remote logon and other secure network services
over a non-secure network.
See secure sockets layer.
SSL persistence
SSL persistence is a type of persistence that tracks non-terminated SSL
sessions, using the SSL session ID. See also secure sockets layer.
SSL profile
An SSL profile is a configuration tool that you use to terminate and initiate
SSL connections from clients and servers. See also secure sockets layer and
See spanning tree protocol.
Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS) is an older
authentication protocol common to UNIX systems. TACACS allows a
remote access server to forward a user’s logon password to an authentication
server. See also TACACS+.
TACACS+ is an authentication mechanism designed as a replacement for
the older TACACS protocol. There is little similarity between the two
protocols, however, and they are therefore not compatible. See also
See tools command language.
TMM service
See traffic management microkernel service.
tools command language
Tools Command Language (Tcl) is an industry-standard scripting language.
On the BIG-IP system, users use Tcl to write iRules™. See also iRule.
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Glossary - 9
ToS level
See type of service level.
traffic management microkernel service
The Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) service is the process running
on the BIG-IP system that performs most traffic management for the
Trunking is link aggregation that allows multiple physical links to be treated
as one logical link. The main objective of link aggregation is to provide
increased bandwidth at a lower cost, without having to upgrade hardware.
The bandwidth of the aggregated trunk is the sum of the capacity of
individual member links. Thus it provides an option for linearly incremental
bandwidth as opposed to bandwidth options available through physical layer
technology. The traffic management system supports link aggregation
control protocol (LACP).
trusted MAC address
A trusted MAC address is a MAC address that passes MAC address-based
authentication. See also MAC address.
type of service level
The Type of Service (ToS) level is another means, in addition to the QoS
level, by which network equipment can identify and treat traffic differently
based on an identifier. See also quality of service level.
user role
A user role is a type and level of access that you assign to a BIG-IP system
user account. By assigning user roles, you can control the extent to which
BIG-IP system administrators can view or modify the BIG-IP system
virtual address
A virtual address is an IP address associated with one or more virtual servers
managed by the BIG-IP system.
virtual server
A virtual server is a specific combination of virtual address and virtual port,
associated with a content site that is managed by an BIG-IP system or other
type of host server.
Glossary - 10
VLAN (virtual local area network)
A VLAN is a logical grouping of interfaces connected to network devices.
You can use a VLAN to logically group devices that are on different
network segments. Devices within a VLAN use Layer 2 networking to
communicate and define a broadcast domain.
VLAN group
A VLAN group is a logical container that includes two or more distinct
VLANs. VLAN groups are intended for load balancing traffic in a Layer 2
network, when you want to minimize the reconfiguration of hosts on that
network. See also VLAN (virtual local area network).
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Glossary - 11
Glossary - 12
/etc/init.d/syslog-ng script 3-5
802.3ad link aggregation 3-1
access control 3-8
active script 4-24
active-active mode
updating fail-over daemon B-1
active-active mode, updating fail-over daemon B-1
adaptive compression 5-9
configuring 5-12
configuring on 6400, 6800, and 8400 5-13
configuring on 8800 5-13
introducing 5-10
adaptive compression strategy 5-11
additional information
in bigpipe online man pages 1-3
in Tcl reference books 1-3
in the BIG-IP Network and System Management
Guide 1-5
in the BIG-IP Quick Start Instructions 1-5
in the Configuration Guide for BIG-IP Local Traffic
Management 1-5
in the Configuration Worksheet 1-5
in the Installation, Licensing, and Upgrades for
BIG-IP Systems guide 1-5
in the Linux syslog-ng man page 1-3
in the Platform Guide 1-5
on Configuration utility Welcome screen 1-8
on 1-8
admin user account 4-17, 4-18
Administrator role 4-17
Administrator user role 4-2
application traffic, managing 5-2
arp command 2-6, A-3
ARP protocol
customizing base network components 3-1
ASN.1 DER format 5-19
auditing user access 4-23
auth crldp command 2-6, 5-21, A-6
auth ldap command 2-6, 5-20, A-9
auth radius command 2-6, A-14
auth ssl cc ldap command 2-6, 5-21, A-17
auth ssl ocsp command 2-6, 5-21, A-22
auth tacacs command 2-6, 5-21, A-24
authorized_keys file 3-7
auto last hop feature 5-3
backup of product image, creating 4-36
base network components 3-1
base network configuration, customizing 3-1
bcm56xxd service, handling failure of 4-24
bigd service, handling failure of 4-24
bigdb database 4-30
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
bigdb database variable
printing 4-32
setting value of 4-31
viewing value of 4-30
bigdb database variable attributes, defined 4-31
BIG-IP Application Security Manager 1-1, 5-7
BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager 1-1
BIG-IP Link Controller 1-1
BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager 1-1
BIG-IP Network and System Management Guide 1-5
BIG-IP Quick Start Instructions 1-5
bigip.conf 4-6
bigip_base.conf 4-6
bigip_local.conf 4-7
bigip_sys.conf 4-7
bigpipe command 2-7
bigpipe shell
about command completion 2-4
about command continuation 2-4
about command history 2-2
about escape feature 2-6
about grep functionality 2-5
about the command edit feature 2-3
about the log file 2-3
about the prompt 2-1
controlling 2-2
customizing 2-5
using 2-2
using command continuation A-309
bigpipe shell command
and command syntax A-27
invoking the bigpipe shell 4-3
bigpipe shell prompt, customizing 2-5
bigpipe utility 4-25, 5-24
and command list 2-6
and command syntax 2-1
defined 1-2
displaying protocol statistics 4-26
introducing 2-1
using for local traffic management 5-1
using online man pages 1-3
using to manage BIG-IP system 4-3
bigstart command 1-2, 4-2, 4-27, 4-28, 4-33
bigstart utility 4-27
bigtop command 4-2, 4-29, 4-30
bigtop utility
and command options 4-29
and running 4-27
and runtime commands 4-30
defined 1-2
exiting 4-30
bit activity, displaying 4-29
byte activity, displaying 4-29
Index - 1
CA certificates, generating 5-16
certificate association 5-19
certificate information, viewing 5-19
certificate revocation lists
See CRLs.
certificate signing request files, generating 5-16
certificate verification 5-19
certificates, revoking 5-18
chunking 5-8
class command 2-7, A-29
cli audit command 2-4, 2-7
cli command A-33
cli import save command 4-11
client authentication 5-16
client certificates, creating 5-17
Client SSL profile 5-1
clone pools, configuring 5-3
command completion 2-4
command continuation 2-4, A-309
command editing 2-3
command history 2-2
command summary 2-6
command syntax, identifying 1-6
See individual command entries.
Common partition 4-17
compression providers
hardware 5-9, B-6
software 5-9, B-6
compression providers, understanding 5-8
compression strategies
described 5-10
understanding 5-9
compression, configuring 5-5
config command 2-7, 4-2, A-36
config utility, defined 1-2
configsync command 2-7, A-39
configuration files, defined 4-6
Configuration Guide for BIG-IP Local Traffic Management
configuration information, storing 4-30
configuration synchronization, using bigdb database
variables B-3
Configuration utility
about Welcome screen 1-8
and bigdb database variables B-1
using online help 1-8
Configuration Worksheet 1-5
conn command 2-7, A-42
connection mirroring, using bigdb database variables B-3
connection persistence, configuring 5-22
connection pooling 5-22
connection processing 4-25
cookie 5-6
cookie encryption, enabling or disabling 5-6
Index - 2
cookie persistence 5-22
cookie secret 5-6
CRLDP authentication module 5-19
crldp server command 2-7, 5-21, A-44
CRLDP servers 5-20
creating 5-18
viewing 5-19
current partition, defined 4-19
custom monitors 5-25
custom profiles 5-2
daemon bigdbd command A-50
daemon command 2-7, 4-24, A-47
daemon mcpd command A-52
daemon tmm command A-54
daemon_bigdbd command 2-7
daemon_mcpd command 2-7
daemon_tmm command 2-7
daemons, listed 4-24
data compression, configuring 5-5
db command 2-7, 4-30, 5-7, A-57, B-1
default partition 4-20
default profiles 5-2
default SNATs 4-26
default unit IDs 4-25
denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, managing 5-7
Destination Address Affinity persistence 5-22
dirname-based addresses 5-17
dns command 2-7, A-59
dynamic routing, using bigdb database variables B-11
edit feature
See individual command entries.
using 2-3
email, sending 4-32
embedded distribution points 5-17
encrypted remote logging
and prerequisites 3-3
and tasks 3-4
encrypted tunnels, opening and closing 3-5
escape feature, using in the bigpipe shell 2-6
event logging, using bigdb database variables B-4
events, tracking 4-32
exit command 2-2, 2-7, A-62
export command 2-7, 4-10, 4-11, A-63
f5active script 4-24
f5adduser command 2-7, 4-22, A-65
f5standby script 4-24
and bigdb database variables B-2
configuring user-defined scripts 4-24
locating directory 4-24
failover command 2-7, A-67
fallback hosts 5-5
Fast HTTP profile 5-6, 5-22
Fast L4 profile 5-24
fasthttp command 2-7, 4-26, A-71
fastL4 command A-72
fastl4 command 2-7, 4-26, A-71
FFP-supported platforms 3-8
filters, for packets 3-8
find_keys command 4-35
finding help 1-8
fipscardsync command 4-3, A-73
fipsutil command 4-2, A-74
formatting conventions 1-6
ftp command 2-7, 4-26, A-77
FTP profile 5-1
gencert utility
defined 1-2
running 5-16
using to generate a temporary certificate and
request file 5-16
using to generate SSL certificates and keys 5-1
genconf utility, using to generate a key 5-1
genkey utility, using to generate SSL certificates 5-1
global command 2-7, 4-26, A-78
grep functionality 2-5
gzip Compression level 5-11, B-5
ha table command 2-7, A-79
halt command 4-3
hardware command 2-7, A-81
hardware compression provider 5-9
hardware compression providers
viewing 5-9
hardware syncookie feature 5-7
headers, inserting and erasing 5-6
health monitors, associating 5-25
help command 2-7, 4-3, A-82
help, finding 1-8
hostname command 4-3
hosts file 4-8
hosts.allow file 4-8
hosts.deny file 4-8
HTTP Class profile 5-7
http command 2-8, 4-26, A-83
HTTP compression 5-8
configuring 5-5
using bigdb database variables B-5
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
HTTP headers, inserting and erasing 5-6
HTTP profile 5-1, 5-22
HTTP redirections, rewriting 5-5
HTTP requests, redirecting 5-5
HTTP response chunking 5-8
HTTP traffic, optimizing using profiles 5-15
httpd command 2-8, A-84
httpd configuration file 4-7
icmp command 2-8, 4-26, A-88
import command 2-8, 4-11, A-89
import default command 4-15
Installation, Licensing, and Upgrades for BIG-IP Systems
interface command 2-8, A-91
interfaces, customizing base network components 3-1
internal trunk distribution 3-8
ip command 2-8, 4-26, A-95
and SNATs 5-4
and Tcl commands 1-2
associating with virtual servers 5-28
implementing 5-28
modifying profile settings 5-2
JDBC connections, monitoring 5-26
JDBC services, monitoring 5-26
Keep-Alive headers 5-22
key association 5-19
keys, generating 5-16, 5-17
last hop routers 5-3
Layer 4 profile 5-1
LDAP CRL distribution point 5-18
LDAP servers 5-20
less file page utility 4-32
licenses, viewing 4-35
Linux syslog-ng man page 1-3
list command 2-8, A-96
load and save commands, compared 4-4
load balancing pool, associating with monitors 5-25
load balancing, setting up basic configuration 5-2
load command 2-8, 4-11, 4-27, A-97
local traffic management 5-1
log file 2-3
managing 3-1, 4-32
resizing 4-33
Index - 3
log information, sending 3-3
logrotate command 2-8, A-100
ltm command 2-8, A-103
MAC address configuration, using bigdb database
variables B-7
management port
adding routes 3-8
configuring 4-17
managing network traffic 5-2
managing the size of the log file 3-1
manual resume, configuring for monitors 5-27
marking node up 5-27
marking pool member up 5-27
mcp command 2-8, A-107
MCPD service
handling failure of 4-24
restarting 4-27
memory command 2-8, A-108
merge command 2-8, A-109
messages, logging to remote machine 3-6
mgmt command 2-8, 4-17, A-111
MGMT port, configuring 4-17
mgmt route command 2-8, A-113
mirror command 2-8, A-116
monitor command 2-8, 5-25, 5-26, 5-27, A-118
monitoring JDBC connections 5-26
associating with pools or nodes 5-25
configuring manual resumption 5-27
creating custom 5-25
using pre-configured 5-25
MSRDP persistence 5-22
nat command 2-8, A-130
ndp command 2-8, A-133
netsnmp.conf file 4-8
network management tasks, performing 3-1
node command 2-8, 4-35, 5-25, 5-26, 5-27, A-135
configuring manual resumption 5-3
marking up 5-27
removing and returning to service 4-34
removing from service 4-34
removing individual nodes from service 4-35
returning individual nodes to service 4-35
returning to service 4-34
setting status manually 5-27
viewing 4-35
ntp command 2-8, A-138
ntp.conf file 4-8
Index - 4
ocsp responder command 2-8, 5-20, 5-21, A-140
oneconnect 5-23
oneconnect command 2-9, 4-26, A-145
online help 1-8
online man pages
about 1-3
accessing from the shell prompt 1-3, A-1
accessing from the system prompt 1-3, A-1
open connections 5-23
opening brace, using in command syntax 2-5
OpenSSL 0.9.8.x 5-17
openssl utility 1-3, 5-1, 5-16, 5-17, 5-18, 5-19
openssl.conf 4-7, 4-8
packet activity, displaying 4-29
packet filter command 2-9, 3-8, 5-25, A-146
packet filter rules 5-25
packet filters
customizing base network components 3-1
Packet Velocity ASIC 10 (PVA10) Syn Cookie feature, and
bigdb database variables B-10
pager notifications, activating 4-32
partition command 2-9, 4-18, A-152
about Common 4-17
about current 4-19
about Read partition 4-19
about Write partition 4-19
accessing 4-18
changing current 4-18
creating 4-18
creating and managing 4-17
defined 4-17
setting default 4-20
password policy command 2-9, A-154
passwords, adding and stripping 5-19
PEM format conversion 5-19
persist command 2-9, A-157
persistence 5-22
persistence types 5-22
PKCS12 file, creating 5-17
platform command 2-9, A-161
Platform Guide 1-5
pool assignation 5-26
pool command 2-9, 5-2, 5-3, 5-24, 5-25, 5-27, A-163
pool members
configuring manual resumption 5-3
marking up 5-27
removing from service 4-34
returning to service 4-34
setting status manually 5-27
pre-configured monitors 5-25
printdb command 4-3
product image
creating a back up of 4-36
restoring from a snapshot file 4-37
profile auth command 2-9, A-171
profile clientssl command 2-9, 5-2, A-176
profile command 2-9, 5-2, 5-19, 5-20, 5-21, 5-24, A-169
profile dns command 2-9, A-184
profile fasthttp command 2-9, 5-6, 5-23, A-186
profile fastl4 command 2-9, 5-7, A-191
profile ftp command 2-9, A-196
profile http command 2-9, 5-5, 5-6, 5-8, 5-12, 5-15, 5-23,
profile httpclass command 2-9, A-208
profile oneconnect command 2-9, 5-23, A-211
profile persist command 2-9, A-214
profile rtsp command 2-9, A-220
profile sctp command 2-9, A-223
profile serverssl command 2-9
profile settings, modifying 5-2
profile sip command 2-9, A-235
profile stats command 2-9
profile stream command 2-9
profile tcp command 2-9, 5-15
profile udp command 2-10
profiles, using to set timeout values 5-24
protocol statistics, displaying 4-26
pva command 2-10
Quality of Service (QoS) levels, setting 5-24
quit command 2-2, 2-10
radius server command 2-10, 5-20, 5-21
RADIUS servers 5-20
RAM Cache implementation, using bigdb database
variables B-7
rate class command 2-10, 5-25
rate shaping 5-25
rateclass.conf 4-8
RCP services, checking health of 5-26
Read access 4-18
Read partition 4-19
real-time statistics, displaying 4-29
reboot command 4-3
redirections, rewriting 5-5
redundant system configuration 4-23
references to other documents, identifying 1-6
refresh interval, resetting 4-29
remote hosts, and logging 3-3
remote logging tasks 3-4
remote logging, encrypted 3-3
remote server authentication 5-20
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
remote users command A-259
remoterole command 2-10, A-262
requests, redirecting 5-5
resize-logFS script 4-33
Resource Admin user role 4-2
Root account 4-2, 4-27
route command 2-10, 3-8
route keys 3-8
route mgmt command 3-8
about the routes file 4-8
adding, configuring, and removing 3-8
customizing base network components 3-1
RPC services, monitoring 5-26
rpcinfo command 5-26
RSA keys 5-19
rtsp command 2-10, A-267
rule command 2-10, 5-4, 5-28
running configuration, defined 4-4
save command 2-10, 4-11, A-271
using active 4-24
using f5active 4-24
using f5standby 4-24
using resize-logFS 4-33
using standby 4-24
sctp command 2-10, 4-3, A-273
self allow command 2-10
self command 2-10
self IP addresses
and unit IDs 4-24, 4-25
customizing base network components 3-1
server authentication 5-18
server certificates, creating 5-18
Server SSL profile 5-1
server-side connections 5-22
service failure 4-24
services, listed 4-24
session persistence 5-22
Setup utility 3-1
shell command
defined 2-10
man page for A-278
setting Read partition 4-19
setting Write partition 4-19
shell prompt, accessing online man pages from 1-3, A-1
simultaneous connection processing 4-25
single configuration file
creating 4-12
defined 4-9
using to configure a system 4-13
using to restore a system 4-14
SIP persistence 5-22
Index - 5
SIP profile A-235
SMB services
monitoring 5-26
retrieving list of 5-26
smbclient command 5-26
snapshot file
using to restore a product image 4-38
viewing information about 4-37
snapshot list command 4-37
snapshot utility
about 4-36
using to restore a product image 4-37
snat command 2-10, 5-4, A-280
SNAT pools, creating 5-4
snat translation command 2-10, 5-4, A-283
snatpool command 2-10, 5-4, A-286
and unit IDs 4-24, 4-25
associating with unit IDs 4-26
creating 5-4
snmpd command 2-10, A-288
snmpd.conf 4-8
snmpd.conf file 4-8
sod service, handling failure of 4-24
software compression provider 5-9
software syncookie feature 5-7
solution examples, about 1-6
Source Address Affinity persistence 5-22
Spanning Tree Protocol, customizing base network
components 3-1
ssh command 3-5, 4-3
SSH connection, establishing 3-4
SSH identity, copying 3-7
ssh syntax 3-4
SSH tunnel, and logging 3-3
sshd command 2-10, A-301
sshd_config file 4-8
SSL certificates, generating 5-16
SSL Client Certificate LDAP servers 5-20
ssl command 2-10, 4-26, A-305
SSL OCSP responders 5-20
SSL persistence 5-22
SSL traffic management 5-16
ssl.csr 5-16
ssl.key 5-16
standby script 4-24
statemirror command 2-10, A-306
displaying 4-26
displaying real-time 4-29
status, setting manually 5-27
stop command 2-2, 2-10, A-309
stored configuration, defined 4-4
Index - 6
stp command 2-10, A-310
stp instance command 2-11, A-314
STP protocol 3-1
stream command 2-11, 4-26, A-317
style conventions 1-6
support, technical 1-8
switch interfaces, adding routes 3-8
sys-icheck command 4-3, A-318
syslog command 2-11
man page for A-320
using to set up remote message logging 3-6
Syslog messages, samples of 4-32
syslog utility
managing log files 4-32
syslog.conf file 4-32
syslog-ng configuration file 4-9
syslog-ng script, editing 3-5
syslog-ng service, restarting 3-7
syslog-ng utility, configuring 3-3
sys-reset command 4-3, A-319
system command 2-11, A-324, A-329
system configuration state 4-4
system licenses, viewing 4-35
system management components 4-1
system management tools 4-2
system prompt
accessing online man pages from 1-3, A-1
identifying command syntax 1-7
system, setting up basic load balancing 5-2
system-auth file 4-7
system-supplied profiles 5-2
TACACS+ servers 5-20
Tcl commands 5-28
Tcl reference books, using 1-3
Tcl, defined 1-3
tcp command 2-11, 4-26, A-329
TCP profile 5-1, 5-24
TCP traffic
optimizing using profiles 5-15
setting service levels on packets 5-24
technical support 1-8
terminal access 4-18
timeout values, setting 5-24
tmm command 2-11, A-330
tmm service
about status 4-28
handling failure of 4-24
tmstat compress command 5-14
tmstat utility 5-14
Tools Command Language 1-3
traffic types, listing of 5-2
traffic, copying 5-3
translation addresses, assigning 5-4
trunk command 2-11, A-331
trunk.internal.ffp bigdb database variable 3-8
trunks, customizing base network components 3-1
Type of Service (ToS) levels, setting 5-24
udp command 2-11, 4-26, A-335
UDP profile 5-1, 5-24
UDP traffic 5-24
unchunking 5-8
unit command 2-11, A-336
unit IDs
associating 4-24
viewing 4-25
Universal persistence 5-22
user access, auditing 4-23
user account administration, using bigdb database
variables B-4
user accounts
creating and managing 4-21
modifying and deleting 4-22
user command 2-1, 2-11, 4-21, 4-22, A-337
userroles file 4-7
version command 2-11, A-340
virtual address command 2-11, A-347
virtual addresses
enabling and disabling 4-35
removing from service 4-34
returning to service 4-34
virtual command
and command syntax A-341
and logs 4-32
assigning a last hop pool to a virtual server 5-3
assigning a persistence profile to a virtual server
assigning a pool to a virtual server 5-26
assigning a profile to a virtual server 5-3
assigning an HTTP profile to a virtual server 5-5, 5-8
associating an authentication profile with a virtual
server 5-21
configuring virtual servers 4-35
creating an authentication profile 5-20
creating or modifying a virtual server 5-3
described 2-11
displaying virtual servers 4-35
managing network traffic 5-2
setting up basic load balancing 5-2
verifying assignation of pool or profile 5-24
virtual ports
removing from service 4-34
returning to service 4-34
virtual server mappings 4-35
virtual servers
and unit IDs 4-24, 4-25
enabling and disabling 4-35
removing from service 4-34
returning to service 4-34
viewing 4-35
vlan command 2-11, A-350
VLAN groups
customizing base network components 3-1
vlangroup command 2-11, A-354
customizing base network components 3-1
WebAccelerator module 5-7
Welcome screen, in the Configuration utility 1-8
Write access 4-18
Write partition 4-19
BIG-IP® Command Line Interface Guide
Index - 7
Index - 8