UKSW Catalog - UKSW International


UKSW Catalog - UKSW International
Since the beginning, in 1956 when this
university was founded, the purpose of
this university has been to provide an
education based on Christian principles
and ideals. With 56 study programs
ranging from the non-degree
professional, bachelor's, master's and
doctorate degrees programs, SWCU
stands as a private university in Central
Java, Indonesia which provides the most
various study programs.
Satya Wacana Christian University
(SWCU) is one of the leading private
universities in Indonesia. It is located in a
small city Salatiga in Central Java, about
45 kilometers south of Semarang and 50
kilometers north of Solo, two big cities in
Central Java, where the international
airports are located. Salatiga is also two
hours drive away from the international
airport in the cultural city of Jogja.
In terms of academic standing, Satya
Wacana Christian University is an
accredited university with a B (Good)
status based on the evaluation of The
National Higher Education Accreditation
Agency of The Republic of Indonesia. The
institution has also been successfully
awarded the ISO 9001:2008 certification
by SAI Global for its quality management
system implemented in the organization.
The name Satya Wacana means 'faithful to
the word of God', which is the spirit of this
Approaching the 60 years of SWCU,
priority is being placed on moving toward
a research university and
internationalization of the higher
education. Research activities,
publications, and international relations
and exchanges of students and faculty
with institutions abroad are emphasized.
Its 12,000 student body who comes from
various ethnic and religious backgrounds
in Indonesia offers a multi cultural
atmosphere with a high degree of respect.
The City of
How to Apply
Short courses and
study abroad
programs (less than
6 Months
Longer programs
(more than 6
East Asia Student
International Class of
Management and
Law (Bachelor)
English Language
Exchange students
from partner
English Literature
Applying for a
Biology (Bachelor) 41
Biology Education
The Guidance and
The Visa Kunjungan
Social Cultural Visit
Visa (VKSB)
History (Bachelor) 32
Physics Education
The VITAS (Visa
Tinggal Terbatas) or
Boarding House
Home stay
Student Dormitory 18
Study Abroad for 1 or
2 Semesters
Program Intensif
Bahasa dan Budaya
Global Education
Economics Education
Pancasila and Civics
Elementary School
Early Childhood
Secretary (3 – year
Engineering (3-Year
Degree )
Computerization (3 year Associate
Degree )
Tourism Destination
(4-Year Associate
Information System
Public Relations
International Relations
Electrical Engineering
Computer System
Sociology of Religion
Sociology of Religion
Law (Master’s)
Psychology Science
Physical, Health, &
Recreation Education
Food Technology
Music Art
Table of
About SWCU
Engineering and
Computer Teaching
Library Studies
Information System
Development Studies
Development Studies
Brief Facts 60
Years of SWCU
Student Life
Programs for
Degree Programs
Conducted in
Degree Programs
Conducted in
Years of
Satya Wacana Christian
University with the Teacher Training
University is a university supported
College forming the first faculty. To
by eighteen Indonesian churches
Economics, Biology, Theology,
members of Board of Trustees are
composed of representatives of
each church.
This university was established by four
Indonesian Church Synods on February
13, 1956. The Synods were those of the
Java Christian Church (GKJ), the East Java
Christian Church (GKJW), the Evangelical
Church of Java (GITJ), the Pasundan
Christian Church (GKP), the Sumba
Christian Church, and the Central Java
Indonesian Christian Church (GKI Jateng).
This board founded a Teacher Training
College on November 30th of that year
which comprises of five departments:
The Department of Education, Law,
History, English, and Economics.
In 1959 the board decided to extend the
Teacher Training College to become a
this was added the faculties of Law,
Agriculture, and Electrical Engineering.
A five storey lecture and office building
was built in 1985 and the Junior
Laboratory High School was also set up
during this year.
Two years later the Senior Laboratory
High School was established for use in
practicum by graduates of the Teacher
Training and Education Faculty. In
January 1987 a Post Graduate Program
in Development Studies was opened
which enabled students to pursue
Master's degrees in that field.
The beginning of the 1991/1992
academic year marked the opening of the
Post Graduate Program in Religion and
Society offering both Master's and
Doctorate degrees. In 1992 the Faculty of
Science and Mathematics was
established. In 1994 two additional
programs in Technology was added, and
Since 1956 the University has had six
an Accounting Department was opened
Rectors. The first was the late Professor
in the Faculty of Economics. Provision is
Dr. O. Notohamidjojo, SH (1956-1973). He
also being made for an additional
was succeeded by Dr. Sutarno who
Master's Degree Programs in
served from 1973-1983. From 1983-1993
Management, Education, Accounting,
the Rector was Prof. Dr. Willi Toisuta and
Psychology Science, Biology, Information
continued by Dr. John J.O.I. Ihalauw as
Technology, and Agroecotechnology.
the fourth Rector in 1993- 2001. From
Altogether there are now 4 non-degree
2001-2005 the Rector was Prof. Rev. John
professional programs, 39 Bachelor's
Titaley, ThD. and continued by Prof. Dr.
Degree programs, 10 Master's Degree
Kris Herawan Timotius in 2005-2009.
programs, and 3 Doctorate Degree
Commenced on 30 November 2009 the
programs. Most of the degree programs
Rector is Prof. Rev. John. A. Titaley, ThD.
offered at Satya Wacana Christian
University have been given full
accreditation from the government.
Motto & Symbol
1. The university motto is: Fear in God
is the Beginning of Understanding
(Proverbs 1:7a).
2. The university symbol is based on
the name that is given that is Satya
Wacana, which means Faith in
3. The university symbol consists of:
The left side is depicted:
1. A Leather scroll like in the shape of
an ancient book from Israel that has
the meaning “decree”. The depiction
of the decree is a symbol of Christ, as
is mentioned in John 1:1 “Then in the
beginning there was a decree, and
that decree was with God, and that
decree is also God”.
2. On top of the scroll is drawn a cross
between Alfa (A) and Omega (∩),
which mean that Jesus Christ is the
beginning and the end. The symbol
of the cross, Alfa, and Omega is a
symbol of Christ (Revelations 1:8).
The symbol of Christ as God’s Decree is
drawn two times to depict how important it
is to have faith and love in the decree (Satya
Wacana) for Satya Wacana Christian
The right side is depicted:
1. A fire in the shape of seven flames
symbolizing the Holy Spirit. The depiction of
the Holy Spirit is found in Revelations 1:4.
2. The lower part is included with 1956- the
year Indonesian Christian Teaching
Educational Tertiary Institution was
established, which was the beginning of
Satya Wacana Christian University.
The overall meaning is Satya Wacana is a
Christian Upper Educational Institution that
must always have faith in God’s Decrees.
This faith is endeavored through
perseverance to always read and strive for
knowledge below the light of the Holy
Spirit. The desire for knowledge and
fostering cannot be separated from a
certain belief that for Satya Wacana means
Christian faith.
1. To Become a Scientiarum University
to form an alliance of upper-level
knowledge that is related to real
teaching (althea) based on Biblical
2. To Become a Magistrorum et
Scholarium University to form a
creative minority to build and
regenerate the citizens and country of
3. To Become a Leadership Cultivator to
allocate roles within a society
(including church) that is developing.
4. To Become a Radar in a situation of
spiritual, moral, political, and cultural
change that signals, records, and
follows those changes using them to
become an object or target of study
and research.
5. To Become an Educational Service
Foundation and Provider (Diakonia)
for the duration of its existence,
entailing constructive criticism along
with information to churches and
society regarding the societal
presence of poverty, injustice,
dishonesty, and unrest.
1. To carry out the three responsibilities of an
upper educational institution, which are
high teaching and education, research, and
social service.
2. To operate an Indonesian Christian upper
educational institution, meaning that the
lives and activities on one side are
motivated and are in the form of Christian
faith, and on another side respond
appropriately and act responsibly to sociocultural situations and national needs as
well as those of the Republic of Indonesia.
3. To motivate and develop an attitude and
thinking that is critical-principle and
creative-realistic based on sensitivity of
one’s inner-self that is noble and led by
God’s Commandments.
4. To create a center of thinking and
experience to construct lives which are fair,
free, orderly, along with prosperous.
5. To search for and strive to obtain
meaningful relationships between Christian
faiths with various fields of knowledge and
activities or services.
6. To strive to form and cultivate generations
of societal leadership that besides being
equipped with a supply of knowledge and
sensitivity in a certain field, also possess
high awareness towards social service.
The City of
During the Indonesian War of
and Indonesian scorched earth tactics.
Independence the centre of Salatiga
was badly damaged by Dutch bombing
Salatiga's population stands at over
170,000 people, at least 90% of whom
If you put your finger down on a map at
are ethnic Javanese. There is a small
the dead center of Java it will be close to
minority of Chinese and sprinkling of
the city of Salatiga, where Satya Wacana
people from other ethnic groups.
Christian University is located. Salatiga is
Javanese is the language the most often
about ±45 km south of Semarang, Central
heard in the streets and markets but
Java's capital and chief port. One hour's
almost everyone speaks Indonesian to
drive to the south of Salatiga lies Solo, and
varying degrees. The city has the status
two hours away the tourist centre of
of a municipality, which makes it
Yogyakarta. Salatiga is situated 600
administratively independent of
meters (1,800 feet) above the sea level in
surrounding counties. It is, however, by
the foothills of the volcano Mt. Merbabu,
far the smallest municipality in Java.
and the mountain's cone shaped mass
dominates the town. Its climate is
Salatiga's economy, like that of most
temperate, rarely oppressively hot during
small towns in Java is based on a variety
the day, pleasantly cool at night. It is
of sources: shops, restaurant, boarding
occasionally windy, and during the wet
houses. The town is in a fertile region
season from October to April rain falls
and is a market centre for rice, fruit,
very regularly and heavily.
vegetables, cattle, peanuts, rubber,
tobacco, coffee, cocoa and other
Salatiga's chief claim to fame in history is
products. Its markets and shops supply
that in 1757 a treaty was signed here
processed food and other manufactured
bringing to an end war in the kingdom of
goods for surrounding rural areas. There
Mataram and establishing the princedom
are a number of small industries in the
of Mangkunegara. Jaka Tingkir, the
town specializing in the processing of
founder the 16th century state Of Pajang,
local agricultural produce. They include
is reputed to have come from the vicinity
of Salatiga. During the Dutch colonial
period Salatiga became a military centre.
Its cool air and pleasant surroundings
made it a popular retirement town.
manufacture of dendeng (dried meat),
abon (crispy chopped fried meat), kripik
paru (fried cow's lung), lidah sapi
(smoked cow's tounge), enting-enting
(sweet peanut candy) and others.
From dawn until early afternoon, the
market on the main street, Jalan Jendral
Many people find it useful to have a bicycle
Sudirman is a bustling, colorful centre
or car to use within the town. Public
for the sale of fresh fruit and vegetables,
transport within the town is three main
processed foods and small goods, fresh
kinds: (1) Horse drawn vehicles known as
meat, chicken and fish, as well as
“dokar” or “andong” are allowed in most
clothes, medicines, hardware, batik, etc.
areas but are not allowed along the main
shopping street. (2) Pedicabs known as
Along the main street there are several
“becak” are allowed in most streets. For both
restaurants offering Chinese and
dokar and becak you should bargain for a
Indonesian food. In the evening
price before you get in and check with
delicacies such as satay, martabak (a kind
friends or neighbours about the normal price
of crepe), steamed corn (jagung rebus)
for the distance you wish to travel. (3)
and ginger drinks (wedang ronde) are
Minibuses, commonly known as “Angkota”,
sold at the roadside.
all go on fixed routes and have fixed prices.
Outside of Salatiga is buses with fixed routes
The town's main mosque is on Jalan
Wahid Hasyim, not far for from the Satya
Wacana Campus. There is a Catholic
church as well as Protestan Churches.
and prices. Check with friends the current
prices. It is also possible to hire a vehicle
from the car rentals in town. Most travel
agents provide such services.
Student Life
Student Life
Satya Wacana's student body is unique.
Since students on campus represent nearly
every ethnic group and religion found in the
vast archipelago of Indonesia, the university
is frequently referred to as a “ Mini
This amazing diversity sets the stage for
Through its teaching, counseling, and
intercultural and inter-religious
extra curricular activities, Satya Wacana
friendships to flourish. It also fosters a
Christian University truly provides a
tolerant mindset among students. To
caring atmosphere for its students.
recognize this diversity and show
Student activities enable them to grow
appreciation for it, the university holds an
intellectually, emotionally and
annual cultural festival during which time
spiritually. When Satya Wacana students
students stage programs featuring ethnic
graduate, they are extremely proud of
songs and dances. These events help to
their alma mater, and for good reason!
strengthen ethnic pride and better crosscultural understanding.
Satya Wacana endeavors to help
provide scholarships to students who
While at Satya Wacana, students also
are financially disadvantaged. Those
participate in a wide variety of academic
scholarships come from Satya Wacana
seminars, research programs, and
itself, the government, companies, and
scholarly competitions. Their soft skills,
from overseas agencies.
interests and talents are developed as
well through participation in leadership
Satya Wacana also encourages
training programs, vocal groups, drama
international understanding through a
performances and other stage
wide network of cooperative relations
presentations, sports, camping, and
and programs with various organizations
outbound activities.
abroad. International students and
expatriates give an international flavor
to the campus.
How to Apply
How to Apply
Study abroad programs (less
than 6 months)
• Letter of permit to Study in
Indonesia (can be obtained from
the Indonesian Embassy in your
home country)
• Photos, 8 copies, 3x4cm
Exchange students from
1. Download and complete
the application form from http://, attach an
Academic Transcript, and email to
UKSW International
([email protected])
2. We will send you a Letter
of Acceptance.
3. You take to the Letter of Acceptance
to the Indonesian Embassy in your
home country and apply for a sociocultural visa.
Longer programs (more than 6
1. Download and complete
the application form from http://
Email it to UKSW International
([email protected])
2. Attach the following documents
to your application:
•Academic Transcript
•Senior High School Diploma
•Letter of Recommendation from
The Dean of your Faculty, the
Director of The International
Office or other administrator at
your university.
•Certificate of Health.
•Curriculum Vitae
•Photocopy of Passport (all pages)
partner universities
1. Download the form from
2. Complete and email it to UKSW
International ([email protected]).
3. Attach the following documents
to your application:
•Academic Transcript
•Senior High School Diploma
•Letter of Recommendation from
The Dean of your Faculty, the
Director of The International
Office or other administrator at
your university.
•Certificate of Health.
•Curriculum Vitae
•Photocopy of Passport (all pages)
•Letter of permit to Study in
Indonesia (can be obtained from
the Indonesian Embassy in your
home country)
•Photos, 8 copies, 3x4cm
Applying for a Visa
For shorter stays you can come on a
socio-cultural visa, and for longer stays
you should obtain a student visa. Once
you have been accepted to study at
UKSW, we can guide you and give you
information about how to apply for the
appropriate visa.
The Visa Kunjungan Sosial
Budaya or Social Cultural Visit
Visa (VKSB)
The Visa Kunjungan Sosial Budaya or
Social Cultural Visit Visa (VKSB) can be
given to foreign students who enter
Indonesia with the following purposes:
1. Short visit
2. Exchange students
3. Short courses
Foreign students who are applying for
such a visa should contact the
University's Deputy Rector for
Institutional Relations (PR IV) for further
details regarding the application
procedure and the regulations
governing the issuance of such a visa.
The visa will be given for 60 days and
can be extended 4 times with its validity
for 30 days per extension at the closest
Immigration office. Documents needed
for every extension are:
4. 2 copies of passport, including pages
where the visa was
5. 2 copies of disembarkation /
embarkation card 9both sides).
6. 2 copies of the international ticket.
7. 2 colored photos, red background, size:
6 x 4 for 1st , 3rd, and
4th extension; 4 colored photos for 2nd
8. Administration fee is applied.
The VITAS (Visa Tinggal
Terbatas) or Semi-permanent
The most common form of visa used by
foreign students at Satya Wacana is the
VITAS. The Vitas is only valid for a
period of one year from the time you
enter the country but are renewable on
annual basis.
Reporting to the local police
Foreign visitors (students) who come to Indonesia for a short or long period must
be reported to the local police office and other related offices within 24 hours
upon arrival. Required documents are :
1. 2 copies of passport, including the page where the visa was stamped.
2. 2 copies of disembarkation / embarkation card.
3. 3 colored photos, size 4 x 6 cm.
Most students choose to stay in a
the student dormitory, early booking
boarding house as they are comfortable
should be made. You can ask the
and affordable, and you can come and
International Office staff to ask the
go as you please. However, there is also
availability of the room in the dormitory.
an option to stay with a host family if you
want to really experience Indonesian
everyday life. Another alternative for
longer stays is to rent a house. UKSW
International can help you explore your
Here are some options you can choose
for your stay:
Boarding House
Most UKSW students stay in boarding
houses. They can be found all around
the campus area. The price is relatively
reasonable from Rp 800,000 - 1,500,000
per month. Students usually pay the rent
in the first week every month. It covers
room and laundry service.
Home stay
Students also have the choice of living
with an Indonesian family. They would
need to pay Rp.600,000 per week
including breakfast and dinner for week
days, and breakfast, lunch, and dinner
for week-ends.
Student Dormitory
Student dormitory is very famous among
There are a few bookstores located close
to campus along Jalan Jenderal
Sudirman such as Karisma, Andi star,
Imanuel and Bethany.
At the International office there are some
computers for work and Skype use if
needed. All mobile telephone services
and sim cards can be purchased all over
Salatiga for cheap recharge plans.
Telekomsel is highly recommended and
all providers can be recharged at any
Indomaret convenient store.
Sporting Facilities
Salatiga has several sports facilities
located around the town. Badminton,
basketball and soccer are the most
common sports. The Mountain View
International School welcomes all
international visitors to volunteer and
participate in games played on a
regular basis.
the students but it is usually full booked
by the students. So if you want to stay in
Programs for
UKSW is a comprehensive university
You will be captivated by the exotic
offering a range of study options in
fragrances, colors, sounds and tastes.
English, from short 2-week courses to full
People are amazingly friendly. The food
degree programs. We are very flexible in
is delicious. The pace is relaxed and the
catering to all your needs, always
life style easy going. Salatiga is a small
providing education of the highest
and friendly university town. It will be
standards. UKSW is also an extremely
easy for you to make new friends, and
affordable alternative. You will soon
take part in lots of activities with them if
notice that academic fees as well as
you so like, or alternatively, just take it
living costs are much lower than most
easy, sit around and have a chat. Your
comparable options in other countries.
UKSW experience will give you valuable
academic credits, knowledge and skills,
However, in addition to academic
and it will also become a memory you
benefits, your UKSW experience would
will continue to treasure.
entail so much more! Indonesian
culture is vibrant and engaging.
Study Abroad Program
Satya Wacana Christian University offers various courses
conducted in English for both local and International students
from partner Universities. The uniqueness of these courses is
that they combine theories and field observation, science and
local wisdoms.
Study Abroad for 1 or 2
Students will have to work with their
Indonesian student-partner and will
Every formal class/lecture is
accompanied with ample opportunities
for students to study cases and observe
be evaluated mostly on a project work
and field-tasks rather than on formal
General requirements
real life situations/problems. And from
To be able to join this class, a sufficient
there students are encouraged to give
command of English is needed.
scientific interpretations and or creative
Students coming from non English-
applications of the theories and
speaking countries are required to have
knowledge they have learnt.
a 500 TOEFL score or 5.5 IELTS score.
Program Intensif Bahasa dan
Budaya Indonesia
The Intensive course of Indonesian Language and Culture known
as PIBBI (Program Intensif Bahasa & Budaya Indonesia) is our
intensive course in Indonesian language & culture
Program Intensif Bahasa dan
supported with modern classrooms
Budaya Indonesia
equipped with audio video teaching aids
The program consists of language
tutorials, cultural classes, seminars on a
variety of interesting and current topics
about Indonesia, and excursions to
destinations of special interest outside
Salatiga. We offer Batik, Cooking,
Pencak Silat,
Traditional Dance & Gamelan for the
cultural classes. With more than 37 years
of experience in providing Indonesian
language training to foreign speakers,
PIBBI program has served more than
3,000 foreigners from all over the world.
We have experienced instructors with
to optimize the language learning
process. Free Internet access is available
to all our students either using their own
laptops or using one of the desktops
available in our mini computer lab. LTC is
equipped with a broad range of
resources available for student self
learning of languages, with a collection of
textbooks, dictionaries, novels,
newspapers, magazines, DVDs, videos,
cassettes, and other materials.
The program also assigns Indonesian
students as LTC friends to accompany
participants during the program.
training in language teaching ensuring
high quality and progressive teaching
approaches and methodologies. This is
GlobEEs is a collaborative program for
students of Universitas Kristen Satya
Wacana (UKSW-Indonesia) and Chang Jung
Christian University (CJCU-Taiwan) which is
aimed to give international educational
experiences. The participants will
experience a global interaction with other
participants from Taiwan by joining
academic and cultural activities through
short lectures, presentation, community
service, leadership practice, visit to place of
interests, and field trips.
At the end of the program, the
participants will make a presentation
about their experiences during the
GlobEEs program. This program is
annually held in Indonesia (odd year) and
Taiwan (Even year).
East Asia Student Encounter (EASE) is a
collaborative program for students of
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSWIndonesia) and Kwansei Gakuin University
(KGU-Japan), which has been held since
This program is aimed to establish
East Asia
friendship between two countries in
order to increase understanding and to
promote world peace through discussion,
lectures, field study, cultural exchange,
field trip, seminar, and other student
activities. This program is annually held in
Indonesia (odd year) and Japan (Even
Degree Programs
in English
International Class of
Management and Accounting
undergraduate Program
Are you ready for the future? After
joining China and ASEAN free trade area,
we are entering borderless world, with
tighter competition. Everybody aiming
at international positions needs to equip
himself/herself with English and
international perspective to create
better, promising future. Faculty of
Economics and Business Management
and Accounting Program, Satya Wacana
Christian University proudly presents the
International Program which will be held
Partnership that might explore by joining
this program (Guest Lecture, Short Visit,
Exchange Program*)
• Griffith University, AUSTRALIA
• Sunshine Coast University, AUSTRALIA
• Charles Darwin University, AUSTRALIA
• Kwansei Gakuin University, JAPAN
• Chung Yuan Christian University, TAIWAN
• Chang Jung Christian University, TAIWAN
• Silliman University, PHILIPPINES
• Christian University of Thailand, THAILAND
in English. This program is for
management and accounting major. The
benefits offered are:
• Precise and fluent English;
• International perspective with
compatible curriculum;
• Encounters with internationally
qualifies lectures;
• International exposure, resources,
visits, exchange.
[email protected]
Faculty of Language
and Literature
English Language Education
University -USA, Birmingham University -
UK, Monash University - Australia, Sydney
The Language and Literature Faculty
(FBS) with English Language Study
Program offers various kinds of classes
that are related with linguistics,
literature, teaching methodologies,
research, and also elective classes. The
majority of classes in the Language and
Literature Faculty use English language
as the medium of instruction. To get
optimal results, classes in the Language
and Literature Faculty are planned as
efficiently as possible, like by opening
small classes. Classes are offered in the
form of face-to-face meetings, structured
tasks, and independent tasks.
The majority of lecturers in the Language
and Literature Faculty have Master's
Degrees and PhDs in various fields and
are graduates from various domestic and
University – Australia, Kwansei Gakuin
University – Japan, National University of
Singapore, and Assumption University Thailand. The Language and Literature
Faculty is also supported by native
speakers who have experience in
teaching English language.
Outside class activities also support
Language and Literature Faculty students
to obtain soft skills and experience that
later will be very useful in the work world.
Therefore, the Language and Literature
Faculty supports student activities like
LoVED (Loading via English Days), EDS
(English Debate Society), ED Voice, ED
Soccer, and others. The Language and
Literature Faculty also involves students
in faculty activities like international
seminars, faculty promotion, and
overseas universities like Satya Wacana
Christian University, Gajah Mada
University, Diponegoro University, Ohio
English Literature (Bachelor)
The English Literature Study Program
The English Literature Study Program has
has 2 concentration packets, which are
a vision to become the foremost English
Language Study Program, which is
dedicated to developing world and
cultural literature in English language.
The mission of the English Language
Study Program is to become a world and
cultural literature development center in
English language through education,
research, and community service; as well
as produce graduates who are critical,
creative, competitive in applying and
developing literary and cultural
knowledge, and become lifelong
learners (to help the students acquire the
Creative Writing and Translation & World
Graduate Profile:
• Become creative literary writers in
English language for printed or
electronic media.
• Become dual language (Indonesian/
English) creative translators in
literature, cultural arts,
entertainment, and information.
• Become editors of translated works in
literature, cultural arts,
entertainment, and information.
• Become critics of world literature
in English language.
skills they need to engage in life-long
Faculty of Language and
[email protected]
Degree Programs
Conducted in
Teaching &
The Guidance and Counseling
hospital; and (d) human resource
development. Developing guidance and
The Guidance and Counseling (BK) Study
Program, which has been offered since
1960, is managed by a permanent
teaching staff with Master's Degree and
PhD Degree backgrounds and
counselors with experience in their fields.
The BK Study Program curriculum refers
to changes and needs in a globalization
era and counseling profession
standardization nationally and
internationally. Students need to
complete a minimum of 144 credits with
2 concentrations: Secondary Education
and Industry. The BK Study Program
study field covers guidance and
counseling, psychology, and education/
counseling material is done through
multimedia, multimedia-based classes,
and counseling services for the campus
community or general community. The
Guidance and Counseling Study
Program works in cooperation with
APECA (The Association of Psychological
and Educational Counselors of AsiaPacific), which is an organization that is
comprised of psychologists, educators,
counselors/advisors, and social workers.
History (Bachelor)
The SWCU FKIP History Study Program was
established to produce graduates who
possess high integrity as educators and
researchers in the field of history. They are
BK Study Program Alumni have
technological advancements in knowledge,
competencies to work in the fields: (a)
primary and secondary education; (b)
industry: personnel, production, or
open minded towards changing times and
as well as care disseminators. They care
about educational, societal, nation, and
Indonesian problems.
marketing; (c) health organization /
The SWCU FKIP History Study Program, in
and BWI Indonesia. International:
conducting classes stresses graduates
Kebangsaan University Malaysia (UKM).
have dual abilities. That is SWCU FKIP
History Study Program graduates have
Mathematics Education
competencies to become History
(primary competence) teachers and
Sociology/Anthropology teachers, as well
as Javanese Language/Culture (Post
Secondary Subject Mastery) teachers.
Class implementation in the SWCU FKIP
History Study Program is various between
face-to-face classes, field classes, job
practice at educational institutions, and
writing thesis papers as part of the
SWCU FKIP History Study Program
students are able to finish their study in
3.5-4 years upon completing a minimum
of 144 credits. The superiority of SWCU
FKIP History Study Program students is
The Mathematics Education Study
Program is designed to prepare students
to become education degree holders who
are professional, creative and possess
educational managerial skills and
competencies and are able to apply
technology in mathematics study. The
graduates of Mathematics Education
study program have competencies to wok
in the educational field as teachers of
mathematics and Information Technology
or in the non-educational field which
requires the use of information
technology and applied mathematics.
in: mastery in the fields of History,
Economics Education
Sociology, Anthropology, and Javanese
language/ culture to become
The Economics Education Study Program
professional educators.
Many alumni of the SWCU FKIP History
Study Program are successful working
as: teachers, heads of schools, lecturers,
tour guides, museum employees,
researchers, and authors. The SWCU FKIP
History Study Program Salatiga works in
cooperation with: National: DPD
of the Teaching and Education Faculty of
Satya Wacana Christian University has
been in existence since 1956. As one of
the programs which initiated the
establishment of SWCU, the Economics
Study Program used to be known as the
Business World Study Program. It
changed its name to the Economics
Hondodento Central Java, Indonesian
Study Program to be in accordance with
History Study Program Forum, MSI
Minister Decree No. 0217/U/1995
Members, PRAKARSA Gathering Jakarta,
regarding valid national curriculum for
Education Degree Programs.
The Economics Education Study Program
strives to develop graduates with
competences to become well-rounded
teachers for middle schools, high
schools, and vocational high schools.
competences of economics and
certain concentration fields.
Pancasila and Civics (Bachelor)
The goal in carrying out the SWCU FKIP
Pancasila and Civics Study Program is to
A school with professional competence
prepare students to become Education
consists of four abilities: (a) knows well
Degree holders who are professional and
the students which it is serving, (b)
possess knowledge, as well as an ability
masters the economic concepts,
to teach at the primary and secondary
procedures, and principles, (c) is able
levels in the Civics study field as a primary
to conduct educational learning, and
competence and as a supplemental
(d) develops sustainable professional
competence to be able to teach
Sociology/Anthropology (in high school)
and Civil Law / Commerce Law / Taxation
The Economics Education Study
Law (in vocational high school).
Program prepares graduates who have
the following characteristics:
The SWCU FKIP Pancasila and Civics
1. Master the minimum general
competence of the teaching
profession, which are oriented to the
study field. Cooperative economics,
marketing , office work, and accounting
for students in a formal and non formal
education setting.
2. Master the Economics study field
and learning methodologies in
middle school, high school, and
vocational high school.
3. Possess an ability to master in the fields
of information technology and
education communication as well as
English language proficiency.
4. Able to become business manager
graduates who have basic professional
abilities in management and business
operations in the business world.
5. Able to become business manager
graduates who have basic knowledge
Study Program is designed and directed
to prepare students to become
democratic teachers whether in school
(teaching Civics), political organizations,
non-governmental organizations (as
developers of civil society), or in the mass
media environment (as political and
democratic journalists).
What is meant by democratic teachers
is they are experts in democratic
knowledge, appreciate democratic
values, are skilled in democracy and
master techniques and strategies in
teaching democracy, foster democratic
attitudes, and train in democratic
Elementary School Teacher
PGSD has international cooperation
with Pittsburgh University and Florida
The Elementary School Teacher Study
Program (PGSD) was established because
of a government directive. This program
forms education (plus) degree graduates
who are professional and humanistic as
classroom teachers in elementary school,
State University. In addition, it is also an
active member of the PittsburghIndonesia Tertiary Educational
Consortium (KPTIP).
Early Childhood Teacher
love their jobs based on love to guide
their students, as well as have social
For parents, children are a treasure, a
sensitivity and cultural wisdom about
legacy, and a gift from God. Children are
Indonesia in the middle of a
an immeasurable wealth. Parents are
globalization era. The mission in
willing to sacrifice working hard to
conducting the PGSD Undergraduate
provide the best for their children,
Degree Study Program are:
including education. A good education
1. To improve the educational service
which starts at a young age is
quality, learning process, and
detrimental in developing one's life and
scholarly plus values.
personality. Parents are completely
2. To develop student potential,
aware of this problem. So starting when
cleverness, life skills, personalities,
and educational leadership.
children are a very young age, parents
3. To increase the relevance of education
to educate their children. At this time,
and teacher training in learning practice.
many Early Childhood Education (PAUD)
4. To increase graduate efficiency.
5. To increase social sensitivity and
organizations have been established like
cultural wisdom in the archipelago.
rainy season. Realizing the need for early
look for the right educational institutions
mushrooms springing to life during the
childhood education is increasing
The kinds of programs offered in
the study program are as follows:
quantitatively and qualitatively from time
1. PGSD Regular
2. PGSD International Standard (BI).
workforce educational institution (LPTK)
3. PGSD ICT-Based Long Distance
out the Early Childhood Education
Education (PJJ).
4. PGSD Education Undergraduate
Degree for Employed Teachers.
Teacher Undergraduate Degree Study
to time, SWCU FKIP as an education
has a calling to be responsible to carry
Program (PG PAUD Undergraduate
Degree Study Program). The SWCU FKIP
PAUD Undergraduate Degree Program in
Salatiga was opened beginning in the
2010-2011 academic year based on an
agreement from the Directorate General
of Upper Education with Directive: 2385/
D/T/2009. The goal of running the PG
PAUD Undergraduate Degree Study
Program is to prepare students to
become Education scholars who are
Faculty of Teaching &
competent in teaching and managing
[email protected]
the learning process according to the
characteristics and development level of
young children.
Economics &
Secretary (3 - year Associate
Management (Bachelor)
Program )
The SWCU FEB Management Study
Program prepares students to become
Program was established in 1959. As an
professional secretaries with multilanguage abilities. Sixty percent of
classes are taught in English language,
with additional elective classes being
Japanese and Mandarin languages. The
Secretary 3-Year Associate Degree Study
Program curriculum is designed to fulfill
industrial world needs by producing
secretaries who are reliable and able to
finish secretarial, communicative, and
managerial tasks.
educational institution which is
dynamic, it is demanded to continually
improve itself through an actionreflection process to be able to follow
developments over time and answer
various problems in society. Teaching
quality becomes the primary emphasis,
in order that the institution is able to
supply graduates with sufficient
knowledge and abilities, in order that
they provide positive contributions for
society and nation development, as well
as answer challenges over time. In
facing these challenges, the SWCU FEB
Management Study Program focuses on
business to produce leaders who are a
creative minority; that is managers who
possess entrepreneurial minds as well as
innovative student business people.
Graduate Profile
• Become future leaders who:
• Have theoretical and
practical managerial abilities.
• Are capable in their professional
Economics (Bachelor)
The Economics Study Program of the
Teaching and Education Faculty of
Satya Wacana Christian University has
fields, have integrity and ethic moral
been in existence since 1956. As one of
the programs which initiated the
• Have characteristics as independent
learners who are critical and want to
continue to learn in the middle of a
changing environment.
• Are able to manage changes creatively
and realistically.
establishment of SWCU, the Economics
Program used to be known as the
Business World Study Program. It
changed its name to the Economics
Study Program to be in accordance
with Minister Decree No. 0217/U/1995
regarding valid national curriculum for
Education Degree Programs.
The Economics Study Program strives to
develop graduates with competences to
become well-rounded teachers for
middle schools, high schools, and
vocational high schools. A school with
professional competence consists of
four abilities: (a) knows well the students
which it is serving, (b) masters the
economic concepts, procedures, and
principles, (c) is able to conduct
educational learning, and (d) develops
sustainable professional abilities. The
Economics Study Program prepares
graduates who have the
apprenticeship (optional), which will help
following characteristics:
prepare students to enter the job world.
• Master the minimum general
competences of the teaching
profession, which are oriented to the
study field.
• Cooperative economics, marketing,
office work, and accounting for students
in a formal and non formal educational
• Master the Economics study field and
learning methodologies in middle
school, high school, and vocational high
• Possess an ability to master in the fields
of information technology and
• education communication as well as
English language proficiency.
• Able to become business manager
graduates who have basic professional
abilities in management and business
operations in the business world.
• Able to become business manager
graduates who have basic knowledge
competences of economics and certain
concentration fields.
Accounting Study Program graduates
already have worked in many of the
foremost institutions/companies in
Indonesia (bureaucracy, National Armed
Forces of Indonesia (TNI) / Police, private,
State-Owned Corporations (BUMN), or
Non Governmental Organizations (NGO).
Many of the alumni work in the
accounting field (auditing, taxation,
accounting) or in related fields like
system analysis, investment
management, or finance. The
Accounting Study Program also works in
cooperation with several of the foremost
public accounting offices in Indonesia
like PWC, KPMG, and Delloite.
Accounting (Bachelor)
The Accounting Study Program which was
established in 1993 and starting operating
in 1994 has become one of the foremost
study programs in Indonesia. Receiving an
A accreditation status in 2008 from the
National Accreditation Body shows the
quality of the Accounting Study Program.
Students also will receive an A and B tax
program along with enough
practice class load and
[email protected]
Law (Bachelor)
writing their thesis papers. This can
As of this year, the SWCU Law Faculty
be achieved in 3.5-4 years.
(FH) has been carrying out legal
education for more than 50 years. This
Students also have the opportunity to
amount of time depicts the faculty's
develop their soft skills in various courses
maturity and experience. At this time, the
and training that are offered during
SWCU FH is in the process of
semester breaks. In the education
accreditation. The learning system that is
teaching process, the SWCU FH is
applied in the SWCU FH is very dynamic
supported by an experienced teaching
and conducted in an enjoyable fashion.
staff, whether from an academic or
The SWCU FH supplies its students with
practice sphere.
the ability to master theory and practice
in a balanced way. Thus, students are
taught to analyze and solve law cases in a
The ratio between lecturers and students
creative way. The lecture process is done
is always maintained in an even
in an interesting way, and certainly there
proportion, so that students can obtain
are no classes to just memorize laws.
maximum service. The SWCU FH alumni
Lecturers and students have a good
number more than 2,000 people, who
relationship with each other. It is
hold important positions in the
customary for SWCU FH students to have
government or private sphere as law
informal discussions with their lecturers
profession practitioners.
without feeling awkward or embarrassed.
The lecture system is conducted in a
semester credit system. Students have to
complete an academic load of 147
credits, including
Biology (Bachelor)
The Biology Faculty was established on
October 2, 1962, with the status
CERTIFIED. Then on September 24, 1965, it
reached the status of ACKNOWLEDGED.
The Biology Faculty continues to do
improvements in carrying out its
education and faculty development
programs. The hard work that was done
has paid dividends. Therefore, on
November 24, 1984, the status of the
SWCU Biology Undergraduate Degree
program was changed to EQUAL. In
further development the SWCU Biology
Faculty continues to strive to develop
itself in national higher education,
including accreditation.
Faculty of Law
[email protected]
The SWCU Biology Faculty on December
22, 1998, Science Undergraduate Degree
(BS – Biology) was accredited B from the
Tertiary Education National Accreditation
Body (BAN – PT), which has been in effect
until now.
Concentrations :
creative, can actively use English
After experiencing development from
language, are competent in teaching, and
year to year along with curriculum
are able to produce research and
changes, since 2002 the SWCU Biology
technology works in Biology Education.
Faculty has had 3 fields of
Biology Education Undergraduate
concentration which are:
Degree graduates can teach in public or
1. The Field of Biochemical Development
private schools as natural science
and Molecular Biology
teachers in elementary school and middle
2. The Field of Microbiology Development
school, as well as biology teachers in high
and Industrial Biology
school and vocational high school.
3. The Field of Biotechnology
Development and Environmental
Biology Education (Bachelor)
In this third millennium era, biology
knowledge and applications have
developed. To prepare the young
generation to have an awareness of their
biodiversity natural resource preservation,
teachers are needed who are able to
equip their students with biology
knowledge and applications. The role of
teachers is essential to encourage
students to learn about biology. The
Biology Education Undergraduate Degree
Program strives to produce Biology
Faculty of Biology
[email protected]
Education Undergraduate Degree (S.Pd)
graduates who are inventive, critical,
creative, and heedful of the education
condition, so that they want to compete
at the national and international levels.
Biology Education Undergraduate Degree
graduates are experts in mastering
bioscience, have learning methods that
motivate students to be active and
Science &
Physics (Bachelor)
The Physics Study Program has three
fields of interest.
Electronics Instrumentation (ELIN) :
These three fields have added value
• Data Acquisition and Control (DACS) for
because the graduates are prepared in a
teaching Science (stage 1) .
• Industry Standards (stage 2) covers
formal manner to become ready to use
graduates who are professional in their
measurement instruments like sensors,
fields with additional knowledge that is in
temperature detectors, energy, etc.
accordance with technological,
• Computer Interface.
information, and computer
developments. To support this, classes
Applied Optics :
are planned to be balanced between the
• Holography
classroom and practice.
• High Precision Laser Measurement with
Michelson Interferometer
• Velocimetry Doppler Laser
• Diode Laser
• Spectrometry.
Rural Technology:
• Appropriate Use of Technology for
• Alternative Energy Sources.
Double Degree Program
In cooperation with different Physics
Study Programs (Physics and Physics
Education), it offers a double degree
program; that is a program that is carried
out by 2 different study programs
(Physics and Physics Education) to obtain
2 different degrees: Science
Undergraduate Degree (S.Si) and
The Chemistry Study Program also has
provided a special scholarship program
Undergraduate Degree (S.Pd). By only
adding 22 credits, students can get 2
degrees at once. This means it saves
time and money.
Chemistry (Bachelor)
The vision of the SWCU FSM Chemistry
Study Program is to become a chemistry
learning center which is superior and
applicative. The superiority and
uniqueness of the Chemistry Study
Program is the focus in developing
Applied Chemistry. Therefore, at the level
of interest area, different with Chemistry
Study Programs at other universities, the
Chemistry Study Program develops in the
since its first year: the Hannah Scholarship
Fund (HSF) for students who excel (the
top 3 students) with scholarship value
reaching Rp. 10,000,000, and a bioscience scholarship. A program to
develop student soft skills is sought for
through leadership development,
entrepreneurship, mastery of English
language, until the student study club
CHEMSTAR (Chemistry Study and
Research Club), which is oriented to
applying chemistry knowledge in fun &
education chemistry, research &
innovation, and chemistry for society.
Mathematics (Bachelor)
applied area, including :
1. Food Chemistry
The FSM Mathematics Study Program has
2. Medicinal-Herbal Chemistry
a mission to fulfill the three obligations of
3. Cosmetic Chemistry
an Upper Educational Institution in the
4. Environmental Chemistry.
field of Mathematics. Students will get a
deeper understanding of analytical basic
So it is not surprising if SWCU FSM
Chemistry graduates possess applied
chemistry competency, which allows
them to be quickly absorbed in various
industry fields like:
• Food and Beverage Industry
• Medicine Industry
• Cosmetic Industry
• Material and Mining Industry
• Natural Substance Industry
• Government Departments Police
ability, algebra, applied statistics and
mathematics, along with the ability to
solve problems by using mathematics.
Students will also learn how to analyze
and solve mathematics problems with
computer assisted equipment. To be able
to accomplish that, students are supplied
with abilities and skills in computer
programming or using mathematics
application programs which are
appropriate with a problem study.
• Upper Educational Institutions
• Research Centers
There are numerous problems and study
areas in industry and business which can
be solved with the assistance of
mathematical approaches. In order that
students obtain expertise in knowledge
and abilities which are appropriate with
their interests and desires, the
Mathematics Study Program packages a
curriculum based on competencies which
must be reached by a mathematics
graduate and offers several
concentration/interest fields, which are
Industry Statistics, Industry Mathematics,
and Business Mathematics. Mathematics
Study Program Alumni can work in
various occupational fields like in
insurance, banking, industry, Statistics
Research Center, education (lecturer,
teacher), or entrepreneurship.
Computation (Program Designer,
Animation, Consultant, etc.)
6. Entrepreneur (Appropriate
Equipment Designer, Commercial
Appliance Engineer)
Double Degree Program
In cooperation with different Physics
Study Programs (Physics and Physics
Education), it offers a double degree
program; that is a program that is carried
out by 2 different study programs
(Physics and Physics Education) to obtain
2 different degrees: Science
Undergraduate Degree (S.Si) and
Education Undergraduate Degree (S.Pd).
By only adding 22 credits, students can
get 2 degrees at once. This means it
saves time and money.
Physics Education (Bachelor)
The Physics Education Study Program
has a learning model which stresses
learning processes through classes and
practice, as a guarantee that graduates
can get jobs quickly and easily according
to educational needs or in another field
at this time.
Graduate profile / career opportunity
1. Physics Plus Teacher (Computers,
Electronics, Mathematics)
2. Learning Tutors (Consultant,
Exact Science Lesson Private
3. Industry
4. (Computer Programming,
Electrical, Laboratory, Laser Optics,
Decision Making, etc.)
Faculty of Science and
[email protected]
Agriculture &
Business Strategy
Agroecotechnology (Bachelor)
Curriculum Special Content
Study Concentrations
• Molecular Biology and Tissue Culture
• Plantation, Medicinal Plants
(Biopharmacy) fields, such as : and
Decorative Plants .
• Organic and Hydroponic Agriculture
1. Agrobiotechnology
2. Land Resource Management
3. Landscape Architecture
4. Handling Agricultural Produce
• Geographic Information System and
Land .Use Planning; Agriculture
Produce Agroindustry.
Work Fields
Agriculture Degree (SP) graduates
have wide work
• Research and Development
Organization, Consultant, NonGovernmental Organizations
• Finance or Banking Organizations
• Plantation or company involved
in Agriculture;. Government in the
Agriculture Agency, Agency,
Environment Control Body, Area
Planning and Development Body
Plantation Agency, Environment
Agency, Forestry .
• Educator (Teacher or Lecturer)
Work Fields
Agriculture Degree (SP) holders
possess wide job fields, including :
• Research and Development,
Consultant, Non-Governmental
• Finance or Banking Organizations
• Plantation or company involved
in Agriculture;
• Government in the Agriculture
Agency, Plantation
• Agency, Environment Agency,
Forestry Agency,
• Environment Control Body,
Area Planning and
• Development Body
• Educator (Teacher or Lecturer)
Agribusiness (Bachelor)
Study Concentrations
• Business and Management
• Agriculture Resource
• Agriculture Communications
• and Information Technology
• Agriculture Policies
• Plantation Management
Specific Curriculum Content
• Agriculture Information System
• Social Economy
• Entrepreneurship
• Agriculture Company Business
and Management
• Agriculture Policies
Faculty of Agriculture &
Business Strategies
[email protected]
Informatics Engineering (3-
Multimedia and Web Engineering
Year Associate Degree )
To produce reliable workers who are able to
The goal of the Informatics Engineering
3-Year Associate Degree Study Program
make web-based and multimedia
application programs like web service
applications, games, 2D and 3D animation,
is to produce a professional workforce in
along with other multimedia products. The
the field of information systems and
core courses in this path are among others:
technology who are reliable, especially in
• Multimedia and Web System
• 2D and 3D Animation Engineering.
• Game Programming.
the field of computer programming,
computer networking, along with
multimedia and web system
Computer Networking
To produce reliable workers who are able to
Computer Programming
design, build, protect, as well as manage
To produce reliable workers who are able
computer network systems well. The core
courses in this path are among others:
to make computer application programs,
whether for desktop applications,
network applications, or mobile
applications. The core courses in this
path are among others: .
• Basic and Advanced Computer
• Wireless Networking
• Routing .
• Computer Network Protection
Software Engineering
Visual Programming
Distributed Application Programming
Mobile Programming.
Accounting Computerization (3 -
world with theories which students
year Associate Degree )
obtain in the classroom.
The Accounting Computerization 3Year Associate Degree Study Program is
offered with the purpose to produce
skilled and professional Accounting
Technician Associate Degree graduates
who are responsible as well as possess
communication abilities and can work
Students are facilitated by the study
program to improve their soft skills
through extracurricular activities like
seminars, workshops, public lectures,
group discussions, ‘Acc.Comp’
bulletin, and student competition
well with others.
Special Graduate Profile:
Tourism Destination (4-Year
• Accountant Assistant (Accounting
• Accounting Application Programmer
(Computer Concentration).
Basic Competences :
• Accounting Basic Competence
Computer Basic Competence
Additional Competences
Accounting Checks
Business Management
English Language
Computer Application Programs
Associate Degree)
In line with Tourism being considered as
an independent field of study, the
SWCU Tourism Destination Study
Program supports the development of
tourism that is very beneficial for
sustainable development. The SWCU
Tourism Destination Program also
serves as a study program with an
interdisciplinary approach that
emphasizes the application of planning
and economic theories in tourism
human resource development planning.
The teaching learning process is focused
This approach is important to prepare a
on practice with a ratio of 40% theory
professional workforce that has the
and 60% direct practice through
ability to analyze tourism world
classroom or laboratory learning, guest
phenomena in a holistic manner. This is
lectures from experts and practitioners,
done by providing potential tourism
assistance to improve student skills,
industrials visits, and fieldwork practice.
This program works in cooperation with
various industries to bridge the industrial
destination developers and planners with
knowledge in social and environmental
sectors, in order that they have
understanding about the complexities of
social and natural systems.
Furthermore, this study program also
Development, Multimedia and Animation,
provides a professional workforce in the
along with Security and Network. SWCU FTI TI
tourism destination sector that is capable
Study Program students can finish their study
of being involved in tourism
in a 3-4 year time period by taking the
development and planning process as
required 144 credits. SWCU FTI TI Study
well as understanding the role of tourism
Program graduates have great career
for development at the local, national,
opportunities as a Database Administrator,
global, economic, and societal levels. The
Software Developer, Web Developer,
Tourism Destination Study Program
Network Specialist, System Analyst, Game
ultimately strives to produce graduates
Developer, Animation Developer,
who possess understanding and
awareness of moral issues, ethical issues,
environmental issues, and legal issues
that can shape the application of tourism
destination development by being
responsible and improving the quality of
people’s lives.
Informatics Engineering
Technopreneur, Project Manager,
Information Technology Consultant, Chief
Information Officer, Chief Technology
Officer, Industry (Tourism, Service, and
Commerce), Public Accounting Office,
Education, and others. Various computer
and multimedia laboratories are provided
by the SWCU FTI TI Study Program to
support students' studies, in addition to the
various scholarships and sufficient library.
Information Technology has become the
With 250 computers at the present time, FTI
primary catalyst in various fields these
develops several laboratories, including:
days. Through Internet cable and
nircabel networks, or cellular networks,
they have created opportunities to
network, programming, multimedia,
certification, and Internet laboratories.
communicate with anyone, wherever,
and whenever in real time. This provides
enormous job opportunities for those
who are skilled in the field of Information
Information System (Bachelor)
The slogan of the Information System Study
Technology. For that, the SWCU
Program is “Make Better Business with It”,
Information Technology Faculty (FTI)
which is an effort to take advantage of
Informatics Engineering Study Program
information technology to analyze, design,
(TI) is offered to answer those challenges.
and build an information system which is
efficient and is appropriate to be used, so
The SWCU FTI TI Study Program has
that graduates can compete in the business
three concentrations: Mobile Application
world, not
only at the national level, but also at the
of a concept to be implemented as
international level.
dynamic, varied, creative, and innovative.
To answer that need, this study program
The Visual Communication Design Study
is divided into three concentrations:
Program Curriculum is designed according
Management Information System,
to the new curriculum based on
Accounting Information System, and
competency, so that graduates can
Tourism Information System. Students are
compete in the world market or continue
also equipped with the ability to speak
their study to a higher level. This
English, Japanese, and Mandarin
curriculum equips students with skills in
languages, which of course can assist
the form of a concentration as a
them in developing their knowledge at
representation of a special expertise which
the international level.
is obtained during the learning process.
Graduates of the Information System
The SWCU Information Technology Faculty
Study Program are expected to not only
Visual Communication Design Study
become entrepreneurs but also become
Program has three concentrations: Graphic
technopreneurs who not only rely on
Design, Game Development, and Creative
theory but also can develop it practice
Multimedia. Graduates are not only skilled
according to each concentration.
in the field of art but also in the field of
Graduates of the Information System
information technology, so that it results in
Study Program can work as system
professionals who can take advantage of
analysts, business analysts, database
technology to visualize their ideas
administrators, system integrators,
creatively, critically, and innovatively like
software engineers, and software
Graphic Designers, Advertising, Production
House, Photography, Publication, Game
Development, Filming, Television, Printed
The Information System Study Program
Industry, Animators, Comic Artists, Design
also has international joint cooperation
Consultants, Technopreneurs, and others.
with CISCO, Oracle, and Microsoft.
Visual Communication Design
The Visual Communication Design Study
Program integrates information
technology, art, and creativity in the form
Superiority of the Program
Storyboard Design, Cinematography, and
Audio Video work in joint cooperation with
Metro Papua TV. Game Basics and Game
Designing work in joint
cooperation with various Indonesian
depending on the certification program
game developers. The multimedia is
they join when in college. Graduates of
supported by complete facilities like
this study program also can become
drawing studio, film studio, and
strong entrepreneurs, because when
animation studio.
they are in college they are supplied with
Informatics Engineering and
Computer Teaching (Bachelor)
The Computer and Informatics
Engineering Study Program supplies
students who want to become teachers
with the proper knowledge, especially in
the field of Computer Informatics
Engineering. This job field is wide open at
this time, because there are not many
teachers in the field of Computer
Informatics Engineering in high schools
and junior high schools who are
appropriate with their fields. This does not
limit opportunities for students to have a
career in a non-teaching field, because in
the learning process students are
supplied with knowledge about
Computer Informatics Engineering and
Undergraduate Degree graduates of the
Computer and Informatics Engineering
Study Program have experience and can
master learning Computer Informatics
more knowledge and experience.
Library Studies (Bachelor)
The sharp increase in the demand for
human resources who are able to
develop their careers as librarians /
information employees in various public/
private institutions is in accordance with
the establishment of Government Decree
no.43, 2007, regarding Library Studies,
has prompted the Information
Technology Faculty and University
Library to open a Library Studies
Undergraduate Degree Study Program.
A digital disparity is still seen in various
regions of this country, whereas we are
already in a digital era that underlies and
colors competence diversity that must be
reached by Information Technology
Faculty Library Studies Undergraduate
Degree graduates. Therefore, the
learning processes and in-service training
activities that are applied serve to
produce qualified graduates who are
capable to become library managers,
Engineering in high school or middle
system librarians, catalogers, classifiers,
school. The opportunity to become high
media specialists, information advisors,
school teachers is wide open. Graduates
serial librarians, record/document
of this study program also can pursue
managers, and information analysts.
careers as system analysts, programmers,
IT specialists, or network engineers,
Graduate excellence is built in: library
Management, Journalism, Advertising,
technical abilities in analyzing and
Graphic Design, as well as self-
organizing information, managing
development in an effort to produce
human resources / organizations /
planners in the Public Relations world.
information services, applying
Besides skills, graduates of this study
information and technology
program also possess conceptual
infrastructures, as well as mastering
abilities, designing abilities, critical
English language. The Library Studies
abilities, evaluation abilities, and the
Study Program provides three possible
ability to conduct research about issues
concentrations: School Library Studies
related with Public Relations activities.
Management, Theology Library Studies
Graduates of this study program can
Management, and Digital Library Studies.
work as Public Relations professionals in
The study program is supported by
public or private institutions
teaching staff and practitioners who
(companies, hotels, hospitals, and the
possess much experience as library
education world). Besides becoming
practitioners / managers, Library Studies
Public Relations professionals, graduates
/ Information Master’s Degree graduates,
of this study program can also work in
and Information Technology Master’s
the mass media, in journalism, in
Degree graduates from domestic and
advertising, or independently as event
overseas educational institutions.
Public Relations (Bachelor)
Creating an image is essential for every
company, organization, or institution at
this time. In an effort to build a good
image, qualified Public Relations experts
are needed. In response to this need, the
Satya Wacana Christian University Public
Relations Undergraduate Degree Study
Program produces Public Relations
experts with dual-language abilities
(English language and Mandarin/
Japanese language). Based on
Information Technology, this study
program offers students classes in
Public Relations Communications,
Introduction to Public Relations, Public
Faculty of Information
[email protected]
Electronic & Computer
Electrical Engineering
The SWCU Engineering Faculty Electrical
Engineering Study Program strives to
produce graduates who are competent
in the field of Electronics,
Telecommunications, and Computer,
who are proactive, innovative, and able
to continually learn. The curriculum is
arranged by integrating basic knowledge
and applications in the form of theories
and practice in balance, supported by the
availability of a number of laboratories:
Physics, Electronics, Audio, Digital,
Computer, Telecommunication, and PLC.
Three Concentrations (fields of interest)
are found that can be chosen by
1. Electronics Engineering, which teaches
a.l.: Audio-Video Techniques, Robotics,
Electronics and Industry Automation
2. Telecommunications Engineering,
which teaches a.l.: modern
Telecommunications Technology
(GSM, CDMA, 3G), Data
Communications, and Electroacoustics
3. Computer Engineering, which teaches
about designing and problem solving
related to computer technology
Computer System (Bachelor)
The Engineering Faculty Computer
System Study Program of SWCU strives
to produce graduates who are
competent and relevant in the fields of
Computer System Hardware,
Networking, Telecommunications, and
Software, who are proactive, innovative,
and able to continue studying. The
curriculum is arranged by integrating
digital electronic basic knowledge,
telecommunications, computer
networking, software designing,
hardware, and applications in the form of
theories and practice. The teaching is
supported by the availability of a number
of laboratories: Physics, Electronics,
Digital, Computer and Networking, and
Telecommunications. Besides that, it is
also supported by teachers who are
competent in the fields they teach. Three
Concentrations (fields
of interest) are found that can be
chosen by students:
1. Embedded System, which teaches:
computer hardware, embedded
system software, operation systems,
networking, and the applications that
are related to them.
2. Telematics System, which teaches:
Modern Telecommunications
Technology, Computer Networking,
Data Communications, and Web
Based Database System.
3. Software Engineering, which teaches:
stages of designing software and
solving problems related to
computer system software. Science
and Mathematics.
Faculty of Electronics &
Computer Engineering
[email protected]
Psychology (Bachelor)
Clinic and Health (in general hospitals,
The SWCU Psychology Faculty has a
mental institutions, and general health
mission to develop psychology which
integrates the body, mind, and
spirituality theoretically and practically;
be committed to create a learning
atmosphere based on research, with
student centered learning; along with
develop an Applied Psychology
Laboratory as one of the means for
students to practice applying their
psychology. To obtain a Psychology
Undergraduate Degree, students must
service): Conduct examinations, analyses,
diagnoses, and deviant behavior therapy;
counseling, and psychological problem
consultations for patients and paramedics,
along with conduct mental health
interventions for society.
Formal and Non Formal Education: Provide
psychological considerations in planning
curriculum along with develop efficient
and effective teaching methods.
complete a minimum of 144 credits.
Graduate Profile
Do diagnoses and solve social problems,
Industry and Organization:
psychological problem consultations and
Provide psychological considerations to
counseling, along with development for
individuals who experience social
develop organizational structure,
develop human resource management
potential, conduct position analysis, and
employee placement; arrange training
programs, provide consulting/counseling
and psychological examinations.
As an expert team to foster mental health
and endurance for athletes, foster high
enthusiasm for athletes.
Military :
as consultants/staff for psychology
departments in the armed forces
and police. Personal
Provide personal psychological service
to the general public through
Faculty of Psychology
[email protected]
psychological problem counseling and
consultations along with do
psychological examinations.
Health Science
Nursing (Bachelor)
The nursing profession develops
continuously along with people's
increasing needs for optimal health
services. The projection of the National
Development Planning Board (1999)
predicted that in 2020 Indonesia will still
need 104,040 nurses. The USA, Canada,
Australia, England and many other
countries need more than 1 million
registered nurses (RNs) every year.
Therefore, the Nursing Undergraduate
Educational Program is actively involved
in creating professional nurses who are
capable to fulfill societal needs. The
Satya Wacana Christian University
Nursing Study Program of the Health
Faculty started receiving students in the
2007/2008 academic year.
Graduate Profile
1. To become clinic or community
nurses who are able:
2. To use basic scientific knowledge to
think critically about nursing problems
3. To do nursing care of clients/patients
through a nursing process which
involves investigation, nursing
diagnosis, intervention/planning,
implementation, and evaluation
4. To create a creative approach toward
client/patient problems/situations
5. To collaborate with other health
professionals in order to engage in
effective actions for clients/patients
6. To assist clients/patients through a
healing process to regain their health
7. To make appropriate decisions in
planning actions for clients/patients
8. To provide protection and defense of
client/patient rights
9. To analyze and formulate how to solve
client/patient health problems based on
scientific knowledge and wide insight
10. To discuss with the clients/patients
and their families about the clients'
health problems to devise an effective
plan of action for the clients and their
11. To assist clients/patients who are
unable to live their lives optimally
12. To provide comfort to clients/patients
13. To convey necessary information
to clients/patients and their families
related to the patients' health problems
regency governments / municipal
Nutrition (Bachelor)
Body, public or private hospitals, the
The increase in the complexity of
nutrition problems in Indonesia that
ultimately influences the quality of
human resources is a significant factor for
SWCU to establish the Nutrition Study
Program in the Health Faculty. In order to
produce nutrition experts (S.Gz) who are
able to respond to this problem,
Nutrition Study Program students are
equipped with various kinds of
competencies that are included in the
established curriculum. Students take
classes in society nutrition, clinic
nutrition, sports nutrition, and industry
nutrition (food and culinary)
concentrations. SWCU Nutrition
Undergraduate Degree graduates are
also expected to become agents of
change and compete nationally or
internationally. Partnerships are
established between universities and
colleges which have nutrition programs
included in AIPGI (Indonesia Nutrition
Education Institution Association),
Darwin University, the University of
governments in Indonesia, health
agencies, the Republic of Indonesia
Health Development and Research
Christian University of Thailand, Charles
Sunshine Coast Australia, and Kwansei
Gakuin University Japan. The prospects
for Nutrition graduates are to work as
nutrition consultants and experts in
institutions, researchers, teaching staff,
hospital staff, food industry experts, and
food service experts.
Physical, Health, & Recreation
Education (Bachelor)
Have fun exercising! The Physical, Health,
and Recreation Education Study Program
(PJKR), of the SWCU Health Faculty (FIK)
strives to produce graduates who can
become leaders and agents of change in
society based on their knowledge
background. The profile of these study
program graduates is individuals who
are expected to provide significant
contributions for societal and national
development by improving
properties is a basic model that is very
society’s health lifestyle.
important for potential graduates to
create food product variety
Graduates of this study program are
enrichment innovative creations. An
projected to be able to work as physical
emphasis is especially placed on
health education / sports teachers,
functional food development activities
instructors/advisors or trainers, athletes,
(in the health field).
consultants, and entrepreneurs in the
physical, health, and recreation sector. Up
to now, the Physical, Health, and
Recreation Study Program has
partnerships with several domestic and
overseas institutions, including Semarang
State University (UNNES) Sports Faculty,
the Salatiga Indonesia National Sports
Committee (KONI), the University of the
Sunshine Coast Australia, and Charles
Darwin University Australia. Several
learning infrastructures that can be found
at the SWCU green campus are a
Teachers with expertise in food
technology and practical experience in
the food industry in Central Java will
support reaching competency-based
curriculum goals. Graduates of this study
program have the opportunity to
become scientists and researchers in
related fields, experts in the food industry
(production department, quality control
or new food product development
research), catering service, or
entrepreneurs in the food sector.
computer lab, a language lab, a soccer
field, a basketball court, a volleyball court,
and a tennis court.
Food Technology (Bachelor)
The large population of Indonesia in this
free commerce era is an opportunity to
dominate domestic and foreign markets for
quality food products. Material human
resource management or agricultural
processing product management needs
capable food technology experts. The
SWCU Food Technology Study Program
strives to respond to these challenges.
Knowledge and abilities regarding food
ingredient chemical and physical
Faculty of Health Science
[email protected]
Performing Arts
Music Art (Bachelor)
On August 11-18, 2010, the Music Study
The Performing Arts Faculty with the
Program sent a vocal group team to
Music Study Program provides an
abundance of study options for
Singapore and Thailand to do Arts Goodwill to
introduce the richness of Indonesian cultures.
university students to choose one of the
The Arts Goodwill activity was fully financed
concentrations offered, which are: music
by DIKTI (Higher Education) through the Arts
composition, musical presentations, and
Tertiary Education Revitalization Program.
church music. Thus, students can
determine their own study path based on
their interests and abilities. The faculty
building is also specially designed to
study music: sound proof classrooms
with a piano, as well as a specially
designed room for concerts with a
Music Study Program lecturers have a
plethora of knowledge in their fields. A
large number of them already have
Master's Degrees, graduating from
domestic and international educational
capacity for 250 viewers.
institutions like in the United States
Students can also take advantage of this
To improve the abilities of lecturers and
concert room to experiment and explore
along with show their ability in music.
Besides that, students also have an
opportunity to hold concerts or join
domestic or international competitions.
and Singapore.
students, FSP routinely presents overseas
musicians to do concerts, provide
seminars, give workshops, or have
master classes. Some of these individuals
include: the Ester Steenberg Quartet,
Ronald Brautigam, Henk van Dijk, and
Buzz Bros Band (the Netherlands); Conny
Mulawarma, Sonja Buhler, Anna Koch,
Odilia Vandercruysse, and Mathias
Boegner (Germany); Ananda Sukarlan
(Spain); and Jeffrey Jacob (the United
States). FSP institutionally has
cooperation with the Music Study
Program of Nanyang Academy of Fine
Arts in Singapore and the Music Study
Program of Srinakharinwirot University
in Thailand.
Faculty of Performing Arts
[email protected]
Theology (Bachelor)
The Theology Study Program is offered to
prepare and produce potential church
workers in a wide capacity, in order that
the church is empowered to `become a
community service provider to realize the
vision of God's kingdom: a fair and
peaceful society, free from various forms
vision of God worldwide to develop
humans completely or reform
society to become a society which is
peaceful, along with free from all
forms of domination and exploitation.
3. Have abilities and proficiencies in
various areas of Christian service within
the church and in society at large.
of domination. In addition, another
purpose that it serves is to prepare
potential church workers with sufficient
theological insight, an attitude and
commitment to serve, along with the
competency and ability to serve in
various fields of religious and community
Faculty of Theology
[email protected]
Graduate Profile :
1. Have wide theological insight and can
develop theological thinking which is
contextual and relevant with the field of
Christian service in various forms.
2. Possess a positive attitude and have
high commitment to apply theological
knowledge in an effort to realize the
Communication &
Social Science
Sociology (Bachelor)
The study period in the Sociology Study
The Sociology Study Program was started
Program takes 3.5-4 years with a total of
in 2000 and has an accreditation of B.
This study program continues to improve
the service quality to prepare graduates
according to society needs that are ever
changing in local, national, regional, and
global contexts. With that in mind, the
graduate profile is directed towards
choosing competencies (conceptual
ability, methodology and analysis, along
with practical experience) in the field of
governance, civil society, and creative
industry from a social perspective which
is based on enthusiasm for scholar
integrity with scholars who have historic,
humanistic, and comprehensive insights.
Graduate profile development is done
through social inquiry activity strategies;
that is directed toward classroom
activities (teaching-learning process)
based on research results and
144 credits. Sociology study program
graduates can work as researchers,
teachers, policy analyzers, practitioners,
politicians, and entrepreneurs in/or
related to the fields of governance, civil
society, and creative industry. The
superior programs that are developed
are student involvement in research,
training (social-political analysis, gender,
funding, and policy), field practice in
various related organizations, along with
scholarly publications. These activities
are done through a research center and
community development at the faculty
and university level, along with
organizations outside of SWCU to
prepare graduates to fill job vacancies in
society or create job openings
community development, which is done
Communication (Bachelor)
through synergy.
The SWCU Communications Study
Program is below the Social and
Communications Faculty (FISKOM). This
study program was opened in the
2004/2005 academic year. The SWCU
FISKOM Communications Study Program
stresses student learning in the fields of
journalism, advertising, broadcasting, and
other fields which are related with
communications, especially mass
In general, the study period in the SWCU
FISKOM Communications Study Program
takes 3.5-4 years with a total of 144 credits.
SWCU FISKOM Communications Study
Program graduates later can work in
organizations, both government and
private, like television stations, radio
stations, public relations, production house,
advertising bureau, newspaper/
• Produce graduates who have high
responsibility as Indonesian citizens, so that
they are able to work professionally in a
globalization era.
• Improve the quality, insight, and
integrity of International Relations. Located
in Salatiga, Central Java Province,
the International Relations Study Program has
a uniqueness, which is:
• Able to respond to dynamic challenges
nationally, inter-regionally, or between
countries at the international level.
• Capable to develop human resources
through negotiation and diplomacy with
foreign parties in all fields.
• International Relations graduates should be
able to work in public or private institutions
as diplomats, teachers, lecturers, civil
government employees, company staff,
government organization staff, stateowned enterprise employees, researchers,
among others.
magazine/tabloid publishing, along with
enables the chance to create new job fields
(entrepreneur) in the fields of photography,
advertising, broadcasting, and journalism.
International Relations
The International Relations Study
Program strives to:
• Produce graduates in International
Relations who are competent, have
high ethics, possess high social
competence, have moral leadership,
possess principles and are critical, are
realistic and creative, and are
analytically sensitive towards social
changes at the global, regional, or local
Faculty of Communication
and Social Science
[email protected]
Graduate Programs
Conducted in
Teaching &
Education Management
With the instance of area autonomy and
Ordinance No. 20/2003 about the
National Education System, every area
needs workers who are qualified in the
education field to manage basic, middle,
and upper levels in regional areas. The
purpose of the SWCU Education
Management Master's Degree Study
Program is to:
1. Provide a supply of knowledge to
potential leaders in the education field
who come from various knowledge
2. Answer the challenges and needs of an
educational unit or training in the
industrial world.
Graduate Profile / Career Opportunities:
1. As formal and non formal education
organizational leaders
2. As teachers who have the ability to
conduct research in the education field.
3. As teachers who can provide
counseling about education problems.
Faculty of Teaching &
[email protected]
Economics &
Management (Master’s)
The SWCU Management Master's Degree
Study Program based on Higher
Education Decree No.118/DIKTI/Kep/
2000 provides a supply of knowledge to
potential future leaders, which originates
from various knowledge disciplines, in
order that it is able to answer the
challenges and demands for professional
managerial needs. Obtaining an
accreditation of A from the Upper
National Accreditation Body (BAN-PT) of
the National Education Department of
the Republic of Indonesia is proof that
the SWCU Management Master's Degree
Study Program puts forth a teaching
learning process which is based on
continuous improvement to make it an
educational institution which is reliable
in shaping professional managers who
are highly inventive with a global insight
Graduate Profile/Career Opportunities
• Professional Managers at Companies
• Work in Government Institutions
• Become Entrepreneurs (open business
• Teaching Staff in Economics Faculties at
Upper Educational Institutions.
The Management Master's Degree Study
Program has five concentrations:
• Human Resource Management
• Marketing Concentration
• Finance Concentration
• International Management
• Church Management Concentration.
Accounting (Master’s)
The Satya Wacana Christian University
Economics and Business Faculty
Accounting Master's Degree Program is
offered based on an operational permit
which was released by the Directorate
General of Higher Education No 1865/D/
T/2009 on October 15, 2009. The SWCU
Economics and Business Faculty
Accounting Master's Degree Program
with the concentrations: Regional
Government Accounting; Foundation
Accounting; Family Business Accounting;
Auditing; Finance; Accounting Research;
and Accounting Education, receives
potential students from various
knowledge disciplines with a relatively
SWCU Management Doctorate Degree
affordable cost and quality emphasis. The
Program is offered to provide a supply of
Accounting Master's Degree Program
knowledge to potential future leaders,
provides two educational paths: Applied
which is not only for those who have
Accounting Master's Degree Program
management backgrounds but also for
(Master of Accounting/M.Acc) and
those who desire to develop and apply
Academic Accounting Master's Degree
management knowledge in various
Program (Master of Science/M.Sc). The
knowledge discipline backgrounds.
curriculum is designed to assist students
to develop their capacities to analyze,
Graduate Profile/Career Opportunities
evaluate, make judgments, and act
• Professional Leaders in Companies
• Work in Government Institutions
• Become Entrepreneurs (open business
• Teaching Staff in Economics Faculties of
Upper Educational Institutions.
professionally and ethically for their whole
careers after they graduate.
The goal of the Accounting Master's
Degree Program is to produce potential
leaders who are able to integrate
theoretical concepts and accounting
technical expertise, so that they can
contribute to society according to the
expertise they possess with highly
supporting professional ethics. The
The Management Doctorate Degree Study
Program has three concentrations :
• Human Resource Management and
Strategic Concentration
• Marketing Concentration
• Finance Concentration.
opportunity to climb the career ladder
higher will be increasingly open and it is
expected to be able to place them in
strategic positions in business
organizations or governmental
Management (Doctorate)
SWCU has opened a Doctorate Degree
Program in Management. The
government based on a decree from the
Directorate General of Higher Education
No. 4689/D/T/2008 has entrusted SWCU
to become an educational institution
with a Doctorate Degree program. The
Biology (Master’s)
The Biology Master's Degree is a study
program which provides an opportunity
for university students and primary/
secondary school teachers to enrich their
knowledge about Biology. The Biology
International cooperation especially
for double degree programs :
• Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
• University of Glasgow,
Scotland, England
• Charles Darwin University, Australia.
Master's Degree also facilitates students
who desire to take a double degree (M.Si
and M.Sc at the same time) while being
financed by the Republic of Indonesia
National Education Department through
superior scholarships.
Job opportunities :
Researcher and lecturer
Working for regional governments
Working in the pharmacy field,
• Entrepreneur.
Faculty of Biology
[email protected]
Sources of special scholarships :
• Superior scholarships, the Republic of
Indonesia National Education
• Department, in the Natural Pigment
and Chlorophyll concentration fields.
• Regional government scholarships.
Sociology of Religion
Work Opportunities:
The Sociology of Religion Master's
Degree Study Program has the
purpose to:
1. Provide an education which produces
community members based on faith,
social personality, Christianity, and
high academic ability.
2. Become an education and research
center for religious, pastoral, and
society problems based on faith about
the relationship between religion,
pastoral, and society along with its
effect on religious and society lives.
3. Become a place to examine, develop,
communicate, and work together to
reflect knowledge fundamentals along
with disseminate ideas and
4. Have the ability to examine
multidimensional religious problems
in society.
5. Be able to analyze problems in
an interdisciplinary way.
6. Be able to formulate thinking and
solutions for problems.
1. Become religious leaders and lecturers
who have multicultural insight and
mature attitudes and personalities,
critical-principle thinking, creativerealistic, and open based on noble
conscience sensitivity, clever, and faith
leadership about the reciprocal
relationship between religion and
society along with its effect on the
development of society lives.
2. Become a scholar who strives to
maintain dialog between religions and
reciprocal relationships between
religion and society along with its effect
on the development in religious and
society lives.
Sociology of Religion
The Sociology of Religion Doctorate
Degree Study Program has the purpose
1. Produce scholars in the field of
Sociology of Religion to form a
monopluralistic human community
who has faith, social personality,
critical-creative, wide insight and
tolerant to serve, and renewal,
compartmentalization, and prejudice.
2. Produce scholars with mature attitudes
and personalities, critical-principle
creative-realistic thinking, based on a
strong faith and clever mind about
the reciprocal relationship between
religion and society.
3. Produce graduates who have reliable
research abilities and creative thinking
to develop society according to
their expertise, especially in
analyzing the relationship between
religion and society.
Work Opportunities:
1. To become religious leaders, lecturers,
and thinkers with multicultural insight
who have mature attitudes and
personalities, critical-principle, creativerealistic, and open thinking based on
noble conscience thinking, clever and
spiritual guidance about the reciprocal
relationship between religion and
society along with its effect on the
development of society lives.
2. To become graduates who strive to
maintain dialog between religions and
reciprocal relationships between
religion and society along with its
effect on the development in religious
and society lives.
Faculty of Theology
[email protected]
Faculty of Law
[email protected]
Law (Master’s)
Global Legal Environment”, conducting
In the second millennium, Indonesia is
education in the Law Master's Degree
faced with various fundamental problems,
Study Program is facilitated by a support
including rapid and fundamental changes
teaching staff who have high enthusiasm
in the fields of the constitution and
and dedication, among others directed
business. These two fields are strongly
related with the law world. The reason is
(a) produce human resources who
the need to improve business law mastery
possess the ability to analyze problems
competence and constitutional law
and formulate solutions according to the
competence is conditio sine qua non.
right law principles, (b) develop
Those who have competence in the two
innovative research with applicative
law fields will be able to provide more
content according to law profession
contributions compared with those who
needs, (c) develop human potential
do not fathom the problems.
aspects, primarily in the law field, which
The SWCU Law Master's Degree Study
has coherence in society lives. For those
Program (MIH) has a calling to prepare
who have a Law Undergraduate Degree
human resources, especially in those two
background, a Law Master's Degree
fields. Based on the Education
Study Program can support them to
Department operational permit, MIH
develop the profession which has an
opened the first class year in the
2008/2009 Academic Year. The
specialties offered by MIH are: (a)
Business Law and
(b) Constitutional Law. With the credo
“Lead You to be More Adaptable with the
interrelationship with law (law practice)
or another profession with in-depth law
insight. Meanwhile, for those with a non
law background, MIH equips them with
the right and proper law knowledge, in
order that they will be able to synthesize
non law study with law study.
Psychology Science (Master’s)
in order that they can answer the needs,
The Science of Psychology Master's
problems, and challenges in a psychological
Degree Study Program was officiated
way, along with be able to sustain in the face
based on the National Education
of competition. From here it is expected that
Department Decree No.4419/D/T/2006 on
human resources can be created to be more
November 29, 2006. The Science of
mentally healthy and have competitive
Psychology Master's Degree Study
superiority as leaders who are skilled in
Program consists of two concentrations;
managing, making decisions, solving
that is Industry and Organization
psychological problems and challenges, and
Psychology (human resources) and
serving fellow humankind in various
Educational Psychology. The Science of
Psychology Master's Degree Study
Program was developed at SWCU to fulfill
society needs for a profession in the
psychology field and at the same time to
industrial, organizational, and educational
sectors. The Science of Psychology Master's
Degree Study Program can be normally
finished in a two-year time period.
respond to the challenge of globalization
and development of knowledge and
technology, in order to fulfill the need to
make competitive human resources.
The Science of Psychology Master's
Faculty of Psychology
[email protected]
Degree Study Program will provide a
supply of knowledge, attitude,
motivation, and abilities for potential
leaders of various knowledge disciplines,
Agriculture &
Agroecotechnology (Master’s)
and management concepts, based on
Agriculture in the future is technology-based
the proper scholarly and technological
and geared towards environmental
preservation. The development of science in
agriculture to manage and take advantage of
land resources and genetic resources must
consider sustainability aspects. The
Agroecotechnology Master’s Degree
Program (PS MAgr), of the Satya Wacana
Christian University Agriculture and Business
principles by considering the
appropriate social, economic, and
environmental management to improve
sustainable global social welfare.
The vision of the SWCU
Agroecotechnology Master’s Degree
Study Program is to become a foremost
international standard high level
learning community in Indonesia by
Faculty, has four study concentrations:
2020 through developing agricultural
1. Crop Improvement,
2. Crop Production,
3. Agro-Biotechnology, and
4. Area Planning and Management
knowledge and technology that is
concerned with the environment.
The education program prepares qualified
human resources, who have wide insight, are
critical, have ethics, are able to analyze and
solve problems in developing agriculture
technology applications and knowledge that
are concerned with the environment by
thinking strategically, as well as able to
integrate various knowledge, technology,
Faculty Agriculture &
Business Strategies
Information System (Master’s)
The Information Technology Faculty
Information System Master's Degree
Study Program offers a Master's
Degree program which strives to:
1. Prepare an expert workforce at the
information technology manager
level who are adaptive and innovative
2. Produce scholars who understand
the relationship between information
technology and business
For goals like which are mentioned
above, students of the Information
System Master's Degree Program are
required to finish their study with a total
of 44 credits. The Information System
Master's Degree Program is conducted
in three semesters per year. The
education can be completed in 16-18
months. With goals like which are
included above, the class curriculum
which is offered by the Master's Degree
of Information System is as follows:
2. Object-Oriented Business Application
3. Web Programming
4. e-Business Technology
5. Information System Audit & Analysis
6. Software Engineering
7. Business Intelligence System
8. e-Business Project, e-ERP, e-CRM, e-EAI
9. e-Business System Security
10. Knowledge Management
11. Selecta Capita
12. Research Methodology
13. Geographic Information
The implementation of the
education in the
Information System
Master's Degree Program is
managed by a number of
permanent lecturers who
are qualified Professors
and Doctors who possess
wide experience and indepth knowledge of their
fields of expertise.
1. Information System Strategic Planning
January 21, 1993, this program has
Development Studies
become self-sufficient by the
government and thus can hold its own
state test.
The Development Study Master's Degree
Study Program, a Satya Wacana Christian
An admission of the progress and
University graduate degree program
achievement of the MSP-PPs SWCU was
(MSP-PPs SWCU), was officiated on
further reinforced by obtaining an A
January 12, 1987. Based on the academic
accreditation status from the National
achievement that has been reached since
Accreditation Board on October 30,
2008, Decree of the National
Accreditation Board PT No. 014/BANPT/Ak-VI/S2/X/ 2008.
The MSP Study Program has students
with various work experience and
knowledge discipline backgrounds who
are from various places throughout
Indonesia, including several foreign
students. Therefore, we invite you to
Faculty of Information
[email protected]
become graduate students of
the SWCU Development Study Master's
Degree Program.
Development Studies
After having more that 17 years of
success in running the Development
Studies Master's Degree Program, in
2005 the SWCU Graduate Degree
Program was entrusted by the
government to offer a Development
Studies Doctorate Degree Program.
Development has a wide encompassing
scope and is multidimensional.
Development policies are fittingly based
on comprehensive understanding about
various society life aspects which are
related with various development
activities. With a basic thinking like this,
SWCU designs a curriculum packet with a
knowledge discipline background
approach for the Development Studies
Doctorate Degree Study Program. This
program curriculum is made up of these
core classes: Sustainable Development,
Natural Resources and Development, as
well as Organizations and Development.
Development Studies