2016 Section A BCC Registration Forms
2016 Section A BCC Registration Forms
REGISTRATION 2016 REDDAM HOUSE BEDFORDVIEW Stage 1 to Grade 3 SECTION A: Registration Documentation For your information 1. In order to make registration more convenient parents do not need to come in to do registration. 2. All documentation in SECTION B must be completed and then returned to Candy Bibis or Ann Dowie b y the student or parent, during October and November. 3. All paperwork must be handed in by the latest 6 November 2015. PRINCIPAL’S LETTER ............................................................................................................................ 2 DISCIPLINE CODE ................................................................................................................................ 4 CODE OF CONDUCT STAGE 1 – GRADE 3 (Pupils sign)......................................................................... 23 ANTI-BULLYING POLICY ..................................................................................................................... 27 SPORTS CODE OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS ............................................................... 29 CULTURAL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS & PARENTS ............................................................... 31 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ...................................................................... 32 ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY................................................................................................................... 32 BCC CAMPUS: ELS STAGE 3 & 4 School Uniform ................................................................................. 36 Please note the uniform shop is open: ..................................................................................... 36 Monday to Friday 07h30 – 16h00............................................................................................... 36 BCC CAMPUS BOYS’ DRESS CODE ...................................................................................................... 38 BCC CAMPUS GIRLS’ DRESS CODE ...................................................................................................... 40 ADVENTURE ZONE REGISTRATION 2016 ............................................................................................ 43 EXTRA STATIONERY .......................................................................................................................... 44 TEXT BOOK LEVY (STAGE 5 – GRADE 7) .............................................................................................. 45 IEB ENGLISH TEST (GRADE 3) ............................................................................................................. 45 WALTONS (STAGE 1 – GRADE 7) ........................................................................................................ 45 UNIFORM SHOP ................................................................................................................................ 45 REDDAM HOUSE BEDFORDVIEW FEE STRUCTURE 2016 ..................................................................... 46 REDDAM HOUSE CALENDAR 2016 ..................................................................................................... 47 FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS 2016 .................................................................................................... 48 Page 1 of 48 From the Principal PRINCIPAL’S LETTER 26 October 2015 Dear Parents With 2015 racing to a close, it's Registration time again! I thank you in advance for being patient as you go through this rather tedious task that ensures we are ready for 2016. Just a few reminders about the Registration Process: All parents must complete the registration process. Registration will take place over the next two weeks. Note well: the last day for Registration is 6 November 2015. This process enables us to get our organisation in place for 2016. Please note well: this process must be completed for each child in order for us to guarantee a placement for next year. STAGGERING THE START OF STAGE 1, 2 AND 3 BUNNIES In order to make the start of school as smooth as possible for our tiny bunnies, we divide the children into two groups and stagger the starting date for the Stage 1, 2 and 3 children. This allows the teachers to better facilitate their integration process into their new class. We would appreciate it if you could read through the arrangements for the first week of school carefully and note the group your little one falls into to avoid unnecessary frustration. Page 2 of 48 GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR 2016 START UP Monday 11 January 2015: ✓ Admin offices open - BCC, Prep and College (09:00 - 14:00) ✓ Uniform shop, located on the Main Campus, opens (09:00 - 14:00) BCC CAMPUS ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL 2016: Monday 18 January 2016 ✓ Staff conference Wednesday 20 January 2016: ✓ Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 Group A start day ✓ Stage 4 and Stage 5 start day ✓ Grade 1 to Grade 3 start day - please meet on the playground near to the cricket nets. Thursday 21 January 2016: ✓ Stage 2 and Stage 3 Group B start day Should you have any further queries or are unsure about any aspects regarding this process, please do not hesitate to contact the office. Looking forward to an excellent, happy, productive 2016! Dalene Quayle ELS and Preparatory School Principal Page 3 of 48 DISCIPLINE CODE Revised November 2015 1. POLICY DECLARATION 1.1. The Reddam House philosophy is structured to create a sense of freedom within which individuality is encouraged, personal growth and self-confidence promoted and freedom of expression is encouraged. The extent of that freedom is defined by the Discipline Code (“the Code”), and the responsibility is placed on the Student to enjoy the freedom within the parameters of this Code. Reddam House offers an education without fear. The Discipline Code is a partnership between Reddam House, Parents and Students. This Code is applicable whilst Students and Parents are on Reddam House’s premises, at School functions or on any occasion where they are identifiable as Reddam House Students or Parents. 1.2. The Code is to be read in conjunction with Reddam House rules, policies and protocols and should be considered from the perspective of the core values and ethos of Reddam House. By submitting an application for admission to Reddam House and accepting a place that may be offered by Reddam House Parents and Students confirm that they have accepted and are bound by this Code, Reddam House rules, policies and protocols as well the core values and ethos of Reddam House. 1.3. The Staff understands the policies and shall apply them accordingly. 1.4. It is the responsibility of Parents to support Reddam House in enforcing the Code. Parents are requested to communicate any concerns openly and constructively to the respective Head of School and to do so without lobbying other parents, other students, members of staff or outside parties until such time as all internal processes have been exhausted. Page 4 of 48 2. THE PURPOSE OF THE POLICY 2.1. To ensure fair and equal treatment of all Students. 2.2. To encourage timely action in the event that a Student’s behaviour or performance proves to be unsatisfactory or unacceptable. 2.3. To ensure the principles of natural justice are applied before a Student is disciplined. 2.4. To promote efficient administration and good governance of Reddam House. 3. CREDITS, MERITS, DEBITS, DEMERITS AND DISCIPLINARY HEARING 3.1. A system of positive discipline is implemented whereby Students can earn Credits. The accumulation of Credits leads to recognition and reinforcement of positive behaviour with the awarding of Merits. 3.2. Credits and Merits do not cancel out Debits and Demerits. 3.3. Contravention of the Discipline Code will result in the awarding of Debits and Demerits. 3.4. Whenever a Student is alleged to have committed an act or acts of Serious Misconduct and the Head of School has determined that such contravention warrants dismissal, the disciplinary proceeding set out in this Code will apply. 4. THE AWARDING OF CREDITS (Green Memo) In recognition of positive effort, attitude and endeavours, as defined by the Head of School and staff from time to time, Credits are earned. Credits may be accumulated which may lead to further acknowledgements and the awarding of Merits. 5. THE ISSUING OF DEBITS (Yellow Memo) The commitment of Reddam House is to facilitate the all-round growth of each student to his or her maximum potential. To this end we expect students to be committed academically, culturally and in sport. Failure to meet these expectations may result in a debit/s being issued to students. Page 5 of 48 6. THE ISSUING OF DEMERITS (Red Memo) In any one calendar year: Four Debits = One Demerit Three Demerits = One week suspension Please refer to the Befordview College Information booklet for specific info regarding merits and demerits in the College. 7. CONTRAVENTIONS AND SANCTIONS 7.1. BEHAVIOUR We expect Students to: 7.1.1. be courteous and well mannered at all times; 7.1.2. greet teachers and visitors; 7.1.3. respect teachers, fellow students and the wider community; 7.1.4. complete all homework and prepare adequately for tests and exams; 7.1.5. refrain from the use of foul language; 7.1.6. pay sufficient attention in class and not disrupt the school routine and/or stopping or interfering with the learning of other Students; 7.1.7. be punctual at all times; 7.1.8. refrain from unruly behaviour, rough play and/or fighting; 7.1.9. behave in an appropriate manner; 7.1.10. conform to the Computer and Sports Discipline Codes. Contravention of any of the above may lead to any number of debits and demerits up to a maximum of three demerits Page 6 of 48 7.2. APPEARANCE Personal pride is reflected in the Student’s behaviour, attitudes and attire. 7.2.1. Every Student from Grade 4 to Grade 12 must wear the official school blazer, as and when required by Reddam House. 7.2.2. Students are required to dress in accordance with the uniform stipulated and may not remodel or deface the uniform in any way. 7.2.3. Boys must be clean-shaven. 7.2.4. Students may not wear make-up. 7.2.5. Hair must be neat, tidy, appropriately styled and must be the student’s natural hair colour. Female Students are required to tie their hair up (where applicable) and use appropriate school style hair accessories. Male Students are required to keep their hair cut as required by Reddam House. 7.2.6. No jewellery other than one earring (sleeper or stud) per lower earlobe may be worn by female Students. 7.2.7. Male Students are not allowed to wear jewellery. Contravention of any of the above may lead to any number of debits and demerits up to a maximum of three demerits 7.3. TRUANCY Absence from school or lessons without valid permission is not tolerated. The above may lead to three demerits 7.4. VICTIMIZATION A vital aspect of our philosophy is the principle of mutual respect and dignity. Within this framework we will not tolerate any form of discrimination regarding: Gender Ethnic or Social origin Disability Sexual orientation Race Culture Religion Colour Physical Page 7 of 48 appearance In addition, we will not tolerate any form of: Intimidation Verbal abuse Fighting, assault or Initiation bullying Sexual harassment Abuse of staff Please refer to the Reddam House Anti-Bullying Policy which forms part of this Discipline Code. Any of the above may lead to three demerits or dismissal and/or counselling intended to increase the Student’s awareness of respecting human rights. VANDALISM This includes the defacing or damaging of Reddam House property and/or private property. Any vandalism will be for the account of the perpetrator. Prosecution and a possible criminal record may follow. The above may lead to three demerits and/or dismissal 7.5. THEFT Theft is a criminal offence and any Students found to be involved in, or an accomplice to, an act of theft, will be severely disciplined. The above may lead to three demerits and/or dismissal 7.6. THE OCCULT 7.6.1 Without wishing to infringe upon any student's religious and Constitutional rights of religious practice, the School will not permit the practice of the occult alternatively Wicca or Pagan practice on campus. 7.6.2. Any involvement in, practice of, or association with, occult practices at Reddam House will not be tolerated and may lead to THREE demerits and immediate expulsion. Examples include, but are not limited to, Ouija board, Tarot Cards and readings and any display or use of occult symbols). Page 8 of 48 7.6.3. Any intimidation or coercion, arising from the above, will not be tolerated and may lead to THREE demerits and immediate expulsion. 7.6.4 Reddam House retains the right to investigate any and all suspicious activities on its campuses and relating to its students. 7.7. COMMUNICATION/ INTERNET AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES 7.7.1. Any form of communication (in or out of school) which brings the name of Reddam House into disrepute will not be tolerated. No person may access, share, edit or produce material which defames Reddam House, any of its employees or any student in Reddam House. This includes electronic communication, social networks, text, graphics, photographs, video or sound or any other media. 7.7.2. Use of Reddam House Network and Internet Access are to be used for teaching and education and it is therefore deemed that no account on the Reddam House network is private. 7.7.3. Students are expected to access only those Internet sites which conform to normal legal and moral standards and which are deemed to be acceptable according to the ethos of Reddam House. 7.7.4. All students are bound by the code outlined in the Reddam House Computer Centre’s Acceptable Use Policy. No cellular phones, iPods or other electronic devices are permitted up to Grade Seven in the Preparatory School. No students may not switch cellular phones on during lessons. No cellular phones, smart watches, iPods, iPads/tablets or other electronic or ‘smart’ devices will be allowed into tests and examinations unless it is an examination requirement. Any contravention of the above may lead to three demerits and/or dismissal and/or confiscation of the electronic device for a period to be determined by Reddam House Page 9 of 48 7.8. PORNOGRAPHY / INAPPROPRIATE MATERIAL Students accessing or in possession of inappropriate material whether accessed through the Internet, cellular phones or any other manner is unacceptable. Prosecution and a possible criminal record may follow. The above may lead to three demerits and/or dismissal 7.9. ALCOHOL AND THE SMOKING OF TOBACCO AND ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES Smoking tobacco or electronic cigarettes and/or drinking alcohol by Students will not be tolerated. If a Student is found to be using (which includes testing positive for alcohol), purchasing, distributing and/or in possession of, or an accomplice to, smoking tobacco, using electronic cigarettes or drinking alcohol he/she may be issued with three demerits and/or be dismissed. 7.10. DRUG USE / MIND-ALTERING SUBSTANCES Reddam House will not tolerate any association with drug use or the use of mindaltering substances. In the interest of safeguarding all Students against possible drug possession and/or mind-altering substance possession and/or use, random searching and/or testing on suspicion of possession and/or use may be conducted by the Head of School or his/her delegated authority. The tests are for the Parents’ account. Any Student found to be in possession of and/or distributing and/or purchasing and/or using drugs/mind-altering substances or tests positive for the use of drugs/mind-altering substances or anyone who is an accomplice to those in possession of and/or distributing and/or purchasing and/or using drugs/mind altering substances may be dismissed. Prosecution and a possible criminal record may follow. 7.11. DANGEROUS OBJECTS No Student may be in possession of a dangerous object, firecracker or any item that can cause bodily injury. In the interest of safeguarding all Students against dangerous objects, random searching on suspicion of possession may be conducted. Page 10 of 48 Any Student found to be in possession of a dangerous object, firecrackers or items that may cause bodily injury on Reddam House property, will be severely dealt with. Prosecution and a possible criminal record may follow. The above may lead to three demerits and/or dismissal 8. SERIOUS MISCONDUCT Serious Misconduct is any conduct which warrants dismissal from Reddam House as set out in this Code and includes, but is not limited to, the following: 8.1. Any acts prohibited by the laws of South Africa and/or violation of the laws of South Africa; 8.2. Any action which is sufficiently serious to destroy the relationship of trust between Reddam House and the Student; 8.3. Any criminal activity which might result in a conviction; 8.4. Victimization as referred to in 7.4; 8.5. Any deliberate or negligent act which, by its consequences, brings the name of Reddam House into disrepute; 8.6. Assault and/or harassment; 8.7. Blackmail and/or extortion; 8.8. Breaking conditions of sanction imposed by the Staff or any other person in authority at Reddam House; 8.9. Copying or any form of cheating in any test, exam or project (including plagiarism); 8.10. Failure to report serious and major acts of misconduct and/or to assist or cooperate in the investigation of serious and major acts of misconduct; 8.11. Failure to tell the truth as part of the investigative process or during the disciplinary hearing; 8.12. Vandalism as referred to in 0; 8.13. Inappropriate sexual activity, including but not limited to Pornography/ Inappropriate Material as referred to in 7.89, sexual intercourse, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, rape; 8.14. Contravention of the Information and Communications Technology Acceptable Use Policy and the Sports Code of Conduct and Communication/Internet and Electronic Devices as referred to in 7.78; 8.15. Lying, dishonesty or any form of duplicity; Page 11 of 48 8.16. Dangerous Objects as referred to in 7.112; 8.17. Alcohol and smoking tobacco / electronic cigarettes as referred to in 7.9; 8.18. Drug Use / Mind-altering Substances as referred to in 7.101; 8.19. Repeated and/or deliberate infringement of any of Reddam House rules, policies, protocols or contravention of 7.1, 7.2 and/or 7.3; 8.20. Refusing to accept the authority of Reddam House and/or undermining deliberately or otherwise, the stated goals and/or rules of Reddam House and/or gross insubordination; 8.21. Theft as referred to in 7.5. 9. DISCIPLINARY PROCESS 9.1 When the Discipline Code is alleged to have been transgressed, the matter may be reported to any or all of the following: 9.1.1 Class Teacher 9.1.2 Grade Head 9.1.3 Co-Ordinator 9.1.4 Deputy Head of School 9.1.5 Head of School 9.2 In the event of reported transgressions warranting the award of Debit/s or Demerit/s, any of the persons referred to in clause 9.1 shall have the authority to make such awards after investigating and confirming the alleged transgression. 9.3 Students may be suspended for one week from Reddam House by the Head of School on receipt of three Demerits in a calendar year. The Head of School shall, in every case where a Student has received three Demerits in a calendar year, review the matter and arrange meetings with the affected Student/s and the Parent/s. In the event that the Head of School reaches the conclusion that suspension is the appropriate sanction, there will be no refund of school fees and the Student will assume responsibility for the missed school work. After returning to school any subsequent infringement of this Code may lead to the dismissal of that Student after a Disciplinary Hearing. Page 12 of 48 9.4 Reddam House reserves the right to impose alternative sanctions other than that of suspension of a Student at the discretion of the Head of School and notwithstanding that there has been no accumulation of Demerits. Such discretionary sanctions include the removal of a Student from a leadership position, to refuse a Student re-entry in the next academic year, monetary compensation in respect of replacement value in instances of damage to property, theft etc., a written warning, community service on or off Reddam House premises, police or other community-sector intervention, a ban on the Student to represent Reddam House in future academic, cultural, sporting or other events, a declaration of ineligibility of the Student to obtain or retain awards and/or colours, a declaration of ineligibility of the Student to retain a scholarship or bursary, a declaration of ineligibility of the Student to be part of the Junior or Senior Executive, suspension from school activities or a selection thereof (which includes suspension from academic activities). 9.5 In matters involving Serious Misconduct a Disciplinary Hearing will be pursued once Reddam House has decided that a complaint against a Student of Serious Misconduct needs to be investigated by Reddam House and if found guilty, could lead to the dismissal of such Student. 10 DISCIPLINARY HEARING APPLICABLE TO SERIOUS MISCONDUCT When there has been a complaint of Serious Misconduct against a Student, and the Head of School together with the Deputy Head/s of School have concluded that the award of Demerits may be insufficient and dismissal is a possible sanction in the particular circumstances, the proceedings set forth in this clause 10 must be followed. 10.1 DEFINITIONS 10.1.1 Appeal Chair: The person appointed by Reddam House who will chair the appeal hearing; 10.1.2 Chair: The Head of School or a senior member of Staff appointed by the Head of School who will chair the Disciplinary Hearing and deliver the finding/s and, where required, the sanction/s; 10.1.3 Disciplinary Process: The processes and procedures outlined in this Code; Page 13 of 48 10.1.4 Head of Student Matters: The Deputy Head of School occupying this position or any other member of Staff occupying a similar position; 10.1.5 Investigating Officer: The person elected by the Head of Student Matters to conduct investigations into the alleged misconduct; 10.1.6 Parents: Includes biological parents, parents of adopted children, legal guardians and caregivers; 10.1.7 Reddam’s Representative: The person elected by the Head of School to present Reddam House’s case during the disciplinary process; 10.1.8 Staff: Members of the academic staff, administrative staff and support staff who are permanently or temporarily employed by Reddam House or who are on fixed-term contracts. 10.1.9 Student: A registered student of Reddam House; 10.1.10 Student’s Representative: The person, if any, appointed by the Student to support him/her in and during the disciplinary process. SUSPENSION DURING THE DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS 10.1.11 The Head of School may suspend a Student until the disciplinary process has been completed and a final decision has been made. This includes the period of an Appeal Hearing or judicial review. 10.1.12 The Head of School or (any Deputy Head of School in his/her absence) may use his/her sole discretion in deciding whether to suspend any Student under the above clause. 10.2 THE INVESTIGATIVE PROCESS 10.2.1 The Head of Student Matters will appoint a senior member of the staff to be the Investigating Officer, which may include any other Deputy Head of School. The Investigating Officer will conduct a preparatory investigation into the allegations of Serious Misconduct by a Student. The Investigating Officer may ask the Head of Student Matters for help, if needed, and the Head of Student Matters, at his/her discretion, may appoint someone to assist the Investigating Officer. Page 14 of 48 10.2.2 The Investigating Officer will inform the Student of the allegations against him/her and that he/she could be required to explain her conduct during the Disciplinary Process. 10.2.3 The investigative process will involve collecting and collating evidence, including interviewing the Student involved, other Students and/or potential witnesses. 10.2.4 Any Students who are to be interviewed are entitled to be represented by their parent/s. 10.2.5 Students may be asked to make written statements which will be signed and dated. 10.2.6 All those involved in the interviewing process and disciplinary enquiries will be expected to tell the truth. Failure to do so could be considered to be an aggravating factor when appropriate sanctions are being considered. If Students who are witnesses do not tell the truth, they run the risk of disciplinary action being taken against them in accordance with this Code. When the investigation has been completed, the Investigating Officer will present his/her findings to the Head of Student Matters and they will, together, decide whether to proceed with a Disciplinary Hearing. 10.2.7 Should the decision be made that there has been no act of serious misconduct or that there is insufficient evidence to warrant referral to a Disciplinary Hearing, the Head of Student Matters will communicate this in writing to the Student and the Parents. 10.3 REPRESENTATION AT THE DISCIPLINARY HEARING 10.3.1 At a Disciplinary Hearing, a Student will always be entitled to be represented by: his/her Parent(s) or a fellow Student or a member of Staff. 10.3.2 If the Student chooses not to be represented, or to be represented by a person other than his/her Parents, the Parents must confirm and agree to the decision in writing before the Disciplinary Hearing commences. This requirement is Page 15 of 48 capable of being waived if the Chair is satisfied that the Parent/s has received notice as contemplated in clause 10.5.1, but has failed to confirm the decision of the Student as aforesaid. 10.3.3 Legal representation is not permitted at any stage of the disciplinary proceeding unless: the Chair believes that the nature of the issues being considered warrant legal representation. This decision will be entirely at the discretion of the Chair; or the Student’s Representative co-incidentally has legal training or is a member of the legal profession and then Reddam House, at its discretion, may appoint its own legal representative. 10.4 ATTENDANCE AT THE DISCIPLINARY HEARING The following people will be permitted to attend the Disciplinary Hearing: 10.4.1 The Chair; 10.4.2 The Student; 10.4.3 The Investigating Officer; 10.4.4 Reddam’s Representative; 10.4.5 A member of the Staff (appointed by the Chair) who will record the proceedings as instructed by the Chair and assist the Chair with the administrative aspects of the hearing. Apart from this administrative role, this person will play no part in the Disciplinary Hearing; 10.4.6 The Student’s Representative, if any; 10.4.7 Witnesses; 10.4.8 Any other person whose attendance the Chair considers to be necessary for the fair determination of the complaint against the Student. Page 16 of 48 10.5 PREPARATION 10.5.1 The Head of Student Matters will inform the Student and his/her Parents in writing of the decision to conduct a Disciplinary Hearing. The notification shall include: the complaint that the Student is facing; the date, time and venue of the Disciplinary Hearing; the right of the Student to be represented by a Representative; the right of the Student to call any witness or produce any evidence which will substantiate his/her defence or disprove the complaint made against him/her. 10.5.2 In order to prepare for the case, the Student should be given reasonable access to his/her Representative. 10.5.3 The Disciplinary Hearing will be convened within a reasonable time after the decision to proceed has been made but if there are circumstances that make this impossible, such hearing will be convened as soon as it is practically possible in the circumstances and at the discretion of the Chair. 10.5.4 The Disciplinary Hearing will be conducted in English. 10.5.5 It is the responsibility of the member of Staff referred to in 10.4.5 to ensure that the proceedings at the Disciplinary Hearing are accurately recorded. 10.6 CONDUCT OF THE DISCIPLINARY HEARING 10.6.1 At the start of the Disciplinary Hearing the Chair will ask Reddam’s Representative to read the complaint to the Student on behalf of Reddam House. 10.6.2 The Student will then be asked to either admit or deny his/her guilt. IF THE STUDENT ADMITS HIS/HER GUILT THE HEARING SHALL PROCEED AS FOLLOWS: - Page 17 of 48 10.6.3 The Student will be asked to state in his/her own words and with sufficient detail why he/she is guilty of the complaint(s) or to present a written, signed statement to that effect. The Chair will decide whether to accept such admission; 10.6.4 The Chair may question the Student to clarify any aspect of the statement (whether oral or written) to satisfy himself/ herself that the admission of guilt was correctly made by the Student. 10.6.5 The Chair will then decide whether or not the Student is guilty. If the finding is one of guilt, the Chair will proceed to hear evidence in mitigation and aggravation: The Student or the Student’s Representative shall first present his/her case on mitigation. Reddam’s Representative will present any aggravating factors. The Student will have the right to reply but only to new issues raised by Reddam’s Representative. IF A STUDENT DENIES HIS/HER GUILT THE HEARING SHALL PROCEED AS FOLLOWS: 10.6.6 Reddam’s Representative will present the case for Reddam. Reddam’s Representative may call a witness(es) and/or produce documentary and/or physical evidence to support the charges levelled against the Student. The Student or his Representative may cross examine each witness. Reddam’s Representative may then re-examine the witness(es) but only in respect of new issues raised by the Student under cross-examination. 10.6.7 The Student or the Student’s Representative will then present his case and will also be allowed to call a witness(es) and produce documentary and/or physical evidence to support his case. Page 18 of 48 Reddam’s Representative will, in turn, be allowed to cross examine each witness. The Student may then re-examine the witness(es) but only in respect of new issues raised by Reddam’s Representative under cross-examination. 10.6.8 The Chair may question any person giving evidence at any time for the purposes of obtaining clarity or establishing any facts. He/she will ensure that minor witnesses are protected from cross-examination which is calculated to bully or traumatise them. 10.6.9 Once the evidence has been heard, Reddam’s Representative and the Student or the Student’s Representative may, in turn, address the Chair on the facts presented and the conclusions which they consider should be drawn from them. 10.6.10 The Chair shall then weigh up the evidence and determine whether the Student is guilty or not. 10.6.11 In order for the Chair to make a finding the Disciplinary Hearing may be adjourned for not more than three working days. Both parties may use this time to prepare any evidence and argument they may wish to present in mitigation or aggravation should the Student be found guilty by the Chair. 10.6.12 In the case of a guilty finding by the Chair, the evidence and argument in mitigation and aggravation will be heard by the Chair as set out in clause 10.6.5. IMPOSING A SANCTION 10.6.13 The Disciplinary Hearing will be adjourned not longer than three working days in order for the Chair to present his/her findings on an appropriate sanction. 10.6.14 The findings of the Chair and the sanction will be communicated in writing to the Student and the Parents as soon as possible. 10.6.15 In the event of a dismissal, the notification will include a copy of the findings of the Chair. Page 19 of 48 10.6.16 At the discretion of the Chair, the following sanctions may be imposed (one or more of these sanctions may be applied at a time) – the removal of a Student from a leadership position; refusing a Student re-entry in the next academic year; monetary compensation in respect of replacement value in instances of damage to property, theft etc.; a written warning; a final written warning; a ban on the Student to represent Reddam House in future academic, cultural, sporting or other events; a declaration of ineligibility of the Student to obtain or retain awards and/or colours; a declaration of ineligibility of the Student to retain a scholarship or bursary; a declaration of ineligibility of the Student to be part of the Junior or Senior Executive; an award of Demerit/s; community service on or off Reddam House premises; police or other community-sector intervention; suspension from school activities or a selection thereof (which includes suspension from academic activities); dismissal. 10.7 THE APPEAL PROCESS 10.7.1 The Student may appeal against both the findings of guilt and the sanction/s, provided that there are reasonable grounds for the Appeal. In other words the Appeal must be based on evidence that the Chair did not apply him/herself and/or the Code properly; that the sanction was not consistent; due process was not adhered to; etc. An Appeal cannot be Page 20 of 48 pursued only on the unsubstantiated grounds that the Student and/or the Parents are unhappy with the findings and/or the sanction. The following procedure shall apply on an Appeal: 10.7.2 Appeals shall be addressed to and lodged with the Chair within two working days of the Student and, at least, one of his/her Parents being notified of the sanction. 10.7.3 10.7.4 An appeal shall be in writing and shall include the following: the full names of all the parties at the Disciplinary Hearing; the findings of the Chair; the facts and grounds for Appeal. The Appeal Chair shall be a person, other than the Chair, designated by Reddam House and who will hear the appeal. 10.7.5 All Appeals shall be decided on the proceedings of the initial Disciplinary Hearing. 10.7.6 If either party wishes to introduce new evidence, an application to do so must be made to the Appeal Chair. The Student must lodge this application at the same time as he/she lodges the Appeal itself; the Investigating Officer must do so within two working days of the delivery of the Appeal by the Student. The application must include a clear and concise summary of the new evidence, its relevance to the issues in dispute and why it was not presented at the Disciplinary Hearing. If the Appeal Chair allows the applicant to introduce further evidence, it has the discretion to either: for hear the further evidence according to the procedure laid out hearing evidence in the initial Disciplinary Hearing and then proceed to determine the Appeal. (Although the Appeal Chair may hear new evidence, no appeals may be made against any decision of the Appeal Chair); or refer the matter back to the Disciplinary Hearing to hear the new evidence. In this case, the Chair, after following the procedure set out for the Disciplinary Hearing above, shall either confirm his/her first finding (in which case, supplementary written reasons will be Page 21 of 48 provided) or set it aside (in which case, the incident will be expunged from the Student’s disciplinary record); 10.7.7 Should the Appeal Chair find that sufficient grounds exist for overturning the finding and/or the sanction, it shall set aside the previous decision and replace it with a finding and/or sanction which it deems appropriate. 10.7.8 The decision of the Appeal Chair shall be final and binding. 11 GENERAL 11.1 All Students are bound by the rules and regulations as laid out in the Discipline Code. 11.2 Reddam House reserves the right to search Students and their property and to confiscate property if necessary. 11.3 Reddam House also reserves the right to discipline any Student for conduct not perpetrated on school premises, but which may reasonably be considered to bring Reddam House into disrepute. 11.4 Reddam House is not responsible for the loss of property by Students. 12 PARENTS/GUARDIANS 12.1 All parents and guardians of Students agree to adhere to the principles enshrined in the Discipline Code, Anti Bullying Policy and Sports Code (the “Codes”). 12.2 Reddam House has the right to investigate and resolve any issue pertaining to the conduct of a parent/guardian which may prima facie transgress the Codes and furthermore has the right to impose any reasonable sanction/s which in the sole discretion of the Head of School is appropriate in the circumstances, taking into account all relevant interests, including the right to restrict and exclude access to Reddam House premises or grounds or School events at other venues and to refuse a Student re-entry in the next academic year. Page 22 of 48 CODE OF CONDUCT STAGE 1 – GRADE 3 (Pupils sign) I belong to Reddam House and I am proud of my school I promise to be a good example 1. My manners are outstanding I greet my Principal, teachers, secretaries, assistants and friends at school. I do not push past teachers or any adults at my school. I stand back and wait for them. I help them carry baskets and books. I am polite to my classmates I keep quiet while my teacher is talking. I remember to say “Please and Thank you.” I do not interrupt a conversation. Page 23 of 48 I speak politely to all teachers at all times. I am polite to our and ground staff too. 2. My behaviour is most important. I am being watched by everyone. a) In the classrooms: I listen to my teacher. I do not shout. I work quietly. I do not disturb others. I keep my classroom neat. I have respect for books and furniture I don’t touch other people’s property. I do not steal. I may not bring any toys to school or to aftercare. I do not chew bubblegum at school I must not be late for school. b) On the corridors and in the Hall and Media Centre: I walk in a row quietly, with my hands behind my back. I must not run. I stand back for teacher. I must wait for my teacher and not run off. I must not talk in the hall. I sit quietly. Page 24 of 48 I am a good example. I must not hit or hurt other children. c) On the playground and at the swimming pool: I do not throw stones or acorns at anyone. I obey the teacher on duty. I must play on the correct playground. I do not hurt other children and I do not fight I do not fight. I do not destroy plants. I know that no bullying is allowed. I do not hang in trees. I do not throw papers or litter I am kind to other children. I promise to keep my school neat and tidy. I do not play in the toilet, I respect the school toilets. 3 My Uniform - I am proud of my uniform. My uniform is properly labelled. I wear the correct clothes for PT – navy shorts and house top. For swimming I wear the navy Reddam House costume and swimming cap. Boys: My hair is short and neat. Girls: I tie my hair up if it is long with a blue, camel or gold band. No hair extensions are permitted or any extreme hairstyles. Highlighted hair is not permitted. Hair plaited may not hang in my face. I may wear a chain of religious significance, provided it is under my clothing. Page 25 of 48 I may not wear a windbreaker, or coloured jacket. I may only wear a blue scarf in winter. 4 Homework I understand that homework is very important and must be completed each day. I must have my diary with me at all times. My name and grade must be clearly marked in my diary. All my important telephone numbers must be listed. 5 School Bags My name and grade must be clearly marked on my bag. 6 Extra Mural Activity It is suggested that I take part in one or more of the many activities offered at my school. ______________________________ Pupil’s signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________ Parent’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________ Class Teacher’s Signature: ____________________________ Date Page 26 of 48 ANTI-BULLYING POLICY Revised Oct 2014 At Reddam House, courtesy and respect, compassion and co-operation are clear expectations of both students and staff. Self-control and tolerance are expected to be integral to all relationships within the school. The Discipline Code specifically states that Reddam House will not tolerate any form of discrimination regarding: Gender Disability Race Religion Physical appearance Ethnicity Social origin Sexual orientation Culture Colour In addition, we will not tolerate any form of: Intimidation Fighting, assault or bullying Sexual harassment Verbal abuse Initiation Abuse of staff Any of the above may lead to three demerits and/or dismissal and/or counselling intended to increase the student’s awareness of respecting human rights. Bullying occurs when an individual threatens another individual physically, verbally and/or psychologically. This may be done in different ways: harassment teasing, defaming, name calling threatening actions or gestures, intimidation discriminating on the basis of gender, culture, religion and/or sexual orientation deliberately excluding people abusing verbally, physically or psychologically by any means or source. using and distributing hurtful information e.g. via multimedia/cyber bullying (Attention is drawn to the Protection from Harassment Act (2013). Reddam House reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any person deemed to be guilty of cyber bullying. Page 27 of 48 Walk Away Policy An individual who feels threatened by any of the above mentioned acts of physical or psychological bullying is to: ignore the tormentor and immediately walk away control his or her anger avoid verbal or physical retaliation It is School policy that students are encouraged to speak out against bullying behaviour that they witness. All instances of bullying must be reported immediately to any teacher or the Head of the School. Not reporting an incident of bullying is an offence and will result in consequences as outlined below. An individual who has bullied/witnessed bullying and has not reported the matter will meet the Head of the School may be dismissed or suspended at the discretion of the Head of the School or may receive up to three demerits may have parents informed may receive appropriate intervention (and provide proof of attendance) from a suitably qualified Counsellor Bullying is not tolerated at Reddam House Page 28 of 48 SPORTS CODE OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS Revised Oct 14 As a student at Reddam House, I understand and acknowledge that my commitment includes: a. Displaying the highest standard of sportsmanship and discipline at all times, on and off the field, towards my coaches, the referee, my teammates, my opponents and all spectators; b. Dressing in accordance with the correct attire as stipulated in the School Guide as per the Uniform Requirements; c. Adopting an attitude of graciousness and humility at all times, in both defeat and victory; d. Attending all practices as may be required (at least two per week) and at all scheduled matches, irrespective of whether or not I am fit to play (a medical certificate being required for any non-attendance); e. Being fully committed to the activity for the entire season/year, whichever applies to that particular sport e.g. water polo is Term 1 and Term 4, hockey Term 2 and Term 3; f. Being aware of all practice and match arrangements through regular scrutiny of the notice board or communication with my team manager/coach; g. Being involved in at least 1 school sport per term; and h. Giving my best effort at all times. As a parent, I do hereby confirm my support of the Reddam House School Sports Code of Conduct, committing myself personally to: a. Facilitating, by all means necessary, my child’s adherence to such Code of Conduct (in particular his/her attire, attendance at all practices and matches as may be scheduled or required); and b. Being a true sportsmanlike spectator at all matches I may attend, allowing the referee to handle the game, leaving tactics, team selection and strategy to the coach, encouraging and supporting my child and his/her teammates in a positive and constructive manner and displaying the same qualities of graciousness and humility in defeat and victory as are expected of my child. Page 29 of 48 Sport Conduct Guide 1. Students are to remain with their respective teams until after the event. They are not permitted to sit with their parents. 2. Students are not permitted to have tea with their parents after the events. They must remain at the student’s refreshment area. 3. Students will only be permitted to leave immediately after their event, if they have had special permission from the teacher-in-charge. All students should remain for the entire fixture i.e. – in hockey the A and B teams should watch each other play, and in tennis, 6 couples should be finished before anyone may leave. 4. Students must thank their opponents and the Teacher-in-charge at the visiting school. 5. Students should conduct themselves in a responsible manner as they are all ambassadors for Reddam House. Page 30 of 48 CULTURAL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS & PARENTS Revised Nov 2015 I understand and acknowledge that such commitment includes: a. Displaying the highest standard of theatre etiquette and artistic discipline at all times, on and off the stage. This applies to all performers, teachers and members of the audience. b. Adopting an attitude of graciousness and humility at all times, as both performers and audience members. c. Attendance of all rehearsals, and of all scheduled shows, competitions, practical examinations and eisteddfodau. d. Making sure that I am appropriately dressed, prepared and kitted for classes, rehearsals and performances. e. Having and taking responsibility for any props, costumes, music or instruments needed for a productive class/rehearsal/performance. f. Giving my best effort at all times. g. Any pieces presented are to be in line with the Reddam ethos. I, as parent of the above named student, do hereby confirm by his signature hereto my child’s commitment to the Reddam House School Cultural Code of Conduct for 2016, committing myself personally to: a. Facilitating by all means necessary my child’s adherence to such Code of Conduct (in particular his/her attendance at all rehearsals and shows as may be scheduled or required); b. Being a supportive audience member at all shows I attend, respecting that certain areas are off limits before and after performances. Supporting and respecting the choices made by the teacher/choreographer/director in charge by not criticizing or disputing their artistic choices regarding placement, casting or material. Page 31 of 48 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Revised Oct 2014 The policies, procedures and information within this document apply to the use of Information and Communications Technology at Reddam House including desktop and laptop computers, tablet devices and cellular phones, smart watches and any other device deemed by the Administration to fall under this policy. Reddam House filters communication and access to websites using Hardware and Software which complies with International Child Protection Standards. The networks are used for teaching and education and it is therefore deemed that no account on the Reddam House networks is private. This applies to any device which is used by anyone to connect to the Reddam House networks. Any user’s network account may be opened at any time for any reason by a designated network supervisor. Any staff member may check any user's communications at any time. Any device which connects to Reddam House networks may be examined by a designated network supervisor at any time. USE OF THE REDAM HOUSE NETWORKS AND IT FACILITIES The use of the computer facilities at Reddam House, whether it be access on site or remote access via any device, is a privilege granted by Reddam House. Access to the Internet and networks for the purposes of communication and educational research implies that all users agree to abide by the following rules and conditions. 1. Students are expected to communicate in a meaningful, respectful and mannerly fashion when using email or any other means of electronic communication. This applies to any email software used in the context of school related communication used on the school premises or externally. Racist or sexist sentiments, hate mail, obscene language, profanity or cyber bullying will not be tolerated. No student may initiate or forward any form of Chain email. 2. Any form of communication which brings the name of the school into disrepute will not be tolerated. No person may edit or produce material which denigrates the school, any of its employees or any student in the schools. This includes text, graphics, photographs, video or sound files. Students must report any occurrence of unacceptable communication to a network supervisor. 3. Students are expected to access only those Internet sites which conform to normal legal and moral standards and which are deemed to be acceptable according to the ethos of the school. 4. Students should adhere to the rules governing general behaviour throughout the school. 5. Students will be held accountable for their behaviour in communicating with any individual or organization which is available through links to the Internet. Students must not harass any person or organization by sending unwanted communications. 6. Downloading and uploading of files using school facilities may only be done with permission and under supervision. The misuse of school facilities to download or upload video, sound or game files or protected copyrighted data using a school network computer or wireless connection, will result in the immediate suspension of a student’s network account. 7. The use of viruses, Trojans or any method of breaking into Reddam House networks will result in immediate permanent banning from the use of Reddam House network facilities. 8. The playing of computer games in school is completely prohibited at all times. Subject related educational games may only be used during a timetabled class period under the supervision of the subject teacher. Games related sites may not be accessed. Downloading from games sites is not permitted. Page 32 of 48 9. No students are allowed inside the computer laboratories unless a teacher is present or where specific permission has been granted. There are no exceptions to this rule. 10. Students may not use any account other than their own. Students are not permitted to divulge their password or share accounts. The current default password should be changed as soon as possible after a user’s account has been created. 11. Students may only use a device they are working on. Normally, only one person per device will be allowed. Sharing of devices may only occur with permission from the teacher concerned. 12. No transfer media may be brought into the room without permission. Any media which are brought into the room must have been checked for viruses using the currently acceptable virus checking software. 13. Printing may only occur with the express permission of a teacher. 14. No equipment or furniture may be moved from its current position in the Computer Rooms. 15. No eating or drinking is permitted in the Computer Rooms. CHARGING OF DEVICE BATTERIES 1. Devices that are brought to school must be in a fully charged condition. It is the responsibility of students to charge their devices each evening. 2. Other than in the case of exceptional circumstances (eg power failure – device left at school overnight etc), for logistical reasons students may not be able to charge their device’s battery at school. SCREEN-SAVERS AND DESKTOP BACKGROUNDS 1. Inappropriate or offensive images may not be used as a screen-saver or background photo. SOUND, MUSIC, GAMES OR PROGRAMMES 1. Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes. 2. Internet games installed on devices at home are not allowed to be played at school, unless permission has been given by the teacher. 3. Students are encouraged to have earphones with them in the event that they require sound on the device in use which will be at the discretion of the teacher. HOME INTERNET ACCESS 1. Internet access at home is entirely the responsibility of parents and is subject to the structures/rules they have put into place. 2. Parents are encouraged to set appropriate restrictions on internet access and to be vigilant in maintaining these. 3. Reddam House takes no responsibility for the levels of accessibility students have to the internet and social media away from its campus, other than to continually instruct, educate and counsel its students with regards to cyber safety. TAKING CARE OF TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES 1. Security and care of an electronic device is both a concern and a priority for both parents and the school. 2. For its part, Reddam House, through its teachers, undertakes to educate its students in the correct use and care of technological devices. 3. It is expected that parents will support the education process by reinforcing the best care practice with their children. 4. Students are responsible for the general care of their devices while travelling between home and school, and also while at school or involved in any school related activity such as camps or excursions. 5. The responsibility of devices in the home situation is a matter to be determined by parents with their child(ren). Page 33 of 48 MANAGING FILES & SAVING WORK 1. Students will be taught to save work to a ‘Cloud’ environment using programmes such as Dropbox and Google Drive. 2. It is strongly recommended that parents manage the setup of the Dropbox account as an email address is required for this process. Parents requiring help may seek assistance from the school. 3. Students have access to a controlled Google Drive account via their school Google account. 4. Individual teachers will inform parents of their students about storage requirements of the work completed, and how best this may be managed. SOFTWARE ON DEVICES Software Installed for Non-School Use 1. Students, under the supervision of their parents, are permitted to load software/Apps on their devices for use at home. 2. It is assumed that such software/Apps are appropriate in nature; however if deemed unsuitable by the school/teacher, parents will be contacted to discuss the matter. PARENT / GUARDIAN RESPONSIBILITIES Reddam House views the use of technological devices at home as important as their use in the school setting. Parents therefore have an extremely important role in reinforcing and maintaining the practices of safe use of the device, by:1. Talking to their child(ren) about values and the standards that they should follow with regard to the use of the internet – just as they do with the use of all media information sources such as television, telephones, movies, radio and iPods etc. 2. Establishing clear family rules and procedures regarding the use of technological devices at home designed to protect family members from abuse, overuse and addiction to social media. SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITIES The wireless capacity of technological devices enables students to access the internet for information and research and to connect with their peers to communicate and collaborate. With this increased capacity to connect comes an increased need for students to understand the ethical and legal (including privacy and copyright) considerations for safe and responsible behaviour online. To protect students from unsuitable content, Reddam House undertakes to: 1. Monitor, and restrict information stored on or transmitted via Reddam House owned equipment and to investigate inappropriate use of resources. 2. Provide staff guidance to aid students in doing research and help ensure student compliance of the acceptable use policy. Page 34 of 48 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Reddam House places a strong emphasis on students managing their devices and taking responsibility for the way in which they are used. Therefore students will undertake to:1. Use computers/devices in a responsible and ethical manner. 2. Obtain permission prior to recording and/or posting anyone and/or anything on school property or where Reddam House can be identified. 3. Obey general school rules concerning behavior and communication that apply to technological device use. 4. Use all technology resources in an appropriate manner so as to not damage school equipment. This “damage” includes, but is not limited to, the loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries or service interruptions caused by the student’s negligence and/or inappropriate behaviour. 5. Contact a teacher/staff member about any security problems they may have encountered. 6. Monitor their devices and report any suspicious activity. 7. Secure their devices after they have completed working on a task, in order to protect their work and information. INSURANCE 1. It is suggested that parents provide their own insurance via their home and contents policy or by taking out a separate insurance policy for the device to cover its use and possible damage or theft. Page 35 of 48 BCC CAMPUS: ELS STAGE 3 & 4 School Uniform Please note that all of the under-mentioned items may be purchased from the School Uniform Shop located on the Main Campus. For security reasons, new parents need to make an appointment with the Uniform Shop. Please note the uniform shop is open: Monday to Friday 07h30 – 16h00 BOYS UNIFORM GIRLS UNIFORM Shorts (navy &/or stone) T-Shirts (navy &/or stone stripe) Long Sleeved T-Shirts (navy vest ) Track Suit Tops (navy &/or stone print) Track Suit Pants (navy &/or stone) Art Aprons Fleece Tops (ages 3-4)(5-6)(7-8) Shorts (navy &/or stone) T-Shirts (navy &/or stone stripe) Long Sleeved T-Shirts (navy vest) Track Suit Tops (navy &/or stone print) Track Suit Pants (navy &/or stone) Pinafore Dresses (3-4)(5-6)(7-8) Art Aprons (3-4)(5-6)(7-8)(9-10) Fleece Tops (Ages 3-4)(5-6)(7-8) Drimac’s may be worn by the Stage 3 and Stage 4 children in the summer during the rainy season. (ages 3 - 4) (ages 5 -6 ) (ages 7-8) Hats are compulsory and are to be worn at breaks, P.T. and after school sports activities. (S)(M)(L) Beanies (S) & (L) & Scarves Satchels are compulsory. Should you have any queries with regard to the uniform, please do not hesitate to contact the office on (011) 616 2834 or alternatively John Smith on (011) 615 6710. We accept CARD payments and EFT’S only.(NO CASH) BANK DETAILS – NO CASH ACCEPTED ONLY CARD PAYMENTS OR EFT’S BANK DETAILS: FNB ACCOUNT: BOBNOR PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD NUMBER: 62 04 80 86 11 1 BRANCH : EASTGATE (25-77-05) REFERENCE: SURNAME & DESCRIPTION CONFIRMATION OF PAYMENT REQUIRED Should you have any queries with regard to the uniform, please do not hesitate to contact John Smith on: Tel: (011) 615 6710. Fax: 086 215 2196 Email: [email protected] Page 36 of 48 REDDAM HOUSE BCC CAMPUS (STAGE 5 - GRADE 3) Please note the uniform shop is open: Monday to Friday 07:30 – 16:00 COMPULSORY DAILY SCHOOL UNIFORM NAVY PINAFORE (to be worn with short or longLONG CHINO TROUSERS (forms part of the official sleeved camel golf shirt throughout the year) uniform and may be worn by boys and girls throughout (4- 5)(5-6)(7-8)(9-10)(11-12) the year according to the weather) ( 21/54; 22/56;24/61;26/66; 28/71) CAMEL Short-sleeved golf shirt CAMEL SOCKS – style differs for boys and girls (5-6)(7-8)(9-10)(11-12) (9-12)(12-3)(4-7) CAMEL Long-sleeved golf shirt (forms part of the NAVY V-NECK JERSEY - (size22)(24)(26)(28)(30) official winter uniform.) CARDIGAN - (size 24)(26)(28)(30) (5-6)(7-8)(9-10)(11-12) (can choose either one) NAVY BERMUDA SHORTS (forms part of the official BLACK Shoes (Woolworths or Buccaneers only – may be uniform and may be worn by boys and girls) worn by boys and girls) ( 21/54; 22/56;23/59;24/61;25/64;26/66;27/69) (to be purchased at any retail outlet) WHITE SPORTS GOLF SHIRT ( to be worn for physical education and sports) BOYS & GIRLS (Style differs) (5-6)(7-8)(9-10)(11-12) NAVY PHYSICAL EDUCATION SHORTS – ( to be worn for physical education and sports (5-6) HOUSE T-SHIRT – Romans (RED); Philippians (BLUE) & Ephesians (WHITE) (5 -6)(7-8)(9-10)(11-12) NAVY SOCKS with white fold-over (to be worn for rugby, soccer and hockey) (Size 1-2,5)(2,5 – 3,5)(3,5-5) (5-6,5)(6,5-8,5) Reddam BATHING COSTUME (to be worn for all BOYS : NAVY SPORTS KIT (SOLD AS SET) (to be worn for swimming sports) (SIZE 5-6) (7-8) (9-10) hockey and soccer) ( 7-8),( 9-10),( 11-12) Reddam LATEX BATH CAP ( to be worn for all GIRLS: NAVY SPORTS KIT (SOLD AS SET) (to be worn for swimming sports) ( free size) RED, WHITE, BLUE netball & hockey) Reddam TRACKSUIT (to be worn for all sports CAMEL PEAK CAP (adjustable strap) events) (SOLD AS SET) (5-6) (7-8) (9-10) (11-12) ART APRON (Ages 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12) CRICKET SHIRT (7-8)(9-10)(11-12) CRICKET HATS (M) & (L) Reddam SCHOOL BAG - compulsory (small) RUGBY SHIRT (excludes shorts – white – to be purchased Reddam TOG BAG – (S) & (L) at any retail outlet) (Ages 7-8; 9-10; 11-12) OPTIONAL EXTRAS DANCE KIT – Navy leotards, navy stockings & navy Reddam DRI-MAC (only Dri-mac’s with Reddam name on jersey (not available from Uniform shop) will be allowed.) (5-6)(7-8)(9-10)(11-12) WINTER FLEECE – Navy with hood (5-6)(7-8) Reddam NAVY SCARF Reddam NAVY BEANIE (S) (L) (9-10)(11-12) BANK DETAILS – NO CASH ACCEPTED ONLY CARD PAYMENTS OR EFT’S BANK DETAILS: FNB ACCOUNT: BOBNOR PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD NUMBER: 62 04 80 86 11 1 BRANCH : EASTGATE (25-77-05) REFERENCE: SURNAME & DESCRIPTION CONFIRMATION OF PAYMENT REQUIRED Should you have any queries with regard to the uniform, please do not hesitate to contact John Smith on: Tel: (011) 615 6710. Fax: 086 215 2196 Email: [email protected] Page 37 of 48 BCC CAMPUS BOYS’ DRESS CODE Students, at all times, are to be a credit to Reddam House BCC – neat, tidy, polite and well-behaved. The Dress Code is a partnership between Reddam House BCC, parents and students. APPEARANCE Personal pride is reflected in the student’s behaviour, attitudes and attire. A student’s appearance is a direct reflection on Reddam House BCC. Contraventions of the dress code will be swiftly and firmly dealt with. Sadly, it has become necessary to detail dress policy. Therefore, to avoid any confusion regarding dress, please read the following very carefully: GENERAL Please label all clothing. The School will not accept responsibility for lost property and/or negligence on the part of the student. Students need to make sure that when changing for PT, dance or sporting events, they pack their uniforms into their kit bags immediately and take the bags with them. Please do not leave bags outside the toilets. Tog and school bags must be stored in the sports storeroom until the student returns to the school after the match. Do not bring valuable items to school. Students representing the school on the sports field must be correctly dressed in the appropriate gear for that sport. Students who cannot dress neatly and correctly will unfortunately be excluded from matches until they comply. HAIR Hair must be neat and tidy at all times. Hair may not be coloured or dyed. Students are required to keep hair cut as required by the school. Hair may not cover their ears, collar and eyes. Boys are not allowed steps, Mohican styles, cult hairstyles, slicked back hair and may not wear alice bands. Page 38 of 48 UNIFORM No visible tattoos are allowed No piercings or earrings are allowed. Only Buccaneer or Woolworths lace-up shoes are permitted. Boys must be dressed in full school uniform at all times especially outside the school grounds Male students are not allowed to wear jewellery with the exception of a single wristwatch. Only BCC socks are to be worn. Students are not permitted to attend classes, other than dance class, in dance kit. Belts – students are only allowed black, plain belts with a buckle. No solid buckles, fabric or studded belts are allowed. No designer label buckles are allowed. Reddam beanies, scarves, jackets, gloves, jerseys and fleece jackets, may only be worn in the winter time. In cold weather, plain white T-shirts may be worn underneath the uniform but may not be visible. Religious chains may be worn but must not be visible. Beanies and scarves may only we worn in Winter. Please note: Clothes should always be clean and neatly pressed. Shirts are to be tucked in at all times. Tracksuits are part of the extra-mural uniform and may not be worn during school. Note well: Anyone who contravenes these rules as stipulated above will be sent home or suspended from class until the problem has been rectified. Catching up the work they miss will be their sole responsibility. Persistent disregard for these rules will lead to the issuing of three red demerits. All students are bound by the rules and regulations as laid out in the Dress Code. Reddam House reserves the right to discipline, suspend or expel any student at any time, whose behaviour is in contravention of this Code. Any student who is inappropriately dressed or with the incorrect hairstyle can be suspended from class until it is corrected. PLEASE CONFIRM THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE CONTENTS OF THE DRESS CODE BY SIGNING THE AGREEMENT ATTACHED. Page 39 of 48 BCC CAMPUS GIRLS’ DRESS CODE Students, at all times, are to be a credit to Reddam House BCC – neat, tidy, polite and well-behaved. The Dress Code is a partnership between Reddam House BCC, parents and students. This code is applicable: APPEARANCE Personal pride is reflected in the student’s behaviour, attitudes and attire. A student’s appearance is a direct reflection on Reddam House BCC. Contraventions of the dress code will be swiftly and firmly dealt with. Sadly, it has become necessary to detail dress policy. Therefore, to avoid any confusion regarding dress, please read the following very carefully: GENERAL Please label all clothing. The School will not accept responsibility for lost property and/or negligence on the part of the Student. Students need to make sure that when changing for PT, dance or sporting events, they pack their uniforms into their kit bags immediately and take the bags with them. Please do not leave bags outside the toilets. Tog and school bags must be stored in the sports storeroom until the Student returns to the school after the match. Do not bring valuable items to school. Students representing the school on the sports field must be correctly dressed in the appropriate gear for that sport. Students who cannot dress neatly and correctly will unfortunately be excluded from matches until they comply. HAIR Hair must be neat and tidy, tied up at all times, no hair should hang in the eyes. Only white, navy and gold accessories may be worn in girls’ hair. Natural highlights (close to their natural colour) are permitted. Page 40 of 48 UNIFORM Black school shoes -Buccaneer or Woolworths shoes only. Only ears may be pierced. No coloured or decorative earrings, studs etc. may be worn. Plain studs or sleepers only are permitted – one piercing per ear in the earlobe only Whilst we do not stipulate very short nails for girls, no false nails are permitted. Students are not permitted to attend classes, other than dance class, in dance kit No visible tattoos are allowed Reddam beanies, scarves, jackets, gloves, jerseys and fleece jackets, may only be worn in the winter time. In cold weather, plain white T-shirts may be worn underneath the uniform but may not be visible. Religious chains may be worn but must not be visible. Please note: Clothes should always be clean and neatly pressed. Shirts are to be tucked in at all times. Tracksuits are part of the extra mural uniform and may not be worn during school. Note well: Anyone who contravenes these rules as stipulated above will be sent home or suspended from class until the problem has been rectified. Catching up the work they miss will be their sole responsibility. Persistent disregard for these rules will lead to the issuing of three red demerits. All students are bound by the rules and regulations as laid out in the Dress Code. Reddam House reserves the right to discipline, suspend or expel any student at any time, whose behaviour is in contravention of this Code. Any student who is inappropriately dressed or with the incorrect hairstyle can be suspended from class until it is corrected. PLEASE CONFIRM THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE CONTENTS OF THE DRESS CODE BY SIGNING THE AGREEMENT ATTACHED Page 41 of 48 Supervised Care Fun safe environment Homework class Collection from extra murals Healthy meals and refreshments Exciting holiday programmes Peace of mind for “non-aftercare” parents The Adventure Zone offers a service to parents who require afternoon care for their children. The Adventure Zone is situated on the school premises and offers structured and fun activities in the afternoon from the close of the school day to 17:30 sharp. Children are encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities and schedules are managed to ensure that children attend their sporting and cultural commitments. A hot meal and juice/water will be provided daily for lunch. Children are encouraged to change out of their uniform each afternoon into casual clothes that are clearly labeled. Each child MUST bring a sunhat to aftercare every day. Holiday Programmes: The Adventure Zone will be open during the school holidays from 07:30 to 17:30 each day. An extra cost will cover fun activities and outings planned during the holidays. These costs are determined for each holiday period and parents will be notified timeously. Casual attendance in the holidays is R60 plus cost of holiday activities. The Adventure Zone is closed on public holidays and over the December break. Homework: A supervised homework period commences 15mins after the end of the school day. Although the teacher on duty does her utmost to ensure that all homework is done, parents need to check and sign their child’s homework every evening. Should your child be involved in extra murals, there is an opportunity until 4pm to complete homework, thereafter all formal work ceases and the children engage in fun activities. Any incomplete homework will need to be done at home. Page 42 of 48 ADVENTURE ZONE REGISTRATION 2016 Fee structure for Adventure Zone: The cost of aftercare attendance is indicated in the table below. The cost of casual attendance during the school term is R60 for the first hour, or part thereof, and thereafter R13.75 per hour or part thereof. All aftercare costs will be paid via debit order together with school outings and fees. Should you wish your child to attend this aftercare facility, please complete the necessary debit order forms during registration. Costs will be reflected on your monthly statement from Reddam House and the necessary deduction made from your bank account each month as per the debit order agreement. FEE STRUCTURE FOR ADVENTURE ZONE 2016: FULL TIME FEES (including hot meal etc) 1 Child R1520 per month 2 Children R2425 per month 3 Children R2760 per month Page 43 of 48 EXTRA STATIONERY Stage 1- 4 R1,450-00 – Included in extra stationery is Art Supplies, Paper Supplies, Compulsory Book Pack Stage 5 R2,100-00 – Included in extra stationery is Singapore Maths, My Number Writing Book, Art Supplies, Compulsory Prescribed School Diary, Paper Supplies, Compulsory Book Pack Grade 1 R2,500-00 – Included in extra stationery is Singapore Maths, My Own Spelling & Word Dictionary, Compulsory Prescribed School Diary, Set of ABA Cards, Art Supplies, Developing Language Skills, My Phonics & Spelling Homework Book, Paper Supplies, Compulsory Exercise Book and Cover Pack Grade 2 R2,920-00 – Included in extra stationery is Singapore Maths, My Own Spelling & Word Dictionary, Compulsory Prescribed School Diary, Art Supplies, Development Language Skills 2, Oxford Primary Dictionary, My Dinosaur Book of Bonds, Mastering Mental Maths – Book 2, Pret Met Afrikaans, Paper Supplies, Compulsory Exercise Book and Cover Pack Grade 3 R2,940-00 – Included in extra stationery is Singapore Maths, Pret met Afrikaans, Compulsory Prescribed School Diary, SRA Workbook, Art Supplies, Paper Supplies, Compulsory Exercise Book and Cover Pack Page 44 of 48 TEXT BOOK LEVY (STAGE 5 – GRADE 7) The school provides all textbooks in the Prep School. An annual text book levy of R500-00 covers the use, up-keep and updating of these books. IEB ENGLISH TEST (GRADE 3) There is an additional cost for Grade 3’s of R135-00 per student who will write an IEB Bench marking Test for English. WALTONS (STAGE 1 – GRADE 7) Under separate cover you will receive the list of required stationery per grade. You are under no obligation to use Walton’s, however, they provide an efficient service to the school. UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop, located on the Main Campus is open daily from 07h30 to 16h00. It will close on Friday 11 December 2015 for the Christmas holidays and re-open on Monday 11 January 2016. Page 45 of 48 REDDAM HOUSE BEDFORDVIEW FEE STRUCTURE 2016 Annual Administration takes place at the School from 26 October to 6 November 2015 FOUR QUARTERLY PAYMENTS ANNUAL PAYMENT ANNUAL PAYMENT (Paid before 07.11.15) (Paid before 01.01.16) STAGE 1 - 4 50 408 51 437 13 373 4 587 Sibling 48 392 49 379 12 839 4 403 STAGE 5 58 163 59 351 15 431 5 292 Sibling 55 837 56 976 14 814 5 080 GRADES 1 - 3 68 220 69 613 18 099 6 208 Sibling 65 492 66 828 17 376 5 959 GRADES 4 - 6 76 097 77 651 20 189 6 924 Sibling 73 054 74 545 19 381 6 647 GRADES 7 - 9 84 696 86 425 22 470 7 706 Sibling 81 309 82 968 21 572 7 398 GRADE 10 & 11 95 359 97 304 25 299 8 676 91 545 93 413 24 287 8 330 GRADE 12 95 359 97 304 25 299 10 412 Sibling 91 545 93 413 24 287 9 995 GRADE TWELVE MONTHLY PAYMENTS Gr 12 - Ten payments Please note that only the following payment options are possible: 1.) Full annual amount paid before 06.11.15. Payment may be in the form of cheque or electronic transfer. Please make cheques payable to Reddam House Bedfordview, or quote your Reddam House account number when doing an electronic transfer. 2.) Full annual amount paid after 06.11.15 but before 01.01.16. Payment may be in the form of cheque or electronic transfer. Please make cheques payable to Reddam School Bedfordview, or quote your Reddam House account number when doing an electronic transfer. 3.) Four quarterly payments by debit order, the amounts to be debited on 01 January, 30 March 30 June and 30 September 2016. 4.) Twelve monthly payments by debit order, the amounts to be debited on 01.01.16, 30.01.16 and the 30th of each month commencing 30 January, thereafter, ending 30.11.16. This option excludes Gr12*. 5.) *For Grade 12, ten monthly payments by debit order, the amounts to be debited on 01.01.16 and the 30th of each month commencing 30 January, thereafter, ending 30.09.16. th Should the 30 of the month occur on a Saturday or a Sunday, the fee payment will be due on the Friday prior to the weekend. Please also note the additional charges in the 2016 Registration Pack, as well as the following fees: Grade 3 & 6 IEB English Test: R 135.00 Grade 9 External Test: R 200.00 Grade 11 IEB Levy: R 180.00 Grade 12 IEB Examination Fee:R5370.00 All grades: Sundry charges for school outings etc. will be charged from time to time and are payable monthly upon receipt of the monthly statement. Page 46 of 48 REDDAM HOUSE CALENDAR 2016 Page 47 of 48 FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS 2016 (Revised 15.10.2012) BANKING DETAILS Account Name REDDAM HOUSE BEDFORDVIEW (PTY) LTD ABSA Eastgate: Code 632005 Account Number: 405 707 8553 Reference: Child’s surname, initial, Grade and type of payment (e.g. fees, camp) Please check and update your records with the correct banking details. Given banking details must be used for all transfers and deposits for Annual Fees and 2016 Registration Costs The banking details are for BCC ELS 1 – Gr 3 and REDDAM Gr 4 to Gr 12 For your children’s safety, cash will not be accepted on the premises – kindly deposit cash at the bank and provide proof thereof with the Registration documents. Please fax proof of payment to 086 607 9846 or by email to: [email protected] EXTRAS to be paid with Registration, latest by 6 November 2015. Page 48 of 48
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