Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary: The St. Mary School Office:
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary: The St. Mary School Office:
February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgy Schedule Saturday:…………………....5:30pm English 7:00pm Spanish Sunday:……...8am, 9:30 am, & 11am English 12:30 pm in Spanish Daily: …………….As published in bulletin Mass in the Extraordinary Form… Fourth Sunday of the month at 7pm For information 910-891-1972 Sacraments Baptism: Preparation prior to baptism is required. Parents should contact the Parish Office for details. Confirmation: Please contact the Faith Formation Office for more information. Reconciliation: 4:00–4:45 pm Saturdays or by appointment. Weddings: Contact the Pastor as soon as possible to set the wedding date and begin marriage preparation; preferably at least 3 months before your wedding. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements. R.C.I.A.–Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Saturday: 9:00-10:00 am; RCIA Room, 1st Floor, Tileston Center Education The Saint Mary School: Grades Pre-K–8. The oldest Catholic School in North Carolina now celebrating 146 years of education. Accredited by SACS-CASI. Faith Formation: K–High School (Communion-Confirmation) Sunday: 11:00 am—Noon September to May Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary: 412 Ann Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Tel. 910-762-5491 Fax 910-762-9664 Monday–Friday: 9am–4pm The St. Mary School Office: 217 South Fourth Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Tel. 910-762-5491 ext. 140 Fax 910-772-8034 Monday–Friday: 8am–3pm Pastor, Very Reverend Robert J. Kus…………………………………………… ext. 111 RCIA/Social Ministries, Sister Isaac Koenig, S.U……………………………… ext. 135 Director of Religious Education, Mr. John Walsh……………………………… ext. 114 Director of Youth Ministry, Ms. Amy Preusser ……………………………….. ext. 117 Director of Hispanic Ministries, Ms. Norma Rivera……………………………. ext. 122 Business Manager, Ms. Sharon Marren…………………………………………. ext. 158 Wedding and Missions Coordinator, Ms. Simone Payne……………………….. ext. 129 Development Director, Ms. JoAnn Daley………………………………………. ext. 110 Parish Secretary, Ms. Simone Payne……………………………………………. ext. 113 Bulletin Editor, Ms. Sandy O'Leary……………………… [email protected] Campus Director, Mr. Phil Davis……………………………………………….. ext. 115 Organist/Director of Music, Ms. Sara Bryant…………………………………… ext. 118 St. Mary Parish Bookstore………………………………………………………. ext. 159 The Upper Room 1871 Event Coordinator, Mrs. Victoria Hudson………..910-538-9885 St. Mary School Principal, Ms. Joyce Price…………………………………….. ext. 153 St. Mary School Administrative Assistant, Ms. Susan Linn……………………. ext. 140 CEPI De Santa María: Spanish Adult School, Tileston Gym Annex 2nd Floor St. Mary Adult School: Art and ESL. Call office for times and dates. Children, Youth & Young Adults Nursery: 6 months–5 years Sunday: 9:30 Mass. 1st Floor, Tileston Center Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos: Monday: 7:30pm. Hispanic Ministry room, 1st Floor Tileston Center Social Outreach St. Mary/Tileston Outreach: Monday–Thursday 8:00-11:30am St. Mary Health Center: (Dental and Medical) Tileston Gym Annex - Lower Floor Walk-ins Welcome For Appointment, call: 763-8163 2 Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – February 14 and February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgies and Paraliturgies Including Mass Intentions Pastor’s Corner My Dear Friends, This week, Lent begins with the celebration of Ash Wednesday (February 18). On that day, we will have 4 Masses at the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary, and we will have distribution of ashes at all of the Masses. Masses will be at: 8:30 a.m.; 12:10 p.m.; 5:30 p.m.; and 7:00 p.m. The 12:30 Mass is bilingual, and the 7 p.m. is in Spanish. Saturday, February 14 5:30 pm Mass — † Rev. Donald Vittengl, MM Offered by The Donovan Family 7:00 pm Mass — † Eleanor Antonaccio Offered by The Antonaccio Family Sunday, February 15 8:00 am Mass — † Carl Black, Sr. Offered by The St. Mary Ushers 9:30 am Mass — † Barbara Carey Offered by Frank and Vanessa Metzgar 11:00 am Mass — St. Mary Senior Singles Offered by Arlene Fishburn 12:30 pm Mass — Parishioners of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary Monday, February 16 7:30 am Mass — † Lenny Smith Offered by Fen and Mary Schussler Lent is the liturgical season of the year that prepares us for the greatest feast in Catholic Christianity – Easter. According to the Catholic Church, the 2 primary purposes of Lent are to: prepare catechumens (non-baptized persons) to become baptized; and to prepare baptized persons to renew their baptism promises at Easter. As the Catholic Church notes, Lent is a “season of joy.” This year, the First Sunday of Lent falls on February 22nd. Because St. Mary’s is a basilica, and because all basilicas of the world are required to celebrate the Feast of the Chair of Peter on February 22nd, we will not have the readings for the First Sunday of Lent on February 21 and 22. Please see the special section of this bulletin for more details. We can use some more Camillus Ministers to take Holy Communion to the sick. If you are interested, please contact Susan Reilly at 796-9613 or [email protected]. The Tinseltown Ball is right around the corner. This 1940s Hollywood theme event will be held in The Upper Room 1871 on Saturday, February 28th at 7 p.m. This event will benefit St. Mary School. Finally, we could use more Lectors for the English-speaking Masses. If interested, please contact Stephanie Watts at 799-7623 or [email protected]. Sincerely yours in Christ, Father Bob Tuesday, February 17 7:30 am Mass — † Joan Barry Offered by Diana Nielsen Wednesday, February 18—Ash Wednesday 8:30 am Mass with distribution of ashes in English 12:10 pm Mass with distribution of ashes bilingual 5:30 pm Mass with distribution of ashes in English 7:00 pm Mass with distribution of ashes in Spanish Thursday, February 19 7:30 am Mass — † Maureen Wiltse Offered by Pat Woomer Friday, February 20 8:30 am Mass — † Michael Koenig Offered by Brad and Debbie Cochrane Saturday, February 21 5:30 pm Mass — † Margaret Zier Offered by James Zier 7:00 pm Mass — Parishoners of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary Sunday, February 22 8:00 am Mass — † Lillian Niles Offered by Bob and Vonnie Fry 9:30 am Mass — The Friedrichs Family Offered by Mary Friedrichs 11:00 am Mass — † Kara Sebben-Miller and Paxton Miller Offered by Martine Oehling The altar flowers this weekend have been donated in loving memory of Carl Black, Sr. by the Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary Ushers. Monday: Tuesday: Weekend Mass Schedule at a Glance Saturday Mass in English – 5:30 pm Saturday Mass in Spanish – 7:00 pm Sunday Mass in English – 8:00 am, 9:30 am and 11:00 am Sunday Mass in Spanish – 12:30 pm To schedule a Mass Intention, to donate the Altar Flowers, or for information on Baptism, please call the Parish Office at 762-5491. Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Readings for the Week of February 14 Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mk 8:11-13 Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10; Mk 8:14-21 Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – February 14 and February 15, 2015 Please Pray for Our Sick All names added to the St. Mary prayer list before December 2014 have been removed. Please email—[email protected] if you would like to have a name added to the prayer list. Michael Allred Alesandra Brigantti Judith Brockelman Jeanne Bua Courtney Chase Andrea Creekmore Martha Crilly Robert DePasquale Nancy DiBlasi Mike Gallagher Walter Hickey Nicole Hyden Gilbert Jacob Sabrina Kelley Larry Lough Regina Little Sr. Marion McGillicuddy Michael McQuery Alison Maccherone Donald Mankin Charles Meyers Howard Militscher Marge Mullis Karen Nilson Judy Norcross Barbara Perino Barbara Rainis Jerry Razzano David Reck Robert Russo Pam Stafford Lilia Rosa Viego William Wadman Steve Walsh Libby Watts Jeffrey Weeks Sheila Weeks William West Ruth White Pam Winsky Joanne Wright CENTERING PRAYER—An hour of contemplating prayer and the Centering practice. Wednesdays from 1:00—2:00 pm. Contact Joan Regan at 383-2804 or THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS—will be said Monday - Thursday at 7:05 am. Everyone is invited, books are available as is instruction. ST. MARY AAMEN CHAPTER—Chapter meetings are held Fourth Sunday of each month at 4:00 pm in the Tileston Center. BLESSED SACRAMENT—Every Thursday after the 7:30 a.m. Mass for one hour. CAMILLUS MINISTRY—Ministry Co-Coordinators, Sue Reilly ([email protected]) and Eileen Mankin ([email protected]) EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS AND LECTORS—Please contact Stephanie Watts if you are interested in serving as a Lector or Eucharistic Minster: 7997623 or [email protected]. THE NEWCOMER WELCOME AND HOSPITALITY MINISTRY—needs your assistance to help our new members become part of our parish family. For more information, please contact Erin Buller at 910-821-0123 or [email protected] or YOUNG FAMILES AND COUPLES GROUP—meets monthly. Contact Erin Buller for more information about meeting time and place. 910-821-0123 or [email protected] or CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS COURT 1036—Meets the Second Sunday of the month at 3:00 pm in the St. Mary School Cafeteria. For more information, please contact JoAnne Shadroui, Regent, at 910-452-6351. FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION—Following Mass until 1:00 pm ST. MARY NURSERY—Volunteers are needed to help staff our Sunday nursery during the 9:30 am mass. Please contact [email protected]. MUSIC MINISTRIES—Contact: Sara Bryant at 762-5491 ext. 118, or [email protected]. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 1074— Wilmington Council 1074 meets in the basement of the Tileston Center. You can contact the Knights by email at [email protected] or 3 The Week Ahead In Our Parish Parish Office Hours: Monday—Friday (9:00 am—4:00 pm) Sunday, February 15 • Nursery—Available at the 9:30 am Mass in the St. Mary School Lower Building • First Communion Classes—9:45 am • English as a Second Language —10:45 am in Room T325 • Faith Formation Classes—11:00 in the Tileston Center and St. Mary School Buildings • RICA in Spanish—11:00 am in Room T303 • Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—11:00 am in room T318 Monday, February 16 • St. Mary School and Parish Offices Closed • First Reconciliation—7:00 pm in the Basilica • Contemporary Choir Rehearsal—7:00 pm in the Basilica • Hispanic Young Adult Group (El grupo de jóvenes adultos)7:30 pm in the Tileston Center • Grupo De Alcohólicos Anónimos—8:00 – 9:30 pm en el gimnasio Tuesday, February 17 • St. Mary School Mardi Gras parade and bead toss—1:45 pm in front of the Basilica • First Reconciliation—7:00 pm in the Basilica • Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—7:00 pm in Room T318 Wednesday, February 18—Ash Wednesday • Centering Prayer—1:00—2:00 pm • Women’s Contemplative Prayer—1:30 pm in Room T325 • Youth Ministry—6:00 pm in the Youth Ministry Room in the Tileston Center Thursday, February 19 • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—following morning Mass in the Basilica • Lenten Reconciliation Service—11:00 am at St. Brendan the Navigator in Shallotte • Divine Mercy Chaplet – 12:30 pm in the Chapel • Renaissance Choir Rehearsal—7:30 pm—9:00 pm in the Music Office Friday, February 20 • Soup and Stations of the Cross sponsored by Social Ministry— Soup and bread at 6:15 in the St. Mary School Cafeteria followed by Stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm in the Basilica • Grupo De Alcohólicos Anónimos - 8:00 – 9:30 pm en el gimnasio • Hispanic Prayer Group—8:00 pm Saturday, February 21 • Confirmation Retreat—9:30 am—6:30 pm beginning in The Upper Room • RCIA—9:00 am in the Tileston Center • Gospel Choir Rehearsal—10:30 am in the Basilica • Knights Basketball State Freethrow—Noon in the St. Mary School Gym • Breanna Joe Jiminez Quinceanera—2:00 pm in the Basilica • Reconciliation—4:00 pm in the Basilica Sunday, February 22 • Newcomer Breakfast—9:30 am in the St. Mary School Cafeteria • Nursery—Available at the 9:30 am Mass in the St. Mary School Lower Building • First Communion Classes—9:45 am • English as a Second Language —10:45 am in Room T325 • NO Faith Formation Classes—11:00 in the Tileston Center and St. Mary School Buildings • RICA in Spanish—11:00 am in Room T303 • Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—11:00 am in room T318 4 Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – February 14 and February 15, 2015 Parish Happenings St. Mary Parish Bookstore—Located in the Tileston Center Saturday - 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Tuesday - Thursday - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm 762-5491 (ext. 159) or [email protected] Help us welcome our new parishioners! We are looking for help welcoming newcomers to the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary. You do not need to be outgoing to help; we can always use baked goods and set-up or clean-up help as well as help greeting. I would also like to find someone to help me with organizing events and coordinating volunteers. Contact Erin Buller at [email protected], 678-520-4028 or 910-821-0123 (home number; use with caution as we travel a lot!) if you can help us out! Lectors are needed for all masses If interested in joining this ministry, please contact Stephanie Watts at: 799-7623 or [email protected]. St. Mary Senior Singles We get together for brunch at various restaurants in the area on Sunday after the 11:00 am Mass. Our meeting on the first Sunday of the month is held after the 11:00 Mass at the Olympia Restaurant on Oleander Drive. Plans for our charities, events and activities are discussed at this meeting . For information, contact Jim at 910-395-6222. St. Mary Altar Guild will meet at The Diner on College Road at Noon on February 16th. First Friday Adoration If you have the time and would like to spend it peacefully before The Lord. We need volunteers for First Friday Adoration, observed from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm and when school is not in session, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please contact Mary Friedrichs at (910) 409-2579 if you are interested. • • • • • • Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2015 Lenten Schedule for Friday Evenings Basilica Shrine of St. Mary February 20—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by Social Ministry February 27—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by the Gospel Choir and AAMEN March 6—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by the Catholic Daughters March 13—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by the RCIA and Confirmation Candidates March 20—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by the Knights of Columbus March 27—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by the St. Mary Hispanic Ministries – Stations of the Cross will be read in Spanish. Soup and bread dinners will be served from 6:15 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. in the school cafeteria, followed by Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m. in the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary. One Cup of Tea a fundraiser to support SaludHondu Saturday, March 21, 2015 2:00—4:00 pm The Upper Room 1871 Enjoy afternoon tea in an elegant and historic setting. The event will feature fine teas and finger foods, live music, a silent auction, table settings featuring vintage china, and so much more. Proceeds from this event benefit SaludHondu’s medical clinics in rural Honduras, serving the healthcare needs of over 50,000 families. Seating is limited, and last year’s event sold out early. Visit to see a video clip of last year’s event and to purchase tickets: $45 before March 1 and $50 from March 1-20. SMILE SMILE SMILE The famous familiar flocking Flamingos have flown in from Florida! They are fancy and frilly, fabulous and fun, hoping to make YOU SMILE!!! Please help Catholic Daughters #1036 "put miles of smiles" on children around the world by donating to our National Project ~~SMILE TRAIN~~ THANK YOU from our Hearts! NOTE: Valentine's weekend only! 100% of your donation will go to SMILE TRAIN to help doctors perform these life-changing surgeries! Around the Area Victoria Hudson Event Coordinator 910.538.9885 [email protected] ~ Stewardship of Treasure ~ December 28, 2014 Envelopes Mailed 1634 Envelopes Returned: 365 Offertory Budget Education 12/28/2014 $ 15,492.41 $ 26,000.00 $ 26.00 07/01/2014 to $ 485,840.39 $ 471,000.00 $ 16,452.88 LOOKIN’ FOR A LITTLE LUCK O’ THE IRISH? The Ancient Order of Hibernians of Wilmington will be selling raffle tickets for a 7 day/6 night vacation for FOUR to Ireland beginning mid January. This trip includes round-trip airfare to Shannon, a rental vehicle, B & B lodging and 4 days of golf OR for non-golfers, $250 per person (a total of $1000). You must travel between September and May following the drawing and trip is not redeemable for cash. Drawing will be held March 14, 2015, at the Hibernian luncheon following the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Tickets are $100 each and only 150 tickets will be sold. The net proceeds will benefit AOH charities and the Catholic Schools in Wilmington. If by March 10, 2015, a threshold of 100 tickets sold has not been reached, the drawing will revert to a 50/50. Final date for tickets sales is March 12. If interested, get your ticket early. Questions? / Ticket Orders Contact: Steve McEnaney 686-5498, John Melia 790-3885 or Jim Quinn 686-5151. 5 • • Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – February 14 and February 15, 2015 English as a Second Language Offered by Cape Fear Community College Available for adults in the community at St. Mary. Morning Multilevel class with Jamie--M/Tu/W/Th 9:30am-12:30pm Evening Multilevel class with Jenny--Tu/Th 6:30-9:30pm The classroom is above the St. Mary Health Center. For more information, please contact Cindy at 910-362-7184. Meet the Secular Franciscan Order We are a canonically established 800-year old order of the Catholic Church founded by St. Francis of Assisi for lay men and women, married or single, who try to live their lives as did St. Francis. To learn more, come to an informational meeting on Sunday, February 15th at 1:00 pm at St. Mark Catholic Church. For more information, call Brenda Wells at 256-8765 or Mary Hellmann at 399-5215. Pope Francis in Philly! The World Awaits You and so does the Pope! It’s official…Pope Francis is coming to the 8th World Meeting of Families! Plan your trip to Philadelphia, PA for September 22-27, 2015. The city will come alive with multicultural familycentered activities, a congress for youth and for adults and a Papal Mass. Register NOW! For more information see: worldmeeting Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time BSA Troop 215 Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 17, 2015 from 5:00—7:00 pm St. Mark Parish Hall—Adults: $5.00 Seniors and Kids (under 10) $4.00 Dinner includes pancakes, sausage, fruit and beverages Are you a widow, widower, single or divorced? The Single Single Again Ministry of Wilmington is a community for you. tells the story. Bring a friend and join us at the thirteenth gathering of the Single Single Again Ministry of Wilmington on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at St. Mark Catholic Church, (Rooms 5&6). We begin with a potluck setup at 4:00 pm, Mass at 5:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm, Discussion and Social until 8:00 pm. (Potluck: A-G, Main course; H-M, Salad; N-Z. Dessert). So come on by. Good fellowship awaits you. Questions: Joe Silva, [email protected], 203-921-5978 Office of Faith Formation and Youth Ministries John Walsh, Directory of Religious Education— (ext. 114) [email protected] Amy Preusser, Director of Youth Ministry— (ext. 117) [email protected] From Amy Preusser : Cape Fear Deanery Lent Communal Reconciliation Services February 19 at 11:00 am—St. Brendan the Navigator, Shallotte February 24 at 10:30 am—Basilica Shrine of St. Mary, Wilmington 7:00 pm—Sacred Heart, Whiteville February 25 at 7:00 pm—All Saints, Hampstead and Our Lady of the Snows, Elizabethtown March 4 at 7:00 pm—St. Mark, Wilmington March 5 at 7:00 pm—Sacred Heart, Southport March 10 at 7:00 pm—St. Joseph the Worker, Burgaw March 11 at 7:00 pm—Immaculate Conception, Wilmington March 17 at 7:00 pm—St. Stanislaus, Castle Hayne March 19 at 8:00 pm—UNCW, Wilmington March 26 at 7:00 pm—St. Therese, Wrightsville Beach Carolina Catholic reports from the 2015 March for Life in Washington DC For our February show, Carolina Catholic reports from the March for Life and the North Carolina Mass for Life which were held on January 22nd in DC. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands marched, the majority of whom were youth from around the country. Over 2,000 Catholics from North Carolina attended the March and the Mass. This show features interviews with Bishop Burbidge, Msgr. Jeffrey Ingham, Father Timothy Meares, Diocesan Communications Director William Atwell, three diocesan seminarians, an Italian pro-life ministry (Voglio Vivere), and a variety of students, marchers, and pro-life ministries from the Rose Convention at the March. This show can be heard on 93.1 FM on Sunday, February 15th, at 6 p.m. This show can also be heard on our website at by clicking on the Carolina Catholic tab. Parish Receptionist/Secretary Position St. Stanislaus Parish is interviewing for the position of part-time Receptionist/Secretary. Applicant needs to be Catholic, with good people skills and multi-tasking abilities. Knowledge of computer programs including MS Word, Excel, Outlook and MS Publisher is desirable. Capability and willingness to learn most important of all. We are accepting applications through February 16, 2015. MAIL resume and references to: St. Stanislaus Parish, Attn: Search Committee & Father Roger, 4849 Castle Hayne Rd. Castle Hayne, N.C. 28429 CONFIRMATION RETREAT Saturday, February 21, 2015 9:30 am – 6:30 pm Retreat will start in The Upper Room at 9:30 am Mandatory for all Confirmation Students—Year 1 and Year 2 Retreat will end with students attending the 5:30 pm Mass (families are invited to attend Mass) Diocesan Retreat Facilitator—Caryn Walsh Lunch will be provided by the Knights of Columbus Council#1074 in the St. Mary School cafeteria. From John Walsh: Attention First Reconciliation Parents If you have not yet chosen a date for your child to celebrate his/her First Reconciliation, please contact me as soon as possible to do so. The remaining dates/times for this year’s First Reconciliation are: Monday, February 16, 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 17, 7:00 p.m. All prayer services will be held in the Basilica. Also, if you have not had an opportunity to choose a First Communion date for your child, you may do that as soon as you would like as well. Adult Confirmation Beginning Monday, March 9, 2015 These classes are for Catholic Christians over the age of 18 desiring to complete their full initiation into the Church. If you are currently in good standing with the Church (i.e. Baptized in the Catholic Church, have received First Holy Communion and may still receive Communion) and are actively involved in your faith, but have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation and wish to do so, then please contact John Walsh at 910.762.5491 ext 114 or at [email protected] to register or if you have any questions. Classes will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. in the RCIA room of the main Tileston building. Pre-registration is necessary. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – February 14 and February 15, 2015 Knights of Columbus Council 1074 Sister Isaac—Office of Social Ministry On Saturday, January 17th, Knights of Columbus Council 1074 held its Free Throw Contest at St. Mary gymnasium. Congratulations to the winners of that event who are listed below. They are invited back, along with other area winners, to the Regional Free-Throw competition that will be held in St. Mary gym on Saturday, February 21st, from Noon to 3:00 PM. Anyone with questions about either event should please contact Bob Benazzi, Chairman, at 910 228-5369 or [email protected]. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9 year-old boys: 9 year-old girls: 10 year-old boys: 10 year-old girls: 11 year-old boys: 11 year-old girls: 12 Year-old boys: 12 Year-old girls: 13 Year-old boys: 13 Year-old girls: 14 year-old boys: 14 year-old girls: Griffon Genes Natalie Nichols Jacobi Burroughs Sara Butler Nathan Nichols Susie Cantonwine Jonah Koenig Olivia Kennedy Kasey Kiser Lauren Sims Code Haas Madeleine Lorie St. Mary School Tinseltown Ball 6 This coming Wednesday we will celebrate our entrance into the great season of Lent. A few days ago I found this reflection on unconditional love, written by Joyce Rupp. For me, this is what we aspire to in our better moments. Unconditional Love You are Love like no other. Love so large you contain our smallness. Love so deep you accept our shallowness. Love so strong you carry our weakness. Love so tender you experience our hurting. Love so tolerable you outlive our apathy. Love so ardent you thaw our coldness. Love so true you endure our betrayals. Love so patient you wait for our returning. Today: I accept that am loved unconditionally. During the coming weeks we will witness Jesus witnessing to His Father’s unconditional love as he heals, feeds and challenges us to do likewise. In the Alleluia, which we will not sing again until Easter we hear the words of Luke: “A great prophet has arisen in our midst, God has visited his people”. And we respond: Alleluia, Alleluia! RCIA The Tinseltown Ball is a 1940's Hollywood themed cocktail party. Live and silent auction benefiting the St. Mary School Technology and Athletics Departments Saturday, February 28th 7:00 pm The Upper Room 1871 Tickets available after Mass, in the school and parish offices and at: $40.00 Includes 2 drink tickets Cocktail attire Entertainment by The Wilmington Big Band, the region's finest 17 piece swing band. Event Sponsorship and Program Ads Are available at different levels of support. More information and order forms are Available on the website. This weekend Father Bob helped us learn about the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony. Now we enter into the final preparation of our being accepted into full communion in the Church. The Rite of Election and Sending will take place for our members at the 5:30 Mass on Saturday, February 28th and then we are all sent right back here to the Basilica at 4pm the next day when the Bishop accepts the RCIA members of the Cape Fear Deanery. We are still working on downloading Cornell West’s keynote address delivered at the economic conference sponsored by Trinity Wall Street in NYC. Entitled “The Rich and the Rest of Us”, we hope to view it on Tuesday, Mardi Gras, (February 17th) at 12:15 in the RCIA room in the Tileston Center. The session is one hour. Special Need of the Week We are always in need of those XX large sizes of men and women’s clothing. ST MARY MINISTRY - ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE The St. Mary ministry, ESL or English as a Second Language, serves adults of any nationality who wish to learn our English language. The program enables students to understand, speak, write, and read English at different levels, under the direction of trained instructors who volunteer their services for the love of God. The ministry runs from October to June, 10:45 am to 12:15 pm on Sundays. For information, please contact Sister Marion (910-251-3606) or Dé Corbett at 910-232-2745. Volunteer instructors are welcome. Please call for training if you want to make ESL your ministry too. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – February 14 and February 15, 2015 Celebrations February 6 — February 10 7 Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule Weekend of February 21 — February 22 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time For Masses in English ~ Schedule does not show substitutions ~ Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 8:00 am Sunday 9:30 am Sunday 11:00 am Eugene A. Salerno April 22, 1961 – February 1, 2015 Eucharistic Ministers D. Bryan V. Campbell M. Chandler J. Chandler L. Collette R. Corriston S. Edler M. Adkins J. Cappellino E. Flewwellin E. Grace P. Gross J. Lucido L. Newton B. Burkhart L. Dezio J. Duffy T. Graham K. Herdemian R. Mercorella C. Pikoulas T. Bruhn J. Francis G. Hill R. Little S. Squires A. Zukar J. Zukar S. Payne J. Lachance B. Habib E. Stumph C. Mercer B. Meyer T. Smith C. Hite G. Leone J. Lowery J. Rodrigues C.J. Bost J. Cantonwine S. Cantonwine C. Juelke K. Kiser J. Koenig I. Stoneback H. Todd C. Williams T. Barton P. Lachance F. Bindewald F. Bindewald B. Herdemian H. Lange M. Flores F. Bua F. Grant R. Keegan R. Jenski T. Longo A. DeVega H. Bielawa B. Ozment D. Keefe C. Mongelli T. Patton R. Lowney L. Franks J. Patton L. Dezio S. Frelke L. Johnson F. Romeo E. Burke N. Cahill M. Fedarko J. Prantil J. Newton P. Carey E. Molina F. DeMeza Richard Malouin April 12, 1943 – February 4, 2015 Presentation in the Church Alexander Olivares Sofía Nayeli Solis-González Itzayana González Altar Servers Vernon Furnia December 2, 1917 – January 28, 2015 Lectors In Memory Ushers Daniel Scullion Named Vice-Principal Mission Corner Sr. Rose in Reitoca On February 3rd, Fr. Bob named Mr. Daniel Scullion, St. Mary’s Director of Technology, as the new Vice-Principal of St. Mary Catholic School. Daniel, originally from Scotland, moved to the United States in 2007. He is married to Dr. Jill Scullion, an optometrist in Wilmington. In addition to attending the Diocese of Raleigh education leadership institute, he will be working on his Master in Education Administration. Daniel will continue teaching and providing technology for the parish and school, doing projects for the principal, and gaining experience in such administrative areas as budget, finance, curriculum, and other areas. U.S. House Speaker announces Pope Francis will address Congress By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) -- House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, announced Feb. 5 that Pope Francis will address a joint meeting of Congress Sept. 24. The pontiff's "historic visit" would make him the "first leader of the Holy See to address a joint meeting of Congress," Boehner said in a statement, adding that he was "truly grateful that Pope Francis has accepted our invitation." See more at: In this photo, we see Sr. Rosemary McNamara, S.U. in the yard of Marcelino Cantillano-Meza in Reitoca, F.M., Honduras. As you can see, plants are quite lush in this tropical country. Feast of the Chair of St. Peter Unlike other Catholic churches, basilicas have two feast days that they are required to celebrate: The Chair of St. Peter (February 22) and the Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul (June 29). This year, even though the feast of the Chair of St. Peter falls on the First Sunday of Lent, the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary will be celebrating the Chair of St. Peter, not the First Sunday of Lent. That means that unlike all the other churches of the Diocese of Raleigh, we’ll have flowers and sing the Gloria and Alleluia on that day and the Vigil Masses of the day. 8 Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – February 14 and February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Principal Joyce M. Price "Let your light so shine..." Matthew 5:16 Saturday, February 28, 2015! Tickets Now on Sale in the St. Mary School & Parish Offices and on the school website St. Mary School Falcon Athletics FORE! It was wonderful having the opportunity to visit with so many families at our Catholic Schools Week “Pastries for Parents”. Our students are so fortunate to have so many moms and dads involved in their school activities. Thank you to Mrs. Hudson for coming in early each morning to prepare the breakfast treats for all. Thank you to H.S.A. for providing the No Sleeves Magic assembly for the student body on Monday afternoon. The laughter of the children was infectious and we all had a wonderful celebration at the end of Student Day. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help with the Open Houses and the teacher appreciation lunch. No Catholic Schools Week plan goes without service or outreach projects. Thank you to all of our families and staff who brought in tissues and dish soap for Sr. Isaac’s Social Ministry and bag lunches for Good Shepherd House. Please put Saturday, March 21, 2015, aside for our Annual St. Mary Golf Classic at Brunswick Forrest. There will be men, women, and coed teams. College and High School students are welcome as well. If you would like to register online, go to the school website and look for the support button. Click on the link for Golf Classic. On this link you can register to play, become a sponsor, or donate something for our silent auction. Please take a look. Brochures can be picked up in the gym or from JoAnn Daley. If you have any questions, please be in touch. Early registration will end on February 28, 2015. Profits from the event go toward the replacement of the gymnasium floor, so please support this event any way you can. HELP US MEET OUR GOALS 2014/2015 Annual Fund Campaign The Annual Fund is the lifeblood of our school. We thank you in advance for considering a gift in support of this effort as part of your year-end charitable giving. All gifts to the fund are tax-deductible. The school can use these unrestricted funds immediately to satisfy the most urgent needs; generally student financial assistance, faculty support, new programs and the purchase of supplies and equipment WAYS TO GIVE Cash Gifts—Gifts may be paid by cash or a check made payable to St. Mary Catholic School and sent to: St. Mary School, Development Office, 217 S. 4th Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 On-Line Giving—Contributing on-line is a convenient and safe option to make your gift. Pledges—Pledges are gift commitments paid over a period of time according to a prearranged payment schedule. Matching Gifts—Many employers sponsor matching gift programs that match donations by current and retired employees. Envelopes & brochures are available in the back of the church. For additional information about SMS Annual Fund and other advancement activities, please contact JoAnn Daley, Development Director at 910-762-5491,x110 or [email protected] Total Donations - 195 boxes of tissues, 166 dish soap bottles, and 250 meals! The teachers and school staff brought in goodies which were taken to our local Fire and Police Departments along with cards from the students to thank them for their service to us. Friday was a very special day as we continued to celebrate our school’s 145th Anniversary. Thank you to the 7th grade who performed the play “Under the Boundary Oak”, directed by Mrs. Cordon and written by Mrs. Suzanne Smith, retired SMS 2nd grade teacher. We are grateful to the Latimer House for loaning their period costumes. Thanks also to the SMS Liturgical Dancers directed by Mrs. White who performed the Sea Shanty dance. The focus on Friday was the rich history of SMS in Wilmington. Thank you to Mrs. Daley and Mrs. Smith for planning the reception and program. The Sisters of Mercy who traveled from Belmont, NC loved coming home to SMS. All three had taught here during different periods from the 1970’s until the early 1990’s. Fr. Bob’s Announcement – It was announced to the faculty and is announced to you that Mr. Daniel Scullion has been appointed as a VicePrincipal of SMS. Mr. Scullion has shown interest in and has been accepted to take part in the Diocesan Leadership Training Program for future Catholic school leaders. He is also actively applying to graduate programs to study school administration. His current work assignments will remain the same with more added to his schedule which will allow him to share some of the principal’s responsibilities in the areas of curriculum, communication, safety, and finance, to name a few. WOW Award winners for the month of January are: Reese Juelke, Simone Samuel, Kelsey Leaper, Christopher Donelson, Laney Allen, Tommy Fernandez, Suzy Szymeczek, Jalen Blue, Sara Loper, Sam Martin, Jonathan Merhige, Henry Wojciechowski, Madison Swart, Jonah Koenig, Reaghan Juelke, Conrad Young, Andrew Keir, Joseph Rodrigues, Bailey Folan, Kennedy Ward. Congratulations to all! Please consider joining us in the Upper Room for your H.S.A.’s Gala on the 28th in our beautiful Upper Room. This is the main fundraiser for the year with proceeds going to help with replacing the gym floor, purchasing technology equipment, along with providing enrichment programs for your children. February Update 13-16 – Winter Break 17 – Mardi Gras Parade and Bead Toss – 1:45 p.m. Front of Basilica 18 – Ash Wednesday – Mass at 8:30 28- Home and School Gala – “Tinseltown” in Upper Room