FAMILY ADVENT LITURGY - Archbishop John Carroll High School
FAMILY ADVENT LITURGY - Archbishop John Carroll High School
Archbishop John Carroll High School 2011 2012 Parents’ Association Congratulations to All-Catholic Chorus 2011—2012 Carroll Signers: Maddison Lesher, Gabrielle Hull, Katherine Boyle, Rachel Pearson, Meghan Creighton, and Justin Roman. We are pleased to announce that six of our student-athletes signed national letters of intent on Monday, November 14, 2011 to continue their athletic careers on the college level. Students were joined by parents, family, and coaches at the signing ceremony. Their on-the-field and court performances are matched by their accomplishments in the classroom and of that we are extremely proud. Katherine Boyle ▪ Lacrosse Meghan Creighton ▪ Basketball Gabrielle Hull ▪ Lacrosse Maddison Lesher ▪ Lacrosse Rachel Pearson ▪ Basketball Justin Roman ▪ Baseball * Holy Cross University * Drexel University * Georgetown University * Loyola University * Drexel University * West Chester University FAMILY ADVENT LITURGY This event and Christmas Concert will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 18th with the celebration of our Advent Liturgy in the school auditorium. The Pizza Party and Santa’s Visit will take place in the Cafeteria at 6:00 p.m. Our Music Department will present the annual Christmas Concert at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. The Reservation Form was sent home with each student’s first quarter report card. Please complete this form and make your reservations by the deadline Thursday, December 8. All reservations should be returned to the Main Office. Thank you. Sopranos Katie Costello Brittany Boatwright Altos Amanda Giuffrida Melanie DeFrancisco Nicole D’Ulisse Tenors Erik Robinson Bill Pfeifer Andrei Radu Bass Andrew Shaw John Bolger Dominick Giuffrida The Choral Festival will be hosted by Archbishop Wood High School from February 3 to 5, 2012. The Concert will be performed Sunday, February 5, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. in the Archbishop Wood High School Auditorium. The Guest Conductor is Dr. Christopher Kirer Penn State University Faculty Director of Glee Club and Chamber Singers Students will sing for the Archdiocesan Honors Convocation on May 22, 2012. GRADE CONNECT PROGRESS REPORTS AND FAILURE WARNINGS: The second quarter of the year is traditionally the shortest of the four quarters. The quarter is punctuated by Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Therefore, it is imperative that students appropriate their time wisely so as not to fall behind in their school work. Progress reports/failure warnings will be distributed to students on December 20. They are to be reviewed, signed by a parent, and returned to the homeroom moderator by December 23, 2011. A student who fails to return a progress report, signed by a parent, within the designated time frame, is liable to demerits and/or detention. PARENT-TEACHER-STUDENT MEETINGS are scheduled for January 5, 2012 from 6 to 8 pm. This is an opportunity for you to discuss with your student’s teacher their progress to date, so as to prevent failure at the quarter/semester. FIRST SEMESTER REPORT CARDS: The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has revised report card grading for this year: the first semester report card will be the numerical average of the first and second quarter grades. The second semester report card will be the numerical average of the third and four quarter grades. The final year-end grade is determined with 45% - semester one, 45% - semester two, and 10% final examination. ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY: If a student fails two or more subjects at the quarter he/she is not eligible for 15 days. Once the 15 days have expired, the STUDENT must contact the athletic office for an academic review card. The STUDENT must then get his/her teachers to sign this card indicating failing or passing grades. If the student is failing less than two courses he/she is again eligible. Please note that all of the courses are considered, not just the original failed courses. This process must be done each week for the REMAINDER OF THE QUARTER. If the student fails to return the eligibility card on any given week, he/she is ineligible. STANDARDIZED TESTING: PSAT results for grades 9, 10 and 11 will be distributed to the students by February, prior to Course Selection. Standardized test results are one of the factors which determine a student’s track assignments for the following year. SEMESTER ASSESSMENTS : As per the information sent to you from Dr. Carol Cary, there are no special assessment schedules for January this year. Teachers will be administering tests during the regular end-of-quarter cycle days, reflective of the work done by students throughout the quarter. REGISTRATION FOR THE CLASS OF 2016 Mail-In Registration: Continues throughout the months of December and January. Registration requires remittance of $125 prior to January 31, 2012; $225 remittance is required after February 1. Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Late Registration: Any registrations received after February 15 will restrict our ability to track the student appropriately, limit our ability to honor the student’s world language preference, and increase class size. The Office for Catholic Education will base next year’s projected enrollment on the registration numbers as of February 15. Staffing allocations for the 2012-2013 academic year will be made based on these statistics. Your timely registration allows us to create the best roster for your son/daughter and to maintain reasonable class size. 2 Don’t forget to check your GRADE CONNECT account. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Charmaine Gates or Dr. Patricia Rigby. Please mark your calendar for Wednesday evening, March 14, 2012 –7 pm for Archbishop John Carroll High School’s ACADEMIC HONORS CONVOCATION IMPORTANT: SENIOR S and SENIOR PARENTS’ MANDATORY MEETING This important meeting concerning second semester events from the Offices for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Student Services will take place for All seniors and ALL parents of the senior class on THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Location: School Auditorium Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. Seniors and their parents MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE. PRAISED BE JESUS CHRIST now and forever! Dear Parents, During Advent, we prepare to celebrate the Lord’s birth. It is a time of watching and waiting, but if we are going to truly be ready for the Lord’s coming, we need to make it a time of active and vigilant preparation. For us, Advent has to be more than just a simple planning state to celebrate Christmas. Purple is the liturgical color of Advent. The Purple of Advent moves us to a sense of deep reflection. We can especially use the Scriptures during Advent to help us be more aware that Jesus will come again. The Scriptures can move us to pray more often and with more thought. Our better attention to our prayer life will enable us to see the ways in which we can improve living out our Life in Christ. In the passage for the first Sunday of Advent, in Mark’s gospel MK 13:33-37, Jesus speaks to us, Be Watchful! Be Alert! You do not know when the time will come . . .Watch! There are many ways we can be watchful, be more alert during this Advent season. One of the ways could be a deeper commitment to celebrating the Sunday liturgy at your parish Church. Giving praise and thanks to God as a community of faith is so important, and it is truly something we should want to pass along to those for whom we care. We have a mandate from Jesus himself to offer our best back to God. Reflect upon Jesus’ words: Do this in memory of me - Take this all of you and eat it - this is My Body, this is My Blood, which will be given up for you. This is the best way that we as Catholics can express our thanks and unite our lives and sacrifices to Jesus. We become one with him, hence the word communion. As we celebrate Mass we offer praise and thanks to God as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. By these Sacred events, Jesus frees us from sin, guides our journey on earth and opens the way to heaven. In this newsletter, you will find a resource guide for December and January entitled Do this in Remembrance of Me. Please use this for your reflection and hopefully you will find it helpful in your own spiritual preparation. During the season of Advent, be proactive. Attune your ears to hear the voice of the Shepherd just a little more clearly. Hopefully your schedule will permit you to join us for Mass at the Family Advent Liturgy on December 18 in the auditorium and stay for the Christmas Concert. That will be the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Hopefully we can all gather in a sense of joyful waiting to celebrate the Coming of the Lord. Sincerely, Rev. Edward J. Casey 3 On November 27, our liturgical year began anew with the First Sunday of Advent and we are now hearing from the Gospel of St. Mark on Sundays. That Sunday also marked the implementation of the revised translation of the Roman Missal, which for many of us marks the only change we’ve ever known in our responses and prayers at Mass. The new translation has been in the works for many years and its goal is to provide us with a more authentic and faithful rendering of the original Latin. What we pray, recite, and sing at Mass now closely mirrors what our brothers and sisters are all around the world pray, recite, and sing in their own languages. In this way, we see the common bond we share as members of the one family of God, and are reminded that the Eucharist we celebrate here in Philadelphia is the same Eucharist being celebrated in New York, London, Rome, Hong Kong. Rio de Janeiro . . . Or as Eucharistic Prayer III quotes from Scripture, “from the rising of the sun to its setting.” As we enter into the Advent season to prepare our hearts to celebrate the joy of Christmas, I extend to you the challenge to provide your children with a special gift: the passing on of our faith in all our words and actions and most especially in taking time out of your week to participate in Sunday mass. If we don’t pass this gift on to them, if we aren’t the face of Christ for them each Sunday and everyday that follows . . . Then who will be? I offer my prayers for your and your family during this Advent-Christmas season. May we continue to be a people pro Deo et patria - for God and country - and “Live Jesus in our hearts forever” as we welcome a new translation and a new year. KAIROS Registration for the Kairos retreat (NOT mandatory for graduation) for members of the senior class is conducted entirely online and takes place on a first come, first served basis. Cost is $300.00 per retreatant, however, legitimate financial issues are not an obstacle to a student’s participation. Seniors will be notified through morning announcements and the school website regarding the opening of registration for Kairos LXIX (February 7-10, 2012), should begin in early December. See the school website tab School Ministry / Retreats section for further details. From Guidance FINANCIAL AID PRESENTATION: Again this year, Archbishop Carroll, along with a consortium of other high schools in Delaware County, Delaware County Community College, the Pennsylvania Association of Secondary DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS: Schools and College Admissions Counselors, the Pennsylvania Please check the Archbishop Carroll Daily Announcements Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, and the on our website There are many Guidance Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency will sponsor a announcements that may be of interest to you. special FINANCIAL AID NIGHT. It will take place on Tuesday, January 3rd, at Delaware County Community College, PSAT/NMSQT: Marple Campus. The program will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. All freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will receive their There will be presentations, panel discussions, and opportunities to PSAT/NMSQT results in late December or early January. speak with experts in the financial aid field. It promises to be a Each student will receive his/her scores, an improved score most informative evening and we encourage all to attend, espereport, and test booklet. The score report provides PSAT cially parents from the Classes of 2012 and 2013. scores, score ranges, percentiles, a selection index for the NMSQT, question-by-question feedback, and suggestions COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES: on how to improve your skills. It also includes graphic repAs of the beginning of November, over 50 college representatives resentations of critical reading, math, and writing skill have visited our school. This is a great opportunity for students to percentiles, odds of earning SAT Reasoning Test scores at interact with an admissions counselor, to ask questions, and to different levels, eligibility criteria and status for National pick up materials, including applications. ALL students are Merit Scholarships, and guidance information to help with encouraged to take advantage as college reps continue to visit college planning. There is a special website for students, Archbishop Carroll High School., which gives an explanation for the answer to each test question and a personalized SENIORS: study guide for the SAT. Students will also be able to use Seniors who wish to guarantee that their college applications are processed, or that their transcripts and recommendations (for those the My Road program which provides on-line career, major, and college planning opportunities. Counselors will visit students applying on-line or sending their application(s) themselves) classes to review and discuss the results with the students. are sent prior to the Christmas break must submit the proper materials to the Guidance Office by Friday, December 5yh. We also ask Juniors will also receive registration information for the SAT Reasoning Test which we strongly encourage each seniors to share their acceptance letters, scholarships, awards, and junior to take at least once before senior year. This is an financial aid packages with the Guidance Office. This information is needed to compile our graduation statistics and announcements important phase of the college selection process for all students, the class of 2013 in particular. for the Class of 2012. Also, please make sure that you adhere to all DEADLINES, especially those imposed by the colleges. This is the SAT REASONING TEST / SAT SUBJECT TESTS: responsibility of each student. Thank you for your cooperation. The SAT Reasoning Test and SAT Subject Tests will be administered on December 3rd and January 28th. Please note JUNIORS: that Archbishop Carroll will be a test center for the DecemAll juniors are encouraged to take the SAT Reasoning Test this spring on March 10th and/or May 5th. Please note that Archbishop ber test date. The regular registration deadline for the Januth ary test date is December 30 and the late registration deadCarroll is a test center for May test date. The counselors will visit line is January 13th. You can register on-line at with the class of 2013 to discuss the SAT Reasoning Test, SAT ject Tests, and the college selection process. Each junior will also receive registration information. All juniors are also strongly enFINANCIAL AID FOR THE CLASS OF 2012: couraged to take advantage of the numerous helpful websites, most The Free Application for Federal Student Aid [FAFSA] notably,, and form will be available on-line in December. This is the basic form needed to apply for financial aid at most schools. FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES: Please check your son/daughter’s schools of choice for This year we are going to attempt to initiate an early look into caother required forms and filing deadlines. Also, please reer and college exploration. We will be using two websites, note that the process for applying for financial aid will be and With aided greatly if your 2011 Federal Income Tax forms are each website, we will be asking our students to establish their own completed as accurately and as early as possible. This year “account” which will enable each student to have easy access to the federal government expects all families to apply on-line. volumes of accurate, updated, and helpful information. The webThe special website is Students and parsites are interactive so that they will be receiving timely reminders ents will also need to have a Personal Identification Number of opportunities that they should be taking advantage of at this (PIN). The PIN serves as an electronic signature. You time and throughout their high school career. should apply now on-line for a PIN at Two PINs are necessary for your application, one for the (continued on page 5) student and one for the parent or guardian. 4 GUIDANCE (from page 4) RESOURCE ROOM: ALL students are invited to use the Resource Room in the Guidance Center. Information on careers, colleges, and financial aid is available through the use of our computers which have internet capabilities. Please ask your son/daughter to see a counselor or Mrs. Leach to arrange for an appointment. Dear Parents, I would like to wish you a peaceful and joyfilled Advent and Christmas season. It is my hope and prayer that this time finds you well. WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORTS: Any family who wishes to have a Weekly Progress Report can do so by having your student come to the Guidance Office or by contacting our office at extension 126. Please note that the student is responsible for asking each teacher for feedback, sharing the results with a parent or guardian, getting the report signed at home, and returning it to the Guidance Office. Once returned to the Guidance Office, the Weekly Progress Report will be reviewed and discussed with the student. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Guidance Department. As we move forward, I would like you to think about your student’s academic future at Carroll. I feel our students have too many study periods. Colleges are looking for a rigorous academic schedule in their admission process. Our students’ need to increase the number of courses they can take. When you look at our course offerings, you will see more choices for the 2012-2013 academic year. INTERNET: There is a tremendous wealth of information on the Internet. There are several recommended websites that we encourage you to visit. Please ask your son or daughter to stop by the Guidance Office to pick up the special handout if they do not already have it. I encourage you to speak with your child(ren) about taking more core courses and/or electives. I strongly urge you to make sure your child(ren) have four years of science, mathematics, and social studies. These courses will not only help your child (ren) prepare for college but aid them in the admission process. AFFIRM: AFFIRM is the name of the Student Assistance Program at Archbishop Carroll High School. The purpose of this program is to provide a means to identify students who are at risk and to recommend appropriate resources to help resolve problems. If any parent wishes more information or would like to make a referral, please contact the Guidance Office. I would like to thank you for your flexibility regarding the changes of schedule necessitated by the make-up days. Our next make-up day is Thursday, December 8, 2011. Have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! IMPORTANT DATES: December 3 SAT -at Archbishop Carroll High School 5 Pre-Christmas guaranteed college application processing Deadline 30 SAT regular registration deadline or January Mr. Joseph Denelsbeck Principal January 3 Financial Aid Night at Delaware County Community College 13 SAT late registration deadline for January 28 SAT -NOT at Archbishop Carroll High School 5 RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Congratulations to the Carroll community who held its annual Fall Blood Drive. This year’s drive was again dedicated in memory of Christopher M. Jones, class of 2007. Thank you to drive moderator, Mr. Lance Lohr and his team for all their hard work. THE WINTER SNOW BALL The ACHS student body is welcome to walk through a winter wonderland on Saturday, January 28, 2012 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Tickets for this semi-formal event will be available through the Office for Student Affairs. An ID is needed for ticket registration and admittance to the dance. Proper paperwork / permission forms for guest registration is needed. Dates are welcome with the above information; ticket cost is $15.00. All school policies are in effect and dress should reflect semi-formal attire. ATTENTION SENIORS Cap and gown measurements for the Class of 2012 will take place Monday, December 12, 2011 during all lunch periods in the West Cafeteria. STUDENT COUNCIL Student Council will host various events during the holiday season and celebrate by helping others. Send a Candy Gram to a special friend or faculty member December 16—20. Have lunch with Santa and the opportunity to have holiday photographs on December 15 at all lunches. CSC EVENT - OPERATION SANTA CLAUS Beginning November 28th, the ACHS community began to accept donations of cash or non-violent unwrapped toys. Donations can be dropped off to the Office for Student Affairs. We are in dire need of items for 12 to 16 year old young men and women. Items such as gift cards and batteries will also be accepted. FAIRY GODMOTHER DRESS COLLECTION Please consider donating any gently used semi-formal dresses to the Office for Student Affairs. This Spring, we will assist young women who are members of P.A.L. with special occasion clothing. Shoes and accessories are also being accepted. THANKSGIVING BASKETS This season the SKDS and Carroll community provided dinners for over 110 families. Donations were collected through Theology classes. The CSC and student council carefully shopped and packed the goods in boxes decorated by the St. Katherine students. SKDS students also baked their signature pumpkin bread. Thank you to all who participated. CONGRATULATIONS To the cast, crew, and pit members of the recent production of PIERCE CLANCY BALL TOURNAMENT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP DODGEKICK-OFF On December 6th, we will kick off team registration for the January 8th one-day tournament with an informative assembly highlighting topics of non violence and the history of the tournament. NHS, under the leadership of Mrs. Kathy Tucker, will organize this annual event. Parental involvement is key to the success of the day. If you would like to offer assistance as a chaperone, referee or other role, please contact the Office for Student Affairs at extension 117. 6 GODSPELL CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Monday, December 26, 2011 through Friday, December 30, 2011: No classes. The Main Office is open during the Christmas holidays on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday -December 27, 28, & 29, from 9 am to noon I I I I I I Classes resume: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 The Office of Institutional Advancement The CARROLL FUND is under way for the 2011-2012 year. Your participation provides a benefit to all students in a variety of ways. Among these are financial assistance, technological advancements, and the upgrade of our facilities. On behalf of all Archbishop Carroll High School, we wish to extend a sincere thank you for your support and dedication to Carroll. Your gift, large or small, goes a long way towards assisting us to reach our goal of providing the best education for your daughters and sons. You may make a donation online through PayPal or send your check to Archbishop John Carroll High School ATTN: Advancement Office. Again thank you for your support. ASSIST CARROLL IN MANY DIFFERENT WAYS! There are many ways in which you can assist Carroll. Among these, remember to check if your company has a MATCHING GIFT program. Many times your gift will be doubled or even tripled by your employer. Please consider this when making your donation to Carroll. Also remember to name Archbishop Carroll as your recipient when using your Target Card for your purchases at TARGET department stores. If you give to the UNITED WAY, you can designate Archbishop Carroll by using the code 00015. Call the Alumni/ Advancement Office (610) 688-7610, extension 125, if you have any questions. Do You Shop On The Internet? Do You Use E-Bay? If so, check out the Shopping Links from Carroll’s website. Over 300 retailers are available and Carroll receives a donation every time you shop by going through this link. It is an easy way to help Carroll raise funds. Be sure to tell your friends and family. This unique program allows you to use any discount coupons or other discounts for which you qualify. Undecided what to give for that special event . . . Why not give your son or daughter the gift that will last a lifetime? Have his or her name inscribed on a brick in the Patriot Path to be remembered at Carroll for years to come. Patriot Path Message: may contain up to three lines; 13 characters per line, including all spaces and punctuation The commemorative walkway is located across part of the front lawn on the west side of the building. *ACHS reserves the right to refuse any message deemed as inappropriate Fill out the order form and have your child’s or family’s name go down in Carroll history! Please mail order form and payment (checks payable to ACHS) to the Development Office. CARROLL AUCTION FOR EDUCATION WE Cost: $65.00 / brick - C.A.F.E. ARE CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO ASSIST WITH THE PLANNING THIS YEAR’S PLEASE CONTACT THE C.A.F.E. ADVANCEMENT OFFICE IF YOU AND A FRIEND WOULD LIKE TO BE INVOLVED IN THIS REWARDING EXPERIENCE. CONTACT THE ADVANCEMENT OFFICE AT 7 610-688-7610, EXT. 125 TUITION OFFICE REMINDERS SPECIAL NOTES ~ ~ ~ EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING In The event of inclement weather, please listen to KYW, Fox 29, and/ or 6 ABC for any information regarding the closing of ACHS. Our snow code number is 472. If your local school district is closed due to inclement weather and Carroll is open, then the student needs to find an alternative means of transportation to school that day. If your local school district is open at regular time and Carroll is on a two-hour delay, then the buses will come at regular time. Bus transportation will depend on your local school districts. If we are to close early due to weather, we will be contacted by the local school districts as to when they will send busses and we will have a controlled release of students. If your child drives to school, please advise them to take extra caution when driving in bad weather and to also leave a little earlier to allow for extra travel time. We will be using Constant Contact and School Reach as means to communicate school closings due to emergencies. Please make sure we have a correct email address and phone number on file in order to include you on our communication list. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR STUDENTS Students will not have school on the following days: December 24, 2011 through January 2, 2012 We will have an early dismissal schedule for December 23rd; students will be dismissed at 10:30 am. Classes resume Tuesday, January 3, 2012. On Monday, January 16th, Archbishop Carroll High School will be closed in honor of the Martin Luther King holiday. DISCIPLINE Parents and students are reminded to review the handbook regarding consequences for accumulation of demerits. Parents can follow their child’s discipline and attendance records through Grade Connect. When a student accumulates 31 or more demerits in a semester that student has failed discipline and cannot attend his/her class dance/prom. If a student reaches a total of 60 demerits then he/she has failed discipline for the year and will be required to attend discipline summer school if he/she is not dismissed from Carroll High School. Seniors who accumulate a total of 60 demerits will not be permitted to participate in any graduation ceremonies. 8 TUITION and FEES- - - The SIXTH and SEVENTH tuition payments are due December 15th and January 15th. Please make every effort to keep your tuition account up -to-date. By now, the School, Fund-Raising, Parents’ Association, and Book Fees should be paid in full. Please note that payment of any fees that are past due will be deducted from the next tuition payment submitted. Should you fall behind in your payments, or begin to experience financial difficulties, you are asked to please contact the Tuition Office at extension 136 immediately. Thank you. SAGUE BUS FEE - - - The bus fee for 2011-2012 is $550. The third installment of $137.50 is due December 15th and the final installment is due February 15th. ATHLETIC FEES - - - The 2011-2012 athletic fee is $150 per athlete for each sport played, with the exception of those sports which require a rental of facilities (football, tennis, and swimming). The fee for each of these sports is $265 per athlete. Intramural bowling fee is $125 per student bowler; cheerleading fee is $200. Ice hockey fee is $600. Crew (Rowing) fee is $750, which includes boat and facility rental. The athletic fees are billed when the final team rosters are received from the head coaches. You will not receive a separate bill at this time. Therefore, it is your responsibility to be aware that this fee payment is due. Fall athletic fees should be paid by now. Winter sport athletic fees are due by December 15th and spring athletic fees are due by March 15th. Payment of any athletic fees that are past due will be deducted from the next tuition payment submitted. In light of this, if your child is participating in a winter sport, please remit payment to the tuition office by December 15th. Please include the student number and the name of the sport on your check. Some sports require an equipment resale fee for items kept by each athlete. This resale fee is in addition to the athletic fee and will be collected by the coaches. SENIORS - - - The $235 Graduation Fee is due January 15th. The fee covers the cost for the student’s yearbook and graduation expenses. IMPORTANT NOTICE - - - As you are aware, the Archdiocese is strictly enforcing their delinquent tuition policy, which states that any student who has not made five tuition payments by January 2012 will not be permitted to return to Archbishop John Carroll High School for the second semester. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made. You are asked to remain current with your tuition payments to avoid having your son/daughter removed from the enrollment at the end of the first semester. FINANCIAL AID - - - TAPS and BLOCS forms for 2012-2013 will be available in the tuition office after January 15th. F R O M T H E N U R S E All new students to Archbishop Carroll High School, 9th and 11th graders are required to submit a completed physical form to the Health Office. Please, if you have not submitted one, do so ASAP. The physical form is available online. Please refer to, our school website, for all pertinent information. This includes new immunization requirements, sick day guidelines, and required forms. Please note the immunization requirements have changed. All students are now required to have a second varicella vaccine (chicken pox) or provide the date the student contracted the illness. Feel free to call the Health Office with any questions or concerns. Debby Foster 610-688-7610, ext. 155 [email protected] Congratulations to the Winners of the Fall 2011 Sweepstakes Drawing Congratulations to Members of the Homecoming Court! First Prize Patricia Tulskie Second Prize Jamie Weber Third Prize Carol Ciamaichelo Fourth Prize Jamie Weber Fifth Prize Colleen Snyder Homecoming Queen Kerri Hunt Homecoming King Roman Golebiowski Court Samantha Day Krista DiTomo Samantha Farrell Michael Sharkey We are grateful to the Carroll Community for your continued support! DODGE, DUCK, DIVE! ♦ ♦ ♦ William Ghaul Kyle Lubiejewski Thomas Montalbano Gregory W. Wright SEE YOU SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 2012 Take one for the team! Each play made on January 8, 2012 at the Pierce Clancy Memorial Dodge Ball Tournament will show love and support in their truest forms. Pierce was a member of the graduating class of 2006 who passed away during the summer before senior year. To honor his memory, the National Honor Society, along with the help of the Student Council and Carroll’s faculty, staff and parents, are holding the Seventh Annual Dodge Ball Tournament. Teams of present Carroll students, alum, and faculty play against each other until one team remains standing. All the proceeds and donations go toward the Pierce Clancy Memorial Scholarship. Students are encouraged to form teams among their friends, classmates, and teammates. Registration is $150 per team of ten and includes a t-shirt and lunch. Registration packets are available in the Office for Student Affairs. Spectators are welcome to sit and cheer for their favorite teams as they battle it out for the title; plenty of refreshments are available. It is a great time for a great cause, and everyone has a blast! 9 IMPORTANT DATES FROM THE MINISTRY OFFICE The Parents’ Association welcomes all parents to the Archbishop Carroll Community. c November 29—December 2 Kairos LXVII at Malvern Retreat House Get involved . . . Be informed . . . Make a difference here at Carroll!! c Friday, December 2 First Friday Eucharistic Adoration c Tuesday, December 6 Prayer Service for Winter Athletics -7:00 pm in the Auditorium Questions? Suggestions? Want to Volunteer? Have concerns? c Thursday, December 8 Holy Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary –Holy Day of Obligation Join us for the next Parents’ Association Meeting January 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Library c Wednesday and Thursday, December 14-15 Advent Confessions All parents are welcome! c Sunday, December 18 Holy Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Advent for Carroll Families -5:00 pm in the Auditorium Contact the Parents’ Association with any of your questions or concerns. c Sunday, December 25 Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord –Holy Day of Obligation Phone: 610-688-7610, extension 277 or E-Mail: [email protected] c Sunday, January 1 Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God -Holy Day of Obligation c Thursday, January 5 Feast of St. John Neumann THANK YOU: Thank you to Maureen Scheuerman and Kathy Campbell and to all who volunteered for the Fall Open Houses and the NHS Induction. Thank you also to all w ho donated baked goods and provided support. Thank you everyone who chaperoned the Homecoming Dance!! c Friday, January 6 First Friday Eucharistic Adoration c Sunday, January 8 through Saturday, January 14 National Vocations Awareness Week c Monday, January 23 Annual March for Life in Washington, DC Holy Mass for Peace and Justice c Monday, January 30 ITEMS AND PRICING: Altar of Sacrifice (3,800.00) Altar of Reservation (3,500.00) Sanctuary Chairs (300.00) Bowl Ciborium (190.00) Pedestal for BVM (120.00) Pedestal for St. Joseph (120.00) Holy Water Bucket & Sprinkler (100.00) Brass Standing Candlestick (100.00) (2) Brass Altar Candlestick (90.00 each) (6) Brass Ciboria for hosts (25.00 each) CHAPEL FUND We are in the process of purchasing several items for our chapel sanctuary and sacristy and are seeking donations to assist in financing these purchases. Family members often choose to remember loved ones by having liturgical items memorialized in their names. A list of recently purchased items and their individual costs is published here. If you would like to donate to our chapel fund (with or without memorializing a loved one), please contact [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your assistance in beautifying our chapel and liturgical celebrations. 10 S TO N O I T ATULA R G N O C TEAM Y E K C LD HO E I F e h T Congratulations to all Fall athletes for a job well done, especially to the those who have achieved our league’s highest honor — ALL CATHOLIC! e and u g a e L atholic C e r a o wh ions! p m a h 12 C District Field Hockey Maddy Lesher Katie Kelly HM Becca Zamojcin 1 1 1 1 2 Kerri Hunt Megan Kelly Boys’ Soccer Dan Germani 3 Drew Golden Cross Country Shannon Corbett Katie Sullivan HM Abby Cocco 2 2 Maureen McCann 2 Roman Golebiowski HM Volleyball Marina Sharkey and League MVP 1 Rachel Pearson 2 2 Megan Quigley Terry Briggs HM HM Sarah Layfield Becky McHugh 1 CONG Girls’ Soccer Allison Clark 2 Meghan Burton 3 Danielle Robinson 1 2 3 Monica Clark Lauren George The VO LLEYB AL IONS T O L TE AM who ar e Cath olic Le ague an d Distric t 12 Ch a and wo mpions n The fir st roun in d of St ates! Football Teron Dobbs (Wide Receiver) 1 Bill Ghaul (Offense) 2 Sage Stevenson (Linebacker) 2 Kevin McLaughlin (Linebacker) 2 Bill Ghaul (Defense) 1 Golf 1 RATU LAT James Luskin Girls’ Tennis Katie Howard (Doubles) 1 Emily Kruszewski (Doubles) HM Kelly Smith 1 (Singles) First Team Selection 2 Second Team Selection 3 Third Team Selection HM Honorable Mention 1 11 Advent Liturgy Dear Parents, As Principal of Archbishop John Carroll High School, it is my pleasure to invite you and your family to our beautiful Family Advent Liturgy. The Christmas season is such a special time of year. The holidays are always a busy time for families and it can be easy to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. Please plan to join the Carroll community for our Annual Advent Liturgy. This year, our celebration will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 18th with our Advent Liturgy in the auditorium. After Mass, families are welcome to gather in the cafeteria for pictures with Santa and for pizza and soda. The pizzas and soda will be provided free of charge, but reservations are needed in advance. The reservation form is printed below. Our Annual Christmas Concert will follow in the auditorium at 7:00 p.m. In addition, our school store will be open during the Family Pizza Dinner so that you will be able to purchase ACHS apparel, etc. for your family members. Think of all the hours you will spend at the mall this season! Come spend a couple of hours with the whole Carroll community—students, parents, grandparents, staff, graduates and friends at our Advent Liturgy—and stay connected with the true meaning of Christmas! Please have your son or daughter return the completed form below to his/her Homeroom teacher by Thursday, December 8, 2011. Your response is needed, whether or not you have decided to attend, so that we can adequately prepare for this special evening. Joseph Denelsbeck RESERVATION FOR FAMILY ADVENT LITURGY AND PIZZA DINNER Student Name: ______________________ Student ID: 201 __ __ __ __ __ I (we) will attend the Family Advent Liturgy on December 19th. Number of adults attending (including high school students): ______ Number of children attending (8th Grade and younger): ______ I would like to participate in the Liturgy in the following way: ___ Reading ___ Offertory Procession ___ Server ___ Entrance Procession ___ Reading Intercessions I (we) are unable to attend this year. Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________ PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO YOUR HOMEROOM TEACHER BY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2011. THANK YOU! OPERATION SANTA CLAUS th th November 28 to December 15 ! Bring in NEW ,unwrapped, non-violent toys for children of all ages. Batteries are also needed. Archbishop John Carroll High School Parents’ Newsletter 211 Matson Ford Road Radnor PA 19087-4590 Important Date Changes to the school calendar: The Deadline for the February - March Newsletter is Wednesday, JANUARY 18 Parents, please take note: 1. Thursday, December 8, 2011 [Feast of the Immaculate Conception] will also be a regular class day . 2. Wednesday, March 14, 2012 will be a regular class day. Help Carroll by Donating Empty Inkjet and Laser Cartridges 3. Thursday, May 17, 2012 [Ascension Thursday] will be a regular class day. Send in your empty toner cartridges to the Main office. We recycle them and receive a few dollars through the Staples Rewards Program. 4. Friday, May 18, 2012 will be a regular class day. Thanks for your support!