Upper Deck Hits Low Note with Gard Gontroversy
Upper Deck Hits Low Note with Gard Gontroversy
Signup for the AutographCollectorweekly e-zineat wvuw.AutographGollector.com G U R R E I I TH A P P E I { I I { G SI I I T H E A U T O G R A P HH O B B Y ; il I l,- li fll nl I I 'l who soentsix monthsbehindbarsfor counterfeiting sporlsand celebritymemorabilia,appearedon the showhiddenby shadowsand was referredto as "Eddie." evin Demitrospurchaseda one-f If ElonWerner,directorof communicaof-a-kindautographedbaseball -.f tionsfor BeckettMedia,a spodsmagazine cardhopingto add somecushTL publisher Instead,his andfacilitator in the sellingof I Iion to hisreirrement. investmentbroughtshockand controversyto the card,told AC he is dismayedby Real course."So many the sportsmemorabilia hobby. Sporfs'journalistic goodthingsaregoingon ln the hobby In December, Demitros, a Milwaukee purchased that to takethe word of a convictedfelon airportadministrator, an Upper DeckLegendary and smearthe nameof a very upstandCuts"QuadCuts"cardon ing companylikeUpperDeck...someone eBayfor a record-breaking $85,000.Originallyfoundin a packof cardspurchased UpperDeckhelpedput in prison,is really shortsighted." by Mississippia r BarryScott,the valuable the signatures of BabeRuth, BeckettMediais not an autographaucardcontained thenticationservice,and facilitatedthe sale HonusWagner,WalterJohnsonandTy into afterUpperDeckcertifiedthe signatures. Cobb-four of the fiveoriginalinductees the BaseballHallof Fame, Jaffecontended,"who betterto sniff This Upper Deck Legendory Cuts "Quod Culs" thansomeonewho spent dealerShellyJaffenoticed cord sold for $85,000 on eBoy. Soon ofter, the out forgeries Collectibles yearshandlingthem?" outhenticity of the Bobe Ruth ond Wolter Johnson the cardon eBayand suspected the Ruth Alongwith Demitros'card,Real andJohnsonsignatures werefalse.Jaffewas signotures wos tonlesled by HBO's Real Sports. Phofos Gourtesyof BeckeE Medio [P forgeries Sporfstook a hiddencameraand seven assisting in a sportsmemorabilia All card forgedsignatures to forensicauthenticator DonaldFrangipani. segmentfor HBO'sRealSporfs,and in January,Demitros' who issuedseven wasthe segment. of themweredeemedgenuineby Frangipani, that hisbig investment COAs.RealSporfsalsosent out 20 bogusitemsto a varietyof Uponseeingthe showand learning and 15 wereissuedCOAs.Of the services was'susoect.Demitros toldthe AP he felt "sickto hisstomach." authenticating services, In an interview withAC, Jaffesaidthe minutehe sawthe card, tested,onlytwo, RichardSimonSportsand GlobalAuthentication Inc.,correctlyidentified the forgedmatedals. he knewtherewas a problemwith it, padicularly Johnson'ssignature."lt was so bad,it wasn'tevencloseto his freal]signature." Manyin the industrysaythat in its pursuitof a sensational story,HBOstartedwith the preconceived conclusionthat forgeries But it wasn'tthe onlyproblematic UpperDeckcard. Autograph RichardSimontold areprolificin the hobbyand eventhe "experls"oftencan'tspot authenticator and consultant them.To backtheirclaimsof bias,they'vemadetwo points.First, AC he found10 othercut cardshe believes containforged,heavily editedor incorrectsignatures. that in its undercover authenticator tests,HBOdid not approach Cut cardsarecardswithsignatures the sportsautograph field'smostprominent authenticators, PSfu embeddedin themcut fromdocuments. OneRayDandridge card authenticontainedhiswife'ssignature insteadof hisown,whilean Eddie DNAandJamesSpence.Second,that HBOspotlighted featuredthe signature cator,DonaldFrangipani, was identified by the FBIduringits masCollinscardmistakenly of EddieRoushwith the "H" in Roush'slastnamecut off. sivesportsmemorabilia fraudinvestigation, OperationBullpen,as the faultysignausedby the perpetrators. ltemsoffered Simondoesn'tthinkUpperDeckdistributed one of the authenticators with Frangipani bannedby eBay. turesintentionally, but doesfeeltheyacted"carelessly." COAsweresubsequently "lt's not an accuraterepresentation Accordingto the New YorkDailyNews,Demitrossaid he atof the overallmarketplace,"saidJoe Orlando,president temptedto mollifythe situationwith UpperDeck,but received the of PSA/DNA, in an interview withAC. But he takeshiscompany'somission"as a compliment." cold shoulderuntilhe threatened legalaction.Now,the two parties arereportedly workingout a resolution. Orlandoalsofelt that whileRealSportsmadean important point,"theydidn'tfollowit up witha solution." A possiblesolution Forsome,the mosttroublingaspectof the storyis thefactthe questionable "Consumer camefromthe reveredUpperDeck,the to avoidingforgeries? education." signatures industry's"gold standard."The card manufacturer hasstatedthat Accordingto Orlando,too oftencollectorswait untilafter theyacquireautographs froma "coregroup"of trustedsuppliers, they'vepurchasedan expensiveitem beforeaskingquestions eachof whomauthenticates eachautograph and providesa COA. aboutit. To him,it shouldbe the otherway around:Consumers DonWilliamstoldAC thatthe companyis reevaluating shouldeducatethemselves on an itemas muchas possiblebefore Spokesman purchasing to it, including theircoresupoliers and willenlistan indeoendent authenticator seekingout a thirdpartyauthenticator. examineand validateallfutureautographs. Thehobbyhasits problems,mostagree,but peoplelike "We standby our products100percent,"he said. in the right Orlandoseeit as havingmademarkedimprovements "Theevolution direction. continues. Theatmosohere is muchbetUpperDeckexpresseddisdainfor the RealSporfssegment becauseit reliedon convictedfelonShellvJaffeas a source.Jaffe, ter thanit was 10,15 yearsago." UpperDeckHitsLowNote with GardGontroversy