eFirstFlight - First Flight Federal Credit Union


eFirstFlight - First Flight Federal Credit Union
eBranch News
This past year, First Flight embarked on a mission to provide you with an enhanced online
banking experience with powerful financial management tools that you could access
anytime, anywhere. We proudly unveiled First Flight’s new eBranch to our membership
on October 30th! The new system delivers the latest in smart technology to simplify,
speed-up, and centralize your financial management tasks for convenient one-stop access
to your finances.
FinanceWorks, one of the many features of the new eBranch, is a free tool that puts money
management at your fingertips and your financial goals within reach. FinanceWorks shows
the activity of every account, loan, credit card, investment and bill that you have, all in one
convenient place. No more logging into multiple websites and remembering all of those
passwords! FinanceWorks is a new way to manage your finances, and now as a First Flight
member, you have the tools to make more informed financial decisions. With FinanceWorks,
you will be able to clearly see every dollar you spend, earn, and save. Create reminders for
when bills are due. Project next week’s balance and see how much money you really have to
spend. Get organized for tax season. Set and track your personalized savings goals.
“FinanceWorks is
the perfect way for
our members to
manage all of their
financial accounts,
including accounts
at other financial
institutions, in one
convenient place.”
Many members are already taking advantage of this free service. Learn more about this and
other exciting features of First Flight’s new eBranch today by visiting www.eFirstFlight.com.
Greg Williams, Chairperson of
First Flight’s Board of Directors.
Coming Soon...
Purchase Rewards:
Start earning cash back at the places that you shop most. Forget about clipping coupons or
remembering special promotion codes! The more you use your First Flight Visa Debit Card,
the more offers you will receive.
n Click
to activate exclusive cash back offers at the places you like to shop
n Shop
online or in stores to redeem your offers by paying with your card
n Enjoy
cash back – deposited right into your account at the end of the next month.
Mobile applications:
First Flight’s iPhone, iPad, and Android apps will allow you to do your
banking while you are on the go. You will be able to access your First
Flight accounts conveniently and securely from your mobile phone or
device whenever and wherever is most convenient for you!
Mobile deposit:
Deposit checks from anywhere using your
personal computer or mobile phone. Just snap
a picture of the front and back of your
endorsed check and click submit.
It’s as easy as that! Save a trip to the branch
and avoid the delay of mailing checks.
First Flight Federal Credit Union will
hold its Annual Meeting on Monday,
April 29, 2013 at the credit union’s
Corporate Headquarters in Cary, NC.
The meeting will begin promptly
at 2pm.
Elections will be conducted at
the meeting to fill three available
positions for Board of Director.
All of these positions will be for
3-year terms.
Elections will not be conducted
by ballot and there will be no
nominations taken from the floor
since there is only one nominee for
each position to be filed. Nominations
for vacancies may be made by
petition signed by 1% (320) of the
members. A brief statement of
qualifications and biographical data
must accompany the petition along
with a signed certificate from the
nominee accepting the nomination
and the maximum appointment term.
All petitions for nomination and
supporting documents must be
received by, Monday, March 15, 2013
to qualify.
Petitions should be mailed to:
David Jennings
First Flight Federal Credit Union
1815 Kildaire Farm Rd., Suite A
Cary, NC 27518
Statements of qualification and
biographical data are below for
candidates nominated by the
Nominating Committee.
This information will also be available
on the website and in the lobbies
beginning March 25, 2013
2013 Annual Meeting
Greg B. Williams*
Greg B. Williams, retired educator, has been a
member of the Board of Directors since 1986. He
has served First Flight Federal Credit Union in a
variety of positions including Director, Secretary,
Treasurer and Chair. He is currently serving as
the Chairperson. Mr. Williams is also Secretary
of the New Bern Gideon camp, Area 24 Director
of the Gideons, and the President of the Craven
County Habitat for Humanity.
Mr. Williams has a Bachelor’s of Science degree
in Health and Physical Education, a Master’s
degree in Education Administration, and an
Educational Specialist degree in Administration,
all from East Carolina University. In 1996, he
achieved National Certification in Athletic
Administration. Mr. Williams has been a coach,
teacher, and administrator in several
North Carolina schools. He retired in 2004 as
principal of New Bern High School.
Mr. Williams has been married to Linda
Swicegood Williams for thirty-eight years. Linda
retired as principal of Bridgeton Elementary
School. They have two children and two
grandchildren. They share many common
interests such as active involvement at First
Baptist Church of New Bern and a genuine
commitment to family, friends, and the
Sandra L. Rice*
Sandra L. Rice has lived in Havelock, NC since
1977 and been a member of First Flight since
1979. She has served on the Supervisory
Committee and in various positions, including
Chairperson, on the Board of Directors from
1995 to the present.
Currently serving her third term as the Board
Treasurer, Mrs. Rice finds the work the Board
does both stimulating and challenging. In the
present economic climate, the challenging part
is particularly apt.
Mrs. Rice manages business interests in
Havelock, and enjoys reading, entertaining,
traveling, working with the Marine Corps l
League and the Hancock Yacht Club. She also
enjoys sailing with friends on the Neuse River.
Gerald R. Murphy*
Mr. Murphy, originally from Massachusetts,
has been a member of First Flight since 2012.
Following a successful career in the Marine
Corps as a Radio Telegraph Operator, Mr.
Murphy enlisted in the Coast Guard for training
as an FCC licensed Electronics Technician. After
fulfilling the academic requirements for Officer
Candidate School, Mr. Murphy was selected
to attend the Coast Guard officer candidate
program at Yorktown, Virginia.
Following his commissioning, Mr. Murphy
applied and was accepted to the Naval Flight
Training Program in Pensacola, FL and then
went on to serve five tours as a Coast Guard
Aviator engaged in law enforcement and search
and rescue operations. Mr. Murphy retired
from the Coast Guard in 1981 as a Lieutenant
Not content to retire quietly, Mr. Murphy entered
the San Diego Police Department Academy in
1982 and then returned to Aviation by joining
the Life Flight program at the University of
California, San Diego where he remained an
aeromedical helicopter pilot for the remainder
of his career.
Mr. Murphy then retired to New Bern, and set
out to ply the waters of the Pamlico Sound,
believing that, “there is nothing more worth
doing than simply messing about in boats.”
*Denotes Incumbent
What does First Flight Federal Credit Union do with your personal information?
Financial companies choose how they share your personal information.
Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing.
Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and
protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to
understand what we do.
The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the
product or service you have with us. This information can include:
• Social Security number and mortgage rates and payments
• Credit scores and payment history
• Credit history
When you are no longer our member, we continue to share your
information as described in this notice.
All financial companies need to share members’ personal information
to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons
financial companies can share their customers’ personal information;
the reasons First Flight Federal Credit Union chooses to share; and
whether you can limit this sharing.
Reasons we can share your
personal information
Does First Flight Federal
Credit Union share?
Can you limit
this sharing?
For our everyday business purposes —
such as to process your transactions,
maintain your account(s), respond to
court orders and legal investigations, or
report to credit bureaus
For our marketing purposes — to offer
our products and services to you
For joint marketing with other
financial companies
For our affiliates’ everyday business
purposes — information about your
transactions and experiences
For our affiliates’ everyday business
purposes — information about your
We don’t share
For nonaffiliates to market to you
We don’t share
Unlimited Share Insurance
coverage for Non-interest
share draft accounts ends
Dec. 31, 2012
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act (DFA) included a temporary provision
for unlimited federal share insurance coverage on
all amounts held in noninterest-bearing transaction
accounts in federally insured credit unions. This
unlimited coverage is separate from, and in addition
to, the coverage provided to members with respect
to other accounts held at an insured credit union.
A noninterest bearing account is defined as an
account or deposit maintained at an insured
credit union with respect to which interest
dividends are neither accrued nor paid; on which
the account holder or depositor is permitted to
make withdrawals by negotiable or transferable
instrument, payment orders of withdrawal,
telephone or other electronic media transfers,
or other similar items for the purpose of making
payments or transfers to third parties or others;
and on which the insured credit union does not
reserve the right to require advance notice of an
intended withdrawal.
Beginning on January 1, 2013, the NCUA will no
longer insure noninterest-bearing transaction
accounts separately from other accounts or in excess
of the standard $250,000 share insurance amount.
The following First Flight account types are subject
to this change:
Aviator Checking
Navigator Checking
n Campus Choice Checking
n Business Aviator Checking
Questions? Call us at: 252.447.0691 or 919.576.2766
First Flight’s Branch Locations
Schedule of Fees and Charges (Effective 1/1/2013)
Account or Service Charges
1815 Kildaire Farm Rd.
(919) 233.5237
Cherry Point*
Wire Transfer
Check Printing*
Varies by style ordered
2nd Ave., Building 3672
(252) 463.2212
Deposited Item Return
3rd Party Return
American Express
Insufficient Funds Fee
Travelers’ Cheques*
2% of purchase
Holly Springs*
Gift Cheques
400 Village Walk Dr.
(919) 557.5311
Checks Drawn on Closed Account
Automated Draft Return
Stop Payment
Automated Stop Payment
Multiple Returns
Collection Items (special handling)
Check Cashing Fee*
$5.00 each
1232 E. Main St.
(252) 463.1705
Checking Account and Minimum Balance Fees
Share Account Minimum Balance Fee
$1.00 per month
Wright Checking Minimum Balance Fee
$3.00 per month
2405 A Herritage Street
(252) 527.8224
Horizon Minimum Balance Fee
Morehead City*
eChecking Service Fee
$10.00 per month
4501 Arendell St.
(252) 247.0088
Navigator Checking Service Fee
$10.00 per month
New Bern*
$1.00 each
3127 M. L. King, Jr. Blvd.
(252) 633.4766
$0.25 per item
Dormant Account Fee
$10.00 per month
Navigator Checking Teller-Assisted
Legal Process Attachment
Navigator Checking Processing Fee
Call Center Inquiry or Transfer Fee
Share Account Closure Fee
Check Withdrawal
First Flight ATM with
Check Card
Greenville Arlington*
1870 W. Arlington Blvd.
(252) 353.1428
Greenville Memorial*
3530 S. Memorial Dr.
(252) 329.7378
Paper Statements (Members Ages
$2.00 per statement
Escheat Fee
Account Balance Research*
$30.00 per hour
Overdraft Privilege
Account History*
$2.00 per month
Notary Service
No Charge
Card Replacement
Online Bill Pay *
$.99 per transaction
Non-Credit Union Owned ATM Fee*
$1.50 each
Bill Payer Service*
$1.00 per check
Inactive ATM/Visa Debit Card
(no activity for 6 months)
NACCO Industrial Park
Credit Union Checks*
Point of Sale
No Charge
New Bern:
Craven Regional Airport
Stop Payment & Reissue
First Flight ATM with ATM Card
3rd Party Check*
First 6 withdrawals free at First Flight ATMs
Copy of CU Check*
Money Orders
Overdraft Privilege
Commercial Money Order
Card Replacement (1 free per year)
Share Overdraft Transfer Fee
Non-Credit Union Owned ATM Fee*
$1.50 each
Loan Overdraft Transfer Fee
$1.50 each
No charge for Transactions at First Flight ATMs
Additional First Flight ATM locations
Cherry Point:
Marine Corps Exchange, The Roadhouse,
7-Day Troop Store, the Naval Clinic, Miller’s
Landing, Bldg. 133 and MCX Gas Station
Morehead City:
Carteret General Hospital
*Denotes ATM Locations
No Charge
More than 6 withdrawals per month
IRA service fee (once per year,
per IRA)
* Free or Waived with Certain Credit Union Services
IRA early closure fee
Mobile Deposit*
$.50 per item
P2P payments
$1.75 per item
Fund Transfers (incoming)
No Charge
Fund Transfers (outgoing)
Questions and Comments may
be directed to:
First Flight Federal Credit Union
1815 Kildaire Farm Rd., Suite A
Cary, NC 27518
Phone (800) 807.0766
Fax (919) 851.8667
[email protected]
Please visit First Flight’s website at www.eFirstFlight.com
or call us at 800.807.0766 for current rates & fees. Please
contact a First Flight representative for further information
and full disclosures. Fees and penalties may reduce earnings.
All accounts are subject to terms and conditions set forth in
the Truth-in-Savings Disclosure and Account Agreement
We do business in Accordance with the Federal Fair
Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
Your savings federally insured to $100,000
National Credit Union Administration, a U.S, Government Agency
Your savings are federally insured to at least
$250,000 by the National Credit Union
Administration, a U.S. Government Agency