stradbroke school newsletter
stradbroke school newsletter
STRADBROKE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Koonga Avenue, Rostrevor, SA 5073 Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment Principal: Telephone: Fax: email: website: Out of School Hours Care: Director: CRICOS Provider Number: Anne Lamont 8337 2861/8337 5349 Student Absence Ph: 8365 5621 8337 0041 [email protected] 8365 5677 Rebecca MacQueen 00018A 25th June, 2015 YEAR 6 SCIENCE 2015 JUNE th Thurs 25 th Fri 26 JULY st Wed 1 rd Fri 3 th Mon 20 th Tues 28 Stradbroke Music Night R-2 Assembly, 12.15pm Mid-Year Reports sent home Last day of term 2 Term 3 begins ICAS English • August th Aug 12 Term 2 has proven to be a very exciting term for the year 6’s in Science. The area of focus was Chemistry.The year 6 unit of inquiry has been about reversible and irreversible changes to materials. To introduce a context to the learning, we initially looked at the current Global Water Crisis in developing countries. The depth of the questioning and inquiry that the children demonstrated showed very mature levels of empathy and compassion. This also triggered questions on how to reverse the polluted water into safe, clean water that these communities could possibly drink and use. Did you know that. Kytons Bakery Fundraiser Order to go out Women and girls especially bear the burden of walking miles at a time to gather water from streams and ponds full of water-borne disease that is making them and their families sick. • Stradbroke Music Night Thursday 25th June 6.00pm Gold coin donation to UNICEF Term 2 Casual Day Friday 3rd July Beanies’ Beret’s and Gumboots. Gold coin donation to Cure Brain Cancer Foundation 1 out of every 5 deaths under the age of 5 worldwide is due to a water-related disease. • In developing countries, about 80% of illnesses are linked to poor water and sanitation conditions. Our year 6 students then worked through the task of designing and making a 4-5 stage filtration system using basic materials supplied in class. The challenge was to filter dirty water from fourth creek into water possibly able to be drunk. We spoke a lot about what differences it would make in these communities if they had filtration systems. We have also researched the global water crisis, how more and more pumps and filters are being installed with assistance from The following pictures show the amazing depth of learning and fun these students had while working through the task. We are finishing off this term looking at irreversible changes to different materials. We plan to investigate what rusts nails and why it’s not possible to reverse this chemical change. (Rusting happens when iron in steel is exposed to oxygen and moisture at the same time). Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment -1- ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE LAST DAY OF TERM rd The last day of this term is Friday 3 July. The students are dismissed at 12 noon. A dismissal note will be distributed to all students on th nd Thursday 25 June. Please return this note by Thursday 2 July. Kids’ Zone will be open from 2.10pm. Children will need to be booked in. Please contact Kidszone for bookings. TERM 2 CASUAL DAY For term 2 casual day the senior executives and Carmen Anderson are proud to present the theme, “Beanies, berets and gum boots.” The money raised will go towards the ‘Cure Brain Cancer Foundation’. We are encouraging children to wear winter casual clothes, but specifically a beanie if they can. Unfortunately every 5 hours somebody is diagnosed with brain cancer. There is no known cure apart from surgery which comes at a large cost and has significant risks involved. It is one of the most expensive cancers to treat. Only 5% of the Governments cancer budget goes to treating brain cancer. If you would like more information please do not hesitate to go to Many thanks, Carmen Anderson and Karla Spera NATURE PLAY Next term the Student Voice with the support of our school community will begin work on a Nature Play Project. The project will involve investigating, planning and building nature play areas with a focus on outdoor play with natural materials. If you are interested in learning more about the Nature Play movement visit the website: supported by the Government of South Australia. RESOURCE CENTRE SPEECH AND DRAMA Stradbroke Speech and Drama Students continue to perform successfully at the annual Adelaide Eisteddfod, Speech, Drama and Communication Division. Last week all students presented their solo and group pieces with dignity and skill. Those who received prizes were as follows: nd Ayla Gamcheff 10 years and Under Poem 2 Prize Group scene titles “ Going Up”: Ayla King, Mia Mazzaferro, Funke Odusanya, Charlie Sproule, Ayla Gamcheff, Natasha Hening, Jodi Bouwer, Emily Ledda-smith, Keeley Smith,Kate Stephens Honourable Mention. Group Improvisation: Emily Ledda-Smith, Keeley Smith, Kate Stephens. Honourable Mention. nd 13 years and Under Original Piece: Emily Ledda-Smith 2 Prize. 13 years and Under Prose: Jodi Bouwer Honourable Mention. Congratulations on another successful Eisteddfod! th The students will be performing again this Thursday 25 June at 6.00pm in Rehn Hall. TH TH NAIDOC WEEK 5 – 12 JULY NAIDOC Week celebration are held across Australia each July to celebrate history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. th On Friday 10 July at Bonython Park ( carpark adjacent coke, Thebarton tram stop) there will be Free family entertainment from 12.00pm to 3.00pm. New zones for special interest include Men’s zones, Children zones, Be Active zones and Small Business zone. Over 40 stall holders, food stalls and a FREE concert throughout the day. LOST PROPERTY There seems to be a lot of lost property. If your child has lost anything, come in and see Kristen in the cashier’s office and see if it belongs to your child. Any items not collected will be donated to charity at the end of the term. LATE ARRIVALS The Reception- Year 5 classes were fortunate to meet local Adelaide author and teacher Mike Dumbleton last week. Some of the books he shared included ‘Muddled-Up Farm’, ‘Cat’ and ‘Let’s Escape’. The older children also viewed his first non-fiction picture book ‘Meet Douglas Mawson’, which has been nominated for the Children’s Book Council of Australia, Book of the Year Awards. Mike catered brilliantly for the range of year levels and gave an insight into the process of writing and publishing books. Mike happily signed copies of his books and met with a small group of students, answering questions they had prepared. The author visits have been organised to support our Independent Reading Strategy, to celebrate the achievements of our local writers and to share a love a reading. If your child arrives at school after 8.50am please ensure that a parent/adult accompanies him/her to Student Services to sign in at the Front Office. The parent/caregiver is responsible for selecting the reasons for lateness on the attendance computer system. SCHOOL UMBRELLAS Navy and white school umbrellas with the school logo printed on them are now available from the cashier’s office in Koonga Building. They are for sale for $20 each. Please see Kristen between 8.30-9.20am. Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 2 traffic on school grounds when children are moving around (between 8.30am-9am and 3.10pm-3.30pm). th Friday Recess Treat 26 June: Sushi tuna or chicken $1.00 per piece. Available over the counter at recess and lunch or until sold out. Please remember that the canteen is closed on the last day rd of school, Friday 3 July. Parents to provide recess and lunch if the children stay on. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that help in the canteen, without your support we would not be able to continue to provide our students with the variety of food. The roster for Term 3 is in the canteen. If you would like to add your name, please pop in and see me or send a note via the class lunch crates. The days needing help are Tuesday’s and Friday’s. Have a wonderful and relaxing holiday break. Thank you Kate Majewski, Canteen Manager Week 10 am pm Traffic management around schools is complex as traffic is extremely busy for 20-30 minutes twice each day. We are fortunate to have a designated kiss and drop zone on Koonga Ave at the front of the school which can accommodate about 10 cars at any one time. The kiss and drop zone works if all drivers follow some simple guidelines. 1. The maximum waiting time in the zone is 2 minutes and drivers must stay in their cars at all time. 2. When driving into the kiss and drop zone please park as far forward as possible. When cars park at the entrance to the kiss and drop zone leaving the rest of the zone empty it causes risk as cars are trying to enter and exit in the same section of road. SPORTS Basketball Yr 2/3 basketball played Tuesday June 16th. Ethan Fry, Anthony Grotto, Peter Grotto Dasha Havrikenko, Sune Myburgh, Ketura Pati. SPORTING SCHOOLS Sporting schools is starting again in Term 3. We have some great coaches that are looking forward to coaching our students. Tuesday night – supervised by OSHC staff Hockey 4.15pm-5.15pm Rec – 3 Softball 4.15pm-5.15pm Year 4-7 Wednesday nights – supervised by Stradbroke staff Hockey 3.30pm-4.30pm Year 4-7 Softball 3.30pm-4.30pm Rec-3 Sporting schools will start in week 3 of Term 3. Registration forms are available from Student Services on th Friday 26 June. If you are registering your child for the Tuesday night’s program run by OSHC and your child is not enrolled in OSHC, please note a parent/caregiver will need to remain at the session for supervision. CARPARKS AND DROP OFF ZONES The car parks provided on school grounds are for staff and official visitors only. This includes the drive way near Flexi building which must be clear at all times for the school bus and the special class taxi service. The Flexi driveway is not a parking zone or a drop off and collection area for families. This also goes for the staff car park near the Front office. DECD guidelines require us to minimise the movement of Stradbroke 16 defeated Saint Pius Allstars 6 Great team game with all playing well. rd Yr 4/5 basketball played on 3 June 2015 Stradbroke Bombers 25 defeated LPL White 19 Excellent game boys. Well played. Coaches award: Jared th Yr 4/5 basketball played 10 June 2015 Stradbroke Bombers 11 defeated by Trinity Vikings 12 Good game, excellent effort by all Coaches award: Sebastian. rd Stradbroke played Tuesday 23 June 2015 Stradbroke 7 defeated by St Joseph’s Payneham Wolves 8 A close game with many change overs. Well done for a hard fought game. th Yr 4/5 basketball played on 17 June 2015 Stradbroke Bombers 10 defeated by Trinity Trojans 28 Better luck next time boys Caoches award: Jamison th Yr 4/5 basketball played on 24 June 2015 Stradbroke Bombers 26 defeated SJP Wildcats 12 Well played team. Great last half. Coaches award: Atheon. Soccer th Stradbroke soccer 11’s played on 13 June 2015 Stradbroke 0 defeated by Magill A 10 A great start to the game with both teams trying to take control, towards the end of the first half Stradbroke conceded a couple of goals. The second half was a different story with Magill taking the ascendancy and scoring at will. Stradbroke’s structure brokle down and we could not stop the flow of goals. We need to keep working hard at training and play the game right to the end. Coaches award: Antony, Gianluca, Jamie, Tilia, Charlie. th Stradbroke Soccer 11’s played on 20 June 2015 Stradbroke 0 defeated by Rose Park 12 Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 3 The game started at a fast pace with Stradbroke conceding within the first few minutes. Gianluca did some wonderful saves, however Rose Park were very strong and attacked at every opportunity. The second half Stradbroke turned it around and put in a strong effort to withstand the attacks and actually attacked themselves. Thank you to Chris and Sam from the Under 10’s who helped out on the day. Coaches award: Gianluca and Chiara. th Senior boys soccer played 13 June 2015 Stradbroke 9 defeated Athelstone 3 A brilliant second half performance by the team to come back from a 3-1 half time score line. Really impressed by the determination by each team member. Well done! Goal scorers: Marcus Ellul 5 Luke Olds and Ari Stamatelopoulos 2 Coaches award: Marcus Ellul. Coaches award: Jacob Campbell. th Senior football played on 20 June 2015 11.18. 84 defeated Marryatville 5.9.39 The Stradbroke Blues continued their season with a strong win against Marryatville. Goalkicking was off target with 18 behinds scored! All players are playing well and contributing to the team. The players sang their song with gusto after the game. Coaches award goes to Rory Dowdell and Jacob Campbell. Don't forget the home games coming up at Stradbroke on the 1st Saturday in Term 3- 25th July and again on 15th August. Hope to see as many people as possible to Stradbroke to watch the game, buy a sausage and drink and cheer the team on. th Senior boys soccer played 20 June 2015 Stradbroke 4 defeated Burnside 3 A very entertaining see sawing game which went to the final whistle. Whole team played well. Coaches award: Esli Kalulwa. Netball th Stradbroke Lightning Strikes played on 13 June 2015 Stradbroke Strikers played a great game against East Para, winning 8-0. There was good flow of the ball down the court. Coaches award: Nateisha for some fabulous shooting and working in the circle, also Chloe for brave defence against a towering opponent. th Stradbroke Lightning Strikes netball played on 20 June 2015 The Strikers played valiantly, but were not able to score against East Marden’s 18 goals. It was a tough game and we did not have any spare players. It will give us plenty to learn from. Coaches award goes to the whole team for each playing a full game and not giving up and for accepting defeat with good grace. th Yr 5 netball played on 20 June 2015 Stradbroke Shooting Stars 9 defeated by East Marden 10 Exciting game played by all. Great team work. Coaches award: Grace Price, Lauren Koschade and Chardae Henderson. Stradbroke Sub juniors 2 netball After a tough start to the season playing at a higher level we are pleased with our last 2 games th 13 June Stradbroke 17 defeated St Peters 7 th 20 June Stradbroke lost against Comets 11-15 Your great attitude and persistence through a tough start to the season has been recognised by EDNA rep on several occasions and you should be very proud. Keep up the great work girls, fantastic team spirit and great to see you enjoy your game. Football th Senior football played on 13 June 2015 Stradbroke 7.9.51 defeated Athelstone 7.4.46 All played well for a great win. Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 4 25 Things to do in Winter 1 Make a mobile mud pit in a wheelbarrow 14 Use herbs from your garden to make a potion 2 Wear a raincoat and gumboots and stomp in the biggest, wettest puddles you can find 15 Find some bush to sit in then listen with your Make a bonfire with an adult and cook damper on a stick 16 Make leaf boats and float them down a 4 Visit Morialta Falls Conservation Park and hike up to the waterfalls 17 Grab a Garbag and slide down a grassy, wet hill 5 Sketch a tree that has lost its leaves and then decorate it 3 eyes open and then with your eyes closed stream or in a puddle 18 Get Inked with some mud tattoos 19 Make a rain gauge so you can measure the rain in your backyard 6 Make a dirt or mud track for toy cars 7 Make bubbles outside and see if it’s cold enough for them to turn into ice 8 Have a fort/cubby building competition with your friends 9 Go on a winter picnic (take a thermos of hot chocolate or hot soup – yum!) 20 Build a mini bridge or stepping stones across a winter creek 21 Put on your gumboots and rain coat and head to the beach to play chicken with the waves 22 Play hide and seek in a forest 10 Watch a spider spin its web 23 Collect snails and watch the trails they make 24 Explore the treasures washed up on the beach after a storm 11 Make a birdfeeder to hang in your backyard and watch who comes to visit 25 Spend an entire day outside, no matter the weather, and see how many things you can do 12 Pretend you’re a modern-day explorer and go on a photo taking expedition 13 Have an outdoor shower by shaking a branch that is wet with dew or raindrops Remember to play safe and let a grown-up know where you’re planning to go. Don’t forget your sunscreen, hat and water bottle. P R O U D LY S U P P O R T E D B Y The Dudes vs the Babes… Who will win the Hip-Hop championships of the Year? Caution: Seeing this show will make you want to get up and dance! Six of Adelaide’s brightest young dance stars bring you a fantastic Hip-Hop dance show with audience participation and challenges between the girls and the boys both on stage and in the audience. Who will win, the ‘Babes’ or the ‘Dudes’. From Hip-Hop to Funk, Tap-Hop, Krumping to Animatronics and all the popping and locking inbetween, this show has it all and lots more. The show is suitable for ages 4 years to grandparents and is 50 minutes in duration. Starring Jordan Tomljenovic as Hip Hop Harry and Emily Wood as Kia. With Lewis Shilvock and Harry McGinty As the Who Who and Tori Edwards and Danica Fajardo as the ‘Babes’. The show is conceived and directed by Malcolm Harslett with choreography by Kelly Wilson and Jordan Tomljenovic. Playing at Star Theatres 145 Sir Donald Bradman Drive Hilton From Wednesday 8th to Saturday 11th July at various times. Bookings: or Ph 82341800 And Marion Cultural Centre on Wednesday 15th July at 11am Bookings in person at the centre. Or ph 8375 6855
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