August 2016 District 156 Newsletter
August 2016 District 156 Newsletter
McHENRY HIGHSCHOOLDISTRICT156 Volume8Issue1August2016 For more District information visit: DearDistrict156Family, Ihopethismessagefindsyourfamilywellaswebeginpreparationsfora newschoolyear.MynameisRyanMcTagueandI’mhonoredandexcited tobeginmytenureasyournewSuperintendentofSchools.I’mconfident thatwewillcontinuetobuildontheamazingsuccessMcHenrystudents achievedbothinsideandoutsidetheclassroomduringthe2015-2016 schoolyear.Weareveryproudofallourstudents’accomplishmentsand lookforwardtoevenmoreoutstandingachievementsthisyear. WeAreWarriorsandWeAreRising Overthesummerandthroughouttheyearwewillcontinuetoexamineour currentcurriculumandinstructionalpracticesinordertoensurearigorous andchallengingacademicenvironmentthatwillaffordourstudents multipleoptionsandopportunitiesupongraduation.Iencourageyouto haveconversationswithyourchildandtheircounselorconcerningposthighschoolplanstoensuretheyareselectingcoursesthatwillhelpthem achievetheiracademicgoalsandpost-secondarydreams. Nothingismorevitaltothesuccessofourstudentsthantherelationship betweenourparents/guardiansandschoolpersonnel.Togetherweforma powerfulpartnership,andIlookforwardtoyourparticipationandactive involvementinourschoolcommunity.Nothingismoreimportanttome thanbuildingandmaintainingastrongsenseofcommunityandthe overarchingbeliefthatwearealwaysstrongertogether:asoneschool– onecommunity–onefamily.Onlybyworkingtogetheras“one”through articulationandcollaboration,willweachievetheBoardofEducationgoals andthoseweestablishforourschoolcommunity. MyprimaryobjectiveasSuperintendentofSchoolsistofacilitateasafe, positive,andsupportiveacademicenvironment,onebuiltuponasolid foundationofmutualrespect,academicexcellence,andequalopportunity. Itisanhonorandprivilegetoservethestudents,parents,andstaff membersthatmakeMcHenryDistrict156sucharichandvibrantschool community.Ihopeyouenjoytherestofyoursummer,andIlookforward tomeetingyouwhenwereturntoschoolonAugust17th. Pleasecontactmeifyouhaveanyquestionsorconcerns815-759-2022. TakeGoodCare, RyanMcTague,Ph.D. WelcomeBackLetter NewsfromDepartments FirstThreeDaysofSchool SATInformation CareerExpo/A.I.M PartneringforPrevention/ HomecomingSavetheDate 1 2-3 4 5 6 7 DistinguishedWarrior ExtremeWeather,Calendar 8 9 TheMissionofDistrict156– Wearecommittedtoprovide allstudentswiththeskillsthey needtobelifelonglearnersand productivecitizens. McHenryDistrict156 StaffDirectory ROSCenterforEducationalServices RyanMcTague,Ph.D.,Superintendent DavidLawson,CFO/CSBO CarlVallianatos,Ed.S.,Dir.ofCurriculum andInstruction BeckyCovalt,DirectorofSpecialEducation BarryBurmeister,AthleticDirector JosephZelek,Dir.ofNetworkTechnology Services EastCampus: EricBlake,Principal KyleHobson,AssociatePrincipal NatZunkel,DeanofStudents WestCampus: MarshaPotthoff,Principal TerryFitzgibbons,AssociatePrincipal AmberBowgren,AssistantPrincipal PaulDyer,DeanofStudents NEWSFROMDEPARTMENTSPAGE2 FINALEXAMINFORMATION MAKE-UPDATES AllareWelcomeatParent Mini-Schedule District #156 will not provide exams earlier than the scheduled exam days. Allparentsandguardianswillhavetheopportunity to“walkintheshoes”oftheirsonsanddaughters onWednesday,August31. • Attendclassesinthemini-scheduleformat andmeetteachers. • Pickupclassschedulesatthebackentrance West/cafeteriaEastandbereadywhenthe “firstbellrings”at7PM. Forthe2016-2017schoolyear,firstsemester examsarescheduledforDecember19and 20.Studentswhoareunabletoattendthose dateswillhaveoneopportunity,onSaturday, January7,2017,tomakeupexamsfor credit.Second-semesterexamsarecurrently scheduledforMay22and23(thesedaysmay changeifemergencydaysareused),andtheone makeupdateforthoseexamsisFriday,June14, 2017.Second-semestergradeswillbeavailableat thestartofthe2017-18schoolyear. Wefeelitisinthebestinterestofallstudentsthat theytakeexamsonthescheduledexamdays,so thattheycandemonstratemostaccuratelytheir achievement.Weencourageallfamiliesto carefullycomparetheschoolcalendartotheir familycalendars,especiallyattheendofthe secondsemester. SUPERINTENDENT/PARENT ADVISORYCOMMITTEE MEETINGS ALLparentsandguardiansareinvitedtoattendthe meetingsofthecombinedSuperintendent/Parent AdvisoryCouncil.Thepurposeofthesemeetingsisto provideanopportunityforfamilyinputonmajor schoolinitiativesandprovideforahealthytwo-way communicationsystembetweenschool representativesandfamilies.(ThisisNOTa fundraisingorganization!) EastCampus–Theater September28,20166:00PM & WestCampus–Library February15,20176:00PM MAINOFFICE TI-83orTI-84calculators,which arerequiredforallmathclasses, areavailabletorentfor$35for theyear.Studentswhoare interestedinthecalculatorloan programcanpickuptheloan agreementsinthemainofficesof eithercampus.Allcalculatorsmustbereturnedat theendoftheyearinworkingcondition. MCC hosts College Fair on Thursday, October 6, 2016 from 6 to 8 p.m. This is your chance to meet with representatives from over 120 colleges and universities. Free, no registration required. See which institutions are attending the College Fair: at: Call Kellie at (815) 455-8670 for more information. This list of colleges may not be complete. Please contact [email protected] if you are looking for a college and it is not on the list. Special Financial Aid presentation Looking Ahead: Plan for Your Financial Aid and Improve Your College Financial Literacy Luecht Conference Center at 7 p.m. NEWSFROMDEPARTMENTSPAGE3 NURSE’SNOTES SarahOrzehoskie MandyFranz KoriHart EastCampus WestCampus WestCampus SchoolNurse SchoolNurse Nurse’sAssistant The Health Office personnel for the district would like to welcome you to McHenry High School. We encourage all families to familiarize themselves with the location of the nurse’s office. If you receive a letter or a phone message from this office asking for a physical or immunizations documentation, please get back to us as soon as possible. Illinois school code requires that all students have valid physicals and compliant immunization records. The state deadline is October 15. Any student not in compliance by that date, will be sent home until they are in compliance. You can have a physical and/or immunizations done by your doctor or at an immediate care clinic. If cost is an issue, the Family Health Partnership Clinic may be able to help. Their number is 779-2209300. They can do physicals and immunizations. The McHenry County Department of Health holds immunization clinics at many locations on different days and times. Please call 815-334-4500 and schedule an appointment. Take a copy of your immunization records with you. All sixth through twelfth grade students are required to show proof of one shot of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis). All ninth and tenth grade students are required to show proof of two shots of varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, or proof of prior varicella disease. Twelfth grade students are now required to show proof of two shots of meningococcal (meningitis) vaccine. Only one dose is required if the first dose was given at 16 years of age or older. “THE CANTEEN CONNECTION” Welcometo“TheCanteenConnection”, McHenryDistrict156FoodService Department’snewsfeed.TheFoodService departmentprovidesnutritious,homemade mealstothefaculty,staffandstudentsat EastandWestCampuses.Weparticipatein theNationalSchoolLunchProgramand SchoolBreakfastProgram.TheWarrior Canteenisopenschooldaysstartingat6:50 a.m.forbreakfast,andisopenforalllunch hours. Ourstateandfederalgovernmentprovides reimbursementrevenuestoMcHenryDistrict 156foreverycompleteschoolmealserved. Ourcafeteriasserveavaluemealthatisin compliancewiththeguidelinesrequiredby theUSDA.Weservefavorites–pizza,salads, burgers,chickenpattiesdaily,aswellasa dailylunchspecial,andaMadetoOrderDeli. Studentsarerequiredtotake½cupfruitor vegetablesfromourOfferingsBarwiththe valuemeal. The“SmartSnack”regulationsallowusto providesnackfavoriteswhilefollowingthe USDAregulations. Pricesforthe2016-2017 schoolyear: SPECIAL EDUCATION All MCHS teachers meet the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) highly qualified status. If you have a question regarding your child's teacher’s qualifications, please contact the Board of Education Office where these records are held. Special education and related services are available to meet the individual needs of a student with a disability and are available for all qualifying students in McHenry Community High School District 156. These services are provided under the Individuals with Disabilities Services Act (IDEA) P.L. 101-476 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Further information can be obtained by contacting Becky Covalt, Director of Special Education at the Board of Education Office (815) 3857900. FullPayBreakfast:$1.60 ReducedBreakfast:$.30 FullPayLunch:$2.75 ReducedLunch:$.40 IfyouqualifyforFreeorReducedLunch program,youalsoqualifyforFreeor ReducedBreakfast.Everydaybreakfastis offeredintheWarriorCanteenatEastand Westcampusfrom6:50a.m.tothe beginningoffirstperiod.Breakfastatschool couldbeoneofthebestacademicboosts youcangiveyourchild! Setupyourstudent’sFoodServiceaccount todaytoloadmoneyontotheiraccountto purchaseitemsintheWarriorCanteen. It’sourmissiontoprovidehealthynutritious mealstoyourstudent! CalltheMcHenryDistrict156Foodservice Departmentwithquestionsandconcernsat 815-759-2962. FIRSTTHREEDAYSOFSCHOOL PAGE4 Schedule for First Three Days of 2016-17 School Year Parents and Students: The 2016-17 school year will open with a late start schedule day on Wednesday, August 17. Wednesday, August 17th - Late Start Schedule The late start on Wednesday, August 17th is specifically for ALL FRESHMEN. They will report to their campuses for introductory activities planned by staff and student leaders. Other students who need transportation will come to school at the regular times and remain in the cafeteria like a normal Late Start day. All students will report to Period 1 based on the LST schedule below. All freshmen should report to the theater at East and the auditorium at West Campus by 7:25 a.m. for their introductory activities. East Campus West Campus Thursday, August 18th and Friday, August 19 - First Regular Scheduled Days with AIM period Thursday, August 18th and Friday, August 19th will be the first “regular” days of the year and the first days with the AIM period. AIM will be on every regular scheduled day of the school year (M, W, TH, F). As a reminder, the regular MCHS schedule is noted below. East Campus West Campus SATINFORMATION PAGE5 MCHS to give the SAT in 2016-17 A Message from Carl Vallianatos, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Welcome back for an exciting year at MCHS! We are excited to announce a change to the college and career readiness test that our students will be using to open future doors of opportunity. In 2015, the State of Illinois sent out a request for proposal to two providers to bid for a multi-year contract on the state college entrance examination. College Board SAT and ACT were the two providers. In early Spring 2016, it was announced that SAT had won the bid by being the top provider in the overall scoring process. Since the announcement, schools all over the state have been researching the similarities and differences between the two assessments and the associated resources, services, and prep materials. There is no doubt that SAT offers a more comprehensive product and service than ACT and will meet the needs of the students of MCHS to a far greater degree moving into the future. McHenry High School, like most other schools, has been developing and implementing a transition strategy that will lead to success for our students and teachers. This strategy will result in our students having ample opportunities to adjust to the new tests and the teachers opportunities to learn about the tests and what the change means to our curriculum, instruction, and classroom assessment. MCHS will be offering the complete suite of assessments through College Board (SAT) for all students grades 8-11. This will include the PSAT/NMSQT in the fall of the junior year that can qualify students for the National Merit Scholarship and a variety of other scholarship opportunities. Grades 8,9,10, and 11 will take a Fall assessment with only the 11th graders taking the SAT assessment provided by the State of Illinois on April 5th 2017. MCHS will provide students and parents with a comprehensive implementation path for the first year of SAT. There is much to learn and become acquainted with for students, parents, teachers, and administrators. We strongly encourage all parents, but especially the parents of our 10th and 11th graders, to engage and become knowledgeable about this change! Please join us to discuss this new and important assessment and how we can help our students be as successful as they can be. August 31 – 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm Prior to Parent Mini-Schedule East Campus Theater and West Campus Auditorium CAREEREXPO/A.I.M. PAGE6 MANUFACTURING - TRADES - INDUSTRY CAREER EXPO McHenry High School District #156 is planning an exciting new event with business leaders and McHenry County College. As parents and students, it is never too early to start asking questions like: “What kind of career should I have?” “What kind of opportunities exist locally?” “What educational pathways will open these doors?” That is why we are bringing local McHenry County industries to MCHS to help promote their needs AND the educational pathways that could benefit our students as they seek careers. All over our county, employers are saying the same thing: “We cannot find enough good, skilled young people to fill career positions!” We hope that all of our local families and students join us for an exciting evening of learning, discovery, and career planning! Manufacturing, Trades, and Industry (MTI) Career Expo Thursday, September 22 from 6:00-8:00pm in the McHenry HS - East Campus Gymnasium All students who attend may enter to win raffles for autographed Bears and Blackhawks items donated by Jett’s Heating and Air. All senior students will be able to register for a $500 post-secondary tech scholarship sponsored by the McHenry Rotary Club – Sunrise! Words about AIM success The rollout of our new support period (AIM) became a huge success with students and teachers in 2015/16. Falling between periods 2 and 3 four days a week, all students and teachers enjoyed a 35minute common period to meet together and work on academic improvement. Counselors also used the time to provide a variety of college and career presentations and class meetings throughout the year. The graph depicts the additional student/teacher meetings that took place month by month, totaling over 35,000 additional contacts between students and teachers! Total Logged Student Visits to Teachers During AIM 2015-16: 35,751 We look forward to the second year of AIM and the continued success of our students as the program becomes more ingrained in our culture and daily practices! We encourage parents to make AIM a weekly part of your conversations with students. Ask them questions like “What did you do in AIM this week?” or “How do you need to use AIM this week to improve academically?” We thank our parents for being active participants in their students’ lives! PARTNERINGFORPREVENTION/HOMECOMINGSAVETHEDATEPAGE7 Prevention & Early Intervention is KEY! McHenry Community High School District 156 is committed to provide all students the skills they need to be life-long learners and productive citizens. At its core, this mission means District 156 is dedicated to helping all 2016NaturalHigh students achieve career and college readiness as a means of living a Presentations rewarding and fulfilling life. Sometimes, adolescents stray from this path &Contest and experiment with or struggle with substance abuse. Many area schools are taking measures to prevent this phenomenon and intervene when substance abuse occurs. If you are concerned your teen is at risk to use substances or may be using substances, services (at school) are available to intervene. District 156 has continued its partnership with Partnering for Preventions’ owner, Dawn Nendze (Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor), to provide prevention and intervention services one day a week at each building. Dawn is a graduate of Northern Illinois University and has worked in the field since 1999 providing both substance abuse prevention and treatment services to adults and adolescents. Not only has Dawn rooted her career in the McHenry area, she is also a McHenry West Campus Graduate. Dawn is a Warrior at heart and is honored to continue to partner with District 156, noting, "What an opportunity to Pay it Forward!" Services are available to students, parents and staff. Dawn can be reached at 224.241.2192 or [email protected]. To make a referral for your teen to be seen, please contact a school counselor, a building administrator, or Dawn Nendze herself. SAVETHEDATES!HOMECOMINGWEEKOctober3–8th Dancing Powder PuffFo otball DISTINGUISHEDWARRIOR PAGE8 DISTINGUISHED WARRIORS CLASS of 2016 CONGRATULATIONS! Culminating Student Success of the DW Program The Distinguished Warrior Graduate Program was created in 2009 to become a four-year honor (freshman through senior years) that promotes overall student EXCELLENCE. More than just an award, the journey towards achieving the orange stole is a pathway to personal success during high school and beyond! The Class of 2013 was the first class to earn the honor and saw approximately 25% of the class attain the identified level of excellence. This year we saw 28% of the Class of 2016 achieve the honor with students completing over 5,000 hours of service to the community. In May, our district hosted the annual Distinguished Warrior Community Celebration with over 450 people in attendance to honor our DW graduates. The Distinguished Warrior program continues to be a source of pride and a symbol of overall educational quality as we seek to prepare all students for future success. DISTINGUISHED WARRIOR CRITERIA McHenry students graduating with this distinction will have met the following criteria: • Meets expectations on standardized, college and career readiness examinations (ACT, PARCC, DLM, etc). • Exhibits involvement in school-sanctioned activities (1 year-long activity or 3 seasonal activities). • Demonstrates involvement in community service (minimum of 25 hours throughout high school career). • Earns a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or higher. • Follows athletic or activity code of conduct (no violations). • Maintains good character/citizenship (no in-school suspensions or out of-school suspensions). • Demonstrates good school attendance (minimum of 95% during junior & senior year). • Completes at least ONE Advanced Placement or Capstone course as determined by our academic departments. • Maintains the following graduation requirements on time: Grade Level Academic Credits: 9th Grade 4.5; 10th Grade 9.0; 11th Grade 13.5; 12th Grade 21.25 (23 Credits required for class of 2018 and beyond) EXTREMEWEATHER/CALENDAR PAGE9 McHenryCommunityHighSchoolDistrict156willpostallextremeweatherconditionsandother emergencyschoolclosingsonourdistrictwebsiteathttp://www.dist156.organdontheECC website.Forinformationregardingweather-relatedclosingpleasevisittheEmergencyClosing Centerat August 5 ...........Friday ....................West Material Pick-Up All Grades 8:00am-3:00pm August 5…….....Friday…………...…Freshmen Kick-Off Rally West Campus 9:00am – 12:00pm August 5…….....Friday…………...…Freshmen Link Rally Day East Campus 9:00am - 11:30am (Materials Distribution During Rally) August 5........... Friday ....................East ALL GRADES Material Distribution Day 12:00pm-4:00pm August 8……….Monday…………....East/West ALL GRADES Material Pick-Up Day 10:00am-6:00pm August 8……….Monday…………....First Day of Football Tryouts / Practices August 10..........Wednesday ...........East New Student/Parent Orientation- 7:00pm (Theater) West New Student/Parent Orientation-7:00pm (Main Gym/Café) August 10 .........Wednesday ………First Day of All Other Fall Sports / Practices August 15 & August 16.........Monday & Tuesday ........Teacher Institute/NO SCHOOL August 17 .........Wednesday............FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR ALL STUDENTS/NOTE: LATE START SCHEDULE FOR SOPHMORE, JUNIORS & SENIORS August 18 .........Thursday ...............First Full Day of School ALL Students August 23 .........Tuesday ................LATE START TUESDAY Begins August 31……...Wednesday ..........Parent Mini-Schedule East & West 7:00pm–9:00pm Schedule Pick-Up 6:30pm September 2......Friday ...................Half-Day In-Service 10:30/10:40am Dismissal September 5......Monday .................Labor Day/NO SCHOOL September 12,14-16…………Mon., Wed., Thur., Fri… West Freshman Pride Camp September 13…Tuesday…………...Picture Day West September 15…Thursday…………..Picture Day East September 20 - 22 ................Tues., Wed., Thur..…..…East Freshman Pride Camp October 3............Monday.................Homecoming Rally/Parade 5:00pm – 9:00pm October 8............Saturday ..............Homecoming Dance 8:00pm -11:00pm (both schools at) West Campus October 10 .........Monday ................Columbus Day/NO SCHOOL October 27 .........Thursday ............. Parent Teacher Conferences Both Schools 5:00pm –8:00pm October 28 .........Friday ...................Parent/Teacher Morning Conferences 8:00am-11:00am/NO SCHOOL November 11......Friday…….............SCHOOL IN SESSION, Veteran's Day Activities Scheduled November 23, 24 & 25………Wed, Thurs & Fri............Thanksgiving Break/NO SCHOOL
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