OPEN SESSION pm AB - Westside Union School District
OPEN SESSION pm AB - Westside Union School District
WESTSIDE LINION SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING HILLVIEW April T ,2015 Mission Statement: Recognizing the exceptionalism of every child the mission of Westside Union School District is to educate all students to universally high levels of academic competence. We are committed to comprehensive systems of instructional delivery that include research-based best practices to assul'e this outcome by "pointing the way, providing the path" to success. Vision Statement: Our vision is to graduate students who have acquired the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to achieve signif,rcant career, educational, civic and personal goals, which will enrich our society as positive role models and responsible citizens. 6:30 p.m. l. il call- To oRDER OPEN A. B. SESSION - Regular Session p.m. p.m. Flag Salute Roll Call BOARD OF TRUSTEES John Curiel Gwendolyn Farrell Linda Jones Joan Sodergren Steve DeMarzio SUPERINTENDENT Regina Rossall ilt IV PRESENTATIONS A. Volunteers . Site o Citizens' Oversight Committee ¡ Trustees B. PTA/PTO/PTSAPresidents HEARING SESSION/STAFF REPORTS A. B. Board Comments StaffReports 1. Assistant SuperintendentAdministrative Services 2. Assistant Superintendent Educational Services 3. DeputySuperintendent 4. V VI Superintendent PERSONAL APPEARANCES Westside Union Teachers Association Representatives California School Employees Association Representatives Parent TeacherAssociation Representatives West Antelope Valley Educational Foundation Representatives A. B. C. D. ITEMS FROM THE FLOOR Please submit a yellow "Request To Speak To The Board of Trustees" in the folder on the exhibit table for' agenda and non-agenda items to the Secretary of the Board prior to the meeting. Not more than three (3) minutes are to be allotted to any one (1) speaker, no more than twenty (20) minutes on the salne subject. This is not a question and answer period whele the Board enters into dialogue. Testirnony is not protected 04-01-15 from damage claims for libel. Public Charges or allegations may result in legal action being brought by those individuals. If you have questions for the Board, please provide the Board President with a copy and an administrator vil will provide ans\ryers at alafer dafe. PUBLIC HEARING None VIII BUSINESS SESSION A. Organizational/Governance Agenda Goal # 1. Moved by Page I 5c Pages2a -2i 5c Page 3 1d Seconded by To approve the agenda of the regular meeting of April 7, 2015 Ayes:_ Noes :_ Abstain:_ Actions proposed for the Consent Calendar, are items with adopted policies and approved practices of the District and are deemed routine in nature. They will be acted upon in one motion, without discussions, unless members of the Board request an item's removal. The item will then be removed fi'om the motion to approve and after the approval of the consent agenda the item(s) will be heard. 2. Consent Items a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Minutes of the Regular Meeting on March 11 ,2015 FundraisingAuthorization Gifts to the District V/illiams Uniform Complaint Quarterly Report Personnel Report Purchase Orders Consultant/Contract Schedule Conference/Workshop Schedule Obsolete Item Disposal List Moved by Seconded by Approval of the Consent Items as presented Ayes:_ -1 Noes :_ Abstain:_ Resolution 15-30, National Volunteer Week and Proclamation Moved by Seconded bv Approval of Resolution 15-30, National Volunteer Week and Proclamation Ayes:_ Noes:_ Abstain:_ 04-07-15 2 B. Goal# Educational Services 4. Site Plans . o Page 4 Joe Walker Quartz Moved by Hill _ Seconded by Approval of the Joe Walker and Quartz Hill Site Plans Ayes: 5. Noes: Abstain: Medi-Cal Collaborative for Healthy Children Moved by Page 5 Seconded by Approval of the Medi-Cal Collaborative for Healthy Children Ayes: 6 Noes: Abstain: Revised Board Policies and Adrninistrative Regulations o BP/AR 0420.1, School Based Program Coordination o BP/AR 0440, District Technology Plan o AR 5020, Palents Rights and Responsibilities . BP/AR 5125, Student Records . BP/AR 5141.4, Child Abuse and Reporting ¡ AR 6145.2, Athletic Competition . BP 6142.1 , Physical Education and Activity . BP/AR 6158, Independent Study ¡ AR 6159, Individualized Education Program ¡ BP/AR 6162.51, State Academic Achievement Tests Page 6 Seconded bv Moved by Approval of the first reading of the revised Board Policies and Administrative Regulations Ayes C :_ Noes :_ Abstain:_ Personnel 1. 15-01 Memorandum of Understanding between Westside Union School District and Classified School Employees Association (CSEA): Early Retirernent Medical Benefits Page 7 Timeline Moved by Seconded by 04-07 -15 f -l Approval of 15-01 Memorandum of Understanding between Westside Union School District and Classified School Employees Association (CSEA: Early Retirement Medical Benefits Timeline. Ayes D. :_ Noes :_ Goal # Abstain:_ Business 8. New and Revised Board Policies ¡ BP 1330, Use of Facilities - Revised r BP 3555, Nutrition Program Compliance - New Moved by Seconded by Page 8 _ Approval ofthe second and final reading ofthe revised Board Policies Ayes:_ Noes:_ Abstain:_ 9. Request to Bid - Baked Goods Moved by Seconded by Approval of the Request to Bid Ayes:_ Noes: 10. - _ Baked Goods Abstain: Resolution I 5-3 I , Schools Facility Needs Analysis Moved by Ayes:_ Noes:_ Page l, Schools Facility Needs Abstain: Revised Board Policy ¡ BP 3550, Food Service/Child Nutrition Program Moved by l0 Seconded by Approval of Resolution I 5-3 Analysis 1l Page 9 Page I 1 Seconded bv Approval of the first reading of the revised Board Policy 3350, Food Service/Child Nutrition Program Ayes:_ Noes:_ 12. Abstain: Johnson Contlols, Inc. Phase 2, Change Order No. Moved by 1 Page 12 Seconded by 04-07 -15 4 Approval ofthe Johnson Controls, Inc. Phase 2, Change Order No. 1 Ayes:_ Noes: tx. X Abstain: INFORMATION SESSION A. B. Items From The Floor - Continued Dates to Remember: 1. Regular Meeting on April 21,2015 2. Regular Meeting on May5, 2015 NEW BUSINESS Future Board Meeting Items XI ITEMS FROM THE FLOOR Please submit a yellow "Request To Speak To The Board of Trustees" in the folder on the exhibit table for agenda and non-agenda items to the Secretary of the Board prior to the meeting. Not more than three (3) minutes are to be allotted to any one (l) speaker, no more than twenty (20) minutes on the same subject. This portion of the agenda is for presentations to the Board regarding closed session items only. This is not a question and answer period where the Board enters into dialogue. Testimony is not protected from darnage claims for libel. Public Charges or allegations may result in legal action being brought by those individuals. If you have questions for the Board, please provide the Board President with a copy and an administrator will provide answers at a later date. Xll. cLosED sESSroN Moved by Seconded by Ayes:_ Noes:_ Abstain:_ Opened:_ Closed: a. b. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Gov't. Code 954957.6) Existing/Anticipated/Pending Litigation (Gov't Code $54956.9) c. d. e. Conference with Real Property Negotiator l Claim Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Appointment (Gov't Code g54957) Pupil Personnel (Ed Code 35146 and 48918) AT xilr RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION XIV REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION XV. ADJOURNMENT _ p.m. There being no fufther business to come before the Board at the regular meeting of April 7,2015, is p.m. by the Board President. adjourned at In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to access the Board meeting roorr ol'to otherwise participate at this meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact Tonya Williams at (661) 122-0116. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Distlict to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Board meeting room. 04-07 -15 5 Any writings or documents that are public records and are provided to a majority of the governing board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection on the District Web Site, or in the District Office locate d at 41914 50th St. Vy'est, Quartz Hill, CA 93536 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.). 04-07-15 6 Í\ 2014-2015 Board Goals & Expectations The District uses data to create a learning-oriented culture for both staff and students which deflnes success in terms of improvement and progress. WE BELIEVE THAT OUR TEACHERS AND STAFF ARE OUR MOST VALUABLE ASSETS A¡{D RESOURCES 1 benefits d. e. f. C. Provide ongoing recognition for school achievement, program development, i.e., Califomia Distinguished S"choolí Golden Bell, Employee of the Year, and Program \tlvation, Joe Walker STEALTH, Gregg Anderson Academy, Westside Academy and Hillview 6* Grade Acadgm¿ that is Continue a lonp[srm plan to provide total compensation for all positions within the district districts school Valley elementary competitiv" *ith th" surrounding Antelope Provide ongoing training to ensure a safer workplace for all employees provide statf aeîelop-"1t to enable employees in all job classifications to maintain and improve their skills to meet stated goals of the Board to meet student needs a" .t" 2. a. e. f. & g - Annual Report by Human Resources b. c & d - Annual Report from Superintendent WE OPERATE WITH TRANSPARENCY, TRUST A¡ID INTEG GOVERNING IN A DIGNIFIED, PROFESSIONAL MANNER, EVERYONE WITH CWILITY AND RESPECT :' A. : Board will review national school climate standards for,possible decision making a guide for EXPECTATIONS Continue to improve the knowledge level of trustees th¡ough ongoingtraining, a. : participation in political actions that influence improved fund-ing and legislation for e{¡1¡ational programs, and of independent study. Ãil eoard Members will attendthe CSBA Annual Education programs -Conference, with'a report of sessions attended at a fuhre Board Meeting, and receive a Masters in . b. c. d. e. Govemance certifi cation. The board will initiate the process for self-evaluation in April Annually set objectives to meet the goals of the district in July Continuá to improve working relatiõnship with employee unionsto enable communications that enhance the ovàra[ well-being of the district including all employee A public-ftiendly version of tñe three major budget reports of tþe year shall be posted on the website 6-10-14 ôp Measuremgnt \ryE ARE ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED TO PROVIDING A SAFE, DISTINGUISHED AND ENGAGING LEARNING ENVIRONMENT THAT ENSURES ALL STUDENTS LEARN TO THEIR HIGHEST POTENTIAL -t- A. B. C. D. Ensure that all students are well-equipped with the linguistic, cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal skills (2I't Century Skills) necessary in order to be successful in global society. Ensure all students have equitable access to high quality instruction, standards-based, Common Core-aligned curriculum; high quality materials; and a broad course of study. Develop and implement a districtwide research-based intervention program for all students not meeting academic standards. Develop and implement programs that address academic, behavioral, and social-emotional concerns that negatively impact student achievement and success. a. A. ts. C & D - Annual Report by Educational Servíces EXPECTATIONS: a. b. c. Staff will monitor comprehensive plans for improving student achievement including the Local Control Accountabilify Plan (LCAP) and the School Site Safety Plans including the sections related to student discipline. All students will receive rigorous and effective instruction, support and intervention that afford equitable access to a high quality educational experience in an environment that nurtures critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Teachers will use research-based best practices to design and deliver instruction which addresses the knowledge, concepts and skills outlined in the Common Core State Standards. Teachers will design lessons that actively engage the minds of all learners with that which is to be learned. Learning objectives that describe what students will be able to do successfully and independently at the end of each lesson will be clearly articulated. Formative assessment will be used to guide and inform instruction. Summative assessment will be used to measure student learning. The areas of instructional focus will be: 1. Critical reading and writing in and across all content areas sources (Prove It!) ? 4. d. e. i,iy""i"Jll*i.";;iäï,l;i'li::i,3å'":*i Integration oftechnology by teachers and students through lesson presentations and student products Evaluate and effectively address obstacles that exist within school practices, district policies and instructional delivery that impede access and opportunity for all students to achieve and participate to their highest potential. At both the district and school site level, engage staff, parents and students in an in-depth dialogue where academic achievement and progtam participation disparities exist between student groups, and develop specific efforts to address those disparities. WE ARE ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED TO PROVIDING THE NECESSARY FACILITIES TO MEET THE HOUSING AND EDUCATION NEEDS OF OUR CHA,NGING STUDENT POPULATION AND A VISION THAT PROMOTES AND SUPPORTS THEIR FUTURE 4 A. B. C. Finalize the construction of Anaverde Hills School Modemize Cottonwood Elementary School Continue the major upgrade on technology throughout the district 6-10-14 èe Measurement 2 EXPECTATION à,. The Board will receive an annual Update to the District's Master Facilities Plan while exploring and securing options to finance the plan. a. a - Annual Report in May by Business Services WE ARE FISCALLY TRUSTWORTHY AND DEDICATED TO RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY A. B. Increase student Average Daily Attendance to exceed 95YopercenT: Board will remain committed to maintaining a financially responsible positive Diskict budget for the current year and two out years in order to preserve Westside's financial solvency, educational programs and the continued payment of employee salaries. ¿. a" A - Annual ADA Report in May by Business B - Budget Presentations by Business Services EXPECTATIONS: a. b. c. d. e. f. Continue to decrease encroachment of general funds by Special Education Continue to update and implement the adopted Technology Plan Continue to increase operational efficiency Citizens Oversight Committee will hold required meetings Set budget priorities based on the goals of the District Support and retain partnerships that have a mutual priority to maximize the available dollars for improving programs for students \ryE BELIEVE IN AND PROMOTE PARENT AND COMMTJNITY INVOLVEMENT IN WESTSIDE TJNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 6 A. Partner with parents and community to develop and implement school programs designed to foster and support student achievement and responsible citizenship. EXPECTATIONS: a. b. c. d. e. f. g h. i. Develop and implement plans to increase communication with parents regarding their children's education including the use of PowerSchool/PowerTeacher by all teachers. Implement plans to improve parent communication and participation with parents of students identified at risk for school failure. Explore ongoing efforts to increase communication with the communify, utilizing methods that are cost effective. Sfrengthen partnerships with businesses, community organizations, and public agencies. Annually share the Board's goals and accomplishments with the stakeholders and each school year will begin with a State of the Dishict presentation by Superintendent and staff where maxirnum efforts are made to assure that the meeting is well-attended by the public. Create, administer and compile a survey for constituents' that will generate data to drive district decisions, reported to the Board on or before April 30. Each Trustee will regularly attend community and school site events The Board will play an active role in promoting our district's image in the community and positive working relationships with key community constituencies Keep public postings and communications current. Staff to monitor weekly. ô. e - Posted on District Website 6-10-14 ôp Measurement J BOARD AGENDA Aprtl T ,2015 TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES PREPARED BY Regina L. Rossall, Superintendent SUBJECT Board Meeting Agenda BACKGROIIND: The Board is requested to approve the Agenda for April 7,2015 PRO GRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION None COST ANALYSIS/FTINDING SOURCE: None SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION: Approval BOARD AGENDA Apr1|7,2075 BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: Regina L. Rossall, Superintendent Board Minutes BACKGROUND The Board is requested to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting on March 17,2015 PROGRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION : None CO ST ANALYSIS/FUNDING SOURCE None associated with the approval of Board Minutes. SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 2a WESTSIDE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES March 17,2015 I. CALL TO OR E At 6:33 p.m. John Curiel, President, called to order the Regular Board Meeting of the Westside Union School District Board of Trustees. II. PLEEGE OF ALLEGIANCE Joe Walker CivilAir Patrol III. ROLL CALL John Curiel, President - Present Gwendolyn Farrell, Vice President - Present Linda Jones, Clerk - Absent Joan Sodergren, Member - Present Steven DeMarzio, Member -Present SUPERINTENDENT Regina Rossall - Present IV. OTHERS PRESENT Liz Anderson, Matt Anderson, Aaron Reyes, Valerie Stone, Andrea Paxton, Shirley Hill, Kat Ringenbach, Danica Money, Kim Fusco, Michelle Cox, Dora Navarro-Duenas, Trevis French V. PRESENTATIONS Joe Walker Site, Student and Employee Recognition VI - Steve Wood HEARI NG SESSION/STAFF REPORTS A Board Comments: Joan Sodergren - Joe Walker has meant a lot to my family. I would like to thank the staff for what you have done for my óhildren and the students of Westside. The instruction you provide our students carries them through the next years of their education. Thank you, Steve, for the engaging presentation. You covered an amazing amount of information about Joe Walker. I am so proud of everything that is going on at Joe Walker. I sit on the UCLA Parent and Family council; I had the opportunity to go to Sacramento as a delegate to lobby our State Assembly members and State Senators to supporl President Napolitano's budget proposal for the University of California. Steve DeMarzio - What a complete and all-encompassing presentation, thank you. You have the technology, software and knowledge to go above and beyond and it's outstanding. There is a lot of untapped potential out there. To the Civil Air Patrol student who wants to be an engineer, you can serve in the military and when you complete your service, you can start your engineering career. Congratulations on the staff who received service pins this evening. Congratulations to Matt Anderson for receiving Teacher of the Year for Project Lead The Way. Gwendolvn Farrell - Thank you, Steve, for a wonderful presentation. I would like to congratulate Matt Anderson on receiving Project Lead The Way Teacher of the Year. When I look back when I went to school, I am amazed at what opportunities students have in education today. lt's exciting to see what is happening at Joe Walker. Joe Walker, you have a wonderful staff. a Minutes Regular Board Meeting March 11,2075 B. VII. John Curiel - Thank you, Mr. Wood, for a wonderful presentation. You have taken the STEALTH Academy to a whole new level. Joe Walker is phenomenal. Thank you to the staff for your early ¡ntervention with mentoring and the FastForward program; that is amazing. lt does take a community to raise a student. I attended the High Desert Dance Classic this weekend. I was immensely proud of all of our students who performed. I have a student at Joe Walker, who pafticipated in the Dance Classic and he performed very well. My hat is off to the teachers who teach dance to these students. A lot of the students are involved in many school programs and extracurricular activities. Happy St. Patrick's Dayl Staff Reports 1. Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services - Shawn Cabey a. I enjoyed the students who danced this evening. Teachers have one of the most important jobs because they affect the future. I thank you for the things that you do. 2. Assistant Superintendent Educational Services - Marguerite Johnson a. Congratulations, Steve please congratulate your staff. What a wonderful overview of Joe Walker. b. Once we come back from Spring Break, we will start our SBAC testing that will run through Labor Day. 3. Deputy Superintendent - Robert Hughes a. My children's success in high school and college is because of their education at Joe Walker, thank you. 4. Superintendent - Regina Rossall Mrs. Rossall reviewed the following items with the Trustees: a. Steve, you did a great job on the overview of Joe Walker. My children also received a great education at Joe Walker. b. I attended the Dance Classic this weekend. On Saturday Gregg Anderson Academy students danced and Sunday Joe Walker students danced. The students were outstanding both days. c. Matt Anderson, I can't tell you how proud I am of you, congratulations. We stafted Project Lead The Way about four years ago. Now we have our elementary schools who are parlicipating in the program. I appreciate you and Marguerite for your work with this program and it's a program that everyone is now embracing. d. On March 19, Joe Walker STEALTH Academy will be having their parent information night. Please let Tonya know if you plan on being at the community service portion of the program and would like a parking space reserved. The program starts at 5.00 p.m. e. I also have tickets for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy program at LPAC at 6:00 p.m. on March 19,2015. The majority of the students presenting are from Westside. f. We have received four transfer requests for next year,2015-16, to other districts from students in the Leona Valley 7th & 8th grade. g During Spring Break Educational Services, Superintendent's Office and Human Resources will be working four 10 hour days. These offices will be closed on Friday, March 27 and April 3, 2015. PERSONAL APPEARANCES A Westside Union Teachers Association Representative - Bob Dunham, President B California School Employee Association Representative - Jeri Holmes, President b Minutes Regular Board Meeting ly4.arch 17,2015 C. D. ParentTeachersAssociationRepresentative West Antelope Valley Educational Foundation Representative - Gwendolyn Farrell 1. Two grants were given out at the meeting on March 11,2015. 2. WAVE is working on upcoming fundraisers. 3. WAVE will be working with Keller Williams in their Red Day Event. VIII. ITEMS FROM THE FLOOR None IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS None X. ORGANIZATIONALiGOVERNANCE 1 M 1 5-169 - Page 1 . Approval of the agenda of the Regular Board Meeting of March 17, 2015, as submitted. The motion was made by Steve DeMarzio seconded by Gwendolyn Farrell and carried 410. 2 M15-170 - Pages 2a -29. The motion was made by Steve DeMarzio seconded by Gwendolyn Farrell and carried 410 to approve the consent agenda. 2a Minutes of the Regular Meeting on March 3,2015 - Revised 2b Fundraising Authorization 2c Personnel Report 2d Purchase Orders 2e ConsultanVContract Agreement Schedule - Revised 2f ConferenceAlVorkshop Schedule 29 Obsolete ltem Disposal List XI. EDICATIONAL SERVICES M 1 5-1 71 - Page 3. The motion was made by Gwendolyn Farrell seconded by Steve DeMarzio and carried 410 to approve the Site Plans for Anaverde Hills and Cottonwood Schools. 3 XII. BUSINESS 4 M 1 5- 1 72 - Page 4. The motion was made by Steve DeMarzio seconded by Gwendolyn Farrell and carried 410 to approve the first reading of Board Policies . 8P1330, Use of Facilities . 8P3555, Nutrition Program Compliance XIII. NEW BUSINESS None XIV. UNFINISHEDBUSINESS None XV. CLOSED SESSION M1 5-173 - The motion was made by Steve DeMarzio seconded by Gwendolyn Farrell and carried 4l0Io adjourn to closed session atB'.21p.m. to consider: A. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Gov't Code 554957.6) B. Existing/Anticipated/Pending Litigation (Gov't Code S54956.9) C. Conference with Real Property Negotiator c Minutes Regular Board Meeting March 11,2015 D. E. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Appointment Management (Gov't Code 554957) Pupil Personnel (Ed Code 35146 and 48918 4 Cases Unrepresented XVl. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at B:49 p.m XVII. CLOSED SESSION ACTION M15-174 -The motion was made by Gwendolyn Farrell seconded by Steve DeMarzio and carried 410 fo approve the Expulsion for Case Number 1415-14. M15-175 - The motion was made by Gwendolyn Farrell seconded by Steve DeMarzio and carried 410 To approve to rescind the Rehabilitation Plan in the Agreement and Stipulation for Expulsion for Case Number 1415-19 previously approved by the Board on February 3,2015. M15-176 - The motion was made by Gwendolyn Farrell seconded by Steve DeMarzio and carried 410 to approve the revised Rehabilitation Plan in the Agreement and Stipulation for Expulsion for Case Number 1415-19 to read "The student will be placed on a suspended expulsion with said student being placed at another Westside campus through the end of the 2014-2015 school year with a rehabilitation plan". M15-177 -fhe motion was made by Gwendolyn Farrell seconded by Steve DeMarzio and carried 410 to approve Agreement and Stipulation for Expulsion for Case Numbers 1415-25 and 1415-26. XVlll. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned 8:50 p.m by John Curiel, President. Linda Jones, Clerk Adopted. March 17,2015 d BOARD AGENDA April7,2015 TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES PREPARED BY Regina L. Rossall, Superintendent SUBJECT: Fund Raiser Approval List BACKGRoLIND Attached for review and approval by the Board are individual requests from school organizations for fund raising activities. Each is presented on the District's pre-approved form. PROGRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION : Funds raised as a result of the activities benefit the individual schools as described in each form. COST ANALYSIS/FUNDING SOURCE: Approval of these activities increases the funding available for the affected schools as noted on each form. SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 2b FLIND RAISER APPROVAL LIST Approved at the Board Meeting of April 7,2015 Cottonwood Del Sur Description: Date: Purpose: Requesting Group: Cottonwood would receive 25Yo of food sales from Shakey'sPizza April 16, 2015 To raise funds for 6th grade end of the year field trip. Cottonwood PTA Description: Date: Purpose: Requesting Group: Selling DVD's of all 6thgraders for $10.00 Description: Date: Purpose: Requesting Group May 1I-29,2015 To offset field trip costs for end of the year Mulligan's trip Cottonwood PTA Selling books from Scholastic April 13-17,2015 To provide money for student classrooms, fieldtrips and extra needed items on campus. Del Sur PTSA 1 ,-;:- ¡l ir ;i,:'-' ir,.- Westside Union School District 41914 50ù Street West Quartz Hill, CA. 93536 (661)'t22-0716 FAX: (661) 206-364s [,lAR lt li : {j7' Lr'r., i i 2015 i I ITHORIZATION FUNDRAISING Non-Profit Organizations Community Service Project (Funds to be raised to donate to a charity organization) School Ú//ontilootl Date s/t|r +^ Non-Profit Organization {t^rstart l Time ú Location of Fund Raiser Description of Fund Raiser Purpose of the Fund Raiser For the benefit of (be specific) dr .s Person Supervising Fund Raiser L Person Responsible for the Signature of Principal or Assistant Approved by the Board of Trustees on e"u-t¡c r t-r¿ Original to Dishict Office for Approval at next Board Meeting. An approved copy will be sent back to school site. 2 .-:.: I1 ..- ' j; ,;-i Westsîde Union School District ALg14 50ù'street West Quartz Hill, CA. 93536 .-.- r'1a: {!.? i¡* lr4AR 1 rf V 1 2015 (661)722-0716 FAX: (661) 206-364s TI RÄISING Elementary Schoo1 / School I Date pro ! *eçlr 2 prsa Event Sta¡t Time Location of Fund Raiser +^ Description of Fund eî( Purpose of the Fund Raiser J '14" For the benefit of (be.specific) Person Supervising Fund R¿iser Person Responsible for the Projected Expenses $ 5o Projected Profit áot $ " Ti¡e food salcs shall not impair students' particìpation in the Dstrict's Food Sen'ice progrm:(BP:îi54) Sánitary aud safety proceclures shall comply wirb the State aDd CountJ Uniform Retail Food Facilitíes Larv. Horne'baked goods may nol be sold (883554, CURFEL I t3700-l 14455, 4R3554) Food salcs will not bógin util after the close ofthe regu)arly schednlcd midday food service period, (Code ofRegulations, Tide 5 i5500,Ed Codc 51520) Orga4izations are cncouraged to select items ofgood nrrtritional quality (8P3554) Thã food itero being sold cannot be an itern.soldln the foocl serviie progratr¡ at that school during that school day. (Code gfRegulaúon¡, Titlc 5) M S Date ignature of PTAÆTO/PTSA Presid ent Signature of Principal or Assi I aff,rrn that I have read and understand Date tl¡e Wellness P cy and that above is not in violation of Approved by the Board of Trustees on Edible items that do not comply n'ith the District's wellness Policy ma¡r be sold to students a half an hour after the end ofthe school day. Note - BU-13 t0-14 Origiual to District Office for Approval at next Board Meeti¡g. An approved copy 3 will be sent back to school site. il¡lt Westside Union School District 41914 50ú Street West Quartz Hill, CA. 93536 (661)722-0716 FAX: (66i) 206-364s FUNDRAISIN ,j I'AR 17 nß RIZATION Elementary School School + iA, Date Requesting Group: I Pfe I pfO PTSA 1 Date(s) of Fund Raiser Event Start Time 1'. 1Çrr" - l--brN Location of Fund Raiser 5LL( Description of Fund Raiser of the Fund Raiser (-/ .lÐ 5 (ãTI'4! For the benefit of (be specific) Person Supervising pun¿ naisefuzblØlø Expenses $ Drs.r-. ùlrnt-rp Person Responsible for the Projected frLr,^s 4D S,b Projected Profit 99oo $ -/ The food sales shall not impair students' participation in the District's Food seruice prograrn. (8p3554) Sanitary and safety procedues shall comply with the State and County Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law. Home-baked goods may not be sold. (883554, CUR¡FL 1 13700-1 14455, 4R3554) Foodsaleswillnotbeginuntilafterthecloseoftheregularlyscheduledmiddayfoodseruiceperiod. (Code'ofRegulâtions,Title5 15500, Ed Code 51520) Organizations ae encouaged to select items ofgood nutritional quality (8p3554) The food item.being sold carmot be m item sold n the food service program ât that school during that school day. (Code ofRegulations, Title 5) Signature of PTAÆTOÆTSA President Date Signature of Principal or Assistant affrrm that have read a¡d understand the 3lt -l ,5- Date and that in violation of Approved by the Board of Trustees on may be - Edible items that do not comply- with the District's Wellness - '--- Policy - ----r ----J -- sold to students a half an hour aftei the end of the school day. Note BU-13 t0-14 Original to Distribt Ofñce for Approval at next Board Meeting. An approved copy 4 will be sent back to school site. BOARD AGENDA Aprll T ,2014 BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: Regina L. Rossall, Superintendent Gifts to the District BACKGROUND Contained in the agenda are Gifts to the District. The Universal Gift form, which reflects the following donations: The Board is requested to approve this list and direct Administration to provide the appropriate acknowledgment to the donors. PRO GRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION This donation will provide for much needed equipment and supplies to support our education program. COST ANALYSIS/FUNDING SOURCE: None SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 2c UNIVERSAL GIFT FORM SCHEDULE .A,pproved at the Board Meeting of DONA,TION: DONOR: RECIPIENT: DJITE: llpril 7,20L5 World Book Year Books, 2012,2013 & 2014 and World Book Science Year 2014 Steve DeMarzio Quartz Hill Elementary March 13,2015 WESTSIDE TINION SCHOOL DISTRICT 41914 50th St, W. Quartz Hill, Califomia 93536 (66T) 722-0716 FAX (66i) 722-s223 LINTVERSAL GIFT FORM give, transfer and deliver all of my/our right, title and interest in and to the property described to the Board of Trustees of the Westside Union School District as an unÍestricted gitt and dedicate to the public without restriction, thereby, placing in the public domain, whatever hterary nfitts[)temay possess to this property. t*"hereby -below Date 2. 1 S ¡a Signature aft/ PrintName Name Street Address State City, State &, Zip p (d Description Recipient of donation, if specified by Date Accepted by: n Name t'¡t r¡vrnt.lJL)-_, Location Title ¡ This donation of new (not used) equipment requires a District equipment number. A receipt may be requested to verify age of donation. After Board approval, make aTrangements for the donation to be delivered to the Warehouse for marking and return to your site. (For District Office Use Only) The Board of Trustees of the Westside Union School District hereby accepts and acknowledges, as an unrestricted grft to'the Westside Union School District, the offering described above and agree to administer it in accordance with its established policies. Dated this Accepted by: day 7 Linda Jones. (11 of April rk Name and Title After Board approval, the donor willbe maiied BU-29 Signature a signed copy 10-07 2 of the Universal Gift Form. 20 15 BOARD AGENDA April7,2015 TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES PREPARED BY Regina L. Rossall, Superintendent SUBJECT Board Certification of Williams Uniform Complaint Quarterly Report Summary BACKGROUND: As a result of the Williams Lawsuit, the Board must certify on a quarterly basis that its members have been informed of complaints made under this settlement. PROGRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION Since the District receives both state and federal funds for educational programs, we are required to comply with this part of the Williams settlement. COST ANALYSIS There is no immediate cost to this action other than staff time required to track and respond to complaints. Currently that is minimal. SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATiON Approval 2d Williams/Valenzuela/CAHsEE Lawsuit Settlement Quarterly Report on Uniform Complaints 2014-2015 LosAngeles County Office of Educðt¡on lsq qd?nì! ¡ !Þq'q 6ilmnt{¡ l¡:8:¡9 Edt clt6J Westside Union School Distric District Name Person completing this form Tonya Williams Date: April Title: AdministrativeSecretË: Due Due Due Due Oc|.ll, 1, 201 5 Quafter covered by this report (check one below) ! lst QTR ! 2nd QTR X 3rd QTR [ 4th QTR July 1 to September 30 October I to December January 1 to March 31 April 1 to June 30 31 Date for information to be reporled publicly at governing boald 2014 Ian.76,2075 Apr.l7,2015 Il,20l5 Jul. meeting: AprilT '2015 Please check the box that applies E] No complaints were filed with any school in the district during the quaúer indicated above. ll Complaints were filed with schools in the district during the quarter indicated above. The following chart summarizes the nature and resolution of these complaints. Number of Complaints Received in Quarter Number of Cornplaints Resolved Number of Complaints Unresolved Instructional Materials 0 Facilities 0 0 0 Teacher Vacancy and Misassignment 0 0 n CAHSEE Intensive Instruction o 0 0 ô 0 0 0 and Services TOTAL Print Name of District Superintendent Regina L. Rossall Signature of District Superintendent Date Return the Quarterly Summary to: Wi I liarns Legi slation Implementation Proj ect Los Angeles County Office of Education c/o Kirit Chauhan, Williams Settlement Legislation 9300 hnperial Highway, ASM/Williams ECW 284 Downey, C1'90242 Telephone: FAX: E-Mail: (562)803-8382 (s62) 803-832s Chauhan_l([email protected] Re\'.1/29/14 WESTSIDE TINION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AGENDA Aprll7,2015 TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES PREPARED BY Robert Hughes, Deputy Superintendent SUBJECT: Personnel Report #15-16 The Board is requested to approve hatify the following personnel Recommendations: BACKGRoLIND MANAGEMENT CERTIFI CATED Employment Briggs, Jacob Byass, Godfrey Position/Location/Effective Date/Salary/Funding/Req. # dl20I4-20l5ruRGF/Req# I0I32 6/ S occer Coach/HV/Stipend/20 1 occer Coach/HV/Stipend/20 4-2 0 1 5ruRGF/Req# | 0 13 4 4 -20 15 /URGF/R eq# | 0 13 4 Calica, Alejandro S Curtier, Barbara Scorekeeper-Basketball Coach/JW/Stipend/20 1 4-20 1 5/URGF/Req# Elder, Gregg 6/7'r' Elder, Gregg 8th Girls Basketball Coacli/D S/Stipend/2 Ewaft, Aniko Student Council Coachl G AlStipend/2O | 4-2015/URGF/Req# 1 05 66 Hurlburt, Susan Student Council Coach/GA/Stipend/20 l5lURGF/Req# 1 05 66 Ocasio, Damaris S Sessions, Michelle Student Council Coach/GA/Stipend/20 cirls B 1 asketball Coach/D S/Stipend/20 I 4 -20 | 5 IURGF/Req# 0 | 4 -20 15 I 4 -20 corekeeper-B asketball Coach/AH/Stipend/20 1 I 0 1 98 0548 /URGF/R eq# I 0 5 49 4 -20 I 5 IURGF/Req# I 1 3 Sorensen, Todd 8'r' B oys Stucky, Caitlyn Scorekeeper-Basketball Coach/AH/Stipend/201 4-201 5 IURGF/Req# 1087 1 Volleyball Coach/JWStipend/20 Chanee Po Leaves Positio I si ti I 4 -20 o n/Lo c ati orVEffective T)af e/Sa I 1 1 I5lURGF/Req# 1 056 4 -20 | 5 IURGF/Req# 1 1 0 6 020 6 arvlFundin s/Reo. # vef)atel 2e Positiorllocation/Effective Date/ Separation CLASSIFIED Emplovment Aguilar, Lorena Position/Location/Effective Date/Salary/Funding/Req.# Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant IIICW12 hrs/per/dayl Step January 23 - Aprll 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/Req# I 087 7 I/ upervisor/2 hr s I per I daylS tep 6 I April 6 lt4ay 2l,2015lTitle III/Req# 10902 Aguina, Stacey Extra-Duty Alvarez, Fidelia Extra-Duty P I ay ground S upervi sor I 2 fu s I p er I daylS tep 2 I Mar ch 3 l/.ay 2I,Z}l5lTirle III/Req# 10900 Amador, Yvette Playground Supervisor/ URGF/Req# 10909 Ascencio, Linda Extra-Duty P layground S upervi s orl CW I 2l'tr s I per I day I SÍep 7 I January 23 -April 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# | 087 7 Attanasio, layground S G A1 .33 hrs/per/daylStep 1 /Mar ch 3, 20 I 5 I Rebecca Extra-Duty Playground Supervisor/EZl2hrslperldaylStep 2lMarch3}i4.ay Barriga, P Nennette 21,2015/Title III/Req# 10900 Extra-Duty Playground SupervisorlAHl2hrslperlday/Step l/March 13May 8,2}I5lTitle III/Req# 10914 Bravo, Lourdes Extra-Duty Playground Supervisor/QHl2 hrs/per/daylStep l/March 4May 13,2}l5lTitle III/Req# 10918 Campbell, Kim Extra-Duty P layground S upervisor I CW I 2hr s I p er I day I Step 6 I January 23 - Aprll 27, 20 | 5 I Sup Grant/Re q# I 087 7 Cananza,Tina Extra-Duty Instructional As si stant II I CW I 2 hrs/p erldaylStep 1 / January 23 - April 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# 1 087 7 Cons,Taylor SubstitutePlaygroundSupervisor/Step l/March 18,2015/URGF Cornwall, Janell Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant III CW 12 hrs/per/daylStep 6/ January 23 - Aprll 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# | 087 7 Depetro, Amanda Dykes, Carrte 2 Extra-Duty Playground Supervisor12Luslperlday/Step 2lMarch3l/.ay 2I,2}I5lTitle III/Req# 10900 Instructional Assistant IIIHV/3.5 hrs/per/daylStep 1/March 1 6, 20151 SDC/Req# 10788 Elithorpe, Lorraine Extra-Duty Playground Supervisor/2 fuslperlday/Step 2lMarch 3May 2l,2}l5lTitle III/Req# 10900 Embree, Mali Instructional Assistant IUIHV13 hrs/per/daylStep 1/March 16, 20151 SDC/Req# 10931 Fast, Marcinda Extra-Duty Instructi onal As si stant II I CW I 2 hrs/per/day I Step 2 I January 23 - April 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# I 087 7 Foster, Karen Extra-Duty Instructional As si stant II I CW I 2 hrs/per/daylS tep 1 / January 23 - ApriI 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# I 087 7 Gagliardi, Denise Extra-Duty General Clerk/CW2 hr s I per I daylStep April 27, 20 1 5/Sup Grant/Req# 1087 7 GaIaviz, Brianna Extra-Duty Playground S upervis or/CW2hrs/p er I day I Step 2 I January 23 - Ãpril 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# 1 087 7 Gudim, Joshua Instructional Assistant III G Al 3 hrs/per/daylStep 1 /Ap ril 6, 20 I 5 I SDC/Req# 10747 Gaytan, Maricela Extra-Duty Instructional Assistan t II I CW I 2 hrs/per/daylStep 1 / January 23 - Ãpril 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# I 087 7 Gleason, Claudia Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant IVDS/3 hrs/per/daylStep 6/April 1 6l/.ay 2l,2}l5lTitle III/Req# 10901 Gudim, Joshua Instructional Assistant III G Al 3 l'rsI pe I day I Step 1 /ApnI 6, 20 | 5 I SDC/Req# 10747 Hallum, Carolina Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant ll-BilinguallBzlz hrs/per/day I Step 6 I March 5-May 14,2}I5lTitle III/Req# 10899 Herman, Karen Extra-Duty General S ecretary/CW2 hrs/per/daylStep Aprll 27 ,20 1 5/Sup Grant/Req# 10877 3IJ anuary Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant II|CW12 hrs/per/daylStep 2l January 23 -April 21, 20 T 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# 1087 7 Michelle Extra-Duty Instructional AssistantIIlCW12 hrs/per/daylStep 8/ January 23 - Aprll 27, 20 | 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# I 087 7 Laughton, Megan 3 anuary 23 - Linda Hernandez, Hidalgo, 7IJ Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant III CW 12 hrs/per/daylStep 1 / January 23 - April 27, 20 |5lSup Grant/Req# 1087 7 23 - Lemus, Stephanie Lympany, Trisha Instructional Assistant II-RSP/VY13 hrslperlday/Step SDC/Req# 10789 i/ March 16,20151 Extra-Duty Instructional As si stant II I CW l 2 fu s l p er l day l Step 7 I January 23 - April 21, 2015/Sup Grant/Req# 1087 l McGovern, Melanie Short-Term Playground Supervisor/G{l.25 hrs/per/daylStep 1/ March 17, 201 5 lSup Grant/Req# 10952 Mclntyre, Kelly Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant III CW 12 hrs/per/daylStep 1 / January 23 - April 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/Req# I 087 7 Mercado, Rosa Extra-Duty P layground S up ervi sor/ CW I 2br s I p er I day I Step I I January 23 - ApriI 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# I 087 7 Moore, Jennifer Nua, Patricia O'Shann, Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant IIICW 12 hrs/per/day lStep 7 I January 23 - Aprll 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# I 087 7 Coach-Girls Soccer/JW/Stipend/February 1,2015/URGF/Req# 10196 Kathleen Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant II1CW12 hrs/per/daylStepTl January 23 - April 27, 20 I 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# I 087 7 Prim, Sandra Qarau, Mereoni Extra-Duty Playground S upervisor/QHl2 hrs/per/day/Step 1 /March 4May 13,2}I5lTitle III/Req# 10918 Extra-Duty Instructional As sistant IU CW I 2 hr s I p er I day I S tep 7/ January 23 - Ãpril 27, 20 | 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# 1 087 7 Rasmussen, Amanda Instructional Assistant IVSD/3 hrs/per/daylStep SDC/Req# 10905 1 /April 6, 201 5 I Reina, Vanessa Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant II I CW I 2 hrs/per/daylStep 1 / January 23 - April 21, 2015/Sup Grant/Req# 1087 7 Rocha-Martinez, Elizabeth Instructional Assistant III SDC/Req# 10938 G Al 3 .25 hrs/per/daylStep 1 /March 1 8, 201 5 I Rodriguez, Kathleen Extra-Duty Clerk IV-Library/ESF/1.{ot to Exceed 50 hrs/Step 2 August 13, 2014-June 4, 2015 IURGF/Req# 1 0148 Sanchez-Pleites, Anabell Sanderson, 4 Tomas Extra-Duty Instructional Assi stant II - B i lingu al lE Z l 2 hrs/p erlday l Step 6 l March 5-May 14,z}l1lTitle III/Req# 10899 Extra-Duty Instructional AssistantIIlCW12lu's/per/daylStep2l January 23 - Aprll 27, 20 | 5 I Sup Grant/R eq# 1 087 7 Shrederis, Martin Extra-Duty Playground Supervisor/ AHl2 hrs/per/daylStep 1 /March May 8, Z}I5lTitle III/Req# 10914 Stines, Sheri Extra-Duty Instructional Assi stant II I EZ I 2. 5 hrs/p erlday I Step 2 I March II, z}IllTitle III/Req# 10896 Taylor, Yesenia Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant Il CW 12 hrs/per/daylStep 1 / January 23 -April 27, 201 5 I Sup Grant/Req# 1087 7 Vasquez, Erika Extra-Duty Instructional Assistant III CW 12 hrs/per/daylStep I / January 23 - April 27, 20 l5lSup Grant/Req# I 081 7 Lisette Vucininch, 13 - Extra-Duty Instructional AssistantIIlEZl2.5 hrs/per/daylSrep 6l March ll, 2}l5lTitle III/Req# 10897 layground S upervisor/CW2hrs/p er I day I Step 3 I January 23 - April 27, 20 l 5 l Sup Grant/Req# 1 087 7 West, Landa Extra-Duty White, Erin Instructional Assistant IVSD/3 hrs/per/daylStep 1 /Ap rtl 6, 201 5 I SDC/Req# 10853 Winfrey, Ashley Short-Term Instructional Assistant VDS/. 6 hrs/per/daylStep 2/March 3 June 2, 20 1 5/Sup Grant/Req# I 0846 Wolanski, Lillian P Coach-Boys Soccer/JV//Stipend/February 1,2015/URGF/Req# 10196 Wood, Trisha Instructional Assistant ll-ComputerlCW13 hrs/per/daylStep 1/March20,20l5l Title I/Req# 10860 Change Positior/Locatior/Effective Date/S alarylFundins/Req. # Instructional Assistantll (3.25 hrs/perlday) to (3 hrs/per/day)/GA/Step 1/ March 12, 2015 ISDC/Req# 1 0908 Aguirre-Tomes, Carolina Cons, Taylor Substitute Playground Supervisor to Instructional Assistant II .25 tuslper I day\lSD/Step 1 /March 19, 20 LS/SDC/Req# 1 0906 (.3 Heckenliable, Michele Instructional Assistant II-Computer (3 hrs/per/day) to General Clerk I (3 hrs/per/dav)/DS/Step 1/April 6, 2075/URGF/Req# 10895 Mafünez,Elizabeth Instructional Assistant II (3. zhrslperlday) to (3 hrs/per/day)/RV/Step 1/ February 23, 201 5 I SDC/Req# 10821 McGovern, Melanie Instructional Assistant II (3.5 hrs/per/day) to (3 hrs/per/day)/GAlStep 2l March 12, 2015 ISDC/Req# 10907 5 Pearce, Shelley Instructional Assistant II (3.25 hrs/per/day) to (3.42 hrs/per/day)/RV/ Step 4/February 23, 201 5 lSDClReq# I 0862 Leaves Position/Location/Effective Date/ Separation Avalos, Erica PositiorVLocation/Effective Date/Reason Child Nutrition Assistant I/CN/March 12, 201 5 lTermination Barriga, Nennette Carswell, Destiny Instructional Assistant II/AH/March 18,2015/Resignation Playground Supervisor/SD/March 10, 2015/Resignation Gaines, Danielle Instructional AssistantIIlEZlMarch13,2}lslResignation Garcia, Jamie General Clerk/DS/March20,2015/Resignation Rangel,Luis Silva, Janeth PlaygroundSupervisor/GA/March3,2}l5lResignation Child Nutrition Assistant I/CN/March 18, 2015/Resignation Villaflor, Justiniano Instructional Assistant lllJWFebruary 6 27 ,2015/Resignation BOARD AGENDA Ãpril7 ,2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO PREPARED BY: Jeri Holmes, Purchasing Purchase Older Approval List SUBJECT: BACKGROUND Purchase orders are submitted for pre-approval if the purchase is over $7,500. Purchase orders are submitted for ratifìcation for items under $7,500 per the adopted policy. Items that have already been approved by virtue of individual board actiorVdirection are also included on the ratification list, even if their value is over $7,500 PROGRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION None CO ST ANALYSIS/FLTNDING SOURCE With approval of this action, the Board authorizes expenditures of: Approval Items All 106,135.88 Funds Ratifïcation Items: General Fund (01.0) Child Nutrition Fund (13.0) Deferred Maintenance Fund (14.0) Building Fund: Bonds (21.0) Capital Facilities Fund (25.0) County Facilities Fund (35.0) CFD's (49.0) 68,440.42 r,r43.13 0.00 rr2.60 0.00 1,280.00 0.00 Total 177,112.03 SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 2f PURCHASE ORDERS Approved/Ratified at the Meeting of April 7,2015 PO's for Board Approval (note: General Fund (01.0) monevs unless otherwise noted) Description/Fundinq Source Detail Vendor/Location # Amount P.O. P49I37 CDWG Computer Centers Anaverde P49I32 Hills CDWG Computer Centers lnc Chromebooks (35) Title 77,192.45 lnc HP Chromebooks (42) L3,518.38 I Hillview Supply Operations P49154 Rally Chevrolet Grounds M18313 Sea Supply Various Sites p49153 HP SEA General Fundlng and Common Core 27,596.55 Auto Scrubbers (2), Extractors (5) and Floor Machines (3) General Funding GMC 3500 Double Cab Truck 42,O33.90 General Funding Custodial Supplies - March 71,794.60 Operations Total PO's for Board Ratification Vendor/Location # Description/Fundinq Source Detail P49083 Shelly Dearinger Reimburse: 6th Grade Orientation Supplies Gregg Anderson General Funding Book: Stand Out P.O. P49084 P49085 Corporate Credit Human Resources CDWG Computer Centers lnc P49086 P49087 L4r.69 B&HPhotoVideo Joe Walker Local Site Funds Scholastic Inc Scholastic News: Grades l- through 5 Cottonwood Discount School Supply Kindergarten Play ltems Local Site Funds P49089 Cottonwood The Library Store lnc P49090 Cottonwood Top Bulb / Gray Supply Co. General Funding Epson Projector Bulb t44.77 Leona Valley Local Site Funds Southwest School Supply Leona Valley Copy Paper and Crayons 416.88 General Funding Printer Filaments Local Site Funds 104,38 P49093 Joe Walker Home Depot P49O97 P49098 P49099 P49tO4 2,462.06 204.64 Matter Hackers P49096 639.72 Library Supplies P49092 P49095 18.92 r38.79 P49088 P49094 200.00 HP Envy 4500 Wireless All-ln-One Printer (1) Local Site Funds P4909L Amount General Funding General Funding Go Pro Hero Action Camera (1) Joe Walker 106,135.88 1,000.00 Woodshop Supplies Joe Walker Local Site Funds Triarco Joe Walker Heart Boxes for Art Classes 740.17 Local Site Funds 937.40 Corporate Credit Fuji FinePix s9200 Cameras (4) Joe Walker Local Site Funds Ani Hyman Reimburse: Dancing Feet Supplies Del Sur Local Site Funds Project Lead the Way lnstruct¡onal Mater¡als Gregg Anderson Local Site Funds SOS Survival Products 157.00 91.28 577.37 Emergency Supplies Leona Valley Local Site Funds AVSTA Field Tri p Tra nsportation : AII Sites Board of Trustees and Reimbursables Mental Health Books State Mental Health OtterBox Case for iPad (1) 54.49 P49105 Corporate Credit Student Support Services Corporate Credit P491-06 Student Support Services CDWG Computer Centers lnc P49tO7 Anaverde Hìlls CDWG Computer Centers ìnc Feb rua ry 1,6-28, 2015 3,824.23 State Mental Health HP Chromebooks (10) Tirle lll 3,195.1.4 Logitech HD Webcam 98.08 7o'f4 04/07 /Is P49108 P49109 Educational Services Southwest School Supply Anaverde Hills Lavon Winslow Espera nza P49110 P49711 P49772 P49713 P49tt4 P49115 P49116 P49IL7 P491.L9 P49L22 rdstock Reimburse: lnstructional Materials Reimburse: James Norris Reimburse: Professional Development Supplies/Snacks Cottonwood Local Site Funds EL Supplies James Norris Reimburse: PLTW Supplies/Snacks Cottonwood Common Core Marguerite Johnson Educational Services Common Core Marguerite Johnson Educational Services General Funding Reimburse: "Go Blended!" Handbook (8) Reimburse: Tyvek Wristba nds Home Depot Woodshop Supplies Joe Walker Local Site Funds Southwest School Supply School Supplies Del Sur General Funding MAA Materials MAA: Medi-Cal Admin Act¡vities Staples Southwest School Supply Leona Valley Apple lnc Dry Erase Markers Common Core iPad Air (10) 400.00 100.00 300.00 L80.00 174.00 1,000.00 200.00 57.60 4,671.60 Common Core Communicator Folders 395,97 XIT Solutions General Funding HP Chromebook 650 G1 (1) 875.27 Joe Walker Local Site Funds Rochester 100 lnc On ly Battery Chargers and Batteries Joe Walker Local Site Funds 570.97 1,382.57 Dick Blick Art Materials Art Mater¡als Local Site Funds P49t24 School Health Corporation Supplies for Health Off¡ces P49L25 Health Services Freedom Concepts lnc General Funding Adaptive PE Play Equipment Repair Parts Student Support Services Special Education P49126 250.00 1,000.00 Joe Walker P49L23 69.55 Local Site Funds Title lll Del Sur P491.2r Ca Cottonwood Anaverde Hills P49L20 Binders, Sheet Protectors, Title lll James Norris Business Services P491.18 Common Core Learning A-Z Reading A-Z and Science A-Z Subscriptions Leona Valley Common Core 1,941.47 533.86 545.00 t,403.tL P49127 Coole School Secondary Planners Title P49728 Valley View Bohns Printing EL Folders 154.73 P49130 Educational Services Proactive Work Health Services General Funding Medical Services for Employees 329.00 General Funding P491-35 Human Resources Apple lnc Gregg Anderson Common Core Reimburse: Aeromodeling Club Supplies I 7,496.81 iPad Air (17) P49136 Brian Bastidas Local Site Funds P491.38 Hillview Marguerite Johnson Educational Services General Funding Docer¡ App School Wide Licenses (22) P49L39 P49140 Controls lnc Anaverde Hills SP Mobile-Tronics Co lnc Hillview Reimburse: LCAP Work Sessions Supplies and Lunch 400.00 719.40 Common Core Chromebook Charging Station Rhonda Pratt General Funding Reimburse: Home Economics Supplies Hillview Local Site Funds P49t45 Super Duper Publìcations Fluency Tool Kits Medi-Cal Billing Option P49L46 Student Support Services Pos¡t¡ve Promotions Leona Valley P491.42 500.00 "Whooo Makes a Difference" Materials L,0!6.41 88.00 2,00s.55 293.4r Local Site Funds 2of4 o4/o7 /Ls P49L47 Lancaster Chamber of Commerce Human Resources P49158 M18246 M18247 Grainger Risk Management Consolidated Electric Various Sites Flea Market Space (Recruitment) General Funding Protect¡ve Sleeves with Thumb Holes (200 each) Electrical Supplies - February Electrical Supplies - February All Phase Electrical Various Sites Various Sites Maintenance M18256 Lowes Maintenance Supplies Maintenance M18258 Various Sites PPG Architectural M18265 M18278a 960.03 Technology Johnstone Supply M18260 929.4s Operations Home Depot Various Sites M18254 2,s92.O2 General Funding Maintenance Supplies - February Operations HVAC Supplies - February M18253 225.O0 Paint Supplies - February Various Sites Maintena nce Smith Pipe and Supply Various Sites Westside Equipment Rentals Plumbing Supplies - February Neenach Maintenance Valley Construction Supply Hillview Power Cord 585.88 652.86 81.78 146.O7 2,342.90 Maintena nce Equipment Rentals 443.O0 16.45 Empire Floor Supply Maintenance Equ¡pment Repair Parts Maintena nce Maintena nce Simplex Grinnell Fire System Repa¡r Valley View Maintena nce M18328 Tire Xpress T¡res - Van 79 s88.64 M18331 Maintenance U nited Refrigeration, Inc. Operations Registration Fee for HVAC Seminar for M. Mason 32s.00 Maintenance Jaqua & Sons Maintenance Asphalt Patch Quartz Hill Operations U81250 Batter¡es Operations r90.97 M1-8337 Av Battery Specialists Hillview Ta rget Specialty Prod ucts Quikpro Herbicide Operations 1,033.19 M18338 Various Sites JB Wholesale Roofìng M78297 M1.8327 M18332 M18333 Roof Repa¡r Parts Hillview Maintena nce Phillips Draperies Anaverde Hills Perforated Vertical Blinds M18342 EB Bradley Key Board SIides & Shelf Support Maintenance M18343 Various Sites Kern Machinery M18344 Grounds Patriot Plumbing M18341 471.68 562.00 25.57 62.'J.4 327.O0 Maintenance 802.45 25 Gallon Deluxe Sprayer 306.89 13s.00 Del Sur Operations Plumbing Repair - Girls Restroom Operations M18346 Desoto Sales Carpet Glue 1.49.25 Maìntena nce M18349 Various Sites Southwest School Supply Desert Lock Company Office Supplies Operations Key for Cylinder Maintena nce Ma Inte na nce CWI Cal West Cable Hillview Operations Scoreboard Solutions Valley View MCM Electron¡cs District Office lnnovat¡ve Playgrounds Co, Repair Scoreboard Maintena nce M18351 M18352 M18353 M18354 M18355 ndown Patton Sales Su M18356 LLC Maintenance Flat PanelTV Mount Operations Replacement Slide for Kindergarten Playground 600.00 15.00 92.90 950.00 55.25 1,104.36 Maintenance Steel Ramp Supplies 189.51 3of4 o4l0t /7s Patriot Plumbing Maintenance Office Supplies Operations Repairs - Truck 80 Operations Plumbing Repairs - Boys Locker Room Del Sur Maintena nce M18362 Golden State Alarms Fire Alarm Repair Maintenance M18363 Hillview Grainger Strip¡ng Paint Maintena nce Maintena nce Valley Construction Supply Ma¡ntenance Supplies Maintenance Grounds Equipment Tire Repair Operations Lock Hardware Leona Valley M18357 Staples M18358 Maintenance Bob Howle Automotive Operat¡ons M18359 M18365 Maintena nce M18366 M18370 M18371 M18373 Mt8377 M18378 T¡re Xpress Ma¡ntenance Montgomery Hardware Maintenance Astra lndustrial Services Operations 401.50 975,00 292.72 91..t7 2s.26 2,689.37 313.66 Piston Assembly Operat¡ons 19.62 Keys Maintena nce Maintenance Mulch and M Topsoil Operations Empire Floor Supply Maintenance t23.62 Maintena nce Desert Lock Company C L37.21. 926.50 Operat¡ons 1,,r97.67 Windsor Extractor Repair Parts Operations Total 68,440.42 CHILD NUTRITION (13) P49144 Uline Hand Trucks (4) s38.18 M18246 M18254 Consolidated Electric Johnstone Supply Vortex lndustr¡es Electrical Supplies - February HVAC Supplies - February 158.57 Rolling Steel Door Repairs - CW 428.00 M18334 18.38 Total 1,143.13 Total 0.00 DEFERRED MAINTENANCE (14) No Purchase Orders for This Fund BUILDING FUND: BONDS (21) P49152 CDWG Computer Centers lnc 112.60 Surge Protectors: Gregg Anderson Lab #2 Total 112.60 Tolal 0.00 CAPITAL FACILITIES (25) No Purchase Orders for This Fund COUNTY FACILITIES (35} AH0208 Wire Rite, lnc. 1,280.00 Data and Electrical for Library Desk at Anaverde Hills Totol 7,280.OO Total 0.00 CFD's (49) No Purchase Orders for This Fund 4of4 04/o1 /L5 BOARD AGENDA Aprll7 ,2015 TO: BOARD OF TRUSTEES PREPARED BY Jeri Holmes, Purchasing SUBJECT Consultant/Contract Agreement S chedule BACKGROUND: Consultant agreements and contracts are brought to the Board in accordance with Board Policy 3312 for various putposes including student assemblies, in-house staff workshops, and vendor provided services. PRO GRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION These Consultant Agreements and Contracts provide supporl to the District's Educational Program COST ANALYSIS/FLINDING SOURCE : With approval of this action, the Board authorizes expenditures and incoming funds of: 0.00 0.00 Student Assemblies In-house Staff Workshops Vendor Provided Services Rental/Lease Contracts Incoming Funds Totøl 61,868.28 0.00 61,868.28 0.00 SUPERINTENDENT' S REC OMMENDATION Approval )o CONSU LTANT/CONTRACT AGREEMENT SCHEDULE - REVIS ED Rat¡fied/Approved atthe Board Meeting ofApríl 7, 2015 Dates Name/School S¡te Description/Fundinq Source Cost 2014-2016 Antelope Valley Community College 0.00 District MOU: Prof. Development & Support for Middle School Core Content Area Teachers and Science Olympiad Teams N/A John P Eliopoulos Hellenic Center Educat¡onal Services Banquet ServÌces for BTSA Colloquium Event BTSA Ongo¡ng Joseph Noah and Dana Noah Del Sur Caretaker Services N/A Summer 201 5 Shaw Contract Floor¡ng Serv¡ces lnc Joe Walker Carpet Replacement: Room L-5 Maintenance General Funding 3,417.82 Summer 2015 Shaw Contract Flooring Services lnc Carpet Replacement: Rooms 3 and 4 Maintenance General Funding 6,865. 19 D¡strict Off¡ce Summer 2015 Shaw Contract Flooring Services lnc Various Srtes Carpet Replacement: 10 Classrooms Maintenance General Funding 48.835.27 2015-2016 Educational Serv¡ces Pro Plan Subscr¡ption Renewal BTSA May 15, 2015 Total lncome 2,500.00 000 250.00 0.00 61,868.28 lnd¡v¡dual Seru¡ces Agreements These individuat service agreements falt under prev¡ously Board approved Master Contracts. All agreements are funded through Special Education general funds. Nonpublic School/Aqencv Community Communìty Community Community Community Community Therapies Therapres Therapies Therapìes Therapies Therapies Student lO Seru¡ce Occupational Therapy for Student Occupatìonal Therapy for Student Occupational Therapy for Student Occupational Therapy for Student Occupat¡onal Therapy Assessment for Student Student Observation and Attendance at IEP RtDGL100406t\¡001 cRANE 1 .12005t\it001 HARRJ0l 2306¡/001 BETWSl BELLQl 1 01 1208MOO'I 504r\4001 sTJUK0B2205l\4001 1of1 04to7 t15 BOARD AGENDA Aprrl7,2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO PREPARED BY: SUBJECT Jeri Holmes, Purchasing Conference/Workshop S chedule BACKGROUND: Conference requests are processed in compliance with Board Policy 3350 PROGRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION On-going staff development is a key to the success of the District's programs COST ANALYSIS/FLINDING SOURCE: With approval of this action, the Board authorizes expenditures of $17,938.56 SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 2h CONFERENCEMIORKSHOP SCHEDULE Rat¡f¡ed/Approved at the Board Meeting of April 7, 2015 Dates/Locat¡on T¡tle/Anendees/Fund¡nq 1 1-13, 2015 San D¡ego Access to Excellence for Students of Color l\,4arch March 27-28,2015 Buena Park Fund. Source Locat¡on James Norr¡s Cottonwood Renee Hofmann Educational Serv¡ces Aptil 1-2,2015 Daikin Tra¡n¡ng l\4arlin N4ason Title lvlaintenânce April 2, 2015 Fullerton April 7, 2015 Valencia Cal State Fullerton Job Fair Robert Hughes, Johanna Dymowski Human Resources Google Summ¡t Conference Tom l\¡orreale, N¡cole Bussell Educational Services Apfll 22-23,2015 San Diego Ma¡ntenance Weld¡ng Ryan Burdick 05.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 535.00 0.00 0.00 224.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 121.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 325.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 220.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 72,00 0.00 0.00 3.425.00 336.74 225.00 841.20 60.00 0.00 282.00 100.00 181.70 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 68.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 470.00 80.00 168.00 80.00 Common Core 't,020.00 000 000 0.00 Title lll LEP 349.00 650.00 85.00 89.00 Common Core Prentis Edwards, Teresa Johnson, Mon¡ca Campos Child Nutrition 1,560.00 Chíld Nutril¡on 990.00 General Fund¡ng Cal/OSHA Compliance Wayne Trussell 1 79.00 'f 50.00 0.00 000 General Funding l\4aintenance Bard HVAC Workshop 't21.OO 80.00 l\4arlin Mason lvlaintenance General Funding '135.00 Employment Practice Liab¡l¡ty Rhonda Hanson, Kerry Rush, Kim Blackstone Human Resoufces May 15-17,2015 Sacramento CSBA Delegate Assembly John Cur¡el, Gwendolyn Farrell Board of Trustees Jlly 7-12,2015 2015 Urban Super¡ntendents Summer Acad. Reg¡na Rossall Super¡ntendent Chanqes 204.00 598.00 lvlaÌntenance Park City, UT 25.00 Other General Fund¡nq 2015 Lead 3.0 Symposium Rebecca Davis Educational Services Horizon Users Group Conference May 15, 2015 Downey 675.00 Subs General Funding AV CABE (CA Assoc for B¡l¡ngual Educat¡on) 34 Attendees: Employees and Parents Educational Services Apr¡l 19-22, 2015 Atlanta, GA May 7-8,2015 Cypress 500 00 Parkino Marl¡n Mason Studio City Apr¡l 23, 2015 Lancaster M¡leaqe I Compressor & System Troubleshooting Apr¡l 9-10,2015 Apr¡l 16-18,2015 Redondo Beach Meals General Funding Maintenance Apltl 11,2015 Littlerock Lodq¡nq Common Core Handwr¡ting Without Tears Ontar¡o Reoistrat¡on 0.00 0.00 96.32 General Fund¡ng 0.00 667.60 280.00 840.00 General Fund¡ng 425.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 Generaì Funding No Changes Subtotals Grand Total 8,931 .00 3,202.34 875.00 2,765.22 385.00 220.00 17.938.56 '1 of 1 04t07 t15 ',f ,560.00 BOARD AGENDA April7,2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO PREPARED BY: SUBJECT Jeri Holmes, Purchasing Obsolete Item Disposal List BACKGROTIND Equipment Items: In accordance with Education Code 17546 sections (a) and (c) the governing board may deem that property not exceeding $2,500.00 in value is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging an auction sale and may be disposed of in the local public dump. For safety and liability reasons, equipment items deemed obsolete or non-tepairable by the Board of Trustees will not be made available to employees or other individuals or organizations. Instructional Materials : In accordance with Education Code 60510 the governing board may deem that instructional materials are surplus andlor obsolete. These materials may be donated or sold according to sections (a) through (e). PROGRAM/E,DUCATIONAL IMPLICATION None COST ANALYSIS/FTINDING SOURCE The current estimated market value of items on the attached list has been deemed by authorized District personnel to be under $2,500.00. Due to limited staff and storage space, it is more cost effective for the District to dispose of unusable items on a regular basis rather than accumulate items for auction. SUPERINTENDE,NT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 2i EQUIPMENT DISPOSAL LIST Board Meeting of April 7,2015 EQUIPMENT/SERIAL # DESCRIPTION P35888-01E P373L2-0r Computer Computer Computer Dell Printer 46-P38898-01 HP LaserJet Printer P35888-01P s/n BNBHN4l DISPOSAL REASON SITE Joe Walker Obsolete Joe Walker Obsolete Joe Walker Obsolete Joe Walker District Office Obsolete Obsolete 1of1 04t07 t15 BOARD AGENDA Aprrl7 ,2075 BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO PREPARED BY: SUBJECT Regina L. Rossall, Superintendent Resolution 15-30 and Proclamation for Volunteers BACKGROIIND: The V/estside Union School District Board of Trustees declares April 12-18,2075, as National Volunteer Week and extends its appreciation for the dedicated suppoft, service and commitment to children for the many valued volunteers from each school. The attached list is the volunteers from each site. PRO GRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION : These volunteers have served the District in a variety of ways to support our programs; they have contributed in the education of our students. We thank them for giving their time, talent and heart to the children of Westside. COST ANALYSIS/FUNDING SOURCE : No cost associated with the resolution SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval a J Union School District DISTRICT OFFICE ZTeiãNTorßTiõfWest Quartz Hill, CA 93536 Pointing the way, praviding the path Steve DeMarzio (661\ 722-0716 Gwendolyn Farrell Linda Jones Joan Sodergren REGINA L. ROSSALL District Superintendent Resolution 15-30 Fax: (661) 206-3645 ROBERT HUGHES Deputy Superintendent Human Resources Fax: (661) 974-8565 MARGUERITE JOHNSON Assistant Superintendent Educational Services Fax: (661) 974-8588 SHAWN CABEY Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services Fax: (661) 942-0058 SCHOOL SITES ANAVERDE HILLS SCHOOL Kristin Gellinck-Frye, Principal COTTONWOOD SCHOOL James Norris, Principal DEL SUR SCHOOL Jessica Kott, Principal ESPERANZA SCHOOL Nicole Hernandez, Principal GREGG ANDERSON BOARD OF TRUSTEES John Curiel NATIONAL VOLU NTEER WEEK, 201 5 Whereas, Our Nation has been profoundly shaped by ordinary Americans who have volunteered their time and energy to overcome extraordinary challenges. From the American Revolution and the Seneca Falls Convention to the everyday acts of compassion and purpose that move millions to make change in their communlties, our Nation has always been at its best when individuals have come together to reallze a common vision. As we continue to pursue progress, service and social innovation will play an essential role in achiev¡ng our highest ambitions -- from a world-class education for every child to an economy built to last. During National Volunteer Week, we pay tribute to all who give of themselves to keep America strong, and we renew the spirit of service that has enriched our country for generations. Whereas, That spirit lives on today in countless acts of service around our country. We are reminded how volunteer work can expand opportunity not only for those in need, but also for those who give. Service can teach valuable skills that pave the way to long-term employment and stay with volunteers throughout their careers and lives. Whereas, Volunteers are the lifeblood of our schools and community groups. From working in the classroom with students to mentoring atrisk youth, these everyday heroes make a real and lasting impact on the lives of the children in our schools. Whereas, Service is a lifelong pursuit that strengthens the civic and economic fabric of our Nation. With every hour and every act, our lives are made richer, our communities are drawn closer, and our country is forged stronger by the dedication and generous spirit of volunteers. ACADEMY Shelly Dearinger, Principal HILLVIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL Rob Garza, Principal JOE WALKERMIDDLE SCHOOL Steve Wood, Principal LEONA VALLEY SCHOOL Sandla Jones, Principal/Teacher NOW, THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED, that the Westside Union School District Board of Trustees do hereby proclaim April 12-18 2015, as Westside Volunteer Week. We call upon all citizens of the Westside Union School District to observe this week by volunteering in service projects across our school district and In our community and pledging to make service a part of their daily lives. This resolution is adopted on the 7'h day of April, 2015, in the community of Palmdale, California. HÌLL SCHOOL Cathy Bennett, Principal QTJARTZ RANCHO VISTA SCHOOL Tom Mon'eale, Principal John Curiel, President Gwendolyn Farrell, Vice President Linda Jones, Clerk Joan Sodergren, Member SUNDOWN SCHOOL Timothy Barker, Principal VALLEY VIEW SCHOOL Scott llrewer, Plincipal MOUNTAIN SCI{OOL Laula Duran, Principal/Teacher WESTSIDE ACADEMY Deborah Rutkowski-Flines Principal/Teacher' Steve DeMarzio, Member @ @ lhe ^l,Vestsíle "ROÇf54i\4AÚO5f 'llníon Scftoo[ Dístríct tsoarl of lrustees ftereíy yrocfaírn Ayrí[ n-t9, zot5 As 'W íle T o funt e er ^W e e þ. In ? ahnlafe anl L anc a,s t er e sts Cøßforníø ^lúe urge our feffow cítízens to joín tñe vofurtteer effort ín our conLTvnLrlitíes 6y vohutteeríng artlrecognízíng tñose wño serye. Toñ,mteeríng yrotnotes feffowsftíy anlunítrj, øs weff as íncreases corrnrnLníty a'warerless. joín wítñ us ltuíng Jtfatíonafltofimteer ^l,VeeÉ. to "Cefe6rate Tofurtteers-Syírít of Ameríc&" anlfoster tñese yosítítte ínítíatíves. ?fease Ayrí[ 7, 2or5 Joñn CuríeC ßoørl ?resílent @ @ Westside Union School District 2014-15 Volunteers Anaverde Hills Anaverde Hills continued DIANA ALABERKYAN JANET JOHNSON ARACELY JONES ALEJANDRA JUAREZ ANITA KING CYNTHIA LARA REX MACHEN ALENA MAKUTSEVICH BOBBY MAPES STACEY MEDINA LOURDES MERA ROSA MERCADO JESSICA MILLER MONICA MORENO JONATHAN NAVAS ERIC NEWBERN MIRNA NONO KRISTIN OSUNA CHANTELLE PARTEE-BERRY NOELLE PECARARO SARAH PERITO ALEX PLACENTIA BERNADETTE PLACENTIA FLOR RAMOS TAWNEY ROBLES JULIA ROSE LINDA ROUSH HEATHER ROUSH MARIBEL RUIZ DENISE SANCHEZ NORMA SAUCEDO MARTIN SHREDERIS CATHY SICILIANO ANIALABERKYEIN NANCY ALVAREZ VICTORIA ARCE ANGELINA ARCE ORLANDO ARGUELLO SUSANA AYALA MONICA AZPEITIA KARINA BECERRA BRANDI BERNSTEIN ALYSSA BORJA STEPHANIE BORJA ROCIO BRANDT JESSICA CARILLO ANA CHAVEZ RENEE COLLARD JENNY COMETE JULIE COTTRELL LAURA COX SHIRLEY DEJESUS EDWIN DEJESUS NORMA DELESDERNIER DAWN DROSSELL AIDE ESPINO ANGELA FRENCH JESSICA FRIAS FRANCINE GAMBOA JENNIFER GILLESPIE TAMARA GOINES TARA GOINES JENNIFER GONZALES GIA GREANX JANICE GREIDA KARRELL GRUG STACY HENDERSON LINDA HENDRIX YOLANDA HEREDIA LAUREN HERNANDEZ EDDIE HERNANDEZ MARIA HERRERA MICHAEL HINES CRISTINA HONORATO DIANA JATICO QUENTIN SMITH JOHN SOTELLO LAURA SPARKMAN KEVIN SPENCER AMY SPENCER KATIE SPENCER VICTORIA STRENK ANDREW TALLOSI ELISA VALDIVIA CARMEN VALENZUELA JULIA VICTORIA 1 Del Sur continued Laura Allison llene Anderson Kent Anderson Scott Bauer Patricia Bothuel lsavra Bramer Mary Briscoe-Cushman Azjhuree Brown Vanessa Butler Dolly Cannavan SHANNON WESOLOWSKI KIMBERLY WIGFALL JOANNE WILSON CECELIA YUNG Cottonwood Bernadette Aguilar Karla Artiga Mirna Avalos Linda Birkmeyer Martha Blanco Brenda Butler Tina Carranza* Monica Ciccarelli Karen Delgado Nancy Del Salto Andrea Fausto Will Finnegan Miho Frederick Becky Freitag Christina Fuentes Brandi Garcia Tish Gracey Andrea Greer Veronica Griffith Becky Hand lvanna Heater* Karyn Hennigan-Linn Rebecca Hooper Matt Hooper Cheryl lndihar Kathy Jelsvick Kim Kilgore Chris Lindsay Debbie Lourito Liliana Mattei Melanie Mitchell Yesenia Najere Columbia Nelson Lan Nelson Connie Nimigean LizaDiaz Teresa Epling Maria Garita Rosio Jordan Arlene Larkin Amber Macias Anita Mercado Rosa Mercado Yvonne Orris Brianna Palomino Christine Parra Anthony Pruitt Corinne Quarles Kimberly Riegel Catherine Ruth Lisa Salas Veronica Sexton Alina Shahbazyan Maria Shahbazyan Diana Simmons Jennie Smith Janet Spaulding Kelly Spaulding Edith Torres Rosalba Torres Gina Vanzuylen Jessica Weber Amy Norman Heather Petito Jamie Purpus Rosa Ramirez Mary Redmayne Eric Schmidt Jammie Shedden Kristen Sheils Kristi Smith Kyle Smith Trina St. Pierre Del Sur Deanna Adams Nicole Allen 2 Del Sur continued Michelle Sulz Tracy Thompson Sandra Tomczak Cristina Vaca Elleen Villarreal Marlene Walsh Melissa West Esperanza continued Tammy Elliott Tami Escalante Genoveva Figueroa Rebecca Fockler Charles Ford Melinda Francis Annette Franco Melinda Francis Nancy Galler Gustavo Garcia Mona Gerges Katie Glatfelter Aida Gonzalez Eloisa Gonzalez Sara Goodwin Linda Gov Gary Graves Charmela Griffith Elaine Griffiths Jennifer Haddock Rajeev Haymond Leana Herman Marisela Hernandez Brandi Hill Sherry Holmes Tiffany Horton* Lori Howell Jan Hulsey Bettina Hutchinson Angela Hutson Jessica Jackson Sylvia Jones LeighAnn Kay Mary Kechedzhyan Alicia Keeley Sim Kim Mary Jane Kith Stacey Kleespies Kristen Kneifl Jennifer Lear Jeanie Lee Sara Lennox Susana Leon Esther Levesque Susan Limb Audrey Lugo Esperanza Gabriella Alfaro Farhat Ali Melissa Almarez Jessica Aneola Hala Assphor Noeira Ayala Can Bach Marina Badalyan lsabel Balian Stevie Ballard Aracely Banuelos Brianna Barnes Monica Baron Claudia Barraza Erika Barrios Aleida Herbach Belolla Melanie Bigley Lorena Blanco Lisa Burbano Vanessa Reina Camposeco Julie Cardenas Joe Chang Suhaili Chavira Jeanne Clanton Sandra Collins Corey Conroy Violeta Cordova Marta Coreas Katherine Cornejo Denise Coss Maria Davis Rachel Day Janis DeLaTorre Adriana Delgado Ceja Angela Diaz Brandy Dodson Dedra Duval 3 Esperanza continued Esperanza continued Jocelyne Machaalani Sofia Managadze Rachel Manning Perla Marin Nicole Martin Jessica Martinez Xiomara Masfener Tracy McKinney lnes McMahon Carrie Mecham Satie Montemayor Yolanda Moreno Rebecca Moylan Susana Najar Bushra Nasser Yesica Niemeyer Shae Nonruood Davina O Connor Silvia Ortuno Cheryl Palmer Tony Panoussi Lindsay Papathakis Shelley Pearce Hilda Pelayo Michele Sobelman Ruth Sosa Rocio Soto Katie Spalliero Heather Stiner Stephanie Sturm Casandra Swan Jeff Teixeira MaribelTirado Ashley Titsworth Phillip Titsworlh Laurie Toneman Roxana Turcious Valerie Vaca Bethany Varney Desiree Velasco RachelWhitehead Jayme Wright Tabatha Wright Jacqueline Zelaya Gregg Anderson Academy Karen Acosta Danny Adams Araceli Pena FerialAhmadi Danyel Pepaj Rachel Phelan Julie Plata Mereoni Qarau Fatina Rafeh Josette Ramirez Yvonne Ramirez Maria Rangel Tina Rea Lisa Renteria Rachel Rickson Adriana Rubalcaba Lindsay Sapp Bonnie Schaefer Brian Schiller Diane Schiller Britta Schneider Aracely Serrano Silvia Sharma Stephanie Smirnoff Lyndsay Smith Josephine Alamillo Seleana Alden Christian Allgood Christine Allison-Cohn Glenda Anderson Kathleen Anderson Roy Anderson Caressa Andreas Stacey Andrews Debra Angelillo Jennifer Arellano Mayra Arauz Jennifer Arvidson Jessica Ayala Cecelia Bancalari Natalie Barber Mia Barry Marisela Basulto 4 Greqg Anderson continued Gregq Anderson continued La-Nay Batchelor Samantha Curtis Lisa Beale Rachel Curzi Dan Bear * Denise Daaku-Wood Monica Beasley James Davis Barbara Best Lisa Davis April Billet-Lindsay Sia Dawes Michelle Blanco Michelle Day Amy Bodnar Svetlana DePlazes James Bonner Hadil Diab-Hadaya Michelle Bonner Michael Diaz Melissa Borror Eva Ditto Jennifer Brady Deborah Domsalla Lejui Brand Tyler Dougherty Stephanie Brandt Tracey Doyle Lourdes Bravo Jeanette Duarte Robert Breiner Oscar Duarte Cheryl Broad Rebecca Egan Susie Brooks Susannah Eggleston Ashley Brown Mara Elizondo Mirla Bugarin Melissa Engstrom Rachel Byers Victoria Erfle Lorena Byrod MaryBeth Ericson Silvia Caballero Alana Esparza Jennifer Cain Mireya Estrada Kim Calder Tracy Favela Rosaria Campanile-Minneci Karen Fenderson Maria Caram Claudia Fiala Erika Carrera Louise Fitch Christina Carrillo Bobbie Fletcher Raquel Carrillo Sara Florez Martha Casanova Kristin Forshee Megan Casaus Rikka Fountain lrene Chapa-Rogers Shawna Foxgrover Robin Chartier Becky Freitag Antoinette Chavez Jennifer French Jennifer Christensen Danielle Gaines Lacy Collier Stephanie Gaines Dana Collins Jose Galaviz Liana Cornejo-Mosmann Lorena Galaviz Grace Cumberbatch Giannina Gamboa Amy Cummins Elizabeth Garcia Gene Cummins Marcela Garcia 5 Greqq Anderson continued Greqq Anderson continued Safia Gilani Jacqueline Kearl Pamela Gins-Cook Noelle Kei Nicole Glancy Jeff Kelley Jared Goldstine Sherry Kelley lvonne Gonzalez llona Keough Natalie Gordon Rosy Knight Edith Gorman Deeann Kojnik Shannon Goss Kelly Landers Shayna Goss Laurie Larey Pollyann Gowrie-Knox Michael LaRosa Socorro Graham Autumn Lawrence Carmen Gregory Elizabeth Layton Christine Gridley Cindy Lee Jennifer Grigsby Jenny Leite Limarie Guzman Sarah Lewelling Stacey Halvorsen Brandystarr Libitsley Jaymee Hardaker Frank Lightbourn Yolanda Harding Sarah Lightbourn Lori Hardy Raymond Linstrom Tyshon Hardwick Marybel Lopez Johnny Harrell Melissa Lutgen Sarah Harris Stephanie Madison Kimberly Harvey Filza Malik Aasma Hasan Amy Manley Amy Heath Saundra Maria Carlos Hernandez Jennifer Martin Obdulia Herrera Jennifer Martin Tulia Herrera Nicole Martin Rashall H Jackie Martinez ightower-Stickel Megan Hilzendeger Paula Maston Sachi lkeuchi Sandra Mayo Cynthia Jaime Melanie McCabe-Soundy Subhashnee Jayaraman Delia McGilbray Debbie Jazwiecki Melanie McGovern Staci Jefferson Vanessa McWherter Ashley Johnson Linda Mehl Elia Johnson Elizabeth Meiser Jennifer Johnson Reggie Mendenhall Joy Jones Catherine Miller Melita Juliano Linnea Miller Rabia Kamran Elizabeth Minshew Hina Kashis Kara Miscione 6 Greqq Anderson continued Greqq Anderson continued Betty Mitchell Gina Reaves Muriel Molho Kimberly Redding Mary Montagut Skeeter Redding Gail Monti Sayne Redifer Karen Moore-Monge Shanna Reed Deborah Mortimer Amber Reyes Kent Moser Erica Rico Vanessa-Joy Moya Megan Riley Patricia Munro James Rock Murray \liuzzall Melissa Rockey Sandra Naef Crystal Rogers Nicole Nakagawa Michael Rogers Angela Neff Cherie Rose Paul Nelson Nicole Rossmango Terri Nelson Gretchen Rutledge Nicole Nichols Travis Sabadin Gladys Nubla Amy Sabo Liezel O'Brien Jacqueline Salas-Harjes Minyoung 0h Kimberly Sandhu Monica Olsen Kortney Sandoval Zoe O'Neill Monica Santillan Chukwuji Onianwa Tiffany Schumaker Roxana Orozco Julie Schultz Lorena Ortega J Shelley Maria Ortiz Darnisha Shepherd Yolanda Padilla-Boylan Michael Shepherd JiYoun Park Shelly Shepherd Katholiki Pastounaki Dante Simi Anagha Patwardhan CherylSmith Pilar Perez Joyce Smith Kristina Perry Lindy Smith Sarah Pesses Marlene Smith Claudia Petryshyn Stacee Smith Courtney Phelan Hanna Spellmeyer Stephanie Pintado Hollie Stewad Diana Pittack Matthew Stewart Susan Pivovaroff Stephanie Sturm Melissa Pleer Andrea Stutelberg Natasha Pollette Christine Swick Kerry Pofter Ana-Maria Talley Michelle Prado-Ferrin Kathryn Taylor Maria Quebrado Cindy Theroux 7 Greqq Anderson contin ued Hillview continued Karina Thompson Cecelia Bancalari Kassandra Towle Cheyenne Clark RaquelTrejo Dana Clark Jenny Tremonti Denise Daaku Michelle Trevillyan Elia Johnson Krista Tumber Filza Malik Diane Valadez Franck Rosenthal Jami Valenzuela Giselle Gonzalez Megan Vandecar Hayley Balfour Meghan Van Dyne Heather Flores Jaime Van Holton Holly Nekouie Zandinejao Sarah Vendal Juanita Amaya John Vento Kathy Kross Sarah Vento Kathy Ritchie Christine Wagner Lisa Sumner Ashley Waldron Lisa Warnig Francine Walton Lorena Aguilar Jeanette Ward Marisela Hernandez Jeffrey Ward Marta Candray Clint Weir Melissa Damron Evelyn Wilcox Menaka Tyagi Lorelei Wilson Michelle Kewley Valerie Wohler Monica Baron Andrea Wood Morgan Simmons-Kellie Kaley Wood Rachael Clark Lilia Wood Radhika Kumar* Michelle Woolley Roxana Turcios Daphne Wong Sabrina Jauregui Julie Young Sally Youssef Lisa Yoo Sandy Jones Jeanny Zeng Sara Gifford Shirley Layson Hillview Sia Dawes Aasma Hasan Stephanie Bolin Alina Shahbazyan Tamara Carr Amy Shibley Trevor Simmons-Kellie Andre Sandsness Yolanda Gaines Aturnia Spear Becky Jauregui Joe Walker Brenda Crump Alvis, Bob Brianna Barnes Alvis, Kami Bridgett Pitt Barajas, Celia 8 Joe Walker continued Joe Walker continued Bryden, Sophie Woodsen, Tasha Burgis, April* Woolston, Denise Castillo, Natalie Chavez, Stephanie Leona Vallev Chung, Cydney Brandie Burton Raina Clark Jeanine Davis Adrianne Driscoll* Brock Driscoll Terri Duarte James Duben Jennifer Duben* Lezli Emerson Mary Lou Foster Danielle Garrity Shammah Guffey Cathy Harris Kahender Henderson Kasey Houser Kim Kemp Tom Kemp Deborah Maciel Desirea Mosman Kathy Owen Darlene Perales Stephanie Pettingill Nancy Pohlig Bridget Rust Hannah Rust Katelyn Rust Patti Soper Robin Soukup Lynn Taflinger Kristen Talbott Cathy Toso Tania Williams Virginia Williams Curiel, Alex Davison, Kevin Dok, Brittany Drake, Julie Escobar, Darlene Flora, Jaslyn Flores, Edith Foster, Bob Gonzalez, Ana Harsla, Sarah Huerta, Elaine lbarra, Ariana Larson, Melissa Le, Chau Le, Nhan Lee, Timothy Lehman, Rebecca Leonard, Doris Lim, Donald Macedo, ltzel Martinez, lsidro Mendes, Madison Morris, Ana Morris, Donald Nua, Lance Overa, Angelique Perez, Manny Phair, Krishna Rios, Clari Ruddy, Jen uartz Hill Shepherd, Shelly Sarah Acosta Amber Adams Beverly Adams Jessica Bacco Alice Baker Rae Barbuscia Spencer, Donna Troutman, Vincent Valenzuela, Haley Varela, Ruby Winchester, Ashley Wolfe, Dora 9 Quartz Hill continued Natalie 0'Connor Quartz Hill continued Farrah Beam Christie Beesley Jenifer Blakley Salena Caceres David Christensen Zach Christensen Lisa Coleman-Husher Debbie Cummings Connie Oakes Mary Omar Corrie Pederson Stacey Platt Angela Powers Cynthia Renelli Danielle Reyna Ed Santacruz Frances Santacruz Kimberly Saucedo Debbie Severs Aisha Davison Robin Dean Marie Dillenbeck Allicia Dillon Olivia Dobbins Heather Dotson Edward Figueroa Monique Flores Shannon Freiberg Sergio Gonzalez Julieta Green Janine Guzman Christol Helphingstine Julie Herron Chrissy Heywood Vanesha Hunt Gerardo lbarra Melissa Jazwiecki Ashley Jusino Jenifer Kephart Stacey Kern Derelle Kinsinger Linda Kirschner Ria Langer Melissa Larson Vicky Ledesma Anna Manzanares Marjorie Marks Jennifer Mercer Tina Miller Lisa Moscoso Rene Moscoso Tera Motz Leah Nealey Carrie Nellans* Majella Nilo Mia Nilo Cynthia Shipp Evan Shipp Cathy Siciliano Elisha Smith Jamie Smith Ginger Stout Ben Sunderland Peter Sweeney Amanda Thompson Glenda Valladares Tom Young Rancho Vista Gina Alcala Erica Amaya Juanita Amaya Michaela Audette Teresa Bouthillier Jeanne Briscoe Jeanie Briscoe Niki Caballero Yvonne Campos Dana Clark Mikey Clark Cynthia Collado Robin Dace Gen David Sissi Davis Kayla DePew Gina DePasquale Sarah Dickinson Amber Fishbach Max Gayol Sara Gifford Ana Nutt 10 Rancho Vista continued Sundown continued Carol Gonzales Rhonda Gonzalez Laura Goodwin Cristina Guadiana Jeanette Guerra Richard Hansen Nancy Heming Devon Hernandez Norine Javorsek* Hyo Young Joo Kendra Kaneshiro Valerie Lang Kathy Lyon Patricia Madrigal Jessica Maloney Melissa Mann Azucena May Erika Martin Shelly Moreno Cindy Munoz Joann Nemeth Eunyoung Park Pilar Perez Alicia Rindlisbacher Jennifer Santana Joylyn Shreeves Telly Telly (yes, that is correct) Lisa Thompson-Boudreau Karen Toews Gina Tyson Christina Vail Lori Vasquez Christine Wagner Natalie Brockbank Nelson Brown Sirikul Brown Emily Castillo Jeanna Castro Dominic Castro Ruby Chahal Lauren Clancy Belinda Conor Roxana Diaz Stephanie Dodd Crystal Dothard Deb Dunham Robin Eddy Corda Galloway Julie Galvez Rosalyn Garcia Julie Garibay Valentina Gerbitz Roberta Gonzales Robyn Hawley Barndon Holderbach-Lee Kylie Holderbach-Lee Leila Holmes Karen Hostetler Jill Huntziker Nicole lngalls Melissa lppolito Marlene Johnson Sharon Kennedy Floy Laquidera Jackie Lara Carina Leal Les Lopez Glenda Lopez Michelle Mayer Aleisha McFarlane Loni McKinney Kyle McWhorter Alyson McWhorter Linda Mehl Leticia Nieblas Laurie Nordman Katherine 0'Mara Elba Wang Sharon Walker Tami Yoshikawa Sundown Jackie Alcorn Carissa Alvarez Tracie Ashley Martha Ayala Heather Beyer Lacey Bilbruck Julie Boyd Martha Ortiz Amy Parkinson Shawnte Breschi 1.1 Sundown continued Vallev view Maria Patao Alison Patino Yukiko Pontius Gloria Powell Sabrina Praeuner Chantinoah Rafaele Chantaravimon Rattanasaksun Steven Rivera Natailie Rosado Andrea Seebacher Sarah Smith Brittany Symons Kaoru Thomas Valerie Toepper Coutney Tomlinson Maria Torres Amanda Tuminero Cynthia Velos Alice Wallace Maggie Walsh. Arianah Watts Sonia Whitehead Joy Williams Maria Zuniga Mireya Aceves Kelly Alessi Misty Asleson Linda Blessing Keri Blessing-Lindsay Kimi Broesel Priscilla Campa America Dowd GeGe Duxbury Kerri Ellyson* Jamie Green Veronica Guitron Janice Hall Tiffany Hilliard Elyssa Jones Jill McCaughey Jamie Michalski Analisa Minero Griselda Perez Stephanie Ramirez Esmeralda Rincon Hannah Salvesvold Nicole Seager Fernando Torres Jessica Vargas Monica Wyly * Site Volunteer of the Year 12 BOARD AGENDA Ãpril7,2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: Marguerite Johnson, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services Site Plans for Joe Walker and Cottonwood Schools BACKGRoLTND Throughout the year, our schools look in depth at student achievement. As a result of that focus on student achievement, School Site Councils utilize that information to assist in the development of the school plan (Single Plan for Student Achievement), which incorporates student improvement goals with a spending plan. As required by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), all plans must be aligned with the LEA Plan approved by the Board in March 2010. Emphasis in the single plan must be on language arts and math, and include strategies to improve performance of subgroups that did not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). PRO GRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION The sites' Single Plans reflect o . . o Alignment with the District's areas of instructional focus: o Meaningful student engagement for all students o Full and effective use of district-adopted instructional materials o Use of data to guide and inform daily instruction o Use of learning objectives Alignment with the Local Education Association Plan (LEAP) Addendum Differential Instruction for English Learners and at-risk students Intervention plans for those students at risk of not meeting grade level expectations The Plans will be revised and updated to align with the Local Control Accountability Plan once it has been developed. COST ANALYSIS: These plans contain the spending plans for each of the school sites, and will be balanced to the income received. SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 4 SEPARATE ATTACHMENT Joe Walker and QuartzlJtll Site Plans BOARD AGENDA Aprrl7 ,2015 TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES PREPARED BY: Marguerite Johnson, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services SUBJECT: Medi-Cal Collaborative for Healthy Children BACKGROIII{D The Local Educational Agency (LEA) Medi-Cal Billing Option program provides the federal share of reimbursement for health assessment and treatment for eligible children and family members within the school environment. The LEA Medi-Cal Billing Option is administered by the Deparlment of Health Care Services. Schools can now bill Medi-Cal for health & medical services (nursing, speech, counseling, and psychological for students by LEA Medi-Cal providers (nurses, speech pathologists, counselors, psychologists, etc) in the district. Reimbursements from the Billing Option must be used to supplement and not supplant existing state and federal funding. assessments and treatments) provided LEAs must establish an interagency human service group to make decisions about the reinvestment of LEA Medi-Cal funds. The purpose of LEA Medi-Cal Collaborative is to make collective decisions about planning, implementing, financing, and monitoring school-linked child and family support systems. It is also the responsibility of this collaborative to identify school needs; how to best meet those needs and to reinvest funds into schools to address those needs. PROGRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION Funding generated from the program is utilized to supplement health services provided by the District. COST ANALYSIS/FLTNDING S OURCE The district ended 2013-14 with $453,176.74 in total revenue, with an ending balance of $461,991.95. The Medi-Cal Collaborative for Healthy Children is recommending the following uses for the ending balance 2013-14 Revenues Beginning Balance Revenue Total Revenues I470,848.53 $ 4s3.176.74 s 924,025.27 5 Expenses Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Statutories & Benefits Paradigm Contract Indirect Costs (6.66% of total expenses) Materials & Supplies Travel & Conferences Consultants & Contractor Services Total Expenses Ending Balance Uses of Ending Fund Balance Continued from prior year : 20% Nurse Salary LVN Salary Speech Aide Salaries s 50,832.24 s r25,097.22 $ 32,831.99 s 76,0t7.92 $ 28,850.01 $ 42,304.94 $ 99.00 $ 106,000.00 s 462.033.32 $ 461,991.95 for 2014-15: $ 36,606.19 $ 35,042.98 $ 11r,240.52 Paradigm Contract Pre-Approved Expenses from 2013 -14 Indirect Costs (5.56% of $461,991.95 of expenses) $ 70,000.00 $ 44,200.00 s 24.333.79 Subtotal s 321.423.48 Previously App roved Exp en ditures fo r 201 4-15 z Spring 2015 Proposed Expenditures for 2014-15 Savings from Fall 2014 Expenditures Updated Speech &.Language Assessment Tests LED Insta-Line Quantum machine and Near Vision Test Cards V/oodcock Johnson Psychologist Based Assessment Test Kits WISK #5 Psychologist Based Assessment Test Kits IECP Training for Aides - Summer 2015 Any remaining funds captured from additional savings will be utilized to increase the scope of the IECP Training Total Spring 2015 Proposed Expenses SUPERINTENDENT' S REC OMMENDATION Approval $ 128,327.00 $ (10,926.00) $ $ $ s $ $ s 9,030.00 2,140.00 3,263.00 2,725.00 6,000.00 tu¿ 12,232.00 BOARD AGENDA Apr1l7,2015 TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES PREPARED BY Marguerite Johnson, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services SUBJECT Revised Board Policy/Administrative Regulations- First Reading BACKGROLTND Annually policies are reviewed by CSBA and changes are suggested as a result of either recent judicial rulings or legislative enactment. Changes to BP/4R5123 suggested by CSBA make our policies consistent with law. These policies and regulations have also been revised to reflect the impact of changes of funding for supplemental instruction programs. This is the first reading of the policies and administrative regulations. PRO GRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 0420.1- School Based Program Coordination - Delete Both the policy and regulation are being deleting since School-Based Program Coordination was eliminated with the implementation of the local control funding formula (LCFF). Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 0440 -District Technology Plan - Replace The updated policy includes information about the status of state and federal grant programs requiring technology plans, provides for the district's plan to cover a three-year period consistent with California Department of Education (CDE) criteria, and adds language on ensuring the confidentiality of student and staff records. The updated regulation includes the criteria for technology plans adopted by CDE in November 2014 and addresses noninstructional uses of technology. Administrative Regulation 5020 -Parents Rights and Responsibilities - Minor Revisions The minor revision more accuratelv reflects the current law. Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5125 -Student Records - Revised The policy has been updated to reflect AB 1442 which requires districts to notify students and parents/guardians and provide an opportunity for public input before adopting a program to gather or maintain safety-related information from students' social media activity. Policy also reflects SB 1177 which becomes effective January 7,2016 and will prohibit an online/mobile operator from selling or disclosing student information or using student information to target advertising or amass a profile about a student. Revisions also reflect AB 1584 which mandates districts entering into a contract with a third parly for the digital storage, management, and retrieval of student records to adopt policy allowing such contracts. 1 6 Revisions to the regulation reflect AB 1068 which authorizes the disclosure of records to students age 14 years and older who are homeless and unaccompanied minors, persons who complete acaregiver's authoization affidavit, and caseworkers or other agency representatives legally responsible for the care and protection of a student. A new section has been added to reflect requirements of AB 1442 for districts that choose to adopt a program to gather or maintain information from students' social media activity related to school or student safety. Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5L41.4- Child Abuse and Reporting - Revised The policy has been updated to reflect AB 2016 which authorizes districts to provide students with instruction in sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness; AB 2560 which requires applicants for a new or renewed credential to sign a statement that they understand their obligations as mandated repofters; and AB 1432 which mandates staff training regarding the duties of mandated reporters. The regulation has been updated to reflect AB 1775 which amends the definition of sexual exploitation and AB 1432 which requires districts to provide for annual training of mandated reporters. The revised regulation also expands the list of mandated reporlers to include athletic coaches, athletic administrators, and athletic directors and reflects current law which provides that a student's homelessness or status as an unaccompanied minor is not a reason for reporting child abuse or neglect. - Athletic Competition - Revised The regulation has been updated to reflect SB 1349 which, beginning with the 2015-16 school year, requires each school that offers competitive athletics to post cerlain information about the participation of males and females in competitive athletics on its web site or, if the school does not have a web site, then on the district web site. Regulation also reflects AB 2l2lwhich requires an athlete with a concussion to complete a gradual return-to-play protocol. Administrative Regulation 6145.2 Physical Education and Activity - Minor Revisions The regulation has been revised to reflect that abroader group of health care professionals may excuse a student from participating in physical education. Board Policy 6142.7 - Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 6158 - Independent Study - Revised Revisions to the policy reflect SB 858 which changes the maximum length of the written master agreement and mandates policy with specihed components as a condition of offering a program of course-based independent study beginning in the 2015-16 school year. The policy has also been updated to add material on the variety of independent study formats that may be offered, deletes the recommendation for weekly student-teacher conference in order to be more flexible, and expands material on program evaluation to include comparison of student performance data of independent study students with students in classroom-based instruction. The regulation has been updated to reflect SB 858 which changes the maximum length of the written master agreement, mandates policy with specified components as a condition of offering a program of course-based independent study beginning in the 2015-16 school year, and clarifies that the teacher-student ratio must be equivalent with that of all other educational programs at the applicable grade span unless a new higher or lower grade span ratio is negotiated. Administrative Regulation 6159 - lndividualized Education Program - Replace The updated policy and regulation reflect changes in Education Code 56043 as amended by AB 1599 2 Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 6162.51-State Academic Achievement Tests - Replaced The updated policy and regulation reflect SB 858 and AB 1599 which officially change the name of the state assessment system to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). The regulation also reflects the status of CAASPP testing for the 20I4-I5 school year, including field testing of a new alternative test of English language arts and mathematics for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The regulation also reflects Title 5 regulations (Register 2014, No. 35) which establish testing windows, require parental notification related to exemption from testing, list allowable testing resources (i.e., universal tools, designated supports, accommodations) that may be used during test administration, and provide that, if test results are received from the test contractor after the last day of instruction for the school year, then the report must be disseminated to parents/guardians within the first 20 days of the next schoolyear. CO ST ANALYSIS/FLTNDING S OURCE : There are no costs associated with updating these policies and administrative regulations SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval J Westside [Jnion E SI) Board Policy - Delete School-Based Program Coordination Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans BP 0420.1(a) In order to best serve students with special needs, as well as students participating in designated educational programs, the Board of Trustees encourages school-based program coordination as a means for achieving flexibility in the use of the categorical funds received by each school. The Board believes that resources acquired to assist students in one program often can benefit other students without in any way depriving the originally targeted group. A school-site council shall be established at each school to consider whether or not it wishes the school to participate in school-based program coordination. All interested persons shall have an opportunity to meet in public to establish the site council. (Education Code 52852.5) (cf.0420 - School Plans/Site Councils) (c1. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees) Evaluation of each participating school's educational program shall include an assessment of the school's effectiveness in meeting the needs of each student population targeted by categorical funds. (cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 3553 - Free and Reduced Price Meals) (cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 8750-8154 Conservation Education 44520-44534 New Careers Program 51870-5187 4 Educational Technology 52000-52049.1 School Improvement Program 52200-52212 Gifted and Talented Education Program 52340-52346 California Regional Career Guidance Centers 52800 - 52904 S chool-B ased Pro gram Coordination Act 54000-54028 Educationally Disadvantaged Youth Programs 54100-54145 Miller-Unruh Basic Reading Act 54650-54659 Education Improvement Incentive Program 54720-54734 School-Based Pupil Motivation and Maintenance Program 56000-56867 Special education 64000 Categorical programs included in consolidated application 64001 Single school plan for student achievement, consolidated application programs MILITARY AND VETERANS CODE 1. 500-520.1 California Cadet Corps BP 0420.1(b) Management Resources: CDE PROGRAM ADVISORIES 06211.09 School-Based Program Coordination Act 0620.09 Use of Categorical Funds for Motivation Incentives 0430.09 Using School Improvement Program Resources and SB 1882 Funding to Promote School Change 1107.89 Implementation of new procedures for noncompliance WEB SITES CDE: htç:// Policy WESTSIDE TINION SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: September 8, 1998 Lancaster, California 2 Westside [Jnion ESI) Administrative Regulation - Delete School-Based Program Coordination Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans AR 0420.1(a) The Superintendent or designee shall give all principals information about the School-Based Program Coordination Act. This information shall be provided to staff, parents/guardians and secondary students. (Education Code 52852.5) Categorical funds coordinated under this program may include funding for: (Education Code s28s 1) 1. Conservation Education (Education Code 8750-8154) (cf. 6142.5 - Environmental Education) 2. (cf. 3. New Careers Program (Education Code 44520-44534) 4II2.2I - District Interns) Educational Technology (Education Code 51870-51874) (cf. 0440 - District Technology Plan) (cf. 4060 - Employee Use of Technology) (cf.6162.7 - Use of Technology in Instruction) (cf . 6163.4 - Student Use of Technology) 4. School Improvement Program (Education Code 52000-52049.I) 5. Gifted and Talented Education Program (Education Code 52200-52212) (cf.6172 - Gifted and Talented Student Program) 6. California Regional Career Guidance Centers (Education Code 52340-52346) (cf. 6030 - Integrated Academic and Vocational Instruction) (cf. 6178 - Vocational Education) 7. Educationally Disadvantaged Youth Programs (Education Code 54000-54028) (cf. 5149 - At-Risk Students) 8. Miller-Unruh Basic Reading Act (Education Code 54100-54145) 1 AR 0420.1(b) (cf . 6 1 42.9 1 - Reading lLanguage Arts Instruction) 9. Special Education (Education Code 56000-56867) (cf. 0430 - Comprehensive Local Plan for Special Education) 10. California Cadet Corps (Military and Veterans Code 500-520.1) Funds coordinated by this program shall be used to supplement, not supplant, existing state and local appropriations. (Education Code 52852.5) The school shall not be required to meet the statutory provisions or related Califomia Code of Regulations for any coordinated program except as specifically provided under the School-Based Program Coordination Act. (Education Code 52851) Plan Program goals, expenditures and evaluation processes shall be addressed in a single school plan for student achievement required for the state's consolidated application process. (Education Code 64001) (cf . 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils) (cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program) The plan shall address: (Education Code 52853) 1. Curricula, instructional strategies and materials responsive to the individual needs and learning styles of each student 2. Instructional and auxiliary services which meet the special needs of non-English-speaking or limited-English-speaking students; educationally disadvantaged students; gifted and talented students; and students with exceptional needs 3. A staffdevelopment program for teachers, other school personnel, paraprofessionals and volunteers, including those participating in special programs, which may include: a. The use of program guidelines developed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for specifìc learning disabilities, including dyslexia, and other related disorders b. Strategies included in the guidelines and instructional materials that focus on successful approaches for working with students who have been prenatally exposed to substances as well as other at-risk students (cf.4131 - Staff Development) (cf. 4231 - Staff Development) 2 AR 0420.1(c) (cf.4331 - Staff Development) 4. Ongoing evaluation of the school's educational program (cf. 0500 - Accountability) 5. The proposed expenditures of funds available to the school through this program, including but not limited to expenditures for salaries and staff benefits for persons providing services for those programs 6. The proposed expenditure of funds available through the Improving America's Schools Act 7. Other activities and objectives established by the site council The Governing Board shall review and approve or disapprove the school plan. If a plan is not approved, the Board shall give the site council its specific reasons. (Education Code 52855) The site council shall annually review the school plan, establish a new budget and, if necessary, make other modification to reflect changing needs and priorities. (Education Code 52853, s28s7) Subsequent changes in the plan developed by the site council shall be approved or disapproved by the Board, and specif,rc reasons stated for any disapproval. (Education Code 52855) Regulation approved: revised: WESTSIDE LINION SCHOOL DISTRICT March l, 1999 Lancaster, California July 23,2002 3 Westside flnion ESI) Board Policy - Replace District Technology Plan Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans BP 0440(a) The Board of Trustees recognizes that technological resources can enhance student achievement by increasing student access to information, supporling teacher effectiveness, and facilitating the administration of student assessments. Effective use of technology can also increase the efficiency of the district's noninstructional operations and governance. (cf.6162.5I - State Academic Achievement Tests) The Superintendent or designee shall develop, for Board approval, a comprehensive three-year technology plan based on an assessment of current uses of technology in the district and an identihcation of future needs. The Superintendent or designee may appoint an advisory committee consisting of a variety of staff and community stakeholders to assist with the development of the technology plan. (cf. 0400 - Comprehensive Plans) (cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees) (cf. 9140 - Board Representatives) The plan shall be integrated into the district's vision and goals for student learning and shall contain research-based strategies and methods for the effective use of technology. When required for state or federal grant programs in which the district participates, the plan shall also address all components required for receipt of such grants. (cf. (cf. (cf. (cf. 0000 0200 0460 6000 - Vision) - Goals for the School District) - Local Control and Accountability Plan) - Concepts and Roles) The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that any use oftechnological resources in the district protects the private and confidential information of students and employees in accordance with law. (cf. 4112.614212.614312.6 - Personnel Files) (cf. 5125 - Student Records) Legal Reference: BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE 22584-22585 Student Online Personal Information Protection Act EDUCATION CODE 10550-10555 Telecommunications standards 1. BP 0440(b) 11800 K-I2 High Speed Network grant program 49060-49085 Studentrecords 51006 Computer education and resources 51007 Programs to strengthen technological skills 51865 California distance learning policy 51870-51871.5 Educational technology planning 60010 Instructional materials, definition 66940 Distance learning PENAL CODE 502 Computer crimes, remedies UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 I232g Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 1232h Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment UNITED STATES CODE, TTTLE 47 254 Universal service discounts (E-rate) CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 16 Part3l2 Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 34 Part99 Family Educational Rights and Privacy CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 47 54.500-54.523 Universal service support for schools Management Resources: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS California K-12 Education Technology Plan Template, Criteria, and Guiding Questions, November 2014 Empowering Learning: A Blueprint for California Education Technology 2014-2017, Aprrl2014 FEDERAL C OMMLINICATIONS COMMIS S ION PUBLICATIONS E-rate Modernization Order, July 11,2014 V/EB SITES CSBA: California Department of Education, Education Technology Off,rce: California Educational Technology Professionals Association: Computer-Using Educators : htþ ://www. cue. org Federal Communications Commission: http ://www.fcc. gov ON[the]LINE, digital citizenship resources: Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership: (6les 7lo7) 12114 2 Westside [Jnion ESI) Administrative Regulation District Technology Plan Replace Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans AR 0440(a) The district's technology plan shall address, at a minimum, the following components: 1. Background Information: A guide to the district's use of technology for the next three years, including: a. Specific starting and ending dates of the plan b. An overview of the district's location and demographics c. A description of how stakeholders from the district and community were involved in the planning process d. A description of the relevant research behind the strategies and/or methods in the plan and how the research supports the plan's curricular and professional development goals 2. Curriculum: Clear goals and realistic strategies for using telecommunications and information technology to improve educational services, including: a. A description ofteachers'and students'current access to instructional technology and curuent use of digital tools, including district policies or practices to ensure equitable technology access for all students b. Goals and an implementation plan, including annual activities, for (1) How technology will be used to improve teaching and learning, how these goals align with district curricular goals and other plans, how the district budget and local control and accountability plan support these goals, and whether future funding proposals or partnerships may be needed for successful implementation (2) How and when students will acquire the technology skills and information literacy skills needed for college and career readiness (3) Internet safety and the appropriate and ethical use of technology in the classroom (cf. 0000 (cf. 0200 (cf. 0400 (cf. 0460 (cf.5131 - Vision) - Goals for the School District) - Comprehensive Plans) - Local Control and Accountability Plan) - Conduct) 1. AR 0440(b) (cf.5131.2 - Bullying) (cf. 6141 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation) (cf . 6162.54 - Test Integrity/Test Preparation) (cf. 6162.6 - Use of Copyrighted Materials) (cf . 6163.4 - Student Use of Technology) 3. Professional Development: A professional development strategy to ensure that staff understands how to use new technologies to improve education services, including: a. A summary of teachers' and administrators' current technology proficiency and integration skills and needs for professional development b. Goals and an implementation plan, including annual activities, for providing professional development opporlunities based on district needs assessment data and the cuniculum component of the technology plan (cf. 40a0 (cf. 4131 (cf . 4222 (cf.4231 (cf.4331 4. - Employee Use of Technology) - Staff Development) - Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals) - Staff Development) - Staff Development) Infrastructure, Hardware, Technical Support, Software, and Asset Management: An assessment of the telecommunication services, hardware, software, asset management, and other services that will be needed to improve education services, including: a. A description of existing hardware, Internet access, electronic learning resources, technical support, and asset management in the district b. A description of technology hardware, electronic learning resources, networking and telecommunications infrastructure, physical plant modifications, technical support, and asset management needed by district teachers, students, and administrators to support the activities in the curriculum and professional development components of the plan (cf. 3100 - Budget) (cf. 7000 - Facilities Master Plan) 5. Monitoring and Evaluation: An evaluation process that enables the school to monitor progress toward the specific goals and mid-course corrections in response to new developments and opportunities as they arise, including: a. The process for evaluating the plan's overall progress and impact on teaching and learning b The schedule for evaluating the effect of plan implementation and a description of the 2 AR 0440(c) process and frequency of communicating evaluation results to technology plan stakeholders (cf. 0500 - Accountability) 6. Noninstructional Uses of Technology: A description of how technology will be used to improve district governance, district and school site administration, support services, and communications (cf. 1113 (cf. 1114 (cf. 3580 7. - District and School 'Web Sites) - District-Sponsored Social Media) - District Records) Cost: An estimate of the cost for each year of the plan (619s 7107) r2lr4 3 and each of its major components Westside [Jnion ESI) Administrative Regulation - Revised Parent Rights And Responsibilities Students AR 5020(a) Parent/Guardian Rights The rights of parents/guardians of district students include, but are not limited to, the following 1. To observe, within a reasonable period of time after making the request, the classroom(s) in which their child is enrolled or for the purpose of selecting the school in which their child will be enrolled (Education Code 5 i 1 01 ) Parents/guardians may observe instructional and other school activities that involve their child in accordance with Board of Trustees policy and administrative regulations adopted to ensure the safety of students and staff, prevent undue interference with instruction or harassment of school staff, and provide reasonable accommodation to parents/guardians. Upon written request by parents/guardians, the Superintendent or designee shall arrange for parental observation ofa class or activity in a reasonable time frame and in accordance with Board policy and administrative regulations. (Education Code 49091.10) (cf. 6116 - Classroom Interruptions) 2. To meet, within a reasonable time of their request, with their child's teacher(s) and the principal (Education Code 51101) 3. Under the supervision of district employees, to volunteer their time and resources for the improvement of school facilities and school programs, including, but not limited to, providing assistance in the classroom with the approval, and under the direct supervision, of the teacher (Education Code 51101) 4. To be notified on a timely basis if their child is absent from school without permission (Education Code 51101) (cf. 51 13 - Absences and Excuses) 5. To receive the results of their child's performance and the school's performance on standardized tests and statewide tests (Education Code 51 101) For parents/guardians of English learners, this right shall include the right to receive the results of their child's performance on the English language development test. (Education Code s1101.1) (cf. 0500 - Accountability) 'J. AR 5020(b) (cf. 0510 - School Accountability Report Card) (cf. 0520.1 - High Priority Schools Grant Program) (c1. 61 62.5 1 -Standardized Testing and Reporting Program) (cf.6162.52 - High School Exit Examination) (cf.6174 - Education for English Language Learners) 6. To request a particular school for their child and to receive a response from the district (Education Code 51101) (cf. 5116.1 - Intradistrict Open Enrollment) (cf. 5117 - Interdistrict Attendance) . To have a school environment for their child that is safe and supportive of learning (EducationCode51101) 7 (cf. 0450 - Comprehensive Safety Plan) (cf.3515 - Campus Security) (cf. 5131 - Conduct) (cf.5137 - Positive School Climate) (cf.5142 - Safety) 8. To examine the curriculum materials of the class(es) in which their child is enrolled (Education Code 51 101;20 USC 1232h) Parents/guardians may inspect, in a reasonable time frame, all primary supplemental instructional materials and assessments stored by the classroom teacher, including textbooks, teacher's manuals, films, tapes auOio án¿ vi¿"ò recordings, and software. (Education Code 49091.10) Each school site shall make available to parents/guardians and others, upon request, a copy of the prospectus for each course, including the titles, descriptions and instructional aims of the course. (Education Code 4909 1 . 14) The school may charge an amount not to exceed the cost of duplication, (Education Code 4909r.r4) (cf. 1312.2 - Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials) (cf. 1314.4 - Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures) (cf. 6141 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation) (cf.6142.1 - Sexual Health and HIC/AIDS Prevention Instruction) (cf.6142.2 - AIDS Prevention Instruction) (cf. 6161.1 - Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials) (cf. 6161.11 - Supplementary Instructional Materials) 9. To be informed of their child's progress in school and of the appropriate school personnel 2 AR 5020(c) whom they should contact if problems arise with their child (Education Code 51101) (c1. 5121 - Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement) (cf . 5124 - Communication with Parents/Guardians) 10. For parents/guardians of English learners, to support their child's advancement toward literacy (Education Code 51101.1) The Superintendent or designee may make available, to the extent possible, surplus or undistributed instructional materials to parents/guardians pursuant to Education Code 60510 (Education Code 5 I 101. 1) (c1.3270 - Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies) 1 1. For parents/guardians of English learners, to be informed, through the school accountability repor-t card, about statewide and local academic standards, testing programs, accountability measures and school improvement efforts (Education Code 5 1 101 .1) (c1. 0520.2 - Title 1 Program Improvement Schools) (cf. 0520.3 - Title 12. 1 Program Improvement Districts) To have access to the school records of their child (Education Code 51 101) (cf. 5125 - Student Records) (cf.5125.1 - Release of Directory Information) 13. To receive information concerning the academic performance standards, proficiencies or skills their child is expected to accomplish (Education Code 5 1 1 0 1) (cf. 601i - Academic Standards) (cf.6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements) (cf. 6146.4 - Differential Graduation and Competency Standards for Students with Disabilities) (cf . 6 I 46.5 - Elementary/Middle School Graduation Requirements) 14. To be informed in advance about school rules, including disciplinary rules and procedures pursuant to Education Code 3529I, attendance, retention and promotion policies pursuant to Education Code 48070.5, dress codes and procedures for visiting the school (Education Code s1101) (cf. 1250 - Visitors/Outsiders) (cf.5132 - Dress and Grooming) @f. 5144 - Discipline) (cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notification) 15. To be notified, as early in the school year as practicable pursuant to Education Code 3 AR s020(d) 48070.5, if their child is identif,red as being at risk of retention and of their right to consult with school personnel responsible for a decision to promote or retain their child and to appeal such a decision. (Education Code 51101) (cf . 5 123 - PromotiorVAcceleration/Retention) 16. To receive information about any psychological testing the school does involving their child and to deny permission to give the test (Education Code 51101) (cf . 6164.2 (cf.6164.4 (cf . 6164.6 - Guidance/Counseling Services) - Identification of Individuals for Special Education) - Identification and Education Under Section 504) 17. To refuse to submit or to participate in any assessment, analysis, evaluation or monitoring of the quality or character of the student's home life, any form of parental screening or testing, any nonacademic home-based counseling program, parent training, or any prescribed family education service plan and to inspect any survey collecting personal information (Education Code 49091.18; 20 USC 1232h) 18. To participate as a member of a parent advisory committee, school site council or site-based management leadership team in accordance with any rules and regulations governing membership in these organizations (Education Code 5 1 101) For parents/guardians of English learners, this right shall include the right to participate in school and district advisory bodies in accordance with federal and state law and regulations. (Education Code 5 I 101. 1) (cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils) (cf.0420.5 - School-Based Decision Making) (cf . 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees) (cf.6171- Title I Programs) (cf.6175 - Migrant Education Program) 19. To question anything in their child's record that the parent/guardian feels is inaccurate or misleading or is an invasion of privacy and to receive a response from the school (Education Code 51101) (cf. 5125.3 - Challenging Student Records) 20. To provide informed, written parental consent before their child is tested for a behavioral, mental or emotional evaluation. A general consent, including medical consent used to approve admission to or involvement in, a special education or remedial program or regular school activity, shall not constitute written consent for these purposes. (Education Code 49091.12) (cf. 5 l3 1.6 - Alcohol and Other Drugs) 4 AR 5020(e) (cf. 5141.3 - Health Examinations) Parent Responsibilities Parents/guardians may support the learning environment of their children by: (Education Code s1i01) 1. Monitoring attendance of their children 2. Ensuring that homework is completed and turned in on time (cf. 6154 - Homework/Makeup Work) 3. Encouraging their children to participate in extracurricular and cocuricular activities @f.6145 - Extracurricular and Cocunicular Activities) 4. Monitoring and regulating the television viewed by their children 5. Working with their children at home in learning activities that extend the classroom learning 6. Volunteering in their children's classroom(s) or for other school activities @f. 1240 - Volunteer Assistance) . Parlicipating in decisions related to the education of their own children or the total school program as appropriate 7 Regulation Approved: WESTSIDE I.INION SCHOOL DISTRICT Lancaster, California April4,2006 5 Westside [Jnion ESI) Board Policy - Revised Student Records BP 5125(a) Students The Board of Trustees recognizes the importance of keeping accurate, comprehensive student records as required by law. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the district's administrative regulation and school site procedures for maintaining the confidentiality of student records are consistent with state and federal law. The Superintendent or designee shall establish administrative regulations governing the identification, deseriptien ieteftion, and security of student records, as well as timely access for authorized persons. These regulations shall ensure parental rights to review, inspect and copy student records and shall protect the student and the student's family from invasion of privacy. (cf. 3580 - District Records) (cf. 4040 - Employee Use of Technology) (cf. 5125.1- Release of Directory Information) (cf. 5125.3 - Challenging Student Records) The Superintendent or designee shall designate a certificated employee to serve as custodian of records, with responsibility for student records at the district level. At each school, the principal or a certificated designee shall act as custodian of records for students enrolled atfhat school. The custodian of records shall be responsible for implementing Board policy and administrative regulation regarding student records. (5 CCR 431) Legal Reference: trÐue^TION eOÐE 18201 Student reeords fer transfer students rvho have been suspended/expelled 1890 1 18904.3 Withhelding grades; diplomas; er transeripts 18918 Rules geverning c@ 49060 49079 Student reeerds 49091,14 Parental revierv ef eurrieulum 1. BP s125(b) @ @ FAMILY€.€ÐE W isn WETFAPJ ANÐ INSTITUTIONS EEÐtr g8l=--Tnlane1.pc+i+iofts ffiffir tr2329 Farnily Edneatienal Rights and Privaey r\et q9,1 99,67 Fatnily trd @ W Finat Rutc and ^naty neeemUer qr 2003; V 2008 WEB SITES U,S, Ðepartment ef Edueation; Family Poliey eempliæree Offiee; 116:04' Contracts 48201 Sludent records for transfer students who have been suspended/eipelled 48853.5 Foster youth;' placement, immunizations qgg,OZ Notification of law enforcement of specifìed violations 43904-48904.3 Withholding grades, diplomas, or transcripts 48918 Rules' governing expulsioñ proiedures 48980 ParenJal notifications 48985 Notices in parent/guardian's primary language 49060-49079 Student records 49091.14 Parental review of curriculum 2 BP 5125(c) 6252-62610 ,Inspection of public records HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 120440 Immunizations; disclosure of information PENAL CODE 245 Assault with deadly weapon WELFARE ÀNO INSTITUTIONS CODE 681 Truancy petitions 701 . Juvenile courl,law 16010 Health and education records of a minor CODE OF RECÚIATIONS, TTTIP S 430-438 Individual student records 16020-16027 Destruction of records of school districts LINITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 12329 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 1232h'' Protêction of Pupil Rights Amendment TII{ITED STATES CODE, TITLE 26 152 Definition of dependent child UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 42 11434a McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act; defînitions COÐE.OF.F'EDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 1 6 Part 3 1 2, Ch ildren's Oniine Piivâcy,Protecti on Rul e CODE OF FEDERAL REGUT ATIONS, TITLE 34 gg.1-gg.67 Family Educational Rights and Privacy 300.501 Opportunity to exámine records for parents of student with disability Management Resources: FEDERAL REGISTER Final Rule and Analysis of Comments and Changes, Family Educational Rights and Privacy, December 9, 2008. Vol. 73, No. 237, pages 74806-74855 NATIONAL S CHOOL BOARDS AS S OCIATION' PUBLICATIONS Data in the Cloud: A Legal and Policy Guide for School Boards on Sludent Data Privacy in the Cloud Computing Era, April2014 3 BP 5125(d) lpolicllgenl Policy WESTSIDE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: September 7,2009 Quartz Hill, California 4 Westside [Jnion E SI) Administrative Regulation - Revised Student Records AR 5125(a) Students Definitions Student means any individual who is or has been in attendance at the district and regarding whom the district maintains student records. (34 CFR 99.3) Attendance includes, but is not limited to, attendance in person or by paper correspondence, videoconference, satellite, Internet, or other electronic information and telecommunication technologies for students who are not physically present in the classroom, and the period during which a person is working under a work-study pro$am. (34 CFR 99.3) Student records are aîy items of information (in handwriting, print, tape, film, computet, or other medium) gathered within or outside the district that are directly related to an identifiable student and maintained by the district, required to be maintained by an employee in the performance of his/her duties, or maintained by aparty acting for the district. Any information maintained for the purpose of second-par1y review is considered a student record. Student records include the student's health record. (Education Code 49061,49062;5 CCR 4301'34 CFR 99.3) Studentrecordsdonotinclude: (EducationCode4906I,49062;5 CCR 430;34 CFR99.3) 1. Directory information (cf.5125.1 - Release of Directory Information) 2. Informal notes compiled by a school officer or employee which remain in the sole possession of the maker, are used only as a personal memory aid, and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a substitute employee J. Records of the law enforcement unit of the district, sub.ject to the provisions of 34 CFR 99.8 (cf.3515 - Campus Security) (cf. 3515.3 - District Police/Security Department) 4. Records created or received by the district after an individual is no longer a student in attendance and that are not directly related to the individual's attendance as a student 5. Grades on peer'-graded papers before they are collected and recorded by a teacher Mandatory permanent student records are those records which are maintained in perpetuity and 1. AR s125(b) which schools have been directed to compile by state law, regulation, or administrative directive. (s ccR 430) Mandatory interim student records are those records which the schools are directed to compile and maintain for stipulated periods of time and are then destroyed in accordance with state law, regulation, or administrative directive. (5 CCR 430) Permitted student records are those records having clear imporlance only to the cument educational process of the student. (5 CCR 430) Disclosure means to permit access to, or the release, transfer, or other communication ot personally identifiable information contained in student records to any party, except the party that provided or created the record, by any means including oral, written, or electronic. (34 cFR 99.3) Access means a personal inspection and review of a record or an accurate copy of a record, or receipt of an accurate copy of a record or an oral description or communication of a record, and a request to release acopy ofany record. (Education Code 49061) Personally identifiable information includes, but is not limited to: (34 CFR 99.3) 1. The student's name 2 The name of the student's parent/guardian or other family members J The address of the student or student's family 4. A personal identifier, such as the student's social security number, student number, or biometric record (e.g., fingerprints, retina and iris patterns, voiceprints, DNA sequence, facial characteristics, and handwriting) 5. Other indirect identifiers, such as the student's date of birth, place of birth, and mother's maiden name 6. Other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specihc student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty 7. Information requested by a person who the district reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the student record relates Adult student is a person who is or was en¡olled in school and who is at least 18 years of age. (5 ccR 430) Parent/gualdian means a natural parent, an adopted parent, legal guardian, surrogate parent, or 2 AR 5125(c) foster parent. (Education Code 49061, 56050, 56055) Legitimate educational interest is an interest held by any school official, employee, contractor, or consultant whose duties, responsibilities, or contractual obligations to the district, whether routine or as a result of special circumstances, require him/her to have access to student records. School officials and employees are officials or employees whose duties and responsibilities to the district, whether routine or as a result of special circumstances, require that they have access to student records. Contractor or consultant is anyone with a formal written agreement or contract with the district regarding the provision of services or functions outsourced to him/her by the district. Contractor or consultant shall not include a volunteer or other party. (Education Code 49076) Custodian of records is the employee responsible for the security of student records maintained by the district and for devising procedures for assuring that access to such records is limited to authorized persons. (5 CCR 433) County placing agency means the county social service department or county probation department. (EducationCode 49061) Persons Granted Absolute Access The following persons shall have absolute access to any and all student records in accordance with law: 1. Parents/guardians of students younger than age 18 years, including the parent who is not the student's custodial parent (Education Code 49069; Family Code 3025) 2. An adult student age 18 years or older, or a student under the age of 18 years who attends institution, in which case the student alone shall exercise rights related to his/her student records and grant consent for the release of records (34 CFR 99.3, 99.5) a postsecondary 3. Parents/guardians of an adult student with disabilities who is age l8 years or older and has been declared incompetent under state law (Education Code 56041.5) (cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program) Access for Limited Purpose/I egitimate Educational Interest In addition, the following persons or agencies shall have access to those particular records that are relevant to their legitimate educational interest or other legally authorized purpose: 1. Parents/guardians of a student age 18 or older who is a dependent child as defined under 26USC 152 (Education Code 49076; 34 CFR 99.31) 3 2. AR 512s(d) Students who are age 16 or older or who have completed the 1Oth grade (Education Code 49016; 34 CFR 99.31) 3. School officials and employees, consistent with the definition provided in the section "Definitions" above (Education Code 4907 6; 34 CFR 99.31) 4. Members of a school attendance review board (SARB) who are authorized representatives of the district and any volunteer aide age 18 or older who has been investigated, selected, and trained by the SARB to provide follow-up services to a referred student (Education Code 49076) (cf. 51 13.1 - Chronic Absence and Truancy) 5. Officials and employees of other public schools, school systems, or postsecondary institutions where the student intends or is directed to enroll, including local, county, or state correctional facilities where educational programs leading to high school graduation are provided, or where the student is already enrolled, as long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student's enrollment or transfer (Education Code 49076; 34 CFR 99.3I) When-*he distriet diseleses persenally identifiable infermatien te effieials ef another to notify the parent/guardian or adult student at his/her last known address, provide a copy of the record that is disclosed, and give the parent/guardian or adult student an opporlunity for a hearing to challenge the record. (34 CFR 99.34) a reasonable attempt 6. Federal, state, and local off,rcials, as needed for an audit, evaluation, or compliance a state or federally funded education program and in accordance with a written agreement developed pursuant to 34 CFR 99.35 (Education Code 49016; 34 CFR 99.3,99.31, ee.3s) activity related to I. Any county placing agency acting as an authorized representative of a state or local educational agency which is required to audit or evaluate a state or federally supported education program pursuant to item #6 above (Education Code 49076) 8. Any person, agency, or organization authorizedin compliance with a couft order or lawfully issued subpoena (Education Code 49017; 5 CCR 435;34 CFR 99.31) Unless otherwise instructed by the coult, the Superintendent or designee shall, prior to disclosing a record pursuant to a court order or subpoena, give the parentlguardian or adult student at least three days'notice of the name of the requesting agency and the specific record requested, if lawfully possible within the requirements of the judicial order. (Education Code 4 AR 5125(e) 49077;5 CCR 435;34 CFR 99.31) 9. Any district attorney who is participating in or conducting a truancy mediation program or participating in the presentation of evidence in a truancy petition (Education Code 49076) 10. A district attorney's office for consideration against aparentlguardian for failure to comply with compulsory education laws (Education Code 49076) 1. 1 Any probation officer, district attorney, or counsel of record for a minor student for the purposes of conducting a criminal investigation or an investigation in regards to declaring the minor student a ward of the court or involving a violation of a condition of probation, subject to evidentiary rules specified in Welfare and Institutions Code 701 (Education Code 49076) When disclosing records for these pu{poses, the Superintendent or designee shall obtain written certification from the recipient of the records that the information will not be disclosed to another party without prior written consent of the student's parent/guardian or the holder of the student's educational rights, unless specifically authorized by state or federal law. (Education Code 49076) 12. Any judge or probation officer for the purpose of conducting a truancy mediation program for a student or for the purpose ofpresenting evidence in a truancy petition pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code 681 (Education Code 49076) In such cases, the judge or probation offìcer shall certify in writing to the Superintendent or designee that the information will be used only for truancy pulposes. Upon releasing student information to a judge or probation officer, the Superintendent or designee shall inform, or provide written notification to, the student's parerÍ.lguardian within 24 hours. (Education Code 49016) 13. Any foster family agency with jurisdiction over currently enrolled or former students for purposes of accessing those students' records of grades and transcripts and any individualized education program developed and maintained by the district (Education Code 49069.3) (cf.6173.1 - Education for Foster Youth) 14. A student age 74 years or older who is both a homeless student and an unaccornpanied minor as defined in 42 USC ll434a (Education Code 49076) (cf. 6173 - Education for Homeless Children) 15. An individual who completes items 1-4 of the caregiver's auihorization affidavit pursuant to Family Code 6552 and signs the affidavit for the purpose of eruolling a minor in school (Education Code 49076) 16. A caseworker or other lepresentative of a state or local child welfare agency or tribal 5 org3ni'ationthatlas.lÞgalresþonsibility,for.,the,,care,ând protection of a student,.aåÏ;Jr'.':Í?t the information ii ly related to prôvi! g ass anóe tô-address the student'i educational needs (Education Code 49076; 20 USC 1232(9)) di I7. Appropriate law enforcement authorities, in circumstances where Education Code 48902 requires that the district provide special education and disciplinary records of a student with disabilities who is suspended or expelled for committing an act violating Penal Code 245 (Education Code 48902, 4907 6) When disclosing such records, the Superintendent or designee shall obtain written certification by the recipient of the records as described in item #11 above. (Education Code 49076) 18. Designated peace officers or law enforcement agencies in cases where the district is authorized by law to assist law enforcement in investigations of suspected criminal conduct or kidnapping and a written parental consent, lawfully issued subpoena, or court order is submitted to the district, or information is provided to it indicating that an emergency exists in which the student's information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals (Education Code 49076.5;34 CFR 99.1-99.67) In such cases, the Superintendent or designee shall provide information about the identity and location of the student as it relates to the transfer of that student's records to another public school district or California private school. (Education Code 49076.5) When disclosing records for the above purposes, the Superintendent or designee shall obtain the necessary documentation to verify tha{ the person, agency, or organization is a person, agency, or organization that is permitted to receive such records. Any person, agency, or organization granted access is prohibited from releasing information to another person, agency, or organization without written permission from the parent/guardian or adult student unless specif,rcally allowed by state law or ihe federal Family trducational Rights and Privacy Act. (Eãucation Code 49076) In addition, the parent/guardian or adult student may provide written consent for access to be granted to persons, agencies, or orgânizátions not afforded access lights by law. The written consenl shall specify the records to be released and the party or parties to whom they may be released, (Education Codèr49075) Only a parènt/guardian having legal custody of the student may consent to the release of recordi to others. Either parent/guardian may grant consent if both parents/guardians notify the diÀtrict, in writing, that such an agreement has been made. (Education Code 49061) (cf. 5021 - Noncustodial Parents) 6 AR s12s(g) Discretionary Access At his/her discletion, the Superintendent or designee may release information from a student's records to the following: . Appropriate persons, including parents/guardians of a student, in an emergency if the health and safety of the student or other persons are at stake (Education Code 49076;34 CFR 99.37, 99.32,99.36) 1 V/hen releasing information to any such appropriate person, the Superintendent or designee shall record information about the threat to the health or safety of the student or any other person that formed the basis for the disclosure and the person(s) to whom the disclosure was made. (Education Code 49076; 34 CFR 99.32) Unless it S the disclosure or'safgty ofthe parties,to whom 2. Accrediting associations (Education Code 49076;34 CFR 99.31) . Under the conditions specified in Education Code 4907 6 and 34 CFR 99.3 1, organizations conducting studies on behalf of educational institutions or agencies for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, or improving instruction, provided that: (Education Code 49016; 34 CFR 99.31) 3 a. The study is conducted in a manner that does not permit personal identification of parents/guardians and students by individuals other than representatives of the organization who have legitimate interests in the information. b. The information is destroyed when no longer needed for the purposes for which the study is conducted. c. The district enters into a written agreement with the organization that complies with 34 cFR 99.31. 4. Off,rcials and employees of private schools or school systems where the student is enrolled or intends to enroll, subject to the rights of parents/guardians as provided in Education Code 49068 and in compliance with 34 CFR 99.34 (Education Code 49076; 34 CFR 99.31, ee.34) 5. Local health departments operating countywide or regional immunization information and reminder systems and the California Department of Public Health;in-*#iel+ease+heinparent/guardian ion , unless the has requested 7 AR 5125(h) that, no disclo sules, o'f this ; tipe, be máde (I{ealth and Safery Cod e. I20 4 4A) 6. Contractors and consultants having a legitimate educational interest based on services or functions which have been outsourced to them through a formal written agreement or contract by the district, excluding volunteers or other parties (Education Code 49076) (cf. 3600 - Consultants) 7, l his/hcr parcnts/gu geneies er erganizatiens in eenneetiorrwiththe stndent's æplieatien for or reeeipt ef in€- inc' 8, eeuntFeleetions offieials fer the purpese of identifying students eligible to register te vote er offering sueh str*dents a*r epperÈunity te register; strÞieet to the provisiens ef 34eFR eesw Persons, agencies, or organizations not afforded access rights by law may be granted access only through written consent of the parent/guardian or adult student, or by judicial order. (Education Code 49075) Only a parentlguardian having legal custody of the student may consent to the release of records to others. Either parent may grant consent if both parents notify the district, in writing, that such an agreement has been made. (Education Code 4906I) (cf. 502I - Noncustodial Parents) Any person, agency, or organization granted access is prohibited from releasing information to another person, agency, or organization without written permission from the parent/guardian or adult student unless specifically allowed by state law or the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. (Education Code 49076) De-identifi cation of Records When authorized by law for any program audit, educational research, or other putposes, the Superintendent or designee may release information from a student record without prior consent of the parent/guardian or adult student after the removal of all personally identifiable information. Prior to releasing such information, the Superintendent or designee shall make a reasonable determination that the student's identity is not personally identifiable, whether 8 AR 5125(i) through single or multiple releases and taking into account other reasonably available information. (Education Code 49074,49076;34 CFR 99.31) Process for Providing Access to Records Student records shall be maintained in a central file at the school attended by the student or, when records are maintained in different locations, a notation shall be placed in the central f,rle indicating where other records may be found. Parents/guardians shall be notified of the location of student records if not centrally located. (Education Code 49069; 5 CCR 433) The custodian ofrecords shall be responsible for the security ofstudent records and shall ensure that access is limited to authorized persons. (5 CCR 433) The custodian of records shall develop reasonable methods, including physical, technological, and administrative controls, to ensure that school offìcials and employees obtain access to only those student records in which they have legitimate educational interests. (34 CFR 99.31) To inspect, review, or obtain copies of student records, authorized persons shall submit a request to the custodian of records. Prior to granting the request, the custodian of records shall authenticate the individual's identity. For any individual granted access based on a legitimate educational interest, the request shall specify the interest involved. When prior written consent is required by law, the parent/guardian shall provide a written, signed, and dated consent before the district discloses the student record. Such consent may be given through electronic means in those cases where it can be authenticated. The district's consent form shall specify the records that may be disclosed, state the purpose of the disclosure, and identify the party or class of parties to whom the disclosure may be made. Upon request by the parent/guardian, the district shall provide himlher a copy of the records disclosed. (34 CFR 9e.30) Within five business days following the date of request, aparentlguardian or other authorized person shall be granted access to inspect, review, and obtain copies ofstudent records during regular school hours. (Education Code 49069) Qualified certificated personnel shall be available to interpret records when requested. (Education Code 49069) The custodian of records or the Superintendent or designee shall prevent the alteration, damage, or loss of records during inspection. (5 CCR 435) Access Log A log shall be maintained for each student's record which lists all persons, agencies, or organizations requesting or receiving information from the records and the legitimate educational interest of the requester. (Education Code 49064) 9 AR s12s(j) In every instance of inspection by persons who do not have assigned educational responsibility, the custodian of records shall make an entry in the log indicating the record inspected, the name of the person granted access, the reason access was granted, and the time and circumstances of inspection. (5 CCR 435) The log does not need to include record of access by: (Education Code 49064) 1. Parents/guardians or adult students 2 Students who are 16 years of age or older or who have completed the 1Oth grade J Parties obtaining district-approved directory information 4. Parties who provide written parental consent, in which case the consent notice shall be filed with the record pursuant to Education Code 49075 5. School officials and employees who have a legitimate educational interest The log shall be accessible only to the parent/guardian, adult student, dependent adult student, student who is age 16 years or older or who has completed the 1Oth grade, custodian of records, and certain state or federal officials. (Education Code 49064;5 CCP*432) Duplication of Student Records To provide copies ofany student record, the district shall charge a reasonable fee not to exceed the actual cost of providing the copies. No charge shall be made for providing up to two transcripts or up to two verifications of various records for any former student. No charge shall be made to locate or retrieve any student record. (Education Code 49065) (cf.3260 - Fees and Charges) Changes to Student Records Only or a parent/guardian having legal custody of a student or an adult student may challenge the content of a record or offer a written response to a record. (Education Code 4906I) (cf. 5125.3 - Challenging Student Records) No additions except routine updating shall be made to a student's record after high school graduation or permanent departure without prior consent of the parentlguardian or adult student. (s ccR 437) A student's legal name or gender as entered on the mandatory student record required pursuant to 5 CCR 432 shall only be changed pursuarrt to a coufi order. However, at,the written,r'equest of a student or, if appropriate, his/her parenls/guardians, làs district shall use'the studentrs prefer,red , 10 AR s125(k) name and pronouns consistent with his/her gender identity on all other district-ielatéd documentsr 1cf ,5 i + 5. :'- Ñon¿iscriøination/Harassment¡ Retention and Destruction of Student Records All anecdotal information and assessment reports maintained as student records shall be dated and signed by the individual who originated the data. (5 CCR 431) The following mandatory permanent student records shall be kept indefinitely: (5 CCR 432, 437) 1. Legal name of student 2. Date and place of birth and method of verifying birth date (cf. 5111 - Admission) 3. Sex of student 4. Name and address of parent/guardian of minor student a. Address of minor student if different from the above b. Annual verif,ication of parent/guardian's name and address and student's residence (cf. 51 1 1.1 - District Residency) (cf. 51 11.I2 - Residency Based on Parent/Guardian Employment) 5. Entrance and departure dates of each school year and for any summer session or other extra session 6. Subjects taken during each year, halÊyear, summer session, or quafter, and marks or credits given (cf. 5l2I - Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement) 7 . Verification of or exemption from required immunizations (cf. 5 14i.3 1 - Immunizations) 8 Date of high school graduation or equivalent '1.'1. AR s1250) Mandatory interim student records, unless forwarded to another district, shall be maintained subject to destruction during the third school year after the school year in which they originated, following a determination that their usefulness has ceased or the student has left the district. These records include: (Education Code 48918, 51747;5 CCR 432, 437, 16027) 1. Expulsion orders and the causes therefor (cf.5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process) (cf.5144.2 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process (Students with Disabilities)) 2. A log identifying persons or agencies who request or receive information from the student record a Health information, including verification or waiver of the health screening for school entry (cf. 5141 .32 - Health Screening for School Entry) 4. Information on participation in special education programs, including required tests, case studies, authorizations, and evidence of eligibility for admission or discharge (cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program) (cf. 6164.4 - Identification and Evaluation of Individuals for Special Education) 5. Language training records (cf . 617 4 - Education for English Language Learners) 6 Progress slips/notices required by Education Code 49066 and 49067 7 Parental restrictions/stipulations regarding access to directory information 8 Parent/guardian or adult student rejoinders to challenged records and to disciplinary action 9. Parent/guardian authorization or denial of student participation in specific programs 10. Results of standardized tests administered within the past three years (cf.6162.51 - Standardized Testing and Reporling Program) (cf. 6162.52 - High School Exit Examination) 11. Written findings resulting from an evaluation conducted after a specified number of missed assignments to determine whether it is in a student's best interest to remain in independent study 1.2 AR 5125(m) (cf.6158 - Independent Study) Permitted student records may be destroyed six months after the student completes or withdraws from the educational program, including: (5 CCR 432,437) 1 . Objective counselor andlor teacher ratings 2. Standardized test results older than three years 3. Routine disciplinary data (cf.5144 - Discipline) 4. Verified reports of relevant behavioral patterns 5. All disciplinary notices 6. Supplementaryattendancerecords Records shall be destroyed in a way that assures they will not be available to possible public inspection in the process of destruction. (5 CCR 437) Transfer of Student Records When a student transfers into this district from any other school district or a private school, the Superintendent or designee shall inform the student's parent/guardian of his/her rights regarding student records, including the right to review, challenge, and receive a copy of student records. (Education Code 49068; 5 CCR 438) When a student transfers into this district from another district, the Superintendent or designee shall request that the student's previous district provide any records, either maintained by that district in the ordinary course of business or received from a law enforcement agency, regarding acts committed by the transferring student that resulted in his/her suspension or expulsion. (Education Code 48201) (cf. 41581425814358 - Employee Security) (cf. 51 19 - Students Expelled From Other Districts) When a student transfers from this district to another school district or to a private school, the Superintendent or designee shall forward a copy of the student's mandatory permanent record within 10 school days of the district's receipt of the request for the student's records. The original record or a copy shall be retained permanently by this district. If the transfer is to another California public school, the student's entire mandatory interim record shall also be forwarded. If the transfer is out of state ol to a private school, the mandatory interim record may be forwarded. Permitted student records may be forwarded to any other district or private 13 AR s125(n) school. (Education Code 48918,49068;5 CCR 438) Upon receiving a request from a county placing agency to transfer a student in foster care out of a district school, the Superintendent or designee shall transfer the student's records to the next educational placement within two business days. (Education Code 49069.5) All student records shall be updated before they are transferred. (5 CCR 438) Student records shall not be withheld from the requesting district because of any charges or fees owed by the student or parent/guardian. (5 CCR 438) If the district is withholding grades, diploma, or transcripts from the student because of his/her damage or loss of school propefty, this information shall be sent to the requesting district along with the student's records. (cf . 5 125 .2 -'Withholding Grades, Diploma or Transcripts) Notifi cation of Parents/Guardians Upon any student's initial enrollment, and at the beginning of each school year thereafter, the Superintendent or designee shall notify parents/guardians and eligible students, in writing, of their rights related to student records. Insofar as practicable, the district shall provide these notices in the student's home language and shall effectively notify parents/guardians or eligible students with disabilities. (Education Code 49063; 34 CFR 99.7) (cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifìcations) The notice shall include: (Education Code 49063; 34 CFR 99.7,99.34) 1 The types of student records kept by the district and the information contained theretn 2 The title(s) of the official(s) responsible for maintaining each type of record a J The location of the log identifying those who request information from the records 4. District criteria for defining school officials and employees and for determining legitimate educational interest 5. District policies for reviewing and expunging student records 6. The right to inspect and review student records and the procedures for doing so 7. The right to challenge and the procedures for challenging the content ofa student record that the parent/guardian or student believes to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy rights T4 AR s125(o) 8. The cost, if any, charged for duplicating copies of records 9. The categories of information defined as directory information pursuant to Education Code 49073 10. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's records except when disclosure without consent is authorized by law 1. Availability of the cuniculum prospectus developed pursuant to Education Code 4909I.14 containing the titles, descriptions, and instructional aims of every course offered by the school 1 (cf. 5020 - Parent Rights and Responsibilities) 12. Any other rights and requirements set forth in Education Code 49060-4907 8, and the right of parents/guardians to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning an alleged failure by the district to comply with 20 USC 12329 13. A statement that the district forwards education records to other agencies or institutions that request the records and in which the student seeks or intends to enroll or is already enrolled as long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student's enrollment Regulation WESTSIDE LINION SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: July 23,2013 Quartz Hill, California 15 Westside [Jnion ESI) Board Policy - Replace Child Abuse Prevention And Reporting BP 5141.4(a) Students The Board of Trustees is committed to supporting the safety and well-being of district students and desires to facilitate the prevention of and response to child abuse and neglect. The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement strategies for preventing, recognizing, and promptly reporling known or suspected child abuse and neglect. The Superintendent or designee may provide a student who is a victim of abuse with school-based mental health services or other support services andlor may refer the student to resources available within the community as needed. (cf. 1020 - Youth Services) (cf. 5141.6 - School Health Services) (cf . 61 64.2 - Guidance/Counseling Services) Child Abuse Prevention The district's instructional program shall include age-appropriate and culturally sensitive child abuse prevention curriculum. This curriculum shall explain students' right to live free of abuse, include instruction in the skills and techniques needed to identify unsafe situations and react appropriately and promptly, inform students of available support resources, and teach students how to obtain help and disclose incidents of abuse. (cf . 6142.8 - Comprehensive Health Education) (cf. 6143 - Courses of Study) The district's program also may include age-appropriate curriculum in sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention. Upon written request of a student's parent/guardian, the student shall be excused from taking such instruction. (Education Code 51900.6) The Superintendent or designee shall, to the extent feasible, seek to incorporate community resources into the district's child abuse prevention programs and may use these resources to provide parents/guardians with instruction in parenting skills and child abuse prevention. Child Abuse Reporting The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures for the identification and reporting of known and suspected child abuse and neglect in accordance with law. (cf . 4119.2114219.2114319.21 - Professional Standards) (cf.5145.7 - Sexual Harassment) L BP 5141.4(b) Procedures for reporting child abuse shall be included in the district and/or school comprehensive safety plan. (Education Code 32282) (cf. 0450 - Comprehensive Safety Plan) District employees who are mandated reporters, as defined by law and administrative regulation, are obligated to report all known or suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect. The Superintendent or designee shall provide training regarding the duties of mandated reporters. Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 32280-32288 Comprehensive school safety plans 33195 Heritage schools, mandated repofters 33308.1 Guidelines on procedure for hling child abuse complaints 44252 Teachercredentialing 44691 Staff development in the detection of child abuse and neglect 44807 Duty concerning conduct of students 48906 Notification when student released to peace officer 48987 Dissemination of reporting guidelines to parents 49001 Prohibition of corporal punishment 51220.5 Parenting skills education 51900.6 Sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention PENAL CODE 152.3 Duty to report murder, rape, or lewd or lascivious act 2l3a Willful cruelty or unjustif,rable punishment of child; endangering life or health 288 Def,rnition of lewd or lascivious act requiring reporting 11164-11174.3 Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS CODE 15630-15637 Dependent adult abuse reporting CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 4650 Filing complaints with CDE, special education students UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 42 ll434a McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act; dehnitions COURT DECISIONS CamreÍa v. Greene (201 1) 131 S.Ct. 2020 Management Resources: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS Health Education Content Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve Health Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve WEB SITES California Attorney General's Office, Suspected Child Abuse Report Form: 2 BP 5141.4(c) htþ ://www lchildabuse/pdf/ss_8 5 72.pdf California Department of Education, S afe S chools : http ://www. cde. ca. gov/ls/ss/ap California Department of Social Services, Children and Family Services Division: http //www. childsworld. ca. gov : U.S. Depar"tment of Health and Human Services, Child Welfare Information Gateway: htçs ://www.childwelfare. gov/can (7102 1U04) t2lr4 3 Westside [Jnion ESI) Administrative Regulation - Revised Child Abuse Prevention And Reporting Students AR 5141.4(a) Definitions Child abuse or neglect includes the following: (Penal Code 11165.5, 11165.6) 1. A physical injury or death inflicted by other than accidental means on a child by another person 2. Sexual abuse, including sexual assault or sexual exploitation, of a child as defined Penal Code 11165.1 3. Neglect as defined in Penal Code 1 1165.2 4. Willful 5. Unlawful corporal punishment or injury in erucl+y harming or injuring of a child or the endangering of the person or health of a child as defined in Penal Code 1 1 165.3 as defined in Penal Code 11165.4 Child abuse or neglect does not include: 1. A mutual affray between minors (Penal Code 1 1165.6) 2. An injury caused by reasonable and necessary force used by a peace officer acting within the course and scope of his/her employment (Penal Code 1 I 165.6) (cf. 3515.3 - District Police/Security Department) 3. An injury resulting from the exercise by a teacher, vice principal, principal or other certificated employee of the same degree of physical control over a student that a parent/guardian would be privileged to exercise, not exceeding the amount of physical control reasonably necessaly to maintain order, protect property, protect the health and safety of students, or maintain proper and appropriate conditions conducive to learning (Education Code 44807) 4. An injury caused by a school employee's use of force that is reasonable and necessary to quell a disturbance threatening physical injury to persons or damage to property, to protect himself/herself, or to obtain weapons or other dangerous objects within the control of the student (Education Code 49001) 1. AR 5141.4(b) çaf S 1.3 t,7,. VleaÞons and, Dangéioùs Instruments) (cf.5144 - Discipline) (cf. 6159.4 - Behaviorál Interventions for Special Education Students) 5. Physical pain or discomfort caused by athletic competition or other such recreational activity voluntarily engaged in by the student (Education Code 49001) Activity) (cf;.,614 (cf,'614 Hòmelèisneis òi ciassification as an rxraccornpanied minor' (Penal Code 11 165.1 5) Mandated repofters include but are not limited to teachers; instructional aides; teacher's aides or assistants; classif,red employees; certificated pupil personnel employees; administrative officers or supervisors of child attendance; administrators and employees of a licensed day care facility; Head Start teachers; district police or security officers; and administrators, presenters or counselors of a child abuse prevention program. (Penal Code 1 1165.7) (^ç <1A1 /'l 1 ftl:l.1 vruru L,-^^ D-^-,^-+:^-\ l ^\vgov r rv YvrlLrv¡rrr Reasonable suspicion means that it is objectively reasonable for a person to entefiain a suspicion, based upon facts that could cause a reasonable person in a like position, drawing when appropriate on his/her training and experience, to suspect child abuse or neglect. However, reasonâble suspicion does not require certainty that child abuse or neglect has occurred nor does it require a specific medical indication of child abuse or neglect. (Penal Code 11 166) Reportable Offenses A mandated repofter shall make a repoft using the procedures provided below whenever, in his/her professional capacity or within the scope of his/her employment, he/she has knowledge of or observes a child whom the mandated reporter knows or reasonably suspects has been the victim of child abuse or neglect. (Penal Code 11166) Any mandated reporter who has knowledge of or who reasonably suspects that a child is suffering serious emotional damage or is at a substantial risk of suffering serious emotional damage, based on evidence of severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or untoward aggressive behavior toward self or others, may make a report to the appropriate agency. (Penal Code 11166.05, ttl67) Any district employee who reasonably believes that he/she has observed the commission of a murder, rape, or lewd or lascivious act by use of force, violence, duress, menace, or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury against a victim who is a child under age 14 shall notify peace officer. (Penal Code 152.3,288) Responsibility for Reporling 2 a AR 5141.4(c) The reporting duties of mandated reporters are individual and cannot be delegated to another person. (Penal Code 11166) When two or more mandated reporters jointly have knowledge of a known or suspected instance of child abuse or neglect, the report may be made by a member of the team selected by mutual agreement and a single repod may be made and signed by the selected member of the reporting team. Any member who has knowledge that the member designated to repoft has failed to do so shall thereafter make the report. (Penal Code 1i 166) No supervisor or administrator shall impede or inhibit a mandated repofter from making a reporl. (Penal Code 11166) Any person not identified as a mandated reporter who has knowledge of or observes a child whom he/she knows or reasonably suspects has been a victim of child abuse or neglect may report the known or suspected instance of child abuse or neglect to the appropriate agency. (Penal Code 11166) (cf.124,0 - Volunteer Assistance) Reporting Procedures 1. Initial Telephone Report Immediately or as soon as practicably possible after knowing or observing suspected child abuse or neglect, a mandated reporter shall make a report by telephone to any police department (excluding a school district police/security department), sheriffs department, county probation department if designated by the county to receive such reports, or the county welfare department. (Penal Code 11166) Los Angeles Depaftment of Public Services Child Abuse Hotline 1 -800-540-4000 When the telephone repoft is made, the mandated reporter shall note the name of the official contacted, the date and time contacted, and any instructions or advice received. 2. Written Report Within 36 hours of knowing or observing the information concerning the incident, the mandated reporter shall then prepare and either send, fax, or electronically submit to the appropriate agency a written repoft which includes a completed Department of Justice form (SS 8572). (Penal Code 11166,11i68) The Department of Justice form rnay be obtained fiom the district office or other appropriate agencies, such as the county probation or welfare department or the police or sheriffs 3 AR s141.4(d) department. Reporls of suspected child abuse or neglect shall include, if known: (Penal Code 1 1167) a. The name, business address and telephone number of the person making the report and the capacity thaf makes the person a mandated repofter b. The child's name and address, present location and, where applicable, school, grade and class c. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the child's parents/guardians d. The name, address, telephone number and other relevant personal information about the person(s) who might have abused or neglected the child e. The information that gave rise to the reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect and the source(s) of that information The mandated repofter shall make a repod even uncertain to him/her. (Penal Code 11167) if some of this information is not known or is The mandated reporter may give to an investigator from an agency investigating the case, including a licensing agency, any information relevant to an incident of child abuse or neglect or to a repoft made for serious emotional damage pursuant to Penal Code 11166.05. (Penal Code rr167) 3. Internal Reporting The mandated reporter shall not be required to disclose his/her identity to his/her supervisor, the principal, or the Superintendent or designee. (Penal Code 1 1166) Employees reporting child abuse or neglect to the appropriate agency are encouraged, but not required, to notify the principal e+desi-gnee as soon as possible after the initial telephone reporl 'When to an appropriate agency. so notified, the principal shall inform the Superintendent or designee. The principal e+-desi-gnec so notif,red shall provide the mandated reporter with any assistance necessary to ensure that reporting procedures are carried out in accordance with law, Board policy and administrative regulation. At the mandated reporter's request, the principal may assist in completing and hling these forms. Reporting the information to an employer, supervisor, school principal, school counselot, 4 AR 5141.4(e) person the not a for making a mandated report to co-worker, or other shall be substitute appropriate agency. (Penal Code 11166) Training Training ef mandatcd reperters shall inelude ehild abuse identifieatien and reperting, (Penal ætL6+Jì Training shall alse inelude guidanee irrthe-apprepriate diseþline ef students; physieal eontaet rvith students; and maintenanee ef ethieal relatienships rvith students to aveid aetiens that may be @ /^ç A111 a+^çfTl^,,^l^-*^-+\ shall provide 4469,T""; Penal Code,11165.3) (cf. 4t:t'- S'taff De'velopment) (Cî. 4231 - Stâff Development) @f. aT1 - Staff Development) The Superintendent or designee shall use the online training rnodule providèd by the Califomia Department of Social Services. (Education Code 44691) The training shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, training in identifièation and reporting of child abuse and neglect. In addition, the training shall include infomation that failure to report an incident of known or reasonably suspected child abuse or neglect as required by-laW is amisdemeanor-punishable,by-,irnprisonment and/or,aftne as specified, (Education Cade 4469 i; Fenal Code,,l 11-65.7) The Superintendent or designee shall obtain and retain proof of eàòh mandated repofter's completion of the training. (Education Code 44691) Victim Interviews bv Social Services Whenever a representative from the Department of Social Services deems it necessary, a suspected victim may be interviewed by an agency representative during school hours, on school premises, concerning a report of suspected child abuse or neglect that occurred within the child's 5 AR s141.4(Ð home or out-of-home care facility. The child shall be given the choice of being interviewed in private or in the presence of any adult school employee or volunteer aide selected by the child. (Penal Code 11174.3) A staff member or volunteer aide selected by a child may decline to be present at the interview If the selected person accepts, the principal or designee shall inform him/her, before the interview takes place, of the following requirements: (Penal Code 1II74.3) 1. The purpose of the selected person's presence at the interview is to lend support to the child and enable him/her to be as comfortable as possible. 2 The selected person shall not participate in the interview J The selected person shall not discuss the facts or circumstances of the case with the child 4. The selected person is subject to the confidentiality requirements of the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act, a violation of which is punishable as specified in Penal Code 11167.5. If a staff member agrees to be present, the interview shall be held at a time during school hours when it does not involve an expense to the school. (Penal Code 11174.3) Release of Child to Peace Officer When a child is released to a peace officer and taken into custody as a victim of suspected child abuse or neglect, the Superintendent or designee andlor principal shall not notify the parentlguardian as required in other instances of removal of a child from school, but rather shall provide the peace officer with the address and telephone number of the child's parent/guardian. I+ is thc rcspensibil (Education Code 48906) (cf. 5145.1 I - Questioning and Apprehension by Law Enforcèment) Parent/Guardian Complaints Upon request, the Superintendent or designee shall provide parents/guardians with a copy of the district's administrative regulation that describes how to report suspected child abuse occurring at a school site to appropriate agencies. For parents/guardians whose primary language is other than English, such procedures shall be in their primary language and, when communicating orally regarding those procedures, an interpreter shall be provided. To file a complaint against a district employee or other person suspected of child abuse or neglect at a school site, parents/guardians may file a report by telephone, in person or in writing with any appropriate agency identified above under "Repofting Procedures." 6 AR sla1.a(g) Il aparentlguardian makes a complaint to any district employee, that employee shall notify the parentlguardian of procedures for filing a complaint with the appropriate agency and also is obligated pursuant to Penal Code 1 1 166 to file a report himself/herself using the procedures described above for mandated repofters. (cf. 13 12.l - Complaints Concerning District Employees) In addition, if the child is enrolled in special education, a separate complaint may be filed with the California Department of Education pursuant to 5 CCR 4650 (cf. 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures) Notifications The Superintendent or designee shall give to all new employees who are mandated repofiers a statement that informs them of their status as mandated reporters, of their reporting obligations under Penal Code 11166, and of their confidentiality rights under Penal Code 11167. The district shall also provide these new employees with a copy of Penal Code 11165.7,11166, and 1tt67. (cf . 4 I 12.9 I 4212.9 I 43 12.9 - Employee Notifications) Before beginning employment, employees shall sign the statement indicating that they have knowledge of the reporting obligations under Penal Code 11166 and that they will comply with those provisions. The signed statements shall be retained by the Superintendent or designee. (Penal Code 11166.5) Employees who work with dependent adults shall be notified of legal responsibilities and reporting procedures pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code 15630-1 5637 . The Superintendent or designee shall also notify all employees that: 1. A mandated reporter who reports a known or suspected instance of child abuse or neglect shall not be held civilly or criminally liable for making a report and this immunity shall apply even if the mandated reporter acquired the knowledge or reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect outside of his/her professional capacity or outside the scope of his/her employment. Any other person making a report shall not incur civil or criminal liability unless it can be proven that he/she knowingly made a false report or made a report with reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the report. (Penal Code 11172) 2. If a mandated reporter fails to timely report an incident of known or reasonably suspected child abuse or neglect, helshe is guilty of a misderneaner crime punishable by a fine andlor imprisonment. (Penal Code 11166) 3 No employee shall be subject to any sanction by the district for making a report unless 7 it, AR s141.4(h) can be shown that he/she knowingly made a false report or made a report of the tnrth, or falsity: of ,fhe,lreport. (P enal Code 1 | I 6 6) Regulation WESTSIDE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: February I,2071 Quartz Hill, California 8 with reckless'disiegáid. Westside [Jnion ESI) Board Policy - Revised Physical Education And Activity BP 6142.7(a) Instruction The Board of Trustees recognizes the positive benefits of physical activity on student health and academic achievement. The district shall provide all students the opportunity to be physically active on a regular basis through high-quality physical education instruction and may provide additional opportunities for physical activity throughout the school day. The district's physical education and activity programs shall support the district's coordinated student wellness program and encourage students' lifelong fitness. (cf. 5030 - Student Wellness) (cf . 6142.8 - Comprehensive Health Education) The district's physical education program shall provide a developmentally appropriate sequence of instruction aligned with the state's model content standards and curriculum framework. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the district's program provides students with equal opportunities for instruction and participation regardless of gender in accordance with law. (cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities) (cf. 6011 - Academic Standards) (cf. 6143 - Courses of Study) Students with disabilities shall be provided instruction in physical education in accordance with their individualized education program or Section 504 accommodation plan. (cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program) (cf . 6164.6 - Identification and Education Under Section 504) Physical education will be required unless a physieianb-note from an authorizedftaffi careprovider defining the physical disability or health condition which prevents the student from full participation in P.E. is provided. The note must state the length of time the student is to be excused and the extent to which the student can participate in physical education activities. ,+pl+ysieian s The authorized health care pròUder'i written recommendations describing a student's physical limitations, restrictions, or specific permitted activities will be implemented for the length of time the physieian provider states. A physi:eianb note from an authorized health'care provider is required for a student to return to school with crutches, or in a wheelchair. Students will be expected to participate in P.E. to the greatest extent possible. A parent's/guardian's note excusing a student for no more than three consecutive calendar days from P.E. due to a health condition will be accepted. Students excused with a parent's/guardian's note will be expected to participate in the activities of the physical education activities to the greatest extent possible. If a student-athlete is excused from P.E., s/he is not allowed to participate in extra-curricular sports (including cheerleading) during that time. '1. BP 6r42.7(b) During air pollution episodes, extreme weather, or other inclement conditions, physical education staff shall make appropriate adjustments to the program or shall seek alternative indoor space to enable students to participate in active physical education. (cf.3514 - Environmental Safety) (cf.5141.7 - Sun Safety) Staffing Physical education instruction shall be delivered by appropriately credentialed teachers who may be assisted by instructional aides, paraprofessionals, andlor volunteers. (cf. 1240 - Volunteer Assistance) (cf. 41 12.2 - Certif,rcation) (cf . 4222 - Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals) The district shall provide physical education teachers with continuing professional development, including classroom management and instructional strategies designed to keep students engaged and active and to enhance the quality of physical education instruction and assessment. (cf.4131 - Staff Development) (cf. 512I - Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement) Physical Fitness Testing The Superintendent or designee shall annually administer the physical fitness test designated by the State Board of Education to students in grades 5 andl. (Education Code 60800; 5 CCR 1041) Temporary Exemptions The Superintendent or designee may grant a temporary exemption from physical education under either of the following conditions: (Education Code 5124I) 1. The student is provided. 2. ill or injured and a modif,red program to meet his/her needs cannot be The student is enrolled for one-half time or less Program Evaluation The Superintendent or designee shall annually report to the Board the results of the state physical fitness testing for each school and applicable grade level. He/she shall also reporl to the Board regarding the number of instructional minutes offered in physical education for each grade level and any other data agreed upon by the Board and the Superintendent or designee to evaluate 2 BP 6r42.7(c) program quality and the effectiveness of the district's program in meeting goals for physical activity. (cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 33126 School accountability report card 33350-33354 CDE responsibilities re: physical education 35256 School accountability report card 49066 Grades; physical education class 51210 Course ofstudy, grades 1-6 51220 Course ofstudy, gradesT-I2 51222 Physical education 51223 Physical education, elementary schools 5124I Temporary, two-year or perrnanent exemption from physical education 51242 Exemption from physical education for athletic program participants 52316 Excuse from attending physical education classes 60800 Physical performance test CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 1040-1048 Physical performance test 3051.5 Adapted physical education for individuals with exceptional needs 10060 Criteria for high school physical education programs LTNITED STATES CODE, TTTLE 29 794 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 LTNITED STATES CODE, TTTLE 42 175I Note Local wellness policy ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINIONS 53 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 230 (1910) Management Resources: CSBA PUBLICATIONS Active Bodies, Active Minds: Physical Activity and Academic Achievement, Fact Sheet, February 2010 Maximizing Opportunities for Physical Activity Through Joint Use of Facilities, Policy Brief, rev. February 2010 Maximizing Opportunities for Physical Activity During the School Day, Fact Sheet, November 2009 Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity in Physical Education to Improve Health and Academic Outcomes, Fact Sheet, November 2009 Building Healthy Communities: A School Leader's Guide to Collaboration and Community Engagement,2009 3 BP 6r42.7(d) Physical Education and California Schools, Policy Brief, rev. October 2007 Monitoring for Success: Student'Wellness Policy Implementation Monitoring Reporl and Guide, 2007 Student Wellness: A Healtþ Food and Physical Activity Policy Resource Guide, rev. April 2006 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade 12, 2009 Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade 12, January 2005 Adapted Physical Education Guidelines for California Schools, 2003 CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION PUBLICATIONS School Health Index for Physical Activity and Healthy Eating: A Self-Assessment and Planning Guide for Elementary and Middle/High Schools, 2000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES PUBLICATIONS 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, October 2008 WEB SITES CSBA: California Department of Education, Physical Fitness Testing: lta/tglpf California Healthy Kids Resource Center: http://www.californiahealtþ California Project LEAN (Leaders Encouraging Activity and Nutrition): http //www. californiaproj ectlean. org Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Educational Data System, California physical fitness: htþ ://www. eddata. com/proj ects/current/cpf Healthy P e op le 20 I 0 : http //www. healthyp eople. gov National Association for Sport and Physical Education: http://www.aaþ President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports: htç:// The California Endowment : http ://wr /w. calendow. org U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: : : Policy WESTSIDE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: June 15,2010 Quartz Hill, California 4 Westside [Inion ESI) Administrative Regulation - Revised Athletic Competition Instruction AR 6145.2(a) Nondiscrimination and Equivalent Opportunities in the Athletic Program No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, be denied equivalent opporlunity in, or otherwise be discriminated against in interscholastic, intramural, or club athletics on the basis ofactual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gènder:expression, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, mental or physical disability, or any other basis specified in law. (Education Code 220,221.5, 230;5 CCR4920;34 CFR 106.41) (cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities) (cf. 5 145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment) The Superintendent or designee may provide single-sex teams where selection for the teams is based on competitive skills. (5 CCR 4921;34 CFR 106.41) Each student shall be allowed to participate in any single-sex athletic program or activity consistent with his/her gender identity and for which he/she is otherwise eligible to partiòipate, irrespective of the gender listed on the student's records. (Education Code 221.5) (cf. 5125 - Student Records) When a school provides only one team in a particular sport for members of one sex, but provides no team in the same sport for members of the other sex, and athletic opportunities in the total program for that sex have been previously limited, members of the excluded sex shall be allowed to try out and compete with the team. The same standards for eligibility shall be applied to every student trying out for ateam, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, or other protected group status. (5 CCR 4921;34 CFR 106.41) When determining whether equivalent opportunities are available to both sexes in athletic programs, the Superintendent or designee shall consider, among other factors: (5 CCR 4922;34 cFR 106.41) 1. Whether the selection of sports and levels of competition offered effectively accommodate the interests and abilities of both sexes The district's athletic plogram shall be considered to effectively accommodate the interests and abilities of both sexes in athletics, if it meets one of the following criteria: (Education Code 230) 1" AR 614s.2(b) The interscholastic-level participation opportunities for male and female students are provided in numbers substantially proportionate to their respective enrollments. a. b. When the members of one sex have been and are underrepresented among interscholastic athletes, whether the district can show a history and a continuing practice of program expansion that is demonstrably responsive to the developing interests and abilities of the members of that SCX. c. When the members of one sex are underrepresented among interscholastic athletes and the district cannot show a history and a continuing practice of program expansion as required in item #b above, whether the district can demonstrate that the interests and abilities of the members of that sex have been fully and effectively accommodated by the present program. 2. The provision and maintenance of equipment and supplies 3. Scheduling of games and practice times, selection of the season for a sport, and location of the games and practices 4 Travel and per diem allowances 5 Opportunities to receive coaching and academic tutoring 6 Assignment and compensation of coaches and tutors 7 Provision of locker rooms and practice and competitive facilities 8 Provision of medical and training facilities and services 9 Provision of housing and dining facilities and services 10 Publicity 11. Provision of necessary funds Beginning with the 2015-16 school year and every year thereafter, each school that offers competitive athletics shall post the following information on its school web site, or on the district web site if the schoóldoes not have a web site, at the end of the school year: (Education Code, 22L9) 1. The total enrollment of the school, classified by gender 2. The number of students enrolled at the schooi who participate in competitive athletics, classified by gender 3. The number of boys' and girls'teams, classified by sport and by competition ler¡el 2 AR 6145.2(c) (cf, 11 13 -ÐiStrict and Schoõl S/eb.S'itos) the aátareþ@d ror iièms #ll-,i si,ve on the off,rcial first day of competition. retaine..{ly,the,sohool,for'.at-leaSt:thrée', (Education Code 221.9) (cî :¡ s go -oi*ict '.: Recór-ds) Health and Safety The Superintendent or designee shall annually distribute to student athletes and their parents/guardians a concussion and head injury information sheet. The student and parcntlguardian shall sign and return the information sheet before the student's initiating practice or competition. (Education Code 49475) (cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifìcations) of sustaining a concussion or head injury in an athletic activity, he/she shall be immediately removed from the activity for the remainder of the day. The student shall not be permitted to retum to the activity until he/she is evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in the management ofconcussions and receives the health care written clearance to return to the activity If a student athlete is suspected cafe protoco'l,of provider. (Education Code 49475) The Superintendent or designee shall notify the student's parent/guardian of the date, time, and extent ofany injury suffered by the student and any actions taken to treat the student. The Superintendent or designee shall provide training to coaches, athletic trainers, and/or school nurses regarding concussion symptoms, prevention, and appropriate response. (cf.41271422714327 - Temporary Athletic Team Coaches) Parental Notifications Before a student participates in interscholastic athletic activities, the Superintendent or designee shall send a notice to the student's parents/guardians which: 1. Contains information about the procedures for filing a discrimination complaint that arises out of an interscholastic athletic activity, including the name of the district's Title IX Coordinator 3 AR 614s.2(d) (cf. 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures) 2. Includes a copy of the Athletes'Bill of Rights pursuant to EducationCode2TI 3. Explains that there is an element of risk associated with all athletic competitions and that the district cannot guarantee that students will not be injured, despite a commitment to provide for every participant's health and welfare (cf. 3530 - Risk Management/Insurance) 4. Provides information about insurance protection pursuant to Education Code 32221.5 (cf. 5143 - Insurance) 5. Requests parental permission for the student to participate in the program and, appropriate, be transported by the district to and from competitions if (cf. 3541.1 - Transporlation for School-Related Trips) 6. States the Board's expectation that students adhere strictly to all safety rules, regulations, and instructions, as well as rules and guidelines related to conduct and sportsmanship (cf. 5144 - Discipline) (cf. 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process) 7. Includes a copy of the local California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) league rules 8. Includes information about the CIF bylaw and district policy requiring any student athlete and his/her parentlguardian to sign a statement that the student will not use steroids or dietary supplements banned by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (cf. 513 1.63 - Steroids) Regulation WESTSIDE LINION SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: December 18,2012 Quartz Hill, California 4 \Mestside [Jnion E SI) Board Policy - Revised Independent Study Instruction BP 6158(a) The Board of Trustees authorizes independent study as an optional alternative instructional strategy for students whose needs may be best met through study outside of the regular classroom setting. . Independent study shall offer a means of individu alizingthe educational plan to serve students who desire a more challenging,èduo,âti'onal,experience, whose healthrõr other'person'ál circumstances make'classroom attehdance,difficult, who,are unable tô access coùrse(S),dù scheduling problems, andlor who need to make up credits or fill gaps in their learning. As necessary to meet student needs, independent study may be offered on a full-time basis or on a part-time basis in conjunction with part- or full-time classroom study. r (cf. 5147 - Dropout Prevention) (cf. 6011 - Academic Standards) (cf. 6143 - Courses of Study) (cf . 61 46.1 - High School Graduation Requirements) (çf.6146,11 - Alternative Credits Toward Graduation) (cf , 6T72,- Gifted and Talented Student Program) (cf. 6200 - Adult Education) the Superintendent or designee may provide a variety of independenl study opportunities, including, but not limited to, through a program or class within a comprehensive school, an alternative school oÍ program of choice, a charter schoôl, a home.based format,and an online oourse. (c1. 0420,4 - Charter School Authorization) (cf. 6181 - Alternative Schools/Programs of Choice) A student's participation in independent study shall be voluntary. Students participating in independent study shall have the right, at any time, to enter or return to the regular classroom mode of instruction. (Education Code 51747;5 CCR 11700) Parents/guardians of students who are interested in independent study shall contact the Superintendent or designee. The Superintendent or designee shall approve independent study for an individual student only upon determining that the student is prepared to meet the district's requirements for independent study and is likely to succeed in independent study as well as or bettel than he/she would in the regular classroom. The SuperintendenËer designee shall approve independent study fer an individual student enly t*pen dete"rni+i 1 BP 6158(b) study and is likely to sueeeed in independent study as rvell as er better than he/she rveuld in the rcguMASSf€Omr The minimum period of time for any independent study option shall be five school days. Written Agreements, that,a SIt4 .5 ) To foster each participating student's success in independent study, the Board establishes the following maximum lengths of time which may elapse between the date an assignment is made and the date by which the student must complete the assigned work: 1. Two weeks for students in grades K-3 2. Two weeks for students in grades 4-8 When circumstances justify a longer time, the Superintendent or designee may extend the maximum length of an assignment to a period not to exceed eight weeks, pursuant to a written request with justification. Supervising teachers should carefully set the duration of independent study assignments, within the limits specified above, and establish an appropriate schedule for student-teacher conferences in order to help identify students falling behind in their work or in danger of failing or dropping out of school. Except in unusual circumstances, it is expected that the supervising teacher will meet with each participating student at least once a week, either in person or by electronic means, to discuss the student's progress. Missing appointments with the supervising teacher without valid reasons also may trigger an evaluation to determine whether the student should remain in independent study. (cf.5147 - Dropout Prevention) When any parlicipating student fails to complete three consecutive independent study assignments in a period of 15 school days, or misses two appointments with his/her supervising teacher without valid reasons, an evaluation shall be conducted to determine whether it is in the student's best interest to remain in independent study. Home-Based Independent Study 2 BP 6158(c) The Superintendent or designee shall encourage parents/guardians desiring to teach their children at home to have their children participate in independent study. Such participation allows continued contact and cooperation between the school system and the home-based student andi ensures that the student will be offered a standards-based education substantially equivalent in quality and quantity to the distiict's classroom instruction. Program Evaluation The Superintendent or designee shall annually report to the Board the number of distriCi students participating in independent study, the average daily attendance (ADA) generated for apportionment purposes, the quality of these students' work as measured by standard indicators án¿ in compáriion to students in classroom-based instruction, and the number and proportion of independent study students who graduate or successfully complete independent study. Based on the program evaluation, the Board and Superintendent shall determine areas for program improvement as needed. (cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 5l2I - Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement) @!.6162.5 - Student Assessment) (cf. 6162.51 - State Academic Achievement Tests) (cf. 6162.52 - High School Exit Exarnination) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 17289 Exemption for facilities 41976.2 Independent study programs; adult education funding 42238 Revenue limits 42238.05 Local control funding formula; average daily attendance 44865 Qualifications for home teachers and teachers in special classes and schools 46200-46208 Instructional day ând year 46300-46307.I Methods of computing average daily attendance 47612.5 Independent study in charter schools 48204 Residency@ 48206.3 Home or hospital instruction; students with temporary disabilities 48220 Classes of children exempted 48340 Improvement of pupil attendance 48915 Expulsion; particular circumstances 48916.1 Educational program requirements for expelled students 48917 Suspension ofexpulsion order 3 BP 61s8(d) 490TL: Studentfees 51225.3 Requirements for high school graduation 5I745-517 49.3 Independent study programs 52522 Adult education alternative instructional delivery 52523 Adult education as supplement to high school curriculum; criteria 56026 Individuals with exceptional needs 58500-58512 Alternative schools and programs of choice FAMILY CODE 6550 Authorization affidavits CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 IIl00-11103 19819 Independent study State audit compliance COURT DECISIONS Modesto City Schools v. Education Audits Appeal Panel, (2004) 123 Cal.App.4th 1365 EDUCATION AUDIT APPEALS PANEL DECISIONS Lucerne Valley Unified School District, Case No. 03-02 (2005) ulurpp Stnres coDÈ, TrrLE 20 630], ,I{igny qualifçd leachers COURT DECISIONS Modèsto:eity School.s v,:Educa,lion Audits,Appeál Panel,,:'(20¡04) 123,,Câ1.4þp*h 1365 EDUCATION AUDIT APPEALS PANEL DECISIONS Lucerne Valley Unified School District, Case No. 03-02 (2005) Management Resources: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS i€n Elements of Exemplary Independent Study Approaches to Satisfying No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Teacher Requirements for Independent Study in Secondary Schools, January 28,2010 WEB SITES California Consoftium for Independent Study : http :// California Department of Education, Independent Study: Education Audit Appeals Panel: Policy WESTSIDE LTNION SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: January 18,2011 Quartz Hill, California 4 Westside [Jnion E SI) Administrative Regulation - Revised Independent Study Instruction AR 6158(a) Educational Opportunities Educational opportunities offered through independent study may include, but are not limited to (Education Code 51745) 1. Special assignments extending the content of regular courses of instruction (cf.6143 - Courses ofStudy) 2. Individualized study in a particular area of interest or in a subject not curlently available in the regular school curriculum 3. Individualized alternative education designed to teach the knowledge and skills of the core cuniculum, but not provided as an alternative curriculum 4 .Continuing and special study during travel (cf.5112.3 - Student Leave of Absence) 5. Volunteer community service activities and leadership opportunties that support and strengthen student achievement S cho ol Autho rization) (cf. 6l 42.4 - Service Learning/Community Service Classes) (Cf:6181 - Altemative Schools/Programs of Choice) @f ,' A 420.,4,- Charter: In addition, when requested by the parent/guardian due to emergencies, vacation or illness, independent study may be used on a shoft-term basis to ensure that the student is able to maintain academic progress in his/her regular classes. (cf. 51 13 - Absences and Excuses) Equivalency The district's independent study option shall be substantially equivalent in quality and quantity to t AR 6158(b) classroom instruction, thus enabling students participating in independent study to complete the district's adopted course of study within the customary time frame. Students in independent study shall have access to the same services and resources that are available to other students in the school and shall haue equál iighii an¿ piiviléges. (5 CCR I 1100, 11701.5) (cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities) The district shall not provide independent study students and their parents/guardians with funds or items of value that are not provided for other students and their parents/guardians. (Education Code 46300.6, 51747 .3) Eligibility for Independent Study Provided that experienced certificated staff are avallable to effectively supervise students in independent study, the Superintendent or designee may approve the participation of a student who demonstrates the motivation, commitment, organizational skills, and academic skills necessary to work independently. A student whose academic performance is not at grade level may participate in independent study only if the school is able to provide appropriate suppott, such as supplemental instruction, tutoring, counseling, ongoing diagnostic assessments, and/or differentiated materials, to enable the student to be successful. For an elementary student, the Superintendent or designee may consider the parent/guardian's level of commitment to assist the student. Students participating in independent study must be residents of the local county or an adjacent students whose district residency status is based on their parent/guardian's employment within district boundaries pursuant to Education Code 48204. (Education Code 46300.2,51747.3) county. Full-time independent study shall not be available to (cf. 51 Il.l2 - Residency Based on Parent/Guardian Employment) A student with disabilities, as defined in Education Code 56026, shall not participate in independent study unless his/her individualized education program specifically provides for such participation. (Education Code 51745) (cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program) A temporarily disabled student shall not receive individual instruction pursuant to Education Code 48206.3 by means of independent study. (Education Code 51745) (cf.6183 - Home and Hospital Instruction) No more than l0 percent of the students enrolled in an opportunity school or program, not including pregnant and parenting students who are primaly caregivers for one or more of their children, shall be in independent study at any given time. (Education Code 517 45) 2 AR 6158(c) (cf . 5146 - Maried/Pregnant/Parenting Students) (cf. 6184 - Continuation Education) Written Master Agreements A written agreement shall be developed for each student participating, in independent study for five or more consecutive school days. (Education Code 46300, 51747',;',:5,CCR 1'' 703) The written independent study agreement for each participating student shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following: (Education Code 51747 ;5 CCR 1 1700, 11702) 1. The manner, frequency, time and place for submitting the student's assignments and for reporting his/her progress 2. The objectives and methods of study for the student's work¡and the methods used to evaluate that work 3. The specific resources, including materials and personnel, that will be made available to the student 4. The Board's independent study policy describing the maximum length of time allowed between an assignment and its completion and the number of missed assignments, by grade level and,type of program, which will trigger an evaluation of whether the student should be allowed to continue in independent study 5. The duration of the independent study agreement, including the beginning and ending with a maxlmum year, dates for the student's participation in independent study under the of one 6. A statement of the number of course credits or, for an elementary student, other measures of academic accomplishment appropriate to the agreement, to be earned by the student upon completion 7. A statement that independent study is an optional educational alternative in which no student may be required to participate 8. In the case of a suspended o-r expelled student who is referred or assigned to any school, class or program pursuant to Education Code 48915 or 48977, a statement that instruction may be provided through independent study only if the student is offered the alternative of classroom instruction (cf. 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process) 9. Signatures of the student, the parent/guardian or caregiver of the student if the student is under age l8 years, the certificated employee responsible for the general supervision of 3 AR 6158(d) independent study, and all persons who have direct responsibility for providing assistance to the student The parent/guardian's signature on the agreement shall constitute permission for the student to re c eiv e in struction trr-ouÈh indep endent: study. The signed, dated agreement may be maintained on file electronically. (Education Code 51747t Reard peliey; admin ++1Ø Rcforc bcginning the rcspensibility for student's independent study as speeified in the agreement. Couise-Based IndepenOeni Stuay The district shall offer a course-based independent study program for students in grades K-8 subject to the following requirements: (Education Code 51749.5) 1. Courses shall be taught under the general supervision of cerlificated employees who hold the appropriate subject matter credential, meet the requirements for highly qualifìed teachers pursuant to 20 USC 6301., and are employed by the district or'by another,distiict, chafier school, or county offico of,education with which'the district,has a memorarìdum ofùnderstánding to provide tlie instruction. 1ci +t 12.2 - Certification) (cf. 41 12.24 - Teacher Qualifications Under the No Child Left Behind Act) 2. Courses shall be annually cerrified by Board resolution to be of the sarne rigor and educational quality as equivalent classroom-based courses and shall be aligned to all relevant local ald state content standards. This certification shall, at a minimum,,include the duration, 4 AR 6158(e) numbér of equiúáte-nt'ffli.instruciiônâi minutes for each school day that student,ii:ènrol.þd,,, number of equivalent total instructiònal minutes, and number of course credits for each course, consi stênt with that ¡f èquivaleút cl¿s sroo'm-baséd courses, -1. pwsuant'to thèach Written oi computei-básèd évidenie of satiifactòiy éaucaiiònal prògiéii itràlt ue ietáiné¿ foi each course and student, including, at a minimum2 a grade book or summàry document that lists all assignments, examinations, anà associated grades for each course. the student' school, (cf , 5l'zs - Student:kCords) i. .' ,'.'Examinatiôni ihall be âdministeréd by a'pqòctor, 6. Statewide testing results shall be reported and assigned to the school at which the student is enrolled and shall be included in the aggiegate results of the district. Test results also shall be disaggregated for purpor.. of compari.otrs *ittt the test results of students ånrolled in classroom-based courses. (cf. 7. 61 62.51 - State Àcadernic Àchievement lestsj A student shall not be required to enroll in courses included in this prngram. 8. The student-teacher ratio in the courses in this program shall meet the requirements Education Code 5 1745.6. 5 of AR 6158 the' shall annual total and the ation Code (cf ,:6711 '.,$ç¡stl: talendar). Qcf.,:6112 ',,SChooI Ðay) study.. 1 1. A student participating in this program shall not be assessed a fee that is prohibited by Education Code 4901 1. çct. ZZø1O - Fees and Chàr'ges) 12. A student shall not be prohibited from participating in independent study solely on the basis that he/she does not have the materials, equipment, or Intemet access necessary to participate in the course. 1. A summary of the district's policies and procedures related to this program 2. The duration of the enrolled course(s) and the number of course credits for each enrotte¿ corrse, consistent with the Boald certifications made pursuant to item #2 above 3, The duration of the learning agreement, which shall not exceed a school year or span multiple school yeárs An 5: The sþêóific r€sourc€s; including materials and personnel, that the student 6. be rnade,available to A statement that the student is not required to enroll in this.program . Signatures of the student, the student's parent/guardian years, and all teachers providing instruction 7 will 6 if the student is under age I8 AR 61s8(g) the student to receive f hè:'Sùþ érintènaèn âgi.eê.mênt, fuf éi: de s! gne e'shail -least -three yêais'and 5:1:7,4 .,6). i€s te the regular elassroom mode oÊir¡struetion; ineluding upen terminatien ef the agreement, rverk en time shall net be reperted 1, a A as tardy er truant, Hervever; the independent-study r\ letter te the student and/er parent/gtrardian *^^+.:-- l^^+--,^^+1^^ -+,,1^-+ ^-l vvL Yvvvrr l ^\ rrrvvLrrró :-^*^^^^ ^- :- +L^ a*n,,-r ^f +i*^ +L^ +^^^L^- ^^à l^- ^^,,-^^l^- +l^^ -+-,,i^-+ ,,,^-l-^ ,,-,{^- Åi*^^+ -,,^^*-,;..:^- When the student has missed the number ef assigrnents speeified i"r Bearé poliey and the rvritte+independent-study agreement as preeipitating an evaluation; the Superintendent or traeh studcnt's inde 1, Ensure that the distriet's independent+ttrdy option is operated in aeeordanee rvith law; i€n 1, thc part ^pprevc 7 4, AR 61s8(h) r\ppreve all eredits earned threugh independent study and ferrvard the infermation te the 6, Supervise any staff assigned te independent study funetiens rvho are net regularly 7, eemplete er eeerdinate the preparation ef all neeessary reesrds and repe#s 8, Establish and maintain in a systematie @ien 9, Menitor marurer all reeerds reqt*ired by larv; Beard peliey stude in- pres€ri 10- Ðevelep and ma+rage the budget fer independent study 1, Obtain and nraintain eurrent infermatien and skills+eqnired fer the operatien ef an indcpcndcnt stÌrd pfegfaffis I 13, Prepare and strb'nit reperts as required by the Board or Superintendent Monitoring Student Progress Independent study students who are late, miss scheduled conferences, or do not submit assigned work on time shall not be reporled as tardy or truant. However, the independent study administrator andlor supervising teacher shall promptly and directly address any failure by the student to meet the terms of his/her written agreement. The following supportive strategies may be used: 1 A letter to the student and/or parent/guardian 2 A meeting between the student and the teacher and/or counselor 3. A meeting between the student and the independent study administrator, including the parent/guardian if appropriate 4. An increase in the amount of time the student works under direct supervision When the student has missed the number of assignments specified in the written agreement as 8 AR 61s8(Ð precipitating an evaluation, the Superintendent or designee shall conduct an evaluation to determine whether or not independent study is appropriate for the student. This evaluation may result in termination of the independent study agreement and the student's return to a regular school srv47) Assignment and Responsibilities of Independent Study Teachers Each student's independent study shall be coordinated, evaluated, and carried out under the general supervision of a certificated employee who consents to the assignment. (Education Code 44865,51747.5;5 CCR 11700) d the Supcrintcnde te direetly supervise independent study a*rd/orwo-k rvith students en speeifie subjeet matter, The teaeher may be the sttrdent's regular elassreem teaeher; partieularly fer elemcntary students, The (^ç A'l 21 Q+^f{.T-l^-,^1^^*^-+\ The teaeher-supervising independent study shall: 1, eemplete designated portiens ef the rvritten independent stt*dy agreement and add .) e,,^^*,,;.^ ^-,1 syyrvvv ^^,...^^,,,^-r^^^-^-,^ vvurrvvvurr\ 4, ¡\ssess all stt*dent rvork and determinc and assigr¡grades e- ether appreved measures aehievemen+ 5, Personally judge the ti"ne value ef assigned rverk or wsrr< preduets eempleted md 6, Seleet and save rvith eaeh agreement re @ 9 ef AR 61580) 7, Sign and eemplete the agreement rvhen the student has reaehed his/her eþíeetives er the- 8, lr{aintain a daily er heurly attendanee register in aeeordanee rvith item # I in the seetien @ €'q-l-R€€€#ds11-b€l€{¡r 9, Maintain any ether required reeerds and files en a eurrent basis The ratio.of,,student yòungér to futt-tiø" new offered, within. the gráde I agreement contains an The responsibilities of the supervising teacher shall include, but are not limitèd to: 1. Completing designated portions of the written independent study agreement 2. Supervising and approving coursework and àstignmenti 3. Maintaining records of student assignments showing the date the assignment is given and the date the assignmeit is'due 4.. Maintaining,a daily' 61, þ6ur.1y. ¿fi¿1¿anç.e re8ister in.accordanee with item #4 in-the section on'rRecords'l below 5. Providing direct instruction and counsel as necessary for individual student success 6. Regularly meeting with the student to discuss the student's progress 7 Determining the time value of assigned work or woik products compieted and submitted by the student 8. AJsessing student woik and assigning grades o, othei approueA measures of achievement The Superintendent or designee shall ensru'e that independent study teáchels have accéss to professional developmenl and supporl comparable to classroom-based teachers. (cf.4131 - Staff Development) 10 AR 61s8(k) Records : The Superintendent or designeã shall ensure that retords are maintained for audit purposes. These recordsshall inclúde;'but not,'b imr' to: (Education Code 51748; 5 CCR 11703) 1. A copy of the Board policy, administrative regulation, and other procedures related to independent study 2. A 3. A file of all agreements, with representative samples of each student's work products listing of the students, by grade level, program and school, who have participated in independent study, identifying units of the cuniculum attempted and units of the curriculum completed as specified in their written agreements separate bearing the supervising teacher's signed or initialed and dated notations indicating that he/she has personally evaluated the work or that he/she has personally reviewed the evaluations made by another certif,rcated teacher 4. A daily or hourly attendance register, as appropriate to the program in which the students are participating, separate from classroom attendance records, and maintained on a current basis as time values of student work products are personally judged by a certificated teacher, and reviewed by the supervising teacher if they are two different persons The Superintendent or designee also shall maintain a record of grades and other evaluations issued to each student for independent study assignments. (cf. 3580 - District Records) ien- w Regulation WESTSIDE LINION SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: January 18,2011 Quartz Hill, California Lr Westside lJnion ESI) Administrative Regulation - Replace Individualized Bducation Program Instruction AR 6159(a) At the beginning of each school year, the district shall have an individualized education program (IEP) in effect for each student with a disability within district jurisdiction. The IEP shall be a written statement designed by the IEP team to meet the unique educational needs of a student with a disability. (Education Code 56344; 34 CFR 300.323) Members of the IEP Team The IEP team for any student with a disability shall include the following members: (Education Code 56347,56347.5;20 USC 1414(dX1); 34 CFR 300.321) 1. One or both of the student's parents/guardians and/or a representative selected by them 2. If the student is or may be participating in the regular education program, at least one of the student's regular education teachers designated by the Superintendent or designee to represent the student's teachers The regular education teacher shall, to the extent appropriate, participate in the development, review, and revision of the student's IEP, including assisting in the determination of appropriate positive behavioral interventions, supports, and other strategies for the student, and supplementary aids and services, program modifications, and supports for school personnel that will be provided for the student, consistent with 34 CFR 300.320. (Education Code 5634I;20 USC 1414(dX3XC); 34 CFR 300.324) (cf. 61 59.4 - Behavioral Interventions for Special Education Students) 3. At least one of the student's special education teachers or, where appropriate, special education providers 4. A representative of the district who is a. Qualified to provide or supervise the provision of specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities b. Knowledgeable about the general education curriculum c. Knowledgeable about the availability of district and/or special education local plan area (SELPA) resources (cf. 0430 - Comprehensive Local Plan for Special Education) 1. AR 615e(b) 5 An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of assessment results This individual may already be a member of the team as described in items #2-4 above or in item #6 below. 6. At the discretion of the parent/guardian or the Superintendent or designee, other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the student, including related services personnel, as appropriate The determination of whether the individual has knowledge or special expeftise regarding the student shall be made by the party who invites the individual to be a member of the IEP team. 7. Whenever appropriate, the student with a disability In the development, review, or revision of his/her IEP, the student shall be allowed to provide confidential input to any representative of his/her IEP team. (Education Code 56341.5) 8. When the student is suspected of having a specific learning disability, at least one individual who is qualified to conduct individual diagnostic examinations of the student such as a school psychologist, speech language pathologist, or remedial reading teacher In accordance with 34 CFR 300.310, at least one team member other than the student's regular education teacher shall observe the student's academic performance and behavior in the areas of difficulty in his/her learning environment, including in the regular classroom setting. If the child is younger than five years or not enrolled in school, ateam member shall observe the child in an environment appropriate for a child of that age. In the following circumstances, the Superintendent or designee shall invite other specified individuals to an IEP team meeting: 1. When the student has been placed in a group home by the juvenile court, a representative of the group home shall be invited to attend IEP team meetings. (Education Code 5634I.2) 2. Whenever the IEP team is meeting to consider the student's postsecondary goals and the transition services needed to assist him/her in reaching the goals as stated in Education Code 563a5(a)(8), the following individuals shall be invited to attend: (34 CFR 300.321) a. The student, regardless of his/her age If the student does not attend the IEP team meeting, the Superintendent or designee shall take other steps to ensure that the student's preferences and interests are considered. b. To the extent appropriate, and with the consent of the parent/guardian, a representative of any other agency that is likely to be responsible for providing or paying for the transition 7 AR 6159(c) SETVICCS 3. If the student was previously served under the Early Education for Individuals with Exceptional Needs (Education Code 56425-56432) or the California Early Intervention Services Act (Government Code 95000-95004), and upon request of the student's parent/guardian, the Superintendent or designee shall invite the Infant and Toddlers with Disabilities Coordinator or other representative ofthe early education or early intervention system to the initial IEP team meeting to assist with the smooth transition of services. (Education Code 56341;20 USC 1414(dX1XD);34 CFR 300.321) A member of the IEP team shall not be required to attend an IEP team meeting, in whole or in part, if the parent/guardian and the district agree, in writing, that the attendance of the member is not necessary because the member's area of the curriculum or related services is not being modified or discussed at the meeting. Even if the meeting involves a discussion of the IEP team member's area of the curriculum or related service, the membel may be excused from the meeting if the parent/guardian, in writing, and the district consent to the excusal after conferring with the member and the member submits to the parentlguardian and team written input into the development of the IEP prior to the meeting. (Education Code 56341; 20 USC lala(dXlXc); 34 CFR 300.32r) Contents of the IEP The IEP shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following: (Education Code 56043, 56345, 56345.1; 20 USC 14i4(dXlX A);3a CFR 300.320) 1. A statement of the present levels of the student's academic achievement and functional performance, including: a. The manner in which the student's disability affects his/her involvement and progress in general the education curriculum (i.e., the same curriculum as for nondisabled students) b. For a preschool child, as appropriate, the manner in which the disability affects his/her parlicipation in appropriate activities c. For a student with a disability who takes alternate assessments aligned to alternate achievement standards, a description of benchmarks or short-term objectives 2. A statement of measurable annual goals, including academic and functional goals, designed to: a. Meet the student's needs that result from his/her disability in order to enable the student to be involved in and progress in the general education curriculum b. Meet each of the student's other educational needs that result from his/her disability 3 AR 6159(d) A description of the manner in which the student's progress toward meeting the annual goals described in item #2 above will be measured and when the district will provide periodic 3. repofts on the progress the student is making toward meeting the annual goals, such as through the use of quarterly or other periodic reports, concurrent with the issuance of report cards 4. A statement of the special education instruction and related services and supplementary aids and services, based on peer-reviewed research to the extent practicable, to be provided to the student or on behalf of the student, and a statement of the program modifications or supporls for school personnel that will be provided to enable the student to: a. Advance appropriately toward attaining the annual goals b. Be involved and make progress in the general education cuniculum in accordance with item #1 above and to participate in extracurricular and other nonacademic activities c. Be educated and participate with other students with disabilities and nondisabled students in the activities described in the IEP (cf.3541.2 - Transportation for Students with Disabilities) 5. An explanation of the extent, if any, to which the student will not participate with nondisabled students in the regular class and in extracurricular and other nonacademic activities described in the IEP 6. A statement of any appropriate individual accommodations necessary to measure the academic achievement and functional performance of the student on state and districtwide assessments If the IEP team determines that the student shall take an alternate assessment instead of a particular regular state or districtwide assessment, the student's IEP also shall include a statement of the reason that he/she cannot participate in the regular assessment and the reason that the particular alternate assessment selected is appropriate for him/her. (cf . 6146.4 - Differential Graduation and Competency Standards for Students with Disabilities) (cf. 6162.51 - State Academic Achievement Tests) (cf.6162.52 -High School Exit Examination) 7. The projected date for the beginning of the services and modifications described in item #4 above and the anticipated frequency, location, and duration of those services and modifications 8. Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student is 16 years of age, younger or if determined appropriate by the IEP team, and updated annually thereafter, the following: 4 AR 6159(e) Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age-appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and where appropriate, independent living skills a. b. The transition services, including courses of study, needed to assist the student in reaching those goals 9. Beginning at least one year before the student reaches age 18, a statement that the student has been informed of his/her rights, if any, that will transfer to him/her upon reaching age 18, pursuant to Education Code 56041.5 Where appropriate, the IEP shall also include: (Education Code 56345) 1. For a student in grades 7-I2, any alternative means and modes necessary for the student to complete the district's prescribed course of study and to meet or exceed proficiency standards required for graduation (cf.6146.I - High School Graduation Requirements) (cf.6146.11 - Alternative Credits Toward Graduation) 2. Linguistically appropriate goals, objectives, programs, and services for native language is not English a student whose (cf. 6174 - Education for English Language Learners) 3. Extended school year services when the IEP team determines, on an individual basis, that the services are necessary for the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) (cf.5148.2 - Before/After School Programs) (cf.6177 - Summer School) 4. Provision for transition into the regular education program if the student is to be transferred from a special class or center or nonpublic, nonsectarian school into a regular education program in a public school for any part of the school day, including descriptions of activities intended to: a. Integrate the student into the regular education program, including indications of the nature of each activity and the time spent on the activity each day or week b. Support the transition of the student from the special education program into the regular education program (cf . 6176 - Weekend/Saturday Classes) (cf. 6178 - Career Technical Education) (cf.6181 - Alternative Schools/Programs of Choice) 5 AR 61se(Ð Specialized services, materials, and equipment for a student with low incidence disabilities, consistent with the guidelines pursuant to Education Code 56136 5. Development of the IEP Within 30 days of a determination that a student needs special education and related services, the Superintendent or designee shall ensure that a meeting to develop an initial IEP is conducted. (34 CFR 300.323) Any IEP required as a result of an assessment of a student shall be developed within 60 days from the date of receipt of the parent/guardian's written consent for assessment, unless the parentlguardian agrees, in writing, to an extension. Days between the student's regular school sessions, terms, or vacation of more than five school days shall not be counted. In the case of school vacations, the 60-day time limit shall recommence on the date that the student's school days reconvene. (Education Code 56344) However, when the IEP is required as a result of an assessment of a student for whom a referral has been made 30 days or less prior to the end of the preceding regular school year, the IEP shall be developed within 30 days after the commencement of the subsequent regular school year. (Education Code 56344) In developing the IEP, the IEP team shall consider all of the following: (Education Code s634Lr, 56345;20 USC 1414(dX3X Ã);3a CFR 300.324) I The strengths of the student 2 The concerns of the parents/guardians for enhancing the education of their child J The results of the initial or most recent assessment of the student 4 The academic, developmental, and functional needs of the student 5. In the case of a student whose behavior impedes his/her learning or that of others, the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports and other strategies to address that behavior 6. In the case of a student with limited English proficiency, the language needs of the student as such needs relate to the student's IEP . In the case of a student who is blind or visually impaired, the need to provide for instruction in Braille and instruction in the use of Braille 7 However, such instruction need not be included in the IEP if the IEP team determines that instruction in Braille or the use of Braille is not appropriate for the student. This determination shall be based upon an assessment of the student's reading and writing skills, his/her future needs for instruction in Braille or the use of Braille, and other appropriate reading and writing media. 6 AR 61se(g) 8. The communication needs of the student and, in the case of a student who is deaf or hard of hearing, the student's language and communication needs, opportunities for direct communications with peers and professional personnel in the student's language and communication mode, academic level, and full range of needs, including opportunities for direct instruction in the student's language and communication mode The team shall also consider the related services and program options that provide the student with an equal opportunity for communication access, as described in Education Code 56345. 9. Whether the student requires assistive technology devices and services If, in considering the special factors in items #1-9 above, the IEP team determines that the student needs a parlicular device or service, including an intervention, accommodation, or other program modification, in order to receive FAPE, the team shall include a statement to that effect in the student's IEP. (Education Code 56341.1) Provision of Special Education and Related Services The district shall ensure that, as soon as possible following development of the IEP, special education services and related services are made available to the student in accordance with his/her IEP. (Education Code 56344; 34 CFR 300.323) The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the student's IEP is accessible to each regular education teacher, special education teacher, related service provider, and any other service provider who is responsible for its implementation. The Superintendent or designee also shall ensure that such teachers and providers are informed of their specific responsibilities related to implementing the IEP and the specific accommodations, modifications, and supports that must be provided to the student in accordance with the IEP. (34 CFR 300.323) Review and Revision of the IEP The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the IEP team reviews the IEP periodically, but at least annually, in order to: (Education Code 56043,56341.i, 56380; 20 USC rula@)($;34 cFR 300.324) 1 Determine whether the annual goals for the student are being achieved 2 Revise the IEP, as appropriate, to address: a. Any lack of expected progress toward the annual goals and in the general education curriculum, where appropriate b. The results of any reassessment conducted pursuant to Education Code 56381 c. Information about the student provided to or by the parents/guardians regarding 7 AR 61s9(h) review of evaluationdatapursuant to 34 CFR 300.305(a)(2) and Education Code 56381(b) d. The student's anticipated needs e. Any other relevant matter 3. Consider the special factors listed in items #5-9 above under "Development of the IEP," when reviewing the IEP of any student with a disability to whom one of those factors may apply The IEP team shall also meet at any other time upon request by the student's parent/guardian or teacher to review or revise the IEP. (Education Code 56343) 'When aparentlguardian requests an IEP team meeting to review the IEP, the team shall meet within 30 days of receiving the parent/guardian's written request, not counting days between the student's regular school sessions or terms or days of school vacation in excess of five school days. If a parent/guardian makes an oral request, the district shall notify the parent/guardian of the need for a written request and the procedure for filing such a request. (Education Code 56043, 56343.5) A regular education or special education teacher may request a review of the classroom assignment of a student with a disability by submitting a written request to the Superintendent or designee. The Superintendent or designee shall consider the request within 20 days of receiving it, not counting days when school is not in session or, for year-round schools, days when the school is off track. If the review indicates a need for change in the student's placement, instruction, and/or related services, the Superintendent or designee shall convene an IEP team meeting, which shall be held within 30 days of the Superintendent or designee's review, not counting days when school is not in session or days when school is off track, unless the student's parent/guardian consents in writing to an extension of time. If a participating agency other than the district fails to provide the transition services described in the student's IEP, the team shall reconvene to identify alternative strategies to meet the transition service objectives set out for the student in the IEP. (Education Code 56345.1; 20 USC IaIa@);34 CFR 300.324) If a student with a disability residing in a licensed children's institution or foster family home has been placed by the district in a nonpublic, nonsectarian school, the Superintendent or designee shall conduct an annual evaluation as paft of the IEP process of whether the placement is the least restrictive environment that is appropriate to meet the student's needs. (Education Code s6rsl) (cf. 6159.2 - Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School and Agency Services for Special Education) (cf . 6173.1 - Education for Foster Youth) To the extent possible, the Superintendent or designee shall encourage the consolidation of reassessment meetings and other IEP team meetings for a student. (20 USC 1414(dX3XA); 3a 8 AR 6i59(i) cFR 300.324) V/hen a change is necessary to a student's IEP after the annual IEP team meeting for the school year has been held, the parent/guardian and the Superintendent or designee may agree not to convene an IEP team meeting for the purpose of making the change and instead may develop a written document to amend or modify the student's current IEP. The IEP team shall be informed ofany such changes. Upon request, the Superintendent or designee shall provide the parerÍ.lguardian with a revised copy of the IEP with the incorporated amendments. (20 USC 1 4 1 4(dX3XD); 3a CFR 3 00.324) Audio Recording of IEP Team Meetings Parents/guardians and the Superintendent or designee shall have the right to audio record the proceedings of IEP team meetings, provided members of the IEP team are notified of this intent at least 24 hours before the meeting. If the Superintendent or designee gives notice of intent to audio record a meeting and the parentlguardian objects or refuses to attend because the meeting would be audio recorded, the meeting shall not be audio recorded. Parents/guardians also have the right to: (Education Code 56341.1) 1. Inspect and review the audio recordings 2. Request that an audio recording be amended if they believe it contains information that is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student's privacy rights or other rights 3. Challenge, in a hearing, information that the parents/guardians believe is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student's privacy rights or other rights P arent/Guardian P articip ation and Other Ri ghts The Superintendent or designee shall take steps to ensure that one or both of the parents/guardians of the student with a disability are present at each IEP team meeting or are afforded the opportunity to participate. These steps shall include notifying the parents/guardians of the meeting early enough to ensure that they will have the opportunity to attend and scheduling the meeting at a mutually agreed upon time and place. (Education Code 5634L5;34 cFR 300.322) The Superintendent or designee shall send parents/guardians notices of IEP team meetings that (Education Code 56341.5;34 CFR 300.322) 1. Indicate the purpose, time, and location of the meetinø 2. Indicate who will be in attendance at the meeting J Inform them of: 9 AR 61se(j) a. Their right to bring to the meeting other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise about the student, pursuant to Education Code 56341(bX6) b. The provision of Education Code 56341(t) relating to the participation of the Infant and Toddlers with Disabilities Coordinator at the initial IEP team meeting, if the student was previously served under Early Education for Individuals with Exceptional Needs (Education Code 56425-56432) or the California Early Intervention Services Act (Government Code 95000-9s004) In addition, when the IEP team meeting is to consider the development, review, or revision of the IEP of a student with a disability who is 16 years of age or older, or younger than 16 if deemed appropriate by the IEP team, the Superintendent or designee's notice to the student's parents/guardians shall include the following: (Education Code 56341.5) 1. An indication that a purpose of the meeting will be the consideration of postsecondary goals and transition services for the student pursuant to Education Code 56345.1,20 USC 14 14(dX1 XAXÐ(VÐ, and 34 CFR 300.320(b) 2. An indication that the student is invited to the IEP team meeting 3. Identification of any other agency that will be invited to send a representative (cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notif,rcations) At each IEP team meeting convened by the district, the district administrator or specialist on the team shall inform the parent/guardian and student ofthe federal and state procedural safeguards included in the notice of parental rights provided pursuant to Education Code 5632I. (Education Code 56500. 1 ) (cf.6159.1 - Procedural Safeguards and Complaints for Special Education) The parent/guardian shall have the right and opportunity to examine all of his/her child's school records upon request, before any IEP meeting, and in connection with any hearing or resolution session on matters affecting his/her child, including, but not limited to, initial formal assessment, procedural safeguards, and due process. Upon receipt of an oral or written request, the Superintendent or designee shall provide complete copies of the records within five business days. (Education Code 56043, 56504) (cf. 5125 - Student Records) The parentlguardian shall have the right to present information to the IEP team in person or through a representative and the right to participate in meetings that relate to eligibility for special education and related services, recommendations, and program planning. (Education Code 56341.1) 10 AR 6159(k) parent/guardian If neither can attend the meeting, the Superintendent or designee shall use other methods to ensure parent/guardian participation, including video conferences or individual or conference telephone calls. (Education Code 56341.5;20 USC 1414(Ð;3a CFR 300.322) An IEP team meeting may be conducted without a parent/guardian in attendance if the Superintendent or designee is unable to convince the parent/guardian that he/she should attend. In such a case, the Superintendent or designee shall maintain a record of the attempts to arrange mutually agreed upon time and place for the meeting, including: (Education Code 5634I.5;34 cFR 300.322) a 1. Detailed records of telephone calls made or attempted and the results of those calls 2. Copies of corespondence sent to the parent/guardian and any responses received 3. Detailed records of visits made to the parent/guardian's home or place of employment and the results of those visits The Superintendent or designee shall take any action necessary to ensure that the parents/gualdians understand the proceedings of the meeting, including arranging for an interpreter for parents/guardians with deafness or whose native language is not English. (Education Code 56341.5;34 CFR 300.322) The Superintendent or designee shall give the parents/guardians of a student with a disability a copy of his/her child's IEP at no cost. (Education Code 56341.5;34 CFR 300.322) Parent/Guardian Consent for Provision of Special Education and Services Before providing special education and related services to any student, the Superintendent or designee shall seek to obtain informed consent of the student's parentlguardian pursuant to 20 USC 1a1a(a)(1). The district shall not provide services by utiliziring is pending, the student shall remain in the current placement unless the parent/guardian and the Superintendent or designee agree otherwise. (Education Code 56346) If at any time subsequent to the initial provision of services, the student's parent/guardian, in writing, revokes consent for the continued provision of special education services, the Superintendent or designee shall provide prior written notice within a reasonable time before ceasing to provide services to the student. The Superintendent or designee shall not request a due process hearing or pursue mediation in order to require an agreement or ruling that services be provided to the student. (Education Code 56346; 34 CFR 300.300, 300.503) Prior to the discontinuation of services, the Superintendent or designee may offer to meet with the parents/guardians to discuss concerns for the student's education. However, this meeting shall be voluntary on the part of the parentlguardian and shall not delay the implementation of the parent/guardian's request for discontinuation of services. In addition, the Superintendent or designee shall send a letter to the parent/guardian confirming the parent/guardian's decision to 1.1 AR 615e(1) discontinue all services. When the district ceases to provide special education services in response to the parent/guardian's revocation ofconsent, the student shall be classifìed as a general education student. Transfer Students To facilitate the transition of a student with a disability who is transferring into the district, the Superintendent or designee shall take reasonable steps to promptly obtain the student's records, including his/her IEP and the supporting documents related to the provision of special education services. (Education Code 56325; 34 CFR 300.323) If the student transfers into the district from another school district within the same SELPA during the school year, the district shall continue to provide services comparable to those described in the student's existing IEP, unless his/her parent/guardian and the district agree to develop, adopt, and implement a new IEP that is consistent with state and federal law. (Education Code 56325; 34 CFR 300.323) If the student transfers into the district from a school district outside of the district's SELPA during the school year, the district shall provide the student with FAPE, including services comparable to those described in the previous district's IEP. Within 30 days, the Superintendent or designee shall, in consultation with the student's parents/guardians, adopt the previous district's IEP or shall develop, adopt, and implement a new IEP that is consistent with state and federal law. (Education Code 56325; 34 CFR 300.323) Ifthe student transfers into the district from an out-of-state district during the school year, the district shall provide the student with FAPE, including services comparable to the out-of-state district's IEP, in consultation with the parent/guardian, until such time as the Superintendent or designee conducts an assessment, if it determines that such an assessment is necessary, and develops, adopts, and implements a new IEP, if appropriate. (Education Code 56325; 34 CFR 300.323) (r1106 11/10) 3112 t2 Westside [Inion ESI) Board Policy - Replace State Academic Achievement Tests Instruction BP 6162.51(a) The Board of Trustees recognizes that state achievement test results provide an indication of student progress in achieving state academic standards and may be used to promote high-quality teaching and learning. The Superintendent or designee shall administer mandatory student assessments within the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) as required by law and in accordance with Board policy and administrative regulation. (cf. 6011 - Academic Standards) (cf.6162.5 - Student Assessment) (cf . 6162.54 - Test Integrity/Test Preparation) (cf.9321- Closed Session Purposes and Agendas) (cf . 9321.1 - Closed Session Actions and Reporls) The Board strongly encourages all students at the applicable grade levels to participate in the state assessments in order to maximize the usefulness of the data and enable the district to meet parlicipation levels required for state and federal accountability systems. The Superintendent or designee shall notify students and parents/guardians about the importance of these assessments and shall develop strategies to encourage student parlicipation. Students shall be exempted from participation only in accordance with law and administrative regulation. (cf.0520.2 - Title I Program Improvement Schools) (cf. 0520.3 - Title I Program Improvement Districts) The Board shall annually examine state assessment results by school, grade level, and student subgroup as one measure of the district's progress in attaining its student achievement goals and shall revise the local control and accountability plan and other district or school plans as necessary to improve student achievement for underperforming student groups. (cf. 0460 - Local Control and Accountability Plan) (cf. 0500 - Accountability) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 49076 Student records; access 51041 Evaluation of educational program 52052 Academic Performance Index; numerically significant student subgroups 52060-52017 Local control and accountability plan 56345 Individualized education program, contents 60600-60630 Assessment of academic achievement 1 BP 6162.s1(b) 60640-60649 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress 60660-60663 Electronic learning assessment resources 60810 Assessment of language development 99300-99301 Early Assessment Program CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 850-864 State assessments UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 1412 Participation of students with disabilities in state assessments 63Il Adequate yearly progress CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 34 200.I Standards and assessment Management Resources: CSBA PUBLICATIONS Supporting Student Achievement: Student Assessment System in Flux, Governance Brief, June 20r3 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS Assembly Bill 484 Questions and Answers CALIFORNIA STATE IINIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS The Early Assessment Program: Handbook for School Site Leaders, 2008 SMARTER BALANCED ASSESSMENT CONSORTIUM PUBLICATIONS Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines, September 2013 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS PUBLICATIONS The Use of Tests as Part of High-Stakes Decision-Making for Students: A Resource Guide for Educators and Policy-Makers, December 2000 WEB SITES CSBA: California Department of Education, Testing and Accountability: California Learning Resources Network: htç ://clrn, org California State University, Early Assessment Program: htç://www.calstate.eduleap Smaft er B alanced Assessment Consortium : http ://www. smarlerbalanced. org U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights: (3107 11/08) r2l13 2 \Mestside [Jnion E,SI) Administrative Regulation - Replace State Academic Achievement Tests AR 6162.51(a) Instruction The Superintendent or designee shall administer the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) to all district students at applicable grade levels, except those students exempted by law. The district shall permit any locally funded charler school to administer the CAASPP to its students in coordination with the testing of district students. In addition, the Superintendent or designee shall arrange for the testing ofstudents in any alternative education program or program conducted off campus, including, but not limited to, non-classroom based programs, continuation schools, independent study, community day schools, county community schools, juvenile court schools, or nonpublic, nonsectarian schools. No test shall be administered in a home or hospital except by a test examiner. (5 CCR 851) (c1.0420.4 - Charter School Authorization) (cf.0420.41 - Charter School Oversight) (cf. 6158 - Independent Study) (cf.6159.2 - Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School and Agency Services for Special Education) (cf.6181 - Alternative Schools/Programs of Choice) (cf. 6183 - Home and Hospital Instruction) (cf. 6184 - Continuation Education) (cf. 6185 - Community Day School) On or before September 30 of each year, the Superintendent or designee shall designate a district coordinator who shall oversee all matters related to the testing program and serve as the district representative and liaison with the test contractor and the California Department of Education (CDE). The Superintendent or designee shall also designate a coordinator for each test site. The duties of the district and site test coordinators shall include those specified in 5 CRR 857-858. (s ccR 857-858) The Superintendent or designee also shall appoint test examiner(s) to administer the state assessments. A test examiner shall be an employee or contractor of the district or, for an alternate assessment for students with disabilities, shall be a certificated or licensed employee of the school, district, or county off,rce of education. (5 CCR 850) (cf . 41 12.2 - Certif,rcation) (cf. 4113 - Assignment) As appropriate, the Superintendent or designee shall assign a specially trained district employee to serve as a test proctor to assist the test examiner; a specially trained district employee, or other person supervised by a district employee, to serve as a translator to translate the test directions 1 AR 6162.51(b) into a student's primary language; and a district employee to serve as a scribe to transcribe a student's responses to the format required by the test. A student's parentlguardian shall not be eligible to be that student's translator or scribe. (5 CCR 850) Test coordinators, examiners, proctors, translators, and scribes shall sign a test security agreement or affidavit. (5 CCR 859) Tests Included in the State Assessment System The district shall administer the following CAASPP assessments: (Education Code 60640) 1. The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium assessments for English language arts and mathematics in grades 3-8, except that: (cf . 61 42.9 1 - Reading lLanguage Arts Instruction) (cf . 614292 - Mathematics Instruction) a. Recently anived English learners, defined pursuant to Education Code 60603 as English first 12 months of attending a school in the United States, shall be exempted from taking the English language afis assessment to the extent allowed by federal law learners who are in their (cf. 6174 - Education for English Language Learners) b. Students with disabilities who are unable to participate in these assessments, even with the resources described in the section "Testing Variations" below, may be provided an alternate test in accordance with their individualized education program (IEP), as provided in item #3 below. (cf.6159 - Individualized Education Program) (cf. 6164.6 - Identification and Education Under Section 504) 2. Science assessments at grades 5 and 8 (cf . 6142.93 - Science Instruction) 3. For students with disabilities who are unable to take the tests specified in items #1-2 above even with appropriate accommodations or other testing resources: a. California Alternate Assessment in English language arts and mathematics b. For the science assessment, either the California Alternate Performance Assessment or California Modified Assessment, in accordance with the student's IEP 2 AR 6162.51(c) In addition, the Superintendent or designee may administer a primary language assessment to English learners in grades 2-8. Administration of this test shall not replace the administration of the above tests, administered in English, to English learners. (Education Code 60640) The primary language assessment also may be used to assess students in a dual language immersion program who are not limited English proficient or who are redesignated fluent English proficient, subject to the approval of the California Depaftment of Education (CDE) of an agreement between the district and the state testing contractor. (Education Code 60640) Exemptions Each year the Superintendent or designee shall notify parents/guardians of their child's participation in the CAASPP and of the provisions of Education Code 60615 related to exemptions from testing. (5 CCR 852) (cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notihcations) A parent/guardian may annually submit to the school a written request to excuse his/her child from any or all parts of the CAASPP assessments for the school year, and such a request shall be granted by the Superintendent or designee. However, district employees shall not solicit or encourage any exemption request on behalfofany student or group ofstudents. (Education Code 60615;5 CCR 852) If a parentlguardian submits an exemption request after testing has begun, any test(s) completed before the request is submitted will be scored and the results reported to the parentlguardian and included in the student's records. (5 CCR 852) Testing Period The Superintendent or designee shall establish testing days for district students within the following testing windows: (5 CCR 855) 1. Assessments in English language arts and mathematics shall not be administered until at least 66 percent of the school's annual instructional days have been completed for grades 3-8 and may continue up to and including the last day of instruction for the regular school calendar. 2. Alternate assessments for students with disabilities and science assessments for all students shall be administered during a testing window of 25 instructional days that includes 12 instructional days before and after completion of 85 percent of the school's, track's, or program's instructional days. 3. The primary language assessment shall be administered to English learners within the testing window specified in item #2. Students who are absent during testing shall be provided an opportunity to take the tests within 3 AR 6162.s1(d) the testing window Testing Variations Assessments shall be administered in accordance with the manuals or other instructions provided by the test contractor and CDE, except that, as appropriate, students may be provided universal tools, designated supports, and/or accommodations during testing that are specifically allowed pursuantto 5 CCR 853.5 or 853.7. (5 CCR 850,853.5,853.7) Designated supports or accommodations provided to students with disabilities shall be those specified in their IEP or Section 504 plan. (5 CCR 850, 853.5) If specifically identified in 5 CCR 853.5 or 853.7 but is regularly used by a student in the classroom for instruction and/or assessment, the district or school site test coordinator may submit a written request to the CDE for approval to use that individualized aid. He/she shall submit the request at least 10 business days prior to the student's first day of CAASPP testing. (5 CCR 853.5) a resource has not been Report of Test Results For any state assessments that produce valid individual student results, the Superintendent or designee shall forward or transmit the student's test results to his/her parents/guardians within 20 working days from receipt of the results from the test contractor or, if the district receives the results from the contractor after the last day of instruction for the school year, then within the first 20 working days of the next school year. The reporl shall include a clear explanation of the pu{pose of the test, the student's score, and its intended use by the district. An individual student's scores shall also be reported to his/her school and teacher(s) and shall be included in his/her student record. (Education Code 60641; 5 CCR 863) (cf. 5125 - Student Records) With parent/guardian consent, the Superintendent or designee may release a student's test results to a postsecondary educational institution for the pulposes of credit, placement, determination of readiness for college-level coursework, or admission. (Education Code 6064I) The Superintendent or designee shall present districtwide, school-level, and grade-level results to the Governing Board at a regularly scheduled meeting. The Board shall not receive individual students' scores or the relative position of any individual student. (Education Code 49076, 60641) (11/11 t2lr3) r2lr4 4 BOARD AGENDA April7,2015 TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES PREPARED BY Robert Hughes, Deputy Superintendent SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding 15-01, between the Westside Union School District and California School Employees Association (CSEA): Early Retirement Medical Benefits Timeline BACKGROTIND: On March 2,2015, the District and California School Employees Association agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding to waive the early retirement request timeline from February l't to April 17,2015, for the 2014 20i5 school year only. PRO GRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION None COST ANALYSIS None SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 7 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BY AND BETWEEN THE WESTSIDE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT AND CSEA AND ITS CHAPTER #398 March 2,201,5 By this Memorandum of Understanding, Westside Union School District ("District") and California School Employees Association, lts Chapter #398 ('CSEA") agree that for the 201420L5 school year both parties agree to extend Eorly Retirement Medicol Benefits Article 5.5.4 in the Master Contract to read: 5,5.4 - "Employees wishing to participate in this program Superintendent byee¡+uar#- April 77, 2015 shall file a letter of íntent with the .... . " to submit their intent to retire effective July 20L5 and did not meet the original deadline of February L't will be able to do so. By making this change, CSEA employees wishing Robert Hughes Je Deputy Superintendent President Westside Union School District CSEA, Local 398 lmes 1, BOARD AGENDA Aprll7 ,2015 TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES PREPARED BY Shawn Cabey, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Servtces SUBJECT: New and Revised Board Policy - Second and Final Reading BACKGROUND: Annually policies are reviewed by CSBA and changes are suggested as a result of either recent judicial rulings or legislative enactment. This reflects a new Board Policy suggested by CSBA to make our policies consistent with law. Board Policy 1330, Use of Facilities - Revised Education Code 38133 mandates that the Governing Board develop rules and regulations related to the management, direction, and control of school facilities. Pursuant to Education Code 38130-38138 (the Civic Center Act), school facilities are civic centers and, under certain circumstances, members of the school community must be allowed to use them for specified purposes. In granting access for use of school facilities to district residents and community groups, the Board must be careful to avoid discriminating against certain individuals, groups, or viewpoints and thereby violating constitutional requirements, including free speech rights. Board Policy 3555, Nutrition Program Compliance - New (BP 3555 new) The following policy is mandated for any district that receives federal financial assistance for its participation in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program, or other child nutrition programs. State and federal law prohibit discrimination in such programs. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has authority to enforce federal laws in all nutrition programs and activities that receive federal funds. The California Department of Education (CDE) may also investigate complaints regarding discrimination through the Uniform Complaint Procedure, see BP/AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures. PRO GRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION These Board Policies provide consistency with current laws, and help ensure consistency in our business practices. COST ANALYSIS/FUNDING: There are no costs associated with updating this policy SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 8 Westside [Inion ESI) Board Policy - Revised Use Of School Facilities BP 1330(a) Community Relations The Board of Trustees believes that school facilities and grounds are a vital community resource which should be used to foster community involvement and development. Therefore, the Board authorizes the use of school facilities by district residents and community groups for purposes specified in the Civic Center Act, to the extent that such use does not interfere with school activities or other school-related uses. (cf.6145.5 - Student Organizations and Equal Access) School-related activities shall have priority in the use of school facilities and grounds. Other uses authorized under the Civic Center Act shall be on a first-come, f,trst-served basis. As necessary to ensure efficient use of school facilities, the Superintendent or designee may, with the Board's approval, enter into an agreement for the joint use of any school facilities or grounds. The Board shall approve any such agreement only if it determines that it is in the best interest of the district and the community. (cf. 1330.1 - Joint Use Agreements) Subject to prior approval by the Board, the Superintendent or designee may grant the use school facilities on those days on which the school is closed. (Education Code 37220) of (cf. 61i5 - Ceremonies and Observances) The Superintendent or designee shall maintain procedures and regulations for the use of school facilities and grounds that: (Education Code 38133) 1. Aid, encourage, and assist groups desiring to use school facilities for approved activities 2. Preserve order in school buildings and on school grounds and protect school facilities, designating a person to supervise this task, ifnecessary (cf. 0450 - Comprehensive School Safety Plan) (cf. 3516 - Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan) 3. Ensure that the use of school facilities or grounds is not inconsistent with their use for school pulposes and does not interfere with the regular conduct of school work L BP 1330(b) There shall be no advefiising on school facilities and grounds except as allowed by district policy specified in BP 1325 - Advertising and Promotion. (cf.1325 - Advertising and Promotion) Fees The Board believes that the use of school facilities or grounds should not result in costs to the district. €€€+s. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Board shall grant the use of school facilities or grounds without charge to schoolrelated organizations whose activities are directly related to or for the benefit of district schools. The Board may through action of resolution grant the use of school facilities or grounds without charge to public agencies, or to 501c3 non-profit organizations or public agency sponsored programs whose primary purpose is to benefit youth, and whose use of District's facilities is occasional in nature. The Superintendent or designee may charge a discounted fee not exceeding direct costs to public agencies, or to 501c3 non-profit organizations or public agency sponsored programs whose primary purpose is to benef,rt youth, and whose use of District's facilities is persistent in nature. The Superintendent or designee shall charge all organizations not in possession of a cunent 501c3 status or not directly sponsored by a public agency an amount not exceeding direct costs determined in accordance with 5 CCR 14037-14041. (Education Code 38134) For-profit organizations and/or groups using school facilities or grounds for enteftainment or meetings where admission is charged or contributions solicited and net receipts are not to be expended for charitable pulposes or for the welfare of the district's students shall be charged fair rental value. (Education Code 38134) V/hen any use of school facilities or grounds is for religious services, the district shall charge an amount at least equal to the district's direct costs. (Education Code 38134). In determining direct costs to be charged for community use of school facilities or grounds, including, but not limited to, playing or athletic fields, track and field venues, tennis courts, and outdoor basketball courts, the Superintendent or designee shall include a proportionate share of the costs of the following: (Education Code 38134) 1. Supplies, utilities, janitorial services, other services of district employees, and salaries of district employees directly associated with operation and maintenance of the school facilities or grounds involved 2. Maintenance, repair, restoration, and refurbishment of the school facilities or grounds 2 BP 1330(c) However, for classroom-based programs that operate after school hours, including, but not limited to, after-school, tutoring, and child care programs, direct costs to be charged shall not include the cost of maintenance, repair, restoration, or refurbishment of the school facilities or grounds. (Education Code 38134) (cf. 5148 - Child Care and Development) (cf.5148.2 - Before/After School Programs) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 1 0900-1 0914.5 Community recreation programs 32282 School safety plan 37220 School holidays 38130-38138 Civic Center Act, use of school property for public purposes BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE 25608 Alcoholic beverage on school premises MILITARY AND VETERANS CODE 1800 Definitions UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 7905 Equal access to public school facilities COURT DECISIONS Good News Club v. Milford Central School, (2001) 533 U.S. 98 Lamb's Chapel v. Center Moriches Union Free School District, (1993) 508 U.S. 384 Cole v. Richardson, (1972) 405 U.S. 676 Connell v. Higgenbotham, (1971) 403 U.S. 207 ACLU v. Board of Education of Los Angeles, (1961) 55 Cal .2d 167 Ellis v. Board of Education, (1945) 27 Cal.2d322 ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINIONS 82 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 90 (1999) 79 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 248 (1996) Management Resources: CSBA PUBLICATIONS Maximizing Opportunities for Physical Activity Through Joint Use of Facilities, Policy Brief, February 2010 Building Healthy Communities: A School Leader's Guide to Collaboration and Community Engagement,2009 V/EB SITES 3 BP 1330(d) CSBA: California Department of Education : http ://www. cde. ca. gov Policy WESTSIDE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: June 17,2008 Lancaster, California revised: October 75,2013 4 Westside [Jnion ESI) Board Policy - New Nutrition Program Compliance Business and Noninstructional Operations BP 3555(a) The Board of Trustees recognizes the district's responsibility to comply with state and federal nondiscrimination laws as they apply to the district's nutrition programs. The district shall not deny any individual the benefits or service of any nutrition program or discriminate against him/her because of his/her race, color, national origin, gender, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law, in its implementation of such a program. (cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities) (cf. 3550 - Food Service/Child Nutrition Program) (cf.3552 - Summer Meal Program) (cf. 3553 - Free and Reduced Price Meals) (cf. 5030 - Student Wellness) Coordinator The Board designates the compliance officer specif,red in AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures as coordinator of the district's efforts to comply with the laws governing its nutrition programs and to investigate any related complaints. Any complaint concerning the district's nutrition programs shall be investigated using the process identified in the section entitled "Procedures" in the district's AR 13 I2.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures. (cf. 13 I2.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures) The coordinator shall provide training on the laws, regulations, procedures, and directives related to the district's nutrition programs to district employees involved in administering them. The coordinator also shall develop procedures and systems that do not restrict the participation of individuals in the district's nutrition programs, based on their race, ethnicity, or disability, and that prevent district employees from incorrectly denying the applications for participation submitted by such individuals. The coordinator shall develop and maintain a system for collecting racial and ethnic data of participants in the district's nutrition programs and shall, at least annually, report to the Board on whether the district's nutrition programs are effectively reaching eligible individuals and whether and where additional outreach may be needed. (cf . 5022 - Students and Family Privacy Rights) (cf.5125 - Student Records) When a significant number of participants or potential participants in the district's nutrition programs are only non-English speakers, the coordinator shall make an appropriate language 1. BP 3ss5(b) translation available. (cf. 5020 - Parent Rights and Responsibilities) (cf. 6020 - Parent Involvement) (cf.6174 - English Language Learners) The coordinator also shall ensure that the district's nutrition programs accommodate the special dietary needs of any individual with a disability who has on file a medical statement that restricts his/her diet because of his/her disability. (cf. 5141 .27 - Food Allergies/Special Dietary Needs) (cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program) (cf. 6164.6 - Identification and Education Under Section 504) Notifications The coordinator shall ensure that the U.S. Department of Agriculture's "And Justice for All" or other approved Nutrition Programs Civil Rights posters are displayed in areas visible to the district's nutrition program parlicipants, such as food service areas and school offrces. Annually, the coordinator shall notify all students, parents/guardians, and employees of program requirements and the procedures for filing a complaint, through the district's usual means of notification. (cf. 4 1 12.9 I 4212.9 / 43 12.9 - Employee Notifi cations) (cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications) In addition, the coordinator shall ensure that every informational release, publication, or poster concerning the district's nutrition programs and/or activities includes, in a prominent location, the following statement: "In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs, or disability. In addition, California law prohibits discrimination on any basis identified in Government Code 12940. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 'Washington, Independence Avenue, S.W., D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer." However, if the document is no more than one page and there is no room to print the full nondiscrimination statement, the district may instead use the statement "This institution is an equal opportunity provider" in the same print size as the rest of the text. When a complaint is unresolved at the district level, the coordinator shall notify the complainant 2 BP 3555(c) of the option to contact andlor forward his/her complaint to one of the following agencies: 1. Child Nutrition Program Civil Rights and Program Complaint Coordinator, California Deparlment of Education, Nutrition Services Division, 1430 N Street, Room 1500, Sacramento, CA 95814-2342 or call916-445-0850 or 800-952-5609 2. Office of Civil Rights, USDA, Western Region, 90 Seventh Street, Suite l0-100, San Francisco, CA 94103 or call 415-705-1336 or fax 415-705-1364 or email Joe. [email protected]. gov 3. USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW,'Washington, D.C.20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 or 202-720-6382 (TYY) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 200-262.4 Prohibition of discrimination 48985 Notices to parents in language other than English 49060-49079 Student records 49490-49590 Childnutritionprograms PENAL CODE 422.55 Definition of hate crime 422.6 Interference with constitutional right or privilege CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 3080 Application of section 4600-4687 Uniform complaint procedures 4900-4965 Nondiscrimination in elementary and secondary education programs UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 1400-1482 Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act 1681-1688 Discrimination based on sex or blindness, Title IX UNITED STATES CODE, TTTLE 29 794 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 LTNITED STATES CODE, TTTLE 42 2000d-2000d-7 Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964 2000e-2000e-17 Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended 2000h-2000h-6 Title IX I2I0l-12213 Americans with Disabilities Act CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 28 35.101-35.190 Americans with Disabilities Act 36.303 Auxiliary aids and services CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 34 100.1-100.13 Nondiscrimination in federal programs, effectuating Title VI 104.1-104.39 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 106.1-106.61 Discrimination on the basis of sex, effectuating Title IX, especially: 3 BP 3sss(d) 106.9 Dissemination of policy Management Resources: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, NUTRITION SERVICES DIVISION PUBLICATIONS Civil Rights and Complaint Procedures for Child Nutrition Programs, March 2010 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE PUBLICATIONS Civil Rights Compliance and Enforcement - Nutrition Programs and Activities, FNS Instruction ll3-l,November 2005 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, OFFICE FOR CIVI RIGHTS PUBLICATIONS Protecting Students from Harassment and Hate Crime, January 1999 Notice of Non-Discrimination, January 1999 WEB SITES California Department of Education, Nutrition Services Division: U.S. Deparlment of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services: U.S. Deparlment of Agriculture, Office for Civil Rights: htç:// U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights: http://www2.ed.govlocr Issued:7/10 4 BOARD AGE,NDA Aprtl7 ,2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO PREPARED BY: SUBJECT Jeri Holmes, Purchasing Agent Request to Bid - Baked Goods BACKGROLIND Approval to go to bid for baked goods is being requested as our cument contract has reached the maxrmum number of extensions. PROGRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION Bidding provides for competitive pricing for baked goods for the school lunch program CO ST ANALYSIS/FUNDING S OURCE Child Nutrition SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 9 BOARD AGENDA April7,2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO PREPARED BY: SUBJECT Shawn Cabey, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Servtces Resolution i 5-31 School Facility Needs Analysis BACKGROUND Level I developer fees are currently set at a maximum of $3.36 per square foot for residential construction and $.54 per square foot for commercial/industrial and senior housing. Vy'e share the Level I fee with the high school district, per the Fee Sharing Agreement. Level II fees are purported to represent 50o/o of the cost of the school facilities necessitated by new residential development and are based on a State determined per pupil grant plus 50% of the costs associated with site acquisition and development. In order to implement Level II fees the District must have a timely application to the State for funding with a determination of eligibility for new construction funding, satisfaction of two out of four tests which are construed as cost saving or revenue enhancement measures, and preparation and adoption of a School Facilities Needs Analysis in accordance with Government Code Section 65995.5 and 65995.6. The amount to be included in the Alternative Fees is specified by statute as to the costs permissible to include. The Alternative No. 2 Fee of 52.57 per square foot and the Alternative No. 3 Fee of $5.1 3 per square foot are justified in the Analysis. The estimated average school facilities cost impacts on the School District per square foot of residential construction as referenced to in Exhibit E is $5.62, PRO GRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION Approval of this study is one of the steps necessary to implementing a Level II fee which funds new school facilities, modernization, and reconstruction. COST ANALYSIS/FLINDING Acceptance of this study is the first step in the process of renewing our ability to levy Level II fees. The result of the study is to decrease our Level II fee from $2.75 per square foot of residential space to 52.57 per square foot. Level III fees were $5.50 per square foot and will decrease to $5.13 per square foot. If we do not accept the study, we revert back to 74Yo of the $3.36 per square foot portion that accrues to Westside under Level I. SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 10 RESOLUTION 15-31 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTSIDE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT APPROVING A SCHOOL FACILITIES NEEDS ANALYSIS, ADOPTING ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL FACILITY FEES IN COMPLIANCE WITH GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 65995.5, 65995.6 AND 65995.7 AND MAKING RELATED FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees ("Board") of the'Westside Union School District needs for grades K-8 students within the boundaries prescribed by the County of Los Angeles ("County"); and ("District") provides for the educational WHEREAS, the Board of the District has adopted and imposed statutory school facility fees ("Statutory School Facility Fees") pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 presently in the amounts of $2.57 per square foot of assessable space of new residential construction in the District as defined in Government Code Section 65995(bX1) ("Assessable Space"), and $0.40 per square foot ofchargeable covered and enclosed space for all categories ofnew commercial/industrial development in the District ("Commercial/Industrial Fees") as defined in Government Code Section 65995(b)(2); and WHEREAS, the Board of the District heretofore has elected to participate in the school facilities funding program established pursuant to the Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act of 1998 ("SFP") for new construction projects and for the purpose of requesting an Eligibility Determination relative to considering the adoption of alternative school facility fees and amounts pursuant to Government Code Sections 65995.5 ("ASF/Level 2 Fees") and 65995.7 ("ASF/Level 3 Fees") (and collectively, "Alternative School Facility Fees"); and WHEREAS, the District has caused the completion and certification of Form SAB 50-01, the Enrollment CertificatiorVProjection ("ECP"), Form SAB 50-02, the Existing School Building Capacity ("ESBC") and Form SAB 50-03, the Eligibility Determination ("ED"), and has submitted the ECP, ESBC and ED to the State Allocation Board ("SAB") for approval pursuant to the SFP; and WHEREAS, the District received notification from the SAB that the District meets the eligibility requirements for new construction funding pursuant to the provisions of the SFP on I|;4ay 26,1999; and V/HEREAS, the District has met the requirements established by Government Code Section 65995.5; and WHEREAS, new residential construction continues to generate additional students for the District's schools and the District is required to provide grades K-8 school facilities ("School Facilities") to accommodate those students; and V/HEREAS, overcrowded schools within the District have an impact on the District's ability to provide an adequate quality education and negatively impact the educational opportunities for the District's students; and Page 1 of7 WHEREAS, the District does not have sufficient funds available for the construction of the school facilities, including acquisition of sites, construction of permanent school facilities, and acquisition of interim school facilities to accommodate students from new residential construction; and WHEREAS, the Board caused to be prepared a report entitled, "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, pursuant to applicable law including, but not by way of limitation, Government Code Section 65995.6 prior to the adoption of Alternative School Facility Fees; and WHEREAS, the Board has received and considered the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, which includes all matters required by applicable law, including an analysis of (a) the purpose of the Alternative School Facility Fees, (b) the use to which the Alternative School Facility Fees are to be put, (c) the nexus (roughly proportional and reasonable relationship) between the residential construction and (1) the facilities for which the Alternative School Facility Fees are to be used, (2) the need for school facilities, (3) the cost of school facilities and the amount of Alternative School Facility Fees from new residential construction, (d) an evaluation and projection of the number of students that will be generated by new residential construction by grade levels of the District as described by Government Code Section 65995.6, (e) a description of the new school facilities that will be required to serve such students, and (f) the present estimated cost of school facilities; and WHEREAS, the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, in its final form has been available to the public for at least thirty (30) days before the Board considered the adoption of the Alternative School Facility Fees at a public hearing; and WHEREAS, all notices of the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the V/estside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, and adoption of Alternative School Facility Fees have been given in accordance with applicable law, and copies of the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the V/estside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, have been provided thirty (30) days prior to all written requests filed with the District forty-five (45) days prior to a public hearing which was held in a manner required by law at a meeting of the Board of the District relating to the proposed adoption of the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, and Alternative School Facility Fees; and WHEREAS, the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5, 2015, has been provided to all local agencies responsible for land use planning for review and comment in compliance with Government Code Section 65995.6(c); and WHEREAS, as to the approval of the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, and Alternative School Facility Fees, Government Code Secti on 65995.6(9) provides that the California Environmental Quality Act, Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code may not apply to the preparation, adoption, or update of the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, or adoption of this Resolution; and Page2 o17 WHEREAS, the District desires to approve the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, and adopt Alternative School Facility Fees pursuant to Government Code Sections 65995.5 and 65995.7 for the purpose of establishing Alternative School Facility Fees that may be imposed on residential construction calculated pursuant to Government Code Section 65995(b); NOV/ THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE, V/ESTSIDE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: 1 2 -1 That the Board does hereby find and determine that the foregoing recitals and determinations are true and correct and that the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, meets all applicable legal requirements. That the District has received notification from the SAB that the District meets the eligibility requirements for new construction funding pursuant to the provisions of the SFP on }./.ay 26,7999. That the District has made a timely application to the SAB for new construction funding for which it is eligible. 4 That the District has caused to be prepared the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5 , 2015 , which is on hle at the Administrative Services Office address and is incorporated herein by this reference, which complies with all applicable statutory requirements, including the provisions of Government Code Secti on 65995.6. 5 That the Board hereby approves and adopts the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March5,2015, for the purpose of establishing Alternative School Facility Fees as to future residential construction within the District. 6 That the Board finds that the purpose of the Alternative School Facility Fees imposed upon residential construction are to fund the additional school facilities to serve the students generated by the residential construction upon which the Alternative School Facility Fees are imposed as provided in the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5, 2015, and applicable law. 7 That the Board finds the Alternative School Facility Fees are hereby established as applicable and will be used to fund those school facilities described in the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, and that these school facilities are to serve the students generated by the residential construction within the District as provided in the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2075. 8 That the Board finds that there is a roughly proportional reasonable relationship between the use of the Alternative School Facility Fees and the new residential construction within the District because the Alternative School Facility Fees imposed on new Page 3 of7 residential construction by this resolution will be used to fund school facilities which will be used to serve the students generated by such new residential construction in accordance with applicable law set forth in the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, and on less than an estimated actual cost of the school facilities estimated to result from additional residential construction as set forth in the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5, 2015. 9 That the Board finds that there is a roughly proportional reasonable relationship between the new residential construction upon which the Alternative School Facility Fees are imposed and the need for additional school facilities in the District because new students will be generated from new residential construction within the District and the District does not have student capacity in the existing school facilities to accommodate these students. 10 That the Board finds that the amount of the Alternative School Facility Fees imposed on new residential construction as set forth in this Resolution is roughly proportional and reasonably related to, and does not exceed the cost of, providing the school facilities required to serve the students generated by such new residential construction within the District. 11 That the Board finds that a separate fund ("Fund") of the District and two or more subfunds ("Sub-Funds") have been created or are authorized to be established for all Statutory School Facility Fees received by the District for the deposit of Statutory School Facility Fees, ASF/Level 2 Fees and ASF/Level 3 Fees, Commercial/Industrial Fees and mitigation payments ("Mitigations Payments") imposed on residential construction within the District and that said Fund and Sub-Funds at all times have been separately maintained, except for temporary investments, with other funds of the District as authorized by law. t2 That the Board finds that the monies of the separate Fund or the separate Sub-Funds, described in Section 1 1, consisting of the proceeds of Statutory School Facility Fees, ASF/Level2 Fees, and ASF/Level 3 Fees, Commercial/Industrial Fees and Mitigation Payments have been imposed for the pulposes of constructing those school facilities necessitated by new residential construction as fufther set forth in "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, and thus these monies may be expended for all those purposes permitted by applicable law. 13 That the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, determines the need for new school facilities for unhoused pupils that are attributable to projected enrollment growth from the construction of new residential units over the next five years, based on relevant planning agency information and the historical generation rates of new residential units constructed during the previous five years that are of a similar type of unit to those anticipated to be constructed within the District, the cities, or the county. I4 That the Board has identified and considered, andlor subtracted, as set forth in the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March Page 4 of7 5,2015, the following information in determining amounts of the ASF/Level2 Fees and ASF/Level3 Fees: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Any surplus property owned by the District that can be used as a school site or that is available for sale to finance school facilities pursuant to Government Code Section 65995.6(b)( 1 ); The extent to which projected enrollment growth may be accommodated by excess capacity in existing facilities pursuant to Government Code Section 6sees.6(b)(2); Local sources other than fees, charges, dedications, or other requirements imposed on residential construction available to finance the construction of school facilities needed to accommodate any growth in enrollment attributable to the construction of new residential units pursuant to Government Code Section 6sees.6(bX3); The full amount of local funds the Board has dedicated to facilities necessitated by new construction, including fees, charges, dedications or other requirements imposed on commercial or industrial construction pursuant to Government Code S ection 6 599 5 .5 (c)(2). 15 That the Board has calculated, as set forth in the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, the maximum square foot fees, charges, or dedications to be established as Alternative School Facility Fees that may be collected in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Sections 65995.5(c) and 6s595.7(a). 16 That the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, in its final form has been made available to the public for a period of not less than thirly (30) days. T7 That the public has had the opportunity to review and comment on the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, and the Board has responded to written comments it has received regarding the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015. 18 That notice of the time and place of the public hearing to adopt the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, ("Hearing") including the location and procedure for viewing or requesting a copy of the proposed "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2075, and any proposed revision therefore has been published in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the jurisdiction of the District at least thirty (30) days prior to the Hearing. t9 That the Board has mailed a copy of the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, no less than thirty (30) days prior to the Hearing to any person who made a written request forty-f,rve (45) days prior to the Hearing. Page 5 of7 20 That the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, has been provided to all local agencies responsible for land use planning for review and comment in compliance with Government Code Section 65995.6(c). 2l That the Board conducted the required Hearing on April I ,2015 prior to the adoption of the "school Facilities Needs Analysis for the V/estside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, and the Alternative School Facility Fees, at which time all persons desiring to be heard on all matters pertaining to the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the Westside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, were heard and all information presented was duly considered. 22. That the Board hereby adopts Alternative School Facility Fees and establishes the Alternative School Facility Fees on new residential construction projects within the District in the following amounts: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65995.6, ASF/Level 2 Fees in the amount of 52.57 per square foot of assessable space for new residential construction, including new residential projects, manufactured homes and mobile homes as authorized under Education Code Section 17625. However, this amount shall not be imposed on any construction project used exclusively for housing senior citizens, as described in Civil Code Section 51.3, or as described in subsection (k) of Section 1569.2 of the Health and Safety Code or paragraphg of subdivision (d) of Section 15432 of the Government Code or any mobile home or manufactured home that is located within a mobile home park, subdivision, cooperative or condominium or mobile homes limited to older persons as defined by the Federal Fair Housing Amendments of 1988. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65995.7, ASF/Level 3 Fees in the amount of $5.13 per square foot ofassessable space for new residential construction, including new residential projects, manufactured homes and mobile homes as authorized under Education Code Section 11625. However, this amount shall not be imposed on any construction project used exclusively for housing senior citizens, as described in Civil Code Section 51.3, or as described in subsection (k) of Section 1569.2 of the Health and Safety Code or paragraph 9 or subdivision (d) of Section 15432 of the Government Code or any mobile home or manufactured home that is located within a mobile home park, subdivision, cooperative or condominium or mobile homes limited to older persons as defined by the Federal Fair Housing Amendments of 1988. 23 That the proceeds of the Alternative School Facility Fees established pursuant to this Resolution shall continue to be deposited into those Sub-Funds of the Funds identified in Section 12 of this Resolution, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for the purpose for which the Alternative School Facility Fees are to be collected. 24 That the Superintendent, or his/her designee, is directed to cause a copy of this Resolution to be delivered to the Planning Department of the Cities within the District's boundaries and the County along with a copy of all supporting documentation referenced herein and a map of the District clearly indicating the boundaries thereof, advising the Cities and County that the new residential construction is subject to the Alternative School Facility Fees pursuant to this Resolution and requesting that no building permit or approval for occupancy be issued by any ofthese entities for any new residential Page 6 of 7 construction project, mobile home or manufactured home subject to the Alternattve School Facility Fees absent a certificate of compliance ("Certificate of Compliance") from the District demonstrating compliance of such project with the requirements of the Alternative School Facility Fees. 25 That the Superintendent is authorized to cause a Certificate of Compliance to be issued for each construction project, mobile home and manufactured home for which there is compliance with the requirement for payment of the Alternative School Facility Fee in the amount specified by this Resolution. In the event a Certificate of Compliance is issued for the payment of Alternative School Facility Fees for a construction project, mobile home or manufactured home and it is later determined that the statement or other representation made by an authorized pafty concerning the construction project as to square footage is untrue or in the event the zoning is declared invalid, then such Certificate of Compliance shall automatically terminate, and the appropriate City(ies) or County shall be so notified. 26 That regarding the timely provision of a Cerlificate of Compliance by the District for residential construction, although not required by applicable law, the Board hereby determines that the "School Facilities Needs Analysis for the V/estside Union School District" dated March 5,2015, is a proposed construction plan for purposes of requiring payment of Alternative School Facility Fees prior to the issuance of any building permit for residential construction in accordance with government Code Section 66007 and that all Alternative School Facility Fees are appropriated for the purpose of accomplishing such construction plan. 27 That no statement or provision set forth in this Resolution, or referred to therein shall be construed to repeal any preexisting fee or mitigation amount previously imposed by the District on any residential or non-residential construction. 28 That if any porlion or provision hereof is held invalid, the remainder hereof is held invalid; the remainder hereof is intended to be and shall remain valid. 29 That the Alternative School Facility Fees shall take effect immediately after adoption of this Resolution and shall be in effect for one year. APPROVED, ADOPTED, AND SIGNED ON APRIL 7,2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WESTSIDE LINION SCHOOL DISTRICT By: Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Westside Union School District PageT of7 BOARD AGENDA Aprrl7,2015 TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES PREPARED BY Shawn Cabey, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services SUBJECT: Revised Board Policy - First Reading BACKGROUND Minor changes occur that affect the text of CSBA sample board policies but do not warrant reissuing the entire policy since changes are limited. This reflects a Revised Board Policy suggested by CSBA to make our policies consistent with law. Board Policy 3550 - Food Service/Child Nutrition Program - Revised To reflect new state monitoring process for food services, effective beginning in the 2013-2014 school year. Each district that participates in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Seamless Summer Feeding Option, andlor other federal meal program is reviewed at least once every three years under the CDE's Administrative Review. PROGRAM/EDI]CATIONAL IMPLICATION This Revised Board Policy provides consistency with cur:rent laws, and help ensure consistency in our business practices. COST ANALYSIS/FUNDING: There are no costs associated with updating this policy SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 11 Westside [Jnion ESI) Board Policy - Revised Food Service/Child Nutrition Program Business and Noninstructional Operations BP 3s50(a) The Board of Trustees recognizes that nourishing food is essential to student health, development, and ability to learn. The Superintendent or designee shall develop strategies to increase students' access to the district's food service programs and to maximize their participation in available programs. Foods and beverages available through the district's food service program shall: 1. Be carefully selected so as to contribute to students' nutritional well-being and the prevention ofdisease (cf. 5141 .27 -Food Allergies/Special Dietary Needs) 2. Meet or exceed nutritional standards specified in law and administrative regulation (cf.3552 - Summer Meal Program) (cf. 3554 - Other Food Sales) (cf. 5030 - Student Wellness) (cf. 5148 - Child Care and Development) (cf.5148.2 - Before/After School Programs) (cf. 5148.3 - PreschoollBarly Childhood Education) 3. Be prepared in ways which will appeal to students, retain nutritive quality, and foster healthful eating habits 4. Be served in age-appropriate quantities @iees 5. Be available to students who meet federal eligibility criteria at no cost or at reduced prices, and to other students at reasonable prices (cf. 3551 - Food Service OperationslCafeteria Fund) (cf. 3553 - Free and Reduced Price Meals) The district's food service program shall give pliority to serving unprocèssed foods and fresh fruits and vegetabiès. Distlict schools ale encouraged to establish school gardens and/or farm-to-school projects to increase the availability of safe, fresh, seasonal fi'uits and vegetables for school meals and to support the districtrs nutrition education program. 1. BP 3550(b) (if .' 61 42.,8':' Compiéhèn'sive Health Ëdúca¡ion) To encourage student participation in school meal programs, schools may offer multiple choices of food items within a meal service, provided all food items meet nutrition standards and all students are given an opportunity to select any food item. The Superintendent or designee may invite students and parents/guardians to participate in the selection of foods of good nutritional quality for school menus. The Board desires to provide students with adequate time and space to eat meals. To the extent possible, school and transportation schedules shall be designed to encourage participation in school meal programs. The Superintendent or designee shall periodically review the adequacy of school facilities for cafeteria eating and food preparation. (cf. 13I2.4 - V/illiams Uniform Complaint Procedures) (cf. 3517- Facilities Inspection) (cf.7110 - Facilities Master Plan) In accordance with law, the Superintendent or designee shall develop and maintain a food safety program in order to reduce the risk of foodbornehazards at each step of the food preparation pÍocess, from receiving to service. The Superintendent or designee shall annually report to the Board on student parlicipation in the meets district's nutrition programs and the extent to which the district's food services (cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 3555 - Nutrition Program Compliance) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 35182.5 Contracts, non-nutritious beverages 38080-38103 Cafeteria, establishment and use 45103.5 Contracts for management consulting services; restrictions 49430-49ß6,4 Pupil Nutrition, Health, and Achievement Act of 2001 49490-49494 School breakfast and lunch programs 2 BP 3550(c) 49500-49505 Schoolmeals 49510-49520 Nutrition 49530-49536 Child Nutrition Act 49540-49546 Child care food program 49547 -49548.3 Comprehensive nutrition services 49550-49562 Meals for needy students 49570 National School Lunch Act 51795-51797 School gardens HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 113700-114431 California Retail Food Code CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 15510 Mandatory meals for needy students 1 5530-1 5535 Nutrition education 15550-15565 School lunch and breakfast programs 15515-1557 8 Requirements for foods and beverages outside federal meal programs TINITED STATES CODE, TITLE 42 l15l-1769j National School Lunch Program, including: 1758b Local wellness policy 1761 Summer Food Service Program and Seamless Summer Feeding Option Il69a Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program 117l-I793 Child nutrition, especially: 1772 Special Milk Program ll73 National School Breakfast Program CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 7 2I0.I-210.3I National School Lunch Program 215.1-215.18 Special Milk Program 220.12-220.2I3: National School Breakfast Program 245.1-245.13 Eligibility for free and reduced-price meals and free milk Management Resources: CSBA PUBLICATIONS Building Healthy Communities: A School Leader's Guide to Collaboration and Community Engagement,2009 Nutrition Standards for Schools: Implications for Student Wellness, Policy Brief, rev. October 2007 Monitoring for Success: Student Wellness Policy Implementation Monitoring Report and Guide, 2007 Student Wellness: A Healthy Food and Physical Activity Policy Resource Guide, rev. April2006 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PUBLICATIONS School Meals Initiative Summary Healthy Children Ready to Learn, January 2005 CALIFORNIA PROJECT LEAN PUBLICATIONS Policy in Action: A Guide to Implementing Your Local School Wellness Policy, October 2006 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PUBLICATIONS School Breakfast Toolkit 3 BP 3550(d) Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program: Handbook for Schools, December 2010 Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs, December 2007 Civil Rights Compliance and Enforcement - Nutrition Programs and Activities, FNS Instruction 113-1, November 2005 Guidance for School Food Authorities: Developing a School Food Safety Program Based on the Process Approach to HACCP Principles, June 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005 WEB SITES CSBA: http :// California Department of Education, Nutrition Services Division: htþ:// California Department of Public Health: htþ :// gov aliforni a Farm Bureau Federation : http //www. cfbf. com California Food Policy Advocates : http //www. California Healthy Kids Resource Center: California Project LEAN (Leaders Encouraging Activity and Nutrition): http ://www.californiaproj California S chool Nutrition Association : http //www. calsna. org Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity: U.S. Deparlment of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service: C : : : Policy WESTSIDE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: June27,2013 Quartz Hill, California 4 BOARD AGE,NDA April7,2015 TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES PREPARED BY Shawn Cabey, Assistant Superintendent Administrative SUB.IECT: Johnson Controls, Inc. Phase 2, Change Order No. S ervtces 1 BACKGROUND: Deductive Change Order for schedule delay and the balance of Southern California Edison's allowance per Schedule 4 of the Performance Contract. PROGRAM/EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION With the final completion of the JCI Energy Savings Project, the District can now expect to realize the full extent (less the Hillview adjustments) of the expected energy cost savings for the program. The funds made available through these savings, as well as the anticipated rebates, will be available to address program needs. COST ANALYSIS/FUNDING : ($59,050.83y(CREDIT), 2008 Bond Series A SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION Approval 12 ¡*t n*** CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER á#j eontrc¡!s FOR BB Order No. -Chànge -01 co Conûact oatelmffiallÚrl oa16EA15 School District Slreet 41914 Ap CA Net Meter PV at Del W cA 93536 the modified to the extent described below in accordance with The above numbered Contract agreement is hereby Contract said of provisions or conditions terms, any other Terms and Conditions of the CHANGES section thereof and instance' in this applicable be may that Agreement Contract Amount prior to this Change Order 4,614,980.00 $ """"" Make changes to Scope of Work as follow: Deductive change order for schedule delay s x 2 months = Edison's allowance per Deductive change order for balance of Southern California Schedule 4 of the performance contract' (scE Service Orde 5 -38,598.83 .83 .83 Total above scope of Total amount of this change order including all costs for the work""""' $ -59,050.83 $ 4,555,929.17 TotalamountofthisContractasrevisedbythischangeorder'.......... (mo, vr) Order is: The new Completíon Date resulting from this Ghange all rerms, conditions and Provisions of the above numbered unless specificaily changed by this contract changeorder, Conliact'ngreemónt rema¡n unchanged and in fulleffect' JOHNSONCONTROLS' ¡NC. (typed) Name Shawn lltle ïtÌe Area Return signed or¡ginâl document to Johnson Controls, lnc Form G CLIENT - Solut¡ons Change Order