May Sophie Redwine Susser - the Congregation Beth Israel
May Sophie Redwine Susser - the Congregation Beth Israel
CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL “A Family of Families” May 2011 CALENDAR OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES May Sunday, May 1 Yom HaShoah Commemoration followed by guest speaker and dinner 5:30 pm Friday, May 6 Shabbat Service 6:00 pm Tot Shabbat in Racusin Chapel at 6:15 pm Family Dinner to follow Saturday, May 7 No service There will be Torah Study at 11:00 am Friday, May 13 Shabbat Service Services partly led by Sophie Susser 7:30 pm Traditional Service in the Racusin Chapel Saturday, May 14 Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Susser 10:00am Friday, May 20 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Saturday, May 21 Shabbat Service 9:00am Friday, May 27 Shabbat Service Service led by members of CBI 7:30 pm Saturday, May 28 Shabbat Service Service led by members of CBI 9:00am Torah Study Saturdays @ 11:00am Please come and join us. Sophie Redwine Susser Bat Mitzvah Friday, May 13th at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 14th at 10:00 a.m. Sophie Redwine Susser will lead Friday night services on May 13th and be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 14th. Sophie is the daughter of Catherine and Sam Susser and has two brothers, Sammy and Eli. She is the granddaughter of Pat and Sam Susser and Edna and George Gilbert of Houston, Texas. Sophie is a 7th grade student at Baker Middle School where she is an honor roll student and participates in the theatre program. This year, Sophie was a member of the Baker Texas Quiz Show Team and performed in the production of Beauty and the Beast. In addition to her school activities, Sophie is a level 5 gymnast with Mary Jane’s gymnastics. In her free time, Sophie enjoys reading, writing, traveling and going to Camp Longhorn where she adopted her beloved cat, Merit. Please join the Susser family as they celebrate their simcha with an Oneg Shabbat on Friday evening and a Kiddush Luncheon following services on Saturday morning. Dear Friends: It seems incredible to me that I graduated from college fifty years ago. Walking across the open-air stage in Oberlin’s Tappan Square was only yesterday, or so it would appear through the hazes of memory. Obviously, a lot has happened to me since 1961, and I am grateful for almost everything that has transpired in my life, even for the real downers – and there have been some. To help me remember what actually happened in that significant year in my life, I went back to see what milestones occurred. Some notable people died that year: Dashiell Hammett and George S. Kaufman, Psychiatrist Carl Jung and Judge Learned Hand, Gary Cooper and Ty Cobb. “West Side Story” and “Judgment at Nuremberg” appeared as films and we sang “Love Makes the World Go Round,” “Moon River” and “Where the Boys Are” as we danced at sock hops. Those memorable events, however, pale by comparison to the things that are really worth remembering. In 1961, JFK was inaugurated as America’s 35th president; the Berlin Wall was erected, while the UN condemned apartheid. Adolf Eichmann was found guilty in Jerusalem. The Freedom Riders suffered brutal assaults in the South, but persisted. If I’m going to look back, it’s not important to me to remember that a rough-and-tumble, rather coarse Georgian ball player died that year, but that there were a few events that spoke directly to the values that my generation and I considered important. The five events that I listed at the beginning of this paragraph speak to themes that set the course of my life from that time until today: freedom, equality, accountability and, more than anything else, hope. I wish I could say that the world has been transformed in the last fifty years. In some ways, it really has. South Africa shucked off the apartheid system for a relatively democratic government; the Berlin Wall is gone; segregation and Jim Crow are long gone. The last of the Nazis is soon to die off, but we cannot and dare not forget the brutality and savagery with which they murdered our people. It is one thing to deal openly with modern Germany; it is quite another to forget the past – and that is something I hope we shall never do. There are too many hate groups in contemporary American society for us not to remember how Brown Shirts became SS troopers and how SS troopers became mass killers. Could it happen again? Probably not, at least not in the same way, especially not if we remember the past with vigilance. Hope was in the air in 1961. We looked forward to a far better future way back then. Within a few years, that hope seemed muted and then it evaporated, sinking into the swamps of Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos. The hope surfaced again in 2008, but it’s hard to find an optimist today. I remain unabashedly hopeful and optimistic. I do not apologize for this. In my book, pessimists never get anywhere. They look forward to the worst and plan for defeat. Their fight song ought to include a verse that says: It’s impossible and we cannot do it, so we won’t. Only optimists have a chance at some positive outcome. So, I would rather be disappointed a hundred times over than to give way to defeatism and negative thinking. My religion teaches me that the world can be improved, and that I should want to be part of that progress and improvement. If it doesn’t happen today, well there’s always tomorrow. So, if there is one value that has stuck with me through good and bad times since 1961 it is the unwavering conviction that I came into adult life with hope and I’ll be blessed if I shall go out any other way. Shalom, Kenneth D. Roseman, Rabbi PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Members of CBI, Our congregation has just concluded a wonderful 2nd Night Seder. It was a huge success and treat. Kudos to Rabbi Roseman, for his leadership and creativity and for making the evening so very interesting and enjoyable. Thanks to Phyllis Roseman and her entire committee for their deliciously prepared, festive meal. It has been such a treat to attend the monthly services and the dinner that follows. The format of the entire evening is lovely and makes an enjoyable welcome to Shabbat. We thank Meredith Ryan for her years of effort; we are now fortunate to have Leslie Green to carry on, One of my duties as president is to acquaint you with our Temple/Synagogue’s Endowment fund. This fund was created to ensure the future of Judaism in our community. We are all aware of a declining number of Jews in our city. Please consider a bequest to our Endowment fund in your plans. We must continue to be concerned about the future of Congregation Beth Israel. Shalom, Maury Wolfson CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL 4402 Saratoga Telephone-361.857.8181/Fax-361.857.8227 Email: [email protected] Website: Rabbi Kenneth Roseman Debbie Bustillo, Office Administrator Susan Martin, Corpus Christi Community Religious School Administrator President….……….……...………..….……..…….…... ..Maury Wolfson First Vice President….………….………..…...………..………..Jim Gold Second Vice President……............………..…………..……Suzy Hilliard Secretary .…......…....…......…………….…….……………….Gary Blum Treasurer………….….....…..…………...……...……………....Ed Mange Past President…………………………….……….……….Andy Lehrman Sisterhood President……………………….…........................... Iris Karas Cofty President……..…......................................….…....Meredith Hilliard Adult Education……….…………………..…………...…....David Jacobs Cemetery Co-Chairs………………...................Robert Adler, Carl Kuehn Gary Blum and Clara Braslau Ritual Committee Co-Chairs…….……………….........Andrew Sheinberg and Joe Loon Program Coordinator……………………..…….……..… Meredith Ryan Membership Committee Chair….……………………....…..Susan Martin Social Action Committee Chairs. ….............................................Jim Gold Dues Committee Co-Chairs..….………….……………...….…Ann Engel and Leslie Kane Building Chair…………………………...………………......David Jacobs Grounds Chair………………………………………..…Rikki Schmitchel Fine Arts.....................................................Laurie Mintz and Ross Burney Webmaster.…………………..………………...……….…….Jack Widder To my CBI Family, As many of you know, my wife Jeannie was diagnosed several years ago with end stage Pulmonary Fibrosis. She has been receiving care at Baylor Medical and Methodist Hospital in Houston for the disease. She is now listed on the national transplant list to receive a lung transplant when acceptable donor organs become available. As a result we are required to move to Houston to be near the hospital as time is a major factor when donor organs become available and the transplant surgery can take place. To achieve that end, I must retire from the CCPD and will no longer be at Congregation Beth Israel. It is my belief that my last day at CBI will be April 30th. I want to give my most heartfelt thanks to all the people at CBI who have accepted me as part of their religious family and treated me so wonderfully over the years. I can honestly say that I have never felt so accepted and welcomed at any other place. I truly love Congregation Beth Israel and its many members who have made my time there so outstanding. I have learned much from you and I truly believe that I have grown as a person as a result of my time at CBI.. I must also add that I have never been anywhere, where I experience the inner peace that I feel when I am at the Temple. I hope to see all of you again when we return from Houston, which should be approximately six months after Jeannie’s transplant surgery. Shalom, Mike Trimyer TRADITIONAL KABBALAT SHABBAT SERVICES SCHEDULED Once-a-month, lay members of Congregation Beth Israel conduct traditional Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat (Welcoming the Sabbath) services in the Racusin Chapel. These services last about 45 minutes; attendees often then join the rest of the congregation in the Sanctuary for the Rabbi’s sermon, the concluding parts of the service and the Oneg Shabbat. The mood of these services is relaxed and celebratory, and all are welcome. The schedule for the entire year is: May 13, 2011 June 17, 2011 We encourage you to enter these dates on your calendar now so that you will be able to attend these services when they occur. FAMILY CORNER I hope you all had a wonderful Passover holiday. It was great seeing many of you at 2nd Seder at CBI. A million thanks to Phyllis Roseman and her hard-working helpers for a most delicious meal! Our family had a special treat that evening because Nolan made the front page of The Caller Times the next morning!!! Now that the Passover holiday is behind us, it's time to get ready for our next Family Shabbat Dinner. Please save the date and mark your calendars for Friday, May 6th; services at 6pm and dinner at 7pm. Babysitting will be provided. We had a beautiful turnout for our March Family Shabbat Dinner and hope you will all join the CBI family once again for an evening fun, friendship and an old-fashioned home-cooked meal as we welcome in the Sabbath together. If you haven't experienced one of our Family Shabbat Dinners, you must come … no formal invitation required. It's a great way to make new friends, see some old ones, and have a night off from cooking! This will be our last dinner together as we take a break over the summer months. I am happy we can go back to breaking BREAD together and see you on May 6th Leslie Green May thanks to those that helped make the Second Night Community Seder a success: Phylis Roseman Julia Noble Sheree Fedder Heleen Mange Elise Geller Rosalyn Wolfson David Jacobs Nelda Laska Susan Martin Debbie Bustillo Dottie Heffler Carol Solovey David Fedder Carol Kins Evelyn Greenberg Elinor Roosth Jeri Kolpack Natalie Honigbaum Rose Garza SISTERHOOD INFORMATION Upcoming Events Wednesday, May 4th General Board Meeting @ 5:30 CBI Wednesday, may 11th 44th Joint Installation of Officers & Miriam Award Presentation to Laura Smith Noe At Corpus Christi Country Club-11:30 am Corpus Christi Community Religious School Susan Martin, Director Many of us spent our last Sunday session in April preparing for Passover. Elisa Cox’s class made matzah rubbings and snacked on the real matzah. Rikki Schimitchel’s class gathered parsley for the Congregational Seder and gave the garden a much-needed watering. Laurie and Amanda McKinley helped students in Chelsea Eisenberg’s class make seder plates. They also made charosis for their mini-seder. Blind-folded students had to guess different foods that they tasted and then had to tell why that food was or was not eaten during Passover. Students in Dave Ryan’s and Brian Honigbaum’s class spent some time in the computer lab. Did you ever wonder “What if Moses had facebook”? Check it out at I hope everyone enjoyed a seder with family and/or friends and had a HAPPY PASSOVER. There is only one regular Sunday session in May on the 1st. There is no class on Sunday, May 8th because of Mother’s Day. (I hope students will enjoy a special time with their mothers and grandmothers on that day.) Hebrew School will meet on May 5th ande May 12th. Our End of Year Celebration will be on Sunday, May 15th, from 1:00 to 3:00, at the JCC. I hope to see all students and their families there that day. Shalom! Susan RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Sunday School 10:00 am May 1 Hebrew School 4:30 pm on Thursdays May 5 & 12 Tot Shabbat Our next Tot Shabbat service will be on May 6th at 6:15pm Bring your vocal babies, wandering toddlers, inquisitive preschoolers, and vibrant gradeschoolers. This is a casual service where everyone is welcome! We hope to see you there! Natalie & Brian Honigbaum & Lauren Frantz Mazel Tov Olivia Noble FREE HAGGADAHS!!! Cleaning out the Choir Room, we discovered several editions of the Maxwell House Passover Haggadah. We have as many as fifty of each of two versions. If you want any of these books, they can be yours for the asking – no cash, but carry. Simply come by the office and let Debbie or Rabbi Roseman know and we’ll be sure you’re all set for Pesach 5772/2012. Inducted Into American Hebrew Academy's Prestigious Honor Society The Zeidman Family acknowledges with gratitude, everyone’s prayers, hospital visits, condolences and donations in memory of our mother, Sarah “Sally” Zeidman. She will not be forgotten Marsha Zeidman & Mark Zeidman *SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT SERVICES AND TORAH STUDY* Because of the out-of-town absence of Rabbi Roseman and Gary Blum, there will be no traditional services on Saturday morning, May 7. However, Torah study will be held as usual at 11:00 AM. On Saturday, May 14, the congregation is invited to attend the bat mitzvah of Sophie Susser in Main Sanctuary. There will be no formal Torah study on that day, but the Train Library will be available for anyone who wishes to engage in conversation. Rabbi Roseman will be attending his 50th college reunion at Oberlin College on May 27 and 28, and services will be led that Shabbat by members of CBI. From the Jewish Community Council ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL 4402 Saratoga Corpus Christi, TX 78413 Thursday, June 16, 2011 7:00 pm Childcare will be provided 2011-2012 PROPOSED OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES President Jim Gold st 1 VP Suzy Hilliard nd 2 VP Gary Blum Secretary Julia Noble Treasurer Eddie Mange Past President Maury Wolfson Sisterhood Representative Beginning a two-year term: David Ryan Richard Hausman George Kopf David Hausman Completing the 2nd year of a two year term: Vicki Rothschild Michael Hiatt Jack Solovey Jeff Itkin Four President’s Appointees to serve a one year term 2011-2012 COFTY Youth Group Representative The Congregation thanks you for the following contributions Yahrzeit Donations Oshman Family Foundation In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From Ethel Horner Jack Kaufman Philip Lieberman May Grossman Spitz Ben Roosth Howard Greenberg Bernard Grossman James Harris Charles Schwartz Ida Solka Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From Sam Horner Sam J. Susser Oshman Family Ann & David Engel In Honor of--------------------------------------------------- From Al Geller on his 95th Birthday Oshman Family Maurice Grossman In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From Oshman Family Elinor & Hymie Roosth David Brownstein Evelyn Greenberg Jill Grossman Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Suzy & John Hilliard Meredith & David Ryan In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From Margo Marbut Train Joe & Ruth Sheinberg Oscar Spiitz May Grossman Spitz Adler Camp Scholarship Fund Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From Sam J. Susser Rosalyn & Maury Wolfson In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From In Honor of--------------------------------------------------- From David Brownstein Sarah Zeidman Mary Zeidman Passover Phyllis & Phyllis Rozen Phyllis Greenberg Marsha Zeidman Rabbinical Endowment Fund Audrey S. Zane Memorial Sisterhood Fund Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From Sam J. Susser Ann & David Engel Evelyn Maltz Iris & Andy Lehrman In Honor of--------------------------------------------------- From In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From Sudy Zane Phyllis Roseman on her Birthday Ann & David Engel Al Geller on his Birthday Endowment Fund Carol & Sammy Kins on Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From their Anniversary Sam J. Susser Edy Laser Maya Hiatt on her Bat Mitzvah Philip & Clarice Wallock In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From Roslyne Massman David Brownstein Philip & Clarice Wallock Racusin Jewish Outreach Fund In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From In Honor of--------------------------------------------------- From Robert Racusin Robert & Susan Zeller Philip & Clarice Wallock Rona & LA Train Rona Train Leadership Fund General Fund In Honor of--------------------------------------------------- From In Honor of--------------------------------------------------- From Al Geller on his Birthday Helen Bornstein Gertrude Applebaum on her Birthday Margo & Kenneth Train In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From Mitzvah Fund Robert Racusin Leonard Nisenson Margo & Kenneth Train In Honor of--------------------------------------------------- From Maya Hiatt on her Bat Mitzvah Adam Karasrecipient of Watson Fellowship Iris & Andy Lehrman Sikorra 11 Fund Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From Sam J. Susser Lois & Gary Blum Laura & Jason Goldstein In Honor of--------------------------------------------------- From Marsha Zeidman Maya Hiatt on her Bat Mitzvah Lois & Gary Blum In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From Sarah Zeidman Ida Zeidman Myer Joseph Sarah Zeidman Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From Sam J. Susser Susser Family Fund Elinor & Hymie Roosth Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From Mr. & Mrs. Randall Berry Iris & Andy Lehrman Sam J. Susser Don’t forget . You can remember a friend or relative with a minimum contribution of $5.00 to one of our many funds. These funds support camp scholarships, education, cemeteries, fine arts, library, & building improvements, to name a few. An acknowledgement card will be sent to the honored person or family. Please make checks payable to CBI and specify the fund. Call the CBI office with any questions. PERPETUAL YAHRZEITS *Indicates the names below that are commemorated on our permanent Memorial Tablets. These names along with others whose Yahrzeit commemoration is requested, will be read by the Rabbi before the Sabbath Kaddish Prayer. Sabbath of May 6th Curtis F. Alward *Joseph Blum *Isabelle Davis *Melvin Davis Ida Elzweig *Max Engle *Sadie Finkelstein *Eva S. Goltzman *Sam Goltzman *Howard J. Goodman Asher Hooden Chinke Lieberman *Rose Lieberman *Sr., Leon Sigfried Loeb *Julian Mandelstamm Freda Marks *Maurice Rednick Vera Rosenheim *Harry Samuels *Juliette Susan Scott Mary Trevino *Albert Veenik *Frances Wasserman *Michal Wisznia Sabbath of May 13th *Simon Ray Alexander *Tracy Mitchell Braslau Marsha Falk Carchman Jr., Willard W. Davis James Dixon *Frieda Falk Irving Frank *Henry Grossman Fannie Heffler *Max Katz *Samuel Kins *Adolph Krams *Irving Lepow *David Sidney Mendlowitz *Isidor Posner Polly Heffler Roosth *Henry Schaffer Ruth Simon *Benjamin Zane Sabbath of May 20th *Bertha Brand *Edna Jacobson Brodkey *Michael Chasin *Gene Crain *Caecilia Dannenbaum *Edna Ducler *Mose Franklin *Sadie Mushlin Grossman *Dwight Marshall Lebowitz Bertha Lieberman *Joseph A. Maizel *Himan Pelofsky *Ida Racusin Celia Roosth *Julius Rosenberg *Max Schmidt Sabbath of May 27th *Dave Berman *Zingel C. J. Birnberg *Sam Braslau *Leo Braun *Riwka Feld *Ben H. Greenberg *Ronald Buck Hausman Carolyn Henton *Gertrude Wallock Hurwitz *Shirley Goltzman Korn *Jesse Lieberman *William Worth Nance *Jeanette Carolyn Loeb Reiter Philip Sands *Isadore Schaffer Clara Simpkins *Sylvan Weil *Tina Adrian Wisznia Sabbath of June 3rd *Elaine M. Baum *M.D., Martell Benjamin *Elaine Michelle Buam *Martha A. Gold Edward Goldsmith *Isaac Greenberg *Ethel Holtzman Sadie Korn *Elizabeth Kuehn Albert Lehrman *Esther Mendlowitz Ethel Schwartz *Ruth Norma Shapiro *Harry Sheinberg Harry Solomon CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL 4402 SARATOGA CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78413 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED L’Dor VaDor Judaica Shop Call Clara to set an appointment at 854-6798 MAY 2011 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Sunday School 10am-12pm 8 9 10 NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Wed 4 Thu 5 CBI Sisterhood General Meeting @5:30pm @CBI Hebrew School 11 12 CBI Board Meeting @7pm 4:30 pm-6:00pm Fri Sat 6 7 Shabbat Service *No Service 6:00 pm Tot Shabbat @ 6:15 pm *Family Dinner to follow Torah Study 11:00 am 13 14 Shabbat Service Shabbat Service *Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Susser 10:00 am Hebrew School 7:30 pm 4:30 pm-6:00pm *Service partly led by Sophie Susser (Traditional service in Racusin Chapel) 15 16 17 18 19 End of year Religious School Celebration @ JCC 1pm-3pm 22 23 24 25 26 *No Torah Study 20 21 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Shabbat Service 9:00 am Torah Study 11:00 am 27 28 Shabbat Service *Service led by members of CBI Shabbat Service 9:00 am *Service led by members of CBI 7:30 pm Torah Study 11:00 am 29 30 Memorial Day 31 1-June 2 3 4 Shabbat Service Shabbat Service 9:00 am Torah Study 11:00 am 7:30 pm Office is closed Shavuot Confirmation Services FAMILY DINNER Friday, May 6th Services @ 6pm Dinner to Follow @ 7pm TOT SHABBAT Will be held at 6:15 pm in the Racussin Chapel
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