@c + Lia
@c + Lia
@c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais @c @c www.at-c.org last updated December 2012 @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais Very vibrant music, bouncing off in all directions, like vivid and rapid change of styles with some odd moments of rest. Microsound gone macrosound? @c have something unique at their hand. (Frans de Waard, Vital Weekly) @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais @c Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela collaborate as @c since 2000. Their work is developed from three complimentary approaches to sound art and digital music: procedural composition, concrete music and improvisation. Over the years they have been developing complex and structured compositions, with one foot in the fields of experimental contemporary sound art and the other in live performance. If their compositions are usually built around strong structural foundations, it’s also common that multiple cells of sound are freed from these structures when integrated into the work, developing elaborate strategies of deconstruction. Improvisation, either in dialogue or discussion, is central to @c’s performances, as is the will to create open compositions and to nurture ongoing processes that digitally amplify sound realities. Miguel Carvalhais (Porto, 1974) is a communication designer and a musician. He teaches at the Design Department in the University of Porto. Pedro Tudela (Viseu, 1962) is an artist, musician and stage designer. He teaches at the Painting Department in the University of Porto. In 2003 Carvalhais and Tudela were among the founding partners of the Crónica media label that they run since then. @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais @c + Lia @c + Lia perform as a digital audiovisual trio, Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela operating the audial layer as Lia performs the visual instrumentation. Built upon composed and strong structural starting points, each performance is distilled from ongoing laboratory work and becomes unique in its balance between minimalism and complexity, dynamics and contrasts, due to a free-form approach to composition, algorithmic improbability and improvisation. @c + Lia are known for their mature and rigorous approach to the manipulation of immaterial data, for the mixture of techniques, media and allocations related to the objective essence of audiovisual composition. They ‘perform’ intuitions and organize the imponderable in a very unique kind of ‘stage writing’. Lia is based in Vienna, Austria. She teaches at the Fachhochschule Joanneum in Graz, Austria. @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais Releases ≥“Re:Fujaco”, Galaverna, 2012 ≥“95 (ab Ovo)”, Fuga Micro Ediciones, 2012 ≥“Homem Fantasma”, Crónica, 2011 ≥“0°-100°”, Monochrome Vision, 2010 ≥“Music For Empty Spaces”, Baskaru, 2010 ≥“30x1.3”, Alg-a, 2010 ≥“48EDE”, Ristretto, 2008 ≥“Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom”, Crónica, 2008 ≥ @c + Vitor Joaquim: “De-tour”, Feld, 2007 ≥“65”, post.disco, 2007 ≥“Study”, Grain of Sound, 2006 ≥“PE ep”, Alg-a, 2006 ≥“42/44”, Silence Is Not Empty, 2006 ≥“48”, Ristretto, 2005 ≥“Folio, recompiled compositions 2003&4”, Fuga Discos, 2005 ≥ @c / M. Behrens / P. Raposo: “Product”, Crónica, 2004 ≥“v3”, Crónica, 2004 ≥“Hard Disk”, Crónica, 2003 ≥“+”, Variz, 2001 Releases in compilations and collaborations ≥ “Live at Opensound” in “Crónicast 100”, Crónica, 2012 ≥ “Novantuno (per Enrico)” in “Loud Listening”, Crónica, 2011 ≥ “Noventa [para Heitor]” in “Poststop”, Crónica, 2011 ≥ “88 (two firsts)”, in “Fuga 15 años”, Fuga, 2011 ≥ “quatre-vingt-sept (pour Essmaa)”, in “ESSMAA”, Tsuku Boshi, 2010 ≥ “Live at Vigo Transforma”, in “Symbiosis podcast”, 2010 ≥ “Sechsundachtzig (für Ephraim)”, in “Ephraim Wegner: Audible Landscapes”, Crónica, 2010 ≥ “K./85”, w/ Gintas K. in “Crónica L”, Crónica, 2010 ≥ “Study #40”, in “Optofonica”, Line, 2009 ≥ “53”, in “Quadros”, Fuga Discos, 2009 ≥ “78”, soundmuseum.fm, 2009 ≥ “74”, in “Sudamericaelectronica 2”, 2009 ≥ “LXDolceVita”, w/ Vitor Joaquim, in “SonicScope 2008 Live”, Grain of Sound, 2008 ≥ “68” and “73“, in “Mus*****c”, Crónica, 2008 ≥ “live with Aki Onda and Gert-Jan Prins” in “Crónicast 025”, Crónica, 2008 ≥ “GSIL VI / almada” in “The Gift of Sound and Vision (1997-2007)”, Hoanzl / Der Standard / Filmarchiv Austria, 2007 @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais ≥ “70” in “Atlantic Waves 2007 Festival Sampler”, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2007 ≥ “67” in “Airport Symphony”, Room 40, 2007 ≥ “Soixante-quatre (@c pour T.B.S.)” in “The Beautiful Schizophonic: Musicamorosa”, Crónica, 2007 ≥ “Rádio_int. 14/37” in “Art_clips .ch.at.de”, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, 2006 ≥ “blues” in “Crónicast 016”, Crónica, 2006 ≥ “56E1” in “Compilatorio #2”, Alg-a, 2006 ≥ “int.16/54//son01/30x1” in “Sonic Acts XI - The Anthology of Computer Arts”, Sonic Acts, 2006 ≥ “live @ Rua do Rosário 141, Porto” in “Crónicast 008”, Crónica, 2006 ≥ “49” in “Santa’s Only Lap Of Luxury”, Silence Is Not Empty, 2005 ≥ “int.15/51” in “Portugal, a New Sound Portrait”, Fonoteca Municipal Lisboa & N_Records, 2005 ≥ “Radio_Int.14/37”, in “Essays on Radio: Can I have 2 minutes of your time?”, Crónica, 2005 ≥ “int.13/35” (video by Marius Watz), in “Essays on Radio”, Crónica, 2005 ≥ “int.13/35”, in “Essays on Radio”, Crónica, 2005 ≥ “int.11/45”, in “Untitled Songs, 49 Years from ‘Gesang der Jünglinge’ (2005-1956)”, Sirr, 2005 ≥ “int.12/46”, in “35 Mutant Seconds”, Grain of Sound / Baskaru, 2005 ≥ “int.9/39”, in “Overshadow”, antmanuvMicro, 2005 ≥ “int.7/28 (interpretación visual de Diego Arandojo)”, in “Fuga Experimental”, Fuga Discos, 2004 ≥ “int.10/34”, in “The Wire Tapper 12”, The Wire Magazine, 2004 ≥ “HardVideo / GSIL XIX”, in “Sonic Fiction, Synaesthetic Videos from Austria”, Index, 2004 ≥ “int.6/29”, in “Clicks & Cuts 4”, Mille Plateaux Media, 2004 ≥ “int.8/30”, in “Loop 01”, Loop.cl, 2004 ≥ “int.7/28”, in “Fuga Experimental”, Fuga Discos, 2004 ≥ “GSIL XXX/int.5/27”, in “Edition Medienturm”, Medienturm, 2004 ≥ “int.4/16”, in “Exploratory Music from Portugal, 03”, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2003 ≥ “int.3/15”, in “On Paper”, Crónica, 2003 ≥ “GSIL XII / +”, in “Austrian Abstracts 02”, Lanolin, 2002 ≥ “int.2/08 (metrodub)”, in “Metrómetro”, Variz, 2002 ≥ “GSIL VI / almada” (video by Lia), in “Austrian Abstracts 01”, Lanolin, 2001 ≥ “int.1/00 (via_dut25)”, in “Portuguese Electr(o)domestic Tracks 1.0”, Variz, 2001 @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais Selected @c performances 2012.09.10 ICMC, Španski Borci, Ljubljana 2012.02.18 Electric Spring, University of Huddersfield 2011.12.07 Instituto Cervantes, Roma 2011.05.21 Vozes de Magaio, Aldeio do Fujaco, São Pedro do Sul 2011.05.10 Ar.Co, Lisboa 2010.12.03 Next Festival, Bratislava 2010.11.25 Sonicscope, Teatro Maria Matos, Lisboa 2010.07.02 Vigo Transforma 2010.05.23 Museu de Serralves, Porto 2009.06.25 Sonica:Post, Galerija Jacopic, Ljubljana 2009.05.19 LEM, MACBA, Barcelona 2008.10.10 Auditorio Nacional de Musica, Madrid 2008.03.15 Netwerk, Aalst 2007.11.10 Atlantic Waves Festival, ICA, London 2007.07.12 Philharmonie, Essen 2006.11.11 Festival de Música de Coimbra, TAGV, Coimbra 2006.07.16 Festival Internacional de Música de Tarragona, La Vaqueria 2006.03.29 Museu do Chiado, Lisboa 2005.09.24 EME, Capela de Santiago, Castelo de Palmela 2005.07.16 Metasonic.lx, Goethe Institut Lissabon, Lisboa 2005.04.30 Mülheimer Freiheit 126, Köln 2005.04.29 Hörbar, Hamburg 2005.04.28 Ausland, Berlin 2005.04.26 Weezie, Leipzig 2005.04.24 Fluctuating Images, Stuttgart 2005.04.23 Ateliefrankfurt, Frankfurt 2004.11.19 Videozone 2, Jah Pan, Tel Aviv 2004.06.12 Casa dos Dias d’Água, Lisboa 2004.06.06 Casa de Serralves, Porto 2003.05.24 Teatro Viritato, Viseu 2002.05.23 IFI, Faculdade de Bellas Artes de Pontevedra 2000.11.24 Blue Spot, Coliseu, Porto 2000.11.11 BRG 2000, Braga 2000.06.29 Ear Modulations, Museu Serralves, Porto 2000.03.23 Aniki Bóbó, Porto @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais Selected @c + Lia performances 2010.12.02 Next Festival, Bratislava 2009.10.03 Ex chiesa di S. Bevignate, Perugia 2008.05.10 Offf, LX Factory, Lisboa 2008.04.26 EMAF, Haus der Jugend, Osnabrück 2007.11.03 Olhares de Outono, Universidade Católica, Porto 2007.09.21 N.A.M.E. Festival, Planetarium, Villeneuve d’Ascq 2007.09.20 N.A.M.E. Festival, La Condition Publique, Roubaix 2007.09.09 Ars Electronica, Brucknerhaus, Linz 2007.09.05 ICA, London 2007.04.28 La Casa Encendida, Madrid 2007.03.31 Pixelache, Kiasma, Helsinki 2007.02.03 Casa da Música, Porto 2006.01.28 Netmage 6, Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna 2005.03.03 Zemos98_7, Sala Endanza, Sevilla 2004.09.17 Hi-TeCA, Teatro de Carlos Alberto, Porto 2003.11.28 Ultrasound, Huddersfield 2003.11.27 Atlantic Waves Festival, London 2003.11.21 Transmediale Extended, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Santiago de Chile 2003.10.04 CCB, Lisboa 2003.03.22 Lovebytes, Showroom Cinema, Sheffield 2003.02.22 Sonic Light, Paradiso, Amsterdam 2003.02.21 Sonic Light, Paradiso, Amsterdam 2003.01.25 Vademecwm, Vigo 2002.07.16 Aveiro_síntese, Aveiro 2002.06.07 Digital Art Generation, Public Netbase, Wien 2002.03.22 Offf, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona 2002.02.06 Club_transmediale, E-werk, Berlin 2002.02.05 Transmediale, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 2001.05.13 Stealing Eyeballs, K/Haus, Wien 2000.10.18 Co-lab, Rivoli, Porto @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais Awards 2007 Prix Ars Electronica: Honorable mention for @c + Lia in the Hybrid Arts category. 2006 Diagonale Graz: int.16/54//son01/30x1: prize for innovative cinema of Stadt Graz; Best innovative experimental, animation or short film 2005/2006 2005 Multimedia Awards ICAM/Número Festival: Honorable mention for @c + Lia in the category Music: Hybrid Music / Sound / Image projects @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais Tech rider for @c performances PA system: High quality PA system with frequency response from 25 Hz to 20 kHz (ex Martin, D&B, Meyer, Turbosound or equivalent). The PA should be rigged and free of noise or hum. A local technician familiar with the PA should be at hand. We cannot not be responsible for damages caused by faulty or under-powered PA setups. Important Whenever possible a 4-channel setup is preferred to 2-channel stereo. Mixer: One Mackie or similar high-quality mixer for stage usage. (6 inputs for stereo setups or 12 inputs for 4-channel setups) Monitoring: 2 or 4 high quality wedge monitors. Backline / diverse: – 2 x small tables or 1 big table; – 2 x chairs; – Power outlets, 220V european, grounded; – Comfortable backstage with light food, drinks and snacks. People / accomodation / food: Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela travel from Porto, Portugal and need top be provided with accomodation. Accomodation should include breakfast. Please try to find accomodation that provides wireless internet access. In addition to light snacks and drinks backstage, arrangements should be made for the artists to have a warm meal (vegetarian) before the performance. The artists should also be given complimentary drink coupons (3 or so each). Insurance: The promoter or venue should have an insurance policy to cover risks arising from personal accidents suffered by the artists or their personnel, and damage caused to material, always providing that said accidents or damages were not attributable to said personnel. The promoter or venue should pay the artists the sum of the eventual compensation received for damages suffered by the artists in person, the artists team or equipments. Questions: Please contact Miguel Carvalhais on [email protected] or +351 960 190 001. @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais Tech rider for @c+Lia performances PA system: High quality PA system with frequency response from 25 Hz to 20 kHz (ex Martin, D&B, Meyer, Turbosound or equivalent). The PA should be rigged and free of noise or hum. A local technician familiar with the PA should be at hand. We cannot not be responsible for damages caused by faulty or under-powered PA setups. Important Whenever possible a 4-channel setup is preferred to 2-channel stereo. Mixer: One Mackie or similar high-quality mixer for stage usage. (6 inputs for stereo setups or 12 inputs for 4-channel setups) Monitoring: 2 or 4 high quality wedge monitors. Backline / diverse: – 2 x small tables or 1 big table; – 3 x chairs; – Power outlets, 220V european, grounded; – Comfortable backstage with light food, drinks and snacks. Video equipment: – Video projector, min. 5000 ANSI Lumen, must have zoom and other options for easy setup; – Projection screen: As big as possible, consult with us if necessary; – Long VGA cable, from computer (on stage) to projector. Projection should be planned in advance, and a video technician should be on hand to do the video setup. Whenever possible we can plan the performance with a two-projection setup. People / accomodation / food: Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela travel from Porto, Portugal. Lia travels from Vienna, Austria. The three need to be provided with accomodation. Accomodation should include breakfast. Please try to find accomodation that provides wireless internet access. In addition to light snacks and drinks backstage, arrangements should be made for the artists to have a warm meal (vegetarian) before the performance. The artists should also be given complimentary drink coupons (3 or so each). Insurance: The promoter or venue should have an insurance policy to cover risks arising from personal accidents suffered by the artists or their personnel, and damage caused to material, always providing that said accidents or damages were not attributable to said personnel. The promoter or venue should pay the artists the sum of the eventual compensation received for damages suffered by the artists in person, the artists team or equipments. @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais contact: [email protected] +351 960 190 001 @c www.at-c.org @c Pedro Tudela + Miguel Carvalhais www.at-c.org @c www.at-c.org
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