PR-Navio Vazio F


PR-Navio Vazio F
 Navio Vazio / A sombra de um cabelo (enciclopédias) Com as participações de África Fantasma, Ana Carvalho, Braço de Ferro, David Maroto, Isabel Carvalho, Paulo de Cantos, Ricardo Nicolau, Miguel Leal, Miguel Carvalhais e Susan Hiller 31 de Julho, 2010 18h–20h Today, at this moment f the modern age, is an encyclopedia possible? Naturally, it is, and in many ways, just as it can fail in many ways while still being successful. Our age is certainly capable of adding a small library to all of those in which we can shut ourselves away in order to learn and unlearn. Maurice Blanchot, “The Time of Encyclopedias”, “Friendship”