Mining Industry - Cluster Maritime Français


Mining Industry - Cluster Maritime Français
Business law, maritime law and law of the sea
Charterers and agents
Computing and electronic services
Culture and Heritage
Fishing and fish farming
French Navy
Fuga. Itas nectaturit lab ium evelliq uibernamus as eatis arum rehenes cipsae pore id quaInsurance
muscim exceaquam aut ea nienditius simus ex eum dolupta turepta tiumqua tquosae. MintoLaboratories and research centers
ra simus et officie ndelles explab ipis utem eate consedis con commolorum veni alis untiaest
Local economic stakeholders
event aut fugitem que que ipis aut dolore inum volorrum arum quistib eatium volupta tiost,
Xim aut pedist volut liae maximust alit andit, odignatet aut et pellam quaesto que voloresto
Marine renewable energy
officia apedit aut aut lia volo et aut laut dollam fuga. Et lam exceaque occum culles videl
molor as seratust et excescide pernatis eume volut aspel ipsaper orepeligent, quatestore et
Marine resources
is aut ma arum facestis que vendiaecum nos quundeles dolorum quodit laut aut re molupta
Maritime services
del ilitassus autectius quos derit quibus.
Maritime training
Media & communication
Nautical industries
Oceanographic research
Offshore oil & gas service and supply industries
Ports, activities and services
RoboticsDescriptif Technologie. Aborrum dunt fugiatin es atur? Ipiendenis dolendebis maximus. In
delenimus eos nulpa de plandelibus esti dollamuscima prere nobit, vendi
Safety and
dolupta sperum esequi con et occulparit et quo dolupta volupta ecerspicto tem fugia autet
Schools and universities
aut fugiamuscit hita cus, anis name conserio. Itas archilis autes dolorio samusti recullit fuga.
Sea innovation
Nam sitiatendam
que etur?
Itas nectaturit lab ium evelliq uibernamus as eatis arum rehenes cipsae pore id quamuscim
Shipbuilding and related activities
exceaquam aut ea nienditius simus ex eum dolupta turepta tiumqua tquosae. Mintora simus
et officie ndelles explab ipis utem eate consedis con commolorum veni alis untiaest event aut
Finance que que ipis aut dolore inum volorrum arum quistib eatium volupta tiost.
/… Xim aut pedist volut liae maximust alit andit, odignatet aut et pellam quaesto que voloresto
Nom de l’entreprise
Titre descriptif entreprise
©Ifremer – Nautile/Campagne Futuna 3
Titre technologie proposée
officia apedit aut aut lia volo et aut laut dollam fuga. Et lam exceaque occum culles videl
molor as seratust et excescide pernatis eume volut aspel ipsaper orepeligent, quatestore et is
aut ma arum facestis que vendiaecum nos quundeles dolorum quodit laut aut re molupta del
ilitassus autectius quos derit quibus.
Titre participation à des projets collaboratifs
Aborrum dunt fugiatin es atur? Ipiendenis dolendebis maximus. In conest resequi delenimus
eos nulpa de plandelibus esti dollamuscima prere nobit, vendi dolupta sperum esequi con
et occulparit et quo dolupta volupta ecerspicto tem fugia autet aut fugiamuscit hita cus, anis
name conserio. Itas archilis autes dolorio samusti recullit fuga. Nam sitiatendam que etur?
a French
Itas nectaturit lab ium evelliq uibernamus as eatis arum rehenes cipsae pore id quamuscim
exceaquam aut ea nienditius simus ex eum dolupta turepta tiumqua tquosae. Mintora simus
et officie ndelles explab ipis utem eate consedis con commolorum veni alis untiaest event aut
fugitem que que ipis aut dolore inum volorrum arum quistib eatium volupta tiost.
Deep Sea
Mintora simus et officie ndelles explab ipis utem eate consedis con commolorum veni alis
untiaest event aut fugitem que que ipis aut dolore inum volorrum arum quistib eatium volupta
tiost Et lam exceaque occum culles videl molor as seratust.
Mining Industry
Nom - Prénom - fonction
Téléphone - Email - Site web
The French Maritime Cluster
"Deep Sea Mining"
working group
In October 2011, the French Maritime
Cluster created a Deep Sea Mining
Working Group, gathering the players of
the Deep Sea Mining value chain with
the objective to create a French Deep
Sea Mining (DSM) industrial network, and
promote this DSM industry towards the
French and international decision makers.
This working group encourages and
supports the members participating in EU
and national R&D programs, and helps
funding & implementations of exploration
surveys in the French EEZ. The French
Maritime Cluster (see more at the back
cover page) has been founded in 2006
for the benefit of professionals, stimulating
cooperation between professionals themselves, and between decision makers and
maritime professionals and dynamising the
maritime economy in order to stimulate
concrete businesses.
©Ifremer – Victor/Campagne Serpentine 2007
Along these pages, you will find the
key players of the French Deep Sea
Mining industry (in alphabetical order),
who develop innovative solutions for the
exploration and the exploitation of the
marine mineral resources.
©Ifremer – Victor/Campagne Serpentine 2007
Picture: Two black active smokers colonized by
anemones on hydrothermal site Ashadze in the
middle on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Deep Sea Mining:
initiatives and projects in France
France has been at the forefront of deep seabed research and exploration
around the world for many years. Through Ifremer, and even before then
through CNEXO, France was one of the pioneer investors in exploration
for polymetallic nodules since the 1980s. Following the entry into force of
the Law of the Sea Convention and the establishment of the International
Seabed Authority (ISA) in 1994, Ifremer signed the first contracts for
exploration for polymetallic nodules in 2001 in the Clarion Clipperton
Zone of the Pacific Ocean.
In summer 2009, after several weeks of preliminary consultation, including
regionally and via the Internet, Oceans Round Table meetings enabled
the formulation of several proposals: the launch of a “Blue Energy” plan to
enable massive investment in renewable marine energy; the creation of a
French ship decommissioning industry and establishment of an “Alliance for
Ocean Science” …
Regarding Seafloor Mineral resources, France decided to prepare for the
medium-term development of Deep Sea mining projects by immediately
beginning to organize the development and industrial management of
offshore mineral extraction processes on the basis of improvements in
the knowledge of the ocean depths. The “Blue Energy” plan was meant to
apply an integrated, global approach,and it indeed provides an optimum
sharing of technical risk between the public and private sectors, where
each participant contributes its own particular knowledge and expertise.
On that basis, scientists working on the Ifremer research vessel “L’Atalante”
collected from 2010 to 2012 new data on a deepwater zone off the
Wallis and Futuna Islands. These three exploration campaigns yielded
significant geological and biological discoveries. The multidisciplinary
team discovered a new active ridge and a major (20 km in diameter)
active volcano, “Kulolasi” containing the first deep hydrothermal and
high-temperature site ever found in the French EEZ. This project was
conducted in the framework of a new partnership that includes the
French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the
Sea, the Territory of Wallis and Futuna Islands, Ifremer, the Protected
Marine Areas Agency (AAMP), and companies working in the mining
sector (ERAMET, and Technip).
On 18 April 2013, the President of the French Republic launched the
Innovation 2030 Commission, and under the aegis of the Minister for
Industrial Renewal. With the aim of preparing France for the major
challenges of the world of 2030, the Commission singled out a selected
number of key opportunities with very significant implications for the French
economy; the Commission identified seven innovations sectors including
Deep Sea mining. The goal was/is to foster talent and bring out future
champions of the French economy. The French government would allocate
< 300 million to co-finance innovative projects that comply with
the seven innovation sectors defined by the Commission. In the
1st start-up phase, 110 projects at a very early point in their
lifecycle have already been selected including 8 projects for
Deep Sea mining.
On 18 November, 2014, Ifremer and the ISA signed a new
contract for the exploration of polymetallic sulphides on the
Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The signature of this new contract marks
the beginning of a new era in what has been a long and
productive relationship between Ifremer and the International
Seabed Authority. Whilst Ifremer has been carrying out scientific
research in this region for many years, the decision to apply to
the International Seabed Authority for a contract gives exclusive
rights for mineral exploration.
Picture: The claw of teleoperated robot Ifremer Victor 6000 near
a black smoker hydrothermal vent on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
The pioneer in deep-diving operations
Created in 1961, COMEX led the way in industrial deep diving applied to the oil and gas
supply and service sector.
At the height of its activities, thousands of divers from COMEX, the world leader in manned and
robotic underwater engineering, technology and interventions, crisscrossed the world’s seas.
From the 90’s, COMEX has implemented a resolute spin-off policy concerning its technological
and industrial know-how and the holding has now refocused on marine/subsea engineering,
and undersea services, by using its unique, world-renowned know-how.
Engineering adapted to critical underwater operations
COMEX owns a fleet of research vessels equipped with exploration and
working tools down to 3000 m. Vessels and tools are operated by a
permanent team of experts.
This mix between engineering, test facilities and operations give a fantastic
reactivity and assure to its clients a quality of works and results.
Safety and confidentiality remains the two major aspects of COMEX
operational or engineering projects.
Deep Sea Mining : the new challenge
COMEX is involved in developing technology as “the Seabed Mining
Vehicle” (SMV) for Deep Sea mining projects in partnership with FAYAT.
The SMV can be operated from a vessel, more than 3000 meters
It includes mineral excavation tools entirely embedded on a specially
designed platform to be deployed in complex topographic Deep
Sea conditions. COMEX and FAYAT already think about technology
development based on this vehicle, for Deep Sea pipelines burial and
unburial, oil & gaz on Deep Sea sites applications, Deep Sea salvage
services, etc…
COMEX is also involved in the development of a Deep Sea coring
system with DCNS and is engaged in European challenges in the mining domain in partnership
with companies such as Technip, FAYAT, Ifremer, DCNS, BAUER, MMD….
GAUCH Frédéric – Operations Manager
Phone: +33 (0) 4 91 29 75 00 - [email protected] -
The engineering business unit is involved in all operations that need design
and conception of new tools that can all be qualified in COMEX pressure
chamber or water tanks.
More than 60 years after CREO’s creation, we are proud to carry on this legacy: respecting scientific
ethics, we uphold the idea that multidisciplinary skills are necessary for the understanding of coastal and
offshore marine environments. During all these years, while following technical and scientific advances, we
also evolved with changing societies within the framework of Sustainable Development. Based
on its long-term worldwide experience and multidisciplinary scientific approach, CREOCEAN
has nurtured a functional vision of Sustainable Development in marine areas. CREOCEAN’s
commitment is to provide science-based decision-making tools for the Sustainable Development
of coastal activities in harmony with humans and their natural surroundings. Since its inception,
CREOCEAN has conducted scores of projects linked with coastal and offshore environments.
CREOCEAN has gathered and processed data, conducted baseline assessments and monitored
resources, and carried out impact studies as well as a multitude of environmental analyses. Thanks
to its mobility, multidisciplinary expertise, decades of experience, and an extensive professional network,
CREOCEAN can listen to, understand, and meet the requirements of its customers. In doing so, CREOCEAN
continues to develop its legacy of long-term relationships based on satisfied customers.
CREOCEAN leads a RTSys, Eca, Mappem and DCNS consortium. The aim of the
consortium is to achieve medium term to design an industrial pilot for exploration
inactive hydrothermal sulphide clusters in deep waters. The estimate of mineral
resources in the deep ocean clashes in the state of current exploration techniques with
technological, methodological and financial locks. The resource estimate requires
two steps: the detection and characterization of targets. The "MELODI" project
(Magnetic and Electromagnetic Ore detection), aims to overcome these obstacles
by offering innovative exploration techniques —at regional level (detection) and local (characterization)—,
compatible with an industrial target mineral exploration efficient seafloor. MELODI will remove the locks
associated with the lack of technical solutions for detecting mining targets, the cost of operations at sea,
the difficulty of characterizing the volume of sulfide formation without using expensive techniques.
CREOCEAN: environmental baseline study and
ecological impacts assessment
In addition to the knowledge and the management of the necessary techniques to perform
Environmental Baseline Study in Deep Sea environments (sea surveys including water
measurements, sediment analysis, study of fish, benthic organisms, fisheries, mammals etc.),
CREOCEAN has in-house expertise in Environmental Impacts Assessments on the deep-ecosystems.
CREOCEAN has carried out in particular this type of study for exploration activities on seafloor
massive sulfides within a French oversea territory in the Pacific Ocean. This ecological assessment
includes all type of habitats surrounding the target exploration site (i.e. hard substrate active and
inactive chimiosynthetic ecosystems, soft sediment communities). These studies usually comprise
desktop studies of appropriate studies and data, an Environmental survey of the target site
ant its surroundings and an ecological impact/risk assessment of the planned project. Impact
management (mitigation measures) is also included for any project if impacts are too damaging.
COLINET Michel - Head of the Offshore Projects
Cell: +33 (0) 6 85 91 58 67 - [email protected] -
DCNS, is a world leader in Naval Defense and
innovator in Marine Energy.
DCNS works also on expanding its core know-how to address technological issues in the Deep Sea offshore oil & gas and mining
sectors. Through its “Offshore Technologies Solutions” department,
DCNS takes advantage of its maritime expertise - such as power
supply and energy storage, resistant hull, multi-sensors integrated
management system, OPS room, - to develop innovating solutions to
fit customer needs.
DCNS offers five different solutions to
answer today’s subsea issues:
SubSea Linker® is an energy self-sufficient anchored buoy fitted for seabed,
water column and sea surface monitoring plus high data rate comm’s system
from subsea sensors to the monitoring center.
SubSea Watcher® is a global monitoring system dedicated to environmental
issues and industrial underwater assets management. Based on adhoc sensors
network architecture, SubSea Watcher® provides a continuous real-time situation
awareness and early warnings in support of decision making process.
AUV Docking System is a sea proven (2014), contact free technology for AUV
subsea persistent homing, mission programming, mission report and energy
reload, allowing AUV redeployment without surfacing. AUV Docking System
will considerably increase AUV subsea efficiency.
SubSea Quieter® technology aims to mitigate Deep Sea maritime activities
noise impact to address future noise reduction environmental challenges.
In 2014, DCNS earned twice the Worldwide Innovation Competition for SISCA®,
SubSea Watcher® and SubSea Quieter®.
In 2015, for the second phase of this competition, DCNS won again, with Technip and
other partners, one project called FONASURF for SubSea Quieter® and SISCA® sulphide
Probe design and is still on competition with the Melodi project focused on DCNS UUV
Docking system.
DEMOOR Damien - DCNS Offshore Technology Solutions - Subsea Activities Business Developer
Cell: +33 (0) 6 81 26 87 54 - [email protected] -
SISCA® is an underwater drilling machine to investigate offshore sulphide mining
fields, that incorporates innovative in situ characterization probe, increasing
Deep Sea mining exploration phase efficiency.
ERAMET, a global mining and metallurgical leader
ERAMET is a leading global producer of:
Alloying metals, particularly manganese and nickel, used to improve the
properties of steel
High-performance special steels and alloys used in industries such as
aerospace, power generation and tooling.
The Group also has major research and development projects in new business
lines with high growth potential, such as Lithium, Zircon, Titanium, and Seafloor
Massive Sulfides (SMS). Its current activities and growth are supported by
ERAMET’s sustainable development policy. For many years, ERAMET has
positioned itself as a future Deep Sea mining operating actor: the Company
participated in three exploration campaigns near Wallis & Futuna Islands in the Pacific Ocean for Seafloor
Massive Sulfides deposits exploration and is involved in several Deep Sea mining collaborative projects
for exploration and exploitation technologies.
As a mining and metal company, ERAMET fully knows the requirements and specifications
necessary for future Deep Sea mining projects. That is why ERAMET is working closely
with the other CMF members in order to define the best cost-effective technologies:
• To explore and evaluate SMS deposits
• To exploit the future deposits with mining platform and production vessel requirements.
Moreover, ERAMET is dedicated and experienced to manage and minimize the
environmental and social impacts in each of its mines and plants. Considering the
specificity of operations related to the seabed,ERAMET’s search for new and sustainable
exploration and exploitation technologies remains a priority.
A global mining leader positioned in French and European
Deep Sea Mining projects
© ERAMET, Ifremer, Technip
The company participated in the 2010, 2011, 2012 offshore exploration campaigns in
Wallis & Futuna zone with Technip, Ifremer and other partners. The possibility to implement
further collaborative campaigns is currently being assessed. ERAMET has also led the
“ALBATROSS project” aimed at developing cost-effective technologies to evaluate SMS
deposits, a project which was labelled by the EU “EIP-RM” at the end of 2014. Moreover,
ERAMET has been involved with other public and private partners for several projects in
the Concours Mondial de l’Innovation (CMI) and is currently participating in the ongoing
European H2020 program with projects on advanced exploration models and on new
technologies for future Deep Sea mining exploitation deposits.
DONATI Ludovic – Strategy Analyst
Phone: + 33 (0) 1 45 38 42 88 - [email protected] -
© ERAMET, Ifremer, Technip
Definition of Deep Sea Mining exploitation technologies
and environmental specifications
1st independent construction group in France
As a major construction and industrial company, the French group FAYAT has been working in 7 main
activities for almost 60 years: civil engineering, construction, energy services, steel construction,
road building equipment, handling and hoisting equipment and pressure vessels.
FAYAT has activities across the globe with 19,440 employees, 138 independent subsidiaries, a
total turnover of nearly 3,5 billion euros and a foothold in 120 countries.
Aware of its responsibility as a major player, FAYAT invests a large part of its turnover in research
and development.
Submarine Excavators
Fayat Travaux Sous-Marins (FTSM) develops and operates its own very specific machines for nonstandard
underwater operations in near shore fields (100 meters depth) such as:
oft and hard material excavation,
Oil and gaz pipelines burial using pre-trench and post-trenching devices,
Precise seabed dredging,
Sea outfall installation,
Dam sediments pumping,
Other special operations (depollution in hazardous environments, …)
A small team backed by a powerful group ensures the best reliable reactivity to
its clients in fulfilling ambitious technical projects.
Deep Sea Mining: the new challenge
FAYAT also develops technology for Deep Sea Mining as “the Seabed Mining Vehicle” (SMV) project in
partnership with COMEX.
The SMV can be operated from a vessel, more than 3000 meters above. It includes mineral excavation tools
entirely embedded on a specially designed platform to be deployed in
complex topographic Deep Sea conditions.
COMEX and FAYAT already think about technology development
based on this vehicle, for Deep Sea burial and unburial pipelines, oil &
gaz on Deep Sea sites applications, Deep Sea salvage services, etc.
The SMV can also be used as a based moving platform to integrate
other kind of tools for Deep Sea applications.
FAYAT and COMEX are Laureates of the French Worldwide Innovation
Challenge together with Technip and DCNS with the FONASURF programme. They are also engaged
in European challenges in the Deep Sea Mining domain in partnership with other European companies.
GAILLARD Raphaël - Managing Director
Phone: +33 (0)4 67 10 10 73 - Cell: +33 (0)6 03 91 06 36 - [email protected] -
Analysing and forecasting the world’s oceans
© Mercator Ocean
Mercator Ocean is the French ocean analysis and forecasting centre, supported by five partner organisations
(CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, Météo-France and SHOM). In real time or delayed time, on the surface
and at depth, it describes, analyses and forecasts the ocean on a global scale or for a
specific region. Its numerical systems and models are able to describe the physical and
biogeochemical state of the ocean at any time: temperature, salinity, sea level, ice thickness,
state of currents, chlorophyll, nutrients, etc.
Mercator Ocean has been chosen by the European Commission to operate the EU’s ocean
monitoring service, the Copernicus Marine Service, and delivers its oceanographic products
and expertise around the world every week.
Operational oceanography
Upstream, operational oceanography relies on two key means of observation:
Measurements made by sensors carried by satellites (JASON, SENTINEL,
METOP, etc.) of dynamic surface topography, temperature, water colour, and
other parameters observed continuously over time from space.
• Measurements made at sea (in situ) by ships or fixed or drifting autonomous
systems (ARGO network, etc.), of the ocean in all three dimensions, especially
at depth.
Mercator Ocean’s core business is to assimilate all the data from these observations in its complex numerical
models, in order to simulate the ocean in the past or present, and to forecast the ocean state in the near future.
A customised service
© Mercator Ocean
Research, development, operations and services to users, Mercator Ocean covers the entire
value chain of an operational oceanography centre. By maintaining its systems at the leading edge of science, Mercator Ocean can deliver a high-level, customised oceanographic
service to all its users around the world: ocean information in real time or delayed time,
specific expertise for a given zone, online ocean bulletins, maps, etc.
Mercator Ocean’s expertise lies in its knowledge of ocean physics and biogeochemistry
and its simulations (past, present and future). Understanding and forecasting the state of the
ocean, on the surface and at depth, is a critical operational capability for our users and for
the development of the “blue” economy. There are a wide variety of applications for users:
scientific research, safety at sea, offshore exploration, seismology and geodesy, laying submarine cables
or pipelines, military operations at sea, ocean thermal energy, etc.
THOMAS-COURCOUX Cécile – Head of Communications and Partnerships - Phone: + 33 (0) 5 61 39 38 68
[email protected] - -
© Mercator Ocean
Combined progress in Earth observation by satellites on the one hand and numerical modelling and assimilation
of data on the other hand, has led to the birth of a new scientific discipline: operational oceanography. It
enables real-time description, forecasting and retrospective simulation (reanalysis) of
the physical, dynamic and biogeochemical characteristics of all the world’s oceans,
on the surface and at depth.
Sea innovation and business cluster
Since their creation in 2005, the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique and Mer
Méditerranée represent the backbone of investment into research and development
of future techniques and technology applied to the maritime sector.
© Ifremer - Olivier Dugornay
These two Clusters and their members have a shared ambition for the sustainable
development of the maritime and coastal economy.
In 9 years, €1.3 billion of private and public investments in over 430 collaborative
projects have been supported by a network of 700 members, of which 60% are
SMEs, representing 100,000 jobs. The Clusters also bring together about 90% of
French research and training in maritime science and technology.
The sea innovation clusters are heavily involved in the deep offshore sector and
specifically in the exploitation of fossil fuels (petrol and gas) and Deep Sea
mining resources. They bring together internationally recognized participants from research and industry,
renowned for their skills; this is the case of Ifremer, THALES, DCNS, Technip, SERCEL, Eca, IXBLUE,
Proposed technologies
The sea innovation clusters have perfectly mastered these technologies: geophysics, underwater
acoustics and optical techniques, navigation and positioning, Deep Sea environments,
underwater robots (ROV, AUV ...), Deep Sea environmental monitoring instrumentation, Deep
Sea mining equipments.
Examples of collaborative projects
© Alseamar
• ARIANE - Hybrid underwater vehicle,
• ASEMAR - Intelligent, unmanned underwater drones,
ANOPUS - Smart tags for offshore underwater acoustic positioning and maritime
• COMET - Autonomous, competitive underwater robots operating in groups,
• CONTACT - Launch and recovery of AUVs in heavy seas,
ETANE - Secure underwater exploitation of petrol and gas through modelling of deep
• NAVAUV - Improved navigation capabilities of AUVs close to the seabed,
• ROV-3D - Optical metering and 3D Visualisation tools,
• SEA EXPLORER - Underwater glider.
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique: GRIVEAU Patrick - [email protected] - Phone: +33 (0)2 98 05 63 17
Pôle Mer Méditerranée: MARIN Patricia - [email protected] - Phone: +33 (0)4 94 03 89 18
© COMET Rtsys
The exploitation of energy and mineral resources in Deep Sea requires the implementation
of various technologies, especially underwater robotics, sea-bed exploration and analysis
Company Profile
Société de Dragage International (SDI) is part of the DEME Group (Dredging,
Environmental & Marine Engineering), one of the major dredging groups in the world,
also provider of numerous marine solutions with respect to offshore oil, gas and
renewable energy sectors and environmental works. Together with Global Sea Mineral
Resources (GSR – Deep Sea Exploration – 100% DEME) and OceanflORE (Deep Sea
technology for mining exploitation – 50% DEME/50% IHC), SDI attends to set up a
European consortium for the harvesting of Polymetallic Nodules.
Deep Sea Harvesting and Monitoring
For the development of a technical and operational Polymetallic Nodule harvesting
solution, a partnership between SDI and OceanflORE has completed a scoping
study on the overall feasibility of harvesting nodules by means of proven technology.
The project Nodulier 2022, by developing a scaled version of the Polymetallic
Nodule Harvesting Vehicle, intends to validate the requirements for a full scale
Vehicle, in the actual operational environment.
This Pilot Nodule Collecting Vehicle (PINOCOV) will act as a platform for resolving environmental
uncertainties identified during the feasibility study, increase the level of technology deployed and reduce
risks for the Deep Sea environment and Deep Sea equipment.
Participation to Join Projects
To investigate and reduce the risks associated with this technology, further studies are being
undertaken via internal and subsidized programs. These programs include the current
European Union funded Blue Mining and MIDAS programs:
The MIDAS project is a multidisciplinary research program that is investigating the environmental
impacts of extracting mineral from the Deep Sea environment.
The MIDAS partnership represents a unique combination of scientists, industry (as DEME,
OceanflORE), legal experts, NGOs and SMEs to study the impact of Deep Sea mining on
the biological diversity and how quickly the ecosystems will recover. The role of DEME/SDI
and OceanflORE is to evaluate and minimize the mining plume creation and waste water
treatment, by developing appropriate technology.
The overall objective of Blue Mining is to provide breakthrough solutions for a sustainable
Deep Sea mining value chain. This means to develop the technical capabilities to adequately and costeffectively discover, assess and extract Deep Sea mineral deposits at great depths.
VANDENBROECK Jan – SDI General Manager
Phone: +33 (0)3 20 10 87 30 – [email protected] –
On 14th of January 2013, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) and GSR signed a 15-year contract for
exploration of polymetallic nodules. Under the contract, GSR will have the exclusive rights for exploration
for polymetallic nodules over 76,728 square kilometers of the seabed in the eastern part of the ClarionClipperton Zone (CCZ) of the North-East Pacific Ocean.
Technip is a world leader in project management, engineering
and construction for the energy industry
From the deepest subsea oil & gas developments to the largest and most complex
Offshore and Onshore infrastructures, our 38,000 people are constantly offering the
best solutions and most innovative technologies to meet the world’s energy challenges.
In subsea hydrocarbon field development, Technip’s activities include the design,
manufacture and installation of rigid and flexible subsea pipelines and umbilicals.
© Technip
Thanks to our portfolio of technologies, industrial and operational assets on all continents
and a state-of-the art fleet, we offer a unique vertically integrated model in the industry.
Because the subsea mining activity harnesses the broader Group’s industrial
and offshore assets developed over the last thirty years for subsea oil &
gas fields, Technip has become a key player for Seafloor Massive Sulphide
(SMS) exploitation by designing and providing riser technologies. Nautilus
Minerals awarded to Technip a services contract for the Riser and Lifting
System (“RALS“) components of its SMS Solwara 1 project. The RALS is
based on a Subsea Slurry Lift Pump (SSLP) that is suspended at the bottom of
the rigid riser and receives slurry from the collecting machine via a flexible
hose. With the development of a fit for purpose SSLP solution for Nautilus,
there are opportunities for parallel technologies to optimize performance or
realize alternate offshore lifting systems. Neptune Minerals commissioned a conceptual study to Technip for
technologies that may be used for the commercial development of SMS offshore NZ. It was recommended
that the ore slurry be transported through a flexible riser. Technip is the most experienced provider of
integrated flexible pipe solutions and offers a broad range of field-proven products and services.
Participation of Technip in collaborative projects
© Technip
Ifremer managed cruises from 2010 to 2012 off the coast of Wallis and Futuna. These three first
exploration campaigns already yielded significant geological and biological discoveries. This
project was conducted in the framework of a partnership that includes Ifremer, ERAMET, and
Technip. Technip will provide project and engineering services in line with its core businesses
including conceptual and feasibility studies, supply of subsea equipment, construction and
installation works. Technip has also won the French Worldwide Innovation Challenge (Phase
1 and Phase 2) for the development of a pilot mining system incorporating a flexible pipe. The
FLEXSEAMINING and FONASURF (in consortium with FAYAT, DCNS and COMEX) projects
are about funding for the feasibility study and prototype of the solution. In order to correctly
assess pressure drop and erosion rate close to real flow conditions, Technip has built a large
scale experimental bench to allow the reproduction of realistic erosion rate in the pipe.
DENEGRE Julien - Technip Innovation & Technology Centre - Business Development Manager
Cell: +33 (0) 6 08 54 70 69 - [email protected] -
© Technip
Technip, a pioneer in riser technologies, from design to
Introducing the French Maritime Cluster
Unifying the Maritime Sector to create the “French Maritime Place”
The French Maritime Cluster (CMF) is an organisation
created to gather, stimulate and promote the French
maritime economic sector. Its current membership of more
than 375 organisations from the sector includes large groups
and companies, SMEs, VSEs, professional federations and
associations, local governments, research centers and the
French Navy. Established in 2006 to provide a voice for
those professionally engaged in maritime related activities,
it is the focal point and representative of the French maritime
The CMF acts on three fronts: Institutional Communication,
Operational Synergies and Lobbying.
Institutional Communication
Chief among its publications is an annual brochure designed as
a business tool, which gives an analytical snapshot of essential
data on France’s maritime industries.
A.o. the CMF organises with the weekly le marin, the “Assises
de l’Economie de la Mer et du Littoral” – the most important
maritime event in Europe – where attend more than 1700
business leaders, members of government, during 2 days of top
level conferences on maritime topics.
Operational Synergies
Since 2006, more around 6000 professionnals have taken
part in the 44 cross-sector Synergy Work Groups: “Marine
Renewable Energy”, “Deep Sea Mining”, “Creation of a marine
investment fund”, “Ship Breaking”, “Franco-Russian Cooperation”,
“Overseas Territories”, “Very Large Floating Structures”, etc. These
groups are created to make the business easier with operational
goals: recommendations (maritime law, tax law, economic
policy, etc.); creation of new sectors (Deep Sea mining, antipiracy technological solutions, biotechnology, etc.) and industries
structuring (marine renewable energy, LNG, etc.).
Eight times a year, the CMF invites its members and State/
administrative authorities to a networking buffet where they
can mix and create a favourable environment for new business
opportunities. This also gives members an opportunity to present
their products or services and to meet top executives from the
maritime sector, whether public or private.
The CMF lobbies transparently for the French maritime industries
to be given greater priority and has the ear of the French
administration and government. It is always vocal in defending
the interests of the maritime community, and also steps in to
help with particular issues faced by its members who turn to it
to safeguard their legitimate interests.
The French Maritime Cluster over the world
In Europe
Overseas and internationally
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6 French Maritime
Clusters Overseas
France has the 2nd largest EEZ
in the world, thanks to its Overseas territories. Six affiliated
maritime clusters gather about
250 companies (working with
the CMF). Joint projects are developped by the CMF with La
Reunion, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, French
Polynesia, New-Caledonia.
Cluster Maritime Français
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47 rue de Monceau - 75008 Paris - +33 (0)1 42 25 00 48
[email protected] -
June 2015 - Conception : Alisker