Basic Care Package Community Health Worker Pocket
Basic Care Package Community Health Worker Pocket
Quick Reference Guide to the HIV Basic Care Package for Community Health Workers and Peer Educators’ 1 References 1. HIV & AIDS Training Guide for Workplace and Community Outreach, PSI/Kenya 2. National Manual for the Management of HIV—Related Opportunistic Infections and Conditions, Ministry of Health Produced by Population Services International (PSI-Kenya) for APHIA II Health Communication & Marketing Program, with support from USAID Technical Advisers PSI-Kenya, Ministry of Public Health & Sanitation, NASCOP Content Director Dr. Anne Musuva For enquiries: National AIDS/STI Control Program Ministry of Health P.O. Box 19361 KNH, Nairobi 00202 Tel: 254-20-272-9502/9549 Fax: 254-20-271-0518 Population Services International/Kenya (PSI-Kenya) P.O. box 22591- 00400 Tel: 254-20-714-354/5 Fax: 254-20-714-342 Email: [email protected] Publication Development & Design Jacaranda Designs Ltd PO Box 1202–00606, Nairobi, Kenya Email: [email protected] Creative Director Susan Scull-Carvalho Graphic Design Mbula Makaa-Kinuthia Illustrations Nkrumah Ondiek Printed in Nairobi, Kenya ISBN 9966-956-66-2 Copyright © Population Services International (PSI-Kenya), 2010 All rights reserved. While every attempt has been made to verify all facts, instructions and procedures, the publisher claims indemnity against results of any nature whatsoever arising from the application/s thereof. Quick Reference Guide to the HIV Basic Care Package for Community Health Workers and Peer Educators’ Abbreviations and Acronyms ii AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome APHIA AIDS Population and Health Integrated Assistance ART Anti Retroviral Therapy ARV Anti Retroviral BCC Behavior Change Communication BCP Basic Care Package CDC Centers for Disease Control CHW Community Health Worker FBO Faith Based Organization HCBC Home based care HCM Health Communications and Marketing HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus IEC Information, Education and Communication KAIS Kenya Aids Indicator Survey LLIN Long Lasting Insecticide treated Net NASCOP National Aids and STI Control Council NGO Non Governmental Organization MOH Ministry of Health OIs Opportunistic Infections PLHIV People Living with HIV/AIDS PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child infection PSI Population Services International STI Sexually Transmitted Infections SWS Safe Water Systems VCT Voluntary Counseling and Testing WHO World Health Organization USAID United States Agency for International Development iii Acknowledgements This HIV Basic Care Package quick reference guide for peer educators and Community health workers was developed through the tireless efforts of members of the HIV Basic Care Package Technical Working Group. We wish to express our gratitude to all stakeholders who made valuable contribution in the development of this reference guide. We would like to thank Dr. Nicholas Muraguri (Head, NASCOP), Pauline Mwololo (NASCOP), Lenet Bundi (NASCOP), Josephine Kioli (NASCOP), Lucy Maikweki (PSI/APHIA HCM) and Dr. Anne Musuva (PSI/APHIA HCM) for spearheading the process. The following are members of the BCP Technical Working group: Lenet Bundi - NASCOP Dorcus Kameta - NASCOP Josephine Kioli - NASCOP Dr. Nicholas Muraguri - NASCOP Pauline Mwololo - NASCOP Dr. Maurice Maina - USAID Emma Mwamburi - USAID Ruth Tiampati - USAID Dr. Marta Ackers - CDC Dr. James Odek - CDC Mabel Wendo - Mildmay Daun Fest - PSI/APHIA ll HCM Lucy Maikweki - PSI/APHIA ll HCM Dr. Anne Musuva - PSI/APHIA ll HCM We would like to acknowledge and thank the United States Agency for International Development for their financial support towards the development of this reference guide. iv Contents Foreword..................................................................................... vi How to Use this HIV BCP Quick Reference Guide...... viii Introduction to the HIV Basic Care Package................... ix Basic Facts on HIV and AIDS................................................. 1 Prevention with Positives- Disclosure, Partner Testing, Safer Sex, PMTCT...................................... 6 STIs and HIV.............................................................................. 12 Diarrhea Prevention.............................................................. 14 Malaria Prevention................................................................. 20 TB and HIV................................................................................ 23 Medicine to help Prevent Sickness.................................. 25 Nutrition and HIV................................................................... 29 Positive Living......................................................................... 31 v Foreword The Kenya Aids Indicator Survey (KAIS) 2007 results estimate that 1.4 million Kenyans are currently living with HIV/AIDS. Without appropriate care and treatment, most People living with HIV will suffer from debilitating opportunistic infections leading to hospitalization, lost income, disruptions to their family life and eventually death. Today, HIV/AIDS no longer has to be an acute, debilitating disease. It is possible to delay or prevent disease and improve the quality of life for persons with HIV through a comprehensive approach to health care that emphasizes on preventive care, extending beyond just antiretroviral therapy. People living with HIV need simple, practicable solutions for improving their health and extending their lives. A number of low-cost and practical interventions have been shown to reduce HIV-related morbidity and mortality and prevent HIV transmission. long-lasting insecticide treated nets, safe water systems and Cotrimoxazole preventive therapy are inexpensive and clearly benefit people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) in sub-Saharan Africa by reducing the incidence of opportunistic infections e.g., malaria and diarrhea (WHO, 2007; Mermin, Lule et al, 2004; Kamya, Gasasira et al., 2007). Correct and consistent condom use has also been shown to reduce HIV transmission among sexual partners. PLHIV need access to an array of preventive services to prevent opportunistic infections. In particular, the GOK recommends safe drinking water, condom use, mosquito bednets and daily multivitamins for all HIV-infected persons and calls these the Basic Care Package. At the time of KAIS, 45.5% of HIVinfected adults in Kenya lived in a household that treated its main source of drinking water; the most common treatment practice was boiling. Among all HIV-infected adults, 45.3% slept under a mosquito net the night before the survey and 20.2% slept under an insecticide-treated net. Only 36.4% vi PLHIV were taking daily multivitamins. Condom use at last sex was low among marital/cohabiting partnerships (4.2% among partnerships reported by women and 5.9% among partnerships reported by men) These results indicate that efforts towards availing these services to PLHIV need to be intensified. At the same time, PLHIV need instruction on proper use of the Basic Care Package and education on other aspects of HIV care including prevention of opportunistic infections and positive living. This instruction is provided by peer educators and community health workers who are supervised by the health care providers in the health facilities. These peer educators and community health workers require support in the form of a quick reference guide with information on HIV and Prevention of Opportunistic infections that they can consult while carrying out health education sessions. It is our hope that this quick reference guide will offer the necessary support for peer educators and community health workers as they facilitate health education sessions in the health facilities, communities and elsewhere as may be required. Dr. Nicholas Muraguri Head, NASCOP vii How to Use this Reference Guide This guide is a tool designed to support peer educators, community health workers(CHWs) and other volunteers carrying out health education sessions on the HIV Basic Care Package. This guide helps them update and refresh their knowledge on key issues related to HIV and prevention of opportunistic infections amongst people living with HIV. It will guide them as they facilitate health education sessions and group discussions on HIV related issues at the health facility, community, support groups and even within homesteads. The topics covered in this guide include: • Current situation and Basic Facts on HIV • Prevention with Positives- disclosure, partner testing, safer sex, PMTCT • STIs and HIV • Diarrhea prevention • Malaria prevention • TB and HIV • Medicine to help prevent sickness • Nutrition and HIV • Positive Living Getting started Before giving a health education session or facilitating a group discussion, one should read and review this Quick reference guide to be familiar and comfortable with the topics to be presented in the health education sessions. Being prepared with facts and knowledge will enable the CHW and peer educators to guide discussions and answer questions that arise. The information provided in this quick reference guide is aligned with the goals of the BCP program which is to prevent HIV transmission and prevent opportunistic infections among PLHIV, therefore improving their health. There are 9 topics in this reference guide. For each topic, a brief introduction is given together with key facts and information. This guides provides useful information at a quick glance. viii Introduction to the HIV Basic Care Package The Basic Care Package The Basic Care Package contains items that are used by PLHIV and their families to reduce HIV transmission and reduce opportunistic and other infections such as diarrhea, malaria and STIs amongst PLHIV. By using the items in the package every day, PLHIV and their families live a longer and healthier life. The Basic Care Package contains the following items: • 2 mosquito bed nets (long lasting insecticide treated net) • 100 male condoms • A 20l water vessel • Water filter cloth • 4 bottles of Waterguard® 150ml • Informational material • Resupply: 4 bottles of Waterguard® are resupplied to every person who received the BCP. Who can receive the BCP? All PLHIV who are registered at a Comprehensive Care Center (CCC) or a health facility that offers care and support for PLHIV can receive the BCP. Before receiving the BCP, PLHIV should receive a health education session on the BCP and also a demonstration on how the contents are used e.g. Waterguard ®, mosquito nets, condoms etc ix x Basic Facts on HIV and AIDS Facts about HIV and AIDS: • HIV is the Human Immunodefiency Virus. This is the virus or germ that causes AIDS. • AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficienc y Syndrome. • Acquired means the infection is external and is not inherited. • Immunodeficiency means that the body’s defense mechanism is weak and therefore the body is unable to fight infections and illnesses. • Syndrome refers to the symptoms and diseases brought about by HIV infection. • In 2007, it was estimated that there were almost 1.4 million PLHIV (KAIS 2007) How is HIV transmitted? 1. Through sex Unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral, anal) with an infected person. In Kenya this is the most common mode of transmission. 2. Contact with infected blood or other body fluids through • Blood transfusion from a HIV infected donor/person, • Use of contaminated instruments e.g. needles, knives, instruments used in circumcision, skin piercing, traditional healing etc. • Organ transplant from an infected donor 3. From an infected mother to a child in the womb, during labour and birth or through breast feeding. 4. Although deep kissing can be risky, it is not the saliva itself that may cause infection, but the bleeding gums or open sores in the mouth, which are common in a HIV infected person 1 HIV is not transmitted through • casual contact such as holding hands, hugging, • sharing food or drink. • Dancing, swimming • Living together • Coughing • Sharing a toilet or latrine There are many factors that put one at risk of HIV infection What puts one at risk of contracting HIV? • Unprotected sex – • Sexually Transmitted infections (STIs) especially those that form genital wounds/ulcers. • Multiple sexual partners increase the chances of contracting HIV infection. It could also lead to reinfection, if someone is already infected. • Separation of spouses- is another risk factor e.g. when a husband leaves his wife in the rural area to seek employment in urban centres. Often these separations are long and lonely and one may engage in sex with other partners. • Alcohol and drugs -an individual under the influence may take sexual risks. • Intravenous drug use, when drug users share needles without sterilizing them. • Unresolved conflicts at home may also be a risk factor as the aggrieved partner may seek sexual solace outside the home. • Rape 2 Once someone becomes infected with HIV, they go through the following stages of HIV infection STAGE 1: Primary HIV Infection (Window period) This stage of infection lasts for a few weeks. During this stage there is a large amount of HIV in the blood and the immune system begins to respond to the virus by producing HIV antibodies to fight the virus. If an HIV antibody test is done at this stage it may not be positive. At this stage chances of transmitting HIV are very high. STAGE 2: Clinically Asymptomatic Stage (No symptoms) This stage lasts for an average of ten years and is free from major symptoms. The level of HIV in the blood drops to very low levels but people remain infectious.(can transmit HIV to another person) HIV antibodies are detectable in the blood, so antibody tests will show a positive result. Nowadays, with use of ARVs PLHIV can remain in this stage for even 20 years or more. STAGE 3: Symptomatic HIV Infection (Symptoms begin to show) Over time the immune system becomes severely damaged by HIV. As the immune system fails, so symptoms develop. Initially many of the symptoms are mild, but as the immune system becomes weaker, the symptoms worsen. STAGE 4: Progression from HIV to AIDS (Severe symptoms) As the immune system becomes more and more damaged, the illnesses that occur become more and more severe leading eventually to AIDS. A healthy person usually has 3 a CD4, (white blood cells that fight HIV) count of between 600 and 1,200. In this stage, the CD4 count is usually less than 200. HIV Prevention One can protect oneself from HIV infection through the following ways: • ABC- Sexual abstinence, being faithful to one uninfected partner, or correct and consistent condom use. • Do NOT share unsterilized cutting and injecting instruments such as needles, circumcision knives,etc. • Mothers should also go for antenatal clinics and deliver under a skilled health worker in a hospital to protect their unborn children from infection. • Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a course of anti HIV drugs, which may prevent transmission of HIV after a risky exposure e.g rape • Avoid risky isolated places that can lead to prevent cases of rape. • The youth should learn life skills to keep them busy in order to avoid casual sex. • Knowing your HIV status is important in HIV prevention because it helps one to avoid spreading it to others. N.B PLHIV need to remember that even though they are HIV infected, continued exposure to HIV may increase the amount of virus in the system and risk re-infection with different types of virus. Counselling and Testing for HIV Counselling and testing provides an opportunity to help clients understand HIV and AIDS and provide information on HIV transmission and prevention. HIV testing and counseling is the main entry point to prevention, care and treatment of HIV. Those who test negative learn how to stay HIV negative and those who test positive can access care, treatment, support and counseling. They also learn how to prevent transmission of HIV to others and avoid re-infection. 4 There are 3 main steps in counselling and testing: 1. Pre test counselling to explain about HIV/AIDS and the procedure of the test. 2. The HIV test, usually done by a finger prick to collect a few drops of blood. 3. Post test counseling where the results of the tests are explained and one is advised how to disclose the results to partners and family. For those who are HIV infected, counseling should also be given on how to protect their partners from becoming infected. Many of the HIV tests usually take about 15 minutes to give results. However the whole process from pretest counseling, the test and post test counseling take about 45 minutes. One can access HIV Counselling and testing from • VCT centres • nearest health facilities • Ante natal clinic • Mobile HIV testing center • During HIV Counselling and Testing campaigns. 5 Prevention with PositivesDisclosure, Partner Testing, Safer Sex, PMTCT Prevention with Positives (PWP) PWP is one of the interventions of the Basic Care Package. PLHIV are the most important people for HIV prevention messages, because at least one positive person is involved in each case of HIV transmission. Today, many PLHIV are living longer and healthier lives, due to access to good care and medication. PLHIV may engage in risky behaviors that affect their own health and of others, and therefore PWP helps PLHIV in protecting those around them from HIV. For HIV prevention two things are important 1. HIV negative people have to take responsibility to remain negative 2. PLHIV should avoid transmitting the virus to their sexual partners and unborn children. PLHIV are important members of the community and key to the solution to the HIV problem and not part of the problem. PWP involves the following • Partner testing (sexual partners testing) • Disclosure of HIV status to sexual partner(s) • Safer sex (including using condoms) • Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and Family planning • Screening and management of sexually transmitted infections Stigma and discrimination are big challenges to PWP. PLHIV may be unable to disclose their HIV status to their partners 6 due to stigma. The community should be educated on HIV related matters to help reduce stigma and discrimination that may prevent PWP interventions. 1. Disclosure Disclosure in HIV occurs when someone living with HIV shares their HIV status with another person. HIV disclosure can be particularly difficult when sharing with family and sexual partners. Disclosure can be done in the following ways • By the PLHIV on his/her own. The client is counselled by the counsellor at the health facility on how to go about it. • Disclosure can also be done with support from the counsellor or a friend. (supported disclosure) Importance of disclosure • Encourages safer sex practices including sexual partner reduction and condom use. • It reduces stress and pressure a PLHIV may be having. Disclosure reduces self stigma by enabling someone with HIV to seek support without fear of discrimination. • Disclosure helps prevent infection to others or reinfection with other types of HIV. • Disclosure can strengthen relationships 7 2. Partners testing Partners of PLHIV should know their HIV status. This is important because: • Persons with HIV may engage in risky behavior that affects their own health and their partners health. E.g. sex without a condom. Counseling can help those who are discordant to change their behavior and avoid spreading HIV to the negative partner. • Helps to make informed decisions about relationships, pregnancy, career and other long-term plans. • They can be advised on changes in lifestyle that improve their health and prevent opportunistic infections. Discordance Discordance in HIV occurs when two sexual partners have different HIV sero-status. This is where one is HIV negative and the other is HIV positive. Couple reactions to discordance may be shock, disbelief, confusion, blame, anger, or relief. Many couples are usually already discordant when they enter into a relationship due to sexual relationships one had in the past. Couples can remain discordant for many years. Negative partners in discordant couples are at higher risk of getting HIV. Discordant couples are more common than many people may think. A survey done in Kenya in 2007 showed that 45% of PLHIV are in discordant relationships. Why does discordance happen? • HIV is not transmitted at every exposure during sexual intercourse. • There are many different factors that affect HIV transmission. Factors affecting HIV transmission 8 • Abstinence completely eliminates the risk of transmission. • Condoms greatly reduce the risk of transmission when used correctly and consistently. • Presence of STls increases the chances of HIV transmission especially the STIs with sores/ulcers/wounds • Viral load: people with higher viral load are more likely to transmit HIV to negative partners. • Circumcision also reduces the risk of transmission. The foreskin is highly concentrated with cells that attract the virus. Counselling is an excellent opportunity to support discordant couples. At counseling they are taught how to practice safer sex and positive living. Effective counseling can save lives and reduce risk of HIV transmission. 3. Safer sex and condom use Safer sex involves using a condom. Using a condom when having sex protects one’s partner from HIV infection and also prevents PLHIV from getting reinfected with other HIV types and even sexually transmitted illnesses. Male or female condoms should be used every time during sex and for the whole duration of sex. Before using a condom talk about condom use with your partner. Condoms should be stored in a cool, dry place. Before using the condom one should ensure the condom is well sealed and check the expiry date to ensure it is not expired. 9 Steps in using a condom 2 1 Decide to use the condom together with your partner. Open the foil carefully. Your fingernails can tear the condom. Ensure that the part to be unrolled is on the outside. 3 4 Hold the tip of condom. Pinch the air out, place it on the hard penis, and unroll the condom all the way to the base. 5 After ejaculation, hold the condom at the base of the penis so it does not slip off, and pull out of our partner before the penis becomes soft. You and your partner are protected. 6 Wrap in toilet paper and throw away in latrine or somewhere out of reach of children. 4. Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) What is Mother-to-Child Transmission (MTCT)? • This is where a HIV positive mother passes on the HIV infection to her newborn baby. MTCT can occur during pregnancy (across the placenta), during child birth or through breast feeding. 10 What is prevention of mother-to-child transmission? • This is what is done to reduce the risk that a HIV positive mother will pass on the HIV infection to her newborn baby. Interventions of PMTCT • Family planning to prevent unintended pregnancy. • Voluntary HIV counseling and testing for all pregnant women and their partners to establish their HIV sero status • Early, regular attendance of antenatal care clinic. • Antiretroviral therapy (ART) for the mother and child • Prevent breast milk transmission. One should go to the health facility to discuss the best feeding option with the health care provider. • Avoid breast feeding when the breast is infected or nipples are cracked. • Delivery by Caeserian section or vaginal delivery by skilled birth attendant at a hospital • Early and proper treatment of all sexually transmitted infections. 11 STIs and HIV Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) These are infections that are passed from one person to another through unprotected sex with an infected person. They can be spread through vaginal, oral and anal (through the anus) sex. Most STIs are spread through sex, others are spread by blood transfusions, body contact and even by a pregnant mother to her unborn baby. • HIV is a STI. • STIs play a big role in spreading HIV because a person with a wound on the genitals due to STIs has a higher chance of acquiring HIV and also spreading HIV through the wound. For PLHIV, STIs may be more severe and may take longer to heal due to the weakened immunity. Common symptoms of STIs • Sores, lumps or wounds in the genitals (private parts) • Unusual discharge from the genitals (vagina in women or penis in men) • Itching • Pain when passing urine • Soreness and pain in the genitals • Pain in the lower abdomen 12 Common STIs in Kenya The common types of STIs can be grouped into two: a) STIs with ulcers (wounds, sores) Someone suffering from this STI has an ulcer in the genital area. These include: • Syphillis • Herpes • Chancroid b) STIs with discharge • Gonnorrhea • Candidiasis (Thrush) Someone suffering from any of these symptoms should visit their nearest health facility for testing and treatment. Prevention of STIs 1. Always use a condom when having sex. All PLHIV should be trained to be able to use condoms correctly. 2. Abstain from sex 3. Limit the number of sex partners one has. 4. Know your sex partner. One should tell his/her sex partner if they have an STI and ask the partner if he or she has one. One should then be tested for STIs with his/her partner. 5. Look for signs of an STI in your sex partner. For example, look for sores around the penis or vagina, or for any of the symptoms listed. But remember that STIs don’t always have symptoms. 6. All sexually active PLHIV should be tested for STIs e.g. Syphillis every year. 7. Adhere to the treatment. 13 Diarrhea Prevention Diarrhoea prevention Diarrhoea is a common opportunistic infection and common cause of illness for People living with HIV. Even when they get diarrhea, people living with HIV have more severe and frequent episodes of diarrhea because of their low immunity. What are the common sources of germs that cause diarrhea? • Unclean drinking water • Poor hygiene - not washing hands with soap and water • Eating contaminated food especially fruits and vegetables How is water made safe for drinking? 1. Treatment of water with the following chemicals a) Water treatment tablets e.g. Aquatab® These tablets are introduced into the water to kill germs. One tablet is put into 20l of water. Shake well and leave for 30 minutes before drinking. b) PUR powder The powder pulls together the dirty particles while it also kills germs. PUR is used for treating turbid (dirty) water. One satchet of the powder is put into 10 liters of water. Stir the water for 5-10 minutes then leave to stand for another 14 5–10 minutes until all the dirt collects at the bottom and the water is clear. Before drinking the water, filter the water using a clean cotton cloth into a clean container. Leave for 20 minutes before drinking. c) Waterguard® WaterGuard is a liquid chlorine solution that is used to treat water and make it safe for drinking without boiling. How to use WaterGuard? • Filter unboiled water using a clean cotton cloth into a 20 liter water vessel. • Pour one capful of WaterGuard liquid into the water vessel full of unboiled water. • Cover the water vessel and shake thoroughly for 1 minute until Waterguard is completely mixed with water. Wait 30 minutes. • Your water is now safe to drink. Waterguard should be used together with a 20l water vessel and a filter cloth. These 3 items are referred to as the safe water system. Water treated with Waterguard® remains safe to drink as long as it is not re-contaminated. (Germs entering again). The water vessel should have an inlet and a tap to prevent recontamination. The bottle of Waterguard should be stored, in a cool dry place, away from direct sunlight and out of the reach of children. Where can I find WaterGuard®? • The Basic Care Package contains Waterguard, the 20 liter water vessel and a water filter cloth. These 3 items are distributed free to PLHIV within the BCP. • WaterGuard® is also sold in kiosks, supermarkets, select clinics, pharmacies and other retail outlets. 15 What are other purposes of Water Guard treated water besides using it for drinking? WaterGuard treated water should also be used for hand washing, washing fruits and vegetables and cooking. Other methods of making water safe for drinking include 2. Boiling Heat water until it starts boiling and allow to boil for 15 minutes. Store the water in a clean container which has a tap in order to prevent recontamination. This is effective though it is expensive. 3. Filtration Water is passed through a cloth or a porous material to collect large particles of dirt. • This is a simple method. However, it does not remove all germs from the water. 4. Solar disinfection of water Sunlight is used to kill germs present in water. Fill transparent plastic containers with water and expose them to full sunlight for about five hours (or two consecutive days under very cloudy sky). Solar disinfection requires clear water to be effective. 5. Settling/ the 3 pot system Water is allowed to sit for a period of time to allow the particles/sediment to sink to the bottom of the bucket. A system called the 3 pot system is used where water is stored for at least 2 days before drinking. 3 pots are used. Pot 1, 2 and 3. Water to drink is taken from pot 3. This water has been stored for at least two days, and the quality has improved. Periodically this pot will be washed out and may be sterilized by scalding with boiling water. Each day when new water is brought to the house: (a) Slowly pour water stored in Pot 2 into Pot 3, wash out Pot 2. 16 (b) Slowly pour water stored in Pot 1 into Pot 2, wash out Pot 1. (c) Pour water collected from the source into Pot 1. You may strain/filter it through a clean cloth. • This is a simple to use method. However, it does not remove all germs from the water and water may still need to be boiled or treated with chlorine. Handwashing • Washing hands with soap and running water is very important in preventing infections. • Hand washing benefits the PLHIV and the entire household by decreasing germs that cause diarrhea. • Unwashed (or poorly washed) hands can transfer harmful germs to other people. • Discourage many people using the same basin and water to wash hands inside. When should people wash their hands? • Before preparing or eating food • After going to the toilet/latrine • After cleaning up a child • After handling uncooked foods, particularly raw meat, chicken, or fish • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing • After handling an animal or animal waste • After handling garbage • When treating a cut or wound 17 Proper Hand Washing Steps 1. Place your hands together under water (warm water if possible) 2. Use soap 3. Rub your hands together for at least 10-15 seconds. Wash all surfaces thoroughly, including wrists, palms, backs of hands, fingers, and under the fingernails. 4. Clean the dirt from under your fingernails 5. Scrub forearm well above the wrists 6. Rinse forearms and hands using running water. 7. Dry your hands completely with a clean towel if possible. If no clean towel is available, air-dry your hands Wet hands with water Apply soap to hands Rub hands together Cover all surfaces of the hands and fingers Clean knuckles, back of hands and fingers Clean the space between the thumb and the index finger Rinse well under running water Dry with a clean towel Clean the fingernails by working the fingertips into the palms 18 Together, drinking safe water and hand washing can greatly reduce the risk of diarrheal diseases. As a CHW or peer educator, promote safe water by • Practicing use of safe water systems and hand washing in your own life style. Be confident using it. • Encourage behavior change amongst PLHIV and the community by repeating the benefits of Treating water, safe storage and hand washing. • Continue teaching about Safe Water and be supportive to your groups until they finally get to practice proper hand washing and drinking safe water. 19 Malaria Prevention Malaria prevention What causes malaria? Malaria is a disease caused by parasites called Plasmodium carried by mosquitoes. One gets Malaria if they are bitten by a Mosquito infected with the malaria parasite (Plasmodium) • The mosquitoes that carry malaria parasites usually bite at night, between 10pm and 5 am. • Those at high risk of getting Malaria are children under five years, pregnant women and people living with HIV. What are the symptoms of malaria? Someone with malaria may have fever, headache, loss of appetite, general weakness and joint pains. If the malaria is not treated or is improperly treated one can get more severe symptoms such as • Fits/ convulsions, • Very high temperature • Difficult breathing • Jaundice( yellow eyes) • Anaemia • Loss of consciousness Advice someone with these symptoms to go to the nearest health facility to be tested for Malaria and treated. HIV and malaria PLHIV have an increased risk of contracting malaria due to the weakened immunity PLHIV may also suffer from more severe Malaria. 20 Malaria prevention Prevention of malaria is the best way to control malaria. Ways to prevent and control malaria include: 1. Sleep under a mosquito net. A long lasting insecticide treated net is the best. 2. When you suspect someone has Malaria, refer them to the nearest health facility for treatment. 3. Clearing the stagnant waters and bushes where mosquitoes usually breed. 4. Spraying indoors with Insecticide. 5. Use of mosquito repellant creams and wearing long clothes like trousers in the evenings to reduce body exposure to mosquito bites. The Long lasting insecticide treated net (LLITN) • This is a net that has already been treated with the insecticide/ chemical from the factory. This chemical is harmful to mosquitoes. • Long lasting insecticide treated nets (LLITN) are best because they do not need to be retreated with insecticide to maintain their effectiveness. • LLITN act as a physical barriers against mosquito bites. They also repel and kill mosquitoes coming to bite humans sleeping under the net. • They are safe to use for humans, even babies. But they are deadly for mosquitoes and even other insects in the house. 21 Use of the LLITN • The LLITN is tied with the strings provided above the bed or sleeping mat. • One can also use poles to support the net at the corners of the bed or sleeping mat. • It should hang loosely and should cover the whole bed or sleeping mat. • Tuck the net under the mattress or sleeping mat to ensure there are no holes inside. • When you wash your net, hang it out to dry in the shade. Do not hang it out under direct sunlight. • LLITN should be washed with simple bar soap and not left to soak. JIK and other bleaches should not be used on the net. LLITN can retain the insecticide for at least 3 years or up to twenty washes. Ways of hanging a mosquito net Extend net with cloth. Tuck net under mat. 22 Use two nets, and tie separately. Fix posts into cemented tins. Fix posts to bed corners. Modify hanging points to join two nets. TB and HIV Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis (TB) is the most important and common opportunistic infection in PLHIV, and one of the defining infections of AIDS. A person with HIV is ten times at risk of developing active TB (symptoms of TB). An estimated 50-60% of TB patients in Kenya are infected with HIV. TB is caused by bacteria known as Tubercle bacillus. There are two types of TB • TB in the lung - This affects the lung and is the most common • TB outside the lung- this affects all other parts of the body except the hair and nails. It is difficult to diagnose. It mainly affects those with more advanced HIV and a weaker immune system. TB transmission TB is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through cough and sneezing. In most cases, this infection is controlled by the immune system and one can remain for many years, even for life without symptoms. Active TB with symptoms occurs when the immune system fails to keep the bacteria under control. At this point, one begins showing signs and symptoms of TB. Signs and Symptoms of active TB • Cough for more than 2 weeks • Fever • Night sweats • Weight loss • Chest pain • Blood in the sputum (after coughing) The following factors place one at risk of contracting active TB • HIV infection- due to lowered immunity 23 • If one is very young or very old • Living in overcrowded areas e.g. the slums • Poor nutrition (feeding) • Chronic infections like diabetes How is TB diagnosed? If one suspects that they may have TB, they need to go to hospital, where one will be required to give sputum for a test. Chest X-rays could also be done to help in diagnosing TB. TB Treatment and Prevention Once diagnosed with TB one is started on TB treatment which takes 6-8 months. The TB medicine should be taken as directed by the health care provider. Failure to take the TB medicine correctly is a serious problem that leads to drug resistance. Some of the reasons why people stop taking the TB drugs are: • They start to feel better and therefore think that TB is cured, • Long treatment duration 6-8 months • Stigma associated with TB. The family is very important in providing support to ensure adherence to the TB medicine. When one has TB symptoms he/she should seek diagnosis and treatment immediately to avoid spreading the infection. Children should also be vaccinated against TB. People with TB, should cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing. 24 Medicine to help prevent sickness Medicine to help prevent sickness: Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis Cotrimoxazole is a medicine commonly known as Septrin. • It is taken by PLHIV to prevent Opportunistic infections. • Prophylaxis means the medicine is taken everyday to help prevent opportunistic infections. • It prevents many infections including pneumonia, malaria, diarrhea and some brain infections. • All PLHIV , including children should take Cotrimoxazole unless there are reasons why they should not. E.g. allergies. It should be taken by PLHIV whether they are taking ARVs or not. • Children born to mothers who are HIV infected should also be given Cotrimoxazole until a HIV test is done which shows that the baby is HIV negative. • The medicine is taken daily as either as a tablet or syrup. • Cotrimoxazole can only be dispensed by pharmacies or from the health facility. • Cotrimoxazole used for prophylaxis is the same as the cotrimoxazole that is used for treatment, but the doses are different. 25 Who should not take cotrimoxazole prophylaxis? • Anyone with a proven severe allergy to Cotrimoxazole, or other medicines that contain sulpha e.g. Fansida® and Metakelphin® Side effects • Side effects are rare. Some side effects are rash, nausea, loss of appetite and severe rash. • Refer anyone who suffers from side effects e.g. severe rash to the health facility • All those who react to Cotrimoxazole can be assisted by the health care provider. Adherence Adherence means that a patient takes medicine as instructed by the health care provider. Adherence is important so that the client takes the medicine in the correct quantity and at the right time. One must not miss any doses. This will ensure prevention of opportunistic infections. • A plan of adherence is important to identify when one will be taking the drugs and what to do if they travel (carry the drug). One can use a calendar or book to ensure they take the medicine every day. They can also ask a family member or friend to remind them of taking the medicine everyday. A Support Person is also important to help the client adhere to cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. • Having to take medicine everyday for the rest of your life, can be difficult and stressful, a patient may at times get discouraged. • The support person supports and encourages the client to take the medicine. • This could be a family member, other PLHIV, friend, neighbor or any other person. Multivitamins 26 Multivitamins are tablets taken everyday by PLHIV to promote good health. These tablets contain important vitamins for the body such as Vitamin B, C and E and have the following effects: • They promote good health and therefore delay the time before one is put on ARVs. • PLHIV taking multivitamins have higher levels of the immune cells fighting HIV in the body and less amount of HIV virus in the body. • Reduce painful mouth ulcers/wounds and reduce painful swallowing of food. • They also reduce rashes, diarrhea and give more energy. • Multivitamins also help other medicines such as ARVs to work better • All PLHIV should take multivitamins as prescribed by their health care provider everyday. Anti Retroviral Drugs (ARVs) Anti – HIV drugs are called anti-retroviral drugs or ARVs. These medicines help to extend the lives of PLHIV. Anti Retroviral therapy (ART) includes the whole range of drugs, medical attention, nutritional care and support provided to PLHIV. ARVs are usually taken in combination in order to achieve maximum effect. ARVs inhibit the multiplication of the HIV virus, delay the destruction of the immune system and therefore improve the quality of life. They reduce HIV related sickness and death. In the past, ARVs were expensive and therefore, many people could not afford them. Today ARVs are much cheaper and are provided free in government hospitals in Kenya. Not all PLHIV are put on ARVs. When starting a PLHIV on ARVs, the doctor considers the following factors: 1. The patient’s clinical state. Does the patient have symptoms or not? 2. CD4 count or Viral load (Amount of virus in the blood). Those with a low CD4count or high Viral load are started on ARVs even if they have no symptoms. 3. Whether the patient accepts the treatment. 4. Whether the patient will be adherent to the treatment i.e. will take it as instructed 27 Side effects of ARVs Most drugs usually have side effects. Most of the side effects of ARVs are mild and disappear within a few weeks of beginning the treatment. People react differently to ARVS and not all people may get side effects. The side effects are the main reasons why people stop taking drugs. In case of severe side effects, the doctor may stop and change the drug. ARVs may also interact with other medication that one may be taking e.g. TB medicine and therefore the doctor should be aware of all other medication one may be taking. Some side effects include: Nausea, Vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches, skin rashes, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lack of sleep. PLHIVs should monitor for any side effects to ARVs and report these to the doctor. Drug Adherence This is a life long commitment made by a PLHIV to take the drugs as prescribed. Adherence is very important for the drugs to be effective. It requires one to have self discipline and also to endure the initial side effects of the ARTs. It is important to identify a support person who will support one to adhere to the treatment plan. One should take the drugs when they are due. If more than one or two hours pass from the time the drug was to be taken, the virus becomes active and starts multiplying. Adherence to ARVs also requires a change in the lifestyle including keeping away from alcohol and cigarettes. 28 Nutrition and HIV Nutrition involves eating the right foods in the right quantities to ensure good health. A balanced diet helps boost the body’s immune system and helps a PLHIV keep AIDS away. HIV/AIDS affects one’s nutritional status in the following ways: • The body requires increased energy and nutrients • Poor food absorption • Frequent diarrhea • Infections such as thrush (in the mouth) lead to difficulty in feeding • Poor appetite A balanced diet/good nutrition prevents malnutrition and wasting, helps the body fight opportunistic infections and delays disease progression. Balanced diet A balanced diet consists of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water. Proteins are for growth and repair of the body. E.g. milk, eggs, beans, soya, njahi, fish, poultry, beef Carbohydrates provide energy. Eg. Ugali, maize, sugar, fat, Vitamins keep the body healthy. They are found in fruits, vegetables and food. Fibre- they promote proper functioning of the intestines. They are found in fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods. Minerals- they keep bones and muscles healthy. They are found in many foods, fruits and vegetables. Water Following are some common conditions found among PLHIV, which require dietary management: • Thrush- eat mashed foods, avoid hot foods, avoid spices and sugar • Constipation-eat high fibre foods and drink plenty of fluids 29 • Diarrhea- drink a lot of fluids and eat high energy and high nutrient foods e.g. maize, potatoes • Nausea- eat small but frequent meals • Anaemia- eat iron rich foods such as green leafy vegetables and take iron supplements Safe Food Handling To ensure PLHIV do not develop diseases from the food they eat, they should Wash hands before handling or eating food and wash fruit and vegetables before eating or cooking them. Food should also be prepared in a hygienic manner. 30 Positive Living Positive Living is adopting behaviours and attitudes that enhance the quality of someones life. It involves getting tested in order to know your HIV status and accepting your HIV status. Positive living also means avoiding risky behavior that could lead to HIV infection or re-infection. Living positively with HIV involves growth in 5 areas of life: 1. General Well being This involves • Eating a well balanced diet • Exercise- it helps relieve stress, boosts immunity and improves blood circulation • Rest and relaxation 2. Psychological Well being This involves keeping your mind healthy. This includes counseling, bulidng your self esteem, keeping a positive attitude, reducing stress and interacting well with others. 3. Social Well Being It is important to interact with other people in society. This can be done through support groups, seeking support from the family, spouse and peers, continue with work to earn a living, volunteer as a peer educator. 4. Physical Well Being This helps one maintain a healthy lifestyle. This is achieved by treating opportunistic infections promptly, taking ARVs as recommended by your doctor and also taking drugs that boost the immunity as recommended by your health care provider. 5. Spiritual well being This involves believing in a supernatural power- God, praying, praising and worshipping God. But do NOT throw away your ARVs at the instructions of a faith-based healer! 31 Notes Notes Notes 36