The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
St. Stephen Parish May 29, 2016 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ spoke to the crowds about the kingJesus dom of God, and he healed those who needed to be cured. As the day was drawing to a close, the Twelve approached him and said, "Dismiss the crowd so that they can go to the surrounding villages and farms and find lodging and provisions; for we are in a deserted place here." He said to them, "Give them some food yourselves." They replied, "Five loaves and two fish are all we have, unless we ourselves go and buy food for all these people." Now the men there numbered about five thousand. Then he said to his disciples, "Have them sit down in groups of about fifty." They did so and made them all sit down. Then taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing over them, broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. They all ate and were satisfied… Luke 9:11b - 17 Our Mission Statement We are a Catholic Community that is called by God to follow Jesus Christ. We believe that we are called to worship God together, to lead God's people along the path of hope laid down by Jesus, to share his message through preaching, through the education and formation of our people, young and old, and through caring service and sensitive outreach to those in need Rev. Paul F. Warren - Pastor Weekday Mass: 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. or by appt. Vigil Mass: (Saturday) 4:30 p.m. | Sunday Mass: 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. & 6:45 p.m. | 451 Eucalyptus Dr., San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 681-2444 Fax 681-7843 School 664-8331 Our Liturgical Week Monday, May 30 8:00 a.m. Fr. Strange: Cynthia Fitzgibbon Sp. Int. Tuesday, May 31 8:00 a.m. Fr. Warren:†John Beatty Wednesday June 1 8:00 a.m. Fr. Warren:†Joseph Catalucci 11:00 a.m. Fr. Warren: 8th Grade Mass Thursday, June 2 8:00 a.m. Fr. Strange:†Cesar Mangrobang Friday, June 3 8:00 a.m. Fr. Strange:†Maxima Vargas Reyes 5:30 p.m. Fr. Warren: Graduation Mass Saturday, June 4 8:00 a.m. Fr. Strange:†Angelina Malinat 3:30 p.m. Fr. Strange: Reconciliation 4:30 p.m. Fr. Strange:†Edilmera Santos Sunday, June 5 8:00 a.m. Fr. Strange:†Eileen Cahalane 9:30 a.m. Fr. Warren:†Lorin & Paul Medlin 11:30 a.m. Fr. Warren:†Leon Garicoitz 6:45 p.m. Fr. Strange: Bold Indicates Mass Intentions The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 [A]s often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. — 1 Corinthians 11:26 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Melchizedek, the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High, brought out bread and wine and blessed Abram (Genesis 14:18-20). Psalm — You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek (Psalm 110). Second Reading — Paul gives his description of the institution of the Eucharist (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). Gospel — Jesus speaks to the crowd about the kingdom of God and then feeds them with five loaves and two fish (Luke 9:11b-17). Second Collection Next Weekend A second collection will be taken at all masses June 4 and 5 for St. Stephen Building Maintenance & Repair St Stephen Events Calendar Wednesday 12:00 p.m. Graduation Lunch/Hall 7:30 p.m. On Eagle’s Wings/EC Friday 5:30 p.m. Graduation/Church 7:00 p.m. G.A. Closed Meeting/EC Saturday 10:00 a.m. Baptism Preparation/Marion Room Sunday 3:30 p.m. WKICU/Church & EC 7:00 p.m. Adult Volleyball/Gym SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Monday: Ninth Week in Ordinary Time; Memorial Day Tuesday: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Wednesday: St. Justin Thursday: Ss. Marcellinus and Peter Friday: The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; First Friday Saturday: The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday Children’s Liturgy at our 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass will start again in the fall. Please pray for the sick and homebound of our community and for all those written in our book of the sick. May they know the healing touch of Jesus. Larry Barbiere, Marybeth Barrett, Eden Finn, Carol Dominguez, Dick Dunn, Al Gragnani, Emma Hock, Honora Lowe, Maria Matthews, Ruth Oisek, Juan Pablo Grover-Paez, Nenita Sangalang, Jovita & Richard Thompson, Dorothy Medlin, Albert Chris Magie, Patricia Sullivan, Ron Stewart and Robert Xavier. Please call the office for names of people that we should pray for or remain on this list. Dear Parishioners of St. Stephen: On Wednesday, May 18, we thanked our altar servers with a picnic. For several years now during the Spring we have thanked our servers with a day of swimming, games, and burgers at St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park. A handful of generous parents took the lead since our fearless leader, Mrs. Giovanna Hrvatin was recovering from surgery. Mrs. Hrvatin has scheduled, trained, monitored, and guided our servers for the past 6 years (and many years before that). She gives tirelessly of herself, being there almost every morning to remind the servers of their responsibilities, calming the fears of nervous new servers, while making sure the cincture-color matched the proper liturgical color. Knowing she would be unavailable on the 18th, she planned and coordinated our picnic in advance. (Get well, Giovanna, we miss you.) If this parish survives on a community of volunteers, Mrs. Hrvatin is the Queen. Giovanna takes generous leadership to a new level. I will never be able to thank her adequately enough. She is one of our parish’s greatest gifts. Some wonderful parents stepped up and volunteered to make sure the picnic day was a success: Edwin and Osit Villamayor, Susan Richie, Dan Del Carlo, and Patty Ramirez. Thank you for your service this time and so many others times. * * * * * * * * * Last Sunday the choir sang at the 9:30 Mass for the final time before summer break. When I gave them public thanks I included a special word of gratitude to Ms. Janelle O’Malley, our liturgist and choir director. Janelle will be leaving St. Stephen. But I must tell you just how much you will never know about the depth and quality of service Janelle gave to our parish of St. Stephen. Though she lives in Palo Alto she quietly assured us of the finest ministry at every Mass. You probably took it for granted because need was always anticipated and covered. She never coveted attention and preferred quiet, humble service. Not once in my memory did I proceed to celebrate Mass without lectors, ministers of communion, cantors and accompanists in place. She kept contact with all through computer connection. She supported families preparing funerals, gently and lovingly caring at most challenging times in parishioners’ lives. She organized and led the liturgy meetings with grace, humor, and a keen knowledge of good liturgy. She did it so well you may have missed just how much was done behind the scenes. Few may remember that Janelle arrived in our parish when we were facing that awkward period of adjusting to new Mass translations requiring new musical settings. We are quite used to it now, but it was quite a daunting challenge. Janelle made it look easy and guaranteed we had the best musical settings for the new words. Her expertise made that transition smooth and seamless. For this and all the hidden kindnesses unknown to most we say “Thank you, Janelle, may God’s peace be with you.” Wishing you and your family God’s continued blessings, I am sincerely yours in Christ, Your pastor Father Paul F. Warren FATHER PAUL WARREN’S FAREWELL RECEPTION All are cordially invited to attend a “Farewell Reception” for Father Paul Warren on Sunday, June 19th, after the 9:30 Mass. The reception will be held in Donworth Hall located under the gymnasium. Father Paul will be leaving St. Stephen Church on June 30th, and will retire at the end of this summer. Please come to celebrate together, and honor Father Paul for his many years of dedication and commitment to St. Stephen Parish. Faithful Citizenship Resources or The California Catholic Conference of Bishops has created a Frequently Asked Questions document to guide parishioners, pastors and parishes in preparing for the upcoming elections. This is in addition to resources provided by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Please visit the websites listed above to access these materials. FED BY THE LORD HOSPITALITY MINISTERS for our 9:30 a.m. Mass Today, May 29 - Nellie Hizon Team Sunday, June 5 - Bob Anthony Team Sunday, June 12 - Vicky Francisco Something Different “"Savoring the taste from ancestral kitchen" Every 5th Sunday, beginning today May 29, we will feature cultural flavors in addition to doughnuts. Food connects all of us. Coming from different cultures, we bring native flavors and cuisine to a new landscape. We then realize other cultures have similar offerings: different but similar, just like us. Today we introduce you to Filipino pastries. (Nellie Hizon & Mary Molly) Jesus’ words “This is my body” and “This cup is the new covenant in my blood” were only part of his table blessing. Jesus twice said: “Do this in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:24, 25). This is the good news of today’s solemnity. Like the five thousand hungry souls, we are fed by our Lord. This is not food that satisfies for only a short time, until the next meal. It is food that lasts and changes us. It is food for sharing in much the same way as Melchizedek did when he brought bread and wine to the returning Abraham. As children of God’s reign, we are blessed to be able to receive and share God’s gift. And we do so in the way most appropriate to our state in life—as parents, children, husbands, wives, or religious. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to the following students who will graduate from St. Stephen School on Friday, June 3rd at 5:30 p.m. We will miss you all and wish you continued success. Good luck to you as you begin a new adventure in high school. Stephen Austria, St. Ignatius Chase Becerrill, Drew Gianluca Billante, St. Ignatius Molly Cahalane, Sacred Heart Cathedral Aaron Chen, Mills High School Cathal Coakley, Sacred Heart Cathedral Samuel Corvi, St. Ignatius Karen Cox, Sacred Heart Cathedral Luca Del Carlo, Sacred Heart Cathedral Sophia Dillon, Mercy Burlingame Mia Furnanz, St. Ignatius Annalise Jear, St. Ignatius Liza Lange, St. Ignatius Victoria Lange, Seattle Preparatory Siobhan Linehan, St. Ignatius Antonio Maffei, Riordan Colman McDonough, St. Ignatius Sean McElligott, Sacred Heart Cathedral Nick Millhorn, Marin Catholic Catherine Morello, Sacred Heart Cathedral William Newhoff, St. Ignatius Paul O’Driscoll, Sacred Heart Cathedral Desmond Ongpin, Oceana Ashlyn Onken, St. Ignatius Reid Parnell, St. Ignatius Jordan Pashby, St. Ignatius Declan Patankar, St. Ignatius Brian Qaré, Lowell High School Collin Ritchie, Stuart Hall Erica Robinson, Notre Dame Belmont Gianna Rocca, St. Ignatius Teaghan Rohan, School of the Arts Frankie Ryan, Riordan Sophie Seljeseth, Sacred Heart Cathedral Hannah Tenney, St. Ignatius Nora Thompson, Sacred Heart Cathedral Gerard Tina, St. Ignatius Ellen Untalan, St. Ignatius Riley Walters, Spanish River-Boca Raton Stephen Wong, St. Ignatius Joshua Wong, Lowell High School Memorial Day Observations at Catholic Cemeteries Catholic Charities CYO Athletics Adult Basketball League For adults 18 years or older (must be out of high school), minimum 7 players (June 5–July 24, 2016) It’s time to lace up those old basketball shoes, meet new people, build community, and put into practice the Christian values of respect, love, and compassion through athletics and fellowship. Please join us for the events below. St. Emydius CYO Gym - San Francisco County: 255 Jules Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 Sunday nights between 5 – 9 p.m. Fee: $85 per player CYO Serramonte Gym - San Mateo County: 699 Serramonte Boulevard, Daly City, CA 94015 Sunday nights between 5 – 9 p.m. Fee: $85 per player For further information please visit or contact Kevin Finn, San Francisco CYO Athletics Manager, at 415 988 7652 or [email protected]. Holy Name School is Celebrating their 75th Anniversary on Sunday, October 9, 2016. We are looking for our Alumni, please forward your contact information to [email protected] After months of work, our new church website is up and running! Visit it today and keep up-to-date with parish happenings. Monday, May 30 As the country prepares to observe Memorial Day, Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery will join thousands of Catholic cemeteries across the United States in a national celebration, Serving God and Country: A Memorial Day Salute to Our Heroes. This program, developed by the Catholic Cemetery Conference, will honor those men and women who died while serving in the armed forces, as well as recognize both our active military and military veterans who have served our country. At Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Colma, members of Cub Scout Pack 347 and Girl Scout Troop 31971 will place American flags at the gravesites in the military section (Star of the Sea) in preparation for Memorial Day. On Monday, May 30 at 11:00 am, Rev. Charles Puthota, Director of Pastoral Ministry for the Archdiocese of San Francisco and Pastor of St. Veronica’s Church in South San Francisco, will celebrate Mass at Holy Cross Mausoleum for all the faithful departed. The local celebration will also include the presentation of the colors by the Cub Scouts and Girls Scouts and the opportunity for cemetery visitors to remember loved ones by writing messages on tribute cards. Also at 11:00 am on Monday the 30th, Mass will be celebrated at Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetery in San Rafael by Fr. Paul Perry and at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Menlo Park by Rev. Augustine Highlander, OP and Fr. Larry Goode. At 9:30 am, Mass will be celebrated at Our Lady of the Pillar Catholic Cemetery in Half Moon Bay by Fr. Joseph Previtali. Our Altar Servers Our special “thanks” to our student Altar Servers who faithfully continue to volunteer their time and talent to our parish. Our Altar Servers for May 16 thru22 were: — Weekday Masses — Cian O’Donoghue, Patrick Linehan, Barry Cahalane, Hannah Morello, Olyvia Bankovitch, Melissa Hua, Mericel Tao, Molly Linehan, Alexa O’Callaghan, Cole McDonough, Collin Ritchie, Gerard Tiña and Antonio Maffei. — Weekend Masses — Gerard Tiña, Catherine Morello, Hannah Morello, Mateo Guzman, Miguel Guzman, Evelyn Ongpin, Isabella Ritchie, Giovanna Franco, Santino Franco, Aaron Chen, Caroline Wong, Lauren Schneider, Antonio Maffei, Alyssa Fambrini, Esmeralda Ramirez and Zachary Ferdon. THANK YOU! AD PAGE ST STEPHEN PARISH 2015-2016 PASTORAL STAFF ORGANIZATION/MINISTRY CONTACT PERSON Rev. Paul F. Warren Pastor • • Rev. Michael Strange, PSS Retired - In Residence • • Rev. Mr. Rory Desmond Permanent Deacon • • Janelle O’Malley Coordinator of Liturgy & Music • Mary Molly Mullaney Faith Formation Coordinator • • • • • Mrs. Sharon McCarthy Allen School Principal • • Jim Cook Parish Manager • • Shay Ingelfinger Event Center Coordinator • • Jan Almeida Bookkeeper • • • Altar Servers Altar Society Bridge Group Caritas Church Hospitality Communion Ministers Faith Formation Fifty Plus Club Finance Council Grief Support Lectors Liturgy Committee Marriage Preparation Men’s Club Giovanna Hrvatin Joan Leehane Helen Perlite Nellie Hizon Mary Molly Mullaney Janelle O’Malley Mary Molly Mullaney Helga D’Arcy Laura Birsinger Clergy Janelle O’Malley Janelle O’Malley Clergy John Bankovitch Matt Miller Music Janelle O’Malley Parish Council Vicky Francisco RCIA Mary Molly Mullaney St. Stephen Book Club Veronica Wong St. Vincent de Paul Julie O’Callaghan Ushers Bob Anthony Women’s Guild Sylvia FloresKomarmy Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us. You can sign up or update your information by completing this form & placing it in the collection basket, by mailing it to the Parish Office, by phone at 681-2444 or online at! Name ______________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City/Zip _____________________ Phone ________________________ Email _____________________ Our parishioners receive the Archdiocese weekly newspaper “Catholic San Francisco.” I am interested in assisting with the Parish in the following way(s): • • • • • Acolyte/Altar Service Altar Society Children’s Liturgy of the Word Choir Greeter/Usher Hospitality after Mass/Special Events • • • Holy Communion Ministers to the Homebound Lector/Holy Communion Ministers Music/Choir