Identifier: Revision: Operational Plan Document File Number: Author: 12 Effective Date: July 28, 2015 830.20.10 Andrew Polley, QMS Representative EGANVILLE DRINKING WATER SYSTEM Number 171-101 OPERATIONAL PLAN Number 171-401 EGANVILLE DRINKING WATER SYSTEM DRINKING WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT STANDARD OPERATIONAL PLAN TOWNSHIP OF BONNECHERE VALLEY WATER & SEWAGE DEPARTMENT 401 WATER STREET EGANVILLE, ONTARIO K0J 1T0 613-628-2800 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 1 1. Document History Document Location The master electronic version of this document is on the main server located at the Township of Bonnechere Valley Municipal Office and is accessible from any work station. The master printed copy is kept in a binder on the book shelf in the Operations Room of the Eganville Water Treatment Plant, 401 Water St., Eganville. Printed copies should always be checked for the current revision number and date. Refer to the author if you are in any doubt about the accuracy of this document. Revision History Revision Number Revision Date Summary of Changes Author 0 Dec. 15, 2009 Creation of original document Andrew Polley 1 May 24, 2010 Section 16 & 17 modifications Andrew Polley 2 January 27, 2011 Section 11, 17, 18, & 19 modifications Andrew Polley 3 March 21, 2011 Andrew Polley 4 January 16, 2012 5 August 20, 2012 Section 9, 11, 16, 17 & 19 modifications Title Page & Header modifications, Section 17 &19 updates Annual review and updates 6 April 4, 2013 Section 9, 16 & 17 updates Andrew Polley 7 May 8, 2013 Section 8 & 19 updates Andrew Polley 8 June 3, 2014 Annual review and updates Andrew Polley 9 June 23, 2014 Additional updates Sec. 15 & 16 Andrew Polley 10 April 28, 2015 Annual review and updates Andrew Polley 11 June 23, 2015 Additional updates Sec. 17 & 19 Andrew Polley 12 July 28, 2015 Additional updates Sec. 6 & 7 Andrew Polley Andrew Polley Andrew Polley Approvals This document and any subsequent revisions require the following approvals: Name Andrew Polley Title QMS Representative QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Signature Date July 28, 2015 Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 2 Distribution This document has been electronically distributed to: Name Daryl Verch Title Manager, Water & Sewage Department Bryan Martin CAO, Township of Bonnechere Valley QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 3 2. Table of Contents 1. Document History.................................................................................................................... 1 2. Table of Contents..................................................................................................................... 3 3. List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... 4 4. List of Procedures .................................................................................................................... 4 5. Introduction (DWQMS#1)........................................................................................................ 5 6. Quality Management System Policy (DWQMS#2) .................................................................. 5 7. Commitment and Endorsement (DWQMS#3)......................................................................... 6 8. QMS Representation (DWQMS#4) .......................................................................................... 7 9. QMS Document and Records Control (DWQMS#5) ................................................................ 7 10. Drinking Water System Process Description (DWQMS#6) .................................................. 7 11. Water Treatment Process Flow Chart ............................................................................... 10 12. Water Distribution System ................................................................................................ 11 13. Source Water Overview ..................................................................................................... 11 14. Risk Assessment & Risk Assessment Outcomes (DWQMS#7&8) ...................................... 12 15. Organizational Structure, Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities (DWQMS#9) ............... 13 16. Competencies (DWQMS#10) ............................................................................................. 17 17. Personnel Coverage (DWQMS#11) .................................................................................... 19 18. QMS Communications (DWQMS#12) ................................................................................ 20 19. Essential Supplies and Services (DWQMS#13) .................................................................. 20 20. Review and Provision of Infrastructure (DWQMS#14) ...................................................... 23 21. Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Renewal (DWQMS#15)......................... 24 22. Sampling, Testing and Monitoring (DWQMS#16) ............................................................. 25 23. Measurement and Recording Equipment Calibration and Maintenance (DWQMS#17) .. 25 24. Emergency Management (DWQMS#18) ........................................................................... 25 25. Internal Audits and Management Reviews (DWQMS#19 & 20)........................................ 26 QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 4 3. List of Figures 1) Eganville Water Distribution System 4. List of Procedures 01.00 Document Control Procedure 01.01 Document Control Table 01.02 Document & Record Filing Index 02.00 Records Control Procedure 02.01 Records Control Table 03.00 Hazard Analysis Procedure 03.01 Risk Assessment Table 03.02 Critical Control Limits & Summary of Response Procedures for CPP’s 04.00 Critical Limit Response Instructions 04.01 High Turbidity / Monoplant Filters 04.02 WTP Treated Water / Low Chlorine Residual (Primary Disinfection) 04.03 Distribution System (Standpipe Low Level) (Water Main Break) 04.04 Distribution System / Low Chlorine Residual (Secondary Disinfection) 05.00 Communications Procedure 06.00 Infrastructure Maintenance 06.50 Infrastructure Annual Review 07.00 Routine Water Quality Sampling, Monitoring & Analysis Procedure 07.01 Response to Adverse Water Quality Test Results - Reporting & Corrective Action 07.01.01 MOE Notice of Adverse Test Results 07.01.02 Schedule 17 Corrective Action 08.00 Calibration of Measurement & Recording Equipment Procedure 08.01 Measuring & Recording Equipment Table 08.02 Calibration & Maintenance Record 09.00 Emergency Management Procedure 10.00 Internal Audit Procedure 10.01 Internal Audit Schedule 10.02 Internal Audit Checklist 10.03 Corrective Action Record Form 10.04 Opportunity for Improvement Record Form 11.00 Management Review Procedure QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 5 5. Introduction (DWQMS#1) As outlined in the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and associated Regulations the Township of Bonnechere Valley is required to implement and maintain a Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS) for the Eganville Drinking Water System. In accordance with these directives the Operational Plan will serve as a Quality Management System (QMS) Guidance Manual for the Township of Bonnechere Valley. The Plan is written to meet or exceed the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment prescribed standards. 6. Quality Management System Policy (DWQMS#2) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BONNECHERE VALLEY EGANVILLE DRINKING WATER SYSTEM QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POLICY The Corporation of the Township of Bonnechere Valley owns, operates and maintains the Eganville Drinking Water System. The Township of Bonnechere Valley is committed to: • Providing a ‘Standard of Care’ that is consistent with the Safe Drinking Water Act ; • Ensuring the provision of a safe and reliable municipal drinking water supply; • Maintaining and continually improving the Quality Management System; and • At a minimum, to meet all relevant legislation and regulatory requirements. The Corporation of the Township of Bonnechere Valley July 21, 2015 QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 6 7. Commitment and Endorsement (DWQMS#3) The system owner and operating authority, the Township of Bonnechere Valley, supports the implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of a drinking water Quality Management System (QMS) for the Eganville Drinking Water System, as documented in this Operational Plan. Endorsement by the owner, (represented by the Mayor), and top management, (represented by the Chief Administrative Officer and the Water & Sewage Department Manager), acknowledges the need for, and supports the provision of sufficient resources to maintain and continually improve the QMS. The Designated QMS Representative, appointed by top management, acknowledges the roles and responsibilities of that appointment. ______________ _____ Date _________________________ Jennifer Murphy, Mayor ______________ _____ Date _________________________ Bryan Martin, CAO ______________ _____ Date _________________________ Daryl Verch, Manager ______________ _____ Date _________________________ Andrew Polley, QMS Representative Note: A copy of the Resolution of Council dated July 21, 2015 and the original signed and dated “Commitment and Endorsement” document is in the QMS Operational Plan binder and pdf of signed documents are in file 830.20.10 on the BVserver. QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 7 8. QMS Representation (DWQMS#4) The Quality Management System Representative, appointed by Top Management and irrespective of other responsibilities, shall: • • • • • Administer the Quality Management System by ensuring that processes and procedures needed for the Quality Management System are established and maintained; Ensure that current versions of documents required by the Quality Management System are being used at all times; Ensure that personnel are aware of all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements that pertain to their duties for the Eganville Drinking Water System; Promote awareness of the Quality Management System throughout the Water & Sewage Department; Report to Top Management on the performance of the Quality Management System and any need for improvement. 9. QMS Document and Records Control (DWQMS#5) QMS Document and Record identification, retention, storage and disposal control is outlined in the Document Control Procedure, PRO - 01.00, Document Control Table, Appendix 01.01, Records Control Procedure, PRO - 02.00 and Records Control Table, Appendix 02.01. A comprehensive Document and Records Filing System has been developed and implemented. This index is used for both paper and electronic filing. An outline of the file index is provided in Appendix 01.02 10. Drinking Water System Process Description (DWQMS#6) Overview The Eganville Water System is owned and operated by the Township of Bonnechere Valley and provides a potable water supply to the residents and business of the Village of Eganville. The system generally consists of a Water Treatment Plant (WTP), a distribution system and a water standpipe. The WTP, built in 1990, treats water from the Bonnechere River with two Graver Monoplant Package Units, which have a combined capacity of 2,070 m3/day. The distribution system, originally constructed in the mid 1970’s consists of approximately 13 km of piping ranging in QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 8 diameter from 150 mm to 250 mm with a 300,000 Imperial gallon (1,363 m3) capacity steel standpipe for pressure equalization and supply. Raw Water Supply The source water for the Eganville Water System is the Bonnechere River, which originates in Algonquin Park and flows to the Ottawa River. The water intake consists of an adjustable polyethylene intake structure situated approximately 30 metres offshore. Water flows from the river intake through a 400 mm diameter, 61 m long polyethylene pipe to a screened wet well located within the WTP. Treatment Process Raw water is pumped from the wet well through a single header equipped with a flow meter and is treated with sodium hypochlorite (pre-chlorination), PAS-8 (aluminum sulfate based coagulant) and Superfloc C-492PWG (polymer) prior to an in-line static mixer before entering the treatment units (Monoplants). Two Graver Monoplant package units, each rated for a maximum flow of 1,035 m3/day, for a total flow of 2,070 m3/day, provide coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration. Each unit consists of one clarifier comprised of a centre cone draft tube, sludge recirculation and mixing zone, flocculation zone and settling zone with 60 degree settling tubes. Clarified water flows through a splitter box to a two compartment, dual media (sand and anthracite) filter. Each filter has an air scour system and a gravity operated backwash system. Water from each filter unit is continuously monitored for turbidity prior to discharging into the 119 m3 filtered water well. Filtered water is then pumped by three submersible pumps into a splitter box where it is divided between two granular activated carbon (GAC) filters. Finished water from the GAC filters is continuously monitored for turbidity and then treated with sodium hypochlorite prior to being discharged into a series of three unbaffled clear wells and two high lift wells, which have a total volume of 710 m3. The high lift wells are equipped with three vertical turbine pumps each rated at 26 L/sec which discharge to a common treated water header equipped with a flow meter and a continuous chlorine analyzer prior to discharge into the water distribution system. Backup Electrical Power Supply In the case of an electrical supply disruption the water treatment plant is equipped with a permanent diesel powered generator which has the capacity to provide power for the entire QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 9 facility including the adjacent Queen St. sewage pumping station. The water standpipe control panel has a UPS and a connection for a mobile generator hookup if required. Process Waste Residuals Management Filter backwash water and Monoplant sludge is discharged via piping into a concrete holding tank and then pumped into the sanitary sewer system for treatment at the Eganville Sewage Treatment Plant. Distribution System and Standpipe Treated water is pumped from the high lift wells into the distribution system which consist of approximately 13 km of piping, generally ranging in diameter from 150 mm (6”) to 200 mm (8”) with a few pipes that are 250 mm (10”) in diameter. Pipes are generally PVC or ductile iron with the majority being installed in the early 1970’s. There are 65 hydrants and 525 metered service connections on the system serving a population of approximately 1,300. A 300,000 Igal (1,363 m3) water standpipe, built in 1974, is located at a relatively high elevation on the system for pressure equalization and for water supply when the high lift pumps at the WTP are cycled off. Water Quality Monitoring An extensive monitoring program is in place for both the treatment process and distribution system. All current Provincial requirements are being met for sampling with the resultant analysis meeting or exceeding the water quality standards. Process Management Instrumentation and process control was updated in 2009/2010 with the installation of a new Motor Control Centre (MCC) and a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). An associated Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system now enables Operators to have full control over the water treatment process and maintain a current record of all activities. QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 10 11. Water Treatment Process Flow Chart Sewer Process Wastewater Holding Tank Backwash Sludge Raw Water Sample Location Wet Well Low Lift Pumps Intake Well Bar Screen Bonnechere River Intake Structure Raw Water Flow Meter Static Mixer Polymer Storage Alum Bulk Storage Chlorine Storage Turbidity Meter Reactivator ---------------Monoplant #1 Reactivator ---------------Monoplant #2 Clarifier ---------------Filters Clarifier ---------------Filters GAC # 1 GAC # 2 Clearwell #3 Clearwell #2 Filtered Water Well Clearwell #1 Flow Meter Chemical Feed Pump Turbine Pump Chlorine Analyzer Submersible Pump High Lift Well # 1 High Lift Pumps High Lift Well # 2 High Lift Pump Treated Water Flow Meter Treated Water Sample Location To Distribution System QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 12. 11 Water Distribution System A map of the Water Distribution System showing the location of the Water Treatment Plant, distribution system piping, main valves, hydrants, service connections and the water standpipe is attached as Figure 1). 13. Source Water Overview General The Bonnechere River watershed encompasses a total area of approximately 2,400 km2 stretching from the headwaters in Algonquin Park to the Ottawa River. The watershed upstream from Eganville meanders through the forested and rocky Precambrian Highlands of the Canadian Shield and widens at several locations into Round Lake and Golden Lake. Golden lake is approximately 12 Km upstream of Eganville. Hurds Creek, which drains Lake Clear, enters into the Bonnechere River approximately 1 Km upstream of Eganville. The water from the Bonnechere River is typically very low in turbidity, low in colour, slightly basic and low in alkalinity. Temperature fluctuates significantly throughout the seasons ranging from 4o Celsius in the winter to as high as 25o Celsius during the summer. Chemical and bacteriological analysis of the raw water indicates a source of relatively good quality. Events Changes in water temperature will impact the treatment process performance and operators must be prepared to make appropriate and timely adjustments to treatment chemicals in response to temperature fluctuations. Threats Potential sources of raw water contamination include spills from nearby highway traffic mishaps and a bulk fuel storage depot located just upstream from the water intake. Due to summer low flow conditions and the shallow nature of the Bonnechere River there is a control dam located just downstream of the intake to maintain the water level. The dam site also includes a small hydro generating station owned and operated by the Township of Bonnechere Valley. The operating requirements of the dam and generating station are designed to maintain a suitable reservoir above the dam. Some risk of plugging of the intake by water borne debris exists. QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 12 Operational Challenges The Bonnechere River provides high quality source water, which is, for the most part consistently low in bacteriological contamination and turbidity. The most significant challenge related to the source water is related to the seasonal temperature change which requires operator response on chemical feed dosage rates to ensure appropriate coagulation, flocculation, sludge settling and filtration. 14. Risk Assessment & Risk Assessment Outcomes (DWQMS#7&8) The procedure entitled Hazard Analysis, PRO - 03.00, describes the method of hazard identification, risk assessment, and critical control point determination for the Eganville Water System. The procedure consists of four main exercises: hazard identification, risk assessment, critical control point determination, and critical limit identification. A Risk Assessment Table, Appendix - 03.01, identifies the potential hazard activity or process step, a description of the event and resultant hazard, the control and response measure, risk assessment and critical control point determination. A Critical Control Limits and Summary of Response Procedures Table, Appendix - 03.02, details the critical control limits, monitoring processes and/or procedures and appropriate response procedures. Critical Limit Response Instructions, PRO - 04.00, provide detailed instructions for the following: • • • • High Turbidity / Monoplant Filters, Appendix - 04.01 Treated Water / Low Chlorine Residual (Primary Disinfection), Appendix - 04.02 Distribution System (Standpipe Low Level) (Water Main Break), Appendix - 04.03 Distribution System / Low Chlorine Residual (Secondary Disinfection), Appendix - 04.04 QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 13 15. Organizational Structure, Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities (DWQMS#9) Organization Chart Township of Bonnechere Valley Municipal Council Chief Administrative Officer Deputy Clerk, Deputy Treasurer, Accounting Clerk, Admin Assistant Manager of Water & Sewage Dept. and Chief Operator QMS Representative and Environmental Project Manager Operators QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 14 Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities Title Township of Bonnechere Valley Council (Owner & Operating Authority) Responsibilities • Standard of Care (Safe Drinking Water Act) o exercise the level of care, diligence and skill in respect of a municipal drinking water system that a reasonably prudent person would be expected to exercise in a similar situation; and o act honestly, competently and with integrity, with a view to ensuring the protection and safety of the users of the municipal drinking water system. • Ensuring the provision of safe and reliable municipal water supply to the serviced areas of the Village of Eganville • Ensuring operations are performed according to regulatory requirements • Ensuring that the DWQMS is maintained • Obtaining resources or infrastructure as necessary Authorities • To perform listed responsibilities Title Chief Administrative Officer Responsibilities • Same responsibilities as Municipal Council • Provides administrative support and direction • Represents ‘Top Management” for QMS • Appoints QMS Representative Authorities • To perform listed responsibilities Title Responsibilities QMS • Standard of Care (Safe Drinking Water Act) Representative o exercise the level of care, diligence and and skill in respect of a municipal drinking Environmental water system that a reasonably prudent Project person would be expected to exercise in a Manager similar situation; and o act honestly, competently and with integrity, with a view to ensuring the protection and safety of the users of the municipal drinking water system. • Administers the Quality Management System by ensuring that processes and procedures needed QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Authorities • To perform listed responsibilities Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15 for the Quality Management System are established and maintained; Ensures that current versions of documents required by the Quality Management System are being used at all times; Ensures that personnel are aware of all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements that pertain to their duties for the Eganville Drinking Water System; Promotes awareness of the Quality Management System throughout the Water & Sewage Department; Reports to Top Management on the performance of the Quality Management System and any need for improvement; Provides staff with technical and administrative direction related to QMS document preparation Oversees QMS training for staff; Prepares, reviews and approves QMS documentation; Determines when ‘Internal and/or External Audits’ are required and arranges for undertaking; Completes and documents ‘Internal Audits’ as required; Prepares and administers Corrective Action Reports (CAR) and/or Opportunity For Improvement reports (OFI); Ensures ‘Corrective Actions’ and ‘Opportunity For Improvements’ are undertaken; Determines when ‘Management Reviews’ are required and arranges for meeting with ‘Top Management’; Prepares agenda and documentation for ‘Management Review’ meeting; Chairs ‘Management Review’ meeting and takes minutes of proceedings; Responsible for communication and implementation of ‘Management Review’ action items; Prepares summary report of the results of the ‘Management Review’ for CAO and Public Works Committee; QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System • Title Water & Sewage Dept. Manager and Chief Operator 16 Maintains DWQMS accreditation with NSF International Strategic Registrations (NSF-ISR). Responsibilities • Standard of Care (Safe Drinking Water Act) o exercise the level of care, diligence and skill in respect of a municipal drinking water system that a reasonably prudent person would be expected to exercise in a similar situation; and o act honestly, competently and with integrity, with a view to ensuring the protection and safety of the users of the municipal drinking water system. • Represents ‘Top Management” for QMS • Responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of the water treatment plant, water standpipe and distribution system in accordance with legislated requirements, QMS and industry standards • Reports adverse water quality incidences to regulatory agencies, the owner, top management and the public • Maintains regulatory compliance • Is the Eganville Drinking Water System Overall Responsible Operator • Supervises Operators • Schedules work assignments • Undertakes “On-call” duties after regular hours and on weekends, when scheduled • Monitors water quality and demand • Undertakes the required training to maintain Operator Certification at the level required for the Eganville Drinking Water System • Develops Departmental budget • Communicates with Council about the Drinking Water System and the QMS • Reports and acts on QMS non-conformances • Knowledgeable and compliant with all health and safety requirements • Receives and responds to public complaints QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Authorities • To perform listed responsibilities Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System Title Responsibilities WTP Operator • Under the supervision of the Manager/Chief Operator is responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of the Eganville Drinking Water System in accordance with legislated requirements, QMS and industry standards • Undertakes the required training to maintain Operator Certification at the level required for the Eganville Drinking Water System • Performs the duties of the Overall Responsible Operator (ORO) and Operator in Charge (OIC) when designated • Undertakes “On-call” duties after regular hours and on weekends, when scheduled • Knowledgeable and compliant with all health and safety requirements 16. 17 Authorities • To perform listed responsibilities Competencies (DWQMS#10) Role Manager /Chief Operator Competency Requirements • • • • • • • • • • • Required Competencies Administrative Experience / Training WTP Class II Certification Distribution Class 1 Certification Supervision Experience / Training System Overall Responsible Operator Designated Operator In Charge WHMIS Training SCADA Training Confined Space Training Traffic Control Training First Aid Training (including CPR) QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Desired Competencies • Management training Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System • Class II Operator Class I Operator • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MS Word, Excel, Cartegraph and Vadim Training QMS Internal Auditor Training Mechanical Aptitude QMS Awareness & Training WTP Class II Certification Distribution Class 1 Certification System Overall Responsible Operator Designated Operator In Charge WHMIS Training SCADA Training Confined Space Training Traffic Control Training First Aid Training (including CPR) Mechanical Aptitude MS Word and Excel Training QMS Awareness & Training WTP Class I Certification Distribution Class 1 Certification WHMIS Training SCADA Training Confined Space Training Traffic Control Training First Aid Training (including CPR) MS Word and Excel Training Mechanical Aptitude QMS Awareness & Training Certification and Training Employee Role Certification level Daryl Verch Manager WT 2 - #6578 & Chief WD 1 - #6579 Operator Dave Loader Operator WT 2 - #64885 WD 1 - #68239 Expiry Date Aug. 31, 2016 Aug. 31, 2016 Sept. 30, 2016 Nov. 30, 2016 QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan • • • 18 Supervision Experience / Training Cartegraph and Vadim Training QMS Internal Auditor Training Hours of Training Required 105 Training Cycle 105 Sept. 30, 2013 to Sept. 30, 2016 Aug. 31, 2013 to Aug. 31, 2016 Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System Cody Tiedemann Operator WT 1- #84733 WD #OT77191 April 30, 2017 July 31, 2015 105 19 Apr. 30, 2014 to Apr. 30, 2017 Competencies of Operators are maintained and further developed as outlined in the Training and Certification Plan (SOP 240.60.01) Detailed certification and training records are maintained for all operations staff and are on file (240.50) at the Eganville WTP Office. 17. Personnel Coverage (DWQMS#11) The Eganville Drinking Water System, which includes the water treatment plant, the Bruce St. standpipe and the distribution system, is normally staffed with a Chief Operator / Manager and two Operators from 7:30 am until 4:00 pm Monday to Friday. The on-call Operator attends the water treatment plant on the weekend and statutory holidays to check on the operation and perform any necessary tasks. The designated Operator in Charge (OIC) is posted on the Work Schedule calendar and is shared between the Chief Operator and the Level 2 Operator. The water treatment plant is equipped with alarms on all of the critical process equipment including the Bruce St. standpipe water level. After hour’s coverage (nights, weekends and statutory holidays) is carried out by the on-call Operator who carries a dedicated cell phone. In the event of an alarm situation the alarm company will call the on-duty Operator. The Operator will respond immediately (within 15 minutes) to the Water Treatment Plant to assess and correct the alarm situation. After hour emergency calls, i.e. service line breaks, are directed to the cell phone of the on-duty Operator. The Operator will respond accordingly to the emergency call. In the unforeseen circumstance where all Operators are unavailable to operate the system or respond to an emergency the CAO would contact one of the adjacent Municipalities and/or OCWA for assistance. Discussions are currently underway with the City of Pembroke to enter into an agreement for the provision of emergency operational services. QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 18. QMS Communications (DWQMS#12) Target Audience Owner - Mayor & Council Operations Staff Critical Suppliers Public 20 Method of QMS Communications Internal and external audit results, Management Review results, and Operational Plan revisions / updates are provided in writing from the QMS Representative to the CAO as part of the Water and Sewage Department’s Monthly Report for the Public Works Committee meetings. The QMS Representative may be present at Committee meetings to provide additional clarification if required and to respond to any questions. The Chair of the Public Works Committee provides a summary report to Council. Committee and Council Meeting minutes are prepared and retained at the Municipal Office. Both electronic and hard copies of the Water and Sewage Department’s Monthly Reports are filed in accordance with the Records Control Procedure (PRO- 02.00). Operations staff are kept up to date with the QMS by holding regular information meetings. Minutes of the meetings are filed in accordance with the Records Control Procedure (PRO- 02.00). New staff are provided an overview of the Operational Plan during orientation. As substantial revisions / additions are required, or if audits have been conducted, a general staff meeting will be held to inform all staff of the changes or audit results. An annual mailing is sent to all critical suppliers and service providers. The mailing includes a backgrounder describing the QMS and also provides details of the Operational Plan, which relates directly to the relationship between the supplier and the Water & Sewage Department. Information regarding the QMS is inserted once per year into the water meter billing. Additionally, details of the Operational Plan and Annual Reports are accessible on the Municipal web site. The above table is included in the QMS Communications Procedure (PRO - 05.00). 19. Essential Supplies and Services (DWQMS#13) QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System Supply or Service Accredited Laboratory Services Coagulant Polymer Disinfectant Instrumentation Parts Instrumentation Calibration Primary Supplier Caduceon Environmental Laboratories 2378 Holly Lane, Ottawa, ON K1V 7P1 613-526-0123 Kemira Water Solutions Canada Inc. 2810 Sheffield Road, Ottawa ON K1B 3V9 613-746-1574 Kemira Water Solutions Canada Inc. 2810 Sheffield Road, Ottawa ON K1B 3V9 613-746-1574 Brenntag Canada Ltd. 43 Jutland Road, Toronto ON M8Z 2G6 514-636-9230 Evoqua Water Technologies Ltd. 215 Konrad Cres. Markham ON L3R 8T9 905-944-2800 Ken Harris R.R. #1 Newburgh ON KOK 2SO 613-388-2863 QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan 21 Contingency Supplier Caduceon Environmental 285 Dalton Ave. Kingston ON K7K 6Z1 613-544-2001 CIBA 2626 Argentia Rd, Mississauga ON L5N 5N2 1-866-679-2422 Swish Maintenance 2060 Fisher Dr, Peterborough ON K9J 8N4 1-800-267-5210 Hach Instruments 400 Britannia Rd E. Unit 1 Mississauga ON L4Z 1X9 1-800-387-7503 Hach Instruments 400 Britannia Rd E. Unit 1 Mississauga ON L4Z 1X9 1-800-387-7503 Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System Supply or Service PLC & SCADA Primary Supplier John Cole, Director cel# 416-816-7822 [email protected] Susan Man cel# 416-436-1726 [email protected] Mike Snider cel# 705-879-9992 [email protected] Diane Beaulieu, Admin Assistant WSP Canada Inc. 3105 Unity Drive, Unit 19 Mississauga ON L5L 4L2 22 Contingency Supplier Michel Boucher ASPEC automation 24 Rue De Becancour Gatineau, Québec, J8R 2G6 819-663-2220 Office 819-923-8166 Cell 819-663-1249 Fax [email protected] Tel: 905-814-6024 Fax:905-814-6029 5:00 PM to 8:30 AM Emergency 416-332-9600 Computers & Wireless Networks MCC Electrical Contractor Plumbing and Electrical Supplies Excavation Services Debbie Farr Farr & Associates R.R.#1 Golden Lake, ON K0J 1X0 Cell: 613-717-0899 [email protected] Paul Wren Integra Data Systems Manager of Technical Services – Ottawa Region Cell: 613-639-6936 [email protected] Rockwell Automation 40 Bramtree Court, Brampton, ON L6S 5Z7 905-494-4252 Rondeau Electric 1997 Ltd. 407 Boundary Rd E Pembroke ON K8A 6K9 613-732-2681 Tyvic Electrical Control 1540 Grist Mill Road Eganville ON K0J 1T0 613-628-9442 Crane Supply 225 Paul Martin Dr. Pembroke ON K8A 6W4 613-732-2857 Township of Bonnechere Valley Works Department Foymount Road, Eganville ON KOJ 1TO 613-628-2855 QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Westburne 935 MacKay Street Pembroke ON K8B 1A2 613-732-1190 R.J. Selle Sand & Gravel R.R.#2 Douglas ON K0J 1S0 613-649-2688 Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System Supply or Service Diesel Fuel (Generators) Diesel Generator Service and supply of mobile emergency generator units if required Alarm Company Primary Supplier MacEwen Petroleum 680 River Road, Pembroke ON K8A 6X7 613-735-0597 GAL POWER SYSTEMS 2558 Carp Road Carp, ON K0A 1L0 Tel. 613-831-3188 Fax. 613-831-3119 Toll Free. 1-800-619-4219 Howard, Richard, Service Manager [email protected] 23 Contingency Supplier McCarthy Fuels 2 Mill Street, Killaloe, ON. K0J 2A0 613-757-2829 Reliance Protectron 1600 Laperriere Ave. Suite 200 Ottawa, ON K1Z 1B7 Tel. : 613 228-6000 Fax : 613 784-215 1-800-653-9111 Quality of Supplier Products and Services Assurance of the quality of essential supplies and services is achieved through review of applicable accreditation, licenses and certifications. 20. Review and Provision of Infrastructure (DWQMS#14) In 2013 the Municipality completed a detailed Asset Management Plan for the Water and Sewage Infrastructure in the Village of Eganville based on the Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure’s “Building Together: Guide for Municipal Asset Management Plans”. The Asset Management Plan covers a ten year period and has been structured as a ‘living document’. It is also structured to allow multiple asset types to be added in the future, including new information (e.g., building condition assessments). The Asset Management Plan, or components of it, will be re-evaluated and updated on an annual basis as part of the municipal budgeting process. QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 24 Reference should be made to Procedure 06.50 ‘Infrastructure Annual Review’ for additional detail. A copy of the ‘Asset Management Plan for Water and Sewage Infrastructure’ December 2013, prepared by J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd. is on file at the Water Treatment Plant. 21. Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Renewal (DWQMS#15) Planned Maintenance Planned maintenance is detailed and scheduled utilizing an asset management program (Cartegraph) accessible from each computer work station in the Operations Room of the WTP. Scheduled tasks are typically defined by manufacturer’s literature when available and revised (or created) as needed according to operator experience / observations. Planned maintenance tasks are communicated to the operator responsible by issuance of work orders from the Manager. Completed work orders are reviewed and signed off by the Manager. A summary of the water treatment plant and distribution system planned maintenance program is provided in Procedure 06.00 Infrastructure Maintenance. Unplanned Maintenance Unplanned maintenance tasks result from equipment malfunction or breakage. Unplanned maintenance is authorized by the Manager or the Overall Responsible Operator as necessary. The Overall Responsible Operator typically responds to unplanned maintenance during normal working hours while the on call operator responds during off-hours. Documentation of unplanned maintenance tasks is accomplished by the use of Work Orders. Measures to prepare for and expedite unplanned maintenance includes equipment redundancy, spare parts inventory, availability of updated plans as well as documented repair and safety procedures. Rehabilitation and Renewal Within the ‘Asset Management Plan for the Water and Sewage Infrastructure in the Village of Eganville’ assets are identified that require rehabilitation or renewal. The annual review identifies the current needs of the system and reports these recommendations to the Public Works Committee for consideration in their budget deliberations. QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 22. 25 Sampling, Testing and Monitoring (DWQMS#16) The routine sampling program for the Eganville water system is based on current legislative requirements and is described in detail in Procedure 07.00. Specific sampling and monitoring procedures are established for operating the Eganville water system under abnormal circumstances. A detailed set of instructions for sampling and monitoring in response to adverse water quality is outlined in Appendix 07.01. These steps ensure that all legislative requirements are met at any time the plant is producing water outside of compliance limits. Laboratory results are acquired from in-house analysis, as well as from a selected accredited laboratory. In-house laboratory results are entered onto a weekly log sheet, reviewed by the manager and then filed. Bacteriological and chemical results from the accredited laboratory are reviewed by the manager and then filed. All analytical results are summarized and discussed in the ‘Eganville Drinking Water System’ Annual Summary Report. The Report is presented to the Public Works Committee and is posted on the Municipal web site. 23. Measurement and Recording Equipment Calibration and Maintenance (DWQMS#17) Methods of measurement and recording equipment calibration and maintenance are described in detail in Procedure 08.00. 24. Emergency Management (DWQMS#18) Emergency Management Procedure 09.00 outlines the conditions in the Eganville Drinking Water System that are considered to be major emergencies. The procedure also lists those persons responsible for initiating the response and recovery measures, as well as the process to be followed if emergencies escalate. The Emergency Contact List is kept up to date and is located in the Procedure. Emergency response procedures are reviewed with all operators on an annual basis. QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 QMS Operational Plan – No. 171-401 - Eganville Drinking Water System 26 The Eganville Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Operations Manual contains Contingency Plans and Procedures for the provision of adequate equipment and material to deal with emergencies, upsets and equipment breakdown. This manual is located at the WTP Office. In a situation where the emergency has escalated or is an extraordinary event The Township of Bonnechere Valley Emergency Management Plan may be initiated to provide additional support. 25. Internal Audits and Management Reviews (DWQMS#19 & 20) Internal Audits and Management Reviews are conducted at least once every twelve months to determine the effectiveness of the QMS, and to explore opportunities for improvement. Internal Audits and Management Reviews, in addition to Third-party Audits, are mechanisms used to fulfill the “check” and “improve” imperatives of the quality management system. Detailed procedures for conducting internal audits are outlined in Procedure 10.00, and management reviews are detailed in Procedure 11.00. QMS Controlled Document: QMS Operational Plan Revision No. 12 Date: July 28, 2015 Legend Lateral Valve Valve Fire Hydrant Watermain H WY 60 BON N EC H E RE chere Rive r nne Bo ST W RI D B GE ST QUEEN ST ALI C WATER TREATMENT PLANT ES T HW Y4 1 PROJECT: DRAWING: RD n ec here River VILLAGE OF EGANVILLE, BONNECHERE VALLEY, ONTARIO WATER DISTRIBUTION WATERMIAN CONDITIONSYSTEM RATING MO U NT Bo n TOWNSHIP OF BONNECHERE VALLEY ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN FO Y This drawing is copyright protected and may DESIGN: not be reproduced or used for purposes DRAWN: other than execution of the described work without the express written consent of CHECKED: J.L. Richards & Associates Limited. IMAGERY SOURCE: 2008 DRAPE IMAGERY T.O'B. K.T.K. JLR NO: 21981-21 DRAWING NO.: 1 Plot Date: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 8:34:56 AM T TRICK S PA File Location: P:\21000\21981-21 Eganville AMP\JLR DWG\Plan\Pipe_Network\21981-21 FIG 1 WATER.mxd BO N NE CH ER ES TE STAND PIPE Water Lateral