29 August 1924 - The 15th Infantry Regiment Association
29 August 1924 - The 15th Infantry Regiment Association
TIENTSIN. No. 35. VOLUME VI. AUGUST 29, 1924. -: - :"' ' . . . - ............. - ............ ...., - ,.., • ,.;..., - .... - ..... ..., - ...... ~~, .. ~~ .. ~ ... _.....~...._...__....._...._A.A • I ' r •.,...--.,...--.._...--.,...--.......--~~ """'~...--.,....- ... ~--~ .... w .... w .... w ....- --.,.....• ....,....~.,...--..........--"'." .American Forces in China. :-.lo. 35 Vol. VI. Uentsin, August 29, 19Z<I, CURRENT POLITICAL HAPPENINGS . IN CHINA. ~ettled according to authorita:tive mformation. The French Minis.. teir 's visit to P aris is relied upon hy many to bring about a settleme.nt tha~ will be sati_sfactory to both parties . T'he. Chinese argum.en;t has /been chiefly ooncerned with payment of the Boxer Tndemmty at the present franc rate of eix ch ange while the French have demanded payment in gold as stated in the Profoc.ol. The la.test pro:po.sal oif the French is th.at the payment of the Inde!IIl.nity will he. pos,tponeid for two years a~ a quid pro quo :flor the reco-gn,ifoon by th e Chinese Governmeiit to pay the said ohligation in 0>old j francs. This is the first _on •th~ part of the French to make any diveT•gence. from their original S~·a nd hased solely on the pro'.v i810 8 · ~ . of the Protocol° a.n d this prnpos.ition may b.e acceptable fo the fl~1 :ne·se. It will at least give the Chmese l eaders who real~y wish to .,<;ettle 8 th~ debt an. O•p portunity to do .° without los1;i~ face Q'.V' icceip1trng the. Ol)g'mal . French proposa.I~ wluich . wecrel a.p p·a.re\ntly so ohno.x wus to most o& the P'arli'.a~ meilt.aria.ns. . · · bu1t no serious inc01Uvenience seems F BKING: 'l he lukewarm suppoi't shown to to result. . . pr. W · W. Yen by many influentThe progre~s of the Sino-Japanial Government agents rather than esei parleys is pm·ha.p s second t.o outspoken is responin · a.t present in - hle for the failure o.f a vote being Pekmg: AJ. the outset flotid 1 ;:a.ken by the House of R:epre~enta- predic tions were plentifu'i of a >es. . Among the agencies : a.t - Rucceissful outcome · and thei fm1 emp.tirig to arrange t.erm:~ with med]ate reco·gnitfon of -R~ssia by he Parliamentarians on behalf of .T apan. Certain difficuhtfiei.s wern Dr. Yen are several men V'ery encountered howevetr and Mr. cn>etous o.£ the positfon them- Yos~i~a:wa, the .Ta_p anes6 Minister, -ehes. Kao Lino·-we,i W anO" Yu- went l!o To·k yo for fu1riher instru(;.(·hi and Dr. W :i.1ington K;o are ti001s, particula.r ly on the Sa!J'halin all ambitious a.nd woiuld welcome I question. Beyond cryE"tallizi~O' the •he office in case a comprOlmise .Japanese attiitude small were necessary. vVan(J' Ke-min towards settlemeint seein:!s to have ~fi:r~.i~ter of Finan<'et who is in. ~. j he~ achiecve.d by ihis visit. positrnn to render financial as- Varrnus meetmgs havei beeln h eld :;ista nce is not an int.ima.tei friend hUJt: thei respeict'ive viEJws of Japa n oi. J?r. Y ein's and hence is un- and the Soviet on the disposi.t.ion -J llmg to pcromise the payment of . o·f the. coal and · oil of northern -he t.wo ~.ontihs sala1·ies d.e-manded S~ghahn ~a,ppear af\ widely , Y · the Parliamentarians. H e 1d1verg·e nt now as they were months :ears hy such an act that he might a~o. Tb.e1 ~ apa.rie~e claim that nffend Dr .. Koo who is at present i;heiv hav·e said then' fuial word n >ery fn endly tell;ms with him. an~. that t.here is no question of DT. Koo .on his part desirels to Q'etitrng furth'er inst.ructtions from :-emove t.he o•ppol'lition to the Tokyo.. They nre de+e1nrrineid lo Ad ingi Oaibinet of which he . is rect::a in i.heir ho.Id on this t erritorv P r em:ier andi at tb'e same time .and will maint1:3 in poRReission with * a• oid hostilitieJsi in their troopB. u!nless there is some SENTINEL MOVIES/ : rd~~ to ha lll a, mo·r e raV'orahle ea.r ly .a.n d impm+•a.nt modifica.tiO'll '* as a _icp1mpi1•omise can- 0£ t1 ei Sorvie.t's · aht'itu de . . . Th e idate. Some leading memhers 0 £ neQ'lot.ia.tions h!ive• a1marently -i e .sele h'ocpe i·eached ' a deiadfock :: Yen ' Oem• •P' hoane,• .. oh' °"""" omllict foe 0 , "Ove n although it has been btefo.te · a.bo:mdonment. o.f future confer- * with :* ·lie Ho1i,se £01· a.lmrr;:;t two mC>nths. en1P.es. TbP>· remiarkahle thing d' · · abo.ut such . 'rh'e uu F ranc ques·t"ion wh"ICh ** nese isruptions, from a has t t d· b t \ ' ' tern viewpo-int at ler,i,st, is that :B,'r ance and intgh 1. e I : - IM! G t ti f · · r · e as .wo ' *' .at -. ·CO:p. , nues t.c> . unc- yea.rs and what has proveln £ b · \ 8 pm T N. ht ·* -:on rn a normal manner just the sourc.e o,f much, i tern el \ 1( . ~e T'h d 1 b' · d ,fi • " n · aLJ.ona I* -· · e, e ay may €1 m ei mte misundetrs.f anding is a.b ou.t tio· be ~e ~pposition non~ impm~tance t~e 1 pro~gress I ah~r p~l'sonal "'='~ibon !********************* . * ! . * . * * ·· . · ' · : an~ , ma;~y . 'The Reckless Age·.* r -;._~ Ghi~e1S1e pr~ss nom>~at>ou 1 lit~le l'; r:IJ~}d ~overnmen th~ 1 atte~.pt ib!e~n C1~i~aa~o * twt~en ** ~;o ** l'; Reginal.d Denny . • o-m~rrow ·*: * ** ********************: 'rI:TE1 SENTINEL. 2 SUNDAY. ; studio at Shanghai will produc;:i Bill introduced into ParliamJent• at Chinese Pictures fit for export. Perking to withdraw China from the L eague of Nafaons•. Sta,t es China_ G erma.ny arncl Russria powerful '. n receives n othing b;a,c:kl from yearly · Canton. In good grace»· 0£ Dr. S un.dues of 340,000 dollars gold except Ya1t-Sen. Ei11.Courage their enterinsult from other powers. prises and ha;v_i11g several ~_them a~ .\ · p erson al, pohtwal and m1htary a..iFRIDAY Woman murderd in Chiners e Citv, visors.. Peking and: Shangha,i E.xchange 'l'ientsii n . B efore Mrs. Lui , wealthv closes t empomrily. Bond fl.uctua.tions Chinese woman. could call for h el;J TUEiSDAY . · / ~ Japan ese Air G irl iom-; Chang Ecornomio and political situartion i.n robb · ers who had entered her home <;.tahbed her in the. n eck and brea~t . j T &o-lin's avi aition corp;, at Mukrlen. ca.p ita,] responsible. stripped her of her J·e.weho., ransa(:krd ! ~1iss Nibe, a da.u ghter of wealthy timb er merchant, an exµerienced and E~gbt U.S. Su:b-s anchor a.t Chin- the house and made gc1,cl 1.he;r able avaitm•euse. wangtao. R eturn to America short- esca.p e. . • TJ S D . . H eir Presumptjtve - to R·ussia n E " ht ly. . ig een. l . . .e·Stroy ~rs to v:>:1t Throne den cruncl's Ang-lo-Russian 2-03 Mutin ous :FHipino Scouts given Hanko f l t S t b 28th ' five yeaa:s each by G. C. ~.f . t w r.om a )OU . ep em e;r ~ " Treaty. Grand Duke Cyril, ·warns sub0 . Oct ober 10th. Have been pro- seriberi"l t or the loa,n th a t they will no mised .great. welcome,, bo recognized in. the event of I m Prince of W ales to p a.y offic.i al vi&it Tb e ca,use. of F' i 'rp o's U.S. Passport peria1l R.e;,t erraticm, to .U.S. Augu~t 29th. Will pay his di.fficulties wag Mi&~ Blan.o L ourdes. r espec.t s to Coolidge. The prooence of this goddess like Ja;panese offioi ah~ ait T okyo char ged Tuberculo:;,is Serum found. P ro- woman of 6 foot 180 lbs in the . with taldng br\bes . M erchants con. fessor CaJmctti, F~·encb, Scientis.t, sa.y s entoma,g e of the "Wild Bull of the ! fess bribing officials to purcha ~ e my discove.r y will only help yom1g Pampas" became, suspicio~s. t o the ' 91·ticle for di ~,trib ution amon g ea.rt h · folks by making them immune. To immigra.tion authorities who dis- ! qu ake refugee~. b e inoculat ed by the baccillus on e covered h er Pa.s.s.port t o be for i , should be free from aJl previous. T. B. Havana and that. in s.pite of announc. j Mmder of m ajor Imbrie , U.S . Vice infect·ion. Discovery i•ecognized in ing hersel! as Sen or Firpo 's secre.ta~·:v 1 Coi;sul at, Teh ernn. Per'sia , bla1?1e? .':)n 8he displayed .ain expansive ignorance Inat~v e p_ress wl: o had been mc1tmg France. of &'ecre.tairial duties. They both were an_tdorn1gn fe?lmg. ~bvernm ent J?l'O· Sun Yat Sm discovers in its, in . released from E,llis. Island when the ; mises . to PU?J~h guilty pers?ns ?ut fancy plot- to overthrow Canton Gov- r young lady promised to t ak e the first jblames ~inbne s cn relesi::n_ess_ m go~ng ern.ment. Will investiga,t e Volunteer boat to Ha,v ana. It~ a sacred ulaiee and persrnt. m _t aik1-r:g Corp"' and elimina.t e traitoriiJ. pwturcs. Ha~ col01:£u1 career; l_ ng SATURDAY MONDAY. game hunter m Afoca. ; Se1rved W'th War i:umours blamed for failure France dur•i ng th e World Vv :w and · Soviet Ambassador's note to · J ap- of four Chinese B'anks in ISb an ghai. won m any war dec.or·a.ti.ons ; \Vas . · t f I · p wmmd ed and ret urned to the sta.t es anese Minister re.agarding the Amer- M.mis ,ry o . ntenor at 'eking asks ica.n R ese rva.t ion m ad e in return of arrest of stock m anipulators who . but refused in American Arniv an·'l · h b · them l!ient into ·c onsular Service R.t the Russian Legation prope.r ty in th ' ey c l.mm . ave used · aseless war China adds impetus to U.S. Glovern- ru~nours and other reports a.s, a. means P et.rcigrad. B rilUHJJJt sBrvice in var. iou& posts· in the E·ast gave him the ment's study of R,uss.ia's Far E·a,;;.t ern t o_ ma1rn money :from mvest ors of the n am e of an authorit.y on Far E "l·s tern Diploma,cy . GeneraJ Harbo~·a: m ak e.s midc]le class . Diplomacy startling statement tha,t there is D avis , democratic candid a·t e for building up a. mena.c ing cortlbinaition P resident , condems fo e Klu Klux Gie,r ma.n;y thanks now Mtexican Precomposed of China, J a.p an, Russia., Kl an as being un-Am0rican in that sident, Gencrail Gi:.tlles., for gifts .tb ey and Germany . t hey cP.1n'y the banner o.f rac.iaJ and received fr cm . :Mexico during th e time of · Wheat scarcity and ecoYJomic disreligious pre~udice. t re&sos aft e1· the \N orld W aE U .S . Treasury warns aga.i nst acceptance 0£ large numheQ' of faked Illtreatment of Chinese m M exico five, twenty, and fifty dollair bills: di&- further re porled. S onora imposes WE1D;N·~SDAY . Wo1·d from Manila tha.t the incoveTed in circula.t ion in the U.S.. and a "bi1siness tax" on all Chinese m ercha.ntsi. T'h e J\lfe.xican G!overn- . dep endence campai~ is to he innow attemped abroad. ment shirks it s resrionsibilitv and dee- tr,nsified ma.y force R.epublicari · and Princess Mary of Great Briton cla.res in favor of San.om that tax is , D em ocra.t.ic leader& m ak e· Philip!' strickly a provincial meas ure. \1 p in- e situa tion a. P residential ca.mgives birth to son August 21 st . • I paigin issue. Crowds of 20,000 people crowd j Chinese Motion Pictures develop . protest meeting a.t Bengal deman~- I 70 theaters n ow in va~ious parts of L ocaterlli is pi~ke dl up eia st .of Cape mg remmral of the governor J_;,?Id the country. M ost of pwt'u res shown r l! arewell.· U .S. g.ruase.r R.rnhmond Lytton, who they acouse of havmg ; are foreign made_. The first purely I finds the Italian World Flight pilo~ in::mlt.ed Indian women in hi~ ~e.fen~e : Chinese picture. was " H ai Ftsi " re- \ drift.ing heolplessly in wa,t er where. he agajnst charges · of c orruption m . leased in 1921. Since then 15 other wa,5 forced t or 2liritht l ast Thursdary cn l'olice De.p a:r tment. I companies h ave risen the foremost . a.ccooot of engin e trouble. \ Vill i h eing Comm ercial Press which' to abandorn furthrer flight . Dr. S aito ~ppointed as h.ead . of date has ·p roduced l9 dramas , 12 P eking Qa.hin et• la,ys plans for Me·ait ln&pe.c.t10n Depa.r tmoot m Tien. ; n ews-reels and 12 travelogueR. Pathe tloin. :._ I C0ffipany intei•ested ,and from large obser".a.noe of C01_ifuoius Day on Sept. 0 1 I to I ' 0 1 1 · 3 'l'HE S.E!N'l'IN EL. ~ Southea»;.t eru ·:a. Considentble a.t tention will be ; cl t o this historic ceremony this ::a!'. · · · German Govt. to &tick to Dawes - :~n to the. . last. Is prepared to live ~ die by its atti.tude on London • :raem,ent. Belrnv~s Da~es Plan ..:; the first opportumty offered to .:r.:-rmany ~u get started on the rnad :') pro;,.penty and, pe,aee . provinces' a.re r~aching I !.Peking but. in tha~ Bi'itish and :A~eri: . can warships have left We1hau.weu. · and Obefoo unde1r full s.tea.in for 1 Shanghia the situatiQil looks serious. 1 · • · World'r; biggest wieless station will soon be completed. With t.ransmisc.ion station a,t 1\lfaJ"shal Island, Ca,Li£orn.i:a,, comm.uruca.tion ):iertw;een the Sta.tes a;nd China. will be on a, day . . . . I and night sta.t us. .•1exico c.lail:ms dairy written. by · ~o~umbus. Newspa'Pers fig:U·e that / Japanese newspapers pick up faJse -:i.:m storm overtook ship ne~.r. wireles~ from &hip fha;t left Tientsin ~.ores, Columbus · completed. this &oine time aao and headline =airy and encasing .it in wooden box "Terrihle Disas·t~r' in 'l'ientsin. One w~x casing threw it overboard- , of the World's Greatest Tragedies,_ ere ~i was found ·washed a.s hore 36 ,000 drowned." ~t:a hund1·ed ye£rs la.ter. r • ! I :trance to levey 26 percent taqc on .:rcrman Im.ports. , j · ~L:ts h~re ; deplorei . ___ U. S. MILITARY ' ATTA"GHE. . I ·· I .. shyne.·.ss . of COLONEL BAR.NA.RD SUCOEiEJ)S ,_~ese. maide?s. .Only . three a.rtist& COL. CHE.NE1Y. _ els m Chma w,b.0 can be persuad. - :.. .:_o pose in the nud)e, s.t.a.tes. Hase1. I Peking, Aug. 27. =.... a the famous Ja.paneise pamter. / . , - ,, ·t t' \ Colonel Sherwood Cheney, U.S.A. ; · · ·i·t · ~· . . M .. . .epvr t serious mil ary si ua. ion 1itaa-y -_ - u th ern . p rov1·nce."" ir;a. g-u and the reu-mng Am.enaan u1 .,,.. .u n "" h 1 . p ki h BJ E· "- !." · ,· · ".. --c.a.iang prov1ncer.; on vmge1 of a11·med 1 Attac t.e : e.ft e: ng on t • e1 ue1 Sh ~_ :::iiict. ,. . press tws morn~n:g en rou~e--to a.Bg · ! haa and Ameirrna. Oolonel . Cheney :::;nthetic ·1umbe1r, an American i has be.e n in Peking ~ill...® Januairy - -.cornry, to be used to solve 1922 and now, goes to the · Wa;.· _..__.:;n-alia'.s housing problem. · E.:c- Derpartm,ent in. Washington. ::rnier Hughes closes ·. deal m _ccago by which a ·2,000,000 dollar Colonel J. H. Barna,rd ha.s :.n: for the• mamtfaoture of lumbe·r succeoded Colonel Ghene;y as A,rneriwas,te fibre of s.uga.r cane ·wlll can Military .M·tachei. · - 2-tablishmed in sug:a~· belt of -~:.raJi a; . . ,. :- . S. N a,va.l W freless Office POSTAL NOTIFICATION • .......:;;:avor to commt1nicate with. Mars wave f9roe· of 32,000 meteirs. SAN .F'RANICISOO N . Y. AIR --= message·s were1 una.n.sw·ered. I1 MAIL. I No 13,dditional postage for trans· : portation ;beyond .j;he pomt to . wruch mail. is earned 1by. the Air-.1Vla1l ,1 Service will be required; the Lione Irate will cover dellvery to the addressee. Consequently all the states whi.ch are not situated on ·th~ Ai_rMail rout~, have been <Jlass1fied m the followmg way: . . . 1st ,Liane: Cali,fornia, Colorado.!. Idaho, Montana, .Nevada, Utah~ Wyoming. _ 2nd ~one: . lllinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ka.nsas, Kentucky, Mlchigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South D?okota, '.l 'ennessee, Wisconsin, · an\]. · all · couthern !States not 'listed. 3rd Zon~ :· Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, ·, Ma_ryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Caroliha, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rh0.de Island, 8outh Carblina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, all foreign· countries. I J ! Pcstage: To the ordinary an4 rjl· gistration Union .Postage 18 to be added a surtax of: · · · For ·the ]st Zone 16 cts. per f OJ:!e·· or part of ounce · 1st t' thor . fra.cZone: · ion ereo . For the 2nd Zone 32 cts. per 0ne or part of ·2nd ounce or frac- . Zone: tion thereof. For the 3rd Zone -48 cts. per orie or part of 3rd ounce or frac· · Zone: tion therE}Of. · This surtax is to be represented by means ,of ordinary · postage stamps ~ which are to be affixed on the covers of the' ·letters, on which the following inscription is to be . written: "U .S.A. Tran&continental Air-Mail ~· Service. (No .) .. .... , ..... Zone." I =:3.l" RSDAY '........ C(Jlolidge name8 An Air-Mail Service has been A. Baneroft! council for In . I established between San Francisco "LASIT WEEK'S Of'.IDiERLIES. ;:ional Harvester Company, . as j and. .New York; letters only, destined - ..\.mbassador to Japan to suCDeed to places in the United l~!tates and · Orderly to the Comm.anding · It-0 foreign countries, m aJ'. now be i Officer: A1;1!5;· · · W oods. . sent ·b y that route. The lme passes I 21, Pvt. Collms, Clo. 1 .:="'i:aiho no~ undergom~ reseaJ"c.h throuoh •San Francisco, Heno, Elko, i 22, Pvt. Sentman., Co. M: ~ aeolog1sts1. Bel.ieve ~his Salt "'Lake City, Rock Sip rings, ! 23, Pvt. Mitchell, Hq. Co. --_~:e reso:t to b~ old site of Han Rawlins, Cheyenne, North J:'latte, 24, Pvt. Shine, Co. L -'--base 2,000 years ago. Omaha, Iowa City, Chicago, Bryan, 25, Pvt. Jo11dan, Co. F nfi d ' t f Sh . Cleveland, Bellefonte and New York. 26, Pvt. Sm.othell'IIlan, Cb. I -::CO rme repor SI rom ang. h . . d. 'd d . th 27 p t W'l Co M , v ese • cities are iv1 e m ·.. · ree 1 son., . ==ach es p ek'mg th· at Ch ek.i. ang a.~d ITZones . - ~:,.r. I -=-u Forces clash; Na.nking .Rail- I · - Orderly to ~ -~om up liy wair.; Chine1se fte~t., : .ist Zone: ·S-an Francisco~Cheyenne, 1 Aug. _JSed of" five t.orpe~o boa.t.s and 3 2nd Zone: Cheyenne-Chicago, I steia m .. for wa.ters along I 3rd Zone: Chicago-New York, R.R. Gleneral .' - : n ai-Nanking - ~ so~diers mutinied at Woosung, Letters. may ·however be s.ent t? '='-::..ahon fevered . as to . weth~~ offi.ces not located on the Air-Mail __..::5 Sso-lm will . interfere. · .Owing Iroute; such, correspondence will ibe ~1 censiorship no news . relating , forwarded to destination by railway :.:2 warlike move·m.ent~ Of the ; ma.il service to connect therewith. ~-==, II the, Sergeant-Maaor; 21, Pvt. Newman, Clo. I 22, Pvh. Cameron, Co. 23, Pvt. De Normand!, lfq. Co. 24, Pvt. Ve.spe1r, Go. L 25, PVt. Golden., Co. Fi 26, Pvt. Gollin~., Co. I 2'7, Pvt. Taylo.r, Oo. 1\1. THE SE,NTINED. 6 * . . . . .. . ~****~: '-*....***************** :, ' ' . . .: '* ****************************************** * ·o;.: * ~ * * .; -.. ~ : . ! !* !* !* !* :* !* !* * * * * THE-, ..·- BlO, :- . . ,. Gl~APH i* £ ' .; . ' ." .,, > . . r;, · · i* ~· , ,;<:...\';':~L, :;-, \,.~ . ! 1J ! ! Time hangs heavy o.h·t·he ..s.9I~~ie.~il:~ ·:n~nds aft.er chow,. t_in1e until Tattoo s·a heres the answer to 'th~ question- 6.00 p:m. The Biograph 0 !• !* !* !* has a show" $0.30 Gold at Orderly roo.ms; $0.50 Local Currency at ticket window. 2 ho~rs enjoyme~t in cool .theatre where you can view a High Class Movie production. Nearly all Orderly f'ooms now have our tickets, the ·rest will likely have them shortly, as a liberal commission is being paid to the funds of the companies handling them. Hereafter this space will announce the shows the week fallowing. . . '~ *:: !* !* * ** . 1: -,- . *****************.************************************************ .(J.M .) 20 ., . ' SEPTEMBER SHIPPING NEWS. City ·of Rangoon ·Pres . Van Buren . . , (Dollar) ' 23 The following .. arrival. _a nd ~ai ling dates fr:om Shanghai, ha.ve bee.u furni,shtid by the S .S. Co~panies concerned and . are subject to FROM POJ;iT'L AND. changes. most these boats are Sept. under ·Postal Contract the date , of Hannawa '(Col. Pac.) 5 J Inoorriing and ,Outgoing mail.· can ' be Wawalona (CoL Pac.) 8. . judged ! fairly aciumtely: '.... . . As of DUETOARRIVE . ATSHA-~·~HAl:. - FROM S!AN FRu\NOIS~O. Siberia M. Pres. Cleveland Pres . Harrison West Carmona 1'aiyo M . . Pres. Pierce 1 " FROM VANOOUVEfJ( <>ep' t . (T(~.·~:j 1 · 6 12 TO LEA.VE FOR. u.s. 130 Vict~~ia Road, ~ S'HANGHAI: AND CANADA Sept. ~ ® ® ® TIENTSIN. ..·:.:.i1 ® @ ; ..J,' ( , @ .~ Tel.. fio. 678, South. ~.·.. , "" ® .. 's''nk'~'•. Embroideries . ' ~.""' @ '.' ~· ·' · ® ·, ~® Ken lsawa-& -Co. ® @ - -· ,9 i6 QUE ~~ .· 0 , 91· ~ ® ® '® ® ; ICanadian Importer (B . & iSL) Sept . IEmp. of Russian · '(0 .P.8.) ('.l'.K.K.) (P.M.) . (Dollar)_ (S. _& B .) ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®0 ® · · ® ® and · · .Ctn•ios ~ ·· · Ladies Tailor. ® ® . , ·~ ® ~ · Dyeing · and .Cleaning. . . ~ @ :' i ~.·. ~ . M:ln'ufa.~t~rer ::t~4. D.~al.er o.f , @ ® @ ® P,E KING ' RUG~· ® ® @ . @ ® ·Pres : Grant (Ad. Or.) Seattle 3 ~ .. (0 .IS.K.) Seattle 8 ""' . ® Sept. Africa M . @ ' ' ,, ® 9 YS~hokoha~1: l\f.(T .K(N .;.)KS.) S~,aH.le ~ ® . . (N.Y.K.) Kaga M. . . . 1 (Ad. Or.) . io Pre~. l\foKinlev inyo~ m. . . ). . an .[''ran. ~ Kimonos, Harris Underwear. @® ·· (B. & S.) ~ew York 7· ""' Arabia M.' . v (O.S.K.) Ii Perseus ® (Ad. Or.) , 22 Mayebashi l\1. (N.Y.K.) New York $ ® Pres . Jackson (Col. Pac .) Portland 11 · ~ Lacquer, Damascene and <!I 23 Hannawa (N.Y .K .) lyo M. Pres. McKinley · (A.O.) Seattle i2 ® St W ® \.Vawalona... (Col. Pac.) Port.:land 13 · ® a suma ares, 0 ® € . Pres. Lincoln . (P.M.) San Fran .. 13 ® etc., etc. ~ Em. of Gal}.ada (C.P.1S.) V'-couvei: 15 ® ~ Sept. Pres . Jackson (A.O.) !Seattle 26 ®®®@®®®®®®®®®®®@®®@ • \! TnvAl'l si.n k,__ __,_,....,D=od.._.w.....e=ll.._ ) _..:,1"'5 ..-E =m = n....., . of Russia (0 .P. s. '..., co,_u-.. ve...,.r_,2.....7__,__ _-,,,.,_ _ FROM S.E:ATTLE. ·Speci·a· lt'tt'es. . 8 11 'l'HE SEiNT'INEL. August 29, 1924. ARMY ST01P!Sl , RECRUITING. IF YOU COULD VOTE" CONTEST CLOSES SEPTEMBER IOTH-SEE SENTINEL OF AUG. Fo1r the' first time siuce1 the \V 01rld ·wa-r and, as far a,s that i::, concerned, in recent 'yeal's, t.h e Army haS'' rea,ched H ~ full strem,gth a.nd the recruiting service has . been instructed to discontinue enli,stments. Shortly before the· Wo,r ld "W ar this- condition was approached, but thi s was due to the convict.i'()n that t-h e United States would be di:awn into th_e great, con:flipt. The oldest officers· on duty do not t'eca.il when the Anny wa,s not se~k ing recruits-. 8TH FOR RULES. PRIZES TEN, FIVE, AND THREE DOLLARS. , Broadminded to judge fairly a.nd SEVENTH ENTRY. in absotl ute justice.. La,die:;. and gentlelllaJl follow Ladjes a.nd gentlemen for this citizens Ou.r Counfry ha.s grown ol<le!J.'. "\Ve a.re1about to a,d d a. new grea,t reispon:;ibility for this grea.t leia.f to our Hist.ory. It it; an o~ea s hono-r I nomiu~tte MitS. ANDY (Loud cheers .a nd apsion when t he ,Allleri'C a.n Citizens GUMP. by theii' inherited prjvilag·e: of the plause and booing for l / 10 minutes. vo-te will elect, a, Pi:esident, to guide EIGHTH ENTRY. and preside 9ve~· this great, commonwealth a.n d land of one hundred miUi_o,n: people- ; a. 00,u ntry on Well I gues!:i a,s ho:w th~t t here which the ' &iin has never set. iW e only o-ne ma.n in this United Sta.tel!! 'l.''lie. Depadment, has been forced a.r n enter_ing into 'a,- new · e'r a, a.n e~:a whoni I'd vote ~oi'. President ,and to disconti:rme enlistm~nts, as 3:,Pof ip.creased prosperity . American that's ::iur Andy Gump. He 8 a prop1iations will not ,perm.it au inca,pital is lookjng fO:r new fields to ta~l slim lon~: i:i-osed genUem_an crease o-£ the a,v erage enlisted eonqueor and in every cotirit1'y of wtth plenty .of wmd au~ _µ. cavit,Y strength orver 118, 750. _ The' actual the world t o-day there j:;. American I where ~1.w:;t fo,lks ha-".e chms_. He s strength of the, Army at auy da.te Bmiine.ss. l'his is ca.using new a.. fami~y man; drives his o-~·n is uot to be, o-vel' 120,000. The que1stions in Olll'.:ogovernruent.-: Out' fhv~r hke yo_u or me and so ~al' analy1:1iR of the reports just repolicy of i;;olation hu:s been sha.Uer- h~s nt shown t_ha,t he has bra-~ns ceived indicate tha,t -the stre ngth ''of ed and America ' 'to:-da,y must take e~ough fo get his feet c.overe~ with the Army at this time is about an interest · must co-operate "with oil. He- throl\YS- a tall hue; of a.p ple 123 ,793. This is a peace l'ecO:r~ lands outsicle om: _o~n in order ~o J sa~tc.: a'?d does' nt- ;~re~ muc~1. '".ho without. precedent excepting wh'en best. pro-tect her citizens and their · h earn him, .a~d he :; JUSt foolish a drive was ll!ade sho-rtly• after the inve-s tments in foreign countrieis. enough ,to ,Leh eve most all he says . War to secure 225 ,000 enlisted men There comes a. tim:ei in the1 gro,w th y . I th' ,_ A d . , . t tl I hy promises of giving e:ve·r y reetuit · h' h es sn'-th t-·. . infi n y s JUS - . ie t d of every coun t ry a, cn·sis w ic ·f b ·\Vih t j a. -ra e. the people of that wunfry ruust man or a. JO' • ' I .Y on1"if 1as : ;· meet an_<l pa;;s if their co·u11t.ry is '_'"~~k .he made a, speech m '~hich__he . w_'hile the recruitin.g- ser_·vice ~j-11 to be lasting. You ma,y ;;ay our mbpIOnounced every woid, :with be ready to re'sum~_ i-t,s. ope,r attons crisis hat> pa,ssed hut History point:> I ~v~'1' ;;~ve.i: leitt~rs; a.~d . I.11 _be ~m a full sea.I~ a,t any~- time:- should to the fact that our crisis _has hut I 8 ".itched .if he _did, nt st~.r~. i~ th.~ it become neces~ary . M::t-Jor. G~ii. arrived. 'L"lo-day ' as ne1ver beforei middle O't thei tSpeech to scrntch hitS Robert C. Da,vrs, 'rhe AdJuta.nt Wei ha.ve thei eyes of the wo.dd upon I back. Any man who, has se~se General o,£ thei ,Army , issued inu s. Intel'ested eyes for they realize· ~ eno·ugh fo do tha_t has my ha.eking structioi:1~s this week toi discol!-tinue all. enhst:m ents . of . men :w~thout tha.t the,i r pr"Qsperity must rise 0r 1 aud support . fall with OUl:S . .Just as we realiz_e ,1 k'd i. d" pi'10r se1"Vice. The .increase Ill en· th e l as·t·-£e~ ruon th '.'" is · . _pea-0ei wi.11 make our : . He . s . .g·ot .one . _ . . i- '· a, , uoy ,.,. 'id an. . l'11; t ~en t s m t h at t I1.eir peace. 'j ev~rt y tll~e that kid pu 11s a .,,oo one a.ttrJ:buted fo the gi:o,w mg reahza' be s ta~1ng aifter the old ~an and tion on thei part. 0 .£ _ the meu of Vi' e· passed through . a. grea.t ~rnr every t.mrn the .boy gets rn d1;1-tc~ eligible' age· thaJ the Arllly offet s victol'io-us a.ud in honor. But the '~·hy_ . Andy looks up th~·_ wife- 8 a profitable cal'e·e:r. questions that· arose after that wat•, family a.lbu~n to s,ee w~1ich one: NO _·WEDDING BELLS. wer·e settled less hoinura bly. In .0 f her relations be s takHig' after. Eutope greed and fea.r ran rampa.n t \ and the ideals that the. wa.r was Andy;s just lilm the fellow in " Da,r ling, will Y()IU marry me? " fought for became lost. 'rhe wo,r ld the book. H e;s got a millionair is adYancing aga,i n dmvn that o-ld brothe~' in . A ustra.lia with. a w _ eak "Ha.-ve you seen mothe r?" trail of 8 elfish inte11·est and we a,re place m his heiart for hl8 dumb led to fear tha.t all t.ha.t we relations. Well he: keeps Andy's "Yes, but 1 still lo·ve you. j',..... sacrificed will have to be aga.in. ice-box full; the1 woH from the .4.u[lie Squib. Unless within the' next few yea rs dom· and furnishes. spending money . . once in a while. Andy ain't. got a, dog to play on : ~ the world will co-operate to' form . . . the house la,wn buf if you people by tlrn poiiver o.f might and ·the Andy's wifo is a, good worna,n eled hiru I'LI, promise to, send sense of fair d eal iug au everlashng n·ith her ears kinda. enlarged from him the pick of Queen'& n.e<xt litter peace. listening to1 :what Andy is alwa,y s \ 0 £ pups a.nd you know Que_en's the We- are abotu to eho;;e from go·ing to do and ne-ver does. That's best coon-dog in this here county. among us a LB'ADER. That o·nei of Andy's strong points telling And my pro.mi'se is bettm· than my J~,EADEiH must have eourage and her how he would run the govern- vofo which uo one wjll ta.ke. an unselfii;h love for his country- I ment ,; ma.nag~ a ball team or wash , I"(J.M.) men and the - men of the w'o rld; the.dishes. 1 1 1 1 1 l j 1 I 1 I 1 l n )4 THE F;.l!}.N'PINEL. 9 A ugfu I 29, ),,::_ . . ~!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!! ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!---~ . d t g~old. ' t Th e E ~ .•.l!··~ . ~~·l)"'• ~:"~!·$!$~~.!':f-~~~~: .. ~~e-!-:~~:' I hold. on tob dint W0 RL 0 ' "' l E A_ n ' N G1 N Av ! e:s. ~ .. • • .......•1.~!..$'!~~·.~&:4t!· ••' ~ l . : ·~~ if • .,t • change is oun . O• s..ioo,.. up a.ga.rn,. •:• so.on ; La.st. yei11r the Sun S~e~ LA'l'EST STRENGTH. Oo1rporation in s.hanghaa. w.h1ch . : h · · ••• owns all the string of C mese When _the Serreta.r y o.f the Bn~- I sto·re.s and Exchang~·s just 0 1utside· -1"h Admiralty was asked rece•n t Y : Official + the compou11d ma4e 20,000 doUa.ri;r .n the house of Common!') whether i •!• pro.fit from exc~an~e ou us alon~. ~e could give th~ latest kno·:wn I •i• Photographer ).: As long as Ohma, imports Amer1-~g-ure·s of the cruiser, Subma1rnf' ::: •!• can Merchandise they all need our .nd de'Strover position o·f the j •!• for the •i• O'Oild fo, pa.y . As it costs high to W or·ld 's lea.ding na.vie~. dRhow\np; 1 ::: J ~hip gold orver here· we arn doi.n g -hi ps proposed, authorize , _un.ner·, .:. Sentinel (• 1 them u. favur by cha.nging the best .1Htruction, and in comnnsswn, ·~· • • • • • • • ~ JittlP friend in the wo•r ld for a e-~pectively, he furnished t.h e fol- J •:••)•:••!••!••:-•!..)•:O•!••.••.••.••p•.•(•(•(••·•"• 9 ' ha.ndfull 0 ,{ chea.p silver tha.t never - "ing stafoniernt. :- • get.s us anything but a full house - ., "Y •!• ·:• ·:· • TA FANG 1 i: ::: i t :£ and a. big head.-· In any case don't take too1 many Chinese Bank notes t·h is payday. Many are: failing. T'his dotpe is from reE; able source'S. !£ the - r.oU wa.s only ca.Iled ac-: Built. ;. ··· cording fo the way we know G·U l'- . Bl'itish. U.S. Ja.pa.n . Fra.nce. Ii:=ily. selves best 'two111ld sound like n 1isel's .. ............. . .... ... . ..... .. . this :-Shanty, Goof, Barn call, 38 8 18 7 13 De. troye'l'S ................. -. .... .... . ... . 197 991 74 4] 56 ~hiek, Ea.g le Bea.k , Red, Toughy, ' uhma.r ines ... , ... .......... ........... . RO .Takey, Wobbly, Dutch, Wehby, 113 42 42 43 Ramblin, Nigger, Ga.w ky, MacLoo, Building. Haze•l , ,Jawbone., Alec, Dobe·:v, · 4 r uisers ........... .......... ·: . · ... · · ·: · 2 5 3 '2 .Abie, Snookums, Ch~ck, Kodar, 5 estroyers . . ... .................. , ... · · · 0 9 16 10 - ~Henlev Nick Handshaker liaJ.', 7 -ubmarines .... .... . ...... , . .... · · · · ·· · · 9 11 13 bum ~~"?????'.____Jam-???.' ' 4 j Abie_ iii putting in. fo~ his ?X·. Projected. tensio'll hotpes to remam m Chrna 1uiseTs ........ .................... ... .. 5* 8* 6* 6* 4+ 2t as long a.s. Ah-Sa,- Sa ca.n digest e· troyers ............................. . 2* 0 17* 8*33+ stea.k--Why l~lave a good thing. u bmarines . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 0 l* 20* 10*37+ Abie i.s now st.l1dent cook a.n d by *Aut.ho1·ised. +Not jret authorized. the time N ovembe·r boa,t pulls out he.' II be a, r'e:gular a.rmy cook. - - -- - - , J,efa hope hei's too• biashfu] to yell . . I"Ther·e ain't no m?re !" ULES · Captam TntJ.le i~ to take fJiYf'r Headqna.rter's ev1de:n tly ha.s no ACMINE OUN the reiM of tb ei 'l'lne•ei M'~. Head- Rense of 1rnmor. Stevei was told h1 EN qua1·'lel"s cmnpany claim:s . we are tepmt as o.rderly. The staff tooTr ]uckv. ·we know Captacin Tuttle onei lorok at tha.t uniform and exis. ·Here's hoping thimgs run as claimed "My Go1d ! Wh'at ii misthev :ire. Drink -that toast deep take" and sent poo·r Sfove hack to n.t thfl· comp:rn:v hlow-oui- Septem- the g-um·dhouse to :walk post with ber 13th. I1 wom't co·st. a tl1ing-. and j Bam~a.11 . . • . ·. mean ° n he-11 of fl loit. (Especrnlly Bii1ley aJld Cox ha.ve JOtllled the aHr•r th P 6th nr 7rh boHlf•). Vnselined Rheik!l o-£ Vict-Oria. Park. ' Co.x whose a.n cestors were> in the Hnvin(J' Jt-,,.,f. mY ::0nsp n f' lrnmo.r Boston Tea p.arfy was overheard -'.he of ~he besi . cmnpa.nie.s in. the in b:i· li~g ifoT.~m1d tlrni Jake.y whiler out'. proma.n ading to l'emfll'k -- .ment. u; a.b out to lose ifa com- was ns tough as steak whereupon on thei outrageous price of t.rri in :idcr. 'Who can re•-caU any in- 1 Mac showed me· tlie dear nld r.I'ientsin'.__-Now girls a.in't them -nt when things did'nt run : hyprr:r1"i.t-.e wa8 ii <10.n:nrmed cake hero's just gra.nd ! 'J hly in this company; Who .' and tra hound I'll substit.utr for ]ifo:n dn.y is La.boT' da.;v . . Ba1"llcall e-call when an injustice was the ('n>nnany notes. a. £ew rPa.l fads iR Kickin"'. ·He wa.n.ts toi know But vou . ca,n re-call t.h e whieh T knmY clmrrn Wf'.Jl few oihPT'S wh:v '.t.hp· c~olieg can't doi it instead. !:.\ moves tha.t were made in the know:-·- ·eo.t of a perfe,ct morale. By ":ig Captain McChrysta.l we've "\Yith al] .rhf'. stor1ps of fammc; Cop-"This man is a !a,wyer by a grea.f. deial. That.'s the erx-1 f1001fa; ProVlll<'l::tl vVa,J'S: .JnpanrRe da.y and a burglar by mght, your --:.:.oion oi the entire personnel. Royco.U.; nno :fiuan,..rnl nlots honor". "'e we all wish him the best. o·f ag-ninst O•U r po(·lrntbooks, the Money Justice--":Which wa.s he nrl'est·- at his new station, Ca.mp I Exc11.ang-e still drop~. 'Yhatev;r j ed for? ' Ga. the t.rue reason' the1 wi.se h1nls w1ll · The a.hove• figures are is;ued on . the following assumpt.ions :--:(a) . Thn t the efficient- life nf a, light cruiser is 15 iea.rs.; that the effic1~nt ~i te of a destrover is 12 years.; that the efficient hfo of a ,sublll!arme -., 10 years; (b)., that in the case of British.vessels one yea.rs wa.r Reri<'f' is 'equivalent t<f t.wo· ye•a.r s' pea.ce service . . 16+ 16+ M I . .· l'HE1 SEIN'l'lN EJ_;. 12 1 August. 29, 1924 . anJ he ·w ill ju:st give Ut> a. uund1 I HUSH SOLDIER ct commands and then turn us loose and let us drill all mol'lliug An Irish sol dier on ~eutry du ty by ou rselves. All s.amei "'Silent , had O'l·ders to allow no oine fo smoke l\ianual" eh ( \ nea.i· his post. An officer :with tl . j lightHtl c1ga.r a.ppi:oa.c hed whereW e.11 it' s nea.nng tha.t <lay of . \ 1 lwu l.l Wille s i.o· c:xplu1i11g upon l'a.1 boldly challe11ge<l lum dp,ys:'·fo,1• the' soldier a.nd t.he: buy::; C:uluwl..Ju::; hull uol.11111g . 011 .U1c 1\an.tl or<lereid, him lo put i(. out a l are all ';yondering how they a.r e .. 'J o·p · .. 1i you uun. t llcl.te \·e, it once. going to· pay th~ir "ja,w bone" if as.Ii u im some ot .lhti tlli11gs he lla~ the mte .o·f exuha.nge stays. down fouuli rn t.he pai;t week. The officer wilh a gcsluni o·f disto eig'hte€n, per. Guess others ha.v e . . .. . . . '\gust threw away his ciga.r , but no worried b~fore a.n d still "jawbone ' ' ~ee old "Songolie'J ba{;k · from sooner has his · ba.ck turned than goes o•n. the ra-nge with hi;:> :usual Slll.Jle•. Pa.t picked:.i.t :up a.qd qu;ietly re.fa·~ . ·. ·· · ·· i:;ays he made e·x pert. Well, we to.~th~ ~e·~try box. "Geqorge" Kei;na.rr has be€!Ii. ·h~>ei n~ rea.so-n fo doubt it. pi:omote.d .t-01 .the1 gr~de o._f Sei:geanf ..- · · · ··· · · · ' T'h e Officer ha.ppeoUing to lo-ok a.nd is :th;in,king of retiring pretty ]for Sale :~One le~ box, good as arnund, observed a: be;l.utiful cloud soon.. He :was in :the! army before I new. Can't be bought for forty of smolrn issuiug from t he box. some pf us young .bucks were- bor;i pesos o·uJ:nd~. WHl sacrifice same. He ttt once challeng~ Pa.t for so . I guess he knows wha.t he is App ly to "Hijo.u" before' oor on pay smoking- o•n dut~v. "l::imoking is i.t domg. .diliY· smT? Be<lad, and I'm puly kee'iJing it lit to sh9'w the corporal :wheu "Old C ~ z:'.'11" has mailed his let\.Yow ! ."W o-w ! _"Wow ! Put·! l >u t J he co-mes around as evidence a gin' te.rs a.fter aJ.l. T'he La.u ndry 1·e-· P ut! l-lila,_ck ! Quack! Quack! Now · you." fu nded thirty cents gol d a.nd he do·IJ,' t get excited a.s Jhi:; is a, re1 used it for postage•. product.ion. of au a.r gumeut be- ' . . " .. tween "Ike'' an<l "Jug", heard I Sat1sfacto~y . - MA~ H~w did :W.e1 forgot one promo•t ed and ~very morning a.bout t,he time that j G_eor?e take 1ti. wl~~~1 you told him you tha.t. was NOONAN. Sgt. Noonan the rest of the soldiers a.r e polic- didn t love him. now has foll charg-e oif the' pool ing around qua.rters. · JUNE-'' Simply wonderfully ! He room and seems to b~ a. pretty good carried on like a wild man.""nickel" r u stler. He is also o·f-1 \V €. · ha.veo one' t hinoin this com0 ficial refe.ree1in all pinochle• gameis. : pany t hat no 0 .ther has a.nd t h;l.t A m. erican L .e gwn Week ly. is a, :wande1ring ' ' Key h o•l e'' . It . . Like a _ca~ -they aH co·~e! back, sta.ys around all da.y and t.hen at and so• did Ste>ve Brody · Wel·_ nig·ht it sjmply ca.n't be found. It OUR come ha.ck to tho ol d floDk Ben. j should leil·Ve it' s ca.r d wh en it, goe;:; ANNUAL . . fo.r a. visit. GE.lineral Shanley an d hls 1itt1e · SUMMER army of se·v en jom:neyed down to We wo11der : SALE Nan Ta. Ssu, Chma :where• the ·when our boat is coming? IN General will be1 a.p pointed a re11re,W hen Fox wiil 0o'ive h is bunk · sent.a.tive of the Chie:f of Infan try · a rest? MENS ' and his. cohorts a.s his aides de W hen Foley will sfop e~.ting? OUTFITTING ca.mp , (Jackson). H Noona:n wouldn't sing us .a 'S . ITERARY OQUACITY· l I I sa.ng ? · "Plain" was caught snea.k ing If Hull wHl eiver goi home? out of t he side door and maneuverIf J ohnes would quit using ing in the• general direction o.£ the \ "sno<>s". hath ho•u se. Som~e thought tha.t he 1 "Abie" wa.s only going to1 ch~ge his soc.k·s but none 0 .£ us saw him come1 bad: _ _ _ -- - -- - - - so· can't say what fran.sp;ired. 1 " Alaska. Jack" is at presern t o•n !l'B3B3B3B3lill!!B3fflffll!llffill!ll!lfflffll!ll!ll!ll!l IIl . IIJ I I . .· a. try out £01· thei go·a t team. Some say i t is mules t.ha.t he is worki1;1g a.i·oun!l. Rumm ha.s it that he will soon tmnsfer to Service Comp;wy and take charge o•f the transporta.tion section. Good luck, J a.ck bet you lE:ar~ some new "cuss" words ar<>und ~he mules. '1 IIl -, E BA LL B3 I I IE AUX IIl G VS fl I IE NOUVEAUTES, Regimental Championship IE I; 1IJ EEJ I; BA S fl at IE B3 IE Recreation Park. IE After this ne!Xt boat, leaves __I IE _ IE gue~s we• will be <;?mpelled,;o d_~1ll TUBS.- WEI> ·-THURS. entuely by :the .Cadence dull . , l±J t£l W e will ha.ve but one Officer left I l!Jl!ll!lf!ll!ll!ll±ll±ll±ll!ll!llfl!fll!ll!ll!ll!ll!ll!ll!ll±I (Moyler Powell & Co. ) 1 1 . DEPARTMENT IS NOW PROCEEDING. EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED. • I I fl I 94-96-98, Rue de France, TIENTSIN. 13 1 1 and there. Le!llgyel, )V ashinsky As ther Sha.rpshoo ter' s Badge Imuch b~t his act.iJ:m s with a. bottle IResseguie and Armer sang the '.hat we. o·~ered, fo·1: sa.ler in the1 la.s.~ opener dese.:·ve l~o:norable, meution. Ii;invil ~horrus entitled "Fill them , me of 'Ihe Sentmel has noit. yt'it Runt HaJ.T1so1n 1s the ouly man up aga.m." Storeiy thei mule doctor i ee n sold, we- have decided to givl'.I t.h at can pla.y a Banjoi with oi_ie wa.. ther.e in case1 0 £ emergency, i t away in a guessing conte.st. , hand and ho.id a glass. in the o.t he·r hut we had no1occa.s ion to use him, Anyone guessing thei n.ame1 of the Iat the same ·time·. But. Runt :was 1but we sm:e- admired his new shirt. c,:J dier in .the a.bo ve1 pict';I'e•, will ha~dica.pped, he1 ke:p t looking up- S~l~11.g saile~ in and ga.v e _a.n, exbe awa.rded foe badge. 8end all staus; I wonde•l" why? Just as the h1b1faon of nght a.r m exercise, the Answers to the l-'ost E.xchange, ] pa.r ty was going a.long good old saying, "T'here's many a. slip _.\.t: rial ~fail via, Da.i :Bey. Weiner busted in. and a.fter a few betwixt cup and lip" don't µ.p ply Hansome Ha.r vey Hansen :was minutes there wasn't, a. _thjug left to· our 1-2· Se·r geant. Well I guess -een in a. ten·~ble pO'sitiou t.}le other to ~1at. _vVe a.re sure glad · tha.t he \I've: said .abi;mt euough. , 801 here's •lci y; he bet Slats Odando1 tha.t the ca,n t drrnk as much as he eat.:;; 011 , hopmg Bill gets a.not.her Bonus 15th :wornld bea.t the J aps·, but. due the party would have bust€d then Isoon . . o a. comedy oif errors the 15th lost. Ra.rvey had to roll a cigaJ·ette a.long the fioo·r o•f the· squad room iour times with his nose. Ha.r vey -ays tha.t he knows bett~r now hut hi~ nm;:e1 is not s~ good. 1st Sgt. Adams. Cla.iims fo have -he Champiorn Fighting Ca.nary Bird o·f North China.. His canary -:rhose name is :E'IRPO 4as. won his j :a;,t fourt.een fights.. Sgt. Adams j wi ll back his bird aga.i nst any · an a.r y in China., for a.uy amount. Sgt. Nye g·ii..ve a party la.st aturda.y night· and it sure was a. :.umdilnger; :the transporta.t.ion :;-la toon was th.e re with both feeit .ill d their ha.ir in a, bra.id. Benuie ~ d a~ns ga.ve a~ exhibition. orf .o·l d :d~ h10ned da.ucmg, one of his trwks -eing d,a.ncing on his ear. Gust _wa.nson a.ppea;red for a. sh91rt. time · 'lt as he had an enga.gement with - me one iln the1 neighb9 rhood he > t early. Jacobson ornr genial _• k was there· .with bells on ; he · ng a song called the Old Hoboken ucket and i:e:ceived much arppla.use ' bottles. P .a.r ker sta.r tled the • owd by his dr~11ma,tic em trance: ; :.e then sta~ted to te.U :the story of _:s life, hut because Bill a.sked him J keep the s_t.0rry clea.n .he had to ::'.t. Janke Pezic is sure some ~ tla dancer, _t.h a.t boy has moive.:nh th at no1 onei ha,s suspected , -'='Y·ie noit Ingersoll movements er. Hed Campbell didn't say 1 I 1 I I I l 1 14 'fHB SEiN'rTNEL. ~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~1 1 Q_Q :/QE T-E M . August 29:. 1924. I ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~ G '' Whitt ................... :";""-' .: 263 Ra.zee• ...... . -... ".-....... 1-,--. •• .:':.L.,; · ·263 Well the compaJl'J has -c'o mpieted ~we get back in Tientsin a,ga.in we Schoenhofen · .. .: . '. ·.:·:..... ;~ ;,:·.. .· ~64 firiug the Servicei Rifle1, .Aufoma,t ic will try to sling mol'e dope every Hitle and th,e ·, Pistol and ha,ve a.1- week. · Ga.lli .. .... ". ............. .. . :.. .... .· ._ 262 i cady..:~, ~hH'ted· -~thei•f"']'ieild l<'iring 'l'he following b ·a. lis_t. of the also the1 ·S.Q.-U:~.d\Comhat Pwblem, qualifications o.f rnelliLers of thi::; Kie·r nan · . .. _....................... :. · · .. 262 Cnrnke .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . 262 ( \Yl1 ich . '"'e, ' e;ip~'ctdo Cop off th1.J nrguui·za.tiou ."::ith Jhe Springfield. Leiverton ...................._;-..- .. ' 261 Ho11orw o:f''h:(vjng a,· squad from Score 'rhompson . . ... , .. , ......... ''° ,~.•• , 2G9 this ~rgin:!Ziition be the·~ (Jhie1£ of Expert !{,ifte~en Lt. lha.u n . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 315 80t\Vers .. ~ 2G7 ln:fan~r-C~?1-bat Squad) . i Matheson . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 257 Sharpshooteir . . ,_ Pvt.. lcl Dezenberg our esteemed IA. Haley .............. . ; ....... . 290 IR an.e;·' ...... .-..,.· ....... '........ .. . .. m;5 °£J•J mechanic spent the. week-end in Shufelt ........ ...... :........ .... 254 Hartnett. .. ... .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. 254 T'i entsin celeb1'.ating a wedding Expert Uifleme·n . which took place there. (How did .F9rehand ....................... . 321 ,foy .. ., .. ., ., ., ., •., .. ., ., ., ., ., ., .. 253 it all conrn out Dezenberg). Obnstea_d .. .. ................... . 308 Dezenberg . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 253 l);:ty.ton . ........... .. ........... .. 305 Gentile .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 253 A few da.y s pa.st ls_t. Se1tgeant ~01bolewski ..................... . 30'2 Ang11ll . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. 252 Kl.a gge, rece·i ved a, letter from Ser. Atkimion .... ..... ... ......... . i. 301 geant "Doc" Rowland, who was a U nqua.lifie<l. Bailey .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 2,47 member of this a.rga.nizatioin bef~:»re Sharpshoote1·s. he depa.r ted ior the Land of the Shaver- ...................... " .. . 298 Jones_ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. 244 Freie on the June bo-a.t. · 'Doc" Keeney ......................... .. 297 Lake .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. 235 wro:J:e from San :Francisco and he, ~tewa.rt ......................... · 296 Robertson . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. 22fi <itafos tha.t :the old to·w n sum looks ; Callahan . .......... .... ..... ... . 294 -w ili:;on .... ... ..... ............. . . 225 keen after being awa.y from t.he .Prisock ...... ........... .. ....... . 294 N elso·IL . . .. .. . ......... . .. . ....... . 223 States for a, few years. Sergeant Hart .......................... · .. · 292 Betts ... . ... ...... .... ........... . . 190 'i' "i' "i' Rowland was nrde1red from Tien- Ghio ............................ .. 239 tsin to )Vashingtoi:i D .C. to reiplace M.a rlmuris ......................, .. 292 ! The followi1ng is a, list of qua.liSerg·eant BeUoi. :VVallace ..... ... .......... ... .. .. . 290 i fications of members o·f this or'~' e are sure ha,v ino; some fill'e · Baird · · · · · · · · .. · ·. ·. · · · · · · · ·. · · · · · · 290 j ganization with the Automatic wea,t he·r tlo•wn here Ra.in Wind I,utz .. · ....... · .. · .......... _._... .. 290 1 Pi,s tol. · . and Sun-shine, but' we· ha.~e b~en ~~iller ........................ · .. 289 289 j Pistol Expert Percentage in the1 sticks soi long .that we will L 1 therland .· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 289 Lt. Brann .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. 93.69 feel like ca.nnibals when we bet KeUed:· · ......... · ............... · back t01 the big ' City . aga.in Llo·y d ·, .... · ...... · ...... ....... .. 288 (TIENTSIN). . S~herma.n .................. ..... . 288 Pistel }fa.rlrnman. Kn:shman . ._ ................._, ... . 287 U.. Haley .. ..... : ........ .'.... 6.J. 71 · Pvt.. lcl Charle:s A. Peyton has Albaugh ........................ . 286 been pro~mo·ted to• the gr!lde of Lopez ............................ . 286 - - - - - -·- - · - --- Corpoira.l vice Ghi0i i'educed. Go1od Peiytou ......................... .. 285 Pistol :Expert.s. Forehand .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. 92 .86 Luck "Chuck," kee·p it up. l\farksnien. 281 I) eyt.on ....................... . 88.21 La<it e'Vening four s:qua.ds came SVilco~ _ .......... · .. · · .. · ...... · .. <lo~u here1 from T'ieintsin t01 pa;r- HKodl~l~m~~l·~ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ... · · ~~! I~isto.l liJha1·pshooter,,; . . tic1pa.tei in the: Squad Comba.t 1 . ru 1 '()'>Hhl .... · ... · .. · ...... · .. 0, l(Talh ........................... '/~J.17 82 Callahan . . .. .... .. ......... ..... 78.10 Problem. · ~rtez .......... · .. .. · . .... .... · · .. · 82 Klaus _ .......... . ..... . ...... .... .. . 1 Bugler GaUi is still smoking Fiddlel' ... , ..................... .. 281 IPistol :Ua.r ksruen Pereenta.ge 'r'HREE. DUCKO cigars, I cant INoh.n . , .......................... . 279 1Robertson ..... ...... .......... · 69 .76 see ho•w any oine: man can smoke Ifill . , ............................. . 276jshave1r · .............. ~ ......... . 67.26 su ch ROPES a.n d live to be· very Cornish ............... .......... .. ~~~ .whitt ............ ~ .............. 64.~9 old. Well I guess Joe is enjo.y ing Maleski .. , ....................... . fa1t.z ... . .... ...... .............. 61. 3 . the1 best 0£ health; _a t least he· sure "M: uller . . ....... , ...... :......... . 27G is gaining, he ha.s:'' ga.i~ed nearly Burke ............. , ... : .......... . 274 j Unquahfie<l. _· · three ounces since he came t.o Nan 1 Osborn ............. ............ . . 274 j Kla.g ge ................ 47.98 . ' "i° -"i° "i° Ta Ssu. I Ulrjcl1 .. . ...................... · .. 27 4 I Oh Boiy, :we sure · did :;ho·w the vVelch ........ .... .. .... .. ....... . 273 1i The follo1wing is a. list of ·qua.li272 \ fications of meuibers o·f this orworld haw to• ..fil'e an Autorilat.ic Klagge . ..... .... ..... .. ... ..... . . Ha.rrisoil. ........................ . 269 o·a.niza.t.iou with the. Aut-0mati e l'iffe, out of . ~ nienJlring we have 268 Rifle. 19 Experts, iot so _had eh, and only Lester - ........................... . 268 I Olsen .......... .... .... .. .. ...... . . oue :unq1ialified. Hirsch .......................... . 267 \Expert Au tomatic Riflemen Score W eU folb(as we a.re .a ll preUy Rubhins ...... . .... . . . ... .. . .. . ... . 267 \ U . Brann ..... .... _........ .. ..... . 571 lntsy down h~re. ·getting readY: to :K.uhner .. ......... ..... .... .... . , . I sharpsh"otrr. come hack home, our Senfanel hrivdal1l ........ ,................. . note's will he rather brief but after NoH.e n ........................... . 266 iLt. Haley ....... , ........ ., ... , .. 1911 ' ·. ... .· ~=~:~~.~; .::::::·::::: :f :: :::~;: ~; ~:'.· )~~~ ·! ••• : :;. ! I I 2 I 1 ! 1 ~·~~ ••· • • • • • _.;;- -• • • -. • THE .'u1gu st 29, 1924. Expe:Tt Autmna.tic H iflemen . Litherland .. ............... .... . Cornish .. ..... .... ... .. ...... . .. . . Jfarkourifl ... . ................ .. . . Forehand ....... .... ...... ..... . . Dayton .... ........... .......... .. . a Ila ban ......... ....... ... ... .. . T,utz .... ... .... ..... ....... ...... · · 1ilnu~trad ........... .. ....... · · · . Llovd .... . ..... ......... . ... ...... . ~ol'an .. ............ ... . ......... . . 'W allace1 ... ... . . . . . .... . .... ..... . Lo pez .. .. ...... .. .. .. .·.... .. .. ... . . llrich ..... ... .. ....... ... ... ... . !fa.r ksmen .. "She asketl 586 Hill .... . ... ....... .. ... .. ....... .. . ·13.2 577 Rcherman ........... ..... ..... . .. 426 either cheek." 565 Hodgkinson ........ ............ . 408 ".Whi ch 558 Kirshman: .... .. . .... ... .. ... .... . 396 on?" 377 ~!~\ Galli ......... . ... . . . . ...... ... . ~i~ I~~ikeali~.:~."........... .... .. ..... .. . . ...... .. ... ... .. . .. .. . ... .. . Peyton CiOl ~haver . .......... ......... , . . .. . . ~oholewski .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kellert. Ba ird )f iller Hirsch ~hufelt to kiss h er o.u did :11s Oo·p-Your honor, there are three Ill Ill 'i' new case·s up ; what shall we :do with them? OHEST'E RFIE:L DIAN . J udgei--Put 'em iri th~ cellaJ' with the nthers .-Georgia C1•ocker. m:i · :::harpshooters, Sco·r e J. tkin son . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 499 Pri~o{'k 1J1e " I hesit.a.tt1d a lo-ng time hrtwe<' JJ i.hem. " - Bwrr. 1 5151 514 514 5121 ..\l baug·h .... , .......... . ..... . . . !5091 Keeney .... . .. ..... . . ... .... ..... . 504 Hart - - -ui------- ~E~TTNli~:U. 496 484 . . . .. . . . .. .... . .. . .. . .. . . 477 475 459 450 442 441 ''You have heal.·d '-vha.t the last wit.ness said/' persisteid the cmrn1 se·l , "and yet your e~i.delnce is to j the contrary . Am I hh i:nfer tha.t y-o u wish t() t.hrrm il oubt on her 1 : veracity?" · The polite yo·u ng man \rnved. a deprecating 1rnnd. "Not a.t all," pm l'c ~lied. "I m~Te1:y . ·wish ~o makEl! it. cleo..r• whaLa liar I am if she's spea.k ing the truth ." - Tit Bts (Lo ndon . ) DON'TS. Don't mMry a. gfrl for h er mnney, Don't. marry a girl that's broke, j Don't ma.rry a. girl · in earnest, Don't many a, girl for a, joke. Don't marry a. girl who· is sI1 ml and fat, Don't marry <i girl who is taU, Th°' 01i,ly way to· he happy, Ts neve1' to wa.r ry a.t. a.II. · · -Exchan.fJe. SPECIAL RAZOR ·BARGAINS AT WHITEAWA Y'S ANNUAL SUMMER SALE Valet Auto Strop. " It's the stropping that Counts" Just slip the strop through the Razor Head and six toand-fro strokes put a perfect shaving edge on the Blade every time. Have you seen Model C. No. IOI ? Valet Razor. Three Tested Blades. Good Leather strop put together in Neat Metal box. Astounding Value The Genuine and Guaranteed London made 11 VALET" Auto Strop Razor. Complete with Strop and blade in serviceable case. Best Value ever offered in Tientsin. Sale Price $1.50 each. Ask for Model 99. Safe Price $2.95 each, 500 GENUINE GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS Model 77 45 only Clauss American Razors. 'sually $1.95 & 2.50 Sale Price $1.20, 1.50 each Sheffield Razors. Usually $1.95 2.50 3.50 4.50 each Sate Price $1.75 2.20 2.95 3,95 ,, Heavy Nickel Plate Razor Complete with One Blade in Neat Box Worth $2.50 Sale Price $1.00 each · GILT MODEL GILLETTE Triple Nickel Plated Razor. With 2 Blades in Gilt Container, Put together in strong Fitted Box Sale Price $2.50 BETTBR QUALITIBS IN STOCK. SHAVING BRUSHES Sale Price 35c., 45c,, 70c. each FINEST QUALITIES Sale Price $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 each ~-------------------------------~-~----- - - - -•n•- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 ~]1 ,, :'"::fi11Y'lTl~ t~ '· f'ORT5 • 15TH INFANTRY DRAW WITH WASEOiA UNIVERSITY. • t[j . 1 TI.UN 0 HJ'I'S. Snodgrass flew .to Nercoto. l':imith hit to the same spot. Ly8t.n<l hit by pitcher. G1rant fanned. One of the greateis t baseball games tha.t has e.vet• been seen in Tienfa;.i n was calliod a,t the end of the se:venteenth inning Sun(la,y, long · a.f ter the sun had gone down a.nd it had become so dark · tha.t it. was difficult to distinguiB-h th e tired dough boys from the b'edra.ggled collegians.. 11'Tom the first inning to the seventeenth it was anybody's. game. Brilliant pla•y& cut. off sure runs, time1 after time · when ha,se runners became dangerous, both! Cunningham a.n d Takeueht , helped themselves out of the hole by the strike out route. Takeuchi fin ally ga.ve way and yield~ed the mound to ' Ohashi, the: victorious portsider of S3lt.urda.y's game , in the. st.vente:enth. The day's glory goes to Big George Cunningh'am. He etuck throughl the c • • enu1re s~ven t (len mnmgs an d was going just as strong at the end as he w::is a.t the beginning. 0 HITS . 5th Inning. . · 0 R.UNS Miyazaki .flied .out to l<~nr!ght. I:Nemoto out Smith to Enright. T j Yamazaki !ri~t out Cunningham to · En. I 0 R1UNS 0 HITS, . ~CToJ\. / Williams fanned. · Enright flow tc. j Segi Hincl~ley safe on Arita's error i and took second when Yamazaki 1dropped the thl'O\V to se8ond. In tryJ ing to reach third Hinckley wmi •thrown out Nemoto to Iguchi. OFFICIAL . 0 R.UNS 0 HITS. 6th lnning . Segi doubled to left. Arita flew out to S'mith. Iguchi singled and '\~'st?le second Kawai .. ~anned and 1 k;. ~ ' ' -'f'"l"ff~ . : Hmckley · threw t6 S.m1£h . catching i.yARRAN,.E t> • r<i) Segi. __;,;_ · .f!' v~Alr. 'l"o lAST l'-(iS . . / or:H w;'\____. 0 RiUNS 2 HITS. -~ Cunningham flew to Kawai. Mc- . \ . Chrystal fanned. ---j third on a bunt to Iguchi. Arita Yamar.nki to Arita. S:nodgrass out 1st Inning . \threw back to third trying to catch Yam azaki Wfl >: an easy out, Cun- Lystad rmcl I guchi m1iffed the 0 RiUNS 0 Hl'l'S. ningham to Enright. Scgi grounded . throw , scoring L~stad. \Villiams 7th Inning. oub to WilliarnR .. Arita. Ai r d O•ut to drew a walk. Enright be::it out a Hirnuro singled and stole second. Snodgrass. . bunt nnd in trying to reach third Takeuchi Jouled out ts:> Hinckley h h a Miyazaki r epeated. Nemoto fanned. 0 R1UNS 0 HI'l'S. j w·n· i rn;ns was .t :own out ~t t ir 0 R1UNS l HIT. t 1f· J s d . t by A1·1ta. Enright out stealing. ]\1r Ch I Smith flew to I\.awni. L(Ystad ·1c ,, 1·vs a annec1. kno grass ou • · Yamazak·i to Arita . 1Sirnith flied out. 1 RUN 2 HITS . grounded out to Yamaza·k.i . G!l'ant to Nemoto. 3rd Inning . . fanned. o R.UNS o HIT'S'. Miyrrnaki singled rind wns arl- 1 0 R;UNS 0 HI'TS. vanced to second on Nemof.o's bunt I '.3nrl Inni1w . C . l Sh Inning. . '"' to unnmg iarn. Y::irna:;r,a 1n grounc1ed v l· d d 1\·1r-nh Iguchi safe on Enright's error. On out t.o °M<'f'hn·st.ril, advnncing Mil~maz:ct n groun e to :· ~· ~ystal. an attempted qn,erifif'e, Kn,n1i force1l h . 1 Seg1 flew Lo G:rant. Arit.a ><mgled 1 1 Iguchi at second, Cunningliam to ,vain {i t.o t ire. ~Pgi,, out, Cunning. I guc h 1. ·fl cw to G rant . o RUN" Williams. Iguchi stole second, and ham to Em'ighk i o 1 RlT · .. • went to thirrl when 'Htinckley's peg 0 RUNS 1 HIT . ! Willinms fanned. · Enright flew to hit him in the head . Himuro and I Hinckley fouled out to Arita. who Arita. Hinckley singled . tlunning'.l~keuchi both fanned. made a beautiful catch in tne bl ee- ham grounded to Takeuchi. chers. Cunningham fonne0. . Mc- 1 O RUNS 1 HIT. 0 R:UNS 0 HITS . Chrvstal walked anrl wns t.hmwn 011l I 9th Inning. Lystad beat ont a bunt nnd stole ·1 · j · stPa in g. Knwai snfe on. Smith's elTor and second. Grant f'l <lvanced him to 0 R.UNS 0 HITS. j stoic second. 'Himuro advanced him 4th Inning. , to t hird on a grounder to 8mith. RU~BER STAMP MANUFAC1UREPS Arit.u oui; Cunninghnm to Enright· 1 ~al;.euchi fan~ed. . Miyazaki out I Iguch1 fl ew 011t to L ysh1 d. I\awai Srmth to Enright . . With patent Air Cushion Mounts stafe on Willi ams bnd throw to 0 R1UNS 0 HITSt. and brass dieplate or cheap wood I Enright and · took second on McChrystal {fow to Kawai. Snod· · · mounts for _T?,!:1gh work • . Chrystal's error. Himuro rounded to' grass grounded to Yamazaki. Smith 1 TIENTSIN PRESS, LT·D. McChrvstal who threw wide to first J :flew to Arita. J scoring' Kawai . Ta.k euchi fanned . i 0 RJUNiS O HITSi. TientBi!l. ~I~~~ "-:~~~· 15'" I I .!.~T~: ~VJ,!Rl[ff '!' '" .. I I I I l\fo-1 THE, SE1N·TINEL. August. 29, 1924. I 17 1Ot.h Inning . Kemoto fanned . Ya.ruazaki out \Yilliams to Enright . Segi grounded 1 + to Smith . O HUNS 0 Hl'l'S. L1y stad out Yamazaki to Arita . and \Villiams fa nned . Pianoforte ,and Organ Manufacturel's. 0 RUN'S 0 Hl'l'8. 11th Inning . Arita flew - to Williani's. Igi:whi · Shanghai, Tlentsln, Peking, Hongkong, Singapore, Kuala ;;ingled . Kawai fa nned. Himuro safe Lumpur. on Williams' error. Take uchi out I 1foChrystal to Enright . _ 0 R.UNS 1 HIT. - -1 Enrigh t - grounded to 'rakeuchi. I HincJrnly singled. C\1nningham-sing-1 Sole Agents for Jed . - M:cChrystal fanned . On an overthrow to second Hinckley at- , tempted to score and was thrown out at the plate. _ 1 0 RiUNS 2 Hl'DS. 12th Inning . New Victor Records Every Month. • v 4::\Iiyazaki fanned. Kemolo hit -t o E nright and t he ball took a bad hop ( and caught Tommy in the eye. \ I'amazaki fieiv out to Smith . Segi out to Enright unassisted . I Repairs a Speciallty.-1'unings by Contract.-Estlmah·s Frte 0 RUNS 1- Hl'l' . ;3.i:10qgrass cmt Takeuchi to Arita. + 1376 Smith -sinaled and was thrown out 0 ,,tealing. I..iystad hit by pitcher . Grant fouled out to Miyazaki. 0 RU-NS 1. HIT. into ~· double. Himuro tlew out to Smith 3ib .. ..... .. . 7 0 2 5- 4 1 1 . 13t~_-I?nmg. . Williams . Ofiashi batting . for Lystad cf .. .. .. .. .. 5 1 2 1 2 0 '> .-\.r1ta out \\ ilhams to Enright. 'l'-tkeuchi out to Enright unassisted. Grant 1f . ............ 6 0 0 0 2 0 I~ ucl;i walked. Kawai safe on E n< o RUNS 1 Hl'l'. Williams ~s ... ... 1 5 0 1 0 4 :.l nght ~ error . _ On a _ double s~eal Hinokley and Cunningham fanned . Enright lb ... ... ... 5 O 1 1 22 2 Iguclu was caught bet.w~en bases. McChrystal flew to K<twai . Hincklev c .: .... .... 6 0 2 1 13 0 o IWNS o HIT::J . H'imuro grounded to W1ll1~ms. - _ I Uunningham p .... 6 0 2 8 0 0 ,. . 0 R1UNS 0 HITS. _ , 17th Inning . \\11Jhams out ~emoto ~o An~a. En· :M iyazaki singled and was ad54 1 10 25 51 7 nght flew to - Ya~azaln. ,_ Hmckley vanced on Nemoto's sacrifice. -'vVaseda 00010000000000000---1 fl ew out to Kawai. Yam~zaki out Willia.ms to Enright. 15th In£. 01000000000000000-1 0 R1UNS 0 .Hl'l'S'. \ Seai hit to the same place. 0 14th Inmng . o HUNS l HIT. _ SUTh.11\1"'\R~. Takeu?hi fl flew to, -;. SnC?lidgrat::;s·. j Snodgrass out Igu.-ihi to Arita. I .t'rin'~e ~H,se Shit,.fiSeg1.h.t 'l'w'oG baste -!t,yazaktf edw~ to :: -'-'1c r.Ys ·l!1- _ IS:mith singled . liystad flew to N_11, ~eg1. -aycn ce k' 1 s,H_ ran -, N-•rr to Smith took second on an emouo _2, , ama,z,a 1, Jllluro . _ emote anne . ~t~o~\ - Mivaza~i . 1Girant fan ned- J Stolen bast;_'-"', Iguchi 2, Lystad , . 0 H:UN? 0 H_ ITS ._ - ~ _ _ _ Cunmngham s1.ngled .. McC1J.rystal Y 0 RiUNS 1 HI1' . H'.muro, l\aw'~J. Double play, :tmled out to Miyazaki. 1S!nodgrass Hmckl~ to Smith. Struck out, by :orced Cunningham at second . GAME CALLJ!;D ON .\CCOU:K'r Cun,ningpam 10, by 'l'akeuebi 11, by -Snodgrass 01:1t stealing. OF DARK:NESS . Ohasi 3. Bases on balls, off CunBOX SCOB.E.. · n!ngham l. off Takeuchi 2.. Hit by 0 RUNS O Hl'l'S. 15th 'Inning . Wa·sedai AB R H A 0 E. p1.tclre·r, Lystad by 'l'akeuchi twice. Yamaza.k i out by t he air l'Oute to Yamazaki 2h . .... . 7 0 0 5 6 1 \ T.m1e of _gan:ie 3 'hrs. 10 min. Um~:y -tad . Segi t ripled over Snodgrass t:ieg)L lt ; ......... .., 8 0 ~ 0 1 U p1res, W1lh01t and Possnecket. ::ea<l . lguchi out Cunningham to Arita lb .. .. ..,.. .. . .. 7 0 1 1 14 1 'unningham to E'n right. Iguch( 3b ; ......... 6 - 0- 2 3 2 1 AS O RUNS 1 Hl'l1 . Kawa,i rf ...... : ...., 7 1 1 O 5 0 - W EDA 9 ARMY 2. •Jmith flew to Yamazaki. Lystei:i<l · Himuro cf ... , .... , 6 0 1 1 0 1 I _ . -.ngled and took third when the ball Takeuchi p .. . __ ... 5 O 0 4 0 0 u the set~oind g;mrn °'~ the series, . l!ed bet.ween Himuro's legs . Grnnt Ohashi p .. .... ..... , .1 O O O 0 0 · ased~, walked a.w<iy :with a;n oive.r:..!t to I guchi who threw Lystad out Miya.ze.ki _0 . ..;.. . ... 7 0 2. 4 18 1 whelmrng score, moist of wl11dt was • the plate . Williams singled . Ep- N emoto ssi .. .1.. .... 5 O 1 3 4 0 -due to errors oin the pa.rt of ·the . ~ht fa nned . - - - - - 15t.h . The oufy runs scored by the 0 RUNS 2 HITS . 60 1 IO 21 51 5 Infantry camel i11 the se·v~nth on a 16th Irining: · 15th Ipfantry AB l\, H A 0 E single' by Willia.riis, triple by Kaw ai singl~d and was ~hrow.n 01'.t . ~fo~hrysta.l _2b , .. , 6 0 ff 3 2 2 Emigh_t, and Britt-'s sacrifice fly. _ -: _econd trymg" to stretch h1s hit Snd,o grass rf ...... 7 0 0 0 2 0 The game by innings. •• S. MOUTRIE & Co., Ltd. - •• ••• I• •• i• •• Victor _Talking Machine Co. ••• •• J • •• i •.. I • s. PHONE •• ! I 1 \-w ·a. 1 i 'r'HE SE·N'rINEL. 18 August 29, 1924. :!!!!!!~!!'!!"!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_.:...__~.~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!.'!!!!!!!!!!! Seg·i walked. Y arua~aki ;;aN•ificed him tu second, Limrnt. to Emight.. Arita :;afti on ~IcChrystal' _error, Segi scori!1g. .Jguehi . siI1ge<l:·.on pop up o,:e~i· 1litche r scoring~ Arita, lgut'hi going to second. Iguchi }'Un dmvn 1U€tween ha.se. ~ - trying Lo go third. Kawai fanned. Z Hiuns 2 Hits. I ce\llter which Lystiad threrw· wild scorrng Iguchi, Himuro taking third. Kawai fteiw to Grnnt. t3' Rum; ~ Hits. · · ., ·. 6TH INNING. 811.odgrass singled. Smith fanne(d. Lystad :£1.ew fo Yamazaki. Grant fanned. 0 Rm1s 0 Hits. a 1 1 2ND INNING. Lystad safe on Mivazaki's €•1'l"m Lyst.a<l <Lnd ste"<lling.' Grant fanned. vYilliarus safe on Yamazaki's error. E:nrigth popped to Ohashi. Box Score. 15th Infantry AB H: H 0 A M ornu•ystal 2b 4 0 1 0 2 Snodgrass rf ... 4 0 1 1 0 Smith 3b 3 0 u 2 1 J,ystad d ······ 3 0 1 2 0 Grant1 1£ 3 0 0 3 0 , 1Williams SS .... 4 1 1 1 3 Enright lb ..... 4 1 1 8 I '. Hinckleiy· c .... . 3 0 o. 5 2 . Linnet p .. -... ... 2 0 0 2 3 i Burns p .. ... .. .. 0 0 0 0 ,I.. Bums pite:hing. Ohashi walked. iK. I Jng p " ........ 1 0 0 0 :.:, Inouye sacrificed him :to second Britt * ·... ..... .. _...__.0 . 0 0 __,0 0 Bums . to Ernrig,h t. Miyazaki walked. filliiig the bases. Yama31 2 5 24 15 zaki flew to. Grant who thr1:1w wild to the platerscoring Ohashi. Arita flew to Lys1tad. * Batted for Burns in sixth. 1 Run 0 Hits. rW!aseda . AB n; H 0 A 7'l1H INNINO. S.e!g'i lf .. . .. . .. .. 1 2 0 1 0 Williams singled. Emig ht tri- Yamazaki 2h ... 3 0 0 ;2; 2 pled scoring Williams. Hinckley Arita lb ......... 5 3 2 8 0 faune<l. Britt hatting fm• Burns lguchi 3b .. ..... 4 1 '2; 1 2 dl'ove out a long fly to Himmo Himuro d .. .. .. 3 0 1 3 0 sco1ring· Enright. McChrysital flew Kawai rf .. . . .. .. 5 0 0 . 1 0 Ohashi p .. .. . .. . 3 1 0 1 3 to Himuro. Inouye ss .. .. . .. 2 1 1 0 1 2 Rum 2 Hits. Miyazaki c ... .. 2 1 1 10 1 Ohashi out on a grounde1r to J,innet. l nouve walked. Mivazaki ow alke d Segi~ fui·ced lnoruye at t.hird, J.dnne.tto Smith. Yaruaza1d 1'·alked . Arita. fmx:ed YumazaJ.;i 3lt second :McChrystal to Williams. 1 0 Runs 0 Hi.ts. 3RD INNING. Hinekley out Inouye to Arita. T,fone.t fanned. McChryis tal singled Snodgrass out Ohashi to Arita. 0 H,u ns 0 Hits. . - __,. 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 __ __ -- B 1 - 4 __. 6 - B 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 King uo,w pitchj.rig. 28 9 7 27 9 2 Ig11chi out Willia.ms to Eniight. Iguchi out J_,iunet, to E1mi ght. Himuro tripled. Kawai out King lo Enright.. Ohashi out Williams Himuro and Kawai fanned. to Enright. U Hm1s 0 Hi1t's. O n ,uns 0 Hits. : For the Convenience 4TH INNING. STH INNING. : of Smith walked. LiVstad ;;acrificed OUR CUSTOMERS. him to ;;econd Igu~hi to Arita. .. S_nodgrass out ~hashi to- Ai~ta. Grant fanned. . W~lliaru::; outJ Smith flew to Segi. L;ys·tad single<l . Gra,nt walked. ;\:Villiams out : WB ARE OPENING OUR Yamaimki t.u Arita. 0 Hun:; 0 Hi1·s. Ohashi to Arita. I 0 R,uns 1 Hit. 1lhashi out ~IcChry:;tal t.o :Euat ri;;ht. Inouye p<>pped to Linnet. Inouye singlel(:l. Miyazaki hit GS TATUNG ROAD, )fiyazuki doubled on a high fly to King who thre1w wide to second, over third bat>e and was thrown boit h men safe. Segi flew to: grant near out tr.'·i ng to ·st~al third, Hinckley bot.h rue111 ~ umaz_a ki fle·w il:'o Snod- I *CORNER BARRACKS ROAD.* to Smith . gr~tss. Onta singled and ' took 0 U,u ns 1 Hit. third , when grant let the ball go * Prompt Deliveries and to the feince scorino·0 Inouye and 4 5'rH INNING. Miyazaki Iguchi w alked. Hinck- : Courteous Service. : Em:ightJ Ht.ruck out.. Hinckley ley pegged to catch Iguchi going NEW LIN ES. : walked. Linnet fanned . :.M:c- sec~nd and V\~illiams. let th~ ball --~ Ohrystal out Yamazaki to Arita. get away seormg Ant.a. Hnnuro hit hy pitched ba.11. Ka,w ai out CALL & LEA VE YOUR · 0 Ituns 0 Hiilis. King to Elnright. ORDERS. : :::l:egi walke~ and stole sei(Jond. 3 Runs 2 Hits. Yamazaki fouled out to Enright. Geo. K. Ward Company! Arita hit to Liinnet wh<Y held the 68 Tatung Road. 9'fiI INNING . ball too lm1g to get . a,.ny one, Segi ~~ Ellll'ight flew . to Iguchi, . Hinck- *Ask Ward!! faking third. lguchi singled over He Knows!* first scoring Segi and · Arita. ley flew ta Himui<o. King' fi:tnned. * 0 R~uns 1 .Hit,, Bimuro ,knocked a long fly to ********************* * !* * !* I! ! I* ** * N E W ST 0 R E ! * * * * !* !* ! ! ! ! * * * * ! * * * * # * --* ! # ! * .. * .· * ********************** ·19 'fHE HEN'rlNEh · August 29, 1924. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . t.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~ :McGhrystal doubled,. over thi~d.· scoring. Yamar.aki Rfole sPcond. Snodgrass advanced him to thnd Arita groun<led out to Smith , on a hunt t-0 Arita. Lystad singled 1 R.un 0 Hits. scormg McChrystal, and stole Grant, flew to. ceintre. Williams seco nd . Grant .,,""rounded to Takeu.. Enright drew a. pass. fanned. chi. .. Hinckley flew j(}, Segi in leift. 1 R,u n 2 Hits. o ·nnrn; O Hitii. 2ND INNING. , Himuro walked and stole second. STH INNING. Ka.wai. . ou.t. Mc._Chr.ystal ~o Enri::rht 1· . Ip:w·hi si 11 gled . . Himi1ro d·o ubled· ailvancing Himuro .to thud . . M:iy- adva.ndpg Iguchi to third. Kawai asaki singled scoring Himuro. g-rounded to Enright wh<} threw . Take1uchi fanned .' Inouye drew a Iguchi out at the' plate. Miya,zaki. pass. · Seg·i forced Inouye at second flew to Snnclgrass who doubled . Himuro at tlie' pla.tei on . a perfect on a grounder to McChrystal. WASEDA WINS 1 Run . 1 Hit. . peg. Willia.ms · fanned. E[llright· CHAMPIONSHIP. 0 Huns 0 Hits. arounded to ;Yamazaki . Hinckley U. S·. INFANTRY BEA1'EN IN :rounded to Takeuchi. Cunnino·ha.m doubled j:o left• cen. . b , FINAL GIAM·E. ' " . 0 R.uns 0 Hits. tre. · McChi·ystal advanced h1m t.o 8RD INNING. th ircl 011 l'l· grounder to Yamazaki; LAR,GE. CR.OWD W ATCH~iS y ama.za ki singled and was o'u t . SnodgraRs hi-t by pitched ha.11, and GOOD BASE.BALL. on an aJtempte<l: steal. Arita £kew ~tole ~econd. . Smit.h walked. - - ·- to Lystad. Iguchi single~. E;im- Lvstad hit. fo Inouye who· thre·W' SO ME SUPERB PJTCHIN.G. uro out Williams to Enright. C~rnningha.m 0°u t aJ the· · pl~~e. 1 .. • -· - ·' - . O R!u.ns 2 Hit.s. Lystad out Inouye fo Arita. · ;: In the final game between tihe C\mningham fanned. McOhry0 Runs 1 Hit. . W aseda :rea.m and ~he 15.th In- · sta.1 flew to Ka.w ai. Snodgrass safe fa ntry Wednesda;y, :Vviaseda won by ~rr Takeuchi's error. Smith 9TH INNING. t he narrow margm of one run and O'J'Orunded out to Yamazaki. Takeuchi flew 0 ut. to McChryRfa1. wound up· .the last game 2-1. In ° lt1ouye popped t<Ji ' Williams. Segi 0 Ru:ns ·O Hits. was a beautiful game .to watch and f:le.w ·to- Grant. 4T'H INNING. kept the large crowd 0£ spectators . Kawa.i out Williams to Enright. 0 Runs 0 Hjts. on their toes the whole Wil·Y: .The l Miyazaki flew to Snodgrass.. I ro:n:n::lJ::(J:!l:n::o::o:rl::O::'{J;:{l:::():!l:::()::{!:l:Um::r _\.rmy was the first. to score m the Takeuch~ out McChrysta.l to En- u P~rst inninO' wh~n Mic.Ohrystal . ht }:::( ):! . ., . , , rig .. ·~ doubled and scored o•n Lyst~d 8 o Runs O Hits. }:{ · }:::( '-ingle. That w~s the last SC?rmg Lystad grounded to Yamazaki. }:::( ·hat the Army did. I:r;i the e.ighth Grant and Williams fanned. §. . DAVIDSON ~ · -hey filled the 1hases with only o~e O Runs O Hits. · :.way but the next two ha.tteQ's hit 5TH INNING. }:::( -asy i~fie~d. grounders that weire Inouye fanned. Segi out to En: -;15y pickmgs . for Indllye, . who right unassisted. Yamazaki }:::( _layed a pretty game at. short. grounded out to- McChrystal. ~ J:L The ·waseda aggrega.tion evened ()'Runs ·o Hits. -~~~J.. )61J- }:::( }:: { -he count in the second. on _a walk, · Enright fanned. Hinckley flew }:::( . stolen bas·e, an,d a sm~le. Thhe to centre. Cunningham, fanned. · }:::( .,.inning .run was scored ui the 7t · ()' Runs O Hits . E iter two we·r e down. An erro•l'., 6TH INNING. ll "tolen base• a.n d ano,t her er~9r put . Arita. out. fo Enright unassisted. }:::{ }:::( wr one . run that was sufficient t~ Iguchi s11.£e on Enright's error. ):::( .,...in. Cunningham a.n d Take111chi Himuro &in(J'led. Both men ad- ):::( l1 -~ ~ pitch.ed superb hall, Takelichi vanc.ed on : ~oµble. ~teal. Ka,wa.i ):::(§ A new Alemite lubricating }:::( ~ · n ng slightly the edge o_f the : farmed. M1ya.za.ki . out ..on a _gument·. However, . without II gromidea- to McChrystal. . · system, .. a new aluminum ~~ or·, the fJCore should ha.ve been , O Runs .1 Hit, alloy piston motor and a }::( :::.e to ome: and another e!Xtra inning II McChrystal m1t Y a.mazaki · tQ • . new : color-a real 'outdoor Jntest would no dou.M h ave en- Arita. Snodgrass safe. 9n Ya.ma.Olive Green-are the ,three --:;:d, zaki's error. Smith out Ya1;i1a.zaki notable new features of the to . Arita. advancing Rnodgrass. ScoRE BY INmNGs. 1924 Harley-~Davidson - ·- , !ST INNING. · / J,ystad gro·u nded out t-0 Inouye. :egi fanned. Yamazaki safe on O Runs 0 Hits.; - - -.·. ·rh's error and . took second 1\ 7TI{ INNING. ~ hn Tommy E'n right hit him .in Tab1uchi out . to Em·ight un&: .:.u "'. back on an attempted steal. I assiste~. Inouy~ out McCh';ysU:l .:...::ta fanned. Igu~hi grounded \to Enright. Seg1 s11.fe on Enright. ~ .. PEKING ,· '1'.IENTSIN - o Williams. error a.n d stole sec0>nd; Ya.iniaza.k i O Runs 0 Hits. I safo on McChrystal,.s error, Segi · i:O::tl:{}::{}::{}::{l;l):::(J:!·t:n:(J:ll:::():::()::O:U:UUtJ::(ll 15th Infantry :. ..... 00000.0200-S W a Reda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20003103x-9 Summary-T'hr.e e. . 1:>~se hits, Enright, B:imuro. Two base hits, Miyazaki, Sam·ifiice Hifa, Yamazaki, L.ystad, Inouye, Sacri• fi ce flys, Britt, Segi. · Stolen _base, Siegi. St.rnek o.u t: by Ohashi 10, hy ·L innet 3. Bases o·n halls off Ohashi 3, 0>ff Linnet 5. off Burns;i_ a.ff King 1. Hit by p·itcheir, Himuro brv ·· King. · Umpires Fukanaga. a.;1d Wilho,i t.. . ~ 1 . RLEY HA · . I }:: ( I }: ( § § § I § I E. W. , FRAZAR Co. · 22 THE, SEiNTINELi. August 29, 1924. ~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!'.!~:!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!~~-TWldl"~ ! ! £ ! !;!£ ! £ !?!!!£ ! !? !£ ! !'!?"£ HORNSBY AND RUTH IN LEAD I Rogers Hornsby of t,h e S.t. Louis _, AMERICA WINS AS BATTE~S. iCla.rdi_nals, co~ti1:1ues at J1h e top of OLYM'PICS. VANCE AND THURSTON Al)E \the list of N~twnal Leiag~e bats·· · ·· · · · " men, and he is so far out in front BEST A.MONG THE PITCHERS I that only an unexpeeteid slump on Ba,h e Ruth . C~1~tinu~1Jt to hold swa,y as thti leading ba.tsm:a.n of the American League, .a ccording to the la.test unofficial averages. Hoiweveir, Ruth's ma.rgin is small a,s Archdeaco1n of Chicago is pres~in_g him few foe: honours, only 2 percent.age points be,hind, whilei Falk Gf the Whi1te Sox is third, Goslin of the Se-nafo,rs is fourth and Cobb o:f D~tr()>it is fifth in. the list. Scoired~Ruth, O'- a,se Detroit, 30. H"t H 811.1 maJm, l .·S - . . Y Most Stolen Chicago, '26. The summary of the Olympic Games, cabled :from l'.aris, place;; Ame rica .first, in final track and fi.e ld standing. H.M. Osborn from Uhicago captured < the decat.hlon r champ.jo,n ship :with his co:unJryma.n E!merson Norton sec0nd. Ob1b1orn I piled up more points .t han any othe1'. athlete taht has ever ente:r ed the Olympics. .Finland follows America for second pla.c~ having Imade a clean u~ o~ all the distant Iraces. Eli ght world's and 13 Olympic reco,r ds were broken seiven Le1aders in other phase;s 0£ the .of which were credited to Am.erica. play follow : · The final standings 01£ the nations u ng, N · are : America. ~'55 po,i n t.s ; Finland Scored-Y , 1 Most R,u ns 0 ew , 166 ; Grea,t Brita.in 85! ; Sweden Yo,r k, 74. France 26!; ·Italy 19; i Moot Basel Hits-Hornsby, St. 3li; Switzeirland 15; South Africa 11; Louis, 139. Hungary 10!; Austtalia; 10; . Canada. 8; Norway 6; Argentina Most Two-Base Hits--Hornsihy, , 5. New Zealand 4. E isthonia, 4 · St. Louis, 26. . !' Holland 4 '· Denmark 3 •·· Japa.n 1 ''. ·· · Most Three-Base Hit,s~Roush, I China 1. I Cfocinnati, 15. · . . I , ,, · . . . , A _resume oi outst~ndmg eive~ts , Most :f!ome: Runs-Fourmer, : as prnked up by radrn and whmh j B.rooklyn, ~2. . · might help you visuaHze the miost 1 ! I 1· . I Most Th1•e:e-Ba.se. H1ts-Goslm :\Vashington, 12. ' · , Most Hoime RunS1--Ruth, New °'rk, 29. I f·is I' Nfost- Base Hi.ts--Oobh, Dettmit, Tw · B 1 I New 130. M: o~t ,_,.n ,Q1J.' ,T D R',ElCORDS· n :.cU hlADK olwn part or a sudde'": sensa:?na:f spurt b_y anothe~· will ke~p .1m, Tom agam ca.p turmg t~e h~tting honours o·f the circrut. ~~i'nsh;y has 1.11ade a mark of 416. s ere 1 ~ a wide g·a,p beit:ween the '- t. Lo:iis slugger and his neia rnst coom:petitor, Z_ach W~eiat. of ~he Robms, who is _:iext m line. with an average or .3 i8. 'WJ:rn~t is fol~ lowed by .Ciu~ler . of Prbtbur~h, R1ous~ o_£ Cmc_mnat.i and Fournrnr in 0£ B1ooklyn. Following are1 the. lea.de:rs others of the play : Most Runs York, 92. E"1IGHT ! ! Base~-Collins, I Most Stolen Bases-Ca,i-ey, tsburgh, 24. . Pit~ sperc1:.~oul~r ~f all. Olympics eiver held is a~ follows. - I Thei 400-metea.' ~ndividual run Pitcher-Turston', Chi- I L1eading Pitcher-Vance, B<rookand relay vvi.tnessed the mos~ cago, 16 victories, 4 defe.a,t s, per-1 lyn, 15 viicto·r ies, 4 defeats, p·erstartling assaults against time, the i cen tage . 789. . · centage 800. ,r ecords ·for eiach being lowered XXXXXXXXXXMX~XX~~~~~XXXXXXX~X~XXMXXXXMXMXXX N _ "" • "'4 ' • M thr't:1e times', with E. H. L~ddell o.£ X T x. ;r E . N E '-V'T 1'( . Great Britain holding the former ~ J.-'".1. "VY ~ ma,i-k which Jo!leph Imbach of L~1ading .X X X JC xX X 'l X X ~ E s S·E x i_ x = .x X sIx 1 (MOTOR BUILT UNDER HUDSON PATENTS> Low initial cost combined with economy of operation. A THIRTY MINUTE RIDE WILL WIN YOU X p ac1•t/.C • T ra d In • g C,o,' / nc. R ~ .. Motor Car Dept. B lC 30 Taku Road. ,a TEL. 8 • 193 o, 8 • 4 3 4 R , lC X Switze· r land States and H.also M.held Fitch lit\ the United :for ofa N t lIDC. ' X x In the rela,y the United States X M foam twice cut the reco·r d · figure, X ill1 after the British quarter had star· X ted the reicord-I:wea.kin<P habit. 0 Other . world · marks were m~de in the running broad jump by Robert ! X ~ J. egendre of the United States, X the ' decathlon hy H. Ml. Oshori:J.a ~ of the United States, the 400~ meter hurdles by Morga.n. T'aylor of the United States, ·:the 10,000~ meter run hy Ritofa !}f Finland, the hop, step and jump, by A. W .• ~ :W inter o-f Australia and the 1600~ i meteir relay by the United Sltates. X x x = ~ 'rhese ma,i-ks also stood as new Olympic standards, in addition to _MJ(XJICXJCXXXXXXXXXXXXXMXXXXXJCJIUCXXXXXXXX~JCXXXXX I which the latte~ list had :three con. August 29, 1924. -...... • 1-..::.. ______, ~~,~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I~!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!~ b~ t.ribiutions Nurmi fo·r .thEi dis-· 1 t.heir victory by superior speie!d fo I Klei'mberg, E&thonia, 7.339:,36; tances of 1500, 3000 and 5000 - passing the baton, in which they fourth, J onni Myrm, Finland, me,t e!fs. Others were made1 by outclassed the British. ThEl time, 7005 :175; fifth, Sutherlan d, South OSlborne in the running high jump, · 41s. fJ.a,t, equaled the world record Africa,, 6794.142 sixth, Gerspach , and C. L. Houser, the Californian . made an hour before by the United Swifaerland 6743:.53. rnllegian, in the discus throw. ·states 'in the first heat of the semi_ finals against Switzer!~nd . Alth°'ugh the United Sta.t es, in. T'hei sweep of the United States a convincing and final eixhibitj® in the field events, where the AmNurmi, as usual, ran all opposi- of ,their all-round supr_emaey, ericans ta:ok seve,n; 01f ten first places, tion into the ground be:fore the shatter'ed two' mm·e· world's a.nd one offset the setbacks on thei kack 3000-meter te,am race was half (Hympi6- record Sunday, the. pre... whern Great Britain upset the Am- over. J. W. Ray, Illinois A. 0., mier mantfo ol Olympic triun,1ph' erican hopes mi the 100 and 400 was le,ading at thei one kilomete'l' went fo the neiw F 'i nnish heroi, meter c:went.s, while Finland sw·e pt whei:e Nurmi joineid him and ran A. 0. StenrO'OIS, who raced undffi' ~very distance race from the 1500- him orff his feet i11 one lap. R;ay a blazing sun to the ic1assic Maram EJfatrs up, a foat unpara.lled in was icaught succ.eissively by R,itola. ihon championship, a victory Olympic annals . a.n d a, B.ritish competifor, \a,ndi fini-1 whic~ capped thei climax t.? Fi~shed way back. l and s clean sweep of t.he drntance Nurmi gaj:.s credit for only three , / , . 1 l'aces and gave the little N Q'rdto 1 individ.lial victories alth.o'Ugh . he Nurmi a,n d Ritola, who )inished country the greatest laureJ:s it hiu~ ad ua.lly won four, iJ.1;cluding the in that orde\ ·, were fresh aft.er a erve1• know:r;i... ·. 1 t riump·h in _the 3000-mete:I'. te~m hard ri-rne, in which the. Olympic i Stenroos, a, 37-ye,a,r old Helsingra ce in which then~ were; no in- recm·d was broke.n, N urnu corvermg f o:rs' wmkman runninO' his first dividual scores. Rei and Ritolai, who t~e distance in Sm. 3S's. The pre- competitive . M~rathon ;a,c1e in 15 ran every d~,y . ~n t.he games, ~1ach vwus record. Sm. 36 4-5~., was years, sped over the 26 .miles or '<'ored 80 pmnts a,nd tog-ether a.i ded made by Hannes Koh~hmamein at eountrv road fo, one of the most Finland to .gather in _20 mo.rel in Stoc,kho!m.'.: 1912. Ritol~ ,)Vas 80 imprc1;sive victo.ries in t:he history. ~he team sco•res. R1t.ola shares :va.r ds behrnd at thei finish, and of t,}ie · blue nbbon ev·ernt. Ha double vidforv hono,rs with two 1 Nurmi eased up. E. B. ~irby, ·tWoRsecl the ·finish li~e inside the _\mN·ica.ns. Osho,rne': wh? won thei I (Jo,~·nell: waR, th~ first America,~ to stia clium mnid a great ov.a,tio~ in 7 <>cathlon ailld t,h e hig-h 1ump and j fimsh, JUSt heatmg- "ebber. Grnat 2h 42m. ~2 3-s. nearlv six nimUiHouser who waR a . victor in the , Brifajn: for sixth plac:e. W. I'.. t.eis' in ·f ront of 'his n~~rest · riv~l. diEeus throw and the shot put. I Cox, ~errcersburg' Academv,-. fim- n :omeo BeTt3.ni o:f Italy, :with c_.!. sh ed eighth . and W L. .Tibbetts H. De Mar Mielross, ~fasrs:. , . the U rg·o Jrrigerr io o.£ Italy proved .Tr., Harvar~. by commg- m twelf- Ame,rican veterran, finiRhi:p,g :i: himself king of t:he 1924 Olympic f.h. made third pla:c.e secure £otr the close t,h ircl , fo send the Stars and •allrnrrs, just as he did at Anrtiwerp Strine~· up . to the: Olvmpic ma;;;b:n 1920. He won the 10,000-met€'r TJ nited States. h.,.ail · for the MHrathon for the ~all: (6 mileis 376 yards) in 47m. C. S. C<ichrarr goavB America a first tirn'l since 1912. ~9s. , t1h us placin[i Italy in tha 10-yaJd lead over,_ Grea.t Brifain :r. )ring column for the first tiimei. in t.he firs·~ quarter of the 1600--ot a g-rea.t deal of int.N·e st was meter relay. H' E. Stevenson, . Petrifie!(L-Hm•ace-"Wha,t. did ynur· wifa Jrnve to1 say ·when: vO:u ;'.l_o" n in t.his e<v'ent, and the <led- running supe,r bly, ~tend ed the came in aj:. four this morning?'' -~ on of the intea.·'n.at1onal Olvmpfo I le?.d a f~ yards, Great . Britain -,...,1miHee fo remocve it from future still holdmg second. The SweiM:aurice~"Did~'t ha.ve a, word - nn nio proQ'rri.ms is believed to dish runner in the third quarte11 to say." ..-e been vindicateid. spe1e!deid past the British, and i'erluced America's, lead slig-htly, riJ- · Horace,--" 'S ma.Her, tongue'The 40p-met~r relay rac: e final .I t.h'.oug-h .T. 0. MacDonald . ran well. tied?" _:=sol rnd itself mto a duel beitwoon Tu the: fourt.h quarter A. B. H elf-~~ U nited States and Great Bri~ f:rieh accepted - the challeinge of JVIaurice~"Noi, I put. cement, in ~ · 'n. Holland being five m S:ix both Briton and S'-weden and wor e ,tier bea.uty cla.y . "-Bernr Skin,. - :-ds in the rear. Francis Hus- them out a:t fast pace. H~ :6ni, ~,...-: No: 1 o~ the AmeTi.· can team, s.h~cl fully 15 ya.r ds ahead orr the - . goooooooooco?OOOOOO~~ - _s:ed up two yards on. · H.M. fWwnd man. -o 0 _·cahams. Great Britain, in the . . 0 -0 .::=s: 100 meters showing grea t H. M . . Osbi0rn, Illinois A. 0., ~ atson t&) 0 ~ ---::-.= _ L. A. Clarke No. 2 mo'1'e j eaptured th~ decathlon champ10n- 0 '. '--· · , ~ · •5 ~ held his ow_n with_ R~ngel_eiy \ship, with his countrymai;- Elm~rChemists and Druggists. - .=: Loren M:urchrnsm1 ·did hkerwi~e son N o~·ton, s_eoond and .Khemberg, 0 .-~ his opponent. The Amen- Esthoma, third . The figures for / 0O O - < • :fourth man, J. A. Le Coney, \ this .event were ,announce~. a,t the , O _ S? Victoria Road, ..,, - ' m seven to ei~ht feet. lea,d olpenmg ,,,~ u~1 d ay ~ competii t..ions as 00 0 -::.~ h e srt::arte<l a.g amst Nwhol. I follows. First Osborn, with the o TIENTSIN. o - ::c:.creased this a little" and then I world record breaking :figures j 0 ··oack, winning by 'a. ya,r d and [ 7710.175; second, Emerson Nori.on, e :_ . The Ame,rieans helped I Georgetowr,i, 7350.895; tford goo ~~?OO~OO~OOOO~?_OOO I 1· 1 •• :.._ 0 1 I I a gA w c g g ! I T g _g 24 THE SE1N'rINEi.•. · August 29, 1924. ~~~~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERSHING ~:··:• ..:••!••:•·!••!••!••:••!••!••!;•!••!···.~·············i···· FIELD. • . . ' . . • • • • • l,I 0 H-1NA TH EAT RE 8 J . LTD • :!: - THE :i: TO-NIGHT :~: AMERICAN EXPRESS :i: ( • . ·:~ COMPANY, Inc. :!: The Empire Theatre FROM SAND HEAP TO NATIONAL PRIDE·. FORERUNNER OF ID~AL COMMUNITY HEALTH, •;• •:• · The big pa,r k and playground at Je1rsey City nameCli in honor of Gen:era.l John J . Pershing ha.;; b2corne na1tiionally known, a1nc1 many lities have requested c.opies of the plans. of this :field:. :::: t· ••• •!• 173 V1'ctor1'a Road. Traveh~rs Cheques Th e I n t erna t'tona 1 C urrency. Sold Everywher~. Accepted Anywhere. •!• •!• Saturday' August, 30th at 9.15 Presents ::: +!• ' Don Juan · A Magnificent Production of Scenio ••• : S PIen d our, A F ascinating Story of ::: Beautiful Spain Based On The Novel ·!· 1 by Willy· Rath: Presented as a big •i• s ,:··:··:··:··:··:··:··:··:··:·~···:··························:· . E ere en s pectac1e. ' . . . • • •••••• · -· I mpire Cinem~ ••• +•>t r - . Pershing Field is nnw a completed · improvement. lt covers many acres r~oms, . i.s to be found on. the gmun'1 I · , . u of ground .thu.t a few shcxrt years 8.go 1oor. .The upp er story hoJ.ds a band.~ (Kwang-Ming) . Satur~ay, Au~ust 30th, at 9.15 were netthmg hut a1s.imd heap and an efand m the cente~. with n lad:es -. _Daily Matinee at 3 .p.m. eyesore to the community at Jarg~. resit room on the sK1e. When th? present city. 01!°5cin..ls took , On top ~f_ a.. gras&-terrnced incli~e ANl\!'ETTE KELLE RM.AN up the rem<> od' the m.umc1pal govern. !IJ:e fou~d SL\: of the fin est tenms tn ment, one of the fii«~t improvements court;;; u~ the country, , an~ many of ' What '\Voinen Love' made. vva.g tbe .turning of this W'ast•3 1 the lead.m g pla;yerSt_ ~f this popular _A Tale of Tumultuoqs Co~rtshi . )and mto a, ve.r1tahle patadise for the ~port have t.a ken part 1Il tournaments THRILLS en land under se ., city'.s growing g.eneration, thereby in the pa~.t oo•ruoon . ~here aa<e gravel _the liigh heaven. ' The M~s{n R~~ . plaiemg Jersey City, on ~h.e map a.s ~a,~l1S, wlth ~ b:~rd~rmg of &ra.ss and 01arkable Underw.ater Corned and one of the prcgress1vE1 e1tics of the ! shrn?s on eith:r side, lea<lmg to ct Fight Ever Photogra he/ country ] spacious park . Al.so Sh ow mg · . {) ,. · A m ,the center of . the · · 1 t' e eva wn. . s.un1rnn garden, lmed ' B A' T. rr rr • , . A word picture of this field an.l I w1th bea.i:.;tiful fiorwer:>; and ~hrubbc·ry, .. . • • l QW n ,l op res . play ground can hardly describe the ImaJrns. tlns spo~ one of the show (Chrnese ,Boy Scouts Depart.u re for . . .Denmark) improvement . A third of a mile places of ..the city:, and t o socuth is - cinder track, declared to be one ,~.f found the "Kiddies paradise ,'' .with 'Brownie the '.the finest. circles the athletic. fielde its: lai!.'ge wa,ling pyaL swingsi. basketPeacemaker' ln&ide of this oval is to he found ba.se- ball court. sand-r,1t, imd ot her equip . baJl Q.ia.i:p.ond,; and a modem a.t hle·t·ic men!· th.at ~rings delight and u, rny · Ad .CC<;>medy tn 2 reels) field. · ' of sunshme to these little ones.. ~Here mission: 40 and 30 Cents thousands of little tots who hereto' (Small Money) During the winter m0!11ths · th is fore never knew what a. playgrounr1 huge in-field is f! C1odccl and many wa.s 1 other than t.he city streets, ' · .Ex-German Concession . thou.sands, of people from .Tersey City gaither during the &tirnmer mcmths, Saturday, August 30th , :;it 9.15 and vicinity en1joys the wo1nderfu1 and under th e care of two trained instructor'S pla1y gnmei:; and learn to beAJ;.JCE. TEI3RY · .oorntjng. Overlookj.ng the t.rack is a beautiful come rea,) men and women. · rn comm.unity house, with an the. a.p. . .' Turn to· the Right' poci.ntment.s of a pla.o~ e of this: kind. Everyone can dO' somet.hin"' ·to The picture you Gan't wrong on. :world better; h e at A Metro-Rex Ingram Production. E.verythmg for. the athlet e, such a11. ml:tke shower baths, Jodrnrs , an.ct dress.i n~ .11 lea.st improve himseH. 8 Re~ls . . 8 Reels Also Showing · I 1 d· I THE BIOGRAPH the _c:n 'Burglar's ·Bride' EVERYTHING MUSICAL!' ADMISSION :-80 and 40 Cents. NOTICE! !I From lst September BIOG RAPE will be run as a one price theatr e.· A LL SEATS 50 CENTS. Daily Matinee at 6 p.m. I Night Performance at 9. 15 p.m. ·1' LATEST MUSIC AND RECORDS IN STOCK. TENOR BANJOS, UKULELES, GUITARS AND BANJO MANDOLINES, ETC. AT COMPETIJIVE PRICES. ROBINSON PIANO OPPOSITE GORDON .HALL. co., LTD. Peking .Pavillo Saturday, August 30th, at 9.15 The Commercial Press Limited Presents Their Latest 'chinese Super. Production. 'The Va}iant Brothers A.Dramatic Photoi>lay in 10 B i Reels · · · · Also Showing ' 8. A . .T. To~n Topics · (Kalgan Ffood).