cycling tour - Velo
cycling tour - Velo
cycling t o u r 08 heritage of the past and will of the present regional and local infrastructures 16 km | 2 hours and 30 minutes summary of the tour – theme This bicycle journey shows how a network of bicycle lanes has developed in Anderlecht, taking advan tage of various heritages and opportunities: 1) Charleroi canal that crosses the town from south to north and that was already a "velocipede" itiner ary in 1894; 2) boulevards large enough to accept bicycle lanes or that had them from the start, such as the boule vards that were built in the second half of the twentieth century; 3) in the west, Neerpede zone that kept a certain rural character and, because it is situated at the bor ders of the region, calls upon a bike ride. Today, there are 30 kms of paths and 13 kms of bicycle lanes in the town of Anderlecht. In many cases, regional and local infrastructures complete each other. However, the region and the local authority do not always follow the same logic. For instance, town boulevards have recently created cycle lanes outside of public roads, whereas for the regional boulevards, a few paths of the same kind have just been replaced with marked bicycle lanes. bbs-gc Mainly, the guided tour shows 'heavy' infrastructures. Incidentally, we have the opportunity to see bicycle bands, advanced zones for cyclists, limited one-ways and parking for bicycles. route description 1. Canal route: the bargain of a towpath KM 0,0 – H 0:00: Departure from Tour & Taxis – Havenlaan / Avenue du Port – Saincteletteplein / Place Sainctelette plein – Koolmijnenkaai / Quai des Charbonnages – Henegouwenkaai / Quai du Hainaut – Ninoofsesteenweg / Chaussée de Ninove – Mariemontkaai / Quai de Mariemont – Fernand Demetskaai / Quai Fernand Demets – Biestebroeckkaai / Quai de Biestebroeck – KM 4,2 – H 0:26 – at the entrance of Biestebroeck basin: our guide explains the importance of the channel route and the advantage to cross the intersection by going underneath. – Biestebroeckkaai / Quai de Biestebroeck – Paepsemlaan / Boulevard Paepsem. 2. Ring road B: a "Ring" for cyclists Paepsemlaan / Boulevard Paepsem – Frans Van Kalkenlaan / Avenue Frans Van Kalken – (Cross over the Bergense steenweg / Chaussée de Mons) – Aristide Briandlaan / Boulevard Aristide Briand KM 5,9 – H 0:47 – on the central berm: our guide gives us the goal of the regional bicycle itinerary type ring road where we get off for a series of boulevards with central berms and rotundas. They are regional roads with marked bicycle lanes. 3. Regional roads: marked bicycle lanes Aristide Briandlaan / Boulevard Aristide Briand – Théo Lambertlaan / Boulevard Théo Lambert – Maurice Carême laan / Boulevard Maurice Carême – KM 7,4 – H 1:06 – on the removed bicycle lane: our guide enlightens us on the region's arguments to replace the bicycle lane outside the road with a marked one. Until the "Green Walk", we take advantage of the bicycle openings in one part of the "System Park" in the town of Anderlecht – Maurice Carêmelaan / Boulevard Maurice Carême – Vijver park / Parc des Étangs – Marius Renardlaan / Avenue Marius Renard – Jean Vivespark / Parc Jean Vives – Joseph Bracopslaan / Boulevard Joseph Bracops – Sylvain Dupuislaan / Boulevard Sylvain Dupuis 4. "Green Walk": regional trunk, local branches, extra-regional ramifications Sylvain Dupuislaan / Boulevard Sylvain Dupuis – Joseph Bracopslaan / Boulevard Joseph Bracops – Shakespearelaan / Boulevard Shakespeare – Peterbospark / Parc du Peterbos – KM 10,7 – H 1:37 – in front of Peterbos footbridge: our guide points out the "Green Walk", which the town of Anderlecht has enriched with many other promenades accessible to cyclists. The commitment to this type of itineraries has even resulted in a citizen approach for the defence of the Peterbos footbridge. – Peterbospark / Parc du Peterbos – Maria Groeninckx-De May laan / Boulevard Maria Groeninckx-De May 5. Town roads: central berms that encourage beginners in cycling Maria Groeninckx-De Maylaan / Boulevard Maria Groeninckx-De May – René Berrewaertslaan / Avenue René Berrewaerts – Félix Paulsenlaan Boulevard Félix Paulsen – Henri Reysquare / Square Henri Rey – KM 11,6 – H 1:52 – in the middle of the square: our guide enlightens us on the town's arguments to make the central berms accessible to cyclists. – Henri Rey square – Maurice Herbettelaan / Boulevard Maurice Herbette – Koloniale-Veteranensquare / Vétérans Coloniaux square – Jules Graindorlaan / Boulevard Jules Graindor – Henri Nestlérotonde / Rond-point Henri Nestlé – Birminghamstraat / Rue de Birmingham 6. Limited one-way: shortcut for the well-informed cyclist Birminghamstraat / Rue de Birmingham – Hertogin van Brabantplein / Place de la Duchesse de Brabant – Vander straetenstraat / Rue Vanderstraeten – Olifantstraat / Rue de l'Elephant – Paalstraat / Rue de la Borne – Schoolstraat / Rue de l'Ecole – Ribeaucourtstraat / Rue de Ribeaucourt – Picardstraat / Rue Picard – Havenlaan / Avenue du Port KM 16,0 – H 2:30: arrival at Tour & Taxis contact details For more information on this technical tour, please contact: Piet Slosse Blijdschapsstraat 107 / Rue de la Gaîté, 107 1070 Anderlecht 02/523.03.04 | 0495/80.90.01 [email protected]