File - Yupiit School District
File - Yupiit School District
Yupiit School District Classified Support Staff Handbook 2011-2012 1 FORWARD The Yupiit School District School Board policies, administrative rules and regulations, and Alaska state and federal statutes provide the foundation and structure for the Classified Support Staff Handbook. In most instances, the directives represent an abbreviation or paraphrasing of existing and original school district documents located in school-site administrative offices. It is strongly recommended that staff who are seeking further clarification, insights and guidance for adhering to and/or implementing any given school district policy, rule, regulation and state and federal statute, review the original source if cited (i.e., BPBoard Policy/AR-Administrative Rule/E-Exhibit). The Classified Support Staff Handbook shall be applicable for all classified support staff except as may otherwise be specified in an employment contract approved by the Superintendent. The handbook is not a contract, but merely a set of general operating guidelines and principles that can help staff effectively and efficiently support the creation and nurturing of quality teaching and learning environments. Although the Classified Support Staff Handbook represents a collection of the most relevant governing and managing school district operational standards, it is imperative that those entrusted with supporting the educational mission and goals of the school district apply their best professional judgment and common sense at all times. No other expectations than “caring” and “protecting” the well-being of the children entrusted in our care should take precedence. It is absolutely essential that all staff members take the necessary time to review this handbook annually and ensure there is no doubt to the meaning and intent of its contents. 2 Table of Contents District in General School District/Schools ………………………………………………………………...……. Mission Statement ………………………………………………………………………..……. Philosophy ………………………………………………………………………………..………. School District Goals ……………………………………………………………..…………… District/School-Site Improvement Plans ……………………………..……………… School-Based Management/Site Councils ………………………………...…………. Budget Advisory Committee ……………………………………………………...……….. Organizational Chart …………………………………………………………...……………... School Calendar ………………………………………………………………...………………. School Work Day/Week/Year …………………………………………...………………. Teacher-In-Charge/Principal’s Principal …………………………………………….. Harassment/Sexual Harassment …………………………………………...…………… Public Concerns/Issues …………………………………………………………...………… Establishment of Positions ………………………………………………………………… Employee Status ………………………………………………………………………………... School Security …………………………………………………………………………..……… Tobacco-Free Schools/Smoking …………………………………………………..…….. Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace ………………………………………………..……. Open/Closed Campus ……………………………………………………………….……….. Visitors ………………………………………………………………………………………..……. Safety …………………………………………………………………………………………..……. Infectious Diseases …………………………………………………………………….……… Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies ……………………………………………………… Bloodborne Pathogens ……………………………………………………………………… Environmental Safety ………………………………………………………………………… Hazardous Substances and Pesticides ………………………………………………… Cellular Phones/Portable Electronic Devices ……………………………………… Computers/Printers ………………………………………………………………………….. Internet …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Electronic Mail (E-mail) …….……………………………………………………………….. Maintenance/Repair Requests ……………………………………..…………………….. Campus Disturbances/Crisis Response Plan …………..…………………………… Intruders on Campus ………………………………………..………………………………... Child Abuse/Neglect …………………………………………………………………………... Confidential Information ……………………………………………………………………. 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 Student-Family Privacy Rights ……………………………………………………………. 18 Employment in General Equal Employment Opportunity …………………………………………………………. Nondiscrimination in Employment ……………………………………………………... Standards/Expectations ..…………………………………………………………………… Job Descriptions ………………………………………………………………………………… Recruitment and Selection …………………………………………………………………. Hiring and Promotion ………………………………………………………………………… Assignments ……………………………………………………………………………………… Extra Duty Assignments/Schedule ……………………………………………………… Compensation .…………………………………………………………………………………… Health Examinations ………………………………………………………………………….. Legal Status Requirement …………………………………………………………………... Insurance/Retirement Plans/Payroll Deductions ………………………………... Holidays and Leave ……………………………………………………………………………. Personnel Records/Files ……………………………………………………………………. Professional Evaluations/Supervision ………………………………………………... Separation ………………………………………………………………………………………… Dismissal …………………………………………………………………………………………… Termination Agreements …………………………………………………………………… Suspension/Disciplinary Action …………………………………………………………. Employment References …………………………………………………………………….. Nonschool Employment ……………………………………………………………………... 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 25 26 26 27 32 33 33 34 36 36 37 37 Support Staff in General Codes of Ethics …………………………………………………………………………………... Professional Conduct …………………………………………………………………………. Attendance/Absence ………………………………………………………………………….. Dress and Grooming …………………………………………………………………………... Advertising and Promotion ………………………………………………………………… Media Relations …………………………………………………………………………………. Relations With Vendors ……………………………………………………………………... Contracts …………………………………………………………………………………………... Volunteers ………………………………………………………………………………………… Staff Concerns/Complaints ………………………………………………………………… Political Activities ……………………………………………………………………………… Publication/Creation of Materials ………………………………………………………. 4 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 40 41 42 42 District in General School District/Schools School District: Yupiit School District Schools: Akiachak, Tuluksak and Akiak Mission Statement To educate all children to be successful in any environment. Philosophy The School Board is committed to providing a program of instruction which offers each and every student an equal and equitable opportunity to develop to the maximum of his/her individual capabilities. The Board further believes all students can succeed regardless of their ethnicity, background, gender or ability. School staff shall ensure this philosophy is reflected in all school programs and supporting educational activities and in all that they do. [BP 0100] School District Goals The School Board is committed to educational excellence and self-evaluation and believes the school district exists to meet the diverse and unique needs of students, parents/guardians and other community members. It is, therefore, important that citizens are afforded viable ways and means for freely expressing their expectations for their school district and each of its schools. The Board strongly encourages students, parents, staff, and all other community members and organizations to actively participate in the school district’s continuing and ongoing school improvement efforts. The Board believes that a quality education should provide an opportunity for students to develop: 1. Their concept of self-worth and the ability to exercise self-discipline. 2. A positive attitude toward responsible citizenship. 3. Mastery of the basic knowledge, skills, understandings and abilities associated with reading, writing, mathematics, science, computer technology, foreign languages and fine arts. 4. Skills and other competencies leading toward economic independence consistent with individual interests and basic potential. 5. An awareness and understanding of our country’s history and ideals and its diverse ethnic, racial and cultural heritage. 5 6. An awareness and understanding of the heritage, ideals, and contributions of other cultures, races and nationalities. 7. A recognition of the importance of physical and mental health. 8. An ability to adapt and participate constructively in a changing society. 9. An understanding of the relationship of people and their environment. 10. Moral and ethical values based on the rights and responsibilities of individuals and their relationships to each other. [BP 0200; BP 0210] District/School-Site Improvement Plans The School Board is committed and dedicated to continuing to improve the overall performance of the school district and each of its individual schools. If the school district and/or individual schools within the district do not successfully demonstrate Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), as determined by No Child Left Behind (NCLB) statutes, they will be required to develop and implement a district and/or school improvement plan in accordance with state and federal law. District/school improvement plans will be submitted to the Board for review and approval. District/school improvement plans must be developed and provided to the school district administration for approval within ninety (90) days of the district’s/school’s notification that it has not met AYP. The school district administration will review school-site improvement plans and approve them within forty-five (45) days of receipt of their plans from individual school sites and forward school improvement plans to the state for their review and approval. District and/or school improvement plans must be developed and designed to address those deficient areas identified in the AYP report received from the state. Parents/Guardians, school staff, and other interested community members must be involved in the preparation of the school improvement plan. District/school improvement plans shall address: 1. Duration: length of time to implement, monitor, and evaluate plan. 2. Strategies: plans must include scientifically and research-based strategies, methods and approaches that will strengthen core academic content areas (reading, writing, mathematics, and science) and that address the specific academic issues that lead to the AYO designation. 3. Policies: plans will implement policies and practices concerning the school’s core academic content areas that have the greatest likelihood of ensuring all students demonstrate proficiency or better on state assessments by the end of the ensuring school year. 4. Funding: plans will provide for the school’s allocation and spending of at least ten (10) percent of the funding allocated to the school under Title I in order to 6 provide the school teachers and building Principal with high-quality professional development that has the greatest likelihood of addressing the academic performance problems that resulted in the AYP designation. 5. Professional Development: plans will explain how the high-quality professional development suggested will directly address the academic performance problem that caused the AYP designation. 6. Annual Objectives: plans will establish specific annual measureable objectives (AMOs) for continuous and substantial progress by all students collectively, and each subgroup of students, to ensure that all students demonstrate proficiency or better on state assessments by the end of the ensuing school year. 7. Parental Notice: plans will describe how written notice of the AYP designation will be provided to parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school. To the extent possible and practical, the notice will be in a format and in a language that parents/guardians can understand; Annual Report Card to the Public. 8. Responsible Parties: plans will specify the respective responsibilities of the school, school district, and the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development in implementing the plan. 9. Parental/Guardian Involvement: plans will include strategies to promote effective parental/guardian involvement in the school improvement effort. 10. Extended Day Programs: when appropriate, the plan will incorporate activities for helping students acquire the essential academic knowledge, skills, understandings and abilities before and after school, during the summer, and during the extension of the school year. 11. Teacher Mentoring: plans will incorporate a teacher mentoring program. The school will implement district/school improvement plans immediately upon district approval. The district will ensure appropriate technical assistance to school sites during the development of individual school improvement plans and throughout a plan’s duration. [BP 0520 (a-b)] School-Based Management/Site Councils The School Board believes that shared decision making at each of the school site levels can more readily address local educational concerns and issues and improve school overall performance. The Board supports the active involvement of students, parents/guardians, staff, and other community and civic organizations in the school improvement decision making process, and encourages the use of site councils in helping draft effective and efficient district and school governing policies, rules and regulations which respond to the diverse and unique educational school site needs and that are supported in school district policies and goals. [BP 0420; BP 9000] Budget Advisory Committee 7 The School Board shall establish and maintain a balanced budget. The Board shall prepare and adopt an annual budget which is compatible with district and school goals and objectives and reflects the best possible estimates of revenues and expenditures. In order to receive public input and comment early in the budget planning process, a budget advisory committee, comprised of members of the staff and community, shall review the proposed budget at regular intervals during its preparation and shall report its findings and recommendations to the Board. [BP 3100] Organizational Chart The school district and each school shall create a single administrative system organized to provide appropriate and effective decision-making at all levels. Each school site will maintain a current school site organizational chart that clearly identifies the primary supervisory lines of supervision and responsibility. The organizational chart should clarify working relationships and functions. It is not intended to indicate all the lines of communication and cooperation which must exist to create successful and effective schools. Administrators and supervisors shall insure that all staff understand to whom they are responsible and for what functions. Lines of supervision and responsibility should in no way prevent staff members at all levels from cooperating to develop the best possible school teaching and learning environments possible. [BP 2110] (Appendix B) School Calendar The school calendar will meet the requirements of the law as well as the needs of the school community. The school calendar shall show the beginning and ending school dates, number of teaching days, vacation/holiday periods, and other pertinent dates. District schools shall be closed in observance of Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July. Holidays that fall on a Sunday shall be observed the following Monday. Holidays that fall on a Saturday shall be observed the preceding Friday. The district shall commemorate special days and events in accordance with the law. Schools are encouraged to celebrate and recognize days and events of local significance. [BP 6111; BP 6115] (Appendix C) Work Day/Week/ Year The work day/week/year is the number of days in a fiscal year for which each support staff position has been budgeted. For the purpose of identifying benefits, a full time position is based upon a minimum work week of twenty (20) hours. The district’s workweek begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Employees are expected to work the hours authorized on their status form. Additional hours must be approved by the supervisor and/or administration prior to working them. Failure to do so may result in dock of pay for those unauthorized hours. Employees will be authorized to work the number of days listed unless the supervisor requests a change in status from the Superintendent. 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Business Manager Maintenance Director Payroll Supervisor Maintenance Administrative Assistants – District Office Preschool Program Coordinator, Cultural Specialist Administrative Assistants – School Offices Custodians Associate Teachers Aides, Parent Educators, Elders, Librarians 260 Days 260 Days 260 Days 260 Days 230 Days 215 Days 215 Days 210 Days 210 Days 190 Days 190 Days The School Board shall fix the length of the school/work day subject to the provisions of law. A typical school day would be as follows: 7:00 am Cooks arrive. 8:00 am Elementary teachers, office staff, some teaching assistants, and maintenance staff arrive. Breakfast for all students. 8:25 am Elementary teachers meet and pick-up students in the Hall of Elders. 8:30 am Teaching assistants and High School staff arrive. 9:00 am High School classes start. 10:45 am Elementary lunch. 11:15 am Elementary teachers pick-up their students in the gymnasium. 12:29 pm 1:04 pm High school lunch starts and every three (3) minutes. two (2) new classes arrive for lunch. 3:00 pm Elementary school dismissed. Teachers walk their classes to the front door and assure students have left the building or are with a supervising adult (i.e., after school tutor). 3:30 pm Elementary teachers may leave work. 4:00 pm Middle/High school dismissed. 4:30 pm Middle/High school teachers may leave work after confirming that all their students have left the building 9 or are with a supervising adult (i.e., cocurricular advisor, athletic coach, tutor, etc.) [BP 6112] NOTE: The end of the working day for classified employees is based on their contracted hours. [BP 4253 (a-b)] Teacher-In-Charge/Principal’s Principal The School Board recognizes that there will be times when the building Principal will be absent from the school site in the course of exercising their administrative duties and responsibilities. Therefore, the Board authorizes the position of TeacherIn-Charge/Principal’s Principal in order to provide proper supervision and to manage and maintain the continuity of the instructional programs and school operations. In the absence of the building Principal, the Teacher-In-Charge/ Principal’s Principal shall administer the school in accordance with Board policies, administrative regulations and procedures, and the law. The name of the TeacherIn-Charge/Principal’s Principal shall be kept on file in the school office and when necessary, staff will be informed of who this individual is. In most instances, the Dean of Students will serve in the capacity of acting Principal when the Principal is out of the building. If the Dean of Students is not available to serve, the school Counselor will then be the acting Principal. Every effort will be made by office staff to ensure teachers will be able to contact and communicate with the building Principal on a daily basis, even though the Principal may be out of the office or community. [BP 2250] Harassment/Sexual Harassment The School Board is committed to the elimination of all forms of harassment. Harassment can cause embarrassment, feelings of powerlessness, loss of selfconfidence, reduced ability to perform school work, and increased absenteeism or tardiness. The Board will not tolerate the harassment of any student by another student, district employee, or any employee from another employee, or any third party (includes, but not limited to, school volunteers, parents, school visitors, service contractors or others engaged in district business). Any individual who is found guilty of any form of harassment shall be subject to disciplinary action. Harassment means intimidation by threats of or actual physical violence; the creation by whatever means of a climate of hostility or intimidation; or the use of language, conduct, behavior, or symbols in such a manner as to convey hatred, contempt, or prejudice or to have the effect of insulting or stigmatizing an individual. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, harassment on the basis of race, sex, creed, color, national origin, religion, marital status, or disability. Sexual harassment of or by any employee shall not be tolerated and should be reported immediately so that action may be taken to eliminate inappropriate behavior. The Board considers sexual harassment to be a major offense which may result in disciplinary action or dismissal of the offending employee. Unwelcome 10 sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: 1. Submission to the conduct is made either an explicit or implicit condition of employment, status or promotion. 2. Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for an employment decision affecting the harassed employee. 3. The harassment substantially interferes with an employee's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. 4. Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct is the basis for any decision affecting benefits, services, honors, programs or other available activities. An employee who feels that he/she is being harassed is encouraged to report such incident to the immediate supervisor of the accused employee or the appropriate personnel department official without fear of reprisal. The Superintendent or designee shall be informed of all such complaints and will assist in the investigation and resolution of complaints. An employee making a complaint of sexual harassment shall not be required to resolve the complaint directly with the offending person. The Superintendent or Principal shall ensure prompt and strict enforcement of Board policy. The Board encourages students and staff to immediately report incidences of any form of harassment to the appropriate administrator. In no case shall a student or staff member be required to resolve the complaint directly with the offending person. [BP 4119.11 (a-b); BP 4119.12 (a-b); BP 5145.5 (a-b); BP/AR 5145.7 (a-b)] Public Concerns/Issues The School Board believes that the quality of educational programs and supporting activities can only improve when the school district and schools genuinely makes a concerted effort to listen to public concerns/issues, considers differences of opinion, and resolves disagreements through an established and objective decision-making process. The Board encourages those with concerns/issues to resolve their differences as early and informally whenever possible and at the lowest possible level when appropriate. If differences remain unresolved, individuals who still feel their concerns/issues have not been resolved should submit a formal complaint as early as possible in accordance with appropriate district procedures. Staff Related. When a concern arises, staff members are asked to first work with their immediate supervisor and/or school administration. If the concern is not satisfactorily resolved at this level, an employee may appeal to the district administration. The concern should be in writing and cite the issue and how the staff member believes resolution can be reached. Staff members are asked to resolve staff related concerns and/or issues with the greatest professional judgment 11 and highest respect for their profession. As a member of the school district staff, it is wise to not circumvent the process or involving the immediate supervisor and/or building administration in seeking resolution. Creating or encouraging strife is in no one’s best interest and is considered an inappropriate behavior for resolving issues. [BP 1312.1 (a-b); BP/E 1312.2 (a-b)); BP 1312.3 (a-b)/AR (a-b)] Establishment of Positions The Superintendent shall establish such classified positions as are necessary and appropriate to meet the operational needs of the District and as are consistent with budgetary constraints. These may include both permanent and temporary positions. A listing of permanent positions and their associated job descriptions are contained in the Job Description Handbook. Employee Status The following definitions help define the type and status of a support staff employee: Classified Employee. Any district employee who occupies a position for which an Alaska Teacher’s Certificate is not required. Permanent Employee. The employee, other than the probationary employee who occupies a permanent position. Probationary Period. The first ninety (90) working days in attendance in a permanent position. Seasonal Position. A permanent position established to meet recurring season needs that approximately coincide with the school year. Temporary Employee. The employee who occupies a temporary position or who has been appointed to a permanent position on a temporary basis. Temporary Position. A position established with an anticipated duration of 90 working days. [BP 4216] School Security The School Board is fully committed to preventing violence and crime on school grounds. School administration and staff shall strictly enforce district policies and regulations related to crime, campus disturbances, campus intruders, student safety, student conduct and student discipline. The Board encourages staff, parents/ guardians and students to work with local law enforcement agencies and other interested parties in developing a comprehensive school safety plan which includes strategies for preventing crime and violence on school premises. Incidents of illegal entry, theft of school property, vandalism, and damage to school equipment and/or property shall be reported to school administration as soon after discovery as reasonably possible. A written report of the incident shall be made within twentyfour (24) hours of its discovery. 12 An employee may use appropriate force when necessary to protect themselves from attack, to protect another person, to stop a disturbance threatening physical injury to others, or to obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects or within the control of a student. All use of force shall be reported immediately to the school administration. Keys. All keys used in a school shall be the responsibility of the building Principal. Keys shall be issued only to those employees who regularly need a key in order to carry out normal activities of their position. Master keys are not to be loaned. Employees who have been assigned keys shall be responsible for the safekeeping of those keys and shall never allow students or other unauthorized individuals to use these keys. Employees with keys shall be responsible for the security of the room, gate or building involved. The duplication of school keys is prohibited. If a key is lost, the individual staff member assigned the key shall immediately report said loss to administration and shall pay for a duplicate key. Lost keys may result in a staff member loosing said keys responsible for paying up to one-thousand (1,000.00) dollars or more to rekey the school building. Duplicate keys may be obtained only through the business office. [BP/AR 3515; BP 4158] Tobacco-Free Schools/Smoking Ample research has demonstrated the health hazards associated with the use of tobacco products, including smoking and the breathing of second-hand smoke. As role models, district employees should demonstrate conduct that is consistent with school programs to discourage students from using tobacco products. In accordance with law and to promote the health and safety of all students and staff, the School Board prohibits smoking or the use of tobacco products anywhere and anytime on district property and in district vehicles, including athletic events and all cocurricular activities. This prohibition does not apply to any private residence owned or leased by the district for housing purposes. [BP 3513.3] Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace The School Board believes the maintenance of drug-free and alcohol-free environments is essential to providing quality educational programs and supporting activities. No employee shall unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, drug or controlled substance before, during or after school hours at school or in any other district owned facility or property or at any district-sponsored event and/or activity. School district employees who as part of their duties and responsibilities are asked to drive school vehicles need to spend time reviewing BP/AR 4021 (a-g), especially, bus drivers. [BP/E 4020 (a-b); BP/AR 4021 (a-g)] (Appendix D) Open/Closed Campus 13 The School Board has established a closed campus for all district K-6 elementary school programs. Once students arrive at school, they must remain on campus until the end of the school day unless they have brought written authorization from their parent/guardians and received permission from school authorities to leave for a specific purpose. Students who leave campus without such authorization shall be classified as truant and subject to disciplinary action. The School Board has established an open campus for all district 7-12 middle/high schools during the lunch period. Students shall not leave the school grounds at any other time during the school day without written authorization of their parents/ guardians and permission of school authorities. Students who leave school without such authorization shall be classified as truant and subject to disciplinary action. Parents will be notified of this policy at the beginning of the school year and requirement for parent/guardian permission. [BP 5112.5] Visitors The School Board encourages parents/guardians and interested community members to visit the school district and school sites to view and actively participate in school programs and activities. Building site Principals are responsible for establishing rules, regulations and procedures to facilitate visits during regular school days and working hours. All visitors are to register at the school office when entering a school facility. [BP 1260] Safety The School Board believes that safety is every employee’s responsibility. The Board expects all employees to use safe work practices and to report and correct any unsafe conditions which may occur. No employee shall be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions or to perform tasks which endanger their health, safety, or well-being. The School Board places a high priority on safety and on the prevention of student injury. The district administration and staff shall make every reasonable effort to ensure the safety and proper conduct of students from the time they arrive at school and are under district and school supervision until they leave school supervision, whether on school premises or not. Personnel responsible for releasing students from school custody shall exercise extreme diligence to prevent such release to any unauthorized or unidentified person. Employees will become familiar with the safety regulations for their building. They will see that all rules and regulations pertinent to student and staff safety are clearly understood. Students are not to be left unattended in any school area. Students are to also to be supervised at all times while they are in the lunchroom and hallways during the school day. Lack of supervision opens the door for liability cases if an accident occurs. [BP 4157; BP/AR 5142 (a-d)] Infectious Diseases 14 The School Board encourages each employee to inform the district as soon as reasonably possible if they contract an infectious disease which creates a physical or mental disability. The Board will reasonably accommodate the needs of such individuals. The Board may reassign or grant disability leave to an employee who is unable to perform their job duties and responsibilities because of illness or because the employee’s illness significantly endangers their health or safety or the health or safety of others. [BP 4119.41 (a-c); BP/AR 5141.22 (a-c); BP 5141.23] Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies The School Board recognizes that a pandemic/epidemic outbreak is a serious threat that stands to affect students, staff, and the community as a whole. In the event anyone with the school is discovered or suspected to have a communicable disease that may result in a pandemic/epidemic, that person may be quarantined pending further medical examination. Any student or staff member found to be infected with a communicable disease that bears risk of pandemic/epidemic will not be allowed to attend school until medical clearance is provided by a primary care physician or other medical official. Parents/guardians and local and state health officials will be immediately notified. [BP 6114.4 (a-b)] Bloodborne Pathogens The school district administration shall ensure state and federal standards for dealing with bloodborne pathogens and other potentially infectious materials in the workplace are met. The administration will establish a written Exposure Control Plan designed to protect employees from possible infection due to contact with bloodborne viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV). In accordance with the district’s Exposure Control Plan, employees having occupational exposure shall be offered the hepatitis B vaccination at no cost. Employees may also decline a hepatitis B vaccination by completing the appropriate Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination. (Appendix E) The district shall provide a training program as specified by law to all employees in job classifications which have been determined to have some degree of occupation exposure. This training shall be offered at the time of initial assignment, annually thereafter, and whenever a change of tasks or procedures affect the employee’s exposure. All students and staff shall routinely observe the following universal precautions for the prevention of infectious disease. 1. Wear disposable waterproof gloves whenever you expect to come into direct hand contact with blood, other body fluids, or contaminated items or surfaces. Do not reuse gloves. After each use, remove the gloves without touching them outside an dispose of them in a lined waste container. Gowns or smocks should also be worn if an individual anticipates soling of clothes by body fluids or secretions will occur. 15 2. Wash hands and any other contacted skin surface thoroughly for fifteen (15) to thirty (30) seconds with dispensable soap and warm running water, rinse under warm running water, and thoroughly dry with disposable paper towels. 3. Clean surfaces and equipment contaminated with blood with soap and water and disinfect them promptly with a fresh solution of bleach (ten parts water to one part bleach) or other disinfectant. 4. Properly dispose of contaminated materials and label them as biohazardous. 5. Do not care for others’ injuries if you have any uncovered bleeding, oozing wounds, or nonintact skin conditions. 6. Use a mouthpiece, resuscitation bag or other ventilation device when readily available in place of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Staff shall immediately report to school administration any exposure incident or first-aid incident in accordance with the district’s Exposure Control Plan or other procedures. [BP/AR/E 4119.42 (a-d); BP 4119.43 (a-b); BP/AR/E 5141.23 (a-b)] Environmental Safety The School Board believes that students and staff have the right to learn and work in a safe environment. School staff should be alert to any physical conditions, including explosive, toxic or incendiary hazards, which may jeopardize the safety of students, employees, or the public. [BP 3514] Hazardous Substances and Pesticides The School Board recognizes that the daily district and school operations entail the use of potentially hazardous substances/pesticides. Teachers shall instruct students as to the importance of proper handling, storage, disposal and protection of potentially hazardous substances/pesticides. The Board encourages staff to substitute less dangerous materials for hazardous ones whenever feasible. [BP 3514.1 (a-c)] Cellular Phones/Portable Electronic Devices The School Board believes that technology resources facilitate communication, innovation, resource sharing, access to information, and student learning. As approved by the Board, the school administration shall oversee the acquisition and distribution of portable technology devices, including laptop computers. Employees are permitted to transport appropriate and approved technology devises between school and home, and other travel when appropriate. Employees are permitted to use this equipment outside of their work day. All use of district-issued portable technology shall be in accordance with the district’s equipment and Internet use policies. Cellular phones are not allowed to be used during school working hours for personal affairs and business unless an emergency arises. Office personnel are 16 to ensure personal cellular phones are either turned off or are left in the vibration mode. The contents of a cellular phone, camera, or other portable device may be searched to determine ownership, to identify emergency contacts, or upon reasonable suspicion that a district policy or administrative directive and regulation or law has been violated. [BP 4170; BP 5138 (a-c)] Computers/Printers School computers and printers are to be supervised by teachers and staff at all times. Students and staff are encouraged to use computers and printers for the purpose of completing school assignments and related educational projects. Chat rooms, gaming/gambling/streaming of music and videos are prohibited without school administration approval. Checking personal and non-school e-mails is not allowed during class instructional time. Employees are asked not spend time on their computers during working hours unless the computer is being used to support work. School district computers and telephones should only be accessed and used by appropriate employees. No personal toll calls may be charged to the district. Internet The School Board recognizes the educational and communication value and opportunities that exposure to the Internet and other computer networks can provide staff and students. The Board has adopted an Internet Acceptable Use policy to ensure appropriate use of the Internet. The use of the Internet and similar communication networks by staff and students is a privilege and not a right. Failure to follow the Internet Acceptable Use policy guidelines can lead to appropriate disciplinary action being taken, up to and including the loss of access to the Internet or other networks. Legal action may likewise be taken where/when appropriate. All school district technologies are the property of the school district and the district reserves the right at any time to inspect and review computer files if it has reasonable cause to suspect that an individual is using the computer and related technologies inappropriately. [BP/AR/E 6161.4 (a-d)] (Appendix F/G) Electronic Mail (E-mail) Electronic mail systems are provided to district staff for the purpose of professional communication. All district electronic mail systems are owned by the district and are intended for the purpose of conducting official district business only. District electronic mail systems are not intended for personal use by employees of the district and employees should have no expectation of privacy when using electronic mail systems. The district retains the right to review, store, and disclose all information sent over the district electronic mail systems for any legally permissible reasons, including but not limited to determining whether the information is a public record, whether 17 it contains information discoverable in litigation, and to access district information in the employee’s absence. Employees must exercise caution and good judgment in the use of the e-mail system. Electronic mail messages can be retrieved even if they are deleted and statements made in electronic mail communications can form the basis of various legal claims against the individual author or the district. Appropriate e-mail use includes: 1. Users of district e-mail are responsible for their appropriate use. 2. All illegal and improper uses, including but not limited to pornography, obscenity, harassment, solicitation, gambling, and violating copyright or intellectual property rights. 3. Use of the e-mail system for which the district will incur an expense without the expressed permission of a supervisor is prohibited. 4. Except as otherwise provided in policy, district employees are prohibited from accessing another employee’s e-mail without the expressed consent of the employee. Employees are to use personal accounts to send chain and personal e-mail and not first class. Work e-mails are archived and therefore, be professional at all times when creating and sending e-mails. Remember to edit, checking punctuation, grammar and spelling prior to sending. District employees will be subject to disciplinary action for violation of e-mail policies and regulations. Electronic mail sent or received by district employees may be considered a public record subject to disclosure or inspection under the Alaska Public Records Act. All district electronic mail communications should be to ensure that all public electronic mail records are retained, archived, and destroyed in compliance with state law. [BP 3523 (a-b)] Maintenance/Repair Requests The School Board recognizes the importance of timely maintenance and repair of district facilities, property and equipment to ensure the safety of students and employees, in protecting state and local investments, in providing necessary loss control, and in helping to ensure the availability of capital funding. All school buildings and equipment shall be regularly inspected to assure that all are maintained at the highest level of safety. All employees are responsible for promptly reporting to their immediate supervisor and/or building Principal any damage to district and school property and equipment. Employees are expected to help maintain a clean and safe learning and working environment within their assigned working areas in their schools. 18 All requests for custodial service and/or assistance, other than for emergencies, are to be presented to the school administration. Requests should be in writing, or via e-mail. Employees need to complete a Work Order maintenance/repair request form and submit it to their supervisor and/or Principal. Work Order requests will be routed to the Director of Maintenance. [BP 3510] (Appendix H) Campus Disturbances/Crisis Response Plan The School Board recognizes that all school staff must be prepared to cope with campus disturbances and to minimize the risks they entail. Staff should be especially sensitive to conditions that incite cultural and racial conflict, student protests, and confrontations. All school personnel shall be prepared to respond quickly to campus disturbances in accordance with the school site’s crisis response plan. A school crisis response team, consisting of the building Principal, one (1) certified teacher, one (1) classified employee, and one (1) parent, will augment the district plan with a school-site working plan and procedures for addressing campus disturbances and emergencies, or other crisis which create distress, hardship, fear or grief. All employees and students shall receive annual instruction regarding the crisis response plans, including fire, evacuation and lock down drills. Every employee will receive a copy of the crisis response team plan and procedures at the start of the school year and will be responsible for posting the plan within their classrooms or assigned working areas. The Board encourages all staff to become proficient in administering first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. District administration shall provide for CPR inservice training for staff annually. [BP/AR 5134; BP/AR 6114 (a-b); AR 6114.1; AR 6114.2 (a-b); AR 6114.3 (a-d)] (see Crisis Response Plan) Intruders on Campus The School Board is committed to keeping the schools safe from intruders and requires all visitors to register in the school office upon arrival on campus. Building Principals are responsible for promptly expelling from school premises any individual they think might disrupt normal school operations, threaten the health and safety of students or staff, or cause property damage. Principals shall ensure all staff members know what action is to be taken when they observe strangers on school grounds and when and how to get help from law enforcement authorities. [BP 3515.2] Child Abuse/Neglect District employees have a legal duty to immediately report known or suspected child abuse and/or neglect to the nearest office of the Department of Health and Social services. The reporting duties and responsibilities of a district employee cannot be delegated to another individual. With concern for the well-being of each and every student, teachers and school administrators shall be trained to report known or suspected incidences of child abuse in accordance with state law. District employees shall cooperate with law enforcement and child protection agencies responsible for reporting, investigating and prosecuting cases of child abuse and/or 19 neglect. School administration will annually train district employees who have regular contact with students. Reporting procedures include: 1. Any district employee may report known or suspected child abuse and/or neglect, by telephone to the nearest office of the Department of Health and Social Services. 2. If contact cannot reasonably be made with child protective services and immediate action is needed to protect the child, the employee shall make the report of abuse and/or neglect to the nearest law enforcement agency. 3. In addition to reporting to child protective services, employees shall report harm from known or suspected child abuse to local law enforcement if the harm is believed to have been caused by a person not responsible for the child’s welfare or if the employee is unable to determine who caused the harm or whether the person believed to have caused the harm has responsibility for the child’s welfare. 4. When an employee is required to contact law enforcement but is unable to make the contact, then the employee should contact the Department of Health and Social Services. 5. When an employee is required to contact the Department of Health and Social Services but is unable to make that contact, then the employee should contact law enforcement. The duty to report child abuse and/or neglect is an individual employee duty and no school administrator or supervisor may impede or inhibit such reporting duties and responsibilities. Furthermore, no individual making a report shall be subject to any sanction. Determining whether or not the suspected abuse and/or neglect actually occurred is not the responsibility of the individual filing the report. Such determination and follow-up investigation will be made by child protective and law enforcement agencies. Any individual who fails or refuses to report a known or suspected case of child abuse and/or neglect, when they should have reasonably known or suspected, can be found guilty of a misdemeanor. The individual failing to report known and/or suspected child abuse and/or neglect may also be held civilly liable for damages for any injury to the child after failing to report. Further district action may include reassignment, a paid leave of absence, and disciplinary action. [BP/AR 5141.4 (a-c); BP 5141.41 (a-c)] Confidential Information District employees shall maintain the confidential records until such time as laws, state regulations and/or bylaws of this district permit disclosure. Information and records pertaining to executive sessions, negotiations and student records, including test results, are not subject to public disclosure. Any action by an employee which advertently or carelessly results in release of confidential 20 information shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from district service. Any action by an employee which advertently or carelessly results in release of confidential information shall be recorded, and the record shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file. Depending on the circumstances, the district administration may deny the employee further access to any privileged information and shall take any steps necessary to prevent any further unauthorized release of such information. Student medical, personal and educational records are confidential and are not to be discussed in the community or with non-members of the students’ educational team. In addition, records should not be disclosed to any person or entity not affiliated with the school district unless a parental release has been signed. General Rules of Confidentiality: 1. Personally identifiable information includes: name of student, name of parent or other family member, address of student and family, personal identifier (SSN or student number), list of personal characteristics that would make the student’s identity easily identifiable. 2. Special education records are “education records” and are considered confidential. 3. A parent can include: a natural parent, guardian, family member acting as a parent, surrogate parent, foster parent. Staff Responsibility: 1. Must protect confidentiality of personally identifiable information at all times (collection, storage and destruction of information) 2. Must ensure confidentiality when using district email. Best practice would suggest that if it is necessary to discuss a student it is best to do so in person. 3. When sharing student information with a parent make sure that grades, test scores, etc. of other students is not visible. 4. Keep conversations regarding student academics or behavior in private locations. Don’t chat in the hallways, office or teacher workrooms. 5. Don’t talk about a specific child where other children can hear the information. 6. Be careful when you are at the store, Laundromat, or other community location. Don’t discuss students in public (even when a parent wants to discuss their child with you). 7. Make sure that collaborative logs do not include full names of students (use initials). 21 8. Keep student information (working files, portions of IEP, etc.) in a secure cabinet or in such a manner, so that others do not have access to confidential information. School district employees will need to signify their understanding of their responsibilities in maintaining strict confidentiality by signing and submitting a confidentiality form. [BP 4119.23; BP 4219.23; BP 4319.23] (Appendix I) Student-Family Privacy Rights The School Board believes that personal information gathered from a student may be helpful or necessary to facilitate school safety, student welfare, or the continued success of academic programs. However, these goals must be balanced with the expectations of privacy of students and their families. [BP 5145.15 (a-d)] Employment in General Equal Employment Opportunity The District is an equal opportunity employer. The District seeks to hire, promote, and train the best qualified person for each classified position. Employees are entitled to objective consideration and equal opportunity in competing for positions or promotions. Nondiscrimination in Employment The district and its employees shall not unlawfully discriminate against or harass employees or job applicants on the basis of sex, race, color, gender, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy, parenthood, physical or mental disability, Vietnam era veteran status, genetic information, or good faith reporting to the Board on a matter of public concern. Equal opportunity shall be provided to all employees and applicants in every aspect of personnel policy and practice. Any employee of the school district may in good faith report to the public official or a public body or testify before a public body about a matter of public concern. A matter of public concern means a violation of federal, state, or local law (including school board policy), a danger to public health or safety, gross mismanagement (including a substantial waste of funds or clear abuse of authority) or matter under investigation by the municipal ombudsman. A report may not disclose any information which is legally required to be kept confidential. An employee initiating 22 a report must first submit the report to the employee’s immediate supervisor unless the employee reasonably believes: it would be futile to report to the supervisor, and emergency exists, or that reprisals or discrimination would result. Employee protections and obligations regarding reports of matters of public concern are fully stated in Alaska Statute 39.90.100-1550. [BP/E 4030 (a-b)] Standards/Expectations 1. No member of the immediate family of a School Board member may be employed except upon the recommendation of the Board and the approval of the Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Education. 2. No employee may give, render, pay, offer, solicit, or accept any money, service or other valuable thing in connection with any appointment, any promotion, or any advantage in a position of employment with the district. 3. No action affecting the employment status of any employee or applicant for a position, including appointment, promotion, demotion, suspension, or removal may be taken or withheld on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age disability, veteran status, or status in any other protected group. 4. No employee or applicant for a position may make any false statement, or falsify any certificate, mark, rating or report with regard to any test, certification, appointment, or evaluation made under any provision, policy or regulation, or in any manner commit any fraud preventing their impartial execution. 5. No employee may request or suggest that an applicant provide information concerning their religious opinion, ancestry, membership in fraternal organizations, political convictions, family circumstances, age or ethnic (except voluntary information required to meet Equal Employment Opportunity requirements, regarding ethnic origin information). 6. No employee shall engage in, or accept, private employment, or render services for private interest when such employment or service is incompatible with the proper discharge of their official duties. No employee may solicit, negotiate for, or promise to accept employment by, or accept anything of substantial value from, any person, firm or company with which they or their organization unit are engaged in the transaction of business on behalf of the district, or which may be affected by their official action. 7. No employee shall use information within their knowledge or purview concerning the property, government, or affairs of the district to advance the financial or private interest of themselves or others. 8. No employee may be a party of a purchase, or influence the purchase of, goods or services for the use of the district from any person, company or business in which they have substantial financial interest unless approved in advance by the Board. 23 9. No employee shall engage in any business or transaction, or shall own a financial or other private interest, direct or indirect, which is in conflict with the proper discharge of their official duties. A violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the employee to disciplinary procedures. Job Descriptions The School Board recognizes the importance of having adequate job descriptions for every district employee position. Student safety, the district’s fiscal stability, and the success of the educational program all depend on employees’ fully understanding their duties and responsibilities. The school district administration shall prepare and regularly update job descriptions for all district employee positions. Job descriptions shall clearly delineate and specify all essential and peripheral/marginal functions and duties of the position, the degree of responsibility the position entails, the type and extent of training required, and the position of the person to who the employee reports. All employees shall fulfill the duties and responsibilities set forth in their job descriptions and shall comply with Board policies, administrative rules and regulations, applicable employee agreements, and local, state and federal laws. [BP 4119.3; BP 4219.3; BP 4319.3] Recruitment and Selection The Superintendent and/or building Principal will recommend the appointment of all regular full-time and part-time and regular hourly employees to the School Board. Selection will be based upon competence and will be in accordance with Board policies, administrative rules and regulations, and state and federal laws. Temporary, substitute, short-term and student help may be appointed by the Superintendent and/or site Principal. [BP 4212] The district shall employ the most highly qualified individual available for each and every advertised position. Recruitment and selection criteria and procedures will include: 1. Assessing the district’s needs to determine those areas where specific knowledge, skills, understandings and abilities are needed. 2. Developing job descriptions which accurately portray the position, including job duties and responsibilities. 3. Disseminating vacancy announcements in such a manner to ensure a wide range of candidates apply. 4. Developing screening procedures that identify the best candidates for interviews and further consideration. 5. Developing interviewing procedures which will identify the best qualified candidate for the advertised position. 24 6. Preferences shall be given to those applicants who can demonstrate training and experience related to the traditions and cultures represented in the student population and school-community. Nominations for employment shall be predicated on appropriate screening processes, interviews, observations, and recommendations from previous employers. The School Board shall consider administrative employment recommendations and shall make the final decision on the employment of all educational employees. [BP 4111 (a-b)] Hiring and Promotion All appointments and promotions shall be made by the Superintendent upon the recommendation of the supervisor, as may be applicable. Prior to and during the hiring process, a temporary appointment may be made upon approval by the Superintendent, for a period not to exceed ninety (90) working days. Advertisement of Positions Except for temporary and substitute appointments, all position openings shall be advertised until filled. Under emergency conditions as determined by the Superintendent, the posting requirements may be altered or waived. Each advertisement shall state that the district is an equal opportunity employer and complies with the American with Disabilities Act. A copy of the advertisement shall be filed with the Superintendent’s office. Application Procedures Each applicant for a position shall complete a standard application for employment and submit it to the hiring supervisor and/or school administration as noted on the posted job announcement. Applications shall be kept on file for a period of six (6) months from the date of receipt. However, applicants must contact the hiring supervisor and or administrator for each position and provide an updated copy of the application. (Appendix J) Promotion and Transfers If qualified applicants are found in-district, it is possible that non-district applicants will not be considered. The employee who is transferred or promoted to a new position will continue to accrue and may use benefits. At the end of ninety (90) working days in the new position, the employee will be given a written evaluation (see Classified Personnel Evaluation Form). The employee with an evaluation less than “Average” may be terminated, except that, upon the recommendation of the supervisor and the approval of the Superintendent, said employee may be granted an extended probationary period not to exceed an additional sixty (60) working days. In the case of an extended probationary period, the evaluation shall include a plan of improvement. 25 Probationary Period An employee new to a position shall be subject to a probationary period of ninety (90) working days in attendance. At the end of the probationary period, the employee will be given a written evaluation. The employee with a performance evaluation of “Average” or better shall be appointed as a permanent employee, while the employee with an evaluation of less than “Average” may be terminated, except as stated above. During the probationary period, the employee is not eligible for health or retirement benefits. Sick and annual leave will accrue during probation, but cannot be used until the employee is appointed to permanent status. The probationary period may be waived on the recommendation of the supervisor and/or school administration for an employee who has worked the previous ninety (90) days in the same job as a temporary employee or for an employee who has worked for the district in the same or similar job as a permanent employee with an evaluation of “Average” or better within the past five (5) years. Annual evaluations for each employee will be completed by their immediate supervisor prior to May 15 annually. Assignments The School Board respects the importance of assigning employees in accordance with law, so as to serve the best interests of students and educational programs and supporting activities. The administration may assign employees to any position for which the employee’s preparation, certification, experience and aptitude qualify them. Employees may be assigned to work at any school-site within the district. Employees shall not be assigned outside the scope of their qualifications or their fields of study except as allowed by law. Special Assignments. Support staff may have certain assignments that are adjunct to their regularly scheduled duties and responsibilities. These assignments include hallway, grounds, and recess duty. Supervisors and/or building Principal will help coordinate these assignments to ensure uniformity and fairness in assignments. [BP 4113] Extra Duty Assignments/Schedule Throughout the school year several opportunities will be available for Extra Duty Assignments. All Extra Duty Assignments are paid a stipend which varies based on the advisory and/or coaching position. Extra Duty Assignments will be posted at the beginning of the school year. Job postings will be advertised five (5) to ten (10) days and will be closed when filled. Employees interested in these positions are asked to submit a letter of interest to the school administration. Advisors, class sponsors and coaches are hired on a yearly basis. Advisors and class sponsors must hold student meetings on a regular basis to inform everyone (staff, students, parents/guardians, school administration, etc.) of the outcome of any fundraising 26 activities and will share the progress of the group’s efforts in achieving goals and objectives. Compensation The School Board is committed to complying with the overtime pay, compensatory time, and record-keeping requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Employees covered by FLSA include: assistant teachers, paraprofessionals, bookkeepers, clerks, custodians, food service workers, maintenance personnel, receptionists, secretaries, bus drivers, mechanics, and security personnel. Some employees in the above positions may be exempt from coverage if they have supervisory responsibilities and their supervisory duties exceed fifty (50) percent of their work time or for other reasons. Total Compensation The wages paid to the employee shall represent the total compensation exclusive of reimbursement for official travel. No employee shall receive pay from the District in addition to the wage authorized under the Wage Schedule for services rendered. (Appendix K) Compensation Plans Most classified employees are paid on an hourly wage basis, according to the Wage Schedule. However, the Superintendent may designate some positions to be paid on a salary basis. Positions compensated on a salary basis are those in which the employee may be expected to work non-standard working hours outside the normal scheduled working day. Salary compensation will be determined either by appropriate placement on the hourly steps and ranges, or be based on placement depending on experience in one of the Salaried Job Ranges at the bottom of the Wage Schedule. Most salaried positions are not exempt from overtime eligibility as per Department of Labor definitions. An employee hired to a salaried position not exempt from overtime who works less than a full pay period will be paid a proportional part of his/her salary based on the hourly rate. Pay Schedule All hourly classified employees of the district will be paid twice a month with the paydays being the 15th and the last day of the month. All salaried employees will be paid on the last day of the month. When these days fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, the preceding work day will be the pay day. Except as may otherwise be permitted by law, an employee’s final paycheck upon separation will be paid within three (3) working days. 27 Pay Advances An employee may be granted up to two (2) pay advances per fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th). The pay advance may not exceed one half (1/2) of the employee’s anticipated earned income in any one pay period. All advances must be repaid during the next one (1) or two (2) regular pay periods. To request a pay advance, the employee must complete the Pay Advance request form, have it signed by the supervisor, and submit it to the Business Office at least two (2) working days prior to the next regularly scheduled check run. Scheduled check runs are each Wednesday. (Appendix L) Placement on the Wage Schedule Placement for new employees shall be determined at the time of hire. Employees will generally be placed at Step A of the lowest wage range for the position into which they are hired. Placement in higher wage ranges shall be dependent on verification of educational credits for most jobs, as explained on the Wage Schedule. The Superintendent may place an employee upon recommendation of the supervisor to an appropriate wage range. The employee who is reappointed to a position after having served in a different position within the District may, at the discretion of the Superintendent, be reinstated at the same step on the Wage Schedule as previously held. Merit Step Increases An employee with a performance evaluation of “Average” or better on their evaluation is entitled to a merit step increase effective on July 1 of each year. Employees will be eligible for step increases on July 1st of each year. Overtime Pay Employees shall not work overtime without prior permission from their immediate supervisor and/or school administration, except in cases of emergencies. Employees covered by FLSA who work overtime without prior approval will be allowed to claim the hours worked in accordance with the FLSA. If a supervisor and/or school administration determine the overtime work was not an emergency, the employee will be paid for the overtime hours worked, but may also receive disciplinary action for failure to follow established policy. Employees covered by the FLSA shall be paid no less than 1.5 times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked over forty (40) in a week. For those employees working two (2) or more jobs for the district, overtime pay shall be calculated on the basis of a blended hourly rate on all jobs worked by a district established formula. Compensatory Time The district reserves the right to grant compensatory time in lieu of paying employees monetary compensation. The FLSA requires that overtime be paid to nonexempt employees either in the form of monetary compensation or compensatory time, as described below at the rate of 1.5 times the regular hourly rate of pay for the number of hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week. 28 Compensation Time can be taken in place of overtime pay with the following stipulations: 1. It must be approved by the supervisor and/or administration prior to putting in the extra time. 2. The work that is being performed is deemed necessary and urgent. 2. Employee will be given 1.5 hours off without pay for every hour of work performed in overtime. Employees may accumulate a maximum of two-hundred and forty (240) compensatory hours while employed by the district. Employees must receive their immediate supervisors and/or school administrator’s approval on when to take the compensatory time and must take the time off during the pay period immediately following when it was earned, if possible. [BP 4253 (a-b)] Health Examinations The school district administration shall ensure that all regularly employed personnel undergo a health examination as required by law upon initial employment and every three (3) years thereafter. The Board may exempt employees from this requirement if the employee’s work does not bring them into close contact with students. Continuing employees shall undergo annual tuberculosis testing in accordance with law. Employees may be required to pass a physical and/or psychological examination any time such an examination appears necessary to preserve the health and welfare of district students and staff, or to furnish medical proof of physical or mental ability to perform satisfactorily assigned duties associated with assigned employment position. Tuberculosis Testing All employees working in schools shall be tested annually to detect active cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, pursuant to AS 18.15.145. It is the responsibility of each employee to provide proof of an annual test to the district office no later than March 1 of each year, or thirty (30) working days after employment. Failure to be tested or to provide proof of testing may result in termination. The district may also request that individuals working frequently or on a long term basis as a substitute or temporary worker provide proof of testing. Physical Examination All employees shall be required to take a physical examination within thirty (30) days of initial employment to probationary or permanent employment status. A reexamination shall be required every three (3) years for all employees and is due in the district office by October 15 (4 AAC 06.050). However, employees are encouraged to get their physical exam done during non-student contact days. [BP 4112.4] (Appendix M) 29 Legal Status Requirement The district shall only employ United States citizens and individuals who are lawfully authorized to work in the United States. The district will verify the identity and employment eligibility of all individuals who are being considered for employment in the district. The district will not continue the employment of any individual who is no longer lawfully authorized to work in the United States. District employment practices shall not discriminate on the basis of citizenship status or national origin, nor shall they discriminate against refugees, grantees of asylum, or individuals qualified for temporary residency. New employees shall within three (3) days of employment present appropriate documentation that verifies their legal eligibility to work in the United States, as required by law. Employees hired for less than (3) days must present documentation on their first day of employment. The district business office can provide information as to the documentation that is required prior to employment. Typically, documentation requirements consist of providing either a valid passport, or either a driver’s license and social security card. New employees shall complete and sign INS Form I-9. INS Form I-9 shall be available for inspection upon request by officers of the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the US Department of Labor. [BP 4111.2 (a)] Insurance/Retirement Plans/Payroll Deductions Health, Accident and Life Insurance The District provides, without charge to the permanent employee who works twenty-five (25) hours or more per week, medical, dental, vision, accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) and life insurance. The District provides to the permanent employees’ spouse and minor children medical, dental, and vision insurance at no charge. Retirement Mandatory payroll deductions will be made each pay period to the State of Alaska Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) for permanent employees working fifteen (15) hours or more per week. Six and three quarters percent (6.75%) of the employees gross pay will be withheld and the district will contribute the percentage required by the state for administrative purposes. Information on claiming retirement benefits will be provided to each employee at the time of PERS approved employment. FICA-Retirement (Social Security) and Medicare Mandatory payroll deductions will be made for FICA and Medicare. Percentages change periodically and exact percentage figures are available from the payroll clerk at the District office. 30 Liability Insurance The district shall provide liability insurance coverage at such levels as from time to time may be approved by the Board. This insurance shall cover potential liabilities which may occur while the employee is carrying out the prescribed duties within the realm of the employee’s assigned responsibilities. Worker’s Compensation The district provides, at no charge to the employee, Worker’s Compensation coverage for all employees. It is the employee’s responsibility to file a claim for injury within twenty-four (24) hours of an accident. Forms are available at the Business Office and at each school site. Information is posted annually at each location. Unemployment Compensation The district provides, at no charge to the employee, unemployment benefits for all employees. Seasonal employees may collect unemployment compensation under Alaska law only if they resign or are terminated from their position at the end of the school year. This would result in loss of Health, AD&D and life insurance and no guarantee of a position at the start of the next school year. Payroll Deductions Employees may request payroll deductions for approved banking institutions. Employees may also contribute to a tax sheltered annuity. Specific information can be obtained from the Business Office. Holidays and Leave Holidays Permanent employees shall be granted the following paid holidays during the work year: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. January 1st, New Year’s Day The last Monday in May, Memorial Day The Fourth of July, Independence Day The first Monday in September, Labor Day The fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day Friday, the day after Thanksgiving Day December 25, Christmas Day Employees must have worked the regularly scheduled work day prior to and immediately following the holiday in order to receive compensation for the holiday. If an employee is required to work on a holiday, the employee shall be compensated at the overtime rate for the actual hours worked. 31 Leaves The School Board authorizes employee absences as provided by law and Board policies. The Board recognizes the following justifiable reasons for absence: 1. Personal sickness or injury, pregnancy, jury duty, military service or emergencies beyond the employee’s control. 2. Family illness, bereavement, religious observances and other personal reasons. 3. Situations stemming from occupational status such as attendance at meetings, conventions, inservice courses, seminars, etc. 4. Other situations for which leave is provided by law. Vacation Leave Leave slips must be submitted to the immediate supervisor and/or administration for approval prior to taking leave. Advance leave request should consider the number of days being requested as consideration of the advance notice to the supervisor/administrator. The Superintendent reserves the right to disallow any leave if the requested time would impair the operations of the district. Annual vacation leave shall be accrued according to the following schedule for permanent, full-time, 260 day employees: 1. +1-3 Years of Service 2. 4 Years or more service 15 Days per year 20 Days per year Twenty (20) days annual vacation leave may be carried over from one fiscal year to the next. Employees shall be allowed to cash out annual leave at separation of employment. The Business Office shall maintain a leave record for each employee, and such record shall be subject to annual audit and approval by the Superintendent. Sick Leave Sick leave shall accrue at the rate of 1-1/3 days per month for classified salaried employees. Hourly classified employees will accrue sick leave at the rate of .0615 days per hour worked. A false statement by an employee regarding sick leave shall be grounds for termination. Sick leave may be used under the following provisions: 1. For illness that requires the employee to be absent from work, upon notification to the supervisor and/or administration in advance unless prevented from doing so by extenuating circumstances. 2. For actual injury of the employee or for a medical or dental appointment in connection with an actual injury. 3. For maternity leave, up to twelve (12) weeks of sick leave may be used on or about the time of the birth of the child. 32 4. For illness or injury within the employee’s immediate family living within the employee’s household which requires the attendance of the employee. The immediate family shall include the employees spouse, children, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, parent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, or grandchild. 5. For routine health appointments, upon the express prior approval of the Superintendent, or designee, for routine doctor or dental examinations and for elective procedures that cannot reasonably be scheduled on non-work days. 6. For emergency leave, upon the death of a member of the immediate family of the employee up to five days of sick leave may be used. In excess of three (3) consecutive days of sick leave (excluding travel days), the supervisor may require a doctor’s certification. The employee whose absence has been approved as being justified under sick leave shall be paid for such time lost, to the extent that sick leave is accrued, at the current normal wage rate, less the amount of any time lost payments made under the Alaska Worker’s Compensation Act. After an absence due to illness or injury, the employee shall verify the absence by submitting a completed and signed district absence form to their immediate administrative supervisor and/or administration. The district may additionally require written verification by the employee’s doctor or practitioner. Such verification may be required whenever an employee’s absence record shows chronic absenteeism or a pattern of absences immediately before or after weekends and/or holidays or whenever clear evidence indicates that an absence is not related to illness or injury. Chronic absenteeism may be indicated when an employee has exhausted their entire ten (10)-day sick leave benefit during three or more of the past five (5) years. At its expense, the district may require an employee to visit a physician selected by the district in order to receive a report on the nature and severity of an illness or injury. The administration may deny further leave if the physician’s report does not indicate further leave is necessary. Before returning to work, an employee who has been absent for surgery, hospitalization or extended medical treatment may be asked to submit a letter from their doctor stating that they are able to return and stipulating any recommended restrictions or limitations. The district may, at district expense, require the opinion of a physician chosen by the district. Employees shall notify the district of their need to be absent from work as soon as such need is known. This notification shall include an estimate of the expected time duration of the absence. 33 Personal Leave Personal leave shall be accrued at the rate of 2 days per fiscal year for all permanent, full-time employees. Leave may be carried over one year to the next not to exceed a total of six (6) personal leave days a year. Employees must have prior approval from the building administration before taking personal leave. Leave for personal necessity may be allowed for other reasons at the discretion of the supervisor and/or school administration. However, no such leave shall be granted for the purposes of personal convenience, for the extension of a holiday or vacation period, or for matters which can be taken care of outside of working hours. Family and Medical Leave Act Upon application by the permanent employee, a leave of absence without pay may be granted according to the terms and conditions of the State and Federal Family and Medical Leave Acts. An employee is eligible for a leave of up to eighteen (18) workweeks in a twenty-four (24) month period for a serious health condition. An employee is eligible for a total of eighteen (18) workweeks in a twelve (12) month period because of pregnancy, childbirth, or adoption. The right to take leave for this latter reason expires on the date one year after the birth or placement of the child. To be eligible for leave, an employee must have been employed for at least a year and have worked for at least 1,250 hours during the previous twelve (12) months. Part-time employees may not be eligible. Based on a 180-day year, a part-time employee would have to work almost seven hours a day or thirty-five (35) hours a week to be eligible. An employee must first exhaust applicable balances of sick and annual leave. During the leave, health benefits of the employee will be maintained, provided that the employee was eligible for health coverage immediately prior to the start of the unpaid leave. If the leave is anticipated to exceed one (1) month, the Superintendent may make a substitute appointment. Upon returning to work, the employee will be restored to the original or an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits and other employment terms. An employee cannot collect unemployment or other government compensation while on leave. Jury Duty An employee called for jury duty or subpoenaed to appear as a witness will be compensated for the hours at the regular rate. State of Alaska warrants received for jury and/or witness duties will be presented to the Yupiit School District. The employee will not be compensated if they have a direct financial or civil interest in the case in question, or is a defendant or plaintiff in the case. 34 Administrative Leave Only the Superintendent or designee may grant paid administrative leave. Such leave includes work on District working groups and leave for participation in outside programs. The following conditions must be met: 1. Leave must be approved in advance 2. Leave must benefit the school program Stipends and other compensation, except per diem and transportation, shall be turned over to the district and the employee shall be paid at the current normal wage rate while on administrative leave that has been approved in advance as per their current employee status form. Emergency or Hardship Leave An employee may request in writing to the Superintendent for a short term, unpaid leave of up to one (1) year for emergency or hardship situations of the employee or the employee’s immediate family. This request would be recommended by the superintendent to the district School Board. The employee granted short term leave will not be on pay status or accrue benefits. Upon returning to work, the employee will be restored to the original or an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits and other employment terms. Educational Leave Parent/Teacher Conferences Employees will be granted one hour of paid leave to attend a child’s parent/teacher conference during the school day and normal working hours. A maximum of one hour will be allowed for each child of the employee, and this leave will be granted for not more than two times per school year. Postsecondary Training Program Upon application, an employee may be granted educational leave for up to two (2) years to pursue or complete a postsecondary training program. This request must be made in writing to the immediate supervisor and/or administration. The employee would not receive insurance benefits from the district while on leave. Upon return to work and verification of continuous enrollment in a school program equivalent to 12 or more credits per semester, the employee will be restored to the original or an equivalent position with equivalent pay benefits and other employment terms. Military Leave Any regular full-time employee who is a reservist in any branch of the armed forces or a National Guard member shall be granted time off for military training or temporary military service required during the school year. An employee requiring 35 such leave must notify their school Principal of the training schedule as far in advance as possible. An employee requiring such leave will receive regular pay during such service, less any military pay earned during that time, for a period authorized by law. Any regular full-time employee with an active military obligation will be granted a leave of absence without pay if called to active duty within the United States armed services. Employees called for active duty will be entitled to reinstatement in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws. Abandonment of Position (AWOL) An employee who has been absent without approved leave for two (2) consecutive days or five (5) days in any fiscal year shall be considered to have abandoned their position, and shall be automatically terminated. The employee is to be notified by the immediate supervisor and/or school administration and the action ratified by the board. [BP 5328.b.1] All leave requests must be submitted and approved via a Leave Request Application. (Appendix N) Personnel Records/Files Personnel records shall be kept for all current employees and shall include information usually expected in quality personnel administration. All personnel files are confidential and shall be available only to individual employees, persons authorized by the School Board, the administration, and those individuals authorized by the Superintendent or Board in accordance with administrative rules, regulations and procedures. Board members may request to review an employee’s file at a personnel session of the Board. Employees shall be notified whenever derogatory information is to be placed in their personnel file. Employees may review and comment on the contents of their personnel file. Personnel files shall be made available for inspection by an employee at an off-duty time. Inspection shall take place in the presence of a school administrator. Personnel files are to include at a minimum, the following information and/or documentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Yupiit School District Application Original contract Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9) Physical Examination/TB Testing PERS Notification of Employment PERS Verification of Service Emergency Notification Privacy Act Form ID/SSN Copies Insurance Papers 36 Employment Records Public Records. Except for examination materials, performance evaluations, personnel histories, or other confidential materials so designated by the Superintendent, employee records shall be public records. Such records shall be available for inspection by the public in the presence of authorized personnel during regular office hours in accordance with such procedures as the Superintendent may establish. [BP 4112.6] Confidential Records. Examination materials, performance evaluations, personnel histories, and other confidential materials so designated by the Superintendent shall be kept in confidential personnel files. Prior to inclusion of any material in the employee’s personnel file that might be construed as derogatory, the employee shall have the right to include a rebuttal or an explanation of the derogatory material placed therein. Maintenance of Records. The Superintendent’s Secretary and Business Office shall be responsible for the compilation and maintenance of official personnel files in a secure location and in accordance with this section. Personnel files shall be kept in perpetuity. Professional Evaluations/Supervision The School Board believes that professional evaluations can provide valuable information relevant to making employment decisions and can help staff improve their working knowledge, skills, understandings and abilities, while enhancing job performance. The Board endorses a continuous program of evaluation of all employees by the district. The basic objective of the evaluation program is the improvement of performance of service to the district. In accordance with school district policies and state statutes, an employee’s supervisor and/or school administration shall evaluate the effectiveness of classified employees annually. The school administration shall annually provide in-service training to all classified employees describing the instrument, procedures and process for conducting professional evaluations. [BP 4215] (see Classified Employee Personnel Evaluation Documents) Separation Retirement The employee covered by PERS and Social Security shall be eligible for retirement as provided by these systems. The employee shall submit a resignation as provided below. Resignation The employee may resign from the district by presenting a resignation in writing to the supervisor. The employee shall give written notice to the supervisor at least ten (10) days (two weeks) prior to the date of resignation. A copy of the resignation 37 shall be supplied by the supervisor to the Superintendent for inclusion in the personnel file. Positive supervisorial action is required to determine if causes of employee resignation may be adjusted. Supervisors and/or school administrators should consider factors of employee value to the district, availability of replacement, and costs of training a replacement. The School Board retains the right to accept resignations and may fix the time when the resignation shall take effect. A resignation, once submitted, shall remain in full force and effect unless rescinded, in writing, by the employee prior to Board action on the resignation. Layoff The Superintendent may layoff the permanent employee by reason of elimination of position, shortage of work or funds, or other reasons outside the employee’s control which do not reflect discredit on the services of the employee. The name of such an employee shall be placed on a layoff list for a period of one calendar year. The employee on the layoff list shall be offered reassignment to applicable positions as vacancies occur on the basis of performance evaluation, seniority, and the needs of the district as determined by the Superintendent. The employee on the layoff list who is offered and rejects a position in the same class as the position held at the time of the layoff shall be removed from the list. [BP/AR 4117.3 (a-c); BP 4117.31 (a-c); BP 4217.2] Dismissal At any time prior to the expiration of the probationary period, the school administration, at their discretion, may dismiss a probationary classified employee from the district employment. A probationary employee will not be entitled to a hearing. Permanent classified employees shall be subject to personnel action (suspension without pay, demotion, reduction of pay step in class, dismissal) only for cause. The Board’s determination of the sufficiency of the cause for disciplinary action shall be conclusive. In addition to any disqualifying or actionable causes otherwise provided by statute or by policy or regulation of the district, each of the following constitutes cause for personnel action against a permanent classified employee: 1. Falsifying any information supplied to the school district, including but not limited to, information supplied on application forms, employment records, or any other school district records. 2. Incompetency 3. Inefficiency 4. Neglect of duty 5. Insubordination 6. Dishonesty 38 7. Drinking alcoholic beverages while on duty or in such close proximity thereto as to cause any detrimental effect upon the employee or upon employees associate with them. 8. Addiction to the use of controlled substances. 9. Conviction of a felony, conviction of a sex offense made relevant by provisions of law, or conviction of a misdemeanor which is of such a nature as to adversely affect the employee’s ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of their job description and position. A plea or verdict of guilty, or a conviction following a plea or nolo contendere is deemed to be a conviction within the meaning of this section. 10. Absence without leave 11. Immoral conduct 12. Discourteous treatment of the public, students, or other employees. 13. Improper political activity 14. Willful disobedience 15. Misuse of district property 16. Violation of district, Board or departmental policies, rules, regulations and procedures. 17. Physical or mental disability, which disability precludes the employee from the proper performance of their duties and responsibilities as determined by competent medical officials, except as otherwise proved by a contract or by law regulating retirement of employees. 18. Failure to possess or keep in effect any license, certificate, or other similar requirement specified in the employee’s class specification or otherwise necessary for the employee to perform their duties and responsibilities of their employment position. 19. Unlawful discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, marital status, sex, or age against the public or other employees while acting in the capacity of a district employee. 20. Unlawful retaliation against any other district employee or member of the public who, in good faith, reports, discloses, divulges, or otherwise brings to the attention of any appropriate authority any information relative to actual or suspected violation of any laws occurring on the job directly related therto. 39 21. Any other failure of good conduct/behavior either during or outside of duty hours which is of such a nature that it causes discredit to the district or their employment. In cases involving a personnel action, the administration shall prepare a written recommendation of personnel action for the Board. A copy of the recommendation shall be served upon the employee either personally or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, at the employee’s last known address. The recommendation shall include: 1. A statement of the nature of the personnel action (suspension without pay, demotion, reduction of pay step in class, or dismissal). 2. A statement of the cause or causes therefore as set forth above. 3. A statement of the specific acts or omissions upon which the causes are based. If violation of policy, rule or regulation of the district is alleged, the policy, rule or regulation violated shall be set forth in the recommendation. 4. A statement of the employee’s right to appeal the recommendation and the manner and time within which their appeal must be filed. A permanent employee may, within five (5) calendar days after receiving the recommendation of personnel action described above, file an appeal to the School Board for reconsideration of the personnel action by submitting their request to the school administration. If the employee fails to file a timely appeal, the employee shall be deemed to have waived their right to request for reconsideration. The Board may affirm, modify, or revoke the recommended personnel action. Staff shall be accorded their due process rights provided by law. [BP 4117.4; BP 4218 (a-c)] Termination Agreements The School Board believes that it is incumbent upon school districts to provide truthful account of the reasons why an employee has left district employment. The Board therefore does not view with favor a termination settlement agreement which prevents the district from giving prospective employers this information. If a termination agreement is approved, the administration shall inform prospective employers that such an agreement has been made and may give out information as provided for in the agreement. [BP 4117.5] Suspension/Disciplinary Action The School Board expects its employees to perform their duties and responsibilities in accordance with Board policies and administrative rules and regulations, and in accordance with state statutes. The administration may take disciplinary action, including verbal warning, written warning, reassignment, suspension with or without pay, and dismissal, if such action is deemed appropriate. Furthermore, the administration may deviate from the progressive order of disciplinary actions if an employee’s behavior/conduct so requires. Supervisors and/or administrators will 40 document all disciplinary actions thoroughly and accurately and shall ensure that such actions are taken in a consistent, nondiscriminatory manner. All disciplinary action taken will be filed in an employee’s personnel file. [BP 4118] Employment References The School Board desires to provide information about district employees to prospective employers to the extent that such information is factual and accurate and does not violate an employee’s privacy rights. The administration shall process all such requests for references, letters of recommendation, or information about the causes or reasons for separation from the school district. No other district employee is authorized to make a statement concerning a separated employee’s performance or the reason(s) why any individual has left district employment. [BP 4112.61] Nonschool Employment The School Board recognizes that district employees may receive compensation for outside activities as long as these activities are not inconsistent, incompatible, in conflict with, or inimical to the employee’s duties or the duties, functions or responsibilities of the district. Outside paid activities are incompatible with district employment if they require time periods that interfere with the proper, efficient discharge of the employee’s duties, if they entail compensation from an outside source for activities which are part of the employee’s regular duties and responsibilities, or if they involve using for private gain the district’s name, prestige, time, facilities, equipment or supplies. [BP 4136] Support Staff in General Code of Ethics The School Board expects all employees to maintain the highest ethical, moral and professional standards, to adhere to all district policies, rules and regulations, and to abide to all state and federal statutes. Employee conduct and behavior should enhance the integrity of the district and its educational mission, philosophy and goals. All employees shall fulfill the duties and responsibilities set forth in their job descriptions and shall comply with Board policies, administrative rules and regulations, applicable employee agreements, and local, state and federal laws. [BP/E 4119.21 (a-c); BP 4119.3] 41 Professional Conduct The district expectations for professional conduct and behavior are as follows: 1. When speaking, corresponding and interacting with immediate supervisors and/or school administrators: a. Be calm, courteous, polite and specific. b. Avoid yelling, loud irate voice and expletives. 2. In meetings, it is fine to disagree with others but with professional courtesy. a. Best to speak with immediate supervisors prior to meetings if there is a concern/issue. b. Cell phones and other inappropriate portable electronic devices should not be used during meetings. c. Do not leave or get up in the middle of a meeting while others are speaking. d. Do not hold sidebars or carry on conversations with others during a meeting. e. Do not correct papers or other distracting conduct/behavior during meetings. 3. When speaking with others adhere to the same courtesies mentioned above and remember you represent a profession, on and off campus. 4. Ensure students refer to you by your title (i.e., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, etc.) 5. When speaking and corresponding with students, parents/guardians, and community members make sure to establish and maintain a professional role, use appropriate conduct and language, and don’t make light or joke about matters or issues that might be misinterpreted or offend cultural and ethnic values. Attendance/Absence All employees should report to work on time, ready to work. Employees absent and/or tardy often will be placed on a plan of improvement by their immediate supervisor and/or building Principal. Employees not coming to work are responsible for calling their immediate supervisor/Principal and reporting absences. The employee is responsible for maintaining their own timecard (an employee cannot punch in another’s timecard). Falsification of time shall be grounds for immediate termination without prior notice. Whenever an employee will need to be absent from work, for whatever reason, they are to notify their immediate supervisor, but not by e-mail. If an absence is 42 anticipated prior to the start of a school day, employees should notify their immediate supervisor by 7:00 am. If appropriate, employees absent need to once again contact their immediate administrative supervisor by 2:00 pm on the day of their absence to advise of their return status. Both notification times allows for the efficient contacting of potential substitutes if necessary. A leave request form is to be completed and submitted by the end of the work day upon return. An absence longer than three (3) working days may require a physicians notice. If a situation arises in which a staff member will be late to work, they are to call their immediate supervisor and/or school administration immediately and provide basic information as to why they will be late and their anticipated time of arrival. Time lost from work will require the completion of a leave request. Dress and Grooming The School Board believes that employees should maintain professional standards of dress and grooming. Just as overall attitude and competency contribute to a productive working environment, so do appropriate dress and grooming. The Board encourages all employees during school hours to wear clothing that demonstrates their high regard for education and presents an image consistent with their job duties and responsibilities. No sweats, t-shirts, pajamas, or clothing with inappropriate symbols or language is acceptable. Casual is fine but should not appear as unkept. The wearing of blue jeans is acceptable as long as they are clean, without rips or tears and worn at waist level. Blouses and shirts must have sleeves and all tops should not show mid-drift or rise above the waist. Shirts must be tucked in. No flip-flops, but sandals are acceptable if worn when the weather is appropriate. [BP 4119.22; BP 5132] Advertising and Promotion The School Board desires to cooperate in publicizing community services, special events and public meetings of interest to students, staff, and parents/guardians. School administration may approve the publicity of public events or distribution of promotional materials which extend cultural, recreational, artistic or educational opportunities to the community and which do not promote any particular commercial interest. All advertising and promotional information distributed through the schools shall identify the name and contact location of the sponsoring group. All surveys or questionnaires requiring student and/or parent/guardian responses must have prior administrative approval for distribution. The school district may determine whether or not it will accept paid advertising in school-sponsored publications, and if so, under what conditions. [BP/AR 1325 (ab)] Media Relations The School Board recognizes that the media significantly influences the public’s understanding of school issues and can greatly assist the school district and its 43 schools in better communicating with the community. The Board respects the public’s right to information and recognizes that the media has a legitimate interest in the school district and a responsibility to provide the community with accurate and reliable news. Employees are encouraged to cooperate with the media when appropriate and should use common sense when sharing school information/data or when expressing personal thoughts. At no time is information of a confidential/private matter to be disclosed without prior administrative approval. It is strongly recommended that all correspondence with the media be coordinated and approved by either immediate supervisors and/or school district administration prior to release. The Board recognizes and cherishes the foundations of “Free Speech” but also understands that with that freedom comes responsibility to act professionally and safeguarding the rights and freedoms of others. Again, school site Principals are responsible for providing the media with school information/data and press releases and teachers need to have Principal approval prior to releasing information/data to the media. [BP 1112] Relations With Vendors No district employee or Board member shall accept personal gifts, commission or expense-paid trips from individuals or companies selling equipment, supplies, materials or services required in the operation of the school district and its educational programs and supporting activities. This policy does not prohibit employees from accepting promotional or advertising items which are offered by business concerns free to all staff as part of a public relations campaign. District employees who work for or serve as consultants for potential vendors shall not participate in evaluating any equipment, supplies, materials or services of that vendor or its companies. [BP 3315] Contracts The school administration may enter into contracts on behalf of the district; staff may not. All contracts must be approved and/or ratified by the Board. [BP 3312] Volunteers The wealth of experience available in the community is a resource that should be used in appropriate ways to enrich educational programs and supporting activities and strengthen our schools’ relationships with homes, businesses, public agencies, civic groups, and private institutions. By their presence, volunteers also can make school environments safer and more closely supervised. The School Board strongly encourages parents/guardians and other community members to share their time, knowledge and abilities with our teachers and students. Building site Principals are responsible for approving the use of volunteers and are entrusted with establishing regulations to protect the safety and well-being of students and volunteers. Volunteers shall adhere to all state and district policies, rules and regulations and will need to sign a Waiver of Liability for Volunteers. [BP/E 1250] (Appendix O) 44 Staff Concerns/Complaints The School Board recognizes the need for providing employees with a process for addressing concerns regarding issues which are not subject to the formal grievance procedures. The Board encourages staff to submit concerns and complaints promptly so that they might be resolved quickly. The Board expects that staff members and administrators will make every effort to resolve employee concerns, complaints and disagreements informally before resorting to formal complaint procedures. Formal complaint procedures shall not be initiated unless informal efforts to resolve a complaint have been exhausted and the complainant has provided a written description of such efforts. The following guidelines shall prescribe the manner in which complaints are handled: 1. A “complaint” shall be defined as an alleged misapplication of the district’s policies, rules, regulations or procedures. 2. Meetings related to a complaint shall be held before or after the complainant’s regular working hours. 3. All matters related to a complaint shall be kept confidential. 4. All documents, communications and records dealing with the complaint shall be placed in a district complaint file and not in an employee’s personnel file. 5. No reprisals shall be taken against any employee in a complaint procedure by reason of such participation. 6. Time limits specified in these procedures may be reduced or extended in any specific instance by written mutual agreement of the parties involved. If specified or adjusted time limits expire, the complaint may proceed to the next step. 7. Any complaint not taken to the next step within prescribed time limits shall be considered settled on the basis of the resolution given at the preceding step. Formal Complaint Procedures Step 1. If a complaint is not satisfactorily resolved informally, the complainant may file a written complaint with their immediate supervisor within sixty (60) days of the act or event which is the subject of the complaint. Within five (5) days or receiving the complaint, the immediate supervisor shall conduct any necessary investigation and meet with the complainant in an effort to resolve the complaint. The immediate supervisor shall present all concerned parties with a written answer to the complaint within ten (10) working days after the meeting. Step 2. If a complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 1, the complainant may file the written complaint with the Superintendent within five (5) working days of receiving the resolution in Step 1. Within five (5) working days of receiving the 45 complaint, the Superintendent shall conduct any necessary investigation and meet with the complainant in an effort to resolve the complaint. The Superintendent will present all concerned parties with a written answer to the complaint within ten (10) working days after the meeting. Step 3. If a complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved in Step 2, the complainant may file a written appeal to the School Board within five (5) working days of receiving the resolution in Step 2. An appeal hearing shall be held at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting which falls at least twelve (12) days after the appeal is filed. The hearing shall be held in executive session if the complaint relates to matters properly addressed in executive session. The Board shall render its decision within thirty (30) days of the hearing and shall mail its decision to all concerned parties. The Board’s decision shall be final. [BP/AR 4144 (a-c)] Political Activities The School Board believes that district employees have an obligation to prevent the improper use of school time, materials or facilities for political campaign purposes. The administration shall regulate political activities on school property. All employees are prohibited from engaging in any activity in the presence of students during performance of the employee’s duties, where the activity is designed or intended to promote, further, or assert a position on any voting issue, board issue, or collective bargaining issue. The Board respects the right of school employees to engage in political activities on their own time. When engaging in political activities, employees shall make it clear that they are acting as individuals and not as representatives of the district. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action. Under no circumstances shall employees: 1. Conduct political activities on school property during duty hours. 2. Solicit campaign support or contributions on school property during duty hours. 3. Use school equipment for the reproduction of campaign materials. 4. Post or distribute campaign materials on school property. 5. Permit the use of students to write, address or distribute campaign materials. [PB 4119.25] Publication/Creation of Materials The School Board recognizes that employees may create copyrightable material either at work, at home, or both at work and at home. The development of copyrightable materials during, or in part during, the work day must be approved by the school administration. However, the administration approval or lack of approval shall not affect the district’s ownership of copyrights for materials 46 developed during working hours. Materials written or developed by an employee during the normal working school day are considered district property (17 US Code 201). Materials developed during both school and leisure hours are owned jointly by the employee and the district. A contractual agreement must be prepared, clarifying the joint ownership. [BP 4132] Soliciting/Selling District employees shall not solicit district students or their families with the intent to sell merchandise, books, equipment, materials or services. Any school activity requiring students to bring money to school for any purposes must have administrative approval. Staff should not distribute promotional, political, controversial or other noninstructional materials unless approved by the administration. Staff members shall not use their status to secure information such as names, addresses and telephone numbers for use in profit-making ventures. [BP 4135] Freedom of Speech/Expression Free inquiry and exchange of ideas are an essential part of a democratic society. The School Board respects staff and students’ rights to express their ideas and opinions, take positions and stands, and support causes, whether controversial or not, through speech, their writing, and the printed materials they choose to post or distribute. Staff and student liberties of expression shall be limited only as allowed by law in order to maintain an orderly school environment and protect the rights, health and safety of the members of the school community. Free speech extends to religious expression. It is the policy of the Board not to prevent or otherwise deny participation in, constitutionally protected prayer in district schools, consistent with the guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Education and applicable judicial decisions interpreting the religion clauses of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Staff and students are entitled to due process and appeals process procedures for resolving disputes regarding freedom of expression. Staff and students are prohibited from making any expressions or distributing or posting any materials which are obscene, libelous or slanderous, or which demonstrably incite others to commit unlawful acts on school premises, violate school policies, rules and regulations, or substantially disrupt the school district’s orderly operation. No staff member or student shall use coercion to induce another person to accept printed matter or to sign a petition. Any violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action. [BP 5145.2 (a-b)] Staff Development The school district administration may approve opportunities for classified staff to improve their job knowledge, skills, abilities and understandings so they might 47 effectively prepare for more responsible, higher-paying positions within the district, and to meet qualifications as established by federal and state law. Such opportunities may include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Visits to other schools and school districts. 2. Local and state conferences involving other classified employees. 3. Training classes and workshops offered by private organizations or by the district or other appropriate agency. [BP 4231] Staff Travel The School Board shall pay for actual and necessary expenses, including travel, incurred by any staff member performing authorized services for the school district. Expenses shall be reimbursed within limits established by the Board. The administration may authorize an advance of funds to cover necessary expenses. The Board may establish an allowance on either a mileage or monthly basis to reimburse designated employees for the use of their own vehicles in the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. All out-of-state travel requires Board approval. Travel request forms must be completed and approved prior to consideration of travel reimbursement. All reservations and arrangements are to be made through the Business Office. All Travel Authorizations must be approved by the Principal or Program Director and the Superintendent. Travel requisition forms can be obtained at each school office. [BP 4133] (Appendix P) Expenditures/Expending Authority The administration may authorize the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment in accordance with Board policies and law. Prior Board approval is required for purchases over $5,000.00. The Board shall not recognize obligations incurred contrary to Board policies and administrative regulations. Purchasing Procedures The School Board expects that maximum value is received for money expended and that accurate purchasing records are maintained. The administration may issue and sign purchase orders submitted by staff and shall submit them to the Board for approval and ratification. The Board encourages the selection of local and Alaskan products and services when such products and services meet the needs of the district and adhere to state law regarding purchasing preferences. It is incumbent on staff to clearly understand the purchasing process and procedures to avoid individual responsibility for paying for purchased products and services that were either not approved or did not adhere to purchasing procedure guidelines. Purchasing Requisitions/Purchase Orders must, insofar as possible meet the following criteria: 48 1. Goods and services purchased need to meet the needs of the person or department ordering them at the lowest price consistent with standard purchasing practice. Maintenance costs, replacement costs, and trade-in values shall be considered when determining the most economical purchase price. 2. Requisitions for budgeted items shall originate from personnel directly responsible for their use. All purchase requisitions shall be given proper review for approval or disapproval by appropriate administrators. 3. Every transaction between a buyer and seller involving the transfer of property, equipment, or supplies shall be made by purchase order, formal contract or receipt. 4. Purchase orders and other purchase obligations shall be signed by appropriate administrators. 5. The business office or other appropriate administrative entity shall verify the availability of funds and prepare purchase orders to commit revenues for expenditures. 6. Quantity purchasing shall be implemented whenever practical and feasible to achieve an economy of scale. [BP/AR 3310] (Appendix Q) Fund Raising/Money in Buildings The School Board recognizes that participation in fund-raising for worthwhile purposes can help students develop a sense of social responsibility and promote a sense of belonging. When approved by the Board, funds may be solicited or materials distributed for those nonprofit, nonpartisan charitable organizations that are properly chartered or licensed by state and/or federal statutes. With the approval of either the Superintendent or building Principal, Board recognized school-related organizations may organize fund-raising events involving students. Parents/guardians and the community shall be informed of the purpose of a fundraiser sponsored by the school and the specific school group who is facilitating the fund-raiser. Whether solicitations are made on behalf of the school or on behalf of a charitable organization, the Board believes that no person should be made to feel uncomfortable or pressured to provide funds. Staff are expected to emphasize to students who are fund-raising that donations are always voluntary. The school administration may limit fund-raising activities in order to prevent interference with instructional programs and support activities and/or to protect students from dangerous or unsafe situations. No students are to be barred from any educational program or supporting activity for choosing to not participate in a fund-raising activity. All selling or soliciting activities must be approved at least fifteen (15) school days before the activity commences. All fund-raising activities must be concluded within thirty (30) school days unless special administrative provisions have been granted. 49 If the fund-raising event involves a contract with a commercial vendor, the contract will require administrative approval. Money collected by district employees and student organizations shall be handled according to prudent and common sense procedures. All money collected shall be receipted and accounted for and without delay, submitted to the business office. Any money collected and kept overnight in schools shall be kept in a secure and locked location provided for safekeeping of valuables. District employees are responsible for making prior arrangements with appropriate district and school administrators for the securing of collected monies if said monies are not to be submitted to the business office immediately upon collection. Do not leave collected monies in unlocked desk drawers or other unsecured classroom locations that students have knowledge and easy access to. All staff members involved in fundraising activities shall take the following steps in handling student monies: 1. All monies raised are to be credited to a student account. 2. Monies cannot be left unsecured at any time and must be submitted to the school secretary on the same day of the activity that raised the money. 3. An advisor or adult sponsoring the activity must maintain an Expense Record of all fundraising entries, costs, expenditures and inventories of supplies. 4. Prior to the fundraising activity, advisors/sponsors are responsible for meeting with the school secretary and advising them of the upcoming activity. 5. The school secretary will prepare a money box that will be used by the group for the purposes of providing change when items are purchased. 6. Before the money box is released, the secretary and advisor/sponsor will count the money and sign a form confirming the amounts in the money box. 7. At the end of each activity, the advisor/sponsor will count the money in the presence of another staff member. 8. Once the funds are counted and recorded on the Expense Report form, funds and the report form are placed in an envelope with the name of the fundraising group and the amount being submitted. 9. The money envelope and money box are returned to the secretary as soon as the activity has ended. If the secretary is not available, the money envelope and money box are returned to the Principal. 10. The secretary enters the amounts raised on the financial excel program and turns money over to the business manager who deposits funds into the appropriate student activity account. 11. The advisor/sponsor will provide the secretary and school Principal with a monthly/quarterly expense report. 50 12. The school secretary audits and confirms that expense records match and are accurate. 13. Discrepancies in accounts will be reported to the building Principal. 14. The advisor/sponsor is held responsible for all monies raised and for assuring proper recordkeeping and safekeeping. [BP/AR 1321; BP 3450] School Equipment School equipment may be used by staff members and/or students only for schoolrelated tasks. Except when otherwise authorized by Board policies, personal use of district property is prohibited and may be cause for disciplinary action. Administrative consent is required if district-owned equipment is to be removed from the school site. When any equipment is taken off-site, the borrower is responsible for its safe return and shall be fully liable for any loss or damage. A Lending Agreement form must be completed and approved by the building Principal prior to its removal. [BP/E 3512] (Appendix R) Inventories The school administration is responsible for providing proper control and conservation of district property. Administration is to maintain an inventory for all items currently valued in excess of $500.00 or a lesser amount if required by state or federal grant requirements and regulations. To this end, staff will be required to assist in properly controlling and annually inventorying that property assigned to them for their use. Copies of individual staff inventories will be kept at the district and school sites. The following inventory information must be recorded: 1. Description (with manufacturer’s name and/or model number). 2. Identification and/or serial number. 3. Date and cost of acquisition (estimate if unknown). 4. Funding source (grant source and grant title). 5. Current use, condition and location. 6. Date on which inventory information was verified. Staff will complete an inventory list for all supplies and equipment located in their working areas by August 31st annually. All equipment purchased with federal funds or nonfederal matching funds shall be labeled with the district’s name and an equipment or inventory control number. The date and mode of disposal of all equipment removed from the inventory shall also be recorded. Inventory lists are to be submitted to the school secretary. All inventoried items are to remain in their 51 location unless prior administrative approval to locate them elsewhere has been granted. [BP/AR 3440] Damaged/Lost Instructional Materials/Resources School district materials and resources provided for use by staff and students remain the property of the school district. Staff and students are responsible for returning borrowed materials and resources in good condition, with no more wear and tear than usually results from normal use. When materials and resources are lost or so damaged that they are no longer usable, the individual responsible shall be responsible for reparation equal to the current replacement cost of the material or resource. If reparation is not excused and not paid by the individual responsible, the district may initiate due process procedures and take disciplinary actions. [BP 6161.2] Reimbursement The School Board and school district shall not be held responsible for the reimbursement of any employee’s personal property which may be stolen, destroyed or maliciously damaged while being used in the school district. (BP 4156.3] Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals The School Board favors the use of paid and volunteer teacher aides/ paraprofessionals and considers them to member of a professional team dedicated to the best interests of students. By relieving teachers of duties that do not require professional training, noncertificated persons allow teachers to dedicate their knowledge, skills, abilities and efforts primarily to teaching. Paraprofessionals also can help teachers to provide individualized student instruction and in enriched educational program. The district shall use paraprofessionals in those classes where they will provide the greatest benefit to students, taking into consideration such factors as large class size, student age group, and teacher workload. School administration shall ensure that all paraprofessionals have appropriate training and supervision. Paraprofessionals are expected to be courteous, discrete, cooperative and dependable, to employ high ethical standards as they work with students, and to respect school policies, and administrative rules and regulations. The Board recognizes the need for qualified teaching staff and the need to ensure all teacher aids/paraprofessionals working instructionally with students are “highly qualified” as defined by No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and will make every effort to assist teacher aides/paraprofessionals in achieving a “highly qualified” designation. All Title I teacher aides/paraprofessionals need to meet the “highly qualified” requirements. Furthermore, all Title I staff must have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent; obtained an Associate’s or higher degree; or met a rigorous standard of quality through a formal state or local academic assessment. [BP/AR/E 4222 (a-d)] 52 Students in General Nondiscrimination The School Board is committed to providing equal and equitable opportunity for all students to all school district educational programs and activities. All district and school site educational programs and activities will be free from discrimination based on age, gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability or any other unlawful consideration. District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination. The Board shall ensure equal opportunities for all students in admission and access to academic courses, guidance and counseling, athletics, cocurricular programs, testing and vocational education programs. Staff are strongly encouraged to immediately report any questionable discriminatory practices to their immediate supervisor when suspected. [BP 0410(a-b); BP 5145.3] Organizations/Equal Access The School Board believes that curriculum and noncurriculum-related student organizations have an important role to play in students’ lives. School sponsored student organizations must be organized at the school, have a certificated advisor, be composed completely of current student body members and be approved by the school administration in accordance with Board policy. They shall hold the majority of their meetings at school and have a democratic plan for the selection of its members. Student organizational groups will not be denied use of school facilities based on religious, political, philosophical or any other content to be addressed at such meetings. Since the school district allows individual schools to sponsor student groups not directly tied to the curriculum, student-initiated groups not sponsored by the school district have a right to meet on school premises during times established for a limited open forum in accordance with the provisions of the federal Equal Access Act. [BP/AR/E 6145.5] Cumulative Records A cumulative record for every student is maintained and filed in the school administrative offices. Records are available to teachers, for study, upon request. The cumulative record is not to be removed from the school building. Confidentiality and security of student information is paramount. The Family Education Right and Privacy Act needs to be strictly enforced. No employee may give information that has been taken from a student’s record to anyone outside the school faculty/administration. The files are open to the legal parents/guardians, but the building administrator or the director of the special program (if a special program is involved) must give specific approval. 53 If the record, in question, is a Special Education record, approval must be given by the Director of the program. Special service records are kept in the district office building. The Director of Special Education or their designee must be present when the files are being reviewed. Accidents/Illness If a student becomes ill or receives an injury, while under an employee’s supervision, the office staff shall be informed as soon as possible, so the staff may take appropriate action. If the condition appears to be serious (bad injury, unconscious, seizures, etc.), the employee shall send a messenger (message) to the office immediately. The student shall not be moved. When a student has been injured, the employee must obtain and complete an accident report. The form must be completed before the end of the school work day. (Appendix S) First Aid Kits. First Aid Kits are located in the school office, the kitchen and each locker room. Every classroom will have a small First Aid Kit located in the teacher’s desk. Administering Medications Students sometimes may need to take prescribed medication during the school day in order to be able to attend school without jeopardizing their health. In such cases, when the district has received written statements from the student’s physician and/or parents/guardians as required by law, designated school personnel shall assist students in taking the prescribed medication. In some cases, a student may be permitted to carry medication that has been prescribed or ordered by a physician to stay on or with the student dud to a pressing medical need. Students who have received instruction in self-administration of a medication shall be permitted to carry and self-administer the medication. Written authorization must be submitted annually. Typically, for younger students, medications should be kept in a secure and appropriate place and the administration of said medications supervised by a school employee (i.e., school nurse, office personnel, etc.). Before a designated district employee administers any prescribed or over-the-counter medication to any student during school hours, the district will have on file: 1. A written statement from the student’s physician or pharmacy label detailing the prescribed method, amount and time schedules by which the medication is to be taken. 2. A written statement from the student’s parents/guardians requesting the district to assist their child in taking the medication. All prescribed medications shall be in a properly labeled pharmacy bottle containing the name and telephone number of the pharmacy, the student’s identification, name of the physician, and dosage of medication to be administered. The school administration and approved administering employee shall maintain a list of 54 students needing medications during school hours, and shall log type and dosage of medication and date and time of administration [BP/AR/E 5141.21 (a-c)] Discipline The School Board believes that all students have the right to public education in a safe and positive environment that ensures maximum opportunity for learning. An effective school discipline program is necessary to ensure a learning environment free of disruptions. In order to promote an atmosphere conducive to learning, it is imperative that the Board, parents/guardians, students, teachers, support staff and school administrators be cognizant of their respective duties and responsibilities related to student conduct/behavior. The school discipline program will reflect community standards of school behavior and safety that are developed with the collaboration of students, parents/guardians, educators, administrators, and advisory school boards in each school community. The Board and school administration is responsible for prescribing rules for the government and discipline of the schools under their jurisdiction. Student conduct/behavior rules and consequences for failing to meet those rules shall be fair and developmentally appropriate. The Board holds employees directly responsible for the proper conduct and control of students under their charge within the conduct/behavioral guidelines. Staff and administrators will collectively develop and enforce school-wide conduct/behavioral rules, regulations and consequences. Classified support staff are to help enforce district- and school-wide policies and administrative rules and regulations and not to ignore or interfere with the implementation of the discipline plan. [BP 5030 (a-c); BP 51331 (a-c); BP/AR 5131.41 (a-b); BP 5131.42; BP/AR 5131.43 (a-b); BP/AR 5131.7 (a-c); BP5136 (ab); BP 5144 (a-d)] Vandalism, Theft and Graffiti The School Board considers vandalism to be a very serious matter. Vandalism includes the negligent, willful, or unlawful damage or theft of any district-owned real or personal property, including writing of graffiti. Any student who commits an act of vandalism shall be subject to disciplinary action, reparation for damages, and may be reported to law enforcement. If reparation of damages is not made, the district may consider the withholding of grades, diplomas, and/or transcripts. All employees are responsible for immediately reporting to the school administration acts of vandalism, theft and graffiti. [BP 5131.5] Corporal Punishment Corporal punishment is prohibited by law as a disciplinary measure against any student. All employees shall employ other means for disciplining students. However, the prohibition on corporal punishment does not prevent the use of reasonable and appropriate force by an employee which is necessary to maintain order or protect student and staff welfare. Reasonable and necessary force or physical restraint against a student may be used to protect the student, or others, 55 from physical injury; to obtain possession of a weapon or other dangerous object; to maintain reasonable order in the classroom or on school grounds; or to protect property from serious damage or destruction. The force shall not be greater than necessary to control the misconduct or dangerous situation. In no event may deadly force be used against a student. [BP 5144 (c)] Search and Seizure The School Board recognizes that incidents may occur where the health, safety and welfare of students and staff are jeopardized and which necessitate the search and seizure of students, their property, or their school assigned school lockers by school officials. The Board authorizes school officials to conduct search and seizures when there is reasonable grounds or suspicion that the search will uncover evidence that the student is violating the law or the policies, rules and regulations of the district and/or school. The Board urges that discretion, good judgment and common sense be exercised in all cases of search and seizure. Before searching a student’s possessions, school officials will seek, but need not receive, the freely offered consent of the student. Whenever reasonably possible, a search of a student’s person shall be conducted in the presence of the student’s parents/guardians, another staff member, and or school administrator. The parents/guardians of the student being searched shall be notified by the district/school immediately after the search. The use of drug-detection dogs and metal detectors, or similar detection devises, may be used by school officials. Because school lockers are under the joint control of students and the district, school officials shall have the right and ability to open and inspect any school locker without student permission when they have reasonable suspicion that the search will disclose evidence of illegal possessions or activity when odors, smoke, fire and/or other threats to student health, welfare and safety emanate from the locker. [BP/E 5145.12 (a-b)] Awards The Board discourages students and parents/guardians from giving gifts to staff members but rather encourages them to write personal notes of appreciation. [BP 5126; BP 5133] Food and Beverages Food and beverages can only be consumed in the Elder’s Hall. Food and beverages are not allowed in classrooms or hallways unless a classroom has been arranged for a special occasion. This includes the chewing of gum. 56 Appendix A Classified Support Staff Handbook Acknowledgement By signing this Classified Support Staff Handbook Acknowledgement page, I attest that I have received, read and understand the 2011-2012 Yupiit School District Classified Support Staff Handbook. _____________________________________ Print Employee’s Name _____________________________________ Employee Signature _________________________ Date 57 APPENDIX B BP 2110 Organizational Chart SY 2011-2012/FY 2012 B0ARD OF EDUCATION SUPERINTENDENT Board/Superintendent Secretary Assistant Superintendent Instruction Curriculum Development Assistant Superintendent Special Programs Business Manager Business Office Staff Director of Maintenance Maintenance Foreman Site Administrators TEACHERS Director of Technology Director of Early Childhood Site Technicians OFL/EC Staff Maintenance & Custodial 58 Instructional Aides Site LASB’s APPENDIX C 59 APPENDIX D E 4020 Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace Notice to Employees YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that it is a violation of School Board policy for any employee at a school district workplace to unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, drug, or controlled substance as defined in the Controlled Substance Act and Code of Federal Regulations. “School district workplace” is defined as any place where school district work is performed, including a school building or other school premises; any school-owned or school-approved vehicle used to transport students or employees to and from school or school activities; any off-school sites when accommodating a schoolsponsored or school-approved activity or function, such as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under the jurisdiction; or during any period of time when an employee is supervising students on behalf of the district or otherwise engaged in district business. As a condition of your continued employment with the district, you will comply with the district’s policy on Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace and will, any time you are convicted of any criminal alcohol statute violation occurring in the workplace, notify your immediate supervisor and/or school administration of this conviction no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 60 APPENDIX E E 4119.42 4219.42 4319.42 Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination I understand that due to my occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials I may be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. I have been given the opportunity to be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine, at no charge to myself. However, I decline hepatitis B vaccination at this time. I understand that by declining this vaccine, I continue to be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B, a serious disease. If in the future I continue to have exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials and I want to be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine, I can receive the vaccination series at no charge to me. ________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________ Employee Name (please print) __________________________________ Date 61 APPENDIX F E 6161.4 (a-b) Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents Your child has access to electronic communication known as the Internet. The Internet is a collection of more than 20,000 interconnected computer networks. The vast domain of information contained within Internet’s libraries can provide unlimited learning opportunities to students. Students will be able to access the Internet through teachers. Individual student accounts and electronic mail addresses (will/will not) be issued to students at this time. If a student already has an electronic mail address, they (will not/may not, with permission of their supervising teacher) be permitted to use the address to send and receive mail at school. Students will be expected to abide by the following network etiquette rules: 1. The use of the network is a privilege and may be taken away for a violation of Board policies or administrative rules and regulations. As a user of the Internet, students may be allowed access to other networks. Each network may have its own set of policies and procedures. Students will abide by the policies and procedures of these other networks. 2. Students will respect all copyright and license agreements. 3. Students will cite all quotes, references and sources. 4. Students will only remain on the system long enough to receive needed information. 5. Students will apply the same privacy, ethical and educational considerations utilized in other forms of communication. 6. Student access for electronic mail will be through (the supervisng teacher’s account/their own account). Students should adhere to the following guidelines: a. Others may be able to read or access the mail, so private messages should not be sent. 62 b. c. d. e. Delete unwanted messages immediately. Use of objectionable language is prohibited. Always sign messages. Always acknowledge receipt of a document or file. 7. Students accessing Internet services that have a cost involved will be responsible for payment of those costs. Please sign this form and return it to the school if you would like your child to be granted Internet access. _________________________________________ Student Name ____________ Grade _________________________________________ School ____________________________________ Date _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature If you have granted your child Internet access, please have them respond to the following: I have read the expected network etiquette and agree to abide by those provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may constitute suspension or revocation of Internet privileges. I agree to be responsible for payment of costs incurred by accessing any Internet services that have a cost involved. ___________________________________________ Student’s Signature _________________________ Date 63 APPENDIX G E 6161.4 (c-d) Agreement of Acceptable Use of the Internet You are being given access to the District’s electronic communications system. Through this system, you will be able to communicate with other schools, colleges, organizations, and provide people around the world through the Internet and other electronic information systems/networks. You will have access to thousands of databases, libraries and computer services all over the world. With this opportunity comes responsibility. It is important that you read the District Board policies and administrative rules and regulations, and this agreement form and ask questions if you need help in better understanding them. Inappropriate system use will result in the loss of the privilege to use this educational tool. Rules for Appropriate Use 1. You may be assigned an individual account, and you are responsible for not sharing the password for that account with others. 2. You will be held responsible at all times for the proper use of your account, and the District may suspend and/or revoke your access if you violate policies, rules, regulations and/or procedures. 3. Remember that others who receive e-mail from you with a school address might think your message represents the school’s point of view. Inappropriate Uses 1. Using the system for any illegal purposes. 2. Borrowing someone’s account without permission. 3. Downloading or using copyrighted information without the permission from the copyright holder. 64 4. Posting messages or accessing materials that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal. 5. Wasting school resources through improper use of the computer system. 6. Gaining unauthorized access to restricted information and resources. Consequences for Inappropriate Use 1. Suspension of access to system. 2. Revocation of the computer system account. 3. Other legal action, in accordance with applicable laws. I understand that my computer use is not private and that district administration may be monitoring my activity on the district’s computer system. I have read the district’s electronic communications system policy and administrative rules, regulations and procedures and agree to abide by their provisions. In consideration for the privilege of using the district’s electronic communications system and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the district, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my use of, or inability to use, the system, including, without limitation, the type of damages identified in the district’s policy and administrative regulations. _________________________________________ Employee Signature _________________________________________ Employee Name (please print) _________________________________________ Date 65 APPENDIX H BP 3510 Maintenance/Repair Request 66 APPENDIX I BP 4119.23 4219.23 4319.23 Confidentiality Yupiit School District Board Policy 4119.23, 4219.23 and 4319.23 Unauthorized Release of Confidential Information) states: District employees shall maintain the confidentiality of all confidential records until such time as laws, state regulations and/or bylaws of this district permit disclosure. Best practice encourages all staff to understand the importance of confidentiality as it relates to student information. Student medical, personal and educational records are confidential and are not to be discussed in the community or with non-members of the students’ educational team. In addition records should not be disclosed to any person or entity not affiliated with the school district unless a parental release has been signed. General Rules of Confidentiality 1. Personally identifiable information includes: name of student, name of parent or other family member, address of student and family, personal identifier (SSN or student number), list of personal characteristics that would make the student’s identity easily identifiable. 2. Special education records are “education records” and are considered confidential. 3. A parent can include: a natural parent, guardian, family member acting as a parent, surrogate parent, foster parent. Staff Responsibility 1. Must protect confidentiality of personally identifiable information at all times (collection, storage and destruction of information) 2. Must ensure confidentiality when using district email. Best practice would suggest that if it is necessary to discuss a student it is best to do so in person. 3. When sharing student information with a parent make sure that grades, test scores, etc. of other students is not visible. 67 4. Keep conversations regarding student academics or behavior in private locations. Don’t chat in the hallways, office or teacher workrooms. 5. Don’t talk about a specific child where other children can hear the information. 6. Be careful when you are at the store, Laundromat, or other community location. Don’t discuss students in public (even when a parent wants to discuss their child with you). 7. Make sure that collaborative logs do not include full names of students (use initials). 8. Keep student information (working files, portions of IEP, etc.) in a secure cabinet or in such a manner, so that others do not have access to confidential information. I have been presented general guidance on confidentiality and understand my responsibility as a Yupiit School District employee. ______________________________________ Employee Signature ______________________________________ Employee Name (please print) ______________________________________ Date 68 APPENDIX J CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION PLEASE USE TYPEWRITER OR BLACK INK PEN POSITION APPLYING FOR: NAME: (LAST) (FIRST) CITY: STATE: HOME PHONE: BUSINESS PHONE: DATE AVAILABLE TO START: DATE: (MI) ZIP CODE: EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE? HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY (GED) HIGHEST GRADE ACHEIVED YES NO YES NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 LIST ANY HIGH SCHOOL COURSES THAT RELATE TO THE POSITION YOU ARE APPLYING FOR: EDUCATION OR TRAINING AFTER HIGH SCHOOL NAME AND LOCATION DATE ATTENDED NO OF QUARTER HOURS NO OF SEMESTER HOURS HOURS GRADUATE? DEGREE/CERTIFICATE AND YEAR MAJOR OR SUBJECT TAKEN ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATIONS EQUIPMENT OR MACHINES YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO OPERATE Yupiit School District EQUIPMENT OR MACHINES YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO REPAIR NAME: 69 Classified Employment Application Page 2 WORK EXPERIENCE INCLUDE ALL JOBS HELD WITHIN THE PAST FIVE (5) YEARS. LIST EARLIER JOB HISTORY IF PERTINENT TO THE JOB APPLIED FOR. INCLUDE ANY PERIOD OF UNEMPLOYMENT OVER THREE (3) MONTHS IN LENGTH. USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NEEDED TO GIVE COMPLETE HISTORY. START WITH THE LAST OR PRESENT POSITION AND WORK BACKWARDS. EMPLOYING FIRM ADDRESS EXT CITY NAME OF SUPERVISOR NO. OF PERSONS SUPERVISED DUTIES NUMBER OF YEARS WORKED REASON FOR LEAVING EMPLOYING FIRM ADDRESS EXT CITY NAME OF SUPERVISOR NO. OF PERSONS SUPERVISED DUTIES REASON FOR LEAVING EMPLOYING FIRM ADDRESS EXT CITY NAME OF SUPERVISOR NO. OF PERSONS SUPERVISED DUTIES NUMBER OF YEARS WORKED REASON FOR LEAVING FROM PHONE NO. STATE ZIP CODE JOB TITLE HOURS PER WEEK FROM PHONE NO. STATE TO ZIP CODE JOB TITLE HOURS PER WEEK FROM PHONE NO. STATE TO TO ZIP CODE JOB TITLE HOURS PER WEEK I hereby certify that all information made on or in connection with this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I have not knowingly withheld any fact or circumstance. I understand that any misrepresentation of material fact will be sufficient grounds for rejection of application, or removal from employment. I authorize my present and previous employers to release to the Yupiit School District any information they may have regarding my character or employment record and release said employers from any damage or claim for furnishing said information. I hereby agree to submit to such physical and/or mental examinations as may be required. _______________________________________ Signature _________________________ Date 70 Yupiit School District NAME: Classified Employment Application Page 3 Request for Information APSIN Criminal Background Check Printout APPLICANT:_______________________________________________ (Please Print) Last First DOB:_____________ Middle Maiden Name, Previous Married Name, Aliases, and also known as: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Social Security Number ____________________________________ AK/Out of State Driver’s License Number ______________________________________________ Current Mailing Address ____________ How Long? _________________________________________________________ Current Residential Address _________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code ________________________________________________________ Previous Address ___________ How Long? _________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code CRIMINAL RECORDS INFORMATION WAIVER AND FEE AUTHORIZATION As an applicant for employment in the Yupiit School District, I hereby authorize the Yupiit School District to conduct a criminal history search. The search will require my fingerprints and use Alaska Public Safety records and other such records as may be found in the State and any other State or Federal jurisdiction. I also authorize any law enforcement agency to release the above information to the Yupiit School District, Personnel Office, P.O. Box 51190, Akiachak, Alaska 99551-0190. I certify that the information I have given on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. If hired, I authorize the required fee of approximately $60 to be deducted from my first paycheck. _________________________________________ Signature of Applicant _____________________ Date 71 APPENDIX K 2011-2012 Salary Schedules 72 2011-2012 Salary Schedules (Continued) 73 2011-2012 Salary Schedules (Continued) 74 APPENDIX L 75 APPENDIX M Return this certification to: Personnel File Yupiit School District P.O. Box 51190 Akiachak, Alaska 99551 PHYSICIAN’S CERTIFICATION Employee’s Name: __________________________________________ I have examined the above named individual and: [ ] Declare him/her physically and mentally ready for employment. [ ] Declare him/her unfit for employment on the basis of a physical and/or mental deficiency. [ ] Recommend follow-up examination(s) as indicated: _________________________________ [ ] ______________________________ Recommend the following procedures before approval can be given. _________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________ The annual tuberculin skin test required by AS 18.15.145 will be administered by the school nurse at the beginning of the school year. 76 APPENDIX N 77 APPENDIX O E 1250 Waiver of Liability for Volunteers NOTE: The Yupiit School District from time to time provides opportunities for members of the community to volunteer services to the school district. However, the school district does not provide liability insurance coverage to non-district personnel serving in voluntary positions with the district. The purpose of this waiver is to provide notice to prospective volunteers that they do not have insurance coverage by the school district and to document the volunteer’s acknowledgement that they are providing volunteer service at their own risk. By executing this waiver, the volunteer: 1. Acknowledges that the Yupiit School District does not provide insurance coverage for the volunteer for loss, injuries, illness, or death resulting from the volunteer’s unpaid service to the school district. 2. Agrees to assume all risk for death or any loss, injury, illness or damage, of any nature or kind, arising out of the volunteer’s supervised or unsupervised service to the school district. 3. Agrees to waive any and all claims against the school district, or its officers, Board members, employees, agents or assigns, for loss due to death, injury, illness or damage of any kind arising out of the volunteer’s supervised or unsupervised service to the school district. 4. Agrees that this waiver is effective whether the death, loss, damage, illness or injury is the result of the negligent, intentional or unintentional acts of the district, any district employee, officer, Board member, or agent, or that of any other volunteer working for, or on behalf of the school district, and further agrees to waive any and all claims against the school district, of any nature of kind, for damages arising out of the volunteer’s service to the school district. By my signature below, I hereby certify that I have carefully read this waiver, and that I am making this waiver knowingly, without coercion or duress. _______________________________________ Volunteer Signature ______________________________ Date _______________________________________ Witness 78 APPENDIX P BP 4133 79 APPENDIX Q BP/AR 3310 80 APPENDIX R E 3512 Equipment Lending Agreement Equipment To Be Borrowed _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Needed: ________________________ Date To Be Returned: ______________________ From: _______________________________________________________________________________________ (School/Employee) Borrower: __________________________________________________________________________________ (Individual/Organization) Individual responsible for above borrowed equipment: ______________________________ AGREEMENT: I _________________________________________, agree to return all borrowed equipment in the same condition as when borrowed and to reimburse the school district for any damages which might occur through usage during the period of lending. __________________________________________ Borrower’s Signature __________________________________ Date 81 APPENDIX S BP 5141 82