May 1, 2016 – Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 1, 2016 – Sixth Sunday of Easter
Rev. Father Dennis W. Kleinmann, Pastor Rev. Father Michael C. Isenberg, Parochial Vicar Deacon J. Paul Ochenkowski Rev. Mr. Colin Davis Seminarians: Mr. Nick Schierer and Mr. C. William Nyce “To know, to love, and to serve God” May 1, 2016 – Sixth Sunday of Easter Sacramental Information Parish Office Parish School Marriage: Congratulations on your engagement! Please contact the parish office at least six months prior to the wedding date. It is best for us to hear from you as soon as you become engaged to set up your initial appointment. Address: 3460 Centreville Road Chantilly, VA 20151 Phone: 703-773-2000 Fax: 703-773-2001 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed: 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon Address: 3460-B Centreville Road Chantilly, VA 20151 Phone: 703-773-2020 Fax: 703-991-9103 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected] Mrs. Mary Sadick, Office Manager Mrs. Kathy Bean & Mrs. Kitty Lochbaum, Receptionists Mrs. Diana Acker, Parish Apostolates Coordinator & School Liaison Mrs. Kendra Turchiarolo, Admissions & Development Baptisms: We welcome your new addition! Generally, baptisms take place at 12:15 pm the first and third Sunday of each month, with some flexibility based on circumstances. Baptism preparation instruction is required for first-time parents or parents who have not previously attended a class. Please call the parish office to begin the process of scheduling the baptism. Holy Communion & Anointing of the Sick: God bless you! If you or someone you know would like to receive Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick at Fair Oaks Hospital, Sunrise Assisted Living at Fair Oaks, or at home, please call the parish office to arrange a visit. Parish Registration: Welcome! If you would like to register as a parishioner at St. Veronica, please pick up a registration form in one of the church vestibules or in the parish office. Upon completion, you may drop the form in the Sunday collection basket, or you may mail it in. If you are moving out of the parish or have a change of address, please contact the parish office. Initiation of Adults and Children: The RCIA process leads older youths and adults into full communion with the Catholic Church. Please call the parish office or email [email protected] for details. Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Mr. Peter Mannix, Principal Mass Schedule* Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (Vietnamese) Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am & 5:00 pm 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm (Vietnamese) Weekdays: Monday—Friday 8:30 am & 12:15 pm Wednesday & First Friday 7:30 pm Friday (except First Friday) 7:00 pm (Vietnamese) Saturday 8:30 am Holy Hour Schedule* Wednesday: 7:00 pm (includes Exposition, Holy Rosary, Benediction & Mass) Confession Schedule* Monday and Friday: 11:30 am—Noon Wednesday: 6:30 pm through the Holy Hour Saturday: 9:00 am—10:00 am & 3:30 pm—4:30 pm First Friday of the Month: After the 8:30 am Mass & 6:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration* Monday: 9:00 am—Saturday: 8:00 am * Please listen to pulpit announcements & parish office recordings, and consult current bulletin & website homepage for schedule changes. 1 Week at a Glance Sunday, May 1: Sixth Sunday of Easter 8:30 am Pancake Breakfast—Parish Hall 1:30 pm Middle School Boys Theology of the Body—P207 3:15 pm Charismatic Prayer Group—Training Room 6:30 pm Ablaze High School Youth Group—Parish Hall & Kitchen Monday, May 2: 8:30 am Holy Mass 11:30 am Confessions 12:15 pm Holy Mass 5:00 pm Religious Education Classes 7:00 pm Blessed Mother Teresa Outreach Apostolate—Acolyte Room 7:30 pm EnCourage—P203 7:30 pm Endow—Library/P211 Tuesday, May 3: 8:30 am Holy Mass 9:30 am 50+ Women’s Bible Study—Acolyte Room 12:15 pm Holy Mass No Religious Education Classes 7:00 pm Legion of Mary 7:30 pm Confirmation Wednesday, May 4: 8:30 am Holy Mass 12:15 pm Holy Mass 3:15 pm STEM—P201 and P203 7:00 pm Holy Hour with Exposition, Holy Rosary and Benediction 6:30 pm Confessions 7:30 pm Holy Mass 8:00 pm Young Adults—Parish Hall Thursday, May 5: 8:30 am Holy Mass 9:15 am Endow—Acolyte Room 12:15 pm Holy Mass 3:15 pm STEM—P200 and P202 4:30 pm Children’s Choir—P208 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus—P209 7:30 pm Adult Choir—P208 First Friday, May 6: 8:30 am Holy Mass 9:00 am Confessions 12:15 pm Holy Mass 6:30 pm Confessions 7:30 pm Holy Mass First Saturday, May 7: 8:00 am Exposition, Rosary Meditation and Benediction 8:30 am Holy Mass 9:00 am Holy Rosary 9:00-9:30 am Confessions 9”30 am Luminaries of Holy Mary 9:30 am FORMED Launch Team Volunteers—Pope Saint John Paul II Room 10:00 am First Holy Communions followed by Reception—Church & Parish Hall 1:30 pm First Holy Communions followed by Reception—Church & Parish Hall 3:30 pm Confessions Bulletin Deadline 10:00 am Friday, 9 days prior to the Sunday publication Announcements should be sent to [email protected]. Mass Intentions Saturday, April 30: Saint Pius V 8:30 am Robert Cappel + 5:00 pm Joan Roth Jaskunas + Sunday, May 1: Sixth Sunday of Easter 7:30 am Paloma Rosalee McDonald + 9:00 am Mary Ann Hassan + 10:45 am The People of St. Veronica 5:00 pm Lavern Perez + Monday, May 2: Saint Athanasius 8:30 am Jane Burdick + 12:15 pm The Holy Souls in Purgatory ++ Tuesday, May 3: Saints Philip and James, Apostles 8:30 am The Burdick Family 12:15 pm Steve Curley + 7:30 pm The Confirmandi Wednesday, May 4 8:30 am The Curley Family 12:15 pm Barbara Curley 7:30 pm Samantha Wilkinson Thursday, May 5 8:30 am Margarete Mittelstrass + 12:15 pm Zena Martin First Friday, May 6 8:30 am Angela Raish 12:15 pm Ruby Nicdao 7:30 pm Wolfgang Sindlinger + First Saturday, May 7 8:30 am Brone Zvinakis + 10:00 am The First Holy Communicants 1:30 pm The First Holy Communicants 5:00 pm The First Holy Communicants Sunday, May 8: The Ascension of the Lord 7:30 am Esther LaVigne + 9:00 am The People of St. Veronica 10:45 am Mothers Day Novena 5:00 pm Nila Patsuk + Pray the Rosary Daily Pray the Rosary Every Day Parish Apostolate Contacts Adoption Support Group Jill Bender [email protected] Adoration Chapel Linda Loch [email protected] Altar Boys (Grades 5 - 12) Eileen Chiama 703-773-2032 Blessed Mother Teresa Outreach Gina McCue [email protected] Charismatic Prayer Group Flor Valdez Cooking With Our Saints Sandy Greeley 703-471-6454 Divine Mercy Cenacle Jeff Cappel [email protected] Endow Carly Hale [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers Deacon Paul Ochenkowski 703-773-2004 50 & Over Women’s Bible Study Liz Costello 703-860-4413 Food & Faith Organic Garden Sandy Greeley [email protected] Gabriel Project Grays of God (over 50) Linda Loch [email protected] Homeschool Group Anne Dealey [email protected] Knights of Columbus Russ Nero [email protected] Lectors Deacon Paul Ochenkowski 703-773-2004 Legion of Mary Larry Burke [email protected] Linen Ministry Position Open [email protected] LINK Patty Bartnick 703-476-0442 Luminaries of Holy Mary Frank Spicer [email protected] Meals Apostolate [email protected] Men’s Group Kelly Dobson [email protected] Music Director Emily Mason 703-773-2009 NFP Coordinator Meg Kilgannon 703-507-5998 [email protected] New and Expectant Moms Group Gala Megan Hamberger [email protected] Blaise Farina [email protected] Norbertine Third Order Wes & Madeleine Marchesseault [email protected] Our Lady of La Vang Fr. John Son Hoang, O.P. [email protected] Parish Community Circles Francis Thomas [email protected] Parish Library Marie O’Brien [email protected] Prison Ministry Book Apostolate Marie Goldschmidt [email protected] Pro-Life Apostolate Steve Grist [email protected] Rangers (Ages 9 - 17) Kirby Smith [email protected] RCIA Scott Bradford [email protected] Religious Education Coordinator Deacon Paul Ochenkowski 703-773-2004 Sacristan Eileen Chiama [email protected] Separated or Divorced Catholics Susan McCullough [email protected] Sunrise Assisted Living Ministry Diane Sachs [email protected] Ushers Dave Pacia 703-298-8542 Young Adult Group Cynthia Jessup [email protected] Youth Apostolate Erin Johnson [email protected] WORSHIP From Green to Gold — May 1, 2016 This past week both Fr. Isenberg and I were out for the diocese’s annual convocation for priests. It is a yearly symposium on some pertinent topic. We take turns being away. I attended the first session, which ran from Monday afternoon through Wednesday midday, and Father attended the second session, which was from Wednesday afternoon through Friday midday. In recent years it has been held in Pennsylvania near Gettysburg. The topic this year was “The Parish Priest and the New Evangelization.” I can’t tell you much of anything about it as this column was written before I left, other than the main speaker was Dr. Ralph Martin, who is an associate professor at the seminary in Detroit. This convocation is a kind of continuing education seminar, which we are required to attend to keep us priests current on various subject areas that are of concern for us personally or with our work serving you. It is also a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with fellow priests. Hopefully our absence did not too inconvenience any of you. There are a couple of other items I wanted to bring to your attention. One is that we are doing well with the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal. Although Lent has been over for five weeks, and we are nearing the end of Easter, the diocese is still accepting pledges to this annual fundraising effort. As of last week we had nearly met our parish goal of $210,000. We were about $2500 short of it. The diocese obviously wants us to meet the goal and ideally surpass it. So we will see how that goes. The second item to bring to your attention is two major events in our parish this week. The first in this Tuesday evening when Bishop Loverde will be with us for confirmation. On May 3rd seventy-six mostly eighth graders will be confirmed, receiving a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit as well as the seven gifts He blesses us with, specifically knowledge, understanding, wisdom, fortitude, counsel, piety, and fear of the Lord. In addition they will receive the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are a result of these gifts. The fruits are charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, fidelity, modesty, self-control, and chastity. No doubt these young people need these gifts and fruits, particularly in our world today where it is not easy to be a Christian. Please pray for them. Later in the week, on Saturday, May 7th, our mostly second graders will receive their First Holy Communion. This too is a great gift from God—a gift of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Over my years as a priest I have thoroughly enjoyed working with these seven and eight year olds. Their faith, their innocence, their purity, their enthusiasm, their acceptance of Who Jesus is are all so beautiful and inspiring. We will want to pray for these children as well this week as they prepare for this tremendous grace. As such this time of year is truly wonderful. The other reason is with the lengthening of daylight, with the blooming of nature, that we haven’t yet hit the oppressive humidity of the long summer days, we become in some way more aware of God’s presence among us. In addition May is the month of Mary, our Blessed Mother. Throughout this month we call to mind that it is Mary, our Mother in heaven, who constantly intercedes for us. She represents all that is good and pure and serves as a wonderful model of humility and faithfulness for us. Both our school and CCD program will have a May Crowning ceremony, honoring our Lady, next week. My hope and prayer are that each of us will honor her this month in a special way. Of course we can do that every day, but may we especially this month. In Christ, Fr. Kleinmann The Holy Father’s May Prayer Intentions Universal: Respect for Women. That in every country of the world, women may be honored and respected and that their essential contribution to society may be highly esteemed. Evangelization: Holy Rosary. That families, communities, and groups may pray the Holy Rosary for evangelization and peace. Weekly Readings Sixth Sunday of Easter Sunday Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29 Monday Acts 16:11-15; Jn 15:26—16:4a Tuesday 1 Cor 15:1-8; Jn 14:6-14 Wednesday Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday Acts 18:1-8; Jn 16:16-20 First Friday Acts 18:9-18; Jn 16:20-23 First Saturday Acts 18:23-28; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday Acts 1:1-11; Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:24-28, 10:19-23; Lk 24:46-53 3 FROM THE PARISH OFFICE Confession Schedule Change Next Saturday In order to allow time to prepare for the First Holy Communion Mass on Saturday, May 7th, confessions that morning will end promptly at 9:30 am. Thank you for your cooperation. Regularly scheduled confessions will be heard later that afternoon at 3:30, and at 6:30 pm the evening before (First Friday, May 6th). Mothers Day Novena Sunday, May 8th is Mothers Day and the first day of our Mothers Day Novena of Masses. Novena cards are now available in the vestibules and in the parish office. Please remember to place the envelope in the collection basket with the names of your loved ones written out. The envelopes will be placed on the altar during this Novena to share in the spiritual benefit of these holy Masses. Any donation included will be gratefully accepted. You also may leave your names with the parish office, especially if you donate through Faith Direct—we will make sure that your names are also placed on the altar. Spring-Summer Food Drive for Catholic Chari es Safeway, Shoppers and Giant gift cards as well. Please make checks payable to Catholic Charities and insert in the memo line “St. Lucy Project.” It's That Time of the Year Receptions and celebrations galore are scheduled in the parish hall. Please consider lending a hand behind the scenes to set a festive table for honorees and guests for celebratory events planned for May and June. If you enjoy planning menus, arranging flowers, and providing an elegant touch (on a budget) in the smiling and faithfilled company of other Ladies of Veronica (LOVs), it just may be the perfect way you can contribute to our parish family celebrations. Flexibility and gratitude are guaranteed. Call the parish office and volunteer today—we will add you to the LOV List! First Fridays for Religious Freedom In late March, oral arguments were presented before the Supreme Court regarding the Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious groups and institutions that will be forced to provide insurance coverage for contraception and abortifacients to their employees, contrary to their conscience and to the principle of religious freedom. Bishop Loverde has invited all the members of the diocese to join him in prayerful observance of the First Fridays of May and June. Our participation should include: taking part in the Holy Mass, some form of penance, and invoking the intercessory prayer of the Lord Jesus Whose Sacred Heart continues to beat with love for the conversion of those still blind. A holy hour is likewise encouraged on each of these First Fridays. First Friday this month is May 6th. Starting Friday, May 20th through Sunday, May 29th, St. Veronica is holding a food drive to benefit Catholic Charities and the neediest families it serves through the St. Lucy Project. The following items are requested: Canned chicken; Canned ham, beef or beef steak; Canned fruit; Peanut butter and jelly; Cereals, oatmeal, nutrition bars, crackers with peanut butter or cheese; Shelf-stable liquid milk and/or boxed chocolate kid-friendly milk; Second Collection Next Weekend Canned (not glass) pasta sauce; The second collection next weekend, May 7th and Pasta; 8th, is for the Catholic Communications Cam Beans—baked, refried, or canned whole paign. Thank you for your generosity. beans; and Canned pastas with pull top (kid friendly). C O R N E R S T O N E Of course, monetary donations are also appreciApril 24, 2016 ated. All funds will be used to purchase food for $ 10,932.62 those in need. We gratefully accept Walmart, Regular Sunday donations Faith Direct* $ 13,545.34 $ 251.00 SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Monthly Mortgage Payment Faith Direct* $ 3,116.50 Catholic Home Missions $ 2,229.52 Thank you, and may God bless you for Repairs, Sales, Installations your continued support and generosity. Quality Garage Doors Please see their ad in the back of the bulletin and support all those who make this bulletin possible. We are grateful for their support of our parish. 4 *Contributions via Faith Direct are deposited in parish bank account once a month. The total deposit designated for Regular & Debt Reduction has been divided by the number of weeks for that month and added to the weekly totals. EDUCATION, CATECHESIS AND EVANGELIZATION Religious Educa on News St. Veronica Young Adults - Ages 20s-30s Volunteers Needed: Confirmation Reception ~ May 3rd ~ volunteers needed from 6:00-8:00 pm (set up/serve) & 8:00-10:00 pm (serve/clean up) First Communion Receptions ~ May 7th ~ volunteers needed from 10 am- 1:00 pm (school Mass) & 1:00-4:00 pm (RE Mass) Join St. Veronica Young Adults as we explore the Parables of Mercy. Jesus's teachings about mercy as explained through his parables of mercy are presented as part of the Year of Mercy. Common to all the parables of mercy is a reversal that catches the hearer off guard. Learn more about what it is to be merciful of heart. Wednesdays: May 4th - May 25th ALL PARISHIONERS AND NONPARISHIONERS ALIKE are INVITED. Join us for these upcoming events: (5/07) Captain America: Civil War Matinee, (5/21) Harper's Ferry Hike. For more details, email Cynthia at [email protected] or visit our Facebook Group Page “St. Veronica Young Adults” or our webpage at Want to Be inFORMED? Fr. Kleinmann has announced that St. Veronica Parish will provide subscriptions for ALL parishioners to access FORMED®, an exciting new gateway to the best teaching videos, audio, and ebooks to deepen your relationship with Christ and His Church. Available anytime and anywhere on most computers and mobile devices, FORMED promises to be a user-friendly and indepth reservoir of Catholic teaching. Access to the Ignatius Press, Lighthouse Media, Beloved and many other sites will be at your fingertips. The parish-wide launch date is Pentecost Sunday, May 15th. A team of laptop-toting volunteers will be available in the parish hall after morning Masses to assist folks who "may need just a little help logging on" and navigating the site. We are currently seeking volunteers to be part of the “launch team.” If you can help, please join us in the parish hall on Saturday, May 7th at 9:30 am. If you have any questions contact Kelly Dobson at [email protected] or 703-887-9872. All ages of volunteers accepted. Next Norber ne Third Order Novi ate Mee ng On Sunday, May 8th after the 10:45 am Mass in the Pope St. John Paul II Room, there will be a Novitiate meeting of the Norbertine Third Order. The agenda will start with “bring your own” lunch, followed by the talk on the “Holy Eucharist as a Sacrament.” Please join us. Contact Wes or Madeleine Marchesseault at 703-793-1020 with any questions. Lesser Known Marian Appari ons Many have heard of Fatima, Lourdes and Guadalupe. However, there have been other approved apparitions of Our Lady over the centuries. Our Lady never appears without an important message for her children, so we should pay careful attention to all of her apparitions. Come and learn about these lesser known apparitions and see what message Our Lady has been giving us throughout the centuries. Join the Society of Patricians on Monday, May 9th, at 7:00 pm in the Acolyte Room as we discuss these Lesser Known Apparitions of Our Lady. Cooking with our Saints Save the date: On May 21st, Cooking with Our Saints is holding a special class honoring the Polish Saint, St. Julia Maria Ledochowska. Presenting the class will be Marek and Helena Syski who were brought up in traditional Polish homes in the Washington suburbs where they participated extensively in the Polonia community. Religious and cultural traditions mark their personal and family's life. Now the couple returns for the third year to present a truly delicious, delightful and memorable Polish tea. Details to follow. Save the Date for VBS 2016 The dates are August 1st-5th. More information to come. Want to volunteer? Email [email protected]. New: Separated or Divorced Catholics Ministry Father Kleinmann has approved a new apostolate. In concert with the Year of Mercy and the Arlington Diocese Office of Family Life initiative for Mornings of Mercy for Divorced Catholics, parishioner Susan McCullough has volunteered to coordinate an apostolate group here at St. Veronica. Watch the bulletin and website for announcements about its inaugural event on June 8, 2016. Each monthly meeting will focus on educational and spiritual topics, as well as support and fellowship. Susan and the ministry were introduced at the most recent parish council meeting. We welcome her and apostolate members to our parish family. Susan may be reached at [email protected]. 5 AROUND ST. VERONICA AND THE DIOCESE Evening of Recollec on for Women Tuesday, May 3rd from 7:30-9:30 pm at St. Leo the Great parish in Fairfax. Two meditations, and confession available. Sponsored by Opus Dei. Bring a friend. Info: Peg at 703-620-4945. Teen First Responder Course at St. Veronica Thursday, May 12th, 6:00-9:00 pm This class is geared for young adults ages 12+ to learn how to handle emergency situations. This course provides first aid and CPR content geared specifically to teens. The course includes teen role play and scenarios and their own manikins for all training. It is associated with the Emergency Care & Safety Institute and course completion card will be provided for those who need them. Cost is $46/person and will be held in the Pope St. John Paul II Room. Contact Jill Bender at [email protected] for more information or registration. Archdiocese for the Military Services Annual Memorial Mass Join in prayer with the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, to honor the men and women who are serving or have served in the Armed Forces at the 22nd Annual Memorial Mass on Sunday, May 15th, at 12:00 noon in the Great Upper Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. The principal celebrant and homilist will be Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio. Parking is limited. Carpooling is advised. Military personnel are encouraged to wear service dress uniform; civilians are asked to wear business attire. Group evening with Bishop Paul Loverde for Vic ms/Survivors of Sexual Abuse Bishop Paul Loverde cordially invites victims/ survivors of sexual abuse and their spouse or support person to a Support group evening on May 17th at St. Ann Catholic Church in Arlington. The evening begins at 5:45 pm and consists of a light meal, group discussion, followed by a prayer service. Due to the nature and sensitivity of the subject, this event is for victims/survivors and a spouse/support person only. Please RSVP by May 13th to the Office of Victim Assistance at 703-8412530. “Do You Have the Mercy App? Exploring the Role of Technology in Daily Acts of Mercy” Saturday, June 4th, 8:00 am-5:00 pm The Teenage Enrichment for the Apostles of Mary (T.E.A.M. Retreat) is sponsored by the Le6 gion of Mary to be held at Holy Trinity Jubilee Park Inc. located at 4407 Aldie Road, Catharpin, Virginia. It is open to all Catholics from ages 1218. Come and join us for an exciting day with holy Mass, Benediction, Confession, Eucharistic Procession, uplifting talks, skits, and three hours of exciting activities. The speakers are: Rev. Francis Peffley and Rev. Richard Guest. Visit for more information. Blood Drive Coming Soon to St. Veronica In memory of our son, John Paul Kearns, our family has teamed up with Inova Blood Donor services to host a blood drive in the parish hall during Masses on Sunday, May 15th. Please join us on Pentecost Sunday to give the gift of life. If you are eligible, please book your appointment after Masses or contact Lisa Kearns at [email protected]. Also, please see the St. Veronica website for a link to signup for your appointment online. PRAYER AND FELLOWSHIP EnCourage Mee ng at St. Veronica Do you have a loved one experiencing same-sex attractions? Are you looking for answers in accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church? EnCourage is a Catholic support community for parents, family, and friends who want to reach out in truth and compassion to loved ones experiencing same-sex attractions. EnCourage members support one another and their loved ones through discussion, prayer, and fellowship. EnCourage meets at St. Veronica on Monday, May 2nd in Room P203, 7:30 pm. Email [email protected] for more information or to reach a priest that works with EnCourage. Even if you’re not comfortable with the idea of group meeting, priests working in this ministry will help you. ~ Fast & Pray for Persecuted Chris ans ~ Krakow (World Youth Day) in the Capital On July 30th celebrate World Youth Day with millions of young adults around the world without leaving DC. Kraków in the Capital is a one-day World Youth Day experience that will mirror the week-long event in Poland, featuring nationally known speakers, Stations of the Cross, Mass, Polish food, live concert and more. Tickets are $25. For more information and purchase tickets, visit or contact Brendan at 703841-2549 or [email protected]. Pray for a Priest Each Day We continue our daily prayers for priests by praying each day this week for: May 1 Rev. Andrew Fisher May 2 Rev. Daniel Gee May 3 Rev. Joseph Giordano, C.I.C.M. May 4 Rev. Randy Gonzales, C.I.C.M. May 5 Rev. James Gould May 6 Rev. Paul Grankauskas May 7 Rev. Paul Grant Paul VI Boys Summer Soccer Camp Priestly Ordinations for the Diocese of Arlington, 8:00 am-4:30 pm (Deacon Davis’ Ordination)—Our Youth Apostolate is going together to the ordination Mass followed by lunch at a local restaurant. The cost is $10 for lunch. Liability forms due by June 5th. 6th12th grade students welcome. Time to Restock the Catacombs for Summer Activities—Thank you in advance for your support. We are currently seeking donations of the following items: Individually wrapped snacks (granola bars, chips, pretzels, crackers, pudding cups, and fruit snacks); Large jars of peanut butter and jelly; Smore's makings (chocolate bars, graham crackers, marshmallows); Individual drinks (NO SODA PLEASE) (juice boxes, Gatorade, bottled water); Paper Products (cups, cutlery, napkins, plates, etc.); Art Supplies (sidewalk chalk, dry-erase markers, Sharpies, face-paint). Steubenville Youth Conference—We are excited to announce that thirteen of our high school youth will be attending a youth conference on July 15th-17th at Franciscan University. The cost per youth is $220.00. Stay tuned to future bulletin announcements for exciting opportunities to help these young people raise money for their registration costs. We are very grateful for the prayerful and financial support of our parish community. Upcoming Events "Save the Dates" May 6th-Girls Night at REBOUNDERZ May 15th-Donuts and Field Day June 4th-Carwash June 11th-Priestly Ordinations June 25th-Carwash July 6th-8th-Junior High Work Camp July 15th-17th Steubenville Youth Conference August 5th-Kings Dominion PVI has a proven history of both team and individual successes. We just won the VA Independent Boys State Championship in Fall 2015 and had previously won it in Fall 2010; we had NSCAA All Americans in both 2014 and 2015. The camp runs from July 25th-29th, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. There are a limited number of spots, which means a very good camper-to-instructor at PVI the exposure to the coaches is invaluable. ratio. It's a fun and instructive camp for boys of Visit or contact all levels, and if your son is interested in playing Chuck LaPorte, [email protected], 703-4084782. 7 Confirmation • May 3, 2016 • Congratulations to the young people of our parish! Benjamin Antayhua Alexis Arnett Ryan Balot Aric Bartholomew Justin Basinger Anna Bayley Nicolas Bravo Luca Brennan Infanta Christdoss Mary Elise Chudovan Leo Clougherty Alexandre DaSilva Hanel DaSilveira Alexander Davis Kathryn Dealey Annelise Ervin James Farrell Mathew Faupel Reagan Foley 8 David Fry Robert Gillman Joshua Haug Gabriela Huang-Queiroz Reagan Kammerdeiner Jane Kearns Dylan Kirby Rachel Knee Matthew Kurapatti Zachariah Lafeer Franco Lagdameo Matthew Leclercq Peter Lloyd Lauren Lynch Mieka Machida Kristina Marilley Tristen Marinoff Elise McCue Gavin McDonnell Thomas Melody Charlotte Merrill Peter Messier Owen Morgan Paige Morris William Murad Aris Nguenkam Grace Nolin Luke O’Donnell Kathleen O’Malley Tyler O’Reilly Anastasia Obernberger Sean Obillo Chloe Offerdahl Anna Pacia Louis Perna Alexandra Pike Paige Pisano Jane Pitts Razvan Plesko Alexandra Raymond Jose Romero-Gonzalez Christopher Rouck Andres Sagastume Sophia Skiavo Emma Smith Matthew Smith Annika Stevens Dylan Stewart Alessandro Tazoe Bwembya Tembo Ellen Thurneysen Charlotte Tiss Jillian Van Daele Andrew Vargas Grace Vestermark Andrew Weber Catherine Young First Holy First Holy Communion Communion May 7 , 2016 th • May 2016 • Congratulations to the boys and girls receiving First Holy Communion at our parish! Alexander Aboy Alicia Aldea Ethan Argenziano Carson Ayon Peter Bayley Paul Bender Madison Bradford Taylor Bullman Michelle Camacho Paulo Camacho Martin Cao George Cave Joshua Christdoss Annabelle Cisneros Cecilia Cline Jason Cooley Antonio Costa Cristobal Costantino Rachel Cousineau Joseph Croce Hanel DaSilveira Liam Dermody Bernard Dhanagar Catherine Ebuen Juliana Evangelista Andrew Fernandes Gabriela Figueroa-Badel Nicolas Flores Kate Foley Isabella Freitag Mary Fry Joseph Fumagali Natalie Galvin Ivan Galysh Jourdan Garcia Hannah Giaccio Augustine Gines Dacia Glennon Arianna Gould Jessica Guinee Anthony Haas Cecilia Hale Victor Henry Ryan Hertel Sydney Jackson Jacob Johnson Mirabelle Johnson Jack Jones Matthew Julian Brian King Case Kirkhart Anna Kraus Alexander Lobos Valentina Lopez Carolina Maguire Makayla Marinoff Luke Marvin Gian Michael Matabang Thomas Mattock Alexander McDonough Daniella Merhi Soren Mialou Yoneda Mialou Mary Elizabeth Moore Cyrus Na Ralph Nguenkam Asia Noel Breane O’Reilly Eva Obernberger Jake Ocasal William Ocasal Leonie Pacia Veronica Pereira Denise Petilla Ava Pham Laura Plesko Razvan Plesko Jack Powers Samantha Pozo Erika Rounds Jack Ryan Patrick Ryan Andres Sagastume Frida Sagastume Nathalia Sagastume Brielle Schneider Christopher Schuering Olivia Seaton Maeve Sennett Hannah Siraj Donovan Sjoberg Grace Sladki Anabelle Smith Adonna Solomon Samuel Stephens Hilde Sullenberger Nicolas Sweet Josh Thach Alicia Ugaz Natalie Vargas Declan Westenbroek Liam Westenbroek William Wheatley Mikayla White Elizabeth Wickersham Alexander Wiegel Imogen Yabes Shierina Yalong Thaddeus Yalong Abhishek Yeddula “The Body and Blood of Christ.” 9 CLOVER SERVICES PLUMBING · HEATING · AC IN YOUR HOME OR AT YOUR BUSINESS ... CALL US 703-435-3480 703-352-2701 5% DISCOUNT TO PARISHIONERS DEMAINE FUNERAL HOMES TODD GERVACE ~ Since 1841 ~ Funeral Director Prearrangement Services Available 703-385-1110 10565 MAIN STREET · FAIRFAX, VA 22030 DOUGLAS ROOFING QUALITY ROOFING AND GUTTERS Free Estimates • Class A Licensed • Insured 703-255-9599 571-203-0100 [email protected] 13320-D Franklin Farm Road Herndon, VA 20171 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Colossians 3:23 • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Doors • Gutters • 609 Carlisle Drive • Herndon VA • 703-467-0206 SHIRTS $2.29 • Expert Alterations 3856 Dulles South Ct. Suite E • Chantilly, VA 703.263.1806 Advanced Building Services, Inc. ~ Essential Services, Exceptional Quality ~ HEATING • COOLING • PLUMBING OFFICE: (703) 661-4280 w w w. a d v a n c e d - b u i l d i n g . c o m Please Continue To Pray For World Peace Now Hiring! Part-Time Office Assistant Please call 703-661-4280 Chantilly Shell State Inspection VA Emission MENTION THIS AD FOR 5% OFF REPAIRS Greenbriar · 703-631-1189 Chantilly · 703-378-5400 McLearen · 703-318-7744 James F McIntyre, III, CPA, P.C. Jim McIntyre Certified Public Accountant · Member of The Diocese 703-391-1099 10% OFF TO CHURCH MEMBERS Pho New McLean's Premier VIETNAMESE AUTHENTIC RESTAURANT 2441 Centreville Road • Herndon, Va 20171 Continuing Care Retirement Community (In Clocktower Center near Shoppers Food Warehouse) Free soda with purchase of $25 or more Free appetizer with purchase of $50 or more Open Monday-Sunday: 10:00am-9:30pm • 703-793-9399 B74716 (CK) - St. Veronica Catholic Church, Chantilly William A. O’Donnell, D.D.S. 5675 Stone Rd., Ste. 205 Centreville, VA 20120 Phone 703.818.1553 VINSON HALL: Continuing care community offering independent residential living for military officers and select government employees of equal rank. ARLEIGH BURKE PAVILION: Nursing and assisted living residences with long-term care in a private-pay setting. No military affiliation required. THE SYLVESTRY: Award-winning assisted living community for people with memory loss. No military affiliation required. CALL 703-536-4344 FOR MORE INFORMATION VINSON HALL RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 6251 OLD DOMINION DRIVE · MCLEAN, VA 22101 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Left Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home & Crematory Fairfax Memorial Park 703-425-9702 703-323-5202 Contact Us For Cremation or Traditional Burial Information Contact Us For Funeral and Cremation Services 9902 BRADDOCK ROAD FAIRFAX Exceptional Family Home Child Care Terri’s Tots Quality Garage Doors • Over 20 Years Experience • Excellent References • State Licensed 703.787.8143 Family Owned, Family Operated, Family Focused Since 1957 Repairs, Sales, Installations 540-212-1520 Peter Huang ® Clock Tower Shopping Center 2465 J-17 Centreville Rd. Herndon, VA 20171 703-707-6400 Commercial 703-938-1370 ~ Specializing in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery ~ DINE-IN ONLY Join Us For Sunday Brunch Residential SUNDAY SPECIAL 1/2 OFF PIZZA Owner 703.793.9504 9900 BRADDOCK ROAD FAIRFAX [email protected] Dave Barsotti • Master Electrician • Lic. • Bond • Ins. VA License #2705004773 • MD License #EB0012 703-956-6172 [email protected] E������ I�: W������, D����, S����� � R���� Edward A. Longwe, D.D.S. DENTAL EMERGENCIES Wisdom Teeth Removal • Oral Biopsies & Pathology General Anesthesia • Dental Extractions • Dental Implants 703-327-0955 Full Lawn Maintenance and Landscape Services Since 1985 703.327.0583 / 571.259.9706 [email protected] For 25 years, our business has been built on repeat and referred business from loyal customers like you. Est. 1881 MONEY & KING FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES ~ Family Owned ~ (703) 938-7440 171 West Maple Avenue Vienna, VA 22180 ERIE INSURANCE FRANK D. SPICER, JR. SE HABLA ESPAÑOL AUTO · HOME · COMMERCIAL · LIFE Reico RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • REMODELING ROOFING • SIDING • SHEET METAL 703-368-7483 703-906-0579 Cell Your One Stop Shop For 13042 BALLS FORD RD., MANASSAS, VA 20109 • FAX 703-368-7658 KITCHEN & BATH HIGHLY CONSUMER RATED 703-385-5100 Fair Oaks Mall (Next to the Marriott) · Cabinets · Countertops · Appliances “Our goal is to have every customer recommend us” 703-245-8950 3856 DULLES SOUTH COURT · SUITE K CHANTILLY, VA 20151 ORTHODONTIST 703-815-0127 B74716 (CK) - St. Veronica Catholic Church, Chantilly We Make Beautiful Smiles! Complete Auto Repairs Customer shuttle within 3 mile radius 5% Discount on All Sale Items 10% Discount on All Non-Sale Items OCB001 We’re Committed to Your Complete Satisfaction 2421 CENTREVILLE RD., CLOCKTOWER SHOPPING CENTER (OCB001) (BEHIND SHOPPERS FOOD) • HERNDON 703-793-0601 LOUIS C. FILIPPONE , D.D.S. Straighten Your Teeth With Braces 6138 REDWOOD SQUARE CENTER, SUITE 103 · CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Right 703.802.6300 ADAMS-GREEN Funeral Home & Crematory Family Owned & Operated Since 1885 Serving Northern Virginia EYE EXAMINATIONS · CONTACT LENSES · PEDIATRIC VISION FASHION EYEWEAR · LASER VISION CORRECTION 709 PINE ST., HERNDON 703-471-7810 Linda Sonnhalter, CRS, GRI 703-85-LINDA (855-4632) [email protected] Eric Sonnhalter 703-598-1743 [email protected] Premier Crematory On Premises · Military, Out Of Town & International Arrangements Pre-Planning Available · Formal Chapel With Pipe Organ · Convenient Parking 721 ELDEN STREET · HERNDON, VA 20170 703-437-1764 WWW.ADAMSGREEN.COM 703-471-4090 FAMILY EYECARE DR. THOMAS P. FINLEY, OPTOMETRIST The personal and professional service you deserve during CHRIS ADAMS Owner a difficult time in a home like atmosphere ..... 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CHANTILLY, VA 20151 (ACROSS FROM POHANKA) 703-78SPINE 7 8 7 7 4 6 3 Karl Petrie Dr.D.C., C.S.C.S. 13300-B Franklin Farm Road · Next To Giant · St. Joseph's Roofing, Inc. 703-716-7663 ROOFING • WINDOWS • GUTTERS • SIDING FAMILY DENTISTRY 703-378-5600 Complete Automotive Service & Repair • Top Quality Care • Excellent Service • Satisfaction Guaranteed! 571-732-3306 3910 Centreville Road 4007-A Westfax Drive • Chantilly, VA 20151 Suite 200, Chantilly, VA T +703-860-6700 AMY TON, DDS 11868 Sunrise Valley Dr. Ste 100 Reston VA 20191 General & Cosmetic Dentistry STERLING CARPET SHOPS, INC. Quality, Service, Experience Since 1976 WWW.STERLINGCARPETSHOPS.COM Sterling Keep the Shine in Your Smile! CROWNS • BRIDGES • IMPLANTS • ROOT CANAL • PERIODONTAL TREATMENT CHILDREN 2 YEARS OLD AND UP • DENTURES • INVISALIGN FOR ADULTS AND TEENS • PORCELAIN VENEERS • ZOOM TEETH WHITENING • EXTRACTIONS 22207 SHAW RD., UNIT A-11 38 E. CATOCTIN CIRCLE SE STERLING, VA 20166 LEESBURG, VA 20175 703-430-6229 • 703-444-1208 Fax 703-777-5566 • 703-777-3380 Fax Winston Whitehead · WHITEHEADW @STERLINGCARPETSHOPS.COM Leesburg SUNRISE DENTAL 703.638.8629 Early morning, evening and Saturday appointments available. - We accept most insurances & offer payment plans - ~ Mention this ad and receive a free flouride treatment ~ EYE STREET OPTICAL Matrona Busch • Senior Living Advisor [email protected] 4094 Majestic Lane, #205 • Fairfax, VA 22033 Licensed Opticians Since 1986 FRANCES V. IRIZARRY Top Producer, “Hablo Español” 703-830-6377 DIRECT 703-967-7289 Dr. Robert Allen, Optometrist Eye Exams Contact Lenses Treatment of Eye Diseases ty ing oun v r 7 Se on C 198 d e u c Lo Sin “ALL IN with Frances” 703-830-6380 Chantilly Professional Building 3910 Centreville Road, Chantilly Academy4Enrichment Summer Camp · After School Program Reading/Writing/Math 703-679-PREP or 703-728-2832 No Games! No Upselling! THE ONLY CLEANING SERVICE THAT’S MARK S. JEFFERIES, DMD, PLC • Residential FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY FOR YOUR HEALTH 703.661.6464 • [email protected] B74716 (CK) - St. Veronica Catholic Church, Chantilly [email protected] • 703-220-6588 • Heating • A/C 703.793.1771 WWW.DRMARKJEFFERIES.COM FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside