Ministry Teams | Students - Northview Baptist Church


Ministry Teams | Students - Northview Baptist Church
Dear Church Family,
What you are holding in your hand is more than just a typical document
with facts, figures, and historical data. Our Northview Ministry Plan is just
that…a plan! It contains our goals and dreams for the upcoming year of
2013. Yes, it will include information about our past as that helps shape
our future. More importantly, it conveys a sense of hope and urgency as
we try our best to reach a lost and dying world for Jesus Christ.
We simply use this Ministry Plan as a tool. You will be able to identify
ministry areas and those who serve as well as a general church calendar
of events. Of course, we would love to increase the number of wonderful
people serving with us as we reach out for the Lord.
We have also included our budget for 2013. You will note we have kept it
basically the same as the previous year. The reason is we are trying our
best to be good stewards of God’s blessings on our church. Your faithful
giving and participation will help us reach our goals for 2013.
Being and doing church does not need to be complex or complicated.
Serving the Lord is simple… be faithful, pray, attend, serve, and give. As
we “love the Lord with all of our hearts, and with all our soul and strength,”
(Deuteronomy 6:5) let’s do so with a passion to care for our church family
and reach those around us without Christ.
Kenneth W. Wells
Every church needs to have an understanding of and be able to state who they are in
the eyes of God. Not only as a church, but also individually, we embrace with much
passion what God is doing in our lives. There is no place on earth we had rather be
than here with our Northview family.
We are people centered on
Biblical truth,
personal growth,
genuine relationships,
practical teaching,
real life,
friends and family,
who are committed to know our purpose
and seek to achieve it in all we do.
Our mission is based on the Great Commission passage found in Matthew 28:18-20.
Of all the things Christ could have said prior to His leaving earth, He chose to
challenge us to BE THE CHURCH. When we do what we are called to do and be who
we are called to be, our mission will be successful.
We seek to attract people who desire to personally know and worship Jesus, who are building
meaningful relationships with fellow Christians, who are becoming fully mature disciples, and
who are making Him known by using their spiritual gifts in and through the church to impact
their lost world for Christ.
God gave the local church a specific purpose: to be the church. We are very careful not
to do things that are not part of His plan for us as believers. We are to be different. Our
actions will be a reflection of that difference. In all we do, we ask the question: Does it
support one of our five purposes?
To know Christ better by providing times of genuine worship that will bring
seekers and believers to personally encounter God.
To know Christ by involving people in Bible Study Groups where they will
build meaningful friendships, minister to each other, and become
grounded in God's Word.
To know Christ by growing mature disciples who are becoming involved in
maturing opportunities which help them to develop spiritual disciplines,
deepen their understanding of Biblical truths, acquire life skills, &
encounter Christ's healing love.
To make Christ known by helping believers discover and develop their
spiritual gifts and talents, thereby using them in meaningful service to and
through the church.
To make Christ known by leading every believer to become personally
involved in reaching our lost world by:
building friendships with people who do not know Christ,
bringing them to outreach opportunities,
sharing a verbal witness of Christ with them,
and by giving generously to, praying faithfully for,
and being personally involved in missions.
Doing Evangelism and Missions Worldwide
We have a heart for those without Christ and a clear mandate to reach them with the Gospel
of Jesus. We start by giving over $30,000 annually from our budget receipts to
evangelism/mission causes. There are also individuals and families that give to missions on a
regular basis. In addition, we receive a special offering during November and December
that is targeted at International Missions. Our total additional offerings
for missions along with the budgeted amount for 2012 is projected to come
close to $45,000.
This is a Texas mission effort. All money given to this offering stays in Texas
and helps build new churches, fund existing mission ministries, and more.
This supports missions within the United States. This offering helps build new
churches, fund existing ministries, and support “home missionaries” in the USA.
This provides for international mission causes that touch the lives of millions across
the world to begin churches, orphanages, Bible schools, hospitals and more.
We give on a regular basis from our budget in a mission effort to fund mission needs
with the other 40,000 plus Baptist churches in a cooperative effort.
We give out of our budget to our local association of Baptist churches. These gifts
help start new churches and strengthen existing churches in Denton County.
On occasion, we support missions and other ministries on an “as needed” basis.
"do not merely listen to the word, DO what it says."
---James 1:22
To God Be the Glory!
It was a wonderful year for Northview as we set our sights unwaveringly on the
purposes God set before us. Continuing to pursue our purpose, we became more of
what He desires in His church.
114 new members (as of 10/30)
47 baptisms (as of 10/30)
Journey student choir tour to Corpus Christi, TX
Over 100 participated in children's camps
12 Salvations and 9 Called to Ministry at Student Camp
86 decisions at the Team Impact Event
New Membership Class begins
Partnership begins with Delay Middle School FCA
Children’s Bible Club started at College St. Elementary
Outreach opportunities: Hey Day, Western Days. Holiday at the Hall
Mission trips to Mexico, Alabama, as well as local
First LIT (preteen) evangelistic mission trip
400+ attended Fall Festival
195 attended Vacation Bible School
Over $10,000 raised for children’s camps from Dessert Auction
Over 1,200 in attendance on Easter
Employed our new Minister of Member Development
Master Plan renovations were many
Imagine completes it’s first year with almost $300,000 in gifts
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…”
---Luke 16:10
When we know how we began and know who we are, it makes it easier to know where God is
taking us next. Learn from history.
The Lord has blessed Northview from its very humble beginnings. As a mission of Lakeland
Baptist and under the leadership of Pastor Jim Angel, Northview began in 1964 with rented
property and a temporary building. Since that time, the Lord has used Northview to reach
around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The church began with 18 charter members.
In those early days, the church building consisted of four rooms: a room for the nursery, a room
for children, the chapel, and a bathroom. That same building (now renovated) is still in use
today. It serves as the Chapel and more specifically, for adult Bible study space.
In the mid 1970’s, more education space and a worship center were built. It was during those
years, under the leadership of Pastor Sam Newell, that Northview really began to be identified as
a spiritual influence in the northern part of Lewisville. Then in the winter of 1981, Pastor
Kenneth Wells was called and has been with Northview ever since. Pastor Wells’ passion was for
Northview to be a lighthouse of faith and hope for Lewisville and beyond.
As the church continued to grow, the leadership looked at various ways to meet the challenges
of growth. In the late 1990’s, the entire complex was renovated, preparing for what was soon to
come, a new worship center. In addition to the complete remodel, properties were purchased
around the present site for the future projected expansion. April 2007 was a historical time,
when the people of Northview walked into their brand new 500 seat
worship center, The Sanctuary. At that time, Northview was recording attendance
close to 500 per Sunday.
In 2011, the Master Plan of Northview's current site was presented. The future of Northview
looks brighter each day. With the addition of new staff members, new Bible study classes,
worship time options, and additional space, Northview is positioned to lead and serve in the
new year ahead. God has had His hand on this church for over 48 years and we have yet to see
all that He has in store for us. We feel blessed to have all the wonderful yesterdays, a
challenging today, and a bright tomorrow.
Capital Funds Campaign
Master Site Plan Proposal
With the Master Site Plan completed in 2011, the challenge was to maximize our use on
the existing three acres with the new worship center as the foundation. Now with this
plan in place, there will be renovations and new buildings in process over the next 12
years. From 2011-2014, major renovations are being made to pave the way for the first
new structure; an adult and student education building.
2011-2012 Master Plan
Renovations Completed
As a result of the gifts to the IMAGINE fund, and through the hard work of our
leadership, we are on target with all the needed renovations, upgrades &
improvements. Our goal is to make ready our current site to begin the next major
phase of our plans of a new education building (planned to begin in 2014).
•Complete interior remodel of Kids place including new kitchen, new classrooms,
paint, carpet, lighting and redesigned entrance.
•Major re-decking and re-roofing of the Old Worship Center (Station & Music Suite).
•Expansion of the Music Suite with new flooring, paint and an additional 400 sq. ft.
•Complete installation of security cameras in all classrooms and buildings.
•Improved exterior security lighting for all buildings.
•Enlarged guttering added to the Station and the Music Suite.
•Total HVAC upgrade and new units added to the Hospitality House.
•Blacktop parking lot repair/replace and re-striping of all areas.
•New exterior paint for the Education Building.
•Site survey completed for the Master Plan.
•New children’s chairs for the Station.
•New design and décor for the Student Building.
In order to lead as Jesus did: “One must be humbled, God will exalt. One must
follow God’s will, not his own. One must define greatness in being a servant to
others. One must assume the risk of serving others, knowing he is God’s child. One
must leave the head table to serve others. One must share responsibility and
authority with those he leads. One must build others to carry out the vision.”
-Jesus On Leadership by Gene Wilkes
Kenneth Wells
Senior Pastor
Kenneth affirms that his call has been to commit a lifetime to the
shepherding of the Northview family. Having answered the call
1981 to come to Northview, no other pastor in Northview's great
history has such a long tenure. Not only does he have a passion
and heart for his Northview Family, he also has a burning desire to
see Denton County come to Christ. Ken and his wife, Teresa, have three
adult children: J.D., Heath, and Emily. Ken received his undergraduate
degree from Arlington Baptist College and a Master of Arts from
Southwestern Seminary. Under his leadership, Northview has seen
hundreds baptized and many called into special ministry service over
the years.
Robert Veal
Assoc. Pastor, Music & Administration
Rob, his wife Cheryl, and daughters, Stephanie, Tiffany, and
Bethany came to Northview in 1997 as Associate Pastor. His
ministry actually first began in 1978 right here at Northview.
Having graduated with a B.A. degree from the University of North
Texas and a Master's degree from Southwestern Seminary, Rob
brings a wide range of experience in many areas of ministry. Music,
education, missions, as well as church administration have all been a
vital part of his ministry both in local church and denominational work.
His true desire is to serve the local church in developing and equipping
God's people to activate their spiritual gifts in service to the
Body of Christ.
Sherry York
Minister of Education
Sherry came to Northview in 2006 after serving in churches in
Texas and Oklahoma in the areas of Education, Children,
Preschool, Youth, and Missions. With a strong passion for people
to know and love Jesus, Sherry leads the educational ministry at
Northview to be the best it can be. With a Bachelor of Arts degree from Dallas
Baptist College and a Master of Arts from Southwestern Seminary, Sherry brings over
22 years of ministry experience to aid in these growing ministries. Her desire is to see
people of all ages come to Christ and choose to tell about him and serve Him in all
areas of life.
Trey Talley
Assistant Pastor/Students
Trey, was saved at 9 and grew up in Gurdon, Arkansas. While in college at the
University of Arkansas, Trey combined both his passion for ministry and his gift
of athleticism to join Team Impact. With Team Impact, Trey has traveled the
world, preached to thousands, and has seen countless numbers come to Christ.
In 2011, Trey joined the Northview Team and is excited about his new place in
ministry. Trey holds a bachelors degree and is currently completing his second
Master’s degree from Louisiana Baptist Seminary. In addition to hands on local
ministry. Trey is a contributor for several magazines, and has written a book for
teenagers and parents called Teenage Construction Zone. Trey and his wife Felisha
have four children, Ally, Tapanga, Tradley, and Titan.
Marc Minter
Minister of Member Development
Marc Minter has been in ministry since 2002. During much of that time, he
was part of a group called Team Impact, which is designed to spread the Gospel
using attention-grabbing feats of strength. Ordained in 2005, Marc truly sees
Gospel ministry as his life calling. Marc married his wife, Cassidi, in June of
2005 and his son, Micah, was born in November of 2006. Today, while Marc
enjoys physical training and has competed in the sports of power lifting, Brazilian Jiu
Jitsu, strongman and been a college football player, his true passion is for the Gospel
and the God who saves. His heart for discipleship and evangelism is the
hallmark of his life.
Cindy Jordan
Director of Preschool Ministries
Cindy joined the staff of Northview in the fall of 2010 in the role of
Director of Preschool. Being the daughter of a pastor plus working
in the preschool ministry for many years, Cindy brings to this
department the leadership, love, understanding, and passion
needed for helping young parents in this stage of their lives. Cindy attended
Southern Oklahoma State University pursuing a degree in marketing, but came back to
Texas in 1993 with her husband, Stan. Cindy finds fulfillment being a wife, mother, and
grandmother, but most of all, being a child of God. You may never meet a friendlier
person or one that can love children more than Cindy.
Larry Lawrence
Director of Pastoral Ministries
As Northview has grown, so has its demand for greater care of its
members and guests. In 2008, Larry Lawrence joined the staff team
to assist the ministerial staff in hospital visits, home calls, and member
care. Now retired from retail, Larry brings a love for people, a warm
smile, and a comforting word from Scripture as he makes his visits each
week. Larry has been an active member of Northview since the early 90's and is also
active in the music ministry.
Linda Lynn
Linda started her career as a registered nurse. During a personal recovery
journey she felt God leading her into the counseling field. She obtained a BS in
Family Studies and a MS in Counseling and Development from Texas Women's
University. Along with her skills in areas such as depression and anxiety, she has
had special training in domestic violence and working with adult survivors of
childhood abuse. Linda's passion is to help adolescents and adults to become the
person God created them to be and not a person controlled by the past, their present
circumstances or environment.
Al Postma
Director of Technology and Facilities
God sent the right man at the right time when He sent Al Postma to serve at
Northview. Al, along with his wife Barbara, have called Northview home since
1999. Coming from a lifetime career in the IT industry, Al brings a wealth of
knowledge, understanding and pure common sense to a position that has so
many varied demands. He was educated and married in Indiana, but are glad
to be in Texas. Al has two adult children, Alex and Abby. Most of the time you will see
Al on Sundays in the choir or in the sound booth.
Our Support Staff
Danna Ryan
Pastor’s Assistant
Aubrey Cade
Graphic Design &
Tricia Alaniz
Office Manager
Justin Cade
Environmental Services
Our Deacon Ministry
Mission Statement of Our Deacon Ministry
To support, serve and unify God’s people by discovering and developing ways to
minister to and encourage them for Jesus Christ while bringing them into active
church service.
Pat Janoe
Clifton Blackburn
Johnny Wood
Don Williams
Wes Wagner
Buddy Baxter
Jim Tullos
JT Graham
Jeff Bartlett
Bill Ridinger
Jim Bennett
Jim Lyles
Derek Williams
Darren McClanahan
Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you men of
good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom
we will appoint to this duty.
--Acts 7:3
Worship at Northview is more alive than ever, and the future is so exciting. The arts are
a huge part of proclaiming the Gospel in fresh, new, dynamic ways. The expression of
emotion through music, drama, and media touches lives in ways never thought possible.
Do you love music, drama, art, film, photography, dance, sound, lighting, singing, playing,
writing and creating? We are here to develop what God has born in you. We want to do
it His way: with purpose and integrity.
We enjoy some of the best music of today’s writers, with a
strong emphasis on a passionate Worship Choir, band, and
Praise Team. We are also not afraid to revisit some great songs
and hymns from the past and sing
them as they should be
sung in today’s worship.
Our purpose is simple, to worship God. However, the by-products are always fantastic.
Tremendous fellowship, slap-happy fun, those special moments with God, and lots of
love and friendship are what helps this choir take it to the next level. If you love music
and love the fellowship of God's people, then the Worship Choir is the place for you.
The Worship Choir leads in both
morning services every Sunday.
Membership in the choir is open to
all church members and regular
attendees, auditions are not
required. Rehearsals are
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.
Contact Rob Veal for more details.
Gospel Gold Choir
Journey Student Choir
Children’s Choir
Christmas at Northview
Christmas celebrations at Northview begin on Advent Sunday, usually the last Sunday of
November. Decorations adorn The Sanctuary each Christmas as the music of the season
resounds among the lights, colors, and beautiful floral displays. You have never
experienced a Christmas quite like that of a Northview Christmas.
Spring and Fall Worship Concerts
Usually coinciding with Easter, the spring music is always fresh, new, exciting, and
spiritually moving. In the fall of each year, the Worship Choir and Gospel Gold Choir
share evenings of music that are many times accompanied with lots of laughter.
Summer Music Season
Beginning in May, all of our choirs and music groups begin a new schedule that includes
rehearsal every other week instead of weekly. The music is familiar, fun and
refreshing. This is a great time to introduce potential members to the choir experience.
David writes in Psalm 150 a call to praise listing
various instruments of music in the worship of
God. Instrumentalists are used at Northview to
accompany or provide solo pieces that aid in
corporate worship. Instrumentalists may contact
our Associate Pastor of Music for specific
It has been said that,
"technology is the church
organ of the new
millennium". At no other
time has technology been
so beneficial as when used
in worship. The visual arts, the arts of sound, light, graphics, imaging, and video
production enhance the worship of this new century.
Ministry Teams | Worship
The Worship Choir
Journey Student Choir
Children’s Choir
Worship Band
Sound Engineers
Lighting Tech
Video Jockey’s
Video Production Team
Rob Veal
Teresa Wells
Tom Smith
Robert Frazier
Tom Smith
Jaci Spann
Tricia Alaniz
Tiffany Smith
Wes Wagner
Sara Thornburg
Jennifer Yowell
Bethany Veal
Jo Plain
Wes Wagner
Monty Lawson
Paul Welch
Tom Smith
Justin Browne
Teresa Wells
Raymond Smith
Delores Shartzer
Robert Frazier
Dan Robinson
Al Postma
Seth Stomm
Judd Treat
Stephanie Thomlinson
Mike Holland
Rosa Cortez
Mary Kane
Jim Lyles
Glenn Shankle
Cassie Morris
Bob French
Paul Curfman
Andrew Falconer
Growth of a Christian is founded in prayer and Bible Study. Northview is a place to
become what God desires: a growing, changing vessel in His hands. Special topic
discipleship classes offer Christians the opportunity to grow in different areas of their
Christian walk. Group discussion and dialogue are key elements of effective discipleship.
Sunday Morning
Life Groups
Sunday morning Life Groups or Bible Study is Northview’s
foundational strategy for leading people to faith in
Jesus Christ and for developing Christians through Bible
Study groups that engage them in evangelism, discipleship,
fellowship, ministry, and worship.
Wednesday Night Group Studies
Mid-week study groups are offered to enhance personal
study time. These special interest groups range from
men’s, ladies’, coed adult and all age groups for children
from birth through 12th grade. Our Pastor, Ken Wells, also
leads a group in song and study in the Chapel each week.
Fall, Winter, and Spring Semesters
Courses of study are offered up to three times a year and
typically coincide with the local public school schedule.
Class topics include: parenting, marriage, women’s
studies, men’s studies, finances, fitness and more.
Beyond Sunday…
You won’t find Senior Adults just sitting around playing dominoes at
Northview. We are an active and valuable part of the Northview
Family. Retired adults have found that life is just beginning. Many
serve in areas of leadership, education, service, hospitality, and
music. In addition to service opportunities, Northview Seniors enjoy trips to Branson,
Saturday Night Monthly Fellowships, PRIMETime Ladies, Bible Study Groups, and singing
in the fun-loving Gospel Gold Choir that meets every Wednesday at 10:00 AM in the
Music Suite. Trade your rocking chair for a Harley and let’s live life to the max!
Single? Never Married? Divorced? Widowed? Northview is
connecting on a new level with the growing population of singles in
our area. Still in its beginning stages, the Singles Group is passionate
about community service, living a full life, and supporting and
encouraging each other. We have redefined “family” in a way that embraces single
adulthood and takes advantage of all of its benefits.
Want to do something new, Counter Culture? Need to change your
routine? Like to make new friends in a safe environment? Drop in
and meet some other young adults that are into the same things.
Northview’s Young Adults (College/Career) group meets Sundays
at 10:30 AM. In addition to weekly gatherings, our young adults enjoy trips, conferences,
and opportunities to get involved in the community. Ready for a change?
Northview enjoys a myriad of sports and outdoor activities which
include: Men’s and Coed Softball, Basketball, Summer Golf League,
Fishing, Men/Women’s Fitness Classes, and Skeet Shooting. In
addition to these, Northview Men enjoy attending professional
sporting events such as baseball and arena football.
Our members are involved in many different aspects of community
service and mission action projects. Such services include, but are
not limited to: Keep Lewisville Beautiful, Texas Department of Family
and Protective Services, and Christian Community Action. In 2007,
Northview began its own community service program called Faith In Action. Faith in
Action is a month long, church-wide campaign that creates in our congregation an
outward focus and a heart to serve all through the year. The entire congregation is
encouraged to devote an entire weekend in October to engage in designated service
projects in, and with, the community.
Equipping students with sound Biblical doctrine
to prepare them for life.
Teaching them how to study God's Word and
appreciate the Bible as God's Word to us,
knowing what to believe and why they believe it.
Training students to be able to tell others about Jesus.
Training students to defend fundamental Christian beliefs.
Sundays Mornings for Students
Worship @ 9:00 AM & Life Groups @ 10:30 AM
All students and their parents are asked to attend the 9:00 AM worship in The Sanctuary. This allows for
the students and parents to then go to Bible study classes that will dismiss at the same time. Following
worship, students will go to the Student Building for their 10:30 AM Life Groups together. Seventh
through twelfth grades stay together at the beginning for donuts, announcements and devotion time
with Trey Talley, Assistant Pastor/Students. Followed by aged graded small group time. There, they will
discuss the lesson in greater detail. Each small group is led by two awesome adult leaders dedicated to
students. The morning program ends at 11:30 AM.
Wednesday Nights for Students
XLR-8 (accelerate) @ 7:00 PM
The purpose of XLR-8 is to challenge students to
press forward in their Christian walk, to make
it more of a run…pursuing God. XLR-8 begins with
food every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM following Student Choir (6:00 PM). Students hang out, catch up,
and eat for about 30 minutes while Christian music videos play in the background. Then we are led into
a time of worship by several talented worship leaders. Following worship, Trey Talley engages the
students in a time of studying God's Word together. The evening concludes at 8:30 PM.
Ministry Teams | Students
Life Group Leaders
Christi Wagner
Dusty Latham
Bill Ginn
Syndey Latham
Elaine Frazier
Jaci Spann
Tricia Alaniz
Trey Talley
Emily Wells
Trent Curtis
Wes Wagner
Felisha Talley
Dusty Latham
Tonya Curtis
Christi Wagner
Mallory Latham
13th Class
Trent Curtis
Tonya Curtis
Raymond Smith
Northview provides children (birth to 6th grade) a safe, positive, Christian environment
that establishes a solid foundation for Biblical principles and presents them with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our desire that every child comes to know Jesus Christ as
their personal Savior and Lord. It is also our goal to provide them with a Christian worldview that will enable them to live in a secular world as godly young girls and boys. In
addition, it is also the desire of the children's ministry to partner with parents in
providing resources and learning opportunities to help equip families to raise their
children in a godly manner.
Preschool Ministry Birth through PreK
Children are a special gift from God and it is our desire to create a
friendly and safe environment for all preschool children. Our
preschoolers are loved and nurtured by a wonderful
staff of adult volunteers. We teach even
our youngest about God's love for them
and share God's wonderful creation
with them through exciting Bible
stories, music and playtime.
Children K-6
We recognize that early elementary children are developing at a fast
pace in their views and problem solving abilities. Through on-going
classes, special events and mission projects, we teach them how to
handle the world they live in through biblical principles. For many at this
age, they begin their journey as a Christ-follower through their personal
profession of faith. Because of this, many of our programs will be
directed, K-3 (young elementary and 4-6 preteen) to develop children as they grow.
Encounter Worship
K-6th Grade
Sunday @ 9:30 AM
Children’s Choir
K-6th Grade
@ 6:00 PM
Mission Friends
@ 7:00 PM
Nehemiah Kids
K-4th Grade
@ 7:00 PM
5-6th Grade
@ 7:00 PM
Ministry Teams | Children
Sunday School Leaders
Sharon Blackburn
Debra Legate
Victoria Blanc
Brandy Jones
Roberta Haythorne
Aaron Alaniz
Bethany Veal
Wayne Haythorne
Encounter Worship
Sherry York
Jack Morris
Dan Robinson
David Plain
Jo Plain
Lynn Ragan
LIT/Nehemiah Kids
Aaron Alaniz
Linda Henderson
Jack Morris
Vanessa Doucet
Children’s Choir
Bethany Veal
Jennifer Yowell
Jo Plain
Sara Thornberg
Teresa Scoggins
Linda Lynn
Robbie Granado
Nicole Crowell
Tom Oliver
Darren McClanahan
Paulette Paris
Madison Oliver
Nick Wisner
Gina Pilley
Leslie Barfnecht
Marlene Wisner
Preschool Praise & Worship
Tiffany Smith
Wednesdays Preschool Choir
Stacey Labelle
Pat Stone
Amanda Casson
Amanda Casson
Kristi Gibson
Kay Hitch
Maxine Jones
Edie Williams
Ivy Salazar
Melissa McClanahan
Kay Miles
Meghann Oliver
Marle Wisner
Alan Shartzer
Kristen Anderson
Ministry Teams are developed out of a need to do the ministry in which God has
called us in the most efficient manner. Instead of multiple committees, Northview
empowers groups of gifted people to see a need and address it. This eliminates many
meetings and moves people to become directly involved in ministry. Here are a few
examples of some of our Ministry Teams (not a complete list)---
Ministry Teams
First Impression Team
Blanca Adams
Diane Bowery
Agnes Brock
Cokie Eads
Vickie Helderle
Linda Lyles
Pat Myers
Gail Bison
Patsy Seabolt
Pat Stone
Stephanie Tumlison
Colleen Ament
Raymond Bowery
Ronni Cade
Linda Fellers
Mary Kane
Wanda Miller
Henry Proffitt
Pat Roff
Jerri Soucy
Cindy Terry
Erin Turner
Clifton Blackburn
Carolyn Bridgers
Karen Cross
Lonna Gibbs
Beverly Killough
Lesa Moore
Bill Ridinger
Mike Ryan
Kathie Stomm
Tina Thomas
Prissy Yates
Linda Lyles
Cassidi Minter
Cindy Jordan
Jamie Jones
Roberta Haythorne
Patsy Seabolt
Gail Robison
Michelle Clough
Diane Welch
Stacey Baumgardner
Vicki Helderle
Bill Ridinger
Cathy Thomas
Dan Thomas
Hospitality Ministry
Ronni Cade
Beulah Chapman
Danna Ryan
Jeanette Wadkins
Linda Henderson
Kitty Thomas
Bobby Burchfield
Mark Baker
Bill Ginn
Jim Bennett
Derek Williams
Alan Shartzer
John Cross
Bill Brewster
David Plain
Pat Janoe
Mike Ryan
JT Graham
Dan Thomas
Les Moore Buddy
Bil Ridinger
Darren McClanahan
Casey Baker
Wes Wagner
Women’s Ministry
Leadership Team
Hand 2 Hand
CARE Ministry
Small Group Mission
Ministry Teams Continued
Children’s Ministry Team
Aaron Alaniz
Brandy Jones
Sharon Blackburn
Wayne Haythorn
Wes Wagner
Preschool Ministry Team
Kimberly Nash
Taylor Williams
Marle Wisner
Melissa McClanahan
Lacey Holland
Tiffany Smith
Renovation Team
Clifton Blackburn
Bill Knox
Stan Jordan
Bill Ridinger
Pat Janoe
John Cross
Bobby Burchfield
Les Moore
Larry Lawrence
Karen Cross
Betty Burchfield
John Gilbreath
Bruce Blackmore
Bill Perry
Al Postma
Doug Killough (Fishing)
Eddie Calderon
(Team Sports)
Men’s Sports Ministry
Security Team
Office Volunteer Staff
Clifton Blackburn
Pat Janoe
Steve Thomas
Jim Lyles
Jerri Soucy
Gail Robison
Carolyn Bridgers
Diane Welch
Bill Ridinger
Danny Fellers
Jared Stevenson
Larry Lawrence
Tina Thomas
Christi Wagner
Patsy Seabolt
Stephanie Tumlinson
David Plain
Darren McClanahan
Bruce Blackmore
Larry Dowis
Mary Kane
Barbara Codish
Leah Brown
Many other Ministry Teams are active each week. Due to the fact that so many Northview members
serve in so many areas of ministry, there is a chance names will be accidentally left out of this. Please
accept our apologies if oversights were made.
Church Officers
Directing the legal affairs.
The general officers of the church shall be the Senior Pastor, ministerial staff, trustees, church
clerk, and church treasurer, who shall be elected by the church to carry out the legal affairs of the
church. The Church Manual will list required officers and detail their responsibilities. Copies of
the Church Manual and Church Constitution can be picked up at the Information Center or from
the church office.
The Nominating Committee shall present three trustees to the church for approval. There will be
a President, Vice-President, and Secretary. They will hold in trust the property of the church.
They shall be elected to serve a three year rotating term or until their successors shall be
appointed. They shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, or transfer any real property
without a specific vote of the church authorizing each action.
Bill Ridinger (15)
Clifton Blackburn (13)
Jim Paul (14)
Church Clerk
The purpose of the clerk is to insure that accurate records of all church business are maintained.
The term for the clerk is one year and may be nominated again by the Nominating Committee for
subsequent years.
Danna Ryan (13)
The purpose of the treasurer is to act as the authorized agent of the church to oversee the receipt
and disbursement of church funds. The term for the treasurer will be one year, presented by the
Nominating Committee for church approval.
Chair of Finance Committee (13)
Administrative Teams
Using life skills for Kingdom purposes.
Committees are members of Northview who are using their gifts, abilities and talents to exercise
administrative responsibilities within the church. Members are nominated
and approved by the church & given the opportunity & authority to complete the assigned tasks.
Finance Committee exists to develop with the ministerial staff, an annual church budget, and
assure the prudent and proper receipt, and expenditure of all church money.
• Monty Lawson (15)
• Kristi Gibson (15)
Personnel Committee exists to assist the church in
matters related to employee compensation, policy,
procedure and morale.
Jeff Bartlett (15)
Aaron Alaniz (15)
Jim Bennett (15)
Ministry & Fellowship Events under His Leadership
God is on a mission within the people of Northview. Being continually aware of the leadership of the
Holy Spirit, we are committed to act on our mission and purpose through special church-wide events
throughout the year. Events are subject to change as God leads. Here is a sampling of all ministry
opportunities planned each year. Please refer to the calendar for complete details and registration
of all events.
New Season of Ministries and Classes
I Love My Church Emphasis | Pastor's Anniversary
Spring Break Mission Trips | Community Easter Service | Community Egg Hunt
Family Focus Month | Church Family Spring Picnic | Parent-Child Dedication
Vacation Bible School | Summer Camp Students & Preteens
Patriotic Celebration | Summer Mission Trips
Back-To-School Celebration | Round Up Sunday
New Fall Season of Ministries and Church Anniversary | Women’s Autumn Extravaganza
Mission Month | Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat | Faith In Action
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner | Thank You Service
Christmas at Northview | International Missions Offering
Philippians 4:29 reminds us, "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious
riches in Christ Jesus." And while we soon close the books on 2012, His Word remains
faithful again.
It is amazing to see His hand on our church, leading, guiding, directing, and helping us do all
we can do to "be the church in action" in Lewisville and beyond. And this year as we have
served on the Finance Team, we not only saw how He has drawn new people to our church,
but also how He has met the financial needs of this large, growing Body of Believers called
In addition to a healthy year of gifts to the budget, we have also see overflows of blessings
through the IMAGINE fund and other designated programs. Thank you church for your
obedience to God's Word by your giving faithfully.
As we step into 2013, our desire it to continue a level of quality ministry that achieves our
mission while accomplishing our purposes. Our challenge will be to maintain and possibly
exceed the accomplishments of 2012 with no real increase in the budget.
With the economic concerns continually looming and the pattern of giving we have noticed
in 2012, we want to be cautious, yet aware of the external impacts on our financial
resources. However, we fully understand that this is a faith-based budget and are wide
awake, looking for God to lead us even higher and deeper while meeting every financial
need in 2013.
Your faithfulness as a member of Northview is vital. Not only with your consistent financial
gifts, but in order to achieve what God leads us to do, it will take all of us...serving, leading
and loving people to the Lord. We think we have the right staff, the right church leaders,
and the right membership base to make 2013 a historical year.
May God bless you as your obedience will bless others!
2012 Finance Team
Monty Lawson
Buddy Baxter
Kristi Gibson
Les Moore
Northview Baptist Church
2013 Proposed Ministry Budget
1. Missions and Evangelism:
The Northview Family touching the world.
Ministry Area
Southern Baptist
Missionary Support
Denton Baptist
Mission ActionCamp Support
Mission ActionProjects/Trips
EvangelismNew Ministries
12,000 To support Baptist causes all over the world.
*Designated funds also support this.
9,000 To support mission efforts in Denton County.
1,500 To support our local camp facility in Denton.
6,200 To support mission projects and groups.
*Designated funds also support this.
3,000 Evangelism meetings, training and materials.
*Designated funds also support this.
2,500 Evang./Mission events that are unplanned.
34,200 --NO CHANGE--
2. Ministry Action:
The foundational ministries of the church.
Ministry Area
Bible Study
Team Ministry
Special EventsServices/Ordinances
EducationLeader Training
New Member
& Believer Ministry
6,000 Curriculum and teaching material for all ages.
2,500 Christian growth courses for adults/students.
7,500 Materials for all ages to aid in worship.
*Designated funds also support this.
3,200 Lord's Supper, Baptism, Decor and Flowers.
3,100 Training for leaders in education ministries.
1,400 Supplies needed for all education ministries.
1,000 Support for new classes and ministries.
24,700 -8% DECREASE
1. Ministry Enrichment:
Key ministries that enrich the church's foundation.
Ministry Area
Preschool Ministry
(birth -k)
Children’s Ministry
(grades 1-6)
Student Ministry
(grade 7-12)
Senior Adult
Single Adult
Sports Outreach
New Ministry
4,500 Special event funding for birth-Kindergarten.
*Designated funds also support this.
Special event funding for grades 1-6.
*Designated funds also support this.
Special event funding for grades 7-12.
*Designated funds also support this.
Special event funding for ages 18-22.
*Designated funds also support this.
Men/Boys events, Fathers' Day and materials.
2,500 Women’s events, studies and resources.
*Designated funds also support this.
400 Trips, luncheons, banquets and studies.
400 Special funding for older singles’ ministry.
*Designated funds also support this.
400 Team and recreation supplies and fees.
500 Training for ministry teams and committees.
1,500 New ministries God will lead us to begin.
31,000 -NO CHANGE-
2. Ministry Related Expenses:
Cost of the staff to carry out the ministry.
Ministry Area
Auto Mileage
Books, Dues,
Resources and
27,000 Reimburse at the approved rate per IRS.
Reimbursement for attending conferences,
conventions and continuing ed.
Professional dues, books and subscriptions.
Provides personal ministry to prospects/members.
27,000 ---NO CHANGE----
1. Personnel Expenses:
Cost of salaries and wages to operate entire ministry.
Ministry Area
Pastoral Minister
Pastoral Minister
Administrative Staff
Age-Graded Ministry
362,918 Five full-time ministerial positions.
Housing included for pastors in the salary line.
Three ministry directors in this category.
91,690 Provides for admin part-time employees as needs
22,200 Provides for up to two facility care persons.
9,500 Nursery, preschool, caregiver AND children, and
students interns
32,160 Paid assistants, music, tech and general support.
0 Staff training/development expenses.
518,468 -1% DECREASE
2. Protection Coverage:
Providing insurance, retirement and taxes for personnel.
Ministry Area
Staff InsuranceHealth
Staff InsuranceLife/Disability
FICA Taxes
Church Portion
Staff Medical
53,400 Church expense is based on Baptist Health Choice
2000 for full-time employees.
3,650 For full time staff members….and they are getting
older! Disability insurance was added.
38,400 Employer tax expense for all employees.
27,850 Contributions for full-time pastoral staff.
8,000 Medical cost supplement for pastoral staff.
131,300 +8% INCREASE (all of these areas and
figures come from either personnel laws
or church policies.)
1. Administration and Operation:
Basic operational costs.
Ministry Area
Office Supplies
and Expenses
Office Printing and
Office and Ministry
Computer Upgrades
Marketing and
Facility Repair &
Church InsuranceLiability/Auto
Transportation and
Financial Fees/
Facility Rentals and
AV and Ministry
Additional Debt
Total Budget
6,000 Expendable products, office contracts, etc.
2,800 Outreach, business and communication mailing.
6,500 For newsletters, bulletins, and promotional
New CPU’s and upgrades of older units, software,
and peripherals.
Newspaper, local ads, give-a-ways and direct
Copier, Web Site, Security, Software Fees,
Cleaning and lawn supplies. Seasonal lawn care
Repair of equipment and facilities. (small)
1,500 Food, supplies and equipment for kitchens.
24,000 Property, workers, liability & auto.
60,000 Telephone, electric, gas, water, waste, internet.
6,000 Cost to operate vans/bus.
4,000 Bank and financial services fees.
1,813 Facility lease for Easter and T’giving.
8,000 Lighting, AV, and educational, office, and
ministry equipment.
45,000 Debt payments made from the budget. Additional
funds are paid via IMAGINE campaign.
212,332 --1% DECREASE--
979,000 979,000
Who is Jesus Anyway?
Some people claim he's a great teacher. Others think he's a prophet. Some dismiss him as a liar or even a madman.
Millions hail him as Savior and Lord. Whatever people think of him, nobody can deny that he stands at the very crux of
human history.
The biblical record of his life shows that Jesus was born to a virgin, lived a sinless life, taught throughout Palestine for
about three years, was crucified and then rose back to life three days after his death. The Bible claims that more than
500 people saw him alive after this miraculous event. How could a mere man have lived such a life? The miracles
Jesus performed, his death on the cross, his resurrection, his ascent to heaven--all point to the fact that
he was no ordinary leader.
Hundreds of years before Jesus' birth, prophets predicted his coming. The Old Testament, written by many people
over a period of 1,500 years, contains more than 300 such prophecies. All of these details came true, including his
miraculous birth, his sinless life, his many miracles, his death and his resurrection.
By his own account, Jesus claimed he had the power to forgive sins, to cast out demons, and to determine people's
eternal destiny. He even declared he himself was God!
Declaring that he was God so angered the religious and political leaders of his day that they had him crucified. They
buried him in a borrowed grave, and three days later, he rose from the dead.
The resurrection of Jesus is what makes Christianity unique and radically different from Hinduism, Buddhism,
Confucianism, Shintoism, Judaism, and Islam. In fact, the validity of Christianity hinges on the proof of the resurrection
of Jesus. If the resurrection never took place, then the Christian faith is based on a lie and people have no true hope
for life after they die. But if it is true, then we can do nothing else but accept Jesus as Savior and Lord and receive his
gift of love and forgiveness.
Throughout the centuries, most great scholars who have considered the proofs of the resurrection have believed, and
still believe that Jesus is alive.
Who is Jesus of Nazareth to you?
Your life on this earth and for all of eternity is affected by your answer to this question. Find out how you can get to
know Jesus Christ personally and discover what provisions he has made for you to live with him forever.
Contact one of our staff members to set a time to discuss this decision in person. We are glad to spend
some time with you about this.
How Do I Become a Follower of Jesus: a Christian?
You must first realize that you are “lost.” In other words, you are totally estranged from God by a sinful nature.
Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
You alone cannot reconcile the
lost relationship between you
and God. To provide a remedy,
God sent His only Son, Jesus, to
live the perfect life God demands.
Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin
is death, but the gift of God is
eternal life through Jesus Christ.”
Since through sin, you have separated yourself from God, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross bridges the gap. Romans
5:8 “But God commended his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
All that God asks is that you repent and turn from your sin and believe with your heart in Christ’s death and
resurrection. Romans 10:9-10,13 “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is
with your mouth that you confess and are saved. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
After you have been saved, the first step of obedience to God is baptism by immersion. Acts 8:36,37
God expects His children to be involved and active in His family on Earth, the church. Hebrews 10:25