trimmed... ...DNIIinerp I - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
trimmed... ...DNIIinerp I - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
VOL. XXIX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1899. Truthful Advertising will Always Sell Honest Goods. PHKasaEHsaBasEs [HE BEE HIVE uto first name "AMOS" aud No. "78" before entering store. Get off Cttrat A Bold Move In Parlor Suits Without an Equal in the History of This House! ]•; ven that great 3rd floor of ours doesn't begin to hold 'cm all. The Parlor Suit Like Cut, $19.75— $30 usually. A wonderful price occasion, specially created here I each year about this time. Bargain prices in the height ! of the season, from the most desirable colored Dress Goods Novelties of the season. Prices as little as those usually asked when the season is Half Over. Prices that'll make this April's greatest bargain sale of Colored Dress Goods. Bedroom Suits —A great crash in their prices, too. For$10.98-a$14Suit. Antique oak finish, well constructed, nice looking. Carved mahogany-finish frame— j;rccii Roman plush, embroidered hacks, elegant and striking". Others at even greater price-drops. Full overstuff tapestry covering, tojjs tufted and corded. At $45.50, was $65. For $ 14.98-a $20 Suit. 24x30 mirror, all new in shape aud make-up. For $55—a $75 Suit. Elegant—in curly birch—superbly carved. Fully 300 other suits a t lowest prices ever put on record. Again, inlaid, mahogany-finish frame, Roman plush covering. Carpets—AH in At $50, was $75. This season's loveliest colors and patterns—thousands of rollsprices that NO other store can touch, they're ao low. And—striped Silk Damask Suit, wnliotratiy frame, piano polish—at $75-was $125. Another—having Turkish backs, full overstuffed—heavy fringe, for $90-was $175. Annual Dress Goods Occasion Go=Carts—$2.49 And up—biggest Hue in all this city. Baby Carriages, too—$3.49 up. SWEEPINd REDUCTIONS ON SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES. BARGAIN FEATURE 1—Rich Silk and Wool Novelties, half a dozen different lines and weaves, all together on Centre Table, among them Checks, Scotch Mixtures, Vigoiireux Suiting regular selling prices 75c to 1.25 all to go at, Your Bargain Choice at 48c BARGAIN FEATURE 2—5o-inch English Cheviots in all the latest shades of Grey Castor, Red Gobelin, Navy Blue, aud 45-inch All-Wool Sailor Checks, considered the most popular for Tailor-made Suits, and separate skirts, fine soft yarn, both / *T^» these lots regular 88c value. Your bargain choice CM V BARGAIN FEATURE 3—Another lot of very new Imported Fabrics, Seeded Vigoureux Suitings, Bayadere Diagonal, Striped effect, very latest Fabric for Tailor Gowns, and 54-inch Homespun Cheviots in latest shades, Grey, Oxford, Tan, Gobelin, fine soft yarn, excellent for separate skirts, both regular o j * -, 98c sellers, your bargain choice OD\* BARGAIN FEATURE 4—Rare collection of High Grade French and German Novelties, many in Dress length only, and we cannot guarantee them to last. Early buyers have the best choice. 48-inch Silk and Wool Plaid in Reseda, Cyrano, Helio, Green, New Blue, regular 1.98, Silk and Woo! Novelties and Tailor Checks; Silk and Wool Bayadere effects and Silk and -i fifi Wool Mixtures, reg. 1.25 to 1.98. Your bargain choicest 1 < U U The Portland Range—and the Domestic Sewing Machine—3 good things. No Agents or Branch Stores Anywhere. Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd. 7 2 Market St., LOW PRICES-EASY TERMS. Note first name "Amos." J fj Near Plane St., Newark, N. J. Telephone 580. Goods delivered Free to any part of State. CARFARE PAID TO OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS. A Private Delivery Wagon Sent on KtottClt. WES HT GREUT w m \£ I have just received a nice line of Ladies' Button and Lace Dongola Shoes, latest style, prices $1.00, $1.30, $1.60 per pair. No better can be found for the money. Our Children's and Misses' Fine Shoes 45c, 65c, 85c, 95c, Ji.oo, are surpassed by none. Youths' and Boys' Fine Shoes $1.00, $1.10, jfi.15, $1.50, extra for the money. Our Men's Fine Shoes $1.30, $1.60, $2.00, $2.50 speak for themselves. We will save money for any who wish to buy shoes. Come and see our stock before you purchase and we will satisfy you with price, quality and style. Ladies' and Men's Winter Slippers will be closed out at cost. Great bargains can be found every day at our BARGAIN COUNTER. FREE DELIVERIES. MAIL ORDERS FILLED ON DAY OF RECEIPT. 707 to 721 Broad Street and 8 Cedar Street, NEWARK, N. J. GREENGRASS trimmed... ...DNIIinerpI If you have not purchased your Easter Hat visit our JOHN A. LYON OPPOSITE BANK. DOVER. N E W JERSEY The Successful Shoe Store which was established on Sussex street in '97 is now located at the corner of Warren and Blackwell streets, where will be found a very complete line of 10 E. Blackwell Street. Ladies' Cloaks, Capes and Tailor Made Suits of the latest designs. Also a splendid assortment of Children's Jackets. The prices are so low that if you will call you will be convinced (hat we are offering rare bargains in these goods, We also carry a full line or Ladies', Gents' and Children's Boots and Shoes. The largest collection and best variety of Trimmed Hats in our city. All up-to-date in style. Big bargain in Ladies' patent Leather Slippers. E • VAJ 11 C IN , '7 West Blackwell Street, Restaurant. WANTED. r*r\ Ut C? 1VT DOVER, N. J. Y women, each with an infant or young Mrs. Thomas Uiclis linn now opened a ros' child, situations in the country (general wrnmtnt thoatoro formerly occupied by Mrs. housework, plain cooking, otc). Bmall wages Wnmuro, at No. I) Dlckorsou struct, oiwoelto "luwnro, Lnckawannn and Western doput. expected. Apply State Charities Aid Associh \ L S nt all Uours ; also bonrd by day or ation, 105 East Tivanty-socond Street, Now York City. B H. E. Greengrass. TERMS CASH". NO. 20 Au Appeal for Aid. A'EH'AJtK SI. 10. CONFERENCE. The American National Ked CrosB Society Itory of t h e F i r s t T w o Days Work now establishing in Cuba, at the request of WAYOlt WOLFE SAYS EXCISE LIBriefly Told. ;he government, a hospital service to anbist in CENCES AJIE INVALID. ho care of the sick und homeless jHmple of The forty-second annual meeting of the ewark Conference of tbe Methodist Episco\ftt*r IJIHCUBHIOU, l*ro u n a Con, Mat- iat inland. In the Philippines, owing to the t e r la Keltirrerl to Ueoiisu Commit- ctive operaUOUB now being conducted by the pal Church met in the Halaey Street Church American Army, and the approuch of the n Newark on Wednesday inoruiug, Bishop tee— Mlnuio of Ad I n t e r i m Appolutainy season in the tropics, the hospital staff Dharles H. Fowler presiding. The session m o n t Made More Explicit—ICIoutlon Llready there is being increased that the care pened with tbe sacrament of the Lord'u Ordinance I'HHHOII — Honlth Roiirtl if the sick aud wounded may be more efil- tapper. The Conference was then organized Appointed, iient. The return to Cuba is in compliance >y the election of the following ofHcero: vith the wishes ofthel'mMeutof the United Secretary, tbe Rev. John ¥. Dodd; assistant, When Town Clerk Jos. V. Baker finished tates, the War Department, and the Mili- lie Rev. C. W. McCormick; engrossing secreading the minutes of the preceding meettary Governor, and in resj>ou8e to the multiitary, tbe Rev. Frederick A. Bloom; statising, at the meeting of the Common Council ude of appeals from the island. The service ical secretary, the Itev. Johu A. Gutteridge; lout Friday night, Councilman Young moved ifl auxiliary to other relief work by the gov- ifsistanta, the Rev. 13. N. Crosto, the Rev. B. that we adjourn until next Monday evenernment, und 1B purely of a hospital nature— <.. Doolittle, the Rev. W. K. Timbrel, the ig," which motion was promptly seconded o shelter the homeless and care for the sick, . Frank Chad wick; treasurer, the Rev. Mr. Young explained that the election ordlncidentally it is proposed to establish in M. Palmer; assistants, the Rev. J. A. uce wasn't ready yet, but would be on Havana a hospital for civilians, designed esMonday night, whereupon the motion wus ecially as an institution where American*, Croll, the Rev. J. W. Ryder. An appeal was made to the Conference by put aud carried. Recorder Beach was absent 'ho are taken seriously ill, may receive that Mrs. 8. F. Parker for fundB for a church 'rom tliis meeting on account of IUIIOSB. are and attention which they would get in a uilding at Helstngfors, in Finland. About A "message" on excise inatterB, addressed similar institution at home. Besides funds, 13,000 was needed. The Rev. Dr. Davidson by Mayor Wolfe to the Common Council, was the need of which always goes without sayread by Town Clerk Jos. V. Baker at the ipoke in the interest of the American Union Council meeting on Monday night. It read ; ing, there will be required medicines; deliniversity. cate, wholesome aud sustaining food for perIn the afternoon the Rev R. W. Rodgers, DOVFR, N. J. March 31, 181)0. sons too feeble to work, and who would be I'o THE HONORABLE, THE COMMON COUNCIL or lubjects for hospital life, if hospitals existed if Drew Seminary, lectured on " Two Kings DOVER: itb New Ideas." 'or them; suitable clothing for the same class GHNTLKMEN:-I wish at this time to call attetition The Clerical Insurance Society of tbe Newo a matter which in the multiplicity of items was if unfortunate people—men, women and irk Conference on Wednesday evening elected overlooked at our meeting on Wednesday evening ihildren; bedding without stint, and all that ;oes to make up the comfort, as far as pos- io following officers: President, the Rev. lost. I refer to the matter of licenses. As I understand it, the decision of the court ible, of hospital life. All checks, drafts, Daniel Hallorau, of Newark; vice-president, ixistofTiea orders, etc , for the maintenance of liB Rev. J. A. Cole, of Newark, and secretary hlch places us back where we were before we became, or thought we had become a city, aud ihe Red Cross hoBpital work in Cuba and in and treasurer, the Rev. F. A. Mason, of consequently under the ordinanceu of tho Town of bhe Philippines should be Bent to the Wash- assaic. Dover, all licenses granted by the Board of Excise ington, D. C , office of the society at 000 V The Rev. Dr. R. S. MacArthur, of the CouimisBlonera of the City of Dover, now extinct, treet N. W., and made payable to John Joy Mvary Baptist Church, New York, at the ind all llcunues grouted by the City Council of Etison, Treasurer, or to the American Na- tVednesday evening session, spoke on " E x Dover are null and void. ,usion in Church and State." He took the lonul Ued Cross, Packages of supplies may Under our ordinances no person Is allowed to conveniently sent to Cuba by way of New ;round tbat the bearing of " The White Bell any cider, beer, ale or other malt or fermented n's Burden" was the mandate of God. liquors, nor any wine, rum, gin, brandy or other Drleans. They should be Hhipped. freight The expansion," heijald, " which the Nation spirituous H<juora, etc., a.c, without a license Cor repaid, to the Louisiana Red Cross, New Orthat purpose flint had and obtained from the cans, La,, who will act as receiving and for- now undergoing Is a decree of Providence, Common Council. (See ordinance to regulate the ardlng agent". [f we refuse to bear this burden wo spurn sale of spirituous, vinous, malt and brewed liquors, od's command. Expansion bos been from passed June 17,1BS9, page 00.) ihe flret our National policy. By tbe purTlten again keepers of taverns and saloons may Value of Unromlttlnur A d v e r t l s l n e . ihase of Louisiana we saved our individualDot he granted licenses until tuoy have entered A well known member of a Now York pub- ly as an Anglo-Saxon Natlou, for if we bad into bonds to the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and ot bought that territory we would have Common Couucllmen of Dover, with two sufili'i'Mit lahing house, in an interesting talk on adsureties. (See ordinance passed April 25, 1800, ertising matters recently, told the following jeen a French-speaking people. All our entitled, "Ao ordinance to amend an ordinance Incident, which shows bow familiar the pi-ogress toward liberty and expansion has accomplished by tbe bearing of such entitled, ' An ordinance to license and regulate eneral reading public may become with an beer shops, victualling houses and cellars, and dvertising trade-mark, when it is used with jurdens OH the one now divinely imposed itlllard and bowling saloons,"' passed May 17, unremitting vigor: ipon UH." 1809.) At Thursday^ session tbe presiding elders " I went to the Riviera last winter, and on We, the Common Council of Dover, who sup- be homeward passage, coming out of the •ead th*ir reports, from which the following posed we bad long ago been relieved from the Mediterranean, I suddenly thought of passing gleaned: Tbe Newark district has fifty duties for which the people had elected us, seem tbe Rock of Gibraltar. It was a beautiful store and live assistant pastors. Tbe conto be in the position of conscripts, called upon to moonlight ninht, and quite a party of Ameriperform duty against our withes, and expected to cans gathered on the deck to Bee if tbe fortress regations of the district on a fair Hunday restore as far aa we may, order out of the chaos really did look like the Prudential advertise- lumber 17,970 persons. There are sixty-one resulting from the retrograde transformation ment We got a splendid view, and the Sunday schools, which this year contributed illustration in the advertisement is very like through which we are passing. the real thing. We were all a little disap- ;0,G10 for the parent Missionary Board. While I urn conscientiously opposed to the bus- pointed, however, that we didn't see 'The Fhere are forty-eight Epworth leagues fu iness which blights many of the homes of our 'rudential has tbe Strength of Gibraltar' on ood order. In four churches the individual friends and neighbors, and damns the souls of my the side of the rock, but I prewume Her communion cup is used. Two pastors died in fellow men, I yet have sufficient grace given me Majesty's Government objected." to enable me to deal Impartially with all classes of Doubtless the Prudential Insurance Com tbe year, tho Rev. L. R. Dunn and the Rev. men. I would treat all men, whether tavern keep- pany has never requested BUch permission but H. P . Doane. The Conference continued a ers, saloon keepers or ministers of the gospel with it 1B evident that the rock and its world- umber of supernumeraries. perfect fairness, and I here wleh to be understood famed fortress has been of vast benefit to that There was a discussion aa to where tbe next that for the present condition of things I do not Company in its extensive advertising ope- Conference should be held. Invitations were attach any blame to the persons who are the rations. received from the Hackettstown church aud ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Ictlmg of thlB muddle. the Market Btreet, church, in Paterson. Tbe They having paid their money in accordance with latter was chosen by a vote of 88 to 78. An Intereatlnc Experiment. the requirements of the Excise Board, wen; iunoThese candidates were elected to elder The Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western cent until the entry of the judgment which dissolved the corporation of tlie City of Dover; but Llailroad Company has been conducting an jrders: The Reva C T. Mead, T. S. Molnow, in my construction of thB law, the case Is xperiment by operating a telephone and tele- ineaux, C. W. Dennings, S. T. Jackson, W. different, and as they have no legat license and graph circuit at the same time on one wire R. Neff, George Moore, J . E. Apply and A. McCrea. The Rev. WUUam B.Harker, of are not under bonds to the officials of the Town of between, its offices in New "York and various Dover, tuny have no right to Bell the drinks 1 have points on the lines of its road in this State. Cokesbury, N. J., was dismissed upon request mentioned until they have obtained proper Ilcem t is Baid that this is the first time that this to become a Presbyterian paster. In accordance with the ordinance of the Town of The Rev. Dr. J. E. M. Mills, of Wyoming, has been accomplished between places in New Dover. York and New Jersey. Hitherto the olertri- N. Y., explained hi an address that an effort It would be unfair towards these people to re cal disturbances encountered in river cables was being made to raise CW, 000,000 as a quire them to pay for new licenses since they have thank offering for the blessings a t the beginalready paid their money as requested, and I could not be overcome. Exhibitions of the ing of the twentieth century. One-half is think they are entitled to licenses to June flret double system were given last Friday, and next, if the Council shall favorably consider such be railroad men a t both ends of the line pro- to be used for educational purposes and oneproper applications as they may make aud all nounced itanunqualifledsuccess. Tbe system alf for charity. New Jersey's share would other requirements are complied with. will probably be adopted for practical use on JO 1200,000. The speaker asked for tbe apI have thus at some length placed the matter he Delaware, Lackawanna- and WeBtcrn line. pointment of a committee to organize the before you with my interpretation of the situation' movement in the Conference. In order that vou may see as I think, the necessity An appeal was made b j tbe Rev. Dr. Jenof immediate action in the enforcement of the No F a r e , No Hide. nings for the Western Methodist Book Conordinance. An order to conductors has been issued by cern. With malice towardB none, and charity for General Passenger Agent W. F. Holwill of Mrs. Clinton B. Fisk, of the Women's Home all," I am respectfully yours, tbe Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Missionary Society, spoke of the objects of P. V. WOLFE, Mayor. Railroad relating to the collection of fares her society. The reading of this communication was followed by a long discussion, in the course of for children between tbe ages of 5 and 12 The needs of the Mizpah Brotherhood was which it was pointed out that the Mayor'* years, which says: "If the child has no set forth by the Rev. Dr. T. B. Nealy, of the proposed remedy would not be strictly legal, ticket and the person accompanying the child Baltimore Conference, and a resolution was inasmuch aa Council has no right to grant refuses to pay fare for the child, you will put adopted that the Brotherhood be extended to licenses on any other conditions than those the child off tbe train. If the person accom- all the churches. prescribed in the ordinance. I t was finally panying the child chooses to go alBO, it will In the afternoon the Woman's Home Misdecided to refer the matter to tho License be bis or her voluntary act. Care should be sionary Society held its anniversary. There Committee, with Instructions to report at the used to put off the child at a station, not at a rere devotional exercises, a report by the crossing, and the child should be put In next meeting. corresponding secretary, a report of the charge of the agent at the station." Deaconesses' Home and addresses. Bishop In order that no misunderstanding might Fowler presided at the deaconesses* consecraarise over the tenure of office of the variouB officials appointed by the present Council, ion service. In the last year $4,003.47 was W a t e r C o n t r a c t C'ertlornrlod. Alderman Mulligan moved that tho minutes raised. The society now numbers 3,205. The argument on the application for a write of the mooting at which the first appointIn the evening the Missionary Society held of certiorari in the matter of the water conments were made be corrected BO as to read, services in the HalBey Street Church* and the tract award was heard by Justice LIppincott That all officers appointed a t said meeting ou Saturday, Personalities, indulged in by Total Abstinence and Prohibition Society are appointed for the unexpired term of thecounsel on' both sides, made the hearing in- held its anniversary in the Central Church. present Council." I t was BO ordered. teresting. For the applicant it was alleged Recorder Beach, as chairman of the Ordi- that the^contract was illegal because of a F e l l t J u r o r s l o r May T e r m . nance Committee, reported on election or- lack of competition, there having been only The following is a list of the petit jurors dinance which was put on its first and second one bidder; that the Interests of tbe city bad Belected by Sheriff Durling before Judge readings and finally adopted. The ordinance been jeopardized and that the contract called Vreeland on Tuesday morning lant to serve makes provision for a municipal election to for a cosh payment, and not for an issuance at the coming session of tho Morris County take place on Tuesday, May 2. It will be of bonds. Corporation Counsel McDermott Courts, which convene at Morristown on found published in full on page 0 of this defended the contract. Former Congressman Tuesday, May 2: 9ue. McEwan, who appeared for the petitioners Boonton—Elmer E. Kanouso, Ephraim S. It being represented to Council by Ford D. said that they were fighting for the best InMiller, Theodore Ringlieb, Samuel D. Harris. Smith that tho fire alarm whistle could at terests of the city and contended that the Chatham Borough — Goorge Whiteraan, slight expense be made more effective, tbe specifications had not been complied with lharlea E. Genung. Fire, Lamps and Water Committee was di- and that Flynn could not furnish the water Chatham—Fred Voder. rected to have the matter attended to. without interfering with the vested rights Cheater—John Kelaey, Thomas A. Moore, What about a Board of Health ?" was of the Morris Canal and Bunking Company, Charles E. Tippett. asked, whereupon a member moved that the which could not sell water. Ex Senator Dover—William Thompsou, William H. board appointed by the "City Council" be Edwards, who also appeared for Flynn, mainVoorheos, Adelbert P. McDavit. appointed to aervB during the life of the tained that tbe canal company could soil Florham Park—Charles Scorso. preseut Council, It was so ordered and water. Justice Lippincott reserved his de Hanover—David H. Burnett, Britton Stall, Health Inspector C. W. Blake was also con- cfBion. ^ David C. Hopping. tinued In ofilce for the same time. Jefferson—Moses H. Spencer. Tbis wound up the business and Council "Volcanic E r u p t i o n s . Madison—George P. Cook, Alfred J.'Haradjourned. The next meeting, which will bo Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life o man, Milton Megargle. a regular meeting, will bo bold next Monday joy. Bueklen's Arnica Salve cures them, Mendham—Patrick Kirk, Frank P . Hildeevening. also Old Running and Fever Soros, Ulcers, brant. Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Morris—Peter J. Kain, Frank H. Gould, Story of a Slave. Hums, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Albert F. Quick. To bo bound bund and foot for years by the Host Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pain? Morristown—Nerr B. Wllkins, Edward S. chains of disease Is tho worst form of slavery. and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guarJolley, George EiiBlew. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., anteed. Sold by R. Kiilgore, Dover, and A. Montville—Wlllard M. Apgar, Alfred J. tells how Buch a slave was made free He P, Green, Chester, druggists. Whttobead. says: " My wife bas been BO helpless for Mt. Olive—John MoPeak, Ransom W. five years that Bhe could not turn over in bet Lake. alone. After uBlng two bnttles of Elcctrl O r d i n a r y Household PoBsaic—David R. Thomas, Martin ConBitters, bhe 1B wonderfully Improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy accidents have uo terrors when there's a bottl* over, Frederick Potts. of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil in the medicin Pequannock—Artemus Zeliff, Irvau Titus, for female diseosos quickly cures nervousnesa, sleeplessness, molancboly, headacho, choat. Heals burns, cute, bruluea, sprains, Spencer Ryerson. backache, fainting and dizzy spoils. Thit Instant relief. Rockaway—Jamra S. Smith, John P. Hesmiracle working medicine is a godsond tc Hn, Adolph Kaufman, Edward C. Peer. weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottli Snoolul for lUistor Roxbury—iBnno Goldstein, Frank M. Buck, guaranteed. Only fiO cents. Sold by Robert In Kid Gloves. '1 kook a t 75c. pair; 2 Samuel Harris. KUlgoro, Dover, and A, I*. Green, CkeBfir, at 7Wc. pair. Dig values at J. H. Grlmm'f "Washington—Joseph Smith, William Hoffdruggists. No. (1 N. Bus3ox street. man, Matthias Fleming, Augustus Larison. ilTY FATHERS DISCUSS LICENSES. THE IRON ERA. DOVEH. M J.. Ar'RIL 7, 1899 2 T i l FIELl! OF ICU'.l 1,'S*;.:.*.*>*: > . \ ••'• IF A MAN OWNED ^ . >..:.-••--, ;r. i'.z:gi :,-.:-rr.e every year, how long do you think = 3 ' f :. 6 .»-i .- u r,Tiurtdf Your farmlo.why arc dependent ^ OCR INCOME. s-.oy. J --= protected by Life Insurance. 3 POWDER L.i.: . 1. i =u.-. - ;>*r-.' ?* - " * LirlOiTED. Action of Tartlst. lUits-liJe lilfite--: MoaLUtD Yet rtkLC.wn-1* Mates the food more ddkixis and wfofesome *cs^MM*smK, _ _ _ _ _ _ on Tropic Hair- Lcxter Fros 1 Einoa :--*Tt tc* f»it&- DO H. K^t Ceiled. Fort a * s K^re lei mz ^ ^>- Mr. r i i t-i fee ^ -ire-. ttaS won t^^r^: ii^ re aa ioierw^-e He t'iT. Eis j c i. WCLEU-JZZ. a CEirCE^r, fJK t*t2rg »i-T, tn part, u as f rite**!". Br'g. r art tbea pel r£ ctai.:<: fi>i* i* * cor-! ,t U wars tJj f'T UrLti-r^r b-/:n. j A Laid a e&uee to write —~, m tbe A»f*vt aS' r anna I vti tun bo» •=.* ts>i it* zTAKritl i to t_fc* a traia on tiaS *re to «cay fetre. I r**"-*;'* i ~ i of si* CtBtrti Kail—_d of Xeir J t r 1*7. Tbent wt* &£ t_t tins* * t v & c i ?S,J—WHITE EEL*. Is i= re:iii=iit of r _ n froci tfc* was Tbe « « i 5 » t i a » a y >•-€» *«£* dity. I t * w*£*r WM pxtriog from Ho-r arealJ t b t b / j j c p i s x i : mui cysrtry ! & b**i ti" i*i• F . t M c»o hi c=ei for . j ^ a, ar/i tor wheel tin* of • J ^ I *** b j t t e pap«s- that tfc--* *..-i--:r5 ar* to r t 1 *:>! f-i*jst fo* r-jjisd-..—c epec t t e piazfonn in fronted the ceire a ccenpenaation froa UJ^ -•?-ai* c* >'t« I in etterfil spin's, ii ! ^ S F ORVOEN, PrMldent. LESLIE D. WARD- V l « P r u K k o t . 3 *.-z. *'. fc^y.liLtLfi Arw_*k «iUico?. I *»» obliged to err/wd op into Jersry. Weil, tbe Ur/§ i*t-n* i~ Tc*err«a for g m s g *oy fabrk1 a wawrprtof j ^ iAR B WARD! ad V. Pres'tand Coun«l. ' FORREST P. DRV DEN, s ^ ' y . =3 Met ta away to afc-xril^Ale w-tn ccJj C. E. BALL, E»q-, Superintendent, 7 Bank Bulldloff. Dover, N. J . ••JO P*-ife «**i *ir-_-i^rf wftfc i n u r , ao4 did j e t »«t f.*- oc* nciform and we bad VJ boy *x^r* Qcdsr'ir. r*r-.'i>*i-1- t^-. **. -.i* aiid bio* shirt*, e c •"i:h c a r OWE. U ic&n so remedy f « tfci* I I learn thai To ibyw yoa i t * 4;*^r--r^o* k«cw««ii fc* origio of t i l*ric tr '^ciric'r.r, a&d tLe } r/h*x d*Y** —^**S t—» 1~* •** —9* W tm ^** tfc« way T&lnm**** are ts^i a=.i th« way i t * roV&j. has l**:n re^*a*tt* : oo_4it»vi. W b j M this on* neglected axA itsud wiyaooly c ^ * u v e rente, states ? ara are treated I wili gire &iUtof what ; UA pfrirrjc* c»f tbe T**A th—i annojed > 1! has been fassai to each n^i" in th* hn* o< Prof. Clercland At>t*t vA we mar,conclude | ^_ry '.£ «V*r f.-.r '.•£*~ > ;i \!jk. e> "••T^'-r 'A $.~.z>-" I tfc* raUrijarf company H not able to proTid* ktbisig wioat tfce rtgins^c: t u be*n ifcas tfcfc§probl*ra b too difficult for iamedist* i a rea**iy, and they arw t o adv-ed, 1 tfckvk It ia oc* of many that a foliowiDj 'Two order* tor Manila It is 1* io j t—e citlxeo* of oar f^*"" Tillage would ccogeserttiGB will docbiiess cope »iUi tocwebtae noifonns, < overcoti. two eanjpaizc ; to b*Jp t—eat oat. L»£% ha* b*rer j ba»,twi> forage aps X»o wtii« auckbei- [ulJj-. TurDing to ibe siznjj'^T ais*^ciatt<l »U*. I a « » | A Do*l*r tfcitrg tn which tbe atf*Dtkm tit we 6t>4 the best ph>*iciiU not ^c tvtzsai i^r a*eO, two white dodk aLi/c-ma, two fcftiki tfx fT/tnfAoj ty^ be>sa r*peW*Dy malted H a coe dozen peirs wbits g'^iTtf, t « o « wfc/^llf c'**T a* to tbe m%tt»l c£ fonoamod bote caa*ed b* n i s i a $ the trade, ft fci *rbit* thiru, tix cnllara, two t k * sbirtc two c t?. *A trzfu*-*jrji of lightciogand acroral di-cbarges. tfceand canaoc be crvmnA in tbe *rTk« 0/ J. 1/ O- i ;^. 'A**s>ri tut g^ow of the clouds, ball winter underwear, f^ar *QIU of taoi', alter & rmio, witboat wadii^btning and other every day pbenocoeoffi roer under wear, t » o pair goTernti>en iog tboe d*#p ^ iltub or w&ur. A pfoe laid s. esr.. atvia locker acd foil ex plication of tbese mos: await tbe on* pair rua*«t sb> e», I O T M tfc* road to carry off tbe w»ter wo ittoa of appropriate methods of iavtstias large 13 * good sued true* forraceman. retoedy ibis evil, and if tbe apace between tbe Tb«e go »ith us, so yon v& U* rega!an axe ;ation, Crack, &• it ryagbt t o be, were planted, p& out ft UUle better preparei for hr-t or triant, c«p«rially ladies eooU p*ai aa/efy A MDgnlarfly,resembling a large horse-fly, OF THE over, aivi t k « t t e railroad company tb<u co d »ealber. * * * • Ti-e wtmifcer bere u rtv>rt«i to exist rear Redding, CaL I t te rx-fto fra.«t '- «.«t, f notiooes fine. Tbere ha.« U t n DO rain for tbey are **»M from flixiadering tfarocgb Jled ibe Bolphur flf, w « unknown antil f»-M«H--fi for tf>-ir fAtr>-xt«n, g t « r o » i t j ,<vo months. Every UitcK id in foil mo4 ankle deep. tiling begau in the locality three H'^ljyal'' Coc;irratnl*iwisi*i»*«-*din opoo Will tbe officials r f O K company fttteod A rew reservoir has been tcilt at tbe p>*t, in ear- ago, acd bttms to live and breed in eulO«r^raJ buffl^toa OQ W*,J&«daj frofii tflferj Six days more of the magnificent and startling end-ol-the century innovato ibis a u t t t r or leare a long taff-fring com- wbtch have been placed twaLf, docks, *tc. pbur beaps, in tfce mid?t of detue tulphuroua >*tw Yvrx -lir CM D. tion. Thousands were hfre last week and the entire community has been liU'iDi tfc* t-rm of bi» cf'Turnafi«i a t U * •jatiiij tuil to Mbmis to h i Caen Mbe. Another has alligatort, fi=b and i u r t » acid fomea from the roasting ore. thrown into a perfect tumult of enthusiasm. The original attractions rewar t i tb* pr>-«-b& t'r/i* O-»i'j'.f:i Euraoijt/jn* t L'UJU-4 Hst^i powdT d'-p'H btr* G-neral fn it, and t«enty-£ve or more tsmr main and ne-v ones are constantly heing added. The electrical display, inHeports frt no S3 British towns tbow that wrx-h r/»«y t*; »tAt>-'l i'l t»rt-f a* f.iliow* : I B iffington li'fcd a t the M«b«ion H*-JQ*%. d er r u n about the part. It e k<-dack complete one week aif>. is in full working order. Madame Lucllum will ••The In ivi. Li *e»'yr'JT*"'l t/j lb* o / n'i of | continue to give two lectures and demonstrations daily. The Hungarian fleods are here fn abundance. Tbey are nadoo, the only one mpp'itwi with river 4ter, has almobt the lowt-fi death-rate frum KaUiti V*iAiffi Arv-nal, L i ,ftr<d<Jyij a« ' "Th* Ua±kfte»-.." n t m upon its foarth mostly tourists from tbe Raymond aod other Gipsy Uand will he here with a complete new repertoire of characteristic, «OCKA«AV. "•ji'luitic-: ortj< t r /'>r G-r.erai rtt^rl'Jan. rv.fn wet-k as tbe attraction at tbe Broadway the- excursion parties^ which ttop over here ^n fever—57 per million. Tbe rate at Plvmouib weini aid fantastic melodies. Samples ol many dainties at the various u 40, n b l e a t Glasgow it ii lt*l, and a t booths—llaking Ponder Biscuits, Crackers. Cakes. Boullinn. Broth. Coffee. TOaiitlfltt »i*-j«riWi*:lit of tfcrr 0 jl/ flrJ'l Flfa r;/reawi iii^r/i^fjti of iron ore are be ID H atre. EnornvTO anduxwes have app'aoded their « a y t o California. Tbt-re are n a n y Cocoa. ChocoUte, Unferm*nted Fruit Juices, Olives, Catsups; Sauces a* d Xt it m ibe An*jv*r iron ore mln»i at thft ttrikiog play and wonderfal pr docUon places of interest here for a >"ortben^r, A tati it reaches 1&J7, Relishes. See the big Incuhator, Olass Cutters and engravers, ihe Giant Ortear.s Irj iv/7 fit'tzr&l \fi bftorntntn-l for r^-rnia V> l i e J'biWipnbarjr faruacw very nigbt tbos far in Its soccrtaful career party from Company M went to ElaUlesoake Phonograph, Flowi-r, .ihoe and Suspender Makers. See all there is to be fell ui<jiit,hi 'jf t'.^j WaOstVjwii Ar»«*il, Matt.; m i j nrUft'i' 6rct*itjj( s^pt daily. and tbe Mraoce sale at the Bmedway lodi- Cave, two mile* from tbe p » t last Sunday Tbe of tbe American mecbacic seen on our Great Fifth Floor—come early, come often and remember lhat &/'tr»*ftr'Iji **&» aitintAijt a t th»: Mine, lu t'n coatinDance of tbe good fortune of to explore t i n inner regiocj (tbe care get* i u upon our tiro« ij due in no sioall degree 10 T t e Llowinte fil^arb, P Int an-i Dje WorJu T everything is Iree. rardy spl»y Tbe rival y of opinkm and name from its fnh'bftant*). Tbe men carriKi bis automatic roachioery. Among sucb ht.*rd " i t h atdtr». Th*re are t^vt-rsl e still wagf« between the Hamilton candles and pistols and afttrgoing about ICO deWce* lately <U of WAI on th* IXawar*?, L^cSca\V«t Troy. .Vw York. In l^TiJ U-. « M ' r inV> Engbind are MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED. by Mr. f « t into tbe care Uvj m t t a rec ption coco- machines for eqnipping an immense cycle arjd U'e«t«rn Kat|ro4«j t acrki and a and Grutidy y, at Ibe tnittee from tbe inhabitants, and, judgiog b\ factory at I/erfs, and a nnchine for makiug GOODS DELIVERED FREE. ''Vjr>jiunifl" affair, to arm the v>utf*«!;rn eoaat Ilk- IJUrater 00 t i e C-»traI Ilai'roftd trarka, -tb*rn and Mr. 0 5-ill. »hif.-h tb" c^;ifip»ny baa r,o at^rags room, KnI h^rU*rk<ran-l tbe Broadway, bat, con-tbe direction tbeirbairtO"k a sodirn inclioa- tiKtal hingf*. In the latter, coils of metal flDd alter in>|y*rcti J(J and rfjuiAitiobB wertMARKET AND HALSEY STS., airaiizcri;enti have f^tn made with Mr. trary v | r phe»ie«, to tbe benefit of both and tloo to grow fn oia/lf, was lelt la cbarjju rvT the work o( are fed tbroogh rolls having a cam motion. I a m inclined to think tha< ktfj*, of the <.y Je C*mpor*«i'. Company, arr/jawfrfit. Wbile ori ltn» duty lbs pretetA aod then gradually manipulated into the tbe detrimr-nt of nobody. Tbe Mu>keteer tbe r*ce\Ai< n wi not cordial. to r/v or.e of ih*-ir large brick buiMing* for a aw has certainly ctrack >'ew York and separate wings of tbe bioge. Wire rod from reb'.uw uotil UJB CT/mpany ran builtl a track itiolidly. One bears nothing bat tbe Tbe old Alanao mission, where tbe Mexican* a coll U fed In a t tbe proper time to supply with massacred tbe Texan*, ia auotber target fur j Brrn«J, n a i iuvtiit^fl l.y him aod [jft- Tajje hotun of its OTD. >\\iAkzU*n ! tb« Mmketee-a I wbererer one explorers and kodacks. Tbe fuaol^t pastime tbe conoectidS bolt for tbe binge. The entire It is ru'/ior«i that tbe efnplnje** of tb»-tnay tarn In tbe boula, street ear*, clubs tl vvitfaout cost to the government- In process is automatic and butt bing** rea^y or the soldiers a r e tarantula Bgbta. e wag Bgain 6iwrf*tant at the W&terrllet Delaware, Lftctc&wann& and We*t*-ra Kail- and TtvtauraniB and in tbe privacy of the for use are turned oat at tbe rate of forty or dig tbe tarantulas np (tbey are like Arvrual and « u t later ordernl t^j the com- mA at tbe At&tion will wear uniforms. homes i t is apparently tbe question of tbe spiders as large a* a man's hand) and catch fif ty per minute. mand of Ui(s IriflmJiapoIi* An^tjal amJ fn H7'> *. Who U the l*est D'Artagnaa. Sotbera them In a tin bucket with a long handle A numl^r of our town people vfiriUd be wea tran^r*crr*-(J t/> th^ command of t b t Yienda out of town on b'aoday aod tbe Sun- >rO'.Ntill Which fstbe bttterplay. Grandj'd attached. Then we put two of them In a pi Th« effects on the internal organs of a areeteppin? atones to euceesa In business rr social life. No person can afford to Allegheny Arrv-nal and tb*n UJ tbe U'aterEamiltoti*" ? Tbe dally papers are running together and they tear each other to piwro TurkUh bath have been studied with sy tmirii cnm*t very bandy to eQd&Dgvr *n imiJOTtnnt oppoiDtineot by not owning; a reliable timepiece. Mu perPumas' ut/ry alternating picture* of tbe rival Tlirt ArMTim! in 1WJ, Wbile tber* Coloce] BO a may derive a distinct advantage by possessing a good watch. Our Watches are Jiaymond Mott Is vltiting bia parents for a bv Drs. Blaricbie aod I We mark one by a streak of white pufnt along r Umefcefpern, tbey are n'waya Just as rrprrseutvd. Our warrantee Ugiven with productions a n i "tbe war of tbe Muske- bis back and then pick a winner; and nault. In tbe hot renm, ibe lungs and heart ew days. every Wntcb sold. We hive Waiohw for e fleM carriage for Cuit*d Kt*t« **r«ie*. George Earle» Is catting off a large wood Uera" may be said to be at 1U height The change hands very often on tbe result of O dilate, reaching tbeir greatest size a t about In I-Jil be was r nlertA to tbe command of Pjt near tbe Delaware, Laekaw»ona and eobstitution of Mr. Henry Lee In tbe role of of thi se contests. But our fun will soon stop I7V F M the lirer and spfcen are variou*Ij Diamonds, WalcttPS, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cot Glassware, tb« National Armory, at Hprfnicfleld, Mau., .'t^ttrn Hailroad depot and tblpplaxftnnm- ardinal Richelieu bai been a great Improve as tbe definite orders arrived on F#Iday. The aff«t*d, and tbe bowels and empty stomach to wbicb pUo; w o r t on tbe i t ^ Ifieldcar- *r of ties romtlntbe cut, and Mr. Fraocb Carlyle'i order reads thai th* Sixth w 11 proceed to dila&e, the fall stomach belne contracted by Send allrepairingtous. Our facilities are the best, tha prices a n right. riage wax trarisferrtd, and extend**! to tb*- Mm. Tbomas bai moved from Main street return t o the part of " Buckingham" has of Ban Franci-co within thirty days. Tbe Hlxth expulsioa of food. Tbe cold plunge rcptilly rw^DAtru'jtk/n, in *-«!, of tb* whole fl»-ld to Jarn^a Atno'a bouwoti Union utreet rie* fifty extra enlisted men, who are to contracts all tbe organs, which, exc**pt the course materially Btrengthened tbe beaatifQl (HjuipTMiit of ihe ferriages for United KutU* Mr. and Mm. A. 8. Hearfo»fl spe t Easter r'miaoce around Qaeen Anne of Austria. Mr. take tbe places of men who will bediscbarg'd Dtomacb, >bturn to tbeir utoal volume in 10 »er»ic»!. Tbt»e wer*- all ciesl^jne'l In full ylz^l Sunday Tbe baths are rpcoromended m"a family at Fort G'Neill'a voice is now entirely well and no before July 1, and tbora who have been dis- to 35 mfoutes Mr. tr TMLTtutAvture and twin -mith danger whatever is feared now from that abled htre. Well, as this is Palm Sunday not only (or the exercise they give tbe organs JEWELER AND OPTICIAN rtfcj;*?* ftM IimV*T* for the htrvint?, many e» V>, V, L'orwtn bss removed bla faxnily from source- Tbls grand performance Is really now and the city will be full of style and ouin brallb, but also as a means of estimating , Imi'le* tb* field carriage*, a nuail be elasticity ft tbe organs, which is diminat its be*t and after one tee* it there U no laggy ave-nue U> Dover. linger any question In tbe mind as to the rubbernecking " presence Is reo/ilred down ithed by age and disease. Hamford Miller's bmuehold town, I will close hoping you will write soon -LOOK FOR THE BIQ CLOCK.. Um, wbleh wtre all given to the turtle*) rotn Ro^kaway on Tburviay of la*i ause of tbe present rage of DdmaV Immortal Give my regards to all the boys. W'bUu there be Iacx«?a**/I the output of and to Ff-apurk, where he will H'e In the story whicb Qrnndy has so cleverly dramaThe opening of tbe Himalayas to explora"Your friend, (KiproTttl ibe arr/ja h j a Lumber of j future arid run a mill tized tor stage pn sentmenL tion and travel will doubtless be one of tb *' P H I L . H, MCTJOHE, iuTtutJorjfl, whicb were gfveo V> ibe V. K. Mott & Co. have sold out their white man's twentieth century achievements " Co. M, 6th U. S Infantry. Buit**. Me ibtrorluo?! new metbodit aud grocery ntf/re to Mr. McDaniels, of Branch A large section of tbe temperate zone is here No-To-Dsc for mttj Cents. " Fort Sam Houston, Texas." reduc^J tbe co*t of rranufa^fare. He en ville, wbyV-Kjk pr«*ewion ru April 1Ooarnoiet^l toUocvo habit cure, makes weak practically unknown, and i t is a region of larked aiul improvf^l ttie " water tsbni*'1 anr E B. Mott bofl«tart*d tbe foundation for 1 men strong, blood pure. COc.IL All druxgtsta magnificent scenery, geological marvel* plautand tuiJt a CMUptrte rwsw plant of fire- new burn, jo tbe rear of his brick building. 8100 Reward *lO0. varied climate, and rich fauna aod flira, prrx^f flntihlog tli'j[><, (itakia;; comp Churcbea. Tbe barn la to be for tbe one of the new The readers of thU paper will be pleased to Even i's bight st mountain is yet to be found, ei*j tbe Increased pro>Juct!on deaiai proprietor. Presbyterian Cburch—Rev. W. W. Hallo- learn that there i* at least one dreaded dis- although oar Urt of those exceeding; 25.U0G ease that science bas been abte to cure In all iag and after to? war with Hpafn, Edward Arnold ha* accepted a position as way, D. D,, pastor. Services at 1D:?U a. m. itastagm, and that is <'atarrfa. Hall's Catarrh feet is not small. In a recent work, Major Colooel BufilngVjn <*u ordered to the cwnagent for tbe B u t e Mitual Building Loan aud 7:30 school at 2:30 p. m.Cure is the ODIV positive cure known t o tbe L. A. Waddell states that tbe Tibetans know mand of Uie fiock Liland Aroeoal, to wblcb medical fraternity. Catarrh b*ing a const! of a peak north of Everest that is taller 1 han Association for R/jckaway and vicinity. First M. B- Church—Kev, tutional disease, requires a constitutional place tbe manufacture of all field and ilege lhat giant, which has long been named as the John Tonula, of Ne*r York, U visiting D. D., pastor. Services at 10£1 a. m. andtreatment Hall's Catarrh Care is taken Incarriage* was transferred. lie cerbauIt^J J relatirm fn town. ternally, acttog directly upon tbe blood and highest In the world. 7-; *\ p m. Hunday school at 2:30 p. tn. (btjiid** making jujprovtrnenU of mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de Mm. J . D, Hamtnei.of Mlddletowo, vhfted water supply an*J water power jtbot*} roucb Grace II. £ . Cburch—Rev. W. J. Hamp- stroylng the foundation of tbe disease, and of tlio be* U nec***ary for the matj ufactu ring Paterson on Tuesday. Tbe remarkable theory that undergroun ton, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7-.30 giving tbe patient strength by building np John RorlKers and faaifly moved on Mon the constitntloD and astUtfog nature in <IOIDK waters, like the ocean, are affected by tbe plant, wt k-b was enlarged BD'J efttablltbed it p. m Sanday rcbool at 2,30 p. m. its work. Tbe proprietors have so murh faith day from tbe Tonkin House to the Whit** aJI (JetAils fur fiuM and *iet;e gu i carriaK* Ht. John's Epiflcopal Church—Rev. C. its curative powers, that they offer One moon fs advanced by P. Gutchard, a French manufacture. Lie improved defective cJe Mroduw Club Uoine, which he baa taken S. Hartman, rector. Services at 8 and 10:30 Hundred Dollars for any case that it rails t» chemist. He is led to this conclusion by an tllCUK for t b i fi-incb ai"ge gun carrlatfa and c a r g o of for tbe White Meadow Rod and A. m. and 1-JM p. m. Sunday acbool at 2:bO cure Hend for list of teftimnnfals. Investigation of certain welU near the coast, d viwrd a cjinmoo limt-er for it and for tbeGun Club. Addreiw, F. J. CHENfcY & CO., Toledo, O. tbe water of which rises and falls tvlth tb p. tn. JdtT'ttold by Druggist*. 75a 7-iocb stej4« bowjl2-r carriage. lie put in /red Guerin removed from tbe Tbomi tides, yet has a composition disproving thi Mall'B Family Pills are the best. Mftc'bel buuse on Atatietny street t o tbe First Baptist Charcb—Rev. W. H. Sbawger explanation of a direct connection belw< pastor Services at 10;30a m. and 7:30 p. Ton1 in bou*»e on Monday. tbe wells and the sea. l'lercv lindgun, of Rx:kaway t spent Sun- 1. Sunday school at 2.30 p. m. Eczema, flay with his parent* at Port flrant. Frco MetbodlEt Cburch—Rev. William H. gcald bead, hives, Itcbioess of tbe skin of any Tbe otto of ros*>Bt the precious perfume W. H. OiWLEY, SR. Mm Henry ft. Dobbins, or Rwkaway, vis- Lantng, paitor. Services at 10^0 a. m. andnort, Instantly relieved, permanently cured. IV. n CAWLEy JR whose value at times has greatly exc-eded it* ited Paters »n nn Tuesday of tbls week. 7:30 p.m. Young people meetiog at 0:30 p.m. Dorm's Ointment. At any drug store. OEO.V. VANDERVEEK. wt-Ight In gold, is obtained from red roses, tbe A r>umb?r of new bands were taken on al Ht. Mary's Catholic Churcb—Rev. Father cblef centers of culture being Bulgaria and the Liundtile works tbi» week. Fanke, pastor. Low mass at 7:30 a. m and$ 5 0 , 0 0 0 Insurance Wanted o n a J e r Roumanla. A single district in tbls region is Kicbard Bldgot^d and family, of Den ville bigb mass at 10 a. m. aey Bull. a great rose-field of 130 miles by 40. Tbe ivfnue, Hpent Bunday with, Mr. Bfdgowl' SwedlKh Baptist Cburch—Rev. O. J. PeterApplication has been made for insurance sbrub matures In three years, and ia producp i r m ' s nt Dover. son, pewter. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 of $50,000 on the famous young Jersey bull, tive for about five years longer. Tbe bar*eel ill»3 Eva Mitchell spent Sunday with be Succasora to W. a . Cawlej & Co, Merry Maiden's Son, owned at Hood farm, is from tbe middle of May to tbe middle of mother, Mm. John Mitchell, on Main street. p. m. Bible scfaool at 9>30 a. m. Swedish Bethel M. E. Church—Rev. G. A Lowell, Mass. Tbls Is tbe highest amount of July. An acre of plants is expected to yield At tlte rt^ular meeting of Anchor hodgi 100 pounds of roses every morning for about SOLE AGENTS So, bU, KDlgbta or P>tbias, of Rocks way, N^Btrom, pastor. Sunday school at 0:30 a. Insurance ever asked for on a bull or cow. Merry Maiden's Son is believed to be tb three weeks, and It is estimated that from for and bottlers of bdd on Saturday night hut, two new appli m. Services at lO^JO a. m. and 7:30 p. m. three-quarters of a tun to a ton and a hilf of c tton» was rt-Cficed. Swedish Congregational Cburch—Rev. Lad- matt famous Jersey bull living, as be Is tbe flowers are necessary for producing a single ran of Merry Maiden, the cbamplon sweep KuaH-ll Blanchard has removed bis barbel wig Aclcenon, pastor. Services at 10:45 a stakes cow la all three tests combined at tbt- pound of otto. A French calculation is tha '\i«\\ from the Tbomjaon building to ibiin. and 7;30 p. m, Busnay Bchpol at 0:30 a WorldV Fair, and bla eir« la Brown Bessie1 •100,000 flowers are required for an ounce of Stick I» Bluck, formerly occupied by Harri. Wesley Mission of tbe U. £ Cburch-John Son, whose dam won thuQQ days'and 30 dey oil. The rose* are placed with wat*>r in lirotbem. I). Fetlricb, BuperluteDdent. Strvlces every Don't be foolish about yonr health* of U-sta at the World's Fair. Thus MPIT twenty-gallon copper stills, and on repeated Bunday afternoon at 4 o'clock and on Friday Mafden's 8on unites tbe blood of tfaeae tw distillations, the otto rises a« a Beam on th< Use Hood's Sarsaparilla and you will famous cows, and great results are expected water, and fs carefully removed. Adulteraprevent the fall and nave your pride. UOONTUN. tion is now reported to be no longer conun< American Volunteers—Services on Sunday fmm bis progeny. Scrofulous Hip D i s e a s e - - U j boy William B. Frail, or Boonton, on Wedoesto exporters, but to have been taken up by Willie tad ftcrofuJoua hip disease from a ilny started nn a buMnrsa trip t o Uermutla at 3:40 and 8 p. m., and every evening during ibf> peasants, who have learned that other baby. Abscesses developed. Months at He ex[*ct» to remain there at»utit two mrmilm. the week except Monday. tbe hospital, with beit treatment, did no *u1«taitCP8 may he ilMilled with th- ms«-s, Chryttal Street Presbyterian Ch«pel — Tliu Standard Cut Glass Conifmny of Nuw good. Tlicy said he would never walk mulch g the pare oil Increasingly difficult tc again. Ho was helpless and wasted away Vfirk is in couimiinli-ntlon with Boon to ti par- Henry W. VVhippie, superintendent. Hun obtain. to nothing but skin and bone. Hood's tie* in p-gard to moving tho fncfiry to Boon ilay school at 2:30 p. m ; public services at 4 Sarsapnrllla liod helped me, and I gave >l tjn. The B ' m d of TrB'le bad the matter p. m. Sunday. Pra>er meeting Wednesday The movement for studying tropical dis to him* Imagine my delight at a wonder- under cotiHfil*Tatfuo a t Its regular meeting: 0 eases doubtless mean* much fur the health ol evaiilugat3;45. ful change. Abscesses all bcalcd, crutches the world. It la exciting the Inteiest of tbi Beers, flies and Porters. (brown away, l i e is now t.n\l and stout, Puewlny night. great erilonfzinK na'l'tm, and the 1*0w Frhor Xlemnrkubie R e s c u e . perfectly n*cll and the thunfes are all due ttfabr'p Wtarkpy vlolted Boonton on Wed of such diftettst-s a t Liverpool la to be followei and manufacturers oi tho best Mrs. M-rboel Curtain, PlalnOeld, 111., makes to Hood's Sarsaparillfi. Other mothers with riKsdoy DigYit and n<lui»nim*re<l tbe rite ol by a similar institution in Germany, whfl crippled children should know thii." JlBfl. v*HIflrmation In Rt. JohnV Episcopal Churcb. the a tat erne tit that oho caugbt a coM which • be United States ia not to bo in tbe rear ii work of ibe kind. Tbrae innlnrlieft ore bi*h JBMMA V. Dvrr, Wnlnole, Mass. Tlio HOCUII nffiir of the w*y-k iu Boouton fctttlcil on her lung*; fcho was treated for a to be largely preventable. Prof. Koch, the SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Nervousness-"I "as weak, nervous wo* tho Cciloniul musical, which WM li^M on tnonih by her family physlclnn, but grew greatest G-rmnn euth'-rtty, exprrsm-H Ihu be OF ami very Ueltcuie, Btnwreil In atlcnipiink' TbtirMluyevenliiK hi tbucbui)"! of the Pres- worse. He told her that aha was a hop-lesa lief lhat Ibe black water f-ver, the tnml (lend (Ml 49 A. order, m*Wr4 w l n „ „ m ly diwaj* of West Africa, may be rendfI to walit. Hood's Sursnnarilla and llmid's liyretlan Church under tbe dire tlon of tbe victim of consumption and that no medicine prevent*^! when iiiadu beit<-r known bv cur J*Hla tnade me well. I fct'l like nnoihrr ubflervations as tha Liverpool school Is tc perion." M M . LtrMz HUEROERT, Conduit Lttdien* A r t Boulety, lit which alwut forly ciuld ture her. Her druggist suggested Dr collect. penple took parr, represent'titf Uncle Saw, King's Now Discovery for Consumption; she Street, Mxt, Annapolis, Md. Heavy and Light Castings in Iron, Brass D y s b e p s f a — " w ' e a 1 ' U 8 ° Hood's Rarsa- the- Godde&H or Liberty, Oeorgo and Martbi bought a bottle and to her delight found herAND and Phosphor Bronze. Forcings of every purflln. U cured my brother-lrt-lnw and Waithingion, Lafayette, Benjamin Frnoklln, w)t bone fitted from Qrstdoee Bbecoutinaed Tbe balr Is another nnn-vltal pnrt of th descripiion; UOILERS. horizontal, tubmyself of dyspepsia. I owe my life to It." body that medical fcieuce busflucfetvlfsiin M. H. KIBK, 607 Vninfello St., Phllailclnhln. f'uul Revere and other well-known charac- Jttf UBO aod alter taking six bottlen, found ular and upright THE EQU1 I'M ENT trancpiaming. The ^ctilHwuifiit, is credited ters. herself sound and well; now does nor own V> Dr. 5If MiLejn Uodnra, a Turkish b OF IRON MfNES A SPECIALTY. wh<> FC.iHUed l\w bare wal|i and Tho Method I Bt Church will be cloned on liouBowork, and is as well as she over wan. iliereutt hairs tliat bad been U'lmmetl Hftlc'a Honey of Horthound and Tar ' Sundiy on accouut uf tho conferencfl now ii Free trial bottles of thh Great Di&covery&J eurt wild s<'lK--w>n». In at»)uc Tour weeks . acti like magic for a cough or any throat ; flccelon. Tlio pastor, Rov, Gilbert C. Mouli Hobert Killgoro's drug store, Dover, and A OFFICE A N D WORKS, RO d propoitUm ' f the IIMII-H had tab»n root. or bronchia) trouble. Aik your druggist. ) a jetil iiuw bulb baviug formed a t tbe lim dale, will preach that day Intit.Luke'* M E.P. Green's drugstore, Chester. Only 60 cents Pike's Toothache Drop3CurciBonomIoute. «aad'»Pltlscar«ll**r Ills. end o! eacb, and were growing vigorously. Ciiurchf Newark. A Del 11.00, every bottle guaranteed. SUSSEX STREST, DOVER, N. J. iQsarauceto. ^ ol Iverlci. § ..:'"'• t Tri. -,^r.* 'A MARKET & HALSEY STS. SECOND WEEK Pure Food andIndustrial Exhibit. jL. BAMBERGER & CO., ACCURACY PUNCTUALITY J . HAIRHOUS& Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J. KILLQORE'S XX Cough Syrup Will cure all kinds of COUGHS and COLDS. The best thing made. TRY T-T Killgore's Corner Drugstore "Before a Fall." Dover 8iean Boiiiiog Worts, Some proud people think they have strong constitutions, and ridicule the idea of disease* Such people neglect their health, let the blood run do'ivn, and their stomach, kidneys and liver become deranged* THE W. H. CAWLEY CO. Mining Machinery MORRIS COUNTY Machine and Iron Co. BALLENTINE'S AIR \ a speedy cure for ! the most obsti- nate HALES i HOMEY ! HOREHOUND cough. It cannot fail TAR Soda and Mineral Waters. COMPBESSORS, highest efficiency. HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reversible. PUMPING ENGINES, strong and economical. CORNISH PUMPS, double or single. GEABING AND PULLEYS, large and small. THE IRON ERA, DOVER, N. J., APRIL 7,1899. POBT ORAM. The members of Hopocon Tribe, No, 58, mproved Order of Red Men, of this place, E x t r a c t s F r o m L e t t e r s Roceived b y M r s . F i n k h a m . ire arranging for a grand treat to tak& place I am BO nervous and wretched." 1 "1 fei'I as if I should fly." How familiar >n Saturday evening in their wigwam. The •rack team of the Easton, Po., Red men will these expressions are. Little things annoy you aud make you irritable. You can't tilutfp, you tire unable to lift ordinary burdens, and H) present to work the three degrees upon are subject to dizziness. vo candidates. Proprietor Hance will enThut bearing-down sensation lielps to make you •rtain the team, while Hopoeon Tribe will feel miserable. tervo a moiister lunch to all visiting brothers You have backache and paiwslow down u the hall. Hopocon knows how to do it. in the hide, pain in top of head, later on Invitations have been issued to Port MorriB CURES ALL at base of the brain. md Dover tribes and a general social and Such a condition points unerringly to instructive evening will be spent. bcrious uterine trouble. The miners at tbo Hurd mine on Tuesday If you had written, to Mrs. Pinlcham iked the company for an advance in wages, when you first experienced impaired - a lessening of working timo without a re<• TRIAL SIZE, 10 CTS. < , vitality, you would have been uction in pay. They were told that they ;ho gtxtdiiffM n f t l i f i r H i l l d i v i i i n M r u U o f Bpared these hours of tifr, tlioiiK'i I bin muy In; inadvertent. rould receive an answer the next morning. i> SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ' ' ; u r r o r i z i i l f r t l m i n w i t h M i t i i n ' s %\inth — awful suffering-. .'In* nmrca ihliu: IK talked of Mie more •o on Wednesday morning, we understand, I h l l d l h i l wislt'd It is upt lu tici'ditic. Happiness will be gone A MADE CXCLUBIVtLY BY < > liey were given back the extra uhift'e work, If we mili/.ed at tintime what we know out of your life forever, my N ENGLISH WOMAN WHO MAINTAINS A hich was put on them some time aga, with » THE STONEBRAKER CHEMICAL CO. •• Swine Humor Women Dou't See. to be true on rcJlcctimi— t. e., tlio fact that sister, unless you act promptly. Procure A MOUSE PARADISE. promise of a raise in wages next July. BALTIMORE, MD. 4 Now that tipcrieti nf huniur unnn-tinu-s wr lightest words art" cifU'ii rupcuttMl mid Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Mrs. William V. Curtis haa been ailing for iserilH'd im 'rollicking," wlriuh men com .l«o iniHrimsri'innl until \vi> could not rt;oat once, and begin its ut>e, then write to gni/e them us mirnwn worn they to como ome timo past with an affection of the heart. KHtflitrnliiK r i i l l i l r e n - S u i n e H u m o r plain tJmt womun ciumot ecu, 1B often Mrs. Pinkham, a t Lynn, Mass., if there is nioro or \m» in thu nature of tho practical buck t<> UK, wu tihuiild think twice beforo 11 Miss Preythenia Williaoia ia again out after U',"""' !>•">'* S»'e—Tlic T.IIIIJ- In I l l u e joke—that in t<» nay, it lies In thu matter anything1 about your case you do not talking too freely, even on mutters that short illness. PORT MORRIS. ,,,,nl.ili—Aiml IOIIOII'N Silk WnlMt. rutlmr thitn the niunner. It appears, for concern only uurhcHm—Housekeeper. understand. The regular business meeting of the EpFourteen car loads of egga went through »,,!• Wornt F a u l t . instance, in much (hy no menm all) of the You need not be afraid to tell h e r the lere oq the way bo New York a f; w days be- •orth League will bo held next Monday evenhumor of Pktfjwick or lntliufurdciil situaA Blotlicr'tf Advice to Mothers. \\'v liatl tOwnys iifisociiitiHl fancy mlco things you could not explain to the docfore Easter Suuday. New York must be a ig in the church. A short programme of tions on whmh tho dmniatlsts nf tho resKsop your children busy at some wiiolo,vjlli lioy.s—sdinulljoyR. Did any 0110 over toration roly so largely, strong as they aro tor, your letter i s Been only by women pretty good-sized town if they ate all those intertaintnentis being arranged also. hiiiw n'ti nrtliiinry hoy who did not a t also in humor of a diftoivtit kinn. Tlio aomo work i>rp]ity,aml this in inoro to tho and ia absolutely confidential. Mrs, ga on Easter Sunday, Edward Looghlia has returned from All iiww tini*.* " f ' l i s l i f l ! tl*'lltrlit i» til" poHbt1.'?- point,,if wo niUHt nay so, is not infre- young mind than long hum Ulna on victl, Pinkham's vast experience with such The churches in this viciuity made it a louV Hospital in Morris town, where be had which only tend to direct their attention To curry thorn quently Hupplled by thvfmrt that HUIMU one troubles enables her to tell you just hioti (if i> J"w whito iiiiccV constantly to it. Ily occupying their timo point to celebrate the dav which reminds •n operation performed witb success. i •ilidiit i" '"in p<K-'k( ts mill terrify wmic is exhibited iu a inuro ur less undignified overy mlnuto of tho day they will bo more what is best for you, and bhe will We are pleased to see Preston King out Christians of the Resurrection. In the Stan'turvoii^ itiul liyHturicul wniunn m-emed t o ponltlnn. I t may bu froely and at onco thoroughly helped and cleansed than charge you nothing for her udvice. ope Presbyterian Church they celebrated .gain after his sickness. ijuilH'lu'idlit of oiijnyment to tlm iiuio- conceded that woman are not am used by would bo possible in nny other manner. Miu). JENNIE BIERLY, Youngdale, :. P. Caatner ia making quite s me im;he Lord's Supper. The 10 o'clock mass in humor of this class. They think it silly, ti>ni. Imyi^li mind, but nftuiitlmcs wildly a t The majority of parents do not realize .he Catholic Church at Netcong was imusu- irovements on his house and property. An Pa., w r i t e s ! undignified and often coarse, nnd so far us 41 the t'Miciisu <>ftlllJ I o l l E HUlTering nilco. tlio importuiiuc of tho duty laid upon thorn DisAJi MRS. PTNKUAM:—Will you kindly allow mo the pleasure of expressing tho lust indictment is concerned men do iddition will soon be built to the store of or elso they aro too lazy or incapable to ufc- illy elaborate. Harry Wood and Miss my gratitude for the wonderful relief I have experiencecl by taking your VegeTo lifiir uf n wumim making iv hobby of not contradict them. Blanche Lunger assisted. Mr. Wood played ^astner, Rogers & Company. tend to it. 1 0 table Compound. I suffered for a long time with nervous prostration, "backkeuiii'K m' ' thon si'i'iiK'd to us quito un James Schofleld was in town last Sunday. iloro than thin, such jokes, llko tho Tho ilrst duty of tho rich is to bo Indus- the cornet and Miss Lunger uided In the singache, headache, loss of appetite, a heavy bear ing-down feeling-, also burning innovation, mid wo wore in tortiKtucl enough practical jokes tliut amusoa- boy, are often trious and to 1 lieulento liubits of industry ing. The regular church choir sang the re- Alfred Ivey bos gone to Paterson. to ii;iy licr a iiromisuiiuus visit in tho liopo enough not only coarse, but cruel, and It in their children. If they aro taught to sponses iu the mass proper. There were a George Scales, the notorious sneak thief, pains in the groins. I could not sleep, was tired all the time, had no ambition. of tit'W allowed co tioo her Ktniill nrmy of may very well bo that a woman refrains keep constantly busy In some useful and jreatmany Protestants tliere. Altogether!! who not long ago Berved a year in the State Life was a burden to me. The pains I suffered a t times of menstruation were tin: ik'sjiiscd nioiuhoi'S of tlio iitiiraal from laughing at them not so much bo- ennobling employment, tho chancea of aa a day to be remembered for a year, any prison at Trenton, was again at bis old tricks something dreadful. I thought there was no cure for it. I saw your advertisecauso her perceptions aro dull in one di- their evolution into honorable men and juiifitloin. last Friday night. A year ago George Flartey ment in the paper, and my husband advised ine to try your medicine. I took way. Ami we wero not (litmp pointed. Miss rection as beeiiuso they aro keen in anoth- women uro a million times increased. tught him a t the rear window of his home, five bottles, and now I am well and happy. Your medicino saved ray life." Conductor Thomas Cavanangh got a horse Griiiifl"" was not only ready to show u s er. To eco a human being mado t\ fool 'of Tho making of collections nnd tho hard at 11:30 o'clock, the night being a dark and A Million Women Have Been Benefited by Mrs. Pinkham's Advice and Medicine jirr ju'l.s but biTunio quito onthusliiHtlo is too painful to bo amusing. Moreover, study of uluinst any branch of natural his- >n trial for a week. Two duyB after he got rainy one. He had wat'-hed while the store sho often finds thut tho joke consists in tory are likely to interest children. Tho he horBO In the stable it died. iilimittlioni. "It MTiiin H fitnmgo hobby for a woman, some tlmo honored witticism against her making of maubiues, tho intricacies uf Lasb month articles of Incorporation were •aa being closed by Miss Rose, and then re own eex, supported rather hy tradition doesn't iU" aho wild. - ' U u t l hnvo ulwiiyH music, the nuuntgenieiitof n printing press, ilert In Trenton of 850 companies and the iaired to tbe rear to begin, his mi&cbieviouB THE MORRIS COUNTY liail ii wciikiK'ss for iiiiuo, a n d when I wua than by observation, ami if sho him any are ull useful in keeping the young mind amount paid to the State in fees for the pa- ork? when he was accidentally tripped up. spirit Bho naturally resents it. I t is a anly ii Httio girl I WHH quito tho terror of occupied iu a wholesome und healthy man- ers was more than V2U.0O0. The State of Last Friday night he worked the same game, curious ovidonco of tho strength of cus- ner. w Jersey doeB not think that trusts are but was being watched by Leo Mulligan, tom, by the bye, this nalvuto with which Tames Hill and Joseph Bray, who made a women nro expected to join in jokes AUTOMATIC ACETYLENE tueh awful things, after all. Care of the Pinna. ush for him, while meddling with tbe rear Against themselves "by men,"as lias been MORRISTOWN, N. J. It takes considcniblocaroto keep a piano The Daughters of Ilebeka, of NetcouK, and loor. Ho received a good pummelling from well Bald in a different connection, "in- In good condition, but if the work is done capable of a deliberate Insult." But be- a little- at a tlmo ono does rcully not mind some of their friends spent a Bocial evening j but ereaped arrest. He is a person who KC0RPORA.TBD M A R C H Od, 1 8 7 4 . cause a woman doos nut laugh it does not It. Occasionally tho wires should bo gen- in their lodge room on Friday of last weph. should be confined hi a jail or asylum, not always follow that sho docs not EGO what tly rubbed with a bit of chamois skin or Everybody present seemed to eujoy it, Thin having a clear mind. If he Is not taken care President—HKimT W . X R . slio Is expected to laugh at. A brother flannol cloth; a piccoof soft muslin should lodge is increasing iu numbers and interest. 3f be will be very fortunate If be escapes beVice President—AUHKLIOS B. H U L L . onco complained of his sister that sho be passed over the sounding board hy t 1H the youngest of the organizations and Secretary-Treasurer—H. T. H U L L , ing peppered with shot, for people do not could not scca joko, and tho criticism was means of a stout knitting needle, which promises to be one of the best. —MANAGERS— propose to have his kind playing with their of course duly convoyed to hor. "No, I should bo wed to Klip it between tho wires, Mr. Thompson's barn camo near getting on __jiry W . Miller Henry C. Pitney doors and windows at midnight, when don't see uny joko," was tho reply. thus taking off (ill tho dust. Always kcop Aureilug B. Hull Philip H. Hoffman "There isn'tauy joko. I seewhatamusea camphor inside tho piano ouso to nurvo as flre oa Monday afternoon. The dry grass :hey are sleeping. Look out for him. Chas Y . Swan, M. D, Paul Revere around it caught fire somehow and was eathim; but you don't really expect mo to a means of protection against moths. Do John Thatcher Eugene 8. Burke John McKenna haa commenced removing laugh a t that?"—Corn hill Magazine. Guy Mlnton. not lot tho piano stand too close to a fire. ing its way up to it when some of the boy w the smoke and formed a bucket brigade dirt a t the furaanee for the new roaster soon It should ho In a room of oven temperaturo and should bo opened for a short time and got the fire out before the barn was to be placed there. Be has the contract and Statement January i, 1699. The Lndy In Dine Cambric. each day, when not frequently in uso. Do damaged much. ias Beverol men employed. An Important personage—so important not use polish on a onso of your piano. We hear many rumors regarding tbe -workRudolph Auerbaoh Is running around with thnt no word but personage will express When a sort of bloom appears upon It or REHOURCEB. his arm in a sling. The arm is getting along ing of the Orchard and Mount Hope mines, It—who lias resided in one family in tho it scorns to look dingy, wash it with tli Loans on Bonds and Mortgage... $ 870,200.00 tc., but aa we can give nothing authentic Greater Now York for a number of years finest toilet soap in lukewarm water, a nicely. Stocks and Bonds, par value Is Mnry .lane. Mary Jane was a figuro little at a timo, us you would wash a baThe story is that three umbrella menders we simply make note of tho rumors Port J781.000 878,710.00 upon whom tho lady of tho house to which by's face. Uso a soft olath, work upon a were around Hackettstown tbe latter part of Oram 1B ripe for a boom of some kind, but Loins on Collateral D.tBOOO Real BBtate, Banking House and sho belonged fitted her gowns. Thoro arc spaco not larger than your hand, rinse it lost week and whatever money they got they will we get it I Lot 75,00000 any number of modern Mary Janes mado off with clear wator and rub it well with divided up and got gloriously drunk. On Fred Farr 1B working in New York city. • rniture and Fixtures 5.(100.00 according to patents, with wonderful a oleim polishing cloth.—Anon. Mrs Jobn Mitchell, of Easton, is spending Saturday night they built a flre under a tree Interest Accrued 10,748.84 capacities of olevation and descent, expanRents, etc., due 00500 in Bight of tho depot with tbu intention of i week with Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, sr., sion and contraction, and they cost a OufhinBank 03,88529 camping there for tbe night. On Sunday n town. Hake Bedroom* Dark. greater or less number of dollars. But }ashonHand 05,27325 morning the trackwalker on MB rounds saw The public Bchool has been closed all week. Mary Jane was made without expenso, Tiie brain will receive more porfect rest and she wns ono of tho first of hor kind. If tho sleeping room ia completely darken- the fire and went up to see what it waa all Joseph.Martin has returned from Chester, (1,000,002.38 Makes gas only as you use it. No Of her backbone Mury Juno might have ed, and for thoso who are bad sleepers this about. He found one of the umbrella men Mass. MlKSGIUMSTON. LIABILITIES. heat. No smoke. Safe, Cleanly, and the household. At that tlmo I used t o try been greatly proud if Bho had realized precaution should bo especially taken. ders burned to a crisp. His shoes were on Due Depositors »l,770,2S4.45 Fred Fox and wife, of Newton, spent Eas cheaper than kerosene. niul secruto thorn, but somehow they wero whtit It wns. But sho didn't, and neither Somo Tooma aro filled with light long be- bis feet yet, but his clothes were all burned ter Sunday with relatives in town. Interest to be Credited Depositors January 1,18U9 „. 20,80485 always turning up und getting IUO Into did her mistress, or Mary Jane's backbone .fore it 1B tlmo to got up, and If somo off him The other two were missing. It A line addressed to us will bring you Mr. and Mrs. 'William Somervllle have would hnvo been transferred to tho parlor means uro not taken to provont it the troublo," ~ may have been an accident, but a man must started housekeeping in the Pythian Opera fl,80<!,0.18.80 or" tho family museum. It wns nothing any desired information regarding it, or morning rest is moreor loss broken. This '•Tliuywcru only ortllnury white mice, Surplus 184,663.58 more or less than one of tho alderman's is more particularly the case with chil- be pretty druuk when he won't wake up when tpurtments. a call from our representative if re were tliuy not?" I put in. A good many of our people are reading quested. "Oh, yes, just tho common ones! I do staffs used in tlio early tlays by tho city fa- dren, so that It is well to accustom them his clothes are on flre or bi< flesh burning, (1,900 602.88 books from the public library. not keop uny of thoso now, but If you will thers to carry to flres. But no ono know from tho first to sleep In the dark. A NEW INDUSTRY—The Christian Scientists Interest Is declared and paid in J a n u a r y A room whoro Venetian blinds are In of Indiana have taken out papers of incorpooomo up Btuit'H I will show you all thnt 1 that at the time of Mary JUDO'S nativity, Why cannot a public subscription be raised and July of each year from the profits of tbe Imve. They havo quito a email home of and tiie nice, smooth, tall pole of polished use can always bo darkened, and tbe noxt ration for a company whose business is to be to cover the expenses of a series of band conprevious six months' business. wood wns just; the thing for tho purpose best thing to UBO is dark green holland. their own." Deposits made on or before the 3d d a y of fpr which it was used, and around It the The morning light pouring in on tho fuco " To heal the sick by laying ou of bauds and certs to be given evenings next Bummer January, April, July and October, dravr inAnd upstnirswewent into a largo room lay lady developed. of the sleeper is particularly bad for the to raise from the dead." There Beem to be Our people would enjoy them. terest from t h e 1st day of the said months where no iillu boy or suviigo pufisy cat was William Curtis, of Beverly, WAS a visitor lots of people iu Indiana', and elsewhere in respectively. iillowcil to entisr. Along ono siclo of tho Tho mistress of Mary Jane wound tho oyes, and for this reason alone it should BANKING HOURS. wall upon neat shelves tho Riiiull cages baokbono upon whloli Mary Jano was to not be tolerated. Sleep in a darkened this big country who believe the Christian here last Saturday, as was also his brother Jobn, of New York city. wore urmnged, and cvury mouse rojolcod grow with old pieces of oloth until there room will always bo found more refresh Scientists can do these things. From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. dally, except Satur, day. Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 m. (uoon)in n nanu1, from tho most nged of grand- wus Buiiiu substonco for a foundation, put ing. Patrick Casey qualified as overseer of the DOVER, N. J. Oh great Iconoclast I " W h a t fools these and from 7 to 0 p. m. futhcra down to tho youngest baby. There tbe end of the polo in a hoard so that it poor on Monday. mortals be.1' A Mla-ourl Colleve. wero ubout CO of tlium nltoguther. would stand upright, put a piece of wood A new fence 1B being built on the opposite FOR A SIX MONTHS' TERM What is the use of throwing doubt ou tha One of tho attractions of .Mexico, Mo. Near by •was n playground covered iu across, slipped on a discarded underwalst Any or All Departmtnti. Bide of the street from the brick mill, running with glass. Hero tho mlco ran up ladders, that just fitted its owner, and thon filled Is tho Baptist Collcgo Por Women, found story of the burning bush, the dividing of from the river bridge around the corner, took u turn In tho revolving cage, and it out until it was life size. Mnry Jane's ed hy and named after tbo late Governor the waters of the Red Sea and their coming toward Luxemburg. . Charles H. Hardin, who gave the institutogether again to swallow up Fbaraoh and hips woro properly developed, hor waist performed all kinds of gymnastic: feats, We understand tbe E. J. Ross Manufacturtumbling and frisking ubout In a wanner made just the right measurement, and tion its buildings and a part of its endow- his host; the story of Jonah and the whale The Best Route to Travel which Rhowed that thoy wero well pleased then sho was dressed to look like a lady in ment. Th3 governor "experienced reli- (whiah was only a big fish prepared for the ing Company will build a Dew office to their with themselves aiidiundo tlio best of thoir bluo cambric. She was u tronsuro. Gowns gion" late in lifoaud immediately began purpose); tbe Resurrection, which the whole silk mill, overhanging the river. This will IS FItOM sitort life; for n mouse, wo luurnod for wero llttcd on her, skirtB hung, and for to show his gratitudo by his beneficence. Christian world has been celebrating lately make room for more looms. COLLEGE. N m r u k . N . J thu flrsc time, Is a remarkably short liver, many years Mary Jane's useful career was Ho gave a handsome pork to the city nnd Who so believes tbat thin Christian scientist N E W YORK TO NORFOLK, V A . , Fred Kerwick is again employed in the two years boiug an exceptionally great ngo prolonged, and thcrowns no inoro admired largely helped to orcot and equip tho BapSSS BBOAD 8 T B E E T , BY THE member of tho family than tho lndy in tist churoh. Mrs. Hardin, who wrote hor corporation cau heal the sick by laying on ol Morris County machine B&opa la Dover. to nttuin. REGULAR. husband's life, still lives in Moxioo, ad hands and raise the dead ought to be ablo tc iI,L BUSINESS STUDIES. bluo cambric.—Now York Times. And thon wo hud tho various kinds vanced in years, but clear and strong In believe anything. BHOBTHAND AND TVFEWKITINa. pointed out to us. Thoro woro white mice intellect aud retaining many of the Educate Your lloweii Wllti taicaretn. How do they make the interest on then* with coal black eyes, whito mice with ENQLISU BRANCAES, ETC. Aunt Kllen'w Silk Waist. ohiirms that mado her in carliordaysa Candy CnXlinrttc, cure conattpation forever, Tbe most elegantly fitted boats, finest state black markings, cream mice and white bonds 7 Bo they charge a fee for raising the too. I t was on n train coming from Bolt! favorito in society.—Woman's Journal. PAYMENTS ON EAST TERMS. 25o. If 0.0. G. falL drumclRts rerun! mono?. rooms and best meals. The rate, including with fawn wurkings, ull of which had more. Tho pussago through the tunnel dead or healing the sick ? meals and state room?, is leas tban you can IT IS WELL KNOWN that COLEMAN 1 mado themselves conspicuous by taldng had begrimed the hand railings on tho "All a man hath will he give for hU life. COLLEGE is tbe largest and best school, and travel by rail, and you get rid of tbe dust A Reason Por tho Decay of Teeth first awl second, prizes at various shows. platform with a black coating of cinders by large odds tbe best equipped of its class ID and changing cars. The Denver Times says: " I n a paper read MIDDLE VALLEY. A deficiency of liino and mineral salta If you want to go south beyond Norfolk to "Yuu aro a member of u club dovoted and soot. As the train rounded tho last this section of the country. by the Rev. D. Lamont on *' Scottish BapThe Rev. W. H. Snawger, of Dover, will to tho keeping of mice, aro you not?" I curvo beforo coming Into tho station, a In food leads to ft decay of tho teeth. A tists " at the Baptist ministers' meeting lately Write or call for College Journal, and read Snutnern Fines and Pinebluff, tbe winter Resorts, or to Van Kb an, N. C , tbe young woman struggled with the door and modern writer, remarking on tbo increas- he Btated that Saint Patrick was a Scotch give bis popular lecture entitled " Ten nights what our graduates and others say of the Health Pennsylvania Colony headquarters, Peachin a bar room," at the ball in this place on sohool. "Tlio National Mouso club do you stepped out upon tho platform. Sho found ed uso of artificial dentures among quito land, N. C., the New England Colony, Statyoung people, has prophesied that a gonBaptist. Saint Patrick was born in th Thursday evening, April 13, at eight o'clock. mean?" fuid Miss Grimston. "Yes, I. may It so windy and the car lurched so that sho ham, OB., the Ohio Colony and headquarters O. HoBTon, E . COLXKAIf. eration or two bonce wo shall bo a tooth- fourth century at Dumbarton. His fathet Also pictures of " Destruction of the Maine." sny that I wns ono of tho promoters of it. was obliged to hang on tightly. of tbe TJuion Veterans Southern Settlements, less people. Another reason for tbe decay Parnnun It ia now four yuurs old, and today Is in o you can connect witb the Seaboard Air Line. With ft loud hiss the truin catnoton of teeth in our timo, however, is found in was a member of the Town Council of that It is boped there will be a (ull house, as tbe Por information a* to rates of travel address wry nourishing state. You would be Bur- standstill, and sho alighted from tho stop place. His ten chines were of the Baptist, proceeds are for the Sunday school, and W. L. GUILLADDBX;, V. P. & T. M., Hew prlsedwhnt a number of letters I have and ran quickly toward tho exit gate our uso of soft whito broad. Since honit and because baptism received and conferred >vervbody who hears this lecture and sees F. H. TIPPBTT THOMAS BAKER baking and tho use of coarser Hours deYork. askiiifr for advlco on various subjects, With arms outstretched sho mnde for a by Saint Patrick was immersion is anothi For information as to farming or mineral tuustly from boys, of course; b u t many tall, fashionably drcssod woman In a light clined, we havo paid for our fastldioysness proof of bis sect. No mention is made of him tbe beautiful colored pictures wishes to see landB, water powers, manufacturing sites or them again. Indies aro now making tho kaoplngof mico silk waist. Tho latter smiled ond camo by inoreased dentists' foes. White bread winter resort?, rates of board, rent of cot a hobby. I am nob tho only one, I usauro forward a few steps, bub suddenly stopped has also to answer for much of tho anaamia by the Catholics until 170 years after hi tages, & c , address JOHN FATBIOK, Chief Inthat spoils tho looks and'sups the strongth death and he never received a dispensation you.11 dustrial Agent, S. A.. L., Pinebluff, North with a doubtful look. The nowly nrrlvcd of BO many girls and women. SUCCESSORS TO HORACE L. DUNHAM from tbe Catholic Church " of Rome." Hoi Carolina. 1440* Other niiuowcro then shown to UL one, however, did not hesltato. Slio rushis that for history i chocolate, tricolor, gray, blue and white, ed forward and plnoiug a hand upon each To Clean Gln»» Over Picture*. looking inoi-o like BO many diminutive of tho other's shoulders, sho planted a " Saint Patrick was a gintleman To olean tho glass over pictures dip u guim-A pigs than anything else.—Home hearty kiss on hor cheek. And came o* daceut people, Notes (London). "Oh, horrors I" exclaimed tho tall wom- pioco of chamois in alcohol, wring nearly dry, and wipe thoroughly, yet lightly. In Dublin town he built a church Proman. FrlKlitenlne Children. Polish with a piece of dry chamois. Tho And put upon 't a steeple." He!" "Oh, honors what?" asked tho girl with gilded frames may bo cleaned with tho nlNothing can bo worse for a child than At some Or. BLACKWELL and WARREN STRBBT.' He was born in 3U5 or close to that. "When 0 bu fi'ighumud. The offect of the scare a flush of mixed embarrassment and in- cohol. If oil paintings need cleaning time in her D. J. Write for our interesting books " Invent* it is tOow to recover from. It romains dignation on hor faco. "Is it possible," thoroughly, dampen a soft cloth in warm did tho Baptists originate I life Cupid or*sHelp" and "How you are swindled." sho continued, "that I havo mndo a missometimes until maturity, as IB shown by water in which nomo castilo aonp has been pleads in Send us a rough •ketch, or model of your you dissolved. Dry carefully and then varnish ninny instances of morbid sensitiveness take. If you aro not my Aunt Ellen, every worninvention or improromont and wo will tell 1 n nil's ear, you free our opinion as to whether ib Ia "d excessive nervousness. Not infra- certainly answer hor description. Ughtly with sonio thin, clour French "reJohn Boyles, who resided near Bernardsprobably patentablo. Wo make a specialty " I guoss I'm your Aunt Ellon, all touching" varnish. It Is well to consul fluently fear Is employed us a moans of v _ when that time comes of applications rejected in other hinds; ville, died on lost Friday of pleuro-pneuit is a woman's duty to discipline. Children aro controlled by bo- right," anBwored tho tall woman ruefully, an artist in regard to tho best varnish. Highest references f urniahed* think twice before sue monia, after an illness of several weeks. E j»B mado to bellovo Unit fiomething terrl- "but I hod hoped to bo ablo to wear this MARION A MARION answers. She s h o u l d or any other ladies who wish to work was about fifty years of age. A wife, twe »l° will liupjwn to thorn and punished by waist inoro than one day. Just look at A Woman'* power. think once for herself, PATENT SOLICITORS Sc your hands." , wlnpshut up in dnrk rooms or by bolng sons and three daughters survive him. and once for the man who Civil A Mcchanlonl Engineers, Graduate* ol Urn A woman may dazzle when sho is merWith a little shriek of consternation tlio P»t in plaiiua they stand in dread of. No rolytechnlo School of EnelnperinB. Bachelor In 8. 8. Childs and family, who spent the has chosen her for his life companion. ung woman looked at hor hands and nt at ry, but sho is most charming when sho Is Applied BolencfiB. Laval Cnlvcnlty, Mem&cn 1 '"'i> without vivid memory of his *jhlld- roung If 1she ia suffering from a torturing1, dragwinter in Newark, have returned to "Bairns r a t e n t Law Aiioalatlon, American Water Worki Jiuoil etm comprehend, how entirely cruel tho ruined waist and than sat down and tondor and sympathetic. When hor voice King weakness or disease so prevalent with Aflsoclntloo, How England •Water Work« ABIOU. B P . Q. Burreyoni AtBoolation. Aatoa Member Can. lier sex, she haa no right to answer " Y e s " working for u s in spare time a t home on "B1I tilings KM. Wo havo oftou heard cried. As tho two loft tho station thoro takes a softened tone and hor oyes look Brue," their handsome country resideuce i Boucty of ClTU Enainoon. f t i ilroad company Boruardsvillo. words thnt her lips hesitato to say—then, until her health is restored. If she does, o u r cloths. W e offer you a good chance grown iiurunns tell of the sufforlug they woro threats of a certain railroad JIIlVo t WiBHINaTOlT, D. a The Board of Education for Bernardi siie will be wretched and ill hereelf nnd her to make plenty of spending money easily, t-'iHlnrutl «s children under likoclr- having Biilt brought against it for a silk If she only know hor power, it would bo a OFFIO will be ati unhappy one. Dr. Pierce'i j MONTREAL. CAN. cuiii.stunctis aud recount tho irreparable waist that cost at least *1.6B por yard.— bad timo for tho world at largo! Only sh< township has organized by electing M. D. home Prescription in a scientific remedy in leisure h o u r s . Send 12c Tor cloth a n d never knows it. Possibly sho charms th. Wylley president and Frank De Coster diS' Favorite injury which they aro sura they then ro- Washington Post. that cures all weakness, disease, disorder full directions for work, a n d c o m m e n c e most when sho is unconscious of It. Tin trlct clerk. F. P- Bowman resigned as clerk, and derangement of the delicate and im1 "• ^*(> parent, no nurse, cupablo of a t once. Cloths s e n t a n y w h e r e . A d d r e s s Oar W o n t Fault very unconsciousness is a part of tin portant feminine organs. It is not a "cure"liiniilng thu young is fitted for hor posi all," buta medicine devised to correct this WINOOSKET CO. CifP-c) Boston, Man. _ _ _ ^ ^ Undoubtedly tho tongue is tho most ohnrm. PARKER. 4-1 y Mfg. Ilept. one class of disordera and no other. It trying member of the body, but it seems t-jhlMron, aa neur L J possible, should bo Nothing Is rooro ugly than to seotbj has accomplished its purpose in tens of A literary and musical entertainment wi "allied not to know tho souse of fear, reiisonablo thnt nn endeavor to ntfa the skin around the finger nalla covering the thousands of cases, as Is shown by tens of which, mjovo everything else, ts to bo tonguo should meet with partial success. nail A littlo lemon juioo should ho kop bo given iu the Parker school house on Wed' thousands of testimonials of the grateful -iiruii in Uiislr edueution oariy and late. AH no doubt, check the himty word Bomo In a bottlo ou tho dressing tablu and wol imklay evening, April 19. The programme putiaibi themselves. It imparts vigor and OJIIIIB interesting fuuts dealing with tlm times, especially directly after making rubbed round tho nnlla at night. With tho is a long and interesting one, and the pupils virility to the entire womanly organism Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J. and is the best of all nerve tonics ntid re New Year's resolutions, and most of us U'ars cf ehildrcn have been collected by 14 Years' Experience addition of a littlo honoy It wilt keep and frlonds are working hard, thus ineurin storatives. It fits for wifehood and mothern«ll known professor. Ho found that use Bomo discretion in talking about our muah Unifier. DEALERS IX a great success, and those who attend will bo hood. It transforms weak, nervous, dc Extracting a Specialty nolghbors. But our besotting sini is in ex '•'"I children woro afraid of 0.4D0 things apoudent invalids into healthy, happy well repaid. Proceeds for the school library; If a woman be shortsighted, let ho ,' l L ' 'wwUiig fears wuro lightning am pressing ourselves too freoly. wo aro al women. tickets for salo by tho pupils NEAH BEIIRY'S HAI10,i ', r> "I'tilea, strangers, the dark, opinlonuted, aud wo want overybody to wear oycglnsscs. The constant strain on " I was so weak I could scarcely walk nboul WABE 8TOBB "'"", domestic anlnuds, water, glwsts know just what wo think about every- thu oyus, lnovitnbio from going without, Lumber, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mould the house," writes Mrs. Mnttie ScnigRa, or thing so wo talk indiscriminately about la most injurious to tho eight and quickly ^IMMIS, rats ana mice and high words. Soos CofCoo Auroo W i t h You ? Allen's Creek, Amlierst Co., Va. " Wns reduced ings, etc.. Bracket and Scroll Sawinj ton mere skeleton, I waa never free from pain done to order. Best Lehigh and Scran DOVER. N. J . *- me uf thu fours woro tho results of per- this find thut and cheapen all wo say by causes wrinkles firouud tho eyes in tht If not, drink Grain O—made from puro in tlie back mid head nnd coulil not Bleep a wmu uspurtmicea—that is, in a dlatrie saying too much. offort to flea plainly. gralna. A lady writes: " Tho first time night. I bought three bottles of Dr. iMerce'i ton Coal. Split and Block Wood. Blut A few tereo sentoncea on any one subject wiiuru a grwit wind had wrought a Imvoo Favorite Prescription and ' Golden Malicnl Dis made Qraln-01 did nut like It, but uf tor usia Stone, Brick, Lime, Plaster, Cement R. T. SMITH IlulMV(51 0 THOS. FANNING [•"", ' "frald of it. In other by tho person of habitual conservatism h covcry1 and two vials of" 'Pleasant Pellets.' Alte Tho Duchess of Marlborough has good Tile Drain Pipe, etc. IHU^ ' " U a l 5 ' s * s showed by whnt incaiia enoooh invariably havo more influaneo thai tasto in jewels. In wearing ball gowns of it for a week nothing would induce me to go tnldng tliese Bix weeks I felt lilce n new person well nnd pained In flesh. I am doitiK nil nr •! wopked upon tho imaginiitlons the entire opinion of some voluble indi soft, white, fluffy materials slio invariably back to coffee." It nourishes and feeds tlio alejit ELEPHONB NO. 30 own housework and we have nine in the vidnol. Moreover, wo hurt ourselves nnd Wears strings of pearls as ornaments and system. The children can drink It freel; my family." littl"1"1" u h l l l l r o i r I n t m o "Strict 1(3 [ion others nearly every timo wo give frco rein reserves hor diamonds for gowns of inoro wltti great benefit. It 1B the strengthen 1D{ A man or woman who neglect constipation Buffers from alow to our speech. "Fnmillm-lty breeds co serious materials. substance of puro grains. Got a package to poisoning, Dr. Pierce's Pleasani tempt,"wo are told,'and tho more wo tall DOVER. N. JPellets cure constipation. Out day from your grocer, follow tbe direction! the more familiar others become with on Contracts for all kliida of work tobeu and little " P e l l e t " ia a gentle laxaIn using olnvos to sleep In to whiten the ia making it and you will have a dolicloui nner«e?ves, and ordinarily ti.o lower w «U materials furnished. Practical oxporieuoe tive, ntid two a mild catlinrlic, hands euro should bo taken to out the tips A century or two* ago tlm rink in their estimation. We hurt others la every branch of mason wont. AH medicine denlers sell them, nnd boaltbful table beverage; for old am No otber pills are " j u s t && flood. hy talking of them and their nff'iire, bo- of tho flngura off or the haiidwlll got over- young, 15a and 25c. ill, . W " UlU 1r ih! lr vt v oo ul u i 1 "'I1 t h 0 rt!Stl T h PnoiiFTur ArnraoiD TO. iwiii " '" I" thai parents now oauflowoSften fflvo tilings a falsa color- bouted aud uiuuh rodder in consequence. L __ "i upou uffuuclou aud lovo to i OVER-WROUGHT NERVES OP WOMEN. 'HYDRO LITHIA |HEADACHES: W031AN AX I) HO3IK. The "Criterion" SAVINGS BANK G£N£RATOR THE ACETYLENE LIGHTING CO.... COLEMAN ARE YOU GOING SOUTH FROM THE NORTH? OLD DOMINION STEAMERS. Tippett & Baker Insurance and Real Estate, Low Rates and First Class Companies PATENTS 1 PROMPTLY SE CUR EDI Dover. New Jersey FARMERS' WIVES Can Earn Lots of money R. C. VREELAND Dover Lumber Co Dentist BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS, SUBSCRIBE THE ERA, $1 YEAR, FOR PER SMITH & FANNING, Masons a n d Builders 'HE IRON ERA. DOVL.-, Cbe I t c n Era. NEW SEED POTATOES. BICYCLES. VICTOR.. MONARCH AND FEATHERSTOHE LINES F R MEN ASD w SPRING K>.'.. ° . ...- - - ;,"O.:-. I ; : i i K ' - ' j k O ' . V X , raised specially :' ;__ • "//.- -..-.-.•-,.. :;-'-.: -:.:r..T.-:r.u from Houiton, >.'?.::At S24.5O, 825.00. S2S.O0. £32.50, 837 asJ 547.50. -•-*—"- : , ' ; > . • -;!! -.'.i'-.': '.:' friud, so frequent in this !:'-. , - _ . - - - _i -_• ^.iran;';': our stock a s Genuine Mai-G-•••••W - ;•.;•.••: I'-.':.-.-, :r. :'..-: fo!lowing' varieties: ; - >" • - . - GOODS t. ' . ' . BICYCLE SUNDRIES EARLY R 0 5 E , ti.- I^in- variety for earlir,.,, READY. r- .-.:>,. ;>it..: o«EN .»:-.£ T.±C . S3.25perbbl. EARLY N O R T H E R S , s*id to be several diys j-;ir!:-_-r :hi.-i tr.t l-ar!v Rose, ana very prolific—a strong, vi^ u r | . - . -ov,>-r its U-b>r rjualities ;ire excellent. DRESS GOODS. ii*f. • JC*T.r iUi'. .c * w JUI-.-VI v r v.i :;:- ' . r r ^ ^ ^ r . ^ r ^ l ^ s : . r ^ r * - J - ,r* ZxJ. vnz* it'S. COVERTS—I; -J:; : « . • - " - . -.ix ='-.i.:r; ~ - 4 *'''*' ***-•*-•*' '-" -'-* «="-'- ALL THE NEWEST STYLES ™ n a ^ ; ^ = " - - :-•--• - - - ^---\"" HATS, C A P S CREPOK&—isl Furnishings. - - - ~ - - • - - — • • - - - N E W Q U E E N , a good potato, closely resembling th'; Beaut', of Hebron in appearance, but is much earlier, and & heavier yielder. $3.25 per urn. WASH DBESS GOODS. IVla l>Ht««M[s«<f*m. j ' ^ r * * . ' * »r.v f .'•..* "*'•»*• ^»".^irt $ 1 . 2 0 per fiasmi P R I D E OF T H E NORTH, an excellent middle JZ 'r.r^jz Lz. 'A tit "JW/ .1A1* '.' .. ; , c ..;v nt rjuaiity, a first class early variety. $2.75 per bbl. $1.00 per bushel - LK)VER, - NEW JERSEY. i ^1.20 per bushel BEAUTY O F H E B R O N , very productive and or" Ai: iht iV.,; v. Dress Patterns, £'-> "-•»•"• .-.• su-'.; S 3 - 2 5 perbb] SILK AHD WOOL SOVELTIBS— rr:axi - :i . TUMER¥CO. *r.r, $1.20 per bushel crop potato, pure white skin and flesh. f!l*iVJW. $ 2 . 7 5 pel 1)1)1. r/,"I'iawi zlgz* rat7KTU •*Hwr Li thAS?*1 " I a u tjrs^rkl crp * •- jCtcctc Xovelties estfl ice vc ., _ :"Asii;i?' ! n omens Kid and St^-st ^•OzfordTies i ftUEEN QUALITY Oifwi H*w fh* T m k l * Bec«a. '.UZC that .nlAri/inwryeirj^ Thtu It f.r^allj ran acrcsa no item fr of h fo Mw's Hnsset Shoes Hch! L* « t a wyw c/3t fA ft, -I'd jaK like to ace my l a t j wajhaJ b y * a '#St a-1 fcii Uxs*. "Ho wooW I," h* retorr-al of & E He afunrarrl expUiMd to »oine one at tbe club thai it wan aa exhibition of the y of woman, tor while be bad absolnttly nothing bat a^rc-e wltb : /**4>m that t£^ " writ* ir*r* ia her, she TTU to dUpIf^ted that be found i t Impotfible u> read hit paper in comfest— Chicago Poet. . \ It's*, a^ t f/A^SAr <i /^.-t, tb% " wt We have just received two cars of the above, which we contracted for early, before the heavy advance in price, and the prices we quote, are lower than we could buy them for now. To show you the advantage of buying good seed, although last season was a poor crop year for potatoes, yet Mr. Sylvester Dick<jrson. of Dover, without making any special effort, raised from the Maine grown seed he bought from us, potatoes at the rate of 560 bushels to the acre, and he was only one ofsmany who reported similar results. Q Queen Quality S3.00 Please order early before assortment is broken. The Gco.Richards Co. The Gco.Richards Co. A P o l U b e * Raaeml. l l n . HarLVjrn—I understand, sir. that yf/u hare t«.Tt.-tly b**n ntA^ing lore to my daughter, and I tntut fortjJd an oc/jualntAOC: tsznm In that, way- You •hould bars «*wn rr<« fir»!t Hhrewil Huiv,r—Mtdani, fcafl I seen yon flr»t I itnorjtr] hare tftrfpAUm yoardaugbUrarjfl f;*II«-f» in hivn with you Mrs fl.irirom— l,*rnl Tl^e in formality of t i * jit**:*i*lin$e via* all I obj*«ttd to, O»iM.-v-iil« » .-. (trul I will intnotice yoa U b t / i; a, awl v,, w^i^^ th* « v>I>i*« 'yf tb« jadzuv-Mt t/t i/tMJtr r***t:\&ft ljr/7tr, tbe EfJA t,W tfa* rt/jry. in 1 fl c 11 SPRING OPENING I —AT— MISS NOLAN'S. The opening of Spring Millinery takes place next Wednesday, March 29, and following days and will far surpass anything heretofore shown. Among the Trimmed Hats are many exclusive novelties in French Pattern Hats and Bonnets that will not be seen elsewhere and will not be duplicated. All are invited whether intending to purchase or not. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE Ho »«y w » A l l 'A L'«. ^*af. th% UiO/nixt-fJazelU, vl V/,inh " JuxthM tb* l«£iJiUtf Tfe «»»i/jn hax RMIK t> » '--I/A*: a blAit of crllU^an anH at>tu« K*iJ»fc/ C'Atipttiy, yrt,U:h THMMXI »l*o $ 1 . 0 0 per fiosnel 10 $2 Pr $2.50 pr for spring wear, an entire new c . , stock in all the latent shapes ! ? 0<>eS for W O m e a - W f t 4 r - l h a l ' s $ 2 , 0 0 t o $4.00 p r . • important, fie when others fail. .ft Ur. C tfc* rxi*iKr t/j hf?r>tea\ It frz Vff \\ tvr.u tb« d a / « j « b $2.75 per MI. 1^s D o c g o ' i rl:c Ox'orc Ties v.-;tb T-p*".er.*. tf*-j J leather tij>s, every pa— s-Hd itatl-er. $!• 'Bet JU3 erjctilbcrK, doa^eoSAa. to totce : A 5 »rfi juti H>:rjUy 'A fxiM -.--\ >s.x t '**itt.% put rat ^ f A > ft C A R M E N N O . 3» the best of the late varieties, great yielder. of handsome form, few and shallow eyes. LADIES' OXFORD TIES. M x L'ti- ; $1.00pHi)tl$H6l 8 East Blackwell Street. M&bUjn Pitrj*y, wbun tbfty regard M a j/rc«- BUILDING LOTS whk-b it t i k ^ fn tb< w/r. 8«,«t/,T- Filmy buvlbd S e n a t e MorTortb Hufi&m O w n t j liuiltfuy &nd th« O nnxi «IJ/I J'Attftlf; IlAilwA/ Company. Hn,lv/n K*nal/>r In ao attempt t o foro rnAk^n UAI UAa] m\\K*%v t:f/ritrrAU?l \ty iu no rrwre rjArefu) rAjwrvvr la th* Hvtstxte, nfj oats qnlrker t/> d*t«rt Improper MMMtir**, no one nvjre tk*Aj to Kt^lce in hereby g)r»n that I, Charles n. own tnfAirnm. Mr. I'itnfiy la a horn fighter. Barrett, of the Tommblp of Roiburr, Morrb tte tUx.-XrU; Jj^ht f^/TnimnUM In tfwu w i n e «« HIM Int^jfrity and hrmetty an a C»oot7, K. J., win make applhation to tbe Interim Court tit Common Heal on the twentjo/jU»*tl/ined. lift ii hol/1 and Uon, a c/ntfillil&lltm of troUKj, fA day of April, IK», to have the an/1 tM« nut a rally BJiOnaoTilim tbo»« t o whom tr-fourth llcem* gmn\*A Vt Clarence 8. Brown in tbe hfl may ho r^-iprMAtl. lie Is a man of deter- present term til January, Vi/3, to keep an inn or tavern in tbe Townibip of Roit/nry, in •aid county, tranftferre'] toroefor the DnezHr.a AT OK HKAVX, ot i'ajmalr, county, wh*rri on a m^axnre It takai rtronjf reaxontng tc "reH term thereof. U<* ni/pro^rlBtUm bill wem an'J^r dfv:tjttli Datevl April 4, 1W/J. c« him rec«-rl«. Hucb a man naturally In tli* H«tmf« during tli« I«Jrt wt«k of Uv -2" CHABLIS H. BABBEIT. jttum tbe target for tbe arrow- of th reotnt f^JalAtlva t+vtU/rt, utaUtd \IU\A\C\J tii*-, \W»r of tU*t H*rnat4 that ho ha/1 wor enemy. JJut Hetmtor Pltoey ha« only gaine Building Stone for Sale. with th« apXTO^niatfon (yjuirnlLUrt arul a^ in Influence t«y bU fimt year in th6 Kenat«. AH ready to load on a wagon, good e hoi Xhown tbat he In cap&bleof filling pTtnttl Urn uwTojirititUjM r+jsirU'l by thai road, and all down hill to Dover, 50c G(/wuiitU&, 1hl» •stat^m-'-nt •K^TJ'II^I to bart any ofBco witblo tbej-lft of tho people." Hjll^nn'l the UA»I 7i*&rly vrrry trolley rrjail ia Ka*t Jenwy u w umltr tl*^ J<V/rth Jtrfwfy'ii crmtrol, and tfj* c»(4ti»ii*t* l^bifj'l It are alxo fn rsmXnA be«-n tfttUfacf^TX *" W*r*ftV/r ffraua'« DemoTbe EoJit Orange Towmbip Comnilttte ba« crotfo Vjll*aK°^ f'rt" all, wltfi the ntn^I*) dtciflfed not W take action under the iacorpoCfpifw of H»»at*r MifDtrnwtt, of (lu act till next year. By the rider at. cAinly, rot^'i for Ui'j a[/jjffy;jrlfttffm» a/f rotAch*d to the CJenenil Townntilp bill Eaut jx/rfcwl, Hllll wo find our I>er/)fxratlc N ezffr)pt*<l from iti provision! till t«rnj»orarl« »w*l(in(( to tuaka polUUxil cu ry 25, 16W, and this time will alien out of what they aro |<lt**Hl f^ mil the recktho cxanilnallon of the act enabllnK Earn I«M exj^odlture* of the rtctul Ss^lulnturo. Oranga to become a city. per load for all two horses can draw 'torn the pile. JENKINS, BUCK & CO., 2O-I mo Mine Hill, N. J For Sale Cheap. oont*m(wrary novor n&w Honotor Pitney, irbo 1* tbe person meant l>y "Llttlo i'Jt," bencfl we tnutt conolade tlutt in his oye« Bonator MoDormott l§ a eort of tiolfatti. 1/ W h e n Truvolinnr, Three Challenge 6oo-E(fg- IncuVliotbor on plRiutnro bent or bunlnp-m, take on wy trip a bottle of Hyruo of Flga, aaltocf* jtmt ploafiantly find t'JTef lually on tho kid- bators. Apply to w,y#, liver anil bmvnls, proTentln? foveru, con elusiontoa correct coo It must be cadacliui and other forms of Bloknesa, For Jenkins, Buck & Co., )o In SO cent bottles by all loadlngdrucsriBtN. that Senator MoOormoU's "flttiib" com- Manufactured by the California Fig wyrup i Co. only, i^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii in I'Pi/iHim rif i iMWHirimti 8-3 w nine Hill, N, J , INTEREST, FIVE P E R CENT. This Institution in'H also make loans on accepted collateral security, payable on demand or on sjxei/ied time, at current rot* of interest. HENRY W. lOLLEB, President. H. T. HULL, Secretary and Treasurer. BAKER QPERA JOHN W. HURD PROPERTY For Rent. JOIIK MOLLtR, HARRY WALKER THOMAS W. BARTON, It Invites Applications for this Class of Loans in Large or Small Sums. Expenses for Searches, e t c . , Moderate All the above lots are 50x100 feet and are on the THE STORE under Odd Fellows' Hall, on Sussex Street, Dover, is for rent. Enquire or Trustees, THE MffrrUt^wn /dinner, whow utlie IIEH a bill for lumber, etc., wo» being name In 7A« True Democratic Manner, liut 'l UfKm by tho Board of Education at tho we*k tUrted In on the nlzty-flnt year of ft* meeting of that txxly on Tuwday evening, LOST. publication. It we* t*tnhll*hcA tlxty yen™ wan oiplafned that "It wan a cow itable at OK'> t>y tii« !dt« I"»tjl»i C. Vofct, faUior or th* iio time and we tad to put new Mooring in A Kur Boo, on Wednesday afternoon, present proprietor*, and whr>iw othwr wm It." Hy "ItM wan meant tbe I'«*|uannoc l>etwo«n William H. Baker1* atoro on Worreo street ami Hcbmelzer's ctore on BlAck " hen" It. Vo([tt wo* the foundcrof UIOKHA ^t annnx. Htrttt. Finder wilt pleaw return to tbe ERA The y/«nnrr'« " «[« and dowim," wo are glad 2011. T H E NatioTinl Hteel Ojtnpony mma time fflce. to w»yf wctn to linvo Wen oil "ujw," a fact () rc lflM *J ^bo TKtna HtanrlArd Iron and Upon which it* proprietor* aro to Irt con- •K p" ' WM. PEARN & SON. Company, paying atMtit $4,000,000 for gratulated, Tho KB A. hoj>c« that ft may con* tin Do In ttifl enjoyment of tho faror of tho 'or tho plant. On Monday a 10 per cent, fnBicycle repairing in all Its branches, waHgWrii to the workmen, numbering imi Bicycles built to order. All work public. ^ ,000. Wai UIIH ilcKplto the DIngloy tariff I ;uarantecd, "AlXAH L. Mf.DEKMfiTT AHMlImllty Llttlo 13 Blackwell Street, - Dover, N. J. T H E ciutom rccofpU for the month of P/t" wa-t tbe cnptfoii of on o/llUjrfal In ttio 20 if Jertcy Oily Netv$ tho other day. It ten't rlnrch footed up nlinont $21,000,000. How 1* bat for tbo much decried Uingloy tariff 1 concolvoblo that tho cdft/jr of our Jenwy CJty our Mid pitted OioUkoB«s. 40 Lots at $50 each. 50 Lots at $75 each. 80 Lots at $100 each. Morrlstown, N. J. Is the largest investor in Real Estate Mortgages in the County, hiving approximately *.900,COO of Its funds loaned at the present time OD this class of seenrity, cohering property ol more than double that value. DOVER, N. J. TUESDAY, APRIL I I . and will be sold onpayments REED & VAN'S OF ONLY ROOF GARDEN High Class Vaudeville Co. $3 GREAT SINGERS.... ....GREAT DANGERS PER MONTH JAMES T. ECKHART, Ag*nt -^ A Grand Performance of Refined Vaudeville. Watch for the parade of the Japanese Band at noon. OFFICE IN BAKER BUILDING, WARREN STREET, J . J. RICES - - 35 and 50 cents THE IRON ERA, DOVER, N. J., APRIL 7. 1899. MS. B. JohnBton, jr., was graduated last XTS' HALL. A Successful P i g e o n Shoot. JfEW SCHOOL nOVSE IN SIGHT. week from the Baltimore Dental College. A pignon shoot for a silver loving cup and Sydney T. Smith conducted tbe services L i k e E v e r y t n i u K BIHO t h e VlgleB U n - o amateur championebip of Morris county Boar a or Education Committee Has ot tbe Chrystal Street Chapel on •Wednesday FRIDAY, A P R I L •/. 1899. d e r t a k e , It TVBH a Success. the Matter In Hand. was held ou Friday last at Jacob J . Drake's evening. A quarter of a century has rolled around Mount Freedom Hotel. The publUhed conTlie ad Interim Board of Education apThere will be no service In the First M. E. ince the organization of the fire department ditions of the shoot were fifteen live birds per pointed by Couuty Superintendent Martin L. at tlie Post Office at Dover, 1 Church on Sunday morning because alter- and every year, with the exception of one, man at handicap ruea, ranging from twenty- Cox, at its first meeting, on Tuesday night, class matter. ations are being made, Vigilant Engine Company has held a ball on five to thirty-two yards, the entrance the took a first step looking to tbe building of a .: U K A L JOTTIMUS. Mr. and Mra. Eugene Smith, of Orange, Easter Monday night. This year the Vfgies price of the birds. It was found, however, much needed school house in Dover. Tbe itart on tbe second quarter century with a that im account of the largo number of shoot- need of a now school was brought to the ,,„ c a r , » t cleaning-W. H. Hill,, 110 spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. ball which In point of splendor, atteudauce ers who signified tbeir intention of entering notice of the board by Superintendent Cox Smlth'B parents on New street. ilm-kwcll street. that the supply of birds on band would be The Rev. T. F. Chambers and the Rev. W. and success probably excelled all others. inadequate to carry out the original pro- in a cointtMnication which was read to the new telephone poy station la an addition H. Laning will preach in Grace M. E. Cburcb Over 350 guests were present The clerk of gramme. I t was therefore determined that board by Clerk Harry S. Peters, and which o tI I n r r y U B c h w a r z C a l 1m I,, tilt' ol«« on Sunday in the morning and evening, re- the Weather Bureau was kind and furnished eacb contestant should bhoot at ten birds and was published in the ERA last week. In this communication it was stated that " you have pleasant weather. The armory decorations "... ,,c,w Singleton silk mill in Port Oram spectively. that tbe entrance fee should he four dollars ; at present more children outside of your were the prettiest and moet elaborate that .ill begin operations Iu tbe course of three or Tbe Boys' Brigade met in the Armory of ever were seen a t any function in that that the high gun should take the cup and Bchool houses than attend school iu ltuckufnur days. Company M on Thursday evening for drill. building. FlflgB, bunting and streamers that the balance of the money, after deductA public exhibition drill Is expected in the greeted the eye everywhere. The orchestra ing the price of the birds and other expenses, ay, Port Oram, Netcong, Chatham or HUIUU tJstreete'of Dover on Tuesday, a sure bar- near future. Bliould be divided into three moneys—fifty, of the less populous townships." Supervising Btand was decorated with ferns,flagsand and twenty per cent.—and go respec- Principal J. Howard Hulsart also touched longer of summer. Edgar Tlllyor, of Rutgers College, Is spend- bunting and before it were placed pictures of thirty upon tbe need of a new school in an addenda i.miu J Ruuling, postmaster a t Hacketts- ing his Easter vacation at the home of his ex-Chief J. J . Vrealand, Chi f J . S. Mellck. tively to the second, third and fourth high B scores. Tiiere were nineteen entries for tbe to his regular monthly report. This is what ',„ and' a brother-in-law of George Mc- parenta, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Tillyer, of President Frank Cox, Foreman Henry Dehler said: cup and the handicaps ran from tweuty-six CrockMi, postmaster of Dover, died suddenly Orchard Btreet. 1 and tbe late ei-Chief W. B. Collard. Besides to thirty-two yards, with "Jake" Drake as While, during the quo warranto litiga,,n Monday night. In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday the regular incandescent lamps there were scratch man. James Tiinmons, of Morris- tion of the city government, no Bteps towards Julius Hairliouse boa an announcement ou morning the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper added arc lights for the occasion and these town, officiated as referee, and filled this try the permanent increase of school accommowith the necessary issuanceof bonds, .. -' of this lesue to which tbe attention of will be administered. In the evening the furnished a clear bright light which greatly ing position to the satisfaction of the shoot- dations, etc., were possible, tbe necessity for additional lit raiders of tbe ERA is called. His custo- pastor, Dr. Halloway, will preach on "Bar- enhanced the beauty of the scene. Of theers. Quimby, of Morristown, won tho cupschool rooms has steadily grown. Tbe Board mers gut goixl value for tbeir money. timeus." gueets sixty-nine couples took part iu the with a straight score. Three Dover shooters, of Education has long recognized the need of a new school building, but through the force Captain Moses H. Spencer Is getting bis At the annual vostry election of St. John's grand march, with Floor Manager George O'Brien, Taylor and Decker, were second of circumstances beyond its control recourse boat*, the '• M. H. Spencer" and the " F. Church the following were elected for tbe Hedden and wife in tbe lead. Immediately with nine each, and divided first money. has of necessity been had to rented rooms in m \V Zuck," in readiness for the summer sea- ensuing year: W. P. Turner, Senior Warden; after them were Assistant Floor Manager Taylor was s> unfortunate as to lose his hist constantly increasing numbers, an arrangement 1B warranted only mi Oi'itata Spencer is one of the most M. M. Searing. Junior Warden, and P. J. H. John Kerwick and wile, Chief James S. bird, which, though hard hit with the first la"Such cases of extreme necessity, and that for ms pi.ulnr mon in tbe boating business on Lake Bassett, Matthew Tucker, George Tubby, J Mellck and daughter, Mrs. B. F. Dilte; Presi- barrel, dropped dead just over the rear limited a time as possible, Tbe interests of boundary, After tbe race for the cup was the pupils, both in school work and in tbe dent and Mrs Frank Cox, Foreman and V. Ball, O. S. Boyd, Leonard Elliott and F. Mrs. Henry Dehler, Frank F. Apgar and concluded the shooters having only three matter of health and safety, demand tbe reClimles H. Barrett, of Flandars, is the '. Hummel, vestrymen. misses re-entered and shot out their quota of placement of these rooms at the earliest opA decreeof divorce waslaatFriday granted MIBS Marie Cox, Clifford Nixon and daughter, birds to determine who should take the second portunity by a well lighted, well venti'ated. unBiicctivn owner of the Ledgowood House, Mise Lizzie Nixon, and John Lynch and school building. bitucrto conducted by Clarence Brown, who to Thomas O. Bullock from his wife Gertrude, and third moneys. The score : " Rented rooms, not built for school purlister, Miss Lizzie Lynch. Isw become a resident of Dover. Mr. Bar- The case was tried bofore Vice Chancellor poses, are not only expensive to the town, All the intricate figures of the marcb, Pitney in MorriBtown. Mr Bullock's counsel and poorly arranged for health and safety of re ,l i, well known in Ledgewood, where he which ended iua quadrille, were gone through be pupils, but successful work iu them is res Clarence Linn, of the law firm of Linn fonnerly lived. ^ 8 2 " o 2 2 2 * 2 2 2 2 0 — 7 jecurea with considerably increased labor Opp. with without a single hitch. The programme Drake, 28 0 I 0 0 w Tlie loss by lire to the Mt. Arlington Horsa & Speer, In Jersey City. Mrs. Bullock was called for twenty-eight dances and at the end, Johnston, and difficulty. Hinchman, 27 2 0 2 * 2 0 w " Now that the matter is possible of subBlueing ""* Wheelwright Company's build- defended by Charles Stlllwell, jr., of Morris- well on toward five o'clock, a quadrille Barnes, 30 0 0 2 0 w mission to the people, I would earnestly 27 0 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 — 9 recommend ing at Mt. Arlington, also the loss of Jobn B. town. 'as added in bonor of Cbief Melick. About O'Brien, that tbe Board take the necessary Youngs, 27 0 0 2 g 2 2 0 w Blickwell, a t Ut. Freedom, have been satisstepstothat end by examining further into The price of gas In Newark waa last Satur- midnight thero was on intermission for sup- Baker, 28 1 1 0 1 * 2 2 0 w tbe needs of the situation, available location, fittorlly adjusted tlirough the olnce of day reduced from $1.80 per thousand cubic per, which was served in the weBtern end of Hathaway, H9 0 0 2 0 w etc., and formulating a definite proposition 80 3 0 2 0 0 w Harry L. Schwarz. feet to $1.10, and a year hence a further re- the armory, which was curtained off for tbe C. Orr, for such submission.'" 28 3 2 1 8 1 2 2 1 1 2—10 Sunday trains on tho Tletaware, Laoka- duction of ten cente will go into effect. One ooosBlon. During the march tbe ladies' Quimby, The subject wasn't one to be parleyed over Taylor, 20 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 *—» inuiiB anil Western Railroad seem t o have thousand four hundred gas ranges for cook- favors were distributed to all who took part Gibhs, 28 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 w and on Commissioner A. W. Condict's mo27 2 2 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 — 0 tion a committee consisting of Commissioners tilled a popular want and it ia now stated ing purposes were sold in Newark hut year, in it. They wero from this offlce and their Decker, 20 0 0 1 0 w tlmt the service on the Morris and Essex or three times as many as were ever before beauty excited much admiration, many say- MuoBon, Condict, H. W. Crabbe, H. L. B. Lynd, S. B. Crater, 30 0 2 0 1 2 0 w ing that they were the prettiest of any ever J. Orr, Johnston and S. H. Berry was appointed to Dlrlrloii will bo doubled as soon as theBold In one year. 20 0 2 0 0 w given out. Everything passed off smoothly, Pierson, 28 2 2 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 0 — 7 look Into the matter and report at the next schedule con be prepared. George Ike and T. M. Ike were arrested on Whitehead, 20 0 0 0 w meeting. ThiB committee was appointed by Company K, Second Regiment, at a moot- Saturday afternoon by Officers Hagan and thanks to the efficient work of Floor Manager Hiler, 28 1 0 1 1 1 U 2 0 W Commissioner M. V, B. Searing, who was ing held in Its armory in Montclair last Sit- Byram for disorderly conduct. They were Hedden and bis* assistants, John Korwick and •Dead out of bounds. chairman pro torn., President 8. R. BenJohn Lynch. The ERA congratulates the unlay niglit elected Bayard T. Garrabrant as engaged In a light on Canal Btreet and T. M. w—Withdrew. nett being absent. Each member of the Committee of Arrangements, Messrs. Melick, captain to succeed Thomas Slack, resigned. Ike, who 1B a cripple, Btruck a man named committee Is strongly in favor of tlie immeGrimm, Cox, Pearce, Dehler, Hart and Hirolil W. Armstrong was chosen Bret lieu- Boyle over the head with his crutch, breakdiate erection of a new school house and tbe Stephens, on the success of the ball, Messrs. B o a r d of Henltli. tenant and Jobn H. Truoi second lieutenant. ing his hat and cutting a gush in his head. matter will no doubt be submitted to the Apgar, Nixon, Mayberry, Hughes and The newly appointed Board of Health, beTlie State Board of Pardons on Thursday Recorder Gage fined George Ike $3 and costs Roderer formed the reception committee, and ing the old board reappointed by the Town voters of Dover in a tangible shape at a disol last iveek paroled fourteen State prisoners, and T. M. Ike, $5 and costs. of these it iB only due to say that they also Council, met on Tuesday night for organiza- trict Bchool meeting to be called in the near among whom was Martha Casslmore, of this Coroner C. B. Gage was last Friday called acquitted themselves well. tion in the parlor of Protection Hook and future, which is truly a cause for rejoicing. town. No pardons were granted. Forty-one to Hurdtown to view the body of a drowned Ladder Company, the council chamber being Following is the record of attendance and caies were dismissed after consideration. man which bad been found floating on the on that evening occupied by the Board of promptness of the Dover Public Schools Kellef Committee's Report. One was that of J Henry Cole, of thfa place, lake near the upper ice house. A tag found of Education. President Peters, of the Board for tbe mouth of March compared with The relief committee appointed last summer Klin is serving a twenty-year sontenee for a tho body, with tbe name "Brady Bros." murder. and tho number " 002," Bhowed that the body to furnish aid to needy families of volunteers of Health, being also secretary of the Board that of the correspondingraonthBof the proof Education, met with the latter body, and ceeding two years, being a summary of tho in Dover met last Friday evening at the The cruiser Kalelgb, tbe arst of Dewey's was that of an Italian ice cuttor who waa home of Mayor F. V. Wolfe, who was treas- Commissioner Eugene Buchanan presided a t statistical part of Principal Hulsart's report: fighting ships to return to tbe United States, drowned on January 1, poet. The Bum of urer of the relief fund. Messrs. Wolfe, E. J. the Board of Health meeting in his stead. FiBRiUBY 1609 1808 1B07 sailed on Saturday from Horta (Payal), $10 50 was found in the pockets of the dead Ross, J. H. Hulsart, A. J. Titman and W. H. Clerk Jos. Y. Baker administered the oath Annual enrollment to date.... 12W) 1305 1173 enrollment 1075 10S5 1025 Amres, for Bermuda. I t Is estimated a t the man. A burial prmlt was granted and the McCortnick wore present. Mr. Wolfe sub- of odlce anew to the members, when business Monthly Average monthly enrollment.. 1031.5 1041.5 tttt Navy Department that the Raleigh will be body was burled in the Berkshire Valley cem- mitted a statement of the money received was procoeded with! Health Inspector Blake, Average monthly attendance.. (Ml .8 065.8 8S0.1 Percentage of attendance.... 0U.2 St.6 00.2 seven or elgh t days on the voyage from Horta etery. 4 ! 53 f and expended by him, and reported a bal- who WOB also reappointed by the Town Coun- Tardy marks to Bermuda. From Bermuda Bhe will start The meeting of the Boards of Registry for ance of 1121.23. After Bomo discussion it was cil on Monday night, made a verbal report to Present and early every day.. 41U 450 2J direct for New York, reaching Tompkins- the different election districts for the revision decided to distribute this balance among the the effect that tbe town is now free from conPrincipal Hulsart reported the engagement ville about neit Thursday. Captain Coghlan of the registry llsu- will be held on Tuesday, 'amilies of soldiers who have bad serioui tagious diseases. A bill from him for 15 for of Miss Sarah E. Hawkins as teacher, to take ami his crew will be warmly welcomed. April 25, being the Tuesday before election. Bickness. A Btatement was ordered published services as inspector was ordered paid, and a the place of Miss Briant, who was transferred bill from J . P . Force for horse hire was to the cla&a in the north side school heretoTbo Board ot Health of Jefferson Township No canvas will be mad*. Since Is easy to and is here given : ordered paid when approved by the Finance fore taught by MIBS Sherman, resigned. orsanizod at a meeting held in the Berkshire miss a name in transcribing the registry llsta BICE1PTS. every voter should make it a point to Bee Committee. The special committee apCommissioner Crabbe broached the matter Valley Hotel on Monday. Amzl D. Allison, From Ladles Auxiliary of Y. whether he Is registered or not. On Tuesday, pointed to prepare regulations for theof a district school meeting for the voting of M. C. A I 75.00 who is cbalrnwn of the Jefferson Township collection aud disposal of garbage reported the annual budget, and Clerk Peters said that Committee, was made chairmHji of the, Board April 25. any voter whoae name may Have From the churches and other societies.... 175.80 that nothing had beeif done in the premises he bad In course of preparation a statement ot Health also, and diaries Chamberlaln,wbo beeiPialBBed wilf' have an' opportunity of (250.30 on account of the new condition of munici- showing the amounts required for the differiving his name added to the llste. is a member of tho Board of Health by virtue EXPENDITURES. The Easter services in the First M. E. pal affairs. A t Commissioner Grimm's sug- ent departments of school work. The meetol his office as Township Assessor, waa mode Ten families {all who applied) gestion it was decided to make' tbe annual ing will be called when tbls statement Is in secretary. The next meeting of the Jefferson Church were well attended. There was extra received aid a t various times "IFron Era. HAT SEASON./. The time to purchase Hats is at the beginning of the season. This is the beginning of the Spring Season and you are confronted with the latest styles—Dunlap, Youman, Spellman, Howard, Melville Special and all the newest things in Alpine and Crush Hats. Have you seen the new Square Crown Derbys. It's the coming hat at popular prices, $2.00. PiersonT& Co. the Bank, DOVER, N. J . Bicycles Galore! S. H. BERRY HARDWARE CO.'S, We Handle No Nameless Wheels. Every Wheel Guaranteed. Prices from $22.50 to $40.00. Ghainless Wheels $60.00. Juvenile Wheels, Something Fine. Clover and Timothy Seeds. Bowker's Lawn Enricher Makes the Grass Grow, try it. Farm and Garden Tools of every description. Our Fifth Annual Display Township Committee will be held on June 18. IUBIO by the choir. " Christ our Passover," amountlngto $125.00 tour of inspection next Wednesday afternoon. readiness. SPRINCT SUITS Gents' Furnishings AND Ashford; "Christ is Risen," Evans; "There Expenses incurred 4.U Complaints made to the clerk of the board in Commissioner Swackhamer was deputed to is now ready for your inspection. The better you are posted on good dependable balance was divided equis a Green Hill Far Away," Parka; and a The regard to tbe unsanitary condition of the old take the annual school census, a work which ready-to-wear clothing, the better you will like our goods, as they are all up-toamong twenty -two memlumber of other selections wore rendered. ally rye field along the Delaware^ Lackawanna he has performed to tbe satisfaction of tbe date in style, A I in quality, and all right in price. Our stock is larger than ever. berB of Co. M realdlngin DoThe Sunday school in the afternoon left the ver who came home sick or and Western Railroad were referred to the board for a number of years past. We are here to please you, and we take pride in our elegant assortment of goods became ill soon after tbeir ret routine work and had a special Easter pro- turn by reason of exposure Inspector with instructions to take the necesClerk Peters reported the receipt by him that we are able to show you this spring. gramme of songs and recitations. In the i n t h e a r m y sary Bteps to bring about the abatement of from the State school fund of (50 for the 121.22 Suits with Double-Breasted Vests, the latest thing out, in all colors and prices. evening the Junior League, under the direc-1350.80 the nuisance complained of. local school library. Principal Tlulnart stated F. V. WOLFB, Spring Overcoats in Covert, Herring Bone and Cheviot, very nobby—they are tion of Mrs. C. S. Woodruff, furnlBhed en- April 4,18P9. tbat t&4 had been received for the library as Treasurer. tertainment in the form of 'music and reciust what you want. proceeds of the recent school library enterOllITUARY. tations. tainment, and that $50 of this sum had alBoys' Suits, all styles and sizes—elegant goods for the money. PERSONAL. MENTION. HODKRER. ready been applied to the purchase of new Our line of Neckwear surpasses anything ever offered in Dover, hundreds of Tbe Presbyterian Church on Easter SunAnna EM wife of John Roderer, died at books for tbe school library. patterns in Four-in-hands, Ascots, Imperials, Puffs, Tecks, Bows, and Strings— day was crowded. In tbe morning the pas- Fred Farrel, of Brooklyn, Is visiting James her home on Grant street ou Monday, April These bills were ordered paid: ( barles \V. Bowlby, former Chief of Police tor, the Rev. Dr. W. W. Halloway, preached Mellck. they are great. 3, 8b e was the daughter of Ephrairn F. and Dovar Printing Co $10.00 ot tho " c l t j " of Dover, will again take on u ChrlBt and Eternal Life." His subject Ml&s Cole, of Morrlstown, spent Monday Mary A. Hall. Interment was made in Dover Lumber Co All the latest designs :n Shirts. Kid Gloves in all the new spring shades. 21.12 charge of the Dover agency of the Singer in the evening was "The Btory of the resurGarry L. Holdridge* 10.50 The High Bridge Lion Brand Collar y£ inches high—the latest thing out. Locust Hill Cemetery. Sewing Machine Company. Mr. Bowlby has rection." The musto was as follows: "Sing [n Dover. Waer & Peters 15.00 Mrs. William Pollard Is visiting friends in Hats, the latest blocks and colors. Caps, in all the spring shapes. Edward Moyer 47.00 acted in the capacity of agent for the Singer with all the Songs of Glory," P.-A. HAUKNESS. Light weight Wool Underwear, Balbriggan, Merino, in all colors. Cnmpany for going on twelve years, most of Schnedeker, a bass solo with chorus ; " The Brooklyn. Robert Harknesa died at bis home In Bowl$113 8S tho time in Dover. Other places in which he Risen Lord," G. W.-Greene; "Easter Bells Miss Lizzie Fryburger spent last week in by ville on Sunday, April 3, in the seventy^Against th« bill of G. L. Holdrldge there represented that company are Flainfteld, re Ringing," anthem carol, Lyinan Brackett; New York d t p . first year of his age. He had been a resident was an offset of $0 for Btorage privileges. Orange- and Kiver Head, L. I. The Dover and "The. Lord'Is Blsen," Irving EmerA bill of $1.85 from Augustus S. Berry was Mr. and.Mrs. A. M; Qoodale and family of this State for the past two years The ngsney will be located on Warren street, In son. In the afternoon Dr. Halloway spake have retumedr borne from Melrose, Fla. funeral services were conducted by the Rev, laid over because no one present had any the store adjoining the Lawrence harness at the Chrystal street chapel. His subject knowledge of how or by whose authority the W. J. Hampton. Interment was made in Miss Bessie S'oper, ot Scranton, Pa., Is visstore. Greenwood cemetery, Borough of Brooklyn. bill had been incurred. was " Clirlst giving the water of Life." iting Mr. and Mis. Frank Cox, of Orchard HI0KS. The Hudson River Tunnel Cnmpany's propSeventy-five Springfield rifles have arrived street. Mrs. Grace Hicta died at the residence of Heed & Van's Vaudeville Company, erty and franchise are to be sold by. Master from tbe State Arsenal, consigned to Captain Miss Mary 8. Fulton, of New York City, ii EAST BLACKWELL STREET, -:- DOVER. N. J . in Chancery Handolph Parraly, in New York Petty. "It is expected that orders will soon Is the guest of Mrs. A. W. Condict, of Morris her son on Grant street on Monday, April 3, which appears at Baker Opera House Tuesin the seventy-first year of her age. Theday evening, April 11, comes to us well city, under foreclosure proceedings a t noon be received to resume drilling. There are street. funeral services were conducted by the Rev. recommended and Is no doubt one of the best en May 2, and It is understood that the bond- now about seventy men in the conipany and Charles Chrystal and family have removed W. H. Loning. Interment was made on vaudeville organizations now on the road, holders will buy in the property and proceed no trouble is expected to recruit up to the to Summit, N. J , where they will reside in Wednesday iu Orchard Street Cemetery. They carry their own band and orchestra toieorganize the company. There iB also a full quota of eighty men and three officers. TERRY. and give a performance free from all vul minor afloat that the Delaware, Lackawanna A number of the men who did not go out the future. > To inspect our fine stock of CarPostmaster George McCracken went to Phoabe Maynord, wife of Henry F. Perry, garity or objectionable features. The comand Western Railroad Company, under its •ith the company in the late war are withnew management, is considering the advisa- out uniforms and they will have to drill in Philadelphia on Tuesday to attend the funeral of Brooklyn, died at her homB In that place pany are especially patronized by lady audion Thursday morning, in tbe ninety-second ences wherever they appear. bility of securing control of the tunnel for civilians' clothes until th« new uniforms if a neice i petings for the Spring Season. Miss Eliza Bufflngton, daughter of Brig.? year of nor age. Mrs. Perry was born in this tho purpose of obtaining a direct outlet to arrive. Considerable change is expected in vicinity and lived here up to the time of her this city. tbe equipment of the National Guard. In all Gen. A. R. Bufflngton, Is visiting at tbe home marriage. List of l e t t e r s Uncalled Tor a t tlie Our lines are very extensive and Bhs was a cousin of H. D. Tuttlo, if E. J. Ross. Dover Post Offloe. The now superintendent of the M. & E. probability the uniform will be more like Miss Geraldine Brown, of Westfleld, Is of Rockaway. Three sons, two daughters DOTEB, H. JM April 7,1899. Division, E. 0. Russell, accompanied by his that of the regular army, having the camand her husband survive her. The remains we are prepared to show you A. Bergreu, C. D. Barber, predecessor, Andrew Reasoner, made a tour paign hat and leggings. Later on the guard jisltlng her COUBIU, Miss May Brown, of will be brought to Dover for burial to-mor- John Chaple, Chesley Drew, ot inspection over the Delaware, Lacka- will be equipped with Krag- Jorgensen rilles. Sussex street. row. Interment will be made in the Orchard Bert Eagles, A. Jacobson, Foundation walls for a 70-foot extension Miss Jeannette Belden, of New York City, Street Cemetery. goods that will compare with the Harry Kinney, Mrs. Helen Kramer, ivamm and Western Railroad on Wednesday, J. M. B Oker, Miss Josephine Pearson going west as far a s Washington. A t theabout to be built on the easterly end of the _j visiting her aunt, Miss L. B. Magle, on Lambert Rohloffs, Fred. Rlckley, H. S. Peters overall factory, on MoFarlan ProBpect street. 'alter place bo was joined by General ManAT HYMEN'S ALTAR. Mrs. Emil •Wormser. best in the country for beauty, ager \V. F . Hallstead and Superintendent street, affords occular proof that expansion Miss Sophia Dorman, of Luxemburg, visTo obtain any of tbe above letters please HARTJIAN—AIINOLD. Carrot Bogart, and a tour of inspection of has no terrors for Mr. Peters. Indeed, he has ited her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Sturtevant, of say advertised, and give date of list. quality, and, above all, price. tlie Sussex Branch was made. Superintend- long felt the need of expansion, for his bupi- Bergen street, this week. The Rev. C. H. S. Hartman, rector of St. GEOHQE MOCBAOKJCN, P. M. ent HUSSGII returned to Hoboken In the after- ness has been increasing by leaps and bounds. Raymond Wildrick, of Kingston, N. Y., is John's Episcopal Church in this place, was In the extension he will have his main offlce, noon, passing through Dover at 4:10 o'clock. islting his grandparents, Mr. aud Mrs. C. married on Wednesday afternoon to Mrs. BLED. It was not learned how Dover's ancient 12x12, and two private offices, 8x12. A B. Qage, of Bergen street. Georgiana E. Arnold, of B87 Fifth avenne, jydraullo elevator will be put In for hoisting Dover, April 3, 1899, Anna 'tation struck him. New York, In St. Thomas's Cburcb, by Bish- RODERER—In The best that money can E., wife of John Roderer, in the 45th year stock to the second floor. He will also put Mrs. Fred Dlckerson, of New Brunswick, op Courtney,*of Nova Scotia, once rector of of her age. Interment in Locust Hill CemTwo new teachers were added to the teach- in an interior telephone system, with seven ^ visiting her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. R. J . St. Thomas's Church. Immediately of tor the buy we have right here, with etery. '"E Mail of tbo Dover publlo schools on Mon- stations, aifordlng communication withevery Jenkiiis, of Prospect street. ceremony the newly married couple left for HICKS—In Dover, April 8, 1899, Mrs. Grace day. Miss Grace Richards, who has been part of the factory. A number of other Harry Whitford has resigned bis position Philadelphia and Washington. Upon their Hicks, of Grant Btreet, iu the 71st year of the different grades on hand. teaching In Green Village since leaving Nor- time and labor saving devices will also rfith I G. Moyer and ia now attending Cole- return they will go on an extended tour to her age. Interment In Orchard Street mal school on Monday, took charge of the be adopted. Mr. Peters Is to be congratu- man's Business College, a t Newark. From the cheapest to the best Europe. Among those present at the wed- Cemetery. class In the South side school heretofore lated upon the fact that he had, perforce, to Qeorge VVner has returned from Scrauton. dinit ceremony were Mr. and Mra, W. P. POOLE—At Mt. Freedom, March 38, lo»u Charity S., wife of the late Henry Poole, we feel confident that the wants toglit by Mias Sharp. Miss Sadie Hawkins, Turner, Mrs. E. T. Rodda, and Mrs. O.. A. MiBS Emma O. Clark, of Now York, spent _ ^ S3 years. Interment was made in "' PnrBippany, took charge of the fourth expand. McCarty, of this place. Daring the Rev. aged Walnut Grove Cemetery. Junday hi Dover with her sister, Miss of all can be satisfied. We are Erade class in tho South Bide school hereto Mr. Hartman's nbsence the Rev. G. Valerie Two Pub llo Debates. Randolph Township, Apr! joro tauiUit by Miss Lena Briant, Miss Briant Gilroath, of New York City, will conduct the HARKNESS—Iu The Dover Lyceum has arranged for a Georgiana Clark. 2, ISflO, Robert Horkness, aged 71 years. anxious to show you our stock Alvah G. Anderson, amemberof Coinpauy having taken the seventh grade In the North debate with the Alumni Association of the services in St. John's Church. 'Me school, of which Miss Anglo Sherman Dover High School. The date has been set M, from Califon, was In Dover on Tburaday. before you purchase elsewhere. MAIUU1ED. "as up to the spring vocation the teacher. for April 28. An admission fee of 10 cents He and Archibald Carvatt, auother member Plans ot Jsow Cliurali Submitted. HILL—CHAMBERS—At. th« M. E. parsonMiss Brltmt Is t o be congratulated upon her will be charged. The subject of tho debate of the company, are working at High Bridge. age, In Donville. N. J., on April 2, 180». by deserved promotion Ml^s Hawkins has been will bo: "Has the fear of punishment Mrs. T. H. Davey and the Misses Annie The plauB for the proposed Hoagland the Rev. J. B. J. Rhodes, James H. Hill to •rerolary of tbe Morris County Teachers' As greater influence on human conduct than the and Ethel Davey spent Wednesday and Memorial Church were Bubmitted by ArchiMaggie M. Chambers, both of Morrlstown. tect Paul G. Botticher to the members of the "delation for the past two years. hope of reward I" Charles Cummins, Losllo Thursday of this week in Morrlstown as tho official boards of the First Presbyterian HARTMAN—ARNOLD-At St. Thomas's guests of Mrs. Davey's brother, John NanChurch, In New York city, on Wednesday No. B East Rlackwell Street. Dover. N. J. Cburcb at a'meeting bold In the directors' Chief of Polico Halloway, of Morristown M Smith and Lancelot Ely will argue for by Bishop Courtney, of Nova Carrow. room in the National Union Bank on Wednes- afternoon, llHt Saturday recovered some of the goods tho Lyceum on the afllrmattvo side. Tho Scotia, the Rev. C. H. S. Hartman, rector Alumni will argue the nogative. Two of the A little son was wolcomed Into the home of day. About twenty were present and all of St. John's Episcopal Church, of Dover, stolen from the realdonce ot Mrs. M. W to Mm. Georgiana E. Arnold, of No. 837 Wulhridge, In Perrlo Btreet, in that town, speakers for the Alumni will be Roy Lynd Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer L. Altkens, formerly were delighted witu the planB. Much interest Fifth avenue, New York. ""ring tho latter's absence In New York city, and Herbert Van Etton. The third has not Miss May L. Cornell, tho elocutionist, of Mt. was manifested and many questions were (INOORPOHA.TED UNDER THK LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY) yet been named. Alfred T. Harris, vice Vernon, N. Y. Mrs. Aitkens is woll known asked, which served to draw out from Mr. C A P I T A L . . . . S 3 S . O 0 O whore 81,6 spent the winter. The stolen president of the Alumni Association, will act in Dover, having been before hor morrlngo a Offlceu—Rooms 1 and 8 Morris County unDnicTnm.r K . n . BoLtlchcr a clear and invoice description of BlBmarok's Iron Norvo Property wan found In tho possession of Mrs. the plans for the proposed how cburcb. The "Was tho result of his splendid health. InBarings Bonk Building MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY Jackson, a colored women, who said the as chairman. On Tuesday, April 11, mem- frequent visitor to this town. plans will bo submitted at a parish meeting domitable will and tremendous energy nro Titles Examined. Koods were purchased by her son George bers of the Lyceum will debate at Port Ornm to ho held on tho evening of April 17. At tho not found whore Stomach, Liver, Kidneys It's tlio X-Htlo colds Loans negotiated on Mortgages on Real Estate. •rom a tramp. Tho young man endeavored with members of tho Port Oram Social and 10 fi Acts as agent in the purchase and sale ol Real Estate °H n clock, which furnished tho olu Literary Club on tbo subject: " Resolved, that grow into big COIIIB; tho big colds that closo of tho meeting a resolution waa offered and Bowelfl are out of order. If you wan That tho acquisition of foreign territory will by Mr, Schrador accepting the plans with end In consumption and death. Watch the Valuation appraised by Committees ol the Board of Directors these qualities and the success they bring, "htoh led to the discovery of the stolen gratitude, Tho ERA will in the near future exert an evil influence upon the United little colds. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup. use Dr. King's Now Life Pills. They develop WIUJAM B. unKoiti, President, W I L U . D W. OUTLIK, Tic. President and OounMl articles. When Jackson learned that he was publish a detailed description of tho newevery powor of brain and body. Only 25c a AoaOHTDs L. RKVKRK, Secretary and Treasurer tinted he left town, going to Sing Hinpr, N. States." Messrs. Gill, Praed and Boyd will church, together with very|uno illustratlom alguo for tbo Lyceum. Anthlsdobatooccurs RucenaB . P"rk« Wlllard W. Cutler John H. Cnpntlok No-ToHao for l ' y R, Klllgore'B drug store, Dover, aud A, P, ^•i whence ho has since boon fetched by Qur MlntoB on Tuesday thoro will bo no mooting of tho Q u a m n t o c d tobacco liublt ouro, lualtus weak of tho edifice. Charles E. Noble Augustus I*. Revere Paul Ruvuro \ 11. Bkldmoro drug store, Chester, , l c t Hulloway. Ho is now In the County men s t r a w blood pure. 60o,ei All druguiBt* Lyceum on Monday. Qeorgtt W. BUokle Heury F. Taylor Jail, While driving to Rockaway last Saturday Clayton Kicker met with an accident which resulted in a badly strained arm. The accident was caused by tbe slipping or breaking ottbc king bolt of his wagon, which allowed tbe blmfts to drop down, cutting tbe horse's h[;H mid causing the animal to rear and plunge until he finally broke one of the shafts ollshurt. Kicker waa unable to control the iiuimul and jumped, straining bis arm. The liorse was stopped by a passerby. C. N. POLASKY, The Cash Clothier and Gents' Furnisher PREPARE FURNITURE HENRY J. MISEL, Morris County Mortgage and Realty Company THE IRON ERA, D O V E K . V ' J . . APRIL 7, 1899 • rACE TO FACE AT LAS I I'.I.'ITISH - ' : . - • - . ' . ' - * ' - •••» * • :' '; >-^- ij'i- ^T.V"-''""'"" .'•;:'".'iI." :.'l " ; . - : . * - Americans ar.i 3?£.'-:=.""s L:~Up In : - Oper.. • '.:.: V, 't '• ::.r \$U W^O-^M^t J STRAUS'S 885-68. Broad Street—21 west Part street, %<0& i K ™ | ^ W i ' # | f $ lit r.rUr '>i"C t t - NEWARK, N. J. THE LEVER OF LOW PRICES c Pieces Ptaia BUck. J*p*n«*«Si(k*. f^i i (*• <-tai.h^i.'-l ^t wii't Mfitp-i-.i ;.:U a t tLe Arni'. i'. - ; *. r - - t r. ' • . •" 1 i :- &:.; In the process of axe asM. r s tht m i-a.,1 tb-tr I : nituHtel f«u 15 Piect* Plain Color A l l Silk Satin An fcbaU U e*tiWished a t f.,r f a t \j\iryr*?. fire, i — Tfa&t the I'i.-trW lif. trv ami Kl j i v r r j f.,r ti.e Fir-t ) ' j t : a - ; t i f - o f t h e | K^unh Wai.i- »,f the "" i'l Fir-t. S-«oii'l. Third j *-. itL-i*rlore tm-t clerks of 1 • ^ai'l e l a t i o n di«tri':ls «irh r t ; I ar, cr-^r v> T-itir*, Lei a 'r'se Company ! livelyy BD/1 shall w>nduil theelectin p v i d e 1 unUss theirti£i£a <U priDt<rd on t h e front <•'. Kv~ry p a c k a g e . for in tfu* onimance b^riA-ablv with Vlie a*'t of iue-oris.r&tujn of the Town i,f Dover anil J £ r e tfae ship were cfta,j,:i*ri CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. [jumiaut to ibb provi-ioun of «u a'.-t of the h 1 vessels d jjoined i murder 5i_---.r <.*5joen?- C Crth-a I^-gi-latorf? of t h e S t a t e *jf Ni-w .leiv.-y nuBAN r&AltCZSCO CAZ, In, tsfjitlj tl>r r-.-TinidahZe. Majestic and titlwl " A n a c t to regulate elefttuiis," apV n ^ E . KY>"Z"aT YORK- K. T. April 4th. !>-!t» Vesg**i'j£. L i ^ k i l j the marines rtmsinbT all tmxgis%.—l'Tizt Six. per bottle. proved .Si;,,-. -,.—That tlie Clerk of th'f Town of T-ii± A!'-: i':.'. Lit'/-*: i= tb; si=.% io scan id l^jVal. and t j tfcm chkfiy the mntiny Dover iball w-t u p in tU-polling plaff.s r|t-»i(.'was r;s'."T**it<l Eleven men onlj were naUvj io t h e four tlwtion 'li-tri<-ts ufurcfiaid £t«n::r<i fr>r this affair, bat the l-roi^rbo-Jtha and railiuji^ and hhall provide AN ORDINANCE. 1 tbe remainder were In official envelop** for ID* at wifi elt-ctioii in i b ^ n i a n n t r an'l arcordiu^ to the directioiiB *A ec.--.-h tbat one An Ordinance providing for an elec.; ;:. : : e tj T,::..::.^..7 M / .0 c:tn. L**a carried and provision* 'if f-iiHftctt'i regulate vfe thougts dtath ite*Jf would p tion of a Mayor, a Recorder, two approved d April A r i l the th 4th, 4th I-'-'* I-'' wii Hoards Il wi'l Lave \jiKH f^r pr>rfiiriitle, of Kfrgistry ati'l rtsiiwtivtly hhall f K i t l Elections Elti Peraaps tLe bta knoffTi and mo=t dr»Aldermen, five Common Council- c a n v a s t b e vote* cast a t said election and ci * : ; ' . i I*: t^i ; . ^ i S:T»:5 ID detail Hi* loa na&tic of single fhip mctinies were tV*€ men and two Chosen Freeholders certify a n d make returns thureof under t h r i r '-i tz.^ '-i »4 • : : * « iu the folivwicg ta- which broke out on the Boonrj in I7e3 oath of otiU-e in alt tilings a s is rwiuired by fcsd in tht Danae frigate in 16f». Tbe in the Town of Dover. Mij<I a rr t Mititl«l ' ' A n a'-t to regulate a\et*facts oonc€*n«i with tbe first named incitinns 4th, IIV.'*,, and linns,t a p p r o v a l April tbe tlie-Jth, n tlie dent are abno=x Xr/i -well tnown to hear rBEhEAis It has been tlwrA&l hy the Su- Clerk of t h e Town of Dover shall te such l repstitton. SafEce it to a t that tbe men, preme CVxixt of this State, and sai'i decision l rertiffcate a n d r e t u r n a s m a y l « ma<le driTen to muln^ss by D itarsi and tyran- baring bpen con^orttd in by the Court of to h i m a n d r e i ^ r t t h e waine t o tlio (>>mAm«:ric-aa!! tr, eravri<•.-:*'.f ;^'::r \:-.zr.:.'-nical ttmniacdtr, mattoied Btar Tahiti In Error* and Appeafe of iLU 'Bist*-, that an niou Council of Dover a t i u next meeting the morctDt tb?r;.3.M3rc= C'^-^i-j ilrir-j: the Legislature «ititle<i, "An act liter the said election. the Eouihern Pacific octaD, set tbe ofScers actof To meur tiit j.-f,-[>.<;t '-I a cr.'-r/.-''; to Any town, y^nshipoT borough j adrift in an o;*n beat and carried the authorizing prepare a "t-.nTinT•:" rr.'^I wa- ir.*- r tA>-.i or jATt tfceretif contair ing a pojjulali'jn ex- • Passed A p r i l 3, IMC*. chip to Pitcairn island, alooelj, nninF. V. WiiLKE, Mayor. ceeaing five thousand inhabited!*, to 1* incODfeideraticu ri.Mi'i-; are a;7/iy- r-aiihsbited spot ljing abont midwaj * A t t e s t : — J o s . V. BAKKK, Clerlr. corporated a i a city after a vote of f e ^ry Tb'.--*- h',l(ii»:Tr wfcr'; yy-.i at t e e rweftn Australia and Sonrh " pwple, and providing tor tlie goveminenl 'j-'ii Brigziz— rime bnitiiritr than i h t avtrui;'; C^r.ip Here their descendants remain until thU ana powers of such city," approved M-rcl 22, 1&&5; and under which act the peopl< raiuorp of j;,r,vtrijf;;it,-. of f:r^:*:^y, f.f •erjday. bave heretofore become incorrorated as birds in thu military Lu«h r'-a'iy for The mntiny of tix Danae'f crew took city, is ancrmstitutiunal AQ'i voi'i: a n i ; pIucklDfi. rt-"':ivtfJ t.ut :*j.:!--iu3 t;j-':^ii; place earl/- in March, tbe men rkiDg in W3EBKA6, The term* of f,t!W *-f th» Mayor, i ROCKAWAY. N. J. in t h e ijaviJ'-; f«.r TJIUA;-. t-.r v.-,ii-;rr Ur T6*pons6 to a prerioaslj concerted signal of tbe Recorder, of the- t«o AMtrineu.'ami tbe five Common CVmocilineii of th* and murdertng tbeir offioen after which ut all t h i n g s nwlvl v> tuzV.>: \\U: tok-niMc. Town of JJov^r. who tfcrc iDothc^wtifitilh© the crew called the frigate Into Brest har- people of Dover voted to teoome incorporJCewa of U t r v t r a 'h <.---i.aiA- C;JU ->'-d I bor and banded her orer to the French ated as a city ** a/oresai 1 bare all expired greater wonder tbau tiK; tror:».% L^r tijfe It Is some satisfaction to by limitation; but we. tbe Mid Mayor, ReT'.'il - 1 2 S autbcriiiea. JM' J that five of the mutineers -were tak- corder, two .Aldermen and five Counctlmen GttrAu.:ttl fc K «) en prisoners while Jlgbting against as are advised that by reason of the premises it it a or cv\xh'.v The ijtavi«?jt lo« en tbe 2d was in soon we hold over ana continue in oflice until afterward and promptly hanged, our (accessor* in &flk« are respectively elect' matcre s t ^ r y Ptar--'-,jj's brifiadt, wbtre the ni^bt atA preciselj similar attempt was madfi ed an' qualified; and that iii= C*:•':: Lad ta'.i; IS/JHU. Tbe losts of Wheeler's di- in tha EAIUB year to seize tbe Bermione, vi-i'Ai .ILIT J and 2 are nnited in tbe with tbe Bvovred intention of handiDg her WBXEEAK, by an act of the Legislature of official table. Ther vrnK atrtat 14 per also over to Franc*. Happily tbe scheme thu Suite entitled *' An act n-ipectuig the cent of the fttren^th—that i=, 867 ofH- was frustrated, bat the commander of tb» representation of incorporated towns in Boards of Chosen Freeholders, approved ctrs avA in^n billed and wounded ont chip, one Pigot, WAS brutally murdered. March, 1«K*. the torn* of Dover Is enof a.*J40, iuclofiiDgdetailed in^n. Thtre He descended into the fo'castle to reason titled to elect a t least two Chosen Freewith, the malcontents and was set upon holders: therefore, literaUy hacked to pieces, the frag- Be it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, t hfAtiiti'j compared to tbat saffered and ments of the carcass being afterward Aldermen and Common Council men of on tbt Jrt either at tbe "Hell's Cross- thrust through one of the portholes. For Dover as follows: ing" in charging np "Kettle" bilJ or participation In this diabolical crime two SECTION 1.—That an election shall be held in taking tbe crest: men, named respectively James Allen and on Tuesday, the second day of May next, between the bours of six o'clock in the forenoon CASCALTIK- 15 WHECIJER'B r.AVXLKJ DIVISIOS John Watson, were afterward hanged mt and seven o'clock in the afternoon of said day armv Portsmouth. JLXY 1 A.SUZ for a Mayor, one Alderman aad three Com^ ^ ^ tut l^riitd lit- &xiz~ii';r'± ' l - ' i Killwl Vff>uDdfcd. HtrfcajUj. The rising on board tbe London in mon Couocilmeu to bold offlot for two years, OffiOffiwMndw/'jcij'ij tl'.-. No one fcntw fcri^a-'i*: HJol. O3i a Recorder, one Alderman, end two May, 1797, wtu really a sequel to tbe aud CouacUmen to bold office for one of his gnus a; work on July 1, as baa Sd t a v E l r r . . . . — a 6 *T 22 420 bloodlces matin; which broke out at Spit- Common year, and one Chosen Freeholder to hold been statwi. fibaiter EiiJ'l that 1,000 of r-.h favairT. ... bead earlier in the same year. The Lon- office for two years and one Chosen Free4 < £0 16 GT Cerrera's sailors were in tbe works tbat don was Admiral Colpays' flagship and holder to hold office for one year. was being approached byftboat In which SEC 2. Tbat for the purpose* of said elecday H is calr anotLei fevifkuce ol ih& 2 12 I I I W 1.C&4were some unarmed men from the other dtiperat*; Etraiis in which tbe c/jMifcr3 tion all that part of the territory of tbe Town ships of the fleet bearing & petition. The of Dover which is within tta»*lines, boundaries found ibem£';.Tf;3 afr<;r £an Jnan rirlgo 1st U- K. f. admiral forbade them to approach, and and limits following, to-wit: Beginning in bad teen carried that events litre Cyon their persisting ho ordered a guard of the center of Blaekvrell str#et And of Morris Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware yeia'a escape and detraction marl': lit- Ut- vol. ta marines to flrc upon them. The volleying street where tbev cross each other, thence Hardware Cutlery tlfi imj.Tfc£*i<-ti there in tb& trc-ocb&g, To* tl 4 » 15 VCi CH I of the mnskets wa£ a signal for on Unme running north alon^ the center of Morris Glassware Woodenware to the center of the Morris Canal, thence but that trifles vrbkb bronjzbt relief are Grand t'.ial.... 6 Si ^7 2MJ 113 2 diate uprising on the pare of the London's street northeasterly along the center of the Morris Paints Oils remembered in detail. Ofiicern and men Three brigade commanders were bit crew. The marines were overpowered and Canal to a point which is opposite to tbe cendisarmed, Colpojs was seized and roughly Lamps Kerosene Oil alike con Id namo tbe day and boar at Han Juan, Wikoff, Hawkins and Carter of Bergen street where it abuts upon the when they got the first apokgy Iw u roll, and two temporary commanders, handled, and the other officers were sent said canal; thence north in a straight line to Oilcloths Carpets on shore tbe center of Mount Hope avenue where it meal* tbe firtt variation of diet, tbe Worth and Li.-cuni, all of whom learnMatting Feathers connects with Me Far Ian street; theace north first cbaDce to wash and the fiu.t K«id ed thffir art in war and ha\e been in In this case, as In most others, tbe red- and northerly along tbe center of Mount Cross aid. TheyconM also tell of tbo hanir:^ ever EIDCC. Kent's regiments, boats remained loyal. It was therefore all Hope avenue to a point where it crosses tbe DEALER IN fluctuations of misery in tbe trenches, as well as bis brigades, were led by tho more alarming when a serious mutiny boundary Hue of Dover near the house of Mrs. Cooper ; thence followioe the boundary line tbe downpour of rain, tins cbill air and veterans. In tbe Thirteentb Colonel was discovered, a little later on, to have oftheTownof Dovernorthwesterlyand westbeen hatched among the marines of the tbedeptb of rond. Ween tbo flajj of Worth aud Major* Ellis and Anman, Plymouth squadron. Luckily on the erly to the point where i t corners in Blacktrace appeared, word paHsed aJocg: all wounded, were veteranB, while Colo- morning of the very day tho plot was to well street m frontof S t Mary's Hall '• thence along the center of Blactwell street '•Firing will ceas^l Gtt oat of tbo uel Lincam, aad Major Slarkley of tbe have been put into execution one of the easterly Tin Roofing, Plumbing and al to the center of Morris street and place of works,11 Laler ^vou1d tonnd tbe warn- Twfcuty-foTirtii and Colonel Ewers of mutineers turned traitor, with the result beginning, and being tbe same territory lately kinds of job work promptly attend ing: "Lie down I Firing will tepinl" tbo Ninth, with Eeven captains of tbat that the authorities were on their guard known as the " First Ward,*1 shall constitute edto. and the rising was suppressed almost e n tbe First Election District. 2,coo Vards el Very Superior F re neb F a u l a r d t , a tj*%utitui of L-m a i d Hf itt-i** "lrtJZXi. &! 1 Your .Money Willingly Refunded for Anything Unsatisfactory. \o tiie A r Co. only. In order to dron fra-re riss E* the wildea appre- t3tct» and to aTf»i*i i full ntir. hdtbs e-1 a tat-riil chArpe for ti>* tester. ;! J. WRIGHT BRUEN Stoves Lenign anoScranton u Manser ehota foand victims oil that icgiment, bad served in tbe civil war. Sunday morning until the white fi^g Hawkins and tbe colonels of tbe Sixth was diEpbyed. These wcru cbic-fiy and 8ixU«ntb, Egbert and Theaker had sbarpsbootera' bvtUUH, for tbe last epnrt of volleying was tbe *viud np of tbe at* tack tbo night before. The proposition to retire tbo army on the night of July 2 to ita position of June 29 on tbe hills back of E! Poso will long rewuiu a bone of contention, and may take 2~t years to settle, as was tbeca^owith MeadeatGettyfiburg. Every one interviewed at Camp Wikoff mentioned tbe subject witbont restraint Noonocriticiged the plan. Offin<?rsftml tbat the idta was not favored by the men; but, as before t-tntml, this view was modiffed by tbo nnivertal r.dmififion tbat tbo Iin«of baitla was dangeroDf-Iy wenk and tho men snfleriDg terribly from beat and hanger. Tbe reasons given why tbo idea of retiring to u shorter lino nearer WIKOFK. WOCTH. LISCUM. tbe base of supplies was abandoned commanders who fell July 1; Vikoff v.a& kilk-dj flhow tbat tbe idea was a natural oue. All agreed tbat it was tbaudoned be- been in tho regular army since 18Q1 cause of the rep a Ifieof tbe Spaniards In the Sixteenth Major McLangblin the night of July 2 and t»3 cool wave nntl Cfiptfiins Palmer, Morrison and bringing relief from beat. Of ronreo it Wbitall bad earned tbeir gpnrs in tho would not liuvo hecu proposed to retire volnnterra, and Captain Crowell, who because of tbe discomforts of heat. Sa- cQijiiniujdcd a battfiJJon in tho Sixth, rilla ond Kl Po^owc-reiio letter in tbnt hiid Hirvtd through the war. Colonel respect than Sou Juan heights. No; tbe Heurhtni ol tbu Tenth, coimufliidiuE tho effects of tbo beat were feami, and tbe liTiiiide; Major Ej-kridgo and Captain liwailu bave warn tbo nutfoxm since real danger wan a Bpnuieh sortie. Iblji; also tbe lender of the TwentyflKt, Colunol AIcKihbin. Tbo Second Some timo after midnight on tbo 2d decision was mmlo nt headrjnartcrs to WIIS commaniled by Colonel Wherry, a Jjold tho liuo on hriiti .loap ridgo- It bas Mih.-iourian having a lony war record. beeu stated tbat Shuftcr'edemand for tbe The ofllcers saQerc-d to an extraordisurrender of Santiago was drafted that nary degree. It was stated at Camp Wieight. Sljuftur bajn that IJO wrote thu lioil that tbe older oflicerBexpoBed tberademand on the morning of tho yd. It tjelvea to anininto thu men. was dated 8:30 a. m., and Toral acccptGKOUQK L. KILUEO. Beauty la Blood Deep. A Flno Winter KeBort. it hod begun. And all tbat part of the territory of the Tho following morning a t daybreak Town of Dover which is within the lines, FOR SALE. three of the ringleaders—Lee, Coffy and boundaries and limits following, to-wit: Be- The New Jersey Iron Mining Cnmwany offers Branning—were shot Another, a youth ginning in tbe cemer of DIackweU street and for sale tbe property knnwn as " T H E ALFRED of Warren street, where tbeycrosi each other, ROW." situated on tlie direct road from Dover to of 18 named McGinnla, received tho utro running south along tbe center or Fort Oram, and convenient of access from factorclous sentence of 1,000 lashes with cat o' thence Warren street to Dlckerson street and thence ies and mills in both places. The property consists nine tails, the punishment to bo Inflicted southwesterly along tho center of Orchard of Beven blocks of double dwelllnga. with outIn two Installments of 500 lashes each, cats street to the Orchard Street Cemetery; theace kitchens, well supplied wiihclsternwatercollected rrom slate roofs, and large garden lots attached. to be "pickled," and four to be "counted following the outride line of said cemetery, Property offered a t a price which will yield a reslowly" after each stroke. easterly and southerly and southwesterly to turn or eifibt per cent, after paying repairs, taxes tbe center of Spruce street near the Swiss and insurance. Address, It is seldom that one hears of a naval Knitting Mill; thence southerly along the , mutiny in which tbo eignal for revolt has center of Spruce street to the center of Wil- IS-tf L. C. BIERWIRTH. come not from the men, bat from the liam street; thence easterly up tbe center of pn«-pr, N, J officers. Tec something very like this hap- William street to the center of Academy ESTABLISHED 1830 pened In August, 1702, when Blanch old street; thence northerly and easterly * Admiral Ben bow put out from Jamaica tbe center of Academy street to tbe center of to light tho French fleet under Du Casse. Second street; thence easterly up Second GEORGE E. VOORHEES Tho British squadron consisted of seven street io tbe center of Byram street; theuce MORRISTOWN, N. J. ships of from 50 to 70 guns, and Benbow northerly up the center of Byram street t o Hardware and Iron Merchant felt sure of victory until he observed with the center of First street, where it intersects Byram street; thence southerly up the center dismay that five of hU captains were de- of First street to iu intersection with Penn AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS liberately disobeying his orders. They, In avenue; thence westerly along tbe center of fact, declined to clap on Bail, and were Peun avenue to the point where it crosses the SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS soon hull down on tho horizon. Never- corporate boundary of Dover near the Coontheless Benhow attacked with his own rod house ; thence westerly and northerly P o s t a l Information. ship and tho little Buby, bat be bad to along the corporate line of Dover to the point A, U. ARRIVAL OF MAILS. retire in tbo end, with more than half his where It corners in Blackwpll street in front St. Mary's Hall, and being a corner of the 0 3 4 - N e w York direct. men hora do combat and ho himself mor- of First Election District above described; tbence 7:38—Eastern, Phillipsbdrgf, Hackettstown, Stan tally wounded by a chain shot which had easterly along the center ofBlockwell street hope, ML Arlington, Port Oram i n d al shattered his right leg. to tbe center of Warren street and p l a ^ of points on the Sussex Railroad. and being tbe same territory lately Ihe last scene of this strange and tragic beginning, as the "Second Ward,*1 shall consti- 8:i5-€hester, Succasnnna, Ironlaand Lake Denepisode—so creditable to Bcnbotr, so dis known mark. tute the Second Election District graceful to most of tho others conoerocd— 8:10—New York a n d w a y . took pliice on tho quarter deck of his maj- And all tbat part of tho territory of the •few York, Piterson, Boonton, Eastern of Dover which is within the lines, esty's fihip Bristol, in Plymouth sound, Town aud Western States. boundaries and limits following, to-wit: BeIn tbo early morning of April 16, 1703, ginning in tbe center of Black we] I street and :nnsylvaniaand all points on tha High when Captain Klrby of tho DelUncs and Warren street where they cross each other; Branch R. R. CauLuln VTmlu of tho Greenwich, the two thence running south along the cent-r of p. uBridge . oflictrs who were proved to have been the Warren street tn Dickerson street and tbence 1:87—All points from Bf ogham ton east, con Dec ringleaders of the mutiny, were shot after southwesterly along the center of Orchard with Sussex R. R. trial by court martial.—London Tit-Bit* street to tbe Orchard Street Cemetery; tbeiice 1:58-tion -New York, Newark and Morristown. The one thine that strikes tho traveler about Irish scenery fs the gray tones of Its coloring; tho rocks, tho hills, the houses, tbe fioi), tho nkr, are all painted in gray, and tt assuredly looks its belt not in the full glare of Hunllght. Drink Grnln-O after you bave concluded tbat you ought Clean blood means a clean nhin. No At this Reason of the year a good manynot to drink Coffee. It is not a medicine but beauty without it. Cttsearets, Candy Cathartic clean your blood and ket-ji it clean, b> ;op]o nre wanting to know where to RO to doctors order it, becanso it Is healthful, inBtirring up tbe lazy liver ami driving «11 imcapo the severe winter weather. Thocli- vigorating and appetizing. It is made from purities from the hotly. JJfgin to-day to nte 'if IN'nrtli Cnrolina Is parttcularly plci pure grains and has that rich seal brown color banish pimpled, boils, Dlnicltrti, III.IC1;|]I'.H]H, and that sickly biliotin con ij) I ex ion l>y (;iking nnt during tho winter months. It is not so and tastes like tbe finest grades of cofTeeand Cascarets,—beauty for ten cenln, All drug- worm as tlio clltunto of Florida and yet it costs about H as much. Chlllrea like it and thrive on it because it U a genuine food drink giata, eatia/action guaranteed, 10o,2ac,5Uc. ofTens relief from the severe weather of this con till jj ing nothing but nourishment. Ask locality. Southern Finea, N. G.t la a newly your grocer for Groin-O, tbo new food drink, Special for En&tm* founded village where hundrodti of Northern 15 and 25c. In Kid Glovee. 4 kook a t ITyc. pair; '2 clasp peojile are sojourning. Wo advise thereader Dou'l Toliieea Spit and Smoke Tonr IJfc Anij-. At 70c. pair. Big values a t J . H. Grlmm'a, to tnke a run down to that locality and Bee tvhnt it Is like during tho winter months. To quit tobacco easily aad forever, be mag Ifo. fl N. HUKKHC Btreet. ictlc. full of life, nerve t n d viHor, take No-ToTho railway fares costs but little and PJnoy Bac, thu wnnder-worlter. that make* weak men Io Cure Oonttlpatlon Forever. Woodn Inn, thu notv big hotel, an elegant strong. All dru^ir'si*, Me or II. Cure guaranTakoCaecurota CaudyCatliBFtlo. lOo or23o. will euro for you at moderate rates. teed Booklet and sample free. Address | | O , Q , a foil to CUTS, diuRglsta reload moneySterling ticmoij ea. Gbfcifo or Ntw York. following tbe oubilde line of said cemetery easterly and southerly and southwesterly to tha center of Spruce street near the SwJas Knitting 3H11; tbenca southerly along tbe center of Spruce street to tho center of William street; thence easterly up tbe center of William street to the center of Academy street; thence northerly and easterly nlong tbe center of Academy street to tbe center of Second street; tbence easterly up the center of Second street to iha center of Byram rtreet; tbence northerly up the center of Byram street to the center of First street • thence southerly up the center of First street to its intersection with Penn avenue; thence westerly along tho center of Penn avenue to tbe point where it crosses tbe corporate boundary of DoVerneartbflCoonrod house; thence east and northeasterly along the boundary line of the Town of Dover to tbe point where it crosses Blackwell street northerly of the D,, L. & W. car Bhops; thence westerly along tbe center of Blackwell street to Warren street and the placo of beginning, and being the same territory lately known afl the "Third Ward," sliall constitute tlio Third Election District. And all Omt part of tho territory ol tbo Town of Dover which Is within the lines, boundaries aud limits following, to-wit: Beginning ID tho center of Morris Btreet ami BLackwell street where they cross each other; rj**,~. J^ARTIN SCHIMMEL, MASON CONTRACTOR. Real Estate »nd Insnnnoe Agent. AH kinds of Uason Work and Jobbing Office orer The Oeo. KlchArd's Co.'s 8tore promptly attended to. Office and residence DOVEB N. i. « • ! J. 32 BUT STREET, T)R.R A. BENNETT, QLIVERS. FREEMAN, •*•' CARPENTER AKD BUILDEK 8A5—Hackettatowa, Washington and all pointon main line. 8A5—Port Oram, Mt Arlington and all points to Eastern. B:l5--Chester. Buccasunna and Ironla. ?-1£-Morristown, Newark and Now York direct 10:00—Mine Hill direct g:iy-Rockaway, Mt. Hope, MarcelU and H|. bernia. P. M. 1:I&-Sew York and all points via Roonton. H-X— New Yorlt and way, 8:lO-AH points on the Central Railroad of New Jersey (High Bridge Branch), and points it Pennsylvania. -Port Orsim. Mt- Arlington, Landlnc, Stan, lope, (Branch and Waterloo connections 1 Hackctt«town, Phlllipaburir end Banton. 7:15— New York d i r e c t 7M p. M.-Uockawar u d Hitch Bridge, Icare offloo OOK. GOLD Airo CExamtrT ««. DOVES, N. J. (Sto9A.ll. o m c i HOUBS i 1 to 3 p. M. Flans aiid specifications made and contracts taSeu. Jobbing always particularly atteDded l7to8p.lL to. Orders left at the Brick Drag Store o( SPECIAL attention oivm to DISEASES of Mr. *Wm. U. Qoodala or at tbu pustoUice will WOMEN anS CHILDREN, be promptly attended to. Comer Union and River Streets, Dorer, N. J. gUGENEJ. COOPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW uro 'PHE NEW JERSEY IRON MINING CO. B SOUCITOB nr CHAXOEBT Offers for sale desirable farming and timber lands in Morris Count) to lols ol 5 acres Office in the Tone BnQding, and upwards and several Kood building lotf inPortOnmi.N. J . OVKR J . A. LYOS'S STOBX, DOVZB, N, J . AddremU C. BuawnilB, Secy DOVXB. N. J . ]?RED. H. DECKER. M. D PHTSICIAS A>"D SURGEON Offlee on Blackwell street, opposite Methodist Episcopal Churcti I 830 to 10:30 A. H. Office hours ^ 1KX1 to S.00 p. v. (6:30 to 8:00 p. M. DOVEB, . . . HBWJEKSBY I. ROSS. ATToarmY AT LA.W BOLI0IT0B AJH> HA8TEH IS CHAKCKBT AND HOTABY PUBLIC Stanhope, . . . .N e w J e r s e y , QEO. .O. CUMMINS. M.D., MRS. SARAH E. OEHART FEfiHALD. M. D. BUCKWZLL 6TSLKTT, NEAB fTARBKN DOVER, N. J. DeHart Homestead near Mt Freedom, N. J. Office hours, I to 5 p. m. P. O. address, Mt. Freedom, N. 1. so-tf. 18:S0 to 9:30 A. H. ice HOURS { 1 to 2:3B p. M. (7 to 8:30 p. K. Diseases and KheumaaBm receire special attention. IS KERNS i i JOHN DRUMMER'S SBA VISa and BAIH CUTTINO SALOON MANSION HOUSE. if you wish to reduce the cost ol you. Life Insurance or desire to carry a policy lor the COR. BLACKWKLL AND SDSSKX BTBEXTS, DOVER, N. J. The place bus been entirely refitted ta a nest manner. Ladies' and Children Hair Cutting a specialty. PROTECTION ol your family or estate. J_ J. VREELAND. ™ BUILDING LOAN MUTUAL COTRACTOR, CARPECTBB AND BUODEIL Newels. Bolid or buUt up. Stair rails of all dimensions worked ready to put up. Mantels. Office issues policies on the Term, Whole Life fittings. Architectural WoodTuroinjf. Band and M A M and specUcatioas furnished. or Limited Policy plan from $300 to •"SbawtaK. Oniof and shop. Black Jell Street. $10,000 that are in immediate benefit BOVEtt. HEW JERSEY. for their full lace value, at rates that will interest you. MARTIN LUTHER COX. For information write S:*4—Same points a s 7:28 A, U, 3:27—Hibernfa, Marcellfl Mount Hop© *t THP , Rockaway. 3:06-Tiew Yorlt a n d way; Chester, Sueoasunna and Ironla. A. M. a, 5. HAILS CLOSE. 7:15—New York a n d way; also Eastern States Southern jersey, New York State and for & COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC BCHO0M Omcnt—BiAOKmtu. BT., DOVEB, JV. .1. 8 A, it. to lil u. every Saturday. BUILDING LOAN MUTUAL DOVER INSTITUTE OF Life Insurance Co. HONE OFFICE, CAMDEN, N. J. FlUNOta II. P i T i i u s , ProsMont. JO8M-1I H . GA8KII.L, M Vloo rrcldlMlt, E. Ainn.Eu AnuHTiioNu, C o u s s i a . IlAliny I U W K B , Socreuiry. Branch Office, Pieraon Building, Dover, N, J , Wll. It. I'lHlltu, Uhtrlot Built. Correspondence with building Loan Association members oarnestl/solicited GermanLanguage CONDUCTED DY c i E j i e s eosEBBDGi, EBHST KEOEPDOBFF. GERMAN TAUQHT ACCORDING TO THE BK8T METHODS OF THE DAY Lessons Qivou Both Arteraooo ond Erenlng. CHARGES MODERATE APPLY TO ERNST NEUENDORFF. . No. 18 Bergen Street. City THE IRON ERA, DOVER, N. J., APRIL 7, i899. THE TEST THAT TELLS. SHERIFF'S SALE. SHERIFF'S SALE. NEW YORK TRIBUNE. | CENTRAL RAILROAD IN CHANCERY O F N E W JEHSKY. YOU CAN GET ALL THE CONVINCING FROUF OF NEW JERSEY. I n CHANCERY O F N E W J E H B E Y . Wherein Jacob H. Bartles, Louisa BurtleB Recognized as a Leader of RepubYOU WAST BY READING DOVER PAPEHB. Browu, Helena Bartles and UertrudeBurtles Between DoraBtus L. Bryant, complainant, Anthracite coal used exctusiveiy, lnsuriiig lican Opinion. When the reader wauts any article of val- Galer, were complainants, anrt Ellnwcrth and t h e Westmoreland Hotel Company, cleanliness auri ootz^ort. Cbilris, Itla I. Lbildy. Frederick Chtlds, Theodore F. King, William E. Kiutf and ue he naturally prefers to deal with Bomeoue The N«w York Tribune offers to tho public a ( harios DeHurt Brower, trustee, and t h e Caroline 8 . Bryant, defendants. Fi. l'». for be can depend upon. sale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to dw-Hpaper whiuh In absolutely re[jres.'UUitiv« of New York Building and Improvement If mixed up in a law suit, a good responsiTIME TABLE IN KKFKOT SOV. 20, 18S)8 Way term, A. I). 1H». Company, wereilefeudanu. Fi. fa. furaale the beat oplulou of tlie liepuliliean p-irty on ull ble lawyer is generally the first necessity of mortgaged premisea. Returnable t o J . H. NEIUHBOUH, Solicitor. onul iBhUeB. It in diguilWJ, mroiiK, complete May term, A. D. 1BW). sought. By virtue of the above stated writ of lieri atid patriotic. J . M. DICKINSON, Solicitor. fadas in my bands, I shall expose for bale ut The Daily Tribune IB £10 a ytur. 1 he Weekly, TRAINS LEAVE DOVER AS FOLLOWS If lost on the prairie, directions from a setY virtue of the above utated writ of fieri public vendue on the pieiui»e» a t Landtag, I, but can be obtained, In conjunction with varitler could bo relied upon; those from a BtranFor New York, Newark and Morria Cuuutr, N. J . , on facins in m y bauds, I uliall exj>osu f o r ous local papers, ou more udvunUi^eouti teniiH. ger would be doubted. wile a t public vendue a t the Court Huuso in Elizabeth, at 6:31, a. in.; 2:59 p. m The Seml.Weekly In $> a year. WEDNESDAY, tbe ]Oth day of April It follows in the realm of proprietary arti- MorriHtown, N. J., on cles tbat Dover people would naturally select MONDAY, t h e lut day of MAY For Philadelphia at 0:31, a. m.; neit, A. D. 161)9, between t h e houra of 12 m. A Newspaper and flagazine Both. tbat oue article which has cured soino neigh- next, A. D. 1KW, between (be bourn of 12 M. and 5 o'clock p. in., tbat is to Bay a t 2 o'clock The Semi-Weekly Tribune, printed Tuesdays 2:59, P- I". bor, people they know, people who can be and 5 o'cliK-k P. M,, that Is to wiy a t y oVIock in the afternoon of said day, all those tract* »nd Fridays, is one of tlie best n«u^ral nevvKpujwrB iu the attt-rnoon of said day, all tract* or par- or mircels of laud and premises, situate, lying u seen, spoken to and questioned about tbe re- eels of lands nnd premises, situate, lying and and being in the Township of Roxbury, in the .o tbo country for a -wide a ulte fummr, ]jr<jf<-rfFor Long Branch, Ocean Grove, sults. The only prnprintary article which being iu tb« towiiKbip of Chester, in t b e County of Morris a n d Slate of New Jersey, jioual man, tuercliout, inanufiioturer oriiiethaolo. Ashury Park and points on New It saves tliH nt'cesslty at LuyftiRotlmr iiew»ijaf«;r3. County of Morris and State ef New Jersey, bounded and described as follows: gives this positive proof is the one endorsed York and Long Branch Railroad, bounded and described as follows : T H E F I R S T TRACT—Beginning u t the third It supplementa admirably a local dully; ninny 2:59 p. m. by Mr. E. F . Hall, of No. 20 Urant street, of a tract of land conveyed by Axel peoplo tabu i t li» place of one. employed in the D., L. & W. car Bhops, wbo Beginning a t a while nak tree standing in comer \V. Mbeliua to tbe l a n d i n g HotH Compauy the public road leading from IVupaok to ChesThe apritmRural pa^e will contain this year, in Bays: ' ' I was troubled with kidney com- ter, comer to lands lato of Frederick Cbilds, by deed dated September 20, 1881), and reFor all stations to High Bridge addition to regular features, a weather review, plaint for tbe laat 10 or 15 years There was now Mr. Sharp's and Peter Tiger's, formerly corded in Morris County Cl rk'a office in many descriptions of the actual results obtained at 6:31, a. m.; 2:50, p. m. Book U, 13 of Deeds, pages &>, & c ; thence WyekofT's; thence (1) along lands of m i d a severe pain across my buck, so bud a t on small fariuH and other matters of particular use north twelve degrees fifteen uiiuuies went, Peter Tiger Boutb fifty-two and a bulf detimes that I could not get about, aud I bad grees For Lake Hopatcong at 8:35, west twenty chains and sixteen liuks t o being a continuation of t b e second lino of to gardenere, frult-growera, farmers, doirymeu also a dull aching pain over the kidneys. 1 stonesfo^-a corner; thence (ii) north twelve said tract of land seventy tivo tent to a cor- and live-stock raisers. a. m.; 2:59, 7:°8, p. m. ner marked by a stake and benp of stones; degrees west fourteen chains and sixty links ; did not know what it was to get a good Stories of the War with Spain. (2) north eighty-six decrees thirty For all stations to Edison at night's sleep; uo matter bow often I changed thence (!J, south fifty-three degrees west liftoen thence chains and sixteen links t t a brick Btump and minutes west one hundred a n d twenty-three During each week the reader will find a column 8:35 a. m.; 2:59 p. m. my posltiou tbe pain was always the same. Rtones corner to lands late of Cm-rad Itariek; foot eight inches t o a corner marked by a of " QuetstioDB and Answers," lettore from corresWhen I rose in the morning I always had a the' r e (*!) along lands of mid Kariok north stoke a n d heap of utones; tbence (3) south nix pondents iu Loudon and I'aria; u pageduvotod to For Rockaway at 6:55 9:25, sort of tired feeling. The kidney secretions twenty-three degrees webt tbirtychaius aud degrees forty-IWe minutes east one hundred science and meulianlcfl; home interests and other liuks to bton?s corner, to lamia late uf and fourteen feet two inches to a corner a ra.; 6:30, 739: p. m. contained a brick-dust deposit, were very four Raid Rark-knnd Fordham Leek, late of .Daniel marked by a largpstone with a drillhole; tlilngn wbich Interest women, lncludlnK the " Trifrequent and accompanied by suppression, Leek; thence (5) along lands of sukl L?ek and thenCB (4) tinrtu Bitty-five degrees east sixty- buoe Sunshine Society;'1 some Rood games of Sweetest thing that can be seen For Easton, Allentown and causing me much annoyance. I doctored and Peter Brown north fifty-four and a half de- one feet four inches to a corner marked by a cliecktrs; a atries of tlirlllfng «torli>s of actual eiBtone, with a drill holt*; t b m c e 15) south erlencea In the war with Spain, written by Mauch Chunk at 6:31, a. in.; (2:59 Is a baby, fresh and clean. used lots of so-called kidney cures but never crees east thirty-peven chains and sixty-two large links to a point in tho public rontl leading from v frty-eikht degrees east one hundred and ilditi'B and Bailors; and Advance information of to Easton); p. m. got any relief. I Raw Doau's Kidney Fills Peapaek to Chester; thence (I!) in said road fifty-two feet Be.veil inches t o a corner ou the Dainty clothes and tender skin aw enterprleta of Importance to manufacturers, advertised in our paper and got a box a t -outh eighteen and three-quarter decrees eafit second lino of Baid tract marked by a stone iTOliBniuttaiidbuBmeHa uun. Need pure soap to wash them in. Robert Killgore's drug store. They helped five chains and three links ; thence (7) still in artificially set in tbe ground; tbence (0) along Buffi B cond liae n o n h twelve degrees fifteen said road south eight aud thr>equarter deme rigbt from tho start and before I bad grees cant seven CI-QIUB nnd tLlny links ; BETURHIHG, Nurse and mother must be sure flnrket Reports the Standard. uteB westono hundred and twenty-nine taken half t h e box I could go to bed and thence (8) alone V a n Duser'H Innd, now feet four incli a to t h e place of beginning, Leave New York, foot Liberty The market reports will be kept up to their presBaby's bath is sweet and pure. sleep soundly all night, something I hud not Melick'n, north fifty-three and a half depress containing tbirty-six oue hundredths acres, ent h\gli maadard. It Is tbe in tent ion of The Street, at 6:00, a. m.; 4:40, p. m. Free from grease or alkalies; done in years, I continued the treatment eaBt thirty-three chains and euventy-four more or less. Tribune at all times to add to them whatever quolinks; thence (9) Dorth thirty-threeandahalf T H E SHCOND TRACT—Beginning a t a ntnke ta'Ions will render them of greater value, Tue until the pain left ma entirely, the eecretioiiH degrees west flve chains nnd ninety-four Leave New York, South Ferry, Ivory Soap their want supplies. and Btoneu one- hundred and eighty uiight feet from the kidneyB improved and I am better links; thence (10) along Chandler's land north on a course south tblrty-seven degrees fifteen finest compliment paid to The 5e ml-Wet-My Whitehall St., at 4:35, p. m. ht, 1»W, t)J TPI Ptotut k UuaUe () Tribune le tbe fact that it enjoyu the Bubscrlpfifty-two and a half degrees t-ant twelve in every way. I tave recommended this minutes west from thesoutbwest coruerof the and eiRbtj-flvelinkB; thence (II) south south abutment o t t b e road bridge of tbe nof a largo numlwr of uierchantB, dairymen Leave Rockaway at 6:22, 8:24, remedy to a number of employes in the shop chains fifty-six and a half dfgrees cast nineteen and Delaware. Lackawanua. and West and farmers wlio disagree with its political sentl- a. in.; 2:50, 6:55, p. m, and you may use my statement for publi- chains and twenty-eight links; thence (12} caual etn Railmad at Landing, New Jersey; theuco menta, but wlio flud flu accurate market reporte ; along lands of Durling B'>uth twenty-one decat on and I will be pleased to answer any (1) south fifty-three degrees weat two hundred jBrteiitlal to tliu propur conduct of (heir busloeBd. drees west fourteen chains and sixty-eight tt-d twenty five feet to a s t a k e ; th»uc-e (£} Leave Port Oram at 6:50, 9:20, Inquiries that may be Bent to me." liukft to a rock; thence (13) south twenty de- north twelve degrees west tb< ee hundred feet It la always safe to louk at The Tribune befoe a. m.; 6:22,7:34^. m. sympathy of their friends here in their sorrow. grees east three chains to stones; thence (14) to a stake and Btouea ; tbence (H) uorth fifty- one b y s or sells couulry produce. Once a week John J Drake, of Newark, was i n the vil- Mrs. J. V. Woodhuli and Mrs. William Doan's Kidney Pills for Bale by all dealers. south tbirte»u degrees west < no chain and tbree degree eas two hundred and tweiity- the Iu a special umrket articla on one particular Leave Lake Hopatcong at 6:20, ]nBe fur a sliort stay during lust week. Woodhull, of Dover, wore visitors on Friday Price 50 centa. Mailed by Foster-Milburn seventy-one links t o a muple tnm; thence (IS) fi' o feet to a stake and (-tones in tbe soutb top , a. m.; 5:28, p. m. Delimit Ilowiiinii a n d family, of Naugh- with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Woodhull, of Co., Buffalo N. Y., sole agents for tho U. S. soutU twenty-three and a ImlC decrees west, right of wav Hue of tlio Delaware, LnckaPictorial Supplement. nine chains and nine links to a henp of btooee; na and Western Railroad ; thence (4) folrigiit, removed to this plnce laBt week, occu- this place. Remember the name Poan's and take no eub- thence (H1) s»uth four degree* east one chain walowing the 8Htae about three hundred leet to Wltu Friday's number there is an Illustrated Leave High Bridge at8:17,a. m.; pying tho lute W. K Miller property. Mr. Miss Alice Bird has returned from a stay stttute. and ulnety-linbB t o a chestnut1 tree; thence tbe place df beginning, which, afrer deduct uppletnent, SO to 24 pages, printed on specially :io p.m. (17) south thi-teen aud a hull degrees west ing tweuty-seven hundred a n d fifty pquare Ibuvninn lia» opened a wheelrigkt Bhop and of several days with her Bister, Mrs. Ira Sanfloe paptr, full of delightful reading, enlivened two chains a n d ninety liukn t o an nsh tree; fee*" for wagon road, there remnina one acre commenced work, filling tho vacancy In t h a t derson, of German Vetley. thonco (It) Bouth tbirty-tix degrees west one and f- rty-eitfht huudreritbs acres ; beiug tbe with from thirty to fifty half tone or other pictures. J. H. OLHAUSEN, SUCCA8UMNA. 1 lint? mailu liy the death of M. F . Dlckereon. Every rwuler adnills tlmt this Supplement 1Bequal A baudsorae monument of gray granite has chain and forty-eifihr. Jinks t o a Iwucb tree; Gen'l Bupt. The Rev. E. W, Hancock is attending con thence (H>) bouth t-ifcteeu <lcuni>s wist t w o same premises conveyed to ihH party o tbo to a magazine in its content a, and bettor than a been erected In the Force Ceme'ery, near the fire part by d.ed from Axel W. Nibeliuu The lust north bound passenger train due H. P. BALDWIN, ference in Newark. cliama and elubty-EOven liuks; tbeiu-e (20) dated September 2U, 18ti>, a n d recorded In juzlno in being quicker to lay before Its readfra here oliout!*eveil o'clock in the evening was M. E. Church, to tho memory of the Rev. Tbe "Klondifce" supper spoken of a few uouth forty-six degrees m s t ninety linkt; Gen. Pass. Agt. Morri- County Clerk's oillce i u Book U-IS ou 'ectly /rt-sli dlbCueeloDB of matters which are ftraiuli'ii liy tlio breaking of t h e engine, a and Mrs. Manning Force and their son, tbe weeks ago will take place in tbe Presbyterian thence C-il) enulh ihirty-fdiir itpgreta wtst page S9, &c. The said party of tbn flim part three chains and seventy-two links; thence rnrther greets, a s s i e s aud conveys to tbe aitrocttn* atttntlon. Samp'e copies of Friday's short distance below thla place on Thursday late William M. Force, of Newark, and his Chapel on Tuesday evening, April 11. A (2-2) m-rih fitty-rne degrees west seven chains party of t ' e second imrr, i u MiL-cwsurs and iuBuewlllDe si'Dt free ou application. Tlie Supof last week nnd remained there for about wife. novel entertainment iu being prepared and a and twenty-heVfU links; 'lifnce (23) aloui> tiBjftfnB forever, tbe right uud privilege of plement contains two pages of humor; a fascinattivo hours, when tho euRiue w a s repaired Dr. and Mrs. Charles N. Miller, of German lands of Fivderick Guilds south furty-four laying a oue inch pipe from the obovo de- ing letter from ex-attache, a Ren Uf man who hon good timn is promised to all wbo come. . (MORRIS A IBBXX DIVISION.) and a half degrees west twetity-tno chains Biillh'ieutly ti> eimble t» complete the trip. Valley, were viBttora with Mr. and Mra. C. E. p>eiiiln»rf t o a Binall lake about fifty served at many of the great courts of tbe world, lira. William Coursen and Miss Susan are and ptghty-one links t o a rock; thence {it) scribed feet south of Ibe same for the purpose of cou- and who tpeabs of kings, emperors and noblemen Depot In New York, (oot of Barclay Ht. and Tlie Misses Maude and Bertha Apgar, of Myers on Easter Sunday. still along said Child's laud, now fcSbiirp'n, veying water t o t b e hotel o r other dwelling from luitunl knowledge; book reviews; abort spending a week with relatives in Orange. foot of Christopher Bt. Frank Smith visited with his mother at Dover, were visitors lust week with their fifty three and a balf dcKrei»8Wt-86fi(- and burn or utahle whicb niuy bo ervuted Mr. and Mrs. E. J. DeCamp spent Easter houth teeu chains and eighty-eight linkstothe place thereon for use therein, t h e pipe to be laid atorlcs; dramatic and musical criticisms; the fine cousin", the MicseB Annie and E m m a Wack. Kenvll last week. Sunday witb Mrs. Pope in RoBeville. of beginning, supposed to contain three hun- U'der ground a n d said privilege to b*» re- work of great architects aud artlata; letters from DOVER TIME TABLE. From one of our neighboring places comee C. U. ltorret nud iainily have removed abroad; talk on scientific subjects, new warships, Mrs V. F. Cox, of Camp Tabor, the coun'y dred and twenty-three acres of luud. stricted to one dwe ling house aud oue baru etc.,; i^oflplp by pungent writers; and, la fact, tlie TRAINS ABBIVB AND DEPART FBOH. T0IB - from near this place to the Ledgewood House, tbe following: "While the Index boaBts of its president of tbe W. C. T. U., will addreBs the or stable. whole ranjte of higher topics in which intelligent great circulation and extensive newB its LertguWdoil. Being tbn flame premises conveyed to said ladies In the Methodist Church on Fridayt STATION AB FOLLOWS : T H E THXBD TRACT, bounded and described Tlio section men of this p'ace were given a readers bemoan its poor type. While oura is April 14, at 2;45 p. ni. A large attendance William Chi hi H by fi. Van Syckef, master Iu as follows : Beginning at tbe tbird corner ot men and women are deeply interested, and a pro- , EABT BOUND A. H., WEST BOUND chancery, by deed dated -'une 2;t, A . D., 18'i8. 8 fusion of beautiful illUBtrations. The Supplement Lolnltiy on Goo 1 Friday. A s this is unusual oot a newspaper borrowing community, yet is desired. a tract of lanrt as conveyed by Nancy RlKR E U 9 A K L DURLIiSO, Sheriff. Buffalo expi eea* 6 ;15 , Milk express 5:12 to Landing Hotel Company by deed dated Is tho cream of tbe whole week's work in the Oswego 1 It must b) taken as another measure of recently the Index was offered by one man Dated Murcb 25, 1699. expreea* 6:10 Tribune office. Milk express 0:34 Tho decorations in tbe churches on Easter 17, 18SU, and recorded in Moirito another, when tbe litter declined, saying Chronicluuud E r a . p . f $10.20 December Dover express 6:40 Dover becom. tconmny. 8:12 County Kecord nf Deeds i n Book X-12, pases Sunday were beautiful. Hack't'n e z p . * 7:10 9:10 Easton mail Clubs. in, &c.; thence (1) nm th t w o degreed aud sixJ Jluih Smith, of Pottersville, was in t b e he didn't want such ajuinhled mess and he Hack't'n mail 7:28 0:29 couldn't read it anyway, the print waa so teen minutefl east one hundred and seventy nllrtguon Saturday. Any reader who may flud it convenient to raise Washington upl* 8;0U Bing'ton mail* 10:43 SHERIFF'S S/VLE. f e e t t o c i i t i e of pmposcd new read as now Dover express iu:ia poor". Aud he a loyal Democrat. The ERA I Buffalo express* 8:22 a rtub or Biibvcrlbere for The Seml.Weekly Mrs Cutburine Stone, wlio has been with laid out leading from Lidding to Port Morris Phillipsburgex* 10:48 IN CIIANOBUY OF NEW JERSEY. ID accepted alwayB with thanks. Tribune is invited to do BO, aud to send to thin I Coston express 8:41 relatives in Jersey City for t h o past several P .M. Wherein Guatavus P. Swift anil Edwin C. on south-west side of Delaware, l^ckawfumi office for bauiple copita, etc. Dover accom. 0:40 Dover accom. 12:20 GA.RO LYNN. mouths, returned to her home here lost week Swift, partner*, trading as Dovpr B- ef Com- and Western Railroad; thence (3( south sevScran ton exp,* 11:02 V enty-five decrees and twenty-two minutes' E a t o n express 1:68 THB TRIBUNE. O n t Two Hundred Thousand Trial pany, were eomiiiaimutH, and Frank O. Dover accom. 11:20 Eustur wiia appropriately observet in both Elmlra express* 2:10 Hidden and HntHe Hf dtlen. hin wife, and east, following i b e centre or Baid proposed T o Cure CouaUpatlon Forever* Bottles Sent Free by Mail. P. M. Dover accom. churchy. In the Presbyterian Church t b e 3:52 Alfred L. Hedden a n d Kuruli A Hedtleii. road two hundred and twenty-fourtiud eightTalteCitsuuiets Caudy Cutburtlc,- lOo or 25c, Dover accom. 13:45 Easton express 5:08 d*coiulion<t wi'io of growing plants aud c u t It O. O. O. fnll to onrn. dmtririuts refund money his wife, were defendants Fi. fa. for Bale tenths feet t'i a p ' i n t in tlie centre of said By (pedal arrangement with the mtn» road; theuce (8) still follow lug t h e centre of Buffalo express* 1:37 Scranton exp,* 5:24 of mortgage prpmtses. Hcturnable to K a y f] mers tastefully arranged. The sermon a t afacturersof that justly famous Kidney tbe same Bouth forty-one degrees and fortyEaston mail 2:44 Dover express 6:25 term, A. D., lMtft. Cut tWB out and return to UH with Vl«0O and Oflwego MOltttldTOWN. tlii' nmniing service deHveJted b y tbe pastor, medicine, I)r. Qavid Kennedy's Favornlno minutes east oue li und red aqd three and we'll express* 3:47 WashuiKton spl* 6:40 road thn following, postage prepaid; F O B B D , - 8 M I T H , Solicitor. seven-tenths feet t o its Intersection with tbe Dover accom. . 3:55Hnck't'n mail 7:18 tlie Jtev. \V T. Purnell, was eloquent and lull Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eisenschmldt, who ite Remedy, the readers of this paper Y virtue of the ahnve stilted writ of Fieri third IIHB of a tract as conveyed by A. IV, Vermont Farm Journal 1 Year. Dover accom. 5:55 Fhillipsburg ace. 8:02 of i lio Kindlier and reality of the resurrection. have for many years been residents of Mor- •re enabled to obtain a trial bottle and Facias in my hands, I snail expose for Nibelius t o the LandiOR Hotel Company by Buffalo express* 0:22 Buffalo express* 8:28 Tli» tnuMc, both morning a u d evening, was rl&tnwu, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary pamphlet of valuable medical advice sale a t Public Vendue, at the Court House hi deed dated September 2(1, 1MS9, and recorded New York Weekly Tribune 1 Year. Dover accom. 6:32 U. S. express* 9:55 absolutely free,by simplysending their MorriBtown, N. J . , cm rendered by a quitrLetts choir. A t the even- ot their marriage at their home on Western In Morris County Record of Deeds, Book American Poultry Advocate I Year. PhlllipBburg ex.* 0:37 Dover accom. 10:38 full name and post office address to tho U-I2, pages 89, & c . ; thenco (4) south fifty-two The Gentlewoman I Year. Milk express* 8:17 Buffalo oxpresa* 10:59 iiUKLTvieothupua or gave an illustrated talk, venue last Friday night. They were mar- DK. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORAMONDAY, the 24th day of April next, degrees nnd thirty minutes west along tbird Easton accom. 8:44 Theatre train. 8:25 A. D., 1899, between tho hours of 12 ra. a n d 6 using the benutiful Euatcr lilv a s a n illustra- riad in Germany aud came to Morristown TION, Rondout, N. Y., and mentioning Milk express* 8:57 o'clock p . m.. timt la to say a t 3 o'clock in Hue of lost mentioned lot one hundred and Marion Harland's Cook Uook. tion, It was an uble effurt and was greatly about forty flve years ago. They were the this paper. tbe afternoon of said day, all that tract ninety-six and three-tenths feet t o third cor- Ten Nights in a Bar Room. Baine, and also the first corner, a s in enjoyed. A. substantial offering was made t o parents of ten children, six of whom are •Via. Booutoc Branch. Of course this involves enormous ex- or parcel of laud ami premises herein- ner offrom Nancy RfggB to Landing Hotel thn church treasury, pense to tho manufacturers, but they after particularly described, situate, lying deed now living. Mrs. Durling, the wife of tbe first abov« mentioned: tbence aud being iu tbe township of Randolph, Company, r have received so many grateful letters DOVER AND MORRISTOWN. Tlm M. E. Cburch was artistically deco- Sheriff E. L. Durling, la a daughter of the from those who have been benefited in thp County of Morris aud titate of New (.>) north twelve degrees flfleen minutes west This combination (Ilia a family need. Two farm Jersey, bounded ami <let;eribed as follows, viz: seventy-five feet aloug the fimt line of last rated wild nn abundance of potted plants, aged couple. mentioned tract t o second corner of same; paporB for tho tiien-Thn " Gentlewoman," nn Leave and cured of tbe various diseases of the Arrive Leave Arriva Beine the same premises convoyed to stiid thence (tl) n o t h eighty-six degrees and thirty ideal paper for tli« luilies—N. Y. Weekly Tribune Dover. MorriBtown palms, etc. Tho exercises in t b e morning The annual charter election will be held in Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Dover Morristown all-Marlon Harland's Cook Bonk with 800 4:30 A . verm mi "Missions,1' an offering being made Morristown on Monday, May 1. Four Al- Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronio Frank O. Hedden and Alfred L. Heddou by niiuutea west one hut dred aud twenty-tnree for 6:03 A. M. 0:34 A. M. pag?B aud 1,000 practical recipes for the wife, and M. 5:14 P. M. deed from Ephraim S. D'»y and wife dated and slx-tentha feet, following tho second line 0;W ' 1 7:41 " 8:12 " for ike Mime. A number of maps relating dermen and four members of tha Morris Constipation, and all weaknesses pecu- Jan. (I, Ib93, aud recorded in Morris County of the same t o t h e place of beginning, con- the book " Ten Nlghu in a Bar Room," the great 7:10 " 7:28 ' tempnrutice novel of the age. A two cent 8:38 " 9:10 " ' 7:57 " to tins Eul'jfct, showing tue growth of Mis County Board of Freeholders are to bo elected. liar to women, that they willingly send reeordBof deeds in Hunk W-18, on page 443, taining ninety-six hundredths of a u acre, vat fltamp brings samples of papers and our great 8:41 ' 1 10:15 " 10:43 " B:12 " etc., and in said deed described an follows; in r« or less; but,- after deducting sixteen clubbing list. skmary work, were presented and explained The retiring Aldermen are Charles VauGil- trial battles to all sufferers. 9:40 ' 1 10:10 " 11:53 " 12:20 p . « . Being the second trn^t described in a deed hundredtbs of an acre, p a r t of the area of Upon investigation it was found that from 11:20 ' bythftptutor, Lfae Rev. C. E. Walton. An •, Republican, Fi-st Ward ; Charlton Reed, ' 11:47 " 1S8 p. H . 1:58 " WM L A c ARD> Thomas Hedden to Luwia firiant, de12:48 P. u. 1:16 p. u . 8:25 " 3:52 " Easter anthem waa rendered by a quartette Democrat, Second Ward ; J. J. A. Owens, 91 per cent of those who had used the Rpssed, March 13, lB-lfi. uud recorded in the ub id proposed new road as along lines nutn2:44 ' 1 8:15 " 4:11 •' 6:08 " composed of tbe Rev. and Mrs Walton and publican, Third Ward, and John Byrain, trial bottle had received such benefit Morris County records in Book 14, pages fiS. ._;s two nnd tbree, there reniaius elghty' 4:23 " 63J M.lnSt. WlLfHNaTON, VT. 3:65 ' from it that they purchased large slxed' 5*3 " 0:25 " etc., and begins a t a hunp of stones on the buudredths of an acre, more o r legs. their son and daughter, C. E . A . and Mies Republican, F o r t h Ward. The Freeholders bottles of their druggists. ' 6:26 " 5:55 ' 0:50 " 7 18 " nortlieaslerly Bide of tlio road in tbe Hue of Being t b e same premises conveyed to the 7 : 0 1 .• 6:82 ' 1 Graeo Walton. Iu theevcnlng there was t i n whose terms expire are Major Dalryinple, 7:32 " 8:02 " It matters not how sick yon are or lands t h a t formerly belonged to Riubanl Westmoreland Hotel Company by tbe Liud8:44 ' 1 10:08 '• 10:38 " usuul service, the Bermou bearing Republican, First Ward ; Jacob Van Winkle, how many physicians have failed to Suotwell, being the second comer of land late iiig Hotel Company by deed March 20,161)7, 0:10 " 2:00 A. w. 2:25 A. • upon Easier. Democrat, Second Ward ; Dr. G. A. Booker, help you, send for a trial bottle of thla of Randall Dell, deceased (referenceas afore and not y e t recorded. Raid); thence running (1) north fifty-six deDated March 13, h W , Republican, Third Ward, and Michael Nor- great medicine, it costs you but a postal grees east ten cbuius; tli-nco (2) south flftySDGAU L. DURLING, Sheriff. Miss ElizabFth HopUns is visitlog with ria, Democrat, Fourth Ward. LEAVE NEW YOKE FOR DOVEB, card, and benefit and cure will moit ono degrees east eleven chains ami furty-elgbt Chronicle and B r a p. f. »23..4O friends ut Newark find other places. certainly bo tho result. links; tbettce (3) south thirty-three degrees Tue seventeenth annual ball of Hnmane The annual uaribh meeting of t b e PresbyFutsome urine in a gloss tumbler and west six chaiua and fifty liuks; tbence (•)) SHERIFF'S SALE. teriuii Church occurs a t the chapel ou Mon- Englue Company No. 2, of Morrlstown, was let it Btand 24 hours; if it has a sediment sixty-three degrees wtst fifteen chains a n d 12:30. forty-three links to tbe place oC begiuninf* held In MoAlpin Halt on Monday night. or if it is pale or discolored, niijky or and day afternoon, April 10, a t three o'clock. IN UHANOERY O F N E W J E K R E T . containing ten acres aud forty-nine ono*Via. Boonton Branch. NEWAKK, H. J. Professor Muscat, solo tenor singer In tbe cloudy, stringy or ropy, your Kidneys tuindredtliH of an acre. Ha^er Kaar and family, who for the past Between Margaret P. Hamilton, complainant, year n«r« a t Pottersville, removed on Satur- choir of the Cburch of tbe Redeemer in Mor- or Bladder are In a bad condition. Dr. and Rarali Louisa Baldwin and Milton Dated March 17. WK). David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy CHESTER BRANCH. Baldwin, defendants. Fi. fa. for sale of day to A J. Heed's farm, made vacant by C. ristown, has removed to Brooklyn, where ho EUGAR h. DUELING, Sheriff. speedily cures such dangerous sympmortgaged premises Returnable to May p. f. *9.00 has secured an engagement in a large church toms as pain in the back, inability to Chronicle and Era. H. Barret's removal to Ledgewood. OOERO KABT. term, A . D. 16m Large Auction Sales ol 150 to a s o for the ensuing year. Mr. aud Mru. Fred Monroe Marvin, of hold urino, a burning scalding pain la M I L L E R & M E Y E R S , Solicitors Ohester,6:15,7:43 a. m . ; 12:00. 4:15 p . m . Frank Lusardi, of Morristown, having passing it, frequent desire to urinate, NOTICE. Head ol Horses every Tuesday and FriHorton, 6:21, 7:49 a. m . ; 12.-08, 4:23 p . m . Newark, returned to tbat city on Monday By virtue of the above Btated writ of fieri Ironla, 0:25,1-Ai a. m . ; 12:13, 4:28 p . m. especially at night, the staining of linen ESTATE OF SUSAN E. BEACH, DECEASED. facins in m y hands, I shall cxposR for Bale a t titer a stay of a few weeks with Mr. Mar- been left an estate in Italy, has disposed of BuccaBuima, 0:30,7:50 a, m . ; 12:18.4:33 a. m. day, commenaing at 10 o'clock a. m. public vendue a t the Court House in Morrisby your urine~and all tho unpleasant bis business interests in Morristown, and will Tin's parents at tbe homestead. Keuvll, 0:33. T:S0 a. m.; 12:23, 4:37 p . m . and dangerous effects on the system Pursuant to the order of the Surrogate of tbe town, N. J . , on Junction, 0:S3. 8:04 a. m.; 12:27. 4:46 p . m . Ur and Mra. J . \V, Farrow, of Dover, go to Italy to look after the property be* produced by the use of whiskey, wine County of Morrln,inndeonthe twenty-seventh day M0NDA.Y, the 24th d a y of A P H I L Fort Oram, 0:40, 8:07 a. m.; 12:30. 4 52 p.m. February A. . one thousand eight bundn-d and visited wiib relatives a t Bariley and this place queathed to him. or beer. Dr. David Kennedy's Favor- of ninety-nine, notice la hereby glveu to all person? next, A. D . 18UD, between the hours of 12 M. Ar. Dover, 6:46, 8:22 a. m . ; 12:35, 6:0a p . m . Miss Oarrard and Miss Wood will rebuild ite Remedy is sold at all drug stores at having claims agalnet the estate of Susun £. and 5 o'clock P. M., that is to say a t 2 o'clock on Sunday. 1 DfOcli. latoof thofounly nf MorrlR, deceased, to in the afternoon of said day, all tbe undivided ooma WIST. on the site of their tWD houses destroyed by for a large bottle; six bottles for Tlie Rev. ond Mrs. C. E . Walton, with present Ibtj saint*, under onth or affirmation, in the one-half interest owned by tbe defendants In DoTor, 9:35 a. ui.; 2:24,5:28, 6:43 p. m. thi-Ir littlo grand-duughter, left on Monday Ore in Elm street, Morristown. Plans for I5.0O aubwrlbere, on or before the twenty- Bavnnth day all the following described tract or part-el of of November next, being nine roontlia from the Port Oram, 9:40 a. m.; 3:29, 5:34,6:48 p. m. to Mnyvood to visit with their daughter, the two new buildings are being prepared by date of said order; aud any creditor neglecting tn land and premises, sltunte lying mm belngin JuDctton, 9:43 a. m.: 2:32, 5:37, 6:50 p. m. brinplD and exhibit Ills or her claim, under oath the Township uf Rnxburv, in t b e County of Mrs. GeorKu Sipley, Mr. Walton goiog from Architect R. C. Welsh. Konvll, 8:49 a. m.; 2:87 5:>3 0:54 p. m. or afllrnmtlon, within tlio time BO limited, will b>- Jlorrls and btate of New Jersey, bounded and The manager of the Morristown office of tout place to attend the annual confereuce of BuccaBunna, 0:^5 a.m.; 2:41 5:47,6:57 p.m. forever barred of bla or her action therefor against (Inscribed as follows; Being the same lot of tbe u Ironia, 10:02 s. m.; 2:40. 6:52, 7:02 p. m. the Postal Telegraph Company has appealed thn executors. - E. Church iu Newark. laud t h a t was devised t o thn said Thomas Horton, 10:08 a. m ; 2:51 5:55, 7:05 p. m. Tone, since deceased, by tho will of his grandrtated the twenty-aeventh day of February A. D. to tbe State Board of Taxation from the M ra N. M. Barick has removed into h e r Ar. Cheater, 10:15 a, m.;2:59,0:00,7:10 p.m. father, Thomas Peterson, dated Marcb 12, 1600. assessments made upon the company's propnew lifiine, formerly t h e property of tho late GUY MINTON, 1U40. and proven November 3,1855, nnd re- Thesfl Hales Includes Trotters, Pacers, CobB, FamThe Hackettetowu Express stops a t Port erty in Morristown. The appeal acts as a FKEDBKICK H. BEACH, corded in the Surrogate's offl»e of Morris going east at 7:23 a. tn.; goiiig west at Moses T. Bennett. 9 K u t o r s County i n Book G of Wills, pigo 4W, eUeq i» ily, Saddle, Matched Hairs, HUHlueM), Karm. Ex- Oram stay from any proceedings that may be pr*Bs. .l<TO*;Churj|{Band Heavy Draught Horses, 7:21 p. m. manner folowlng: Item Second—" l I give, weielllngrrom 1,400 tn l.tiOO pouudn. John Hopler attended t h o funeral of his brought by Tax Collector Becker. devise and bequeath to my grandson. Thomas Tills la tlio cbuuptat place in the cast to buy iDotleratS liooley's Mountain on Tuesday. NOTICE. Argument was heard by Vice Chancellor Tone, that tract or piece of land on the north nrftis of any description, and we Invlto all Intend. »e were pleased to learn from t h e corres- Emory on Tuesday afternoon on an applica- Shop next to Dr. uummioa1 f l n v p r IM 1 side of the turnpike road called tbe Mead and InieptireliasiTO to call and look our Block over and ESTATE OF MARGARET FRITZ, DECEASED. we will convince tliem that wo van sell them SO BbACKWELL STREET U U V C l * P L «!• pondent at Hib-rnia that t h e people there tion made by Edward Q. Keaebey for aliOrchard lot, a t a corner of t h e late Silas per cent, cuenper than auy other place in the east. rpqnpst the return of their pastor, the Rev. mony and counsel fees pending the trial of BtiJmatM Cheerfully QITSD. Pursuant tn tbe order of tho Surrogate of tbe ttigEB* lnnd ; thence northerly Iu his line to \Ve are not like a retail stablo. We liave to close the Morris Uanal ; tbence to the lino of MarCounty of Morris, nindu on the eighth day o» thc»i horses out rnch week tomaheroom Tor fresh " 'Iliani Stout. Mr. Btout was for five years the suit for divorce which Mrs. Sarah F, •• BtlRfAction Guaranteed. March A. D , one tliousnnd pi«ht hundred and Karot Mill*1 land ; tbence In a line of B<dd coiiBlftntnenU, which tiro constantly arriving from iwioned at tbU place and lias many friends Runyon haa brought against her husband, nlnt-ty-nino. notice Is liereliy given to nil person* U a r t a r e t Mills' land to a cornpr a t a fence Iu the larcu 1went**™ shippers. We Give all purchasers TO having claims upaiiiBt tho ntata of MnrEjret a south'rly.raiiiee of the orchard on these two davfl trial on all homes, and If nol as renrela tbe vicinity. Frederick C, Runyon, of Morristown. ReFritz late of the County of MorrlR. deceived, tn pr^niiseB ; ihenre in a )-trnli>bt Hue so as t o HPnled purchnso money cheerrully refunded. Par nrewnt tlm fame, umter • aih or nfnrniBiI;>n, tn Uf t) II viliK »l a distance anil CKnootdt-tliorsrs uacH cently Runyon obtained a docree of divorce include t h e orchard, and thence f>ut to the °"o ailditlonnl m a n has been engaged t o thn wibscrilMT, on or uc-furo tli« eislitb ilay or befnre tliH warrantee explreH wu will accept teleIn tho State of Washington. In tbe aetlou 1 December ut-xt., bci0giiliii-m<.ntliBrroniihedatonf turnpike r o d, a t a pair of bars a BIUHII dis- gram or telephone n^Btviee for BarnB *<•"* ou the section a t this place. Bold order; nn* any creditor neirlwUDR to brlnp iu tance east of my mansion house, said t o be This will lw a grand oppnrtm.ily for farm and which Mrs. Runyon has instituted in tbe New Th« funeral of tho lato Mm. R. H . Stephens ' and exhibit MB nr ner claim, under ontli op nfflr- thirty live acre-, more or less." city people to get a liorse of any description. (OLD POINT COMFORT) Jersey Court of Chancery bhe seeks a divorce mallon, within tlio time so limited, will be nre>6*fla l l p h l at Mount Olive on Saturday, interbarred of bin or her nction therefor analnht ih- Tboforegolue premises containing, however, on t' e ground of desertion and also asks to HOY & FOX, Proprietors. mem being made in t h e Union Cemetery a t AND A t l only twenty-nine acres h . actual aurvey with have the Washington decree set aside on the 2r S Si Mawh. A. TV. 1SO0. ™«i lacu. Mrs. Stephana (a survived by her tne courses and distances ruuning (1) north Insure your property with the J. B. MOREHOUS, S.Ieiman. contention that it was improperly secured. A_ WO00HULL. forty-elgtifi degrees enst eleven chains nnd wwliaml and two children, one son and one The Vice Chancellor reserved his decision. Administratrix, Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Comtwenty HnkB ; tlience (2) south seventy ei^hi JOS. S. HOV .nd JACOB SHULT3, Dover, N. J. asuditer. The bereaved family have t h e tleg'rees and thirty minutes east tldrtveu pany, incorporated in 1825. L-buins; thfuco (3) ucmth twenty seven degrees east teu chainb ; tlience (4) south twenty NOTICE. which are mo<t attractive JAMES T. ECKHART, Agent. three di'tzreett west t-iyUteen cbiimsuiid nevon ESTATE OF GEORGE SMITH, DECEASED. ty-flvo liulia; thencu (5) north thirty-sever points at this time. Pursuant to the order of t b e Surrogate ni ind 0110 bulf degrcta emit thirteen chniuu and Office in Baker Building, tlm County of Morris, mart" on the twenty jeventy links to tbe p'uco of bej;ini)inu, confifth day of Mort-b A. D., on* thousand taintug tweuty-nino ocrea, a s ahnve uiatt-d ; Warren Street, t-ight hundred nnd ninety-nine, notice Is being t h e wiino premKa-4 whereof the *aid EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS hereby pi-en to all persons naving nlolnw Thninan Tone died twked, l n t v i i ^ tb» bii.l -..'.'"""erod11tlioltortures ortlio danme J es Dover, N. J. acninst theestnte of UeorgH Bmltli, late of Martha Tone, bis widow, and the said Miirlion Wu "''ih l o'hl" wBrought on By conEtlpaOF TEE os JMn i " ' onllcteil tor twenty the County of Morris (licensed, to pres-nfc thi» garor, P. Tone uud Surah Louisa Tone, bis two linn ni u " " " " i s your CASCAEETS In tho A stubborn cold is eaBily taken; II name under oath or nlllrmatioii, to tun sub- biMien, surviving bim. " " " ? ' IJpwolL Iiw, and navcr found nnythlnit sticks to Bomo people all winter and pcrilior, on or In'nru tlio twenty-fifth day of wfflli'}""?• To-uiiy I im entirely free from very often develops Into bronchitis or Dutcd March 20 IHiK). DccL'tnber ni'xt, bolnc nine, months from the " ' Kcrra, u u joncs St., Slour City, la. consumption. You should euro a cold EUQAR L. DURLING, Slit-rlff. dnt« nf wild order; and nny credit r ncjrlvut PKRFOmUDAII.Y SERVICE. promptly by taking Dr. Bull's Cough p. f $|0 ing to bring in und exhibit his or hor claim, Cbrunli'le nml K m . syrup. This celebrated remedy is ac- or any other ladies who wish to work under oath or affirmation, within tlm time BI> knowledged to bo most efficient and limited will In- iorever barred of his o r her Notice of Settlement. acttnn therefor ngninst the administrator. reliable for all affections of the throat Through tickets returning from Notice is b u o h y given that the accounts of nated the twenty firth day or March A . D. Suwtii n.nd lungs. It enrcs a cold at once. E Beacb, Into Guardian of Jmne* Washington by rail or water. Uulcobu Bonfiull and Jolin HiiNey Bonwill, mH) " EDWARD L . ATNO. mlnora, will be audited nnd stated by tho Hurworking for us in spare time at home on H).il w Administrator, rngate, ami reported for settlement t o the For full Information apF-7 to Orphans' Court of tbe County of Morris, on our cloths. We offer you a good chance TO LET. Friday, tho seventh day of April nest. to mnkc plenty of spending money easily, Dau-d March 1st, 1SW. A cottsgo containing Euvou rooms, nicely in leisure hours. Send 12c for cloth and nntabto. fount, Tosto aood. no G U Y MINTON flnl&hed, water ill kitchen. Alao to let, or full directions for work, and commence ckon, Weaken, or Grlno. 100.55c, COo. >ND Pier 36, North River, New York. for ealo, thrco otUer houses, all ou Richards E co at once. Cloths sent anywhere. Address FRKDKHICK H. BEACH, !*8T|PATIOH-,nr;"tl, Executors of Busan K. Beach, deceased, aveuuo. Promptly cures Stubborn Colds. WIN005KBT CO. (rs9-c) Doj ton, Mats. 1T-U , Bnl.1 nral Inquire F, P. BIRCH. Doses arc 6... 41}Mfg. Uept. nail and pleasant to take. Doctors * ulitq to O recommend IIt. Price ;5 cents. At all druggUw. B D., L. & W. RAILROAD. BARRELS OF SAMPLES'. A BIG CLUB. B ail for SI. Regular Cost $4.00 K e m p t Faim Journal, p n. h £ ...BULLS HEADCOMMISSION STABLES, BOS. 496 AND 497 BROAD STREET, Tlie Laigest sale Stables in Hew Jersey. JOHN O'GONNELL Practical Plumber, Tin anf Sheet Iron Worker. Steam and Hot Water Heat* Ing. UNINTERRUPTED PASSENGER SERVICE FORT MONROE Jas. T. Eckhart, BEOLESTBTEBHOFIREIPBHKCE. WASHINGTON PILES Stubborn Dr.Bull's Cough Syrup OLD DOMINION LINE FARMERS' WIVES Earn Lots of SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ERA, $1 PER YEAR OLD DOfniUIOIl STE0INP 60. W. L. GUILL&QDEU,' T H E I R O N E R A , DQVEK- M. J.. APRIL 7,1899. N E W S ( i fTIIK WKKK. ; M;,if<l'-r;.f. i*r : Kiis-M;>--T.i* Fr.i.n : city ; ,-i. inr'-d j .md purMit-.J i mil-.- ...yoml | tilt UiMlJft-I.l l, a n ,,..> i-ulls [ that [M,!:il— f.'UiW.riuo will the rnit'"l j ''-•-• from ( i e r m a n y «ay j K*-rf-ral i m p r ession that i tl:t.-rt i.- a (iKntinc in Srviiit.a will n o t fifftct vlie | ihf *|Uf:ftions in d i s p u t e I tU'-ni'-iU nf Th'- JioJ.-l rh i.« *-.xf««-t.t*?(l to r e a c h J w Vork on Ai'iii IE. Tlif- v t ^ e l w 'U n-i i-ivi-il jit on yjife't- from Mun a IiniMoVtmtiit in and lijjh trad*- 1« predicted by The Statist ' 'unffcri-nc'-p on the Kainoan situation ivr-re held between the president. Secretary Huy end the rt-prfcBontatlveP uf Kngtaml and Gf-rmany. No official advices com truing the outbrealt have been rorroivod The army beef court of fn'jtiJry heard four witnfrs«-s at Its .«f;p.«ion In Washington. Mujur G. C'reigliton Webb Bald the canned roast beef was utterly unfit for food It ia announced that Governor Hoosevt-H u''*l c a " n n extra session of the legislature to save Amsterdam avenue from four trolley tracks II Home measure for the prevention of the four trank system Is not passed before the present session adjourns The .jrlbery lnveHtiRntion at ]I;irri.«1jurfj brought out revelations of offers of money and places for votps Navigation a t the mouth of the Mississippi was seriously impeded by a sand slioal In the sinking; of the steamer Itovvena Lee In the Mississippi river only five lives were lost. Snturdny, April I . General MacArthur'a brigade rest^a a t Maloloe. Th« rebels have retreated to the mountains The steamer Stella, plying between Southampton and Guernsey, was wrecked on the Casquet rocks, iitor Alderney. About TO live* nlla. a f t - r J-.- . - : , • ! ••'1 were lost More German troops were landed at 1-Chuu, and the Chinese fear that vaster-iluy's conflict may result In an Increase of German territory I t Is reported that 30,000 Spanish reserves have been called out and that fears of a Carllst vising after Easter a r e entertained -General Brooke will probably ifiBUe a decree abolishing: the incommunicado Imprisonment system Mr. "White, the American embassador to Germany, denied intimatioriB made by German papers that had faith hud been ihown by America The governments of the United States, Great Britain and Germany have practically agretd on the appointment of a Joint high commission, which ahall have supreme authority In Samoa, thus Insuring1 a peaceful settlement of the trouble over the lalands—-Several army surgeons testified before the beef court, of inquiry in •Washington, most of them saying that the canned beef was unlit for food. E v i dence contradicting General Eagan's statements was aleo given The operations of the treasury department for March, for the first lime in many months, ahow an excess of receipts over expenditures Speaker Nixon appointed the police Investigating1 committee — A m e n d m e n t s to the rapid transit act were Introduced at Albany The bribery InveBtlgutlon at Harrisburg will t>a completed next week, and the m a t ter will be carried to the courts Secr e t a r y Long Inspected t h e new battleahlpa In couraa of construction a t N e w port News A government expedition li bolng organised for the relief of the mlnera Buffering from scurvy on the Copper river, Alaska-"—Dr. Samuel J . Kennedy, convicted of the murder of, "Dolly" Reynolds In New Tork, was •entenced to die In the week beginning May 22 Counsel for Roland B . Mollneux made argument in a motion to have the Indictment agatttBt him dismissed Only 200 bodies of soldiers remained on board the transport Crook »t New York a t the close of work y e s terday. Arrangements were made for the funeral of the members of the Sev*nty-flrst regiment brought t o port on the boat. Monday* A p r i l 3. Tha American troops remain a t MaJoIOB. The insurrection of the Filipinos • i v e i numerous signs of collapsing, and It Is reported t h a t General Plo del pilar will abandon Aeulnaldo A eerlous conflict occurred on tho Bulgarian frontier between' Turkish and Bulgarian guards An agreement haa been reached bettv«en Great Britain and Italy by which Italian occupation of San Moon bay,China, will take place beforeApriI25 ——General Maximo Gomez, in a letter to his wife, gives his version of his differences with the Cuban military a s Hembly British authorities a t Hongkong1 a r e seeking an extension of territory for the erection of British government buildings Five bandits in the province ol Santiago de Cuba have been captured General Alger left Santiago in the transport In gal Is for Porto Rico • — R i c h a r d Chamberlain, ex-member of parllamentand brother of Joseph Chamberlain, English colonial secretary, died In England The cruiser Badger, with the body of Rear Admiral James H . Spotts on board, sailed from Callao for Ban Francisco R e a r Admiral Charles C. Carpenter committed suicide a t a •anltarlum In Boston Washington officials expressed confidence that a peaceful adjustment of Samoan t r o u bles was assured by the appointment of a, commission Commander Jacobson of t h e German warship Geler made p u b lic his view on the naval battle at S a n t i a g o — I m p o r t a n t municipal elections will be held In Ohio today Three officials of t h e road were named as receivers for the Kansas City, Plttsbuig and Gulf railway The bodies of illsa D o r a Hoffman, Mrs. M. Auzc and H. TV. Loree, taken from the "Windsor hotel ruins, have been Identified by relatives The wholesale hardware house of Miller, Schlosn & Scott, San Francisco, h a s been almost entirely destroyed by fire, the total loss being $400,000 MrB. Howard Gould gave an E a s t e r p a r t y In New York city with 65 little girla from Mulberry Bend and vicinity as her guests The battleship Massachusetts was taken out of drydock, the repairs to her keel having been completed, T u e i d n y . A p r i l 4. Filipinos continue to return to their homes. The American commissioners • t Manila are hopeful of a speedy r e s •atloa of peace General Brooke and iera! Gomez again conferred a t Hn. •» over the distribution of tha $3,00 Cuban ai iy fund The sltuain t h e Balkans la aerlou«. Turkey J-- i ins prepared ta <-d revolution of J iit influenced by Mrp. BluomrMd TONIC PONIES ™ BLOOD, f j Hiiiifh tt-.-amer v. .-1 inio Halifax ;/ frosj; in a die:-h V>rMpe build- ON THE GO. (GALOP BRIUANTl) u;iri of th A ti'^i ta river bridge Tii" rt to a I'ii i'l-iphia firm :.- - i Norway, ft if M jiiiitrk <>n Sweden, h is ill rr'-p .1 f..r ilefenne Th* -k mlniPlry i^nM The United rt <l''i'lfd a number es PUITMIU•! i t affirmed the validity of the war revenue law The president ordered that suitaMe honors be paid to ttif- m^rrvry of the Foldiere who art- to b<- Miru-fi in Arlington National ni'-lt-ry r-n Thurrday Dr. Solf, the •A* in(-sS;lfnt of the mvinhijial council Ajiiii. ^anu.ii. arrived in AVushlngton -! callPfi on serrfriary IJay GovernIi(;«jj;f;\'(?lt Mem to the senate a big Yjaii-h i'T nominations, among- them that of Juhn Williams of ITtina for state factory inspector. The nomination of William Van Amee of New burg1 for lunacy commissioner will probably be bitterly opposed. The governor signed the COBtello Wills rtlatins to sweatshops and vetoed that or Assemblyman Sullivan Elections for city officers were held in many pi a res In the west Memorial services for the Windsor hotel dead were held in the Church of the Heavenly Rest. The search for bodies has been bandontii Warren Leland, proprietor of the Windsor hntrl, was eaid to be dylnjy frum the effects of an operation lor anivf.'ndicitls The American Potteries trust htiH rf)lIa,»KC'i.l Mtne. Adele. Mlalaret Mlchelet, widow of the French historian, Jules aiichelet, Is dead In Paris The New England cotton mills advanced wages an average of lfl per cent, between 130,000 and H0.0Q0 hands belnjr affected Senators Depew and Platt called on the president In regard to an appraiser to fill the vacancy caused by the declination of congressman Sherman, Wednesday, April S. The Cuban military assembly voted to disband the army and to dissolve The Philippine commissioners iBeued a proclamation declaring America's IntentfonM in regard to the Islands General MueArthur made a reeonnolssance north of Mululos, exchanging shots with the rebelB Santo Domingo and Haiti are concentrating troops on the frontier owing- to a dispute over territorial rights Large catches of seals were reported from Newfoundland The British government accepted the principle of a Joint high commission for Samoa, and the success of the plan Is regarded es aHHured. Dr. Kolf called on President McKfnley and discussed the situation in Samoa Dr. William H. Daly testified before the army court of inquiry, repeatIng his charges aa to "embalmed" beef, General Miles presented a long Dot of witnesses and u mass of official reports Mayor Carter H. Hajrlson was reelected in Chicago by a plurality of about 40,000 over Zlna R. Carter The wedding of William K. Vanderbllt. Jr., and Ml as Virginia Fair took place a t the home of thp bride's Bister, Mrs, Herman Oelrlchs, Fifth avenue, New Yorfc A steamer turntd turtle off EureHa, Cal., and 10 of the 20 persona on board were drowned The gift of "William K. Vanderbilt of $100,000 for a new dormitory was announced to the students of Vanderbllt university Warren F . l*eland, proprietor of the "Windsor hotel, which was destroyed by flre March 17, died at the Hotel Grenoble aa the result of an operation for appendicitis The battleship Iowa, a t present a t the Union Iron works undergoing repairs, h a t b « n ordered to proceed to Manila to relieve the Oregon. The Oregon has been ordered to proceed to San Franclioo aa soon as the Iowa appears l<ord Salisbury has accepted the plan propOBed by Germany for the settlement of tha Hamoan trouble by the appointment of a tripartite commission A majority of the enlisted men of t h e Fourth New Jersey have signed an agreement to re-enlist In the new army provided the war department puts In command of the new regiment their present commander, Colonel Q. O'M. Gilmore, who Is a retired captain in the regular army and wa» formerly an instructor a t Weat Folnt A cable dispatch from London •tates that the United States embaesador, .Mr. Joseph H. Choate, has almost reaovered from his recent indisposition and has gone to Bournemouth with hit family. Ttiaradar* April 6. The American commission's proclamation "was wall received a t Manila. There are rumors t h a t Agulnaldo may be supplanted by Antonio Luna, commander In chief of the Filipino forces The United States torpedo boat Somera will be shipped from Plymouth In a steamer sailing for New York. The vessel broke down on the trip from F a l mouth and was towed Into Plymouth sound disabled A I-ondon jury upheld a British landlady who refused to serve Lady Harberton because ahe waa attired In a costume of bloomers The pope's physicians deny that the pontlff'6 condition is alarming. The pope re celved In audience a number of Amer lean churchmen, Including Archbishop Ireland Negotiations regarding the Samoan commission continue a t Berlin, the United States inclining- to favor the German desire t h a t unanimity govern the decisions of the commission A British contractor alleges t h a t the design B of the Atbara bridge were altered to meet the views of American contractors Thomas Edward Bills, Idb eral M. P . for MerlonetBhlre, died It London Bishop O'Connor of London, Ont., has been appointed by the pope archb.Bhop of Toronto Prof eaoor Chittenden of Yale university testified before the army beef court of Inquiry tha he had found no chemicals fn the canned beef and that Its quality was good Colonel Adelbert R. BuiTlngton was promoted by the president to be brigadier general and chief of ordnance of the army, to succeed the late General Flagler The plan for a Samoan Joint high commission has reached a point where the three powers concerned are considering the appointment of commissioners—Governor Dyer of Rhode Island was re-elected, and a Republican legislature was chosen to Bupport him Senator Quay waa In Philadelphia, preparing for his trial, which Is set for next week. It was reported at Harrlaburg- that Senator Mages would voU against Quay's r«-»loctlon—— Cartti Harrison, ru-elaoted mayor of Chicago, said he would not seek another r#-el«o tlon. His Mends are urging him foi governor ( Illinois Miss Emily Van derbilt Sloan* was married in New Tor* to John H. Hammond of Boston. DYSPEPSIA, HJUE1A. CHILLS .«> FEVER. GRIPPE. BILIOUSNESS. SICK-HEADACHE GENERAL DEBILITY Restores noun, WEB PBICE 50 Cts. & SPUES. WIH Keep your Stomach iu llc^Uby AT ALL DRUQOISTS Coatliliga. SAVER MEDICE CO. 49 and 51 Marion S t , N. Y. Kono endnt txcept "Tndi Huk" ttara 1B m i ; UttU. SAVER LIVER PILLS a s CENTS. Tuiely VcgcUbk Will cure UiHouanefs. Constipation. Plies. Sick-Headache, Dyspepsia. NEARLY FIFTY-EIGHT Y E A R S O L D • ! ! ! ! It's a long life, but devotion to the true interests and prosperity of the American People has won for it new Iriends as the years rolled by and the original members oi its family passed to their reward, and these admirers are loyal and steadfast to-day, with faith in its teachings, and conhdence in the information which it brings to their homes and firesides. As a natural consequence it enjoys in its old age all the vitality and vigor of its youth, strengthened and ripened by the experiences ol over half a century. It has lived on its merits, and on the cordial support of progressive Americans. It is " The New York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the country over as the leading National Family Newspaper. Recognizing its value to those who desire all the news of the State and Nation, the publishers o( " The Iron Era " (your own favorite home paper) has entered into an alliance with " T h e New York Weekly Tribune" which enables them to [urnish both papers at the trifling cost of $1.25 per year. , by T W New Yolk Musical R-,nr,l (V, ... . J• Every farmer and every villager owes to himself, to his family, and to the community in which he lives a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it works constantly and untiringly for his interests in every way, brings to his home all the news and happenings of his neighborhood, the doings of his friends, the condition and prospects for different crops, the prices in home markets, and, in fact, is a weekly visitor which should be lound in every wide-awake, progressive family. Just think of it 1 Both of these papers for on'y $1.25 a. year. Send all subscriptions to THE IRON ERA, Dover, N. J. THE-BOYS-OF98 JUST WHAT YOUR BOY WANTS An Accurate and Splendidlywritten History of the SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR BY-JAMES-OTIS Handsomely Illustrated with over 6 0 full-page half-tones. For sale by all booksellers, or sent post-paid upon receipt of Price, $1.50, by DANA ESTES & CO. Publishers, Boston, Mass. a R. BENNETT,The Independent. (BDOOBBSOB TO A. WIGBTOI?.) MANUFACTURER U D DEALER US STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iro» Roofing, Zinc, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Pumps, &c. THE GORTON House-Heating Steam Geneartor a specialty NEW YORK, CHANGE OF FORM. REDUCTION IN PRICE. Semi-Centennial Year. THE INDEPENDENT « n p h » l n 3 Its FUtleth V..r by cliaDHini Ita form to that ol • Maiazlne. and by reducing its aDnual Jubicrlptlon price from $3,00 t« Sj.oo: tingle coplel from ten to live centi. It will maintain Ita reputation as the Leading Weekly Newspaper ol the World. THE INDEPENDENT in iti new form uiillprint 3,640 pages of reading matter per year at a cost to subscribers of ft.OO. while theprominentviagazina,whichiellforf4'lX> a year, print only about 1,000 pages. The subscriber to THE INDEPENDENT gets SI per cent, more of equally good reading matter at one-half the cosll Only $2.00 per year, 50 YEARS' IMPROVEMENTS IN FARMING," or at that rate for any part of a year, THE INDEPENDENT. 130 Fulton St., N. Y. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Published by the N E W YORK TRIBUNE. Second Edition. 52 Pages, 18 by 12 J£ Inches. A general review of the advances PrOV mCntS ll l A ttemody JtrMta with youwfcethci" you ei ultimo pcrro-kllllnffiolpaoroljal-it.NO.TO-IIAf For Nasal Catarrh which is drjiog and excitremove* tlio du»lf u tor lot>*cto, *lU^f^ ing to the diseased membrane should not be tta«, putlQet (bo Uluod, re-, (ton* loflfi manhood, v f i •toft. i» used. What is needed is that which is cieani' siavfcet TO ;, soothing, protecting and healing. Such Iflfaealth, T*fO-TO-»A«!roii. and pod r own drnpRii'l. whe a remedy is Ely's Cream Balm. To teat it ft bjofc. M - m wlU, iMlfBUj?pfritoentts._Oni trial size for 10 cents or the largo far 60 cents ''!; drc Special 5a. f ^P the best "0"3 ° f oId em a m o u m ol on al inlorms tion A valuable aid to larraers who desire to stimulate production and proht Extremely interesting and instructive visually curt»t at an tend to cure, or we roft in mnlled by Ely Brothers, SO Warren street, Now York. Druggists keep It. Too Balm, when placed into the nostrils, npreads over Enstor Special " In Kid Gloves. A 2 clasp in the new ebadea, tbo membrane and Is absorbed. A cold in tho bead vaniflhw quickly. green, tons and grays, at $1 pair at J. H. G i ' No, 0 T$. Saawx street. A Lazy III v«« r makes a Jozy man, Burdock Blood Bittara la Knstor Kid Gloves In all the new spring shades at J. H, Grimm's, tho natural, never failing remedy for a laay liverHo. ON Quwexitroet, A POSITIVE CURE FOR THEODORE CU1NSBURC. ONLY 15 GTS. A COPY, BY MAIL Send your order to ON THE CO a. THE ERA, DOVER, N . J. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC- nyono landing a sketch and description tuny i v c 1? ^Mrtaln oar opinion free wnettior an invention ft probflbtrpntontable. Coronmnlcn tloiiastrlotlTootiflaonUftl. nunflbookournteala *°nt rreo. Oldest opener forBocarlnjtpatcnts. Patonta taken thnmstt Muim ft Co, roceWo tpeclal notice, without charjfO, In tbo Scientific American. jmndaotnolr illunratod weeklr* Larwsat c)1 nation or an? Bclcntlfle Journal. Terms, 93 "ir' J fonr months I t Sold by all newsdealer o 33iBro.d«.,,(| ew . 6tt W BUt WaahiEffton. SUBSCRIBE THE ERA, $1 YEAR. ) FOR PER u XXIX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1899. Truthful Advertising will Always Sell Honest Goods. An Appeal for Aid. HEW AUK JIT. E, CONFERENCE. The American National Red CTOHS Society now establishing in Cuba, at the request of itory of the First Two Days Work ;be government, a hospital service to assist in Brlelly Told. the care of the sick and hornelths people of The forty-second annual meeting of the that Maud. In the Philippines, owing to the Newark Conference of tbe Methodist EpiscoLIUir DIHCUBSIOU, l»ro and Con, Matoperations now being conducted by the ,>al Church met in tbe Halsey Htreet Church t e r in liefer red to Ucenue Commit- ctive .merican Army, and the approach of tbe in Newark on Wednesday morning, Bishop tee—Mluute of Act Interim Appoint- rainy season iu the tropics, the hospital staff Charles H. Fowler presiding. The session ment Made Mora Explicit—Election lready there is being increased that the care opened with the Banrauaent of the Lord's Ordinance I'asHed — Health Roard if the Bick and wounded may be more effi- upper. Tbe Conference was then organized ient. The return to Cuba 1B in compliance ay the election of tbe following officers: Appointed. with the wish*^ of the President of the United When Town CJerk Jos. V. Baker finished itates, the War Department, and the Mili- Secretary* the Rev. John F, Dodd; assistant, reading the minutes of tbe preceding meet- tary Governor, and in response to the multi- tbe Rev. C. W. HcCormick; engrossing sec•etary, the Rev. Frederick A. Bloom; Btatising, at the meeting of the Common Council last Friday night, Councilman Young moved tude of appeals from the island. The service cal secretory, tbe itev, John A. Gutteridge; auxiliary to other relief work by the gov- 'gist&nU, the Itev. E. N. Crosto, tbe Kev. 8. that we adjourn until next Monday even- irwnent, and is purely of a hospital nature— C. DooJittle, the Bev. W. K. Timbrel, tbe ing," which motion was promptly seconded shelter the homeless and care for the sick. Rev. Frank Chadwlck; treasurer, tbe Rev. Mr. Young explained that the election ordi- ncidentally it is proposed to establish io nance wasn't ready yet, but would be on M. Palmer; a^iatanU, tbe Kev, J. A. Monday night, whereupon the motion waa Havana a hospital for civilians, designed es- Kroll, the Rev. J. W. Ryder. put and carried. Recorder Beach was absent pecially as an institution where Americans, An appeal was made to the Conference by bo are taken seriously ill, may receive that 'rom this meeting on account of illness. care and attention which they would get in a Mrs. 8. F. Parker for funds for a church A "message " on excise matters, addressed imilar institution at home. Besides funds, building a t Helslngfors, in Finland. About >y Mayor Wolfe to the Common Council, was the need of which always goes without say- $13,000 was needed. Tbe Kev. Dr. Davidson read by Town Clerk Jos. V. Baker at the ing, there will be required medicines; deli- ipoke in the interest of the American Union Council meeting on Monday night. It read : , wholesome and sustain log food for per- "niversity. Dovia, N. J. March 81.1890. sons too feeble to work, and who would be In the afternoon the Rev R. W. Kodgers, 'o TUB HONORABLE, THE COMMON COUNCIL or ubjects for hospital life, if hospitals existed of Drew Seminary, lectured on "Two Kings DOVER: Tor them; suitable clothing tor the same class with New Ideas." QKSTLEHEX:- I wish at this lima to call attention f unfortunate people—men, women and Tbe Clerical Insurance ISociety of tbe Newo a matter which in the multiplicity of items was :hildren; bedding without stint, and all that ark Conference on Wednesday evening elected overlooked at our meeting oa Wednesday evening ;oes to make up the comfort, as far as pos- the following officers: President, tbe Kev. last. I refer to the matter of licenses. AB I understand it, the decision of the court sible, of hospital life. All checks, drafts, aniel Halloran, of Newark; vice-president, which places us bock where we were before we postofllce orders, etc , for the maintenance of he Rev. J. A. Cole, of Newark, and secretary became, or thought we bad become a city, and the Red Cross hospital work in Cuba and ID and treasurer, tbe Rev. F . A. Mason, of consequently under the ordinances of tbe Town of tbe Philippines should be sent to the Wash- ossaic. Dover, all licenses granted by the Board of Excise ington, D. C , office of tbe society a t 900 F The Kev. Dr. R. 8. MacArthur, of the Commissioners of the Cily of Dover, now extinct, treet N. W., and made payable to John Jay Calvary Baptist Church, New York, at the and all licenses granted by tbe City Council ot Edson, Treasurer, or to the American ^Naedaesday evening sessiont apoVe oa " E x Dover are cull and void. ional lied Cross, Packages ot supplies may nsion in Church and State." He took the Under our ordinances no jjersoo is allowed to e conveniently sent to Cuba by way of New ground that the bearing of "Tbe White sell any cider, beer, ale or other matt or fermented Orleans. They Bhould be shipped, freight Hun's Burden" was the mandate of God. liquors, nor any wine, rum, gin. brandy or other repaid, to the Louisiana Red Cross, New Orspirituous liquors, etc., e c , without a license for leans, La., who will act as receiving and for- Tbe expansion," he said, " wbtcb the Nation now undergoing is a decree of Providence. that purpose flnt had and obtained from tbe arding agent". t ire refuse to bear this burden we spurn Common Council. {See ordinance to regulate tbe !e of spirituous, vinous, malt and brewed liquors, od's command. Expansion has been from passed June 17,1889, page G6.) he first our National policy. By the purThen again keepers of taverns and saloons may Value of UureratttliiK Advertising. chase of Louisiana we saved our IndividualDot be granted licenses until they have entered A well known member of a New York pub- ity as an Anglo-Saxon Nation, for if we had into bonds to the Htyor^ Recorder, Aldermen and iahing bouse, in an interesting talk on ad- not bought that territory we would have Common Councllmen of Dover, with two 8Umci»Bt been a French-speaking people. Ail our sureties. (See ordinance passed April 25, IB90, ertising matters recently, told the following toward liberty and expansion has entitled, "An ordinance to amend an ordinance incident, whfeb shows how familiar the wogrees accomplished by the bearing of such entitled, 'An ordinance to license and regulate eneral reading public may become with an beer shops, victualling bouses and cellars, and advertising trade-mark, when it Is used with urdena as tbe one now divinely imposed ipon U8." billiard and bowling saloon*,'" passed May 17,unremitting vigor: went to the Riviera last wiDter, and on At Thursday's session the presiding elders i, the Common Council of Dover, who sup- tbe" Ihomeward passage, coming out of the •ead th'irreport*. from which the following posed we had long ago been relieved from the Mediterranean, I suddenly thought of passing s gleaned: Tbe Newark district has fifty duties for which the people had elected us, seem tbe Rock ol Gibraltar. It was a beautiful aetore and ttve assistant pastora. The conto be in the position of conscripts, called upon to moonlight night, and quite a party of Amerion tbe deck to see if tbe fortress ;regationi of the district on a fair Sunday perform duty against our wishes, and expected to cans gathered dfri look like the Prudential advertite- Lumber 17.&79 persons. There are sixty-one restore as far aa we may, order out of the chaos really ment We got a splendid view, and the unday schoola, which tbia year contributed resulting from the retrograde transformation illustration in the advertisement is very like through which we are pasting. tbe real thing. We were all a little disap- $0,610 for tbe parent Missionary Board. While I am conscientiously opposed to the bus- pointed, however, that we dHn't see 'The 'here are forty-eight Epworth leagues in iness which blights many of the homes of our Prudential has tbe Strength of Gibraltar' on good order. In four churches the individual side of the rock, but I prexume Her friends and neighbors, and damns the souls of my the communion cup IB need. Twn pastors died in fellow men, I yet have sufficient grace given meMajesty's Government objected." year, the Rev. L. R. Dunn and the Rev. Doubtless the Prudential Insurance Com the to enable me to deal Impartially with ail classes of H. P. Doane. The Conference continued a men. I would treat all men, whether tavern keep- pany has never requested such permission but cumber of supernumeraries. ers, saloon keepers or ministers of the gospel with It is evident that the rock and its worldperfect fairness, and I here wish to be understood famed fortress baa been of vast benefit to that There was a ducuasion as to where the next lhat for the present condition of things I do not Company in its extensive advertising ope- Conference Bhould be held. Invitations were eceived from tbe Hackettstotrn church and attach any blame to the penwns who are the rations, ^^^^^ victims of this muddle. he Market street church, in Paterson. The They having paid their mousy In accordance with latter was chosen by a vote of 88 to 78. A.Q Interesting .Experiment. the requirement* of the Excise Board, were inno- The Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western These candidates were elected to elder mt until the entry of the Judgment which disorders: The Revs C T. Mead, T. 8. Molsolved the corporation of the City of Dover; but Railroad Company has been conducting an ineaux, C. W. Dennlngs, S. T. Jackson, "W. now. In my construction of the lav, the case is xperiment by operating a telephone and tele- R. Neff, George Moore, J. E. Apply and A. different, and as they have DO legal liceose and graph circuit at the same time on one wire are not under bonds to tbe officials of the Town of between its offices in New York and various C. McCrea. The Kev. William B. Barker, of Dover, they have no right to sell the drinks I have points on the lines of its road in this State. Cokeabury, N. J., was dismissed upon request mentioned until they have obtained proper licenses t Is said that this is the first time that this to become a Presbyterian puter. accordance with the ordinance of the Town of has been accomplished between places in New The Rev. Dr. J. E. M. Mills, of Wyoming, Dover. York and New Jersey. Hitherto the electri- N. Y., explained in an address that aa efiort It would be unfair towards these people to re- cal disturbances encountered in river cables was being made to raise $20,000,000 as a quire them to pay for new licenses since they have could not be overcome. Exhibitions of the thank oBeriag tor tbe blessings a t the beginalready paid their money as requested, and I double system were given last Friday, and ning of the twentieth century. One-half 1B think they are entitled to licenses to June first the rail/oid mea at both ends of the line pro- to be used for educational purposes and onenext. If the Council shall favorably consider such proper applications as they may make and all nounced itanuDqualiQedsuccess. Tbe system half for charity. New Jersey's share would will probably be adopted for practical use on be 1200,000. The speaker asked for the apjther requirements are complied with. I have thus at some length placed tbe matter the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western line. pointment of a committee to organize tbe movement hi the Conference. ef ore you with my Interpretation ot the situation' i order that you may see aa I think, the necessity An appeal was made by the Rev. Dr. Jen>o Fare, No Bide. it immediate action in the enforcement of the nings for the Western Methodist Book Conjrdinance. An order to conductors has been issued by cern. With malice towards none, and charity for General Passenger Agent W. F. Holwill of Mrs. Clinton B.Fisfc, of the "Women's Home all,111 am respectfully yours, the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western F. V. WOLFE, Mayor. Railroad relating to the collection of fares Missionary Society, spoke of the objects of her society. The reading of this communication was fol [owed by a long dbcossion* hi the coarse of for children between the ages of 5 and 12 The Deeds of the MIzpah Brotherhood was hich it was pointed out that the Mayor's years, which says: "If tbe child has no set forth by the Rev. Dr. T. B. Nealy, of the proposed remedy wonld not be strictly legal, ticket and the person accompanying the child Baltimore Conference, acid & resolution was inasmuch aa Council has no right to grant refuses to pay fare for the child, you will put adopted that the Brotherhood be extended to licenses on any other conditions than those the child off the tram. If the person accom all tbe churches. prescribed hi the ordinance. It was finally panying the child chooses to go also, ft will In the afternoon the Woman's Home Histdecided to refer the matter to the License be his or her voluntary act. Care should be donary Society held its anniversary. There Committee, with instructions to report at tbe used to put off the child at & station, not a t a were devotional exercises, a report by the next meeting. crossing, and the child should be put in corresponding secretary, a report of the Deaconesses' Home and addresses. Bishop In order that no misunderstanding might charge of the agent at the station." Fowler presided a t tbe deaconesses' consecraarise over the tenure of office of the various tion Beryice. In the last year $4,063.47 was ifficials appointed by the present Council, AVater Contract certlorarled. Alderman Mulligan moved that tbe minutes The argument on the app'ication for a write raised. Tbe society now numbers 2,295. if the meeting a t which the first appoint- of certlorari in the matter of tbe water con- In the evening the Missionary Society held ments were made be corrected so as to read, tract award was heard by Justice Upplncott services in the Halsey Street Church, and the That all officers appointed at said meeting on Saturday, Personalities, indulged ia by Total Abstinence and Prohibition Society are appointed for the unexpired term of the counsel on both sides, made the hearing in- held its anniversary in the Central Church. present Council." It was so ordered. teresting. For the applicant It was alleged Recorder Beach, as chairman of the Ordi- that thelcontract was illegal because of a Petit J u r o r s for Slay Term. nance Committee, reported an election or- lark of competition, there having been only Tbe following is a list of the petit jurors dinance which was put on its first and second one bidder; that the interests of the city bad Belected by Sheriff Darling before Judge readings and finally adopted. The ordinance been jeopardized and that the contract called Vreeland on Tuesday morning la>t to serve makes provision for a municipal election to for a cash payment, and not for an Issuance at the coming session of the Slorris County take place on Tuesday, Hay 2. It will be of bonds. Corporation Counsel McDennott Courts, which convene at Monistown on found published ia toll on page 6 of this defended the contract. Former Congressman Tuesday, May S: issue. McEwan, who appeared for the petitioners, Boonton—Elmer £. Kanoose, Ephralm. S. It being; represented to Council by Ford D. said that they were fighting for tbe best in- Miller, Tbeodnre Hinglieb, Samuel D. Harris. Smith that the fire alarm whistle could at terests of the city and contended that tbe Chatham Borough — George Whiteman, slight expense be made more effective, the specifications had not been complied with Charles E- Genung. Fire, Lamps and Water Committee waa di- and that Flynn could not fnrnfoh the water Chatham—Fred Voder. rected to have the matter attended to. without interfering with the vested rights Chester—John ETelsey, Thorcas A. Moore, What about a Board of Health V was of the Morris Canal and Banking Company, Charles E-Tippett asked, whereupon a member moved that the which could not sell water. Ex Senator hoard appointed by the "City Council" bo Edwards, who also appeared for Flynn, main- Dover—William Thompson, William H. Yoorbees, Adelbert P. ifcDavit. appointed to serve during; the life of the present Council. I t was so ordered and tained that tbe canal company could sell Florham Park—Charles Scorso. water. Justice Lipplncott reserved his deHanover— David H. Burnett, Brit ton StoU, Health Inspector C. W. Blake was also concision. ^ David C. Hopping. tinued in office for the same time. Jefferson—Moses H. Spencer. This wound up the business and Council Volcanic Erapt Ions. adjourned. The next meeting, which will be Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of Madison—George P. Cook, Alfred J. H u man, Milton Megargle. a regular meeting, will be held next Monday joy. Backlen's Arnica Salve cares them, Mendham—Patrick Kirk, Frank P. Hildeevening. al<* Old Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, brant, Boils, Felom, Coras, Warts, Cuts, Braises, Morris-Peter J. Kain, Frank H. Gould, Story of a Slave. Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. To be bound hand and foot far years by tbe Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains Albert F. Quick. chains of disease Ia tbe worst form of slavery. and Aches. Only 23 cts. a box. Cure guar- Morristown—Ken B. Wflfclns, Edward 6. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich. anteed. Sold by R. KfUgore, Dover, and A. Jolley, George Enslee. Mootville—WlUard M. Apgar, Alfred J . tells bow such a slave was made free He P, Green, Chester, druggists. Wbitenead, says: u My wife has been so helpless for Mt. Olive—John McPeak, Ransom W. five years that she could not turn over in bed Late. . alone. After using two bottles of Electric Oral n a r y Household 1 Bitters, she is wonderfully Improved and able accidents have no terrors when there * a bottle Passaic—David R. Thomas, Martin Conto do her own work." This supreme remedy of Dr. Thomas1 Eclectric Oil in the medicine over, Frederick Potts. for female diseases quickly cures nervous- chest. Heals barns, cuts, brufsea, sprains. Feqoannock—Artemus Zeliff, Irvin Titus, Spencer Ryeraon. nes, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, Rockaway—James 8. Smith, John P. Hesbackache, fainting and dizzy spells. This Instant relief. Iln, Adolph Kaufman, Edward C. Peer. miracle working medicine is a godsend to Special for Hnster Roxbury—Isaac Goldstein, Frank M. Buck, weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle euaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Robert In Kid Gloves. 4 kook at 75c pair; 2 clasp Samuel Harris. KUlgore, Dover, and A. P. Green, Chester, at 79c. pair. Big values at J. H. Grimm's, Washington—Jo^pb Smith, William HonTNo. 6 N. Sussex street Augu&tiu I^uisou. druggists. ilTY FATHERS DISCDSS LICENSES. MAXOlt WOLFE HAYS EXCISE CENCEH ABE JKVALIJJ. Kotc first name "AMOS" and Ho. "78" before entering itore. Gctoff cara A Bold Move In Parlor Suits Without an Equal in the History of This House J. Even that great 3rd floor of ours doesn't begin to hold 'cm all. The Parlor Suit Like Cut, $19.75— $30 usually. —A great crash la their prices, too. For$10.9S-a$14Suit. Antique oak Bnisb, -well constructed, nice looking. Full overstuff tapestry covering, tops tufted and corded. At $45.50, was $65. For$I4.98-a$20Suit. 24x30 mirror, all new in shape and make-up. For $55—a $75 Suit. Elegant—in curly birch—snperbly carved. Fully 300 other suits at lowest prices ever pat on record. Again, inlaid, mahogany-finish frame, Roman pinsh covering. Carpets—All in At $50, was $75. This season's loveliest colors sad patterns—thousands of rollsprices that NO other store can tonch, they're so low. And—striped Silk Damask Suit, mnhogany frftmc, piano polish—at $75—was $125. Another—having Tarlish backs, full overstuffed—heavy fringe, for $P0-was $176. Dress Goods Occasion A wonderful price occasion, specially created here each year about this time. Bargain prices in the height of the season, from the most desirable colored Dress Goods Novelties of the season. Prices as little as those usually asked when the season is Half Over. Prices that'll make this April's greatest bargain sale of Colored Dress Goods. Bedroom Suits Carved mahogany-finish framegrccn Roman plush, embroidered backs, elegant and striking. Others at even greater price-drops. \inniial Go-Carts—$2.49 And tip—biggest line in all this city. Babj Carriages, too—$3.49 np. SWEEP1NQ REDUCTIONS ON SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES. BARGAIN FEATURE I—Rich Silk and Wool Novelties, half a dozen different lines and weaves, all together on Centre Table, among them Checks, Scotch Mixtures, Vigoureux Suiting regular selling prices 75c to 1.25 all to go at, Your Bargain Choice at 48c BARGAIN FEA.TUB.E 2—50-inch English Cheviots in all the latest shades of Grey Castor, Red Gobelin, Navy Blue, and 45-inch All-Wool Sailor Checks, considered the most popular for Tailor-made Suits, and separate skirts, fine soft yarn, both Ij7 p these lots regular 88c value. Your bargain choice Ot \t BARGAIN FEATURE 3—Another lot of very new Imported Fabrics, Seeded Vigoureux Suitings, Bayadere Diagonal, Striped effect, very latest Fabric for Tailor Gowns, and 54-inch Homespun Che\iots in latest shades, Grey, Oxford, Tan, Gobelin, fine soft yarn, excellent for separate skirts, both regular 98c sellers, your bargain choice BARGAIN FEATURE 4—Rare collection of High Grade French and German Novelties, many in Dress length only, and we cannot guarantee them to last. Early buyers have the best choice. 48-inch Silk and Wool Plaid in Reseda, Cyrano, Helio, Green, New Blue, regular 1.9S, Silk and Wool Novelties and Tailor Checks; Silk and Wool .Bayadere effects and Silk and 4 Wool Mixtures, reg. 1.25 to 1.9S. Your bargain choice at 1 * The Portland Range—and the Somatic Sewlnj Machine-2 food thing*. No Agents or Branch Stores Anywhere. Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd. 7 2 Market St., LOW PKICES-EASY TERMS. Note first name "Amos." j | fj Near Plane St., Hewurk, N. J. Telephone 680. Goods delivered Free to any part of State. CARFARE PAID TO OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS. . A. Fiivate Scllnrj Wagon Seat on Ktqoctt. SHOESflT6BE0T BIBGflllSt I have just received a nice line of Ladies' Button and Lace Dongola Shoes, latest style, prices $i.oo, $1.30, $1.60 per pair. No better can be found for the money. Our Children's and Misses' Fine Shoes 45c, 65c, 85c, 95c, $1.00, are surpassed by none. Youths' and Boys' Fine Shoes $1.00, $I.IO, 41.15, S1.50, extra for the money. FREE DELIVERIES. MAIL ORDERS FILLED ON DAY OF RECEIPT. 707 to 721 Broad Street and 8 Cedar Street, NEWARK, N. J. •%%%s% GREENGRASS Crimmcd... Our Men's Fine Shoes $1.30, $1.60, $2.00, $2.50 speak for themselves. We will save money for any who wish to buy shoes. Come and see our stock before you purchase and we will satisfy you with price, quality and style. Ladies' and Men's Winter Slippers will be closed out at cost. Great bargains can be found every day at our BARGAIN COUNTER. If you have not purchased your Easter Hat visit our JOHN A. LYON OPPOSITE BANK. DOVER. NEW JERSEY The Successful Shoe Store which was established on Sussex street in '97 is now located at the corner of Warren and Blackwell streets, where will be found a very complete line of 10 E. Blackwell Street. Ladies' Cloaks, Capes and Tailor Made Suits of the latest designs. Also a splendid assortment of Children's Jackets. The prices are so low that if you will call you will be convinced lhat we are offering rare bargains in these goods. We also carry a full line of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Boots and Sfioes. The largest collection and best variety of Trimmed Hats in our city. All up-to-date in style. Big bargain in Ladies' patent Leather,Slippers. E. COHEN, ' Restaurant. West Blackwell Street, DOVER, N. J. WANTED. Y women, each with an infant or joung Mra. Thomas Hick3 has now opened a reschild, «ltnoliom In th6 country (goneral nurantat ttenore formerly nccnpled by Mm. Uiamlre, at No. I) Dkkereon strat, opiwsita housework, plain cooking, etc). Bmall wnges Mware, Lnckoranna and Wratem depot. expected. Apply State Charities Aid Association, 105 East Twenty-second Btreet, New York City. B H. E. Qreengrass. « NO- 20 II- T H E IRON ERA, DOVEH. IN J . , APRIL 7, 1899 F SCIENCE EXPLOITED. ; IF A MAN OWNED COLONEL BUFFIKGTOK'S PROMOTION.;;;; house bringing in a large inccome every year, how long do you think woul. let it remain uninsured? Your familo, why are dependen otected by Life Insurance. ! £ upon YOUR INCOME, should be proted 5 ^ t-r-t M»IU Tn»Tf ii ; A Hard I on Tropfi • of arjy ex Ilulr. Tbfcwurk* Soldlt-r'8 !><u«r F r o m 1 "t-xa-,, Through mi "mproved inttli'^J of oxidizing ruake Ia a letter to a|friend in Itovtr from I'uilip Colonel Adelttrt K. liuilin;.^'". "l u'" EKb. N"- J-, April 4, l«f». H McTigbe, a meinbemf Coin(-any M, Sixth liiis*td and oth«-r vegetable oils, Mr. L'Lurle* Ordnance D.-partu.*-nt ;t the l i f t e d S ' a t - iurrftire-l yr^iw.-t deii>aiid^i .luring tbe Grist claims to have- produced a very Mtti»MR. EDITOH :— "ave tbe public no rights United StaU-s Infantry, now htati"ti&i at Arrny. i-/;HJfii*irjrlitJ«r the I-niu-d M«'-i '>* In 1*1*7 C'.l-jnci Ku3in*rvri was ordered t o lat a railroa/i e'jrnpany is bound to respect i Fort Sam Houston, San AiiK-oio. Tt-xas, fac-tory fcutmtirute for rutjlwr der I**pot at hieoitiutiy, ha.- f^en s^ifc^i t<> rticle htm is no doubt tbat—as has been expressed there is much that will iuttre-t bis "M com- being employed for a varietj succeed the late hrig Gen. Imniei W. F i l l e r the tjomrnnn-l <J( the United states F'owderf | itlitbe asCbfef of Ordnau'-e. He wan uotifiVd of hi.- jl>*-\K}t B! I'K-'-atiiiny and r.n We'lnes-tay >f -tb^y "run tbe railr.^ls to suit tbemsfclvts,'* ra/les of Company M, Second >". J- Vole. large Englis-h fa-t'Ty Tow s i a. fiuffu'ing public, on whom they depend He describes ia au interesting manner tlie ml is plai-eil in u centrifugal r. c-biu which aj.^.intmeut l,v Ibe Hwretarv of War on IIhis viti-L, 0--^ a re".'gaition of tm i'jntc and WedDWday af frnv«i and W t I ^ - r for fa:tlifi] 1 MTTice in bis df'ijattme&t, ct»uj«s »r tupfwrt, rnu-t submit to aoy and ali ini- difference between the life uf the rt^uiar thrown out nil nil except th lilts Of >itious and iD»xiiivenienc*« that may be put army and tbat of the voluntwr a r WanhlnKV^nonThiTslayafU-rn'^ii. Hi-rank atifi >f h I1U mmut*1 globules to tlie 1U'*-' T i them without a murmur, or being al- letter. In part, Is as follows: KijflH in a curin that of Brijcu'lier General. Colonel Buflinjrs, tbe rank of Brigadier O r eral w are then put on im-tnl wed to afik "Why doye BO?'without being .ty-fijur hours, ton wa* the M « H H ranki»K <-ffl«=rof bU c r ^ ^jint'iient t/» the highest offic** in MA it of warm tvir for t Tbere bas been so nmcU to do that I have and ha* two ytar- und thru* months to >erve tint-nt, Cliifcf 'A Ordnance. At variuus KUly oxidized, ibbei. ten tbe oil Ucornts cm not had a chance to write much, &o I put it on the active liht. H» wa» born in Whf-lniiT. Colunel, or rather, Urig.-Gt;D. liufBngI am reminded of going to the depot at off until I was pure bow much longpr «c rl Ihe material i* then nryui id, rr.ixed with (old, Virginia Iu J--V; he «tnni appointed to in, has U^n niemljer and jire*i'lent of l>oardd lnnders ffcently to take a train OD that were to stay here. I received your highly iloring mattc-r and rolled into hlieeta. The Weat Point from the Tenth Congre^ioniil ir ibe examination •'/fcuVt'ni for promotion; •anch r.f tbe Central Railroad of New Jer- appreciated letter. PJease ac-cfj>* my thanks jduct ha^ mauy of l he proj>ertifcs of rubber DUtrict of Virginia, bml was graduated in tiifc f/jiiMrutti-'ii of KUJI fa«U>ry atWatery. Tbere wag at tbe time a violent trtorm for the interesting and newty IHON KKA, d gutta-percha. It is resilient but less May, lhftl, u* a member of the third and lact nl Arstfiial; for c(m-i'ieratim of heavy ordrain from the east Tbe agent was away which I have received each week. * * * * loatic than rubber, rtblbts fheinii-al action of the five year rla^ui at West I'olnt. Imtife and i»r<ijw;ti"»-s; for con si deration of >n some duty. The water was pouring f mm How are ell tbe bats up in tbat cold country i nd a heat of '2Hr F., and can be used for mediately upon his graduation be drilled raw'1 and hk-K<; rnal*rial and conftruetioiw; be depot roof, with DO gutter to prevent it, I see by tbe paper tbat the soldier* are lo re- lec-tric insulation, and for wheel tires of troops in and about WaitliinKt'm, aud lattr on r examioatioo of nmteria! and plans for igbt down upon tbe platform in front of the ceive a compensation from Ibe State of n>e« i K b quality. Dissolved, in ttberealspirils, it LESLIE D. WARD. Vice President. --- JOHN P. DRV0EN, President. be was amistant at, ami for a hbort t>m*-, ater pfjwer dam at Rork Inland Arsenal: ntrance. I was obliged to crowd up into Jersey. Well, tbe boys deserve it. The ;rves for giving any fabric a waterproof = ED0AR B WARD, ad V. Pr«.'t and Coun.el. PORRBST P . DRYDBN, S.c'y. 1 commander of Ht. Louis Arsenal, .Mo- Uuring be recess of the door to keep from getting Htate sent us away to & hot climate with only OUtfUR. r.-«moderation of facilities for ~ C E. BALL. E«q.. Superintendent, 7 Bank Building, Dover, N. J . i n 1f o r thin time he mustered trwf* HI'""'* •ginKS (fir high power puns OD I'afific coast renfhed with water, and did get wet not- one uniform and we bad to buy extra uuderMtanuri regiments, and at tbe amenal and clotbiDgand blue shirts, e ' c . with our own Almost every Miggestion ever made as lo 1 other plarea and advi-ability of erecting withstanding. Jefferwm barrack h, into tbe swviee of tbe un fa'.'fjriei ot nauie pjuces aud for le origin of atmospheric electricity, and the Is there no remedy for this 1 1 learn tbat money. To show you tbe difference between United Htaka and organized tlie employee* ling ami tinUhing high j»ower guns. Iber depots aloDgUmline are not left in this the way volunteers are used and the way tbe a r t it plays In meteorology, has been repeatof tbe arsenal into a rejiiment of Missouri An extract from the rei>ort of the Secre- wnditlon. Why ia tbis one neglected and regulars are treated, I will give a list of what Klly tested with only negative m-ulls, KUites enrolled militia, of which he wait commisJ rof. Cleveland Abbe, and we must conclude iry of War' for I«*7 (fage i't) sajs: .he patrons of the road tbus annoyed i If bas been issued to each man in the line of sioned Colonel by Hie Governor of Illinois. An imiKUiant event it* the huccessful com- :he railroad compcay is not able to provide clothing since tbe regiment bas been under hat this problem is too difficult for immediate H t took artillery to Pilot Knob to htrengtheu i remedy, and they are BO advised, I think orders for Manila. I t i« as follows: "Two olutlon. It is one of many tbat a folio winj tlon of the first or tyjie of the 12 incb lbi defence* when it van threatened with atapi^Hriug carriage (BufHngton-Crozier). .be citizens of our pleaaant village would con- blue uniforms, one overcoat, two campaign ;eneration will iloubtlcss co|>e with successtack and wan Adjutant Gt-nerul for a short hate, two forage caps two white duck hellly. Turning to the simpler associated *j (instruction of hucb a carriage has ben -ribute something to help them out. time lu the field of Fifth Division, Army of mets, two white duck uniforms, two kalki the tWst (Geu. Fremont's army). He « u >fore i>e«n deemed impracticable. Ita 6uc- Another tbfDg to which the attention of uniforms, one dozen pairs white gloves, two ibenomeuu, we (lud tbe IMSt phjefciste nut i*3 tffecti) a Having of many millions of dollie company has been repeatedly called is a ret wholly clear as to the method of formaafterward* chief ordnance officer for General white shirts, six collars, two blue shirts, two »n of lightning and auroral difchargeB, the .n* iu tbe cost of numerous emplacements ud bole caused by raising tbe track. It ia J. D. Cox in Western Virginia, with ordnance lultfl of winter underwear, four suite of sumor 12-ioch Runs and make the service phosphores-ont glow of the clouds, ball nuisance, and cannot be crossed in tbe depot at Wheeling. He was then ordered to mer underwear, two pair government shoes, V/afihicgton and ylacbd in charge of inspect- heoe guns more efficient " On pagel l4S ol tbe >ring of the year, after a rain, without wa& one pair russet fibres, cocks, etc., and a locker lightning aud other every day phenomena, the following : Colonel ng shoe deep iu Blush or water. A pipe laid aa large as a good sized trunk for mc-b man. ud full explanation of these must await the ing and rifling of i*4, 3J and 42 pounders in •rou. the road to carry off the water would Tfcese go with us, &o you we tbe regulars are Invention of appropriate methods of investitbe coeat forts and elsewhere, and a t th« luffington and Captain Crazier, the invenrs of tlin rll^aifpearing gUQ carriage adopted medy this evil, and if thespace between tbe sent out a llttlo better prepared for br>t or gation. time of tbe escape of tbe " Htonewall" from England was wipwrintending tha arming of iy the Ordnance department, have gener- ;rack, as It ought to be, were plonked, pede eoM weather, A singular fly, rewinbliuKa. large boree-fly, OP THI tbe north east coast, from Eastport, Maine, usly donated their invention to tlie govern- irians, especially ladles, could poes safely continues fine, Tbe weather her« reported to e i i s t reur Redding, Cal. I t it to Boston Harbor, aud he afterwards mounted ieut and they should receive especial com- )ver, and bless tbe railroad company that two months. Everything in no fullraiu blonn There has is been for gunB and did other work a t Borne places far- lendatfon for their patriutlstn, generosity bey are Baved from floundering through and tbe prgt presents a handsome opju'nmnce wiled the sulphur fly, was unknown unti vlthaV Con({ratulatiou8fihowered in upon ppjier ere citing began in the locality three ther soutb and was besides in command of ud aukledeep. A- new reservoir has been built at the post, fi leoerat Bufliugton on IS'ediiesday from every the New York Arsenal a t Governor'* Isla Will the officials of tbe company attend which have been placed swans, ducks, etc eard ago, and seems to live and breed in sul Six days more of the magnificent and startling end-ol-the century innovaNew York Harbor. I'rom tbe end of the ircction. o this matter or leave a long Buffering com- Another has alligators, ll&h and liirt'e> >hur heaps, in tbe midst of dense billphiirous tion. Thousands were here last week and the entire community has been war to the present time Colonel Hufflngton's During the ferm of his com maud at the iunity still to submit to it? Cuen sabe. la i t , and twenty-five or more taint icid fumes from the rousting ore. thrown into a perfect tumult of enthusiasm. The original attractions rework may be stated In brief as follows : 'nited Srates powder depot here Genera "TRAVELLER." d?er run about the park. Tie kedack main and new ones are constantly being added. The electrical display, inKeports from '22 British towns show tba iu fling ton lived at the Mansion House. fiends are hero in abundance. They are complete one week ago, is in full working order. Madame Ludlum will In 1W>5 he was ordered to the command of '•Tho a i u s k e t o o r e . " mostly tourists from the Raymond and other i^onilon, the only one vupplied with river continue to give two lectures and demonstrations daily. The Hungarian *r, bas fllioost the lowest deatb-r&to from Baton Rouge Anienal, La., and duty as chief •Thfl Mu8keteere" enters upon Its fourth excursion parties, which stop over here on Gipsy liand will be herewith a complete new repertoire of characteristic, KOCKAWAY. ordnance officer for Grneral Hberidan, comweek as the attraction at tbe Broadway the- their way to California. There are mauy r—07 per million. The m t e a t Plymouth weird and fantarlic melodies. Samples of many dainties at the various IncTea»ed shipments of Iron ore are being tre. Enormous audiences have applauded places of intere&t here for a Northerner. J is -10, while at Glasgow it is ltj), and at Bi-1manding department of the Gulf and Fifth booths—Baking Powder Biscuits, Crackers, Cakes, Boullion, Broth, Coffee, Military District, with headquarters a t New nade from the Andovor Iron oru mines a t .bis Btrikiug play and wonderful pr ductton party from Company M went to Huttlesnuki ttht It reaches KMT. Cocoa. Chocolate, Unfermetued Fruit Juices, Olives, Catsups, Sauces aid Orleans. In IWVT ordered to ibe command for 1 iliernla Ui tb« rbilll|wburg furnaces ivery night thus far in ita successful career Cave, two miles from tbe poht lust Kutida) Relishes. See the big Incubator, Glass Cutlers and engravers, the Giant siz month* of the IVatertown Arrenal, Mass.: wenty carloads are toeing sent daily. tnd the advance sale ot the Broadway iudl to explore tbe Inner regions (the cave gets its Th« inthmiL'euf tbo Auieriiaii mwliuni Phonograph, Flower, Shoe and Suspender Makers. See all there is to be afterwards wan asHlstant a t the name, lu Tue Llondale Bleach, Pi int and Dye Works ates continuance of tbe good fortune of name from (to inhabitants). The men carrtei ipon our times is due in no small degree t( seen on aur Great Fifth Floor—come early, come often and remember that -e rushed with orders. There are several 18*18 be was assistant at Watervliet Arsenal, rnndy'u play. The rlvaliy of opinion and candles and pistols and af ter[going about IOC bis automatic machinery. Aiming such everything is free. ' West Troy, New York. In 1S72 be was or. :arloada of gooda on the Delaware, Lacka- ttendance Btill wages between the Hamilton feet Into tbe cave they met a reception com- devices lately introduced into England are MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED. dered with Colonel J. G. Beuton, after the vannaand Western Ilailroad t-flcks and s and Grundy versions represented hy Mr, mittee from the inbabltanta, and, judging bv machines for equipping an immense cycle "VlrginluB" affair, to arm the southern coast iky number on tbe Central Railroad tracks ntbern and Mr. O'Neill, respectively, at tbf tbe direction their hair took a sudden inclina- factory ut Leeds, aud a machine for making Q0ODS DELIVERED FREE. and after inepectinn anil requisitions were or which the company has no storage room Ivnickerbocker and the Broadway, but, con-tion t o grow in I am Inclined to think thai metal hinges. In tbo latter, coils of metal MARKET AND HALSEY STS., jutarrangt'tiienta have been made with Mr. made, was left in charge of the work of iry to prophesies, to the benefit of both and tbe reception was not cordial. fed through rolls having a cam motion NEWARK, N. J . _ • • . armament. "While on tbis duty tbe present iVrkinn, of thu Cycle Comi>onpnt Company \o the detriment of nobody. The Musketeer and then gradually manipulated into tbe Bufflngton-Crozifr depreaMng gun carriage, ft iis« unti of their large brick buildings for a :raza has certainly struck Now York and with which tbe coast eaut and west ia now it/irobnuso until the company can build struck It solidly. One hears nothing hub tbe The old Alamo mission, where tho Mexican! separate wings of the binge. Wire rod from being armed, was invented by him aud pre nrage house of its own. keteeral the Musketeers I wherever one masBucred the Texrius, in another target for a coil is fed in at tho proper tfme to supply I l l s rumored tbat tbe employees of thf may turn. In tbe botelB, street cars, clubs explorers and kodacka. The f uuulest pastime the connecting bolt fortbe binge. Theentire seuted without coat t o the government. I u Ib73 be was again afwi*tant a t the Watervllet Delaware, Lockawanna and Western Hall- and restaurants and in the privacy of the for the soldiers are tarantula flghta. We process Is automatic, and butt binges read; AND Arsenal and was later ordered to the com- road at the station will wear uniforms, omes it is apparently tbe question of the dig the tarantulas up (they are like bip for UBe are turned out at the rate of forty o: mand of tbe Indianapolis Arbenal anil in 1875 .our. Who is the bestD'Artagnan. Snthern Bplders as large as a man's band) and catch fifty per minute. be was transferred to the command nf the A number of our town people visited rO'MelU Which kthe betterplaf.Gruudj's tbein in a tin bucket with a long handle are stepping stones to Buccesa in busioeafl or social life. No person can afford to Allegheny Arsenal and then t o tho Watcr- friftidtsout nf town onBuuday and tbe Sun r Hamilton's T Tlie dally papers «re running attached. Then we put two of them in a pit Tho effects on tbo internal OJ'KUUB of endanger an important appointment hy not owning a reliable timepiece, Any perTllet Arsenal in lbh(). Wdtle then- Colonel day truiim came very bandy to them. Dumas' story alternating pictures of the rival together and they tear each other to pieces, Turkish bath have been studied witb tli Ilaymond Mott in vjblting his parents for a prod>'CtionB and "the war of the Muske- We murk one by a streak of white point along phonendoacope bv Drs. Blauchle and Regson may derive a distinct advaotage by possessing a good watch. Our Watches are Bufflugt/jii wasctmrged with devising a timekeepers, they arenlwaya jutjt as represented. Our warrantee Is given with 'ew days. field carriage for United hiates service. teers" may l>e Bald to be at its height, Tbe his back and then pick a winner; and $11 nault. In the hat room, the lungB aud heai every Watch sold. We Itavo Watches for everybody. George Enrles 1B cutting oil a large wood ubstitution of Mr. Henry Lee In tbe role of change bands very often ou tbe result of ow dilate, reaching their greatest size a t aboul In \iial be was ordered t o t h e command of lot near tbe Delaware, Lackawanna and Cardinal Richelieu has been a great improve- of tht-se contests, But our fun wilt Boon Btoj 175° P . , tho liver and spleen are variously Ibe Natiunal Armory, at Hpritwfleld, Muss tern Hail road depot and shipping a num- ment In the cast, and Mr. Francis Carlyle's aa tbe definite orders arrived on Friday, Tbi affected, and the bowels and empty stotnac to which place work on tbe steel field car ber of ties eturn to tbe part of " Buckingham" bos of order reada thai thn Sixth wll proceed tc ill late, the full stomach being contracted b; Send all repairing to us. Our facilities are the best, tbe price* are right. riage was transferred, and extendedtothi Mrs. TnomaH has moved from Main streel course materially strengthened the beautiful Ban Prancirtco within thirty days. The Sixth oxpulsion of food. Tbo cold plunge rapidly recomttruction, In B*eel, of tbe whole field to JatiK-H Atuo'tt buutt«on Uuiuu street romance around Queen Anne of Austria. Mr. carries fifty extra enlisted men, who are tc contracts all tbe organs, which, except tb< equipment of tbe carriages for United Hi Mr. and Mrs. A. fS. Kearfors 8po t Easter O'Neill's voice is now entirely well and no tako the places of men who will be discharged stomach, i eturn t o their usual volume in service. These wer»* all designed In full i The baths are recommended Hunday with Mr. tk-uifutw'tt family ut 1'ort danger whatever Is feared now from tbat before July 1, and those who fiave been dis to 3!i minutes models for manufacture and made witli Muiray. source. This grand performance Is really now abled here. Well, as this'is Palm Sunday, not only for the exercise they give the organ! JEWELER AND OPTICIAN many carriages and limbers for the service, Vf, C. Corwin boB removed bis family from at its l>est and after one EOCS it there Is no and the city will be full of style and oui in beaHb, but also as a means of estlmatii Involving, beaSden the Reid carriages, a nun •nger any question, in the mind as to the '•rubhernecking" presence Is required dowa tbe elasticity uf tbo organs, which is dimin' Flay go d venue to Dover. ber of personal Inventions of Colonel BuffingHunifnrd M'ller'a household gooda won CQUHB of tbe present rage of Dumas' immortal town, I will close hoping you will T i l e Boon lehou hy age and disease. ton, which were all given to the service ipfietl from Hookaway on Thursday of las tory which Grundy has so cleverly drama- Give my regards to all the boys. -LOOK FOR THE BIG CLOCK.. Wbile there be increased the output of an "Your frieud, week to Pcapack, where ho will live in tbi tized for stage pr> sentment. The opening of tbe Himalayas to exploi Improved the arms by a number of praniii future and run a mill tlon aud travel will doubtless be one of tbe Inventions, wbicb were given to the United " F n m . H. MCTIGHE, V. F. Mott & Co. have sold out theli white man's twentieth century achievements States. He introduced now method.* and "Co. M,0thU. S Infantry. A large section of tbo temperate zoue is he No-Tn-Baci fur tf'irty U«nti. reduced tbe cost of manufacture- He en grocery sf Jre to Mr. HuDntiiets, of Branch "Fort Sam Houston, Texas." ville, who took possession on April 1. Gua run teed tobacco baUit euro, jnakex practically unknown, aud it is a roglon o larged and Improved tbe " water BUOJ; men Htronff. blood pure. 6flo.ii. Alldru 12 B, Mott has sturted the foundation for magnificent scenery, geological marve plant and built a complete uew pluut of flro $100 Howard 9 1 0 0 . w barn, iu tho reur of his brick building, varied climate, and rlcb fauna and n-irn proof finishing shops, making comparatively Clmrolies, Tbe barn is to bo for the URQ ot the nei Tha readers of this paper will be pleased tc Even i ' s higbrsb mountain is yet to be foun easy the increased production demanded dur learn that there is at least nua dreaded dis although our Hit of those exceeding 25,0C proprietor. Presbyterian Church—Rev. W. W. Hallolug and after the war with Spain. In lb'Jsase tbat science has been able to cure lu all Edwurd Arnold ban accepted a position a way, D. D., pastor. Services at 10:30 a, in. its stages, and thatia' 'atarrh. Hall'sCfttariT feet Is not Bmall. In a recent work, Maj Colouel Bufilngtoa was ordered to the co<umaudof the Rock Inland Arnenal, to which igent for tno State Mutual Building Loa and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school at *<!:<H0 p. m. Cure is the onlv positive cure known to tbi L. A. Waddell states that the Tibetans knov medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a consti of a peak north of Everest that is taller thai place the manufacture of all field aud siege Association for Rockaway and vicinity. First M. E. Church—Rev C. R. Woodruff, tutional disease, requires a coustitutiom Jo"n Toti'iin. of New York, is visitiui D. D., pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken li that giant, which has long been Darned, OR t h carriages was transferred. l i e overhauls: reliiUveti lu town. temally, acting directly upon the blood ant highest in'tbe world. (besides making lirfprovementH of buildingi ~::W p m. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. tnucouB Burfacea ol the system, thereby d [IB, J. D, Htttuiual,ot Mlddlotown, vtattec water supply aud water power plante) inficl Grace M. E. Church—Rev. W. J . Hampstroying tbo foundation of tho dls-ase, an of tbe batls necessary for tbo m a n u f a c t u r e Patersou on Tuesday, ton, pastor. Services at 10:80 a.ra.and 7:80 glvlDK the patltut strength by building ui The remarkable theory that underground Juhn Rodgeni and family moved on Moaplant, which was enlarged aud established it the constitution and assisting nature in (loin p. m Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. its work. The proprietors have so much f ai t waters, like the ocean, are affected by tl ly from tho Tuiikin House to the Wliitt all details for fluid and Biege gua carrlag< moon is advanced by P, Gulehard, a Preucl in Ita curative powers, tbat thuy offer One St. John's Episcopal Church—Rev. C. H. Meadow Club Houso, which he baa takei manufacture. Ho improved defective Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails ' cbemlBt. He is led to this conclusion by ai signs for tbo 5-inch siege gun carriage am charge of fcr the White Meadow Rod anc 8. Hart man, rector. Services at 3 and 10:00 cure. Bead for list of testimonials, investigation of certain wells near tbe coast a. in. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday school at 2:110 devised a common limber for it and for thi Gun Club. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolodo, 0, the water of which rises and falls with thi 7-lnch slego howitzer carriage. He p u t U ^red CJuorln removed from the Thomai p. m. EtpSold by DruegistH, 7fic. tides, yet has a composition disproving th Hall'u Family Pifiij are Uw beat. Mttcbel bouao on Academy street to tu< First Baptist Church—Rev. W. H. Sbawger explanation oE a direct connection betm pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:S0 p. TonUia houae oa Monday. tlie wells and the sea. I*iorco Bodgere, of Ri>ckjiwny, Bpont Sun- m. Sunday school at »:S0 p. m. day with hln pnrents nt Porb Oram. Free Methodist Cbureh-R«v. William H. Scald head, hives, itcbinesa of the skin of ai Mrs. Henry R. Dubblus, of Hockawny, vii Laning, pnstor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and sort, Instantly relieved, permanently cured Tbo otto of roses, the precious porfui. W. H. CAWLEY, 8n. W. H. CAAVU5Y Jn itnd Patereon on Tuesday of tbis week, 7:80 p.m. Young people's meeting at(l;80 p.m. Down's Ointment. At any drugstore. whose value a t times has greatly exceeded II OEO. T. VAN DEKVEER. A number of new hands were taken on weight in gold, Is obtained from red roses, St. Mary's Catholic Church—Rev. Father the Lloudalo workB thta week. Funke, pastor. Low mass at 7:30 a. m and 900)000 I n s u r a n c e Wanted on a J e r chief centers of culture being Bulgaria an< Eicbard Bfdgood and family, of Denvlll high mass at 10 a. m. Rounmnia. A single district In this region noy Bull. uveuue, spent Sunday with Mr. Bidgood1 a great rosa-fleld of 120 miles hy 40. T Swedish Baptist Church—Rev. O. J . Peterparents a t Dover. Application has been made for'Insurant shrub matures in three years, aud is produi son, pastor. Services at 10;80a. w> and 7:30 of IW.QuO on tbe famous young Jersey bu Silas Eva Mitchell spont Sunday with lioi tlve for about five years longer. Tbe ha p. m. Biblo school a t 0:SO a. in. Merry Maiden's Son, owned at Hood farm is from the middle of May to tbe middle c mother, Mnt. John Mitchell, ou Mala street Successors to \V. H. Cawley & Co. Swedish Bethel M. B, Church—Rev. G. A. Lowell, Mara. Tbis Is the highest amount At tbe regular meeting of Anchor Lodgi July. An acre of plants is expected t o yiel 1 Nystrom, pastor. Sunday school a t 9:30 a, insurance ever asked for on a bull or co No. 80, Knights of Pythian, of Kockawaj 100 pounds of roses every morning for al_. Merry Maiden's Son Is believed to he tin three weeks, and It is estimated tbat froi held on Saturday night last, two new appl: m. Services at 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. in, for and bottlers of cations waa received. Swedish Congregational Church—Rev. Lud most famous Jersey bull living, as he is thi three-qusrters of a ton to a ton and a hilf son of Merry Maiden, the champion sweep flowers are necessary for producing a slngl Russell Blauchard has removed tils barbel wig Ackerson, pastor. Services at 10:45 a shop from tbe Thompson building to t m. nnd 7:30 p. in. Sunday school at 9:80 a. m stakes cow In all three tests combined at thi pound of otto. A French calculation is the World's Pair, and his Bire Is Brown Bessie' •100,000 flowers a r e required for au ounce Stickle Block, formerly occupied by Harri Wesley Mission of tho U. £. Cburch-Jofan Son, whose dam won tbuOOdays'andSOdoyi oil. The roses are placed with water D, Pedrlck, superintendent. Services every tests at the World's Fair. Thus Merr tweuty-gallon copper Btills, and on repeat* Don't be foolish about your boalth Brothers. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock and on Friday Maiden's Hon unites the blood of theso tw< distillations, t h e otto rises as a scum on tr Uso Hood's Sarsnparilla and you will evening a t 7:45. famous cowa, and Rreat rpaulta are expecte water, and Is carefully removed. Adnltet HOONTON. prevent the fall and save your pride. M tlon fa now reported to bo no longer confine< American Voluntoers—Services on Sunday from bis progeny. 8crofulou8 Hip Disease - " r bo; William 11. Frail, of Uoonton, ou Weducs< to exporters, but t o have beeu taken up bat 8:40 and 8 p. in., and every evening during Willie bad scrofulous hip disease from day started ou a business trip to Bermuda. tbe peasants, who have learned that othe baby. Abscesses developed. Months Be expects to remain there about two months. the week except Monday. substances may be distilled with tU» rnsei tbe hospital, with beat treatment, did n< Tho Standard Cut Glass Company of New Chrystal Street Presbyterian Chnpel — good. They said he would never wall making tbe pure oil increasingly difficult again. l i e waa helpless and wasted awa; York 1B in communication with Boonton pai Henry W. Whippie, superintendent. Punobtain. to nothing but skin and bono. Hood'i ties in regard to moving tho factory to Boot day Bchool at 2:80 p. m ; public services at 4 SarsaparlHa had helped me, and I gave II ton. Tlie Board of Trade bad tbe nrntU p. ni, Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday Tbo movement for Btudylng tropical dl to him. Imagine my delight at a wonder- under consideration a t its regular meeting evening a t 7:45, eases doubtlefs means much for tholiealth c ful change. Abscesses nil healed, crutcbeE Tuesday night. the world. It is exciting tho iuterest of th thrown away. He Is now tall and Btout, Itoinarkublo Rescue* great colonizing nations, aud tho new schot perfectly well and tho thanks are all duo Bishop Btarkay viBited Boonton on Wed of such dmeaEta at Liverpool Is to be followt Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plalndold, III., makes and manufacturers of tho best to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Other mothers with ncsdny night and administered the rite by a similar Institution in Germany, whl crippled children should know this." 1 confirm nt ion in St. John's Episcopal Cuurct the Btntement that she caught a cold which tbo United States la not to bf* iu tho rear £HKA V. Www, Walpolo, Maas. work of the kind. ThefiQ maladies nre be Tho socinl nffnir of the week In Boonto: Buttled ou lior lungs; she wus treated for a to he lnrgely preventable. Prof. Koi-h, rl NerVOU»ne8&-"I •was weat, nervoui was tho Coloubil mtisical, which was bold ui month by her family pbyslclun, but grew SATISFACTION O0ARANTKBD greatest German authority, oxpreRstH tbo bi • and very delicate, stoppered In attcmptlm Thursday evening In tbo chapel of the Pre OF worse. Ho told her that she vtaa a hop Trtophom Call 40 K. Ord™ « . , , „ , „ „ , „ „ ' „ „ , llof that tbe blackwuter fever, tbe most deni to walk. Hood's Sarsnparilla and Hood'i byterian Church uudor tho dirortlon of tl victim of consumption and that no medicine Iy dfdense of West Africa, may bo readl Pills made mo well. I feel HKo anothei provented when made bett+r known by RU could cure bur. Hor druggiBt suggested Dr person." Mas, LIZZIE SimnoEiiTi Conduli Ladies' Art Society, iu which about for observations as thu Liverpool school ]H Street, Ext., Annapolis, Mil, people tooU part, roprcaenttna Uncle Bam, King's New Discovery for Contmmplionj collect. Dyspepsia—"Wo all use Hood's Sarsa- tlie Goddess of Liberty, George and Mar the bought a bottlo and to her delight fouud herHeavy and Light Castings in Iron, Brass parllla. I t cured my brother-in-law and Washington, Lafayette, Benjainln Franklin «a]f l)one(ltt<i(l from first rirwo HhorontlniiPi and Phosphor lironze, Forcings of every Tba hnlr IB nnotber non-vital part of tl myself o f dyspepsia. I owe my life to It." description; BOILERS, horizontal, tubbody that niGclii-ul Ftiienco has Buccecdwl M. H. KIBIC, 607 I-'ranklln St., Philadelphia. Paul Rovere aud other well-known charm Ita use nnd after taking sir bottlon, found tors. tran»phinling. The achievement ia credit ular and upright. THE EQU1PMENT horsolf sound nnd well; now docs her own to Dr. Mi'nnhein Hodnra,aTurkibh I'liysiclu OF IRON MfNES A SPECIALTY. housework, and Is as well as she over was. Tim Methodist Church will bo closed ( wh<» ficurlfied tho bare walp u»d implant Half's Hooty of Horehount! and Tar : Free trial bottkw of this Great Discovory at Sunday on account of tho confereuco now tlioreon lmirH Unit hud been trimmed u t e a nets like magic for a cough or any tliroal : end with sulfnura. In obour, four weeks pictures taken by government i ion. Tlio puator, Huv. Gilbert C. Mou Robert KillRoro'a drug storo, Dover, nnd A or bronchial trouble. Askyourdrugtfisl, ' TOPI". goi>d proportion of the tuilrtt bad tukmi roo tho spot. I,ar«u t«ok. Low , ' OFFICE AND WORKS, ni dale, will pruich that day in (St. Lubo'« M E, P, Greeu'u druRBtoro, Chester. Only COcenta B Pnts. areatuuw bulb having fornica at, tlio Ion jlood-.PDUcoralWcr Ilia, Ilii I'ike'aTooiUaclic Drops cutt in one ifllnulc. ' Churcb, Kowark. and tl.W), every bottlo guaranteed. end of each, and were growing vigorously. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ^ Home Office. Insurance Co. 3 of Bmerlca. 3 .111C MARKET Sf HALSEY STS. SECOND WEEK Pure Food and Industrial Exhibit. L. BAMBERGER & CO., Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Got Glassware, Novelties J. HAIRHOUSE Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J. KIULGORE'S XX Cough Syrup Will cure all kinds of COUGHS and COLDS. The best thing made. TRY IT.. Killgore's Corner Drug Store "Pride Goeth "Before a Fall" Mining Machinery Works, Some proud people think they have strong constitutions, and ridicule the idea of disease. Such peopL neglect their health, let the blood run down* and their stomach, kidneys and liver become deranged* THE W. H. CAWLEY CO. SOLE AGENTS MORRIS COUNTY Machine and Iron Co. BALLENTINE'S AIR COMPRESSORS, highest efficiency. of HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reversible. a speedy PUMPING ENGINES, Btrong and economical. cure for the most HALES HONEY obsti- HOREHOUND Beers, flies and Porters. Soda and Mineral Waters. CORNISH PUMPS, double or single. GEABING AND PUXLETS, large and small. cough. It cannot fail SUSSEX STREET, . DOVER, N. J. THE IRON ERA, DOVER, N. J., APRIL 7, 1899. ••••••••< HYDRO LITHIA » • CURES ALL ^HEADACHES: 3 PORT ORAM. UVEKrWROUGIiT NEBYE8.0E WOMEN. The niombera of HopocoD Tribe, No. 58, Improved Order of Red Men, of tblfl place, Extracts From Letters Received Hy Mrs. Pinkham. are arranging for a grand treat to take place I em BO nerrona and •wretch':'')." " I feel aait J should fly." Bow familiar on Saturday evening in their wigwam. The crack team of the EaBtoii, Pa., Red meu will these expressions are. Little thing's armoy you f|nd make you irritable. You 'tfcleep, you ure unable to lift ordinary burdens, and be present to work the three degrees upon are subject to dizziness. two candidates. Proprietor Hance will enThut beuriny-down B()nsation helps to malce you tertain tbe team, while Hapocou Tribe wil) feel inUura'blti!. serve a monster lunch to all visiting brothers You liiive backache and paiPS low down in tho hall. Hopocon knows how to do it, in the side, pain iu top of liead, later on Invitations have been issued to Port Morris at base of th<|i brain. and Dover tribes and a geuernl social and Such a condition points unerringly to Instructive eveniofc will be spent. serious uteriae trouljle. The miners at the Hurd mine on Tuesday T i you bad written t o Mrs, Pinkhajn asked tbe wmpauy for an advance ID wages, when you first experienced impaired or a lessening of working timu without a revitality, you -would have been duction fn pay. They were told tbat they spared these hours of would receive an answer tbe next morning. awful suffering. So on Wednesday morning, we understand, Happiness will be gone they were given back the extra Bhift's work, outof your life forever, my which was put on them some tirao agof with sister, unless you act promptly. Procure promise of a raise in wages nert July. Lydia E. PinWiam's Vegetable Compound Mrs. William V. Curtis has been ailing for t once, and begin its use, then write to some time past with aa affection of tbe heart. Mrs. PinkaiMHi a t Lynn, Mass., if there is Miss Prey thenia Williams is again out after anything" »bout your case you do not short illness. understand. The regular business meeting of the EnYou need not h e afraid to tell h e r the worta League will be held next Monday eventhings yon could not explain to the dooing in the church. A short programme of tor, your letter i s Been only by women entertainment ia being arranged also. and is Absolutely confidential. Mrs. Edward Loagblin bos returned from All Pinlthain's vast experience with such SouW Hospital in Morristown, where be bad troubles enables her to tell you just an operation performed witb success. what Is best for you, and she will We are pleased to Bee Preston King out charge you nothing1 tor her a-dvica. again after his sickness. Mite, JENNIE ELEHLY, Youngdale, .. P. Castner is making quite 8-me imPa,, w r i t e s : provements on his house and property. An AS MBB. PINKHAM:—"Will you kindly allow mo the pleasure of expressing addition will soon be built to the store of my gratitude for the wonderful relief 1 have experienced by talcing your VegeCastner, Rogers & Company, backJames Bcboneld was in town last Sunday. table Compound. I suffered for a long" time "with nervous prostration, ache, headache, loss of appetite, a heavy bearing-down feeling1, also "burningAlfred lvey has gone to Patersou. pains In the groins. I could not sleep, was tired all tho time, had no ambition. George Scales, tbe notorious sneak thief, bo not long ago served a year in tbe State l i f waa a burden to me. The pains I suffered at times of menstruation were prison at Trenton, was again at his old tricks something dreadful. I thought there was no cure for It. I sawyouradvertiaelaat Friday night. A year ago George Flartey rnent i a the paper, and my husband advised me t o t r y your medicine. I took caught him at the rear window of bis home, five bottles, and now I am well and hiippy. your medicine saved my ]ife." TRIAL SIZE, 10 CTS. though iliiM imy hu lnutlviirtcnt. O SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. oreath talked of tbo more twisk'd ir iu JIJ u. WADE EXCLUSIVELY BY T t) If we rc-nll/.i-il a*, the tinm what we know N ENGLISH WOMAN WHO MAINTAINS A ' THE STONEBRAKER CHEMICAL CO. < • tome IIiiniOF Woniea Don't pec. to j)i- trm; on rwiix.'luii— i. e., tho fuct that A MOUSE PARADISE. BALTIMORE, MD. (( Now that fiiiculus of humur BoniutlinrR our lightest worth; uru ciftun rypoatcd and described UB*- rollicking,M whlcb men com also in\m»m»t-i'intil -until \w could not n?oplain that women uannot nco, la often oguiKu iht'in UHuurown wuru they to come l 1iH'tilnK Clillilreii—Some H u m o r Pr tf mow or lens in tho nature of tho practical batik lo UH, WO shimld think twlco biifnro \vu""<» W""'* Set—The I m d y I n H l a e Joke—Unit is t« say, it lies in tho matter too frooly, uveu on nmttere tliat fuoilH-K—Aun* KUciiN. S i l k W n U l . rnther than tho nmnnor. I t up]icurfl, for talking PORT MORRIS. ooacGrn only ourselves.—liousukwpor. oar Worm Kit tilt. Fourteen car loads of eggs went through luBtnnoo, in much (by no muiinmiU)at the humor of Plgkwleknr InthofttrclwU situahere on the way to New York a few days be\Vt> liml (ilwnys nsKoehitotl funcy inloo A Blothp-r'a Advice to Blollio-a. tions on whfi-h tho drnnintlsta of tho resDid a n y OJJO over toration roly so largely, strong as they nr Ksep your children busy at some Wholo- fore Easter Suuday. New York must be a wiili i;(ivs—«flJ«ulljiyfi. 0 1 il ir pretty good-Bized town if they ate all those 1 now »» • >'t' " y koy w h o d i d n o t a taim Itf'huinor of u different klna. Tim BOino work or play, nnd this is moro to tho lame iUm) «>f lllH l i r e d ^ i s h t ' *" 4*o posses- point, if wo must my so, in not Inlm- young ml nil than long hoiulljca on vicii, eggs on Easter Sunday. Tbe churches in this viciuity made it a To cnrry them qnontly supplied by the fact that BOIIIO one which only tend to direct tlieir attention elmi of n fow white nilc!«? i,l)i)iJt In Ms puBkiita a n d terrify sorao is exhibited in a mare or IUHS undignified constantly to it. By occupying their time poiut to celebrate the dav which reminds minute of tho day thoy will bo more Christians of the Resurrection. In tbe Stanncrvnns mid hysterical woman Bisonied to position. It may be freely and nt onco every thoroughly helped und cleansed than hop© Presbyterian Church they celebrated [jothtf hftjrlifc « r C'lijuyinont to t h e inuo- conceded thnt women nro not amutiud l)y would bo possible In any other manner. the Lord's Supper. The 10 o'clock mass in ci-iit, huylsli mind, b u t uftunttiiicf) KuiIIy »t humor offchlaclass. They tlilnk it Hilly, The majority of parents do not rualtze the Cathollo Cburch at Netcong was unusuundlguiried and often coarse, and so far as t|1(.i-s|ii-nw!of tho long 8«ITuPln« mice. tho lost Indictment is concerned men do tbo lmnortunco of tho duty luld upon them ally elaborate. Harry Wood and MIBB or elso they are too lazy or lnnaniiulo to atTu limr nf u woman maktnff'a Jiobby of not contradict them. Blanche Lunszer assisted. Mr. Wood played tend to it. kei'iiii'S I11'11' t ' l u n S(3L ' niU( l t ou s Quito an More thun this, such jokes, like the The first duty of tho rich Is to bo lnduB- the cornet and Miss Lunger aided in the eingliiiiuvinioiii nnd woivero Intaivtittxl oiiou#b practical jokes that am use a (toy, are often iog. The regular church choir bang the retriouB and to fnculcutc hubits of indiiHtry to imy li^ ra linmiismums visit i n the hopo enough not only coarse, but cruel, and it In their children. If they are taught to sponses in the mass proper. There were a ol bt'iiiK allowed to et-o hop email a r m y of may very well be that a woman refrains keep constantly busy In somo URoful and great maay Protestants there. Altogether It the wast di'siiisnl members of tho animal from laughing at them not so much bo- ennobling employment, tho chances of oauBO her porcoptlonR arc dull in tmo di-their evolution into honorable men and as a day to be remembered for a year, any ' Ami wo were not disnpjiojiift'd. MIHS rection «a bocmiKo they nre keen In anoth- women are a million times Increased. way. Grlmstun was not only re-tidy t o ahow us er. To see a human being niudo a fool of Conductor Thomas Cavanaugh got a horse The malting of collections and the hard jaw [ids hat became quito ontliunliistla Is too painful to bo amusing. Moreover, Btudy of almost any branch of natural his- on trial for a week. Two days after he got at 11:30 o'clock, the night being a dark and A MllUoa Women Have Been Benefited by Mrs. Plnkham's Ad vice and Medicine sbo of ton finds that the joke onmists in tory aro likely to interest children. Tho he horse in the stable it died. about ilii'in. rainy one. He had watched while the store "It bi't'ind a Htriuigo hobby for a woninn, Boino time honored witticism ngtilnst her making of ninchluos, tho intricacies of Last month articles of incorporation were was being closed by Miss Rose, and then refloivn't it?"fcflioKrtid. " H u t I liaro ithruys own sex, supported rather by tradition musfo, tho mnnngemont of a printing press, paired to the rear to begin bis miscb'eWouB fllei in Trenton of 250 companies and the THE MORRIS COUNTY bud ii wi'iiknijss for inicu, a m i when 1 w a s than by observation, and if she hiis uny aroallusoful in keeping tho yuung mind work, when be was accidentally tripped up. o Jittio girl 1 was quite tho terror of spirit eho naturally resents it. It 1B a occupied Jo a wholoeomoand healthy man- amount paid to the State in fees for the pait Friday night bo worked tbe same game, curious evidence of the strength of cus- ner. pera was more than *2(f,000. The State of tom, by tho bye, this nalveio with wliluh New Jersey does not think that trusts ore but was being watched by Leo Mulligan, women art) oxpeotod to join in jufcea James Hill and Joseph Bray, who made a AUTOMATIC ACETYLENE Care ot the Piano. such aw/ul things, after all. agnlnst theuiselveH "by men," us has been rush for him while meddling with the rear MORRISTOWN, N . J . It takescoiifiidemblocaroto kcepaptano well Buid in a dliroront connection, "in- in good condition, but If the work Is done Tbe Daughter of llebeka, of Netcong, and door. He received a good pummelling from some of their friends spent a Bocial evening capnbloof a dollberato Insult." Butbo- a little at a tinio one does really not mind them but escaped arrest. He Is a person who INCORPORATED MAKCII Od, 1874. catiBe a woninn dooB not laugh it duos not it. Occasionally the wires should bo gen- in their lodge room on Friday of last week. always follow that'she does not BOO what tly rubbed with a bit of chamois eklu or Everybody present seemed to enjoy It* Thia hould be confined la a jail or asylum, not President—HENRT W. ifnxKR. flho is expL>ctcd to laugh at. A brother flannel cloth; a piecoof soft muslin Bhould lodge is Increasing in numbers and interest. baviog a clear mind. If be is not taken care Vice Presidents-Auavuus B. HULL. onco complained of his Bister tlmt she be passed ovor tho sounding board by It Is the youngest of the organizations and of he will be very fortunate If he escapes beSecretary-Treasurer—H. T, B u u . ing peppered with snot, for people do not could not KOBU joke, and the OTltlcism was means of a stout knitting noodle, which promises to be one of the best. —H/UMQEBS— of course duly convoyed to her. "No, 1 Bhould bo used to slip It between tho wires, propose to have bis kind plaving with their Henry TV1. Miller Henry C. Pitney Mr. Thompson's barn came near getting on rear doors and windows at midnight, when don't see any joke," was the reply. thus taking off all the dust. Always keep AureliuBB. Hull FhillpH. Hoffman "There isn't uny joko. I BeowhutumuBes camphor inside the piano oaso to serve as flre on Monday afternoon. The dry grass they are nlwplng. Look out for him, Ckaa Y. Hwan, M.D. Paul Revere him; but yon don't really expect mo to a means of protection against moths. Do around it caught flre somehow and was eatJohn Thatcher Eugene 8. Burke laugh nt thatP"—Cornhill Hagnzino. John MoKenaa- baa commenced removing j Quy Hinton. not let tho piano stand too close to a flre. ing its way up to it when some of the boys It should be in a room of ovon tempera- saw the smoke and formed a bucket brigade dirt at the furnance for the new roaster soon ture and should bo opened for a short dine and got tbe flre out before the barn was to be placed there. He hog tbe contract and Statement January I, 1899. The Lady In Dine Cambric. has Beveral men. employed. eaoh day, whan not frequently In uso. Do damaged much. An important personage—so important not use polish on a case of your piano. We hear many rumors regarding tba workRudolph Auerbach Is running around with that no word but personage will express When a sort of bloom appears upon it or I RESOtTKCES. It—who haB resided in ono family in the It scorns to look dingy, wash it with the his arm in a sling. Tbe arm U getting along ing of the Orchard and Mount Hope mines, Loans on1 Bonds and Mortgage... $ 879,290.00 etc., but as we can give nothing authentic Greater New York for a numbor of years fluent toilet soap in lukewarm water, u nicely. Stocks and Bands, par value sfcnply make note of the rumors Port Is Mary Jane. Mary Juno was a figure llttlo at a time, aa you would wash a bu- The story Is that three umbrella menders *781,OM 878,710.00 upon whom tho lady of tho hotiflo to which by'B face. Uso a soft cloth, work upon a were arouud Backettstown the latter part, of Oram is ripe for a boom of somo kind, but Joans on Collateral U.tUOOO she belonged fitted her gowns. Thoro are space not larger than your hand, rinso It last week and whatever money they got they will we get Ib 1 Real Estate, Banking House and Lot...; 75.00000 any number of modern Mary Janus made off with clear wator and rub It well with divided up and got gloriously drunk. On fiVed Farr is working In New York oity. T< rnitureand Fixtures 5.000.00 according to patents, with wonderful Mrs John Mitchell, of EastoD, IB spending Saturday night they built a flre under a tree Interest Accrued 10,748 84 clean polishing cloth.—Anon. capncltlas of elevation und doscont, expanRents, etc., due 90500 in Bight of the depot with the intention of a week with Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, sr., sion and contraction, and they ooBt a Cask In Bank 65,835i>9 camping there tor tbe night. On Sunday In town. Hftke Bedroom* Darlc. greater or less number of dollars. But U l ] onUand 65,273.25 Mary Jane was made without exponso, The public school has been closed all week. TJie brain will rocoive moro perfect rcBt morning the trackwalker on his rounds Baw and sbo was ono of tho first of hor kind. If tho sleeping room ia completely darken* the fire and went up to Bee what i t was all Joseph Martin has returned from Chester, Mak es gas only as you use it. No MI6B GRIMSTON. Of hor backbone Mary Juno might have ed, and for thoso who aro bad sleepers this about. He found one of the umbrella men Mass. j LIABILITIES. heat. No smoke. Safe, Cleanly, and tho liQufiuliokl At that time I usedtotry boon greatly proud if pho had realized precaution should be especially takon. ders burned to a crisp. His Bhoes were on Due Depositors $1,770,234.45 Fred Fox and wife, of Newton, spent Eascheaper than kerosene. and wjcrt'to tliom, but somehow they %vero what It wns. But she didn't, and neither Some rooms aro filled with light long be- bis feet yet, but his clotbes were all burned ter Suuday witb relatives Iu town. 'nterest to be Credited Depositors did her luistress, or Mary Jane's backbone fore it la time to get up, and if somo always turning up and getting mo Into January 1,16U9 29,801 it5 off him. The other two were missing. It A line addressed to us will bring you Mr. and Mrs. William Romorvilla have would Jiavo been transferred to tho parlor means aro not takon to prevent it the trouble." i (1,806,038.80 'They were only ordinary white mice, or tho family muBouin. It was nothing morning rest is moreor less broken. This may have been an accident, but a man must started housekeeping in the Pythian Opera any desired information regarding* it, or more or loss than one of tho alderman's Is more particularly the case with chil- be pretty druuk when he won't wake up when apartments. X84,583.58 wero they nutP" I put in. a call from our representative if re- Surplus) A good many ot our people are reading quested. "Oli, yo9. Just tho common onea I I do etaflTs used in tho e^irly days by the city fa- dren, eo that It is well to accustom them hfa clothes are on flre or hl< flesh burning. I »l,l>90 603.83 not kuuj) uny uf ilioso now, but if you will thers to carry to fires. But no one know from tho first to sleep in tho dark, books from the publlo library. A NEW INDUSTRY—The Christian Scientists Interest is declared and paid in January A room where Venetian blinds are In of Indiana hare taken out papers of incorpocomo up stair* I will show you all that 1 that at tho time of Mary Jane's nativity, Why cannot a public subscription bo raised and Juty of each year from tbe profits of the have. They have quito a sinall homo of and tho nice, smooth, toll polo of polished use can always be darkened, and the next ration for a company whose busiuess 1B to be to cover the expenses of a series of band conprevious six months1 business. wood was just the thing for the purpose best thing to UBO is dark green holland. 11 their own." Deposits made on or before the 3d day of certs to be given evenings next summer. 1 To heal the sick by laying on of hands and for which itwnsused, and around It the The morning light pouring in on tbo face A nd up st (lira we wont into a largo room January, April, July and October, draw In' . of tho sloopor Is particularly bad for the to raise from tbe dead." There seem to be Our people would enjoy theui. WIILTO no idlo boy OP EUVIIRO pussy cut was lay lady dovelopcd. terest from the 1st day of the said months William Curtis, of Boverly, was a visitor respectively. tillmrcd to enter. Along otio side ot tho The mistress of Mary Jane wound tlio eyes, and for this rcapoa alone it should lots of people iu Indiana', and elsewhere iu wall upon neat shelves tho small cages b&akbone upon which Mary Jano was to not be tolerated. Sleep in a darkened this big country who believe the Christian here lost Saturday, aa was also his brother I BANKING H0UK8. John, of New York city. wore tirmnged, and every mouse rojolced grow with old pieces of cloth until there room will always bo found more refresh- Scientists can do these tbtngs. From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. dally, except Batur, ______ in ii luunu, from tho most aged of grand- was buiiiu substance for a foundation, put Ing. Patrick Casey qualified as overseer ot the day. Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 m. (noon)DOVER, N. J. Oh great Iconoclast 1 " What fools these futhei-s down to tho youngest buby. There the end of the pole In a board so that it and from 7 to 9 p. m. poor on Monday. mortals be.1' A Ml _»o or I Collcae. weru about 60 of them altogether. • would stand upright, put a piece of wood FOR A SIX MONTHS' TERM One of tho attrnotlons of Mexico, Mo,, Wiiat ia the use of throwiug doubt on tho A new fence is being built on the opposite Near by was u playground covered In across, slipped on a discarded undexwaist Any or All Uepartmcntit side of the street frotn the brick mill, running with glass. Hero tho mico ran up ladders, that just fitted its owner, and thon filled la the Baptist College For Women, found- story of the burning bush, the dividing of ARE YOU GOING SOUTH took a turn in tho revolving cage, find it out until it was life size. Mary June's ed by and named after tho lato Governor tho waters ot the Red Sea and their coming from the river bridge around the corner, FROM T H E NORTH? performed nit kinds of gymntietio feats, hips wcro properly developed, her waist Charles H. Hardln, who gave tho Institu- together again to swallow up Pharaoh and toward Luxemburg. We understand the E. J . Ross Manufacturtumbling and frisking about in a manner made just the right measurement, and tion its buildings and a part of Its endow- his host; tbe story of Jonah and the whale The Best Route t o Travel which shuwwl tluit they were well pleased then she was dressed to look, like a lady in ment. The governor "experienced reli- (which was only a big fish prepared for the ing Company will build a new office to tbeir witti themselves and made the best of their bine cambrla She WUB a treasure. Gowns gion" Into In Ufa and Immediately began purpose); the Resurrection, which the whole silk mill, overhanging the river. This will XS FltOM Bhnrt life; for a mouse, wo learned for werofitted.on her, skirts hung, and for to stow liis gratitude by his beaeflcenco, CbrlBtfan world has been celebrating lately i make room, for more looms, COLLEGE, i r e w a r l c tt. J> tho first tlmo, is u remarkably short liver, many years Mary Jane's useful career was He gave a handsome park to the city and Whoso believes that tbis Christian scientist NEW| YORK TO NORFOLK, VA., Fred Kerwick la again employed in the largely helped to erect and equip the Baptwo years being an exceptionally great ago prolonged, and there was no more admired 888 BKOAD BTBEBT, I BT THE to ntttiin. member of the family than tho lady in tist church. Airs, Hardin, who wrote her corporation can heal the sick by laying on of Morris County machine shops la Dover. REGULAR. husband's life, still lives in Mexico, ad- hands and raise the dead ought to be able to AIJ, BUSINESS 8TODIES. And than wo bad tho various kinds bluo cambric.—New York Times. vanced in years, but clear and strong- In believe anything. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. pointed out to us, Thoro wore white mice Intellect aud retaining many of tho Bilacate Tour Ilowels Wtth Cuaoaretn. How do they make tbe Interest on their with coal black eyes, white mico with ENGLISH BRANCAES, ETC. Aunt Kllen'fl 811k Walit. 1 .. — .cbannB that, made her In earlier days a Cnndy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. black markings, cream mice and white bonds 1 Do thoy charge a tee tor raising the I t was on a train coming from Balti- favorite In society.—Woman's Journal. Tbe most eWantly fitted boats, finest rtate PAYMENTS ON EASY TEBS18. U>o. 25a. l i a o . O . fftiL druggists refund money. with fawn markings, all of wliloh had more. Tho passage through the tunnol dead or healing the sick 1 rooms and boat meals. Tbe rate, iacludlaff IT I S WELL KNOWN that COLBMAN meals atid state rootu», is less than you can mnOo tJjDJiisuJvca conspicuous by taking had begrimed tho hand railings on tbo "All a man bath will he give for his life.1' A Il«dBon For the Decay of Teeth, COLLEGE is tbe largest and bestechool, and travel by rail, and you get rid of the dust first and second prizus nt various shows. platform with a black coating of cinders by large odds the beat equipped of ita class in and changing cars. The Denver Times says: '• In a paper read MIDDLE VALI-EY. "You uru a mum box of a club devoted and soot. As tho train rounded tho lost A deficiency of llmo and mineral saltB by tbe Rev. D, Lamont on "tfoottishBapsection of the country. If you want to go south, beyond Norfolk to The Rev. W. H. tthawger, of Dover, will this to the keeping of mico, are you not?" I curve before coming into tho station, a In food leads to a decay of tho teeth. A Write or call for College Journal, and read writer, remarking on tho increas- tistB" at the Baptist ministers' meeting lately give his popular lecture entitled " Tea nights what our graduates and othera say of the Southern Floes and PinebfutT, the winter Inquired. youugwoman Htrugglcd with tho door and modern Health Reeorta, or to Vaughan, K. C, the ed uso of artificial dentures among quite be stated that Saint Patrick was a Scotch BchooL In a bar room," a t the hall in this place on '"IJJO National Mouse club di» you steppod out upon the platform. She found Pennsylvania Colony headquarters, Peachland, P. C , the New England Colony, Statmcanr" suld Miss Qrlnuton, "Yes, I rany tt GO windy und tho cur lurched BO that she young people, has prophesied that a gen- Baptbt. Saint Patrick was born In theThursday evening, April IS, a t eight o'clock. C. HoBTOS, H . COLKJCAH. eration or two houco wo shall bo a tooth- fourth century at Dumbarton. His father ham,Ga,, tbe Ohio Colony end headquarters Bay that I wns one of tho promoters of it. was obliged to hang on tightly. Also pictures of " Destruction of tho Maine,1 less people. Another reason for the decay ot tbe Union Veterans Southern Settlements, Pramu It is now four yimra old, and today is In a was a member of the Town Council of tbat It is hoped there will be a full house, as tbe With a loud hiss the train camo to a of teeth in our time, however, is found In you can connect with the Seaboard Air Lice, very flourishing state; You would bo sur- standstill, and she alighted from tho stop place. His teichlngs were of the Baptist, proceeds are for the Sunday school, and For Information a* to rates of travel address prised what n number of letters I have and ran quickly toward the exlfc gato. our uso of soft white bread. Since homo and because baptism received and conferred If. H. TIPFETT THOMAS BAKER W. L. G0ILLADDE0, V. P. & T. M., New ' asking for udvico on various subjects, With arms outstretched sho made, for a baking and tho uso ot coarser flours de- by Saint Patrick was immersion is another Hvery body who hears this lecture ftnd sees Tort.! clined, wo have paid for our fastidiousness tbe beautiful colored pictures wishes to mostly from boys, of course; but many tall, fashionably dressed woman in a light For information as to farming or mineral lands, water powers, manufacturing Bites or indies are now making the kseping of mico silk waist. Tho latter smiled and camo by Increased dentists' fees. White bread proof of bis sect. No mention is maae of him ihem again. winter resorts, rates of board, reat at cot <* hobby. I am not the only one, I assure forward a fow steps, hut suddenly stopped has also to answer for much of tbo anosmia by the Catholics until 170 years after his that spoils tho looks nnd saps tho strength death and be nover received a dispensation tages.&c, address JOHN PATRICK, Chief Inyou." with a doubtful look. Tho newly arrived >f BO many girls and women, 9U0OMSORS TO HOBAOK I/. DUNHAM dustrial Agent, S. A. Ii., PlDeb.uff. North from the Catholic Cburch " of Rome." How Other mico were thon shown to us— ono, however, did not hesitate. Sho rushCarolina. 14-I0w is that for history 1 Giiwoiato, tricolor, array, blue nnd white, ed forward and placing a hand upon each To Clean OItt«* Over Plctarem. • looking more liko so many diminutive of tho other'B shoulders, she planted a Insurance and Heal Estate, " Saint Patrick was a gintleman To clean tho glass over pictures dip a Finn™ pi gB than anything else.—Home hearty kiss on her cheek. Low Rates and First Class And came o' dacent people, -Notes (London). "Oh, horrors!" exclaimed tho tall worn- ploco of chamois in alcohol, wring neatly dry, and wipe thoroughly, yot lightly, In Dublin town be built a church Ota PromCompanies FriKhiciiInK C h i l d r e n . Polish with a pleco of dry chamois, xho And put upon't a steeple." Ue Me l " "Oh, horrors what?" asked the girl with gilded frames may bo cleaned with tho olNothing van bo worso fora child than At some Car. BLACKWELL and WARREN STREET." He was born in 805 or close to that. When to bo frightened. Tho effect of the score a fiuBh of mixed embarrassment and in- oohal. If oil paintings need cleaning time la her D. J, « i»filiiwto recover from. I t remains dignation on hor face. " I s it possible thoroughly, diimpon a soft cloth in warm did the Baptists originate ? "Write for our interesting interesting' hooka books " Invent Inventlife Cupid Dover. New Jersey ort Help " and. ortHelp and ""How How you you are awlrindled." MiiicttniL'S until maturity, as Is shown by Bho oontinucd, "thatlhnvo mndo a mis- water in which Boine castilo soup has been pleads in Send m a roncb akateft or model of your every wornnmtiy instances of morbid Bonsltiveiicas take. If you are not my Aunt Ellen, you dissolved. Dry carefully and then varnish invention or improvement and we ' wlli.cll certainly answer her description." an's ear, <"«! excessive nervousnesa. Not infrolightly with sonftthin, clear French "reyou Tree our opinion aa to whether It la • John Boylefl, who resided near Bernarda" I guess I'm your Aunt Ellen, all touching" varnish. It is well to consult probably patentablo. Wo make a specialty i quuutly feuj. i 8 uniploycd as a means of and when that time conies vllle, died on last Friday of pleuro-pneuof applications rejected In other hand*, < it is a woman's duty to jHscijillne. Cblldron nrti controlled by bo- rlRht," answered tho toll woman ruefully, an artist In regard to tho best varnish. Highest references lunUshedi monia, after an illness of several weeks. He think twice before sue '"B iimdo to believe that something torrl- "but I bad hoped to bo ablo to wear tills : KARION * KAKION answers. She s h o u l d woe about fifty years of age. A wife, two |™ will happen to them and punished by waist more than oneduy. Just look at or any other ladies who wish to work A Woman'* Power. PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPERTS think once for herself, .. ,. wiigfOiut up in dnrk rooms or by being your hands." sons and three daughters survive him. Civil 4 Mechanical Engineer*, Qrtdatte* of tite < and once for the man who A woman may dazzlo whou she Is morWith a llttlo shriok of consternation the I'olytochnlo School or Enaineerlog. Bachelor! In i P"t ui pint's thoy stand in drcud of.- No 8. S. Cbllds and family, who spent the has chosen her for his life companion. on ry, but sho Is most charming when eho Is Applied Solencoi, Laval DnlTerilty, Mcm&en u_ without vivid mamary at his child- young woman looked nt her hattds and at If Bhe Is suffering from a torturing, dragwinter in Newark, have returned to "Bairus* Fatcbt Law AMOctotlon, American W»ter Wort* nouu cun comprehend how entirely eruoi tho ruined waist and then sat down and teuder and sympathetic. Whou hor voice ging weakness or disease BO prevalent -with Aaioclatfon, HowXnBlu)cl Violet Works AHO?. Biun things uro. Wo have often heard orlcd As tho two loft tho station there takes a softened tono and hor eyes look Brae," their handsome country residence in her sex, she lias no right to answer " Yes'' working for us in *pare time at home on until her health is restored. If she docs, our cloths. We offeryou agood chance pawn purmniB tell of cho Buffering they wora threats of a certain rallroud company wards, that hor Mp3 hosltato to say—then, Bernardsvllle. ahe will be wretched and 111 herself and tier if sho only know hor power, it would bo a The Board of Education for Bernards ""vuiMulurud na children undurlikoclr- having suit brought against it fora sllK will be an unhappyone, Dr. Pierce's to make plenty ofspending money easily, and rttuount tho irroparablo waist that cost at least $1.08 per yard.— bad time for the world nt largo! Only she townBQip bos organized by electing M. D. home Prescription ia a scientific remedy in leisure hours. Send i : c for cloth and nover knows it. Possibly nbo charms the Wylley president and frank 0 e Coster dis- Favorite h thuy th ure siiro thoy h then l re- Washing mi Poet. that cures all weakness, disease, disorder full directions for work, and commence Injury wMch most when she la unconscious of It, The trict clerk. F. F. Bowman resigned as clerk. and derangement of the delicate and Imcelvua. Nu purunt, no nurso, cupablo of Oar WoTHt Fnnlt. very unconsciousness is a part of the portant feminine organs. It is not a cure- at once. Cloths sent anywhere. Address w u i l n g tho young la fitted tot hor postall," but a medicine deviBed to correct this WINOOSKBT CO. (150.C) Boston, M u i . Undoubtedly the tongue is tbo most ohorin. PARKER. one class of disorders and no other. It 4-1 y . Mfg. Utpt. trying member of tho body, but it scorns UlilJdrei), as near LJ possible, ehollld bo Nothing IB more ugly than to see the A literary and musical entertainment will lias accomplished its purpose la tens of »«liiwl nub to know tho sensu of four, reasonable that an endeavor to rnjotho skin arouud the finger nalla covorlng tho thousands of cases, as fs shown by tens of "inch, nbnvo ovory thing OIBO, IS to be tongue shonld meet with partial success. nail. A llttlo lemon julao should bo kept be given In the Parker school houso on Wed- thousands of testimonials of tlie grateful enroll In thulr education early «ud Into. All, no doubt, cheek tho hasty word some- In a bottlo on tho dressing table and well, nesday evening, April ID. Tim programme patients themselves. It imparts vigor and times, especially directly after ™*f*8 to the entire womanly organism, , " ' " Intel-rating facts (lciallng with tho rubbed round thu nnlls at night. With tho is a long and interesting one, and the pupils virility Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J . and is the best of all nerve tonics and re•urs or clilldnin hiivo boon collected by a New Year's resolutions, and moat of UBaddition of a little honey It wilt keep and friends are working hard, thuB Insuring storatives. 14 Years' Experience It fits forwifehood and motheruso wine dicorotlon in talking about our M I known urotasaor. Ho tound that much longer. , DEALERS IN hood. It transforms weak, nervous, dc a great success, and thoss who attend will be Extracting a Specialty cl ;,',, ' "Mrun wcro atnild of 11,4511 things. neighbors But our bosotting sin 1B in exspondent invalids into healthy, happy pressing ourselves too freely. Wo annul If a woman be shortsighted, Jet her well repaid. Proceeds for the school library Women. .'"-' tailing [curs wore lightning nnd opinionated, and wo want everybody to BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS. NEAK DERBY'S HARDwear oyeglnBBes. Tho constant strain on tickets for sale by tbe pupils. ilmti i "''""™" strangers, tho dnrk, know Just what wo think about every- tho oyes, Inovltflblo from going without, " I was so weak I could scarcely walk about WARE BTOBR Lumber, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldthe house," writes Mrs, Mattie Scruggs, of 'uiin, domestic nnlinulB, wutcr, fflicmts. thing, so wo talk Indisorimlnntoly about IS most Injurious to tho sight nnd quiokly Does Coflbo Ajeroe W i t h You T Allen's Creek, Araherst Co., Va. " Was reduced ings, etc.. Bracket and Scroll Sawing ^uts, nits und nileo and high words. this nnd thut and ohenpen all wo say by cirnsea wrinkles around tho eyea in the to a mere skeleton, i was never free from pain done to order. Best Lehigh and ScranDOVER. N. J . If not, drink Grain O—made from pure "IUOI tho fours wuro tho results of iiur- Baying too much. the back and head and could not sleep at effort to GOO plainly. grains. A lady writes; " The flret time I In ufght. I bought three bottles of Dr. plcrce's ton Coal. Split and Block Wood. Blue ™ mi eiimrluuijcs—thut Is, In o district A fow torso sentoncoa onanyonosuDjecc made Grain-01 did not like it, but after using Favorite Prescription anil 'Golden Medical Dia- Stone, Brick, Lime, Plaster, Cement U, , , " " " " " wind hnd wrought a havoo by tbo person of habitual consorvnfcism in Tbo Duohoss of Mnrlborough has good R. t SMITH THOS. FANNING covcry'nnd two vials of'Plra&unt Pellets.' After " "»l"l«ai ivoro iifruld of It. In utluir spoooh Invariably hnvo mow inttuonco than t&sto In jowols. In wearing bull gowns of It for a week nothing would induce motogo tat ing these six weeks I felt like a new person; Tile Drain Pipe, etc. iii'if8 " """'y"' 3 showed by what inonun tho eutlro opinion of some voluble Indi- soft, white, fluffy materials she invariably back to coffee." I t nourishes and feeds the slept well and grained in flcali. X ntu doiug nil ELEPHONE NO. 30 SMITH & FANNING, lmd my own house wo rlt and we have nine iu the 'r ,!"f wrk<!d ujiun tho imaginations vidual. Moreover, we hurfc ounwlvos and wears strings of pearls us ornawiouts «nd system. The children can driuk it troely family," HIM ''lren ' • ' """ district IU liour others nearly ovory time wo give freo roin reserves her diamonds for gowns of moro with great benefit. It is tho strengthening A man or woman who neglects Masons and Builders constipation Buffers from alow » , , , , O I " i ? . w m o d l ™ l < l ' i B thu end of t h o toouTBpoooh. "Fmiiillnrtty broods con- serious matorlala. aubstanco of pure grains. Got u package toSUBSCRIBE: FOR poisoning;. Dr. PJcrce's Pleasant DOVER. N. J . tempt," wo arc told, and th» mow wo talk day from your grocer, follow the directions Pellets cure constipntion. One tbo more familiar others become with our Contracts for all kinds of work takon and In using alnvea to Bleep in to whiten tho In making it and you will have a delicioui little "Pellet" is a ceulle laxa- THK ERA, $1 PER inner solves, and ordinarily *»'f ^ " f ^ hand* caro should bo takon to out the tips all materials furnished. Practical experience tive, nnd two a milrl cfltlinrHc, (a «rery branch of mason wore. sink in their estimation. Wo hurt others of thD fingers off or tho hnnd will getover- and healthful tablo beverage for old and All medicine dealers sell them, young. 15a and S5o. No other pills are " Juat as good.11 YEAR. ,,1 " ""vu mil nu tnu i-osc i n c by talking of thorn and their J heatod and muoh rodder in consequence. nwBora raoMra<T A r n n i n o TO. 4wi.il11 ' " ' " " " " a " '» thivt iinronU' now pause we often glvo things a to upon aHoutlou a n d lovo t o Insure MAN AM) HOME. tho gooilm-hH or their rhilrtrcn in^to:Lr| of terrorizing thoni wilh wnanV wn,ib Fhlliulctliihiu I'.v^. The "Criterion" SAVINGS BANK GAS G£N£RATOR THE ACETYLENE LIGHTING CO.... COLEHUN OLD DOMINION STEAMERS. Tippett & Baker PATENTS I PROMPTLY SECUBEDI FARMERS' WIVES Ian Earn Lots of Hloneg R. C. VREELAND Dover Lumber Co Dentist T H E I R O N ERA, DOVER. N. J.. APRIL 7. 1899 Zbe Huon Eva. FRIDAY, A P R I L 7, 1899. THE DOVER PRlNTiNU COMPANY l'l'Bl.lSUEHH AM.) PKOriUiCTUUH. TERMS OF SUBSCRUMIOX INVAKIAULY IN* ADVANCE. Oue Your 91.00 Six MoulhH., TUroe Mouth* .Jo itl' Tuetic The bfrvict' uf the judgmuut of OUSUT on "lidny of hist week utTordcd Editor Siwiiwr, >t tbu Journal, an opportunity of writing limsolf down an utv. und, needlet-s to say, lie tvuifel hluiht-lf of it with uvidity. His story in the niKttT, printed tit'tween turned t-oliimn ruleb. was; o ^tmlietl ftttcinpt to lisfDg tin1 [lnnils of the rt'inliTs of the Journal, und in [iiisstating the cast? as lie did he put an utl'rot.t npuu their intclligenre. To ivhearhe tbe *;[<«•>• of the dealings which culminated in certiorari prcx-eedings, to \*e followed Intt'l in bj* quo warranto prot-eedings, would seem o us a s needless at this late day, tbe facts Hiving boeu set forth with great clearness time and again. Yet we read in the Journal, u tbe article in question, that "Among the candidates and Hiicce&sfu] nominees, it was well recognized who could be relied on to vote NEW BICYCLES. VICTOR, MONARCH AND FEATHERSTONE LINES SPRING Genuine NORTHERN GROWN, raised specially for FOR MEN AND WOMEN seed. We receive: direct shipments from Houlton, Maine, At $24.50, $25.00, $28.00, $32.50, $37 and $47.50. thereby avoiding- all chance of fraud, so frequent in this line, M. & W. Lamps $1.45 each 20th Century Lumps... 1.60 each Ham's Diamond Lamp... 1.S5 each Bicycle Oil 7c ljottle Nickeled Bells iSc each Veder's Cyclometers.... 79c each READY The appointment of a 1 iitU<ti of the Hoard of ftlucutiou to look into tlie needs of the town UE to increased school accommodations, with a view to formulating a definite The people, in SPRING OVERCOATS $6.60 TO $12.00 proposition for submission to the i>eople, as for the foreign gas. * of all the facts, voted and Btatod in our report of tlie Hoard meeting, is full MEN'S SPRING SUITS $6.00 TO $15.00 a step in the right direction, Tho able letter made choice by their election; of the men Our beautiful assortment of Boys' of County Suiwriuteiuleut Cox to the Board. whom they desired to serve them." This is and Children's Clothing excels anywhich we printed last week, sets forth in simply untrue. In that election Duvid Young thing ever shown in llie city. was candidate for Mayor, and it was known plain terms the Berioumess of our school bituatiou. The pastBeveral Boards of Edu- of him tbat be was hostile to tbe establish' cation have recognized tbe necessity for a mont of a gas plant in Dover, He was defeat—IN— new scliool building and Principal Hulsart has ed, although the normal Republican majority repeatedly discussed in his reports the ad in Dover is upwards of 200, if not quite vautegee of and necessity for ]ieriuaiit!ut in Messrs. George A. llaynor and John Siumpf, crease of Bchool-rooin facilities. Twice, by both Democrats, were only elected because it -ANDthe unanimous action of the Board of Educa- was uot known tbat they would use their positions as Counciltneu toplay iuto the bands tion, attempts have Itcen made to submit tbe question to the ]>eoi>Ie, hut while the town of the local lighting monopoly. Both Luued was in quo war ran to litigation it was felt circulars Betting forth, in substance, that they that nothing involving the issuance of bonds would favor tbe establishment of a gas planl In Dover ou reasonable terms. And in all could be dune. In the meantime tlie Board of Education tbat followed the Journal Bided with tin haw pursued tlie only course open for the ac- Councilmauic trio, although their acts were Cor. Dlackwell and Sussex Sts., commodation of tbe constantly- increasing BO subversive of the interests of tbe people tbat recourse had to taken to the Suprem number of school pupils, by fitting up for school purposes rental rooms. These rented Court, which high judicial tribunal put an rooms have increased in number tilt at pres- effective estoppel upon their inachinationB. Ilia Denomination. The whole matter may be stated thus; ent there are employed in tuem eight teach' At thoclosoof service ono Sunday inorn ers, and they are attended by nearly four The people wanted gas, and, above all, wanted Ing the pustor of a city church went down hundred pupils. The board deserves credit competition in lighting. Local lighting In' tho ulfilo, its wns Ids custom, to greet the for meeting the needs of tbe schools so well teresta were opposed to the coming In of a strangors in the congregation. "You are not a member of our church," he said to as they bave under tbe circumstances. Tin foreign lighting concern, The means used one of them. rooms have been fitted up as well as possible to keep a rival company out were not such "No, sir," replied tho stronger. "Do you belong to any denomination, and by fire drills the danger from thin source as would stand the scrutiny of tholafr, henci may I nskP" has been brought to a minimum. Yet re- the victory of the people when the certlorari "Well," responded tho other hesitatingsuits came to be decided. Then the question course to Buch relief Is warranted only for ly, "I'm vf hat you might caU a submerged limited period of extreniu necessity, and now came up, *' By wbat warrant do they act ?" Prouby tor Inn." "How is thatP" that the question of permanent relief can be and it has now been decided tbat they (the " I was brought up a Presbyterian, my city " government) were without warrant. directly submitted to the people, the interwife Is a MuthodlBt, ray oldest daughter 1B ests of the children in Hues of school work, There has been no mourning over tbo going a Baptist, my son is tho organist at a Uni health and safety require an early replace- outof office of tbe " City Council," and Dover vars&liBt church, my second daughtcrsliifcs ment of annexes by a modern, well ventU will soon be going along again in the even In nn Episcopal chair, and my youngest goes to a Congregational Sunday school.' ated, will lighted, safe school building, with tenor of its way, but the people have "But you contribute, doubtless, to some learned tbat a more unreliable guide than th a suitable play-ground. one ohurchP" "Yes, I contribute to all of them. Thai The present arrangomout, with streets foi Journal Is not published. 1Bpartly what submerges me."—Youth's play-grounds, is not only dangerous hut ex Companion. TJIE Index last week felicitated itself upon ponsivn, ThtBO annexes cost in rental ahou How t h e Trouble Degniti ttJOU a year. This alono would pay tbo in its confessedly narrow escape from an imHo had been reading tho paper and octerest on $12,000. ThiB annual expense, be- pending beat in the matter of the service ol casionally repeating to her somo Item that the judgment of ouster. " I t came mighty sides the original cost of fitting the rooms : Boomed particularly In tores ting. Thus li well as possible for school purposes, and final- near being done," the Index tells Ite readers, happened he finally ran across an item ly having only a temporary expedient, is noi and farther along in tbe article Editor Hum about tho In volition of a machine for washing horses. an economy that the judgment of the Dovel mel explains that " while closing up our last "They'll have machines for washing ba people will allow to continue, now that an forniB, we learned from Mr. Carhart in an bies noxt," he suggested. opportunity offers for permanent and propei accidental manner, wbile chaffing him as tc "Huh!" she exclaimed Indignantly. relief. We believe that if the Board of Edu the City Council, that he was now out of It, "I'd just Uko to see ray baby washed by a maohlnol" cation plans for the best of accommodation the ouster having been left at bis home at 1! "So would I," he returned. of tlie Dover school children they will recelvi o'clock." What Is to bo thought of a newsHe afterward explained to some one a\ paper which learns of BO important a mattei tho club that It was an exhibition of the the enthusiastic support of the voters. "in an accidental manner," and then tells its insincerity of woman, for while ho hod readers that t h e ' ' writs were in the possession done absolutely nothing but agree with H e Does Thnt. her, she was so displeased that; he found it An observant member of the Sunday Cat of said parties between 24 and 72 hours' impossible to read hla paper In comfort.— Now, as a matter of fact, the " write " were Chicago Post. Htalf Bald last Sunday of Senator Pitney thai he " took a leading part in debate in tbe State not in tbe possession of the EHA even 24 hours A PolUiiea n«Kcal. Senate last Winter, and challenged the lead- before the ERA went to press, and, moreover, Mrs. Hansom—1 uudcrstnnd, air, thai ership of Senator Johnson more than once every Hue on tbe subject—editorial as well as you hiLVo socrutly been making love to my UQWB story—was put in type on tbat Frida; Mr. Johnson is generally regarded as an able daughter, and I must forbid »n acquaintni an, but he does not command sympathy or morning. But the EHA did not get its new nuco begun in that way. You Uiould have scon mo Urst. concerning tbe ouster by accident I t wai admiration. There Is a frostluess which is Shrewd Suitor—Aludnm, had 1 seen you not found near tbe Morris county Senator') on the lookout for it from tbe day on whici first I sliuuhl have forgotten yourdaugh seat. Tbe Bergen Seuator is said to be am' tbe Court of Errors, at Its November sitting, tcr and falU'ii In lovo with you. Mrs. Hansom— Um I Tho informality bitious to succeed Congressman Stewart, indicated tbat its judgment in tbe quo warof tho proctvding wns nil I objected to. from the Fifth district, comprising Bergen ran to caea would he confirmatory of that run Comowitli ii«. ami I will Introduco yon and Passaic, and the severity he manifests dered by the Supreme Court in July of lasi to my liu.shaiiil. —Cliuiim to ward the rest of creation is not apparoni Tear, And when tbe judgment was finally when those two. counties are concerned, announced in March, the ERA redoubled i! Senator Fitney'a ambitions take a wide watchfulness, and so, when the certified scope, and the consequences are that he seeks copies of the judgment of ouster finally to please, and generally pleases, pretty nearly reached Dover, the ERA, told the Btory. DOVER, - NEW JERSEY WASH DRESS GOODS. For Rent. LOST. $ 3 . 2 5 per Dm. $ 1 . 2 0 peiDuslei an excellent middle $2.75 per in. $1.00 C A R M E N N O . 3» the best of the late varieties, great yielder, of handsome form, few and shallow eyes. LADIES' OXFORD TIES. Women's Dongola Kid Oxford Ties with patent leather tips, every part solid leather Women's Dongola Kid and Russet Oxford Ties Q U E E N Q U A L I T Y Oxford Ties Tun-and Black $ 2 . 7 5 per ill. $ 1 . 0 0 per Dosiiel $1.00 pr W e have just received two cars of the above, which we contracted for early, before the heavy advance in price, and the prices we quote are lower than we could buy them for now. $1.35 to $2 prTo show you the advantage of buying g-ood seed, although 1 last season was a poor crop year for potatoes, yet Mr. Sylvester Dickerson, of Dover, without making any special effort, raised Men's Russet Shoes Queen Quality $3.00 from the Maine grown seed he bought from us, potatoes at the for spring wear, an entire new rate of 360 bushels to the acre, and he was only one ofsmany Shoes for women. Wear, that's stock in all the latest shapes who reported similar results. $2.00 to $4.00 pr. important, fit when others fail. Please order early before assortment is broken. The Geo, Richards Co. Tbe Gco. Richards Co. n 1 li SPRING OPENING —AT— MISS NOLAN'S. c ll 1 The opening of Spring Millinery takes place next Wednesday, March 29, and! following days and will far surpass anything heretofore shown. Among the Trimmed Hats are many exclusive novelties in French Pattern GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE Hats and Bonnets that will not be seen elsewhere and will nol be duplicated. All are invited whether intending to purchase or not. -OF- 8 East Blackwell Street. BUILDING LOTS 40 Lots at $50 each. 50 Lots at $75 each. 80 Lots at $100 each. Morrlstown, N. J . la the largoet investor in Real Estate Mortgagee In the County, havlne approximately «tX»,O0D of Us funds loaned at the present time on this class of security, covering property of more than doable that value. It-Invites Applications for t h i s Class of Loans in Large or Small Sums. Expenses for Searches, etc,. Moderate INTEREST, FIVE PER CENT. TLia Institution vAll also make loans on accepted collateral security, payaWe on demand or on specified time, at current rate of interest. HBNHY W. MILIiEE, President. H. T. HULL, Seorrtary and Treasurer. All the above lots are 50x100 feet and are on the DOVER, N. J. JOHN W. HURD PROPERTY TUESDAY, APRIL 11; and will be sold on payments REED &. VAN'S OF ONLY ROOF GARDEN High Class Vaudeville Co. Japanese Band aqd OrGQestra. GREAT SINGERS.... ....GREAT DANGERS WM. PEARN & SON. For Sale Cheap. $ 1 . 2 0 per bushel Dimities, Lawns, Jaconettes, Corded Novelties, Batistes, Printed P R I D E O F T H E N O R T H , Dotted Swiss, Organdies, &c. crop potato, pure white skin and flesh. 10c yd Dimities 5c yd Batistes Jaconettes 10c yd Printed Dotted Swiss 12c yd Lawns ;c yd Corded Novelties 10c yd Organdies 15c yd 80 Say We All of Us. Paya the Unionist-Gazette, of SomerviUe: IT is reported that tbe North Jersey 5tree1 " Just as the legislative session has come tc Railway Company, which recently absorbed the Consolidated Traction Company, the a close a blast of criticism and abuse is heard Newark and South Orange Street Hallway from tbe Democratic side against Senato: Company and other Bmaller roads, haB nov Mahlon Pitney, whom they regard as a pros consummated a deal by which it takes in tb pecttve and formidable candidate for Goverhelps the team. Saves wear and J expense. Sold everywhere. North HudBon County Railway and tbe Or- nor. Senator Fitney handled Senator Mo• KADI BY Dermott without gloves and unhorsed the ange and Passaic Railway Company. This STANDARD OIL CO. Hudson Beaator In an attempt to forci makes the total mileage controlled by the North Jeraey Street Railway Company IOC through Improper legislation under cover. miles and tbe total capitalization. $70,000,000. There was no more careful observer in the Nearly every trolley road in East Jersey io Senate, no one quicker to detect Improper now under the North Jersey's control, and as measures, no one more ready to explain hii Notice is hereby given that I , Charles H . tbo capitalists behind It are also In control ol own motives. Mr. Fitney is a born fighter. Barrett, of the Township of Roxbury, Morris the olectrio light companies in the Barae sec- His integrity and honeety as a legislator are County, N, J., will make application to the unquestioned. He is bold and aggressive, Inferior Court of Common Pleas on tbe twention, a consolidation of trolley, eleotrlo lighi and this naturally antagonizes those to whom ty-fourth day of April, 1899, to have the and gas interests is predicted. license granted to Clarence S, Brown in the he may be opposed. Ue is a man of deter- present term of January, 1800, t o keep an inn mined purpose, and when he believes he is rJghi or tavern in tbe Township of Roxbury, in SENATOII BHAUN, of Passaic county, when said county, transferred to mo for the unexon a measure it takes Btrong reasoning to pired term thereof. tbe appropriation bill was under discussion Dated April 4,1809. make him recede. Buch a man naturally In the Senate during the laet week of tbe S0-3w CHAnLBS H . BARRETT. becomes the target for the arrows of tbe recent legislative Befialon, Btated publicly on enemy. But Senator Pitney lias only gained the floor of the Senate that he had worked In influence by hia first year In the Senate. with the appropriation committee and apAll ready to load on a wagon, good He has shown that he 1B capable of filling proved the appropriations reported by that road, and all down hill to Dover, 50c any offlco within the gift of the people." committee, This statement seemed to have ier load for all two horses can draw bee!n satisfactory to Senator Braua'e Demorom the pile. Tbe East Orange Township Committee has * critic colleagues, for all, with the single exJENKINS, BUCK & CO., decided not to take action under the incorpo2O-I mo Mine Hill, N. J, ception of Senator KcDermott, of HudBon ration act till next year. By the rider atcuiinty, voted for tbe appropriations as retached to tbe General Township bill East ported. Still we find our Democratic conOrange is exempted from its provisions till temporaries seeking to make political capital February 25, 1900, and this time will allow ' T H E STORE under Odd Fellows' outtof what they are pleased to call the recktbe examination of the act enabling East Hall, on Sussex Street, Dover, is for lestf expenditures of the recent Legislature. rent. Enquire of Trustees, Orange to become a city. JOHN MOLLER, HARRY WALKER THE Morristown Manner, whose other WHEN a hill for lumber, etc., was being THOMAS W. BARTON, name is The True Democratic Banner, last acted upon by tho Board of Education at tbe we4kWrted In on the eixty-flrat year of it* meeting of that body on Tuesday evening, it publication. It was established sixty years was explained that " i t wag a cow stable at ago by the late Louis C. Vogt, father of the ono time and we had to put now flooring in A Fur Boa, on WedDe«day afternoon, present proprietors, and whose other eon, By " i t " was meant the Fcquonnoo between William H. Baker's store on Warren Btreot and Bcbmoizer'B store on Blackwoll " Ben"'H. Vogt, was the founder of tho EHA. street annex. street. Finder will pleoso return to tlie E R A The Banner's " ups and downs," we are glad SO 1 1 . TUB National Steel Company some time oflleo. to Boy.^ieem to have been all "ups," a fact upon'-which its proprietors are to bo con ago purchased the /Etna Standard Iron and gratulatod. The EHA hopes that it may con- Steel Company, paying about 14,000,000 for tinue in the enjoyment of tbe favor of the for tbe plant. On Monday a 10 per cent, inBicycle repairing in all Its branches, creaso was given t o tho workmen, numbering and Bicycles built to order. All work public 4,000. Was this despite the Dlngloy tariff 1 uarantccd. " A L L A N I#. MCDBHUOTT ^Bsailed by Little 63 Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J . P i t " -won the caption of an editorial in the THE custom receipts for tho month of sou Jersey 'di'ty News the other day. It isn't Marcb footed up almost $31,000,000. How ii conceivable that tho editor of our Jersoy City tbat for tho much docrled Dlngley tariff . contemporary never saw Senator Pitney, WJioii Travollnar, who ia-the person meant by "Little Pit," Whether on pleasure bent or businoss, take on Three Challenge 600-Egg Incuevery trip a oottle of Syrup of Pigs, asitacta banco we must conclude that In his eyes moBt pleasantly and effectually on tho kldSenator McDormott Is a sort of Goliath. If 7ieyn, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, bators. Apply to of sickness. sickness. For ber forms of For our conclusion Is a correat one It must be loatlochcB and otber Jenkins, Buck & Co., salo in 50 centt bottles b t t l by b all ll leadlngdrugglsta, l d l d l t aaid thItat Senator MoDorinott's " finish " com- Manufactured by the California Fig Byriip Co, only, ieted. tlio llkeueea. 8-3 w nine Hill, N. J, g|getod f EARLY N O R T H E R S , said to be several days earlier than the Early Rose, and very prolific—a strong, vigor, ous grower—its table qualities are excellent. $ 2 . 7 5 per bbl. $ 1 . 0 0 per bushel TURNER & CO. Building Stone for Sale. $3.25 per bbl. $ 1 . 2 0 per bushel $ 3 . 2 5 per bbl. Purnishings. To W l p I! [Hag Concern. the leading variety for earliness COVERTS—In the beautiful tan shades. VIG-EBEATJX—A handsome weave, in plain colors, dark greens, French blues, &c. POPLINS—The most favored weave of the season, new blues, rich B E A U T Y O F H E B R O N , very productive and shades of green, dark reds, beautiful tans, &c. of excellent quality, a first class early variety. CHEPONS—Black, very fashionable this season, make a rich and elegant gown, we have them in several qualities and styles. S I L K A N D W O O L NOVELTIES—Blaclc with indistinct stripe of same color. Also tan of same style, both with small N E W Q U E E N , a good potato, closely resemblingthe Beauty of Hebron in appearance, but is much earlier, and French blue polka dots, very handsome. a heavier yielder. All the above in D r e s s P a t t e r n s , no two alike. HATS, CAPS [AXLE [CREASE U. S. Tri p Cyclometers.. 79c each Cement, per tube 3C e i i c l 1 EARLY ROSE, Burdick's Cyclometers.. -09c cacli Foot Pumps 30c each and fine quality, Trouser Guards 3C P a i r Toe Clips ?e Vnir DRESS GOODS. ALL THE NEWEST STYLES MICA and enabling us to guarantee our stock as Genuine Mainc Grown. W e have them in the following varieties: BICYCLE SUNDRIES GOODS everybody, from Sussex to Cape May." SEED POTATOES. PER MONTH JAMES T. ECKHART, AgentOFFICE IN BAKER BUILDING, WARREN STREET, DOVER, A Grand Performance of Refined" Vaudeville. Watch for the parade of the Japanese Band at noon. PRICES w - - 3s and 50 cents .?.°Sl?_?? °f .Mle at XUlKoro'ii Dnut store, iu»» THE IRON ERA, DOVER, N. J., APRIL 7, 1899. 5 . B. Johnston, jr., was graduated li rjJFT 8CHO0Z. HOUSE IN BIGIIT. A. Successful Plueon gliooc. week from the Baltimore Dental College. A pigeon shoot for a Bilver loving cup and Sydney T. Smith conducted the services Llko Evorjihlnn Else tuu Vlltles UuBoard of E d u c a t i o n C o m m i t t e e HUB the amateur championship of Morris county at tho Chrystal Street Chapel on Wednesday uertuke, It Was a BuceuSB. FRIDAY, APRIL 7 t b e JMattor I n H a n d . us held on Friday hist at Jacob J. Drake's evening. A quarter of a century has rolled around Mount Freedom Hotel. The published conTho ad faterfm Board of Education ap"7^Ld at Hi" I'"*1 u i r i c c " ' D o v c r i N - J' There will be no service in the First M. E.since the organization of tbe tire department ditions of the shoot were fifteen live birds per pointed by County Huperiutendent Martin L. Church on Bunday morning becauBtj alter- and every year, with the exception of one,man at handicap riaes, ranging from twenty!oi, at ita first luwtiug, uu Tuesday aigbl, ations are being made, Vigilant Engine Company has held a. ball on five to thirty-tvo yarda, the entrance the took a first step looking to tbe building of a Jlr. and Mrs. Eugene Soiitti, of Orange, Easter Monday night. This year the Vigiea price of tbe birds. It was found, however, inucb needed school house iu Dover. Tlie start on tbe aecond quarter century with a that on accountof the large number of shootSIMM. mr|*t cleauiuK-W. H. Hill, 111) pent Easter Bunday at the home of Mr.ball which iu point of splendor, attendance ers who signified thoir intention of entering need of a new bchuol was brought to thB Smith's parents on New street. notice of the board by Superintendent Cox '. ( inn, kwell street. and success probably excelled all others. that the supply of birds on band would be in a communication which was read to the The Rev. T. F. Chambers and thB Rev. W. ,iv tiili'plif'"0 pay Ktation iB an addition inadequate to carry out the original pro- board by Clerk Harry S. Fetors, and which H. Laning will preach in Orara M. E. Church Over 350 gueste were present. Tbe clerk of 1 JR nlie <if Harry L. Bchwarz. Call G(i. on Sunday in th« morning and evening, re the Weather Bureau was kind and furnished gramme. It was therefore determined tbat was published in the E U A last week. In thin pleasant weather. The armory decoration! each contestant Bbould shoot at ten birds and communication it was Btated that " y o u have ,„•>•.• Singleton " ' H " n i l 1 i n P o r t O r a m spectively. were the prettiest and most elaborate that that the entrance fee should be four dollars ; at present more children outside of your • I 'hcsii' operations in tbe course of three or The Boys' Brigade met In the Armory of ever were seen at any function in that :hat the high gun should take tbe cup andBchool houses tban attend school in Roekuf.»ir'!»}•"• Company M on Thursday evening for drill. building. Flags, bunting and streamers that the balance of tbe money, after deduct- •ay, Port Oram Netcoag, Chatham o r some 1 'ini/lii!£r (.'iii't n m o 6 iti> mipQ&r&oc© OD A public eihibitloa drill is expected in the greeted the eye everywhere. The orchestra ing the price of tbe birds and other expenses, of the less populous towushipe." Supervising stiwts of Dover on Tuesday, a sure har- near future. stand was decorated with ferns, flags and ihould be divided Into three moneys—fifty, Principal J . Howard Hulsart also touched llill|!er,ifsuuim(jr. Edgar Tiliyer, of Rutgers College, is spend- bunting and beforo It were placed plcturea of ;hirty and tweaty per cent.—and go respec- upon the need of a new school In an addenda tively to the second, third and fourth high to bis regular monthly report. This is what WK~ .1. Kmling, postmaster at Hacketts- ing his Easter vacation at the home of his ex : CblefJ. J. Vreeland, Chief J. 8. Melick, "' imi a brother-in-law of George Mc- parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Tiliyer, of President Frauk Cox, Foreman Henry Dehler 3coim There were nineteen entries for thehe Bald: cup and tbe handicaps ran from twenty-six 11 Crli'Uen, postmaster of Dover, died suddenly Orchard street. and the late ex-Chief W. S. Collard. Besides While, during the quo warranto litigato thirty-two yards, with "Jake" Drake as In the Presbyterian Church on Bunday the regular incandescent lamps there were scratch man. James Titmuons, of Morris- tion of tbe city government, no Btepj towards tbe permanent Increase of school accommoj,,]jus Huirhouse lias an announcement on morning the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper added arc lights for the occasion and these town, officiated as referee, and filled this try dations, with the necessary Issuance of bonds, ,t. •• of this issue to which the attention of will be administered. In the evening the furnished a clear bright light whlcb greatly ing position to tbe satisfaction of the Bhoot- etc., were possible, tbe necessity for additional !'iTn«lM» of the EllA is culled. His custo- pastor, Dr. Halloway, will preach on "Bar- enhanced the beauty of tho scene, Of thears. Qulmby, of Morristown, won tbe cupschool rooms has steadily grown. The Board of Education has loug recognized the need of guests sixty-nine couples took part In tbe ,,,em g«t e»Ml v n l u 6 f o r t b 6 i r m o n e 5 r ' tlmeus." a new school building, but through the force grand march, with Floor Manager George Captain Moses H. Spencer in getting hl» ith a straight score. Three Dover shooters, of circumstances beyond its control recourse At the annual vestry election of St. John'B ,..„,., iije " M. H. Spencor" and the " F. Church the following were elected for the Hedden and wife in tbe lead. Immediately O'Brien, Taylor and Decker, were second has ot necessity been t a d to rented rooms in ith nine each, and divided first money. constantly increasing numbers. ..i rendinoss for the summer sea- nsuing year: W. P. Tumor, Senior Warden; after them were Assistant Floor Manager Such an arrangement is warranted only ,„,, Captain Spencer is one of tbe most M. M. Searing. Junior Warden, and P. J. H, John Kerwick and wife, Chief James S. Taylor was B-> unfortunate as to loBe his last in"cases of extreme necessity, and tbat for as "liuliu" uwn i" tho boating business on Lake Basset!:, Matthew Tucker, George Tubby, J Melick and daughter, Mra. B. F. Dllbs; Presi- drd, which, though hard hit with tho first limited a time as possible. The Interests of dent and Mrs Frank Cox, Foreman and barrel, dropped dead just over tho rear tbe pupils, both in school work ana in the V. Ball, O. S. Boyd, Leonard Elliott and P. Mrs. Henry Dehler, Frank F. Apgar and boundary. After tbe race for the cup was matter of health and safety, demand the reChiirlt-M H. Barrett, of Flauders, is tbe F. Hummel, vestrymen. of these rooms a t the earliest opMiss Marie Cox, Clifford Nixon and daughter, concluded tbe Bhooters having only three placement portunity by a well lighted, well venti'ated mspectlvo owner of the I,edgewond House, A decree of divorce was last Friday granted Miss Lizzie Nixon, and John Lynch and misses re-entered and shot out their quota of school building. litterlo conducted l>y Olaronce Brown, who to Thomas O. Bullock from his wife Gertrude, ister, Miss Lizzie Lynch. ilrds to determine who should take the second " Rented rooms, not built for school puris to liwmne o resident of Dover. Mr. Bar- The case was tried before Vice Chancellor poses, are not only eipenBive to the town, All the intricate figures of the march, and third moneys. The score : and poorly arranged for health and safety of ' r j t t is well known in liodgewooil, whero ho ituey in Morristown. Mr Bullock's counsel yards which ended in a quadrille, were gone through the pupils, but successful work in them is was Clarence Linn, of the law firm of Linn fiinnerly lived. S3 0 3 2 8 * 2 2 2 2 0 - 7 securea with considerably Increased labor ith without a single hitch. The programme Drake, 28 0 1 0 0 w and difficulty, TIIB loss l>y lire to the Mt. Arlington Horse & Spoor, In Jersey City. Mrs. Bullock was alled for twenty-eight dances andat the end, Johmton, Hluchman, 2t ! 0 2 • ! 0 n " How tbat the matter is possible of subHIiueniR «"<1 Wheelwright Company's build- defended by Charles Stillwell, jr., of Morris- well on toward five o'clock, a quadrille Barnes, 80 0 0 2 0 w mission to the people, I -would earnestly O'Brien, 27 0 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1— 9 ing ut Mt. Arlington, aim tlio loss of Jolm B. town. 'as added in honor of Chief Melick. About recommend tbat the Board take the necessary Youngs, 27 0 0 2 ?, 8 2 0 w steps to that end by examining: further into illtrkivell, a t Mt. Freedom, have been satisThe price of gas In Newark was last Satur- midnight there was an intermission for sup- Baker, 2 8 1 1 0 1 » 2 2 0 w the needB of the situation, available location, hrtorily udju»ted through tho ofBoe of iay reduced from $1.20 per thousand cubic per, which was Borved In the western end of Hathaway, 2U 0 0 2 0 w etc,, and formulating ft definite proposition C. Orr, 30 2 0 2 0 0 w H«rrv L. Scbvrarz. 'eet to, and a year hence a further re- the armory, which was curtained off tor the for such submission," SS 8 a 1 S 1 2 2 1 1 2 - 1 0 Sunday trains on the lielaware, Lncka- uction of ten cents will go into effect. One Dccasion. During the march the Indira' Quinlby, 'aylor, 81 a 8 ! 1 H 1 1 1 • - « The subject -wasn't one to be parleyed over „ „ „ , 0,,,l Western Railroad seem to have thousand four hundred gas ranges for cook- favors were distributed to all who took part Gibbs, 2 8 1 O 2 1 0 2 O W nd on Commissioner A.. W , Condlct'a mo27 2 2 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 - 0 tion a committee consisting of Commissioners lllleil a popular want and i t Is now stated ing purposes were sold in Newark last year, n It. They were from this office and their Decknr, 26 0 0 1 0 w tint the service on tho MorriB and Esser r three times as many as wore ever before beauty excited much admiration, many say- Mumon, Coudict, H. W. Crabbe, R. X. S. Lynd, S. B. Crater, 30 0 2 0 1 2 0 w ing that they were the prettiest of any ever J. Orr, Johnston and S, H . Berry was appointed to llivMmi will l>o doubled as soon as the old in one year. 2(1 0 3 O 0 w 28 2 2 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 0— 7 look into the matter and report a t the next schedule can be preparod. George Ike and T. M, Ike were arrested on given out. Everything passed off smoothly, Plerson, Whttehead, 20 0 0 0 w thaukB to tho efficient work of Floor Manager meeting. This committee was appointed by Company K, Second Regiment, at a meet- Saturday afternoon by Officers Hagan and Hller, 2 8 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 W Commissioner M. V. B. Searing, who was ing bdd Iu its armory In Montclair last S i t - Byram for disorderly conduct. They were Hedden and bis osslBtante, John Kerwick and *Dead out of bounds, chairman pro tern., President S. ft. Benunliiy nie'it elected Bayard T. Qarrabrant as ngaged in a fight on Canal street and T. M. ohn Lynch. The EIIA. congratulates the w—Withdrew. nett being absent. Each member of tbe Committee of Arrangements, MesBrs. Melick, captain to succeed Thomas Slack, resigned. Ike, who is a cripple, struck a man named committee is strongly iu favor of the immeGrimm, Cox, Fearce, Debler, Hart and Harold W. Armstrong was chosen first lteu- Boyleover the head with his crutch, breakdiate erection of a new Bchool house and the Hoard of Ilonltli. ttiuuit and Jolra H. True* second lieutenant. ing his hat and cutting a gssh in his head. Stephens, on the Buccees of tbe ball. Messrs. matter will n o doubt be submitted to the Apgar, Nixon, Mayberry, Hughes and The newly appointed Board of Health, beTlio State Board of Pardons on Thursday Recorder Gage fined Qeorge Ike t 3 and costs Roderer formed thereceptloncommittee, and ing the old board reappoiuted by the Town voters of Dover i n a tangible sbape a t a disot last week paroled fourteen State prisoners, nd T. M. Ike, $5 and costs. trict school meeting to be called in the near Coroner C. B. Gage was last Friday called f these it is only due to say that they also Council, met on Tuesday night for organiza- future, which Is truly a cause for rejoicing. among whom was Martha Cassimore, ot this icquitted themselves well. tion in the parlor of Protection Hook and town. No pardons were granted. Forty-one o Hurdtown to view the body of a drowned Ladder Company, the council chamber being Following is the record of attendance and cases were dismissed after consideration. man which hod boon found floating on the on that evening occupied by tbe Board of promptness of tbe Cover Public Schools Relief C'ominf ti One was tbat of J Henry Cole, ot this place, lake near tbe upper ice house. A tag found 3f Education. President Peters, of the Board for tbe mouth of March compared with The relief committee appointed last summer win is serving a twenty-year sentenco for on the body, with the name "Brady Bros." nd the number " G02," showed tbat the body to furnish aid to needy families of volunteers 3f Health, being also secretary of the Board t b i t of the corresponding months of the preiminler. 'as that of an Italian, ice cutter who was in Dover met last Friday evening a t the of Education, met with the latter body, and coediag two years, being a summary of the The cruiser Raleigh, the first of Dewej's irowned on January 1, past. Tho sum of home ot Mayor F. V. Wolfe, who was treas- Commissioner Eugene Buchanan presided a t statistical part of Principal Hulsart's report: lighting ships to return t o tbe United States, 110 50 was found in the pockets of the dead urer of the relief fund. Messrs. Wolfe, E. J. the Board of Health meeting in his stead. FIBRUAHV 1B90 1B08 1807 Clerk Jos. V. Baker administered tbe oath Anouai enrollment to date.... 1853 1205 1173 sailed on Saturday from Horta, (Fayal), iau. A burial p-Tmlt was granted and the Ross, J . H. Hulsart, A. J . Tlttnan and W. H. Monthly enrollment 1075 1005 1O& Azores, for Bermuda. I t is estimated at the aody was buried in the Berkshire Valley cem- McCormlck wore present. Mr. Wolfe sub- if ofllce anew to the members, when buslneea Average monthly enrollment.. 1021.5 1041,6 9D2 Average monthly attendance.. 021.3 055.8 850.1 Navy Department that tbe Raleigh will be itery. mitted a statement of the money received was proceeded with. Health Inspector Blake. PerceDtage of attendance.... 90.2 Oi.fl 00.8 uven or eigh b days on the voyage from Horta 42 82 fitf and expended by him, and reported a bal- ho was BIBO reappotnted by tbe Town Coun- Tardy marks to Bermuda. From Bermuda tile will start The meeting of the Boards of Registry for ,nce of (131.23. After sumo discussion it was cil on Monday night, made a verbal report to Present and early «very day.. 410 460 S88 direct for New York, reaching Tompkins- ;he different election districts for the revision ieclded to distribute this balance among the the effect that the town is now free from conPrincipal Hulsart reported the engagement villo about next Thursday. Captain Coghlan )f the registry Hutu will be held on Tuesday, families of soldiers who have had serious tagious diseases. A bill from him for #5 for of Miss Sarah E. Hawkins an teacher* to take and his crew will bo warmly welcomed. \pril OS, being tho Tuesday before election. sickness, A statement was ordered published services as Inspector was ordered paid, and a the place of Miss Briant, who was transferred OF ill! from J . P. Force for horse hire was to the clasj in the north aide school heretoTlio Hoard of Health of Jefferson Township !4b canvas will be mad*. Since is easy to and is here given: ordored paid wben approved by the Finance fore taught by Miss Sherman, resigned. organized at a meeting held in the Berkshire liss a UBUIB in transcribing the registry list* B1CEIPTS. Commissioner Crabbe broached the matter Committee, The special committee apValley Hotel on Monday. Ainzl D. Allison, very voter should make it a point to see From Ladles Auxiliary of Y. pointed to prepare regulations for the of a district Bcboot meeting fur the voting of M.C.A * 75.00 wiio is chairman of the Jefferson. Township whether he is registered or not. On Tuesday, collection and diBposal of garbage reported the annual budget, aud Clerk Peters said tbat CoiuinltteQ, was made chnfrmin of the Board April 25, any voter whoBe name may have From the churches and other societies 175.38 that nothing bad been done in the premises be had in course of preparation a statement AND of Health also, and Charles Chamberlain,who Been missed will have an opportunity of »iMO.30 on account of the new condition of munici- showing the amounts required for the differaviDg his name added to the lists. is a member of tho Board of Health by virtue ent departments of school work. The meetpal affairs. At Commissioner Grimm's sugThe Easter services In the First M. E. of his oJllce as Township Assessor, was made :en families (all who applied) gestion it was decided to make the annual inp; will be called when this statement la in secretary. The next meeting of tho Jefferson Church were.well attended. There was extra received aid at various times tour of Inspection next Wednesday afternoon. readiness. amountlngto $125.00 Township Committee will be held on June 13. lUBio by the choir. " Christ our Passover," Complaints made to the clerk of the board In Commissioner Swackhamer was deputed to is now ready for your inspection. The better you are posted on good dependable 4.14 Asliford; "ChriBt Is Risen," Evans; "There Expenses incurred. While driving to Rockaway last Saturday Is a Green Bill Far Away," Parks; and a The balance was divided equregard to the unsanitary condition of the old take the annual school census, a work which ready-to-wear clothing, the better you will like our goods, as they are all up-toally among twenty-two memClayton Itlctor met with an accident which umber of other selections were rendered. rye field along the Delaware, Lackawanna las performed t o the satisfaction of tbe date in style, A I in quality, and all right in price. Our stock is larger than ever. bars of Co. M residing in Dolesullwl in a badly straiuoil Hl'Ul. The acci- ?be Sunday school in the afternoon left tbe und Western Railroad were referred to the board for a number of years past. ver who came home sick or We are here to please you, and we take pride in our elegant assortment of goods dent wft« caused by tho slipping or breaking outine work and had a special Easter proinspector with instructions to take tbe necesbecame ill noon after their roClerk Peters reported tbe receipt by him sary steps to bring about the abatement of from the State school fund of $50 for thethat we are able to show you this spring. ut the. king bolt of hia wagon, which allowed gramme of songs end recitations. In the turn by reason of exposure in the army 121.SS Suits with Double-Breasted Vests, the latest thing out, in all colors and prices. the nuisance complained of. tlie tluifuuo drop down, cutting the horse's vening tha Junior League, under tbe direclocal school library. Principal Hulfort bUtud legs and causing the'animal to rear and tbat $84 hart been received for the library as Spring Overcoats in Covert, Herring Bone and Cheviot, very nobby—they are F. V. IVotPE, April 4, 181)9. on of Mrs. C. S. Woodruff, furnished en, Treasurer: proceeda of tbe receut school library enter- ust what you want. plunge until be Dually broke one of the shafts iertaiuuient in the form of music and reciOUITUABr. tainment, and that ISO of this sum had alolt short. Bicker was unable to control the, ;ationB. Boys' Suits, all styles and sizes—elegant goods for the money. F I H S D S A I i MENTION. ready been applied to t h e purchase of new animal aud jumped, straining his. arm. The RODEREH. Our line of Neckwear surpasses anything ever offered in Dover, hundreds of boobs for the school library, Immu was stopped by a passerby. The Presbyterian Church on Easter SunAnna E,, wife of John Roderer, died a t patterns in Four-in-hands, Ascots, Imperials, Puffs, Tecks, Bows, and Strings lay was crowded. In the morning the pas- Fred Karrel, of Brooklyn, Is visiting James ior home on Grant street on Monday, April These bills were ordered paid: (.'buries Vf. Bowlby, former Chief of Police or, the Rev. Dr. W. W. Halloway, preached lellck. $10.fl0 they are great. . Bbe was the daughter of Ephraim F . and Dover Printing Co. ot the " city" of Dover, will again take All the latest designs in Shirts. Kid Gloves in all the new spring shades. 21.12 ChriBt and Eternal Life." His subject Miss Cole, of Morrlstown, spent Monday Mary A . Hall. Interment was made In Dover Lumber Co charge of the Dover agency of the Singer in the evening was "The story of the resurGarry h. Holdridge* 10.60 The High Bridge Lion Brand Collar 3 # inches high—the latest thing out. i Dovor. Locust Hill Cemetery. Waer & Peters 15.00 Sewing Machine Company. Mr. Bowlby has rection." The musio was as follows: "Sing Hats, the latest blocks and colors. Caps, in all the spring shapes. Edward Moyer ; 470) Mrs. William Pollard Is visiting friends in acted in the capacity of agent for tbe Singer •Ith all the Songs of Glory," P. A. HARKNE8B. Light weight Wool Underwear, Balbriggan, Merino, in all colors. Company for going on twelve years, most of Schnodeker, a bass solo with chorus ; " The Brooklyn. Robert Hnrkness died a t bis home In Bowl$113 88 Miss Lizzie Fryburger spent last week in byville on Sunday, April 2, in the seventytliR tinio in Dover. Other placeB in which h e Risen Lord," G. W. Greene; "Easter Bells *Againstthn bill of G. L. Holdridge (here represented tbat company ore Plainfield, re Ringing," anthem carol, LymanBrackettj New York city. flrst year of lite age. He had been a resident was an offset of $0 for storage privileges. A bill of $1.85 from Augustus 3. Berry was Orange and River Head, L. I . The Dover and " T h e Lord Is Risen," Irving EmerMr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodale and family of this State for tha past two years The agency will bo located on Warren Btreet, in on. In the afternoon Dr. Halloway spoke iave returned home from Melroae, Fla. uneral services were conducted by the Reva laid over because no one present bad any tlio store adjoining the Lawrence harness it the ChryBtal street chapel. His subject W, J . Hampton. Interment was mode in knowledge of how or by whose authority the Miss Bessie Soper, of Bcranton, Fa., is visstore. iting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox, of Orchard Greenwood cemetery, Borough of Brooklyn. bill had been incurred. ras " Christ giving the water of Life." "ffvon Esta. HAT SEASON./. The time to purchase Hats is a t the beginning of the season. This is the beginning of the Spring Season and you are confronted with the latest styles—Dunlap, Youman, Spellman, Howard, Melville Special and all the newest things in Alpine and Crush Hats. Have you seen the new Square Crown Derbys. It's the coming hat at popular prices, $3.00. Pierson & Co. Opp. the Bank, DOM'S Cloifiiers DOVER, N . J . Bicycles Galore! S. H BERRY HARDWARE CO.S. We Handle No Nameless Wheels. Every Wheel Guaranteed. Prices from §22.50 to 140.00. Chainless Wheels $60.00. Juvenile Wheels, Something Fine. Clover and Timothy Seeds. Bowker's Lawn Enricher Makes the Grass Grow, try it. Farm and Garden Tools of every description. Our Fifth Annual Display SPRING SUITS Gents' Furnishings C. N. POLASKY, The Cash Clothier and Gents' Furnisher UIOFCB. Seventy-five Springfield rifles have arrived street Mrs. Grace Hicks died at the residence of Reed & Van's Vandevlllo Company, Irom the State Arsenal, consigned to Captain Miss Mary G. Fulton, of Hew York City, her son on Grant Btreet on Monday, April 3, which appears a t Baker Opera House Tues'etty. I t is expected that orders will soon the guest of Mrs, A. W . Coudlot, of Morris la the seventy-first year of her age. Theday evening, April 11, comes to us well »received t o resume drilling. There are itreet. funeral services were conducted by the Rev. recommended and is no doubt one of the beBt ww about seventy men in the company and Charles ChryBtal and family have removed W, H. Laning. Interment waa made on vaudeville organisations now on the road. JO trouble 1B expected to recruit up to tbe > Summit, N. J , where they will reside in Wednesday in Orchard Street Cemetery. They carry their own band and orchestra full quota of eighty men and three officers. PSBBT. and give a performance free from all vul A number of the men who did nob go out the future. Postmaster George McCracken went to PbiebeMayuard, wife of Henry P. Perry, garity or objectionable features. Tbe com» To inspect our fine stock of Carwith tho company in the late war are withof Brooklyn, died at her home in tbat place Philadelphia on Tuesday to attend the funeral pany are especially patronized by lady audiout uniforms and they will have to drillln on Thursday morning, in the ninety-second ences wherever they appear. civilians' clothes until thft new uniforms of a nelce petings for the Spring Season. Miss Eliza Bufnngton, daughter of Brig.* year of her age. Mrs. Perry was born in this arrive. Considerable changefaexpect011 In tbe equipment of the National Guard. In all Gen. A. R. Bufnngton, is visiting a t the home vicinity and lived here up to the time of her of Letters Uncalled for a t tlio Our lines are very extensive and riftsce. She was a cousin of H. J). Tattle, robability tho uniform will fce more like of B. J . Ross. D o v e r Post OfHoe. The new superintendent of the M. & E . ;hut of tho regular army, having the camDOVER, N. J., April 7,1899. Miss Goraldine Brown, of Wostflold, ia of Rockaway. Three sons, two daughters Division, E. Q. Hussoll, accompanied by his paign hat and leggings. Later on the guard and lier husband survive her. The remains C. D. Barber, we are prepared to show you A.. visiting her cousin. Miss May Brown, of predecessor, Andrew Heasoner, made a tour will bo brought to Dover for burial to-mor- John _ Chealoy Draw, 111 be equipped with Krag-Jorgensen rifles. Sussex Btreet. A. Jacobson, of inspection over the Delaware, Lacka. Interment will be made in tbe Orchard Bert Eai Foundation walls for a 70-foot extension Mra. Helen Kramer, Harry Klnney, goods that will compare with the wanna and Western Railroad on Wednesday, about to bo built on the easterly end of tho Miss Jennnetto Belden, of Hew York City, Street Cemetery. j B 2x. a Oker, Miss iuioi)ifumi|jiiiuo. Josephine Pearson Boing \ieBt as far as Washington. A t tho H. S. Peters overall factory, on McFarlsn j visiting her aunt, Miss L. B, Magle, on Lambert RobloffB, Fred. Blclcley, Prospect street. latter place ho was joined b y General Man- street, affords oocular proof that expansion A.T H Y M E N ' S A L T A R , Mrs. Bmil WormBer. best in the country for beauty, »B>r W. p . Hollstead and Superintendent has no terrors for Mr. Peters. Indeed, ho has Miss Sophia Dorman, of Luxemburg, VIBTo obtain, any of the above letters please HARTifAN— ARNOLD. Garret Bogart, and a tour of inspection of lonR felt the need of expansion, for his busi- ited her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Stuxtevanc, of say advertised, and give date of list. quality, and, above all, price. tht Sussex Branch was made. Superintend- ness has been Increasing by leaps and bounds, Bergen street, this week. The Rev. C. H. S. Hartinan, rector of S t . GEORGE MGCRAOKEN. P . M. ent Russell returned to Hoboken in the after- n the extension he will have his main ofllce, Raymond Wildrlck, of Kingston, N. Y., is John's Episcopal Church in this place, was noon, passing through Dovor nt 4:10 o'clock. 12x12, and two private offices, 8x18. A visiting his 'grandparf nts, Mr. and Mrs. C. married on "Wednesday afternoon to Mrs. DIED. Georgian* E. ^Arnold, of 837 Fifth avenne., It waa not learned how Dover's ancient hydraullo elevator will be put in for hoisting B. Gage, of Bergen Btreet. RODERER-In Dover, April 3, 1899, Anna The best that money can station struck him. stock to tbe second floor. Ho will also put Mrs. Fred Dickerson, of New Brunswick New York, in 8 t Thomas's Church, by BlflhR , wife of John Roderer, in the 45th year op Courtney/of Nova Scotia, once rector of of her age. Interment in Locust Hill CemTwo new teachers were added to tho teach- n an interior telephone system, with seven is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J St. Thomas's Church. Immediately after the buy we have right here, with etery. ing stall of tho Dover public schools on Mon- stations, affording communication with every Jenkins, of Prospect street. ceremony tho newly married couple left for HICKS—In Dover, April 8, 1899, Mrs. Grace % • Miss draco Elchards, who has been part of the factory. A number of other Harry Whitrord has resigned bta position Philadelphia and Washington. Upon their the different grades on hand. Hicks, of Grant street. In the 71st year at <Mcb.tag in Green Village Brace leaving Nor- time and tabor saving devices will OIBO with I G. Moyor and is now attending Cole- return they will go on an extended tour to her age. Interment in Orchard Street nul school on Monday, took charge of the be adopted. Mr. Peters Is to be congratu- man's Business College, a t Hewark. From the cheapest to the best Europe. Among those preseut at tbe wed- Cemetery,' class iu tho South Bide school heretofore lated upon the fact that he had, perforce, to . Mt. Freedom, March 38, 1801), George Woer has returned from Scranton dintt ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. "W. PP0OLE~At to'Sht by Mfss Sharp. Miss Sadie Hawkins, CbarityS., wife of the late Henry Poole, we feel confident that the wants Turner, Mra. E. T. Rodda, and Mra. C. A. Miss Emma C. Clark, of New York, spent 01 aged f& vears. Interment was made In _ ^ Parslppany, took charge of the fourth expand. Sunday in Dover with her s t a r , Miss McCarty, of this place. Curing the Kev. Walnut Grove Cemetery, of all can be satisfied. We are B'ado class In tho South side school hereto Mr. Hartman'a absence the Rev. G. Valerie Two P u b llo Dobntcs. Georgians Clark. HABKNESS—In Randolph Township, April 'ore taught by Miss Lena Brlnnt, Miss Briant Gilreath, of New York City, will conduct the The Dover Lyceum has arranged for a 2, 161!'J, Robert Harknesn, aged 71 years. anxious to show you our stock having taken the seventh grado in tbe North debate with the Alumni Association of the Alvah G. Anderson, amemborof Company services in St. John's Church. "Wo Bchool, of which Miss Anglo Sherman Dover High School. The date has been Bet ill from Califoo, was in Doveron Thursday. before you purchase elsewhere. "is up to tho spring vacation the teacher. MARMEl), for April 88. An admission fee of 10 cento He and Archibald Carvott, another member F i n n s ot Aew ctiuroli Submitted. Mto Brlaut is to be congratulated upon her HILL— CHAMBKKS-Atthe M. E. parsonof tho company, are working at High Bridge wLU be charged. Tho subject of the debate Tho plans for tbe nrc-Poeed Hoagland deserved promotion Mi-s Hawkins has boon age, InDenvillo, N. J., on April 2, lfiltlt. by Mrs. T. H. Davey and the Misses Annit the Rev. J. B, J . Rhodes, James H. Hill bo Memorial Church were submitted by Archi iwrelary of the Morris County Teachers' As- will be: "Has the fear of punishment greater influence on human conduct than tbe and Ethel Davoy spent Wednesday and tect Paul G, Botticher to tho members of tbe Sfagglfl M. Chambers, both of Morristown, sociation for tho post two years. hope of reward t " Charles Cummins, Leslie Thursday of tnls week In Morristown as the official boards of the Firet Presbyterian HARTMAH—ARNOLD-At St. Thomas's Cburcb, in Now York city! on Wodnosday No. ft East Blackwell Street. Dover. N. J . Chief of Polico Halloway, of Morristown, M. Bmith and Lancelot Ely will argue for guosta of Mrs. Davoy's brother, John Nan Church a t a meeting held In the directors' afternoon, by Biahon Courtney, of Nova room in the National Union Bank on Wednes last Saturday recovered somo of the goods the Lyceum on tho affirmative side. The Corrow. Scotia, tho Rov. C. H. S. Harttnan, rector Alumni will argue the negative. Two of tho day. About twenty were present and al A little son was welcomed into tbe homo o of St. John's Episcopal Cburcb, of Dover, stolen from the residence of Mra. M. W. Mrs, Georgians E. Arnold, of No. #!7 nalbrldgo, in Porrle street, in that town, speakers for the Alumni will be Roy Lynd Mr and Mrs. Mortimer L. Aitkens, formerlj wore delighted with the plans. Much Interest to Fifth avenue, New York. (INUOBPOItiJ.TED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE BTATK OP NEW JERSEY) during tho lattor's abseuce in Now York city, and Herbert Van Etten. Tho third has not Miss May L. Cornell, the elocutionist, of Mt. was manifested and many questions were yet been named. Alfred T. Harris, vice asked, which served to draw out from Mr. mere she tpent tho winter. Tbo stolen CAPITAL • $3S,OOO Vornon, N. Y. Mrs. Aitkons Ui well known Blsmnrck'B I r o n Norvo Property was found in the poSBossion of Mrs. president of the Alumni Association, will aot in Dovor, having been beforo her marriage - BoUlchor a clear and invoice description of MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY the plans for the proposed now church, Tho Jackson, a colored womon, who said the asrtalrman. On Tuesday, April 11, mem frequent visitor to this town. Woa the result of bis splendid health. In Titles Examined. plaus v/ill he submitted at a parish mooting doruitabls will ond tretnondous energy art bers of the Lyceum will dobate at Port Oram Koo<ls w ,_ ; e p U r c n a s e n D y n a r B O n Q 0 o r g Loans negotiated on Mortgages on Real Estate. to ho held on the ovenlng of April 17. At tbo not found where (Stomach, Liver, Kidneys I t ' s tlio Llttlo ttolde "oin n. hump, Tho young man ondonvore with members of the Port Oram Social and Acts as agent in the purchase and sale oi Real Estate. closo of tbe meeting a resolution was offered and Bowels aro out of order. If you want lo Literary Club on tlio subject: "Resolved, vuat grow Into big colils; tbe big colds tha »oll a clock, which furnished tho cluf Valuations appraised by Committees oi the Board of Directors by Mr. Hchrader accepting the plans with »'i eh led to the dlscovory of the stolen Tbat tho acquisition of foreign territory will end in consumption and death. Wotcli the gratitude. Tho EIIA will iu the near future tlieBO qualities aud tlio BUCCOSS they bring, exert an ovil Influence upon tho United llttlo colds. Dr. Wood's Norway fine Syrup, t D. -KIBMOIU, president r UBO Dr. King's New Life I'illa. They develop WIIU^RD W. ODTUU, VIM President and Counsel wliM. When Jackson loarnod that ho was publish a detailed description of tho new States." Messrs. Gill, Praed and Doyd will !•• ItKYKiXE, B*craUu7 and Trenmirfir "nnted he, left town, going to Sing Blnrr, N, church, together with VDry|tlno illustration every power of brain and body. Only 25c No-To-Itno for Billy <Jtiat». WDlard W. Cutler Johu H. CapsUok n»v MIH»«« ai guo for tho Lyceum. As this dobato occurs H, Killgore'a drug atoro, Dover, and A. P . Clmrl™ E. Noblo •i whonco ho has Blnco hoen fetched b j on Tuesday thore will bo no mooting of tho Inaruntoed totmcco uublt euro, mauoR of tha odiftoo. AugUBtiu U Hiirara Paul Revere William ] drugstore, Chester. Jail U a " o m V - H o Is now in tho Count; Lyceum on Monday* Qeorga W. BUokla Henry F . Taylor «••"-< Tho Hudson River Tunnel Cnmpany'sproperty and franchise are t o be sold by Master Iu Cbaucory Randolph Family, in New York city, under foreclosure proceedings a t noon ou May 2, and It is understood that the bondholders » m buy in the property and proceed toieorganize the company. There is also a rumor afloat tbat the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, under it« new management, is considering the advisability of securing control of the tunnel for tlio purpoeo of obtaining a direct outlet t o thia city. 11 EAST BLACKWELL STREET, -:- DOVER. IN. J . FURINITURB HENRY J. MISEL, Morris County Mortgage afld Realty Compaii7~ THE IRON ERA, DOVER, IN. J.. APRIL 7. 1899 thence running ™»t along the c u t e r uf Blackw d l stivet l.i Hi., iwint where the boundary line of t h e Town of Hover cms.™ Blai-kwi-ll street northerly of tW I).. L. A: « • " « »''°1" ; tlieiiee i.Jli.n i l « i W luiiiiidiiry line of Dover northerly a u d northwesterly lo I he point FAMOUS MUTINIES IN WHICH THfcY where it crosses Vomit Hope avenue near HAVE FIGURED. Americans and Spaniards Lined the residence of Mr*. Co..,*!-: thence southeasterly along t h e .enter of Mount Ho|K Up In the Open. avenue to Mi-Karlan street nnd i-ontlliuillB The Otittiretik Thnt Led to the *><-tIliciice orross .McKuriun i m « l 1" » ftnHEOt t lenient nf rili'itlrn Inlnnd—t prUline south to the reiil.T of the Morns Canal opposite the tenter of Ilergeu s t r e e t ; III^M Tlmt UrnuKhl Death to t b r TOLD BY MEN WHO WERE THZEE. thence southwesterly along t h e center of the It liiul*"iu)«'rH—A I-Vnrful FIOBKIDK canal t o Itie point where t h e center line of Morris bin el would . r . ^ s it : tlience BOUth Fur rojiwuiB wliioh will at once suggest along the center line of .Morris street 111 the U'lirn t h e FIHnir Ccuwrd. tlie Artulcn tlit'inwlvt's to evi-ry intelligent rvmkT murenUT of Hlnckwell rtrei-l a n d place or betliiii-e in the navy have Jilmost invariably Looked Each OIlitT (HIT—SnanlnrdK ginning", and being the mine twrilory lately bt'i'ii more serious and di'iorminiHl affairs known us tho " h'oin th U'nril. r ' shall constiHeady—Bnrbid Wire, Form, Illucktlitii) bliuilur onibifjtkB happening in tho tute the Fourth Election Di>triet hoaae» and Trenches Dell vd Attnuuit. KKC. a.—Thatall the legal voters residing Almost tsv<»r>-body has heard of tho mn[Copyright, 1SOE. by the Author.} within sai.l First Election District may in tiny iit the Nun', which blocked up theAn Excellent Oombination. said election cast tlieir linllots at tlie Kliglne XIIL trade i»f tin* Tlmnicfi frtim May 27 until House situated on Ihe West side of Sussex •KTNOON on July The pleasant method and bem-iieial street, and a polling place shall he established June 13. 17H7, nnd l«ft pructicully the of the well lcnnwri ri-intidy. at suid Engine House for thut purpose. J hat * tlm veil of wintle of (iiir tsouttii'rn §calx>Jint to tbe effects mavufucturcii by the all tlie !<•(;«! voters icsiililiK within sold ber|ID y fit or3* Karmerry of mi alien f<M\ This wis undoubt- SVKI/P o r Kius, FIG SYHOI* CO., illustrate oud Election District tuny u t taid election untlinu .Snutiaedly tin1 most RTIOUS outbreak that has CALIFORNIA value of obtaining- the liquid laxa- cast their ballots ut tile J'nrk Hotel situated BVIT taki'ii place ha our own, or, for that the \VIL- turn usonprinciples of plants known to be on the South siile i>f Blnekwell street, and a mutter, in any other navy. Thu mutineers tive place shull be established «t sni<l Hark l(icr ami for tlio laxattvu and present hip Killing seized their oflicerfi, trained tbe forward medituiiiilly Hotel for t h a t purpo-e. And t h a t all t h e t linio tho them iu thi; form most refreshing1 to the legal voters residing in sai.l Tliird Klfetloii guns life, hoifcU;tl tlio red flag on tho ad- taste and acceptable to the system. It w Ajncriciiiis ^'tit a mlral'fi ship, IIOHIJIO shotted tho broadeide is the on« perfect strengthening1 laxa- District may a t eai I election cast ttieir bal*I<:1OM- v i e w of tiio ut t h o Mansion 11. use situated on the oannoiis and told off luon with lighted tive, CUMLIIMII£ the by stem effectually, lots Knst, side of Sussex street, and a polling place iiiif-li pos it ion. matches ut every porthole. At tbe same dispelling1 colds, headache*; :md fevers shall lie established u t said Mansion IIouw J lo that (Into Mine, however, discipline was etrlotlyen gently ye.t promptly and enabling one for thut inn-pose. Ami t h n t all the k'tjul mbu inviuk'rs of forced. to overcome habitual constipation per- voters residing within said Fourth Election may nt said election east their bult Cubit hail Lunly Eventually, of course, the mutiny was manently. Its perfect freedom from District a t the Armory building situnte.1 ou t h e pfidMi n iSpuuifcb lupprossctl, and tho ringleader, Parker, every objectionable quality ami Mib- lots West side of lleuix street. Mill n [lolling place stanee, and its ucting on the kidneys, soldier o x c u ji t luffurml death by hanging with S3 of his be established a t said Armory building nnd bowels, without weakening shall oomjifiniuns. No one can, of course, offer liverirrituting sucii «s wtro them, matte it the ideal for tl'flt purpose. any excuse for the violent conduct of those or tit :ul, or runuiiifj laxat ive. KKC. 4.—That t h e District Boards of HegiBmisguided men. Nevertheless it is impoBlicforo their utlnnd Elections duly appointed by tlie fllblo to deny that they had a genuine In the proueHS of manufacturing figs try County Board of Elections of the County nf vn nee lint lit griovunce; thnt repeated petitions for ro- are used, PA they are pleasant to the Morris for t h e First, Kecoinl, 'i'hir.l nnd laBt their foes, all buckled and braced dress had boon contemptuously Ignored, taste, but tbe medicinal qualities of tlie Fourth W u n l s o f t h e " C i t y of Dover" shall for combat, looked them boldly in tbo and that from tbe date of thoir execution remedy are obtained from senna and constitute tin' Boards of ftegifitry and Elecface. the status nnd treatment of Jack Tar tin other aromatic plants, by a method tion iu sui.1 First, Kecond, Third and Fourth dement a marked change for the better. known to the CALIFORNIA FIG KYIIUP Election Districts eucli res))ectivi'ly, shall There was nothing to rurournRO only. In order to get its beneficial uet as judge*, inspectors nnd clorkH of suid In 1801 the mutiny of tbe Bantry bay Co. in Faid election districts each resiMCShaffer's men in the rprctaclo wbicb effects and to avoid iuiitatimiK. please elections squadron gave rise to the wildest apprea n d shall conduct thoelcction provided the full nnme of theCompuny tively burst upon tbum, when, at i'-i o'clock, hension. The Temerairo led the outbreak, remember for in this ordimmce agreeably with the act printed on the front of every package. the flag of trnco \vcut up to cover (i of incorporation of tlie Town of Dover and the men threatening unless their demands message deiunudiug snmmltx They were complied with to fire tho ship and CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. pursunnt to tho provisions of an act of the Legislature of the Stato of New Jersey en6aw before them a city of brick mid murder thoir officers. Other vessels joined BAN FRANCISCO. CAL. titled " Au uct t o regulate elections,' aphi, notably tho Formidable, Majestic and LOUISVILLE. KV. BtODe, defender] on tbo cast and tnutii NEW YORK, N. T . proved April 4tli, ISIS. Vengeance. Luckily the ranrinoa remain' For Bale by all DrugRfsla.—Price 50c. per bottle. froata by elaborate lickl works, eviry BEU. 5.—Thut t h e Clerk of tho Town of After tho battlo 1B t h e t i m e t o eoan ed loyal, and by them ohtofly tho mutiny elevation crowned with a fort, uvury paea Dover shall set u p iu tlie polling places desigsurpressod. Eloven men only were barred by treuclics uud blouklious-es. tho l i t t of fresh timdo graves uud broken was nated in the four election districts aforesaid executed for this affair, but the floggings proper booths and railings and shall provide bonea. And wlieu bus a key position, Great guuB cuukl not bo seen, yet it wig AN ORDINANCE. Inflicted on the remainder were In most ofllclul envelopes for use a t said election iu kuowu that the Spaniards ii;id them, idmilly lat'iiterl for defense uad defended oases of such shocking severity that one the m a n n e r a n d ncconiing t o tlio direction** 1 An Ordinance providing for an elecfor their shots had been ft It iu the by n o m i n a l l y 10,000 men. been carried would have thought death itself would nud provisions of saMuctto rcguluteelections two days of battlo. But long lint's of uud won so cheaply? Keut'a division have bcon far prof arable tion of a Mayor, a Recorder, t w o approved April thu 4th, !*!>•>, und suid Boards of Kogistry a n d Elections respectively shull men eh owed thtmiEeives around wnrltg loss of 584 killed oud wounded ou t n e Perhaps the best known and most draAldermen, five Common Council' canvass t h e votes cast a t said i lection and and baiidinpe, tbu character of which i n inis beeu f»ivcu in detail. Hia )OBB matic of single ship mutinies were those certify a n d make returns thereof uuder their on t h o 2d is shown iu t h e following ta- which broke ont on the Bounty In 1780 men and t w o Chosen Freeholders oath of otllce in all things a s is required by ooald not bo xmstakuu. said act entitled " A n n H t o regulate elecand in the Danao frigate In 1800. The In the Town of Dover. It was qtrite as uinch n desire to blo: tions," approved April Hie 4th, lww, and the ^- Wounded ~> facts connected with the first named inciBtretoh tboir legB ns curiosity to !:now Ofilcera Uon. Officers. Hen dent aro almost too well known to bear WnEllEAS, I t h a s been decided by tho Ru Clerk of t h o Town of Dover shall tile, euch a n d return as m a y bo made what Santiago was like tlmt cuus-ed llio HtfllT 1 prelno Court of this Btato, and said derision certificate repetition. Suffice it to Bay that tho men, — him a n d r e p o r t the tmme to t h e ComIiavjng been concurred in by the Court ot toIIOU Americana tocruwl out of their trenches Iiawklns' (1st) Brigade— driven to madness by a harsh and tyranf'ouucil ot Dover u t ltd next meotlng Errors and Appeals of tbls State, that an the moment theSpauinrdaccusud firing. nical commander, mutinied near Tahiti in of tho Legislature entitled, "An act fter the said election. Kilh uilnntry..,. — the southern Pacific ocean, sot tho officers act To many the prospect of a chance to (Jtli any town, township or IHU-OUEII niluniry — adrift in an opon boat and carried the authorizing prepare a "square 11 meal was the chief 71st Nuw York., — . or part thereof containing a population ex- Passed April .1, 18IK1. F. V. W O L F E , Mayor. ship to Pltcalrn island, a lonely, uninceeding flve thousand inhabitant**, to lie Inconsiders tiou. Soldiers aro always huuhabited epot lying ubout midway be~ corporated as a city after a voto of t'ie Attest:—Jos. V. BAKEII, Clerk. gry. These soldiers were just ut tho Total people, and providing for tbo government tween Australia and South America. Pcarfion'B <2tl) Brlgndo— time hungrier than tho average Cnmp ana powers of such city," approved M«rch ili inliinti-f.... — Here their descendants remain until thii r&CE TO FACE AT LAST. til i!.;it ;is its- (lute, »]tUungb he d i d not rt-cfivd it until 1 p. in., nt, which hour, ,:l;iiMti;_ h n n r i i c r h e nor tihufter k a e w it. ( \ • r a n t ' s , lii't-t was a w r i c k . 'J'^iiil n |,)inl thut In- wuuld n o t BurrturUr. that Ju-IKHI noiiiit d t h e forfiuiJ C'li^uls nnd oilu i> int erestud. Tlmt til it-riKKni tin- n.nsuJs (iiiii-rt'ti tlie American liiH'.-i ami M cured :i f urtlier respite iiH. nr until W o'cluck, J u l y 6. i;f M r hiii'i Uiiit ho bu.iuved t h a t the £]iaM]Bli urniy wouM glitdJy surrender it i t v. i n- liuowu thiit t h e prisoners of war wuuld brhniiHiiH-ly treated by their cii[jtfji's. Ill urtlpr lo give nil example of AiiK_ric-nn itkiihof h u m a n i t y , ho paroled uinl Mint into Suutiiigo a utmiber of wounded prisnnerK, a l l ivbo eunld eland thu t r i p . iMtiiuwhiJo Corvcra's escape und subBR(]iici]t fufo were n o t iiieutiaued. Next day, htjwi'vtr—that in, J u l y 4—Shatter Kiit t h e now** to Torul with t h e soggeeliuii tbat h o HiirrendiT to avoid UBoleEe luj* of Jiff;. Tbc-t! details bhow t h e delitwn.linii with which Shafter acted on J u l y If and 4 in tho mutter of forcing tho fcipauiurds, n course q u i t e incoufiiBtent, it HTinh to mo, w i t h tho oBBumption that tin* AmeiicHii commander Jiad lost hiw tiLrvo the n i ^ h t of J u l y 3 aud wnuttMl to r e t m i t . At Cnmp Wikoff i t was tint iiii [jiTKoiial mid convenient " t h e y " w h o had proposed retreat, and S h u t t e r ' s unnui w a s not mentioned by any one oti tho inside. General Samner declared tl-.iit bo himself bud been wroutfly classi'd HH one- w h o favored ret n m t . Ciiptuin Morton of thu T h i r d cava l r y KIVH t h a t at tho t i m e of t h e n i g h t attack Gecer:il Simmer was in t h e linen of hia ou'ii re^iniciit, tho Sixth, discussiiili giving o u t a « order t o retire, b n t a s tlio rc'iiuJrio nf t h o enemy showed thut tho liuo cunld he held t h e order w a s o*ot fMviiu. That discussion w a s eome limits buforo tbo council on r e t r e a t wafl holrl. BIUTISH JACK TAiiS. fSTRAUS'S $ 085-68/ Broad street—21 west Parfi street, mm NEWARK, N. J. THE LEVER OF LOW PRICES Into im present popularity. Thin name ]e bwn compare the followlDg i vlth what wusay about flium. INTERESTING SILK NEWS. Great Values From Our Annual Silk Safe. 5 Pieces Plain Black Japanese Silks, full Checked nnd Plaid Liberty Satins, extra 1-cavy nuility, wntirvlv in-iv <lt-aiimn. v^r.y 2H JDt-li-'H Hi run if, tirm quality, real lateFt coiorliiKS fnr 1 W»il-ts ftuti Clill Lynns ti)'tt, pure silk, rt-fcular 05 cent to <}rri>*# wear, re«uJflr4«i; vulii-.extm o n p 75 ceiit value, to bo sold a t jmn YAHD 40C •peclalat....... VAHD 3,000 Yards ol! Very Superior Quality IS Pieces Plain Color All Silk Satin French Poulards, a l^autilul asiwrtuiei.t Duchesse.^1 IDCIM* wide. In llfned or tht^ nW and fxrluplve ileBlpnn, all tiin popuIt-Hd tit; Hhadea. wliicli we were fortunate ..... 'jew of tj!"e. v- ry prutty white finureU eiiouuli to wcure «i» accouiit of come miaalut; uud uhadfR striped efTfctB, superb #1.00 * » n _ color*, at less Ifiau fiair the c a t of qunllty, tobeBuldat YARD O t f C production. We offer the lot a t YD.. Your Money Willingly Refunded for Anything Unsatisfactory, J.WRIGHT BRUEN 22, 1BU5; and under Which act the people rumors of movements, of etrutcgy, of nt inranti'y — very day. have heretofore become Incorporated as n — birds in the tuilitury bush ruady for 2<1 iniiuiiry The mutiny of the Dan&e's crew took city, is unconstitutional mid void: and plnckiag, received butap:ist<iu{> thought Tolnl — place early in March, the men rising In WHERKAB, The terms of olllce nf the Mayor, ROCKAWAY. N. J. in the hnstlo fur rations, fur water, for iliofT'RlHd) Brigad&response to a previously concerted signal of the Recorder, of tho two Attlermeu, nnu of the five Common Councilmen of the — • all things needed to make life tolerubln. Dtli iiifuntry and murdering their officers, after which Town of Dover, who were iu olllce when tue llitli inttnitry..., — NewB of Cervera'H esciipo enured tho crew Balled the frigate Into Brest harpeoplo of Dover voted to become incorporbor and handed her over to the French ated greater wonder than tbo trucu. but the 241 li infantry..,, — as & city as oforessi'l linve all expired by limitation: but we, the Raid Mayor, Remen didn't cred- Total — 1 2 8 authorities. It is some satisfaction to corder, two Aldermen and flvo Counciimen it it uor diil they Uruiid total — 0 4 W know that flvo of tho mutineers were t a t are advised that by reason of the premises en prisoners while fighting against us believo tho pre- The heaviest IOKS on tho 3d was in soon afterward and promptly hanged. we hold over and continue in odice uutil mature) s t o r y PenrKon's hripudo, where the nic^t atour successors (n olflce are respectively electprecisely similar attempt was made ed am> qualified; and thuthia fleet bud tack btifinu. The losses of Wheeler's di- In Atho same year to seize the Hermlone, beeu destroyed. vision .Inly 1 and 2 aro uuited iu the with tha avowed Intention of handing her WHEREAS, by an act of the Legislature of Shatter Baid at official table. They were about 14 per also over to France. Happily tho scheme thU State entitled "An act respecting the Camp Wikoil, ecu t of tho strength—that ie, 307 offi- was fnmtrated, but the commander of the representation of incorporated towns in j^ARTIN SCHIMMEL, TJEWITT R, HUMMER. 11 Boards of Chosen Freeholders, approved We saw Cer- cers and men killed aud wounded ont ship, ono Plgot, wan brutally murdered. March, 1890, the town of Dover is enMASON CONTRACTOR. Real Estate and Insurance Agent, vera go." He o( 2,(140, includingdotailed men. There He dosoended Into the fo'castle to reason titled to elect at least two Chosen Freeholders: therefore, 'til BO Goid that ho was some loss in the cavalry oil the 2d, with tbo malcontents and was Bet upon All kinds of Mason Work and Jobbing Office over The Geo. RIcliajd's Co.'a Store and literally hacked to pieces, the fragBe It ordained by the Mayor, Recorder, hud hud warning but nothing compared to that Buffered promptly attended to. of the carcass being afterward Aldermen and Common Councilmen ol OHlce and residence of it. I sought ou the 1st either at the "HBII'B Gross- ments DO7BR K. J. thrust through one of the portholes. For Dover as follows: 43-1 y. S3 GUY STREET, s p e o i n l l y for izig" in c/iurgiHgup "Kettla" hiii or participation in this diabolical crime two SECTION 1,—That an election shall be bold knowledge iu tho in taking tho crest: men, named respectively James Allen and on Tuesday, the second day of May next, bearmy of Cervera, CASUALTIES IN WOEEI-RR'8 CAVALRT DIVISION. John Watson, were afterward hanged at tween the hours of six o'clock in tho forenoon and seven o'clock in tho afternoon of said day T)R. R A. BENNETT, JULY 1 AND 2. Portsmouth. for a Mayor, one Alderman and three ComXJ b at QLIVER S. FREEMAN, (lHt> Killed. Wounded. Strength OOB. OODD AHD OHIBIlItJT >T». Tho rising on board the Ijondon in mon Councilmen to hold office for two years, S B t ^ S S , '»™«a,'»- Stminur's Brifiadu (Col. 0(11OfflOfflDOVKR, N. } . nnd a Beco'der, one Alderman, end two May, 1707, was really a sequel to the OARPBNTEK AHD BUtLDEK Carroll)— curs.Men. cers.Men. cers-Men. wounded July 2.J tin. ISO OUO ICUQW Common Councilmen to hold office for one ( 8 t o 9 i . M. 8 22 420 bloodless mutiny whloh broke out at Spit- year, and one Chosen Freeholder to hold of his guns at work on .Inly 1, ns ban IW cuvnlry o 47 O m o i BOUBB \ 1 to8 p. u. head earlier In the same year. The Lon oiBco for two years and one Chosen Free(lth cavalry — 4 50 16 Flans and specifications made and contracts 427 been stated. Shatter said thnt 1,000 of 9lh cavil try 11 to 8 P. V. 2 2 2 17 13 taken. Jobbing always particularly attended 207 don. was Admiral Golpoys* flagship and holder to bold office for one year. Cervera'3 sailors were in the works that to. Orders left at tbe Brick Drug Store of SPEOIAL attention given to DISEASES of was being approached by a boat in whloh SEC 2. That for the purposes of said elec~2 ~9 Ii IM CO 1.054 were BOHIQ unarmed men from the other WOMEN and CHILDREN, Mr. Will. H. Qoodale or at the pratoUlce will day. It is only another evidonco of tbo Total tion all that part of the territory of the Town (I'd) B r i g a d e be promptly attended to. Corner Union and ships of tho fleet bearing a petition. The of Dover which is within th* linen, boundaries deeper a to straits in which tho soldiers lstWood's U. a. cavalry 1 12 21 47 River Btreeta, Dover, N. J. admiral forbade them to approach, and and limits following, to-wit: Beginning In found themselves after Snn Jnnu ridge 10th cuvnlry.... 2 6 0 ca 22 4M) on their persisting he ordered a guard of the center of Blackwell street nnd of Morris Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware 26 had been carried that eveuts liko Ocr- 1st. vol. cavalry 1 12 617 £UGENE J. COOPER, 6 72 marines to fire upon them. The volleying street where they cross each other, thence Hardware Cutlery vcra'a CEcape ntid dcEtractiou mndo lit- Totni 05 1,«19 of the muskets was a signal for an linme running north along tbe center ol Morris 4 29 15 A T T O R N E Y A T L A W AMD Glassware Woodenware tlfl improssfou tfjero in tbo trenches, Grand t o t a l . . . . 0 88 27 Btreet to the center of tha MorriB Canal, thencv 118 2.K2 diate uprising ou the port of the London's ^ H E NEW JERSEY IRON MINING CO. northeasterly along the center of the Morris bat that triflep which brought roliuf aro Paints Oils MlBTKB AND BOUOITOB I!» CBAKOEBT Three brigade com maud era 200 were hit orew. The marines wore overpowered and Canal to a point wnich is opposite to the cenOffers for sale desirable farming and tlm< remembered in detail. Oiliccrs and men at San Juan, Wikoff, Hawkins find Car- disarmed, Golpoys was seized and roughly ter of Bergen street where it abuts upon tbo Lamps Kerosene Oil ber lands in Morris Countv in lots of 6 acres Office In t h e Tone Building, alfke con Id unnio tho day nud hoar roll, oud two temporary commaurlers, handled, and tho other officers were sent Baid canal; thence north in a straight line to Oilcloths Carpets and upwards and several good building tots the center of Mount Hope avenue where it when they got tho first upology for n Worth aud Li scum, nil of whom learn- on Bhore. in Port Oram, N.I. OVER J . A. LTON'BBTOBK, D O V I B , N. J. Matting: Feathers connects with McFarlon street; thence north meal, tho first variation of diet, tho ed their art in war and have been iu In this case, as in most others, the redAddrea Ii. C. BnnwiHTH, Sec'y. northerly along the center of Mount first chance to wash and tho firet lied harness ever since. Kent's regiments, coats remained loyal. I t was therefore all and Hope avenue to a point where it crosses tho ALSO BBAXER IN DOVKB, N. J, Gross aid. They could also tell of tho rm -well as his brigades, were led by tho znoro alarming when a serious mutiny boundary line of Dover near tbo houBe of Mrs. T7RED. H. DECKER. M. D fluctuations of misery iu tho trenches, veterans. In tUo Thirteenth Colonel was discovered, a little later on, to have Cooper ; thence following the boundary line of theTown of Dover northwesterly and weetr the downpour of rain, tho chill air uud Worth and Majors Ellis and Amnan, been hatched among the marines of tne erlv to tbe point where it corners in BlackP H Y S I C I A N AMD S U R G E O N Plymouth squadron. Luokily on the Office o n BlackweU street, opposite the depth of mad. When tbo flag of all wounded, were veterans, while Oolo- morning of tho very day the plot was to well street In front nf St. Mary's Hall: thence "yy < i. ROSS. Methodist Episcopal C h u r c h trace appeared, word passed along* ucl Lisoniu nnd Major Marldpy of the have been put Into execution one of the easterly along tho center of Blackwell street Tin Roofing, Plumbing and all the center of Morris street and place or "Firing will ceaael Get ont of tho Twenty-fourth nnd Colonel Ewera of mutineers turned traitor, with the result to j 8:80 t o 10:80 A . X. ATT0BNK7 AT LAW kinds of job work promptly attendbeginning, ami being tbe same 1 territory lately Office hours-j 1:00 t o 3.00 p . M. works!" Later would Eonuf] tho warn- tbo Ninth, with seven captains of that that tho authorities were on thoir guard known as the " First Ward,' shall constitute ed to. •OXJOITOB AHD HASTER 111 OHANOERT ( O.-OT t o SM F, M. ing: " L i e down! Firing will begin I" tho First Election District. and tho rising was suppressed almost era regimcut, had served in the civil war, DOVBR, ... . . . H B W JERSEY It had begun. Manser shots found victims all that ASD IfOTABT P D B U O . And all that part of the territory of the Hawkins and tho colonels of theSixtb Suuday morning until tho white flag Tho following morning at daybreak Town of Dover which is within the lines, FOR SALE. Stanhope Newjenej, and Sixteenth, Egbert and Theaker had three of tho ringleaders—Lee, Coffy and boundaries aud limits following, to-wit: Bewas displayed. Thoso woru chiefly New Jersey Iron Mining Oomwanv nBfura Brannlng—were shot. Another, a youth ginning in the center of Blackwell street and forThe •Jmrpsbootera' bullets, for tlio last spnrt sale tho property known a s " T H E ALFRED Warren street, where they cross each other, HOW." QEO. 0. CUMMINS. M. D., of 18 named McGlnnls, received the atro- of ultuateJon tho direct road from Dover to of volleying was tho wind up of thu atthence running south along the center of Port Orarn, and convenient of access from factorcious sentence of 1,000 lashes with nat o' tack the night before. Warren Btreet to Dickeraon street and thence BLJLOKWSIJj BTBKXT, ZOCAB WABREN ies and ml Is la both places. The property consists MRS. SARAH E . DGUART FERHALD, H , D . nlno tails, tho punishment to bo inflicted southwesterly along the center of Orchard of wjvea ulopkB or double dwellings, with outThe proportion to retire tho army on In two installments of 500 lashes each, cats •treet to the Orchard Street Cemetery; thence kltchenB, well supplied wl h clBtern water collected DOVER, W. J. DeHart Homestead near Mt Free tho night of -July 2 to ita position ot slate roofs, and lar^e garden lots attached. to be "pickled," and four to be "ooonted following the outeldo line of said cemetery, from Jnne 20 on tbu bills hack of El Foso easterly and southerly and southwesterly to Property offered a t a price which will yield a re- dom, N. J. I 8:30 to 0:30 A. u. elowly" after each stroke. center of Spruce street near the Swiss 101 BODBS i 1 to a:S0 p. H. will long remaiu a boue of contention, It Is seldom that ono hears of a naval the Office hours, I to 5 p. m. Knitting Mill; thence southerly along the (7 to S:»0 P. U. and may toko 25 yearn to ecttlo, as was mutiny in which the signal for revolt has center L. 0 . BIERWIRTH, of Spruce street to tho center of WilP. O. address, Mt. Freedom, N. J. come not from tho men, but from the liam street; tho case with Mendo at Gettysburg. EvPover. N. J. Malarial Diseases and Rheumatism receive thence easterly up the center of 60-lf. officers. Yet something very like this hap- William street to tbe center of Academy ery one interviewed ut (Jump WikofF special attention. pened in August, 1703, when stanch old street; thence northerly and easterly along ESTABLISHED 1830 mentioned the sobjectwilbout restraint. Admiral Bonbow put out from Jamaica the center of Academy street to the center of No one criticised tho plan. OfHcers said to light the French fleet under Du Gasse. (Second street: thence easterly up Second GEORGE E. VOORHEES, that tha idea was not favored by center of Byrani street; thence Tho British squadron consisted of seven street to the JOHN DRUMMER'S MORRISTOWN, N. J. up tha center of Byram street to tho men; bat, aa before stated, this ships of from 60 to 70 guns, and Bonbow northerly center of First street, where it intersects Tiew was modified by tbo universal Hardware and Iron Merchant SBA VINO and HAIR QTJTTINQ SALOON felt euro of victory until he observed with the Byram street; thencesoutherlyup tho conter admission that tho lino of battlo waa dismay tbat flvo of his captains wore de- of First street to its intersection with Penn MANSION HOUSE. liberately disobeying his orders. They, in avenue ; thence westerly along the center of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, if you wish to reduce the cost ol your dangorontly wenk nud the men sufferfaot, declined to clap on sail, and wore Fenn avenue to the point where It crosses tho Life Insurance or desire to carry a COB. BLAomrau. AND SUBBHC STIUUITS, ing terribly from beat nurt huugur. SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS corporate boundary if Dover near the Conn•oon hull down on tha horizon. NeverThe reiuona ijiveu why tho itien policy for the DOKEB, N. J. house; thence westerly nnd northerly theless Beubow attacked with his ownrod WIKOFF. WOIITR. LISCUM. of retiring to u shorter line nearer Postal Information. along the corporate line of Dover to the point The place has been entirely refitted in a neat who fell July 1; Wikoff ship and the little liuby, but he bad to where it corners in Blackwell street In front A- U. tbe boBa of supplies wna abnndouetl [Brlgado commanders manner. Ladles' and Children Hair ARRIVAL OP VAILS. wna killed.] retire in tho end, with moro than half his St. Mary's Hall, and being a corner of the Cutting a specialty. •how that the idea was a natnral one. been in tho repnJar army since 1801 men bors do combat and he himself mor- of PROTECTION First Election District above described; thenco 6:84-N™ York direct. AH agreed that it was ubiiudoued be- IU the Sixteenth Major MoLanghlin tally wounded by a chain shot which had easterly along the center ofBlackwell street 7:aB-Easton, Phllllpsbursr, Hackotbtown, S U n . l o p e , ML Arlington, Port Oram a n d t i l oanso of the repulse of the Spaniards nud CnptaiiiB Palmer, Morrison and Hhatter&kl his right leg. to the center of Warren Btreet and place of oi your lamily or estate. lately points on the Suasex Railroad. the night of July a and tha cool wuve Whitalt had earned their BpnrB in tho Tho last Econo of this strange and tragic beginning, and being the pome territory J , J. VREELAKD, us tho " Second Ward,'1 shall consti- 8:i5-Choator, Succasunoa, Ironlaand Lake Denbringing relief from heat. Of courso it volunteers, nud Captain Crowell, who episode—so orcdltablo to Benbovr, BO dls known tute the Second Election District. mark. CONTmOTOR, 0ARPEMT1B AND BUILDER. would not bavo beeu proposed to retire counmtuded a battnJion iu tbo Sixth, graceful to most of tho others concerned— Newels, solid.or built up. Btalr ralla or all dinjenAnd all that port of tho territory ot tho 9:10- -New York and way. becaaso of tho disciomforts of heat, Sa* hud t-crved through the war. Colonel took place on tho quarter deck of Iiis tnajworked realty t o p u t up. Mantels. OM& of Dover which is within the Hum 0:S!9-New York, Paterson, Boonton. Eautern issues policies on the Term, Whole Life wona 1 1 8 villa nud El Poaawerouo batter in that Pearson of tho Tcutb, commanding tho esty'B ship Bristol, in Plymouth sound, Town II "! * * A r e l »ltectura. Wood Turning. Band and boundaries and llmltafollmrinit, to-wit: Be^ and Western States. or Limited Policy plan from J300 to JiR HawinR. Plans and specifications (urnislied. respect than San Joan heights. No; I bo b r i t t l e ; Mujor Es-kridgo and Captain in tho early morning of April 16, 1703, Klnnlug in tho center of Blackwell street and 9:38— Pennsylvania and all points on t h i Hinh Omce and shop, Black<Eell Street. Captain Klrby of the Defiance and Warren street where they cross each other • effects of the boat were feared, nud tho Lincoln b&ve worn the uniform since whon $10,000 that are in immediate benefit DOVKO, MEW JERSEYBridge Branch R. R. Captain Wado of the Greenwich, tho two thence running south along the cent-r of real danger was o Spnuieb sortie for their full lace value, at rates that ISlit; also tbo leader of tlie Twenty- officers who were proved to have been the Warren street tn Dlckerson street and tlience P. H. Some time aftar midnight ou tbo 3d first, Colonel McKibhin, Tho Second ringleaders of the mutiny, were shot after southwesterly along the center or Orchard 1:87—All points from Binghamton east, connec will interest you. tlon with Sussex R. R. decision was mnde nt headquartcra to wus cotumauded by Colouel Wherry, a trial by court martial.—London Tlt-Blts. street to thoOrchard Street Cemetery; thence MARTIN LUTHER COX. following tho outside lino of said comotery 1:68-New York, Newark and MorrlBtown hold the line nn San .Inan ridgo. It has Misaoarinu having a loug war record. For information write easterly and southerly and southwesterly to 8:44—Same points as 7:28 A. H . been stated that Shaffer's demand for tho COUHTy SUPERINTENDENT Tho ono thing that Btrlkes the traveler the center of Spruce stroct near tho Swiss a:W-Hlbemli., Marcell. Mount Hope and The ofllcera anfiervd to nn extraordisnrrender of Santiago wns drafted thnt nary degrtio. It was stated at Cnmp Wi- about Irish scenery is the gray tones of Its Knittfng Mill; thence southerly along the THE——=v. OP PDBIJO BOBOOIS ot Hpruce street to the center ot WilRookaway. ^ night. Shatter says thnt ho wrote tho ItofT thnt thu older officers osposed them* coloring; the rocks, the hills, tho houses, center Btreot ; thence easterly up tbo center of 6:08—New York and wayj Chester, Suocasunna Hi., DOVES, A. •'• the soil, the sky, aro all painted In gray, liam demand on the morning of tho 8d. It tielvos to animutB tho men. William street to the center ot Academy suid U assuredly looks its beat Dot In t h t •treet; thence northerly and easterly alone and Ironla. was dated 8:110 a. in., and Toral acceptt H o n s s : B A. 11, to la i t every Saturday. full glare of sunlight. the center of Academy street to the center of A. U. D. 8. M11LS CLOBE. Second street; thence easterly up the center Ucnnty la lllootl Deep. Drink Gratn-O of Second street to the center of Byram r:15-New York and way; also Eastern Suton, A Flno MMnter Keaort. Clean blood means a clean ekin. No street; thence northerly up the cpntir of Southern jersey, New York State and forbeauty without it. Cascnrets, Candy Calliar. At tliia Benson of the yenr ft good many after you have concluded that you ought Byram street to the center of Firat strcoi • DOVER INSTITUTE OF olgn. tic clean your blood and keep it, bj wijiUsHre watiticg to know where to RO to not to drink Coffee. It is uot a medicine but thencn southerly up the center of First t-treet doctors order it, because it Is healthful, in- to ils intersection with Penn avenue • tlionce 8:55-Hackett«town, Woahlngtou and all points stirring up the lazy liver ami driving nil impurities from the body. Ufgiu to-day tu cup-j tlio Bovcre winter woatlior. Tho cli- vigorating and appetizing. It is made from westerly along the conter of Penn avenue to on main line. Life Insurance Co. baniah pimples, boils, blotches, blacldiaiuU, fttu of North Carolina in particularly pleas- pure grains and has tbat rich seal brown color the point where it crosses the corporate bounand that sickly bilious complexion by takin« imt during tho winter months. It la not so and tastes llko the finest grades of coffee and dary of Dover near the Coonrod huuso; tbonco 8 : » - P o r t Oram. Mt Arlington and all p o l r t . to Caecaret«,—benuty for ten cents. All diugCONDUCTED B Y east and northeasterly along the boundary HOriE OFFICE, CAMDEN, N. J. Enston, costs about % as much. Children like it and giate, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c, 25c, 50c. warm (is tlio clitnnte of FJoritJa and yet it tbri ve on Jt because it Is a genuine food drink lino of tho Town of Dover to tho point where )il5--Cheater. Succasunna End Iron!*. F J U N O I B B . PirniAK, PreBlilent. offers relief from tbo Bovore weather of this containing nothing but nourishment. Ask it crosses Blackwell street northerly of tho BLERIEHS 60SESRDCH. L. & W. car shops; thence westerly Hop !l JOBBPH n . B A S X I M , , 1st Vice President. locality. Southern Pines, N. 0., Is a.newly "our Hjroeer for Qraln-O, tho new food drink, D., ' along the conter of Blackwell street to Warm j m m m L Special Tor Raster K. AlIBLKIl AKMSTnONO, COUNSEL. founcled villago wliero hundreds of NortLorn and 25o. ren street and the place or beginning, and In Kid Gloves. A kook at 75c. pair; 2 olafp peojilo nro Bojournlug. Wo advlso thoreader being the same territory lately known as tho HAimir RKHVES, Secretary. QERMAN TAUGHT ACCOBDINa TO at 70c- pair. Dig values at J. H. Grimm's, C> take a run tlowu to that locality and Bee Don't Tobtceo Spit and Smoke Tour IJfo A nay. Th rd THE BEST MErHODS OP THE DAY i S W shn11 COI "«'"t« the Third :10-All points on tho Central Rallrnnd of Now No. 6 N. Bussez street. To quit tobacco euslly and forever, bo mag ™ Election District Branoli Office, PJerson Butldfng, Dover, H. J . I«ssons Given Both Afternoon and Evening. whut it is Uko during the wlnfr niontba, nctlo, full or lire, nurve ana vigor, tulie No-ToAnd all that part of tho territory of tho railway fares costs but llttlo and Pinoy Duo, tlio wnndor-worlier, thnt malica we alt mon Town CHARGES MODERATE of Djvor which is within ths lines, T o Care Coiutlpatlon Forovor. Wu. M. FlBlltn, District Hupt. All druuglsiB, cOo or ft. Cure guaran- boundaries and limits following, to-wit• B»Tnfco Ciiscarats Caiidv Catliartla 10a orCuo, Woods Inn, tlio new bfg hotel, an elegant strong, APPLY TO teed. Booklet and sample free. Address ginning in the center of Morris street and 1 0 . 0 . 0 . tail to euro, drugffiiiu rofuod inoaoy. hostelry, will caro for you at moderate rates, S Correspondence with Building Loan u r l i l y Sewed* o a , oiiicafo ox Now York. BlackweU str»t wlere they cross each other • ERNST NEUENDORFF, Association members earnestlysolicite a No. 18 Bergen Street, City Stoves, rianaes ^0 Healers s ana Scranion Goal BIS umm ™ BUILDING LOAN MUTUAL BUILDING LOAN MUTUAL GermanLanguage THE IRON ERA, DOVER, N. J., APRIL 7. -1899. THE TKNT THAT TELLS. SHERIFf'S SALE. SHERIFF'S SALE. IN OiiANfjKiiv tip N E W J i ; i i H t v . YOU CAN GET ALL THE CONVINCING i'HOUK YOU WANT liY HEADING DOVEK PAPKIIK. 7 NEW YORK TRIBUNE. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JEKSBV. Recognized a s a Leader of RepubWherein Jaci>b II. JJartles, Louiaa Hurtles Brown, Hck-iiu Hurtles ami Gertrude Hurtles Jefcireeu DorastuB L. Bryant, compiuiutiut, Anthracite coai uaed exclusively, insuring Wheu the reader wants any article of vul- Gator, were complainants, au<l Ellsworth lican Opinion. and the Westmoreland Hotel Company, cleanliness and comfort. Chiids, Ma I. ChililH, Frederick Cbilds, ue he naturally prcf ere to deal with someone Theodore F. King, William E. Kin K and « hark* Dellurt Brower, trustee, and tbe Caroline H. Bryaut, defendants. Fi. fa. for The Niw York Tribune olfir* la ttie iiulillc a he can depend upon. New York Building ami Improvement sale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to newspaper which is absolutely representativt If mixed up in a law suit, a good regpontilTIME TJlJJLa IN KFKECT NOV. ^0, 1SDS Company, wure clcfcudantK. Ki. fa. for Hale the beat opinion of the Republican party on all May term, A. Ii. 1SSK*. blo lawyer IB generally the firat iioccaHity of mortgaged premium. Returnable to S. H. NKIGJIBOUII, Solicitor. national issues. It Is (ll^nilU-il, strong, complete May term, A. D. 18i«i. sought. By virtue of tbe above stated writ of tferi and patriotic, facias in niv bunds, I shall expose for eale a t J. M. DICKINSON, Boliultor. If lout on the prairie, directions from a setThe Daily Tribune in 810 a year. The Weekly, TRAINS LEAVE DOVER A S FOLLOWS Y virtue of the above stated writ of flori ublic vendue on tbe premises a t Landing, 1, butcuu tit) ubtatned, in conjunction with vuntler could be relied upon; thobe from a stranFor New York, Newark and facias in my bonds, 1 ehall exuouo for lorria County, N. J., on us local papers, on more mlvaotageouH tenim. ger would he doubted. sule at public vtmdue at tbe Court Houne in Elizabeth, at 6:3;, a. ra,; 2:59 p. m The Semi-Weekly In $i a yeur. WEDNESDAY, \ho 19th day of April It follows in the realm of proprietary arti- Mr>rrintown, N. J. t on cles tuat Dover jwople would naturally select MONDAY, the Ut duy of MAY next, A. D. 1890, between tbe hours of 12 m. A Newspaper and Magazine Both. For Philadelphia at 6:31, a.m.; that one article which has cured some neigh- next, A. I). 1KM, between tho bours of 12 M. and 5 o'clock p. in., that is to say a t 2 o'clock The Semi-Weekly Tribune, printed Tuowlayn 2:59, P' m. bor, people they know, people who can be and 5 o'clock 1*. M., that is to nay at 'J o'clock in the afternoon of Baid day, all those tracts ,nd Friday 8, in one of the l«»st guttural new^pap^rs iu the afternoon of wiiii day, ail tracts or par- or parcels of laud and premises, situate, lying Keen, spoken to and questioned about the re- cels offends ami prt'tnisea, Bituute, lying and and being iu tbe Township of Roxbury, in the a the country for a wfde-a* ak« farmer, iirof.-H. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, sults. The only proprietary article which being iu the townnhip of Cheater, iu tbe County of Morria and Slate of New Jersey, atonal man, merchant, uiauuftttiturtr or nietlianie. Asbury Park and points on New It Bftvea the ueceMlty of buying other newepaperH. gives thin positive proof is the 0110 endorsed County of Morris nnd Htoto of New Jersey, bounded and described as follows: THE FIHBT TRACT—Beginning a t the third It mipplemunts admirably a luca.1 doily; many York and Long Branch Railroad, by Mr. E. F . Hall, of KG. l!0 Ur&nt street, bnuuded and described as fo'lowa : 2:59 P- mBeginning a t a whitu oak tree standing in corner of a tract of land conveyed by Axel people take it iu place of one. employed iu tfie D., L. & W. car Bhopn, who the public roud leading from fuuputik to Ches- W. Nibelfua to the Landing Hotel Company »nys: " I won troubled with kidney com- ter, corner to lands late of Frederick Chiids, by deed dated September 2U, 1889, and re- The aKrlcultunU page will contain this year. In For all stations to High Bridge plaint for the last 10 or 15 years There was now Mr. Sharp's and Peter Tiber's, formerly corded in Morria County Cl-rk's office iu addition to regular features, a weather review, nany descriptions of the actual results obtaiued at 6:31, a. m.; 2:SQ, p.m. a severe pain across my lack, so bad at Wyekoff's; tbeuce (1) along lands of said Book U, 12 of Deeds, pages SO, &c.; tbence in email farms and other matters of particular use north twelve degrees fifteen minutes west, times that I could not got about, and I had Peter Tiger south flfty-two and a lialf de- being a continuation of the second line of to gardeners, fruit-growers, farmers, dairymen For Lake Hopatcong at 8:35, prpen went, twenty chains and Bixteen liuks to also a dull aching pain over the kidneys. I titoueu for a corner ; thence (2) bortu twelve said tract of land seventy ttve feet to a cor- nd Uve-Btock raisers. a. m.; 2:59, 7:08, p. m. did not know what i t was t o got a good degrees west fourteen chains and sixty links ; ner marked by a stake and heap of stones; (2) north eighty uix degrees thirty Stories of the War with Spain. night's sleep; no matter now often I changed thence (a) 6outhflfty-tbree degrees went fifteen thence For all stations to Edison at chains and sixteen links t o a brick stump and minutes went one hundred and twenty-three During each week the reader will flnd a column a m my position the pain was always the same. Btones corner to luuds late of Conrad RttrieU; feet eight inches to a corner marked by a C " Questions and Answers," letters from corres- 8:35 - - ; 2:59 P- m. When I rose in the morning I always had a thutice (4) along lands of mid Itarick north stake and heap of stones; lUeacB (3) south six sort of tired feeling. Tho kidney secretions twenty-three degrees west thirty eliaias and degrees forty-five minutes east one hundred pondents tu London and Parin; a page devoted to For Rockaway at 6:55' 9:25, and fourteen feet two inches t o a corner bclonue and inecrtianlCB; home interests and other contained a brick-dust deposit, were very four links to Btones cottier, to lands late of marked by a large stone with a drillhole; things which interest women, Including the " Tri- a. m.; 6:30, 739: p. m. said Karick and Fordham ijoek, luto of Daniel frequent and accompanied by suppression, Leek; thence (ft) along IQIIIIH of said Lfek and thencfl (4) north sixty-five degrees east sixty- bune fJunahiue Society;" soniB Rood games of Sweetest tiling that can be seen causing me much annoyance. I doctored and i'eter Brown north fifty-four and a half de- one feet four inches to a corner marked by a checkers; a scries of thrilling stories of actual exFor Easton, Allentown and stone with a drill hole; tbence (5) south >eriences in the war with Bpalu, wrltUsu by used lots of so-called kidney cures but never grees east thirty-neveu cbuinn and sixty-two large Is a baby, fresh and clean. Jlauch Chunk at 6:31. a. in.: ( 2 c g links to a point in the u>ubliu road leading from thirty-eight degrees east one hundred and oldte-s and Bailors; and advance Information of got any relief. I saw Loan's Kidney Pills to Easton); p. in. Peapauk tit ('heater: thence (0) in said road flfty-two feet seven inches to a corner on tbe Dainty clothes and tender skin advertised in our paper and got a box at fouth eighteen and three-quarter degrees east second line of said tract marked by a stone >ew enterprises of importance to inanufactururv, Need pure soap to wash them in. Kobert KUJgorob drug store. They helped five chains and three links; thence (7) stilt In artificially set i a tbe ground; thence (0) along mechanics and bmjlnt-as men. said second line north twelve degrees fifteen me right from the start and before I bad Mid road south eight and three-quarter de- minutes west one hundred and twenty-nine Nurse and mother must be sure HETURKIHG, grees east &eveu chains and thirty links ; ilarket Reports the Standard. taken half tbe box I could go to bed and tbpnee (B) along Vun Duser's land, now feet four inches to the place of beginning, Leave New York, foot Liberty Baby's bath is sweet and pure. The market reports will be kept up to their prencontaining thirty-six one hundredths acres, deep soundly all night, something I had not Melick's, north fifty-three and a half degrees ent hitfu siandard. It is the intentUm of The Street, at 6:00, a. m.; 4:40, p. m. Free from grease or alkalies ; done in years. I continued the treatment east thirty-three chains and ue veil ty-four •noro or less. Tribuns at all times to add to them whatever quolinks; thence (!)) north thirty-three mid a half TUB SECOND TRACT—Beginning a t a stake talious will render them of Kreater value. The until the pain left me entirely, the secretions degrees wtwt five chains nnd ninety-four Ivory Sonp their want supplies. Leave New York, South Ferry, from the kidneys improved and I am better links; thence (10) along Cliandler'flland north ami stones one huudred and eighty eiijlit feet finest compliment • pafd to The Semi.Weekly Whitehall St., at 4:35, p. m. on a courue south thirty-seven degrees fifteen !• C<, CIMIBMIL in every way. I have recommended tbiH flfty-two and a halt degrees east twelve minutes west from the Bouthwest corner of the Tribune Is the fact that It enjoys the. subscripremedy to a number of employes in the shop eh'iiiiH and eighty-live links; thence (11) south south abutment of the road bridge of tbe tions of a large number of merchants, dairymen Leave Rockaway at 6:22, 8:24, firty-six and a half degreei) east nineteen and you may use my statement; for publi- chains and twenty-eight linka; thence (12) canal and Delaware, Lackawauna and West- iud farmers who disagree with Us political stsntl- 1. m.; 2:50, 6:55, p. rn, Railroad a t Landing, New Jersey; thence nenta. but who find its accurate market reports cation and I will bo pleased t o answer auy along lauds of Durllug south twenty-one de- ern (I) south fifty-three degrees west two hundred essential to the proper conduct of their bunlnesa. grees west fourteen chains and sixty-eight and inquiries that may bo sent to me." feet to a Btake ; tb»nce (2} It la always safe to look at The Tribune befoie Leave Port Oram at 6:50, 9:20, links to a rock; thence (IS) south twenty de- northtwenty-five FLANDERS. twelve degrees west three hundred feet one b yB or sells country produce. Once a week a. ni.; 6:22, 7:34, p, m; sympathy of their f riendu here In their sorrow. grees east three chains t o stones; thence (14) to a stake and stones ; thence (H) uorth fiftyJohn J Drake, of Newark, was in tho vil- Mrs. J . P . Woodhull and Mra. William Doaii's Kidnoy Pills for sale by all dealers. south thirteen degrees west one chain and three degree eaar. two hundred and twenty- the l» a special market article on one particular WoodhuJl, of Dover, were visitors ou Friday Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Mil burn seventy-one links to a maple tree; tbotiee (IS) fllo teet to a stake and htouea in the south top . la,^ for a *d»rt stay during lost week, Leave Lake Hopatcong at 6:20, south twenty-three and a half degrees west . m.; 5:28, p. m. Ili'iinet liowinan and family, of Xfaugh- with Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Woodbull, of Co., Buffulo, N. Y., sole agents for the U. S. nine chains and nine links to a heap of Btones; right of wav line of the Delaware, LackaPictorial Supplement. wa> na aud Western Railroad ; thence (4) folriglit, removed to tills place last week, occu- this place, Remember tbe name Doan's and take 110 sub- thence (If) south four degree* east nue chain lowing the same about three hundred feet to With Friday's number there is an Ilhwtratod and ninety-links to a chestnut tree; thence the place of beginning, which, after deductLeave High Bridge at8:i7, a. m.; pying tlio Into W. K Miller property. Mr. Mies Alice Bird has returned from a stay ititute. (17) south tbi-teen and a half degrees weBt ing twenty-seven hundred and fifty square upplument, 20 to 2-1 pages, printed on specially 6:29 p. m. jtomnnn bus opened a wlieelriRht shop and of several days with her. alBter, Mrs. Ira Santwo chains and ninety links to an ash tree; teet flue papw, full of delightful reading, enlivened tor wagon road, there remains one acre commenre'' work, illling the vacancy In t b a t deraoii, of German Valley. thence (IB) south thirty-six degrees west one and fi>rty-eight hundredths acres ; being the •1th from thirty to fifty half-tone or other pictures. SUCCASUNNA.. J . H. OLHAUSEN, chain and forty-eight links to a beach tree; line inwto l>y tin death of M. F . Dickerson. A handsome monument of gray granite has Every reader admits that this Supplement is equal Gen'l Bupt. The Rev. E. W. Hancock ID attending con- tbenoe (19) south sixteen degrees WCBI two same premises conveyed to the party oi tbe to a magazine- in. IU content a, and better than a flrt part by deed from Axel W. Nitwlius been erected in the Force Ceme'ery, near the Tile last north bound passenger train due chains aud eighty-seven links; thence (30) dated H. P . BALDWIN, ference in Newark. September 26, 1BB9, and recorded in M. E . Church, to tho memory of the Kev. south lorly-nlx degrees cast ninety links; Uorri- County Clerk's oifiee in Book U-13 on magazine in being quicker to lay before Its readers here iibout seven o'clock iu tbe evening Chin. Puss. A g t . The "Klondike" supper spoken of a few perfectly l"reali discussions of matters which are 6tramli;<l by tlie breading of tlie engine, a aud M m Manoing Force aod their eon, the weeks ago will take place in the Presbyterian thence (21) south thirty-four degrees went page 80, &o. The said party of the first part attrautinir attention, gampfe cop/es of Friday's three chains and seventy-two Jinks; thence short distance below this place ou Thursday late William M, Force, of Newark, and hU Chapel on Tuesday evening, April 11, A (22) north fifty-one degrees west &even chains further grants, assigns and conveys to the issue wilt ba sent free on application. The Supand twenty-Beven links; theoce (S3) along party of the second part, its successors and of lost week and remained there for about wife. novel entertainment is being prepared and a lands of Frederick Chiids south forty-four assigns forever, the right and privilpge ot plement contains two pages of humor; a fasclnatDr. and Mra. Charles N. Miller, of German tiro hours, when tho engine was repaired a one inch pipe from the above de- Ing letter from ex-attache, a gentleman who has good time is promised to all who come, and a half degrees west twenty-two chains laying (HORBIB A ESSEX DIVISION.) scribed premises to a small lake about fifty Berved at many at the great courts of tlie world, Valley, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. siiflli'iefitly to enable t > complete tbe trip. Mrs, William Couraou ami Miss Susan aro uud eighty-one links to a rock; tbeuce OM) feet south of tho autna for the purpose of con- and who [peaks of klnga, emperors and noblemen still along said Child's land, now Hbarp*a, veying water to the hotel or other dwelling Depot in Hew Torji, foot of Barolajfit.«nd Tbe Misses Maude and Bertha Apgar, of Myers on Easter Sunday. spending a week with relatives in Orange. from actual knowledge; nook reviews; short south fifty-three and a half dpgreea w^st fifFrank Smith visited with hia mother a t foot of Christopher St. Dover, were visitors last week with their fr. and Mrs. E. J, DeCamp spent Easter teen chalus and eighty-eight links to the place and barn or stable which may be erected itorles; dramatic and musical criticisms; the fine for UBe therein, tbe pipe to be laid cmisias, tlie Mit-ses Annie and Emma Waok. Keavil last week. of beginning, supposed to contaiu three hun- thereon Sunday with Mrs. Pope in Roseville. u> der ground and Baid privilege to b« re- work ot great architects and artists; letters from dred and twenty-three acres of land. DOVER TIME TABLE. From one of our neighboring places comes abroad; talk on scientific subject*, new warships, C, H. Barret and family have removed stricted to one dwellug house and QUO barn Mrs V. F . Cox, of Camp Tabor, the coun'y etc.,; [rosBip by pungent writers; and, Iu fact, the TRAINS ABBITX AND SSPABT JTBOll. THIS or stable. Irom near this [ilace to the Ledgewood House, the following; "While the Index boasts of its president of the W. C, T. U., will address the whole range of higher topics In which Intelligent great circulation and extensive news Its ladies in the MethodiBt Church on Friday^ Leugewood. Being the Bame premises conveyed t o said STATION AB FOLLOWS : THE THIRD TRACT, bounded and described men aud women are deeply Interested, and a proTbe seution men of this p'ace wero given a readers bemoan Its poor type, While ours is April 14, a t 2:45 p. m. A large attendance William Chillis by B. Van Syckef, master in as follows: Beginning a t the third corner of fusion of beautiful illustrations. The Supplement chancery, by deed dated June 3\K A. D., 1S'S8. EAST BOUND A. K, WB8T EOUTJD a tract of land as conveyed by Nancy Riggs la the cream of the whole week's work la the Loliihiy on Goo 1 Friday. As this is unusual not a newspaper borrowing community, yet is desired. EDGAR L. DUELING, Sheriff. Buffalo express* 5:15 Milk express 6:12 to Landing Hotel Com piny by deed dated it must In taken as another measure of recently the Index was offered by one man Tbe decorations in tbe churches on EoBter Dated March 25,1600. Oawejco express* 6:10 Milk erproP8 6:34 December 17, ] 889, and recorded in Morriw Tribune office. Chronicle and Era. p . t $16.20 to another, when the latter declined, saying Dover express 6:4(1 Dover accom. economy. 8:12 County Record of Deeds In Book X-12, pages Suudoy were beautiful. Hack't'nexp.* 7:10 Easton mail 9:10 15, &c.; tbence (1) north two degrees and six, Clubs. J Rush Smith, of Pottersville, was In the he didn't wanfcBuch ajumMed mess and he Hack't'n mail 7:28 Bing'ton mail* 9:29 teen minutes eaat one hundred and seventy couldn't read, it anyway, the print was so village oa Hatunlay. feet to centre of proposed new road as now Any reader who may find It convenient to raise Washington spl* 8:03 Dover express 10:43 Hub of subscribers for Th» Semi-Weekly Buffalo express* 8:33 PhilUpsburg ex* 10:48 Mrs Catherine Stone, who baa been with poor". And he a loyal Democrat, The EKA laid out leading from Landing to Fort Morris I N CHANOKHV O F N E W J E R S E Y . express 8:41 relatives iu Jersey City for the past several is accepted always with thanks. Wherein Gustavus F. Swift and Edwin C. on south-west side of Delaware, Lackawanna Tribune Is Invited to do BO, and to eend to this Easton Dover accom. 9:40 Dover acoom. 19:20 Bwift, partners, trading as Dover Beef Com- and Western Railroad; thence (2j Bouth sev- office for sampla copies, etc.' CA«O LYNN. months, returned to her home bere last week. Soranton exp.* ll : 02 Ba-ton express 1:58 enty-five degrees and twenty-two minutes THB TRIBUNB. pany, wero complainants, and Frank O, O*(r Two Hundred Thousand Trial Dover accom. 11:20 Elmira express* 2:19 Easter wus uiipropriately observed in both 2:19 Redden and Hattle Hrdden, his wife, and east, following iho centre of said proposed T o Cure Constipation Forever* p. H. Dover accom. Bottles Sent Free by Malt 3 2 churches. In tho Presbyterian CUuruh tbe 3:52 Alfred JU Ueddon and Sarah A Hetlden, road two hundred and twenty-four and eightTalte Cusuaiola Candy Cutburtla We orlBc feet to a p^Int in the centra of said Dover accom. 12:45 Easton express 5:08 his wife, were defendants Fi. fa. for sale tenths decorations were of growing plunta and cut >( 0 . 0 , 0. fall to cure. drueniHts refund tnonep By special arrangement wilh themsik road; thence (8) still following tbe centre of Buffalo express* 1:37 Scranton exp.* 6:34 of mortgage premises. Returnable t o May the Bame Bouth forty-one degrees and fortyUfratoreraof that justly famous Kidney tloner& tastefully arranged. The sermon a t Eaflton mail 2:41 Dover expreea 6:35 6:35 Cut this out and return to us with $ 1 . 0 0 and fowego express* 3:47 Washington upl* 6:40 MORRIdTOWN. medicine, Dr. David Kennedy's Favor-. term, A. D., ihOQ. nine minutes east one hundred and three and tbo morning service delivered by tho pastor, FORD D, SMITH, Solicitor. seven-tenths feet to Its intersection with tbe we'll send the following, postage prepaid: Dover accom. 3:55 Hack't'n mail 7:18 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eleenschmldt, who its Remedy, the readers of this paper tlie llev. W. T. I'ttninll, was eloquent and tull Dover accom. 5:55 PhilUpsburg ace. 8:02 Y virtue of the above stated writ of Fieri third line of a tract as conveyed by A. W. Vermont Farm Journal 1 Year. are enabled to obtain a trial bottle and of ihe glndncds and reality of the resurrection. have for many years been residents ot Mor- pamphlet of valuable medical advice Buffalo expreBs* (i:22 Buffalo express* 6:28 Facias iu my hands, I shall exnotse tor Nibelius to the Lauding Hotel Company by Dover acoom, 6\S2 LT. 8. express* 9:55 Tho music, both morning and evening, was ristown, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary absolutely free, by simply sending their sale a t Public Vendue, a t the Court House io deed dated September 2(J, IKS", and recorded New Vork Weekly Tribune 1 Vear. in Morris County Record of Deeds, Book American Poultry Advocate 1 Year. PhilUpsburg ex.* 6:87 Dover accom. 10:38 reunereil by a, quartette choir. A t the even- of their marriage at their home on Western full name and post office address to t h s Morristown, N. J., on U-13, pages 80, &c.; thence (4) Bnuth fifty-two Milk express* 8:17 Buffalo exprew* 10:59 MONDAY, the 24th day of April next, ing service the pasor gave an Illustrated talk, avenue last Friday night. They were mar- DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORAand thirty miuutes west along third The Oentlewoman I Year. Eaaton accom. 8:44 Theatre train, 2;25 A. D., 1899, between the hours of 13 m. and 6 degrees TION, Rondout, N. Y., and mentioning Una ot last mentioned lot one hundred and Milk express* 8:57 using tlie beautiful Easter Illy as all illustra- ried in Germany and came to Morristown o'clock p. m'.. that; is to Bay a t 9 o'clock in ninety-Bix and three-tenths feet to third cor- Marlon Harland's Cook Hook. tion. It was an able effort and was greatly ahout forty-five years ago. They were the thlflpnper. the afternoon of said day, all that tract ner of eanie, and also the fir»t corner, us in Ten Nights in a Bar Room. Ofcourse this Involves enormous ex* or parcel of land and premises herein- deed from Nancv Riggs to Landing Hotel •Via. Boonton Branch. enjoyed. A substantial offering was made t o Barents of ten children, six of whom are particularly described, situate, lying pense to the manufacture™, but they after the first above mentioned; thence now living. Mrs. Durling, the wife of the church treamry. being in the township of Randolph, Company, have received so many grateful letter) and (ft) north twelve degrees fifteen minutes west Sheriff E. L. Durling, is a daughter of the iu the County of Morris and State of New The II. B. Ohurcb was artistically decoDOVER AND MORRISTOWN. from those who have been benefited Jersey, hounded and described as follows, viz: seventy-five feet along the first tiua of last This combination fills a family need- Two farm mentioned trace to second corner of same; rutetl with au abundauco of potted planu?t aged couple. and cured of the various diseases of the Arrive Leare Arri« for the man—Tb« ••Gentlewoman," an [<eave Being the same premises conveyed to said thence (0) n o th eigbly-tjx degrees and thirty papers The annual charter election will be held in Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, palms, etc. The exercises in the morning ideal paper for the ladies— N. Y, Weekly Tribune Dover. Morristonn Morriatoira Dover Frank O, Hedden and Alfred L. Hodden by minutes west one hu> dred and twenty-tnree all—Marlon Harland'a Cook Book with H00 were on " Missions," an offering being made Morrlatown on Monday, May 1. Four Al- Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronlo deed from Ephrnim H. Doy and wife dated and six-tentbs feet, following the second line for 4:80 A H. 5:14 P. H. 6:03 A. M. 6:34 A. M. pages and 1,000 practical recipes for tbe wife, and for the same. A uumber of nmpB relating dermen and four members of the Morris Constipation, and all weaknesses pecu- Jan. S', 1MI:1, and recorded in Morris County of the same to the place of beginning, con- the book " Teu Nights In a Bar Room,'1 tho great 6:40 ' 7:10 " 7:41 " 8:12 " liar to women, that they willingly send records of deeds in Book W-13, on page 443, taining ninety-six hundredths of an acre, est lernperance noval of the age. A two cent 7:88 ' 7:57 " 8:88 " to the subject, showing the growth of Mis- County Board of Freeholders are to be elected. 9:10 " brings samples of papers and our ere»t BM trial bottles to all sufferers. etc., and in said deed described OH follows: in r e or less; but, after deducting sixteen Btatnp ' 8:12 " 10:15 " 10:43 " clubbing list. sionary work, were presen-^ed and explained The retiring Aldermen are Charles VanUil1 hundred the of an acre, part of the area of Being the second tract described iu u deed 9:40 10:10 " 11:63 " 12:30 p. u. Upon investigation it was found that w c ARD 11:20 ' 1 11:47 " by the pastor, the Rev. C. E. Walton. An de<\ Republican, Fi'ut Ward ;Charlton Reetl, 91 per cent of those who had used the from Thomas fleddeu to Lewis Briant, de- xaid proposed new road as along lines uutn1:23 p. u 1:68 " 12:45 P.1H. 1:15 p . K . 8:25 " H:53 " Easier authem wus rendered by a quartette Democrat, Second W a r d ; J. J . A. Owens, trial bottle had received such benefit cased, March IS, 1840, and recorded in tbe bo B two and three, there remains eightyUD h Morria County records in Book 14, pages 58, uundredtljs ot an acre, more or Jess. 2:44 8:15 " 4:41 •' 5:08 " composed of tlie Rev. and Mrs Walton and Ripubiimn, Third Word, and John Byram, trom it that they purchased large sized etc., and begins at a heap ot stones on the 63a Main St. WILniNOTON, VT. 3:55 ' 4:23 " 5:&3 " 6:25 " their sou nnd daughter, C. B . A . and Miss Republican, Fo'irtb Ward. The Frwholderu bottles of their druggists. northeasterly side of the road iu the Hue of Being the same premises conveyed bo the 6:55 • ' 0:20 " 8:60 " 7 18 " Grace Walton. In the evening there was the whose terms expire are Major Dulrymple, It matters not how flick you are or lands that formerly belonged to Richard Westmoreland Hotel Company by the Lnnd6:83 ' 7:01 " 7:33 " 8:03 " Shotwell, being the second corner of land late ing Hotel Company by deed March 20, 1«U7, 8:44 ' 8:10 " 10:08 '• 10:8S " usual preaching service, the sermon bearing Republican, First Ward ; Jacob VanWinble, how many physicians have failed to of Randall Dull, deceased (referenceas afore and not yet recorded. 2:00 A. M . 2:25 A. H help yon, send for a trial bottle of thto Democrat, Second W a r d ; Dr. G. A. Becker, upon Easter. thence running (1) north fifty-six deDated March 13, 1U0H great medicine, itcostsyou butapontal said); east ten chains; th-iico (2) south (tftyMiss Elizabeth Hopkins Is visiting with It-publican, Third Ward, and Michael Nor- card, and benefit and cure will mort grees EDGAR L. DUELING, Sheriff. LBAVE N E W YORK FOR DOVER one defirees east eleven chains and forty-eight ris, Democrat, Fourth Ward. • certainly be the result. Chronicle and E r a p. 1 S23..40 friends at Newark and other places. At 8:15*, 4:20,6:00, 7:10, 8:00*, 8:50 9'20», links; thence (8) south thirty-throe degrees 10:10, a. m . ; 13:00 m . l:00*, 200, 8:30 4:00«, The seventeenth annual hall of Hnmone The annual parish meeting of the PresbyPut somu urine in a class tumbler and west six chains and fifty links; tbence (4) 4:80, 5:10*, 6:20, 6:00, 7:00*,8:S0*, 8:80, 9:80», sixty-three degrees west fifteen chains aud Engine Company No 2, of Morristown, was Ietitsttmd24hours;ifithasasediment teriim Church occurs a t the chapel on Mon/orfcy-tbreo links to the place of beginning or if it is palo or discolored, milky or and held iu McAlpfn Hall on Monday night. day afternoon, April 10, a t three o'clock. containing ten acres and forty-nine oneIS CHANCERY OF NKW JERSEY. •Vl». Boonton Branch. X E W A R K , H(. J. Professor Muscat, solo tenor singer in the cloudy, stringy or ropy, your Kidneys hundredths of an acre. Ilager Kaar aud family, who for the past Between Margaret P. Hamilton, complainant, or Bladder are in a bad condition. Dr. choir of the Church of the Redeemer in Moryear were at Pottersville, removed on Saturand Sarah Louisa Baldwin ana Milton Dated March 17. lbl«>. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy CHESTER BRANCH, Baldwin, defendants. Fi. fa. for sale of EDGAR L, DUELING, Sheriff. day to A J. Eoed's farm, made vacant by C . ristown, has removed to Brooklyn, where he speedily cures such dangerous sympmortgaged premises Returnable to May p. f. *».00 has secured a n engagement in a large church toms as pain in the back, inability to Chronicle and Era. H. Barret's removal to Ledgewood. oorao I A S T . term, A. D. 189U. Large Auction Sales oi 150 to 250 for the ensuing year. hold urine, a burning scalding pain l a Mr, and Mrs. Fred Monroe Marvin, of M I L L E R & MEYKIIS, Solicitors Ohest«r,6:16,7:48B.m.jlSKK). 4:15p. m Frank Lusardf, of Morrlafcown, having passing it, frequent desire to urinate, NOTICE. By virtue of the above stated writ of fieri Head of Horses every Tuesday and Fri- Horton, 6:21, 7:40 a. m.; 12:08, 4:23 n. m. Newark, returned to that city on Monday especially at night, the staining of linen facias in my handB, I shall expose for sale a t Ironla, 6:25, 7:5a a. m.; 12:13, 438 p. m. afleraBtayof a few weeks with Mr. Mar- been left an estate in Italy, has disposed of ESTATE OF SUSAN E. BEACH, DECEASED. public venduoat the Court House in MorrisBuccssunna, 6:80,7:50 a. m.: 13:18,4:83 a.m. day, commenaing a t 10 o'clock a. m . his business interests in Morristown, and will by your urine~and all the unpleasant vin'" parents at tbe homestead. Kenvll, 0:33.7:69a. m.; 12:22, 4:37 p. m. and dangerous effects on the system Pursuant to the order of the Surrogate of the town, N. J M on JuDCtioD, 6.SS, 8:M a. m.; 13:27, 4tft> p. m. I>r aud Mrs. J, Yf. Farrow, of Dovnr, go to Italy to look after the property be- produced by the use of whiskey, wine Oounty of Morris, made on the twenty-seventh day MONDAY, the 24th day of APRIL Port Oram, 8:40, 8:07 a. m . ; 12:80, 4 52 p.m. February A. > one tlioiiBand eight hundred and visited with relatives a t Hartley aud this place queathed t o him. or beer. Dr. David Kennedy's Favor- of ninety-nine, notice is hereby efveu to all persons next, A. D. 1899, between the hours of 18 M. Ar. Dover, 6:46, 8:23 a. m . ; 12:a5, 6:00 p. m . Miss Garrard and Miss "Wood will rebuild ite Remedy is sold at all drug stores at having claims against the estate of Busan E, and 5 o'clock p. M., tbat is to say a t 2 o'clock on Sunday. Beach, late ot tlie County or Morris, deceased, to iu the afternoon of said day, all the undivided T1 GoraoWEBT. 'o Kev. and Mra. 0 . B. Walton, with on the site of their two houses destroyed by $1.00 for a large bottle; Biz bottles for present tlie same, under oath or affirmation, to tbe one-balf interest owned by the defendants in subscribers, on or before the twenty-seventh day all the following described tract or parcel of Dover, 9:85 a. tn.; 2:24,6:28, 6:43 p . m . •Mr little grand-daughter, left on Monday fire in Elm street, Morristown. Plans for $6oa of November next, being nine months from the Port Oram, 9:40 a. m.; 2:29, 5:34,8:48 p. m . for May wood to visit with their daughter, the two new buildings are being prepared by date of said order; and any creditor neglecting to land and premises, situate, lying and being in JunotlOD, 9:43 a. m . : 2:32, 5:37, 6:30 p . m. brine in anil exhibit lilu or her olaltn, Undor oath the Township of Roxbury, In the County of Mrs. Oeorgo Slpley, Mr. Walton going from Architect B . C. Welsh. Kenvll, 9:49 ». m . ; 3:S7.5:<3, 6:64 p. m, or affirmation, within the time so limited, will DP Morris and Htate of New jersey, bounded and Tho manager of the Morristown office of that plnco to attend tbe annual conference of Huccsimnna, 0:R5a.m.; 3:41.5:47,6:67 p.m. forever barred of hta or her action therefor against described as follows: Being tbe same lot of the executors. Ironla, 10:02 a. m . ; 2:40, 5:62, 7:03 p m the Postal Telegraph Company has appealed t » 11. E. Church in Newark. land that; was devised to the said Thomas Horton, 10:03 a. ra.; 3:51. 5*5,1:05 p . m. Dated the twenty-seventh day of February A. D. Tone, since deceased, by the will of his grandto tlie State Board of Taxation from the Mr » N. M. Rarlck hoe removed into her Ar. Cheater, 10:15a. m.;2^9,6:00, 7:10 p.m. father, Thomas-'Tetereou. dated March 12, m hllme assessments made upon the company's prop' GUY JUNTON. ?'" . formerly the property of the late Itt49, and proven November 8, 1655, and reThe Hockettotown Express stona ot Port F H E D & R I C K n . BEACH, These (tales includes Trotters, Pacers, Cobs, Fam- Oram going erty in Morristown. The appeal acta as a corded in the Surrogate's ofhVe of Morris east at 7:33 a. m.: eofnjz west a t Moses T. Bennett. i-Ow .- .. Kxecutora. ily, Saddle, Matched Fairs, Business, Farm, ExCounty in Book G of Wills, page 490, 1efc seq in press, Jersey Chunks and Heavy Draught Horses, 7:21 p. m. stay from a n y proceedings that may he manner fol'owfng: Item Spcond— '! give, welshing from 1,400 to 1,800 pounds, Jolrn Hopler attended t h e funeral of h h brought by Tax Collector Becker. devise and bequeath to my grandson, ThomaB Tbls ia the cheapest place in the east to buy mother at Srhooley's Mountain on Tuesday. Argument was heard by Vice Chancellor Tone, that tract or piece of land on the north tiorses of any description, and we invite all IntendWe wero pleased to learn fro"" theoorres- Emery on Tuesday afternoon on an applicaside of tbe turnpike rood called the Mead and ing purchasers to call and look our stock over and ESTATE O P MARGARET F R I T Z , DECEASED. Orchard lot, a t a corner of the late SilaH wo will convince tliemtbatwu can sell them SO Wnoent at Hib-ruin that tho people there tion made by Edward Q. Keasbey for aliper cent, cheaper than auy other place In the east, P u r s u a n t to t h e order ot t b e Surrogate of t i e IiiggB* land ; thence northerly iu his line to we are not like a retail stabiu. we have to close request the return of their pastor, the Her. mony and counsel fees pending the trial of Estimates Ohn«rfuUy Given. Counly of Morris, m a d e o a t h e eighth d a y of Urn Morris Canal ; thence to the line of Mar- these horses out each week to make room for fresh , "'""" s '"ut. Sir. Stout was for Bve yeare fttJafaction Guaranteed. . Raret Hill*' l a n d : thence in a line of said March, A. D,, one thousand elprht hundred and consignments, which are constantly arriviofr from the Buit for divorce which Mrs. Parah F. ninety-nine, notice Is hereby given t o all persons Margaret Mills' land to a corner at a fence in the large western shippers. We Rive all purchawra •Wioned ut this place nnd has many WendB TO Itunyon bas brought against her husband, having claims'npainst t h e estate of Margaret a southt-rly range of the orchard on these two days'trial on all tiorses, and if not as rupre™ tlie vicinity. Fritz, lat« of t h e County of Morris, deceased, t o premises ; thence in a straight line so as to sented purchagu money cheerfully refunded. ParFrederick C. Runyon, of Morriatnwn. Ropresent t h o name, uudor nuth o r affirmation, t o ties living at a. distance and cannot pet horm-a back include tfio orchard, and thence n u t to tbo °n° additional man bas been engaged to cently Runyon obtained a decree of divorce tjjfi subscriber, on or Duforo t b o eighth d a y of before the warrantee expires we will accept teleDecember next, being nine m o n t h s from t h e d a t e of turnpike r o d, a t a pair of bars a small dis- gram or tel^plione message for Barae in the State of Washington. In the action TOt on tho section at this place. said order; and any creditor neglecting t o bring In tance east of my mansion house, said to be This, will bo a grand opportunity for farm and 1 h fu arid exhibit his o r h e r claim, under oath or affir- thirty five acre*, more or less." " 'iernl of the late Mrs. R. H. Btepheni which Mrs. Runyon bas instituted ifl the New city people to get a borso of any description. mation, within t b e time BO limited, will b e forever (OLD POINT COMFORT) The foregoing premises containing, however, ™> I'M at Mount Olive on Saturday, Inter- Jersey Court of Chancery she seeks a divorce barred o t blB o r liar action therefor against thr* only twenty-nine acres b * actual survey with Admlnlrttratrlx. HOY & FOX, Proprietors. rant befog made In the Union Cemetery at on tf:o ground of desertion and also asks to the courses and distances running (I) north AND of March, A. R.. 18W>. forty-eight degrees enBt eleven chains and , J "]m- Mrs. Stephens Is survived by her have tho Washington decree Bet aside on the Insure your property with the Dated t h a .eighthJ E(lav S S I E A. WOODHULL, J. B. MOREHOUS, SlUsman. twenty links ; tbence (2) south seventy eight «ramid and lwo children, ono son and one contention that It was improperly secured. Pennsylvania Firelnsurance ComAdministratrix. lB-Ow • • Dorer, N . J . degrees and thirty minutes east thirteen JOS. S. HOV and JACOB SHULTS, "•muter. The bereaved family have the The Vice Chancellor reserved biB decision. chains; thence (3) south twenty-seven deAuctioneers. pany, incorporated in 1825. grees east ten chains; thence (4) south twenty tbree degrees west eighteen chains and BeveuNOTICE. which are most attractive ty-fivD links; tbencu (fi) north tbirty-seven JAMES T. ECKHART, Agent. ESTATE OF GEOHGE SMITH, DEQEASED. nnd ono half degrees east thirteen chains und points at this time. Pursuant to the order of tlia Surrogate of seventy links to tho place of beginning, conOffice in Baker Building, the County of Morris, made on the twenty taining twenty-nine acres, as above stated ; fifth day of March A. D. ( ona thousand being- tlio same prem^ea whereof the baid Warren Street, eight liuudred and ninety-nine, notice is Thomas Tone died seized, leaving tbo mid EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS hereby gi'en to all persons having claims MurtbaTone, his widow, and the said MarDover, N. J. agninst thoestnto of George Bmith, late of garet P. Tone xud Sarah Louisa Tone, UU two OF THE tlie County of Monte dpceased,to pres-nt tho children, surviving him. Dated March 20 1899. same, under oath or iifllrmattnn, to tho flubA stubborn cold iB easily taken; It ficrit>er, on or be'ore the twenty-fifth dny of sticks to aome people nil winter and December next, hoing rifne months from thr very often develops Into bronchitis or ffii JoneB St.', Siour City, la. EUGAU L. DURLING, Sheriff. dato of wild order; and any credit r ueglect consumption. You should cure a cold PERFOMCDAtLT SERVICE. lug to brinp In iind exhibit hlaor her claim, Chronicle find E m . p. f $]n promptly by taking Dr. Bull's Conga under oath or nflirmatiurt, within tho time BO Syrup. TbiB celebrated remedy is ac- or any other ladies who wish to work limited, will bo forovor burred of his o r her Notice of Settlement. knowledged to be most efficient and action therefor ngajnst the administrator, Through tickets returning from Notfcn is htreby givuti that the accounts of reliable for nil affeotioim of the throat Dated tho twenty fifth day of March A. D Snsnn E Beach, late Guimiiau of Jamen mid lungs. I t cures a coldat once. Washington by rail or -water. Malcolm Rousall and John Ilnlnoy BOIIBIIH, EDWARD L. ATNO, minors, will be audited and stated by tho Sur]IM) w Administrator. rogate, nnd reported for settlement to tho working for us in ap.irc time at home on For full Information app!7 to Orphans' Court of tho County of Morris, on our cloths. We offer you a good chance Friday, the, seventh day of Atirll next. to make plenty ofspending money easily Dated March Ifit, 181*9. A cottage containing BO von rooms, ntcely in leisure hours. Semi 12c for cloth and J'ntont. Tanto Good. Do GUY MINTON finished, water in kitchen. Also to let, or laden, or Grliio, 10c, 25o, WJQ. full directions for work, and commence Pier 26, North River, New York. for sale, three other bouses, all on Richards at once. Cloths sent anywhere. Address CONSTIPATION. ... FUEDEIUCK R. BBACH, Executors of Susan E. Beaub, deceased avexiuo. Promptly ouros Stubborn Colds. (IKO-C) Boston^ MttBi. Inquire F . F . BIRCH. Kr-5 W 17-tf DoKinre small and pleasant to |al«V » * » retoninuuil it. Trice 25 cents. At all dtujpsn JN CnANCEHV Of N E W JKIUJKY. S B D., L. & W. RAILROAD. SHERIFF'S SALE. BARRELS OF SAMPLES. A BIG CLUB. B an lotSi. Regular cost $4.00 Vemom Faim Journal, V R* £ - ...BULL'S HEAD... COMMISSION STABLES, SHERIFF'S SALE. KOS. 495 AND 497 BROAD STREET, Tfie Largest sale Stables Iq New Jersey. JOHN O'CONNtU Practical Plumber. Tin anC Sheet Iron Worker. Steam and Hot Water Heating. Dover, N. J. NOTICE. UNINTERRUPTED PASSENGER SERVICE FORT MONROE Jas. T. Eckhart BEBL E8TBTE BHD FIDE IHSUfiflHCE. WASHINGTON Stubborn COLDS OLD DOMINION LINE FARMERS' WIVES Dr.Bulls Cough Syrup can Earn Lois of SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ERA, $1 PER YEAR TO LET. OLD DOMINION S T E f l H P CO. W. L, GDILLADDED, T H E IRON E R A , DOVEK- JN. J., APRIL 7,1899. 8 has 100,000 men uiuk-r a m i s prepared to put down a threatened revolution of Macedonia a n d Bulgaria Influenced b y Russia The will of Mrs. Bloomfleld Frhlny. Ilnr.h ;tl. of I'hil;i<Ulj'hi;i tins been probatfuneral Mai-Ai itnn V Iihcaile entered Moore ed in London — -The British steamer the city of M.ilulus, lln- in^urt;t;rit ci> Furt^t Rrt.nk was towi-d into Halifax ital. Tht; in.--urf;t;iii^ M't lire iu Hie c by tin1 s t t n m c r (Muirlns CrosH In a disat MacArihurV ai'!'i"iuii u<ui iU-Qnortli- abled (.tUHlitiun—-Kriti^li bridge buildvurii. fiiMiiTnl Jlfili.-'i- lni^;i(it- captured ers m u d . . . _ Uumpuina, a vllhipt ...•••(lit.Mftt of Ma- the award of 1 lie .Alburn river bridge nila, lifter Fi-vcri' firhlins ar.d pursued contract to a Philadelphia firm T h e the Insurgents fur miles beyond warlike prepiiriitiuMs (if Norway, It Is that point Unit'sti the Cuban pay rolls tlinuplit, ptirtt-iid an attnek on Sweden, are stum furtlieinniiiK the J3,000,0U0 will which is ill prepare! fnr defense The NEWS OF TIIK WEEK. ON THE GO. A POSITIVE CURE FOR (SALOP BRILLANTil THEODORE CUINSBURC. 9- J The United probably bo l-fturm'd to the United Greek mlnlRtry resigned States Aflvices from Germany say States supreme court decided a number that there is a general impression that of cases, in which it affirmed the validthe fighting in Fnmo.i will not affect the ity of the war revenue law The preBsettlement of the <iuestlons In disput ldont ordered that suitable honors be . The Italeigh Is exported to reach paid to tht memory of the ttohllers who are to be buried In Arlington National New York on April 15. The vessel A Dr. Bolf, the well received at ail British ports on her cemetery on Thursday voyage from Manila Improvement in now presldmt of the municipal council American and English trnde is predict- at Apia, Samna, arrived in Washington called on Secretary liny Governed by The Statist Conferences on the and or Roosevelt aent to the Benate a big Samoan situation were held between the batch of nominations, among them that president, Secretary Hay and the rep- John Williams of Utlca for state facresentative? of England and Germany. of inspector. The nomination of WilNo official advices concerning the out- tory liam Van Amee of Newburg for lunacy break have been received The army commissioner will probably be bitterly beef court of inquiry heard four wit- opposed. The Rovernor signed the Cosnesses at its session in Washington. tello bills relating to sweatshops and Major G. Crelghton Webb Bald the vetoed that of Assemblyman Sullivan canned roast beef; was utterly unlit for Elections for city oflleers were held food It is announced that Governor Memorial Roosevelt will call an extra session of In many places In the west services the "Windsor hotel dead the legislature to save Amsterdam av- were held for in the Church of the Heavenenue from four trolley tracks If some ly Rest. The search for bodies has been measure for the prevention of the four abandoned Warren Leland, proprietrack system is not passed before the tor of the Windsor hotel, was Bald to be present session adjourns The bribery dying from the effects of an operation Investigation at Hiirrisburg brought out for appendicitis Tho American Potrevelations of offers of moneyand places teries trust has collapsed Mme. Adele for votes Navigation at the mouth of Mialaret iliehetet, widow of the French the Mississippi was seriously impeded historian, Jules Mlchelet, la dead In by a sand shoal In the sinking of the The New England cotton mill steamer Rowena Lee In the Mississippi Paris advanced wages an average of 10 per river only five lives were lost. cent, between 130,000 and 140,000 hands • DYSPEPSIA, MJ1URII CHILLS/FEVER. GRIPPE. BILIOUSNESS. S1CK-HEMCHE CONSTIPHION/ GENERAL DEBILITY. -,£*: — P — PRICE 50 Cts. AT ALL DRuaaisTS. SAVER iSffiDICJIL CO. 49 and 51 Marion St., N. Y. SAVER LIVeR PILLS a s CENTS. Siitunluj, April 1. NEARLY FIFTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD ! !!! It's a long lire, but devotion to the true interests and prosperity of the American People has won for it new lriends as the years rolled by and the original members ol its iamily passed to their reward, and these admirers are loyal and steadfast today, with failh in its teachings, and confidence in the information which it brings to their homes and firesides. As a natural consequence it enjoys in its old age all the vitality and vigor of its youth, strengthened and ripened by the experiences ot over half a century. It has lived on its merits, and on the cordial support of progressive Americans. It is " The New York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the country over as the leading National Family Newspaper. Recognizing its value to those who desire all the news of the State and Nation, the publishers of " The Iron E r a " (your own favorite home paper) has entered into an alliance with "The New York Weekly Tribune" which enables them to lurnish both papers at the (rifling cost of J1.25 per year. Every farmer and every villager owes to himself, to his family, and to the community in which he lives a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it works constantly and untiringly for his interests in every way, brings to his home all the news and happenings of his neighborhood, the doings of his friends, the condition and prospects for different crops, the prices in home markets, and, in fact, is a weekly visitor which should be found in every wide-awake, progressive family. Just think of itl Both of these papers for on'y $1.25 at year. Send all subscriptions to THE IRON ERA, Dover, N, J. THE-BOY^OF'98 Eastor Kid GIOVOB JUST WHAT YOUR BOY WANTS An Accurate and Splendidlywritten History of the SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR BY-JAMES-OTIS Handsomely Illustrated with over 6 0 foil-page half-tones. For sale by all booksellers, or sent post-paid upon receipt of Price, $1.50, by DANA ESTES & CO. Publishers, Boston, Mass. a R. 0ENNETT,The (BUOOXSSOB TO A . WlOBTON.) Independent. NEW YORK, MANUFACTURER Aim DEALER W STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES, Tin, Copper and Sheet Irox Roofing, Zinc, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Pumps, &c. T H E GORTON House-Heating Steam Geneartor a specialty CHANGE OF FORM. REDUCTION IN PRICE. S e m i - C e n t e n n i a l Year. THE INDEPENDENT i m p h u l i u I n Fiftieth Yur by changing IU form to that ot a Magazine, and by reducing Ita annual •ubfcrlptlon price from $3.00 to Si.ooi alngle copies from tan. to five cents. It will maintain l(» reputation •» the Leading Weekly Newspaper of tht World. THE INDEPENDENT in its ttOT form will print 3,640 pages of reading matter per year of a cost to subscribers offt.OO.wMle theprominent maaazina, which sell for ^iM a year, print only about 1,000 pages. Tht subscriber to TBE INDEPENDENT gels l> per cent, more of equally good reading matter at one-half the cost! Only $2.00 per year, 50 YEARS' IMPROVEMENTS IN FARMING," or at that rate for any part of a year. THE INDEPENDENT. 130 Fulton St., N. Y. BO YEAR8EXPERIENCE Published by the NEW YORK TRIBUNE. Second Edition. 52 Pages, review 18 byof 12 ^ Inches. A general the advances 1 ^ F r ° V f n J e n t S I ! l a < l inth ' d i cent4 u In till the now spring Bhadca at J. H. Grimin's, Wo. ON Sussex street. Vena MDHIB* mept "Tmla E£ tol" t t e i la tntj ttttu. o Purely Vegetable. Will cure Biliousness, Constipation, Flic's. Sick-HeodBClic, mel Dyspepsia. Small Hasy taken. affected Senators Depew and General MacArthur's brigade rested being called on the president In regard! at Malolos. The rebels have retreated Flatt an appraiser to fill the vacancy causto the mountains The steamer Stel- to ed by the declination of Congressman la, plying between Southampton and Sherman. Guernsey, was wrecked on the Casquet Wednesday, April 5< rocks, near Alderney. About 70 lives The Cuban military assembly voted to disband the army and to dissolv were lost More German troops were landed at I-Chau, and the Chinese fear The Philippine commissioners lsBUed a proclamation declaring America's inthat yesterdny'a conflict may reBUlt in en Increase of German territory It is tentions In regard to the Islands General Mac Arthur made a reconnolssance reported that 30,000 Spanish reserves have been called out and that fears of north of Malolos, exchanging shots with the rebels Santo Domingo and Haiti a Carllst rising after Easter are entertained General Brooke will probably are concentrating troops on the frontier owing to a dispute over terrltoriai rights Issue a decree abolishing the IncomLarge catches of seals were reported municado Imprisonment system Mr, from Newfoundland The British govWhite, the American embaBsador to Germany, denied Intimations made by ernment accepted the principle of joint high commission for Samoa, and German papers that hod faith had been phown by America The governments the success of the plan Is regarded aa assured. Dr. Solf called on President of the United States, Great Britain and Germany have practically agreed on the McKlnley and discussed the situation In Samoa Dr. William H. Daly testified appointment of a joint high commission, which shall have supreme author- before the army court of Inquiry, repeat' ity In Samoa, thus Insuring a peaceful Ing his charges as to "embalmed" beef. settlement of the trouble over the is- General Miles presented a long: list of lands Several army surgeons testi- witnesses mid a masB of official report) Mayor Carter H. Hwrlson' -was re< fied before the beef court of inquiry in Washington, most of them saying that elected In Chicago by a plurality ot the canned beef was unfit for food. Evt about 40,000 over Zlna R. Carter The dence contradicting General Eagan's wedding of William K. Vanderbilt, Jr. statements WBB also given The oper- and Miss Virginia Fair took place at the ations of the treasury department for home of the bride's sister, Mrs. HerMarch, for the first time In many man Oelrichs, Fifth avenue, New York A steamer turned turtle off Eureka months, show an excess of receipts over expenditures——Speaker Nixon appoint- Cal., and 10 of the 20 persons on board The gift of William K ed the police investigating committee were drowned ——Amendments to the rapid transit Vanderbilt of $100,000 for a new dormiact were Introduced at Albany The tory was announced to the students ot bribery Investigation at Harrisburg will Vanderbilt university Warren F. Lebe completed next week, and the mat- land, proprietor of the Windsor hotel ter will bo carried to the courts Sec- which was destroyed by fire March 17 retary Long Inspected the new battle- died at the Hotel Grenoble as the result ihlps in course of construction at New- of an operation for appendicitis The port News A government expedition battleship Iowa, at present at the Union la being organized for the relief of the Iron works undergoing repairs, hai bten miners puttering from scurvy on thoordered to proceed to Manila to relieve Copper river, Alaska Dr. Samuel J. the Oregon. The Oregon has been orKennedy, convicted of the murder of dered to proceed to San Franclico as "Dolly" Reynolds In New York, was soon as the Iowa appears Lord Sails •entenced to die in the week beginning bury has accepted the plan proposed by May 22 Counsel for Roland B. Moli- Germany for the settlement of the Sa neux made argument In a motion to moan trouble by the appointment of i have the Indictment against him dis- tripartite commission A majority ol missed Only 200 bodies of soldiers re- the enlisted men of the Fourth New Jermained on board the transport Crook sey have signed an agreement to re-enat New York at the close of work yes- list In the new army provided the wat terday. Arrangements were made for department puts In command of the new the funeral of the members of the Sev- regiment their present commander, enty-first regiment brought to port on Colonel Q. O'M. Gllmore, who Is a rethe boat. tired captain In the regular army and Monday* April 8. was formerly an instructor a t "West A cable dispatch from London The American troops remain at Malo- Point IOB. The Insurrection of the Filipinos states that the United States embassaflvea numerous signs of collapsing, and dor. Mr. Joseph H. Choate, has almost it Is reported that General Plo del Filar recovered from his recent Indisposition will abandon Agulnaldo A serious and has gone to Bournemouth with hit conflict occurred on the Bulgarian fron- family. Thnradar, April 6, tier between Turkish and Bulgarian The American comml salon's proclaguards An agreement has been reached between Great Britain and Italy by mation was well received at which Italian occupation of San Moon There are rumors that Agulnaldo may bay, China, will take place before April 25 be supplanted by Antonio Luna, comGeneral Maximo Gomez, In a letter mander In chief of the Filipino forces The United States torpedo boat to his wife, gives his version of his differences with the Cuban military as- Somers will be Bhlpped from Plymouth sembly British authorities at Hong- In a steamer sailing for New York. The kong are seeking an extension of terri- vessel broke down on the trip from Fal< tory for the erection of British govern- mouth and was towed Into Plymouth A London jury upment buildings Five bandits In thesound disabled a British landlady who refused to province of Santiago de Cuba have been held Lady Harberton because Bhe was captured General Alger left Santiago serve attired In a costume ot bloomers—-The In the transport Ingalls for Porto Rico pope's physicians deny that the pontiff's Richard Chamberlain, ex-member of condition is alarming. The pope re parllamentand brother of Joseph Cham- celved In audience a number of Amerberlain, English colonial secretary, died ican churchmen. Including Archbishop In England The cruiser Badger, with Negotiations regarding the the body of Hear Admiral James H. Ireland Spotts on board, sailed from Callao for Samoan commission continue a t Berlin, United States Inclining to favor tho San Francisco Rear Admiral Charles the desire that unanimity govern C. Carpenter committed suicide a t a German the decisions of the commlssloi •anitarlum in Boston Washington British contractor alleges that the deofficials expressed confidence that a of the Atbara bridge were altered peaceful adjustment of Samoan trou- signs to meet the views of American conbles was assured by the appointment of tractors Thomas Edward Ellis, Liba commission Commander Jacobs on eral M. P. for Merionet shire, died In of the German worship Geler made pubBishop O'Connor of London, lic his view on the naval battle at San- London tiago Important municipal elections Ont., has been appointed by the pope of Toronto Professor Chitwill be held In Ohio today Three offi- archbishop tenden of Yale university testified becials of the road were named as receiv- fore the army beef court of inquiry that ers for the Kansas City, Pittsburg and he had found no chemicals in the canned Gulf railway——The bodies of Mlsa Dora Hoffman, Mrs. M. Auze and H. W. Lo- beef and that its quality was good Colonel Adelbert R. BufBngton -was proree, taken from the Windsor hotel ruins, by the president to be brigadier have been Identified by relatives The moted general chief of ordnance of the wholesale hardware house of Miller, army, toand succeed the late General Flag Bchlodt & Scott, San TYanclsco, has -The plan for a Samoan joint high been almost entirely destroyed by fire, has reached a point where the total loss being $400.000 Mrs. commission the three powers concerned are considHoward Gould gave an Easter party In ering the appointment of commission' New York city with 65 little girls from ers Governor Dyer of Rhode Inland Mulberry Bend and vicinity as her re-elected, and a Republican legisguests The battleship Massachusetts was lature was chosen to BUpport hi: was taken out of drydock, the repairs Senator Quay was In Philadelphia preto her keel having been completed. paring for his trial, which Is set for Tuesday, April 4. next week. It was reported at HarrisFilipinos continue to return to tbelr burg that Senator Mageo would voti homes. The American commissioners against Quay's re-election Cartel • t Manila are hopeful of a speedy res- Harrison, re-elected mayor of Chicago. 'atlon of peace——General Brooke and said he would not seek another re-el«a •eral Gomez again conferred at Ha- tlon. His "rlends are urging him foi ". over the distribution of the J3,- governor t Illinois Miss Emily Van00 Cuban ai ly fund The sltua- derbllt Sloane was married in New Tor* In the Balkans la serious. Turkey to John H. Hammond of Boston. Itrofta with you wtietlior JL.. A Remedy nerTO-lcliliinr tobacco liabit. NO-TO-] remoTOX thcduBirv for tobacco, with; For Nasal Catarrh which is drying and excittine, puriflci tho lifooil.Ve. ing to the diseased membrane should cot be Itorca loat ~--' • makes TO used. What Is noeded 1B that which ticlean*ID health, , Boothlng, protecting and healing. Such ud pockot^^W M I U^TiOY&iiAUt™ own dnipgltt. wl._ iforna. Takoltvltli a remedy Is Ely's Cream Balm. To test it a will, patiently, |ier»UtcntIy. Onn trial size for 10 cents or the large for 50 cents nfto cure, or wo refund money! is mailed by Ely Brothers, 60 Warren street, Co., i:hlu|o, "«alr*irj, « # • l a r k . New York. DrugglBte keep It. TfaD Balm, ben placed Into the nostrils, spreads over KaBter Spoolal In Kid Gloves. A 2 clasp in tho new shades, the membrane and is absorbed. A cold in green, tana and grays, at $1 pair at J. B.the head vanishes quickly. Grimm's, Ho. 0 N, Sussex street A Lazy L l v r r makes a lazy man. Burdock Blood Bitters 1B tho natural, never falling remedy for a Iasy Uvor, iH S/VEB TONIC PURIFIES Special articles by the best aericul. 1 c s which mil ^their "".V 'T made life "study. i t " f ° UIU 'hey' havr fasbionet l Implc- °' P r a c t i c a l inlorma tn «- V a '? a b l e a i 3t 0 i a r m e r s w h o ^ i r e to stimulate production and profit, Extremely interesting and instructive. ONLY 15 CTS. A COPY, BY MAIL Send your order to .QM THE CO—a. THE ERA, DOVER, N. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS^ COPYRIGHTS ACAnyone- Bending a Bkotcu nnd description m«r "uicklr ascertain oar opinion free whether no n» n «.i nn ™.m"..¥rJ yrs"J..-\.*~. Communlca Patent* tnken tbmuBlf~Uu~nn'*'€ aptcUil notice* without chnnto, in tno Scientific JUittricatt. A pJlPitoojnolr jNuMrated woeklr. l o w e s t ««> „ NewTorli SB » BC Waalmiltoa. » "• SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ERA, $1 PER YEAR. J.