Weekly Activity Guide Read on `s
Weekly Activity Guide Read on `s
Read on ’s Super Summer Reading Weekly Activity Guide Enjoy myON’s Super Summer Reading Weekly Activity Guide, and thank you for being a supporter of the largest digital library of free books in Hillsborough County! For the next ten weeks of summer, the super readers at your site have the opportunity to participate in various activities before, during or after reading myON books. Because myON’s summer theme is “Every hero has a story,” all of the suggested myON books, listed in the Table of Contents, feature a different super hero or event! The purpose of this Activity Guide is to highlight a different book and activity during each week of the ten weeks of summer, so that your site can encourage all students to continue learning and reading throughout the summer. Many of the suggested myON books are suited for grades 3-5, but can be enjoyed by all through detailed pictures and myON’s Read Aloud feature. Some of the activities included are Classroom Bingo, Creating a Comic Book, Reading Musical Hoops and a Super Duper Word Search! Your site is also invited to participate in United Way Suncoast’s “Summer Reading” Challenge, in honor of National Summer Learning Day on Friday, June 19th, 2015. All readers in the Suncoast region have been challenged to read for at least 20 minutes on this special day – that includes you! To help celebrate the holiday, this Activity Guide includes a guided reading activity (page 2) for the myON book, “Brave” by Tennant Redbank. Take advantage of these free materials to officially participate and complete the challenge! For additional information, visit www.summerlearning.org to learn more about this national holiday and see where and how others are celebrating across the country! 1 Table of Contents Activity Materials & Instructions for Teachers & Staff............................ 3 Refer to this page for a list of any extra materials that may be needed, as well as additional instructions on how to lead each activity. What’s My Name? ………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Suggested myON books: Starro and the Space Dolphins by Art Baltazar Reading Together (on National Summer Learning Day) …………………………………….….. 8 Preferred myON books: Brave by Tennant Redbank Web Master! ………………………………………………………………………………..…… 11 Suggested myON books: This is Spiderman by Thomas Macri Super Spiders by Charlotte Guillain Super Duper Word Search …………………………………………………………….….. 13 Suggested myON books: Super-Pets Showdown by Art Baltazar Marshmallow Challenge …………………………………………………………………… 15 Suggested myON books: Superman Fights for Truth by Donald Lemke and Ethen Beavers The Apollo 13 Mission by Donald Lemke Create a Comic Book …………………………………………………………………………. 16 Suggested myON books: Amelia Earhart: Legendary Aviator by Jameson Anderson The Incredible Rockhead vs. Papercut! By Scott Nickel Make Your Own Mask …………………………………………………………………….... 18 Suggested myON books: Avengers: Assemble by Marvel Press Pooches of Power by Art Baltazar “Dear Author …” …………………………………………………………………………… 20 Suggested myON books: Princess Candy Sugar Hero by Michael Dahl Five Riddles for Robin by Michael Dahl Reading Musical Hoops ………………………………………………………………..…… 22 Suggested myON books: The Green Team by Jon Mikkelsen Rumble in the Rainforest by Sarah Stephens Back-to-School Bingo ……………………………………………………………………….. 23 Suggested myON books: The New Kid From Planet Glorf by Art Baltazar Mr.Puzzle, A Perfect Fit by Chris Eliopoulos 2 Activity Materials & Instructions for Teachers & Staff What’s My Name? – Materials needed: • A writing utensil, coloring utensils Reading Together (complete on 6/19/2015) *This activity should be done on (or near) Friday June 19th, 2015, in celebration of National Summer Learning Day. – Materials needed: • – Projector/screen (to read as a class), a writing utensil, coloring utensils, construction paper (optional) Additional instructions: * This is an activity for a group of students. • As you read the story to the class, each student has a worksheet that asks questions about each page. Students may answer them individually or together as a class. Be sure to spend an appropriate amount of time on the questions after reading each page. The last question asks that each student write a card to a person he or she cares about. Using construction paper is suggested, but not necessary to make a card. • Web Master! – Materials needed: • Paper plate, string/yarn, tape, coloring utensils, paint (optional) – Additional instructions: • Refer to pages 11 & 12 for a set of individual and group instructions. Super Duper Word Search – Materials needed: • A writing utensil 3 Activity Materials & Instructions for Teachers & Staff (cont’d.) Marshmallow Challenge – Materials needed (per group): • • – 20 pieces of uncooked spaghetti, 3 feet of masking tape, 3 feet of string, 1 large marshmallow, scissors. In addition, a yardstick or measuring tape is needed to determine the winner. Additional instructions: * This is an activity for a group of students. • • • • Designate an appropriate amount of time for this activity to be completed (30 minutes, at least) The winning team is the one that builds the tallest freestanding structure measured from the table top surface to the top of the marshmallow, using only the materials provided. Teams can use as much or as little of the 20 spaghetti noodles, tape and string provided. Extra materials cannot be provided. The entire marshmallow must be on top of the structure. Create a Comic Book – Materials needed: • A writing utensil, coloring utensils – Additional instructions: *It is suggested that you read a comic book-style book prior to starting this activity. • The comic book layout requires the page to be printed double sided and folded, with page 1 facing front and page 4 (with instructions) facing back. Make Your Own Mask – Materials needed: • Coloring utensils, scissors, string or rubber band – Additional instructions: • • This double sided sheet includes four printed masks. To save paper, print enough copies so each student will get one mask (for example, print 6 pages for 24 students). To hand out individually, you will need to cut each page in half before distributing. After coloring, students are instructed to cut out the shapes. Students may need assistance with cutting the mask shape, space for eyes, or holes for the string/rubber band. To wear the mask, students may also need help with looping and tying the string/rubber band in each side hole. 4 Activity Materials & Instructions for Teachers & Staff (cont’d.) “Dear Author … “ – Materials needed: • A writing utensil, coloring utensils, paper, envelope and/or stamp (optional) – Additional instructions: *It is suggested that you read a myON book written by the featured author, Michael Dahl Reading Musical Hoops – Materials needed: • Hula hoops (or any “placeholder” item, such as tape, chalk, mats, etc.), portable electronic device with myON book downloaded (or a paper book) – Additional instructions: * This is an activity for a group of students. • Hula hoops are used in place of chairs for this version of Musical Chairs. If hula hoops are not available, you can use tape or chalk to mark out the area where the hoop would be. • Instead of music, students rotate while a book is being read. Back to School Bingo (3 sheets provided; 1 per student) – Materials needed: • Writing utensil – Additional instructions: • • Prepare a BINGO sheet for each participant – there are three different sheets, so distribute accordingly. Explain to participants that this is a way for them to learn about each other and find out what they did over the summer. Instead of using game pieces, participants can fill out BINGO sheets with the names of other students by walking around and asking each other questions from the sheet. To start the game, each student can write their own name in one box. – For example: If the BINGO box says “Read 20 books on myON”, one student will ask another if it has been done, and if the answer is ‘yes,’ the student will write his or her name in the box. *Note: A person can only write their name in one box on the card. • The goal is to get all of the BINGO boxes filled in, but it is not a race or competition! 5 What’s My Name? Instructions: 1. 2. 3. Find out what your Superhero name is, and write it on the line below. On the back, use the lined space to write a short story about your alter ego. Underneath your story, draw a picture of what you would look like as a Superhero. My Superhero name is: ____________________________ ___________________________ 6 Write a story about yourself as a Superhero. What does your name mean? Do you have any superpowers? Who is your “arch enemy?” ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Draw yourself as a Superhero. Don’t forget to include any super accessories, like a cape, mask, or any tools you use. 7 Reading Together Instructions: 1. 2. Read myON’s Brave by Tennant Redbank together as a class. After reading each page, answer the questions asked below. Page 1) Queen Elinor has many rules for Merida on how to be a good princess. What are some family rules you need to follow at home? At school? List three here: Rule 1: Rule 2: Rule 3: Page 2) Merida won the royal games all by herself. What other type of activities did she need to do to win? (Hint: one activity is illustrated on the page!) Write three activities here: Activity 1: Activity 2: Activity 3: Page 3) Merida lost her temper and slashed through her family tapestry. What does your family tapestry look like? Draw it below: 8 Page 4) After Merida asks for a spell to change her mother’s mind, the Witch brews up a “spell cake.” What kind of ingredients do you think the Witch used in her spell cake? List at least three ingredients below: Ingredient 1: Ingredient 2: Ingredient 3: Page 5) Instead of changing her mother’s mind, Merida’s spell cake changed her mother into a bear! If you were a bear, what would you look like? Draw your bear self here: Page 6) Once King Fergus knew there was a bear in the castle, he ran around the castle trying to find it. Help Merida and her mother escape from King Fergus in the maze below. 9 Page 7: The Witch’s clue reads: Fate be changed, look inside, mend the bond torn by pride. Make a prediction about what you think this clue means, and write your answer on the line below. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Page 8) Merida and her mother began to enjoy each other’s company after going fishing together. What are some other things that bears like to do in nature? Write three below: 1: 2: 3: Page 9) After cornering the queen, King Fergus raises his sword in fear. Fortunately, Merida blocks his blow with her own sword. Instead of using swords, how could the situation have been handled differently? Explain what you would have done below. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Page 10) After breaking free from the ropes, Merida’s mother fights Mordu to protect her family. Compare and contrast the two bears pictured. How are they alike, and how are they different? Write your answers in the Venn Diagram below. How is Mordu different? How is Merida’s mother different? How are both bears alike? Page 11) In the end, the words “I Love You” changed Merida’s mother back into the queen. Make a card for someone you care about, and tell them how much you love them. 10 Web Master! Student Instructions: Just like SpiderMan, you can spin a web using just a paper plate and yarn! 1. Cut small notches around the rim of a paper plate. Make sure to color and decorate your plate! 2. Choose a long piece of yarn. Tape one end to the back the plate. 3. Begin weaving the yarn across and around the plate in a random pattern, fitting it into the notches. If that piece of yarn runs out, tape its end to the back of the plate, or tie it to another strand. 4. Tape another piece of yarn onto the back of the plate and continue weaving it around and across the plate. 5. Remember, you can pass each notch several times. Continue weaving until you are happy with how your web looks. To finish your web, tape or tie the end of the yarn to the back of the paper plate. 11 Web Master - Group Activity Instructions for Activity Leader: 1. Break into groups of no more than 10 students. 2. Give each group a ball of yarn or spool of string. 3. Choose someone to start by telling their group something about themselves, such as: o My favorite color is green o I dip my pizza into ranch dressing. o I love the Rays. o I know how to swim. 4. Once the student with the string says something that applies to another person in the group, that person calls out, “Me, too”. The first student holds onto the end of the string and passes the spool of string or ball of yarn to the other student. If more than one student has a “Me, too”, then the string passes to all of those students and ends at the last student to say “Me, too”. 5. The next student with the ball or spool then says something new about themselves. In the end, the group has a web of connections. 6. Before ending the game, participants can count out the number of “Me, too’s” they said. 12 Super Duper Word Search Instructions: 1. 2. Can you find all of the names hidden in the word search on the back of this page? There are 12 names total! Bonus: Can you match the names of all characters to their picture below? The answers are given on the back of this page. The Legion of Super-Pets: Krypto Streaky Beppo Ace Comet Jumpa C A B D F E The Legion of Villain-Pets: Ignatius Rozz Crackers Giggles Artie Puffin H G I J K Who’s missing? Write the name here: ________________________ 13 YDTNSSEKTVUXNAUMIBCE QTFKCRRTDIFQDSFSYOCE CVOWXNERYBZXAVWKMAUT N LO R E IY K H OT F FTAE Q O H L DUXAPIOXCNOXWETSTERR BADKSUDWEAZKRWCRFGTP HWRGIGGLESRTROJXAMTI J B PM C G Z X I G S C HYAPM U J H ORTSDYIDNUSIFJPRSJDS SJNUFAIK KITBTOOTRGFH N ZTC FTAO D M UYPD X K O X S B NIFFUPEITRAZGPNEVBUE VPTBZCULMUGZSZSOWJIP WFSOMCBCPTJOMRGWFUTP AMSSFFWPZYDRREDCGOAO FTYQ R O I K X J NYAX K J C D N Q YJHMUBWGIDXOIOQMDOGK CDLLFJHNLPFILJSLLRIJ HYKPLWMALRBOHZWIUHYL SZQCMQXAZMLDOGUJLDYW Word Bank: Ace Artie Puffin Beppo Comet Crackers Giggles Ignatius Jumpa Krypto Proty Rozz Streaky Bonus Answers: A=Comet; B=Rozz; C=Krypto; D=Giggles; E=Jumpa; F=Artie Puffin; G=Ace; H=Ignatius; I=Beppo; J=Crackers; K=Streaky; Missing name=Proty Super Duper Word Search 14 Marshmallow Tower Scientist’s Worksheet Instructions: You and your team must build the tallest tower, only using spaghetti noodles, tape, string and a marshmallow. Remember, every experiment begins with a question! What is the tallest tower you and your group can build using only the materials given? Form your “hypothesis”, or prediction, on how tall the tower will be: We think our tower will be _____________________ tall. Test your hypothesis by measuring your tower: Our tower is really _____________________ tall. Record your observations: Draw a picture of the tower that your group built. Scientists analyze results, or “outcomes”. Answer the following questions: 1) Do you think your group worked well together as a team? Explain. ________________________________________________________________________ 2) What parts of your tower building plan worked very well? ________________________________________________________________________ 3) If you could build another tower, what would you do differently? ________________________________________________________________________15 Instructions: Create a Comic Book 4 1. Fold this paper in half. This side will be the last page of your comic book. Look for the numbers located at the bottom right of each side for the correct order. 2. On page 1, write the title of your comic book. Then, draw your cover photo. 3. On page 2, begin writing your story. Draw pictures inside the shapes, and use word balloons or thought bubbles to write the dialogue. Continue writing on page 3 until you have finished your story. If you need more room, you can use the space above or ask an adult for a scrap piece of paper. 16 By: _____________________________ 1 ______________________________________ 2 3 Make Your Own Mask Instructions: 1. 2. 3. Choose the mask(s) you like best. Color it in – make sure to include lots of colors and details! Cut out the shape (or ask an adult for help) Ask an adult to cut out the spaces for eyes and string. Cut a rubber band or string, then tie each end through the side holes. 18 19 “Dear Author …” Instructions: Michael Dahl is one of myON’s friendliest authors. After reading one of his books, write a letter to him. Who knows, maybe he’ll write back! 1. Some questions to think about when you write your letter are: o Who was your favorite character? o What did you like best about the book? o What would you change about the book? o What would you like Mr. Dahl to know about you? 2. At the bottom of the letter, draw a picture of your favorite part of the book. Feel free to draw yourself into the story, too! Michael Dahl (artist’s drawing) 20 Dear ________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Sincerely, Draw your favorite part of the story. Feel free to draw yourself into the story, too! 21 Reading Musical Hoops Instructions: We hope you had fun playing Reading Musical Hoops! Use this time until the game is over to design a Superhero Shield. 22 B I N G O Read 20 books on myON Found a seashell at the beach Visited relatives Watched fireworks Tried something new Went fishing Volunteered Had a sleepover party Got a mosquito bite Went to the zoo Played in a park Celebrated a birthday Picked out school supplies Went to the library Made a scrapbook Traveled to another state Visited a museum Baked cookies Ate watermelon Finished a jigsaw puzzle Celebrated Summer Learning Day Saw a Rays game Swam in a pool Saw a movie 23 B I N G O Went to the library Walked a dog Went camping Watched fireworks Tried something new Got school supplies Volunteered Celebrated my birthday Visited my cousin Went to the zoo Played soccer Went to a parade Got stung by a bee! Read 20 books on myON Played hide & seek Traveled to another state Visited a museum Ate popsicles Celebrated Summer Learning Day Learned a different language Went to summer camp Saw a Rowdies game Took swimming lessons Saw a movie 24 B I N G O Read 20 books on myON Went boogie boarding My relatives visited me Saw a shooting star Tried something new Caught a fish Ate corn on the cob Had a sleepover party Got a sunburn Saw a tiger Played in a park Built a fort Went to the library Got a haircut Mailed a postcard Traveled to another state Visited a museum Baked cupcakes Celebrated Summer Learning Day Finished a jigsaw puzzle Rode a roller coaster Saw a Storm game Swam in a pool Watched a movie 25