USS Peregrine Handbook


USS Peregrine Handbook
in NcrvcrlHistory
The USS PEREGRINE has a proud continuous history of service both
in the field of experimental mine warfare and, today, in the expansive
field of oceanogtaphic survey.
PEREGRINE was built in Savannah,
and was commissioned September 27, L945, as an Auxiliary
Minesweeper (AM). She was originally employed as a training ship in
the techniques of mine warfare at the U. S. Naval Academy.
PEBEGRINE was utilized later for the testing of newly-designed and
experimental minesweeping equipment, which, if measured as aeceptable
was later installed on sister ships in the fleet as
standard gear.
PEREGRINE's Work in various fields of endeavor gained her a variety
of designations. From AM-3?3 she became the Experimental Auxiliary
Minesweeper (EAM-3?3), then the Fleet Minesweeper (MSF-373)' and
later the Experimental Fleet Minesweeper (EMSF-373). Her great versatility has brought her many challenging assignments, suoh as patrol
and escort duty in Havana Ilarbor
during the Cuban crisis in 1962.
In April 1964 PEREGRINE's present designation as a Miscellaneous
Auxilia-ry (AG-1?6) was effected and in July of 1965 she was transferred
from the Atlantic Mine Force to the Atlantic Service Force. In reeent
laears she has been engaged in oceanographic survey projects under the
control of Commander Serviee Squadron EIGIIT.
PEREGRINE's length is 222 feet and her displacement is 1290 tons.
She is homeported in sunny Key West Florida. The complement of her
enlisted men and five officers.
crew is sixty-five
PEREGRINE is enique in that she is the only AG in commission in
the United States Navy. Her motto - "Generis lfnum", literally translated, means "One of a Kind".
The officers and men join the Commanding
aboard the PEREGRINE.
Officer in welcoming you
LT James F. Peters, Jr., was
born in Easton, Pennsylvania on
July 26, 1925. He is the son of
Mr, and Mrs. Jamcs F. peters,
now living in retirement in Sb.
Petersburg, Florida.
I{is wife,
the former Jennie Schulte, is
also from Easton, and they have
two sons and a daughter, all of
whom are teenagers.
After graduating from Wilson
High School in 1943, LT Peters
enlisted in the Navy, and following recruit training at Newport,
R. I. was assigned to Radarman
School at NAS St. Simons Is.,
Ga. where he served as an instnrctor
completing thq
course. Then followed a series of
tours of sea duty and promotions which ultimately
Chief Radarman.
led to advancement to
In June, L960, he was commissioned as Ensign under the Limited Duty
Officer program.
Prior to receiving his commission, LT Peters served on USS BEAVER
in the Paeific during the latter
during the Korean War;
stages of 1Tofl4_Wef- LI;_:tt
(CVE-86) and the hospital ship HAVEN
later he served in USS JOHN PAUL
and Sixth Fleets, then EDSON
in the First and Seventh Fleets. His first assigrrment as a comrnissioned
officer was CIC Officer in IISS PARSONS (DD-949);
sigrred to BUCIIANAN
he was next as-
as CIC Officer, and then as Opera-
tions Officer in RO\MAN (DD-782). Prior to assuming command of USS
(AG-1?6) in July 1966, he served in the Pentagon as an
Operations Briefing
Officer for the Chief of Naval Operations.