Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2015
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2015
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time CLERGY Rev. Fr. Otis W. Young, Jr., Pastor Rev. Fr. Peter Finney, III, Parochial Vicar Deacon Clyde Ardoin Deacon Dennis F. Adams Deacon Jack Jung FUNERALS Arrangements may be made at the Rectory. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Call Rectory in advance to register for seminar. Baptism-First Sunday of the month. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please contact priest/deacon at least six months before the wedding. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00- 3:50 p.m., 1st Saturdays 7:45-8:30 a.m., and by appointment at the Rectory . SCHEDULE July 5, 2015 OF MASSES Saturday Vigil……………….……..4:00 p.m. Sunday…..8:00, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Monday & Saturday………………..8:30 a.m. Tuesday - Friday………….6:30 & 8:30 a.m. Youth Mass 5:00 pm last Sunday of the month Holy Day of Obligation Mass schedule: see inside bulletin. ST. PETER PARISH WEBSITE: email: [email protected] ROSARY 6:05 a.m. in church - Tues.- Fri. 8:00 a.m. in church - Mon. - Sat. 3:00 p.m. - Tues.—Divine Mercy Chaplet and Rosary 3:30 p.m. in church - Saturdays 7: 15 a.m. in church - Sundays PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL Gwen Richard 985-871-9789 ST. VINCENT DEPAUL CONFERENCE 985-773-0329 SAINT PETER CATHOLIC SCHOOL 130 E. Temperance St. Covington, LA 70433 985-892-1831 Michael Kraus, Principal Rectory: 125 E. 19th Ave., Covington, LA 70433 - 985-892-2422 - Fax - 985-898-1998 2 ST. PETER PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the believers of St. Peter Parish, having our beginnings as the earliest Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans on the Northshore, in response to God's call, come together: to love God and one another to worship as a faith community to be God's hands, heart and mind and to provide for our community's spiritual and physical needs In doing this, we glorify God and help realize His reign on earth. While rejoicing in the experience of our pilgrimage, we must ever keep in mind our ultimate destination through our faithful stewardship of time, talent and treasure. Called to be a prayerful and hospitable Catholic family of living faith, we welcome and invite all people to share in our unique gifts of the Holy Spirit. RECTORY PERSONNEL…………...………...985-892-2422 Ruth Adams-Bookkeeper/Administrative Asst. Mary Frances-Bulletin Editor Lorraine Sliman– Secretary PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Ruth Prats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …. . . 985-898-0346 MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE Melody Barousse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ….985-892-9353 MUSIC MINISTRY Br. Ken Boesch, FSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ….. . . .985-966-1134 Mary Beth Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …. . . . 985-893-2535 Anne Simpson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …. . . . .985-893-2535 STEWARDSHIP Paula Souhlas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985-892-2568 PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION Penny Flores………………………………….985-893-2446 CONFIRMATION Kim Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …. . . . 985-893-2047 YOUTH MINISTRY Junior High: Rafael Flores. . . . . . . . . . . …. . .985-892-8994 High School: Michelle Seghers . . . . ….. . .985-892-8994 Young Adult: Christine Baglow. . . . …… …...985-892-8994 SAINT PETER PARISH MINISTRY CENTER 128 E. Nineteenth Avenue, Covington, LA 70433 PARISH STEWARDSHIP REPORT WEEKLY PARISH OFFERTORY Amount in envelopes + electronic giving: $ TBA Amount in loose checks and cash: $ $ TBA $ TBA RCIC children’s stewardship offering: June 28: Offertory collection Total: . AVERAGE REQUIRED PER WEEK JUST TO OPERATE: $ 20,200.00 (does not include deferred maintenance & repairs, or capital improvements) Second Collection : NEXT Scheduled Second Collection is: July 5: Maintenance & Building Fund ST. PETER PARISH WEEKLY OFFERTORY GOAL: $30,000 . $ 3 We welcome all newcomers to St. Peter Church and invite you to register as members of our parish family. Please complete a “Parishioner Card” located in back of church and drop it in the collection basket. A member of St. Peter Church will contact you to assist you with registration. TABLE OF CONTENTS Current Parish Events Confirmation Stewardship Youth Ministry Catechetical Programs Liturgical Schedule July 12 Priest p p p p p IMPORTANT NEWS 5-10 8-9 11 12 13 4pm Fr. Bru Blessing of a Child in the Womb K of C Chicken BBQ Pilgrimage to Rome with Fr. Otis RCIA/RCIC Information Sacrament of Confirmation Thirst for Truth Website Changes 8am Fr. Otis Dcn. Clyde Dcn. Clyde 9:30am Fr. Peter Dcn. Clyde 11:30am Fr. Otis Dcn. Jack p p p p p p p 7 8 6 13 8-9 7 6 5pm Fr. Peter Dcn. Jack Choir Cantor Cantor Choir Cantor Cantor Lectors Team 4 Team 8 Team 9 Team 13 Team 18 EMHC Team 2 Team 4 Team 6 Team 8 Team 10 Altar Servers Team 2 Team 4 Team 6 Team 10 Team 12 SICK RELATIVES & FRIENDS - Please remember in your prayers our Parish sick relatives and friends and their families families:: Bro. Bro. Anselm, Anselm, Dee DeeBaham Baham Baham&& &Family, Family, Family,Hertha Thomas Thomas HerthaBarrilleaux, Barnes, Barrilleaux, Barnes,Doris Hertha Cookie Doris Batiste, Barrilleaux, Baxter, Batiste, Cookie Hertha Cookie Baxter, DorisBerthalot, Baxter, Batiste, HerthaHertha Cookie Berthalot, CecileBerthalot, Baxter, Boesen, RonHertha Black, Blasin Ron Berthalot, Cecile Bourgois, Black, Cecile Boesen, Tom RonBoesen, & Black, Evette Andrew Cecile Evette Boudlouche, Brammer, Boesen, Boudlouche, Cliff Blasin Evette Brown, Blasin Bourgois, Boudlouche, Amelita Bourgois, Tom Cambre, Blasin Tom & Andrew Bourgois, &Mary Andrew Brammer, Carrone, Tom Brammer, & Kathy Andrew Georgette Georgette Carter, Brammer, Brooks, Kathy Brooks, Georgette Cliff Ceravolo, Cliff Brown, Brooks, Brown, Dr.Lisa Keith Cliff Amelita Cartier, Collins, Brown, Cambre, Philip Scott Lisa Cook, Cartier, Kathy Lucille Carter, Philip Philip KathyCooper, Philip Cartier, Ceravolo, Cartier, Cartier, Matthew Kathy Kathy Carolyn Kathy Ceravolo, Ceravolo, Cornu, Combel, Ceravolo, Eric Eric Carolyn Cortez, Eric Cortez, Dr. Cortez, Keith Combel, Jack Grace Collins, D’Antino, Grace Couvillon, EricMatthew Couvillon, Cortez, Barbara Jack Cornu, Grace D’Antino, Jack Delatte, Eric Couvillon, D’Antino, Cortez, Kylee Barbara Delatte, Jack Herbert Grace Delatte, D’Antino, Couvillon, Mary Deharde, Kylee Dauphin, Herbert Delatte, Jack Barbara D’Antino, Elizabeth Deharde, George Delatte, Deshotel, Delaune, Barbara Kylee Kayla Delatte, Mary Dauphin, Deroche, Kylee GeorgeDelatte, Kayla Delaune, LouisDeroche, George R. Mary Desselle, Delaune, Dauphin, Elizabeth Annette Mary Kayla Deshotel, Doskey, Dauphin, Deroche, Adam Renee Kayla Elizabeth Doiron, Doucet, Deroche, Annette Deshotel, Sarah Elizabeth Doskey, Dougherty, AnitaDeshotel, DiSanti, Renee Karen Doucet, Adam Dunn, Doiron, SarahEdDougherty, Annette Estapa, Doskey, Brady KarenEvans, Renee Dunn, Doucet, Maggie Valerie Fallen, Eberle, Sarah Dougherty, Susan Sheri Eilers, Faherty, Karen EdGayle Dunn, Estapa, Dunn,Faulk, Valerie Valerie Brady Rita Eberle, Eberle, Evans, ClareMaggie Sheri Sheri FaustEilers, Eilers, & Fallen, Children, Ed Ed Susan Estapa, Estapa, Don Faherty, Brady Brady Ferrera, Gayle Evans, Evans, Kithy Faulk, Maggie Maggie Filopoulos, Rita Fallen, Fallen, ClareCandice Susan Susan FaustFaherty, & Faherty, Flood, Children, Rita Cathy Gayle Clare Jozsef Fogle, Faulk, Faust Fenyes, Paul Rita & Froeba, Children, Don ClareFerrera, Faust Minnie Jozsef &Kithy Children, Fenyes, Golden,, Filopoulos, Don John DonFerrera, Ferrera, Graves, CandiceKithy Kithy Crystal Flood, Filopoulos, Filopoulos, Robert Guillory, Florance, Kay Candice Mike Filostrat, Guillot, Ronald Flood, Candice David Robert Fonseca, Flood, Hall, Florance, Paul Barbara Robert Froeba, Cathy Florance, Hanrahan, Fogle, RobertRonald Paul Giles, Kathleen Froeba, Fonseca, Minnie & Minnie Jeanne Golden, Paul Golden,, Froeba, Hebert, Susan Annabelle Gottschalk, Robert John Graves, Giles, Heine, John Minnie Crystal Anne Graves, Golden, Guillory, Hills,Crystal Marie Susan Mike Jacob, Guillory, Gottschalk, Guillot, Elsie Mike David John James, Guillot, Hall, Graves, Winnie Barbara Nathaniel Crystal Jordan, Hanrahan, Harrison, Guillory, Eileen Jorgensen, Annabelle Mike Anne Guillot, Hills, Baboo Heine, Willie David Kahle, Anne Hutchinson, Hall Hills, Clyde II, Nathaniel Willie Keating, Marie Hutchinson, JoAnn Jacob, Harrison, Lachney, Winnie Marie Anne Dorian Hills, Jordan, Jacob,Willie Land, Winnie Eileen Hutchinson, Tony Jordan, Jorgensen, Ledbetter, Eileen Marie Baboo Dr. Jorgensen, Jacob, Alma Kahle, Winnie Levy, JoAnn Baboo Tricia Jordan, Kahle, Lachney, LittleEileen JoAnn &Dorian fly.,Jorgensen, Lachney, Raymond Land, Dorian Raymond Baboo & Gilda Land, Kahle, Maestri, & Gilda Dr. Linda Alma Sr. Maestri, Korach, Margaret Levy, Raymond Sr. JoAnn Majors, Margaret Lachney, &Brandon Gilda Majors, Dorian Maestri, Marcantel, Brandon Land, Sr. Katherine Raymond Margaret Marcantel,& Majors, & Marcantel, Katherine Gilda GildaMaestri, Brandon Maestri, Marcantel, Troy Sr. Marcantel, Sr. Margaret Troy Margaret Marcantel, Katherine Isabelle Majors, Majors, Marinello, Brandon Isabelle Marcantel, Brandon Marinello, Marcantel, Stephanie Troy Marcantel, Marcantel, Stephanie Katherine Marse, Katherine Deborah Isabelle Marse, Marcantel, Marcantel, Deborah Marinello, Marshall, Troy Marshall, Marcantel, Stephanie Troy James Marcantel, James Martin, Isabelle Marse, Martin, Allie Marinello, Isabelle Deborah Mathias, AllieMarinello, Marshall, Deborah Mathias, The McDonald Stephanie James Suzy Marshall, McElroy, Martin, Marse, Family, James Jessica Allie Martin, Deborah Tom Mathias, Miller, &Allie Cheryl Marshall, T./J. The Mathias, McCain, “Buck” McDonald James Suzy Monlezun, Suzy Martin, Family, McElroy, McElroy, Bernice Allie Suzy Jessica Jessica Mathias, McElroy, Montagne, Miller, Miller, Suzy Jessica Jim T./J. T.J.McElroy, Montour, “Buck” “Buck” Miller, Sr., Monlezun, Jessica Monlezun, T.J.Heather “Buck” Miller, Bernice Bernice Morgan, Monlezun, T./J.Montagne, “Buck” Robert Bernice G. Monlezun, Jim Morgan, Montagne, Montour, Francis Bernice Jim Sr., Heather Montagne, Montour, Munger, Morgan, Morgan, Josiah Sr., JimHeather Montour, Naquin, Robert Robert Morgan, Charles G. Sr., G.Morgan, Morgan, Heather Nolan, Robert Francis Morgan, Francis Max G. Morgan, Oalmann, Munger, Munger, RobertFrancis Josiah Bonnie G.T Morgan, erriNaquin, Munger, Orillion, Fielding Francis Phyllis Josiah Kenneth Murphy, Munger, Nelson, Naquin, Perrilloux, Josiah Josiah Charles Charles Naquin, Shaylie Naquin, Nolan, Nolan, Charles Poche, Max Phyllis Max Oalmann, Nolan, Jim Nelson, Oalmann, & Connie Max Nancy Charles Oalmann, Bonnie Porche’, Odem, Nolan, Orillion, Bonnie Raoul Max Orillion, Oalmann, Kenneth & Patricia Perrilloux, Jeanette Shaylie Bonnie Potier,Poche, Orillion, Parnell, Sonya Shaylie Jim Wiley Kenneth Kenneth Poche, & Prevost, Connie Perrilloux, Jim Perrilloux, & Porche’, Rex Connie &Shaylie Shaylie Family, Porche’, Raoul Poche, Poche, Margaret & Raoul Patricia Jim Jim & &Rieger, Connie Potier, Connie Patricia Linda Porche’, Rex Porche’, Potier, & Robertson, Family, Rex Raoul & Family, Bryant & Margaret Patricia Roy, Margaret Potier, Rieger, Carol Sonya Roy, Rieger, Emma Jerri Wiley Robertson, Linda Russell, Prevost, Robertson, Linda Chris Rex Robertson, Bryant & Santopadre, Family, Roy,Margaret Jerri Carol Jr., Jonathan Russell, Roy,Rieger, Jerri Schech, Baby Russell, Linda Andrew Rodney Robertson, Marisa Ryan, Schliegelmeyer, Saborio, Bryant Tina Ryan, Chris Roy, Charles Marisa Carol Santopadre, Roy, Saborio, Shorter, Jerri Jr., Michael Russell, Chris Jonathan Santopadre, Schritz, Jonathan Schech,Gail Schech, Rodney Jr.,Seagrave, ValSchliegelmeyer, Rodney Schaff, Aline Schliegelmeyer, Rodney Seal, Charles Annie Schliegelmeyer, Shankles, Shorter, Charles Charles Michael Shorter, Kim HallShorter, Michael Schritz, Shearer, Michael Gail Schritz, Schritz, Special Seagrave, Gail Gail Schritz, Intention, Seagrave, Seagrave, Aline GailGary Seal, Seagrave, Aline Aline St.Annie Seal, Cyr, Seal, Aline Shankles, Annie Charlie Annie Seal, Shankles, Shankles, Annie Stahr, Kim Hall Shankles, Wynon Kim Kim Shearer, Hall Hall Stewart, Kim Shearer, Shearer, Special Hall Tom Chuck Shearer, Intention, Special & Kathy Shorter, Special Intention, Stubbs, Gary Kendra Intention, St.Gary Mike Cyr, Shorter, St. Swords, Gary Charlie Cyr, Special St.Ana Charlie Stahr, Cyr,Tolentino, Intention, Charlie Wynon Stahr, Stahr, Stewart, Wynon Gary Mary St. L. Abigail Stewart, Troxclair, Tom Cyr, & Stevens, Wynon Kathy Tom Warren Stewart, & Stubbs, Tom Kathy Troxclair, & Kathy Tom Mike Stubbs, & Swords, Stubbs, Frances Kathy MikeAna Stubbs, Susan Vance, Swords, Tolentino, Swanner, Mike Solomon AnaSwords, Mary Tolentino, Mike Verdin, L.Swords, Ana Troxclair, Nikko Mary Tolentino, Ana Verret, L.Warren Tolentino, Troxclair, Mary Pat Troxclair, L. Vigil, Mary Warren Troxclair, Laura L.Frances Troxclair, Troxclair, Warner, Warren Vance, Warren Troxclair, Molly Frances Solomon Watt, Troxclair, Vance, Frances Verdin, SarahSolomon Frances Weller, Vance, Nikko Vance, Verret, Verdin, Solomon ShannonSolomon Nikko Pat Wilson, Verdin, Vigil, Verret, Verdin, Nikko Chris Laura Pat & Verret, Nikko Warner, Mike Vigil,Verret, Wolf, Pat Laura Sarah Vigil, Ronie Laura Warner, Weller, Laura Wooley Warner, Warner, Shannon Molly Watt, Sarah Shannon Wilson, Sarah Weller, Chris Wilson, Weller, Shannon & Mike Shannon Chris Wilson, Wolf, & Mike Wilson, Ronie Chris Wolf, Wooley Chris & Ronie Mike & Wolf, Mike Wooley Wolf, RonieRonie Wooley Wooley SERVIAM - The following Family Members of St. Peter Parishioners have been called to “Active Duty.” Please remember them in your prayers: Chip Barrere, Joseph Baudier, Staff Sgt. Bryan S. Bonano, Josh Boudreaux, Jose Daniel Chacon, Peyton Eustis, Jared Fangue, Barry Frederick, Christian Griffiths, Christopher J. Guidry, Jacob Lindley, Luke Naquin, Adam Ritchey, Charles Talley . 4 MONDAY, July 6 St. Maria Goretti 8:30 a.m. Lorraine Resor TUESDAY, July 7 Weekday 6:30 a.m. Fr. Bill McGough (L-Anniv.) 8:30 a.m. Hazel L. Vicknair WEDNESDAY, July 8 Weekday 6:30 a.m. Holy Souls in Purgatory 8:30 a.m. Sandy Wall (L) THURSDAY, July 9 St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions 6:30 a.m. Fr. Otis Young (L-bd) 8:30 a.m. Robert J. Schoen FRIDAY, July 10 Weekday 6:30 a.m. Fr. Peter Finney (L-Anniv.) 8:30 a.m. Katie & Stewart Shields (L-Anniv.) SATURDAY, July 11 St. Benedict 8:30 a.m. Susan N. Ensley 4:00 p.m. Anticipated Mass Claude Labasse, Frank Anglada, Michel Parlipiano, Holy Souls, Jack & Mae Broyl, Ed & Lee Graves, James Deano, L.L.C., Thomas Barnes, Douglas Stuart, Henry Ascani, Jr., Alice Caserta, Lisa Beleso, Wade Horton, Joyce Harrison, Chris Kulakowski (L), Tara Swanner (L), Erin Mire (L), Nancy Berg (L), Kurtz Family (L), LeBlanc Family (L), Melba Henderlick, James Botsay, Dr. Alma Levy (L) SUNDAY, July 12 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. Bobbye Huval, Ted Wall, Rose Everard, Dorothy Modeen, Anne Marie Goss (L-bd), Claire Parson, John Burckell, Nancy Berg (L), Joan Zeringue (L), Karen Zeringue (L), Jared Zeringue (L), Hazel Bennett, Jamie McWilliams (L), Pam & Tracy Johnson (L), Trisha & Chris Cooper (L), Christi & Danny Burns (L), Alice Caserta, L.C. (L), Lisa Beloso, Jim Hanks, Chase Damare (L), Evan Glynn (L), Grace Taffaro (L), Renee & Brian Thompson (L), Val Schaff (L), Margaret Singleton 9:30 a.m. Ruth & Ruffin Duet 11:30 a.m. R. N. & Lynne Salter 5:00 p.m. St. Peter Parishioners Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 to 3:50 p.m. or by appointment at the rectory. . PRAY THE ROSARY In church: 6:05 a.m. Tuesday through Friday 8:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday 3:00 p.m. Tuesdays, preceded by the Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:30 p.m. preceding the Saturday Vigil Mass 7:15 a.m. Sunday Rosary for Fr. Otis & Fr. Peter July 6: Ruth Accardo July 7: P. & A. McElroy/Debbie Bres July 8: Virginia Provosty July 9: Julie McKnight/Ana Tolentino July 10: Shirley Brown July 11: K. Montgomery July 12: Mr. & Mrs. W.R. Desdier Rosary for the Holy Souls in Purgatory July 6: Ruth Accardo July 7: Marie Lamy July 8: Julie McKnight July 9: Marybelle Bates/Ana Tolentino July 10: Ann Doescher July 11: Pia Braga July 12: Tish Payne The Sanctuary Light Burns In Memory of Betty & Scott Salter The Blessed Mother Lamps Burn In Thanksgiving for D’wana Naquin (L) The Adoration Chapel Sanctuary Lamps Burn In Thanksgiving for Fr. Otis Young, Jr. (L) 5 BAPTISMS We congratulate the newest members of our worshipping Community who recently celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism: Wedding Banns are announced between: Robert Seghers & Alexandra Doucet Felicity Denise Muller Zoe Maris Lahey Therese Edith Kneier Ally Rose Alonzo Alice Catherine Duplantier William Robert Matherne Elizabeth Joyce LeBlanc Alaina Michelle Emmons Jayden Michael SanRoman Olive Atwood Shea Colin Michael Thompson Frank William Lagarde IV IN MEMORIAM Please pray for the families of our dearly departed, and for the repose of their souls. Patricia Holloway Vigil Taylor Anthony Fussell Gregory Adoga St. Peter Parish Welcomes the following New Parishioners: Mr. & Mrs. Rob Boltin Mrs. Lois Bowden Mr. & Mrs. Fred Escher Miss Katie Mezzic Mr. & Mrs. Dustin Simms Mr. & Mrs. Joey Reed Mr. & Mrs. Billy Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Beauvais Mr. & Mrs. George Beck Mr. Richard Fontenot Mr. &Mrs. Greg Lear Mr. & Mrs. Brien Ruiz Mr. Alex Clement Mr. & Mrs. John Macaluso BAPTISMAL PREPARATION St. Peter Baptismal Preparation for infants consists of one mandatory session, that both parents and Godparents are required to attend. Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Ross Mr. & Mrs. Brett Szczepanski Parents are encouraged to call the rectory three months before the expected birth date to register for class. 985-892-2422 The next seminar is Wednesday, August 5th, from 6:00—7:15 p.m. In the Ministry Center. The Rite of Baptism will be scheduled after the class has been attended and all documents are submitted. . The second collection this weekend, July 4th/5th, is for our Maintenance and Building Fund. Money collected will be used to fund various repair projects in our parish. 6 Registration (Now Taking Place) COME join Fr. Otis Young and other parishioners from St. Peter Parish Rome (Italy Wide & Switzerland) October 15-27, 2015 To Register: Contact Proximo Travel, LLC 855.842.8001 More information is available at the parish rectory or in the back of church . 7 SCRIPTURE READINGS NAIM NAIM will hold their regular monthly meeting Saturday, July 11th at the Abita Roasting Co., 1011 Village Walk in Covington at 12:30 p.m. All widows and widowers are invited to attend. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday July 6-July 12 Gn 28:10-22a/Mt 9:18-26 Gn 32:23-33/Mt 9:32-38 Gn 41:55-57,42:5-7a, 17-24a/Mt 10:1-7 Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5/Mt 10:7-15 Gn 46:1-7, 28-30/Mt 10:16-23 Gn 49:29-32, 50:15-26a/Mt 10:24-33 Am 7:12-15/ Eph 1:3-14/Mk 6:7-13 St. Peter Church Announces THE BLESSING OF A CHILD IN THE WOMB 9:30 AM Mass † Sunday, July 26, 2015 Reserved seating for expectant families, front right of Church Expectant families awaiting the birth of their child are invited to receive a special “Blessing of a Child in the Womb” during the celebration of the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, July 26, 2015. The introduction to this Rite observes that the blessing of an unborn child “sustains the parents by imparting grace and comfort in time of concern and need, unites the parish in prayer for the unborn child, and fosters respect for human life within society.” To help us to provide adequate reserved seating for your family, please email or call and leave a message at the St. Peter Office of Marriage and Family Life with the number of reserved seats needed: [email protected] /985.892.9353. The text of the Rite for the Blessing of a Child in the Womb has been approved by the Vatican and by the USCCB. Timothy Cardinal Dolan, USCCB President, authorized its use in the liturgy as of March 26, 2012, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. How to Eat Your Way to Salvation: A Catholic Foodie’s Guide through the Holy Land Thirst for Truth with The Catholic Foodie! Adults ages 35 and beyond are invited to tap into the Catholic Faith on Friday, July 24th at the Abita Brewery Visitor Center in Abita Springs (not the Beer Pub). We’ll gather around the table with our own parishioner Jeff Young, aka The Catholic Foodie! Jeff Young was born and raised in Baton Rouge and now lives in Covington. He is the founder and producer of The Catholic Foodie blog and podcast, founder of The Catholic Foodie Show which airs from noon to 1 p.m., Monday – Friday on, and he co-hosts the Around the Table Food Show on Catholic Community Radio, 690AM, and 104.9fm in the city. Jeff is also a conference speaker and has spoken on topics ranging from “Growing faith around the table” to “Using social media in the New Evangelization.” Jeff’s first book is now available, Around the Table with The Catholic Foodie: Middle Eastern Cuisine. Bring the Holy Land to Your Kitchen Table! Gather round at Thirst for Truth and let The Catholic Foodie, Jeff Young, show you how to prepare delectable recipes, while he shares fascinating stories of food and faith in the Holy Land, bringing new flavor to your table and new meaning to your faith. Recipes from Jeff’s new cookbook, “Around the Table with The Catholic Foodie” will be served. Autographed copies of the acclaimed cookbook will be available for sale. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and reservations are required. There is no fee for this event, however, donations will be accepted to help defray expenses. For more information or to make reservations, email or call St. Peter Rectory: [email protected]. / 985.892.2422. This “Growth in Faith” event is sponsored by the St. Peter Catholic Church Adult Formation Committee. . 8 Confirmation Calendar-Prep I, II & III July Tuesday 21st Thursday 30th Begin reading 33 Days to Morning Glory 33 Days to Morning Glory prayer and discussion group 3:30-5:00 p.m. Aug. Thursday’s: 6th, 13th, 20th Sunday 9th Saturday 22nd Wednesday 26th 33 Days to Morning Glory prayer and discussion group 3:30-5:00 p.m. Prep I and Prep II Registration in the Ministry Center 8:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m. Confirmation Retreat: 8:00 a.m.– 5 p.m. Prep I and Prep II Late Registration and Parents’ Meeting 5:00-7:00 p.m. Sept. Sunday 13th Sunday 27th Tuesday 29th Tuesday 29th Prep I and Prep II Begin: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Confirmation Rehearsal in St. Mary’s Hall-candidates and sponsors should attend 6:30 p.m. Confirmation candidates and sponsors meet in St. Mary’s Hall at 5:45 p.m. Confirmation Mass, Archbishop Alfred Hughes celebrating—Liturgy begins at 7 p.m. Confirmation—Prep III How to participate in the 33 Days to Morning Glory Prayer and Discussion Group: 1. Purchase the book 33 Days to Morning Glory. It can be found on Amazon and other online bookstores. 2. Begin reading the book on Tuesday, July 21st. 3. Read one section every day as directed in the book. 4. If you can, join us on Thursday, July 30, August 6, August 13, and August 20, at 3:30 in the Adoration Chapel. After 30 minutes of adoration, we will move to the Ministry Center for prayer, discussion of the week’s reading, and fellowship. The meetings will end by 5:00 p.m. 5. A consecration ceremony will be held during the August 22nd Confirmation retreat. INVITATION FROM JESUS You are invited to spend one hour of your choice with Jesus in the Adoration Chapel. Committed adorers are needed: Sunday: 11a.m. –noon, Friday 10-11 a.m., Saturday 10-11 a.m, please call Barbara Fisher @ 985. 875.2011-H or 985.264.3318-C. Saturday: 2-3 p.m., please call Marybelle @ 985.867.8563 Sunday: 4-5 a.m., Tuesday: 1-2 a.m. and 5-6 a.m., and Thursday: 2-3 a.m., please call Sandy Wall @ 985.845.7585 Saturday: 11p.m-Midnight, please call Suzette McGoey @ 985.264.4641 Prayer partners are needed all hours: If you can commit to a weekly hour with our Eucharistic Lord, call: 985.871.9789 Found Set of Keys Man’s Wedding Band Please call the Rectory to claim 985.892.2422 . 9 Parents of high school students, do you suffer from a case of… Let’s see if we can clear that up for you! 1. Teenagers in the Archdiocese of New Orleans (this includes us on the Northshore) who have been baptized and received the Sacrament of Holy Communion are confirmed in their junior year of high school. In St. Peter Parish, Confirmation takes place in the fall of the junior year, usually in September. 2. If your teenager has not been baptized and/or not received first Holy Communion, please contact Ruth Prats in the office of RCIC to discuss how they may receive these vital Sacraments of Initiation. Her number is 985.898.0346. 3. If your teenager has been baptized and received first Holy Communion, they must complete 2 years of preparation classes before they may be confirmed. How and where those classes take place depends on where your child goes to school. If your child attends a Catholic high school or Catholic home school, they must register for what we call PREP III in January of their SOPHOMORE YEAR of high school. Until then, preparation classes are done in the school setting; If your child attends a non-Catholic private high school, a non-Catholic home school (no religion classes are being taught), or a public high school, they must register for what we call PREP I (9th grade PSR) in August of their FRESHMAN YEAR of high school, PREP II (10th grade PSR) in August of their SOPHOMORE YEAR of high school, and PREP III in January of their SOPHOMORE YEAR of high school. 4. PREP I is a full school year, meeting from September until May. PREP II classes are from September until December, and PREP III meets from January to May. All classes meet on Sunday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. PREP I and II meet in the Ministry Center. PREP III meets in St. Mary’s Hall. 5. Registration for this year’s PREP I and PREP II classes will be held on Sunday, August 9th from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the Ministry Center. Please bring a COPY of your child’s BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE and the $40 fee. Registration for PREP III will be held in January on a date TBA from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. in St. Mary’s Hall. There is also a parents’ meeting held that evening. 6. If your child has missed registration for one of those classes and is now in a grade higher than usual for either PREP I, PREP II, or PREP III, please do not let that stop you from registering them this year. Contact the Office of Confirmation at 985.893.2047 or [email protected], and we will be happy to direct you as to in which class your child should be registered. Hope this clears up some of that Confirmation Confusion. If not, please contact Kim Wright, Confirmation Coordinator at 985.893.2047 or [email protected]. Year for Consecrated Life November 29, 2014– February 2, 2016 All of us without exception, both individually and in society, have a life-long obligation to strive after heavenly values. . . . The traditional as well as the contemporary Christian approach to life is to strive with all zeal for evangelical perfection, and at the same time to contribute toward the material good of humanity. —Pope John XXIII at the opening of the Second Vatican Council on Oct. 11, 1962 . A Hurricane Prayer Our Father in Heaven, through the powerful intercession of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, spare us from all harm during this hurricane season and protect us and our homes from all disasters of nature. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. Amen 10 In upcoming parish bulletins, you will begin to see the goals that have been set from your input given in our recent Mass survey. As we move forward in the planning stage, please unite often in praying our survey prayer so that all can be according to God’s will and that we can say often together “How Great Thou Art” in thanksgiving for what He has done and continues to do for St. Peter Parish. St. Peter Parish Mass Survey Prayer Heavenly Father, all glory and praise is yours. R: How Great Thou Art! We thank you for the many blessings that you give to St. Peter Parish. R: Your grace is in abundance. We thank you for the generosity of all who faithfully serve in our liturgies. R: The fruit of their labors is evident. We thank you for those who faithfully come to worship with us. R: May we serve them well. We thank you for the results of our parish Mass survey. R: It is your Loving Hand at work in our parish. We now ask the guidance of your Holy Spirit as we move forward. R: Please sanctify our humble efforts. Heavenly Father, may all that we do be for your greater glory and honor. R: How Great Thou Art! AMEN The Youth of St. Peter Parish want to make a difference. TORCH will be hosting a food drive July 25th and 26th. You can help by donating can goods. A truck will be in the church driveway to collect donations. Thank you so much for your generosity and may God bless you! Ten Most Wanted Food Items: Peanut Butter Jelly Canned Vegetables Canned Soups Canned Meats (tuna, stew, etc.) Whole Grain Cereal Macaroni & Cheese Rice Pasta Tomato Sauce/Spaghetti Sauce . FOOD DRIVE SPONSORED BY ST. PETER HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH 11 Stewardship of Prayer....Our Way of Life at St. Peter Parish ONE GOD + ONE CHURCH + ONE FAMILY ST. PETER PARISH - Ministry Needs We need a little help in the following ways…. 1. Regular and substitute adorers for Adoration Chapel 2. Co-coordinator for Bereavement Food Ministry to make calls and occasionally help with the delivery of meals. 3. Cleaning of Altar Server albs (2-3 times a yr) 4. Sew or crochet prayer blankets for those among us ill 5. Make infant baptismal garments (pattern given) 6. Skilled cellist for Teen Choir 7. Assistant for Children’s Choir and accompanist needed 8. Garden Ministry volunteers and financial donations for projects Can you help us? Contact the Parish Office at 985.892.2422 Goal for St. Peter Parish: “100% participation of our parishioners serving in ministries” “This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13: 35 July 5: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: In today’s Gospel, the people ask: “How is it such miraculous deeds are accomplished by his hands?” Because of your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul many “miraculous deeds” are accomplished for the poor. This week put a gift in the St. Vincent de Paul poor box, knowing that through your kindness someone who is suffering will be touched by God in a miraculous way. Poor Box Envelopes can be found in a holder on the wall in back of church. Please place donations in the collection basket or drop off at the rectory. Thank you. . LEAVE A LEGACY OF FAITH PLEASE REMEMBER ST PETER PARISH IN YOUR WILL Prayerful Protest Against Abortion The Archdiocesan Sidewalk Counseling & Prayer Ministry meets this Saturday, July 11th, from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m., at the Causeway Abortion Facility on Ridgelake Avenue in Metairie. Join together to pray the Rosary to end Abortion. For more information: Pam Richard @ 504.460.9360 or 985.809.0773 or Tricia Tiziani at 985.630.0713 12 Taking On Radical Christian Holiness Sr. High Youth Ministry for grades 8-12 For more information contact Michelle Seghers 985.892.8994 St. Peter Young Adult Ministry [email protected] Welcome to Virtues In Action! The way to Christ! [email protected] It’s time to register for TORCH. New registration forms can be picked up in the back of church or found online. Registration is required to attend TORCH events. July 22nd-26th Food Drive—Collect food all week. Teens needed after all Masses 25/26 to fill truck. Sat. 25th TORCH Night: 6—9 p.m. Tue. 28th Torch Missionaries: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri. 31st Teen Council Retreat 8:30 a.m.– 3 p.m. Thursdays: July 16, 23, 30: Theology on Tap at the Abita Brewery-doors open at 6:30 p.m. $5 donation per person requested, food & beverages provided, please bring a dessert to share. New Members are Always Welcome! Coordinator: Christine Baglow: 985. 892.8994 Web: Find us on Facebook! August Fri. 1st First Friday Feeding Frenzy-8:30 a.m. Mass, breakfast following at YH Sat. 8th Crusaders for Life pray at Metairie Aboration Clinic. Meet @ YH 7:30 a.m. and pick up is at 11a.m. Permission forms Required Sat. 15th TORCH Night: 6-9 p.m. Sun. 31st Youth Mass: confessions 4-4:50, Mass 5 p.m. Save the Date: Torch Retreat, September 4th-6th For more information, join the T.O.R.C.H. Facebook group, or check us out under Youth Ministry at! “Your are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushelbasket, it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father” -Matthew 5:14-16 Theology on Tap Fr. Bryce Sibley– Presenter Priest of the Diocese of Lafayette “Knowing God’s Plan for Your Life” Thursday, July 16th Doors open at 6:30 p.m. For young adults in their 20’s and 30’s For more info: Christine Baglow 985.892.8994 Abita Brewery: 21084 Highway 36, Abita Springs TEC Retreat in August R.O.C.K. St. Peter Catholic Church Middle School & Junior High Youth Ministry Check out the ROCK website at under the “Formation/Youth” section. 985.892.8994 E-mail us at [email protected] Coordinator: Rafael Flores “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this ROCK I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.” – Matthew 16:18 . Applications to attend the next Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) retreat: August 1st-3rd, are now available! TEC is a special experience with topics and an approach designed for older adolescents and young adults who have completed their second semester of their sophomore year of high school. It begins at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday and ends about 7 p.m. on Monday. TEC 124 Applications and more information can be found at 13 Catechetical Programs PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION Save the Date Registration for Grades 1st – 8th Sunday August 9th after all morning Masses Ministry Center: 128 E. 19th Avenue For more information call: 985-893-2446 Fee $50.00 per child Family cap of $150.00 RCIA Registration Do you have a family member or friend that you would like to invite to become Catholic? Now is the time If interested, please have the person contact Ruth Prats at [email protected] or call 985.898.0346. Information is also available on the parish website at RCIC Registration Frequently asked question….. I have a child over the age of 7 in need of baptism. or I have a child over the age of 7 in need of First Holy Communion. What do I do? It is very easy. Contact Ruth Prats, who will be happy to assist you, at [email protected] or 985.898.0346. For: Catholic Adults not CONFIRMED Registration for Adult Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is currently in process Contact Ruth Prats at [email protected] or 985.898.0346 You will be guided through the registration process. . 14 CHURCH NAME & ADDRESS: St. Peter Catholic Church 125 E. Nineteenth Avenue Covington, LA 70433 CHURCH PHONE: 985-892-2422 CONTACT PERSON: Mary Frances/Ruth Adams SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0® Standard Windows 7 PRINTER Canon MF8000 Series UFRII LT NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover + 12 text pages + this page = 14 (3 ad pages) SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION July 5, 2015 TRANSMISSION TIME Monday @ Noon SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Happy 4th of July!! .