1964 in 2009 - Mangum High School Alumni
1964 in 2009 - Mangum High School Alumni
CLASS OF 1964 Celebrating 45th Reunion The Class of 1964 is fortunate; their history is stored in the 1964 Tiger Yearbook given to this writer by Bob & Patty Bratton. Help was also received from Lee Sparkman and his circle of friends. According to the Mangum Star, May 20, 2004, the class of 1964 “had the privilege of breaking in the new high school. We well remember standing outside watching the high school burn to the ground during our sophomore year then doing our junior year at the old Edison. Therefore, moving into a brand new school our senior year was quite exciting!!” The 1964 MHS Senior Class boasted 53 members including: Susan Barnett, Sharon Cannady, Susan Fike, Diane Hayes, Greta Hogan, Melba Johnson, Anita Kerbo, Candace McGee, Rita Nelson, Lynda Nichols Traylor, Sonja Pattillo, Carla Smith, Nancy Thompson, Maxine Wade, LaQuita Wiseman, LaJeanne Ware, Danny Avery, Ray Beaver, Jacky Chambless, Joe Chapman, Larry Dean, Everett Delano, Larry Gable, Joey Gray, Phillip Hightower, Richard Hogue, Robert Hudgins, Donald Long, Cliff Lowry, Hollis Marlow, Larry Marcy , Dennis McMahon, Mike Masoner, Ray Morad, Charles Morgan, Bobby Neel, Clayton Olive, Alton Patterson, Marshall Ray, Oscar Raulston, Jerry Sadler, Mac Scott, Fred Sellers, Lee Sparkman, Dale Staton, Dan Staton (twins); Sammy Taylor, Howard Terry, Charlie Wells, Teddy Woodworth and Bobby Wright. Superintendent of schools was Herman Bottom and Ray Hogan, was Principal. Class sponsors were Wendell Harris, Ben Sorrells, Sr., and Ruth Sanger. The Tiger staff included: Freddie Sellers and Gretta Hogan, co-editors; Susan Barnett, Dale Staton and Carla Smith. The Yearbook was dedicated to Mrs. Ruth Mosby and Miss Emily Hoover who both retired in 1964. Miss Hoover taught 33 years in Mangum and Mrs. Mosby taught 43 years, 34 of these in Mangum. Mrs. Mosby’s daughter is a MHS graduate with the Class of 1949, celebrating its 60th reunion in 2009. The Board of Education consisted of: Ralph Wade, John Uecke, Clyde Smith, Harold McDaniel, Leon Freeman and Frank Baker. The High School Faculty included: Miss Emily Hoover, Ms. Ruth Sanger, Wilson Hibler, Miss Tom Johnson, Wendell Harris, John Neal, Helen Deaver, John Buck, Monroe Chadwick, Mrs. Tubal Cain, Ben Sorrells, Mrs. Odie Jones and Mr. Tubal Cain. Support personnel shown in the yearbook: Jane Buck, School Secretary; Verta Powell, Zoe Livingston, Joyce Klepper, high school cooks; Mr. Copp, Arlo Gilliam and Alden Cypert, custodians. Senior Sponsors: Ben Sorrells, Ruth Sanger, Wendell Harris Class Parents: Bob and Nawassa Staton, parents of ‘the twins’, Dan and Dale. Class officers: Teddy Woodworth, President; Lee Sparkman, V-President; Gretta Hogan, Secretary and Sharon Cannady, Treasurer. The Lady Tigers, coached by W. D. Hibler, managed to “make state and win state, ending their two season record with a 59-0 record.” Mangum girls won state in 1963 also. Graduating seniors were: Diane Hayes, Joe Chapman, Larry Gable, Clayton Olive, Susan Barnett, Freddie Sellers, Carla Smith, Danny Avery, Bobby Wright, Donald Long, LaJean Ware, Dan Staton, Sonja Patillo, Philip Hightower, Mike Masoner, Lary Marcy, Nancy Thompson, Charles Morgan; Rita Nelson, Dale Staton, Joey Gray, Howard Terry, Maxine Wade, Bobby Neel, Anita Kerbo, Cliff Lowry, Junior Raulston, Melba Johnson, Dennis McMahon, Susan Fike, Mac Scott, Candace McGee, Alton Patterson, Lynda Nichol, Everett Delano, Jerry Sadler, Marshall Ray, Charlie Wells, Ray Morad, Sammy Taylor, Robert Hudgins, Richard Hogue, Jacky Chambless, Ray Beaver and Larry Dean. Academic achievers: Valedictorian: Freddie Sellers; Co-Salutatorians, Carla Smith and Charles Morgan. Sports achievement: Lady Tigers were crowned State Champs in Class A. Other Honors: Sonja Pattillo, Yearbook Queen; Homecoming Queen, Susan Barnett; Outstanding Student, Gretta Hogan; Masonic Award: Sonja Pattillo and Dan Staton; Band Queen, Diane Hayes, Music Queen, Sharon Cannady; Maxine Wade, FFA Sweetheart; Spanish Queen, Janie Keating Boys & Girls State: Lee Sparkman, Gretta Hogan, Danny Avery, Freddie Sellers, Maxine Wade, Mike Masoner; National Honor Society: Dale and Dan Staton; Mike Masoner, Gretta Hogan, Susan Barnett and Maxine Wade. Note: This writer learned from old news reports that Gretta Hogan went on to compete in Miss Tall Oklahoma not long after graduation. She won the Miss Congeniality title. Today she and her husband have moved back to Mangum; she is still tall, still congenial, and is active in many facets of Mangum. Her mother, Maxine Hogan, is also still active in Mangum civic groups. The new Junior High School, built in 2001, is named in honor of the late Mr. Ray Hogan, long time Mangum High School principal. Other classmates living in Mangum today, according to alumni rosters, include: Maxine Wade Thomason (Mangum’s Mayor); Clayton Olive, Marshall Ray, Joyce Price Brown, Larry Gable, Joe Gray, Lee Sparkman, Gretta Hogan Kane, Dale Staton, and Danny Avery, School Board Member. Deceased members include: Larry Dean, Denis McMahon, Jerry Sadler; also Mr. and Mrs. Bob Staton, Class Parents, are deceased. Lee Sparkman helping This was another fine yearbook with all 12 grades displayed and all faculty/administration of Edison and Junior High are pictured. The Junior faculty included: Willie Rogers, Ruth Mosby, Bess Hibler, Frances Phipps, Jeanette Snow and Dale Jackson. The Edison faculty included: Mr. G. I. Paterson, Principal; Dale Jackson, Mrs. Norman, Mrs. Winters, Mrs. Doolen, Miss Smith, Mrs. McBride, Mrs. Pattillo, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Wooldridge, Miss Ima Foster and Miss Ura Foster (twins); Mrs. Masoner, Mrs. Wilson, Miss Graham, Mrs. Askins, Miss Lassiter and Mrs. Neal. Note: This writer knows Mrs. Mary Margaret Winters is still quite active today in the United Methodist Church of Mangum and the Greer County Retired Teachers. Mrs. Jerri Norman is still active in her church and the MHS Alumni Association. Mrs. Wooldridge is still living in Mangum today and is a member of the First United Methodist Church. Series 7 will include Class of 1969 and Class of 1974. Researched by Alumni Historian, Joy Hall Grant, Class of 1957.