Phase I: Compilation of Free Responses Submitted for Bicycle and


Phase I: Compilation of Free Responses Submitted for Bicycle and
Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
ADOT MPD Task Assignment 21-11
PGTD 0725
Contract # T08-49-U0001
Compilation of Free Responses Submitted for
Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Public Survey
(May 2012)
Prepared by:
Prepared for:
August 23, 2012
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
QUESTION NO. 1 ...........................................................................................3 QUESTION NO. 2 ......................................................................................... 48 QUESTION NO. 3 ......................................................................................... 62 QUESTION NO. 4 ......................................................................................... 76 QUESTION NO. 5 ....................................................................................... 152 QUESTION NO. 6 ....................................................................................... 183 QUESTION NO. 9 ....................................................................................... 224 091374045
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
The following are the free response answers collected as part of the public survey. These
responses have been left in the exact format and language used by the respondent. They have not
been summarized or altered. It should be noted, that the following only includes those questions
where a written response was an option. Questions 7, 8, 10, and 11 are not included.
Question No. 1
The ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update has proposed the following goals. Please rate
them in importance.
Double the percentage of trips to work by walking or bicycling within the next 10 years.
Increase the number of miles of roadway with paved shoulder greater than 4 feet.
Increase the number of miles of sidewalks and shared use paths.
Decrease the number of bicyclist and pedestrian injuries and fatalities.
Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these goals (500
characters max).
The following are the free responses provided by the public for this question.
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Maybe more bike/ped questions on the driver's exam. I've always felt that education is key... so it
seems that a demonstration of that knowledge would be in order.
The rumble strips should either be inside the white/shoulder line or in the same place, not outside
the white line in the shoulder or bike lane. Once the driver crosses the rumble strip in shoulder it
is too late to save a cyclist and it takes up valuable shoulder/bike lane area.
All new main roads (not necessarily within neighborhoods) should have a bike lane or wide
shoulder for commuting, recreation, exercise and touring.
While the educational tools developed so far are nice, but physical reminders on the streets are
probably more effective because not everyone gets the educational materials (or they forget). The
more frequent reminders are more helpful. The "3 feet please" signs, reminding drivers to give
riders three feet of clearance per state law are great and should be implemented everywhere.
Places with more than one accident (car/bicycle) should have "watch for cyclist" or "share the
road" type signs.
Provide bike lanes with connectivity for AZ residents plus those riding through our state.
Walking and bicycling are very important. Building the Pedestrian Rail line and then linking the
bicycle and pedestrian facilities to it would be fantastic. Smaller communities with highways
through desperately need bicycle and pedestrian access. We need to keep building Complete
Streets - streets that aren't just for cars.
Any new or re-build projects must have suitable shoulder. For example, the north bound stretches
of hwy 93 between Nothing and I 40 have parts that have no shoulder, yet the sections have
already been re-built.
-Create paths that are seperate from roads and highways.
-Create road dividers with cement medians and/ or vegetation that would seperate vehicles from
bicycles and walkers.
-- Increase number of paved shoulder miles.
-Develop rest or comfort stations along highways with paths or shoulders where bicyclists and
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
pedestrians can rest and refill on water.
1. Outlaw texting and use of cell phones while driving.
2. Provide incentives to employers to provide showers and lockers for bike and pedestrian
3. Enforce stop on red before right turn.
by completing the road with the margin for bicycles especially from start one intersection to the
other side of the intersection
education of motorists in awareness of pedestrian/bicyclists
Most all roads should have wide marked shoulders for bicycles. Major busy roadways should have
a separate bike path or alternate road for bicycles. published bike route maps for metro areas.
Education on safe co-sharing of roadways. public transportation (buses, etc.) should have bike
carriers to encourage bike riders to combine public transportation with biking to work or shopping.
Make sure new construction and reconstruction projects include ped/bike facilities from the outset
Payson's town roads are in terrible shape and only one st. has bike path. Payson is NOT
pedestrian/biker friendly ~ it is dangerous. Take a walk or a bike ride to the P.O., schools, markets.
Please do something.
Increase the consequences of distracted drivers who hit cyclists. Have a "rear view mirror"
program for cyclists so it is not stigmatized. Limit group ride sizes as it is a well-known fact that
cyclist behavior gets worse the larger the group. I have a zillion more ideas.
I was having trouble with checking the dots so I'll respond in writing;
#1 for all four goals. I use all "bike" lanes when possible as well as shared paths. I am also an avid
tourer and can't imagine being able to have 4' instead of 4" on highways. I wish more people
would ride a bicycle and would then understand. Please check out Adventure cycling association. Working together might put Arizona in the Top 5 bicycle friendly states.
When state highways are constructed or repaved, extend the roadway surface the entire width of
the shoulder. On several highways in Cochise County, the roadway surface extends only partially
across the shoulder.
Do not decrease the width of shoulders at drainage structures.
When repaving state highways or even just chip sealing, put new paving or chip sealing all the
way to the edge of the existing roadway so bicyclists can stay on the shoulder and not risk falling
because of uneven paving.
Never redo or put in a road that has not have accomondations for bicycles. No side walk as they
don't work for bicyclist
Make sure the new Northern ave has a bike lane or wide lanes to accomodate bicyclist At this
point there is no good way to cross from the NW Sun City and Peroia Glendale to Surprise, etc
Create more bike routes, the are scarce, in bad shape, and many of them do not connect to
anything. Many times I have to ride my bike on the sidewalk because I don't feel safe.
more paved bike pathways ideally next to freeway like the dreamy draw bike path!
Car driver and cyclist education and more severe fines
if schoolchildren walked or bicycled to school, less parents would need to drive their car in the
morning and the parents could also walk or bicycle
Please add more bicycle path in Phoenix ! Riding bicycle is energy efficient and sustaianble. The
least government can do is to encourage it!. Thank you so much
Bike lanes!!!
Require sidewalks, and require sidewalks of sufficient width to accomodate both pedestrian and
bicycle traffic wherever ADOT has jurisdiction. Extra pavement beside highways is still not safe
for bikes. Bike paths may be parallel to but must be separated from highway traffic.
The priority should be for creating more bike paths that are separate from major roads. This can
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
be done by creating more bikeways through residential areas, along river paths, etc.
Resurfacing the current roads would go a long way in making cycling more appealing, even
without actual paths etc.
Devote more of the ADOT budget toward creating biking infrastructure.
Raise bicycling awareness for both cyclists and motorists in areas with high rates of bicyclemotorist collisions.
Having the bike lane extend all the way to the intersection instead of the bike lane abruptly ending
prior to the intersection would be appreciated.
More bike lanes and Share the Road signs!
Bicycle paths in Arizona urban areas need to be contiguous and not end at intersections. In
Flagstaff, bike paths start and then end after a few blocks.
There is an incredibly dangerous section of road through Catalina in northern Pima County on the
Oracle highway 77 that has almost no shoulder for bicyclists where having a large shoulder would
prevent cyclists entering the road. Sidewalks and shared use paths don't offer much utility per
dollar because highways tend to be in areas where walking to locations is not very easy.
Improve the State Route 260 between Camp Verde and Cottonwood to include Bike Lanes.
I ride on the shoulder of Hwy 95, is it possible to provide a shoulder that is wider or farther away
from the hwy since vehicles are traveling in speeds of 65+ and lots of passing occurs on our
stretch. Thank you
If you build the infrastructure, cyclists & pedestrians will come.
Improve the overall network of roads to facilitate the movement of all common and alternative
forms of trransportation.
Rigidly enforce the 3ft rule and make bike routes available in unconnected areas (ex: I used to live
in Ahwatukee and bike to work in Chandler, running a 2-3 mile gauntlet each way in narrow 2lane-each-way 45mph zones, usually controlling the lane). Or build greenways, everyone loves
Also, please don't expect cyclists to use sidewalks. Riding on sidewalks gets more cyclists killed
(less visible to drivers before crossing intersections).
Bike lanes, multi-use paths, maps of paths that cyclists can use for commuting or exercise
Use HSIP funds to add or widen shoulders so that all State Highways have effective shoulder
widths of at least 4 feet; Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Emphasis in Strategic Highway Safety Plan
All users of the road need to be educated on the responsibilities that each has in providing a safe
environment for all.
These are all most important. I choose the following but could easily see all of these being
important and some run hand in hand.
It would also be good to let bicyclist know when they are at a place where it's the last normal exit
to a truely highway road. Like where Pecos turns into 202, you have to know when is the last turn
I think this is a great idea, but long overdue. We here in America are spoiled with our personal
vehicles. So to read that there is an idea to improve our mode of transportation with bicycles is
-Increased driver awareness media campain of 3-feet rule.
-Pave shoulder of 9-Mile hill in Rio Verde.
Include in the drivers license test/process information about being aware of cyclist on the roads.
More signage along roads informing driver about watching for cyclists. ban texting while driving.
My assumption is most bicycle trips will be in urban or suburban areas, where bicyclists will avoid
the state highways. Making regular roads safer to travel (by adding bicycle lanes or making
existing lanes safer) would be my top priorities. E.g. I have found a route from home to work (8
miles over regular roads in Chandler) that is reasonably safe, but there are a few points that are
dangerous. They could be made safer by changing to layout of the bike lines a little bit.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
First thank you for the survey and the actions you have/are taking. As a cyclists for over 20 years
in AZ I have seen great improvements.
Goal#2: Please ensure those added shoulders are clearly marked as Bicycling lanes. I would like
to also see more education (television, radio, road signs, bicycling education in driver schools) to
educate drivers on the need to share the road and the devastation if you do not. Stiffer penalties
for those who hit cyclists are in order.
Raise the shouldler and add rumble strips so that motorists know they are leaving their lane.
ADOT needs to improve maintenance of the shoulders! Too many times we are forced to ride
closer - or in - the lanes of traffic due to shoddy or nonexistent shoulders.
Public Meetings in communities.
Mailings with updates to community residents.
We need more bikeways and sidewalks that are *not* areas with heavy automobile traffic. Tucson
has recently created bikeways on less trafficked streets. Great idea! More pedestrian crossings
with stoplights would be great, and more, better, wider sidewalks. Too often walking or biking
around here feels like taking your life in your hands. Also a shopping/downtown area *without*
vehicle traffic would be great.
Allocate funding for the implementation of more paved shoulders.
Bike paths for a start. If cities would see the long range importance of use paths when building
their cities instead of after, how nice that would be. I had a couple of animated discussions with a
former mayor of Surprise about this. She didn't see the importance, which was a terrible shame.
Bicycle riders ignore traffic laws. ADOT cannot enforce and DPS is far too busy as are local PD
units - so there's no chance since the riders could care less!
Bicycling accidents could be decreased by bicyclist knowing that they are required to ride with
traffic, and for motorist to know the rights bicyclist have. This can be accomplished by public
service ads and driver's test.
Wider paved shoulders should be required on new highways and when older highways are
Bike lanes need rubble strips to make drivers better aware of drifting into bike lanes.
Maintain the bike lanes. Make sure there are huge cracks or seams in the lanes to cause crashes.
Train cyclists that their safety depends on them, not on facilities or other drivers.
Train cyclists that their safety depends on them, not on facilities or other drivers.
state needs to provide bike lights & safe child bike seats that can attach securely for those who
cannot afford to buy them. lights are required by law. many who bike to work/school do so
because they are struggling financially. safe child seats would increase parental options for best
child care availability. finding sitters that provide child-care outside of their own home/facility is
in high trafic areas , place reflective deviceses to distinguish a barrior between traffic , and bicycle
lanes where appropriate in high useage areas of cyclists.
Build more paths and safe byways.
Invest in education (safety and advertising routes), connect common routes that have "gaps",
simply increase number of facility miles, create tools to help people map their path (maps, online,
We need more bike lanes, wider bike lanes, stiffer penalties for people using their phones while
I would bike to work if the roads were safer.
ALLWAYS ensure drainage grates on highways are bike friendly by designing with a cross-hatch
pattern that wheels cannot get stuck in.
Educate the public and bicyclists about using the same roadway.
Incentivize cities who show an interest in repairing roads currently in disrepair needing repairs.
More and better maintained bike lanes.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
The fourth item is most important, and achieved by accomplishing the first three, and most
especially by further education motorists to 1) understand the rules laws that govern sharing the
road with cyclists and b) general safety guidelines.
Consider having some rest stops on bike trails with bathroom facilities, water, shade and a place
to sit and rest... those rest stops would really be great.
Change the law to protect vulnerable motorists. Ban texting while driving and if needed cell
phones must me hands free.
Provide more miles of bike lanes. This past Saturday I was on Ray Rd on Ahwatukee in a portion
where there are no bike lanes. A truck driver passed me at a high rate of speed and even though
the other two lanes of traffic were open, he passed very close to me, so close, that I almost lost my
Ensure that any road repair or new construction plans consider BikePed goals.
enforce the laws and communicate to cars that bicycles belong on the roads.
What I'd like to see is the bike lines on roads we have be better protected. A simple white line is
ignored by drivers. We need occasional huge bumps (not the small reflectors). One of these
about every 50-100 ft would keep the cars out of the bike lines (such as during their texting and
phone calls). I think it would be a very cheap solution to improve safety.
Better bike lanes, connections, and sidewalks
1) Increase motorists and cyclist general education on laws (basic info during motor driver exams)
2) Increased signage and road striping
3) Cyclist laws and proper riding behavior training in grade and middle schools
4) Advocate for increase in shoulders along state highways
1) Increased signage and road striping 2) rumble strips on the right edge of vehicle lane - not on
shoulder/bike lane 3) simple bicyclist rights education should be included in any drivers license
exam 4) likewise biker rights and proper riding should be taught in middle schools (simple training
class that can be provided by normal staff or on-line) 5) "bicycle laws/rights" app
Not every route/highway needs to be bicycle/pedestrian friendly. Evaluate and prioritize a
reasonable network of roadways which connect users with their destinations of interest.
Prioritization can be based on accident history and/or most heavily trafficed routes by pedestrians
and bicyclist.
I could not click on ranking- my order of importance
Not adding bike lanes while repaving Beaver Flat Road between SR 179 and Cornville Rd was a
sad omission.
More bicycle lanes would be great
Decrease the amontof chip and seal, replacing with asphalt.
Seems that each of these comes down to increasing the safety of available options for cyclist.
Adding bike lanes (better than shared use paths which can be dangerous with cross trafic and
dangerous for pedestrians) will encourage bicycle commuting (people will feel safer) wich will
decrease injuries and fatalities because an increase of cyclists makes for increased driver
awareness. Increasing the number of bike lanes should be a priority.
Building roads with materials that discourage vehicular speeding while encouraging walking and
Bike lanes that are connected to other bike lanes to form a route between areas. People feel that
bike lanes now end without any destination.
More signs reminding drivers that pedestrians have right of way when using walkways
better signage in areas where trail meets road, like The Loop in Marana where is crosses Ina but
requires a shunt along Ina.
Coordinate with local municipalities to insure connectivity between ADOT facilities and existing
and future facilities so that there is a well connected system from town to town not segmented by
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
ADOT systems.
Ads to inform motorists of the penalties of hitting cyclist and pedestrians, since usually they drive
aggresively and fast next to the bike lane. Proper signs on bike lanes. Educate pedestrians not
to block traffic by using appropiate crossings and wait until traffic flow is reduced to cross and use
corner crossing lights.
By having almost all roads 25 miles per hour and higher roads painted with bike lanes.
Except freeways of course
Please install shoulders on Hwy 89A south from Flagstaff to the Pine Del subdivision.
Please add paved shoulders on Hwy 89A from Flagstaff south to the Pine Del subdivision.
Shared pathways be wide enough to accommodate slower moving users (pedestrians and casual
cyclists) and faster cyclists. Too narrow will result in collisions, accidents and injuries which we
want to reduce not increase.
In all new and revised construction, include plans for increasing the number of miles of state
highways with paved shoulders of 4 feet or greater and use public media outlets to keep bicycle
and pedestrain injuries and fatalities decreased--public free advertisements.
Several important roadways in Flagstaff - including Milton Road, Route 66, Highway 89,
Humphreys Street, and Fort Valley Road – are ADOT roads and would be addressed in the plan.
Bicyclist and pedestrian injuries and fatalities will inevitably rise as more people commute these
ways and as population rises. What matters is the ratio or injuries per trip or mile going down.
More, better (ie, well-signed, well-marked, highly-visible) and more strictly-enforced bike lanes,
shared lanes, etc.
I no longer bike around Surprise due to the high number of bike accidents in the valley. We load
up bikes and drive to Rio Vista for canal rides or to Estrella Pkwy for good bike lanes.
I guess it hard not to want to dcrease the number of fatalities, but what is the number? So
improved safer access has to help reduce the number if it is already considered to high.
All items are crucial to the success of cyclists throughout the valley. I ride everyday and motorists
are completely unaware of me and think I do not have a right to be on the road. They are
extremely aggressive and careless when it comes to bicyclists sharing the raod.
I liked to see safe bike lanes on most used streets in Flagstaff and law that protect cyclist when
injured or threated when riding their bikes. I ride my bike to work and to the gym on weekends and
I have been hit by drivers while riding in the bike lane. I feel if we increase awareness of cyclest
safety and cyclest rules drivers may respect bike riders more.
Increase (shoulders, sidewalks and paths) by how much? Quality is more important than quantity
here. Many existing state facilities (including roadways) are in poor repair. Regular maintenance
on existing facilities is more important than added facilities.
Providing dedicated bike lanes with wide shoulders on all major accessways is critical to reducing
the number of injuries and fatalities. Please also dont simply END a bike lane on a road. This
puts the rider in a predicament to either ride on the roadway with the cars (unsafe) or turn around
and ride against the traffice (also unsafe and unproductive).
Investments should be made wisely. Put the infrastructure where the people are. The round-abouts and sidewalks in Tusayan seem like a ridiculous expenditure. Where is the evidence to
support that project deserves investment over bike lanes and sidewalks in denser parts of the
state that will actually get people to walk and bike more often?
Since paved shoulders are not typically designed to carry the weight of traffic, install edge of lane
markers (bumps) between the travel lane and the shoulder at approaches to intersections to
prevent motor vehicle from using the shoulder/bike lane as a right turn lane.
Require licenses and proof of insurance for bicycles and riders utilizing State highways.
All of these items are most important. It would help to have more education provided to all (cyclists
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
and non-cyclists). There are many areas where safe access just ends. If efforts could be
concentrated on connecting dead ends for shoulders and multi-use paths making continuous
routes, it would greatly improve rideability. If people feel they have a safe path more will ride.
Keep the roadway shoulders clean of debris.
If you fix some others will follow.
Widen roads. Mark bicycle lanes.
Prosecute distracted drivers who run over and kill cyclists.
Painting the solid line and bicycle paint warnings with in the saftey lane along with yellow signs to
share the road. Assist in the passing of Extremely stiff fines when traffic does not yield to bicycles.
Assist in passing the law that bicyclist do not have to come to a full stop at stop signs but must
yield to traffic.
Have more bike paths in the metro Phoenix area. This would have the biggest impact on the most
number of poeple.
Educate bicycle and pedestrians about traffic laws and enforce
Media and education campaigns to tell citizens about the laws & rules.
Media and education programs to increase sensitivity to the dangers, to change attitudes and
behaviors to better protect.
Construct shoulders and mark accordingly.
Most important is going to be to increase the bike paths through ALL communities. Bicyclists also
MUST take responsibility for their safety by not riding with music or cell phone ear connectors.
Motorists should not honk their horns when coming upon a cyclist as it startles one and may cause
the person to ver into the on coming car.
the rules of the road should be applied to ALL bicyclist......for example.....stop lights, stop signs
and yeild signs.......Why can bicyclist go thur stop signs and not get cited? What is number of
citations given to biker's versus auto's running red lights...and yields signs....
The law is giving to much and trying to make new laws with old one still in place...
Create a bike path from Picture Rocks to Silverbell Rd and Cortaro via Twin Peaks Rd. Include
designated bike lanes on Sandario to provide safe access to Twin Peaks. This will help make it
feasible for residents of Picture Rocks to bike safely into work or school. This will also provide
access to public bus routes
Look to Flagstaff as a model. Their bikeways and trails are outstanding.
with more & wider bike paths there should be more safety for the riders. If the path is too narrow
the rider goes out into traffic thus causing a double hazard
- install bike and ped paths along Tangerine Rd on the northwest side of Tucson between Oro
Valley and Marana. No paths currently exist to commute or ride between Oro Valley and Marana.
-install bike paths along Sandario Rd west of Tucson.
-install bike lanes on Highway 83 to Sonotia.
. Forget about increasing corporate profit margins by attracting tourists and focus on the needs of
the people who live in the area by being more functional in designing bike paths and lanes.
Little is done to make biking in Flagstaff a convenient year around means of transportation.
Work with communities to map important (existing or potential) routes that connect residential with
employment or commercial sites
Collaborate with communities to determine highly visible and recognizable signage indicating
shared transportation pathways
Assist communities with identifying alternate pathways to high-traffic, unsafe pedestrian or bike
This appears to be a last ditch effort. What makes anyone think widening highways etc will
decrease any bike accidents. Why not work from the irresponsible drivers actions and make them
take a driving test and get a license .If drivers of autos need to be responsible then why not bikes
and motorcycles? Just because they are smaller doen not negate their responsibility as drivers.
Add onto shoulders of current roadways. Increase the amount of non-motorized pathways through
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
and across cities. Increase incentives to riding bicycles while decreasing injuries.
More partnerships with local area biking clubs and similar purposed non profits. Potentially this
may enable the funding of shared uses paths through federal grants.
commit funds to shared use paths which keep pedestrians and bicyclist further from the traffic.
In Flagstaff the Milton Rd corridor needs a center, raised median to reduce automobile accidents
and provide a safe haven for pedestrians crossing the street.
On W. Rte 66 there is a great need for a pedestrian activated crossing light and crosswalk at
Blackbird Roost. All the ADOT roads in west Flagstaff are severely lacking in pedestrian and
bicycling safety and protective ammenities.
Wider shoulders with regular cleanup of debris in the shoulders.
Start working with municipalities in identifying and upgrading roadways and bikeways to facilitate
these goals. Maybe incentives for municipalities that cooperate with the state dot.
Make driver penalties stiffer for accidents involving cyclists and pedestrians.
Driver education campaigns regarding cyclist/pedestrian laws, and safe passage.
State and Fed highway funding dependant on achieving a percentage of new or road repaving
projects including 4 ft bike lanes.
Fix bike lane holes that cause cyclists to have pinch flats.
Cyclists ride the white line to avoid the debris in bike lanes. Get the street sweepers back on the
roads to keep bike lanes clear of debris.
Mike Sanders has a copy of my comments
One specific area that needs to be addressed is North Oracle Road which I believe is AZ hwy#77
thru Catalina. This 2 mile stretch is heavily traveled by cyclists and the effective bike lane is 12-14"
wide. Traffic in this area typically is traveling at 45-55 MPH and this is very dangerous. Simply
paving from the existing bike line to the curb would effectively make the bike lane almost 3' wide,
Produce a commercial for TV about bike and pedestrian safety. Remind drivers to not text, adjust
GPS units, etc. while driving. STAY ALERT!
As roads are improved they should include bike lanes.
Get a decent CONTINUOUS shoulder onto ALL roads in Flagstaff and adjacent areas.
Make a shoulder (at least 4 feet wide ) on Highway 180, both sides - ALL THE WAY TO GRAND
AND build a bicycle path all the way to Grand Canyon, such as the paths along I-70 in Colorado.
Immediate steps can be taken with a number of current roads by increasing the bike lane width.
Put "Share the Road" signs around the state to remind drivers to be considerate. Buy enough
signs so cities can order them through a central facility. Camp Verde is trying to put signs out and
cannot find a common place to buy them.
Building more share use paths along highways, will achieve all of these goals. So plans should be
looked at to prioritize which roadways would be most beneficial to start with.
1. Awareness campaign to educate drivers and bicyclists as to the laws and courtesies. 2. Ensure
that there is a cleaning/sweeping program funded for bike lanes. a path with debris and rocks is
conducive to riding outside the path and to falls resulting in injuries / death. Cooperative approach
with bicycling groups including training on use of a sweeper and volunteers to operate same. 3.
Shared use paths should be for non-bicyclists IF there is a bike lane parallel to it.
By addressing the sidewalk/road issues on McConnell under the freeway would assist in
decreasing ped/bike injuries, as well as increase walking/biking trips.
4' is not enough - paved shoulders intened for cyclists should be 6' minimum.
When streets are swept, shoulders should be swept also. Too often all the debris is pushed intop
the bike lane.
Shared use paths are not conducive to cycling - pedestrians and serious cyclists do not mix well.
Hard for me to answer this, can't have one without the other really, need the infrastructure to get
the riders/walkers.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
* set up comfortable/safe walking/riding situations with good bike lanes/ sidewalks
* education/ outreach activities on all sides: drivers/ walker/ riders
* promote alternative forms of transportation
You can't really decrease the number of injuries and fatalities until you increase the safety of the
roads and pathways, so I believe setting that as a goal is nearly pointless. The goals should be
focused on what ADOT itself has the most control over, rather than on something that depends on
what others do.
Serious commitment to more and better bicycle paths; more ads and flyers that remind the general
public (a) to be aware of pedestrians and bicyclists; (b) of the overall benefits to the community of
more people walking and biking.
- Improve the quality and number of bike lanes
-Traffic signal activators for cyclists and peds
-Education for everyone (bicycles operating as a vehicle not on sidewalks endangering
pedestrians, proper passing distance: 3', etc.)
Doing these things will make walking/cycling safer and will increase the number of
pedestrians/cyclists. Increasing pedestrians/cyclists will in turn also make it even safer because
the more there are, the more aware drivers become.
Several highways in Flagstaff need increased shoulders to promote safe cycling. This includes
Milton Road and Fort Valley Road.
It seems most locals are used to the number of bikers in Flagstaff and are willing to share the
road. I have most concern from out of town visitors who do not share the same attitude as the
locals. They do not seem as aware or used to the idea of bicycle commuters and tend to cut us off
or endanger our ride in this way.
Better education for drivers to be more aware of cyclists.
Hy-way 180, from the moment it begins in Flagstaf, is poorly maintained, has sections with many
dangerous pot holes, has no shoulder in most sections and there is no dedicated, safe bike path at
all, anywhere.
In Flagstaff: the curve on 180 at Hidn Holo is scary, surprised no cyclists have been hurt there.
The RR underpass on Rt 66/Milton continues to daunt cyclists. Remove the stairs to help this.
Many of Flag's highways lack decent & continuous bike lanes. Make sure lanes are both adequate
& rumble strips are cut w/ cyclists needs in mind (unlike the abomination on 180 from Hidden
Hollow northward- too wide & wandering renders the shoulder nearly unridable).
Don't waste any more money on bike lanes.
More bike paths and educating drivers that bicyclist should be treated just like a car - if you can't
pass without sufficient space between your car & bike, then wait until you can. Too many people
cut within a foot of a bike just to pass when there is oncoming traffic. Rarely do they leave 5 ft. as
required by law.
Widen existing shoulders, and include wide shoulders in new highways. Increase awareness of
bicycle laws with signage
We need a continual education of drivers to respect the bike rider.
Keep shoulders clean. When resurfacing the roadway, also resurface shoulder, HWY 188 along
Roosevelt Lake, shoulder is worse than main road.
I believe in order for u to accomplish more use of bike/walk use is when doing major repairs
overlays etc is to add the 4'bike path. Something that could have been done on Beaverbead road
off 179 and road going thru Cornville. Easy to do the it didn't.
Being more careful with the placement of rumble strip, so that it does not make the shoulder
unusable for cyclists.
Fine people who text and drive, and use the funds to increase cycling shoulders or lanes.
Put bumps on shoulder white line to wake up drivers who wander.
Increase the traffic control system ability to "see" cyclists, so they are not left in the road waiting for
multiple lights.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Inform the public about the rights and rules of bicycling on the streets.
Increasing the percentage of trips to work by walking or bicycling will reduce the number of cars on
the road which in turn, will most likely decrease the number of bicyclist and pedestrian injuries and
fatalities. Widening the paved shoulders of state highways will also decrease the number of carbike accidents, which when dealing with highway speeds, are often very serious or fatal to a
As bicycle use increases, injuries and fatalities are likely to increase, as well. A better goal would
be to decrease the injuries and fatalities per 100,000. I marked this least priority for that reason
and because addressing the second and third items will help achieve the fourth (as modified).
I wouldn't put too much into more multi-use paths if we are talking bicycles. Multi use paths are
great for joggers and dog walkers but you cannot ride at a decent pace because you have joggers
with I-pods in their own world and dog walkers with those extend and retract leashes that allow the
dog to get tangled up in a front tire in a second (and I love dogs)
green areas
increase sensitivity of stop light sensors in the ground to sense bike waiting for light. Going to the
walk way to push the pedestrian button places cyclist at risk. OR develop and sell a small device
that "tells" the light a cyclist is at light and cause the light to cycle; OR access button easily from
bike lane; Education of drivers; education of police~ bias abounds; have schools promote bicycling
to school.
properly educate law enforcement to enforce the rules of the road equally for all. motorists do not
own the road. we all pay taxes for building and maintaining facilities. bicycles are vehicles and not
toys. bicycles improve the quality of the environment and personal health.
Increase bicyclists knowledge of and respect for traffic laws and other vehicles
Improve design of roads to make bicycling more safe and 'feel' more safe.
Rather than increase the shoulders on freeways, it would make it much more enjoyable and safer
for bicyclists if bike paths along the highways were not directly next to traffic. In other words, make
the paths their own entities but near the freeways.
On I-17 N to Flagstaff, a bike path in the national forest between Mountainaire and Flagstaff would
be much utilized. How about a forest service partnership to make a path through the forest service
land near or adjacent to the freeway?
I would like to see more bicycle lanes, signs informing drivers to look for cyclists and a reduction in
the noisy bumps that indicate a vehicle has left their lane (at least in the cycling area).
biker education -- bikes are cars as far as the law goes, they need to travel with traffic, single file,
observe stolights/signs, and not ride on sidewalks. riding against traffic, and with headphones can
kill. legislation is needed.
Wider paths next to the road, so that bicyclist don't have to use the road.
If you want to decrease the number of injuries, increase the minimum bicycle lane to 6 feet on
major thoroughfares, require bicycle lanes on all main roads, and standardize lights to have a
countdown clock for all intersections.
1) I believe one state representative had a proposal to introduce red light=stop sign, stop
sign=yield sign legislation (as exists in some other states) for bicycles. That would be worth ADOT
supporting, would help safety and possibly encourage trips to work. At no actual cost.
2) It sometimes seems like projects put in bike lanes where there is lots of space, but not in pinch
points where they would be difficult to engineer, but more valuable.
Require every road scheduled to be maintained to be brought up to "complete streets" standards at least adding or maintaining bike lanes, symbols, and sidewalks.
Add "complete streets" language into all state planning documents henceforth if it is not already
Require portions of highway funding and space to be put exclusively towards bike/ped access.
Require MVD's to include in driver's license tests questions about sharing the road.
Bike lanes, bike lanes, bike lanes!
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Clear signs indicating bike lanes, providing links and resources to learn about biking and bike
safety, perhaps providing free/cheap bike helmets to people at a special event,
More independent bike and pedestrian pathways that connect cities and provide an alternative to
riding/walking on the roadway. An independent path would increase safety and encourage people
to walk/bicycle to work due to the lower risk and higher commuting options.
Incentives to universities and businesses for pushing bike to work/school days each week or
month. (Not just one week or one month per year).
- Incentives could be vouchers to local restaurants or free lunch to those who ride, etc.
Signage that states something positive for walkers and bicyclist. I walk and bicycle here in
Prescott. Right here there are too many drivers talking on cell/texting phones and driving. When is
the state of AZ going to do something about this?
require bike path/lanes on all new consturction and modifications to exisitng roadways.
Increase the number of bike lanes and sidewalks. My biggest fear about bicycling anywhere is
being hit by a car. But I do walk a lot in my neighborhood and there are still major streets with no
Increase bike lanes and make sure they are the correct width. Many of the bike lanes are not 3'
and often this measurement includes the gutter pan.
Tax bicyclists to fund the expansion of their bike lanes.
Hwy 87 North of Payson is a very popular route and needs to have priority in getting a
bike/pedestrian lane.
There are blind curves and steep drop off areas that are a danger to both bikers, hikers and autos
when they share the road.
a bike path that follows the 51 all the way downtown. bike lanes all the way down central from
Washington to Dunlap. wider bike lanes. more bike signage
Charge a license and registration fee for bicyclist to use State, County and city roads. Money
could be used to fund the improvements needed to protect cyclists that use them.
Would it be possible to incorporate a cooperation test into the driver's test to weed out the
competitive drivers from those who play it safe? Also, how about an awareness test that discerns
which drivers know pavement and lanes of traffic from a sidewalk? While behind the wheel, I have
actually had drivers use the sidewalk as a passing lane to get around me or to make a right turn at
an intersection!
The simplest way to reduce bicyclist injuries is to create shared use paths wherever possible,
connecting the paths to state highway at selected places. This allows people to ride their bikes on
surfaces where motorists do not drive, eliminating bicyclist-vs-automobile accidents (at least for
bicyclists on the shared use paths). Including shared use paths on all state highway improvement
projects is the best way to accomplish all of these goals.
more bike paths in Tucson. Maybe a path that runs from foothills of the Catalinas to downtown
Need one that runs N. and South. More roads like Mountain to aleviate high speeds. Lower
speed limits in neighborhoods to 15
More bike lanes!
eliminate rumble strips on rural highways where there is no alternate parallel route.
Honestly, I feel like the problem with bicyclist injuries and fatalities is a part of a bigger problem Arizona drivers drive too fast and run traffic lights and stop signs. If there were more incentives to
slowing down and stopping, there would be less injuries. Cameras at intersections are a good way
of achieving this. Also, there ought to be more bike paths - safe ones!
Trip reduction data on where bicyclists are and where they need to go
Charge bicycles a user fee to help pay for their use of taxpayer money.
Educate bicyclists and pedestrians on LAWFUL use of streets and crosswalks.
Enforce the laws
Think of night time safety when planning routes. Routes should be connect to other routes, and
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
never simply end, forcing the cyclist into traffic. Plant more trees and maintain existing vegetation
in hotter parts of the the sates and cities, so the temperature is cooler for exercising outdoors.
Solicit donations and contributionsa from the general public. Or conduct a survey indicating the
number of people who would be willing to donate either money or time to help create this project.
This would indicate public interest and whether you should proceed.
Raise a ton of money by ticketing motorists and motorcyclists who endanger the lives of
pedestrians and and cyclists.
Work with cities and towns where ADOT roads merge with city and town bike ways. In cities and
towns, I personally never use a bike lane when or where there is traffic. The adjacent sidewalk is
so much safer. But the sidewalks often need repair, if not for the sake of bikes, then for baby
strollers and wheel chairs.
It is absurd to me that, in order to get from Tempe to central Phoenix, we have to bike around Sky
Harbor rather than go through it. How about an easier route into central Phoenix?
Integrate Complete Street concepts into future designs of highways and roads:
Increase the amount of bike lanes over 4 feet along highways.
Make sure state hwy system has SAFE areas for people to bike run and walk to promote health
and well being
Have more signs that say "Watch for bicyclists and pedestrians" in turn outs or areas that car
drivers consistently forget to look. Have a painted box with x's marking "Stop here for pedestrians
and bicyclists" for cars to get used to stopping before the sidewalk, not on it, as I believe this is the
majority of time's I have almost been hit by cars.
Increase enforcement of existing laws regarding the interaction of bike riders and cars. Make laws
prohibiting cell phone use while driving cars, motorcycles or bicycles.
A big problem for me is debris (rocks, sand, etc.) across the pavement where I'm riding my bike. If
I'm riding on the shoulder of a highway, I may need to move into the travel lane... which can be
dangerous. To me, that argues for sidewalks and shared-use paths... as long as they can be kept
fairly clean somehow.
Your online survey is "inactive" and will not accept my choices.......can you please re-send it
incase your system was not setup correctly to begin with. Thank you,
Patricia Averhoff
[email protected]
Mark rotaries more clearly. The state of Maryland, for instance, adds, under the "YEILD" sign,
another sign stating "to traffic in circle". Adding a rectangular. black and white sign saying (under
the YEILD sign) "to traffic in circle, to bicycles and pedestrians" would certainly help, especially in
towns with tourist traffic.
I believe that there needs to be more bicycle/pedestrian bridges across more roadways
particularly within the cities. I live in the north valley and there are several restaurants within
walking/biking distance but you take your life in your hands going across the street and have to go
way out of your way to get to a cross walk.
Need bike lane or a shoulder without the rumble strip on Highway 179 south of the Village of Oak
Creek and at least Beaverhead Flats Rd. Also highway 89A thru Sedona and up to Flagstaff
needs bike access
Educate the bicyclists on proper road safety and rules of the road. It must be understood that they
are held accountable for their actions just as a driver of a motor vehicle.
Educate the bicyclists on proper road safety and rules of the road. It must be understood that they
are held accountable for their actions just as a driver of a motor vehicle.
Promote awareness of cyclists on the roads with advertisements and signage.
Please do not put rumble strips in shoulders where the bicyclists ride!!!! This seems to be
common practice for ADOT and is not safe for bicyclists. In many cases the shoulder is narrow
and lined with vegetation on the outside.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Rumble strips could be put near the stripe in the auto lane and serve the same purpose.
Motorist education.
Study and target those areas that are used by cyclists most frequently so the efforts go to the most
important areas first. Blanketing all areas with the same soloution would be less effective versus
moving on the most popular areas first.
Add signage to locations along the frontage roads that alert cyclists to potential hazards ie)
railroad spurs. There is a RR spur on the west (and east) frontage road near MP 242 (.85 miles
west of Avra Valley Road interchange) that has caused a number of cyling accidents.
Make rumble strips on state highways safer for cyclists.
Add paved shoulders in the Cochise County state roads. Most of the SR's are old and narrow with
vegetation close to the road, however this is some of the most scenic roadways and cyclists and
pedestrians enjoy using them along with vehicular traffic. Vehicles travel at a high rate of speed on
narrow roadways.
Increasing bicyclist safety is certainly the most important aspect. All the other goals will fall into
place if cyclist felt safe enough to be on the road. One way to increase safety would be to educate
drivers about rules of the road and implement programs that would encourage empathy toward
cyclists instead of hostility.
Educate the public on how to drive when a cyclist or pedestrian is present
Need more bike paths and especially dedicated trails/paths. Personally would not ride a bike on a
highway due to safety concerns.
add number of seconds left on walk single.
More bike lanes, especially on roads that are heavily traveled by cyclists
Add bike lanes to all roads! Please! For everyone's safety.
Don't waste the taxpayer money on this non-sense!
Bike lanes where needed on frontage roads between Continental Rd (Green Valley) and Tubac.
Pave the shoulders of the VERY frequently used Bullhead City bypass for use by bicyclists; at
some of the shoulder, bikes MUST get into the traffic lane to avoid almost certain flats and to get a
better surface to pedal.
Paved shoulders on the West Frontage Road on I-19 in Green Valley from Continental road to
Canoa TI.
The state of Arizona should start enforcing much more harsh penalties for drivers who hit
pedestrians or cyclists. If the state of Arizona is serious about sharing the road with cyclists, there
needs to be much harsher penalties for collisions where a car strikes a pedestrian or cyclist.
Post signs alerting of cyclists on the roadway, for example, to allow 4 ft distance.
The most important consideration, the safety of bicyclist and pedestrians, can be accomplished by
having separated, barrier protected sidewalks and/or shared use paths along the roadways.
Wide paved highway shoulders also have signficant automobile safety benefits, which is why they
should be the first priority.
Add traffic signals for bikers and pedestrians since many don't seem to know that auto signals also
apply to them.
Appropriate striping, signage and space for bicycles will likely decrease the number of injuries.
Al.ways include wide shoulders when constructing roads
Slow traffic speeds, implement traffic-calming devices in neighborhoods, create safer crossings at
major arterials, boost driver education about bicycle and pedestrian rights (including creating
PSAs), ban cell phone use while driving in the Arizona, create a state-wide "Smart Trips" program
Way too many cyclists are in great danger from roads that don't have bike lanes or adequate
Add signage and PSA's to educate drivers to be more aware. Continue to add more bike paths to
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Start by making the shared use paths safer by placing signs at intersections. Bicycle riders don't
obey the direction of travel and often cross major streets in the crosswalks, against the flow of
traffic, and against the red signal. Start a massive education program to teach people the laws
regarding riding bicycles on the streets and paths. Change the law regarding bicyclists riding in
crosswalks. Mandate that all cities build shared use paths that meet AASHTO and MUTCD
Pave shoulders on I-19 frontage roads, SR 83 (I-10 to Sonota, and stripe shoulders under/over I10 in Tucson District.
Ban bicyclists from State Highways with no paved shoulders
have 5k/10k, walks, bike races, etc to help raise funds.
Most motorists don't know that cyclists are permitted by law to use the road. Most cyclists aren't
even clear on this. Sharrows, signage, enforcement -- anything to educate users of the road is
desperately needed.
Bike lanes and clean, paved shoulders for cyclists need to be a top priority. Education of motorists
and law enforcement officers also needs to be a big priority. Cyclists are decreasing emissions
and lowering the cost of healthcare by exercising a healthy alternative to driving, yet not enough is
being done to protect us.
Safe pathways for walking and bicycling to relieve issues of traffic flow/jams, traffic fatalities, use
of oil, cost of commute -- all while improving our health. Some elementary public transit would also
help augment these efforts. Thank you.
Work with cities, towns, communities, etc. to have trails and bike paths have connectivity.
I would love to be able to get from Pinn Peak area to the Biltmore and Kierland all by using bike
lanes. Lanes needed on Pinnacle Peak, Mayo Blvd, Greenway Hayden loop and Lincoln.
I'd love to see the CAP Canal opened for foot and bike traffic.
Any plans to build any divided bike/road options? - a curb or small median separating the car
traffic from the bike lane in busy areas.
ADOT at the present time lacks the financial ability to provide 4 ft shoulders ( should really be
between 6-8 ft.) or sidewalks and shared pathways. I would propose a contribution by the AZ state
lottery to such projects. If that is not doable than I would propose a recreational tax to cover the
cost of improving the roadways and adjacent easements to better accommodate bicyclist. Money
could also be used via grants to municipalities and non-profits for similar purposes.
make sure there is a bike lane/bike path along the portion of the 202 that will go around the south
and west side of South Mountain park....should it get passed.
Install a bridge over the wash behind Home Depot on Oracle north of First St. for the northern
extension of the Oro Valley Linear Parkway to permit a continuous off road paved route from La
Canada to the Oro Valley Market place.
You might review Denver/CO's practices and codes. Given that it is safe and practical to Bicycle
15 or more miles from the Suburbs to Downtown. This saves daily downtown parking fees. All
new residential construction has integrated Bike Paths.
increasing the number of people who walk or bike to work has huge social benefits for all of AZ.
Improving the health of people which decreases the burden on health costs, personal costs, family
burdens, etc.... Improves the air quality. Decreases our carbon footprint. Decreases auto traffic
which reduces maintenance, accidents, pollution, noise, etc...
Gets citizens connected to their local community and local businesses.
1. Rumble strips are too deep and should be over the white stripes, not to the right.
2. Clean shoulders and repave them when roads are done.
3. Educate!
-Include bicycle awareness when people get their drivers license.
-Mandate that bicyclists take a safety course & wear helmets
-Make more roads bicycle-friendly
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
-Ticket bicyclists who don't follow the rules of the road (by riding on sidewalks or running red
Get more teeth into legislation and work to have the courts take more seriously vehicle/bicycle
accidents. Increase the number of bike lanes on city streets.
Many accidents that inbolved a cyclist and a cars had occured on a green arrow. Is there a way for
both the cyclist and the motor veicle drivers to be aware of each other during the intersection
I would ride my bike to and from work most days if I thought it was safe. Our family would ride our
bicycles to spend time together and remain active and healthy. Riding on the side of a road,
except in a group (not a family) is dangerous for the bicyclist. It is not a prudent choice for
someone with dependents. Paths along state highways would enable the safe use of bicycles,
running, and walking as an attractive option for me and my family.
Carry out ongoing training for law enforcement (LE) that focuses on violations that lead to bicycle
and pedestrian injuries or death. All parties engage in behavior that make roads less safe. LE
must analyze bike and pedestrian injury and deaths, find which laws were broken, then focus
enforcement in order to reduce injuries and deaths. LE personnel should selectively enforce laws
with a reasoned, data-driven approach to reduce injury and deaths among pedestrians and
Tell the People what the existing paths are FOR. There are more people riding 4 abreast in the
trafic lanes NEXT to the Bike Paths. You Know a Bicycle cannot travel as fast nas a car. YES I DO
How about LICENSE PLATES FOR BYCYLES. WE had them in the 40's
Many European highways have adopted wonderful biking lanes and shoulders; lanes with a
greater degree of separation from motorists, for example, or bike lanes separated by obstacles
such as man-made or natural (eg trees) barriers. Laws requiring motorists to give a wide berth to
cyclists are also more strictly enforced.
Better networks of paths, bike lanes, and most importantly, making motorists more aware of the
presence of bicyclists and peds around them!
Also note that wide shared-use paths located where sidewalks normally go are quite dangerous
for cyclists in areas where there are numerous driveways or plaza entrances requiring cars to
cross the paths. Drivers are rarely looking for cyclists at such places, and it's thus far safer for
cyclists to ride in traffic rather than on such paths.
Bikes should have rear view mirror and be aware of overtaking vehicles.
I will not be riding a bike to work until they put showers and lockers everywhere! Bike paths along
heavy congested automobile traffic are a waste of time and money, horrible experience and you
are still not safe.
Put some bike paths over BLM areas with no cars allowed and the experience of bicycling goes up
logarithmically. Exercise and relaxation combined. There is nothing relaxing or enjoyable about
riding 4 feet from fast moving traffic with sometimes questionable drivers.
While I doubt that it's financially feasible, something similar to Colorado's bike/pedestrian path that
parallels I-70 would take bikes off the major highways. The best alternative would be widening the
shoulders to four feet. The 9-mile stretch going toward phx on 87 would be a good place to start.
also, 87 toward pine about a mile past payson. that is a beautiful but very dangerous place to ride.
More public awareness campaigns on SEEING cyclists and giving them at least 4 feet of passing
space. Maybe its going to take having certain roads closed for cyclists on weekends on some sort
of a rotating basis. More public awareness campaigns on using cycling as a means of
Need wide shoulders with rumble strips, such that Cyclists can comfortably ride 2x2. Audible noise
from R strip allows cyclist to move right in the event a car drifts into the shoulder. Have noticed
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
recent ADOT repavements have removed the rumble strip. Now is all on driver to not drift. Why not
keep the rumble strips to warn drivers of their drift and allow for peds/cyclists/distressed
motorists/Highway Patrol officers, be warned when an oncoming vehicle is drifting onto the
Separating biking/walking lanes from main traffic lanes would be the best way to decrease
accidents although very costly on existing roadways. New or rework construction to separate the
two users would be very beneficial in reducing accidents.
keep bicycles off the highway system
When ADOT resurfaces a highway, include resurfacing of the paved shoulder as well. Currently,
many ride-able shoulders are being lost due to failure to maintain and repave.
Just painting a bike lane helps on any road even if there is street parking.
In Europe there is a strip of "green" space between the road and the pedestrian/bicycle path
wherever feasible. Lacking that, I think there should be a slight rise to the 4-foot paved shoulder,
or at least lane bumps or something that warns motorists when they stray. (We don't have that in
Sedona, and I think it's dangerous.)
Install bike trial/path on at least one side of Bell road from Grand Ave. to the 101. It is very
dangerous riding in the road. In other states the Fed Hwy ?Adm. requires it.
Develop a coordinate network of bike routes that encourage more people to bike. Aggressively
pursue outside funding, including federal funds.
Share the road signage, wide, paved shoulders, true penalties for those who hit cyclist, share the
road PA's on tv, radio, web, etc.
All bridges should have bike lanes in both directions. Of particular concern is the bridge on Happy
Valley Rd just East of the 303 intersection.
I no longer ride it because of the heavy traffic, construction vehicles and lack of bike lanes. The
nuimber of close calls I have had or seen on this bridge is horrifying. And I have had similar
experiences on other bridges around the state.
Place wider paved shoulders, keep shoulders free of debris by also using DOC workers to sweep
up glass, etc. More are using roads for cycling so lets do it and do it well.
Many state highways are not conducive to walking or bicycling in the road. Either the roads are
too narrow such as 2 lane roads or the speeds are too fast to combine cars with those activities.
In those cases, the bicycle lanes/paths need to be separated from the road.
Bike paths in kingman. maybe something on the shoulder of I-40 from beale st to andy devine av.
of course include all 6 on and off ramps.
Enforce existing driving regulations in regards to alcohol. Discourage all forms of distracted
driving. More designated bike pathways - wider right lanes Increase awareness within the bicycle community that they are hard to see at from dusk through
dawn- and campaign to encourage them to buy reflective gear - like vests or shirts- mandate lights
on bicycles Thank you
The shoulder should be reasonably smooth. Speed bumps should be shortened leaving a path on
the side. In cities have a perimeter path separate from roads, and diagonal paths from one corner
to the other. Then people could get just about anywhere and minimize being in traffic. State and
popular roads had shoulders a couple of feet wide and had pavement in reasonably good shape.
Often the edge of the road is in rough shape and unsafe. Good signage and maps.
Separate the bikeway/sidewalk from the traffic. Create a barrier between the bikeway and traffic
lane so that cars do not collide with bicyclists. Cycle tracks will make bicyclists feel safer and
encourage more bike trips. Flagstaff has very nice cycle tracks along U.S. Route 89.
bike lanes or wide shoulders are great. If they aren't kept clean of debris and cyclists don't use
them because of this, then they are a waste of money.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Bicyclist & Pedestrian Transportation on a Freeway??? Are you trying to get people killed???
What you really need to do is INCREASE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION (LIKE A BUS that carries
LARGE METROPOLITAN AREAS where there is already sidewalks for bicyclist & pedestrians,
and inter-city public transportation in-place! Currently Arizona does NOT have public
transportation on the FREEWAYS!
I was an avid cyclist in San Diego, riding to work etc. Kingman residents are VERY anti-bike.
Drivers make it quite dangerous. Here bikes have NO business on the roads. Perhaps education
programs?? Thank you.
having a shared pathway, similar to the rillito river wash path, the santa cruz river path & the
aviation path that runs through more midtown.
Other wise, creating a bigger, better, existent bike lane & major commuting streets such as grant
I am not sure if ADOT can make any impact on the use of cell phones and the danger they pose to
any and all things on the roadways. This problem should be a top concern for all involved in
roadway improvment and safety.
As far as road improvments I think the best way to improve the system is to have connecting paths
or bike routes that enable a rider to access all areas of town without hazardous routes to get there.
Thank you for all your efforts and work.
Have shared use bike/walk paths that run parallel or close to major traffic arteries that people often
take to work. If we had dedicated paths that ran streets such as "airway" it would be a good thing.
Hualapai mt road has a good example of a decent sidewalk.
I put decrease fatalities as the lowest priority because I think if you focus on these other tasks it
will naturally decrease.
Increased shoulders is good for bicyclists as well as motorcycles and even cars.
I'm taking a 'build it they will come' approach here... more trips by bike and few injuries are
certainly extremely important. I think fewer injuries are the result of more people out (bicycles
becoming commonplace on roads, other users accustomed to operating near them) and more trips
is the result of more facilities.
All the items ranked lower than decreasing injuries and fatalities are supportive of this goal.
Increasing bicyclists' knowledge of safe riding would probably go a long way toward reducing
injuries and deaths. I still see at least 10 people a day on bikes riding on sidewalks and against
Cars still think that bike lanes are turning lanes and continue to cu toff cyclists, decreasing the
safety of cyclists. Signs should be posted more frequently and more conspicuously that bike lanes
are for bikes only. In addition, the study manual for driving's licenses does not even address the
proper use of bike lanes!
Educate drivers better of how to be aware of pedestrians and cyclists and not just look for other
For decreasing bicyclist and pedestrian injuries, there needs to be a culture change among
drivers. I'd like to see a media campaign to raise awareness of the vulnerability of pedestrians &
cyclists. The state has had very effective campaigns for issues such as smoking and meth
consumption, and now it's time to use "reality" techniques and brutal honesty to show drivers how
many lives they affect each year and how they need to pay more attention and stop treating
pedestrians as targets.
More paved shoulders on all roads.
Allow bikes on sidewalks. There are too many erratic drivers on the roads that it is more
dangerous to ride on the bike paths. Many parents prefer kids to ride on the sidewalks. This is
Arizona. How many people are using sidewalks in the heat of the day. Lots of unused sidewalks in
the city.
Most state highways simply have no shoulder for cyclists to ride on, forcing them onto roadways.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
When in between cities, cyclists will not be in a rush to get to the next city, and thus will travel
slower, while auto and truck traffic will be going 55 or 65 mph. This is a dangerous recipe or
impending disaster.
ease bicycle laws to allow bicyclists to crosswalks and enforce rules with more severe punishment
to automotive harassment to same.
Add Bots Dots to the white line between vehicle and bike traffic. Support "Pump Tracks." These
are dirt parks for BMX and mountain bikes, inexpensive, built in empty lots, they encourage kids to
get out and ride. Support or start routes without cars one day a month. Pick a route, block it off,
vendors line the route with drinks and other health products, people ride, skate, etc. along the
route. Mexico City does it, for God's sake and we don't!!!
Make is easier for promoters to get permits to have bicycles events. I put on 6 that use State
Roads and ADOT permits (rick management) have made it the harders and takes the longest to
get a permit. Insurance amounts is greater than other goverments. Why can't local approve
permits 100% instead of having risk management getting involved. They did it for years.
I would support improvements in surfaces, marking, etc. for on-road bicycle lanes and appropriate
educations of drivers and cyclists to share such roads. I think separate off-road bike paths have
their place, such as for over or under-passes of major highways in urban areas, but in general,
commuter miles are best promoted with on-street improvements.
Re-pave Hwy 179 from the RRRD Visitors Center to Hwy I-17. Hwy 179 was installed with rumble
strips which the road did not qulify for under the four foo burm ADOT rule and has cause serious
injury to cyclists who are now forced to ride in the car traffic lane rendering the burm useless. My
husband has suffered with his life for this mistake as have others. Strangely the DPS will no
report these accidents.
Identify and remedy heavily traveled bike routes lacking sufficient shoulders (example: McDowell
from 76th St to Ellsworth).
Lets place bike trails along all rrd rights of way creeks & washes, and along all canal systems. Mid
section roads might be opened up to get bikes off of busy section line road ways. Neighborhoods
should c cooperate in getting bikes through.
Drivers are distract and pedestrians and cyclist are no match when sharing the same space.
Incorporate the wide shoulder or bike lane space into the standard cross-section for all state
roadways. Require implementation of roadway improvements that implement this cross-section
across the frontage of all properties seeking new access permits as a condition of permit approval.
Continued development of and improved bike (shared use) paths. please...
Highway rumble strips should be positioned immediately to the right of the white line so as to leave
as much shoulder as possible for bicycles to use. A rumble strip in the center of the shoulder will
almost certainly force bicyclists to ride close to to on the white line, or within the driving lane.
Create streets that have a bike lane created by having streetside parking far enough away from
the curb for a bike to be able to travel between parked cars and the curb. Then, parked cars act as
a barrier between bikes and moving vehicular traffic.
3 foot paved shoulders, 4 foot if a rumble strip is included for all state highways and county roads.
More bike lanes and publicity re: sharing the road
more time and effort spent educating drivers the laws regarding bicycles on public streets and
roadways. more roads with bike lanes and signs to remind drivers that bicycles have the right to
use public roadways too.
Every highway in Arizona should have at least an 18 inch shoulder. A great example that would
help tourism and bring cycling enthusiasts to Arizona's smaller towns would be to add shoulders to
roads between show low, sunrise ski area and springerville. Presently these are examples of
roads that attract tourists that are not bicycle friendly.
Bicyclist have to agree that, the specific lane is also for Golf Carts. Sometimes they both think it is
just for them.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Refrain from building more roads.
As a cyclist I have found the shared use paths not very safe or practical. Pedestrians often stop in
front of cyclist they do not hear approaching, who may be clipped into their bike. With pedal clips
or cages even at a slow speed it may be impossible to suddenly stop with out tipping over. I have
also had people wearing ear buds step into my path. As strange as it may seem, I actually feel
safer sharing the road with cars.
Improve bike lanes. Make all roads have bike lanes. Provide lower taxes to people who bike to
ADOT should include safety updates or flyers in all correspondence. New traffic laws could be
included, tips on reregistering, and information on sharing the roads, including cycling is legal on
roads, give 3 feet or more, and treat them like other users such as other cars, farm tractors, etc.
Most education has seemed to be aimed at cyclists. More emphasis needs to be placed on
motorist education - through signage, testing when renewing licenses, outreach activities, special
publications, etc.
With bike lanes on roads as they have in Mesa, many more commutes would be made by bike,
thus doubling trips to work by bike. People would feel safer. Sidewalks and shared paths are ok,
but not great for bicyclists due to sharing traffic with unpredictable pedestrians, kids, dogs.
#2 & #3. Until more bicyclists and pedestrians are willing to take responsibility for their own lives, I
do not believe that injuries/fatalities will decrease. I bicycle & see other bicyclists go through red
lights, stop signs, & ride on the wrong side of the road. Frankly, I am surprised there aren't more
Hold smaller public forums where individual communities can provide feedback on the needs of
sidewalks or shared-use paths. Make a special effort to engage minority or lower-income
segments of the population.
I ride bikes every day either hard core w/LOTS of friends or leisurely w/my son to/from school,
store, pleasure, etc… We’ve had tons of close calls. Unfortunately 1 friend wasn’t so lucky & was
killed in Scottsdale on 3/11/12. Just this past Tues an older couple decided they had right of way &
purposely drove into bike lane cutting us off.
SOLUTION: Public knowledge & responsibility, and a law for cell phone usage calls &
texting...NOW, before more of my friends are injured or killed!
provide incentives to employers to implement a ride a bicycle to work program.
All of these bike paths do nothing but give less room to the vehicles that DO use them. When you
have a sidewalk running next to a road then that is where they need to be not in the roadway.
Thousands of cars travel on roads that have no turn lanes that would allow cars not to have to
slow, behind a car that is turning right. It's too hot in Phoenix to bike or walk in the summer.
Sidewalks are where they need to be. Cover the bus stops so people don't fry.
Shared use is the least effective way to encourage walking/cycling because you're still pitting
pedestrians and bikes against cars. Walking and biking need to be made safer with separation
from cars. Check out what they did in Holland. Expenditure upfront might be greater, but the long
term benefits are well worth it.
se miles of state highway with 4 feet shoulders
Vehicles are running over bicyclists and pedestrians due not paying attention and/or distractions
such cell phones and texting. These must be reduced or stopped!
Move the bicycle paths off of the main streets. Like a sidewalk or seperate path.
Creation of more shared-use paths along highways (or partner with other agencies to develop
paths along canals/rivers/etc)
More bike lanes.
Sometimes on bike routes there is a nice wide path and then suddenly it narrows severely or
Also, keeping the debris off the cycling path would prevent riders from having to enter traffic.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
instituting one, or better, two questions regarding bicycle safety rules /regulations by placing these
questions on the Az Drivers License written test. This way potential applicants must review the
bicycle rules/regulations information that would be provided in the study booklet. By adding a
question, or two; applicants would then read the information preparing for the test. This would
result in far more people at least reading the information...which will educate the public.
Although decreasing bicyclist and pedestrian injuries and deaths is obviously extremely important,
having paved shoulders or bike lanes of at least 4 feet or greater is almost equally important. It is
absolutely essential to keep motorists and cyclists separated as much as possible.
Put in bike lanes EVERYWHERE. Quit ending bike lanes 200 feet before traffic lights. What the
hell am I supposed to do, get off and walk 1/2 mile through every intersection?
The ruts in the road to alert drivers they are veering off the road or onto the shoulder are excellent
idea on all roads. Especially with all of the folks texting and driving.
Continue your interest in this worthwhile project!
I do not have any further insights. I am not a cyclist and I AM a pedestrian.
I am also aware
that many motorists of a more traditional (conservative and
fundamental OLD belief) actively disLIKE anyone who wants to alter the status quo.
folks generally dislike wind and solar and nuclear power and anyone who might have the stupidity
to disagree with them. PLEASE continue advocacy for this issue.
Add more bike lanes to heavy traffic roads such as Via De Ventura Rd, PIMA RD, Shea Blvd. If
you add more bike lanes, I can assure you more people will get out biking.
Thank you! More dedicated bike lanes and signage (share the road w bikes, minimum 3 feet, etc).
Required training program to educate law enforcement officials first, then public about AZ cycling
laws (drivers must allow minimum 3 feet). Cycling law knowledge required in Drivers License
exam. Much stiffer penalties for motorists who hit cyclists - now it's just a small fine! Pass
distracted driver laws (no text and drive).
Training and communication for citizens and especially LAW ENFORCEMENT is crucial to the
success of this plan. The current environment is very hostile between cyclists and motorists,
including harassment from uninformed law enforcement officials in the northern part of the valley.
My survey would have rated 2, 3, & 4 as number 1 in importance if the buttons would have
allowed. I also think number 1 is important but since I am retired it really does not apply to me.
I just moved to Glendale and must complement the Valley cities to their commitment to bike paths
on roads and along the canals. Very nice and something to be proud of. Thanks bill
Outlaw texting and driving
Most important is for paved lanes need to be wide enough to accommodate bicycles alongside
vehicles. Separated lanes are actually confusing to everyone--especially at intersections.
Just curious, how many of these surveys do we have to fill out, or meetings do we need to attend
before ADOT moves to DO something? I've been doing commenting for YEARS and nothing
seems to happen.
Don't build cemented flower pots, bumps, barricades, cemented wall fences, around the bicycler’s
path roads; Increase the number of roads for bicyclers on streets and visible high raised signs to
the traffic vehicles drivers; Increase path roads for bicyclers all over the city streets; Enforce
"share the road with bicyclers" program to educate vehicles traffic drivers with County
Transportation Department; Increase more signs raised high to show very visible the flow of the
bicycler’s path roads
i believe safe alternatives to our busy highways are very important. we are in dire need of a
bike/pedestrian under-or-over-pass at the old town springs crossing of the train tracks in flagstaff.
this is one of the most popular spotts to cross the tracks in order to avoid the busy and dangerous
milton/rt 66 road. safe alternatives to busy roads would increase bike use for families and other
people afraid of sharing the road with cars.
The condition of the roads in Tucson is horrendous. I feel that we have a sufficient amount of bike
lane, but I find myself often swerving into traffic in an attempt to avoid potholes and cracks.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
More bike lanes, many areas I try to commute have a nice bike lane, and then it all of sudden
stops and I have to ride with traffic.
Bike lanes need to increase - we do not have enough on busy streets like Rural.
For funding, consider fundraising rides. Bicyclists raise money for so many causes (Bike MS
raised 400K, Tour de Cure raised $500K). I am sure AZ bicyclists would get together and raise
money for this cause.
Repave the "bike lanes" that are actually extended gutters on McDowell just West of Pima. They
are dangerous.
If you want people to ride on the shoulders, you need to sweep them, pave them as well as the
road and get rid of the rumble strip.
Complete side walks: In my neighborhood there is broken sidewalk along a few major roads - nice
sidewalks through the neighborhoods but then a 0.5mile or 1mile stretch (sometimes less) where
there is no sidewalk whatsoever. Very dangerous for the biker (or walker), especially at night
when these areas suddenly approach (due to lack of street lighting).
Improve laws to have stiffer penalties for the injury or death of cyclist involved in car/bicycle
Provide more secured areas for bicycle storage in high employment areas. Increase parking fees
for non-car pool commuters. Increase awareness of existing incentives. More highly
publicize reduction of pollution produced by using bicycles, buses, or carpooling for travel.
I think that if there were some kind of barrier between the bike lanes and traffic, especially on high
speed roads, this might at least help with decreasing injuries due to inattentive drivers. Or,
creating paths that are set apart from the road entirely just for recreational use.
Get bicyclist and pedestrians as far away from road ways as possible most bicyclist think they own
the road and will get in front of cars and do not follow the laws when it comes to signaling or
stopping at stop signs. Bicyclist pull in the left turn lanes and hold up traffic.
"Double the percentage of trips to work by walking or bicycling within the next 10 years."
Increase the amount of canal paths with paved sidewalks or graded dirt.
For safety have bike lanes end in realistic places like intersections. There is a bike lane near my
house on Higley Road just north of Ray that ends at a turn lane with no apparent place for a
bicyclist to continue riding, Have more pedestrian crosses at the canal path intersections.
Bike paths on streets are critical. I ride Queen Creek from Power to Dobson several times a week.
The most dangerous section is at the chandler airport. I ride on the left side of the road so I can
see the people coming. I see people swerving to miss me as I occupy the approx. 6" of shoulder
on that section of road. It is very scary. If I had a wider bike path, I would ride on the right side of
the road.
Involve communities more.
Shoulders greater than 4 feet wide would make them safer for cyclists and pedestrians, plus some
sort of physical separation between the car lanes and shared use paths (like trees, which would
also provide shade while using the paths).
Push for no cell phone use while driving.
Keeping the shoulders clean of debris is important to bicycle safety too.
Replace existing crosswalk signals with the audio type they use in Scottsdale (Chapparral &
Hayden). Additional signage @ right turn lanes to yield to pedestrians.
Separate bike and non motorized vehicle lanes along busy hiways and streets.
Seperation of bicycle and motor vehicle roadways will do the most to reduce bicyclist injuries and
This survey is malfunctioning. I can't select the options above.
"Bike lanes" that are actually repurposed gutters (along McDowell Rd just West of Pima) should be
repaved to be actual bike lanes.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
All roads need to have bike lanes. There are roads that have wonderful bike lanes, and then they
end. The cyclist is left hugging the white line because the bike lane disappeared. This upsets the
driver in the car, as they do not think we should be on the road. It also upsets the cyclist. We do
our best to stay on that white line, and meanwhile we get buzzed and hoonked at by cars.
Bicyclelist must be license and take a test on the rules of the road. I am tired of them riding on the
wrong side of road, not stopping at stop signs, doing all kinds of unsafe riding..........please!!!!!!!
Increased knowledge of bicycle regulations for the public and public safety officers. And Green
Incentives/rewards for businesses promoting cycling. Increase cycle awareness. Stiffen and
enforce penalties for motorists infringing on cyclist rights. Pave better roads and with more
shoulders/bike lanes. More cycling focused "holidays"
A simple solution would be to identify stretches of road where bike lanes exist, then vanish, then
re-appear. A relatively short length of road without a functional bike lane makes using the entire
length of the road less safe and attractive to me.
Start citing people for distracted driving; fine and severely punish drivers appropriately for hitting
cyclists/peds (ie: $420 fine for the woman in Scottsdale who ran over and killed a cyclist?!?);
public service campaign to share the road and stop distracted driving!
Make urban areas more bicycle and pedestrian friendly by incorporating this requirement in all
road construction projects. Work with counties, towns, and other municipalities to make these
requirements universal throughout Arizona.
Bike lanes need to be more prevalent and wider as well as swept by a street sweeper on occasion.
Add rumble strips along bike lanes
Provide enough space between rumble strips and edge of pavement or guardrails for bikes to
safely ride single file.
Provide wide smooth shoulders for bike riders outside of the rumble strip. FYI, survey is NOT
allowing clicks to fill in the survey choices . . .
Include multi-modal planning in every project.
I love the Aviation Parkway bike path. I am really looking forward to The Loop. Bike paths
encourage bike riding, walking, and increase safety.
Add bike lanes to more roads and highways. It is nearly impossible to bike to work in Central
Phoenix due to a lack of uncomplicated routes and pathways. Broadcast commercials on TV that
remind drivers to LOOK for bicyclists. I am an avid road cyclist, and nearly every ride I have near
miss collisions because drivers are distracted and inattentive.
add more and wider bike lanes on existing roadways.
Texting while driving is a HUGE issue. We need education and penalties.
Change the dumbest rule of all.
That is; Cyclists being obligated to "ride with the flow of traffic". And turning their backs on motorist
who should not otherwise be operating motor vehicles because of health or capability reasons.
If I'm going to be hit by a MV while riding my bike, I want, at the very least, to have the opportunity
to take evasive action and avoid a fatality. Mine.
Paint bike lanes green or a bright color so cars know that they should be careful. Tucson has
done this downtown and it creates a nice warning.
Have shoulders wide enough for bike paths on all major roadways. Too many roads have no
shoulder at all, especially on 2 lane roadways.
Any new road construction would include this requirement.
Any road resurfacing, etc would include this requirement.
1st. Educate the public on bicycle rights while traveling on the street.
2nd. ADOT to work with AZ State legistaure to significantly increase the punishment for those that
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
injure/kill pedestrians/cyclists while operating a motor vehicle
3rd. AZ state ban on texting and driving.
4th. Enforcement of laws as they pertain to cyclists using the roadway.
5th. ADOT to place some type of periodic, short barrier seperating the bike lane from vehicle
Ensure main ingress and egress thorogh-fares have adequate space for bicycles and pedestrians
to safely travel. Example: Sandario Road from Emigh to Rudasill and Picture Rocks Road. I am
more concerned about the safety of those who bike for their means of transportation than I am for
those who do so for fitness.
Bicycle lanes are obviously not working.
Separate paths will help.
Legislation may help - ie passing vehicular manslaughter laws. Stiffer fines / penalties for cell
phone use / texting while in car. Obviously legislation changes aren't in your domain, but you can
provide input to the legislature.
Our law enforcement needs to take all collisions seriously. Violations need to be charged, not
dismissed as "accidents".
Commuting by bike and foot will increase as they become safer.
There has been discussion of making bike lanes wider and raised as well as adding rumble strips
to alert those that are drifting into them. Also, those that injure or kill cyclists should face severe
criminal penalties. It is an absolute disgrace that in Arizona it is a civil penalty with fines. Amy
Alexander (killed cyclist Shawn McCarty) on Thompson Peak near 100th St. got away with paying
$400+ in fines. TOTAL DISGRACE. There should also be laws against distracted and reckless
Foster courtesy in the motoring public AND law enforcement regarding cyclists.
Please please please, as a community we beg of you to help make it safer to ride. Texting while
driving is going to be the death of us all, but better bike lanes help. Maybe somehow publicize this
issue more.
more bike lanes
Create bike lanes on all major streets within city limits. Put crossing lights where bike routes cross
major roads. Fix potholes.
Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek can be a super biking destination for thousand of bikers
every year.
We need 179 and Verde Valley School Road completely bike friendly with bike lanes. We also
need our community roads to have bike lanes. ADOT needs to seize on communities like ours
that have this potential and make an extra effort to see that this happens. The time is now not 5 to
10 years from now.
-Add bike lanes.
-Increase punishment for collisions with motorist cyclist incidents when the motorist is at fault.
-Take laws that protect cyclist seriously for a change.
My family hopes that the Arizona Department of Transportation, builds subway and train routes to
the West Valley: Goodyear, Litchfield Park, Avondale. These cities have grown within the last 5
years and people could use a safer transportation system to go to Phoenix, ASU, Mesa,
Scottsdale for jobs and entertainment. The impact on our pockets and the environment would be
Pave the canals. Use utility easements as bicycling conduits. Use more paint colors and patterns
to increase safety. Increase signage and create new warnings and advisemaents. Create physical
barrier between bike lanes and motor vehicle traffic. Dedicate some roads to bicycles on certain
days. Redesign intersections.
1. Offer incentives through programs sponsored by state and local municipalities or other
organizations who sponsor biking initiatives aimed at commuters. Perhaps targeting those who
travel 12 or less miles to work or school.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
2. Identify and publish "ADOT-approved" routs for bike commuters.
3. Encourage/partner with businesses to get involved in employee-incentives for those who
commute to work by bike.
Bike lane on AZSR 83
Achevie a continuous web of bike paths to be able to commute across the valley - ideally
physically delineated from motor traffic.
Make bike lanes wider since drivers refuse to stay in their lanes. Make touching a cell phone while
moving in a vehicle ILLEGAL.
Ensure that there is a complete bicycle lane along Rio Verde loop all the way to Hayden.
Create bicycle lane from Beeline Highway to Saguaro Lake and then down into Mesa
Please consider the continuity of a bicyclist's trip. Often a path will end abruptly or the bike lane
will be on the right-hand side of a right turn only lane so that bicyclists are in the path of turning
cars. Where a path switches sides of the street or leaves roadside, etc there needs to be clear
signage of what the suggested route is for bicyclists. If bicyclists are riding in a dangerous way
(wrong way on a sidewalk) it often means there’s no bicycle path, the route’s unsafe or unsigned.
increase shoulders, and update rumble strips on state highways
Better education of drivers as to the rights of bicyclists. The 3-foot rule for passing a bicyclist
should be on the written test and maybe there should be a sign created that can be placed on
heavily biked routes. Police should enforce the laws more strictly and that means ticketing
bicyclists too when they ride the wrong way, run red lights, etc.
Identify routes between major work/play/shopping centers and neighborhoods that would provide
a safe trip on a bicycle or on foot. Create paths allowing folks access without having to compete
with motor vehicles. The goal would be an education campaign around the phrase "why drive?!"
The idea is that if you can achieve some work/play/shopping goals safely and efficiently without
driving, then why do it.
Create a bike path along Grand Avenue from Peoria to Downtown Phoenix.
Dedicated bike lanes on roadways. Bike lanes should be WIDE, free of grates, man-holes and
obstacles that make the bike lanes unsafe for cyclists.
Bike lanes today are inadequate in width and safety!
Working with public and munincipal agencies in creating a feasible (economic and physical
construction) network of paths and safe roadways for bicycle traffic.
Improving the shoulders of the Highway 87
more signage warning against distracted driving; keeping bike lanes clean and identifying the
shoulders as bike lanes and to be aware - share the road.
Take advantage of available right of way to either "stripe" a bicycle lane or add a 4' wide bicycle
Increase safety for bicyclists, pedestrians, (as well as motorcyclists and equestrians), by cracking
down on texting/cell phones/distracted driving. Increase the penalties for injuring or killing a
bicyclist, pedestrian, equestrian or motorcycle rider.
Amend road and bridge design standards to require improvements that allow safe bicycle travel.
Retrofit highways with wide shoulders, bike lanes or parallel paths especially in urban areas..
Eliminate rumble strips or at least avoid placing them in middle of shoulder. Encourage cross
state and cross region travel by bicycle. Support U.S. Bicycle Route system.
The priority should be improving the quality of the roads and highways within Arizona.
Widen the shoulders. All left turns at major intersections should have red, yellow, green arrow.
More bike lanes, especially buffered bike lanes are so important. If it was safer to bike, more
people would do it!
ADOT can ensure that multimodal transportation is incorporated in the construction of ANY and
ALL new infrastructure. Shared use paths along highways will be superior to a wider shoulder due
to the huge speed differential between peds/cyclists and autos.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
We need a great deal more than FOUR FEET!!! SIdewalks are NOT merely "vehicle recovery
Separate the bike paths on highways from motorized traffic using either vehicle parking as the
barrier OR a concrete mini barrier between the motorized vehicle lanes and the bike path. Do this
and you will reduce accidents and force motorists to pat attention what they are doing when they
are driving
Cyclist right to the road campaign. Drivers don't know that Cyclists should be on the road and not
in the gutter or on the sidewalk.
Stiffer penalties for drivers that hit peds and riders. Better/cleaner bike lanes. Maybe even a lane
separate from the road.
Driver and bicycle education should be #1. Cars and cyclists should be operating from the same
set of expectations. What good are bike lanes if cars drive in them and bikes don't.
ROAD ARE FOR CARS, not bikes.
Implementing some sort of dividers, road buttons or other methods to impede drivers from entering
the bike lane or alert them that they are drifting into a bike lane.
Add raised reflective bubbles to exising bike lanes and heavily used bike route shoulders to alert
drivers when they are encroaching on a bike lane
Most people will not ride a bike to work because it is unsafe. Bike lanes are a must. Increase the
safety with lanes and education to motorist and cyclist, more will ride to work.
Discourage or limit the riding of bicyles on highway 88 to Tortilla Flats. The road is too narrow,
windy, too much traffic, and no shoulder to ride on. I admit it is a senic road and bicyclists love it
and so do I. It would not be practical to widen it to be safe for bicycles. I do encourage provideing
more oppertunity for bicycles and pedestrians where ever practicle throughout the state.
Increase penalty for drivers that harass, intimidate and ultimately injure cyclist
In order to double the percentage of trips to work by walking or bicycling, ADOT needs to play a
central role in promoting bike/walking culture. To me, the first goal is completed by accomplishing
the other goals listed - they are all necessary. We need safe routes throughout the town and
connections to them, though we also need a safer atmosphere for bicyclists and pedestrians. This
requires that drivers come on board with this - which will not be done without cultural shifts.
Build bicycle or shared use lanes on all roads. Finish connecting all of the routes along the canal
with pavement and underpasses, and provide protected turn signals for pedestrians and cyclists in
shared use lanes.
I think increasing the number of miles of state highways with shoulders of 4ft. or greater will in
effect, decrease the number of injuries and fatalities involving pedestrians and bicyclists, which will
in turn increase the number of trips to work by walking or bicycling.
Well maintained bike lanes are a must. Regular street sweeping to minimize debris in the bike
lane. Most of the normal road debris is pushed into the bike lanes by passing motor traffic. Road
surface cracks and wear are often worse in the bike lanes. Increased and improved signage along
bike lanes would increase motorists awareness of cyclists.
All of the above are worthy goals, however, at the root of all planning it must be remembered that
walking paths should be as isolated from car traffic as possible!!! If that is achieved, then all of the
above goals can be achieved. Safety to bikers and walkers equates to comfort which equates to
increased usage!!
Increase penalties for distracted driving (texting, using phone, etc).
I would like to see ADOT take the lead on implementing plans which draw on examples of other
metropolitan areas of either the USA or other countries which encourage the use of bicycles mixed
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
with other rapid transit systems for commuting to and from work. What current program is there
available that ADOT employees can use?
actually enforce laws and prosecution of auto drivers who injure bicyclists and pedestrians. too
often they get away with limited liability.
ADOT should focus on providing the best quality bike/ped facilities. Arbitrary goals like doubling
the number of bike/ped trips to work will follow if the paths, shoulders and connectivity are
This is a bit of a loaded question. Decreasing the number of bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities is
really the most important goal but not if that means excluding them from roads. I didn't vote for it
as th emost important because my fear is that ADOT will take that to mean they should limit or
eliminate use. The real goal is to make bicyclist and pedestrian use safer and reduce fatalities in
th eprocess.
Enforce stricter laws for motorists involved in accidents involving bikes. Likewise if it's the
bicyclists fault.
If not already, educate young drivers on the laws of bicyclists. Many people do not realize that
cyclists follow the same rules on the streets as cars and to respect them as a car. Make them
pass a section of it on the driver's test.
The idea of pedestrians along highways where traffic exceeds 45mph seems incompatible. I am
probably missing some info about what these highways look and feel like since I live in downtown
Phx and rarely leave the metro. This additional info would be helpful to explain what highways
these goals are intended for.
I am unable to choose any of the bullets!
All state hyways should have biking paths and pedestrian access. But they need to be far enough
off the roadway to not cause a hazard to motorist or the other modes.
Lobby for tougher legislation against motorists that come in contact with cyclists abiding by the
rules of the road. In countries where many people ride bicycles, motorists are automatically at fault
for hitting cyclists. Some also lose their license.
Make an effort to keep shoulders clean of debris, especially in areas of heavy motor commuting.
This will allow cyclists to stay closer to the curb instead of the road.
Enforce laws requiring bicyclists to follow traffic laws. Require them to register their bicycles and
use those fees to help improve the roads. Fix the current crumbling roads before focusing on bike
Reduce fatalities by painting bicycle lane lines where bicycle traffic is allowed.
Educate more motor vehicle drivers because they don't pay attention at Walk lights turning right
when the pedestrian has the right of way. In addition, motor vehicle drivers get nasty with bicyclists
using the road.
More driver awareness somehow; creating bike paths within residential neighborhoods (similar to
what is on Maryland and 3rd Ave)...
Have MORE signs on roads that alert drivers of motor vehicles that cyclists are present and are
ALLOWED to be present on the roads.
This was a difficult choice for paths before lives. However, I believe if you accomplish priorities
1&2 then 3 will be a natural byproduct. Please give cyclists more room and miles to ride in and
between towns across the state (and keep them smooth/clean)! Personally, my cycling trips to
work are a function of whether I need my vehicle during the day and if my work place has a
shower; not so much the route I take to get here. Bicycle lanes don’t really have an affect on
whether I ride to work.
Increase awareness to pedestrians and bicyclists concerning the proper direction of traffic to walk
and ride.
Bike lanes should be off-street.
Shaded rests with water would be nice.
Commuter routes (tunnel, overpasses) across freeways are needed (Tempe to South Mountain
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Village, for example, requires crossing I-10 and AZ-143 or US-60.)
We need to train and educate cagers (auto drivers) in order to change the culture and establish
distraction-free driving habits.
In order for our bicyclists and pedestrians to be safer on our highways, they need the space to
commute on the highway itself. Many highways aren't wide enough. Thank you for this survey,
hopefully it will help.
Keep bicyclists and pedestrians off of highways. Building paths specifically for bicycling and
pedestrian is going to be costly but also provide a much safer transportation framework. Widening
highways to accomodate bicyclists and pedestrians would not be in the best interests of the
taxpayers of Arizona. And would be insanely ludicris if no some form of safety barrier is
incorporated with the widening.
Thank you for the survey, this means a great deal to all of us that ride to work/ride for exercise!
Thank You!!
Encourage State Legislature to increase penalties for distracted driving. Employ best practices for
designing ped and bike facilities to ensure safety,
Increase driver awareness of bicycles with signs and painted markings on the roadway
Hwy 87 Blueridge area, and FH. 3 near Clints Well.
Improve vehicle driver knowledge of biking laws.
Increase penalties for violating biking laws.
Allow bikers to process through stop signs when no vehicles are present.
A bike lane to Sky Harbor from adjoining inlets would be nice. There are a lot of employees that
ride their bikes to work and they are at risk when entering the airport, especially on the east
In particular for bicycles, safety at intersections, parking lot/shopping exits etc. is still a major
Driver Education......Educate people to be more respectful to cyclists...
Create more "Silent Sunday" routes...i.e. South Mountain event....
Better Signage for bike lanes and long routes
Consider investments off the state highway system to connect key activity centers or connect key
state highways.
More bike lanes
I am totally against a bike bath, We can use the money that I pay at the pumps towards resurficing
and fixing up the roads. Not a bike path.
Karen Hunt
Bicycles should not be permitted on sidewalks except where sidewalks are safe for bicycls, and
explicitlly marked as "BIKES OK ON SIDEWALK". Signs should be placed "WALK BICYCLE IN
CROSSWALK" unless a BIKE XING sign is present on roadway. All bicycle crossings, or
pededstrian crossings where bicycles are permitted to use, should be marked with a BIKE XING
sign to alert motorists.
You need driver education to keep drivers from running over bicyclists!
pass laws to give substantial penalties to drivers who threaten or hit cyclists. Loss of liscence and
jail time.
There are a lot of short bike paths but most of them don't connect to each other. Makes commuting
by bicycle difficult.
Implement harsh penalties for drivers who hit bicyclist. Too many people hurt without the driver
being penalized enough for their actions, which is unacceptable. Until this happens people will
continue to be hurt badly or killed on their bicycle. Also increasing the number of roads that are
friendly to cyclists so there are less chances of being hit by a car would be a great improvement.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
- Develop a plan of creating bicycle safe roadway system.
- Develop & enforce strict penalties for those drivers who hit bicyclists and are at fault.
I get very uncomfortable when I see cyclists. When there are two or more bicyclists, they always
ride over the line as if the bicycles have the right of way on the road and the car has to move over.
Bicyclists can be unpredictable and can lose balance easily potentially falling into the car's lane.
I’ve seen cars almost get into accidents with other cars due to cyclists being careless. Sometimes
cyclists don't even use the shoulder which is even worse! There has to be a better way.
Identify trail routes or rail-trails in cities and towns outside the Phoenix & Tucson metro areas that
can be adapted for bicycle and pedestrian transportation.
As an active rider, the condition of the roads/shoulders and the space allowed for a rider limits
where I ride. I also have to cosider "snow bird" season as to the time of day (when the sun is out)
that is safest to ride.
widen the roads and put in some watering holes along the way in remote areas.
I love to ride bicycles but I also need to travel the state highway system by car. Given the taxes I
pay on motor fuel, I always feel slighted when I see money spent on bicycle only design and
usage. I support universal design such as a 4’ road shoulder which can be used for car/truck
breakdowns as well as other traffic modes.
I question how much we spend on bicycle lane improvements in areas that appear to be for "sport"
usage and not true transportation for home and business purposes.
more bike lanes, slower red lights,sometimes I cannot get across a street before the light turns
Open the CAP canal in East Mesa to Bicyclists.
Round-a-bouts at both sides of I-17 are so dangerous for bikes, we always have to use the Jomax
access road. Make round-a-bouts bike friendly.
I believe as a fellow cyclist, our safety is our most needed investment. The three foot law is not
and will pry never be enforced. So why not make our bike lanes a little wider, or in the design of
roadways/pathways make it easier and safer for cyclists to ride with motored vehicle? Especially
since we have just as much right to be on the road as them.
Get bicyclists to obey the laws of the road.
just making sure that roadways are in good repair.
I have to wonder how many people have been killed because the law was changed to read that
bikers must ride with the flow of traffic? When I was a child we were told to ride facing traffic so
that if a car swerved toward us we'd have a chance of surviving by getting out of its way. I quit
riding a bike because obeying the new law could get me killed.
Greater attention to serious bicycle infrastructure within urban areas where ADOT can have an
impact. This means giving prioritization to completeness, safety and priority given to bicycle transit
in areas currently dominated by automotive traffic. In some cases that can be accomplished by
new bicycle lanes, signage, striping, etc. In others it can be assisted by attempting to impact
behavior of existing auto drivers by reducing speed, increasing visual awareness, etc.
Public awareness as to how bicycles and motor vehicles need to interact with each other on the
I enjoy many of the existing highways with bike lanes but find travel hindered with regard to the
connectivity that is missing on certain road for bike travelers usually increasing the danger for bike
riders having to ride in the roadway with high speed vehicles, this would for local urban areas as
well as more outlying areas that lead to Flagstaff or Precott.
More signage along roadways to alert drivers. Better cleaning of debris from roadways and
increased restriping of roads. Most importantly, widening of shoulders!
Items two & three on my list will contribute to achiveing 1 in conjuction with education &you
awareness training an holding those who do harm accountable. I ride my bike to work
occasionally but traffic safety concerns holds me back.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Hwy 89
Putting up more signs in areas where bicycle traffic is high in volume. Also putting in more
crosswalks in high foot traffic areas at non-intersections.
Please make areas like the Beeline and Usery Pass safer by including wider bicycle lanes. This
would reduce the number of accidents and make it safer for bicyclists using that area (further from
high speed traffic). I think the 3 ranked hihest will lead to #4 being accomplished.
Too many cyclists are killed in auto accidents. In addition to road improvements, the public must
be better informed of how to share the road. Need ongoing public awareness/mass media
campaign targeted at drivers. Broadcasters, (such as Cox) can produce Public Service
Announcements. Here is an example:
Also, a ban on ALL electronic device use while driving should be passed & enforced as a primary
offense. Please exhaust every resource available to help save lives.
More dedicated bike lanes and community awareness. Look at cities like Seattle, WA...
Questionaires to cyclists on areas that they would like to see more bike lanes
Keep shoulders clean, dont randomly end bike lanes at intersections only to have them start up
500 feet later (cars often drift into cyclists in that distance)
Coordination with local jurisdictions on land use planning such as Transit Oriented Design.
Provide positive buffers between automobile trafiic and non-motorized traffic
Never do highway work without widening the paved shoulders.
Have the Highway patrol give more tickets to both cyclists and motorists when they are breaking
laws regarding cycling.
Education through PSAs, driver training, working with driver licensing and traffic school programs
to increase awareness will help decrease injuries and fatalities. Most important is to pass a
distracted driver law and fund enough cops on the road to enforce it.
Although cutting down on single occupant cars commuting to work is a good idea, there are many
options besides walking or bicycling (depending on the distance) and it's really a separate goal.
Total separation of pedestrian and cyclist byways. People are too distracted while driving with cell
phones and gps units. Even 4 feet is not a safety corridor for someone walking or cycling when up
against a distract or impaired driver.
Clearly marked bike lanes will secure safety and inspire a greater number of commuters to bike to
work. Also, make certain bike lanes remain uninterrupted, especially at exit ramps, and clearly
mark intersections for drivers and bikers.
Follow plans implemented by Minneapolis and Seattle. They both have amazing bike trail
networks which makes people want to stay there and enjoy their favorite activities safely without
fear of getting hit by cars.
elevated bike lanes
bike lanes uilt between sidewalks and parking spaces
adding bike lanes on popular most ridden routes like road to canyon lake, power road north of
thomas, etc.
Change motorist laws to protect bicyclists from motor vehicles, I.e. felony to kill a bicyclist vs a
Increase number of bike lanes on city streets.
All bike lanes must have 3ft on the side of te roads.
Create additional multiuse pathways.
Make more strict traffic laws about vehicles and cyclists (3 feet rule, ENFORCE IT!!!!) More laws
would be awesome, texting while driving should be illegal everywhere and be enforced, because
that's how most of us cyclists are killed
Work with legislature and police on better enforcement of existing 3-feet laws and tougher
penalties for texting/distracted driving resulting in a cycling or pedestrian injury or fatality.
Add more signs to increase public awareness about sharing the road. Ban texting while driving
which could kill cyclists.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Remove road hazards such as wide cracks, holes, uneven shoulders, unexpected road curbs and
transitions, clean roads from glass. Increase the width of bike lane (see Austin bike lanes).
Connect bike paths. Provide yield signs for bikes at right turn, cars cut off bikes to turn right which
could kill.
Always repave the shoulder when repaving the road
Identify federal grant funding with the help of local advocacy groups to help fund the projects. Safe
routes to schools, league of American bicyclists etc.
Driver safety ads about cyclists on the monitors at the DMV or ads on busses and lightrail
Our streets are soo clogged with traffic it is scary to try and ride your bike even with bike lanes. It
would be great if there would be more bike paths offset from roads so that it isn't so nerve racking
to ride your bike. I have been enjoying the New River Trail system immensely. It is a pleasure to
ride that trail and see all the wildlife along the way. Kudos to Peoria and whomever else was
involved with this bike path! Every one on this trail is smiling and happy :)))
identify abandoned railroad lines and turn them into bike trails.
sidewalks are a waste of money . . . people do not walk enough to warrant the expense. also,
since sidewalks are used so little turn them into bike paths.
do not use highway trust fund money for bike trails . . . those funds are supposed to be used for
improving roadways for automobiles . . . it is only the enviornmental whackos that would divert the
We spend our winters in Az. we come because the weather is great for bicycling if you build it
more will come..
ADOT can increase the number of highways with paved shoulders by citing and communicating
with the cycling community (GABA, ABRA) to find out what highways used more by cyclists.
The number of injuries and fatalities can be decreased by placing signs to remind drivers of laws
such as the 3-foot law and Share-the-Road signs.
Have more green belts/ bike paths that link to major areas of work and shopping to keep us(bikes)
out of busy intersections..I bike to work two time a week 40 mile round trip
Contruct no new roadways or repair any existing roadway without including bike lanes.
I think bike paths along the highways, separated from traffic would be the safest and most
enjoyable riding experience. I don't think just wider shoulders are a good answer as bikes would
be vulnerable to distracted drivers or debri flying at them from the traffic lane.
more bike paths well marked and higher sanctions to the ones who kill and/or injure cyclists. No
like the one recently a woman distracted killed a human being who was riding a bicycle and got a
fine of 450 USD, that is an insult for all of us.
Arizona has a great weather 8 months of 12. We love bicycles and we will go everywhere with
them but sometimes we are scared of going out.
Create "move over law" for cyclists. Drivers should move to the outer lane when passing a cyclist,
if not possible slow down/pass with caution. Make AZ a bike friendly place by educating drivers
how to interact with cyclists. PSA's, more signage on roads, police enforce areas traveled by
cyclists, enforce 3 feet rule when cars pass cyclist, include a section in the drivers license test
about how cars and cyclists should interact. Have the news channels cover these topics.
Construction of pedestrian friendly paths made available in various locations around the alley.
Increase incentives for companies that promote alternative ways of getting to work.
Move bicycle and shared-use paths away from intersections. One of the greatest risk areas is
bicycle and shared use paths that parallel major roads and highways. Motorists entering or
leaving the highway are focused on highway traffic. Shared use paths should be a block or so
away from the major street or highway.
bicycle awareness programs targeted at motorists
less segmented bike lanes / shoulders, consistency
Complete more bike paths... For instance, I live in Arcadia, and to get to tempe, I go down 48th st
park...but them bike path ends for a mile, then bike path on Washington to Elliot...but none on
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Elliot to cross bridge into Tempe.
LICENSE! There needs to be more communication to the public that cyclists have a RIGHT to the
attend cycling events and obtain public comments about which highways are most viable
candidates for shoulder / shared use pathways
Plant trees near sidewalks and shared use paths to make walking/biking more feasible during the
warmer months.
I ride my bike daily to at some peril. In speaking with others about doing also commuting with a
bike, the biggest hang up was the danger. I would love to see Az evolve into a Netherlands type
of bike loving culture but we have to make it safer somehow.
Paths such as the one next to Golf Links Rd. between Swan and Wilmot in Tucson and along the
Aviation Parkway are great - paved paths that lead somewhere, separated from the fast traffic.
I ride road bikes 200-250 miles/week and the number one issue is distance between bikes and
cars. Please work at increasing the bike lane widths not including the cement gutter which cannot
be safely ridden on due to cracks and drains.
Properly train all police officers on the laws pertaining to bicycles. Many don't even know there is a
3 foot rule.
the system is not working....I am unable to get the check marks to work......too bad.
More bike lanes, please. Make Arizona a bike friendly state. Its better for our envoirment, our
health, and the economy.
Vehicular drivers need to be aware of the law and maintain 3 feet clearance from bicycles. The
shoulder of roads are often areas for vehicular debris and need to be cleaned more frequently if to
be used by most people for safe travel. Wider shoulders does not really improve the cleanliness
of roads but does provide a larger area of safety by separating bicycles and vehicles.
secured separate bicycle pedestrian ways like in Germany
All of these are important!
A series of public awareness ads stating the laws drivers are required to abide by when coming
upon a bicycle who is sharing the road.
Real penalties for drivers who cause cyclists due to careless driving. A woman who veers into the
bike lane and mows down a man, father, husband, son and friend should get more than two
citations totalling $420.
More signage letting everyone know that cars need to give bikes 3 feet.
Sidewalks and wider shoulders will take care of the other two goals: more people will chose to bike
to work and it will be much safer for them to do so.
Greater promotion and public awareness of car/bike traffic laws
More bike lanes so we can commute more. The Valley of the sun is a cycling mecca, build more
dedicated bike lanes so we can make the valley a more desireable place to live for cyclists.
Paths and lanes that actually go somewhere and don't end in the middle of a block.
1. Don't close the bike lane in construction zones. 2. More bike lanes that continue through the
city (and don't just end randomly)
3. Rumble strips on city streets help to keep a healthy barrier between cyclists and drivers.
4. Laws against texting / cell phone usage and driving.
6. Pave multi-use paths along canals so that road bikes can use them.
We have miles of canals, open the access on all, make the sides have a small paved strip, make
over/under crossings for roads
Increase the number bike path lanes so cyclist can stay safer and commute to work and school via
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
I think that the infrastructure goals are critical to the injury/death reduction goal. In my opinion,
infrastructure should be developed first in a ten mile radius of city limits. Also, use will increase if
the shoulders/paths are maintained free of debris.
Solar powered street lights along all bicycle paths. Education and enforcement of bicycle light and
helmet laws.
Signs indicating water stations, rest areas, and repair centers along bike routes.
Secure bicycle parking areas (well lit, patroled, shaded during the day/or within indoor facility,
nearby to showering and locker facilities) - ideally nearby major commerce/business centers to
promote commuting.
Please educate AZ drivers that cyclists are people who have a legal right to share the road!
Continued and increased cleaning of the streets.
More "watch out for cyclist" awareness campaigns.
Widen highways in need of it, particularly rural 2-lanes, like the northern portion of SR 87 through
Pine & Strawberry. Many cyclists use that road at their peril.
When these people travel in small groups they are fine, but a large group is a monumental pain in
the ass. They seem to think they own the road.
Obesity is rampant amongst all age groups and is taking a toll on quality of life at an increasing
Whatever promotes more bike riding or hiking or walking/riding to work has to be a priority.
Keeping bike path clear of debris and vegetation.
Enforce the laws for pedestrians/bicyclist and autos
Signs indicating bicycle use allowed on shared paths and roads.
PSA on how to share the road (for cyclists AND drivers)
* Promote the availability of secure bike storage, clothes lockers, and showers, all on a paid-use
basis. Use the proceeds to fund related activities.
* Promote the use of lights for visibility. Give them away if necessary.
* Increase the number of miles of city streets with paved shoulders of 4 feet or greater.
* Provide safe paths over, under, or across state and interstate highways. These last two would
be expected to decrease the number of injuries and fatalities.
Commercials about bicycle rules of the road to inform motorist of cyclists rights.
Add bicycle safety and rights to the MVD driving test that all motorists have to take to get their
driving license.
Recently we visited relatives in Florida and we were so impressed with their bicycle/pedestrian
paths. They were located alongside the highway right-of-way
and had a chain link fence to protect it's users. They allowed access to the different
neighborhoods and towns and ran for approximately 50 miles. Very Impressive looking!
Please allow access under and over major freeways, including in remote desert sections, not just
on paved surfaces. For many years I have been riding my mountain bike in the northwest valley
and now the Loop 303 is blocking the ability to cross the desert. It would be helpful if more box
culverts were installed that pedestrians, horse riders and offroad bicycles were able to cross under
major roads to continue their journeys.
DPS enforcement of 3-foot passing law. ADOT clearing shoulders of debris.
Update the bicycle lane map
Reduce driver distractions and increase driver awareness of the 3' law and rights of bicycles on
Your site will not let me score the questions on the survey. The cyclist are a hazzard riding two
across, causing dangers to the motor vehicle drivers. They are not considerate at all. It is to hot
most of the year to cycle and walk to work, and the distance is to far. The serious ones do not want
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
to cycle and walk on highways they want to use scenic areas. Money would be better spent on pot
hole repairs.
Make bicycle laws part of the licensing process for motor vehicle drivers. Better awareness = more
safety. Harsher penalties for accidents involving motor vehicle / bicycle. More signage and road
markings about sharing the road.
4, 1, 3 , 2 your radio buttons are not working for this screen
Educate automobile drivers of the 3 foot law and safe passing laws during defensive driving
More bike lanes. Campaign to have drivers become aware of cyclist and cycling rights/laws. Ban
the use of handheld devices by motor vehicle drivers. Signs on roadways stating the 3 foot law,
and most of all for police enforcement of these laws.
Provide separation between bike lanes and traffic lanes to ensure more safety for cyclists.
Provide education for cyclists, as well as motorists regarding the difficulty to see cyclists during
early morning and late afternoon hours when driving into the bright Arizona sun.
Make distracted driving a real crime
You want better safety then enforce the same rules as drivers have to abide by. lights at night,
drive or ride on the correct side of the road. stop at stop signs and red lights. stay in your own
lane. single file. these idiots want to ride three wide and not only take up thier lane but take up the
vehicle lane also. cops need to enforce these laws. also bike registration also. and insurance.
dumbass liberals.
Since I do not ride a bike I have to think the information accorded me by ADOT
Whiie ADOT has many problms to solve regarding its highways, this one will more importANT. iT
IS WISE TO BE THINKING ABOUT IT NOW AND NOT 5-10 years down the road.
My check marks seem to only support one question - not true!
Good thinking ADOT!
there is not enough room for all of the road rage and normal people on the road way
these are the wrong goals: trips to work are great, but 99% of them will be on non-ADOT roads ADOT can do very little to impact. decreased injuries is an outcome of successful implementation
of other goals, like better bike paths
Raised reflective lane indicators located just outside the bike lane to warn cars and cyclists when a
car is entering the bike lane.
Increase awareness of "share the road" with more signs in neighborhoods and busy intersections.
bicycle riders have to take a safety course on proper use of the road they can take this course by
mail or by internet, but they have to take this course to be able to use our road ways. a state
license will be issued after they complete this course and must be displayed on their bicycle. this
plate should have a cost of $7.50 every 3 years this money will go to help defray the cost of
maintaining bicycle lanes
I can't click above, so I rank row 4 most important, row 3 2nd most important, row 2 third in
importance, and row 1 as fourth (last) in importance.
Last one is the greatest, most important... Starting with more safe routes for bikers, as well as
harsher penalties for those motorist that cause serious injury or death to bicyclist. Hearing to
many people hit and nothing coming from it other the a cash fine. If you take someones life its not
"civil law", it's "CRIMINAL LAW" and should be punishable to the fullest extent
More bike lanes and signs to make drivers aware that there are bikers
1) For safety, make cycling a major point of emphasis during driver's education and defensive
driving courses. Most drivers do not understand basic bike commuting issues and cyclist rights.
Ban cell phone use in the car!
Increase paved shoulder on Highway 87 from Pine to Winslowj to allow safer highway vehicle as
well as bicycle travel. Present shoulders are not to highway standards and should be.
I'd like to see Arizona develop a series of connected bikeways and paths on state highways that
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
would make bicycling more comfortable for recreation and for work.
For example I bicycled along the Danube R in Germany and Austria. Elderly bikers in walking
clothes, entire families with elementary age children, women biking to work, and hard core
spandex wearing bikers in training - all used the same bike paths. It was pleasant and a huge
draw in terms of tourism $$.
By simply complying with Sect. of Trans. Ray Lahoods 2010 proclamation to always include
bicycle and pedestrian accommodation whenever road construction or rework is being done.
driver awareness of laws regarding cyclists needs to be improved-penalties for purposeful
aggravation from automobiles verses bicycles should be understood by everyone-maybe part of
drivers testing/licensing..Also, possibly creating an endorsement on the drivers license for riding a
bicycle on the roadway that requires cyclists to know the law as well..this might command more
respect from motorists.
Providing safer or protected, and dedicated routes for cyclists and pedestrians will naturally
decrease the number of car related injuries and fatalities. Look at countries where cycling is a
major method of transportation. Cyclist have routes that are segregated from the vehicles. This
eliminates the need to "share the road and eliminates cyclist/motorist disputes and issues
commonly associated with the way we drive and bike in AZ.
build more bike overpasses giving pedestrians an easier way to get across a busy freeway.
thanks ADOT for installed message boards! they are a very good use of tax payer money,
especially alerting drivers of accidents or AMBER alerts...
I would like to see a bike path built that runs from Ahwatukee (along side Pecos Rd).. all the way
down the 202 to the Chandler Fashion Mall and beyond. There are ten's of thousands of folks that
would then use those paths in both directions to commute to work (such as Intel Chandler,
Microchip, Motorola etc..). You'd need a foot bridge to get across the I-10/202 interchange. DO it !
There's space to do it ! :). Roger Spencer 480-251-3652
It is my belief that it's not so much the state and it's condition of roadways. The attitude of people
is what needs to change. I know I'm scared to death to do any bicycle riding because people in
motor vehicles are in too big a hurry and don't care about anyone else on the road.
1. More miles of safe bicycle lanes. In order for me to ride my bicycle to work in Bike Lanes I
would have to go about 3 miles out of my way.
2. Some 'major' intersections don't even have pedestrian cross walks.
Work with the AZ Legislature to create and enforce laws making it a punishable felony when an
inidividual kills a cyclist with a motorized vehicle. The penalties and consequences should be the
same as manslaughter with a gun, knife, or other lethal weapon. Drivers should be held
accountable for their actions when operating their vehicles.
increasing safe bike paths / shoulders should have a positive impact in decreasing injuries and
increasing bike traffic.
Include bike routes / consideration in all new and improvement projects.
Biking safely along interstates
Rio Verde - just pave the shoulder please!
Bee Line Highway - run street sweepers there weekly. It's a landmine of tire treads, which causes
bike flats.
Thanks for resurfacing Pima - so much safer!!
Stop wasting money on political agendas. We're all wise to this now !!!!!
More bike lanes on major roads in the North Valley (Pinnacle Peak, Deer Valley, Beardsley, etc).
Better access to cross I-17 (i.e. Deer Valley Road is great, but Pinnacle Peak Road is terrible).
To decrease injuries to bicyclists, roundabouts need special attention. In Ahwatukee the City of
Phoenix put in a roundabout that does not work well for bicyclists. It is on Equestrian Trail just
west of the Elliot Warner Loop. The City of Phoenix has opened themselves to injury related
lawsuits. They appeared to not think as bicyclists, but only as car drivers, there is a school nearby
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
and they did not provide a very safe pedestrian way for the children. A future problem for injuries.
Do decrease the number of bicyclist and pedestrian injuries and fatalities there needs to be wider
shoulders and sidewalks. Also education for the automobile drivers.
paved bike lanes.. more more more...
clean highway debris on roads like beeline
Bike lanes on Picture Rocks, Sandario and Gates Pass Road
I would also like to see better care taken of the shoulders on the highway. They are often full of
debris which is dangerous to a cyclist and causes flats, etc. A separate path might also cut down
on debris.
Education on bicycle safety laws (for cyclists and drivers) would be great. Signage to share the
road and about the 3 foot law would help.
double % of trips = 3
Paved shoulders = 2
miles of sidewalks = 4
Injuries = 1
Unable to select on screen.
-raise awareness of safe passing distance drivers should give cyclists; establish some way drivers
can envision what 3-5 feet is--especially since any less than that is really frightening when being
passed by a vehicle 1000s of pounds heavier than a cyclist.
-rather than offering mixed messages by encouraging cyclists to ride on sidewalks, improve
shoulders and driver awareness that that is where cyclists should ride.
Highway 60 from Goldfield Road to Florence Junction in the direction south east has a narrow
Need to remove bikes from being so close to the road; these spandex riders veer into traffic way
too many times.
Do not allow pedestrian or bicyclist on existing roadways without a min. TWO [2] foot shoulder.
These people are creating unGODly safety issues for vehicle traffic which is the most important
traffic we have and will be for the next FIFTY [50] years!!!!!!
Educate and FINE them if they don,t comply. It is for everyone's best interest & SAFETY!
Get the word out to Az residents about the 3 foot rule when passing a bike. and make bike follow
the laws.
Increasing the percentage of trips to work by bike or walking cannot be comes about
by doing the other 3 items/goals.
Safety can be increased by publicizing the fact that bicycles have the same rights and obligations
(obey the same laws) as do motor vehicles.
adding more space will only increase injuries and fatalities. The bigfgest safety aspect is due to
authorities not holding cyclists accountable as by far the majority are not obeying the driving laws.
For one cyclists shold not be allowed to drive on bridges. They must get off and walk as a
pedestrian across as its always a hazard with the narrow lanes when they cycle. Wish I had more
I have never understood why bicyclists can't use sidewalks. The sidewalks are always empty.
Walkers would have the right-of-way but bicyclists are courteous.
Provide wide shoulders by reducing vehicle lane widths - aim for 8 foot wide shoulds on highways
when possible to provide the added distance comfort needed when riding on very high speed
streets. These areas will also double as safe pull-out for police and emergency response vehicles
with ample room. The rumble strips/rough asphalt intended to wake drivers veering off might
remain just outside of the travel lane in a non-used buffer area.
Include bike and pedestrian facilities in road reconstruction projects; add facilities on state routes
where there are no parallel local facilities (i.e., on freeways without alternative routes where it is
legal to ride a bike); ask for donations for bike facilities on the Arizona State Tax returns - much
like other charities.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Ensure that re-paving/re-surfacing completely covers the existing pavement to the edge, to avoid
"layered" edges on the shoulder that effectively eliminate use of the safest portion (the area to the
far side).
Mandatory classes for cyclists. So many don't adhere to the laws and safety of riding on highways
(ie - Ride the line marking boundry of vehicle lane like a course compass)
I live in Bisbee, Arizona. Many bicyclists ride their bikes around the big Lavendar Pit Mine, on
Arizona State Highway 80 everyday. We are in need of a proper biking path for people, not only
for enjoyment, but to alleviate the many injuries and some fatalities that have occurred. Thank you
for your consideration.
Bicyclists are going to use the roads anyway, why not make it safer for all of us? I would (and
DID) when I lived only two miles from work.
We are desperatley in need of area for cyclists to be more safe on the roads. They will always be
there and need to plan for years to come to keep everyone safe!
Get bikes and pedistrians off the road and on their own safe sidewalk to prevent injuries and make
it safer for cars too.
Increasing bike lanes with buffers between cyclist and drivers.
If there are more nike lanes it seems to me there will be fewer accidents esp if it is shared
sidewalk access.
I should be able to select all these things as most important. The best way that ADOT can achieve
these goals is to adopt a "complete streets" policy where high quality sidewalks and bike paths are
never left out of road building plans.
We need more safe bike routes, more roads with bike lanes, and much more driver education on
the rights of bicyclists.
More shared paths (getting bikes off the roadways) will decrease injuries and fatalities. More
roads with wide dedicated bike paths is important to reducing injuries/fatalities also.
Signs that say share the road.
Route 8 From Yuma (Foothills) to Welton needs new bike friendly shoulders
Any additional trails + other measures (even paving wider shoulders) which would make it safer for
everyone to exercise (run, bike, etc.) along our gorgeous Arizona highways would be most
appreciated. THANK YOU.
Why not triple the percentage of trips to work by walking or bicycling within the next 10 years?
In order for funds to be spent on bicycles, I believe the users should pay for some type of
registration as we do for vehicles.
1. Extend existing pathways.
2. Mark bike lanes on roads.
3. Use washes and median strips
4. Enable buses to carry more than 10 bikes instead of 2 (vertical carrying at rear and front)
Connect bike lanes. For example, a bike lane will end on one street and pick up about a mile later
after a turn. Cyclists are in more danger while in areas without bike lanes, but we do not have a
continuous path we can utilize. If given the option, we would take it.
More shoulders like the one on AZ87
ADOT should mark bike lanes with a canter line for cyclists to ride so they are in the center of the
WHENEVER I encounter cyclists in the bike lanes that they ride on the WHITE line separating the
bike lane from the traffic lane. DO THEY HAVE A DEATH WISH OR ARE THEY DARING TO BE
tom mohser 480-335-2213
TOM MOSHER 480-335-2213
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Make harsher penalties for motorists that kill or injure cyclists.
Make wider shoulders and bike lanes to increase cyclist safety.
Enforce the 3 foot law. Ticket motorists who violate the law.
Actively work with and involve local communities and jurisdictions to increase biking/walking travel
ways (roads/paths/rails to trails, etc). Provide incentives to communities to upgrade/construct
biking routes and paths. Create a matching fund program to assist development actions. Create
a state recognition program that communities could strive to achieve, which includes recognition
and a cash reward for achievement.
Not sure whose issue it is, but killing a cyclist is manslaughter, not a "driving in the bike lane" fine
of $400. Let's make riding on roads safer. Cleaner bike will help keep cyclists in the lanes. Often
we have to move to the street because the bike lanes are littered with debris.
Education initiatives
More bike lanes, stricter laws for motorists regarding pedestrian and cyclist safety, stricter
enforcement of existing laws, education/public service campaign to raise awareness of existing
laws and the consequences for breaking those laws.
Please construct pedestrian bridges or tunnels to get across major roadways like Van Buren and
7th St in Down town Phoenix and other major roadways of multiple lanes with fast moving traffic.
Appreciate all you've done and are doing to make the Valley and AZ a safer, more attractive place
for cyclists. Would enjoy having wider and better-marked shoulders for cycling on AZ roads. Also
I think the "share the road" signage helps and makes drivers more aware of that cyclists may be
using the roads they are driving.
Increase numbr of bike paths and seek stiffer penalties for drivers not sharing road with bikers
More bike lanes and no more collector roads and highways without shoulders. Please widen the
shoulder of Lake Pleasant road, heavy bike use but no shoulder. Thank you.
when repaving state highways, always consider increasing the width for the bicycles and
Add sidewalks & bike paths to frontage roads. I live on N 33rd Ave near the 101. If I want to get to
the shopping center at 31st Ave., I have to walk in the gravel and duck under poorly maintained
In town roads and hiways have a designated bike lane.
When motels and restaurants share a highway intersection sidewalks between them should be
All highways that are built or reconditioned should have a three foot shoulder for foot or bicycle
Make the rumble strips narrow (4") with breaks in them every 10 feet. Place them close to the
white line so they don't obstruct the shoulder.
Stop planning start doing.
In Northern Arizona for instance, develop safe ingress/egress routes to the NAU Flagstaff campus.
Although no fatalities have occured, it is only a matter of time before a pedestrian or bicyclist gets
killed. The number of people traveling via foot and/or bicycle from OFF campus, i.e. other places
within the city/county/state, to campus on an hourly basis is unbelievable.
I choose "Most Important" on all the above, but the dots won't fill in the circles......?
The frontage road between New River and Anthem needs enlargement badly and also WB New
River Rd between I-17 and 74, very unsafe for bicyclists. Both probably need a center lane all the
way to keep cars from crossing the median lane.
Add more bike lanes to major streets. Add bike friendly community signs to streets with and
without bike lanes.
By increasing shoulder size of all roads, adding raised bike lanes to roads, adding side walks and
multi use paths and also creating public service announcements of bicycle and pedestrian
laws/rights to make drivers will help to reduce the number of bicycle/pedestrian injury and
fatalities. The safer roads and side walks, on its own, will encourage more people to ride or walk to
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Put in more bicycle lanes. More signage to promote bicycle safety on the roads. Ensure to
manage traffic controls at intersections to promote safety for bicyclists.
Much better education for all (drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians).
Increasing the number of miles with clean, paved shoulders of 4 feet or greater will result in a
decrease in bicycle injuries and fatalities. Too many roads provide no safety for the bicyclist and
motorists, in general, do a bad job of "sharing the road"
Better Education for bicyclist & motorist of the responsibility when we interact on roadways.
Complete more paved pathways along the canal and recreational areas to make it easier to get
from Phoenix to Scottsdale to Tempe. I would be willing to pay a reasonable tax as a bicyclist to
help support the costs of these types of improvements.
Make the penalties higher for motorists that hit cyclists and injure or kill them. City organized bike
event like Tour de Cure to help fund the projects
when repaving existing roads repave the shoulder and put in the narrow bumps strip next to the
road. That would give us an additional 18" to ride on.
Everywhere that bike/pedestrian paths have been constructed/dedicated in the West Valley has
seen a remarkable increase in their use. Build them, and they will come.
There should be NO shared areas of bikes and people; people don't stand a chance. And
absolutely NONE of either on highways. That's just accidents waiting to happen. Make separate
lanes and way off to the side of highways, separated by a barrier strong enough to keep
cars/trucks/buses from hitting them.
As a road bicyclist, I really appreciate how many bike routes and roads with wide, clearly marked
bike lanes already exist. And it seems that, as roads are built or improved, bike lanes are usually
added - please keep this up!
More above grade pedestrian/bike crossings in major populated areas for safer crossing of large
freeways. The underpasses in the 202 in Tempe are great, except at Rural Road, where at grade
crossing adjacent to freeway entry/exits makes traffic dangerous. Crossing needed over I-10 to
South Mountain Park connecting canal paths.
Redevelopment goals should be geared to walkable/bikeable communities.
Separate bicycle paths by median or fence whenever possible. Force bicyclists to stay off the
Have police agencies enforce the laws. I see many motorists not know how to react around
cyclists and pedestrians. I see many cyclist riding against traffic, on sidewalks, without proper
lighting during hours of darkness. Enforce or make stronger laws against unsafe behaviors of both
drivers and cyclists.
People will not ride bikes on roads unless they feel safe. Thus adding infrastructure like bike lanes
and paved shoulders is the highest priority. Replacing signalized intersections with roundabouts
and lowering speed limits also improves safety for cyclists. Although it is not ADOT's job, enforcing
traffic laws, like the 3 feet law when passing a cyclist, is greatly needed in Az.
As important as safe bike/walk paths are. I believe that ADOT constructing bike paths should be
left up to the cities and towns. If we start building bike paths, next they'll want parks, recreation
centers, pools etc. Stick to what we know. The best roads in the country!!
maximize waterway usage and train easements. Indentify areas where the throughfare is already
established that can be utilized....overpasses and underpasses would already be addressed.
Consistent bike paths-- a lot of areas have bike lanes and paths that "disappear" for a couple of
blocks and force cyclists in to the road briefly. Make sure to accommodate bike paths and make
biking spaces available during road work. Increase funding for mass transit and have 3 or more
bike racks available on buses, and bike racks at bus stops with adequate lighting.
Increase the bicycle lane for safety and the fines for drivers that injure bicyclists. Make education
for both driver and bicyclist mandatory.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Build it and they will come.
Nothing attracts a crowd of bicyclists or pedestrians like a crowd of bicyclists or pedestrians.
Keep the bicycles OFF THE HIGHWAYS! Make them use bicycle path(s). Bicycles on highway
paved shoulders are a complete hazard to motorized vehicles trying to avoid them. REQUIRE
orange shirts, flashing lights on all bicycle riders using the highway system until adequate bicycle
paths are constructed. Non compliance by bicycles should result in heavy fines. Bicyclist all seem
to have a highway death wish associated with their riding habits.
Consider points of interest first rather than city to city. Create fun refreshment centers (maybe
start by susidizing roach coaches on weekends).
Create a series of maybe 5-10 mile rides from ADOT parking lots to points of interest.Emphasize
access to trails along waterways like maybe along the Salt, Verde, San Pedro, Colorado Rivers.
Increased recreation use of bicycles might increase daily use.
Have the police actually enforce the 3 foot rule rather than break it.
Drivers and cyclists alike need to be educated on fithe rights and responsibilities of sharing the
road. Find out what Holland is doing and copy them. ;-)
Wide enough shoulders on roads will help with three out of the four goals.
Bicycle & pedestrian "paths" must be separated from state highways. Until this happens, injuries
& fatalities stand little chance of decreasing.
Paint and/or repaint bike lanes. Add signage more often identifying bike lanes and law to give
bikers 3 feet. Keep bike lanes clear of debris. Fix wholes/cracks in bike lanes. Ticket drivers for
driving too fast around bike lanes.
More paved bike lanes that are free of gravel. Education of motorist what the laws for bicycle
safety are.
Pave the shoulders.
Laws must be written and implemented making driving and texting/phone calls as bad or worse
and drinking and driving. I saw on the news that a women recently hit 3 men on bikes becuase
she lost satellite coverage for her GPS. How about a new organization called Bikers Against
Gadgets (BAG)
Other states have rails to trails pathways, why not Arizona
4 foot safely paved and groomed shoulders to ride on are important. Educating Drivers and cyclist
to proper sharing of the roads is also very important. Too many people are getting hit these days
Increase funding to cities/counties for bicycle infrastructure such as multi-use trails, separated bike
lanes, bicycle awareness (signs, ad campaign).
Implement the reccommendations for pedestrian and bicycle safety as dictated in FHWA
guidelines and Washinton State plan for Ped and Bike safety
Widen/pave shoulder on known cycling routes (example: McDowell road in east Mesa, between
Ellsworth and Power Roads).
Education programs will be key. ADOT must take the lead in public outreach programs to inform
travelers about driving etiquette, pedestrian/bicyclist rights, etc.
Please be sure to install rumble strips as this is a great preventative of trucks/autos veering into
More bike lanes, wider bike lanes. Talk with the cycling community to determine the most
travelled routes to ensure these routes are complete with bike lanes. Post signs on all roads to
watch for and respect cyclists.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
Example: Bridge over I-17 near Flagstaff Airport and 89A is inbetween a large County Park, and
the Flagstaff Urban Trail System (trail system continues in park as well). ADOT recently updated
the bridge, and still failed to provide a bicycle/walking path. Pedestrians have to endure greater
risk because of the gap the bridge makes inbetween two sides of the very popular, citywide
Flagstaff urban trail.
I think if you increase the number of sidewalks and shared-use paths, the number of fatalities will
decrease. The more we can keep pedestrians and cyclists of the roads (even off the shoulders)
the better. Funding is always an issue, but selecting some key east-west and north-south
corridors to key employment centers and the university to place the shared use paths will help.
Create or enforce laws that make it a crimal act to kill a cyclist while operating a motor vehicle
unsafely or illegally.
When a motorist kills a cyclist who is operating within the laws, the driver whould be arrested and
charged with manslaughter.
Quit telling cyclists in this state that you care when the drivers who kill us are still driving and only
paying small fines for lane violations.
Make it more difficult to get a driver's license. A majority of people in this state do not follow
simple rules like not crossing a double yellow line. It's evident that they view a driver's license as
a right not a priviledge. People consistently carry dogs on their laps, talk or text on cellular phones
and perform other activities which distract them from driving and make the roads unsafe.
raised semi-circluar bumps approx 5" diam to alert vehicle drifting into bike lane but allows bike to
avoid when moving in and out of bike lane.
to improve use of the bike/pedestrian paths, a frequently-updated pedestrian/shared use path
map, preferably in an interface such as Google Maps so it can be used to plot commuting and
recreational routes.
increased bike lanes will add to the awareness of passsenger vehicles. separate bike paths in high
density areas.
create more facilities for people who want to bicycle but are scared to do so -- i.e. facilities that
keep bicyclists away from fast traffic. Create safer crossings for those and walkers bicyclists
passing across state facilities.
Spend less money on highways, and more on surface street projects that improve bicycle,
pedestrian, and transit accessibility.
Work with State Land and other State and Federal agencies to make it not only easier, but more
appealing to accommodate paths next to State Highways. This is a problem in several cities
around the State. Spend State funds that were approved by voters specifically for trails, ON
TRAILS, not on anything else. That way voters are more likely to approve such kind of funds in the
future, knowing they are putting their money where they want it.
this is a test by Brent Crowther. Do not include in survey responses.
By improving the infrastructure on state highways AZ will decrease the number of bicyclist and
pedestrian deaths, increase the number of cycling commuters, and increase the number of people
willing to use bicycles for transportation and fitness.
Tax Cred.ts for alternative transportation users
Who pays for all of this? Right now, it's the registered auto and motorcycle owners. When are
bicycles going to be registered and help bear the associated costs of the above??
Complete the South bound Highway 87 shoulder from Payson providing a long and scenic route
along 87 from Phoenix to Payson and back.
Ideally, having appropriate bike lanes will provide a safer environment for cyclists and in turn
decrease fatalities and encourage commuting.
Make them follow the laws of being on the road.....
Work more closely with law enforcement to increase driver awareness and enforcement of laws.
E.g. ask that they put bicycle police on the road with cyclist during key hours.
Large and frequent signage with flashing lights, broader shoulders for longer lengths, clean debris
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
from shoulders frequently
By increasing the number of sidewalks, paved shoulders etc., bicyclists & pedestrians will be
The greatest change that needs to be made are the laws to protect bicyclists and pedestrians. The
penalties for drivers are fines ranging from $100-$400 for injuring or killing a cyclist. In most cases,
like my own accident, the drivers are never cited with a ticket and that leaves the injured to pay for
their own medical bills. Please help us change the laws to save lives.
Educate bicylist on how to drive on a round-about. Most do not use the curbless sidewalk, they
stay in the round-about, even tho no sign of bike lane.
more miles of bike lanes, driver and bike education, stricter enforcement of laws, laws in favor of
cyclist (rolling stops, harsher penalties for hitting cyclists, etc)
Put as much care into building and maintaining shoulders as is put into roads. Many state
highways already have very wide shoulders suitable (in width) for bicycle traffic; however, many of
those shoulders are covered in wheel-bending cracks and/or large amounts of debris/gravel that
easily punctures tires.
Launch an educational campaign that teaches bicycling laws and sharing the road. This needs to
be addressed to the general public, in drivers ed classes, on TV, Radio, print media, billboards,
etc. Both cyclists need to follow the laws AND motor vehicle drivers need to grow tolerance of
Paved shoulders are great but keeping the the pavement in good shape is also a priority. Chipsealing is just as horrible as expansion cracks in the shoulder pavement
No bicycles should ever share the road with cars. If there is no bicycle lane, then they belong on
the sidewalk. While driving my 18 wheeler, I passed a bicycle that was in the center of the bicycle
lane on Warner east of the 101. The air turbulance from my rig knocked him over when I was
about 100 feet past him. Luckily he fell towards the sidewalk and not the street. As it was rush
hour, he would have certainly been put into the ambulance with a shovel.
add walking/bicycling bridges across the I-17 at Pinnacle Peak and at Happy Valley Rd. There is
a heavy residential area on the West side and businesses and shopping on the East - only
accessible by car.
Focus on continued maintenance of bicycle lanes and pedestrian paths so that they remain useful
and safe.
This site will not let me mark any responses.
I think All issues brought up in this survey are all important so it is hard to just chose one.
Construct barriers to separate car & truck vehicles from leg powered transportation. Perhaps more
lighting. I've almost struck an oncoming bike when a rider was using a camping headlamp only for
illumination. Pass a law to makes all future bikes sold be reflective both in front and rear and not
just lights but the painted frame, wheels, etc.
It would be great if the bike/pedestrian path could be incorporated into the landscaped area off the
highway instead of being right next to the traffic. It wouldn't even have to be paved. Crushed
gravel would work just fine for most people. You could use the money saved by not paving the
bike path to add even more paths and trails.
Mixing slow, physically vulnerable bikers/pedestrians with high speed, heavy steel encased
vehicles is just a horrible idea from the start. Bike lanes and pedestrian paths along our roadways
should be separated from high speed surfaces. All current bike / walking paths/lanes need to be
separated from high speed roads and highways. Segregate slow traffic from high speed traffic and
the injuries and fatalities go away.
Have tunnels and tella porting systems to help people beam to other area with a push of a button.
By increasing the number of miles with paved shoulders of 4 feet or greater, you will decrease the
number of injuries and fatalitites.
keeping brush growth off shoulders, wider shoulders
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
When I try to mark the survey nothing happens--however, I would rate all 4 "most important"
how about paving the shoulders of i-17 so it can be ridden by cyclist, and run a sweeper over it
once in a while. more shoulders and wider shoulders would be a nice addition to all state
Part of a good walking/biking plan is also a good public transportation plan. Without an integrated
plan, people will be less likely to bike/walk because a backup option for transportation will not be
readily available. Even with proper planning, one could venture out and have an injury, have
inclement weather descend, or have equipment fail and thus not have an accessible way to reach
safety. Public transportation overcomes this hindrance to people interested in alternate travel
Design bicycle and pedestrian friendly pathways in the landscaping area of freeways, freeway
approaches and along over and underpasses..
A very large percentage of bike-ped injuries and fatalities occur on locally owned roads in urban
areas. How can the proposed goals for largely rural roads owned by ADOT be expected to have
any significant impact on statewide bike-ped facilities or related safety?
Increased public education regarding bicycle and pedestrian safety especially with the motoring
public. Let's move cyclists and pedestrians off the endangered species list and make them a
known viable option welcomed by everyone.
Require that for every mile of new highway there be a mile constructed of sidewalk or shared use
path. Consider feasiblity of utilizing existing utililty R/W (canals, electrical transmission corridors)
as bike-ped ways that have a real destination. Obtain easements on properties along state
highways for provision of bike-ped paths.
Bigger bike lanes and more public awareness for bike laws to prevent accidents. I have a few
friends that have been hit by vehicles while riding bikes so this is important. The bike lanes need
to be safer and the public needs to become more aware of bikers.
ADOT should work with commercial businesses along state highways to provide more secure bike
racks and associated bike-friendly facilities. Portland Oregon has implemented many innovative
bike-friendly measures that have increased ridership.
by increase the number of miles of shared used paths and paved shoulders of 4ft or greater would
help in reducing injuries and fatalities to bicyclists and pedestrians and ultimately increase the
number of people who may choose to ride or walk to work thus helping the environment
Signs to warn bicyclists to stay in their lane and warn motorists there is a bicycle/pedestrian lane.
Not enough people walk or ride bikes! It is a waste of taxpayer dollars to accommidate these few
awareness campaigns
Enforce laws that penalize bicyclists for not obeying traffic laws. We as drivers want to keep the
bikers safe, but when they cut an auto driver off and run red lights, they put themselves in
Get bicyclists and pedestrians off main roads and highways, especially during rush hour, but
preferably at all times.
Public awareness campaign to promote bicycle safety. Get rid of "3-foot safety zone" concept and
instead promote "reasonable zone of safety." It doesn't make sense for someone driving a 6000 lb
SUV to be wondering whether they have 3 feet or merely 2.5 feet.
Increased signage on the roadways advising of shared roads and laws that both govern motorists
and peds/bicycles. Also, increase policing of cyclists and motorists in violation. Educate police on
laws for when accidents do occur.
Public Relations campaign to increase awareness of laws relate to the 3 foot rule. Include
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
awareness of potential criminal charges related to violation.
Change Stop signs to ‘yield’ for bicycles
Improve bikeways along canals and include under and overpass for major surface streets
Pathways away from street/highway traffic are best option. Bike/walk to work during AZ summer
is not realistic, but local pathways enable short trips for errands all year round. During notsummer, those same pathways would enable bike/walk to work, should the distances not be
excessive. If the thinking is increased miles will result in people riding bicycles for long distances
along state highways, strongly consider cost vs benefit and add some common sense to the
equation, too.
Continue educating both drivers and bicyclist on how to share the road. Being both I know how it
can bee irritating when bicyclist take up an entire lane when there is a shoulder for them to ride,
but I know how terrifying it can be when drivers do not move over when passing or try to pass very
close when there is more than enough room for them to swing out.
First, I see the goals of fatality reduction and increasing the % of trips improving as a direct result
of the other two stated goals. If cycling/pedestrain facilities are improved more people will choose
that alternative and it will be safer.
Secondly, there are no measureable results for 3 stated goals. As written the second goal could
be achieved with only a one mile addition of 4'shoulder. ADOT should identify appropriate
benchmarks and targets for these stated goals.
Change rumble strip, more bike friendly. Consider bike and pedestrian needs as a part of all
Include with all new construction
Have to make sure the roads are safe for both bicyclists and pedestrians. Make drivers, bicyclists,
pedestrians aware of road safety and sharing of the road among all three. That is the main
goal/concern to educate everyone.
Create a Bicycle nominal fee sticker that would be displayed on the bicycle in a conspicuous
Issue citations to cyclists that are not in compliance to road rules: proceeds will offset the monies
required to build new sidewalks, bike paths on and off state highways. This sticker would be
issued and pertain to qualified bicycles that are not considered 'Toys' per Arizona statute.
Until you put back speed camera's to slow down traffic and take cell phone & texing out of the
hands of drivers, our highways will never be safe for bike and walking traffic.
There is currently no good way to bike out of San Tan Valley safely. Ironwood has no shoulder,
and there isn't many shoulders to get you to Ellsworth safely.
Driver's training should enclude more information on bicycling. I've had people stop me to let me
know I should not be on the road. Also, more signage is needed so drivers become aware of
Work with the state legislature to have strict penalties for those caught endangering cyclists and
pedestrians. Unsafe cyclists should NOT be exempt from these strict penalities as they are just as
much danger to everybody.
Survey isn't working
1) Sidewalks on more overpasses. For instance, if we could build a sidewalk on Happy Valley and
Pinnacle Peak I17 overpasses, that would allow more people to bike to Deer Valley where the
offices are.
2) Trim branches that protrude into the sidewalk since they literally scratch the face and arms of
3) Add sidewalks so that bikers can stay on a single stretch without having to switch sides of the
Engineer new ADOT highways and roadways to incorporate suitable bike and/or pedestrian ways.
When existing roads and highways are rehabilitated or widened, encorporate the above features.
Providing designated traveling lanes seems very important to me. This places the biker in a safe
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
area and enables automobiles and/or pedestrians fluid movement, uninterrupted, on their way.
Thus everyone is safe.
more road signs educating drivers that cyclist are on roads and need to share. Stricter penalties
for drivers that kill cyclist.
US Highway 60, between Superior & Globe, should be closed to bicycles, until these
improvements can be made. This is a VERY dangerous situation. No shoulder, most is a passing
lane with a wide gap in vehicle speeds, very blind curves for vehicle traffic to see and then avoid
Pedestrians running back and forth across the highway, to see and/or climb, especially in the area
of the waterfall just above the tunnel.
on highway 87 north of Payson all the way to Strawberry the road is very Dangers for cars and
trucks and no room for anyone to pull over now ever summer I see about 30 times Bicycle running
up and down that segment of 87 this need to be address ASAP there is no room for this kind of
actively its slow traffic down and some one is going to get hurt
increase the safety for bicyclist and pedestrians crossing intersections by adding a signal when
ever a bicyclist or pedestrian is utilizing the crosswalk. Such a signal can be activiated by pushing
the cross walk button and the red light can indicate someone is utilizing the crosswalk. The red
light signal can be a flashing red light instead of a steady red light.
walkways (for instance in Sedona) that are on busy highways (i.e. 89a..bicycles should share the
sidewalk (which is not used that much)..Much safer for bicycleists and not a threat to pedestrians
Keep up the work for bicycles and pesestrians!
Include a paved shoulder in any road maintenance or improvement project.
Increase the bike specific paths, and provide overpass or underpass on busy roads.
Work with local governments to provide funding and resources required to establish a safe bike
path along county & city roads between the town of Florence, Coolidge and Casa Grande, Az.
In rural counties such as Payson, AZ not enough bike trails and sidewalks to ride on.
More shade!
Please put the bicyle lanes on the outside of the guard rail. This will make it much safer to ride.
Lost a great opportunity to do so on HWY 179 here in Sedona. There is a painted line that is
supposed to protect a rider???Really. No way will I ride or let my kids ride that road!
The more safe bike path the less use of gasoline and cleaner air and healther people.
If we could have more SAFE walking and riding paths, we could actually use these to get to work
and leave our vehicles at home! I already walk to work but find myself dodging traffic.
increase the width of the bike lanes so that there is more room between cars and bikes. Some
major streets, they are too close and traffic moves to fast for safe sharing (example is Ray Rd and
Chandler Blvd in Ahwatukee Foothills
I would like to see a bike path from the City of Sierr Vista to San Pedro and on to Bisbee.
Encourage bicycling to work.
Identify gaps in existing bicycle routes and close those gaps with bicycle/pedestrian facilities.
Provide multi-use paths along all urban freeways. This simple step would provide a lot of
connectivity in the bike/ped network. SR 51 has a great multi-use path adjacent to it from SR 101
to Northern that should be the envy of every freeway in the Valley.
It is not safe to have bicyclists riding on roads that are not only narrow but are at almost highway
speeds. Many groups ride unsafely riding several across so they can talk etc. Many will not use
the bike paths that are being provided in order to make travel more safe for not only them, but the
pedestrians and tha cars alike.
Most important is to be sure there are sidewalks along all roads. Even with a bicycle lane, we
often see cars driving over the lines. It is too dangerous to be on the road if there is no other
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 1: Please identify any activities that can be completed by ADOT to achieve these
goals (500 characters max).
As some highways (i.e. countrywide) are off-limits to bicyclists and pedestrians, clearly sign areas
that are designated shared-use.
License bikes & put bells on bikes
Not a cyclist because it terrifies me, but if I thought it were safer, maybe I'd try. I think if people felt
safer, that would help increase the percentage of users. People also need to be be made aware
that it is, in fact, legal to cycle on state highways.
Bicyclist don't stay in bike lanes - there needs to be dividers to keep them out of traffic - especially
on roads like Pecos where cars travel at 50+ mph
There are many wide roads and surface streets that can easily have a bicycle lane striped-in at a
very cost-effectively that can lead to main paths. Using minimal signing to identify paths that lead
into major bike paths for longer distances can assist in reaching the desired outcome.
No additional.
Bicycle lanes are dangerous, especially at intersections. They can be blocked by emergency
vehicles, obstructed by opening car doors, littered with sharp objects, and so on. Usable
berms/shoulders are much better - bicycles can get out of the way of faster traffic when
appropriate and merge with traffic for intersections.
Better maintenance of the bike lane “shoulder.” If the “debris” like rocks, glass, gravel, etc. is
cleared off the bike lane, then riders will stay left of the white line, if the pavement is in good
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2
Please rank the following PEDESTRIAN considerations in order of importance to you. (1 = most
important, 5 = least important)
Provide adequate crossings on state highways
Install sidewalks or shared use paths on state highways
Improve maintenance of existing sidewalks and paths
Provide lighting of sidewalks and shared use paths
Improve education and awareness of all roadway users (motorists and pedestrians) on
pedestrian and motorist laws
Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highway (500 characters max)
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
Put higher fines into place for drivers that do not allow pedestrians the right of way. You have
residents that use their cars as a weapon to make pedestrians run across streets. The same
would be for pedestrians that just walk anywhere and expect the right of way.
The education aspect is not that helpful because there is not mandatory driver's ed here. So,
without that, how is ADOT going to improve education -- it is haphazard. Signs are more
Separate systems for pedestrians and vehicles, when possible should be encouraged, like foot
bridges and vehicle bridges. When not possible, roundabouts are very good for slowing and
separating traffic.The dark sky element should be considered with lighting. We can have safety
and dark sky at the same time. Also, solar should be used when possible.
Enforce stop on red before right turn.
why do people run on the road and stay off the sidewalk a lack of education or concern for well
bike and petestrian paths are lacking and greatly need for safety along Bell Road from 101 to
Grand and beyond. Many sidewalks are to narrow, is My guess is that the rules need up dating.
reduce pedestrian/vehicle conflict
Once again no dots, I am primarily a bike rider ,but feel also the need to facilitate the same safety
concers available to pedestrians.
Teach people who ride bikes to OBEY THE TRAFFIC LAWS.
maybe more bike signs....even signs for peds and bikes that share paths....alot of pedestrians
hog the whole path/sidewalk and are unaware of the keep to the right rule....maybe post arrows
of direction of traffic on shared paths.
Creating more shading for pedestrian pathways should be a priority. This can be done with not
only trees, but with permanent or semi-permanent cloth shades or building overhangs.
SHADE helps!
Distracted drivers - if drivers cannot be educated & existing laws enforced, then pedestrians &
cyclists should be separated from the roadway.
I think most pedestrians like taking back roads and only need to cross over highways. On other
roads I would want drivers to not pull up to red lights rolling through the crosswalk before coming
to a stop (I see this happen about 70-ish% of the time). I'd suggest rigid enforcement of the law in
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
this matter to protect pedestrians.
more bike lanes
In urban areas, ADOT needs to take responsibility for accommodating all "traffic" - ARS 28-601:
"pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles and other conveyances either singly or together
while using a highway for purposes of travel."
most motorist think of bicycles as a bother as opposed to people who are helping them drive
more by reducing the smog emissions so they can continue to polute.
Most other countries already rely on this as well as other modes of public transportation. WIth the
wealthy tycoons continually increasing gas prices, bicycles should definitely be put on the
drawing board and wait no longer to construct what we can.
Add bike lanes to the West Frontage Road of I-19 where missing from Continental road in Green
Valley to Rio Rico
Public meetings in Communities.
Mailings to community residents.
I think the idea of "shared use" is faulty. Bikes, pedestrians and cars don't mix. They should
each have a designated area. BTW, you survey won't let me click more than two buttons above.
When I click more, it erases the button I clicked previously.
Lighting is always important, especially to pedestrians at night traveling alongside auto traffic.
Anything to light up these areas will help everyone to see what is around them as they travel by.
It is not unusual to see 1-30 riders going north out of Payson headed for Strawberry or further the Rim. The reality is they believe they can ride on the main highway (yes, I know it's legal and
the law) and they do. This roads is not wide enough for them plus vehicles traveling
north/south....They are a huge hazard and they just don't give a fat rats ass....I'm sick of them!!! I
find in incongruous that you NEVER EVER see a sign to tell riders to stay on the shoulder ONLY!
Hard to rank these since all should be highest priority.
pedestrian pathways should be separated by a built-up median if it follows alongside a state
highway. and should be labeled for biking/walking. debris often flies up from fast moving trucks
and is a potential hazzard
in europe sidewalks are two collored to distinguish between pedestrian , and bicycle users to
greatly dimish the shaired pathway accidents.
Education and awareness are very important and will help make it safer for everyone! Routes
directly adjacent to highways are probably easiest, but sometimes aren't the best choice if people
don't feel safe using them (high speed limit adjacent, don't connect to other viable routes)
Keep all of the rest stops open this year and keep them cleaned on a regular basis.
Better education and more accountability for distracted driving.
Most of these issues/problems are associated with urban areas. The state needs a coordination
leader to work with municipalities to ensure the best use of tax dollars on any of the BikePed
related projects. Improving education is always a very nebulous goal and sometimes a nefarious
way to siphon money into graft & corruption. Oversight on spending is the most important thing
to me.
Sidewalks in the city are generally good, but because the bike lines seem like such a risk, cyclists
have to use them - which then cars are not expecting the cross-sidewalk traffic when pulling out
(and not stopping or looking both directions).
my ranking
pedestrian activated crossings on SR 89A in Sedona would be best solution
Motorist education-they dont OWN the roads
The hardest thing about foot travel is crossing highways and train tracks. I usually try to
aproximate walking "as the crow flys", and the highway rarely takes that route. It does, however,
intersect. So, more frequent crossing opportunities should be prioritized.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
Having cyclists and peds on state highways will require clearly identified facilities (signs, lane
markers, separation of facilities, lighting at conflict points, etc.) and serious education on the use
of the facilities.
IF you already have a small shoulder and then you put a rumble strip on it, this can force cyclist
to ride in the lane. This is happening on hwy 180 north of Flagstaff.
If you have a small paved shoulder, and put a rumble strip on it, this can force cyclist to ride on
the edge of the lane instead of on the shoulder itself. There is a spot on Hwy 180 north of
Flagstaff where this is true.
Install new and maintain existing are almost equal. It doesn't do any good to install new if they
are not going to be maintained and fall apart in a few years.
maintenance is very important. The paths along the entire length of Cave Creek Road are so
dirty and filled with debris that it is nearly impossible to ride without getting a flat or damaging
your wheels.
All intersections with sidewalks have implied crosswalks, where pedestrians have the right of
way. But how out of place and hated one feels when one tries to cross a major road (say, Milton
at Phoenix). I can say, from personal experience, that "even" the police do not respect this.
All are important.
Actively prosecute distracted distracted/impaired/intoxicated/encumbered moterists who run over
and kill cyclists.
Give pedestrians a lane to wqlk with a safety line.
The use of Highways is confusing. . . do you mean Highways as in I -10, I -17, 202, 101, etc or
by highways do you mean the average roadway.
Only a fool would venture by cycle or foot on a afore mentined Highway, where the later road
ways could be safer for mixed use by all.
Walk against the traffic.
Consistency of signage and visual cues for drivers about existence of pedestrian paths and
crossings...too many places in the state where drivers have zero expectation of encountering
you can educate until the cows come home...who ,but the walker/driver can take responsibility for
their and good sidewalks would help.
Including more information regarding pedestrian and bicycle traffic with vehicle license
requirements or testing/training programs would be good. Getting more youth involved through in
school biking programs would also be a great way to bring this knowledge to common
Please see my previous comments.
Put occasional educational articles in newspapers to describe the rights and responsibilities of
both pedestrains and motorists.
Milton is full of places where people are (hotels) and where people want to go (restaurants) and
not many crosswalks AND full of cars zooming from light to light, not pedestrian friendly, Fort
Valley is like a fast river dividing neighborhoods- not easy for kids to visit friends on the other side
I have been places in Europe where bike paths or hiking trails paralleled autobahns, and this
seems to work well in Europe---where towns and villages are in fact closer to each other than
most of the towns in Arizona. But where feasible, it would be great to have hiking trails near
highways, as seems to work pretty well in Flagstaff....
These are all equally important.
All of these are important. I get the uncomfortable feeling that these ped/cyclist needs are
considered ancillary to the ultimate trumping of all needs to the holy automobile. If bike/ped
needs are considered ancillary, they will always lag as options.
Pedestrians should not be walking on or near state highways.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
bike paths and walkways are not properly maintained in Gila county
Especially along connectors to complete a logical path or where the state highway is only
corridor available.
We need to change the way people think about alternative ways to get around. I cycle
everywhere and love it, but most people don't get to enjoy this because they never try it. Let's
work to make it easier to see the alternative as "better".
I marked education highest, because almost daily I encounter other cyclists riding toward me
against traffic in a bike lane. Firstly, they encounter law abiding riders coming head-on, the most
dangerous aspect of this illegal practice. Secondly, they increase their risk of being hit by
vehicles entering the road from side streets and driveways, since drivers are not in the habit of
encountering fast-moving traffic from the right in these situations and often only look left if turning
If I'm a cyclist I'm riding with traffic, if I'm a pedestrian I'm walking or running against traffic. Do
you see the problem here? In order to pass easch other someone has to put themselves in
harms way.
don't walk much on highways. however, debris always an issue~ on foot or wheels. maintenance
not done presents risks as well
mid street crossings are useful.
Lighting has minimal benefit for pedestrians and bicyclists. We need safer roads and frequent
safe crossing zones for pedestrians.
Maintenance is pretty good on the sidewalks I use. But there are many places that do not have
sidewalks and many sidewalks with inadequate lighting. I am training for an endurance walk and
I get out there before sunrise to walk when it's coolest.
Include bike lanes on all state highways.
a bike path or multiple bridges that follow the freeway or allow you to cross over into the
neighborhoods. more bike paths in general!!!!
All sidewalks and shared use paths need to be at least 16 feet from the highways. Perhaps more
pedestrian and bicycle bridges need to be built. Although educating the public is important, too
many drivers are more concerned about being first, and too angry to notice conditions around
them. These behaviors are obvious and they are steadily getting worse.
Many places in Arizona do not have even sidewalks, and so just including sidewalks is a big step
to improving pedestrian access and safety. Stepping up enforcement of pedestrian violations
(jaywalking) will also help.
don't believe pedestrains should be on HWYS
I am unable to click on my choices in this survey
Conduct public surveys and hearings
I occasionally but suddenly 'meet' joggers or bikers without lights going the wrong way in the
bicycle lane when it is completely dark and I am in right lane. Although enforcement or education
may not reach those who refuse to realize how dangerous this is, I think it is a problem. Why
would either a jogger or biker not use the sidewalk at 4 am?
It would be helpful to have places with shade, and maybe water, along highways -- especially in
the hotter parts of Arizona. The shade, at least, could be fairly inexpensive to provide. A place to
sit down in the shade would help a lot, too. Again, the seats don't need to be expensive.
More pedestrian/bicycle bridges across roadways.
More pedestrian-friendly intersections. Signage and flashing lights at ped crossings in busy
Cyclists & pedestrians should not have to share state highways with typically ignorant & arrogant
Arizona motorists!
On driver tests, always include one question about bicycle/traffic useage.
Lighting increases usage after dark, important in both the winter, when it gets dark early, and in
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
the summer, when it cools down enough after dark to get outside.
Using old tire paving instead of concrete will provide healthier walking surfaces, pehaps
encouraging more usage of paths.
Ground level lighting rather than overhead may improve footing and help prevent falls
Educating motorists, bicycle owners, and law enforcement officers needs to be a priority. Many
police officers do not know that cyclists are motorists and not pedestrians. Also, bike lanes or
shoulders in many places are non-existent or poorly maintained. Carefree Highway, for example,
is the only route between several prime cycling spots, but it has no bike lanes or shoulders in
many places.
Please prioritize safety when planning this, as a few bad incidents can deter many from utilizing
these projects that ADOT invests into.
Shared use paths on state highways are very important. I rated the "sidewalks" low because I
am afraid that you meant concrete sidewalks. We need less concrete (heat retainers) and more
environmentally friendly surfaces.
Pedestrian accommodations need to be kept realistic in distances in which pedestrians would
walk between point A and point B. A 1 or 5 mile sidewalk to nowhere would be useless. But a 1
or 5-10 mile shared pathway between points A and B would be useful. I always wonder how
important is education; would an education program have done much to decrease peds and bike
related motor vehicle injuries and deaths?
There are uneven sections of sidewalks throughout Tucson. For instance, there will be a good
couple blocks without one and then a small patch of a sidewalk available.
Safe crossing points should be available often enough that people will use them.
Hitting a bicyclist with a car should be a severe crime. I have heard people say that they will run
over bikes if they get in their way! :(
Drivers ed should make it very clear to move a vehicle over a safe distance or do not pass! Some
just plow ahead thinking they have right of way.
When building or resurfacing a road, accommodate the needs of the bike and pedestrian paths
instead of doing them after the other work is completed. Digging up and reconstruction of newly
finished surfaces seems unnecessary.
same concerns as cyclists
Aside: the fact that your web developer limited this text field to 500 chars, but does not give any
feedback on how many chars you are typing is ridiculous. Im wasting time cut/copy/pasting text
in/out of word to get the count.
keep bicycles off the highway system
People should already know they need to slow down in pedestrian zones and stop when
pedestrians are in a crosswalk. Enforcement needs to be much more aggressive, with much
greater consequences for violating these laws.
Maintenance must be improved.
Bicycles and pedestrians need separate pathways.
The two modes are not safely compatible.
how about some sort of bike paths along highway 66, andy devine and bealle st in Kingman
In Germany relatively few people are hit while on their bicycles. They do not have lights on the
street but they do have them on their bicycles. Their driving licences are more difficult to acquire
and they mandate a certain level of tread on cars to maintain good road traction There is also a
sense of personal responsibility there that we do not have here. Look to their road / bicycle plans
and see what I mean.
I think it's safer to walk against traffic. A vehicle (motorized or not) can't sneak up behind you and
there's time to get over a little if needed. Bicycles shouldn't be on sidewalks, but they are
because people don't feel safe on the road or they just don't know any better. Bike riders on
sidewalks need to know the pedestrian has the right of way. Many just don't know the rules.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
Just how is an elderly person going to WALK or BIKE 30 miles or more each way on a
FREEWAY!? Can you imagine a person walking/bicycling down the FREEWAY from PHOENIX
to PRESCOTT to commute to work?? Is our government really that out of touch with reality!?
Or, are you just burning money on purpose WITHOUT meeting public needs? Walking/Bicycling
on FREEWAYS only benefit metro communities for short distances that ALREADY HAVE
sidewalks in place on street roads!
Walking in Kingman is long and arduous. The city was designed by a drunk Chimpanzee. Other
than recreational walks on paths I would NEVER walk on the roads or Hiways.
Lighting helps everyone, even those driving on the road.
Education I put last because I beleive most people are aware of pedestrians and bicyclist's
needs. They simply are more concerned with their own well being. More money would be wasted
on education, dollars spent on providing better infrastructure for the pedestrians and bicyclists
would go farther.
While maintenance of sidewalks and shared use paths is important, education and awareness is
THE MOST important goal.
Education don't help erratic or impaired drivers. You see a lot of bikers riding the wrong way
because they don't trust drivers & want to keep an eye out for those careless drivers.
It is unreasonable to provide lighting all through the bike paths, but at least keeping and
maintaining current bike paths should be the minimum standard. Of course, education is still the
most important factor.
In light of austerity, bring your own damn light on sidewalks! Keep light pollution down! I'd say
drop the height of all lights not on a highway, and around 10 pm, turn half of them off, then at 3
am, turn another half off. If you are out at that time, you should have your own light!
Include the provision of sidewalks or walking paths into the cross-section of all state roadways.
Require the construction of sidewalks/walking paths across all frontages of properties seeking
new access permits as a conditon of approval.
Without education on the pedestrian and motorist laws most improvements are redundant.
I see a lot of motorists cross over the white lines separating cars from the bike lane; it's fine if no
bikes are in the way, but it should be a habit for people not to cross over, so that they don't
accidentally cross the line when a cyclist is in the lane.
Not sure I understand what a crossing on a state highway would look like, or what purpose it
would serve. What is a "shared use" path? Why are we talking about sidewalks at all? I thought
this was for cyclists. Sidewalks are for walking,
Include bicycles in education. Many bicyclists don't stop at stop signs or red lights. Many
bicyclists zoom across roads in pedestrian crosswalks.
Have to share
However, lighting may not work when scoundrels rip out the wires like they have on several
roads in Rita Ranch. Don't provide lighting unless you can ensure it won't just provide criminals
with income. $800,000 was wasted on Old Vail Road alone. Rewired several times and
subsequently stolen.
Most cyclists also drive cars and are aware of rules ans sharing the road. The same cannot be
said for most drivers. Education is key starting with required knowledge.
A good, 3 foot lane on all state highways would make them safe to ride. I would use them to ride
quite a bit. As it is now, we have a few inches of broken pavement such as from Payson to Heber
to ride on.
See 1st comment as it also applies to pedestrians.
Again, people don't want to walk right next to multiple lanes of cars that are going a zillion miles
an hour. There needs to be separation between cars and pedestrians AND there needs to be lots
of adequate crossings, lighting, and shade.
widen the sidewalks and paint the bike path clearly on them. Educate both cyclist and
pedestrians on their use of them.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
Stop jaywalking!
Put a "Push to Cross" button next to the bike lane-ALL of the bike lannes. It's complete idiocy to
expect us to get off our bikes, run to the button, run back and get on out bikes at every single
intersection. Did I mention making the bike lane, ALL, of the bike lanes go all the way through the
intersection. As opposed to just ending with no warning. What are we supposed to do, just stop
Education is significantly more important that any other items listed here. Education can lead to
Arizona becoming a vital cycling community.
Please don't use this survey style where we have to prioritize--sometimes that is not the answer.
You are missing out on information. Yes I can comment, but come this just to record how
many people responded?
As a cyclist, I am personally not a strong supporter of bicycle sharing along state highways due
to posted speed limits on state highways. However, I feel Hwy 179 near Sedona should be used
as a statewide model in terms of adequate bicycle lane spacing, bike access, posted speed
limits, and adequate lines of sight.
the underpass on milton does not cater to bikes and is not a viable path for bikes with tag-alongs
or trailers. this forces bikes into dangerous traffic or onto illegal train crossings. we need an
under/over pass at the old town springs crossing. (Flagstaff, AZ)
Anywhere I can drive, I should be able to walk.
Complete the sidewalks - there are lots of areas around town areas where it goes from nice
sidewalk to nothing and then back to nice sidewalk. Take a look at Avondale (107th Ave),
Glendale (59th Ave), Arcadia area (Indian School).
I have the same concern as I would have for a cyclist on a state highway, which are inattentive
drivers. I would like to feel that I am not risking my life when I go out for a run/ride.
I am also concerned about stray animals on these highways and educating people about that.
Adequate separation from cars, and some sort of natural vegetation to provide a buffer and
Drivers in right turn lanes are only watching on-coming traffic so they can make their right turn on
red; many of them stop in the crosswalk, blocking it. Drivers making a left turn on a solid green
are only watching on-coming traffic for a break in traffic so they can make their left turn. Neither
lanes are watching for pedestrians in the crosswalk they are about to drive through.
This page doesn't work either. I cannot make any selections on the above radio buttons.
Education and enforcement are key
Education is key and simple: more advertisements and more representation of cycling and
pedestrian groups at local events.
Don't make pedestrian accommodations in places where vehicle traffic is not properly managed
and under control.
NO more lighting outside of major urban areas. Astronomers are suffering enough with the
existing light pollution. Still cannot click any choices and this is my 5th time trying.
Tucson has very few sidewalks. Let's have more.
Is there something wrong with your web site?
I mark one answer then on a second answer and the first check mark disappears.
Again, how can people who need to commute by walking or riding their bike to work, school or
stores do so safely? This economy is bad and people don't have the luxury of driving due to high
gas prices or vehicle maintenance.
Make use of cell phone illegal when moving in car. Steeper fines for not stopping at cross walk
to allow pedestrians to cross safely.
Please also consider how pedestrian walkways meet up with public transportation options. If
there are bus routes for example, please create safe paths that lead to the bus stops or
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
crosswalks to allow safe passage to a bus stop from the other side of the street.
After researching locations for sidewalks and crossings add bicycle partols of paths to ensure
user safety. Then at a later date when users are very comfortable with using the paths, provide
lighting to make them accessable during dark hours. Educate the local neighborhoods on the
convenience of access to paths and crossings by creating a database to store biking and
pedestrian routes via GPS like google maps does for driving.
Ped capacity to cross/travel along highways is necessary for people who choose walking or are
otherwise without use of autos. Note that I think lighting is important, but access and education
outweigh the lights in terms of necessity.
In our climate we need SHADE TREES on sidewalks in addition to the above items.
We should stop accommodating bikes. THEY need to watch out for CARS! It's their life!
Improving education and awareness is key for all roadway users. Drivers are not the only ones at
fault for bicycle/pedestrian accidents. Bicyclists and pedestrians also need to know the laws. For
example, a major area of conflict between all three parties is where bikes are supposed to be.
The correct answer is on the road, not on the sidewalk. Though depending on who you ask, this
answer will vary, which is a big source of conflict in itself.
No comment
All of these are important. It is very hard to rate them against each other.
Education is important but doesn't really matter if the infrastructure doesn't support pedestrian
use (in many cases it penalizes pedestrian use) and nobody uses the sidewalkes, etc...
This is more geared towards the education bit. I think education and awareness are lacking. I've
noticed all too many times, that motorists simply do not know how to react to cyclists or
pedestrians on the roads. They don't know whether to speed up, slow down, etc. Often, they just
get frustrated as a result and accelerate past without giving space, honk their horn, or both. All of
which create danger. A TV public info ad campaign could combat this.
I see ADOT's role as providing infrastructure first, and working with local governments to educate
Plant local trees in order to provide shade.
I think making people feel safe with lighting, and lining streets with cover (trees) to encourage
walking during the heat really helps - decreasing exposure.
Please EDUCATE motorists! It's amazing how many motorists do not know the rights of a cyclist
and are willing to argue their ignorance! Maybe even frequent signage along roads stating the 3ft
rule. And, maybe increasing the 3ft rule to 4ft or 5ft along with education. Make every driver
take/pass a test on cycling laws even if they already have a license - do it online and it won't cost
as much.
Increase awareness to pedestrians and bicyclists concerning the proper direction of traffic to
walk and ride.
The main idea is that having more pedestrians helps our environment.
Transitions from tarmac to concrete sidewalks need to be smooth. if they were, more cyclists
would use the sidewalks on the busier "non marked" streets.. e.g. Frank Loyd Wright is a perfect
Education is the cheapest, simplest way to improve safety. Bicyclists must understand that they
are vehicles, and entitled to a full lane if need be. Motorists must understand that bicyclists must
use roadways, and not sidewalks for safety.
Drivers need to SEE walkers/runners/bicyclists
Pedestrians "transport" themselves as much as those in vehicles do. DOT (transportation) should
allow as much right to roadways for pedestrians and cyclist as vehicular traffic. Only then will it
be safe to "transport" oneself in a manner other than in a vehicle.
Motorist act like they own the road when there are pedestrians and cyclists on the road. They
make an unsafe environment with their road rage. Not only do motorist need to be informed
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
more, but there needs to be more enforcement of the rules/laws.
Keep the bicycles off the paved roads and put them on the multi use paths. They danger the
public by riding on the 4' shoulders because they ride on the white line.
Just give us 3 feet of road and we'll be happy
Implementing a law that will increase the severity of an individual that hits a bicyclist as well as a
law against texting while driving. Raising awareness of the dangers and impact of bicyclist being
hit by cars
It would seem to make perfect sense that any metro area would want all types of travel be easily
done without increased danger, not only cars, which is all that seems to be considered when
planning is done in Phoenix.
More education in driver's ed classes about bicyclists and pedestrians. More outreach in schools
and increased outreach in the form of fliers and paper goods.
Placing walkways on bridges over highways.
Far too many fellow cyclists and pedestrians have been seriously injured or killed in automobile
accidents recently. In addition to roadway & bike path improvements aimed at pedestrian &
cyclist safety, the general public needs to be better informed of how to go about sharing the road
with non-motorized traffic.
Again, widen shoulders whenever a highway project is in operation.
I don't know cost effectiveness of lighting, but it would sure be nice for keeping cyclists AND
pedestrians safe.
It's hard to be specific about just state highways as they connect to city streets and county roads
that may have more demand for pedestrian traffic. There needs to be a seemless transition for
both pedestrians and cyclists, but overall pedestrian needs aren't that important to me.
Education is important, but this term is too vague to evaluate. Often ad campaigns are roundly
ignored by the masses. Sidewalks that connect central areas are key to increases usage.
we need laws that penalize drivers for hitting cyclists.
laws, laws, laws, awareness, awareness, awareness!
Prioritize state highway improvements based on current pedestrian usage
Address the significant danger of riding on the sidewalk and/or the left side of the road
i repeat, since very few people walk, any expense to improve or add sidewalks is a waste of
taxpayers money.
Create better signage to make drivers aware of cyclists and how much distance to leave between
when passing. Pass with caution. Have police enforce these rules to let drivers know the
seriousness of safety. Make wider bike lanes. Improve education by using PSA's, mailing info to
homes, use the news channels.
Adequate lighting should adopt the European approach - lights on both sides of the street at the
pedestrian or shared use path and zebra stripes on the street. Make the crossing more visible.
Seems it could be dangerous but with education, it old work.
education is key
Pedestrian paths and cars need to be separated. ADOT should work with city and town groups
to make sure state highway sidewalks and paths connect to paths in cities.
HAVE A LICENSE! There needs to be more communication to the public that cyclists have a
RIGHT to the road!!!!
seems like this would be limited to very few urban areas. Improve the areas where most
pedestrian fatalities/accidents take place
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
In order to get people to walk to work, sidewalks with lighting (for those that work 2nd and 3rd
shifts) seems to be mandatory. Also, need to feel safe or people won't do it. Need to have
people live close to work or they won't walk to work.
All of the above are important. I do not agree with a survey that asks us to rank the order. Reality
is that we do not have to chose. You need to improve all of the above to save lives and keep
people safe.
Again, more signage to allow motorist to know cyclists are ahead
No ideas that are specific for pedestrians. More people bike than walk on state highways. Same
wider shoulders will work better for pedestrians.
More time at crosswalks to actually get across the street. Has anyone actually tried it?
Emotionally intelligent signage!
Not sure it's a good idea to encourage pedestrian foot traffic on state highways either in remote
areas or metropolitan areas except for providing safety zones areas for stranded motorists.
Access for pedestrians and bicycles should only be allowed on frontage roads which may be
much safer?
As stated previously, it would be nice to have the path located on the right-of-way with fence
protection - not on the shoulder, but separate from the highway.
The area in FL was along I75 from maybe Ocala to Brooksville.
Again the survey will not let you respond. Sidewalks would be better in neighborhood to promote
people meeting their neighbors and school children staying off the road on the way to school.
Again highways don't need sidewalks and bike lanes. Most highway ramps say it is illegal to be
on the highways unless it is a motorized vehicle. Center lanes by the schools would also be a
better idea to keep trafic flowing.
pedestrians and bycicles should not be allowed on the highways at all. make the bikes pay taxes
through registration and insurance. they want bike lanes then they should pay for them. no
single file then they should have to pay a fine when caught or get a ticket.
Street lights need to be brighter. More"share the Road" reflective signs.
Row rankings, sicne I can't click on the buttons.
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Safe crossings are the key
Public Service Announcements regarding driving rules with regard to bicyclists on the road would
be helpful. Also including questions on written driver license tests related to the laws about
cycling would be very helpful.
Construct bifurcated walkways that follow state highways.
We have been educating motorists and pedestrians for years. The problem is that they just don't
care. Provide a safe, convenient, and separated path for pedestrians to use and we would see a
decline in user apathy.
I will not commute to work on a bike because there are not enough safe pathways to do so, the
roads are not safe, cars and bikes were never meant to share the road. Please make as many
seperate pathways as possible.
Much fewer pedestrians than cyclists. Best to keep us in bike lanes, walkers/runners on paths.
have a chain link barrier or cement barrier between shoulders so bicylists can cycle everywhere
If all motorists, pedestrians were educated, considerated and cared about each other you would
not need to make any improvements
Bikeways need to make pedestrians and cyclist feel comfortable or they will not use them. Focus
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
should be placed on connecting housing to workcenters or entertainment centers.
Again, raising awareness is key! While money has been earmarked to ticket noncompliant peds
and cyclists in Tucson, given the importance of walking and biking (for transport and
tourism/recreation) in our temperate state, it's crucial to raise awareness of drivers, many of
whom blithely operate potentially lethal vehicle w/out regard for more vulnerable roadway users
threatened by their inattentiveness (texting, etc), their ignorance, and sometimes their
Education 1
Can't use the bubbles here either.
Pedestrians should be kept off state highways plain and simple. A state highway is for cars NOT
for pedestrians. Why would you even consider adding a road hazard and likely guaranteed death
to a pedestdrian allowed to walk along a highway??? Thats an odd one.
Provide wide sidewalks along busy interchanges, with landscaped buffer areas, if possible.
Additional lighting in needed in these urban areas as well.
For public education, consider more PSAs. For the other options, establish priorities and
consider new dedicated funding sources.
Bicycle riders need to be trained to use the shoulders and bike lanes when available, instead of
the roadway. On Usery Pass Road has groups of 5-10 bicyclists take up the whole road instead
of staying in their bike paths. They deserve tickets for creating a hazard. I have seen those
bicyclists almost get run over several times by passing motorists. Sharing the road is one thing,
but when you have a bike lane and don't use it, someone is going to get killed on that road
I think improving safety with sidewalks and shared walkways is a no brainer for a goal.
I did not respond as I am most involved in biking.
My husband and I ride our bicycle on average 6,000 miles a year. We live in the west valley and
have encountered even local police and DPS officers who apparently don't know the existing
rules of the road as far as where we are alowed to ride and not ride not to mention all the other
drivers who yell at us for existing.
All of these items should be most important. Our auto-centric society is unsustainable and we
need to stop marginalizing those in our population who choose not to drive, or can not afford to
drive. Pedestrian and bicycling facilities should exceed roads in quality. The higher the quality
and safety of sidewalks and bike paths, the more people will use them.
Provide money to local governments to improve bike lanes and sidewalks IN Cities
so far I haven't seen a major issue with maintenance. it is important however. Keeping bike
lanes on roadways clean is very important. Debris endangers bicyclists.
teach pedestrians how to be visible, and where to walk! Most problems are from people on the
wrong side of the roadway.
Survey won't let me check radiobuttons!
Most important is to make motorist educated to the rights of pedestrians and bicyclist. We have
to work together and make it safer for people to take to the streets on foot or by bicycle. I think
many more would if it was safer. Gas is just going up and any commute less than 10 miles can
be done by bicycle.
I dislike shared use paths. Bicycles coming up behind a walker are fast--too fast, and silent.
The "improve maintenance" option is any oxymoron...there are no sidewalks to maintain!
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
In town highways need adequate lighting, crosswalks and islands. Sidewalks need to be only on
one side of the highway not both. Pedestrians are walking for excersise mainly and not going
from store to store.
Good idea to educate "motorcycles" to stay in their lanes and follow cars rules and not go wild on
Maintenance is not bad on shared use paths and bike lanes, although it can always be improved
- gravel gets loose, glass and debris accumulate without frequent sweepings, and roadside brush
obstructs paths/lanes. Please take this as constructive criticism because I do believe ADOT
does a decent job already.
This part of the survey, to my thinking is not well designed. Rethink what you have done here.
Pedestrians have no place on state highways, that's just plain dangerous.
Pedestrians should not be on highways, but safe places are needed for stranded motorists to
walk to get help. Separated facilities for high speed vehicles and pedestrians is imperative.
Enforce pedestrian and motorist laws. Many young people, including some of the new police
officers are not aware of motorized vehicle laws. Electric scooters, motorbikes without proper
licensing are being driven on sidewalks and roadways illegally and the police are not acting to
correct these situations.
More pedestrian infrastructure and better enforcement of existing laws.
The shoulder of highway is too narrow for police to safely get out of their vehicle and for broken
down cars to be repaired or hooked up to tow.
Should walk facing traffic. Should have to wear light colored clothing. Should use sidewalk(s) not
highway shoulder.
Actively enforce above as laws.
I do not see State Highways as being a primary route for pedestrians. I would prefer to build
trails separate from the roadway. Trails can have steeper grades and should cost much less.
Enforce the 3 ft rule and actually convict aggressive drivers
Educating and improving awareness is important but with the rapid use of cell phones and other
distractions by unaware drivers you cannot teach stupid.
Again, separation if bike & pedestrian paths from state highways is critical
After unmarked crossings (jaywalking), the most dangerous situation for pedestrians is right
turning vehicles who tend to only look left before making a right on red, right at a stop sign, or
right from a driveway into a public right of way.
Non-urban highways and/or freeways would need separated pedestrian facilities, if anything.
Urban state roads (i.e. AZ Ave/Country Club) could benefit from mid-block crosswalks, traffic
calming, road diets.
Proper bikelanes go along way in keeping bikers in designated lanes and not creeping into car
People are not stupid mostly they are unobservant!
Again, education is one of the most important things that ADOT can do.
Blocks in Tucson are long, so you often see people (including children) crossing in the middle of
a block because it's too far to walk to a crosswalk. I don't know if there's a jaywalking law here,
but if not, that is helpful only if enforced by law enforcement. Install more HAWK lighting options
in mid-blocks or at key locations where pedestrians often cross.
Pedestrian infrastructure along highways is worthless. A better answer is less highways.
It seems most motorist are not expecting to encounter pedestrians on state roads and highways
and are therefore driving at speeds where evasive action itself can cause accidents and injuries.
The addition of signs warning of the presence of pedestrians could make the road safer for
motorists and pedestrians.
Work with State Land and other State and Federal agencies to make it not only easier, but more
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
appealing to accommodate paths next to State Highways. This is a problem in several cities
around the State. Spend State funds that were approved by voters specifically for trails, ON
TRAILS, not on anything else. That way voters are more likely to approve such kind of funds in
the future, knowing they are putting their money where they want it.
this is a test by Brent Crowther. Do not include in results.
Lighting for pedestrians, especially rural areas, is very important. Also, firmer fines for not using
the designated crosswalks.
Actually, Improve Education should be number 1, not the least important, but you first have to
teach people how to drive before you can get them to the higher level of being aware of nonmotorized traffic.
See previous statement
I would like to see more maps as to the routes I can take with my bike too. Like if I was going to
the farmers market what bike route would you take?
Same - cannot mark responses.
If ADOT intends to increase the use of our roadways for bikes/peds, an aggressive education
AND enforcement program for bikers/peds should be initiated. I frequently see cars and trucks
having to swerve into oncoming traffic because bikers or peds won't stay completely in the
bike/ped lane. But I rarely see motorists deliberately "crowd" a bike/ped. Improve the current
safety record first.
a bike path from Payson to Fountain Hills, a bike path from Payson to Strawberry, bike path from
Payson to Rim
I actually think it is too dangerous for pedestrians to be on the highways. In some places bikes
should not be allowed at all until the shoulders are installed or widened. Highway 89 between
Wickenburg and Congress is a prime example of DANGER!
It will not mark here, either, but I would give them all most important rating
Most people are afraid of bicycle or walking options because we are a automobile-centric society.
Sidewalks and shared use paths should be required in the landscaping area of all new state
highway construction in urban areas.
Isolate sidwalks from roadway where possible. Obtain easements where existing R/W is not
sufficient. Building sidewalks too close to live (vehicle) lanes is a safety hazard.
Explore separated pathways along state highways to improve pedestrian safety.
lighting, adequate crossings and sidewalks is a must and continueing maintenance in my opinion
ranks right up there. Education and awareness is extremely necessary for safety.
State highways are for high speed motorists and not for pedestrians. We should not be spending
money for people to have crossings or sidewalks on the state highways.
Build alternate paths so bicyclists and pedestrians are not mixing with motor vehicle traffic.
Teach the idiots that you cannot get out in 50mph rush hour traffic going 10mph and expect to
live a long life.
Shoulders often go unpaved when the main stretch of of roadway is improved. This leaves
shoulders uneven, full of debris, and generally less safe than the main traveled roadway.
Once again, cost benefit with a large dose of common sense would indicate new crossings or
paths along state highways are not needed.
put a 'barrier' or strip of land with a curb between sidewak and highway.
Difficult to add paths on state highways if you are not going to maintain them. The shoulders are
often full of debri and are not cleared in a timely manner. Also, when ADOT closes lanes down
the signs are put in the way of bicyclists so often you must go in the roadway.
My previous input works here as well.
pathways can be designated by the rightofway fence on one side and a curb or double white line.
the pathway does not need to be paved with either pavment or asphalt. Dirt without vegetation
will suffice.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 2: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating pedestrians on the state highways (500 characters max).
We live at 35th Ave and Pinnacle Peak. There is no safe way for us to ride our bikes (or walk)
across RT 17 on Pinnacle Peak or Happy Valley roads. Please give us a way to cross the 17!
We also need an access to the pedestrian bridge going up across the 17 north of Jomax. We are
blocked from the south by fences through the open space land along the 17 between Happy
Valley and the bridge. Please find an access for us! Thanks!
Bike trail needed from Pinetop to Big Lake.
Not sure about safety unless you can outrun a bad guy. You can on a bike.
Actually, I cannot think of an example of pedestrian crossings on highways (other than
overpasses). It sounds too dangerous for me to want to use...
walkways or paths would be the best option and they should be a good distance off the main
I think there should be paths off the highway for the people joggiong or biking not motor.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3
Please rank the following BICYCLE considerations in order of importance to you. (1= most
important, 7 = Least Important)
Provide wide shoulders on state highways for use by bicyclists
Improve maintenance of wide shoulders (for use by bicyclists) on state highways
Provide shared use paths for use by both bicyclists and pedestrians on state highways
Improve connectivity of state highways and bikeways
Provide pavement markings and bicycle detection technology at state highway
Provide more bicycle facilities at destinations (e.g. bicycle parking, lockers, etc.)
Improve education and awareness of all roadway users (motorists and bicyclists) on
bicycle and motorist laws
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
Signage is very important. Shared use is difficult. More facilities would be very nice, and could
be included as more shoulders are provided. It could be policy to include a wide shoulder on all
roads (outside neighborhoods) either retro-fit or definitely on new construction. As these are
constructed, benches, shades, bike racks could be added.
Safe shoulders/bike lanes are the most important. Then signage alerting/reminding drivers to
watch out for cyclists. Mixing cyclists and pedestrians can be problematic due to the different
speeds and sizes.
Provide four foot shoulders on all AZ highways without rumble strips.
the marking and amount of road use is limited. increase the bike path wide and decrease the
hazard with reflectors
pedestrian and bicycle traffic don't go together well. Ped paths are preferred over shared use
The bicycle intersection detection thing is huge. That's a big detriment for commuters. Drivers
need to know that cyclists should be on the roads, not the sidewalks. First priority is creating
shoulders, esp on 2-lane hwys, or roads lacking adequate passing room.
All #1 please.
Provide standard "rumble strips," suggest about 10" wide placed just outside the painted "fog
lines." Some rumble strips are much wider and take up much of the shoulder, making the
shoulders unusable for bicycles.
Sweep shoulders as needed to remove glass and debris. SR-90 north and east of Sierra Vista
has apparently never been swept and is glass-covered.
I was told by an ADOT supervisor that state highways were not made to be used by bicyclists and
he would not put up a sign about the law to "give bicyclists 3 ft.". He said he would not
recommend bicyclists to use state highways. I think you need supervisors who will use common
sense and work to accommodate the safety of all users. This survey might be just the ticket.
there are definately bike lanes that need repaved particularly the phoenix sonoran bike trail on
3rd ave between campbell ave and thomas rd. it is bumpy. i would think i registered
bike trail would be well maintained. i ride it everyday and have to ride in the street outside of the
bike lane because it is so bad. i love that path and would like to see more like it but it needs
some love.
There must be adequate separation between motorized vehicles and bicycle/pedestrian traffic.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
Building paths right alongside highways is inviting fatalities!
Contiguous bike paths with better transition to non-bike path roadways.
Keep cycling lanes clean and signed
Items 3 - 7 are all very important. Riding next to vehicular traffic doesn't seem to be working very
well for us.
Spend down unobligated HSIP funds by aggresive shoulder widening program. Shoulders (see;
Bicycle Education for Police
We must have people creating superb advertisements to convince the public that this is the way
to go. I have been to South and Central America and they use bicycles there. I will be traveling to
Europe this summer and look forward to renting a bike while I am there !
Community Meetings.
Mailings to community residents.
Bikes need separate lanes. Jersey barriers work well and vastly improve the safety of biking.
I bike commute 25 miles a day (for four years now) The biggest impediment for me are the
overgrown trees and bushes growing into the street. These push me into traffic. I know that if they
cause an accident with a biker there could be lawsuits involved since the cities do try to maintain
them but not often enough.
Bicycle riders ignore traffic laws. ADOT cannot enforce and DPS is far to busy as are local PD
units - so there's no chance since the riders could care less!!!!
Good luck making the state routes bicycle friendly. Even if still physically able, I would not ever
ride a bike on SR 89A in West Sedona.
Combining pedestrian traffic and bike traffic is difficult because typically pedestrians are oblivious
to where they are walking... this is a real safety issue for bikers they need to be aware of and
constantly vigilant for pedestrians... because most are so busy texting they just walk where ever
Make sure that we prioritize spending on projects that are in the areas where bicycle traffic is
heavier and in areas where spending would increase tourism revenue to the state (return on
I've already suggested the maintenance improvement, but I have to say the lack of detection of 2wheeled vehicles (bikes and motorcycles) at lights is a real nuisance. Also irritating is its
opposite- stopping a stream of traffic for no reason (no one there). Its a huge waste of fuel and
tiring on a bike too.
my Ranking
The rumple strips which destroyed the bike lane on SR 179 are an outrage. They do not help the
motorist much, but put the cyclist in extreme danger!
"If you build it, they will come". More access= more cyclist= more driver awareness=safety. I don't
like shared use paths. It can be hard to see a cyclist off of the main roadway, and they put
pedestrians in in danger of cyclists.
Allowing bicycles on the shoulders of interstate highways would be a nice addition.
And keeping the shoulders of all the roads clear of cinders and debris would be helpful, too.
Most bicyclists seem to have the attitude that the traffic laws don't apply to them. Running red
lights, cutting in and out of traffic and resricting the flow of traffic and when something bad
happens its never their fault. They should be held accountable just like everyone else.
It would be useful to have a crossing at the exit/entrance ramp off of I-40 east at country club dr.
It would easy enought to put markings across country club so bicyclist can safely make it to the
south bound lane.
As an enduarance cyclist, we find that pathways and connectivity to be the greatest challenge.
We often cut through many areas without traffic due to no bike lanes or very small lanes and
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
traffic congestion. larger and mor bike lanes are very necessary
More bike lanes on commonly used roads and educate the public on bike laws so all understand
the rules and respect each others mode of travel.
Highway 180 out of Flagstaff is not a useful facility. I believe almost anyone who rides on this
section of roadway would agree. The unmarked "bicycle shoulder" is very narrow, of inconsistent
width, and of extremely poor surface quality (jagged edges, etc).
I meet many bicyclists near Grand Canyon that want to travel through the state. They often don't
know the best, safest, most scenic route to get to Phoenix or Tucson. The I-17 is dangerous,
uninviting and an appalling entrance to Phoenix; I recommend the 87. Think about the origins and
destinations and strategize to increase bicycle tourism in and through our state. We're missing
out on a major opportunity. Colorado brings in over $1 billion/year in bicycle tourism.
The finished surface of highway travel lanes needs to be a certain roughness to prevent motor
vehicles from slipping and sliding. If lane markers are used, the shoulders could have smoother
surfaces, more suitable for bike lanes.
All are important.
Pedestrians are different the bicycles! Hiway users know the rules of the road.....Do bicycles?
as above - consistent and highly visible markings and signage so that motorists have many cues
warning them of shared roads attention to intersections (eg rotaries) that are friendly to multiple
modes of transport
Bridge crossings can be a bit difficult at times on a bike when the abutments or railings limit the
biking lane and sometimes force bikers into vehicle traffic lanes.
MOre bike-related questions regarding shared roadway rights on the ADOT drivers test. More
highways with emergency parking lanes (AKA, shoulders for safe riding of bicycles). More 'share
the road with bicycles' signage.
Use bicycle and pedestrian accident data to understand the topics and laws that the public needs
education on.
I ride an average of 30-60 miles on the weekend days, and on every ride I have avoided near
miss accidents due to car driver inattentiveness. I also live near 36th St & McDowell and work at
Central & Thomas and am unable to commute to work on my bike due to bike routes not
connecting and having to use segments of roads without any bike lanes or shoulders, ie,
McDowell Rd.
Shared pathways can be problematic with the combination of walkers, strollers, cyclists, runners
using them.
A center yellow line and certain rules would be helpful to avoid collisions.
I'm uncomfortable the way this survey forces me to prioritize these elements w/out placing it in
context with similar considerations with car facilities. Well connected & maintained shoulders or
paths where appropriate are crucial to increasing bike/peds.
If motorists are more aware of cyclists and respectful when they pass, it can be safe for cyclists to
ride on the highway. Even with a clear, well maintained shoulder of 4' a vehicle can terrify a
cyclist by buzzing the white line. That said, as much distance as I can get between me and a car,
the better. However, shoulders are generally covered in gravel and other debris which makes it
unsafe to operate a bicycle at high speeds.
Bicycles have no business being on or near state highways, they are a saftey hazard.
Wide roads and shoulders = safety!
We need more bike lanes of at least 4 ft. on highways and education of car and truck drivers to
give a biker his share of the roadway.
All of these are important. Cycling is a healthier and more environmentally effiecient way to get
around. As we increase population, we need more people to cycle to keep the congestion down.
Also, as we increase traffic in the cities, we need more outlying routes to be safe for the distance
cycling enthusiast. Let's promote all the benefits; environmental, traffic, health and cost savings
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
We need wide, clean, well-marked shoulders. Rumble strips must have breaks in them, with the
lane to the right of them wide and clean. Detection technology must be provided. I have been
forced to cross streets on red. Manual crossing buttons should be within easy reach from the
bicycle lane rather than requiring the cyclist to dismount or ride on the sidewalk to press the
button. The ideal, of course, is automatic detection in the pavement or via some other reliable
see #1. I believe the distinct and vivid markings are the safest thing we can do. more effective
than education, I think. shared paths can be risky: dog leash across path, people startled by
passing bikes,,,
It is of utmost importance to educate bicycle riders that they MUST obey all the same laws as
motorized vehicles, such as stop signs and stop lights. I respect the right of bicycle riders to
share the use of the roadways.At least 95% of the time, at a stop sign, especially if it is a 4 way
stop, the leader will merely slow down, slightly, and then the entire group will continue through
without even showing down. At stop lights they will usually stop but then run the light.
There is great liability in NOT providing adequate bicycle (and other non-motorist) access to state
roads. Most people know what the national standards are by now. Safe access will decrease law
suits will occur and more tourists will visit. The verbiage of "complete streets" needs to be sewn
into ADOT planning documents, those guidelines need to be honored with appropriate funding,
then motorists and non-motorists alike will SEE how to share the road safely and thus reduce
educational expenses.
Just to provide marked areas for bicyclists to use that will improve separation from vehicle traffic.
Shared use paths work for areas where there is not room for a bicycle lane.
Tax bicyclists to fund the improvement/expansion of their bike lanes.
wider bike paths on street and better maintained as in newly paved, more paths, lanes,
connections to main crossings.
I feel that anyone using State Highways should help fund the construction and maintenance of
the facilities. The fees could be collected through the cities and towns or Motor Vehicle
Department. Off Highway fees were enacted to collect fund for projects and enforcement of off
highway use. I have both a bicycle and quad and do not mind a small fee to fund projects such as
Nix the idea of wider shoulders, make paved bicycle/pedestrian paths separate from the
highways and boulevards, instead! As for motorists and bicyclists, each often considers the other
annoying, and don't kid yourself. The first concern is safety, and you cannot make even the
educated rider obey the laws or deter them from taking chances or being aggressive if that's what
they want to do.
The shared use path should be the standard tool for ADOT when planning state highway
improvements, and should be, by default, an assumption in all planning and construction. Moving
as much bicycle traffic onto highway-parallel shared use paths as possible is the best way to
protect the bicycle rider, as well as promote a healthy and fossil-fuel-light method of transport.
I get the feeling that drivers of cars and trucks don't understand how vulnerable bicyclists can be.
Outrigger mirrors on trucks, for instance, can be dangerous. Maybe we need a "move over and
slow down" law for passing bicyclists that's similar to the law for police cars and emergency
vehicles? Tucson's bumper stickers saying "share the street -- give a bike five feet" might help,
More pedestrian/bicycle bridges across roadways.
Stop sweeping all the glass from the roadways onto the shoulder on 89A between Cottonwood
and Sedona. It's hazardous as one much always look down for glass rather than looking out for
Bike sensors at intersections - remember that a lot of cycles are aluminum, graphite, titanium,
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
Cyclists & pedestrians should not have to share state highways with typically ignorant & arrogant
Arizona motorists!
Shared use paths will accommodate both cyclists and pedestrians and serve as safer facilities
than paved shoulders. Many users are not comfortable on high speed roadways without
separation from traffic.
With "all" the crazy drivers in the metro area, why would you want to allow bicycles and
pedestrians on the highways? Isn't it bad enough that we have so many hit and runs now. Why
would you want to add people with no protection (walkers and bikers) on the highways?
Need more bike paths and especially dedicated trails/paths. Personally would not ride a bike on a
highway due to safety concerns.
Increase awareness of bicycles! More signs! TV ads (there are many that say watch kids around
water, and watch for motorcycles, how about bicycles?) Increase fines for drivers that crash in to
cyclists! They should not walk away.
I don't really want to see bicycles on our state highways. They are enough of a problem on our
city streets - thinking they have all the rights of both pedestrians and automobiles.
Some of my check-marks are disappearing as I go to the next item.
an alarming number of accidents are happening, and there is little being done by the government
to curb this. There needs to be more knowledge for motorists on cyclist rights, and much more
harsh penalties when those rights are ignored.
Connectivity should be the first priority because it improves the resources that already exist.
For example, two miles of freeway edge pathway between 32nd St and Thunderbird on the
Piestewa Freeway would connect the Phoneix Reach 11 trail system and north Highway 51
pathways with the Dreamy Draw and Arizona Canal pathways.
A pedestrian overpass over the Loop 101 at the CAP Canal would be key to connecting the
Reach 11 trails and the McDowell Mountains trails system.
Bicyclists of all ages and abilities need to be able to traverse state highways safely - preferable
separately. It's terrifying to see kids trying to get across under current conditions.
There needs to be more designated bike lanes. Vehicles give you very little space unless you're
in a designated bike lane
More Share the Road signage is needed for motorists awareness.
I live in a rural area and use a two lane state highway with a posted speed limit of 65 mph that
has absolutely no paved shoulders. We frequently encounter bicyclists, riding either singly or in
groups, and because of oncoming traffic we must drastically slow down or come to a complete
stop to avoid hitting the cyclists. This is most frustrating!
hard to rank, all important
Again, re: education. Almost any significant bike trip, a motorist will try to scare or harass a cyclist
off of the road. Intentionally cutting off cyclists, riding inches behind and honking, throwing things,
and "buzzing" (passing them as quickly and closely as possible), etc. It isn't practical or desirable
to put bike lanes on roads where speed limits are already 25 miles an hour, but bicycles are still
routinely harassed even there.
Maintenance of shoulders and bike lanes and development of new lanes and paths are equal, in
my opinion. They are equally important, along with education.
Safety and connectivity are critical for people to use what ADOT provides.
Much of the education can be done by the industry and/or special interest groups.
Providing a median separating bike lanes from traffic would be really nice.
I believe that pavement markings and detection technology would go a long way to reducing
accidents and making roadways and shared pathways safer. I can envision using such
technology on shared use pathways near intersections to warn pedestrians and cyclists of cars in
right turn lanes or warning both motorists and cyclists of approaching traffic.
If by "shared use paths" you are talking about a separate bike/walk path instead of using the
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
shoulder of a highway, then I would move that to most important. It would address wider shoulder
issues, shoulder maintenance issues, and separate bike/pedestrians from the roadway making it
Again, shoulder maintenance and location/depth of unsafe rumbles.
I would much rather have a separate path than ride on the highway. Cars use the shoulders a lot
for pulling off & they are usually poorly maintained as well.
Motorist are unaware of bicycle only lanes and often use them as turning lanes. Also cars block
crosswalks when waiting to turn right on a red light. On the same token some cyclists don't use
paths and block the free flow of traffic when traveling in groups. Pertinent laws need to be
enforced so these attitudes change.
Not all of these cost the same. 'Tis a shame that you are asking us to rank them without any
concern as to cost.
People have to learn that they can not just run over bikers!
Laws will be needed ( I am not suggesting that all collisions are intentional, but none should be
In order to educate the public to SEE cyclists and to give them adequate space when passing
them, try closing certain roads to motorists (cyclists only can use) on weekends on some sort of a
rotating basis......or even once a month or once a quarter for public awareness. The public will
Like I mentioned earlier - the fact that recent ADOT road widenings in the Tucson area have
removed the traditional rumble strip is distressing. We need to get back to giving the person in
the shoulder area an additional tool (audible rumble strip) to detect a car moving into shoulder
area is critical.
keep bicycles off the highway system
More signage, much wider shoulders, cleaner roads.
Intersections are always a problem for bicycles and cars as the bicycles often have to cross the
motorist's lane to make turns. For example, a cyclist riding in the bicycle lane has to cross traffic
to make a left turn. It would be better to have bicycles have an alternate way to navigate those
Paths in and around Kingman
Keep the edge of the roads clean and in reasonable shape. My largest problem riding these
roads is flats. The shoulder doesn't need to be huge, but ample enough so a bike can ride in the
center and not get swiped by an RV's side mirror.
Again, Pedestrians & Bicyclists DO NOT belong on the FREEWAY! This issue belongs under
INTER-CITY transportation and NOT FREEWAY transportation. Also, this only benefits people
commuting short distances (1 to 10 miles) which does not apply to the majority of people.
FREEWAYS were made for LONG DISTANCES! It would be better to put public buses on the
Freeway that carries bicyclists & pedestrians for LONG DISTANCES!
Bicyclists are currently not safe on Arizona roads and hiways. I will not ride here for fear of my
Increase sweeping of shoulders and bike lanes to remove debris that causes punctures.
Arizona is has a lot to offer visiting cyclist and should capitalize on this by providing more bike
lanes and improve awareness and education to motorists about the improper use of bike lanes by
I would like to see a bikeway that runs parallel to State Route 51 - the entire length of it, with
access points near all of the existing intersections.
User bike tax we need to pay ur way
I would like to see shared use paths in the city.
It is important to maintain what is already available, then focus on expansion. However, inter
connectivity is also a key to get better ridership.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
education means nothing to motorists, severe enforcement of laws is more important,
How can I do this? All are important. Encouraging bike facilities at destinations (actual racks that
function, positioned properly), educating all roadway users (we are clueless compared to
Europe), look at what works in Europe. We have the weather they don't - capitalize on that!
Most driver that are not cyclist do not know the law that applies to bicycles. Even law
enforcement officers (county -city) do not know the law.
Go back to taking a driver test every 5 years.
And a lot of shoulder are not overlayed when the main line is done (to save money) between
Winklman and Mammoth is a good example of a shoulder not maintained.SR 77.
clean wide shoulder to ride on with signage to inform drivers to pay attention. Change laws so
that it is a felony to injure or kill a cyclist or pedestrian due to inattentive driving and informing the
public of the laws.
Drivers getting fined $500.00 for killing cyclists while driving and not paying attention is so wrong
at every level.
The key to promoting cycling safety, tourism and enjoyment and to help reduce friction with
drivers, is adequate, connected shoulders. Also, the rumble strips should not be installed in the
middle of the shoulder as that pushes cyclists into the road.
Not too long ago, I had a long (heated) discussion with an MCSO lieutenant regarding the 3' law.
He maintained I had no right to ride on the pavement on New River Road. That told me
something very troubling. How can cyclists expect any driver to respect the laws, when the
officials who should enforce them are so ignorant.
ADOT could publish a statewide pamphlet similar to the small book distributed by Pima CO for
education and awareness for both drivers and cyclists.
Just having a well marked, well maintained shoulder would be a good first start. I doubt the public
would pay for shared use paths paralleling state highways.
Again, it's all about giving bikes and pedestrians at least equal access. Cars shouldn't rule the
road, they should share the road. It's all in how we design roadways, bikeways, and paths for
walking. Think about the greatest possible safe access and usability for every means of
I give up on educating motorists on sharing the road with a bicycle. They or should I say We are
unable to share the road with other motorist let alone cyclist. As long as the group of motorists
contains a large % of drivers who believe they can do everything else while they are driving.
Texting, Cell phone, Eating, Drinking Etc. You get the idea.
Did I mention making the bike lane, ALL, of the bike lanes go all the way through the intersection.
As opposed to just ending with no warning. What are we supposed to do, just stop riding??
Develop a recognition/designation of 'Bicycle-Friendly Community' (maybe based on amt of
lanes, signs, education programs, etc) and state-sponsored signs for city limits. Great daily
reminder for everyone in addition to practical benefits!
I would move Education up in the priority if allowed to put more than one mark per question.
After education, expanding the use of Arizona's highways is very important. We have an
amazing state, and I have travelled across it several times on the state highway system. It is very
difficult to safely share the road with motorists on many of the roads.
Wide shoulders only work if you are going straight. Bicycles can not be expected to only ride on
Why is there so much focus on state highways and not city streets? We need better bike lanes on
our city streets to motivate more folks to commute.
Shoulders must be clean and smooth, else bicycles are forced into traffic. The worst situation is
when a large shoulder exists but it is too rough or clogged with debris for a bicycle to use.
Motorists see the shoulder and expect the bicycle to use it. Angry conflicts result. Cars honk and
pass fast and close. The highway between Mammoth and Winkleman is a prime example.
helping motorists become more aware of the importance of people on bikes and motorcyles and
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
the danger of road rage.
Adequate separation from vehicle traffic, including native vegetation to provide a buffer and
Push for no cell phone use while driving
This page doesn't work either
If you build it, they will come. More infrastructure, more education, more enforcement.
Security at bike parking areas is essential to get people to ride and leave their bikes all day.
Still cannot click on any items . . .
Same problem on this page.
Your survey will not allow me check a number more than once .
The Picture Rocks area has no public transportation and greatly needs safe bike/walk paths to
connect Marana High School at Emigh and Rudasill Rd where Desert Winds/Picture Rocks
schools are located to access the stores at Picture Rocks Rd/Sandario. Of course, public
transportation is also greatly needed in this area.
Could we require drivers who have hit bicyclists to attend a Bicycle Safety course?
Educate drivers about 3' rule, and why bicycles do not always stay as far right as drivers think
they should (glass gravel etc.. in road). Educate cyclists about their responsibilities: staying off
sidewalks in urban areas, proper lane use, etc..
Widen bike paths or allow an entire lane for bikes. Cars should have to pass cyclist by moving
over to the next lane. Cars should not be allowed to cut off cyclists or pass them to cut them off
to make a turn. Cars should have steeper penalties for rolling through stop sighns and for driving
in bike lane. Make use of cell phones and GPS ILLEGAL while moving in a vehicle.
Not only does this infrastructure need to be created but it needs to be advertised in such a way as
to allow users to identify location and availability. Furthermore, a method of users
communicating needs via instant message would be very helpful for ADOT to identify where the
needs might be greatest. Where would ADOT get the most bang for the buck.
Also providing maps and data about bicycle routes near or on state highways would be very
Start with improvement to infrastructure then work on public education. Note: Bicycle safety
information and traffic laws are already included in driver's licensce manual and taught at
Defensive Driving Schools/Classes.
Continuing improvement and maintenance of bike paths.....
leaving space for cyclings - wide shoulders - with good markings and signage is important
because cars go so fast; more roads with shoulders is important - on secondary roads; not main
highways. sidewalks are not so important; cyclists want to use the roadways and follow the rules
of the road.
Providing wide AND well maintained (i.e.occasionally run a street sweeper over it) bike lanes /
shoulders, plus education of and enforcement against motorists would be a good start.
Amend state law to clarify bicycle rules and impose additional sanctions on careless motorists.
Bicyclists should stay off major highways.
Again, wide shoulders on highways are inferior to ped/cycling paths, as the speed differential is
so huge. In cities, shared lanes are superior - i.e. use of sharrows and riding with traffic...because
the speed differential is much less. NOT widen already bloated highways. All you do is increase the danger to
pedestrians and cyclists. Shrink the highways' bloated waistlines and turn over the surgicallyremoved car and truck lanes to protected and shaded footpaths and bicycle paths
All the above are great ideas and important, hard to rank them in an order.
These would all be significant improvements to bicycle accommodation. Again, improving
education and awareness for all parties is key before physical improvements should be made.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
The urban shared use path is excellent currently; problem is, most of the paths don't connect. By
connecting the urban shared use paths, use of city streets and highways by cyclists will go down
considerably, as will injuries/accidents/deaths.
Again, education is important but focusing on designing the environment to prevent injury and
fatalities is more important. I'd rather have an uneducated motorist and a 4 foot shoulder than an
educated morist and no shoulder.
Education is very important, yet it's lacking. Often, I see motorists not knowing how to respond to
a cyclist in the road. They get frustrated and impatient and then accelerate past, honking their
horn. This is dangerous, and simply caused by lack of education. A tv ad campaign should be
used to educate the public. Thirty seconds is not worth someone's life.
Even harder to rate than the pedestrian questions. ALL OF THE ABOVE PLEASE!
Parking at destinations is really the responsibility of that location, public or private. ADOT should
focus on the infrastructure first, primarily providing the necessary means to reasonable use
roadways or otherwise (pathways) travel on bikes.
I think there are too many dumb motorist on the road talking on cell phones and texting and
reading...what have you. There should be a campaign regarding what truly happens when they
aren't driving and how much driving really requires concentration. After that, encouraging riding
bikes by creating more paths and places to lock bikes would be good.
1,2,&4 are really of equal importance to me but start with what already exists and make it better,
then add more and connect them together. And again, EDUCATE the driving public.
I think EDUCATION is the biggest factor in regards to cyclist safety while out on the roads with
Motor Vehicles. Drivers don't seem to understand that cyclists are allowed to be present on the
all least important
provide more than one chouse up & down on your survae
Selections won't stay checked.
Facilities to secure the bicycle are very important.
Not too sure about lockers in general purpose environment: they might be an invitation for
Form a committee comprised of cyclists to work with the State DOT.
Cyclists and pedestrians should be allowed convenient access as much as vehicular traffic.
Some of these were tied in my mind but I had no alternative but to just pick one for each category
(most important,etc). They are very important as prices of fuel increases...
And we are becoming more obese due to lack of exercise.
Keep the bicycles off the paved roads and put them on the multi use paths. They danger the
public by riding on the 4' shoulders because they ride on the white line.
I got pulled over by a State Policeman one day, because I didn't have a red light on my bicycle
(I'd forgotten it that day; my mistake). We had about a 20-minute conversation about bicycling,
because he biked too. The most interesting and disturbing thing he told me was how a lot of
motorists will call police dispatch to report a bicycle using a highway road lane, because
motorists don't realize that bicycles are vehicles too.
I get very uncomfortable when I see cyclists. When there are two or more bicyclists, they always
ride over the line as if the bicycles have the right of way on the road and the car has to move
over. Bicyclists can be unpredictable and can lose balance easily potentially falling into the car's
lane. I’ve seen cars almost get into accidents with other cars due to cyclists being careless.
Sometimes cyclists don't even use the shoulder which is even worse! There has to be a better
I think the maintenance is moot as far as if there was an exiting shared use or bike path that
users would use it anyway, but they must first exist, and have them well marked and done so to
be an obvious visual cue for motorists and not tiny little hard to see signs. I see larger signs
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
warning that animals may be present than I do for people on bikes.
There should be an ongoing & thorough public awareness/mass media campaign targeted at
educating drivers. Many broadcasters, (such as Cox Communications, TV news & radio stations)
can partner with state agencies to produce Public Service Announcements. Here is an example: From a legislative standpoint, a ban on all electronic device use
while driving (or any distracted driving), not just texting, should be passed, enforceable, and
enforced as a primary offense.
Having ridden in most of the towns in the Phoenix metro I have found drivers to be generally
unaware of cyclists. On a typical ride of 50 plus miles it is common to get at least one driver angry
that a biker is even on the road- I ride in the bike lanes or as far right as possible when the
pavement is not raised or unsafe. Common causes of concern: being honked at, driven
dangerously close to,drivers pulling into bike lanes and stop when turning onto roadways.
Wide shoulders are fine as long as they are maintained. Shared use paths are good in areas of
heavy vehicle traffic as long as they are not sidewalks and are designed so that bicyclists can
easily pass slower pedestrians.
narrow and debris covered bike lanes and/or shoulders make it difficult to ride properly. I believe
the wider lanes would be very helpful - as well as making connections - between areas - without
loosing the wider lanes.
i repeat . . . the state has plenty of bike trails already in existence . . . they're called sidewalks
since you very seldom see them being used.
I think separate bike paths would be better than wide shoulders.
Widen the shoulders is very important. Put more signs out that make drivers more aware that
bikes are on the road and how to interact with them. Pass with caution and reduced speed. Leave
adequate distance, 3 feet or more. Have police enforce these laws. Educate drivers.
Same as for pedestrians - bikeways need to be physically separated from the roadway and
should connect to existing bikeways in cities/towns. The more shade trees along bike paths the
HAVE A LICENSE! There needs to be more communication to the public that cyclists have a
RIGHT to the road!!!!
need public comment to identify which segments of highway need improvement for cycling.
Please increase bike lane width and conditions. I ride 200-250 miles/week and this is the number
one cause of accidents i.e., ability to distance yourself from cars on the roadways which in turn
makes the drivers angry and aggressive. Also, the penalties for hitting bicyclist is nonexistent.
Giving cyclist well maintained adequate sized bike lanes allow for them to stay out of the roadway
and therefore stay a bit more safe. Providing more training for drivers and police to help maintain
bicyclist safety should be a number one goal.
Bicycles, especially rode bicycles need a road that is well maintained. Small cracks and bumps
are a huge riding impairment for a cyclist whose tire may be no wider than 1 inch.
wider shoulders on any highway the carefree highway especially towards carefree.
more separate paint which brings attention to drivers that cyclists are in bike lanes
Same as above.
More bike lanes
Again, SR 87 between Pine & Strawberry is heavily used by cyclists and needs to be widened for
the safety of all. Cars routinely cross the double yellow to avoid slowing down for cyclists
because there is no shoulder at all.
We feel the need for walking paths or sidewalks and bicycle access routes in our town. Right now
we have to walk in the road and it feels dangerous with so many cars going by.
I mostly ride city streets, so I'm unsure as to the benefit(s) I would enjoy from improvements to
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
state highways.
Safety #1 of bicyclists is my main concern.
Maybe more emphasis should be placed on the cyclist obeying the same trafic laws that apply to
motor vehicles. They go between stopped cars and don't stop for traffic signs.
We as a state need to get serious about protecting the safety of our pedestrians. There are too
many stories of cyclist and pedestrians being hit by distracted drivers. It has to stop. Need
improved awareness, banning of handheld devices by drivers, and improved bike lanes for safe
they should have to get a license to ride on the roads just like a vehicle. they should be subjuct to
dui just like anyone else and should have to be a certain age before they are allowed on the road.
if they own a bike they shoul have to pay a tax to have that bikie lane installed. just like we pay
tax on gas they should have to pay a tax for thier bike . they want the lanes make them pay for it.
How would you improve education and awareness that would actually produce results?
More signage on roads to alert motorists of the 3 foot law. Also more signage to alert motorists of
bike lanes.
Improved education is important for a bike friendly state, but you need the infrastructure first so
you have something to educate folks about.
Education of all forms of roadway users is the key to safe cycling. The MUTCD signs in use
today do not adequately define and convey the laws relative to sharing the road. Include multiple
questions regarding sharing the road on drivers license exams as a way to educate.
Currently, the state of the roads in AZ is pretty sad. As a cyclist, I have ridden most of the major
roads from Phoenix to Tucson. One mile I'll be riding along a nice shoulder only to have it
completely disappear the next. Not to mention the chip seal speed bumps found frequently
around AZ. Better shoulders (or any shoulder at all) with the proper maintenance to
accommodate cyclists (Read: Smoother roads) would greatly help to improve bicycle use and
1. Safe Bike Lanes
2. Safe Intersections
safety from passsing vehicles
Bicyclist are getting by just fine without tax money. Build roads with that money. How about from
florence to the east valley!!!! There is a useful expenderature!!!!!
education is the key
Sounds like you have already decided to focus on highways. So is the idea that I would ride my
bike from Globe to Phoenix for a meeting or lifetime acheivement for my bucketlist. My thought is
bikeways that are attractive and convienent are the ones that are going to get used. It does not
matter what you build if no one uses it. The Scottsdale greenbelt for example is a bike path that
you can see people using all the time do you need a connector to an employement center or bike
racks etc.
continuation of last comment: re, education: Of course, bikers and peds should also know and
comply w/ the laws, but we're more likely to do so b/c of our vulnerability to larger vehicles and
their drivers. (that said, there are some cyclists who jeopardize my well-being by biking recklessly
and causing ill-will towards me and other knowledgable and "compliant" cyclists.
Folks the REAL ISSUE is the bicycle riders are careless, rude and not safety minded. They
should not be allowed on any highway which is not a safe inviroment [min. two foot paved
shoulders] for vehicle traffic first and bicylists second. These bicylists ride on roads without paved
shoulders in the roadway around cures and up hills. It is insane!
regular street sweeping of the shoulders would be nice, a separate bike path or shared used path
would be ideal (and it needs to be maintained during winter just like a road would)
Cyclists are a road hazard so I would dramatically limit their access to the state highways unless
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
they have a wide berm to ride. I would have a transition are between roadway and a
bike/pedestrian pathway, say 6 feet or so that is merely "terrain" and not to be used by the
cyclists with their paved path well out of the way. Common pavement with only a line separating
cyclist and cars is not acceptable.
Education of bike riders is the most important thing. Would like to see more police controlling
these riders who dart out in front of cars and fail to obey the rules of the road.
This is taking too long.
All of the items should be in the most important column.
Debris has been a huge issue causing injuries to cyclists on highways so any help there would be
great. Particularly the Beeline Hwy.
Most cyclists are well educated about cycling already. That's why they do it!
These designated bike lanes need to be kept clean. We find ourselves needing to move over into
driving lanes just to get around the debri. My husband and I sometimes even stop while riding to
move debri off the roads and bike lanes especially steel belted tire debri.
All of these items should be top priority for ADOT. Bicycling is one of the most environmentally,
economically, and socially sound modes of transportation. They are as fast as cars in most urban
situations, improve public health, and COST NEXT TO NOTHING.
Riding on State highways is not apriority for most cyclists, this will not increase users or riders.
This is only a small contingent of the people who want to commute. Having said that use your
money to help cities and counties. If you feel like ADOT HAS to do something, than fix the
shoulders and clean them up
I would like to see pathways NOT related to roads at all. Accidents with bicycles are always
blamed on the vehicle, even if the bicyclist is in the wrong.
Create cycling opportunities - wide shoulders, connectivity, shared paths. There seems like there
has been little progress in construction, update, education. Public needs to see action; see that
this is a real priority for the state. Users will support the emphasis, but there is little information
and little rallying around the issues. Needs visible top-level support form the governor and
administration. Then, educate, educate, educate!
They ride at their own risk. It is too dangerous the way a lot of people drive and at 75 mph
speeds. Get bicyclists off state highways.
paint bike lane images in the shoulders. post signs to have caution for cyclists
All are important but education that it is safe to take to the streets is most important.
I find that bicyclists like to ride side by side and some ride too close to the left white line for a
driver's comfort. I worry about them hitting a small rock and loosing control, falling into my
driver's lane.
Frontage Rd between New River and Anthem badly needs bicycle lanes. Also WB New River Rd
from I-17 to 74 needs wideer lanes and better pavement with lighting along the way
Prefer separate lanes for high speed vehicles, trucks and busses, slower vehicles, motorcycles
and then bicycles, in that order towards outer edge of roadway. It is dangerous riding a
motorcycle, and moreso riding a bike along highways.
Bicyclists have no place on state highways. That's pure nonsense.
Too many rural highways have no paved shoulders for cycling. Often times rumble strips are cut
in the middle of narrow shoulders, thus reducing the shoulder width for the cyclist. Again, start
enforcing the 3 foot law when passing cyclists.
If paths are provided on highways, they should be physically separated to keep bicyclists from
straying or riding more than single file.
Build and maintain separate pathways for bicyclist and pedestrians AWAY from highway and
enforce it's use.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
Bicycles DO NOT belong on highways.
different colored lanes like other countries do, sweep the bicycle lanes/shoulders more.. debris
causes cyclists to ride closer to road or crash potential from flats is higher
Have the Adot employees that are working this project ride their bike to work once a week, that'll
teach them all they need to know
Education to bicycle users is as important as to vehicle drivers. Licensing bikes for use on state
roadways should be required along with a qualifying test, as with a driver's license, before
issuance of the license
Min 4-foot, marked shoulder from edge of rumble strips. Signage on popular bicycle routes (such
as Beeline, Maricopa Road) to alert drivers.
I just rode the Answer to the Challenge and the road from Payson to Strawberry is a two lane
road without a shoulder. An idiot motorist in the on-coming lane tried to pass a string of cars,
forcing a car behind the cyclists to go into the ditch at speed. The car bumper hit the right
pedal/foot of my friend. A shoulder would have made stopping easier and he probably would not
have hit her.
Road diets- more space for bikes, less space and lanes for vehicles.
Bikes ride in the bike lane closest to cars because the curb-side is dangerous to ride. Cars don't
move around bikes like they should.
Bicycle facilities is FAR AND AWAY the most important thing on that list. Bicycle infrastructure
along highways has very limited value, so ADOT should instead be providing grants to cities that
can help them fund bike lanes on surface streets.
I don't bike on state highways.
In order to increase safety, adding more bike lanes/paths would help keep bikes off roadways.
Considering how drivers react when I ride my bicycle and even my motorcycle on the road, I
would much rather prefer to ride my bicycle on dedicated lanes versus sharing the road with
Again, until bicycles have to be registered, take a written test, and follow the actual rules of the
road (which Never occurs), it might be more important.
This is a test by Brent Crowther. Do not include in the summary report.
I care more about safety than anything else. There are too many bicycle deaths, often due to
drivers weaving into bike lanes. Additional education and marking.
more signage with references to vehicle/bike seperation requirements, marking of bike lanes
Again, if we're going to provide a safe and sane bike or ped experience, 4,000 pound steel
objects moving at high speeds and 250 pound soft objects moving at slow speeds must be
segregated. Intersections of highway and bike/ped lanes should consist of overpasses or tunnels.
Paths and lanes should be segregated from roads or highways.
yes, that would be nice
Same - cannot mark responses.
Mark all most important--Since I cannot mark any of these items, I would say that increasing
alternate forms of transportation over cars is a very necessary plan--more exercise is good for all
Concerned about bike lanes at intersections. It seems that if there is a (vehicle) right-turn lane,
the bicycle lane is sacrificed or has "dotted line" status. The message to the bicyclist is, "Your're
on your own--good luck!" Better education may be the best solution: Drivers don't automatically
consider bicyclists when in reality they should because bicyclists are more vulnerable to injury in
a conflict.
Everything to me is so important it is hard to rank. But anything that provides safety to bicyclists,
pedestrians and motorists it utmost.
State highways should have shoulders for bicyclists so motorists don't have to slow down for
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 3: Please identify any specific concerns, thoughts, or ideas that you have related to
accommodating bicyclists on the state highways (500 characters max).
Keep bicycle and pedestrian traffic as far away from motor vehicle traffic as possible. Since even
with wide shoulders bicyclists with a death wish will still ride 3 or 4 abreast, make it illegal for
them to block motor vehicle traffic. Find a way to enforce it.
Only the last item is worthy of consideration; improve education for roadway users. All the others
would lead to immense funding needs, followed by recurring maintenance needs, and would also
require suspension of common sense in that very few bicycle riders would care to ride long
distances of state roadways. Especially during the summer months; cost vs benefit, one more
EVERYONE (motorists, bicyclists, POLICE) need to be aware of the laws, especially in the case
of an accident. Often police seem to be unaware of how the law actually reads. This is quite
For the safety of bicyclists, put in a curb and extra land between the bicycle path and the
Bicyclists need a separation if possible from the roadways. I've seen cars ride in the bike lanes
too often. Drivers are too careless in this state and that behavior is never addressed when there
is an accident. If the driver wasn't impaired they let them go when carelessness and
recklessness were the usual cause.
Separate bike paths are safer than along side the road, but are more expensive, they also
provide the most enjoyment since the concern of being hit by a motorist is decreased.
#1 - Improve maintenance of shoulders (for use by bicyclists) on state highways:
The state of highway shoulders that I see daily in SE Arizona is appalling! For example, coyote
carcass deteriorating for >5 wks. Keeping these clear and safe seems the most cost-effective
way for bicyclists to use what is already there, no?
Bicycles have no business on state highways or anywhere else where traffic exceeds 40 mph
The bicyclists are NOT following the laws. Stopping at stop signs etc. They are also not able to
keep up with the flow of traffic and refuse to stay far enough over to allow safe passage by
vehicles putting themselves and others in grave danger
Keep the shoulder swept so the bikers can stay far right of the white line. Also sweep
intersections, especially if the cross road is gravel. Often bikers cross under “red” lights because
the sensors don’t “recognize” the biker as a vehicle.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
The Plan will identify activities that can be completed by ADOT to improve the comfort and safety of bicyclists and pedestrians on the State Highway. Please provide your ideas for:
What can ADOT do to improve education of motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians about current and safe practices
What can ADOT do to improve bicyclist and pedestrian facilities on State Highways
What can ADOT do to identify more funding for bicycling and walking facilities on State Highways
What can ADOT do to encourage more people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
What can ADOT do to evaluate the effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety and education materials and facilities
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Signs or other educational
announcements that remind motorists
that bicycles by law are SUPPOSED to
ride on the road, not the sidewalk, and
that they need to give the cyclist at least 3
feet when passing them.
The "Roll Model" bike stickering program
could be expanded to include all "big box"
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Anywhere a facility simply "peters out" (like
the shoulders on SR179 going towards I17), it
needs to be completed.
I honestly do not know.
Start in the classroom for All Students
and then continue for getting a drivers
PSAs on TV or internet and signage
Request more funding and then clean up the
Go to Employers with both low and high
income employees and ask questions,
Require 4 ft shoulder/bike lane on all roads
Signage. Remind drivers to give cyclist 3
Bike racks to secure bicycles, shaded waiting
Require a refresher driver's education
course every 3-5 years to keep your
driver's license.
stop riders from trespassing on private
Place Share the Road signs that have
cars, people and bikes
More material in MV tests covering
bicycling/pedestrian rights. Add some
short education posts into your website
and traffic alert programs.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Make shoulder wider on existing roads and
make sure it is maintained when the roadway
itself is maintained. When new roads are built
or re-built, include wider shoulders where they
don't exist.
Remove rumble strips from bike lanes
Have four foot bike lanes without rumble
Clean the shoulder/bike lane, ensure that
resurfacing efforts for the roadway carry over
to the edge of the paveed area so that large
bumps and cracks do not exist.
Require bike lane for each road outside a
subdivision. In neighborhoods, traffic is slow
and not congested, outside, cyclists need bike
Specify a percentage of any roadwork project
that must go toward bicycling or pedestrian
license bicycles, require fees and tags
Maintain what you have and build Complete
Streets that include cars, bikes and
pedestrian facilities
Hold district engineers accountable for failing
to comply with ADOT policy such as not
placing rumble strips in as they are required in
Lobby the feds for more Transportation
Enhancements and Safe Routes to School
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Beyond giving us safer roads (see above),
maybe a regular monthly "Bike/Walk to Work
(or the Store)" program could be sponsored
I'm not sure these need to be evaluated spend the money on roads/paths. Every
motorist is taught, via the driver's manual, that
bicycles on supposed to ride on the road. I
believe the instruction in the manual is
adequate. But no one reads the manual.
Track data on bike/ped ACCIDENTS... not
just fatals.
I believe the 5 E's (or 6 Es) actually matter.
Since Enforcement is always the weak link,
ADOT needs to pressure DPS to improve its
bike/ped education/enforcement. Either that,
or install massive overhead air conditioning.
Back to....provide safer paths Look at
If you make safe facilities for them, they will
use them. Also, PSAs on TV and internet
If you build them, they will come. The more
you build, the more people will get out and
exercise. Example 179 in Sedona
Have bike lanes mandatory on new ADOT
highway construction.
Improve the facilities (bike lanes, locking
facilities for bikes, sidewalk and bike lane
increase fuel taxes, improve and add to trails
and sidewalks
Make it safer - with wider bike paths and
If you provide the facilities, people will use
Put people out there that mingle with the
people that use the system not just a
Spend money on physical facilities, not
evaluating education
watch the number of deaths and injuries
find what is effective with other jurisdictions
and follow suit. communicate with other
departments and NGO's to find what works.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Have public officials and TV news
programs that state unequivocally that
Cyclists and Pedestrians have a right to
use the roads.
Provide pamphlets with the necessary
Publicize 3' rule
though TV and news the
hazard and results of not being aware
have commercials broadcasted on local
television stations
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
incease the sin tax
see next
have benefit events
A per centage of all highway funding should
be applied to bicycles and walk way access.
Maybe 1 or 2 percent?
raise gas taxes
create materials for use in schools and
other public education venues
Add info. to the driver's test.
require ped and bicycle accommodations in
every project
Public safety announcements regarding
sharing the highway with bicyclists and
leaflets with vehicle tag renewal to
educate motorists on bicycle safety rightof-way
more signs!! and labeled bike lanes with
directional arrows.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Publicize things like Bike to Work Week; use
billboards to get people to SHARE THE
wider bike path...painted lines with reflectors
Make it a priority for all highway projects.
incorporate bicycles into driver education
and liscensing.
Incentive programs tied to a "non-driver"
Taking action with each community and
implementing the goals stated. STRESS
the 3' foot law.
Post signs stating the 3' law and no more
than 2 bike riders side-by-side
That's the ADOT staff job
Work with Tempe Bicycle Action Group and
other bicycle advocacy groups
Spot TV ads. clear markings in roadways.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Enforce DUI laws, ban texting and cell phone
use while driving
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Better signage to alert drivers that cyclists are
sharing the road
Provide and adequate and clean of debris 4'
lane attached / highway
Narrow rumble strips next to the fog lines, not
extending into shoulders. Sweep shoulders to
remove glass
Better maintained shoulders. Wider
barriers, ped/bike bridges/ better maintained
Go at it from the health point if view & the
environmental aspects
use a % of the road/highway funding already
set in place for motorized transportation.
Provide safer side walks, shoulders, road
markings and lighting.
Incentives to commute
increase the safety in doing so... give
have benefit events/ commercials with a
slogan you can put on merchandise
Do a survey
Periodic bike and pedestrian count. Count
motor vehicle violations of not stopping before
right on red. Count texting/cell phone use
while driving. Consider automated collection
have the patrol cars take a count of bikes
do surveys finding out
motorists/pedestrians/bicyclists level of
knowledge on laws
provide safe, convient, clean bike and walk
raise gas taxes. add to the facility network.
Payson has two main highways through our
town and lots of traffic and no safe way to
navigate on bike or foot.
create separate pathways
more surveys
Interconnectivity of safe routes
The statistics will speak for themselves
By achieving the goals mentioned and get the
word out. People learn by actions taken, not
leaflets in a library.
Publicity about bicycling and walking benefits
-- health, lose weight, reduce gasoline cost
Television /especially news-media seems to
work for spreading the word. News-media
would be far less costly if not free.
Provide surveys to be completed when
applying for drivers licenses. Surveys in
Put questions on driver license written tests
regarding bikes and pedestrians.
Don't know.
Bike paths should be separate from the
roadway whenever possible, especially in
high traffic areas.
add a few cents to vehicle registration and
also a bonus optional amount for those who
are bikers. there is so much wasted money
out there im sure it wont be hard to find funds.
bike days, rallies, bike awareness campaigns,
maps, helmet discounts
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
bike safety rallies, start in the schools
because alot of those children ride to school
and they can carry that info on as an adult.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
The driver's test, and the book to prepare
for it are seen by high schoolers and newcomers to the state. it is a place to start
Public awarness through videos, web site,
TV, and school education
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
shade and water are important in summer
public health monies. we all know there's an
obesity epidemic going on here. yank money
from the insurance companies. they are huge
blook-sucking vampirish corporations.
By collaboration with sports shops, media
(TV,radio,facebook, twitter, etc) to inform
people and raise money
Arizona business should be encouraged to
observe 'siesta' it is too hot to work, or walk
or bicycle or drive, or do much of anything
between noon and 4 pm
By informing people about energys savings,
sustaianbility, and getting fit. It would be great
to see energy conservation ad on TV
Better access to bike paths and lanes.
Allow bicyclists to cross an intersection
without stopping at a stop sign or at a red light
as long as there is no cross traffic. This works
well in Boise, Idaho.
build infastructure 4 it
Make pedestrian and bicycle paths safer and
separated from motor traffic.
Provide safe routes with bicycle lanes.
Provide fix up stations, solar air pump for
tires, electrical outlet for electric
bikes,increase number of facilities
Tell motorists that median lanes (between
the yellow lines) are only to be used for
left turns, NOT AT ALL for merging traffic!
have open forums
Signage and lane markings would help a
There should be questions on the drivers
test that are specific to cycling. Drivers
are poorly educated in this area.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Help drivers understand that others have
just as much right to the roads as they do
and pay taxes too!
Take tax payer money that Arpio is using
to go after Obama and use it to improve
education in cycling
Create fun and educational events with
free safety equipment to increase interest
in and raise awareness about cycling.
Make sure that cycling awareness is a
component of all drivers education
courses, raise fines and increase
enforcement for moterists who put cyclist
in harms way.
Share the Road signs, flashing lights at
busy intersections, install buttons to push
to "cross the street" at curb so that
cyclists can press it as they stand in the
bike lane. It is very difficult to press the
"walk" button when it is attached to a
streetlught pole on the sidewalk!!!
Good signage, inclusion of best practices
with respect to bikes and pedestrians in
driving courses.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
build them
I didn't even know there were ANY bicycle or
pedestrian facilities on state highways.
Provide wide shoulders with the absence of
debris. Often times there is so much debris
that it forces one to cycle closer to the traffic.
More facilities are needed for locking bicycles
outside of businesses
maintain them - keep them repaved and
cleared of debris
use road tax
Beats me
license bicycles
Take tax payer money that Arpio is using to
go after Obama and improve facilities
Take money Arpio is using to go after Obama
and improve bicycle routes.
Create wide shoulders. The Oregon
Department of Transportation offers excellent
resources for building bicycle infrastructure.
Petition congress to reinstate funding for nonmotorized transportation.
Fund and colllaborate with local non-profits to
offer bike fairs and awareness events.
wider bike lanes
More bike lanes, more shared use paths,
crosswalks with sensors
More bike lanes, sensors for the lights to
recognize cyclists waiting at a light, so the
cyclists don't have to get on the sidewalk to
press the button and risk getting hit by a
motorist as the cyclist goes back and forth on
the sidewalk pushing the crosswalk button.
Provide areas for travel by bicyclists and
pedestrians that are separate from vehicle
areas. Safety increases considerably with
such facilities.
Create more pedestrian and bike pathways
that are safe and pleasant
Improve the interconnectivity of current routes
Stay in touch with organizations such as the
League of American Bicyclists.
Emphasize facilities for these uses that are
safe and avoid vehicle-heavy areas.
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
By communicating with public and taking a
evaluate results
Common sense would help here.
Survey of facilities users in person at location
internet surveys like this one, metrics on
Collect quantitative and qualitative data on a
range of existing bicycle infrastructure in
stratified areas defined by traffic conditions.
less cyclists killed or injured equals
Evaluate crash statistics, safety statistics,
ridership numbers. Listen to the public when
they complain about various items.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Increase motorist awareness of bicyclists
and peds
1) Include information car registration
renewals; 2) Create PSAs to broadcast
on a regular basis; 3) Work with local
juristictions to promote education in the
schools; 4) Distribute literature to all
incoming college students; 5) Install
signage with safety reminders at intervals
along improved bike pathways
Share The Road Booklets to hand out at
1) Public service messages / ads on TV
2) Mail flyers
Get more people using alternative modes
of transportation. The best way for
motorists to learn about traffic hazards
towards bicyclists and pedestrians is to
be one often.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Utilize social networking more. Partner
with local and national bike clubs.
Improve signage and partner with local
retail cycle stores
More media spots - TV ads
Work with local cities and towns to offer
training seminars that are interactive at
local recreation centers or schools.
Education is great, but once people get
behind the wheel, they become impatient
and don't always see us, or we irritate
them because we are there.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Safe paths with shade
Paved shoulders and bike lanes
Network with bicycyle stores
1) make sure right lanes are wide enough for
bike/car shared use. 2) Eliminate situations
where the "bike lane" suddenly goes away to
make room for left turn lanes (e.g. Guadalupe
& Hardy in Tempe) 3) make sure cities work
together to avoid routes being broken up (e.g.
McClintock in Tempe & Chandler). 4) Better
maintenance - road edges tend to become
I have found facilities to be quite adequate
along state highways.
Why does it have to be separate? Cant it just
be part of how roads are built?
Lobby legislation that mandates a percentage
of state roadway funding to be used for such.
Provide and maintain safe travel venues
Partner with the states that are doing the best
job in this area.
Work with state, county and local parks and
recreation and planning agencies
Create a seperate fund for these purposes
Provide matching funds if cities and towns are
willing to use their own funds or grant money
on state highway projects.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Add more signage and shoulder markings
Ensure there are bike lanes, including on SR
260 between Camp Verde and Cottonwood.
Better intersection safety improvements at
Hwy 89A and SR 260 intersection.
In our area, provide wider shoulders or
system that parallels the hwy and keeps
everyone safe, would love to see a systemt
that connects Parker, Lake Havasu City and
Funding, I am at a loss there...grants I
suppose, the current Presidency is pushing
the expercise daily program and conservation
of finite fuels, maybe there is something there.
Emphasize advantages; lower cost, high gas
cost, exercise advantage
1) Increase the price of Gasoline to $10 /
gallon. 2) See B. above.
Make it as easy as possible to do so. Walking
just about anywhere along an Arizona
highway is not an option for most people
given the distance between destination but
bicycling is possible and wide safe bike lanes
make that a possibility.
If there were biking paths and sidewalks
separate from state highways, I would use
them. I do not like riding my bike along major
highways. It is unsafe, noisy, hot, and
polluted. However, I do enjoy leisurely riding
on bike paths along canals, shady paths, off
major roadways.
Advocacy through awareness, promote
Misters and shade in the hot summer months
Metrics, Metrics, Metrics... Things like
injury/fatality rates per mile traveled
Benchmark incidents and compare incidents
More advertising
Provide safer facilities.
Conduct more surveys like this one
Ask for updates from local police
Our winter months work well for that concept,
our summer does not
Push info to the younger kids so they grow up
understanding it
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Kingman by bike trails.
Share the Road' signage
More public service videos on TV
signs indicating the consequences, get in
the news to deliver the message
rumble strip and paint, wider shoulders
I'm not sure that Arizonans are educable
at this time.
better education for new drivers
Include defensive cyclist ed. in drivers ed.
to encourage awareness. Have road
cyclists on road during test.
Separate said facilities from vehicular traffic.
Generic news letter, information at local
bike shops and sporting stores
commericals, cable access, psa's
Set aside funding for statewide safety
awareness campaign; Bicycle Education
for Police
mailers in the water bill are a good start.
shaded benches
Explain how people using bike instead of
cars helps the people driving cars and
Include bicycle shared safety in license
renewal. Work with insurance companies,
auto dealers, and repair shops to educate
Advertisements on TV.
more working water sites
Increase connectivity and create a map of
bike-path and bike-friendly roads for public
create more of them of
Adopt a Complete Streets policy along with
training and implementation guidance for
engineers and planners
Maintain a clean shoulder free of debris and
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Have a state bicycle coordinator that actually
commutes by bicycle
take money from less useful projects
Show Govenor & State Legislators
cycling/walking to work.
in the summer there is nothing one can do, all
other times one needs a SAFE means of
Make it safer to do so.
Mail in survey on drivers license test
Cite bike-friendly road safety stats which
show less driving accidents and bike acdts
after bike population tips.
Census on how many cyclist and walkers use
them, go green
grants, awareness, taxes
Establish Dedicated State Funding
License plate fundraiser with Share the Road
or Bikes Belong
make sure they stay clear of debree
got me
Combine benefit per dollar on visible impact
to awareness. Images of bicycles.
$X from sales of/tax on bicycle and vehicle
Riding on the shoulders is to dangerous and
only looking for trouble with too many crazy
Keep existing facilities well maintained
Advertise on TV.
Add educational flyers to electric or water
Media Campain of the 3 feet rule.
Speed kills.
Federal Grants,
Have clear, unambiguous laws that are
consistently enforced and interpreted.
Educate pedestrians, cyclists and law
enforcement agencies as to the exact
nature of the laws. Disseminate the
Maintenance - Keep the shoulders clean!
Allocate additional funds from the state
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Designate a percentage of roadway
reconstruction or improvement project
budgets for alternative modes
Organized paid biking event.
tax credits
Quito, Ecuador recently started a hugely
popular (Sun morning) weekly main-roadshutdown for walkers/joggers/cyclists to take
over. Clean air, happy people.
go green, saving money
Track incidents and #'s of hours walked/biked
in AZ. Compare infrastructure development to
emulated city.
statistics on accidents
make it more accessible
Provide more funding for facilities and
education in all elementary and middle
Provide a safer environment to do so. This
includes educating them on routes and
making sure the routes are marked and safe
to use.
educate people on how it helps the smog, get
employeers to give incentives to employees
who bike
Expand rapid transit lines and install bicycle
support services (private vendors?) Work with
employers to encourage/support employee
use of public transportation and cycling.
Show how this is done all around us in other
make them available
Bicycle Safety Emphasis in Strategic Highway
Safety Plan
Use trip reduction program techniques to
encourage people to use an alternative mode
on one round trip per week during months
with reasonable weather conditions
Provide more fluid biking lanes
Talk to county medical associations to
determine if doctors can report bicycle related
injuries when the cyclist did not complete a
crash report with the police
Maybe at the biking events supply surveys
and info booth
census taking at bike shops, metro stations.
make more bike lanes, bike safe boxes at
interesections, look to WA state for giudance.
Make the current walking/cycling lanes safer
and cleaner.
run surveys and track number of accedents.
Install "boxes" at key
beginning/crossroads/end spots for
completion and deposit of surveys.
Research how other countries do this.
Have LIVE people survey/poll actual lane
users as to their level of competence
regarding state laws, etc. Ask them how they
learned what they perceive to be the
governing laws.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
information through pertinent channels.
Put more emphasis on bicycle en
pedestrian use of the road in the driver
test (and booklet for preparation). Not
sure whether this is in ADOT's scope. If
not, work with the responsible department
to make this happen. Also, use clear and
consistent signage. E.g. use of red lights
at pedestrian crossings in Tucson is
different than in Tempe.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
State highways seem to be one of the most
dangerous places to ride a bike or walk
(vehicles going at high speed, often for a long
time with distracted or tired drivers). The best
way to avoid fatalities of bikers and
pedestrians is to give them alternative roads
or paths, even a dirt path 10 or 20 feet away
from the highway would be better than an
extended shoulder or sidewalk (that vehicles
easily drift into).
Maybe similar to the adopt a highway, have a
parallel program for making a highway bicycle
or pedestrian friendly - display a sign with the
name of company or organization that made
this possible in exchange for sponsorship
make the roads safer for bicycle or pedestrian
add bicycle education to manditory driving
commercials and bill boards
online maps published to show routes,
possibilities to get from point A to point B
need a physical barrier between bikes/peds
and mortorists
more bridges over highways 101
Fwy/Chandler Blvd @ Chandler Mall perfect
example. VERY dangerous for bicyclists.
Bike lanes on Chandler Blvd but dangerous
for bicyclists @ chandler blvd & 101
Raise gas taxes.
Bike licenses, fund raising events (bike races,
etc) to collect money for facilities. Car license
Awareness campaigns - signs @ roads
educating people on need -- get out an vote
when opportunity is there
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
educate motorists on saftey and stiffer fines
for hitting cyclists
Raise gas taxes. provide safe paths for
Ease of use, more safe bike paths, storage.
leverage local police analyists to run the
statictics to id actions to take
accidents reports, signs for peds, and having
a tent or booth at cycling/triatholon events
tie to weight loss / health benefits. education.
more paths & accessiblity.
surveys at REI and health/fitness locations
I feel like ADOT has done a great job on bike
lanes, but the speed limit on those bike lane
roads is too high. Maybe lower speed limit on
some east/west and north/south routes tat
would be good for bikes. i.e. Pecos Road has
relatively low traffic due to the L202 being so
close, but people still drive 50-55 mph. If
budget allowed add bike specific lanes that
are separated from the main road.
Fines and criminal prosecution of
motorists who injure or kill
cyclists/pedestrians need to be increased.
Too often motorists are let off with a slap
on the wrist or less.
Mail out ABC list to all motorists on the
laws for biyclists and pedestrians. Keep it
I believe that the "Share the Road"
campaign is quick and easy and to the
point. More of these signs and similar
signage I think will be helpful.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Provide separate bicycle roads that are not
shared with car traffic.
Have monthly maintenance plan for state
Just make sure the trees, bushes and plants
do not protrude into the paths resulting in
bikers and pedestrians moving out into the
streets to avoid them. So - maintenance on
them on a regular basis is KEY.
Maybe tap into the DUI revenues, TASK force
revenues etc.
Educate the populace. Community meetings
and mailings to champion the benefits of
Ease it into people minds. Advertise in the
cooler months when people are more apt to
try it.
Set up measureable criteria starting with
Nominate diligent and avid walkers and bike
commuters all from different cities and
districts to participate in an ongoing
"oversight" project to report on specific and or
various needs ADOT would like to address.
These unpaid participants can also give
valuable feedback to ADOT for future
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
projects, growth issues and integration ideas.
Partner with localities to spread the word.
Fund safety campaings that include radio,
TV, billboards, etc.
CITE THE RIDERS. Bicycle riders ignore
traffic laws. ADOT and DPS cannot
Start in the schools, expose people to the
proper practices and laws at all levels.
public service ads on tv. Testing for
drivers license questions on bicyclist
Difficult issue with people talking on cell
phones and/or texting - Better
inforcement with higher fines
Jersey barriers for bike lanes. Separate lanes
for biking and walking.
Add them and call them what they are - BIKE
LANES, sidewalks and/or shared use paths.
Make it safer!
Convince the state to use gas tax monies on
bike / ped facilities.
CITE THE RIDERS. Bicycle riders ignore
traffic laws. ADOT and DPS cannot enforce.
Keep the lines between the bike paths and
roadways painted. Add more signage.
Wider shoulders for riding
Tough question, I don't have an answer for.
Help create a network away from fast moving
vehicles. Install signalized crossings on state
highways so people have a safe option of
getting across them.
Provide safe ways to do it.
Better shoulders and driver drifting into the
lane avoidance portection.
Raise gas prices
Driver & bicycle awareness of rights and laws
(safety) Wider shoulders on the road and
better paths for commuters
Raise gas prices
Provide safe places to ride, bike lanes, big
workplace showers and lockers
Focus on cyclists. Don't focus on
secondary things like helmets and focus
on predictable vehicular cyclist behaviors
psa's on non-cable channels are
effective. perhaps a bike safety brochure
mailed to low-income areas.
Keep them clean. Do not put bike lane
striping at intersection approaches.
not sure
keep bikes/people off the actual street by
creating a division thats built up between the
vehicles and bikes/pedestrians.
its too hot a majority of the year to bike or
walk. but pathways would help the most.
sinage posting
Com on tv
i dont know
Water and safe rest stop area
increase sales for advertising on billboards
along the highway. it helps keep drivers
vissually stimulated and funds can go towards
biking uses along freeways
resident surveys about habbits
Lottery money
Provide education in new driver education
regarding other road users, advertise
local bike safety classes, advocate for
bike citation diversion programs to
education classes, provide safety
publications and maps as much as
possible, continue to improve signage to
show where bikes/peds have a right to be
and/or have right of way
blitz campaign on tv, radio, and
Ads & pathway signs
maintain routes - bicycles will quickly avoid if
they get flat tires, improve connectivity of
routes -- eliminate gaps and create workarounds for difficult intersections
grants, and advocating all the way local to
federal that cost per user-unit is very LOW for
bike/ped facilities compared to motor vehicle
facilities -- it's a great investment and saves
everyone money!!!
EDUCATION!! Providing helmets, maps,
route building tools... advocate health
benefits, savings on gas, no need to find
parking. Encourage team mentaility with
transit so people can link more trips together
More town hall mtgs
Don't you know what to do? This is a
ridiculous survey.
Widen and maintain shoulder
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
increase rest areas with water, bathrooms
Ads & pathway signs
varifiable tax credits
Grass roots adds
Monitor ridership levels and crashes.
CITE THE RIDERS. Bicycle riders ignore
traffic lawys. ADOT and DPS cannot enforce.
Keep track of injuries and fatalities and watch
the trend as the above is implemented.
This survey is a good start
not sure, getting out to cyclists is most
hire people who must bike often to
evaluate/record/report their experiences.
DES, food banks, unemployment, etc. can
provide refferrals to ADOT
residents surveys
Bike stores and school talks, ride a bike to
work day.
Usage counts, public perception changes
(especially negative attitude of motorists
toward bicycles), reduced accidents due to
people better understanding who has right-ofway (common indicator -- right hook
more cycle friendly eventys and bike paths
Fight at the budget table
Statistical analysis of roadway usage and
Improve safety
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
There are several dangerous intersections
that do not have crossing options for cyclists
even though they are heavily used by cyclists
and were constructed relatively recently (e.g.,
Catalina State Park at Oracle Road). It
seems that this should be done as part of any
new construction projects, and added to
existing roadways as soon as possible.
enforcing the five-foot rule would go a
long way in helping, and i've never
seen/heard of a motorist ticketed for this
Run TV commercials
Some people are so fat and lazy even putting
a bomb under them would not encourage
educate drivers and enforce laws already on
the books
Plan for the future. Integrate trails with the
freeway system.
Not sure.
better facilities and stop urban sproll. You can
get anywhere in the valley in 1hr, beacuse the
freeways are awesome.
Let people know what the laws are. Does
not have to be anything lengthy. Simply
state what should be the minimum
maybe an ongoing series of BRIEF
articles in newspapers explaining
bike/pedestrian/motorist laws & right of
way rules.
TV ads; fines for those that put bicyclists
and pedestrians in danger by being
Add a few questions on drivers license
tests, both written and oral/practical.
Improve conditions of shoulders and clearly
mark lane lines.
Combine projects which can include
improvements to promote both while
completing required road improvements.
Improve road conditions, increase bike lanes
and educate everyone on rules of the road.
state that it is legal and desirable to share
the road
Billboards, Pamphelts at bike stores, add
to drivers handbook
Perhaps a facebook page with a link to
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
sweep the shoulders more often so bikes can
use more of the shoulder.
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Ask the users (like this survey).
Consider printing maps available for bikers
and pedestrians for a cost ....but make the
maps useful with good information
sell license plates for bikes--something that is
seen as an enhancement to the bicycle,
something cool
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
look at bike/car accident statistics?
Not sure, but I am a PRO cyclist and have
recently stopped riding on the road because it
is too dangerous. There are too many
distracted drivers these days. I will get my fix
on the mountain bike where there are know
Create a panel of each group to review and
discuss if what is planned is working.
provide paths & bike lanes so I can get from
point A to point B without risking life and limb
on the "shared" roadways.
Provide incentives
Simple, put in bike paths that are large
enough to use.
Encourage private business to donate or do
fund raising for bike/walking paths. Sponsor
fund raising rides/walks.
clean the junk offf the shoulders
ask for it
install wider shoulders and not rumble strips
Increase shoulder size
charge us a state licence fee
Local votes for bond funding
Better separation of the bike lane from traffic
I think anything to be done needs to be
Consider putting the paths in our scenic
locations and improve existing paths near all
colleges and areas where people would
realistically use them to get to work or for
make it safe and known to be legal to all
Connect with universities/high schools to
encourage student evaluation projects. Keep
cost down. People are pretty aware of safety
improve bicycle friendly roads and shoulders
Improve safety and connectivity to other
Tax and insurance incentives. Insurance
more riders and fewer accidents
Web cam monitoring
the number of riders on the road
Safety would probably be done with statistics,
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
videos? A giveaway contest might get
the viewership up.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
(I suggested large bumpers)
inexpensive (which I think my bumper idea is comparatively)
but I'd contact bike clubs and stores that sell
bikes and put up some flyers soliciting input
and giving this website link.
Elementary and high school seminars.
Have bike/pedestrian pathways physically
divided from the roadway with a minimum of a
1) include basic cyclists rights/law review
in every ADOT motor drivers license
exam 2) ADOT design a simple training
for young cyclists in grade and middle
schools on cyclist rights and proper riding
behaviors 3) Take simple cyclist training
to schools, community health fairs, other
high visibility events
Need to advertise a common approach
for pedestrains and bicyclists throughout
AZ. Currenty we have various
implementations of how cyclists are
encouraged to behave (utilize roadway
with motorists v. utilize shared use paths
with pedestrians).
MVD requirement to get license and learn
about laws concerning others on the road.
More education in public, school and work
put forward a truely pedistrian/bike plan
that is committed to safety and not flow
through mentality
talks, pamphlets, T-shirts, bumper
make this a requirement for
licensing/renewal for everyone
Signage indicating bicycle paths
1) move vehicle rumble strips to the inside of
the right side of the traffic lane, not on narrow
shoulders 2) improve "share the road"
signage and striping 3) visibility support and
enforce the "3-foot rule" 4) focus budget for
wider shoulders on state highway corridors
typically used for bicycle touring (e.g., 89A to
the Grand Canyon) 5) Restrict oversize load
trucks to major highway corridors, prevent on
state highways
Maintnenance: Keep the facilities/features
clean, clear of debris and in good working
order. Construction: Provide facilities/features
which enhance and/or extend the accessibility
and connectivity to and between facilities and
features. Lighting: Provide appropriate
lighting for safety and security. This may vary
depending on costs and usage. Education:
Let the public know what is available and how
it may benefit them.
Improve security and visiablity
Lobby the Fed for more grant money.
Riding/walking (while less glamorous) is
"Green Energy". Look to the health insurance
industry- healthier living financially benefits
1) Contact the Adventure Cycling Assn (800755-2453 or 406-721-1776) that is working
with numerous DOTs to promote the U.S.
Bicycle Route System
basically requires you to have a car, because
if you turn off your insurance (and not use the
car) it costs a fortune to return to using your
car since you were "uninsured". Its a trap.
Safer riding lanes. One of the biggest
deterrents for using a bicycle (in my opinion)
is the fear of being seriously injured or killed
by a car.
Visibility and awareness campaign
Get bicycle laws added to the written DL
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Use traffic calming technics like European
Understand, which no DOT does that priority
needs to be focused on traffic calming not
just do it
1) Create better access with designated
bike/pedestrian lanes in the highest potential
travel corridors (e.g., secondary state roads)
2) reduce potential conflict between motorists
and cyclists through basic education of each
others road rights
1) same way you do vehicle traffic studies first collect data in vehicle-cyclist/pedestrian
areas (schools, downtowns, unimproved
traffic corridors typically used by
cyclists/pedestrians, etc.) 2) interface with
local bicycling clubs 3) hire/consult with local
bicyclists/pedestrians regarding high conflict
areas 4) hold series of public hearings to
collect feedback
New legislation, though this may be difficult
given the current economy. Take advantage
of special groups and organizations who
might volunteer their services and/or
products. Solicit organizations, governments
and businesses to sponsor portions of the
infrastructure which helps their connectivity
and/or allows them recognition/advertising for
See answer to 4.B.
Monitor the documentation that is available
before and after improvments (accident
history, usage, etc.). Seek feedback from
those who actually use each facility/feature on
a regular basis.
Private Partnerships with companies willing to
support transit to its employees.
Increase gas tax and use it for this program.
Improve Access to and from locations.
lockers and showers.
Make it easier and less dangerous.
surveys and study counts.
place restrictions on priortizing transportation
as motor vehicle only
get serious about considering safety concerns
of these groups
Really? you have to ask this question....there
in lies the problem
work more efficiently on other projects
provide bike lanes and walkways and it will
make it easier to ride on roadways without
incidents, raise taxes/fees on drivers
Improve safety by designating safe areas for
bicyclists, mark them well.
ask people whether they read them
Wide shoulders, elimination of chip and seal,
and maintenance of shoulders.
Shade and better maintenance
put more in
Improve bicycle lanes and add crosswalks
Document a rise in bicycle use and decline in
Gas tax revenue
no idea
Tax someone. Anyone. Toll booths for out of
Provide incentives such as lunch vouchers
Increase facilities to increase
Collect data.
Ask the users. Respond to bicyclist's
reporting of unsafe conditions and their
suggestions of remedies.
Involve citizens in your process
surveys to bike clubs
Have a cyclist/pedestrian website and email
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Send educational leaflets to all Arizona
driver's license holders. Air ads on tv
stations to raise awareness.
"commercials" on TV
signs in areas with high bike/pedestrian
traffic; in general, any "offical" sign that
mentions bikers/walkers feels like it
validates their use of the roads.
Television ads/programs concerning
bicycle safety - Bus/Light Rail Ads
Ads on popular places such as, street signs, fliers with
auto license renewal, etc.
Ads, printed and TV
billboards. Provide info when you renew
your license. Maybe a quick quiz/survey
before any driver can renew.
Install signs that inform motorist to share
the road with cyclist.
Include information regarding current safe
practices pertaining to at least a 10 mile
radius of home zipcode when residents
renew their vehicle registration (whether
registering a bicycle or automobile).
Not sure, but something needs to be
done. Cyclist get no respect,
consideration or courtesy from motorists.
Provide an updated information page
when people renew their vehicle
registration, run ads in the newspapers
and local event papers
For motorists, add a few sentences to the
drivers license manual. For all, signage to
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Maintain shoulders and put up signs signalling
motorists to the presence of bicyclists and
Keep shoulders clean and smooth
Wide shoulders with wide/colored safety
stripes along bike lanes to alert motorists
Coordinate with local governments to provide
connectivity to existing and future systems,
avoid interuptions due to state facilities
bisecting local facilities.
ideal, rest stops, like on major highways?
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
state drivers-$1.00?
Establish and/or increase fines on motorists
who enter bike lanes and do not yield to
???Isn't that a task of someone working for
cyclists/pedestrians. #s will increase safety
Highlight benefits to personal health, the
environment and the wallet.
list. Keep us informed and participating.
Take polls at the MVD.
Keep roadways clean and safe. Use media to
promote usage.
make it easy (web) to find the current existing
paths and the parking and other facilities (like
water, rest areas) associated with them.
make it easy (web) to find the current existing
paths and the parking and other facilities (like
water, rest areas) associated with them.
Unknown with the state of the current
Lobby politicians, look for federal dollars, work
with local towns to share improvements.
Widen bike/multi use lanes - - Create security
barriers along high traffic corridors
Keep on keepin', more/better
amenities, shade, etc. It's tough with summer
heat and everything so spread out in the
Valley. Rising gas prices will hopefully force
people to think of cheaper options. I think the
preception that bicycling safety is a problem
and therefore most people are intimidated by
cycling for work, errands, etc.
events with personalities attending and
promoting biking, walking and fitness
awareness, thats a tough one. A discount on
services to help facilitate these activities.
Again, isn't that in someone's job description
at ADOT? Certainly tracking accidents and
usage could be done...
hold annual events (comparable to the
Marana polics etching VINs on car windows)
that provide a service and then also take a
Continue these type of surveys to input
Poll riders and peds, work with local towns to
integrate with their plans, expectations, etc.
activities similar to charity rides and group
rides per area
Seek out local non-profit organizations in
different areas of the state to collaborate.
More paved shoulders on two lane Hwys.
Reprioritize your budget.
Create more roadbike/pedestrian connectivity
between outlying neighborhoods
sponsor either (or both) ballot initiatives for
regional sales tax revenue toward creation of
more rodebike/pedestrian paths and/or divert
a portion of gasoline tax revenues toward
creating/maintaining these paths (ultimately, if
there are fewer cars on the road, there will be
decreased need for maintenance on
automobile-specific roads)
Stop building more lanes on the Hwy in urban
settings. Less room for cars to drive = more
cycling and pedestrian use
Sponsor community walks/bike rides on newly
established trails/paths (e.g., 5K, 10K, etc.).
not sure, many ideas but hard to make people
read and become educated.
Survey a random sample of individuals
registering their vehicles regarding familiarity
with safety and education info. AND survey a
similar sample of pedestrians and cyclists in
the process of using the established
Make is safer for people to walk and ride by
providing sidewalks and large bike lanes.
link up areas like Mountainaire and Kachina to
town, increase the shoulder on 89
have volunteer days/opportunities for folks to
help out, have fundraisers
offer up some specific ideas on how to link
riding/walking with the bus system
solicit feedback from users! have public
forums/meetings in a variety of places
throughout town.
Sweep the shoulders of the roads
good question
Improve connectivity of sidewalks and bike
Build good infrastructure and people will use
it. For evaluation, just look. You don't need a
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
clarify the rights & rules for each group
might help
Driver Education required as part of high
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Fix pavement and clean roadsides.
Provide a discount on vehicle license and
registration fees.
Slow down for bikes & peds
Maybe radio and TV spots that are short
but explain different aspects of the law
Mark lanes for bikes
Better shoulders and paths
Provide more interconnecting bike lanes.
commericals, radio announcements,
ticket folks when in the wrong, teach
classes for bike rules/laws
Laws need to be more aggressive for the
motorists! Bicyclist are defenseless!
Needs to be part of the drivers test and
drivers education at the entry level.
I would suggest advertisements on
bike/car safety on the local TV stations.
Signage also helps, but repeat advertising
is best.
Driver's License tests should ask more
questions on how to co-exist and interact
with bicyclists.
Continued emphasis that motor vehicle
operators need to understand bicyclists
have equal rights to the use of state
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
No curb lanes of ambiguous
width/"sharability". Either as far below 11 feet
as practical or as far above 13 feet as
practical. No unmarked "bicycle shoulders".
No longitudinal "edge line pavement
markings" more than a few inches from the
edge of the road.
have more bike lanes on commonly used
roads with good signage for motorist to
need to have more lanes before you worry
about facilities
Provide safe riding conditions and invite, even
promote, bicycling on our highways.
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
weatherman to know which way the wind
Work with NAU, UofA or ASU to do social
surveys. Undergraduate and grad students
work practically for free.
Surveys like this
Start with the high schools get in the driver
education classes - get the kids (they'll inform
the parents) and as they grow they become
informed parents
Partial consideration all policies and facilities
on the merits of safety alone; would the
currrent facilities and policies exist?
get cyclist involved, see if they are willingly to
help pay for their own "lane", stress to
flagstaff that if they want bike lanes they need
to help pay for it, there is a large enough
cyclist community here that they may be
willing to join forces and raise money needed
through fund raising, etc..also ticket motorist
when they violate bike safety
funding can come from the violation fee for
driver that are speeding, school zone
violation, red light violations, etc...
Actually punish/ticket/arrest motorists who
violate cyclist safety, as a person who bikes to
work I want to know the law is going to protect
me if I am hit by a car and I was not violating
the law myself, have more and safer bike
lanes, stress bike safety and biking laws/rules
advertise, have classes, commerials, radio
safety announcements,
Promote these thing during the Fall through
Spring seasons. More people are apt to ride &
Walk when its less than 100 outside.
Weekend events at the local preserves, etc...
i am unsure what this question is really
asking. This one is poorly written.
The best encouragement is through
advertising active lifestyles and improving the
road conditions so they are more conducive to
bike travel.
Team up with the tourism office and build
state of the art facilities. Many of our highways
could be "Complete Highways." ADOT also
needs to take a serious look at the edges of
our roads and consider air quality. Other
states have naturalized forests along the
edges to help mitigate the negative impacts of
Provide safe, user friendly separated away
from high speed traffic lanes.
If it is part of the testing procedures on the
MVD test you will see the retention level
based on the correct answers. Can also get
feedback from the High Schools Drivers Ed
classes. You will also see statistics on car/ped
& car/bicycle accidents whether they have
increased or decreased.
If you are looking for evaluation of materials,
send them out to the people that actually
Bike/Walk regularly and request feedback.
Take a portion of the gas taxes to fund
bike/ped infrastructure. Go after more grants.
If that means more bike/ped staff, so be it.
Require a licensing fee for bicycles using
State Hignways. Impose strict fines for motor
vehicle operators that utilize the shoulder as a
The best education is experience. Focus on
getting more bikes and peds out there for
motorists to encounter. People don't read any
more and if they do, it's not education material
about biking and walking. Experiential
Education is the key.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Create a You tube safety education video.
Make it required viewing for licensing and
citation classes.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Advertise the state laws. Many cyclists
and drivers do not understand them.
Put more bike pictures on the pavement,
especial where we stop at atop signs with
turn lanes. make the driving test harder
more questions about bike and
pedestrians. Advertasments on tv. Let
poeple know about free bike safty classes
Public announcements
Send out flyers and have public safety
Fund educational TV "commercials".
Clean the shoulders.
Add bicycle related questions to test.
Enforce the laws.
Variety of creative TV, radio, newspaper,
e ads.
Implement a small tax dedicated to this and
other bicycle related improvements.
Hire a PR company, or propose
controversial laws, so that a dialog
Motorist have rules.....pedestrains have
rules......bicylclists had their own rules.....
Put shoulders on all highways.
Keep them clean and in working order.
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
travel lane.
I wish I knew.
Sweep the shoulders and bike lanes. So often
i see the road was sweep but not the bike
lane or shoulder educate the street sweepers.
Bake sale let poeple know the money will only
go for bike improvements.
Widen and separate from motorists
Look for federal grants and funding
Add wide paved bike "shoulders".
Require a certain percentage of highway
funding go toward biking and walking
same as above.
Give advertising to donors - on bike lockers,
sidewalks, paths, etc. Like the "adopt a
highway" program to clean the roads, create
and "adopt a ____" for bike and ped paths.
Make safe, continuous routes and they will
Bicyles ride only were there is a lane for
them...that they didn't pay for...
Bicyclists one the state hiways pay a $100.00
year to ride.
Public service announcements, better
signage, specific inclusion in Drivers
If water and shelter could be provided where
there were no other facilities, it would be
fantastic. Perhaps at 2-5 mile intervals.
Fundraising events. Many people would be
willing to donate funds and/or time for these
include bike relataed questions on driver's
Provide materials at ADOT website, hold
cycle events, slide shows available to
public groups
Television ads
No rumble strips outside white line
federal grants
develop shared use paths for improved safety
seek grants
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Advertise safe routes. Encourage companies
to offer locker room facilities.
If you make it safer poeple will do it.
Ask drivers and cyclists if they are aware of
the materials and facilities. Advertise !
the bike count is good.Allso the fatality report.
Ask local bike orgs "living street alliance".
Convenient and easy access from homes
offer incentives and as well as more paths
and bike friendly roads
Increase the gas tax (fat chance!!).
Consult local bicycle organizations
Provide safe paths to ride and walk, including
shaded rest areas with water fountains
Provide and secure spaces and lockers/racks
at destinations for bikes.
Monitor injuries and causes.
Ask participats (those who use the paths) to
take short surveys.
Surveys - online, in person, phone. Tabulate
and codify issues seen in news media
(including letters to the editors) to track
frequency and trends.
Provide the facilities
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Gas tax.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Education first............
Have sidewalks in Picture Rocks along
Sandario Road
Heatstroke is a real threat and some people
are discouraged from 'distance' activities
unless they're sure that relief is available.
Promote desert survival tips and show people
walking and biking.
more bike lanes
improved, safer facilities and inform public of
these as they are built
Check the
You're doing it. Surveys are key.
survey user groups
Free bicycle use for state employees
More bike lanes. Better connections between
existing bikes lanes (ie: Baseling Rd around
40th St)
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Bicycle safety classes for adults as well
as children
Provide information on the correct use of
bike paths for motorists and riders alike.
Currently, very little education is provide.
Most motorists see bike lanes as another
vehicle lane and most drives do not
understand that space or clearance
needs to be provided to bikes.
curriculum and outreach for K-12 (in
Europe they have bicycle curriculum as
part of public education); develop
consistent signage and build outreach
Provide a pamphlet or brochure to more
locations such as local city chamber of
commerce and visitor info sites. Include
the information and basic regulations with
vehicle license required study material.
Bright signs and educational sign
explaining the laws/rules regarding
Have more educational awareness
programs and literature, TV ads,
newspaper ads
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
More Bike Lanes.
Insure that bike and ped paths provide
seamless connections to different
communities and public places. This would
allow the public to better use bicycling as an
effective mode of transportation.
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Increase the number of paths and the
education of safe biking benefits. The
increase in rides and walkers (exercise in
general) improves supports for funding.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Bike Lanes
See "B" above - Provide the paths continues
paths that would encourage commuting.
shoulders, ped/bikeways - use "complete
streets" approach where possible
designate percentage of all project funding for
development of alternative transport
Make sure there are bike lanes along all the
roads or at least along the most commonly
traveled routes.
Form more partnerships with local biking and
hiking clubs or similar organizations and non
profits to help increase availability of federal
grant moneys.
Create areas that are attractive to peds and
Create less new ones.
Give them places to go that are safe from
commit funds to improvement and utilize
that's a tough one.
provide statistics on roadway signs,
newspaper ads, tv ads, facebook, etc. Use all
media and have your workers also be
raise gasoline prices, promote car-pooling,
offer financial incentives promote healthy life
style campaigns especially in the elementary
Provide incentives, discounts for bicycles,
service or maybe free helmets.
map potential routes connecting commuters
with employment sites, shoppers with
commercial sites, etc.; partner with
communities to explore "non-auto days" in
specific locations
The more paths and safe areas to ride or
walk/jog will lead to an increase, encouraging
kids in schools to ride their bikes through in
school programs would also help.
More questions on ADOT drivers test
regarding rights of cyclists on roadways
more shoulders, more separate bike and ped
facilities, especially over and under right-ofways at major intersections and arterials
seek federal funding and aggressively court
AZ politicians that are sympathetic to
alternative transportation modalities
Make every driver of motorized and nonmotorized vehicles take driver education
before renewing.
What do politicians do to influence and
reach the most voters? Do the same
thing: lots of TV commercials, radio spots,
newspaper adds, public events
comensurate with other large public
gatherings. Before large bike races, blitz
the public with information so they know
what roads will be effected, as well as
giving them information on laws and safe
Support LCI's with materials for teaching
anything would be a beginning
Match funds from private donors or
Put the street sweepers on a busy schedule
instead of letting them sit in the maintenance
yards waiting for debris complaints.
Increase the state gasoline tax. This would fix
a lot of problems and push the public into
more efficient cars, less traveling, using public
transportation, etc. But every elected
politician is too chicken to propose it.
Educate the public about cyclist and
pedestrian laws and safety. Put the street
sweepers on a busy schedule to keep the bike
lanes cleared of debris.
provide shoulder maintenance and four foot
Increase gas tax
more waking and bicycling facilities
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Conduct community outreach events and
forums. Communicate/meet with bike groups
and clubs throughout Arizona. Become
directly involved with organizations such as
the Tucson Pima County Bike Advisory
test motorist awareness at publi events
Other than monitoring accident/incident
reports the most likely method would be a
simple 1 page survey at local city bycling or
sporting oriented shops that people are
invited to participate in.
Observe if numbers are decreasing or
increasing (peds and bikers)
Ask the public.
Support the gathering and analysis of
accident data. Then aggressively present this
to the public for awareness, and to gather
momentum for improvement projetcs.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Produce commercials.
More psa's
Make eduacational brouchures readily
available and create TV commercials and
Radio notes
Add bicycle questions to the license
exam. Have a police officer stationed at
trouble spots to stop and educate people;
Erect many large visible signs regarding
bicyclists on the road, give them 3 feet
minimum, Share the road, etc.
Involve local bike shops and clubs for
community awareness days, coffee &
put articles in newspapers to educate the
Attend more public events with
information and displays of the rules of
the road for all.
PSA's; speaking engagements at
schools, adult centers
work with DPS/FPD to require motorists
attend some sort of education program if
mailings and info at festivals and events
outreach activities, involvement with
Flagstaff Walks! Pedestrian Advisory
Committee activity, commercials on tv
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
More bike (and ped paved trails) connecting
workplaces with where people live.
Provide safe paths that CONNECT or have
stoplights for vehicles. For example, the
Arizona Canal crosses several busy streets in
Central Phoenix, and there is no warning to
drivers that cyclists may need to cross 7 lanes
of roadway.
Specifically assign a portion of budgetary
funding for Bike & Pedway improvements
Biold bike paths!! Build wide shoulders and
please put the warning strip in the RIGHT
PLACE. Erect many large visible signs
regarding bicyclists on the road, give them 3
feet minimum, Share the road, etc.
Put an additional tax on all motorized vehicles
(e.g. with the annual license renewal), or tax
all Arizona residents.
Increased fines and possible jail time for
drivers and riders not obeying the laws
regarding bicycle safety and sharing the
better marking and signs would be a start,
then put up bike path signs with enough room
for bicyclists
More money needs to go into building and
maintaining bikeways.
National programs?
Not sure on this one.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Bicyclists should be informed of the rules of
the city, helmets mandatory
same as above, also start in schools with
INVEST in adequate infrastructure so people
FEEL SAFE traveling out of their motorized
Make more shoulders and pathways, erect
more signs along roadways that motorists can
see, work with law enforcement to enforce
laws for cyclists, make cyclist friendly laws
that will enforce against abusive motorists,
and not just laws that occur AFTER someone
is hit.
Community awareness - save gas, exercise,
lose weight.
survey the general public
not sure
make people feel safer with signs and
do another survey in a year to see how you
have done this year
Look to federal grants, and also foundations
that are out there to encourage more people
to use alternative modes of travel.
If there are more pathways separate from
roads, then I think more people would feel
comfortable walking and biking.
partner with bike/walking/running groups and
retail stores/brands
Agressive education (PSA's; speaking
engagements) as to what's available, health
aspects, safety aspects; Recognition program
for those who actively participate.
incentive program for employees and their
This is a hard question since you don't know if
there are more safety concerns due to lack of
adequate facilities or because of more
bicyclists and pedestrians. A good statistician
should be able to help answer this question.
Surveys tied into a reward for completion.
Should be part of hte test when getting
/renewing drivers license
I don't know if I want to see pedestrians on
state highways.
see how other states have funded their
programs- did Oregon fund their programs in
a certain way? there now is a list of walkable
cities, Flagstaff was on that list, take
Make it possible by having bike routes that
Presenting the advantages such as healthy
moving which is great exercise.
we have an obesity problem! gas is
expensive! we live in a beautiful part of the
country! highlight the benefits of
walking/biking including the cost savings,
Compare accident rates, take surveys, count
cyclist use of new shoulders and paths, count
the tickets/prosection of abusive drivers,
educate and survey law enforcement - many
of them are antagonistic toward cyclists.
feedback from commuters and cyclists. online
tests to offer coupons, free bus passes, etc.
obtain pre and post data to evaluate injuries
and altercations between motorists and
I'm not really sure.
monitor crashes, annual survey, a count?
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Start at schools. Children riding bikes to
schools need to learn early.
There seems to be very little "advertising"
reminding motorists to be aware of
bicyclists and pedestrians; and very little
attempt to remind the public about the
benefits of biking and walking.
PSAs, signage
Signage, media campaigns, proper
enforcement of existing laws, amendment
of unreasonable laws
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Naturally shaded stops for brief rest.
better pavement;occasional cleanings and
Wide, clean, shoulders
Better connectivity and transitions thru
intersections, remedy pinch-points & danger
zones, more & better shoulders
PSA on TV. Posted signage.
Motorist need to know that cyclists have a
right to the road and that they need to
provide at least 3' of space when passing
a bicycle. Cyclists need to know to
operate as a vehicle and that it is actually
safer to ride on the road than the sidewalk
which endangers both pedestrians and
Expand driver license testing material to
cover these topics. More road signs
indicating the rights of cyclists and
PSA on local channels
Articles or editorials in local newspapers
Include signs that portray the rules and
regulations. Such as bikers use road...or
do not bike against traffic...bikers come to
full stop...etc.
Place clear markings on the shoulder that
specify pedestrian/bicycle use so drivers are
aware that bicyclists have the right to be on
the road too.
Media campaign, increased police
Designated bike lanes
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
wider shoulders and more signage reminding
drivers about bikers.
Bicycle lanes are often torn up for utilities
work leaving them with long cracks that make
them dangerous and unrideable. Signals
activators need to be provided on the road for
cyclists and at the curb for pedestrians.
Provide more crossings over highways and
large, clear paved shoulders. Also most multiuse paths have no signage so you have no
idea where you are and no signalled
crosswalks or underpasses to get across
Inquire with trucking companies to Adopt a
stretch of highway
Provide bike lanes or wide shoulders when
logistically and economically feasible
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
advantage of that
work with the hospitals and doctors, work with
employers to give incentives, target
neighborhoods that are walkable, how about
restaurants to give discounts to bikers/
walkers (bus riders!), how about downtown?
It should be the state's investement into a
healthier population, environment.
appeal to bike riders! When was the last time
we had an appeal to the general public to fund
bike trails?
Quit focusing moneys on expansion &
widening of highways primarily for car traffic
Gas tax. People need to be aware of the
environmental cost of single commuting. Also
there is a huge social and health cost when
pedestrians and cyclists are injured by drivers
so maybe public health or environmental
funding of some sort?
Media: occasional newspaper or TV clips....
Safe, connected bikeways
Provide safe environment for those activities;
penalize casual & short trip car use through
taxing, parking fees, air pollution tax, etc
Make sure bikers can feel safe biking by
providing adequate room on roads.
More and safer paths/bike routes, public
shower facilities and bike lockers, health
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Do the statistics research, survey.
Unobtrusive measures: Europe has "monitors"
that provide accurate info about how many
users there are per hiking trail or bike path...
Collect data on collisions & near-misses,
provide education for abusers, better
enforcement w/ appropriate learning
Have ADOT employees ride on roads to feel
the effects first hand.
Number of accidents and fatalities should go
down and surveys should show more people
walking/cycling to work.
Have the State Legislature add a check-box
on tax forms to donate portions of refund to
bike and pedestrian activities.
Get the state legislature to provide a tax
deduction for those who park their vehicle and
cycle or walk to work.
Corporate sponsors
Safe paths
Email campaign to citizens for response
Put a percentage of a penny's gas tax on
gasoline purchases
Make it more safe to bike on city roadways. I
am a biker, but wouldn't ride on some city
streets because they are not safe.
Safer pathways with more lights. Especially
safer crosswalks. The crosswalk on Fort
Valley Rd. by the chevron station is so
dangerous since there are no lights and no
one ever stops for a pedestrian (even in the
middle of the street)
Improve safety
I don't know
Enforce the rules! Pull someone over if they're
biking against traffic or if someone doesn't
stop for a pedestrian.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
keep making markings clear and visible
Bicycles should not be on state highways.
Don't do anything, waste of money.
mail outs, advertisements, tv
Nothing. Who cares.
Create a reporting website where bicyclist
can report by license # motorist who
come too close - send them information
or make them take safety course
Install "3 Feet Rule" and "Share the
Road" signage. Distribute flyers with
Also include police education. Work with
the local bike groups to sponsor their
programs of education. Do more for bike
month to promote Bike To Work Day.
There are no lanes on most highways. Add
wide bicycle paths to major highways
especially through towns (like State route 87
in Payson)
Widen shoulders and provide bike lanes
Form a fund raising committee or petition the
lawmakers to allocate more funds or add
referendum to ballot
provide the pathways
survey monkey, hard calls, etc.
Again, nothing, this is a waste of taxpayer
make it part of the written driver's exam
Work with bicycle organizations.
Education and Infrastructure!
Stop the education and simply put those
$$$ into wider paths fro bikes
We dont need facilities on st hwys we need
wider bike paths.
When u are approving roadway improvemwnt
u should be including bike paths in that
more bike paths
Require 5 to 6 foot sholders on all roads, and
judicial placement of rumble strip.
I do not know.
Make sure there is either a safe route beside,
or a way to cross the highway.
Toll roads. Charge cars and cyclists based on
size of the lane they get and miles they travel.
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
mail outs
Don't waste any money on this project.
Require all driving licence tests to include
many questions reguarding cycilists, and
require cycilists to have a licence.
Post signs to share the road, drive
friendly and keep cyclists safe.
Get into elementary classrooms. Put
public service announcements on TV.
Cite lawbreakers.
Keep bikes separate from pedestrians.
Therefore, bike lanes--not bike paths.
Don't elect Tea Partiers.
Tv info ads
Make such education a part of the driver's
license renewal process
Make wider shoulders and signs for bike lanes
Maintain shoulders (fix holes, remove large
debris). Increase the width of shoulders for
any road being repaved.
Get rid of the wasted spending
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Make is safer to ride (bike lanes, bike paths)
and shadier while walking. Help to get
underpasses (overpasses, linear parks ie the
Grand Canal Trail) on the Grand Canal.
Complete a loop system that connects the
Grand Canal with the AZ Canal, at east and
west ends. Get a shoulder on the Bush Hwy
north end so a loop is finished! Devise a
bicycle route that will connect the South Mtn
San Juan west end into a city street to cyclists
can enter the park from the west at 43rd Ave
or Estrella Drive.
Get more adequate paths out there and they
will come.
If our roads were made safer for bikes they
would be used to a greater degree
Have better walking and bicycling
Make it safer and make the traffic lights work
so cyclists are not standing for two or three
lights...or forced to go through red light to get
to work.
Keep them separate. Ensure connectivity of
bike lanes so they don't disappear at the
worse possible places--usually just before the
most challenging traffic situations. Ugh!
Better bike lanes
Increase the number of bike lanes while
maintaining auto traffic lanes at current levels,
thus making a bike more attractive than a car.
Work with bicycle organizations - they are the
U can study tbis for yrs which is something
you're real good at. I want that job. Expand
the raod system for bike paths. Short of a
seperate road system for bike/walk paths
people are foi.g to get hit by cars no matter
how wide the path. U have drivers who are
idiots ir simlpy not paying attention.
Look at accident satistics along with numbers
cyclists and pedestrians each year
Questionaires like this one. Post links to
gaba, PMC and other cyclist websites.
Poll those who ride to find out what works and
what needs to change, and poll those who do
not ride to find out what has kept them from
doing so.
Accodent statistics
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
With more cyclists on the road today we
should put more emphasis on the law
regarding bikes by including more
information on the driver's test and at
renewal time and maybe a pamphlet with
original and renewal registrations for both
cyclists, 99% of wom also have a car,
and for drivers.
education implies brochures, school
prgrams, etc. although helpful, I think the
apparant prescence of bicycling is the
best way: i.e. blatant bike way markings,
green intersections, signs, etc.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Wider shoulders and occasional cleaning up
all the hazards blown into the shoulder; sharp
wire from disintegrading radial tires, broken
Bud bottles, used diapers, hypo needles,etc.
Cite the increased usage of bikes for
I don't know that this is part of ADOT's job but
the price of gasoline alone, the physical
benifits and the environment should be
maintenance; access to exsisting restrooms,
etc. safe areas to pull over during rides
(thinking the beeline, for example); if facilities
means the path too, I believe the aggressive
approach to markings would help tons.
sales: well designed bike clothing, jerseys,
bibs and hats; t shirts; there have got to be
grants out there; meet with other states to see
what they have done re funding; sponsor
events; sponsor a ride w/ proceeds going to
make it safer (see link @ #1) BUILD IT AND
THEY WILL COME but it has to be valley
wide; ; stiffer laws for those drivers that strike
bicyclists (i.e. $450 fine for the recent
Scottsdale death on Thompson peak?!); make
bikes available to the community: bike
stations for short term use maybe; stop stupid
stuff like at the east end of Via Linda being
closed to bicyclists;
It is not needed. People are already aware
they can do this and any funding sent on try to
encourge more is a waste of tax dollors. Of
course the environmental activist will probably
disagree with me
Make roads less wide, speed limits slower.
Good bike-type lanes. Good park and ride
infrastructure. Bike to rail/bus.
Support increased taxes on motor vehicles
and gasoline.
Provide more paths that go places
make paved bike paths independent of the
ad campaigns and partnerships with state and
local health organizations to promote fitness
and exercise as well as reduction of
emissions, etc. Promote "new and improved"
areas of highways to pedestrians and cyclists
so they feel more compelled to use them.
Beter bike paths and more bike racks.
Thats a question for a statistition
make the roadways safer and provide
crossings--lights are a bogus "safety" feature
count the dead and injured, and test both
drivers and the victims for alcohol
if bicyclists are to use the same roads as
motor vehicles then they should also have
to pass a test and get a license
Include it in driver ed, commercials, signs.
Identify issues in the engineering of roads and
how they may make bicycling less safe.
Become a leader in 'complete streets'.
Get rid of Gov. Brewer
Get rid of Republicans in the legislature.
Listen to Democrats in the legislature
put together an ad campaign, reinforce
information in driver license testing and
install safety signage on roadways
make paved bike paths off the freeway rather
than bigger shoulders.
widen shoulders, paint and clearly identify
separate lanes/paths, note precarious areas
ahead with signs.
ask for grants for expanding urban trails
outside of the city along the highways
seek parternships with cycling clubs and
organizations (especially at a local level for
community support to raise funds)
Teach bicycle safety in Drivers Ed
Signs on frequent routes and mailings to
groups to remind them to follow ALL
traffic laws.
Highway signs plus public service
announcements, also feature it in DMV
materials and driver tests
More Bike racks.
Ask your admin person.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
More bike lanes and especially more frequent
safe crossings for pedestrians. In Sedona,
we're getting 108 lights, but only 1 safe
provide a fenced, raised trail along the
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
getting surveys out there may help, most
people avoid them; accident/fatality stats
reveal a lot;
Ask users. Compare to bicycling friendly
Let cyclists edit them.
random surveys, university studies, and
possibly counting technologies in more urban
or suburban areas.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Add instructions for safe road sharing to
MVD materials and school curriculum.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Add bike lanes, markings, signs, and shareduse paths wherever possible. Require it for
road maintenance.
Provide safe facilities to popular destinations!
Perform studies/counts of increase in
biking/walking after changes are made, even
if it needs to be done by volunteers.
Include a section in Driver's Ed classes
and Traffic schools on bicycle awareness
Maintain or add wide enough shoulders to
support marked bike lanes
Funnel some from highway budgets. Use
Lean Management to streamline tasks and
reduce waste. Ask voters for a fractional
percentage tax dedicated ONLY to bike/ped
Start a city bike rental system and use the
track the number of accidents
TV commercials
Include bicyclist rules and regulations in
relation to drivers on driving written
Make sure it is discussed in drivers
education classes and on tests, bring
special programs to schools, offer
bumperstickers and other things to drivers
that support bikers, do not make the
roads exclusively for automobiles.
Public seminars, and higher enforcement
of laws
Give more details to high school students
who are just learning to drive. Educate
through public service announcements on
TV and radio.
Helmet Safety for bicyclists. Driver
training concerning bike lanes and
pedestrian right of way. TICKETS FOR
purposely drive in bike lanes) !
City and county town hall meetings.
Showing films.
My main concern is automobile-bicycle
accidents. Separate them whenever possible.
Widen existing lanes/paths to provide more
room between drivers and riders.
Make it as easy as possible, provide
prefererential parking for cyclists, charge for
automotive parking
Bicycle paths divorced from automobile
Allow funding for bike lanes/paths to be
included in state highway funding.
Increase signs, shoulder space, and educate
Educate people, look for grants, begin small
changes to improve chances of funding.
Improve sidewalks, install water fountains in
public areas, make biking areas apparent to
drivers, educate drivers to increase safety.
Surveys of bikers/walkers, offer bike/walk
accessories (i.e. water bottles, helmets) for
taking survey
Provide funding for shared use path on state
fix cracks and potholes, make sure cyclists
have 4 feet of room away from the traffic
lobby for funding from state and private
Safer pathways, more options
Conduct an assessment of current materials
and facilities, look for improvement
Some sort of separation between driving and
riding lanes
Interbike 2012 Las Vegas Sept 17-21! Washington DC was allocated over a million
dollars from the "Congestion, Mitigation and
Air Quality Improvement Program" to fund
their Capital Bike Share Program.
A tax for this.
We walkers and bicyclists need our own road
ways. A tax designated for this.
Radio commercials. Info on the website.
Flyers to schools and businesses.
Mainly by ensuring that there are bicycle and
pedestrian facilities.
Television commercials, radio Public
Service Announcements
Better and more signage for share the
Widen shoulders and mark as bike lane
Advertise rules of road and sharing of
roadway in print and TV
more signs, billboard campaigns, free or
discounted helmets for bicyclists
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
surveys like this one
Public service announcements that tell the
real truth about pollution from cars, give tax
credits for less gas use, work place incentives
Utilize your public universities' Outdoor
Recreation programs, Bike Co-ops. Also,
include the information with registration or
license renewals.
Push universities to assign the job to a college
department. They could be studied for a
thesis or capstone project to start...
Health benefits.
Keep reaching out. We have a lot of meanest
going on this state. Bikes and walking tone
this down.
Provide more bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and
shared areas. Use radio commercials and info
on the website to let people know these areas
are available.
Provide pathways that are convenient.
get a new lstate legislature.
Not much we are a fat state.
Enforce bike laws for bikes and cars.
Provide adequate pathways for both
Designate and clearly mark mixed used areas
Survey and test
woud need an enclosed path or bridge,
wouldn't feel safe riding on shoulder
tax dui's, higher registration for cats or
optional donation when renewing
improve safety for them
Provide more pathways and make sure they
connect to form useable routes
discount helmets, discount vehicle registration
More bike lanes
teach in defensive driving courses, start in
high schools, billboard campaigns,
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Provide more room further off the main
vehicle lanes of the highway, wider shoulders
and require cyclists to ride as far to the left as
Keep them maintianed and lines fresh
Charge a fee through license and registration
to help fund projects and get motorist to feel
cyclists have as much right to use state
Do fundraisers...use your imagination
I didn't even know the highways had such
facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians,
exclusively. Always make water available.
Put a tax on those stupid spandex shortyshorts and other skin-tight clothes and
accessories bicyclists so fondly love to use.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Put ads in local paper and magazines
Start young! Kids, particularly males,
must have it instilled that travel on streets
and roads is serious business. It is no
place for competitive, angry behavior. It is
no place for taking chances. I would place
most of the effort on the early grades
through high school.
signage and wide shoulders
Instill a statewide "share the road"
mentality. Reinforce the importance of
considering bikers as well as pedestrians
ARE present.
Significantly improve driver's education
and re-licensing of motor vehicle
operators. The licensing exam SHOULD
be hard, and it MUST be renewed every
few years.
nothing, people will only abide if they
want. You can teach doesn't mean
anyone will listen. People still get hit no
matter how much education is given.
Increase bike and ped questions on driver
tests and actively advertise to be aware
Renew drivers lisences every 4yrs.
Include many questions in the state
drivers lisence test related to pedestrians
aand motorists.
PSA's and other media showing the
positive side of riding safely
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
have small signs with points of interest along
highway - for example describing names of
the rock formations. Make it interesting.
Provide paved paths that span cities that are
away from vehicular traffic. More efficient
routes and travel times for buses. More light
rail. How can we tell if light rail works if there
is just one line? Check out Denver and
Get out there and analyze ands on.
Give Jan Brewer and her minons including
Sheriff Joe a pay DECREASE. Impose stiffer
penalties on drivers that do not recognize
bicycle right of ways.
Offer state refund on bicycles. No sales tax.
Include shared use paths at every opportunity
when improving state highways.
Engage those businesses most likely to
benefit from increased bicyclist activity, and
get their input and financial support for
Significantly increase the amount of shared
use paths along state highways. The safer,
and more connected, those paths are, the
more likely they are to be used.
Start ticketing the drivers that seem to think of
bicycle lanes as extra roadway and actually
hold them accountable when involved in
bicycle accidents. Impose a stiffer penalty to
those automobile drivers that do not respect
the bicycle rights and laws.
Requiring re-testing (written examination, at
least) for any license renewal or re-issue and
cover bicycle and pedestrian safety as part of
that examination.
build them, but I don't think a HWY is a place
for a bike
take in to account how many in the bike
friendly place actually ride. One of the highest
cycling populations.
bulid paths that connect, park and rides, north
to south bike path.
Are you kidding? What a state agency
question!! Save your money! Use the dollars
for construction. The results will be obviously
signage and wide shoulders
smooth, clean shoulders
Wide shoulders that are kept free of debris
like sharp rocks/gravel, nails, construction
refuse etc.
Provide wide shoulders and a
separation/physical barrier between bikes and
vehicles to increase safety
Add more miles of bike lanes and keep them
clear of debris
Use a concrete barrier to separate and protect
cyclists, along with a 5 foot shoulder
widen and create bike lanes
bike racks at destinations
Provide better infrastructure such as
"complete streets" with wide safe paths
Make external funding a goal of the bike
Hold bike awareness events and bike rides on
state highways
Widen existing side walks and maintain them.
stop wasting money on anti immigration
rhetoric (in the state in general)
make bike paths and sidewalks that connect
to eachother, and do not require people to too
Run before and after observation data and
before and after crash data
Use volunteers to monitor pedestrian/cyclist
activity record it and they can in turn do
outreach or promote safety with biking events
that bring attention to traveling safely.
Talk to people who ride their bikes often, ask
them what specific areas need improvement
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Continue the surveys
Solicit input form all bicycle associations state
Provide education through Defensive
Driving Schools. (how many people take
the school each month)
Hold a safety fair.
paved, wide shoulder
Interface with police.
Ticket them until they learn.
Focus on maintenance.
Smoother, wider, well lit.
Big bold signs on roads. Radio & TV
Create wide shoulders, with striping and
symbols that clearly designate the shoulder is
a bike lane. Where highways cross major
trails, provide grade-separated crossing (like
you did in a couple spots on SR-179 in
Tell the legislature it will create jobs.
All that money from ticketing motorists can go
to fund these projects.
Ask for such funding in the new TEA (if
Congress ever passes one).
make safer walkways over state highways
it would decrease the number of fatalities due
to inadequate facilities
I'm not familiar with this
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
far out of their way. Plant more trees!
Demonstrate value of health benefits.
Provide some incentives for leaving the car
Trees for shade along walk and bike ways.
Tax breaks for those that can prove they walk
or bike to work.
Spend money on A & B
Provide dedicated pathways not on state
highways and make wide and well-maintained
paths on the shoulders.
safer roadways, crossings, and bicycle lanes
Signage and ads to inform the public as
changes are made through legistlature.
Legislative bills through Arizona government.
Show people the benefits in exercise and
environmental changes that would occur.
Advertise on TV and Bill Boards
Articles in local papers, public service
divert funding from less important programs
and concentrate funding here
Promote the tourism dollars
grants grants grants grants grants
Educate drivers (especially of big pickups,
industrial trucks, etc.) about giving space
to bikes and pedestrians. Bikes need to
avoid debris on the shoulder; please give
us room to do so.
promote 'give me three feet' in videos and
PSA's on TV in metro areas, especially
Keep the bike/ped lanes as clear of debris as
don't know
Build it and they will come
make it safer. ban cell phone use while
driving. make it tougher to get a drivers
license when you're older. make the laws
Provide shady rest spots (see earlier pages),
keep bikes/peds safe (away from traffic on
pavement without debris)
better mapping for cyclists to knwo which
routes are good; signage to alert drivers; bike
lanes and striped edges on all roads
allocate a % of the ADOT budget to promote
cycling and build/stripe roads
Ad campaigns
Build more bike/pedestrian walkways AWAY
from highways, connect communities with
those paths
For a greener state; go for grants that
encourage alternative means of
Signs on bike paths, parks, etc.
More signs on the 3 ft rule and share the
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Hire a consulting firm to measure results.
Get out there and bike and walk.
All those ticketed have to take a mandatory
class on safety.
have planned events to raise money and
make it safer, provide incentives
Put signs up that alert car drivers to be
aware of pedestrians and bikers: have
the signs be catchy and fun so they are
memorable and people talk about them
Ads and public broadcasting programs
made available to all.
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Clean the shoulder and fill potholes fast
provide a safer place for them to walk and
cycle. there's a culture in arizona that makes
us feel vulnerable and unsafe when using
state roads.
Provide more bike lanes and/or more riding
spaces like the green belt in Scottsdale area
Brainstorm with educators and bicyclists to
have open forums to discuss the need for
Watch it happen
talk to bike riders and pedestrians themselves
in each community
Survey bicyclists and pedestrians over a
period of time; ask if they feel safer and/or
have had too many dangerous situations
increased bicycle sales
Survey cyclists, hold clinics, seminars at local
bike shops. Get local bike shops involved
Make the roads bicycle friendly
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
road. Cars do not know the rights of
Highlight regulations/instructions on
registration renewall's
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Park & Rides should have facilities for lock up
of bicycles
Have businesses get behind walking/bicycling
initiatives to show overall support by funding
events towards this end
Emphasize a little bit of exercise is better than
none plus it allows participants to get some of
their vitamin requirements (Vit C/B1)
Ensure public has a way to inform ADOT, (1800 numbers perhaps) when success and
failures occur
Provide leaflets with information. Provide
better signage of cyclists on the roads.
Laws cease to be a deterrent when they
are not enforced.
Periodic sun shelters for elderly walkers.
Marked cycle lanes to keep motorists aware.
Cyclists & pedestrians should not have to
share state highways with typically ignorant &
arrogant Arizona motorists!
Bike lanes in usase for the most popular
Make it safer to do so.
30 second tv ads on the responsiblities of
all when it comes to road safety
Public service announcements through
various media including digital billboards.
So many drivers do not respect the 5 foot
rule when passing bikers. Painting bike
symbols in the shoulder near all
intersections might help this
local radio and television commercials.
Provide facilities that enable cyclists and
pedestrians to travel separated from traffic.
Keep highway shoulders clean of debris especially glass and tire remnants
TV and radio public-service
announcements. Signs about 3-foot law
along highways.
ADOT does an adequate job on
education, it falls to the public to actually
want to listen. Perhaps more radio spots
that make the topic catchy. Where NA are
concerned little can be applied on a
bureaucratic level it falls to the tribes and
Keep them off the highways.
Wide shoulders and rumble strips that are
safe for cyclists to cross.
I don't know.
add adequate width to SR for travel
If Ped/Cycle is not already receiving a % of
funding far from gaming and lottery funds it
should. They supply emergency and
equipment services from the general fund.
Transportation should also have benefactor
status from these funds.
Team with Health Services, this is not really
your area to lead the charge. We have
adequate opportunities to improve our health
but it falls to health services to motivate this
Benchmarks are hard to justify especially in
the larger metropolitan areas. Focus on
change in communities that have
infrastructure already in place to access
shared paths and shoulders for increase
efficacy in use.
Maybe guard rails between traffic and
bicyclists and pedestrians.
Look into grant funds.
More hydrantion stations and/or perhaps
misters along heavily traveled areas.
Obviously increasing both the perceived and
real safety of the roadways would help.
PSAs, elementary education with
information to take home to parents, try to
flush out why there is such hostility
toward people in spandex and then find a
way to correct those erroneous
"Share the road theme" Encourage biker
helmets and bright color clothing.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
usage of gas tax funds for these
improvements as the roadways are for all.
Have bikers of all ages contact policy makers
about biking needs. Petitions work pretty well
Hire better lobbyists?
maintain the quality of the shoulders/bike
paths. when street cleaners come through,
have them clean the shoulders as well ... not
just push all the junk into the shoulder
Trim back trees that have grown onto the bike
make the facilities safe
Announcing through various media
improvements and new facilities.
Roads and bike trails must be set up to attract
more bikers. It would be great to have bike
paths off the busy roads, but I realize that this
is costly.
Demonstrate how easy it is and provide safe
Make cycling safer and then use publicity to
convince them that it is safe.
greater usage coupled with lower rate of
accidents would indicate results in the right
A brief questionaire at voting time would
reach the most people
I don't know.
I only found out about this survey from a
friend of a friend who knew a guy...
ADVERTISE! Get the news agencys
involved, run multiple advertisements on tv to
make it obvious that AZDOT is actually doing
something like this survey.
incentives/prizes ... special events
Write about personal bike experiences. Offer
bike parking areas near offices.
Monitor trends in accidents.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Guard Rail Protection ; Separate bike paths
require a additional test for both cyclist
and motorists
Through media outlets and social media
ADOT can improve awareness of the
current laws and safe practices.
Put information into Driver's Manual.
Clear bike lanes of debris that causes us to
have to leave the bike lane for safety reasons.
put questions about cycling laws on the
drivers test. post more signs. create
awareness. let people know that bikes
have the same rights as cars.
Material in driver's test and driving
I think something needs to be published
so both automobile drivers and bicyclists
can be aware of the laws of the road.
There are lots of issues between bikes
and cars in Ahwatukee.
educate drivers and cyclists
Put it in driver tests
Commercials illustrating the laws around
cyclist and pedestrian rights. Holding
people accountable for disregarding the
laws, and making an example of the
people who do not abide by those laws.
Increased warning signs on state
highways that see a lot of bicycle traffic.
Post signs with brief education.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Build shared-use pathways adjacent to
freeways & highways.
more bike lanes. more bike lockers at
Secure bike racks.
From Lotto Monies
sponsor a bicycle race or event
RFP bid for companies
Monitor the number of accidents involving
bicycles/motor vehicles and pedestrian/motor
include the cost of a bike lane in the plans and
cost estimate for all new and maintenance of
more bike lanes. more sidewalks. make them
both clean and maintain them.
i hope cyclist and pedestrian injuries drop
when we make improvements.
Ask for donations. Stay away from the
taxpayer trough.
Nothing, government "encouragement"
always leads to government coersion.
Better lanes for walking/biking and better
connectivity of bike lanes
Make it safer on our city streets to cross the
highways and ride along side the cars.
Nothing, stupid is just that stupid.
work with local shops, and the cycling
community as we would be happy to help
when needed.
Harsher Penalties for accidents. Too often
Arizona residents and guests have been
driving and hit a cyclist or a pedestrian, and
they receive only a ticket. When a cyclist or
pedestrian is killed by a vehicle, a
manslaughter charge should be filed. THe
only way this state will become a cycling state
again is by holding people accountable for
their actions, that includes drivers, cyclists
and pedestrians.
Night-time lighting of pathways.
Share the Road' signs
watch for the trends in crashes - that will tell
us if the education is working effectively.
I don't want to see bikes on our state
highways! City streets - fine - but not the
More pedestrian pathways along urban
Good bike paths that are dedicated and extra
wide lanes on slower traffic roads. Cycling
next to vehicles 45 MPH+ while they are
drunk, drinking coffee, or getting ready for
work is scary.
Bilboards & TV ads.
sponsor a walk-a-thon
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Increase the number of bike paths/lanes so
cyclists can safely ride. We sometimes will
ride 50+ miles.
More bike lanes
separate bikeways and highways as is
common in europe. (holland for example)
some of the pavement is becoming very
cracked, and wavy. Repaving some of the
bike paths would help to alleviate that.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Try to get a ballot measure to raise gasoline
tax dedicated to trail improvement
construction. The money could then be
distributed to many different organizaations.
Accident rate????
Better roadways-hence better
bicycle/pedestrian road to use.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
TV and radio PSAs and billboard
advertisment. Also more enforcement of
laws and punishment to drivers who
endanger cyclists and pedestrains
Tough one. Getting people interested
eouugh to WANT to learn is never easy.
But perhaps adding it to school driver's
training ciricculum
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
seperated barrier protected shared use paths
along the roadways
I don't know
PSAs on radio and TV
other than surveys like this one, I don't know
Encourage private organizations to donate
strips of facilities, much like the trash cleanup
License bicycles and encourage donations
from walkers through online sharing
Educate folks about how much cheaper it is to
provide and maintain walking/biking facilities
than motor driven vehicles
Provide feedback programs such as this one.
Conduct paper surveys at schools and
install and maintain striping & signage
provide the facilities
track injuries and incidences of peds and
bikes vs motor vehicles
Change the driver's manual to include a
much more extensive section on
pedestrian and bicycle behavior and
rights; create and fund PSAs
Facilities need to be separated and
continuous, so that they are safe, comfortable,
convenient and useful for bikes/peds.
Federal grants, community organizations, get
rid of the red tape and extra costs associated
with ADOT procurement and project delivery
HURF funding,
Charge more for parking, create toll booths on
highly congested roadways, slow traffic
speeds, provide facilities that link to common
destinations and concentrate shade, nightlighting, and other amenities along these
Have good paths and make sure they are
do "before & after" surveys,
provide bike trails and lanes
require knowledge on driver's licensing
More designated paths
TV and bill board ads.
The same process as vehicle collisions.
Provide more bike lanes and shared use
Messure the useage of bikes and peds.
Analyze injuries and deaths.
There are already a lot of stats out there on
causes of accidents, re: safety education.
More education in signs and markers in
commonly travelled areas
Always plan for bike traffic when planning and
building roads
More designated bike lanes
clear marking of bike paths
use lottery money
Safety ads on TV and radio. Put on
classes in schools and colleges.
Increase bike/ped awareness on drivers
test. Print and TV publicity. Start calling
paved shoulders "bike lanes" where
PSA at movietheater, billboards, clearly
marked bike paths,
Start by bringing current facilities up to
Increase paved should width to 6 ft on new
shoulders. All new and repaved roads should
have paved shoulders.
Add some kind of small tax on all bicycle
Make a policy decission to budget 5% of
ADOT funds for bike/ped.
Sharrows, signage, but most of all,
enforcement. Laws not enforced
effectively don't exist.
Shoulders are really nice to have.
Wish I had suggestions here.
Add questions to the driving test about
cyclists. Run commercials, billboards and
ads. Create school campaigns.
Build and maintain bike lanes on public jig
heats. Create safe turning lanes for cyclists.
When cycling is safe and gets you to where
you need to go, people use it. Minnesota,
Seattle, Denmark, Netherlands, etc
demonstrate this.
Make the roadways safer!
Driver's education classes for new
drivers, perhaps an perhaps a refresher
Consider connectivity and safety as the top
priorities so people can use them.
Community Foundations or other grant
sources. Also, nonprofit "friends" organization
Consider connectivity and safety as the top
priorities so people can use them. And
Run PSA's. Include more bicycle
references in driving literature.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
runs, walks, and other races
Hopefully see a reduction on fatalities and
injuries. Also, distinction needs to be made
between statistics for cyclists and people
(such as children) who are just riding bikes.
Cyclists are using the major roadways and
have completely different risks and practices.
Evaluate statistics on: rate of use for
communities that have access and frequency
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
test for those renewing their license. Also,
a nonprofit "friends" organization could
help with education with a variety of
creative activities, events, and
collaborate with the industry, special
interest groups, non-profits.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Have regularly scheduled short tv spots
on different practices, laws, etc. If too
much is lumped at one time many will
switch channels, but I think short spots clear, concise, etc. - would be a big help.
Make bicycle rights a mandatory part of
the driving exam. Hold organized rides to
raise awareness. Public service
Mailings or e-mails to all those having a
valid drivers license in both English and
Spanish with a review of current safe
practices. Or work with insurance
companies to reduce premiums for those
clients who successfully pass a test.
15 second ads during TV news hours and
radio ads.
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
could help raise awareness, excitement, and
nonprofit "friends" organization could help
with awareness, excitement, funds, activities,
events, and programming.
of use (for those who use it).
don't know
Partner with the private sector
Stop expanding all the freeways and state
highway; provide alternative paths and trails
Could a master plan for state-wide coverage
be designed to make bicycle and pedestrian
lanes through areas of need - not necessarily
along highways where the danger from high
speed traffic is always going to be
I don't know.
Start with programs in schools - middle school
especially - and provide a variety of noncompetitive activities where all can participate
with some kind of recognition for completion.
Collect data on bicycle sales and related
businesses. Have community groups conduct
focus groups.
Do an annual survey through the media or
schools, or?
Hold organized rides and paid events with pro
Provide safe travel lanes and it will happen
Do surveys at sporting events, concerts,
theatre, symphony, etc.
Arizona State Lottery or a tax that would fund
bicycle facilities
Probably nothing short of financial incentives.
If my proposal in Question A was enacted, it
might well reduce the incidences of accidents
over time. It would be tough to measure any
program for immediate effect
Make it safer.
Sorry, no thoughts on this.
Better and wider shoulders. Should also apply
to county roads since most riding in rural
setting is done or county roads.
Provide clinics, training classes,
workshops etc.
Make bike lanes as wide as possible.
Have bicyclist buy license plates each year as
motor vehicles are required to do. We, the
moter vehicle owners are paying for them to
use our highways and streets by putting in
bike lanes.have them pay some costs.If they
are old enough to be out on the highway
require a drivers license for them..
Ask Leroy Brady. He knows a lot.
having more & more connected bike lanes
and paths so routes connect
Wider shoulders with painted bike lanes
Develop training/job fairs with corporate
If a roadway is a popular bike/pedestrian
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Create a "seed" money fund and allow bike
clubs and businesses provide monies into
this fund. Maybe even allowing some of the
bike stores tax revenues be earmarked for
this fund; then, create a priority list of captial
projects that would be funded as the monies
began to come in.
Info booths at all job fairs
Any way to separate facilities from the
Need to utilize local bike/hike/walk clubs to
ADOT should concentrate on providing
Check with Depart of Public Safety and local
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
pathway, then more signage to help make
drivers aware of this. Not only on the
roadway itself, but also on any connecting
roadways that intersect (which is where
we probably have most accidents).
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
roadway ( not shoulder riding/walking) will
improve facilities. Widen shoulders will
improve facilities.
transportation options that counties and
communities want. The local counties and
communities should be encouraging things
like that.
law enforcement to see if bike/ped and auto
incidents are down in areas with high bike/ped
traffic. Survey the highways or facilities for
increased/decreased use.
Print educational ads in travel related
publications. Work to incorporate into
school curriculums.
Include bicycle & pedestrian awareness
information when people get their drivers
More PSA's. Ads and articles in the
Shoulder maintenance, markings and rumble
locations. Connected route maps. Create
multi modal plans for all new roadways.
Make separate bike-ped paths along road (not
just using shoulder area)
target high use areas and have the clubs help
to raise money to pay for improving it as
bike/ped friendly. Clubs hold races that can
raise money for these improvements. Use the
"Art" funding portion of construction to include
pathways for bike/ped that are included as
part of the "Art". Make pathways handicap
friendly in order to solicit federal funds.
Open space tax funds. Allocation of
cycling/pedestrian sales.
Shopping locations with facilities for bikes.
Keep increasing gas prices and taxes.
Make people pay a minimal amount of money
to get a bicycle license
Make roads more bike-ped friendly (large
shoulders/bike lanes & consistent sidewalks)
Require every bicyclist to take a safety course
I'm not sure this is that big a deal
Federal grant dollars. Work with non-profits
Should see a decrease in the number of
accidents and deaths
T.v. Campaign
Create shady rest areas. Create bike storage
and lockers for easy transition to transit.
Use media communications and provide
information at the MVD offices.
Data-driven enforcement of safety laws
with a diversion program for both
motorists and bicyclists and pedestrians.
Improve maintenance on oexisting facilities
and use better planning whenbuilding new
ones so they last.
Better maintenance of existing shoulders.
Mandatory inclusion of imropved shoulders
and bike markings on any new construction or
rennovation of roadways.
Have "paid" lockers and bike storage along
transit routes,and take a percentage from the
gas tax.
Use federal funds that incentivize the use of
bicycles for transportation (environmental)
Better interconnectivity of bike trails, and
access over freeways instead of having to ride
on major arterial roadways
provide comfortable lanes and convenient
Public service Announcements (PSA's)
on Social Media and Commercial
Broadcast (TV/Radio)
signage and enforcement
better maintenance (i.e. sweep the shoulders)
SHADE and rest areas.
support local alternative transportation
programs that inspire education at a
community level
Enforce existing laws! Ticket cyclists who
ignore red lights and stop signs, ticket
drivers who fail to give cyclists adequate
room when passing, and urge much
greater penalties for motorists who hit
cyclists (the $470 fine for a recent rearending and killing of a cyclist somewhere
around Scottsdale comes to mind)
give more space to cyclists
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
get more public support for funding
I think slightly wider shoulders would be a
fantastic improvement - 3' right of the white
line would be nice
Recognize that those of us who ride bikes or
walk pay taxes like everyone else and devote
a fixed pecentage of maintenance and new
construction funding to bike and pedestrain
Licence/Bicycles =$$$$
Public service Announcements (PSA's) on
Social Media and Commercial Broadcast
cut funding for highways. (increased bike and
ped usage decreases wear and tear). Lobby
for increased taxes.
It seems lobbying is all the rage in politics
these days...
By outcome and survey.
Promote in media, educate the public
(especially motorists) and create better
Make it safer for them to do so. There is lots
of reasearch available on this. Do you
research. High traffice speeds and lack of
safety enforcement keep people from biking
and walking.
Conduct surveys like these and promote their
existence. If I had not read the paper (SV
Herald) I would not have known about it.
I'd hope you have qualified people on staff
that are versed in project management and
can make reasonable evaluations of return on
investment by the state. Are you really saying
you don't have this??
Public service Announcements (PSA's) on
Social Media and Commercial Broadcast
Look to other communities or states that have
shared paths and of course Public service
Announcements (PSA's) on Social Media and
Commercial Broadcast (TV/Radio)
make it safer
local trails that connect to highway trails...
supporting grassroots alternative
transportation groups
Within cities, safe paths and safe crossings
would be great. But since many ADOT
roadways are in more rural settings, simply
widening shoulders a bit would help cyclists
My best suggestion would be contacting local
cycling clubs and organizations...they're the
ones with members out there every day that
should be able to provide good feedback and
will notice any changes that are made and
their [in]effectiveness
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Make bicyclists aware of the laws and
keep as far right as possible.
On drivers test, people should have their
ideas changed about it is ok to run over
bikes if they get in the way
The greatest concern is people texting
while driving and so not seeing cyclists.
TV and other media advertisements,
school presentations, speakers at
community meetings
include more bike education in drivers
schools, drivers ed and in public
awreness campaignsae
maybe one weekend put up road blocks
on certain highways and as motorists
pass hand out fliers on sharing the
road....get tough on those that don't.
Bill boards at key places on the highway;
Im talking thoughtful placings, not just
"hey this BB is cheap rent, lets throw the
PSA up there."
Provide clinics/ classes, handouts, etc
keep bicycles off the highway system
Put printed information on regulations and
safety with vehicle license and driver's
license registrations and renewals
A short (30-60 second) Blip could be used
by the news reporters on TV. Public
service announcement.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Revise the law so that on two lane roads I do
not have to cross into the oncoming lane to
maintain the 3 ft seperation
I wil not ride on state highways
A license fee to ride on the roads the same as
automobiles. Equal treatment.
Hope the coming ice age arrives soon.
measure accident rate and learn what went
wrong in each case.
BLM bike paths, away from motorists
Have an unmarked cop rise around and give
sitations to bad drivers
cool the summers!
evaluate the accident rates
teach people in cars to share the road.
encourage citations for both cyclists and
drivers who fail to obey traffic laws as they
relate to bikes. then educate them when they
have to attend drivers school to avoid the
Improve connectivity, especially between
Tucson and Phoenix
separate the paths with barriers such as dirt,
vegetation or concrete
Build paths, widen shoulders.
establish a license to ride bicycles on state
highways for a $5 fee, tax bicycles, encourage
donations by walking or biking organizations
bike licensesor registration
public awareness campaigns on health, free
bike give-aways, discounts for those that
commute by bike
Talk to people in the know, find out what is
actually really useful and get that. Dont talk to
politicians who are out of touch with real
Highlight how much it costs when a ped or
cyclists gets smeared all over the road by a
car or truck. The response, clean up, and
pending law suits must be expensive.
Use lots of advertising and a portion of that
advertising should highlitght what has been
done to improve individual safety and that
"we" want you out there, not burning fossil
Alloicate funds to build the necessary facilities
that will attract more people to walk/bike vs
keep bicycles off the highway system
Increase sweeping of shoulders. Repave
shoulders and eliminate ridges between
vehicle lanes and shoulders. Improve design
of rumble strips. some of them can knock a
bike off course. Improve stripping, research
Germany for very good examples.
Priorities - car/ truck vs bike/pedestrian
Provide safer lanes separate from traffic lanes
keep bicycles off the highway system
When I bike, I leave my car or truck at home,
reducing the wear and tear on the highways.
Recognize that my car/gas taxes should be
allocated to bike/pedestrian improvements
keep bicycles off the highway system
Make it safer. Increase emphasis in
Intermediate and High Schools. Driver
education and driving law enforcement needs
to be very substantially improved relative to
the vehicle/bike/pedestrian interface.
As part of the contract, add 6 feet to the road
edge - or - and additional 4 feet when there
are emergency parking lanes. Be sure the
sweepers sweep those areas.
Sell naming rights to the bike lanes in 10 mile
increments with signage every 5 miles
identifying the donor. On going clean-up
should be part of the adopt a road effort.
"You built them, they will come."
Get people to read what is out there; then
schedule town meetings to evaluate those
materials after they have been read; then
advertise, in a big way, at the right gathering
points, that such meetings are going to occur
and when. Invest time in getting local groups
to tell their members. Use social media.
Cyclists are typically huge FaceBook users.
Do not solicit suggestions from anyone who
had been a government employee for more
then 3 years.
Compare accident rates
keep bicycles off the highway system
Work with the universities to perform
continuing in-depth analysis of injury and
death data. Continue direct surveys such as
Sam as answer A
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Ads, billboards
Short of licensing each, PSA's.
Roadway markings.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Provide a simple safety barrier; a bench
under a tree every 5 or 10 miles
wide shoulders
Have bike trail/paths along bell from Grand to
the 101.
Take a penny from the tax you already charge
for gasoline; a SMALL user fee . . . .
Make it attractive.
Nothing except count bodies.
have a system that people can use in all
Increase number and qualitiy of wide
shoulders/bike lanes in city and out lying
Make bike route maps available on Internet.
Strongly enforce traffic regulations. Link state
routes with other bike and pedestrian routes.
look at what you have and what is needed
Maintain and publicize a website focused
on ADOT bike and pedestrian efforts.
TV campaign to inform riders, drivers,
police of bike laws.
Part of initial license class, part of
defensive driving class
Provide lessons for schools in easy
format. More emphasis in driver ed
programs. Better signage. More articles
on safety in papers.
Awareness of which side of the road
bicyclists should ride on.
require all new drivers to take driver's ed
and include questions on driver's license
Add better high school drivers education bicycle awareness. Offer insurance
discounts for driver who take bicycle
safety course
Informational signage and messages on
the highway electronic message sign.
Billboard messages.
add it to driver tests. enforcement
Short (10 second) tv/radio information
Update MVD driver test/manual to include
crucial bike and ped rights.
Remind everyone walking and jogging to
go against traffic and riding to go with
traffic flow. Also, the use of headphones
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Incorporate bike and pedestrian
considerations in all transportation planning,
including repair projects on existing state
Wide shoulders and clean debris from
shoulders regularly
Maintain and strip, rumble strip lane edge
Gas tax,
Wider, wider, shoulders. Educate both cyclists
and drivers on issues. Better crosswalks.
Write grants for green energy.
More shoulders.
make them separate from the highway
Better connectivity of bike lanes on streets /
Designate & promote cross-state routes for
bicycle travelers
Free helemts, bike lights, continuous bike
paths and or shoulders
Make the highways safer. Promote as health
and green activity.
Maintain statistics on bicycle usage and
accident reports.
Work thru local bike clubs, hiking clubs and
recreation centers.
Keep better and more statistical information
on incidents and accidents.
Provide more bike lanes
find a private foundation to do the fund raising
and ask for donations from bicycle companies
more community services-grocery stores etc
and also group city services together
Separate traffic and bicycles from pedestrians
Provide adequate infrastructure which is
documented to reduce injuries and fatalities.
Then more will pedal.
Separate the cycle track from traffic. Create
underpasses so that bikes do not have to
cross the traffic at-grade.
add bike lanes, add reflectors, some sort of
barier, cable?
Clean smooth shoulders 2-3 feet wide and
Raise the gas tax. Spend money on Billboards
that advertise the benefits of walking and
include it on the licensing tests, keep
statistical records of accidents involving these
Keep track of cyclist- vehicles accidents
signs, reflectors, cable bariers
Tap into moving vehicle infractions. 50/50
lottery tickets.
Create a safe environment for walking and
riding, and educate.
Provide an easy way to report problems and
concerns. Solicit ideas on specific items.
Keep it centralized.
Adopt a Complete Streets policy
Add more dedicated bike/walk paths and
create large scale interconnected plans
Keep the clean of debris.
I would have to understand how the funds are
currently being allocated to comment.
Provide more dedicated bike/walk paths and
better interconnection
Provide a tax break to businesses if they get a
certain percentage of emplyees to walk or
bike to work.
Have the city and county police report what
they see when they are out driving around.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
or earbuds needs to be outlawed for safey
reasons when withing 10 ft of the road
Comminicate, flyers, Cycling federations
involvment and club assistance
teach more in school about riding with
traffic and why
Tell PEDESTRIANS & Bicylists to STAYOFF the freeways. USE existing ByPasses to Cross Freeway! Use existing
Access Roads rather than the Freeway!
Hold public meetings and provide
handouts at meetings and handouts at
various agencies.
Great part of AZ license exams. Greater
emphasis in Driver Ed programs
education...infomercial spots on tv, media
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Paths from rideshare lots to bike paths
Put wellfare recipeints to work for checks and
food stamps, they can buld the paths
fundraising like bike-a-thons
As an employee let me park at a facility closer
to my home so I can ride to office.
make paths or street markings so it is safe
Let the public no that Bicycles pay taxes and
have the wight of way
surveys like these
Provide paths OFF-FREEWAY for RURAL
AREAS that only have a small commute to a
city (26 miles or less).
Provide sufficient lane widths, with adequate
maintenance and connnectivity of bikeways.
Budget prioritizing based on funding and
priority lists.
Analyze the traffic accidents related to
Better faucets for cyclists to fill water bottles,
etc. Drinking fountains are not very effective.
water stations
signage along highways.
Take a greater portion of state allocated Fed
hwy finding
Have sufficient bikepaths, shade Trees along
roadways. Provide phamplets of bike routes
and typical time of travel for each segment of
path. Form a Bicycle club for increased
interest and support.
Better bike/ped designated paths
In Kingman Nothing. But LHC or Bullhead
could have better lanes.
No answer.
Educate in-house ADOT staff to be less
bicycle-phobic and anti-bicycle.
Do less in this area and move funds towards
improving infrastructure.
make bike paths
Mohave county is not bicycle friendly, I
wouldn't spend money on it till the population
recognizes bikes.
Designate and increase specific amounts
each year for bicycle infrastructure
Put teeth into laws that punish motorists
who are found at fault in car-bike
bigger, more visible signs, painted
pathways to identify zones where bicycles
& pedestrians are.
Include bike lanes in all urban facilities such
as arterial interchanges, along State Routes.
Public service announcements
I think cell phone education is most
Media ads, flyers. Awareness campaigns
at local parks, city recreation centers,
festivals and sporting events
Create non-profit AZ Biker org the biking
community can join and support
Stripe bike lanes
I think sweeping the shoulders would be a
great start
Media ads
Investigate federal grants
I dont know
provide safer ways for them to do so, continue
to offer bicycle safety & education classes,
promote non-profit groups such as BICAS that
bring attention to bikes & bike safety.
Public service announcements
community events
Media ads
Media ads
I'd say you've taken the first several steps in
this survey. In traffic planning, keeping it in
mind is No 1.
Federal, state, local and non-profit sectors
can all partner. Create AZ biker org that
users can belong to with some proceeds
going to public sector improvements
Raise the gas tax! Seriously, focus on bike
use vs. auto in cash, convenience and health
I think this is largely a cultural thing.
Getting more people to ride will make
bikes more commonplace, viewed as
legitimate users, and drivers will be
accustomed to driving around bikes.
Utilize variable message boards and
temporary signs.
Shoulders! Riding on a state route with no
shoulder (and often even a crumbling road
edge along the paint) and traffic zipping by at
50-70mph can be pretty sketchy.
Coordinate with municipalities on linking
bicycle and pedestrian networks.
Improve and create more grade seperated
crossings. Widen paths. Promote Bike to
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
provide more bike racks, in order to lock your
bike & lockers.
Increase maintenance (sweeping) and
improve striping of bike lanes and shoulders.
Testing on Motor Veh exam
Crash counts
dont know
Media ads, flyers. Awareness campaigns at
local parks, city recreation centers, festivals
and sporting events
Keep up the survey work. Build a network of
bicycle users in the state
Counts on paths and surveys.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Update the driver's manual for testing
new drivers. Be sure its part of the test
Better signage on where and when a cyclist
can use a state highway. Continue to add
paths that follow washes
Look at federal grants, use some of the
tobacco and alcohol tax
Perhaps ADOT could support and be a
strong presence at the many non-race
bike events that take place throughout the
year. Cyclovia, the annual VelociPrint
Show, 4th Ave Bike Swap are a few
A brutally honest media campaign like the
anti-meth ads.
Post more signs
Signs, school events, part of driver
license testing, bike route maps
Keep pavement smooth and clear of debris.
User tax for bicyclists get us off state
Teach defensive biking.
Holding seminars and public outreach or
workshops for those that are interested,
and general education (such as at MVD)
pamphlets for general road safety laws
(not just cycling). This is probably already
being implemented to some degree.
user tax get us off state highways
Use billboards? You can't force a horse
to drink water. Tough question. Maybe
traffic calming measures to force the
Make driver take a class on Motorists vs
bicyclist right or what the law says about
bicyclists. or mail MDV has every license
address pictures on how the :law" effect
bike and cars.
Give tickets to motorists who HIT cyclists
and pedestrians when the pedestrian has
the right of way. YES this is the law but
law enforcement organizations are biased
against cyclist primarily. Law
enforcement officers don't even know the
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Provide pathway
Keep existing bike lanes clear of rocks, glass
Block the state from paying for Russell
Pearce's recall election.
Tax fast food.
Look to other state activities. I recently
moved from Illinois where they have
completed a network of paved rail to trail
conversions with Federal funding. May be
similar opportunities?
user tax bicycling
Provide barriers between bikes & cars.
Signage is a big factor in knowing that it exists
and markings allow people to know that it is
available for use.
Use lottery funds.
When road improvements are being
considered, please consider the whole road
usage, which is primarily for automobiles, but
also other modes of transportation. This is
especially true for state highways that passes
through towns and cities such as AZ-77 or
AZ-87 for example.
Traffic calming measures located at
dangerous locations.
Point out the health benefits to employers of
having employees ride to work, vice get fat
and drain health accts.
Pave existing shoulder when you pave the
main line. Sweep them more than once every
25 years.
Just burms no real need to spend the money
on bike paths in rurel areas, even Sedona.
It's not about money, it's about enforcing
existing laws by law enforcement who seem
to be ignorant of bike laws.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Work Day statewide.
More bus stops/routes with at the ability to
carry more bikes on the buses
Provide more dedicated bicycle and
pedestrian walkways.
Promise us you'll use our taxes to keep us
Provide tax refund for bike equipment.
Bike route maps, good network of trails and
bike lanes, safe place to lock up bikes
create a user tax for cyclist and create our
own routes
State can offer subsidy to bikers.
Signage. See B. Arizona has a good climate
hospitable for cycling or walking about 7
months of the year, so if it is more obvious
that this facility is made available for other
modes, at least some people will see that and
use them. Once people start using it, it will
facilitate others to give it a try, or at least I
hope that will be true.
Plant trees on the South and West side of
bike paths and multi use paths. More shade,
more comfort, more trees, more good.
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Sample tests online and in school driver's ed
Share them with the public on your web site.
Education awareness
track bike/vehicle accident trends
get a user tax than you can control the user
Ask the bikers.
Bringing the road up to safety standards will
be an important first step. Otherwise, reaching
out to the users is a good way to give
judgement on effectiveness or deficiencies to
any particular highway segment.
Directly ask local bike shops, engage those
guys, they talk all day about it, and they know
the people that ride.
Not ADOT job.
Have driver take a test every 5 year to renew
their driver license (not only bike laws but new
motor laws)
ADOT shouldn't be in the business of
encouraging anyone to do anything. They
should be looking at safety and accessablity
based on demand.
It already exists. LAW ENFOREMENT
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
about basic ARS laws regarding cyclists.
It's not the cyclists that need an education
Encourage law enforcement to learn
about and enforce traffic laws for both
motorists and cyclists. Include bicycle
and pedestrian training in AZ driver's
licensing eduction.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
4-foot shoulders clearly marked
This is a tough time for that given the big cuts
in federal transportation budgets. I am not
familiar enough with the budgeting process to
give good ideas, but I applaud your asking
this question of your constituents.
Count how many people are biking or walking
(ground-based volunteer surveys)
Install petition stations along bike routes to
collect signatures in support of bicycle friendly
proposals. Direct measurement of bike lane
Allocate a specific % of the gasoline tax, or a
greater % if there is a current allocation, on
bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
identify and provide maps of bicycle-friendly
routes (such as Tucson bike/ped map).
People use those maps and rely on their
accuracy (if a route is marked as bike-friendly,
it should be a priority for resurfacing, as
bicycles suffer much worse from potholes,
Sell discount ADOT-logo bike apparel.
Provide adequate and safe facilities. I am a
bicylist with years of road riding experience in
various states but since moving to Arizona 2
years ago from Colorado I have riden my bike
on the roads or streets very little due to safety
Measure the number of bicylist and
pedestrian injuries both before and after
implementation of program improvments.
This one is tough, because AZ is really hot at
certain times of the year. But one of the
reasons I don't like to bike outside of my
neighborhood is I don't feel safe from cars. I
don't feel I can trust that they will see me and I
definitely don't feel safe biking with my kids.
The same way that NHTSA does I would
assume. They've been tracking the
effectiveness of car seats, seat belts and
airbags for years, find out how they do it and
do the same.
Flyers with the rules at designated areas
Go to bike shops and ask around.
Install road signs along bike routes
reminding drivers of bicycle safety rules.
Periodically run street sweepers over bike
lanes to remove debris.
Share the Road or other type of signage
that informs motorist of the right of bicyles
to use the roadway. TV, radio and print
advertisements that attempt to educate
the motoring public about the rights of
bicyclist and pedestrians to try to gain
aceptance of the whold multi-modal
Start with the kids. Kids will remind their
parents. As a kid we had a day in school
where we did bike and pedestrian safety.
Review first in class rooms and then we
had a route with stationed police officers
advising us of laws and when and how to
safely cross the street etc. Then class
room re-review.
Provide wide shoulders; sidewalks; multi-use
paths and signage.
PSAs with stars from Arizona sports
teams and catchy jingles.
Identify all bicycle clubs and
communicate through them.
TV campaigns to educated motorists
about the laws regarding bikes on
Include Bike safety in Motor Vehical
Hold classes for both cyclists and
motorists. Perhaps more inform. in
classes that must be taken for traffic
Use of clear signage delineating cycling
right of ways. Make this part of driver
education and licensing tests.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
I don't have any idea for this at the moment.
not sure
No bicycle's on State Highways
Air up stations.
try to keep the shoulders and bike lanes free
from glass and debris
generate money by having stiffer penalties for
distracted drivers causing accidents
The helithy aspect
Cross-state highway biking event when the
weather's cooler.
Provide shoulders for bicycles and walking
lanes for pedestrians.
if it was safer out there more people would
walk and ride
Provide adequate bike lanes adjacent to
Have wider shoulders
Use your current funding - you have plenty for
adding more vehicals to the roads
Provide safer bike lanes, reduce traffic
speeds, more pedestrian crossings
Can only be judged by reduction in bicycle
fatalities and collissions
Make sure all new city roadways have bike
lanes and sidewalks. Add shoulders (and
they don't have to be over sized) to all of the
I am not sure how much a mile of shoulder
costs, but believe it would not take much
analysis to estimate the increase in tax dollars
We have to have the safe routes in place,
adequately marked, etc.
Monitor the trend in accidents and fatalities
per mile or per capita. Also, use of surveys
such as this.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
post signage reminding about 3 feet is the
law. Add bicycle laws to defensive driving
Make punishment stricter for motorists,
make police aware of regulation (they are
very ill informed).
Start education with law enforcement
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
state's roadways and mark them for cycling
and mixed use. This would be a great
vehicle to increase cycling tourism in our
and spending in our state through increased
cycling tourism. You could also consider
charging user fees or tolls for the Aizona's
bike ways. I would pay a toll to have a safe,
smooth route to use.
Make separate, divided areas for cyclists and
pedestrians, kept clear of cars that have
pulled off and debris.
The best bet is to clearly differentiate bike
areas from car areas.
Ensure upkeep of paths rather than building
new ones at the expense of letting old paths
Place rumble strips on or near the white fog
line which gives more room for cyclists.
Include rights & responsibilities clearly in
drivers manual and send highlights in all
correspondence from DMV
Saturation of bill boards depicting bike
riders as smart, saving money, getting fit,
Set up reward stations on commuter
routes with prizes given randomly,
sponsored by local bike shops and
featured in newspapers, online. Appeal to
parents to make streets safe for their
children. Bike rodeos at schools
Wide, well paved, well marked shoulder bike
lane with rumble strip next to highway, not
down the middle
Realize that roads are incredibly dangerous
for cyclists and that safe routes are the first
way to get people riding.
Recognize that more people would use their
bikes or walk if they did not percieve it as
being so dangerous. It takes a lot less money
to accommodate a walker or a cyclist than at
Hummer. We don't cause wear and tear,
polution or even use much land. But the
needs of a pedestrian or cyclist come last in
Where ADOT provides transportation near
heavy population centers, they should devote
the majority of funds to creating feasible and
safe bikeways.
Good Question. They seem to be adding
things all the time to the water bill. It's tripled
in 12 years.
Collect all available funding from Feds, the full
1%. Train contractors so work dosen't need
to be redone.
Big billboard with bicyclist "I ride to work and
saved $100 a month in fuel costs", Another
billboard with a child on a bike "Make it safe
for him to ride to school"
Provide wide CLEAN shoulders
More signage to alert motorists that
cyclists are road users too. Education for
motorists when renweing licenses.
Expand bike lanes and make sure they are
well marked and signs so motorists SEE
Outreach via media and collateral at
Regular maintenance, surveying the
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Roads are not just for cars. Making cyclists
and pedestrians more safe is the only way to
increase their numbers. They need to be a
regular funding priority.
Host or team up with local organizers to
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
ADD MORE BIKE LANES and signage.
Promote bike safety. Offer monetary benefit
and/or tax relief for cyclists that ride to work.
track and trend meaningful data in the
newspaper. Make front page news once in a
while with metrics, updates on laws and things
along these lines.
They can track the number of cyclists on
major routes and examine the numbers of
fatalities in certain areas.
Through bike clubs, etc. invite cyclist to
evalualte the materials before they are
printed. Perhaps ADOT will reep the added
beneifit of some "bad" cyclists learning that
they have equal responsibilites as well as
equal right.
Tax breaks, incentives, bike rental program.
Put the pedestrians and cyclist as a priortiy
when planning road. A perfect example is the
Sonoran Parkway (Old Dove Valley Road). No
bike lanes will be installed. How much extra
whould that cost long term? Cyclists will
undoutably use the convenient route anyway
as cutting off miles on a communte is very
important. But as in most every case, the car
rules to the expense of the low impact bike or
Providing shared bike/pedestrian paths.
Regardless of how nice a bike/car lane is,
more cyclists will emerge if they don't have to
negotiate constantly the threat of cars.
Safe paths to frequented areas where a trunk
is not needed for items.
Add safety to reduce accidents.
Make it seem safe to do so. Most people are
afraid to ride because of unsafe conditions
(lanes that end in the middle of nowhere,
people on cell phones, hostile public
Include multi use paths on all roads that are
near shopping etc.
Cycling and walking should not be extreme
sports. Think about how you can make a mom
cycling with her children feel safe - and do
that. Then more will ride and walk.
Stricter laws on texting while driving and
Recordable injuries
In Portland, OR they occasionally complete
counts of cyclists at common locations for
people heading to work.
Put counters in bike lanes to count actual
riders, surveys such as this.
Public surveys. Statistic analysis of
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
bicycle events and local public parks.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
community to identity areas that need the
most attention.
funnel some event registration (races, charity
rides etc.) revenue toward ADOT. If this is
even possible.
Collectible bike bag tags. Sell a new design
each year.
prompt action for those drivers who have
caused harm where clear evidence of
negligence is present.
Make it more convenient, so all the ideas in
your multiple choice question apply.
where/when accidents occur. Hotline where
cyclists and pedestrians can report problems
(this may exist already?)
I am sure there is the federal monies but what
about orgnizing bicycle related events?
again have tv stations air the advantages for
bicycle riding.
License cyclest.
Partnerships such as "adopt a highway",
CMAQ funds, increase portion of ADOT
budget (bike/ped accounts for 10% of trips,
but only 1-3% of budget)
make it safer
Provide better facilities, advertise availability
of facilities, tourism partnerships
When there are, less tragedies, people on the
road respect one another and bicycling can be
seen as a benefit; the whole community
should be happy via a surveys.
count the fatalities and accidents
Bike traffic counts, analysis of tickets/citations
involving cyclists or peds on freeways,
tracking of injuries and deaths.
Ideas in the last question are all good. Be
sure to budget to maintain highway shoulders
designed for cyclists to use. When they get
full of stones, glass and other debris, cyclists
end up out in the street and motorists become
annoyed because they can't usually see the
debris as they speed along
Look at existing routes and try to either
conitinue them or finish them
PSA's seem to work if they are repeated
often enough. Try partnering with large
employers to do education campaigns
with employees who cycle and drive to
work, so everyone is hearing the same
provide videos or contact tv sations to air
community service announcements
ban texting
Better signage, better enforcement
move the bicycles off the main road
Wider shoulders, better striping and signage,
off-road paved pathways
Provide reminders to be watchful of
Pedestrians and Cyclists.
Separating pedestrians and cyclists where
possible improves security and confidence in
using pathways during heavy traffic periods.
When I ride my bike, I'm never sure how I will
find safe parking for the bike at destinations -so encourage businesses to provide for this.
TV Ads targeting motorists (safe driving
ads, not safe cycling ads), school
programs on safe cycling/crossing
As a broker, I have to attend continuing
ed on a regular basis. I'm not sure why
something like that isn't instituted for
drivers. I would imagine that some of the
rules of the road have changed in the last
20 plus years since I took my driver's
license test. I think something needs to
happen there to evaluate current drivers
knowledge of the roads.
Make it part of the drivers license testing,
especially for out of state residents.
Bike racks WITH SHADE, additional drinking
fountains with water bottle filler spigots
Add to the motor vehicle registration site
a reminder of the law of feet drivers must
allow between their vehicle and cyclists.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Water stations are a very good idea especially in the deserts. Something as
simple as that - even if there is a small fee.
Did I mention making the bike lane, ALL, of
the bike lanes go all the way through the
intersection. As opposed to just ending with
no warning. What are we supposed to do, just
stop riding??
Increase the shoulder on these roads and add
a bike lane symbol so clear the lane is for
bike/pedestrian use.
Identify areas of lessened fuel usage, reduced
road wear-and-tear, reduced health care due
to improved health
I'm not sure how much all of the charity rides
generate, but why not host an event where
the proceeds go to the maintenance of our
roads. Those that use them the most would
provide some of the funding which makes
Get ALL of the illegal aliens out of our
education and medical facilities. This will free
up a lot of money. I'm not being scarcastic.
Those are m MY tax dollars. I'm a bike
Emphasize safety, enjoyment and health
benefits available to those who walk/bike.
Improve perceived safety and direct (shortest
distance) pathways for pedestrians and
cyclists. Encourage legislators to provide tax
incentives to those who walk or bike a high
percentage of the time.
Improve facilities and increase number of
bike/walk to work events
I think emphasizing the physical and
emotional benefits of exercise could
potentially motivate some.
Make all of the improvements i have noted in
this survey, plus all of the ones from the rest
of the surveys. Bike commuting needs to be
SAFE, convenient and practical.
Arizona is one of the most climate friendly
places in the world for walking/cycling most of
the year, but distances to travel compared to
east cost and the perceived need to get there
"now" is the limiting perception. Emphasizing
potential time, health and enjoyment benefits
may sway people over time.
Re-survey bike/ped community after changes,
assess number of motor-vehicle related
I would think you'd need to have a baseline
level of that knowledge and then reevaluate
(survey) down the road. No pun intended.
Could it be a larger part of the driver's license
Put down this survey, go get on a bike and
ride ALL of the roads and current bike lanes in
AZ. and see for yourself. Then you will see
what we go through.
Add more sidewalks, add more bike lanes,
especially to heavily traveled roads such as
Shea Blvd, Via De Ventura, Scottsdale Road.
Having a bike lane gives cyclists a sense of
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Don't know
anounce education about safety on radio,
tv, and etc.
Better and more visible signs makeing
drivers aware of pedestrians and bicycles
and the laws associated with each i.e. X
feet of clearance on each side.
don't know
post pedestrian and bicycle lanes.
very little, probably
Advertise. Billboards would be more
useful than pamphlets.
Better shoulders and walkways
A small surcharge for car licenses and driver
Utilize existing public schools to add bike
safety and emphasize the share the road
concept. Advertising.
Continue adding safe passage routes for
walkers and riders. Education
include bicycle laws in the drivers exam
and drivers education courses, including
traffic school. Require annual refresher
courses for law enforcement.
Provide a minimum 4 foot shoulder on all
state highways to allow for safe bicycle travel
Don't know the answer to this one. Our
legislature is loony tunes right now and is not
capable of forward thinking. Sorry had to say
unsure how to raise additional funding.
More info about cycling in exam study
guide and exam. Educate officers. Signs
that say 3 feet is the law.
Include in all driver education courses.
Add to driving license test. Test and
discount with insurance. High School
teach and tests.
If the state takes a lead role in
recognizing bicycles as legitimate
methods of transportation--signs,
enforcement, etc.--eventually drivers will
Set up a webpage dedicated to this
program showing state highways
designated for bike/pedestrian use.
Issue more citations for violations for both
cyclist and motorist.
Become social media savvy. Promote and
educate through social media and good
design and branding.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Signage and awareness campaigns.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
safety and you'll get more cyclists out there.
information campaigns
Increase and improve the number of bike and
walking routes in and around the cities.
Advertise. Images of people enjoying
recreational use of bicycles and walking
would help.
Illuminate cost and health benefits in
advertisements and public education
Make it easier to permit cycling related events
on Arizona public roads. Currently the
maricopa county permitting process is cost
prohibitive and overrun with uneeded
beauracracy. By making events easier to
promote, more events will be available and
cycling will be in the forefront of the public
Ask for it!
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
volunteer help will not COST much.
Measure injuries and fatalities at a point in
time, launch educations and awareness
campaigns, then determine if the per capita
number of injuries and fatalities are
Not sure
Survey's and/or public forums. You could
communicate with ABC (Arizona Bicycle Club)
or other rider groups to offer feedback.
direct feedback can be obtained by including
several questions about bicycling laws on the
state drivers exam and traffic school exams
Ask cycling advocacy groups for feedback.
Call Landis Cyclery or Bike Barn if you need
any help finding advocacy group.
Needs to be safer. Drives need to know Peds
have the right of at intersections. Inforce
pedestrian laws.
Keep the roads in good repair so that
bicyclists can ride on the side and in a straight
line. Everytime I must move around a hazard
can make drivers think I am not in control and
is a point of potential accident.
Clearly mark bicycle lanes and denote
specific access points for bicyclists.
Tax the rich. They won't even notice-because they are rich. In addition, their
souces for wealth probably use the
infrastructure more than me.
Make the lanes wide enough and pavement
condition good enough for cyclists to ride
Follow through on these surveys (DO
SOMETHING!) so that you have the statistical
results to prove that people will ride when the
conditions make them at least feel safe.
Take a look at what other states are doing to
fund programs that promote bicyclists on state
highways. Also, partner with local jurisdictions
for federal funding grant opportunities that
may be interested in advancing bicycling in
their communities.
Improve bicycle lanes by providing a safe
buffer to general traffic and clearly mark
bicycle lanes.
Take a look at the correlation between where
bicycle outreach/measures are targeted and
the location of bicycle accidents. Focus efforts
where accidents are more prone to occur.
Make cycling safer
Simply make it a priority.
Aggressively seek out federal grants
supporting multi-modal transportation
Stop widening roads and designing only for
the car.
Bike counting and social media attention.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
provide safe alternatives to busy highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
provide safe alternatives to busy highways.
including under/overpass crossing at the train
Have more bike to work days for each city.
Have videos of victims and their families...
You have to get to peoples hearts.
Wide smooth shoulders.
Tax cigarettes even more.
Conduct rides that publicize biking safety,
make this part of driver's ed/license
More and better maintained bike paths
Conduct bike tours! Organizations routinely
raise upwards of $200K for all kinds of
Signs on the roads, TV campaign
Wide shoulders, signage
More "share the road" type signs. The
signs should say "give a bike 5 feet", or
include an image with a 5 foot arrow
between car and bike.
Highway signs, license exam questions,
TV spots.
Provide the information on the web site
Clean and repair existing shoulders, adding
new ones where needed. Make white lines
Create a fund for individual donations, to be
matched (better, tripled) by state funds.
I've been riding for 40 years. More miles than
the space shuttle(s). What facilities?
no comment
First you have to have facilities.
Support infill.
Increase gasoline tax
Increase cost of licensing vehicles and people
Signs at heavy pedestrian iintersections big and bright. Longer/beeping walk
signals at pedestrian-heavy stop lights
Increase awareness of people hurt by
pedestrian accidents. Hold walks/runs/bike
races on public roadways as a fundraiser.
Improve the sidewalks.
Arizona - Install SHARE THE ROAD and
caution signage.
I'm to afraid to ride bike on state highways
because drivers cross the white line too often.
Make the shoulder wider, put ridges/bumps on
the white line to notify the driver to stay in
their lane.
Make the penalties more strict for
inattentive driving and educate on leaving
room for bikers. Some motorists play
"chicken" with bikers and runners and I
think they are just ignorant of the
signage and PSA's
Public Service announcements. Light Rail
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Provide safe areas to walk/bike -- maybe
some shade and water stations
See answers to A and B.
If people cry from watching stories about the
victims and families of victims that have been
hit by a car, then you can rate it as successful.
Also, get stories from people that have
possibly hit a cyclist or ped. and see how it
affected their life.
Get engaged in bike tours - setup a booth at
major events in AZ like Tour de Tucson, Bike
MS and solicit inputs. Sync up with
passionate organizations such as GABA.
Conduct more surveys like this. Harness the
power of the people!
This survey is good. Also, you could
designate volunteers to test ride road sections
and report back.
Really, why are you asking the same
trend analysis of accident rates/issuance of
licenses for people and vehicles
Compare previous accidents and current
accidents. Also find out why the accidents
occurred to prevent future accidents.
Build more paths and shoulders and keep
them clean.
TV , more info when people are getting
driver licenses
Make our city streets safer to ride. State
highways are OK, but most folks would ride
bikes from home to work/grocery etc. if they
felt the streets were safe.
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Build better access and intersection crossing
create a barrier or ideally, an entirely separate
take it out of ACHSSS since I could list
several that abuse it.
Better bike racks at Bus Stops, Light Rail.
seems like there are Federal grants that can
Make it safer!! Clean bike lanes ... so riders
can actually use them
fix our roads, maintain our paths and
MAKE IT SAFE! Right now it is like russian
roulette when you go out to run/ride and it
really shouldn't be that way!
Make it safer and more accessible
Increase connectivity between bike/pedestrian
track usage and fatalities
ask runners/riders if they have noticed a
Surveys - workplace Transportation surveys ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
- Bus advertisements.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Increase shoulder areas on roadways for bike
paths. More bike carriers on buses and light
be obtained if the State improves pathways.
pathways with safe crossings etc.with state
and local roadways.
Clean Air
Possibly work with biking or fitness
organizations to raise money. Have
biking/walking events along current pathways
to raise money to maintain them and possibly
build new ones. Work with Canal companies
to pave and make more of their trails
I bike along the canal paths frequently and
there are three things that are lacking:
adequate water fountains, road signage, and
lighting. Lighting would be great especially for
Arizona since it's very warm during the day
and nights are a time I'd like to ride my bike
more. Water fountains to refill bottles would
be a life saver as well.
Provide bike paths that put more room
between bikes and motor vehicles. Turn
down the thermostat
Grade school, intermediate and
highschool training
Provide bike paths, especially on city streets,
making commuting easier and safer
I think a bike licensing fee would be good,
especially, if proceeds went to funding bike
paths and lanes. having each bike with a
license could also help with theft recovery.
Have these rules as part of the drivers
test. Have more signs for the "3 feet law".
More signs in general for all biking and
pedestrian things.
bringing it about in school.
Keep bike lanes clear of debris. Better
markings so cars can see the lanes. More
signs. More bike stands/locks.
Team up with race programs around thes
state (bicycle, triathlons) and either ask for
donations or have some of the registration
dollars go towards funding.
include communities, involve them more.
TV and radio commercials, as well as
education through social media outlets.
talking more about the dangers of road rage.
Shaded pull-outs to provide areas to rest at
reasonable intervals, including water stations
(and perhaps basic bike maintenance
stations). Native vegetation and other
buffers/shade along the highway to make
using them by cyclists and pedestrians more
Increase signage that notifies motorists of
cyclists on highways. Create maps of
safe and preferred bicycle routes on
Make rules of road for pedestrians &
bikers easier to access.
"If you build it, they will come." At least, I
think if highways become more amenable to
forms of travel other than cars, I think people
might start using them more, so funds could
be redirected from road maintenance to
building infrastructure supporting cycling and
Fines for motorists using cell phones
More signage to make motorists more aware
of cyclists. Provide bike lanes and wide
shoulders. Keep shoulders clean of debris.
Publish easily accessible pamphlets with
the laws.
Maybe some public service
announcements using actual verbiage
from the state driver's license manual.
Too many people don't know the rights of
bicyclists (both cyclists and motorists are
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Improve paths, and communicate where they
Provide safe routes with good connectivity.
not sure about this one.
Good question. I'm not sure. A reduction in
bicycle and pedestrian fatalities, even with an
increase in people using these forms of
Monitor bicycle use on highways.
Make pedestrians & bikers feel safer.
Keep bike lanes clear of debris. Better
markings so cars can see the lanes. More
signs. More bike lanes that connect more
parts of the city together.
making streets safe and encouring people to
follow the speed limit.
Build infrastructure supporting safe and
comfortable routes (think shade and
separation from vehicles) for walking and
cycling. Bike lanes that end abruptly and
force you suddenly into traffic do NOT help.
I remember having bicycle safety training at
school when I was a young man. It would be
good to recruit volunteers to teach classes as
school. Having bike safety/control
competitions would be fun.
Send out email surveys. Start social media
campaign. Have a presence at walks and bike
events around town. Hand out literature.
Provide safer biking and walking pathways
along roadways.
Make it safer and use public service
Provide smooth wide shoulders and keep
them in good condition.
Aside from raising the price of fuel to $100 a
gallon, maybe some PSRs about the health
benefits. Commuting to work is a bridge too
far because as a nation we're too fat to ride a
bike to work. Did the lack of exercise cause
Monitor where brochures are distributed, how
often them must be restocked, and keep
statistics on accidents
Have an internet link or a phone number - sort
of a Hotline - on the materials so people can
report on how well the materials are working,
or not.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Motor Vehicle tests should include
questions pertaining to bicycle/motorists,
reaching pedestrians is much harder.
Start with schools, but also commercials,
billboards, flyers, brochures. Education at
local fairs, etc. Enforcement is also
Offer programs at bike stroes
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Wider shoulders, inclusion of bike lanes,
better maintenance of roads. In nornthern AZ,
snow plans shovel gravel, etc. off roads and
into bike paths
Make sure they are clean and safe
Cut funding from other areas. Increase
enforcement and violation tickets and use
these for funding. Identify and raise fund for
SPECIFIC bike projects
Get bike clubs involved
roadside signs
Minimizing the "us vs them" mentality that
is so prevalent here. Motorists need to be
aware that bicycles are legal vehicles,
and bicyclists need to be aware that the
laws of the road apply to them.
Include safe practices in driving
examination, find opportunities to publish
safety-oriented informative columns in
more signs along the roadway and pavement
Either wider shoulders or even completely
separate pathways would be great.
the state legislature needs to provide the
Divert funding from some road projects? Not
sure there is a good answer for this one.
More consistent and widespread 4-foot
Provide citizens with tax credits, similar to the
public schools
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
the fat, or did the fat prevent exercise?
give us safer paths
restrooms, water would be nice.
Make it part of driver's test and driving
school, both in high school and for
motorists with citations. Enforce share
the road rules (ie: 3 feet for cyclists), and
publicize it's happening like the "click it or
ticket" campaign. An aggressive public
service campaign about the dangers of
distracted driving and that it kills people.
signage, include in drivers license tests,
publicity when new
lanes/paths/crossings/routes become
More awareness. More severe tickets for
motorists that hit or kill cyclists
Require drivers education for licenses,
and require additional refresher courses
in order to renew license.
Educate motorists about the laws
pedestrians and cyclists are to follow - it
seems a great deal think all bikes should
be on the sidewalk.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Use distracted driving citation funds.
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
I think ADOT does a good job in their out
reach programs
Sponsor races and charity/community rides.
Offer businesses incentives for increasing
commuting. More education and
infrastructure. Make roads safer
Make it safe and get some companies to
support it--earn a t-shirt if you bike to work
with the boss, etc.
Safer roads/bike lanes; installing more bike
remove second, unnecessary lanes and
widen the bikeways
Create more pathways and we Arizonans will
use them!!
See if there are more cyclists and pedestrians
More consistent access to safe places to do
so. I live only 2.5 miles from my work, much
of that is on state highway, and there are very
inconsistent bike lanes that make it difficult to
safely commute by bike
Enforce distracted driving violations! If we
don't feel safe, we won't ride. Make
continuous bike lanes that don't end abruptly
at unpredictable and dangerous places, and
maintain/sweep them.
Law enforcement should include interviews of
cyclists and pedestrians who are failing to
observe best practice.
Probably the same way ADOT evaluates the
effectiveness of it's motorized programs.
Ask for input from bike shops, and distribute
materials there. They are a great source of
cyclist input! Publish bike lane maps with
*current* information.
Would need to see/experience such facilities
to be able to comment.
Start with promotions in cooler seasons when
it's appropriate
Be in touch with biker clubs, walkers, hikers,
commuters, students.
Larger shoulders and signage
Reach out to cycle organizations
Provide safe transport
Reach out to cycle organizations
Provide ample bikeways and routes to and
from all locations. Ensure these areas are
safer and/or segregated from vehicle traffic.
Random safety tests/samples from the public
(ie surveys along routes traveled by
commuters, asking common safety
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Provide the same protection to cyclists as any
other motorist with stiff fines for injuring a
Not much in Arizona
Media campaign and include questions
on driver license exams. Inserts in
vehicle registration mailings would also
be practical.
Work within the school systems providing
presentations to students
Let's provide a survey that works when
we try to click - right now, nothing
PSAa on television, radio, and print.
Teaming up with local bike shops to
disseminate info.
Involve local government, schools (high
school), networks, social media
Make the fines harder for motorists that
hit cyclists
Have more commercials and incentives
for bike us like car insurance discount
program if you use your bike
In urban areas it is best to think in terms
of North to South and East to West
Corridors. For instance, there is no safe,
direct cycling route from north to south in
the West Valley, and going from the West
Valley to the East valley either required
an interminably long detour south of
South Mountain, or dangerous rides along
busy streets with intermittent cycling
lanes. In Rural areas, the problem is
rarely the width of the shoulder - it is the
condition of the shoulder. Often, it is
maintained or repaired in such a way that
cyclists can't ride on it, or the "wake-up
strip" of indentations cut into the
Add rumble strips along bike paths, don't wait
until someone gets killed in one your bike
Provide smooth paving outside of the rumble
strips for single file bike riding
Provide a safe place for bicycles to operate
Let's provide a survey that works when we try
to click - right now, nothing happens.
Build safer bike lanes
Seek federal grants
Provide adequate, safe facilities
Monitor statistics after improvements have
been made, customer surveys
With rising gas prices, it is a great time to start
everyone to use a bicycle
Let's provide a survey that works when we try
to click - right now, nothing happens.
Make it more user friendly.
Make it part of the driver license test
Let's provide a survey that works when we try
to click - right now, nothing happens.
Let's provide a survey that works when we try
to click - right now, nothing happens.
Imptove and add multi-purpose paths
Provide safe paths for these people to use.
Fun Events with food and give aways.
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Wow, I'm just not sure it's a good idea to
promote bicycle and pedestrian traffic on or
near state highways.
build large bike lanes with good signage
More/wider bike lanes on common cyclist
roads - Dynamite as example
Make shoulder wider and color them very
Again, I'm just not sure it's a good idea to
promote bicycle and pedestrian traffic on or
near state highways.
Ask for donations. There are lots of biking
groups that would donate funds and do fund
Wider bike lanes. Shade trees along
pedistrian paths. Facilities for water and
bathrooms. Safe parking for bikes.
Make them watch the biggest loser ;) yet I'm
being serious - education on health and
Observation and surveys. Track violations
involving bicycle and pedestrian offenses and
act on hot spots.
Ask for feedback from biking groups
Allocate lottery money to this or casino
Provider water stations and shade along
biking areas
Survey people with pre and post test on
Facebook and create biking communities
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
pavement are in the center of the
pedestrian lane, making cycling a
punishing experience.
consistent signage and public out reach
with media outlets, also reach out to
bicycle clubs
More signage along heavily traveled
cycling routes (ask local bike shops
where people ride most frequently).
perhaps put cycling laws on the roadway
signs when they aren't being used to alert
drivers of traffic conditions ahead. Attach
a short 'quiz' to the vehicle registration
renewal process (
that outlines cyclist rights and
Run commercials on TV, put ads on
billboards, create regular articles in area
newspapers and magazines, work with
schools, neighborhood groups and
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
better shoulders and updated rumble strips
promote bicycling tourism in AZ, start a state
wide initiative to be a bike frendly state
involve municipalities and feds.
Place additional vehicle registration fees on
motor vehicles that are deemed gas guzzlers
(e.g. Hummer H2, Ford Excursion, any V12
promote bicycling tourism in AZ to the rest of
the country and beyond.
get bicycle groups involved for feedback.
Provide AZ state employers with cash to
dispense to employees that ride their bikes to
work at least 'x' times per week or based on
mileage. Reduce vehicle licence tax for those
people that can prove they commute by bike.
set up a hotline where ped/cyclists can call in
and report drivers that don't observe laws (if
possible). Then monitor that data to see how
it trends with education.
Create a safe offset bike/walk path along
highway route
Involve employers in planning strategies and
ask for funds to support their employees; look
at state, federal and local grant opportunities;
use foundation funds to develop strategies as
a whole
Make it safer and give people a place to walk,
not on the road or in the desert. Be inclusive
and connect with community groups
throughout the state to get feedback and to
help with educating their community
ads in tv, radio, internet and at the MVD
sites and bicycle shops
ADD MUCH SIGNAGE to remind motorists
that the road is shared!! (esp in northern AZ
where MANY cyclists DO ride) Paint
OBVIOUS bike lane lines with reflectors to
remind motorist to share the road - much like
they do in Sedona
add'l taxes on sale of outdoor rec and bike
purchases; draw from state park funding as
MUCH riding is done within those boundaries
Signage on roadway with bike lane.
Roadway signage.
Start teaching children in school safety,
both behind the wheel and on a bicycle.
Involve more businesses
State funded trips
Impress upon our local government the
importance of pedestrians and bicyclists in
keeping the air clean.
Road racing cyclists are DESPERATE for
safe places to train in the high altitudes of
Northern AZ. Now virtually everyone leaves
the state for places like Boulder. BRING
their $$$. Road cycle racing is big in the
northeast. Road cycle racing is HUGE in
Europe - they're treated like rock stars. What
a GREAT niche for AZ with the HUGE variety
of climates and environments to facilitate ALL
year training and racing available!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't let Boulder snobs redirect that $$$ to
Boulder. Bring it to AZ-race in north in
summer and south in winter seasons.
If the bike lanes are in place and are safe
people will use them.
Awareness through media
They can make it safer and educate
pedestrians and motorists alike.
Ask those that use them for feedback.
Promote online comments regularly and
encourage participation by posting signage
near the facilities, involve all ages of people in
focus group sessions; involve community
organizations and neighborhood groups, who
know about their area more intimately.
ask cyclists and pedestrians (the users) and
the healthcare facility workers tending to the
The bicycle safety courses are great! I
recommend them to everyone. Offer
more, please.
We need clean, wide shoulders, without
rumble strips in the lane.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Wider shoulders, CLEAN shoulders, and
place rumble strips between cycling
lanes/shoulders and the vehicle traffic lanes.
Local and state reported accidents.
DMV testing
Educate and make it safe.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
make it mandatory to know this to get a
driver's license. require adequate retesting on these topics to keep a valid
driver's license
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
keep shoulders free of debris, make sure that
all highways have adequate size shoulders for
riding, add multiuse pathways
i am 100% sure that there is a lot of fat that
needs to be cut-out in the state government.
use that money for a useful cause like we are
discussing here
re-test periodically for people to keep their
driver's licenses valid...which would require a
shorter expiration on licenses
Provide a brochure with the pertinent laws
for said groups
Keep them clean and clear of trees/brush.
I don't understand the question.
make it safer to do both! adequate bike lanes,
multiuse pathways. there is an amazing
multiuse pathway system in colorado right
outside denver near lakewood. why can't it be
done here?
Provide safe paths to do walk and bicycle.
I know it's not what you do, but stiffer
penalties for motorists AND cyclists that
commit traffic violations. I'm talking like
$500 for blowing a stop sign on a bike.
Conversely, if you are deemed to be at
fault for hitting a cyclist with a car, lose
your license for a year on top of any other
assault and/or manslaughter charges you
may incur.
help with establishing laws on disallowing
using cell phones while driving
host free classes, signs on roads (give 3
feet, etc)
make sure all bike shops have the
material to distribute. local tv spots and
Comercials seem to work for motorists,
post infomation on increased fee's and
penalties and INFORCE THEM
Implement it into the public school system
simple radio ad, like those currently
running on the airways for motocycles.
billbords saying "SHARE THE ROAD"
Public servic announcements (money can
be shared out to pay for these through
interested parties: bike shops etc.)
Public Service Announcements
Add more message boards in
neighborhoods with bike lanes to beware
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
You guys can make a ton of money by setting
up a ride/race. An ADOT supported bike race
(or a series of say 2 or 3 races a year) in
different scenic parts of the state would be
amazing and raise cash. Pick a stretch of road
(a highway or some roadway that people can't
regularly ride, just to make it special), shut
down one lane for a day, add some police
support, and charge $100-$150 per rider. If
even a only a portion of the proceeds go to
bike improvement projects it will still be an
immensely popular event in the bike
community. Think about it. The tour of Tucson
gets roughly 9,000 riders every year.
Get donations from fast food like McDonald in
campain againt overweight in children etc....
put bike lanes in areas where biking is
important and where communities are working
to attract bikers
Make Texting and Mobile phone calls illegal
and risk loss of license for the motorist.
work with communities that want bikers such
as Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek
Work jointly with cycling festivals such as the
New Belgium Fat Tire festival and the
Wheelie Jam that just occured, or hold your
own event for awareness and fundrasing such
as a bike race or walk-a.-thon.
sponsor bike clubs
group classes in bike or sport stores
more bike lanes, more bike racks on city
buses. 3 bikes/bus is not enough
make Arizona bike and pedestrian friendly by
working communites that want it
have surveys available in bike shops, tourist
centers and National Forest places
Bike lanes. Educating drivers to share the
Gas tax. Tax on bike sales or equipment.
Name segments after donors.
create bike lanes in high demand cycling
areas such as Tempe. Provide connectors on
canal paths that avoid traffic all together such
as bridges or tunnels that get the cyclist or
pedestrian away for the possiblity of motorist
interaction all together. Look at a city like
Seattle as an example.
State tax credit/ clean air act.
sponsor programs wtih state and/or local
municipalities that encourages community
business and citizens to commute by bike
Safe routes. Incentives to businesses that
make commuting easy, etc...
Empoloy moder technology
Make wider bike lanes since cars do not know
how to pass cyclist safely. Make law about
Clean energy inciatives from the Feds.
Host bicycle events to raise awareness and
funds. Promote being green by using a bike.
Provide more useful dedicated routes.
Promote health and environmental benefits
beginning in elementary school, get higher
increase funding for project thats are create
safe bike/pedestrian lanes
Measure the number of cyclists/walkers.
Measure the number of accidents involving
Talk to any avid cyclist.
ask people what they know about safety,
polls, pull over drivers who violate the 3' rule
and ask if they know about it.
Statistical study
The statistics tell all. Look at the number of
accidents and deaths each year. Perhaps do
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
of cyclists and share the road. More
signs. More fines.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
passing cyclist by moving over a lane rather
than swerving part way into next lane.
We save money by riding our bikes and we
improve our air quality.
surveys via internet or utility bills. Get health
insurance companies, employers and schools
on board to help collect data.
More signage. Public announcements.
REGULAR short messages, with images,
reminding motorists where they might
encounter cyclists and reminding cyclists
to obey the law.
As for the bicyclists and pedestrians, it is
their life that is in the balance. They
better know the rules. As for motorists,
what is the hinderence to creating a
"citizens reporting" system where a
bicyclist or pedestrian could identify an
offending driver via text to ADOT. Then
ADOT could send a "Share the Road"
brochure to the owner of the vehicle.
Introducing new laws and promoting them
through TV etc
More signage and road markings for
bikes and
Signs about bicycle routes or shared
paths or routes.
More interaction with major media outlets,
including spanish radio. Encourage and
reward cities that educate public in
bicycle and ped rules. More education of
peace officers by bicycle lawyers on laws
that protect bicyclists.
Better enforcement, signage that explains
3-feet required when a car passes a
cyclist, more marked bike lanes
Commercials, Add to driver saftey classes
and exams for drivers.
Put a maintained shoulder out there.
Keep bike lanes - marked and default - clean!
Broken glass not only damages tires, but it
causes erratic riding.
Show the benefits of bicycling.
Earmark gas tax funds for alternative
transportation, not just alternative fuel.
grades and colleges involved. Start with our
youth. Schools are usually willing to partake
in education and teaching healthy habits. Go
to the workplace next and remind people,
reducate, offer incentives to leave the car
behind. Offer facilities to shower.
Show the benefits of bicycling.
Provide secure locked facilities. Tax incentive
to employers who provide facilities and whose
employees use them.
Setup a simple resporting system where users
can report problems or debris via text or the
web. Maybe "mile markers" along with trail ID
numbers could be posted to help identify the
location of the problem.
Push ligislation for a flat $0.25 per gallon gas
tax that would fund bicycle and pedestrian
Provide access to all available routes via a
mapping system available on the internet and
in print.
Review accident and facility usage data
More bike lanes, signs and flashing lights.
Introduce no texting and cell phone
Better marked bike lanes or separate bikes
Maps with bicycle information (Nevada had
good examples of these)
Signage, signage, signage. Big ones.
Everywhere. Also, change signage wording;
e.g."You must share the road, it's the law" vs.
"share the road. In other words, adopt a get
tough approach as was done with red light
runners and speeders.
Better wider shoulders, signage
Consider a bike tax if we get more bike
More bike lanes and bike parking/security
Not sure
Carbon friendly campaign. Green and healthy
to walk
Improve safety and signage.
Decrease in number of injuries and fatalities
will demo effectiveness.
ADOT employees should try biking on state
Continue to interface with the bicycling
community. consult with cities/states that
have reputations as "best of" ped./ bicycling
Clarify whether bicyclists most ride within
marked bike lanes or can ride abreast
and outside the marked bike lane.
Provide bike lanes at least three feet wide on
popular routes
more signage; add to driver education;
get the cycling community to better police
itself with rules of the road resources
add more shoulders - wide enough, and with
good line markings and signage
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Tie increased bicycling and walking to the
nation's commitment to fighting obesity.
Put a added value percent on the fines of
traffic violaters, and do not allow political
entities to appropriate them for general fund
Ensure that it is a mandatory part of planning
for new and upgraded roadways
improve exisiting roadways with bicycle lanes
and maintain the current/older bicycle lanes
look at cycling tourism as revenue to the
Plant more trees! Ever walked in downtown
Portland or Palo Alto. Who doesn't enjoy a
ride amongst the trees. Provide seperate bike
lines with thier own traffic controls as they do
in Vancouver B.C. (downtown area)
More surveys like this one.
Surveys such as this. Outreach through bike
shops. Periodic traffic monitoring - survey
Make it safer and more commonplace.
Improve over all awareness to motorists, and
create more roadways with bicycle lanes and
connectivity paths.
Provide bike lanes that interconnect indoor
and outdoor activity areas, provide periodic
shade and water stops, provide acelllphone
app to identify and rate bike and walking
paths on state land as well as local
not much; except provide
Send surveys and create studies to evaluate
past and present accident ratios involving
motorists and cyclists.
invite public comment
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Ad campaign.
Broadcast PSA's with helpful tips for both
motorists and non-motorists.
Television and radio advertising.
Emails, flyers, free seminars
User manuals, public ad campaigns,
lilaison with local bicycle clubs, promote
non-race cycling events, recognize need
for slower speed travel alternatives
include more info for driver's ed courses,
more questions on dl test, more PSA'S
not sure but anything can help at this
Utlize billboards or media venures.
Since we don't ever renew drivers
licenses, maybe a test with the
regristration renewal?
Add some signage where bicycle lanes
Add required safety questions to the
drivers license test. Require drivers
license test more frequently. Advertise on
local tv and in mailings.
crack down on cyclists who do not follow
advertise safe practices and laws
A new education section focused on
cyclist and pedestrians during the new
driver test
Require people to walk or biycicle for 6
month before getting a permit or drivers
liceinse to increase awareness of the
need to watch for pedestrialns when
Implement signs that say "Share the
road". Tougher laws for cars hitting bikes
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Provide bike racks.
Divert funding for highway construction to
funding for bicycle paths.
No suggestions.
Provide extra-wide lanes that keep cars far
away from cyclists and pedestrians
Use lottery funds
Incentives such as discount bus/light rail fairs.
Show how you can get to your desitination in
about the same time and avoid driving in
traffic congested streets.
Outreach programs like Pima County's Sun
Rideshare Commuter Contest
Improving safety will encourage more people.
The numbers will show in reduction of
accidents and fatalities
seek all federal funding available
More bike lanes that allow for riding from one
side of the valley to the other
Make slow travel accomodations an equal
priority for funding, publish route maps with
accomodations guide, maintain existing
shoulders, provide bike lanes and wide
shoulders between commuities where state
highways are only travel option, amend
bicycle and mmotorist laws and include
reasonable sanctions.
education and incentives, target youth
not sure.
not sure
Make streets safer for cyclists.
Widen shoulders
Not sure
Add more miles of wider shoulders. An
occasionally street sweep them and patch the
cracks and holes.
Just have more of them.
Impose heavy fines against motorists who kill
or injure cyclists and peds. Put money into
fund for improvements
It is just a committment; build in the funding
into the budget.
Make motoristis aware of bicycles and ban
cellphone during driving operations
More and better bike lanes and sidewalks
Public forum with bicycling clubs since they
utlize the most
See if there is a decrease in bike and ped
injuries and deaths.
Show committment through funding.
Surveys, like this one.
Publish bicycle travel maps showing shade,
drinking water, food, and overnight options
Coordinate with League of American
Bicyclists, Adventure Cycling Association,
Safe Routes to School, local bicycle clubs,
local cities, bicycle trade groups and
manufacturers, and corporate sponsors.
Have working drinking fountains, bathroom
facilities, and vending machines where
involve active cyclists
better lighting for night usage, wider shoulders
with defined bike lines
Identify key transportation routes, evaluate
current safety levels, establish priorities for
improvement, and develop strategy tailored
for each corridor or segment. Compare
existing education materials with those of
other states and become a leader in
proactivve education.
let cyclists and pedestrians review them for
not sure
Publish and advertise the obesity rates.
charity and government
provide safe routes
provide some kind of reward, (tax break, etc)
programs for children and adults
start a survey group of users of materials and
facilities to report on the state of affairs
Create and better maintain shoulders,
pathways and create more biycle friendly
Buffered bike lanes
More bike lanes
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
and distracted driving.
Incorporate into driver's education
classes along with license renewal
procedures. This way, education will be a
part of the public coming to Arizona gov.
agencies, as opposed to inefficient
Advertise giving 3 feet to pedestrians and
Motorists need to have it apart of their
licensing tests for driving ANY type of
vehcile. Commercials, televised and
radio, of where to ride and how to ride
WITH traffic. Give tickets to the people
who aren't riding with traffic.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Provide paths and water refilling stations
along with emergency phones or call buttons.
Perform an assessment such as this to
identify actual needs. Possibly figure the
percentage of population who would use said
infrastructure and calculate the savings on
road maintenance, apply difference to bicycle
Cut funding to Universities.
Provide adequate infrastructure and
Interview cyclists on the ground, possibly
through volunteers found through local
advocacy organizations.
Widen so pedestrians and cyclists can easily
pass each other SAFELY. Have more bike
How it endorses healthy living. Do a study on
health benefits and possible calories burned.
Present it in commercials
Take a quadrant of Phoenix and heavily
emphasize safety with the materials. Record
the number of cycling related injuries after.
Compare to last year's numbers around the
same time.
Educate the police force on the right of
cyclist, the officers on patrol very often
mislead the general public
Go into neighborhoods and public
libraries and offer convenient seminars on
safety - timed for when most people can
attend - not timed just so retiurees can
show up.
Better driver education in schools. Teach
people that we all share the road and that
cars are not the only ones that belong.
Beat them over the head with it.
tv, radio, bill board campaigns
share the road signs
ADOT can have family cycling
days/competitions/races, invite vendors to
come out. For serious races, have a great
trophy or custom jerseys to motivate, tell
cycling shops around town to make a team
and enter into the race to compete against
other cycling teams.
city grants an federal lobbying
increase number of cycling facilities to lock
bikes and shower
work with local cycling and runners clubs
Segregate Bicycle lanes using a combination
of shade-tree medians or mini-pre-cast
Tap into the massive concerns and costs of
lifestyle-based diseases ($1.3 Trillion in 2011)
and get health insurers to pony up funds to
Active Living projects
Put in Shade trees and expand Light Rail and
street car networks in all major urban areas
Keep the bike lanes cleaner. WAY too much
debris all the time. More bike friendly walk
signal changers at major intersections.
If the roads were safer, or more alternative
multi-use paths, it would be an easier
commute. Driveways suck. Cars pull out of
tax incentives
Work confidentially with health insurers to
monitor changes in the use of health care
resources (chronic conditions as well as
emergency room conditions from accidents
Random surveys. Maybe something when you
buy a bike. You have to show a driver's
license to buy a car from the dealer, show you
can safely operate a bike when you buy it.
more surveys in bike shops!
Publish success stories, continue
Monitor reports of accidents
TV Commericials
Create the infrastructure and promote the
Case Studies
Look at statistics of bike/pedestrian use and
compare conflict issues. Unfortunately, these
conflicts might rise as it is not realistic to
reach all motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians
through outreach.
Engage local bicycle clubs for comments in
infromation. they will be happy to work with
Monitor the number of pedestrian/bike
accidents and see if they are reduced by
these measures
Increase communication regarding
bicycles as vehicles on website, mailings,
TV Commercials
Signage, media campaigns, easy to read
and disseminate pamphlets
Consider all new build roads as including bike
paths, wide shoulders, etc
I don't have kids in school (never did) and our
education system isn't working, let me pay
that tax to this instead. It's something I would
site cyclking accidents and costs to the state
and deaths.
Studies regarding fuel savings, traffic
congestion, polution numbers
All of the listed suggestions from the previous
window are adequate.
Partner up with bicycle advocacy groups and
bike shops.
PSA on rights and responsibilities of
cyclists' use of roadways
Better maintenance of shoulders
Signs on roadways showing the three foot
law visually with the penalties posted
Make safe crossings that are underpasses or
overpasses to avoid jockeying with cars
Institute a gas tax to fund it
Make safe bicycle areas that interconnect to
ride in
Use the most cost effective form of flyers
As for Volunteer groups to help clean and
Keep the pathways clean and clear.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
clean up glass!
Emphasize health and cost savings of walking
and bicycling
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
to have at all bike shops, tourist info
areas and press releases.
I think a TV ad campaign will work well. I
grew up in the military watching AFN.
They only showed public information
announcement, or educational tidbits.
After a while, these commercials just
stuck. Even now, it's been 20 years, and I
still remember alot of them.
Road signs, pavement markings, add
questions to th eAZ drivers license test
then require people to pass th etest every
year, run a marketting campaign that
addresses the issue.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Be present at as many bicycle and
pedestrian functions as possible. IE:
races, popular road riding areas (Lake
Mary Road near Flagstaff)
More signs on roadways to notify
motorists/bicyclists of the laws.
Clean road debris on the shoulders.
Provide collateral print materials as ADOT
has been. Utilize appropriate signage and
traffic control devices on the roadways.
Implement more bike/pedestrian material
into motorist licensing tests. Overall,
require a renewal test every 5 or so years.
Design the roads with these practices in
mind: no driver is going to know all the
rules, and they change from region to
region, so the best thing is to design as if
no one knows the rules and make it
obvious where safe riding/walking places
Start educating the young drivers in
driver's education classes. Add a section
to the driver's education test people have
to pass to get their licenses. Offer
discounts for those who complete a
course on bicycle/pedestrian safety.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
I can't really speak to facilities.
I can't really speak to this.
For the novice, and strict commuter, provide
dedicated paths that connect easily. I like
riding the canals, but they don't connect
easily. This is a lofty vision, but create
pathways that run north south east and west.
A valley-wide greenway. People will love this.
Use recorded accidents. This number should
decrease with better awareness.
Wider shoulders, better maintenance (keep
them clean), dedicated lanes that are well
signed and possibly seperated by a flexible
The bicycle community will contribute if you
identified specific projects than had
fundraisers to raise the capital. Take
advantage of federal funds and then roll
improvements into new builds and
maintenanc eprojects so they are less
Dedicated bike lanes adjacent to roads
(Colorado has a bike lane over Vail pass that
runs alongside I70 for ex) so there is a
seperation from motorists.
Conduct surveys. Identify baseline metrics
(like the number of injuries and fatalities along
a specific road) then put a plan together to
address the problem, implement the plan and
evaluate it's effectivness.
Connect the shared use paths, rather than
just have an assortment of paths that don't
work together to provide continuous mileage.
Make it known that this is a pressing issue. I
think some people are simply unaware that
people are taking action on this.
More surveys like this. Cyclists & runners are
happy to provide feedback.. they just need
somewhere to do it!
Install bike lanes on all new/rebuilt roadway
construction! Install pathways/sidewalks as
well. Make sure these routes make sense
from a transportation connectivity standpoint.
No comment.
Utilize available Transportation Enhancement
funds to the fullest.
Provide the means (shared use paths) to
bike/walk/run to work or where ever. People
are still afraid to use the roadways, despite
the designated bike lanes (thanks to all the
Make sure that ADOT executes letter B
suggestions. People won't ride or walk if they
don't feel like they can safely and/or
comfortably do so.
The canal systems are amazing.
Interconnectivity with existing paths would be
even more amazing.
Shift from an auto focus to a people focus. As
long as we make the auto the primary design
factor, you can't spend enough to get walking
and biking increased through encouragement
ready the areas. Try NAU CSI for one!
Ensure a safe pulloff zone with shade
(mechanical and vegetation), and access to
water at distances conducive to health and
Require licensing for bicycles. I'd be more
than willing to pay a licensing fee as long as it
was reasonable.
Recognize that your department is
"transportation" and moving people should the
priority, so whatever moves people should get
equal recognition and thus sufficient funds to
ensure all modes of transportation are
provided for safely
Any money collected for fines due to
violations pertaining to motorists,
cyclists/pedestrians put towards a fund for
education, improving roads, etc. Raise
awareness within the community and reach
out to local bicycling clubs and stores to help
raise money. If it helps for a safer road and
Improve ways for cyclists and pedestrians to
get to work safely.
Work with public universities to do on-site
surveys of walking/riding participation.
Hop on a bike or take a walk down the paths.
utilize technology that makes citizens your
eyes on the road (smart phone apps, GPS)
and provide two way communication. ADOT
employees can't see everything that needs
attention, and citizens want to know that they
are heard, so acknowledging receipt of a
comment and how we can followup is
Studies on bicycle and pedestrian accidents.
What causes them. Have they decreased.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
add questions to drivers exams for
awareness of bikes/peds.
Standard logo to show where bicyclists
are allowed and where they are not
(diagonal thru log where not). Logo
should show bicyclist with helmet on.
Add accident investigation pullouts so
motorists who have to get out of their cars
can do so safely.
Enforce the current laws for bicyclists and
Active signs and awareness of the 3 foot
law. Right turn caution signs with a bike
being hit by a right turning car.
Make all drivers, even currently licensed
not just new, take/pass a cycling/ped
safety and law test. Online for least
expensive; if you dont have a computer
make it available at public libraries or
similar. Show the "bad videos" of what
happens when a car hits a cyclist/ped for
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
wider shoulders
Always provide drinking water, both bubblers
and faucets to refill water bottles. Shade
maintaining existing paths and budget for
maint of new paths. advertise connectivity
don't know
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
results are seen more cyclists will support the
that's tough these days on a deficit budget.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
make it easier and safer to do so.
look at accidents and survey large employers
to see who is riding.
Analyize accidents related to pedestrians and
bicyclists; issue a press release on both
numbers and reasons by percentages such as
"motorists driving too fast for conditions" or
"intoxicated pedestiran" or whatever the
Choose criteria to prioritize these higher for
enhancement funds awards.
Periodic shade structures/trees with benches
and drinking water; clearly marked bicycle
Require bikes to be ridden on roadways to be
Work with the bike tour organizers and see if
there is a way to increase funding through
Create a tax benefit for cyclists, bike clubs,
and bike shops to contribute to that could
increase project funding while giving
contributors a credit or deduction on their tax
returns. Ask large corporations (Honeywell,
AMEX, Mayo Clinic, etc.) for matching gifts.
Nothing. It is too hot and/or too difficult for
professionals to ride to work.
Monitor the number of citations.
If you mean instead of driving somewhere,
like to work, for me it only depends on if I
need my vehicle during the day (and often I
don't) AND does my workplace have a shower
and changing area. Mine does not. I have a
mountain bike and a road bike, neither one of
them has anywhere for me to keep groceries
so I can't really ride to/from the store safely
with bags.
Provide facilities and maintain them. This is a
long term commitment and peoples habits will
not change over night.
raise the price of gas, encourage infill
development, discourage single-use dev
COMPARE STATS: before/after education;
incidents on roads with and w/o bike lanes;
incidents vs. time of day; bicycles with
head/tail lights vs. w/o; etc.
Public TV adds
Provide more and inter-connect them
striking ad campaigns
sidewalks and lighting
Use Prop 400 dollars & put on balleot to
increase the gas tax just for Alt transportation
gas tax
Team up with local news tv and radio to
have PSAs, require motorists to read
rules and pass a quiz prior to renewing
license plates.
Mostly enforce the current laws, and
ticket both bicyclists and motorists that do
not obey them!
Safety classes in schools and
universities, flyers made available at bike
shops, schools, dept. store chains that
sell bikes and accessories.Make ADOT
more accessible online, have links for
additional self help options.
dont wast the money on bike and ped use
on state highways. improve them for cars
and trucks to be safe on
Not sure what this means.
Take it from Jan Brewer's salary.
Make the pathways and trails more
walker/rider friendly. Have more bike paths.
Give them room, so they are off the actual
Make bicyclists pay for licence plates for the
bikes, just as automobiles do!
Make bike friendly paths, so they are not on
busy car filled streets- or narrow roads!
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
many bike organizations would be happy to
have their members give adot feedback...
Monitor the use of new and existing facilities.
talk to police/medical staff, survey
neighborhoods within the cities and in
suburban areas
Require quizzes prior to license plate renewal.
When you issue licence plates to bicyclists
include handouts on road laws and safety!
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
put more effort into driving manuals.
Make fines much higher for accidents
Require more frequent renewal of driver's
Provide information on the dangers of
bicycling near high-speed traffic.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Television and radio commercials,
billboards, special events, law
enforcements, promote cycling.
Make sure that bikers are folwing the law,
single file or in bike lane.
Start with education programs in schools
to promote more bicycling and
Include more info on bicyclist and
pedestrian rights in driving exams and
traffic school.
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Wider shoulders
Don't know.
Provide pathways for bicyclists and
pedestrians that are separate from highspeed traffic.
Require bicyclists and pedestrians to
purchase permits (annually) for travel on state
highways systems.
Establish it is safe and easy to bike or walk in
I think a safe and well thought out pathway
would need to be in place first.
State funds for road, land, and park
management can be dedicated to facillities.
State funds for road, land, and park
management can be dedicated to facillities.
Provide network of pathways and greater
accessibility. Include incentives.
Statistics on accidents severity/type and
Take a good look at the safety materials and
facilites and ask "Are we odvocating use of
high-speed roadways for bicyclists and
Statistical analysis associated with reduction
in accidents, increase bicycle and pedestrian
related spending, and increased health and
Keep them clean, possible using the
assistance of prisoners who are furloed to
work to keep costs down
Provide safer bike-ped paths.
Have bicyclist events and sales that would
also help encourage more people to do it.
Have events that show the effectiveness of a
healthier lifestyle and a safer planet
surveys like this one
Use part of traffic ticket or lottery money to
improve bike-ped facilities and create more
Provide safer and more bike-ped paths and
more sidewalks.
Survey bicyclists and pedestrians annually for
their input.
more and wider bike lanes
shoulders on all roads
Psa that states cyclist have rights and
laws that protect us.
Require all drivers to complete an online
or mail-in ped & bike education program
every two years as part of vehicle
Provide television ads and billboard
messages and a highly visible link on the
ADOT website
Offer workshops at local bike shops and
with local bike groups, e.g., TriScottsdale,
Landis Cyclery
ADVERTISE...Educational radio, TV, and
mass media.. actually use them...
Widely publicize the "3 foot" law to
motorists. Widely enforce laws protecting
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
More bike races that are used for fund raising
Improve crossings at major intersections
more shoulders and paths for saftey
Makr safer and wider bike lanes that are
better connected and do not end every couple
Enhance crossings at intersections and
increase shoulder widths.
Encourage Legilslature to increase the gas
Work with MAG and cities to encourage more
compact, mixed-use development and target
ped and bike improvements to those areas.
Widen shoulders, provide shoulder line
dividers, add signs about bicycles and
pedestrians, keep shoulders clean
Look for clean air grants, team with
businesses and municipalities, add a state
gasoline tax
Add a 50 cent tax to gasoline; make a
determined effort to provide signage and road
markings; build facilities that provide shade
and water to bicyclists and pedestrians
Offer bike registration fee that includes dollars
to go to these activities
Create a website where folks can download
their mileage as captured on their bike
when was the last time you saw a
concentrated effort (advertising campaine) on
TV or Radio
run publicity on this.
actually make the effort to improve the
facilities. work with a Cycling Commitee to
identify relevent areas for improvement
Stop the Political crap and dedicate more
funding for this.. after all our tax dollars should
be spent on us
Case study on er and trauma visits that are
car vs ped or bike. Also by asking local cyclist
groups in the valley about how safe they feel
on the road.
Surveys to bike and ped advocacy
In the same campaign to educate motorists,
solicit participation by bicyclists and
pedestrians in meetings designed to collect
public comments; track collision and injury
statistics, but be aware that if more people are
riding bikes and walking, then there may be
more accidents
Create a survey that captures the number of
folks that bicycle/walk to work and compare
over time
Institute Statistical Data programs. Initiate
public polls to determine education
Have review committee give input
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Add more of them and maintain the ones we
Increase taxes.
Increase safety for both.
Do a study on two groups of people with two
different safety pamphlets or info and see
which one they think is more effective or
Advertise bike safety.
More penalties for violators.
Make studies.
Better maintenance (primarily sweeping) and
wider lanes.
Allow for elective contributions during vehicle
registration process.
Raise the gasoline tax to make driving more
expensive. Improve facilities and system
wider shoulders and markings
Establish a routine bike and pedestrian count
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
At MVD include driving test questions
about pedestrians and bicyclists; provide
pamplets with safety tips for bicyclists
when they buy a bike at any bike store or
Department store. ADOT needs to alert
pedestrians on when to cross a cross
walk at the right time when a cross walk
signal is in operation.
Make penalties more severe.
Education on safe passing of cyclists and
enforcement of 3 feet rule
ADOT should require on-line licence
renewal with a self administered test
covering safety issues.
TV commercials
Better maintenance
Safety claases in High Schools
Education that bicycles are vehicles
under Arizona law and must not use
sidewalks (which are neither designed for
bicycles nor safe to share with
use billboards - people look at them need to constantly remind drivers about
shared use
Pass laws to penalize drivers for striking
cyclists and pedestrians.
Hold fund raising cycling events
More Multi use paths and bike lanes
The state is broke now, how can you possibly
ask for MORE funding?????
Destinations are too far apart, it can't be done.
Everyone that can or will is already doing it.
Adjust striping to create bicycle lanes
wherever safe and practical
Seek sponsorships from companies to create
safer routes to schools and places children
will ride
Get bicycles off sidewalks and onto roads,
where they are more visible, which will
encourage even more bicycles
When you build them hire someone who
actually walks/runs/bikes not someone to
whom exercise is to be avoided
Pass laws to penalize drivers for striking
cyclists and pedestrians.
Do what the charities do - have a fun
run/walk/bike ride and have the proceeds go
to funding
Identify the true costs of motorized transport;
ie: wars for oil, obesity, etc.
Build the facilities - they will come. True in the
movie (about baseball) - will be true here
Introduce these classes during driving
Make a seperate border on the highway
desigating that space for bikers and walkers.
Increase state gasloline tax a bit and put this
to provide this funding.
Put reminders on the freeway marquees.
Everyone sees them and can remind
motorist to give at least 3 feet to cyclists.
Clean of debris.
Do an ADOT promotion. A selected route
where cyclists can pay X amount of dollars to
be guided by police escort. Cyclists will show
up and pay. The money can be used towards
the "funding".
I HATE TAXES, what if we paid .001 at a bike
shop for improvement
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Provide well marked bike lanes
Pass laws to penalize drivers for striking
cyclists and pedestrians therby making it safe
to walk and bicycle in Arizona.
Give out incentives, prices such as t-shirt for
meeting certain goals set by a committee
working to promote more walking and
Require employers to have shower facilities. I
wanted to cycle to work 35 miles one-way but
couldnt because shower facilities weren't
locate more emergency phones along the
roads, mile post to 1/2 mile post marking
(easier to identify the are specially to report an
Talk to the cyclists and pedestrians using
ADOT needs to concentrate on highways for
motor vehicles, bicycles are already @ their
Have cities adopt a uniform set of bicycle
rules, with "no bicycles on sidewalks unless
designated" and "BIKE XING" signs for those
designated routes
Surveys at the above mentioned funding
walk/rides - ya don't get your race bib until you
fill out the survey......
Require that the staff of ADOT ride a bike to
work at least 50% of the time.
Provice free food at gatherings and ask those
who came these questions. Perhaps try to
recrout those biking and walkers.
Increase the fines and execute the fines when
motorist create an unsafe environment.
Provide well marked lanes - provide a
distance to the end of a specific lane - You
can ride a long a great lane, then poof the
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Must be required on driving test or if
someone receives a speeding ticket.
increase attention to bike and pedestrian
laws during driver's license education,
continue to promote helmet wearing and
watching out for cyclists
Post signs to watch out for cyclist or face
steep penalties
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
fountains that easily allow water bottles to be
filled, bike racks to help hold bikes safely
Put multi use pathways away from the edge of
the roadway.
I don't know how to reach motorists; I
don't think PSAs on television are enough
anymore. You may have to rely on road
signs or flashing traffic signs.
Have Police Officers ticket motorists who
infringe on cyclists
Not sure, but it needs to be done.
Education targeting Law Enforcement
Officers on laws regarding bicycles,
pedestrians and automobiles.
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Fundraisers which includes using a bicycle or
walking. For example the Phoenix Zoo, you
can now ride your bike through the Zoo.
go to athletic cycling, triathlete events in town
to raise awareness for the goals
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
lane is gone and it becomes dangerous.
Increase the amount of safe, wide bike lanes
in the city. Especially in rural areas
surveys to measure cyclist satisfaction with
new and existing materials
Make the roads safer with larger shoulders
and bicyclist are more apt to ride versus doing
something different. It is very dangerous to
ride your bike on most of the streets.
Review all the accidents of drivers at fault of
hitting cyclists and determine what their
penalties were. Once you see their actions
don't result in stiff enough penalties it will
open your mind that more needs to be done.
Tax bicycle sales.
You are doing a great job of this already; but
the cities and towns need to take the next
step. State Highways are a great place to
bicycle but the towns and cities (i.e. Sierra
Vista, Fort Huachuca) are still pretty unfriendly.
License bicycles like cars, but at a much lower
rate - say $10 per year. I pay for my ATV's to
be ridden on unmaintained trails, so why not
I think providing a separate path away from
cars is safest.
Wide shoulders, ideally separated by
pavement markings & rumble strips to alert
drivers that they're encroaching on the
Perhaps by demonstrating potential accidents
in ads and when educating so that ppl can
see the need. Also point out the energy
Wholesale change at the state legislature.
Point out the energy savings and
subsequently cost savings.
unsure, but safety is of utmost importance!
Better commute connectivity between rural &
semi rural towns - ie., it's nearly impossible to
ride between Prescott & Prescott Valley.
Include response info (a website or e-mail) on
materials and invite feedback.
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
I had a rider in my group killed by a young
woman passing a vehicle and hitting the rider
on the opposite side of the road. To this day I
don't believe she was charged. There needs
to be stiffer laws re: Injury and death.
More bike lanes and stiffer penalities for
careless drivers who injure cyclists.
Public relations campaign
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Host bike races and use race entry money for
Ask cyclists for funds - we would love to
More bike lanes and walk paths
Through employers or employee leasing
Reduction of bicycle and pedestrian accidents
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
TV and Radio Advertising, Billboards
in addition to educational campaigns that
target dangerous driving practices such
as cell phone use and texting while
driving, we need to bring the message to
the High Schools.
signage and better paths
Enforce current laws
Provide reading materials at grocery
stores, discount stores, etc.
PSA's, billboards, etc. Work with schools
to teach children about ped and bike
Teach it to the young when they are
grtting there drivers license
Public service campaign. Highlight the
recent stories in the news of people who
have been hit by cars while riding
Urge legislators to toughen laws for
motorists hitting cyclists/pedestrians
Mail the information.
Educate through aggressive enforcement
of motorists violating laws associated with
pedestiran and bicyclist travel.
Prosecute negligent motorists who injure
or kill non-motorists and publicize.
Bigger and more informative signage
Roadside signage, involve employers to
promote/support cyclists
get involved at cycling events
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
water/rest areas
Bicycles and pedestrians don't belong on
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
partake in fundraising or awareness programs
Not sure
companies and job boards
Educate About Environmental and Health
and fatalities
Include Questions on Driver's License Exam;
Ticket Drivers for Violation of 3 ft Rule
save more money be extending the length
workers need to work before retirement, no
benefits til they reach atleast 62 in age
Stop illegal aliens from using Highways
charge for parking to state employees at the
state offices
Provide safe paths away from Highways
Have police escorted bike rides of 10, 25, 40,
60, 80 & 100 miles and promote the heck out
of it. Riders fee needs to be $20 of lots of
people will do it.
Continue exploring grant opportunities, and as
much as I hate to say it, tolls.
Take advantage of weather from Nov - April
and provide a tax credit for those who
participate. Don't expect people to ride from
June - Sept.
It's partially a climate and urban sprawl issue,
which ADOT doesn't have any control over.
Track the number of accidents
Continue surveys, including on Facebook and
Twitter so you know whom you're giving them
to; work with cycling and walking
clubs/organizations/charities and cycling
Proper signage and proper facilities made
make the road way shoulders more friendly to
Make it safer and more people will ride and
Wider bike lanes with better markings
Ad campaign
Look at the statistics
Make it safer to walk and bicycle.
Get a body count of those individuals who
were killed while walking or biking.
Measure growth in use of these transportation
methods via direct observation and surveys.
Link ability to spend funds on other
automobile centered projects to success in
non-automotive transportation intiatives.
Stop closing them for budget cuts.
Tell Obama to skip a couple of vacations.
Partner with other entities in a holistic
approach to bicycle and pedestrian
transportation and aggressively and publically
support the associated efforts in those
Check statistics?
Pay per use.
water and shade.
provide GPS waypoints integrated with social
mapping sites: strava, mapmyride, everytrail
sponsors, eg: bike shops, race organizers,
bike clubs, donations
focus on environment impact and money
savings, as well as health benefits
sshow up at all cycling events in AZ. build a
community of support with racers and
Education on how/why cycling is very popular
in other countries
Work with bike dealers to make bikes more
affordable. Emphasize the adventure aspects
make part of drivers test a bike education and
law section to inform new driver, a new
generation of awareness
Task forces, Focus Groups, Surveys
1) Define metrics. 2) Gather baseline data. 3)
Identify the critical X's to safety. 4) Brainstorm
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
utilize popular media to reinforce motorist
knowledge of bicycle &you vehicle safety
rules & concerns. Also continue to
educate motorists on requirement to
share the road....
Improve driver's education about
bicyclists and more outreach to inform
about bicycle law.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
When possible offer segregated pathway to
allow as much separation as possible. if that
is not possible offee widest shoulder bike lane
possible &you clearly. ark with signage.
Better shoulders, more signage.
Create and maintain (SWEEP) wide
Make the outside shoulders a little wider in
areas that are used by cyclists.
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
recreational riders
of riding a bike as well as the health benefits.
Partner with trails and greenways groups,
health/ fitness group and other organizations
for financial & sweat eqity support such as
trail maintenance ( for example IMBA) or
training assistance.
Petitions from the bicycling community as to
the importance of safe and effective
Tax Indian Gaming.
the more safe cyclists &sound pedestrians
feel the more they will participate. also offer
employers financial incentives allow
employees the flexibility to use alternate
methods to commute.
Make it easy and accessible.
improvements ideas. 5) Implement ideas. 6)
Measure against baseline to validate
improvements. 7) Repeat.
Track & publicize safety statistics. test
motorists on bicyclele and pedestrian laws.
Provide pamphlets for the people that are
at the DMV.
Include information in driver's education
and in state tests for drivers.
Maintenanceand widening of shoulders.
Try creating a proposition that will help divert
some state funds to the safety of bicyclists
and pedestrians.
State lottery funds.
There should be an ongoing and thorough
public awareness/ mass media campaign
targeted at educating drivers. Many
broadcasters, (such as Cox
Communications, TV news, radio
stations, etc) can partner with state
agencies to produce Public Service
Announcements. Here is a good
Start talking about it!
Create and maintain share use paths or well
marked, wide shoulders for cyclists.
License plate tax, vehicle registration tax
and/or fuel tax.
Postal mailings or hand outs at fairs or
bicycle events
include them in drivers school/tests for
new drivers, and some sort of promotional
campaign on the internet, or mass media
for current drivers
add more facilities
media education and impliment on drivers
Stress bicycle accidents and pedestrian
accidents on/in news programs, papers
like they do cars.
Require this information on driving tests,
post signs, meaningful media campaign
to raise awareness
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
keep them clean and not vandalized, make it
a place cyclists and pedestrians want to stop
and use.
wider shoulders
take away from child educations, they get
enough already......
Bond Issuance's who's yields are paid for by
the revenues generated via these services.
obviously provide some small paid service at
these areas, such as cold clean water for a
dollar, air, bike tubes, ect.
listen to cycleing advocasy,
well you can bring the topic up at planning
meetings, and stress the subject - make it
Ensure bike lanes are drivable on road bikesmany are dangerous, clearly mark lanes
Communicate with the biking community
through cycling and triathlon clubs-many
would support fundraising opportunities (rides,
Encourage other agencies to make it easier to
have bicycle events.
Try to promote it in schools to help out the
younger generation.
Provide tax credits for decongestion and
clean air use.
Improve conditions for cyclists and work with
employers to participate in the process by
providing secure bike parking, shower
facilities and encouraging employees to
Sponsor events and spread the word re:
commuting by bike
incentives, monthly drawings
Surveys as to the laws and statitics to identify
where information is most needed.
Ask the people on the streets. Maybe asking
for volunteers to do the survey.
Study on mandated driver's education scores
on bicycle/pedestrian law and correlation with
changes in accidents.
This is an excellent way to start.
Street markings
postal mailings, commercials
provide safe, accessable, and well mainted
bicycle and pedestrain pathways
see if the number of accidents involving
motorists and pedistainrs/cyclsts actually
promote bikeing days , and highlight through
more publicity about those who do I don't
know how many people walk to work. can
you guess? poll?
Provide water fountains along pathways,
create safe and well lit areas citizens feel safe
in by patroling these areas with police and/or
facebook, and other computer media. Young
people don't read pamphlets.
Most people don't even see a safety
campaign or are familiar with pedestrian laws
in AZ, especially as much of our population
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
T.V. Spots about sharing the road with
more 3ft signs and get DPS and Cities to
enforce autos that dont give cyclist 3ft
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Better maintainance to clear debris from
shoulder and bike lane
more shoulders
Ongoing safety campaigns encouraging
bicyclists to "Ride Right" (borrowing from
Iowa), and working with other agencies to
eliminate use of digital devices unless
hands free. Encourage state to enact
tougher penalties for causing an accident
that kills or severely injures a cyclist.
Enforce basic safety laws such as
signaling and multiple lane changes with
no warning.
In most places wide shoulders are enough.
Perhaps special access such as bridges over
busy, multi lane roads near parks and other
facilities that people would want to ride or
walk to.
Enforce basic safety laws such as signaling
and multiple lane changes with no warning.
mail the laws to everyone as part of bike
newspaper and internet articles. flyers in
areas for tourists (like airport) and
populated areas - like malls.
Provide more education while obtaining a
license or traffic school.
more sweeping
TV commercials, advertisements at
sporting games, billboards, publicity
Add to driver education for drivers who
get a ticket
Television ads that hit the senior
demographic and the text and drive
More public serving announcements.
Include test question regarding bicyclists
in drivers license test.
nothing . . . the state has too many other
expenses and is on the verge of being
broke and i don't want taxes to increase
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
camps, etc)
cameras also
Organize events for cyclists to participate in
for a fee
Bicycle Arizona License plates for cars that
the money goes to improve roads to ride on
Fund raising through events and maybe a fee
or tax that directly funds better cycling in as
for on going events
Share the Road licence plate with attractive
bicycle graphics.
Make it safer by providing more bike lane and
creating awareness through T.V. Spots
provide more safe routes in the cites ..
comes and goes with weather and college
enrollment, so a steady message is important
Post surveys at the facilities
Ticketing to enforce basic driving laws like
signaling and crazy lane changes (unsafe
driving) will raise more money and awareness
of driving skills necessary to reduce accidents
and unsafe driving conditions!
host a cycling race to raise money
wider lanes - well marked
More funding encourage cycling to work and
other activities v.s. cars.
Increase the width of shoulders for riding and
paths for both walking and riding.
Have a fund that is dedicated to just the
pedestrian and bicycling traffic.
wider shoulders and more frequent
Make people more aware so there is more
Safe routes to schools program
Emergency water spigots between cities in
non populated areas
When resurfacing roads, dont STOP the new
top in the bike path. This forces the bicyclists
to ride further into the car lane in order to ride
on a smooth surface vs. the uneven
finished/unfinished top that is left in the bike
lane area
nothing . . . turn sidewalks into bike trails.
Seperate them for cars!
Improve safety statewide, coordinating with
cities for consistency of laws and
User surveys to measure attitudes, but most
important is tracking injuries and fatalities
involving cars and bicycles.
Connect paths and create a well-maintained
Observe drivers and try to fix the basic lack of
skills of drivers here.
make it safe to do - az is flat so easy to get
around by bike but sketchy
Get the word out - see earlier ides
random phone or mail survey
I would think less accidents; more people
riding and walking.
Provide smart intersections for bicycle traffic
and focus on installing bike lanes on roads
that lead to work places.
make more bike lanes!!
Have studies on the number of near collisions
and actual collision data with bicycle and
If you build it, they will come
Check back in a few years and compare the
injury and fatality numbers
Increase public serving announcements about
the options and safety available
taxpayers (those of us who actually pay taxes)
are tapped out . . . we don't need more
funding of bureaucrats
nothing . . . they're smart enough to figure it
out on their own . . . we don't need some over
paid government bureaucrat and more civil
forgetaboutit . . . the taxpayer (again, those of
us who actually pay taxes) have had it with
the cost of government evaluating anything!
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Increase Fines
Bike lanes and increase fines for vehicle /
bicycle - pedestrian accidents where vehicle
is at fault
Charge a small fee for running, biking events
no texting while driving
education, especially for motorists who
don't think they need to share the road
we are online all the time, so a page
where we all can go from our club
website, new paper
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
servants telling us anything.
Make it safer to do, increase light rail
larger penalties for motorists
Educate drivers of the safety logs that
currently exist
education of the police on the rights of
bicycles, that is that they are a vehicle
entitled to the road not the gravel at the
side of road...
provide space, refrane from putting rumble
strip down middle of shoulder.
ask? let people in charge see the numbers
that would use a bike path...
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
add questions involving bicycle shared
use laws to the driving exams
Enlist the help of League of American
Bicyclists and get their LCIs to put on
classes state wide.
Require education of drivers about cyclist
and ped safety laws. Enforcement. Mail
information with registration renewals.
Publish bike maps and include safety
Television spot announcements e.g.,
share the road - passing safely, "that was
easy". Walk facing traffic, ride with traffic.
fundraisers, this can also bring more
awareness to the community
bike racks and drinking fountains. Security,
lighting and emergency phone.
Educate the public, lobby for stiffer laws and
penalties when cars strike bikers.
make more bike paths. Often times there is a
bike path and it all of a sudden ends.
partner with local businesses/events to offer
discounts for bicycling
We need to feel protected by the law, that is
all. Warn the drivers that THERE IS A LAW
look to the numbers of people out and about
on bikes and walking the price of fuel should
be making more people use bikes.
to evaluate it ADOT can measure the number
of accidents
Place a tent in every triathlon or cycling event
and make a survey with 2 or 3 questions, or 5
at the most. We will support you.
Wider shoulders and more multi-use paths!
Make these activities safer!
Improve all shoulders to be bike friendly and
do not repair any highway without adding bike
Maintain shoulders and bike routes keeping
them safely passable.
Work with League of American Bicyclisits as
they have access and knowledge of various
bike funding facilities.
Building more facilities to encourage usage.
Require a written exam for all driver license
renewals, with a special section on bicycling.
Make separate paths, segregated from traffic
to make it safer and more enjoyable
Build and maintain safe shared use paths.
We will find and use them. Connect malls,
schools, parks, etc using other than major
Make it safer. Make drivers more aware on
how to interact with them and not run them
education, bike to work day type events
Keep track of and analyze accident data
Bike racks at rest stop
Pavement stencils marking bicycle lanes and
Mail education forms to homes. Use the
news. Put information on drivers tests.
Provide shade, cold water, bathrooms.
TV/magazine/news advertisements,
consequences for motorists negligence
resulting in injury
keeping shoulders clean, also making them
consistent so lanes don't end and start up
again as you go
Start an activist group to help educate.
Many are willing if in the end it will save
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Funding? sure create a race or event, you will
see the amount of people will support you.
make it attractive and convenient
Pursue federal grants and private donations
and partner with local communities
Make funding a local issue using sales tax
revenue. Communities need to budget
according to need.
Appeal to bike shops, inform people on the
improvements on safety and this will create
desire to invest.
A very small cut back on the construction
projects that add more lanes for motorists,
cycling and pedestrian projects are much
cheaper than motor vehicle projects.
Increase taxes. Ask for donations.
Counters on bike paths.
Use State Congressional representatives to
interface with city and state government,
police and fire to determine the best means
for evaluation.
Share them with cyclists by working with local
bike shops and facebook
bicycle counts, pedestrian counts... Tempe
Bicycle Action Group (T.B.A.G.) does an
annual bike count to detect trends in cycling
numbers, something similar might work for
pedestrians as well
Start a marketing campaign. Make it safer.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Start by incorporating it into general driver
training required for a drivers license.
encourage dps to consider cyclist's rules
of the road not just motorists when
dealing with car vs. bicycle or pedestrian
STRICTER PENALTIES if you hit a cyclist
or pedestrian as a motorist! THAT WILL
Reach out to local bicycling clubs, teams,
etc and work with them for practical safe
Add more question about bike safety to
the drivers license testing
Start education at schools, before kids
ever get driver's ed. Make safety
education a part of re-registering vehicles.
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
bike lane on widened shoulder
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
i.e. How do you educate people who don't
want to learn (the greatest risk to
bicyclists)? Send educational info (short
and simple) with violation mail?
Public service announcements to help
educate the public on cyclist. How much
room to give, always assume they are
going faster than they look, etc...
Post signs that say vehicles need to stay
3 feet away from bicycles.
Do it in schools, send out pamphlets
Some type of instructive media campaign.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Easy access to bike routes
sponser bike ride activities in the schools that
the whole family can participate in
Make biking/walking a pleasant experience.
As it is right now, you are on hot black asphalt
maybe only a foot or two away from speeding
cars - not at all enjoyable.
More shade and better separation from cars
on the road. A dedicated shared-use path 10
feet to the side of the road would be better
than a wide shoulder on the road. Occasional
drinking fountain + bench would be nice too,
though maybe cost prohibitive.
decide which segments of highway need this
type of improvement.
Develop a plan and "sell it" to the public. Use
it to get people excited and willing to accept a
slight tax increase. Look for volunteers to
work or "adopt" specific portions of a pathway.
attend more cycling events and educate the
cycling public on viable improvements that
need funding.
build safe and welcoming pathways
paralleling the highways
more signs indicating cycling lanes and 3 foot
rule and make sure it's a safe bike lane so we
don't have to swerve into the car lane due to
debris or poor road conditions
Widen bike lanes and improve traffic light
controls in roadway to detect bicycles.
STRICTER FINES if you hit a cyclist or
pedestrian as a motorist!
make it safer to walk and bike! DUH!
Advertise an improvement plan, other than
this survey which was forwarded to me I hear
little about the plans of ADOT. Far to often I
see good roads being resurfaced and bad
roads neglected.
Create a bike friendly community that is me you don't want to be hit by a
car it hurts...I know and was very lucky.
Create adequate room for peds/cyclists.
Provide clear and unambiguous lane
markings and signeage.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Separate the two, such as using rumble strips
(like they have on the interstates) between the
bike lane and the high speed lanes.
Get rid of the radical right in the Arizona
Maintain the paths like they do the streets.
Many times they sweep the road debris right
into the bike lanes which makes is dangerous
for bikers and they have to go out into traffic
making it very dangerous.
Keep shoulder of roads well maintained (free
from cracks and bumps) and clean (sweep
away rocks and debris).
install them on all highways and roads.
Expand shoulders everywhere!
Become more active with biking events and
Tax gasoline, vehicle sales, bicycle sales,
shoe sales, license plates, etc.
bike rides....organized
Financial incentives through the workplace
Make it safer by educating drivers about
existing laws and how hazardius cars are to
peds/cyclists,and making bike/ped-ways
functional for their users.
Make it possible to get from point a to b bye
having bike lanes on all roads
The safer people feel, the more likely they'll
use these modes of transportation. Harsher
penalties for aggressive driving against bikes
and pedestrians.
Make it safer! With multiple people being hit
by cars lately & dying it does not help promote
this activity, especially when the driver that
killed a man was fined $420, how that amount
is justified for a life is terrible.
Cultural change is needed, most people take
the easiest option, which is to drive to work.
tax rebates, gas rebates
Make it safer!
Provide safety, more education. It is just hard
here in the summer months because of the
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Measure number of bicycles and pedestrians
using specific pathways.
attend cycling events and provide safety
material. leave safety material at rest stops
along highways where cyclists/pedestrians
evaluate the decrease in the number of
casualties and accidents between
cyclists/pedestrians and vehicles
Talk to people who actually ride i.e., reach out
to cycling teams, clubs, organizations.
Pre and post implementation surveys of driver
attitudes, as part of registering vehicle.
More signs addressing biker rights.
Don't know.
Go to the source. Talk to those that are out
there riding on a daily basis and find out their
ideas for making things safer. Some of them
might not be that difficult & could save a life.
Measure the number of fatalities and law
enforcement tickets for trends.
volunteers can help I would
See if people use them
Start with middle schools and educate them. It
will flow to the parents.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Television ads, billboards, add a section
to drivers education about bicycles
Wider and cleaner shoulders
Not sure
Define the white line that separates the
auto and bikers. Some bikers ride on the
white line or couple of inches to the right.
Need to make future path wider that 4 ft. with
a separation between the path and road using
bumpers on the road.
Identify a revise plan for "safety" increase the
path with modification on the road. Safety
using funding from State tax.
More safety on the roads and additional paths
to working areas.
Bill boards ads
More info to others that cars need to give
3 Feet to cyclist
As with most of the bad and or unsafe
driving habits I see on a daily basis; I
believe ADOT NEEDS to make drivers
responsible for far more knowledge than
what is currently required to operate a
motor vehicle. There needs to be a vastly
greater amount of driver education and
testing to keep bicyclists, pedestrians,
and other motorists safer.
more signs that say "share the road" and
"3 ft is the law)
cleaner roads and more signage
License Plates with Cycling focus
create more bike lanes
Separate pedestrian paths from roadways.
A good starting point could be a reduction in
enforcement. There are too many patrol units
in this state when you see them patrolling in
groups, or parked in the median window to
window for long periods of time. Increase
vehicle registration fees, and make fines
larger and more significant to motorists
breaking laws.
Make it safer!
Wide, clean shoulders
Some state highways that I bike on do not
have shoulders at all, 89A between Sedona
and Flagstaff, for example. Build the
More maintenace of existing facilities
Make it safer. Make pedestrians and cyclists
feel less threatened.
Do you ask car drivers this question too?
Lobby for better legislation for pedestrians
and cyclists
Neighborhood clinics, and information
days on safety and laws
Maintaince of existing infrastructure
More signage, specifically illustrating 3'
Paved shoulders with rumble strips close to
white line (vehicles will hit rumble strip prior to
Put questions on test
Actually have them
Lobby for laws to protect cyclists
Put up bike rider specific signage,
advertise on radio (NPR) and local news
Provide secure lockup areas that are well lit
and shaded.
Signs and announcements on local public
radio (NPR) and news websites, blogs and
special interests websites.
PSAs, I suppose? Local news stations
should help, especially in summer as they
do with pool safety.
There simply should be no state highway
without shoulders. The right of way is there, it
should be used.
Prioritize, then make the hard decisions.
Every business does it.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Request an initiative on the ballot for more
Raise bike registration fees & work with bike
shops to promote & educate the cycling
community with regard to the benefit. Increase
vehicle registration fees, specificaly truck &
Ask for funds and show why they are
More bikeways, wider shoulders, more
shoulders, better lighting, better signage.
More PR
Greater awareness of health benefits of
walking, cycling and decreased car
Create more infrastructure which feels safe &
pleasant, i.e. setback from the road,
under/overpasses instead of crosswalks,
lighting & emergency call boxes in isolated
You can't too hot in summer
Provide lockup locations that are convenient
and safe for commuters, and encourage
bicycle-specific business development (IE:
Bike Cellar) around those areas
You build it, they will come. I would increase
my cycling miles by at least 500% if there
were shoulders.
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Consultant with the not for profit organizations
throughout the state that have formed to
protect the rights of cyclists/pedestrians.
Slight Monitoring, observing bikers and
pedestrians using the path. Some will taking
advantage that they are safe within the path,
which is not correct.
Accidents with motorist
Ask actual bikers, not car drivers who would
rather see less bikers "in their way."
Work with large bike clubs in the state like the
Arizona Bicycle Club, GABA, and the Arizona
Coalition of Cyclists
Pilot several options in different locations and
monitor death/injury statistics over the course
of a year. Implement the best performing
Asking in survey like this
Assemble citizen committees and ask for
evaluation from local bike clubs (ABC, etc.)
Keep sending out regular surveys like this
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
PSA's, billboards, mailers,
Have the local TV news give it a mention
on a regular basis on the morning and
evening news. Put white bicycles in
places whete cyclists havr lost their
lives...its a stark reminder to be aware.
The pacific northwest has done this for
sevetal years
Focus on its importance when giving
driving admitance tests to new drivers
Perhaps television ads and safe use of
bicycles on roadways in schools
require more frequent license renewal,
with testing to remind drivers of bicycle
and pedestrian safety
Online instructions?
Make bicycle rights part of the state
license exam
Increase time during driver education and
defensive driving classes
Add question(s) on the driver's license
exam; run Run educational PSAs on
sharing the road and personifying the
people behind the bike and car
Improve width and visibility of bike lanes.
The use of bike lanes by bicyclists tends
to familiarize drivers with the concept-they see it, they get used to it, they know
to expect it.
Commercials, radio ads, pamphlets
Post signs regarding the "3 foot" rule
Post signs at intersections that state laws;
news media; heavier fines
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
better road clean up; I hate having to dodge
roadside debris and glass when out on rides
Install a ride share program; they're working
on major metro areas such as DC, Portland,
Chicago, and Austin. Use dollars from
harsher penalties to help fund.
see above (ride share), install rider friendly
amenities at attractions, provide tax breaks for
those that ride regularly
increase penalties for drivers and cyclists who
do abide by the laws
Have fun events that promote cycling.
Install More
provide cross walks and lights at intesections
on highways with cross pedestrian traffic or
utilize a walking bridge
wider lanes,
Signs alerting drivers to bicycle use.
Optional donations/ Options for taxpayers to
choose where their taxtes are distributed
don't know
higher penalties for drivers who kill and
seriously injure cyclists and pedestrians. A
$420 ticket for killing a cyclist is disgraceful!!!
A program rewarding bicycle use? Perhaps
bike commuters are identified and money
given to a fund?
Provide wide, well maintained, debris free
bicycle lanes.
Another servey.
bicycles and pedestrians don't usually mix
well with freeways
check statistics regarding traffic fatalities
invovling pedestrians and bicyclists
better connectivity of canals and bike lanes
The availability of bicycle paths and routes is
essential for a feeling of safety. Also support
the use of electric bikes to make use easier
for some of the weaker and elderly.
Tax incentives
Do question surveys of the general public.
Redirect fine and penalty income
Focus on safety
Education awareness contest
Bike licensing, special Share the Road license
plate, fees from violationg of 3ft law to fund
Education and better maintenance
Improved tracking of incidents, surveys
Charge for services of value-- bike lockers,
locker rooms, clothes lockers, showers,
guaranteed taxi rides home, etc.
Continue to encourage companies to support
such efforts. Without the support of business,
working people would have an even harder
time making this work.
Measure accident and fatality rates (maybe
per capita) on an annual basis. Effective
education would be indicated by decreasing
More shoulders and share the road signs
Increase penalties and fines, especially
distracted driver law
Maintenance (sweeping, paving, grates
Improve safty of cycling and walking
Make it safer to do so. Develop legislatue that
actualy penalizes motorists for hitting or killing
cyclists or pedestrians.
Build a path and they will come.
Good bike racks in high profile areas
Keep the bike lanes clean so cyclists can
actually ride in them; repave bike lanes to the
Lobby for option to donate on state tax forms
Get AZ Senators & Reps to propose &
support federal & state highway funds to
support bike/ped projects.
Increase and inforce fines for driving in bike
lanes and for not giving bikes the legal space
Non-motorized commuter tax credit.
More public events that include these
activities such as closing off roads to vehicles
Hire a for-profit marketing company that
believes in your cause
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
quality of the road;
when passing. Use this money. Hold a series
of bike rides that proceeds fund this.
Promote a statewide bikeway system with
signage, maintained paths, and facilities.
Require shared bikepaths on all new road
projects and improvements, make it part of
the infrastructure - not an add on.
for events. Campain for biking to restaurants
and bars to avoid DUI. Redesign existing
public places (parks, etc to promote social
equity: farmers market, music, etc like around
downtown Phoenix.spaces t
Make it safer to do so. Better educate drivers,
teachers, and parents.
Provide separate pathways, alongside
highways but with a berm or curb to protect
pedestrians and cyclists from traffic.
I'm not sure about funding, but the more
people you get out of their cars, the less $
needs to be spent on roads.
Making the laws stricter (for example,
making it a crime to hit a cyclist) - people
don't understand education...but they do
understand rules and punishment!
Make cycling laws part or licensing
process (including renewal of
replacement of license)
Wide shoulders, clear and unobstructed bike
Fitness grants, including Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation.
Start by educated the new drivers. Begin
mandatory training for all drivers applying
for a drivers license (this will help long
term). Begin primetime ad (commercial)
campaign on high visibility TV shows,
newsprint, and internet sites stating the
laws, and penalties.
Priovide clean, roadways. Many times cyclist
must leave the bike lane to get around trash
on the side of the road, this causes a huge
More signage, lower speed limit on
surface streets, increase fines for law
Free classes sponsored by local bike
In not already doing so perhaps providing
info to drivers when they get emissions
testing or linking from the website they
use to renew tags.
Signs in heavily travelled bike areas with
More PSAs, local news, bike shops can
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Require more questions for driver's exam
and require a refresher exam for renewal
of licenses. Also test for reaction time of
drivers 65 and over, not just vision.
Advertise on TV, print ads or include ads
in utility bills.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Make bike lanes part of planning, not just an
afterthought. A trash-filled, holey, bumpy bike
lane isn't better than no bike lane.
Provide safe passage. We could bike to Luke
AFB because it is so close to us, but I will not
allow my family to bicycle on Litchfield Road
where there is no safe lane or sidewalk
Make it safer for cyclists - many would like to
ride more, but feel unsafe in the city!
Improve existing paths. Trashy, torn up,
poorly lit paths are almost worse than no
Use fines from the enhanced patrols and
enforcemnet of laws, make the fines high. I
would be OK with a bicycle licensing fee if the
money was actually spent towards improving
roadways, enforcement, and education of
Survey Arizonans
Establish primary bike routes. With the grid
pattern of PHX, there can be certain
east/westbound and north/southbound streets
which have large bike lanes, bike friendly
intersections which trip signals, extra cleaning
of these routes. Have these streets every 5-7
miles apart, they WILL become the primary
paths for cyclist. Many cyclist already make it
a point to go out of their way to get to their
"safe" street, or the one they feel has the least
traffic with best bike lanes. With designated
streets available to cyclist (wider bike lanes,
etc) they would be used heavily.
Provide safer bicycling and walking ways so
people feel safer on them.
Same as above
Provide tax relief
Make sure the shoulder provides adequate
space for a cyclist and that the shoulder is
free of debris.
Partner with corporations or suggest that the
corporations provide small additional benefits
to employees that walk or bike to work.
Widen roads
Make it easier to do so many areas have good
shoulders te drop off making it dangerous
make it more friendly, more lights, have night
have monthly events to promote community
sponsor cycle races like Tour de Scottdale
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
The improvements should yield a higher use,
but it will not be immediate. Especially if they
are "best kept secrets"
Get the DMV to cooperate somehow.
Fewer cyclists being hit...that's a good start.
The number is ridiculous right now...the police
don't even report them anymore.
Have a committee in contact with cycling /
commuting advocacy groups. (Not One More,
Tempe Bicycle Action Group, Girls Gone
Riding, etc.)
See above.
Do surveys/tally counts throughout the year at
intersections, etc. to improve data
Watch intersections
Educate and repeat, in classrooms,
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
have information available, MVD can
show PSAs while waiting. videos on
YouTube ,AZ websites, Facebook. In
schools and college campus. Increase
laws awareness.
try to get the message out
Television commercials, newspaper
articles/advertisements etc
plan as stated earlier
Joe Perez's Phx Bike Coordiantor, has
comics and posters that will help; also
more support for the ABC bike safety
courses would help; and mandatory
professional development for police
officers too.
put questions on the driver exam
Include multiple questions on drivers
license exams relative to sharing the
road. Develop education material that
precisely the state law in regard to
sharing the road and the cyclists and
pedestrians equal right to the road.
Integrate more information in context into
the driver's license exam. Provide
TV advertisement
Trai ning courses for police and motorists
with penalties for injuring or killing
cycolists who were in a bike laner or
otherwise riding safely
Produce Public Service Announcements
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
safety awareness, state laws, have cycle
races sponsored by ADOT to raise funds for
more signs.
orTour de Phoenix, call it "share the Road in
AZ". Sell jerseys, water bottle with ADOT
logo. All funds go to ADOT to improve current
walks or night bike rides. more bike racks.
community centers, senior centers,malls,
museums, movie theaters, etc.
don't re elect the legistative branch
Raised reflective lane indicators to alert
motorists and cyclists of vehicles entering the
bike lanes. Also wider bike lanes.
as stated earlier
Striping and signage appear low cost and
would help a lot; The striping and arrows
inform the bikers and the motor vehicles.
better awarness of your elected officals
have cooler weather
watch who you vote for
plan as stated earlier
I'm not sure, but are we applying for the
federal highway dollars that are available for
bikes and pedestrian paths? We should be
aggressive about this. Also work with MAG
and the arts folks to obtains funds for bike
improvements. But most important - think
forward - A state that receives the bike
friendly designation will draw millions of
dollars from tourists. Look at the Wisconsin
example. The state should be looking at
bicycling as a natural wonder - our winter
weather could attract large numbers of
visitors. We need to sell the commerce dept
and the legislature on the need for
I hear that folks who would like to bike don't
feel safe and comfortable on the roads. Make
it safe and inviting.
plan as stated earlier
Create an Adroid, iPhone, iPad, laptop app
that allows individuals to send in suggestions
for improvement,e,g,, need for striping,
signage, parking at a library and so on.
Gather the data on suggested improvements.
Also take better counts so we know what we
have and can compare increased usership
with new initiative and improvments to a
baseline. How many bikers do we have when
and where? Same for pedestrians.
Develop road signage that clearly defines the
right of pedestrians and cyclists to use the
road, and eliminate the "SHARE THE ROAD"
sign in current use that to many people is
merely a suggestion and applies to cyclists
Grant money. Solicit grant money on the
basis that walking and cycling are healthy and
can dramatically reduce health care costs.
Provide more separation between motor
vehicles and no motorized users. Provide
reasonable accomodation.
Don't know.
Provide wide bike lanes
Get companies informed of the law that
monthly money paid to bicycles is tax right off
for so much per month.
Provide the infrastructure, facilities and
education to encourage walking and cycling.
Education is foremost. Emulate the League of
American Bicyclists programs that encourage
biking to work.
Keep better records of use year to year.
There is probably nothing one can do to
evaluate the effectiveness.
raise gas prices
send surveys to all the local bike shops for
customers to fill out
Education and bike lanes
Don't know
Make wider shoulders and markings that
Ask employers to monitor the increase in
employees riding or walking to work.
Don't kn ow
Make it safer!!!! Punish drivers that hit
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
and include questions on written driving
tests to ensure public awareness of
bicycle laws.
Stop trying to educate and start to
separate. We have educated for years
and people don't care.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Provide safe paths and routes that reduce or
eliminate car/cyclist or pedestrian interaction.
Pull from both the transportation and
recreational pools of federal funds or grants.
Provide safer contiguous routes to
destinations people want to go to while
providing accommodating amenities along the
way (rest areas, bike lockers, etc)
make it a requirement to pass questions
on the drivers license written test, and for
endorsement for riding a bicycle on the
Give bicyclist reviews on the laws
regarding riding on sidewalks and
crossing streets, and motorists regarding
create a campaign to appeal to all users'
sense of the fragility of human life and
that knowing the rules and respecting all
users saves lives.
provide more clean, sanitized water
fountains/shade tents/structures
create endorsement on drivers license for a
cyclist to be legally able to ride on roadwayscharge 5 bucks for it!
make it appealing/ endorse it as great
exercise/ more bike lanes would help this!
Make bicycle lanes more outstanding
Give people the facts, even though they don't
want to here them
Make it safer to do so
Install light sensors at signaled crossings and
place shade structures and water along
Same as all of us, identify grant opportunities
and work with invested community groups.
Create safe and easy travel
corridors/connections and show people how it
saves time and money.
Whenever working on a road, add these
considerations. Much cheaper if you already
have the work-crew and equipment on site.
Use funds from the federal road improvement
Make it SAFE and we will!
Low priority; spend little resources (time
and money); Maybe some occational
'share the road' signs on major roads.
When getting a drivers permit. More test
questions about saftey for bicyclists and
pedestrians. When ever some one has to
take a safty class for getting a ticket.
Have 25% of the class on laws saftey for
bicycles and pedestrians.Hold education
classes at schools on saftey and laws for
riding bicycles. Make the police inforce
laws against motorists bicyclists and
Post more signs, lobby for stiffer penalties
- reckless driving, hit and run, lose your
license for 1 year!
build more info into re: this into testing for
licenses--and require that people be retested more frequently than every three
decades. Increase informative signage on
roadways! On roads where there are
frequent conflicts/accidents between cars
and cyclists, increase patrols both for
speeding infractions and improper
yielding. Create penalties that are
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
stand out to make it clear cyclists are allowed
to be there.
Build more bike paths and bridges to cross
the main roads
Safe Bike Lanes; Safe walking
I don't think the facilities are as important has
sidewalks and bike lanes
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
cyclists, educate drivers to be more aware of
the laws
For people to take a bike to work the work
place has to have a place for the cyclist to
shower and change cloths.
Check with local bicycle shops in each area
and survey the knowledge of those that
should be in the know. They should be your
liaison between the public and ADOT to
convey those messages.
do more surveys after they are put in place,
ask for suggestions from cycling teams in the
valley, triathlete team as well..
This will become evident when people start
changing attitudes
Random counts (pick some intersections,
measure each every 6 months on a rotating
The evaluation will be are there less injuries
and deaths
Mark bike lanes and keep maintained, post
signs for 3' Please.
Money from accidents/tickets/races all
contribute to ADOT bike plans.
Make it SAFER and EASIER for everyone!
Compare records annually, distribute
materials to bike and tri shops.
widen bike lanes, maintain them, create
appropriate safety signage. On high-speed
roads, possibly create alternative multiuse
paths; however, those are often poorly
maintained (as along Old Spanish Trail in
Tucson), and they create mixed messages re:
encouraging cyclists to ride on "sidewalky"
sites, while conveying to drivers that cyclists
don't belong on road shoulders
Emphasize how our state's climate creates a
huge draw for cycling tourists (the climax of
which is events such as El Tour de Tucson)
who travel here for events, tours, and training.
Likewise, the climate makes year-round bike
commuting and transportation a viable option
for many, especially folks w/ low-incomes.
This is an issue of both state revenue (tourist
dollars) and public safety/health; small
emphasize health benefits; support Cyclovias;
educate folks about laws affecting
driver/cyclist/ped interactions; enforce those
laws so people not in cars don't feel like their
lives are endangered--and that cyclists' lives
and limbs are not valued by legislators and
law enforcers. . .
solicit feedback through surveys like this;
track rates of accidents, injuries, and fatalities;
seek out anecdotal evidence re: how safe
cyclists and peds feel when using
thoroughfares that should be accessible to
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
commensurate w/ the serious crimes of
injuring or killing cyclists or peds--and
enforce them!
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
You could add a section to the drivers
training manual if it does not already
exist. You could promote events along the
path once it is completed to increase
We rest areas that would have a place for
bikes and or watering holes for
First, our police need to hold cyclists
accountable for road infractions. I think
they basically ignore them. I don't think
education is the issue unless ADOT and
state law demands the cyclists have
access to our roadways in the current
system where we merely add a little more
pavement and a silly white line for
cyclists. My previous suggestion is a
pathway, like in use in areas such as the
resort in Bend, OR called Sun River
where there is often times terrain like
grass or shubbery between the car
pavement and the path for bikes and
Have bicyclist pass & then obtain a safety
bicycle drivers test if they ride on any
highways. YES,Charge for it!
signage about 3 foot law, right of way, etc;
use the lighted signs to talk about safety
when there is no information about
accidents that needs to be shared,
commercials showing common accidents
between cyclists/pedestrians and cars,
prosecute those who break the laws
A simple question for a complex problem.
A public information program is needed
including billboards, TV time, newspaper
coverage, and handouts.
Push for laws that prohibit distracted
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
expenditures will reap large benefits in
attracting cyclists to the state--and decreasing
the chances that they (or daily cyclists) get
killed or injured by reckless/unaware drivers.
Of course, there are also huge public health
benefits to getting people out of cars and onto
I would hold a concept competition looking at
doability and desireablity. For example if there
was a destination for cyclist from Tucson to
say Oracle....make it nice and create a safe
place for the riders then it could be expanded
to Mamoth and so on. It is sceneic and there
are a lot of cyclist that would immediately
frequent sweeper deployment to clean debris
from current high use areas like Bee Line
see item A and only allow us as I suggest
rather than on an open road
I don't know if it justifies the expense.
have more of them and devote more time to
upkeep and safety; organize volunteer efforts
for sweeping/picking up debris, etc
The biggest improvement would be to
maintain the shoulder surface and keep it
clean (swept)
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Raise the highway users tax per gallon of gas
and use part of the money to develop the
call a state that or community that is doing a
good job.
provide safe and accessible paths / shoulders
more trails but stay away from the highways
and streets unless there is a transition are
between roadway and paved pathway for bike
or walk
Have anyone who rides on a SR, US or
Interstate roadway pass then BUY a bicycle
driver's license.
specialized license plate for bike safety,
donations of $1 or $2 on state tax forms, tax
on purchase of bicycles, host supported rides
to raise funds
I am not a funding specialist. Mesa seeems
to do well.
Don't, they are very dangerous.
Ask any DPS, Sheriffs or policemen if this
group is responsible and safety minded.
better maintain safe conditions for doing so;
research shows that in "walkable" cities with
well cared for sidewalks, etc that more people
walk; the easier and safer it is, the more
people will participate
look at trends in bicycle and/or pedestrian vs
car accidents, surveys on major roadways to
see how many people follow the laws (done
before and after educational programming),
count the number of cyclists on the roadways
at high traffic times of day, contest to see who
can answer safety questions correctly
Provide up to date maps for cyclists showing
available safe bike routes, and make them
easily available in places where bicyclists will
find them. For example, in Starbucks.
If you build it they will come. Vienna Austria is
a good example. Increased number of
bikeway miles resulted in increased number
of riders.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
mailings, newspaper ads, better signage
More signage and more publicity of
Have the cops give the bikers tickets for
advertise; education in schools and for
drivers licenses
signs and fluorescent clothing
Require motorists to pass a test, which
includes information on bicycling rights
and laws, whenever they obtain or renew
a driver's license.
Expand adult bicycle education somehow
- provide financial incentive for taking
class in the form of vehcile registration
cost reduction or something similar.
Disemination of common interface
Include bike/pedestrian awareness
training in drivers' ed classes. Include
questions on "respect" for bikers and
walkers on drivers' tests and license
More commercials and/or mandatory
questions to pass on the drivers tests for
new and renewals of licenses.
Add simple signs in appropriate places
along the highway.
Include this education in drivers education
course, and make residents take a quiz
on these issues before they are allowed a
renewed license.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
paths with clear separation from roads;
education of motorists and cyclists
Widen Shoulders
increased installation and maintenance of
bike/pedestrian paths. Currently maintenance
lags behind
Keep bikes off the highways
small vehicle registration fee increase; tax on
trucks; no increase in gas tax
create more opportunties for them to do so
send reps to neighborhood/community
meetings to discuss
don't know
Make it easier
monitor usage and safety
If you're giving out tickets for failure to obey
rules, then you can monitor the reduction of
tickets written.
Reduce city worker's pay; a government
workforce has too many benefits for the
amount of risk they have for thier jobs.
keep them clean
plan related activities and riding events
Increase size
Let the people who participate help fund what
they need
Make the roads and sidewalks safer and large
Participate with the bicyclists and pedestrians
Provide wide shoulders - wider than 4'. Also,
ensure all interchanges have width for bike
lanes/shoulders even if they are not currently
At the I-17 where McConnell travels under to
the NAU campus there is a lot of ped and bike
traffic on the South side where there is no
sidewalk. A simple sidewalk with crosswalks
would be a huge improvement.
Estimate highest-use roadways, dedicate
budgets to expand paths, shoulders, and
Not sure...
PRovide the facilities and infrastructure that's it.
Not sure... online tests and surveys
improve the safety of bike lanes and
pedestrian lanes. Limit the ammount of
stopping that needs to happen (e.g. separated
bike expressways)
Develop benchmarks of basic knowledge and
track through surveying over time.
Lobby legislators. Get loads of PR,
newspaper, TV coverage. Find a state bike
Start with kids in schools, their teachers,
parents, other influencers.
Appoint an advisory board of cyclists -manufacturers, racers, spokespeople,
athletes, educators -- invite them to review
education programs, respond, recommend.
Create a category for an automatic ticket if a
driver hits a pedestrian or bicycle in the usery
Provide funding grants to enable businesses
and local governments to provide such
Put portions of the tickets towards the funding
Have thier safety number 1 priority and make
traffic violations against cyclist/pedestrians
hefty so that drivers will learn.
Seek more funding to buid more bike lanes,
paths and facilities.
Education and mandatory questions to pass
on license requirements.
It is simple. Build safer sidewalks and
bikeways. If you build it they will come...
ADOT employees should abandon their cars
and walk or bike to work. They will then see
that biking and walking in Arizona it is
dangerous and be able to identify areas that
Build facilities in the first place. This state is
full of disconnected and dangerous sidewalks
Work to increase the federal allocations
toward such uses. Bicycle and pedestrian
uses and facilites are a minute portion of the
transportation budget monies made available.
The transportation budget is, itself, such a
small component of the overall federal
budget. Work to increase that amount.
There is plenty of money. Just STOP
FUNDING ROADS. According to the Portland
Oregon Master Bicycle plan, for every one
mile of highway you can build 300 miles of
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
quality bike paths (PBP, 4). Rearrange your
priorities and you will find there is plenty of
money already in your pockets.
Signage with the 3 foot rule
Make stiffer penalities for motorist that hit
and injure or kill cyclists. Distracted
driving laws need to be put in place and
have criminal laws set up for those who
hit cyclists and who are distracted
advertise the "rulaes of the road" as they
pertain to bikes and place information in
local neighorbood newspapers
Focus on where the peole are who are
using CITIES. But your education
dollars to help cities educate urban auto
useers and cylists. Once we fix that
problem it will carry over to good ridership
and cyclist value throughout the state
brochures at already exisiting cycle
accomodation sites.
Responibilities and safety to others on
shared roadways.
Not sure what they are doing now
psas on television and social media sites,
include information on this at MVD offices
and on exams
Engage the local communities (cities and
counties) and cycling clubs.
start educating kids in schools. hold
safety events in conjunction with other
events (teach practical skills like on an
obstacle course, etc.).
Make every driver take a
cycling/pedestrian awareness class when
getting drivers license.
Wider bike lanes with rumble strips on the out
side of the bike lanes.
Possibly start ticketing more for motorist
related injuries and fatalities instead of a slap
on the hand for distracted drivers.
Make the bike lanes safer with rumble strips
or raised reflectors
Provide better bike lanes in well traveled
highlight the fatalities and near fatalities
make it safer...
Clean them. If you do repairs ithe shoudler,
PLEASE fix them smoothly. You don't
understand that devbirs and cracks and
mismatched asphalt are huge isseu with a
road cylcist on skinny tire. The smallest raised
and mismatched patches reek havoc on us
and cause us to ride closer to the driving
lanes to avoid bad road and debris.
YOur asking us, what about the National
cyling clubs, how about the temas that ride
professionally. Partner with the professinal
ridig communities to campaign for better
awareness of safe biking. Go to Europe and
look at how they share the road and talk to
people there to find out how they have a
better share the road system
make YELLOW solid lines between the path
and the roadway
Look for grants and federal dollars
Water, restroms, covered benches
What facilities? Raised reflective lane
indicators for the bike lanes.
Have better debris clean up especially on
Beeline Hwy. Add Shoulders and/or bike
paths to places thru Rio Verde which is
heavily traveled by cyclists.
make the roads smoother and wider...more
signs to share the road
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
TV ads
Build it and they will come - fix the schoulders
More space between motor and pedal
Have your research department glean ideas
from states with successful program in place
provide wider shoulders and limit rumble
use lottery money or provide for a credit on
state income tax for bicycles
dedicated shared use lanes
improve the lanes by keeping them clean, add
more miles of safe bike lanes and advertise
Stop building freeways (slow down the traffic).
When people spend too much time in their
cars, they will begin to look at alternatives
(carpooling, cycling, buses, consolidated trips,
work live and play areas))
discuss this with national and local bike clubs
Keep debris from bike lanes
I'm extremely rural so can't help you there.
AZ heat is a factor to consider too. You don't
want people collapsing from heat exhausion.
Provide wider lanes so cyclist a d pedestrians
feel slightly removed from traffic
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
need work. If ADOT employees traveled by
foot or bike they would be great role models of
how transportation should be addressed in the
21st century and move Arizona toward a
sustainable future.
More signage on distracted driving and
sharing the road.
Count the users every six months and
evaluate whaat was done and if it has had a
positive impact. Fix one area that yo know
people ride (Beelins/Bush Highway, out to the
lakes) and let peole know that you are making
cahnges than watch to see if there are
positive impacts. Focus your money on a few
meaningful demonstratin projects and area.
Learn form that.
leave a suggestion and comments box and
pencils and pads at local sites where
provisions already exist.
Talk with the bicycle clubs in each region , i.e.
Foothills Bicycle Club 7 Yuma Bicycle Club
How about issuing the equivalent of a yearly
license. Something to pattern what you
enforce for fishing / hunting.
talk to bicylists at bike events or through
social media sites
Improve the existing road shoulders and
increase the number of multi-use paths.
make the bike paths/lanes useful, safe and
Engage the local communities (cities and
counties) and cycling clubs.
discuss this with national and local bike clubs
Meet with many groups
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Fine companies like USAA that don't
encourage participation
Integrate separate, but complimentary PR
campaign on benefites; publicize data on
On the ASDOT web site indicate how long its
been since the last accident occured
create the materials; make materials readily
available; convene community biking infor
seminars; sponsor "fun" biking events/races;
develop/sponsor a first class two-day pro
cycling event - invite pro racers
Reach out to local bike clubs; random motorist
surveys; accident statistics
include questions on drivers' tests; run
public service announcements; create a
long-term PR campaign
create both new highway/road construction
standards that mandate cyclying-friendly
roads and work to upgrade existing roadways
through a continuous improvement process
Fine companies like USAA that don't
encourage participation
Create a community matching fund program;
incent localities to invest; get state legislators
to lobby their local jurisdictions to make/fund
Road signage; Radio/TV.Print
advertising; billboards
Wide, smooth bike lanes in good repair
no suggestion
Improve safety
more bikes less streets to maintain
if its safe and there are wide bike lanes i think
more people would want to ride commute to
work, make bike lanes SAFE
Make it safer to bike and walk!!!
Provide more and more materials at local
When they register, test them just like you
do for cars and trucks.
Require more rigorous driver license tests
and much more frequent renewals
Make bicycle laws, safety and awareness
a part of driver education and drivers
license testing.
Make road/cycling/pedestrian right of way
and right of use a mandatory part of
passing driver license exam
Create laws to protect
Make the training a section of the Driving
test that is required to attain the license.
Work with schools, universities,
workplaces to educate.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Fix cracks and make sure loose rock and
sand are cleared away!
Keep them off
build pathways that are not inherently in
contact with fast moving vehicles.
Provide wider shoulder and maintain their
Bicycle "facilities" on state highways? Not
sure what these are or where they are
Create appropriate bike lanes
Provide public water fountains for access by
these individuals, provide shade for sitting out
of the Sun.
If more people ride or walk, then there will be
more funding.
get them to register and pay yearly for the
If ADOT has not attempted to run for-fun
bicycle rally fundraisers in conjuction with bike
shops and other bike friendly businesses,
there may be opportunities to be better in
touch with exactly what might be more
helpful/desired among cyclist and would
provide an avenue for funding.
Create a new department of ADOT with the
task of aggressively applying for all available
private, local, state and federal grants.
Better funding could be part of an overall plan
to showcase "adventure travel" or tourism
through cycling/walking AZ.
Make Arizona the Biking state of the US
create touring pathways through the
mountains across the valleys tie the tourist
sites together by bike and hiking. This should
be the world renowed winter training place for
cyclist and the destination for bike touring. I
can lead this program. My name is Paul
Avallone 520-678-6081. Use tourist dollars
to increase funding to advancing cycling.
Make it spring all year long. I don't think it is
your job to do this.....
build bike friendly pathways so people don't
have to cross dangerous intersections or ride
on roads that have no/narrow shoulders.
Provide clean bike lanes and shoulders, keep
them clean and sign them clearly.
Call me crazy, but I'd love to see broad E-W
and N-S roads or avenues lined with desert
trees and foliage and little coffee shops,
bakeries, delis, markets, etc. that are
dedicated exclusively cycling/pedestrians.
Broad "no-car" avenues that encourage
walking, running, cycling, being outdoors,
healthier living..
Make it easier
Make it safer to cross streets and pass
through intersections. Flashing pedestrian
crossing signs, lighted walkways, copy how
the Germans support pedestrians and cyclist,
they have provided the saftey and educated
drivers of the priority of the pedestrian and
Improve road maintenance - too many roads
are in poor condition for cyclists
This survey is a good start.
Keep track of the number of bike involved
accidents statewide before and after
sweeping law revisions are made or for
particular regions when local changes are
made either to rules or constructed pathways.
The same ADOT department mentioned
above could work with the many bike clubs in
Arizona to do the evaluations.
I think at least ONE question regarding
motorist, cyclist, pedestrian laws and rights of
way must become part of driver exams and
renewals. Maybe a short refresher course
covering these and other aspects of motoring
should be required of all drivers every 3-5
years rather than being test once for life.
Put surveys in the Moter Vehicle offices
around the state and have the receptionisp
request people fill them out this must be in
english and spanish to see how they feel
about pedestrian and cyclist saftey and
education materials.
Analyze crash trends, talk to people who bike
or walk
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Get the information to bicyclists through
bike clubs and Media.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Separation of traffic and bikes and
Don't know.
Promote exercise and keep those people off
of state Highways.
At intersections have a small sign
explaining dos and don'ts for safety. Go to
bike associations and give talks. Have a
booth at local and state fairs.
Propose laws to actually punish drivers
who kill or injure cyclists. Ad campaigns
indicating the presence of cyclists and
awareness to look for them. Anti texting
run TV spots, Billboards, sponcer a bike
Have, maintain and keep clean wide
Promote by having relays, 10K walks that
people can sponsor by donation.
Sidewalks on all town and city streets not just
highways. Parking near walking/biking areas free.
Look at the accidents and see what would
mitigate them. Remove bicycles from state
highways. Too dangerous.
Keep a survey of accidents. Hold
pedestrians/bikers responsible for their
Connect the bicycle lane options. Keep the
pavement in equal repair as the roadways.
Redirect funds from repetitive construction
projects. How many years in a row is
Scottsdale road in need of funding?
Stop drivers from killing them. I know that
sounds harsh, but it's true. Drivers have little
to no recourse for "distraction"
Track accident data.
sweep major use areas more frequently.
Prune trees on road edge when needed.
just use current construction funding and work
from pavement edge to edge to maintain
create more bike friendly routes
conduct surveys
Keep the bicycle/pedestrian lanes in good
condition (no cracks, potholes and excessive
road debris and rocks) and marked
License bicycles with a nominal annual fee
($20 per household) in which the proceeds go
towards facilities.
Initiate a campaign. Get celebrities involved
and have an annual bicycle day
Identify metrics, such as number of bicycle
accidents, license fee collections (see above)
miles of improved bike lanes, etc.
More wide shoulders and MUP's
Stop building highways to nowhere
Better bike lane markings.
Gasoline tax.
Gasoline tax.
Review motor vehicle cyclist accidents.
Harsher penalties for motorists who kill
make it more understandable - so that kids
can understand it clearly. sometimes the
official text in the constitution is unclear and
confusing so no one bothers to read it
enforce bycilists laws
Place "share the road" signs on highways
to educate the driver that bicycles are
allowed. Have DMV include bicycle
questions on driver license exams.
Encourage bike shops to provide a
brochure of safety tips each time a bike is
Make bicycle rights on the road known to
motorists seeking a license. This doesn't
appea to be taught.
Enforce the laws. Harsher penalties for
motorist who kill or maim cyclists.
Post laws in pamplets, online, email them
out. make them known! Come up with the
laws in a "dumbed" down format so that
there is no interpretation error and
everyone can understand.
"Use common sense when on a public
clean the shoulders and make it well marked
TV commercials (public service
announcements), more signs on
intersections and roadways warning of
cyclist/pedestrian presence
Outlaw texting while driving, mandate
wireless use of phones while driving statewide.
More billboards on the highways with
Wider bike lanes/shoulders, more signs
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Work with what we have, ie. resurfacing, new
lighting, pavement markings etc.
make it safer. wider bike lanes and well
marked. higher fines for killing cyclists.
I believe Arizona has plenty of nice places to
ride bikes. ADOT should think about itself and
get funding for the excellent employees we
Keep them highways clean
Integrate with local cycling communities!
Have more bike racks
Hold a 50/50 drawing, fundraise
Again if you asked most people I think tax
payers wouldn't want a lot of money set aside
for these projects. Renew what we have.
Shaded sidewalks (on another note: possibly
using solar panels to shade side walks),
water/drinking fountains, bathrooms, financial
Increase the number of bike lane study what
cities like Portland are doing!
Have a ride to work day. Start a pedometer
Have our employees do exactly what were
doing on this survey now. Send out a small
portion of the material monthly and get feed
back and comments.
Surveys such as this, possibly more directed
at the cycling/pedestrian community.
Survey the public.
Poll bicyclists
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
bicycle laws. Pamphlets at visitor centers,
More questions on drivers license tests.
Provide safe practice info when
registering vehicle
billboard notices
Public service announcements radio and
tv, add questions to the driving and permit
tests, short 1-2 minute rules of road
segments on local news during traffic,
encourage radio stations to do the same
when they report traffice
Ed programs in schools children will pass
on to family members then billboards and
police programs
better signage
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
tracking website that people can log their
Safer paths and exchanges.
Email & website info campain
More bike lanes
Provide safer crossings at existing
intersections for bicyclists using local roads,
and to allow safer crossing of major highways
such as Grand Avenue.
wider shoulders
cut back maint on less traveled roads
provide more pathways
Provide a safe well maintained walk way or
path to use.
provider safer walking and bike paths
provide flyers at Walmart
Public safety funds
Ad campaign.
Statistical study after a year
wider shoulders, designated bike lanes,
raised bike lanes, signs for drivers
Add more safe wide lanes
Maintain the shoulders
Create a large enough shoulder for bikes.
Donations. Federal funding from health
More water stations
Build high capacity high speed train from
Tucson to Tempe to Flagstaff, connecting 3
Universities and large populations of bike and
pedestrian commuters. This would help
tourism in all three areas and promote
bike/ped activity at the destinations. Provide
safe points of exit and entry, safe crossings
(over or under), separation of bikes/peds from
vehicles as much as possible (jersey barriers
to separate the lane). Access to bike repair is
necessary to make biking a realistic option.
As for voter approval of fees.
provide facilities like sidewalks and
Have a safe way for people to ride!
Increased places to walk or bike
provide safe designated areas for
bike/pedestrian traffic on all roadways
Spray for bugs
Provide shade, cooling elements, drinking
fountains, pay phones, safe environments.
This is difficult, the state is so large, it is
geographically not a walkable state.
School programs in all grades - what the
children learn, the parents will learn;
increase media focus on the
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Work with local governments and organization
to address local needs.
Provide water.
Tv adds and fines
Better signage
More public service announcements
about laws, bicyclists do not follow vehicle
laws (and should). Require helmets for
bike and motorcycle riders.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Safe locations for locking of bicycles that do
not block roadways or sidewalks
Establish committee that is engaged
whenever roadway
construction/improvements are submitted for
People need to feel safe when walking or
Use not only crash data, but also include
Test the safety material in a test city like
Tempe and compare accident data from 1
year to the next.
Look at number of accidents.
Better roads
monitor reported injuries and deaths before
and after any changes made. Use data to
determine prioritization of infrastructure
Have cyclists and police officers work
together to create the materials.
Start with the motorists and work down to the
pedestrians and bicyclists; too many
motorists believe that bicyclists do not belong
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
responsibilities of all persons sharing the
roads - motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians;
flyers distributed at bike shops
Add additional training in before motorists
get license. Require all motorist training
faculities to provide a specific amount of
training including schools. Require
bicyclist to pass a test, no license is
issued, minimal fee for the test.
PSA and other media including electronic
traffic signs where appropriate
More signage on the roadways. Inforce
strictly the traffic laws especially the law
to provide 3 feet of clearance to cyclists.
Start with the grade school kids and have
them start ridding with the traffic flow.
Public relations (public service spots plus
paid for advertising)
Roadside signs, clear signage at ADOT
buildings, licensing exams should be
clear on pedestrian/bicycle laws as well
as etiquette
Work with Education to provide training
for younsters in elementary and junior
high. Also offer training at university level.
Signs need to be where the activity is; on
the roadways where the pedestrians &
bicyclists are
Nothing, but it's a low cost option
Add questions to driver's license test
pertaining to cyclists/pedestrians.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
funding approval
Canal pathways need some basic
maintenance. Add more paved canal paths to
link the metro area
Bicycle/License fees, create a fund raising
event like Tour de Cure
Make it safer, make it easier to get from point
A (home) to point B. More secure bike
Provide adequeate shoulder space
Not sure
Same as above
I do not know
Grants to local jurisdictions (County, City, etc)
for their programs. Their programs have to
feed the larger state bike programs
Make it safe and friendly
When you repave the road repave the
Have a national tax on bike equipment to fund
More frequent street sweeping
Engage with road races (e.g. running, biking)
These don't mix. Difference in speed between
peds, bikes, and cars is too great. Work with
cities to develop off high way paths.
Must be properly signed
Work with munies and counties to define
State congress will make that decision no
matter what we say
Nothing. It's not your purpose. But if you have
to do something, work with the local gov'ts to
assist them in developing programs.
With proper trails more people will come and
use the system
Again, not your purview, but work with
Education to inform where the safest places to
bike are.
Measure use vs. death/injury like you do now?
Analyze accident statistics before/after
infrastructure additions and education
combine questions D and E. enforce through
practice. Ride to work yourselves and you
can evaluate how the laws and conditions are
being enforced.
Safety records would speak volumes!
Make the shoulders wider
Paved shoulders.
Ask the girl scouts?
Get grants.
Provide better bike/pedestrian pathways
Build infrastructure, sweep shoulders more
often, get law officials to enforce laws.
communicate more with other cycling
organizations and lobbyists.
enforce laws to protect them!
Require a license and written test for
bicyclists so they are made aware of laws
and safety.
Signs, billboards, advertising in various
Separate the lanes from motor vehicle traffic
by a STRONG barrier.
Perhaps put a tax on the sale of bicycles and
parts plus walking shoes for this purpose?
Stress the advantage to the environment.
Physical barriers to separate bicycles and
pedestrians from highway users.
Have a special lottery/raffle & keep funds
away from legislators
Not important
Not important
Your kidding, right? Can you air condition the
state during late spring, summer, and early
Make cycling and pedestrians feel safer.
Educate drivers about turn signals and
charging controlled intersections.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Survey responses
Conventional audience evaluation.
Get agencies to enforce the laws already
Not sure
Not ADOT's job.
incorperate a more in depth section in
classes to attain and renue driver's
on the roadways and have limited awareness
of pedestrians crossing and adjacent to
Bring together some of the cycling groups like
the coalation of AZ bicyclist to assist. Get
volunteers from the community.
Give them a safe place to ride
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Ride and walk the various routes regular
users/tourists would take.
Get agencies to understand ARS laws
concerning motorists
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Require more bicycle safety questions on
drivers license test.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Provide showers for a fee at rest areas.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Improve access and safety.
Coordinate with DPS and County officials to
educate and enforce laws.
Better mark bicycle lanes. Especially when
bicycle lanes cross turn lanes or highway on
Media campaigns to better educate
motorist and cyclist of their rights, laws,
and safety precautions. Also, having DL
that are good for a lifetime may not be the
best idea. If drivers had to renew,
possibly test, or review current safety
issues and/or new laws every 4 years
they would be more aware.
Ad campaign advising to always give
cyclists 2ft. of clearance, and that cyclists
rights to use the road.
Public service announcements on TV &
radio; "interviews" of ADOT officials on
TV & radio; press releases to
newspapers; Get some film or journalism
students from the universities to do a
show about hazards bikers & walker
face...lots of significant injuries and
deaths due to vehicles hitting bikers &
Provide additional documentation or
references in driving instructional
manuals and websites regarding laws as
they apply to all pedestrians, cyclists, and
show images of cyclists or pedestrians
who have been hit by cars; show images
of their families
Issue a bicycle license, somewhat like a
motorcycle endorsement.
nothing. Spend our money on repaving
deteriorated roads
PR campaigns like radio/TV spots,
Internet ads with theme like "Watch for
bikes and peds before turning"
Cyclists can carry guns but motorists
can't; everything will change (the perfect
Arizona answer). Arizona bikers stand
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Many foundations are dedicated to promoting
health & the environment...ADOT should
apply for grants to make these improvements.
More frequent bus service/lower fares, more
benches and shelters. Property tax discounts
for not driving/ other incentivization.
More bike lanes in high-traffic areas would
help. Paved shoulders would help.
Provide more bike lanes on state highways
not just shoulder space.
Find out the actual population of cyclists via
survey (census type) and cater towards a
growing population due to strapped economic
build more off-pavement cycling/running paths
like the Scottsdale greenbelt
Federal government has tons of funding
show the health benefits; pollution benefits;
cost benefits
Highways are for automobiles
Please DON'T !!!
repave existing roadways that are full of tar
snakes and patches
Stripe and mark bike lanes, provide sidewalk
and multi-use paths. Narrow vehicle lanes to
slow traffic down.
The best solution is a barrier between
pedestrian/bicycle and motorists such as the
priest drive across the Salt River.
you shouldn't be WALKING on state
highways. Encouraging that is idiotic.
Reallocate funds currently designated for
adding lanes on freeways and highways
Nothing ---- that is not ADOT's job.
need 1% of highway funds for bicycle
pedestrian lanes
Make safer and more pleasant. The mixeduse pass along the 51 N. is a great example.
Promote it
Offer some sort of tax break/discount on miles
ridden per year for commuting/recreational
Build it and they will come
Create focus groups (in person, virtual) to
review materials & facilities and provide input.
Treat pedestrians and cyclists as a part of the
community not just rogue citizens. We pay
taxes to cycle and walk and do not cause as
much damage as vehicles do.
measure the number of accidents before and
a waste of taxpayer money. Stick to keeping
the roads paved and clean
review crash rates
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
your ground
Part of drivers education, during license
plate renewal (read and complete),
drivers license renewal, send information
Website info and infomation signs along
the bikeways
PSAs on TV, HS Driver's Ed coverage,
Test items on Driver's test. Go back to
driver's test every 2 or 4 years.
Ride at your own risk. I do not want to
accept liability for bicycles on the highway
any more than necessary.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
keep them clean and user friendly.
tie it to better health for citizens, reduced
health costs, grants for improving lifestyle,
green grants - elimination of co2
provide the avenue to do so, safe enviroment
- too many motorists think it is a game to get
as close as possible
cycing/pedestrian accident rates, surveys,
reduce vehicle emissions
Driver's test questions and surveys. Jail for
drivers that kill bicyclists instead of minimal
Count the injuries and compare to other warm
weather states like Florida and New Mexico.
Do not refer to California. They have spent
themselves into bankruptcy with feel good
query cyclists and motorists to find out what is
Look at bicycle and pedestrian accident
More frequent bicycle/Ped specific rest areas
PSAs, Employer incentives, Previously
mentioned improvements
Wider shoulders.
Create separate trails off the roadway that
have more character and beauty than the
Start with recreation. Daily use might follow.
Use common sense in spending.
tax incentive, gift cards to the bike shops or
grocery stores
Do some advertising.
add smart pills to the water supply
more and improved pavement
check grants
Require drivers license tests to have
bicycle safety questions. Require bicycle
licenses with motor vehicle and bicycle
safety questions.
Require qualifying tests and issuance of a
license for bike operation on state
roadways. Very difficult to educate
pedestrians; signage at major
intersections would be helpful
Incorporate it more prominently into
driver's education
Add them to rest areas.
Include funding opportunities in county bond
move bike paths AWAY fro roadway!!!
License fees for bicycles used on state
roadways. IF AZ wants more people to use
bicycles, then fees needed to support
provide safe paths protected from vehicular
Provide "test areas" with defined
improvements, then monitor those areas to
detemine increasae or decrease in safety
Clean debris from roadway
Ask pedestrians and cyclists
Remove rumble strips from most roadways
and putting wide shouders on roads
frequented by cyclists and pedestrians.
Rumble strips are a good barrier without
impeding the use of the shoulder for vehicles.
Maintenance of shoulders and keeping
shoulders clear of vegetation and debris.
Doesn't ADOT have an assigned person to do
Provide employer incentives, sponsor cycling
events and walking events to raise the
awareness of ADOT in the community, and
ADOT's commitment to cyclists and
When people feel safe they engage in walking
and cycling more...infrastructure is key.
Update facility design code to require
mandatory upgrades dedicated to bicycles
and pedestrians on new construction and
routine maintenance projects.
Improve road design to slow traffic. Narrow
urban streets (Country Club/AZ Avenue, for
example, takes between 15 and 25 seconds
to cross). Install safety devices/designs.
Encourage mixed-use in urban areas along
provide ancillary riding pathways where
practical -- work with development -public and
private planners to provide the cyclist
development credits for infrastructure /
patnering with municipalities
plan communities that live where one works
More signs informing motorists of the 3
foot statute.
Signage on freeways, especially popular
bicycle routes such as Beeline and
Maricopa Road. "Watch for Bicycles" and
"Give 'em 3 feet" signs. Ad campaign on
local TV and radio. Coordination with
Ghost Bike program for riders killed on AZ
Monitor and educate the cyclist that they
can be a traffic hazard as well
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Effectiveness can be measured by a decrease
in injuries and deaths as a percentage of
miles traveled.
Before and after bicycle counts where
improvements are made. Public
announcement of monthly accidents, injuries,
and fatalities to bicyclists and pedestrians on
all AZ roads (ADOT or city controlled).
Surveys of cyclists to gauge feelings of safety
on roads; determine driver's awareness of
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
enforce 3 ft rule
Keep bicycles off the main roads they are
a menace.
Press releases to all media - TV
Newspaper and Radio
Larger fines and longer jail sentences for
drivers who hit bikes and pedestrians
offer safety awareness courses
TV commercials about sharing the road.
Educate youth
TV and radio PSA's....public clinics
Signage at intersections
require a written test to renew drivers
licenses that cover road-sharing focus.
Post more signs. Television PSA's on
cable and satelite programming.
Public education campaigns, including
signage on roadways and advertisements
on TV and in local papers, as well as
workshops/training sessions would be
helpful. Most people forget proper driving
etiquette in their driving careers. These
education programs should also be
available on other driving topics (e.g.,
riding in left lane, tailgating, etc.). ADOT
must take a lead in this.
Bicyclists often ignore marked bike
pathways. They also seem to have the
impression that they do not need to follow
traffic law. Signage for bicyclists could
Get into classrooms and teach the kids.
Install signs on roadways to be aware,
give 3 feet, and respect cyclists.
Advertise on TV or Billboards about the
laws of sharing the road.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Not on state highways
Provide adequate bike lanes and multiuse
paths, protected from vehicles by distance
and physical barriers
marked bike lanes
Install and maintain bike lanes to keep free of
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
ticket aggressive drivers
Give them their own paths out of town
Sponsor walking and bicycle events with
proceeds going to this cause
I live 40 miles from work, I am not going to
ride a bike twice a day to get to work.
Increase public awareness
have their employees try to use them
Conduct on line surveys
safe roads
Stop building roads, reduce lanes, allow
mixed use land planning
Hire a transportation planning concultant, not
a traffic engineer
Offer tax incentives for those who bike or walk
TV commercials. The cost of gas is surely an
create safe and ergonomic enviornment for
wihich to commut on
Provide exceptional
make it safer for them to do so.
not much
Measure injuries and deaths of bicyclists
Gasoline tax for bike and ped amenities
stop wasteful spending elsewhere
increase fines for hitting pedestrians/cyclists
Maintain/install clear markings and rumble
strips, provide widest possible shoulder
run street sweepers to clear dangerous
Ask Obama, he seems to be giving everything
else away
realize that the person riding the bike payed
the same taxes the person driving the car did
and deserve a safe place travel. Make it a
priority and begin using general fund money
to make improvements.
public feedback
offer discounted DMV services for
participation in surveys.
Education programs -- including
advertisements and signage -- will be very
helpful. Proper facilities and road segments
for pedestrians and bicyclists will also help.
Example: Bridge over I-17 near Flagstaff
Airport and 89A is inbetween a large County
Park, and the Flagstaff Urban Trail System
(trail system continues in park as well). ADOT
recently updated the bridge, and still failed to
provide a bicycle/walking path. Pedestrians
have to endure greater risk because of the
gap the bridge makes inbetween two sides of
the very popular, citywide Flagstaff urban trail.
More rest areas.
Registration for bicycles operated on public
right of ways.
Example: Anthem area (north Phoenix) is
virtually cut off for bicycles from the greater
Valley. Establish pedestrian pathways on
state land between nearby communities.
Look at communities like Flagstaff, which
have a high rate of bikes. Educate newcomers
from out of state, i.e. NAU students, on ADOT
Raise the fuel tax.
That should be done by industry standards,
not a State function.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Media campaign
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Provide free courses for general public,
put it on the Internet as well.
Do as along river trails, railway tracks.
Separate pedestirans and cyclists from traffic.
educate drivers on the consequences of
additonal signage designating bike path
barrier to alert cars entering bike lanes.
Prioritize bicycles OVER the car in the
built infrastructure.
Make obtaining a driver's license a more
difficult and tedious task.
Social media marketing campaigns,
better street signs that notify the driving
public of the law (i.e. 3 feet better car and
cyclist), more marketing via traditional
methods such as news and print.
make seniors take driving test yearly to
make sure they can drive safely
More signage regarding the 3 foot rule,
enforcement of near misses by autos
better education in driver safety school
about bicycle laws, educate local bicycle
groups, stricter penalties for law breakers
"scared straight" type marketing similar to
popular anti-drug campaigns
more signage, be aware of bicyclists
Provide stories about safe practices to
Hurts to hear, but internet is not the place
to advertise, BILLBOARDS, TV news
sppots, newspaper ads all work the best
for this.
Remove bicycles from the road.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Unsure, funding is an issue for every
Stop frivolous spending and direct money
toward this endevor.
Provide safe options for them to do so.
focus groups
Concern for ecology, price of gas will
encourage people to do so. Capitalize on
make it safer!
Evaluate the statistics of accidents, etc., after
a period of time.
eliminate glorified decorations on highways.
keep to the basics of street and lighting
Divert highway funds to bicycle, pedestrian,
and transit projects.
Gas tax
communicate with Bicycle groups who are
active in bike commuting
Spend more money on it, and less on
Turn the big A/C in the sky on... make it safer.
Clean the shoulders more often so the cyclists
do not need to venture into the lane to avoid
obstacles, widen the shoulders more, provide
more bike lanes for turns.
Work with local non-profit foundations. If they
know where to send the money to help the
cause and know that the money will help
directly, they will send it.
Give incentives to companies for promoting
employees to bike/walk to work
Provide a more walking friendly culture by
having more mixed use developments. Grant
a registration discount for people that bike to
make bike path for bike and pedesrian only
ticket them if they don't follow the rules of the
Spend the money on surface streets.
Shared use paths off the road
Wider bike lane
raise the gass tax
promote health benefits, incentives for
businesses to have bike racks, or install more
provide safer ways to walk,bike
wider shoulder without rumble strips that are
hard to ride on
make all roads as safe as possible
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
treat them equal to motorists
Pass a complete streets policy that mandates
that all roadway users MUST be
accommodated. We don't need to find
"special" funding for bikes/peds -- it needs to
be the same funding as everything else.
Ask bike riders to contribute funds. Don't use
tax money!
look rather than overlook
Additional facilities with access to drinking
Connectivity and getting more separatedgrade crossings rather than at-grade
Clean up the budget within house. Funds
have been voted in for such things, and
Federal money is being used.
provide safe passage, enforcement of existing
laws, penalize offenders
provide a safer bicycle environment with more
miles of wider shoulders and bike lanes
Hurts to hear, but internet is not the place to
advertise, BILLBOARDS, TV news sppots,
newspaper ads all work the best for this.
Some improvement, but there are plenty of
Ensure the bicycles are paying their fare
Do nothing. It is not worth it.
look at the results, i.e. Shawn McCarty and
the 3 bikers hit east of Boeing in April, 2012.
not sure
Put more headcount on bicycle, pedestrian, &
transit -- less on auto & highway projects.
Give a test to a sample of drivers to see if they
understand the laws as they are written in the
materials and facilities.
change the law that if you hit a bicyclist or
prestrian you lost youe license
establish focus groups of cyclists and drivers
to review
track the number of cyclist or pedestrian /
vehicle accidents
Provide good, safe facilities that connect
people to their destinations and do outreach
to neighboring communities to make them
aware of them.
Not much.
Keep track of accident rates.
monitor usage
If hire a firm to evaulate such things, don't hire
your or someone else's buddy. Hire a firm
who specializes in such a thing that is from
out of state for maximum return on
Cost Analysis
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
share, while also following the rules of the
Signage including the separation law,
enforce law when vehicles travel to close
to bikes, better lane striping,
Start at the begining. Stregthen the
education of new drivers, include more
questions on this subject in the driver's
license test.
Pray for a miracle. Although, the people
you want to reach will be the most likely
to be in traffic school.
Billboards, radio and tv commercials
Active patrols- police on bikes. Better
Make sure bicycle clubs, or groups inform
their members how to drive in traffic.
pamphlets and tv spots
Disseminate flyers, posters, etc. to local
municipalities for distribution in the
communities they serve
areas to lock a bike at rest areas.
Give equal preference to bicycle
Provide information to review on website,
mailers, or email (or social media) on the
current information
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Signs reading share the road. Ads stating
that bikes have a legal right to the road.
Get the info to local papers, parks and
recreational programs, clubs for bikers
and hikers, retailers for equipment
Carefully prepare brochures with details
and make them available to bicycle shops
and stores where bicycles and bicycle
accessories are sold.
Stop teaching our kids (and adults) that
bikes and peds have the right-of-way.
Being "dead right" isn't a good result.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Driver's Education and the Driver's
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Prepare adequate room for bikes and walkers
and use signage to alert motorists
License bikes? Add a penny or so to
equipment for biking /hailing
Provide safe places to do so.
Survey via newspapers, city public relation
folks, via the web
Don't know.
Don't know.
Make it safer so people want to walk and
cycle more. Provide better bicycle paths.
Include a means of feedback in the education
Segregate bike/ped paths from higher speed
traffic. To me it is insane that we consider
mixing these kinds of traffic.
There are no win-win ideas on this one.
Higher taxes just aren't popular and we're
afraid to cut wasteful spending.
what facilities???
Make the experince less stressful by
segregating bike/ped paths. Ever walking
along a road when an 18-wheeler barrels past
you at 65 mph?
have safer and cleaner bike paths and wider,
well marked and illuminated shoulders
Conduct more clandestine observations of
actual motorist/bikingwalking activities. See
first-hand what is really happening on our
Consult cyclists and pedestrians that use
these facilities. Listen to the ideas of the
people that use them. Think in terms of what
would attract more people to utilize cycling as
an alternative mode of transportation.
Whatever you can to keep them off the
roadway. Remember the old TV ad, "You
may be right, but dead right"
Build and maintain smooth, wide shoulders
that will not crack and buckle so soon, and
clean them periodically
Resurface existing wide shoulders in bad
shape and widen shoulders where there are
Asses special fines to persons that violate
cycle/pedestrian laws. Charge $.25 more at
the rest stop vending macines and use the
extra funds for improvements.
Make it easy to do so. Make it safe to do so.
Work with employers to creat incentive
Registration fee for any bicycle that is used on
any street outside of the neighborhood.
Free registration if the bike is used to
commute to work.
Body count.
I don't know
Provide wonderful shoulders, sidewalks, and
Surveys like this, monitor certain
Grants, private/public partnerships --- build it
and more will come!
Increase gas prices over $4/gal - hah! Well
perhaps work with businesses and
governments to provide incentives to walk,
bike, or ride the bus to/from work. $1 a day in
extra paychecks? More healthy = less doctor
visits = less insurance premium increases?
improve safety and increase bike lanes.
Surveys like this to local bike organizations,
survey governments if they have multi-modal
planners with data, take pictures and
interview commuters during peak hours
keep bycicles off the roadway in round-abouts
keep them clean
wider space between main highway and
designated bike paths
Have marathon supporters and bycicle clubs
contribute to improvements.
write grants
Not sure
Stop us from growing "old".
nicer walkways
PSAs, work closely with local municipal
governments, schools, tourism businesses
Provide safe bicycle & pedestrian access
make it safer so lives are not being lost
wider bicycle lanes and LARGE signs
Accident rate analysis.
Not sure
the statistics of accidents would hopefully
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
License tests should include laws on this.
Larger signs.
Start it at the High School level. If it is hit
early the lasting effect will pay off.
Launch a media campaign that includes
TV, Radio and print media and Internet to
educate all about sharing the roads.
Develop a drivers ed series on shairng
the road.
Local TV adds, infomercials. Brochures at
tourist centers. Incerts in the utility bills
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
show a decrease with more education
Hold bike races where a percentage of the
proceeds goes towards the state
SHow the benefits through cost analysis. Of
course ridership will be down in the summer,
but through education and consistency biking
will become more popular in Arizona.
Provide safer means of transportation - more
bike lanes, multi-use paths, encourage
employers to install shower facilities.
Show what routes work at certain times of the
day and what are potential pitfalls at other
Pull off's. Water station, shade, place to
break/rest, perform repairs
urge local groups and organizations to have
fund raisers and increase awareness of the
proof is in the activity. are people walking,
biking, and using transit. Did the ugly haze
and cloud of pollution over downtown PHX go
use prison workers. have people who recieve
food stamps put in so many hours of service.
Have people who get large tax refunds and
work less than 8 months., give back a certain
percentage of the refund to ADOT projects.
Bike and pedestrian paths do not need to be
paved. Use crushed gravel instead and use
the savings to expand the system further.
give facts! This is how much gas you save.
This is how much money you save. This is
how you help protect our planet and children's
future! Once people start doing it will be
normal practice instead of driving a car!
Get a tax break.
Increase the safety and make them easier to
access. Locate the bike/pedestrian paths
away from the road and integrate it with the
Add signs along the existing paths with
instructions on how the current users can
provide feedback on how to improve the
system. The current users of the paths will
likely have many thoughts and tips on how to
improve the system.
survey students and working class as to there
First centralize and improve accident
reporting for bicycle and pedestrian related
incidents. Then measure our improvements.
Also survey pedestrians and cyclists at
frequented locations to ask if they feel safer
and if they believe others understand safety
Add some quetions to drivers license
testing, provide some education in
Add informative signs along the route.
Provide safer and easier access.
Safety training has to be done from two
perspectives: the cyclist to know how to
properly ride their bikes and the
automobile public to know that cyclists
and pedestrians have rights as well to the
roadway. Also, how they should act when
they see cyclists.
Include web-links to main ADOT page to
improve education to the public letting
them know bicycle plans and pathways
are related to transportation.
Develop programs that benefit the widest
spectrum of users, i.e. families as well as
cross country cyclists. For example, if a
family took their bikes with them to X
destination, would they have safe places to
ride? Work with other agencies locally as well
as national organizations to link programs and
destinations. For example, with the NPS to
create multi use paths along the East Rim of
the Canyon or from Downtown Sedona to one
of the State Parks.
Cross over freeway plans and having frontage
roads clearly marked with bicycle lanes will
keep longer routes to main access points to
plan for longer bicycle routes.
Educate all motorists at MVD waiting
rooms and via drivers manual
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
Establish design guidelines that define
minimum ped/bike facilites on all state
get funding from vendors for more clients to
come to there companys by via bicycle.
Don't understand the question. Do you want
to "Identify" more founding or obtain more
funding for bicycle programs?
More signing, lighting, and education. Making
it easier for those who have never rode
bicycles as a transportaiton mode rather than
using bicycling for leisure.
Reduce funds for road capacity expansion ADOT has too much focus on capacity
ADOT director and senior ADOT engineers
should bike/walk to work at least once a week
See above. Help people think of the option.
Now most wouldn't think of taking their bikes
with them to a destination because the
infrastructure is not there.
offer a survey along with issued drivers
Using surveys (like this one) is a great way to
obtain feedback. I recently started riding a
bicycle and have already experienced the
frustrations riders feel when using the
Safety? Look at the numbers of deaths and
injuries in urban areas. Local agencies need
funds for safety improvements.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
enforcement. enforcement. enforcement.
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Build more shared use (bicycle, pedestrian
and equestrian paths) within the state
highway right-of-way
We are a nation of obese diabetics. The
health and wellness benefit of walking and
bicycling would fund more shared use
Better shared use paths, isolated and safe
from vehicular traffic, will encourage bicycling
and walking.
measure and report the reduction or increase
in fatalities/injuries to all users of the state
highway system
Tv ads and sign for people on sidewalk
advertisement on TV, Face Book, Drivers
For those obtaining or renewing their
motor vehicle licenses, more focus on the
rules of the road with resped to interaction
of the various modes. Bicyclists and
pedesrians don't need an "operator's
license," but outdoor advertising could be
enlisted to help educate them and convey
the message. AAA has used this strategy.
Bumper stickers might also be a venue
for education.
brochures, part of the test for new drivers,
part of the test for renewed licenses.
Which in my opinion should be renewed
by written tests every year despite the
install vending machines!
make a lane
Air conditioned tunnels to ride in
make it safe---have designated lanes
does it help lower the death and injury rate?
Like 'Watch for Motorcyclists'; Watch for
'Cyclists; maybe a mascot and ad
campaign like Silent Witness Program
and that dog.
wider shoulders, cleaned regular would
help keep cars and bike further apart. Ads
on tv, radio
Charge drivers when accidents happen
and don't allow a repeat of what just
happened in Chandler.
PSAs on tv and radio
Improve the drivers tests, ensure material
used by schools taken in lieu of paying
fines, state fairs, county fairs, internet,
radio or TV spots
Continue to develop the ADOT web page.
Use PSA's on local radio and TV.
Public service campaigns; TV, radio, and
alternate media
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
tobacco or lottery DO NOT take from
Use the gasoline tax that would go to
highways to fund improvement for other
Increase the gasoline tax as a disincentive to
automobile use.
Monitor accident rates; conduct bicyclist and
pedestrian counts during peak hours at key
Pay to use, target bicycle and marthon
events, a special tax for use and extra amount
for permits for events.
Well if you end up charging for use, tax and
permits that might be counter productive. If
peopel want to walk or bike they will. Working
with health insurance companies on a break
in premiums for those who participate,
brochures promoting health benefits etc...
studies and surveys.
when you build or rebuild a highway, include
wider shoulders
keep raising the gas prices and they wont
have any choice but to bike ow walk
talk to bike clubs and groups
Keep the areas clear of glass and other
Tax Gas.
Tax Gas! Institute better public transportation.
Work with businesses along these state
Partner with recreation, community, and
public health groups
Emphasize the health benefits in reducing
obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high blood
Promote facilities at destinations and increase
That's a hard one but there should be rest
stops though the expense would probably
astronimical though pay for useage i.e.
lockers etc... could work the upkeep due to
vandelism might exceed the revenue coming
Encourage by offering tax incentives to
business owners along a bike route that cater
to cyclist, ie offering free water, and
discounted bike supplies.
wider cleaner shoulders
Not sure that these facilities should be on
state highways.
Not a problem; no need to spend the money.
Look at federal grants, including safety
money. Ticket bicylists to raise funds and as
well as increase their safety when they run
stop signs, ride many abreast or the wrong
Propose an extension of the 2004 voter
approved initiative.
Anything outside Metropolitan Statistical
Areas would be a waste of money; anything
within an MSA would be ludicrous.
Provide safe multi-use trails that minimize
conflicts with facilities used by motor vehicles.
Local, all local. Especially summers. ADOT
can't fix that.
surveys and focus group feedback
Evaluate accidents
Hire planners to conduct a study.
Locate casual observers and not the "hardcore bicycle any distance any time of day in
summer" crowd. Too myopic.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Besides TV, radio, & newspaper ads,
place info flyers at All businesses in break
room AND restrooms. Have ALL
accidents reported thru media, how it
happened, how it could have been
Educate motorists to look out for
bicylists,and give right-of-way when
appropriate at ctrosswalks, etc
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Maintain and build bicyle paths along highway
89A, esp.
Add to property and sales taxes
Require that motorists answer questions
about bicycle/pedestrian safety when they
get their drivers license.
Wider shoulders, more lanes clearly marked
for bicycles and pedestrians.
You can't. People are basically idiots and
you're not going to teach a bicyclist that
it's stupid to ride 3 abreast in rush hour
traffic anymore than you'll teach a drive
that it's a bad idea to hit one of the idiots
because he's making you late to work.
Brief single issue "Did you know....type"
anouncements on TV, TV news spots.
pamphets, commercials on TV
social media campaigns, awareness
events at locations with high incident
Hire a PR firm like Texas DOT did when
they developed "Don't Mess with Texas"
campaign only have the theme of the
campaign be cyclist and pedestrian
make it part of drivers ed and license
Enforce violations of bicylists - they are
the ones breaking the law
TV ads. Especially using humor or
tragedy - NOT in the same ad.
How about video presentations of dead and
mangled bicyclists and pedestrians who
thought it was a good idea to play in rush hour
Increase gas taxes and/or institute a tax
based on the efficiency of the vehicles when
they are purchased (less efficient vehicles pay
a higher tax). Direct these new taxes towards
improving bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
The goal should be to set the taxes such that
people will have more incentive to walk/ride a
bike rather than driving, thus the net effect to
AZ citizens is neutral (i.e. enough people
decide to walk/ride instead of paying taxes
that collectively, AZ residents don't pay more
in taxes).
Force bicyclists to pay road use taxes.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Encourage Incentives from employer (movie
pass, t-shirts, cup of coffee, etc) which can all
be donated by local businesses
Have surveys included or attached to
educational material. Send out surveys thru
all medias...people will respond if this is
important to them.
More public buses to cut down on singleperson autos; ads in local newspapers, info
on walking and biclycling as great exercise,
Raise taxes on gas and/or cars.
Count the pedesteriansand bicylists!
Raise gas to 10 bucks a gallon, but of course
if Obama gets re-elected he'll do it for you. Or
maybe rent the Haliburton weather machine
from Dick Cheney and lower summer temps
by 30 degrees.
Whatever you do try not to screw the
dwindling taxpayer base out of any more
money. Or maybe you could co-opt the
Scottsdale grass police or the Mesa smoking
police and have them do some real work for a
change. No, wait. That's crazy talk, I know.
Seperate bike path from vehicles, provide on
one side of highway to reduce cost.
Charge the bike riders, not those that don't
ride bikes on highways.
provide a clearly marked, wide-as-feasible
write grants
publicize the benefits, improve safety
do you have someone devoted full-time for
this purpose?
Maintain the shoulders better. Sweep
shoulders to get rid of debris.
Figure out a way to absorb some of the funds
that would otherwise go to transit.
Provide separate facilities in high cycle/high
traffic use areas.
Outreach to groups like Arizona Bicycle Club,
etc. Meet with them.
take tjhat gas tax money and use if for bike
paths and facilities
Charge bicyclists a license fee - motorists pay
Maintain links to feds. Keep aware of what's
available. Try to involve large employers to
help with local upgrades.
raise the gas tax to five bucks a gallon
pay attention
Widen the lanes and make sure they are
consistent and interconnect
Make more of them and increase frequency of
routine maintenance; e.g., sweeping.
Make it safer
Increase the gas tax to say ... $2/gal.
Somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but it would
certainly provide an incentive. Would also
reduce road maintenance needs.
Establish a statewide common crash/incident
reporting system that includes whether a
bicycle was involved. This would also be
useful to tracking vehicle interactions with
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Advertisements in print media, social
media, local newspapers, and
flashing/movable road signs. Increase
policing in heavy mixed use traffic areas
to educate violators.
Include more questions about bicycle
laws in the drivers license test as well as
more bike law info in the curriculum for
the traffic school sessions required after
motorists receive a citation.
Start with education of public agencies
(police primarily as many local
departments do not have a full
understanding of bicycle laws).
Public Relations campaign to increase
awareness of laws relate to the 3 foot
rule. Include awareness of potential
criminal charges related to violation.
Add some education to the drivers license
Make question on their driving test that
apply to bicyclists and pedestrians.
make part of DMV test
Include in drivers test.
Increase the numbers of people receiving
your information on line, work with other
computer programs like facebook to
increase your messages, use tv spots,
pass out printed info at visitor centers,
and with our automobile lisc/registration
each year. Work through biking shops
and organization.
provide education and Make it a
requirement for obtaining and renewing
drivers licenses and or registration of their
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
Sweep shoulders, pave shoulders when
working on the driving surface, increase
expand shoulders/bike lanes....If you build it
they will come (to quote a corny movie line).
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
encourage citizens and state law makers to
make non motorized travel a priority. MANY
international athelets come to different parts
of this state, at different times of the year to
train. This is a great tourism draw.
Support bicycle facilities inclusion in Federal
Highway bills.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
Offer safer routes, advertise health benefits,
work with local sporting goods store to offer
incentives to fix up a bike.
I think that $4.00+ gas prices are already
doing that. Safer facilities help will keep
people out of their cars.
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
animals such as deer, cows, etc. Once every
first responder in the state is completing the
same form with the same boxes to check,
statistics can be collected and used.
Survey mixed groups of people at mixed use
events (music festival that may have seen
some people drive to the event, take public
transportation, or bike, or a combination. A
phoenix suns game could be an example.)
Coordinate efforts with cities such as Phoenix,
Mesa and Tucson who are actively pursuing
"Bicycle Friendly" status upgrades. A more
regional effort similar to these can help the
State to understand the impact of bike safety
Make roads safer so fewer cyclists die!
Enforce laws and provide adequate shoulders
on roadways including bike paths
Provide funding for companies that provide
locker and shower facilities.
Ask cyclist.
better maintanence of what's already there
both cyclists and pedestrians need to be
included in all adot roadway planning, at the
beginning of the process, to include adot
projects that are completed by other
I don't know of any facilities on state
adequate width and stripes
Consider as a part of all projects.
Begin by adding them to roads you are
already improving working them in with ease
to roadways
Improve cycling and pedestrian facilities,
include cyclists and pedestrians in all new
Hire or contract a grant writer who specializes
in getting funding in that area.
apply for grants
Set up a fund for citizens to donate to.
Enforce the laws that protect walkers and
bicyclists and advertise the right of both to use
provide the opportunity
Provide safe walking and biking pathways and
roadways for them to travel in.
Do pedestrian and bicycle accidents go down
as a result, then the campaign was effective.
accident rates
Monitor accidents to see if incidents
decrease, observe areas being used, use this
method, work with bike shops &
organizations, with schools, childrens
organizations, etc.
recruit companies to be part of the program,
so they can entice their employees
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
provide web-based educational
information with URL information included
in vehicle registration information.
That would an individual's responsibility to
know the safe practices so make those
readily available to the public
Make the information a part of driver's ed
and state driving tests
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
incorporate appropriate design features for
new roads and existing roads to undergo
significant renovation
Widening shoulders to accomodate those that
enjoy bicycling as a sport, transportation.
Consider using a portion of highway design
and construction funds for such purposes.
Facilities may allow for increased use in urban
areas. urban planning may encourage more
people to live near where they work.
A lot of folks would most likely bike to work if it
was feasible, distance, safety, work status
TV ads and on testing at MVD
wide paths and markings that are not fading
Consider wider paths than merely 4' from
cars. Provide bumps and reflective markings
to alert drifting cars moving into bike lanes.
Even consider a green shoulder to separate
the cars from the bike lanes
Stop letting the legislature sweep all the funds
made available for ADOT and the lottery
seems like a good place to start
Give equally billing on state funds used for
bikes as well as cars.
have voluntary fund donation runs to places,
like poker runs and 50-50 drawings same as
motorcycle riders do
Public service media advertisement
On the routes that bicyclists seem to like the
most, which are interstates, provide
shoulders. Windy rodes to the lakes, etc are
the most dangerous yet have no shoulders.
Ironwood doesn't even have a shoulder. I
think it is a bad idea to put bicyclists on our
highways at all unless they have their own on
and off ramps and there is no crossing with
Look for Grants from the Federal Government
and help replace the state legistalure majority
Make the highways & interstates the correct
size the first time. Rework always cost more.
Put out the word online
make rules very clear
have no idea
Partner with bike organizations
Continue current efforts
Hard to say
At times there are more than 100
bicyclists joining together on Pecos road
where traffic exceeds 50 mph and they
ignore all traffic laws so they can stay
together. Issuing them tickets may help.
More education when getting license on
rights of cyclists
There needs to be more media (TV,
Radio, Billboards) involvement to spread
messages and awareness.
Post signs that bicycles and pedestrians
should not be on state highways
dangerous waste of money - don't spend my
tax dollars on making things more dangerous
furnish rest areas with trees and benches.
make it safe to do so
Put counters (like you do in the roads that
record speed) to tell you how many bikes
have passed through
after these facilities are build ask those who
partake of them
Put a roof over the state, and air condition it!
(just kidding)
Provide decent lanes and paths that are safe
(eg reflective markings) and go through green
(e.g. landscaped) areas rather than just 4'
next to a car lane
Those might have to be provided to recognize
the value of those facilities
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
Get rid of the sun. This state is so spread out,
I don't see this happening. Even if you make
the highways bicycle friendly, most of the
roads to get to the highways are not.
more publicity in local newspapers or
particularly online which gets the most
Point out the health improvements they
lower the temp
This site stinks. Period.
I'm not sure...just talk to people involved
Continue surveys
See how may laws bicyclists break and how
many tickets can be written
Provide lighting and pull off areas for safety
improve shoulder conditions. Typically
shoulders capture all of the road debris
causing hazardous riding conditions and often
forcing riders to move into traffic to avoid
Shift some of the priorities from automobile
related funding to alternative mode funding,
Once the roads become a safer environement
more people will use them. Right now many
people refuse to ride because of the dangers
of riding in AZ, especially in highly populated
Identify areas when incidents/ accidents
occur, monitor those areas, impliment
enforcement in those areas and do the same
as other areas see increases in accidents.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
Eye-catching emails. Mail flyers. Google
AdSense (targeted ads). TV ads to raise
More bicycle signs on highways and
questions on driver license renewal,
which should probably be done more
often than every 20 years.
Public Service Announcements - TV &
Not only do we have to deal with the train
crossing all day long, we have a state
highway that goes through our town, and
we have to educate ourelves on safe
Increase or impose greater fines to
motorist in violation of
Bicycles/Pedestrians laws
Post awareness signs
Keep it simple.
School programs, local parks and rec
Adult education clips in all public
communication media, and increased
similar education at all school levels.
TV spots
Public notices
Publicize existing statistics. Consistent
Go back to school. Drill into little kids
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
chucks of tire, glass, and junk that falls from
Signs warning drivers to watch for both.
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
Enforcement of laws, speed and distracted
drivers is paramount.
Approach larger bicycle clubs to get their
Convince them it's safe to do so.
Radio/advertising announcements in all forms
of media
Offer classes around the state of safety,
health, and provided alternatives than riding
along a highway and educate
Provide more shade
Advertisements on the side of ADOT vehicles
Not sure what funding sources are available,
but maybe identifying the number of ped/bike
uses of existing facilities and identifying how
many would use new facilities to justify
funding. Capture the economic and
environmental impacts of bike/ped facilities.
Take a survey in that specific town, to see
how many people would be involved.
Close connectivity gaps, promote bike/bus.
Monitor crash rates, identify causes of
Wider shoulders and striped bike lanes
Assess gaps and provide greater connectivity
of bike/ped facilities.
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
We have many residents and snowbirds who
walk and ride on a daily basis, so you wouldn't
have a problem encouraging us to do this.
Keep pathways free of debris and garbage.
secure federal funding
Sell discounted rail and bus passes to bicycle
Provide adequate paths
Seek federal grants
More paths along highways
Make sure there's a way to get across
intersections. Bicyclists can use whatever is
made available to pedestrians but walking
their bikes across intersections.
Input from Cities
Study accident statistics for other areas.
What really causes bicycle/pedestrian
accidents? Don't rely on opinions about
walking/cycling club fundraisers; park and rec
program fundraisers
make the paths feel safe day-to-day users
rather than only for competive cyclists
Improved facilities, safety education, and
public promotion.
verbally ask local residents if/why they do/do
not use the existing path system
Inform legislators about safety and accidents.
TV Spots
Do an assessment, then take bids.
Give us some safe opportunities.
Promote awareness.
Build them into existing projects, e.g. bids.
Promote appropriate seasonality of use.
Maintenance – smooth surface and swept off.
Federal “ICE_T” funding for trail development.
Make roadsides more available and attractive.
Accept reviews from other Roads and Streets
committees around the state that have bicycle
and pedestrian issues.
Track accident statistics with PR campaigns
to evaluate effectiveness.
Include local bike associations when
Dedicated underpasses and bridges (e.g.,
Glendale at 51, College and McClintock at
U.S. 60)
separate vehicular traffice from shared use
paths...maybe a curb
Increased improved shoulders/multi-use
pathways, increased signage
As you improve hwys, add bike and
pedestrian facilities.
Build bike lanes. Bike lanes allow cars and
bicycles to pass without danger to bicyclists.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 4
A. What can ADOT do to improve
education of motorists, bicyclists, and
pedestrians about current and safe
which side of the road for walking and
riding. Signage along roadways.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
B. What can ADOT do to improve bicycle and
pedestrian facilities on state highways
C. What can ADOT do to identify more
funding for bicycling and walking facilities on
state highways
D. What can ADOT do to encourage more
people to walk and bicycle in Arizona
E. What can ADOT do to evaluate the
effectiveness of bicycle and pedestrian safety
and education materials and facilities
developing materials.
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Do you agree or disagree with the ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update vision stated below?
Arizona will become a state where people of all ages and abilities can conveniently, comfortably, and
safely walk or bicycle to destinations within a reasonable distance as part of their everyday life. The
quality of life and health of Arizona residents will be improved as more people choose to walk or bike. A
“Complete System” of new and enhanced bicycle and pedestrian facilities on and off of the State
Highway System will make the trip safer, more pleasant, more convenient, more accessible, and with
minimal barriers, enhancing the livability and economic vitality of cities and towns in rural and urban
areas. A “Complete System” recognizes that transit users often begin or end their trip as pedestrians or
bicyclists. Access to transit along state highways will be made safer and more comfortable. Bicycling and
walking will be incorporated into State Highway design to meet the needs of bicyclists, pedestrians, and
transit users of all abilities and ages at traffic interchanges, intersections, at traffic signals, and along the
State Highway. Bicycle and pedestrian facilities such as underpasses/overpasses, bicycle lanes, sidewalks
and paths and transit stops will clearly indicate the right of way or their accommodation on shared
No opinion
What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Don't make it harder than it needs to be. Add the steps that will ensure that highway planners will
include bicycle/pedestrian facilities/access to the highway planning process. Include the
requirements for same in RFPs to contractors for all future roads.
I had problems with all of the checked response areas. Put me down for everything is very
important. I was only able to type a written response. Arizona is way behind the times. A lot of
ignorant Motorists. I use a bicycle, the Bus system and Light rail weekly. Neither of which are
monitored by security very well.
Require bike lanes on all new roads, and retrofit on existing roads where possible. Remove
rumble strips from bike lanes. More signage to make cycling safe -- reminding cars to share the
road, not drift into bike lanes, give cyclists 3 feet, not honk/be rude.
Bike lanes, signage, connectors
Better security against bike thieves at bike parking facilities, such as video surveillance.
More tunnels/overpasses like the Indian Bend wash path.
start out as a small hip movement. with a day once a year or a month where people are
encouraged to walk, take pub trans, and bike. come up with a clever name, and slogans
regarding bicycling and walking more, as well as laws. have commercials on public local
broadcast also use free merch given at events and other places (with slogans and such on them)
given away.
The state is late and slow in doing this. It should have been done 20 years ago. So a
concentrated effort is needed to catchup.
Nothing that time and money can't take care of! This kind of vision will only be realized when
planning and zoning make this a priority. ADOT can help with the large backbone type of system,
but the cities and counties set the tone for how this is realized on the small scale.
Drivers need to know that there will be more non-drivers sharing the roads & have a no-tolerance
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
law for road rage against cyclists & MUCH more significant consequences for driver-at-fault
Agree 100%. I bike and average of 4000 to 6000 mi per year. I ride with a number of other bikers
who do the same. Let's take action! Let's make Arizona a bike friendly/safe state.
ADOT may need to raise revenue and I believe that in the Tucson region especially, voters would
be willing to pay to accomplish this truly forward thinking goal. The usual idea of widening roads
to accommodate more cars seems to only make for more grid-lock. Mass transit, bicycling,
walking, anything but driving, should be made a top priority to preserve the scenic beauty of
Ignore Republicans.
i think there definately needs to be more designated bike lanes...phoenix has the widest rides i
have seen in a city. regular maintenance of bike ways....maybe more paved canals.
fight against citizens united. vilify exxonmobil. reform campaign financing, locally and nationally.
Communicate, get support from public, raise awarness and raise money
Bike lanes and shared paths.
Tell motorists that median lanes (between the yellow/orange lines) are only to be used for left
turns, NOT AT ALL for merging into traffic!
Allow bicyclists to cross an intersection without stopping at a stop sign or at a red light as long as
there is no cross traffic.
I agree totally with first paragraph. Bikes and pedestrians should not be included "on" the state
highway system. They should be "off" the system. In most of Arizona shade along these paths
would encourage more walking. Overpassses and underpasses (as long as they don't require
pedestrians to walk an extra half mile on either side) are good. Sidewalks must be separated
from streets and highways by a reasonable distance. Paths must not be obstructed by utility
poles and other fixtures.
ADOT needs to be provided the resources to execute this plan. Without it, nothing will happen.
Spend the funding wisely on actual well thought out physical improvements and not on the
bureaucracy surrounding it, or disconnected planning that needs workarounds or re-works.
Make it the most important priority. Too many resources are diverted to automobiles, which
already have an ample infrastructure. Focus on safety of bicyclists, not just motorists, who are
enclosed in several-ton vehicles. Make sure funds are allocated and workers available.
Widening the bike lanes is a great start. Thanks for doing this!
Concentrate on dedicated bike infrastructure and awareness. Access the existing literature on
what types of bike infrastructure are appropriate where. Collect quantitative and qualitative data
on the use, enjoyment, and safety of existing bike infrastructure under a range of different traffic
and environmental conditions.
Education programs; marketing the ideas to the public;
Consult with other cities that have this already in place! Portland, Oregon is an example.
Safe multi-use paths preferably separate from vehicles
Shade as much as possible
Form a citizen's advisory committee (if one doesn't already exist) to help guide and implement the
vision. Begin ncorporating as many of these ideas as possible into ongoing maintenance and
repair projects. Secure funding from many sources to begin working on these ideas as soon as
feasible...Consider public-private partnerships.
Network with bicycle store owners.
Separate bike lanes are NOT the answer. Most bike - motor vehicles are at intersections, and
not only to separate bike paths not eliminate this, but the make is so the cyclist "suddenly"
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
appears. I have been cycle-commuting for 27 years, and have had 3 incidents. ALL were caused
by the vehicle trying to make an unsafe right turn. The answer is to make bicycles be and be
viewed as co-equals on the roadway. This requires education, and correctly designed roads and
To get more people bicycling and walking the first issue to tackle is the safety for cyclists and
pedestrians. The complaint I hear most often from people that stops them from using an
alternative form of transport is the perception of safety. As someone who loves cycling I accept
the risks associated with it largely from misinformed or disgruntled motorists but to a casual
person this is not a risk they are willing to take.
Bicycle paths need to be separate from major roadways for safety purposes as well as to make
the experience of riding more enjoyable. It is not pleasant to share the road with traffic - it's
noisy, threatening, and hot. In addition, before investing additional funding into shared paths,
consider that the weather for about half of each year is not conducive to riding/walking any
distance. It is simply too hot and the sun is too intense.
Work on small incremental levels and eventually link to the big picture.
Sprawl is not condusive to destination riding, focus on smaller pockets and grow from there.
Work with city and town officials to identify all of the locations that need to be improved. Develop
manageable strategic plans to implement the improvements based on the priorities of the
Please do not forget about us in the rural areas, we need the "System" as well!
actually implement what is stated. lobby for legislation that creates laws that will support this
vision (real consequences for motorists who hit bicyclists). create a road bike path that connects
ahwatukee to the TV Tower Road on South Mountain!
It's a beautiful vision but in Arizona's current political climate I don't see how it's going to get
connect or finish areas where sidewalks and bikes lanes are not yet complete causing transitions
between sidewalk to street with no bike lanes. in surprise leading towards white tank park there
are many areas like this which are unsafe as there is only high speed two lane sections of road.
Create comprehensive bike-friendly map. Address gaps in the map. Increase number of bikestow slots on city buses (hang-a-bike like on light rail, but on the bus).
Utilize local help by city and county road departments, small tax on bikes sold in arizona
Needs to apply statewide. Not just Maricopa and Pima counties.
consult local cyclist, pedestrians, and runners about the flow of useage and traffic for the area.
Adopt a statewide Complete Streets policy; Develop a Police Officer Standards and Training
(POST) curriculum for bicyclist/pedestrian/motorist enforcement both for new officers and
continuing education – focus on laws related to pedestrians and bicyclists, interactions between
motorists and bicyclists/pedestrians, and bicyclepedestrian collision investigation
eductae drivers that bicyclist help them and all of us to meet national polution targets, educate
bicyclist to not be arogant, make sure taht there are bike lanes on major roads like chandler blvd
in Ahwatukee, look for and publicize alterantive bike routes, encourage businesses to give biking
stipends to employees to encourage more riders (bike riders are getting more exercise than
drivers and should there by be healthier, thereby reducing sick days and insurance costs.)
Enlist the sponsorship/endorsement of major employers, and the sponsorship of diverse
employers to encourage and support employees. Recognized employers and employees. Work
with retired individuals and organizations to volunteer.
Improve and develop areas far away at a safe distance from the fwy and make it user friendly
with lighting.
ADOT needs to better publicize the improvements that it is making and who is benefitting from
the improvements.Signs at the beginning of construction zones could be used for this purpose.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Get drivers to share the road, educate cyclists on their responsibilty of riding on the shoulders
obeying traffic laws.
Acquire sufficient funding!
As stated before, I believe the focus should be on where the highest use and highest problems
are. E.g. I don't think we want a dedicated paved bike line along all state highways. (I assume
that is not the plan).
The roads have nothing to do with biking or walking. For instance Baseline and I10 is crazy and
there really isn't an easy way around without going through some of it. Sidewalks are put in for
asthetic pruposes. I think the laws need to be changed to accomodate actual walkers and looks
of the city. Try walking around or biking the roads are clearly made for motorists only. Doing this
will show how messed up the city planners have been with granting building permits.
engage with local bike racing teams and bike associations
Add moe routes in the east valley that have a similar feel to the canal or powerine
trails...separated from the main road to provide additional safety.
I don't see this ever happening.
Develop teams of people to work on this vision in each community. Make it a priority and support
it with time and money.
Find the $$ to make enhancements to existing roads and highways and $$ for new projects.
Enlist active participants to help shape the vision. Don't let this project become political fodder!
RIDERS.....Bicycle riders ignore traffic laws. ADOT cannot enforce and DPS is far too busy as
are local PD units - so there's no chance since the riders could care less!
Specifically, there needs to be a strong emphasis for off highways paths, like within cities, along
canals, on lessor traveled roads, etc.
Education to get buy in. Also, some motorist do not feel funds should be spent on these
amenities since bicyclist and pedestrians do not buy gas and therefore do not participate in
funding the bike paths etc. Education is necessary to combat this narrow mindedness. People
need to see the health advantages.
I disagree that off highway facilities are important. Highways are where all the destinations are.
All facilities and all parts of roads should be shared. Cyclists should be integrated, not partly
Be consistent when constructing the accommodations by allowing workers to use proper lighting
at night and provide employees around the clock. 24 hours of work done within 24 hours instead
of in 3 days. construction zones need to have work done quickly.
public education , and involvment in the inplimentation , and maintainence of our shaired
travelways similar to adopt a highway program. also implmitation of other cultures sucessful
travelways plans.
A lot
Convince funding sources that bike/ped facilities are and effective and an efficient use of dollars,
coordination with transit/local municipalities to team up and leverage effort -- avoid double work,
and piece together complete routes. Advocate in public for changed perception of ped/bike/transit
through education and advertising. Make it a "cool" and cost/time efficient option.
get to work on it, no stalling and talking, government is all talk and no action!!! will this ever go to
This is a good vision statement - could be clearer if a time line were added (five years?). Like all
vision statements, it needs to be followed with a clear, shared strategic plan with input from the
Get started.
Encourage public transportation systems to add bike racks to busses to encourage bicyclists to
use both methods.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Connect the dots showing that exercise supported by the BikePed plan can eventually reduce
state healthcare costs by promoting healthier citizens.
cut back on auto/truck spending to get funding for bikes!
Interface directly with local, responsible bicycling groups (e.g., Flagstaff Biking Organization, etc.)
FIND MONEY! As mentioned before nothing can be done without access to funds, but the
source can come from any or multiple sources (legislation, volunteers, sponsors, donations, etc.).
mix-use transit... golf carts in Sun City for example... energy effient modes of transit.
Learn what "pedestrian and bike friendly" really entails. This is the least "bike/pedistrian friendly
state in which I have lived. There is NO effort to promote awareness and laws that protect those
groups. I do not see that changing with primary focus on movement of vehicles but thanks for
asking. I came here from Portland and if you have found a way to placate you belief that you are
"bike/pedistrian" friendly...blessing on your head.....however the reality is that this state is not
Words are not good enough. Action is required. In Sedona, we now have bicycle friendly signs,
but no action. We have been promised bike lanes on 89A for many many years, but nothing was
(will be?) ever done. The mayor riding a few miles is a nice gesture, but not good enough!
Make it happen, talk is cheap-actions speak loudly.........we get enough empty promises from
politicians all year long
If you have not noticed we are broke and you are looking for more ways to spend money. I have
been watching the bicycle underpass being built on Olive just west of the 101, you know what I
have NEVER seen there, a bicycle. The only bicycles I see are morons riding on two lane roads
and risking their lives and mine when motorists come over into my oncoming lane to go around
the morons on the bikes.
Get them off roads without enough room and on to your unused trails.
Wow. Pretty good. I would like to see some addition of off-hiway cross-state bicycle/pedestrian
system conecting cities.
Proper funding and effective leadership.
Few talked about The Loop when it was mostly segments. Many talk about it now that it is
continuous. Perhaps connecting up segments in high population areas is more important than the
total number of miles of segments. The more people who can use the system and have a good
experience (safe, well-marked routes starting from near where they live to places they want to go)
the more good word of mouth paths will get.
Many people in Arizona believe their gas powered vehicle is the only way to travel . Also, there is
a financial burden that goes with this "greening" effort that several groups in this state and others
believe is not worthwhile.
Tucson ranks in the top 10 bicycle friendly cities in the U.S.
ADOT should look at what makes Tucson bike friendly along with other top ten bike friendly
cities/states and expand on those ideas.
Find funding, continue education the public and work with other government agencies.
bike and walking paths with proper signing and crossings.
Hopefully, get many to agree and participate in this goal. Good luck!
Stop talking about it, stop surveying about it, and just go do it. Get 'er done boys...
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Divert a more significant proportion of funds away from development of roads for automobile use
toward development of bicycle and pedestrian pathways.
Look at the areas that are currently served by the urban trail or bike lanes and fill in the gaps,
include Kachina and Mountainaire!
I've been involved with bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements in Flagstaff, off and
on, for over 25 years. Progress is slow but steady. Just keep chipping away at it.
Here's a thought... tell all the rednecks that using less foreign oil is PATRIOTIC. Git out there and
Walk and Pedal for the Red, White & Blue!
Sounds awesome! We would love it and use it. Get on with it already!
Willingness to allow sacrifice convenience for safety, not just as a separate "bike ped" program,
but a core component of every division and aspect of the department.
Id love to see more bike lanes on regularly used streets. As well as seeing motorist respect the
biking community and local police reenforcing the law on motorist/cyclist to ensure safety all
around. I feel it would be helpful if the city taught safe riding classes that retaught cyclist the
proper rules for riding on streets and how not to break the law themselves this would perhaps
improve motorist/cyclist understanding/respect and sharing of the roads.
Make it a priority!
Reasonable distance? Urban commuters tend to drop off after 6 miles. Improving conditions
around cores will provide the environment that influences people's decisions. Shading the
corridor and protecting PEOPLE from CARS will help overcome perceived safety. INVEST IN
DESIGNING DESIRABLE EXPERIENCES! Engineers are NOT designers as evidenced by the
horrific drainage solutions scarring overpass art. Bring in landscape architects and artists and
respect their talents.
Persistant annd continued public education.
Money, education, and support. Tie in the states big businesses. It is in their best interest to
have healthy employees. Implement sucessful projects from other cities or states.
Drivers,cyclists and pedestrians need be know the rules of the road. Many cyclists still ride
against traffic-- the question is why ? I do not think they are aware of the rule - that they are a
vehicle. Many drivers think the law ststes cyclist must yield at all times to cars- why ? They are
not aware of the rules of the road. A simple public service campaign - could educate folks.
Raise money, If you make it safer and let poeple know its safer they will do it.
Get schools and colleges (read young people) involved in the process of planning and executing.
Somehow get a law passed that mandates the goals.
Research and apply workable procedures that have successfully been ironed out in other
communities. Flagstaff and San Diego are prime examples.
Funding sources. Educate transportation engineers that multi-modal is important and a part of
transportation; it's not just about vehicular traffic.
Improve communication and awareness of ADOT's plans. Work closely with other community
groups like the Tucson-Pima County Bike Advisory Committee (TPCBAC), Greater Arizona Bike
Association (GABA), Tucson and Phoenix Bike and Pedestrian Coordinators and others to create
a unified focus on improving bike and pedestrian access throughout Arizona. ADOT's vision is
very much in line with the above mentioned groups. I do not believe that the general public knows
of ADOT's vision.
dedicate portion of each project's funding to these components; assist communities in mapping
key locations for investment; examine models from Europe, from California, etc. where bikes and
pedestrian trips already constitute major fraction of all trips
Posting signs showing bike lanes along areas where there is room for the bike lane, as well as
adding or widening shoulders to make bike lanes are some of the first steps. Bike racks on transit
buses should be made universal, or on all public transport of that type.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Educate the public to the need for exercise and the rights of pedestrians and cyclists.
fight for funding and create a campaign to encourage folks to use alternate transportation. Also
be an example and publicize your success among your own staff.
Partner with the state's largest companies and employers to promote car-pooling and offer
(financial are best!) to adopt alternative modes of transportation. ADOT needs to reinvent its
image from a car-centric state agency. Promote their new agenda by publicizing new facilities
that they install....over and underpasses, ped-activated crossing zones, reduced speed limits and
more shared roadways, off-street bike and ped paths.
Make the public aware of these intentions and then get started!
Promote these initiatives to gain political support, propose specific plans, demand and find
funding, demand incentivized construction contracts that will insure projects are completed on
Enforce all ADOT districts to provide adequate, construction and maintenance, bicycle facilities.
Just do it!
Provide shaded areas for waiting for transit, provide shared use roads that are safe and connect
popular destinations and plant fast growing treess along routes to provide releif from the sun
Love the Vision Statement - MAKE IT HAPPEN, PLEASE!
You need to find a way to tax every Arizona resident, and EVERY person residing (such as snow
birds, illegal immigrants, etc) in Arizona on some article they need to purchase. Divert funds
from another source. Ticket and fine abusive / threatening drivers, then use those funds.
If the South Mountain 202 gets built, please be sure to incorporate a bike lane separate from the
see prior comments
More funding needs to be allocated to ADOT whether through public or private means.
See previous......
Raise a lot of money.
Main reason I don't walk more is convenience/safety. It's scary to cross Ft. Valley, I have almost
been hit crossing side sts of Humphreys, Milton is just plain ugly & scary. I have seen visitors on
Milton & feel sorry for them. I assume they think poorly of Flagstaff after they have walked from
their hotel to restaurant. So to help this vision a lot of money will be needed to create a more
appealing atmosphere for pedestrians/ bicyclists to get overpasses, paths, crosswalks, etc.
where needed.
How does one get favorable press? There are some drivers who despise bike riders (one really
cursed me out just for using the street that, as he said, his tax dollars had paid for. There are
some people out there who intensely dislike bike riders. Stopped at a light, a driver yelled at me:
"I used to ride a bike, but I grew out of it." Hmmm.
Don't give up. Don't give in.
This sounds like a very noble and worthy endeavor and I know many folks who would embrace it
whole-heartedly. It will require a good deal of work, money, education; and on the backside, a fair
evaluation of the costs/benefits of this people/environmentally healthy transportation vs the
incredible environmental/ personal health/ social/ world stability costs of dependence on cars. My
greatest good luck to this vision!
Funding to realize these goals, commitment and dedicated advocates of livable communities like
It will require substantial "buy-in" from the many diverse communities in Arizona -- who can then
suggest to the State Legislature that this is a desired vision.
I think that the bike/pedestrian paths on highways should be separated by a barrier for more
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
research, money, get the word out, execute, maintain
Funding, driver education, develop bike lanes.
Don't waste any money on this stupid project.
Procure the proper funding from the legislature and procure the backing of the voters. If a
referendum is added to the ballot and voters allocate funds for this, then it can become a reality.
Work with bicycle organizations on the details, and of course obtain the required funding.
Stop the study the flowery reterric and simply start doing with all future road improvements
around cities and towns.
Help to encourage enforcement of stricter penalties when motorists kill cyclists. See
greater safety will bring greater use
It is going to take a long time. Education is a big part of it. In the long run it will increase the
quality of life in Arizona. If more people knew how really easy it is to start and work up to the
ability to cycle to commute, more would do it. I see a lot of people saying they can't without
evever trying. Education about the benefits to health, environment and considerable cost savings
should improve understanding of the vision. For a vision to be understood, it needs to be
This vision requires tax money, so we need to stop electing right wingers. When good planning is
implemented well, non-cyclists will support these changes, too. They will be less inconvenienced
than presently. As cycling becomes more practicable, the number of cyclists will increase while
(we hope) non-cyclists will decrease. ADOT must coordinate with municipalities in planning for
bicycle transportation so that the transition from city bike lanes to state bike lanes is a smooth
Just do it
Educate cyclists and motorists on the law and the generral public on the impact cycling and
walking has on the environment, their fitness and thier wallet, let alone the fun!
Encourage people to live near where they work.
Make bikelanes easy to access.
1) well marked paths and green box intersections 2) sensing technology 3) transit access further
north into Scottsdale, PV, Fntn hills; 4) maintain existing infrastructure 5)more well marked paths
and green box intersections; This plan is quite well written. A needed, ambitious approach.
Bicycling and walking is great but please don't force people away from or restrict them on their
choice of motorized transportaion if that is what they choose. Sometimes it just isn't practical the
bike or walk for most of the day's tasks.
Make bicycle infrastructure a priority. Build around it (physically and metaphorically) to enhance
economic gain.
Implement it!
sounds like fluff. integrate walking/biking with mass transit.
With the economy being what it is, any improvements will be difficult.
Stop installing lights and focus on genuine safety features.
Keep up the good work! Persist ever closer (even if it is slow-going) to a connected transportation
system with safe and convenient options for all road users to choose not to drive.
Public support, education, and analysis of the current state of pedestrian/bicycle transportation
Get people excited about it through ad campaigns, create the jobs to create the bike/walk trails,
organize volunteers to complete some of the work.
Town hall meetings.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Maps that show the connectivity of bike lanes to transit routes. Under and over passes are great
for cyclists and walkers. Include safety information about biking or walking in the heat. Maybe
include shaded seating along the bicycle and walking routes.
I odnt see the commitment yet.
Start with education of public
Go back to the "Olden Days" and do away with tons of money-wasting studies and just do it!!!
Identify best routes and implement said plan. People will make use of the infrastructure. It
encourages healthy activity and makes it possible to either recreate or commute where otherwise
impossible. It is an attraction for the state for visitors, benefit to residents and will decrease health
issues in the long term.
start many cyclists out there who want to continue and spread the word. bikes are
becoming more prevelant...let's keep the movement growing. tax money well spent, so much is
wasted use it for something that is good for economy, environment, and community.
I agree with the above as long as a fee to help off set the cost of development.
How about a change of legislators?
All new roads should include bike lanes.
Continue to engage the public with requests for information, and including known bicyclist and
pedestrian safety advocates on any planning committees. Work with sports, bicycling, triathlon,
walking, running, and leisure-sport private enterprises to help publish information, and work with
those same enterprises to find creative funding, marketing, and feedback mechanisms to
continue these improvements.
I don't think adot should take in to consideration putting bikes on HWYS, maybe for the other
reasons mentioned and keep the "bike" lingo to the city and sourrounding areas that people can
actually ride from. Add bike paths. Connect paths please.
Increase the paths/shoulders to make them bikable, safe, and enjoyable. Provide intermittent
water stations or rest areas for use by pedestrians and cyclists.
Actually fund the bike program
Inner cities need attention too, not just the highways.
Is it a viable transportation idea. If so the general public should help fund the project. Either
through money or volunteer work. Community service etc.
I like the vision, but realize it is a gradual process. I have been biking at work and bike on bus to
work in Phoenix since 1993, but I am afraid of doing this on state highways. I like sidewalks, and
would need something as safe on state high ways.
Actually implement it!
Meetings and public discussion with legistatorrs and people who use these accommodations.
This is an amazing vision! I'd guess that ADOT will need to overcome opposition from
conservative members of government and the public who feel that driving a big pickup truck (etc.)
at a high speed should be the supported mode of transportation.
educate legislators, local politicians and law enforcement.
Infastructure (i.e. complete streets) + education
First........ setup your online survey correctly so we can use is inactive!!!
Obtain funding and support from the state. It is a GREAT idea, long OVER DUE!
funding and priority.
Ensure long term, sustainable plan, is in place to realistically accommodate continual timeline
with the intent to show open end progress rather than timed/paced improvement. Be flexible but
progress when at all possible. Do not re-write goals based on funding. Adjust accordingly but be
transparent to public so we fully understand plan is still valid, timeline isn't...
Start small and keep going.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
You already follow federal and state compliance. Most SR speed limits prevent mixing ped and
vehicle due to speed. Either lower the speed of curb ROW to allow closer proximity to the
roadway. Vehicle drivers are not always the most accommodating. Walking and pushing a stroller
next to a 45+ speed limit can be hazardous. I do not believe you will ever find balance with
mission until their are separated grade paths.
I just don't agree with having pedestrians and bicyclists on our VERY dangerous
Please review previous responses survey...
Publicize and promote biking. Encourage biking by reporting on successes, the number of
commuters, the safety record of bikers, etc
Need more bike paths and especially dedicated trails/paths. Personally would not ride a bike on a
highway due to safety concerns. A segregated path following a highway would be great.
How about Rails to Trails & other separate paths away from highways for safety.
Add more bike lanes. Increase width of bike lanes to at least 4 feet. Increase the pentalty to the
driver when involved in an accident with a cyclist.
make it happen. enough talk.
Sounds like we are stuck with it whether ADOT can afford it or not.
I don't think having bikes on our major state highways is a good idea. Traffic is bad enough as it
is - adding bikes to the deal is not a good idea!
Funding for bikeways and roadways.
This plan sounds excellent.
Prioritize some funding, otherwise it is just talk.
PSA's, education via billboard use.
Start a statewide "What kind of world do you want to provide for those you care about?"
campaign and/or a "what kind of world do you want to live in for the next 10-15 years?" campaign
(I would add "buffered bike lanes" and "cycle tracks" to the last part of that statement.)
ADOT should adopt a "Complete Streets" policy to ensure that biking/walking is built into every
Start obtaining grant money from bicycle safety organizations, the Fed, and other sources friendly
to bicycle and pedestrian safety issues. Maybe we should tap into the State Lottery money. No
matter how you approach the issue, you are going to need money. I would also look at changing
some of Arizona's laws regarding bicycles and encourage enforcement of existing laws. Most
police officers don't spend any time enforcing movement laws against bicyclists.
More funding dedicated to more bike/ped facilities. Make including bike/ped facilities the default
requirement in new or repaved roads.
"Paved Multi-Use Paths". And then interconnect them. Dedicated cyclists are pretty happy with
bike lanes, but most people aren't willing to be on a bike along a 45mph road where people are
doing 55mph, especially with endemic texting while driving. The Rails to Trails program in
Minneapolis is an example of successfully adding a comprehensive, safe bicycle network to a
city. Separate, dedicated infrastructure is the only way to accomplish this goal, as stated.
Provide connectivity to the existing and planned trails, paths, etc in city, county, community plans.
The vision statement looks pretty good to me. I love the layout of the system in Sierra Vista,
although this is not an ADOT system, because it provides lots of space and ease of use. I have
lived where paths shared by bicyclists and pedestrians were so narrow that multiple usage was
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
I am really happy to be living in a State that values bicycle and pedestrian safety and
Thank you!!
Get the legislature to provide appropriate funding. Good luck!
This type of vision must be learned. Programs at elementary schools ( good place to set
foundation learning) will be supported only when parents are on board. Driving this education
with perks/prizes partnered with corporations and chamber of commerces can help adults own
this vision.
Communities have traffic plans to get traffic (cars) in and out of high commute areas. Those need
to include bike/walk plans. Providing a small shoulder on the side of a heavily traveled highway or
road is not a safe commute for bikes or pedestrians. (Example: I can drive on Grand Ave all the
way from Surprise to Phoenix, yet no bike path and plenty of room for one).
$$$ and education
1. Commit the funds.
2. Train law enforcement to enforce existing statues.
3. Change the culture in law enforcement to give bikers and pedestrians respect equal to
motorists. this is not currently the case.
4. Continue programs to educate the public about laws relating to bike and pedestrian safety. I
commonly see people using all forms of transportation violate existing statutes when doing so
makes things less safe for everyone.
If facilities are available people will use them, need to get the bike retailers, small and large, to
promote the the program - they will sell more bikes and accessories.
promote the health benefits of biking
miles and miles and miles of bike lanes please!!!
Make sure that when costs are being trimmed in proposed projects, these aspects are preserved!
Often it seems that they're the first on the chopping block, unfortunately
You must enlist the cites, towns and counties in the vision.
The experience of biking can be ruined by being too close to highways, Red lites completely kill
training efect.
I'm not sure how to accomplish it, but I sure am in support of the vision!
When roads are all rubberized, highways are maintained and divided highways are throughout
the system, then monies should be allocated for the complete system!
Make the commitment instead of doing surveys.
Educate AZ citizens on the laws of sharing the road...what is the adequate distance when
passing, who has the right of way, etc. Make them take notice by closing roads/highways for
events that promote awareness.
Noticed the Vision is not limited to 500 chars. Interesting. Answer: get organized and drive it
through. Get some funding behind it. Our out-of-touch politicians seem to respond to projects
when big money is pledged project-specific . They are all money Chameleons when it comes to
project support. It can be done.
Separate the biker.pedestrians from highway traffic so they will feel safer.
keep bicycles off the highway system
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Agreement can be taken out of context. Your questions leave open the possibility of miss-use of
these survey answers. Specifically, too often the phrase "providing/improving bicycle facilities,
lanes or shared paths" really means in the minds of misguided highway engineers an opportunity
to get bicycles off the roads by taking away their rights to use public roads and highways.
It's a lofty goal that you might get close to with huge funding, but patience has produced many
I read recently that AZ was one of the most bicycle friendly states. Way to go.
Make is a priority as high as your focus on motor vehicles.
Start by requiring all upgrades of highways, like the 260 highway east of Payson to have safety
features, signage, and wide shoulders and promote these new highways as recreation cycling
More see cycling rides for eco-tourism to offset costs.
For example - Scottsdale to Payson to Clints Well to Mormon Lake to Flagstaff to Grand Canyon
Village to Cameron to Marble Canyon to Jacobs Lake to the North Rim.
This route would make AZ a cycling destination on par with Europe.
State with AZ 180 from Flagstaff to the South Rim
there are plenty of bike paths in the phoenix and tuscon areas. unfortunately that is where you
will spend 90%+ of the $$$. it would be nice to see some EFFECTIVE use here in Kingman and
other rural areas.
Incorporate the vision from day one when new construction or repairs are planned. Maintain a
website that centralizes ideas, information and input. Make it easy to navigate and keep it up to
date. Alternate routes during construction, events, and rules of the road are a few of the things it
should have. Get the people involved - bike shops, walking/cycling groups... Adopt a path/adopt a
Infrastructure and Education!
Achieve buy-in from ADOT management and District Engineers.
None of this succeeds if they facilities are not maitained and kept clean of debris.
All of the previous recommendations, and allow for a lot of public meetings and public input into
the "Complete System"
Nice idea but will only work in cities where things are geographically close together. The only
reason to ride a bike in the rural areas is for exercise or recreation and then it is too dangerous.
Encourage the public to do their part by using infrastructure built by ADOT, to improve their own
health, reduce congestion, and reduce pollution.
A strong awareness campaign with focus on "putting the word out" with an emphasis on safety
Build a membership base of users at all ages. Let the biking demographic emerge!
I would note that many people also want to bike 'unreasonable' distances hahaha. State routes
connect cities, like Tucson->Phoenix and Phoenix to Flagstaff or Sedona. These are great routes
for cyclist that would equally benefit from improved facilities (i.e. shoulder / bike lane)
As mentioned before, throwing strong support behind the other public and private groups that are
working towards similar goals - BICAS, the Bicycle Advisory Committe, Living Streets Alliance,
etc, could be very helpful.
Dedicate funds to do this even if that takes funds away from roads. Have the media show more
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
commuters who happily walk or ride their bikes to work and do errands.
User tax and create our own routes get us off state highways
Use lotto funds, offer a license plate for bikers/walkers, charge a fee/tax in the licensing or
registration of vehicles.
Some areas need bridges for bikes/pedestrians/wildlife. My idea is to change zoning. Allow for
local "bars" that serve drinks and simple food, with NO vehicle PARKING, within neighborhoods.
You have to WALK to go to dinner and have a beer or two. Zone areas for bakeries and these
small kneipes. People will get out to walk to these destinations. Put grocery stores next to
neighborhoods, not in major shopping areas. Again, look to Europe. They have crap for weather
but they get it right.
Less talk and more action. Lots of words that took lots of time to get on paper. It is TOOOO long!
Who is gong to read it and understand it after. Make is simple we want to ride bikes on state
Educate motorists about providing sufficient room for bicyclists and pedestrians.
This sounds great but expensive. In light of the lack of significant new funding on the federal
horizon, this vision would probably require a combination either new taxes (sales tax, gasoline
tax?) and reallocation from other parts of the ADOT budget. Once constructed,
bicycle/pedestrian facilities are relatively inexpensive to maintain.
Allocate a specific revenue stream to implementation of the vision.
ADOT will probably have to convince conservatives that it's a good idea.
Try to look at other places to see how they have done it and implement their ideas. Good places
to look is European countries; Denmark has extensive pedestrian and bicyclist transit, just as an
example. I used to bike from my house in Copenhagen to my dads house in Holte, which was
about 11 miles. I rode next to the freeway/highway the whole way.
Don't forget the Golf Carts
Require any future plan of roads to include considerations for pedestrians and bicyclists.
get some government funding and start building and educating the public.
Start today!
Start today! Get the cycling community behind you. Contact the clubs, the PBAA, etc.and
connect these folks with the tourism offices around the state. You all could make us stand out as
a Platinum level state which I believe will be a sound investment.
ADOT needs to make safe routes that are divided from the roadway. Motorists do not respect
cyclists of freeways and it is currently very dangerous. There are also debris that need to be
cleared. Keeping cyclists and pedestrians separate from cars is the key to safety.
Work hard on it and don't let the naysayers who think cyclists don't pay their fair share get the
upper hand. We do pay for roads, most all of us have a car too. I for one would like less cars on
the road and more bikes for many reasons.
Building more and more bike paths will be the key. If a person feels they can bike the majority of
the trip on a bike path, they will be more willing to bike on streets for short periods to link those
bike paths together.
This is a beginning start. Follow the logical suggestions provided by this survey. Anyone
completing this survey is interested and trying to help. A lot needs to be done.
Start with children and their parents. Bike racks at school are empty because parents can see
that it isn't safe for their child to ride to school. Start a program with parent/bike volunteers. Teach
parents (many of whom are the very distracted drivers that threaten bicyclist (unintentionally) to
drive with attention
Wow, this is a tall order. Keep partnering with bike groups. Make sure ADOT leaders are in favor
of this vision, and represent it well at state gov't level so that funding is maintained. Work with
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
bike groups and tourist bureaus to try and determine $$ vlaue of good bike trails for nonresidents, or even to determine if good trails attract the kinds of employees needed by AZ
I think ADOT needs to contact bicycle clubs and state organizations such as ABRA and MBAA. I
volunteer my time to maintain and build trails at several state parks. However, we are a small
percent of the bicycle riders/community. More bicycle riders, clubs and state organizations need
to be involved.
Do what I just suggested.
I could not enter my responses into your program. It needs to be revised so that responses
entered stay in the boxes entered.
More equitable funding (make budget reflect % of users who take trips by walking or biking).
Coordinate with other agencies to ensure continuous facilities and easy transition when facilities
cross jurisdictional boundaries, require bikes and peds to be considered on any new project or
renovation/overhaul of existing facilities, improve signage and wayfinding.
That is a lofty goal! Arizona would need to become a "blue state" for this vision to even become
remotely feasible, and I don't see that happening.
Aggressively pursue this plan by bringing health and eco/environmental groups on-board to
assist in the push. Press members of planning team to use these forms of transportation
regularly throughout the state (maybe incentives for number of days riding/walking to work, etc).
I hear it but I don't see it. I've, been bike commuting for 40 years. There are significantly more
bike lanes than ever before BUT they all have the same flaw THEY JUST END 200 feet or more
before the intersection. Also, separate the bike paths/lanes from the ones for walking. If you
significantly increase walking and biking traffic you will create congestion. This will make it too
crowded for cyclists to use the lanes/paths,
It needs the support of those folks using the roads as pedestrians and cyclists. I can tell the
group is growing, it needs to be mobilized. I believe many of those folks would volunteer their
time to assist.
Please continue to forge ahead.
No significant change in public behavior comes easily.
Start adding those bike lanes as soon as possible!
Not sure what I think of this. It's a good vision, but the reality is, people live so far away from work
and shopping, and it's so hot during the summer, that I don't think cycling and walking is
reasonable for most daily activities. And an ADOT plan isn't going to impact that very much. Still,
better facilities would be awesome.
Please remove this in the first paragraph: "...within a reasonable distance..." My reasonable
distance is much farther than many people. And as people start to ride their idea of a reasonable
distance gets longer. In addition, that is vague and a hedge against expansion of providing all
the things you're supposedly advocating for. Please remove that phrase.
Many motorists don't agree that cyclists deserve to share the road, despite the fact that we all pay
taxes to build the same roads. Many of our roads are safe for travel unless an inattentive or
angry motorist decides otherwise. Education of cyclists rights and stiffer penalties for those who
violate those rights needs to be a primary piece of this vision.
Keep up the effort and continue looking forward.
Again, be serious about making this a priority and carry through to implementation. I would hate
to see a plan that sits on a shelf that never gets implemented. I am thrilled at the above statement
and hope it receives real funding support.
do it!
Focus on making our streets safer for bike riding. This includes bike lanes, street lighting, signs.
Build and maintain the facilities. People will come out in droves to use them.
You're aiming too high. You first need to find out what people's preferences are then aim a little
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Complete the sidewalks. I can't bike anywhere in my neighborhood because the sidewalks cut
off abruptly. This is a huge hazard at night.
Must continue to add bike lanes and must keep all bike lanes clear of debris, etc. so they can be
Create a pedestrian/bike path that is interconnected throughout the valley. We have the perfect
climate for it with a myriad of athletes that live in the valley.
Communicate and gain feedback from motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists to find out their
experiences that could cause dangerous or confusing situations when these pathway users are
sharing the road/path. Engineer innovative, clear and effective right of ways at intersections.
Increase the width of bike lanes.
Southern California has some very nice bike paths and wide lanes along the sides of roads. One
especially useful effort would be to clean debris off of bike paths. We quite like riding the Usery
pass loop along the Salt River. However, there is sometimes debris in the bike path area causing
flat hazards.
Thanks for your efforts.
Cyclists & walkers need to be able to cross roads. Many intersections are so wide that it's
impossible for people with limited mobility to cross safely. Making roads more friendly to walking
& cycling instead of traffic would help get people out of their cars because it becomes more
convenient NOT to drive. Consider closing an entire lane on major roads to nothing but bikers &
walkers, add shaded water stops at reasonable distances, & more people would be willing to step
out of their cars.
cyclists and pedestrians have just as much right as anyone else therefore if there are more
possibilites for them I can see how this can become a reality.
Allocate significant funding to improving bicycle and pedestrian facilities and access. Incorporate
these ideals in every project.
A lot will need to be done to ensure safety & to carry that over to pedestrians & bikers so that they
will utilize the system.
Get busy.
We need to educate drivers to look for pedestrians and bicyclists at all danger areas. And please
have the law enforcement agents/police do their job, backed up by the court system to reinforce
the law. Nobody gets to run over a walker or biker and get away with a slap on the wrist.
A lot. I have cycled in 15 states and AZ has been the most unpleasant. Phoenix, for a young city,
is NOT cyclist friendly. Even Flagstaff, a "progressive" town, is not particularly receptive to
cyclists. Motorists are not friendly to the cycling community, infrastructure is lacking, cycling is not
promoted by organizations/government. Roads are in terrible condition. Learn from Vancouver,
Portland, Madison, etc.
Develop a comprehensive plan but implement in an incremental way to gain support and not
waste money on things that turn out not to work.
Plenty of people already commute by bicycle, and many more would if the routes were
guaranteed to be safe. Bike only routes, or shared use routes w/massive safety improvements=
increased usage.For research: Contact:local riding groups, medium to large businesses
(commuters), on the spot commuter traffic studies .Large, long corridors for cyclists - we need
safe routes for the long hauls. Smaller streets = navigate to the final destination.
I think this is all window dressing. A grand plan to talk about for the next 20 years.
1 - Seek public input on design, 2 - then seek public input on design options after you get public
input, especially from bike riders, 3 - seek grant funding to assist with construction costs.
Let's provide a survey that works when we try to click - right now, nothing happens.
Get on the ball !
We need to appropriate a dedicated funding source for this project and get public/community buy-
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
in to support it.
Execute your vision! Don't compromise safety/health and also seek funding from the Department
of Health and Human Services because you are encouraging an active lifestyle that can curb
things like obesity and diabetes.
We need to ADOT to help engage the state lawmakers to make the penalty for injuring/killing
peds/cyclists more severe. A simple monatary fine is meaningless. We need to work to stop
distracted driving and people need to lose their driving privs if they injure/kill people.
Involve communities in all aspect of planning and feedback. Picture Rocks would be one
community who would be very involved and encouarage all residents to consider biking and
walking if it was safer to do so. Connect with people who have to bike or walk to get ideas on
how to improve things. Ask more people why they do not bike or walk to address concerns that
are not being met.
I agree with the exception to the bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Im not sure what exactly that is
but it sounds like a structure for bicyclists and pedestrians which I don't believe is necessary. I
believe a large amount of cross valley bike lanes and pedestrian lanes would be a benefit to the
be serious about it, not just print words. have ADOT personnel visit communities that want bikers
and walkers and see what they need. and followup, followup and followup to see if your plans
and help is working.
Please define "reasonable distance" I would like to bike to work 18 miles every day, some would
not consider this reasonable, however I do and am willing to do so if there was a safe route.
unfortunately there is not. Please visit a city like Seattle that literally has hundreds of miles of
cycling/pedestrian path completely off the roadways and where there is no path there is defined
bike lanes for safe travel.
create the infrastructure. have more buses/light rail system equipped to transport bikes for
commuters who have the need.
Work with groups that work with communities to encourage cyclists and pedestrians, use NGOs
effectively. The communities (cycling, etc.) will best know how resources should be allocated.
Encourage the state to understand that the cost of infrastucture for cars is far greater than the
infastructure for pedestrians, mass transit, etc. Educate people to stop asking when mass transit
systems will 'pay for themselves' and start asking when endless miles of asphalt for cars will pay
for itself.
Recognize that bicycling is a multimillion dollar industry and explain that to the legislature.
The only way to make this a safe reality is to educate the public about sharing the road. The only
way to make it safe for pedestrians and cyclists is to OUTLAW distracted driving including use of
cell phones, GPS, etc. while vehicle is in motion. It would be helpful to also have steeper
penalties for simple traffic laws like rolling through a stop sign or traffic light, not yielding to
cyclists/cutting them off, and driving in bike lane.
Publish realistic "total cost to own and operate" for various types of vehicles, fullsize trucks, mini-vans, SUVs, motorcycles of various displacements, etc.
Contrast with the cost of using public transportation, bicycling and walking.
Include parking costs and transit time for various distances and modes.
See other comments.
More bike lanes and storage at public facilities/work locations.
Tax incentives for employees promoting bike usage
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Banning cell phone and texting in cars
Establish a political power base by recruiting influential civic or popular leaders that embrace
walking, hiking and bicycling to influence political subdivisions and their respective decision
makers. I.e., pressure group tactics to make the state a better place to live.
Get help from bicycle clubs and advocacy groups.
Create awareness to the community along with improvements.
Add bike paths to the most traveled highways and streets. If people sitting in traffic jams could
see me pedal right by them perhaps they would park their car and ride a bike as well.
Add wording specific to bicycle touring along scenic corridors and between communities. Update
design standards, amend state law, obtain ongoing fundingt targeted for these improvements,
improve coordination with bicycle and pedestrian organizations and lobby groups, actively
prommote bicycle touring and commuter routes.
educate youth, include them in surveys such as this, do outreach to youth programs and schools
Start somewhere (a bike and pedestrain concentrated area such as Scottsdale, Tempe, nothern
Glendale, parts of Tucson, etc) and show it works, then expand it.
This is a state where 9 months a year it is too hot to ride a bike. This is all a huge waste of
money for just a few months of possible riding
ADOT needs to seek bipartisan support for such an endeavor. This is larger than a political issue,
as it affects the health as well as economics for entire communities.
Do it, don't just say it.
Submit a comprehensive proposal to the State legislature, Cities, Counties, private industry and
Federal Agencies citing the Vision's positive impacts on controlling health care costs while
improving job creation and income levels
Widening rural bike lanes is important.
build bike lanes on every piece of new road including highways such as the planned expansion of
the 202 over Pecos rd to connect to the east valley
JUST DO IT! If you build it, they will use it.
Just do it!
Convince taxpayers that this is a worthwhile investment. For bicyclists, pedestrians, and overall
progressive people, this is an easy sell. What you will need to work on are the hardcore motorists
that are uncomfortable for whatever reason with using bicycles and walking as a mode of
transportation instead of a purely recreational activity.
Ensure that drivers realize that cyclists and pedestrians have a right to be on the road. We are
getting hit and killed at an alarming rate, and it feels like cyclists are turning into moving targets
for people out there driving while talking on the phone, texting or playing with their GPS. You will
not get more people to walk and bike if there are no repercussions for distracted drivers who hit
someone, and even kill them.
Keep it on a positive note and encourage others to join in. Health and Safety are concerns for all
My own take on a Slogan you might use for some PR
"We make the path Safer, so you can make it there Healthier! ADOT improving Bike and
Pedestrian Pathways as per your request." ~ Donna L. Creamer 928-266-1373
Build the system
Educate motorists
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Educate those who choose to keep driving their cars/suvs/trucks. Merely indicating right of way
doesn't do much. People pay more attention to their phones. Get the word out, educate. To get
people out, and participating, they have to feel safe. Improve legislation to protect users cyclists
and pedestrians.
I agree with the statement but ADOT has limited jusrisdiction. To really make an improvment we
need to increase the number of (bike & pedestrian) paths (like the urban paths in Flagstaff).
ADOT should partner with cities and SRP to take advantage of canals and other shared spaces
where paths could be constructed.
This is excellent. The current system is excellent as well. What people fear are distracted
motorists, which are still a problem even when using the designated bike lanes. The above
statement, along with actions taken to increase driver awareness (or punish the offenders more
severely) would be great. Phoenix has an amazing bike lane system throughout the city-probably the best anywhere. Phoenix also has a terrifying amount of distracted/inconsiderate
If ADOT's general plan focuses on the movement of people in all the various forms and goods,
then bicycle and pedestrian accommodations will have an equal seat at the table, because they
are all equally important to the people who choose other than an auto to move. To not have
bicycle and pedestrian options as part of the big picture on par with auto traffic, you are kidding
yourselves into thinking you will make this vision a reality with any authenticity.
Commit in full to executing this! The amount of additional funding necessary to doing this is
relatively inconsequential in the broader transportation budget...striping a bike lane and adding a
couple of feet of asphalt is not much $ relatively, for example.
Probably will have to grapple with a broken state legislature in order to get funding, but i'm not
certain how that works. Sounds like a great plan and I hope there will be volunteer opportunites
enforce prosecution of drivers who injure/maim/kill bikers/peds.
Promote selected corridors for pedestrians and other selected corridors for bicyclists, such as
from one state park to another or one county park to another, or from parks to enter the canal
roads for both pedestrians and bicyclists.
It is not the right time to focus on this vision. Once our current roads are fixed with the money
that was supposed to go to them then we can begin to look at improving other things.
Motivate, fund, educate, and implement in a short period of time. Don't take 5 or 10 years to do
this or it will lose any traction and momentum you might have. Implementing quickly allows the
results to be seen, monitored, and analyzed in a timely manner. If you drag it out, people (peds
and cyclists) will get demotivated and not think you're really doing anything.
Most people do not have the luxury of living close enough to their place of employment to bike, or
walk. We drive 10 to 30 minutes, one way, maybe more as an average to work. This is probably
not going to change. Most walking or biking is strictly recreational. Pedestrian and bike paths are
needed to keep both pedestrian and bikes off our already congested streets and highways!
add a tax to gas, encourage infill city development, reward businesses for moving to the
downtown areas, encourage/require bike racks, in a dream world there'd be treelined paths,
water fountains, an occasional restroom, supermarkets/entertainment within walking distance to
homes, fewer parking facilities and lots, I could go on...
Support securing the border to Mexico, use money previously diverted for deportation and free
healthcare to illegal immigrants and spend it on new pedestrian/biking facilities.
Design and implement a plan including accountability
Put their heart to it and concentrate on the wellbeing of these people who help us maintain a
healthier lifestyle and a safer planet alltogether.
It will take funding and the passion of bike-ped enthusiasts to make this happen. ADOT must
demonstrate that this vision is what's best for all Arizonans to get the car-only people to back it.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Obtain an actual "Public Commitment" from the State & Local Government, not just a survey.
A lot of highly educated people are cyclists, have two qualified cyclists (minimum) from each city
comprise a state sponsored committee (try to make this a NON partisan group) to work with
ADOT and State Government to review and consult on Routes, Improvements, and MOST
IMPORTANT, State and Local Laws before they are passed or implemented.
Stick to their plan and make every stride in that direction for the greatest possible outcome.
Add facilities and improve existing ones and vigorously publicize the enhancements; it would help
if a government leader such as the governor or state legislators led by example and used, or at
least tried once, enhanced bicycle and pedestrian facilities
Build shoulders on as many roads as possible.
Plan and implement!
Make consider investment retrofitting existing facilities.
More Multi use paths and bike lanes that connect
Seek city participation in a voluntary uniform set of pedestrian and bicycle standards for
education, laws, and signage.
Fund it and build it, quit thinking about it and just get it done. Spend less on the study and apply it
to task completion. I used to work for ADOT, it took longer to fill out the paper work to sign out a
car than it took to complete the entire task for which I needed the car so I know intimately of the
difficulties in getting things done at the state. Hire the guys that did the I-10 work out here in the
Goodyear area - they were awesome at getting things done (from a travelers point of view).
I believe that there must be accomodation on existing roadways for bicycle traffic. To move
transport off the roadways will only allow "motor centric" citizens an avenue in time to ban cyclists
from public roadways citing public safety concerns.
This will require a lot of effort educating citizens on the advantages of bicycling and walking. It
can be done especially if it is done at the grass root level using bicycling enthusiasts as well as
people who are into nature, health and walking.
If a tax increase is necessary to make the connectivity options a reality than so be it. If fuel taxes
increase people will look to other methods to save money i.e. walking, cycling.
Good luck, I will believe it when I see it.
use their monies for better roads and use special funding for multi use paths.
I think ADOT has been doing a great job of this already. That only goes for ADOT's area, though;
the cities and towns are still as unfriendly as anywhere else, unfortunately. To make this vision a
reality, there is going to need to be some liaison work with the areas where highways intersect
with towns. Maybe more traffic signs stating that bicycles are vehicles too, so we don't have
motorists wasting law enforcement time reporting a cyclist in a traffic lane.
Well, I would consider giving you suggestions but 500 characters is way too short. Suffice it to
say that you would need a lot of money to achieve this as ppl will become lax in a short time.
Therefore the approach needs to "hit home" the first time; with importance stressed on safety
(1st), cost saving (2nd), healthy living (3rd) and energy saving (4th)
Tax adults riding bicycles.
planning and encourage residents to use the facilities.
Billboards, printed material and electronic media about safety and show someone racking a bike
on a bus/light rail
Shared use paths for cycling and walking are not ideal for cycling, because bikes and pedestrians
don't mix well due to speed difference. Sidewalks for pedestrians and bike lanes for cycling offer
the best solution.
Change the killer law stating that bikers must ride with the flow of traffic. Bikes can't compete with
cars, SUVs and trucks. Bikes can't dodge out of the way if the rider doesn't know a vehicle is
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
swerving toward them. You, go for a bike ride and see how safe you feel knowing vehicles are
coming up on you from behind.
Increasing percentage of total available monetary and time resources devoted to these initiatives
instead of automotive initiatives.
help voters understand the relevance in relation to the money the state could save on not
providing transportation money to support gas powered machines,
Educate people on all of the benefits of walking/cycling versus driving. Identify a target group
such as: a) College students, b) a Community/City/Village/Church, c) Public employees to buy-in
and model vision. This target group could receive an incentive for participation and serve as part
of a focus group.
You have to work hard to make any vision a reality. Build support within recreational
communities, and let the people help.
Use people effectively. There are too many ADOT employees that do a whole lot of nothing.
See previous comments & continue to work with the cycling community for cooperation.
In terms of connecting cycling to other forms of transit, is there any way to decrease bicycle theft
at mass transit areas? I know I've seen lock box concept overseas to deter theft.
i think we can use/promote use of the canals more. need car-free passage at intersections or
lights to make it safe.
ADOT needs to work with recreational cyclists as well as commuters to enhance the enjoyment of
bicycle users on the roads. When a shoulder or bike lane ends, or there's a shoulder on one side
but not the other, it's hard to plan a route. The complete system needs to account for city and
county maintained roads as well. When new highways are built, existing routes may become
unsafe for cycling unless a right of way is planned -- specifically Pecos Rd. in Ahwatukee.
Enforce basic safety laws such as signaling and multiple lane changes with no warning, creating
unsafe conditions for those around them. When the drivers are more skilled, having more bike
paths will be the next step.
The issue is not a "state highway" issue per se... Our day to day internsl city streets for everyday
use that need the most work first & foremost.
support and publicity. There is a HUGE community of triathletes, cyclists and even commuters in
AZ and there is a giant body of support for this. Facebook would be a good means of spreading
the word. I have seen this survey posted on Facebook multiple times already today, which is
going out to hundreds of people who are also reposting it to hundreds of others!
As someone whose general mode of transportation is two feet or two wheels, it is exciting to see
ADOT taking the initiative in creating, promoting and nurturing other ways of getting places.
Educating residents about state laws concerning bicycles and pedestrian using highways and
how the laws governing interaction with vehicular traffic will be very helpful; enabling everyone to
feel safe as they are proper using the highway system.
Education of all parties, drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists and increasing funding for the whole
to make this vision a reality will require more taxes . . . but, of course, paid only by those of us
who actually to the paying . . . and i pay enough, thank you.
Commit to putting in bike lanes on every new road that is built!
dont just talk walk the walk or ride the ride
Active relationship with the people, come and see us training, racing, having fun out there in
Please do not stay in your office all day.
Become one of us and you will see how long we have been screaming in silence looking for you
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
We love Arizona, we love our kids... and yes We love you....
Emphasize courtesy, safety, and consideration for others. Bicyclists and pedestrians alway lose
in an accident with a car, and it is not always the car driver at fault. Sharing the road means
shared responsibility.
Secure funding to make many of the identified needs
Create wider shoulder for cyclists. Use better signage that informs drivers how to interact with
pedestrians/cyclists. Enforce these areas with police and warn/ticket people driving recklessly.
Focus on driver education! Motorists don't seem to think of pedestrians or cyclists (or other
motorists for that matter) as other people. They think of them as road blocks. Until this attitude
changes this vision will be very difficult to realize. Oh, and if you have time bike lanes on
overpasses need lots of work and roundabouts on a bike can be quite scary.
Make biking/walking enjoyable by providing shade, separation from cars (complete dedicated
paths are best), water, and convenient routes between popular destinations like stores/shops.
identify areas of the highway system that need improvement through public input
YOUR VEHICLE--- that'll make motorists look out for us! IF YOU ARE NOT SKILLED ENOUGH
to be more communication to the public that cyclists have a RIGHT to the road!!!!
you've completly overlooked the recreational cyclist (75 - 250 miles/week) which put many more
miles on the roads than commuters and thus far more likely to be hit. Every week we hear of
fellow riders being struck by cars which is mostly due to the lack of distance between car and
bike which agrivates drivers and is unsafe for cyclists.
Love it...
Money and buy-in from state law makers. Good luck!
This is a great plan but if safety is not the top priority this will not be used. Cell phone use without
a bluetooth needs to be banned as well as texting and driving. There are way too many distracted
drivers on our roads and if a "Complete System" does not include some extensive education
through PSA's and driving school drivers will continue to believe bikers "don't belong on the road"
and that "the bikers are breaking the law". Would love to see this happen but I'm concerned about
Would also need to provide bike stands to lock bicycles to. Would require employer cooperation,
have a few areas in parking lots or front of buildings designated for bicycle parking (Some do this
already, most do not because everyone drives their car everywhere they go). Really need a
cultural change to get people to exercise or gas prices need to go up to $10 - $20 per gallon.
Somehow, obtain a reasonable amount of funding from a legislature that equates anything spent
by the government on something that doesn't support their constituency as socialism.
do it
Cut through the bureaucracy that often kills plans and agendas that are actually a benefit to the
people rather than a politician's personal agenda.
Just do it, provided ADOT is provided adequate funding.
address to local communities, clubs, and to AZ State Legislators.
Increase awareness of cyclists on the road and how this can help save money, the environment,
Dedicated state funds to not just build it but continue to expand and maintain it. This should
become a priority for the state, not an add-on to roadways.
more bike lanes
Keep building on what is already available. I bicycle and use the light rail. I feel safe is why.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Take it one step at a time. Trying to fund such a project in its entirety would probably generate a
lot of resistance. Start with widening ALL state highways so that people can first use their bikes,
educate through MVD & PSAs, then begin to tie it all together.
Encouraging local businesses and communities to educate their employees and neighbors that
ADOT provides and encourages bicycle and pedestrian traffic, then provide strong incentives to
ride and walk.
This all starts with driver education. Too many drivers have it out for us cyclists, bound and
determined to be negative about all things cycling-related. Please educate the drivers and
increase penalties for guilty parties.
Also add in maintenance of the current and to be cycling and walking amenities. Once you make
it you have to keep it up!
Bike paths would be the ultimate way to go that are separate from traffic,but adjacent and or
near traffic sort of like Scottsdales Greenbelt that runs next to Hayden Road.... My guess it would
be costly to install and maintain,
Use money now directed to automobile use and support towards bicycle use instead.
Increase driver awareness and make roads safer for bicycles and pedestrians. Reinforce this
with stiff penalties bike lane infractions etc. . Require law enforcement to react to car-cycling
accidents similar to vehicle-vehicle accidents. Get tougher on my fellow cyclists who don't follow
rules of the road.
Education is critical to making this more of a reality. Please see previous comments and
If the intent is to allow a mix of bicycling, buses, and rail, the buses and rail cars will need to
provide temporary storage space for bicycles, perhaps for a fee.
Do similar advocacy as you did for the Light Rail system. PSA's on tv, online, pamphlets, etc.
Get with the Arizona Bicyclists Against Distracted Drivers to form alliances with the cycling
community to help "get the word out, etc."
Start by building it.
Commit to it and make a cohesive and creative marketing plan that supports, educates and
promotes on-vehicle use.
I hope the commitment of the policy budget makers exists.
Implement paragraph 3, above.
This survey would have been much more effective if it allows someone taking the time to fill it out
to actually click on the desired answer. I think the cyclist are a hazzard and the ones that want to
be safe are. The ones taking the chances and are careless are the ones that get hurt.
Make multi-use pathways part of road planning at the very beginning. As it is, they tend to be an
afterthought, which leaves dangerous gaps in high-traffic areas.
Needs to clearly state that by incorporating into state highway design, it does not mean bikes will
be traveling 3 feet away from 65mph cars. It needs to be a trail separated but following the path
of the highway. I picture, Oregon, Colorado, and many other states I've visited.
The vision looks good. Find and secure the funding. Rally those already walking and bicycling to
work so that they become advocates.
Assign a Bicycle & Pedestrian committee and get out in AZ promote the program & educate.
bicycle and pedestrian traffic should be provided and protected on local and collector streets. to
a limited degree, they should be provided and protected on minor arterial streets. they do not
belong on Major Arterials such as many state routes.
Strongly agree. Could this be framed in terms of return on investment?
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
I think I read that Wisconsin's bike tourism brings in $1 Billion a year. Why don't we invite those
summer Wisconsin bikers to Arizona in the winter? Would it be wise for the state to invest $100
Million to bring in $1 Billion?
I believe you have adequately defined the needs in your Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.
I love that ADOT is seriously looking at alternatives to autos. THis is the wave of the future.
Set measureable intermediate goals.
I think a "complete system" is one in which the paths for cyclists or pedestrians are totally
protected from motorists. While not entirely feesable in all areas, it's certainly doable in areas
where new construction or renewal is taking place. Barriers that help each user identify where
he/she is supposed to be along with clear right of way signage and signals will make people feel
more safe ad encouraged to ride or walk.
Educate the driving public to the safety and laws of cyclists and pedestrians, make punishment
more stringent to encourage compliance with these laws. EDUCATION EDUCATION
see the previous suggestions I made- I feel they will be a good start!
In principal this sounds great, but I disagree because I think you need to find a new funding
source to pay for the sidewalks and bike paths. ADOT should focus on building highways and
use our highway funds to build roads that move cars and commercial vehicles. These amenities
need to be paid for either by the users or come from another revenue source other than our
highway funds. Maybe charge another $5 on VLT for "bicycle and pedestrian sidewalks".
I agree with this only if people become more aware of bicylists and pedestrians, and stop the look
out for me attitude
Build more bike paths, there's room to do it along side highways, especially the 202 loop.
Convince the state and federal government to set aside the funds to make it happen.
1. "all abilities"... get real and state it.
2. "facilities".. focus on the getting from point A to point B... not bicycle parking, etc.
Make it happein:
1. Make it SAFE
educate stakeholders and legislators; invest in infrastructure--and maintain it!!; support
enforcement that targets vehicle violations rather than peds and cyclists (who are the most
vulnerable users of these thoroughfares), while educating peds ands cyclists about safe use of
roadways (for themselves and other peds/cyclists and for establishing good will w motorists)
One idea is to change some of your rules for example I was trying to get them to leave the old
highway from Globe to Roosevelt so that it would be used by cyclist/pedestrians but the rules
required that once the new hwy was built it needed to be reclaimed to a natural state. We should
have been able to at least entertain that idea.
See ALL other suggestions listed. Also, run commercials, talk shows on radio, have 'bike days to
work monthly', random prizes to cyclissts!
When yu start including the use of highways for bikes and walking thats a problem. If you come
to possilbe solutions tht would be the time to evaluate with a survey and the generic statement is
to vague without meaningful potential solutions.
Look at the fed wasting tax payers money on pet projects. Taxpayers get it, donteful spending!!!!
you??? Stop wast
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
OK, but for now get these fools off of highways not built for safe use! Any roadway without paved
shoulders at least two foot wide is a serious safety hazard for any driver or rider! Don't make it
Scale it back to something finantially feasible.
education to motorists...
bicycle safety for motorists and licences..
build more bike lanes..
better marking and signs
marketing campaign on sharing the road.
I LOVE the statement. I think it will take some serious advertising/educating to get people on
board. I would work closely with local biking organizations to find out the best way to reach the
local cyclists/pedestrians (i.e. Flagstaff Biking Organization or Flagstaff Trail Runners
Very well stated!
replace many state legislatiors and governor
Wait until we have a better economy to spend too much money for biking.
You have to have funding and I don't see that being available for a long time.
Improve all facilities, paths and highways to encourage more use exactly as stated above.
Incorporate bike and pedestrian-friendly standards in all projects. Give more authority to the bike
coordinator to ensure every project is given proper consideration to bicycles and pedestrians
rather than a secondard consideration.
Coordinate and collaborate with other state, local, and federal agencies to come up with creative
Begin a "Mobility Education" program in the schools to replace driver education. This would
include safe routes education; how to plan a trip by any mode or combination of modes; teach
basic bike care/maintenance in grade school; work with local planning agencies to enhance
connectivity between neighborhoods and activity centers.
Strong leadership, a real commitment at the highest level of government, $$$$, patience, total
Seek additional federal funding for bicycling and pedestrian related improvements.
Make the bike lane safer with rumble strips just outside the bike lanes or raised reflectors just
outside the bike lanes to alert cars they are in the bike lane. Stricter laws regarding cars that
strick cyclists would also help.
Subtract spending on automobile infrastructure and give that money to bicycling and pedestrian
Educate motorist that they are responsible for their driving and that they ALWAYS need to pay
attention when driving. Create and enforce strict distracted driving laws. Pedestrians are not
going away... and there needs to be a better way or making motorist realize that they simply need
to share the road and be responsible for their actions.
Focus on the "in-town" use. Help Cities and counties to become more bike friendly, this is where
the ridership potential is. Where ever ADOT ROW meets City ROW they should have good
connections for bikes. Concentrating on a remote state highway is a waste of money. Focus on
the low hanging fruit, where ADOT connects to the urban biking potential (overpasses, transit
stops paths are first choice)
Get the funding either through grants or federal infrastructure dollars and "git 'er done!" In other
words, Just DO It!
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
It's a good start. Might want to remove the wording "comfortably", "more pleasant" and "more
comfortable" You have no control over this variable.
"Complete System" implies that nothing has been overlooked and, once in place, will meet every
situation imaginable. Not realistic
I would also encourage some form of wording to incorporate a team effort between bicyclists,
walkers, nd motorist.
Obtain high-level commitment/funding governor/elected officials. Recruit coalition of "champions"
to act as sponsors across state. Create short vision statement that everyone can remember.
Recruit community leaders from across the state to be stakeholders (ask for their opinions/ideas).
Communicate, communicate!. Deal with emerging problems quickly and visibly. Don't declare
victory too soon-a continual change/evolution process. It is a race without a finish line!
work with local bike clubs, local businesses (not limited to bike and sporting stores), hospitals and
health organizations on promotion and education. BIG: local police need to enforce vehicle &
pedestrian laws! Bicyclists flagrantly break vehicle laws (traffic control devices) & pedestrians
endanger everyone with crossing major streets not at crosswalks. This is dangerous and makes
motorists intolerant.
Excellent progress is already being made in some areas of the State so build on that success.
I agree mostly, but Arizona is loaded with hills and valleys. I don't walk because of the huge
exertion on my arthritic knees going up and down. I don't know what ADOT can do to about this.
Maybe have areas to walk/bike that have levels like in snow skiing. That would be interesting.
This is my opinion only. In this day and age with unemployment steadily between 8 and 9%. I
don't see how the tax payers would be happy with ADOT getting involved in side walks and bike
paths. If the state has so much extra funding it needs to spend money on; I say take care of the
employees who saw 3% raises back when Janet Napoletono was Governor and put some cash in
our rainy day fund.
ADOT will be confronted with the enormous task of educating the public that safe bicycle traffic
will enhance city life and that subjugation of bicycle traffic by vehicle traffic is counter to
enhanced city life.
Work with the many Arizona bicycle clubs, hiking clubs, bike shops and hike shops to lobby state
lawmakers and get the word out to the general public.
Try to mirror what they have do in Germany. Send a team to Hiedelbergh and observe the traffic
controls and bike paths, whenever possible they have tunnels under train tracks, bridges over the
autobahn. They have signals for the bikes and pedestrians. They are a healthier people and
spend less on transportation because they can bicycle places.
Somewhere, I think ADOT should have a "showcase" boulevard that features the best ideas for
safely and freely cycling, walking/running without fear or worry of cars or traffic.
I agree, if this actually happens. The current system is far from "complete". ADOT (and local
cities) would benefit from input from cyclists. For example, Cactus road near 96th street has a
new bike lane. Made of concrete. Who came up with that? It's clear cyclists were not consulted.
convince the legislature (good luck!)
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Start NOW
Make the public aware, get cycling communities, shops and local advocacy groups involved to
help ensure that the decisions being made are not one-sided.
Put time & money into making our roadways safer. Encourage changes in the state laws so that
motorists killing a cyclist or pedestrian have harsher punishments. Educate drivers: cyclists are
allowed on the road, they can ride two abreast, can take up a whole lane if there is unsafe
passing distance, passing distance is three feet, etc . Ask questions about these laws on permit
and driving tests
Get a grip on reality. No one rides a bike or walks in 100 Deg. plus weather. The vast majority of
bike riding I observe in the city is for recreation, not transportation. ADOT should not be adding
bike access for the recreational users. The only practical application is in urban area to link
existing city bike and pedestrian infrastructure. When bike start paying their way for their lanes
etc., then start adding these.
The trouble with planners is that they don't build anything. I've attended too many planning
meetings where the five year plan becomes the ten year plan, eventually becoming the twenty
year plan...Maybe. Wonderful plans that never lead to building anything. It would be nice to see
something more built in my lifetime.
Educate and advocate
Who has time necessary to bike/walk to work? Is a 30 min bike commute or 1 hr walk realistic to
a 15 min car ride? What is considered reasonable distance? The highway system isn't integral to
pedestrian-scale travel; but more of an impediment within the city areas. Sharing roadways
between bikes/peds with highways does not seem like a good idea; separation of these two very
different levels of traffic is necessary for safety. I like the idea of bike over/underpasses and safer
The population and driving age and demeanor of the residents in many urban areas are not
conducive to safely implementing this idea. Ideal world, ideal situation, yes. Phoenix and other
areas in the valley are just to aggressive to have bicycles and pedestrians on the same highways!
Look at the number of motorcycle accidents where people say "I never saw him..........." .Is there
a way to utilize our surface streets and make them more accommodating to this type of traffic?
I bike to work 2 days per week. This is 25 miles round trip! I think it would be great to have safer
lanes of travel for bikes so we could all decrease our carbon footprint, decrease weight, and
increase health!
The difficult aspect is conviencing motorist I would look to some of the european cities and
countries who have make these types of changes for ways to improve our "complete system".
Not sure
Can't be done; we're too HOT much of the year and have more important issues to be funded
such as CPS, health care, etc.
I have not seen a consistent action in the past. Need to follow through.
Disagree with first paragraph. AZ is already a place where bicycling and walking are convenient
and safe. Would suggest changing to state: "to continue our flexibility in transportation choices,
ADOT will design future improvements and additions to accommodate all modes of
Reallocation of funds in the treasury, espceially those that come from fuel taxes.
Much better education for all users of the highway system.
Complete the vision. Too many projects never make it out of concept stage. It will take
leadership with determination to ensure this vision is realized. Thanks!
Arizona is not a bicycle/pedestrian encouraging state.
I doubt there is much hope for public excitement.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Knowing our state, you could probably generate more interest by
creating some dirt paths for stage coach use.
Encourage communities to adopt a "complete streets" program. Educate the public.
Laws protecting cyclists, drivers, and pedestrians need to be reviewed in order to protect people
from neglectful and distracted drivers.
ADOT needs to carefully select locations for these demonstration projects. I'm having trouble
visualizing where they would work effectively. Do people want to walk from Globe to Miami?
They might ride bikes, so bike lanes or riding paths are needed.
Include this vision as part of the review process for all new projects.
test test
Change standards like narrower lanes (11' lanes instead of 12' lanes), make minimum desired
vehicle level of service D instead of C or B or at least make pedestrian and bicycle minimum level
of service the same as for vehicles
help change the culture of "we drive cars so we own the road" mentality, ad campaigns, work with
local cycling groups, training groups, etc.. organize awareness campaigns
Partner with other state and federal agencies and with local government.
It is stupid not to attach a time frame, say 50 years. As new roadways are considered (like the
new Phoenix Las Vegas segment work your ideas into it. Your goal is way way too expensive for
the benefits. Start with a few ideas like park and ride lots and routes. Pick sympathetic
employers and work with them on locker facilities and flex time arrivals.
Some roads in AZ were designed for the exclusive use of motor vehicles without any regard for
another mode of transportation. A comprehensive plan needs to be developed that would
prioitize and amend those roads so they would accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians.
Eliminate some of the ridiculous legislation that's been proposed and/or imposed during the latest
session and focus on more important issues such as this Plan
Make this a priority element of any funding allocation. Incorporate these changes into all design
code. Plan regional bike routes with new freeways to identify key under/overpasses - include in
construction. Parallel, grade-separated multi-use trail along freeways ("Bike Highway")
ADOT needs to quantify via a benefit analysis-- whether the taxpayer costs are warrented to
provide the facilities.
Funding through events and govenors budget
Do it in populated areas not outer lying areas where not too many people ride. This will make it
less costly.
create a system to fund the infrastructure, build the infrastructure, maintain the infrastructure, tell
the Automobile, Steel, Rubber, and Oil lobbies to take a back seat to issues of human beings.
Protect people from death and injury. Stop building freeways. Start building communities.
Widen roads. There are little to no shoulders on the road I live on. I have a friend who runs along
the side of the road. I expect to see her hit by a vehicle at any time!
"All ages and abilites" is too broad a spectrum. In the same way that some disabilities prevent
the safe operation of a motor vehicle, they can prevent the safe operation of a bicycle. Allowing
an unsafe operator to occupy State Highways and rights of way is not condusive to creating a
safe enviroment.
Other than this, I like the statement.
as long as the cost is minimal
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
Pedestrians on interstate highways needs to stop, it is an extreme hazard. Point pedestrians to
state highways instead. I.e. at 89A/I-17 "junction", place signage directing pedestrians to 89A
The opening statement is not realistic. Most of the State is rural and not always conducive to safe
walking or biking.
Concentrate efforts on plans such as this rather than building more and wider roads.
More and wider bike lanes, signs/education to the public regarding bike laws.
I don't see what benfit State Highway System enhancements provide. Anything in the valley
should be on normal streets and riding to Tucson is not something that anyone would do on a
regular basis.
The first thing I would do is have bike riders face oncoming traffic. To ride with your back to traffic
is stupid!!!
Get serious about bike/ped/transit, which I don't see being the case today with all the 202, 303,
and 17 efforts -- all projects that fundamentally undermine the vision that I just read above.
Increase number of bike lanes.
I guess this survey helps--a step in making people aware that such an initiative is going on.
Public service commerials might help as well.
Educate the public
I cannot provide any suggestions to fulfill a vision of anyone who would think that 4,000 pound
hunks of steel moving at high speeds can safely share the same paved surfaces with 250 pound
hunks of soft flesh moving at slow speeds. I 110% agree with the vision of more biking and
walking. But we need to completely re-examine the way we envision our entire bike/ped path/lane
system to be constructed.
more bike/pedestrian friendly road features - wider bike lanes, more dedicated paths, more
education for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians
believe in it and get started. sometimes we don't always do something right, but this is a cause of
doing the right thing.
make sure all arizonans realize that their children and their elderly parents are NOT drivers -- this
isn't for special interest groups, it's for all of us.
Forget the "complete system" idea.
Devote more funding to ensuring all state roads have either bike lanes or sufficiently wide
shoulders to permit safe and enjoyable biking and walking.
Hurts to hear, but internet is not the place to advertise, BILLBOARDS, TV news spots,
newspaper ads all work the best for this. Work with local transit, bike, and pedestrian groups that
are not MPO's, and they will help do the work for you as volunteers. There are many people who
would jump at this chance.
When projects are created, designed, and constructed, include shoulders, multi-use paths, and
sidewalks. When maintenance is done, widen shoulders. Provide signage, and paint to alert
drivers of specialized lanes. Budget for more pedestrian signals at major crossings i.e school
crossings or community connections. Work with local gov’ts and bicycle organizations to provide
info for maps displaying good routes for pedestrians & bicyclists that may avoid congested areas
of roads.
See previous comments
Commit the resources to make it work.
Keep 'em alive, Keep 'em off the road. let's get started!
this is a test by Brent Crowther. Do not summarize.
It is a nice goal but it seems "lofty" when comparing bicycling now, which up to this point has
been more "rhetoric" of "wanting" to believe vision like this. With limited bicycle paths in some
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
areas more than others, businesses are still not friendly to bike riders. Security, lighting,
pathways, all lack the fundamental need to encourage new bike riders to use this mode for
Who will be paying for all your grand plans? Us working taxpayers cannot afford anymore
ADOT needs to improve the safety for cyclists by changing the laws protecting them. If hitting or
killing a cyclist only costs the driver a few hundred dollars, nothing will change and cyclists will
continue to die without consequence for the driver.
Acquire the budget to make it happen
More facilities, bike lanes, and better enforcement/safety.
Dedicate funding to support the mission and specific goals.
Keep it as simple as possible. It doesn't have to be fancy and/or expensive. Simply providing a
relatively flat, clear path that is easy to access is all that is needed. It can be further enhanced by
planting trees along the route to provide shade. Providing a landscaped buffer of at least 2 or 3
feet between the path and the roadway would be ideal.
A 3 or 4 foot strip of concrete or asphalt next to a busy road is unlikely to convince anyone to
walk/bike instead of driving.
Educate the people and they will like the idea and will be on board.
It is a great start!
This vision is all utopian nonsense. The current urban layout in Arizona does not lend itself to
large shift in lifestyle towards more walking and biking. In rural areas with ADOT roads it is even
worse. If the urban areas can be made more bike/ped friendly that would be a big achievement
and ADOT has absolutely no say in that.
Increase funding for improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities within the state highway system.
Build new bicycle and pedestrian facilities as part of each state highway project. Coordinate new
bicycle and pedestrian facilities with local governments and integrate them into bus and light rail
More buses
do you have the money? how do you know where to build first? Tucson has WONDERFUL bike
paths throughout the city. Bikes should NEVER be allowed on the interstates.
Continue the trend toward accommodating these modes in all infrastructure improvements.
Great vision I think and it has been done in other states so I am sure it can happen here.
Complete the project, and make the shared roadways safer.
As mentioned before, I think public transportation is a very important part of this. Motivation to
get out of the car is this most important. With adequate options, people are more likely to do just
Informational blitz using all forms of media to get the plans out there to inform & educate.
Work with federal, state, and local land managers, planners, and businesses to improve
coordination. Smart transportation options must be interwoven with smart planning, zoning, and
community development. Poorly-planned sprawl development is not conducive to smart or
innovative transportation.
Way too broad. Nothing but dollar signs associated with "economic vitality of cities and towns in
rural and urban areas" means TAX and SPEND more than the government takes. And,
somehow, 4 or 5 months of the year are just not that conducive to shared-use bicycle facilities.
Common sense, please.
This program should be for urban areas only. Taxes should not be spent for the few riders and
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
few month to go between rural towns.
It's nothing more than pie in the sky liberalism. Stop bilking the taxpayer for this kind of crap,
we're out of money and out of patience. If pedestrians and bicyclists want better facilities set up a
donation box and let them fund it themselves or let them pay a road use tax or a license fee to
fund it. I'm tired of having my taxes raised to support activities that I don't and will probably never
It can't just be the State Highway System. If the cities and counties can't maintain or improve
their system, increasing safety, then people won't be there. Ticket bicyclists that don't follow
laws, like stopping at stop signs, ride 3 or more abreast or ride the wrong way - against traffic.
Do all the above! Thank you for this questionairre!
Invest more money into improving facilities for biking/walking/public transportation. The
necessary money can be generated by raising taxes on driving to encourage people to find other
means of transportation.
The third paragraph makes the most sense. First paragraph, second sentence and first sentence
of second paragraph is just fluff. This type of vision statement takes away from the overall
credibility of the vision. But to answer your question, you could build more facilities off the state
highway system.
Changing behavior is difficult. Though unpopular and unfair, using economics; e.g., kicking the
gas tax up to a couple of bucks could be effective. This should be considered short term and
perhaps a refund mechanism via annual income tax filing could be implemented allowing those
with incomes below a threshold could receive a portion or all of their fuel tax back.
An alternative, as in your plan, must be completely, or at least mostly, in place before forcing
people out of vehicles.
Motorists have been educated and are seen to comply with laws regarding bicyclists. However,
the bikers do not feel the laws apply to them. They need to be licensed if they are going to use
the road system, and affix plates to their bikes so they can be ticketed when they break the law.
In part, show the diversity of those who ride and walk. I'm an educated professional and I choose
to ride; I could afford another vehicle, but I save thousands of dollars each year by not having
I like: ". A “Complete System” recognizes that transit users often begin or end their trip as
pedestrians or bicyclists." and "Bicycle and pedestrian facilities such as
underpasses/overpasses, bicycle lanes, sidewalks and paths and transit stops will clearly
indicate the right of way or their accommodation on shared roadways." Most people use a
combination of means of transportation. Advising non cycling citizens that no one is trying to take
away their use of a car.
Not allow that to be the first item cut during scoping of a project based on the cost to provide
these facilities. Focus on urban areas first where people would be most apt to use the facilities.
It seems to me you are already moving in the correct direction with this vision. From my point of
ADOT is the most together department within the government in AZ !! AND I live in Sedona,
bless you.
Include in new construction plans
I think this plan is going to cause more congestion for vehicle traffic. People don't not ride their
bikes because the roads are not there, the don't ride because the city is too spread out and it's
too hot. I have a friend who rides over 20 miles to work using mostly canals every day until it's
hot out. He rides because he wants to. You adding trails to the highway are not going to get me
on a bike, not for a million years.
Find the funding
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 5: What does ADOT need to do to make this vision a reality (500 characters max)?
It is a start in the right direction for a healther state
There must be some fiscal constraints on the plan update. There are more cyclists that would
like to ride on the shoulders of state highways -- but how many pedestrians...very few I assume.
Prove to me that a significant amount of people in AZ would use the highways for this purpose to
justify the outlay.
Involve local user groups (cyclists/pedestrians), eduate those that aren't in the target user group
(motorists etc.) and eduate /inform target user groups (cyclists/pedestrains) when they aren't
following proper laws and regualtions as well. Both sides should be held accountable.
They need to change their vision - bike and pedestrian paths are great but they shouldn't be
anywhere near state highways
This is important for cycling safety and will also improve the quality of life for all people in AZ
because of the decrease in auto traffic, decrease in pollution, increase in exercise and do whats
right for global climate change.
Travel to Durango, Colorado and see how they made bicycling and walking more accessible
around their town. I grew up there and going back today, I take my bike and can safely ride all
over town.
Make it a priority in funding projects. Recognize the benefits that achieving this vision will provide
our state.
During the process of unstalling the new San Pedro Bridge is important to provide a path way for
biking and hikers. It would be nice to see a pathway from the City of Sierra Vista to the San
Pedro River.
It's probably unrealistic to accommodate bikers and pedestrians of all ages and abilities. Where
public transit is not used, the employer accommodations are a major factor in determining
whether a person will walk or ride a bike to work. I strongly believe that the use of bicycle lanes
does not promote safety.
Bike paths should preferably be off state highway system due to high speed traffic.
need to improve Arizonan's health and also lower reliance on foreign oil by making biking easier
and safer
Engineering design, improved signage, public education.
Make a plan to find a way to fund it.
Coordinate better with local governments.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
Interstate 8
Interstate 8
not appropriate for bicycle or ped traffic
Frontage Road from Foothills Blvd to Fortuna Rd. Used by many cyclists and in very very bade
Interstate 8
Whatever happened to the planned frontage road improvements in The Foothills. (Yuma County, 8-E
to 13-E) Construction on the five year plan is long overdue. Is it now the 10 year plan?
Yuma to Tuscon should have double wide bike lanes on both sides including water/way stations set up
every 25 miles.. nothing fancy just functional including shade.
Interstate 8
Interstate 8
Fix the shoulders from Foothills Blvd to Welton.
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
East/West crossing between Southern and Broadway.
Cortero Farms Road. Crossing underneath the highway at the juncture is very dangerous. The bike
path ends a few blocks before the crossing and resumes a block or so on the other side. It is a main
artery in Tucson that is severed.
Traveling on Chandler Blvd or Ray Rd and crossing I-10 the bike lane disappears as you cross over
the highway and is absent on the West side of the continuing roads. Bike lanes should curve onto the
middle of the lane as they fade out to indicate the cyclist's right to ride on the road if there is not
sufficient shoulder space to allow safe passing.
the Chandler/I-10 overpass. in Chandler City Chandler has a nice bike lane, but as it becomes
Phoenix the bike lane is no longer marked. There is plenty of room for a bike lane it's just not marked
so drivers take up both their lane and the area for a bike lane. I was almost hit at this overpass.
Provide safe crossing under or over in the Tucson Metro area
We need wider bike lanes along frontage road and clearly marked bicycle positions at intersections
from Maran out to Vail. There are shoulders with a marking for bike lane but it needs to be clearly
marked so motorists know bicycles are meant to be there. At intersections, sharrows would help
position bicyclists and alert motorists to need to share the road.
It's actually a good issue: the method that Pima Co. has used to connect "The Loop." It is an excellent
example of how to integrate shared use paths with existing terrain features and roadway
improvements to connect motor vehicle highways with non-motorized shared use paths. In particular,
the section of the Rillito River Path that connects from the East to the West side of I-10 just south of
Orange Grove RD.
most all overpasses in Tucson for I 10 do not have adequate and safe walkways for pedestrians or
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
I-10 & Downtown Tucson: Scarey and unpleasant underpasses to use, especially with children or
inexperienced riders; lack connectivity to local bicycle network; facilities are sporadic; Frontage road
speeds make E/W crossings under I-!0 terrifying, uncomfortable; Safer, visible, and continuous
facilities need to be in place; Is a major barrier between downtown and west side if you're not in a car!
The biggest concern is just coming up with a connecting route between Phoenix and Tucson. (The
state highway map will not load.)
The traffic and roads are not complete enough to accommodate pedestrian and bike traffic safely.
Approximately MP 242 (.85 miles west of Avra Valley Road interchange). A railroad spur crossing
both the east and west frontage roads creates a hazardous condition for cycllists. There have been a
few incidents of accidents involving cyclists when bicycle tires become trapped in the tracks. This
condition may not be resolved through construction improvements; however, it may be a good idea to
provide signage alerting cyclists of the potential hazards.
I don't see any paths next the I-10 anywhere. Maybe you can incorporate access/frontage road as part
of bike paths.
Keep the frontage road bike lanes clean of debris
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Making this highway safe and comfortable for cycling and walking in all directions would make it
feasible for bikers and walkers to make long-distance travel a reasonable option.
No issues. Well traveled.
Where the kyrene path crosses I-10. It turns to dirt, which if on a road bicycle, becomes a tire
puncture hazard. paving this short section would help in completing a commuting path for many
Frontage road of I10 and Riggs - heading West. Busy highway, dirty shoulders.
Interstate 10
Elliott, Warner, Ray and Chandler Roads. Over the bypass has no bike lanes. This needs to be
Interstate 10
3rd St crossing Phoenix is not sufficiently bicycle and pedestrian friendly. Shade structures, better
visibility, etc. all important adjustments.
I-10 in Goodyear near Sarival Ave. There is a fantastic existing park/trail system in the Canyon Trails
neighborhood just south of I-10. It comes to an abrupt stop at I-10. A dedicated pedestrian crossing is
needed to connect to the neighborhoods north of I-10. Possibly a paved pathway next to the
Roosevelt Canal.
Many of the overpasses do not have bike lane (for example, Guadalupe, Warner, and Elliot
The intersection at I-10 and Baseline Is one of the scariest to cross by bicycle, especially traveling
west to east. With three right turn lanes, drivers don't often fully look before turning. It would be nice if
it was a "no turn on red" intersection.
No I-10 Bypass through the Avra Valley. No I-11.
At St. Mary's road in Tucson, I-10 has crosswalks with signals for pedestrians to cross the frontage
roads. However, when an east bound vehicle is turning left onto the north-bound frontage
road/entrance ramp, they have a green arrow at the SAME TIME as the pedestrian has a walk signal.
The cars tend to be focused on oncoming traffic, so they frequently don't see the pedestrians until
they're right on top of them. Pedestrians need their own time to cross without the threat of turning
The 19th Avenue exit. My car failed and I had to walk down the off ramp to a safe point to be picked
up. I felt the cars kissing my back as I walked down that ramp, I can imagine what pedestrians and
bikers feel.
There is no place to safely cross I-10 from the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport area (e.g. University / 40th /
143 / Broadway) South to Ahwatukee. Makes it difficult to plan rides/commutes from/to South
Phoenix areas.
How do you ride from Tucson to Phoenix and back without frontage roads? Ones in City of Tucson
are nice.
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Ina Road. Crossing underneath the highway at the juncture is very dangerous. The bike path ends a
few blocks before the crossing and resumes a block or so on the other side. It is a main artery in
Tucson that is severed.
Need to better accommodate bicyclists at freeway crossings at Elliot Rd
There is not frontage road on I-10 from Eloy to Phoenix.
The Tucson portion would benefit from bike routes that go along the freeway on some type of frontage
Interstate 10
Frontage road from Marana to Eloy is rough. This makes a convenient road and many cyclists are
already using it.
Interstate 10
This should be an area that is easy to make safe for cyclists. I've always wondered why we don't have
regular bike tours from Phoenix to Tucson first and later on to LA and/or San Diego.
Needs separate bike path protected with guard rails etc.
I would like to see more "bike/ped-only" underpasses, and with increased frequency (i.e. within 1/2
mile of eachother). This could apply anywhere, but especially in urban settings Trying to cross under
interstates with hundreds of speeding cars, multiple lanes of traffic, and low visibility is a terrible
experience and hugely discourages biking and walking as transportation. .
it would be great if you could allow cyclist to ride I-10 from Phoenix to Tucson
Sunshine and Sunland Gin Road are too narrow they are not safe to cross walking or with a bycicle.
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 10
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Pedestrian/Bicycle bridge is needed at the 5th St alignment across I-10. A creative solution to bridging
the associated HOV onramp/offramp lanes surely exists. Needed to provide easier access from
Downtown and Evans Churchill neighborhood into the Townsend Park neighborhood to the N and
associated grocery store (Safeway) and park resources (Townsend Park) north of the freeway and to
make it easier for those residents to reach Downtown amenities.
downtown area
I-10 in Goodyear at Bullard Wash between Bullard Ave and Estrella Pkwy. A simple paved
sidewalk/pathway through where the wash passes under I-10 could significantly improve this
connection. Though not yet necessary, this is a simple improvement that would help future
development of a bike/pedestrian friendly corridor.
There are several stretches of I-10 where it is the only route available, and so bicyclist are out there
with all the trucks and passenger cars. There needs to be better signing and marking for both cyclists
and motorists, and possibly a defined portion of the shoulder for the bikes.
No bikes or pedestrians allowed; too dangerous.
Expansion of this highway is a major divide between Tempe and Phoenix, with little opportunity for
pedestrian/bike crossing. Connectivity with established canal paths would be beneficial to people living
in Mesa, Tempe and Phoenix, as the canals connect the communities.
chandler road crossing - very dangerous area to try to navigate.
Interstate 10 overpasses in the Phoenix metro area and littered with debris and are in poor overall
cleanliness I use the 32nd St/University Dr overpass most often. Lack of safe riding shoulder is often
an issue as well.
I believe between 291 and 281 is a section that is narrow and prone to high winds (and therefore
slowed to 65mph) that is littered with animal carcasses and tire debris (at least) for many weeks at a
time before being cleared. It can be scary just driving the section in traffic (especially next to trucks),
let alone riding a bicycle or walking it, or breaking down for that matter.
No bicycles on Interstate highways 19 & 10
Orange Grove Road. Crossing underneath the highway at the juncture is very dangerous. The bike
path ends a few blocks before the crossing and resumes a block or so on the other side. It is a main
artery in Tucson that is severed.
The 10 has really been improved and I think ADOT for that.
Many crossings of I-10 in the Tucson District need bike lanes.
How about adding a bike lane along the entire length from L-101 to Riggs Road?
Speedway Road. Crossing underneath the highway at the juncture is very dangerous. The bike path
ends a few blocks before the crossing and resumes a block or so on the other side. It is a main artery
in Tucson that is severed.
improve seperation between bike movement and motorist for safety.
Jimmy Kerr to Florence in Casa Grande - no access for bicycles or pedestrians.
Grant Road. Crossing underneath the highway at the juncture is very dangerous. The bike path ends a
few blocks before the crossing and resumes a block or so on the other side. It is a main artery in
Tucson that is severed.
Flagstaff vicinity Ability to ride a bicycle on shoulder is a great benefit.
I-17 at Camelback. I live west of I-17 near Camelback, & most of the destinations I want to
ride my bicycle to are east of I-17. Since Camelback, Indian School, & Bethany Home have
no accommodation whatsoever for cyclists, I add 3 miles to every trip to use the overpass at
Complete some crossings near the Carefree Hwy, Norterra, & Anthem areas. Please
There are few crossings for bicycles that I've found (usually riding south of bethany home in
this instance) that don't involve riding on a busy street or being forced to ride on the
Since there is no reasonable alternative to I-17 as a direct route between Flagstaff and
Phoenix, I'd like to see the entire route (beyond the reasonable alternative routes in and near
both cities) improved with severe rumble strips (with breaks) to keep the fast-moving traffic
off the shoulders, and with regular, thorough maintenance of the shoulders so they are clean
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
and smooth. There should be NO places where rumble strips cross the entire shoulder,
rendering it impractical for cycling.
a paved bike path from mountainare/kachina exits through the national forest to Flagstaff.
Or, make a paved bike path along old Munds Highway.
The entire highway, starting in Black Canyon city to Sedona, has an incredible amount of
debris on the shoulder. It is very dangerous to ride and cars should be divided from the bike
lane by a barrier to keep cars from pulling off or swerving into the bike lane.
Where I17 enters Flagstaff there is a dangerous underpass that is very busy because
students and from NAU cross under it at all hours of the day. There is a fenced urban trail
on one side, but it does not have any access points to cross at between the light at Beulah
road and the four way stop sign on campus at the Business building. Therefore, most
students walk on the other side of the street, which has no sidewalk between Red Lobster
and the Business Building.
I-17 and Happy Valley very unsafe with all those roundabouts. Hard to cycle through that
Happy Valley - Round about is SCARY on a bike
Crossing under 17 on McConnell to NAU. Very dangerous for bikes and pedis.
I-17 and Happy Valley Road round a bouts
Arizona Needs Bike Lanes!
Carefree Hwy. No bike lane crossing
Distance to Prescott or Flagstaff by bike posted. Clean up shoulders, provide rest areas,
mark lines for bikes.
From Exit 333 north into Flagstaff: 1. often debris in the emergency/bike lane 2. crossing
at the airport exit and at lake mary exit on/off ramps can be very, very scary 3. lack of
signage encouraging drivers to watch for cyclists 4. lanes not cleared well enough when
there is snow 5. no bike path one into southern part of Flagstaff, people are just dumped
onto 4 lane road with barely any shoulder and no marked bike lanes
Where McConnell Rd. travels under the I-17 onto the Northern Arizona University campus
there is a lot of foot and bike traffic that uses the south side of the road. There is no sidewalk
or crosswalks and students end up biking/walking between the guard rail and the car traffic.
If there was a sidewalk with crosswalks at the entrance and exit to the I-17 I feel this would
be a much safer crossing.
Not able to bike on this road in metro areas which is understandable but how do you get to
those places on this freeway where you can?
There is not a safe way to travel by bike from Camp Verde to Rim Rock. This stretch of
highway could use a seperate access road or bike/hike lane.
I-17 overpass at McConnell Drive in Flagstaff. This area is used by over 1000 pedestrians
and bikes daily to access NAU and Flagstaff. The area is very hazardous and in great need
of improvements.
Round-about dangerous at Happy Valley & I17.
The trash needs to be picked up. We're starting to look like Tijuana.
Example: Bridge over I-17 near Flagstaff Airport and 89A is inbetween a large County Park,
and the Flagstaff Urban Trail System (trail system continues in park as well). ADOT recently
updated the bridge, and still failed to provide a bicycle/walking path. Pedestrians have to
endure greater risk because of the gap the bridge makes inbetween two sides of the very
popular, citywide Flagstaff urban trail.
Why does IH-17 only allow bicycles in some areas but not others? Except in urban areas,
interstates should accommodate cyclists and pedestrians. For example, no bicycles allowed
on IH-17 north of McGuireville.
Bicycles not allowed on the Interstate, and because of traffic the city roads are dangerous to
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
ride next to the vehicles.
I-17 Exits 242 & 244, Black Canyon City, AZ. There is NO Public Transportation or access
roads to commute to New River, Anthem or Metro Phoenix. The commute is too far for even
a fit adult to walk or bicycle, let alone children or elderly people. Even if there was a bike
path ON the freeway, I WOULD NEVER USE IT because traffic is traveling at 75 MPH,
roads are curve & I don't want to loose my life because someone took their eyes off the road
for a spit second (highly likely).
I-17 is dangerous for cars and is surely not safe for bicycles.
Between Flagstaff and Munds park, consistent maintenance of highway shoulders would
improve bicycle safety. Additionally, an urban trail exists between Fort Tuthill and Flagstaff,
but this trail is too rough for commuting with a road bike, and is not currently safe for young
children to commute to school.
Between Flagstaff and Sedona area I would like to see a bike and hiking/walking path that
connects at various intervals with a bus route so that tourists and locals could more easily
visit the sites along this route.
In Flagstaff where I-17 ends and become Milton Road. This road has no shoulder and no
bike lanes. It is not safe for cyclists. Also, the large cutouts for business entry makes for an
unsafe journey for pedestrians. A substantial re-work would be required to make this safe
for cyclists and pedestrians.
The urban section of this freeway from Bell Road to Interstate 10 is a nightmare, much like
Denver's US 6 Freeway from downtown to Kipling Road. A total overhaul of making the
frontage roads into extra lanes, separate from the inner six lanes, like Toronto's 12-laner,
with the on and off ramps on the outer lanes, may help that, but the costs would probably be
The inner city highway isn't wide enough to accommodate the non-auto traffic safely!
I've seen people walking & bicycling on the shoulder from Kachina Village/Mountainaire I-17
Exit 333 to the City of Flagstaff (10 miles or less). This is a great example of the vision you
are "trying" to put in-place -oops- ALREADY in place! The main problem here is that there is
NO Public Transportation (with or without bicycle carriers) from Exit 333 to Flagstaff, or
access roads leading into Flagstaff. If there was, I don't think you would see people walking
or bicycling down the freeway!
(continued from above) Also, there is a bike lane that only starts under the underpass, so
before that it is unclear whether bicyclists should be in the main lane or on the shoulder. If
they stay on the shoulder they will be in the way of motorists trying to get on the on ramp to
I17 South. This is a very dangerous area that could use more signage, lighting, and ideally a
sidewalk on the south side of the street.
You have to go too far north of 101 to be able to ride towards Flag b/c bicycles are not
allowed until you get further north and there aren't frontage roads the whole way.
Hwy 17, leaving Sedona area --- the turnoff to the landfill is always trashed with what falls off
the trash trucks.
improve seperation between bike movement and motorist for safety.
Near Flagstaff - limited space for non-motorized travel, often feels dangerous.
This should be set up for cycling from the 202 to Flagstaff.
Needs separate bike path protected with guard rails etc.
Just South of Flagstaff. At one point I had a map from ADOT about where/which state
highways that bicycles could ride. I had a friend who had the map, was on the correct area of
I-17 to ride and was "pulled over" by the patrol and told to get off the highway. My friend
pulled out the map to no avail. Not only do you need to educate drivers, you need to educate
your officers.
Need paved bike connection not on 4 lane highway connecting 260 and 179
How about adding a bike lane from L-101 to downtown Phoenix?
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
Interstate 17
Interstate 17
Interstate 19
Interstate 19
Interstate 19
Interstate 19
Interstate 19
Interstate 19
Interstate 19
Interstate 19
Interstate 19
Between Phoenix and flagstaff
No bikes or pedestrians allowed; too dangerous.
West frontage road Continental and south in Green Valley: bicycle lanes with good marking
The shoulder section from Aqua Linda to the next exit south (the border patrol section)
needs to be kept free of debris. This is only biking path south to Tubac from Green valley.
Several times, during an event in Tubac, a large electronic sign blocked the shoulder forcing
bikers into the highway lane. Make sure that these signs are next to the shoulder rather than
in it.
Continental Road to Tubac - both East and West Frontage roads
The EFR and WFR between Exit 63 and Nogales has very few sections of paved shoulders.
The section between Exit 63 and Rio Rico needs priority to add paved shoulders.
Southbound between Agua Linda and Chavez Siding exits is heavily used by cyclists.
Recent re-paving activities seem to have left a lot of debris and stones in the shoulder where
we ride,making it much more difficult than it used to be. Please get it cleaned, and try to
assure that shoulders and bike lanes regularly used like this are maintained to a level that
keeps them safe for cycling. Thanks for asking.
Creating a shared use bicycle and pedestrian path along I-19 would be fantastic.
Add bike lanes where missing on Frontage Road of I-19 from Continental in Green Valley to
Rio Rico.
Great route but not used due too poor roads
No bicycles on Interstate highways 19 & 10
Route 19
6th ave and BR 19 area in Tucson. Signage is confusing as it doesn't seem to consider
different routes. Heading south on 6th, the bike route sign points right at Irvington, leading
the rider to think they should go right, when in fact a bike path route continues down 6th.
Route 40
Improve bike lanes along Milton Road. Most dangerous road in Flagstaff.
Interstate 40
Between Flagstaff and Williams it would be nice to have a connecting route that has bike
lanes clearly marked out.
I use to bike to work from Flagstaff to Bellemont using I-40 (MP 185 - MP 201). No more.
The shoulder is no longer suitable for bikes.
From Beale St to Andy Devine in kingman
The highway between Winslow and Flagstaff has limited and dirty shoulders. It has been
improved recently, but debris is still a major issue.
dirty shouler milepost 1-60 something
please sweep and maintain this area more frequently. Widening, signage and awareness
are also needed on the route.
Between Kingman and Flagstaff. Creative use of Historic Route 66 alignments with the
addition of some paved multi-use paths could create a world class touring route that could
be used locally as a commuter route from outlying communities.
Needs separate bike path protected with guard rails etc.
At this time I do not feel safe riding on any Arizona interstates. I am not sure what would
change this perception -- maybe feeling a better perception of drivers toward cyclists, maybe
better maintenance so I'd be less likely to get a flat tire, maybe more safety measures
(parallel but divided from traffic by barriers/etc). I think other state highways are better worth
Interstate 40
Interstate 40
Interstate 40
Interstate 40
Interstate 40
Interstate 40
Interstate 40
Interstate 40
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
the funding money to improve locals routes as compared to spending money on crossstate/long distance routes
Interstate 40
Interstate 40
State Route 51
State Route 51
State Route 51
State Route 51
State Route 51
State Route 51
State Route 51
State Route 51
State Route 51
State Route 51
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
Near flagtaff, this hiway needs more cross access-bridges,under passes, etc. To provide
walkable/bikable access to the woods from flagstaff.
Almost all interstates are incredible dangerous for bikers. Create a space for bikers to be
Indian School Road / 51 near 17th going down indian, over (rather under the over pass) of
the 51 is dangerous at that particular intersection of local and freeway on and off ramp
traffic. For one people trying to get on and off have to turn/merge on and yet there is no
stopping of flow for them or pedestrians or bikers who (at many directions) may not see
Are there bike routes which run parallel to SR 51? Are they connected? If so, please raise
awareness. If not, build them.
We live near the 51 and regularly use the paved pathway along the highway to bike and run.
It is wonderful - but we would like to see it mainted a bit more, especially after a big rain, the
washes will wash up lots of debris making it difficult to use the underpasses.
Virginia was able to plan ahead and build a parallel bike lane on the Metro DC highway 66
that connects the suburbs of Norther Virginia to DC. This should have been done on AZ SR
51, instead you used existing roads. Again, on AZ 101 a opportunity missed. Every highway
built in AZ misses the mark. It seems that when cyclist are being considered you are only
thinking of the kids riding to school. It's much too difficult to plan a route to work that is safe
and direct.
unfinishe bike paths, not conecting to other pathways
I would like to see light rail constructed along Route 51.
Extend bike lane south from Shea Blvd to I-10 interchange
at Colter Street. It is difficult to get into the neighborhood on the east side of this
interchange. Suggest having some sort of gate or gap to shorten the trip.
Build pathway along Highway 51 between 32nd St/Shea and Thunderbird. Would require
three pedestrian overpasses (32nd St, Shea, Cactus) and construction of pathway inside the
freeway sound wall.
The multi-use path along SR 51 is amazing. It goes from Loop 101 until about Sweetwater.
Then it requires navigating local streets to get to a great multi-use path adjacent to SR 51 @
32nd Street to Northern. It would be great if the paths between SR 51 @ Sweetwater and
SR 51 @ 32nd Street were completely connected.
NW of Sun City to Loop 303. Bike lanes should have been put in when this portion of 60
(Grand Ave.) was widened. Parts of this road are stripped, but not specifically for bike lanes.
I dont know the exact location, but it's between Superior and Globe. I often find bicyclists in
that area and the shoulder isn't wide enough for them. It is scary and I get nervous that I may
not see them one day and hit them.
Crossing the highway in Sun City appears to be dangerous for both ped and bike. The
highway should include rapid transit to downtown Phoenix.
From Bell Road to the 303. This would be an ideal place to start. Many folks like to bike
already in this area, and would ride to work if safe.
Grand Avenue through the Sun Cities, Peoria, and Glendale, is an example of an urban
state highway that needs multi-use paths separated from the roadway. With an elderly
population, it is also a terrific route for a light rail to downtown Phoenix.
This would seem to be a natural bike route since it connects to local routes but facilities are
lacking on the road itself.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
From 83rd Ave through Surprise need bike/pedestrian facilities.
The highway adjacent to Silly Mountain (between Mountain View Rd and Superstition
Mountain Drive is NOT bike friendly. The roadway was just resurfaced a few months ago
and was slightly widened in drainange area. However, the space available for bikes is too
narrow and in a couple bridging areas it is only a foot across exposing the bicyclist to
potiential injury with motor vehicles.
From Surprise to Phoenix. My issue is with all the improvements provided, where is the
bike/ped path or walkways??? This is a major commuting corridor for multiple communities
to downtown Phoenix. It has a railroad that parallels the roadway. Not only is there nearly
zero bike/ped access, but no passenger train commuting?
Between 88 and 79 there are bridges and guard rails that force bikes into traffic with no
warning. The first time I rode thru that section, i found myself squeezed into traffic before I
could react.
US 60/Grand Ave between McDowell and Van Buren should have a strong complete streets
feel to bolster the new art and small business community.
The new work on this road DID NOT consider cyclist. No shoulder and a curb! Very
Gold Canyon area. Your paving is complete crap. Shoulders are bumpy and full of trash.
The rumble strip is dangerous to cyclists.
There are not bike paths from Loop 101 in Peoria to downtown Phoenix. There are some
isolated areas that have sidewalks and other spots of vacant land that people have create
paths along side the road. There are also no shoulders in either direction. I suggest to
widen the corridor by adding a shoulder or bike path along one side of the road. I am not
sure of how much right of way the state has in this area so this may be an issue.
Widen bike lane from Superior to Globe.
Provide a shared use path from Apache Junction to Tempe
The cross walk going down College Ave. over the highway is really awesome for walkers
and bikes. We should have more of these around the valley available to provide for easy
crossing busy highways.
I can't ride from apache junction to Gold Canyon now safely since the stupid rumble strips
are there on the side. This is a recognized Adventure Cycling Route too! Terrible
Grand Avenue from I-10 out to Wickenburg is deadly to ride. Filthy shoulders make it
impossible to ride at any safe distance from traffic. The traffic flies by at dizzying speeds,
and rarely do I see any type of speed/safe driving enforcement (or police presence) on the
60. Please make this road safer for those of us who ride!
From the end of Superstition Freeway, there are no bike trails on US 60. This is supposed to
be the designated route for bikes and it is beyond dangerous.
Convenient connection to Apache Junction.
Bicycle crossings of Grand are almost impossible and are very unsafe.
Globe High School Crossing.....get the darn Hawk system installed before it is too
GoldCanyon Need room to ride when going over dry wash
wickenburg rebuilt their roads with circles on the highway and flowers/planters in town and
gave no consideration for cyclists. bummer
From mile marker 30, Brenda, AZ to MM 105, Wickenburg, AZ the highway is crowded with
Bicycles, automobiles, RV's, Trucks and motorcycles. Bicycles show little regard for other
traffic and feel they have unlimited right-of-way. They do not use the highway shoulder as
they feel it has to many cracks, bumps, gravel, glass, etc. They are a danger to themselves
and other vehicles on the highway.
East end of Superstition Freeway, then east to Peralta Road. All intersections with traffic
lights have continually blinking yellow lights to inform of the intersection. As used in other
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
US 60
State Route 64
State Route 64
States and Canada, blinking yellow lights that are activated ONLY when light is about to
change from green, indicating that vehicle passing that point will not clear the intersection
before the light changes, would be far more effective at reducing rear-end collisions and
fatalities at these intersections
Grand Avenue from the 101 to Wickenburg needs to be made safer
Needs safe bicycle/pedestrian path from Apache Junction to beyond Peralta Trail.
Between Superior and Globe. Bicycles should be banned from this area until improvements
are made. No shoulders available, much of it guard-railed, forcing bikes out into traffic
lanes, much of it is passing lane, so vehicles are travelling at a wide variety of speeds, and
many curves in the passing lanes have limited visibility, due to the rock cliffs.
on 39th Ave and U. S. 60. 39th ave ends going South and pedestrians will often cross
here(going South), cross the railroad tracts and connect to 39th Ave. on the southside of the
Railroad tract. A stop light or Pedestrian stop light will help here.
Show Low east to almost springerville - fill in rumble strips so that bicyclists do not have to
ride the white line.
1) Need a bike shoulder all the way from Showlow to Springerville
From I10 to Meridian Road Needs an off-road shared-use pedestrian/bike path that
parallels the freeway to provide an efficient path with few road crossings.
No bikes paths next to anywhere on US 60. Suggest access/frontage roads as bike paths.
Wickenburg, shoulders badly deteriorated, forced out into traffic, no shoulders or lanes going
through Wickenburg.
There are no sidewalks or shoulder along Grand Avenue in the area between Olive Ave. and
McDowell Road, making it very dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. Pedestrians often
walk in the traffic lane because there is nowhere else for them to go, and it is not well lit.
Bell RD to Wickenburg - shoulder not very wide in places
where 60 goes down into the salt river canyon and up the other side is too narrow and not
wide enough.
A totally unsafe highway for bicycles and vehicles.
Need more lanes
Unsafe for cyclists or pedestrians to use US 60 between Sun City and Wickenberg. A lot
could be done along railroad tracks already existing along Grand Avenue in the Glendale,
Sun City, Sun City West and Sun City Grand areas.
From Wickenburg to Aguila would be a great place to put a bike path
on Grand Avenue section, get rid of all 6-legged intersections
Bike lanes end on Grand Avenue northwest of Loop 101 out to wide shoulders beyond 99th
From Gold Canyon to Superior has areas that need more maintenance to keep cyclist safe.
from Superior to Globe, there is not a wide enough shoulder on this route.
In cycling out toward Globe bicycles are banned from the easiest and most direct route on
60. A detour around that portion near the casino that adds 20-30 miles to the route and
weaving through city streets.
Sun City to Wickenburg has had the shoulders improved, yet needs more work to finish the
ride all the way in safety. This system needs to be connected with a loop involving AZ 74
(needs shoulder) so cyclists can ride a loop from Phx to Wickenburg
From Apache Junction to Globe. I am very ambitious; I believe the US 60 was improved two
or three years ago but I am not sure the bicycle lanes situation. I do not go that route on
bicycle because it is not bicycle friendly.
Need access to the Black Canyon Trail near the AZ Game and Fish Facility.
no shoulders on a highway that leads to one of the busiest national parks, with more bikes in
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 64
State Route 64
State Route 64
State Route 64
State Route 64
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
the park there would be less traffic, but cyclist cringe at the thought of riding a 4" shoulder
with as much traffic as this one gets.
Inadequate bike lanes from Williams to Grand Canyon
As part of a bike your route from flagstaff to grand canyon, also williams to grand canyon,
this hiway needs increased shoulder.
Needs a wide shoulder AND/OR a bike pathway all the way to Grand Canyon.
State route 64 from Williams to the grand canyon needs wider shoulders for safe bicycle
Beeline Highway?? See note above.
Through Flagstaff, a lot has been done to improve this route -- the joint work with Flagstaff
FUTS has been great, but the route still lacks some connectivity between west side of town
and east side of town.
The bike path in Flagstaff along Route 66 from downtown to the east is a great example of
safe dual purpose (ped/bike) planing and execution.
SR 89/66 and Switzer Canyon Dr. needs a bike crossing on the E side so that bikes enter
Switzer on the right. Same problem exists at several other 89/66 crossings.
West of Flagstaff has nowhere for pedestrians to go and no crossings
Downtown Flagstaff needs an overpass or underpass across Rt. 66. I ride it daily and
sometimes it is scary to interface with the car traffic there.
Flagstaff portion of historic route 66 west of milton rd does not have have wide bike lane the
further west you travel. As with the downtown section of Route 66 including NO bike lane on
the large curve under the Train Overpass.
Between Sitgreaves Pass & Shinarump (Oatman to Kinman)
Insufficient Shoulders/bike lanes. Many long distance cyclists utilize this roadway in the
Kingman district.
the train track underpass on milton in flagstaff is not a safe route for any bikes, for that
matter. bikers must navigate the steep steps on the west side of the highway or risk mixing
with the busy traffic. even traveling the side walk to the phoenix street is dangerous in that
many cars zip off milton to avoid the busy traffic and endanger bikers on the side of the road.
we need a safe train track under/over pass at the old town springs crossing to avoid this
dangerous road.
Although the bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure is good most of route 66, there is a tricky area
nearby downtown Flagstaff where 66 dips under the railroad tracks and turns into Milton
road. This is a dangerous area to navigate on bike, which often leaves myself and others
crossing several lanes of traffic by bike to get to a safe area. A safer route in this area would
be excellent.
State route 66 in Flagstaff near Woody Mountain Campground, woody mountain road. has
many pedestrians that walk next to the road the sidewalks start and stop on both sides of
the road. Could one contingous sidewalk be installed on one or the other side of the road, so
that you don't have to switch back and forth and cross walks are minimal in that area.
Thanks for reading my letter of concern. Michael Grundt
There are extremely few opportunities to cross in a crosswalk in Flagstaff. The bike path is
too narrow in several locations in the east side of town. Also the stampede of two ton SUVs
and cars that are rarely occupied by more than one person ruins my soundscape.
Discourage driving here. Consider light rail.
West Route 66 in Flagstaff. Poorly maintained for nonexistent shoulders for bicyclists. When
bikes have to ride erratically to avoid rough areas in the pavement, they find themselves
merging with traffic at 45mph. Not fun!
Arizona has the longest intact stretch of rt 66 in the nation. Much of this stretch of rt 66 is in
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 66
terrible shape and needs re-paving. This is a part of our history and attracts people from all
over the world. More effort must be invested in keeping it up.
Near Flagstaff - limited space for non-motorized travel, often feels dangerous.
From Kingman to Seligman, esp from Beale St I-40 interchange to the Kingman Airport
Flagstaff - Railroad Underpass - no shoulder for bicylists. Only option is to ride as quick as
possible through this section to not get squeezed. Options are easier going northbound to
cross railroad at Beaver or San Francisco Streets however southbound there is a lot of
crossing traffic to get around this spot.
I have walked a decent stretch of Historic Rt 66 through Flagstaff, and I have to say that the
road condition is pretty decent and well marked through most of the stretch.
Flagstaff area. Ridiculous amount of lights and traffic. Narrow bike lane, not respected by
motorists. Sidewalks are dangerous to bike (namely, large sidewalk on side of road). No
bicycle awareness signs.
Make is a destination roadway as some other states have created. You could generate
income and make it another attraction for those who remember the scenic route.
Incomplete bike pathway within Flagstaff
State Route 68
The new topping is a detriment to fuel efficiency (and is harder to pedal).
State Route 69
State Route 69
From 89/69 interchange heading north/east. Bike lanes, please.
Between Prescott Valley and Prescott there is not room for walker, runners, or bicycles.
There is a wide concrete median to prevent head on collisions and relatively small
shoulders. One runner was hit and killed when it was not fully light.
69 Off I17 going towards Prescott. It needs a bicycle lane.
As noted above, there is very poor bike/ped access between Prescott & Prescott Valley.
Between Prescott and Prescott valley
Great multi-use path next to Highway, but WAY too many stop lights for a highway, there
should have been a complete and fully functioning frontage road system built and used
leaving the highway for highway travel.
Prescott Valley to Cordes Junction, bicycle/equestrian improvements are needed in the rural
stretches of the highway. Traffic along this highway often exceeds the 65mph limit and with
the many curves and hills, it creates low sight visibility and bicyclists/equestrian riders are
too close to the paved roadway.
In Prescott Valley- Reduce # of traffic signals by making mortor vehicles drive on frontage
roads. Provide underpasses for bikes and peds.
Beeline Highway?? Clean it up weekly on the shoulders! More signs for motorists to be
aware of cyclists.
Debri is often on the shoulders and not cleaned up in a timely mannner.
there is no bike lane from prescott valley to prescott along this route.
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 66
State Route 69
State Route 69
State Route 69
State Route 69
State Route 69
State Route 69
State Route 69
State Route 69
State Route 69
State Route 69
State Route 72
widen shoulders for more bike traffic
State Route 73
State Route 73
Lackof shoulders for bicycle travel.
From Hondah to beyond Whiteriver, lousy shoulders and potted roads.
State Route 74
State Route 74
From Happy Valley North it needs to have bicycle accomodations all the way to Wickenberg.
Overpass over I-17 is very dangerous on both sides for cyclists. Turning traffic on both sides
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 74
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
is harrowing when I'm crossing on a bike.
Carefree highway between 17 and Lake Pleasant has some spots that bottleneck to have
rumble strips (that are impossible to ride across) across the entire shoulder. Even an eight
inch flat swath in these spots would keep cyclist from having to choose between a
dangerous riding surface or a high speed traffic lane.
about half of shoulders on the carefree hwy are aweful for bikes also need additional signs
for motorist to share the road. from US 60 to I-17
A safer bike lamer would be wonderful on Carefree hwy
All 30 miles are too narrow for bicyclists and cars to coexist safely, especially with the poor
condition of roadway and sides at many locations.
Just past the lake pleasant marina, the shoulder is very poorly maintained and has speed
ridges, forcing cyclists to ride in the road.
Morristown to I-17. High use for bicyclists. Could use separate bike lane. Could be
coordinated with Peoria, Phoenix, and Maricopa County. Local triathlon clubs and bike clubs
could be used to raise funds for improvements.
lots of debris on the shoulders of the entire route
From Wickenburg passing I17 to Scottsdale, It needs a bicycle shoulder and better signs.
This highway between I17 and US60 the shoulder is in poor condition.
No consistent bike lane and pavement conditions are poor
Important: Going down hill to the base of the river coming into Lake Pleasant, the side of the
road due to no maintenance is very on safe and due to other older rumble strips or no space
left coming into the bridge, you are force into fast driving trucks. It' has happen two times,
that a truck has to move out of his lane, to prevent an accident.
The debris on Hwy 74 (Carefree Hwy) makes it impossible to ride on. Glass, tire carcass,
metel etc is all extremely dangerous. The shoulder is in poor condition to ride so cyclists end
up riding in the lane as the only alternative. Need signage there also to watch for cyclists and
share the road.
74 is good but geeting to it is hard on a bike. Please construct a shoulder on Lake Pleasent
Road from Loop 101 to state route 74.
SR74 has a wide shoulder, but most of the shoulder contains wide rumble strips making it
difficult to ride particularly from Wickenburg to Lake Pleasant area. This same section of
shoulder is very rough with significant raised asphalt every 5 to 10 feet making challenging
to ride.
From Highway 60 to the Lake Pleasant turn-off there are nice wide shoulders but they have
not been maintained. There are frost cracks and humps and it is very tempting to bicycle in
the road to avoid them.
VERY Rough for cyclist - areas of narrow shoulder
The area right at the dam, where there is a transition from new to older pavement. There is a
problem with a diminishing shoulder and a poorly placed rumble strip. Mostly on the north
side as it heads down hill.
Between Eagle Crest Ranch Blvd and East Golder Ranch Drive has no shoulder for cyclists.
This is an often used corridor from Tucson out to Oracle or the Biosphere that has a high
traffic flow a great need for improvement. This is a very short section of road that would be a
relatively small project but would have a huge benefit.
Hwy 77 & Cataline State Park entrance traffic light. Left turn signal from park onto Hwy 77
lasts 6 seconds - impossible to do in 6 seconds! Install photo/camera sensor before
someone gets injured or killed. Have informed Oro Valley who then calls the state. No
Miracle Mile to Magee Rd Although this is in an urbanized area with SunTran buses
running along it, the pedestrian is not treated very well. There are few sidewalks, little
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
lighting, and lots of conflicts with vehicles. North of River Rd, there are some long segments
without active traffic control devices for safely crossing the 6-lane roadway.
1) Need Bike shoulder through Catalina 2) Need to finish multi-path in Oro Valley behind
the HomeDepot at First Avenue and Oracle
At the Ina Road intersection, near mile post 75: Turning right going north from Ina Road is a
traffic hazzard for bicylcists. Many times I have had to take evasive action to prevent being
hit by a motor vehicle, including being run into the curb by turning vehicles. Proposed
improvement plans for that ingersection do not seem to make the turning movements for
bicycles from the east or the west wanting to turn north onto Hwy 778.
Oracle Rd section of Rte 77 extending through the town of Catalina needs wider bike lanes.
Cyclists have to avoid this section for safety reasons. Run the street sweepers along N.
Oracle Rd. on a regular basis.
In the Town of Catalina there are shops on both sides of SR77 and a path on the east side of
SR77, but no way for a pedestrian to safely cross to the west side.
The Tuscon portion of this route needs sidewalks. It is full of businesses along its path.
People could walk to their destination if there were safe sidewalks.
older traffic signals on Oracle (at Rancho Vistoso Blvd and Wilds Rd. etc.) do not recognize
bicyclists stopped at the intersection.
MP 75-ish to MP 104. Recent repavements or improvements have removed the rumble strip
from the shoulder. Why? Now the ped or cyclist is completely dependant on car to avoid
them. The audible shoulder helps alert the person, regardless of the car.
Catalina: Narrow shoulders often littered with debris; overgrown vegetation blocking path
There is a two mile gap in bike route between River Rd and Roger which forces cyclists to be
biking in unmarked lane. Since cyclists are technically prohibited from sidewalks, cyclists
and vehicles can be much closer than clearly delineated lane markings. I take this path
Shoulder are falling apart. They have not been overlayed in at least 10 years between
Mammoth and Winkelman.
We need a good bike lane thru Catalina.
Hwy needs bike lanes through the town of catalina
Between Mammoth and Winkleman, the shoulder is so rough that bicycles (any vehicle for
that matter) cannot safely travel on it. The shoulder is nearly a full lane, so motorists expect
bicycles to use it. But we can't. The speed limit is 70 mph, and bicycles are forced into the
main lanes. Adding to all this, the area is not bicycle friendly. This route is the only way north
of the Tucson area for bicycle tours into the White Mountains.
Always a mess with glass gravel and nails...back to that maintenance thing...Also, the cuts in
the asphalt or indicators suck, they are a hazard to cyclists.
Add bike lanes north of Roger Road.
There are not enough paved shoulder lanes for safe bicycle/motorist usefrom MP170 south
to Winkelman.
Great road for biking but way to dangerous!
Highway 77 through Catalina is very unsafe.
Please complete the bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure gaps.
Provide bike lanes and rumble strips from Oracal Junction to Florence
SR 77 from roughly Grant RD in Tucson through until the Northernmost intersection of
American Ave in Oracle has wide bike lanes. After this point, riding a bicycle on SR 77
Northbound is ill-advised, because there is absolutely no bike lane and motorists don't pay
any attention for bicycle riders. Having bike lanes (or a shared use path, which would be
difficult considering the terrain) would make it possible to ride a bicycle from Tucson all the
way to Globe.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
State Route 77
Would love to see a road with adequate bike lanes to rider to and from Tucson to Globe.
This could be a great training site and could draw a lot of top level (pros and elites) to the
area throughout the year, generating more income to the state and cities.
North of Mammoth to Globe. The rumble strip is in the center of the shoulder in some
places making it hard to ride safely.
Keep the bike lane clean of debris
Lack of shoulders for bicycle travel
Between Tucson and Oracle Junction -- route is great! Like the wide shoulders and rumble
strips. If anything, just continue frequent maintenance to ensure road debris does not
become an issue
I was riding on highway 77 from Globe to Show Low recently. Many areas have rideable,
unrideable, and lack of any shoulder. Several of the unrideable shoulders were because
crack maintenance was not preformed. Other sections have many derbies one had to avoid.
Most of the derbies were rocks that fell off the hillside. For these sections a barrier needs to
be placed to keep falling rocks onto the shoulder.
north of the tucson cycling mecca, there's no good route to globe or points north or south.
the country is very scenic and rolling (elgin) and would make great cycling except for
inconsistent shoulder widths.
Another area needing attention is the guard rails; having a ridable four foot shoulder
straddling a guardrail that is less than a foot from the roadway edge line does not provide a
safe riding facility for cyclist. Every guard rail which restricts the shoulder to less than four
feet must be moved back to provide a four foot shoulder.
Provide bike lanes and rumble strips from The Biosphere to San Manuel
Oracle Road, Hwy 77 has seen some improvements close to Tucson and is scheduled for
the next phase in 12 to 18 months. The completed work is good but does not get sufficient
cleaning in the bike lanes. Glass, metals etc. all get blown to the bike lane so sweeping or
vacuuming needs a higher priority.
The intersection of Oracle Rd. and Wilds Rd. in the town of Catalina is full of debris and
hasn’t been swept in over 1 year.
We have wide shoulder south and north of Catalina but very narrow through town. Very
Route 79
Route 79
Florence Arizona Where SR 79 And 79b meet I'll show you my conceptual design I have
several Russell Freeman [email protected]
Narrow shoulders between Florence and SR 77
State Route 79
I used to live near milepost 100 on Route 79. I tried riding between Oracle Junction and
Milepost 100 but it felt very unsafe. The northbound shoulder is much more narrow than the
southbound shoulder and it's too narrow to be riding that close to cars and semi's with a 65
MPH limit.
wider aprons
Would love to see a road with adequate bike lanes to ride to and from the Phoenix area from
From Florence to Oracle Junction, need a bike lane.
This is a popular route to try and ride from Phx to Tucson, but the section 79 has not true
bike lane and is very narrow and subject to high winds. Dangerous for even the two lanes,
much lees cyclists
From Florence to Oracle, shoulder is not wide enough for safe cycling
State Route 79
State Route 79
State Route 79
State Route 79
State Route 79
State Route 79
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 79
State Route 79
State Route 79
State Route 79
State Route 79
State Route 79
State Route 79
State Route 80
State Route 80
State Route 80
State Route 80
State Route 80
State Route 80
State Route 82
State Route 82
State Route 82
State Route 82
State Route 82
State Route 82
State Route 82
State Route 82
State Route 82
this back route from florence to catalina would be a natural if there were shoulders. lightly
traveled and scenic but no space!
Strips on shoulder make it unsafe and no shoulder in some areas make it unsafe. Love the
new bike lanes in Oak Creek.
The section between Florence and Tucson is a beautiful section of highway that showcases
the diverse flora of the desert southwest but it is basically unusable as a safe route for
bicyclists because of the total lack of a safe shoulder and few places to stop for water.
not wide enougth
Florence to Oracle Junction. The shoulder is either too rough, dirty, or too narrow to ride
safely all the time. The rumble stripping makes it even harder to decide as cyclist where to
ride. If I ride the shoulder and run into debris, then I am forced to decide to risk riding the
debris or the rumble strip.
The line of sight and geometry leave little room for error with the landscape, open range and
cyclists using the roadway. It would be my request that weed control be a priority for at least
4 feet on each side of the roadway. There is little you can do to improve the road but make
the visibility better
No sufficient shoulders all the way north from Tucson.
need crossings at Huachuca Street and San Pedro Street on Hwy 80 in downtown Benson
Between Sierra Vista and Bisbee the bikeriders place themselves in danger by ignoring
motorists. They ride 3 to 4 abreast on a very narrow, but highly traveled hwy.
The shoulders of SR80 north of the Mule Mountain Tunnel are narrow, the asphalt pavement
is in very poor condition (cracked and broken), and the rumble strip extends virtually the
entire width of the shoulder.
State Route 80 from the intersection at Route 90 through to Bisbee needs a better shoulder.
Heading North on highway 80 from Tombstone to Bisbee the shoulder has become
unrideable due to the lack of crack maintenance. The shoulder on highway 80 from Bisbee
to highway 90 is narrow and unrideable. When traveling at speeds of 40+mph down the hill
the cyclist must take the road. A very dangerous thing to do when vehicles are trying to pass
the cyclist at 65 mph.
Between Whetstone and Sonoita. Bike lane is too narrow, both sides.
Sonoita to Tombstone: No Shoulder
SR82/SR83 heading east vehicle driving at a fast mph and no shoulder for pedestrians or
SR82 has a narrow shoulder. while not too much of a problem east of whetstone since road
usage is typically light, south of whetstone sr82 to sonoita and paragonia is heavily used with
fast traffic. makes it a dangerous road to ride but it is a great road to ride...
SR 82 has no shoulder/bike lane at all and is a beautiful ride for a cyclists.
When repaving cover the entire roadbed, including the shoulder area.
The shoulder on Hwy.82 west of Patagonia and up to the picnic area pull-off is broken up
and dangerous for cyclists.
The line of sight and geometry leave little room for error with the landscape, open range and
pedestrians moving on the roadway. It would be my request that weed control be a priority
for at least 4 feet on each side of the roadway. There is little you can do to improve the road
but make the visibility better. This road is well travelled and very scenic but narrow for both
cyclists and vehicular, improve the line of sight.
needs wider shoulders
From the intersection of highway 90 to the Tunnel in Bisbee the shoulder is very narrow.
The route should be widened and designated a bike lane. This is a desired bike rout for
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 82
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
training and tourism.
and State Route 82 should be improved for better cycling. MANY people use this area to
train and do tours, yet the roads are not always maintained or do not have wide enough bike
lanes. MORE tours and training could be done in these area, drawing in more revenue, if the
road were better equipped to handle cyclist traffic.
This hwy is used by many cyclists and pedestrians. Lighting could definitely help this hwy.
When repaving (From I-10 to SR82) or chip sealing extend the material to cover the whole
roadbed, including the shoulder that is used for bicycling.
I bicycle often on Hwy. 83 and I have to drive to mile marker 44 to begin my ride because of
the lack of shoulder north of there. Whenever the road gets paved the new paving stops
somewhere between the lined edge and the dirt. The paving should extend to the end of the
existing paving. It would be a lot safer for bicyclists who like to use the shoulder.
There are no bike lanes on SR83 between Tucson and Sonoita.
The entire length of this highway has little to no shoulder. Those who ride it ride at their own
risk. I often ride sections of it south of Sonoita but do so for short sections only as I spend
most of the time riding dirt roads due to the narrowness of the highway. It's a beautiful road
and many sections of it would best be appreciated at speeds far less than typical automobile
State Route 83 between I-10 and Sonoita is an excellent cycling route in terms of terrain and
scenic vistas, etc. However, the mountainous part of this section has high speed limits and
relatively low visibilty. Widening the shoulder by a few feet would improve safety
The whole length from I-10 to Sonoita. Recent repaving efforts have made sections (though
thankfully wider) incredibly rough. This beautiful road is used by tour ompanies, and would
have far more cycling traffic if it had a bike lane, helping the communities of Sonoita, Elgin,
and Patagonia.
This route needs to be more bike friendly by adding better shoulders and enhancing speed
enforcement along the route. There are frequently conflicts between racing cars, speeding
motorcyclists, slow trucks, cattle in the road, border patrol activities, and recreational bike
riders. This is a stunningly beautiful route, but also a death trap.
From Sonoita south to Parker Canyon Lake. There is no shoulder, either side.
This highway in general should have wider shoulders between I-10 and Elgin. As access to
the Arizona Wine country this road has the potential for a strong tourist attraction.
When the shoulder is unrideable & the road gets resurface the new surface needs to extend
to the edge of the shoulder. On hwy 83 from Sonoita heading north, ADOT repaved the road
& only half of the shoulder. Giving the cyclist a two foot shoulder to ride on gives the
motorist the illusion it is safe to pass a cyclist at 55 mph with less than three feet of passing
distance. All of the shoulder should have been repaved giving the cyclist a four foot de facto
bicycle lane.
Bike lane from I-10 to Sonoita.
Paved shoulders are desperately needed from I-10 to Sonoita.
Shoulder too narrow in spots to be safe, especially since this road has so many winding
areas and has a lot of fast moving cars on it.
Beautiful road but not very safe for bicycles. A more substantial shoulder would be very
welcome. From I-10 to Sonoita.
About 10 miles north of Sonoita, there is a long stretch of windy road without shoulders. This
is a high use road for cyclists, on day trips to Sonoita or multi-day tours to Bisbee and the
surrounding area.
SR83,mp 44 north to I-10 has no shoulder at several points endangering cyclists and some
blind corners.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 83
State Route 84
State Route 84
Provide bike lanes and rumble strips from E. Sahuarita Rd to Hwy 52
and State Route 82 should be improved for better cycling. MANY people use this area to
train and do tours, yet the roads are not always maintained or do not have wide enough bike
lanes. MORE tours and training could be done in these area, drawing in more revenue, if the
road were better equipped to handle cyclist traffic.
shoulder is nice and wide for the most part all the way to Payson but it is not maintained well
(e.g. not smooth) and always has lots of debris
needs wider shoulders from Parker Canyon Lake to I-10
Along most of the route, the road is quite bumpy, which makes riding more perilous as the
ride goes from Marana Rd exit (MP236 on I10) up towards Picacho Peak (MP220).
Ned to repave
State Route 85
Between Avondale Blvd. and Estrella Parkway on State Route 85 - there are hardly any
sidewalks and the brush is sometimes overgrown onto the street and/or trash on the edge making it very difficult and dangerous highway to bike on.
State Route 86
State Route 86
There needs to be safe facilities and especially safe crossings through the Town of Sells.
Traveling through the Tohono Oodham Nation is hazardous to everyone. The line of sight
and geometry leave little room for error with the landscape, open range and pedestrians
moving on the roadway. It would be my request that weed control be a priority for at least 4
feet on each side of the roadway. There is little you can do to improve the road but make the
visibility better
I know it will be widened and repaired until 2013!!? But there are many bumps, cracks and
the drive is terrible. I can only imagine for cyclists who do use State highway 86. Can this
project begin sooner? I've lived near Camino Verde and Ajo Hwy 86 since 2003 and I'm tired
of the terrible road.
Residents -- including children -- of Sells need a safe crossing.
Ajo Way between Mission and Sandario - the shoulder is AWFUL. Very bumpy and difficult
to ride on. Needs to be repaved.
This highway is very dangerous for those who bike or walk. While there is an edge on this
road, there is no offset for these users and there have been numerous deaths and injuries.
This highway generally has a great shoulder but it could use some maintenance and cleanup
as there is often pot holes or debris along the road that are dangerous to cyclists.
Keep the bike lane clean of debris
Between Tucson and intersection with 286 -- oute is great! Like the wide shoulders and
rumble strips. If anything, just continue frequent maintenance to ensure road debris does not
become an issue
Repair bike lanes and rumble strips from Ajo and Kenny to Three Points
State Route 86
State Route 86
State Route 86
State Route 86
State Route 86
State Route 86
State Route 86
State Route 86
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
Payson's traffic on this hwy is awful esp. on weekends and holidays. You take your life in
your own hands to cross this hwy. Same with the 260.
Need shoulders for southbound just south of Payson
Great progress on the shoulder. Can we get it all the way to Pason?
It is not unusual to see 1-30 riders going north out of Payson headed for Strawberry or
further - the Rim. The reality is they believe they can ride on the main highway (yes, I know
it's legal and the law) and they do. This roads is not wide enough for them plus vehicles
traveling north/south....They are a huge hazard and they just don't give a fat rats ass....I'm
sick of them!!! I find in incongruous that you NEVER EVER see a sign to tell riders to stay on
the shoulder ONLY!
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
Shoulder is sometimes wide and great, but by signal peak road to past Sacton there are
section that are narrow with large defects.
Beeline - improve vertical access with switch back in steep vertical change toward the rim
In Payson - there is not a safe place to ride on 87 - sides of the road are too narrow & traffic
circle @ Airport Road is dangerous to manuever on a bike. Most of the time, one has to be in
the traffic lane due to lack of adequate side to road or lack of maintanence of the side sometimes it is just not cleaned. There is a bike path on McLane that runs parallel but it only
goes 1/2 way through town and is usually covered in debris or has road blocks such as
people's garbage cans.
No shoulder on south bound from the Payson Casino down the hill. Forced to ride on the
road. Also the shoulder both directions along the hill is very dirty and riders are forced to
choose! Just road this route 2 days ago!
As we lose safe cycling routes like the hill on Via Linda, cyclists will look to other areas like
Beeline Highway for fittness cycling. A well maintaned, clearly signed and clean shoulder
will improve safety.
North of Payson, especially between Pine and Strawberry. Needs to have a lane for bikers
and hikers. The blind curves and drop offs and very dangerous to all parties using the road.
Turning into 87 at country club is difficult on bikes. Crusading several lanes of traffic to get
to the turn lane its often difficult and intimidating. Then 87 has so many lanes, funding a
clean, clear path over is difficult. I usuallyride straight into ther had station, then merge onto
87 when it's clear.
The is no pedestrian pathway between Pine and Strawberry even though the two towns are
1 mile apart and most of land between the two towns is public land.
It would be helpful to have the shoulder of Beeline hwy swept of debris between McDowell
Rd and Bush Hwy turn off.
As state earlier, there is no shoulder south bound for about 9 miles ouit of payson and no
shoulder leaving payson to pine/strawberry
Need shoulders from Payson to Strawberry.
From Shea to McDowell, too much road debris. From Shea to Bush Highway, too much road
Please add a bike lane
Shoulder is often littered with trash and debris, causing hazards to cyclists. Since this is a
large cyclist through fare, addressing this would be key.
From Ocotillo Rd to Hunt Highway/SR 587 intersection, and continuing southeast to Gilbert
Rd. I've noticed many bicyclists riding during the morning rush hour and on weekends, at
times this highway has no bicycle lane and/or sidewalk and bicyclists would use the right
lane/shoulder as traffic speeds by at 55mph.
This has a decent shoulder south of Hunt Hwy, but is often littered with broken glass and tire
shards. Also, the shoulder runs out as you get closer to Coolidge.
Keep the shoulders debris free and repave! This is a high use area for athletes and it
becomes very dangerous with debris on the shoulder and the condition of certain sections is
deplorable. I'm sorry that I do not have exact location of the highway but pretty much up till
Payson is potentially rideable, but shoulders need to be wider and cleaner.
Between the Mcdowell Rd turn off of the 87 and the Bush Highway maintence of the
shoulder could be improved by removing debris on a regular basis.
87 and the 17 Improving the shoulder
the entire Beeline from McDowell up to Shea -- the shoulder is always littered and as a
cyclist, I always end up with at least 1 flat tire during my ride out there. Having a cleaner
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
road and a wider shoulder would make me feel safer and more comfortable riding out here.
Mile 299 to 305. And Mile 290 thru 299. I ride to work every day on the 299 t0 305 section
and there is no shoulder at all past the white line. When two cars, or trucks meet there just
isn't any room at all.
Payson to Pine - Improvement of shoulders would be great
between Battaglia Road north to Hanna Road, vehicles drive over the speed limit.
From Country Club to Payson, should have double wide bike lanes on both sides including
water/way stations set up every 25 miles.. nothing fancy just functional including shade.
The section between Eloy, north past the Villa Grande subdivision. There are no turn lanes.
Traffic traveling at 65 mph creates a dangerous situation when someone is turning into the
subdivision. There have been accidents, there have been deaths along that stretch of road.
Two deaths since November 2011 and May 1, 2012. If a school bus is unfortunate to
become involved in an accident because of the lack of turn lanes, that body count could rise
much higher.
The shoulders in many areas are adequate, but have a lot of debris and uneven pavement
that can cause accidents
Clean up road debris, post share road signs.
The Beeline, this is the Ironman route, event that brings about 2900 triathletes from all over
the world and it brings money to the city as well. This shoulders are always dirty with large
size trash sometimes and no adequate signage to tell the drivers that there are cyclists on
the shoulders.
Need emergency water between fort McDowell and payson. Maybe open a water spigot at
the closed rest stop at the 188 turnoff or add something at mount ord. Also improve the
shoulder between sunflower and mount ord.
Out towards Sacaton there is always litter / glass on the road. It causes a ton of flats. The
shoulder south of Sacaton become unridable.
Side of highway gets a lot of traffic and needs to be cleaned by street sweepers.
There are no shoulders at all in either direction for the three miles on SR 87 between Pine &
Strawberry, mm 268 to 271. Widening this portion would greatly increase the use of bicycles
between these two towns.
Between bush highway and beeline. Too narrow by saguaro lake
from AZ Avenue to the Pima intersection: glass and debris all along the shoulder from car
From Pine to Winslow the highway lacks adequate road shoulders and has steep dropoffs
and rock hazrds along through cuts. There is no reasonable place to pull off the highway
ecept at some scattered pullouts that are not warning signed except the one going down the
rim toward Strawberry.
From McDowell Rd to Fountain Hills - Keeping the shoulders free from debris will allow
cyclists to keep as far right as possible.
Hwy 87 from Payson to Pine/Strawberry had a shoulder added for a small part of the way
but quickly drops off making it extremely dangerous for cyclists. Absolutley no shoulder there
around some windy roads where large trucks and motor homes travel frequently. Not
enough room for everyone.
Bush Highway to Payson
Good example of what could bE done. Ftn hills to sunflower wide shoulder and rumble strips
are great.
There is always debris in the shoulder causing excess amounts of flat tires for cyclists.
between country club and butcher jones. always debris in the bike lane.
From McDowell Road to Shea, this is very commonly travelled by cyclists. The should is
very wide, but maintenance and cleaning of the shoulder could increase. As well as lighting,
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
and signs to watch for cyclists would be helpful.
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
SR87 between McDowell Rd and Shea Blvd (high bicycle traffic year round) contains a high
level of debris on a consistent basis (broken glass, trash, branches), as well as some
asphalt/concrete debris from road improvements (I've witnessed two
crashes/hospitalizations due to this road construction debris left behind by road crews).
Perhaps due to the high usage of this shoulder this stretch of road can be cleaned more
thoroughly or more often.
SR87 has a wide shoulder perfect for riding from Phoenix/Scottsdale to Payson going
northbound, but currently there is no safe way to return from Payson going southbound on
SR87. It would also be helpful if there was some sort of a waterstation or stop along this
Payson to Strawberry is a narrow two lane road without a shoulder. It is a very dangerous
road for cyclists as the drop-off is abrupt.
Shoulder is littered with debris. There is zero signage alerting traffic to cyclists.
between route 187 and collidge - no shoulder at all to ride on.
Going southbound on 87, between the Bush Highway and the 202, there are always
bicyclists which slow traffic down. they should have their own lane all the way to Phoenix.
And also on the Bush Highway, there are no shoulders.
north of Payson
Shoulder is often littered with trash and debris, causing hazards to cyclists. Since this is a
large cyclist through fare, addressing this would be key.
I frequently ride Bee Line from Fountain hills to Tempe, lots of flats from debris on the
Payson south to Rye. Actually, it's only the first 4-5 miles starting at the Mazatzal Casino
going south. There is no shoulder. As a cyclist, I have to ride the white line, which is right on
the edge of the road. This is very dangerous. Past the safety area, a wide shoulder begins,
but it is not maintained well, so there are usually medium to large rocks and other debris.
These are extremely dangerous to a cyclist because our tires are so small.
It is not unusual to see 1-30 riders going north out of Payson headed for Strawberry or
further - the Rim. The reality is they believe they can ride on the main highway (yes, I know
it's legal and the law) and they do. This roads is not wide enough for them plus vehicles
traveling north/south....They are a huge hazard and they just don't give a fat rats ass....I'm
sick of them!!! I find in incongruous that you NEVER EVER see a sign to tell riders to stay on
the shoulder ONLY!
This route is regularly used by cyclists. West of 187 has a descent shoulder for the majority
of it. However, 87 east of 187 needs a major shoulder widening.
Near the turn off for Sacaton on the east side of the road the shoulder and rumble strip
narrow to a point that a bike is forced to ride in the road. Also the bridge over the Gila river is
too narrow.
North out of Picacho, I'm looking forwards to the day that this gets repaved. It isn't anywhere
near as bad as Mission Road was, though. Those potholes would take you out, and the road
was a minefield of them. It looked like every time the road blew a giant pothole, someone
would come along and put two tablespoons of asphalt into the hole. We liked to joke that it
was maintained by the Beirut Road Department. Ahh, good times. But that got repaved!
Between Payson and Strawberry, there are almost no shoulders at all. There is a lot of daily
heavy traffic on this road making it extremely dangerous for bicyclists and pedestrians. On
the southbound side, one mile north of Payson the recent widening ends. The new guard
rail installed at this location forces bicyclists/pedestrians into the traffic lane.
from shea to payson. great shoulders for bikes!
There should be a bike lane all along this road.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
The highway between Winslow and Payson has virtually NO shoulder for much of the route,
including areas of very tight blind turns.
Bicycle lane widened on Bush Highway from SR87 to Saguaro Lake.
From I10 to Chandler this road is a train wreck. Ythe pavement is bad, the shoulders are
inconsistent and often littered with debris.
Shoulders are very unkept and hard to ride on. Nice to repave the road on both sides. From
Shea Blvd. to McDowell.
Scottsdale to Payson - Keep shoulders clean.
Improve Interstate 19overpass
From Loop 202 to Fountain Hills. Used alot by Bicycles would like to have large signs
reminding drivers to share the road. You more watch for deer signs than share the road
From South of Coolidge, to I-10, the speed limit is too fast. It used to be 55 mph, and so
people drove at 65 mph. Then when it was raised to 65 mph, people increased their speed
to 70+. Rule of thumb should be to post the speed limit lower than you want the traffic to
the shoulder is always littered with debris, not just natural debris from vegitation, which is
understandable due to the exposed nature of the road, but trash, glass, shreded truck tires.
I rode from Scottsdale to Pine on Friday and there are sections of the shoulder which are not
ridable and force cyclists onto the road
SR 87 between Payson and Pine needs shoulders, more aggressive realignment, and
another passing lane. On that entire stretch, from mm 254 to mm 267, there is only one mile
where you may legally pass (262-263), so I don't need to tell you how often that double
yellow is completely ignored.
The shoulder from the 87/187 junction to the point where the 87 and 287 merge is in poor
condition. The Shoulder is rough and thin to no existent in sections. The entire stretch needs
to be wider and smoother. As it stands, cyclist ride the white line to maintain any form of
comfort or safety. Contending with traffic is almost easier than riding the deplorable shoulder
conditions found along that section of highway.
Bike Lanes on Country Club Drive would be extremely helpful, especially to access LRT
when it opens.
Shoulders from Fountain Hills to Payson are shamefull in places - and use of Rumble strips
(indentations) in the shoulder are dangerous and detrimental to riders (rumbles strips should
be on the outside part of the traffic lane, not on the shoulder).
South of Jct. 187 about 2 miles there is no shoulder for about 8 or 10 miles.
At the junction with State Route 188 the rest stop is basically closed permanently. There are
very few water sources for bicyclists and pedestrians for many, many miles. There must be
someway the state can find to restore at least the availability of drinking water at this rest
Fron Fountain Hill to ???? needs bicycle lanes.
Wide shoulders not continuous between Sunflower and Payson
Going south on 87, just pasting AZ 187, there is no safe space for riding down to 287.
Nice and wide, but no one wants to "Share the Road" here. Education and policing would
help. If a campaign were to start on this road, with a heightened presence by DPS to watch
what goes on, maybe some drivers (and cyclists) would have better etiquette
North going out of Fountain Hills, this has a nice shoulder for a while and then it vanishes,
but this seems to be under construction for improvements. If this becomes a viable cycling
route, I think it would become popular with the Arizona roadies looking for training miles.
The Beeline from Mesa to Fountain Hills is a very popular stretch of road.... Although the
shoulders are wide, the road conditions leave a lot to be desired. This is a very popular
routine for cyclist in the east Valley.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 87
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 88
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
Missing shoulders between SR 387 and SR 287
Through Payson, no bike lanes, nothing. Should be widened and safer for riders.
Most of the highway between Payson and Phoenix is wide enough for bikes.
from Apache Junction to Tortilla flat. Shoulders too narrow for a route popular with cyclists.
Needs Bike Path
bike lanes are narrow or non-existent.
Needs lots of work...
from apache junction to Canyon Lake needs to be widened. It's one of the most scenic
bicycle routes but also one of the most dangerous. Especially in the summertime with boat
This road needs a bike lane or shoulder of some sort.
a lot of tight turns with a very small and poorley maintained "shoulder" if you can even call
the few inches on pavement to the other side of the white line.
very popular cycling route but no bike lane and road is deteriorating.
N Idaho Rd & Apache Trail north east to end of pavement past Tortilla Flats. This road has
no shoulder to ride bikes on yet is one of the most traveled routes in the Valley.
between Apache Junction and Canyon Lake. There are no viable bike lanes in terms of road
condition or feet to the right of the white line (perceived bike lane).
This highway is scenic and popular because it goes to Canyon Lake. Cyclist are not match
for distracted driver on the highway from Apache Junction to canyon Lake. We need a wide
bike lane at minimum. A cycling path would be even safer.
Not sure if this is the correct State Route - but Bush Hwy & Usery Pass Rd area.... it's an
amazing location/route for cyclists, yet there are absolutely NO signs anywhere about
Sharing the Road, 3 Feet Please, etc. We cyclists need drivers to be aware that we are
probably out on the road, and that we are allowd to be.
I've noticed this is a popular riding area to tour and to combine with lake swimming for
combined workouts, but I personally refuse to ride this stretch of highway towards the lake
because cars are usually speeding around curves and there is absolutely no room for cars to
maneuver around pedestrians or cyclists
Many brave bicyclists ride from Apache Junction to Tortilla Flat, It is beautiful scenery, but
the road is incredibly dangerous for ordinary cyclists. A bike lane shoulder would improve
this as a recreational ride. I would not put this as a priority over safe bikeways in
Another great recreational ride that is fraught with bad paving patches and no shoulder.
Scary trucks with boat don't even have enough room, much less a recreational cyclist
Highiway 89 east of Flagstaff would be a terrific road to ride if the shoulder/bike lane were
wider and kept clean. I would love to see the span between Townsend/Winona Rd and
Sunset Crater become a popular place for cyclists to ride. It could definitely be as popular as
Lake Mary Rd. with a little work.
Section between Flag & the Snowbowl Rd has an inconsistent shoulder.
89 narrows to no shoulders after 20 miles north of Flagstaff. This is a corridor typically used
by road cyclists and has the high potential for conflicts with vehicles traveling to the Grand
Just north of Flagstaff and Flagstaff mall...this could be very important commuter route in
and out of Flagstaff (including connection from Townsend Winona Rd). Volume and speed
of traffic represent hazards to commuters trying alternative routes. Variable shoulders,
variable presence of sidewalks or bikeways close to town, challenging intersections.
Milton Road, Flagstaff, between W University Ave and S. Plaza Way, needs 2 or 3
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
State Route 89
pedestrian crossings, with crosswalks and safety islands.
Around Prescott, I just have to say, there's some really nice bike infrastructure here. It's
possible to roll all of the way through town, going from shoulder to bike lane. Beautiful!
From Mesa to Payson, State route 89 and the Saguaro Lake cutoff. Very dangerous.
Prescott to Wilhoit I often ride this section of road, and I'm absolutely appalled at the
number of times I get passed (often buzzed) by drivers in sports cars or motorcycles driving
as fast as they possibly can through the turns. Where the speed limit is 45, often these
drivers are pushing 60-70 mph in the straightaways. It's terribly unsafe, and I see zero law
enforcement presence here. I realize this is not an ADOT issue per se, but it's definitely
general highway safety issue
This highway as it leaves Prescott toward Wickenburg has almost no shoulder. The
switchback could have wider shoulders and maybe even a barrier between the cars and
I currently don't ride on a regular basis on a state highway. I have rode on 89 in Prescott
and appreciate the wide shoulder, but it is still scary when cars pass. I would love to have
access to more of these roads on my bike. The thing that makes a lot of these roads
currently unridable is the strips on the shoulder.
This highway between Wickenberg and Congress has NO shoulder at ALL.
From Prescott to Wilhoit is very dangerous with next to nothing in the way of shoulder.
Please remove the rumble strips from 89 specifically from Prescott Airport traveling South
towards Watson Lake to downtown Prescott. There is no room for bikes along this stretch of
highway and it is a town so there is no longer any need for these strips.
The 4 mile stretch east of Alma school- needs a bike lane. This is a very popular route for
cyclists and the traffic often comes within a foot of cyclists.
I would like to be able to bike from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon. The shoulders need to be
improved to allow that to happen. The exact location to start would be from Wickenburg to
Prescott - the big hill in particular
Begining on highway 93 in Wickenburg to 89 to Prescott. Especially the 10 miles from the
93/89 junction to Congress
Highway 89 to Sedona needs shoulders
North of Flagstaff -- connecting trails in city limits on 66 to 89 running north of town. Maybe
creating an off-road parallel path to allow better bike access to Wupatki/sunset crater loop. In
my opinion road becomes a dangerous option when speed limit rises to 55 and then 65.
Headed from Flagstaff to Page does not allow much room for cyclists.
From 89/69 interchange heading north. Maintained bike lanes, please.
State route 89 between chino valley and prescott needs to be 4 lanes all the way with a wide
shoulder to accommodate bicycle traffic. The commuter traffic is very high and it is too
dangerous to use as a bicycle route now.
please remove debris.
Put in wider shoulders north of Wickenburg to Prescott for bikes.
From Prescott to Ashfork has almost no rideable shoulder.
This highway, between Flagstaff and Cameron, would be used by bikers if there were wider
From Congress to Highway 93 there is no shoulder and we rarely use this road due to the
amount of high speed traffic and lack of room to manuever.
Shoulders are not consistent from Chino to Highway 40. Sometimes you are dumped into
the lane especially on the bridges.
1) Need more bike shoulders or Mulit-user paths - entire route
Narrow or no shoulder between Wickenburg and Prescott
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
US 89
US 89
US 89
US 89
US 89
US 89
US 89
US 89
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
North from Oracle Jct. to about 10 miles south of Florence, there is little to no shoulder. It
would be great if one could be added.
Glen Canyon Bridge on Hwy 89 north: sections of road leading up to the bridge from either
direction do not lend to safe cycling and any pedestrian activity
MP 418-420 through Flagstaff. I dont like how they made the lanes smaller, 11' vs 12', to
accomidate bicyles that dont want to use the 10' wide multi use pathway next to the
Northbound from flagstaff mall to maverick station: This section of the road has no shoulder
or decent sidewalk. There is a path on the southbound side, but connectivity is bad.
Southbound in front of Flagstaff mall: A nice bike lane disappears into traffic in a very
congested region, then rematerialises after a hundred feet or so and several mirror grazes.
The shoulder is a bit slim on 89 after it separates from US 66 after the Flagstaff Mall. This
makes longer road rides a bit scary.
From flagstaff to lees fairy should be cycleable. It is not currently.
From the FUTS trail that goes to the Flagstaff Mall and somewhat beyond, greater
connectivity of both bike lanes and urban trails northeast toward Doney Park is needed.
In the town of Catalina the shoulder is too narrow. The road needs to be widened and
include a bike lane.
Red Rock Loop Road -- needs much better signage reminding drivers to give cyclists 3 feet
of clearance. There are too many car/bicycle accidents at the intersections of Red Rock
Loop Road and 89A. A rumble strip inside the white line to remind drivers not to drift into the
bike lane would be good too.
Bike lanes are needed from Highway 179 to Cottonwood
From Redrock HS going east to Airport Road. No shoulder and terrible pavement with cracks
and holes. From uptown Sedona to the top of the switchbacks. No shoulder and terrible
pavement with pot holes, dvits, and cracks especially on the 2.5 mile stretch of the
switchbacks heading North.
In Sedona provide a bike lane on 89A through town and slow traffic to 30 MPH
Sedona. ADOT's response to "presumed" safety issues has been to focus on more lights
and and traffic signals when this failed policy has proved to fail time after time across this
country. Traffic calming NEVER comes from these activities. People accelerate from light to
light. ADOT continues to ignore the "average speed" on this road is TOO high and follows
the same OLD mentality of "flow through" demographics.
From flagstaff through sedona to clarkdale, this highway needs a wide shoulder for cyclists.
There are often riders but rarely adequate asphalt and space.
Between Lake Mary Road and Pine Dell neighborhood in Flagstaff greater area: paved bike
lanes needed for safe bicycle/pedestrian commute.
The intersection of roads on 89A going in and out of Fort Tuthill do no have shoulders and
are not well marked for bikes. On 89A south of Fairgrounds Rd, 89A is very narrow and
dangerous as the speed of cars is high and bikes are hidden on the curve.
Between Bill Gray Rd and Oak Creek Valley Rd. in the Verde Valley. It can be very
frightening to get stranded on this section of road. Bicyclists have been found passed out
from heat exhaustion and vehicle breakdowns are common leaving passengers in poor
shape. If a couple of water spigots could be set up and clearly labeled, it would be a great
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
Bike lanes or bigger shoulders would make this road easier traveled for bicyclists.
Sedona from Dry Creek Rd to uptown ADOT is installing 108 lights, which will run up our
electric bill, but offer minimal pedestrian safety. We need roundabouts and safe pedestrian
crossings instead. It is more than a mile between most pedestrian crossings in this stretch of
Sedona, specifically West Sedona. The present state route is not wide enough to
accomodate a bicycle lane. This is an extremely busy road in the daytime, with vehicles
turning in all directions. Suggest the present pedestrian walkway, already in existence, is
widened to provide both bike and pedestrian lanes
the sedona area is a cycling mecca but it's a disconnected system. more signage and
coordination with bicycle groups and tour operators to promote cycling, especially loops from
30 to 50 miles in length.
thru sedona city the road is terrible, no shoulder and potholes and gravel on side. From
Cottonwood to Sedona, the great shoulder is nearly always loaded with glass
89A through Cottonwood and West Sedona - very busy traffic area with no shoulders. It is
even worse in Oak Creek Canyon.
West Sedona and Uptown via Oak Creek Canyon. There are no bicycle lanes. West Sedona
is to get them this year, but I am still concerned that motorists particularly tourists will not see
bicyclists using the roadways. It might be appropriate for ADOT to provide audio CDs that
car rental agencies can give to the tourist. The tourist would be able to jump to the location
that they are headed and be warned of specific concerns in those areas. Rental Car
companies might subsidize a program.
I know of all the controversy about 89A through West Sedona. The problem is that bike
paths are planned to be installed yet there are hundreds of access aprons that will likely
make using such lanes more dangerous to cyclists. The light poles will also be likely to
cause more devistating accidents. In CA these light poles are being taken out for many
reasons including increased accidents from cars driving into them and cyclist hitting them on
the side walks. So dumb.
Through West Sedona. Needs bike paths.
East of Cottonwood - Terrible debris on the shoulder that causes numerous flats in bike tires!
SR 89A from Flagstaff to Sedona has very limited bicycle access, in particular as it enters
Flagstaff from the south there are stretches with a bike lane that vanishes and re-appears. It
would be delightful to be able to ride from Flagstaff to and from Sedona, but that may be
difficult to achieve because of the stretch of switchbacks.
89A in West Sedona does NOT need additional lighting! Any lights that are installed should
be placed in the median on a single pole with double light arms instead of doubling the
number of poles along each side of the road. (Wish I were selling poles!)
Between Flagstaff and Sedona this route needs better shoulders and generally needs
improved pavement. This could be a phenomenal cycling route if maintained properly.
Oak Creek Canyon-throughout, Add wider shoulders for bikes.
Between Lake Mary Road in Flagstaff and Forest Highlands Drive. More shoulder is needed
for the communities to more easily and safely commute between Flagsaff and the outlying
Oak Creek Canyon is absolutely terrible. The road disappears in spots and the surface is
from sedona to flagstaff through oak creek- this would be a destination ride for cyclists if a
shoulder or bike path could be built
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
Between the intersection of Old Munds Highway and Ft. Tuthill, I bike commute from
Kachina Village into Flagstaff. The 1/2 mile stretch of 89A is dangerous, especially in the
summer. There is no shoulder and one long curve is lined with metal railings. So there is not
even dirt to fall into when you get clipped. RVs, delivery vans, and pickup trucks use this
busy state highway. No one has ever given me the required 3-feet cushion!
Mountain Shadows and 89A in Sedona. We cannot reach the button for activating the
pedestrian walking from being on our bikes on the road. Also the wait for the light to change
is very long and would be nice if pressing the pedestrian button the wait time was shorter.
There is no shoulder on the road between Sedona and Flagstaff.
Heading out of Flagstaff (where I now live) and into Oak Creek Canyon, shoulders,
especially through some curves between Flagstaff and Kachina Village, are way too narrow
to safely allow the passage of a car and a cyclist. Please, either widen shoulders or increase
signage so motorists unfamiliar w/ those tight curves might anticipate encountering cyclists.
From West Sedona through Oak Creek Canyon. 1. No night lighting, can't see people riding
or walking across the highway at night. 2. No islands for people to wait to cross the other
side of the highway. 3. No bike rural areas.
The whole section between Sedona and Flagstaff needs a shoulder. A lot of people
commute between the two cities and I personally know people who would love to ride their
bikes. It could also be a great recreational ride.
The shoulders on 89A between Sedona and Cottonwood need to be swept more often.
Between Wickenberg and Congress, continuing up toward Yarnell. Nothing there is safe for
hikers/bicyclists unless they walk in the dirt well away from traffic.
Highway connecting Flagstaff and Sedona (through Oak Creek Canyon) is very dangerous
for cyclists due to lack of designated bike path and little or no shoulder.
This needs to have walkways and cross walks. Our tourist are getting run over! They don't
use the intersections as they are too far apart from where they want to cross.
Sedona - excessive street lights are NOT needed for "safety". Any installed lights should be
on a single pole in a median instead of doubling the number of poles (unless I was selling
poles . . .) along each side of the road.
From the "y" to Dry Creek Rd
Sedona to flagstaff inadequate bike lanes
The present 89A is very dangerous for bicycleists.
Where the highway intersects with Main Street in the City of Cottonwood. Almost 1/3 of our
bicycle and pedestrian accidents occur at this intersection. This highway has too many
driveways going through the City of Cottonwood, which makes it very difficult to safely ride a
bicycle through town.
from cottonwood to the sr89 . rumble strip or bots dots reflectors for better auto drivers road
boundry identifers. paint may be the cheepest soultion , however in does not get your
attention effectivly.
89A has very narrow shoulders between 89 and 389. This is a corridor typically used by road
cyclists and has the high potential for conflicts with vehicles traveling to the North Rim.
Needs bike lanes in Sedona. Oak Creek Canyon is way too dangerous to ride.
Clarkdale to Jerome and the top of Mingus mt. Many bicyclists use the roadway for
recreation. There are many blind curves and the road is very narrow and not designed for
both bicyclists and motorists. Flashing signs that bicyclists could activate that would stay on
long enough for the bicyclist to reach the next sign that would be activated by motion
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
sensors or other devices that would warn motorists of bicyclists ahead on the up hill
Mountainous over Mingus Mt. Difficult for 2 cars to pass going in opposite directions on
curves. Bicycles create safety issues for everyone.
Between Clarkdale and Jerome (and above Jerome to the Mingus Mountain summit) is a
popular route with cyclists, motorists, and RV drivers, and locals. The road is signed "share
the road" with cyclists, but the shoulder is very narrow. Widening this by a few feet would
benefit tends of thousands every year.
Inadequate bike lanes from Flagstaff to Sedona
Oak Creek Canyon. Very dangerous for pedestrians and bicycles. No shoulder at all along
this scenic tourist oriented area.
Biking in Oak Creek Canyon is hazardous- improve shoulders and safety pullouts.
It's crazy to let bicylists go through Oak Creek canyon, especially the switch backs.
Between Prescott and Sedona
Coffee Pot and 89A in Sedona. We cannot reach the button for activating the pedestrian
walking from being on our bikes on the road. Also the wait for the light to change is very long
and would be nice if pressing the pedestrian button the wait time was shorter.
Get road for training, but too dangerous to ride.
Likewise, there's not a whole lot of room to expand shoulders through Oak Creek Canyon; if
possible, some more shoulder room would be ideal. Otherwise, a lot more signage would be
smart so, on a road heavily driven by tourists, drivers know to anticipate seeing and properly
yielding to a cyclist.
This is a scenic highway connecting Flagstaff to Sedona yet it's too narrow to safely exercise
A paved shoulder on 89A in Oak Creek Canyon would be nice. This is an incredibly beautiful
road for cycling, but there are no shoulders.
89A between Flagstaff and Sedona is not safe for bicyclists in many areas due to narrow
shoulders. Please expand space for bicyclists, and place signage in critical areas, such as
the "switchbacks" after the Oak Creek Canyon overlook.
bikes can go down 89a through oak creek faster than a car, so no problems with cars
passing cyclist, but uphill, wider shoulders....starting to sound like a broken record huh?
Provide bike lanes
SR89A through Sedona needs to be completely redesigned, repaved, and restriped.
Is not biker or ped friendly.
The road through Oak Creek, needs a shoulder all the way into Flagstaff and then on to the
Grand Canyon.
State route 89A from flagstaff to prescott is a great bicycle route between the towns along
the way but the shoulders are too narrow to be safe.
A route from Flag to Sedona of the quality of SR179 would be fantastic.
Between Prescott and wickenburg
Very scenic ride but shoulder is usually full of gravel.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route
State Route
US 89A
US 89A
US 89A
US 89A
US 89A
US 89A
US 89A
US 89A
US 89A
State Route 90
State Route 90
State Route 90
State Route 90
State Route 90
State Route 90
State Route 90
From West Sedona to Cottonwood. Nice wide shoulders. Thank you If you want walkers,
then where there is an upgrade have a bench to rest on.
us93-89 to Congress--- road is currently too narrow and provides too limited visability for
This one is tough, but make the route from Flagstaff to Sedona a safer route through Oak
Creek Canyon.
The section between Flagstaff, south to Sedona need wide shoulders as this road is a
popular cycling route, not only for local cyclist, but is also often used by cyclist riding across
the US.
From the old Jackson's Grill (where Old Munds highway comes in) to Fort Tuthill. I ride from
Mountainaire to town and that is the scariest section by far! For that section there is virtually
no shoulder and you have to ride along a rail around a corner with a 1/2 foot shoulder and
cars going very fast. I would love to see a bike path along the road connecting Old Munds
Highway to Fort Tuthill.
Highway between Flagstaff and Sedona is hazardous for both bicycles and automobiles.
Bicycles insist on riding this road while obstructing traffic at a considerably slower speed
leaving nowhere for the bike to go or the automobiles.
Between the VA center and Prescott Lakes. The shoulder is wide, but often has broken
glass and dangerous materials on the side. While this is likely due to individual drivers,
enforcing littering fines and educating people would improve this. But cleaning the glass
would really help end the many flats I've gotten on my way to Watson Lake :)
Flagstaff-Sedona. Lovely road to bike, but a suicide run. No shoulders, lots of tourists,
rockfall. Facilities and campgrounds do not cater to cyclists. No "share the road" signs.
Intersection of Milton/ Rt 66/ US 89A as it goes under a railroad underpass. A narrow road
w/o bike lanes, it is a major conduit from north & west Flagstaff to NAU & points south. Very
dangerous. There is room to make shoulders, need of bike signage; and a good option to
make the sidewalk to the west usable to bikes by removing the steps. The rest of Milton
heading south is miserably short of decent bike lanes. Bikes are expected to go way out of
their way to accomodate this car-centric road.
Between Ft Tuthill south to Munds old highway. Make sure as this road is redone it has
adequate shoulders for biking. Cyclists from Kachina Village and Mountainaire need a better
option for riding to town than on the interstate, though many use that rather than 89A
because of its narrowness and danger.
Near Flagstaff - limited space for non-motorized travel, often feels dangerous.
The shoulders of SR=90 between Huachuca City and Mooson Road east of Sierra Vista
always conain much glass. The shoulders never seem to be swept.
The SR 90 by-pass that runs from the east entrance of Ft. Huachuca to the intersection with
SR 92. As Sierra Vista continues to develop the need for a safe path here will become more
Newly renovated intersection with Buffalo Soldier Trail and Rt. 90, there is zero
consideration for bicycles at that intersection. There is a multi use path there, but for road
cyclists, zero, zilch. Nada.
From Sierra Vista to Bisbee. It has a narrow shoulder and it needs to have the vegitation cut
a few times a year. to the intersection with highway 82.
East of Sierra Vista, small shoulders, very limited multi-use paths, very busy/dangerous
road, more mult-use paths, better maintenance on the shoulder would help the
Good Example from I-10 to Mustang Corners.
From the Shell station on Guilio Cezare to the River and maybe to the City of Bisbee.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 90
State Route 90
State Route 90
State Route 90
State Route 90
State Route 90
State Route 90
State Route 92
State Route 92
State Route 92
State Route 92
State Route 92
State Route 92
State Route 92
State Route 92
State Route 92
State Route 92
Intersection of I-10 and 90--after the millions of dollars rebuilding both 10 and 90, still can't
walk from the north side of I-10 where there are houses to the south side of I-10 where there
are restaurants. So everyone drives a whole 1 mile to McDonalds.
Intersection at Buffalo Soldier Trail (southbound), Fort Huachuca East Gate (westbound),
and SR 90 north and eastbound. A beautiful shared use path parallels SR90 to the East but
ends at the intersection. Bicyclists going to Fort Huachuca have to cross two sides of the
intersection to move with traffic and then must ride a very narrow shoulder with two lanes of
traffic. Need a tunnel and a path to the Fort Huachuca East Gate.
This highway, between Sierra Vista and Huachuca City, has shoulders covered in excessive
debris, very often ruining cyclists tires. Many cyclists move from the shoulder to the road in
order to avoid the debris/gravel.
Bycicle Path needs to be extended along Hy 90 east of Sierra vista To moleson Rd
Same as above. Within Sierra Vista city limits. Complete the existing multi-use paths to
include both sides of the highway. Paths on only one side or the other lead to vehicular
conflict and/or non-use. Also, bike lanes need additional sweeping.
North of Sierra Vista to Huachuca City, very busy road, high speed (65mph) needs multi-use
path, and center median
Between State Route 90 Bypass and Whetstone. Requires additional sweeping on bike
lanes, both sides.
Having four foot shoulders for a de-facto bike lane is useless unless you provide
maintenance for the shoulder. For example, the shoulders between Coronado monument
and Palominas on highway 92 are unrideable. Many years ago cracks developed, pebbles
filled the cracks, the contraction of the pavement created small peaks. Every rider I know will
ride on the roadway edge line before riding on these shoulders. Even though everyone
understands the danger this poses.
Sierra Vista Mall to Ramsey Rd intersection. Narrow shoulder that doesn't seem to be ever
swept. A street sweeper driving up and down this shoulder once a week would do wonders
to enhance the safety of Hwy 92 for cyclists.
Starting at Fry Blvd. MP 321, and going south to MP 324, there is a shared use path on the
east side of the highway with no traffic control signs or path markings, especially at
intersections. As such, bicycle riders are riding the wrong direction, crossing major
intersections against red pedestrian lights, and using crosswalks to do it. Drivers intending
on turning right are looking to the left and often don't see a bicycle rider approaching from
their right.
Very limited pathways from the intersection of SR 90 and those that exist change sides of
the road making it necessary to cross at dangerous intersections at the entrance of the SV
From the Coronado National Monument Road, east to the south end of Hereford, please fix
the cracks and ripples on the shoulder in this area. This surface is extremely hard on cyclists
and is very dangerous to ride on.
need wider shoulders south of Sierra Vista to Hereford
Shared use path parallels SR 92 in Sierra Vista. Every intersection presents an opportunity
for a collision. Traffic lights offer pretty good protection but southbound traffic turning east
must cross the northbound lanes then the shared use path. Drivers notice the northbound
lanes but often don't see bicyclists. We watch for cars.
The recent work between Hereford Rd and Hunter Canyon Rd with the widened shoulders is
excellent for cyclists.
The entire route. Bicyclists use this route to train for marathon races and ride right on the
line as the "get in the zone" of their ride
State Route 92/Ramsey Canyon Road. The sensor(s) at this location do not always pick up
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route 92
State Route 92
State Route 92
State Route 92
State Route 92
US 93
US 93
US 93
US 93
US 93
US 93
US 93
US 93
US 93
US 93
US 93
US 93
the presence of bicycles.
This highway from about Three Canyons Road, through Palominas, and almost to Bisbee,
has cracking and buckling shoulders (both directions). Very often cyclists move off the
shoulder and onto the road to avoid the jarring and bike-breaking effects of the poor
SR 92 from the intersection with SR 90 in Sierra Vista, south to Kachina (at least) often has
pedestrians and although there exist good paths in some areas it is not consistent. I don't
know who has the responsibility for the section of SR 92 that lies within the city limits but
there are sections here that I used once but won't again because I believe it to be unsafe particularly sections from Foothill to Avenida Cochise.
Within Sierra Vista city limits. Complete the existing multi-use paths to include both sides of
the highway. Paths on only one side or the other lead to vehicular conflict and/or non-use.
Also, bike lanes need additional sweeping.
(Cont from above - ON THE LEFT) Since the shared use path has no markings or traffic
control devices, bicycle riders do whatever they want. Additionally, there is no shared use
path on the west side of the highway, so that fact alone almost encourages wrong way
traffic. In the entire city of Sierra Vista, there is only one small stop sign on a shared use path
and it's located at the intersection of Buffalo Soldier Trail and Avenida Cochise. (Not a state
highway) This is strange to say the least.
south Sierra Vista area, very busy area, could use more multi use paths for walkers and
From approximately 16 miles south of the NV border till about mile post 60, there is no
shoulder on the southbound side. Cyclists have DIED from this failure to provide a shoulder
on this stretch. We have quite a few bicycle tourists that fly into Las Vegas and ride south to
rt 66 and then east, heading to the Grand Canyon and all of them are at great risk on this
West of Wickenburg in general. Narrow shoulders (no shoulder in four-lane sections),
sections of the shoulder in poor condition, rumble strips that are dangerous for cyclists to
This highway MUST be HIGH PRIORITY in getting 4 lane finished [bike path only after] as it
is a very dangerous & busy highway.
You DO know your above state highway map has no numbers on it, only weird letters?
Wickenburg to the turnoff to go to Jerome, I think it is Hwy 89. This part of the road is
dangerous to vehicles, not just bicycles. It really needs to be expanded and have shoulders
wide enough for bicycles. If I wanted to commit suicide I'd ride on this section of Hwy 93
It is not wide enough for safety.
from wickenburg to wickiup is a death trap in . . . the whole length of us93 ending at i40
needs to be a 4 lane hiway . . . so don't divert hiway trust fund taxes to environmental
whacko pedestrian and bike trails . . . use the monies for which they were intended.
I just got done riding 93 and the shoulder on this road is not ridable. Please look to smoothly
pave so that cyclist can use
Widen the road to four lanes north of Wickenburg and put in bike lanes or wide shoulders.
North of Wickenburg - have a continuous bike lane north to interstate 40.
US93 from 89 to Wickenburg needs a smoother and wider shoulder since this is a common
cycling route betwee Prescott and Wickenburg
good job here, keep up the good work!
From Highway 71 to almost the Santa Maria River the shoulder intermittently goes from
narrow to non-existant. This is the main route to Las Vegas so the road is heavily travelled
and the traffic is fast. It always feels dangerous to bicycle on this section of 93.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
US 93
State Route 95
State Route 95
State Route 95
State Route 95
State Route 95
State Route 95
State Route 95
State Route 95
State Route 95
US 95
US 95
US 95
improve seperation between bike movement and motorist for safety.
From Parker to Havasu, very narrow shoulder and lots of traffic at high speeds
177- south, dirty shoulders, small shoulers 177-185 no bike lane, no shoulder 185-201
small shoulder, dirty
please sweep and maintain this area more frequently. Widening, signage and awareness
are also needed on the route.
Lake havasu. If bike path were installed on frontage roads such as london bridge rd. Bikes
could avoid state highway 95 traffic and danger.
the rumble strip runs down the middle of the three foot shoulder going north from the guns
this is a one lane each way hwy.
Havasu to Hwy 40, shoulder is tight by the airport, then it widens and drops completely off
just before Havasu Heights (marker 196 I think)....Old Hwy 95 would make a great bicycle
path from Havasu (Desert Hills) to almost the Hwy 95 N. and Interstate 40!!
widen the road at Topock
where it passes through urbanized areas, bicycle and ped facilites should be provided.
Applies to all scenic routes for bike/ped paths. 1. In-depth state-wide analysis of the current
pathways and safety issues. 2. Identify routes (state-wide) for future bike/ped path
development. 3. Segregate existing pathways. 4. Identify specifications to incorporate
segregated pathways into the design plans of all future roadways. 5. Identify specific
funding sources and prioritize projects.
please sweep and maintain this area more frequently. Widening, signage and awareness
are also needed on the route.
What happened to the five year plan to make US 95 four lanes from 9-E to YPG. Is it now the
10 year plan? (Yuma County)
(Yuma County) How about a better shoulder from Pacific Ave to YPG?
Loop 101
see early comments about Chandler Blvd @ Loop 101. very dangerous for bicyclist. need
bridge OVER loop 101 so bicyclist on Chandler Blvd don't lose their bike lane
Loop 101
I sometimes use the frontage road in the N-S portion of the Loop 101 in the east valley (=
Priest Rd). There is no bike lane between Guadalupe and Chandler Rd, just a shoulder; I
always stay withing the shoulder but drivers sometimes yell at me that I have to be on the
sidealk. They think they own the road. Perhaps some of those signs that read "Share the
Road" would help.
Loop 101 and Pima/Princess. I use this underpass about 3 days per week on my bike
commute to and from work. Proceeding east bound, there is no indication to drivers when a
cyclist is in the (faded) bike lane and the right turn signal for drivers on the offramp remains
green. Most of the time drivers are on their cell phones or not even looking left because the
turn lane is continuous and does not force the driver to stop or merge with traffic.
many places may be unsafe. the intersections are large and the bike lane is not painted thru
the intersection. EX - Hayden and 101 in Scottsdale
Glendale - near Westgate Center. I can see how Westgate and the Glendale PnR could be
destinations for bicyclists. My basic issue is I can't see how bicycle lanes can be integrated
with the highway system along the Loop 101. But I am interested to see the
recommendations from this study on that particular regional destination.
When crossing the 101 overpass on University Drive, I have no bike lane. I commute about 5
days a week or so both ways via bicycle, and this is the scariest part of my commute. I am
hardly given the adequate space to safely ride on the road.
North of Loop 101 between 27th Ave and 51st Ave there is a trail/dirt path about 50 feet
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
Loop 101
north of the WB frontage road. There are curb cuts at many of the cross streets making it
appear to be a bike path but it is dangerous because there are no crosswalks or signage and
the crossings are away from the intersections. This would be a nice trial to provide access to
the new bridge around 59th Ave and the recreation area north of Loop 101 if the proper
connections can be made.
Highway 101 in the north valley at Tatum road is extremely busy. Pedestrians and Bicyclists
are largely ignored.
need signs on sharing the road with cyclists on roads parallel to freeway
Cave Creek Rd to Princess. The frontage road begins/ends at Cave Creek. To get to 56th or
Scottsdale or Hayden roads you have to go south to Union Hills (for a road w/ a bike lane) or
north to Pinnacle Peak (no bike lane). It happens going N/S on 101 too - frontage roads are
short vs. continuous.
Any part of the 101 you can not walk or ride a bicycle on the road. Maybe a separate path
along side the highway could be made, especially on the south west side where there is
plenty of extra room.
Would like to see bike lanes adjacent and alongside to and separate from the existing
highway system.
I live on N 33rd Ave just south of the 101. The sidewalks in the neighborhood go north,
curve to meet the 101 and then end. Why can't the state join to the city's sidewalks? And if
you do want to walk, you need a machete to hack though the vegetation that was planted
with no regard for anyone who wants to walk in the gravel.
Price Road has a minimal shoulder SB, and is in poor condition for a road bike. The Rio
Salado underpass (is not the only one, certainly, but the one I use most often) does not have
a clear path for bicycles, and the re-emergence of the bike lane has a dangerous
pothole/grate combination.
Provide additional pedestrian / bicycle bridges over the Loop 101 in the West Valley.
Loop 101 from SR 51 to Hayden Road does not provide a multi-use path. If a constant multiuse path were provided it would make it MUCH easier for me to commute to work on my bike
by riding along Loop 101 to SR 51. SR 51 has a great multi-use path adjacent to it.
The Fry road / 101 overpass heading East. this is pretty easy if you could just extend the
marked bike lane it would make it clearer to bikes and drivers where the bike should be.
With the right turn for price road it gets a little confusing. Thanks.
I wish 101 was more accessibel to Surprise. Although you have to take the 60 to set from
where I live.
continued from previous comment - ON THE LEFT - (Loop 101 and Pima/Princess)... It is
very unsafe for cyclists and I have had several close calls. Also, the debris in the bike lane
and under the bridge is usually attrocious.
It would be really great to have the paved path that lines the 51 continue when you hit the
instersection fo the you could extend your ride/run.
How about adding a bike path? At least from I-17 to I-10 and eventually along the entire
Arizona Needs Bike Lanes!
The striping on Cave Creek road going under the 101 should be improved - it is difficult to
know where the the lane is for the bike as it gets close to the underpass. Perhaps bike
arrows would help so the biker would know where to wait for the light to change.
Add bike lane in Scottsdale
Bike lane on 101 for faster commuiting to work.
As other highways, the speed factor endangers walkers and bikers!
No bikes or pedestrians allowed; too dangerous.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
Loop 101
Loop 101
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
If there were a cycle path along the highway, with cyclists passing up the cars stuck in traffic,
just think how many people would consider cycling!
Are you kidding? I wouldn't ever dream of taking a bike on this.
I bike to and from Sky Harbor Airport each day from Mesa. I wish I could ride out of and into
the airport where Route 143 connects to Sky Harbor Blvd
Need a way to cross the Salt River by the Airport.
University Dr. and SR 143. Incredibly dangerous intersection transitioning from City of
Phonix roads across ADOT ROW then to City of Tempe roads. The transition between
juristictions should be seamless.
the short 153 road parallel to the 143 by the airport can be functional for cyclists too, it would
connect downtown Phoenix to Tempe/South Phoenix
US 160
the route northwest out of flagstaff to the grand canyon would make a great route in the
warmer months but there's little to no shoulder.
State Route
State Route
The shoulders are too narrow. Auto's often pass without regard for walkers or cyclists. More
signate is needed.
needs bike/shared pathsways paths on both sides
State Route
Amazing section of highway--rural, interesting, pristine. However, traffic speeds are out of
control. Combined with no bike lane, it's deadly. Not sure what can be done about that
Another roadway waiting for fatalities to take place between Winkelman and north to
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
see earlier comment on dangerous rumple strips. Eliminate them asap!
Village of Oak Creek to Hwy 17 - Rumble strips should not be in very narrow shoulder! The
shoulder is lined with vegetation on the opposite side of the strip and bicyclists are forced to
ride in the traffic lane -- many motorists are not paying adequate attention to other users of
the roadway and have RVs or are pulling campers with mirrors that extend beyond the side
of the car which is a hazard for bicyclists who are also riding in the traffic lane.
we need rumble strips. Our new road has only been open for two years and I've nearly been
hit by several tourists who are trying to take pictures of red rocks and not pay attention to the
road. The new road is negatively banked so speeding drivers cut the curves by driving in
the bike lanes.
Between I-17 and VOC. The shoulder has been milled with a rumble strip which forces
bicycles out on to the road. Very dangerous.
it needs to bike friendly now not 5 years from now
Connections from I-17 to 89A
Begin Village of Oak Creek to 89A in Sedona: Visual Observation - Where the medians on
this road are open with only red rock grave placed in them - the beauty of the surrounding
views and the architectural flow of the roadway is revealed. Those planted add nothing to
the beauty of the road, use water, pesticides. maintenance - the above view is much more
sustainable in nature. Thank you
Provide bike lanes between I-17 and the Big Park Community
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
US 180
US 180
The shoulders south of mile post 304.5 need to add a bicycle/pedestrian shoulder. There
are rumble strips on the side that make the shoulder unusable by bikers.
The stretch between the Red Rock Ranger Station & I17 needs to come up to the same
standard as the rest of SR179. The shoulder is narrow and loaded with rumble strips.
From Beaver Head Flats Road to I-17 -- move the rumble strip from the shoulder to just
inside the white line or in the same locations as the white line. The rumble strip is currently
in the shoulder. The shoulder is very narrow. The plants grow over into the shoulder. There
is very little room to ride safely and comfortably in the shoulder. Before the rumble strip was
installed, this was a very nice ride.
This is an example of good road design for pedestrian and bike use.
South of the villiage of Oak Creek to Beaverhead flats is hazardous. No shoulder except
that with the rumble strip. It forces cyclists to ride out in traffic as the rumble strip and
glass/gravel prevent using the shoulder
Repaving from the RRRD Visitors Center to I-17 to remove rumble strips from burm. The
problem is cyclists are having to riding in traffic to the left of the fog line with traffic so that
cyclists can ride in the burm.
From MP 298 to 302 should have a wider shoulder for biking WITHOUT the rumble strip. A
while back, somebody put in the rumble strip and took out the bike riding area. . . .
I wish every highway was as well designed at this. Great job!
This needs a shoulder that is passable by bike between beaver head flat road and I - 17.
Starting with about 1 mile West of Beaver Head Flats Road to I-17 (both directions).
Shoulder limited or non-existent and rumble strip cuts in shoulder eliminates the shoulder as
a safe bicycling option forcing bicyclists into the roadway.
Village of oak creek from ranger syn to I 17 Provide adequate bike lanes
Keep white strips white. As they get grey, there is more of a danger to bicyclists..especially
since drivers are sight seeing.
From Beaverhead Flats Road to "Y" in Sedona -- very nicely done. It is a joy to ride and very
safe now. It could use a couple of "3 feet" or "share the road" signs, but it is nicely paved
and has nice shoulder. Thank you.
Beaver Head Flat should have a bike lane from 179 to Cornville.
Anywhere around Sedona for that matter. Enough said.
SR 179 from the Ranger Station just south of the Village of Oak Creek to the I 17
interchange needs to have new shoulder installed. Either remove the rumble strips or widen
the shoulders so that there is room to ride to the right of the strips.
State Route 179 experiences a very large number of visitors to the the Sedona area. Many
of these visitors may not have seen a bike lane before and drive in it, not aware of the state
law prohibiting it. Explicit signs in that regard need to be posted at frequent intervals to
continually remind drivers of the law.
widen this road to accommodate bicycles from Flagstaff to Grand Canyon. The world
traveller on his bike will make this a popular road.
180 North of Flagstaff. This is an unmarked "bicycle shoulder". Even the city's bicycle
advisory members think this is a bicycle lane. However, both inside and outside city limits,
the surface is of extremely poor quality, the shoulder width (adjascent to a rumble strip)
varies widely between 3 feet and nothing. The edge is jagged.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
Near Flagstaff - limited space for non-motorized travel, often feels dangerous.
From Flagstaff out to Snowbowl and beyond. The shoulders are absolutely horrible for
cyclists. In many cases a reasonable shoulder just disappears and there is not ridable area
other than the standard lane.
from Flagstaff to Grand Canyon - Build a bike pathway the entire distance.
Sechrist Elementary School in Flagstaff, AZ: There is a school zone up during the day when
the school is in session, but there are numerous times when children and adults need to
cross at the school during non-school hours. There is a need to have some kind of crossing
signal so that people can prepare for the fact that people are going to cross.
also known as Fort Valley By Late for the Train This "highway" divides neighborhoods, cars
are suppose to go 35 mph but they go faster than that, kids have friends on either side but it
is dangerous to cross, you might want to get a cup of coffee or go for a walk on the FUTS but
be prepared to wait 5 minutes for the traffic and then RUN!
North of Cheshire development at the right curve before Hidden Hollow road. It is a narrow,
blind corner where cyclist are crowded onto a minimal to non-existent shoulder or guard rail,
rough potholed pavement. and often heavy traffic to Grand Cyn or Snowbowl. It needs a
decent shoulder NOT dissected by bad rumble strips (too wide, wandering) as the rest of
that highway has going north.
This road is very unsafe for all traffic. Very poor in the winter when Snowbowl is active and
then the RV/Bus traffic is high in the summer. No shoulder and very poor conditions to
Valle. This route could be a great cycling route for locals and tourists. Seventy miles to the
Grand Canyon from Flagstaff would be a perfect half day tour.
Highway from Flagstaff to Valle. Not adequate bike lanes for long distance rides
The pavement on Hwy 180 on the edge of Flagstaff from the Schultz Rd junction through the
curve/corner NE of Cheshire development, as of last summer and for years prior, needs
repair--in both directions! The pavement is broken up and narrow so there is no where to go
but into the lane. It needs to be repaired so that I can ride on the outside of the lane and in a
straight line.
Between Shultz Pass Road and FS 164B; and between Snowbowl Road and Valle, there is
not sufficient shoulder for cyclists or pedestrians.
We love the urban trail along 180 but it ends at Shultz Pass Rd. continuing the path so that
people could bike or hike to the Grand Canyon would be excellent.
any improvements that could be made would be great. The area between Schultz Pass
Road and 164B seems to be deteriorating the worst.
From Snowbowl Road (Baderville area) to Tusayan needs a wider & better maintained
Flagstaff Cheshire to/from Snowbowl road = dangerous biking! Need to widen and maintain
Needs a shoulder between Valle and Flagstaff
Between Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon, we really need biking lanes!
Flagstaff - Seachrist School - I am surprised no lighted pedestrian crossing stop lights for
school zone and use for general public during other hours. Flagstaff - Forest Venue Crosswalk but no lights and no pedestrian crossing stop lights. This appears to be well used
but it is on a curve so poor sightlines for traffic
A few spots near flagstaff, as across from cheshire, need more bicycle room. Also, after
snowbowl. It would be great to have a bike lane clear to the grand canyon! Even tourists
would love it!
US 180 / Milton Road is not bike friendly. The road needs more of a shoulder, better
markings. Perhaps the sidewalks could be widened and marked for bikes.
I don't know the mile marker, but it's the turn in Highway 180 that is just west of Cheshire
housing community, and just East/south of the HIdden Hollow turn-off. The road is in
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
US 180
TERRIBLE shape, potholes, uneven road, Shoulder is completely missing, erosion of edge
of road - VERY DANGEROUS. And site of many conflicts between cyclist and drivers b/c
cyclists have to ride IN THE ROAD there.
Please place lights at the crosswalk by the chevron station on Fort Valley Road. Also, place
a continuous sidewalk on both sides of the road at least up to MNA.
Flagstaff-Cameron. Again, beautiful road. No shoulders, in poor condition, lots of tourists
(RVs/Campers), winding and difficult to see ahead. Ridiculous amounts of daily traffic.
Hwy 180 north of Flagstaff should be widened enough to all allow safe bike lanes.
Between Flagstaff and Valle this route needs better shoulders and generally needs improved
pavement. This could be a phenomenal cycling route if maintained properly.
Between Schultz Pass road and Hidden Hollow road. A widening of the shoulders is needed
for safe passage on the heavily used bicycle route.
From Flagstaff out toward Snowbowl Rd the shoulder is very narrow
Needs a wide shoulder from its beginning, through town, to Snowbowl (in addition to a bike
pathway from Flagstaff to Grand Canyon along 180 and 64)
US 180 north of Flagstaff has varying width shoulders. The rumble bars on the existing
shoulders make cycling difficult. In other stretches of the road there is no rideable shoulder.
If the shoulder could be enhanced from Flagstaff to Kendrick Park it would make a significant
The 10 miles that run north out of Flagstaff could use some widening in places.
Road to Grand Canyon from Flagstaff, then add Hwy 64 from Williams to GC. Bike lanes,
signs, rest areas needed.
Between SnowBowl and Downtown Flagstaff: Find a way to alleviate traffic leaving
SnowBowl versus year round residents trying to get to home/work and vice versa. What a
mess! Great move on Flag's part to assist in this with multi-use trails off highway!!
Is also not very ped and bike friendly.
The northeastern road out of Flagstaff suffers from traffic jams all winter and unsafe
conditions in the summer. An improved roadway for bikes would make getting to the Grand
Canyon easier for those who don't want to drive.
Humphreys Road past downtown Flagstaff does not accommodate cyclists. While i would
not want to see any trees taken down to widen the road, slower speeds or painted bike lanes
would improve biker safety.
US 180 from Flagstaff to Valle needs wider shoulders.
State Route
State Route
All along Hwy 180 there are narrow shoulders. It would be nice to have a good wide path for
those wishing to bike to the Grand Canyon.
Cycling from Flagstaff toward the Grand Canyon has always been a risk. In recent years,
that risk has increased as ADOT used poorly funded half-measures to keep the road
passable, but nothing in the way of repair and certainly nothing to enhance cycling safety.
State Route
State Route
Even though it is relatively light on traffic, the stretch of 187 from 87 to 387 has almost no
shoulder, and it is regularly used by cyclists. It is also difficult to make the left turn from 187
onto 387.
This is a popular route riding to Sacaton and then going out to the I10, and back up over the
hill. Part of the route has a wide, paved shoulder, part does not. The entire route should have
a wide, paved shoulder.
The entire 187 has no shoulder to speak of. Even the white line is crumbling away in
State Route
Between Jakes Corner and a few miles south of Tonto Basin, the shoulders always have a
State Route
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route
lot of weeds and debris. The section a few miles north of Punkin Center has a side rode
leading to a gravel pit where there is a large commercial operation. Trucks drops crushed
gravel along the shoulder here all the time. The commercial operator should be made to
clean it up a couple times each week.
No exact locations. That stretch of highway is used by bicycle traffic for those training for
sport. One was rear ended by a commerical truck and managed to survive. A designated
path for cyclists might have helped identify where they were supposed to be and avoided
any collision
State Route
once this highway is fully utilized by commercial truck traffic, it will not be suitable for bicycle
or ped traffic.
Loop 202
If Loop 202 Pecos is approved, it will be a perfect time to showcase what we can do to
incorporate biking/hiking and wlaking in to a project
SanTan Freeway from Price Road/Loop 101 to US 60 Needs an off-road shared-use
pedestrian/bike path that parallels the freeway to provide an efficient path with few road
If you must build the South Mtn, freeway... a really bad idea... then at least salvage the
destruction by constructing a separated recreational pathway to connect pecos road to the
west end of south mtn
The bike lanes seem to disappear at highway intersections with roads
Trying to cross heading south from scottsdale/phoenix into tempe
Bike lane on Elliot would be nice across bridge
Crossing Loop 202 at/on Priest Drive is dangerous-- there is not good visibility around
corners, and drivers don't seem to expect to encounter bicyclists.
No issue with the highway itself, but if you built a bike path that ran along side it, people
would use that to commute instead of driving.
Rural/Scottsdale Road, heavily used pedestrian/bike corridor with increased housing north of
the lake, with the on/off ramps this area is very intimidating to bike/ped users. A safer
solution here would be appreciated.
Provide underpasses or overpasses for pedestrians and bicycles at cross-streets and shared
use paths along freeway between cross-streets to eliminate conflicts with vehicles
Stop the 202 expansion. Don't expand for cars, but for bikes. Don't touch South Mountain
Bike lane on 202 for faster commuiting to work.
Install a bike lane?!
the Dobson/202 overpass south bound. This is a great overpass and bike lane. One small
thing would be to add a sign saying that bikes do not need to stop at the light. It's a case
where we aren't crossing. So there is no benifit for the bikes to stop. Thanks.
Pecos Rd is a great road for cyclists and runners, building a freeway on top is a mistake but
if you are going to do it be sure to build a very wide bike lane
If the South Mtn 202 ever gets built it should preserve a bike lane, not only for the actual
possibility of people commuting to work, but because this is a HUGE destination for
recreational cyclists. When Pecos is redesigned it will be a huge missed opportunity if ADOT
were'nt innovative in trying to create a bike connection "around the mountain"
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
Loop 202
State Route
State Route
Between Broadway Blvd. and Golf Links. Crossing isn't easy. There are only a couple of
crossing points, and they involve coming off of the bikeway onto major streets. My
(expensive) dream would be a couple of crossings underneath the highway.
Barranza-Aviation Bikepath is a godsend to get through Tucson to the southeast part of
town! I use it nearly every week when I go out cycling!
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route
State Route
Please add a shoulder to this route between maricopa and Casa Grande. It's a great loop
from Chandler, but is scary to share with motorists.
Expanding the shoulder on 238 would give access to cyclists to a beautiful part of the valley.
Some sections are OK to travel, but others have no shoulder and are very dangerous.
State Route
Between Star Valley and Forest Lakes. Although a great of this road has or is being
improved, there are segments of it in between the improvements that are not. This makes it
dangerous for cyclists. It is my understanding that some of the roadway improvement isn't
even in the budget until after 2015.
I honestly believe that the ONLY WAY that those at ADOT responsible for this highway will
EVER understand why it simply sucks is to get on a bicycle and ride from Cottonwood to
Camp Verde. Seriously... if ADOT can spend time & money for charettes, public input
sessions, meetings, etc., then why can't three or four of them simply get on bikes and ride
down their own damn highway. It's a cheap, fast, and effective way to assess a situation.
Where the State Highway intersects with US 89A. Almost 1/3 of our bicycle and pedestrian
accidents occur at this intersection. There needs to be better signage and other
improvements at the intersection to help cyclists get through safely.
cottonwood to payson . better(wider) shoulders, or seperiate nonconnected pathway. 1
would work for both dirrections.
From Cottonwood through Camp Verde there are now signs concerning bike usage.or signs
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
Hwy 260 was just recently improved. Was a bike lane part of that improvement?
There are no shoulders on 260 from the bottom of the rim to Show Low capable of bicycle or
pedestrian use. Also the the first few mile East of Starr Valley lack shoulders.
The state Route 260 between Payson and Star Valley needs a shoulder or separate bicycle
Intersection with Young Road to Heber. Beautiful place to ride, no shoulder.
Hwy 260 between Payson and Heber contains some of the most scenic land in the state, yet
the lack of a shoulder makes it extremely dangerous to traverse by bicycle
the highway should be widened from Show Low to Pinetop to Eager to provide a safe bike
lane. Road is heavly traveled in the summer mos and is very dangerious in many areas that
are to narrow for a bike lane.
needs walkways and bike paths desperately. A lot of jail foot traffic happens in both
directions and it can get dangerous for them.
Between Payson, Pine and the Rim the highway is very narrow in sections. Would like to see
bike lanes added when funding is available.
Between Cottonwood and I-17 (both directions); new construction improved the shoulder
width in some areas, but it is not a complete undisrupted wide shoulder for the entire length
of this section; wide shoulders that do exist are impacted by weeds, trash, glass, etc. so
even the wider sections are dangerous to use
Between Pine & Strawberry. VERY dangerous road. Needs bike shoulders
provide a bike lane between I-17 and Cottonwood
improve vertical access with switch back in steep vertical change toward the rim country
The climb up or descent down the Rim would be a lot safer with a wider shoulder with rumble
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
Same issue of no shoulder between star valley and the new stretch of highway near
christopher creek. after that, it's great.
Need shoulders from Payson to Kohls Ranch.
Residents -- including children -- of Pinetop-Lakeside, Show Low, and Springerville need a
safe crossing.
SR 260 could be a major bicycling highway if only wide paved shoulders were added to it,
like those on SR 89A between Cottonwood and Sedona. By improving this highway the
Verde Valley would have a wonderful bicycle route that would draw visitors and greatly
improve safety.
poor design for use by bkies. If you couldn't do it the "right way" then to just put something in
which is what it seems you have done in not appropriate. Once again, you need a transition
area from paved highway, terrain/shrubbery transition zone, then the paved area for bikes or
walkers. That is an inherent safe design compared to a silly white line separating cars and
Between Payson and Heber: Excellent use of animal crossing areas. Very impressive and
The shoulder does not go the entire length of the highway.
ADOT does not maintain shoulders. For example, I recently rode SR 260 between
Cottonwood and Camp Verde. Unless new, shoulders through there are in poor conditon
and not swept.
Between Payson to Camp Verde. This is similar to the section of Hwy 260 between Star
Valley and Forest Lakes - good shoulder on some parts and no shoulder or inadequate
shoulder on others.
It is not unusual to see 1-30 riders going north out of Payson headed for Strawberry or
further - the Rim. The reality is they believe they can ride on the main highway (yes, I know
it's legal and the law) and they do. This roads is not wide enough for them plus vehicles
traveling north/south....They are a huge hazard and they just don't give a fat rats ass....I'm
sick of them!!! I find in incongruous that you NEVER EVER see a sign to tell riders to stay on
the shoulder ONLY!
Needs bike lanes whole length, so does Cornville Road
1) Some day the whole Route with Bike shoulders and multi paths in popular area's. More
and More Airzonana's head to the High country in the Summer. This could be a key
recreation route.
On the eastbound lane in Payson at Mud Spings road the shoulder goes from a good size to
nearly nothing and there is a right turn lane that also starts so it is very dangerous there.
Hondah to Eager. Road is horrid for riders. Potted, small shoulders.
Hwy 260 coming into Camp Verde heading to Mingus Mnt (Jerome) is a heavily traveled
cycling area where we must ride in lane as the shoulder is much to rough to ride. It is
extremely dangerous as there is simply not enough room on road for both bikes and cars.
It is not unusual to see 1-30 riders going north out of Payson headed for Strawberry or
further - the Rim. The reality is they believe they can ride on the main highway (yes, I know
it's legal and the law) and they do. This roads is not wide enough for them plus vehicles
traveling north/south....They are a huge hazard and they just don't give a fat rats ass....I'm
sick of them!!! I find in incongruous that you NEVER EVER see a sign to tell riders to stay on
the shoulder ONLY!
Heber to Show Low and Heber to Forest Lake. Limited shoulder access. Perfect place to
ride but as unsafe as it comes.
MP 255+ to MP 261+ only approximately one mile has sidewalks. Several sections have less
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
State Route
than four foot shoulders. These areas are used by pedestrians, bicyclists, and horseback
260 east bound from west end of Town limits to divided hwy to east.
State Route
Xwalk by Star Vly Town Hall and Circle K by Spur Bar and Lamp liter RV park
State Route
From Ford dealership east to divided hwy sides of 260 blind because of trees and brush.
Can’t see animals before they cross.
State Route
Between Payson and Star Valley biking or walking on this highway is very dangerous in
some areas.
State Route
this is a high country route that connects Show Low to the White Mountains. It needs new
pavement as it is very beat up and there is no shoulder. We cycle on it in the spring,
summer and fall and it would be used much more if it had a shoulder.
State Route
State Route
This road is rarely traveled, which makes it a nice ride. The shoulder its incredibly narrow,
and overrun by debris. A separate bike lame our pedestrian path would minimize the road
debris. Also, if planned and wide enough, could host a series of cycling or running events Valley of the sun road ra ce, Ragnar equivalent to casa grande, local races/rides linking
those communities, etc.
At Adamsville road (approximately) There is no shoulder on this segment for about one half
The 287/79/87 route from Phoenix to Tucson through Oracle Junction and Florence could
really benefit from some shoulders. The AZ state highway cycling guide does a fantastic job
of indicating which roads have shoulders -- thank you for that!
From Hacienda Road, just West of the 10 to N Thornton Road. There is no place except the
sidewalk for cyclist to traverse this route safely.
State Route
Continuing the pavement on 288 to highway 260 would create a perfect corridor between the
lower and upper elevations in the state.
Loop 303
Pretty much everything between I-10 and US 60. The shoulders are too narrow for cyclist.
Alternative routes (surface streets) are available, but frequent stops (most every mile) are
common. A common use path within the ROW could be located near the edge of ROW and
brought close to the lanes at underpass locations, taking advantage of new structures. If the
pathways are integral with new structures there will be no conflicts with crossing traffic.
Loop 303 at Bell Rd - difficult crossing before light times out. Same at 303 and Grand
Really would appreciate a designated bike lane on the 303. It is such a beautiful road and
the only real way I can get from Surprise to northern Peoria on my bike.
NO bikes or pedestrians allowed; too dangerous.
Brand new highway across open Sonoran Desert (Happy Valley to I-17) and no pedestrian
or bike access or frontage road. Would be an ideal recreational location. Perhaps planned
for the future.
From Surprise to the 10 just plain needs to be completed. There is no shoulder currently the
entire way and it only 2 lanes for the majority of the stretch.
Nice to have the Highway accessible to bicycles from the I-17 to Lone Mtn. Parkway.
I love the wide shoulder but there is often a lot of construction material, tire parts and
random debris littering the shoulder. Sweeping this road once a month would help a lot.
State Route
State Route
Loop 303
Loop 303
Loop 303
Loop 303
Loop 303
Loop 303
Loop 303
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 6: Choose a state highway you would like to comment on.
State Highway
Loop 303
Loop 303
Loop 303
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
State Route
Southbound on 303 at Elmirage Rd - he intersection sign to turn left on Elmirage Rd is place
too close to where you have to turn. By the time you see the ssign, you are by the turn lane.
Wider shoulders with bike lanes! Again signs, rest ares/shade/water needed.
Gorgeous road wide great landscape and should go further
Better bike lanes without rummble strips and clean the debris from the road
Riggs Road/State Road 347 Intersection It seems to be extremely dangerous to cross
Riggs Road in either a north or south direction with the large amount of traffic, (including
large trucks that use Riggs as a two lane feeder from west Phoenix.) Crossing 347 while
on Riggs also seems to be a dangerous undertaking. Many single and group bicyclists use
347. A better "on-demand" crossing system should be in place.
Maricopa Road intersection with Queen Creek Road. When bicycling south on Maricopa
Road, there is no legal or safe way to turn left onto Queen Creek Road.
Crossing from 347 north bound to the road that goes behind Firebird Raceway
At Maricopa Road intersection. It is very unsafe to make a left turn (northbound) onto
Maricopa Road.
Currently there are minimal sidewalks provided along SR347 that does not allow for
connectivity to and from key business centers.
Intersection of Riggs Road and intersection of Casa Blanca Road. These are insane
intersections in terms of speed and red light violations. Traffic cameras and signs warning of
bicycle traffic are needed.
State Highway 387 in Casa Grande infront of the residential portion of the Villago
Subdivision just north of McCartney Rd. has no sidewalks, and or curb and gutters. I see
people walking here all the time to access the comercial development on the corner, and
there is no place for them to safely walk, so they are forced to walk in the gravel landscaped
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
What county in Arizona do you live in?
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
1 Payson
2 Cottonwood, Arizona
3 Phoenix, AZ USA
4 lake havasu city
5 Surprise, AZ USA
6 Sedona 86351
7 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
8 Phoenix, AZ
9 Flagstaff, AZ
10 Tucson, AZ USA
11 Phoenix
12 Kingman AZ
13 tucson
14 Globe, AZ. USA
15 Tempe, AZ
16 Sun City West
17 Phoenix, AZ
18 Payson, Gila Co., AZ
19 Scottsdale
20 Tucson
21 Phoenix, Arizona
22 Tucson
10929 W Hutton Dr.
23 Sun City, Az. USA
24 Cochise County, Arizona
25 Vail, Arizona, USA
26 Vail, Az USA
27 Sun City West
28 Sun City, AZ, USA
29 Phoenix, AZ Maricopa
30 Phoenix
31 phoenix, az, usa
32 Peoria. AZ
33 tucson, AZ
34 Phoenix/AZ/USA
35 Phoenix, AZ
36 Phoenix
37 Phoenix, AZ USA
38 Tucson, AZ
39 Marana AZ USA
40 Sun City
41 Tempe, AZ
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
42 Phoenix, AZ
43 Tucson, AZ
44 Tucson, Arizona
45 Tucson, AZ United States
46 Tucson, AZ
47 Glendale, AZ
48 Glendale,AZ usa
49 Flagstaff
50 Tempe
51 Tucson
52 Tucson Arizona
53 Mesa, AZ
54 Phoenix
55 Chandler, AZ - United States
56 Oro Valley, Pima County, Arizona USA
57 Phoenix
58 Phoenix, AZ USA
15053 w larkspur dr
59 85379
60 Lake Havasu city, Arizona
61 Chandler, AZ
62 Lake Havasu City, Arizona
63 lake havasu city
64 Lake Havasu City
65 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406
66 Phoenix
67 Chandler, AZ 85248
68 Oro Valley, AZ
10731 West Caron Drive
69 Sun City, AZ
70 PHx
71 Tucson
72 flagstaff
73 Sun City, AZ
74 Tucson, AZ USA
75 Gilbert
76 Phoenix
77 Phoenix
78 Gilbert, AZ
79 Chandler
80 Sedona, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
81 USA
82 Tucson, AZ
83 Tucson
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
84 Payson
85 Tucson AZ
86 Surprise, AZ
87 Tempe, AZ, USA
88 Quenn Creek
89 Tempe, AZ
90 yuma, az, usa
91 cornville az. 86325 usa
92 Surprise
93 Flagstaff
94 sun city west,az
95 Mesa,AZ, USA
96 Coronado, CA US
97 Sun City West, AZ
98 tucson, az, usa
99 East Mesa
100 Phoenix, Arizona, USA
101 Gilbert, AZ
102 Tempe, AZ, USA
103 Oro Valley
104 Flagstaff
105 east Mesa
106 Sedona
107 Marana AZ
108 Alexandria, MN, USA
109 Chandler, AZ
110 Flagstaff
111 flagstaff
112 Flagstaff, AZ
113 Waddell, AZ, U.S.A.
114 Phoenix - Downtown Living
115 Flagstaff
116 Drummond, MT
117 Phoenix
118 Sedona
119 Mesa, AZ USA
120 Green Valley, AZ and Steamboat Springs, CO
121 Peoria
122 Flagstaff, AZ
123 Phoenix, Arizona
124 Peoria, AZ USA
125 Phoenix
126 Marana
127 Maricopa
128 Tempe
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
129 Surprise
130 Flagstaff
131 Sedona, AZ
132 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
133 San Tan Valley
134 Flagstaff, AZ USA
135 Flagstaff, AZ, USA, Planet Earth
136 Mesa, AZ
137 Mesa
138 Flagstaff
139 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
140 Tucson
141 Flagstaff
142 Flagstaff
143 Scottsdale, AZ
144 Chandler, AZ USA
145 Phoenix, AZ
8230 N. Rancho Catalina Ave.
146 Oro Valey, AZ 84704
147 2631 E Corrine DR. Phx AZ Maircopa
148 Oro Valley, AZ, US
149 Tucson
150 Prescott, az
151 Tucson, AZ
152 Tucson
153 Tucson, az
154 flagstaff, az
155 Verrado, Buckeye, Az
156 Surprise, AZ
1530 North Navajo Dr.
157 Flagstaff, AZ 86001
158 Laveen, AZ
159 Oro Valley, AZ
160 Goodyear, AZ, US
161 Flagstaff AZ
162 Buckeye
163 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
164 Oro Valley, AZ, USA
165 florence, az, pinal
166 Flagstaff
167 Picture Rocks, Arizona, Pima County USA
168 Cottonwood, AZ
169 Flagstaff, AZ
170 Sahuarita, AZ
171 Phoenix
172 Goodyear, AZ - Maricopa Co
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
173 Sierra Vista, AZ
174 Marana/Tucson
175 Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
176 flagstaff
177 Flagstaff, AZ
178 Flagstaff
179 Flagstarr
180 Sun City West, AZ, USA
181 Oro Valley, AZ, USA
182 Sierra Vista, AZ
183 Phoenix, AZ
184 glendale, az
185 Tucson, AZ
186 Flagstaff, AZ, Coconino
187 Flagstaff, Arizona USA
188 Chandler, AZ
189 Flagstaff, AZ USA
190 Flagstaff, AZ
191 Phoenix
192 Camp Verde
193 Flagstaff
194 Catalina, AZ USA
195 Flagstaff, AZ USA
196 Surprise
197 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
198 Oro Valley, AZ, USA
199 Mesa, Arizona, USA
200 Phoenix, AZ, USA
201 Flagstaff
202 Phoenix, AZ
203 Flagstaff, Arizona
204 Tempe, AZ, USA
205 Flagstaff
206 Tempe
207 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
208 Flagstaff, AZ
209 Flagstaff, arizona
210 Avondale, AZ USA
211 Goodyear
212 Payson, Az USA
213 Phoenix
214 Phoenix
215 Sedona
216 Tonto Verde, Az
217 8208 E. Gary Rd. Scottsdale AZ. 85260 U.S.A.
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
218 Flagstaff
219 Tempe, AZ US
220 Tempe, AZ
221 Mesa, AZ, US
222 Sun city west
223 Tempe, AZ
224 N/E Phoenix, AZ
225 Scottsdale, AZ, USA
226 Flagstaff
227 Phoenix
228 Flagstaff
229 Chandler, AZ
230 Payson
231 Flagstaff, AZ
232 flagstaff, az 86004
233 Payson
234 16425 41st Street, Phoenix
235 Sedona, AZ USA
236 Queen Creek, AZ
237 mesa, az USA
238 Mesa, AZ
239 Prescott
240 Florence Arizona
241 Gilbert 85297
242 Avondale, Arizona
243 Flagstaff
244 Prescott, AZ
245 Mesa, AZ, USA
246 Prescott
247 flagstaff, az
248 Sedona
249 Glendale
250 Strawberry
251 Tucson
252 mesa, az 85204
253 Lake Havasu City
254 Phoenix, Arizona, USA
255 Sedona, AZ USA
256 Phoenix
257 Flagstaff, AZ
258 Tucson, AZ, USA
259 Sierra Vista, AZ
260 Scottsdale
261 Flagstaff, AZ USA
262 Scottsdale
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
263 Tucson, AZ USA
264 Lake Montezuma
265 Phoenix, Arizona.
266 FLG
267 Tempe, AZ
268 Sedona, AZ
269 Tucson,Arizona USA
270 Phoenix, Arizona USA
271 Payson, AZ
272 tempe
273 Tucson, AZ, US
274 telluride, colorado
275 Casa Grande, AZ USA
276 Phoenix, AZ
277 Tucson
278 Sedona, az
15777 W. Mescal St
279 Surprise, AZ 85379, USA
280 Village of Oak Creek
281 Sedona, AZ
282 Tucson, Arizona, U.S.
283 Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin USA
284 Phoenix
285 Unincorporated Pima County on the outskirts of Oro Valley
286 Phoenix, Arizona, Maricopa County
287 city
288 Casa Grande, AZ USA
289 Phoenix
290 chandler
Green Valley, AZ
This survey, some boxes "unchecked" themselves when the next box was checked, so unanswered
291 #'s.
292 Phoenix, AZ USA
293 Phoenix, AZ 85013
294 Glendale az 85306
295 Phoenix
296 Anthem, Az
297 Chander, AZ, USA
298 Scottsdale, AZ
299 Surprise
300 Green Valley, AZ
301 Phoenix, AZ
302 Green Valley,AZ/ Pima
303 Bullhead
304 Green Valley, AZ
305 Glendale, AZ USA
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
306 Tucson, AZ
307 sierra visat
308 Sun City
309 Flagstaff
310 scottsdale
311 Tucson, AZ, USA
312 Peoria AZ
313 Buckeye
314 Scottsdale, AZ, USA
315 Sierra Vista, AZ.
316 Green Valley AZ
317 Avondale az
318 Kingman
319 Tempe AZ, USA
320 Phoenix (proper), AZ
321 Phoenix 85086
322 New Mexico
323 Tempe, AZ USA
324 Sierra Vista, AZ
325 Scottsdale, AZ
326 Cottonwood, AZ
327 Edina, MN
328 scottsdale, AZ
329 Mesa, AZ
302 S. Marble Point
Payson Arizona
Also have a home in Mesa Arizona
330 USA
331 Phoenix Arizona
332 Phoenix
333 phoenix AZ
334 Gold Canyon, AZ
335 Peoria, AZ
336 Chino Valley, AZ
337 Tucson, AZ, USA
338 Flagstaff
339 Phoenix
340 Lake havasu
341 Sierra Vista, AZ
342 Tucson, AZ, USA
343 Tucson, AZ USA
344 Prescott, AZ
345 Prescott AZ
346 Prescott
347 Litchfield Park
348 Kingman
349 Red Deer, Alberta, Canada (although I do spend half of the year in my home in Oro Valley, Arizona
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
350 Tempe, AZ
351 Deer Valley/Phoenix, Arizona, USA
352 mesa
353 Chandler
354 Sun City West
355 payson
356 Payson
357 chandler, az
358 Chandler
359 Village of Oak Creek - Sedona
360 Gilbert
361 Tucson
362 Tucson, Arizona, USA
363 Peoria, AZ, USA
364 Scottsdale, az
365 Payson, AZ, Gila
366 Payson, AZ, USA
367 Prescott Valley
368 A very unfriendly bicycle town
369 Tempe, AZ
370 Kingman, Az, USA
371 Tucson , AZ, USA
372 phoenix
373 Tempe
374 Kingman, AZ
375 Black Canyon City, AZ, U.S.A.
376 Tucson, AZ
377 cave creek
378 Kingman, AZ USA
379 Oro Valley, AZ USA
380 Phoenix
381 Yucca, Arizona, USA
382 Chandler
383 tucson, az usa
384 Peoria, AZ
385 Eloy
386 tucson az
387 Kingman, AZ Mohave County
388 Mesa
389 Tucson, AZ
390 Kingman, AZ
391 Oro Valley, AZ, Pima County
392 Tucson
393 Scottsdale, AZ USA
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
394 Mesa/ Az
395 Phoenix, AZ
396 Eagar az
397 Gilbert
398 Marana, AZ
399 Phoenix
400 Yuma, AZ usa
401 Sierra Vista, AZ, USA!
402 Tucson
403 Sedona, AZ Yavapai
404 Tucson, AZ
405 Mesa, AZ USA
406 Queen Creek
407 Sedona AZ USA
408 Tucson, AZ USA
409 Mesa AZ USA
410 Casa Grande, AZ
411 Goodyear, Arizona, USA
412 tucson, az usa
413 Green Valley AZ
414 Phoeniz, Arizona
415 Chandler,
416 Oro Valley, Pima County, AZ, USA
417 Benson
418 gilbert, az
419 Flagstaff
420 Tucson, Arizona, USA
421 Oro Valley
422 Cave creek, AZ USA
423 Mesa
424 Phoenix, AZ
425 Phoenix, AX
426 Chandler, AZ
427 Bend, OR
428 Scottsdale, AZ
429 Tucson
430 Canada
431 Scottsdale, AZ
432 Bend, OR Deschutes
433 Flagstaff
434 Gilbert, AZ
435 Cave Creek
436 Green Valley, AZ
437 Phoenix
438 Laveen,Arizona Maricopa]
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
439 Mesa, Arizona, USA
440 Tucson
441 Phoenix
442 East Mesa, AZ
443 scottsdale, Az. USA
444 Peoria, AZ USA
445 Cave Creek, AZ, USA
446 Chandler
447 Tucson
448 Scottsdale, AZ
449 Tucson, AZ, Pima county
Flagstaff--30 + years--a cyclists the whole time. I walk and ride everyday, all over town, sometimes
with a trailer. At least twice a week when the weather allows I ride long distances outside of town. I
think the questions below show "your" understanding of this issue has a very low expectation. I am
450 not alone in my walking and cycling.
451 Tempe, AZ
452 chandler
453 Oro Valley, AZ USA
454 Prescott
455 Glendale Az, but I spent the last 61 years in Navajo Co.
456 Phoenix AZ
457 Tucson,az
458 Goodyear, Arizona
459 Phoenix
460 Gilbert, Arizona
461 Anthem az
462 Flagstaff, AZ
463 Chandler, AZ Maricopa
464 Scottsdale, AZ
465 Gilbert, AZ
466 Gold Canyon
467 Avondale, AZ USA
468 Flagstaff, AZ, US
469 Flagstaff
470 Tucson, AZ USA
471 Flagstaff, AZ USA
472 Tucson, az
473 Tucson, AZ Pima county
Tucson, AZ
474 USA
475 Phoenix, AZ
476 Phoenix AZ
477 Queen Creek, AZ, USA
478 Tempe, AZ
479 Tucson, AZ, USA
480 Phoenix
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
481 Scottsdale
482 Prescott, AZ USA
483 Tucson
484 Tucson
485 Chandler, AZ, USA
486 Eloy, AZ
487 Flagstaff
488 Hereford
489 Sonoita, Arizona Santa Cruz County
490 Flagstaff, AZ
491 28 E. Marshall Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85012
492 Queen Creek,AZ
493 Phoenix, AZ
494 Flagstaff, AZ
495 Sedona, Arizona USA
496 Chandler
497 Phoenix, AZ
498 Peoria
499 Phoenix
500 Big Park (Sedona)
501 Sedona
502 Big Park, AZ ** STILL cannot click on anything.
503 Tucson, AZ USA
504 Big Park
505 Mesa
506 Phoenix
507 Mesa AZ
508 Tempe
509 Gilbert, AZ
510 Tucson
511 Glendale, AZ USA
512 Chandler, AZ
513 Tempe
514 Tucson, Arizona - specifically Picture Rocks
515 Phoenix
516 phoenix, az maricopa
517 Phoenix, AZ
518 Phoenix,AZ
519 Scottsdale, AZ
520 Phoenix
521 Tucson, AZ, USA
522 cave Creek
523 Mesa
524 Tucson
525 Village of Oak Creek, Sedona
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
526 Mesa, AZ USA
527 scottsdale
528 Payson, AZ
529 Sedona, AZ
530 Flagstaff
531 Vail, AZ
532 Scottsdale, AZ, USA
533 Winslow, AZ USA
534 Glendale
535 Flagstaff Arizona, USA
536 North Phoenix
537 Scottsdale, AZ
538 Glendale, AZ
539 Scottsdale
540 Flagstaff, az
541 Tempe
542 Mesa
543 Peoria, AZ, USA
544 scottsdale
545 Phoenix, AZ
546 Tempe
547 Tucson
548 Peoria, Arizona, USA
549 Maricopa
550 Prescott Valley, AZ, Yavapai
551 Casa Grande
552 Tempe, AZ
553 Scottsdale, AZ
554 Avondale, AZ USA
555 Scottsdale, AZ
556 Mesa
557 Oro Valley
558 scottsdale
559 Mesa, AZ
560 mesa, az
561 927 e campus Dr Tempe az
562 Phoenix, AZ
563 surprise
564 Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
565 Flagstaff, AZ, Coconino
566 Phoenix
567 Phoenix
568 Marana, AZ
569 Gilbert
570 Oro Valley, AZ
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
571 tempe,az, usa
572 Flagstaff, AZ
573 Scottsdale
574 Peoria, AZ
575 Flagstaff, Arizona Coconino
576 Gold Canyon,AZ USA
577 Tempe
578 Desert Hills
579 Mesa
580 Tempe, AZ
581 Scottsdale, AZ USA
582 Chandler
583 Flagstaff
584 Phoenix, AZ
585 Mesa, AZ
586 Phoenix
587 Glendale, AZ
588 Anthem,AZ,USA
589 sierra vista
590 Phoenix, AZ
591 Phoenix AZ
592 flagstaff,AZ,USA
593 Phoenix, Arizona
594 Marana, AZ
595 Tucson
596 Phoenix, AZ
597 Scottsdale AZ
598 Phoenix, AZ
599 Mesa, AZ
600 Phoenix
601 Mesa, AZ, USA
602 Sierra Vista
603 williams, az
604 Flagstaff, AZ
605 Picturerocks, AZ
606 Ahwatukee, AZ
607 Bisbee, AZ USA
608 Tucson
609 Scottsdale
610 Phoenix
611 Happy Jack AZ USA
612 Scottsdale, AZ
613 Scottsdale, AZ
614 Mesa, AZ
615 Scottsdale
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
616 Sun City West, az
617 Mesa, Az., USA
618 Goodyear, Az. USA
619 Mesa, AZ, USA
620 Eloy, AZ (Pinal)
621 Tucson, AZ, Pima
622 Scottsdale, AZ
623 Goodyear, AZ USA
624 Scottsdale
625 Tempe, AZ USA
626 county
627 Surprise
628 Scottsdale, AZ USA
629 Glendale
630 Gilbert, Arizona
631 Flagstaff
632 Prescott, Arizona
633 Phoenix, AZ USA
634 Phoenix
635 Anthem area, Phoenix, AZ
636 YUMA
637 Chandler AZ
638 Cave creek
639 Phoenix
640 Mesa
641 Phoenix
642 Peoria, AZ, USA
643 Mesa
644 Phoenix
645 mesa
646 Eloy, AZ USA
647 Phoenix, AZ
648 phx.,az.
649 Phoenix AZ USA
650 Tolleson, AZ, USA
651 Phx, az USA
652 gilbert, az, usa
653 Scottsdale, AZ
654 Flagstaff, AZ United States
655 Litchfield Park, AZ USA
656 Anthem
657 Prescott
658 Chandler, AZ U.S.
659 Phoenix, Arizona, GREAT United States of America!
660 phoenix
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
661 Phoenix
662 Fountain Hills, Arizona, United States
663 Prescott
664 Apache Junction, AZ
665 mesa, az
666 Tempe
667 Gilbert
668 Phoenix, AZ
669 Phoenix, AZ USA
670 Anthem
671 Phoenix/AZ
672 Prescott, Arizona
673 Surprise, AZ
674 Phoenix, AZ US
675 Phoenix, AZ
676 Scottsdale, AZ US
677 wickenburg, az, usa
678 Phoenix
679 Gilbert
680 Phoenix, AZ
681 Coronado Historical District
682 Phoenix, Az, USA
683 Peoria AZ
684 Cobble Hill B.C. Canada, winter visitor to Yuma
685 Chandler, AZ
686 chandler, az
687 phoenix, az USA
688 Sierra Vista, AZ
689 Sedona, AZ USA
690 Sierra Vista
691 Scottsdale, AZ
692 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
693 Phoenix
694 Tempe AZ
695 Goodyear, AZ USA.
696 Chandler
697 Peoria
698 Mesa, AZ
699 Phoenix, az (Arcadia)
700 Phoenix
701 Anthem, AZ
702 Flagstaff AZ
703 Phoenix, AZ USA
704 Phoenix, AZ, United States
705 Scottsdale
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
706 Casa Grande, AZ, USA
707 Tucson, AZ USA
708 Phoenix 85018
709 Sedona, AZ, USA
710 Tempe, AZ
711 Phoenix
712 Phoenix
713 Chandler, AZ
714 Phoenix, AZ, USA
715 Phoenix, AZ
716 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
717 Strawberry
718 Goodyear, AZ
719 Hereford
720 Flagstaff
721 Scottsdale
722 Apache Junction
723 El Mirage
724 Scottsdale, AZ
725 Chandler, AZ
726 Phoenix Az
727 Glendale AZ. Maricopa County, USA
728 Phoenix AZ
729 City (Phoenix)
730 Mesa, az
731 Mesa, AZ
732 Mesa, AZ
733 Surprise, AZ
734 Gilbert
735 Eloy, AZ, USA
736 Laveen
737 Scottsdale, az
738 Phoenix
739 Goodyear AZ
740 Mesa, AZ
741 Tucson
742 Anthem
743 Litchfield Park, AZ
744 Prescott
745 Tempe, Az
746 Vail,AZ
747 Gilbert, AZ USA
748 Tempe, AZ USA
749 Sierra Vista, AZ
750 Queen Creek Az
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
751 Tempe, Arizona USA
752 Scottsdale, AZ
753 Sierra vista
754 Gilbert, AZ
755 Flagstaff, AZ UUSA
756 Mesa arizona usa
757 Phoenix
758 12884 N Mesozoic dr Marana,az 85658
759 scottsdale, az
760 Phoenix
761 Tempe Az
762 Apache Junction, Arizona USA
763 Scottsdale
764 Sedona, AZ, USA
765 Scottsdale
766 Casa Grande, AZ 85122 USA
767 Scottsdale, AZ
768 tempe, az, usa
769 Tucson, AZ
770 Apache Junction, AZ
771 Tempe
772 Safford Arizona
773 Happy Jack
774 Sun Lakes, AZ
775 Phoenix
776 Anthem, AZ Maricopa county
777 Tempe, AZ, USA
778 Phoenix
779 Phoenix (Ahwatukee), AZ, USA
780 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
781 Tempe, AZ
782 7 months in Yuma, 5 months in NJ
783 Chandler
784 Scottsdale
785 Florence/anthem, az intentionally isolated from the country for obvious political reasons.
786 Scottsdale, AZ, USA
787 Scottsdale, AZ
788 Globe AZ, Gila County
3975 Dripping Springs Road
789 Winkelman, Az.85192 USA
790 scottsdale
791 phoenix
792 Mesa, AZ
793 phx, AZ, Maricopa
794 Apache Junction/Gold Canyon
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
795 Scottsdale
796 Picture Rocks, AZ, USA
797 Scottsdale AZ USA
798 Gilbert
3680 N 149th Ave.
799 Goodyear, AZ 85395
800 Surprise
801 Phx
10280 E. Oak Creek Valley Dr.
802 Cornville, AZ. 86325
803 Sonoita, AZ, USA
804 Tucson
805 Mesa AZ
806 Goodyear, AZ
807 Flagstaff
808 El Mirage, AZ
809 Pima County
810 Phoenix
811 Scottsdale
812 Sedona, Arizona
813 Phoenix, AZ
814 Phoenix
815 Surprise, Az.
816 Sedona, Arizona
817 Wickenburg
818 Flagstaff
819 AZ
820 Tempe, Az USA
821 Rimrock
822 phoenix, az
823 Peoria
824 Goodyear, AZ
825 I live in Yuma 8 months a year; and own a home here.
826 Phoenix
Hereford, AZ - Cochise
827 No place to write this so putting it here. I run versus bicycle on the highways in my area!
828 Phoenix
829 Goodyear
830 Scottsdale
831 Sierra Vista, AZ
832 Bisbee, AZ
833 Scottsdale, AZ USA
834 Phoenix, AZ
835 Chandler, Az
836 Scottsdale
837 Scottsdale, AZ USA
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
838 phoenix, az
839 Sierra Vista 85650
840 Litchfield Park, AZ US
841 Phoenix
842 Tucson
843 Flagstaff
844 Camp verde, az
846 Scottsdale, AZ
847 Scottsdale
848 Tucson, AZ
849 tucson, az USA
850 Scottsdale, AZ USA
851 Casa grande
852 sierra vista, az
853 Tempe, Arizona
854 Phoenix AZ
855 Globe
856 Phoenix, AZ 85027
857 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
858 Yuma, AZ
859 Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
860 Flagstaff
861 Phoenix, AZ
862 Phoenix
863 Tempe, AZ
864 Scottsdale, AZ
865 Payson, AZ USA
866 Glendale
867 Sedona, Arizona, US.
868 Sierra Vista, AZ
869 paradise valley
870 Phoenix
871 Mesa Az
872 Cornville, AZ
873 Ahwatukee, Phoenix, Arizona. 85044
874 Surprise, AZ, USA
875 ELOY
876 Phoenix, AZ, USA
877 Phoenix, AZ USA
878 Eloy, AZ
879 Scottsdale, Az US
880 Globe, AZ
881 Scottsdale
882 Sedona, Az, USA
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
883 Desert Hills, AZ USA
884 Sedona, AZ
885 Sun City
886 Tempe, AZ United States
887 Scottsdale, AZ
888 Mesa
889 Cave Creek
890 Tempe, AZ, USA
891 Scottsdale arizona
892 Desert Hills 85086
893 Phoenix, az
894 Flagstaff, AZ
895 Tempe, AZ
896 Mesa, AZ
897 Huachuca City, AZ, USA
898 Wickenburg, AZ
899 central phoenix
900 Scottsdale AZ
901 scottsdale
902 Youngtown, az
903 Gilbert
904 Henderson, Nevada
905 chandler, az 85249
906 Sedona
907 Scottsdale
908 Mesa, Arizona, USA
909 Gold Canyon, AZ
910 Chandler, AZ USA
911 Anthem, AZ
912 Tucson
913 wickenburg
914 Mesa
915 Tucson
916 Sun City 107th Avenue and Union Hills Drive
917 Scottsdale, AZ USA
918 Wickenburg
919 San Tan Valley
920 Scottsdale, AZ
921 Phoenix
922 Scottsdale, AZ
923 Queen Creek
924 Scottsdale, AZ
925 Lake Havasu City, Arizona, U.S.
926 Payson, AZ USA
927 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
928 Mesa, AZ USA
929 phx
930 chandler
931 Phoenix
932 Scottsdale, AZ
933 Gilbert
934 Mesa, az
935 Sahuarita
936 Phoenix, AZ, USA
937 Mesa, AZ
938 Scottsdale, AZ
939 Phoenix, AZ, USA
940 Prescott
941 Tucson, AZ
942 Scottsdale, AZ
943 Ahwatukee, Az USA
944 Gilbert, AZ, USA
945 Flagstaff, AZ
946 scottsdale, AZ usa
947 tucson
948 Phoenix, Arizona, USA
949 scottsdale, az, usa
950 Phoenix
951 scottsdale, az
952 Kingman, Arizona, USA
953 Phoenix, AZ
954 Cornville, AZ
955 Chandler
956 tempe arizona
957 Apache Junction, AZ, USA
958 Phoenix
959 Sierra Vista, AZ USA
960 Glendale, Arizona USA
961 Sedona, AZA
962 Flagstaff
963 Sedona, AZ
964 Scottsdale, AZ 85255
965 phoenix, az
966 Mesa, AZ United States
967 Goodyear, AZ USA
968 8976 West Kathleen Road, Peoria 85382
969 Phoenix
970 Phoenix, AZ USA
971 Phoenix, AZ, USA
972 Casa Grande, Az. 85122
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
973 Sedona, AZ
974 Sierra Vista,AZ
976 Gilbert, AZ
977 Wickenburg, AZ
978 Flagstaff
979 phoenix soon to be flagstaff
980 Phoenix
981 Chandler, Arizona
982 Phoenix
983 Prescott, AZ, USA
984 Flagstaff, AZ
985 Scottsdale, Az, USA
986 phoenix, az US
987 Phoenix
988 St. George Utah USA
989 Glendale, AZ
990 Phoenix, AZ, USA
991 Mesa, AZ US of A
992 Phoenix, AZ
993 Scottsdale, AZ
994 Payson, AZ
995 Paradise Valley
996 sedona
997 Flagstaff, AZ, USA
998 Phoenix
999 Mesa
1000 Mesa, Az
1001 Flagstaff, AZ. I spend A LOT of time riding in the greater Phoenix Area.
1002 Tucson, AZ
1003 795 Color Cove Road, Sedona, AZ Yavapai
1004 Flagstaff, AZ
1005 Scottsdale, AZ, USA
1006 Gilbert, AZ, USA
1007 Glendale, AZ
1008 tempe az
1009 Casa Grande
1010 Phoenix, AZ
1011 Sedona
1012 Dewey-Humboldt
1013 Phoenix, AZ
1014 PHX
1015 Flagstaff AZ
1016 Tucson, AZ
1017 Phoenix
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3
Question No. 9: What is your permanent place of residence (city/town, state, and country)?
1018 Lake Havasu City
1019 Casa Grande, AZ
1020 Tucson
1021 Pinal County Island
1022 Peoria, AZ Maricopa
1023 Sierra Vista, AZ
1024 Sun City, AZ
1025 Roosevelt, Az.
1026 Phoenix
1027 J6 Ranch, Pima County, Arizona
1028 Sierra Vista
1029 Scottsdale
1030 Pine Arizona Gila
1031 Black Canyon City
1032 Scottsdale, AZ United States
1033 Top of the World, Az (between Superior and Globe)
1034 Arizona
1035 Phoenix, AZ
1036 Sedona, AZ
1037 Phoenix
1038 Mesa, AZ USA
1039 Litchfield Park, Arizona
1040 Tempe
1041 Phoenix
1042 Residence in Phoenix and Prescott.
1043 Payson, Az
1044 tucson
1045 Phoenix,Az
1046 Benson Arizona
1047 11044 E. Rocky Road, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
1048 Flagstaff
1049 Sierra Vista
1050 Casa Grande
1051 Benson
1052 Tempe
1053 phoenix
1054 Phoenix, AZ USA
1055 Star Valley, AZ, USA
1056 Star Valley
1057 Star Valley, AZ, Gila
1058 Star Valley
1059 Star Valley,Gila
1060 Tucson (Catalina), Pima, AZ
2012 08 23 Update WP3
August 2012
ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Working Paper No. 3