q course in nqturql English


q course in nqturql English
q course in nqturql English
Hugh Dellor ond Andrew Wolkley
U n i t e dK i n g d o m . U n i t e dS t a t e s . A u s t r a l i a. C a n a d a . M e x i c o . S i n g a p o r eo S p a i n
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Key word:look
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ffiree **#xme
ffiHwwes*w s$mSn
#ess #* $6ke?
W*aw&'s se*?
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News stories
Glking about people you know
Used to (t)r
Usedto (2)
The main goal of the INNOVATIONS series is to
help you speak English fluently and understand
spoken English. Because of this, most of the
exercises in this book give spoken models of how
the language is normally used. One of the most
important things to think about when studying
English on your own is collocation.
ffi what is a collocation?
Making the most of
your self-studytime
Translating from English into your own language
is normal at this level. When you study this book
at home, it is a good idea to also keep your own
vocabulary notebook. Write down new bits of
English on the left and translations on the right.
Here is an exercise which shows you how to
translate well.
A collocation is two or more words which go
together.This often means an adjective + a noun,
a verb + a noun, or a noun * a noun. Some ofthe
exercises in this book look at collocations of
common words - hove, sort out, get - because it is
important to learn how to use these useful words
in lots of different ways.
Start your vocabulary notebook by copying the
sentences below on a page. Write a translation
next to each sentence in your own language. Test
yourself in a week's time. Cover the sentences
and use your translations to help you remember
the whole sentences in English.
Match the verbs with the nouns to make
2. Haveyou been there?
l. to
2. play
3. send
4. work
5. study
a. tennis
b . in a bank
d . swimming
e . an e-mail
Now match these adjectives with the nouns to
make collocations.
6. srront
7. a long
8. aheavy
9. .abis
10. auseful
fan of Bob Marley
h. coffee
subjectto study
way to walk
Learnfurg new collocations is a big part of
learning a language. You need to be careful when
translating into your own language. lt is always
better to translate collocations - or even whole
sentences - than single words.
L What're you doing tonight?
3. lt's the secondcity.
How long'veyou been doing that?
Not very long.Only abour a month.
Did you havea nice weekend?
Let'sgo to the caf6 round the corner.
I went to bed really late last night.
ffi Grammatical
This Workbook gives you plenty of chances to
look at the most common, useful grammatical
structures in English. You will look at both how to
form these structures and how to use them in
everyday contexts.
Match the underlined words in the sentences
with the grammatical terms.
l. I'm meetinga friend of mine later.
2. I've never heard of it.
3. That was the worst film I've ever seen.
4. There's one in my bag.
5. I just stayedat home.
6. This one is better.
7. I dont feel well.
8. Sorry.I wasnt looking where I was going.
a. a comParativeadiective e. Pastcontinugus
b. present continuous
f. pastsimple
c. Presentperfect simple
d. a superlativeadjective
a PrePosrtton
h . an adverb
ffi Conversation
Match the conversation starters with the replies.
l. What's your name?
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
C: Do you (l)
2. Where are you from?
3. ls this the bus stop for the centre of town?
D: No, thanks.I'm trying to (2) ..
4. ls anyonesitting here?
C: Yes,I should too. I'm sorry,what'syour name
. ...................
a. No, you need to go to that one over there, on the
other side of the road.
D: Danko.And yours?
b. Tsuyoshi,but just call meYoshifor short.
C: Caroline.Hi, so where are you from, Danko?
c. Panama.
in CentralAmerica.
D: Croatia.
d. Sorry,I'm.saving
it for a friend.
.......t Tagreb?
C: Oh, yes?Whereabouts (4)
Now match these conversation starters with the
D: No, Split.lt's on the (5)
5. lt's so hot!
C: I've heard of it, but I've never been there.There was
6. Haveyou been waiting for a long time?
7. Do you know anyonehere?
8. What a horribleday!
e. Yes,a few people.I was in the same classas Joanand
Ali last term.
I know lt's awful.isnt it?
g. I know lt's boiling.
h. No, I only just got here myself.
. Do you know it?
a tennis playerfrom there, wasnt there?Whatt his
D: Goran lvanisevic.
C: Yes,that's the one. He was lovely.
D: Yes,wellyou shouldcome to Split.Thereare lots of
lovely people there. lt's a beautifulcity.
C: I'd (6)
to go one day.So how
long haveyou been here in Britain?
D: Almost six months now. I came here in September.
C: Right.When are you (7)
back to
D: In May.I've got to go back then.
C: Why?What do you do back (8)
D: Oh, I'm a student.I'm at university.I haveto
some examsin June.
C : Oh right.What are you studying?
D: Englishlanguageand culture.That'sthe main
( | 0)
.... l'm here.
C: Right,right.Well,youspeakEnglishvery well.
D: Thanks.I hope so.
C: No, really.
Write a conversation betweenYOU
Caroline. For example:
C: Do you smoke?
Y: No, I dont thanks,but dont let me stop you.
1 Whereareyou from?
Whereand whereabouts
Complete the descriptions with the names of the
places on the map.
is a town on the north-west
coastof England.
Paragraph I
is in the north-west of Englanc,
very close to the border with Scotland.
Complete the paragraphs with the words in the
l'm a (l)
. is an islandoff the north coast of Wales.
is a city in the middleof England.
is in the north of Scotland.
is in the south-eastof England.
originallyand cameover here to (2) ...........
the fightingin my country. Back home, I was an engineer,
but becausemy (3)
....is from Addis
Ababa University,it's not recognisedhere. I'm doing two
7. ....................... is a town in the west of England,
close to the border with Wales.
. I come from Ethiopia
jobs at the moment to try to (4)
wife and children: I drive taxis at nightand then do a
cleaningjob in the mornings.lt's reallyhard work.
is a town in the south-westof
Paragraph 2
closeto the border with England.
closed down
I was born and (5)
in Tomsk,a city in
the centre of Russia.I moved to Moscow about six
years ago becausethe factory I was working in
and I lost my job.There'sa lot of
in my home town, so I decidedto
move to look for work. I've been working in a hotel for
the last three years and I'm also doing a part-time
........ | finishnext summerand I hope
I can get a better job after | (9)
Paragraph 3
Whereabouts exactly is it?
Match the descriptions with the places on the
l. lt's halfwaydown Lambert Street.
2. lt's on the right,just off Lambert Street.
3. It's at this end of Lambert Street.
4. lt's.& the end of Lambert.Street.
5. lt's on the left,just'pasttne mosque.
6. lt's just before you get to the mosque.
Lambert Street
I'm an (10)
. . . . . . . .h.e. r e .l ' m f r o m G e o r g i a
originallyand I cameto Londonwhen I got married.My
wife is Englishand we met when she was on
( | l)
in Tblisi,my home town. I lilceit
here most of the time, but I ( l2) ...........................
... the
food and especiallythe wine from my country.I think
Georgiansare more relaxedand generousthan people
here.We ( | 3)
Whereareyou from?
Complete the sentences with the pairs of words
in the box.
Complete the sentences with the words in the
l. I dont cook very much.Theret a reallygood
We moved to Berlin becauseof my mum's
usuallyjust get somethingfrom there on the way
2. I moved to Shanghaito look for a
2. lt's great where I live becausethere's a really nice
. There was a lot of
near my house.I go joggingthere
in my home town.
and take my dog for a walk there in the mornings.
3. I left SierraLeoneto ......................................
the war.
It just wasn't
there any more.
3. There'sa reallybig shopping
my house.lt's got everything- a McDonald's,a
Starbucks,a Gap,a Levit shop.It's great.
4. We moved to be nearer my wife's
Her mum and dad are gettingquite ...
4. A: What're you reading?Oh, this looks interesting.
Where did you get it?
5. We moved here so we could be by the
We both grew up on the
.. ....... There wasn't
......in the placeI livedin before.
the station.
5. lt's really bad where I live becausethere's a
my family.My
7. I leftTelAviv to
mum alwayswantedto .......
near my house and they work all
night there. Sometimesit's so noisy,I cant sleep.
.. .. what
I was doingall the time!
6. A: What're you doing now? Do you want to get
somethint to eat?
8. We moved out of the city becausewe neededa
B: Yeah.ld love to. There'sa nice ..
. lt's a lot cheaperto buy
........ near
B: There'sa Frenchlanguage
6. I movedto Milanto ........
a ..........
. near my house,so I
.. . Sheworks for a big
near here.We could get a sandwichand a drink
down here.
there, if you want.
/ thereare...
ffi There's
7. There'sa reallygood ...
work. They're showingthis Frenchfilm tonight and it
Chocise the correct form.
looks reallygood. Do you want to come and see it
| . lt's a great placeto live.There'slThere ore lots of nice
shopsand caf6sround there.
2. ft's a b1t boring sometimes.Ihere'slThere ore not
much to do round there.
with me?
8. lt's great where I live,becausetherel a
near my houseand itt open 24
3. lt's quite a dangerousarea.Ihere'slThere ore quite a
lot of crime round there.
4. I moved to the city becausethere\ | thereore quite
highunemploymentin my home town.
5. I moved to the city becausethere'sI thereore more
jobs available
5. ft's a great placeto live.Iheret lThereore a really
good transport system,so it! very easyto get
near where I
hours a day,so you can do your shoppingat any
Complete each expression from the sentences
above with ONE word.
a. on the
b. .............
my dog for a walk
c . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s.l.e. .e. p
7. lt's quite a nice city,but therebI thereore too many
people livingthere. lt's really crowded.
d. ................................
somethingto eat
8. ft's a very convenientplaceto live.Iheret lThere
ore quite a few trains and busesthat stop near
e. near
it's ..............
I work
24 hours a day
1 Wherearevou from?
Complete the sentences with miss,missed,lose or
Choose the correct words to complete this
I'm reallyworried about May.She's..................................
lot of weight recently.Do you think she'sOK?
2. I really
goingto the beachnow I live
in London.I lived by the seawhen I was younger.
3. Did you see the match last night?RealMadrid
3-0 to Juventus.
4. Sorry I'm late.I got
....on the way
here. I turned left coming out of the station,not
Sorry I
classyesterday.I had to go
to the dentist's.
5 . Did you see that film last night?|
the end becauseI had to go out. Do you know
what happened?
7. Can you give me your addressand phone number
SorryI haven'twrittento you recentty,
but I've been
gota new
a house.
whichis morethanonehour
wherewe livenow.Hedidn'twant
to drive(4) . . ....., sowedecided
to movethere.We
(5) .. . ....averynicethree-bedroom
flat neara park.
got(6) ....... .of space,
(7) .. ........
(8) ............
is: F[at6, Sandringham
35 Queens
....my addressbook.
8. Sorry I'm late.I woke up late and ............
my bus.
9 . My dad'sworking in Taipeiat the moment.I really
t 0 . Hurry up! | dont want to
. the
beginningof the play.
Keywordsfor writing:
We use so to introduce the result and becouse to
introduce the reason. For example:
. I didnt want to drive an hour a day to work, so
Read this e-mail from someone who is moving.
Underline the common ways we start and finish
e-mails. Then do the same for the e-mail above.
we decidedto move.
We decidedto move becauseI didnt want to
drive an hour a day to work.
Complete the sentences with so or becouse.
l. lt's quite boringhere
to do.
2. There are lots of restaurantsand caf6snear my
it! quite livelyat night.
Justa quicke-mailto tetlyouI'm moving
Nowthatthe kidsaregettingbigger,they
needto havemorespace.
We't[sti[[havethe same
in thesamearea.
0ur newaddress
is: 156Fairfax
Attthe best.Sam
3. I live closeto the schoolwhere I teach,
....I usuallywalk there. lt's very
4. I usuallytake the train to work ..
traffic is really bad in my town.
5 . I want to move house
in now is too small.
the place I live
Write an e-mail to a friend about moving house.
Tell them where you're moving to, why you're
moving and what your new house and area are
like. Invite them to visit. Use some of the
language from this unit.
ffi Conversation
Regular verbs have two basic forms. For
Complete the conversation with the words in the
Howeve4 many common verbs are irregular.
For example:
past participle:
... , broke,broken
, left, left
, read,read
, met, met
.. , chose,chosen
ate, eaten
, forgot, forgotten
, f e l l ,f a l l e n
I l.
.. , dranl<,
| 3.
saw seen
| 5.
16. .......e.
.. ..
....., gave,given
, heard,heard
No, I hate ( l)
. I find it really
boring.Why do you (2)
.. . ..............
Oh, I'm (3)
.. of goingto see
somethingat the Opera Houseand I'm
.....to find someoneto go with.
No, sorry. I alwaysthink operasgo on too long.I
. . . ., w e n t ,g o n e
, took, taken
K: Do you lilceopera?
Write the infinitive forms of these irregular
cant sit still for four hours.
K: Never mind.l'll try someone(5) ..............
Haveyou askedMiriam?| think she likesthat
. . .o f m u s i c .
K: Oh, right.OK. Maybel'll ask her.So what kind of
musicdo you like?
...of things,really.)azz,
pop, Latin
music.I loveTito Lopez.
K: Really?| hate (8)
All his songs
sound the (9)
. I like iazz,though.
Do you like LouisArmstrong?
Yes,he'sOK. I quite like some of his tunes,but I
...Gato Barbieri.
K: Oh right.I'venever (l l) ..............
of her.
Who is she?
He'sa man.He'san Argentinianmusician.
He's really
good.l'll ( 12)
you a CD, if you like.
K: Yes,OK. Thanl<s.
Can you remember where the pauses and the
stressed sounds were in this conversation? Mark
the pauses // and underline the stressed syllables.
For example:
A: Do you like spera?
B: No, I hate it. ll lfind it reallyboring.ll\Nhy do you
Compare your ideas about the pauses and
stressed sounds with the tapescript in the
2 Likesand dislikes
ffi Doyoulike... ?
ffi v"rus
Complete the conversations with the expressions
in the box.
Complete the collocations with the verbs in the
box.Afl the verbs are from the text Family or
friends in the Coursebook.
l. ......
l. A: Do you like actionfilms?
B: . ...............
what we did today
.. I prefer comedies.
2. ......
2. A: Do you like swimming?
B: ...........
. on the ohone/ to a friend / about
.. about politics/ about money/
about who's goingto do the shopping
I go swimming
3. ..........
nearly every day.I hate the dayswhen I cant go.
3. A: Do you like clubbingl
I can'tstandnoisy
some friendsto a party / a friend
to my housefor lunch/ peopleto our wedding
.........a flat with two other people/
placesand I hate dancing.
4. A: Do you like watchingfootball?
. I like watchingthe
big games,but I don't reallysupportany team.
A: Do you likeJackieChan?
I'm a reallybig fan of his.
.. all my money/ a lot of time with
my family/ the night at a friend's house
.. ..... Chelsea/ my localteam / my
familywhen they need help
7. ......
.. my friend for a chat / the cinema
to book the tickets / work to tell them l'll be late
A: Do you like Maria CareyT.
Who is she?
7. A: ;;"
5. .... .
8. .......
the army I a gym/ a tennisclub /
us for a meal
,;" .:;*"r,
I often buy ready-
made mealsto Dut in the mrcrowave.
8. A: Do you likeThe Scrdaming
B: Who? ..............
What kind of
musicdo they play?
How do you know eachother?
Match each of the questions with two answers.
3. So what does she do?
ffi whatkind...z
4. Do you go out together much?
Match the questions with the answers.
a. lt must be almost 15 yearsnow.
l. What kind of thingsdo you read?
2. What kind of things do you listen to?
3. What kind of thirt"gsdo you paint?
4. What lcindof things do you go and see?
5. What kind of thingsdo you collect?
6. What kind of things do you watch?
c. We went to the sameschool.
f. Sincewe were kids.
a. Anythingreally,but mainlyJapanese
pop music.
b. Anything really,but mainlyold photographsand
cameras.I've got about thirty different ones.
c. Anything really,but mainlyprogrammesthat make
me laugh.
d. Anything really.Novels,biographies,history,poetry.
You name it, I like it.
Mainlyaction movies.I love anythingwith Arnold
in it.
Mainlyportraits ind sometimesI do pictures of
b. Yes,all the time. We probablysee each other three
or four times a week.
l. How do you know eachother?
2. So how longhaveyou knowneachother?
d. We lived in the samestreet when we were young.
e. She'sa nurse.
g. Not as much as we usedto.We both work very
hard,so it's difficultto find time to meet up.
h. She runs her own company.
2 Likesand dislikes
Key word: go
Complete the conversations with the words in
the box.
Choose the correct word.
f . ft'stoo neorlfor to drive.lt's only round the corner.
2. ft's too neor I for to walk. lt'll take too long.
3. lt's too hot I coldto eat inside.Let'sgo outside.
4. lt's too hot I coldto eat now.Wait a minute.
5. ft's too eorly I late to go. I dont want to be the first
one to arrive.
l. A: What are you doint tonight?
6. lt's too eorlyI lateto go now.The film will've
B: I'm reallytired. I'm just goingto go to
A: Oh, I'm going
7. l'm too old I youngto start a new career now.
later.I wanted
8. I'm too old I youngto retire. I could worl< for
another ten years.
you to come with me.
B: Thanks,but I'm reallytired. Maybetomorrow.
A: Yes,OK.
2. A: Are you goingon
9. This new job is a great opportunity for me. lt's too
goodI bod to miss.
10. lt was a mistake,but it's too /ote /.soonto do
anythingabout it now
in the
B: Yes,I'm going to Australiato study English.
A: Really,that's treat. Are you going on your
ffi Toofast/ too much
B: No, I'm goingwith
A: Lovely.
Complete the sentences with the pairs of words
in the box.
of mine.
3. A: What did you do yesterday?
B: I went .............. .........
a friend's houseto have
lunch.What about you?
Oh, I went
a walk round town.
That soundsnice.
Yes,it was.
I'm just going................
a newspaper.
He's put on a lot of .......................................
. He
you want anythingfrom the shop?
No thanks.I'm fine.
too much.
2. | .......................................
what she says.She
ls it OK if I open the window?
too fast.
Yes,sure.Go ..............
Hds just goneto
3 . She..............
...... He'll be
I couldnt
backin a momeni.
A: I hope so.
.. ......
last night becausemy
7. A: How did
B: Oh, I think it went really.........................................
. I'm
sure I passed.
a lot of mistakesbecauseshe
... thingstoo quickly.
. their musictoo loud.
. I think I
...that sandwichtoo quickly.
He really
.. ..........
a lot of peoplein the
too much.
7. He's going to have
one day.He
too fast.
8. He'sgoing to have
careful.He ........
if he's not
.....too hard.
2 Likesand dislikes
Would you like ... ? | Do you like ... ?
Choose the correct words to complete this
I (1) .... ....youradverton the InternationaI
for a penfriendand] (2) ............
to startwritingto you.Letmete[[ you a bit
(3) . ...... mysetf.
Mynamejs Zana.I ama 16-yearo[dstudent
whichin caseyoudidn't
knowis between
andltaly.I amfromthe
Do you know the difference between the two
questions above?
Would you like... ? asks about the future. lt means
'Do you want ... ?'We usually reply Yes,pleose or
No, thonks and we often add an extra comment.
Do you like ...? asks about general preferences.
Compfete the conversations with Do you like or
Would you like.
l. A: I'm thinkingof goingfor a swim later.
. . . . . . . . t. o
. . .c. o m e l
I livewith my mumandmytwo
(4) .. ......arebothyounger
thanme.I have
two moreyearsat schoolandthenI'm (5) ............
go to university
to studyEngLish.
I'd tiketo teach
2. A: .
or maybebecome
a translator.
- mainlynovets- andI coltect
3. A: ..............
cuddlytoys.] alsolike listeningto music.I'm a big
(7) .........
. of the Beatles.
writeto meandte[[ memoreaboutyourself.
I'm surewe't[havea l.ot(8) ............
B: Thanksfor asking,but I cant. I'm goingout.
B: No, I hate it! lt's so boring.Why do men talk
about it so much?
to to to the cinemawith
me later?
B: Yes,OK.What's on?
4. A: .
.. .. goingto the cinema?
B: Yes,I love it. I usuallygo at leasttwice a week.
5. A: ....
.. .
a coffee?
B: No, thanks.I'vejust had one.
6. A: ....
B: Not really.I usuallydrink tea.
l. Asaw
2. Awould
3. Ato
B about
rlCt6rr, .
. ,D.wham,,:
riric.itjllirr:.ri. ,DrWant'rr
::l O,,teaa1trg,,
7. A:
B: Yes,he's OK, I suppose,but I don't haveany of his
8. A:
...some cake?
B: Yes,please.lt looks delicious.
: Dr::liker::rrt.:r,,'
Write",a reply to Zana's letter.
ffi Haveyou got a / any ... ?
Complete the sentences with the pairs of words
in the box.
Complete the conversations with one or some.
l. A: Haveyou got any milk?
B: Yes,there's
. .. . in the fridge.
2. A: Haveyou got any sugar?
B: Yes,of course.l'll iust get .. ..
l. Oh no! Haveyou got a ...
? I'vejust
....... wine all over your carpet.
2. Ouch! Haveyou got any
.... ? I'vejust
. ......myself.
3. Haveyou got a .. ...........
.. .. ? I needto
4. Haveyou got a .... . ..
? | iust need to
.....the back of this toy so I can
changethe batteries.
B: Sorry,didnt I giveyou
? l'll iust go
and get
B: Yes,there's
. in my pencil case
there.Justtake it.
5. A: Haveyou got any paperl
B: Yes,there's
on the desk in the study.
5. A: Haveyou got an English-English
? I've just
B: Yes,there's
..... on the shelf at the
backof the class.
. . . . . . .a m i s t a l c e .
6. Haveyou got a .............
3. A: Haveyou got a spoon?
4. A: Haveyou got a rubber?
this phone numberbefore I forget.
5. Haveyou got any ......
for you.
? | want to know
w h a t ' p l u m b e r.'. . . ..... .
in the house
Now match the responses with the sentences
Look at the pictures. Find the things in the
r [ J 2 m 3 * 4 * s * 6 m
a. Oh nol We haven'tgot any.l'll get you a cloth to put
on it until it stops bleeding.
b. Dont worry. l'll do it. lt's an old carpet anyvvay.
c. Sorry,I haven'tgot one. Tell me it and l'll help you to
d" No, lliraven't,but you don't need to look it up. lt's
the person who fixe! taps and toilets and things lil<e
e. Sorry,I've lost it. I can get you a knife to do it,
Sorry,I havent.Justcross it out. lt doesnt matter.
top drawer
bottom drawer
3 Haveyou got . ?
of place
ffi Prepositions
ffi onnor
Compfete the sentences with in,on or under.
l. lt's ......
. ...... one of the drawers .. ............
. the kitchen.
Complete the sentences with the words in the
2. lt's .....................
..the cupboard
3. lt's .....
top shelf........
.. ...........the
4. lt's ....
....the table
5. |ts..........
6. lt's ......
a box.....
....... the fronr room.
l . O h n o ! I ' v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w. .i .n.e. .a. l l o v e r t h e c a r p e t !
. . t h eg a r a g e .
2. Oh no! I've
..my bag.
7. They're
..... a pile
the corner of
my bedroom.
. . . . . . . mPyI N n u m b e r !
3. Oh no! I've
........my travel card at home!
4. Oh nol I've
my addressbook!There
were lots of important numbers in it.
8. They're
floor .
. .. the hall.
5 . Ouch! I'vejust ......
5. O h n o ! I ' v e. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .m. y s h i r t o n a n a i l !
ffi conversation
7. Oh no! I'vejust
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
P: Ouch!
S: Let's(2)
S: What's up?
P: I've ( l)
glasson the floor! Be
. .........
cut my fingeron this nail.
Complete the questions with the names of the
things in the pictures.
a look.Oh, yes.That'squite
P: I'd (3) .......
run it underthe tap.
S: Haveyou got any plasters?l'll go and get you one.
P: Yes,I think there are some (4)
....the shelf
in the bathroom.
I cant see (5)
. Are you sure they're
P: Do you see the cupboard by the bathl Have a look
in there.I think there are some in the top drawer.
S: I've (6)
. ......
and ...............................
I'vespilt some sugaron the floor and want to clean
it up.
Haveyou got a ..
P: Thanks.
S: I alsefound these.
P: Oh,er ... right...
. . . W h e r e d i d y o u f i n dt h o s e ?
S: They (7) .....
l . Haveyou got a ..............
on the floor.
P: Whose are they?
S: Well,they'renot (8) .......................
.... ? | just want to keep
all these paperstogether.
Haveyou got an .........
? I need one so I can
send this letter off.
4. Haveyou got a .....
? | want to open this
bottle of wine.
5 . Haveyou got a ........
I A button has come
off my shirt and I want to put it back on.
6. Haveyou got a ..........
? I've made a mistake
with this letter. I need to write this bit again.
7. Haveyou got a ..........
? | want to go outside
into the garden,but it's really dark out there.
Haveyou got a .......
these vegetables.
3 Haveyou got ... ?
of ...
ffi t'r thinking
ffi Questions
Match the invitations with the replies.
Match the questions with the answers.
L l'm thinkingof goingto see an operawhile I'm
l. Haveyou tot a car?
2. Haveyou got any children?
here.Would you like to come?
3. Haveyou got a computer at home?
2. I'm thinkingof goingto see a playwhile I'm in
4. Haveyou got a mobilephone?
London.Would you like to come?
5. Haveyou got any brothers or sisters?
3. I'm thinkingof goingto seethe King Kurt
6. Haveyou got any pets?
concert when they play here.Would you
7. Haveyou got a degree?
like to comef
5. I'm thinkingof goingto see ManchesterUnited
playwhile I'm here.Would you like to come?
6. I'm thinkingof goingto the mountainswhile I'm
a. No, thanks.I dont reallylike their music.
b. No, but we've got one in the office,so I can use the
c. Yes,I have.I graduatedlast year in Frenchand ltalian.
e. No, but I havegot a scooter.I use that to get into
work every day.
b. No, thanks.I dont reallylike goingto art galleries.
c. No, thanks.I don't really like walking.
d. No, thanks.I don't really like football.
No, I havent.My wife and I can't haveany,actually.
C. No, not any more. I left my last one on the bus.
ffi Whichone?Thatone!
e. No, thank. I don't reallylike classical
d. Yes,I have.I've got a hamstercalled Noel.
here.Would you like to come?
a. Yes,I have.One of each.One older than me, one
4. I'm thinkingof goingto seethe Dali exhibition
while I'm here.Wouldyou like to come?
No, thanks.I dont really like going to the theatre.
Complete the sentences with the words in the
We often use one / ones to refer to something
when it has already been mentioned in the
conversation, or when we think the person we
are talking to will know what we mean.
Choose the correct form.
l. I dont really like that shirt. I prefer the one I the
onesyou tried on earlier.lt was brighter.
2. I dont really like those boots. I prefer the one I the
onesyou tried on in that other shop.
L I need to get a new computer.I can't ..............
the latest software on the one I've got now.
. my own DVDs on the one I'vegot
Walkman.Ihis one /Ihese onesdont work properly
any more.
5 . I really need to get some new clothes.The one lThe
onesI've brought with me arent warm enough.
3 . I need to get a new bike.The one I've got now is
. . . . .t o p i e c e s .
working and it'll cost too much to
6. I really need to get some new jeans.Ihis one /Ihese
onesare fallingto pieces.
4. I needto get a newTV.Theone I'vegot now isnt
5 . I'm thinking of getting a new car.The one I've got
now keeps
I'm thinkingof gettinga smallercar.lt'll be easierto
in town and it'll use less petrol.
7. I'm thinkingof gettinga new job. I dont
my boss.He's so rude.
I'm thinking of getting a mobile for my wife. I'd like
to be ableto ....................... her duringthe day.
oneswas much better.
4. I've got to buy some new headphonesfor this
I'rn thinking of getting a new computer.I cant
3 . I didnt like his second book. Ihe frst one lThe first
I dont really like their new flat.Theone /The ones
they had before was much better.
I dont really like this car.I perfer the oneI the ones
you've got. lt's much easierto drive.
3 Haveyou got
Key words for writing:
ffi Writinge-mails
Complete the e-mails with the words in the box.
We connect different or opposite ideas with but
or though.We use different grammar with each
word. For example:
. I'm reallybusythis week,but I haventgot much
love ,: . , 1['12rf!,Xou,
send r, though , i
plannedfor next week,so let's meet then.
I'm reallybusythis week.I haventgot much
plannedfor next week, though,so let's meet
Compfete the sentences with but or though.
l. I would reallylove to study more English,
. .. I dont haveenoughfree time.
2. ld love to come and visit you this weekend,
it's my dad's50th birthday and he's
havinga big party.
3. ld love to come to your wedding,but I haveto work
that day.I can come to the party in the evening,
I'm reallyexcitedabout itl
4. Justa quick e-mailto sayI cant come to the meeting
tomorrow becauseI'm goingon holiday.l'll be back
Thursdaynext week,
...., so maybewe
could havea meetingthen.
5 . I had my mobile phone stolen yesterday,so you can't
ring me on that numberany more!Youcan phone
me on my work mobile
.The number
is 0897 63542.
6. I'm not coming to work today,becauseI've got a bit
of an upsetstomach,
.. hopefully,
l'll be
back tomorrow.
But and though are also very common in spoken
English. For example:
A: Did you go to the classyesterday?
B: Yes.You didnt miss anything,though.lt was
reiily boring.
A: Did you to to th€i classyesterday?
B: Yes,but you didn't missanything.lt was really
ffi Startinglettersande-mails
Complete the sentence endings with the words
in the box.
Sorry I havent written to you recently,but I've been
b u s y. . .
l. .........
3. ......
. a new iob.
for my exams.
..... .. lots of thingsfor worl<.
J u s ta q u i c ke - m a i tl o . . .
4. tell you I've
my new address.
houseand to giveyou
5. say
...... for the lovelydinneryou
cooked last night.
6. say
.. , but I cant come to the party.
Now write your own e-mail using one of the
starter phrases.
Do you know what the time is?
Complete the times.
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
l. lt's a quarter
S: Are you ( l)
2. lt's half
.. to the party for new
3. lt's ten
E: I think so.And you?
4. lt's twenty
5. lt's just gone ..
S: Yes,it (2) .......
6. lt's almost ......
. ..
E: Yes,and it's free!
7. lt's almost .........
S: Exactly.I never say (3)
to anythingthat's free.
8. lt's just gone ..
E: What time (4)
it starr?
9. lt's almost ..........
S : Seven,but I'm goinga bit (5)
be nice to meet a few new
. I don't
want to be the first one there.
Neither do l. I hategoingto placeson my
S : Do you (7)
.....to meet up before,and
then we could go together?
E: Yes,great.Where (8)
we meet?
S: How about the caf6 next to the school?We
(9) .......
havea drinl<first.
E: Yes,OK. What time?
S: How (10) .......
a quarter pastseven?We
dont want to missall the food and drink.
E: O K . T h a t ( l l )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .f.i.n. e
. ..
S: What're you doing now? Haveyou got (12)
for a coffee?
E: I don't know What time is it?
S: Just( | 3)
half pastnine.
E: Half past nine?Oh, I've got to go. I'm late for my
OK. Well, l'll seeyou in the caf6at quarter past
OK. Bye.
Can you remember where the pauses and the
stressed sounds were in this conversation? Mark
the pauses // and underline the stressed syllables.
For example:
A: Are you going to the party /i for new students//
B: I thinl<so.// And yeu?
Compare your ideas about the pauses and
stressed sounds with the tapescript in the
4 Timesand dates
What are you doing at the weekend?
- presentcontinuousor mi,. t
When we've arranged to do something with
someone else, we normally use the verb in the
present continuous. When we do not know
exactly or when we are not sure, we normally
use rnight.
Complete the sentences with the present
continuous form of the verb or might + verb.
. . . . . (. m e e t )a f r i e n df o r d i n n e ro n
l. | .....
Saturdaynight.We're going to an ltalian place.
2. I'm not sure.| .
(go) for a picnic
ffi Makingarrangements
Put the sentences in order and make
Conversation I
a. I'm goingshopping.Do you want to come?
b. Yes,OK. What time?
c. What are you doing later?
d. That soundsfine.l'll seeyou there then.
e. My classfinishesat one,so how about quarter past
one,just outsidethe mainentrance?
r. f--B 2. [l
3. fJ
4. fJ
s. fJ
with my familyon Sunday.
lt dependson the
Conversation 2
(come)over to my
housefor dinnertomorrow, so I needto do some
a. Well, it starts at eight,so how about around sevenat
Tom's Diner?We could go and havea coffeefirst.
b. What are you doing tonight?
4. I dont reallyknow.A friend of mine saidhe
(come) over to play chess
tomorrow, but he's not sure.
5 . I dont know I think | .
....(go) to the
cinematomorrow. ld like to see Gun Boys.
6. | ..................
c. Yes,that soundsfine.l'll seeyou there then.
d. Yes,OK. What time?
e. I'm going to the cinemato seelhe Beost.Do you
want to come?
,f . f-r
^z . T--r
^ fl
4. [l
s. l-l
(go) to the Shaftconcert
tonight with a friend.She bought me a ticl<etfor my
Conversation 3
a. I'm sorry,I cant. Somefriendsare cominground for
7. We ......"':...
(have)a party for my
b. Yes.Are you doing anythingnext weekend?
birthday.Do you want to come?
8. I ..................... (go) to my brother'swedding
on Saturday,but I havent got any plansfor Sunday.
9. A friend from Turkey
(come) to
(arrive)this afternoon,
1 0 . I ' m n o t s u r el.t h i n k w e . . . .
c. We're going on a trip to Oxford on Sunday.Do you
want to come?
d. What are you doingat the weekend?
e. Oh well,never mind.Someother time, maybe.
2.* 3.m4*
on Sunday,
though.l'll phoneyou if we do.
Spend five minutes memorising the collocations
which are underlined. Can you find any more
verb * noun collocations in the sentences?
Test yourself. Spend five minutes memorising the
conversations. Then close your book and write as
much as you can remember on a piece of paper.
How much did you get right?
4 Times
Verbsthat go with time
Complete the sentences with the words in the
Complete the sentences with the words in the
t . I1.................................
a long time to learna language
well.You need to be patient.
2. Do you
f. l'm havinga party on Fridayto celebrate
to talk now? | havea
I ' l lb e 2 l .
few questionsI want to ask you.
It's .....................
A: We must meet up some time.
B: Yes.Shallwe
November I lth.We usedto be a colonyof Britain,
a time and date
now? I've got my diary here.
A: I'm goingon holidayto Greecetomorrow.
B : L u c k yy o u ! W e l l ,I h o p ey o u
. . . . . . . .a. . . .
.. . next week.
l'm going to send my girlfriendtwelve red roses!
4. My parentshavebeen married for almost 50 years.
next year.
6. A: Dont go home yet. lt's only three o'clock!
....wellpast my
bedtime.I'm usuallyin bed by eleven!
It's ...............
....most of
our time on the beach.lt was reallyrelaxing.
B: No. I'm going.|t...........
but we becameindependent35 years ago.
It'stheir golden
5 . A: Did you havea nice holiday?
B: Yes,it was great.We
l'll alwaysrememberit
Choose the correct words to complete this text.
l ' l l n e v e r( l ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d
t haeym y d a u g h t e R
r e b e c cw
a as
born. My wife didnt to to hospitalto (2) .................
baby.Shegavebirth at home,so it was very
(3) ............ - just me, my wife and a femaledoctor.My
wife startedto (4) .................
painsat aroundeight
We should go to the supermarlcettoday.ltt a
. tomorrow
so everywherewill be closed.
I hope
Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in the box. (The last three sentences
need negative verbs!)
::t.::;,, :t::t:.
(6) .............about eight hours.My wife madea lot of
(7) .........i;.:....
. Shewas reallyscreamingwhen the baby
w a s c o m i n go u t a n d a t g n e ( 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .noeuirg h b o u r
came round to (9) .................
she was OK! When I saw
Rebecca,it was iust amazing.l'll alwaysremember it. lt's
the most amazing(10) ... .. .......l've had in my life.
l. Good luck with the exam.I hope you
2. Good luck with the job interviewI hope you
the job.
o'clock in the eveningand Rebeccawas born
(5) .................four
o'clock in the morning,so the birth
891:, 1,i,:,,'.
like',, ,,,1:,,.l:,',,l,:,,,
3. I hate RealMadrid.I hope they
4. I love RealMadrid.I hope they
5. I'm meetingmy girlfriend'sfather for the first time.
I hope he
6. I'm drivingto Birmingham.
I hope the traffic
too bad.
7. We're going for a picnic.I hope it
8. I'm meetinga friend at the airport later.I hope his
4 Timesand dates
ffi reyword:/oot
Complete the sentences with the words in the
Complete the sentences with a look,look or
l. lf you dont know what any of the words mean,
them up in your dictionaryor ask me.
2. A: Are you ...........
L Can you wait for me?l'll be readyin a
or two.
B: Yes.I can't wait. We're going to China.lt should
Hopefully,I'm goingto go to China...............
be great.
next year,but I dont know when exactly.
3. A: What are you going to do with your dog while
Did I tell you?| saw Mariannethe ....................
you'reon holiday?
day.She askedme to say hello.
B: My neighbouris goingto ......................after it:
4. I'm going to go back home to my country the day
after .................
He's goingto feed it and take it out every day.
4. A: Can I have
5 . You know I appliedfor a new job.Well,I got it! So l'll
be starting
.. .....forward to the
a few weeks' time.
at your newspaper
a moment?| want to see what's on TV tonight.
B: Yes.of course.Go ahead.
5 . It's my birthdaya .........................................
5. A: Have you found a new placeto live?
B: No. I've been to
....at five or six flats,
What are they goingto do?
but they were either too small or too expensive.
Match the sentences with the speakers.
6. A: Excuseme, I'm :......................................
for a bookshop
l. Justtake a bit off, please,and tidi it up.
2. They'vegot a sale on at the moment.
3. I'm sure he'sgoingto tell me I haveto have
some fillingsor a tooth taken out.
4. I reallyneed some time on my own, so I can
just lie aroundand do nothing.
5. I'm reallynervous.Thisis the fifth time
I've had to retake it.
a. He's goingto go on holiday.
b. He's havinghis hair cut.
calledWaterstones.Do you know where it is?
B: Yes,it's just off this road. Keep going until you
come to the traffic lights.lts on your left.
7. A: What are you going to do this afternoon?
B: We're going to have
..... round the
old part of town. We've heard there are lots of
thingsto seethere.
8. A: Do you want to go to the ltalianrestaurant?
B: No. I've never been in there, but it doesnt
. . . . . . .v. e
. ryntce.
c. He's goingto retake his driving test.
d. She'sgoing to go to the dentist.
e. She'sgoingto go shopping.
Translate the underlined expressions into your
l. Look a word gp in your dictionary.
2. I'm looking forward to my holiday.
3. Have a look at the newspaper.
4. Havea look round a museum.
5. I'm lookinefor a olacecalledCaf6 Nero.
6. lt doesn'tlook very nice.
7. A friend is lookingafter the childrentonight.
ffi Describing
Complete the conversations with the words in
the box.
Here are four ways to identify a person without
pointing at them.
L usingan adjective:
You see thatfat guy.
2. addingwith + a physicalfeature or clothes:
l. A: I'd liketo go running,but I didn't pack my
You see that guy with the beordond glosses.
3. addinga prepositionalphraseexplainingwhere
B: What sizeshoesdo you take?| might be able
to lend you some.
the personis:
You see the woman nextto Peter.
2. A: I didnt realisethere was a pool at the hotel.
I didnt pack my
4. addinga verb in the -ingform to explainwhat
the personis doing:
B: That's a shame.lt looks really nice.Maybeyou
You see the woman combingher hoir.
could buy a cheapone.
3. A: I like your
. ls it real gold?
B: Yes.I got itwhen I was |4. lt's actuallya bit tight
Note we use thot or the to describe the person
and the feature because we are talking about one
specific person and thing.
round my wrist now, but I still like it.
4. A: Aren't you cold just wearing
a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?. . .
B: Not at all.lt's hot!
l. (woman/ she'stall i she'sgot a blue dress)
5. A: I wasnt expectingit to be sunnyhere at
Hey,you se ...1t
lf s.e...d.
Do you thinl<she'swearinga wig?
this time of year.
B: I know. I didnt pack my
2. (guy / het short i he'sgot darl<hair)
The sun'sreallygetting in my eyes.
6. A: Do you think l'll needto wear .................
when we go for this walk?
Hey,you see ......
and the leatheriacket.lsnt thatTom Cruise?
3. (Suy/ he'sgot darl<glasses/ he'sgot a long coat)
B: I'm goingto. lt can be quite muddy.
7. A : D , gy o u t h i n k I ' l l n e e da . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?. . . . . . . . . .
B: No. lt's quite mi$.
A: Do I needto wear a
Complete the sentences using the ideas in
brackets and the structures above. The first one
has been done for you.
Hey,you see .....
standingby the doors.Do you think he'sa spy?
4. (woman/ she'sthin i she'sgot blond hair)
B: No, it's going to be quite an informal party.
Hey,you see ....................
the table next to us.lsnt that Madonna?
5. (Suy/ he'sfat / he'sgot tight jeansi he'sstanding
over there)
Hey,you see ....................
Do you think he'sgot a gun in his pocket?
6. (woman / she'sgot long brown hair / she'sat the
table by the window)
Hey,you see ....................
lsnt that Katyt sister?
7. (man i he'stall i he'sgot glasses/ he'stallcingto the
Hey,you see .....
lsnt thatTom Hanks?
5 Buvinqthinqs
ffi Conversation
Translate these expressions into your language.
a. Whereabouts exactly
| got it in the sale
Complete the sentences with the words in the
b. thanksfor tellingme .......
c. I can imagine
d. Are they new?
l. lt was
e. it's about halfwaydown ...............
f50, but I got it for f25.
f. They'vegot a sale on .. ....
2. I t w a s f 5 0
g. reducedfrom 65
. . . . . . . . f. 8
. .0. .
3 . You buy one and you ............
h. to beginwith ..................
4. They were on ..... .
i. I just couldnt resistthem.
j. They reallysuit you. ..........
usuallyf | 5, but I got it for five.
Now complete the conversation with the
5 . I get a ............
. ....becauseI work
C: Oh, I like those shoes.( l)
lf you show them your studentcard,you get a
L: Yes,I only bought them a few daysago.
7. All the food was reduced becauseit was almost past
C: They're really nice.(2)
its .......................
L: Thanks.I wasnt sure about them
. lt had
...., but I reallylike them now.
C: Yes,I love the design.Wheredid you get them?
L: From this great shop in Hockley.(4)
Complete the sentences with the words in the
at the moment,and (5)
C : (6)
How much were they?
L: They were 29.99,(7)
C : WowlThat's brilliant!(8)
I needto do somehousework
. ...........is
|. I haventgot any cleanclothes.I needto do some
this shop?I might try to go there later.
L: Well, do you know where Castle Street is?
2. There'sno food in the fridge.I needto do some
C : Yes,I think so.
L: Well, as you'regoingdown the hill,(9)
3. My shirts are all creased.I needto do some
on the left. I think it's called Barrett's.
C : Oh right.Well,( l0) ..............
L: That's OK. Let me know if you buy anything!
4. There are crumbs all over the carpet.I need to do
some ............,...
5 . My room's in a messand there are papersall over
Can you remember where the pauses and the
stressed sounds are in this conversation? Mark
the pauses // and underline the stressed syllables.
For example:
A: Oh, I like those shoes.// Are they new?
B: Yes, ll I only bought them // a few days ago.
Compare your ideas about the pauses and
stressed sounds with the tapescript in the
the house.I needto do some
The houseis fallingapart.I needto do some
5 Buying
Rewrite the sentences with enough.The first one
has been done for you.
Complete the sentences with the words in the
l. The interviewwas awful!Theytold me I didnt have
r!:I !:tdy: ! t!l:: !1,:?:ly-c!
2. I left my lastjob becausethe moneywasnt good.
t . Can you reachthat book for me?The one on the
top shelf.I'm not
enoughto get it!
2. A: This shirt doesnt fit me. It's not ................................
3 . I d like to get a ticket for the concert, but I dont
B: I can see that. lt looks reallytight.
3 . ld like to go and work inAustralialor ayear,butmy
4. This doesnt taste right. lt's not sweet.
Englishisn't ..............
.. enough.
4. I'd love to applyto Oxford or CambridgeUniversity,
5. I didnt finishmy homework.I didn't havetime.
but I'm not .............
.. enoughto get in.
5 . I wanted to ask her if she had a boyfriend,but I
6. The publictransport here is terrible!There arent
wasnt ...
.. ........
enough.I'm so shy!
6. l'd love to take a year off and travel the world, but
busesor trains!
I'm not
7. I'm afraid I can't playtennis today.I dont feel well.
enough.I cant even afford a
7. I'd like to cycle to worl<,but I'm not
enough.I havent done any exercisefor years!
8. I don't reallylike this kind of music.lt's not fast.
8. A: How long did you stayin Morocco?
B: Not
I can't! lt's too big.
Match the problems with the
l. I can'taffordthis bracelet.
2. I cant drink this coffee.
3. I can'twear this top.
4. I can't,do this exerctse.
ffi Askingnegative
5. I cant eat this beef!
6. I can't hear the tape.
7. I cant go to school.today.
8. I cant vote in the election.
a. It! too tight.
e. I'mtoo ill.
b . It's too difficult.
It's too spicy.
It's too expensive.
It's too quiet.
c . I'm too yount.
enough!lt was only six days.
h . It's too strong.
Match the negative questions with the responses.
l. Dont you think this book is a bit
too expensive?
2. Don't you think it's cold in here?
3. Dont you think she looks ridiculous
in that dress?
4. Don't you think his hair looks terrible?
5. Dont you think the bosslooks reallyscruffy?
6. Dont you think Lee is a bit boring?
Yes,maybea bit. Do you want me to turn the
b. Yes,maybea bit, but I dont look very smart either!
c . Yes,maybeit was better before he had it cut and
d . No, not at all.I think she looks quite trendy.lt suits
e. No, not at all.I think it's good valuefor money.
f. No, not really.I flnd him quite interestingusually.
5 Buying
Key words for writing:
also, too and as well
All of these words mean the same thing, but the
grammar is different. Too I os well are more
common in spoken English. For example:
. He's got a degree in Physicsand he olsospeaks
three languages.
He's tot a detree in Physicsand he speaks
three languages
He's got a degree in Physicsand he speaks
three languages
os wel/.
Writing- personalstatements
When you apply to do a university course, you
often have to write a personal statement saying
why you want to do the course, why you would
be good at the course,why you want to do the
course at that particular place and what you plan
to do afterwards.You also usually give some idea
ofthe kind ofperson you are and your general
likes and interests.
Complete the personal statements with the
words in the box.
Rewrite the sentences with the adverb in
l. I study very hard,but I like playinggolf.(too)
2. I like readingand writing, and I do photography.(also)
I really(l)
to do the coursein
computer sciencebecauseI havealwaysbeen very
I go out a lot, but I like stayingin and reading.
in computing.As well as studying
informationtechnologyat school,I have
4. I havea degree in computer scienceand I havea
Master'sin businessmanagement.
such asJavascript,
C+ and Pascal.I also make robots in
my (4) ...
.... Lastyear I won
.... .. in the finalof the competition
RobotWors.I havealso done well at school.I got five top
5 . There are lots of caf6sand oubs near where I live
and there'sa big cinema.(aswell)
gradesin my final exams.
I am quite friendlyand like meetingnew people.I am a
memberof a localvideo gameclub and I like goingto
6 . The universityhasa largelibraryand a sports
centre,and it has a modern conferencecentre. (also)
concerts (6)
. . I really like heavymetal
and grungemusic.
I would (7)
.. . .. . like to study at North
becauseit hasa very good
reputation for computer scienceand becauseyou have
....in robotics,which I am really
interestedin. After the course,I would like to work for
a big electronicscompany.
Rewrite the sentences above using os well os.
Now write a personal statement for a course you
would like to do. Try to use some of these
sentence starters:
I reallywant to do the coursein ...
I havealwaysbeen very interestedin ...
A s w e l la s . . . , | . . .
I havealso done well at school.I got ...
I would especially
like to study at ... because...
After the course,I would like to ...
l'm a bit fed up
ff you're fed up,you are angry and bored because
something bad has been going on for too long.
For example:
How are you?
To be honest,I'm a bit fed up.
lt's my English!| dont feel it's getting any better.
I keep makingthe same mistalces!
Complete the sentences with the expressions in
the box. Use each expression twice.
Put the sentences in order and make a
a. Oh no! What's the oroblem?
b. I'm fine.What about you?You werent in classtoday.
I'm just phoningto makesure you'reOK.
t . It's ..................
I dont feel it's
gettint any better.I keep makingthe same mistakesl
2. I t s . . . .
. I ' m r e a l l ym i s s i n g
them. I haven'tseenthem for six months.
3 . It's .......
.. . . lts so cold and
4. It's .............
.... I'm bored wirn
doing the samethings every day for so little money.
It's ..................
.. . lt's so hot. I can't
sleepat night.
It's .......
. .. . We're havinga
c. Oh no! I'm sorry.Haveyou beento see anyone
about it?
d. Yes,hi. How are you?
e. Oh, thanks.That'sreallynice of you. I'm not very
well, actually.
f. Hello.ls that Sarah?
C. No, l'll be all right.I iust needto stayin bed for a
while. I alreadyfeel a bit better than I d i d t h i s
h. I've got a reallybadc o l d .I've been in bed all day.
s m
lot of problemswith the landlord.
7. lt's .......
. I dont reallylil<e
the teacher.
8. lt'S:............
. I can neverfind
the words to say'what I want. lt's reallyfrustrating.
9. lt's ........
..... They'realways
tellingme what to do!
10. lt's .....................
....... . I dont reallylilce
| | . lt's ..............
. The central
heating'sbroken down and it's reallycold.
. lt's iust so boring
doing the same kind of exercisesevery day.
Test yourself. Spend five minutes memorising the
sentences. Then close your book and write as
much as you can remember on a piece of paper.
How much did you get right?
Complete each expression from the conversation
with ONE word.
i. make
That's really ..
. . . . . .y o u ' r eO K
of you.
k . I ' m n o t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w
. . .e.l.l. . . .
l . I f e e la . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b. .e. t. t. e
the peopleI work with.
12. lt's .................
m m 4fj
6m m 8.m
l.m 2-
m. been in bed . . .....................
6 How areyou?
Questionsand answers
Complete the conversations with the pairs of
words in the box.
Complete the conversation with the words in the
J: Hello.
I. A: What's the problem?
T: Hi, Janet.lt'sTeresa.How's it going?
B: I'vejust got this horriblestomach
. I'vebeen
all night.
T: Not very well,( l)
2. A: What's the oroblem?
B: I'vegot this really...
phoning.Can you tell RalphI cant come to class
J : Yes,of course.What's the problem?
3. A: I've got a bit of a headache.
T: Oh, I'vejust got a really(2)
B: Oh really?Haveyou taken anythingfor it?
A: Yes,I tool< some
I've been in and out of the bathroom all day.
Oh no,that's(3)
I ' m f e e | i n g a b i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... n o w .
| (4)
4. A: Vy back feelsvery strange.
B: Really?Haveyou been to see anyoneabout it?
....this morning,
but they said it was
5. A: I just feel really..
.. . . That'swhy I'm
had it for
A: Yes,I went to the .....
J: Great,thanks.How are you?
....! I'm sorry.Can
anythingto help?
T: That's really (5)
. .. of you, but I'm all
right. l'll be fine tomorrow.
J: Haveyou taken anythingfor
and tired. I've
been in bed all day.
T: No, I'm just drinkinglots of water and trying to
B: Haveyou been to see anyoneabout it?
it easy.
J: Right,that (7)
A: Yes,I went to the doctor yesterdayafternoon
.. . sensible.
T: Listen,I've tot to to.
and he just told me to take it ..................
J: Yes,of course.I'll phoneyou tomorrow and
ffiffi Infinitivesof purpose
.. . how you are.
T: OK. Thanl<s.Bye.
Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
l . I ' m j u s t p h o n i n gt o a s k
2. I'm just phoningto makesure
3. I'm just phoningto apologise
4. I'm just phoningto let you know
5. I'm"justgoingout to the shopsto buy
6. I'm just goingto the stationto meet
7. I've got to go to the dentistt to have
8. I've got to go to worl< for an hour or two
to finish off
a. for what I said last night.I'm reallysorry.
b. what you'redoingthis weekend.
c. a tooth out.
d. a report I'm writing for my boss.
e. my brother.
f. some milk and some coffee.
g. you got home OK last night.
h. I won't be ableto come to the dinnertonight.Sorry.
Can you remember where the pauses and the
stressed sounds are in this conversation? Mark
the pauses // and underline the stressed syllables.
For example:
A: Hello.
B: Hi, J4net.// lt's Teresa.// How's it gqing?
Compare your ideas about the pauses and
stressed sounds with the tapescript in the
6 How areyou?
| had a reallylate night
ffi talkingaboutsleeping
Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
l. I'm reallytired. I was up till three watching
2. I'm reallytired. I was up till half two chatting
3. I'm reallytired. I was up till two playing
4. I'm reallytired. I was up till four cleaningup
5. I'm reallytired. I was up till 1.30finishingoff
6. I'm reallytired. I was up till three sending
Complete the sentences with the words in the
a. to my sisteron the phone.
while he was drivingand crashedinto a wall.
2. After I sawGhostStorv2,1
b. a film on TV.
for weeks.lt was sucha scaryfilm!
c. my flat. My girlfriend is coming to stay tomorrow.
3 . Sorry,but I didnt do my homework last night.I
d. e-mailsto all my friendsback home in my country.
at 6.30.I wasn't feeling
e. an essayfor my politicsclass.
computer gameswith a friend of mine.
Now match these sentence beginnings with the
7. I'm reallytired. I lust couldn'tget
10. I'm reallytired. I went out last nightand got
I l. I'm reallytired. I'veworlced
12. I'm reallytired. I've had
to collect my daughterfrom the airport.
h o m ea t 3 . 3 0 1
late every day this week!
a reallybusyday.I didnt evenstop for lunch!
to sleeplast nightfor some reason.
a bit too much.
......and finishoff an essay!
5 . Sorry I'm late.I was so tired this morning,I
8. l'm reallytired. I had to get up at five
this morning
9. I'm reallytired. I went to the gym last night
a n dd i d
I've got so much work to do this week! | had ten
cups of coffee last night to help me
I didn't
until ten o'clocl<!
6. I lost my job becausemy bossfound me
at my desk - at two t n
the afternoon!
ffi Can't/ couldn't
Match the statements with the reasons.
l. I cant eat nuts.
2 . I c a n t d r i n ka l c o h o l .
3. I can'tdrive.
4. I can't playtennis with you nextTuesday.
5. I couldn'tride a bike when I was younger.
6. I couldnt reallyspeakEnglishlastyear.
7. Women couldnt vote here until forty
years ago.
8. I couldn'tgo out with the other people
from my classlastThursday.
a. lt used to be againstthe law.lt's crazy,isnt it?
b. I wanted to, but I had to work late.
c. I failed my test twice - and then gaveup!
d. I'm allergicto them.They makeme reallyill.
e. Now I can havequite a few basicconversations,
I'd like to, but I've got to work late.
C. lt makesme feel really bad - and it makesmy face
go red too!
h. My mum taught me when I was elevenor twelve,
6 Howarevou?
ffi Whataboutyou?
Complete each expression from the
conversations with ONE word.
Complete the conversations with the responses
in the box.
a . D i d y o u s l e e p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .?. . . . . .
b. Haveyou beenwaiting..............................
c. I haventseenher for ............................
d. I iust stayed.....
e. We only got
...and took it easy.
home at twelve.
havebeenquite quiet.
Do you remember how these conversations
started? Write down the beginnings. Then
compare what you wrote with page 46 in the
ffi coodn"*,
t . A : Did you sleepwell?
B: Yes,very.What about you?
Complete the sentences with the words in the
2. A: Hi. Sorry I'm late.The traffic was terrible. Have
you been waiting long?
B: No, I've only just got here myself.
A: So how's it going?
B: Fine,what about you?
2. Hey,guesswhat? | passedall my ......
3. Hey,guesswhat? | got ......
at work.
4. Hey,guesswhat?lt's my ..........................:.............
5. Hey,guesswhat? I've finallygot my
3. A: So what're you doing here?Are you doing some
to 8o to America'
shoppingor somethingT
this Friday.
6. Hey,guesswhat?I'm goingon ..........................
' *:'::"* -'":1]:: nna'|'|v
a new
8. Hey,guesswhat? My ..............
4. A: Did you havea good weekend?
B: Yes,it was all right. I just stayedin and took it
easy.What about you?
Now match the sentences above with the
l . m 2 .*
5. A: So what've ydu been doing recently?
B: I've just been really busywith examsand
What about youl
from Greece
is comingto visit.
6 .f--k
3 *
4 . *
7 . ms *
a. Oh really?Congratulations!Are you goingto get a
pay rise as welll
b. Oh really?Congratulations!Did you get good
Oh really?That'sgreat! So when're you going to go?
Oh really?That'sgreat! ls it a flat or a shared house,
or what?
e. Oh really?That'sgreat!Where are you going?
f. Oh really?Congratulations!How old are you - if
you dont mind me asking?
g. Oh really?Congratulations!When's the big day?
h. Oh really?That'sgreat! Has she been here before?
ffi Youracademic
Complete the paragraphs with the words in the
Choose the correct words to complete this
Paragraph I
L: So what do you do,Jane?
Are you working or
studyingor what?
I (l)
l a s ty e a ra n d n o w I ' m i n t h e
middleof doinga two-year (2)
fashiondesign.I did my (3)
in arr
history,but I've alwaysbeen interestedin clothes as
well.Also,I think there'smore chanceof findinga
as a fashiondesignerthan as an
art historian!That'swhy I decidedto do this course.
Paragraph 2
d b r r ::.'
. businessmanagemenr
at the London
J: I'm (l)
L: Oh right.That soundsgood.What (2)
you in?
I'vegot my (3)
J: My third, unfortunately.
spring.l'm reallyworried about them.
you (4)
? Haveyou decidedyet?
) : Internationalfinance.
to (6) ....
L: Wow. Have you (7)
.. ........
after she (7)
....Frenchand German.I'm
reallypleasedabout it, becausewhen she was young,
she went to three different (9)
.. . We
movedarounda lot then becauseof my husband's
and I was worried it would be bad for her.
L: Oh yes?What in?
now and she'sdoing reallywell.Shesaysshe wantsto go
and (8)
ayear off and go
travellinga bit and then I'm goingto try to get onto
a Master's(6)
My daughteris in her fifth year of (5) ..............
in the
Yes,I can imagine.So what're you going to do when
Yes,l'm goingto (5)
anywhere yet?
J: Not yet, but there'sa coursein LeedsI'm very
L: Leeds?I've heard it's got a very good reputation.
What do you needto do to get in?
Well, obviously,
I needto get a good gradeand then I
haveto go for (8)
Paragraph 3
Oh right.Well, good lucl<.
| ( l0) .,:.
schoolwhen I was 16 and
J: Thanks.l'll need it. Anyway,Lee,what about you?
What do you do?
started working. I wai 3 | when I finallydecided I wanted
to (l l)
a d e g r e ea n d ( 1 2 )
to university.
I enjoyedit so much,I did a
doing my (14)
. straightafterwardsand now I'm
. lt'll be strangeto be
Write a conversation betweenYOU
and Lee. For
L: So what do you do?Are you worl<ingor studyingor
Y: I'm working in a coffeeshop at the moment.
7 Schooland studying
ffi coing.o
Match the questions with the answers.
Complete the sentences with going to or might
and the verb in brackets.
l. So what are you goingto do when you
2. So what are you goingto do when you
3. So where are you goingto do this course,
in the States.so I .....
that in September.(start)
4. So how are you goingto payyour college
| . A: What
...you ...............
after you
finishthis course?(do)
B: Well, I've beenoffereda scholarship
to do a PhD
2. A: Haveyou seen Simon recently?
B: No, he nevergoesto lectures.I'm sure he
a. I'm not reallysure yet. I think I mightapplyto do a
b. I'm not reallysure yet. I think I mightgo travellingfor
a while and then maybeapplyto university.
c. l've saveda few thousand poundsover the last three
years,so l'll usethat.
d. At a collegein the north of the city.They run a new
courseeverythree months.
6. Are you going to that meetinglater?
7. Are you going to go awayin the summer?
8. What are you going to wear to the party
A: Maybe.I think he
though.He is very clever!(pass)
3 . A : W h a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . y. .o. .u. . . . . . . . .i.n. .t.h. .e.
Are you going awayanywhere?(do)
B: I've missedso manyclasses,
I'm reallybehindwith
work. I
really hard
over the holidaysand try to catch up. I supposeI
Now match these questions with the answers.
5. So what are you goingto do if you dont
get onto the course?
...all his exams.(fail)
one day off, but I
on holiday (study,talce,not go)
4. A: What are you doing tonight?
B: | ....
. . . . . . . i n a n df i n i s ho f f m y
essay.I've got to hand it in tomorrow Why? (stay)
e. I'm not reallysure yet. I thinl<| mightgo in these
jeansand maybea different shirt.
A: Oh, | ............
f. We're not really sure yet. I think we might go to
Morocco for a couple of weel<s,if we haveenough
B: Sorry.Try Jeremy.I dont know if he likesJoe
C. I'm not reallysure yet. I supposel'll try to applyto a
few other places,but I hope I wont haveto.
h. Yes,of course.I thinl<everyonein the office is going.
. Joe Costello
in concert and I've got a spareticket. (see)
Costello,but he
go. (want)
Complete each expression from the
conversations with ONE word.
a. I've been
b. Are you going
c. I'm really
...a scholarship
with work
d . t r y t o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .u. .p. . . . . . . .
e. I'vegot a .. .. ......................ticket
7 Schooland studying
ffi Couldyouiust ... ?
Studyingat university
Complete the expressions with the verbs in the
Match the questions with the follow-up
L Sorry,could you just speakup a bit?
2. Sorry,could you just give me a hand with
these books?
......an essay
3. Sorry,could you two just changeplaces?
my student loan
4. Sorry,could you just be quiet a moment?
5. Sorry,could you just turn the music
down a bit?
....a part-time job
. . . . . . .m y e x a m
to yet.
Now complete the conversations with the words
in the box.
started .
I cant carry them all.
b. So that you're next to someoneyou haven'tspoken
....a lecture
I cant hear you very well.
It's reallyloud and I'm trying to tet to sleep!
I'm trying to listento this programme.
Now match these sentences with the follow-up
6. You left the lights on when you went out.
Are you goingto go to the
No. I hate the lecturer.She'sso boring! I
asleepin the lastone
I went to.
I'vegot an ...................
this afternoon.I'm
sure I'm goingto fail.I'm terrible at
.. exams.
3. A: Did you go to ...................................
B: Yes.I did.but | .........
after the first
year.I just found the course too hard and I was
too lazyl
4. A: How many weeks are there until the end of
-:............,...,......... .. .. .. ....
B: Six more.This ..........
has been reallylong!
5. A: When'sthe deadlinefor the
we're writing for Mr Jones?
B: Friday,and I haventeven.........................................
it yet.
He saidwed get nothingif we handit in late.
7. You left all your dirty plateson the table
after you had dinner.
8. You left the front door unlockedwhen you
left this morning.
9. You left all your thingslyingaround in the
front room yesterday.
What's the matter?You'relooking stressedoutl
t 0 . You left the tap runningafter you had your
Could you just makesureyou lock it when you go
out next timel
8. Could you just washthem up after you'vefinishedl
h . Could you just try to keepthingsa bit more tidy in
Could you just make sure you turn them off next
Could you just makesure you turn it off properly
next time?
7 Schooland studying
for writing:
even though and although
ffi wrtting
Complete this e-mail with the words in the box.
Even though and although connect something
surprising with something that actually
happened. For example:
. He lost his lob. He was the best teacher.
. He lost his job eventhoughI olthoughhe was
the best teacher.
EventhoughI Althoughhe was the best teacher
he lost his job.
Even though shows it was very surprising.
Normally, being the best teacher stops you from
losingyour job!
Join these sentences using even though.
l. I got the job. I didn't haveany experience.
2. I got a job in Japan.I didn't speakanyJapanese.
3. I didn't study.I passedmy exam.
4 . I handedin my applicationform late.They gaveme
an interview.
They'regoing to move to ltaly.They don't speak
Italianand they havent tot any work there.
Although is also used to mean'but'.You don't
use even though in this situation.
. I'm busytoday,but I can meet you tomorrow.
AlthoughI'm busy today,I can meet you
I havent studied Frenchbefore,but I speaktwo
other languages.
Although I havent studied Frenchbefore,I speak
twotother languages.
In which sentences can you ONLY use olthough?
Cross out €vetr+euth
when you can't use it.
a reallynicetimeon mybirthday.
It's a
I'm actually
writingto askfor some
(2) ...........
. Asyouknow.I'm working
in a
shop,butI'm reattyfedup withit. Myboyfriend
meto (3)
myjob andgoto Spain
withhimto studySpanish.
(4) .... . .....
thinkit wi[[bepossible,
Johnis verygood(5) ............
for severaI
I havelotsof
(6) ............
in shops,
buti don't
rea[[ywantto dothat again.I'm quitegoodwith
c h i [ d r eann dI t h i n kI w o u [ d
b eg o o d( 7 ). .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
is.I don'thaveany
(8) .. .........
. I mightdoa fourweekcourse
to learnhowto teachEnglish,
Now write a letter to a British, American or
Australian friend to ask for some advice about
working in their country. Tell them what
experience you have, what qualifications you
have, what you're good atlwith and what you're
interested in doing.
l. I dont havea job at the moment olthoughI even
thoughI'm lookingfor one.
2. He hasnt filled in the applicationform yet olthoughI
eventhoughhe's had it for weeks.
3. EventhoughI AlthoughI'm terrible at tennis,I enjoy
4. l've never been to the StatesalthoughI eventhough
I'm goingon holidaythere in the summer.
5. I failed my exam althoughI eventhoughI studied hard.
6. lt's quite a boring job,olthoughI eventhoughit's close
to my houseand I can walk there.
ffi conversation
Match the questions with the answers.
Complete this conversation with questions. Look
at Exercise 1 to help you, if you need to.
l. Are you working or studyingor what?
2. And what are the hours lil<e?
3. Do you enjoy it?
4. Do you haveto work weekendsl
5. And do you get much holiday?
a. Apart from the hours,it's great.lt's what I've always
wanted to do.
b. I'm still at university,
althoughI work part-timein a
c. Yes,that's the best thing about the job! | get about
eight weeks a year.
d. Not too bad.I usuallyfinishabout five or six and I
usuallystart at half nine.
e. Yes,once every two weel<sI work on a Saturday
and once a month I haveto worl< on Sundayas
7. And what'sthe money like?ls it OKI
8. How long haveyou been doing that?
9. What are the other people you work with like?
10. So what about you?What do you do?
... .....?
N: Well, I graduateda couple of years ago and now I'm
working in Osal<a.
. . . . . . . . . . . .?. .
J : O h r i g h t .S o ( 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
N: I'm a civil servant.I work for the government.
J: Oh, do you?(3)
. ..........
N: Yes,it's OK. I haveto do a lot of paperwork,which is
quite boring,but it's quite well-paid.
J : Oh, that soundsgood.
N : Yes,it is, but sometimesI get a bit bored with it. I
haveto work a twelve-hour day most days.A lot of
the time, I dont reallyhavemuch to do, so I just sit
aroundand lcilltime.
J:( 4 )
Now match these questions with the answers.
6. And do you haveto travel very far to workl
J : S o w h a t d o y o u d o , N o r i ?( l )
N : No, thank goodness!Fivedaysa weel<is enough.
J: Yes,I know what you mean.(5)
N : It's not too bad.I get three weeks a year,so that's
About five years now.
C. Nothing at the moment.I'm unemployed.
h. lt's OK, but it's not brilliant.Hopefully,l'll get a pay
nse soon.
No. I'm reallylucky becauseit's only five minutes'
walk from my house.
They're great.We get on reallywell.
........ .. ?
J: And (6)
.. ?
N: Yes,quitea longway.lt'saboutan houron the train,
so I haveto spenda lot of time commuting.
, Jenny?
do you do?
Do you enjoyyour job?
Complete the answers to the question above
with have to or don't hove to.
l. I hate it. | ...............
.....go to so manyboring
meetings.I cant stand it.
2. lt's great.| .................
work very hard.
3. lt's great.I mean,| .. . ....
. .... wear a suit and
tie to the office.I can just wear what I like.
4. lt's great,apart from the fact that | ................
wear a horrible uniform.I look reallystupidin it.
5. lt's OK. I work quite hard,but I
take work home with me,which is good.
6. Yes,it's great.| .. . ....
......start work until
8 Work andjobs
ffi Compound
Match the statements with the reasons.
l. I haveto go to a meetingabout the new
2. I haveto passthese exams.
3. I haveto practisemy English.
4. I haveto get a visa.
5. I haveto do the shopping.
6. I haveto be outside the hotel by nine.
a. I wont be able to go if I don't.
b. I won't get better if I dont.
c. I won't be able to use it if I dont.
d. The coachwill leavewithout me if I'm not there.
All the jobs in Exercise 5 are examples of
compound nouns. In English,we often put two
nouns together to make a new word. In many
languages you do this by using the word of or for.
For example:
. We say bus driver NOT Crnrcr€#+u€.
. We saythe schoo/bus NOT the bus fer seheel
The second noun is the thing we are talking
about and the first noun is like an adjective. The
first noun is never in the plural. For example:
. We say bus driversNOT brrsesdrivers.
e. I wont get into universityif I dont.
Nouns that are used as adjectives often go with
lots of nouns. For example:
f. We wont haveanythingto eat if I dont.
bus stotion bus ticket
bus stop
bus route
Complete the lists with the words in the box.
the lists with the words in the box.
/ interior
/ fashion.........................................
a burglar
5. a .................
I a car .....................
parl</ a sports ... .... ......................../
a .................................
crashI a ......................mechanic
Now complete the sentences with compound
nouns from the lists above.
a. We saw a really nasty ................
on the way here.I hope no-onewas killed.
b. We all had to leavethe buildingbecausethe
went off.
c. I gavemy girlfriend a LeedsUnited
but she never wears it!
lf you don't want to queue up,you can use the
at the entranceto the station.
I paidf300 for the course,but I still had to buy the
we usedin class!
I work as a ..................
for a local
taxi company.
Could you put the dictionarybackon the
when you've finishedwith itl
h . I live in a block of flats next to a ..........................
I can see the pitch from my bedroom window.
8 Work andjobs
ffi uy iob
Complete the paragraphs with the words in the
Paragraph I
I becamea taxi driver after I got (l)
my job as securityguard.Beinga taxi driver is a good job
becauseit's very (2)
... . I can start and finish
when I want becausepeopleneedtaxis at all (3)
of the day and night.I usuallywork eveningsand nights
becauseyou can (4)
more money then,
on Fridaysand Saturdays.
I usually
MondaysandTiiesdaysoff. On my
...I usuallyjust take it (7) ................
and do as (8) ........
. ..........
as possible!
Paragraph 2
I teach Englishas a foreign languagein a
( l0)
in England.
Apart from the fact I haveto
...for work at sevenin the morning,I
love my job. I (l l) . ................
to meet lots of really
interestingpeoplefrom all (12)
....the world.
Eventhough I haveto get up early,the ( | 3)
are actuallyreallygood. | finish teachingat twelve o'clock,so
I havethe (14)
.. free.I spendmy afternoons
going to the cinema,and readingand writing books.My first
book was (15)
( 16)
.. this year.lt's a
... about a teacherof Englishwho fallsin
love with one of her stucents.
Paragraph 3
equipment paperworl< well:paid
f'm a doctor.(17) .
the money,I hate my job.
I haveto work really ( 18)
very ( | 9) ........
.....hours and it's
.. . You'rewith sick people
day.Youhaveto tell people they're
(2 1)
.....or their relativeshavedied.Youhaveto
.......- everythingyou do hasto
do lots of (22)
be written down and explained.Sometimeswe dont have
the (23)
or drugs to help patients.lt's really
terrible.I only do the job becauseit's quite
(24) . .
......., and I haveto look after my wife and
8 Work andjobs
Vocabulary:getting a job
Write present perfect questions using the verbs
in brackets.
Complete the conversations with the pairs of
words in the box.
to our country
l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y. .o. .u. . . . .
r o u n dE u r o p e
2. ....................you..
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y o u . . . . . . ...........a. .n. y g o o d f i l m s
the new Bobby
. .. .you
L A: I'm lookingfor a job at the moment.
Tamora CD? (hear)
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........y. o. .u. .
. . m u c he x p e r i e n c e
A: Just
of this kind of work? (have)
. ......you
anythingfor it?
this game before?
8. .........................you
Now match the answers with the questions
5. *
2 . m 3 m 4 l--t
6.m 7.m 8I E
a. Not really.I've been to Spainand I went to Parisfor
a weekend last year,but that's about it.
b. Yes,it's brilliant,isn't it? | love the last song.I play it
all the time.
c. No, this is my first time here.
d. No, not at all.This is my first job!
e. No, never.What does it taste like?
2. A: There was a job in the paperthis morningthat
y o u m i g h tb e . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i.n. . . . . . . . . .
. .. ..............
B: Oh, yes?What kind of
No, not really.I went to see Dogsof Wor afew
weeks ago,but it was rubbish!
g. No, I'll be all right. I just need to take it easy.
h. No, but I'm sure you can teach me. I'm a quick
Complete each expression from the sentences
with ONE word.
i. but that's.........................................
j. What does it taste .........................
k. that film was
l. take it........................
m. l'm a ..........................
.. ?
B: Oh, yes?What was ...................................
A: It was for an admin assistant
3. A: Hello,ld like ....................
for the job you
advertisedin The Mailthis morning.
B: Yes,of course.Can I takeyour ..
A: Sure.The name'sHarry Smithand the addressis
102 FairfordRoad,Swindon.
4. A: I'm sorry, I can't come tonight. I've got to stay in
and . ...
.. an applicationform.
B: Oh right,OK. So what's it for?
A: It's for a job in an electronics
5. A: I've got
for that iob I applied
for. lt's next week.
. When is it exactly?
B: That's .............. .. .......
A: Thursdaymorning.
5. A: Good luck with ....
I ... . ....
you get it.
B: Yes,me too. Thanks.
A: Well, l'll keep my fingerscrossed.
7. A: We d like to . .................... you the iob, if
you're still interested.
B: Yes,definitely.That's brilliant.When do you want
me to .......
A: As soon as possible.
8. A: Hey,guesswhat?| tot ....................................
B: Congratulations.Are you going to go out and
A: Yes,I'm goingto go for a drink later,if you'd like
to come.
ffi Whatwasthe restaurant
Complete the answers to the above question
with the words in the box.
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
M: Are you hungryl
K: Yes,( l)
I didnt really lil<eit. All the food was too
. I dont like chilliand hot food.
The food was reallynice,but the . ...............
were too small.I was still hungrywhen | finished.
3 . It was OK, but there wasnt much
They didnt even havea vegetarianoption.
4. It was nice,but the portionsare almosttoo big.I was
after the first course!
5 . It was great.The ......
was deliciousand the
were reallyfriendly and efficient.
6 . The food was really nice,but the placewas almost
, which was a shame.
M: Do you want to (2) ..
somethingro eat,
K: Yes,OK. Haveyou got anywherein (3) ........................
M: Well,there'sa reallynice pizzaplacejust round the
K: Well, actually,I went (5)
a pizza last
night.I dont reallyfeel (6)
one. Do you know anywhere(7)
.. . ...........
M: Well,there'sa reallyniceThaiplace
K: Right.ls it very spicy?I dont really
very hot food.
M: No, it's not too bad.They'vegor ( l0)
There'sa niceplace...
of dishesto choosefrom. Honestly,it's really nice
f o o d . I ' m( l l )
Complete the sentences with the words in the
y o u ' l ll i k ei t .
K: OK then,l'll try ( l2) .................
M : ( 13)
we walk or do you want to
get the bus?
l. There'sa nice placeon the sea-front,which does
K : I d o n t m i n d . l t ' s( 1 4 )
. . . . . .t.o. .y o u .
2. There'sa nice ltalianplacein Camden,which we go
3. Ther.e'sa reallygood fish placeon
4. There'sa reallygdod Thai place near
Now complete these sentences with the words in
the box.
for lunch ourside quitecheap *-l1
5 . There'sa reallygood vegetarianrestaurantround the
corner from .................
There'sa Chineseplacedown the road which is
7. There'sa nice placejust acrossthe road which does
8. There'sa nice place near here where you can sit
Can you remember where the pauses and the
stressed sounds are in this conversation? Mark
,the pauses // and underline the stressed syllables.
For example:
M: Are you hungry?
K: Yesll abit.
Compare your ideas about the pauses and
stressed sounds with the tapescript in the
Write a conversation betweenYOU and Mel. Use
some of the ideas in Exercise 2 to help you
decide where to eat,
9 Eatino ut
ffi Someandany
Put the words in order and make sentences.
Compfete the sentences with some or dny.
l . f u l l / r e a l l y/ I ' m
l. A: Do you like GrantArcher?
B: I quite like .. . .
of them are rubbish.
2. drink I don't | |
3. dietlonll'mla
.. .. of his books,but
2. A: What kind of musicdo you lilcel
really"I dont have
4. mustn't / more I anyI have| |
3. A: Haveyou got ... ..
. .. brothersor sisters?
B: No, it's just me. I'm an only child.
4. A: Can I borrow some money?The cashmachinet
5. anythingI really/ don't / | / spicy/ like
not grvrng
. ..........
B: Sorry,I haven'tgot much on me. AskYuka.She
6. sweet | | I don't/ like / anything/ really
might be ableto lend you
5. A: I'm sorry, but does the lasagnehavecheesein it?
7. one / iust / I've/ had
l'm not allowedto eat..
products.I'm allergicto them.
B : N o t m u c h ,b u t i t d o e sn a v e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....o. .n.
8. sleep/ won't I to I be | | | able
9. another/ | i thing i eat/ couldnt
top. How about the spaghetti?
That doesn't have
6 . Be carefulwhen you eat the fish.There might be
bonesstill in it, althoughI'vetried to
get rid of mosr of them.
Translate the sentences above into your
7. I reallyshouldn'tbe eating
to lose
8 . A: We shouldgo out for a meal
B: Yes,definitely.I can go
week. I dont have
Test yourself. Spend five minutes memorising the
sentences.Then cover the sentences and write as
much as you can remember on a piece of paper.
Use your translations to help you. How much did
you get right?
weight.But I supposeone
smallpiecewon't hurt!
.. ......
or thingslike that at the moment becauseI'm trying
.. .........time.
day next
plansat the
A: OK. Well, how aboutThursday?
B: Great. l'll give you a ring early next week.
9 Eatingout
ffi Food:waysof cooking
Complete the paragraphs with the past simple
form of the verbs. All the verbs are irregular.
Look at the pictures. Find the ways of cooking.
l. lt was reallyembarrassing.
I was in classonce and I
down to write somethingon the
board and I ...............................
my trousers.(bend,tear)
2. I was walkingalongand I steppedon a bananaskin,
and I slippedand ..................................
really stupid.(fall,feel)
3. I borrowed my brother'smobile phoneonce and I
d r o p p e di t a n d i t
. | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t. o
buy him a new one and it .......
me f200.
He didn't let me borrow it again!(break,have,cost)
4 . | ...........
to a friend'sparty and his mother
had madea big chocolatecake.| ........
... .................
or five slicesand then | ..............
5 . One day,| ..............................
a letter to my parentsand
another one to my girlfriend.Unfortunately,I
the letters in the wrong envelopeand
them to the wrong people.My
when they
the letter to my girlfriend up
it - and
me I shouldn'tbe writing those kindsof things!
(write, put, send,tear,see,tell)
Match the questions with the replies.
l. Could I havesome water?
2. Would you like to seethe dessertmenul
3. Could we book a tablefor six at nine o'clock?
6. Sorry,but I ordered chickennoodles,not beef.
7. Haveyou got a cloth? I've just spilt some water.
8. Would you like a highchairfor the little boy?
4. I'm afraidthe beef is off the menu.
5. Do we need to leavea tip?
a. No thanks.Could you just bringthe bill?
b. Oh right.Well, in that case,l'll havethe chicken.
c . No, it's OK. Serviceis included.
d . Certainlysir.l'll just go and get one.
Certainly.Stillor sparkling?
That'd be great.Thanks.She'sa girl, though!
l'm terribly sorry.Would you like me to changethat?
h . I'm terribly sorry, but we're completelyfull tonight.
Cover the words above and complete the dishes
on the menu.
l. T......
...... breadcoveredwith c...............
tomatoesand crushedgarlic.
2. S......
.... sea basson a bed of r............,.
with m..........
Steakservedwith a choiceof b................
. .. ........
potatoes or chips.
5 . Freshlys.............................
6. Freshlys............:...
ffi Keywordsfor writing:thenandso
We use so to show the result of something:
. The restaurantwas fully booked,so we
went to
Last night, Harry cooked dinner for Josie.This
morning, she has sent him a thank-you e-mail.
Complete Harry's reply with the words in the
ffi Writing:recipes
We also use so to show the reason for doing
. Turn down the heat on the cooker so it
We use then to show the order of actions: First,... .
Then ... , and then ... . Finolly,... . We start a new
sentence with Then. lf you don't want to start a
new sentence, you need to say and then. For
. Firstof all they got our order wrong.Then
. Chop the onions,garlicand chilliinto very
smallpieces.Thenlry them in some olive oil.
. Cook the onions for ten minutesand then
the other vegetables.
D e a rJ o s i e ,
I'm g[adyou [ikedthe food. Here'sthe recipeyou
askedfor. It's from a greatbookcalledRea[FastFood
by NigeLstater.Forfour peopteyou need:2 onions,
2 or 3 clovesof gar[ic,2 freshgreenchi[[ies,
8 t o m a t o e s4, m e d i u mr e dp e p p e r s , 4e g g s ,s a t ta n d
pepper,fresh herbs.
Complete the sentences with so, then or dnd
o f a i l .s, U c et h e
onionsand garlicthinLyand fry them slowtyfor 10 to
l. There was quite a long queueat the cinema,
L5 minutesso they becomeniceand sweet.
we had to wait for over half an
We had a reallynice meal
went for a walk by the river.
3 . I had a reallybig first course,
.. ........
didnt havea dessert.
4 . Heat the oil flrst.
put the
vegetablesin the pan.
5 . I burnt the dinner,
we had to ring
and get a talce-awaypizza.
We had soup for the first course.
we had a reallynice fish dish ........
it tastes
salt and pepper,if necessary.
p e p p e r sa, n dt h e n c h o pt h e m u p . C h o pt h e t o m a t o e s
a sw e [ [ ,( 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a d dt h e s e
to the onionsand stir wel.[,addingsa[tand
pepper.Leaveeverythingto cooksLowly.
you might
needto add somewater
(4) .............
i t d o e s n ' st t i c kt o
t h e p a n ,a n d c o v e r i t ,i f y o u h a v ea l i d w h i c hi s b i g
e n o u g h(.5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a b o u t1 0
or L5 minutes,the mixtureshoutdbe soft with a l"ittLe
e g g s .( 6 )
. . . . . b r e a kt h e
eggsand dropthem carefultyin the hoteswithout
t h e m .C o n t i n u e
t h e e g g sa r ed o n e
a n dt h e n t u r n o f f t h e h e a t .
nice and sweet.
Tastethe sauce..
t h e o n i o n sa r e
cooking,takethe seedsout of the chil.Lies
and the red
tiquid.Makefour sma[[holesin the mixturefor the
had lamb,and after that I think we had two more
courses.I was so full when we finished!
7. Cook the garlic slowly
add some more
, c h o ps o m ef r e s h
herbsand throw them on the top. That'siil
I'[[ giveyou a ring againsoon.
Now write an e-mail to a friend who wants to
know a recipe for somethingYOU cooked.
we askaboutfamilies
ffi Questions
Match the questions with the answers.
l. Haveyou got any brothers or sisters?
2. How old are they?
3. What're they like?Do you get on?
4. What do your parentsdo?
5. Are you married?
6. Haveyou got any kids?
7. Are your grandparents
still alive?
8. Have you got a boyfriend?
Complete the sentences with the words in the
a. Yes,we've got two - a boy and a girl.
b. My mum'sa housewifeand my dad runs his own
c. My older brother is twenty-six and my little
brother's eleven.
d . Only one of them is - my gran on my mum'sside.
The other three haveall passedaway.
Hey,guesswhat?Jim proposed to me on Friday
- and I accepted,so we're
B: Oh really?Well, congratulations!
.... ..'.... ?
2. My boyfriendaskedme to ..............................................
last month,but I turned him down. I'm not readyfor
3 . My girlfriend and I are engaged.We'regoingto
next year.
e . No, I'm single,actually.
Yes.We live together,actually.
4. We had a hugewedding.We had all of our
.. . families.I met cousinsI didn't
8- Yes,we get on quite well, but I'm closer to my older
brother than I am to my younger one.
even know I had! On top of that, we invited all our
h . Yes,two brothers.One older,one younger.
friendsand all the peoplewe worked with.
5 . We had quite a big wedding.We had about 80 guests
at our ..............
6 . Unfortunately,my wife and I are
.. and our three kids live with
her.She hds a new boyfriend now and wants us to
get a .................
7. We only had a smallwedding- we just invitedour
familiesand a few close
8 . We got marriedin a ........
neitherof us is very religious.
10 Family
Describingwhat people are like
Complete the conversation with the words in
brackets in the correct form.
M: What (l)
Complete the descriptions with the sentences in
the box.
.. (you / do)
after the class?Haveyou got time for a coffee?
S: No, I've got to go. | (2)
(go round) to my sister'sfor dinner.Shegets a bit
annoyedif I'm late.
l. ........
M : Oh right.Where (3)
(she/ live)?
S : Pinedo.
M : Right,that's a nice part of town. What
(4) .
M: Oh, OK. So how old is she?Shemust be a lot
...He's not very good at
talkingto peoplehe doesnt know.
3. ...........
.. He'sa reallylovely,
(work) in the Central Hospital.
me laugh.
drink after work the other day.
Shedoesnt reallysay
very much.
.. ....(old) than you.
S: Yes,she's35 yearsold, so she'salmost l5 years
.. . . .( o l d )t h a n m e .
M: Wow. That's quite a big agegap.So what's she like?
7. . ...............
Do you get on?
He alwaystells the
worry about things.
S: Yes,she'sreallynice.We're actuallyquite similar.She's
probablya bit (8)
8. ......
Shedoes a lot of
exerciseand playsa lot of sport.
than I am,but she'squite funny and very
easyto talk to.You know she'snever treated me like
a babyor her litrle sister.
Now match these sentences with the opposites
M : That'sgood.So is she married?
S: Yes,she got married when she was reallyyoung.
s. f-t
6. [-t
? f - tE
z' .f Il
7. fl
L l-l
I think they (9)
.... (b"
married) for around twelve years.lt wasnt long after
they graduated.
M : OK, so havethey got any kids?
S: She's.ictuallypregnantat the moment.lt's her first
M : Really?
That'sgreat.When's it due?
S : November.
a. She'svery talkative,very chatty.
b. He'shorrible.He'sa reallynastyperson.
c. She'squite unfit.
d. He'sa liar.You cant trust him at all.
e. She'squite a tense person.Sheworries too much!
f. She'sgot no senseof humour at all!
t. He's very sociable,very out-going.
h. He's reallymean.
M : Oh right. lt's quite soon then.
S: Yes,it's quite exciting.lt
( l0)
(be) my ftrst time
as an aunt.Anpvay,what about you? Haveyou got
any brothers or sistersl
10 Family
Complete the sentences with the comparative
form of the adjectives in the box.
Choose the correct words to complete this
My parentsgor ( l)
t . My oldest sister is almost twenty years .....
than me.
My sisteris a bit
than I am.She
worl<sweekendsand she works late most days.I'm
too lazyto do that kind of thing!
3. Sometimes,
I find it quite hard to talk to my
out for them.Theygot (2)
when I was nine or
ten, and my brother and I then went to live with my
mum.My dad had been marriedonce beforethat and
- .y
had a daughterfrom his first (3) ..............
,June,but I dont reallyknow her very well.I
think she livesin Zimbabwe.Anyway,when I was l4 or
15,my dad got (5)
and he'sstill with Mer,my
...... Shealso hasa daughterfrom her first
marriage- Polly,ny (7) ...............
. My brother is three
brother. He's quite shy.He's much
than me.
4. My younger brother is alreadyten centimetres
......than me - and he'sonly 15.He's
goingto be hugewhen he'solder!
5. My little sister is eightyears
in 1969,but it didnt work
.. .. .....than me.
Now complete these sentences with the
comparative form of the adjectives in the box.
years youngerthan me, and he and his wife havea
Moira,my (8)
...... My mum also hasa new
.....,John,but they havedecidedthey don't want
to get married.As for me,well,I'm (10) ...............
to my
lovelyfianc6e,Lucy,and we're getting married next
summer.I'm really looking forward to it.
6. My dad worries all the time about his businessand
about his children,but my mum doesnt really
worry about anything!My mum is a lot
than my dad.
7. My dad goes runningthree times a week, he plays
tennis a lot and he cyclesto work every day! lt's
embarrassingto say,but I think he's probablya bit
. . .t h a n I a m .
8. My older brother is ..................... than my big
sister.She! really hard-working,but he's
unemployedat the moment - and is too lazyto
find a job.
9. lt's strange,but my gran is a lot ..........
Match the sentence beginnings and endings.
l. We're thinkingof moving
2. I'm thinkingof changing
3. My parentsare going to get
than my mum ii. I can talk to my tran about almost
but my mum doesnt reallylike talking
4. Vy son is goingto leave
about her feelings.
5. My gran might need to move
t 0 . My sister likesgoing out and partyingand making
new friends,but I'm more interestedin my studies
and my future career.I supposeI'm lust a bit
than my srster
Complete each expression from the sentences
with ONE word.
a. | ................................
it quite hard to talk to him
b. worries
the time.
ffi collocations
. . . . . .r. u. n n i n g
d. cyclesto ..................
e. my future ...........
6. My boyfriendand I might get
a. into an old people'shome,if she doesnt get any
b. my career.I'm bored with teaching.I'd like to retrain.
c. married next year - if my parentssayit's OK.
d. house next year,if we can afford it.
e. home in the autumn,when he starts university.
f. divorced.They told me last week!
10 Family
Diedof / died in
Complete the sentences with the expressions in
the box.
Complete the sentences with the words in the
t . Over two millionpeopledied in the civil
. between the north and the south in
our country.
Somepeoplethink MarilynMonroe didnt die of a
l. A: SoTom,is it true that you andJanare gornsout
. They think she was murdered.
3 . My father died of lung...........
. He smokedall
his life.
B: No!Who told you that?We're
My grandfatherwas really unhealthy- he smoked,he
drank,he ate too much- but he still livedto be 96
2. A: So how do you know Luke?
B: Oh, I dont reallyknow him very well,actually.
He's ....
, really.
and died in his .............
of old
5. lt's terrible.Millionsof peopleare dyingof
.. round the world becausepeople are
3. A: Are you still comingto our weddingreception
too embarrassed
to talk about HIV and how they
next Saturday?
B: Yes,of course.but I wanted to ask you -
can avoid getting infected.
ffi Theinternetandcomputers
A: Yes,of course.Why not?
4. l'm thinkingof joiningthis websiteI read about.You
can get back in touch with people you used to know.
Complete the sentences with the words in the
I've lost touch with most of
and would love to meet some of them again.
It's hard for me here. I get quite lonely sometimes.I
havent really..
arrivedhere last spring.
n: On, Dawn. I'd like you to meet Ralph,
l . I often
musicfrom the internet
and make my own compilationCDs.
2. It's often cheaperto book flights...............
B: Oh, hello,Ralph.Nice to meet you.ls this your
first time here in London?
7, A: So how manypeopleare comingto the wedding?
B: Not many.Just,ourfamilyand
3 . A: Dont you ever
your e-mailsat
you lots,but you
I'm sorry.| ......................................
so manyat work,
the last thing I want to do is look through my
e-mailsat home as well.
4. A: I think there was a virus in that e-mailyou sent
me yesterday.
B: O h n o ,r e a l l y ?D i d i t d o m u c h
. . . . . . . . . . . . .?. . . .
A: No, not really.I mean,the computer
when I opened the attachment,
but I started it up againand it seemedto be OK
after that.
5. A: What do you do when you're on the internet all
B: I mainlyjust .....
.. to differentchat
rooms and chat to people.I'm alsoa .............................
of variouson-linenewsgroups.
Complete the sentences with the words in the
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
T: Excuseme,could you help me?
P: Sorry?
T: Do you ( l)
t . It's a very busy road,but there's a .................
which goesunder it to the other side.
2. Let's not cross the road here.There'stoo much
....... just down there.
traffic.There's a .. .. .
3 . There'sa big ..........
. in the main square
commemoratingour country'sindependence.
T: The Gagosian.lt's an art gallery.
P: I've no (3)
T: Sorry?
P: I'm sorry.I'm not from (4)
Ask this guy here. Hey,excuseme, mate.
5 . lf you're coming south on the motorway,you're best
. 6 and then follow
L: Yes?
P: Do you know a placeround here called... Sorry,
the .........................
to Little Hampton.
what was it called(6)
Keep going until you get to the river.Dont go over
... , but turn left alongthe river.
7. Keep going until you get to a
Then go all the way round and take the fourth exit.
We live next to a sports
P: lt's a gallery.
L: Oh right.Yes,I think I know the (7)
park,but l'm not (9)
B b. the first turningon your right.
2. K6ep
3. Take
.. that road on your right.
a. the subwayto crossthe road
4. lt's along
T: Sorry?
Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
Down past the
It's down there (8)
, so it's
Verbsfor giving directions
T: The Gagosian.
very noisy when there's a match on.
l. Go under
myself.I don't really know the (5)
until you get to a Catholic
the .....
.....to The Gagosian?
P: I'm sorry.What's that?
4 . Go straighton through the traffic
coming off at ..
.. ... if this is the
I'm not sure where it is exactly,but it's down there
somewhere.( l0)
Green.Justkeepgoing(l l)
this road,straighton ( 12)
the signsto Hall
on down
you get
to a park.lt's around (13)
somewhere.Ask someoneelsewhen you
( 14)
...... there.
from the car park.
5. You cant
6. Come off
7. Follow
8. We're
T: OK. Thankyou very much.
e. missit
L: No problem.| (15) ................
you find it.
f. the third housealongthat road.
I. the motorwayat junction 12.
h . the signsto Maldon.
Write a conversation betweenYOU and a local
when you are visiting an area you don't know and
looking for a place.
11 Gettinqaround
ffi You'rebest...-ing
ffi Indirectquestions
We often give advice with the structure you're
best + -ing. For example:
. lf you're coming south on the motorway,you'rebest
comingoff at junction 6.
. lt's miles away.You're
besttokinga bus.
We often start questions with Coutd you tell me.
These follow the same pattern as Do you
know ... ? questions. We ask Could you tell me ... ?
questions when we think the person should know
the answer. We use these structures a lot because
the questions sound more polite.
Complete the sentences with the words in the
Rewrite these questions with Could you tell me.
l. Where'sthe toilet?
2. What time does the classstart?
l . A: How do I get to your house from the centre of
B: You'rebest .......
3. What stop do I need to get off at?
.. . ................
. The
number23 more or lessgoespastour house.
4. How much are the tickets?
2. A: How can I get to Oxford from here?
B: You'rebest . .
.. . ...... lt's
5. Are there any placesleft on the course?
cheaperthan the train and it's direct.There'sno
direct train.
6. How long doesthe courselast?
A: How do I get into town from here?
B: You're best
. There's
a tube stationiust round the corner.
7. Are the coursebooksincludedin the fees?
4. A: How do I get to the hotel from here?
B: You'rebest ...
. . .. . There
8. Who do I needto speal<
to about the course?
isn't a bus or train that goes there directly and
it's too far to walk.
A: How do I get toWindsor from herel
B: You're best
. There's
a servicewhich goes from PaddingtonStation
every l5 minutes.
l. | .....
A: How can I get in contact with you?
B: You'rebest ....
Compfete the sentences with cen, con't, could, or
.. drive.I've had three glassesof wine.
2. The train was so packed| ..............
.. . .. . me.
I cfteck it quite often.
7. A: Where can I get a good guidebook?
B: You're best . ......
Dyson's,the bookshop in Tyler Street.They'vegot
a hugetravel section.
A: How can I improvemy English?
B: You're best just
peopleand practisingit as much as possible.
get on.
3. I had to wait for three busesto go past before I
get one.
4. You ....
get there by car or train
becauseof the mountains.You
haveto fly there.
You .....
.. .....get a tram out to the airport
now.They finishedbuildingthe line there lastyear.
6. Sorry I'm late.| ..
......... find anywhereto park.
7. The road was blocked off, so you
only get through on foot.
Do you agree with the final piece of advice about
improving your English?Write your own idea
8. Why don t we cycle there?You
You're best
9. You ........
borrow my brother's bike.
flights now.
smokeon any international
11 Gettingaround
ffi Travel
Travelcompound nouns
Complete the compound nouns with the words
in the box.Then translate the compound nouns
into your language.
Put the sentences in order and make
Conversation l: on the bus
a. Yes.
b. Could you tell me when I haveto get off?
c. ls this the right bus for Fleetwood?
d. No problem.Takea seat.
3. road...
r . m2 m 3 m 4 *
Conversation 2: at the ticket office
Complete these compound nouns with the words
in the box.Then translate them.
a. OK. That'll be f35, please.
b. No, I'm comingbackon Thursday.
c. Are you returnint today?
d. I'd like a return ticket to Bath,please.
r *
2 *
3 . *
4 *
Conversation 3: at the train station
9. return ....
a. Platformthree.
b. You need to go over the footbridge at the end of
this platform.
Complete the sentences with compound nouns.
I L You don't needto use your car in our city because
it hasa reallygood
very cheapand very reliable.
c. I'm sorry.Could you tell me which platformI need
for Edinburgh?
d. OK. Thanks.Where is it?
r [J 2.[} 3.m 4.*
12. lt's not a very nice placeto live.lt's really noisy and
Conversation 4: at the train information desk
pollutedbecauseour flat'son a big
a. 10.24.
r3. Althoughwe live in the city centre,the noiseisnt
too bad becauseour flat is on a quiet
b. Could you tell me when the lasttrain backto
Nottingham is?
c. | 1.3
d. And what time does it get in?
1 4 . I'm thinkingof sellingmy car becauseit's so
My ..................... ........went up again
this year.I haveto pay almost f600 a year now.
t 5 . There are a lot of problemswith parkingin the
area,so they'rebuildingtwo new underground
1 6 . Sorry we're late.There were ................ ...........
the motorway so the traffic was movingvery slowly.
1 7 . Sorry we're so late.Therewas an awful
accidenton the motorway.
I think six or sevencars were involvedand it
b. This is the road.Could you just pull over
when you can?
c . Yeah,that's fine. How much is it?
d . OK. Could I havea receipt?
Sure.ls just here OK?
8. Sure, here you go.And your change
t 8 . I'm thinking of takingthe train to work insteadof
... costs
about the same as parl<ingin the city centre.
a. fl7, please.
..........:........whilethey t .
were clearingthe road.
driving.A weekly
Conversation 5: in a taxi
2. *
3. *
4. I
7. r---k
8. flk*"8
m m
I'1 Getting
Key words for writing:
when and until
Writing- givingdirections
Complete the e-mail with the words in the box.
When shows the time an action is happening or
. When you get to the traffic lights,turn left.
. I came to universitywhen I was 29, so I've got two
more years before I graduate.
I broke my leg when I was at school.
Until shows the time an action stops:
. Keep goint srraighton until you get to the traffic
lights.Then turn left.
. I studied at universityuntil I was 29, so I've onry
been working for two years.
Until often goes with negatives:
. She didn't haveher first baby until she was 43.
. I didnt
tet home from work until ten o'clocl<last
Complete the sentences with when or until,
l. Go straighton and keepgoing
you get to a big roundaboutwith a statue in the
. you come out of the building,
turn right.
3. Give me a ring ..
Thisisjusta quicke-maiIto teLtyouexactlyhowto
getto myhouse
(1) ... .......
thetrainto Finsbury
you(2) .............
mainroadandtakethe Number
41 bus.Getoffat the
fourthstopin frontof a newsagent's.
It wit[
(3) ..... .......
upthe roaduntityouger
to the endandthenturn left.0ur houseis
.. ....(5) that roadon the left.It's
you get to the
airport and l'll come and pick you up.
4. Stayon the motorway
Now use the same words to complete this e-mail.
.....you see
the turningfor Bath.I think it's junction 19,but I'm
not absolutelysure.
5. I was so tired I fell asleep..
I got
on the train and I missedmy stop!
My familylivedin ltaly ...........
......I was 16,
so I grew up speakingltalianas well as English.
7. I studiedin Germanyfor ayear
I was 18,so I speakGermanquite well.
Why didn'tyou visit us ........................................
cameto London?lt would'vebeen reallyniceto
see you.
9. I feel reallytired. I was studyingfor my exam
four o'clocl<this morning.
t 0 . I didnt go abroad
... ......
I was 19.My
parentsdidnt like travellingor goingon planes.
I'mjust writingto checkeverything
is 0Kfor yourtatk,
to bea betterteacher',
to startat 6.30pm.
If there'sanyprobtem,
let meknow.
Theschoolis a shortwatkfromthe station.Whenyou
(7) .. .. ........
(8) .............
unti[yougetto a setof traffic
Then,turnrightandgo (9) ..............
that roaduntiIyougetto a smat[park.Takethe main
the park.Thatleadsto a largeotd
whichis ourschoot.
a taxifromthe station,it wiLL
f4. '[t expect
. ....
Now write a similar e-mail to a friend giving
directions to your house.
ffiffi When was the last time?
Match the questions with the answers.
L When was the last time you went to see
a playl
2. When was the last time you went to see
a film?
3. When was the last time you went to see
a musical?
4. When was the last time you went to see
an exhibition?
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
E: So what did you (l)
F: Oh, I went to (2)
last night?
this new play,Hello
You,atThe Playhouse
in town.
E: Oh right.Was it any (3) ..........
F: Yes,it was OK. I've seen better things.
E: Oh, so do you go to the theatre a
5. When was the last time you went to
a restaurant?
6. When was the last time you went to
a concert?
7. When was the lasttime you did some
8. When was the last time you went to see
a sports match?
F: Yes,quite often, maybe(5)
...or twice a
E: Wow! That's quite a lot. I (6)
ever go.
I prefer to go to the cinemaor just go out with
F: Yes,I've alwaysreally liked the theatre. I actuallygo
a. lt was a month or two ago.I sawThe Mothers
playingin a little club in Hampton.They were great!
b. lt was a few weeks ago.I went to see this new
horror movie calledDorkWater.
c. lt was two or three weeks ago.I playedvolleyball
with some friendson the beach.
d. I've never actuallybeen to see one! | cant stand
e. lt was yesterday,actually.I went to this thing at the
Photographer'sGallery.lt was reallygood.
lt was the day before yesterday,actually.We went to
a lovely little Greek placenear where we live.
C. lt was over a year ago.My father took me to see
Polandplay Estonia.
h. li'"wasabout six months ago.Hamletwason at a
theatre in town.
to a dramaclub and singwith a group of peopleas
E: Really?
So what (7)
F: Lots of things really,but (8)
- West SideStory,Chicogo,things
Iike that.
E: That'sgreat.So are you any good? | mean,do you
singsolo or what?
F: No. I'm OK, but I'm (9)
that good.
I just like singing.
E: Oh, that's great.
F: What about you?What do you do in your free
( l0)
of thingsdo you
. . .. ? Haveyou got any special
ffi Addinginformation
Rewrite the sentences so that all the information
is included in one sentence. The first one has
been done for you.
ffiffi Do vou do that a lot?
Complete the questions with the words in the
l. I went to see a play.The play is called The Hotelin
on atThe BushTheatre.
Ln:l.sr!sn,.... t .
2. I stayedin and watched a programme.The
programmewas calledHollyOok.The programme
was about lreland.
3 . l'm readinga book. The book is called lJpsideDown.
The book is aboutAustralia.
Do you
.. . ...shoppinga lot?
Do you
the interneta lot?
3 . Do you
. your parentsa lot?
4. Do you
.. ....a suit a lot?
5 . Do you
foreignfood a lot?
6. Do you
.......weekendsa lot?
7. Do you
......taxisa lot?
8. Do you
tips a lot in your country?
Now match the answers with the questions
4. I went to a restaurant.The restaurantis called
The restaurantis in TufnellPark.
I went to see a new film.Thefilm is calledDown
With Love.I went with my boyfriend.
m m
m m m
a. Yes,all the time. I read a lot of web diariesand I
order thingson-lineas well.I also downloadmusicif
it's free.
Yes,all the time. lt's terrible becauseI alwaysspend
too much on clothesand books!
I went to see an exhibition.The exhibitionwas called
Ihe New Modernists.
The exhibition was at the Tate
c . Yes,quite a lot. I try to visit them once every coupre
of months.
Yes,quite a lot - but only if the serviceis good,of
e . No, not that much.I dont reallylike smart clothes.
I prefer to be more casual.
No, not that much- but I'm trying to learnhow to
do someThaidishesat the moment.
No, hardly ever.I usuallytake the bus,but last night
I missedthe last one, so I had to get a cab.
No, hardly ever.I'm usuallycompletelyfree.We're
just really busy at the office at the moment. My boss
askedme to work on Saturdayas a favour.
12 Freetime
ffi Whodo you support?
Match the questions with the answers.
Complete the sentences with the superlative
form of the adjectives in the box.
l. Who do you support?
2. How long'veyou beensupportingthem?
3. Why do you supportthem?
4. Who's your favourite player?
5. How're they doing at the moment?
6. Who're their biggestrivals?
7. Do you ever go and see them?
t . My friend Rachelis the . ...
three times a week!
I'm the
My dad is one of the ..........
helpsmy mum with the houseworkl
4. Wow! Lookl He's one of the .........
people I've ever seenl He must be over two
e . Barcelona.
Oh, my father was a Barcelonafan,so it's part of my
family history.
g. Terribly!We didnt win anythinglast season!Justwait
till next season,
I know. He never does any exercise- and he never
c. Maybeonce or twice a season.I usuallyjust watch
them on TV.
studentin the class.
Everyoneelse is much youngerthan me.
a. SinceI was a child.
b. RealMadrid- they'reour big enemies!
d. I've got lots, but Ronaldinhois my favourite at the
I know. Shegoes runningevery day and swimming
5 . I met MichaelJordanonce.He was great- one of
the .......
... peopleI'veever met.
Now complete these sentences with the
superlative form of the adjectives in the box.
Cup or league?
In cup competitions you start with lots of teams
and finally finish with two.You can only win or
lose. A league is played over several weeks or
months.You play lots of games and the team
who gets the most points wins.You can win, lose
or draw.
Decide if the following people are talking about
cup games (C) or league games (L).
l. We're in the quarter finals.
2. We're near the bottom of the table.
3. We're near the top of the table.
4. We won the semi-finalon penalties.
ever taken.I'm sure I've passed!
7. l'm readingHow to talk to your cot at the
moment. lt's great.lt's one of the
things I've ever read.
I'm one of the ......
peoplein the
company.Most peopleare a lot older than me.
9 . She'sone of the ...
t 0 . We spentthree weekson an islandin the Pacific.lt
was amazing- one of the ..........
6. We lost in the hnal.
I've been to. I loved it!
8. We're going to go up this season.
9. We're goingdown to the seconddivision.
10. They are a long way ahead.No team is
goingto catch them.
I l. There are only three gamesleft of the
12. They scoredin the final minutesof extra
people I know.
She never worries about anything.
5. We've drawn the last four matches.
7. We got knocked out in the first round.
That was one of the .................... .. examsI've
1 2 F r e et i m e
Match the sentence beginnings with the sentence
l. lt was the poshesthotel
2. That was the most disgustingmed
3. That was one of the best films
4. That'sthe best computer game
5. lt's the best book
7. lt's one of the most beautifulcountries
8. Miriam'sone of the nicestpeople
Complete the story with the present simple
form ofthe verbs in the box.
kick off
This weekend is going to be very busyfor me. I'm going
to Cologne to stay with a friend.My flight
( l)
6. I think this one here is one of the best photos
Presentsimple for talking
about the future
Londonat seveno'clock on Friday
nightand (2)
.....Cologneat 10.30.I
a. I've ever had in my life.lt was horrible!
b. I've playedin a long time. lt's brilliant!
work at 4.30,so l'll haveto take a
taxi to the airport. That'll be expensive.I
c. I've ever taken.I really like it.
d. I know.She'slovely.
reallytired by the time I ger to Germany.Saturday
my friend's birthday,so I'm going to
e. I've ever stayedin. The view from the room was
I've ever seen.The specialeffectswere amazing!
g. I've read in a long time. lt was reallygood.
h. I've ever been to. The scenerywas incredible!
conversation with the words in the
work at six in the morning,so l'll be
take him to see a football match.I think it
at three o'clocl<and
for an hour and a half.I'm really
looking forward to it.
Complete the sentences with how to and the
verbs in the box.
t . The photographycourse I'm doing is great.I'm
A: Excuseme.Wouldyou mind (l)
a photo for us?
B: Of coursenot.Which button should| (2)
. ..........
my own
A: This one here,and pressthis one if you want to
I'd like to take driving lessonssometime soon. lt's
I'm 35 and I dont know
B: OK, fine. Can you stand a bit (4)
toged{br or move (5)
back?I can't
you all into the picture.OK,
that's it. Readyeveryoneand (7)
That's great.
A: Could you just (8)
another one.
My wife wants to go to Switzerlandthis winter, but
I'm too scaredto learn.............
Wow! You're reallygood at tennis.Could you teach
me ............
I'd like to do a computingcourseand learn
.. websites.
Justin case.
B: Yes,sure.Do you think we needthe flash?
A: I don't think so.There's quite a lot of
A: (10)
6. He'sabsolutelyuselessat cooking.He doesnt even
. . . . . . . .! . . . .
B: Thanksvery much.
an egg!
7, I took piano classesfor ages,but I never really
B: OK everyone.Say'cheese'.
as well as you?
anything.I was
I dont know.............
to your
house.Could you draw me a map?
A: No problem.
Usingvocabulary:placesto stay
ffi Bookinga roomin a hotel
Match the beginnings of the conversations with
A's follow-up comments.
Complete the end of the conversation with ONE
word in each space.
l. A: We stayedin this horriblecampsitenear
the town.
B: Oh dear.What was wrong with it?
R: That'll be f475.We'll needto (l) ...
2. A: We stayedin this horrible hotel in the
centre of town.
B: Oh dear.What was wrong with it?
3. A: We stayedin this awful little bed
and breakfaston the seafront.
B: Oh dear.What was wrong with it?
4. A: We rented this villain the mountains,but
it was awful.
B: Oh dear.What was wrong with it?
5. A: We were going to staywith some friends
for a week, but we went to a hotel after
a coupleof days.
B: Oh right,why was that?
6. A: We were going to travel round the
country but we ended up stayingin
one place.
B: Oh right,why was that?
your credit card detailsto make the
A: Yes,sure.
R: What kind of card are you (3)
.. .......with?
A: Visa.
R: OK. And the (4)
. . .........
A: 5362 3870 6429 8479.
R: That'sfine.And what'sthe (5)
.. ........datel
A: 06 | 09.
R: OK. And your name as it appears(6)
the card?
A: Yurick. That'sY-U-R-|-C-K.
R: Great.So that's all (7)
for you, sir.
to seeingyou on the
We'll look (8)
| 9th.
a. There was no electricity or hot water! The kitchen
had a little gasstove,but there was no other heating.
b. The placewas almost empty,but they gaveus a
damp room lookingover a buildingsite insteadof
the beach.
c. lt was really crowded.We hardly had enoughspace
to oitch the tent.
d. Jamestwisted his ankle on the secondday we were
there,so he couldnt carry his backpack.
e. They'vegot a babyand he just screamedall night.
We just couldnt sleep.
f. The rooms were tiny and it was right next to a bar,
so it was very noisy at night.
A: Yes,actually,there is one more thing. I need
of the bookingfor my visa
R: Of course,no problemsir.lf you fax us
( l0)
your request,we'll fax you back
a letter by tomorrow.
A: Great.lf you (l l)
R: 0044 3t 569 4482.
A: OK, that's great.You've( l2)
Complete each expression from the
conversations with ONE word.
g. to ....
. . . . . .t h e t e n t
or hot water!
h. There was no ... . .;...................
i . a gas.................
t . a damp
k. a b u i l d i n g
m. the baby . .
his ankle
all night
....a second,l'll get a
pen.Yes,what's the fax number?
R: No problem.
13 Placesto stay
ffi Firstconditionals
Complete the sentences with the present simple
or will form of the verbs.
| ....
Complete the sentences with the words in the
you a hand if you ......
2. | ..............................
and get some if you ..........
3. | ...........
t . A: I lovegoingto the cinema.I go all the time
you there if you ....
B: Really?L.............
go. I prefer
to wait for films to come out on video.
A: Do you want somethingto eat?
B: Yes,I'm starving.I've
5 . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i t. .l.a. .t .e. r. i.f. .| .... . . . . . .......... . . . . . .t.i .m
. .e. .
anythingall day.
(do, have)
A: What was the placeyou stayedin like?
B: lt was nice.There was ...........
stayingthere, so we tot extra-specialtreatment.
It was reallyhorrible.There were so manypeople
crowded on the train I could
anyoneelse,but I d rather not. (help,find)
The tickets
more expensiveif
we ................................
them now (be,not buy)
9. T h e s i t u a t i o n
we .......
t 0 . The show
5 . A: What did you do over the weekend?
B: ...'.....
anythingnow. (get worse, not do)
.....if we ................................
tickets now. (sell out, not get)
. . I just sat round
the house and took it easy.
6. A: There's
......coffee left.
ShallI make a fresh pot?
B: Not for me. I've had enough,thanks.
7. A: Haveyou had a good day?
B: Not really.l've .......
of the things I wanted to do.
8. Honestly,the noisewas so loud I could
myselfspeak,and I
couldnt hear the studentsat all.
ffi Almosteveryone/ hardlyanyone
Complete the sentences with the words in the
L I work late almost
......night of the weel<.
2. I'veseenalmost
....his films.
3 . I hardlyhave................
4. Almost
money.I'm broke.
the best placesto visit are in
the south of the country.
5 . There are hardly ............
visitingin that town.
6. There'salmost
...inflation in my country
at the moment. Priceshavehardlygone up at all.
7. We almost
go to Spainfor our
13 Places
to stay
ffi RsIongas
Find twelve expressions with the word stay. Mark
the end ofeach expression using /.
Match the questions with the answers.
l. ls it OK if I meet you in the pub a bit later?
s t a y e du p l a t e s t a y in a lI d a y s t a y s c o o sl t a y e di n
2. Do you mind if I watch a documentaryon
y o u s t a y in g s t a y t iI l t h e e nd w h e r e a r e y o u
3. ls it OK if I usethe telephone?
s t a y in g s t a y t h e ni g h t i t w o n ' t s t a y on w h a t t i m
4. ls it OK if I havea beer from the fridge?
e d o e s t h a t b a r s t a y o p e n t| i| e v e r y t h i n g i u s t
5. Do you mind if I havea showerl
6. Do you mind if we havea small party here on
Test yourself. Spend five minutes memorising the
expressions with stoy. Then cover the expressions
and complete the sentences. How many
expressions did you get right?
7. Do you mind if I make myselfsomethingto eat?
b e d a l m o r n i n g s t a y f o r dni n e r h o w l o n g a r e
I just
. . . . . o. f t h e
b. Of course,as long as you're not phoningNew
meetingbecauseI had to go somewhereelse.
...last nightto finish
some work.
c. Yes,go ahead,as long as it's not a site you shouldnt
be looking at!
d . Of course not, as long as you clear up after yourself
when you'vefinishedcooking.
4. The weather was so bad on Saturdaywe had to
5 . You'vemissedthe last bus.Do you want to
here?We've got a
Yes,as long as it's not the last one!
Of course,as long as you're there by nine.We'll
probablygo somewhereelse after that.
8. As long as you're quick.We're alreadya bit late
h. Not really,as long as you don't make too much mess
6 . He's very calm.He always
, . . . . . . .u. .n d e rp r e s s u r e .
7. I've tried stickingit with sellotape,but
8. We havea lot of meetingsabout changingthings,
but then
9. A: OK. I'm going to go and leaveyou to eat in
B: Are you sure you dont want to
?There's plenty
for everyon6.
t 0 . A: ....................
B: In a smallguesthouseon the outskirtsof town.
A: .....
B: I dont thinkit evercloses.
12. A: ....................
B: UntilI getfed up with beinghere.
a. Of course not, as long as it's not on at the same time
as the golf. lt's the final round of the Masters.
2. I couldnt
neededto catch up on my sleep.
3. I ...... .....
8. ls it OK if I just checkout somethingon the
and it doesnt go on too late.
13 Places
to stay
Key words for writing:
hecauseof and despite
Becouse and becouse of have a very similar
meaning. For example:
. Our planewas cancelledbecousetherewoso strikeat
the airport.
Our planewas cancelledbecouseof o strikeat the
Even though and despite have a very similar
meaning. For example:
. We had a really nice time, eventhoughthe weother
wos owful.
We had a really nice time despitethe awfulweother.
In each case the difference between the two
sentences is in the grammar that follows the
linking word.
Becouse and even though begin a verb clause.
. Becousethe hotelwos very quiet"they
tave us two
doublerooms for the price of two singles.
. The hotel still got it wrong eventhoughI e-moiled
to confirmour booking.
Becouse of and despite are followed by a noun or
an -ing form.
. My husbandwas late,so I was late becouseof him.
. Despirewritingdownall the directions,I got lost.
Choose the correct words to complete this
Dear Bryan,
I'vejust (l)
.. backfrom holidayand despitethe
there, we (2)
a great time. First
of all,our flightwas (3)
......for four hours because
of a problemwith the plane.When we (4) ................
London,it was raining,but we didnt have(5)
umbrellaor a raincoat.We didnt haveany English
moneyand the bankwas closed,(6)
we had to
walk to the hotel.When we got there, we were very
wet. (7)
we booked the room weeks before we
left the States,the hotel didnt haveany (8) ..............
our booking.They had a hugesuite,(9)
, which
normally cost f500 a night.However,becausethey had
made the mistake,and becausewe were quite angry,
they gaveus the room for f 100 per night!After that, we
were much happier,
and we livedlike kings( l0) ........
we came back home! lt's a shameI haveto go back to
We must go out for a drink sometimeand l'll tell you
more about it. Give me a ring.
Complete the sentences with despite or becouse
l. We were late
the heavytraffic.
2. We got there on time
...the heavy
3. There was a reallybadtrafficjam ................
a car crashwhich blockedthe road.
4. We had a lovelytime ....
the fact it
rained all week.
5. He fq^got to buy any film for the camera
the fact I told him to do it about
five times.
7. I got sunburnt
.....puttingon factor
Now write your own e-mail, telling a friend about
a terrible journey or holiday.
25 sun cream.
8. We had a terrible time,iust
about everythingall the time. lt was so
Good times. bad times
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
What was your holiday like? Match the
beginnings and endings of the answers to this
l. We missed
M: Hello,Tom.Are you all right?| havent seenyou
( l)
2. My husband's
3. I made lots of
T: Yes,I'm fine. I was in the Statesall last week visitinga
4. The flight was delayed
5. The airlinecompanylost
about it.
M: No, I dont (3)
so.So whereabouts
did you go?
a. us reallywell.
T: (a) ..
.. ......of the time I was in Bostonwhere
b. for six hours.
my friend lives,but I went up to NewYork for a
c. my bagson the flight out to New Zealand.
d. new friends.
of days.
M: Right.So what was it (6)
e. our flight.
a livelyplace,there'sa real
mixture of people,and the food's great.
M: Yes?What (8) ..................................
Boston?What was that
7. I had my bag
8. lt rained
9. The weather
T: Oh, it's nice.lt's quite an interestingplace.I didn't do
there - mainlyjust
10. I met lots of
I l. We had
12. There was a problem
( l0)
nice and friendly.
T: Haveyou (l l)
M: Yes,| ( 12) .
M: Soundstreat. I'm quite jealous.
the whole time we were there.
i. was amazingthe whole time we were there.
k. the whole beachto ourselves.
.. . .. .. there about three years
Write a conversation betweenYOU and a friend
about a holiday you've been on. For example:
Decide which sentences have these meanings.
[l ft
W e h a d a t e r ri b l e tim
me .m
beento the States?
ago,but I went to the West Coast.
stolenwhile we were there.
....... time with my friend - but it was
good. I met a lot of his friends and they were really
8. old friendsagain.
h. with my visa and they wouldnt let me into the
........ ?
T: lt was great.NewYork was amazing.lt's just
for everythingwhile we were there.
Now match these beginnings and endings of
the answers.
. I thought I'd told you
friend of (2)
6. Everyonetreated
. .. a while.
F: Are you all right? | havent seenyou for a while.
Y: Yes,I'm fine.I was in Spainlastweel<...
l4 What was it like?
Talkingabout your experiences
Put the sentences in order and make a
Conversation I
Answering Have you ever
Put the words in brackets in order and complete
the answers to the question above.
l. No, never,
a. I dont know,I haventactuallybeenthere,but I'm
thinking of taking Geri there for her birthday.
2. No, never:
b. Yes,that's what I thought.
c. Haveyou ever been to that restauranton Grove
( a l w a y sl b u t l t o / w a n t e d i I ' v e )
3. No, never,
d. I dont know.lt looks nicefrom the outside.
e. No, what's it like?
(to / be / supposed/ but / brilliant/ it's)
4. No, never,
r m 2 m 3 . [ J4 m
(to i really/ but / never / I've / wanted)
5 . Yes,I haveactually,
(it | | | like / but I really/ didnt)
Now complete these conversations with the
words in the boxes.
Yes,I haveactually,
Conversation 2
( l d / s u r e/ b u t / n o t I againI it / I'm / do)
7. Yes,I have,actually(times/quite/a/few)
A: I had snakefor the first (l)
Yes,I haveactually...
the other
(couple/ yearsI now I a i was I agoI it I of)
.. Haveyou ever had it?
B: Yes,I have(3)
...... . I had some when I
was on holidayin Hong Kong.
A: Oh right,what did you (4)
B: lt was all right.lt just (5)
He'salways complaining!
........of it?
......... a bit like
chickento me.
A: Really?| must say,I didnt thinl<it was very (6)
Match each sentence with two follow-up
l. My dad is alwayscomplaining
the government.
2. Vy dad is alwayscomplaining
the weather.
Conversation 3
3. My dad is alwayscomplaining
4. Vy dad is alwayscomplaining
A: Haveyou (l)
.. . beento China?
B: Yes,l'fivedin Beijing.(2)
A: Really?
What were you (3)
.. ............
a year.
Were you working there?
B: No, I was (4)
.. Chinesewell?
.......to go
there this summer.
B: Oh yes.Haveyou been (7)
A: No, it'll be my (8)
B: You'lllove it. (9) .............
a. He saysit's impossiblefor him to ger a loan from
c. He sayshe's not paid enoughfor the work he does.
d. He saysit's too humid at this time of year.
e. He sayshis bossis a terrible bully.
B: Yes,quite well.
A: Wow that'sbrilliant.I'm (6)
b. Shesayshe neverstops complaining!
A: Really?
So do you (5)
5. My mum is alwayscomplaining
my dad.
are you going?
f. Shesayshe shouldhelpwith the houseworkmore.
C. He saysthey keep putting taxes up.
h. He saysit pours with rain all the time.
i. He saysthey shoulddo somethingabout
He saysthey chargetoo much interest.
A: I'm flyingto Hong Kongand then I'm goingto
round the mainland.
1 4 W h a tw a si t l i k e ?
with have
ffi Expressions
Complete the conversations with the expressions
with hove.
Put the words in order and make sentences.
L A: How was your holiday?
a. had | | | virus i this / horrible
B: Oh,
..... The placewas
fantasticand it was really sunnythe whole time
we were there. lt was great.
b. we / a / had /time / great
2. A What was that party like last night?
B: lt was awful..........
c. an/l/argument/had
.. . . I wish
I'd stayedat home.
3. A: ....
d . do / something/ to I to lyou / want I go I and I
I'm goingto make
some pasta,if you d like some.
have / eat?
B: Yes,that'd be great.I'm starving.
all day.
terrible I had | | | a I time
have/ had I you I anything I to I eat?.
4. A: Are you all right? | didnt see you last week.
B: I know
. I had a
temperature,I felt sick,I had a really bad
g . I l h a d l a p p o i n t m e n t /a n
headache.lt was awful.
from worl<.
h. havent I had I to | | | eat/ anythint
i. to loff /have/l/week lhadlthe/whole
5. A:.
. . . . . . .?
B: Yes,I'm quite hungry.Where do you want to go?
6. A: Are you hungry?
B: No, I'm fine actually.
this morning.
i. big/ | lalhad / breakfast
7. A: Are you OK?You look a bit upset.
B: Yes,l'll be OK in a moment.
....with some guy in a
Now translate the expressions above into your
car on the way here.He was so stupid!He was
just reallyhorribleto me.
o' " " "...........'
8. A: I'm sorry I wasnt at the classon Tuesday.
c. .........
at the dentist.
B: Dont worry. Maybeyou could askYumikoto
show you what we did.
14 Whatwas it like?
ffi Askingwhat thingsarelike
Asking longer questions
Match the questions with the second parts of the
Make longer questions using the ideas given. The
first one has been done for you.
l. A: What's your sisterlike?
l. I know you saw a film yesterday.I want to
B: She'sOK, I suppose.
know about it.
I ask..........Y-t
2. A: What's your new flat like?
B: lt's OK, I suppose.
3. A: What was the concert like?
B: Great!
4. A: What was your holidayin Englandlike?
B: Awful!
5. A: What's the area you live in like?
B: lt's great.
6. A: What's the course you're doing like?
2. I know you stayedin a hotel in Naples.I want to
know about it.
I ask What was that
3. I know you playtennis with a guy.I want to know
about him.
I ask What's that ...................
4. I know your brother works for a company.I want to
know about it.
I ask What's that .................
B: Not very good, actually.
5. I know you've moved.I want to know about the
7. A: What was that film you saw the
other day like?
B: Brilliant.
a. lt's nice and green - it's near a park and there are
lots of trees in my road.
I ask ................
6. I know you went to a party at Colin's house.I want
to know about it.
I ask.................
b. We had a really bad time. The weather was awful,
the people were very unfriendly.Honestly,it was
7. I know you went to see a play last week. I want to
know about it.
I ask.................
c. We're not very close.We don't get on very well and
we dont see each other very much either.
d. lt was one of the best performancesof that piece
8. I know you and your boyfriendwent to a Chinese
restaurantlast week. I want to know about it.
I ask......
I've ever heard.
e. lt's quite cramped now we've moved all our stuff in.
It's quite old too, so it's a bit cold at night.
lt was great - the acting,the story, everything!You
Remember that when we're talking to someone
who knows which thing we're talking about - or if
we make it clear which thing we mean - we say
thot thing.
shouldgo and see it.
g. The lfacher iust talks and talks and talks,and we just
have'to sit there and listen.lt's really boring!
Complete each expression from the
conversations with ONE word.
i. We're not.................................
on very well.
i. We dont.................................:
k. We dont see eachother very ..
Our new flat is quite
ffi Conversation
Match the sentences with the follow-up
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
l. lt's a Frenchfilm.
l: What are you doingtonight?
2. lt's a comedy.
3. lt's a love story.
4. lt's a martial arts film.
5. lt's an action movie.
6. lt's a horror film.
J: I'vegot nothing(l)
l: Well, I was thinkingof goingto the cinema.Do you
a. The fight scenesare reallygood.
b. The soecialeffectsare fantastic.
c. lt's reallyfunny.
d. ltt really scary.
... .What about youl
want to come with me?
J: Yes,maybe.What are you thinkingof (2) ......................
Have you seen Londsof Hopeyet? ltt
to be reallygood.
J: Yes,I saw it (4)
it's not brilliant.What (5)
........week. lt's OK, but
.. is on?
e. lt's really moving.
l: Well, there's a film with George Clooney.
J: Oh, yes?| dont (6)
lt's got subtitlesin English.
like him.
l: No, neither (7)
l. And then there's
this film, Cityof Dreams.
I havent heardof it.What's it (8) .........................
It's a Frenchfllm. lt's a dramaabout someAlgerians
growing up in Paris.lt's got quite a good (9)
It soundsquite interesting.
.. ?
What time'sit ( l0) ......
6 . 3 0 , 8 . 1 a5 n d | 1 . 2 0 .
And (l l) .....................................'s
it on?
The ABC.
OK. Well, ( l2)
we go to the 8.l5
showing?| want to have(l 3) .....................................
to eat
before we go.
Yes,OK. ShallI meet you ( l4)
then?Youknow where it is,dont you?
Yes.So | ( 15).
seeyou there around
eight.lf I'm there flrst, shall I get the ticketsl
Can you remember where the pauses and the
stressed sounds are in this conversation? Mark
the pauses // and underline the stressed syllables.
For example:
A: What are you doing tonight?
B: l've got nothing planned.ll\Nhat about yeu?
Compare your ideas about the pauses and
stressed sounds with the tapescript in the
1 5 W h a t so n ?
and programmes
Complete the conversations with the questions
in the box. Use each question twice.
t. A:
B: I havent heard her name before.I think it's the
first film she'sdirected.
ffi ramous
Complete the sentences with the words in the
l. He'sa famousTV personality.
He ...
sPorts Programme.
2. He'sa famousfilm star.He usually
action heroes.
2. A:
B: RobinWilliams,JenniferLopezandJackieChan.
3. A:
B: I'm not sure,but I'm surethey'll be showingit
at the Cineworld.
4. A:
B: Terminator5.
3. She'sa famoussinger.She's
hundredsof records.
4. He's a famousartist.He mainly
5. He'san author.He mainly
6. He's a famousinventor.He .......
light bulb.
5. A:
B: 7.30and 10.20.
7. He'sa politician.He
6. A:
B: StevenSpielberg.
8. He'sa famousscientist.He .........
7. A:
B: I don't know. I need to phone to check.What's
the earliestyou can go?
8. A:
B: It's an action movie about these people trying
to take over the world.
9. A:
B: I don't know that much about it, to be honest.
I think it's a sciencefiction film.
t0. A:
B: The Odeon.
il. A:
B: Nothing much.There'sbeen nothinggood on
......... .,...
. .. the main
opposition party in my country.He's quite right wing.
.. ......the
theory of relativity.
Meetinga famousperson
Choose the correct words to complete the story.
| (l)
met the presidentof my country in
Belgium.| (2)
there at the time and | (3)
to this big party at the Embassy
to (4) ..........
.. our
IndependenceDay.Anyway,the presidentwas there. I
even (5)
. his hand and had my photo (6)
with him. lt was funny,becausehe looked quite different
in (7) .............
. life.He was (8)
shorter than I
D, have
for ages.
t2. A:
B: Tom Conti and some other peopleI've never
heard of.
Write a conversation betweenyOU and a friend
like that in Exercise 2. Arrange to go to the
cinema. Talk about a real film you'd like to see at
the moment. For example:
F: I was thinkingof goingto the cinemathis evening.
Do you want to come?
Y: What are you thinking of going to see?
1 5 W h a t ' so n ?
ffi rv andvideo
Complete the conversations with the words t n
the box.
., .
recor:dr ":':: ,,,tur:Irt,theTV'd.own,
',, t'r:'r' t- - -hgTVrbn,,
, . 1ge11nd'
:' set'the video',,', turn t[e,T.v''
Does the reviewer of these films think they are
good or bad? Underline the words which tell you
the reviewer's opinion.
Dull romancebetweena cleaner
and her boss.
, ; .1g'pr.il.61191 . it ,,, t.:,,ituifnedl.it..Offltl:ti..i,:..:.:',:..1::i.
l. A: Can you .. .
What doesit say in the TV guide?
Genuinelyscaryhorror film that
will haveyou jumpingout
....? | can
of your seat.
hardlyhear it.
B: You must be goingdeaf!lt's quite loud.
2. A: Can you
life in Nepal.
Channel5?There'sa film I want to watch which
Brilliantdramabasedon the
novel by Jacl<Higgins.
is startingin a minute.
B: C a n ' ty o u
Moving drama of life in the
. . . . . . . . i t ?I ' m i n
the middleof watchingthis programme.
Dreadful comedy starring
3. A: I'm goingto missthe last part of that series,
Hugh Grant.
HongingOn,when we're out. Can you
. .... to record it? lt's on
Very over-ratedOscar winner.
starring Meg Ryan.
B: Yes.of course.what time does it start?
4. A: What did she say?
B: I'm not sure.Why don't you stop the video and
it a bit?
5. A: Could you
The passiveor active?
Choose the correct form.
a bit? lt's
a bit loud.
B: Why don't you do it?You'vegot the remote
5. A: D o y o u m i n d i f | . . . . . . . .
and see if there's anythingworth watching?
A: I'vealreadycheckedand there isn'tanythingon.
That'swhy | ............................ . .............
Sorry,l'm so late.My train delayedI was deloyedby
about an hour.
2. We didn't go to the show in the end,becauseit
concelledI wos cancelled.
3. I had to cancelI be concelledmy credit card because
it stolei wosstolen.
4. Do you want to pick up I be pickedup from the
5. Did you see what hoppenedI washoppenedin Paris
6. ft was a bit embarrassing.
I coughtI woscaught
without a ticket on the bus.
7. We only just coughtI woscoughtthe train. I think
we got there a minute before it left.
8. I wokeup I got wokenup by this horrible dog barking
outsidemy window.
9. lt stors/ is storredJohnWayne.
10. ft direaedI wos directedby SofiaCoppola.
5 What'son?
Key words for writing:
how, where and when
ffi Writinglettersof enquiry
We use'question' words after some verbs and in
some typical expressions in writing. Note that
the word order is NOT like a question. For
Just a quick e-mailto see whenyou'recomingto
visit (NoT
Complete the sentences with the words in the
Complete the letter with the words in the box.
Dear Sir / Madam
I am writing to ask for (l)
about the Germancoursesyou offer at your school.
L Justa quick e-mailto see ......
you are.
2. Justa quick e-mailto see ....................
back safelylast night.
you got
3 . Justa quick e-mailto check.
, you have
six different classes,but it (3)
exactlywhat leveleach classis,and I
classstarts tomorrow morning.
if you take absolute
I am (5)
.......that I
may be at too low a levelfor your classes.I also wanted
4. I am writing to find out ...................
your centre runs.
5 . I am writing to find out .................... ....you have
to (6) ......
the acrualprices for
each course.The website saysthat fees start at f500 for
a l4-week course,but it doesnt mentionwhat the
any vacancieson the photographycourse starting
maximumprice is or if you run intensivecourses.I
next week.
would be most grateful if you could
6 . I was wondering... ...............
. you could help
. this.
I thank you in advancefor your assistance
Now complete these sentences with the words in
the box.
.. . hearingfrom you soon.
Yours faithfully
7. Your brochuredoesnt mention
the intensivecourse costs.
8. Your websitedoesnt say ................... ... people
are in eachclass.
Dear Sir i Madam
9. Tlqeadvertisementdoesnt mention
I am writing to ask for further informationabout ...
t 0 . The advertisementdoesnt say .. ..............
datesyou are runningthe courses.
I would be grateful
you could let
me know as soon as possible.
12. E-mailme back...
Now write your own letter of request, asking for
information about a course you would like to do.
Try to use as many of the expressions below as
you can.
Accordingto your brochure/ your website/ your
... but it doesnt mention/ it doesnt say
exactly... so lwould be (most)gratefulif you could
clarifythat for me.
I alsowantedto know ...
you get this.
I thank you in advancefor your assistance
and I look
forward to hearingfrom you soon.
Yours faithfully
Key wordi phone
Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
I just needto mal<e
2. My flatmatesspend
3. Have you tried loolcing
4. I was so angry I put
5. I dont feel very well.I think l'll phone
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
J: Hello.
P: Hi, is Jenny( l)
J: Speaking.
P: Oh right,hi. My (2)
Paola.I'm a
a. hours on the phone every evening!
friend of Fernanda.
We go to the (3)
b. the phonedown on her.
schoolto learn English.
c. in sick today.
d. a quicl<phone call.
J: Oh, OK. She(4)
How are youf
e. his numberup in the phone book?
P: Fine,thanks.
Now match these sentence beginnings with the
6. Her number'snot listed
7. Can I get a f5 phone
8. Maybewe shouldbook
9. I'm in the bath.Answer
10. lf I havetime, l'll giveyou
J: And how's Fernanda?
P: Oh great.Shetold me to (5) ...............
hello.Anyway,I was wondering if you could
....... ..me.
J: I'll try.
P: l'm comingto London for a (7)
daysfor a visit and Fernandasaid you might be
g. the phone somebody- please!
h. a ring tomorroW OK?
in the phonebook.
over the phone.
me about you.
to recommendsomewhere
cheap to stay.
J: Well, you could staywith me if you like. I've got a
P: Really?Are you sure?
Complete each expression from the sentences
with ONE word.
P : I n t w o w e e k s '( l 0 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.' .m. . . . . . . . . . .
k. makea quicl<phone
spe$ghours ...............
the phone
m. put the phonedown ...........................
.. her
n. phone............
o. in the phone
.. sick
J: Yes,it's no trouble.When are you coming?
coming down on the Fridayand then I'm going to go
back on the Tuesday.
me a
.. ........
J: Fine.Do you want to ( I l)
ring a bit nearerthe time iust to checkwhat time
you'll be here?
P: Yes.OK.
J: OK, well,I'll speakto you then.Can you sayhi to
Fernandafrom me and (12)
for the birthday card?l'll give her a ring next week
sometime:I'm actuallygoing awayfor a few days.
P: OK. Great.
J: Seeyou.
Yes,bye.Andthanksfor the offer.lt's reallykindof
No problem.
16 Telephoning
Answering the phone
Compf ete the sentences with 'll, might or 's.
l. Sorry,she'snot here at the moment.She.. ...............
Complete the summarising expressions with the
words in the box.
probablybe back around four.
2, H9's awayon businessat the moment, I'm afraid,but
he .........
.....be backtomorrow morning,unless
his flight is cancelledor something.
ShallI get him to
ring you when he gets in?
.. .........
! My facewent
bright red!
2. lt was really . ..
3 . I'm afraidshe'sgone out for lunch.She
! | was reallyangry
about it.
normallybackin the officeby one,so try sometime
after that.
3. lt was really...
! | laugheduntil
I cried!
4. She'sawayfor a week,but she
- she sometimesdoes when she'sout of the office.
Do you want to leavea message?
He'soff sick.I supposehe ........
be backat
work tomorrow, but he did sound reallyill when I
spoke to him. He
l. lt was really...
....be off for severar
days.Can I help you at all?
I'm not sure,actually.
He .......
not usually
aroundat this time, but I supposehe ............
be in the buildingsomewhere.l'll iust go and ask if
anyonet seenhim.
4. lt was really...
! | felt awful
Match the situations with the sentences above.
I m 2 m 3 m 4 . *
a. The post office lost the letter you sent me.They said
there's nothing they can do about it.
b. I had a hole in my trousersand everyonecould see
my underwear.
c. I hit a dog while I was drivingand it was hurt really
d. The bossburped in the middleof his speech.
Now complete these summarising expressions
with the words in the box.
5 . It was really
ffi prepositions
I thought I was
goingto die.
Complete the sentences with the words in the
box. Use some words twice.
6. It was ...........
. ....! | had a reallybrilliant
7. lt was really ...............
. I was reallyupset
about it afterwards.
t . I'm afraidhe'snot ..............the
officeatthe moment.
2. I'm afraid she'saway
holidayuntil next
8. lt was
.....! | thought I was goingto
be sick!
3. I'm afraidhe's...................
of the officeat the moment.
Now match these situations with the sentences
4. I'm afraiditt her d"y ....................
s m 6 m 7 . m B m
5. I'm afraidhe's ............the
bathroomatthe momenr.
6. I'm afraidshe'siust gone .......................for
7. I'm afraidhe's...........
. ........
sick today.
8. Sheshouldbe backsometime
. nine and ten
romorrow morntng.
9 . He'll be back...........
the 24th.
e. I went to BuenosAires on holidayfor a week.
f. The storm was so bad the plane had to land in a
but with a spicychocolate
C. She'dcookedchicl<en,
h. I was there when my grear-grandfatherdied when I
was a teenager.
t 0 . S h es a i ds h e ' l lb e b a c k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t w o .
16 Telephoning
Complete the sentences with the words in the
Write the abbreviations next to the meanings.
l . a s l o n ga s
2. Oh, I see
3. excellent
in politics.Are you?
I'm not very .................
It was the most .................
thing that's ever
happenedto me. I reallythought I was goingto die!
3 . They tried to overchargeus in the restaurant.I was
really ..
about it.
of the dark.
I was so
5 . at the moment
6. a few days ago
7. want to
8. Bye for now
My son still has lots of bad dreams.He's
4. Longtime, no see
.... with that film I fell
asleepin the middleof it.
Can you remember how you write these
messages from the Coursebook when you're
9. Great news!
I couldnt sleeplast night becauseI was so
about my trip to JaPan!
7. It was so
....I fell asleepin the
10. Seeyou later.
I l. lt's easy.
| 2. Thanksfor the
middleof it.
It was a really.......
13. Are you OK?
scoredthe winner in the last minute!
9 . The cashmachineate my cashcard.lt was really
1 4 . M i n dy o u r
own business!
1 0 . She'sone of the most
I've ever met. She'sbeen to 106 different countries!
15. Seeyou tonight.
16. ltt up to you.
17. Seeyou tomorrow.
18. Can you do it
as soon as possible?
16 Telephoninq
ffi talkingaboutcrimes
Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
l. Melanietold me to asl<you if
2. Jilltold me to say
3. Ron told me to tell you
4. Simonand I havedecided
5. Joanexplainedto me
Complete the conversations with the pairs of
words in the box.
A: I had my bag
a. where we're going for our holiday
this year- Ghana!
B: Oh no! Did you ......
b. he'sfound that book you were looking for.
c. you could baby-sitfor her tonight.
A : Y e s- a b o u tf 1 5 0 .
in it?
d. how the washingmachineworks.
e. goodbye.She'sgoing back to Derby tomorrow
Now match these sentence beginnings with the
6. Will was tellingme
7. Brian told me to ask you
8. Anita told me to say
9. Amal persuadedme
10. Nabil explained
B: Oh no! Haveyou been to the Embassyand told
them about it?
A: I havent beenthere,but I .........
them after it happened.
3 . A: I had my mobilephone stolen.
B: Oh no! How did that
A: I left it on the table in a caf6 and somebodyjust
to go out with her tonight.
g. to me why he hasnt been in classfor the last
week.His mum hasbeen ill.
h. hi.
2. A: I had my passport
much money
about his new job. lt soundsreallygood.
where you want to meet tomorrow night.
Put the words in brackets in order and make
reporting sentences.
l. My wife told
4. ^
to stearmy bag.
B: Oh nolWhere did that
A: In Holloway Road,near the station.
5 . A: Somebody....................... into my houseand
some things.
B: Oh no! Were you insured?
A: Yes,that's no problem.
A: Somebodytried to .........
B: Oh no!What happened?
A: I was on the undergroundand this persontried
to ......................... their hand in my coat
2. Jensqold
( t h a n k l m e l y o u r t s a yl t o l a l t l f o r / h e l p )
3. Clare told
(to / me I to I tell I late I you / tonight / not / be)
4. Staceytold
(tomorrow / to / she'll I late ltell / me I you I be)
5. Lingtold
(to / me / luck / test / good I with I sayI your I
6. Pascaltold ..............
(tonightI to I iflask/ me i could I you I him / you
7. I saw Diga last week and she
(was / me / move / telling / they're / to / house/
ffi Keyword:fal/
Find ten sentences with the word fall. Mark the
end of each expression using /.
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
h e f e l I o f f h i s b i k e a nd b r o l < e hi s a r m l f e l I
a sI e e p a f t er l u n c h t h e h a nd I e h a s f a l e n o f f o n e
D: Aaagh!
R: Oh, are you all right?
o f t h e d r a w e r s l f e I l o v er i nt h e p a r k t h e p r i c e o f
D: Yes,| ( l)
d i g i t a l c a m e r a s h a s fl ae ln q ui t e a l o t s h e f e Il
R: Are you sure?That was quite a (2)
d o w n t h e s t a ir s h e r f i r s t t o o t h f e l I o u t
y e s t e r d a y t h e y w er e g o i n g t o b u i I d a n e w
s c h o o l b u t t h e p l a n s f el tl h r o u g h lm f a ll i n g
b e h i n d w i t h m y E n g il s h b e c a u s e l ' v e m i s s e d
s o m a n y c l a s s e s m y s h o e s a r el fi an lg a p a r t
D: Yes,I dont know what (3)
...... I think I
just tripped.
R: Yes,you need to be (4)
. Can you
stand up all right?
Now complete the sentences with ONE word.
l. I fell
D: Yes.I think so. Ow. ow!
... a ladderwhen I was painting
the house and I broke my arm.
2. The baby'sfallen
R: (5) ..............
......, so try not to wake
you should havethat arm
at. lt might be broken.
D: No, it'll (7)
......all right. lt's probablyjust
3. I needto get a new bike.Theone I'vegot now is
R: lt doesnt look (8)
it to me.
Honestly,I reallythink you should
4. I've had so many problemsat home recently I'm
...with my studies.
5. Two buttonsfell .............
. . .. -..............
it X-rayed.Youdont want to be
walkinground (l 0) ....................................
a broken arm.
...my shirt and
D: Yes,maybeyou're (l l)
everyonecould see my stomach.lt was a bit
. lt lS quite
R: ShallI get (12)
6. We were going to take some time off and travel
a cab to take you to
the hospital?
round Europe,but our plansfell
D: Would you (13) ....................................
R: No, of coursenot.Justsit there for a minuteand l'll
ffi Whata stupidmistake!
s e ei f | ( 1 4 )
g e t o n e . l ' l lb e b a c ki n a
Match the sentence beginnings and endings
to make five stupid mistakes.
2. I accidentally
3. I accidentally
turned the gasup
4. I accidentallyadded salt
5. I accidentally
got on the southboundtrain
a. insteadof sugar.
b. insteadof the brake.
c. insteadof the northboundone.
d. insteadof down.
e. insteadof'save'.
D: OK. Thanks.I really appreciateit.
l. I accidentally
pressedthe accelerator
Now write the conversation which D has with
the doctor at the hospital.
17 Accidents
ffi Becareful
Match the advice with the reasons.
l. You shouldhavethat cut looked at.
2. You should havethat tooth looked at.
3. You should havethat rash lool<edat.
4. You should havethat ankle X-rayed.
a. lt might need a filling or to be taken out.
l. lt's very hot. Be carefulyou dont
b. lt might need stitches.
2. lt's very sharp.Be carefulyou dont
c. lt might be broken.
d. You might be allergicto something.
3. The ceiling'squite low here.Be carefulyou dont
Now match the situations with the reasons.
5. I need to get my DVD fixed.
5. I need to get my camerafixed.
7. I need to tet my window fixed.
8. I need to get the toilet fixed.
e. It's completelyblocked.I cant flushit.
Complete the sentences with the words in the
your head!
4. lt's quite fragile.Be carefulyou dont ...................
.... it!
5. lt's very heavy.Be carefulyou don't
your back.
6. The path goesalongthe edgeof the cliff,so be careful
you don't trip and
Someonethrew a brick through it and it's freezing
In my room now.
g. The timer's broken,so I can't record programmes
while I'm out.
! lt's a long way down!
7. He's quite a nervousdog,so be carefulhe doesn't
. . . . . . . . . . .y. o
. u!
8. The floor's wet. Be carefulyou dont
h. The flashdoesnt work.
Complete the sentences with ONE word.
I had a tooth
the toiler.
k. Someonethrew a brick.................
I often
the window.
Pastsim pleand continuous( 1)
m. Did the flash
Choose the correct form.
l. A: I've hurt my back.
B: Oh nol How did you do it?
A: I wos liftingI /ifted this heavy box onto the
table and it woshoppeningI hoppenedthen.
A: Haveyou heard?Ruth'sbroken her leg.
B: You'reiol<ing!How did she do it?
A: She wos ployingI ployedfootball with her nephew.
3 . A: Did you hear Petecrashedhis dad'scar?
B: You'rejoking?How did he do thatl
A: He wosdrivingI drovetoo fast as usualand he
was goingoff | went offthe road on a bend.
4. A: How did you hurt your arm?
B: Oh, I was follingoff I felloffmy bike.
5 . A: How did you hurt your finger?
B: Oh, it was stupid.I wostryingI tried to sharpen
a pencilwith a knife.
A: How did you bangyour head?
B: I wos walkingI wolkedinto a door.
17 Accidents
Pastsimpleand continuous(2)
ffi Reporting
Complete these conversations with the correct
form ofthe verbs.
Match what the speakers are doini With the
A: | (l)
l. blamingsomeonefor something
(burn) my handyesterday.
B: Oh no! How did you do it?
2. checkingsomethingis all right
A: | (2) .. ...:.......:::..........................
(carry)a cup of coffeeand
3. offeringto do something
the coffee (4)
(brimp)into me and
(go) all over my
4. makinga suggestion
5. complainingabout something
6. warningsomeoneabout something
7. givingsome advice
C: She (5)
(break)a bone in her
foot when she (6)
8. insistingon doingson'iething
(tidy) up the
a. l'll take you there, if |orr like.
D: Yoti'rejoking?Whathappened?
b. I reallythink you shouldgo to hospital.
C: She(D ..........
c. He's alwaysleavinghis things lying around.
she (8)
(do) some dustingand
.. (knock) this heavystatue
thing off the shelfand it (9)
d. Bc careful.There's a lot of street crime there.
e. Pleaselet me pay.I wont take no for an answer.
on her foot.I'm afraid| (10)
(laugh)when she (l l)
(tell) me. I
lt's all your fault.
g. You could try stickingit back together.
h. I iust want to make sure everything'safranged.
shouldnt have,but it was so silly.
A p o l o g i si n g
Complete the conversations with the pairs of
words in the box.
l. A: I'm reallysorry.I dont know how it
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the
l. | ..................
to the managerabout it and he
B: Dont ...............
about it.
2. A: I'm reallysorry.l'll payto get it .............
B: Dont be
. lt wasn't working
3. A: Lqok where you're..........
knocked my papersall over the floor!
me helpyou
4, A: I'm sorry.lt iust slippedfrom my hand.I can be
me about how
is,but I didn? haveany
4. | ...........................trying to ask her parentsfor
the money,but she thought it was a bad idea.
pick them up.
so ........
me to have
an operation,so I listenedto her and followedher
3 . Lots of people
properly anyway.
B: Oh no. I'm sorry.
2. My doctor strongly
about it. lt was a cheapglass
5. A: I'm sorryl I dont know what I was
It wasnt my fault,but he still ..................
for everythinggoing wrong. lt was really unfair.
| .............
all the arrangements
before I
left,but they still messedup a coupleof things.
7. He ...............
on doing everything,
so I lust
let him!
B: It's OK. lt was partly my ......................
6. A: I'm afraidyou'll haveto pay for it. lt was brand
B: But it was an accident.I didnt do it on
8. | ...............
...to givehim a hand,but he said
he was fine on his own.
17 Accidents
ffiH feywordsfor writing:
ffi whenand while
While shows the action happened over a period
of time. We use while with the past continuous
OR woslwere + adverbial phrase. For example:
. I broke my leg while I was livingin France.
. While I wos woitingfor the bus,a man came up and
started talkingto me.
I met my husbandwhileI woson holidoyin Korea.
When is possible in all of these sentences instead
of while, but we usually prefer while in order to
emphasise the period of time. When is also used
to show an action that happened suddenly or
lasted a short time. For example:
. I was driving along whensuddenlya cat ran into the
When I walked into the room. I saw this beautiful
woman standingthere and I fell in love at first sight.
When I got to the hospital,they did an X-ray.
Choose the correct words to complete the story.
My friend Racheland I were chattinC( l)
was sayinghow terrible she was at cooking.I (2)
to go round to her house and teach her how to make a
coupleof dishes.
The (3)
You cannot replace when with while in the
sentences above because running into a road,
walking into a room or getting to a hospital are
things which happen very quickly.
l. I was makingthe dinnerwhile I droppedthe frying
pan and burnt myself.
I wasmokingthe dinnerwhenI dropped...
2. I hurt my shoulderwhile I was playingtennis.
3 . I was arguingwith my girlfriendwhile I was driving
alongand I didnt seethe red light!
week I went over to her placeand we
madea coupleof reallynice dishes.
While we were
eating,| (4)
smelt somethingburning.We went
into the kitchen and there was a pan on fire. I had
There are mistakes in some of these sentences.
Underline and correct the mistakes. The first one
has been done for you.
and she
... turned up the gasinsteadof turning it off!
We put the flre out quite (6)
.. . , but the l<itchen
was a mess!| apologised,
Rachelwas really
annoyedand she didnt speakto me for (8)
C one day
D when
D following
D slowly
C immediately
D importantly
: ::rr:,
C long
D now
4. While we had dinner,fourpeoplephonedme.
. . .. . ' 1 8 . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .
I had an accidentWhile I was at work.
Now write your own story called A terrible
rnistoke. Try and use a variety of time expressions
and adverbs.
I was lyingon the floor playingwith my childwhile
the phone rang,and I got up too quicklyand hurt my
7. My brother was chasingme while I fell over and hurt
my knee.
8. While I was in hospital,I met my wife. She was
workingthere as a nurse.
Match the four things with the problems. There
are two problems for each thing.
l. a cashcard
2. abag
Make present perfect questions with the verbs in
the box. Remember that you will need to use the
third form - the past participle - of each verb.
3. a passport
4. a mini-discplayer
t . A : I left my bag in the classroomearlier,but it's not
there any more.
a. I need to get my visa extended.lt runs out soon.
b. lt's been eaten by the cashmachine!
B: O h n o !
securityguardsin Receptionabout it?
c. lt split when I was cominghome with the shopping!
d. The batteriesare dead.
e. I've forgotten my PIN number!
f. The photo in it was taken agesago and I look really
different now.
g. ltt too small.I cant fit everythinginto it.
2. A: I'm findingthis Englishcoursereallydifficult.
B: Really?
maybegetting private classeslYoucould try
3. A: I've had this cold for about two weeksl
B: Really?
. ...............you
h. lt's not working properly.
anythingfor it?
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
T: Hello.How are you?
A: Great. I've seen lots of interestingthings.I'm really
4. A: My flat was broken into last night.
B: Oh no!
....you .............. ....ir to
the police?
Now make present perfect questions with these
T: Yes,it's a nice place,isn't it?
A: Yes,lovely.So what are you ( l)
T: Oh, I've (2)
...... today?
my passport,so I need
to go to the Embassyand see if I can get a
temporary (3)
havingit was in the bank the (5)
. . . . . . . .i.t. i n ?
A: How annoying!
7. A: There'ssome money missingfrom my account.
.you ...............................to
your bankabout it?
A: My boyfriendtook my travel card with him to
T: Yes,it's a real (7)
.. . Anyway,listen.I
go.The Embassy
opensat ten and
I want to get there early.
A: Yes,sure.Well,good (9) .............:.....................
. I hope you
see anyoneabout it?
B: Oh no!.......
T: Yes,I went there yesterday,but they didn't haveit.
T: Y6s.thanks.
.. .....you
in my coat pocket,though?Youborrowed it last
B: Oh no! ..........
you ...............................
...... ..............
A: Haveyou been back there to see if anyone's
B: No, I havent.
A: I've got a really bad pain in my chest.
T: I'm not sure.The lasttime | (4)
nightwhen you were cold.
A: Oh ,Ej Wh"r" did you lose it?
A: I've lost my purse.Youhaven'tseen it anywhere,
it allout.
worl<this morning.
B: Ohno!.........................,......you
a n d . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . .h. i.m
.. ?
18 Problems
Match these answers with the questions above.
5. *
m m
7 .m
2.fr 3.
Now complete the conversations with the
l. A: I'm so worried about this problemat worl< |
can' sleepproperly.
Lool<,there's nothing you can do about it, is
a. Yes,I'vetried all kindsof things- aspirin,herbs,
vitamins- but nothingworl<ed!
b. Yes,I rang my local station as soon as I got home
and found out. They were very helpful.
c. Yes,I calledthem earlier,but they just saidit was my
fault.They think I spent it!
d. Kind of. I tried to as soon as I realised,
but his
mobilewas turned off.lt! so annoying!
there?Just relax and give it time.
sooner or later.
2, A: He's seeingthree differentwomen at the
moment - and one of them is married!
B: He's crazy.
before it gets really bad!
3. A:
e. Oh that's right! | forgot. l'll go and havea look now.
Not yet, but I've got an appointmentat the hospital
tomorrow. I'm reallyworried about it!
It's still crashingall the time.
B: Oh nol Really?Haveyou tried talcingit
to a shop and askingsomeonethere to have
g. That's a good idea.I'll go and ask them if anyone's
handedit in to them.
h. No, but it's a good idea.MaybeI'll put an advert in
the paperand see if I can find a teacher.
a look at it?
4. A: Only three more daystill we go on holiday!
I cant wait!
Key wordi sort out
Translate the expressions into your language.
Did you sort out your problemwith the passport?
A: Oh, it's OK.You dont need one if you'refrom
an EU country.I just haveto take my passport.
5. A: Do you want to go out for a walk?
B: I'd love to. but I cant. I'm afraid.
I still haventsorted out that problem with my
I wont haveany cleanclothes to wear
6. A: Hi, Brian.What're you doing here?Shopping?
I'm trying to sort out my holiday.
B: No, I'm actuallylookingfor cheapflightsto
I need to sort out my papers.
at the moment.I'm thinkingof goingto
I'm just goingto sort out the house.
I nded to sort out my thingsto take.
7. A: The taxi has arrived.Are you readyto go?
B: Not yet!
Have you seen my sunglasses
and my
lt'll sort itself out.
Haveyou sorted out a visa?
A: Oh no! Havent you packedyet?
8. A:
B: Yes,I went to the Embassyyesterdayand they
gaveme a temporary replacement.
9. A: Come on. Classhasfinished.Let'sgo and have
He needsto sort his life out.
I needto sort out this dirty washing.
a coffee.
B: O K , i n a m i n u t e
and check I've got my pens and everything.
t 0 . A : What're you doing this weekend?
B: Nothing special.
It needsa good clean.lt's a real messat the
18 Problems
ffi uust
Word check(1)
Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
l. lf you reallywant to get a ticket, you'll haveto
start queuingthe night before they go on
2. There's no money
Put the words in order and make sentences
explaining why you must go.
l. Listen,I must go
( l a t e / l ' ll o r l b e )
3. I dropped my walking stick in rhe street,
but this niceyoungman
4. Oh well,never
5. I felt awful!| was the onlyAsianpersonthere.
Everybodylooked at me as if I was an
6. lt's nice where I work becauseeveryone
is treated
2. Listen,I must go
(f'll / flightI or I my / miss)
3. Listen,I must go
(to / my I worry / parents/will / or / start)
4. Listen,I must go.
(me / dinner/ tonight / for / sisterI is I my I
a. alien!
5 . Listen,I must go.
b. left in this machine.Try that one instead.
(l'm i at / some / meeting/ of / six / friends/ mine)
c. mind.Theret nothingyou can do about it.
d. sale.
6 . Listen,I must go.
e. fairly.lt doesn't matter how old you are or
how long you've been there.
f. pickedit up for me.
(like i a / on / theret / documentaryI watch ITY I
ld / to)
7. Listen,I must go.
(f've i got I an I hour / in i appointment/ doctor's /
ffi Wordcheck(2)
a I half)
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the
8. Listen,I must go.
(to / work / l've / lots / tonight I got I of I do)
M achinesand technology
t . The governmentis goingto .....................................
new law stoppingpeoplefrom smokingin pubsand
Match the sentences with the follow-up
l. I bought a laptop the other day.
2. I boughtaWalkmanthe other day.
2. Can you wait a minutef I just needto
3. I bought a dishwasherthe other day.
some moneyout of the cashpoint.
3 . H i . l d l i k et o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. I bought a camcorderthe other day.
t h i s c h e c u ei n t o
my account,please.
5. I bought a microwavethe other day.
6. I boughta washingmachinethe other day.
4 . OK.Ycu put your card in here and then you needto
your PIN number,OK?
5 . I'm reallyworried about it. I dont want to
the wrong decision.
6 . Could you
my placein the
queuefor a minute,please?| reallyneedto go to the
7. Vy wife bought me a DVD the other day.
a. Now l'll be ableto listento musicon the train to
and from school.
b. Now I'll be ableto film my sister'sweddingnext
c. Now l'll be ableto worl<on the train to and from
d. Now I wont haveto wash up every evening!
7. I must go.Otherwise,I wont
last bus into town.
8. I'm not sure which queuewe should
.Which one is movingfastest?
e. Now I won't haveto go to the launderetteany
Now I won't haveto cook every night.I can just buy
ready-mademealsand heatthem up.
g. lt's great,but the problem is, l'll haveto buy all the
films I alreadyhaveon video again!
18 Problems
lf you want tg dry your hair, you use o hoir dryer.
What do you need in these situations?
l. lf you want to peel potatoes,you need a
2. lf you want to open a tin, you need
a ..........
3. lf you want to sharpenyour pencil,you need
4. lf you want to grate cheese,you need
a .................................
5. lf you want to squeezea lemon,you need a
6. lf you want to remove your nail polish,you need
7. lf you want to open a bottle, you need
a .............
8 . lf you want to hangup your coat or shirt in a
wardrobe,you need a ...................................
ffi Problems
Complete the sentences with the words in the
t . The pipe in the bathroomis ...............................
shouldget someoneto come and fix it.
2. It's freezingin here! Can you
a bit?
3 . We'll haveto walk.The lift is .............
4. Ther:e'ssomethingwrong with the food processor
It's .......................r.....:..
a reallyfunny noise.
.. ........
the TV
. The news
will be on in a minute.
6. It's boilingin here! Can you
......a bit?
7. There'ssomethingwrong with my computer.lt keeps
8. The scannerisnt ................... properly.Look - all
the pictures look really strange.
ffi aorrowand/end
Complete the sentences with the correct form of
borrow or lend.
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
l. Can | .. .......
. . f5 until tomorrow?
B: Haveyou got time ( l)
2. Can you .. .
.......me f5 until tomorrow?
T: Yes,OK. Where do you want to go?
3. Why dont you talk to your bankabout things?
Maybethey could ...
.. you some money.
4. Why don't you talk to your bank?Maybeyou could
... some moneyfrom them.
5. Can | .... ...
B: How (2)
T: Oh, I've just realisedI've (4)
my wallet at home.
Dont worry. lt's OK. l'll (5) .............
but I crashedit! He'sgoingto kill me!
.. .. ..any money
for the coffee.
T: Yes,thanks,but it's not iust that. I'm meeting
to Nicl<.He ......
. .. € 100from me last
year - and he still hasnt paid me back!
someoneat two and l'll haveto go
Sp e n d i n gti me a n d mo n e y
Complete the sentences with the words in the
B: Whatt the (3)
. . ....me his car for the night-
7. Whateveryou do, dont .......
that placeon the corner?
T: Yes,fine.Oh no!
your calculator?
6. My dad . ..
.......... a coffee?
home and get it. I cant spendthe
. day without any money.
B: W e l l ,d o y o u w a n t m e t o ( 8 )
T: Would you (9)
. . . . . . . .y. o u s o m e ?
B: No, of coursenot. How much do you need?ls €30
T: That'd be great,if you can.
B: Yes,sure.No problem.l'll iust haveto go to the
l. He'sso lazy.He spendshours every eveningsittingat
( l0)
machine,though.Do you want
to meet me in the caf6?l'll be there in a minute.
2. Shegoesshoppingeveryweekend.Shespends
. . . . . . . .o
. n c l o t h e sa n d s h o e s !
3. A: Hi, Mark.I'm just phoningto see how you are.
B: M0ch better,thanks.I spent
yesterdayin bed feelingterrible, but I feel OK
T: G r e a t . T h a t ' s b r i l l i a n t . l ' l l ( l l )
out of the cashmachineearlier,I spent
. . . o n l u n c ha n d n o w l ' v eg o t f 1 . 6 0 .
5. I'vespentthe lasttwo weeks .
.......for a
new placeto live- and I still haven'tfound
6 . I spentall lastweekend....................................
to fix my car,
but it still doesn'twork properly.
7. I've got my exams next week. I've spent the last two
monthsjust .......
. I cant wait until they're
back next week,when I seeyou.
B: Yes,fine.There'sno ( l2)
4. I dont know where all my moneygoes.I took f20
B: There you are.
. Have you
T: No, I was waiting for you to get here. I wasnt sure
how you lil<eyour coffee.
Can you remember where the pauses and the
stressed sounds are in this conversation? Mark
the pauses // and underline the stressed syllables.
For example:
A: Have you got time ll for a eejffee?
B: Yes,OK. /i Where do you want to gq?
Compare your ideas about the pauses and
stressed sounds with the tapescript in the
19 Money
ffi uattngotters
Match the problems with the offers.
Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
ffi Moneyvocabulary
I. I can't get the top off this jar.
2. This bag'sreally heavy.
3. The cashmachine'snot working.
l. CanI borrowf l0? l'll pay
2. He's alwaysbuyingthingsfor other people.
He's really
4. I'm reallyhungry.
5. I dont know where to go.
6. I hatewalkinghome in the dark.
Do you want me to show you where it isl
3. You should get a different credit card.They're
4. You can changemoney in the post office,but
they usuallychargeyou
5. Do you know anywhereI can get a cheque
b. Do you want me to make you a sandwich?
6. He never buys anythingfor anyone.He's really
c . Do you want me to come with you to keep you
7. lf you d like a credit card,you needto fill in
8. Haveyou seen Marcustoday?| owe
o . Do you want me to lend you some money?
e . Do you want me to take it?
Do you want me to try?
Now write a conversation betweenYOU and a
friend like that in Exercise 3. Use one of the ideas
f. cashed?
b. f 1 . 5 0c o m m i s s i o n .
g. generous.
c . him f30.
h. this form first and
bring in two proofs
of address'
d . 25 per cent interestt
e . you back tomorrow,
I promise.
Charge and cost
Complete the sentences with the words in the
a. mean!
ld like to . . ..
take out
A: lt costf40 to havea check-upat the dentist.
B: You're luckyl My dentistchargesf70 for a check-up.
my PIN number.I keep
forgettingthe one I haveat the moment.
2. ld lil<eto
Things cost money and people or companies
charge you. For example:
a new account,please.
Complete the sentences with cost or charge.
l. A: How much did your flight
B: f 150with BritishAirways.
3. ld like to
a loan.I want to start
my own business.
2. A: How much do you .........
.. for private
4. I'd like to
.....f500 from my savings
accountto my other account,please.
5. I'd liketo
.. a complaint.Can I
B: f30 an hour.
3. Be carefulwith that. lt .......... ...........................
me a
fortune - and I cant afford to replaceit.
speakto the manager,please?
4. A: How much interestdoesyour bank
Now complete these sentences with the words in
the box.
you on your credit card?
B: About 20 per cent, I think. Why?
5. Our car broke down and it .......................................
6. I'd like to
my credit card.I spend
5 . The bankwill changeyour dollarsfor you,but they
too much moneyon it!
7. I'd like to
. banks.The one I'm
with at the moment chargestoo much interest!
8. I'd like to
a credit card if I can.
I'm sometimesa bit short of moneyat the end of
the month.
9 . I'd like to
this money into my
t 0 . l d l i k et o
f300 to get it repaired.
four per cent commission.
7. A: Do you ....................
to haveit delivered?
B: lf you livewithin 25 milesof the shop,then we'll
deliver it free of
. lf you're
outsidethat area,it will ..
8 . It ....................... us f220 to rent a car for the
week.We drove all round the country.
. . .y a c c o u n tI.' m
movingto another bank!
9 Money
ffi Keyword:pay
Complete the conversations with the words in
the box.
t . A : How shallwe paythe ....................................
B: Dont worry about it. l'll get this. lt's my treat.
A: Oh really?Thanks.That'svery generousof you.
ffi comparing
2. A: Can you lend me some money?| left my wallet
Complete the sentences with the words in the
at home.
Sorry,but I'm a bit short of money.I've got to pay
the .....
b i l lt h i s w e e k .
A: Oh well,nevermind.
Breadis much cheaperin my country than it is here.
A .. . ..
3. A: Can you lend me some money?l'll payyou
.. ..only costs50p backhome.
B: Sorry,but I dont
Wine is much cheaperin my country than it is here.
end of the month.
A ..........................
. .. only coststwo or three pounds
4. A: How much is that?
back home.
B: f85, please.
are you paying?
A: I'm not sure.Do I get a discountif I pay
3 . Cigarettesare much cheaperin my country than
they are here.A
..only costs 80p
back home.
B: No, l'm afraidnot.
4 . Coke is much cheaperin my country than it is here.
A ..... ..
A: Oh OK. Well, l'll pay ......
..only costsabout 30p bacl<home.
Toothpasteis much cheaperin my country than it is
only costs20p back home.
5. I'd like to paythis
....only costsf 15 back home.
Beer is much cheaperin my country than it is here.
only costsabout f I back home.
B: lt was only f 12.I got it in the sales.
Complete each sentence from the conversations
with ONE word.
a. lt's my ........
b. Sorry,but I'm a bit ................
c. I dont get paid
my account,please.
... . .. .. itl
only costs lOp back home.
7. Jeansare much cheaperin my country than they are
5. A: Wow I like that hat. How much did you pay
Chocolateis much cheaperin my country than it is
paid until the
. of money.
.........the end of the
19 Money
Key words for writing:
however, but and a/though
However,but and olthough are very similar in
meaning, but their grammar is different. But and
olthough connect two parts of the same
sentence. Although sometimes comes at the start
of the sentence. However usually starts a new
sentence and is followed by a comma. For
. You can phone the banl<24 hours a day,butit takes
them a long time to answer.
Althoughyou can phone the banl<24hours a day,it
tal<esthem a long time to answer.
You can phone the bank 24 hours a day.However,it
takes them a long time to answer.
However is more common in written English.We
don't usually use it when speaking or when
writing e-mails to friends.
Complete the letter of complaint with the words
in the box.
Dear Sir / Madam
I am writing to ( l) .
| (2)
about the service
your website
..... ...................from
Over four months ago,I
.....a book calledTheloy ofText(order
number xxx3528WAL).You (4)
...... that
bookswould be deliveredwithin ten working days,but
my order hasonly just arrived- and it is the wrong
book! My book was supposedto be about literature,but
the one you sent me is more about biology!
Join the ideas using the words in brackets.
l. I havewritten severaltimes to complain.Youhave
still not replied.(however)
I rang your (5)
wait for over 20 minutes before anyoneanswered.
I ordered a DVD from your website.I havestill not
receivedit. (but)
The DVD playerI orderedwas finallydelivered
yesterday.One part is missing.(although)
..yesterdaybut I had to
to your website,your staffare
friendlyand good at their jobs,but the person I spoke
to told me that there was nothingshe could do.When
I told her it was not good (7)
...., she hung up.
To make thingsworse, I see from my bank statement
that you havealreadytaken the money out of my
Accordingto your brochure,the teachersare very
I would lilceyou to either send me the book I originally
experienced.Some of them havenever taught
ordered or return my money at the (8)
Yours faithfully
5. I phoned yesterday.Youwerent in the office.(but)
Now write your own e-mail complaining about
something you bought or a service you received.
ffi Conversation
Complete the conversation with ONE word in
each space.
Complete the answers with for,since or till.
l. A: How long haveyou been here?
M: What do you do backhome?
B: ... ....................
about two weel<snow.
A: Well, I was working in a car factory,but it closed
( l)
. That'swhy I'm here, really.I
A: How long are you goingto stay here?
got some money when I lost my job and I decidedto
go travellingfor a (2)
to think
B: ..........................
I'm going
backhome to Peru.
3 . A: How long are you goingto stay in Denmark?
about what to do next.
B: Just
M: And what are you goingto do?
A: I still havent decided.The economy'sin a bit of a
at the moment.There's a lot of
and peoplearen'tspending
much money,so it's going to be difficultto find a new
job. I might try to retrain and do something
a coupleof days.
4. A: How long haveyou been working here?
B: ..........
I left university,
so ....................
about eight years now.
5 . A: How long are you goingto study for?
B: ...........
20 | l. lt takesa longtime to become
a doctor, you know!
M: Haveyou got any idea what you want to do?
A: Not really.Maybesomethingwith computers.I might
try to find a iob abroad for a while before I do that.
A: How long haveyou been playingthe guitarl
B: Oh,
a longtime
...I was
about six.
What about your country? ls it easyto find work
M: Yes.A few years ago it was quite bad,but the
economy'sdoingquite well at rhe moment.I think
unemploymentis about four per cent,so findinga
iob isnt reallya problem.The problemis the
.. of living.Priceshavegone up
a lot over the last few years.Everythingis more
expensive,so the money you (6)
goes really quickly.
l. Lots of new factoriesare openingup.
Lots of factories are ...........
2. The economyis in a bit of a mess.
The economyis ......................
M: Som&imesI think I shouldmove ro somewherelike
here.I'm sure peopledon't get (7)
Unemploymentis quite
4. The cost of livingis really low.
very much,but the cost of livingis so low and there's
a better (8)
of life.Peopledont
5. The currency is very weak.
work as hard;life is more relaxed;the foodt great;
the weather'sgreat;it's iust very nice.
6. The quality of life is great.
A: Yes,maybe,but dont forget that you are on holiday.
Maybeit! not like that for the people who live here.
M: No, maybenot.
A: So anyway,how long are you going to stay herel
M: Just (9) ..
Friday.I haveto get back
to work.What about you? How long are you staying?
A: Till I get bored or | (10)
money.I dont haveany plans.
3 . There'sa lot of unemployment.
A: Right.
Complete the second sentence in each pair so
that it has the opposite meaning.
out of
The cost of livingis quite
The currency is very
The quality of life isnt very ..................
Which sentences are true for your country at
the moment?
20 Society
ffi Timeexpressions
What societyis like
Match the sentences with the summary
Everythingis very cheap,especially
things like rent and food.
2. There are 15,000rupiahto the dollar at the
3. Priceshaventgone up much this year.
4. lt's a very relaxedplace.Peopletake their time.
No-one is in a rush.ltt lovely.
Unemploymentis very low and inflationis
low too. Lots of new factories are openingup
and new companiesare starting.
Put the words in order and make time
f. last I over I the / years / few
2. or I over / four / last i months / the / three
3. the I last I of / weeks I over I couple
4. over / three I daysI last / two / the / or
Our currency is very weal<.
5. was/sincelkidllla
b . The cost of living is very low.
The economyis doingvery well.
6 . I / w a s / 1 4 l s i n c eI o r I 1 3
d . The pace of life is very slow.
Inflationis very low.
7. | / university/ graduatedi sincei from
Now match these sentences with the summary
6. lt's very easyto find worl< at the moment.
7. Most peopledont earn very much.
8. The weatherisn'tvery nice;the peoplecan
be quite cold and unfriendly,
and there'squite
a lot of crime.Most peoplework really
long hours as well.
9. I don't haveto pay much of the money
I earn to the government.
ffi Describing
10. The averagewage is reallyhigh.Most peoplelive
in reallynice places.
The roadsare excellent
and so are the schoolsand the hospitals.
The averagewage is only about gl50 a month.
Tax is quite low - about twelve per cent.
h . Unemploymentis very low
The standardof livingis very high.
Tlaequality of life isn't very good.
8. startedi here / | / since/ working
Chose the correct form.
| . Unemploymentis goingdownI has gonedowna lot
over the last few months.
2. lnflationis goingup I hos goneup over the last
3. Crime is gettingI hosgot worse and worse at the
4. The weather is gettingI hos got hotter and hotter
over the last 20 or 30 years.
5. My Englishis improvingI hosimproveda lot over the
Iast few weeks.
6. RacismrsgettingI hos gotworse at the moment.
7. He'sgettingI He hasgot reallywell paid at the
8. She's/ookingi She's/ookedfor a new car at the
9. I'm I I'vebeenreally busy at work at the moment.
10. l'm I I'vebeenreally busy at school over the last few
weeks.I've got my exams in two weeks'time.
2O Society
Talkingabout society
Complete the sentences with the words i n t h e
Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
L Nurses are going on strike next month.
They want shorter
2. Teachersare on strike at the moment.
They want a bigger
l'll haveto drive to work tomorrow becauseI
3. My father lost his iob lastyear.
The factory he was working in
heard on the news that all the bus drivers are
4. I lost my iob last year.My bossthought I wasnt
2. Hi, I'm collectintmoneyfor an old people's
Would you like to makea
3 . This governmentlets big businesses
rivers and the air.lt doesn't care about
. lt's awful!
5. I didnt vote in the last electionbecauseall rne
6. I voted for the Green Party in the last election.
They'vepromisedto do more for
a. were the same!
b. pay rise than the one they've been offered.
c. working hours.
4. I've heardso manyhorriblethingson TV about
how they kill animalsl've decidedto becomea
d. good enough!| was reallyangryabout itl
e. the environment.
f. closed down
5. lf you ask me,..........
.....havetoo much
power! They're alwaysgoing on strike and asking
for more money!
Now complete these sentences with the words in
the box.
Talkingabout people you know
Complete the sentences with the pairs of words
in the box.
memor:)ft+ forgets' ,
short + tall
wheelchair+ frail
the economy
6 . The governmentis doingOK, I think.They saidon
the newsthat ..................
is doingso
well that they won't need to borrow any money
wears .............
.. . .. for reading.
2. He'sreally
... . .. for his age.He needs
t o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .!. . . . . . . . .
from the World Bankthis year!
7. They saidon the news earlierthat men are doing
t . Her .................. ... are still reallygood.Sheonly
3 . She'scompletely.. .
. . a thing.
than ever before!They
obvibusf havent met my dad! He still thinlcsit's
4. She'squite
for her age.She'sonly
I m e t r e5 0 . . . .
8 . She makesgood money,but she hasto look smart
5 . H e ' sl o s i n gh i s . . . .. .
at work, so she spendsa lot on expensive
9 . H e s a i dh e ' sb r i n g i n gh i s . . . .
. . . . .. . . . . . . .t.o. .
the party tonight. I'm really looking forward to
........ . He
. . . . . . .w
. . h a t h e ' sd o i n ga l l t h e t i m e .
5 . He's having
......at school.He'salways
gettinginto .............
7. She hasto use a
. . . She'stoo
...to walk.
t 0 . My parentstold me that they want to move to the
south of Francewhen they finally
I cant believeit!
8. He'sstartingto look his ...................... . now.He's
gone ....
look so young!
very suddenly.
He usedto
ffi usedto (2)
Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
l. I never usedto smoke till a few years ago,
3. I never usedto be interestedin foreign
4. I usedto live in a lovelybig housein the
centre of town
5. I usedto havereally long hair and wear
a nose flns,
Complete the story with olwoys or neyer.
I'm 87 now and things havechangeda lot since I was
young.When I was growing up, peoplewere much more
polite.Men (l)
to old people,but nobodydoesthat any more.Young
people (2)
usedto use bad languageon
the street or arguewith their parents,but lots of
teenagersnowadaysdo that kind of thing.One thing
that is better now, though,is life for women. Seventyor
eightyyearsago,youngwomen (3)
to be allowed out without someoneto watch them.
Wl1en boys and girls went out together,parents
usedto send a familyfriend to make
sure nothingstrangehappened.
Girls (5)
used to wear make-upeither.lt wasnt allowed.All that
has changed.Parentswere stricter then,too. My dad
6. I usedto sleepuntil middayon Saturday
7. I used to go out a lot more than I do now,
8. I usedto play basketballfor a local team,
usedto hold doors open
for women and people would offer their seatson buses
2. I used to drive reallyfast,
a. but when I lost my job, I couldnt afford the rent
any more, so I moved.
b. but my new girlfriend is Swiss.She speaksFrench
and ltalian- but not much English!
c. but I realisedI neededto changethe way I looked if
I wanted to get a job.
d. but I got a job which starts at six in the morning,so
I need to go to bed earlier now!
e. but I had an accidenta few years ago and I've slowed
down sincethen.
f. but I was reallystressedout at work. That'swhy
I began.
C. but I broke my leg a few years ago and had to stop.
h. but now I get up early and go for a run instead.lt's
nice to do more exercise.
. . .............
usedto ask me where I was going
and he (7)
usedto tell me what time he
wanted me home.| (8) .
usedto lie to him
or break his rules.I was too scared!lt's probablynicer
beingyoung nowadaysbecauseparentsare more liberal.
One nice thing about my dad,though,was that he
. ............
usedto hit us.Oh, and also he
(10) .f,, . .
usedto help us with our
homework.That was hice.
Complete each expression from the story with
ONE word.
a. ..................................
doors open for women
b. ..................................
their seatsto old people
c. use bad
Now write a paragraph about how life in your
country has changed.Try to use olwoys used to
and neyer used to.
I What is a collocation?
We often end e-mails:
Seeyou soon.
Love ORAII the best
l.d. 2.a. 3.e. 4.b. 5.c. 6.h. 7.i. 8.1. 9.g. 10.i.
2 Making the most of your self-study time
tikes and dislikes
Students'own translations.
lVerb forms
3 Grammatical
l.go 2. take 3. break 4. lerve 5. read 6. meet 7. choose
8. eat 9. forget | 0. fall I l. know | 2. drink | 3. see
| 4. give | 5. hear | 6. buy
l.b. 2.c. 3.d. 4.g. 5.f. 6.a. 7.h. 8.e.
ffi whereareyoufrom?
2 Conversation
I Starting conversations
l.it 2.ask 3.thinking 4.trying 5.else 6.kind 7.Lots
8. him 9. same 10.orefer I l. heard 12.lend
l.b. 2.c. 3.a. 4.d. 5.C. 6.h. 7.e. 8.f.
3 Do you like ... ?
2 Conversation
l.They're OK, I suppose. 2.Yes,I love it. 3. No, I hate it.
4.Yes,it's OK. S.Yes,I love him. 6. l've never heard of her.
7. No, not really. 8. I've never heard of them.
l. smoke 2. stop 3. again 4. exactly 5. coast 6. love
7. going 8. home 9. take I0. reason
3 Where and whereobouts
l. Blackpool 2. Carlisle 3.Anglesey 4. Birmingham
5. Inverness 6. Hastings 7. Gloucester 8. Dumfries
exactly is it?
2.8 3.E 4.A 5.C 6.F
5 I'm not from here originally
l. refugee 2. escape 3. degree 4. support 5. brought up
6. closed down 7. unemployment 8. degree 9. graduate
1 0 .i m m i g r a n t I l . h o l i d a y 1 2 .m i s s 1 3 .s h a r e
6 Moving
l. work, company 2. job, unemployment 3. escape,safe
4. family,old 5. sea,coast 6. study,university 7. get away
from, know 8. place,houses
7 There's / there are ..l.There are 2.Theret 3.There! 4.there's 5.there are
6.Theretg 7. there are S.There are
I There's a ...
l. take-away 2. park 3. mall 4. bookshop 5. factory
6. caf,6 7. cinema 8. supermarl<et
a. way b. take c. cant
4What kind ... ?
l.d. 2.a. 3.f. 4.e. 5.b. 6.c.
5 Verbs
l. chat 2. argue 3. invite 4. share 5. spend 6. support
7. ring L join
6 How do you know each other?
l. c.,d. 2. a.,f. 3. e.,h. 4. b.,g.
7 Key word: go
l. bed,swimming 2. holiday,own, a friend 3. round to, for
4. to get 5. ahead 6. the toilet 7. your exam,well
l. near 2.far 3. hot 4. hot
8. young 9. good | 0. late
5. early 6. late 7. old
9 Too fast / too much
l. weight,eats 2. cant understand,talks 3. makes,does
4. get to sleep,were playing 5. a stomach-ache,
6. annoys,talks 7.a car crash,drives 8. a heart attack,works
l0 Pen friends
2 . A 3 .B 4 . C
5 . A 6 .D
7 . C 8 .B
d. get e. where f. open
I I Would you lil<e ... ? / Do you like ... ?
9 Miss and lose
l. lost 2. miss 3. lost 4. lost 5. missed 6. missed 7. lost
8 . m i s s e d 9 . m i s s 1 0 .m i s s
l0 Key words for writing: so and becouse
l. because 2. so 3. so 4. because 5. because
HaveYougot '.. ?
| | Writing
e-mails: changing address
I Have you got a I any ... !
3.C 4.A 5.D 6.4 7.8 8.A
l. cloth,spilt 2. plasters,
cut 3. pen,write down
4. screwdriver,unscrew 5. correction fluid, made
6. dictionary,means
We often start e-mails:
Sorry I havent written to you recently,but I've been busy ...
Justa quick e-mailto tell you ...
l.Would you like 2. Do you like 3.Would you like 4.Do
you like S.Wouldyou like 6. Do you like 7. Do you like
S.Would you lil<e
l. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. e. 5. f. 6. d.
2 One / some
l. some 2. some 3. one.one 4. one 5. some 6. one
3 Things in the house
drawer H
kitchen table E fridge D wardrobe F top
deskA cuoboard G bottom drawer I sink B
4 Prepositions of place
L in, in 2. in, under 3. on, in 4. on / under,in 5. in, in
6. in 7. in. in 8. on. in
5 Conversation
l. just 2. have 3. better 4. on
7. were 8. mine
5. them / any 6. found / got
3 What are you doing at the weekend? - present
continuous or might
/ am meeting 2. mightgo 3. are coming 4. might
come 5. mightgo 6.'m / am going 7.'re / are having
8.'m / am going f. is coming,'s/ is arriving 10.might have
The other common verb-noun collocationsare:going to an
Italianplace,dependson the weather,do some shopping.
bought me a ticket,got any plans.
4 Making arrangements
Conversation l: c. a. b. e. d.
Conversation 2: b. e. d. a. c.
Conversation 3: d. c. a. e. o.
5Verbs that go with time
5 Oh no!
l.tal<es 2.have 3.arrange 4.have 5.spent 6.'s
l. spilt 2. lost 3. left 4. forgotten 5. cut
7. dropped
6. torn
7 Everyday things
l. dustpanand brush 2. stapler 3. envelope 4. corkscrew
5. needle 6. rubber 7. torch 8. knife
8 I'm thinking of ...
6 I'll always remember it
l . B 2 . A 3 . 8 4 .C
5.A 6.4
8 .D
9 .C
l 0 .C
7 Special days
L my birthday 2. Independence
Day 3.ValentinelDay
4. weddinganniversary 5. publicholiday
l.e. 2.f. 3.a. 4.b. 5.d. 6.c.
8 | hope
9 Explaining decisions
l. pass 2. get 3. lose 4. win 5. likes 6. isnt 7. doesnt
rain 8. isnt delayed
l. use 2. burn 3. falling 4. repair 5. breakingdown
6. park 7. get on with 8. contact
9 Time expressions
l0 Questions and answers
L minute 2. sometime 3. other 4. tomorrow
6. week
5. in
f.e. 2.f. 3.b. 4.e. 5.a. 6.d. 7.c.
l0 What are they going to do?
I lWhich
one?That one!
Lb. 2.e. 3.d. 4.a. 5.c.
l. the one 2. the ones 3.Thefirst one 4.Theseones
5.The ones 6.Theseones 7.The one 8. the one
| | Key word: look
l2 Key words for writing: but and though
l. lool< 2. looking 3. look 4. a lool< 5. look 6. looking
7. a lool< 8. lool<
l. but 2. but 3. though 4. though 5. though 6. but
l3 Writing e-mails
B u y i n gt h i n g s
L thank you 2. send 3. love 4. congratulations 5. but
6. though 7. E-mail 8. best
l4 Starting letters and e-mails
l. lookingfor
6. sorry
l. trainers 2. swimsuit 3. bracelet 4.T-shirt
5. sunglasses 6. boots 7. coat 8. suit and tie
2. studying 3. doing 4- moved 5. thanks
g$sffi Timesand dates
I Do you know what the time is?
l. lt's a quarter past eight.
2. lt's half (past)four.
3. ltt ten to seven.
4. lt's twenty to nine.
5. lt's just gone eleven.
6. ltt almost half (past) one.
7. lt's almost a quarter to five.
8. lcs iust qone a ouarter Dasttwo.
2 Describing people
2. the / that short guy with the dark hair
3. the / that guy with the dark glassesand the long coat
4.the / that thin woman with the blond hair
5. the / that fat guy with the tight jeans standingover there
6. the / that woman with the long brown hair at the table
by the window
7.the / that tall man with the glassestalkingto the black
3 Conversation
9. lt's almost twenty past five.
l.Arethey newl 2.Theyreallysuityou. 3.to beginwith
4.TheyVegot a saleon 5. I just couldnt resist them 6. I can
imagine 7. reducedfrom 65 S.Whereaboutsexactly f. its
about halfwaydown 10.thanks for telling me
2 Conversation
4 | got it in the sale
l. going 2. might 3. no 4. does 5. later 6. own 7.want
8. shall 9. could | 0. about I l. sounds | 2. time | 3. gone
l . h a l f - p r i c e 2 . r e d u c e df r o m 3 . g e t o n e f r e e 4 . s p e c i a l
offer,off 5. staff discount 6. ten per cent 7. sell-by-date
5 | need to do some housework
4 Infinitives of purpose
l. washing 2. shopping 3. ironing 4. hoovering 5. tidying
up 6. repairs
| . b. 2. g. 3. a. 4. h. 5. f. 6. e. 7. c. 8. d.
5 Conversation (2)
6 Enough
2. I left my last job becausethe money wasnt good enougn.
3. I d like to get a ticket for the concert, but I dont have
enough money.
4.This doesnt taste right. lt's not sweet enough.
5. I didnt finish my homework. I didnt havec1elgh time.
6.The publictransport here is terrible!There arent enough
busesor trains!
7.-['mafraid I cant playtennis today.I don't feel well enough.
8. I dont really like this kind of music.lt's not fast enough.
7 | can't! lt's too big.
l.e. 2.h. 3.a. 4.b. 5.f. 6.c. 7.e. 8.d.
8 Not enough
l. tall 2. big 3. good 4. clever 5. brave 6. rich 7.fit
8. long
9 Asking negative questions
I.actually 2.upset 3.awful 4.do 5.kind 6.take
7. sounds 8. see
6 | had a really late night
l.b. 2.a. 3.f. 4.c. 5.e. 6.d. 7.k. 8.g. 9.t. t0.h.
I l. i. t2.i.
7 Talking about sleeping
l. fell asleep 2. had nightmares 3. went to bed 4. stay
awake 5. overslept,wake up 6. asleep
8 Can't / couldnt
l.d. 2.9. 3.c. 4.f. 5.h. 6.e. 7.a. 8.b.
about you?
l. I didnt, actually.I got woken up three or four times by the
2. Oh, I'm OK. thanks.
3. l'm meetinga friend,actually.I havent seen her for ages.
l.e 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.b 6.t
4. I went to Berlin with my wife, actually.We only got back
home at twelve last night.
l0 Key words for writing: olso,too and os well
5. Oh, I havent really been doing much,actually.Thingshave
beenquite quiet.
a. well b. long c. ages d. in e. back f.Things
l. I study very hard,but I like playinggolf too.
2. I like readingand writing, and I also do photography.
3. I go out a lot, but I like stayingin and readingas well.
4. I havea degreein computer scienceand I also have
a Mastert in businessmanagement.
S.There are lots of caf6sand oubs near where I live ana
there's a big cinemaas well.
6.The universityhas a large library and a sports centre,and
it also has a modern conferencecentre.
2.As well as liking readingand writing, I do photography.
3.As well as going out a lot, I like stayingin and reading.
4.As well as havinga degree in computer science,I havea
Master'sin businessmanagement.
5.As well as there being lots of caf6sand pubs near where I
live,therei a big cinema.
6.As well as havinga large library and a sports centre,the
universityhas a modern conferencecentre.
| | Writing
- personal statements
l. want ?o,interested 3. taught myself 4. free time
5. first prii:e 6. too 7. especially 8. specialistcourses
I I'm a bit fed up
l. my English 2. my mum and dad 3. the weather 4. my job
5. the weather 6. the flat we're renting 7. these classes
8. my English 9. my mum and dad 10.my job | | . the flat
we're renting 12.these classes
2 Conversation (l)
f. d. b. e. a. h. c. g.
l0 Good news
l. married 2. exams 3. promoted 4. birthday 5. visa
6. holiday 7. place 8. best friend
l.e. 2.b. 3.a. 4.f. 5.c. 6.e. 7.d. 8.h
ffi schoolandstudying
I Your academic career
l. graduated 2. Master's 3. degree 4. job 5. secondary
school 6. university 7. leaves 8. do 9. primary schools
10.left I l. do 12.go 13.Master's 14.PhD
2 Conversation
l . B 2 . D 3 . A 4 . C 5 . A 6 .C 7 . D 8 .C
3 Going to
l . b . 2 . a . 3 . d . 4 . c . 5.g. 6. h. 7.f. 8.e.
4 Going to or might
l. are (you) going to do, 'm / am goingto starr 2.'s / is going
to fail,might pass 3. are (you) goingto do,'m / am going to
study,might take,'m / am (definitely)not going to go 4.'m I
am goingto stay,'m / am goingto see,might want
a. offered b. away c. behind d. catch e. spare
5 Studying at university
a. rewrite
b. apply to c. pay back d. find e. retake f. give
l. lecture,fell 2. exam,taking 3. university,dropped out
4. term, term 5. essay,started
i. sure j. nice k. very l. bit m. all
5 Could you just ... ?
3 Questions and answers
l.c. 2.a. 3.b. 4.e. 5.d. 6.i. 7.g. 8.f. 9.h. t0.i.
l . b u g , s i c k 2 . b a d , d a y s 3 . p a i n k i l l e r s , b e t t e4r . h o s p i t a l , f i n e
5. weak, easy
7 Key words for writing: even though and olthough
9Vocabulary: getting a job
l. I got the job eventhough I didn't haveany experience.
2. I got a job in Japaneven though I didnt speakany Japanese.
3. Eventhough I didnt study,I passedmy exam.
L thing,office work 2. interested,the job 3. an application
form, details 4. fill in, company 5. an interview,brilliant
6. the interview,hope 7. offer,start 8. the job, celebrate
4. Eventhough I handedin my applicationform late,they gave
me an interview.
S.They'regoing to move to ltaly even though they dont speak
Italianand they haven'tgot any work there.
ln sentences1,4 and 6 you can only use although.
In 2, 3 and 5
you can use both.
8 Writing
l. shame 2. advice 3. quit 4. find 5. with
7.at 8. qualifications
I What was the restaurant like?
l. spicy 2. portions 3. choice 4. full 5. food, waiters
6. empty
2There's a nice place...
6. experience
3 Conversation
Work and jobs
l. a 2. get 3. mind 4. corner 5. for 6. like 7. else 8. in
9. like | 0. lots I l. sure | 2. anything | 3. Shall | 4. up
I Questions and answers
1.6. 2.d. 3.a. 4.e. 5.c. 6.i. 7.h. 8.f. f.i.
4 Refusing food and drink
l. I'm reallyfull.
2. I don't drink.
3. I'm on a diet.
2 Conversation
l. Are you working or studyingor what?
2. what do you do?
4. I mustn't haveany more.
5. I dont really like anythingspicy.
3. Do you enloy it?
4. Do you haveto work weekends?
5. And do you get much holiday?
6. I dont really like anythingsweet.
7. I've just had one.
6. do you haveto travel very far to work?
7. what about you?
8. I wont be able to sleeo.
9. I couldnt eat anotherthing.
3 Do you enjoy your job?
l. haveto 2. don't haveto 3. dont haveto
5. dont haveto 6. dont haveto
I. seafood 2. ouite a lot 3. Greek Street 4. me 5. work
6. quite cheap 7. a buffet for lunch 8. outside
5 Some and ony
4. haveto
4 | have to ...
l.c. 2.e. 3.b. 4.a. 5.f. 6.d.
| . some,some 2.Any,any 3. any 4. any,some 5. any,some,
any 6. some 7. any,some 8. some,any,any
6 lrregular past simple
5 lobs
l. bent,tore 2. fell,felt 3. broke, had,cost 4. went, ate, felt
5. wrote, put, sent,tore, saw told
l. designer 2. instructor 3. manager 4. driver 5. guard
7 Restaurant vocabulary
5 Compound nouns
l.e. 2.a. 3.h. 4.b. 5.c. 6.9. 7.d. 8.f.
l.football 2.ticket 3.book 4.alarm 5.car
I Food: ways of cooking
a. car crash b. fire alarm c. football shirt d. ticket machine
e. textbook f. car mechanic g. bookshelf h. football stadium
chopped G grilled B boiled D roasted H fried J
mashedI squeezedC steamedA toasted F sliced E
7 My job
l.Toasted,chopped 2. Steamed,roasted 3. Grilled,mashed
4. boiled 5. squeezed 6. sliced
l. sack& 2. flexible 3. times 4. earn 5. take 6. daysoff
7. easy 8. little 9. collbge 10.leave I l. get 12.over
13.hours l4.afternoons 15.published 16.novel lT.Apart
f r o m l S . l o n g l 9 . s t r e s s f u l2 0 . a l l 2 l . d y i n g
22. paperwork 23. equipment 24. well-paid
9 Key words for writing: then and so
L so 2. and then 3. so 4.Then 5. so 6.Then,and then
7. so 8. and then
8 Present perfect
l0Writing: recipes
|. Have (you) been to (our country before?)
2. Have (you) travelled (round Europe much?)
3. Have (you) seen (any good films recently?)
l. First 2.While 3. and then 4. so 5.After 6.Then
7. until 8. Finally
4. Have (you) heard (the new Bobby Zamora CD?)
5. Have (you) had (much experienceof this kind of workl)
6. Have (you) taken (anythingfor it?)
7. Have (you) played(this game before?)
8. Have (you ever) eaten (snake?)
l.c. 2.a. 3.1. 4.b. 5.d. 6.9. 7.h. 8.e.
i. about j. like k. rubbish l. easy m. quick
I QuestionS we ask about families
l.h. 2.c. 3.9. 4.b. 5.e. 6.a. 7.d. 8.f.
2 Married
l. engaged,
the big day 2. marry 3. get married 4. extended
5. reception 6. separated,divorce 7. immediate 8. registry
3 Conversation
l. are you doing 2.
/ am goinground 3. does she live
4. does she do 5. works 6. older 7. older 8. more
organised 9. havebeenmarried 10.will be
4 Describing what people are like
6. Could you tell me how long the course lastsl
7. Could you tell me if the coursebooksare includedin the
8. Could you tell me who I need to speakto about the
5 Can / could
l. Shet very funny.
2. He's a bit shy.
3. He's reallynice.
l. cant 2. couldnt 3. could 4. cant 5. can 6. couldnt
7. could 8. can i could 9. can't
4. He's very generous.
TTravel compound nouns
5. She'sa bit ouiet.
6. He's very honest.
l.f. 2.g. 3.6. 4.h. 5.a. 6.d. 7.e. 8.c.
l. traffic jam 2. travel card 3. roadworks 4. main road
5. car parks 6. transport system 7. rush hour 8. car
insurance 9. return ticket | 0. side street I l. transport
system 12.main road | 3. sidestreet 14.car insurance
| 5. car parks | 6. roadworks | 7. traffic jam I g. travel card
5 Comparatives
STravel conversations
l. older 2. more hard-working 3. quieter 4. taller
5. younger 6. more relaxed 7. fitter 8. lazier 9. more open
10.more serious
7. Shet very relaxed.
8. She'sreallyfit.
a. find b. all c. goes d. worl< e. career
6 My family
l. c
2 . A 3 .D
c. a. b. d.
d. c. b. a.
c. a. d. b.
b. a. d. c.
b. e. c. a. d. g. f.
9 Key words for writing: when and until
4 . A 5 . A 6 .C
8 . A 9 .C
t 0 .D
7 Collocations
l. until 2.When 3. when 4. until 5. when 6. until
7. when 8. when 9. until 10.until
l.d. 2.b. 3.f. 4.e. 5.a. 6.c.
l0 Writing - giving directions
I Expressions with friend
| . just good friends 2. a friend of a friend 3. is it OK if I
bring a friend 4. my friends from university 5. made any
friends 6. my friend from Peru 7. a few close friends
l.Take 2. come out of
6. Seeyou
l. come out of
6. see you
9 Died of / died in
l. war
2. overdose 3. cancer 4. sleep,age S.A|DS
3. cost 4. keep going 5. arong
2. keep going 3. along 4. take 5. cost
l0 The internet and computers
I When was the last time?
l. download 2. on-line 3. check,sent,answer,receive
4. damage,crashed 5. go, memoer
l.h. 2.b. 3.d. 4.e. 5.f. 6.a. 7.c. 8.g.
ffi c"tting"round
2 Conversation
l.do 2.see 3.good 4.lot 5.once 6.hardly T.kindl
sort 8. mainly/ mostly 9. not 10.time
I Around town
3 Adding information
l. subway 2. crossing 3. monumenr 4. lights,church
5. iunction,signs 6. bridge 7. roundabout 8. stadium
2. I stayedin and watched a / this programme,HollyOok about
2Verbs f6r giving directions
| . d. 2. a. 3. b. 4. c. 5. e, 6. g. 7. h. 8. f.
3 Conversation
l. know 2.way 3. idea 4. round 5. area 6. again 7. place
8. somewhere 9. sure 10.Follow I I. straight 12.until
| 3. there | 4. get | 5. hope
4You're best ... -ing
3. l'm readinga / this book, lJpsideDown,aboutAustralia.
4. I went to a / this restaurant,Lalibella,inTufnell Park.
5. I went to see a / this new film, DownWth Love,with my
6. I went to see a / this exhibition,Ihe New rl4odernists,
at the
Tate Gallery.
4 Do you do that a lot?
I.go 2.use 3.see 4.wear 5.cook 6.work 7.take
8. leave
l. taking the bus 2. going by coach 3. taking the rube
4. getting a taxi 5. getting the rrain 6. e-mailing 7. going to
8. talkingto
5 Who do you support?
5 Indirect questions
l.e. 2.a. 3.f. 4.d. 5.g. 6.b. 7.c.
I. Could you tell me where the toilet is?
2. Could you tell me what time the classstarts?
6 Cup or league?
3. Could you tell me what stop I need to get off at?
4. Could you tell me how much the rickersare?
5. Could you tell me if there are any placesleft on the course?
I l.L tz.c
l.b. 2.a. 3.c. 4.e. 5.f. 6.h. 7.9. 8.d.
2.L 3.1 4.C 5.1 6.C 7.C 8.1 9.1 t0.L
7 Superlatives (l)
l. fittest 2. oldest 3. laziest 4. tallest 5. nicest 6. easiest
7. most interesting 8. youngest 9. most relaxed 10.most
t . B 2 . D 3 . A 4 . A 5 . C 6 . B 7 . D 8 .B 9 . A t 0 .C
ffiflrSWhat was it like?
8 Superlatives (2)
I Good times, bad times
l.e. 2.a. 3.f. 4.b. 5.S. 6.c. 7.h. 8.d.
l . e . 2 .f . 3 .d . 4 . b . 5 . c . 6 .a . 7 . l . 8 . i . f . i .
9 Photos
1 0 .g .
l.taking 2,press 3.thezoom 4.closer 5.further 6.fit
7. smile 8. take 9. light 10.Cheese
greac 2, 3, 6, 9, | 0 and | |
t e r r i b l e :| , 4 , 5 , 7, 8 a n d | 2
l0 Present simple for talking about the future
2 Conversation
I. leaves 2. gets into
7. lasts
3. finish 4. start 5. is 6. kicks off
l. for 2. mine 3. think 4. Most 5. couple 6. like 7. such
8. about 9. much | 0. spend I l. ever | 2. went / was
| | Know howto
3 Talking about your experiences
l. how to develop 2. how to drive 3. how to ski 4. how to
serve 5. how to set up 6. how to boil 7. how to play
8. how to get
Conversation l: c, e, a, d, b
Conversation 2: l. time 2. day 3. actually 4. think
5. tasted 6. nice
Conversation 3: L ever Z.for 3. doing 4. studying
5. speak 6. going 7. there 8. first 9.Whereabouts
| 0. travel
to stay
ffi Places
I Using vocabulary: places to stay
4 Answering Hove you ever ... ? questions
l. c. 2. f. 3. b. 4. a. 5. e. 6. d.
l. No, never,but I'd love to.
i.stove i. room k.site l.twisted
2 Booking a room in a hotel
|. take 2. booking 3. paying 4. number 5. expiry 6. on
7. booked 8. forward 9. confirmationI proot 10.with
I l . w a i t 1 2 .b e e n
3 First conditionals
l. give,want 2.'ll go,like 3.'ll take,like 4.'ll make,like
5. do, have 6. come,haveto 7. help,find 8. will be,
dont buy 9. will (just)get worse,dont do 10.will sellout,
dont get
4 Hardly
|. hardly ever 2. hardly eaten 3. hardly anyone 4.hzrdly
breathe 5. Hardly anything 6. hardly any 7. hardly done
8. hardly hear
5 Almost everyone / hardly anyone
l. every 2. all 3. any 4. all 5. any 6. no
7. always
6 Key word: stoy
stayedup late,stay in all day,stayscool, stayedin bed all
staytill the
morning,stayfor dinner,how long are you staying?,
end,where are you staying?,
staythe night,it won't stay on,
what time does that bar stay open till?,everythingjust stays
the same
I stayedin bed all morning 2 staytill the end
3. stayedup late 4. stay in all day 5. staythe night
6. stayscool 7. it wont stay on 8. everythingjust staysthe
same 9. stayfor dinner 10.Where are you staying?
I l.What time doesthat bar stayopen till? 12.How long are
you staying?
7 As long as
l.f. 2.a. 3.b. 4.e. 5.8. 6.h. 7.d. 8.c.
8 Keywords for writing: becouse of and despite
l. becauseof
6. becauseof
2. No, never,but I've alwayswanted to.
3. No, never,but it's supposedto be brilliant.
4. No, never,but I've never reallywanted to.
5.Yes,I have,actually,but I didnt really like it.
6.Yes,I have,actually,but l'm not sure I d do it again.
7.Yes,I have,actually- quite a few times.
8.Yes,I have,actually.lt was a couple of years ago now
5 He's always complaining!
l. g.,i. 2. d.,h. 3. c.,e. 4. a.,j. 5. b.,f.
6 Expressions with hove
a. I had this horriblevirus. b.We had a greattime. c. I had
an argument. d. Do you want to go and havesomethingto
eat? e. I had a terrible time. f. Haveyou had anythingto eat?
g. I had an appointment. h. I haven'thad anythingto eat.
i. I had to havethe whole week off. j. I had a big breakfast.
l. we had a great time 2. I had a terrible time 3. Have you
had anythingto eat?,I haven'thad anythingto eat. 4. I had this
horrible virus, I had to havethe whole week off 5. Do you
want to go and havesomethingto eat? 6. I had a big
breal<fast 7. I had an argument 8. I had an appointment
7 Asking what things are like.
f.c. 2.e. 3.d. 4.b. 5.a. 6.9. 7.f.
i. very j. get k. much l. cramped
8 Asking longer questions
2. (What was that) hotel you stayedin in Naples (like?)
3. (What's that) guy you playtennis with (like?)
4. (What's that) companyyour brother works for (like?)
S.Whatt the area you've moved to like?
6.What was that party (you went to) at Colint (house) like?
7.What was that playyou went to see last weel<like?
8.What was that Chineserestaurantyou and your boyfriend
went to last week like?
2. despite 3. becauseof 4. despite 5. despite
7. desoite 8. becauseof
ffi wr,attonz
5 Summarising expressions
l . e m b a r r a s s i n g2 . a n n o y i n g 3 . f u n n y 4 . h o r r i b l e
Lb 2.a 3.d 4.c
5. frightening 6. amazing 7. depressing g. disgusting
5.f. 6.e. 7.h. 8.g
I Films
l.f. 2.c. 3.e. 4.a. 5.b. 6.d.
2 Conversation
l. planned 2. seeing 3. supposed 4. last 5. else 6. really
7. do 8. about 9. review | 0. on | | . where | 2. shall
| 3. something 14.there 15.'ll
3 Questions about films and programmes
l. Whot it by? 2. Who's in it? 3. Where'sit on?
4. What's on? 5. What time's it on? 6. Who's it by?
7. What time's it on? 8. Whatt it about? 9. Whatt it aboutl
l0.Wheret it on? ll.Whatl on? l2.Whos in it,
4 Famous people
l. presents 2. plays 3. made 4. paints 5. writes
6. invented 7. leads 8. develooed
6 -ed l-ing adjectives
|. interested 2. frightening 3. annoyed 4. frightened
5. bored 6. excited 7. boring 8. exciting 9. annoyrng
| 0. interesting
7 Texting
| . ala 2. oic
8. b4n
3. xlnt
4. ltns 5. atm 6. afda 7.wan2
9. gr8 news | 0. cu l8r | | . it's ezi 12.thx 4 the info
1 3 .r u o k ? 1 4 .m y o b 1 5 .c u 2 n i t e 1 6 .i t ' su p 2 u 1 7 . c u
2moro 18.can u do it asap?
8 Reporting speech (l)
5 Meeting a famous person
l.c. 2.e. 3.b. 4.a. 5.d. 6.i. 7.i. 8.h. 9.f. t0.g.
9 Reporting speech (2)
3 .C
4 . A 5 .B 6 .B 7 . A 8 .D
6 TV and video
| . turn the TV up 2. turn ove6 record 3. set the video
4. rewind 5.turn theTV down 6.turn theTV on,turned it
TWhat does it say in theTV guide?
l.bad (dull means'borrng) 2. good (horror films should be
scary!) 3.good (fascinatingmeans'veryinteresting)
5. good (dramasshould be moving!) 6. bad 7.bad 8. good
The key words are: dull,(genuinely)scory,foscinoting,b ritlionT
moving,dreadful, (very) over-rated and enjoyoble.
8 The passive or active?
l. was delayed 2. was cancelled 3. cancel,was stolen 4. be
picked up 5. happened 6. was caught 7. caught 8. got
woken up 9. stars 10.was directed
9 Key words for writing: if, whol how, where and when
l. how z.'tt 3. what time 4. what 5. if 6. if 7. how much
8. how many 9. how long 10.which | | . if 12.wnen
l0 Writing
letters of enquiry
l. further information 2. to your website 3. doesnt say
4. wanted to know 5. worried 6. find out 7. clarify g. look
forward tB
l. (My wife told) me to say hello.
2. flens told) me to saythanks for all your help.
3. (Clare told) me to tell you not to be late tonight.
4. (Staceytold) me to tell you she'll be late tomorrow.
5. (Lingtold) me to saygood luck with your drivingtest.
6. (Pascaltold) me to ask you if you could phone him tonight.
7. (l saw Diga last week and she) was telling me they're going
to move house next year.
l0Talking about crimes
l. stolen,have 2. stolen,phoned 3. happen,took
happen 5. broke, stole 6. steal,put
4. tried,
I Key word: foll
He fell off his bil<eand broke his arm.
I fell asleepafter lunch.
The handlehas fallenoff one of the drawers.
I fell over in the oark.
The price of digitalcamerashas fallen quite a lot.
Shefell down the stairs.
Her first tooth fell out yesterday.
They were going to build a new school but the plansfell
I'm fallingbehind with my EnglishbecauselVe misseoso many
I Keyword:phone
My shoesare fallingapart.
l . d . 2 . a . 3 . e . 4 . b . 5 .c . 6 . i . 7 . f . 8 . j . 9 . g . t O . h .
k. call L on m. on n. in o. book
l.off 2.asleep 3.apart 4.behind 5.off 6.througn
2 Conversation
2 What a stupid mistake!
l . b . 2 . e . 3 .d . 4 . a . 5 . c .
l. there 2. name 3. same 4. told 5. say 6. help 7. few
8. able 9. spare 10.time I l. give 12.thank
3 Conversation
3 Answering the phone
2.'ll 3.'s 4. might 5. might,might 6. l, might
l . t h i n k 2 . n a s t y / b a d 3 . h a p p e n e d4 . c a r e f u l 5 . M a y b e i
Perhaps 6. Iooked 7. be 8. like 9. have/ get | 0. with
I l . r i g h t 1 2 .y o u | 3 . m i n d 1 4 .c a n
4 Prepositions
4 Have it done
| . in 2. on 3. out
9.on l0.at
4. off
5. in 6. out
7. of| L between
I . b. 2. a. 3. d. 4. c. 5. C. 6. h. 7. f. 8. e.
i. taken j. flush k. through l. record, out m. work
5 Be careful
5Word check (l)
l. burn 2. cut 3. bump 4. drop 5. hurt 6. fall 7.bite
l.d. 2.b. 3.f. 4.c. 5.a. 6.e.
5 Past simple and continuous (l)
l. was lifting,happened 2. was playing 3. was driving,went
off 4. fell off 5. was trying 6. walked
7 Past simple and continuous (2)
l. burnt / burned 2. was carrying 3. bumped 4. went
5. broke 6. was tidying 7. was doing 8. knocked 9. landed
10.laughed I l. told
8 Apologising
l. happened,worry 2. repaired,silly 3. going,Let 4. clumsy,
Forget 5. doing,fault 6. new,purpose
9 Reporting verbs (l)
l.f. 2.h. 3.a. 4.9. 5.c. 6.d. 7.b. 8.e.
5 Word check (2)
l. introduce 2. get 3. pay 4. key in 5. make 6. save
7. catch 8. join
7 Must
l. (Listen,I must go) or I'll be late.
2. (Listen,I must go) or l'll miss my flight.
3. (Listen,I must go) or my parentswill start to worry.
4. (Listen,I must go.) My sisteris cookingdinnerfor me
5. (Listen,I must go.) I'm meetingsome friendsof mine at six.
6. (Listen,I must go.)There'sa documentaryon TV Id like to
watch. ORThere's a documentary ld like to watch on TV.
7. (Listen,I must go.) l've got a doctor's appointmentin half an
8. (Listen,I must go.) I've got lots of work to do tonight.
l0 Reporting verbs (2)
l. complained 2. advised 3. warned 4. suggested 5. blamed
6. checked 7. insisted 8 offered
8 Machines and technology
l.c. 2.a. 3.d. 4.b. 5.f. 6.e. 7.g.
| | Keywords for writing: when and while
9 Compound nouns
2. correct
l. potato peeler 2. tin opener 3. pencilsharpener
4. cheesegrater 5. lemon squeezer 6. nail-polishremover
7. bottle opener 8. coat hanger
3. correct
5.While we were havingdinner,...
4. correct
6. I was lyingon the floor playingwith my child when
t h e p h o n er a n g . . .
7. My brother was chasingme when I fell over ...
l0 Problems (2)
|. leaking 2. turn (the heating)up 3. out of order
4. making 5.Turn (theTV) on 6.turn (the heating)down
7. crashing 8. working
8. correct
| 2 Writing
l. c
3 .D
5 .D
7.A 8.A
I Borcow and lend
l. borrow 2. lend 3. lend 4. borrow 5. borrow 6. lent
7. lend,borrowed
I Problems (l)
2 Spending time and money
l . b . ,e . 2 . c . ,g . 3 . a . , 1 . 4 . d . , h .
l. watching 2. a fortune 3. all day 4. a few pounds
5. looking 6. trying 7. studying
2 Conversation
L doing 2. lost 3. one / replacement 4. remember
5. other 6. handed/ given 7. pzin 8. must 9. luck | 0. sort
3 Askirig present perfect questions
l. Have (you) asked 2. Have (you) thought 3. Have (you)
taken 4. Have (you) reported 5. Have (you) looked 6. Have
(you) been 7. Have (you) spoken 8. Have (you) phoned,told
l . g . 2 . h . 3 . a . 4 . b . 5 .e . 6 . f . 7 . c .
4 Key word: sort out
L lt'll sort itself out
2. He needsto sort his life out
3. I still havent sorted out that problem with my computer
4. Have you sorted out a visa?
5. I needto sort out this-dirtywashing
6. I'm trying to sort out my holiday
7. I need to sort out my things ro take
8. Did you sort out your problem with the passport?
9. I need to sort out my papers
10. I'm just goingto sort out the house
3 Conversation
l. for 2. about 3. matter 4. left 5.pay 6. back 7. whole
8. lend 9. mind 10.cash I l. pay 12.hurry / rush
4 Making offers
l. f. 2. e. 3. d. 4. b. 5. a. 6. c.
5 Banks
l. change 2. open 3. take out 4. transfer 5. make
6. cancel 7. change 8. get 9. pay | 0. close
6 Money vocabulary
l.e. 2.9. 3.d. 4.b. 5.f. 6.a. 7.h. 8.c.
7 Charge and cost
l. cost 2. charge 3. cost 4. charge 5. cost 6. charge
7. charge,charge,cost L cost
8 Comparing prices
l. loaf 2. bottle
8. oint
3. pacl<et 4. can 5. tube 6. bar 7. pair
9 Keyword:poy
l0 Used to (l)
l.bill 2.phone 3.back,get 4.Howcash,by 5.into 6.for
a. treat b. short c. until d. get e. afraid f. sales
l. always 2. never 3. never 4. always 5. never 6. always
7. always 8. never 9. never | 0. always
f 0 Key words for writing:
a. hold b. offer c. language d. wear e. break
however,but and although
l. I havewritten severaltimes to complain.However,you nave
still not replied.
2. I ordered a DVD from your website,but I havestill not
received it.
3.Although the DVD player I ordered was finallydelivered
' yesterday,one part is
missing.ORThe DVD player I ordered
was finallydeliveredyesterday,althoughone part is missing.
4.According to your brochure,the teachersare very
experienced.However,some of them havenever taught
5. I phoned yesterday,but you werent in the office.
l. complain 2. received 3. ordered 4. claimed 5. help-line
6.According 7. enough 8. earliest
I Conversation
l. down 2. while 3. mess 4. unemployment 5. cost
6. earn 7.paid 8. quality 9. till 10.run
2 How long questions
l. For 2.Till 3.for 4. Since,for
5.Till 6. for.since
3Yoi.rr country
l. closingdown 2. doing (very) well
5. strong 6. good
3. low 4. high
society is like
l . b . 2 . a . 3 . e . 4 . d . 5 . c . 6 . h . 7 . f . 8 . j . 9 . g . 1 0 .i .
5 Time expressions
l. over the last few years
2. over the last three or four months
3. over the last couple of weeks
4. over the last two or three days
5. since I was a kid
6 . s i n c eI w a s 1 3 o r 1 4
7. since I graduatedfrom university
8. since I gfflrted working here
6 Describing changes
l. has gone down 2. has gone up 3. is getting 4. has got
5. has improved 6. is getting 7. He's getting 8. She'slooking
9. I'm 10.I've been
7 News stories
l. going on strike 2. charity 3. the environment
4. vegetarian 5. trade unions 6. the economy 7. housework
8. designerclothes 9. partner | 0. retire
STalking about society
Lc. 2.6. 3.f. 4.d. 5.a. 6.e.
9Talking about people you know
L e y e s , g l a s s e s2 . i m m a t u r e , g r o w u p 3 . d e a i h e a r 4 . s h o r t ,
tall 5. memory,forgets 6. problems,trouble 7. wheelchair,
frail 8. age,grey
| | Used to (2)
l.f. 2.e. 3.b. 4.a. 5.c. 6.h. 7.d. 8.g.