St. Vincent Catholic Church
St. Vincent Catholic Church
St. Vincent Catholic Church Father Joe Pranzo The man with the outstretched arms of love For all St. Vincent’s people, Brazilian, Spanish and English. You worked to form us into a loving, caring community of faith. May God watch over you and hold you in His arms as you did all of us. God bless you always! The people of St. Vincent. Services in English Saturday Vigil Mass: Sunday Masses: Daily Masses: 4:30 pm 8:00 am & 11:15 am Monday thru Saturday 7:55 am; Monday 5:30 pm Holy Day Masses: 7:55 am, 10:00 am & 6:00 pm; no vigil Mass First Friday Adoration: 8:30 am - 12 Noon (Oct.-May) Confessions: Saturday 3:30-4:00 pm; by appointment Rosary: Monday thru Saturday 7:25 am; Monday 5 pm Novena Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Mon. 6 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet: Friday 3 pm Servicios en Español Domingo Misa en Español: 1:00 pm Misa los Miércoles y todos los primeros Viernes del mes: a las 7:30 pm Confesiones:Miércoles de 6:30 pm - 7:25 pm en la oficina y media hora antes de la Misa Dominical. Serviços em Português Sábado Missa: 7:30 pm Domingo Missa: 9:30 am e 7:00 pm Missas Semanais: Terça e Quinta-feira 7:30 pm Adoração ao Santissimo Sacramento: Quinta-feira 8:00pm-10:00 pm Confissão: Sábado 7:00 pm-7:30 pm Domingo 6:30 pm-7:00 pm June 1, 2014 • 1 de Junio de 2014 • 1 de Junho de 2014 OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 6350 NW 18 Street, Margate, FL 33063-2320 Ph 954-972-0434 • Fax 954-971-9411 e-mail: [email protected] web site: Rev. Joseph F. Pranzo CS Pastor Rev. Messias Albuquerque Parochial Vicar Jane M. Gammon Sacristan Carole Boisselle Office Manager Ana Stein Administrative Assistant Luz Peña Bookkeeper Gloria Bernier Bulletin Editor Sr. Maria Thengumthottathil, sabs Director of Religious Education Mrs. Marie Hurley Co-Director of Religious Education Juliana Bendetti Director of Religious Education, Brazilians Fred Schweitzer RCIA Coordinator, English Gerald Corbin Music Director, English Patricia Maher Music Director, English Carlos Agudelo Music Director, Spanish MAY 31 - 4:30 PM Lector: Maurice Leone Extraordinary Ministers: Jack Morell, Gwen Morell, Terry Turner, Diane Hebisen, Pam Asselin Altar Servers: Ushers: D. Leone, M. Leone Dennis Phenix, Sean Toner, Loretta Marotta JUNE 1 - 8:00 AM MASS Lector: Janet Stone Extraordinary Ministers: Georgette Giannuzzi, Dorothy Adams, Pat Kelly, Fred Schweitzer, Suzanne Schweitzer Altar Servers: Ushers: M. DeFazio Rich Popovic, Don Hefta, Angelo Sardo, George Hudak, Alessandro Carbonara JUNE 1 - 11:15 AM MASS Lector: Evalina Van Lengen Extraordinary Ministers: Cathy Gearing, Rusty Vets, Ray Alea, Ray Young, Evalina Van Lengen, Pam Asselin, Jane Gammon Altar Servers: Ushers: 1 DE G. Russo Dan Pawlusiak, Sam Battaglia, Alan Roos, John Carcich JUNIO - LA MISA DE 1:00 PM Ministros Extraordinarions: Yudy Gangi, Pedro Gangi, Maria Luisa Sierra, Maria Roldan, Nelson Roldan, Martin Narcizo MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY - MAY 31 4:30 PM †Jerry Poalise By loving wife AND †Edward Hotte By his family AND †Evelyn Fabis By friends at Affordable Home Care. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. SUNDAY - JUNE 1 8:00 AM †Patricia Makowski By Luise Kobus & Gene AND For the People. 9:30 AM Missa em Português. 11:15 AM †Margaret Lapolla By M.D. Coats. 1:00 PM Misa en Español. 7:00 PM Missa em Português. MONDAY - JUNE 2 7:55 AM †Richard Ferina By Bess Fassig-Bayer AND Deceased members of the Lherisson, Leroy & Rocourt families By family. 5:30 PM For the People. 6:00 PM NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP. TUESDAY - JUNE 3 7:55 AM †Tom Goodwin By Tom & Eileen Brady AND Holy Souls in Purgatory & Health for Rose Giuliano By Rose & Michael Giuliano AND Thanksgiving Mass for 63rd Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Michael Giuliano By Mr. & Mrs. Giuliano. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. WEDNESDAY - JUNE 4 7:55 AM For the People. 7:30 PM Misa en Español. THURSDAY - JUNE 5 7:55 AM †Edith Cooke By Maureen Spiezia. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. FIRST FRIDAY - JUNE 6 7:55 AM †Dodie Brown By Betsy Jordan. 3:00 PM Divine Mercy. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. FIRST SATURDAY - JUNE 7 7:25 AM Rosary for the Unborn. 7:55 AM For the People. 4:30 PM †Thomas Keenan By loving wife, Pat AND Special Intentions of Fr. Joseph Pranzo By parish AND For the People. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. SUNDAY - JUNE 8 8:00 AM †Fannie & †Joseph (Jess) Caputo By daughter, Adrienne & family. 9:30 AM Missa em Português. 11:15 AM †Paula Dillon By Larry Guardiani AND †Betty Landi & the 3 sisters By Herbert Landi AND †Thomas Newhard (Happy Birthday in Heaven) By his wife. 1:00 PM †Rene Offerrall By Myriam & family. 7:00 PM Missa em Português. Father Joe’s Corner The Ascension of the Lord The Final Commission, as this Gospel is sometimes called, is given on the mountaintop. Throughout Scripture, the most important events happen on the mountaintop. Earlier in Matthew's Gospel, Peter, James, and John had seen Jesus transfigured on the mountaintop. Also in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus taught the crowds from the mountaintop in what we now call the Sermon on the Mount. Here we are told that the eleven disciples go the mountaintop in Galilee, as Jesus had instructed through Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. They see Jesus, and both worship and doubt at the same time. Jesus approaches them and commissions them to baptize and teach, "to make disciples of all nations." It is a task which Jesus had previously prepared his disciples for; recall that Jesus had sent the twelve apostles to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal. However, earlier the Twelve were sent only to the House of Israel; in this Final Commission, the eleven are told to go to "all nations." The mission of Jesus is now to be taken to all people; the task now is to baptize and to teach. Jesus commissions his disciples to baptize in the name of the Trinity, one of the clearest attestations found in Scripture for baptism in the name of the Trinity. In the Acts of the Apostles and in the Letters of Paul, baptism is more frequently offered "in the name of Jesus." The ending of Matthew's Gospel can be understood as the beginning of the Church. Jesus commissions his disciples to continue to teach in his name and to bring others into the community of disciples through baptism. The Gospel ends, as it had begun, with the promise that Jesus will continue to be Emmanuel, "God with us", for all eternity. Ascensión del Señor Fr. Joe La Comisiòn final, como este Evangelio he llamado algunas veces, se da en la cima de la montaña. A lo largo de la Escritura, los acontecimientos màs importante ocurren en la cima de la montaña. Anteriormente en el Evangelio de Mateo, Pedro, Santiago, y Juan habian visto a Jesùs transfigurado en la cima de la montaña. Tambièn en el Evangelio de Mateo, Jesùs enseña a las multitudes desde la cima de la montaña en lo que ahora llamamos el Sermòn de la Montaña. Aquì se nos dice que los once discìpulos van a la montaña de Galilea, como Jesùs habìa instruido por medio de Marìa Magdalena y la otra Marìa. Ellos ven a Jesùs, adoran y dudan al mismo tiempo. Jesùs se les acerca a ellos y les comisiona a bautizar y enseñar, “hacer discìpulos de todas las naciones.” Es una tarea para la que Jesùs previamente habìa preparado a sus discìpulos, recordemos que Jesùs habia enviado a los doces apòstoles a predicar el Reino de Dios y a curar. Sin embargo, a principios los Doces fueron enviados sòlo a la Casa de Israel; en esta Comision Final, los once se les dice ir a “todas las naciones.” La misiòn de Jesùs ahora es para ser llevada a todas las personas, la tarea ahora es bautizar y enseñar. Jesùs comisiona a sus discìpulos a bautizar en el nombre de la Trinidad, este es uno de los testimonios màs claro encontrado en la Escritura para el bautismo en el nombre de la Trinidad. En los Hechos de los Apòstoles y en las Cartas de Pablo, el bautismo se ofrece con màs frecuencia “en el nombre de Jesùs.” El final del Evangelio de Mateo se puede entender como el comienzo de la Iglesia. Jesùs comisiona a sus discìpulos a continuar enseñando en su nombre y traer a otros a la comunidad de los discìpulos por medio del bautismo. El Evangelio termina, como habìa empezado, con la promesa que Jesùs continuarà siendo Enmanuel, “Dios con nosotros”, por toda la eternidad. A Ascensão do Senhor P. Joe O envio final, como diz este Evangelho, é dado no topo da montanha. Em toda a Escritura, os eventos mais importantes acontecem no topo da montanha. Anteriormente no Evangelho de Mateus, Pedro, Tiago e João tinham visto Jesus transfigurado no topo da montanha. Também no Evangelho de Mateus, Jesus ensina a multidão do topo da montanha em que hoje chamamos o Sermão da Montanha. Aqui nos é dito que os onze discípulos foram ao topo da montanha da Galiléia, como Jesus havia instruído através de Maria Madalena e a outra Maria. Eles vêem Jesus, adoram e duvidam ao mesmo tempo. Jesus se aproxima deles e os envia para batizar e ensinar", para fazer discípulos de todas as nações." É uma tarefa que Jesus já havia preparado seus discípulos. Recordemos que Jesus tinha enviado os doze apóstolos para pregar o Reino de Deus e curar. No entanto, antes os doze foram enviados apenas para a casa de Israel; neste envio final, os onze são orientados a ir a "todas as nações."A missão de Jesus é para ser levada agora à todos os povos; a tarefa de batizar e ensinar. Jesus envia seus discípulos a batizar em nome da Trindade, um dos atestados mais claros encontrados nas Escrituras para o batismo em nome da Trindade. Nos Atos dos Apóstolos e nas Cartas de Paulo, o batismo é oferecido com mais frequência "em nome de Jesus." O final do Evangelho de Mateus pode-se entender como o início da Igreja. Jesus envia seus discípulos para continuar ensinando em seu nome e trazer outros para a comunidade dos discípulos através do batismo. O Evangelho termina, como havia começado, com a promessa que Jesus continuará sendo o Emanuel, "Deus conosco", por toda a eternidade. Pe. Joe Page 4 Parish News & Events Jesus Is Waiting for You Come spend 30 minutes with Jesus every Friday at 3 pm in the Chapel. Join your fellow parishioners in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. VOCATION CHALICE/CÁLIZ DE VOCACIONES Sat., May 31 and Sun., June 1 4:30 pm 8:00 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm Eileen Brooks Angela & John Serrano Rusty Vets Domingo, 1 de Junio Esneda Altamira Saturday, June 21 − 9 AM - 7 PM Sunday, June 22 − 9 AM - 4 PM BROWARD COLLEGE North Omni Auditorium 1000 Coconut Creek Blvd., Coconut Creek, FL ALL ARE WELCOME Registration has started! Registration Fees: $50 (includes lunch for both days) POWERFUL TALKS BY INTERNATIONAL PREACHERS CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST SPIRIT-REVIVING PRAYER SESSIONS SOUL-STIRRING MUSIC | INSPIRING TESTIMONIES For more information and registration, visit or call us at (215)366-3031 PILGRIMAGE TO TURKEY AND GREECE IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST. PAUL ACCOMPANIED BY FATHER JOE October 14 - October 26, 2014 We will visit the sites of the Seven Churches of Revelation in Turkey and continue to Greece to follow in the footsteps of St. Paul to Athens and Corinth. While in Turkey we will visit the beautiful city of Istanbul located on two continents, the city of Pamukkale with its unique thermal pools and the ruins of the legendary city of Troy. In Athens we will visit the Acropolis and the magnificent Parthenon dominating the city. The cost for this wonderful trip is only $3,496.00 per person, double occupancy. It includes airfare on Swiss Air from Miami, accommodations in first class hotel, daily breakfast and dinner, and much more. Detailed information can be obtained from the church office during normal business hours. Deposit of $500 per person required at time of booking to reserve your seat. Second payment of $1,200.00 due August 1, 2014 and final payment of $1,796.00 due September 10, 2014. CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS Today, we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This Collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through Internet, television, radio, and print media. Please be generous in this week’s Collection and support this important work. Remember, half of your donation stays in our archdiocese to support our communication needs. CCC equips us to share our experience of faith, worship, and witness with the world. Congratulations Rita Grant 50/50 Winner of $74 for May 24 and 25 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Today as we celebrate the feast of the Ascension we are reminded that Christ’s saving work on earth continues through his disciples…and now through us. When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace and joy into our hearts, into our lives and into the hearts of those who are poor. Call 954-213-4690 for help. To donate household goods, call St. Vincent Thrift Shop at 954-942-2242. Page 5 FR. HEITOR CASTOLDI, C.S. OUR NEW PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Heitor Castoldi, C. S., will be our new Parochial Vicar. We heartily welcome him with love and gratitude. Here are a few dates and some information about him. Fr. Heitor was born on October 25, 1976, in the city of Encantado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. He is the sixth and last child of de Arlindo Castoldi e Idalina Maria Lorenzi. In 1991 He joined the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians in the Seminary of Guaporé, RS. From there, he moved on to the Scalabrinian seminaries of Passo Fundo, Porto Alegre (Vila Nova) and São Paulo. After completing his studies, Fr. Heitor was ordained a Priest on January 8, 2005 at his hometown of Encantado. As a religious and missionary priest, he has already ministered in the US in the cities of Somerville (MA), Framingham (MA), Winter Garden (FL), Mount Vernon (NY) serving with enthusiasm both the immigrant and the American communities. He is well versed in English, Portuguese and Spanish and will be a valuable asset to all of our parish community. CCD CORNER Last Sunday, May 25, 71 students received their Confirmation. To all of them we extend our warmest wishes for a trip through life guided by the Holy Spirit. Let's keep them in our prayers! REMINDER REGISTER EARLY AND SAVE! All Pre Communion, Communion, Pre Confirmation, and Confirmation students received early registration forms for next semester's CCD program. Completely fill out both sides of the registration form, return it with a copy of each child’s Baptismal certificate and a tuition check made out to St. Vincent Catholic Church. Early registration tuition is $75.00 for the first child; $50.00 for the second child and free for all other children in the same family. Late registration will take place on Saturday, August 23 in the DePaul Center from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, and on Sunday, August 24 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Once again, you will need the registration form and a copy of the child's Baptismal certificate. Late registration tuition is $100.00 for the first child; $75.00 for the second child and free for other children in the same family. Classes for Pre Confirmation, Confirmation and Sacramental students begin Wednesday, September 3 and will meet from 6:15 to 7:45 PM. Classes for Pre Communion and Communion students begin Saturday, September 6 and will meet from 9:00 to 10:15 AM. REV. MATTEO DIDONÉ, C.S. OUR NEW PASTOR Born in Italy of a deeply religious family. At an early age, Fr. Matteo wanted to be a missionary in Brazil. His pastor wanted him to enter the Diocesan Seminary, but he was not able to convince him. At age 11 Fr. Matteo entered the Scalabrinian Seminary in Bassano del Grappa. He completed his high school studies in Bassano. In 1958 he entered the novitiate in Cermenate, Como. He professed his first vows on October 7, 1959, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. He completed his College Studies in Cermenate. He was then sent to Staten Island, New York for his Theology Studies. He was ordained 46 years ago in Staten Island at the Church of St. Joseph by the Sea on November 4 1967, Feast of St. Charles Borromeo. He began his pastoral ministry at St. Michael in New Haven and then in St. Paschal Baylon, Ontario, Canada. He was sent with Fr. Isaias Birollo to Puerto Rico to learn Spanish and to work at the Port and at the Airport of San Juan, PR. After a short period of aggiornamento - a period of theological updating - in Rome in 1977 he was sent to Venezuela where he founded the Center for Migration Studies (CEPAM) and he worked as a chaplain for the English speaking community of Caracas - St. Thomas More. He was also appointed Provincial Delegate for the area of Venezuela and Colombia for six years. In 1984 he returned to Newark, NJ as pastor of St. Columba where there was a large Hispanic community. During this time he completed his studies for the Master Degree in Social Ethics at Seton Hall University. He was then named Rector of Theology in Boynton Beach, FL. He founded Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in Delray Beach in 1992, with special attention to the Hispanic Community. He also founded a Medical Center (Mission Medical Center) for all immigrants. In 2008 he was elected Provincial Superior of St. Charles Borromeo Province. The area comprised Eastern part of Canada and the US, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. His goal has always been to be a “migrant with the migrants” and with them, to reach our permanent home in Heaven, as the Lord Jesus has promised us. 109 ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF BLESSED JOHN BAPTIST SCALABRINI TH Today, June 1, 2014, we celebrate the 109th anniversary of the death of Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini, Apostle of Catechesis and Messenger of the Word, Father of Migrants and Helpless, devoted son of Mary and the Eucharist, Pastor of Charity. In moments of lucidity as he lay dying, he said: "Be done the will of God! Pray for me; greet the teachers, the seminarians and my missionaries! Goodbye, Goodbye!" And in the intervals of delusions, exclaimed: "My priests! Where are my priests? Let them in; do not let them wait too long." Death came at 5:50 a.m., Thursday, June 1, 1905, the feast of the Ascension. His last words were: "I'm ready, Lord! Let me depart.” Pope Pius X, had just entered, broke into tears repeating: "We lost one of our best Bishops" And the people said: “A saint has died." He is entombed near the altar of the Blessed in the Cathedral of Piacenza. Birth: July 8, 1839, in Fino Mornasco, Lombardia, Italy Beatification: November 9, 1997, by Pope John Paul II Page 6 PRAY FOR THE SAFE RETURN OF ALL OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL Lord Jesus, Savior of the world and King of Peace, watch over our sons and daughters in the service of their country. Protect them from the physical and moral dangers of military life. Keep them close to You and help them live the Commandments. Lord Jesus, give them courage to serve their country with honor and dignity. Be with them when they are in danger; strengthen them when they face hardships. Above all Lord, grant that when their service is finished they may return to us, sound in mind, body and soul. Amen. LCpl Randal Adams PFC Russell Adams, Jr. S1stC Rachel Anderson USN Adam Alonge USA AMN Darek Baczewski USA William Balcazar USA Spec. Getulio Barbosa USA Anthony Barcellona, USMC Stf. Sgt. Jay Berman USAF Capt. Jessica L. Bishop USAF GSgt. John R. Brown USMC Chad Bryant USN Matthew Buceri USMC William Callahan USN PFC Peter Caravello USMC Pvt. Charles Clementino USA Mark Clementino USA Cpl V. J. Como USMC Bradley T. Curtis II USN Damian Dobbs USMC Jason Dobbs USMC Christopher Dodd USMC Michael Dore Sgt. Clifton A. East Maj. Sean P. Farley USA Brian Garzon USA Paul C. Garzon George Gehrke USA Carlo Gonzalez USMC Steven Grudzinski Taylor Harter USA Seaman 2 Erik Hettinger USN Ensign John D. John USN Major Cayton Johnson USA Major Robin Johnson USA LCPL Ryan Johnston USMC LCpl Jeffrey Kernen USMC Curtis King USMC Matthew Latocha USN Sgt. Eric Lawton USA Michael Lisi USAF David Anthony Long John Paul Lubrani USN Michael Magnotta, USAF Scarlet Martinez Christopher McClain USMC Ryan McClain USN T. J. McGovern USMC R. J. McGraw USMC 2nd Lt. Chris Mendoza USAF Alexander Moscovich USMC HA Casey B. Mulloy USN Spc. Jeremy R. Mulloy USA Danny Murales Bryan P. Novy USN Capt. Ryan Pace USA Ivette Marie Pavez USMC PMI. John T. Peetling USS Sgt. Nelson Perdomo USA Lt. Daniel Reilly USCG Rodrigo Rivadeneira USA Fabio Sanchez, Jr. USN Mark F. Satira USA Spec. Barbara Schweitzer USA Capt. Charles Shinkle, USA Priv. Eduardo Tejada USA Jeremy Varsallone USA Guillermo Velandia USA Luis M. Vila USAR PFC Joshua Villette USMC LCpl Jason A. Wargin USMC 1st Lt. Patrick Wiley Sgt. Brandon J. Wright Fr. Joe’s Last Mass with Us 7:55 am, Tuesday, June 3 in the Church Fr. Joe’s Address as of June 3, 2014 St. Bartholomew Church 297 Laurel Hill Avenue Providence, R.I. 02909-3897 1-401-944-4466 1-401-946-5866 Fax And all our Church military not listed here. Please let us know the names of those who are no longer members of the military. Archdiocese of Miami Development Corporation Planned Giving Explore the opportunity to contribute a charitable gift to St. Vincent Catholic Church and receive significant tax advantages. Consider the benefit of gifting appreciated stocks or mutual funds. For more information, contact the parish office at 954-972 -0434 or call the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110. Weekly Collection Report - May 24 and 25, 2014 Mass Day Mass Time Language Persons Collection Saturday 4:30 pm English 223 2,208.50 Saturday 7:30 pm Portuguese 289 2,322.70 Sunday 8:00 am English 166 1,462.50 Sunday 9:30 am Portuguese 374 3,269.25 Sunday 11:15 am English 330 1,678.20 Sunday 1:00 pm Spanish 223 1,173.30 Sunday 7:00 pm Portuguese 182 965.20 Total Env: 335 1,787 13,079.65 Special Accounts and Collections Children’s Envelopes 0 0.00 Candles (Votive) 227.50 Church in Central & Eastern Europe 104.00 Total Special Collections 331.50 Total of all Collections: $13,411.15 Page 7 PRAYER LIST Rosario Abate, John Abbruzzese, Carlos Agudelo, Myra Alea, Maria Augustino, Brooke Barberio, Debbie Barberio, David Bedoya, Corinne Betkowski, Tyler Boupaoza, Leon Bourgeois, Sarah Bouwkamp, Ryan Boyd, Donna Brady, Chad Brown, Elda Brown, Marty Brown, Miriam Brown, Mary Bruno, Ruthe Bruno, Sue Buzzi, Mary Caggiano, Susanne J. Campisi, Gina Cannone, Bettye Caruso, Josephine Cassadenti, Mary Cassidy, Mary Castro, Anthony Christina, Judy Christopher, Josephine Cinacore, Maria Cipolla, Vincent Cipolla, Carl Clemencich, Jennie Clementino, Ray Clinton, Luis Humberto Colon, Ralph Colon, Mary Colombo, Kate Costello, Rick Crocker, Cheryl D’Alessio, Claude Delsoin, Sylvester Denobriga, Cathy Donaldson, Manny Dossantos, Patrick Dunne, John Eskridge, Rosemary Eskridge, Roger Evans, Tim Farrell, Bob Fedak, Jackie Fedak, Richard Ferina, John Finan, Josie Gallucci, Brad Gammon, Lisa Garavuso, Ralph Garrett, Jason, Gottesman, Shari Glynn, Hope Griffin, Karen Griffin, Marcos Antonio Guzman, Dorothy Hands, Patricia Hanna, Sharika Hanna, Toni Harland, Charles Harrison, Rose Harrison, Ronald Haydon, Paul Healey, Cliff Hebisen, Robert W. Hettinger, James Hinckley, Louise Hodges, Steve Hodges, Braydon Hudak, Douglas Hughes Frank Hurley, Marie Hurley, Lois Hyzy, Naomi Jacobson, Angela Jakuboski, Isaac June, Ernie Keahey, Trey Kilgore, Mary Koch, Bernice Kosiolek, Carolee Kuzman, Steven Larsen, Frank Lettieri, Nancy Lettieri, Maria Lettieri, Luis Carlos Lima, Sarah Lohse, Maria Luongo, Ursula Lynch, Philip Maher, Layla Marciano, Madison Marciano, Cerbellon Marrero, Jose Marrero, Kayla McGuire, Dian McMillan, Natrice McNair, Robert McNair, Angela McNeal, Ruth Messana, Dawn Meyers, Joseph Mullaly, Michelle Nethersole, Dale Newell, Mihail Nicolescu, Louise Nicoletta, Dorothy Noga, Marlene Novochadlo, Annette Ocasio, Maryann Parker, Ronnie Paar, Janice Pollack, Danny Parker, Ronnie Parr, Anne Phenix, Joseph Piccione, QL Piccirilli, Ida Pino, Carla Pranzo, Kenneth Pranzo, Jack Pries, Joan Primo, Nellie Puma, Etta Pursche, Donna Reilly, Jean Ritchie, Bob Rizzi, Toni Romeo, Nick Rubertone, John Rubertone, William J. Ryan, Leobardo Sanchez, Debbie Scavone, Grace Schinelli, John Schinelli, Lisa Schinelli, Vanessa Schinelli, Mary Schmidt, Geraldine Schweitzer, Mary Schweitzer, Keith Shannon, Patty Shannon, Mario Signorelli, Mary Signorelli, Marion Simmons, Cindy Siska, Flo Smith, Mark Solazzo, Marica Speziale, Vito Speziale, Darrell Squeeze, Leola Stevens, Judy Strong, Roy Strong, Natalie Swift, Jeffrey Szur, John Targonski, Gregory Tartamella, Stephanie Taylor, Evelyn Toner, Maria Velez, Louis Vernoia, Rita Vetrano, Mimi Visconti, Paula Vroman, Glenroy Whyte, Shavien Whyte, Jayne Widdenkind, Crystal Wolfenden, Jayne Womack, Carol Wood, The names of those who have been on our prayer list for six months or longer are removed, other than those we know are suffering from long term illnesses. If we have inadvertently removed the name of someone who has not recovered, please call the office at 954-9720434 and we will place their name on the prayer list. Thank you! RESPECT LIFE Pro- Choice If It Is Their Choice Brad Mattes, Executive Director, Life Matters Institute, 05/22/2014 “Anti-choice” is an antagonistic label that pro-abortion activists use to demean pro-lifers. It’s meant to paint us as fanatical individuals who trample women’s so-called “right to choose.” They may claim to give women choice, yet, hypocritically, when it isn’t for abortion, you’ll most often find “choice” is nothing more than an illusion. Abortion is transformed from being an option to being portrayed as the only option. According to research conducted by the Elliot Institute, 64% of postabortive women claim they were pressured by others into having an abortion. This pressure can come from partners, parents and even the facilities where women go for help. Tactics typically begin with persuasion or coercion but can cross the line to becoming aggressively forceful. Just this week, a 15-year-old girl was reportedly locked inside a New York abortion facility after changing her mind about having an abortion. When she asked to see her ultrasound, they refused. This set off red flags in the young girl’s mind and she told them she wanted to leave. They wouldn’t allow her to leave the room and locked the door. The girl’s mother had been waiting for her and became concerned. She demanded to see her daughter, and they then kicked her off the premises. Thankfully, the girl was able to text a pro-life friend and was rescued. A case in Michigan resulted in a more tragic outcome, and Caitlin Bruce has filed a lawsuit following a forced abortion. As the procedure started, she asked the abortionist to stop, but he and his assistants held her down. “I was screaming and trying to pull my legs together,” Caitlin described. After the abortion was completed, she lay by herself on the table horrified. At a Planned Parenthood in Ohio this week, police had to break up a physical fight between a mother and her 15-year-old daughter. The mother wanted the child to have an abortion, but the teen refused. So-called “pro-choice” actress Ellen Barkin once said, “I am the mother of a 12-year-old girl and I can tell you unequivocally that if my daughter was pregnant, I would take her kicking and screaming to have an abortionWhose choice is it really? Some of the most outrageous violence is committed against pregnant women by their partners. The stories are the makings of nightmares. In one case, a man held his girlfriend at gunpoint demanding she have an abortion. In even more extreme situations, the violence can escalate and lead to death. Murder is actually the leading cause of death for pregnant women. The increased accessibility of the abortion pill has provided an additional tool for forced abortions. In Florida, John Andrew Welden tricked his girlfriend into taking the abortion pill, misoprostol, by disguising it as an antibiotic. She woke up with extreme heavy bleeding and at the hospital they discovered it was not a natural miscarriage. Andrew was tried for killing his unborn child and sentenced to 14 years in prison. The Florida legislature just passed a bill making it a crime when men use violence or trickery to force their partners to abort. Believe it or not, proabortion Democratic Party Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, opposes the bill. “Florida Republican lawmakers have wasted taxpayer time and money by passing these extreme bills that further limit women’s reproductive rights. It is senseless and it’s wrong.” In other words, according to Schultz, forced abortion trumps a woman’s right to choose life for her baby. John Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology has co-authored a book advocating for compulsory abortion. It reads, “Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger society.” The book goes on to discuss requiring single women to marry or have abortions and even government required sterilization. Abortion is far from being the “choice” that it is promoted as. The truth is there’s a malicious agenda behind the pro-abortion movement, essentially dictating there are those who are deemed not worthy of having children. It’s crucial that the reality of forced abortion be exposed. “The Right to Choose Includes Saying No to Abortion” is a revealing episode of our pro-life TV program, Facing Life Head-On, where we tackle the issue by providing legal perspectives, professional insight and personal experiences. Please watch and share this thought-provoking program. Above all, we must help abortionvulnerable women know that both they and their babies have meaning, value and unlimited potential in their lives. Let us pray for Pope Francis, and all bishops, priests and deacons: That they may be strengthened to lead our Church into a deeper respect for life, and be witnesses to the goodness of life in Christ. North Broward Respect Life “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 Page 8 SCHEDULED MEETINGS Arts & Crafts Group Neocatechumenal Way Irene Phenix 954-973-6951 Tuesdays 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Community Center, Room #4 Fr. Joe Pranzo 954-972-0434 Tuesday at 8:00 PM Community Center, Room #6 Mass Saturday at 7:30 PM Chapel Baptismal Preparation Class To be announced at a later date CCD Sr. Maria 754-245-3278 Mrs. Marie Hurley 954-978-6124 September thru May Will Resume in the Fall Community Center, all Classrooms & CC Hall Choir and Contemporary Music Practice Jerry Corbin 954-974-6635 Patricia Maher 954-261-8684 Every Thursday in the Church Music Practice begins at 6:30 PM Choir Practice begins at 7:30 PM Council of Catholic Women (CCW) Rose Scarpulla (954)957-8829 September thru May Third Tuesday at 7:00 PM Will Resume in the Fall De Paul Center Knights of Columbus RCIA Fred Schweitzer 954-790-9604 September thru May Will Resume in the Fall Community Center, Room #7 St. Vincent De Paul Society Diane Hebisen 954-213-4690 Second & Fourth Monday 7:00 PM Next Meeting June 9 Community Center Rm 1&2 St. Vincent Men’s Guild Don Boisselle 305-586-0547 August thru June First & Third Monday 7:00 PM Next Meeting June 2 De Paul Center Are you suffering from the pain of a past abortion experience? G.K. Angelo Sardo 954-548-7550 September thru June Second & Fourth Tuesday 7:00 PM Next Meeting June 10 DePaul Center God’s greatest desire is to forgive! Legion of Mary 954-981-2984 or 888-456-4673 Marie Victorin 561-716-1416 Saturday after 7:55 am Mass Community Center, Room #4 Individual counseling or retreat weekend available. For confidential help, contact Project Rachel Ministry Come back to Love and Mercy! PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR CHURCH IN YOUR BEQUESTS. Page 9 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES BAPTISM CONTINUING ADULT EDUCATION Tuesday, June 3, 7:30 p.m. Repeated Wednesday, June 4, 10:30 a.m. Location: Church Parents must be registered, active members of St. Vincent for two months before they can register for the Baptismal class. The classes are held monthly for parents and godparents, as needed. Baptisms will take place the last Sunday of the same month at 2:30 pm. Please come to the church office with the birth certificate to make arrangements. JUNE BIRTHDAYS MATRIMONY Saturday, June 7 and Sunday, June 8 CONTINUING ADULT EDUCATION Tuesday, June 10, 7:30 p.m. Repeated Wednesday, June 11, 10:30 a.m. Location: Church FATHER’S DAY Sunday, June 15, 2014 CONTINUING ADULT EDUCATION Tuesday, June 17, 7:30 p.m. Repeated Wednesday, June 18, 10:30 a.m. Location: Church SHALOM FESTIVAL Saturday, June 21 and Sunday, June 22 Location: Broward College, Coconut Creek See Page 4 for details CONTINUING ADULT EDUCATION Tuesday, June 24, 7:30 p.m. Repeated Wednesday, June 25, 10:30 a.m. Location: Church CONTINUING ADULT EDUCATION Tuesday, July 1, 7:30 p.m. Repeated Wednesday, July 2, 10:30 a.m. Location: Church OFFICE CLOSED Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. The Catholic party must be a registered, active member of the Parish, using envelopes. Call for appointment. MINISTRY TO THE SICK Please call the office if anyone is sick at home, in the hospital, nursing home or assisted living, and wishes to be visited. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Persons entering the hospital or hospice are encouraged to be anointed ahead of time. To make an appointment, call the office or see Father after daily Mass. NORTH BROWARD RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY 5115 Coconut Creek Pkwy, Margate, FL 33063 954-977-7769 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 954 973--0454 954--973 CCD Grades 1-2 Saturday 9:00 am - 10:15 am Grades 3-8 Wednesday 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation for adults is for those interested in becoming Catholic. Classes will be held Wednesdays from 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM Room 7 in the Community Center. For more information, please call Fred Schweitzer 954-790-9604. YOUR PENNIES PROVIDE A SOURCE OF INCOME FOR THE RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY. PLEASE PLACE THEM IN THE COLLECTION BASKET. THANKS AND GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Page 10 REV. MATTEO DIDONÉ, C.S. PROVINCIAL SUPERIOR PROVÍNCIA DE ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PADRE SCALABRINIANO Nasceu na Itália de uma família profundamente religiosa. Desde muito cedo, Pe. Matteo queria ser missionário no Brasil. Seu pároco queria que ele entrasse no Seminário Diocesano, mas ele não conseguiu convencê-lo. Aos 11 anos, Pe. Matteo entrou no Seminário Scalabriniano em Bassano del Grappa, e completou seus estudos do ensino médio em Bassano. Em 1958, entrou no noviciado em Cermenate, Como. Professou seus primeiros votos dia 7 de Outubro de 1959, Festa de Nossa Senhora do Rosário. Completou seus estudos no Colégio Cermenate. Foi enviado para Staten Island, Nova York para seus estudos de teologia. Ordenou-se sacerdote há 46 anos atrás em Staten Island na igreja de St. Joseph by the Sea, no dia 4 de novembro de 1967, Festa de São Carlos Borromeu. Começou seu ministério pastoral nas paróquias de St. Michael, em New Haven e, em seguida, em St. Paschal Baylon, Willowdale, Ontário, Canadá. Foi enviado com o padre Isaias Birollo para Porto Rico para aprender espanhol e trabalhar no Porto e Aeroporto de San Juan, PR. Depois de um curto período de aggiornamento, em Roma, em 1977, foi enviado para a Venezuela, onde fundou o Centro de Estudos Migratórios (CEPAM) e trabalhou como capelão na comunidade de língua inglesa em Caracas - St. Thomas More. Ele também foi nomeado Delegado Provincial da zona de Venezuela e Colômbia por seis anos. Em 1984 voltou para Newark, NJ como pároco de St. Columba, com a comunidade hispana. Durante este tempo, completou seus estudos para o Mestrado em Ética Social na Universidade de Seton Hall. Posteriormente foi nomeado Reitor de Teologia em Boynton Beach, Florida e, em seguida, pároco em 1992 da comunidade hispana, Nossa Senhora Rainha da Paz, em Delray Beach, onde fundou além da paróquia, também um centro médico (Mission Medical Center) para todos os imigrantes. Em 2008 foi eleito Superior Provincial da Província de São Carlos Borromeu, que consiste de uma parte Leste do Canadá e Estados Unidos, Haiti, República Dominicana, Venezuela, Colombia e Equador. Seu objetivo sempre foi o de ser um "migrante com os migrantes" e com eles chegar ao nosso lugar permanente no céu, como Jesus nos prometeu. REV. HEITOR CASTOLDI, C.S. PADRE SCALABRINIANO Nasceu no dia 25 de outubro de 1976 em Encantado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. É o sexto filho de Arlindo Castoldi e Idalina Maria Lorenzi Castoldi. Em 1991 entrou no seminário dos missionários de São Carlos - Scalabrinianos de Guaporé, RS, e depois de passar pelas casas de formação de Passo Fundo, Porto Alegre (Vila Nova) e São Paulo, foi ordenado sacerdote no dia 8 de janeiro de 2005. Como sacerdote religioso e missionário, já trabalhou com os migrantes Brasileiros, Latinos e de outras nacionalidades nas cidades de Somerville (MA), Framingham (MA), Winter Garden (FL) e Mount Vernon (NY). Domina bem o Espanhol e Inglês, e será de grande proveito para todos em nossa paróquia. Vamos acolher com carinho e gratidão nosso novo Vigário Paroquial! Page 11 109º ANIVERSÁRIO DE MORTE DO BEM-AVENTURADO SCALABRINI Dia, 1º de junho, celebramos o 109º aniversário da morte do Bem-Aventurado João Batista Scalabrini, apóstolo da catequese e mensageiro da Palavra, Pai dos migrantes e desamparados, filho devoto de Maria e da Eucaristia e Pastor da caridade. Nos momentos de lucidez, dizia: “Seja feita a vontade de Deus! Rezem por mim, saúdem os professores, os seminaristas e os missionários! Adeus, Adeus” E nos intervalos de delírios, exclamava: “Os meus sacerdotes! Onde estão os meus sacerdotes? Deixem-nos entrar, não os façam esperar tanto.” A morte chegou às 5:50 am, quintafeira, 1º de junho de 1905, na festa da Ascensão do Senhor. Suas últimas palavras foram: “Estou pronto, Senhor! Partamos! O Papa Pio X, logo que foi informado, começou a chorar repetindo: “Perdemos um de nossos melhores Bispos!” E o povo dizia: “Morreu um santo.” Seus restos mortais repousam num túmulo-monumento perto do altar do Santíssimo, na Catedral de Placência. Nascimento: 8 de julho de 1839, em Fino Mornasco, Como, Itália Ordenação Sacerdotal: 30 de maio de 1863, em Como, Itália Bispo: 30 de janeiro de 1876, em Roma, Itália Beatificação: 9 de novembro de 1997, pelo Papa João Paulo II PASTORAL FAMILIAR VISITA A Pastoral Familiar está realizando visitas a casa de pessoas que gostariam ou precisam receber uma bênção ou oração. Informações com Mari 754-235-4607, Beto 754-2350527 ou após as Missas com membros da Pastoral Familiar. CONSULADO ITINERANTE - 7 E 8 DE JUNHO Sábado de 9am às 4pm Domingo de 12pm às 4pm Local: Centro Comunitário Comunicamos que haverá casamentos comunitário este ano. Os interessados em casar-se, procurar os membros da Pastoral Familiar após as missas, ou ligar no escritório 954-972-0434, após às 2pm, para mais informações. CONSULTA GRÁTIS TODAS AS SEGUNDAS-FEIRAS O Projeto PAIS oferece consultas GRÁTIS com Psicóloga, Terapeuta de Família e Casais. Pessoas que passaram por uma experiência traumática em sua vida: Divórcio, Acidentes, Sequestro, Roubos, Violência Doméstica, Abuso Emocional ou Físico. Atendendimento somente com hora marcada. Local: Centro Comunitário de 4pm às 9pm Informações: 754-235-5713 DOCUMENTOS NECESSÁRIOS ADVOGADA DE IMIGRAÇÃO 2ª TERÇA-FEIRA DO MÊS CASAMENTO COMUNITÁRIO (29 de novembro) 1. Certidão de batismo atualizada (6 meses). 2. Certificado do casamento do civil. 3. Certificado do curso de preparação. HORA SANTA Devido a transferência dos padres, neste mês de junho não haverá Hora Santa. Para informações dos próximos meses, favor entrar em contato com Marcio (561) 502-5999 Efigênia ou Walace (561) 584-0009. Assistência sobre assuntos de imigração com a advogada Inna Shapovalov Local: Centro Comunitário de 4pm às 7pm. Para marcar horário ligue para 754-235-5713 RELATÓRIO DO DIZIMO 24 de maio 7:30pm 25 de maio 9:30am 25 de maio 7:00pm $1.581.00 $1,865.00 $ 460.00 ____________________________________ TOTAL $3,906.00 Page 12 Proyecto PAIS, le está ofreciendo GRATIS!! Cada Lunes Hora: 4-9 p.m. Lugar: Centro Comunitario Consultas gratis con la Psicóloga, Terapeuta de Familia y Pareja: Personas que hayan tenido una experiencia traumática en su vida: Divorcio, accidentes, secuestro, robos, violencia domestica, abusos emocional o físico. Atendiendo solamente por cita preveía, para más información llamar Anely: 954-830-3479 2nd Martes del mes Hora: 4-7 p.m. Lugar: Centro Comunitario Asistencia sobre asuntos de inmigración con la Abogada Inna Shapovalov, Esq. Solamente por cita previa, para más información Anely: 954-830-3479 BAUTISMO Tener partida de nacimiento del niño y llenar formulario de Bautismo. Antes de solicitar el Bautismo recomendamos registrarse en la parroquia. Para obtener más información para Bautismo, venga a la oficina de 9 am a las 8:45 pm o llamar al 954-972-0434 o también Anely 954-830-3479. • PARTICIPAR DEL CURSO DE BAUTISMO Para los padres y padrinos: Primer Miércoles del mes a las 7:30 pm en De Paul Center. • CELEBRACIÓN DEL BAUTISMO Ultimo domingo del mes a las 1:00pm. Los padrinos catolicos casados por la iglesia o solteros. EMAUS MUJERES La experiencia de Emaus Retiro de mujeres ¿Que es lo grandioso de hacer este retiro? Es un retiro que libera de las distracciones de la rutina diaria, con todo su ser relajado, le va a ser posible que abra su corazón y pueda escuchar a Jesus y al Espiritu Santo. Fecha: 27,28,29 de Junio 2014 Lugar Iglesia San Vicente Costo $100 (incluye alojamiento 2 noches, todas las comida y el programa) Mas información, llamar a Gilbre (coordinadora Emaus) TLF:954 461 1905. MINISTERIOS / REUNIONES VOCERO DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Concepcion Medrano T. (954)330-8274 MINISTERIOS DE SERVICIO EN LA MISA Coro / Musica Carlos Agudelo T. (954)865-7632 Guillermo Izaguirre T. (954)601-6529 Lectores Victor Muvdi T. (954)394-3829 Ministros Extraordinarios Comunión Sara Montero T. (954)292-7698 Acolitos y Monaguillos Julio e Irene Rodriguez T. (954)701-7693 MINISTERIOS DE SERVICIO Y FORMACION Visita a las Carceles. Ultimo martes de cada mes Lisett Llovera T. (954)773-4185 Visita a los Enfermos. Ney Colon T. (954)984-0611 Bautizos. Anely Lambertt T. (954)830-3479 Crecimiento Matrimonial. Ayudan a la vida matrimonial poniendo a Jesús en el centro de Matrimonio. Jueves 8.00pm. Concepción y Nayda Medrano T. (954)638-4840 Emaús. Preparan retiros de conversión y ayudan en varios servicios de la parroquia Emaús Hombres: Cada Martes a las 7:30 pm Cesar Arena T. (954)368-9925 Emaús Mujeres: Cada Viernes a las 6:00 pm Gilbre Rincon T. (954)461-1905 Desayuno, Tercer Sábado 9 am. Grupo de Oración Se vive una experiencia de fe y oración en comunidad. Miercoles 7:00 pm en la capilla. Lilita Agudelo T. (954)601-6495 Jóvenes Acrecientan el amor de Dios a los jóvenes de nuestra Parroquia vista desde su perspectiva. Eyessky Sanabria T. (954)554-6879 PAIS - Proyecto Asistencia Inmigrante Scalabrini Realizan diferentes actividades en favor de todos los inmigrantes en este país. Anely Lambertt T. (954)830-3479 Legión de María Promueven en el hogar la devoción a nuestra Virgen María. Jueves 7.00 pm. Jose Vasquez T. (954)798-4693 Sacristana Carmen Guzman T. (954)648-6524 Page 13 P. HEITOR CASTOLDI, C.S. NUESTRO NUEVO VICARIO PARROQUIAL P. MATTEO DIDONÉ, C.S. NUESTRO NUEVO PASTOR Como les hemos informado hace unas semanas, el P. Heitor Castoldi, C.S., será nuestro nuevo Vicario Parroquial. Vamos a darle una gran bienvenida con afecto y gratitud. Aquí están algunos datos de su vida: Padre Heitor nació el 25 de octubre de 1976 en Encantado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Es el sexto hijo de Arlindo Castoldi y Maria Idalina Lorenzi. En 1991 entró en el seminario de los Misioneros de San Carlos Scalabrini, de Guaporé, RS, y después de pasar por las casas de formación de Passo Fundo, Porto Alegre (Vila Nova) y São Paulo, fue ordenado sacerdote el 8 de enero de 2005. Como sacerdote religioso y misionero ya trabajó con entusiasmo por los migrantes Brasileños, Latinos y de otras nacionalidades en las ciudades de Somerville (MA), Framingham (MA), Winter Garden (FL) y Mount Vernon (NY). Domina bien Portugués, Español y Ingles y sera' de gran provecho para todos en nuestra parroquia. Nacido en Italia en una familia profundamente religiosa. Desde el principio, el P. Matteo quería ser misionero en Brasil. Su párroco quería que entrara en el seminario diocesano, pero no fue capaz de convencerlo. A los 11 años P. Matteo entró en el seminario Scalabriniano en Bassano del Grappa, y completó sus estudios de secundaria en Bassano. En 1958, entró en el noviciado en Cermenate, Como. Profesó sus primeros votos el 7 de octubre de 1959, fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Completó sus estudios en el Colegio Cermenate. Luego fue enviado a Staten Island, Nueva York por sus estudios de teología. Fue ordenado sacerdote 46 años atrás en Staten Island en la Iglesia de St. Joseph by the Sea el 4 de noviembre de 1967, fiesta de San Carlos Borromeo. Él comenzó su ministerio pastoral en las parroquias de San Miguel en New Haven y luego en San Pascual Baylon, Ontario, Canadá. Fue enviado con el Padre Isaías Birollo a Puerto Rico para aprender español y trabajar en el Puerto y el Aeropuerto de Juan San, PR. Después de un corto período de formación, en Roma, en 1977, fue enviado a Venezuela, donde fundó el Centro de Estudios Migratorios (CEPAM) y trabajó como capellán en la comunidad de habla Inglés en Caracas: St. Thomas More. También fue nombrado Delegado Provincial de la zona de Venezuela y Colombia durante seis años. En 1984 regresó a Newark, Nueva Jersey como párroco de St. Columba con la comunidad hispana. Durante este tiempo, completó sus estudios de Maestría en Ética Social en la Universidad de Seton Hall. Posteriormente, fue nombrado entonces Decano de Teología en Boynton Beach, Florida y luego párroco en 1992 de la comunidad hispana, Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz en Delray Beach, donde fundó además de la parroquia, también un centro médico (Mission Medical Center) para todos los inmigrantes. En 2008 fue elegido Superior Provincial de la Provincia de San Carlos Borromeo, que consiste de una area de parte de Canadá y de Estados Unidos, Haití, República Dominicana, Venezuela, Colombia y Ecuador. Su objetivo siempre ha sido ser un "migrante con los migrantes" y después llegar a nuestro lugar permanente en el cielo, como Jesús nos prometió. 109º Aniversario de la Muerte del Beato Scalabrini Hoy, 1 de junio de 2014, celebramos el 109º aniversario de la muerte del Beato Juan Bautista Scalabrini, apóstol de la catequesis y el mensajero da la Palabra, el padre de los migrantes y desamparados, hijo devoto de María y de la Eucaristía, el Pastor de la caridad. En momentos de lucidez antes de morir, dijo: “Sea hecha la voluntad de Dios, oren por mí, saluden a los maestros, a los seminaristas y mis misioneros. Adiós, Adiós”. Y en los intervalos de los delirios, exclamaba: “Mis sacerdotes! Dónde están mis sacerdotes? Dejan los entrar, no los haga esperar tanto. La muerte llegó a las 5:50 de mañana, jueves, el día 1 de junio de 1905, la fiesta de la Ascensión del Señor. Sus últimas palabras fueron: “Estoy listo, Señor, partimos”. El Papa Pío X, que acaba de ser informado, rompió a llorar repitiendo: “Hemos perdido a uno de nuestros mejores obispos. Y el pueblo dijo: “Murió un santo.” Sus restos descansan en una tumba – monumento cerca del altar del Santísimo, en la Catedral de Piacenza. Nascimiento: 8 de Julio de 1839, en Fino Mornasco, Lombardia, Italia Beatificación: 9 de Noviembre de 1997, por el Papa Juan Pablo II VIVAMOS LA PALABRA DE DIOS Oremos así: Padre del amor infinito, danos tu Espíritu de sabiduría y revelación que ilumine nuestro corazón y así, poseyendo la esperanza que acompaña a tu llamado, lleguemos a nuestra herencia gloriosa. Que tu gran poder obre en nosotros y nos eleve a una vida nueva como sucedió con Jesús. Amén. A smile happens in a flash, ...but its memory can last a lifetime. Gabriel R. Duailibi A D U LT S • S E N I O R S • C H I L D R E N General Agent No Appointment Needed • Emergencies & Walk-Ins Welcome! 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(954) 972-7340 Call Us Today About Advance Funeral Planning Se Habla Español Se Habla Español Complete Traditional Catholic Funeral and Cremation Services Attorney Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Donald Buikus 1402 N. State Rd. 7 Margate The Only Family Owned Funeral Home in Margate An ideal companion “Caring For Families And Their Financial Concerns” for personal prayer. 2950 N. State Road 7, Margate, FL 33063 In Stock & Ready to Order Today. (Across the street from Northwest Medical Center) 974-2704 REASONABLE FEES CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 954.977.5244 William “Bill” Savino Owner and Licensed Catholic Funeral Director Wills/Probate/Bankruptcy Personal injury/Auto Accidents 800-566-6150 • Title Insurance/Real Estate Closings FREE Phone Consultation Air Around the Clock AIR CONDITIONING & APPLIANCE SERVICE PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 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Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA EASY WAY AUTO REPAIR INCOME TAXES PREPARED FOR FELLOW PARISHIONERS “Complete Auto Repair Center” Bob Fedak 954-695-0341 By a Tax Professional - Best Rates & Quick Refund • A/C Repair & Service • Brakes $19.95 • Tune-ups Oil Change • Electrical 954-688-3629 Jorge Perez Parishioner At your Home or my Home Office Member / Knights of Columbus Council 6590 Honor Guard / American Legion Post 157 Filter / Up to 5qts With Ad Hablamos Español & Portuguese Our Lady Queen of Heaven (954) 972-1234 1500 South State Road 7 North Lauderdale • FL 33068 LOOKING FOR THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD? Visit our website at: 514009 St Vincent Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240