THE KNIGHT CHATTER - Rock Creek Council, No. 2797


THE KNIGHT CHATTER - Rock Creek Council, No. 2797
June 2010
Published Monthly, at no charge, by Rock Creek Council, 5417 W. Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814
In This Issue
Chaplain’s Message
Grand Knight’s Report
District Deputy’s Report
Church Activities
Community Activities
6, 10
Council Activities
3, 7
Family Activities
3, 9, 12
Pro-Life Activities
Supreme Notes
State Messages
7, 8
Kay-Cee Club
O’Boyle Assembly Notes
Fraternal Benefits
Seniors’ Club
Sick and Deceased
2, 9, 10
Year 72, No. 11
Some of our members and family at the Rock Creek Council hospitality room at
the Maryland State Convention . For more pictures, see page 7.
Greetings Brothers,
Dear Knights,
Chaplain Gatto
At the end of the Easter Season,
the Church celebrates the Feast
of the Most Holy Trinity, the wonders of God, who has revealed
himself to us as Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. This feast comes one
week before the Feast of Corpus
Christi, and one week after Pentecost. Between these feasts,
which focus on the Holy Spirit
and on Jesus, we celebrate the
One God in Three Persons, the
Most Holy Trinity.
Perhaps the best way for us to understand the mystery of
the Trinity is to use a comparison. The Trinity has been
described by making reference to our experience of
sunlight. God the Father is like the sun, shining upon us.
God the Son is the ray of light that comes to us from the
sun, and God the Holy Spirit is the warmth and heat given
off both by the sun and its rays, giving light and life to the
world. The Most Holy Trinity is all about relationship, how
(Continued on page 2)
This will be my last Grand Knight report before the installation of our
new Grand Knight in the upcoming
Columbian year, this July. It is with
great satisfaction that I can report
that we met our 2 goals for the year.
The first goal was to return the
Council to firm footing financially.
We turned the corner from incurring
substantial losses to a solid position
where we pay our bills from current
income as opposed to borrowing
from the future.
Grand Knight Vivian
Likewise, our goal of involving our new Knights in the
Council activities with a focus on service was also realized.
We had several innovative events which were orchestrated
by newer Knights stepping forward to grab the reins. Appreciation events for teachers, fire fighters, police rescue
and wounded warriors were unmitigated successes. Our
exciting St. Patrick’s Day celebration, family nights, weekend events in the lounge and more were highlights for the
year. New persons took over the fund raising events for
(Continued on page 3)
The Knight Chatter
Page 2
My Brothers and Ladies,
Looking back on it, it hardly seems
like two years have already passed.
I clearly remember writing my first
message to you, and here we are
now at the end of this Columbian
year, the end of State Deputy Siejack’s Administration, and therefore, the end of my tenure as his
Deputy for District 18.
I want to take the opportunity the
writing of this message offers me
to thank all you for making these
two past years a learning, exciting,
rewarding and – shall I say it? –
fun experience. I have enjoyed my
visits to each of your councils and
their programs, and I have met
and made many new friends.
Special thanks, of course, go to the
eight Grand Knights who, with the
untiring help of their ladies, led
our four councils through these
two years. It was the dedication to
the job they accepted what made
these two years what they were. In
spite of work and family obligations, stock market problems,
weather surprises and everything
in-between, they managed to lead
an outstanding set of officers,
chairmen, and a host of volunteers
through a wide variety of programs
serving our communities, our parishes, our families and our young,
while at the same time enriching
our own lives… and having fun doing it!
Even greater thanks go to our outgoing District Warden Richard
Earenfight and his lovely wife
Ronda. I am sure you all agree he
was more like an Associate DD for
us all; his help and advice during
these past two years were invaluable and I am certain he will carry
out his duties for the new State
Administration in an admirable
way. I solicit for him your welcome, your support and your industry.
Finally, to my bride Mary Jo:
thank you for your support, for
your understanding and for your
patience. I could not have done it
without you.
May God bless you and may our
Blessed Mother and her Holy Son
always protect you and your families.
E. Roberto Ibáñez, PGK
District Deputy No. 18
"We are Called to Serve"
Remember Our Sick and Deceased
At the April 22 and May 13 meetings, we were asked to remember the following Council members, relatives
and friends in our prayers.
Sick and Distressed:
PGK Jack Cunningham, Louise Young, Barbara
Waters, Carole Hanley, John Shinkoff, Michael
Lynch, Milton Fitch, Carol Sweetsen, and those
on the Seniors’ Club sick list (see page 13)
Al Henderson, 129 West Virginia coal miners,
Poland’s President, his wife and plane crash companions, Bill
Kiley, Carl Lotto, Marilyn Dempsey, and Archbishop Borders, and
John Austen
Please keep them and all of our past deceased members, family
and friends in your prayers.
June 2010
(Continued from page 1
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit relate to one another and to us.
The Book of Proverbs explains that wisdom
was present with God before the creation of
the world. Wisdom is an aspect of the Holy
Spirit, so that this reading tells us that God
was Father, Son and Holy Spirit, long before Jesus took flesh or the Holy Spirit was
sent forth. Indeed, God always was and
always will be a trinity of persons in a oneness of God.
The love of the Trinity was so strong in the
soul of St. Paul that he told the Romans that
he can even boast of his afflictions. According to him, the suffering he endured helped
him build up endurance, to grow in virtue
and to increase in hope. In St. Paul’s belief,
hope in Christ never leads to disappointment, but only to the fulfillment of the promise of salvation. The love of God poured
out for us by Christ – through the Holy Spirit
– enabled Paul to endure his suffering.
That same Spirit has seen the Church
through persecutions since the earliest
days. It is the love of God for us, shown
through Christ Jesus, and poured out upon
each of us through the Holy Spirit, that enables us to carry our crosses and to help
others bear their burdens.
The Gospel for the Feast of the Most Holy
Trinity is taken from St. John’s account of
the Last Supper. Having predicted his arrest, passion, death and departure from this
world, Jesus reassures His disciples that
one is coming after Him who will preserve
them in faith and guide them in truth. The
Father has given all He has to Jesus, who,
in turn, gave His all for us on the cross. He
then sent the Holy Spirit upon us to continue the gift of God’s love through all generations, until Christ comes again in glory.
This feast day reminds us of this essential
truth about God: He is wholly other. He is
beyond our description, comprehension, or
explanation – but far from being beyond
belief. God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit –
is a mystery that draws us deeper and
deeper into the mysteries of divine love and
eternal life.
May God bless you, the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Monsignor Gatto
Visit the Council Website at
June 2010
The Knight Chatter
Page 3
(Continued from page 1)
both the Council and charities. We instituted new
charitable contributions to Uganda, the sonogram collection and others. All of this was accomplished by the
many hands working together to make things happen.
We will be thanking all of those who participated in
these efforts on June 13 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at our
combined Worker celebration and Anniversary. We
will have a lunch and presentations at that event and all
workers should plan to attend.
In contemplation of the year in review, I thought I
might mention a couple of thoughts on the Knights and
their role in society. In an environment where everything which has been sacred is being attacked, the
Knights stand strong as a reminder and force against
the immoral.
We do not rely on a government to identify how we
should think or act, we take action based on a firm
ground of our faith. We stand as individuals and as a
group in favor of all that is good and right. We support
the rights of the unborn and disadvantaged, we give our
resources to the helpless and help those who need help
and we do this in the framework of our religion and our
love of the Trinity of God the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit, and Mary the Mother of God. We are not afraid
to take a stand on our principles in the reality of truth.
In the book Heretics by G.K. Chesterton written at the
turn of the 20th century, Chesterton said “Strong and
genuine religious sentiment has never had any objection to realism; on the contrary, religion was the realistic thing, the brutal thing, the thing that called names.”
Our beliefs lead to the freedom of all. Political Correctness and the removal of religion as the basis of truth results in the opposite: an inability to discern and a reinvention of beliefs not based on anything in particular –
change for change’s sake which shackles the individual
in chains of the “greater good”. Knights do not act out
of commands from a central civil authority but as a
choice springing from the teachings and commands of
our Savior.
As Grand Knight, I have been humbled to lead our
council and the wonderful band of brothers represented
in our membership. It is not through the magnificent
leadership of the individual that causes a Council to
flourish but as the weak and challenged individuals
which we are who strive to make things better. The
strength of our Order is not based on the charisma of
its leaders, no it is like the mystery of Church itself in
which “the historic Christian Church, was founded on a
weak man, and for that reason it is indestructible. For
no chain is stronger than its weakest link.”
Family Potluck Cookout & Movie
The next family movie night will be June 18. Doors
will open at 7 PM, and the movie will start at dusk.
The weather should be nice, so we will plan to have
an outdoor showing. Bring a blanket to sit on.
As always we will supply the burgers,
dogs, chips, water and juice boxes and
all the fixings. Please bring a side dish or
at 240-793-1169).
All members and guests are welcome. Invite your
friends and neighbors. Cost is $5 per person or $15
per family.
Mike Horan
Family Activities Director
Workers Recognition
Come One, Come All
For anyone and everyone who helped out at
the Council during the past
Columbian Year
Council members, Auxiliary members and
spouses included
Sunday, June 13
2:00 — 4:00 PM
Cantrel Hall
Catered by the
Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad
RSVP for a head count to:
John Vivian at 301-461-3597
Vivat Jesus!
John Vivian, GK
Visit the Council Website at
The Knight Chatter
Page 4
June 2010
Peter and Mary Ann Ferrigno, Pro-Life Chaircouple
tions to provide women with real options so they won’t feel pressured to
take their babies’ lives. Although they
have lost their battle to close the four
pregnancy centers in Montgomery
At our recent Business Meeting, it was
County, their greed is keeping them
the consensus of those present that
busy doing whatever it takes to fill
we should take part in this moneytheir pockets.”
raising event. If anyone is interested in
doing something for a pro-life activity NARAL had this to say about the four
like this, please contact Grand Knight pregnancy centers: “Unable to shut
down legitimate public-health centers,
Vivian. Some younger members are
needed to step up and be effective in the anti-choice movement built a netthis noble cause. The Supreme Coun- work of generally unlicensed, unregulated organizations posing as comprecil will match any sum any council is
hensive health-care clinics …” If any
able to raise. (Eds. Note: The Maryland State Council has already raised of my brother Knights have wives that
enough money to purchase one sono- work for a CPC, I am sure that you
have to feel the same as I do. It is a
gram machine, and expects to purshame that the state of Maryland is so
chase a second by July 1.)
anti-life. We need more prayers that
Once again, a bill to ensure that any
some day they will wake up.
woman seeking an abortion in the
state of Maryland should have a sono- With the upcoming retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stevens, both
gram image prior to an abortion died
A woman who has lost a child by an
sides must have great concern who
in the Senate Finance Committee.
abortion often remains in a place of
the next selected justice will be. Our
However, Nebraska lawmakers just
silence, guilt and shame until her loss
gave final approval to a first-of-its-kind pro-abortion President will surely have
is understood. Many women that had
his input, you can be sure. U.S Solicimeasure stating that any woman
an abortion never were aware how
tor General Elena Kagan has been
seeking an abortion must first by exnegatively influenced their life would
amined for possible physical or mental nominated by President Obama to be
be for their loss. I am sure that
a Supreme Court Justice. She is a
problems. This is one way that the
Planned Parenthood does not give
solid abortion advocate. Needless to
examiner can determine whether the
any thought about how women might
individual is pressured into having an say, our wish is that she does not
suffer. Their interest is in the death of
abortion. Surely, this will reduce that make it.
the child and with out being cynical,
number of abortion performed in that
any monetary gains.
The abortion lobby has spent nearly
state and reduce its citizens to pay out
forty years arguing that the radical
less of their tax dollars. The important
Should any of you ever know of anysurgery at issue is a matter of the
thing is the reduction of abortions. I
one who has had an abortion and is
courts and not a moral one. Recently,
suffering the consequences, have
wonder how many other states will
Nebraska Gov. Dave Heinemen
them contact Kathy Horst for informa- follow suite. This is a good beginning.
signed a law that returns moral judgtion by calling (301) 491-6956 or visit
NARAL Pro-Choice America Founda- ment to a spot front and center in the or reach her by
tion has published brochures warning abortion debate. The new law does
email at [email protected]. I am
emphasize the hideously painful napregnant women that if they enter a
sure that she may be in need of this.
ture of the abortion act itself. FortyCrisis Pregnancy Center “they are
four of the 49 members of the NeState Senator Bryan Simonaire again doing so at their own risk”. They are
stating that pro-life pregnancy centers braska Legislature voted for the Painattempted to get a bill passed to enCapable Unborn Child Protection Act
sure that women seeking abortions in may endanger women’s health by
Maryland receive the option to view a “dissuading them from exercising their making it illegal for a doctor to perform
an abortion beyond twenty weeks of
right to choose.”
sonogram image. Unfortunately, it
pregnancy. Can you imagine how this
died in the Senate Finance Committee
The Executive Director of Maryland
must have been for those babies that
for the second year. It is a known fact
Right to Life, Angela Martin, stated:
were aborted by the partial-birth techthat the majority of women that have
“The abortion industry, not content
had sonograms prior to having an
with a multimillion dollar profit margin
abortion changed their minds and
God Bless.
and ever-growing public funding, is
gave birth to the child. As you know,
trying to hinder charitable organizaKnights of Columbus, Supreme CounIn the Spring
2010 issue of
Maryland Right
to Life’s Life
Report, there
was an article
by Kathy Horst,
“Mercy’s Call – A Healing Journey for
Women”, in which she related that
Mercy’s Call is a united voice of restored women extending His Mercy
and Grace to an abortion wounded
nation. Abortion is an offense against
God and a tragedy for the mother and
child. “Mercy’s Call offers abortion
recovery awareness seminars, facilitator training and Mercy weekends to
help educate and lead women to a
place of freedom in a non-judgmental
atmosphere and to continue in the
work of seeing our nation healed and
many lives saved.”
cil is willing to work with any Council
that can come up with money to purchase sonogram machines to be
placed in Crisis Pregnancy Centers.
Visit the Council Website at
June 2010
The Knight Chatter
Page 5
Peter D. Ferrigno, PGK
Last month, I wrote about the attacks upon the Church and our
Holy Father for the sex abuse by priests in the United States,
England, Ireland and a number of other countries. In an April
issue of Newsweek, there was an article by Lisa Miller et al
giving her reasons why there are so many abuses taking place.
There also was an article by George Weigel giving reasons why
she may not have the answer.
In the former article, Lisa Miller says that the main reason for
all of these abuses in the Church rests in the fact that “it is an
all male group, of an elite club.” She said that some mothers
who made their children’s assault known to bishops were told,
“To be sure, we cannot accept sin, but we know well that we
must love the sinner.” If this is truly what Cardinal Humberto
Medeiros of Boston really said, I think that this was cruel and
not adequate. I believe that only Jesus would be permitted to
say.” He who is without sin, cast the first stone.”
were in Christian denominations with married clergy. Surely,
this does not seem to be a matter of celibacy. Sexually, abusers
throughout the world are overwhelmingly non-celibates.
Weigel, on the suggestion that having women throughout the
Catholic clergy would not have prevented what has happen
with the Catholic priests and bishops, relates that there are no
gender guarantees when it comes to sexual abuse. Religious
sisters committed physical and sexual abuse of young Irish girls
in “Magdalene Asylums” decades ago.
I liked what he stated in his article: “A priest who takes seriously the vows of his ordination is not a sexual abuser or predator. And if a bishop takes seriously his ordination oath to shepherd the Lord’s flock, he will always put the safety to the Master’s little ones, ahead of concerns about any public scandal.
Since 2002, with support of then Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope
Benedict XVI, the Catholic Church in America has developed
and enforced policies and procedures to ensure the safety of the
She asks what has the Church done to correct so sinful an act.
young that offer an important model for the world church.
She also related many of the events that have taken place in the
George Weigel did a great service to the Church and Catholics
past forty years, in the States and in many of the western counby his refuting so many of the anti-Catholic writings of the
tries. Her solution, to all this, is that women should be allowed
past. We thank you George.
within this so-called “club.” She related that in Denmark, Lutheran women were granted ordination rights as early as 1948; The Executive Committee of the United States Conference of
in the U.S, the first female Episcopalian priest was ordained in Catholic Bishops issued a March 30 the following statement:
“We express deep concern for those harmed by the crime and
1976. Ms. Miller thought for sure that the Second Vatican
Council in the early 1960’s would have taken this move under the sin of sexual abuse by clergy and to express our profound
advisement. It is her contention, and those of other women she gratitude for the assistance that Pope Benedict XVI has given
us in our efforts to respond to victims, deal with perpetrators
names, that if the Church chooses not to ordain women as
priests, there should at least be women working in the Vatican, and to create safe environments for children.” Our Holy Father
surely does not deserve so many negative comments that have
in positions that would preclude the prevention of any coverbeen directed at him and the Church. Knowing that there are
ups. To me, this would say that since there have been some
those who would do anything to discredit the Church, this
cover-ups, then all of the bishops and priests of the Vatican
comes as no surprise. According to Father Michael P. Orsi,
have to be guilty. I just cannot believe that the Church would
chaplain and research fellow in law and religion at Ave Maria
allow this.
School of Law, the Catholic Church is credible. “The Church’s
The author of this article does admit that in the United States,
credibility rests on three tenets central to her ecclesiology.
reported incidents of sex abuse in Catholic dioceses are dropFirst, that the Catholic Church is the true church founded by
ping, thanks to the work of McChesney and her team. The latChrist; second, that the church is indefectible; and third, that
ter states that every American diocese must establish an advidespite the sinfulness of her ministers, the sacraments they adsory board on sex abuse, a group professionally and personally
minister are always valid.” This is an assurance that despite
concerned with the welfare of children. McChesney believes
human weakness, the church will never stray from divinely
that these advisory boards should be replicated in dioceses
revealed truth.
worldwide, including the Vatican.
We know that many Catholics have left the Church solely beGeorge Weigel, a member of St. Jane de Chantal Parish, recause of the sins of a number of sexual abusers in the church.
sponded to this, with these statements, “Don’t blame celibacy,
For those that have had some doubts, remember. Catholics
to fight the plague of sexual abuse, the Church needs to become
should believe that we have a supernatural guarantee from Jemore Catholic, not less.” He said further: “Sexual abuse is insus that the church can only be the true faith and that Catholics
deed horrible, but there is no empirical evidence that it is a
should remain in the church since it will continue to be a viable
uniquely, predominantly, or even strikingly Catholic problem.
force in society. Remembering the words of Jesus, before asThe sexual abuse of the young is a global plague.”
cending into heaven “I will be with you always, even to the end
In the United States, 40 to 60 percent of such abuse takes place of the world.” Knowing this, how can anyone justify their leaving the Church?
within families. Further, 290,000 cases of sexual abuse in
American public schools between1991 and 2000, (estimated by
God Bless.
Charol Shakeshaft of Virginia Commonwealth University)
Visit the Council Website at
The Knight Chatter
Page 6
June 2010
Teachers Appreciation Dinner
On May 7, Rock Creek Council once again honored the teachers in the elementary schools of the six parishes we
serve, as it held its 21st annual Catholic School Teachers Appreciation and Awards Night. Over 120 teachers and
many clergy attended the festivities. A teacher from each school was recognized with a plaque, as was an overall
Teacher-of-the-Year. The overall honoree was Kerry Parker from St. Bartholomew.
Joe Murphy describes the history of the Teacher Appreciation Dinner for the attendees
St. Bartholomew Principal, Kathleen Miller, delights in the award
to overall Teacher-of-the-Year Kerry Parker, as Grand Knight
John Vivian looks on
Master of Ceremonies Alex Vincent applauds Holy
Cross Teacher-of-the-Year Tracy Colliton, with
Principal Lisa Maio Kane
Msgr. Vincent Gatto received his winnings from the
New Year’s Eve Raffle. Better late than never!
Rev. Msgr. Edward Filardi, Pastor of Our
Lady of Lourdes, congratulates Teacher-ofthe-Year Patricia Stallsmith
Holy Redeemer Principal Dave Lombardi with
its Teacher-of-the-Year Danielle Trotta
Visit the Council Website at
June 2010
The Knight Chatter
Page 7
Rock Creek at the State Convention
Rock Creek Council was well represented at the Maryland State Convention held at the Princess Royale Hotel in
Ocean City, on May 14-16. There was a lot of fraternalism, food, conviviality and plain fun, to complement the business sessions and daily Masses.
District 18 fielded an awesome team for the
Grand Knight Olympics! (Left) Referee
Martin Luchanski shows District Warden
Richard Earenfight the direction of the hole.
(Right) Grand Knight John Vivian demonstrates his free throw form — up, up and
(Left) State Deputy Richard
Siejack getting ready for the first
business session of the Convention. (Richard) Four priests
assisted by four deacons concelebrated the opening Mass.
The newly elected State Officers at their wives. (L to R) State Treasurer Stephen Adamczyk and Kathleen, State Secretary
William Kushmas and Donna, State Deputy Peter Davio and Francine, State Chaplain Rev/ Donald Grzymski, State Advocate Stephen Cohen and Vicki, and State Warden Dale Trott and Linda
Visit the Council Website at
Page 8
The Knight Chatter
June 2010
Ethics and Profitability
Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson
The Knights of Columbus and modern Catholic social
teaching were born less than a decade apart: the Knights
in 1882 and the Church’s social teaching that took into
account the rapidly changing world of commerce with
Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Rerum Novarum in 1891.
Catholic social teaching and the Knights of Columbus also
share a common motivation: Christ’s commandment that
we love our neighbors as ourselves.
Father McGivney’s motivation for founding the Knights of
Columbus had both religious and financial components.
He was not interested in making money for shareholders
or in pursuing profit at any cost. Instead, he wanted to
safeguard the faith – and the finances – of Catholic families. As a Catholic organization, the Knights of Columbus
has taken that message to heart ever since.
Prior to his election as Pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
warned that without an ethical foundation, market economies would collapse. Unfortunately, too many companies
– and too many individuals who worked for those companies – compromised core values for the false promise of
quick profit. The United States, along with the whole world,
is still suffering as a result.
The key question is this: Can a business be both ethical
and successful? The answer, of course, is yes.
our decisions. That is the rationale underlying our program
of insurance by brother Knights, for brother Knights.
At the Knights of Columbus, our investment standards rule
out investing in companies that violate Catholic teaching in
a number of areas, including pornography and abortion.
Yet, in one of the worst financial crises in memory, we still
made money, and even improved our strength relative to
the industry – not by compromising our principles, but by
holding to them.
Because of our commitment to running our business in a
way consistent with Catholic social teaching, we are one of
only three U.S. life insurance companies – and the only
one in Canada – to have achieved the highest rating for
financial strength from A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s,
as well as ethical certification from the Insurance Marketplace Standards Association.
This last certification is very important because it is our
ethical commitment that makes profitability possible and
sustainable into the future. It is financial strength through
moral strength that allows economic development to be
truly sustainable.
Basing profitability on time-tested moral values means
basing decisions on bedrock and not on the shifting sands
of the latest risky fad. This is a truth that Father McGivney
understood, a truth Pope Benedict understands, and it
remains a guiding principle of the Knights of Columbus.
Our goal has never been simply to make money. Rather,
the Order exists to protect the financial future of its mem[Note: The article, which appears on the Supreme website,
bers’ families. And our brother Knights are our family. That
was abbreviated by the editor.]
is our strength – and a consideration that underlies all of
Our Major Fundraiser to purchase a “Ultrasound Machine to
save innocent babies” is progressing well, but we need your
heart giving support for this Pro-Life Program to be successful.
The Supreme Council will partner up to 50% or $25,000 with
the Maryland State Family on this $50,000 purchase, but we
must raise the first $25,000. I humbly ask all our members,
councils, assemblies, chapters, squires, ladies auxiliaries and
others to make a generous donation to this “Life Saving Program.” My prayer and with “Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Intersession we can and will be able to raise the needed funds by the
month of May, our Blessed Mothers month. We will then be
able to make the purchase and present the Ultrasound Machine
to the selected pregnancy center in June around “Father’s
Day.” With your support, this will be the first “Ultrasound
Machine” and possibly several others to follow. Please contact
your District Deputy and Grand Knight for more information or
the State Pro-Life chairman, Jim McFillin at
[email protected] or 240-577-2258. I ask you to continue to
pray for the success of this Culture of Life Program and I sin-
cerely thank you for your monetary
[Ed. Note: The State raised enough
money to provide one ultrasound
machine, and is well on its way to
funding a second. The “hat” was
passed during one of the business
sessions at the Maryland State Convention and over $4,000 was raised.
In the past sixteen months, Supreme
has purchased over 26 ultrasound machines and placed them
inr pregnancy centers in 15 states – and more will come.]
Vivat Jesus!
Richard V. Siejack
State Deputy
Visit the Council Website at
The Knight Chatter
June 2010
Page 9
Rental Corner
Family of the Month
The Family of the Month for April is Wes Chin and his family. Council
Treasurer Wes Chin, PGK, and his wife JoAnn have three children - Nick,
Laurie Ann, and Kevin. The Chins are members of St. Jane Parish where
Wes serves as usher, and JoAnn has volunteered for the PTA, School
Board, and Mother's Club. Wes and JoAnn have prepared and served the
food at the annual Council Thanksgiving Program for many years.
Wes is a member of the Cardinal O'Boyle Fourth Degree Assembly and
ushers at the National Shrine. Laurie Ann performs volunteer service at
the St. Jane Parish Shepherds Table. JoAnn and Laurie Ann have participated several times in the annual Race for the Cure held in Washington, Kevin received a Presidential Scholarship while attending the University of Maryland. Nick attended the University of Maryland on a full
4-year scholarship. Laurie Ann has spent time in Trinidad providing aid
to youth at an orphanage. Wes has helped with the annual Charity
Youth Chess Program and is a member of the First Degree Team.
Whether "dressed up" or casual, the Rock Creek
Mansion is the perfect place to have fun! It is a
beautiful spot to have a celebration for family,
friends, or business. The upgraded ballroom
and new outdoor patio are an ideal place to
party with friends, family, work associates.
And with spring here, the newly planted bulbs are
turning into gorgeous flowers.
The Mansion is available for your special
Wes and JoAnn, thanks so very much for all the time, work, guidance,
and leadership you guys have provided the Rock Creek Council membership.
Neil Dorian, PGK
Chairman, Family of the Month Program
When Our Members Die
It is a holy and wholesome thing to pray for our deceased Brother
Knights. In this regard, we try to visit funeral homes and recite the
Rosary for our departed members (or join in the Christian Wake
Service), attend funerals, and have a series of Masses offered for
our deceased brothers.
We sometimes miss this important fraternal obligation, however,
because we are unaware of a brother’s death. Please, now, while
you are still with us, let your next of kin know we would appreciate
a notification when God calls you home. Have them contact the
Financial Secretary, whose name, address, and phone number are
on the back of your membership card – or notify any officer of the
Membership Corner
Congratulations and thanks to
everyone who helped recruit
new members this past year! It
was announced at the Maryland
State Convention that we recruited more members than any
other council in the State during the last award period (April
1, 2009 -- March 31, 2010),
recruiting 131% of our membership quota, the highest
among large councils.
Drop by the Lounge and see the
plaque noting our achievement.
Keep up the good work. Let’s
make the coming year another
banner one.
Mike Horan
Membership Chairman
events – weddings, theme parties, graduations, celebrations. And members get a
Go to for a
good view of the Mansion and how it can
serve your celebratory needs.
Rental activity is robust and we are already booking into 2011!
For any questions or a tour, contact:
Julie Carter
email: [email protected]
A Bonus is Coming!
A new monthly State newsletter, full of
information, lots of pictures and a bit of
Catholic humor is being created and will
be available staring in July. It is designed for all members in the State of
Maryland, and will be sent electronically
to those whose email addresses we
have. If you wish to receive it, send
your email address to Matt Flynn at
[email protected]
Visit the Council Website at
The Knight Chatter
Page 10
Community Activities
May 1st Derby Day saw almost 40 Police, Fire and
Rescue and Wounded Warrior personnel join us for
food, drink and conversation to show our appreciation
for what they do. Thanks to Tommy Joe’s, Sapphires,
Rocklands BBQ, Steamers, Hard Times in Bethesda
and Rockville and High Point Farms, they enjoyed
some wonderful food.
We also raised over $250 to give to the family of fallen
Montgomery County Police Officer Hector Ayala.
We would like to thank all who volunteered to help with
this very special occasion. It is these types of events
which brings people together and shows what this
Council can do to give back to the community. And,
oh, by the way, it was fun.
Ernie Baur
Community Activities, Director
Prayer List
As Knights, we pray for our sick and deceased, their families, and our friends in need. If you or your loved ones
would like to be added to our prayer list, let us know.
June 2010
Around the Kay-Cee Club
The Knights Lounge pulled in a good crowd for the
Preakness horse race on May 15. Quite a few families
enjoyed the festivities and barbecue. The play room
was a big hit with the children; thanks to Tommy and
Michelle Wentz for donating a foosball and air hockey
table for the play room. Between playing those games
and the Wii video game system, watching TV, and just
horsing around (sorry for the pun), the children had a
great time.
Check with the Lounge for information on a possible
parties in conjunction with major athletic events.
We’re looking forward to a busy summer season of rentals. If you attended the Preakness party, you might
have wandered upstairs to discover a high-priced art
auction being staged on the premises. It's been a popular draw for the last year or so.
Don’t be surprised if you find our parking lot pretty full
on the weekends with weddings, graduation parties,
bar/bah mitzvahs and the like. Keep us in mind if
you're looking for space to stage an event.
Burt Murray
Joe Murphy
Financial Secretary
[email protected]
Cardinal Patrick A. O’Boyle Assembly, No. 386
On April 11th, 2010 at 6:25 AM, a cool Sunday morning at the National Mall in Washington, DC, Sir
Knights Wayne Miller, John Fox, Harry Dunkle,
Mark Borkoski, Tom Devlin and Danny Bengero
helped to clean the Vietnam Memorial Wall.
In attendance with the members of the Cardinal
O’Boyle Assembly were the Vietnam Veterans of
America, the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs Edward Chow, and Shirley Haase, sister of Specialist 5, Donald
Grella (MIA), with the 229th, AHB, 1st. CAV (Air Mobile) who was
shot down in the la Drang Valley, South Vietnam in 1965. His remains were recovered in 2009 and were interred in Arlington National cemetery in 2010.
It only took a few hours of our time, considering all those who have
died doing duty. But, what a feeling of fulfillment!
The Fourth Degree is devoted to patriotism, and to helping its members exemplify Catholic American citizenship. If you are a Third
Degree member, consider joining the Fourth and completing your
commitment as a Knight.
For more information about the Fourth Degree and the Cardinal
O’Boyle Assembly, contact our Council representatives: S/K Greg
Curtin (301-654-5543), or S/K Neil Dorian (301-977-3840).
Sir Knights Harry Dunkle (front) and Wayne Miller
Visit the Council Website at
June 2010
The Knight Chatter
Page 11
Lawrence P. Grayson, FDD, PGK, PFN
America Dividing
The social compact underlying America is fragmenting. The
unity of America, as a constitutional republic, is based on civic
understandings rooted in shared moral precepts. When the Constitution was adopted, it did not set forth idealized principles for
the nation. Rather, it codified existing beliefs and desires of the
people. Those beliefs were not necessarily conscious aims, but
rather were embodied in ways of behavior, unstated values, and
the collective way of life of the people. If the written Constitution had not been in agreement with them, it would not have
The division between these opposing views is not only wide, but
irreconcilable. On many aspects, especially the moral, there is
no middle ground. One cannot unduly tax the rich and expect
them to make the investments and take the risks to grow the
economy. One cannot create a paternalistic government providing guaranteed income, health care and other social benefits, and
expect people to exercise individual initiative and take personal
responsibility. One cannot believe that abortion is an abomination against the law of God and accept a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy.
It specifically delegated to the national government powers that
could not be exercised by the states acting independently, such
as declaring war, creating a common monetary system, dealing
with foreign powers, and regulating commerce. It reserved to
the states and the people everything not enumerated. To assure
that in the future there would be no doubt about certain fundamental rights of the people, a Bill of Rights was adopted. In this
way, the Constitution provided a balance between the powers of
the states and those of the national government in order to protect the freedom of the people.
When this nation was founded, and throughout most of its history, the people-at-large held to a common set of moral principles based on Judeo-Christian teachings. These principles
shaped the notions of freedom, justice and social responsibility,
together with the customs and legal institutions to effect these
ideas and preserve them for future generations. America today
is a pluralistic nation, in which people of numerous religious,
cultural and ideological persuasions must live and work together
in freedom, peace and justice. That can only occur and be sustained if the people are bound together by shared moral and ethical values, which form the unwritten mores
synchronized with the written Constitution.
As John Adams said, “Our Constitution was
made only for a moral and religious people. It
is wholly inadequate to the government of any
For almost two-and-a-quarter centuries, the
Constitution has served the American people
well. While assuring stability and continuity
through an adherence to the written decrees, it
has adapted to changing social conditions
through the process of amendments. As long
This is not to say that there was or should be a
as the social compact remained in place, and
communal religion or that everyone should
there was compatibility between the written
adhere to a prevailing set of doctrinal beliefs.
Constitution and the unwritten persuasions of
Rather, the prosperity and prestige of the nathe people, the system worked well. When
tion is best advanced when the people strive
severe disagreements arose in the mid-1800s,
within a common ennobling framework to
with strongly opposing views on whether
The Disuniting of America
realize their personal ambitions. As long as
states had the right to secede from the union,
the social compact was fractured and it took a Civil War to set- the general ethos of the nation was Christian, and the leaders
governed in concert with its tenets, as had been the case in the
tle the question and keep the nation united.
past, then a public unity could be achieved, while accommodatToday, the social compact is once again being strained. There
ing a variety of doctrinal beliefs.
are deep divisions among the people as to what America stands
for. One side believes in individual initiative, personal responsi- In the past several decades, however, there has been a progressive discarding of these common precepts and of their concomibility, equality of opportunity, entrepreneurship, and limited
government. The other side advocates bureaucratic regulation, tant practices in public life. As a result, the shared civic principles that have held America together are eroding. If this trend is
societal responsibility, equality of results, centralized control,
not reversed and a public moral consensus formed once again,
and a paternalistic government. One believes in a capitalistic
there may not be a sufficient foundation to preserve the nation.
economy and a free-market system to reward individual
achievement, the other in regulated commerce and a redistribu- It is shared tenets based on religious teachings that quell man’s
tionist system to promote social justice. One believes in equal- self-interests, and give rise to just laws and a civilized commuity under the law, the other in fairness under the law. One side nity. If faith is lost, a nation can be maintained, and then only
believes in the innate dignity of every human being, the protec- temporarily, through coercion and dictatorial power.
tion of life from conception to natural death, and in marriage as
As Americans, we have an obligation to our country to
only between one man and one woman, the other in dignity bestrengthen its moral structure so that the principles upon which
ing conferred when one can function as a person, in the right of
this nation was founded may be preserved for our children and
a woman to abort her own child, and marriage as a civil right
grandchildren. As citizens, we should speak out on public isamong consenting adults regardless of gender.
(Continued on page 12)
Visit the Council Website at
The Knight Chatter
Page 12
June 2010
Many Fine Companies
There are many
fine life insurance companies
in the marketplace today. So
why should you
entrust your life
insurance needs, and those of your
family to the Knights of Columbus?
vantage, a loyal customer base and a
unique rapport with clients’ is because
we remain steadfastly committed to
the vision of Father Michael J. McGivney, ‘Protecting Families for Generations’ by means of ‘life insurance by
brother Knights for brother Knights.’
myself to the following rule of conduct:
I shall, in light of all conditions surrounding those I serve, render that
service which, under the same circumstances, I would apply to myself.’
That’s what you can expect from me,
your professional Knights of Columbus
field agent. I welcome the opportunity
to present to you and your wife, honestly and accurately, all facts necessary for you to make a sound life insurance decision. I will render that service which, under the same circumstances, I would apply to myself.
That commitment is an essential core
value of the Knights of Columbus, and
In their rating report on the Knights of our core values permeate all levels of
Columbus, Standard & Poor’s states
our marketing program. Our
that it’s ‘AAA’ rating is based upon the ‘Marketing Code of Ethics’ is modeled
following strengths: extremely strong
after the Ten Commandments and incapital, very strong competitive posicludes statements such as ‘Thou shall
tion, extremely strong liquidity and his- present honestly and accurately, all
Call me – let’s talk.
torically strong profitability.
facts necessary to enable a member to
make an informed decision.’
I would suggest that a principal reason
that we were able to achieve those
Our ethical principles for marketing are
Fraternal Benefits Advisor
accolades, along with what S&P desummed up by our Golden Rule: ‘In all
scribed as ‘a distinct competitive admy professional relationships, I pledge
m i c h a e l . p at t en @ k o f c . o r g
Dues Payment
Brothers, we still have a large number of our members who have not yet
paid their 2010 dues of $50. While they’ve already been notified twice, a
copy of their current bill will again be sent to them shortly. If you are in
arrears, please pay the council as soon as you can. This year we’ve already
had to suspend over 20 members for non-payment. We do not want to
add to that total. Remember, if you are disabled, or have a special circumstance, the Grand Knight can adjust your dues. We do not want to lose
anyone who does not have the ability to pay. Also, if you know of any
member deployed overseas with the Armed Forces protecting our freedom, please inform the Financial Secretary, Joe Murphy (301-762-2418).
(Continued from page 11)
sues and shape through the power of the ballot
the policies and statutes that evolve from them.
As Catholics, we have a duty to defend the
teachings of the Church and give voice to them
in public discourse. As members of the
Knights of Columbus, let us be exemplars of
what it means to be Catholic American citizens.
Vivat Jesus!
Honoring Our Priests
Worthy Brothers!
Please mark your calendars for a very special council event. As the
“Year of the Priest” comes to a close on June 19th, Rock Creek Council
will honor the dedicated priests of the six parishes we support by holding a casual BBQ on our patio and grounds. This is a small thank you
for all they do for us and our families.
As Knights of Columbus there’s no group more worthy of our gratitude
than our clergy. We will have food on the grill and drinks in the
lounge. The event will be held on Tuesday, June 8th from noon to 3PM.
Stop by for some food and casual conversation with your fellow
Knights and our special guests, the priests of our parishes.
Jim Caulfield
Event Coordinator
Visit the Council Website at
The Knight Chatter
June 2010
Page 13
Council Leaders
By PGK Bob Waters, President
Many thanks to our V.P.,
Jim Young, for running our
May meeting while I was in
Ocean City. As I previously
mentioned, this would be
the meeting to set up our
In your prayers remember:
12-month calendar, so the
Eureka & Elizabeth Arcand,
folks would have plenty of
Tom Becker, Dom Bellia, Wiltime to volunteer to chair
liam “Will” Bello, Maggie De
specific events. There was
Bettencourt, Larry Bisnett,
only one other person
Jean Boyland, Jinny Chwirut,
PGK Bob Waters
(Darlene Coleman) who
Maureen Collins, Jack Cunattended! This is very disappointing to
ningham, Barbara Dolan, PGK Joe Falme, as it shows a complete lack of interzon, Ed Flaim, Jerry Forlenza, Jane
est, other than attending functions that
Frank, Marge Gallery, Susan Gordon Garothers chair.
cia, Lois Gargano, Katharine Giodati, Bill
Gordon, Art and Carole Hanley, Stacey
I said I would chair the July picnic, as
Harim, Ken Haser, PGK, Frank Hayden,
this is the most difficult function we run.
PSD Gene Hogan, Marie Horan, SaunI will do this from Ocean City, and dribe
ders Jacobsen, PGK Jim Kane, Fr. Matt
back to chair the meeting. No one volunteered to chair a function in May or June. Kieman, Julia Marcus (Art Hanley’s
granddaughter), James Marketos, Sally
We normally have a cocktail party at this
McCarthy, John O’Keefe, Ralph Oviedo,
time, which is an easy function to run.
Sr. Maureen Patrice, Anna Pitcher, Fr.
For the past 20 years, I have chaired most David Pollak, George and Joan Reed,
of our functions, while I was in various
Bridget Shanahan, Melvin Simmons,
parts of the country (and sometimes out
John and Estelle Stoltz, Stephanie Suff,
of it). Just think of how much easier it
Ray Timm, Joselyn Walter Graham and
would have been for someone locally to
Regina Walter, Barbara Waters, R. Joyce
do it.
Waters, my cousin Bernice Wilt, Louise
This is your club! If it is to continue, your Young, Nick and Karen Zack, and Fran
and Frank Zello.
help is needed. Call me if you are willing
to help.
Around the Lounge
Winter Hours: Monday Thru Thursday 4-8
Friday 4-11, Saturday 2-8, Closed Sundays
The Lounge has hosted a few athleticevents parties recently. When these
events occur, the grill gets fired up with
burgers and dogs. There are drink specials and 50/50 raffles. And, of course,
the big events are shown on several flat
screen TVs. All members and guests
are always welcome. Watch the announcements for future events.
The Lounge is being continually improved. The children’s game room includes a foosball and air hockey table, a
and a Wii video game system, and casual furniture. So while you are enjoying
yourself in the Lounge proper, the kids
can be having fun in the game room.
And don’t forget that the patio is always
ready for a deck party, or for just relaxThere now is an expanded snack menu, ing with a few friends.
with White Castle sliders, hot dogs and
Come and enjoy your Lounge and
burritos. So if you don’t have time to eat
Council home. Bring a friend, meet a
before coming, you can find some food
friend or make a friend.
at the Lounge.
Lounge phone 301-530-1628
Visit the Council Website at
Rev. Msgr. Vincent S. Gatto - 301-762-2143
Deacon Robert Hubbard—301-942-1522
Deacon John Shewmaker - 301-986-8658
John Vivian—301-461-3597
Michael Horan—240-793-1169
Arthur Harris—301-530-4868
Paul E. Horan, Jr.—301-332-7714
Joseph Murphy, PGK—301-762-2418
Peter Ferrigno, PGK—301-469-6099
Wesley Chin, PGK—301-530-5781
Kevin Kittka, PGK—301-469-8453
Gregory Curtin—301-654-5543
Jack Vivian—703-649-2271
1-Year—Neil Dorian, PGK— 301-977-3840
2-Year—Bruce Cathie—301-571-7220
3-Year—Art Rawson—301-530-0754
Robert Mercer—336-671-1646
Peter Ferrigno, PGK—301-469 - 6099
Ernie Baur—301-718-3304
Christopher Horan—301-440-4199
Michael Horan—240-793-1169
Arthur Harris—301-530-4868
Michael Horan—240-793-1169
Lawrence P. Grayson, PGK—301-933-8731
Robert C. Waters, PGK—301-493-8883
Neil Dorian, PGK—301-977-3840
Gregory Curtin—301-654-5543
Burt Murray—301-946-3573
Jennie P. Morris - 301 - 530 - 0210
Matthew Flynn—301-942-8491
Lawrence P. Grayson, PGK – 301-933-8731
e-mail – [email protected]
KAY-CEE CLUB—301-530-0258
The Knight Chatter
Page 14
June 2010
& Birthday
Non Profit
B ETH ESDA , M A RY LAND 20814-1517
htt p:/ / w w w. Kof C2 7 97 .o rg
U. S.
Postage Paid
Bethesda, MD
Permit No. 7023
Rock Creek Council’s
Address Service Requested
Excellent location near the Capital
Beltway, just north of NIH.
Ample free parking
For more information call
Rentals Manager
July-August CHATTER Deadline:
July 2, 2010
2:00-4:00 PM
Seniors’ Club
12:00 Noon
Rosary 7:30 PM
Meeting 8:00 PM
Family Movie
Night 7:00 PM
K-C Club
7:00 PM
Rosary 7:30 PM
Meeting 8:00 PM
Flag Day
7:30 PM
Priest Appreciation Cookout
Noon-3 PM
Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society Family
Field Day
3:00-7:00 PM
Visit the Council Website at