ava vaulting news - American Vaulting Association
ava vaulting news - American Vaulting Association
AVA VAULTING NEWS A PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION AVA • P.O. BOX 1307 • SAN JUAN BAUTISTA • CALIFORNIA 95045 • MAY-JUNE, 1980 AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 1307 SAN JUAN BAUTiSTA, CA 95045 General Secretary Adrienne Stang 20449 Glen Brae Drive Saratoga, CA 95070 408-867-0184 Editor Kitchy Burdette 2643 Old San Jose Road Soquel, CA 95073 408-462-4686 Tel (408) 623-4446 Medal Testing & Films Secretary Patricia Reschar 112 Calfhill Court Los Gatos, CA 95030 408-356-8660 Historian, Insurance & Annual Report Bettylou Button 12851 Sonoma Highway Glen Ellen, CA 95442 707-996-1777 Technical Advisor J. Ashton Moore P. O. Box 1307 San Juan Batitista, CA 95045 408-623-4446 Budget Committee Mary Parker P. O. Box 252 Capitola, CA 95010 408-475-7420 Promotion & Publicity Bettylou Button 12851 Sonoma Highway Glen Ellen, CA 95442 707-996-1777 Constitution & By-Laws Adrienne Stang 20449 Glen Brae Drive Saratoga, CA 95070 408-867-0184 Clinics, Courses & Competition Cheryl Davidson 15644 La Barca Dr. La Mirada, CA 90638 714-522-7239 Judges & Technical Naomi Takemoto 1725 Wharf Rd., #5 Capitola, CA 95010 408-688-7554 Vaulting For The Handicapped Liz Helms Camps & Clubs Jean Dempsey 24425 Loma Prieta Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 408-353-1850 Fest Lillet Bossenrneyer 9835 Caminito Cuadro San Diego, CA 92129 714-484-1710 International J. Ashton Moore 334 Mission Vineyard Rd. San Juan Bautisla, CA 95045 408-623-4446 9311 Del Arroyo Dr. Sun Valley, CA 91352 213-243-7187 AVA FEES Registered Teams - $35 first year, then $25 per year. Vdulters - $7.50 per year. Sustaining Members $16.50 per year. Subscription to the AVA News - $10 per year. Medal Exams $7.50 per vaulter. Please send Membership Fees to Adrienne Stang, and Medal Test Fees to Patti Reschar. Patti is also in charge of the AVA Films thai are for rent. Rule Books and Score Sheets are available from Adrienne Stang. Contact the General Secretary's office for paperback copies of Elizabeth Friedlander's book, "Vaulting" at $7 each AVA Rule Book -$5.50 to AVA members AVA Rule Book - $7.50 To non-members. Patches - $2.50 each. Score Sheets (Team. 3-Phase. Medal. Test) 10C each AVA Brochure • Free Medal Test Application - Free. BE SURE TO SEND INQUIRIES TO THE CORRECT PLACE (Membership, films, etc.I as there us much delay when information goes to the wrong place or person!!! From The President's Notebook April, 1980 will be unforgettable for many of us. Robert Vavra came to do the vaulting photograph for two of his new books and the experience was so interesting that a special artricle has been devoted to it, which will be found elsewhere in the issue. Needless to say, there will be many vaulters awaiting eagerly the publication of ALL THESE GIRLS IN LOVE WITH HORSES and EQUUS REINED! Just returned from judging a dressage event in Grants Pass, Oregon. I had heard that Oregon is now full of Californians, but was unprepared for the special surprise of finding there James Coffie, formerly associated with the Pt. Reyes Team and now a resident of Ashland, Oregon. Manywill remember that Jim's daughter Kachina was a member of the victorious U.S. team which went to the first international competition in Germany in 1977. Jim has started a group in Ashland called the Rogue Valley Vaulters and this group performed at the show I was judging on Saturday evening. It is the only registered team in Oregon at the present time and hopes to come to the National Fest in Los Angeles this summer. After a very polished entry, the team dressed in attractive green outfits was introduced. While their nice Appaloosa warmed up, each member did one of the compulsories on the barrel, Jim making excellent comments and explanations. The team then went right into a Kur program on the horse with great Paso Doble music as a background. The content of the Kur was astonishing, taking into consideration the very short time the group has been working. It was very professionally done and the audience loved it, giving the youngsters a standing ovation at the end. Our congratulations to Jim and his team. A new magazine VOLTIG1EREN AKTUEL devoted solely to vaulting has now appeared in Germany-some of you may have already received an introductory copy. It is supported by impressive advertisements and contains several articles by Use Lorenz. Contents include upcoming competitions throughout the country, results of major competitions, news from abroad and a feature article by Inge Lohr entitled "DAS BARREL - MADE IN USA"! The drawings from our rule book are shown and the article tells not only about its construction but about our extensive use of it as a training tool as well as in our 3-Phase Competition, which is also described. Another interersting article is an announcement of a new division "D" to be added to the recognized competitions. Obviously for beginners, it is still done at the canter. For anyone wishing to subscribe, write to: Joachim Beier, Beintweg 7, Postfach 44 6906 Leimen - 3, West Germany for information and price. The magazine comes out six times a year and in Germany costs 20 DM. We are in receipt of a letter from Pierre Andre, President of The Association Nationale Pour La Voltige Equestre - the national vaulting association of France, in which he advises that there will be an international vaulting competition in Paris on the 6th and 7th of December at the Salon du Cheval (indoor), "that means about 8,000 spectators," quoting from his letter. Further quoting, "I am asked whether several American teams could be invited and what would be the arrangements to set up for that. We are expecting the best German, Swiss, Austrian and French groups as well as individuals, and perhaps some others from Netherlands and England, and maybe Hungary. (I already got in touch with the Szilvasvarad Kholkose and am going to Budapest next week) " Although not a good time in the year for us as everyone is in school, it is still a very exciting prospect and I have sent for fur ther information on the provision for horses, housing etc. etc. More later when we received a reply. Happy Vaulting! EFS From The General Secretary The AVA has turned into a very busy organization this year. Because of articles in several magazines, we have had over 700 requests for information so far this year. The National Geographic World Magazine for children brougt over 450 requests and each day the mail brings 4 or 5 more letters. Most of the requests (about 375) were from children, but some from adults also sounded promising. My thanks to Sustaining members, Patti Reschar. Jane Scott, Mary Jane Roskosz and Judy Bryer for helping to answer these requests for information. Some of the letters from the children were really cute. One child even asked me not to send a horse to her address. Most of them said that they loved horses more than anything in the whole world. Requests came from as far away as New Zealand, Israel, The Bahamas and Mexico. Many came from Canada. Anne Ryan from Camaneri Acres near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada even came by our house while on vacation to find out more about our sport. She feels that she will be able to get something going in Canada and offered to contact those in her part of Canada who might be interested in vaulting. This brings me to asking a favor of our Sustaining Members who might be interested in helping us to grow. I am in the process of organizing the AVA by areas so that there will be resource people in the various states - at least in areas of several states - to follow up on the requests this office receives. When a letter is received by me. I send out an informa tion packet. Many times letters sound very promising, but the person writing it is very far removed from any team in the AVA . What 1 am going to do is send a copy of the important letters I receive to a resource person who lives near the person asking for information. The resourse person will then contact this person (by letter) and offer help if needed, it is my hope that this might stimulate the growth of the AVA. if this extra effort does not promote new members, we can discontinue the practice next year, but I feel it is worth a try. I will be sending letters to some of our Sustaining Members next week asking them to be resource people. Some have already offered to do this and I want to thank them in FROM THE GENERAL SECRETARY (continued) advance for their efforts, if I send you a letter asking you to be a resource peron, please answer me as soon as possible. If you don't get a letter and wish to help, please contact me. There are more than enough jobs to go around. Our membership is progressing at a rate faster than last year. We presently have 44 Registered Teams, 142 Sustaining Members and about 550 registered vaulters. Since many of our members are new, I thought a few words about registration procedures might be h e l p f u l . In order for AVA insurance to apply to a team, all vaulters, coaches and longers must be members of the AVA. Vaulters may be any age. Coaches and longers over 18 must be Sustaining Members; they must be vaulting members if under 18. ALL Vaulters must be members of a Registered Team. No vaulting memberships can be accepted except for those vaulters who belong to a Registered Team. Sustaining Members do not have to be members of a Registered Team in order to vault in recognized competitions as an individual, or to take medal tests. A Sustaining Member may vault on a Registered Team without paying an additional vaulter fee, but they must have a card on file with the General Secretary, as a vaulter for the Registered Team. Registration cards for vaulters are available from the General Secretary and are filled out only once. To register a vaulter in the following years, you only need send the vaulter fee along with their name to me. It is not necessary to fill out new cards each year. Please remember that cards must be typed or filled out NEATLY in blue or black ink. Please DO NOT let your vauhers fill out the cards. The AVA files end up looking like a mess! Memberships received after October 1st of any year are valid nil through the following year. Registered Teams and Sustaining Members receive the AVA News, vaulters do not. Patti Reschar handles medal tests and film rentals. Please remember that AVA films are rented to Members only. Please return films immediately after you use them so that others may also enjoy them on schedule. Our films are heavily scheduled and we rely on you to be prompt when we promise them to others, Meda.1 test forms are available from Patti. Medal tests must be scheduled 30 days in advance or there is on additional fee for the test. Although medal tests are now being given to the Right for Bronze, Silver arid Gold medalists, the awards are not yet available. Please return all unused Trot Pins, Medals and Ribbons. If a vaulter fails an exam or doesn't take it for any reason, fees are forfieted and the award must be returned to the AVA. Fees may be transferee.! to another vaulter for the same test only. I hope this information helps our new members. If either of us can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We have Executive Committee meetings periodically. If any of our members have items to be considered by this committee, please inform the General Secretary. Please remember that all AVA publications must be submitted to this committee for approval, Happy Vaulting! Adrienne Slang General Secretary Horse Center Vaulters Watch out Mt. Eden Vaulters! There's a new team in Roswell, New Mexico called the Horse Center Vauiters that has enough spirit to carry them far in competition. Armed with Li;-: Searle's book on vaulting and a copy of the new AVA Rulebook, they had iheir kids jumping all over the place. Then in March, the owners of the Horse Center, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, asked Brad Wells and me to go to New Mixico and give a weeklong clinic. Mrs. Robinson picked us up at the Albuquerque airport but not before we managed to create a major commotion playing with a blood pressure machine that refused to register anything except zero over zero. We immediately discovered the fantastic hospitality that we were to be treated to as Mrs. Robinson proceeded to show us around all the sights of Albuquerque. Santa Fe, and even an authentic Indian Pueblo. Then after being wined and dined, we drove to Roswell. The first day we gave a mini-clinic and vaulted with some of their better vaulters for a press interview. Over the next several days we gave six half day clinics during which it seemed the whole town turned out. We worked with "kids" from age 5 or 6 to 40 or so. There was a persistant atmosphere of enthusiasm and a real desire to learn that pervaded all the clinics. It was terrific. We started each day with several hours of extensive stretching and ground work. Then we went through the compulsories on the barrel prior to doing them on the horse at a trot. Two of their three vaulting horses were available for canter work also, and some of the kids went on to do canter compulsorsies and Kur. The video system which Brad brought along proved to be very helpful as a teaching aid. We heard many vaulters remark, "Wow, my legs really do bend in the flank!" After practice, we discovered what a funloving family the Robinsons really are. There was a joint party for their son, Ries, and Brad and me who all had birthdays then. We were treated to riding lessons in our spare time, including a ride on the only Peruvian Paso in New Mexico! On top of it all were the adverse sleeping conditions. There seemed to be a host of beds full of cracker crumbs, balloons under mattresses, short-sheeted beds, and water balloon pillows! There was somethng new every night to keep you on your toes. By the next to the last day, we had five kids ready to take the trot medal exam. They learned all the protocol of a medal exam and anxiously went over all the last minute details such as, "Which way do 1 turn in the scissors again?" The next day dawned bright and very windy, especially for Brad whose bed had been reassembled outside on a secondstory balcony late the night before. The vaulters arrived in a serious group, ready for their medal test. Despite winds that threatened to blow over the horse, all five vaulters successfully completed their stands as well as the other five com pulsories and passed the medal exam! Later thai evening, two very tired vaulters boarded a plane in Albuquerque to return to Los Angeles. They weren't too tired to wreak havoc with the stewardess most of the way home however... by Marie Osmon The Robert Vavra CONNECTION Having come into recent prominence for his elegant "coffee table" books, EQUUS -THE CREATION OF A HORSE and his latest SUCH IS THE REAL NATURE OF HORSES, both of which have been translated into seven languages, many people are not aware that Vaura has produced 15 other prose and photographic works, many of which have also been translated into several languages. Liz Searle and Jeff Moore at Osierlea had the rare good fortune to be his hosts on two occasions this past April, while he was photographing vaulting for two new books. ALL THESE GIRLS IN LOVE WITH HORSES and EQUUS REINED. A tall, handsome man of slender build, dark complected, he characteristically has a serious expression as he concentrates on his work, or enthusiastically discusses it. He is absolutely tireless when it comes to his work and has that priceless ability to imbue all those around him with his enthusiasm. He constantly encourages and praises, so that the subjects are willing to perform again and again until he is satisfied. Surely vaulting has never before, and probably never will again be photographed with such a unique style. Vavra creates his photographs--the special lighting (some of the vaulting was done at 5:30 A.M. to take advantage of the misty, dream-like atmosphere) with unusual angles from the top of a tall step ladder or lying prone on the ground (some still, special shots of the vaulter-horse relationship were taken with the photographer actually standing on the back of the horse!), some with deliberately blurred foregrounds or backgrounds to create special effects. Vavra's homework at night is planning the next day's shots -the exact location, time of day, angles and the composition of his subjects. Having been rained out toward the end of the early April session, making it necessary for him to come back a second time, Vavra brought with him Dick Broun, well-known Hollywood photographer, to shorten the time factor and get him back on schedule. For the remainder of the time everything was shot from two different angles. Approximately 3000 shots were made for a total of about 32 pages in two books. ALL THESE GIRLS IN LOVE WITH HORSES features the outstanding horse women of the world in many fields- cutting horses, gymkhana, race jockeys, jumping, dressage {which he will fjlrn in Germany) etc. There will be about 30 pages on vaulting featuring Kendall Edmonds, member of the Leprechaun Team ;ri Watsonville, Calif., who is current women's international champion and Sidney String, member of the Sundance Vaulters of Saratoga, Calif., who is current women's national champion. They are supported by the national champion Leprechaun Team. The second book, EQUUS REINED, is a more purely artistic and imaginative book, as opposed to the everyday contemporary aspects of the sports covered in the other book. It will be concerned with man's relationship with the horse since antiquity, beginning when the horse was used for food as a sacrificial object. Vavra plans to go to Africa to photograph a tribe which to this day sacrifices wild asses. When questioned about the necessity of picturing anything so gruesome, his reply was: "It is part of the story-it must be told." He knows what he wants to create and no matter what the subject, he retains the sincere approach of the true artist. However, with his usual high standards of good taste in everything, we can expect that it may be grim but not offensive-maybe he will blur it! The vaulting sequences for EQUUS REINED will be brief. The quality of his photography is understood when one realized the time, trouble and number of shots Vavra took for probably a maximum of two pages. For this book he selected the leading male vaulters—Brian Post, current i n t e r n a t i o n a l mens c h a m p i o n , Kim Gussenhoven, current national mens champion (and reserve international champion), both of the Leprechaun Team, and Danny Baker, gold medallist from the Timberline Team of Soquel, Calif. They will depict a fantasy of the Greek period-how the Greek Athletes might have looked in their vaulting. Costumes were brief, definitely Greek in character, designed by Robert Vavra who tried them himself to be sure they were practical and appropriate for the purpose. Several well-known vaulting horses were used for both books: Leprechaun's "Pink C h a m p a g n e " , S u n d a n c e ' s "Whisper", "Bobcat" from Somer's Field Vaulters and "Hi Bebe" from Fort's Flyers. The main horse used for the Greek period was "Babar", Inez Fort's 17-2 hand. 4-year old gray Percheron gelding. With his rnane braided Hungarian style with gold tassels, his tail done up with gold braid, and a bridle of golld braid, he looked every inch the ancient war horse! Together with the young men in their gold-trimmed trunks, gold arm and head bands, the total effect was spectacular, as was their vaulting! The AVA Technical Advisor, Jeff Moore, was the longer for the Greek sequences. With the arrival of the second photographer, Jeff was suddenly in view of one or the other of the earners in all shots. Since it would not be very believable to have an ancient warhorse with young Greeks performing on him and being longed by a character in a down jacket and denim slacks, Jeff had to join the shivering vaulters at 5:30 in the morning, wearing the same brief costume. One of the hallmarks of Vavra books is to have a number of shots made in fields of gorgeous wildflowers. Unfortunately, it was too early in this area, and though the lupine was beginning to appear, we could never find enough in a flat field suitable for a vaulting sequence. Vavra decided afield of mustard would be great, so everyone was on the lookout for a usable field. Even though it was most frustrating, it became a great joke that each time a field was located, before the owner could be found and contacted, the field was plowed! This happened four times. We were sorry that Vavra never got this field of flowers, but it was not because we did not valiantly try. Though everyone was very tired at the end of the driving pace which characterized Vavra's visit, we were al! sorry to have the fascinating and unique experience finally come to an end. He has returned to his home in Sevilla, Spain. This Christmas a new book, HORSE OF A DREAM, will be in the stores. While here, Vavra gave us a beautiful slide presentation of the book another collection of magnificent photographs, this time woven into a f a n tasy. 1981 will see the publication of ALL THESE GIRLS IN LOVE WITH HORSES and 1982 is the projected date for the release of EQUUS REINED. Meantime, Robert Vavra will be working on still another hugh project, MICHENER'S WORLD, which will be a photographic presentation of all the locales of James Michener's great books. We will be awaiting eagerly the future publications of this dynamic man, indisputable master of his field. Elizabeth F. Searle FEST REPORT By Lillet Bossenmeyer, Fest Chairman I. Accomodations: A. We are still uncertain on costs for campers. B. The prices we do have look like this: 1. Dorm and food - $15 Daily 2. Food only - $6.70 Daily C. Tents are allowed, but you must bring your own. We -might be charged a small fee to put these up. D. No food may be prepared in anything except "contained units": Motor homes, campers etc. THURSDAY. AGUST 7: 1. Trot Compulsories - Individual 2. Bronze Compulsories - Invividual 3. International Compulsories Silver/Gold - Individual 4. Individual 3 Phase Horse - Gold/Silver/Bronze 5. Individual 3-Phase Ground - Gold/Silver/Bronze 6.Barrel - Gold/Silver/Bronze Parade of day's competitors and awards ceremony. II. Pepperdine A. B. C. D. No alcoholic beverages Smoking only in the dorms No dancing Beach 1. V2 mile from campus 2. A signal crossing is used in crossing the freeway. III. WE STILL NEED HELP!!! A. B. C. D. Decorating on Wednesday Watering arena every nite & noon Information Booth: 2 hours daily Judges Forum 1. Arrange for Bronze, Silver and Gold vaulters to demontrate 2. Make up flash cards 1 - 10 E. Scoring booth - tabulating scores F. Stable Judges someone that is not directly affiliated with a team and has a good knowledge of stable and management. Judging to be done twice daily. G. Judges Clerks - WE NEED LOTS OF JUDGES CLERKS!! (We also need someone to organize the volunteers with the judges.} If you have any questions please feel free to call. My new number is (213) 335-5127 at home, and (213) 963-5991 at work. FRIDAY. AUGUST 8 7. Bronze Kur Routine Three Static Exercises (1 min.) 8. International Class - Sec. II Kur #1 - Individual 9. Bronze Kur Routine - Scissors Variation, Static Reverse (3 strides), Flag Variation. 10. International Class - Sec. Ill Kur #1 - Individual 11. Team 3-Phasc - Horse "C", "B", "A" 12. Team 3-Phase - Ground "C", "B", "A" 13. Team 3-Phase - Barrel "C", "B", "A" Parade of day's competitors and awards ceremony. SATURDAY. AUGUST 9: 14. LL C" Team Compulsories 15. "B" Team Compulsories 16. "A" Team Compulsories 17. Trot Team Kur/Compulsories (18 min.) (No break between Compulsories & Kur) Parade of day's competitors and awards ceremony. SUNDAY. AUGUST 10: 18. "C" Team Kur WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 6: Judges Forum Medal Exams 19. "B" Team Kur 20. "A" Team Kur Parade of all teams and Championship Awards. Recognized Vaulting Competition Timberline Vaulters would like to announce a RECOGNIZED VAULTING COMPETITION Father's Day, June 15, 1980. The judge will be Marcia Sullivan. Recognized classes will be: A Team, B Team, C Team, Bronze Compulsories, Bronze Kur, International Silver Kurs I and II, International Gold Kurs I and II, Open Scissors Routine, Open Down & Up Routine, Open Doubles, and Open Triples. Unrecognized classes will be: Trot Team Compulsories, arid Novice Canter Compulsories. A special "Parent's" High Point award(s) will be given on the basis of combined scores from the Mother's Day Garrod Fest and our "Father's Fest" to persons and/or teams who compete in both events. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there! Any team or individual not in California who wishes to attend should write immediately to: TIMBERLINE BoxlOl Sequel, CA 95073 The Ava Is Happy To Welcome Three New Teams AVALON VAULTING TEAM Box 707 Avalon, CA 90704 Coach: Bunny Putnam Colors: Brown HORSE CENTER VAULTERS Rt. 1, Box 31D Roswefl, New Mexico 88201 Coach: Jean Robinson Colors: Barn Red & White HEATHERWOOD FARM VAULTING TEAM 4995 Stage Gulch Rd. Sonoma, CA 95476 Coach: Margo Hoagland Colors: Brown & Gold ; ] Garrod Farms Mother's Day Competition Garrod Farms of Saratoga hosted their annual Mother's Manager -Jane Garrod. Grounds - Jane Garrod. Food Day Competition on Sunday, May 11. The judge was Naomi responsibility was taken by Vince Garrod, Arden and Bob Takamoto, with a host of volunteers to help things run Bendorf, Jean and Hans Ernst, Dick Bryer, Becky Schriver smoothly. The clerks were Judy Bryer, Betty Markowski, and Caroiyn Keen. and Kathy Lemteux. Timers were Ed Scherf and Dave Nine teams from Central California competed. Tony Keen. Scoring - Mark and Pat Reschar, Dave Scott, Shirley Amoroso from California Centaurs came all the way from Angus and Mary Jane Reskosz. Gatekeeper was Jennifer Southern California and then hurt her ankle just before the Taylor. Announcers - Dick Angus and Chris Garrod. Show • ' • •• ;V':,'(. RESULTS BEGINNING TROT COMPULSORIES TEAM Timberlinc Trappers Timberline Twisters Central Valley Pegasus Sharlene II Mt. Eden Sbarlene 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SCORE 6.117 5.31 5.14 4.76 4.63 4.55 3.55 HORSE Mr. Perkins Mr. Pcikins Sparky Tanawanda Buttons Pollyanna Buttons COACH 1 . Johnson L. Johnson F. Radish K. Burdette Collins M. Schere Collins BEGINNING CANTER COMPULSORIES TIME 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.83 . me 5.056 4.79 4.76 4.49 Central Valley Mt. Eden Pegasus Pt. Reyes . CTEAM 1. 5.803 l.a Mancha 2. 5-489 Timberline 3. 5.46 Shoreline A & B TEAMS 1. 7.842 Mt. Eden'A' 2. 7.304 Timberline Flyers 'A1 3. 7.021 Timberline Bouncers 'B' Team 4. 6.18 Timberlinc Toppers 'A' Team CLASS A. BRONZE COMP. NO DISMOUNT. 1. 7.72 Jeanette Boxall Sundance 2. 7.52 Leslie Pedersen Timberline 3. 6.77 Joey Gurnee Timberline 4. 6.55 Mike Engman Sundance Timberline 5. 6.38 Marie Lemieux HORSE Whisper Geronomo Pollyanna Chevat Legs COACH A. Slang F. Rrtdich W. Scott Burdett M. Chetini Abby Moryan I'eterbelt MacDonald Buellesbach N. Stevens N.Stevens Mrs. Collins Mrs. Collins Honer Woody S. Scherf J. Garrud N. Stevens Woody N. Steven L. Johnson Woody N. Stevens N. Stevens CLASS E SILVER KUR ROUTINE 1. 7.48 David Long Nancy Steven;; 2. 7.0 3. 6.03 Amy Templet on Mike St. J o h n 4. 6.0 Scott MacDonald 5. 5.8 Timberline Tiniberline Mt. Eden Shoreline LaMancha CLASS B. SILVER K U R . 1 NEW ROUTINE. 1. 2. 3. 4. i. 8.78 7.34 (>.;i8 6.20 5.6 David Long Nancy Stevens Scott McDonald Leslie Keen Dana Tinker Timberline Tlmberltne LaManclui Mt. Eden Timberline CIASS C. GOLD KUR. 1 MINUTK ROUTINE. 1. 8.6 Sydney Slang Sundance 2. 8.52 Laura Jones Seaview 3. 6.82 Danny Baker Timberline 4. 6.56 Eva Bryer Mt. Eden 5. 6.2 Sue Scherf Mt. Eden CLASS D. BRONZE - 3 STATIC EXERCISES 1. 7.72 Jeanette Boxall Sundance 2. 7.5 Leslie Pederson Timberline 3. 6.88 Becky Tinker Sundance 4. 6.7 Sarah Goldberg Central Valley 5. 6.62 Joey Gurnee Timberline CLASS F. GOLD KUR U 1. 8.2 Sydney Statin 2.7.98 Laura Jones 3. 6.9 Danny Bakei 4. 6.88 Kim Shriwr 5. 5.4 Eva Bryt-r CIASS G. OPEN DOUBLES 1. 8.68 David Long Erin Pederson 2. 8.6 3. 8.36 4. 8.04 5. 7.88 David Long Mark Zollo Sydney Slang Jeanette Boxall Danny Baker Erin Pedersen Mike Sesul Leslie Keen Sundance Sea view Timberline Ml. Eden Mt. Eden Timberline Timberline LONGER D. Angus F. Radich H. Scherf A. Dick CI-ASS H. OPEN TRIPLES Danny Baker 1. 8.0 Shelly Davis Holly Johnson Ken Scow 2. 7.9 Sydney Stang Jeanette Boxall Mike Sesul 3. 7.8+ Leslie Keen Kim Shriver 4. 7.8 5. 7.3 Kim Scow Sydney Stang Jeanctle Boxall Krissy Johnson Marie Lemieux Shelly Davis Timberline Sundance Mt. Eden Sundum-<> Timberlinc CLASS I BEST VAULT ON & VAULT OFF 1. 8.8 David Long Timberline 2. 8.6 Danny Baker Timberlinf 3. 8.2 Mark Zollo Timberline 4. 7.92 Laura Jones Seaview f>. 7.88 Sydney Slang Sundance Sundance Timberline Mt. Eden INDIVIDUAL HIGH POINT WINNERS Gold Sydney Stang Sundance Silver David Lang Timberline Urorize Jeanette Boxall Sundance Timberline News Timberline has been very busy this winter preparing for the 1980 competitive season! We began the month of March with the most exciting demonstration we have done to date. The San Francisco based nationally syndicated television show, Evening Magazine, came down to Soquel and filmed a combination of "A", "B", and Trot teams. It was very exciting for us to show vaulting to so large an au dience. The day after the filming. Nancy left rainy, cold California 2000 miles behind and flew to sunny, warm Hawaii to give a two week clinic for Maui No Ka Oi, Kunia, and Aloha vaulters! The rain followed, however, and because of the sloggy arena, the Maui team was forced to work inside on the barrel. But this cloud turned out to have a silver lining because Nancy was able to help design the team's kur, and she also worked on individual kurs for the Fest. Maui No Ka Oi Vaulters are hoping to send a team to the Nationals this year. They will be spending a few weeks at Timberline beforehand to become acquainted with their new horse. Night Flight, that Nancy has been training for them, Nancy finished her stay on Maui by having an informal competition on the barrel. It was a fun way to end the week and test the vaulters' newly accomplished skills. Nan flew over to Oahu for the second week where the Kunia and Aloha vaulters were awaiting her and ran right into the middle of a flash flood! The Kunis Vaulters vaulted one day on the horse and one day in their scuba gear! Aloha Vaulters, around the island at Haleiwa, enjoyed better weather but red mud drys slowly, so it ivns double and individual kurs on the barrel for the also! The vaulters and horses from Kunia and Aloha teams made the trip to Donna Singlehurst's, who was kind enough to allow her arena to be used for an unrecognized competion between the two feams with Nancy as judge. Nancy is grateful to Haku Baldwin for making this trip possible and thoroughly enjoyed her stay with all three teams. Immediately after her return. Nancy spoke at the Santa Cruz Rotary Club about vaulting as a growing and exciting sport nationally as well as internationally. She was very well received by the Rotary Club. Several businessmen in the area expressed their Interest in the growth of vaulting in this community. Future sponsorships for the international exchange may result from this meeting. Timberline has been doing several demonstrations this winter to show vaulting to the public. The two "A" teams and "B" team performed at the Gold Coast Amature Arabian Two Day Horse Show April 19 and 20- The exhibition was very well received and we plan to do more shows as as result of this one. An added bonus to this demonstration was that we were video taped and were able to watch the performance afterwards. This was SO beneficial that Nancy has arranged for video taping to be made available at our Father's Day Fest for ALL participants!! We find these demonstrations very helpful to the vaulters because the pressure of co mpetion is absent and it is valuable to the horse because he must work in an unfamiliar environment. This prepares him for competition in a fun and rewarding way! Our club is very busy with f u n d raisers this year in preparation for the huge expense of traveling to the 1980 Fest and the Internationals in 1981. We are selling pens, gift checks, and bumper stickers to raise money and have already put away over $1,000. We at Timberline hope that other clubs in AVA have had as fun a winter and hope to see everyone at the Garrod Farms Recognized show and at our first recognized competition on Father's Day. Nancy is now available for clinics. She speciali/es in team Kur rind individual Kur development. Interested parties should contact her at; TIMBERLINE Box 101 Soquel. CA 95073 (408) 476-5901 or 688 2400 by Laurie Johnson Timberline Vaulters Rose Parade Opportunities! What an opportunity! There will be vaulting not only during the pre-parade festivities the days before and of the parade, but actually IN the Rose Parade! If you would like to be a part of this extravaganza, Brad Wells wants to hear from you. Entries close July 2 so it is imperative that you call Brad TODAY if you are interestedHis phone number is (213) 996-3807 and is address is 17171 Roscoe Blvd #330 Northridge, CA 91325. REMEMBER THESE FEST DATES AUGUST S 10 ROBERT VAVRA AND JEFF MOORE FOREC !D THEM, LEFT TO RIGHT, KIM GUSSENHOVEN, DANNY BAKER, LISA GUSSFNEIOVEM. SIDNEY STANG UNFORTUNATELY COVERED BY JEFFS HEAD, AND PEEKING TAKEN AT A RFCFPTION FOR VAVRA AT ST.'FRANCIS RETREAT, SAN JUAN RAUTISTA, CA i V^ c U * ^ L *«. fl ^ <*»> I ^ <x,S It f - i \. 'V^ t;.. v»«.-c - AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION P. O. BOX 1307 SAN JUAN BAUTISTA, CA 95045 V I