View March 2014 D`var - Congregation Beth David


View March 2014 D`var - Congregation Beth David
March 2014
Students Take Mitzvah Day to the Next Level
By Iris Bendahan
For years Mitzvah Day was always a special day at Beth David where the
community got together for some good Tikkun Olam time. It was especially a great
event for our Jewish Youth Education Program (JYEP) students who had the
opportunity to work along side the entire community to do good. And, though
we’ve incorporated Tikkun Olam into the school curriculum in various ways,
nothing beats a good old-fashioned Mitzvah Day.
This year, we took a first step towards
rekindling the Mitzvah Day flame with
our Tikkun Olameinu Mitzvah Day
which incorporated an on-site work
day for students and a push to attend
the Poverty Simulation at St. Andrew’s
for teens/adults.
The morning went wonderfully as the
students rotated through 5 tikkun
stations which each focused on a
different aspect of repairing the world.
They focused on animals as they made
blankets for the humane society. They
focused on the less fortunate members
In This Issue:
From the Rabbi
Page 3
Page 5
Pages 14 & 15
Birthdays &
Page 23
Students made 125 sandwich lunches to
donate to the Sunnyvale Armory shelter run by
the Emergency Housing Consortium
of our community by putting together
blessing bags for folks to keep in their cars
to have something to give to a homeless
person they might see on the road. They
focused on the earth as they created ReuseRecycle-Reduce placemats using reused
materials; planted parsley, tomato and/or
wildflowers in reused containers; and mixed
“browns” and “greens” to create compost.
And finally, they focused on hunger as they
attempted to shop for food on $1/day at the
Yellow Comforter store, and made
sandwiches for the folks at the Sunnyvale
Armory Shelter.
Continued on page 9
Continued from front cover
Pages 24 - 26
Mitzvah a
Page 26
Students created placemats using
reused materials (from Raft) as a
reminder to do “Mihzur” – Recycle.
Staff List
Main Office
[email protected]
Religious School
[email protected]
Daniel J. Pressman
Senior Rabbi
[email protected]
Philip R. Ohriner
[email protected]
Tanya Lorien
Director of Operations
[email protected]
Barbara Biran
Ritual Director
[email protected]
Monica Hernandez
Bookkeeping Associate
[email protected]
Jillian Cosgrave
Front Office Associate
[email protected]
Lynn Crocker
Mkt & Comm Associate
[email protected]
Iris Bendahan
School Principal
[email protected]
Andrea Ammerman
School Admin. Assistant
[email protected]
(Jewish Education for Teens)
[email protected]
From the Rabbi
By Rabbi Philip Ohriner
Dear friends,
The Kotzker rebbe, a 19th Century Hasidic master, was once asked by a disciple where one could find God in the world.
The Kotzker rebbe replied that God is found wherever we let God in. The truth of this vignette deeply resonates with me
because it articulates a profound understanding of sacred space. Whether we find ourselves in a barren desert, at the foot of
a little mountain, in the courtyard of an opulent Temple, or in a garage with folding chairs, a space is only as sacred as the
people occupying it and, more importantly, the actions performed there. From our first sanctuary, constructed in the
wilderness, God’s promise to us is surprising. If we build an edifice for God, God will not dwell in the building, but rather
among those who enter its doors in search of sacred living, “let them make Me a sacred space that I may dwell in them
(Exodus 25:8)”. In essence, God proclaims that God will dwell “in them”, the people, not in “it”, the Tabernacle.
My colleague, Rabbi David Wolpe, frequently asks non-Jewish guests to his Synagogue to
identify the aspects of the sanctuary that make it sacred. People will point towards the ner tamid
(eternal light), the ark with the Torah scrolls, and the prayerbooks, until Wolpe informs them that
none of those things are inherently holy. It is the man sitting in the pew gazing at the ner tamid
and allowing its light to inspire him that makes the space sacred. It is the woman coming up to the
Torah to bless it and allow its words to direct her daily actions that makes the space sacred. It is
the child holding the prayerbook in her hands struggling to read its ancient, yet prescient words
that makes the space sacred.
Congregation Beth David is not a building. We are a kehillah kedoshah, a sacred community of
striving, seeking souls. We are seeking to attain the wisdom of Torah and Jewish teachings and
express our collective and individual desires and prayers of thanksgiving. We are yearning to
connect with one another in an intensely human and intimately soulful way. We are not defined by a building, but we do need
a building from which to pursue these foundational elements of Jewish communal life. We require a building that facilitates
and aesthetically elevates our ability to fulfill our mission as a kehillah kedoshah. We are inordinately blessed that the
founders of CBD and our early members devoted so much of their time and their resources to creating the building that has
served us for much of our history. In a profound and important way, the Next50 Capital and Endowment Campaign we are
about to undertake as a community builds upon their vision and dedication and retains much of the building’s character while
bringing it into alignment with our Congregation’s 21st Century physical needs.
As we seek to become a more Shabbat-centered community with diverse opportunities to engage in prayer, learning, and
communal life each Shabbat, we acknowledge the need for additional worship space that is conducive to alternative, yet
authentically Jewish forms of prayer. We need a place for our daily minyan that provides a physical intimacy that matches the
spiritual and emotional experience of daily prayer in the context of supporting those in our community who are grieving. Our
robust and varied adult education program needs dedicated space to house lectures, book groups, text studies, Torah
discussions, and film screenings. Our library needs more space. Our school wing is in desperate need of an upgrade and an
actual playground. Our social hall must become a space where more of our familys might choose to celebrate their simchas.
Our lobby needs to be a place where people might connect with one another, where one might stop by for a cup of coffee, free
wifi, and an opportunity to peruse Israeli newspapers or the latest edition of a Jewish periodical. Our sanctuary needs a more
accessible bima, better lighting, and seating designed for the configurations we desire as a community.
In the coming weeks and months there will be even more opportunities for us to spend time together discussing the various
elements of the Next50 Capital and Endowment Campaign. There will be focus group opportunities to hear about the plans for
every aspect of our enhanced and renovated physical space, as well as ample opportunity to offer suggestions and feedback.
You will also be contacted by a fellow congregant who will spend time with you, hopefully in your home, hearing about the
ways CBD plays a role in adding sanctity to your life and the opportunities available to invest in our community’s future.
As we continue to envision and realize what our sacred space can become, let us not forget that what we are really discussing
is how our building enables us as a community to fulfill our mission and support our actions of continually becoming a
kehillah kedoshah, a community of individuals seeking sacred relationships with one another, Judaism, and God. May our
collective efforts and giving bring the Next50 Capital and Endowment Campaign to fruition so that God’s presence will
continue to dwell amongst us, the holy souls that make CBD our spiritual home.
Sale of Hametz
NOTE: If possible, all hametz – food not acceptable during Pesah (Passover), or materials containing such
unacceptable food – should be destroyed or given away before the holiday begins. Should this be
impossible, the hametz may be stored in such a way that we are sure not to use it during the holiday and its
actual ownership is transferred to a non-Jew until the holiday ends. Please complete the form below and
return to the CBD office no later than Noon April 11, 2014.
KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENT: That I, the undersigned, do hereby make and
appoint Rabbi Daniel Pressman my true and lawful representative to act in my place and
stead, for me and in my name and in my behalf, to sell all hametz owned and possessed by
me, knowingly or unknowingly, as stated in the Torah and defined by the sages of Israel
(e.g., hametz; hashash hametz—suspect hametz; and all kinds of ta’arovet hametz—hametz
mixtures); also, hametz that tends to harden and to adhere to the surface of pans, pots, or
other cooking or eating utensils, or whatsoever nature, and to lease all places wherein the
aforementioned hametz owned or possessed by me may be found, especially in the premises
located at my address listed below. Rabbi Daniel Pressman has the full authority and power
to sell said hametz and to lease said place or places wherein said hametz may be found, upon
such terms and conditions as discretion dictates. Rabbi Daniel Pressman has full power and
authority to assign or appoint a substitute or substitutes to act in my behalf with all the same
powers and authority that I have invested in the rabbi, and I do hereby ratify and confirm all
that Rabbi Daniel Pressman or a rabbinic substitute lawfully does or causes to be done by
virtue of these present.
And to this I hereby affix my signature on this ________ day of ______________
in the year ________________.
Name & Signature ___________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________
City __________________________________ State _______________________
Telephone _________________________________________________________
President’s Perspective
By David Hoffman, CBD Board President
Shalom friends,
This month’s perspective is based on the Drash I
delivered on Board Installation Shabbat on February 1st.
Last year, at board installation Shabbat, I explained, or
tried to, what CBD means to me.
I shared how this wonderful community came to the aid
of my family during my extended recovery from heart
surgery in 2010.
I described the visits of rabbis, deliveries of food, the
sense of caring and community that enveloped my family
and me…
This is an amazing place. And not just because we do
well “in crisis” - although crisis is when we most often
need the support of community.
But we also share simchas. My daughters’ b’not mitzvah
were wonderful expressions of joy and pride, arising
from the accomplishment of learning and synthesizing
our religious school’s top-notch education program. And
my joy was doubled by being able share that joy and
pride with my community.
This sense of community - the sharing of sorrow; the
sharing of joy, reminds me of a High Holiday Sermon
that Rabbi Schonbrun once gave.
He said - to paraphrase - that God is not a “who”; rather,
God is a “where and when”. God is where you let the
presence in. God is when we need to share or express
emotion with others. God’s presence is that feeling of
Rabbi Ron Wolfson has expounded and expanded on this
notion in his newest seminal text, Relational Judaism.
We must, he posits create meaningful entry points for
people who want to encounter other like-minded people
who are longing for a sense of meaning and a sense of
“People will come to synagogues…for programs,” he
writes. “But they will stay for relationships.”
“In our rush to turn out numbers, in our frantic search
for ways to get people through our doors,” we “spend
time, energy and money devising programs for one target
audience or another.”
Wolfson offers several examples of programs - some of
which may sound familiar to you… Lecture series for
seniors; “Jews and Brews” for young adults;
“Lamaze-l classes” for expectant couples; an afternoon at
the zoo for families; Barbecue and Barchu, etc.
“These are wonderful programs,” he writes. “They are
often done with panache and style. They regularly attract
a crowd.”
“But, what happens after the crowd goes home? Has
anything happened during the time they were at the
program to deepen their relationship to the community,
or the sponsoring institution, and most importantly, to
each other?”
The future of Judaism according to Wolfson, is in
relationships. Not surprisingly, that is our history as
It is a happy coincidence that this board installation
Shabbat falls on Shabbat Terumah.
The key phrase in the Parsha, is “V’asu li Mikdash
v’shakhanti b’tokham” - “And let them make me a
sanctuary that I may dwell among them.”
God does not tell Moses to make the mishkan. God
empowers the people to do so - “let THEM” - create the
sacred space, not so that God can dwell in that space, but
rather dwell “among THEM”.
WE are THEM. God dwells amongst us, when we let
God in. That’s the “when” of Rabbi Schonbrun’s
sermon. The “where” is not necessarily a physical space
- the “where” is in the relational space between people.
In the year I’ve served as president, I’ve heard from
some of our members that they do not feel “connected”
to CBD. They are members out of tradition, (“my
parents joined a shul; so I joined a shul”). They are
members out of need - religious education for their
children; but while having joined, they feel a disconnect
from our community.
So how do we engage our members? Re-engage our
members? Attract new members?
These are questions that Rabbi Ohriner and I have been
focused on this past year. These questions formed the
basis of the Spring Board retreat; the July congregational
meeting, and the fall board retreat.
Your board has embarked on a sea of change, the like of
which we have not seen in a generation. We are working
to transition our shul to a new and invigorating vision of
Judaism, under the leadership of Rabbi Ohriner.
Continued on page 7
President’s Perspective
Continued from page 5
You have experienced, in recent months, a taste of things to
come - The Ruah Rally is designed to engage everyone children, parents and grandparents join together in
expressing their love and joy of being Jewish.
The Next 50 Campaign for the Building and Endowment is
designed to assist as well. The new building will allow us
to create additional space - physical space - so that we may
engage in more relational space.
Imagine a Shabbat Morning where we have a traditional
service; with perhaps, a breakout session for extended
Torah study, similar to what our Rabbis did during the
High Holy Days. But, what about a place to meditate or
breathe as prayers are contemplated? What about a healing
We are not remodeling solely because we have a 50 year
old building in need of modernization. We are remodeling
in order to create space to further our mission - as a house
of t’fillah, to be sure, but also as a house of education and a
house of assembly. Perhaps we should add a fourth house a house of friendship.
A house where, we can engage with each other; learn from
each other, and continue to share in life’s experiences,
whether they be sorrowful or joyful. Where we can
experience God’s presence with each other.
Join me, and your new board, in this new Jewish journey.
Shabbat shalom.
The Next 50 Building and
Endowment Campaign
By Bonnie Slavitt Moore
Fundraising Chair, The Next 50 campaign
I am honored and excited to chair the
Fundraising Team for this important
Campaign. The Campaign’s Fundraising Team
is composed of three committees: Steering
Committee, Communication Committee, and
Jewish Conversation Committee. Our goal is to
have “Jewish Conversations” with every
congregation member, either in person or by
telephone, and to have a meaningful financial
contribution by all members.
If you are wondering “What is a Jewish
Conversation?”, it is an opportunity for our
team to understand what is important to you
about our congregation. We want to discuss
our vision for Beth David in the coming years,
and how improving our physical space fits with
that vision. We hope you will make a
Campaign gift that is meaningful to you.
We have raised over $3.1 million of the $6.1
million needed for The Next 50 building
program and to establish an Endowment Fund
for our congregation. If you want to participate
on a Campaign committee or have any
questions about our upcoming Jewish
Conversations, please email me at
[email protected]
to the following new members of the
CBD Board of Directors:
 David Fishman, VP of Ritual
 David Pennypacker, Director at
 Susannah Pfalzer, Director at Large
 Art Singer, Men's Club Representative
For a full listing of the Board of Directors
roster, check out our website: Click on the “About Us”
tab and select “Board of Directors” from
the drop down menu.
Shabbat Mishpaha (Family) Experience
Friday, April 4th 6:30 pm
Celebrate Shabbat at our upbeat, family-friendly
service where you can grab a drum, shaker or
tambourine to enhance the spirit of the
celebration. Service includes Kita Dalet Tanakh
presentation. Dairy potluck follows service.
Students Take Mitzvah Day to the Next Level
By Iris Bendahan
Continued from front cover
We were able to deliver 125 sandwiches to the armory as well as 20 sandwiches to the persons who helped run the
Poverty Simulation (who are themselves poor).
Feedback from the simulation attendees is that it was a very good experience. So, if you’re interested in helping to
bring back a CBD mitzvah day contact me at [email protected]. Planning mitzvah day may be the hardest
mitzvah of all, but certainly the most rewarding!
Of course we couldn’t have has such a successful day without the
help of our amazing TMTer's who assisted with the Tikkun
Olameniu Projects: Shy Adelman, Simon Spector, Mollie Halper,
Sam Ball, Noa Fishman, Melissa Kovar, Anton Gotlib, Samantha
Wigon, Alisa Drabkin, Alexia Hughes, Mayer Adelberg, Hannah
Hittelman, Rafi Bendahan, Jonathan Proctor, Miriam Rivkin, and
Adam Graubart.
Also, thank-you to our teens who participated in the Interfaith
Community Poverty Simulation: Mayer Adelberg, Rafi Bendahan,
Mollie Halper, Hannah Hittelman, Ryan Hittelman, and Elana Shen.
Students mixed ‘browns’ and ‘greens’ to learn how
to make compost.
Student made blankets for the animals at the Humane
Students put together blessing bags filled with
toiletries and granola bars for folks to keep in their car
to give to the homeless.
Students planted seeds in terrariums made of reused – compostable
cups or containers.
JET teens had a great time helping Myrtle and other
Sisterhood ladies bake hamentaschen for Queen Esther’s
Kitchen! They made 227 that day.
CBD Members Attend
International Holocaust
Memorial Day in San Jose
In 2005, The UN General Assembly
designated January 27th - the anniversary
of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau as International Holocaust Remembrance
Day. On this annual day of
commemoration, the UN urges every
member state to honor the victims of the
Nazi era and to develop educational
programs to help prevent future
On Tuesday, January 28th San Jose city
officials proclaimed International
Holocaust Memorial Day at San Jose City
Hall as part of the agenda. The
proclamation ceremony was attended by a
number of Beth David members including
Rabbi Pressman and survivors Tamar
Jacobs and Jussi Rajna.
Jussi was given the opportunity to share
his survival story. Both his story and the
proclamation will be viewable at CBD’s
Holocaust Museum in April.
Please share our
joy as our daughter,
Molly, is called to
the Torah as a Bat
Mitzvah on:
March 29, 2014
We invite you to join us for a Kiddush
luncheon following the service.
Ronen and Cara Vainish
30th of Adar I
1st of Adar II
9:00 am Haftara Torah Trope
9:30 am JYEP – Sunday
9:30 am Minyan
10:30 am Adult Ed Mtg.
10:45 am JYEP – Jgan
10:00 am Intermed Hebrew
2:15 pm Beg Hebrew for FSU
7:00 pm Minyan
2nd of Adar II
7:00 pm Musical Minyan
7:30 pm Engaging Israel:
Foundation for a New
3rd of Adar II
4:00 pm JYEP - Jewel
7:00 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Noten Yad Mtg
9th of Adar II
7:00 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Engaging Israel:
Foundation for a New
7:30 pm Finance Committee
16th of Adar II
7:00 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Engaging Israel:
Foundation for a New
10th of Adar II
4:00 pm JYEP - Jewel
4:30 pm Mishloah Manot
Fundraiser Deadline
7:00 pm Minyan
17th of Adar II
4:00 pm JYEP – Jewel
7:00 pm Minyan
23rd of Adar II
7:00 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Engaging Israel:
Foundation for a New
24th of Adar II
8:00 am Yavneh Milestone
4:00 pm JYEP - Jewel
7:00 pm Minyan
7:30 pm General Board Mtg
Rosh Chodesh Adar II
Rosh Chodesh Adar II
7th of Adar II
9:30 am Minyan
10:00am Congregational
10:30 am Sunday Seminar
1:00 pm Cub Scouts meeting
14th of Adar II
8th of Adar II
10:00 am Intermed Hebrew
2:15 pm Beg Hebrew for FSU
7:00 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Career Havurah
15th of Adar II
9:00 am Minyan
9:30 am Family Megillah
9:30 am JYEP - Sunday
10:30 am Purim Carnival
10:45 am JYEP – Jgan
21st of Adar II
9:00 am Haftara Torah Trope
9:30 am JYEP - Sunday
9:30 am Minyan
10:45 am JYEP - JGan
1:00 pm Boy Scouts Matzah
10:00 am Intermed Hebrew
2:15 pm Beg Hebrew for FSU
7:00 pm Minyan
28th of Adar II
12:30 am Board retreat
9:00 am Haftara Torah Trope
9:30 am JYEP - Sunday
9:30 am Minyan
9:30 am Shadow Day
10:45 am JYEP - JGan
Shushan Purim
22nd of Adar II
10:00 am Intermed Hebrew
2:15 pm Beg Hebrew for FSU
7:00 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Career Havurah
29th of Adar II
10:00 am Intermed Hebrew
2:15 pm Beg Hebrew for FSU
7:00 pm Minyan
Highlights in
29th of Adar I
Shabbat Shekalim
9:30 am Services/Donor
Appreciation Shabbat
12:00 pm Ruah Rally
12:30 pm Kiddush
1:30 pm Heschel Havurah
with Rabbi Ohriner
4th of Adar II
7:00 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
11th of Adar II
Ta'anit Esther
7:00 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
7:30 pm Conversations in
Jewish Learning
18th of Adar II
7:00 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
25th of Adar II
7:00 pm Minyan
7:30 pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
5th of Adar II
8:30 am Talmud Study with
Rabbi Pressman
9:45 am Pirkei Avot
Discussion Group
5:52 pm Candle lighting
6:30 pm Services
12th of Adar II
8:30 am Talmud Study with
Rabbi Pressman
9:45 am Pirkei Avot
Discussion Group
6:00 pm PJ Shabbat
6:30 pm Services
6:58 pm Candle lighting
19th of Adar II
8:30 am Talmud Study with
Rabbi Pressman
9:45 am Pirkei Avot
Discussion Group
6:30 pm Services
7:04 pm Candle lighting
26th of Adar II
8:30 am Talmud Study with
Rabbi Pressman
9:45 am Pirkei Avot
Discussion Group
6:30 pm Services
7:11 pm Candle lighting
6th of Adar II
9:30 am JYEP - Shabbat
9:30 am Services
10:30 am Youth Congregation
10:45 am JYEP - JGan
11:00 am Haverim Services
11:15 am Tot Shabbat
12:00 pm Ruah Rally
12:30 pm Kiddush
1:30 pm Book Discussion
13th of Adar II
Erev Purim
Shabbat Zachor
9:30 am Services
10:30 am Youth Congregation
12:00 pm Ruah Rally
12:30 pm Kiddush
1:30 pm Mussar Matters with
Rabbi Pressman
8:30 pm Erev Purim: Megillah
9:30 pm Hamen-Scotch-en
20th of Adar II
9:30am Donor
Appreciation Shabbat
10:30am Sunday Seminar:
The Jewish Revolts
Against the Romans
7:30pm Conversations in
Jewish Learning: Masa:
Stories of a Lone Soldier
by Ilan Benjamin
8:30pm Erev Purim:
Megillah Reading
9:30pm Hamen-Scotch-en
9:30am Family Megillah
9:30 am Services
10:30 am Youth Congregation
Shabbat Parah
11:00 am Haverim Services
11:15 am Tot Shabbat
12:00 pm Ruah Rally
12:30 pm Kiddush
1:30 pm Shabbat Schmooze
Why JFS?
27th of Adar II
Shabbat HaChodesh
9:30 am Services/Molly
Vainish Bat Mitzvah
9:30 am Zayin Shabbat
10:30 am Youth Congregation
12:00 pm Ruah Rally
12:30 pm Kiddush
10:30am Purim Carnival
9:30am School Shadow
See our
in action!
Kids and parents welcome!
See our JYEP classes that let your child’s Jewish side shine!
 Extraordinary programs designed to foster Jewish identity
 Activities to create partnerships and form lasting friendships
 M’yuhad program for kids with special needs
 Jewel program for member and non-members
Questions? Want more information? Email [email protected]
Congregation Beth David
19700 Prospect Road . Saratoga . CA . 95070
Sunday, April 6th - 9:30am - 12:30pm
All ages can explore the “why” to the many Passover
questions through do-it-yourself activities.
Tots – Hands-on activities
Kids – Torah Quest
Teens – Crypto-Seder and DI”Why”
Adults – Special Session for parents: Running a Kid-Friendly Seder
Learn about creating an exciting seder for your family
 Adults – A Moral Order: Drawing on the mussar tradition forethical
enrichment of your seder
Concluding with a Mimouna/Morroccan Feast
FREE to attend - RSVP at
Congregation Beth David
19700 Prospect Road . Saratoga . CA . 95070
Photo Highlights of Our Jewel Program
What is JEWEL:
The Jewel program is a Jewish education program that focuses on Jewish experiential learning and
forging Jewish friendships. The program is structured to give students choices on what "JEMs" of
Jewish learning they'd like to engage in. It is open to the community and thus allows students to
interact with a larger network of Jewish kids their age. Examples of JEMs (each JEM is 5 sessions)
taught this year:
Caring for Earth – “Baal Tashhit” JEM
With the help of guest speakers and hands-on projects,
this JEM had the students contemplate the questions: How
can we strive to find harmony between humans and nature?
How does Judaism relate to all the processes and choices
involved in how we grow, harvest, prepare, and eat our food,
as well as manage our waste? (See photo to left)
The Wheels Go Round JEM
This JEM is a hands-on lifecycle class. Activities included
visiting a Mikvah, meeting a mohel, getting married and
learning to make a Shiva call.
(See photo below)
Led by Mindy Berkowitz, the students
learned to make lovely green plantings
using recycled vessels (such as old mugs)
found around the house.
Rabbi Ohriner conducts a mock wedding as part of The Wheels
go Round JEM
Continued on page 19
Continued from page 18
Values for Muggles JEM
This JEM explores whether there are Jewish values to be learned from the Harry
Potter series that we can apply to our “muggle” lives.
David Adelberg and her class of “muggles”
by Patty Hughes & Iris Bendahan
How Does “Happy Hour during Religious School” Sound?
We invite all ladies, gals, moms and grandmas to Jake’s Pizza on:
Wednesday, March 26h from 4:00 – 6:15 p.m.
for the kick off of the sisterhood weekly happy hour.
Tuesday, February 4th marked the kick-off meeting for a renewed Sisterhood vision by a
multigenerational gathering of CBD Sisterhood members. Why was this meeting necessary?
Sisterhood uses its funds to provide CBD with many beloved events such as the Mah Jongg
tournament, Queen Esther’s Kitchen, the Purim Silent Auction, High Holiday niceties such as
Selichot ice cream social, apple juice after Yom Kippur, chocolates after Simchat Torah, snacks for
Youth Services to name a few. These programs have been run by the same people for years, and
with the traditional Sisterhood leadership hierarchy failing to be filled with volunteers, it’s become
necessary to rethink what Sisterhood can be in the future.
At our meeting we were privileged to have Bev Dunn, our Women’s League regional president, and
Carol Simon, the incoming International president of Women’s League in attendance. Carol
opened the meeting with a preface about Women’s League/Sisterhood as a means for women to
nurture friendships by working on projects together within the community as well as giving women
Continued on page 20
Continued from page 19
the opportunity to grow, and ‘stretch’ themselves beyond what they may have thought possible.
She stressed that the needs of women have changed. Whereas once there were few opportunities
for women to advance without an organization supporting them, now woman can readily be
involved with whatever they wish, and the Women’s League and specifically the individual
Sisterhoods, should bring women together to accomplish the tasks and activities that
speak to them.
After an overview of current Sisterhood accomplishments, Carol guided the 30 women in
attendance through a brainstorming session for ideas of what they felt CBD Sisterhood should
offer. While sipping from a fine selection of relaxing teas and sweets (thank you to Carol Osofsky
for baking), the women came up with enough creative ideasto make for an exciting future for
Sisterhood. After a priority vote, Carol had us focus on the top 3 to begin the process of
Here are our top 3 ideas:
 New Member Welcome – In
addition to the welcome baskets
which are already being given, a
new member family
brunch/barbeque once a year so
new member families can get to
know other members. Wendy
Glasser offered to host this, but
we still need a few women to
 Movie Nights – either at CBD or
other venues, followed by a
discussion. Dori Jaroslow and
Miriam Marr volunteered to
spearhead this.
 Culture Club – members of similar cultural interests get together to go to a venue (ballet, opera,
concert, etc). Hillary Farkas volunteered to get this going.
Meanwhile, Z’havah (Sisterhood women from 20s-40s) continues to connect regularly during
Religious School hours, and Queen Esther’s Kitchen is on track with Hamentaschen baking.
What we still need to succeed:
Decide on a place to ‘post’ events, not Facebook, so people will know about them, and can easily
respond without a “reply all” occurring.
Regular articles – Sisterhood News – perhaps in Dvar/Bulletin to keep us in the loop.
Volunteers willing to help out in small ways. Many smalls can a BIG difference. All Cheryl
Graubart had to do to get “Happy Hour” going was send an email!
For a full listing of our ideas and contacts check out
Sisterhood can be a great way for you to connect to the women of CBD, just let us know what you’re
looking for, and together we can make it happen!
Open During Synagogue Hours
Our museum is a timeline
of Holocaust history
shown through a wide
array of books, posters,
videos and art. Includes a
reading corner for young
For further information contact Iris at: 408.366.9101 or [email protected]
Congregation Beth David
19700 Prospect Road . Saratoga . CA . 95070
JYEP Kids Help Feed the Hungry
Through the Yellow Comforter Project
Religious School Kids had a great time “building a community one can at a time” at
the Yellow Comforter culmination event at the JCC. Through the CBD community
and donations to JFS, the yellow comforter project raised over $6K to help the feed
the hungry. Food and funds donations were made to Second Harvest Food Bank of
Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.
We wish the following members a very happy birthday. Be sure to attend the
Saturday, March 8th Ruah Rally (following services)
for a special birthday blessing.
Stephanie Levin
Fae Melmon
David Osofsky
Sondra Goldberger
Denise Goldberg
Rochelle Alhadeff
Martin Spergel
Loretta Levin
Steven Karel
Edward Levin
Nancy Newman
Edward Levin
Luba Kogan
Harvey Checkman
Rita Schlosser
Deborah Vick
Laura Abada
Benjamin Englander Brandon Glajchen
Daniel Gold
Howard Field
Lynn Ann Levi
Patricia Werba
Barbara Goldstein
Debra Schwartz
Sima Vishnevsky
Jacob Applesmith
Ilene Janofsky
Mollie Halper
Marilyn Entin
Rudi Katz
Amy Ball
Stephanie Kass
Toby Adelman
Rachel Wigon
Jan Krum
Aliza Aitchison
Kenneth Solnit
Opher Har-el
Roza Levina
Harold Woron
Barry Cinnamon
Mariya Chalik
Tal Volinsky
Molly Vainish
Ina Checkman
Steve Bogad
Albert Ghan
Ronen Vainish
Barbara Green
Vivian Golub1
Daisy Gelb
Anna Margolis
Elise Wolf
Muriel Barnett
Bonnie Ashkenazi
Marianna Yanovsky
Adriana MuscatelWeiner
Ethan Vick
Eugenia Mandrusov
Ruth Miller
Shoshana Batson
Kate Fox
Emerson Davis
Emily Gannes
Sandra Silver
Hindy Ganeles
Irene Bricker
Scott Brandman
Avraham Perahia
Jeffrey Warwick
Rhianna Kass
Vivian Herman
Allan Berkowitz
Ariel Tseitlin
Svetlana Veksler
Daniel Taylor
Ian Wolfe
Miriam Eylon
Rachel Selincourt
Grant Goodman
Dina Schneider
Steven Frankel
Helen Tieger
Doris Katz
Samuel Paktor
Cheryl Zatkin-Steres 31
Richard Kramer
Eleanor Dickman
Arieh Strod
Joan Silberstein
Liya Freydin
Joseph Isaac
Cathy Beyda
We wish the following members a happy anniversary. Be sure to attend the Saturday, March
22nd Ruah Rally (following services) for a special anniversary blessing.
Robert & Debra Fils
Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore
Adrian & Cary Feria
Donald & Susan Ehrlich
Victor & Ruth Brill
Charlie & Miriam Marr
Samuel & Kamilla Lif
Martin & Roberta Schwartz
Michael & Jane Gold
Martin & Sheryl Rattner
Ryan & Lauren Lewis
Tal & Ilana Lavian
Joseph & Iris Bendahan
Gordon & Judy Levin
Michael & Elaine Hamilton
Herman & Penina Stern
Barry & Rochelle Alhadeff
Jason & Mishy Balaban
Contributions are vital to the life of our community. We acknowledge the gifts received between
January 1, 2014 through January 31, 2014, from the following individuals and families
Annual Campaign
Congregation Beth David Fund (Continued)
In memory of my brother, Martin Leeds, from Bernard
In memory of my sister, Charlotte Faneuil, from Michael
In memory of Larry's parents, Pauline & Jacob Cohn, from
Lawrence & Judith Cohn
In memory of my brother, Harry Burdman, from Herman
In memory of my brother, Martin Leeds, from Bernard
Balk Family Camp Scholarship Fund
Howard Pomerantz, in memory of your mother, Estelle
In memory of my father, Edward Meltzer, from Michael
Pomerantz, from Stanley & Hillary Farkas
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your brother, Joel In memory of my father, Henry Gage, from Ruth Brill
Pressman, from Stanley & Hillary Farkas
In memory of my father, Jacob Malkin, from Leslie Malkin
In memory of my father, Samuel Klein, from Jeanette
Congregation Beth David Anniversary
David Hoffman & Family, in memory of Saul Hoffman,
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in fond memory of your beloved
from Morton & Barbara Berlant
brother, Joel Pressman, from Paul and Sheri Robbins
In memory of my brother, Martin Leeds, from Bernard
and Family.
Philip & Rabbi Shoshana Ohriner, in celebration of
In memory of my father-in-law, Aizik Freydin, from Liya
the upsherin for Eli, from Robin D. Penn.
of Richard Dorsay, from Steven & Rita Schlosser
In memory of my mother & father, Rebekka &
Alexander Rubinovich, from Liya Freydin
Kiddush Lunch Fund
In memory of my mother-in-law, Mussa Freydin, from
Sponsor kiddush, December 21, 2013, in honor of baby
Liya Freydin
naming, from Sharon Mutchnik & Vanina
Kenneth Bauer & Family, in memory of Alex Bauer,
from Morton & Barbara Berlant
Co-sponsor Kiddush, February 1, 2014 for board
Congregation Beth David Bible and Siddur and
Mahzor Fund
In memory of my brother, Martin Leeds, from Bernard
In memory of my mother, Ida Meltzer, from Michael
Congregation Beth David Endowment Fund
In memory of my brother, Martin Leeds, from Bernard
In memory of my father, Sigmund Strauss, from Sylvia
Congregation Beth David Fund
Congregation Beth David, from Viktor Gitis & Rakhil
Howard Pomerantz, in loving memory of your mother,
Estelle Pomerantz, from Andrew & Lynn Newman
Howard Pomerantz, in memory of your mother, Estelle
Pomerantz, from Harry & Joanne Cornbleet
Howard Pomerantz, in memory of your mother, Estelle
Pomerantz, from Jacob & Ruth Barron
Howard Pomerantz, in memory of your mother, Estelle
Pomerantz, from Stephen & Lynne Kinsey
In memory of Judy's parents, Pearl & Jerome Poons, from
Lawrence & Judith Cohn
installation, in memory of Tammy Toth, from Lawrence
& Edye Stein
Co-sponsor Kiddush, February 8, 2014, in honor of the
30th Anniversary of the first B’not Mitzvah Class of
CBD, from: Marshall & Marlene Burak, Stanley &
Hillary Farkas, Vivian Herman, Marcia Kaplan,
Dr. Howard & Judith Levin, Leslie & Enid Malkin,
Arieh & Ruth Schifrin, Charles & Barbara Taubman,
Aline Usim
Co-sponsor kiddush lunch, March 15, 2014 in honor of
Hadassah Shabbat and Barbara's birthday, from Arye &
Barbara Green
Congregation Beth David, in appreciation of the Aliya on
December 7, from Julian & Adrienne Brook
David Hoffman, in memory of your father, Saul Hoffman,
from Dr. Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore
Howard Pomerantz & Family, in memory of your mother,
Estelle Pomerantz, from Israel & Judith Krongold
Howard Pomerantz, in memory of your mother, Estelle
Pomerantz, from Richard & Dorothy Dorsay
In memory of my father, Irving Krulevitch, from Sharoan
In memory of Bill Usim, from Aline Usim
Contributions (Continued)
Kiddush Lunch Fund (Continued)
Rabbi Ohriner Discretionary Fund (Continued)
In memory of my husband, Ralf Herman, from Vivian
In memory of my mother, Lena Burdman, from Herman
In memory of my wife, Nina Schlosser, from Steven
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your brother, Joel,
from Israel & Judith Krongold
Rabbi Philip & Rabbi Shoshana Ohriner, in honor of Eli's
upsherin, from Howard & Margie Pomerantz
Sandra Mayer and Morris Kirschen, in memory of your
mother & wife, Harriette Kirschen, from Richard &
Dorothy Dorsay
Vivian Herman, in appreciation, from Nathan & Edith
Aline Usim, in appreciation, from Nathan & Edith
Rabbi Philip & Rabbi Shoshana Ohriner, in honor of Eli's
upsherin, from Alvin & Dalia Milgram
Rabbi Philip & Rabbi Shoshana Ohriner, in honor of Eli's
upsherin, from Lee & Susan Gavens
Rabbi Philip & Rabbi Shoshana Ohriner, in honor of Eli's
upsherin, from Vivian Herman
Rabbi Philip & Rabbi Shoshana Ohriner, in honor of Eli's
upsherin, from Harry & Joanne Cornbleet
Rabbi Philip & Rabbi Shoshana Ohriner, in honor of the
upsherin for Eli Ohriner, from Paul Overmyer & Alice
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, thank you, from Thelma & Hy
Rabbi Pressman Discretionary Fund
Anna Kraus, in memory of your husband, Bela, from
Richard & Dorothy Dorsay
In memory of Igor Dukarevich, from Yelena Dukarevich
In memory of my aunt, Ida Eisen, from Mr. Harvey
March of the Living Fund
In memory of my aunt, Fay Edel, from Lynn Snyder
In memory of my brother, Martin Leeds, from Bernard
Rabbi Ohriner Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, in honor of the baby naming, from In memory of my father, David Checkman, from Mr.
Sharon Mutchnik & Vanina Sandel-Mutchnik
Harvey Checkman
In memory of Asaf Green, from Arye & Barbara Green
In memory of my mother, Amalia Dreifuss, from Herbert
In memory of my brother, Martin Leeds, from Bernard
In memory of my mother, Sofi Rafael, from Lydia Polidi
In memory of my father, Issachar Shottan, from Shmuel
In memory of my mother, Sylvia Saslaff, from Seema
In memory of my father, Oscar Saslaff, from Seema
Louis Reis, in memory of your wife, from Herman &
Phyllis Burdman
In memory of my father-in-law, David Pavlivker, from
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in honor of the birth of your
Yakov Agroskin
grandchildren, Avital Julia and Nathan, from Richard &
In memory of my grandmother, Lili Epstein, from Daniel
Dorothy Dorsay
& Bettina Rosenberg
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your dear brother,
In memory of my mother, Adela Leibovich, from Shmuel
Joel, from Thelma & Hy Ramm Z”L
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your brother, Joel,
In memory of my mother, Amalia Dreifuss, from Herbert
from Richard & Dorothy Dorsay
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, mazal tov on the birth of your
In memory of my mother, Hannah Sherman, from Martin
grandson, Nathan, from Natalie Schriger
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, mazal tov on the birth of your two
In memory of my wife, Roza Pavlivker, from Yakov
new grandchildren, from Thelma & Hy Ramm Z”L
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, thank you, from Thelma & Hy
Neal Gafter, in memory of Andrew Gafter, from William
& Cathy Beyda
Sandra Mayer & Family, in memory of Harriette Kirschen,
Rabbi Philip & Rabbi Shoshana Ohriner, in honor of Eli
from Natalie Schriger
Ohriner, from Minda Schwartz
Rabbi Philip & Rabbi Shoshana Ohriner, in honor of Eli
Rama Strod Education Fund
Ohriner's upsherin, from Charles & Miriam Marr
Hy Ramm, for refuah sheleimah, from Arieh & Rama Strod
Rabbi Philip & Rabbi Shoshana Ohriner, in honor of Eli
Hy Ramm, for refuah sheleimah, from Dottie Miller
Ohriner's upsherin, from Natalie Schriger
Contributions (Continued)
Rama Strod Education Fund (Continued)
Robert E. Levinson Memorial Library Fund
In memory of my father, Yoel Zelig Strod, from Arieh
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in honor of the birth of your
grandson, Nathan, from Arieh & Rama Strod
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your brother, Joel,
from Arieh & Rama Strod
In memory of my husband, Monroe Postman, from
Frederica Postman
In memory of my mother, Bernice Betensky, from
Miriam Marr
In memory of my mother, Ruth Schnitzer, from Fay
In memory of Mae Usim, from Aline Usim
Phyllis Zis, for refuah sheleimah, from Edward &
Eleanor Kiss
Religious School Myuchad Fund
Howard Pomerantz, in memory of your mother, Estelle
Pomerantz, from Stephen & Barbara Goldstein
Jeffrey & Carol Weiss, in honor of the birth of your
grandson, Noah David, from Stephen & Barbara
Rabbi Philip & Rabbi Shoshana Ohriner, in honor of the
upsherin of Eli Ohriner, from Stephen & Barbara
Robert E. Levinson Memorial Library Fund
In memory of my brother, Alan Wilson, from Marlene
In memory of my father, Manuel Schnitzer, from Fay
Social Action Committee
Judy Powers, in memory of your sister, Susan Brooks,
from Richard & Dorothy Dorsay
Kitty Steinborn, in memory of your mother, Judith
Steinborn, from Richard & Dorothy Dorsay
Richard & Dorothy Dorsay, in honor of your 50th
anniversary, from Aaron & Claire Nierenberg
Richard & Dorothy Dorsay, in honor of your 50th
wedding anniversary, from Harry & Joanne Cornbleet
Richard & Dorothy Dorsay, in honor of your 50th
wedding anniversary, from Lee & Susan Gavens
Christmas Eve Dinner for the Homeless, from Michael &
Larri Deane H
Dear Chaverim,
On Wednesday, February 19th, your Board of Directors met in a special session to
consider and vote on a rabbinic contract for Rabbi Leslie Alexander. Now it is your turn
to vote.
Our bylaws require that “A Rabbi shall be selected by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the
members of the Congregation voting at a Congregation Meeting.” (Sec. 7.1.2.)
Per section 3.2.3 of our bylaws, I am calling a special meeting of the Congregation for
Sunday, March 9, 2014, at 10 a.m. to review the selection process, and answer your
questions about the process that led to offering Rabbi Alexander the position of Rabbi of
Community and Engagement. After questions are answered, a closed ballot vote will be
taken to ratify the decision of the Board.
We need 75 warm bodies to make a quorum for this meeting. While absentee ballots will
be available from March 3rd through March 6th, absentee votes DO NOT count to make
the quorum. We need YOU.
Please join us on Sunday, March 9, 2014 at 10 a.m., (after Minyan) to fulfill the
important and sacred task of selecting Rabbi Alexander as our Rabbi of Community
and Engagement.
David Hoffman
Support CBD
Note: This form has been shortened for space needs, for a complete list of designated funds please see the online D’var or phone the office.
Donor(s): (If donor is a Beth David member, you may leave address blank)
Name____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________
In honor/memory of _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Acknowledge this donation to: (If acknowledgement goes to a Beth David member, you may leave address blank)
Name____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________
Additional Message:_________________________________________________________________________________
□ I do NOT wish to have my donation acknowledged in the D’var
Donation Amount: $_________or check one of the following: ____$18
______ Congregation Beth David Fund
____ Myuchad Fund (Special Needs Program)
______ Beth David Endowment
____ March of the Living Scholarship Fund
______ Kiddush Oneg
____ Balk Family Camp Scholarship Fund
______ Annual Campaign
____ Robert E. Levinson Memorial Library Fund
______ Capital Campaign
Discretionary Funds (please specify):
____ Religious School/Hebrew High Scholarship Fund
____ Rabbi Daniel Pressman
____ Rabbi Philip Ohriner
____ Bible and Siddur Fund
____ Religious School Principal
____ Hebrew High Principal
Billing: (Choose One)
____ Check/payment attached, please process directly.
____ Bill my account for the above amount and process immediately. Account # ________________
We appreciate your donations!
Mitzvah a Month
Mishloah Manot Fundraiser
Annual fundraiser benefitting Jewish Youth Education Program (JYEP). Deadline to order is March 12th (See page 6
of this publication.)
Help Keep Minyan Alive
We invite you to look at your schedules and commit to attending at least one minyan during the week. Minyans are
held Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and Monday – Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m.
Join us for a Special Musical Minyan the first Tuesday of the month
This Minyan incorporates the uplifting melodies of Debbie Freidman and Craig Taubman into the traditional service
to create an enhanced, spiritual experience.
Jewish Family Services Project N.O.A.H.
Passover Food Drive - March 19th through April 7th
Help JFS collect and distribute Passover Food to families and seniors in our community. Donate non-perishable,
Kosher for Passover food items: gefilte fish, horseradish, jam, candies, matzah ball soup mix, latke mix, potato
starch, grape juice, macaroons, cookies, dried fruit (pre-bagged or pre-boxed), matzo meal, cake meal, and tea. Look
for food collection bin in CBD lobby beginning March 19th
Congregation Beth David
19700 Prospect Road
Saratoga, CA 95070-3352
Change service requested
Visit our website at:
Please email [email protected] if you do not wish
to receive this printed newsletter in the future
March 15th
8:30pm Ganze Megillah Reading
A full reading of the Megillah, with a few surprises.
9:30pm Hamen-Scotch-en – Enjoy an evening of scotch and
hamentaschen tasting. (See flyer on page 11)
March 16th
9:30am Family Megillah Reading - This includes our Kitah
Zayin Purim Spiel and an abridged version of the
Megillah reading.
10:30am Purim Carnival – Fun for the Whole Family
Food, games, prizes, entertainment and a new toddlers
and crawlers area. Wear your costume for a free raffle
ticket. (See flyer on page 10)
Nonprofit Org
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