2014-2015 Volunteer Guidebook - Pax Christi Catholic Community
2014-2015 Volunteer Guidebook - Pax Christi Catholic Community
Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book September 2016 You may have heard of Karl Menninger, a famous psychiatrist, now deceased. He once gave a speech on mental health and then opened it up to questions. A man asked, “What would you advise a person to do if he or she felt a nervous breakdown coming on?” Most people expected the doctor to say, “Consult a psychiatrist.” To their astonishment he replied, “If a person feels a nervous breakdown coming on, they should lock the house, go across the railway tracks, find someone in need, and do something to help that person.” Dr. Menninger understood that when we take time to help others, we find healing for ourselves. That’s what Jesus meant when He said, “Those who lose their life…will find it.” As St. Francis of Assisi says in his famous prayers, “for it is in giving that we receive.” We become better human beings, more contented, more satisfied with life, when we are generous and help others. Practice generosity with your time and talents. Countless opportunities exist for doing so, both in your local community and in our faith community of Pax Christi. Generosity does lead to happiness. You and I are blessed to belong to this faith community. Of all the communities you belong to, there is not one that can come close to a faith community that gathers together every weekend to give gratitude to God for the blessings we have received as human beings who put our faith in the Father of Jesus. So, once again, I ask for your generosity in giving your time and talents that can serve not only our local community, but those we meet who are in need of hope. Why do I ask for your generosity? Not only because it’s the right thing to do as a believer, but as Dr. Menninger said, you’ll be more mentally healthy, more contented, a happier human being during your time on planet earth. Pursue all the opportunities listed! Father Bill Murtaugh P.S. Make sure to complete and return your Annual Time/Talent Commitment forms today! 2 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Parish Office Parish Value Statements 12100 Pioneer Trail, Eden Prairie, MN 55347-4208 God-Centered Guided by Sacramental worship and prayer, we hold God as the center of our daily lives. Justice We are advocates for the marginalized and champions for systemic change. Inclusive We include all people who seek a spiritual home, without judgment. Hospitality We nurture and build community through our attitudes, actions, and activities. Lifelong Learning We are in a lifelong process of learning how to live out our faith. Stewardship We share our God-given gifts of time, talent, and treasure to meet the needs of the Pax Christi Catholic Community. Phone……………………………………………………….952-941-3150 Fax …………………………………………………………..952-941-7942 E-mail ................................................................ [email protected] Website .............................................................www.paxchristi.com Office Hours Monday-Thursday………………………… 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Fridays………………………………………………8:00 AM - Noon Mass Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday ........................................................................ 5:00 PM Sunday ...................................... 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM Check our website, www.paxchristi.com, for Holy Days, Christmas, Easter, and holiday Mass Schedules. Weekday Masses Mondays……………………………………………………….8:30 AM Tuesdays……………..………8:30 AM with Rosary to follow Wednesday…………………………..………………………6:00 PM Thursdays……………………………………………………..8:30 AM Fridays………………………………………………………….8:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation (Private) Saturdays…………………………………………………….4:00 PM Parish Mission Statement Pax Christi Catholic Community, in company with God and guided by the Spirit of Vatican II, welcomes all as leaders in faith for service to the world. Parish Vision Statement Pax Christi Catholic Community will be a community guided by a cooperative spirit that supports growth in faith and calls for each member to engage in active and generous service to each other, our community, and the greater world. 3 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Staff Contacts 952-405-7xxx Pastor Fr. Bill Murtaugh x245 Associate Pastor Fr. Marc Paveglio x219 Deacon Terry Beer x231 Deacon Charles Bobertz x239 Deacon Al Schroeder x205 Parish Director Jane Schmitz x238 Director of Faith Formation Lynn Schelitzche x230 Director of Operations Ken Reineccius x250 Director of Pastoral Care Jean Thoresen x211 Director of Stewardship & Development Mary Kennedy x220 Director of Worship & Music Donna Kasbohm x240 Administrative Support Sally Bergum x229 Administrative Support Maria Miller x217 Administrative Support Andrea Ward x207 Building Services Terry Lee x233 Building Services Todd Nelson x233 Communication Arts Director Melissa Nault x221 Faith Formation 7-12 Youth Minister Peter Bierer x210 Faith Formation Children’s Minister Renee Dignan x212 Faith Formation Middle School Youth Minister Michelle Frederick x213 Kitchen Hospitality Coordinator & Nursery Supervisor Janell McBeain x242 Liturgy and Funeral Coordinator Joan Howe-Pullis x247 Parish Financial Manager Anne Swenson x202 Pastoral Care Coordinator Renee Reardon x200 Pastoral Care Specialist Mary Ann Callahan x227 Special Needs Lynn Schelitzche x230 Teen Choir Director Angie O’Brien x243 Wedding Coordinator Sally Bergum x229 Justice 4 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Gordon Insurance Agency The greatest compliment is a referral. If you know someone who is looking for insurance, who may benefit from our services or would be interested in a free review of their current plan, please forward their contact information or have them contact me. Call for Open Hours or Appointment Landscape design and installation 651-453-9101 www.NaturalLandscapeMN.com Custom stonework and sculpture including unique benches, birdbaths, and more You will receive a $10 Gas card for each qualified referral. 8925 Aztec Drive Ste 3 Eden Prairie, MN 55347 952-934-3621 Mike Gordon 952-934-3215 fax Owner/Agent [email protected] www.mikegordoninsurance.com Visit our Display Garden in Inver Grove Heights Your perfect venue for wedding receptions, room blocks and retreats. Put your mind at ease and leave the details to our expert staff. With 256 guest rooms, 4,000 square ft of meeting space and on-site catering, we have everything you need to host the perfect event or room block. 5401 Green Valley Drive, Bloomington, MN 55437 952-831-8000 // www.cpmsp.com Set up a tour to earn a free gift. Home e Maintenan Maintenance Services Phone: 952-456-2730 www.LevelBestRealEstate.com Dan Ward - Owner, Pax Christi Parishioner MN Lic #BC704242 5 Contact Karen Meier for your event or room block needs. [email protected] 952-345-1244 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 2016 – 2017 Calendar For the most up to-date information on sacraments, worship times, community events, group meetings, and activities, visit the Pax Christi website, www.paxchristi.com. August 10 Anointing Mass 6:00 PM 16 Leadership Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM 21 Minnesota Mardi Gras - Ministry Appreciation Evening, 6:00PM February 20 President’s Day Mass 9:00 AM (Building closed after Mass) 21 Leadership Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM 25 Cana Dinner September 5 Labor Day Mass 9:00 AM (Building closed after Mass) 11/14 Faith Formation Catechist Training 18/21 Faith Formation Kick Off 20 Leadership Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM March 1 Ash Wednesday Masses at 6:45 AM, 12:00 noon, 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM 1 Ash Wednesday 1:00 PM Soup Lunch and 5:30 – 6:45 PM Soup Supper 7 or 9 First Eucharist Parent Only Meeting 6:30 PM 5/12/19 First Eucharist Preparation Sundays 6:30 PM 8/15/22 First Eucharist Preparation Wednesdays 4:45 PM or 6:30 PM 14 Lenten Reconciliation Service 7:00 PM 18 Moms ROCK-Couples Evening Gathering 6:00 PM 21 Leadership Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM 24 Lenten Fish Dinner 5:30PM 24 Walking the Way 6:45PM 30 Leadership Discernment Evening #1 October 1 St. Francis Day Blessing of the Animals 9:00 AM 4 or 6 First Reconciliation Parent Only Meeting 6:30 PM 15 Moms ROCK-Couples Evening Gathering 6:00 PM 18 Leadership Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM 29 Halloween Social – 6:00 PM -8:30 PM November 1 HOLY DAY: All Saints Day, Mass 8:30AM and 7:00 PM 2/9 First Reconciliation Preparation Wednesday – 4:45 PM or 6:30 PM 5 Memorial Mass and Dinner 6/13 First Reconciliation Preparation Sunday – 6:30 PM 15 Leadership Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM 19 First Reconciliation 9:00 AM 19 Closing Celebration: Year of Mercy 5:00 PM 19 International Potluck 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM 24 Thanksgiving Day Mass 9:00 AM (Building closed after Mass) 27 First Sunday of Advent April 4 9 13 14 Leadership Discernment Evening #2 Palm Sunday, regular Sunday Masses Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 PM Good Friday Living Stations of the Cross 3:00 PM, 5:00 PM 14 Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7:00 PM 15 Easter Vigil Mass 8:00 PM 16 Easter Sunday Masses 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM (Confirm Mass times at www.paxchristi.com) 17 Easter Monday (Building closed, no Mass) 18 Leadership Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM 22 First Eucharist Retreat 9:00 AM - Noon 27 Confirmation at Pax Christi 7:00 PM 29/30 First Eucharist Celebrations - All Masses December 3 Holiday Tea/Holiday Boutique 6 Advent Reconciliation Service 7:00 PM 7 HOLY DAY: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Vigil Mass 6:00 PM 8 HOLY DAY: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Mass at 8:30 AM 11 Carols at local care centers 2:00 PM 13 Leadership Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM 24 HOLY DAY: Christmas Eve Masses 2:00 (Children’s Service), 4:00, 6:00, 7:30, 9:30 PM 25 HOLY DAY: Christmas Day Masses 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, NO 5:00 PM Mass 31 New Year’s Eve Mass 5:00 PM May 6/7 16 20 29 June 20 January 1 New Year’s Day, Mary, Holy Mother of God, Masses 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, NO 5:00 PM Mass 16 Martin Luther King Day Mass 9:00 AM (Building closed after Mass) 17 Leadership Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM 6 First Eucharist Celebrations - All Masses Leadership Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM RunWalkPray5K Memorial Day Mass 9:00 AM (Building closed after Mass) Leadership Night 6:30 – 8:30 PM Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Eucharist (Grade 2 and older) 2016-2017 Sacramental Preparation Schedule Parent Only Meeting: March 7 or 9, 6:30 PM Preparation: Sunday, March 5, 12, 19 6:30 – 7:45 PM Wednesday, March 8, 15, 22 4:45 -6:00 PM or 6:30 – 7:45 PM Children are expected to be registered in ongoing faith formation sessions along with sacramental preparation sessions. Registration materials are available on the parish website, www.paxchristi.com. Call the office anytime with questions or for more information, 952-9413150. Retreat: Saturday, April 22, 9:00 AM - Noon Celebrations: At ALL Masses: April 29 - 30 May 6 - 7 Baptism: Call the parish office 952-941-3150, to register for the class and schedule your Baptism. Reconciliation (Grade 2 and older) Preparation: Parent Only Meeting: October 4 or 6, 6:30 PM Preparation: Wednesday, November 2 and 9 4:45 – 6:00 PM or 6:30 – 7:45 PM Sunday, November 6 and 13 6:30 - 7:45 PM 7:00 - 8:30 PM on: 2016: August 2, September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6 2017: January 3, February 7, March 7, April 4, May 2, June 6 Celebrations: First weekend of most months during Masses and other weekends of the month at 12:30 PM. Baptisms are not celebrated during Lent. Celebration: Saturday, November 19, 9:00 AM Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Preparation: Confirmation (Grade 10 and older) Preparation: At Pax Christi, Sr. High Confirmation Preparation is available for youth in grades 10, 11, or 12. Our process for sacramental preparation is integrated into the life of the parish community and Faith Formation. Preparation includes: x Regular participation in Sr. High Faith Formation (service experiences are included in faith formation) x Online Study and Discussion Groups x Confirmation Retreat x Participation in a parish ministry x Participation in Sponsor/Candidate Sessions Celebration: On-going during summer months – contact Lynn Schelitzche, Director of Faith Formation, [email protected], 952-405-7230 Weekly: Wednesdays beginning September 28, 6:30 – 8:30 PM Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 15, 2017 8:00 PM Marriage Preparation: Arranged with Presider and PREPARE Couple Retreat: November 12, 8:00 AM Celebration: Scheduled with Presider and Wedding Coordinator Preparation for Confirmation begins in September and ends the following May. More information will be available on the website, or contact Peter Bierer for details, [email protected] or 952-405-7210 Student and Parent Orientation Options: 1) August 28, 2016 11:00 AM 2) August 28, 2016, 6:30 PM Orientations are held in the Garden Level and makeup sessions will be available online in September Retreat Options: 1) October 14 & 15, 2016 2) November 18 & 19, 2016 3) December 16 & 17, 2016 All retreats are held at Pax Christi, Friday 7 PM – 10:30 PM and Saturday 10:00 AM – 6:30 PM Confirmation Rehearsal: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 6:30 PM at Pax Christi with Sponsors Celebration: Thursday, April 27 7:00 PM at Pax Christi 7 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Members of 2016-2017 Community Council: Pax Christi Leadership Leadership at Pax Christi is setting direction that defines and meets the parish mission and vision and influencing others to follow that direction. Leadership is related to discipleship. Through Baptism, all, regardless of age, are called to discipleship. We are disciples of Jesus, and we are expected to provide Christian support and witness to others. Arts, Campus, Jeff Schuh, [email protected] and Gardens Faith Brad Schleif, [email protected] Formation As disciples, all are called to use their gifts in service to others; many will use them in service to this community through one of the parish ministries; some will serve this community and use their gifts as members of the Community Council or a Ministry Council. We also use our gifts in numerous ways outside the community. Finance Lay Leadership Development Parish Director There are many leadership styles, but Servant Leadership is the prevailing mode of leadership here. Jesus is our example of the greatest servant leader. John Mortier, [email protected] Mary Beth Buckman, [email protected] Jane Schmitz, [email protected] Pastor Fr. Bill Murtaugh, [email protected] Pax Christi Councils Pastoral Care Pax Christi is guided by a Community Council that serves as an advisory board to the pastor and oversees the parish mission, values, and vision. There are also eight councils in specific ministry areas that act as the visioning body for each respective ministry area. The areas are: Arts, Campus, and Gardens, Faith Formation, Finance, Justice, Lay Leadership Development, Pastoral Care, Stewardship, and Worship. Councils meet for prayer, dinner, and a meeting once a month, except in July, usually the third Tuesday of the month. Mary Lillicrap, [email protected] Justice Joan Pare’, [email protected] Stewardship John O’Connor, [email protected] Worship Mike Kennedy, [email protected] Overview of Councils At Large Joe Stich, [email protected] Members Dave Wagner, [email protected] Wayne Ward, [email protected] Community Council The Community Council maintains awareness of and commitment to the fulfillment of Pax Christi’s Vision, as well as facilitates the periodic formation and revision of the Vision. The Community Council evaluates progress toward strategic goals and calls Ministry Councils and committees to accountability in fulfilling Pax Christi’s Vision. In addition, the Community Council fosters timely and effective communication between Ministry Councils, staff, and the parish community. 8 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book NEW PATIENT SPECIAL Complete Check Up and Cleaning Just minutes from Eden Prairie $ 79.00 Includes: Comprehensive Exam, Cleaning (Routine), Necessary X-Rays, Fluoride New Patients Only Parishioner DENTAL (763) 557-0911 FAX (763) 557-5157 15600 36TH AVENUE NORTH SUITE 270 PLYMOUTH, MN 55446 From Our Family to Yours WWW.NORTHWOODSDENTAL.COM What we offer: Short- term Rehab, Long-term Care, Respite Services Clinical Specialties: Vital Stim Therapy, LVAD, CHF, Wound Care, Upper Respiratory, Peritoneal Dialysis, Dobutamine Drips, IV Antibiotics Therapy: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy 8505 Flying Cloud Drive Eden Prairie. MN 952-995-1000 summitplaceseniorcampus.com • Therapy services offered 7 days/week • Outpatient Therapy • Vital Stim Therapy 7900 West 28th Street • St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Phone: 952-920-8380 • Fax: 952-920-0428 www.texasterraceskillednursing.com 9 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council Justice Council Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council Mission The mission of the Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council is to create and maintain an environment that encourages the Pax Christi Community to flourish and grow. Justice Ministry Mission We will discern the most pressing needs of society and utilize Pax Christi’s resources to promote the dignity of the marginalized and change the forces and structures that create injustice. Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council Purpose The purpose of the Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council is to: Recognize the importance of creating a nurturing environment that best serves our diverse community, drawing all together. Provide leadership and guidance to the Ministry Councils of Pax Christi, working to accommodate all their mission and vision as it relates to the use of the facilities and grounds. Promote the wise stewardship of our physical assets using our resources in a way that respects our environment. Encourage prudent and responsible shared usage of our facilities. Justice Ministry Purpose The Justice Ministry Council exists to see and speak for the marginalized, to serve the parish as its primary resource and catalyst for the work of social justice, to educate the community on social issues and Catholic social teaching, to provide opportunities for social action, and to foster awareness that social ministry is integral, not optional, in the life of the parish. It provides leadership and vision to the Justice Grant Board and other justice related ministries. Lay Leadership Development Council Lay Leadership Development Mission The mission of the Lay Leadership Development Council, in support of Pax Christi’s commitment to collegial parish leadership, is to affirm, cultivate, and strengthen community leaders for collaborative leadership in the parish and its ministries. Faith Formation Council Faith Formation Mission Our mission is to nourish the spiritual hunger within all members of the parish community by providing a broad range of faith formation opportunities, thus deepening the Eucharistic celebration experience and strengthening the faith of all parish households. Lay Leadership Development Purpose The purpose of the Lay Leadership Development Council is to: Engage the community in identifying, inviting, and motivating people who demonstrate interest and ability to participate in the leadership discernment and development process. Empower and equip leaders for service to the Pax Christi community by enhancing their leadership and ministry skills. Provide resources for ongoing leadership training, mentoring, and facilitation. Oversee the grant process for the Leadership Development Fund. Faith Formation Purpose The primary purpose of the Faith Formation ministry is to engage with the community in lifelong faith formation that seeks to expand our minds, to change our hearts, and transform our daily lives as guided by the vision of Pax Christi and the mission of the Church. Finance Council Finance Council Mission The Finance Council provides financial advice regarding: The annual operating budget The long term strategic plan The parish’s financial condition, including its investment portfolio and debt obligations Internal controls Communication of financial information Finance Council Purpose Guided by the teachings of the Gospel, the Pax Christi Finance Council advises the pastor and parish leaders how to best utilize the assets of the parish to meet the spiritual and social needs of our community. 10 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Pastoral Care Council Pax Christi Council Membership Pastoral Care Mission The mission of Pastoral Care ministry is to serve as a model and resource to individuals and families and to respond to their spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual, and social needs. We do so by striving to empower the people of God to share in pastoral ministry. Membership on Pax Christi councils is open to all registered members of Pax Christi who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, worship with the parish community on a regular basis, and support the parish through active sharing of time, talent, and treasure. There are nine members and a staff resource person on each of the Ministry Councils. The Community Council consists of the Chairs of the Ministry Councils, three at-large members, the two parish Trustees, the Parish Director, and the Pastor. Terms last for three years. Pastoral Care Purpose The purpose of Pastoral Care ministry is to: Identify areas of concern in the ministry of pastoral care. Find and train ministers who are effective in the skills of meeting the needs of the people of God. With knowledge of our baptismal call, create a safe, nurturing community based on prayer, service, and action. As a faith community, we strive to connect people with resources that meet their needs and challenges. Consideration of council membership is done through a discernment process. The discernment process relies on two things: prayer and the willingness of individuals to come forward and offer their gifts in service. Recommendation forms are available in winter. People can recommend another member or they can recommend themselves. Two discernment sessions are held so that people can have their questions answered and engage in the overall discernment process. New terms begin July 1. Council members must have the ability to speak, to listen, and to disagree respectfully; be able to attend regular monthly meetings as well as leadership seminars. Candidates are required to participate in the leadership discernment process held in the spring. Stewardship Council Stewardship Council Mission Our ministry is to encourage everyone to live out the gospel message by adopting stewardship as a way of life. Job Descriptions for Council Members Stewardship Council Purpose Stewardship begins with an acknowledgement of God as Creator and Owner of all and is an expression of our profound love and gratitude to God for our many gifts. This Council helps members of our community identify individual gifts of time, talent, and treasure, develops opportunities that foster the sharing of gifts, and provides stewardship education. We nurture an atmosphere of hospitality that actively invites and graciously welcomes all. Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council Member An Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council member works as part of a team that advises the Director of Operations on maintenance needs and issues that arise. As several volunteer groups are working with the Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council, there needs to be a willingness to become involved with certain planning and coordinating of those volunteer activities. Committee members need not possess skills in construction-related fields, but good organizational skills, an ability to work with volunteers, and a willingness to become involved are most helpful. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per month Meets: Monthly, usually on the 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 8:30 PM Worship Council Worship Council Mission The Worship Council fosters Pax Christi Catholic Community’s praise of God and service to the world by mobilizing our gifts of word, song, hospitality, and environment, by guiding the preparation and design of its worship and formation of liturgical ministers. Worship Council Purpose The Worship Council fosters Pax Christi Catholic Community’s praise of God and service to the world. Faith Formation Council Member Members develop the vision for Faith Formation in line with the Parish Vision. Through working groups, the Council follows the vision in developing a means to engage all members of the community in a lifelong faith journey. Members are encouraged to be involved with one of the working groups. Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per month Meets: Monthly, usually on the 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 8:30 PM 11 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Pastoral Care Council Member The Pastoral Care Ministry Council is a visioning body that oversees the functions of and evaluates all Pastoral Care Ministries. Awareness of Pastoral Care opportunities is promoted via bulletin announcements and magazine articles, display boards, and information kiosks at Pax Christi, the Pastoral Care website, and the Ministry Fair weekend. Council members must have a concern for Pastoral Care. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per month Meets: Monthly, usually on the 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 8:30 PM Finance Council Member A member works as part of the Finance Council to provide advice and oversight of financial projections, capital budgets, operating budgets, revenue sources, investment strategies, debt financing, fixed assets, and monthly financial metrics. Members recommend improvements to the system of internal controls and assist in the selection of external auditors. Members perform other advisory responsibilities as required to support finance, accounting, investment, and budgeting activities for Pax Christi Catholic Community. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per month Meets: Monthly, usually on the 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 8:30 PM Stewardship Council Member Members of this council help our members identify individual gifts of time, talent, and treasure, develop opportunities that foster the sharing of gifts, and provide stewardship education. As a council, we nurture an atmosphere of hospitality that actively invites and graciously welcomes all to embrace stewardship as a way of life. Our council advises and assists in development of volunteer opportunities, plans and conducts the Annual Stewardship Renewal, Ministry Fair, Community Events, and welcomes new and existing members to engage in the life of our community. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per month Meets: Monthly, usually on the 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 8:30 PM Justice Council Member Grounded in Catholic social teachings, this council is primarily responsible for developing, communicating, and implementing a social justice strategy for members of Pax Christi. This includes providing opportunities to address and respond to a variety of social justice issues and engage in opportunities for social action. The council also oversees the Justice Grant Board and is responsible for supporting and coordinating all the Pax Christi Social Justice activities such as: the Environmental Ministry, JustFaith, Walk for the Homeless, and the Advocacy Committee. Members should have a basic understanding of Catholic social teaching (or a commitment to learn these principles), be willing to get involved in at least one to two projects annually in addition to the monthly council meetings, and perform other advisory responsibilities as required to support the council. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per month Meets: Monthly, usually on the 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 8:30 PM Worship Council Member The council oversees preparation, functioning, and evaluation of all liturgical ministries and sacramental functions, and offers formation for liturgical ministers and council members. It promotes awareness of the liturgical year through various celebrations and communal prayer as well as written articles, etc. The council provides ecumenical/interfaith outreach to other church communities. Members should have concern for good liturgy. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per month Meets: Monthly, usually on the 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 8:30 PM Lay Leadership Development Council Member The members of the Lay Leadership Development Council understand their baptismal call to discipleship as a responsibility to undertake a collaborative leadership role in the parish community. They set a vision for the development and training of parish leaders, especially those on the Ministry Councils, and determine ongoing enrichment opportunities for leadership growth. Pax Christi promotes the “servant leadership” model. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per month Meets: Monthly, usually on the 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 8:30 PM 12 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Montessori PreK and Kindergarten Open House on Wednesdays, October 5 and November 2, 9:30 a.m. Lower School Montessori PreK – grade five Open House: Sunday, Jan. 22 at 1 p.m. Middle School grades 6 – 8 Open House: Sunday, Jan. 22 at 1 p.m. Upper School grades 9 – 12 Open Houses: Admissions Mornings: Tuesdays, Nov. 1, Dec. 6, Feb. 7, March 7 April 4 and May 2 at 9:30 a.m. Admissions Mornings: Thursdays, Nov. 3, Dec. 8, Feb. 2, March 2 April 6 and May 4 at 9:30 a.m. Admissions Mornings: Fridays, Nov. 4, and Dec. 9 at 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Oct. 25 and Jan. 3 at 7 p.m. 651-683-1700 www.visitation.net Patricia Pidcock Realtor ® Former Longtime Parishioner Service is Priority Senior Sales Associate Corporate Relocation Specialist President’s Circle Realtor Active In Politics Award Catholic Education Since 1865 Preschool - 8th Grade Dir: (952) 947-0379 Cell: (612) 581-8625 11800 Singletree Lane, Suite 401 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 www.pidcocks.com [email protected] Little Lambs Daycare Opening fall 2016 Visit us anytime! 952-457-9279 8201 Main Street Chanhassen www.school.sthubert.org Rooms that offer enough space to relax. BETTER HEALTH NATURALLY SINCE 1903 952-920-4528 Christopher Jo, DC Carrie Clark, DC David Patterson, DC www.edinachiropractic.com [email protected] 952.944.9700 www.minneapolisedenprairie.place.hyatt.com 13 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Share Your Gifts of Time and Talent How would you like to get involved at Pax Christi? We invite you to share your time and talents by participating in a ministry or activity in our parish. Renew your Time & Talent Commitment annually. As part of the Annual Stewardship Renewal, we encourage each member to renew the commitment each year by continuing with a ministry/activity that you already enjoy or by selecting a new area in which to share your gifts. If you are unsure of making a commitment for an entire year, consider participating in our Gift Inventory. Both the Time/Talent Commitment Form and the Gift Inventory can be found in the center pullout section of this Guidebook as well as on our website, www.paxchristi.com. Fill out the form, remove it from the Guidebook, and return it to the office. Once you turn in your time/talent commitment form, you will be contacted for scheduling and any necessary training by the lead person in the ministry or activity you select. Gift Inventory What are your gifts? What talents did God give to you that you may be willing to share with others at Pax Christi? If you don’t have time to devote to a particular ministry/activity consider sharing your gifts by participating in the Gift Inventory. Inform us about a particular talent/gift you have that you may be willing to share from time to time or for a short-term project. When we have the need, we’ll give you a call, and if you are able to assist, then the match is made. If not, we’ll keep you on the list and check back with you for a future need. Faith Interest Connector What’s your passion? Do you have a hobby or a pastime that you are willing to share with Pax Christi youth? Consider serving as a Faith Interest Connector leader. Faith Interest Connectors (FICs) are the short term, smallgroup courses that combine interest-based learning with Faith Formation. Teens gather with a team of adults from the faith community who share a common interest or passion, such as athletics, the arts, sciences, business, and so on. FICs use the “interest” as a lens through which to explore discipleship to Christ. Leaders are trained in the FIC method. You pick the day of the week and time and we will connect you with another leader. Together you can share your passion and your faith with students. To find out how to get involved as and FIC leader or to learn more about the program and method, contact Peter Bierer, [email protected] or 952-405-7210. Living Your Strengths What are your God-given strengths? Participate in a Living Your Strengths small group seminar or work one-on-one with a trained facilitator and learn what your top strengths are and how you can use them in your career, your relationships, and in your faith journey to answer God’s call. The Living Your Strengths Journey utilizes a text published by the Gallup Foundation, an online assessment, which will show your top five strengths out of 34 strengths identified, and small group or one-on-one discussion to discern how you can put your strengths to use. The 34 strengths identified by Gallup along with metaphors/images to describe them are as follows: Achiever: completing a race, getting to the finish line Activator: a racer getting out of the blocks quickly Adaptability: like a river, go with the flow Analytical: a reduction - boiling down to essence Arranger: a maestro, a puppeteer Belief: missionary for some idea Command: comfortable in the driver’s seat Communication: silence is not golden Competition: the gold medal is the only medal Connectedness: person as body, mind, and spirit Consistency: efficiency of a consistent golf swing Context: rear view mirror - essential for safe driving Deliberative: jury must deliberate before a verdict Developer: parent’s patience with a baby learning to walk Discipline: having ducks in a row Empathy: person’s affect will determine his/her effect Focus: in the zone Futuristic: visionary Harmony: smoothing ruffled feathers Ideation: creativity of an artist w/ a blank canvas Includer: gets everyone in the game Individualization: casting director - uses intelligence about people Input: sponge-absorbent Intellection: drilling deep Learner: ever curious Maximizer: move from good to better to best Positivity: glass is half full Relator: knowing and being known by friends Responsibility: serious owner Restorative: diagnose what ails Self-Assurance: marches to beat of different drum Significance: natural performer Strategic: peripheral vision sees the whole field Woo: Win Others Over - the ice breaker In the Ministry/Activity job description section which follows, we have included a listing of strengths that may be particularly suited for each area. Knowing your strengths is NOT required for participation in any of our ministries or activities; however, you may find you have more interest or motivation in ministries and activities which complement your strengths. To find out when the next Living Your Strengths session is starting, check out our website, www.paxchristi.com or call Mary Kennedy at 952-405-7220. 14 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 105 Hard Hat Group The purpose of this group is to identify, plan, and complete small to medium size improvement projects around the Pax Christi facility and site. Visit Pax Christi’s website: www.paxchristi.com/hardhat to see the latest projects and discover if your skills meet current needs. Please join us and explore how you can share your talents and time to improve your church and get to know other members of this great community. Time Commitment: Dependent on individual project -most projects are accomplished in 2 - 6 hours Occurs: Year-round Arts, Campus, and Gardens Staff contact: Ken Reineccius, Director of Operations, 952-405-7250 or 952-836-7735 or [email protected]. 2016 - 2017 Chair of the Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council: Jeff Schuh, [email protected] If you have any of the following strengths, you may enjoy sharing them in this area: Achiever, Adaptability, Arranger, Competition, Context, Deliberative, Discipline, Focus, Input, Maximizer, Relator, Restorative, and Strategic 106 Hard Hat Group Project Leader Work with the Director of Operations to plan, coordinate, and direct one-time projects inside and outside the Pax Christi facility. Meets with Director of Operations to develop plan and material list for project, set date(s) for actual project work, and be on site to coordinate the work and clean up for the project. General knowledge of type of work to be accomplished is helpful. You are not required to be an expert in the field but should be able to lead and coordinate other volunteers to complete project. Time Commitment: 4 - 40 hours per project, depending on complexity and scope of that project Occurs: Year-round 101 Art Committee Plan, set up, and assist with art exhibits and art maintenance around church building. Interest in art or art background desired. You do not need to be an artist to belong to this committee. This is a great opportunity for “snowbirds” since we have four exhibits per season. Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per month Meets: 4-6 times/year between September - May, plus exhibit set-up and take-down days. 102 Receptionist/Information Desk – Opportunities for 2-3 hour shifts any day of the week or to be a substitute. Provide positive welcome and answer questions of members and visitors to Pax Christi. Qualifications include someone who is friendly with an outgoing personality, able to give directions and assistance over the telephone, likes to meet new people, and comfortable with building layout. Time Commitment: Approximately 2 - 3 hours/week Occurs: Year-round: Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM and 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM on Friday, in 2-3 hour shifts; and Saturday and Sunday morning shifts 107 Housekeeping - Kitchen Cleanup Assist with cleaning, organizing, and sanitizing the main and lower level kitchen areas. Ability to work with safe chemicals. Training provided. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week - volunteer picks hours and day Occurs: Year-round 108 Housekeeping - Light Maintenance Assist with specific small maintenance projects inside the building and on the grounds. Ability to work with ladders. Training provided. Time Commitment: 1-4 hours per week - volunteer picks hours Occurs: Year-round 103 Mail Crew Sort, collate, and stuff mailings. Qualifications include the ability to sort/alphabetize, able to handle repetitive motions. Most of this work is done seated. Time Commitment: Dependent on size of mailing, approximately 3+ hours Occurs: As needed 109 Housekeeping - Miscellaneous Also a Family and Youth Opportunity Assist with miscellaneous projects inside the building and on the grounds. Training provided. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week - volunteer picks hours and day Occurs: Year-round 104 Gardening/Adopt a Garden Program Also a Youth Opportunity Attend to outdoor gardens, water, and prune, fertilize, assist with plantings and weed control. Qualifications include having a green thumb, ability to work alone; light lifting required (less than 10 pounds). ). Sign up for an area for a month or for the entire summer. Great opportunity to share in the outdoor maintenance of Pax Christi as a family or small group of friends. Sign-ups are on-line and in the main entrance area every spring. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week - volunteer picks hours Occurs: Spring, summer, and fall 110 Housekeeping - Room Set-Up Also a Family and Youth Opportunity Assist with setting up chairs and tables for events as well as tear down of rooms after event is completed. Training provided. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week - volunteer picks hours and day Occurs: Year-round 15 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Communication Arts 111 Housekeeping - Vacuuming Also a Family and Youth Opportunity Assist with vacuuming of carpeted spaces including church, hallways, and classrooms. Training provided. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week - volunteer picks hours and day Occurs: Year-round Staff contact: Melissa Nault, Communication Arts Director, 952-405-7221 or [email protected]. 91 Photography Pool Expand your photography portfolio while using your time and talents meeting new people and helping promote Pax Christi events! Photographers are needed to photograph Pax Christi events for use in promotional materials. Photos are also needed on occasion of Pax Christi’s interior and exterior spaces. You may use Pax Christi’s DSLR camera or your own DSLR. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month Occurs: Upon request, as often as you wish 112 Housekeeping - Window Cleaning Assist with keeping interior and exterior of windows clean and streak free. Some ladder work may be required. Training provided. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week - volunteer picks hours Occurs: Year-round 113 Plant Care Also a Family and Youth Opportunity Attend to indoor plants, water, fertilize, and assist with plantings. Great for those with a green thumb and ability to work alone. There is light lifting required (under 10 pounds). Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week - volunteer picks hours and day Occurs: Monday - Friday any time the building is open and there are no liturgies 92 Video Ministry We’re looking for parishioners who are passionate about storytelling through video production. Do you feel a call to serve Pax Christi with your time and talent producing videos, short films, and event announcements? Yes? Then you could be the next member of our newly forming video ministry! You may use Pax Christi’s DSLR camera or your own video equipment. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month Occurs: Upon request, as often as you wish 114 Church Cleaning Also a Family and Youth Opportunity Assist in vacuuming, dusting, and straightening chairs in the church after weekend liturgies. Training provided. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week on Monday mornings Occurs: Year-round 93 Writer Pool Pax Christi’s Communication Arts department is looking to expand its writer talent pool. The four types of writing we frequently use in various communication platforms are: press releases, magazine articles, event announcements, and social media content. Editor/proof readers are also needed to review parish communications. This is a great way to share your time and talent with Pax Christi in the comfort of your own home. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month Occurs: Upon request, as often as you wish 16 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book LuAnn VanRisseghem LAW FIRM [email protected] Phil Cole, Parishioner 4500 Brunswick Ave N. Minneapolis, MN 55422 www.lommen.com 612.339.8131 (612) 803-9233 www.marykay.com/lpolve “Serving southwest communities since 1950” www.huberfunerals.com EDEN PRAIRIE CHAPEL 16394 Glory Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (952) 949-4970 EXCELSIOR CHAPEL 520 Second Street Excelsior, MN 55331 (952) 474-9595 MOUND CHAPEL 1801 Commerce Blvd. Mound, MN 55364 (952) 472-1716 Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott® Eden Prairie 11325 Viking Drive • Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-903-9444 www.marriott.com/mspfe Guest Room Amenities • Queen or king size beds • Spacious guest rooms with room to work and relax • Complimentary high-speed wireless Internet access • LCD flat screen television • Coffee maker and hairdryer Facilities & Services • Complimentary hot breakfast • Indoor pool and spa • Fitness center • The Corner Market, open 24 hours • Business center • Meeting room available Parish Benefactors Compliments Of A Friend Jerry’s Foods “You’re Gonna Love Our Store!” 9625 Anderson Lakes Parkway Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (952) 941-9680 17 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Faith Formation 203 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Team (CLOW) Also a Youth Opportunity The Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) ministry enables children to participate in the formal worship experience, to nourish and guide their spiritual growth and to immerse them in the Word of God in ways that are understandable to them. All children, ages 4 years old through 4th grade, are welcome to participate in CLOW. At this time it is offered at the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday Masses, but we would like to add the Sunday 5:00 PM Mass. CLOW leaders, aides, and substitutes are needed. CLOW team members provide for the safe and reverent movement of children from Mass after the Opening Prayer, proclaim and present the Sunday scriptures in an age-appropriate manner, and guide the children’s return to their families during the Preparation of the Gifts for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Participants must complete Virtus training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. People enjoy serving in this ministry because it enriches their own experience of the Word through preparation and through discussion with the children. We would like many people in this ministry so that each will be asked to serve no more than one time per month. Training is provided. The readings, prayers, story, discussion questions, and activity are also provided. If you enjoy working with children, consider joining the CLOW team. Time Commitment: 1 hour (half-hour preparation/review in advance, half-hour during Mass) Occurs: 1 session/month, September-May during the 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, or 5:00 PM Sunday Mass, following the Faith Formation calendar. Staff contact: Lynn Schelitzche, Director of Faith Formation, 952-405-7230 or [email protected]. 2016-2017 Chair of the Faith Formation Council, Brad Schleif, [email protected] If you have any of the following strengths, you may enjoy sharing them in this area: Adaptability, Belief, Communication, Connectedness, Context, Developer, Empathy, Harmony, Ideation, Includer, Input, Intellection, Learner, Maximizer, Positivity, Relator, Responsibility, and Woo 201 Adult Formation Team As “Lifelong Learning” is a Pax Christi value, help the Faith Formation Ministry Council and staff in planning and creating enlightening and stimulating adult faith formation experiences. This ministry is for you if you are committed to adult faith formation and have an interest in working with adult formation. Time Commitment: Varies as desired Meets: As scheduled 202 CAP Team (Consistent Adult Presence) Seasonal commitment (6-8 weeks in Fall, Winter, &/or Spring). Provide support to catechists and Teaching Teams in small group offerings and at large group gatherings. Maintain a loving presence to either middle school or senior high youth, while encouraging participation and positive behavior. No lesson preparation or teaching responsibility. Training is required and on-going support is provided. Participants must complete Virtus training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: Variable, 1-2+ hours per week, quarterly training Meets: Fall - September - November Winter - December – February Spring – February – May Meeting times will vary according to the program offerings. 204 Confirmation Small Group Leader Work with a partner to lead small group discussions with current high school candidates for confirmation. Small Group leaders meet with their group 3-4 times between October and April. Discussions are based on the online lessons candidates complete each month in preparation for the sacrament. Minimal preparation is required, training and ongoing support is provided. Meeting times and dates are set by the leaders, meeting may take place at Pax Christi, off-campus, or online. Time Commitment: 2 hours each meeting Meets: 3-4 times between October and April 18 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 205 Confirmation Retreat Team Confirmed high school students and adults form the Confirmation Retreat Team in a variety of roles. Team members may develop talks, be small group leaders, run games and activities, work in the kitchen, or serve as chaperons. Training is required. Participants must complete Virtus training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: 3 training and planning meetings, 2 hours each, 3 retreat weekends (Friday 5 PM – Saturday 7 PM, no overnights involved) Meets: Training August/September TBD Retreats: October 14/15, November 18/19, December 16/17 209 Marriage Preparation (PREPARE) Serve couples preparing for marriage. Facilitate discussion and reflection on the couple’s relationship to assist in laying down a firm foundation for marriage. Training is provided. Married couples willing to share their faith and relationship expertise to engaged couples on a couple-to-couple basis is needed. Ability to maintain open lines of communication and share knowledge on Sacrament of Marriage in a positive manner is needed. Time Commitment: Meet with couple at least three times for 1-2 hours; preparation with inventory materials prior to meeting with engaged couple. Occurs: As scheduled 210 PaxConnex Catechist Join the movement in the new PaxConnex program! A hybrid of our Finding God program and the Senior High Faith Interest Connectors, PaxConnex places equal emphasis on the three-movements of Faith Formation: Knowledge, Passions, and Service/Justice (head, heart, hands). Catechist training is provided. Participants must complete Virtus training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. Opportunities to volunteer weekly (catechist) or monthly (CAP-Consistent adult presence, FIC leader) available. Time Commitment: 1 – 2+ hours/week on average, varies Meets: September – May on Sundays at 6:30 PM or Wednesdays at 4:30 PM or 6:30 PM, other meeting times vary. 206 Godly Play Catechist Lead a group of 10-13 children, ages 3 ½ through 6 in the Godly Play program, a Montessori method of formation founded on the Good Shepherd program. All materials provided – presentation sessions, videos of each presentation, materials. Participants must complete Virtus training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: 1-1/2 to 2 hours/week Meets: September - May: Sunday 6:30 PM or Wednesday at 4:30 PM or 6:45 PM 207 Good Shepherd Catechist Lead a group of 8-12 children in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, offered for children ages 3 ½ through 6 in Level 1 and grades 1 through 3 in Level 2. Catechists attend a required 90-hours of training for certification to begin as a Level I catechist. All training costs are covered. Participants must complete Virtus training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: 1-1/2 to 2 hours/week Meets: September - May: Sundays 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM 211 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Sponsor Journey with a candidate through his/her preparation to become a member of the Catholic faith. Sponsors need to be active Catholics who possess good listening skills and a willingness to share their faith experience. Attend Wednesday sessions September through May, including participation in Triduum, culminating with Easter Vigil. Time Commitment: September - Easter, weekly 2-hour meetings, participate in Triduum and special gatherings Meets: As scheduled 208 Grade 1-6 Catechist Working with planned curriculum, present weekly lesson to 10-12 students. Training is provided. Interest in sharing faith and teaching students in grades 1-6 is helpful. Catechists may request the grade level they feel most comfortable in working with. Participants must complete Virtus training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: 1-1/2 hours per Meets: September - May: Classes occur on: Sunday at 6:30 PM or Wednesday at 4:30 PM or 6:45 PM 19 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 215 Summer CAP Team (Consistent Adult Presence) Provide support to catechists and Teaching Teams in small group offerings and at large group gatherings. Maintain a loving presence to either middle school or senior high youth, while encouraging participation and positive behavior. No lesson preparation or teaching responsibility. Training is required and on-going support is provided. Participants must complete Virtus training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: Variable, 1-2+ hours per week, quarterly training Meets: Meeting times vary according to the program offerings 212 Senior High Faith Formation Team Member (Faith Interest Connector) Work on a team to share your passions and interests with high school youth in our Faith Interest Connector program. Weave faith learning and a particular interest/skill (i.e. cooking, basketball, music, etc.) into seasonal, small-group offerings for grades 9-12. Adults may opt to develop their own class or assist with an existing class. Provided training is required, and on-going support is offered. Participants must complete Virtus training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: Variable, 1-2+ hours per week, quarterly training Meets: Fall - September-November Winter - December – February Spring – February – May Meeting times vary according to the program offerings 216 Vacation Bible Camp Crew Leader Also a Youth Opportunity Assist groups of children (mixed ages) with a variety of activities during Vacation Bible Camp. A manual containing lesson plans is provided. Training and support are provided. Individual Leader roles and team leader roles are available. Grade 9 - adult are welcome to participate. Time Commitment: 4 hours each day of Bible Camp. Occurs: One week in summer 213 Senior High Peer Ministry Team Member Be a positive role model and the face and voice of the youth of Pax Christi. Assist with any of the following: Faith Formation for Middle School and/or Senior High, Youth Retreats, Confirmation Preparation, Community Leadership Councils. A Peer Minister should be welcoming and hospitable, have a desire to grow in faith, and committed to the service of one’s peers and community. Ongoing training is provided. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week, monthly training, occasional special events Occurs: applications due in August, training begins late August/early September. Serve: September – May, some summer opportunities available 217 Vacation Bible Camp Drama Team Also a Youth Opportunity The drama team acts out five scripture stories during the week of Vacation Bible Camp. Rehearsal schedule begins four weeks before camp and attendance is required. No previous acting experience is required; however, ability to read music is helpful. Ages 10 through adult are welcome to participate. Time Commitment: 4 hours per each day of Bible Camp plus rehearsal prior to camp. Occurs: One week in summer 214 PaxConnex Summer Leader Volunteers for this program will work with youth entering Grades 7 through 9. Morning volunteers serve as group leaders for on-site and off-site service activities. Afternoon volunteers lead faith discussions, team building activities, and leadership skill building activities. Participants must complete Virtus training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per shift –10 shifts total within 5 days. Occurs: The same week as Vacation Bible Camp in summer. Dates to be determined. 218 Vacation Bible Camp Photographer/Video-Recorder Also a Youth Opportunity Take photos of the campers and various activities throughout the week of Vacation Bible Camp. Assist in turning the photos into slides for the Community Night celebration the Saturday after camp. Take videos of the drama team during the week of Vacation Bible Camp. Time Commitment: 4 hours each day of Vacation Bible Camp. Occurs: One week in summer 219 Vacation Bible Camp Planning Committee Assist with planning annual Vacation Bible Camp program, activities, and hospitality. Time Commitment: Several 1-2 hour planning meetings starting in late spring Occurs: One week in summer 20 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Faith Groups & Opportunities for Prayer/Study Finance Staff contacts: Jane Schmitz, Parish Director, 952-405-7238, [email protected], Anne Swenson, Parish Financial Manager, 952-405-7202, [email protected] 2016 - 2017 Chair of the Finance Council, John Mortier, [email protected] Pax CAFÉ Pax Christi holds the value of lifelong learning. Pax CAFÉ is the title given to educational offerings for adults. CAFÉ stands for “Catholic Adult Formation and Enrichment.” Offerings include Leadership Seminars, Scripture studies, ongoing adult faith formation, and other topics of interest to adults. See the bulletin, magazine, or the website for specific topics and dates. If you have any of the following strengths, you may enjoy sharing them in this area: Achiever, Analytical, Arranger, Context, Deliberative, Discipline, Focus, Input, Maximizer, Responsibility, Restorative, and Strategic 301 Financial Initiative Team (FIT) Work cooperatively with the Director of Stewardship, Parish Financial Manager, Parish Director, Pastor, and other leaders to provide and generate ideas for our longterm future in financial development. Committee members will collaborate with Finance and Stewardship Councils to generate and provide strategic visioning for Planned Gifts and Endowment Funds and other revenue enhancers for generating future income. Committee members will have a balance of skills in Financial Development, business or legal acumen, estate planning, marketing, accounting, or long-range planning. To serve on the committee, the individual must be an actively participating parishioner of Pax Christi. Time Commitment: 2-hour meetings monthly and the time required for coordinating any assigned project/task Meets: As scheduled Women with Spirit Bible Study Explores both New and Old Testament Scripture with the guidance of professional teachers and informative commentary. The weekly lectures are followed by small group discussions that are guided by cofacilitators. During the year there are three “Mornings of Reflection,” featuring guest speakers. New participants are always welcome. Leader contacts: Mary Lenner - 952-937-5080 or Susan Cirillo – 952-942-9669 Meets: Tuesday mornings, September through May for approximately 20 sessions. 302 Money Counting Work with a team to count proceeds from the collection. Requires good math and money counting skills. Participants must have background and credit check as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: Teams are scheduled on a rotational basis, no more than once a month Meets: As scheduled 21 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 605 Giving Garden (Formerly Crops for PROP) Family Opportunity Help plant, maintain, and harvest the on-site vegetable garden in the Pax Christi Community Garden. All vegetables grown will be given to PROP for their food shelves. Come on your own and join us or gather friends or family and commit to a week or more over the summer. Time Commitment: Up to each individual; 1-2 work hours are scheduled weekly over the summer growing cycle Meets: Monday and Thursday nights at 6:30 PM through harvest season (June – September) Justice Staff contacts: TBD 2016 - 2017 Chair of the Justice Council, Joan Pare’, [email protected] If you have any of the following strengths, you may enjoy sharing them in this area: Adaptability, Arranger, Belief, Connectedness, Consistency, Developer, Ideation, Includer, Learner, Maximizer, and Responsibility 601 Advocacy Committee This committee helps to organize Pax Christi members to advocate at the legislative and government level, by finding out what legislation is being proposed, organizing drives to contact legislators, and generally to help make sure that the voice of the poor is heard at government. This effort can be targeted at federal, state, and local levels. We want to focus on making systemic changes for Justice. Time Commitment: 4 hours per month, concentrated during the legislative session Meets: Monthly Contact: Tom Scheller, [email protected] 606 Just Faith Just Faith is a four-phase, 26-week program that uses textbooks, videos, prayer, and conversations about the most difficult topics of the day and an exploration of what the Catholic tradition says about addressing injustice in our world. Contact: Marcia Kladek, [email protected] 607 Justice Grant Board Volunteer Pax Christi’s Justice Grant Board reviews applications and awards a portion of our parish annual revenue in the form of grants to organizations addressing homelessness and childhood development for children living in poverty. During the course of the year, the volunteers act as a liaison with current grant recipient organizations to promote engagement activities with Pax Christi. The Board participates in the grant selection process for the upcoming fiscal year. Time Commitment: 3 hours/month when the Board meets and 1 hour/month communicating with your assigned grant recipient organization. Meets: 2nd Monday, 6:00 – 8:00 PM, for eight meetings from September – June Contact: Marcia Kladek, [email protected] 602 Bulletin Board Mural Also a Youth Opportunity Work with ministry director to maintain appealing and informative bulletin board mural for various ministries. Keeping a file of previous postings/photos is helpful. Being able to enjoy telling the story about social justice related ministries at Pax Christi through photos and attention-grabbing visuals is helpful. Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/month Occurs: As determined by craftsperson 603 Tutor Network The Tutor Network is comprised of men and women who help inner city elementary and intermediate students reach their highest academic potential, especially in mathematics and reading. Make a difference in the life of a young person by being able to assist at one of several Catholic schools in the Minneapolis and St. Paul metropolitan area. Schools provide training that is tailored to their individual needs. Time Commitment: During school year, 2 - 3 hours/week to help students on a one-to-one basis Meets: During the school day Contact: Ed Ogrin, [email protected] 608 Justice Grant Board Recipients 2016-2017 Liaison: Marcia Kladek, [email protected] Blessed Trinity Catholic School – Provides aid to lowincome families in extended day programming. Cabrini Partnership – Provides transitional and permanent housing and services to individuals with mental illness and drug addiction. Liaison: Mike Eckman, [email protected] Centro Guadalupano – Works with the immigrant community and the economically disadvantaged to provide language and school programs for both children and adults. Supplies basic household items to stabilize their families in times of crisis. 604 Environmental Challenge Committee The mission is to educate, energize, and enable our faith community towards greater appreciation, concern, and action for God’s creation. Participants should have a love for the environment and be willing to share their commitment to educate others. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours/month Meets: Monthly, on 1st Tuesday of the month, September – June, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Cristo Rey Jesuit High School – Underwrites half the cost of a job, education, and support services for four students which assures their graduation from high school and going to college. 22 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 611 YouthLink Volunteer Meal Service Prepare and serve evening meals to homeless youth while interacting with the guests. Teams of five volunteers. Volunteers must be 21 years of age or older. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours/month Occurs: Second Monday and/or fourth Thursday of the month, from 3:45pm to 6:00 PM Meets: Teams meet at YouthLink on assigned evening Contact: Jim Pare’, [email protected] Risen Christ Catholic School – Provides 3 “Light the Way” scholarships. Many volunteers tutor and participate in other support needs at the school. Small Sums – Provides employable homeless people with equipment necessary to start new jobs. St. Stephen’s Human Services – Supports emergency shelter which provides meals, laundry, and beds. Liaison: YouthLink – Provides case management for residents in St. Barnabas and Archdale Apartments and training for those working with formerly homeless youth. Liaison: Jim Pare’, [email protected] 609 Loaves & Fishes Also a Youth Opportunity Prepare and serve an evening meal monthly at St. Stephen’s Community Center in Minneapolis or at Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul. Enjoy welcoming guests, preparing and serving food, maintaining clean and sanitary serving area, clearing tables. This is a great opportunity for families. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours/month Meets: Fourth Wednesday of each month at St. Stephen’s in Minneapolis, or second Thursday of each month at Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul 610 Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels is a hot meal delivery program for home-bound individuals living in Eden Prairie. PROP provides administration, client assessment, and staff to prepare the meals. Pax Christi provides volunteer drivers, using their personal vehicles, to deliver meals on a monthly basis. Drivers must be over the age of 18 or accompanied by an adult. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Volunteer drivers are given detailed driving instructions to the various locations. A PROP staff member is available by phone to assist drivers during meal delivery times. Volunteering for Meal on Wheels is on a month-to-month basis. There are no set time commitments or long-term schedules. Driving duties are centered based on your ability to serve. Volunteer drivers are welcome to bring young children, drive with a friend, or make it a couple activity. Volunteer credit is given to students who deliver meals. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours weekly or monthly as your time allows Occurs: Dependent on your availability 23 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Lay Leadership Development Pastoral Care Staff contact: Jane Schmitz, Parish Director, 952-405-7238 or [email protected] 2016 - 2017 Chair of the Lay Leadership Development Council, Mary Beth Buckman, [email protected] Staff contacts: Jean Thoresen Director of Pastoral Care, 952-405-7211, or [email protected] Mary Ann Callahan, Pastoral Care Specialist, 952-405-7227, [email protected] or Renee Reardon, Pastoral Care Coordinator, 952-405-7200, or [email protected] 2016 - 2017 Chair of the Pastoral Care Council, Mary Lillicrap, [email protected] If you have any of the following strengths, you may enjoy sharing them in this area: Activator, Command, Communication, Competition, Developer, Futuristic, Ideation, Individualization, Intellection, Learner, Maximizer, Positivity, Restorative, Self-Assurance, Significance, Strategic, and Woo If you have any of the following strengths, you may enjoy sharing them in this area: Connectedness, Consistency, Developer, Discipline, Empathy, Harmony, Includer, Individualization, Relator, Restorative, and Woo 401 Discern for Pax Christi Council Membership Members of Pax Christi councils develop a vision for a ministry area and strategize ways to meet that vision. Potential members go through a discernment process in the spring. Watch the bulletin for dates. Complete descriptions for each council can be found earlier in this guidebook. Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per month Meets: Monthly, usually on the third Tuesday, 6:30 8:30 PM 501 Boomers and Beyond Steering Committee Pax Christi Boomers and Beyond is an active group of Pax Christi members, age 55 and older, who gather together in fellowship and fun several times per year. The steering committee welcomes you to join their planning team. The committee meets several times a year to identify and plan both social events and service opportunities that would be of interest to the larger group. Time Commitment: Meeting time and then varies based upon chosen activities Occurs: 4-6 times per year for 1 hour meeting 402 Mentors, Presenters, Facilitators Looking for people who have expertise in any of the following areas: leadership styles, conflict resolution, consensus decision making, visioning process, goal setting, communication, marketing, motivating, or recruiting volunteers willing to share their knowledge and skills with individuals or groups in leadership positions at Pax Christi. Time Commitment: Varies depending on project Occurs: Varies depending on project 502 Care Center Visitor Visit and bring communion to members of the community in area care centers. Ability to maintain confidentiality is important. The volunteer must provide his/her own transportation to the care center. Participants must complete Code of Conduct, Vulnerable Adult Training, and background check as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: 1 – 2 hours per month Occurs: As needed and scheduled with recipient 403 Member Engagement Steering Committee The ME25 Steering Committee is an ad-hoc committee of the Lay Leadership Development Council with membership derived from active members to develop and lead plans to enhance the engagement experience of members of our community. The Steering Committee will communicate the status and progress of the Member Engagement action plan. Time Commitment: 2 Year commitment, meeting times and dates set by committee. 503 Companion Ministry Provide a one-to-one caring and listening presence to individual community members during times of life transition, bereavement, or crisis. Formational training is provided. Successful completion of formation training, ability to maintain confidentiality, attendance at monthly sessions for ongoing support and education, and continuing a prayerful approach to life are important. Participants must complete Code of Conduct, Vulnerable Adult Training, and background check as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per month Occurs: As needed and scheduled with recipient. 24 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 509 Pax Pets – Steering Committee Pax Pets Steering Committee coordinates the activities and outreach of the Pax Pets Pet Visit Ministry Teams. The committee identifies community organizations that desire or can benefit from pet visit teams and coordinates the logistics of providing the certified teams to the organizations. The committee also coordinates on-going training for the pet visit teams and the certification training at Pax Christi if there are enough teams to be trained together. Plans annual get together for the certified teams and commissioning of new pet visit ministry teams. Time Commitment: One year commitment, attend meetings bi-monthly as scheduled. Meets: September – June per committee’s availability 504 Eucharistic Minister to Homebound Distribute communion to those unable to attend Mass. Read short scripture passage and pray with recipient. The volunteer must provide his/her own transportation to the recipient’s residence. Participants must complete Code of Conduct, Vulnerable Adult Training, and background check as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month Occurs: As needed and scheduled with recipient 505 Funeral Hospitality - Donate Food Upon request, provide a 12-serving salad, veggies and dip, or four dozen cookies or bars for a meal following a funeral. The willingness to share purchased or home-cooked food to serve 12 on short notice is needed. Time Commitment: As needed to prepare and deliver food to church Occurs: Deliver food before or day of funeral 510 Prayer Line - Telephone Pray for special intentions requested by parishioners and others in the community. Willingness to accept phone calls/messages regarding prayer requests and to pray for those intentions is needed. Time Commitment: As required Occurs: As needed 506 Funeral Hospitality – Work Day of Funeral Setup before, serve during, or cleanup after a funeral meal. Come in to help as your schedule permits. The ability to work on short notice is needed. Time Commitment: Approximately two hours per funeral Occurs: On the day of funeral 511 Prayer Line - Email Pray for special intentions requested by parishioners and others in the community. Willingness to receive email messages regarding prayer requests and to pray for those intentions is needed. Time Commitment: As required Occurs: As needed 507 Funeral Hospitality – Phone Caller Mobilize volunteers to provide food and service for a funeral hospitality meal. Willingness to contact volunteers via phone is needed. Ability to work on short notice is necessary. Time Commitment: Approximately three hours per funeral Occurs: 2 - 3 days before the day of funeral 512 Prayer Shawl Ministry Also a Youth Opportunity Knit or crochet a shawl to be given as a gift of blessing to another. Ability to knit or crochet a prayer shawl is necessary. Time Commitment: As required Occurs: As determined by craftsperson 508 Pax Pets – Pet Visit Ministry Team Pax Pets is a pet visit ministry outreach for certified teams of handlers/owners and pets to visit care centers, senior centers, hospitals, hospice patients and their families, and many other community organizations. The ministry requires the handler and pet to be a certified team through Pet Partners and maintain certifications during participation in this ministry. The visiting schedule is up to the participating team and can include one location or many organizations. Age requirement: 18 and older. Children can participate along with an adult as part of the team. Participants must complete Vulnerable Adult Training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: Based on the desire of the pet visit team handler. Can be as little as one visit a week (20 - 45 minutes) or multiple visits to multiple locations. Required attendance of the monthly meeting. 513 Southwest Grief Coalition Facilitator Pax Christi partners with five area churches to offer Living and Growing through Loss three times a year. Individuals and families grieving the loss of a loved one are invited to attend the series. Following dinner and a guest speaker, participants have an opportunity to meet in small groups to share concerns and feeling about their grief. Facilitators are needed for small group settings such as, loss of parent, loss of spouse, and loss of child. Facilitators are required to attend a training in the grief process and group dynamics. Training takes place annually. Time Commitment: Approximately 20 hours per series Occurs: Fall/Winter/Spring 7-week series is offered at various locations. 25 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 514 Twelve Baskets Planning Committee Coordinate the collection and distribution of parish donations to charitable organizations through periodic drives including: School Supplies/Backpack Drive, Hat & Mitten Drive, Thanksgiving Meal Appeal, Easter Basket Drive and more. Time Commitment: Individual drives require planning, assembly, and drop-off meetings. Meets: August – May, second Tuesday of the month, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pastoral Care: Education/Support Groups Ministry of the Separated/Divorced Education and support for men and women who are experiencing separation and divorce are offered throughout the year. Pax Christi partners with these neighboring churches: Church of St. Edward, Guardian Angels, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady of Grace, St. Hubert’s, St. Patrick’s Church, and St. Victoria in the Ministry of the Separated/Divorced. For more information, contact Jean Thoresen, Director of Pastoral Care, 952-405-7211 or [email protected]. Occurs: Visit www.paxchristi.com for more information 515 Twelve Baskets Helper Also a Youth Opportunity Assist with the collection and distribution of donations to charitable organizations through periodic drives, including: School Supplies/Backpack Drive, Hat & Mitten Drive, Thanksgiving Meal Appeal, Easter Basket Drive and more. Time Commitment: Individual drives require planning, assembly and drop-off meetings. Meets: Dependent on project Spirituality and Mental Wellness Group Spiritual, supportive, and educational growth opportunities are provided for participants who strive to find strength in the midst of mental illness. This group is designed to help those who personally struggle with depression, anxiety, mood swings, intrusive thoughts, persistent fears, phobias, or other mental concerns. Small group setting gives participants an opportunity to both give and receive support. Meets: First Thursday of the month, 3:00 – 4:00 PM For more information, contact Jean Thoresen, Director of Pastoral Care, 952-405-7211 or [email protected] Pastoral Care: Prayer Labyrinth Walks The labyrinth is one of the oldest contemplative and transformational tools available for prayer, meditation, personal, and spiritual growth. It welcomes all seekers and offers an authentic spiritual connection. This powerful tool, unlike a maze, is unicursal, offering only one route to the center and back out again. The path gently leads you to the center of both the labyrinth and yourself. The outdoor grass and brick labyrinth is selfdirected and available year round as weather permits. The indoor canvas labyrinth is available monthly from early fall through early spring. A group gathering precedes the indoor walks. Leader/Contact: Carrie Chevalier Mosher, [email protected] Occurs: See the bulletin, magazine, or the website for scheduled dates. Southwest Grief Coalition Individuals and families grieving the death of a loved one are invited to evenings of education and support. Five local churches work together to provide a sevenweek series, Living and Growing through Loss, each fall/winter/spring. The evening includes a light meal, followed by a speaker, and then small group supportive sessions specific to your type of loss. There is no cost to attend. For updated information look for the Living and Growing through Loss brochure in the kiosk by the reception desk or visit www.paxchristi.com/bereavementministry. Occurs: Fall/Winter/Spring 7-week series is offered at various locations Rosary Group Catholics have loved and prayed the rosary for centuries and this time-honored tradition is carried on weekly in the Thomas Merton Chapel. The Rosary Group gathers after Tuesday morning Mass to recite the rosary and offer public and private prayers for individuals, our community, and the world at large. Meets: Tuesdays following the 8:30 AM Mass 26 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Twelve Step Support Groups Stewardship For more information, contact Mary Ann Callahan, Pastoral Care Specialist, 952-405-7227, or [email protected] Staff contact: Mary Kennedy, Director of Stewardship, 952-405-7220 or [email protected] 2016 - 2017 Chair of the Stewardship Council, John O’Connor, [email protected] Al-Anon Al-Anon offers help to adult relatives and friends of alcoholics. In Al-Anon, members share their own experience, strength, and hope with each other. Meet others who share your feelings and frustrations and come together to learn a better way of life, to find happiness whether the alcoholic is drinking or not. Meets: Every Thursday, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM If you have any of the following strengths, you may enjoy sharing them in this area: Achiever, Activator, Arranger, Communication, Developer, Empathy, Focus, Futuristic, Ideation, Includer, Individualization, Maximizer, Positivity, Relator, Responsibility, Strategic, and Woo Alateen Alateen is for teenagers whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Meets: Every Thursday, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM 701 Community Events Planning Work with team to plan, schedule, and launch specific annual events. A member should enjoy event planning, working with a team of volunteers, and providing hospitality. Time Commitment: Attend pre-event planning meetings as needed and assist during the event Occurs: Events as scheduled Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is an international community of alcoholics who meet in support groups. The primary purpose of AA members is to recover from alcoholism and help other alcoholics do the same. AA formed the original twelve-step program and has been the source and model for many similar recovery groups. Meets: Every Thursday, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM; Women’s AA group meets Saturdays, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM 702 Community Night Hospitality Also a Youth Opportunity Assist with setup, service, and cleanup for a specific community night event. A volunteer should enjoy serving and sharing hospitality with others. Time Commitment: 2-4 hours, dependent on specific event Occurs: Events as scheduled Overeaters Anonymous OA offers a program of recovery from compulsive eating using the Twelve Steps and Traditions of OA. These meetings provide a community of experience, strength, and hope, respectful of each member’s anonymity. Meets: Every Saturday, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 703 New Member Welcoming Weekend Registrar Also a Family Opportunity Provide welcoming hospitality to and answer questions from new and prospective members to Pax Christi. Assist new members in filling out registration materials and answer questions about Pax Christi. Training and informational materials are provided. Volunteer should enjoy meeting new people and be familiar with Pax Christi ministries, programs, and activities. Time Commitment: 30-45 minutes after Mass once per month Occurs: After all Masses on the second full weekend of each month, August through May 704 Nursery - Child Care Providers Also a Youth Opportunity Care for and play with children in nursery. Training is provided. Love of children is necessary. Participants must complete Virtus training, background check, and Code of Conduct as required by the Archdiocese. Time Commitment: Weekend: One hour every two months. Afternoon and/or evening activities: 1-2 hours weekly or monthly Occurs: During weekend liturgies and weekdays for community activities 27 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 709 Volunteer Coordination Work with specific ministry/activity within Pax Christi to develop and coordinate volunteer schedules for that particular ministry/activity. A volunteer must enjoy strategic planning, be comfortable with a computer, and assist volunteers in finding a good fit for their time and talents. Computer skills with spreadsheets and emailing are important as well as making phone calls. Time Commitment: 6-8 hours/month in developing and coordinating schedules Meets: As scheduled 705 Nursery - Toy Cleaning Also a Youth Opportunity Collect toys from nursery, clean and sanitize them, and return them to nursery. Good organizational skills and the ability to run the dishwasher in kitchen are needed. Training is provided. Time Commitment: 1-2 hours Occurs: Rotational schedule 706 Quilters’ Ministry In existence since 2005, the Quilters’ Ministry’s purpose is to generate and promote friendship, fellowship, fun, and food among Pax Christi women and friends. Our mission is to utilize our creativity, donations, and knowledge by adapting to one or more service projects per fiscal year that align with the goals of Pax Christi Catholic Community. This past fiscal year, this dedicated group of women donated 88 quilts to the graduating seniors of Cristo Rey High School in Minneapolis; the fourth consecutive year for that project. We also donated quilts to YouthLink and quilts and blankets to the Mother’s Drive in May. We participate in other requests for Pax Christi projects as we are able. We are always open to new members – no need to be a professional quilter. Contact: Becky Jensen, [email protected], 952-941-2887, or see the website for more information. Meets: First and Third Thursday of the month 710 Welcoming Others Wonderfully (WOW) Also a Family Opportunity Welcome new members at quarterly new member events, answer questions, share information about Pax Christi ministries and activities, and encourage the new members to get involved in the life of the community. Call and invite new members to quarterly events and discover how new members are acclimating to Pax Christi. Time Commitment: Each new member welcoming event is 3-4 hours; Phone calling teams meet quarterly for 1-2 hours operating a phone bank at Pax Christi. Occurs: As scheduled 711 Welcoming Others Wonderfully (WOW) Planning Team This committee was formed to look at all areas of welcoming and hospitality at Pax Christi and to evaluate processes and programs to make sure new and existing members are finding ways to get engaged in the life of the community. Time Commitment: Attend 1-2 hour meetings-usually six per year, plus 3-4 hours/quarterly in planning and hosting welcoming initiatives Meets: As scheduled 707 Sunday AM Hospitality Also a Family and/or Youth Opportunity Set up, serve and provide Pax Christi hospitality to members after Mass. Make coffee, set out juice and treats before the end of Mass, and keep items stocked. Greet all members and visitors warmly. Safely store any leftovers, clean up serving dishes and counters after hospitality is completed. Time Commitment: 1- 1½ hours per Mass monthly Occurs: After Sunday morning Masses 708 Sunday Night Faith Formation Meal Also a Youth Opportunity Work with group of staff and volunteers and assist registered Faith Formation families to serve meals for Faith Formation students and their families after Sunday 5:00 PM Mass following the schedule of the Faith Formation Program. A volunteer must enjoy serving and sharing hospitality with others. Time Commitment: Approximately 1-2 hours on a rotational basis Occurs: Sunday from 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM (approximately 25 Sunday evening meals during program year) 28 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 804 Greeter Also a Youth Opportunity Welcome people as they enter the worship space, assist people with special needs, take up the collection, and assist with emergencies. Volunteers assist in use of the handicapped doors. Families with children can serve together. Training is provided. Enjoy meeting and greeting people is necessary. A genuine concern for all who enter the church doors, especially strangers, is needed. Time Commitment: Check in at Greeter Cart 20 minutes prior to Mass; approximately one-hour commitment Occurs: Scheduled on a rotating basis, approximately once a month Worship/Liturgy Staff contact: Donna Kasbohm, Director of Worship and Music, 952-405-7240 or [email protected] 2016 - 2017 Chair of the Worship Council, Mike Kennedy, [email protected] If you have any of the following strengths, you may enjoy sharing them in this area: Arranger, Belief, Command, Communication, Connectedness, Context, Futuristic, Input, Intellection, Learner, Responsibility, Significance, and Strategic 801 Altar Server Also a Youth Opportunity Assist in the liturgical action and contribute to the beauty and reverence of the whole liturgy by performing tasks efficiently, unobtrusively, and gracefully. Training is provided. The ability to serve in a liturgical role in a reverent and prayerful manner is needed. 4th Grade students and older; adults are welcome. Time Commitment: Check in at sacristy ten minutes prior to Mass; approximately one-hour commitment Occurs: Scheduled on a rotational basis, no more than once a month; frequency varies with Mass time selected 805 Lector Also a Youth Opportunity Proclaim with conviction the first and second scripture readings assigned for the liturgy and read the intercessory prayers and announcements. Volunteers are required to attend a yearly enrichment and training session and must have a commitment to prayer and preparation time. This opportunity requires a competent proclaimer who loves the Word of God and has the ability to make it come alive in the liturgy. Time Commitment: Check in at sacristy ten minutes prior to Mass; approximately one-hour commitment; home study and preparation are required Occurs: Scheduled on a rotating basis, approximately once a month 802 Cross Bearer Also a Youth Opportunity Lead processions at liturgy with cross or banner. Training is provided. The ability to serve in a liturgical role in a reverent and prayerful manner is needed. Time Commitment: Check in at sacristy ten minutes prior to Mass; approximately one-hour commitment Occurs: Scheduled on a rotating basis, approximately once a month 806 Linen Caretaker Pick up the used linens and towels from the sacristy after the weekend Masses, wash and iron the linens, and return them to the sacristy before the next weekend’s Masses. Washing and ironing instructions are provided. Participants must provide their own transportation, washing, and ironing facilities. Time Commitment: 2-3 hours every other month Occurs: Scheduled on a rotating basis, approximately once every two months 803 Eucharistic Minister Also an Opportunity for Confirmed Youth Distribute communion to the assembly at weekend worship. Training is provided. The ability to serve in a liturgical role in a reverent and prayerful manner and love for people of God is needed. Volunteers must accept Catholic Eucharistic theology. Time Commitment: Check in at Greeter Cart ten minutes prior to Mass; approximately one-hour commitment Occurs: Scheduled on a rotating basis, approximately once a month 807 Liturgical Ministry Contacts Need concerned, outgoing people to connect with a list of about 12 people in one’s ministry area once a month, in person, on the phone, or by email. (If you choose to make contact by email, please try to talk in person or on the phone twice a year.) Purpose: community building. a. Ask them how the ministry is going: high points, low points, any concerns they may have b. Give them announcements if there are any c. Ask for suggested topics for continuing education and formation Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month Occurs: As contact’s schedule allows 29 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 812 Music - Children’s Choir Youth Opportunity The choir unifies those gathered to worship through music, supports the assembly’s sung prayer, and highlights particular parts of the liturgical action through music. A member should enjoy singing and be willing to proclaim the word of God through song. The ability to read music is a plus, not a requirement. This opportunity is available to children grades 2 - 8. Time Commitment: Weekly rehearsals - one hour per week and monthly Mass participation Meets: Approximately once per month at weekend Masses on a rotational basis 808 Mass Coordinator Coordinate liturgical ministries participating in the Mass to facilitate a prayerful experience for all who gather. Confirm all ministers are present, find replacements for those absent. The abilities to juggle different demands and act quickly under pressure are needed. The ability to plan ahead and envision the entirety of the Mass as well as the ability to perform tasks unobtrusively and efficiently before assembly are gathered is needed. Time Commitment: Three shifts per weekend: Saturday or Sunday evenings: 4:30 PM - 6:15 PM and Sunday mornings from 8:30 AM – 12:15 PM. Occurs: Scheduled on a rotational basis, approximately twice per month 813 Music - Handbell Choir Also a Youth Opportunity The choir enhances and supports the assembly’s sung prayer. The ability to read music is required. Time Commitment: one hour weekly rehearsal and play at monthly Masses Meets: Approximately once a month at different Masses on a rotating basis as well as seasonal liturgies 809 Mass Coordinator - Funerals Coordinate funeral liturgies by assisting the priest or deacon and family members. Confirm all liturgical ministers participating in the funeral liturgy are present and understand their role. Act as sacristan for the funeral. The ability to juggle different demands and act quickly under pressure is important. The ability to perform tasks unobtrusively and efficiently before assembly is gathered is needed. Time Commitment: 2 ½ hours per funeral Occurs: Varies 814 Music - Instrumentalist Also a Youth Opportunity The instrumentalist enhances and supports the assembly’s sung prayer. The ability to read music is required. Guitar, woodwinds, and strings are the most needed instruments but also welcome are brass and percussion. Time Commitment: Varies by instrument, ability, and availability Occurs: Weekend liturgies and special celebrations 810 Music - Adult Choir The choir unifies and assists the assembly’s sung prayer and supports the liturgical action through music. A choir member should enjoy singing and be willing to proclaim the word of God through song. The ability to read music is a plus, not a requirement. No auditions are required. Time Commitment: Weekly rehearsals - two hours per week and weekly Mass participation Meets: 9:00 AM and/or 11:00 AM Mass, or Saturday 5:00 PM Mass, plus special liturgies during year; September - May 815 Music - Teen Choir Youth Opportunity The choir unifies those gathered to worship through music, assists the assembly’s sung prayer, and supports the liturgical action through music. A member should enjoy singing and be willing to proclaim Word of God through song. The ability to read music is a plus, not a requirement. Youth from grades 7 - 12 are invited to join. Time Commitment: Weekly rehearsals from 3:30 5:00 PM each Sunday. Meets: Every Sunday at 3:30 PM for rehearsal, sing at Sunday 5:00 PM Mass 811 Music - Cantor Also a Youth Opportunity The cantor unifies those gathered to worship through music, leads the assembly’s sung prayer, and supports the liturgical action through music. A cantor should enjoy singing and be willing to proclaim the word of God through song. The ability to read music is important. Cantors are encouraged to participate in Adult Choir if their schedule allows. Time Commitment: Approximately 1 - 2 Masses per month, plus rehearsal time Occurs: Weekend Masses and special liturgies on a rotational basis 816 Sacristan Also a Family Opportunity Set out the cups, plates, hosts, and wine before each liturgy, and purify and store all vessels after Mass. Training is provided. Ability to handle sacred vessels with reverence and willingness to serve behind the scenes are needed. Time Commitment: Check in at sacristy 20 minutes prior to Mass; purify and store vessels requiring approximately 20 minutes after Mass Occurs: Scheduled on a rotating basis, approximately once a month 30 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book Activities and Groups at Pax Christi 817 Usher Also a Youth Opportunity Ushers provide welcoming hospitality to those assembled in the worship space and assist in seating attendees and escorting members in need of additional assistance. Ushers assist latecomers in finding seating and assist with emergency situations. Ushers assist in use of the handicapped doors. Time Commitment: Check in at the Ministry Table 20 minutes prior to Mass; approximately 1 ½ hours, before and during Mass Occurs: Scheduled on a rotating basis, approximately once a month To learn more about the Activities and Groups of Pax Christi, contact: Mary Kennedy, Director of Stewardship, 952-405-7220 or [email protected] Angel Hour Angel Hour is open gym time for parents and children to play alongside others. This is a great activity for those long winter months or when you’re looking for some interaction and companionship. Meets: Wednesday mornings as scheduled 818 Worship Environment Work with the Director of Worship to make certain the worship space serves the needs of the assembly adequately and attend to seasonal enhancement. Artists, flower arrangers, carpenters, designers, quilters, graphic artists, decorators, photographers—all are needed at various times. Volunteers should possess artistic ability and have an eye for art and placement, creativity, and imagination to shape the setting. Volunteer should be willing to continue to be informed about this ministry through study of church documents. Time Commitment: 3 or 4 seasonal planning meetings per year plus seasonal hands-on work Occurs: Seasonally per liturgical requirements Boomers and Beyond Join with others for social and educational gatherings. Boomers and Beyond seeks to create a supportive and welcoming community for parishioners, age 55 years and older, through varied activities that are social, spiritual, educational, or service-oriented. Annual registration fee. Meets: Monthly from September through May 901 Cana Dinner Planning Team The Cana Dinner is the annual couples’ evening held each year at Pax Christi to celebrate committed couples. Join other couples on the team to plan the event, choosing speaker/entertainment, menu, and flow of the event while having lots of fun in the process. Meets: Six times starting late fall until the event Occurs: Annually on a Saturday evening in February 819 Worship Space Plant Care Volunteers water and feed the plants that are used seasonally on the altar platform and other areas of the worship space. A “green thumb” is helpful. Knowing what a plant needs and when it needs it is helpful. Time Commitment: This will vary from season to season. Some attention paid to the plants each week is needed. Occurs: Weekly maintenance as well as seasonal opportunities available 902 Cana Dinner Service Team Also a Youth Opportunity Serve, bus tables, wash dishes, or provide child care for the annual Cana Dinner, a sit-down dinner and entertainment event for couples which celebrates committed couples. Time Commitment: 4-6 hour shifts starting at 5:45 PM. Occurs: Annually on a Saturday evening in February 903 Halloween Social Room hosts decorate rooms and run carnival games for children during the annual Halloween Social. Volunteers are also needed to prepare and serve food and drinks and to clean up after the event. Time Commitment: Shifts last 2-4 hours Occurs: A Saturday in October close to Halloween 31 Pax Christi Catholic Community Guide Book 904 Holiday Boutique Service Team Also a Youth Opportunity The Holiday Boutique is a juried, hand-made craft show held the first Saturday in December. Crafters come from all over to display their wares. Volunteers are needed to welcome visitors, make and deliver the lunch to vendors, and sell Pax Christi items to visitors of the boutique. Time Commitment: Approximately four hours between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM Occurs: Annually the first Saturday in December 907 RunWalkPray 5K Service Team Work the day of the RunWalkPray 5K on the course or set up, serving, bussing tables, and clean up at the Pancake Breakfast which follows the RunWalkPray 5K. Meets: 8:00 - 11:00 AM shift Occurs: The annual event is held on a Saturday morning in May. Scouting Programs Boy Scouts - Troop #370 (Boys 11-17) Adventure awaits for boys age 11-17! Strengthen character and build leadership through outdoor recreation, service projects, and career exploration activities. Three levels of adventure, including the best “high adventure” camping program around! It’s learning for life! Monthly camping adventures. Visitors always welcome. Meets: Most Monday evenings at 7 PM Questions? [email protected] 905 Holiday Tea Service Team Also a Youth Opportunity The Hall of Martyrs is transformed into a holiday wonderland the first Saturday in December with a stunning array of decorated tables for the Holiday Tea. The volunteers serve tea and finger foods to tables or assist in preparing and serving of tea and finger foods. Time Commitment: Shifts last four hours, 8:00 AM 12:00 PM Occurs: First Saturday in December Cub Scout Pack #348 (Boys, K-5) Cub Scout Pack 348 builds confidence and skills in boys through fun and doing. Activities include pinewood derby, egg drop competition, rocket launching, Blue Gold banquet, the “Pack-nic” picnic, service projects and more – where parents usually accompany the scouts and siblings are welcome. And…we go camping! Boys in grades K-5 can join right away. Meets: Monday evenings at Pax Christi, with monthly adventures around town. Email: joinpack348Qgmail.com to start your adventure now! Open Basketball Adult members can join together for a pickup game of basketball Thursday evenings and a 50+ group meets on Tuesday evenings. Occurs: Tuesday and Thursday evenings as calendar permits Moms ROCK (Raising Our Christian Kids) Moms ROCK welcomes all mothers, mothers-to-be, and guests to join us. Gatherings include brunch, prayer, and social time followed by a guest speaker or special planned activity. A $10 fee per gathering is requested. Childcare is provided, although nursery space is limited, and reservations are required. Whether you can join us for one or most of the gatherings, we are confident you will walk away knowing you are part of something special. Meets: Twice monthly September - May, 9:30 AM 11:30 AM Venture Crew #3370 (Young Women 14-21) Venturing is the co-educational program of Scouting. The Venturing Crew at Pax Christi is an all-female group of 14-21 year-old young women interested in high adventure and outdoor skills, leadership, and citizenship. Meets: Monday evenings at 7PM and monthly camping. Email: [email protected] 906 RunWalkPray 5K Planning Team Assist in the planning of our Annual RunWalkPray 5K which is held on a Saturday in May. Work with a small group to help plan and coordinate the event. The planning team encourages parish-wide participation in this event which builds community, inspires healthy living, and benefits Pax Christi’s Giving Garden with needed materials and supplies. Meets: 3-4 planning meetings starting in January or February Occurs: The annual event is held on Saturday morning in May. 32