pax christi - Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
pax christi - Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
W E E K LY B U L L E T I N PAX CHRISTI Catholic Community 952-941-3150 • w w w. p a x c h r i s t i . c o m • Tw e n t i e t h S u n d a y i n O r d i n a r y Ti m e • August 16, 2009 MY FRIENDS: THE POOR AND VULNERABLE ARE EVER PRESENT –Fr. Patrick Kennedy In trying to sort through the maze of conversation, debates on the subject, and the constant rhetoric swirling around almost every corner in this country, it seems that having a wonderful primer for each of us to think through and ponder could help put perspective on the issues at hand. Maybe, if we have a say, we can use this opportunity in our discourse with others to promote our Catholic perspective on this daunting issue. Once again we are in the midst of a health care debate in this country. Reform of our present system has been tried before. In 1993, President Bill Clinton attempted to raise the issue, discern the problems of our system, and promote solutions to fix them, but in the end, he failed to bring about reform. President Obama has made this issue one of the hallmarks of his presidency and is bound and determined if at all possible to create a health care system that will work better than the one we have now. Whether he succeeds or fails is yet to be seen. While most of us, myself included, cannot fully comprehend the intricacies of the debate at hand, this challenge should not be an excuse for us to be uninformed. We need to become more knowledgeable about how we as individuals and as a nation should move forward in designing and implementing health care for all of us. I believe the solutions, whatever they might be, are secondary to any reason why reform is necessary in the first place. And let me say that if we are satisfied with our current health care, this is not a reason to sit out the debate. We are called to care about the common good and nearly 50 million people who are without any health care coverage. Something needs to be different. To help us find an entry point into this complex debate and to understand the foundational principles of faith we might employ, we need only turn to the social teaching of the Catholic Church. This teaching has been the engine guiding and moving Catholic health care and other important social justice issues for over a century now, and it seems to me to be a time-tested resource for how we move forward in health care reform. It helps us engage policy-makers in government, the private sector, and even our neighbors, friends, and ourselves. Before I continue, let me interject what we already know. Catholic hospitals and centers for care have taken the lead over the last 100 years in providing solid and professional health care following the example of Jesus' mission of extending love and healing to those who came to Him in need. Some weeks ago, I wrote in this space about the work of the Sisters of St. Joseph and other religious women and men who have been at the forefront of education, health care, and other worthy ministries. In this region of the country, go anywhere in Minnesota or Continued on page 2 2 FATHER KENNEDY North or South Dakota and you find tangible examples of this. Catholic hospitals and clinics dot the countryside in towns and cities in the Midwest. And while this ministry is readily apparent, it is just the tip of the iceberg when you zero in on the enormous contribution the Catholic Church has made throughout the country. Because of this vast experience, a commitment and dedication to the most vulnerable in our midst, and the enormous work done by religious and lay people throughout our Catholic health care system, the Church must remain a powerful voice in the conversation at hand. I believe those representing Catholic health care are indeed at the table as the Congress and President work to bring about reform. But a greater concern of mine and maybe yours is to be able to form our own understanding of this complex subject and to be able to discuss it in a way that allows us once again to reverence what we have done as a Church in the name of Jesus Christ and how each of us can be informed enough to talk among ourselves in the hopes of participating in the wider discussion taking place in our country today. A place for all of us to begin our understanding in the forming and shaping of our opinions should be the principles of our Catholic social teaching. While some of you may be familiar with them, let me once again restate them: 1.Life and dignity of the human person 2.Call to family, community, and responsibility 3.Human rights are respected, and we carry our responsibility to ensure they are met 4.Meeting the needs of the poor and vulnerable 5.Honoring the dignity of work and the rights of workers 6.Appreciating our solidarity with each other 7.Caring for all of God's creation These principles are all deeply based on the scriptures and help strengthen and guide our thinking and the articulation of what we hope will happen, not only with the issue of health care but with all issues relating to and directing all of humankind. So many of Continued from page 1. the discussions I have been privy to center on repeating what the newspapers write in editorials and other articles. We get bits and pieces from our primary physicians or other friends in health care who speak from a unique perspective and yet often voice varying opinions. We, like many before us, focus on an end result and not the foundational principles for a health care plan that will ultimately bring true reform. There is much at stake in this present conversation. The physical health of our nation is just one aspect of the deeper realities facing us as a country. We are in great need of a conversation which will identify the underlying problems we have so that any solutions to deal with them will be longlasting and a much needed improvement over how we now are meeting the ongoing challenges we face. It is safe to say we live in a culture that seems to be devoid of any fundamental respect for human life. Watch the news at night. Read the paper in the morning. Listen to the chatter online. Lead stories of the day are about the tremendous violence and needless taking of lives everywhere. The lack of love and care for one another is disturbing, to say the least. We have been anesthetized to believe we must put up with the disregard for human life, and there is nothing we can do about it. If we are going to flourish as a nation, we have to realize the needless taking of lives is never acceptable, and conversations about the care of the citizens of this nation must include a recommitment to the value of human life at every stage. It was the late Pope Paul VI who often reminded us, "If you want peace, work for justice." This comes to mind when we think through the opportunities we have now when it comes to providing for and meeting the needs of the most vulnerable and poor in our midst. Neglecting these people has not served us well as a nation. The poor and vulnerable are ever present and they need compassion and understanding from a society that claims, "All are created equal." As discussions continue, especially around health care, the poor and vulnerable in our midst must always be a prime consideration when it comes to providing for all the citizens of this country. Proper care, proper nutrition, proper housing, and a commitment to education need to be afforded to those who don't have as much as most of us do. Health care and its reform will only be successful if they are not seen as a privilege for some but available to all. Any reform will surely challenge the notion of "rugged individualism" which has plagued us for some time. While we surely are all individuals with needs and wants of our own, we have come to know that when it comes to solving the problems we have, we must rise above this kind of thinking and remember we are all part of ensuring the common good for everyone. Starting with a faith perspective and the guidance of Catholic social teaching might even shake up our own thinking and help us make more constructive contributions to this debate. I am not sure where this latest conversation and efforts surrounding reform of our health care policies will end. It would be prudent for each of us to remember the foundational values we have as Catholics that offer a wonderful platform on which to rebuild our health care system. And, even if the policy wonks don't pay much attention to these values, we would help the conversation greatly by pondering and thinking through what we believe. Maybe we can reach out to those who will make the final decisions and share with them our ideas that might not ensure health care for all but hopefully will ensure a greater quality of life for every American. Resources on Catholic social teaching and the health care reform debate: National Catholic Health Association of the United States: Catholic Charities USA: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Local Office for Social Justice: Parish Contact the parish office, 952-941-3150, and Michael Griffin, Dir. of Faith Formation, will assist you to find helpful information. 3 Consider Council Membership Every year Pax Christi looks for about 25 people to begin three-year terms on a leadership council. In upcoming bulletins, we will be printing information about each of the councils for your consideration. Nominations will take place in September. Finance Council Guided by the teachings of the Gospel, the Pax Christi Finance Council advises the pastor and parish leaders how to best utilize the assets of the parish to meet the spiritual and social needs of our community. The Finance Council mission is to provide advice regarding: • The annual operating budget, • The long-range strategic financial plan, • The parish's financial condition, including its investment portfolio and debt obligations, • Internal controls, and • Communicating financial information. Pax Eco How to Lose 39 Pounds a Year! Every year the average person The Finance Council has nine members who provide guidance, advice, and oversight. For example, during the 2008-09 year, the Finance Council: • Assisted in writing the annual financial report to the membership, • Oversaw our investment management firm's performance, • Assisted in engaging a new banking relationship, • Performed financial analysis of proposed capital projects and programs, • Assisted in discerning four new Finance Council members, • Assisted in selecting new external auditors, • Provided financial advice to the renovation committee, and • Assisted in developing the 2009-10 operating budget. Members perform these and other advisory responsibilities as required to support finance, accounting, investment, and budgeting activities for Pax Christi Catholic Community. SOCIAL JUSTICE: BECAUSE JESUS SAID SO . . . receives 39 pounds of unsolicited "junk" mail, up to 100 pounds per household. Here's a recipe for reducing that amount: 1) The best way to keep your name off of mailing lists is to control your exposure. Include Pope: Finance, business must work for 'the common good.' "The more we strive to secure a common good corresponding to the real needs of our neighbors, the more effectively we love them. Every Christian is called to practice this charity, in a manner corresponding to his vocation." So states Pope Benedict XVI in Caritas in Veritate "Charity in Truth," a new encyclical or teaching document from the pontiff. An encyclical is a papal treatise on pressing spiritual or political issues. "Charity in Truth," which addresses the social and moral consequences of the current economic crisis, is the pope's third encyclical since he was elected to the papacy in 2005. In it, he calls for a new social and ethical dimension to capitalism, one that will help champion "the common good." a privacy statement to any paperwork listing your personal information, asking that you not be added to their mailing list. You can also request that your name not be sold or shared with other organizations. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has developed an "Action Guide" to help you learn more about and respond to the pope's latest encyclical. It can be found on the website home page of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis's Office for Social Justice. Look under "News & Updates" for the small-group discussion guide. The website is located at One of the Action Guide's tips is for families to consider: How well are we practicing charity toward others in our family and local community? What changes might we make in how we spend time and money to engage regularly in charity and action for justice? 2) Get your name off junk mail lists by contacting Direct Marketing Association Pax Christi's Justice Council is in the process of planning numerous activities and events for the next year - great opportunities for individuals and families to engage in charity and social justice. Please watch for details. ( or contact companies directly with your request. –Environmental Challenge Ministry In the meantime … To learn more about what Pax Christi is doing for Social Justice, Pax Christi Justice Grant recipients, or volunteer opportunities, visit us online at , [email protected] , or contact Allison Boisvert, Social Justice Minister, 952-405-7225, or [email protected] . 4 WHAT’S GOING ON AT PAX CHRISTI • POYC Summer Series: Wednesday, August 19, 9:30am–12:00pm Explore Minnesota with Local Guidebook Author Amy Rea Come explore Minnesota with Amy Rea, an Eden Prairie guidebook author. Amy spent a year traveling the interstates and back roads of Minnesota trying to condense the whole state into one book, and she lived to tell the tale. Join her as she discusses the (not necessarily) glamorous life of a travel guidebook writer, as well as the must-sees and must-not-sees around Minnesota. Amy is the author of Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes: an Explorer's Guide, and she runs a website,, that documents her ongoing explorations. In her weekly column for, Wander Minnesota (, she also blogs about travel in Minnesota. Statistically, she's married, lives in Eden Prairie, has two teenage boys, and two rather poorly trained dogs. WELCOME SISTER ATUKUZWE NYIRENDA At All Masses THIS Weekend August 15/16 Every year we receive a representative of a Catholic mission organization and are given the opportunity to respond to his/her story. Sister Atukuzwe Nyirenda, African Benedictine Sister of St. Agnes, from Chipole, Tanzania, will be our guest the weekend of August 15-16. She represents a community of very hard-working Sisters who have established a kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, trade school, orphanage, and dispensary (clinic). The Sisters care for more than 40 orphans who have lost their parents to AIDS. It is this community's goal to love and educate these orphans who range in age from one month to seven years old. In 2003 and 2004, the Justice Committee at Pax Christi elected to make grants to this organization. During all Masses August 15-16, Sister Nyirenda will be sharing how those financial gifts helped expand their school. Today, the need continues to be greater than their financial means. Please be generous when the second collection is taken at each Mass. (Make checks for the African Benedictines payable to "Pax Christi.") You are also invited to learn more about this Community at POYC meets one Wednesday a month during the summer when we share a light brunch, prayer, and time with one another while enjoying presentations given by experienced speakers. The suggested donation for each meeting is $7. Limited childcare is available for these mornings; reservations must be made in advance. Contact: Kari Balak, [email protected], or 612-850-1327. Thursday, August 20, 6:30pm • Pax Christi Young Adults (21-39) You are invited to join us for an evening of games, friends, food, and fun. Dinner will be provided. We'll gather in the Mother Teresa Room. Newcomers and friends always welcome. Contact: Parishioner Steve Tousignant, [email protected], or 952-884-5813. • Dessert Social for Thursday, August 20, 6:30pm Mission Trip Donors and Supporters Thank you to everyone in the Pax Christi community who supported our Sr. High mission trip to New Orleans this past June. We would like to invite all interested parishioners to a dessert social on August 20 in the Garden Level (go in Door 1, then down the stairs on the right). We will share with you our pictures and stories of our experience while serving some delicious treats! Plan to join us. Contact: Cindy Novak, Sr. High Youth Minister, 952-405-7214, or [email protected]. Beginning Tuesday, September 22, 9:30-11:30am • Women’s Bible Study "Discovering Old Testament Wisdom" is the title of the Women with Spirit Bible Study coming this fall to Pax Christi on Tuesday mornings from 9:30–11:30am. It begins September 22. Part I is "Exploring the Pentateuch" with Dr. Corrine Carvalho, Part II is "Psalms of the Jewish Liturgy" with Sr. Paul Therese Saiko, SSND, and Part III is "Discovering Wisdom: Journeying with Biblical Vision" with Trish Vanni. The series will also feature three morning retreats. The cost is $100 including books and retreats. The deadline to register is September 8. Scholarships and childcare available. Call the parish office for registration materials or go to the parish web site, See page 6 sidebar for additional details. Contact: Michael Griffin, Dir. of Faith Formation, 952-405-7230, or [email protected]. 5A THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR Saturday, August 15* Wednesday, August 19 9:00am Overeaters Anonymous 9:30am POYC Event 4:00pm Private Reconciliation 6:00pm MASS 5:00pm MASS - FR. KENNEDY w/Missionary Sister Atukuzwe Nyirenda 6:30pm Living Your Strengths Sunday, August 16 9:00am MASS - FR. KENNEDY w/Missionary Sister Atukuzwe Nyirenda 11:00am MASS - FR. KENNEDY w/Missionary Sister Atukuzwe Nyirenda 5B CALENDAR OF SPECIAL EVENTS For additional information see the parish website,, or contact the parish office, 952-941-3150. 6:30pm LRSS Training Thursday, August 20 6:45am MASS 9:00am Pax Christi Quilters 6:00pm Teen Choir 6:00pm Thursday Basketball Weekend of August 15/16 Beginning September 24 Welcome Sister Atukuzwe Nyirenda At All Masses August 15/16 Pax Cafe Bible Study Acts of the Apostles 6:30pm Mission Trip Dessert Social 3:30pm Teen Choir 6:30pm Pax Christi Young Adults Sunday, August 16 5:00pm MASS - FR. KENNEDY w/Missionary Sister Atukuzwe Nyirenda 7:30pm Alanon 55+ Singles Brunch Redstone Grill - Eden Prairie 7:30pm Alateen Monday, November 09 Blood Drive at Pax Christi 7:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous Wednesday, August 19 Monday, August 17 8:30am MASS 5:30pm Tai Chi Friday, August 21 8:30am MASS 6:30pm Ishaya Ascension Group POYC Summer Series Explore Minnesota with Local Guidebook Author Amy Rea Saturday, December 5 Saturday, August 22 Tuesday, August 18 9:00am Overeaters Anonymous 8:30am MASS 4:00pm Private Reconciliation 9:00am Rosary Group 5:00pm MASS - FR. McMICHAEL Thursday, November 19 National Catholic Youth Conference for Sr. High Youth Beginning September 22 Annual Holiday Boutique Artists and Volunteers Needed Women with Spirit Bible Study September 22 - March 23 6:00pm 50+ Basketball 6:30pm Leadership Meetings Sunday, August 23 9:00am MASS - FR. McMICHAEL 11:00am MASS - FR. McMICHAEL 3:30pm Teen Choir 5:00pm MASS - FR. McMICHAEL 6:00pm Emmaus Group *August 15 is the celebration of the Assumption of Mary. Because this holy day occurs on a Saturday this year, the obligation to attend Mass is removed. PRAYER CORNER: Please pray for these loved ones BULLETIN NOTE: Presiders and Masses in BOLD. “This Week’s Calendar” is correct as of bulletin publication date. Additional information can be found on PLEASE NOTE: In the worship space, please see a Greeter if you would like to use an assisted listening device. Ed, Charlie, Mary, Scottie, Terry, Steve, Rhonda, Betty, Barb, Lauren, Therese, Cory, David, Olivia, Joanne, Susie, Joel, John, Jason, Eileen, Kathy, and Julianne. Pax Christi offers, as a community, the gift of prayer. If you would like to have your name listed in this Prayer Corner during a time of need, contact Pastoral Care, 952-941-3150. WHAT’S GOING ON AT PAX CHRISTI 6 WOMEN WITH SPIRIT BIBLE STUDY: • PAX CAFÉ (Catholic Adult Formation and Enrichment) Scripture Study Coming this Fall! Two exciting opportunities for scripture study are in the planning stages and will commence this fall. Registration information will be available soon! DISCOVERING OLD TESTAMENT WISDOM • "Acts of the Apostles," Thursday evenings, 6:30–8:30pm. Using materials from the Little Rock Scripture Series, during a 10-week series we will explore the Acts of the Apostles. Other series will follow. Each week will feature prayer, a video presentation, and small group facilitated discussions. All adults are welcome. If you are interested in serving as a facilitator, please call the parish office. Beginning Tuesday, September 22, 9:30–11:30am • "Women with Spirit" Bible Study continues this year on Tuesday mornings from 9:30–11:30am from September–March. Presenters from St. Catherine University and the University of St. Thomas will be featured each week. Small group discussions will follow. There are three retreats throughout the year. This program is specifically for women only. PRESENTERS: For more information about Pax CAFÉ (Catholic Adult Formation and Enrichment), please contact Michael Griffin, Director of Faith Formation, 952-405-7230, or [email protected]. • JustFaith Program is Coming to Pax Christi this Fall Our Catholic faith and biblical tradition extend an extraordinary invitation to each of us and to our faith communities to become agents of God's compassion and healing in a wounded world. The Good News of Christ is both a comfort and a promise for the poor and, at the same time, a call to those of us who are not poor to be linked with God's vision of justice and reconciliation. Participating in JustFaith will provide a challenging and supportive way for you to grow in your faith, respond to God's call, and act for justice in the world. JustFaith asks for a considerable commitment. The process involves 30 weekly sessions, retreats, and immersion experiences. In addition, participants are expected to do one to two hours of reading each week. Participants have the privilege of being nurtured by a small faith community as they journey through this program. Former participants have said it is the best and most meaningful formation experience they have had, and they eagerly looked forward to each weekly meeting. JustFaith is offered in the parish by Pax CAFÉ (Catholic Adult Formation and Enrichment). For more information please contact Michael Griffin, Director of Faith Formation, 952-4057230, or [email protected]. Attention All Artists! Save The Date for the 2nd Parishioner Art Show Opening November 29, 2009 Dr. Corrine Carvalho: “Exploring the Pentateuch” Professor of Theology and Director of the Luann Dummer Center for Women at the University of St. Thomas Sr. Paul Therese Saiko SSND: “Psalms: Songs of the Jewish Community and Ours” Instructor of Sacred Scriptures at St. Paul Seminary Trish Vanni: “Discovering Wisdom: Journeying with Biblical Vision” Master of Divinity, St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota SPIRITUAL RESPITES (Morning Retreats): Rabbi Amy Eilberg: “A Jewish Woman’s Torah” Directs Interfaith Conversations Project -Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning, UST Sr. Carol Renne, OSB: “Praying the Psalms” Retreat Ministry and member of Spiritual Directors InternationalBenedictine Center of St. Paul’s Monastery (former Prioress) Dr. Susan Myers: “Wisdom’s Enduring Legacy” Associate Professor in the Theology Department at the University of St. Thomas For complete details, call the parish office for registration materials or go to the parish website, For questions, contact Michael Griffin, Director of Faith Formation, 952-405-7230, or [email protected], for additional information. 7 PAX CHRISTI ANNOUNCEMENTS Come Sing a New Song! It is time to regroup for another season of music making. All singers and instrumentalists are invited and encouraged to be a part of our ever-expanding Pax Christi Music Ministry. Maybe you haven't sung or played in a group since high school or college. Don't let that be a reason to hang back. You are invited to check us out at our weekly rehearsal-Thursday evenings, beginning September 10. No auditions are required. Instrumentalists meet at 6:30 pm and singers at 7:30 pm in the Marian Anderson Room (213). Contact: Donna Kasbohm, Dir. of Worship and Music, 952-405-7240, or [email protected]. Pax Christi’s 500 Group Do you enjoy playing 500? Do you want to meet new people? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you are invited to join the Pax Christi 500 Club. We are a fun-loving group of card players who get together once a month in each other's homes on a Friday or Saturday evening from September through April to play cards and socialize. We need both regular players and substitutes. Don't know how to play 500 but want to learn? Here's your chance! Call Jean Zimmerman, 952-9267430, or [email protected], for more information. Faith Formation Registration Faith Formation registration materials have been mailed to all registered households with children ages 3 years-12th grade as of September 1, 2009. Details, deadlines, and other program descriptions can be found on the parish website or by calling the parish office. A special invitation and welcome to all who have not participated in the past. We'd love to have you join us. Prayer Shawls Available in Parish Office Members of Pax Christi's Prayer Shawl Ministry prayerfully create lovely shawls that you can give as a gift of blessing to another. Over the years of this ministry, hundreds of shawls have been used to comfort people after a loss or during a time of stress, to provide solace during illness and recovery, or as a sign of the donor's love on a special occasion such as a birth or anniversary. Please call the parish office, 952-941-3150, or stop in if you would like to give a prayer shawl to someone. A suggested donation of $20 covers the cost of the yarn. Thank You, Blood Donors! The results from our July 2009 blood drive are in from Memorial Blood Center and once again the people of Pax Christi should be so proud of our impact on the community! 85 potential donors registered and from them 69 units of blood were collected, resulting in 207 lives saved or impacted for the better. Nine first-time Pax Christi donors generously gave the gift of life at this drive too. Please consider participating in the future. Our next blood drive will be Monday, November 9, 1:00–8:00pm. Contact Mary Ann Callahan, 952-4057227, for more information. Attention Offertory Envelope Users We have had some reports that parishioners did not receive their offertory envelope packets. You should have received your packet for August/ September by now. If you have not received your August/September packet, please contact Barb Didier, 952-4057244, in our parish office. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Faith Formation Volunteers Needed! Catechists and other helpers are needed in all areas of faith formation ministries. Past volunteers and staff know that you always get more out of it than you give! Training is provided, and you join a wonderful, dedicated group of people. The faith formation registration fee of $65 per child is waived for those making a commitment for the full year. Complete a volunteer commitment sheet (downloadable from the website, and return it to the office. For questions or additional information, contact Michael Griffin, Director of Faith Formation, 952-405-7230, or [email protected]. ON OUR JOURNEY OF STEWARDSHIP: 8 ACT NOW! LIVE AS A STEWARD…TODAY! Watch carefully then how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise, making the most of the opportunity. –Ephesians 5:15-16 Parish Mission We only have a few weeks left of summer; I know that because the back to school ads have reached a fever pitch in the media. We are blasted from every angle that if we are smart and savvy shoppers, we will answer the call to get our lives organized for the upcoming school year now– there is no time to waste. If we wait, all the good stuff will be gone. The advertisers’ hope is that we get swept up in their marketing strategy and buy, buy, buy. Many programs and events are touted as once in a lifetime opportunities, and the wise person needs to act immediately in order to receive the full benefit of whatever is being pitched. I actually heard a commercial the other day take the "act now" plea to a whole new level of urgency, "Only those who answer this ad in the next 19 minutes will be eligible for this special bonus offer." When I hear the same ad next week perhaps I won't be so naïve. Or wait, will there be even a better deal offered in an even shorter time increment then? In this weekend's reading, St. Paul tells the Ephesians that it is important to make the most out of the opportunities they have been given. It's not written as an “act now or you will miss out” exhortation but rather to take a good look at what you have and then map a course that makes the best use of your gifts. The gifts you have been given are meant to help you along your life's journey, which is why they were given to you and you alone. Sure, everyone gets time, but how you put that time to good use is all up to you. Many people have been given very obvious talents. There are great singers, managers, writers, and athletes, but each of us has also been given talents. The talents each of us have will help us do our job or schoolwork better, handle crisis and challenges, be better neighbors or family members, and help us make the most of the opportunities of living our life to the fullest. Mother Teresa realized the unique gifts each of us has been given when she said, "What I do you cannot do; but what you do, I cannot do. The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful." How we make the most of the opportunities we have been given each day is the way to answer God's call to living life as a steward. Answer God's call today, and start making the most out of the opportunities you have been given. Stewardship is a way of life. If you have questions on how best to share your time, talents, and treasure, feel free to contact our Director of Stewardship, Mary Kennedy, [email protected], or 952-405-7220. Statement: Pax Christi Catholic Community, in company with God, and guided by the Spirit of Vatican II, welcomes all as leaders in faith for service to the world. This Year Actual This Year Budget Variance from Budget 107,354 92,000 15,354 183,060 175,000 8,060 Week #3 & 4 Contributions Year to Date through Week #4 09-10 Contributions Goal – $2,745,000 Last Year Actual Variance from Last Year 173,595 9,465 An Offering of Thanks to God Church of Pax Christi of Eden Prairie 12100 Pioneer Trail Eden Prairie Minnesota 55347-4208 Please deliver by August 15. Staff Contacts — 952-405-7xxx Parish Office 12100 Pioneer Trail, Eden Prairie, MN 55347-4208 Phone: 952-941-3150 Fax: 952-941-7942 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Office Hours Monday–Thursday ~ 8:00AM – 4:30PM (Summer Hours) Friday ~ 8:00AM – NOON Saturday ~ 8:30AM – 12:30PM Mass Schedule Weekend Masses - Nursery Available Interpreter for hearing impaired at 11:00AM. Saturday ~ 5:00PM Sunday ~ 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 5:00PM Weekday Masses Mondays ~ 8:30AM Tuesdays ~ 8:30AM with Rosary to follow Wednesdays ~ 6:00PM Thursdays ~ 6:45AM Fridays ~ 8:30AM Sacrament of Reconciliation (Private) Saturdays ~ 4:00PM Community Council Fr. Patrick Kennedy Sue Kelley, Parish Director Dave Barczak Rosemary Daley Dave Faulise Carla Gestach Elaine Larabee Michael Karas Tom Keane Joe Michels Joan Roethle Jan Wagner Carolyn Zucker Community Council Chair Dave Barczak Parish Trustees Tim Kosiek Sue Fier Finance Council Dave Faulise, Chairperson Pastor Deacon, Pastoral Ministry Parish Director Director of Faith Formation Director of Leadership Development Director of Operations Director of Stewardship Director of Worship and Music Fr. Patrick Kennedy Al Schroeder Sue Kelley Michael Griffin Vicki Klima Ken Reineccius Mary Kennedy Donna Kasbohm x200 x205 x210 x230 x211 x250 x220 x240 Other Contacts — 952-405-7xxx Accountant Administrative Support Administrative Support Bulletin, Website, Creative Services Building Services Coordinator Building Services Building Services Children’s Choir Faith Formation Faith Formation Database/Contributions Jr. High Youth Justice and Charity Nursery Pastoral Care Receptionist Sr. High Youth, Confirmation Special Needs Teen Choir Wedding/Liturgical Coordinator Anne Swenson Sue Schroer Connie Wesley Melissa Nault Al Haider Terry Lee Todd Nelson Molly Shields Reneé Dignan Jane Schmitz Barb Didier Jean Thoresen Allison Boisvert Kate Gartin Mary Ann Callahan Cindy Soeldner Cindy Novak Michael Griffin Angie O’Brien Kim Grams x202 x209 x217 x221 x232 x233 x233 x243 x212 x238 x244 x213 x225 x242 x227 x219 x214 x230 x243 x229 Call today to schedule your Complimentary VISIA Complexion Analysis! 15% off Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels, IPL Photorejuvenation and Laser Hair Reduction * Please mention this ad when scheduling your appointment * Coupon may not be combined with any other offer 3316 West 66th Street, Suite 120 • Edina, MN 55435 952-927-7793 • * Trillia Cosmetic Dermatology is a medical dermatology spa operated by Dermatology Specialists, PA Import Compliance Northwestern Marble Management, Inc. & Granite Company Our Same Menu With A New Look • Sunday brunch served from 10am to 2pm Melissa Miller, • Live entertainment • Spacious outdoor patio seating (952) 546-6722 13000 Technology Drive Licensed Customs Broker, Parishioner • Granite Counter Tops • 952-200-7287 7705 Bush Lake Road • Risk Assessment & Management • Information Management • Much More! 952-941-8601 [email protected] Parishioner SUTCLIFFE CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER Dr. Joseph Sutcliffe Parishioner Located in Chaska Phone: 942-448-4222 All Parish Members receive Complimentary Consultation & Cremation Services Specials Mon.- Wed. • $20 Full Acrylic Set • $20 Pedicure • $30 Luxury Pedicure Excelsior Chapel • 952-474-9595 Landscape & Irrigation Eden Prairie Chapel • 952-949-4970 FULL SERVICE LANDSCAPE BUILD AND DESIGN 16542 W. 78th Street Eden Prairie (located inside the Kowalski’s Village Mall) Mound Chapel • 952-472-1716 Dr. Thomas M. Keane, Jr., DDS *Banking *Bankruptcy *Corporate Reorganizations *Real Property Law Parishioner Diplomate American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Thomas G Wallrich Dental Implant Specialist 3400 W. 66th St., Ste. 270 • Edina 952.920.3844 • Pax Christi Member 612-334-2594 [email protected] Funeral Chapels & Cremation Services Werness Bros Bloomington Chapel • 952-884-8145 2300 W Old Shakopee Road Eden Prairie • 952-975-0400 2 Blks N. of Hwy 5 on Mitchell Road Edina • 952-920-3996 West 50th St. & Hwy 100 Dawn Valley Chapel & Memorial Gardens 952-941-7686 • 9940 Bush Lake Road Residential Free Pick Up & Delivery 952-934-6445 Commercial Pristine Property Maintenance Jordan Stensrud - Owner/Operator (612) 816-1486 VIBRANT FULL COLOR NOW AVAILABLE! To Advertise Here, Call Gina Shaughnessy today at • Spring Cleanup • Mowing • Fertilization • Aerating • Snow Removal • Landscaping 952-852-4034 or email: [email protected] 612-547-7000 “The Peak of Senior Living” Lic.# 20033135 PROVIDING ALL YOUR REMODELING NEEDS Steve Nau, Parishioner 952-939-1162 ©2009 Senior Townhomes, Apartments, Assisted Living and Memory Care Eden Prairie • 952.995.1000 952.829.9008 7671 Washington Avenue South Edina, MN 55439 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-678-4574 Residential and Commercial WWW.4LPi.COM (952) 314-8318 PAX CHRISTI, EDEN PRAIRIE A 4C 02-0179 07-21-2009 11:51:41 Thomas L. Kuhlman Ph.D, PA Licensed Psychologist Pax Christi Member University of Minnesota Research Healthy Adolescents Aged 14-18 Needed For A Research Study. Compensation is Provided. Please Call Ella at 612-273-9924 PLUMBER Famous Hamburgers Eden Prairie 952-934-5299 Full Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Drain Cleaning Services Senior Apartments, Assisted Living, Memory Care & Adult Day Program (952) 931-9676 Hopkins 952-933-3333 Bert & Bonnie Notermann LIC 4372M 952-949-3415 12100 Singletree Lane Suite 107 952-746-3399 Specializing in pink & white Free Estimates • References Available • Fully Insured DENNIS THE PAINTER DENNIS HEIGL PAINTING, LLC Interior Exterior Wallpaper Rmvl. Decks Staining • Painting • Minor Repair DENNIS HEIGL Golden Valley 9100 Eden Prairie Rd. 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I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted on earth. No Job Too Small 651-423-3301 [email protected] • Cell 651-238-3054 G.J. Evans SINCE 1930 • Sidewalks • Patios • Driveways • Bricks & Stone • Steps • Repair Work REALTOR® Cell: 612-423-8425 Direct: 612-821-4289 [email protected] ® Benilde-St. Margaret’s Creators and exclusive installers Building Corporation 12617 Valley View Rd., E.P. (behind Menards) M - F 10 - 8 • Sat 10 - 6 • Sun 12 - 5 Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Lu Ann Polve (763) 543-0998 • Buying, Selling, Refinancing Mention this ad and receive $5 off 12450 Plaza Drive 944-8040 Next to Menard’s Eden Prairie Gregg Anderson, Parishioner of , the lifetime guaranteed no-crack concrete (952) 927-4176 612-861-4243 Elder Homestead (952) 475-2097 Est. in 1986 Building & Remodeling for 60 Years Bob Boyer John Boyer Assisted Living & Memory Care Celebrating more than 20 years of service to older adults in our community 11400 Fourth St., N. 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Custom Cabinets King • Stageberg PA FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM PAX CHRISTI, EDEN PRAIRIE B 2C 02-0179 07-21-2009 11:51:41