December 2015 - Topsham Trail Riders
December 2015 - Topsham Trail Riders
T O P S H A M T R A I L R I D E R S N E W S L E T T E R OFFICERS Topsham Trailriders/ATV/Snowmobile Club PO Box. 421 Topsham, ME 04086 V O L U M E 13 ISSUE # 11 December 2015 President – Dan Parlin 751-8651 Vice President – Rocky League 353-3257 Treasurer – Tim Moody Secretary – Marcia Bickford 353-6315 Trailmaster - Charlie Parkinson - 207-319-5142 Asst. Trailmaster – James Belanger - 207-522-6750 Asst. Trailmaster - Tim Doyle - 207-837-0225 Asst. Trailmaster - Dave Anderson - 207-751-5221 Inside this issue: Notes from our President—Dan Parlin President Notes 1 Notes Trailmaster 2 Next Bean Supper! 2 ATV MAINE nomina- 3 3 It’s been a stressful month for this Big Guy. Trying to make everyone happy with our actions isn’t always easy. Some of you are aware that we received a letter from David Charron the property owner of a good chunk of the Yamaha East/West Trail and due to the Dirt Bike problems this summer. He has asked us to close the trail permanently at the end of the ATV season. This was quite a shock as the Trailmasters and I had spent much time in that area. After speaking to the Board, I was asked if I could set up a meeting between Mr. Charron and the club. I called and spoke to Mr. Charron and after much discussion he said he will meet with us at our next board meeting in Dec(21st) . I have invited also Rick Laflamme the Land owner Representive of Maine, Tami Kane the president of ATV Maine, and Troy Garrison of the Topsham Police who all promised to Dan & Linda Parlin attend this very important meeting. If we can’t come up with a solution to satisfy Mr. Charron and his neighbors this will be the end of the Connector trail. Hopefully we will come up with some good ideas to help this land owner. We may look at not allowing Dirt bikes on our trails all together as they are the ones we receive most complaints about. 1-4 We also have problems with the Snowmobile side in the Mt. Ararat area and are looking for solutions to get around the area this winter. If anyone is out there that thinks they can help, please contact Tim Doyle our assistant Trailmaster or myself. tions Current Members Business Sponsors Dear Members, Last is our December Regular Meeting , Social Night /and Annual Pot Luck / Christmas Party. Due to the Topsham Fair’s annual meeting falling on the same night of our regular meeting in December we are combining the meeting with the Social night but will have it at the Topsham Fair Grounds. Ron Dumont and his wife are cooking a roasted pig and the fixings for the supper. Please bring your favorite dish, especially any desserts. There will be an adult Christmas swap, please bring a gift of no more value than $10 for this event. Also if you are bringing children please bring a gift for Santa to give TOPSHAM TRAILRIDERS them to keep the cost down for the club. We will have a few gifts available ATV Events 2015-2016 if someone forgets the children’s gift. Any thing left will be donated to a local program. Also I’ve been asked many times who our current members are, I’ve listed them all on page 3 of this edition. My wife and I do wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year if I don’t see you at the Party! Dan Parlin Dec 9th 2015 - Annual Christmas Gathering. See details below! Jan 16, 2016 - Bean Supper Feb 20, 2016 - Bean Supper Feb 27, 2016 - Handi-cap Ride TTR President Mar 19, 2016 - Bean Supper In December Our Regular Meeting , Social Night /and Annual Pot Luck /Christmas Party will be held on the second Wednesday of December the 9th starting at 6:00pm, it will be held at the Topsham Fair Exibition Hall Elm Street Topsham. Come and enjoy a night to celebrate the Holidays with family and friends! Bob & Lou Associates Inc. Hold That Child 573 North Raymond Road Poland Maine 04274 Phone:207-998-2211 Woody's Performance Centers Motorcycles-Snowmobiles-ATV's 70 Topsham Fair Mall Road Topsham ME 04086 Phone:(207) 729-1177 Enterprise Electric, Inc 46 Capitol Ave Lisbon Falls Maine 04252 Topsham Fair Ground Cafe Inc Fair Ground Cafe Inc 49 Topsham Fair Mall Road Topsham Trailriders Newsletter Trailmaster’s Notes Page 2 All ATV trails in Topsham are now open for the season. Well all the time and effort it took to get permission for and build the trail to reconnect the east and west sides of town was destroyed in less than one riding season. Due to the selfish actions and reckless behavior of numerous dirt bike riders the landowners have asked that we close the connector trail at the end of this season. The club has been discussing banning all dirt bikes from all Topsham trails as a result. Trailmaster - Charlie The Trails for snowmobile season have several major changes to what riders are used to, trail #1A has been extended to meet trails #1, #2 in the big power line. Snowmobiles are not allowed on Trail #1B this is an ATV only trail. The portion of trail #2 that started on the east side of town behind the old Napa building is permanently closed, we are in the process of rerouting the trail for this season. If you have not looked at the new trail map you need to so that you ride on the correct trails this season. Asst Trailmaster— Tim Doyle - Hunting season is in full swing so remember to stay alert and wear orange when in the woods. The weather has turned cold and the Snow is coming so get your riding in now before Mother Nature blankets us in white and its SNOWMOBILE season again. ATV season is fast coming to a close, and the trails will be closing to ATV’s. Snow-mobile season will begin after the first large snow fall. The trails will be closed to all ATV's with the exception of tracked ATV’s registered as snowmobiles for snowmobile season. I hope everyone enjoys their holiday season. We will be looking for people to help with trail setup and grooming this snowmobile season. Currently we are working on getting a new trail to connect the east and west side of town for snow mobile season as the current trail landowners have asked us to move the trail. The Speed limit on Rte. 201(Main St) and in residential areas like Bay Park and Topsham Crossing is 15MPH to help keep dust and noise to a minimum. Operating an ATV in wetlands, marshes, rivers, and streams is illegal in Maine. RESPECT LANDOWNERS - STAY ON MARKED TRAILS AND OBEY ALL POSTED SIGNS. USE IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT. RIDE AT OWN RISK. While riding please wear proper protective equipment and keep speeds at a safe level. Ride Smart, Ride Safe, Ride Sober. Again, if you’re out on the trail please bring a pair of clippers or even a small saw to help cut back the new growth from the summer. Every snip helps. MSA Executive Committee, Staff Executive Committee 2015-2016 Season Officers: President-David Stevens; Executive VP-Harvey Chesley Secretary-John Monk;Treasurer-Marion Pinkham Assistant Treasurer-Barry Ryan Northern Region VP-Debbie Long; Eastern Region VP-Eileen Lafland Central Region VP-Jack Lord, Coastal Region VP-David Watson Western Region VP-Mark Chinnock Eastern Region Directors-Paul Bolstridge, Larry Lafland, Mike Grass Jr, Gary Dowling Northern Region Directors-Mike Guerrette, Rick Long, Bob Stepnowski Western Region Directors-Lou Annance, Gary Okenquist, Peter Ford Coastal Region Directors- Clinton Davis, Rodney Berry, David Egan Central Region Directors- Jerry Withee, Sally Withee, David Cogley, Joe Kruse Committee Chairs: Trails Chairman-Mike Grass Jr, Finance-Marion Pinkham Scholarship-Richard Peck, Membership-Brent Spaulding Fundraising-Aleta Rioux, Hospitality-Therese Lussier MSA Staff: Bob Meyers-Executive Director, Peg Meyers-Editor, Elaine Barden-Membership Processing Bickford Garage 149 Main St Lisbon Falls Maine 04252 Phone:(207) 353-8946 Freeport Auto Parts Wanted Dead or Alive CARS! 33 Allen Range Road Freeport Maine 04032 Phone:207-865-3967 CATHANCE CREATIONS (WELDING) 278 RIVER ROAD Bowdoinham ME 04008 Phone:(207) 666-5929 Page 3 Topsham Trailriders Newsletter To All ATV Maine members: Here are your 2016 nominations: Current Members of TTR First Name Dorothy Carsley Auburn Tharryn Smith Topsham Lance Demond Harpswell James Belanger Topsham Michael Little Phippsburg Mathew Bodwell Lewiston Matt Beal West Bath Keith Harris Bath Tina Pollock Topsham Thomas Hughes Lisbon Sonya Arsenault Richmond Jennifer Parlin Brunswick Steve Pelletier Topsham Dave Anderson Topsham Mark Barton Topsham Roger Bickford Lisbon Falls Jacob Morse Lisbon Falls Bill Brigham Topsham Joe DeYoung Topsham Dale Giles Topsham Daniel Parlin Topsham Lena Pinette Topsham Dale Rowe Topsham Lawrence Staples Topsham Bryan Swenson Brunswick Tara Siggins Topsham Randy Bickford Lisbon Falls Leon Brillant Topsham Brillant Motors Keith Wood Topsham Woody's Performance Center Rocky League Durham Timothy Doyle Topsham Jeff Kelly Lisbon Falls Dennis Paine Topsham Daniel Flaig Topsham Ken Porter Bowdoinham Richard Goodwin Lisbon Falls Charles Parkinson Topsham Normand Blais Lisbon John Albert Lisbon Falls Ron Dumont Durham Clermont Poulin Auburn Jeffrey Harris Woolwich Catheryn Ingerson Durham Frank Bennett Jr. Auburn Marie Merrill Poland Timothy Moody Brunswick Perry Leavitt Brunswick Peter Lebrun Lisbon Tony Lewis Bowdoinham James Harper Bath Betty Catlin Harpswell Joe Crowley Durham Charles Stevens Topsham Myron Spaulding Whitefield Swamp Yankee BBQ Dennis Tome Bowdoinham Cathance Creations & Welding Tex Newton Brunswick Last Name City or Town Company Name President Open Vice President Real Deschaine Treasurer Tracy Levesque Secretary Terry Sinclair Trails Vice President Ray Archer Northern Region Vice President Bickford Garage Real Deschaine Eastern Region Vice President Ray Archer Central Region Vice President Doug Kane Western Region Vice President Mike Lee Southern Region Vice President Jerry True Governmental Relations Coordinator Open Public Relations & Marketing Coordinator Open Propose By-law Changes 10/19/2015 Present By law PASSED! TRI Sports Inc. ARTICLE III Membership and Dues Membership is open to any person of good character and in sympathy with the purposes of the organization upon application to the secretary and payment of one year’s dues. All members will be a members of Maine ATV Association and shall abide by their established bylaws. As of Jan 1st 2016 The Club, Club Officers, and all business Members will belong to MSA as well as ATV Maine. Any member who chooses to can also belong to MSA at a $5.00 fee. Enterprise Electric Freeport Auto Parts Bob & Lou Associates, Inc ONE WAY TO SAVE Topsham Fairground Café Inc. THE CLUB MONEY IS TO GET YOUR COPY OF THE TTR NEWSLETTER VIA EMAIL INSTEAD OF SNAIL MAIL! JUST SEND US YOUR CURRENT E-MAIL STATING YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE YOUR NEXT EDITION VIA E-MAIL! THANKS EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS! SEND TO [email protected] Brillant Motors 92 Main Street Topsham ME 04086 Phone:(207)725-6388 Swamp Yankee BBQ 17 Hunts Meadow Road Whitefield ME 04353 WWW.SWAMP YANKEEBBQ.COM Tri-Sports Inc. "Come ride with us!" 316 Bath Rd. Brunswick, ME 04011 TOPSHAM TRAILRIDERS NEWSLETTER Thanks to our Business Sponsors! ATV/SNOWMOBILE CLUB Bickford Garage, Lisbon Falls Phone: 207-751-8651 Fax: 207-725-7056 Bob & Lou Associates, Inc E-mail: [email protected] Board of Directors William Brigham (207) 721-9813 (“Hold That Child”), Poland Brillant Motors, Topsham Randy Bickford (207) 353-6315 Cathance Creations (Welding) Ron Dumont (207) 353-2649 Enterprise Electric, Inc., Lisbon Falls Timothy Doyle (207) 837-0225 Dale Rowe (207) 751-3467 Student Representative Jeremy Tucker The Board of Directors meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7PM at the Topsham Fair Grounds WE ARE ON THE WEB WWW.TOPSHAMTRAILRIDERS.COM Topsham Trailriders Freeport Auto Parts, Freeport Swamp Yankee BBQ, Whitefield Topsham Fair Ground Café Inc, Topsham Tri-Sports, Inc., Brunswick Woody’s Performance Center, Topsham Postage PO Box 421 Topsham, Maine 04086 NEXT REGULAR MEETING/ SOCIAL NIGHT AND POT LUCK CHRISTMAS PARTY WILL BE HELD ON DECEMBER 9TH AT STARTING AT 6PM AT THE TOPSHAM FAIRGROUNDS