August 28, 2016 - St. Michael Catholic Church
August 28, 2016 - St. Michael Catholic Church
Where we Celebrate the Sacraments, Grow Disciples and Bring Christ to People. 458 Maple St, Livermore, CA 94550 925-447-1585 Subscribe to receive txt & email: Mass Times Mon-Fri: 7:00 & 8:30 am Saturday: 8:30 am Wednesday: 7:00 pm in Spanish Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm in English 7:00 pm in Spanish Sunday 6:45 am, 8:00 am, 9:30 am 11:00 am and 6:00 pm and 12:30 pm in Spanish Sign Language 1st Sunday 11:00 am Vietnamese Mass 4th Sunday 3:30 pm Confession Saturday in the Church 9:00 am and 3:45 pm English 6:15 pm Spanish 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 2:30 pm in the Convent Chapel Anointing of the Sick Every 1st Saturday after the 8:30 am Mass or by appointment: 925-447-1585 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration 24/7 in the Chapel. For after hours access code, call 925-980-4826. Clergy Rev. Van Dinh, Pastor Rev. Rafael Hinojosa, Parochial Vicar Rev. David Staal, Associate Rev. Alfred Amos, In Residence Rev. Stanislaus Poon, Retired Rev. Dcn Rob Federle, Admin Rev. Deacon Dave Rezendes Rev. Deacon Bill Archer Rev. Deacon Bob Vince Pastoral Council Frs. Van, Rafael and Alfred, Deacon Rob Federle, Alice Aufderheide, Ricardo Echon, Michael Pereira, Dave Ruth, Fidelis Atuegbu, Jo Anne Lindquist, Dave Parks, Frank Draschner, Ken Varallo, Irving Garcia and Cynthia Garay Finance Council Fr. Van Dinh, Fr. Rafael Hinojosa, Deacon Rob Federle, Cynthia Garay, Kathy Rooney, Dave Ruth, Vanessa Suarez St Michael School 925-447-1888 Faith Formation 925-447-8814 M-Th 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Bulletin Editor [email protected] 925-344-7127 honoring of mother and father. Humility or meekness, then, seems to represent the foundational disposition that sums up the foregoing counsels to wisdom, to honor God and our parents. And the search for wisdom herself, too, requires that one recognize the limitations of a finite creature before the infinite God. Second Reading You have approached Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant (Hebrews 12:1819, 22-24a). Recall from earlier commentaries that Hebrews is likely addressed to those Jews who are struggling with a temptation to return to the practice of Mosaic Judaism. Here the author makes a comparison between the events that surrounded the making of the Mosaic covenant on Mount Sinai—“and a very loud trumpet blast, so that all the people in the camp trembled” (see Exodus Seeking the Lowest Place 19:16-21)—with the covenant that Jesus Reflection by Opening the Word made with us on the hill of Calvary on the Mount of Jerusalem. This new covenant, made not in the blood of bulls but in the blood of Christ, gives us acFirst Reading Conduct your affairs with humility and cess to the true Mount Zion above, in God will favor you (Sirach 3:17-18, 20, heaven. Zion was the hill of the Temple and the place where Israel worshiped 28-29). and so it represented Israel at its Mosaic best. The biblical book that we just call “Sirach” is a collection of wisdom sayBut Jesus is now in the heavenly Temings by a Jewish sage named Yeshua ple surrounded by all the angels and Ben Sirach, written as many as three centuries before Christ. It was used in saints leading us invisibly in the perfect; “with which we should offer worship the early Christian Church as a moral catechesis for those seeking Baptism. In pleasing to God in reverence and this passage, Ben Sirach counsels us on awe” (Hebrews 12:28) that only he can offer. Though that liturgy above is inthe importance of humility, which, as regards its place in the spiritual life, St. visible, faith, which is “the assurance of Jean Vianney compared to the chain of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1, RVS), the rosary, holding everything else together. This counsel comes after that in gives us a kind of vision of that Temple and its liturgy, which, unlike the Jerusathe first two chapters on fear of the Lord and then the first part of the pre- lem Temple which fell in 70 A.D.: “we who are receiving the unshakable kingsent chapter (3) which encourages the Sunday Readings 22th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 28, 2016 dom should have gratitude” (Hebrews 12:28). The appeal the author of Hebrews makes to these former Jews is that faith must keep us true to Christ and to the covenant of love he forms with us. Gospel Reading When invited to dine, take the lowest place. Those who humble themselves will be exalted (Luke 14:1, 7-14). Luke’s Gospel makes a primary theme of table fellowship. In this chapter, Jesus is attending a dinner and then gives two lessons, one to the invited guests and one to the host of the dinner who had invited them, about how to dine in the kingdom and then tells a parable about a rich landowner and the banquet he throws. In each case the lesson is that the humble are favored in this kingdom that Jesus announces. 14:24). The common interpretation of this parable is that those like Jesus’ host, a Pharisee who is described as “observing” Jesus, ostensibly to catch him in some infraction of the Law, will find their covenant invitations pulled and their places given to lowly covenant outsiders who will respond better to the compulsion of God’s grace and enter the heavenly banquet. So, in the kingdom of God being an “A-list” invitee is less important than giving a generous response to the graces we receive, whenever they come. For Meditation and Discussion In the Gospel reading, Jesus encourages us not to seek out situations where we can draw praise and attention to ourselves, but to “take the lowest place.” What are some ways we can put this into practice? In other words, how Those who have some status should might we seek out taking a “lower seek the lowest place at table, he says. place” in our families, workplace, parAs St. Paul says—echoing his Lord— “Have the same regard for one another; ish, or communities? do not be haughty but associate with Prayerfully ask Jesus to show you some the lowly; do not be wise in your own ways you can be more humble like him estimation” (Romans 12:16). Those and to choose the “lower place.” Come who host should invite the lowly who cannot repay, so that God can repay. up with at least one resolution for this This is a common Old Testament and next week to help you avoid seeking the recognition and honor of this world rabbinical theme, that God pays the debts of the poor, compensating those and live out humility more in your life. who give alms. Lastly, in the verses following those in our reading, Jesus tells a -----------------------------------------------parable about a landowner who follows Opening the Word offers prayers and a very different pattern of hospitality insights for the Sunday Scriptural lesand throws a party inviting his own class of people, none of whom accepts sons. Featuring videos designed to facilhis invitation. So he sends his servants itate thought and discussion for faith to bring in “the poor, the crippled, the formation, Personal Prayer Journals and lame, the blind” (Luke 14:21). When his a Group Leader’s Guide, Opening the house is still not full he asks that every- Word helps you to make the most of one his servants can find be pressed to the Sunday readings. Opening the Word come, finishing with the phrase, “For, I is one of many programs available at tell you, none of those men who were invited will taste my dinner” (Luke First Reading -- Conduct your affairs with humility and God will favor you (Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29). Psalm -- God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor (Psalm 68). Second Reading -- You have approached Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant (Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24a). Gospel -- When invited to dine, take the lowest place. Those who humble themselves will be exalted (Luke 14:1, 7-14). Readings for the Week Monday: 1 Cor 2:1-5; Ps 119:97-102; Mk 6:17-29 Tuesday: 1 Cor 2:10b-16; Ps 145:8-14; Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: 1 Cor 3:1-9; Ps 33:12-15, 20-21; Lk 4:38-44 Thursday: 1 Cor 3:18-23; Ps 24:1bc4ab, 5-6; Lk 5:1-11 Friday: 1 Cor 4:1-5; Ps 37:3-6, 27-28, 39-40; Lk 5:33-39 Saturday: 1 Cor 4:6b-15; Ps 145:17-21; Lk 6:1-5 Saints and Special Observances Monday: The Passion of St. John the Baptist Friday: First Friday Saturday: St. Gregory the Great; First Saturday For the people of the United States, that spect for life and commitment to justice we may be united in building a society in and peace. which everyone can have the opportuniFor those who are suffering from povty to live with dignity and hope. erty and injustice, that our decisions this election year may lead to policies and For the Church, that we may be a witness to Christ's love by practicing chari- programs that help them live in dignity. ty and promoting justice and peace For the earth, that our nation's leaders throughout the world. will be inspired by God's Spirit to protect all of His creation. For Catholics throughout our nation, that the values of our faith may guide us as we exercise our responsibility as vot- For workers around the world, especially children who work long hours for ers. little pay, that we might all seek ways to promote fairness, justice, and dignity in For the members of this community, their lives. that we may find ways to help build a world of greater respect for human life For leaders around world, that they and human dignity. might find ways to bring an end to war Our Parishioners’ and violence, and promote peace and For those who serve in elected office, development for all nations. that they may lead with courage and Prayer Requests wisdom, reflecting the Church's teaching For the intentions of Robert Makepeace. that the moral test of our society is how We pray to the Lord the weak, the poor, and the vulnerable are faring. For the repose of the soul of Marilyn (Rita) Estill. For all citizens of the United States, that Send prayer requests to: our participation in the upcoming elec- [email protected] For all the souls in purgatory. tion may lead to a world of greater re- Saturday 8/27 8:30am Nguyen Van Nghien 5:00pm Hector & Sophia Hernandez and Ramiro Rezendiz 7:00pm Mario De Leon Sunday 8/28 6:45am Mass for Our Parish 8:00am Thomas Coyne 9:30am Antony Pham Van Hoi 11:00am Louis Alvarez 12:30pm Rigoberto Larios 6:00pm Cheryl Stanley Monday 8/29 7:00am Eleanor Hayden 8:30am John Paul Blackwell Tuesday 8/30 7:00am Joseph & Alice Halter 8:30am Eleanor Biel Wednesday 8/31 7:00am Fr. Alfred Amos 8:30am Jon Hamilton, Sr. 7:00pm The Souls in Purgatory Thursday 9/1 7:00am Mr & Mrs Anabube and Maria Ike 8:30am Gus & Lucile Beach Friday 9/2 7:00am Tri Nguyen 8:30am Colin Woodhouse Saturday 9/3 8:30am Richard Boerger 5:00pm Robert Maultsby 7:00pm Joaquin Rodriguez Ayllon Pull An Ornament Off the Prize Booth Tree! This week, please stop by the chapel and church office lobby and take an ornament from the tree. You’ll find each ornament has a name of a store and the amount of gift card to be used in the prize booth at the Parish Fall Festival this October 1 and 2. Just pick out one ornament, buy the gift card and bring them to the parish office. Your donation is much appreciated and will help make our biggest fundraising effort a success. Calling All Bakers If you like to bake, mark your calendars. We need cakes of all types for the cake walk game at the Parish Fall Festival. Please bring your cake to the parish hall on Friday, September 30, from 6-9 pm. Got an Interesting Silent or Live Auction Item? We are still accepting items for the silent and live auctions. Please call Corry Painter at 925-577-9939 if you have items to donate. Stay Connected Get our weekly e-newsletter with parish The "question of the day" to help you news, upcoming events and resources to grow in faith. Find us grow in faith. Subscribe at @StMichael94550 New pictures, upcoming events, articles Facebook and parish news are posted weekly on Instagram Pictures of our church: parishioners, our parish website. Also the latest tweets Inspiring images with quotes drawn clergy and staff living a life of mission. are posted for those who do not use from the Mass readings are posted every Find us @StMichaelLivermore Twitter. morning. Find us @StMichaelLivermore Twitter The Friday Flocknote Thanks for the Warm Welcome! Thank you, St. Michael community, for your warm welcome of our new members in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) and our newly Confirmed parishioner. Candidates Darrel McHargue and BeLinda Daves, catechumen Holly Wilkins, and newly-confirmed Brett Bodenmiller were graciously overwhelmed by the support of this community. They are so appreciative of your participation in our recent rites, your applause and congratulations, and the prayers and good wishes of so many who made it a point to speak to them after Mass. RCIA is the process through which adults prepare to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation to be fully-initiated Catholics. If you are interested hearing more about RCIA, please contact Marjorie Melendez at 925-447-2925 or [email protected] What is Eucharistic Adoration? Eucharistic Adoration is adoring or honoring Jesus, who is fully present in Eucharist. In a deeper sense, it involves contemplating on the Mystery of Christ truly present before us. During Eucharistic Adoration, we strive to settle our minds in order to become still in His Presence. We open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist. Then, like a magnet, the Lord draws us to Himself and gently transforms us. In Eucharistic Adoration it is God and man reaching out for each other, at the same time! Chapel Info Can You Commit to One Hour Per Week? The chapel is open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. All are welcome to come spend time in the Adoration chapel at any time, for at any length of time. However, in order to ensure that the Lord is never left unattended, over 500 parishioners have agreed to commit to one hour of Adoration each week. We have a few hours where very few people are signed up. Can you commit to one hour per week? The outer door is locked between 10 pm and 6:00 am. To obtain the access code, please call Dick at 925-980-4826 or Manny 925-337-0741 in advance. From the parking lot, walk toward the church along the courtyard walkway. Enter the second door on the right. The chapel is ahead on the left. It’s a Comprehensive Religious Education Sundays at 11:00 am or 12:00 pm Mondays at 4:00 am Tuesdays at 5:00 pm or 9:00 pm Thursdays at 8:00 pm or 10:00 pm Saturdays at 2:00 pm to receive a sacrament during the current school year, the content of what your child will learn will help them grow in their faith and enter into deeper comThe parent’s role as “first teacher” is munion and intimacy with the person of irreplaceable. Parents teach and bear witness to Catholic faith, morality, pray- Jesus. er and religious practice through their example in word and action. However, Preparation to Receive the Church also recognizes a need for a Sacraments formal, comprehensive and systematic religious education concerning the faith. In order to receive a sacrament (Baptism, First Communion, ConfirmaRegister Your Child Each Year tion), children must be registered and regularly attend Faith Formation classes, in order to adequately prepare for that The religious curriculum that children receive in their Faith Formation classes sacrament. builds upon itself from year to year. Even if you do not plan for your child To sign up send a message to [email protected] or complete the forms found in the chapel and place them in the envelope near the sign-in binder. How to Sign Up My Kids Registration packets are available in the church office, Faith Formation office, or Please return them to the Faith Formation office M-Th between 9:30 am 4:00 pm. Classes in English are on Wednesdays from 4:00 - 5:30 pm, starting October 5th. Classes in Spanish are on Fridays 5:00 - 6:30 pm, starting October 7th. Serve at Open Heart Kitchen Wednesday, August 31st 4743 East Avenue St. Michael’s Parish provides volunteers every 5th Wednesday at Open Heart Kitchen, Tri Valley’s free hot meal service for those in need. Volunteers prepare the food on site as directed by the Open Heart Kitchen staff, set tables, serve the food, organize donated items and clean up afterwards. There are two shifts: 9:30 am-11:45 am and 11:45 am-2:00 pm. To volunteer, contact Diane Schord at [email protected] or 925-447 -4344. Adult Confirmation Classes Begin Wednesday, September 7 Did you receive the Sacraments of Baptism and First Communion as a child, but never received Confirmation? It’s never too late to complete your initiation Sacraments! Classes for adults begin September 7, on Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9:00 pm. To register, contact Marjorie at 925447-2925 or [email protected] After the Choice Post-Abortion Healing Retreat September 9-11 Menlo Park To register or find out more, contact Gloria Maldonado, 510-384-6875 or visit Register for Bible Study Deadline Sunday, September 11 Learn about the Bible, the Faith and how it applies to your daily life by joining a small home-based group study. With your group of 4-8 people meeting in group members’ homes, you will grow in your relationship with Christ like never before. Using programs by Ascension Press, you will be guided by top Catholic video presenters and follow a Scripture reading schedule. Online registration is open now at Hard copy registration forms will be distributed on September 10 and 11 at Mass. Participants will be assigned to groups that week. Bayou Dinner Dance Saturday, October 1 All are invited to have a night of fun, food and music with fellow parishioners and friends at the Knights of Columbus Fall Festival Bayou Ball and Dinner Dance. Tickets are on sale after Mass in the Courtyard. St Michael Parish Fall Festival October 1 & 2 St Michael School Courtyard Fun for the entire family! Come enjoy games, live entertainment, and ethnic foods from our diverse parish cultures. There will be a raffle drawing, a silent and live auction and a dinner dance. All proceeds benefit Michael Parish. Faith Formation Classes Begin October 5 and October 7 Faith Formation Classes for students in first through fifth grades for the 20162017 school year begin in October. Classes in English are on Wednesdays from 4:00 - 5:30 pm, starting October 5th. Classes in Spanish are on Fridays 5:00 6:30 pm, starting October 7th. Are your children signed up? The Holy Spirit ALIVE in Scripture Tuesday, October 18 6:30 pm in the Church Come experience how to unleash the Holy Spirit in your life, making Scripture come alive! Deacon Steve Greco, our special guest speaker, will teach on the power of the Holy Spirit, and how the healing power of the Lord restores His people. This event is a must for Small Groups studying the Bible. 6:30 pm: Songs of praise and worship 7:00 pm: Talk 7:45 pm: Healing Service AABCO AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, INC. Complete Auto & Truck Repair, Foreign & Domestic, Gas & Diesel, STAR Smog Station, Alignments, Diagnostics Parishioner 10% OFF LABOR (with this ad, up to $100) 1200 Portola Ave., Livermore 925-456-2226 JOHN W. NOONAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Former Alameda Co. 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CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • ✂ If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 913084 St Michael Church (B) Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 TRI VALLEY OPTOMETRY JIM’S GLASS Co. Home • Commercial 24 Hr. Emergency Service Serving the Valley for More than 60 Years Lic #687324 Dr. James E. Volponi 2135 So. Vasco Rd., Unit F Dr. John T. Volponi 455-1235 Lisa B. Malone Enrolled Agent Income Tax Preparation Full-Charge Bookkeeping Services Parishioner Tel: 925.455.0508 Livermore, CA 94551-4643 [email protected] Primary Eye Care Contact Lenses • Children’s Vision Adult & Senior Vision Care 254 S. Livermore, Livermore CST 2117990-70 447-3222 BROKER ASSOCIATE 519-4922 [email protected] Parishioner since 1956 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 JUDI IRWIN an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA BRE# 00860987 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Check It Out Today! Catholic Parishes WILLS ◆ TRUSTS ESTATE and TRUST ADMIN. ® ESTATE TAXES The Art & Science of Finance PRE/POST MARITAL and Steve Bell, CFP ® EXPECTATION AGREEMENTS FAMILY LAW - CHILD CUSTODY Mediation, Collaboration or Litigation Helping members protect their lifestyles... from taxes, creditors, litigants, oversights & bad investments! ◆ ◆ ◆ 800-472-1844 SAVIOR PLUMBING Law Offices of Blaha, Hartford & Perry Jerome Blaha Erene Anastopoulos 925-734-9000 Pleasanton TOM CORTEZ The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch 1-800-231-0805 913084 St Michael Church (A) 510-886-2800 Castro Valley LIVERMORE SAW & MOWER Lic. #786360 2345 Third St. 447-2055 (925) 461-8549 JOHN PIDOLI, OWNER Owned & Operated by Fernando Romero & Family in Livermore Since 1980 TRI-VALLEY AUTO BODY EXPERT COLLISION SPECIALISTS • FOREIGN & DOMESTIC • WE ACCEPT ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES UTILIZING ECO MINDED REFINISH PRODUCTS EXPERT COLOR MATCHING • FREE ESTIMATES • PAINTLESS DENT REMOVAL 24 HR TOWING AVAILABLE • 3529 FIRST ST. • LIVERMORE 925 443-8548 Parishioner since 1974 Se Habla Español For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 ¿Has visto el el arbol con los premios? Si no ha visto el árbol de los premios, mire la foto. El árbol se encuentra en el vestíbulo de la capilla ( al lado de la estación de lectura ) . Los diferentes adornos tienen los nombres de las tiendas y la cantidad de dinero para las tarjetas de regalo que quiera donar. Serán utilizadas en la cabina de premios del festival . Enseguida de que seleccione un ornamento, compre la tarjeta de regalo ytraigala a la Oficina parroquial. NECESITAMOS pasteles! Necesitamos pasteles para el juego pastel de pie? , cualquier sabor es bienvenido. Por favor traiga la torta el dia viernes 30 de Septiembre de 6pm a 9 pm, al Mons . Adams Hall ( Gran Sala ). Un miembro de la comisión del festival estarápresente para recibirlos. Subasta silenciosa y en vivo. Todavía estamos aceptando artículos para las subastas silenciosas y en vivo. Por favor, si tiene artículos para donar, llame a Corry Painter al 925-577-9939. Concierto Festival de San Miguel Alabanza y Adoracion La iglesia de san Miguel les invita a un concierto de alabanza y adoracion, el domingo 4 de septiembre de 4-9pm en el salon parroquial. Contaremos con la presencia de invitados especiales , habra venta de comida y la entrada es totalmente gratis. Para mas informacion: Hno. Enrique Romo (925)948-6626 Hna.Luz Escamilla (925)961-2950 Formación de Fe ¡Registro! El festival de otoño se celebrará los días 1 y 2 de octubre. Todos están invitados! Boletos para las rifas y para la cena y baile estilo Bayou serán vendidos después de la misa. Para obtener más información, contacte a Corry Painter, presidente del festival, al 925-577-9939 ¿Ha recibido boletos para la rifa? Diez boletos para la rifa fueron enviados a todos los feligreses registrados para vender (pero la información esta en Inglés) Por favor, venda las entradas amigos, familiares, vecinos ... o simplemente a sí mismo. No se pierda la oportunidad de ganar a lo grande! Los premios incluyen $ 3.000, una semana en el Mundo Marcos Resort, un televisor de 55 pulgadas, o una oportunidad de 5 tarjeta de $ 100 de Amazon. La rifa sera el 2 de octubre a las 4:00 pm en el Festival Parroquial de Otoño. No es necesario estar presente para ganar. Por favor, devuelva los talones de boletos con el dinero a la oficina de la iglesia. Más boletos para el sorteo estarán disponibles después de la misa. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame o mande un texto a Cynthia al 925-413-0898 A los estudiantes comenzando primero a quinto año este otoño se les recomienda iniciar nuestro programa de Formacion de Fe. La iglesia ofrece, tambien, clases para niños con necesidades especiales. Los formularios para registrarse estan disponibles en la oficina de la iglesia, en la oficina de Formacion de Fe, o en devolverlos a la oficina de Formación de Fe. Abierto Lunes a Jueves entre las 9:30 am 4:00 pm. En la Parroquia de San Miguel nosotros como Mision Celebramos los sacramentos, Formamos discipulos y llevamos a Cristo a la comunidad. 458 Maple St Livermore, CA 94550 925-447-1585 Contáctenos Secretario de habla en Español Viernes 9-6 y Lunes-Jueves 4-7 [email protected] Padre Rafael Hinojosa [email protected] Misa en español Sábado 7:00 pm y Domingo 12:30 pm Miércoles 7:00 pm Confesión en español Sábados 6:15-6:45 pm Primer y tercer miércoles a las 2:30 pm en el convento Adoración Eucarística Perpetua Para un directorio de sus socios de oración y para el capitán de horas, llame a Elsa al 925-339-6411 RICA en español Ana Fregoso: 925-344-7150 Formacion de Fe Ruben Nunez: 925-447-8814 x 242 Bautismos, Quinceañera, Matrimonios, Confirmación 925-447-1585 x 10 Para obtener información en español sobre eventos y noticias de nuestra parroquia. Pasar la pagina Si estan interesados en agregar o presentar un artículo en el boletín en español , por favor contactar a Brenda Zavala 510-6912864