coRe peRfoRMANce guIde
coRe peRfoRMANce guIde
Core Performance Guide A prescriptive program to achieve significant, predictable energy savings in new commercial buildings Vancouver, WA phone (360) 567-0950 | fax (360) 213-1065 PO Box 2349 142 East Jewett Boulevard White Salmon, WA 98672 phone (509) 493-4468 | fax (509) 493-4078 [email protected] Core Performance Guide A prescriptive program to achieve significant, predictable energy savings in new commercial buildings Important Notice Access to On l in e Refe re n ce M a te ria ls an d Erra t a S heets: Those who participate in Core Performance trainings or purchase the Core Performance Guide receive one year’s exclusive access to a continually updated library of reference materials. Materials include specific technical information, system specifications and information resources on the design process, envelope, lighting and daylighting, HVAC and power. With each reprint, the Core Performance Guide is reviewed and updated when necessary. These errata sheets document and any changes that have been made for each version are available online as well. Reference Materials and Errata Sheet information is available with a password at All questions should be directed to [email protected]. C ove r photo: Thrivent Bank Building. Photo courtesy of Energy Center of Wisconsin. Print version 1.1 Core Performance Guide Aprescriptive programtoachieve significant, predictable energy savings innewcommercial buildings Vancouver, WA phone (360) 567-0950 | fax (360) 213-1065 PO Box 2349 142 East Jewett Boulevard White Salmon, WA 98672 phone (509) 493-4468 | fax (509) 493-4078 [email protected] Publication Date: July 2007 ISBN # 0-9742969-1-0 Copyright © 2007 New Buildings Institute, Inc. All rights reserved, Advanced Buildings and Core Performance are registered trademarks of New Buildings Institute, Inc. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to New Buildings Institute, Inc. at P.O. Box 2349, White Salmon, WA 98672 or via Portions of this document © ASHRAE, Reprinted by permission of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., from ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2001. This material may not be copied nor distributed in either paper or digital form without ASHRAE’s permission. Portions of this document © Consortium for Energy Efficiency, Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) is a nonprofit corporation whose members are utility and other administrators and public stakeholders involved with energy efficiency programming. The CEE specifications contained in this publication were developed by CEE members and other participants in its initiatives, are in the form in effect as of January 22, 2007, and are subject to change or withdrawal at any time by CEE. All such specifications are copyright protected and owned by CEE, and not New Buildings Institute. Information about the current status of any CEE specification may be obtained from CEE at its website,, by clicking on the appropriate initiative. Acknowledgements About New Buildings Ins titute New Buildings Institute (NBI) is a nonprofit corporation helping make buildings better for people and the environment. NBI supports policies, accelerates the adoption of new technologies and practices, and enables field research that improves the energy performance of new commercial buildings. NBI works with national, regional and state organizations, as well as with utilities and design professionals, to advance our mission. We closely coordinate our building research, design guidelines and other tools, as well as policy efforts so that all of the elements of good building design are integrated into the products and services we make available for use by energy efficiency programs and building professionals throughout the country. NBI is supp or ted by : California Energy Commission Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships Efficiency Vermont Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Energy Foundation NSTAR Iowa Energy Center Pacific Gas & Electric National Grid, USA Sacramento Municipal Utility District New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Southern California Edison U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Special thanks to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for their support and funding contribution for the development of this guide. Advanced Buildings Core Performance Projec t Te a m Auth o r : Jeff Cole, Konstruct, Inc. Mark Frankel, Technical Director, New Buildings Institute Scott Criswell, SAC Software Solutions Inc. Dave Hewitt, New Buildings Institute Kevin Madison, Madison Engineering P.S. Technic al Co ntributo r s : Mark Cherniack, New Buildings Institute Terry Egnor, MicroGrid Howdy Reichmuth, New Buildings Institute Cathy Turner, New Buildings Institute Acknowled gement of Contributor s We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals for their contributions and insights in the development of the Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide. Marge Anderson, Energy Center of Wisconsin Brendan Owens, U.S. Green Building Council Fran Boucher, National Grid, USA Mike Rosenberg, Oregon Department of Energy Karen Butler, Environmental Protection Agency Marcus Sheffer, 7group Charlie Grist, Northwest Power and Conservation Council Brian Thorton, Thornton Energy Consulting Jon Heller, Ecotope Mira Vowles, Bonneville Power Administration Acknowled gment of Re viewer s We’d like to thank the following individuals who contributed time and energy to review this publication. Their feedback has ensured the usefulness and usability of the Core Performance Guide. Douglas Baston, North Atlantic Energy John Hogan, City of Seattle Roseann Brusco, NSTAR John Jennings, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance John Burns, Cape Light Compact Jonathan Kleinman, Optimal Energy, Inc. Lee DeBaillie, Energy Center of Wisconsin Michael McAteer, National Grid, USA Martine Dion, Symmes Maini & McKee Associates Nelson Medeiros, NSTAR Kim Dragoo, KeySpan Energy Charles Michal, Weller & Michal Architects, Inc. Mark Eggers, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Curt Nichols, Idaho Power David B. Goldstein, Natural Resources Defense Council Gena Tsakiris, NSTAR Frank Gundal, NSTAR Jeff Harris, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Jay Pilliod, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation Abby Vogen Horn, Energy Center of Wisconsin Tate Walker, Energy Center of Wisconsin Nancy Yap, BC Hydro De velopment pro cess for Advanced Buildings Core Perfor mance The Criteria and information provided in Advanced Buildings Core Performance is based on NBI’s previous Advanced Buildings protocol, Benchmark. New Buildings Institute developed Benchmark following a set of requirements largely based on the ANSI Procedures for the Development and Coordination of American National Standards©. In accordance with those requirements, a national Criteria Review Committee consisting of a balance of code officials, utility new construction program staff, and interested and affected parties representing the design, construction, real estate and manufacturing communities reviewed, voted on and approved the Benchmark. As the next version of Benchmark, Core Performance has retained much of the original publication’s content in terms of process and priorities. However, based on our experience with how people use Benchmark, information in the Core Performance Guide has been reorganized and updated to facilitate ease of use. We want to acknowledge Benchmark’s author, Jeff Johnson, former executive director of NBI. His dedication to the cause of high performance building made development of Benchmark and the Advanced Buildings program possible. In addition, special thanks goes to the Energy Center of Wisconsin for their partnership in these efforts. Finally, we’d like to thank the members of the Benchmark Criteria Review Committee for the countless hours they contributed to this process. Authoriz ation New Buildings Institute, Inc. (“NBI”) authorizes you to view the following Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide, July 2007 (“Core Performance Guide”) for your individual use only. The reproduction or distribution of the whole, or any part, of the contents of the Core Performance Guide without express written permission of NBI is prohibited. Dis cl aimer of Warr anties The following parties have participated in funding, creating and/or preparing the Core Performance Guide: NBI, the Energy Foundation, California Energy Commission, Cape Light Compact, Efficiency Vermont, National Grid USA, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, NSTAR, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Southern California Edison, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (collectively referred to herein as “the Parties”). The Core Performance Guide is provided “as is” and is for informational purposes only. No building application should be undertaken without first consulting a licensed contractor, or other building professional. The Parties do not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of the Core Performance Guide, and expressly disclaim liability for errors or omissions in the information. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, IMPLIED, EXPRESS, OR STATUTORY, IN EXISTENCE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS GIVEN BY THE PARTIES. THE PARTIES UNDERTAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE QUALITY OF THE CORE PERFORMANCE GUIDE. THE PARTIES ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY THAT THE CORE PERFORMANCE REPORT WILL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE FOR WHICH YOU MAY BE ACQUIRING THE CORE PERFORMANCE GUIDE. Limitation of Liabilit y The Parties do not assume responsibility for any damages or other liability whatsoever (including any consequential damages) as a result of any use of the Core Performance Guide. As a condition of your use of the Core Performance Guide, you covenant not to sue, and agree to release the Parties from liability, and waive any and all claims, demands and causes of action against the Parties. Table of Contents Introduction Core Performance Program 11 Quick Start Guide 17 Integration of Core Performance with USGBC LEED Program 25 Section One: Design Process Strategies 1.1 Identify Design Intent 31 1.2 Communicating Design Intent 33 1.3 Building Configuration 36 1.4 Mechanical System Design 37 1.5 Operator Training and Documentation 39 Section Two: Core Performance Requirements 2.1 Energy Code Compliance 43 2.2 Air Barrier Performance 44 2.3 Minimum IAQ Performance 46 2.4 Below-Grade Exterior Insulation 47 2.5 Opaque Envelope Performance 48 2.6 Fenestration Performance 51 2.7 Lighting Controls 53 2.8 Lighting Power Density 56 2.9 Mechanical Equipment Efficiency Requirements 57 2.10 Dedicated Mechanical Systems 62 2.11 Demand Control Ventilation 63 2.12 Domestic Hot Water System Efficiency 65 2.13 Fundamental Economizer Performance 66 2.14 Construction Certification (Acceptance Testing) 68 2.15 Performance Data Review 70 Table of Contents Section Three: Enhanced Performance Strategies 3.1 Cool Roofs 73 3.2 Daylighting and Controls 74 3.3 Additional Lighting Power Reductions 75 3.4 Plug Loads/Appliance Efficiency 76 3.5 Supply Air Temperature Reset (VAV) 78 3.6 Indirect Evaporative Cooling 79 3.7 Heat Recovery 82 3.8 Night Venting 83 3.9 Premium Economizer Performance 84 3.10 Variable Speed Control 86 3.11 Demand-Responsive Buildings (Peak Power Reduction) 87 3.12 On-Site Supply of Renewable Energy 88 3.13 Additional Commissioning Strategies 89 3.14 Fault Detection and Diagnostics 91 Section Four: Energy Modeling 4.1 Determine Performance with Energy Modeling 97 Appendices Appendix A: Acceptance Requirements for High Performance Buildings 101 Appendix B: Climate Zone Map 119 Appendix C: Acronyms and Definitions 120 Additional reference material in specific Criteria and other Core Performance program information can be found on the Advanced Buildings website at Introduction Introduction Core Performance Program Quick Start Guide Integration of Core Performance with USGBC LEED Program This section provides an explanation of the Core Performance program and how it was developed. Included in this section is the Quick Start Guide which provides an overview of the program. Core Performance Program Introduction Design Process Strategies Introduc tion to Advanced Buildings Core Perfor mance Advanced Buildings Core Performance is a prescriptive program to achieve significant, predictable energy savings in new commercial construction. The program describes a set of simple, discrete integrated design strategies and building features. When applied as a package, they result in energy savings of at least 20 to 30% (depending on climate) beyond the performance of a building that meets the prescriptive requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2004, and at least 25% to 35% beyond a building that meets ASHRAE 90.1-2001. This program is the revised and updated version of the Advanced Buildings Benchmark program released previously. Core Performance Requirements Enhanced Performance Strategies Energy Modeling Appendices Elements of the program can be applied to new commercial construction projects of all sizes, but the Criteria and analysis supporting the program were designed particularly for smaller scale commercial projects ranging from 10,000 to 70,000 square feet. At the larger end of this range, HVAC system complexity may suggest additional energy savings opportunities not fully addressed by a prescriptive program. However, even much larger projects with simple mechanical systems can benefit from the Core Performance savings strategies. Building envelope and lighting system energy savings strategies in Core Performance are scalable to projects of any size. The program is based on the results of an extensive energy modeling protocol used to identify consistent strategies that lead to anticipated energy savings across climates. These strategies are combined in a prescriptive guideline for new construction to guide energy performance improvements. The analysis included evaluations of three major building prototypes, four HVAC system permutations for each prototype, evaluated for climate variations for 16 U.S. cities. The program also includes guidelines on implementing improved design processes to foster design integration, thereby improving overall building performance opportunities. These strategies set the stage for additional whole building performance improvements beyond the basic requirements of this program. A key aspect of the Core Performance program is that the strategies that make up the program represent ‘state of the shelf’ technologies and practices that are broadly available in the building industry, and have been demonstrated to be cost-effective. The basic component of the program is the Core Performance Guide (this document), which identifies the specific strategies that make up the Core Performance program. Design teams can use the Guide to identify and implement all of the strategies (referred to as Criteria) that must be implemented to comply with program requirements. The Guide also identifies additional strategies that can be used to go beyond the basic performance goals of the Core Performance program. To support the Core Performance program, an extensive set of reference materials provides additional information on implementation, design practice, research, additional strategies and advanced practices for more effectively using the Core Performance Guide. This information is available for review and download by program participants at refmaterials.htm. Password information that will allow access to these materials is located on the inside cover of this guide. The Core Performance program is also supported by an extensive training curriculum delivered periodically by Advanced Buildings (AB) program partners in various regions around the country. Training schedule and registration details are also available at the Advanced Buildings website ( 11 The Advanced Buildings program is also being offered through a growing number of utilities that are providing technical and financial support for Advanced Building project owners, designers, and builders. A current list of Advanced Buildings program sponsors/subscribers can be found on the website. S truc ture of Advanced Buildings Core Perfor mance Guide The performance Criteria are broken into four categories: Design Process Strategies, Core Performance Requirements, Enhanced Performance Strategies, and Energy Modeling. De sig n Pro ce ss S tr ateg ie s The Design Process Strategies are developed to make the design process more effective, leading to more integrated design outcomes. This category defines specific steps which are required to comply with program requirements. These requirements include defining design intent with respect to energy performance, part-load evaluation of mechanical loads, acceptance testing, and long-term performance monitoring. All Design Process Strategies must be met to fully comply with the Core Performance program. Research indicates that these design strategies will lead to better building performance, but the energy impacts on a given building are difficult to quantify. These outcomes are not quantified or included when estimates of “savings compared to ASHRAE 90.1” are discussed. IN T E GR AT E D DE S IGN P RO CE S S Integrated design is an iterative process whereby decisions made at each stage must be considered in the context of impacts on all design elements. Program Envelope Mechanical Civil Electrical Co re Pe rfo r mance R equirement s The second category is the heart of the Core Performance program. This category includes specific building performance requirements that exceed energy code requirement, lead to measurable energy savings, and support the persistence of those savings in each building type. The efficiency measures in this category are included because they lead to consistent, predictable energy savings across project type and climate. All of the Core Performance requirements in this section must be met to comply with the program. 12 introduction ○ Core Performance Program Enh anced Perfo r m ance S tr ateg ie s The third category in Core Performance is Enhanced Performance. This category includes measures that may be appropriate only for certain system or building types, or certain climates, as well as performance strategies that are relatively new to the market. There are significant energy savings opportunities represented by these strategies, but their application must be considered on a case-by-case basis. These measures are targeted for projects aiming to exceed the basic requirements of the Core Performance program such as those aiming for federal tax incentives for a 50% reduction in energy cost, and for projects that require a more customized approach to the measure list. The Enhanced Performance section also includes strategies such as load shedding for demand-restricted utility billing structures, alternative energy systems, and advanced commissioning strategies. Energ y Mo d e ling The fourth section of Core Performance is the Energy Modeling section. Energy modeling can be used to target more aggressive energy performance and to help identify which Enhanced Performance Strategies might be most effective for any given project. Energy modeling may also be used by some projects to demonstrate equivalent performance to the prescriptive standard with greater flexibility. Projects that cannot meet certain required Core Performance Criteria may choose to use energy modeling to demonstrate that alternate strategies achieve the same level of energy performance. Energy modeling can also be used to customize the Core Performance list, adding strategies from the Enhanced Performance section to replace specific elements of the Core Performance section based on specific project conditions. Because an extensive energy modeling protocol was used to develop the Core Performance program, the specific Criteria included in the program represent an excellent starting point for any project undertaking energy modeling. Using the Core Performance Criteria as a baseline in an energy modeling exercise may substantially simplify the complexity of energy modeling that may be undertaken for a specific project. For a quick overview of the requirements and elements of the Core Performance progr am, consult the Quick Start Guide at the end of the introduc tion sec tion of this Guide. Core Perfor mance and LEED There are a number of parallel strategies between Advanced Buildings Core Performance and the United States Green Building Council’s ( USGBC) LEED program. Specific Criteria within Core Performance are directly aligned with specific LEED credits and represent strategies that partially or completely achieve specific LEED credits. Within this Core Performance Guide, the relationship of specific Criteria to the requirements of LEED NC 2.2 is identified in the margin at the end of each Criteria. This information indicates specific LEED credits that overlap or parallel the performance Criteria. Actions taken to meet Core Performance requirements will contribute directly to achievement of LEED credits. Users should review the LEED reference guide to identify specific requirements and credit achievement opportunities. introduction ○ Core Performance Program 13 The Core Performance program also represents a comprehensive approach to the energy performance aspects of the LEED program. The USGBC has adopted Core Performance as a prescriptive achievement path for LEED. Specific requirements for using Core Performance in LEED are described later in this section (see page 25). The USGBC determines how Core Performance is recognized by LEED. Projects should confirm LEED requirements with USGBC. Analysis Supp or ting Core Perfor mance An extensive energy modeling protocol has been implemented to support the development of the Advanced Buildings Core Performance program. The results of over 30,000 energy modeling runs using eQUEST software to run DOE-2 have been evaluated using a batch analysis protocol built into the eQUEST energy modeling tool. For each of the prototype buildings, three to five typical mechanical systems were defined to represent typical construction practice. Sixteen representative U.S. cities were identified to serve as “typical” climate representatives of the eight ASHRAE climate zones and the various permutations identified within those climate zones by ASHRAE. A baseline building that meets the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2004 was defined for each permutation of the above Criteria (building type, system type, climate). Note that the baseline building is defined using the prescriptive requirements of ASHRAE 90.1 (2001 and 2004). As a prescriptive standard, Core Performance will be applied to buildings that would typically not complete energy modeling, and therefore the prescriptive requirements more accurately represent the target market for this program. Modifications to the batch protocol software in eQUEST were developed to provide an ordered ranking of the energy efficiency measures modeled for this project. There are approximately 14-16 discrete energy performance measures (depending on system configuration) within the analysis that can be applied to each baseline. The batch protocol ran each of these measures individually against the appropriate baseline and identified the one with the most significant energy savings impact. This measure was then added to the baseline, and the remaining measures were run individually against this revised baseline. This process continued until all of the measures were ranked by energy savings impact, and the final run represented the sum total energy savings of all of the measures if considered as a package. The results of this analysis were then compared across prototype, system and climate to determine which measures were the most consistently significant across these variants. The most consistent measures became the basis for the Core Performance package of Criteria requirements. Other measures which were applicable to a subset of the variants or which had climate- and system-specific advantages were included in the Enhanced Performance section. The importance of identifying the most significant strategies from an energy savings standpoint can be seen in Figure 1. As successive energy savings strategies are added to the baseline, the impact on energy performance becomes less significant. Failure to consider measure impacts as a package may lead to over-estimation of the energy savings associated with each measure. 14 introduction ○ Core Performance Program Figure 1 below shows the anticipated average energy savings over the prescriptive requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2004 as the modeled measures in Core Performance are incorporated into the analysis sequentially. Each line in this graph represents one of the representative cities modeled using the Core Performance Criteria (Note that some of the Criteria included in the program do not directly address modeled energy use, and are not represented on this graph.). More information about the analysis protocol and results can be found at Figure 1 - Cumul ative effec t of Energ y Efficienc y Me a sure s 40% Fairbanks Phoenix San Francisco Miami Boise Chicago Baltimore Duluth Helena Alburquerque Memphis El Paso Houston Burlington Seattle Percent Savings 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Cumulative Energy Efficiency Measures Applic abilit y of Core Performance In general, the Core Performance program requirements are best suited to buildings ranging from less than 10,000 to 70,000 square feet. For larger projects, the program represents a good set of guidance on design strategies and performance measures. Build ing Siz e Small to mid size buildings are the focus of Core Performance, but the energy savings strategies that are part of the program are valid at a larger scale. The design strategies, envelope, lighting, and most system measures in Core Performance are applicable to buildings of any size. However, larger building types are more likely to adopt more complicated systems and energy conservation strategies that are not as predictably described in a prescriptive standard. Larger buildings have opportunities for more robust systems and controls and are also more likely to benefit from full-scale energy modeling. For larger projects, the design team should evaluate the complexity of the HVAC systems to determine if the project would be better served by an effective energy modeling strategy, as described in Section Four: Energy Modeling. Build ing T y pe The Core Performance program was developed on the basis of prototype analysis of several major project categories. The prototype buildings used in the analysis represent approximately twothirds of commercial buildings, according to the Commercial Building Energy Consumption introduction ○ Core Performance Program 15 Survey (CBECS). In addition, a number of other project types have strong similarities to these project types in the context of the energy performance measures in Core Performance. The table below identifies the project type designations used by CBECS and shows the applicability of the Core Performance program to these project types. For those projects identified as partially compatible with Core Performance, it may be necessary to identify a specific subset of the Core Performance Criteria that is appropriate in the context of the project. All projects may have special conditions requiring the project team to use professional judgment on the application of specific Core Performance Criteria. Table 1 - Applic abilit y of core perfor mance by projec t t y pe Applic a b ility o f Co r e P er for mance by Project Typ e Building Type 16 Percent of Compatibility National with Core Market Performance Notes Office 17% Education 8% Public Assembly 13% Retail 26% Public Order 1% All major building elements addressed; some projects may have special loads. Health 3% Core Performance addresses many aspects of these projects, but special needs and systems for health care must be evaluated on a case by case basis. Aspects of Core Performance may not be appropriate for hospital and outpatient specialty clinics. Warehouse 12% All major building elements addressed; some project types may have special loads or conditioning requirements. Food 11% Kitchen and food preparation loads not addressed by Core Performance. Lodging 3% Only some elements of Core Performance are directly applicable to lodging. Other 6% Evaluate applicability on a case-by-case basis. All major building elements addressed. All major building elements addressed. All major building elements addressed. All major building elements addressed; some retail types may have special loads. introduction ○ Core Performance Program Quick Start Guide to the Core Performance Program The Core Performance program is built around process and performance requirements that are identified in the specific Criteria that make up the program. These Criteria are divided into three categories: Design Process Strategies, which describe coordination, implementation, and verification requirements of the program. Core Performance Requirements, which include the basic performance requirements for specific building elements. Introduction Design Process Strategies Core Performance Requirements Enhanced Performance Strategies Energy Modeling Appendices Enhanced Performance Strategies, which include a number of additional performance measures which may be appropriate for specific projects targeting additional energy savings. A fourth category, Energy Modeling, is included for projects pursuing a more robust analysis of project-specific performance opportunities. Energy modeling can be used to target more aggressive energy performance or to help prioritize strategies in the Enhanced Performance section that may be particularly effective for a specific project. The requirements of each Criteria are explained in the Core Performance Guide. As an overview, a brief description of each Criteria is provided below. The specific requirements of each Criteria within the Core Performance Guide should be consulted to determine the specific and complete requirements of each Criteria. Additional reference material on application and implementation strategies can be found at 1- De sig n Pro ce ss S tr ateg ie s The Criteria in this section describe required steps for the design team to effectively implement the Core Performance program. These strategies provide a framework for successful design integration and protocols to verify the intent, implementation and outcome of the design process. 1.1 Iden tif y De sign Int en t Conduct a team meeting to identify key energy goals for the project and to coordinate subsequent efforts among team members. Document the meeting summary/goals statement for use in subsequent steps, and use Energy Star Target Finder to set specific performance goals for the project. 1.2 Communic ating De sign Int ent Develop key information about project performance requirements to insure that design goals are translated forward through the design process. Project goals are converted into documentation incorporated into each phase to guide design, sequence of operation, specifications, bid submittals, construction, acceptance testing and building operation. 1.3 Building Co nfigur at ion Consider the implications of alternate building configurations to maximize building energy performance, functionality and daylighting. Identify the pros and cons of several alternate building configurations using existing analysis tools, consultants, reference material or other resources. 17 1.4 Mechanic al Syste m De sign Use project-specific load calculations based on Core Performance requirements and part load conditions to properly size mechanical equipment, rather than relying on generic rule-of-thumb sizing Criteria. 1. 5 Oper ato r Tr aining and Do cumen tatio n Collect a full set of construction documents and specifications, systems manuals, maintenance and calibration requirements, control protocols, etc. for use by the building operations team. Conduct an operator training session to make sure the building operators understand the systems and operation of the building. Information should be collected in a set of manuals designed to facilitate building operation and future communication of this information to new operating staff. Work with the building owner to identify the best way to collect, store and distribute this information. 2- Co re Pe rfo r mance Requirement s All of the Criteria listed in this section are required components of the Core Performance program. Energy savings projections are based on the implementation of all applicable measures in this section. 2.1 Energy Code Compliance In addition to implementing the requirements of the Core Performance program, projects using the program must meet all local energy code requirements or the prescriptive requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2004, whichever is more stringent. 2.2 Air Barrier Perfo r mance During design and construction, develop and implement air sealing details and protocols to reduce uncontrolled air movement through the building envelope and duct systems. 2.3 Minimum IAQ Perfor mance Implement protocols to insure acceptable indoor air quality, including meeting or exceeding ASHRAE Standard 62-2001, developing and implementing air quality management plans for construction and operation, and conducting a building flush-out prior to occupancy. 2.4 B elow- Gr ade E x terior Insul at io n Apply exterior below-grade insulation in humid climates to reduce moisture transport into the building. 2. 5 O paque Envelope Perfor mance Meet specific insulation Criteria for each building envelope assembly. 2.6 Fene st r ation Perfor mance Meet specific window performance Criteria for u-value and solar heat gain coefficient, based on NFRC ratings. Performance requirements are based on entire window assembly, not glazing alone. 18 introduction ○ Quick start guide 2.7 Ligh t ing Co n trol s Install control systems throughout the building, including occupancy sensors and time clock controls. Daylit areas are encouraged to incorporate daylight controls, but at a minimum these areas must be provided with separate switching to facilitate future incorporation of daylight control systems. 2.8 L ighting P ower Densit y Projects may not exceed the lighting power density limits indicated in this Criteria. 2.9 Mechanic al Equipment Efficienc y Require ments Mechanical equipment must meet the performance Criteria developed by the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) labeled as Tier 2 performance requirements. 2.10 Dedic ated Mechanic al Syste ms Spaces in the building with specific process loads or that require conditioning significantly different from the main building spaces must be provided with a separate, dedicated mechanical system designed specifically for these loads. 2.11 De m and Con trol Ventil at ion Outside airflow should be controlled by a system which measures CO2 and provides airflow based on occupant density, as measured by the CO2 sensor. 2.12 Hot Water Syste m Efficienc y Domestic hot water demand should be met by either demand hot water heaters or highefficiency condensing appliances. 2.13 Fundamen tal Economizer Perfo r mance This Criteria includes a list of features and performance verification strategies to insure proper and effective economizer operation. 2.14 Co nstruc tio n Certific ation ( Acceptance T e sting ) Implement an Acceptance Testing protocol to test the operational characteristics of installed systems. Document that installed systems are operating as intended prior to occupancy. It is up to the project team to identify the key systems to be tested and verified to insure that the project meets the performance goals identified by the owner and design team. Specific guidance on test protocols are provided in Appendix A. Projects intending to seek a LEED rating should note that additional steps and conditions beyond this Criteria are necessary to meet the LEED commissioning prerequisite. Also see Criteria 3.13, Additional Commissioning Strategies, to better align with LEED requirements. introduction ○ Quick start guide 19 2.15 Perfor mance Data Re vie w Install digital utility meters capable of collecting hourly utility use data. Implement a data collection protocol on-site, with the local utility or a third party to collect this data. A summary of the information should be reviewed quarterly by building operations staff and included in the maintenance manual to track long-term building performance trends and identify potential system performance issues. Some building managers may choose to review this data more frequently to support ongoing operational improvements and maintenance. 3- Enh anced Perfo r m ance S tr ateg ie s The Criteria in this section are not part of the basic requirements of the Core Performance program. The strategies identified here represent opportunities for significant additional energy savings beyond basic program requirements. Individual Criteria in this section should be considered in the context of project characteristics and climate conditions. 3.1 Cool Roofs Install an Energy Star-labeled cool roof on the project. 3.2 Day lighting and Con trol s Incorporate daylighting and control systems to take advantage of natural light to reduce electric lighting loads. 3.3 Addit io nal Ligh ting P ower Reduc t io ns Reduce connected lighting loads to achieve the lighting targets of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. These lighting levels are roughly 40% below ASHRAE 90.1-2001. Note that implementing this Criteria can qualify the project for federal tax deductions of $0.30 to $0.60 per square foot of building floor area. For public projects, this tax deduction can be passed through to the design team. 3.4 Plug Loads/ Appliance Efficienc y Use Energy Star-rated equipment for all appliances, computers and other equipment. Commit to a long-term acquisition plan that targets efficiency in equipment replacement and upgrades. Implement power management strategies for equipment. 3. 5 Supply Air Te mper at ure R e se t ( VAV ) VAV systems should include control capabilities to reset supply air temperature to the warmest setting that will meet cooling load in all zones. 3.6 Indirec t E vapor ative Coo l ing Use indirect evaporative cooling systems to reduce cooling load served by conventional cooling systems. 3.7 He at Recovery Incorporate a heat recovery system in the ventilation air exhaust stream for spaces with high occupancy or high outdoor air ventilation requirements. 20 introduction ○ Quick start guide 3.8 Nigh t Ven ting Install a control system capable of implementing a night venting protocol to use outside air to pre-cool interior building mass during cool night hours. This strategy reduces peak and daily cooling energy use in the cooling season. 3.9 Pre mium Econ omizer Perfor mance Include additional control and verification features into the building economizer system. 3.10 Variab le Speed Cont rol Provide variable flow capabilities for air and fluid systems served by pumps and fans with motor horsepower of 5hp or larger. 3.11 De m and - Re sponsive Building s ( Pe ak P ower Reduc t io n ) Implement systems and control strategies that allow buildings to reduce electrical energy use during peak power demand periods, as identified by the local utility. 3.12 On -Site Supply of Rene wab le Energy Install on-site renewable energy systems to supply 10% or more of building electric or thermal loads. 3.13 Additio nal Commissioning S tr ategie s Engage a third-party commissioning agent to participate in design reviews during the design process. Consider using the third-party commissioning agent as the primary commissioning agent for the project as a whole. This strategy would align more directly with the commissioning requirements of LEED. 3.14 Fault De tec tion and Diagnost ic s Include integrated monitoring systems in manufactured rooftop HVAC equipment to help ensure optimal system performance. 4 - Energ y Mo d e ling Energy modeling can be used as an alternate path to achieve or exceed the goals of the Core Performance program. Strategies identified in previous sections should be implemented to the extent possible, and energy modeling should be used to identify additional savings opportunities. 4.1 Predic t Perfor mance wit h Energy Mo deling Use an hourly energy model simulation tool to incorporate building features that exceed the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1 by 20% or more. Energy modeling can also be used to help determine which of the enhanced performance strategies are most promising for a specific project. introduction ○ Quick start guide 21 Op e rati on Comp le ti on Cons tr uc ti on Bi ddi ng Sc he mati c De s i g n De s i g n De ve lop me nt Cons tr uc ti on Doc ume nts P r e de s i g n Ke y Design Pha ses for implementation of Core Performance Progr a m Criteria R equired S tr a tegies ( Sections 1 and 2) 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.4 2.1 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.4 2.7 2.12 2.14 2.2 2.3 2.13 1.5 2.15 Identify D esign Intent Building C onfiguration Communicating Design Intent Mechanical System Design Energy C ode Compliance Opaque Envelope P erformance Fenestration Performance Lighting Power D ensity Mechanical Equipment Efficiency Dedicated Mechanical Systems Demand Control Ventilation Below-Grade Exterior Insulation Lighting Controls Hot Water System E fficiency Construction Certification Air Barrier Performance Minimum IAQ Performance Fundamental Economizer Performance Operator Training Performance Data Review E nhanced Perform ance str ategies 3.13 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.2 3.3 3.11 3.12 3.10 3.1 3.9 3.5 3.4 22 Additional C ommissioning Indirect Evaporative Cooling Heat Recovery Night Venting Daylighting and C ontrols Additional Lighting Power Reductions D emand Responsive Buildings Renewable Energy Variable Speed C ontrol Cool Roofs Premium Economizer Performance Supply Air Temperature Reset Plug Loads /Appliance Efficienc y Strategy addressed in this pha se Key im plemen tati on p hase of strategy introduction ○ Quick start guide O wner 1.1 1.2 1.5 2.15 3.4 I dentify Design Intent Communicating D esign Intent Operator Training Performance D ata Review Plug Loads/Appliance Efficiency Architect 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.8 3.12 Identify D esign I ntent Communicating Design Intent Building Configuration Energ y Code Compliance Air Barrier Performance Below-Grade Exterior Insulation Opaque Envelope Performance Fenestration Performance Cool Roofs Daylighting and controls Night Venting Renewable Energy M echanical Engineer 1.1 1.2 1.4 2.1 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.3 2.9 3.5 3.10 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.11 3.12 Identify Design Intent Communicating Design Intent Mechanical System Design Energ y Code C ompliance Dedicated Mechanical Systems Demand Control Ventilation Hot Water System Efficiency Minimum I AQ Performance Mechanical Equipment Efficiency Suppl y Air Temperature Reset Variable Speed C ontrol Indirect Evaporative C ooling Heat Recovery Night Venting Demand Responsive Buildings Renewable Energy Has a role in this strategy Has primary responsibility for this strategy introduction ○ Quick start guide Oc c upants Bui ldi ng Man ag e r Uti li ty Cx A g e nt Contr ac tor Me c hani c al Eng i ne e r Li g hti ng De s i g ne r O wne r A r c hi te c t Role o f Projec t T e am Me mb er s in Imple men tat io n o f Core Perfor mance Pro gr am Cr it eria 23 Lighting Designer 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.7 2.8 3.2 3.3 Identify Design Intent Communicating D esign Intent Energy C ode Compliance L ighting Controls Lighting Power Density daylighting and controls Additional Lighting Power Reductions C ontractor 1.1 1.5 2.13 2.2 2.3 3.9 2.14 C onstruction Certification 3.13 Additional Commissioning Utility Represent ative 1.1 Identify Design Intent 2.15 Performance Data Review B uilding Mana ger 1.5 Operator Training 2.15 Performance Data Review 3.11 D emand Responsive B uildings Occup ants 3.4 P lug Loads /Appliance Efficiency Has a role in this strategy Has primary responsibility for this strategy O c c upants Bui ldi ng Manag e r Uti li ty Cx A g e nt Contr ac tor Identify D esign Intent Operator Training Fundamental Economizer Performance Air Barrier Performance Minimum IAQ Performance Premium E conomizer Performance Commissioning Agent 24 Me c hani cal Eng i ne e r Li g hti ng D e s i g ne r O wne r A r c hi te c t Role of Projec t T e am Me mb er s in Imple men tat io n o f Core Perfor mance Pro gr a m Cr iter ia ( con tinued ) introduction ○ Quick start guide Integration of Core Performance with USGBC LEED Program Introduction The USGBC has adopted the Core Performance Program as a prescriptive path to meet energy performance requirements of the LEED NC program. The program can be used in lieu of energy modeling to demonstrate achievement of EA credit 1 (Optimizing Energy Performance) as follows: Design Process Strategies For projects using LEED NC version 2.2 and previous versions, the Core Performance Program is worth 2 to 5 EAc1 points, depending on project conditions and how the program is used. Any project using the Core Performance program for LEED must meet all of the requirements in Sections One (Design Process Strategies) and Two (Core Performance Requirements) of the Core Performance Guide. No substitutions or tradeoffs are allowed in meeting these requirements. No project over 100,000 square feet may use the Core Performance Program to achieve LEED points. Energy Modeling Core Performance Requirements Enhanced Performance Strategies Appendices The number of EAc1 points achieved by following program requirements is dependent upon project type. Office, School, Retail, and Public Assembly project types achieve 3 EAc1 points for following the program requirements. All other project types achieve 2 EAc1 points for following the program requirements. Hospital and Lab project types may not use the Core Performance Program to achieve LEED energy points. The USGBC requires all LEED 2.2 projects to achieve at least 2 EAc1 points to receive a LEED rating. All projects using Core Performance may achieve up to 2 additional EAc1 points in LEED by implementing additional strategies from Section Three (Enhanced Performance Strategies) of the Core Performance Guide. One additional EAc1 point is achieved for every three Enhanced Performance Strategies implemented. However, some of the enhanced strategies are not eligible in LEED and do not count toward additional EAc1 points. These strategies are 3.1 Cool Roofs, 3.8 Night Venting, and 3.13 Additional Commissioning. These measures are addressed elsewhere in the LEED program. For LEED 2009, the USGBC has modified the point structure for EAc1. All projects must exceed ASHRAE 90.1-2007 requirements by at least 10% before any EAc1 points are awarded. The Core Performance Program is still eligible as a prescriptive path for LEED 2009. The guidelines for the program are the same as those listed above, except that in every case the first two ‘points’ are not counted in EAc1 but instead go toward meeting the prerequisite requirements of this credit. For example, a lodging project which would have achieved two points in LEED NC 2.2 would achieve zero EAc1 points in LEED 2009, but would meet the prerequisite requirements of EAp2, and would therefore not be required to conduct energy modeling. This project could still achieve up to 2 EAc1 points by implementing Core Performance enhanced strategies as described above. Office, School, Retail, and Public Assembly projects which implemented Sections One and Two of the Core Performance Guide would achieve the prerequisite, as well as one EAc1 point. These projects would also be eligible to achieve up to two additional EAc1 points by implementing enhanced strategies, as described above. LEED CI projects may use a subset of Core Performance (sections 1.4, 2.9, and 3.10) to achieve EAc1 points, as described in the LEED Reference Guide. The USGBC has developed submittal requirements for the Core Performance Program as part of the LEED on-line submittal process. The USGBC may modify the way LEED uses Core Performance, so project teams should check with the USGBC for any modifications to the requirements described here. introduction ○ Integration of Core Performance with USGBC LEED Program 25 Alignmen t of Core Perfor mance Cr it er ia wit h LEED NC Cr edits* 3. 3 3.4 3. 5 3.6 3.7 3. 8 3.10 3.12 3.13 4.1 SSc7.2 Cool Roofs D aylighting and controls Additional Lighting Power Reductions Plug Loads/Appliance Efficiency Supply Air Temperature Reset (VAV) Indirect Evaporative Cooling Heat Recovery Night Venting Variable Speed Control ON-SITE SUPPLY OF Renewable Energy Additional Commissioning S trategies EQC8.1 3.1 3. 2 EQc3.2 Domestic Hot Water System Efficiency EQc3.1 2 .12 SS EQc1 Demand Control Ventilation 2 .6 2 .7 2.8 EQp1 2 .11 2.5 EAc5 2 .9 E nergy Code Compliance Minimum IAQ Performance Opaque E nvelope P erformance Fenestration Performance Lighting Controls L ighting Power Density Mechanical Equipment E fficiency Requirements EAc3 2 .1 2.3 EAc2 Communicating Design Intent Construction Certification Operator Training Performance Data Review EAc1** 1. 2 2 .14 1. 5 2 .15 EQ EAp3 EA EAp2 Na me EAp1 Criteria Predict Performance with Energ y Modeling * This table identifies which LEED credits align with specific Core Performance Criteria. Alignment between the two standards does not imply that the language from one standard meets the requirements of the other. Individual requirements must be reviewed in the context of each standard. ** Measures listed contribute to improved energ y performance if LEED energ y modeling is conducted. Projects that do not undertake LEED energ y modeling achieve prescriptive default points in EA credit 1 as determined by the USGBC. 26 introduction ○ Integration of Core Performance with USGBC LEED Program Core Performance Program Outline Sec ti o n 1 1.1 1. 2 1. 3 1.4 1. 5 Design Process Requirements Identify D esign Intent Communicating D esign Intent Building Configuration Mechanical S ystem D esign Operator Training and D ocumentation Sec ti o n 2 2 .1 2.2 2.3 2 .4 2.5 2 .6 2 .7 2.8 2 .9 2 .10 2 .11 2 .12 2 .13 2 .14 2 .15 Core Performance Requirements Energ y Code Compliance Air Barrier Performance Minimum IAQ Performance Below-G rade E xterior Insulation Opaque Envelope Performance Fenestration Performance Lighting Controls Lighting P ower Density Mechanical Equipment Efficienc y Requirements Dedicated Mechanical S ystems Demand Control Ventilation D omestic Hot Water S ystem E fficienc y Economizer Performance Construction C ertification (Acceptance Testing ) Performance Data Review Sec ti o n 3 3.1 3. 2 3. 3 3.4 3. 5 3.6 3.7 3. 8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 Additional S trategies Cool Roofs Daylighting and Controls Additional Lighting P ower Reductions Plug Loads /Appliance Efficienc y Supply Air Temperature Reset (VAV) Indirect E vaporative Cooling Heat Recovery Night Venting Premium Economizer Variable Speed Control Demand -Responsive Buildings (Peak P ower Reduction) On-Site Supply of Renewable Energ y Additional Commissioning S trategies Fault D etection and Diagnostics Sec ti o n 4 4.1 Energ y Modeling Predict Performance with Energ y Modeling