ksiazka dobra


ksiazka dobra
Guidelines for our living together:
Anyone can be a good person if he really tries.
I treat others in such a way, like I would like to be treated.
accept everyone as they are,
are friendly, always help and welcome other people while playing, are always opened for somebody's needs,
smile a lot, use magic words, respect people, are responsible,
don't think of ourselves but also others , don't hurt the animals, don't lie to friends, have got a good heart,
are sincere, enjoy other's confidence, don't bear a grudge against anybody,
don't wait for pay ,because it's not a help when we demand something instead, are happy are truthful, are
friendly, are confident, are good friends, are forgiving, are peace makers
are dignified, show love, have good manners, wear the school uniform with pride, share with our friends
respect others, have fun and stay safe always try our best, help others in the playground
work hard, take care of the younger pupils, are tidy, helpful and friendly, keep school rules
are willing to learn , are polite and well mannered, listen to teachers and are punctual and interested
respect others, take others seriously, are friendly, are fair, help others, are reliable, trust others, behave
respectfully, keep rules, are open and honest. talk and play with all, are good friends. support peaceful
living together.
Made by:
-Paul Moor-Schule, Berlin
-Mercy Primary School, Belfast
DG Edukacja i Kultura
Program Uczenie siê przez ca³e ¿ycie”
-Scoil Chríost Rí, Ennis
-Szko³a Podstawowa nr 1,Racibórz
“Sztuka mediacji i negocjacji w szkole”
Racibórz, 2009
Skórka od Banana
Die Bananenschale
The Banana Skin
Niniejsza ksi¹¿eczka jest jednym z produktów koñcowych miêdzynarodowego projektu edukacyjnego
Projekt finansowany ze œrodków UE w ramach programu „Uczê siê przez ca³e ¿ycie”
Wy³¹czn¹ odpowiedzialnoœæ za treœæ publikacji ponosi Szko³a Podstawowa nr 1
z Oddzia³em Integracyjnym w Raciborzu. Komisja Europejska nie odpowiada za
wykorzystanie treœci publikacji w jakikolwiek sposób
„SZTUKA MEDIACJI I NEGOCJACJI W SZKOLE”, realizowanego w latach 2006-2009 w ramach Europejskiego
Programu Edukacyjnego Comenius . Projekt w ca³oœci by³ finansowany ze œrodków Unii Europejskiej. W projekcie
brali udzia³ uczniowie i nauczyciele szkó³:
Paul Moor-Schule w Berlinie, Niemcy
Scoil Christ Ri w Ennis, Irlandia
Mercy Primary School w Belfascie, Irlandia Pó³nocna
Szko³a Podstawowa Nr 1 z Oddzia³ami Integracyjnymi w Raciborzu, Polska
Celem projektu by³o podwy¿szenie jakoœci pracy szko³y w zakresie zarz¹dzania, opieki i wychowania, a w
szczególnoœci zapobieganie agresji uczniów oraz poszukiwanie sposobów rozwi¹zywania konfliktów w œrodowisku
W pierwszym roku wspó³pracy 2006/2007 opracowano i wydano „ Teczkê Wychowawcy”, zawieraj¹c¹ przydatne
informacje dla wychowawcy a dotycz¹ce radzenia sobie w sytuacjach konfliktowych, kszta³towania wizerunku
wychowawcy - mentora i mediatora oraz inne informacje dotycz¹ce organizacji pracy i procedur szkolnych, zasady
dyscyplinowania i motywowania uczniów, propozycje/ konspekty spotkañ z rodzicami.
Zrealizowano ca³oroczne dzia³anie o charakterze wychowawczym pt. „ Rok Dobrych Manier”, obejmuj¹ce uczniów
wszystkich szkó³. Opracowano wspóln¹ procedurê wy³aniania szkolnego „ Mistrza Dobrych Manier”. Na
comiesiêcznych apelach wy³aniano najlepiej zachowuj¹cych siê uczniów z ka¿dej klasy. Wdro¿ono szkoln¹
procedurê postêpowania wobec ucznia nieprzestrzegaj¹cego zasad obowi¹zuj¹cych w szkole, tzw. system sankcji.
W roku szkolnym 2007/2008 dyskutowano na temat sposobów i szkolnych procedur zapobiegania przemocy i
agresji w szkole. W dyskusji uczestniczyli uczniowie, rodzice i nauczyciele. Wprowadzono w szko³ach tzw. „Tañcz¹ce
Przerwy”, jako formê zapobiegania agresji na przerwach. Wszyscy chêtni uczniowie brali udzia³ w lekcjach tañca,
podczas przerw. Wszystkie szko³y partnerskie opracowa³y przewodnik po tañcach swojego kraju, który wykorzystano
w organizacji „Tañcz¹cych Przerw”. Wspólnymi si³ami powsta³a „Teczka Rodzica”, która zawiera wskazówki i
porady dla rodzica na temat tego, jak wzmacniaæ swoje dziecko i budowaæ w nim poczucie w³asnej wartoœci.
Opracowano memorandum pt. „101 s³ów wzmacniaj¹cych Twoje dziecko…”. Opracowano przewodnik metodyczny
dla nauczycieli, w jêzyku polskim i angielskim pt: „Gry i zabawy przeciwko agresji”- zestaw najbardziej lubianych
gier i zabaw interaktywnych na podwórku szkolnym, jako forma zapobiegania agresji wœród uczniów.
W trzecim, ostatnim roku wspó³pracy szkó³, tematem przewodnim by³o rozwi¹zywanie konfliktów rówieœniczych w
œrodowisku szkolnym. Uczniowie szko³y berliñskiej napisali opowiadanie dotycz¹ce konfliktu wœród rówieœników w
œrodowisku szkolnym pt. „ Skórka od banana”. Opowiadanie nie ma zakoñczenia, a zadaniem pozosta³ych trzech
szkó³ by³o jego dopisanie. Uczniowie, w ró¿nym wieku, zapisywali swoje pomys³y na najlepsze rozwi¹zanie konfliktu.
Efektem tej pracy s¹ trzy opowiadania, jako ró¿ne sposoby widzenia problemu i jego szczêœliwego zakoñczenia. Do
opowiadañ dodatkowo powsta³y historyjki obrazkowe, jako ilustracje do tekstu. We wszystkich szko³ach uczniowie
opracowali definicje „Dobrego cz³owieka”, „Dobrego ucznia” i poradnik jak siê zachowywaæ, by nim byæ.
Przeprowadzono lekcje wychowawcze dotycz¹ce tego tematu. Wszystkie koñcowe materia³y wszystkich szkó³
zosta³y zebrane w tej w³aœnie ksi¹¿eczce.
Diagnozy dzia³añ podejmowanych w ramach projektu wskazuj¹, i¿ zmniejszy³a siê iloœæ uwag negatywnych i
interwencji w szko³ach o oko³o 20 %, zwiêkszy³a siê œrednia wyników nauczania, zmniejszy³a siê iloœæ uczniów
drugorocznych. Wizyty partnerskie, wymiana doœwiadczeñ i wdro¿enie ciekawych rozwi¹zañ ze szkól
wspó³pracuj¹cych wp³ynê³o znacz¹co na rozwój szko³y w zakresie zarz¹dzania i poprawy jakoœci pracy w sferze
Dziêkujemy wszystkim bior¹cym udzia³ w projekcie. Liczymy, ¿e ksi¹¿eczka zainspiruje wszystkich jej czytelników do
bycia dobrym uczniem, koleg¹, cz³owiekiem…
Autorzy ksi¹¿eczki,
Uczniowie, nauczyciele i rodzice szkó³ partnerskich
The book presented here is one of the final products of the international educational project „CONFLICT
MANAGEMENT” realized in years 2006-2009 in the frames of EPE Socrates Comenius. The project was totally
funded by European Union. Pupils and teachers from following schools took part in the project:
Paul Moor-Schule in Berlin, Germany
Scoil Christ Ri in Ennis, Ireland
Mercy Primary School in Belfast, Nothern Ireland
Szko³a Podstawowa Nr 1 z Oddzia³ami Integracyjnymi in Racibórz, Poland
The aim of the project was to develop school works considering management of behaviour and discipline especially
preventing aggression in schools and looking for ways of so1utions to the problems.
During the first year of cooperation 2006-2007 “Teacher's Personal File” was published, including important
information for teachers concerning dealing with conflicts, forming the image of a teacher as a mentor and a
mediator and some other details like school works organisation, school procedures to deal with discipline and
motivation, plans for meetings with parents. The activity called “The year of good manners” was carried out during
the whole year in all schools. There was written a common procedure of choosing “The master of good manners”.
Every month there were chosen the best behaving pupils from each class. There was a special procedure for pupils not
obeying the school rules called system of sanctions.
The school year 2007/2008 was devoted to systems and procedures preventing aggression and violence. Pupils,
parents and teachers took part in discussion on that topic. The schools introduced so called “Dancing breaks” as a
form of preventing aggression. All volunteers attended the dancing classes during the breaks. All the partner schools
wrote “A dancing guide” dances from its own country, used during the dancing breaks. The schools published
together “The Parent's File” including clues and pieces of advice for parents how to support their children, to build up
their sense of self-esteem. There were also the guidelines “101 words supporting your child ...”
There was also a methodological handbook for teachers published in Polish and English “Games against
aggression” a set of the most favourite interactive games for schoolyard, as a form of preventing aggression among
During the last year of school cooperation the main topic was about dealing with conflicts in school environment.
Pupils from school in Berlin wrote a story about a conflict among pupils entitled “The banana skin”. The story was
unfinished and the task of three other schools was to write the end of the story. Students of different age wrote down
Their own ideas for solving the problem. The effects of their work were three stories presenting different ways of
perceiving the problem and its happy ending. Additional products produced together with the book were comic books
as illustrations.
In all schools the pupils worked on the definitions of “A good person”, “A good pupil” and guidelines how to become
him/her. Some extra lessons were conducted considering that topic. All the materials from all schools were gathered
together in this book.
The diagnosis of the activities, carried out in the frames of the project, shows that the amount of notes about
behavioural problems and interferences in schools decreased about 20 %, the average of teaching results increased
and there were less pupils staying in the same class. Study visits, exchange of experience and other schools' interesting
ideas put into practice had a great influence on the school development considering management of discipline and
We thank all the people taking part in the project. We hope the book will inspire the readers to be a good pupil, a
friend and a person...
Authors of the book,
pupils, teachers and parents of partner schools
Pocz¹tek historii.
Szko³a Paul Moor z Berlina pracowa³a nad historyjk¹ o konflikcie pomiêdzy uczniami w szkole. Przys³ali pocz¹tek
historii a szko³y z Ennis, Belfastu i Raciborza pracowa³y nad rozwi¹zaniem tego problemu. Przeczytajmy jaki to
problem i jak go rozwi¹zano.
The beginning of the story…….
Paul Moor-Schule in Berlin worked on a story about conflict among pupils in a school. They sent the beginning of the
story and the schools from Ennis, Belfast and Racibórz worked on the solution of the problem. Let's read what the
problem is and how the story ends.
Paul Moor-Schule - PROBLEM
Einmal kam es dazu, dass in der Klasse 8b der MartinBuber-Oberschule ein großer Konflikt entstand, weil es
schon seit längerer Zeit Probleme mit einem Schüler gab.
Pewnego razu w 8b w Szkole Imienia Martina- Buber
wybuch³o wielkie zamieszanie z powodu problemu z
pewnym ch³opcem.
Once in the 8 b class of the Martin-Buber-School there was
a huge uproar, because for a long time there was a
problem with one boy.
Nico war etwas anders als die anderen. Aus diesem
Grund wurde er oft von den Mitschülern ausgeschlossen
und probierte alles Mögliche, um die Aufmerksamkeit der
anderen zu bekommen. Er machte es auf eine andere Art
und Weise als seine Mitschüler, indem er sie zum Beispiel
mit Papierschnipseln abwarf. Die anderen gaben es ihm
dann natürlich zurück. Sie hänselten ihn, machten Zeichen
oder äfften ihn nach.
Nico by³ inny ni¿ wszyscy. Z tego powodu by³
przez klasê odrzucany a on robi³ wszystko aby
byæ przez nich zaakceptowany. Zachowywa³ siê
inaczej ni¿ inni uczniowie na przyk³ad rzuca³ w
nich papierowymi kulkami. Oni oczywiœcie
odwzajemniali siê tym samym. Dra¿nili go i stroili
do niego miny.
Nico was different from the others. Because of this
he was very often rejected by his classmates and,
therefore, he tried everything possible to be
accepted by them. He behaved quite differently
from the other pupils, in so far that he threw paper
pellets at them. The others naturally threw them
back at him. They teased him and made faces at
Konrad, Oskar, Max, Gerhard und Christian hatten oft Spaß daran, ihn zu ärgern. Eines Tages trat Conrad
unauffällig gegen Nicos Schultasche. Dieser merkte aber nicht, wer es war und trat einen unschuldigen Schüler.
Damit begann alles. Oskar, Max, Gerhard, Christian und Konrad regten sich auf, beschimpften und traten ihn.
Conrad, Oskar, Max i Christian czêsto czerpali radoœæ gdy uda³o im siê go zdenerwowaæ.
Pewnego dnia Conrad umyœlnie kopn¹³ plecak Nico a on chocia¿ nie widzia³ kto to by³, kopn¹³ innego ca³kiem
niewinnego ucznia. Rozpêta³o siê piek³o i rzeczy wymknê³y siê spod kontroli. Oskar, Max, Gerhard, Christian oraz
Conrad bardzo siê zez³oœcili. Zaczêli go obra¿aæ i kopaæ.
Konrad, Oskar, Max and Christian often took pleasure in annoying him. One day Conrad deliberately kicked Nico's
schoolbag. He, however, didn't see who it was and reacted by kicking another schoolboy who was completely innocent.
Then all hell broke loose and every thing got out of hand. Oskar, Max, Gerhard, Christian und Konrad became very
angry. They not only verbally attacked him, but also kicked him.
Auch er wehrte sich. Kaum aber kam die Lehrerin herein, begann
er zu weinen, um ihr Mitleid zu bekommen. Frau Müller gab
Oskar und Max eine Strafe. Die Wut der anderen Schüler auf
Nico wurde so noch größer und sie suchten immer wieder nach
Gelegenheiten ihn zu ärgern.
On naturalnie siê broni³. Kiedy tylko
nauczycielka Pani Müller wesz³a do klasy, Nico
rozp³aka³ siê a jej zrobi³o siê go ¿al. Ukara³a
wiêc Oskara i Maxa. Pozostali uczniowie
jeszcze bardziej zez³oœcili siê na Nico i
wykorzystywali ka¿d¹ okazje aby siê odegraæ.
Naturally he fought back. Hardly had the teacher come into the classroom, and then he began to cry, so that she would
pity him. Mrs Müller punished Oskar and Max. The other pupils became even angrier towards Nico and took every
opportunity they could to annoy him.
In der Woche nach den Herbstferien dachten sich Konrad, Oskar und die anderen Jungen das „BananenschalenSpiel“ aus. Sie hatten großen Spaß daran, sich in der Hofpause mit einer Bananenschale abzuwerfen. Wenn ein
Spieler getroffen wurde, musste er die Schale auf einen anderen Mitspieler werfen. Wer sie am Ende der Pause als
Letzter hatte, war der „Bananenmann“ und hatte verloren.
Tydzieñ po jesiennych wakacjach Conrad, Oskar i inni uczniowie wymyœlili grê “ Skórka od banana”. Przednio siê
bawili podczas przerw rzucaj¹c siê bananow¹ skórk¹. Kiedy ktoœ zosta³ trafiony musia³ rzuciæ w innego ucznia,
ostatnia osoba trafiona pod koniec przerwy by³a “Frajerem” lub “ Cz³owiekiem- bananem”.
The week after the autumn holidays Konrad, Oskar and the others came up with the idea of the “Banana skin game”.
They had great fun during the break throwing a banana skin at each other. When somebody was hit, he had to throw
the skin at somebody else. The last person hit at the end of the break was the loser or “Bananaman”.
Am Donnerstag wurde wieder gespielt, aber diesmal brachte der „Bananenmann“ Christian die Schale mit ins
Klassenzimmer. Nico, der sich vor den Jungen großtun wollte, nahm sie vom Tisch und warf sie auf Svenja, die
natürlich gleich zurückwarf.
They played the game again on Thursday. The “Bananaman” was Christian and he brought the banana skin into the
classroom. Nico who wanted to be seen as the tough guy took the skin from the table and threw it at Svenja, who
naturally threw it back at him.
W czwartek znowu wszyscy grali w ta grê. Cz³owiekiem bananem zosta³ Christian i to on przyniós³ skórkê do
klasy. Nico, który chcia³ uchodziæ za twardziela wzi¹³ skórkê i rzuci³ j¹ w Svenje a ona oczywiœcie odrzuci³a.
They played the game again on Thursday. The “Bananaman” was Christian and he brought the banana skin into
the classroom. Nico who wanted to be seen as the tough guy took the skin from the table and threw it at Svenja,
who naturally threw it back at him.
Nico wusste, dass die Jungen es besonders toll fanden, wenn
Natascha geärgert wurde. So warf er die Schale nun zu ihr.
Nico wiedzia³, ¿e wszyscy lubi¹ tê zabawê ale nie Natasza.
Rzuci³ wiêc w Nataszê.
Nico knew that the others would really love it, when Natascha
was annoyed. So he threw the skin at her.
Er traf richtig gut und damit eskalierte der Konflikt.
Natascha rannte wütend auf Nico zu und auch dieser sah
aus, als wollte er sich auf sie stürzen.
Trafi³ w czu³y punkt i konflikt siê zaostrzy³. Natasza
podbieg³a do niego ze z³oœci¹ i popatrzy³a jakby
mia³a go za chwile znokautowaæ.
He hit the Bull's eye so to speak, and so the conflict escalated. Natascha ran angrily up to Nico, and he looked as if he
were going to knock her down.
Die Die anderen Schüler starrten wie gebannt auf die
beiden. Jenny, eine Konfliktlotsin der Klasse, wollte nicht
mehr tatenlos zusehen. Sie packte Nico von hinten und hielt
ihn fest, damit es nicht noch zu Schlimmerem kommen
Wszyscy patrzyli ze zdumieniem. Jenny, która by³a
mediatorem nie chcia³a staæ bezczynnie, z³apa³a wiêc
Nico od ty³u i mocno trzyma³a aby sytuacja siê nie
The other pupils stared in amazement at both of them.
Jenny, who was a peacemaker, didn't want to stand idly by.
She grabbed Nico from behind and held him firmly, so that
the situation wouldn't get any worse than it already was.
Aber da wurde Nico richtig sauer, drehte sich um und schlug Jenny
mitten ins Gesicht.
Wszyscy byli zaszokowani, poniewa¿ Jenny by³a najspokojniejsz¹
dziewczyn¹ w klasie i nigdy nie zrobi³a nic z³ego Nico.
But then Nico became really angry, turned around and hit Jenny right
in the face.
Alle waren erschrocken, denn Jenny war eines der
friedlichsten Mädchen der Klasse und hatte Nico noch nie
etwas getan.
Wszyscy byli zaszokowani, poniewa¿ Jenny by³a
najspokojniejsz¹ dziewczyn¹ w klasie i nigdy nie zrobi³a
nic z³ego Nico.
Everybody was shocked, because Jenny was the most
inoffensive girl in the class and never had done anything to
Wie geht es weiter ?
Jak koñczy siê ta historia?
How does the story end ?
Writers (class 6b):
Anna-Lena Eckhardt, Daniel Finder, Lennart Follger, Merlin Füller, Jocelyn Grundei, Marijana
Jovic, Constantin Klein, Niclàs Klose,
Mark Koske, Jaqueline Kostic, Ricky Puhle, Jamie Reichelt, Nathalie Schramm, Matthias
Schüler, Oliver Selwyn, Dennis Siegmund,
Angelique Studre, Anna-Lena Wysgalla
Illustrators (class 6b):
Anna-Lena Wysgalla, Jamie Reichelt, Maja Jovic, Jocelyn Grundei, Anna-Lena Eckhardt,
Nathalie Schramm, Jaqueline Kostic
Jenny started to cry as Ms Muller walked in. Natasha had
backed away from Nico quickly. Ms Muller asked Jenny why
she was crying Jenny replied “Nico hit me in the face”. Ms
Muller asked Nico “did you hit Jenny in the face?” Nico said
yes and tried to explain but Ms Muller would not listen. Ms
Muller was very angry with Nico for hitting a girl.
Christian, Konrad and their friends were glad that Nico had
got in trouble. While the rest of the children were on their
second break Nico had to go to the Principals office.
The Principal told Nico to go down to class and get Konrad, Max and
Christian. Nico was nervous about going down on his own. Then the
Principal decided to go and talk to the 8b class about bullying.
On the way to class Nico met Jenny. He apologised for what
he had done. Jenny being an understanding person accepted
his apology.
Nico was trembling with fear. He knew he was in big trouble and would have to face serious consequences. When
he arrived at the office he reluctantly opened the door slowly. The Principal looked at Nico in disgust. This was his first
time being sent to the office. He didn't expect what happened next.
The Principal told Nico to take a seat. Nico spent almost an hour explaining what had happened. He told
her about the “banana skin game”. He evendo the right thing. He even told her about how his “friends” were treating
The Principal told Nico to go down to class and get Konrad, Max and Christian. Nico was nervous about going down
on his own. Then the Principal decided to go and talk to the 8b class about bullying. told her about hitting Natasha
and how Jenny got hurt trying to
The Principal called all the pupils involved in the bullying together. She talked
to each person individually in her office so she could find out the whole story
behind what had happened. Konrad, Christian and Max owned up to how
they were treating Nico.
The Principal and Ms Muller asked the class what could be
done to solve the problems in 8b. The class decided that the
banana skin game should no longer be allowed
As the class were going home Ms Muller overheard Nico and
Konrad talking. The boys apologised for picking on Nico and
invited him to join in their game of soccer after school.
Sixth Class Scoil Chriost Ri, Ennis
Ethan Mahoney, Ryan Fawl, Hazel Dormer, Ilona Krystof,
Mark Connolly, Joanna Bogucka,
Kelly Sherlock, Noreen Keenan, Saoirse Belmour, Shakira Taylor,
Alana Daly, Patrycja Radziwanowska, Sarah Cullinan Yasmin Browne, Nicole O Louighlin Christopher Cauley,
Ernest Uzyns, Tom Middleton, Amy Kearse, Shane Flanagan, Joshua Toomey, Emily McDonagh, Brendan
Molloy, Daniel McCarthy, Shauna Dobbin, Kevin Crowe,
Luke Kelleher, Martin Nestor, Artur Sarnecki, Semirat Sadi, Radek Makuna, Kessia Dutra, Toheeb Tolulope,
Mande Hakizimana, Zainob Boladale
Jenny stood in the midlle of the class room her face raning
red. She tried to hide her pain but she couldn’t. Buckets of
clear water flowed down her face. Jenny went to the toilets
after she went, she went and told the principal, the
principal said what happend? She told him what had
happend he said “I will speak to him after break”. After
break the principal came down Jenny was out at music.
So the class told what had happend. So he called Nico
out. Then Jenny came round. He said I have heard two
completly different stories. Nico I don’t know what to do
with you. This isn’t the first time you’ve hit someone “Niko I
might have to call your Parents,” “Sorry” Niko said. Go
on into class I have a very important meeting. Both of you
will stay in lunch time. You’ll both sit in my office and talk
and when you’re ready and say sorry you can came out.
They were both sitting in the principals office Rico came
over from his seat ad sat beside her. “Sorry” Nico said.
They both shook hands and become friends. So that
afternoon when Jenny was walking home he joined her
and walked home together.
Writers :
Primary 6
Illustrators :
Primary 1
Primary 2
SzkoLa Podstawowa nr 1 -SOLVING PROBLEMS, VERSION 3
Zapad³a cisza przerywana od czasu do czasu cichutkim ³kaniem
dziewczynki. Nico sta³ z opuszczon¹ g³ow¹, z rumieñcami na policzkach i
nic nie mówi³. Dotar³o do niego, ¿e uderzy³ dziewczynê, któr¹ darzy³
przecie¿ sympati¹.
It became very silent in the room interrupted by girls' crying from time to
time. Nico was standing with his head down, blushing and quiet. He
understood he had hit the girl he liked.
Zauwa¿y³, ¿e jego zachowanie oburzy³o ca³¹ klasê. Jenny z³apa³a siê za
twarz, a po jej policzku sp³ynê³a wielka ³za. To, co zrobi³ Nico naprawdê
j¹ zabola³o, w koñcu chcia³a za³agodziæ ca³¹ sytuacjê, a wysz³o zupe³nie
He noticed his behaviour offended the whole class. Jenny touched her
face and a big drop of tear went down .This what Nico had done hurt her
a lot , she just wanted to ease the situation but it ended differently.
Zszokowana i do g³êbi poruszona zachowaniem Nico wybieg³a z klasy.
Wówczas Oskar podniesionym g³osem zapyta³ Nico, czy ten zdaje sobie
sprawê z tego, jak brzydko siê zachowa³ wobec Jenny. Niestety, nic
m¹drego nie przychodzi³o Nico do g³owy. Ogarn¹³ go wstyd, który
nasila³ siê w ka¿dym momencie, gdy spogl¹da³ w oczy wszystkim
œwiadkom sytuacji. Poczu³ siê jak zbity pies i najspokojniej jak móg³ usiad³
w swojej ³awce i zakry³ rêkami twarz. Wys³uchiwa³ cierpkich komentarzy
rówieœników i zdawa³ sobie coraz bardziej sprawê z tego, ¿e takim
zachowaniem na pewno nie zbli¿y do siebie innych dzieciaków.
O ca³ej sprawie dowiedzia³ siê Pan Dyrektor i wezwa³ ch³opców do siebie na rozmowê. Oskar, Max, Conrad,
Christian i Gerhard zarzucili Nicco, ¿e zachowuje siê g³upio, inaczej ni¿ wszyscy i dlatego nie chc¹ siê z nim
przyjaŸniæ. Opowiedzieli, co najbardziej ich denerwuje w postêpowaniu kolegi. Nicco by³ bardzo smutny, przyzna³,
¿e to wszystko robi³ po to, ¿eby zaprzyjaŸniæ siê z klas¹ i zwróciæ na siebie uwagê, a dopiero teraz zrozumia³, ¿e
mia³o to odwrotny skutek
She ran away from the classroom shocked and touched by his behavior. Oscar asked Nico with raised voice if he was
aware of being naughty towards Jenny. Unfortunately, nothing wise came to his mind. Every time he looked into the
pupils' eyes he felt more and more ashamed. He felt miserable so he calmly sat down and buried his head in his hands.
He listened to bitter comments and was getting aware that this kind of behavior wouldn't bring other pupils closer.
The Principal got to know about the whole situation and called the boys to talk with them. Oscar, Max, Conrad, Christian
and Gerhard accused Nico he behaved stupid, differently from others and this was why they didn't want to make friends
with him. They said what was the most irritating things he did. Nico was very sad, he admitted that all he did was to make
friends with the class and to draw attention to himself , now he understood it had opposite effect.
Pan Dyrektor poprosi³ ch³opców, ¿eby dali jeszcze jedn¹ szansê Nico, ale najpierw
Nico musi przeprosiæ klasê i Jenny. Ch³opiec obieca³, ¿e bêdzie siê od tej pory
bardzo stara³ i poprawi swoje zachowanie. Podszed³ do Jenny i z prawdziw¹
skruch¹ w g³osie patrz¹c jej prosto w oczy, j¹kaj¹c siê, zacz¹³ j¹ przepraszaæ. Nie
by³o to dla niego ³atwe zadanie. Ba³ siê, ¿e dziewczyna zupe³nie zignoruje jego
przeprosiny, ale uparcie d¹¿y³, aby przekona³a siê, ¿e s¹ one szczere.
The Principal asked the boys to give Nico one more chance but first he had to
apologize to Jenny and the class. The boy promised that from now on he would try
very hard to behave better. He came to Jenny and repentantly looking into her eyes
and stammering he started to apologize her. It wasn't an easy task for him to do. He
was afraid the girl would ignore his apology but he was trying very hard to make
her believe it was sincere.
Jenny w odpowiedzi uœmiechnê³a siê nieœmia³o. Oczy dziewczyny nie
by³y ju¿ mokre od ³ez. Patrzy³y na Nico ju¿ przychylnym spojrzeniem.
Wtedy Nico podniós³ skórkê od banana i ostentacyjnie wyrzuci³ j¹ do
kosza. Nastêpnie przemówi³ na œrodku sali.
-To, co uczyni³em jest niewybaczalne i dziêkujê wszystkim za
wybaczenie mi mojego zachowania. Zrozumia³em, ¿e dobro
kole¿eñskie jest ponad wszystko, a g³upie zabawy doprowadzaj¹ do
niepotrzebnych staræ miêdzy sob¹. A szczera rozmowa rozwi¹zuje
wszelkie konflikty.
Ch³opiec postanowi³ od tej chwili, ¿e ju¿ nigdy g³upia zabawa
nie przyæmi wartoœci, jakie s¹ najwa¿niejsze w ¿yciu.
Jenny answered with a shy smile. The girl's eyes were not wet any more. She looked at Nico with warm. Nico
picked the banana skin up, threw it into the bin and standing in front of the class said:
“ What I did is inexcusable and I thank you all for forgiving me my behavior. I understood that friendship is over
anything else and stupid games lead to unnecessary conflicts. Frank discussion can solve all problems.”
The boy decided that silly game would never make the values smaller again the values that are the most important in
his life.
Paul Moor-Schule
Telefon: 030 36 99 20 71
Telefax: 030 36 99 20 70
[email protected]
13595 Berlin
Agata Jaroszewicz, Magdalena Cebo (6c)
Jerzy Janiczko, Tomasz Szmyd, Wiktoria Praszelik (5b)
Piotr Tatarczuk, Dominika Mazur (4c)
Julita Fedyn, Mariusz Wadu³a, Arkadiusz G³owacki , Estera Bernacka, Magdalena Benda Joanna Ko³tun, Julia Wiœniewska,
Paulina Mucha (6a)
Kamila Smyk (6b)
Pawe³ Janicki , Milena Klencz (5a)
Justyna Ptak, Micha³ Broda (5b)
Kinga Fandrejewska, Magdalena Malinowska, Karolina Gemza (4c)
Pawe³ Janicki
Autor komiksu na
Justyna Ptak
Autorka historyjki
obrazkowej w ksi¹¿ce
Autorzy opowiadañ
Mercy Primary School,
Post Code: BT14 7GL Belfast
Telephone Number: 02890 391670
Fax Number:
Address: 614 Crumlin Road
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Scoil Chríost Rí,
Cloughleigh Road, Ennis, Co. Clare.
Cloughleigh, Ennis, Co. Clare
Telephone: 065 - 6820105 E-mail:
[email protected] Website
address: http://www.criostri.com
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z Oddzia³ami Integracyjnymi
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